Grand Traverse Herald, January 21, 1897

Dublin Core


Grand Traverse Herald, January 21, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


Grand Traverse HeraJd

The First
Sign of a Gold




bar. maA. tor C^ld rl^>7
ft*«(h«t'a WurMncrf blalft.jwt

DmOob BepslU-* Hm.
tiw tneaiv van 1AB
dbs-i ■»,«■« *»f>iiAai>-> W.

' TscM>am^>nAAlAf«l4M.



^ ooimi.

miu HBM IirMIT- mmm,

BnsineaB Cards,

r - v- , ^


T«*VU*eClTT. -

dlM^Tntn'cHi'' '

< cmrVndPEBTY




Fire Insurance I

OetMr Fraal aa4 Oim •



Tn.„.w t....



piBUss aniciM « ran

n4n. C. OILaOT. JMmrm ■«, 1«

r- «1 *ww«.





I I .ia« .«B>A
-'r,al,rU.rf tnm

j §eil E^fiklfe Eiletiiin^e



,nta» •■n B, a»<v mmuUo >

»a:oirarx- to iojln.




sue Insurance.


O. P. Carvers^"

Real Estate





waAiiJss;. •
BAt a aAWTflLU—ts«A


an' on,.
»;! 14.—


Ir aatonnir plarr aa> looklB|r lu
,eat and IsrifbMBI. Ik.ak. to laTisA
.airaUwan aii.i ii.oka.idilitat-upli.. l produced uj 111. lUi^.Bir. ot b
ItoaLt dmaesl dauc<'r«a.
tA an!>uad
anliuod la all ILc
iLc ladoito
aad piclure»Ha. iaouairriiii
ilyot (aai;}

bril;,ai>l t.-ar’-'f
plL-turew|ne *cer
Bodertoue uf p


urelj ■•uvof barmoBy wiUi
_eaied dvranrelj
Kl eBj
Bt 111 the crowd
tbe »Bpera. Ul
' ‘ iviii. "
■ >l.osl> Sbv look la a trirlV
WB* out of kn-piBp aud swt ui
c to L-bre tbe Hr t.. all the toil
DleaMirr arouud b»r'.'
To oar uaoWrred apevtator tliin idea
■addcBly occurred with,Use toivo ol a
”ubeaBtilcl lair. be«.U(Bl
alike io rrffolanty of I.eiurrakO r*
■jtiuiU delicacj-ol coioiinfr.
Hut Ur
.mil.- OB Ur .wrel Bioulli wa» l..r.-r<1
aed foil of uoLBtural Cayrly, while Uo
mat (fray rj-c Bui a hBUi.tioff look nt
w.-arluma whi. b
in. in ao
crlbablr palh.ia Tkr pin •*ii> U
alL|rbl.aii.l Ur while dr»-«» ahe
piaoeful Ihourk IV *aa. aremed aiiaiat
too rick aoa elabmle lor her kIrBiIer
Bjure. Ske.waayouBK-.carcely BonibaB Iweiityi—aau l.k>«>-d eyreyooopei

Mia. But b* paatod
paatodoa. oacoasHo
or admirin*.«ye*
Meaatiiee Maud bad auffered ber
partaAto lead Wtoaaide wlad.iw
•eat at tbefanbrrrad of Uir
,fTe her .liU fr
>Mel.iac her..
her The
Tbe p.rr.
E>r|-. fate looked
IkUanraly pale aosd Uat ttbe ddnb d*B
■ clop bad bronpbt to It ba
aad there waa aB e*pr«al.m ..
tbiop eery like drapair ia ber »
pray eyi > bk ahe liau-ard to her a

■‘?.'X^r;^"-“rM-ud nadan.
rafawd yosTwhea 1 thoapfctytra war.
prUy old (Wr*. e«d 1 rataax JOB

'uul Mpdora oaly khrapped ber pluBp
aboBldcrk aaucUy.
■'Aeal I'olly aiipbl bre rer*rmhere<t
Uere waa oUen lb Ue faiBily bekidr*
keducy." pruoiW.-d^Ue eld«
tf kba bad Jrft b.-r laaDey to a
but, OrlBtky
. Polly bare ally eppa to aal

ABd ehe fiaaaerd tadlpmUy bon
abc miUad hdr roan, hawever, abe waa
------------------------him il^ ha WBk paar aa Jobb Urhay.
' 'xialy wbatr taidavaieaatbaraar,
id the a.bjeet uf ber IboapbU atood
wide her. "Voa ware ulklap aload
yourealf uid wi did bol bnr b*." k*
explalard. "Bui aow, Oowla Donfur wr are diataat eoeela.. yoo kaow—
won't yiu^ raewB. that dHittkb, altar
all'.' tiiaee yira have rrluaad a*, aad
Ue oiiia.} ? -headdtol. wlckadly. -^fa
rae'l arcuee Be of narceeaiy aiaUiea,
ymi kbaw."
Aad. wifleBed by hb p'eadlBf. «*>ra fiaally oonkcotod to aay "Yaa.
•ibouph. dellphtadl^aa ab*


BrkL "Madury-aa palo' to eaod M
li box of provbkima.
Uow thabkfal
a be!''
toi Uey wwa, all baV Certblhb.
who aUU fell apprlavrd Uat Aoat Pol­
ly bad BDt left ber moaey to bar.—



BOp Xff-eai'foar 2

Ht^iioldBen waa th. tnl M lawHW
•ell Xk By*et(5^ iMaraed. natly.
-i Bder tb.eliT.BelBBaea. HlradwaMboopb. I eUlB Ue frieUH* at nv«W

; bitha. Ur youBjekt ki.l. r, •;
jkatd they wa> a kbu.iDp a o
you waoled toio-ireni
! pate her all arr baaly a ror>
’““yoV k*tovi yo?’pr.'“‘*»<l-“»« »"rj ""Hoid your I
Mikk BAr,-ilici»pr.
.war to nipkl,
It, ;Nauii.aad wr n.ayo'lU
maysT | ordrred Ur el
bare (uch a ebaac apalo. Sooae
dollar* and a. bl«
- • built wooV.l
wool. buudrod tkoukkod
_____ _ l.o^kalatr. did I? Auol Veil
ex-upc Ua ubaenralioB
ly dic»»ed like a^bappar aud lei oa U<
loap. I'ey walle.1 palir ly^aod
. t l bolbuird youa bit. —
laai—Ume'a up: YuBWoBtaakmr to; bado i ..aphltober expected hay
wait aoy lunpui?' A look of auddm
ly cloodcd
flooded the boyikb
U.yikh bripbUrk*
bripbueia ''keUora pervIkUd ia her rafokal t
of bik face a* he kpoka.

- OBly
oBly for
tor a^
a\ crpt Mr. liroooi ttoloacte. much u
nomi ot.
KmoUer'k rexaliuo.
rwbbT aak yu to wait aoy.j' -u woaT do ao harm to aae hlB,
the pirl-a worsi* eo»e nlowly, | Mra Sweellouph diN.-iared; 'aad i
I aa riideoleffort, '-but—why ■ ■.. a. wimT be ao humbly after all.
do .you WBDt uie lu aay 'Vea.' wbra you I - Ua wiU-l
will—f koiM
ko<>w at wi
I rioB‘tuarelor you? . No,,
j.ea. obktiDxtoiy.
- ------------- ,
brxr in. will nad, Mwi.4,
..... lie nut." Xk be would bxrr ibtor wril po___
■Iwr hxk
hxi. Mbl ia« a
ruptrd her.
-I like you, but I daoT Lxwjer llipl-er
t.arr for you Id Vbxl sray, and I aever tokrtiaao IhvBicxDlellMr. I
tobikfxue that I woO VlixT. faiBj
yoa will. Slxud.
Voo bbxI
-"tek. aad.......................................
pt«u.-e-LermiiUef. "Wbea, if you'd
,1L b/cdory. Beboe be Buphl
tac. you xbxll at l«.k
•idtie likely."
"A.d refus.
a»t do it wiin yoxrey.
.Hup a

lauphrd Molora,
l.-ib.>om» "
redrcUua ut aer face I
"Ob, di.o'l kprxk to me Ukr tbalV

' ' ,

Tarrorx of Ua b'oiar NipbL
Mr. CoaaUBUs Naamlue reporUap to
-La Tuar da Mobde-hb acieBtlBe IW
•Bipbea IB .Vova JleBbla, CBrohha. aa


Hi.Bk BBd expenenoeeduriaplbe lirap
a cue Bipbt. wbieb hrpaa NpvaBbar
aud eadeo January ruU.
beptember waa pretty oomlactabliv
br atyt. Thao aaodcbiy aaew oavrrad
U. aJouDUiaa. Tb. i»Boyml*a. bla
putoa Ueir wUUr
OBly cuBipaDle
______ iSpboaUtolmU for
eioUlap. Ue
Ue prouad froxe. U« aa.
liwt lu wanaU aad boaey abow ML
t\ later bad eoara la eaneat: Ob U*
.lay wheu Ur xub allowed luelf lor U*
,akl UBe. all baadk went oat of dear.
it farvwrll. It reiaalaad b»
-ballaa hour oaly.
few- dan loBprr Uen araa.b
mocstup twUtpSL
Thea Ul.
aad H*.fi)anYa blaoh nlpht. TW
kiara xboueUa whole twaatrlov
a fbe huU ol Ue aoloby war.
■duBdarUaaBow.ofwbleb Ukk.
Iwladx aiiad Uealr.
Tba wlad
K Ue baU-W Ualf toudatiaM.
■ Umea tor day* topeUar Ua Iba of Ue diffcirat buU bald a.
BualcaUue wiUaaU oUer. tbiraph
the hau ware aide by .Ida. 11-any ^
t oat bewaaxalaad by Ua wlsdbmltobcdrapptebae*»» UMt

kd a very pretty fa
■rlftxclfwiirB. '-IVhxttixrr I to flo ____J. with muibet-linl
Uir bomutilui. kkU fxrr 1
Wk. •■■ .or ■
frriiop At xU-.- If I mxrry you. It ckeeka u pibk
11 wait aad pivr
■I .lut of h:
• -.urrly kr bad arv •TerlXktiBp. ’purpoMlfWk rouad til dxBAad If he d*b-i
■iiy fault." Ur
«w fully n»li»r<1 It lilicuw
rwi xDd diDomw. 1 bxe. told yoa tblk
A ebxDcr rcinxrk .rrrkU.I his aUea- beforr **
added to hetulf. fora liriphl tbuupkl
Uoo. Two Biro u.-xr were Ulkiapv> .
■ ' ■ icd|ta^be'
' iato ber bo*y brala.
■Yr^ and.) hare told yoo that I love
prther. cocoi.rDlinp .oOible e.oiigh ox
>in way ?at Mr. UcBOlb. korar beforr tlirm.
"Apd yet you doa't healute?"
OaUMaa. PMemeaahtobauei aaywtoea
- Are you in need of 1
■How cbxnamp .Mxud |•.mlth^r• Ik
lUld bv plad to refoxe
"Kor mjtolf. BO." Hr was ailrat^ a
kiop tou.pkt' Tbxt pirl pro.* pr«^
■Bt, a look of Boat onuksal
llrr errry liuir I
ulkiobonhbfaee. -Hatyoa pot
"U it irut that khr U repaped U dlfferaatly Healchl.-be aald at I
''uix darkaeu aad deBolatloA Ua
^yoBBp U.lbuui
i, 1 'khould aay.
aarara borealla did Back to .BtarUU
*°AU rntto^laated wlU the tboopbl
1 ebaer UesL It la*tod aometlM
Be'k ban) bit. ud
f that UBleta"—
............................. ' cepHon. Medora har
ole*»V--Shc far^ I
dut*‘’ori.l'ltf tWHr. Noa^ioetrUa la
thoupb a koddeD daU tbaw^ abe
eaia to deaerlba. To aajoy iIm apart.I ..ready prmkprd bl* mraalop.
i - You care fur koaie 00c alk*,'
We can supply you. Now then; if you .want to save money '“‘YriUoBldB tH^lfl-ttervdlBblk
Jlid Ue?
other aeca.ixry articlea.
let us sell you a 50c. 75c or Chamois .Skin. Then take placB." Hie jounprr mta askentod
"bbe' a bit likeUir uUrr plr.koar !
, Boaeat be UoJrbt the wax -'«>» Ue appoiaiad day. Lawyer
a look at our made-up stock and make one yourself.
bee performed Ue aecrtoary
polar DlpbL" toya Mr.^Uo*. “Mab

poiop to break into iadj/aam

iaalAV.MUS^a9n>awee t* aa^ toealad

tea Hoi-lxaBee Luaeb tut lie ika'
• »fl« beater.




JK ji?: 1 rviT ;"-:rK.rT.,sn'i-ri';

OpmUB, bwktaaaaalpbtaadd

V. E. nncsBL. Tnp.


C^st Protector



____ ... _ wlaeaad
ttralj fonliah aad a
Ua kaU
a«a<t Barer tmow the
fbofna.- Why.hoaldh.Bot bar. la Mrv bvraalboacb.
, .
tbera ae»bew
Jnaa. ia Eaflaad aa wait,a. aaMber
B, aad hose khobldaha
aha ■aaap
...... to ae» her fa*a----------------■ad
froDi tha other
-hut 1 doa't waat to Btarvy hlB."
rated Wrdora. willtally, "aad 1
11 totok'i?p-lt. tadradlhe rapid
atrraiD of r«H»lle. UcM)».**»ee»lioB«aad
•■tVhatoaearU" erlad bee tooUer.
raaMiurlar i-ahrlclluaa Uat raahed apbaat. • Throw away a forebiB like
Un>u;b bt« Btail cnold rirbUy ba diir- Uat; _lla .tou cat of year aatMca.
sIBed srilb Ibe aaae of tboutfbl—be
"Wbat kee yoa pot aplB bldL aaj
litnxle lx.ldly out Into Ue oomd
war. U.nlury .’''a*ked N. ifkbor 8Ub
aatje.«bte 0«iut eaoapb troia bla
blBk. eurwukty. "Kear ae«l hlB?"
Bdiac aUtare aad mad I
■-No; bat I Bs asrr hc'a aid aad aply.
eyea followed blai a*
A ^'"nd aarae—Heaooi:
be paaae.1 belwaea tbe baaWnof dower* Ha'a pet
witb Whlt-h Ibe wide corridor wa» Hoed
oa either aide, aad many were tbe ^ "Why. la. Ual aia’t boUla'. A bame
■woBldD't htaoer me. If Twaa UeMW
bob"' declared Ue riaitor. reakaurlar

»*I4n*n. Ii ei»r>4-

white pine


llrbWu. who had drafpad
q.lveiwd with tadfpaaUoa. "Ym «M
a rat of “CBptia'a’' ape«'
d ber cytwlB w_______ .
■And left the ball ol U
Aad ah* eaaphwteMw dews baton
doeyr ahe qaaaltoaed. b

to.B a tool
eoBMil trrf to
of IL ud U* rwlatiua to kMp

II iMa >IM n>u4 r~
Oal tt« M
W bM« •« > «saB

nifflBE on STATE BAMl


' ■■
“.rt.-d'ssrxiarcs - ^

ibniMiH dollarar
bwaoiboarh dioppad tha h
tar aba waa raadiac. aad aiarad at h
Bother aad aiatacaTa atapedad aaai


Chamois Vest?



Dr. J. A. Snyder,

Yours for health and warmth,

emra m kabcham klocx.


a. AaUHI<.Frwp.



Tha 8oSr^*Oreinhoui

cu laokly.
, . . brrfctorj
th, Tight” a wondrtAil tuo
’ t .r baxlipd iato it aa abe kuraap tu/ber Hr. Uoldai-rebebrld a dowdy-loobiap ttuB. u^^^tvSToattotemUa
-•But I i^iiiiT Hhrredoex
female fa a kb.bbj drew of bovUeUe oildnrv.-mair ill Her people an-,
At laxi;"
ircmmual enoopu. "
1 Youap Melboure luraed In a»toeixbFEOVT RTmm.
but kbr

.cirni. Who wax Ul* tlalely looklap of dull, bnek-red halrralrappHap from
OLillirr laar- ci.b that Maod xbuuld po to Beet biro a uwdrv pilf'tucklap'tBmb. fell lo
----------So,. Ue horlaoD. wbUa tba
iiBxipaHy wUp oeer her aullad
ried benraU krr aud w •‘•“'.““'•f"' «:U oulktrelebcd banda of welcoBe
The marrixpe iraed ..«l bad: UalliHacokBy atood Id
brillixal, rapiuroo. amllr!?
emmpleo collar.
tlaedfirada iBlata.
1. believe,
-................aad ili«. < ifToUrr. died .
Bi»iu-r who be waa. the boy fell
hi» ..o..,iion waa aokwerad.
lie tioldacn;. "I kba.. vo.—-------Id jAukiralia, where Ue child
flaber part, aotw iibxtaadiop ber albronphlup by the people with whom
,,i, di.niiiwal .luieHy aad left
Uewaa i.tayincai. ibr Hmr—ixllirr a , a word, aor did aby oae rmdy foraird opiu^^.^l^ooMW le^
liealU n
roupb and ready brinfinp up,^ bi“'crei.*^
parties desring anything in the line of first-class MefchIhra
(ore her.
appearaaea ol Ua ai
aa aatedllarlaa lu
I forpiaenr•Dear DM. wl
Tailoring. will do well to call, ufjon the undersujned.* as
r. "I kaaw
i*:" Ua tboephi la dwmay.
'.<>b, it all came
special inducements are being offered to all intending pur­ roUcr* died, aad
w.lutioB* and he'd be OKI aad aply. bat 1 'dlda't exj
Why OroatC
'♦ifpol all lb* ktero rexolutioaa
aud eoBvirtlnat.
lie peel qalUxgcb afrikit. Of
aad khe wax uaakpi.ptod orer oerr-.y
areamnlof the poxxi- UaUrefoto blm."
leraadalalUUera chaape from hemp neBce* ;
Aad khe wroU to ber a
a meellnp a> Ibix. aad
uatbairany to her ter* alter Ue loterview:
ralar acaeaoow.
xcaewoow. 1with tow- troak.
"Ui'x a repalar
; bim off km feeV.
loed mac U-Hipb ba colored balr aad piay wbUkrr* a
at iL Sow. f.-ueu b.-r poiei ol ruw wr j
r«. U up bfBto tortm. tte
u her idMv It came oat of Ibe ark. I
. , . _. «hr loeed hiB. be
II •» have wrr.faw him, liw 1 coold m
koow .njlluair
it. raiod
hear.l K In her vok.. . .
.B’vUm” xbaui
■roa, ■■ juk! po»-ib.c she may pn- |,.j_,,(ooi«hlDp. well niph impcixklL.. , nia aoDk> so». —«•- - — - -r- — —
liar primitive bkture to oor enervatiop i
uooEh it wa.-aad. Ub beiop *■'-1 plelap me ap lawyer Hipbee p«v* ax
BDdxjTerd.Bc niarteeotb cwniory cieil 1 u„,aiop could oime belweeo ihno; no lyiu toKlxy to oxxke up oar miad* aad
'lo my miod Ue pin ‘"'t*
dikdaiofni irlnlioo. cold pan
him Ua aakwer; aad I m pomp to
B aay B.WV. aad whea n.iitilCl.»-;uj,, Bice dowo whaa 1 po to Ball
bTuareaps^Utod bla Btedla
•"1 hen lx xbe taa.-rlrx MeiboorDC"— 1
,Yeluroed to Auklealm xltor bik.uia^Yoa caa look for me borne Ue
B. DBd bacama LTyaa*. a. Ovut.
mrnt poxiiioB
hiaie her praudfxib
praudfaib ' nUd*hi^'aod*preal
w»k the wraU *?d i***"IVa], It doe* keem ton had. whaa we
ayearapo, xhr ba» f-uud It lodspa.Uoo xmonp the Drayciuru. ■ need money *0 Boch.” x«b
I-olBi. 00 Ua »U day «» MV •___ _
IhkB eeer.or Lmmoch I
used *o bard to make h<-r in |gwrelbouph. wearily;
rewrily; •■bal_
H. Of»ot.-B*aU«aaB*dv reportod
■e helped. Tain t bo
--------------r-hewa. really foBdOfW ", „ip;crk oae'-;U Urmwlrex. ooiy|,^oi
■Bxa would rrfuxe Haold Urayeoart. but tirr U« real of Urm , ^ |,u u kipaally al Ue 1*m:
wayss iikriy
xralda'l expect ber to
-apoo my ^ul. I'm -irry f,.r the pif,. ,
„„^-jUad wa* happy, aad oace tweb | d,,,; ..d
Tbe-mokiec-eaxed aad Ue kh.-akerx
aaaonp D-aiil'* people, and *U ,B,„ry xocb----------!!'*\AbBrdi«ercre?
moved aseay.* Ue lonp pre,-,~.oo.if ,(,» coapraial *x»-Ji*Him‘of Ue pa«L ;
th»oL SSf^uTervor a>w la

-iiTwwwkwi iet» ].>TtTraoxvr

Sa^ b‘:^toir;tr\^rd-^o;

Merchant Tailoring.

Carpet Cleaning Works

8«r*^eraadCivil EoKiaccr




i tHti.ucmb ntaoKMtT

In a house
it a veil ppriiigoriileuqrp.'' Yd«,
when it u Fell, and well treated.
We aimply take tbia way of draw.
iBf: yoer-atteation to the fact that
we carry a foil line of. baby foadq,
remediee for aiek UIhea. and
•oris and atylee of musing boUlee,
fistnrM and nipplea. Oor prioea
on tbisegoada will abo be "a well
apiing of pteAMire" to ^




, FMstnmsR.

Choicest Meats, Pouitry and Game.'rwiTT “-r;-.:::; i" :r.rf;iS~-■ ■?


Plants for Decorating
Nd,k«H^ Smtaww

The Clipper Bicycle
1»7 Front 8L

ppiM»yikXiae.a.aUke>aBMa toJ*m ^

Travxiwx Oitv. Mloh

Omwkfor Job Prb«i«1kftkttlik




He BBxi
to do *0 be

—acd alnmdy Ur

Kl la a very deterasiaad frama of
1 xbe rcaehMl Ua lawyei'x
yoanp maa wbofaawrit'— *' ____ 1 received tor «rartao.xly.
•Mr. Hipbaa ha. Bat com. I
Tba^'aald. looklap
wiU be b«. ptBaBHy." to a^ADd he pla«d * chair for the .


“uul^U UalabawoBld rxoop«tia
Ub after fsmr yrsrs. aod la aoeh s^
----------- aSe. wiu SB. vrber.

lor busi&M8 ftnd ploasure combinod. Olvos
uidTersal saticfactioii. OaU and se« it Sold hj

Farm for Sale.
For QuMc Rotums

Uat bh

!>«, IS* ,4.-

“hc Wkad to kax H

r. gROSOB-

BL'Y' Yora ■

city tlosal

be L'lymaa. and Ufantef

m WlU* History.
.tlWfo^J Ue dl^^eM^ *
^1' M'Jior. wrote ber DBawerwEU
laa paxiied iBto a lawyer* o»ce, ^ I
aMled It la


Cut Flowcre,
Floral Piecea,
Bedding Plants,

way; Tba Hod. Tbomaa Baaer
Ived Ue leuar od Jxoato Oruit oaly
before Uartaaa rt hi* »—

ycrwl i_n- SeEbsozY..

Eresh, Salt amt Smoked Meats, Sausages Etc.




Brosch's Meat Market

8. E. W’AIT,
Baaonld Block.



bar tot. wooli
■• —Uabe

ueely be a aaffMeat
-vld ebaaee to ratala
wSu-ba b- ibrr—ua maa nder
ZSL roof a:, oar toppf ohUdbood bml
**Ii|^^llrts*dld k»OWhlB,Whrt

iB »U Ue prld. of tor trtBBptoal
b ABd baoBty; tow. wto. *0 SBony

.WS.SI- o—s. »4that borvid BatoU bad oaly, toe
"If O
For Ua yooap a



Qf^j^teoto. atottor. aklrttotS^
awalrylaMd to •

dsBiSartotoTh^^^-ft**. htoueyl

tolf AeaMtef the
Hadm * nto.
ly; bat tto yowap bob


^UraWBpUahtoto: b.t .to had | awto to tt
Bav tton atoU toi

aae. It waa tto «rat part B<
-t-si.wA Maa by (Mambw.


»w hb place:


Or.aL-HcCf*r«-k Hapator


lacto and to
"'tuSvof^r htatory?
I'eo. all-. Itot la why I xb




St 3

&RAWP -nuTi™*" wg«Ai.b jAiraatt a. iw
I Tfwerse Herald


• aen«uMM»«*ta*
P^i .nlritr Ui >kt»-

Cheap Homes


qr la .n a»d «o <ta pa

■ WasssSrsfvrs

_ tl'£:^,2:.121SSwI^

ha telfU to*. doB. tatw. 'Fta
ZHawT^ teaklaf —ra
«• mwod »l>*l' »ew •» »*t eer*, Ital a TT-- ffl»- te to tioarwit wMh a rmalrtU. «a bo*ad.*T »!««. ^
a into roroiai «^a.i i iTTri
of n*» «• fcl* te*-** Ijr^l oM-tio.* romlaara
tke; ««iBot (-J t«>» «*•« fair
*^|ta*. a Mad »be I. raatflf that BMCT bi bcMK beam.------«ra«.
Tba B«*a« of hla^ir»t*l*T.ol
bto Mf» aafof hi* »«i»fT arr t to akrltMrt •bollr nkom K>
«d tta (aol'r rtaolaoffta wbel.
Xra. O..P-U. or ira-obrte..<r
-So: to", a
•rtMliadaalj lor »fc« l>«>rpH» "f
•^rb.l alw* to haaaaiTT
ter lb<i booBllee or O>o« ol • •!>•«•
-Writ >i>u Difkl a*U tkna fo'ara- ______________
1 f«tar ttaa
Utlto ktad here tbolr oleltee
thto low^rr** Sdrlltf lo hi. «lh kf«p
tar. a B«r khad of afood OTt of .Itbi thiM fiBn* •fc.tMMa
•all; iiannlT- thet fconiso rl


^rttaTrftlS ^-wiuractoS* **•

h«. A

“ — ■'“Ti,.™—.-

M rt««n M

^ >iM> *•

the booov are tr«Uy le «i>
llaitl iapMod bj !•
tetal atiaw «o b« P>M a» Iwurty.

