Grand Traverse Herald, April 15, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, April 15, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



IrSHT lratottrse ItirSIS;

rand Traverse Herald

mmsE on sute buie

Mend it
or end it
bMtaMthorsQrlor cry of Mfom dirseted avalaat afauio
Kor ■ WM trim M»)ilB>ol( bo
oboMd Mr • «<M^. Uo «>7 oboold
W Bodlfied to ‘■•toad it- «' It«
ItwIUomi'yoo. Yoo cu mood
aay eoovh »itk Boh'* Par* Ba-

. 1 uBui mtat vana mi.

)Qr miiea
SPECIAL,OFFER—80 mk. four
mile. «,rth. ,bo»l
e roj£n; granary, boraa stable.
improved, franu faoaar. two story, nine
d1 and clay loam, anrfaee
good bearing oridiard, good fenoMi noil gravel
moally level, good trater. Price *3.000; one-third cash, balance on
time at 7 pet cent, or wUl Uke city proi»crty iu eichange.


0. P. Carver.^^.

Real Estate
M:035TSTr TO lO-AJN.


Business Cards.

I hope yon didat Utah t aald ttet to
lake yM prapoae. I'm aar* 1 saw
looght Df aaeh^ thiag."
Owe day bellal waxUnd lato the
-1 kaow it.'- be r^iod
Bngbbor'a yard, and the lltUe girl
chaaed him hiune. colUag "KUty. kit- traded me.
tj^-^Md- Uyiag to catch him. much to ycwraelf."
Sbe looked at him ^ gna- aolema
Olil^ho dearly loved chil aar* you love o>e. or
#d ibc mile one to her and .
car to %rep your annae
look after yoar ehildrrn' A worn-MIM
!ly that
Won't iwaeat ikal.
________ of faUalaier.
Bet«we lAid I lor


Rose & Son.

OAPITAL *100,000


-wr. S’. h^ajbsh:.a.,


ontlU L L L UUIH.IWliUL • I. BteL

fc-*B«lh'(hi-Ii link vtoiib.. to.kkton
^ UtoHrIk




i^noW ihi^?




.rai ot rr^rrUxat I* Ur 4>««
tnJtMvhAIjMroaavr. /*’ .



IbEaga which made her heart * be for

illi.e Sought a aofl brown atoS for, tto ■
weddlcg drew.
At leagtb they w
away, pvomia- l-roughlout the lilar-ool.-wed ai.k mad .-uoDOHder lk.-.iue
leei roof- Almira, coreleiwly. -Here', a
1 that will
•i bey kepl^eir two*“l»v-^ad bearly dreaa
reaa pattern 1l' tDeter made ap. '‘«]aiiawere.erv purpo
aery paryame of papier waoba.
erery aflrrnooD waa apnt with Oliee. j may
lay have It
it if you
yoa like. "
ilka, lie aoya. are rteh la gtowho told them fairy atorira or taogbt ’ The wedding waa yrry 40
lw.ll yield-a bettor qooUty
Sylvia to maki
■rdoU'actolDev '
lilt Bight,
Bight. aa
B iiltTr utoud
-Almira l*uwvea grew
r BlUcbed dn.n'a little
than .aa be DmOa bom the nae of
rb.> help-' arm aroand 1
Lioubiana "
•B». ao-l, pr that -Tm afraid
who often
-Itot llllv

,..,klJKtolkkc«^n^'<r II ..n.l*ki
rarih.uRi. llAliS.halbin
bn.toSdrh*: •
TM-.T,* «b.<Ui-r
•«id4 R IhWht, tr»..



ipUoM *tv SLM to arMlI.


tofcnu.n WJrx-*.

tfurr-rmf Clir.nicb

W w W to--V N< NT toC w w w mr mr 1

tD«*H Pi^tMcasI to.tour. Hrrko*.

B. b: ^T.w.n




Dr. J. A. Snyder,
orrux I* BAUVAB ihats,.

'‘When in doubt lead trumps.'!

You are playing the trump card when you select our store as
■ie place
place to huy
druus ami the many items wliich |fo to make,
I ,y,l
j your .wants fro
from the ilru|{ store.
Vou who are fruit growers will want. Nuli>hate of Copper
this spring. We are in {>osition to make a Lid for supplies

» fc. MMm«. I1w^l*«»»a
I. Sm*uM rnnuMJWij_____________


: Arssr-.'j





taws, (Mt UNMIK Iki Hi


lt*o r*m*mb

'That the best place to buy' anything in the line of Hard­
ware. Nails. Barbed Wire, Barn Door Hangers. I’aint,
Refrigerators. Ice- Cream Free*ers, Gasoline Stoves,
Fishing Tackle, and in fact everything in the-hardware
line, is of W. J. Hobbs. Come and see mtand I will
prove tbis statement.


call aad aasar* Mr prlem m BIm Vit­

Traverse City, Mich.

tg*Tront Street.

LMidM Parpl* sad etb«r aprayiaf m*a.

Waar* la tkamarkal wltb

Mty bat malarial* at IobhI prieaa.
Mpbaw at Ooppar 1* capMlally



taa.Uifa. aryrtal. *to.


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line

faUy taraiAad by tha bairal or la Ima■• 0f tiM Mom ■•41>rMi.

*: fm

Carpet Gleaning Works.


8. E. WAIT.
Masonic BIk.


Sarreyoread Civil Engineer


loBBC rusu SMiy Vew.

Best Liver} in Northern HichiK'ai).


KA 5.5
-'g-c “
' » =3.^
„ .-s

Pm4 and Sale Subio to OoBDoeUon.

Snath tUblM at Oaaa* *U iMUavuta.

Tmef lion^ 79

Merdiant Tailoring.
parties desiring anything in the line of first-class MerchTailoring, will do well to call upon the undersign^, .as
special inducements are being offere ‘


ehooM from.

9, M. Paine's Greenhouse.



ed up
.A' lee-t, iskt aklu-p.
Hire had changed eery little, only
waa a-tridr aad at timn. and there
a a Dew aweeUieaa Id her fare

her altoOtiuu *Dd dru.e away her reiDiaUrent ta»dl.
A team waa
up to the Deal hnuae. arliloh had long
heea unoevepied. a tram laden wit*
-Kor the load aake:" cHod Olive,aolliTi -who .an be iBoTlp'^Dto the old
SUlea booke. 1 wundafr-"^
abe called Ua
>iBrt.rrr. We-rarolB-f*
ra folB- ia have
ighVaa "
-a appeared at Ike door. -Thev
uch.-abe aalBed.-or they wouldThe furDiturr that weal
DCXt hoUM- w*. evldeatly eoally, or had
beeD. for It wa* id a rather diaaMad
eondlUuD. aad akoweo crideDt algna of
II! D»*C*.
After the faraitur* came a carriage,
from which alighted a tail, ungaiiil)
maD. with aD exceedlngl.r plain face
aad a alight Uiap. Ue aaaiatod a-akarp
aoaad. ferrel-c»rd
womaa to Ih.
gioMBd.- After her came two of the
rlani looking little people Oli.e
r aeen. The yauageat. a girl ot
aight. waa clad la a print drea*. which
came to her beela. aad a bat that beggaord beaerlpUon. .The la>y. a lad of
arrayed in a ault full Iwaalae.
I for him. The wkole family
tneat woful aeglect
Hi i.
Almira, after ahr
Imd otoerved them ia allrnre for
-folk* talk nowaday* atamt
toelT aB*e.tori ct lin- over in toerMa.r
we folkaca
flower. ■
right oat of IL (uraliure and all. 1
-Mr'* lame an' the faralture'a 1)
The whole tribe look about a buai

i;-yri:“S«r.Ti" vr'
-aklng again nf their kindneba to the '


day* aftor th* get

^ be^D to go *r^ *Mi”~l!ri‘°
ebildrcaaiwaye west to toe gate with
him. aad that ke always klaaod them
underly wbea be left them.
She fall a cnH- ”* •»»•» »1
marning when >1 - nrard himcall hock.
-Haggle, you m. hare toast.flee
flve lelight, "and bea.d a vole* reply, "Ye*.

If in need of either store or window awn­
ingsJ would like to submit samples and prices •w...
before you order elsewhere, as I believe I can -■She ainl
furnish better goods at a less price than any -Informed
"Deal aea
c traveling salesman.


187 Front 8U

Traverse CSty, Mich.





r of toe vary day ri happaoad.-

heron kind *rtfa"_

wen aeoldad ood aioppad wltoaat marweteaooUad
tbaUhm Moaly tootU tkavgafw

■few the Wheel, and e*ra.**i3 -.silotlwl.
ether pi>inU of au^rlarily.
. ______ - J" per cent lam
The reanlU
of the •>.
.eomprsufatoel. They ore adapta- bonaivc cxprriaMiai ia the fra* deitvary
er and leu* cor wboeU- of posUl maltor
,ltor la
t* rural regleaa have
____ ______jcliee.
Free delivery was
Inatllotod la fortytwo pmt-oaoaa.
The coat of tbe eeevtao varied from
•aenaral Bbarmaa Said."
.even mllU
IU per
pet piece
ot mall matter to
in alt oasts per plea* It ww
eeeer letacha
free rnrol dolleoey
b* luaL" said tieneral Sberman to a
bis staff. "1 say tola to more thoa twenty millioa dollar* a
year but toe roanlu of toe teoH mods
ladicate that to* coot would be wane
are at the tihr. a bu kaowa buw aouc forty m;uk>a detUr* Tbe Itmna of
toe sxprrimcat I* that free rural deBway^lrum uae * colling It may naem. llemy must be eery Jadleioaaly aad
all kaowledgv. kewevoe gained, ia wf
nke-aumoumes of grmt aea”
'Ibe ouavrrialiua took plaae while
More toa* half the yteU of onytklag
to* Uearrul aad toe atafl-oAurr*. '
wore emit J” cnlpTBte depend* apoa toe e<«t
log toelag IM ai
Fear Klvor. which
L aad toe farmm w
.aptlaailad Slate* waa oaod far
m toe prodociieac
Bem'e ourpema.
explained to*
a* tooagk be
er plaau labom* or boUmd oa* aada
an cngi


..____eagerly, "That don't
o diffeeenec with a woman. Mr
: She dan'l mind bow a good.
d man with a great heart like yoarn
k*' Notifahe'ethengfatkind-.ueerly. -Do yoo
iron Ibstr- ke asked aofU,
-Yea." replied olive ooeaeally. aever
milling what dangonw* ground abe
He*h^‘^hand fee a moment when

u- _

^OUaowaa vary MlgasaLtet Alst-



what it la to you it hU ber window, toinhiag of Vi
end atory.
A few ow
-See I either.-WogbedkeemUtrea*. : alone cm ^ poe^

^ help wo* er-ws anddneapabU. Tte

Orders for Job PrloUng loft at the

hl^ la a farini

take* riuloBlIy IlL Sbe aoue oflvl^
earand fricliiui fiom tbe Boat and mpalrad to no ootkoa**
where there waa a youag gona* of Iba
aomrlime* with olive atone shewnA *'"
Srat year, which ah* brought arlth km
funk nnd M.'lf-forgetlal ibit
to til* kllcban
more at caae wilh her tbaa be bad'„^’.|airrmeau. are applied.
I bare toe*e boea that ao drkolto pro•it with any woman before.
.,------- . — -,
S.meUmr* o'« Sunday -eeaiag* Mr I'“’[i'"* f*‘
hatched, and aftorwoid* brn^bl up
Leonard br-«ghl the childrenai.d Ih.-y ' F7«''.o*
toe bwiod.
all aang while O.ive played tbe .era-;. 'J-aUthw *f horaa. paeaniae wax.
Tbe old
-• gooaa. a* *00* aa U* yoaag
waterproof lak glae.
• rnt a^emp^oj^^to uae bad taken her place, at dowa I7
tb* tide of tbe neat and aburtly afar
ey aat alone 1on tbe
night, a. they
m llllle porch in the ni iooUgbuti.
torYug^laau an | baea laUeha^lufe______ ____________
Olle* hi* and life atory.
tbuugbly eomblned with the Sbor.! rn before. I know of no way of aocoanV
Vrara before, he bad fallen in lore
A 4uaniiiy of ahrllac aad wood alcohol lag lor thla faeU tbaa by aupnaaing
frith a pratty wnrklag girl. who. be'
H next put into the mixtorr. and the 1 that the old oa* bad aom* way of cambelieyed. alao loved him. “ '
.....................................................A—------------_____ «d abn_____ _
aubjeeud to another alirriBg mualcatlagbertboaghtaandatixteUm.
d DiAklrg for him.
late that
porfaeUy abl* to
1 prrmittod to aeUle.
arrled him for U'
le paper rail* are alrung. darable.
be boat fur enrva* Uke iilher
hercbildteB.alther.bat louad them .
gave me tb* isformatlo* la to*

j fQ*wnpd"pp In 1II ^v'l



Tha UaianitlluttBotartboOoo**.
The Her. C. A. liaty girea a pathetic
llaatratiup of the maioraal laaUnet «f

V ilr.
Mr. leMBard tried vainly to wla her:*
- ,o.n. I eaan
love. Sbe grew more and faore dineontontod. till one day, when linvid waa
two yearn old aad syleia a b*by In the
cradle, be eame home one mght to And
^ ladrod the little girl aeemed tbeoaly bla bonae dark aad dtwolato. hi* babloa
llrely (blag amoag them, and aba waa ; crying, aad hi* wife gone
year, after
■he raeeieed a letter
langblng aad dauelng abont Uha nay
tolling L» of kl* wife'* pebltoare and




da.v* resuire eauailaary large and beaty rail*, euaae"I mual ban- loat yoo a let c
dream* :‘inently the rail* canool be made very blr and eapenae. aad 1 waot to makall
to brr I long, a* the weight would be too murb. ! gn»l.’' Alger argued.
I The paper rada are lean tkaa uBo-balf : "Well.' replied tbe old aiaa grimly,
Tien Mr LeonaM eame home he [ light, r f..r the aame leagU. and ai.e. . ”11 tkcre'wto any trouble I' 'have
- f aought hi* .-hildrea. and li«ten.-.l aadly , an that, a# far a* the light
igbl riueation
•lueatioii 1* gotU-B IU
L The rial;
riaiy t xprnar 1 eon ra­
the loM of a flrw c«w. WbM
tn lie atoey, hi* ne.ghl-.r told him.
Icmceranl. tkeleagl" of the laiuw
III or aterl r
to lire with me. Alger, I bad
"Of eoufM. Mkggie Biualgu," heaahh to twi.w that of Ih.
r* the uar of JuM Ml many 1 ike beat cow la thro* porta. "VcM aomaffc-ld.«lly.
- WJij dill the ehlldren Thl* oh.lale*
■naiagwitbao maaT liolta pletalg apoilrd Ner wllk your awknever toll me:"'
Joint*, uiapenaiag
"•iwom,_ 11 waaaT Uree waeka antll
and .eonoeclion*.
lion*, aau
aad rviirnag
reiIrtiBf oiv
ike w.rdad^.
wlirei* at th*
car from jual
juai *0
ao maay
[you had her
oo aklttUb
akltttab Ikat______.
ikat oobauy
him what ti.irld hL ______
; her. I bod to aoll bar fclloW.-hVMlia.
« y..u ciujiigh
Tke pence.* rd maanfaelurlng the f.o towf '
rh fi.i
f.ri yoor
,iny little one*, you nod Hi.* | tall, la not difli.uiv when^imw to* ^eg.
1 oeeloialy
you that cow. and thcew la
It forty yaaea lnlrnat daBOB Ik*
li"‘Uld Almira --r »ini ' a
htathen:aa-1 mmUln'l .;* them youag ’prohatl, the mala parlof the -hole debt rnigulngtopaylL"
Tbe old doctor fiaallyyleldod. That
aalaial brought a higher price than
Bay oaw which haa beca aoU ia Ulcb-.
igaaalaoc the time of ImwU Uaaa—
Si. f^niL. O'l.Vai Jkn*>*vm.

^fought to have known." he aald
maiden* dariag humbly, "that a pretty little thing like
her couldn't lov* n homely, ungain
tavrral day*.
man Ilk^me
’oliee fM*d It very nivuabi





weat to be
od very yalckly wUb the two women.
r proreedinga al tbei her we aad dyio
eked f-w her <
reeat evrioailv.
! SI
........................... berllll abedi................
buried her. and plnorf n atone at her


Pfld i T> g Plaxx«0


■,. /-..ft..!.

riol iSalshaA ot Oapav). ParU OrHa.

Money to Loan

» fre-iurnt aad taav
bat-,,' .-'i^ll,"
.-Well,- aoliba|Uired
aolibaiuired Alml
Almiia. aa ahe!
morning till Bight,
Bfglit, lojkrd
looked arwoBd
armiod her new r.*.m -I yjtot ^“r.to7t,. nrhbnbn
iaiob tew clrOB up ati" gel
np»d*ytbfc-biMrea were playing in ture meaded. I'm thankful ulitckinT mill* tor the ■
arlurv of roniatolh
theli Q1TI1 yard wbea auddealy Maggie done no wm-ae.
]uoducl« will be eatabliabed all uvor
iukM out of 1
b..BBr,ai>d. aeieiog; -She woui.ln’t eiij-y marrylii-a man Uir aouiK aad that there will to ready
gave beraalap iBiwItb an out about falia. brtauae alie aalr for all rurwatalke Ikal <oa h*
Bill lU. Br.\ Ua- I.Li II..
»I M

ci-a)daT pity •n'.-oddle him then. I . --■-------railroad linaa^iriwhloinm
lit came T«ykDlIy
oDiT woBilrr ahe dlda'l Uke a bliad
rrcgiVMa blow
which made maa or a deaf an' dnoib one
c. \«t rr<TR^*
him cry out i* tain.
- ihankfui that Mr. I.e
Alnr BooBhl Ik* Cow.
Tkeri auddenV a Ull. gaunt Sgare limp> an'baa an at- klllln'homely
Three ^ too maay mlllloaaln*
• ipe4.lbe feoc*. aad awixpiitg down : lle'a ao
araaug Hr MeKInley'a .abiael aelaopeoplo- And yeL
uhUdreD Id her arm*
oeou oi vne loag table to tb*
k Almira Vower*. who b»d froia ;
' fool ot it. »o far a. the maU bate be*®
Paimr Rail*
.jdoir icii*«Md M*yjrtr»*iUrk ■
rajmr Hall*
pnapecliee aocrdlary wet
oa the childreB*Ddbuirakbed to their;
iful iBiroductian of rail-. a bLiy w ko organ life altkao oapltot
irely of pa^r alaa-1 hut brain aad mnael*. <iagr clerked
lildrea oraia. itjr
tech them
torfl.AiB year aad mead money. Ut
you dare,- ahe eried, her e.ry ..
................ ..
-ica* maBBfaclurera v drurea lumtor wagoa and added to
ataodiag out alraigbt in her wrath.
' l^•or•ged
.Mger waaalad altbMl*
•Yon mbeeable, antahli. oriller.- I eaperimroL
.ih oaly the one coat ua bU
M-ankr iu.liMIP-<
I hanlly keep my hand, off of y
p.|W.rtuT prvaaiai
................... ....................«tor iatowa
-I'ome. Darid.-ahe mmliiiued. _
th and begged to be allowed Ui do th*
laa' Sylrb la her arma. ”cn*e right: inachin.w, the f.Tm. r far ahapiag the
oona.iiidating I'hurea aad altead acbonl. Tbe docto
lahatebeea:bad ao need of a Uiy. but Alg
girea i oarnaalaeaa
It mnay yrara,.. aad Late
• ** bim nndgare
It 1* BO
ng too todi
him tkeopporlanlty
kl^in'•••■I-' ;e«di, .ke Fie.
aalltfa-tory fMulU f-r nn rducatom. Many year* aftoe.nem- <
Tbe iron or alerl : ward,
ward, wbi-n Alger bad motv buadred*
BOW in n*e are by no mu
. ’>« the
The luettl l> . Iwaya |>hyalelBB had dnilaru. the mill
did In brr lap and rucked her gi-utly , f
iilioD-wenl to hw beaefactor, who
or U-— affc-tod by Ike coadi
laleep. wlillr Almira gave Uaeid a*'
atraita. aad told I. m kr wantod to pay
e atmoaplirre. aad a.*'idrnl
.. . . maple eugar large rnengh t. .
that debL
>nk-h the Drallh of any ivtllnary child !lre4U rniiy ira.i-d to lUr warpiag,
i ou ow* me BBytblag.'’Mld
' ul .1a; *■- klFhl la ..keTr Dle >,iB'll no* ui
The mother feeling awoke 111 Ulive'* Tram
r are 8*0* and aliailar the doelur.
heart an* ailed her rrllh bitter yearn
-I owe F"" ■?
rectluna la rail* uf the mrtaUic
• -UMkjkrrel--kT*-;iJ,..*.tto'lB-JMt
th* rich tc

, "i**ta*-"
Olle&l'almer laid bar work aalde and
A*t tbRiklair of other dayk.
akoot her i-eemed *>i dreamy ko.t
...log a
dmnto that eke


aboBt *(>rBriBC yoar frolt


vxlBMaTxrm lAittTcaoli



■h> aih. II MM sr Ute.. tot
M uaj irU Ito lATiiUl- m Ito Mtoim

Fire Insurance

»T^A\ u» ua

DurU. When amotl con b rslasd. tb*
ataJk* han alwaya b<M oied aa fod­
bat in moat of tbe waaton aad


oaof thb
a thatth*

Ah' •!..> »i.g «« tiu lalicy.'lh' -M^FM'O

l^eiil Epfitfe Eilelidn^e

corwatalk b abeat toba rvoootoaratlraly laatlUto
UtoavalaoW* ceoMW

rvf *tok FPUUfik. • tolAkto Twin topkbto'



. '“rrrr--*- i

regarded aa aomewbat worae tbaa ww
Icaa. for they camber tb* geooDd. Cbo*pare.1 wlU tbe lltUr yeltow oaea «t|b*
aurlh. the great plaal that boor* that
laHy. Sylvia, for tbe ewk
la tbraontband weat b Uk* a
_^"\Vh»l b yoor unine.lilUe boyr aah-l - Yea. • enid 0llr*L -1 thl^ Icoa love
a tree bcaide a eureoai_____ _______
•«*’-‘ToI yoo well^od be agood wife to you. •a eaterprlklag rraldeat of St Lonb. a
-Mjaame.- he replied i«>U!riy. "b but 1 hgW^ored aumeoae.elae better
nni'«»iuuiiii.i» <*•<Bv.miuiv
• • III. tell yoc all j^^tod alnlka. oeea wl
Thu tUr. >i>M toaii.kiifiilMMue^ Unr
ild'a .{aick in-tiact that be had a abont it "
Uieir leaem or bladiw
eympatbelie Iblener. ,
dU aot make eUb-rmte pwpi-1haa oaubl.W it’


. .



ip-" . TOL.ZUtX.


d Oil**


wbea I captured a town is Ala' * - ' telegraph wire la perMy operator waa aot wUk me. I (pli­
ed to kaow It say Boldlar lathe bady
gnard cwald week aa InatmaimL
rdlem private. H*
" -1 ana. aauu a >

T>-K s.'S-i.ri

yoB aoM tost a womaa didn't annght W a
mlrdaman-i looha and iboav word. «m my Unm


ted at Ua* moi
w valM Into her tee*.
farSiteRdaBter atea

eat U X lack enbe* or oU tto-eoM with
aoldm meltod oS no UtU* paper tew
wfaKteteve aoly to M w

1. I aot him at

am La*. That boy
1 had It aigoolted

IMm owos whoa ehi
wW gavaUalte

qalro* as aseeatee of latemaaL aa th
ooeda or* Tory rteh
SeoU te mil
sdnrmimbtote wlto te
Tbk* a Uttte mor* polM wtto th*
gardoathi* year tbaa rear baforaaod
to knowwbot
a eaoliassoy
iassoya a
goad mte pteBtod with ateafabw*.

ssSkta ’—


r aMUv of avc

oflUrrii. l*»7. «M KMNtod Md rMd
•od, o.-otlM of AMomoo Oook. dol;

srs“ZiJrx-a".‘»Si^‘J THE SriW^AR TOWHi

saaad prnsu wwr* doly olMtod to
oaorptod ood Mdrrod tk> vmal elty aad want oOdoo to
•prcUToly. aafwnwo:
Htoua-oioodpoptoU of Bovdof J^k^or.foroaoyoar. »(Ula«W.

