Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - September 19, 1930

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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - September 19, 1930


Old Mission Peninsula (Mich.)
Crops and climate


Carolyn Gay Taft (1873-1952), was the owner of a small cherry farm on Old Mission Peninsula in the early 1900’s. While she spent her summers on the Peninsula, her primary job as a teacher at the Illinois State School for the Deaf required hired hands to run the farm in her absence. These farmers, and their families, lived on the farm and sent frequent written reports to Ms. Taft. Most letters are written by the farmer’s wives, and provide a record of both agricultural and social history.


Ralph Kitchen, Joseph Kitchen, Essie Kitchen, Max Gilmore, Hazel Gilmore


Collection donated to Peninsula Community Library by the surviving members of the Taft family.


Peninsula Community Library




Mary T Morgan


This document is protected by copyright law. Contact the Peninsula Community Library for permission to reproduce, display, or transmit this document.










LHC 010


Traverse City, Peninsula Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan



Old mission, Mich Sept. 19th 1930 My dear Miss Taft:

I'm sorry I wasn't here the last night you came over here. I had been in town and had my eyes tested and as usual a terriable head ache all day long. So I put my coat & hat on and went down to the bay for a little walk & to be alone. Jos. supposed I had gone to Ernest's place. But am so sorry I missed you.

Well we have had two showers but no real rain to do much good this will help a little.

Jos. is husking out a little of the corn and finds it didn't fill out well at all it won't make very good seed but could be worse.

Mr. Lardie mailed us our other [cent??] on the cherries some people expect another cent at least but it is hard to tell what we will get yet. Haven't heard about our docked cherries. It would be like a Christmas present to receive any thing from them. Will let you know what we hear.

Mr. [Magygrew????] finished your work in a half day & I have the windows all cleaned again.

It has been dreadfully warm here but a little cooler here today wish you could have stayed two weeks longer at least.

Jos.sold one bushel of pears to Mrs. Chase for 75 [cents] but couldn't find sale for the rest of them so had to leave what was left they wasn't very good up in the top of tree perhaps a [bu????] is all there was left any way.

The horse isn't much better yet as we can see.

Mr. Willobee brought some of your hay and still has more to get. We got $66.90 worth and with what we have hope it will be nearly enough. I have a dreadfu cold and can hardly get a good breath & a mean head ache so will close now hope you are well and not too warm.

With love Essie

There are no changes on the plums. $10.00 $1.75 paint and puty

 2.10 on hand	            1.28  Laundry
  .75  pears               2.50  [Manyhue]

$12.85 $5.53 expenses

 7.32 left on hand

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