KNeW Ht'wis oljikrv.
ote adrimd tar t
Maap be taccaUr bouirtit M. iial oa a
iMiar to B* dKl.t rralfiB the wial
dividraal Of «** doHarrn "


H OB Ita irads or p.rta>oBl.

aaal ooi «o Ita oWof'aV
1—«*r. doha Wateoo. -lao «a* an juaird hr ihel^rlMlr or aaaacMitete.' ha. a .!.•» ont ol WUa» a
--------------- “
a «.*•» Itatara to tto paM«.----------------to atuoMd ttaB 70001 tiy Uetooeo Chleacu-aad au
a rrlth a nw.brr of Basdkat
, pieaaaal «ill on the b


r-n------a trip wbkh Dr. WrtK« tmo'a(,u(|iL Ux pro* of ah« ta«. Hltaip
teA tar* «>• TXV
*'“*»«,la tto a«.i«- of ita drok -t a walltear hl« la Ita a«rU*« •«»'“«»dor-!
„dddlr-a*wl BMi ror*€!rf U*
a sand, worthy dbb ,h, telaelnfr dlwnkiai of chexoc »«
^.._^jadib. tan of
Befon ’ be arl«.o».r hta mad
Mol ia hU bmpUf. Tbew<wtb7|
ooier hartM* tto biMk llqeidrt.
r to tto <M«r)<

„^bt 'ft»roanlml ttartrrni inrrUiif
la Ora.e«o of the Aalhropoloiriral eoo. Pn»i (brM n ■|<|•ralTd’hallo
iBulari.rt^ J.32 $mr <
protnmiouK *J0 r*r «»'OV
lilbajlrd. > aoD
iTlmlixl Hum
aatd nisDulaeiiB«D aho li«*


, obo Hr. by Inol* or haadlrrafl. |<rr mil. of rrifiiiaal. in the
•uiotial clia. ar« lliu.
e.O.TI arrcriof

like, r

FarmiRg Lands

Milk Pans,
Stew Pans, .
ms squt I Mmi L L Cm
Bread Pans,
•Butter Jars,
Water Jars,
Stone Clmms,

famad that ^



and everything in (hi* Une.



ptoi*>riioii,ao t
a ah.-** ir. Irta

all kinds and sises.

xmma. Toa tu oo heUor altb lam
umey Bearm homo. .
tawA. rich, dry aad guatly relUBC.
peiteUy Wn. my ekia i» clear Timbered mainly with Hogor Maple.
Sd hcattby .ad I woaVI bM be ID
Sim. Bamvood, Ata. Beach,
•Sn lMd.}. my
„y Jotmer
,ottD« cooditioo
_________ ______ __
far t
etc., and are wall watorta bj
wbea t'ol. UnleSeM "n* etarlfl.
rlfl. that doUan. tnitcaJcrfdcylac
Joda* Waltoo
X the dtaam out
Strooc MlU. Sae crafa. bmitby eUj>d 1 «ai perm.lau. mbools and ebwefam. latellirul I
poy^^^ omlaly from fa.terB Btatm ^
ttat. T<.bUole«anflfar-wait«mioa. A P»a1 TOf
*%ior Hooka, Map.. CM., addram
: J
the meal nmoaibX lo «n»oy ».)* ***
t to run Serofnl..
S.S.S. Brter
Itate’er held juriWlKlion in New line- Ecetma. Rbeamtli««CooUjioni
land, then ’•■* ii» eicux- fur un) ^1^ PoiwMi.«, any dim^
„._irdcr ol tbe
the blood.
ly 0^0 a eiBple toaic lurtua

la Ita blioraey »• room iu Ibt.«
eoBri io Aobitft^ afirr i-ourt o.

me,* *ald

4U*it, rwuur CbicafO dortaf
werU-. fair, uraa adiod V> take a »
la, MraU dowa o»* tt Ckica*a i laab>
4—-hu •roBuia.
Ateeriou.. tar. taHi Uthy ta|^



I ^

I Corner Front and Cass Sts.. Iraverso City.

ntbt Bod backODod to Col. UUIetaU.
and tta d>CTiSwalkta up iolbai quiet I
way of Ilia.-

. Swift ^
Co.. ^

BuBtutUD Ol Tetcte. i

aoorio. 1 W.UUIU
—« •• —
spoDdrot won't plead euHty pro
Lii fine U put al SM.' <Cnl. LitUHIeld |
nOed and went o>cr and talked withj
tbe ixiMOer. It look but a fro mlo- wbirb waa
OteA and la Ipaa time tbao It eould be Hie. and ”
told he tad teimcle.1 hi.|.lia. pleaded ^ hroURbl lo a at

liert.x et urand Tvarrnx eeea’r. ter _Ur
emelaeyear. vlU m aeld le tar Oraa(r ball
m^tavata* tfayi te eammawa ai 0 e-rtert j
^ Oeteaer 1* aad It.................... ime


It jury. IJrblle- aWiary
-Do’roa hoow When ‘ fo,,u>oi^ talall R.’* hioi • wkl* tarth. j dice, and -genie»l-thlrrei.
of tel for >hrila«-hiflioi
r tor “tVhair
Ixoo prelly wotl
r taiVtaa tlx
tlx .fxn
.pan b«d
Atebra^ fw third grtar mniflraMa
o your niinda fcuynerly flowing t
afonwaidcame opOB tta
elaliBta Ita cMrrly «r
.. gu.Uv.'
The Jury
',o,„ boatinic fc
ataymi know wta.t.70ii.n»c Wtar laocae
her. •Ulholafart,
-Uxopool.* wa. Ita nply.
•• ■
- Vlenl’ hi
Ifaim. ta. ampe tx«*m «a. faxfaeaa
upOD I.
The InteOiarlea Uibapin wo. prob-' ‘VS^SSTr’iiJ.w.rtme.dd,
«. rtaaiir tafaiM
"What pip did Ihair
hotanr.w^ touTWta wbo emouM dillef
ably Ux ar»t man to rrod trI. |fTmphx a^aee et.'grma.
any ttal Hie priwi
taaaa. BBw | Lookinic up nBobaataad. tba rnkMIm eaaai* Ixlweeu a Califon la ■
OJ«e^-e> by aound. When b.- «aa In
blmaell U quite wrU aatkllrd that
dMeetm^lwoe^. ^
»lre«.a« j
Ufa la the ^NdmanreplM:
cbm Be of Cunieira line from .N' * Vork
drftu and an caatern reaehmao-----or be I
d upturn H mimt to aiop^. iTmarm.;_________________
with n rodeabnek la tbe w IW aad woolly
will ae '
wml. and ttay woo Iparn ibnl tta CallHOLT PIUIAR OF ST. PETS*.
dl>Ope. : H
torelan la Ahnllrbl of tbe lein
balul .
pndea biyber la the w.-inl m
I ueder bim b.d been in
in. t^olmbir •ooW ham ram-bc- it."
•oaUanad Dr. Vataoe. “aad atopped
Mx tainttta Denial of Ita ««al. any.
I Bcndiny I’rtinte memace oter Ihvkirr.
tta Infa M I aot UiertuBtd aad told
« .0,^1 etap.1 *iauda a .lma«ely’ Frnaclaeo roau
lew a Thrttty airaagar B<
, and' >t aae inipoaaibl
2S^uSmi^!'*oeiiSree'SuJ2w.™™*’* ,
Aa avwagr •uedlag .1 It mrewl. wlU be
tta Mderfy mao ta «na on Ihe train (to wiuurbt marble culunui locloeed la an
t Fmallvnii oixralclor tried 10 Reie\<-ux«l reaabad
Tber. la aa old driter at Monterey
lor laird erade emineexe. aad ■
Martuu Crawford fa Ita
,an of uncertain ape, a. ,oj. a dk.B.liiop- .............
Ue irlr)Cnpli><a to arr rent, ter weaod grade, net x laU taXa •
"What didyou
who U determloed that bk polrsaa
Mllra of unknown birfh
„|e^lor in Air.-Chap,
mmr toqalrad tta eJderly man. talb- |v„„ry. The
le Koman* now ull It the afakU make no Birtake coocc '
Weel’Iir^S^^mdAmdX ^aU OeX. i
t well dreaied aod
.JlM l»ffel M r. Cbii pin to
fa tamply.
ahaiply'. "I
-I Mfaply waomd
«»»««» to
»«> «h
■* Colcuma 8,nU
tanU (the holy pUlar) aod It enact autoa. and la a quirt
m wuie (olBir to ncBtun 1.
y uM to
fix oue ««airme aiik umbrella undlT
liAiny wil
ebecka all aiiempu to make a aerraat 1
la lx

. ab«u
o be enlere.1 Ihe lunch-,u,,ru«ient when the uirwop"
ITItoU'wta the reply.
-Oh. thfa'aall chriet leaned
ofUm. A taort tlmeapobr wandrii.•rn.ybl. He walked uplo
„.|,J,oot iuroi«(cnwu..d.
rtfUitl" atelalmed the alderty ptmlfa- u*pi, m Jeniaafam. A fartta modorti far a tany 0* tourl.u about w bea one
- •— t- -*• •
team apparuaUy frutly
belicte. It to ta nf Sowna qimrulooa old lady wbo bad anaoyed
•M 1 ttaoybl yc« wma Mia^i«ef a wmcknanablp aod of Ita tbtrd reotnry. him not a liltl. by her air of .ki»ntiOD. lie we*a mioofpoodopi’
Mrm^aerioumatfar.hpl iho.
thoee who
tom ll»ta
............... orlly.aake
' aad apparriillr of rallier pi’od
m-'d eduea-1
U orlcnUI la tha
.“My man. do you kae
HOW T>« O^SMf•"
Itmale that wild flowerrtion. Ilk woida were weU
wyU cboacn and ^
hr diaplated .-oueidetuble
able p.1
fan Utile. In aewal fart, wbatevw
otac'iratloa. After, lime he ai
-- ----------------a------------- iu origin, ihia k the colamn koowu
that be waebungrt and hadtio money,
Ita farrkhm tan faal BOthlag trf fa the middle age. a. t be Colon*.
la de«a I " she'taiiied for a moaiot for bIm
4- x,_._
. or „,„mn
of Iboac pom
| muv all !»■ . ia-.-.i im.lm Ihrve cir.K
ttatr vafar, aay. Ita Loadoa
Time.. SHrilaU.
•"Oh*** Rive tbe name, but be merely chuckled aaya the Chicaeo.INi*l.
-Can I put up tbk umlirell. f.x a! I..-.<U Hie Sni.- ril. I'rucrll .ikI Mac*.lomarr ' “ - wbmkt*.
• - ■
__ _
lw« by mil aplriu.
11a. and it wl* cualomnry
than ataad aadkmayml
uadtomayed la Ux ofM
ofm u,
«, bind to it
It so
sorb unlucky tnditidonin ,
*, yon know tta name of lotxhr- he aeked. “I will be down dhi. Tlx >kii~'hit l> Hx riii.J.r
1 «<il InncuiRe. nod Ihal ••» Hx
flowerr nha fepealed, In an 1»- aguin lo-iqorr... .r
tgbi with dogged
< ,,ii mrfer aunpieiou of -poaneanloo,
«hi«: ...... Tni. rU, ’he ...nuu
the tarn ol our voUcy Are.
Are. They
They loi^l
longhl fa
y,„y ,t
■.t.n-ll;., -il'a
-ifa agaii
fr’uic- ■>'
'Iklcql* W"!.!!'- 1
Inat! g’uir’
«a with rUe aad apaw and kalfr when pnirra and holy water. Aretlno baa
eylon and Ur;
' • .11.:..
rnl-4. hut I gueM *o.
taarged by tbe mealry. Sack wounded
* witty a«ne ab-nii ifaia in tta ]
called ata again deman/..a '' blamk.
S’! -iix.rig be tumrd
darekh. aa ta lay blmdfag to deaUi ou ! -Corllgtaaa.- wberr ”tx of tta r.tlmn I
• lirt^ied Ihtn to aer>e tbe rlletomer.l
tta grauad. wan a dangefou. and mnanta otaala a poor Iklierman aod
gooH yoo know tta aac
who Mill rrlainnl tbe
etarou. to. uaUl ta bad brtuthed Omn band, bim o»er to the aaerkun
pitrrd ll by bk .hie- The alruncer

- hnagtnaryj -yep: g-faag them. Pete!hklaM. they
made a good mrkl. tbaaknl tfa* waiter
. eanrekm.
*hy gm,-, yo„ tell meTthfafUm bar. dealtd ttal any troopA
be«icom.| -ob. you want to know. loo. do youT for tfac'ntleDdaDce and rox from bk
taiati'ir brum, would do-tbey .toed _____ ^_______ „
They bad txes Ulkiog alamt trusui
He quirtly epread tb* umbrelU
ta gnmp. «rtng famdUy Into o« nnka B«teaoougblntb»eda>kwtaDWlUh- Ti,,-*
aad tta unmnnx prufll rvuliced l>> cap­
aad calmly walked out.
fabUe ear fauiim guta poured their
ital. w>y> ’be UiMhlogios Star.
”n*rr." U’ll tbr proprietor, ruahlng
•uwaiai of bsllrt. eu them aod mowed wUb whleh rulera
“A man k uerrr aatkflvd, b.iwrver
for him. -I thought you were to pul
ttate dew* Uke gnaw
aauat at every turn.
um « Tbam KlU Paa* Safa
big the retnrna may be." remarked tta
up thet utnUrella for t-uur luneb?*
1 doabl whether any ether Btee fa tta
> SwdfcA niea U Twauir Mlaa
(xHeai eapn-aakij
“Well, ilk up. nlii'l it?" waiuthf
' tnrtd would ta*. atood. a.
Maad. for *mr>y two hour*, agtlul
"** BOacpledaaemblruuUcaJoflrTlfabimy
On. Tb.'pri’prietrvr wm’ilehrtl'hi. head, "Itb a mrem-baum cigar talder;^
. mmh Imrful odd. a. were oppomd '
^inad petty mallguity; but Via ihk
Bm. A. F. Moor*, a
bymmmpterou. Inwct mbacd a bit and then .it-rred that
tbe-ibought tb^
laged ttal* PreabyteriaD church for tour yean fa pUy. a
4cfal tmrt la \ta weric of trick wea worth the lunch. .
euer. Tin
That la bo*v The atrangwr fed
Bmnil, Corea, arrired at Saa Fnadaco
d taetlea. They bare
aboni making money rapidly .
X rerklea. ruab of OB tb* tfaamer Blo en n>ulc farhocae.
A number of u-aap. were mcb by Mr. wftbont baring tta price.
umd 10 dlalliurakh ancompaakd by bk family.
B. M. Barrlogtoa. aa Irkb natumlkt.
■auga o( gait
SsM rnostba agn Ux Japaatm. wbs busing about bUeewv Cfaaerlnapcerarfuc aad rely
“1 tare a fri
dfatalrd Ux qppoklnieglotlhe
which Ibrlr pruetl
tfaa rrvtaJri that they were all btay
liavdaad coUaeL wa^ tta Jara>Bcee poliee
taprtxad. Iltmi
auto* I................................................... '
A grvut engineering work of ta*- hundred pre cent, or ro."
-He mu*t be a plunger "

IhM tevar* taaal ofjOry tta 0 gitat
mantr imponance to llx City of Venice
triad to aetlle or n
“So: be'a a coarervatlvelnreMor.*
rirr oeuld far lamrd—tbfa*
ta* jiiat been ’remplrttd. uy* llx Loa“Wbal dom be hundirr*
■MB wm
waa M make taagnlACrtttiBfantry.
wspa than any dOD .^ilaadl•rd. Fiftyxigbi yean ago.
-Well you might call them gotrermaappmed to bar. property aaaerted
otbera. be
* tta moment o fa ortfar t.. prrtcDt tbe damage .auarO
• oblignlfana."
blmaelf aatll ta la maerfad aad baa a ”
eat once agafaat by the oreeaiousl qrerflowtug at tbe
hare a aew Uad of a good
*»I*»9*I tta akin. When a w*ap Stefan a Ey Kirer UremmUxAuatrUagu’erumeol.
illn off both wfagk on Ihe re.-un,iuruiklioo of tbr cole-.
o have. But he's
tXBIed euglure■r. i*aleocape. carried out
two. and oct^
remoaainmeaa and Inneaaed diaaotfa-,
• tbe
•lemou’ha, certalu work* b.i' wbicb
wbal be uiya bwauar the twoxa
tlx tfbiog
fartfao. Howe.*,. ‘‘‘•«*..^;^“^rMr^!krrfag«
___________________ ______ ofthtwupa that rivrr were carrird into
stamp be receally bought to pot at
Imprerrd new lliM aa edlcl k '
>1 ttxii
1 wtam kdeo with ocx Ey oateh another. gla Ugocin. autne diaiance <M>uib ol
irllcr famedidntreW.ielheuaualdl
forth allowlag tta Oemna r
. witboot fatting go tbe flrat, mod then original ootict. Since then the *1
1 AhdiilHartKh.a.aona»orr*rkuy.
dendef fl’c dollta*.'

• topkoola. Tta ou
** “ Ey away with both. There »aa a eoo- tarium brought down'by tbr ri’erhaa
■Bamumnr of tta Prophet.* -Patfar* of
many whoar hair
ainnt almm nf waana carrying awar tbrmtened to convert a Jionion of
■arorfagna,'' “Bring, of tta Wartd” and
vac In their tbioggla lagoOB late a feifr-breeding
tefacal other thing. In tta
way of tlUte.
A lady recently look iMo 1
ling agalb to ibeeown swamp, aad olwj to j^amx rerioua dama make the lot of >oup
a Chiaunaa aod began lo Cl
..ita ealeh more. In aboot M mlnutJ ag. to the w bale \ rnirc fagooo by allv
ladomfafaB. aaythlng
bim. Shortly afterward aomr ,*”rer
Tta genUrmaa at>a tl
rt!lJJr I “»■ tUrrtogton retlmaltd teat betwreo
I. Here on a few
wcremltalag Then *br laugbl
Chrktianltf. | *» and too Eire were caught on two
M BtM malrletfaDa: Tta brollh of
_ _
r apoatU.- creed aud it wa. d»tta ooHao or any member of bk family Br sirs (here b great dieqnirt fa Com. row. lying eloae to «'
eotrrvd ttal-a t.Iu.M* piere of pi*’*
and that tanda of dkaotkrtrd natlrca Perbapa thli namtire
MM BOl ba diaeumeri. llttacro|w<
are going
wfU lead
tear the fort man not ta hloled
and pillaging. Travcirra art nMoala
r. leafantly of tbe rka* of tee *r
' «Mfekh oonuNtoek another taboi
Tta klag, whom eonaort w»a mur>
tehMcL SoUIngmurttaelltfalmdI LONDON BARBER SHOPS.
tet avoo Ita wcottae. Ko Utrraiy or detH brer a year ago, k ttlll qt tta BmMItetlic artklcB arc ta fa. pubikhod Mu Irgatlon and Urgrly Dodrr Ita eetf
.tag H*»
with bwatea.
t phllanter.
tar watch Then the
. mimm they CM ta roapkled fa
M tie Bwweri* .. .............
... ladyV aon rebelled. “MoflXT." be
cMor of thlA
teM Imun. twonOM tta Bta of
eaeUlmed. “far bci«*o t take dooH
throM -to b. eootrnuta* cuiUM “•
bartwr ahope le tta reek ol plgeooboleu
cfMisr to ThoqMuUs.”
teorti Ital fdg-tailrd lealawag.
thmi“ aa^xixr tolbr iwodofo. Spoem
OHANGING SILVER INTO GOLD. fllled wUhahariBgmugveaefa bearing,
more or bv tbe Jlme yo«-re gd! him fa
at pMoU to imply the omlalen et a
uaually fa Qennaa laiL tee eaaie of tta
tbe <eort> eommaudmeet be wtU
WMe or Mfar of a word are ataolutely.
nwtxi. any* rearuoo'a Weekly- Tta
stolen tbe bouer and taken Ita eelfar
fa^lrtad. breuaa
obaring mug le evidealJy eataemed a
along with li:~
skilled meialluigtata fa tta •(
mug beara.............
A maaetaa Mareb.
-taiww itel fa the ndnetloo of Mire; !
me emblem of hk
A rretartabk march of t.roo
m aobdlridcd
lertaker puU #B bk
underO.JM Kitxria. occopriiig almoot a year.
differ an materklly tram ttal metal
mug Ita pirture of a riehly-anKdated
mipkied by I wo Ruealao
ibry c«s no looger be regarded

j Special
EoUre lot Fur Coats sad BoOos offsrod st s rodaotloaof


Lot sit Wool Lap Bobas stHslf Prios. '
» of thew Kprt-ial Bargsuu. Tbe bw( erer j
offered in the city.




When Columbus discovered America it was a great i
t the greatest achievement now days is to discover tbe place where
you can buy Clothing and Furnishing Goods the cheapest and at tbe
same time get good goods. Jt has been discovered by many, and tor
the benefit of those who have not, we want to eay to you that tbe pew



is at T. J. HOST'S, tbe popular Clothier of the Grand Traverse B^otjl^
Below we give you an index to our many bargali^-

Gent's Furnishing Goods.


Men’s Neat')- Jersey Overshiri-,.




Men's h^avy Mackinaw jackets


Men’s heatyall wool Mitts, leather OOx*
faced, at........................................ »»i/

Men's heavy Stvealcrs, all colurs
Men's extra heav) Sweaters, wool 00Q


Msi^^heaty grey Merino Under- 03C


Men’s heavy Farmers’ Suspenders


Men's silk faced Dress Suspenders

mwfh HU Nervtoe U ■ Bes-


Men's heavy all wool Mitts

Men’s heavy all wool .Socks



Clothing Department.

Our success in ihis particular line is the result of giving the public good bonest goods for s
little money and doing as we advertise.
Suit, wx ______ ' Men's wool Suit, raw wonMed. doub-A
lebrcasted,goodforsayocca»on^*^ •
for you Can buy It at.............
Btrueicd by Itamrehea.' Tbrir Ireata
len’s wool Suit.oxfordgray.doub'^ 97
were S mee dead.M left hel
Men’s wool Suit, something to goA 1 S
plUk and 90 borrea. Tbe
. to church in................................."XeAU
rtecd to good rooditlon Md exrenrwi

antalaoce. but
upiwreatly tbe txrealM bote gold and
■IKer.orUxnwmalerieioutotwtaeh. with abouldefu of mnt’
end Uakrd aatMagaa. The deottet dkpfaya tta UadltfaBBl double rotPBf aaeulca.'either gold or eUrer k
Boyfagir parfoet teeth. Tta Eremaa’a
atnxted. tVertlagootek.taoty.aa,,
......................................... ‘pfatareofa
the 1‘opukr
IT SefaBce
BcfaBcc Nrwa. hr flBde teal.

thUne* metaUkaabaienre casta ag­
■ adore teHr
tandaom. gregated Into mofaeoka ol greater,^
It, ebaa Mirer, aad precisely ~rbeaeath their at
aadfag with gold fa color, ta
weight, eo aa to aaaaer to cn


Mbet wv- >Vlte fart
farther caperlmcBU
SB a large ecale be e .
____________ . ffaaiittamHkaBaUeaal
Ftoeeaa M maautaeturiv guM Irem

Match mh. ML aaklhre*’

« oulxldlaed uadqr




ifal«ire My Oka
«UI Sad arerythfag fa my Uae at
a wa. ctakdwlham» a. fawprfareaa good goudataBta acrid
face I to
Eepalriv a epeekitf ata date

co^ps:;t*Llk^'' •
' ^

reofgofaframafaofailver. Tbk
d aaem fa fadkata ttal ih«Hta*ta
IXT at edrerasta aa welt ta oai
ktiy et metak weald tatd te k
ed. a Prof. Bmmcte k bM mk-


Pritarita*53^"'linS ^th“^

L-H. B

AU boy’s and youth's Overcoats Hslf Price |

YewTs to save you

veMsl-.......... .........TowOwb Prfes




M iaM MUUw

av“'us u«u«uy
makOMPpWlU *h^

b«a n^tbM efaa anei]
t^yato^ baa baaa .aa
tha «ow o< htCBd. whieh
i< tbe eenir of tbe
JaebBaatoacaa. Boalhaa. .
of the dtaeaee.. >
lad kept tiiaehTlweliBir u|«atbe
baa loot htoairht froB -weakaM doe
wUhtbelrBoe.. Tbednimalac
la iM of bleed aad aa; dla. Ba baa
e IhMBiaa Matter will h
loM TO poaada la oaa aeaek.
nitatCB. 1^. a aiafekbT aeddeBt
>e director f aeral d thr-*«»<bJ! wwlftop maid
Hobda; afterboab wbaa a
aaUl raaaau;..»hab bla bn>thar.Ollear ......wrad
b<na aad ridardroivad laic tb eartb earrioe to eted;' ■e plaradat lloBbayt the elarine end the di
(torwaa. who reaMaa at Laa.Tbaal*bd
a dtotaaaa-el to laat iato aa old Biae
wn of the ScyptM dralred effect
merfroB Ub. auilar that be
re ffoae there to 'ar<
A kala bani; tarfe «Boarb
fasU; raatdc at Oo'arto. Ctat
ta adBlt tha.aalBal aaa rider waa
____ rea to adalBler At
hope of eeer aaelaf hiB orShaarlBr
i«B bla had beaa irlTec op. It betas torm^. aad both Pl«r«>nppjaod that be had baea killed U
_____ ________ withbot In
a Ihe.iaraeioa of Esypi. 1 Ba<-l.ii4rh«»
Uia Otaybaae Udiaa oetbeeak
••i.lrird. but 1<
The aatoaat rtaa aataeequeetJ;
r tliTVe LioJe of llab'
the aurlace b; B>
sumtitutU fob BULLem
WbQa tba efeolaa Portlaad
ad bCSklat. appateati; aoae tar varaa

‘“*b2*bSd"* 5Sr^


■ 'Zs


•r ita terrible plaase.'

