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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - April 25, 1934

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To Miss Taft

Are weather sure is cold snowed to-day ground was white April 24. It sure stay cold. Max was plowing to-day around little tree's by pears and he said he nearly was frozen and had on all cloth he could get on.

Even thing is ready for dorment spray gas & oil & grease and Max is tinkering spray rig up.

No she don't need to be favored like queen. But no dought she will be worse in warm weather she will be all right for summer and longer you can't tell.

Max say there is such a chance as keeping your eye open for a mate for Bess. which would be the cheapest for you in long run a pair like Bess know would cost you $500 know.

Both gang are on road working Hog back is closed

Max say it was freezing ice in water tub after supper to-nite about 7 oclock.

Are pond are not going away very fast.

Andy Breman is looking at the log house. I hope he doesen't get it Because he will kept us well perfumed up with skunk.

Max say there no sweet cherries to speak of thay don't look good. even one he opened was black.

We don't just know when we are going to have a fresh cow. Because she had to be took away so many time last year.

I hear Hazel Kitchen reacted on T.B test and havae sent a sample away to be tested

All the machinery and terick are all up in front of Essey. I suppose she don't like that

Mrs Will Marshall had a new baby last Friday and lost it a boy.

I guess that all the news.

Best Regard,

Max & Hazel & Ronald

P.S. No she is not much worse. some day it's worse than others Some day its real Noticeable and then again you can hardly see it

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