Correspondence W.G. Robinson Architect, to Julius Steinberg, October 29, 1891

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Correspondence W.G. Robinson Architect, to Julius Steinberg, October 29, 1891


Architects--United States


Handwritten correspondence on letterhead from W. G. Robinson, architect, to Julius Steinberg instructions for the construction of the Grand Opera House. Some handwritten notes in another had on the backside of page 2.












Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, United States Traverse City, Grand Traverse, Michigan, United States

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Office of
W.G. Robinson.
Rooms 62 and 63 New Houseman Building.
Telephone 142.
Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 29. 1891

Mr. Julius Steinberg
Traverse City, Mich.
Dear Sir

The Chord you refer to is made of dressed inch boards 12 inches
Wide - beret? round on the shape you
will have 1st to mark on it the regular
shape on the floor there take some
second things and nail them to the floor
round this ? plank then up
and secure them well so that
will not give - then commence at
one end and nail the end of the 1st
board to #1 stud (you must of course
insert the end in the wall 8 inches)
then continue the nailing to the
second thing? 2 feet apart till you
have gone rough the whole circuit
then commence again and level
the boards in the next thickness nail
them firmly to the 1st thickness and
using wire nails clinching then on the
outside where they come through and
breaking heading joists about 6
feet apart there where you have
been round with the second thickness
commence the third and so on the
whole must be well nailed and
lay the trim you have gotten the
entire chord built up you will have
a ttruches? Of the property shade and
a very firm one- since you have made
so much more gallery than first intended
it will be necessary to construct another three
Chord nearer the front of the building
where the circular grades end at
the highest point this will be easily
made because the circle is much flatter. This I do to make the joist
construction in gallery easier and to relieve

The front wall column and ?
we will carry these I 6 ? 2 1 3/4” rods
from a 10”x12”to each running from
front wall to 1st lattice truss – there
if you do not like so many rods along
the front we can put in some small
?? to carry it from the 2nd floor
joists and only have the cords where
I have mentioned and also where the
gallery approaches the stage and
becomes quite narrow- the column to
be placed on 8”10” timbers laid on the
joisting and of sufficient length
to rest on second of them - there in
making dressing now to illuminate
the gallery timbering and the method
of carrying it - sent tomorrow
Yours truly,
W.G. Robinson

The boards used in gallery chords ought to be as free from knots as possible.

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