p.Uto Wertn:


for oM year. AUoeo
WM tta laiMd ta in, -wad

,|.0»dl no-Aprtl ».>•»=
HmUM wwaolMtowdwbjrH. C.
D»ol>. Jioior. I^ol.
BeMa. OoadnA. talU>. CM*. Krwlh*
lArtIa ood J»fcr.M aod Mayv Do".HlaalM of IM r«(.Ur mUbt-------

nMik Hia NattIm UMBd»>


icr Cw‘ Treaeator. for cm year.
HoieolB WlBbUPor>tobo»Iloopool.r tat faU tor«.


of^Eeard of l*obllo Worhi
At M.-mfiWe the Mimiwippl new H
mil lam. CbartM K. Eaak
•rlyl l-Stullcewid-. durinirbefiM,
«.Bitar of Hoard of Poblte Work*,
toll torn. WilMoB. r CklklM
da.i«. of •*. iWr. fall urn. JaUao
ami tbie plarr l. • allrid tlie -rdd leut '
' Ktanv
, TtaloryolB* aaaied .paraoao wofo Fitmi (be AlfAnme aide of tlu- river to
rlr tad 01 *aid rloetloo to taodty the mooib *< W.df river, whlrh •oppliee
puu of iMl'owo*. e. KMt ftfku.
the my with water. U ui.a--lT ttei-c |
ot .old rIoeUea mUm. and in tbi* bok-bty Und lew (br
MfMt t» Mid Ct«, btfabj peU^
tmr beo«.M* tad; to tfdv o *td.
to tta OMorol word oOiero
btwtrat nan'll l-or iiitlK-llljv.ik.iiy4 nw-r .
walk talU n tta oorlk »ld* ot mM ilMrrport b« ocoppUnJ »t.d eloliM be tullooo:
MMilli Iu wiuRe. TbuM^-tlwrU:
, Mnot tatvcoo o. fi * 1 k. E V
ordorta pold M foowoowodod.
____ than a luiii- .kuiyiuid tllr.-'-Jjnar-,
ud Unal Olrtat. Um eniM oror i
Fur Ropriwiwr. for ueoyaor. WUllan
rl«d by y<o bod
i . veto.
HotlOD ovrlod
tenuf aiiiilt-»
ahd tei'tlii. bur id
race ta.U *ido of
. Tbookrr
•B MobU. (ioodraefa.
Uor«ridA<.«M. iudyYow-Ald.
For Aid'neOB. for two yean. U*r- tbe Blurt ibt.-pv’itis udJOV to Amenrw. ,
. WlDELTknoeoVtkMoealaimblleher
Mve a NaiOivill.'itan-vi’-'iileat.
a(tb.‘ C».k. KyoFlk.. t«rdla oad
■■rt MuatayoB.
I .ta rwddm .1 Orem Bay. wtUae
On roki di^ a Wle-o' lb< liuff aortfa.
Kor looprctorof Sloetloii. foU
iohrmu, .Noyo-e^w*
eatvni Ipr-ae .van.-*-Uj-*u ...............*
AoordlaoBoerBtUM ■•AoOfdtoooco £>brr> K McOoy
w'ii MMM
For Mrmbrr of Board Of Edoi
1 baudivd i^iiflvre may , : "llw^«klr.'l*nlL-a. lruulillkitr>vt
aatobllikluj; o lie* upoe yihlM tralldCL !>•«<•
........................It of derulwM-tllu rs). Joi
tie.' bar. nnviTtn which m‘: .
FNd Hoodtickt
farl Harlta
iDfoeoy br en^tta opon Wool Proot
For CoMiable. lot imo yoar. Orery*
.d u.lrr.A'IKW
beaiy em.-*.-~.u.» ve.... —
—• i
,___ .„__i
ThM. T. BOM*
« O—pbof otrwl talwMii Rakn oiroot ead K<di- Aliro Bmitb
f»va of U.C d,» n er
CB. Hlltar
«c»d A'nAe.’- woo i^raMB^ aad iu
abont cjkV fir.-, l-Jrtl.v .'lad. .t.l.l
Mofod ky AUorau Osok tboi tkr
For fiaprrruor. for
yoaf, Mmacl
abivvriuy. il.-u a:..1 t.un.. U lr.un ev«y ; , uerw. lv».touettii»irsni,viib
|MOa(T B)lt*ad
pMtUoQ bo nfvrod U
n»un». Ny w* .ta
bold raodub «ai Mrrled bad ordlF..r AldenaaD. (vtwoyeait. lUabeo- tilnir an-bndUUtI l.a-vil.T iln-n . iniymuay hi UBinK! or tutt-wuiy. iudifli-niat >
lekmii lor^-rviaw^
poMod by tb« .foil <wla( yrdaod (iQidrlnb
Doy*oir: *
lleiraboJ'war'lfUto r iht-rloee abd ' HcfTillC
e»er.~. I bar.-rlv-Vrot-AldrrvoB liobb*. Ooodrldi.
_ . ;.loflb«<aiy of
tukuy.ud j
^’l^llUwr*0f bmrd nf EdoMtIoo.
It run. theai. All ahu .
Bailih. Oouk. Kyorlha.
Urdio aod -g.ltr-f«. KdmoodMobnb.
Uwuaoo: Wo. tba ODdrrolrord jobron* Noyo-Doao
euder from arrvt |
For Coa»t»blo. for one year. Bln
troeUe. rijould try II. i
I Klaary.
. April ,
Trowr^^itj. M
prrteftiyluira.. t
tbr wote ot tbr
tkjuan-i.tiUoiUtrfbwklu “ “ 'r"•
l*r. '
(kaowB a. th# barat dioirirt) woo
It) Ihol
CUy loBocll of I-ratcrwi W«)
For tlB|irr«laor. for OOO year. Joba A Ibeitviler off vbhX ill* fin- lmm» and
rooportfolly prtiUuB yoor buoorot
: l.nMCh bla hervlee Is k U-urfw-tut
___ M~lo
City Cbarwr Iw ou amrodrd
ao^> atabr Prrry
body to eaOM Um atdoaa'k gr»ar
.iili- itU'i of Whirii lUt- tho toib.iuMi>dk"
alvml llie iiui
ufliM ul lb. City CIrrk aod
' For AldenaoB. fortwayrar*. Fraok ni.-n
Editor ksd nroprwkir of Irui Lssielua.
froatef Mid propon? from tta act
d l.kvllirr. laUl.V lumilie
City TrM.nrrr lwny»*r.lB.Uad of one C n-Monod
Hr. Mile- horriae a eold os ya.nisttw
liaoef Le-------wav, llnn-uvne.
tile II
year a. bo- prorldrd la Mid Ibvur
For la>t<oeloref Kleetloe.
,y rviu.v.-irt
U »-.«ld l«- f.murl lliat tlef
eaid BBi.adiurBi W tafcr rRocl Kob- B'allrr W. lAraS
■at aradr wc ooo laako
fiy won.«t mill nil >h.- lBrK.-eiltc».
For Member of Heard of Edoeatloa.
> TfMlderp wDiali luarplkt. I-v«.
11 tb.-v KvmvrullyvlJiu li.giuo toflw
fall Irrai Fraok FrirdMeb
Hurod by Aldmoao tioodrieb
For (tmeuble.fur eoe yMr. H Bli
imai Jlik-iMiiipi vall.y
BMpMtfolIr oobciUtrd.
tbe rMoIotioa M loid uo tb« Ubir
City V 111 Wt-uiv tbe liKf-iiiOiit
Elek A Uallbrry
Ul aoxt rc«o.lar- 'BytaUbK*>tJ
J.J. B--.
winl.Tui.iuiLk lUi.Wli. uwenuui-ulbiT „,.|,r„,„ yh. ti
' A V. PrtwlrtA
Horry ilooBab
rtaii.v Ilk- w.nilirrii I'ltjuim iir-.m yu
Tv., uh I'' l.o'. i-t-u i
I'rdModiBjr. of ^lat^ommltt** troo
Lm U. PBlIar
north. 1Viuuf.riui.u«.etaitb. t.<ir.t,u.
Oe motlOB of Aldornma Jahroao. Beard of boprrritor. of ouooir aod
tut.- lli-.lmmuj. Unrtu-..ri .< IW ri.h pi.,„ . ,t„ ,.bi..ii.-inj.-.<, nf ih.-.l
For Aldermaa. for two jeare. Jalta.
:.iuidtli>r onau The ,
.u.-h »Vav i)..-.t tie-.mi-!
daly Mrriod. mid patl>^ *M roferrad oeeimittoo from Cooecil, atou oubao- M. Ilurllmaatel.
For iB.pactor of BImUod. tall term.^wj.>'*“'.fl..«i*K.-uri.-nl w-.nild wa-li aii.iv tf...'
• OB atnru aad (lido- qooDtroportofcoaiiiiiiiorfroot Oooo..............'

'lulat.d'liur. 11k-oil., r iiiv.d'
Cbarlee H Keoyoe. '
waUnlo irportal froteDaoell i
caiK-l.watuld.-lti. •
ani.b. i.a iu.i-iiki.m.-.r ll-|-li. Id j.'i
TroTorxCIly.MIcb Kebrayy vih.lAtr:.
Ueiubrr of Hoard of BduMlIOo, foil
IIh^s- ti-)l.v«roiimu>lb-l»r
MmUbf oI JotDlcuniumU.-rcua)poMM)
TOI, Riehard W. Eonod
• V Ihi luriv.-in thi. man- n-uloi 111-ijiiT osrws (Iv •aoil Uir,
Member of Huartl of Utioalldo to fill
Of John l•.lclpb^r. Frwj Wollwr. and
- .tJoboe
MIIIU Wlyhuoan,from tbr bMrdof.op eacaacy.U AHelbeiT
with ill.- riri.i.tin.v that it ..wH ,UF.w Ccm.Ubla- fpr
,-n. havilic 1c-fi 7t. *jrmi»tda-1.atiiy
..vay lu a slevi tiiu.-. T-Im- laiOunbitu; Wo. tb( oodorolford rmaurt ul tiraod 'Trayrna UcMOiy.
III. luW.
rMtdooUof tboCityuf rrororoo l U). Miub«aa: aud Uriibea tluudriab; A ti D Jubaeoo.
u>iil. rril (ho. DK-rt t< :i-<U.- ]daii.
U»«. aod Ueorire I' Uarrwia iroia tb«
fiend to acll imi. lUid vith, thttr wir- tl.i ui.di tl w.mld roHt a ini'ut ani.mul of
II.' eoaocil .•! tbr air of I'rorrrar City.
it> have ptm-hiovsl a *kill uri.l a tout Iw y.or t^l-<Ulll^-^ to tli.-.
- ,...ry|brldalUi«om.woltbe City Auorory
dlunv n*<-l..d M-uiiAi* iu an vipon i-ilV/sv.«n V inoIv.liuuuui-Ut. Mu. b .J
porma wb.triafor, frol«bX bana«? i *“ tbe .a«». «»tobrr» worr^preMuL
wr uooQ.
>r AldrmiaB. for two yeara.* Alfred
Hi. Tiny wvm piu li ilH-iru-niaM an- ih-vl'l :.p.l it^wl vidual.!.tr^ prtp.. MOla. batldiar m.trnal.
Ihsu.-- Tim- i» a vu't imniUT of tnuit-bJisUinvtu.
HtvlM-Iawa}'. if'su<
hiaaabt^ Roodt. or aay oibrr m webir
.vs. itwisi.-n's. l-ku-i.T.
lUk- .IMH
V' ill' t-i.-ul
1-uI Uii- lUiisuis
lUiisitls tdlli.
arepartr. ordoMelMO-ap)<>be nr iraM
uH-tuU-ie of tbvtfr.nt anny ■I rai'ld i il I. il .iU.Viioii .4 <^v a alx.rt
For Member of Board of Kdo.
vAt.vK. vIh. :i1iwLiiu aii.ft!
.ii.v-t!iiiig|^.|^.„ ,,
|H,.,AarT l.i nsi
cHpUmiie loobtala a prupor lloeuw
- •hlln
>d ot Bdocatioo i^uvi-r lliun u ffi-itrlil .iuiu. erl-iurrive
thtroferaod forracb rcblelc awdby. aolBltoa wee rfferud by Mr tierrieoo:
,v l.-i.e fe.-lllli-.''f.* xia- nn r
KaoUed. TtiatibrofUwof Jadyt
on Iniiiiis-rk. ttii. I •, turalri.- .lus and
him. aad aUo tbal tba drirer of rac i
to fill
oableb BMt be lleeaaed aea pablic th* Krenrdcr'e Court of the City
. jMf, Hedad "bllud luKptCf." lli-^ii.lIiortHkiiouii
narrreeCliy b-OiecoeliBurd. to b
10 all llH-litdiO>u ol.At.r-Tua IIS u K<ssl
Mr. BldffHs.. ; a Inti- diiiu.vaf
^'itatM erditaaoMaow road It eM>m* rfiveiat iberepirallou of tbs
The Oorelable'e bond of Oeorye Allen IbiuK. mid il is piotul.l.r tli- liuv. -t
. to bo peoUble for maeb ol tbie work to tbe prreae
i|i iv.l.aiy ill
.smiry, itsl.qmU* k-<«tl. 111.11. I l.i.ll
Bmitb with I. H. Wlanle a. aurety
haddBoby peraoaeoet rrr«la-lT IlMOe- City charter be *o aiurnded that I
.Inail.l II- iiiiisi.T »f 111.
U-iugfrinu 400 m l.vuu all tba
OB motion, daly aaiyled. approrrd
ad aad wo bellare It to bo for tba bmt, beard of efiperv.wtr. of ilraad Trevri
nmiid. .VI.,,
tVlH-ii .
a liot»™.!..
unk-a lit* , ^
tetorooto cd tba elty at lanfo that apeb Ooeoty tball darier Ibe rra.aiaurr
Alfiarmaa Bobb. that l9
tbe pretfiat lermol eetd JaoRe Lave . .
vUf. b.- Wkiu l.Mrua t bo irbiriul.m*- of
J” “•
a liaoBH oratam bo pal la forea
lu tb- Ubtiiy fur a
eqaal volea with tbe ■Coeeeil «f TravC C Mom
Pater tjtraoaoa
erm City la eutablUhlaR lu. Wary of nbBM a .niuble chair for the Major
the Judyr ot tbe Ree.>rder'e Court, the HMieD<sr,led.
ooet ol roome or qaariora for tar bold
Mark Craw
(1 L lira
Aa Ordlaanoa entitled -.ABordiBanee
lay of euuli Court, power to deeiyi
& i. Ho cob
Uormataa llroa.
ralattve to faat ridlBy and drlriug" wae
tbe place of boldlap aorh Uien
SvVd lid-Ur flii.1 u/roiifnl -.wm-.d K*-w k<*L H.> kly,.
Hamd by Alderataa Bmllb that tbe adjnsttay the lae>deiital expeaec*
potilloa be re'omd le tbe
m-iVAiu-uv Aduaw
Hored fay Alderman Jebrene that the ri-Vfunuiu ihu ~|iuiii.n. wbn is.j.suti
'-l-hU reeolutioD wae duly eepportad
Houoo earrlwl.
rdlnanee he adopted pad pa.eed
■ -in.—I-,.
aad adopted
Tiaerrae aty. April $. leliT
Holloa carried by yea
Murad by Hr. Htueipbor
TatbeBoaorable Mayor aad Coue
Beaaiur Ourell aod buir BepreMuta- aa follow.:
ot Timrwae City.
ure Fueler be.................................
VesA. Aldermen Bobfa*. tioodrieb
I. teiah i ami h aaUUoa you
■the rv.|Dli
■Bepaeeery atlepa Iu I
■oaelder toy eaea aad allow eeme oe
Smith. Cook. KyaelBb. .Lardlc and
Wo havi-neotir.-il .250 Mt-h's
ami i*'iio’'T^*^vvrilt;rii while CABt.
■prefer tbe palatal lalerlee I received
b) Hr Xarrieou aad
TheUro i't»n>iumc<l llin-v taMo* ul panl* 1ml tlio c.«at* and vcbI* which were pik'd sop*
oa tba twaaty-alxvb of
Fabroary. IrvT..
Nay., none,
. byfaiUaroaFnmteirMi.
"'•1 >«>>
Fruat eirMi. ibeeaaeeof
afatolv-wcrc navi-d withiMit a slain ..r a lik'inish. Wo iruaranloo tbom lo Ito iiloan and
• —- - - - aidvwaiB t loae hoeorablv
tin motion pf Alderman Hobbe, duly
the Cuuoli
jK'rf(-v4 and.warrant ilu-jn noniiino I.** and 20 i«. all w<u>l clav*. made up firNt-class, olea tbaa reeelred a brvkee
earried. eounell.i
,^,-..;.f(ili; :
WANTEL > '»•-•‘ilVi'i i;'
aim froai the City cterl
ileiiibid.iii.iit>. n-wli.d aakla.
jvanl fitu-r* and tinoiv irimnu-d. yiic suits wore soUinj- fnnii iS12 t<i
ebuwlar the dae aopolati
iua Isv*. auH..t ilH.vii.1
mbrraof tble )J.Mnl ciu
cniiipi'liti.ui is koon. Wo are odi-rin^' you the clioice of the lot of those coats aad vests
Traeerae wty.
must ju.i orU eklj.'-i t...

liur, w-ashini;. IvVdiod lUi.liii
OamoUoe of Aldarmaa Hmilh du
ion wae daly
Ibi-'(sn'ils|<i>''l» of th'- Is-t.I.lj', nil
aarried. eatd patluoa wae raferred carried.
<Xovo is your o|>]MirUmity which vou ou^ht not tn miss. The niorchant, mechanic
wbiau do'bov (blit tUy am wiliinc
tba aommittea oa Olatme and Aeeouau
Moved bv Mr Ibilelplier that reprr.
iir fatmi-r cannot Iniv a more honest yarmodt for twice the money. Call ijuick btiforo
wiffl.. Ul .-uaiua find it.
rstallee Fueterandhraaior Core l hf Jet «far
Ikteoril) Iteiea
IIi>.Tin<ii Tinto-(.IriTtiil that
s like maoiirr-rri]aea.led to e-cu'r the
assortment is j-ono.
••I 11. v. r InA to .
epaal of dectlou ifalrlywcvra of lillr
(I... Mi»iwi|.].'i III
Traratea City. Hleb . April B. liui
Ha..kMuB.-r- H.-lu.
hlriy tbrreuf IfaCA-herlar ut thr
tlo- l-ik- kuud' V
e. tbe HUyorabdci eUnil il. mid lle-i s-utdlb- U.u.(.l.i> Ii-vii- ha* Iioi ouly '
f.TraverM City aid that they be u
'T\xtVtil*i'f irv (.( juiKii n
__________f the
____Uty of l>aiar oC.
Imiu'i uol>il.Tn.U;blswmai’ciTUUtT.’' ls..uin». i> a liik'lHT >orf.ii-.-by uow d..-!
B eecare an ea*ly paM.(aaad luia
ra: We, yoa
leeffeetuf.ucb repeal. Motkm
Jt WM.Fartut-r Wart.lylUut wiv <i..ii« |Xel(>. llUI Lu. Ill II
Aaaoaaia bate
.fbaime and Aaeoaaia
beta aui
tlir Ulkluv. AUd tlx equin- id Uh- l.rtfu-.
tba tollowl^ alaama aad bav^
Morad by Mr Cook that tbe eomm
elrtpimlyiut.-miin.d loaek vlk-tli.-Filie
taadoBowadliura. Motion earrlrd.
fuuH-r bad t-v.-r niuev<l auy rbuktma <r
pdymaataa follow.:
!• C (lii.nKitT,
elatuw bftfuiv limik m-lUiri in Ifae rtotodeeratary ot Joibl Commlitae.
llj. .
CC Haoa.dr.ymr.......................••
Travarae CUy. Hieh April n, IWT
“Ktk 1
• ■ C B<«aa. wwkoabuotba..
Fo^^^^^Hoo. Ibe Mayor aad City
-Imt lu
Vi|y roll of Boaraa of E^iaira'
Ua. aad BImUob....................... U> 00
r.viacnTiu.UA.; Wa tbs aodrrelroed be
Boae Oe. Ka. I. t»at poUlar
'<1 t
Miiy dilT'-r r.-ry Hull-fniiii last yenr'a tniKS!rieiL Some
Udtaa Ubcary Aim . real po<l
n-u nrlii-li-k itiey U- miIiIihI tii tin* old lUI And
i of Maprrvleora of Uraliil Treferae *^"ll.«i-t le. ton cvaiildto.'' Inelfted lbUnroluNclwn, of »to.,
Ooaaty releilva to oertain etan
|irj.-v-* nrided l.i'tiiv nbl arlirliw. bnl tli.-re are meuy —^
■quire. ■'Uauy-eUi'.ni’pl. I'lvi
wrilb.; '■Fiit.ii vrHTB Ihalv I«WB
w!%?iS! rMt piiiiiv pimameadmmt.. le addltloa to a rep) n
lliiiiip. i.n- nmy be niilv of li.-re- wc wilt iu4 •‘td to tliV '“j
Iniki-d leTfiv'iVi lU’loOuiU-.
anhL-rrr tn-oi b'wTi.luldui atfrctinn
B / Horraa. wood.....................
tnlat action of eorh C'etmlllre.
nm.ual Ib'etnv. l&ukwi-tue
l^w11 riiihl. tbe glaoiU uf my ne<-k. amt all efin
iirii-W.- aiw U-tur .m £vj-r)lhitij{ eoW ^9
Ibilw Ere* aad Btaratd Ml
dirneky fgrtber report e. folloptri That
l«i I wouldn't Is- nujirleiil
day 10 of t^airiativ in Wakbiaston. I>. I
Baeba ata........................................
will Iw v|i.Hii. fr.*h and of th.- Iiest j|oality. Foil
amaloo IT of iWU-J J_br_jBSl rrpMird
Tbiuis I SimuKlivld. in., atul M, Loai* failed
Otaad Ttavataa Barald. }ab wi-iirht Bod full iii.-HHunw on-al*.i jirH Uoliliiiw of punt.
but amroded an ae to permit of ihai ■tw liiui f.' up afim- ti
portloeofoari lit lermory lyiay Km< bail.'I ni..|>l lu tltu’rauiniiiuu.-rty eiun.
Hen- an- a fi-« ariiclea w«. wUb lo call esjaetial alb-utiim —^
Tvavaiea toy Bafia.
- JllHdll.of the W..{ bHaailerv of Bari
t Ibm-'f.a aaOUem.
to be tncisdrd in the oeoaty
T^^krtMoBea'riit.! ■ ”.
tern wbea adopted
(bllipa bap|>iml a«tkid*
Baht^a' .mrnt a irieiul recommended h.S.H.,
•>..i .■•va..* j.i,-.i.(.>e
■Halaalm Wlaala. Mia«a-^- ^
Slaoe tba repular meeUar of aaeh ivanin. HU fidka riibldn't ■-■( all lb'
}.dai ainmliiee am-J •rityoltbe'mra
tbiusa ab«^ Mole, an be thai'l sell
bere Uiam of from the Ibwrdof Hopei
ia tfiviii); iiiiivirsal. end is the obMipMt floor. ~
gaa iu US'. Heli.rr I had ased one hrt-‘
W B Olda.baryU« dafo.........
eleorebavr been tcitervirwrd oo tb
tu liuy, H* it make* ui'ire hf-ad lo the IwrrvI tbnn win-. Z
••Wal-h bim.” loalrinl flu- aquitr.- tlelheenlaiKi-menl Iwiian to disatipcal.
MmliwaBaoa. barylar do«o.
above matter aad-have aeaeatod v
t.-r wiivHt finur. Our Corn eii'l Tumatoeii are
And bi- liaik bia l-ovt- wilh u fiu.- imt- and noa ii ii entirdv gonr. tbouBblam
O P.Cbrvar. faaar oa library.
thleehaare beloy made
■ diotilc
Arw A Cels, work oa library.
fast lit Tv. or-t catm for lioi-. I'boice butter aU
moralaaf Ui
>fH look.
I woold haiv rvCBprd yrara
Farmi-r V
Moeed by Aldrmaa lArtir that the
and uvrd over
A.W. Blckard.eappllm .
rapon beaeo'ptad and adopted. .
WAT.B ri-ati.
avn-tb-tuau it vmild h- (lu-*qa:
‘to-'V I
,lr^.|.^»ied -bloai trooli
Morad by Alderman Dmitb ' that tbe
bbui-w man vbo waa (rappi'd.
Tbe doclon can da yi<> .F<svt^
loUoa of Aldermaa l.aidie be aamnd; tratb Uaavxartiiic
waa a , tbeir mort. io tbe knile Jirove ctlher
^ Corner 7th and Union Ste.
■ad that tbe report ot the eommiuer wirihliw. I-lbm- Iiiii-iug
STOCKHOLDERSFOo. UrbilvMar. iw oo
I aeoeptta and adopted.
Motion tW tliM Waa diduR
' -X
ib.-jHk-litiiit lawriUR
daba WUbalm. Pom aeei. Mw
K.*<4it<I That the H.mrd of toblle (bat u-w-a. n lliiiR all i
Werka hr aod tney are hereby aalbu Ui.-niabval Imlf prirr.
mxTin n-niia
nnd to remove the drain Ule er newer »Vw>
Craad Tramae Berald..............
u in
pipe DOW under etreet at th>
Traearaetoy BarW ..................
Mill Craek cr<w.iBC Iberaot. joat
ol Front .trerl. makiny
king .neh nee
Juba Bsaal*. Mareb ealary....
ibcrrwlta aa will rial-IrtiiiL" aaid ih<-jiid w.ldirv. “we ScioluU KvM-m*. C»Bcet.Kbeomatom. »
Alira Urayeoa. •'
.Hr of water down ■Hid.....................................
permit of Ifae free A.iht
it ba-k. Bat. d.tir nu-. wr didn't etc., "tovh otber _«x-*ned W-wi
Hiram M Xlasey. Mar. Mlary
*• w Mid.trram iha. a-flUieBlIy dif.alag idl. ii de auTthiug nf Out max iu tb.- die*
Jaba Aoaala. eapplloe................. tbrreuf abov.. lliri.ina atreia . anuy. Wejiidu'i jt-i wry mnrb wdi toot ol tbe
FniBI atreei. witb aalbnrity tn •
eaiuiaiKe n ail.
- aiiywi
r.y—that I

