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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - July 2, 1933

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To Miss Taft

Glad to know that you arrived ok. Yes we had quite a down pour Thursday afternoon sprinkled and poured Thursday nite. Could of stood more. But it helped. Max of course was in middle of hay cutting and had to shake out a lot of hay next morning. Have all cut & put in barn but last half of meadow by barn and cherry picking start Monday. Thay starting take light sweet. Tom Richard hasen't the liscense for his truck as yet.

Your postal card came to-day and Ronald say ok look at the pretty chicken house. Thay had a big cherry meeting at the T.C. high school. Max dident go but ever one else almost went. and are still handing for more money for the grower's Max would of went but had to haul in hay. after supper.

I guess that all the new's. The sour cherries are redding up a little

Sincerly Max & Family

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