Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 29, 1928

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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - May 29, 1928


Old Mission Peninsula (Mich.)
Crops and climate


Carolyn Gay Taft (1873-1952), was the owner of a small cherry farm on Old Mission Peninsula in the early 1900’s. While she spent her summers on the Peninsula, her primary job as a teacher at the Illinois State School for the Deaf required hired hands to run the farm in her absence. These farmers, and their families, lived on the farm and sent frequent written reports to Ms. Taft. Most letters are written by the farmer’s wives, and provide a record of both agricultural and social history.


Ralph Kitchen, Joseph Kitchen, Essie Kitchen, Max Gilmore, Hazel Gilmore


Collection donated to Peninsula Community Library by the surviving members of the Taft family.


Peninsula Community Library




Mary T Morgan


This document is protected by copyright law. Contact the Peninsula Community Library for permission to reproduce, display, or transmit this document.










LHC 010


Traverse City, Peninsula Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan



Old MIssion, Mich. May 29th 1928.

My Dear Miss. Taft:

Was very glad to hear from you. Have been looking for a letter from you for nearly a week.

So far every thing on the farm is fine cherries look fine. hope we will all have something to pay us for our hard work.

The weather has been cool during the day & cold nights we have feared a frost but hope to escape. Some of the low land cherries were hurt about 3 weeks ago when we had a heavy frost.

The Dutchess & other apples are coming in bloom & promise of a crop if they only stick on.

I hope you haven't over estimated me Miss Taft. I try very hard to help Joseph but some times I fail If I wasn't such a nervous creature I would be all right. I think I work too hard during the Summer & don't have enough rest is one reason.

We will be very glad of any thing we can use and thank you for it. There is so much a person needs on a farm that every thing helps. Your being kind to us means far more than money for a lot of things. Joseph and I feel that as long as we use your team & he can use spare time to work on his place you are welcome to live there. As for selling cherries I may sell some there especially the first cherries but may not try many of the others I can't stand those long walks in the hot sun as I did last year of course I must try & make what I can as we need the money. If I can manage to get back & forth during cherry picking I will stay home nights as Jos. needs me here too. Our orchard is small & it won't take long to pick our cherries. Would like to get ours done & help you take care of your's.

Joseph has our own orchards worked now finished up today. We are trying to buy a horse but don't know if we can or not the fellow isn't anxious to sell now We want to take better care of our small trees as they will die out if we don't. Jos. will just cultivate around trees from now on not entire orchard. Our potatoes are coming up over there & I will remember you with some. I have a piece of fat salt pork & a few other things I am saving for when you come. be sure to let me know as soon as you can when you think you will be here as I must bring a boiler of warm water over there & clean the down stairs it hasn't been cleaned since I did it all up last Fall before closing the house up for winter. By knowing it will make it easier for me. Sunday Jos. will have to go over & store our wagon & other tools that are in the garage.

We bought 10 gal. of gas ourselves and paid for it as our share to spray with

Mr. Pratt was here tonight & bought a bu of seed corn & wanted to know if you would sell the suction hose if so how much? please mention in your next letter. He wants them very badly. We haven't any present use for them & they likely will rot with age.

Am so glad Alberta could take the trip to Washington how much Roger would enjoy an outing like that.

Mr Wunsch & Family spent the week end here and seemed to have a wonderful time. The cherry orchards were like large snow balls it was a sight for city people.

Will try & write real often from now on as I know you are anxious.

With love Essie.

P.S. Am returning your check as I don't need it.

1.45 on hand
2.00 W. R Pratt for seed corn
2.00 Fay Dohm
3.00 Ben Ghering

_____ $8.45 to your credit.

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