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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - October 31, 1935

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October 31, 1935

To Miss Taft

We recieved your letter and package too. Ronald was tickled and said that was nice of Miss Taft and thanking you very much. Ronald is back in school again and excaped measles I guess.

He likes school so well it was a hard job to keep him home then. I guess its to lonesome for him. Mrs. Noteware is a very good teacher. Ever Mothere say her child is doing so much better. She is strick but not mean.

Max say has not got topped carrots yet but except to soon The corn fodder got frosted bu not enough to hurt it any Max say. Th corn is not a good as it looked lots soft corn and loose on ear. Max say it will not run a bushel to shock.

(Daisy) the new calf is growing fine. The old cow was breed Oct 22 at Douglas Thompkins. I am supposed to tell you the fee's are wanted as bull belongs to boy and in cash. $1.25 each and could return the old cow if necessy.

The packing co. was closed last week and so will try get in this week. late apples.

Yes I told Max to send checks in but he though was best the other way. waiting till all sold. I did not say any more and let him have his way about it. like so man like to have. ha ha

Mrs. Lardie is here yet. I ask her plan for winter. My goodnes she say I don't need make any ever body else make them for me. I said that will save you trouble. But she say that don't suit me. A woman by of May Emery is saying with her know.

Oh yes we have a new milk man Ronald can milk the cow and enough at time so would last him all day to drink about 3 glass full. He goes around singing I can milk there Mamma cow. ha ha. He is right on job ever nite with him pail. The old cow is so gentle. Suprise sure like to get out and she sure can find away if there any

I guess that all news. I have not beets canned yet.

Sincerely Max + Hazel. Sonny

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