Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - January 23, 1930

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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - January 23, 1930


Old Mission Peninsula (Mich.)
Crops and climate


Carolyn Gay Taft (1873-1952), was the owner of a small cherry farm on Old Mission Peninsula in the early 1900’s. While she spent her summers on the Peninsula, her primary job as a teacher at the Illinois State School for the Deaf required hired hands to run the farm in her absence. These farmers, and their families, lived on the farm and sent frequent written reports to Ms. Taft. Most letters are written by the farmer’s wives, and provide a record of both agricultural and social history.


Ralph Kitchen, Joseph Kitchen, Essie Kitchen, Max Gilmore, Hazel Gilmore


Collection donated to Peninsula Community Library by the surviving members of the Taft family.


Peninsula Community Library




Mary T Morgan


This document is protected by copyright law. Contact the Peninsula Community Library for permission to reproduce, display, or transmit this document.










LHC 010


Traverse City, Peninsula Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan



Old Mission, Mich Jan. 23rd 1930

My dear Miss Taft:

I've intended to write to you every day for a week now & this the nearest I have gotten to it.

The Gore family went to Florida for just a trip & vacation. I'm sure they won't pay any big price to live while there. Joe & I plan such a trip in a few years. I think we deserve a vacation if ever any one did. If we could manage to get away after cherry season we would like to take a trip around by Chicago cross the lake & go north for about 2 weeks but suppose its only a dream as ususal.

We have more snow & real cold weather for over a week now. The bay would freeze over if we had some still weather.

I started this yesterday so will try to finish up today. There isn't any news as yet since I wrote last time. Animals are all well.

I'm feeling better but Roger is having his turn now I suppose Jos. will be next on the list. Hope you stay well.

We are having ideal cherry weather lets hope it continues until after danger of freezing cherries is past. We all need a good year after what we all have had for past 3 seasons.

Harold Lardie said the Mag on engine is worn out and can't be repaired and a new one costs 14 or 15 dollars so he has changed it to run with coil and [batterings??????] Jos. has ordered a hot shot that is the cheaper in the end and starts better. WE can get the Battery from H. M. Lardie at O. M. Harold's Bill is enclosed in your letter.

We have a new telephone operator now Mr. [Costade????] lost out he got too smart with people and tried to run the whole list.

Isadore Larldie is doing the work at the present time & left your bill here for us to send in to you. He would like to have you mail the check to him.

Joseph wants to mail this so I must hurry so as not to keep him waiting on me that is one thing a man hates is to wait on a woman.

I saved last year's State Bnk calendar with the pretty bird for you as you liked it so much.

Must hurry now Lovingly Essie Kitchen

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