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  • Collection: Edith Halladay Blackhurst Collection
Edith Halladay Blackhurst and Charles Gordon, 1 June 1991
Edith Halladay Blackhurst at entrance to Halladay Family Memorial Park, 1 June 1991.
Edith Halladay Blackhurst and Charles Gordon at Mayfield Park dedication, 1 June 1991
Edith Halladay Blackhurst and Edna Sergeant Taylor at Mayfield Park dedication, 1 June 1991
Album created by Edith Halladay Blackhurst, with photographs donated by Sarah Chowning and Frances Wilson, concerning the development and dedication of the Mayfield Pond Park and the Leonard and Mary Halladay Family Memorial Park. The Pond dam and…
Album created by Edith Halladay Blackhurst; photographs for this album were taken on June 30, 1985. Blackhurst's former students at the Mayfield one-room schoolhouse gathered several grades together for a celebration in her honor at Mayfield Chapel.…
Unidentified former students of Edith Halladay Blackhurst, 30 June 1985
Unidentified former students of Edith Halladay Blackhurst, 30 June 1985
Unidentified former students of Edith Halladay Blackhurst, 30 June 1985
Mayfield Chapel welcome sign, 1985. Sign indicates the chapel hald non-denominational services, conducted by Pastor Glen Walters. Worship service began at 9 a.m., Sunday School at 10 a.m.
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