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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - April 14, 1937
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To Miss Taft
We recieved your seed order by mail am sending a slip to. that came with seed. the order is ok.
Max is burning brush - and is going to spread manure this week.
I guess we can travel the old road this week. the water is nearly gone except on the side.
Yes the Dohm truck will do the other trucking. the lime + gates.
Max want to know if your plan's are to put oats + seeeded in the north end of corn field.
Max has not seen A.M. willobee yet about post.
Mrs Lardie don't seem to be very good this spring. a rumor is the place goes up for up sale.
I am haveing a trying time to feel good again from my quinsy. I may have to go to a Dre. yet.
Suprise gave birth to a little boy calf. it books so small. besides the old cow calf. thay are so big. we haven't decide what to do. with it yet. we have not any pig's and dont like to throw out the milk. it just hurts me to have. throw on ground. may keep calf for some veal.
I guess that all the new's
Sincerly Max + Family