• ------------ ■lovnd
. np.arh porilna of ■t(TT<.
ay be nara*mry lo faciHale aairt Uhal «v had murtlv wa« bant bn-sd. be Matiddml
“I *'
wor^aii toanard *F^eri acctdeoi. >ni.. iim.v rall.ll bard tark—a kiud «4
___ Sa-ifl
P C Oilhart.
Zm Ibw Bikx-oniaaoaC
vrai-kiv. Ilkv •.via cTm-k.-rtn
i-k.-r to •1.b)w, and
Specific Co.
talere a peraiaaent KrHi>rr. or
•rill far nmx arted at mIS n.
And bard U< adnfK.»l
the aewer nip* (ba> removed Co he pro- UI-1IV (ban a tu.utb old
ildwan't Iwd. lu
f>-rl) eared f.rt aod bjuiied Said H-mrd fdri. it «n* wry graid. It waa only
■^1 Don't buy nm yoa baToaseayay goods DOW beiBg CLOUD OUT feToaeb at nnyreeartaatofi p
of Pab leWtrkaarealw. aatsirli
Ind V wb'i. we cul aiuu- (bat waa vtvy old.
t t Pair
;ru vine over au.1 that had fm iru tr-aturva luring

A Bno«.llrbtate
M i
aatd openlnc If "her'
It aa pad leal
toil. a. tbal y.«badl..ku.a-kttaitatoal
. $4.00 to $12 50
Hovvd bj Aldermaa Smlib ibal Ih. -—nuthliiR t.-i.wrvaiineit. tbalaorbody
*bont the bon*e, paint, flootw. pots
. 4.00 t
to UAO
raaoiarioai be adopted and paiard.
print 1-d. and -Tea Uim wv ran-ly wmi
awif p*n« dishes and glassn-are,
Clark** CuthWMy ]
ow«........ 86XK>
C W Morrill.
HoUea enrriad by a yea and say It Wk. Kanrtinuw if il waa vny bad
16.00 to 90.00
•am and tinware, can be d<Joe
a 60 to 88.00. I Ohio B*y B*kM
« K Bonham.
•<.- .
tbr WRimtuul qaanmnaaKT wncid



who have never worO'^Adler’s” clothing to try
a fiuit’this spring. They will be pleased, as ^
every man who carries this label under his P
coat collar is pleased with the stylish cut, fine
trimming and e^het fit of the garment.

r.T£!n’-“ --u-a....

“AdlerV’ clothing is the only satisfactory sub
stitute for the creations of the artistic and ^
high priced tailor. As such it recommends z
itself to gentlemen who have ideas of economy
as well as good taste.





sottth; side.





A Wonderful Bargain!


A Bonanza for the Rich as well as the Poor.







•."sri'.r.xrs.s'KS'SsS s




Uao. W Urdle
■otad by Aldarmaa Hailtk that tb
tapart be asrspul aad alaia. ba erdai




Vaa^ Alda
Bmitb. C«mb.
Alter a eaavaaaof (be voiaa had-at
iba aanaal rtaaner elo>tMw hsU oa
April 1 iriiT. lor tba arvacal city aad
••ard offioara. Itaa iollowlard»laraUoa
aad delemla;t>oa «ra*. oa auAtoa of
Aldermaa (tedneb daly adopted aaS
paatdbyitoCa acil
It b banaby d aiarad aod detaratota
by IbeCoanaUol ibeOl) of Travarw^


anid bark Ih.- wild- lot and draw oew
if la- .vaUd. Hat .di.-taT wv k.-pt ii. aofi
yea ixmld thmw it away if vtm wanted
Ul. leu tlmi waiaU.
“Still, mr uDttknUfewaaenidBrtve
to inkklap|*ill<«.aDd after all <aa- maid
have a yiaerT levakfan (baa Buddy,
bardlemd aad n«rv. F.e inauato,
fcrtbKiR.''—New Vdrk Soa.

u to tia aiM.
TbeocB.mceril]vw doUar to etosM



You are in danger of being humbugged 4

J;;-—"'..“~-"u ;S:


All Cleaning





: i^nrm
... - _______

A Real








better, quicker «id cheaper with


looo “Z

Ch*mpioB ICovom, Bladan. Xtc,, Btc.

Coni«r 0m« «Bd 8t*t« StTMt*.


than wilh any other cluing

You WILL succeed if yoiT ADVERTISE in tlw Herali



p.. ....I.

-- ^


' Wmak rnmr^ Itom Ui fM>

ihufaa Kaller. of


«4 aU«l7-w«a poudo.
tor oro War aUorhf^w* *■
BOBtan a 1*« Billoa aoaU aad m
■~--------■■ b7 fcoBtaUadan and (ai
•a br M aiTWt bw taea taad«.

_________ ________ tbaopiBloB Ibal Iba
duaU Friday
aoTMip lB)BMd.

BO-tajoriaa oi

Olbar Cnlta prootka

Prod Meabar J»pad from a t



ad^te. Tkarabaa
ttebter te Ub B


'baa Bad}!
Badfl Bata
the offler.
ufBOr. b.
vbora bo waa. had taboo a freirkt, baU U«
aad vbaa baaao it waa aot rotor to
lilploBaUc r_
atop ^oBpad. Ea waa loaBV-oaa iaft £ boOM.
hMwwB Ua UMted Kum aad Panfa.
At Itbaea. Boner Boroa. and Tv. aa
oU plaoaar. waa lattaatip kUlad Batordor nMirBior ol .NaldfoU'o oaw mil bp Btebler at TrI
Hre. Ubad dtaeford baa elri>«4
a djlar board froai Iba odw. atrlUar
bln la tba aarb. braabUtflt aad aataf



fUnar tbin Uara baa

^ef tbabaod.
WlUla a (e* BiB•Maabo waaiariar «~J. wtUiallrM
kopa e< raeo«ei7.
HarrbM L'adrrwood. a llartoa farm-

•.to*atW,ta^u.^W •

Boebaatar. K. Y-. aad >U,ouu
4a Boeap bp iba daaU of aa aoot wbo
TbaaorUem Udiaaa aod totbora
MbdUrma Boaten' AaourUtloa ^t at
■awnaUa. lod.. aad alactrd offiorra.
Tbto b tbe oolp baoten- aaaoclaUB u
Mra. Oaorr* Wnun. wife of a prwiaaat Italian- mae of ElcliBuod. fell
4aod la bar .hume Wadoatdap wbila


Ttebadp of Predertch Uarrlo^.
vbowtU bb BwUar loat bb Ilia bp
dtwwaiar 1> tblle rlrar. Colambaa
Oi^ gi^at^foar weeka
doMpk Parry, of Baa Cblrr. Berf^
oaeBBip. wlU tor tba larroat auawbarrp aoteb ie aooibwaaura MIebiraa
wh^ bo ooBplataa Ur teak of aalllar
•at BMWi plaou ao « acrea of rroood
WbUa aOBB af tba rrowrra la tba
paaeb ball are aararfor tbalr »™*l
auaUrra aUUo a
btai iaahel taeloiT at HooU llarra
taWabtpardafauiUxieoaod AaatnAt fr*——— Arrbltaet Palrefaild.
wy^aBatch. lookad for a r*« ><*t> b>
*Tbe froai
lAere waa blawa oul.
baadrad ddlUn'dam-


J. r- Ooaekb. a harait of Koohrllla
Uwtablp, barloaw eosatp. was aod4oalp atuekad bp dlWoaaa wbllr
•kB# U bb boaaa. Ha^Il aa Ua
alora^tad waa ao badly baraad Uatto

tot T»ar Ur drlroaajMoW

Ui- d.-cUratl-m U ei|iortad boarlp.
Unte boa aow baooMe at aaeoadarp tmporMoua. tad alteatica la faenaad ua
Ua praater bodUa ot Urariaaa aad
Turk, who aiewaltlop for Ue aipaal
tu tapace in ope# warfare. Uawa
Prince Coaaiantinc of Uieiwc. oobmaader of Ue armp, .aid Saadap. -I
aoi fuiiy nra-pa^ to make

aald to be tba terreat eerr Itauad. rfiw
writtra by aenmiBar o< b'»" *"1“
He aleo. in refareara to the aVirm'-'iUp ibr term* of tkr ooatract. bn
Imr. ramarked: -Tbe ineu.aita. laioi
btonfurd b to pap ta taooal prcaloB
areerml rebel.
tad UM her deaU tl.WO.- Torkiah terriUwy by aeei
baud, of armed Ureeka waa wholly

aoUoriard br ,Br- ami atadotely!
Lwbad Huafai............................................
auld aka lire luyeara and eoaUaue apateaiBrpaliey aad my teatractlcaa
ber MBaal papaeat of preBlnma, Ue fromtbekteir Thalrattack opoaUe'
unlrereHp will roorlre at ber death
tt.O»,u<hi teatead uf pl.wu.Ouu.
A CTciooe paaaed orer a pafUoa ol
____ ____________ ity law-a •';
[lal aoBbixp. Ab . Ttaundap Plpht
!■ »pltr
Uia. fcAweeer. It la be-'
llrarlBT 'rraakaaddlaaater la IWpatn. UerrdUal
hand Tbe
Htap houate wore damolbhM- br»-ITnrklah pu-.I'owara waa caarbt bp tkr falllor Kw rearatatirra n
a of her ki.aa aad died hrfor* abr U, salonbp laat Uat i
ildbrreacurd The real Of Ue fas-!
^ wen rraoord. Tkb b Ur oalp te , e.,^„
,h, Turk!
Iltp roperted. lor Baap bUb Ur.
arr OnSerler. rreryUter «>el' headqoaru-r. at Larteta. Aecordiur to
bocae abn* of aa aaelaot aauem whtcb farBrra
bad bariar boea awept away by Ue;,mj,„,|^. |,foriai1i<* obtained, bowwaa aa aourlp iBtaddad in iu alarular
wind or niined bp Ur terronte af lain, j.,,*, (be Turkiah army kat aot yet
mtlor plaor aa ft It bad bare a part ol
Tbr elltiena of titark hare neat eereral
.nd n j, eupp-wtl that at tbe
Ur tree. Tbr lar waa Ukaa lu a aaw
„,.„,tat Elkem I’ai-ba't orderr to,
toUI but op to date BO bum baa bceo waroa load, of aopplle* to Ueoc la C
adm-r.'were-cooateroitadrd. Nrrer-j
Accordlertelettererrceirnl by the'Oie'ee* >hc Torl:iah rorernmetil tlill I
jcal reitel oOBtuiltee at Utile llock, areno-to bar* the iatenUoaol attempt-'
rioter klilior
Btet Ark., balarda}. rrerp foot of laod l«i lar t-i eeiie aod bold 1-arieat oaUl the
about Ua wlolar
bllliot of
«f b
. dor cuuolp, eaprclellp
Ue ladita barnufluniltrp fa oow oodrr <im-ka tiiull harr eraeoalrd the U'aod |
loa. Tba narabra warr o wet
r. aad the ailoaU.ii Uero ia terri-' of Crete.
laat aoniBor taai tba .rrowil
wlb of
Oar letter Iruw Ho1lT tlrorr, . The aem of the ternn-loa iBUi Turk-!
niota after
'ter Ue cotUar
*raa aloor Ark., aapa tkat Ur people there bare ' lab territory W boeanveUrdal Ath(br aortaci- •f
of the
Ue rroond.
of but
aot raceired aapaupplite aod Ue ail- ;raa wlU rntal Julolalioo. Tbr KraaUrbtIp oodrr
t Ue
Ur anrfaru
tnrfara Tbr win-'
win­ natIcB bberoenW rapldlr worae, aa ^ eral belief la that oJttlarota pont^
ter frrrciar aod Uanlnr baa killed tbe water la atlll riaiai; 'LtrratX'k aad atralu Ur aruy. wbiefa b booad to fol-,
all tboar nioia. Un di
peuple were carried te.Ur hia-heat pla I luw aerate the froaticr ie a lew ilaya
ipiaad I
eea. Th. rearr head uf llreat<«;k ' A pruBteeat Creek and one wbo la
about wlater kililar.
aadSWipriaoBaloUrdi.tric-t. aad not, inloriuad In diplomatic mattera aaid
Pnr Ur paat twoorthraa werki Iowa
Burael to feed Urm
Tne letter I Sooday:
•The tuereineat of Ihear
kaa beeo all tura op orer a Bar:relODa
-lloaea: W'e'brf awd plead ol you. [bandaU all in a.-ewrdaocc with a eery
air able, wblch baa Wo aaeo bp Uouaanda of people.
It alwapa appran at
Blrbt. b elW ahaprd. witb faa Uhe
ar|nra«Bd W ao rlrotrteal beadlirhl
r Adaaiaipaed
- --- —rrrat rapidity and U
. ____ .aw prnaila Ue fair
will of Ue oprrauir
ii-nlA. Fur nmey noatba it ^a been
wUeetetenillUU: in carry, kaap Ue plaa of Ue Icapne U aUr up all tbe
Now It lieald to br oamiar ooat
U la
r braaa batbma and pill rpauilBrd that It paaaed oerr Cblearo
paa-UeUenic people* by teeaaa of arm­
•baoldrr a riUa if they ban
iBdap moroier at ttboo-eluck end oar
ed baodi
N-W that a praal cri.ii- baa.
alrrarU and
aad oourape
ooura^rc. Tbry
They may
Bay come Ui Ureek btetnry we hare aejred
•0 aureredrd In rrttlor two aoap the■ alrrapU
be cmpU'oa aod coloorla aad fraeralr.
ot pbotorrapba of It
'I'lir bint u>'
unoa IL Uor aim at. preaeol U to pet
aad aumr ambitioot waiuao may beat It baa bera area la Hl.-hlran.- A
behind Ibr TorklU liaea aad to atlr up
itatrh oo Mooriap aaid buadrrda of
. illaad paoplr belierr Uep aaw Urair pruriap ateed. Tbe bill prorldra for
"tVhelkeror aot Egirupe iaaiata opon
' anch uaifurma aa BUT be aeceaairo."
thejateprityof Turkey. Cyeacc la mil
ablp at a;3t boodap nlrbt fkiatlor orrr
may IrU to aoiar ifintllaok Lake. It waa a larredark ataaa,
•Uooe wbea Ue women aniaaaled by nelflah riewa or wlU any
appar^Hp lirhted wlU colored elre■ ore for aanealnp territory u. Ue
trtc Hrbta.
After ranalolar autinsipdnm. Bbe demuda not only a
deerrUey of Aprlrnlturt'WIlacB kaa . JC and complete iadepeadencr for
orp for arrrral Bloulra Itdaited porfhwaat and waaaiui luat iLrkI of. Tbe Initiated a new ayatem af aewd dlatri- heraic Crete, but the aame indri>endBB-htar Borrdlaa tip »r atplaaa’ UutloD io bit dep^ment. ill* aim la eace lor Epiela, Hacedosla and Tl.race.
aroBiiid oodrr perfect cootrol.
It waa to dIreiMIr. aa far aa poclble. the Aadabe drmaada tbla alauforall Ue
fartn pradocte of the counlrp and to -ibjupated pnpolalloaabf Aaia Minor."
abo taaa at Battle Creek.
tbla eod be U makine a apeclally of
-Therefore, lireece will face key
arlrclinfr new and Talnableaeeda from
apper te (inler to rea -b that cad.
•' paru of the world tad pultlop Uem
of friphtlnl anfferiepi aad naAaoUer aqoad of tirrek palriote nU
tfae baedaof
af larmrn
lararra likriy to uae
i«d Crimea aad
— . tyraoai
tyraoaiiw bare
rdfor Uebome eoenup to trbt lh< thra to adraoUk-e.
.a*-e. Hr
Ur haa b^on the
wd Upon thoae who *ra our
Torka Hatordap- Then: los to Ue par:b aupar buela ai
blood te tho*c
by falU
all aorta U'kile
aupar bn-te
planl* .offallwirta
and we
are larpely roltlrated io the weal.
Doabl.W. V
ktkolrmB way and te*pired by the
Ua beat need alpreeeal corny* from
Bt aaered aod^ranubliap priDripIra
ladlaaa. died auddea)»ki5o-cl------------ordap Bornlair at Ela borne la Waab- abroad. A larp* aopjily ol Uene hiph
emr power b> Ull
prade snada'hta been ordered tad wUI
iaptoa. aped Ti. yean.
B which bnrdene
Iw JudieloualT diatribuud.


d te '

TaatfleUaofloetad 1 _
drlftlap aUwart Ue path of tiane-A
b aatteitaUaB af Ua aaorBoaa'fralt
-- -------- tad all of Ue t
nop whbk Ocoaaa eooetp baora to
report eaperiraera w UeBbelby
liliilleonpanp Bara rraatlp eabrrad


--------ar Uelna, —
------------- .
wbo la at praaeotaa lamateof Ue poor
farm at BloOBlnptoa, te beir to
hp Ua daaU of fall braUor. Fraak
UdinB. te t’bUadelphla. tire paara apa.
Mrato Ml. torUoloteaw d.. Drleaa. aad Ur Utter'a wifawbo reoaallp died
«< aStaroo. faU to Ue flow d^.

Tbe aouUern Ilund* ara raapaaaible
Jortbe foilBwlep add aderrllaemeat te
the Dyenburp, Tean . aairlte: t>a
Tuewlay. Kari-b IK, my dwelUnp bon»e,
teen mllca abore CaruthenTiUe.
, wa*hed from IU louodatiua aad
ted dowB the Miiiai**ippl rlnr. It
la a new twn-alonr frame, palnteil
white aad bnill In T abope. with a ha'l
la Ue canter aad a two-alory fraat
porch all tire way a.To*a the boildinp.
It coniatea all my kouaeh.-ld aad kltehra farnltura. lecludlap aa weran with
J. C. enpratrd on Ue plate. Tbe c«.k
kb<ea Uan old faabloaed Ko. 3 raopc.
A Marlin rin*. >Uteea abot. 3> eallbar.
wa* _____
al*o te ___________
tbr huuaa. Any
Anyoaekanwone k.
Ibe wbcrcabouU of thi* hoone
iap tl
lieraiiwarded by lafarmlap me at Upera-

The nalirea la Ur ticinity nf Icbaady. China, ara dyinp by bundrad* of
atareatioa- Tbe prate crop of laat year
waa alauat . a total failure and tbrir
•applle* are completely exhatutod.'
The Mount Itebanon Shaker* have
Inrcntod a praal many rateable thlap*.
They were the firat Ui wake bnmm* t-jr
uaeblneryi the Aral to pul np aeeda io
little. pacfliaRe*; the Aral to maoufac'“No^'u*y*nre out wiU a method


Shaker Itipeatiee Cordial
It anpptlea
food te an cniflctelly dipealed form
at tbe aame time aid* the dipr*U«a *1
oUer f^vKla In Ur atnmacb
Ie otkrr
‘•“'F-a'' _________________
word*, bv Ue n-w of Ue Shaker Dlpe*tirc Cordial, a drapepUe Tirlually feU
alonp without Uc uaa ol hfa atomach
The nltan of Zantlbar boa leaned o unUI It I* rtaurad to Ha nalormi
atranptk and rlpar. A ainple in ceol
decree abolUblap alanry.
Forto BIco bea taken nparaieapateat bot4e wV.I oft-tlmtopire'marked re
lief. Get a botUe from yonr drnppeai
icApaBlab pore'rament.
tad try It.
Tbe kinpuf Siam battUrtedOB bia
tall to Europe and Ue t alted 8Utr*.
'Imxol 1* Ue beat \nrdlcine forehlllUlfan canard tomalore era'larpely drao. IkKljra reoommend it In place
ipplanttep Ur Amaricta .^uet la

_______ t baa ar­
il of Ue I'alted
Ulpte honor tbe
Hra. OrmutoB Chant. Ue
tap of Can. Urutat Ue dedicaLraeanlarted fur the

. of bte tosb. and Ue erolaer Bee- .jrmer. and alt anreeanlnrU.Inland of Crete laat. weak Inim
Inim ImndoB.
took aoBc satebn from a JeBln CoBataat will proeaod at
Imdy Uanrp Someoaet aad It V. Keith,
,alUd liaeloUUrWtara Kew York barbae.
of Baaloa, are aotacUp tbe mlaai-m.
rouiaad Ue Ulaat'a ^UTbe raanaat af CM>tete Jack'a tribe
dta. Tbe BaBea worthozTbe
r Hodoc Indlamt aow llrinp te Modoc
1. bat Ua obUd died.
ooBBtp. Cal., in Ue ariphb——*
aripbl. .
-• delleer Into tbe band, of Mr. Bayard
>e( tba BOM Urfelp^attended aod Un oconaa
—.raw of Cbpt. Jaika
Jack'a traarberp •n Ur latter'a ratnra to London tbr
aad tien. Cbabp'a
abp'a death te le::.- are I<y of Ue Mayflower, which tbe omaiatorial eoart raoantly decided to praaldreleabUa __________ ..lllable condltlaL.
condltlaa. .Terplap
aaat to Ue I’nited SlalM.
_________ faallral
kl Uaapibiarlar
foatlral *f tba onaeUalptareatloB.
__________^__________ la all
la all
fto OoBBlp Wool Orower'a Aaoob- aboot
boot MO
SOO faalllte of Ue wHie.
At Torialo. Dat. bnadreda of nnemloyed wiwkinirBeB pathered tVednraAbobp Hra. HeKtelap'e aollaetlek el
ly te front uf Ue parliament bnildinp
preeente eleoe ber aleettoe to tbr preelad aaked the Uaiario pewernment to
\eBatB aiUWVWa. A-MUUce e .v-jew denrp la a lace bandberoblef aeat bn
•Id taraalbt wbo baoaaie faBoma bp Ur. Tbbra ot La Cpna. Kaa. Tbla prarid* work for tbe« a< tkat Ure
bltofeeedlework U a delicate piece of ooBld keep tbeir wire, and cbildraa
laceBakiop It re<iulrad lU.uooaUtehaa from atarrlnp.
«tBaMW,Uavblt waa
Ua had kaart dlaoaaa.

Eaalrol way
break the
-------------------------------Same 1* true ef eoneompllen.


Par I&futA fwd dtSAmu

Jl3uaS*Ua'inter eriu ato
Utofraelarebor akaJI. oaMter ■

bata kUled bp bad waatberaDd fraat
WIUbB CbUaB_pnt la aaroatp-are
anaa teat talL aid npe It b nitef'
Other larBatB eaearai bb eUteBei
MdaaptberroaadwiUhaTrlobe ■
ptetofead rebated.

'ey found Ue atory waaeoL
> atakee-mad left horriadly.

