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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - July 24, 1933

2020.1.282 07241933.pdf

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Miss Taft We have at last had some rain but was a long time coming. To late for some thing such a beans and such. It has been terrible hot.

We have started picking sour cherry's with 19 pickers including myself. and could of hired 1,00 more lots of pickers Max though he would have put up a sign for pickers but in a few day he said he would have but up a sign no pickers wanted. We seem to have a nice bunch of pickers no children small except my own. Thursday 1.78 crates had quit till Monday again on accout of begin to green and pulling pits. has skip some tree in the rows to. Ever one is getting better weight since it rained and give cherry some weight There cutting on cherry for every thing thay can think of.

Even has went fine in the orchard with tickets for tallying.

Rebecca card came in are box she had gone. and cherry were sent to Alberta. and Max had bad luck to loose all his pay check after it had been cashed. we are both felling pretty blue about it and might inconvenient to.

Max has the oats cut and in the barn. floor is full. 3 load's Max said was cluster [?] then thrashing

Well I guess that all the new's except we are very busy.

Sincerly Max & Family

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