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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 8, 1932

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To Miss Taft

We are very sorry to here of your lost. One hear so much of bank swindling now a day's. It sure is a crime. to loose money after one work to earn it. money don't seem be any to save in bank know.

we have indian summer again for three day don't know if it will continue or not. we are prepared for cold weather any way.

Max got a ton of coal the other day. The horses & cow are enjoying the yard ever day. we milk the cow this month. and give her a month rest. So will soon have to hunt up a milk man. Ronald is real fond milk know. He is quite excited about Santa Claus. He see him when he goes to town in the store's

Mrs Joe Kitchen does to cooking for school lunch Monday Dec. 5. The parents had quite a time this year trying to spend there money to the best advantage. Whether to have mothers take turn's in cooking or hire a cook.

There isent much to write about this time thing are pretty quiet

There were some men around the other day. with a paper wanting you to sign it to put Leelanau County & Traverse County into gether to cut down expences.

Dec 6. Max is plowing to-day. in corn field & has your garden plowed. no snow. what so over.

I guess that is all. the new's for this time


Max & Family

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