At OueBM Aprea. an
nouat ef damape boa
cauaml br
>* eanlealon of a carl loaded with
By tbe wlH of Hiw-Wteifred Haitlk.
wworW Tbe acetdaot oecniTrd near
who died bt BalUmorr. April t. aea
to Ue
IfnotqolteH.OW.aiOia beqoeaUad
bnane and Ur bulldlnnalmoat ImmeUamaaCaUallc cburcbteaBO cbaril
rly caopht flra. Tba wbala block
te Uaiyltad awd California UIb H
dretriyed and ton
r Urea bp tba
M ^loaita
or floriap
Ue coaftaprallea. '
ic^l CAUIersia.
AI Loadoa. it la decided to celebrate
Tbe oil crate baa atraek K1 ____ Ue dlamaod tebilee bp alBellaoroualy
Ind . tad aprenlator. are leaalnp Ue Upbtlnp booirea on Ue hill* around
Barmaadtep territory aa taat aa poBl- the coaal at Mo'clockna Ur dapofUe
i>zlteU/4nBlrenaiy nf Ur qnnen'*
0 to tbefbrnar. Jaae
final attempt to premmda tl
pnidaaarat UeCareer farm, which waa
oaea plopped dowk to prreeal tbe pub­ to nueod nt M. tWa eaUrdtal e
bna faUed. owinp to her d
lic fraa kaowiapwhat fated of a well
' "
Jawaa. baaatl-neUtad aeUrity 1a leaa-


iiclac aaabfatoValk

ATbkoaUa ladpractaUp fall frr
prapartp. aad Boon work eriU bepta
bar W^ebaad UtoC arrerM terbaa
it ta aald that Ur MrpA ateU of tbr oalp dealer la tawa
e. K. MooBl Buyer ef Kaw Y«*
Btaobatated UeecMdap.Ue wharb ___ teraatad ta teatrmBeat for p
bMac perekaaed bp Bea wbo waated
IMr wim to laarp tb. aaneba -.fa


la tbettu W



■aOW ealarrk Ckoe WI '
_____ __ __________________________________
Tba Uaa. W,« Bryaa Wte te)«rad ntaAbwetlr aa U» Mtad
tooEMcfttaartaiiM HiraNBA at W-Aapaattaa. Fla..Tban^ ato- efttoaramw

lBM.^tbk«aTiac«ftbkviM» Inm



And as goods arrive daily from our great eastern purchases
we shall place many new goods of all desirable grades on
-sale. It is well known that our stock comprises the largest
varieties of popular price goods

From a boy’s 39c Suit to a 6.00 Suit
From-a youth’s orman’s Suit from,1.60 to $10 Suit
Frdm7a man’^ 1.75 suit to a 20 00 suit
From a boy’s'short pant from 10c to 1.00 per pair
From a man’s shirt at 17c to 2.00
From a boy’s shirt ^t 13c to 60c
From a boy’s cap at 10c to 60c
From a man’s cap at 10c to 60c
From a man’s 33c Laundried Colored Shirt to a
1.60 shirt
From a man’s undershirt from 19c to 1.60
From a man’s wool hat at 39c to a fine 3.00 hat.
And thus we might enumerate. Endeavoring always to meet the wants of the
people fairly, avoiding deceit and false statements,

1st. We guarantee our values to be equal with any at the
same price.
2nd. We guarantee to meet within any reasonanble time
■ what our advertisement calls for.
3rd. We offer a larger stock to selecf from than any house
in northern peninsula.
It is not a difficult thing to advertise low prices—the difficulty lies In con­
vincing the people that value lies in them. In doing this we guarantee our val­
ues to be equal to any^nd in many cases lower than others.

Men’s Suits
special lot, bought cheap.
Extra for tbe money..............

Black Suits
Good for the money............ .

Men’s Suits

Extza nice—great bargaihe..

. 4.95

Boy’s Short Pant Suits,
See our front tables.
Oap included

One Lot

... .... 39c

One Lot at.............. 1.50
lorlDdea good* aolfka Ugh as gS.OO laM
year. Your cbolro *Ulo they IsAt—My 100 Haita.

25 Doze^


Men's and Boy’s Straw Hat* a«

60 Dozen

at 5 and 10 cents oach. Sold last year frtim
10 to S6C. These Talaes cannot bs tondisd.
See them. '

60 Dozen
Men's and hoy’s Hsckwstr from 10 osntS np.
Great ralnea.

A Great Lot
Ol ChUd’s Short Pants from ISc up. Bm tbsss
goods-infact sss anything ws bars.'

60 Do^n
Men's Cotton drmhim at............... M esats
Eemark^ cheap.

A Lot


of Men’s Working Pants. See them. 8S eta.
A lot of Men’s Penta at............... . .69 oeats.

If it is low prices we have them. Our endeavor is always to sell the
best goods however.

Ons lot each Men’s Pants - - 99c, SI.OO, S2.00 and S2.50.



........ ...................

Men’s Suits

te cm arrAIL MAtilkT.

MtsEm I
•*0«*P «a«w «F fto'iww eiH Aailwe

eoloa by


Men’s Suits
OrnpUpaUm* U a deadly enemy to
faralU; flurdoek Hic»«1 Hitter* 1* a
deadly epemp to coartIpaGun. is iw

to make It. and all aecre Ukea bp Mra.




r>r Thontaa* Eclertnc (K1 ha* eared
undreda utcaaeaof deafoea* that
*uppaeed .to be tecurable.
It i
fatia to care roraobe

tiae to flee apptecatioi* of Deal
A dlMmteh from Ctaatantteople to Ointmeul wUI enre Ue wor»t We of
Ue Tempa aaya Ue prapuaal to Iraee Itebinp rile* Uera eeer wa* Can job
Ue choice of a poeeraor of the lalaad bflord to euffi
... T tortarr* when «
. .
eekaapo bp a Crate to Ue prepnaed Cretan aeacmbly
tarsado. which bearip wiped oat the baa been aocapM by four of tbr pnwera Hut. it I* added. Germany and
Anttrla atlll oppoae Ue praptaitloa.
Uhalptoaooa boooBaa man.fa-:*"'^—
indad hare
A diapateh fram Cape Town lay* that
Biaaalar W locate Uaro a
poaa eraty. aad many people of Ue adriora recelred there from Delapoa
ara*«ol ~ -hiac abop. towa abow aymptoBa of Ikaaolty.
Hay OB tad BCToa* the Limpopo rieer.
Ua latter to banteblbba bp. partite
Uypite. wbn baee beea camplnp formlnp for atany mllei Ue Bonbern
wrel ot MpHnptlald. O . fed a child who limit oL Ua Trao»»mal. H in opea rrJ. C KoUn. ol HoakerB- «Ba awak- died WlU dipbUe^ to a pet bear. Tkr ralt. ICl* added that Ue aluiatloB U
bror died.
Faniibra Ilrmp aear the aerioua Troop* ara leaelnp for Delmeaap claim Ue etorp la tree, but Uey pna bay by the ateamer Caraarran. A
baratald noUlap about Itoaaoeonnt fnrUar rUinp liaipeoted ia M«pau,
ol a fear ol teceadiarlaB. Tbe pppulea. laad.
aamalp baralar aad cotUar bb rfrht


I lili


5* ‘.rs&'e.r.rr-^.r; ^


> erSte 0.1 -iio 1.1- -1.0' »-*-


.aoellentcoaulUiatad Ue
ryHt raeeall* te Ua aoal of eerrp man
ender arm*.
If Ue Turtiah army


Mattbow Elliott, of Haekloae lalaad.
baa been Bbalnr^alaM laat Prldap. aod
b •apaoart to ban baan drowned, ib alonp ita border..
tt*t:Upbaaurted u eroB froB Cbabmaa U bob Blaae lalaed oa tlu lee. l%U»^ by a
bA it b tboarfai but be broke
" '
PiaUrrowortof Ooraaaoaoatp harr
Keporta piece before Ue Amarlcta
met aoeletp kt Ite aaaoal aertlnp
I tn.iiuo.niu tebablH
I Ue Onltedtllaltetokeonteldr t
Will Enphte. a faitoer. aad twe loi
MiB. Patrb* Barrep aod Mro. John .Ie dead at Ualr bomr. alz Bllee w.
■hteW. bn- daaehter. wero barfed at of BnpUab. Ind.. -froB callep vr
Oerotao Taaadv
Paora CaUo- paninlpa Hra. Eapbte U aot ezpected

7 ^^apUta U Uo WUMT



aad iired Id tba eooetp tt ptara.
Tt» ooUoak for lh« oalaW Wi—t of waa iaat lookiar arouad aad bad aot
a tot aacar faetorr at tbrltb'- '' baao la tba bUI dra Blantaa.
toad. Abool tso fariom la Ur rl
i‘rtoidaalJaa. B. Aarall.cdtba L'ai^
eapWount irltb tfcr aor*r
aanltp of Uleblrao. Bap be ao^satad
bp pTMlib-et HeKIblap for i'Dlted
Tbm arr thoaud* of tobola of Nialca BiBitlor to Torkep. Tht praalbaa abewB a atraar torUaalbio V>
» erparlrooed dIploBaU tor tba
! iapurCaat puaU la tba faralrM
t^pltaaad foWaf
ce «f tbt roraraBeat. aod be cobtotMraloek.
a CaeaUatlBoplroBaof .tba uaal
fmri. tta «-y*ar>ota flaorhtor of iapurlaot of all placew at bit diapoaal.
Woalap Ull7. • lanMr iirtaf aw
Two IVwUaiid OMO. «iatda«r tUpeUaoaiid. «ra« baraod to droU liatar»d Waller liowa. ware eacarwl
bj bor elotfaiar eotettlar
I? dulaUrraUar• a larrr
larr* rtd
rad cob lor
wheB tOelr tawa tlniub aoiaalblur

KSToiil? TJlSTarri^Slf,

.tmBP.'aC. MB7

War Heiaa
tare Ttaakad a rrWa te Ue
_ a Int blew waa atraek by Ua




Tb e best goods we can buy or anybody else for the money.
Will moke it interesting to purchasers from week to week.


gRAOT TBATBMnt maLilJWiPHIL Ig. ttia».
tkind Traverse Herald

trio be a ario IT Mia Qrari. Baritaca.
a daot. Tbaa to a Oraa ^d. br Vko
Breadloolaad UbaSkr.ud tbo
lowtar Berta aea«a. Cbrtot Hao
•----- ' He, Tall oat tbe Woaidrrtal
eiar,. Chitot !«—. aad Tbe Baaairae.

ra w^ be a daot.
la tb« BormlBC tkara
. bao» tbai mj Sedeearr
4tm kwv «ritk
(m*. Umm briar MairiatoaehB.aaarb7 Ulm Boaa Kra»aad
aad tba ebalr
___ ritot*«h»eoaaV. Tkalawap.tier of Hba Kraabaoh. Mt*. B.
fUMteaUeatalrriBeeecxe^l tbatol
■MS. Thtariaiasa •■briM allow^i*ar. Hlainiaa, Mta
•d. briow whieb tbe board of •oporrlo- M Urar aad A T. Horia. wltk .Mfv
Tharaa Brlekaata aaoivaalat wUl H«
oncaaari r>. ia ■Doalria of froa
tba eoartt«aUoe-ia Ue followlar
MO to M.O0O fwori*. ka wbkk tifOBd
___ rr aeaca. Brirbl BoaatUal Moralar, aad la tba(ilat7 Laad. Tba partor wUl praaeh a rhort Eartor araea
M tk«r Utah lirbtai
tbr chlldrta la addittoe to tba aaaal
irlor aerrleea la tbr arealar tbr

rraridmt UeSlalrp bar appriatad
fbMlra VrrieoU. of Colorado. Sr-Vhea
Praldaat biarraBoa aad Boo. Char. 0.
TUrtodoaa aadarAraotof Harcb i.
Haaatar Wolaolt to Aa wall kDowarll.
aaradfoMta of Colorado aad Ur. btrr■Hoe. Aa daaoeratM arabar of Aa
paaalalna war aa ardaat aapportrr of
Brpaa aad fraa rilrar. darter «« laat

Tba noraAf .aaWfee will aoaal
noaUp of -arto aa^Vaaponrlra raa
Are. Tbe Mali seanet. eaarlitlBr
Henrr. Praok Perkr. Pr. Sapdar. t
J. Hobba ani Prad Haaler. wlA Ml
Pnpiaa ar aceompaOtot. will la adi
tloo A Aa Oloriaaad-dArpoare riar
aBAmr./i*lre; 0 l■ralra Jehorab.OUIorioB.j4lorBiar. bpBlba, aed
Left ap Toor Haadr. bp BoWn. There
will ba a ladlratrto. UflTbiae Kper.
bpUeodrlaroha, rear bP Bra. A.
lloiridap, Mb- Kinrbi- aad Birr Deopm aad tbe «mr«raUa» ’^11 joA A
........................ ...

Baal teau Trinalin
■Mtien arrCfcnaieCto. A
____nri AKO.UafcBaetonraCto

Step into our

“daba BUSn A AaAa BMar. wH of

aaofibadaatbof dehaD

**Bd^ L.'£-t 'aad‘naA^! Hart A
Georg* Bltob, arb of eabSad awl» of ^
rwb. ree 8 ». trr D. r IS w
tba boiM far twa a tbraa waaha.
Einew U. Seodeld to J____
kMwato baaarioailrUl. bat lot ti. bU fc B. L A
daatb sae vary aaddaal; fraa baart CobSA add—tltofc
trilara. raneral acrrlea ware bald JerooM Omrbre A B<
jnreal ew: «. t ST a. r * w-M<tfc
Taaadv aftoraeoe, la
Fred Barrlaad aad Joba Cola A
Maaoaa. to. A. B- Vrllr oBaatlar. , Fraak Chanpairae. lotr 34.. tS. Sfc Wk
Altboarhbatrt paanoUrt tba
8. U. l-ACo rSAadd-dITS
et bit death, llr. Doan war oaa of tta, Sannel Baaea A La^
wriiat laatdraa of Aa ritp. eoalaf oteSof tw>,, an is. t
totiiaad TiararrawlA hlr paiaato io * JaanA A. Groff A *issa. Aa
Am a ponar
pooar »aa he waa an-; WHilan Konbrap,r;, of rw!,. reesc.

t Ae entire Ora
Ba leaver
Fraah. aad two daar^lara. ManA aad
Belle, barlder naap raAUrer A
itp. Hr ean^j^.'O)

u. B—l. —1.U*.

♦tal.lot fcUkS.fl. i-ovo.
Jeanto B.




New Cloak Rooml

hardly believe


such low prices possible as~ we are 1!^
making on choice and nliaiUtltklkittg. ^
The Late Stelae to

Ladies' Suits,

pobUrbrnotAe World-l'aaaBr j 4
-A-Werl Detroit F.-----------------,
I aaoouDce tbe wi Adtawal of their . 8
rnbacripllm offer A read Ar P* '^

Child's Jackets, Etc.

Air rprclal low trial raA. poo .

h'lllir: I.-I «. .b. u.1.

«... Ill

The preltiest'and only ui.-to-latc line
in the city. Priffs that SfU /Ac coads.
Slep in ami look the t;oods over. WVIl
•be idleased to show the styles whether
you buy or not.

IbS' ^

.i^b u,.,M. ..a, W 11. bib.. ;»;•


Dress Skirts, Capes,

at SS. 5.50. 6.50, 8.50,10.00,
12.50 and 15.00.
You’d pay from Si to $5 1
suit in other stores. Nothing hut ^ |
what is nliidhl/ is represaued in our 2^ > \
clolhing stock.

Child's Suits
i^ood. all wool suit, any age gto 15.
at $1.50, others at 85c to »5.00.

r hnrteadAe learn n


^ , M. W. ilr
•r cell A a. I.
■a'" W.CUanii

oeletp will
Cnld IKpeak. Tbe C. K. aoel
caA*i.xr iiAt-U
Ake ebarraof tbeereaiar arvkr.aad
, FKweocr C
4BUra aoramlatoa to rtroarlp tororable A addlUoa A Ar oAer noric Min Cbarin Ball af Ana Arbor died at bell, hrto 3,
Uk’ fc'N^b *VlK i
taa^aoMtaraeor. Tbap will prob- Jeaefa Wilbein will riar a aole, Bnar- Ae bone af bir conria. Oeear Cbraee. Ukr-»1.
aMp laarctor Bero^aboat Map iri. ncOoa. bp Hbrilep. aad Aerr will A a
to.l«i to foratad im ooapli- iadln eaxtetA. Barter Bpna. bp Abt.
rUWT KETauOlirT.
W—■-» nariewlll Aturatobrd bp a Ukan A Aaa Arbar for burial.
eboir conrUtAr of B. Itoarlar. aad Dr.
tS. A. Hollldap. Aoaa. Birr bwlft and
Dr.J.-fc. Jeh
Ura. W. K. ttolklar. ropraao. Miner laraltbe hone el Ltodrurbtar.
DoIboT. «aA BarhAand A. M, Bene­
U noTI»J.«» »rv
J------------------------------aataoaarill ba drilrarad bp llrr. W. K- dict. tlA. Carl Kfb.Wn
Tbe loneral war beld Ato aflat-1 (iet ponnJtorAr ffowrre. i
Wrtfbt Soadap avaaUr. Bap to. Tbe aad Perrin Whiuaan. taar. Mia.<}. A.
n atlAeBeondU.
Ae Seand M. E. ebereh.
| I'aAe'e rreeabow. ■'
ptoaair aaipat dreidad apoo. Coa Jobnroa. orraaut. In addiUoa A tbr
ai«»; will hold bUttoiterflbwaaMMOt raarctoca wlU be bald In Barter bpunr Aerc will be an aaAen
Hre. Simroa Hcbrll died at her hone « dtoplap »yu°rdey
AaOtpomB 11 Ibaradap arealar. bj tbe choir. Rnt Pron Yogr Laboca.
4oa t. aad4 A pplaea of barlar all Ar bp LerlU. wlA obUraA aoA bp Mtor at Moferoe Ccotrr Monday at Ae ad-' When pou pvt n stJp 10 ww poor reed B**
-riM take part aaaddraaawlU te rlv Swift, aad a aolo bp Bin bmrdlet. Be eaaecd ar* of ?» ' Foaeral aerrion thto apriar do u. t foerrt that poncan g-j
. ret t^ Empire Ifrill of Itororp Anderre held pAAfdap.
M. pcottohlp bp Dr. a A. Ulardale of to There, bp Peace. In Ae rreolnr Ae l^l^elS^Aidap,
Aa^. otH. Tba talautorp aad rale- rpddal naile will oon.Utolaa anAen.
ObTlirj will ba flraa bp Aa two taasa Cbrirt to Etoaa. bp JaeoA. aad a duel
ban of Aa elan hartar Ae birbrat bp MtarPwlft and Min BeaedleU la
aeaadlar. Mtor EatriU UeUreaklarof Ae Dap.
Next Snadrp la EaaAr. Ar dap in
Tbere will te a full n«leal prortan which all Cbrlrltoe braru Aouid re-, Roe«r,CariirUi-n>. 1
oenaaaesVwlUbenlBAtoriaa. Will
.tooopal ebiweb A foltowr: Jolce over a rirea Savlonr. It rhonid indi.ol branUtuI .-ut
Manna. mldaDtof Ae elan, will
He to Btoeat EaaAr
be Ae happiret depat the prar. U, ratF. U l■a^n•V^T,
gtra Ae dan toart at Ac AAraal bas«Ht. whkA wlU A held Ae amlnr then. Chrtol Ae Uwd to lUren To-dap; will br Ae Bin la boA Ae nornlor !
TeDmn: JoWlaAi^aad two bpnnr. and eveslar eervice A nlrbraA onr j
AUowAr aonnoaeenaat. There are
Xned'a murTTcUen wlA pralm and
.■Arieaa A tbe elan wbo are Aktar Anrrir Ran Ae Bock Awap. aad
Dap of Beanffeetiob. Tbe cbolr wOT hpna. Tbe conrtrraUos A<rald Join
eeartot of Bra. K. Uarlaad. Mtor Rolaad. heartilp la A* bpninr and. rraponrite
AkAr Ae eonnercAl braaebe*
imdlar*. dt
a. n. FnrAr anbriar tbcaanbar apA twentj-Arec
Ur. Ellto.wlA UtaaSpraraanorgan, wUI br roar
t*** ‘*dlre' «•'»
«t twaetp-foer.
aad Ae reatlrmene qurrAt. Fleare'
Tbe rian oOearr ara. Praa, WA d.
arraare A be eeaAd before lu:» A
Mennaa; Vlor Prea.. fletea Mr
Sae-p. BawerA BaA: TraA.. bAlle Thera will be Ar rerulirrrrvloaa A Aceerrlerberlnr at that time, fleare
Ae noralar. and a rpaeial BarUr ptt>- rer tAt pour eloek to not rlow.
of narle aad radlalknr in Ar At 7j> n. arpreial Barter profran ,
bp Htoe Staaioa’r iw •U1 be AjAaire of the ChrirtSea Eaport of Aa tUA C. E. oaareoliun.
deavor Societp. iTkto will be a filtlar
PKITOI Blicniluis.
Tbr atonilar rerviu will conAin
Tbe draronr tare dorited far
rlraa. whloh to p
EaaAr fAArer. bat Ar rperial BarAr na Amt a toad might be placed ia
pttwremwlll br r>vrn ia-Ar
tbr haadr of the pastor wlA whlA br .
dan oratknr bj Barrp Danbrill
dlrcretioB rrllrre warAp ; CTT.Y
Babnt- W. Oarie. clan htoArtes bp
(haaen Orelllok aad BdIA Bari, elan
fwpbnp bp HefTT Kaaelaad, clan
pmm bp eitowtatb Bale, clan nAp bp
Briaa Moon. Tba ranatadn of Ar
be held Ato noaA. berinaiar PT ln>3.Trto.a.pMor.
Moadap.' April iv. There to a.
(ierrieer at Ab UalAd BreArea
bnrpadockct A larttena. I’m
>1 OoBian at tbr Fair.
lag atArarp Twaddle bArleees eriai- Anreh. Wart Side, next Saadap m folwuni
A read daal of
ar. The people' *»., Braj
taadap iebDa)ats:uto.n. Preach i The McCormicks arc now making a new
fnAd lartpAratlbc QraadTrarrnc
lareenp. aad tbe people Vr.
FalrUtbcofalarical eetotnL tor a two
Deplantp. CbcaAr W. Josea. lag bp paetor aiio;»a. m. sab>eei.: jqq^0|. with a Vertical bar that can be, ratse^i
pnra- acbolaraklp M Ar WbeaUn Uartia E. ElUr. John Uolmn. Jann
(OLleUtora- Tbto pnr tbe colUre rr- J. Babar. FcAr Bortrun. Moaea RIA.
pcMt Ito ote ririar a two pt
Cbarin Uallberg. Jobe W. Whilford. rendered. eoarirUag af roaga. peiiM- for StUmpy grOUnd. .
Ana. etc.
aebolarabip anMxr for Ar beet
iVAr Beatran aad Mirtla E. EIlu
ttoto AAaddXred at'Ae Fair Ato rpectlvelp. for rieUAn of Ae U<ti»r CbrtoUaa Eadearor neeUag at 8. p..
n. lead bp Min Ollle Wickrtabaxr.
Junior Eadaarcr mecUag eaek Bat-;
It rfm to BBp mideat of Aa Tbere tore elaree totoea ef faeb
r, batn« Ae ar* of 18 aad T4 Martta Bkeridaa ra Hemaa Bpmaa, erdrpatapm.
liallp wriaamed U>
aa op^wnitp A cenpeu, ipro- araanpril; Twaddle to Oraar for plainaadaUat-Aceererrioea.
oUadnbA Ae eeeletp nap Unit Ar ns.
F. A. Earriand aad J. U. Cole **
^Tb^RBaw aball be Ae eon- Adimto C. Wpakuop et al.. rieetneati .T.W.*.Prrt rr-*w.
Kartrr moralog telyin »:W A .par­
Twaddle A CranforplaiBUR. Vaderrs. ' AU piaa t^-^ttrad Ac rarip
wood A I'nlor for defraduL
mcrUag. Freaeblag, loiin;. aob>rrt.
II ap-Henlab'r ftaal rrli^ " Eerier mark
luar af )ndr«a Wbo ihall forplaiaUff.
bp Ae Aolr.
Anaed neritlBgiriBr F. A. Knaalaad sad J. H. OoU n.
Seadap aebari at naan. I.nana aa,
-Arir ieririoa: Origiaal Aoagkt.
■Tbr RnbrrecUoa.- ..
Binran Cole, ejrrtmeet: ,Tweddl«
paritina, 4rit*««7.
Joaior I-rairar at t o'clock. EpworA
Cm tor plaintiff.
-rerlitrt IhA tbe harrm time to sherd.
4. Tbe aaceerafal aratlae AaU be Urarp Drecrn rr Aloaxo Ta« Tas- Lragae al t;43.
Urrl iarminr cameretteads ori anlr tbe growing el the tollttl gfrin-tbe mett tonrAe praprrtp of Wbnlee Collrge.
PrraetalDg at 7; inbject. -Eartaf Lea- ta-Aorcre ol tapr A» keit irmlng-Ae irrmiag tW pryr-:^ eootrmpmit
il. snamMlt »PP«': l*atebla A LoExplaaaUea-Tbto aebolanblp wfll mr*r lor plaintiff.
raar-artadp.- ......... - tbtoi toe Acre to.r tareret uiat fad lus ta preporooo rr r.
ff%v^Utla Aa bolder A Iwvpran' latiroc.
will etaage A 7A0 I ^2r^vrd.-^imttnfullr.’ t^eWp"^ ',^con«nierUp.
Egbert F. Farris Tto Wm. L. Browa,
Antal Ae W beatoa Cbllrgr la aap oat atlaebmaatiTwaddleA AaastarpUleBaadap la Hap.
(wnuted ita Kuanb prelit er Im.
et Ar followlar cxmtaee: Clankal. ff.
Ererpbodp to laritad A Aa EaaAr 1
'•riaBUfte.llArarp. preparaArp elani
JAa B. Kellp va. Veaxl Sledar, ar' 2***' turptoVArp aetoaUk, preparaArp •amarlt; TwaddU A LYob far plslatiC
^ Utararp or aor^tol. Tbe regnlar prtea Featar A Crotrrr tor defeadaBt.
etaarrad ter tbete to lU. ItfarAerlaUule Mriim. bp next friend. Eliiafamatkn to derired addrm D. A. beA Hrillll rfc.AarariBelU*reV al.,
Bhaw, Bmatarp. Wb«aAa. 111.
ITaderwaod A Umlar lor plalallff
Mj--hio« ;
. ,
The Briatp baa ItnIAd Ae annbar
there are ether bioJtt-. -...........
«d aonpatllorr A As Brat Brr wbo Ftritt A parit far drfrndaaL
Cbrtrlephar J. blopd e^. Albert H
' eoowmdp out of fix. Let's tdnul. that v ; are all
A rpaeial AriAUaa to extaaded a'
aball apply A Aa aseretarp before'
let’s admit rl»- treiuM experience bri proven it tr«-Mapaaid, annmpalu‘Fortar A Cretan
Brptl. IMT.
tBan tta beet. In tarrmung mrehinerr here it »
plaletlff, 1‘rett A Darto tar detaala addtUaa A Ala FrsL Doektaap
U7 SAtr street. Apt UraAger aad j
Tta McCorwilck Rigbl-^aad Open Eleataor BMl^.
eMare a special prrorian. Aa a prin daat.
F. A. Raaalaad aad J. B. Cole 1
LAat. Rwemroa A etarge.
. The MeCtoemiek New 4
tetbersooad bastceatlatota Aeon
mreliag.avatpalrht-aV7;M- Ob Sav
Tta McConuldt Faldleg DaUy Reaper.
mini aOtoUA. A wlU gltaaaMpttor David a Bril, rjeelmeal; Twaddle
Cron far plalatlff FatchiaA LarBager -rdap night there wUl be aa Eartn .
. Tta ItaConalA VerUeri Coro Biader.
aabolarehtpta aapaMaf Ae nann
tberrreAeaalr load w
ta^t la At Trererat Cftp Baalaan
UarlaaA Brtolag Oe. ra. ii
tAa Amllp gbthrriag. Snadap et 7; A thep me the w>p VAd to awn.
Uodgn annmprU appMls Fatebla A
Lorabgrr tor plalatlff. Dadge A Caretl
la ehaaearp pte eeafanr Aaf* are
Orinta J. Verb rr. Willard K. York,
dlram: Tweddlr A Ann lor.plalsUff.
Nrllie Banaa ru Freak H. Ilaaaa.
dlvoroe: Twaddle A Cron for plalaUff.
Bagaato Skamla rr. William Sbamaurr, alA Hr. Banrr aad Mr. KarU fa. dlram; Fatebla A Loraagrr tor drtSMT. aad Hr. Darfar aad Hl._. taadaaV
Borthrap. taarr. Mn. Bnndfaoi wlU Ora M. Vaalanri ra Droxllla B. Vasaaeenpaap e« Ae orraa aad
taarrl. dirorer; Fatebla A Lorsagar
BaaAatot^plaao. Tbe naA ter Ae (er plalaUff.
naralag earTln <....................
Matilda Bogan n. Hantraa B>«arfc
Aan-Heratar Hreakr upesAafilaon. dlram; Fbatar A Crotarf: far pUIaUfl.
tap Briiraaabato. aad Wricana. Happp
Laato BsAardv admV. ra. jobs
Baralag, Cbriat As Ixird to ;Btoaa Ta- BradrnaadBlliabrABeBdg«r. fawdap. aad Bark. Tea Tbaanad ^^rnguea elorerr: FraU A Daria ter plaiaUff.
totod Vrian. BpneW aueatkn
Tbere are two carer la ehaaearp.
• AUdraa Ato Bae
W U Uiawa ra. (toargr TatUe aad
f Aenr«Iw baadapaebrnd Battle Tattle, dmarrar U bUl to »■
v&l ba derated A a nariaal wriea. A teas Dm Caderwaad A Cnl«r In
wWA Ato dasbte qwtri vUl be pIriatlS. Dodge ACtoraU (n
mM«B taptodbUta's


