Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 10, 1928

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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 10, 1928


Old Mission Peninsula (Mich.)
Crops and climate


Carolyn Gay Taft (1873-1952), was the owner of a small cherry farm on Old Mission Peninsula in the early 1900’s. While she spent her summers on the Peninsula, her primary job as a teacher at the Illinois State School for the Deaf required hired hands to run the farm in her absence. These farmers, and their families, lived on the farm and sent frequent written reports to Ms. Taft. Most letters are written by the farmer’s wives, and provide a record of both agricultural and social history.


Ralph Kitchen, Joseph Kitchen, Essie Kitchen, Max Gilmore, Hazel Gilmore


Collection donated to Peninsula Community Library by the surviving members of the Taft family.


Peninsula Community Library




Mary T Morgan


This document is protected by copyright law. Contact the Peninsula Community Library for permission to reproduce, display, or transmit this document.










LHC 010


Traverse City, Peninsula Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan



Old Mission, Mich. May 10th 1928

My Dear Miss Taft:

We are having beautiful weather and every thing is coming on fine. The cherries are in a wonderful condition so far.

Last night it rained a little & is some cooler with the wind switching northward I surely hope it means no evil to we poor farmers.

Joseph is coming fine with the work. The seed & other article you ordered from Isbelle came & I treated the sweet clover on my parlor linoleum some swell [gury] I am. Not a seed wasted on that smooth surfarce or any dope either did a fine job now I want to see results for myself. The oats were also treated as you wished the directions were on the bottle & followed them very closely.

Joseph got Murray's seed drill & put the seed on with that so as birds & crows wouldn't work the seed so bad. With a drag there is always more or less uncovered. The field looks beautiful.I never saw a more beautiful view than up near where Tom Lannins house used to stand & look accross your farm. With newly plowed land & squares of green it is beautiful enough for an artist to paint. Joseph has his own orchards worked over once he did all his plowing last Fall so as not to have so much this Spring. I guess he was fortunate as with the late Spring & Jerry's cough he wouldn't have gotten it done & been able to stay here. He intends to try & hire a team a day or two but every one needs their own horses themselves. Jerry hasn't been fat since during the winter he gets those poor times the same as a human that has catarrah. I think he will be able to do the Summer's work all right. The hardest part will soon be over now & he can rest most of the time. Queen is fine.

We had Homer Willobee dehorn our cow last week she hurt the little Kauer cow every time she got the chance she always did pick on her every since she came. We didn't like to have it done but to have the other animals safe we had to or she would have torn their insides out. The first thing she did when her horns were off was to rush for the other cow the blood was streaming down her face & she was a sight it nearly made me sick. She was surprised to find her weapons were gone. She makes a fairly good looking Mully & a safer cow.

The trees were sprayed Jos. had to get a new hose that one broke in several places so the spray dope keept leaking out & couldn't use them any more he got 17ft of [Hom?y] Lardie at [$].30 per foot they are good hose. He thinks he can manage all right with a shorter length.

Jos. got a pound of carrot seed they are [$].90 a pound will be enough for next year too. I told him half a pound but he didn't understand me he didn't get the bill as I told him to but he got them at Kyselka's. I think they handle a good grade of seed.

Toney [Lou???k] bought Amousis farm for his son perry so we will have more desireable neighbors over there. The other people stole every thing they could get their hands onto.

I moved my berry path up onto the top of the hill where the oak tree stood I did that all myself have rasberrys strawberries & black caps there now I planted them between the cherry tree rows. Jerry spoiled 4 of our nice trees took the whole side off from them I felt so bad queen never does that but he will not go where you want him to. He has his idea where he wants to walk & doesn't intend to change it either. I suppose he thinks those trees are no good. I don't blame him much.

Well I must close now & wash dishes like a [nailer] there is a lot of them to do this morning.

Jos. & I will buy some gas. very soon now to do our spraying.

We sold D.B.Eiman #3 seed corn for $6.00

With love Essie K.

Fonn.1/2 pt. .30 Eiman $6.00 owed me .35 4.55 carrot seed .90 _____ 1# sweet corn .20 $1.45 left seed dill 1.00 galoline 1.80 ____________________


Won't cash your check unless I need to later on.

P.S. Cherry buds are coming open fast the tiny green leaves are peaking out now. The wolverine packing Co. is here buying cherries now & paying [$].[?]5 that means a shortage some place so lets hang on. Buyers never came out so early before let me know what you hear there am anxious too.

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