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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - July 9, 1933

2020.1.281 07091933.pdf

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To Miss Taft Saturday noon.

We are having quite hot weather and need of a rain very bad. look very much like rain but doesen't rain.

We picked two half day on the light sweet finiahed Friday noon and started Thursday afternoon with a totall .51 crates and a test of 9690

Are starting dark sweet Monday thay want them a light mahogany color. this year.

Max hired 3 men pickers to-nite. and have 4 of Michans pickers are scare this year. ever one is comlaining not enough pickers. Max is thru haying both mows are bull. to the brim & a load on drive floor. Old Queen took haying pretty hard this year. I though she was done for one nite Max bathered her over with water.

My brother Walter Widdis helped Max with the hay 6 1/2 day and 7 meal's

Your beans are coming on I had a small mess and Rebecca got a 5 quarts pail full. I picked 1/2 quart of raspberrys.

I guess that all the new's I can think know.

Sincerly Max & Family

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