« . iBOt.i tBraneeet one «>i tunu.
[of beef to rouS-rd enerj da.ri
‘ ' '
eidrIiiBrd <«Id
■» vior. ah •'1. n v,'l

(ieorfe Moerr. ar><«ra beU bo; at
' etabl; .raaeonad ia the trt
the Lladell betel. Kl Loeto. Ho . HoaA rrairtb of dee or aU iaebaa
dar ercalBf foead la oae of the aeeuad
ladad It eaallaldaa.
Hoo the

Am OriW. • Htu«

a huEtCr Id the olj .tore
lulleie or bade*! au> to et
jeuallj iJct .Mtloabellluie* t
■ '-■.■I'orTi- ' dtol at
r Ivdiao.. a. the raec bImI-i be.
"■- : allk ba* wae
had hat
................ ,
, Cl otu-uou le Old nuah Ullwo. lirioi.- up to. Jrflrraoo
boe fitr berwif.
. bTBdeaad Blalnr elocke.
Mrt A. T HamiDOBd. et Cbaoo
I,tile b-.d. luteyf
CTty, (Vil. wbo. witb her faaehaaci.
._llh; ------- -...........
poW oucpru a n.,e nHe
tboiWor^a ebon Ume^^be
nolrt, lin««i. il,r M>ot ^ ^


_.aatee later aaaadtad lad; Toahed
i.» ITiKS.'T.SJ.-srSr.ISS.-l
•rhea It cut into aa tree aplka ia_t^
cot of the .dialer roaB aad deelarad



At B»J CIt/, «i» llto* daorkx^ Ot
ThaM K»fT, • Nawbar^
•kmlW 4ow» bl» »ppl» lf«



baa drieaa vbca Ute
[A Nortbara Ualirtetd.

lUflr brldgaa.
Nicholaa Wapooer. lleiap oa the UhB lewB liar. reoaoUf l»t a r»»>.
one. aad a peat BMirteat eaamlaauwt


__ .'Ssi’ "

work la llrrri.-n aad \ aa llaret. ooaallaa. Their agirraealre proaeljpliaff <e
IS aUrai lu aonie loraliiira where

tiwtmm. .bd h. ll.~».«l<«o.
\j bMDM hr Ukn tb« »UU-

e. ^eo lllatarilewed a ffiek;
hrwar. Ad«afeBl»frrp..n.tartledlh.-, „
iabaUtaate of thclinadee ell «eld aad'
• bixAUe baeiaaaa hoaaie U Uartfurtl
an. aereral mileaaaa;.
Tbe people
were rrlireed to Aad’ that aolbinc bei
pip bad opleded. aad ae fur thr
..rmerwho owned Uaaal«al. hr ra
marked that the.iBcidrni eiapiv !-.»<
firBMl hto cablcBpl Barkct rr

w hto Bind to

kr.l clparetlfw. >
.if Ike tnrbiae '
. -toi.'c. Ueeaouotr lid KnpIlUi. hut tbe prublem u
.1111 r.'lalaaktoknua.| dpeof lieriuae
.apuapea. aad. whlli' he eaa
.Bd Ue lap,
la .re tbao twu In h» B

At IMaUaad. iba^appl-------- -


hinler bw o-d . ..rl.l.le
.fp,'l.wto.«d„ *3"-t



r;" isa'frr

'. lio-ni
irther i
ert anti] ^e
■i.niJ br paid.

yenj- nr ". «»- la'H.v ojwnr.nuoid.-i to-


At IMbb Bapida. rraak IIadI9

At Kew Vork. by tbr help of X n
under tbr trealBeai of l>r. Harid <
Bdaea. Jnha f Uatoia. blind f.v a
rmi%, t«B B>m dtotiapntob a color.

aI^5^dS2Jr|»a. -a

SSiw;rWaabtdakaUbaaraat bi >

MM ta«HyrHJ5'-^
kb»b ably aboat tiei) iHt.




' tewto Sei,eack..of Ua.T-a LBBdlog. K.
;.. wbo leal bto Bilod by getting wor«waod ie hto a.ran. to ta n eery aeriou
e doetwa
fire eery
leoDdlUoa. aad tbe
In hope of hto reaoaery.
At New Urleaan bar
bnrglara. Hoaday
n>gl,t#>rake lalu the calhedial Md
with dlamood..


e nl tbe V.rpla Mb
Ibe plftofawiMklto

Chicago boaHof ^llb baa baea
apob *" iDvaall^U a pecnlinr
A Ma^^l
city cumpUie^B^Uieane. A
loaf ot Wad
et that b(
a waak.. whaa
will ba Bade p
wialor. Tba n
•aBW«ptai.«~At IfMaotl. tleo^e aad Charley Sal

is.Tsu-isu"u-is sr

Whan the tree fell down, ont caPMi i
waighad tM ponada.
MMalAIra Hayana. who ha. been
.—. at Abb Arbor two yean, rt

gBt- The yonv Baa will retara to
tM OPaatiT aad pracUea Uw.oilher In

DaaralterChlMgu. ' •
At AIbb, tba ngbt !•* of Attoc Oooh



•Aa mmAi berfaettoi tbe Irop '
awll^ Before At eoeld amrl
baeoU thr Wain haekad apua her.

tCaZla oaTbal^^ parU won
grow. BtoBaaofferadthadkU- —
Sjfta aoeer tbe hare niaan. aad Ob
aargaaM ceBoeed M« pieeea fruB their

Jaaapb Howe pad hto brother Ato
"a}me. were aaparalad ••
_______Hatea Roagt Both w
lab a haaplial
at K«w torlaaan. Jearph


Parur aad WiU BaMtodtooo-.
atg^h ffyaw at «ew orioaM a
hSaa aMaBcaaaad ffawm
EtoloM’* baatllag

•uil; n

,bMt a p
reek ofte



> M.d Iherffrr, o'




,rts.rbsc^ ■ SaS-U^fiS-.-to'

ried on hi men wh.i would l-.i.t ifiWnc'.
worth of qutrk.ilver. and. afie;
tbe icuiil of tbe rieor otrr It
wtMild wll
a bind ol work
otne repenTi iMu. rllUonttaued. .Aim, I .11 the rii-n, nl Rurope j
Miry etn«ll ,|
- Ihr niiipr rtir Twine.'
•aada .»'-h
thr Aar. Ue I „r-. iberHiiubeanil oU-


flowa throogb whai waa formerly
portion of Freneb territory contain, a
ko. Uaa'Sc.nn inn. of pure gold.


aad the raa4» laadlagtrosUsHtrare
IgaAlag tros
Ue ra­ ______________ itagaUese The aiagm*
r Egg Harbor atj. S
la Ibri- eiiuge'
------------------ to aproadl^ throagh ladia. Twacaaia
a* la Mdlag ^b-' Taaoday .by QoMtablr tlenrin Bao^ le bar* uttarrad oa beard aa' ladle Ulp
al Leafaa aad JMae* aa« Oarauay
aUrmad al ^ pig^UA;

t» day ol!
ude.1 to riad a. !■
be lawful for aav

Wedding Sta’ry!

:|,’!rM‘r.„r-£rbtw^^iAnd any and every kind of Oommerci^ mad:
. other printing.

,',,j„rlc ie the ai'iraiBg ol Ue seal

'• .

hod Ubla* iw p..,! table* danag tbr
t -. r when uld r..oa* ..r plare. are by

'"•^11 tn".'


-uoaU.(,n>e«ml. r -t-naory.


ucr^na or row In roiupany or under
chari.-e of »-uur prrw.n of good ,n
<,har_cipr and a*',*- ih-agr^of *1.
la VS, pur
. emptoj,
nr flfth arc
il'.-nrd in
!■“ to't"'( l-oV,« (Vk.'i’il lMy‘*0t‘^*e’r>- |
daring Ur moo<l,> of nay, Jane :
Augu«V-Srptoui'wt iketoh-r and .,
rmber. m naee toe b iur ol oi-r ,
*h p m draigoaunl rarh day by
nag;ngof the Caw .ireet eog'Oe I
hoau bell or ht .och other tell or .ig,1 a. be may regard .uilable
And I
irtag the monUi of Itoccmber. Jana- '
ary. Fnbraary. Mareh and April,
uail be b'.euiy tode., the b
■ gbt o'clock pm
y,. a
Tnto ordi au'-e .li*<l tab.
effect ia IwenlT dar
Wr do hereby cortify that the lOf*coiar ominauce wa> pawed by Ur
Cooncllnf tbemyof 1 r.v--** aiy on
Ue ttatda; of Oeorimher i*,".

at. U.M-, Hayor
A. W. UKaaai,.
R OllltUj
lace rrlaiiee to nuiianl Uble
aad Wing___ _
Hr it oraaiard ffy U>« Ooaoed
[ Cneerae aiy
mat all fogm* aod olacew
whore billiard labie. or pool UbW..rWtob whereat p- r»oo* a r (wrtoittrd.
*; taadwaer or keeper Ibrrrof W
piar. and tor able, rooe-t orturqa-v
aienliwaay ebeok or cnaster io lien -f

• “*

^ tMd-r.u(|b»|Wl«r«UJar atoMd ••
ntb*, la-r- ue, kw> we <,ri>t.l liwaa*




Mqiirullv Ic.ud
Iw glldr.
Ue boluiui. In fumwr limre
aayi the New York Sun. a eon n



Book Work,


yield, only k‘, gra'i,. of gold, or ont
trU of an oun.v, .,. t the toUl cUiou.i
of the 1,'llow metal la that m-r Hw
ta believed to br Iminenu' jit h>. her
found. Indeed, lu eatrful acwrnflr ei
amlnaiio,. apd rakulatinn. that U.

• Uaat^*^ to offer Ua gu7v
the trfSw.
fi|Bln < earn .of moary not Mk^offjho.^
____________ « ooo.aoo lor Ue parebsar
ofUeUlaad ufCaba.aad U* earn of
HI who 1
ti,>.U» ar a Borh tiMraat a* may be uT*dly baTe^e,

Tiir Br.1 K<


. uJ^\

Joel of

a uuall quantity



* THE fllVERS-

la tbe Illier I
of goU ex.iu I.
and It to und ihi


irr brpi. whrredl p. tnon* are
rd, br tlH'^onarr ._.r^ keepyr.

p ordmancr aiiired'ag *H-rtl„n

quite uniiV.'^iT . •rihrr thi. had anyUlag to do witl hto nMaerratlon to


L 'I



, I'lo. 1 Tbr Er.1 lo-ctioe of aaww
_nor hrn i->f..n- pas-nl br tbr tVma,1 of the
of TraerfM< -ty. Ulchi. CUT
>.a On.-rmto-f.............
Un.-rmto'r i'tol. .tot-'
. 'eatitlod
.ltaao.-rrrlalite to
t-> b.l'erd
b.l' rrd Ubla.
amended ,
aliug bontr.
ola> f'lllnw.. Thai

nieoul.t !*« nf

mired by Uo
laiiu'. rciui.
Kai IVivrm lud«0< aad ihr.r eiaitora
Plagir aadtauiaea(w*Ulklag arm
..arBihrongh deaialy popnUteO por- daring Ue .elebnlloa on thr laat
Uoaa of Ue Hiiltoh empire la India, T'euitb of .lu].,. Miya tbr HoraiogOtatboaaaada are dead or dying, aad Ur gou'iau. The uatiias of tbr ioral trUa
fthaionanaUi loela
oaUoek becoOMB more terrible reery BIT vary wrallby people, and there ai«
Aralgaipg moibrn aiuong Ue abong___ had a hmdrd gaa Sard laaide hto
^*&'illiDa* ol holpleaa Boa. womea and
nella. ,<
•Uble .loor for week* oa areoaat nf chlldran are aiarriag. and Ur famine
... lu'.'g baeka
aumemnu Uiefu of bonaa. II
atrk'kea dtolriou. baeiag a pepulatioli af the .Nrz tVrrea tribe rre reganM,
waata go,U> l br .Ubla each
of nearly ' .i>« people, will have
hat llbt Ur »rli.n* oiror.tty la
oa tbe band ol ebarity f.>r
and ram,ire Ur guo
He loq
iinniit rirrlea. Tbr maiden. Mb
BKwuieg aad hto clerk. Banu
eaangh io keep body aad w>al
jiing tnbca were btoaght to Up■■oonuieg thr dik.r waaahi
Ugethar eoUl April
.pril ar
.. -.
alemarh. dying la Ur arralap
IKber diatrieU wlU a pcpalalioe aai to find haabaad*. Tbe ca.ioat* of
iberlag aboat »u.i*iu.utx>. are aleea- the trihea. which wrte treieed for tb*
At Onlaradn Spring.. ,
Ue pan of bill
idtlerp .
hernI dtonnerred
dtojioirred dvring
dpriag ihr
U pa.t
at be eadared
a loeil. aad tt
four pupil* ol Ur acbooto a
Mwtef malady whieb i..
i m
_ write backwaid aad apalde
Fo^/tor Ur relief of Us snSMor*
-. .. The whool olB.-lato atr bafBM.
spot It, tbe rtiley of tbr Upwal
aad Uey u; lagy caaetA r.plala thto ar* beidg ratoed a* all .idra; bri a anpoiBted boor the ^eang la
*r*atrd wieiw to .hare their ai
to aod the sffrwciooad
aaturteaat* people wbo Ure oa al,____
BcoAiag (iBoompartoea wiU Baroprana
rocowloh ax
mod other., (rumaaeeadat U* yw



. I brr our ,11 and nunibrr tbree |tl of aa
, i'.,rOin>>er(lbv tbr <.\,un,'ll uf Ue
1,'11701 Turen* City, tk-rrmber ctot..
3 loi; aod cBtItled aa otrilvancr relatlee
U, billiard Uble*and .aiing boeww.
. U,- It or.laioed by the < ouacll af

I imw o': .A, I*.to

Ue lalarr eauied Ue rear to »ulTer
Mb renlgo. T*e fact that sach aew.
wa* iBeed Inim St Petmburg and
waa allowed to ba traouiltled abroad,
•bow* the grarlty of tba kliaalioa. Tbe
esariaa'* haalU i. al*o eerr poor and
she ha* bewn erdocad to th* *oulhe:m
part ol Haaaia by her pbyniidaa*.



1 eznwdiug Sllcep


ij It wa- r

a premiMW of tbe Kmtlaa Oil Cornpaayat |•nrBeet, Copland, hare been
Iwraed. doing ItniaenM damige. l ata
rarle ot horaiag oil were poured lob
the ThBBefc fllaBloailiig the tire.
MM Oreeawleh to ttoaTeMid
I'nrHert powder aiagarloe and the
AaglO'Ao>rric«n Oil CoBpany uljaceai
were mred by the eSorta of the £n
llr. liargBana. the eBlnent ISermac
eprclaltol. ha. hern anmBoned to per
foTB no operation <m tbr .-car Uipreernl the pou.Ibl^atrn.lna of a .light
oaieoa. axrrettna whirb appeared ..u
bto cmnius at the place where the




ill. bonerer, br iti-l.yed
tb aolil the arrital of
from llaglaad. Thee.
I coiaprtoe aaarlj,

Bill Heads,

that the nffradrr.
kurh flnr and coau,

.r do Iwrehy certil
nlfy tl ,t the f.irewa. p
, „,.„u „f hi.;..,«'-’>oaB
(Wi- •„ may . ’ouncl of thr urof Tra
IkeocBbrr .
H.-C. lUvto. Hayor.
Iiu-ardii,. :
Olit Oeefc.

K,ug> f'
Tito fare

ippar- raarawllch. wa. nuking a Umr <■
apoTl- World with 1‘riave Ororge
who. by
anted bto

Tesoa. to to br amply protoried br
wmlera fvU. Aolberily ba* beea ra
orieod froei TTaablagtoo aalborialag
H.Jor Hillrr to parubai* the aile m-1a,.trd (or the (nri oa Ur tolaad went of
Ueeity. Tbe>luceir>.ial0 bloeka aad
will eoat C]^.,u,
Al ilallBi. Trxa.. at a lalehaAT ...
dar nlgbl ihr bon' wing of Hurkaar'a
Orpbaa.' Ilointi. flee Bile. froB the
city, wa* dr.lrr.yed br Are aad flruea
hoy* and girl* pvtobrd.
Hie BaUon’. three *oa>.

Note Heads,

U,.liBaner .V.imW &. a.
(formerly la fort* in the Villaerof
I'l' -ir I j'r,,..,*, is,y. Hichipan, to , bereb.t

f“" 1*

M&d »ruul.lallo--aMth birth


. ,.f «M- funiily i'ir
„ .... eabuoird I


2!^ irs*Vi*^-





it reeinotniitnrratoBi

The iii.iiei ai,,,' MW hrrn-of ,1 hip S'trJ.t

I e-i ~.b» to aoiu” ot a fnl' »,r*t
nfl. noil ibel..... . eb.Tp.'d thr

Bmm Brt.UBri.Ba KenHe.
| '"tern.r ihe-eof from oni.tde the 1
took to a trt- lop. He*|wi.i tmlf nn i
A Oonn«fr.. ui lirert eUble bouaunf ' •' f

hour o hP, Hoc off' .w^lnV., .-,e„p,,-. of : . borer. One d.y, • one of .he
bnniol.e. »U'I 'Iii'itfpc tlwiti infh h'. : sea win uninp n hw
hmw M.wanh a cn
ear..-cUM-k ,n the nflrmuo
nir oni.nnd ILr nnn !,
riafiT. tb.
mouib. ;'
held tbe PWito
leompily I.
and bNil.;«'reltewliiiip
-.1 1
of or tnllnre
.11 of UiIlH^»np!yw,th Hie proeto.unn .rf thto'
•linn.'cw.ntaall be pn-.tohed wi’h a fine
,^y kilM I (wn*
ntly ,U,.egl o.ll. ito >
Ibr wutirr. I'roiu. il..'<t I

S-SJ”*‘.5 ..

Letter Heads,

w« .U«n"yPba
,h,und the,lop. the :

::r t::.,- j,. , js"u™lr.rr:.‘£rir£:


’**''iV'n.ueBud^eallb;, but ■ Ma
■ I aa
-iy onrlrr the oare an.l lory in B.--kford. Ill:, theta
M iMUm ka lti» bartria
lie per.iute
pernuu ae a rhild turn of vulT.rdam eh.p padrtln.
a «d. HalrpfCo».V>ok, KaUou»a ruldancc of bi>
I hto brotfaer far doee not .,n»lal>i»
I'h- riMi-eprtoe ki.»
t'lion baakrto ---------„f an iuei-Bli..K, l,y n ynui.p
phinu (lined Hark Mnr..).'
an Imrwledpa of the pla.».
-tteered in the cnurM-••(
Dd lupide. Mn. Her; ffhalta.
Ik ouuld
. to la danger of hwlnp b.-r
U-rtol f.e ro•e<^la■^.
oa aeooaatof city ImproreBenW. ad into the Wl mab-rl
p«|^ia!t«^ol r»flaad B.pp« al.lpwhich ah,' morlred ne braedt •• -ly Uiiyrar be a-d
Kdana» U.e aaa»a ol a.Ti«aiu«
Crampa ^ :Mti.e Ibej, nwhlBery In.
be is>au.-ll n>toe.l the etiwrt ten
Em HoBAhton ooanty ■Inaa.
manufariure and.ll
'•re her bouee and aaerned her
Cratupe U, go Into
• hr had to loortgapa her hoBa.
e hu.,1.,-.
1 trrlap work afae began to are
I'lcwr when there caBe an ae
_______ . -I,, ol Vtwt Klitabelk, X. J.
,t for a aewrr. laid ae hipb ae v> rbile rvjBlrinr the old ilkyr. hi.iar'
pr«albla beocfll to bar. Brr .lea,l. ha. found n box uf golo aa-l pa
praperty to asw adrarllwal tor tala for ler Boii'T In tbe rare* of the bouiw
Uua. but Uc council will h- aahad U. .m.>UBlinp to
The B,.nry wa»
____________ »tI
rcBlt* tbr Unea aad aare her lllUe old EagliKb ruin an,I bank nuU-a. an,l.
ewiag (o lu agr, to worth cuanlderable
IAm. bad e''atfaetahan a<rradr b<
Burelbaa lufaceTalue.
The Hrnye.
bmneatrad waa bail! belorc tbe rerolu
reek to thr towa at SuatbUarrB ai
g<*all.E.k-«.ak.dofl5.h..a.. .e.w ho,iie annlloB Wlal. Tbe an
of Jienrf.'
day h,' tell a little poorer for mb
Thefanily wa. alwaye knonn to br
raaaoa pad ralamrd the clolbea.
lew daga later be fella good deal ptair' eery mlM-rly. end althoapb the b-.nie
ar. for br mtoted hto roll'oomprltlnp ktead ba. tpr,-a Marehinl lour nod apnip
o Bume; n.. errr ii.uad
He wret bark to Iowa and oa
.UBM of waatlag to try ngala look FOREIUS.
over tbn nh-k n aecond time and
■ to'j -Iced to Sn.l tba atoalnp roll In
Aooordinptotbc llruwwto oorrmp'Bd
oar el Ihepoi krtoof lha Irouwn be eat of the l,oBdna Cfcroni.'le. l-rla.* Al
bad ntoraed.
SpyS bC tkaawra tipob the bo; :
Haglatw parllea wbo are lauraeted
aowTI yw.ra-ol.l, propote. to mukr .
la lha Banufarlnre of aalt barrato
ttoll to Aotcrlca urxl year
bean at Uaaoialaocaad vlw
with tbeUaBlItoQA Hem
__e l-oadoa rime, bar a dtopatrh
paoy lorpotllaglr. new. aadlht
he aee— from llo-ig K.iug nhlrh eija Uiat ai
eoMiy Biachlnrry f.w eotilnp
_• barrel Aiueri.-aa Helh-eiitt Btoaioa. .‘-qmlln
aUTee from plar nlato. whirb are aanal- from bWCbow. he. beea atlaebrd an,
ly cat Into four-fool Iragtha aad'iaM abeu dred, though no lajnry wa> dop.
tor foel Koa loBber k
to aaybod;. the ofBciato drtradiaK tk.
la tk,
nln^TSMtfbtar boaaa. aad *a« aa ■ilia and It I. ballavcd
llevrd that tbe a.
ledoatrr of aaklag kUera froB I
boMied by Africa,, aaUreaaad
MBe natrrtol will baeoBe an ^
Now an espedlll'ui nrill he .ent agala.l
-gbt-naa. Tbr BftchlABJjeiU-Hr i
Uekiag • ••
la atnUaaUUb'tEaal^agnp of i

take Hr, Otwer'i Xrr-m.cJr.e«l ai tie nrf

B—Away. , UkvoBain ntood*

‘“'labrook. rrorenil} Uit towr pai a law ; ,!u-,A he.
1 down tbnn«h a bole in tbe 4wU of
iblrwW»,>r u.,. .ondrffui to
the lop on dhloh It Uy .nd dipped l! ■ L
' .
;^‘ :into the
Tl. O..U, pn.bered
jJ ; around it ai^inil.l'ledat thefoot. Tbeh nibRi . fare V-rt.........................
tbe clan* »hu, up qui. U.v. ard t'-o ('1.1 »».a»’.»*


A^lrt yoanp maa who tor the paal | their line
X T>ara hu b<wa telepraph <n»ratnr

a. pr.«iole ioia
hrj^ju-w eeUl
•eeu are brint .
lac the^rnlled SUM Koclaad. iTaocr
laleal that IlCt; nr
Wllltom MsBMntouh. • »» t-akea.
Vlato hare been aaal'nwl; at work andlloraaD;. foroeer eerea Billloee
Aotalkaaper. to
jr»r* »’d. I<r arloal TiroaffboBl aoetUrra Miehlraa aorl >1 dollpn.
Bto aanr to llrant linna-t. Tbe Allea eyndiratc of Eaplaad
aorthera ladlaaa. aad a aumber of
Ilea hare alerted orarlaad fur e.epht the rt*hl for tbe Called Sutee
aet Wadaaeda; for «.|.w.ui«,
He al


-ta w

ub.-u ekviK- >.ie d.


ladiM pic ale a Ini of ailr^clr I built, aed be

leaath ef aa ortUuarT^aako wae foottd
llMrif .W7 loch of JU >‘lO. body «m» • Itb a pan of tu bod; la the luapa
aad Ito bead dtepi; Uabedded la the
fcorrihlj bdnied.
■one* c«tl*. •! KaUiwy. >«ri- IS'\aJl!rot?S>^<iJ*.«Sbraot ahape
tkaa that ol a anake. more like a lerx-h
toucher. Tbe tblos Itoa beei
a la alcohol.



C'wawai^Mej.t^r. ■wr*^. |

ilral of
,1a. daring .
M* or pla *W ar* by Ul*
lUKwd t • be DIMd.
lac : Tn* wladug. and door*
tooM When B*id b'lHard wh,«*
3l laolM ai« aapv Uali a. krpt ol*
lytUag that UsU rMd-* Uo
UMMf lar albl. from ise CBV
- ■— wboBMU

byword,llaaaoareqBieadtohaci aad.

Big stock to select from and good;

. l.erehr 1
_________ be allowed
I'W* wh»re .aid bil. ul'lr.are kept a<r
or eating houi* raiina wlU .u,-h Uble*. '

,<ar when ,utid ro..m
iuMdioancv rrqnln
t. Tai.ordiaaao
’'tV^r^hervi-r '•ertlly that Ue for»'onr oedinaine wa. pawed br the
..UBCI of the City of Traretae «ty oa
he I'U day of J*f,n»rTA. n- Kn aMM,. City CT«k’’ “Vtw

work done.



