Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - January 6 & 12, 1934

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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - January 6 & 12, 1934


Old Mission Peninsula (Mich.)
Crops and climate


Carolyn Gay Taft (1873-1952), was the owner of a small cherry farm on Old Mission Peninsula in the early 1900’s. While she spent her summers on the Peninsula, her primary job as a teacher at the Illinois State School for the Deaf required hired hands to run the farm in her absence. These farmers, and their families, lived on the farm and sent frequent written reports to Ms. Taft. Most letters are written by the farmer’s wives, and provide a record of both agricultural and social history.


Ralph Kitchen, Joseph Kitchen, Essie Kitchen, Max Gilmore, Hazel Gilmore


Collection donated to Peninsula Community Library by the surviving members of the Taft family.


Peninsula Community Library




Mary T Morgan


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LHC 010


Traverse City, Peninsula Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan



To Miss Taft

We are glad you could be with your folks for Xmas. But is very luck you did not come further. We have been snow bound for a week and still storming more snow by far then last winter. It is even with back porch. The water pail & wash dish alway frozen solid even morning.

Ronald & I had heavy cold and busted all rule's use grease & pill getting well. But are still coughing quite hard yet. Ronald had a very nice Xmas. He said santa Claus was good to me. He got in bed one nite before Xmas and way saying what wanted for Xmas a drum & blackboard green house that his color for even thing green and green. That all I guess.

We understand there were a pair of mules dilivery to Joe Kitchen last week. Max say he welcome to them. Essy will starve for sure this winter because there no cooking job To bad with nearly 500 qts fruit in cellar.

Joe has been working on road.

Oh there lots of crocked work going on in goverment work. There man up town were my brother-in-law work putting that brake water in. This man was an insurance man well know around town paying him .75 per hour checking loads of dirt. never hardly lifting hand. But laboring class get only .50 per hour work stead. That the buisness were there a pull for good pay.

The women around here a getting rich[underlined] boarding road boss at $7.00 per week. Of course there not eating beans twice a day for that price.

I had card from Mrs Lardie for Xmas. The horse's and cows are fine.

Max has the corn stalks stack over half cut up. The cutting box broke. Max as to get fixed when he goes to town. Something wheel broke.

I alway forgot to tell you Max saved 5.00 on the cider apple which you spoke of saveing out. So am puiting the other five back into bank again.

Are car is broke since Xmas.

Lots & lots sickness in neighbor hood. The road are so bad that thay have split mail route again Mr. Roy Gering Tony Zoulek son-in-law has this end of route and new mail the other end. Mr Roy Gering is substute for the new mail man any way.

The road work is stopped on account of so much snow to move. The contracton going behind. Moving so much snow.

I guess that all new's.

Max & Family

[Additional Letter in file below]

To Taft

Dropping you a line in haste. In regards to horses.

Max had two call's one from a man near Elk Rapids Vern White. one at acme. Mr Miller But found out there into gether. So went to Mr White.

He had eleven head. 1 pr of dapple gray's wighting 2600 and 6 and 8 years old. a blochy pair very gentle & quiet. Took Max eye pretty except color. Max say if thay were only Black. That only team Max say that is matched up. The rest he dident like. price $300.

The man said he wold hold them till we heard from you in regard's to the color.

Max was out to Zimmerman But did have any matched team and some that wasen't broke. Mr Zimmerman getting some more in but are out side horses. Max want to know what to do with the old team sell both or one

Ronald has swollen gland in his neck but is not sick with them. But I guess thay are dangerous if they dont go down.

There is lots of sickness in neighborhood.

Max killed muskrat in our cellar. we thought it was rats. chewing up things. So Max went to the cellar for some apple one night and seen him So set a trap and run it into it. He sure was chewing up things.

The road work started again this morning after a two week rest to let the snow go down

Three school on pensulia got benfit of C.W.A. work in repairing there school. odgensburg did get it. The director's don't take paper I guess. There was a pretty good argument up there. When they need a furnace so bad. There were some of them pretty mad.

I guess that all news


Max & Family

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