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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 2, 1935
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May 2, 1935
To Miss Taft
Are spring is coming slow we had snow nite before last and turn real cold even afternoon Max has to put on his gloves to keep his hands warm driving team.
I forgot to tell you the trees came about three week ago. 37. And are in and there was not enough to fill out vacant. The ones that thought might lived diden't
The sweet clover in little new or chard is coming on fine.
Working on corn ground discing. Lime is got and all on places mentioned and field's disced. $1.00 pd for use of drill to Archie Helfrich. And on lime bill is .50 for bone meal for cow. She is eating sticks and trying to chew stone. and butter was coming hard and slow. So Max did have any money alone so but on bill. Dr. Scott say that what to get Max was talking about it to him. Max say she seem to feel better. Suprise is enjoying the yard.
Mrs. Jannison house caught afire tueday in fire place. Chimney and was burning so of lath where stove pipe went in. Just three women where there. Mrs Jennison. Daughter Florance. Mrs. Couroy Which frightened them terrible. So but an alarm. Max + I + Ronald went down there. There was lots of help but nothing anyone could do.
Mr. and Mrs. Conroy is leaving Mr. Conroy is gone two week ago. Mrs. is going Sunday. and unmarried daughter of Mrs. Jennison going to run buisness. Henry Kitchen is givng milk lesson know. Henry say quite laughable.
Max want to know is you want to sell the light wagon down in barn and how much. Max brother want to get a one horse wagon.
The spray material is all here. So the new dope will have to wait.
Max went to a meeting at town hall of New spray material by a man that had used it.
I guess that all news.
Yes I wished we could find calf. But no one is killing. There raiscing them all making a little amt veal.
Man + Hazel.Sonny