"w^atM. BeWwM.R-T-

Inventory Sale.
One of the main objects of taking inventory is to saoertain if the ^
business has been a profitable investment The result with«us fbr:
the year '06 is very grati^ing. but our profits consists of not ready
ready cash but of odds and ends in all of our dSpartments. We havs
concluded to convert this merchandise Into ready cash even if it
brings us a less amount than the cost of production.
We anticipate to invest in our building more than^iriiattheirateof
ready cash at pur disposal, heuce we will not hesitate to cot otir pro!*
its for the past year by making sacrihpesin our diflerentaepar^ents,
especially in odds and ends of OTercOktr and winter sniU in under*

wear, woolen sui'ings. in fact evenrthing pertaining to Winter i^par*
els. We will Uk j particular pains to wait on you during these speoial sales whether yon buy or not We retain onr large foroe of help
who will take pleasure to show you onr special baigitins.
Our cloak sale is still going on. We ar^ offering winter Jaekats
and capes at mid-summer prices. It would pay you to make mtk investment for next year. Call in and be oonvin'eed younell


HaraMcnr^r.:wtm —«t ™ »fW»

-n. .n r 1Mafa



Tb* pobUt areaardMlIy Mrltad.
7.. "


BownlHlUMU fU aart MBM>«bM
»• aai *^iia«BtaofI
''Tan win tad tUa Ua NoMaf anr|Oa.M
irtil-Hinm ar.. aMy tb* briybaat,' faU'uTtUy'h^Whaa

Prices Siiffer



8. C S. Ua fattawMc ar
alarlaf MrUaMStUiw •
Ptaa.—J. D- Baku,
•orw talk kfalMbtod ota^^ahaaaa
vie* tW-Bto BMif,
«■ MMary raentUr ounad "to UMr
■*a^>4krrt* (TNaJr
(balraOat.'- oM lilw OU«arTwlat,te




bar* aprwtataad fmw
. jirut
E oSSLl Iwfe*toJ5S5*^

Baal Batata TraaMwn
>•* to*.»|e*l
toattr no Lea*.ni>iwrwow
>— Ua--------V H to Halt tb* iib*
B. Mdaa Bly to Mtohnal Gb*
Two UUla fallooa aot------ ----------.oato oM wara ooflit Mtallaff a rtf* pmto aaa. 1-dt T ta-N n. r 10
WUIarfalBtaldballtaa Bead by lald «
ad G. B. 8
aa Ua a»U boaad
A 1. Ma at
. _» H L * Ort to TtatM ay out*
raaco. ‘nur»«—> Baak atrip toad M ft an want aldt lot a.
f*IU.B*r W
«> tall Ualr aaa«
a.Br* W A I
ttoaffbt to hararma away Iras Oraad
Baplda. :

^ stsn. OB ail

aU riykv


.. WrMt. B I
MliTiiro'i'Bo^rCV M.^



rsjss ;'.s

toaaaaatfr aappaaaUatoM of^kM
««MbaaMa(k. ^



S^ iXadies’Plush Capes f

n LhOeb TUaddwUla oat haatlaf wtu ua* ao<
OarintrDaaatD Barn
ae^Blally abet hlaaalf. dylaf
el aw k. taa- ft. T W K. k 1 ■ w-*U0.
taaMwaaaoad.. Ua had praaiaad kU
Gardner Dana to Ohnrla Uaaa. aS
ita to ratora at I p a., aad it waa ^■^olMh. a*e.n.T » N. B 10 w
)a*t that Uaa wbaa ha waa broocKt

$ 6.00 FOB $ 4.00
$16.60 FOB $10.76
r. Aabra <
an. C tv I
HcNetl. 8 B Etoaei*. K<: Bbllliny. W
C Knowlbu. L K ^r«-'

HUIlaa BUka U Ullian B«
ptreato tu. t. T « M. B lo w-*»
Ealkaaha auaty la la troahU Thor*
Jnnat Itolbrldya to AUlay B. Cnrtto.
U f ahartaf*alo*erdl.ooalB U* aa>to« a.a. fblkai. miayt lalarlo-*— Ptaak Lilly, Alban Ualm
ila af Ua laat four tfaaanri
doahM tMr boautr. hat U|
Hoato, A li Uoloday H D.
UaM U iBprrieet hoeh kavptaf.
Uoocb at U. tMaa'tiMB th* «*al
JobaU. Bar* to Ur Soloaoo. a*
E kcHasaa. A V
oa wUl bar* U pay an
of aw U. tae.'a. T *4 K. B II w-*ia«i.
J A Uranyer. Jndy* B L


• In ludlM* JulMts.



W P Utobr.;

Hoard by Alfamaa h




“4 if

wm Ckrty. whll* at Oaalfal Laha. ra(airUwead frow bit boOM la •ilorar
B» w—flto
that hUimla tally bad tadfaBiy
MabrI Kaaer toBataa Bai
irebaaad alllUawblu oi^a aad
atkaad akol *wV,.ltoo.M
alaitad booM wlU ab*a«y baart. bat B 10 V—dtuo.
briar* ruahlay tbrr* ba raaeirad arorxt
AoynatP. Nortow-lo Walter rarwall Ooanadr. W Vf Tblrl
UatUaflfBt aiMaat* waa a mUta'
- inrll. Bna
Bbu -orl Wilbels. A
aad U* obUd waa ia It* Btaal baalU.
iai Campbell,^ H
Campbell, Gro llalu*. P W Kae*. A «
lirorye W. H*May U HerbertO.aoynt HrMtobarr. U P l.-ei». 1 O Ho«wr. t
Bar. Fr. Brphyrta of flarbar 9prta«.
.1«. b(k «. H 1. A Ob'* Ird add-TOo.
a priaUatf a book oa Praariasa MlaParry Haeaah rtal to Baaaah A La
Jeet la Ua t'altad bUUa.
U* hat
o.loiaan. tr. blko—•!.

I, £.S=S5
n la MHdayV Hsaii


Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet and Cluthina Rguiic.


TuUu JJummibU XH* Vap-r <in<l Vt),

j'^Onty^K i ^
” Johracto/vr b 1

Money Talks.
It to aaid’Uat tbe reaeoa a <womaa'a beadkae been plar
' W* are makt^Jt talk
OB eolD. to becoBte -mooey to sock a Ullamoaleffertie. maoner. Onallty aad
aomeUiiny U. eay In the matter We like
Uet we bsTc to > ff r. Krrre lady like* a__________
___ ^___
ttt Itok. and hot hiyb la prtoc. We bare jnat «iek a abn*. 1
- made OB a aew Uat. are eery atyltoh. aad Ue prica to W.on.
mide hy Ue well knorra Urmot Pioyrec f NmIU. Beary pair
ed jori a> repneenud or loooey will be refoaded. at Ue aew al

U'montlAt. lAc Mew>r umi ruy


Jflnatkaa W. OobUctnl toWallner
to tha tbee aoetalorwl iMd >ridt of li. UllborL pareala U ttaa. M, tt. St. T
tha Karaboo raafetol Ua BoUy mooa- :? N, U • W—fI.
talw la llrillah Golaabta. where br reJama D. Maaro* to Alania Van Tnnalard aaarl, forty year. aaht« ‘ .wl. aSof eSolnw).. aecM.TWK.
Mow by 'elatlraa or frtaada aaUl

Travel^ City. Mich.


(irxTuoicx-We krrrby bW lor the
eomiay year Two and Oor-half .I.i'
w cent- per aaBam iaterm ..n Ibe
dally balanna of City fund*, lalereai
to br ered-ledmoeUly. no axebaerr
v> beebaryad oadiatu purebaaed by
Ue Cilr.
Very rreeeclfollj.
Tbe Pint National ilaak of Tnrenc
City. Mtob.
C. A. UtHHi'Xi*.
Traren* City, Mlsb.. Jaa. to J8»:.

Lada* WUnla. drc'd.’lo Pred Wlnnto HarlatL Job > HooaloTGiy. Prank Urau.
rauMar Balorlal froai all paru of the
etal. BKit of tab. See. K. T M N. B - ' incbnnL J A Muatayoa. Prniik
aaw world, troa Praaet aad froa
• W— ,
■ , John A Perry. J W J rmrla. CT
Italy, aad rooaoUy raoalred froia MaxJobaG. Crtoprtnl UUpanll Bnrri.
B. C H ^om. E U Bjdrr. 8 i:
too. a* a rafrmea book, oa* wbleb to ton, pareala Intiae. «f, tt. T S* h'. U v Kreman. W P Calhioa. B'ro'iriby,
B 'I'oirlby, B
«. Wm It Tblrlby.

aa»aU Hryara. a
aylor la Maxtoe. dladat Boyae
Mr tM«r^ Cid. C. U. IrUb of blsiulb* rip* *r*
. attlbarll
. of a* yrara.
W0.a4Jatut|«wnl. Tb«o oy ' ' City
MM mt* all ftaarUf oo.i™

OomkBtOBMlfyoiiwnntto I

rood WTfp ohodtp-yoa’U sot it boro.

: rr:_'r. “2^* ^

T aaw.rr.
Motion ewrriad by
W U B^.
Uoedriob. Gi^iUek.8mlU.Cook. Kyaai(WbatL Adkn. Lardl*. Jakraa* aad Gnrriton.
.-laa. CS
- - .- Kaya-Nooa.
Wda of Km KaUooal Bank and
TraTem* rlty 8|nta Baak for Ciiy
B*her.-IVilbeoil.P I Wbilwan. BdTrarereeClW. Mirk-. Jaa. ItU. l-»r.

$12.00 FOB $ 7.76
$22;00 FOB $14.00


i.Kxnbuxs—Atyduf resunt. 1
-limariialt bldTf.r Ue depoalt of Uc
.•«. ..a, M
I. cnrui.
S..M ...■ U
.. —
L Curtia Ktowr
Kaarti riiib u>e TrarerM
T------------■ City N^ie
lloox. Unlkett A
Co. K-arti
N.rlbrap. W L W
1 Orlat,
lat, K ; Bank
»*uk l.w
I.W U* eotnii
lay year, a* -10110**.
I' A VVri. bL J M TbuajL
etUaroar, POIetoo. E A
^Ui iielm.! We rrill allow ialemtoa Ue arenai
Klmm rmao. tbrrleaEHi
Geo II DoDi-ltar.
K W tioi.- daily kalaace of Ue aeeonal at tl
rai-ltaa. J W"8<mm*.
helm. U A lAOBaalrr. H I. Harodea, E rat* of two
per oeatl per oeaL p
Oonala*. A AdtO. WW Goble. WJ aanum.
\ oon reapntlolly.

The Old Bailable and OrtfUal

I 16 Front Street,


Wurzburg Block.

tohab«Ur»kn. llwiUW
^ ;
M« btn la oil Ur Iowa*. yaararo.
eell.yssK. Kl»w-t«».
MCOrtoluEC Kolxbu*.TI''nlybu«. I Hirer* br Alderman Jabiaaa U
TW»l»»«»ta*M»U*haaTy rota
Wbaa Ua prop)* of Maatolea trad
w c t r- axi. .nxaaav
| Vh- >1"‘ -V«looal Bank be awardr
M MU. mM Ua wUlaa fait Uaj alMwt tine ar> that a akalatoa wi
MeMlaamaPETrarla. l< J Moryao. J ’7
of th. City foart. for the
tak of ■aaarUed la Trarara* Qty Uay we
B<nlar marUay of City Oonadl bold" CMor»an.U6.VorU.rap, CU Klay. P ro.ulay y.
- a. per
atowabl* aad aot to ba eeVdoa* they
lOcHiaeU roomJaa. la, IMS.
J Cnrua. L Saylor. B L Sprayoc. C J . Vbelr bid.
wat aad day »P Urea Uaatoalrea. In
MeotUyrraa ealtod to order by B Rncnlaod. A W Peck. M ECltot*a,J
it will
a «ad daaaoa ua adyr of Ur eliy. C. Daria
aaU lowB to rira prowpt aUanUoa to Tbair ilit aad Ua loaf Itolr haarlaf
ITrebaL AldarM Bobba. Parker. roroer, K II I>ope, K W ■Ihelm. &«. W , earned, toifor.l adjooreed.
Ua MlU^ af ■aaoiat wbata
a> m of Uaai Udtoaied Uat Uay Uoodncb,UreUkk.tlmlU.Coek. KyaaiLardto 7. H Beane. J E Joburoo. M A
A. W. Ri.-arou>.
■aafad Wban Ua
war* Up rawaUi of a wom aad two ka. Imrdto. Jabrao* and UarrMoa.
KrEobrr-A B
UUorbell GCTboaip
...............City Clerk.
baU«. Thay ww* bortod U*a
MUtlNof laal Wflv maatlaywar* n A nutoa. J J Gray.' m Wrsiyaio.
read and approredf
3 Waabiagtea for
I'aGUaBol Ue Banarolaat Uatoa ol
tte City of TraTeraa City. Coaatyl of
laeeouni nf the lTe«idaatla1 laeo
■aw altar ba* jaat beta pto<
. U -wabrook. (<
■aoer. tr E
Gra*dJEt*«eiee. blato of Mtoklyaa.
itiuB (Vreiaooirc Uari-b rib, the
H Her SB d Br ■«
tb* CbUolto eborah at llarhar.Spr{Bn.
Gao*. K U Rice
Tu (br IJowanUlr. ibr Motiar oad C
Hattie VcWeih. : d Temple. '
; ewaar of U* yaal raatorlay tb* toatmUaye of Ua old
CtwaWf uf ibeC'Uvbf Troomc Ct
1 i<w Oraad Trararae
k wbUb baa atood for aiaay
%!*■ ’''(‘-“Vide ’"P»‘ll br-W
lUbad tb* Uaaauj far
OtanAoxs-Wc, Ue aadarelyw
a* a MotoOit to Ua aarly
W Koabee CSTr*T.a,>lt*w.(.ertrtde
far Mareh
^ M. E. HASKEl.L. Munnser.
lb* altar waa Bad
rtprayBA darah Lea. Celm E O.iatt
byWHra Bamadall. praaidoaL aad A
yaarm aye, and eraryUtoy ere.
uaatr. Balaw to U* rapart far l*M piaalay tb* board* waa dooe^ haad
wat broiybt troa Harklaae lalaad taxa* of Almir* Provoocia. far the padl•Mpa>a4«*«lttB***afiaM aad INI.
E.wliaOowali>y. Kata J Raker. Vaume »,d oc all Ue IVat»ylratito aed Van
l»i«, for Uc fallowlay raaaoaa:
A* waa axpaetad U* aaoaat Urolrad
Uarbor BprUycB tU tor I
'Calto line*, andal' Itora operated by
' Mke baa bern dleureed from bar :
h taty *aU balaw prariea* yaara. It faad of wUtar. aad waa maid,
-H*.rlame*.AUtrrt Helm. P l.ill-y.: the Terre ilaote aad lodiaaapolU BallUed. lltmea IVoeoeela. ana will I
Prank Uslm.H H Laayblie. flora
Mu«t*taUa. heworar. that U* da- •rant waab of art by tb* natlTeb
oo help or aopport from klm. tb* a
Waller . aod .the Piiubarx, One
Lartlle -Tram.
Trsr.*. ..«
maN UtbaNorlyacaaoUMa laaqaalupon bar mu* bom* Ue aom of
, aad 8t- Loato Bailway L
bndted aad twraty-Bee dollaiA (I
Mr. MoOdU rapcwta at
Rowmak G A lAocaator. Laora Tla|.
C. E
aka to U* moUiarof fee eblldrea.'
hem. K SriiUl, P CaalketL HHoa Ban.
aom. .Oiaee CltAier. 8 K -tomei-a. G A
Ualaaereatrea aad alyblean (It------ HoDIday, E Mrloaftrld. Pieraoe ^ *'
IJ of block foer (41 pt Uaaaa'k. Imy A
Pimyar moatiny toptolor towlybt to Company'* B'^laddlUca to Ue Vlllkye
, fanndaapayaiaof UaAdraac* Map- ofTmTere* City. Mtokiyaa. aaeordtay
> Ik* rerorded plat Utreaf.
All af wkkU la la kckalf aad for U*
Uat Uc *vb)rrt ma^rr #f*U* prUtiim [
Bead U* oomtet* la Ua-Adranp* by
rtbeymar brt.uw to a>i*,) ka.e
joatreadbr taken apAloerw-to»
Ur. U- ynloB. PtoM* da
Axxnnut-tA. Sacrelafy.
HoUoB carried
| ..
aayUlay to anpareod* Ue Tbeieday
Mevad by AMrrman 8miU tUt U*
Aa ordlaaaoe mUOed -«a
alyht yrmyar meattay. It to Ue bear
aUttoa be referred U U* Committee mNdlay eectkrn aamber
I We aMkMIhaatihr aeicAtwr. asc (rtrad*
of mU-waab drruUoo. Cooaiddr '
an Claim* aad Aeooaau.
aeifber three ofna crdUac
aabjret at bom* If anabla lo eoam.
MoUoB carried.
by UeoOaacilolUaOty
lanlofUeOiy of TraTer**
Tr*Bub>*at of aonaen (taaday at lu:to a
datloa of City Clerk.
m. will ba -Jaaw' inatmai
City. Hlek., Jaa. lA IWT.
onltCnae.’ ttbab* haiMa wiU Ue cm*
Tb Ibr aemombir. ibr Mewor oad Clip
Ibr (.-(Ipc/ Iforwer <G*.;
kunfay aekoot Unbo to Act* tfl-IA
Jnntor Chrtottoa Kndanror at t p. m.
IN*.' awiiiaafil.
Peuplr-a tioeioty .of CnrtoWa mend Uat U* tax for IW« oa Ue K. E
taniL oonnMaH. m.tu.n. Total.
Bndanror at t:U p. m. Om prafand qcartar iLlof UeH. E qnartcr (bl of
- .I1N.TU-U.
to taka part at tb* btfUiay of Ue See. y Towa s: KerU of Baaf* 11
WmL except part N'orU of Bute hood.
amoBBilnr to IIS su be eedared reaaltOwMest Don MdabbeN
*d to tbe CityTrewchrrr.
.! A pnMto taadlay ncn bnakeea opmBald dcBcriptton ol land wa* aold by
Baaaab. Uy A Co . to tb* NerUera
Uk* a fnmt aeat la middle
Mtobiyan Aaylim U Jt
Jaanary Irik, iw:Umnteborob. Briny aom*Mead ‘ waa, tkerefoce. exempt t
I woeld atoo rfeommead
t U* tax
» OB tt oui oo of ataceaed
nattoa of
4 Uanen Ulay an
to Jallaa
............. ..
• -■
tolio.tai b* rw
mltud to U* City Tmaarer. a* aam*
waa fuaed to be Ulryatly amraeeil by
Ue Braid of Beriaw aad Ue City T cald fS.uua.oo ealnatloe remitted.


Traverse City, Mici

For one cent.
For two cents.
For three cents.
For four cents.
For five cents.
At all prices.
In all sizes.



Soccesbors to Holley It BilliiiRa. :

tU ,

Not a Ripple.


. Eveiything running along smooth as a schoolma'am. Lots of jj
I wheat, plenty of power, and no end of good men capable of using T
[ this power to grind our wheat into the “BEST” flour in this S^at |
I State of Michigan. TJiat’s our brand, beat it if you can.

Hannah & Lay Co.




- •

.TT; T rTr’T^;

It pays to trade here aad people are finding it out.


Yonr belp, alUoayb
BMlaB* Mtoa an todopa
Qly Ctork.
propea* ytriay M »0U HaMb
Tb* Udto*' Aid ttoetoty Ua dona
3n motion of AldarMa Oaodiick.
<M**r la Ua aav talnm.
larU* dU- daly carried, e^
. Aay t
I BniahMollfaUoodinNnUyahat
. wUlb*yi««Htorj
aad Aceonato.
a lyax la U* *fla- to I*lB U* aoelety.
PeUitoh retoUn to Billiard Halto.
Wadnaaday Jaa tt, aV >:ad p. m. wUI
A*Mtad byta* Womaab
baoa-Tba Baby.- 1. B*T*dlty-|
OtotoUaa Temperance L'aton. *o Un
aalal lahaanea. Hra P. I. Tcaeto.
Mayor and OoBaeU of Tracem* Oty:
Tb* naw-bora baba. knUI^. dramlay.
la peeaeatlv Uto paUUen wa lewl
aanlay. Mi*. C. J.
we ar* addramlM Uene wbohae* brea
Baby'* toltoU atoUaa. Oantwto. Mia.
aad protamall
W. Bobba. a. raadlay U* ba^. mra
Mra emew w. o»wpa ■■■ .a erwijmiew ,pm«
0.r Haa^ot BaonabM o*
a It. Born. A Baby-* aameto* and to kanombto aad rtybt and ft* Ue bmt
lha bat akaab and pDallfy'Mimi
alaap. Hia O. C. He«aU. A Tb* aleh yocdofUcoommaalty at larya; aad
■hM part M U* Nat*. Be atoo h
kaky. Hia Oaa 8*11. T. Baby-* ptoy- wa-kaUae* Uat yoa dealn to d
^ 4*ar park la eooaaetMn.
Ulay* aad aempaaludi, Hra U Bob- Be w* fool at Ubarty to aak yon '
maatal and aplrit- whatwahaeatonraadtoUe ewy ear: Tb* fbMflW*
amt daaln of a eaer lary* majeefty «(

Alfred V.priedrieFii


rtaadafaUfmeenf omptoya* will
Mwtapt knap te U* aamay

Of eeara* enr ptUtkm dem not aam•riamain balAa K. O. T H. hnU kna a ma)artiy of Ualr aaam bn
at letearmy Maaday.
wahaTanatatlemptadU rialt a
PaeanpartbabMtle mill at BaUalra
Bab^tor Banday. -Cbrtot IknU.
hatkUrtad apfar aalx menU'* ran. U* Baallaf Fowar.*
who taear U* ai
d>*N» manar* amployadat |h* mill
tor to a* ton to one. •
. nMnaaityaamaApmanlaUa
citiaeM Tbto laflalu_____ ________
' my -taa o'a.onk to ptoaty lata -fm kUA ana ad apaOad pma. Unwa Mto a
1mm kail* to koU epan.' bat fm
eeeal ar poltoy raanen* Uay p

I Down go the Prices

OD all

1 Warm Lined Winter Goods.

Hemlock Logs.
ar* peeaarad. natU fartbar notiee la Tbaecea* Qty papara. la pai-------bj^^ha dainM at^prii^
BaplS^ BcUal.*.aad


Um Uaa to par mat It* to be •!.** par m.


Um 1^ Ml pm cant ta* to be r t" wer m.

MU* mamlny aafM
«bcm Um patlUm
^.^mmtbaaatalnebotoem-lanyU. Ley* to ba bet tom Uaa I* Inebm In
dh--------- ----------- --------L «■ to bdatrawbLeonsd aad fam Morn aU adeem*
wUl .b* Tba Vtam of ^
emlM. .CataBaUdeferUeabaMB. Paymantmada amay Mmiiy far Ua pmledfalt Ba U*


-mm isitI

..... ««. eo. eontn

Can. ud M. br


tftllTUjJ) JijnTAK? «; isut.
) Herald

Tojesday and Saturday Ereninss Only.

I tmit. aertoadp lajariag tia

an dap.

rM Im4



‘Il1 5

i i



State Bank.
#ajtfppaa !*■/aeceea, ^H^Lar.

a. It triad lb* trick pwer agala.
T. P. a*laaa*«Ohlii«a. BBaUtbas ddaatalir eewdlagil* ekarga late Me
eMplaye at tba laBAiA wea la Oa
dip Jaaleif ib*«*ak.leaabaic*i '
Uapcaaaaloeraar amend garafKag
_Hta^ »W H«*14> l»
> teartaaa pMf*.
M< imH
•^7 edltA katiMi all
D. P, tepbell li altaadlag Oiaad Mean priplp. Whal H will do
(toaaeO aad Oraad Cbapier aad «. C aeatlaaalpa mtdr •
bateaetblaglBava- h wfll aM real
Piiirii d alaa a deiapale la Iba C
letM««rtb.-Na*H t
Tn QtxmT%*rwmMat»JdtKr^'^

■M «»Ti»»«»aw.




«. *TT^ T<tosL« hw«a
•a mUt» otHada a«a>M^ the
«•■ tkat toe* k— aaqaMaif kad
mmm aad wyialkiaa o( lake, iad
raaedar heaad SbertS aia
■Bear* AebMa. Harria. OtaTMa.
taeataad aaJ Btaae made a c
.weep at eaa aaeh plaea <n Parit el
aad aaotbai aa Hal* eoaal. aad
Cear Leaa, la Laaiaaew aaonp. baa
baaa mIM; clear ^ iea tar !lao er
wadu. area Iba ••aarmxra" bataf
_,___ Tba lake troia M aMal la the
aarir pan at tba wlatar aad taaan
«an cnMlaf. bal aew tba take te
clear. Tbb ha*aa»bee* kaowa allbU
at Iba pear for maap peace pact.

eMMp.baehaeaiatbadIp tbie »a*k
la tb* latcreat ad tbe laaietp.
Irrla Olplcp
firea a eatp plaaaaat sarprle* PlUap
ercalag bp enanbar at ibetr
Tbe*T*aiagpaaedda>*Uj aUb carda.
gam* aad rafieabaaataTb* aawMtaadeldobli tbc Trar«m ettp Prograaelr* Daae
which eeecu at Ptal. HatMa
lag aeadeap. Tb* rcgalar medag ef
Ik* deb will be held tbte rrmlag. .
Ljea of Ht. Pleaaaat riettad
:tdaUrc* bar* tb* laM of tb* we '
Mr. LpoB wa* aeaodated with C.
Tim la Ue aeablag ef a Oraad Trareree Oooatp atlae eoae dftcre pear*

Hue Iduex Utatux. daafbter of
Uao. Lardla. of IHd MkwIea. died T«**dkpof eoaaawpUoB. at tbe age of :i
Bb* baa beaa Ul tor map BMalba. lib*
erwa brighklotable ftrl.ecdb*aaaap

aHH hebald |e-mrrew wefalag atdt.
Kraael* oboreh.
bUaUa£Ufle aUl at Tbylcr'e
teaar* la Eaat Bap towaablp b <Mag
a raaklag
tltaab bae boaght aUthecedarta Ibe

M at hal wv

ItaB OPOPteita otlart Bap. wbo

w«h at the beill aad la
beeM aearlp lortp aea baep aad
b wtirb ior ererp oa* that
Wm. Kaorr* ha* had all the bcatleg
be waab for
loot bb beariag* wbUr oot Salordap
aad cllahod a War to locate
liar be clipped
. tbe groaad.
aad. fall tkIrV tact
ig bimeelf
brMkiag two rite aad brablag


Prices on
Kersey Pants,
; Gloves,
, Mitts,
Overcoats, ;

Tbe C.'al M . kiairtia^ thb paar
trp tbe giadaau* plea, whlek bee
wltb caeb eueeeee la raetm sdle
•<(er WatUe,"aad other Im* aad tried
rUl be OB kaad la gir* tbe
M tke
ot tbetr ec

___ Ueteaerbe* beardagood deal
oMalkal Umeaboata bt^de track,
wblek baa pat tailed to mterialier.
Tbe batara Har lodge he* decided Thep bar* doae belter at MaaMee aad
tba tagtea are alee cleared lea.
ie bare e eedal tim aad aem retreah- barepUOalrewdp raierd ter a btepcie
Herr lea ebaaee
Ta* larlrd aeeaUa*. ai.-tbe Fuat mal* attbecoBcloeSaaaltbcir raf*-, md tc Bed Park.
Hathadlat darek Uei beda aruniac lar BeeUaraaeb maa. TUe pUa a* for tbe gecaa Cup Kiepclc Clob to dieI iatwaet aad are >*iB(aaaUBoed tried lael week ter Ibe dial tlaie
uageieb itealf.
great eoeeeM
tbie ireak. Tke attacBCNa Bible
ber 'll (
Tb* eoeial girea at tb* Uaatok
eaadarifd bp BraageUet Sba«.
here duee the fire bueiaru op for lb*
eebool boaee lb* Uet *1 tbe week
hae* bMa *dl aUaadrd aad ate
winter. Before that tb* aUria* areraged
a}cp*d kp all. Tb* craalag aaeUag* a rerr inemtal eaa. botk aodallp aad
Crerp owe kad a gaod’ thrre or foer time a toooUi
kare reaaJIad laagraaidMl d good.
two laKWtlu alnoe tb*
added to- ike argae
Mr. Bbaw baa aloqoMi eprakar aad
Btoekiej bird haeaooided. , Tbe laet
toad. A Bowberdrore <
el* dUaellp to Ibe kcaru of bia
dtp. aad tbe tows people alwap* are

frtcadetomara harloM
hart fur bar paraat*. la

CilcutttioH thU week 2,250

> at paeo* . .
TbeCMdHlMiea kali taata-aad a gaed
cm It le. too-le lalklag ap iba plaa ol
a baU park at Old HMIca. wltb a
gia^ ataad •aadag Md. Tbay aaaM
arohablp gclTtarm* aipbaf —"
tk«T woald nor*

hadip. . Wklto ta tke tree k*-moe rod* dMaal aad hcHaaagad
TaaaaaMlmetlagof tba Mbhigaa
! Jfapia Lmbar Amebtics b betag
!• MeldlMeatbraoaa.

eepeeWlIp woleewr.
Aaotber loalal
will baglTM aVaot Peb. ISU aad It b
opad Uat amp wlU oom.
Tbe Bopae ClUeaa aapa, Jadg* aad
Mrv K. u- (Urbetl ot Trarerec dtp
f ca tbterdap lor a ‘brief rleit
elr map triead* la tbU eieialip. (>a Uoadap erealog tb* mBber*
of tke Hawwlc taveraltp and tb* Baetera iHar lodge gare them a reeepUoo
at the boa* «t Mr. aad Mce. Waller
Wbe*. at which a eerp pleaiaat tia* b

' turn-


cma. Doaoac tee iiiiHif a

that a small stock with us is a large stock in most

Out nama U.a goanintm of
good quality.




