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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - June 5, 1935

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June 5, 1935

To Miss Taft

No rain no rain had a dust storm to-day. Ever thing terrrible dry. Garden standing still. Pea's are up. The rest is not. Max looked into a hill bean's and they were not even sprouted yet just laying there. Over two week in.

I had two meals of aspargus. there be no more if it doesen't rain. Cut worms are terrible

Max is replanting the corn and is nearly planting as much he did first time. Cut worms's he said were thick.

Suprise sure is growing she nearly as high as old cow only not near so wide. Max say sweet cherry look very good. A lot bigger crop than last year. The sour look good but it early to tell how many will drop. The grapes have had a very big supply of ashes. All along.

Did you get any of chain letters. We got one and I burnt it. Ever one seemed quite excited about them especially dollar ones that you sold.

There is a new house going up over in your neighborhood. Clawernce Kroupa

Ronald say to tell alberta to come.

Isen't living going sky high. poor people can not think of meat LIke Ronald I went to A&P store and he wanted some bananas and I see they were 3 pd for 17 cents so I told him they were to high. So he goes to front of store and comes running back say No Mama there not there away down low. I can reach them even.

The skies look cloudy but no rain come's it only get colder.

I guess that all the news.

Sincerely Max + Hazel

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