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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - September 29, 1934

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To Miss Taft

Here my first letter of the season. we have been have lots & lots of rain and regular down pour wednesday.

It sure seemed lonesome after you left

Yes we recieved the paper a week ago Tuesday and have the gloss coat of paint on dining room and will have rest on living room or bedroom before Saturday nite. We had to prime coat if twice.

Yes we are enjoying your swiss chard very much. I picked and 6 quarts pail of cucumber to-day. and am going to put in with my dill pickles.

Max has the piece south barn plowed and nearly 1/2 of sod

We have been to Willlibee once but he was no there it is hard to catch him.

Yes Ronald had a very fine letter there from Alberta and pictures. He sure thinks a lot of Alberta He alway wondering if she not coming back.

Out of man pants you gave me I got two pairs of pants for Ronald by pieceing them a little inside of leg.

Max will get your 3 or 4 chores done soon.

Yes I guess Max enjoyed the legion very much. Thay had wonderful parade it lasted one hour and a half. The nicest parade I ever seen in Traverse there uniform where beautiful in color.

I guess that all the new's.

I got a 1/2 bushel of grapes from Mrs Lardie and have 19 glasses of jell made and 10 quarts of beat's and an other batch to do yet. I will use your there along with mine.


Max & Hazel

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