Youth’s Suits
in large variety, low.prices.

WE Sovelty Dress Goods.
Wash Goods, Corsets,
Hosiery, -Underwear, Etc.

Hats and Caps
The largest an<l finest line for men -2 anti iioys ever broulight to the city, at
Nobby sstyles, »
low ppric


Colored Shirts,


r- u/iSSiS.

Neckwear, eic. Hig lines. Prjpes right. ^

s-tmvamOEnr A.T


Beliable Dry Good*. Carpet and Clothing Houaa.

Coin Toes

The McConnicldllower


Yi'U gft tlieui oil "tir n«>w npriug line of Ml.S-'t. tl.GO (
^l .7.-.,t2.'K',rj..'>O.«.OO.»;L.-dJ.«.il0.»4 .’dl. $5.00.
ami W f
unxles of Mtin's Fine Sbitos 1‘iiigrvr & Siiiitli ami inkuy other ^
n-lisble maki-s.

The Old BtoUaUr and Original Bhoeauta

I 18 Front Street

Be MaiLwno IS Raislno a Bio Groo

Wurrburg Block.

Traverse City, Mich #

We are Emphatically "THE" Headquarters for


SPORTING |£|^QyEBAlil OF every



^Iwuh a lever from the seat; made e^^ressly





Bats, the greyest line you ever saw,
from 5c to 75c. MITTS, ac|i slfle ;oc roct, 5c to $5.00 (riglil n left kiU.)
TV.' know our givaiR. ant] r ir prir.-* this year will sell tb<-m. M'a snlicit
<-lul>- in tile Run >andit)g towuh. Two cIuIm already aupplitri »




H. B. HOLLEY. Manager. |||

I It Pays to Trade Hero—It tertalnly Does. ;

la? state et

iTaverae City.




I Three
1 Wonders

otj:r sbcoes

198c, $l.ia $i.l9|

It costs nothing to see them and only little
to buy them.


■•M.. Bit Haskell’s Bookstore. f»« stm i»»s«s«t«»s«e««««B«««8««««*s«»sg«»8«eeei

ftRAKP l!BAVi™g"HgaALD APRIL IS, 1907
Anary proto widllag waathi
Uia f. Koaalg ta rlMUag la Cbicaga.
Clara ChMO
Ctow lavWtog la Da- BBMfday aaaaibgotlir-O. A. JUaaa®
Mto Oara
Ua SoaUviUd^^tetat. aad Htaa BmA. W. Falaa ratarwad to Albaay Bat- Ua Baaba;^•^ df to popalar taaU-


local «C—*> g- ^

W. A. D«*» h*» »A» I»l-»
Mra. P. W. Oalrar. ad Saglaaw la rta•d to H». CoarMdo to a fciaa»a»»
lUag al bar aid boina bare.
•1«M h«wcoa8o»«elfc»toaoHto U*
Hlac Jalla Boadraaa te apaadlag a
nr day* lx Otaad Bapida.
Ma Earrxa tto rtrtl oacloMr axMn. Jaa. Kaboa aad ehlldiaa rataropvt, tot rauraad aaA latox7 afala ad from Uatndl Baiarday.
wiU UM-watowarlii MBlttaa aad
B. Sbapard waat lobbariatla today,
oalled by tba Illoam of hb motbar.
LiuU Edward Cartb gera a pretty
Tax fnaoTT wUl ba abaarrad bx »Ac
Mrtbday party Wc
RabrawB of Ua elty. bagtaate at aaaraft aad UlUa
aet Vrldar araBkagaad'l^Qaf aigbl
daag)itar beat t m rblUag ta Haaoadaxa rm rrUap to Hatarda/ ataataf of )Ua waakaad Ua aacM Uaa
MfB. D. 0. Laaeb of Walla® waa tba
aaxt waak arc iba two awat Inpcrtaal
gaaat of Bra. C K. Beak Friday aad
dan •» Uafcaat._____________
Him (layU UrbwoU waa ealM M
Atx Haaoaa bad tbalr (aaOUaa an laaltad ta tba aeelal to ba glraa Taaada; VarmoatalUa Hooday by tba daaU of


f«r •«*




State Bank.
*taa»U».l-»laa-l»«-«*t: i

( ajgg) iDyspepsia

aniaUaOeofmlOcboaibaBdlar Tba
r. BamHIOB rataiaad Mooday tram ceroaMey took place alUe borne at
Ua bridt'a pataala. Baa. aad Mm A.
Ala trip aaat.
Bm. E. C FaarataaaabMfoaataUi W. Baibaa, ta to pe—«■" ** *
anmbar of triaada. Baa. W. A. Pry*
■w baaaa at Fliat.
P. Baadalama rMnmd from CUaago oOaiatad. aaatalod by Htaa BnabaaU
Tba hooM wna atober
Vrlday with kit brida

If yon are trouhled wi& a bout Btoxaaeh, or dyspep-1
sia, try a few doses of our “BBSt'fflour, warrented a 8ure«urt if |
' used artUroeted.putupin 25, SOand lOOpoundpaokagea Di-j
} recUons for uoi^ in every package.. AU grooerakeep itlnstock, j

Miag ^m. Ii

amllaxaad I


af tba

-Men’s Pants
GhilcTs Pants
Men’s Shills
Men’s Suits
Straw Hats
Etc., Etc.

Board of BdaeaUoa aid ta rroU known
aad raapaewd. aadtala wtia ha* a wide
cifolc ofiriaaAt la UadtrwlU all of
whom Ua danALD >oUa la cMgrataUMona aad bmtwtabia.
Qaat® City BloyeU Clab w Hare a
Thad»ieaa City Bicycle elnWa aboat

lo rent Ue Was'*r-t‘»« «!»»' koaaa for
Ua lommar.
Tbera are toaay admaaraalaf. Afirll n. la tba lodn raoM bar graadmatbar.
Hra. Aaab Blaaka. of Hapta City, tage* la Ue Bleyela Club'a Marlag a
bj Iba Eaatara Star lodge- A\toaatr
bemx A piano will be placed la Ua
flra aaat aappar will ba acraad aad tba
aaaelBg balU Ue bowling allay rrill be
ilUaa oa aatartaiaMalwiU pUa
pat la Br.l-elam coadlUoa.a bimard UHroaad Hra. A. W. Pack eoUrtalaad
faod ttoaa to.atarjbodxtbc PtoWtarla® C. a aoelety -moat da- ble placed oa Uird dpor. and It
iapropoacd to beild SMta for Ua nia of
y Friday crcaisf.
bar of yaaag people gate Bay Ue tmUrr* T>« elnb wiU girt partiaa
plMMOt aurprlaa laal aTaalag al Icaat oaca a week.
ataat ef tba tollevltigjwatoaatan. E.
Id order la make
E. U>op, nfa Labe; .Rovanl Laaah. aa tba oacaaloa of bU Mrtbday.
will need Ua baarty ca-^winUoB of at
(iaatb Hoardaaai B N. Ward. KoatosL. Alberta ta apaadlag a abort time
B-K-CUak. EaalJordaa.
1 tba Trararea City Ian before going ioaat ace hundred and fifty people al
h. bdl Ue alub weald .wall
to Wtaooaria to Ue aammar.
ibotUlp tolwo hundred aad
kiT brlagi tba BxaaLi) aa
Tba ladlca of TraTeror Bay Ulta
rboaa wbo do not n*e wbaata
a toolBM ot Wrdk-ara wa-,
aaaaae of Ualr good Wa eaat aappeta
arecUglblc to membonblp aa wall aa
arar growa la thU reglea. ml Haatagur hall Mooday aTaatag
lOaBc 1
caaia aaroaa whlla cntMag
■arm eager aodal glrca
To aaaerula what
■tora wood. Haeb Uabar ^oald bAag
Ulaa in Uc MUlar baUdiag
-ard* .Uitlag Ua maaamanl Uara
•atoblboatba atOBp.'qod It aaWBk a baterday araalag waa a grqat aaoraaa.
ill be a maaUng of Ue tftitaa City BH
to a 1 CXI a cord
Hr. aad Ur. F. F. Bowlaa, tba paeycle Ctob. to ba held al Ue Wa-qaaraau of Hra W- U. Fletcher, baye reUng elob honaa oa Friday al t:JU p. m.
Ualr former home la How
A Maanio al tba AlaBBiof tba TrarIlia hoped tbatoreiy member of Ua
■aoCItrUlgb aaboal la eallad by tba
olob wUl be praaaot at Ula maatlag.
Jba Aid aoelety of the Brat M. K.
praaMrat. Cbariv V. Bacyrot tba High
A Maw OutllL
akorch gate a plaaaaat Eutar aoelal
kLarry U well plcaaad orar
aad aappar yeata^y la Ua Bhar.-b
lag at o'clock aharp. All
. ’
the pruapact In atom for patreai of Ue
raqaaotod to laaka a apacUl rffort
Mba llamIUow af Lake Aan. wbo Boll Talepbane Co la UU elty
ba praaaat. at tbara la laponaat
hat brea aUlUng Urn. A. A. McCoy
aa the loag dl--------------------------------JaaM to attaad to
and oUar trlead* la Ua city,
id to (bdlllac. which will be in
i aery abort time now. two ganfi will
Wux Tanaar, tba oldadt aoo at Mr. lof’brt Unraa.
Hr. aad Uf^ «. H. LaUrop aad M la. JO art. to work here. One will eoaaad Mra B. Thlrlbyof tbit city, waa
amtr. wbo bare baeB npeadlag Ua itruoi tbeaoagdUlaBeailiie. aad
aarrltd laat Tbaraday to Mlaa I.alu
>tbcr win put In a campleU aew
llarla at bar boar la ttot Crcacaet. wlatar lo JackMn. returaed to
at Cdgewoud tkU woek.
Wm ia the city. IM-Ull polc’ead all
^cb. After a trip to tiagiaaw aad
in. Cbax Burkett, who kaa bean
oUer malorUl. aooh a» crom bat*,
Detroit tbayrataniad bonaklooday aU
apeodlag Ua ariater « Hb ker .parraU wire, etc., are bow on haod. and a
UaaBtaa, aad are mow boty laoairlag
Ur. and Mr». IVlenoo. ba. ralnmed to aeulllc circolt will be put lo. Ttabrr
tagratolatloB^ of tbalr trlaada
ttaal Jordaa wlU bar mb.
will be ao eotlraaew ofilc-eeqnlp
a hundred praMt Satartell, wltb the latot |»tcat .witch
Tub Brat Cbtcage boat of tba a

Bole Manufacturers.
We have occupied our present location for six years. It has
been our custom to celebrate this anniversar>- in a special way.
Sometimes iisone way.sometimes another, but u/tiuyj
^/Vrfu/ prtits, special bargains.

This Year—Muslin Underwear
Bust np laat wMk'a HrtnId aad atudy oar ad oa Uird pBf*. TWa*
goiidt mn o® our ronBiera. ere exai-ily aa aderrttacd. and are aBCh
^ntBaa»en«B*«ruflaiod bclon ta tbiacommaalty.


a rnartlaf BaakU W*<Wr M

>MV .wap

Ctajitloii thl>_w»k 2,250'




BaU. baa lataatada aaeblaa

day night a
-at tba Cbarlawdx, which caa
bMquat giaea Iba ladle, uf tba 1. O. U.
Moeday aooa. looblag bigxer
T. lodge by Ue grctlemen of Ue order.
blacker aad wbUar tbaa arar.
F. 0. Ili-amano b omarlng a handbroogkt la a DOBiber of horaaa i
.me K. of IV<ham which waa ptelarge aBoaat of jralgbl tor local
aenlndto bile at Ua laat moetinrof
daalara aad to
aoatb boaad trip MW barrela of applaa Ue lodge, la r.-eognlUiio of bi* faiUfal work la brbal f of tke order.
A. K.
A anmbar of yonag |ieoplr gaUered
at Ue born, of Ua Hbaaa Ada nad
A wartTcu from Waablogtos aaya Bartba Waton laal Thacadiy ataalag
Hloklgaa farmar^ wbo weal to try to glee Leri IVenlagtoa a tarewall
. auger beet caltara cao get aead lor tbc ^rig bef>we hb retom ta Preaqae Ula

to aatUag aqaara battoa woodaa batto dWbta ibat proatltaa u ba a aarx

oald writo Hob. W. a HaaIck.B

At tba Baatlaccd uTitota Boraadba«n' AaaoeMloa at Laaciag laal P. Eubop. ^ ________________
waah. Abgaa UaOolI traa ra«laaiad aacHaa Ab* U Binuaet of Petoakry
aatoT *M traaaarar.
arritta tba Uxui.i- that al^ will doA xxw bcmach a( tba ooder af Motoal mU tba naa of Hi aorta of Wat snallly
froUeUoa «aa leaUMUd hara Taatdax aagaUbla laadUworUy people wba
alfbt wltb «o aanbara. Oflloart will will properly enlliaala It UU

baatotadb-rtday algbv

It b Iscatad cm Ua waat bay read of
oa let Urea of Bee. M.
B. J. Moaati baa
^ **' Ua pan
rapaaa Boraa Boul fro« K. F- FarrU. a Httla aorUolUa I
aad win cMUaaa tba batlBoac wlUoat
^■ga to Iba araaaatlU. AXn Mm. r. BAHiLTto wOl raMM "BaMat Oottaga," thalr prattx
aaaaar h«»a oa tba bar
Mar Bdgawood, (bU WMk.
moax aftoMoa
dab wUl ba datotad
at iba Uha Itabool
laadttabla of Mia. C.

b«>f tW

at iba Woaiaa'a
to tba dtaaaaalaa
poala. uadar tba
B. Doekafay-

' Mb- Labtaut a tba goraniaaet paat
tmm iMpaeto, Wbci waa bara oa hU
'• Traaeraa
b«ai7 bright to toa

Tn MUlar alora oa FrMl-wireal b
Mag Bllad ap wlU abaWing, ale..
RM U good abapa to baalaae. Hr.
•mlU nf Patoabay baa reatad ft. aad

A aancDVK aloaoplpo mi Bra W Ua

B pot balon to pnbllc la print
y; on Uaaday. EobartDanUl and
I MrKalry ol -LalU kxraUIp
amttad ehargad wiU hailBg
Head la aa naUwfal maaaer arlU Uelr
nlaeca, Viaa aad Mary Omaa, aged rt
aid t4 rnprctlTaly, whlla Iba man -an
all at bo or ■kor*. Hary baa taro chllM br praaaat for U* drill, p
aad Vina oaa.
It U aald U*
awUar of Ua girla hat Head wlU
AT tba reoaBt maailag ef Ue KotU Uam aad bMw of U* ralaticmt axtav
Mbhlgaa imboolmaalora' Qab al Oadll tag batwaaa U* glrU aad Ualr naalto.
laaitwaa daeldad lo make Uatcltya Tbit enMlUua of afiaire bat axfttad
parmfMt meallag plaot. an aocoonl to aaroml yaata. otarot U* ehlldraa
b*Uglkre*(*'o«'Ftortold. It laalMgnUar to moat larrible totaaor of
bnmaa d*pr»»ity,a*w bronght ta ligbf
OLK BoBrniu
artloa >■ MiM nonaly. and bow Uta atat* of
be fB*o**r 01.000 laaBrnao* ta U* Kl-ba«* axiatad taaeamaU
^wo Ita. Cm. Nattanal Fir*. Waat-] oom**®Uj to *0 loag a Uto wUkoat
toantar Fir* Ina On. of XorU Aaaarica.: aomplaial balag mad* ta to aaUuriftanarlvaala a®d Bayal. cm to fnrnlw* tot tTM barnad to to Front


Tba boalaea. maa are being laleeTlawed tonarertaln If anfBelaat adeerttalng CBS be aecered to warraci tbe
anblivalion at a Cily DlrecUiry ThU
ta of coaaldatnW* impc
la Ttew of tbe early <
Ua In* mall dallrcry <a Ua dty. Drop

day atnatatg- ipHl
wbUh wu
ad by Um aad ooenplad by I*ater
Blakealay. It U claimed that Hr. Bail­
er bad beee beard to aay that Ue boldof a carUlo mortgage oa Ue peep
erty would aenrnalUaaaythtnf from
Uetaeoraaoe. aad Ual be had adriaon
Ur. BlakMley'a family bow ta beat
U* farallBie la caa* lb* honaa

Brat In tbr world.
Ekin hra»y, plain or ribbed.
Black 80c Wbitr^Battoa
” nne Ua^o Varna.


h Idrra'a Tan S'
Ch Ulrra'a Black »C
Ulrro'. Blai-k lOe.

the heglimlDg of our
annivex^ary Bale.

by tba fli»t of June.


Tb» rlrctioa of Duok and Ladder Co.
Kb. I. tb* aam* night. losUud at foF

OlothlDK Oo.


Haskell’s bookstore,




laaprrUon. oat art of paper* ta U
rxamhiAn of Kalkaaka Co and oar b
tba examiner, ol Wexford Co.
Tbrrrerrrr right appUemaU for Btml 4
gmdr oertlflcatM.


.........lfi'„ 1ft. 00. SrS'C. ap to EEM

Creit Bngiiis foi TWO Days, iyril IT ail 19, ii all tte Dlyattineals.

Th* paprm of fi
lUw. »m.-krU. J




ibCoareaUaUfBto ta Wat*
Uoo-ArUar UagnoB. Altaraau.
K. Uablo.
H*M i'o Ko; s mat Tbareday night
and Mr. Btakaalry aay* br tto* lennd and alaetad to foUoirtag efftaarw
aamc akala* of yarn aeatwred about
For*m*e-C. W. AUwn.'
Am'L roreauB-Sd. Uofo*.
that hit wlf* bad gland to a capboaH
ttoretary aad Traaonref J. X. HaxUalbengkt Uare were Indkatloa* of
k*n»an« aboni U* room.
Hr. Hall**
1* FUnmaa'a Ooaw
alrotnt Ur. Blabralry * Friday Bight.
IrBTlBg abOBt • B'clock ton*xtmornlag. aad It U not kaowa that h* wa*
near to plaoa aftar that Urn* and be­
fore to fireooeBrr«4. Bom* to hmim
II Mam* haHly prebbta tot
UMr*.atortad wlU karoaBB*. eoald
bar* amoatorad to to alU* to

.................. 8. 0. IBs. I*

Monuy hack if you v
id the banis.

