Dublin Core
Feb 19, 1915 C. G. Taft, Jacksonville, Ill. Madam- We have at hand your letter asking us to try to help you get a horse and will say we will kindly do what we can to help you. Just at present we have none in mind that will fill the bill but believe we can find one in the near future. When we do we will let you know at once. Thanking you, we are, Brown & Core [Re?] O H Core DVM
Dr. O. H. Core - D.V.M.
Traverse City, Mich.
Sir -
You will not remember having any dealings with me but as you were successful in treating the sorrel horse I took to you for sweeney last summer, I am going to venture to ask you to do some thing else. I am in need of another horse and as my profession makes it impossible for me to be in Mich. before the middle of June I am going to ask you what you can do for me.
I want an animal [sex no object] under ten years of age that is sound as to eyes, nose, throat and wind, also without blemish of limb. Of course if it had a corn that could be cured by judicious shoeing I would not object but would expect a reduction in price. The latter item is by no means least in consideration. I could get a good farm animal here for $125. or $135. but the risk of shipping so early in the season makes it seem best to try to get one near Traverse City.
I want a good farm horse not over 15-2 high and weighing about 1200 pounds. The horse with which I must use it is of the above hight but of lighter weight. Never-the-less, he makes up in energy what he lacks in pounds. He is steady but quick in his movements. I write thus in detail as you may know some thing of the required qualities.
The horse I have is a good driver so that is no object. I prefer a farm horse rather than one always used in town as it would be more likely to be familiar with the peculiar tasks of an orchard. My place is near Old Mission [first south of Miss Ingraham] but has as yet not reached maturity.
I am a little aversed to white or gray horses, so the price would have to be attractive to make one acceptable. I shall need the second horse about the middle of April but would close the deal as soon as arrangements could be made if you are willing to do the business for me and it can be made of any advantage as to price to buy early.
Kindly let me hear whether you are willing to undertake the matter and approximately the cost-
Carolyn G. Taft.