Death of Mr*. EUtabeU Wilbur.
While tbep ere ahoet il, why aot laK epecial dlipatch to tbe Haaeci.
trow .Sertbpert Ibb nooa ebte* tbe elade wrariag hau in chtircbeaaa'well.
death of Mix BlUebetb Witoer tbb KTerpoae k
bore ie Cranbrook. Is l<> lIstcB to agood Acmoa wltboal
IMl.aad caiarto K^-*b*lagmbleto.e*UirialnUter.
IMT *kr was aJried U ac iiupiralioo o be galaed fm
wa'ukiag the lar* of aa caroat
*p*aker, bcl la church this iseflcB d*.
IWg* pert ol lb* aedleoc* oa acerrioe* will be held
ol lb* big hau worn bp ouap
ladM Whaloo*ofooeald*r®eawlH
BBaroMt Ualoa.
br ooormg**nis «BongB to Br»t tackle
eawwbolder* ot Tcarc
Mlp at bolidap tiiae
Ik* preanlmild w*alh*rcoBlinu»*
.. lb* reqawu of tb* Beavealeat t'am f<w eloUlag aad geaml IbbUp la tb* M>utk*m part *1 the slat* thrre

aad B*t. W. B. BartbaL
Th. B*p*- Baaclrak- Kc- **•«
Bo*, p; K. Wbluaaa mtdo a bvlam
•emUmarokyJ. C Hill, ea the
trip to Lelaad toat woBt TaeadapAarg* of auaUv Jh* gaa trom
Tb. W. C. T r wIBtak* a drln
ahep. Whoa tba eaa. (.map to <eart
tb* flowlty toext T***dop tamoe*

.ptrtp-tob«flnBky tb* O. U. el«b at •hraBoatuf A*aUi.
0 ba** U repalrod. when
no ahamt Later bo«a
It away, aad Mr- BOl. i

the assortment grov^ less we fmd it advisable to
.retkii'C prices on some kinds. Please remember

hope to see you.

Olothtnir Co.



Is strongly attracted to our

January Clearing Sale

It is really unnecessary to go Into de­
tails regarding the advantages this sale
offers further than to say that 20 per
cent, discount off firom OUB prices
means goods belotv cost. Supply your
wants for the year.
This Sale Ends Feb. 1.


OorSat iuga D«pMtmest

K wtu MM BO* MeHacflea to

Ever)- garment being good, "no shoddy." the qual­
ity U maintained at our regular high standard. As

sy ihat*ithcre‘ll be no lack of jacket weather. We

MHOMwi ■

• m
lUttMnMMMl. • m


Decrease In qua’ntltj’.

der every day at the prices we make. We prophe­

Here U * plaa that naop woold'
> nee oarriod out to Trarerce <
waaieoetBf Jacuatp let. IWT.
dtp of tllaegow. booUiad. will eeai
ofaap kted apoo the dtp.
Tb* eaUre ozpriuea ol tbe dtp will be
lora* la futnr* bp lb* iacbaie from iu
public work*. Tke cilp operalce
ows water worto. ga* asd electric light
plaata. eUeai r^wap*. eewage laro*
aad other larilmtloae. aad all pap
deligbtlal reeeptloB Tooedap large groBle.
eraalag for Mr. aad Hr*. B H. Kpder.
Kpeakiag ofcltie* aad dip goeeraeburck parlor* were eeade oreMp
■eel*, tbe oenacile^eereral MicUga*
bune Ilk* wlU rage, willow
eille* are foUowlag^lbe plaa rw^atlp
cbalre. etc- A large auwbrr of pocag
carried oot ia Cbicage aad telkiag of
people caiae la deriag tb* erraiar to
poaiiig ordiaaBoe* prokiblt|og tbc
meet Mr. aad Hr*. Bpder aad cetead
weariagof hau bp ladica at place* of
Ueir oawgrmtabtloa* to them.
public calerUiBiaeal. aacb aa Ibeatrea.
A renololioc to Ihalefcoaebllac of a pbao eolo bp Miee Dea-fr« t. oBered ih «>wo>m a few dap* ago.
ptweaad maBdoUe aed guitar aaiabai*
wanrecrlecd with eotbunlaaia.
bp Mr. aad MU* Uels. aad Hr. Bpder.
tbatour dtp COUDC^I baewtUrd
wk<-a oalled upoa. gara a little talk.
a1 other Treed quirtloal the l.uleerr
eflen thi* lor their roui.iarratiua.


H* Alriimaf BMaaeeaad UanUea.
Baaiaa* Baatetln. what rtok
wama *aa A* tor tb* prereatM ef
draallr. Mr*. B- B. Oara», Uad«r.

Jacket and Cape Stock

• stores. .We hear expressions of suijirisc and won­

beraod out, aad rroo thea tb* eorrlcw*
: tb* eoiapacp were Bol reejelrtcL

«Ull»UoB of oftlivr. Krid.p. Jsa. vvih. ' ^
M aloag which look blw t
Tb* Epwertb Imgu* tuple fur next ^Tl
SoBdap eight i> tbr "UlghhaT
"illghb** ol HutiUoti- «'
Own# te tbe mama* tb* loieber.
Til* MaaUtae DaOp Kewe ha* reW*w ^
IS « lA ImderMc*.
lAa<bartada.tberab ao eekoel eaatlp artaaged lorecel** fall aa*^U iba HaebdbtriettbU weak.
dlapatohM ap to tb* Um ef
The old «olkj roclal. *u*h a* ha< b*Mt; tgelag

OB*a.Igu.t.*oaof JobaEallp. wa*
girm eacli pnr for wrcral peat* (Ul! S—.
mrrW b> Mb* Lottb Oaaatcs ISiBn- the am* hall a dap before eoalbera
bp tbc Hpworlk league, will br r«pr*V
W. K. Wright aOal- Hlcbigaa daillet eaa gel to Ul* part of
drat part of B*xt
U* ctau. It Bight Bad omt* aabeaibere la Tnmea dtp If tb**a wa*
t for nwt Boadap
for It a* T«aeb hw* and h*
'-^jnre* aod son****-,
ad Iba bOlbed t»U ordlaaaaa ao that
ea. Lakrt:|.ll. l,*ader. Mprtic Joba.'
Mapuiaagt lhahaar adaiaalag
eupllM. AUUk.ha*b**adl*lribat*d l*®ur*tbaa
Udin Aid .oclctp will bmI with K
■ baHablaHp.B.
wMalp. aad ha* helped 4* aa>MuraU h* *a io« famlar ialirand Rapid* aad
. D*0oli*r Thurwlap. J*o. -"'th.
tb* eaadlUoa otaaracedp la a w»p DelralV
la that ca*e Tr***rM dtp
I ha* bai«ht
Boa. Q. O. COTXU. ha* aat ba*a Idla that caanot h« axpremd or -tallp auj hr called opua to .upflj tbe d«H. B oni Ttoiud Tranr- Otp U*t ^
te lb* ebon tlm Ibat ha* elipa*<l
Th« ubIob bow Aad* luelt Vaaad 1* paru Tb*r* 1» *a>
laaaeb.*^ wfll pal It ee the bap
Mae* Ibeapeaiagoftkeetau legtela- acartag th**adof tt«a* tappIUa aad | clear. p<^r* u* ia Heardata* lak* and
Th. ftroeral of «l. K- Smith wai held ; ^ •
tai» Oa* of tbe Brat .tblage be did tb* eall *UU «onaaa«a Itl***m«*Up ih* m*np.lltvlr lak*. around Uccltp. at lb* M. B cborrh Tkaradapat W in m—
ba* faeea
opea«d *a wae ta gl** aoUee that be bad bllU
aakMl that aap who mp ba** oontri- aad alaiKt aap quaBlItp ooald b* do- s. B..Uadnetod bp Rcr. S. SUelr.
A bpT. Oloeeraad fbad Ibe etoeh* to mb* *l*eU*e the ofBew balloMBfoldelotblBgoraapthlag '
llTcrrd at coap*r*tJT*lp »aaU onC It
Kehl Bad* a bnriaeu trip to mBawwd aad tbap a** taralag aat
tb* wap of food or morp which lb*p woold briag iuttof mdp aoory ialo Tratcr** Cilp la»t ww*.
ri taeanbee'oawBiw
fcMalaaigaamp at htwom.
Uto Ura* will do 00. If
Iwt week, rctoratof SatanUp.
wa a Torp little «*eh. Kit ooaerracd.
i i
Tb baaawwtatthaCUnatraatpM tallowed that aphp la
Mr*. Jc*. A Week* of Muekegoa ar
to OBlp oa* garaaav to wDl
' It ha* alwapi b**a *aid that aotbing
gHa bcBaUapwiifliniid wUb^Baa
rtocU Tueirixp to attend the fuaoral ol;
would grow on thrpin*barrea**tr«Kb- .. Haartlarelihen. aad tbap a» Bpee
%*rfalh*r. (i .S, Siallb- She left fur,
* bright .pot for oar Im fertoa- laguat'fur milaauuUi of the clip.

I to git* all •rwdil*** an cqaal e
ato brothen aad atotorato map a dark 1 waoltbp CtoTriaad ma ka* b**o exp*- ber bOB* Salnrdap.
Mr. aad Mr*. R. B- Oatopbett aopoB, i
PM». 0. T. Oiuwa M aaa ot tb*
eeratr. Coatribatli** waj he left
'■ox Ml*. Baarp WUhalai
atjiig with d.o<ju arm of .imilar
paated Ueir brother. Norm* l«tur. I
i|Tr-------- - n------Mnl^ to barbommthbf tb* olty with Mra U rtoal* and Mr*. S. C. Dtaoa lb* real .burr, aad ba* during
a» lar a* TraTorae Clip-oa ku. wap i
aamlp Maebaia' amreletlek. vbhib
>tardap atucaeoa. with bar daaghUr pwB Boatk Bid*; Hr*. 6- P. Careor dad
pa*t pear ratocU aa Itanico**
boB* toBTaBaVio. la. tlalardap. n
wfll ba held rridap aad Setordap of UlU* bM Job. Vsiaaak. an aBiplap* oa Hr* J. U. Johatoa. Bait Side; Mia. A.
cat cf grain ul all kind*, beeidea
Wfoiag boB* Muadap.
tb* farm, th* horn b«i»m frtghieaad a. Perry. Karawood; Mr*. PhiUlpt.
..p*uw-<w xnd *<«*Ublr*
Mra. Marx Wolfr of Trererar Clip ,
Weal ««•-________________
aad raa awap. tkrowiag th*>
lnadd>t>uD h< ka. huadred. nf
nwe Tuewiaj to attcad the loaeral of:
UixmaU atraat. Tb*oU«s awj
Ctroalt Ooan
•keep, and raaop hone* aod caulr
bcr.brotbrr, ti. S. SBitb.
eap*d wltboalMachlaJirp. but Hr*.
A aamhor of caaro har* hero d.
Jo* Retford deor. to Tra.ora* Otj j
Bggta* w*U apea daalel parka* ta tb* WUb*la atraek agalaM a atawp. |*»
•ururi. bat it to wow plrldieg a I
•d af *0 far thto week. Oa waUc
oa Moadapof ibl. week
dariag a eoamM oa tb* b*ad. break- .J. W. Paleklnthecaaeof C. A. A*k- •me lacoB*
Belwna iblt pUa aod
Towathe on* receaUp adeaacod. to Bake tb*
Xa.A«t.Haa.B.ALowmaf Blar
ma T* Ooo. B-^Coro*!! *t aJ.
Daeia. Nrah A Kent. ll**doB;
^ aaawearalagtbalmadtbelT Ut- tajaria*. Sb* wa* lalwa U Ihe hem of awMMt fro® lb* ealeadar. Thto
A. WUkelw wbar* ah* r.walaad aa- a aall t<wSMM» (or (alar laprtoeaa
.fomunt pioraod hardwood, w. toap
tb m. Bhaar Bptaa. wba AM Jaa.
lea* fur ■OTwai boar*.
pel IK* tu au* th* d*W)1aU plaliu beA di*uree wa* gtaalod in the «aa
adiai«ttaBUa.attbaacaaf faart*
diUcw to m aerion* that htr rriaUToa la P. U. HaaakAB t*. Aaaott* H*bb
'tw«ea h«»* and (traad Rapida um*d BMlak*. ItoOont B X. Pickard. Jacob
■aaiba aad two Aapa.
gowmtoligT^ad faraa TaaaSwaru. Uclaad; Homan
into place* otbeOBtp.
Frank Eoaoukp. ebaigvd bp
pwujack Lltaep. L. B BahVe. Sottoaa
Ar Iba metlag ot lb* Weal Mhrhltaa
rothar Vtormt with bartog «»o»ed
flap' U G. SburUr. Chaa Norria. Cedar
AgcteaMaial BeeMp la Oraad Bapidt
How map people know that It will
>* A*ath of a oow bp
' tMayeebiadgaJ.O. ■aweiin.of tbU
MB MUato Kmlg
vtoWag la
md gafltp.
A BoUoa for a aew Ao ao good to turn th* water off In
their bpdraoU.oacoM'alghu. If Ihrp Henrr l.ar4i*.UUl Mtoalua: to 'l^lia.
titoi WlU b* Bad* bp hto aturaep.
ixrlitoa. RioghaB: Buraell A l^l- |
Ml*. L. J. WMtberwax U rialMag to
l«an tb* faoert cloM? Maop‘ people
_____,. Uk* Ana: Staalcp A I oaag. Ma-,
lBtb*e*a*ef DatopB. HOI *t B. B. COB* to plnmbertafirr rrrrj soldi
l»p>aa*ottb*oldMaebed hall at tbe Oraad Rapid*
Boa. W. B. ntomba*he*a voadlag Gamer *t aL a BoUon wa* mad* hp tb* deelartog that ibep ‘ '
IwSdi^ Walter tlnUiek.
CHaatfaneagla* boaat, tb* aeaual
ABfeadaal-* ooaa**l to bar*
SforTtoriil.;__________ ;________
lion. aadpM tbuir pipe* frou l aii
Urn dapa b*ra.
aOml bell trill eoaad lb* earfew. Ai:
rm U* ratoadar, bat thirtp dapa
Aahlaa H«ro «f Maatotoa to ia tb«
ope* Ih* laacot. after ahaUleg
. ^llAiaA ar* warmA Uat tba aigbi
glT*a tb* ptotoliS y>j lb* eearl to
water, aad tot what water reaaal
i a-aiaab rale wfll baeirteilp aatereed.
MUa Stolla Ua torialtlat to BaIMM (Bmtob'aoeartip for ewato. aad It
off. It wni b* alB<»( **re to frerw
H. W. Baaea. at Aam. caBbt Us Bap ter two waek*.
at. Viator.
and do a* Bach daBag* a* if It bad not
rightHwA UaeblagtameUat Ta*aLaoaatd EUpatrick. ** trial for tar baea ehat oS at all. So «ara a plai
Mra. D. C. Oarlwi «<
Aap. UJariB Haa badtp that three la- riMUat Mr*. Arw Hal*
oty, wa* acqaitlod.
gmbaAlabaBMpalalad. Thettaewb
Mark aod Jeba Laaa war* taud
Mr. aad Hr*. WMtfall ha** grm to
aMtheathwAagarwarehadip laoargallty ef toraeap a* barged.
0*0. l-arkto* ahd AaighlerlBBta of
aiaA. bn wfll be mwA.
• - •,l*p*a.Cow
thto place *wd* a trip le Trarora* Clip,
tad Wetotor. Treapa* oa taaa.' to aa
Wa. Abb hnagt tbe Hbxu> a twig
laA work, rotaratog Frtdap.
Boo. O. O. 0o**U to hem froa '
trtol thto altoraooa •
af aMcr whM be aat at the BMidma
Geo. Gill iwUrmd from a Ttoit to
. Btewdantbeflrataf thawackdaiiag
>*T«i*c dtp laat tiatardap.
Tba Tal* ef a Oka
Bo*. U. S. B*rtbrap to to Klagalep
tba thaw, that bat Meet aad Aawar
N. H Imltoof Braaaiea. Ill. airind
. Thor* an *oa* thing* that earn oalp
thto wook. aaMOtag to r*ri*al
bwHaa^laebloag. Htnpa
b* axplatoad bp Utotbwwped tb* aat- toot T«*eAapteaue*dtb*.f.Banl ef
aaewU Wbe* a* far adraaa
aral perrmltp el toaaimu Iblagv hto atoter Htoato. which utaarod la the
rraak Fl.aogi* o<
H. E. chaneh W«daaadap .oralac at
Tb miw at lb* Wamah Oab
ma AiteetoHM woo to th* dtp "
o'elaek. ooadaeiad bp.Ee*. P. E.
Map anwweea wfll ba tai
tHi 5ga aocoaat ta lb* triato aad


Every-day sees our

•mcnrrr nwxcBLUf



a Zaolayleai laetinta of tto


kmm BP la the baU
aayeaatrbo wtoboa
Ibafarabdddlay. Tba faianad that It k a p<
km; bP beU bcAodPi

11 TlelallyAlrfa tba Dr. i

plat. eetoraU fnali aod Bim.



.rSaU. Jurru. Ibaewr Uatkaa
tU'H. wblla -tubbiny''
_ CkrtorofLabatowarbliCla tba
oatOH nbam.lbao.wltbUabaU.Um
Alayla mill at Aral.
rtda to bocadv ptoat) of ooidoer asar>
MTbaeahaad. Barely ao ooa aaada
A. r. Amaa hat faaa to Tl
aka. baBtiBy. tbooUhBavprdltleoa.aod
•bSMtlMthM *v) week tar A. E Wlkoa. '
the HMlbla etothaa of r*eiyda.r wmar.
QMI» stem lMt»«M hm iMi
Saraia] «f tba farmwa la tbto aiela.
tba r^of joaBy-frllowt to adrakM
• ar^yrc
Brpoif of Ormot Bebool Dktrlat Mo.
■mproramaol oo Ibr harvWrlBhioy.
laff Maada.

duelfiiB. mcaritryrolnB n
- I E O. T. It aad L. O. T. «. baU Mr. aad Hn. Ckarlaa AlOHbdi
Uka AoaeamaerarSataidayta
tba parMta of Hra Alaaaadar.
aod qoltr an Indaiuy
i.'taak E nabar. ayeat te tba
■ Imr rrawB ap Is l'
ol bxpp> boul bUry had U-tt oat
irlUa CaaparapOo. waa la
a T.H.. aadschaiala aHaadiaw, a
t thrar cou
Ur arid of boaor~ arrrrml Uioaa I
II «lUd tabla.
Utleb mlrt*
bayyad-tbrir man.
Tba rala of Marday alybt aad Baa- MdVaUy: to
Oaa. E CMtaa. Pria. of Bor- day
rbtisa. kaifa bladra. acltaerm.
AIrrwiy a waU brript la p up iB
PBBl. Him Suadkb
Bal Tmtalaf. thipi. of Baoacnto.eolbook baadlro. ripi tie aabrw p/-wdw edaty at U wbrrr ibr nwB iratoca
dbort Uma. Aa It to aaowtHt oyala
lr«a. •Ill dallvar a liietara oa tba aab- aIb^dolay
■ar of arttollrr of| frwB
boxat aad aoy uucDbar
,, _ w
iwrotrmad up'ii lointun
wfU be a brief oaa
Uto dracrlollao are bow Bttde of
Ua-bedt a yootl riiBo. The'oany irfOM.S Kta» Aadwll*
3. C. Blemeataraod ArUer 1
iprd orurouybtout lewv oho htrr bran lamiaorlr dabtwd
Tbry arc
aaa^ of Um WUlUMbarr potak
iWMiWUtMcbeaUtaffearlwwd aebodla. Adakaloo 10 eaala.
of Ua tbral oirtal. Ihao
tbaa rary
rar; cairfully -tb» yrayrmpb} clavr- br -mia alab
To Ua Bditor af UrBaaoM)
■ tm 8m. Wmml
way tra 1 ,ot quite iiVi moiirh to doo
Tba MOial atihe Iowa ball laal I
tba lop.r, .rllto.aad >ai lo.. bqrttfwaar
riaUliif Wmm 8 Mi *C^i Md ar eaaa^ waa aaoUer aaocMo. C
bf«ar mambrr* bat after whl^b
(a< tba aaaalac ahadowa wera aold
-------------.------------------kn Tlw wwimy of Bambaaa caUad to Ua rxerriaara of tbr Dfr trcstomil
paWk aaeUaB. aad ao little opoit
|o • qiwsdary. rrHoiwIy Uink of
w«. at aa Epworth Laoyue. pamtatirDt black color. Tbto bkek colattradad tbr party at whlH bayM.
tbareaalttbafaOf Tbooirb H wai
'■alretorxpraHoartysnUrfar Ur oriBB to applied by a aoorratrmtrd w> 1
an tpprolw Rrvrrtarin nerbart






ta, — "



■rd oot aad all
wf B«l<A I d at Barkar Oraah W a aai^aBiujaWa tUaa.
jMBMVMd ar
‘ tkaltu.
Ctaka Baltoo aad Aba HaternM.
IT aa aaaaoaiaftbatbaw.

Bbat RUk baa aaat bk tmm to tba
E^UHdla kMtba kaklkl with

All tba aka ara artahlar tor


Id Hra. CoUD L. Lmllr la Ua Iota of luUoo of oltrmi# ol aep^ Ib^IcoM.
lair daaybtor Hlaala. Tbr whole
imll^ bare aarbmrU
Ua loeBben
- Itrat, jmllad to wiUaltrataofDi
of osr Loayae bare____ _______
•trlet a
----------- - lamof a ttlhrrta Ua dw
d«U briwmao Wiw-bltck abd t to
may lx ubulnnd. Tbto
Tba aitaadanoa to
S°Ur. 11. K. bmiU. wa atoo wiU
to maklay yood pi
to turd iB tbr yrrot laduitrlalrr
axired our tymptby aad ooaaa
tocalt of I'lurzbcim’aod Adi
to ytn. SeilU aod Umllr.
L Cbaadlar of i
If of RrorU Oo paa
BucU ttirraw 1‘xrticator ci
towa oe bk way to Emlra Iktorday. tapply Ui coiBfart wa woaM lib
a o1>)rrl to Ur linird
Hr waraoeoiap^Biad by bk daoyblrr.
Hn. Formtar. aod her chDdraa wbo
bad baraapadlayafaw da>> at bar


O Ibowoliir baa ftma to Tharetae
*aa wbara thay apaal tba bolldaya.
aty to work at bk trade. Ray lAar- - y k ataylBf tbara dolay tbr ■OVO
aad relay to acbool.
vUI baToaboaaaaial Ah. A la p..
Her. U. R Kortbrapof TnrataaClty
■ Maar.lobalDIto poor. B^acy
pra os a tor wrmao at Ur Uapttot
w k Ualtad aad wa bopa tba tewa
cboreh latt rmlBy. Ha k jlwap a
Ua haapy M.-tbday of Hr. Darla Hr. wrlooear rlaltar bare.
aad Hra Dark an> jiiat tbr onea to Caar A Crotav arr llliay tbair bdll.
amke aaeb a partr rrry aa)oyabla.
rtaalUa mill preparatotr todprtial
AaiaUb load-ofllood TrwpUiaaor- np
lop hare aomr la. bet bmI
prlaod Mr. aad Hra. Thoa Ullmort oor iHBirB are waltioy for son how.
Mara eeU waatber.«
aaealay laal work. A rary plaaaaat
J. E Wlachoomb waa a ylaltor
_ d^w Lafaafataaalad tow
Uma waa had. Uaforo learlw Uay •tMra.
doaday Blykt. dba
priaealod tba boat aad boataaa whb a barKlaplry
UiyBeld wb
Baarty baU of tba lewa aiwakb
had baaa rbltlay baratolar. Hi
Artbar Valai wHatboH# tba «>at
Kibbm elab'bad
a rary ratrrtalafbr tea a few oraalap.
i. I. BabM|j^d^ to Maaai
Asat darab Bodyno bae baea qatu, aco. Tbry prorUa tbair owa aaiaar'
poorly for a wblla.
mrBU aad arrrr taU to kara a yood
■ka BMW HlUa left TaaHay i
Rlljah Cox loat a alee two-ymr-old
of tba plaamataat aoelal arreta
- - - ace^ftoai theta aba win r> bfdtrrlaatTaraday.
la wbaa aba aapaeu h
Ur I
wmt Ua wpddlDC of Fraaa
Hto. RaiuJaddkBobrHer. They of
bare broaybt brr hoata to her taUar.
IMd Waal baa iwooeaad bk abot Otaat FMaaktoy baa beaa rrry eirk: na la.t Tarsday. at tba rraldraer of
abd borama ahoe aad baa rmamad edo Bot kaow at preaeat wrlliay hpw bfidr-» faUrr. Ooo. 0. Mrknm.
Mayflald lowaUlp Tbr oompaay waa


Batoiday aad ease ta Elk B^Ma. ratBralBylatbarTaalay.

