Mac's Landing on Arbutus Lake, 1960. Owned by George McManus until 1940, then owned by Solon until 1957, then owned by Donald Thayer until 1983. Last known owners Stier's and Maristz.
Main Street Kingsley, (Mich.), 1910. Front to back: Ira Linten's Hardware, Max Homberg Store, Power's Bank, Anspach's Store, Chas Cook's Store, Fenton's Drugs, Van Gorden Bro Hardware, Tony Donett Store on corner. St John's Lutheran Church in next…
Main Street South, Kingsley, (Mich.), 1908. Tony Donett Store, Tony and daughter Mary Donett, and Cap Little in front of store. Linten and VanGorder Hardware store with Ira Linten and the VanGorder brothers in front. Purvis Dentist Office top of…
Main Street Kingsley (Mich.), 5 September 1908. Valentine Linden's Saloon, Ed Brudy's Meat Market, Aaron Box Hall, Charles Box Store, Bell's Barber Shop, A.B. Sinson's Store and Post Office, Joh Huff's Boots & Shoes Store. Men in picture are, Pete…
Main Street, Kingsley, (Mich.), 13 August 1908. Ambrose Bernside Stinson with daughters, Rhea and Eunice Stinson, Tony Beerspaugh, Adolf Anspaugh, Charles Box Store, A.B. Stinson's Grocery Store and Post Office, Ed Brudy Meats, and Valentine…
Military serviceman from Kingsley, (Mich.) who served our country, 1944. Major Neil Brownson U.S. Army Medical Corp. Served at Andermac, Germany Hospital during WWII.