Iluahrr. Ktalla Srhntldrr aad
a Harr were aaat ^ tbr auta drfmrtmrnt for rr-Htfijctl'H. aod oa anbjr.-ta falltaf balow
per oral Ury
hare Ue prirUagrof ra-tarillog In Aogat and raertaa Ualr certlficatat Uan.
There were tan appllcaau forareoad
.gradr. Four war* graalad ecrUfleataa. |'
banrt Wiley, Jmair Langwortby, Hary
Dona and Uopbla Walklaa. Tbr appllcanU who tailed ta raoair* nretlBmay com* ta U* aaxt rxnmln*la Jnnraad ra-writa oa all anbTbr Eaatar an
moo will br.preached by Err. Father )n.-u tailing balow ao per oaet. and “reBaner. Tka)drvorailon uf '
Thrra wrr* «r. applloanw for third
wUl'tw rxcrptlonally rUbonta. Tbr
obMceat plant* and iluwrnw.ill br **- grade errtlfteaU*. )l of whom pamrd
Hand* Hall, Ella
i-ared. . Tbe mnala will br aa follow. U« examlaatlon.
HamlltaB, Fredda Bayne*. ullTr W lekUareb by C.
Vtalia*. arnkam. Xalllr Cuyn*. EaUer Bower*.
MaaCotila*. KaUrr Archer. EdllbWrbUlaac* J. iUcbrr and M. Cnrrall.
-Mdl Aquam." C. II. WlUknatar. aarsbei Eraka. Hand* HeDooald.
• miXAni*'* aiAa. IN «.
Cbaa .Portar. JraatoFlaber. UD* "or'■UraUaa.'- Miaaea L. lluelln
B. J. Selkirk. Deary Hrahrl. Sadia
M. ilaudreau.
klngdon. Vine Uaanla. Jaanlr Brook*.
Tollla,-' Mra. U Boata.
Barker' Edmond Dean, EdiU Jobaaoa. Uyrile
Strong. Mary XMdhtm. Haymle Al­
U- Dien.
drich. Abb* Hcrtaa.. Dee. Nauwarq.
Mattie Langwortby. Marion Fralt. ileo.
Mareb. Enakl*. Vlullna. Miai
B. Lewta, Lain Dana, dara Saxico.
lacker. U. CbmiU.
Jenni* E. smith. Lola Halmta. Eaaa
■vxAw;** *T-;:3« r. u.
"UagalficBC' l.ambmuttaI wo applUaaia. J. A. HeCbriiy
Kcil.w by Hr* L« Ibiata. Him** U.
luudrran. 1- HurUBmvtal aad J. Ere U rllB. reaebrd Ue reqnlind 1
age. but war* too Jonog ta reoilre ear-

____________ M MurvAlr. bam II
u- turemra—William Shirr.

prior for Uta kind.

All Ur uawrat aoealUta and lataat Btylaa.


* held alDrangr hall. March i;
. l-JT, Urra wan
■rvlfimtn. The paper, ol two appli-

o palf.
,ry. rlblad.iaam




.1 St Praaota Cburoh.

latter* aad all oUrr mall mal
Um nqalra'tbaatreetaddrem la order
to laann pompl daUarty. A IHiocto
y for UU aad »
kdredaUtr way*.
it U to b* hoped Ua a
city, wbo wiU ragral lo aea them go.
proea aon
Waatgata te well qaalltad for hU
A Banos* CUn*.
poaltlon, and will glaa good aatUTba triaada Of Kell A^ Ballar will be
faelloa lo tba fOXrm— at Ua "Trarane
aarprUod and pained to faarn uf bU
aiy ina/'___________ ’
arrmt oa tbe aarlon* charg* of aattlag
axamlnathmrU being bald CMt fin to Ua boeao barnad at Acme '

At a maatlng laat at^l Ua Keighb
Templar daridad U aoeapl Ua iaritaIte® ct Ua OuDgregatlOBal akareh to
•UMd aarrlom tbora Enato memtag
Friday algbl wUl ba latlalUtlae of
••aamaadaU totobara art raquaatad

w M to torn i( to Itb iMk

tat of Ue
,t til. b-raapi.
Mrrioea of flaly
Solecna aerrlcea al the' Catbolk
chnrah UU week aad next Sunday.
I^t Sunday rrn* Pnlm: Sunday.
Martla. aMlated by a ilre Florida pilnia were WeaMd and dlw
before High Mam. Eterybudy
ooMtating of Memm. W. P. ( rotacr. Freak I'arka. Fred Ueaier aad Dr. wrUd borne a blmed palmHaydrr. wlU UU. Aliav llaaeraa aa »Tp-day ta Ur commemontion of Ue
floe entarulnmaat laatllatiOB ol Ue Ealy KucbarUl. Sol­
emn' aanina wan- orlrbritad at «
at Klnraley Friday atgbio'rloek. To-morrow. tIood'Friday. lbr
Then will be a abadow box soda) at
arralo* aUd begls. at w o'clock with
tbr rhanUAg of Ur Faaaioo, followed
by tbr unarlllng aad sdurallop at Ue
ran land. It U Ja.t Ua right dbtaaoa
Orem, batnrda.v. mornlag aarrlc* will
from lowB fora plaaaaat dr«|e. and
begin Bl •:5<| wiU Ur blimleg of tba
araipooe-ta oenUally larltad to aiKad.
new fir*, naachal obdiH* mad Ur bap
TbaHadUa'Ald aoelety at tbel'. B.
tUmalwatar^ followed by Ue Uaa* of
ebarob will glee a tapper la tbtebnrcb
tbr KraurrrclIuD.
n'ednasday light. April tUt.
Krealng arrrlcr* Wedecaday. ThunartlcUoe Ue Mil of fata will ba only
caak The auppor will ba tarred day and Friday al :.3». wltb Ur Taaaa fire nntU eight o'clock A Otb- braa. Tba trrricra will baoaarludrd
earning by a arrmoa to ba drd will be aaotbar faalu^
llaarod by Era. !l. l>. Haua.
Blag. Bra oeou brief prM charged
Eaatar Sunday. Ur Faaat of tba Eeato Bab. All are eoidUliy iaalled to

fomral ol Ue C, A W. H. aaUag
bonae. Ur. Kalklrb boring .^d hU InTn rapaWlaaa riiy eommlttaa
larott in Ua plaea U Hark Waatgata.
tto Bret of tba weak aad make aa axaalltai otgaaiaattoB to Iba aaantag wbo bat been U Ua employ of Ux
Batten alora. Hra. Kalklrb aad iba
UUdrae left toAay for fv Wayna.
lad., aad Hr. Kelklrk will go v "
rat In a few day* to bta baalU.
BawrbmlUat Ftfa Lake bad a
Ur. and Ur*. Kalklrk'bara made

toMa of Alax. Eaakiaa. oaar ^fa
tmka. Baoday araalag. ' Tharo
only ttoa M Mte tba eeataab al Ua
•to Boar totoe Ua boaaa M
IWgroaBd. TbaloMbaboat


Vard. Whaa all b dene Urn will be
no city la Ue *Ute wlU a. oomplate
aad uplttdaiad ayalam. it will be
worklBg ordeT.llarcryUlaggoea well.

mana QBovxa waa eallad lo Howell
Meaday by Ua aaddaa daaU of hit
llula cblldraa. aged Urea aad
olaayaara. Ibay wlU aaeUar child,
leaad tumr wild pamaipa wklU playlag la Ue yard, and grelad aad ala
Uam. playlag that they ware
To Plaai.i>aaa.
radbb. They wera..<it oogrM. a >
The Wmt Hide tmpraaato
ly pobaa. aad Ue Urea cblldraa died baa daridad to make a apnl
to a taw haata. atwr lolanai auBinag- OB Arbor day. April WU. to m
plaallag ol a Urge number
lUdlaa- HcKlalayanbaf
ll•nlB that partnf tkatawn. It la
Laka bM bare wlda awake aad aelire doalnd lo bold a picnic rally, lo latert^wlbtar. aad baa gla<w aeajta) laeat etcayl^F *“ U>«'
A'* »*
mkay a* ptaaibU to aegag* In Ue r-"*
neeUngi. U* prooaada of wblU work ariu taoma and eUarwIaa. TbU
beat beta aaeaatad la a baadaoma
taao Important matter for that part of
foot Amaricaa Bag.
Tba ladlaa bara Ue town aad It la hoped a general U■ to laal proud af >bo work they
ircot wUI be Uken In It
hare daaa and Iba good U<ybaae-aeCity Dinoiory.
ibbad tSaea U»y orgaaUad laal

•IgbV A WackamlU Ur^
toMtd U Ue greaad. aad oaly a plu
f( grata lambar totwau It aad tba
.. • uUlhaptUat from golBg too.


I Udita Maeb: aa»c.

Q»nrSBTin§0 DepartmeBt

xgrrg/rr rxxscxiLKa.

■ J

Peace and Prosperity
Should now go hand in hand and
commercial activity be allowed to regedn its supremacy. Spring demand^
for Bicycles leads us to believe that the
“real article” has hit the bicycle indus­
try hard, and ouf patrons have already
shown signs of the “good times” they
have been waiting for so long in the
eager demand for good wheels, such as
we sell Our sales thus far this season
prove conclusively that no one is in a
position to compete -with us on wheels.
All the best makes. Positively the
lowest prices.


Idfaft In BMM it 11^ Mb MB





&BUO) rajirsim aiRAU apbil ib, mbt.
Important Notice!

Lala Jakbaoa ^ Bowon Hhiber wUl


•nttoud htr cMia of
4be r^MM U Mr. m4
Hi*. UeWd Mbam.

The oolygcnitioe>*Bator'« Chocotota,**
iclebnted for mere thaa s centniy u b de>
heious, nutritiou*, and Seah-fvming ber^
age* U put up in Blue Wrappers and ¥«!•
low Labels. Be autc that the Yellow
Label and our TVsde-MaA are dm every
WALTER BAKER A COa UAw Mrcbcater. Kaaa.

1 fMatlf*aat tkb
plan bat weak.
MaplrM AprU It. tor a two moalbt U
arWiof awaakat bar
Urn —ftllM

•era 1*M


llfirahnrpi bara batobad aal aad
*n r«pirMiTOT7 Uicb oa WMW
Alb«lOraloMb.Udlacaboaaa Hr
nacU to Mora lato uTa a l*w daja

Hta HIU HBUoab o( Tmrefw air
k tvoblac ia U* Bbell dMdei.
A. Hj4«-* «w Mill etertad *p Ibto
» lb* eool woalbar ia lb*
VMk to*tb«tr«a oa•■•V* work.
fall wbral arade b«l lllUa rrowtk. but
OaaAe Polrer of tk* Tram** av ai bat mu* la wiatar kl)M Uw oul. 8iA
apeat O* w*a't raratlM loak ia abora iba ararav*.'' '

?-<» »

tala Hm^I (rara la<>la»* bt*
J. R^UolaoabtonabM-erad
- 7 Vrabvv baa raatad a lam
“-Hbra. air. O# tba Poi
ralUafrm T
H Ibar* lUa weak.

Ida Boamw will atop'at Trarar»a
aip tkbaararaar.
T. U JobsM era
I Bower* Barbn.

I «
: HIM .. .
i ten m tracbar.
| II U raoort«d that th*

Abataplo^ at Tiara
- Olp.
Bdd Browa b lirtNI wttk bb aaolr.



Ts; •sru?'"'

ei}oj blamll.

ratioB of a I
I Ovmaaaaraw.
- ami It. WoodoaU«ih.rao.e<lar toM taaai.


«B.vaa cuaaaaa.
bar. bat roatad kb doariaff bIU------Moor*
E k Darraa beta ralaabu borra
Mra Krat aad Hiaa UaraEtof rialtHra K C. Brerata baa baaa Tialtlsp **** weak,
ad at tlrawa r*atradar.
la Trar^ au tot Ib* peat two. Darld M’lara,Jr.. b rarT low wilb
Hr. aad Mra. Jaba ilacaaa al Drawe
^mt taadv with Mr. aad Ur* Uao.
ia iMproTlaf abdar tba at
Bradtold. mm
IroB tb*
Mira Braaaaia,
tow miwtowm
Baain aa*
rail of tb*atau.1t*Uitlac barabwr.
. PltoB*maa. of tba
tb* Haaaab A , tarak' cboi
oairad'al thb plan | cbarbr Howaid aad'laraUr are talbOB HoBdar of tbb i^eok.
llBcofraorlaftoTrararaeair <<w th*
Mr. Cleraanl of Mapi* Otr tomHr*, rnak Carapbail.
_»Bo*d bb •unatlrr
natbr tars
brai o)
of nbool laat
Hba Hi_____
baa ec
Hoadar ia tb* VHu
PHu flbtrtc
flbtrtct. _
| ^n;«raBd Rapidi wbmab* ha* braa
Work will be«io oa tb* U. B. bboreb i for tb* la
^laat waab. rataralar bara* bataral tbU plaer aooa. Jaha Tramboll b
Uca. llallaadHaa
Her eallrd on
eancad to do tba work oa tba belld- ura Cedbid tadar i
mW Ad* rc-


^A. 8. WU’

Mra. a UfuBoU b bacA traai marMra. Orraiwa, of Kalbaaka.
AMradaadarrbltad ralatirra la Ibb

Baalar Saadap the talk.
Hra Meddaarh b rerp alek.
D. 8. Ntokanon hat boafht a

Mra Bnkfallow. of Ibb pi
_____ ____________balMdlaptbcPrae
I N^
Braa BalUsbaeb. of
North tIUM.
HUM. Hetbadbt a>nUB( at Maatoa.
ww tba forat of Hr. aad Hr*. Alra
0*car Stapaos. oar oonatp ■hertS.
Ooodnaa aad
daofhtar oao dap laal
Mta Bartha UbllaBb(«k. wbo baa
iBber froB Ibb plan attrad*d
baaa awaadloc tba wlawr with f........... tb* **l*rtalara*Bi
ertalaraeai at Kiafftlap laat Prilar. Mra.- W. Parka, rotaraad
Twe haour* frm Klnc*lep <••• t*
Wa ^ M bs wmrj ra^ wOa^M abb plan laat l^ldap, bat did act
rok tba I
PaepU ha*« hadB*Sabalitaraaf II
>. Nlekaraoa took a load of mill
awB to KiacalcT laat Satardap **rntap. Aatuap Uem waa Ilarrp Nick**.
aoB wko kat bna worklar la Wexford
dariap lb* wtniar.
Wdobm* '
Arehb OarapbaU wa* aTn
■ «Wlar tadar.
CbarUa dlaaktaf raoHrad
vkaal Hatartlar.
WBl Wood ofSaalb HUM waa Ib
Drub Bobbtll
_______ Baron
tbb plan Hoadar.
bare traded farma
Hra. A. laate baa baaa TblUor ralataak HnM aad^Wm.



Hr. aad Hra Cbarlb BaM. i


Uoadap, rclaralsf Todadap.
arar baa rastod Ur*. Potter'a
1 wUI more in B

Jao. B. Wlatartkad wif* ebitodral.
Urn *t Hap View.................................
Ihert Carliale aad Him fttalb Bra.
rbiwd al J. 1. Prink'*
of Al


lleetlea will b* takee
at tb* H B. bandap
acboal oa Baator
Mb* Edith tUmarra b wmAinf tor
(|«. 0m>. Cbr*n of Elk Uk* at tk«
Boaeal writlar.
________ joeUBfol
meruopof tb* B L.
Hra WlUUn 8araab b ^bIM aleb
"cm forth*
tb* pnrpoae of elecllnr o«cen
with ^pboU ferar.
aom^ tlx moetbt ^ be.bridal
H. B. oharob TkerwlW elirbv

tba utb.


weat af KInpalep. I* daop*n»e1p
bat tb* Ooeior baa hopca at her

On top not beneath the dnattre«s. that U where we are.
'V.-W t)N TOP in ev rj-thing in the Furniture Sine.
but we have one maUi
thatYe.bragon more than
anything else. It is the best mattress ever sold for the
muney. Nearly a thii ! df your time is spent in bed.
Come in and get a mat

Slater’s FiirnitBre Store







TrsT«M City. Mlohlgsn.



6l B. J. MORGAN. Traveree City.

s”SS-r£:FE2“E~r?-._. _____

............................1; V; ‘rllfi'H-'d

"ra N

W. HerriapM hat poB*
lo aa* berelek mother.It rala* Ub moralDp. bnta<
od tap Hakn aaarlp at pood**
We naderttaad that th«re w

dap oa boaUcaa.
plowlap for apriap ei^a.
Uearpe Daria bpenlep-tba mate
a bb lot for a acw fanoe.

tsrkrpa of
L. UarrlnpM made a Tbit to fab, B. Ollrar. of Bear Lake eUU Ulaa EtUe UarriopM.of A
toll week.
Mra F. BLxbporaaoaUaaieh Ibt a
of laM weak, bdt M bettm at

her apriap
term of aebool toMp. .
gulta a pood deal of aiekiB**a in Mr
riainltp Ue psat few week*
maple anpar maker* are alMt
windiap npaoar maklnp tor ibU.
Hrm - ecalMwei* here laat
lUblnp ap
np Ue laat aoale far Ue
week HaUblnp

Sale & Boarding Stable. Letter Heads,


(WinabnrelaUra lofaM Adiap
“^^K'^'ndalnad bp Ue.OoBacil


aball ride or |
ire any boraeoraUer aaimal wlU f
without a reblcle attached. DOT ride 1
pn^J BBT rrhicie wbataarrer |
roaph anr afreet, alley or arenue of j
T City of trarerae City. Michipao. at i xartoiae 1*
- tl.aa tweire miliaan hour I Plooeer'Lirerp.
____ -............................
toiainf to la* mar ker.
btA- I. It aball be ualawfnl for anp 1
peraon to ride ordrire map h-.rae or [ '
aar other animal wiU or wlthonl a!
rehtcle atlacnnd *r V< ride or propel! Te f**c r»r mbm Cnratott* PUaa
aap rebiclr wkataeerer Uiroupb any at; cry I omki a aeMaUy af l*ma( fartoW*
Un follnwiar atrertaata faatrr ntaja.mi Mm ar* aiwa/«'•*<7 •• mae <
than eipbt mile* per hoar, aamrlp: On >atoaur aoewa aad r<
Front alreel fr..m the Chlcopo A Weat] ^
Me-kiran raUwap
*. np on the
the weat:
away cr w*-np
. Kapida Jt I at) laoa n
cruaaiop on Ue eaft:
eaM: on b
from I'mloo otreelc* the w .. ..
UraadTiapid* A Udtaoa railroad ei

0*0. Matthew* ba* pone orer V
den for a few day* to loqk altor
feaeeaon hTatarmw
Link Slmmoad* ba* left Ue
ahiaple mill and. poar to Aopoll to me
Jobtinp Wralchb *111.
A. M. bmiU ha* bewa qnlt* poorly
Oie put week. Dr-Thom p*<m of Elk
Bapidait traallop him.
Tbr bikf* hare made tbeir 1
aace apale Ub aprinp.
ber bare paned fare* to-dap.
Beautiful weaUrr for tbr Scat week
<■ April, aad Ue Boapator* of diRerral
raiirtira arc ber* aad quite
they are.
Perry Clark, at Blapbami who baa
boea alopplnp wiU kb tirolbrr-la-la*
................U to >
dariap Ur wiatcr. returned ita bb
itn: o* FakiB atreet -----------------boa>* batariay.
the aiirth
.. ______
N1«U 1
Ur. aad Mr* Will Lora aad ebildna tram Bap alrrel oa
afTraerrae aiy drora lo Yeba Sandar atrral cm the eooU; 00 Kar alrral from
t-Btoo atreet on tbe e**t to Chicapo A
for a Tbit WlU tbeir paicata. Mr. aad
Waat Mtohlpaa railway oa t
Ura. UcDcmaid

Ska b alao -aaocr Dr.

hre I
Sprrdiap mod faat <-Irtop
wiUout limit *a to Ue rale of ap
berebp permiltod sad allowed I

Wiup alreeU withto^id dtp.
Oa lYoBl atraei. coat of Bbi'
“ ""laadDr iiauotleu wa* aabuBonod. She low atreet: os UarSeld •**&**. aouU
la now »ery mack belter.
from Elphth •trw: oa YbIoo atreet.
bpUwri^ wbopot bnrt al T*^'a
WillKHiehaB will aoaa Bora hi* tom.
fp«mi Elereotb atreet; cm Bey
niM baa iwprevad the *p............. (rwa tbeChtcapo A Weal Mlcbof bb farm bp «reetla( • aew
bebadjaat____________ U^ra^inp mmiap at Secood
Mr. aad Mra J. W. Dicaerman reaan 1 wiator
ralap and qalt before m uemaoei 1 BBoea.
atUei A. E. aad W. i C } kw
-da. ^
Kr-ry etolattoa at. or fallore
It Uat
_cwb wa* takee quite to comply Wiulbe terme aed cDodlhare aot bean al
k loM wqek.
Dr. T
fur praatdealof tbeW.B.
Artb«r 800U____________ __ ________
___ ......i.
el BochABemad c
i fnm Tiarerae Oly wber* be baa beoa Iktoty.
p. ba
bat bape a -baar ebe .ia oa Ibc cw.
tbe eoart in*y make a tnrUkr seal

attoodiap aoboal and wUl M7 fartalap BBfe^e.
fcrachaapethat Ue oSeadee. oa toUare to

Tba baaaUhil bapatHaatba At*
•owanof Maraaoraare b^iaal

_____ d^u-.1

*5s*‘«r:« r-

£7 aohoal taaeban-


apriap andUp.

Hra B. Daaa «>«Bt to
tba ink.

More >

Cleaning up Sale.

Wm Stoekiap la boo
Him Allee iirap k boar* from Bif
Bapldt rbitliqr bar pareala.
Todd Uaderwoodol UaHolr* rbttad
Ifi-Arabie Prtdap'bbd ORordap.
ArUur Cox aent a ear load of poUThe entertolamaot pirao bp Ib*
Utroar llraeb aebaol laat Pridar rran- ton* to Clerelaad. O.. Friday.
^waa rreaUp enjoyed by Ikon preoAbbatl llrntcbl will none oeeapp tbe
.U dohaaoa. of OaaUal Irake.
Cooper Uonae oppaalto K. B. Leap'*
BOtod oa bU talbar'* fam.aad laMdi
The Ladle*' Aid met with Ur*. LearIbwerfcIttbbaaaM.
il* laat Thnradap aad a rrrp piratapi
im* wa* tpeal. There waa a pood at- home laat week.
Tb* oaxt mntiep will be
Wm. O. Bonroke
d family bare
at tb* boat* of Ura. Oerorliiit Hawkta*
aiored Into Ue Uor
s hoiyic- where
Thnradap aftorpaaa. ApHI ft. All Ue
Mra fricmabaaaaHeblbt.
Uep will rcalde.
ladln are oordbUp Inrited to eomA
Ilrr. J. P. Hill* left Tneadap Tm- iV
a anUrtainmeBt will be plrr* br
UetaapoplU and ether* at the Uaplr
reorKrllp aekool boon. Satoiap
Blebard Fox of bonU UllMr««elrrd
aeraiap. April u. A fall and iau
larpropram will -be prepa>*d. coi____
lapof rMltoUoaa. dUlocnra. tablranx
aad tbr piap. "The Boopta Diamoad.” neadap
WlU Wbittacra left Uoadap foma
_______ b. who baa baaa qoUa Ok. Admittoaon. looenu.
ilbiatp. Aoordl^lariUtMbextead. plan near Cadillac whetr be will hike
b to ba aboat Bfals.
ad to all.
Bdpar BBcker aad Lpal »
MaplaOwwor* PoBch rUlt
blloc* totelp.
Tkcaebooeer B-A. B*TB*oar*I.Pori
Hr. reaek bad Ib* rabbirti___________
AMI 11.
MaabmptoB. Wla.. eam< U baadapaad
a aow IBM tbtanlar bp Ooklsf to MMOwtnpnan**.
Atatbaa a potato.
B. CbUint b at work lor J. D. WbH*. elUtahe OB 2.0U0 (art ofcim Inmber
Mra Laatoar aad ehUdraa of Tn*Joba Wa*M bat pea* to Nortbport or the Pert WaabUpM ehair fae