PM Kkkara^ to baoUay top
E^piopftrCbaaACralBar. '
Tboa. Ckrbaaha, of TraTocao City, to
the yaaal of Albert A. Hlebaraea.
Wm. aad Ketma Homrteb. of Dorr.
yerMtl^ fclondeaad ralaUraa at tbto

re wu borm f
mrillr, Cay.U
dltd-at TrarrraaClty. J»0.
la rtrl.T Ufa br Bored will
paraata to touUrra Michlpa Id IMV
be waa ratrrkd to Alaiira Atwood. Ury
bolBC Ue 6rtlooupleintrrlrd U loyhaa lowathlp. While liitny la laybam ooaoty tbryoDitrd with Ua MrUoditt EptMS>pal cbuwb ia which
rrry acl^r.. aod rarnrtt wot
rat the lather of dre bnyt. ni
wbcH. Edward FI, turrirm Ur luBlly
Tbr fuarral rrrrlora ware bald at
UapleCity.Jaiiaity HU. ]>h:. ta tbr
Friradt' cborrb, isoduclrd by Ear

ihlB filB Of
raralvh or alinply ruUU
waxrd brti.h.

.no iia<r
oar'.'* ,«aid tlw your* ti
aanrd m y-duny Hr.lltotyl* * aiwrihr 1^11011 Frra
my. ■ih'
•Tb«r» tny ■.-rnpbook.'
Tall of pictow aod' ,«try and


•^•'o. KourcOira. -Itokal look iulo it.* j
Uftii.y, Hic iBud.Tou* yolumr
..... ....
I, aod ,v|olatoMd; •Wby.1hl.l.<Sctlikr.col1rr.


a-oounuy of iterp cleft*, whrrv BUJra
woBld Bot dare to .•■(ii.irr, iimI eran
wbaraBcaCud paattyr d.AicuIi. Tbair
urnekt hare IwaB foii'.d »|>r« Ur rrry
>f toosau.K* u<rr T.Uoi fca«
. la iba*a>>uri.c.*ti
3 coa)|irlIad ti> JaacaiHl b
.lujtwi prrOirstidrawb.a:
piiout. Tbiai. uewry •' .*.loor;
The alapbtsl't dimi iDiib'Uicr u to
kseel down ckur <o the .Vcli.ily. One
formky 1a Than cm>iliou«ly iw*»rd .war
,|op^-noil if be fisd* th. rr •• iioyivnd
apol fiw a flrtn footto.l.l, hr .prrdUy
tormi oae by rttiojiiinr .uio Ux ~>ll. If j
It. or k.rkioc rul a f.MHhold If
Wbri. Ira to turr of a yood fool- |
olbrr.loiwky i* lavUyht dowm I
i* 4,
or ary. TbaB ha pariorsu Ur

Tlw Mtlmtdl SpKUUrta.
wilt. HK AT

I Hotel WhitiRg ;.
TnvBTM City. Kfaih.

’ ties of lottery itokrt**'

•r for Ibrllnl footbnid T1..*ln
“Tbxr ahonr you i.rifr p'.ny.d th«
yood plarra altrad*- r.adr for 11
meet. TbryTr ibikci. ihol the
tael. '
ornkrrt guir nw in cvehanrr tor a lib­
o-mauidkarto u*av<r cum lorrur <
eral |xn-«Bta*r of ray iurouw.'n Icy*, tirvi unr ui
ewrUfiratrt of ato.-k In cntcrprlrc that
fully o«cr 1I.C Miyr, u to re they ocrBpy
i-rvrr drclanxl • dl'idcod. Tbry'rrrmlire flwl pto.-r* rixdr
Caiuut* •m.tiatvnciiantiv.
Tbit k Iba »u> n.r I'oX Boiiral |>iw-.
«rdt all Ibr nay dot. V/.reap, kiwrl.' Ulap.iikc
-Hat r
■sy will. hi. b.>. ihermior
of jrraviiy .. |»r«-frr.l, and th. bop
"Tn*. Rut I tatrd Ibns. I-wasted
l Wa* kacb Uritrr nMoata - Sal»«»
tbriB to mnind mr of tbr pood tiiort I
Dcra to a a^^ df u nilr^ rlniB paid forasdnrrrrliod. Tbrymprr^t w l.oyor. iboui tbr exprririKPx Ual twioop to llw pertic
aiid wLlcb will Br'crbrrrpralrd.'. upon
dboUT actUhiy with f.irp.mwbo bare
not rary larpr. bat uSrImUy anmarbat Tounreyoln
Tou nre yol ny to atay ■ S Hr
loraii ibtt
uaL ■Wklax WMl Urr4u«. lo-sd I'lcrr*. r-Mirc. PM.!*-wUct aw wlww taom tm ttimat
Elea aad Lae Cox epaat Aoadar at nai for a rml yood t>n>r—aod Ury bad bad bonwaanil w.»*kniM liy ibr.-ar*. tway from
e Brw. wtor
.nmner?* <>. for the ^-1 M yrai>. I' •• lluil of
ilw race track hr.
aayt Ibr Daniillr iKyAdincnlc. A
aM •liseol ib
Urlr bomm. Tbay ara worklay at 811lanwr .. liiili.r»orarJ.iuclioority had
ratine 40rtor-n l.«.|.l«ilrcl.
rrr Lake/
thon* your yood aroaa. It tioD biylil at tin' rx]xiitri>f ib">u<4rB».
rat. klllwl by a frr pin tnia. Tbr
Lloyd &atoadIaa>Uy kara
Mar Roe aad ara Drier'^itb
-I don't beyrudyrtbr tiuniry m BUeb. t>or It;
« pBlH
iinilirr of rpr» iv rrrr tartoA
oinpiuiy mat the
pBlIcBan aforea CT-mmiV
•nrf ofti
tM.nlra.rol It WBC’t toy ruiildilr that rrtwUcd. It Wbrn the cuui.V I.
Hra. Katy Tharp'a aiater aad
tor lu.ioy bern wVrtrrI to vecurr tbt
aad. from TnmeaCIty. bare
______ lid rlfrrtwlil. ihrcnnrrof Ur Wa my pride.'n ■OKwTilDrA^aCEai. remdwntowlaMOktWIr.astowrbrm WrW —tat. 4
pmdlar a few dap with brr.
rppm -tkd boU thrin. Ury arc iwmed
BBlBiaL Thrlararram^tcdaornrUloy
CAIAMHH Brwkewr irmioxa. I u*.riwmm aaCrams.
OPAatSTliB «• raw r.rr, rax to thm-wtob. Olrt atokartr. PUm Tape WWB 0«
atnuntT and rtwrylulr rnu Is llw otBMiah Cox aad w«r aad Tally Tharp LUUa Rthal Farkar to qalU 111.
like *tO for bto pro|xrty. and Ibr ayenl
B>Q*t yot.l Only on. mH
to allow bIm fftAO. Tbry
pr-tr» -iiixi-n-rtoiandlckataa traa eoldt to aary pteralaat WBOled
0.1 a mmeS.
' ovc, dan-l i« l.rt.r |■a|>uJBr mnllmrut. . U> rwTr. Prrwm*»rplHe»
wrmsylcd for quiir a mh'lr until bad
bleat tbaa is tbair lal
rip" to Ibr amr yl.rsloarr^arti-'' asd rrin—d i.. ^oy hi* .hair of Ur rxblood wax arouird acid baimb wordt teKar -■
,1 to .1 i!m eito* tU toto^
po lo piu* briwren tbrayvol and ilie abir dt* lliai follow* tbr fortunra of ■ pniiw. llr .Juol l«xn rIrvicH by a Urp
Tb. ana ol Or* B. a a Cw.
MaplrClty. bu ... ..
famcr. One «ord Uronybl oa aootb- ; Ue .V'r|itlu.. lliirr Oblo. ou aeeouSI n.ajaritv. hiti wa* ■l..firair<l>t ibr
Ur. bayar to quiU III at
wlU Kaasla Cox. 8hr k bow rklUay
er. Ue lie mat paxard and opre b-wtii:- ' of the UBScioa* bold of life he bar I dretinn for Bu oil.rr rraM.u Ibai
at Sltoa Wbloaery-a. at Cedar Rub.
tVa hope to ora hua out apl
Itm coTmnrncnl. The aarfiap oira ■abow-ry hr ha. .1* falVn from Ibe tbip ' wantofRBpx i for Ihrrumoeu. -N.
Hr. Ckrrotban of Ealka__ ______ ellBdmd
Meat of Ua tolka ara maklayyaod
aod wcot down. Kcm It ao

to fafe-. B

MiB. Barmaa to watkiay fm
HimUaa EaopU to rtolHay at'Hra.


^ptHTU are aUto lo iiukr tbr.r way |


Hr. Baftay-a family ara all aiak artU
Sija OH kai • aatalia aa« laai U. K; Briakmaa akitad TroTana CUj
Kartar Paal Ptofoa baa ban jratr Bow did yoa
Hia. Tftllka Jaddhaaep lew
Hr. aad Hn Jamai nobana ara ^ Hot. H. E. Wylie hi
Ed Craakhila toali
aetlac to yo to Chleace to ipn
)w weaka.
Tba mambm of tba I. 0. a T.
plaalay foraa aatartalameat It


a^d Laioooi to Sad t-inrUinrin iH|
may of duty brre for IhadtirccDByauey |
anay aad avy Bee and thui raUatetba '

Tbr alaytay aebool. <


let your friends go without a
beautiful present because you
have but a little cash for 1 sell at
one price, cash or payments, and
that price is the very lowest. 1
have the finest assorted stock of
(lift I'umiturc you ever saw
and so cheap you will wonder
how it is made. Don’t fail to call
and look it over.
^'ours trulv,

Oat Day Oaly BarU MoMb.
• SBdStrioUf



To Young, Middle Aged and'Old Men,




bto daoyhter. Him. T. Q. Lmralle. reeHUy.
of the iwo. aBdtbepttbe
Ikr iMW k a Mn^ac to Ur people of Jao. UaralleeBBahomethtlMt of
Cheeaadi3remarwBI atarttbHrai
r ibinyt that I
farmer betwna him aorLHoUrr Earth, tr^r. aod o—
emthm Htoklpa.
^Headayte b«lathakeat fart
oo a atoit. BatowerUayat
asd held bIm aerore. Afier br bad , "’If <»«_?’ '>» «*»' ''<>■
MW mimotnly, ^
Mkam. lUbal aod Aliea Beball. el
Oarlaad wa«t to Graad Bapldt
tolrae.'O. aad :
.cA *n.r<iT
bare tanpbt.
tanpbt him to
to ebi
be in up for a Bomrnt and
. for wbkky 1
wUI yoo' Uka I
-Sow. yoo Aid
Mr. Wolf,al AUapB.W WkdtlByiB ^r. Jamawm k oa Jar; Uk wnk at
Ur IsSoroorof which
^MigbHtb^ aad otbar ptacaa
be dor* many fonlkb tblop and abowm
^Waiw k alopplay at Key- work today.

r bear of

adc* hsTlaci
■ Irr in ihr Net

DRS. B. S. & CO.

Lock Box 160.



Hr. a>d Hra. Hyao. of Oimwo. Baaday^ wlU Mm. iamraoi

rba Imditt AidBrtat______________
a Wm Wiltoa Utt Tbermday afterm. Tba Burtlay war rrry asceo—
The urxt BwaUay will br at U
H E NrltoB-t la twoaraaki froa t
imt m^ey.

altod at KeplODe TbarHay.
KUW^piwhrd daoday

Mn. Hyn Baaaa. ferme^ of BaatBaevbaeeemata make bar beaaa with
« rabWu Friday.
J. L Prlak roeaatly parebaaad a Boa
lotefbrewaLayberafowU. Habopeo Uto weak.
Brr. Hr. Orrkboldlay a aaHra of
dao. Boyd paaaad tbroayh towa h
Ftp Mrtbodtot maatiapat tba Baitarr
waob eo bto way to Baary Balloel
aebool booaa.
trhmabahaaHlaBaa Starwladml
Hoarea Irft laat Wadaeaday
Tba Bpwartt LaayH aarrlMiara to ' Albert
haal lop arar Klapley bat rrtorBbabaU OTcry tkbbatk eraalayattba ta
. ILEABreh. We bopa for a yaed at- btorday, tbr alolyhlay belay too poor
dHdaaea allacly taw<reat.aad maob for IbaV
J. M. Bobbin m
abH Tbanday
It to aeldam that wa hare tba laxaiy aad had b:'
afyetay to chareh la a taiaalarm aa •toaa H laBd raeratly p
lata la tba aeaen m Jaa. IT. yet aaeb T.-Oeadnatraa.
OB reU at nbalan aad
area tba maa iHt Habhatb, bat It tooki We Imrr
•t to analfHtad. Oar
MW aa If wtalar bad «ome «a may. The
ac]f><7^• oow yoraraad
tba tame
A aocy plaaaaat eaotpaay of rotaUraa prtadida oa tbr elty arboala, HkaSemMbarrdattb* bomaof Cbatar Ho'hmbaek Wiiatedey laM with
. him bb tnh btotflay dlaam. Cb«M
H^dka.** AUm
, aaaeyaajeyaMaday.

Parry Clark ratirMd from bto
at RiMbam HrMay araBli«.
Tba WaaeaBkOebmalatUtB.
tba Waakta'a Friday of laal weak.
Hm. Paoybora baa rnoMd to Tkarana aty far «•» balaaaa of tba wietH.
•aah for rood aMyUay.

rftorary akA at
Uto rrriUhy.
SebooIbeymataallUfortka a
■m. attar a racaUoD of a weak.
Htoam Balia Ckri aod Lala Baldwla
^>nt Maw Vaan rriu U^ paroata.


r laUar. aad Tbaa.

Tba Bar. Mr. Knaady of Sbara

beacdan from tba ablayta mlU.


Then wUI be a wOBaa'a Bartlsy
■aeberch Saaday aflermooa. Jaa. ...

dabtoctfordtoeomln. “PsHty." Hrm.
E a Udd will be WlU at froa Timrana City aad will pra a talk oe tba
aborr aeb>act. All tba ladira. aod mpadalty yoeay ladlaa. ara raqasud


maule. O. J. Baetoabat ebarp of Uk
dapartiBHt. and k a rary nywhla
teaehar. Wa predict aooomt la UU at
la erarytbiay a'tc penalaiay .U '
alybt acboiri. Hr. Jeaat to hio

Tbr eolormd mu bad tied bU Buk
to a iclrjrrwpb pole whUr be weol iaU
tbt feed .tore. Wbrn he OBe out be
(onad Ibr aolmtl Isdwilrioaay paw.
loe# bote lo Ur wood, aecordiny totbe
KaUlBpes eur.
^by^-fyo^feed yonr BulrF* a

bln) icya asdby alliUr tw tot ibwowlay
leto Ibe air ami tbr«nr Islo bto nwiuib
anirlr plterd
oo bto Boor.
orcompltoimrot k to
trlwet tt word of eofniasni] t pirn e
out of e .-olIrcUoB coupowd of a hall
prBBy. |wnnr. alxprorr, >billlsp aoi
balf^TOwu. w bkb are told oa Ur floo
.puio'v i-tl.ii.. finp he
to? rrot b elow. WlU tbr moimand
IflBp Sir
> ‘’DriBy
me Ur .hUliny," or wbaterer 1
It br that to aakrd for.

“Sr .prwaifwi


bai hero,.- Krrneb -clrattol
hM Ud.ti. drrUrwt Ibti
ber ot urnuu* inalndw* froB wbwB
-Feed 'oBl Hittota.' I iritaa dat mlu yirit at Ur prrrrsi day .offer arr to
fltc mcali rr day. an' dat'a t§nr mor’a 1*. atir.l.nbd lo ptoy.ry ibr ptoao.
wkmtlyllt. Hrtowuaj'arryoti. 6eraB SiBltoli.-* aJwm. acoortliny Id Uto auIron das’ ttop’m. oo bo'b ex It twa
abort'nlB' bread."
Ur nrfer^ (br aye of 11
-Dr mot bare a tmntrktbte diy^ BA frxrr ibao »■. aufffr fruiu Ibi.cJaat
of d:*otdrn. of thixr who do
-Ite only iriny dtt Btk.-> dti asiBlIr sob bryla riil lairr Urn are only *oBe
ar mule to to atrklrBi vf blrtlv Efbc'd
bappmed ter bob two laip tlld o' fou' 'aiiM.i*‘UuiK' wbo bale errr bwri.r.1
he'd of t»«n ar>rh."
M play tbr j.iui.o- Tbr >lol
tVfailr Ur bitchit* tirap wm briar ptwcvl to br rt|iial>y Inyurr
Batted tbr mate bceamr rmttem and bit rwmrdy tuCTr-tr-l '
owaer rried:
, , ahonM not I
M br Ir-nsltted ln*1on> rilbrr
-Who. dar, Salpburir Asldl*

Oar Wide Awake AMabeiety at Laoy
Lake wil^ra a aoelal at Ua towa b^
at Molt. Wadeeaday erMlay. Feb. »rd.
far tba parpma of ratolay faoda to earry eo oor baaarolHt work Tbaaocialy to‘-wUemwaka." lodaad. la Ua la"Ifbat'a UU JOB all bImT’
iatHl of oUarm, aad bat wllliay work-Sulpburk Acid. Rk BOOM ortrr
ara.brmr'oy toewaiCd rmla tottorahoal
tba aaady OM. Wa Sad ao maay Ual btJaliutCac^.”
-Bow did you bi
seed balp la ooa way OSS'oaoUor. aaw-WaL aub. I dU
lay tor bay motben aod for Ua tick.
Ckoar it. dc fo-ptoer. as-1 orbbrrdJ
all kiedana aod lorr. aot latoodlaru Bate dat MiMiBodr artrar.

So I krp-

ISl^Srfiif'all^ maw^U «»»••»• »«>rday wb»B Idoatoakmrr
- - -------All aarr^dlH arirh- pbarlr arid am dr atla’tot I'lay dal te.
v, atJ >

BtadU amm UorcoV!

BM What WM imqatoadod aU wbo ^ ________ =—-- ----------- ; ^
..teodtd. whleb la u bUows: AU, " laiitTin i» _riiN- t wsan rnty
iadiea auaadisr. wbmtbar BTBUn of
.......... . .”*..***!T
tbe aeelMy or
wot. an kisdly ..janted
bOL pntop. a^ a cteT'iJu^aon
....... taory baUrta. I
arlac patebosrd bcoa of tirint
-------- of rasor. h-bars made is Pnf. TOO

' WlteB -VauM- wa> briny pUyrd la
a email UorMluir town ibi. inridn.t
It farii.y told; After tbr ditel Martha,
who nirhtol on tbr •layr, rllrl.i'T
rmkrd one nf tbe darltet*. and ertod nH
■b aUnu; "Ok wbat tbtll I
Tlteir wm. a drathdikt alVnrr )■
r cmlirry aboulny out
ft. .wrtnnnM."
Anbdrarwti Siaelair. ia bto -loodtn
ot Tbouybi. etc.* Irik a yood *lory ol
H Elen brad maMrr. koow b at "Floyylsy Eatr." Fisdli* one moralaf •
row of In. • Ib bto otad r. br faryms. M
w*al. lo ■«<* tboB. -htey wnr too
tririfird at ibr awM-|1iiIr mato r»-

----------- — preuy (kaa pprr.

.hawa moradtoOedaraadara aayayad

tarn. Oar yoaay Mnd. Omrta

riphl.- atM tbe ayrsi: -I will
pay yoo ripbl awmy. Il’a Bach. brUrr
out of eoBi-L
to irtllc tbrmre thiap..
Tea aaeaaU «be oa^»sa Mbody pia

(vat trflectiea oa aay OMi asd wm bw arr cart opra frr aaopio' bk.' ’pro-

hate. Wahopaaolkiayaerioa
Hr. aad Hrt. Laa Smith aad Htoa
BaUaOUikdrtwaleBtoyhaBtoat tkt.

t liybird B

r. Barln'aSatardayu
Bart bare ■
o Uaa. Cookb boaaa
■aforlke w
WUl tkaferd aod Jaha 0______ _ _
mored Uidr UmlUat to tba«lty.
Tbay eoy that Dr. Barka aow drira

tbrm JaU M f
a pt ia aappn
tba matault
If. Tbry MB bai
bamad. Warn
a may ban ia the
ly mMtomtwa boaotud
■mbttm-Ury •Ulbcata
cud u bHar *•« slarto bi

. A r»c ««»»>•< »>»<>>

- lioU taSttlsr from dropay ai
■■ mt Ue suotacb. wm bnuyl

.oui.d bMl bealed proTklnl-rb' doy w itb a 1*ht aod ttrooy
woodrw Iry. lo Ur courm of tiior Ibt
little dop. whirh to a trry inielllyrol
aBizuI. brraa>r awarr thai brr uld rrtt
bto wel-bt ii;Mie Ur woodrulrpai
iry pnrporr*.
It for ail onlinary
-nttiBy Ibr Ji* alwayv M bit i


______ II || niiwalii a ka

a oa bk j Ameay
pabitobrd «
- - - - ihr Itrta
, oa tbr ',
wm tbr followl«prloqarot«
•Oa_moory box. dweiwmted. qidir aa""i."
^ Taxpayarm

4asaato IMMto a.e-r Triter.
! Publle ttorr I. !Irr« n.ll .am t yrxrf
J flerllbood is JtjMr Ir Totlotioi
of thriB ■f'v Ur r piwrldrd wHb

. Tbr eUrr day. taya Ur Kew Tort
y ^etoeh a. m. aalB
MaU and RxprmH. is a too bsirirdim- u;m e'eloct a. m. okd (not i F^ib
•poBteUtbrrrrrlaattBCordrrWTbort >
a. ■. ssUJ 4 o'eloiUa. m. U fitHra
Ute frwH prddvrto „„ w„ .pteb ' U. aatate aod eoaoty UM aoMtoad to
Ice tbs asd Ut rm-bi aod para wrrt arav ' Uaeity for Ur year Ituc,aad ntU city
______ trrrf e^^maiwTad.rtoMU»;»*»«
^ Ur proHt Sqal ,
cmr trsek. Tbr miHtJ p^toa- ■
iMIec is Bsrold BaUdiaf. Beam He.
man co.ild banlly tratrm.o Ur impakc
to u*r fatorinb.
Datad Dae. I. ItH.
Yotetellr V.Ury <

It. tbr
-Tlirdtotylciafrr.-rxHaiBtedbr. “Hai 40. t yeany fcUoa
• cm ..It oe Ibr rdfr ol < did lloBpurpote-Jitett.?isrtorsrito
.brivinf oneipwr i«olkoa
M.MlVmbicb •ndbtkm
-Br baa asecrrdrd. Ibra.* said a toft i
b.m-rtf .X b.. brad A
roltr at ib* ofliorrto rlbow. a
ft' *1.^01 Imjc rut^wi
llttlr wnmae atooprd asd I
ctrrailT >ot cmc Bun IB I yalhrr up Ihr armttrrrd fiiilt. would U U*i kind
Tk- ofllrrr'R farr rwddenrd.
of a fool bet Blsr men u
tra air all Ibe lunr ukiac
^ «». I
feoltob ebasirr
Tbrtr l< oe dradly arrl
abeul a link £■ to ind«r.
tun or bHinB*er*a. aad yri
Uamaa alloa* Ibrar iieab beat, unmolralrd by bto otS^brmy, fb*
tea lu cri a bold nn bite br
tabrn arruo. rwka
tenma clonr teldon
Tbrrr ■* a borar Is PhlbArlphtorUaM
bntioMa Itltiodnwaoollrrtkeawayea
orrr a port oBce roan la tbr Diddte ot
the etty. »brtr ihr boxrt arr Aberl dkwrabrM asd oadri liam apsTL Tbia
Thit borar hsa karod






Ua teratiH of tbr ktirr bansiwra
« Im

nsa ditraar*
Diaraar-yrftel to Ur


arr er man. tba to
1 aod allewa blmtclf to be |
drtTH froa CBe to Ur etbrr.
amr lmo«a to mobs a mtotabt

,1 ETiSir’Js
Ciildrn Mrfieal Piiceamiy.
It teXa dmeilr ea tbr iiiHarb rad iirrr.

Btoebtc WmmatmyrtniUo s
LEi;;24^‘slr^rS:rir5:3 UrotetoT^iaportttotta



aa Be Owwatea M Pat •»
I'rr* wm rremly a pobflr
fbr rffent of a deoroaed artje
Uoupb be aeerr bod uy moa
wa alwmye at Ur tad ad bb rat
maaayrd to aeroBatoU a etmti
amount of brte-adwmr. eblrfly tor an
J^bl^lrada. All three (blny
Ibinyt ten
I of tbr nrrdy •tAo

.inolo’Vet lo the potoermt-_ _ I
artifieu.1 limb, bat if h. bxe nera.i
do aay fa*t rucnloy or IraplBy be will Uml br WM aDdoubUdly Ur ob)r«of |
yrmerfully bold up Ur weodri. Irfasd n-io-idermblr asltnad.rn.oB. Tbit wa :
drprad aolrly npon tbr olbrr three lor rtidrocrd by UroBrrksliny .iyorwIU I
whleb be WM pumrd from corarr to !
’ tbr terrier reqnlred.

toy the UndoiKM
wr^l a rote
r Blod.*- ^
Ir an ano^
I.* So br ito-


Be WM oBly as Italias frmItCrsdte. ,
Tbrrr WM uoUiny ato.iit him ot sU
bk. l. to ISMiin Ue beholder WiU IreV
li,p. one way or aonUrr. lie wm aot
luyiP-lefHmyhtorallfoi rei.erkj^^:
uUy. nor asknupl roouyb U





M to Mto CvpMtK.
W. •i,foto*l®l«*.-««r«to- Ckrtto««. ' I tbiak I «U1 bar*
Umm. t ptotoed S> U worth o^uhTtoo

Oor To*c LMiar WrtMn.

aamban aad write- The aleeat
bto waa atTiarerBCityat the
day aobool rallj. I beloaf to Loac
tokaKatbaadayeebool. Wril i adll
dtoO. .

yoar UtUo frtoad.
^BA Wan

DOAB tuftoa-I thooirht I .woald
vrtutothoBUAUi. laaia
MxyMold. Idoa'tfoloochool.. It
totoo(arte(0- I tore a little toby
•Met: boraa»ttol.aella- > ar poU I
tore a oat: bk aaaw to ToaiBy. twill
eloae by letter by wtobla* foa a
Hood by. from

Obab Maa Batb.-I am folai '

oat. I to*e loae toblaf aod eaarht
ta to a ttme- *We torea eow aad i
hacoa. 1 wtobyoao Merry Chriumo.
llUT AeiiBi-a


had a pUr hotoo aad a«rta(.


