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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - November 28, 1932
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To Miss Taft
We are enjoying a mild snow storm to-nite But has been beautiful all day. I had kitchen door open quite a lot of day.
Max has a corn stock made nearly a high as the barn. Bert Haywood a man that staying over to Mr Richards helped him make it Max got him to come over and help. he worked 8 hours Max payed him [$].50 Max diden't understand how to make it.
I hope you would think we would have more common sense then to have a barn dance in full barn of hay. Just because are neighbor have one that no reason we have to have one. The partys are over any way.
Max hasen't been hunting much he has been pretty busy with corn a stalk. and fixing for winter.
Max say he had to buy 3 dry cell for engine to cut stalk with The other would run engine. at .25 a piece.
Ever thing is fine among the animals The cow is slacking up in milk but can be expected. I am about 3 pd Butter we are enjoyed a good fresh chicken dinner know and then. It seem good know that thay are fresh killed.
I am on my fourth suit for Ronald. Boy's suit are no small job to make.
I had a card from Rebecca. Telling how cute she though Ronald picture was. Ever time any one came he would go and get the card and say Beky Beky.
Ronald has to ride nell to water ever day. There nothing at will take place of animal yet.
I guess that all the news I can think of this time.
Max & Family