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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - February 24, 1936

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To Miss Taft

yes are weathere has been very bad. But not so bad as other place's, where there as been a lot more suffering.

we did not have such a thing as a road. like a good many other people. This is the hardest winter we have put in since we came here. The celler froze this yeare. all are potatoes and some fruit which never happened before.

I was unable to have extension club, but most likely can have it some other time. Max has the feed. Tom was going in after some bunk's for his sleigh. It was drought as far as Tom and then max took the team and got it from there. we have a sleigh to carry the other provisions in on. by hand

The animals are all well. Suprise is just growing ever day. She as tall as her mothere. But not nearly so wide yet. Miss Walker lost two horses, 1 was with foal. and has a new team know. a big paire of black. She is in Florida.

Are weathere has taken a very sudden change to thaw. I don't know how long it will last. I hope. till spring we had enough of wire

Thankeing you very much for Remebering Ronald. He is overe joyed to get a package in mail.

He was very sick all last week. The only way I could keep him quiet was read funny paper to him. Marion Richard gave him three old one's. He love's funny paper I read them so many time that I have them by heart. your Geographic book have been a great past time to us all especially Ronald. I would alway warn him to be carefull of them as miss Taft would not let us take any more if we tore them. So he as been real care full, as he enjoys the pictures.

Some day it a big job for Max to get to barn and back with mild. When weathere was the worse. you stepped right off porch in snow we had no use for step's, as snow was so high.

Have you enjoyed [?????burg] news this wintere that has been my job, this wintere.

I guess that all news.

Sincerly Max + Family

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