He alway. boagbt me


sad aUtbt raat of aa aomethtog tor
«. alwayihadaaSagltoh
plam padding baeaaee ba wae aa Bag-

Itobmaa. We wm feel rmy
wo woat to Onad
we hara to eat it wItbMt
^'pldclMrehorrto.ho took - «*h- oMlo> boaaa. I woalto tha BaUlmo two IwotherA aad twoetoier. older
, aad t oaw aa alicalor U the
ayueU. aad ooe. bretber aad etotor
• eo-pod-t. lw-» boekl*yoaagar.
My little brother to two
Urrjttt with tor. Md tort. Lrtwfc*
yuan M fMO- to awfal cate:
Be eaa
wao ItotoT
ud tod »foodU»» Wo woBt .
•peak aUttie pleeemkoat Uuto b<9
• park. Ibad on
.wlaff oa Ue-toko. to (hto to all
biaa Papa cried be«to be had to die
mat < «U1 oltto. IW roar friowl. a! .trortearrtdooaallwmit U> Joha aad lea** baby hay aad aU
Ball ParkaadBWMBo preUf Aohoa
Rosa ^ann.
liUlo poad. Soca. of the flaboo wUl watch aad wait aad wealer what
Mnort^W. Opt k M
you will read me for Cbrtotmaa.
rto-braaoted. I bad the pUami
BOt go to Achool becaaee 1 hare to walk
. Dtoa Banoa—I ttosrht I voaM cntiMatGimadBapIda I toeo b
•e far it makce a pain la my hmrt.
like W vrtUalaMrto the Baa.
a food Mar *k>e Umaa. oo maar
I told arototofahootliaad oho Bid woBldtotomealoartl Miouu yaa. my big broUrr caa get work la ooe .
the factoric. ia Trarerm City he aad
•to wool wrlu {or OM. I am afaald
jwttotaad two ea
my bigatotcr will go there eud keep
o (otool. lirfraadma dtod Urt wUI cleoo lor thto tlma
booM aad aead u. •
•rlBlar. 1 mtoa her: aho omd to UH
Mat Aar*
Itoroaliiile tot? toothyea™-_________
o> farra. 1 hope he will gel work
MtolmoDlteldea. I tbUk
there hecauee 1 weal to go toecha.
ho to oale. I doe t toow i
AU Riwtob-I ihOQgbt 1 Croold
lean to be a teacher
I bare
CUa» wUl bria* am aaj ttla*.
write to the Bubaui. I hare writtea
kitty forh-pet-lla aameJaOulle: aa
lo to pro«; poor thto pear, bat astjbo
I go t
my mUr brollwr baa a dog aame
ha will brriehor toxt CbrtotmM to«r'e Bumc to Hte Mlaale CkrpcaJumbo. My letter to getUag Wag and
ae HcKlBlrr toaloetad. WrU 1 will
I am is tha flni reader. 1 east
1 win eloae by wUkiag you a merry
w br tailiar «»7 “•* aod af
wriu rery feat eo my Motor to .writiag
1-brtotmat Agellyrtia.
Id bf.
liiA Cai'Itui.a Bm'H.
tor too. Thto .ammer I watched

From, your Utile frlead.
carried iu wood, brougbPap water.
Ojjru Aam-Ehaaked aWaaddag polawm.
UUB EictoB—Imot^eoJ^ wrcAo aad Umeo I d^’t Uke to work. I gt>
TooelTBda Utile bookaad I Uilak llto
a mOAt erery d%tanUy with mw
very ahia
Ao I am art larr* mmarh
aad papa. I like to go aad mw B
toread'ltmyoelf my .toteio read it to
'atoter. She to working out 'la tow
NYONE rtoiang
Mimmer all tho' llUle boyo For peU I bare a dog. a calf aod
KrnaM Club .hi
my ttoe west in awlmmlnB atariy er- bono. I bare flrr Maieri aod foer
I ennnot fall to noery day. aad wbea ore did aotfoowlmUee the wW.lj
brotben. throe are dead; aod a nImJ
dlflering .arwilea
mlairwewrai boatrlding.
twee oa
aad aepbew. Well 1 thiok ma.t «
of do0.
In one
too water o. moeb a> I wa> oo lei
my letter to getting pretty loag.
elan, urr Ibe tuaw
My IlUle IrieDd. Koeo McBM:her«. a
'ibirt^oee set Bud the waito toil
ealar maeiiff.: la
Ifoaleleb ridlapoeorly eroryJay.
will write agale.eo good bye. I
anoibrr the .M
wtoh alUbe litUereadmof the III
yoa a merry Chrtalme. as a happy
rter grev.houi
Ai.t> a merry Cbrtotmao aad a han>y
He,r WHlgnliy'
Kew Year. Yoar lltUe frtead.
New Year, aad yoa tUo. dear editor.
peiaonilied in the
Thi. to all 1 coo thlok of tor tbto time.
beauUfnl fia
Bernard, atiil
Year loriar Mead.
puilrnce- on-lhatomeUtr.Oee.ll.l'OA
________ Vo
■ Lrlloj,a.fli..l>-<-.ll,
Deak Miw. HAvn-t thought I woald
wrltetotho llABAEi.a.l eoeoomaay
olben aro wriiiag.
i go to ocbool er
,ry day; I am U the BfU reader. My
teaeherV aame to MIm Aagrll.
1 like
■ herorry meek. There are about .ir,
ockolareat-ihooi. Krery moraleg beJore 1 gotooc-liool I waeb and wipe the
dtobeA.aweep the floor aod Moetimee
d make the bode.
I was to a Thaokeglriog party aad had loU of foo. It
wa* awful dark, it raiued wDeo we
weat borne. 1 go to BDoday rohool erotySuadey. I hare alremiy got a piece
for ChrUtmaa ae we are golag to hare
a Chrtotmae tree at onr aehoo! hooM
Thto lean I oaa ibiah of for thto Ume.
Ynor triead.

LaM the ngfet M tw.
___ ...__________________d at M Batik
CReA'Arroor. the nMdeoer id B I Rob
of U. wile', rxpertoom te a miaaer toll
eurim mortetliBi with hto wnwto. .Be
aara. "! am airrr mr wik to am at home
Ihbp. H .bataoooe know, taeuerlbaa
I bow abr lui Auflrrrd durinr pau yeaia
r-r twroiv ream the ba. been aMktol
wiib Ike T.riou. fnraii of Udaer nun
nlal.t awi to raUrgeowuI of Ibe Urer
khr w....neerr*flunl lo her bed fori»eii— la,I a tlmr aulMny un<nl.l
uoer. Me baxlirtonri mnataollT, and
I bare paid .uil in d-<u«r WU. fe kef
Moor a. tmi.-li a.gtoai in. ud tfaea brr ir
Kilr AUCb that .:iic a.Hild be tUr
4iu.i be a a|.-lt Mnnr ilfw-ago
abe Mt Ibr MBiptuou of umber aiiaei
oorninz or. ueU..i a pal. iu tbMugh Ibr
kMorraaod ba>-fc. 1 bardiv ko.,w aUat
|n.l.o4.l me lo c«i a ton of [V»n . Kidner


iuu*araA.ataer. E
IB.a witoiwuw.nil



Ian. ^1toWeviT I C'll
Itbeituu- (tneai-a
lo are ilinrai-t|>>(t: II
_______ Utlli
din marinUmproremi'iit
•reii>nt radi d^i
If o'.a lliea .br
in In ilk-haiAaiv.l
nIb.M III llR
ll.riUv *d.>
W liui u.-doou
.M' IbaR-. Kklo'i


K..a.ll arelMV Ie


IWI.'UI loeiUniu-a bul i-"Olem Ibal my
wifi'A eipr-ni-tirv atih lAao't Ki-loeV'
Pilto ba« th.u- lUR. Ii I.. .-liAngr m.v ..pia
kma If II w.w.'ia.t I.e il>ra pdl-iMw
would ooi bare U-eu al.k- ;i.> br .lul tin.


T BAinaB
I .wo. wwt-

*^&SI^KIdDeT llllc l.if A.le br .11 dcM•r.-pr1ie.
<>T r.uterMllburo <■*•. Buflald. N Y , tolc
fbr ite^r: s Jbwmber Urn caw. J


-•>» '

'A-lad-wa. found k Ki-iiic in Plym't.ith.'i;ovb"id. u:,otol.| a iu.~l WS..K
.•erf»i tale. .It w.» \.-.,..d,.ur lu bi.
>ialemrlit,-gifrn with a alriiu.':il (a<e
ami an nfijwrrully ' .-leor ..on- . -uee.
be had l«-i-n a fabiu-bY ui-uu an
.\Du-rlrau Aleiiin>Ii>t<. ‘For wifor




-. iwr-r. - Ol. tor. lam^ -«• a

a. BaTW-Aa I hare a few
■pare momenu I thoogbt I woald
write yoa a few lioea.
bMB oejoylBg myaelf the paat we*k
akaUag oa the ice. Uto loia of foe.
Aa you wanted the boyu and girl, ol
tbto department ujulkhow they ca
>oyed U>e aaMtaer I wlU tell you how
apeot mytlBie. Ma-paBad I w
aloaa ibi. .ummer, a» my two al.i
away. AO 1 helped p. part ol
____ by drirlag the bortea for bim i
I helped plant corn ami putatora aod
Idckml dieitie., black berriea, bm-klw

rtoman UK. MBT
gliule el Ibr eu-k lu
Ol. Ihe r.dl.,wiug


.x-ardnem - la


tarn iiurtoA ay Urtiiuu.

<-n1lto« a
UUTlen' nf aa«ji <ed aii-a and color
a ul tlM^rxi
ibenitnv rarieUeaof ,
.. Kortuoalely
.eUrr* aod bouodn.
Yet Ufto quad- ;
;iil. ll.,- rjivl.
— to. toXaelXto.
than a ,
bM bw. l>- •. to*wall dog.:
a I*ipe fl
ItoAb Mto Batbo—I am polnf to
I Uke my teacher. 1 went la
________jriginuJ type? The
thehay wMitbeboyolaataaBtoei-.
rariou. s-J.Im-. to ml- que.lion Bight
kerriea and plnma: then ibie fall 1
OaaBhtBBaM Aebea tbedoek toe- 1
and helped hnak it. dug potaloea aU be .uiiimed op In ilmi uell-knowa
aaawer of }kc duiky in ilw fwight
ha>ate*»l>el.l‘‘f7»>4 •
tame. Tbto to my Brat term of oehool.
depot, when he .aid. in leferriiee to tbo
0^ My lemher'. name to Mtoa
limUttopetmer daaa. I Uto tope to
deaUnalion of a'pu;. xxIpHi
lx.rtod.|eMwl-l.> ll>toe|U.r)
•Inttre. I llkeber rery ms
left behind; "1 d'n'know.
Thto to my Brat IcUor. 1 liked
Mir lAto kind too.all. MaandSyl
d-a-knoxi. an- nybotly know
the hook yea (are mt laotChrietmaa
Mpeeiwlgotogmtidma'. at Saginaw
Good by*.
KIIITOH—t bate aeror wrIlUl to Apfod the holidaya. We bare tak.
. Jtfoeyean.________Uwi. Aki«i-o.
toiee niuAs-ior.,'we chiy ea«ily dr.-ide
'n»'n-.n.el '-.i
to the UniAi.i. before, I wllMell yoi
1 u for a long lime and I e
liieU arrlbe earie-’-> t.'i
wbero I waa thto rammer.
My foika j..y heatirg Ibe lettrm from the bora
tiha irurdogAiwrtuin-.
OaABMto. Fvnm-I will wriW yoa
to Wtoroantu. I W^ol acrao and firla. nod wbnl they are doing.'
J.e to Ibe Ojiigo,
tetter. I ,o to eehool aa.t read la tt
lake Mlehlgaa In a Wg atoamer. : Well I Buit eliM by algalog my aame. i
Arm Mder. t am oeer boll Ifcroopb
my rrandpa aad grandma tor th<
my book. Theaterat tlmeU.lIfcad
firai Ume. Tkete wafa riror wbicl
wee the FoarUi of JelyahnoUap Brcu acrum my giaadpa-. farm. I wen
maekera. Wr hart foar popple, aad
Han. Hara*—I go to rabool and
llAblBg with my oacle Charley. Tto
oaaafthMtomlae. Gtaedya r*ee aii
tt.ic teraomi. My aelionl teaobnt Ume 1 erer went a fiabing ■ <»ugbt
baao hall sad Hike it my well. W.
Are Uie Be« BB EbtUl
m. to Uim Pal-m aud my mstic
oae Bah. I hare two calrea for peta.
haoe a baby Mater.
I wilt «l<-e mow
teaeber-a name UMtoaTrm.ta. 1 Uke
named Uiem May aad Ray. 1 ie
wtohl^ yoa a merry ChrtotmaA
them erery day. I do aot go to Icbool them both rery moeb.
Aga A
_____ ^t-rui Maaaji.
liunsg my rBoa'ioo 1 went to Hart­
BOW aawebadataUurm. My leaeh «l*a, Uw.». Iim.
Ubii. at
ee. Mia. Panoa. Uugkt me bow U ford and llrood Kanld..
OBAkBomito-lam a lltU. ^y oH
write. I liked her eery much, ae the HarUort 1 riailad my a.cle on Ike
yean. I »aaot write reiT well my tried to leach aa 1 am In the aoeoi ' farm. A lake rr^ near by aad air
atof oe av atotor wUl write for me.
coaalM aad I waded aad had loU of
imder. I arillcleac fur Uto time.
gmtoeeheolemydayaad my uaebaport. \Ve had a awtig and a P'ay-(
Mrwx C. Piitwr.
. m^aametotlopbmWatktom We all
honae io Ur apple urdhard. . I bad uer . ’
Age>»rea yearn.
Uha ^ rmy mock. The* W’edamday
eral hoe*e back ridm. We .ler.d a 9
.' totora Ttoaborlriap we had aa calermontb at iianlord. dad then we came f
IiRabMw »ar«*-lllke to read thb to Uraad Bapida lo eiait my oll.i^ i
MlBMal liwaa}oattorety. botUien; l^nk Oat for /toJcafltiDd And Bay Oaty at the Betalmr CUyar-AteaU.
waro art emymaay there a. it wm. •tten in Ue Bubi
had aeroral ridm on Urn aireei!
lad a nlee Ume at a Haaday aehool
. weat to-John Ball Itork aad |
lie io Mr. Mitcbell'a grore. and I had Scddlen-Home. I waa more Interested ] >
i-Blce tlBie ap at fbe Courtade-aetitol ie thfae thaa any Uiag elae 1 aaw dorDBIB Mat. BAraa-J thoaghi I, woald lOBto ae-laM-flay^ KMiSl. They
my raeaUoa. We went to Se-ab-1 b»xe
a.-1'foi-Age; .u-: |>ai>.0ii
mriluafala. 1 go to aobool aad am ia .poke piecea and kad dlalcgaea.
raata OB the ateamboal BBd took I,not a..-ox-.At.. ui~u liu-mlij tri
IbaMdidgradu. 1 Uke to go to aybooL ibt Dierai Ulag I1>ad glrea to me Uia
diaaer. 1 had a alee Ume. 1 bad -old man" kaiiA-.m...
1 terd oae atoter and tkrue brother* tummer waa a UtUe yeUow oanaiy . . »d maay plcMsat Umea. bnt will to clearly U.e ruk-r aii-oiig I
golag te achool bow and 1
We wuatipeartoglaateom*or-*ed I
bring my latter to a elgae for thi. Ume. footed pcoide of ll
con.Mlria : lu- uwial. >1
uuared aa eel tbre. feet end tweioeb- •m IB the Uilrd rtoderYour UtUe friend.
•uloag. learaedtoardoUaiu plekiBg
iituil^‘'‘- ^
this week we quote
riieec u-iid dog.
dug* run in;}o.i,- h<
taim rmrberrim laet uammrr. 1 want
..i-ihx-i f T«','L-aloii |•a<l Honey Drip .Srntp..............................

ifien ,.r.mlnbooliu; ••iin. .Ii,
to a Baaday achool ptoaje tael tomme cdgt.M: a^ I pkked berrlaa for Ua
tii-cr: ^ 'H,„.kwl„.at |A-r Back..................................................
V Ury 'un-a-pretty I honeai I
pair.; and litemlly
e. Boalak M.aha aad I
. jieir of roguct." fi tri-..-r>d.i.col.^l-.iuc a«lt

I ^ IJoud S> ru|i. |wr kuil..................................................................
lo bathlag taat anmater.
1 hare
DUAB Mb. Baraa-l hare a rery | loov;^,
bud .
! A 21011
................................................. * .......................
I waah dtohm aad awaep plMMdt lime at achool. My U^her'ui
pri>jioii luoed, .
bigU m.d
■eel Oafaetll. SK.A-imt.
Been and^e beds. For petal,hare
me to Mra Oilbert. She torury kind wiUa tail a. W»1
\ « noil-14«lfiaL |ior |»niiifl ....................................................
‘k' Tt... Mm. Bar**—1 am a IlUle girl
bird aad a <mk Thto will da for tbto
me. I am lathe lourU grade. I j proudly aom .i<

jwr jAxuiiil.....................................................l.». IS, 20. i*t. ami Hoc
1 wlah yea a merry Chrtotmaa hdre gone to achool lour yearv t like j Hr.r«>»"*eyasaold. l dote*

t K. nmeiie . il jn-r ua!........................................................................................
i je
Mrv. \V.i,kA-i..«alo.—
iBd Happy New
to go rery moeb. I alody aritbmalic. | “"“““J
A H iK.uude Kollir! 0«U........................................................................................ =5t:
. CoUM-- k.Rer Ihta com
wrttafermo. Per petal hara a kit^:
geography, phy^ology. wriUog. apell-1
A Kv.-rv Kalnrilny - 2i |h-iiinls llninulaled Suirar........................... #1 0.1
hw aama to Datoy. I watek baby, carry
ing and rvadiag. There to going to bei
, A Kt,-r> SntiiptlBy 2H p-unils <' Sutfnr'............................................
ia wood aad Mekappotatort. 1 would
Dub Maa. Baraa-I hare a largu Bordlchrille |
„n ,„^.eiUrr. tuini.e Kiogu » a
Buckiea'e Aiaia
UkB to ga toa^eol If I waa big eaoagh aled: my papa gar. It to me Uto wla
ut Satarday alghL 1 would like tol bnnd.uine f.-llo«. I'.in be i. I.r from'
The Baar SaI.vb id
world for| t Tl!^rfine!”^in;rlk.udil.' . V.V.VV
IteTStooiwMber. litoBamekArtb ter. 1 bare a pair of akmUa.
Cnta, Brntaea. -Sort*. Ulcer*.
Mr- go. My folk* lire oo a farm one mile'
> To, la-T ,toond
. .................................................. 25.
lU alKl RO.'
I , Bheum, Perer Sore*. Tetter. C
«t. Bo to two year* oU. I doaH knoe
Mllchell fare them to me ben
; aad a half from ay achool taoaae. We
all sViD ; f
,^01 y,, i. K winner. Cire u- a rail aod be eonrineed that we
. ' Banda. Chilblain*. Cortex and a
'MtatoCtato will bring me aaylhiag droro hto eow to paaUiri laat aua
bare three large idctarce la onr aeboul. like a to., and bA> all ibr
, Brnpttooa.and r
i.fa«l>.-j.-LiiUup<l<er. Ileiw'-T
I try to ha aa good a. teas.
Well. I
The peeUre to halt a mUe trop
t hare oae hroUer that goM to achool;
, Ahiak BV letter to getUag welty long bmtae. The nxwt fun I bad Uto aap- hctoiBUealghUgnde. It to anow- uutyourrAll> ougl.i to h.-or bliu
Oucr is enough, bien tW- hu-u
ao I wm etaee by teUlBg my mama
refnDded. Price 15 cent* pet I-'*
mer waa fotoig ap loBalny Lake aad lag rery hard today. For peta 1 hare aoiiiiil.ler|»-n.a*theya»r—«»*k.
> PIBBOB * OO, Piopriotora.
•i“*‘-.aalehr J O
F w*».
- It .loor to Steioberg'a
Baas bake. My I'sele Chariey aod Uroe cau: oae to named TYp. Be to
lood-viinllingerj .
UinXA CBiaaLOA Uuiti.
The dingo, lin-. J in the mal-rAuot bUtiaoame Ue fad of July, aad rery nice. Ihare ome sow of my ewa.
•be.v l!xe oiPuB mir-ufiai- -loul
WB weat ap to Ue lake, aad atayed the I like to gn to *cbool rery mack. Thore
ad tUandsUofJoly. My I’o- are twoaly-four tohotar. in aehool
light and kill as
qaatfar aate write
ele Charley weal borne Ue CU Bf Jaty. c*n aweop the floor, wipe the diakoL
ibie. Nearly etrrx iifo- ■
hBeebesBdoisf thtoracaUea. I hare
For In&Btj and Children.
It to a Snoday h.-bool picaic and Inio Ue cioUea. make ea« bed aad «
-aVin 'olfet* a reaanl fur
heeatoT«Bref»eatyihtov-“" *•<> had a okr time. I bare e
UeuCle. Iharconeatotermarriedthi
hes.1 lias beei
Ai high as two puuudi
liuringthe dig aemed Topey. 1 weal to Elk Uap Urea foar mllm from oar place. I wei
pakl which eertaiulT pruxes tha<
loadaolhar Ida UlA eummer aad My ancle Charley to aehool kll laat aammer. Tlia moat Aihiralian. Uink tbs
••dhadflarUmeaflahlagand balhlag fare me and my brother a gnu. 1 pleamat thing that happened to
iBOwtoMUfalhsy.' I am bow goleg (Mgtit a trout Uto aammer that woald Uto aammer waa ia Traeeiua «ty
A Word or Two
to toheel aad am in the third grmle walgh about one p<»^- Three chee
PeurU of Jaly. My felka are all





Oijm Chjjjed PLOWS

','iV.T.:VHo. •» to.too*, ■'wmw'- •'


3M oar «f r.hni.>r. l bbt,

,"^‘5 Perfection in Quality,
::::: { Moderation in PriceSi-.




. My trashefl aame to Mtoa Floreao. fur McKialey. I hope yoa wlU bare
1 Ihlab my letter to long merry a^towaa.
woagh lor Uto time, aad 1 will U
Clat Masai.
Age IS year*
a^aeme other ttiae If yoa wtoh.
to: Agaiyro^
From year liUUtrteaA.
RnwABD Baxaptt.

.a Maa- Batea-U to a loag Ume
I hare writtha to the.Htcaau> ao
I tboaghv I would write agaia. You
: Dbab Hwi. Baraa-My apt
waatad me to toll what I did taat anm•attaa pammi eery pImaaaUy.
dnriae my raimttaa.
P earaad
to tha Malhodtot ptaale ap to Toroh
picking ctanriea and
MlrtoBridcm My UtUe bretber aad I Mr. Brodhagen'a
I want BUlag at
BaadtogoBUlag aadboaUag. lathe Bam bake and bad a good Ume.
I r ■
tho hand pl^ed nearly erery MW mUooletaMd taat aammer we had
JatBday eraalag aad I t'
plank la Ur wooda We apeke plesea
town te hear II Uat aaa
ad dtalogaea aad aaag aoaga.
a great maay pond llUea In Elk
«d a good Ume. 1 got a priie ftw
fttori my Wethar aaed to gaf
eomlag erery day; it waa
tor ma. ^girtoaadl w
U wa. rery alee. Oar c
to Ue rirer owe day and we were play- theBrttofOctotor. Mim (tarpaatarto
ley oa some 1^ The leg 1 wm on oor teacher. Hike her rely
aMtad Bear aad I fall loto Ue water;
pro golag to hate eChrtotma* tree at
WBB deep aad tha eamat waa maul
oar lehaol hoM aad aaeretom ChrtoV
qalto npiey.bBtlrtoeat and weat
mae ere la whleh 1 expect to take;
Imam IwtohywaUa Merry ChrtaithltU off will >
MBBadaB^gyRew Tear.


hope .rea are Ue mme. I 1
writua twice befoee and got a llu)e
d«« and a oart that waa rery pretty. I
wish yoa a Merry Chrtotmae.
I lire
abost twenty milca fromTtarene Cl^.
Whe* w. weal hacklebarrying taat
eammar oae of ear hemee get faet.
Pegs wmajaaigotaf after mamma to
get rtody to go home; I cerrsmed for
pap^aad be oasta and get Ue hone
tooae. thBdar»ygwd.Ume. I faeaa
I iriU eleaa. Toaru truly.
Bmdwb^. Dae t.KM

laa at a Sunday nebael
ptowte oa Qlea Lmkp.
The chddroa
mngaaomgaboat taabaama. bad
My Uttle atour w*s ■
beam aad I w*a bod. amd my hig
hroUer and h&tar were amoag the
twwer* Ibadaridetaarow boat aad
laamUhoattoo. We had a tang table
aathe>eaeh laadad wlU goad tUage
toa^ KowtwU taUyeaaboatthe


umoi '

"!„’,Y V"x. -w t, <w
-e "



Batordar U« Bnl Car of A^
.IMUM A..AI I. AM Alart. w, ^ W W WOArt W




■ jra;gSr=rjSs

trats TOC WAtn


lectric cr

I with that dreadful
'Oasr: awollea from
liuidoek Blood Bitter*

waaa roc wakt

• r*.AAwTwS'SyCS?oiE.?S rimS

I Tea wO alws^• m*«" ■■■>- > ia> me «« w AsfB.saS w riMw. me ms «w
aw* a lam* sH*a m aead.
w isa sen. w w esmm is ms trnmmm w ssm



thnat and hrog pwaWm.

rritato Umaiomosahoi

, awj

--------- -->•••—'


tt e are aware that 0*f people who
anfler from aerroaa. ehroate or kmgataadlBg -uopplaiata do mot bar* the
tame epportaaity to be earod aa 4e Ue Uoa owe thetr de*U _) tb* aimple atg^
roaldcM^Ue giaateiUe* where Ue let o
Dr Wood-a Normy Hl*c

wtUoatAeabi the mast eBeeemfal eoerialtotlacariag all foe— «»f aecrou.
aad Oracle dtoroma oBer* togire tree

------------ -----------------—,iMMa A^ «t My-*

S *««« S“‘:i i»f«fI

leflbisdfxr Mo-i--A'-to-i'A Boa Diirro i<
ipenroor. rmoeberatLaMemduriup
hto ato.-oec from the city lor wxerai .wti- ■»
n-eeka. Vpoo his mnrn be had the .t.v J Sjr . in

talking to hla petorer the wire The
dog pricked uy hto»sr«s.LI reenCT.iMd
the wired ro
Thinking the
tide of the wall, thedog ran out of doore
and around Ue beck of the baikLDg to
we if hto master Auaa Uero. When
isked to ’'speak' the dog bow-wowed
laetUy Into the aceieer.
Thto to Ocrtalaly a Voamdcifal




Any erne whe aefl


obtained by ftdTorttaint
yonr wanto iaithi$vS!rSa





Da the Ureahold of Ue ncr.

mm mtmi mmm-om «he )»• «dM
tbn>«h O- hmt mmiMem «t tta
ud MO
Pi»<»f«ll7 »m tkc
twlllCM inlUMt lor Dm f»n to *• NM
MW »dfoU«d.y.