ear fulure.
d'. II. llarlbat will prearl
bouadaiy of Elmwood arraae
io«*at Ibrli _______ _ ______ Hay arxt Snldap craalap.
Tbe liar upon whirb baildat lb* wrai mill ibep w III be emplupad
■weather belap farviobi*.
’ -—
lap« map br erri'tod ainap aad apoa
naul mid aammar.
Baator exerclen will be held ia lb* Waat taint aalnrt <>n Ue north aide.
rrmillib. E. Cardyai
I'BionatrrrtBBd Blta-I
n't mUI ia Klari^
lirrrt.r raUbliabed a*
U(M. B. chore]
nek bar* a fio* auck of lap* ua baad
I tbr wnt buuad.
and ar*. puahiap Uclr work,
will aot tatoh befon toiB*
larr ..f
eOBMunt oMbem." 1 Cor.. l.'..tol» ij.''
ilBC Uruce w«al parDr. F. J. Krallck of Ula place ba> fit- ....
> ferldlaUnt from tbe
tod up aa oU<w orrr Krbl't ttore. and
Hr. Ural; aod family are morlap
allwbodeMrabU tarricn wUI pleaae
iTiib?Kp.. *
'rarer** City aad Mr. Colemaa *
tall there.
■at bb farm for tke aaaaga. ipreta to be abaaat i
Ura Jor liapaon and two children
S» . }. llaball be anlawful for aay
aabl meetiap of tbr Ladle*'
lantf Tburadap rteuinp and eiil artUr prnoB. parly. Arm. or curpt>nll»a. ar
bald at (he boma of Hr*
brer for tbr auiaiaac. Ur liapaon aaaoclatlun of prrwia* u- hereafter;
Tb* Sir Knlrbt* of«tbr -5*01
laat Wedondar and elected afBtme aomr lime apa
------------------------................. —uixiniala anp build, I*cll**
............. of
, ,
fnr lb* pnr at folloWt:
Th-I. II. T. U'aJaitiated three orw lop. edlfio* or
rntertolomeat oa laat Krldap nlpblHra Sloerl
er; lat Vice Praa.. Mra DnruD** '.'rat'*
Mra Dr Mania of Trarrrra Oily wa* raodidalea laat taday erraiap.
Vice Pm... Hr.
.treelaoil K>m
U* -Siar" of Ua .«vnUm aad wa* wbn.-b a abun pnipram
Splrla CnHeld: Treaa..
.«ond avrnur and aearrr la Ibi-rraaec-1
rrrp aWlp aaalalrd bp tbe Trarara* aip aoA retrt*bo>cBU aemd.
:horUter. EtU K^tor. Tb* next
Uinedarin of aurb p irtioB <if tVeal |
lilae Olsb aad wbat borne tolepl waa
Bieeliap wUl bwhcld
bwhcld at Mra Paler CalKmirt
. . atrrel
atwl than
. -................._
aa r.tair*.hert
, . . ______
aad ■
Mr*. Mania'* raadinpa.
•ald-a, Wodaeadap. April
aporidid ia Urtao proucdiup aecllunt
wbeUrr comedy or trapedp. were rrrp
ul UburolaaKrc
Hoa and U* Hire CIsbaaaurad ** Uat
lb plan.
SXf. i. ■ Thb ordiDaaee aball takr|
".Voab balU tbe ark." Tkrpall will
tv II 1'orier iaapaia laadlord of Ur
-meet a br*ny welnme wbea tbcp I'ortor Il.ibaa-fur«>hurl lime. Jou
Nora ttaaniaep U oa tba abb Ibb
We do berel
i-ertifp that the tore• ora Ua> reatod il aad will oceupp pole,
riilnp unliaai
Tba raeant bontet lb towa an i
it ia a w
Cuuoell of UeCi
dlliap «p
Dr Joclyaaad UlaaSmithof Sattnna tbe utb dar.ut A
Tom Hatoo rbilad bb parawU
nap Uaik dinnrrat the tVaukiMia >*til r liavu. Uapur.
lalaad Sandap' .p. ..
after wbleh Ihep ......................*
A. W. It.i-kKiiii. Clerk.
Tbe pratahappar* are alreadp makl-uint. rrturabip *.u huttooa Ibp to Ue
El-etnr Biitora
lop their appei^n.
a town yeaU-rdap.
illltore l> a medlciar anited
There will be a dime 0^1*1 plrea . EIe-.'lrir
r..e.-inr out.
Den; lllnr baa bonpht tl
I'Ul perbapa
of hU motber'a kai
lat of T. l>. Potter.
when the laopuld
Mr*. Iluatlrp ted tamtlp. of MaaM.
tnliiip iin.Tt"'
Lalhriaa church.
•" A (I'v tkld pain Blanluta, ^ a
oecopp Hi*, bheour't bonae.
It of ttoboB. will
b.rpid and1 •Juppidi
aad atwrn
a rt aijrralii
Ik- cIumtI nut bt bargbib prit-«*. Urebt bBrpbiua uffen4 ia
Be*. Ur. Smlu U attoadlap
tbe home of Hra C

inoff •

. . 'oi™Ub
tlii-w giioda.
JenaleSmlib. wbo taalteadlap teboa)
ir.?-' -rfU" arerbd lo
Ihp naC
*e Lltp. «pcnt Soadaj at:
fererv __ ___ ______ ____ ...
Tal««coiie Sati-bela, Trupkaand Bbgs btpriem. to mit tbe time*.
reddle wa* Eadearor Mwirtp
Beery on
I'roaecuUnp At
.nn-ly in eouatcra.'llap and frr.- 1
DUoB. Ball
1 aad Ella
liod bp'oCl- dbllp inriied to br pmrnt.
A large variety, bast qiiblity, lowest prioM oa osr stock ot
tbe ap.tcBi from llir oiaUrlal potblMMoa- in town aaurdap.
I.aal Thupaday rernlnirOw
llradarbe. lu.liprelion. 't'oo.ti-,
Oloves aud Uittena.
iBKaad Mita Julia ulaon. be
Ura' A. 1’
palioD. Dirriaea* yirl.l to Electric Hit-1
pUc*. '
aa Ue pui
4 PI |wi
luT U.ttle at S. K
aral dap* la
li. A.ho,
L. K. tiibba af UapSeld awl wiU anr
Ur.- Tompkia* baa raatod Ura Bir
rlllape aouaeil laat aecainp.
line. He depar a farm aad marad lato pan of her
Siand. at Ue Uiai
alraa to aeU « - rlllape a Baclae
• ernaa.
ieLaJir*' Aid aoelrly will pier aa |
J. Hopi-l.-ibe Iradinp drwppbt
A rarp laiarcatiap aermoa wa* dellrereaai social at the mideare af of Wweporl.
**,*: -1>n kiap i
Be* U Jobaataarof Cadillac drlir-ed baadap vrei
vreaiap bp tbe Bee. Hr.
e* Kehl aexl Tueadav rrentop. New D.eeoeerp ia Ueoolp Ulnp tbal
■ed bb lecUre. - .tiuaiid' the Ueanh
Uiae" at Dto Hreakpleriaa , ebarcb
.mpbrll. I aad morir. I“hiJe"'
Elder Uarry b pre^np
ilU laal toatatpe and
■freahmeaw to be- reed from 7 to u: baSurd. Aria . w
alkiBi 1..........................eppre.-iatlc ock Ererpbodp come.
i Diaeorrry la all that ia claiaird tor it;
It from S
B wlU aaoi
Tbe farm rraidenec of Alex. Haaklaa.
T», ».™~i K-k.™ ok-™i_ .h,i.' iij;:",,;-;;;
about four mlira aoutbeacl of Ub til' rd'setuia^ creaiDp. Jam. anai>rr>arp Uat SAurdaj and elected
Mp eaoupb for ita loeriU.” |>r.
p* New DiMOtrey (or CoBaump.Preaidrnl—Mary Ji>ha.
aad broke a rib. betide* r^rlai
irlap acr- tbr lower atorp waa aaeed. ihe nre
Slnety acre* known aa the Murray (arm. (oarr milaaaoaU Bt town as lb*
Uon, Coopb* aq-t Cedd* b aot __ .
Vin Prealdeat. I'fta Vome.
' ra Hr* r--......... met wlU Uapbt from Uc pi|wR A I 1: R .
a-re* Iwprared. Il acre* ran I_______
b* mad* re^ (ar Ue ^w
It ka» bora tried for-* quarter
be.-retary. T'ina John
a few day* later.
wllh little work- lloardmaa rlw nioa Uroapb os*
a* forte;
fertv; SdSoo*
- ,___ rieor
rircrb botThe bUebamilh akop to coeorctlon
Tr.«Nnrrr. Edna llraman..
place far farm rae.
wiU ilarl'etnlll burned Fpdap reeo
Tbey'will mc.-t next Saturday wiU
eieum. w*IL
inp Apilrof prrrti InmWr aixtsd Mia* I'earlt.-Dame.
apriap Bear U* bare: pood larpe bant, email borer bar*, eora crib,
Jdbn«un'A Drop -'•toir-a.
i lialbg 1* all that aaerd Uemlll a
Bred Weet baa morad back totawi
few of her married (rleoda Tueaday {
were coaauBiedOao. Walker of Bcllair* waa in tow<
ttonk ^ca 8<
errainp at her home. Ur nrcaaiun br- {
Ofllccrp Aaliloa. Uarvin apd Brnolr top her birthday- Thne preaeul were ;
of Trarenr CHp carno orer laal niphl tl M Dame and wife. D F. H.«ieaod cou
or i II trade for wlU email m
Hriimca, ^ bore*. L'ice^^
aod -aerntod Anhur Ilaakto* and a
town laat
wife. Jro. Sanlkrre and wile. K. W. ; gkeu
Lna Daopfaerty- retorned boata Fri­ youep fellow bp Ue name of Wolf and Porter
the UrAlep family of reioB townUlp. Ueaara.
day from Ynilaalb
and will luke them to the county aaat and Juo.
0. Hudd. aad Ui« Ida Darm.
| or no par rwqolrod It U puaraotoed
The oaekema am* brSr baUrdap:
brat bat of Ue aaaon.
Mr*. Wnitman. ooantr preaideat
toptre Ierfei-i imtlafactlon or money
drat of toptreTerfrt-t
UcW.:c.T-r.,haaeapap«l Mm-'lerr».-«ler-, eefnadod, l*rie<'It oenu per box. Foe
Olirer Caae aad wife of Lake Aan are
trade Moniwe ol thrid. Mich., lo
to aaak* iBlc br J. il.JohnaoB and H. B Watt.
ebltlnp trienda ia town.
Unmph Uk cmaly.
Atwood iaaopr ooer^aaOrrlB Caaemnd family of Lake Aan
. ....
..— .Aii.n. and other-1
arc tbe pnat* af Tip Cbae.
iw warklac for the cauac. Her date*
.llen rouraed from Eaat
Pbll Boacb of Torch Uke traaiaetod
e a* follow*: Soil.i** Bay. Weda«»-1
1I "At
ImalBcaa In town baUrdap.
lAt; Ke*wiek-Tburtd.y
Ke*wlek. Thi


Ci:: ^



f*aa to Brapira
t. B. Horalaad raorad bb famUp la
boata latalp ranted
W. A. YttJ.
ofMarqa*.... _...
rCraa. aad ether

rnm av rbltad tbalr aaal. Mra
raaab. laat w«*k.
Mr. aad Hra Nomaa BUI of Tra*-



Hia.Uab of Bk Ukabtbar^
Praak Vaa VslMr b workiof la 4b*
«f Hra W. Wood.
a* aUll.
-Him. H. a Hraltb aad ohlldra
nUadtoMaaM Ibb
Dr. BMa

Hba LoU Cam baa baas bartap aa
Bvsfpgaa who baa wbnb bara b
abtap aboM in tba laat law dapa.
WtU Daarlaf of dk Kapida f
Imdaraollaatwaakwiib U* e


Afiaaetb raar’
aad tarrod aa a^parri

aui-ra tuLTow.

rba Epwanb Laapnr
iBiblp baalama mnUap
hlap a liar ap.
U H. Dame toad* a baainam trip to
Wm** r^'t‘*MrT^ b^<.
Ttaawnaip Ub -»ralb». ««"»•* ^Sral md^mwoSTam^^
Be it erdMaed bp Ue C
Tb* W. C T. V. will pira a »aa aad iTraraia* Clip,
lee eraam.eucial at tb* WUaoa oottapaj ttotTl.>o 1
The Use .npoa wbbh
Tba eoploB* 1*1* af laat nlpht aad Toeadaperaaiap.
j balldlap* mkp be arecM upoa aad 1
tkb BtoralBp bat aUpped tb* plowa.
Normaa Baron aad wUa arrired , aloap tVnt Vroaittreei oa U* aoslb :
bat will Mart tbe piaaA
Tburadap arenlap atur aa abMn of ■
lb*»«.f fiom I aloa aire^i weat to ^
Fanaen report fml in Abe proMl
• moatha
I E mwiM araaaa I. berebp a^lablbbad !
'<ui hipbloBd* an
mum-!** *"!*“•'* ,. ,^*"1«T
.Brpi*ali>r oa
«a tb*
«ba wnt;
I I. Ibmrlrf. hare BaUrdap man.-|“
iap for Cbarierolx.wher* be will take
'.“T'V “''■*‘* *'*J"**®'

aan Cbreoll b bb*p dtawlap'
lambar to baUdaaew
laaew barn In
ia Ibeolaer
I wn bnroad bp l^V
af Ibar

M. E TbnraM and 1
- ) taokton Thua

n*»*a laat baurday.
eali af ' day. Ur. RItoben aitaadad
: caW todp* w>ila then.
P. 11. Hahn mored bb wood maoblac


Ur eoBBty Jail of Uraad T
Ip or to Ur city priaoa a
aad eoBM ar* p^ aot ex

Good l-'its.

Good Goods,
Fair Prices,



tut a Ordtoaara aambtr tl r^
Ura to fast drirtop aa beraaoldr*-fat
force to tbeTiUape
Traeeera aty.

■ of ta -c.

—__________ Oall



We do bertby oenifp that the tow
to Tcarcne Oty iaai batmdap aad poiap ardiaiBiw waa paaard ^ th*
oeearil af tba city <d Traecn* OQr am
ibaSUdayef ApriL IWT.
na C B. aoeWir bad V
bmlami aiwtiar

Note Heads,
BiU Heads,

Cut Flowers,
Flerai Pieces, ■
Bedding Plants,




MerUport DepaRBsax

Tbe ladlee' aid eociety wi
fra A. A bmlib of Fraaklurt b the ' Cboriey HoII. a prat
mtol Ur. and Mr*. Peier Eeab.
'aa blpek. died of aae______
at Ue nu*day. April Rad. wiU »


rufA- ]-or r^vr

. ;

- Pamphlets,
Book Work,
Wedding Sta’ry
And any fmiXavery kind of Oor

tdnl and

othor printing*

Plants for Decorating

flLTm OTT IXfOlili OQ.

Herald Of5.eei

APBiL Iff, W87


e thato alap. aad thap wonU proI h>r tbaa ae beet thap eaold. Tha
eotofort to Ualr pareaw. Tb^
aeead Urtbdap.
when th^ papa aad Baatoa tbonpbt
it tiae thair little tlrU abotOd ha
ctaaad. ea * eeto bcaotifal Vhbath
la Jaaa. when tha air wae tUad
I tha eweert perlnna of flo
trtoate aad aeipbbarn had pathdrad at
to wllaaat tha hapttoto of
the twlna. Their maaiBa had them
pratUlp dreeaed for the oeea^oa. aad
when all w*e readp the little oarc
ap. A anareb *%» at oaee
made, and thep were funad aroaad be*
aide the hoaee. aeatod Is a tabof warm
wbtoh m\ aaderneath the
ae beet thep
haew bow hr epleeblap the water all
Tha Blatour Satohit wae thoepht that
the little oaee bdlerad la Itoiaereiato.,
With' beet wtobaafor ponail.'l tap
pood-bgra._______________ Auer Anta.

la the cant UD of I 'ral a women wae Hrram OeadB Ass»
who bad bean carried off bp
innwrprirr. or Al|»ne rnUurc.a bca
Sua Ms*. BAn*-&* the WaetUnl a bwbp. At Hiindwcl. la ibcranloaof
•prtac to bcK xata. 1 tboBC^^ I wMld '.pprniell, a child wae carrM oil in
pbt of penenta. Op tbt .Hilbemlp e
writ* • Utur lo Uto UtU« oaea who
ban b«a *0 lDUr«o(«) la «tIUd( U>to Tullure attarhNl e little Imp wbo wae
watcblnp abwp. enlrd on a rack, aad
wtetv. What alee lelten: 1 lore to
' ' time lo hourk oirr lliredpeeT
aaa tbas lake aaeli U, ieUrMi la wriv
cIMf before the ■dir|>b<'rtl> oonkl
tv,' aad hope that thej will meatW (Irha tlw bird nwep. .M Uamn. abo>c
thatr hiad editor who Iotm thwa ao Ibe fsHep of teolerbruiitieti. a rollure
dtarlp. 8ooa pMr tothaoto wlU «all rarrkd an liitaTit loan iharcrniblerark
Of^mellc Ibe . cilUirv'emd drroured IL
mwill ha
Hot Ibe moat etrlUnp iAience of the
la poor ati
chlW^leronrlLS Irndrae.r of Uicweblida
ttotoyoewUl.anddoaatidpaW a aloe
oieunrd in Uic Demree Olirrlund. A
Uaa, eo laprore mryBoneal. Be child Uirar prare old. cslird AnneZtirtaad. Lore oee another. Help etMk biu-hen. wae lakeo tip lo-the faipb A!p
at har-nmUni; lime aud left aelrcp
as need help, for hp ee dolv
ieUowtheeaaapU oar dear SaTlar left w bile the falbrr fetched e laid of bej.
we. and wbea poa are dolac ri|:ht It lie returned to flndlbe child foae. At
the maM time neotbrr peneant. called
Henri Mirbrl. wnecomincttplbenioDaCotm daaa.
tnln bp a rauffh path wbcD be betfd a
ehUd cry. At the eeme fhnr be eaw
A Letter troa Hatwl Kettia
a UtomerKeirr raiec and nail awar.
nueweU. Oe.. Keitk to.
Ilonnler up to the place he found uie
llfUe pirL unhurt cxeept for wonadi
Ito.a Mae. Rxm—1 will write Tott
leU« to thank poa far the Otriitaae In the orm end left band, where the
bird Itad clulchol her. Bfac bad Inet
e^ptmaanttoa. I lU^k It rarp prei•icr eocLa. ihoe« and cap while belnp
traoaperted bp the bird, the diataaoe
tramrped helnp about ‘w ynrda. The
facta were all entered in the pnritb
areblres of the TlltoReof Ilikeren.nnd
irU wbo Ilred to be an old wDSiaa,
.Iwapi known aa 'nrier-AanL'*—
n Bpretator,
I Head la Botoe, Oa., thaee peara affa.
1 wiou pea a letter wbea I waa there.
I like lo laad the lettara and alerlee la



•w Ml Oak Tr>e Bar he orawa to n
retotoar oC Waue.
An oak tree baa r. r«ry humble bepisslnp. Wbea It flrrt aprouta from the
1 will tall poa what 1 «aa do. 1 can a>-orn it boa a trairilc pern rtezn'alid
waah aad wipe Uedlabea. pat dinner. Uoki eomethinp like a )-ounp pen plaaL

: thaBuau>.
Ibr patolkaTaakittea. Hto aase
tolhaaer. Be to fall of fan asd trwllc.

awMp aad help aemb the doer aad
bdp with the waehlBf aad littoiap.
ts Haadap aebooL Up teacher to
MitoBaacrUortea. Daeld Kllaa wa.
the teaeher. bat he hae poh* *!•«>•
hOM tovChleapo. We hated to haee
him to. The roUee are hern pot The
Urdioonieri(ht up eloee te
the hew aad alt and alap to prettp.
•The Chrtotlan Badearor aodetp bad
a ^ noetol atoae at onr aelpfabor-e
laatThandapalfht There were oalp
■to fim to eetl ee poa ehe Oaorpto to
aetaptoetato. ThepaoMfor alaetpBn oitola
It bvaa to tala laet erenlar and
rained .11 alpkt aad all dap. It don't
teokaelf UwUlereretan. Behool ba­
ton twdap- I aad top farather, Barald,
anat If It did ma. Ue did -aot want
topa. B. bad aarar bean before; hot
at aooa when he had enlaa kii dlnaar
V WM la a hnrTT to pc back.
atadtoaarerwadlap.wrltlap. arlthiaet
to. pwapraphp. pratotear aad epelUap.
Tha Ueekerh ease to Utoe QMh Beratfatd. I Ilka her iwal welL
Thera are ao trldpee oewr the brnaeb-

a tumblrr without much diffirultp.

IhrsuRb anil aui|irod the
ibmerred in the w.________
Keep In
m plaet, and before tonp <be oak
m hfra aad wham we hare tbeee blp tree will apreuLoendinif a tender airm
upward and a root downward.—Cblnatil* the water ererBowiaa- po ICreord.
pla *aaat pat aerate afeet
Why He to CwrrCal wtib CraU.
Wee raaent with toatoe.
t petiilrmau atandinp in a bote] Idto
Hp ntoe baikto are bedded. There
bp. while takluR e mau-b ufe from h't
are laralp wild peaeie. all eroaad
pockrL aockletitaTly drop^ a ceuon
la the praaa We
the Boor. He |d.ked It up oaTfftUlp.
and crape ntprUe aad Jetonalae prov
and aa tovdid'ab aaTTr --I hare only
lately reallaed tbe raloe of a eesL 1
Barald hae pot a prettp whll^ oalf bare a amall account wjtb a tmetcooiaMaatoellUUehlekena. The ^ra
, and tbe other day I leoeired Dir
book: with intereet eomputedat (13.W,
ean them Iltde hUdiea.
workrd at Ibe flfurea ejiiMc awhile,
Ov pnidaa to «p
grawiap. floe.
ibai the eaert amonnt wae
So an the toaloaa Hapa ban pinatod
MhUtoof toelaaa
inry t
Wall 1 pave I hare writtea naonph
raid not conarnt to the leer
for thto Utoa. ae erill doaa with beat
e lo the eoncluaion that if a o

The Evening News,
' Supplement YoOr Home Paper,

■ ^ -SLiWj

Aoem-e m eve/ty row/t inf aioMOAtf.

Safety »n4 Saving

0?_ tJ- HOST,


take my eyi-eoff, tVbal a lotrlyxreenl ' Amwap Oibep n>lac> «be Ate Bar O
YerDoeMtRreenloalUla plury.
tt.aH mbrena.
-Hut wUat waa I to paink cud on I
An rnpliah pul.lle.iim., t.-lla a atorv
wtol? Aa I waa atlll aakinR tuyecl. of a eow'a rei.iarkal.V arr»-tile. ,Ththia quration, niy eye* fell on a |>mi .^oajmal. a larRC Il<d»teiu. broke iuu.Uii!
lUtla hen. niluer prcKiJr aba|H-d. buL yapl and ate n |eir of IToiiwn. a
wiib feithere of a dirty whit*, tbaf ;, canlipan Jacket, two .;ik ba.ulkerw-na picklup upenimba two pace* from rhiefa and a’|ai'.r„f ladr'a nalkiuR
where 1 Mood. The fowl waa fripht- I Imotu. She waa cupuped iiimo the lee
fully defleient to lone. I drclded to of a boot wEef. interrupied. A allR^
remedy the fault without further de- ; attack of Iwdip-M’on foUowed, boi the
lay. The ben ohjeetol; Ue ereMorc ci|(ape -vef.T parr her aomr anotbh.p
drp^ in a (leu Baab aad abe 1
A day.
two afterward the cow
apain fj. d open tbe poach. Nobody
c w bat'abc bad rotco Ihia
tlsic. but aa abe w aa taken Ul Ibe “ccL”
waa apain aummoned. and lb to time
oblipcd 10 perform an operation. He
extracted from the cow a rib. not one
of her own. bnt one of the rito df her
owner's hiwt .umbrella. n>e rih wna
ti inrhea loop, br»ide» the hinprd part,
wbkh pive* ua aome iJra of tbe eow'a
■prnnjr of dipeation. for the remaioiiip
rito. aa weU aa the cTii-k. handle and
cmer. aeaulnply pare ^cT no i
■enienee alAU.

. nfamuppilair.. Oo a paaaciipi-y'.Iruiorr
' pIjHrp to VrwBee there wm. a pel lonp-

efforta, and
•toc U took etery panieto of Veraora. |

afUr CO toaap alormp winery dnpe we
hare had, I know pos maat all fral
hewpp to aee aprlap Utoe eatoiap, aad
aeeo pan will be able to nu about the
praaa Mdeaedpatbertbemaap ii

f “i ‘

OS' A'c-T- smsrDS.

j :PYida,.th.N.atbl>.yuiarnkA.D.ieB?.
Yu^ltoaieni jump,
r. H. S't.

..while or Yellow Onion SeU: Manglcwnrt/ds:
•ar Beet Seed'.
Seed’. The Kline Manzleli^
Manzlelt^ is the kind
of sugar iH.’Yt whi.-h is growji in .Germany for the of making l>cet sugar. The VilmorinV
Bugat beet that iii very hyihly recommended whi^ever l»cet sugar is manufactured.' We hare a stock
of both these varieties of sugar beet seeds, and as we
sell thcm‘'''vcrj'^cheap wc would like to have every
farmer in this vicinity try a small araonoE We also
have a'tull
full line oI
tif aweci
Sweet I'eas.
Peas. Sugar
sugar cA>ra.
Com. xiuuoaiu
Stjuash. Pumpkins. BUmhI Beet, Radishes. Cucumbers.
Tomatoes, and everything else in this line: nlso Clo. ver and Timothy Seed If you want any seeds give
J u8 a call.






