Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 4, 1934

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Carolyn Gay Taft Farm Letter - December 4, 1934


Old Mission Peninsula (Mich.)
Crops and climate


Carolyn Gay Taft (1873-1952), was the owner of a small cherry farm on Old Mission Peninsula in the early 1900’s. While she spent her summers on the Peninsula, her primary job as a teacher at the Illinois State School for the Deaf required hired hands to run the farm in her absence. These farmers, and their families, lived on the farm and sent frequent written reports to Ms. Taft. Most letters are written by the farmer’s wives, and provide a record of both agricultural and social history.


Ralph Kitchen, Joseph Kitchen, Essie Kitchen, Max Gilmore, Hazel Gilmore


Collection donated to Peninsula Community Library by the surviving members of the Taft family.


Peninsula Community Library




Mary T Morgan


This document is protected by copyright law. Contact the Peninsula Community Library for permission to reproduce, display, or transmit this document.










LHC 010


Traverse City, Peninsula Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan



To Miss Taft

I have at last got a minute to write But don't know how good a job I can do with no sleep for two nites. Ronald has had an other attack of asthama. This one was 2 month from the last one. Its been longer this time He has been haveing them about every 6 week. This attack was not quite so hard.

We got some gravel on the road from woods beyond Dud Griffin's house. And then again on top of hill to mail box. After election Max called Harry Christphor and he said the order was to come in spring.

We had abundance of rain. Nearly steady last week. I couldn't even get my washings done. But had are first snow storm to day. Heavy and wet. And the eves are dripping to-night as I write.

Max had to go on a walking spree with the cow again. So went to Mr. Zoulik. But he had killed him animal So went to Archie Helfrich. I am kind worried we will not have a new milch cow next year.

[No] Mrs. Lardie is with here Sisters at Northport. I guess Detroit was to confineing for her.

Max has the door made but has not hung it yet as it has been so warm. The haven't hued it yet.

We have the storm door on but not the window yet. But I am going wash them and put them on soon any way So to be ready if we do get a blizzard.

No I guess Mrs Crompton is no socialist. I don't know if that the both Grandfather home to-gether on not on just a name.

The Stevens go to Old Mission Church. I never heard that they found any trace as yet. I don't think so. on Hooper & Mills case Brimmer are still in neighborhood yet. He went hunting and got a deer.

Hazel Kitchen is driver for her folk's know. She cannot see to go to school but can see to drive a car.

In regard to pups yet they all had a home in six week but one and the owner of spot took him home. We have one pup & the old dog spot. She sure bring up muskrat from swamp for the pup paddy.

I guess that all the news.


Max & Hazel

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