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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - June 14, 1935

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June 14, 1935

To Miss Taft

We had a few sprinkles last nite. Not enough to do any good.

The garden are not up yet. They look pretty sickly I tell you. The peas are up but hit miss. Max say seed are there but no moisture to sprout them.

Max is spraying to-day ever thing is working the best it ever did. The pump engine is running good. The spray engine to. I take care of engine at house keeping oil and gas and looking after water tank and ever thing ready when Max comes back from the orchard. He has put on five tanks to-day and he said he could never do that before. We are pumping all the water this year as Wunch has not a very big supply on account of dry year.

Ronald is makeing a very good teamster. Max say help him a lot holding lines. Max does the talking to team. Max though he would have to hire a man this morning. At they didn't seem to want to work down and go slow.

I am sending a clipping from Grand Rapids press about cherries talk.

I guess that all new's.

Sour cherries crop is just fair. Max say some tree's are loaded and then again there not. But sweet are loaded.

Sincerely Max + Hazel

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