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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - February 4, 1931

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Old Mission, Mich. Feb 4th 1981

Dear Miss. Taft:

We are having wonderful weather for this time of year not much snow but enought to protect trees and seeding. I guess this is what is called an open winter perhaps we will have colder weather later on. I do hope the buds don't start early on the fruit trees and freeze as people are quite worried about our last years drought. Hope all comes out well.

Mrs. Lardie says very little about Mrs. Mills. You know she invested John's insurace money foolishly last summer and lost it. Willard K. was telling me about it. I'm glad she has a man with money it seems as tho' that is all that counts in some peoples lives. Well we are poor and I don't see as it does much good to worry about it. Just keep going altho' it isn't always nice to be laughed at. Makes a person feel like giving up some times and not try to make the best of what little you have.

The main roads have been keept open very well this winter but we usually have a hard time getting our car out it's lots of fun to wade in the snow, and push. Of course its almost impossible to keep cross roads clean.

We hear Mr. Garland and several others would like Archie's job wonder how they will come out. Maybe ours to.

Wish we had the Traverse City paper so as to get more local news. Daisy Cooper was telling me there was something about condition of cherry buds in it last week wish I could have read it.

I wanted to go the the Ladies Aid at Old Mission today but Roger didn't have time to take me and I'm afraid to try and drive on these icy roads.

Well this is Sunday so I'll try and finsh what I started earlier in the week altho' I don't feel very well. Last night we drove in to Traverse City + called on Clarence Lardies and didn't get home until late so that dosen't improve matters any. But we had a lovely time.

No ice in the Bays so far and warmer today but threatens rain but we live in daily dread of a sleet storm. Fields are still covered with snow.

I certainly hope your school doesn't close down so as to leave you out of employment. I know what it means to have to dig up every cent a fellow can and then not keep up with the rest.

Horses are dreadful high right now Joseph is keeping watch for one as we will need one early to get things going if we have an early brak up. There will have to be something done in regards to harnese as yours are worn out beyond repair. Joseph trys to mend them the best he can but can't do any more with them now but tie them up. We have been here 1 4 years so think they have held together pretty well as they were not new then. It makes me shiver to think of all we have to buy out of our small resources and how it does cost to keep a family going.

Hope you keep well this winter. I am your's as ever Essie K.

6.67 to your credit 1.20 for Tom's trucking 1.00 grind of grist ________________________ 4.47 To your credit Feb. 8th 1931 $4.47

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