«8rt to *
If totMc«vUc«Mwhtekiaa UV
to of two (tore two
<1. MM or iMMMd oo-fort to all —loo) tm __ __________ __
who Wek IM ihaltor.
WM advloa. hall eof toor ^k. m BaUaef
lortar ooialorl. thaMorkaof a ^
aaporlaaeo ar« all waldar to be

ROYAL—the most celebrated-of all
■ the baking powders in the world—cdebrated- for its great
leat-enmg strength and
purity. It liiakes your
cakes, biscuit, •bread,
etc., healthful, it assures
.you against alum and all
forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap





What .walto the MdT


(KM tot too food o< tooao to
Ufa hold. TrtoaayeatrfedtaOM.
Wedpatha Ttt
TU. S^tow^bltolclnr between ^M«l
" - *'■•
IM UtoldtoUMToBar. Fjo®
**• oetMda
If mother.woald lintoa to bo.
Cnen Ctok*.-Bepeate redto tor
jooac to iba old to alto mtk that
aid fatohoa that todi
ohNU OMMtoBtlj fo out la ««ol and ehoeolale cake, torlnf whiten nf
for Iday. la eepanie eauem 1


A^d’fl™lSTtoril^f« U.cWJ^.

o_aidM>Uoa tor tbolr tofirlUto aad a totofal ylaaaliw of w^ to
nlfato the tooeotoey that Ufa tooM
Mca^ily briar.
«U1 tocy oorwer liNbUof aewa. the
wert «4 tooay cheer, the latoreel In
ths qatol eaployaaBti of the elder
OM aad la many llUle way* tbe atiMtloa prltod toore Umo anyone
toowa. Mar a happli

- one or two layers
When a eapofr
' ^ --------- “
It with a D
ce aod fla*or, .pread between ud «»tAad^.'^aUar ha. had bar
■ide Ulekly of two <M Ud layers tulat
nee fellow layer, one wlU ehoool.te Tree. »rthar haa had her her day.
In aad Ue white one merred
ledycahe to M>rrad wlU lelof fee rihWbea yon ware her hablaa V
And she .tapped .boat U. t
the boua.
A. buy aa erer a bee;
LttUe Pitcher. '
Aad aba rocked yoo all to aleap. d«ty«,
Aad aaat yoa all to aekool.
a the lactnlty' of h
haieell ont. and did wfUnot.
toelnr tnnok sore
Aad Urad by Ue Ooldea Bole.


The absolutely pure


Wkaa Ue eoalar day.'era awaak
Aad Ue had. Mow roaad cor faab

, of th. layer, et %
• iMft MCar«*«l^'<Vl
M»ta 4^ •“ torribbMeaha.







aa t'a« < x. a'a.. <
Tii Vb;-!-* -—j —


bottx:e of


a.rO'Or.'r. .


It to rary ottoa
Ua tlBC ooc osedi
, Impotoible toyell
', Bay Uke . ebill i
----------------------- apoBfr.
hi* c
atroaf bottle, wuf hut
CorkiwurmedlBollnrikefOodech.-uler th. (koB.,
■Utatu for flue .tobpB*
** oT’ fi^'^uder'
,mA ao your tuts baa eo®a. dean;
Uar heir to^rowiaf wUU;
Bob rlnef»r on Uel*lBflaa.inatoto;*‘,„„J„^^ “bj
adbereyeaurefaialaf Ua tarwwv door. Md ao hare U.a cleaa.
be wum. up
WclUraUlaa wlU to


IflU-tL..- ....
lon-t.m. JO
UM Uat.t jut ,
cdiul amnil to I
A aiek perua
the doctor k.%

u n.luT.1 to Ueu to Itoien W
'•Ba'to. •Ba.m.
nerve .11 that pMteo In Uetr
they epptar,outwardly
de«are aad inattcaUre.
That peon beyaad tha alfht.
a trmper.. Be.urak
Om ^UaUiatitob. nM.Bherbrl
Tbe nrcrere parenu are not urefui
One uf ibcM days iq Ua Boraia|
to to uo.t
r in Ur Me
lBtorlBrforUeha|>plB«a.ofUo ared aaourb ae to what they eay to ene
MuUer will sot be here;
______ at
- aif
- bt and I Ue etoall
I .
to'to rite the® aotoaUlnr to oeenpy ®aoUer aod about oUer poopic In Ur dhe will fade awey iato aUaaea.
n. uf tbe dawn
-tlway. bare bnt
or of Ue little once. Oner>owa
The Both® ao uwa aad dear.
wawr arailabTein .ickaraacif any tin-I
thair tl®a
Aftor a bo»y Ufa theae
___j oonfewee lu berinc all bw life
•Md wiU U« bivw and up Aayone with lketrm«e lnu!li«eoie
dafa'Waatoreadidleaca. ®nM aeeeaThea. what wUI you da la the daycap
tbr'pol**. teBprrala
mnwetoaona The tolthe red hot ««lu Tbe WMt U lore and reapiratlon. M that in cam of
lewtar Uata oa -Twttirht taab.’ may
by Ue rapor which will be lalnustf or .iBkiop .pell* ha may know |
ad taUer, tired aad loacaoiae Uaa,
wbra to irire ttiuiulanu. A to-llle of
henrrMO^'*^** Alnettoa.
here to dinner to-nlrbl. but. a. n»nal.
i‘ray. what will you do for bl®t
brandy or £ood wfatokr-y. a mlibrf bae
e did aot let hU pro®toe keep hi® If you want to kon your.——
■ ftorhollm to Bon totlralar U>an
kalUlac. flomewo-aa eaa mot '
Voo But make bar
real to-day;
re her a akareU Ue ttcale.
tha Btove-MetloB of palUar at
>ae ao lotiBata wlU ue leslly ae to
tuw kpr Uto Ue play.
U»t to placed.
•Utah, hoar ‘aftor hoar. The rq
oo®e aad r> .t bU pleaeure. The
Ulekof the kBltUar-aaedla. to la Itaelt child. Ileieniar. decided in b.r beert Aad. it jeur BoUer woald ItoUa
™b* old
,n -?^ry and Pmo^ca '
Ulof wiU which to mb
a aadaUeq aad pUla haiulac require. Uat "ItoV bad tirahen hto proaiae.
irullore. *r cl^ paint, particularly
-A. neual." aeam. bed Bid. Th.1
8hedtoiy*h2-a . wra of aUk.
woman beiar onUUto eyaUihl. ae watehlar- The la- ■aet mean Uat ^
ae dIrty’liweVmark. around door
he WIU butt u of rmral Tclrek
he often
otter llad-Uat
" ‘ *'
raeOlcai:- Ue eaclaimed. ' bBl they
aoto. wtotf of tnacyetltohea adapted
Uar. Aad Uto belief
a* u white u Bilk;
opxhiil out to." "wkal haa art yuu
:'d let yoo do Ue trottlaf,
fto etewla, eUppern, bahrooeha aad
kiair about Ibat?" iaqulred thr
_____ ake ut Mill U bee cUIr;
at wbimr irate Ur had .topAIrto. al^toaa. and a boat af
That BoUer ahouU haee It hard a
' id. Kr> beeo lalKattklae aaeM aad ortt-aatal
io wheat He'o eiUroork,
piece ol lura
aat U>eaotoer>aB4B<»to®*- TooUer lore epen a boMnc® enrelope.
Itsliikw Be. tost fair.
all about tli« perchate aodimle
- ■ of bo.hel. of wbeat. a
nr* Ih9 area atrtoa aad care, la Ue _ . rlaaoed orer a bill eoclei«d In '•
riarvurcl *- ffawctoU’of bam-l. uf dour, aad the li
twOlrht ef'lUeaadafUe day. plalB Tbce he toaed it aeroea Ue uMe
_______ ;blcb
bto wife, with an nplawUoc of la>pa•n il come, to
Tbs AfumooB MapkaMlv
leariar boU
to .top
I that to hut
MldoB o^.
oaed. that Ur camc
tbe bakerT
totoa at tbe fabric alDce, to Ue tofeet
fhbr will prerent Ue tilrer from
Irll bito to MOd a: ind a fuur-i
mea am aUad wbeUer It to barmfcl
wark. Bank and forth, batto aad torU
loaf uf bn-ad. be', i
to ladnlire la Ue --afteraoco Bap" to
^ It Uto mU. 1 almply hare
wiUkeroaeoe oU ! pended, uo than a baby.-M-.i.M.iiif.oi
rfrht to be ooa.ldcn>
Ue Boaey la tnak."
^rf^ly^ .mooU^
wra^ to be .haBaad^re
Tarroe-atnuk. the child left Ua
A suniil# Remedy for Chapped Handa
UaUer* had cose to a faarfol pea.
;b iriorerwally if
II ryn muck
which hat followed Ur pole rinc*
Her faUer mid net pay hb debla; be
' A .imple remedy for chapped hand,
cated in Ul
a larcalioB of a Bidday or Ue pole to treated
woald be unt to prtooo w aoun u it
-tarcb aad Pwi«>»e«i,<..n.ftirUrato KaplC. .I4«a •
i. Uto. Take roBtnoB .tarcb
J KUOK. aeei.'. T—rw Utj
The meal
fiatobed. arwu found out. All day lone Ua little eeealay Baal.
A Ultla kwniaena oil to ebcclle
criad R wiU'a knife onUl it la reduced
oae watched froB her nerwry window ruareyonnalf In an ar® rhain lake claanlny a tine bath tub. Bob i
to thi- fine.1 powder, put it in a clean
for Ue aheriS Ue Uoafhi wodld come
OB wiU a woolen cloth, iben w
Ua box. to a. to hare il continually at
to-aell them out,"
oE wiU hot water and poltol
band for u—. Then, (rrrj time that
8o naeoBDaoatIrearechUdrea Ual mtodWhahody. Katore will wjon hedered baU brick. The re
hand, are taken from Ua luda or
Buey leiUiyr to need for Ucoi
aert her sway.
In time Ue *ery aaitofaetory.
aba said noUiactohar moUar ol her
1 aalrr. ricto them tkorouykly in
oaa. Uebead taviaa to aod.
fatd aoMwhat lanre hard-wood
feata, antll at bad time, when she waa
,r .tier. w.p.
A Ubleapooefnl ol powdered
hOMMddtoa. Oaehnwdpe^aadtw
tucked Into bar oat—abe caB«ht ber Ua newapaper falto ffcm Ue haada,
Uey ar.- yet dampruba
aap are corn- spnacled iato a hofrahead of .
aad Ue aemptom* o
tf aUtohee wUl Bake a rood atoad Bother around Uc aeek and lobbad plete.
Ue water, will to puri­ .larch tlioruucbly t*._,
ink.- be forty while aUrrlofr
tarUer Ua "wiakt"
braadUotUaaket. Kalt It e *
in anmber.
Mr. Ue
Ue maolt
raaclt fy H Uat after a few hour, il will be Ue wholeacrfaee. If rare to taken
"Ob. Bamaa. do yon auppoae Uto to or one kuadred

• perfectly dry af
looad to
nearly aM Ue do
yard and* qurtar la learth. II
oarlaalnWhialbomeT aball we Mre it Ue aaae—a Uort, aocad alaep.
r to not likely to
oomea tha queation—lait hanq.
water, the Impure particle, alakiny to caT.-Stimr.i
'"‘Sea il'towTlold. aod Bamma ea- fnl Uaa to fall aMeep after a meal?
Ue boltoa. One toaapoonfnl will puri­
plalaod^Uat paM^aj^e^vily-Uat By ao mraaa; foi Ue rary obriont r
Wbrn you roc wb.l pleatare a
fy four callana
acB Ual Ua proeeaa to merely a phyi
ran create br uying umeUing oice
^at mmlac logical oae. and at acek. wbaa Itoerom-toor coaerlng may be made to hi. wife, you wonder that mea do
eDra.toqnitel>atcral.. Whea dlfeatlon
iftonar make tke inreutment
bright and new by robbing It
. rdhmdle-blaabrto ate haft of alarlf woald be paid in pood Ubc. etc . <
it In proBTem. aalara baa arraafed wiu equal partaof ulad oil and ainea^fayr oa lauUar Median Uaa are Ue UtUe firl. feelief aa if Ue
Tbe Orondatt Bamody.
been snatched back fro® the eery that all Ue arallable blood la Ua bodp gar. Kub IburougLly with a flaonal
Md tar baU-wrapa. Oaebaadnd aad
doom of Ue puor-hooae. went to sleep .hall be oollactad In aad aboOtUedi- cloU and de not um too ouch of the
Ur K- It. tueeae, merchant, o
tarty BUiahMBrehBBf oa at the br Uct Uocirh Ueaow bat ehildmt^of
mixture our allow any of il to remall bowlr, Va., errtibr. Uat he ba
bio^o^lT^tbe bul^alto'to a l?w
fiaalar. The blaaket may be prelUly her own, .be haaaerer lorBulien Ual
'oa Ue .nrlaee of the liBolrum.
b. and Uc. sleep toaaaily iodaced rerj moch rolled, dean the coaerlng
.11 medical trexlaiect
trextajcDt that
Uat money could
•fatped ,wltk -baby-Uae'' aad white,
j Ue other hand, of courw. pby.io10 coodeBcalioo of Ue praetlee of
wiu piBk aad wbila. or acarlat and apeakiufr Uecyktlmaly where there to loBlrAlly. it to wtoor for beria work to by wiping with a cloth wet with roap procure, tried .11 rough remedie. be
and water beture uaiag Ue oil
euuld bear uf, but got ao rolief; (pent
-«Mto. A wide band of oolor at Ue even one eery lilUe pltober wiU-hid
-iaagar,, ____________________
many nigbU.itiing op Inkcbait; aj-a.
mmi aad Plata whlu betwe~, lookw jam,—IbUou^.____ ______
induced to try IV King'. Sew Itirona. A Daagarou. Wedgecry. and aaat rured by um of iwu botwrit Bind Ue eada wlU rlhboa^to
Small Help* la Ltoadry WorkIt aeete. to ®e Uat Ue begioolag ot llea. Kor pa.1 Uree y®r* bat been
raDona or adre wiU kaltUd wnutod
Baby's Realm,
Jort yoor cloUea la Baa gradea.
I, .Mraagemeat between mother aod allendlag to bu.ioeaa. Md ®y* Dr.
ira allow Ueir babtoa to Toarela. table aad bed Kaea. t. PamUy UUd afleo coBmence. In ihl. way
1 King'. Sew Dieeoaery to the grobdrot
J. Ughi colored eloUea
4. am »nre. at least. Uat it Ue aray with
~KiUt pielB atripk. wide or ^now. a
-yple M. ukiag
Ukinc care
cwo ol Ueir ; eolcred cleU® C. Flaanela and
T bib. atul of Ua table
much for him aod airo lor uUen in
laala >ay ^kdata. of aaMaoaloaily
The child in pai-feclgood faiU make, community. Hr. King .-Sew Dtocoacry
aMtoeatiar faphyr.orot Ganaaatqwa _____ by mean, of a little tray Chat
-Jee^ratyof UehMt soap. wIU
bofda Ue pUte aad mug: and wi
e remark or axpremei opiu- 1. guaranteed for I'ougba. Colds, add
woritad. BBtU Meh to the whole laairU Ua limlu of that tray Uey do not
borax, aurch and bloetag al baad
whlck alrikea
rikra Ue Bother
mother a.
*> heiog
bring ConanmpUon. It don't fall. TAal bot­
dd borax to Ue arater in Ue propor- aery droll.
adaaafrhaa. When yoa haee aaoerb. at all how moU the food to .pattered
She receiai-. it groaelj. tle. I uc. S. K> aod Ja*. '
OB of erne Ubleapeoaful to a pall ol
atoehat Um toretber wlU nolored .boat or water aplll. Thto, bowerer.
ton'* Drug store*
bnt repeat. Il ia tke child's bearing.n. Ilalener laughs, a* well a> Ur
woratod to lUtoh the principal hue it oaly Making futurp work for tbamColored cottoB clotblng of dcUeate
telaea, pr probably for ao-oebody elae.
tolber. aod neither Uink of It again
Mad. oroaeUatoaen."
.hade, .bould baae the colar set before
II baby it rr> r to be taturbt to
'he lltUe one duea hot Uke b.isr
>kiog. Add ®lt in Ue proportli
r aro.h
.. Bwal* like a ciTiUawl pertoa i
aughed at a bit belter than do iu eldofal..
aery Imd kabito will bate to be e
ful of OU------------------------------------®te<L
distinctly aggrleeqd feeling .teai.
lUby abocid alway* all up to thr tepid water aad do aot apply___ , I Ue Uby hrori. It I. cunroioo.
CoeoaaBt Cake.
laVle to lu bleb chair. U it to b®ltfay iWGy in Ue article. In cold weaUer
l iu OoUar ba. taken pan agale.l
Marble Ctoka.
It lor *oBe®yaUrioo. roaaoo Ual II
White cloUe. will aot yellow if pra
Mw Gkka.
Lemoa Cake.
lla food while allUafr oe any oae'.
Tannut fathom.
wely arathed. arten dried Indooea.
knee. An oaer-bib db feeder to
The wedge to ihroned. aad a wedge
yoo hare BO regular laundry an am
.1 aa iMtromrni Uat’Mparate* with
copiod attic Uat to kept clean will ai
While it to fed. arull BocUtnla
Urribla oeruinty if circumalance.
wer Uc pnrpoae In winter,------A writer la Good Boaaakaapiar tolto be fiaea wiU a teaqmoB. or. if baby'.
combiB* to force il borne
- lU to a aery .mall oaa. with as egy
haw aha Bade twalra bted. ri cake
Your child comn U> roa with romr
little kerosene
la tbe hoi
A III-......... ..
Ml. II Ue habit to fomed of alchild th aeerat Ual dor. not tees aery
reeeat it from atieklBr.
®a haa a large wayi wiplag the lltUi atooU before arill preeeat U fro® atieking
importaal to you. It u ea«y to promMBNMd
A teaapoonful
wapooBful of borax to a q
larto. aatoqalte say drlak I. giaes. baby will soon de- DeoUon It. but iu a moment
larek wUI
will make It aUS.
cold alacek
le < f mind, or nut leallng Ur
neaBantodhot cllae to'drink wiUont Uat preUmi.
la clotki ahould hero at law
WWU faraaoMartaally for ualag Ue
Cnaae promlaa a bindixg oar. you rea. al it
childreB.laara to feed Um- .iMsi'• la UrB a* proalble.
whris hBtoh telera tasUaf ladirk'
and Ue child leatp* that you hare
rlUatpoon Boehaonner Uau U« twice iMgUartoa, Iron dry. aad done an. It to a letroa In breach of
othara. The amall brain aot only haa
confidence Uat It wilt he ioog In (or
OoBl Paaa. AgU Toladn.
to direct the band, but Uc hand baa to the leagU of.Uc cloU. an<
golling- Pn-haby the n.-tt lime it ha.
carefnlly In a lopg drawer.
tod oct how-to obey Ua dietatei
a iccrel to eoafide. it will cbo.>w aom.hMt It U a craa®. Add oae eantal Ue brain.
one whom It Uink. will hr a rofer conawaot Bilk aod Um copfaU flo>r •> eklld who la Ueght from. Ue
•daato Uao you were.—h-ld.
giaalag to mt carefully, aad to M be ironed dry.~Selerled.
4b-, crtSmtU^^Su anrt. daeor
plor* aay dropping of food or driek oa
Infioeou Cootagio®
Wa.M.g Wooian Droaa OeodawUh alaead aad Uaa add Ua waU iw bib or "f^eeder." will probably be
BUapad'Whits at dea ana. hake la a
That lnfiara® ItcoBtagiou we all |
Flaanel. eaUmar* or almrot aay allwalaome al UaUbleof older people
Ua far® 40 mil
Blaawa. wriaf oat
kaow. bot there 1. not Ual degree of |
aary soon, and will be a aonroa <
• t<

lapwri Uo
dfaOM tia
orer, may be waUed wiUoat ahrlnh- enre oaed Is Uundrylhg hand cbrcklef.
plsanrs intlaad of anBoyaaec.
Uat tbould br nsed. They .bould br «aha.r
Throwing dawn tpooa er fork ee Ua
kept apart from the oiber rlotb®. and
<faeiwlata Oaha.—'fwo eapfuli aagar Boor abeold alwar. be dapreefated.
. Ifad dra yrika of agr. two large tpooa- At drat a hab; Ulnk. Ua boIm aad ■Ite. aad Ue reaull* to Bltofaetory. roaki «ls eold water, iato which kero- .
Mac. froB a quarter uf a rpp to a cup.
tatoboUar, beat aaeath^j^ two
that yoo will b* aara to ab

oUera after gieiag It a trlaL
Tbke Ue garBcBl apart, aad hmah
iSri daor. two taaapoe
It BolU Ue drot and Ual aro rsBoead. roaked ior a tUae la Uto oil and water.
- - hot water aad wash Ue®; after '
, tim fipinaftila area® of
' Car soft water,
aad beatItaalU
it aatU It to a
mors todwwatar Into
to Uaa new mUk. DiBolva
taS -r~T-- dsTor wiU TBBlUa aad
Sair-Baliaoea tor CUMroa
________ _____ - ell haa bora poorod. :
Mm la ate layoru: wbaa oool. lea three
y soap iB it to
CUldrsB wut. above all. to be
■i-ro Uoroogbly and dry.-SMrrsoi.
eanaal la lt.jwtaayoo
anyUlBg alas. Two wal
owmaaary If Ua
tl go^ la vary dirty.
In bbU b woBaa'a booat U* MW, to
In water heated tba aa®a
Nllaratad aU day long: "Wbetea:
ipnauro at Ua Brat, aad baag It
■MbarT I waat my kat or coat.Ikdry. CcmrUwiUadampckdh
BtrwM Rpnaga OUa-1
«" aad yoa will ba earTMC TAILOR
. am. (two rAbIbObM thess aapieu ^j'j^hiaf ~ Hod ®eU*r moan far ;





Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

Chicago ...
West Michigan

Tm.ataaary. We are the psopl* ra baadW yoa rfafet-

Best Livery in Northern' Michigan.
Bead and Bala BtaWa In OoBBaotoOB.


T^lepkbn^ 79





a'^1 ...iXJi


^ 8, A. PETERTy^^

Giuf Binids« IiliiM R. R

V ii

. 'K'il-r


i -. * L



Twatoa Cahaa far a Party.

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

Horsesbo^juid fieneral Repairing Mr


State St., near Daion.





XC PlRuaat, OwoMO, SrnglMW. B«y City. Detroit, HoweU, Aon Arbor, Toledo and
polafa SftAt And Sooth. Q
connection* nl Copomlnbwith
X.dtN B.By.
W. H. BEinrETT.

-St*”* SSI'S:.

Bargains to the front
a low prioa oa a lot of geoda
to clear oat aar^aa alack.
Tha yaar-t baalaana aari be
tqaared op at Uto Uaa B^
fur uUcr ronamm it to daatoUe to' asBvart Uiaga fate
toady eaah.
If kaoUlag n
BOBhee of eeau o« doUnra
wlUBtovaUtaga qokktrtUa
, ,ahoaldb*BUv*lyplwB.



Good Fits.




fiwifaMsBaB^^ 5£i
«M eaptel aM vrotm wiU oas t®^oemfal soda dfaolvad la It. beat om
Mlmta, a^Uajaktoribalf a IsBoe


=L55SL-^iL2=,r.?=; 1=

laglydolag. It Imdlfaeal .. .. _____
tLa%ocB^toriritl£fleon*^a aweel and gaaUc ® Uey lavarfaMy
fa a ttafaBatah lady aaka. leaviBg
dank-t battotaaadte^^aad
child ro dearly I
oapfria flab Bilk aad fies capfala
.. raaliae Ua troU o
tear Witt «uar iMipfirnifato bahb
wards; "Aa eager darira to ®va
BBwdsr. fiavor vrtlb Ibbbb and Mr wa lave treabtoasd
riltfatoasqaaroloaf Ua: have

mew to Luaaa uwiiaa
■atetoaglero-vrTiaUo-aBad W a
wril-kaowa ao^9 lady, aad whtU li
rooebad fartoWMfafaUibto fa ha
aSae®: 8ba Boear® a Ua boa. er a
jar artu a Ugbv cJ®a dwlag sever,
aad pa® Iato U* boMOB^Iotof laaip




Good Goods,

Fair Prices,






Extract of Beff.

So-ixtla. Sl-Oa.

That the best place w boy anj*lung in the Uae of H»dware. Naih. Barbed Wire. Bam Door Hanpi^ Paint.
Refricesaton, Ice Cream Freeaen, Gaaobne Sloi^
Fiihing Tadde. aod ia to everything in the bardme
Uae. b of W. J. Hobba. Come and aee me and 1 wiO
prove thbatatetneat.


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