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Correspondence Terra Cotta Brick Co. to Julius Steinberg, May 24, 1892
Handwritten correspondence from the Terra Cotta Brick Co. written by J. Peterson to Julius Steinberg inquiring about business opportunities in Traverse city as well as Steinberg’s feedback on the Terra Cotta Company.
Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States
Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, United States
Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, United States
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Terra Cotta Brick Co.,
Manufacturers of
Vitrified Pressed Brick
Plain and Ornamental
Office, Room 46, 161 La Salle Street
J. Petersen, Manager.
Our Vitrified Brick are not equaled as to STRENGTH, NON-POROSITY, HARDNESS, and DENSITY. They CANNOT be SCRATCHED or DEFACED.
Chicago, May 24 1892
Julius Steinberg, Esq.
Traverse City Mich.
Dear Sir,
You will oblige the writer very much if you will kindly advise us if there are any prospects for selling some of our brick in your market this coming season. We should also like very much to know how you are pleased with our brick, or if they are showing any while substance and how they are with other brick used in your city.
I shall be happy to see you when coming to this city and hoping that you will kindly furnish me with above information, I remain
Yours Very Truly
Terra Cotta Brick Co
Manufacturers of
Vitrified Pressed Brick
Plain and Ornamental
Office, Room 46, 161 La Salle Street
J. Petersen, Manager.
Our Vitrified Brick are not equaled as to STRENGTH, NON-POROSITY, HARDNESS, and DENSITY. They CANNOT be SCRATCHED or DEFACED.
Chicago, May 24 1892
Julius Steinberg, Esq.
Traverse City Mich.
Dear Sir,
You will oblige the writer very much if you will kindly advise us if there are any prospects for selling some of our brick in your market this coming season. We should also like very much to know how you are pleased with our brick, or if they are showing any while substance and how they are with other brick used in your city.
I shall be happy to see you when coming to this city and hoping that you will kindly furnish me with above information, I remain
Yours Very Truly
Terra Cotta Brick Co