K, went to


the jail of diwaae; be ha.-foar
ia by some d.«n of carelcaanew
ot aeclrel or impalai liriaa
, and be meH unlock Uto aami

If d)-.iepaia and bilioueoeu or roaaaipa
hr can art eat.
Tbe euajority of dleeene beftn with aeoe

_ __

tk~^bC*to' Dr'nei^, aopemtitioo. folk at Tc-reeand .bat tto ' f
OoUen Medieel Dtoeorere. beceaae h piece
lerdant creature had nor to.- >cb> hr i


riponir tbe atamarb. liTcr and bowrto.
Oitr toatratk taaalire ; two act m a toOd


A cal'owned hi Vred Wraaun. of Aabon. »le..'to aueba lorer of -atortbat
, ahe takra a toth repaUriy etery day
«w, _.,,i
j^wn from a faw
lueet lo her [maaotjx

.til aon
itowalrw Ifabrydo to
‘borry In lettlnp
the do- of w
■ Ufca^ nay *i to a* paaay b^tia to tor— |o a -ay that ia
I Kartf aertacpatbetlc. Attor ber baib abe era—la
Jatt totoalaff-boUi boja j ihaauujMT *rti^ Sd*t

HV is;

iK-uw. w Wo^ I puwe> ora, u> taka
la( Uw Uar of abero irwUir •> ihoto -loaoara.
F A. uireuu.

- .

'West Michigan
___a w >


tarwar ihifl.'ll . .. .


, m' I to. <•

iS is ~:

r CUOMW--------j - . ' am «to . .
____ l.e-a ,r.a.
. F. a ! e. B 'a. a:'x ■.



...'rrr.'lTl TB'lito'—*
!£-,5; : :

rar barn. toclriM B-rt4'a*4

Par<to a«p^iy af tnXaaMtoaaaato




*■*'“*■ ‘aVJii'-’iV;



Ittl f

j|5 **


Carriages, Cutters, Sleigh^ Etc.

T* I U

Friday, tha 14tboay of M
!i io

...lUet. ■. C.


...j tok


toJ- .., Tl


is ' T.isars:

a. a. I
«B I »




CABIU. a <i,TK

Local arriiea II. to a la

Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.

FOfixcLoeiiKi:- -a-


State St.; near Uaion.






Traverse City, Mich., Apr. 1.1807. ■ rHAKCmr
hAlX-torer»»ia»» mi a, re
L. ... ..r M
M4 a—w. ..fiX. Oiran «oan
Im tv. <-aa»ri>.rM4Tn>re.. u ma—re, la
Gentlemen please come and aee my hew XU— X X.M, r.m <Ml I ua;. aril ri MMV
‘ •riU—. u. Ur. awri-l Htarr. u U« f—l ore u
goods in Farming Implements before you buy. .•iwc. B4R. lAri >-n« tv. ai—ri kMM la. ru
Yours truly,
am a^ri Ha,. ' U^-iw.^ri ■•r’awi
1ST State 8t .

Are Yon Herrons

told him rrerrlbina It lixik lonirer . '^nrlunoo of the nrrform«ner. "No.
itonanbouro^a^f toroD.iraAto r® no--" ttpi-lcd tbe bo.r. rifutly. “1

***1 **

Traecfercnytoil ■
~ CormuM anT. a. ,
A a n. H. Bw.
FnuUleri ............. A


raumd out of alrap by.a« «i.u-„.l poIm ^ teen clipprf trrr^. tbeu rwuml l.a I
rf abtobupapdpraaa.ap. Wbal«>ul4 j.,,,.
eipmra. lace and
it be?
oamtier of B
father •iutlabir anlclra. and tlwn tlie
had patberpd In a crowd la^r^nt of tbe fal-r coot waa akillfull.r pot on
of Uitiii Ifad tb.-ir
> and eyea. .Aflcr
nplifled toward the ak^; otb^" were
B a pu^le degr to
Bceplpp: othrra apain bV-tjirirfrmnlie :
^ „o']]
tround by ibeoCpeatpre. maoifrated tbe wildcrt dejoir
aad terror; and in th- la.da’l of them
tbe fowE
poialmp with thrir Cuprrw.And
haTra.i-naio reCaelof
It wmt towant ihem they drew
riphi onJ Wii.ap wb',wb ia not raaily
>n affripht. Tb.-h I UBilerat««od
ilainr phyvoiaa,tclla a
a Irprnd of thecutmt
of hia' patirnta. a
ia which a preen
-en fowl.plaia a ti
«aaU l»y. who for alonplicir rrTi.liilo.
part. Whencirr
, „« Ir refuerel ri take the |•reIu•rib,■d mrillof wopa llirralea tbe ri
Tinaltv Ihr doctor offered him
—■ if be woul.1 take IL

“At Ian ibeirfrerapredtuUr
-With. Thtp*renowauuUoa.whohnr*
talkma toap,^ ed. and 1 teniured Jo an»w tuaar
Utile faopa aad pirla of Uelr own In
old wtmtaa. n'll iaborirp UDilrr ineettmaaraltrA_____________ _______
write to tha Uualp desnrttoeat
citentrnt abe bad Ju.l po^ .ibrou^
0 propbetic
■i^- to^'W^wd^'toeeajm___ __
ie tMir friOfde Ibid I'.tirrteara;
, -ill

tatoMSMWM peatobUlB thatrhntoVp Bm. «mB tha UMIn fflris nMMd M

Garden and Field Seeds

1 one eaya. ai
1 original.
It to e pmrne to play e iMr is Uc
llei ofTMeb
The folio- inp fltto. -torp wwi laid , •prinjr. before ^ckrt or lenuto ran U
r Ue (eumu. jmmur. tiuriere Dorr, fbouphl of. and It ha- tbU adTantoRC
' '
--------Rolt. that it ran he played —
>[lu>iriou> Uuite.
IMrilen |>luu without dan
od lb... tfuiaote wUI ,mbehlp
B«pr be .unmMcd. At an tarty ape b, the turf.
Ib^ *ho-^ -,.n.l.Tful -almt f^
l ij. and run Iniobce inucb cerci.
dranine.and inallbtolifr be norrcoir 1 of a reUi. rwr. reklnd.
I from modcle. but paiulrd from: Tb'* l».Ue manner of it: The fa
.morp end Uu fulluea. el hi, mind,
j ffuardian of the w icket. ermrd with
l Ui. .drecribre toe eeperieuee with i ‘“I *"■
her etnnd.
. Bret ho».of tuctaJ tube.; .-on,' "nd O' »<>on a« .he he, tut I
p.“ be eeyi. -wbrn 1 wae to epend e ! bouler-e ball, to bound to rou ae faet
«k wiih-e frwndof MI> fatber'e.Uere , ‘*** «“• between the wickria.aa failopc
Jmxdtea di
waa bKHiRlii lo iiir the wrll-knows U bit dr to r
onken U». with l.raaa tiuiidic ami lube and an immed eaucretooratlhe tot.
rapMl.v. ns
asiibru.I.Ca aim.tilrir. I naa-viklwlth
driirbl.. I hud uorr Uwxufbt half ar expert Intawomiu. 1.11/
Uiee to and fro liken toll bererlf.
nut-li of ai.v pn-eenl. lesintedluun
cork all the imlola tb.-rc nnd theti am elwean 1-d!«halR..d bj-three .i
rotiT ni\ p.iieile with preiir daubami i fa>lon.-a to hit her Iwll. IIi
color, bin tbev
tbit wmoUTuot
wemUTb.n In
M me.
Uic. Tbel
Tbej P’*''
p)*-'yf» flehlmiit, with a an.
UaUtoorr. JSowibt.ff Uaiiail.r
carriapr .w.wuinnv. Ihad lujumpin. ' «1^'
Of couree. I Umk my box w uh lUr unde/ ' 1nxe« thetUll of falrplavefeiimrr than
mv arm. or rather neat u, my h.-erv tottiOR. They do iiol. u a rule, bowl
liru.l«' rraolx-l ts art to irark a> aoo. "'itfa tbe tp'-’-battical (kill which marki
aa we hud ceachrd tbe journeyend. | Ue maccaliiic idater.
~TIk wa> war loaper than I 1
Elet.-u lathe |m>prr number for curb
peeled: wedid not armc. 1 -aitirict- team 10 tipbodAwn: wIientneaare
ly furbkJrlrn lo toueb Ibe puluta aiMi nilbNl to reinforce Ohwuaordrml off to bed. piretuiid liRhla ; h-ft-baadrd
. thus htuuti.wprr^.lher often
.ere put ouk but
fb bctoore than a niarch fi.r their
riuk. At aoon Ua the firal
Irut preyei
BBlaponi.u. Ihuurh there
r-davIiRhl ap|i
jumped o.
rd and went d.
itc: fletc
in-i well
V|>ou the I
theyard- Hut alatl Tberr waanorai
on man's pi
raa. no cardboard, no panel. All bad preen, and are.afraid of
if nn
'been Ukcii from me the 'olpbt before eat and m.derelaad all Jlrf ' ' "
of the Rume.
-The luuide
WondcrliiR o
fliwi uHi-mpl. I eet about ui •rkiiipray apeedamW.r
botlfc* and aprradhiR petel a of Dolor
pln.ver at Mp and run. but ew
all o>:r my palellr.
palrllr. The
The brilliancy, i pirl wb,>.imb.l|rea in elicl-nme will I
and ehn-rfulncet of tbose , beiwrlf the better .and
d ll.<-rouler forlhe
onite 'iniiik ^ifa do- : freah air, .........................
in.l .'\nrlaelt
Ilnm ROe.
Roee to tl
the iBad a, .'be,.—Cbieapo Inter O
lifhL .Notbl
□ r fttot palrllr. There wm.
rnfi^iBlIy that Irouldne. ^

Traeeree City. Mich.-|iHS-“

124 Front. Street. Friedrich Blk.

Tbe cunoiDi auiborilhw of an

farttowt, i

snow WM to d^ that Ue only w
hp which paopla bad to trarel waa
■now ahoea, two little twin ptrU. Tbe
tonaw and hla wife made Um aa doto-


Look at our Bicycle Suits. They are Gems, and Prices right.

Baan Qaiutoss—It hae been eotoe
alBea I bare writtea te peer de-

wim. the little bam awallew, the nb. to. aad toaap eUan we acu all aepttolBtod with.
I wtu cloae top Utter bp Mlllap pou
a UtUe Mary abaat twu UttU plrto wha

-Black Cheviot .§uit $3.98
2nd—G. A. R. Suit,-wool, $3.78
All wool Suit $6.66
;bi U the Uteat'SprlBg BtjrlM And ShadM

TfcttineamitoBlde to-lVilBB^ES3
hoflerleedei^blWboUrraala. Se/ett,
%ctlpanlomatie-wiUwideopenorwiibtbi--------ttno; huiridtotranpeoruem and picateto praiii


A Letter tram Ansi Annie.

aarlap. and toll m eoaet
thato. Thtowto Ua^toaeeimUow. the

G reat OfDenins: Sale

The Evening New^ Petrolt

MaSB. KkTTIJtBfeupenra_______________ '

ala. enr Urde hare aad aaa la bulldlap
thair atoUt Jaet watah





Bowen aad en^op all Ue beaaUfnl
tUape <d nature. To Be. eprlof Use
la the happleet...........................
relumed, aad aoen thep .erill all be
hem apala. wlU their hantp eonpe,
praparlap to bnlld Uelr arete lU*e
poa e>w lakaa aottoe to ere Ue maap

3 F*EuA.T-CmES

ri rta.ri— c«r. MiririM te me r.

' ari* aavA txaiax w Uri< a
I bririrra>«a.U<,-Hri»W

naimioBoi ntatl'SS'^
Bowa Too O/HiafiAf

J. W. Gauntlett.iS^^^i.^'^^^J^



Irere I to a. a.

MV pireaav Oworio, Be^
uw. B»7 0it7, hdtrolt, How- •U, Aao A^or. ToUdo ABd
polats BA*t ASd Sovth. doM
lIMtlOBS At OopcnMiwltfc
0*1 Tml Act. TMado.


Cheap Homes
za xiexieAjr..

Farming Lands
SfiM Ulttsl Mkn L L Copay
Jtottaad PntojilRad TVaagb Omtw
It V Ikratb wttO yoa
toanahal MkUi
(Mwn. Teaeaaw

Btolaly with Sacar Mapia,
to Baataood.
ato., aad toa wall aralacad by




____________ taeked together bp o
aiomlatlttoa takan
to ta-'--------IsrUUT mwrnr
OBBd Ito
<■ •
of p'aln
i>lB pink
piak aUkoUa* la
____________ atch to roaaa.
Tba Eaatar Blrthtaroda Plato. Baal to wbllaa well
If daairrd. to tackbg migfclUdooa
Mdnentoelnd; with lltUe knob or bo«. of plak Ubp
aad aarambla toa. wHh aaothar b^f; Agata to
_______ ._______,__ •auiiiaatoa
ribboo. and Uw. of the nma might U
Again Ud. dot to wlUow-nd.
rl.f-*T~ Intemb along to l^talAg
raaraaroaBd to roUca to t»aa«Wo a'
ot^ raOa asd to qoilv
to taa*«a of a boww^.-roa will aaa ; Tba •» ^aaaed^tota tU too
- It aa reomaotrd the qollt map U
and wUnrer BeceMnrp bp Uing
• •
-------------------BUbtarwitoaUtaa.paralarlaa gieatj**

Ut Ub pi etqr witboot.! Oaoe aiore at panplr aeaalac.dr*ato
dried la tar >Uor.
ablldruB will think ao,
Thb mp liula quUl. protacUea
nrp Ugh!, b lirrlp to throw
Ubp'a had or cradle, or ta oaa aa a
■aaka aoaw doogb-1 Uowj^ad with Braalar toil a

laqslfr Auvarad.
Mn. J. & H. of Mavoc Oeatar wriWa
to Mk Bom CancB fcaw to dattody
tka liiT-------to Bto); to »Uab
toteto boto pUala.
A wltoia of
atraic top atoaad Boot applUA frill)
*B oU too* broah U TfiT r»d


WtolaBitnnTTa«to>>1»»»l <>«<’
arack* ot to Uric. Kercmac
___ ^
lulincirnt'j BBd dllatod

ptoAoaiwalL_______________ _
Eaatar Thoscbto
■aator ItolatoKa-Taar of to

raobd aeta. aad
ar till toar cu .ta.»l'^ tomaal-ae Sta i^lgtagtf^dSJrttS'd^

alaobol faaaradaatk. Hto plaat U
•wU. •todploalacwilAtoaHofm

IB to ■alerial frorld rrerrthUc potato to rtoofraetloa aad tor
■a* Ufa.
All to Mrto ia atorill.
ThraarB too wai* aarto. *»«o» tor
TTtUirTl haraa to afraat ap^f AoaaiB hara aada Ihalr w%j. aad Uftod
toraalp apaa W to Uafaalj akica
akora. TU fardoB Udt a» ahlata|r
wtto to purple Bad gold aoil gleamtag
wUta of to erooov aad to aaoadrop.
awtar towp UlU Baoor Ibelr pair
graaB. potawd laaraata all to aWWad aonera. ta toa rrooda. Uia ba^
patloa epa> U to aaa thalr atorcp
altoUn of pale plak aad blaa aad
laUtA. Tba baa Ure lOaod tot
tkw are deaet^. aad torir sBaleal
bBS aaa U bcwd If one baada loMfb to aaa toa. a. toe; burp thalr
baadf iB to blaaaiai. asd aMrge all
gaUai with to pallaw aBthar daai
tor Ura Blfud Iron toa boBajad
ta to awaapa to wtllow. an fatalIb^ twig. prlmroM and oanaiaa,
aad to litUa forrr “paialaa-- daar to
eUUnab baartt an eUmbiag ap and

irar aad fregraat.
For diaaar wa would UkaarUkad.
ebiekan tpith a .arorr atofflag: torn*
baked polatnaa eerrad at Jo»t toa right
point, hot and reealj. aome nioa fried
ipe dark---------' _ o'er taad aad w
bat alUl bealda t
parenina. ooaked Ibe d^ Ufare. arjiato the
eona eaaaad com. or peaa—oor kiad ot

I walk tooBgb OaUm.

regrUble U raoogh—a cabbage anlad.
-U we ean get eoaie lattoce. it ahall Tbrongji dale aad palm Ue
each iDdIrldnal brip in a !
»fl!r atrallng.
..-The lilpaUre
opoB bar gtnoefal dtam;
a Ue air
, •- un wl

of tgg. nt ta each like a neat egg. aad
d epeaoh of BaU>Iabam.the okitaa cot la Vtnga and laMaronod
Aaan I bear Ue lbj> of IHtle Toleea.
aod auioDgat. Wd will open oar brat
Where mid Ue Uwen wild Ua ehilof pickled peachaa. aad-Baaaal a
aooUrr aoabd u age nbowl of ■plaat* cerraau
For dcaaert a cmoi pie mda bw addlim oo IIU wap.
tagaolatof bilk brought to to boll,
log point, a tablnpooBfal ot eeni. Half drenmtag Uua. I aae. tba Book ba■•‘•totla'Ou wbohealed Upnd
the tea.
And at to preeiooe twilight aU
o'er me.
'* ■
Bake taaricb
haart'k la iialtlee.
Doa oarer with
At Eutar■
racriaguc of the whllca of to egg»
eaten .tig with two tableapoonfi
I aad-faoed mooraara. who
are waadtag
powdered augmr......................................... lofeppma
cD.tacd pta made wita
id of pew.
bnee or to-dap the low gram poa
-e taadlag,
lift poor epn to Uodk etoraal

dowB to riaadar awaplag ll»U The
gnat Ifaaa an thrilllBg with life Irow
plaoa of good abran b a aaea
rooUal to Uawat Up of blgbaat braheb,
mpanimeat, aad a geod-cap of It bn.......................... .. ....
- .
gatetag nadg for the great tnaafurTwtae £utarlllba. .tiut pala a
coffee rooada op the diaaer welt.
saUaa aeaaa whea altaoat ta a '
- iBBchaoB we wonld liU aome ml poor aoala Urill to to c
ton aballUaaa«tbar«tailaal and
Bloa rolla, tala allon ot oold U.lad
flowar oowtag (roe to world of toe
And aaewer Ue aweat Cbtam of Euham. atoBcd ^ga. ooltaga chaeae made
isTtama tato natarial forai. a jwarij
tar balla.
aarh Into little egg like pabaodaerred
■mala, aa aftcai aaaa wa alaaal
D leunca leare.. aagel'a food and oo- f Chrbt ware alill wlUiB the gnre'a
to ragard itaiaoeh. Than b a
lew priaoa.
of wtag. ta all tba nppee ragloa.,-a
A cabtleeof toaaemT wadrrad;
Naw earp poaetblp wa aUll Uer
glaaa of a robta'a red Weaat. aad of
f from Uatmoaldariag cell Ua
K>ra ot tbeae good tbiagi. Ut it
WaabM'a wtag. TU lariil tong talU
fiBt aad claar trow toa toica apd olce ta aat a maata] table, and enjop
tU chaair call of to robin girca toe ta imagiaatioD. Of oDeiblag baaai
r Eaatar tan ba arer ao frugal.
Poor bearu; Tha bnttarflp wiU piehv tetodnr'ttaac. An aarlp UV
U aatea ta the Eaatar apirit ot
■oae golden
ttotr bnak* bb ohernlb and nil. eat
Data ba nnanUr. wa

4«, tatojorofbb Bigbt, to i£f»
waaa ha wna a onwliag worm, a tbtag
Of to tarUi, which aow U tcan
ahoear 8UU uo nmambw, wbaa to
Ugbar. woadarfni Ufa of tha upper
warid eonn ,w «a, to dapa of
waaiy pOgrlange balow? TU Jop of
Hallwmbeonrataaapaaat. whatoar
to nanarp Ungan or BO
to baantp ot it b tot wa need
•at w^t tor wtagm. Ktfw, to4ap. nap.
•oto to raanmetioa from to sat
rial to to aplritaal. Dwp la aaeh ■<
li to dirtaa .park, the Ufa tot b
-nadp at a tall to Inp forth into toll
Wiitiip aU taka poamilaa ot
oonla. aad Uin»vb tham. of oar bodlca
aad aU tot b oun. TUn all behaog•d. TU worU qwtagt Into loaf aad
tom. Boag aad annhlu. Then b
iaj tar Uaetaaaa, aad bnatp and gladaan for taUa aad Boarutag.
■aim noniBg aaa to haatp atoac
nUad^wapfitmtotombofto Urtad Cbriat, aad Ba. tha rtaan Karior,
aana forth to walk with nranmora.
Luoan Inn to Diarp of a Oraad

Soma -Wapt of Sarrlac Bin.
Ctaappad Hnl wUh Rtaa.-ltoU oaaalf oapfBl af rice tweaiy mlantaa ta
aaongta boiJiag water, well aalled. ta
heap to kemeb daoclog arparmtalp.
Chop bluofcold, ruailUef or ataak
•aa. belDf careful ta remere all fat
aod grbUe.
I'ul a Ublaapoonfal of
fluar ta a aplder oa Uie atare aad when
b nlcalp browned—doa't let it bam
the nme amtiuat of butter, and
a tall aad pepper, and mb tbur
oa aacMigk bboiling
le a rich
grarp. Sllr
oint tata thb omil thuruugblp beai
Hpread tha
the riuoo
riu oo a hot platter.
to mnt
---------------------oa tap
of that
Iblalp. Eicr ahouldealwap* U pm
.. Uil ta bulling water, and aerer
aUrred aaerpt with a fork.
Baked Bice aod ‘n.maton—Hoi
padding dbh aad '
era af oold. Uil
ebaeaa wlU blu of Uttar,
cracker crumba oeer
tarad. pour orer to
>e whale Uie atawacl
.taaa left from pntrttby ej<li


Whaa we wen ehildton. not aaei
toaghi of Eaatar. Mow it ti aln
aaanad Chriatma. in maap wapa Hqal
~ af n wlU Ura to pan orsr to gift
gleitaf thb Eular. Ul for to chlldnab nka. if lor nobodp'a «ln. m
thtok wa ihoBld fltaha itU prettp
laeUeal dap u wa eaa
And a* to
bane dap aoma wap eaatm around lu
•tal Uan to it b wall u makfe tom
toap.rialapo^of ebaaraad fattiTitp.
CUldraa UU to lltUa tanUe ot pro■ate, tUairof little
tot eoat ao UuU. U
aaeh liaim In to eUta pUt Ua. to
peoag baarta toboma aad all i
e# I think wa will plan Uat neh
amat oa bator baadap ahall U dbUaaUen to lb Eaetor chancier:
table Itan ahall U white aad freahlp
taoaed but ton it b alwapu that
■Mdap.bltaetP TWaahall. Itpnaibto, U a baadtal of flowam to glee lb
toaab ot aprtag.
In to mmntrp thb
aaa well U oompaaaad. far to Mapftawan bare ttolaa a march oo April
aad an nt in to Banap tomt 'nook.
Bnt U-thaat an Bot la head and there
. b a bright btaaaoa ta our window gar­
den. itabaU Uncrideadferthbdap-.
relolaiag. Wa will pat on our prettp
dtabamand to atlear ahall Ure had a
aptobl paltahiag UtonbanA
Ftw bnakfatt. than ahall U a dbh
•fanagn.amapiaea. if wo earn
lu U not. ton ahall U a halt
aaab. Thera b aomalhtag aboat i
•■rtartcr" tot
Than toll U well cooked
aabaaal aad eraam, or bektng
ni'k. Than ahaU U aoma nlcalp erbpad triad taaoim, or aooe broiled matUm

1 frit that 1 wa»<going In U dcK
Ktr un- wardnf.oS ao attuk. ami t
Sir fivlmg vtvp inur'i U-il.v. ■ !e-J
.rlnarr cagmahan ha* irgaiurd a n.wrical .
>e np U date bkpcie girl will wear
. nKalll
.-.Kvllil.s.^ tlir wrrifir ■•aio in mtiu. I. I
aprlaga aaYly eombtaaii.m auiv. Umuc
Ufnudirtdi»lldw-vet«j.whilclllat..p« i
.-hltau jacketand ahirt of to aamei
fnu fgidag-awav altagHtaa. I am

4C akirt. fitttag light over ti".■»■»[• to uat of f)uai.'< Kalnrv F*;. 1
a. with to faltaevB well ta to.^iih poeilive twUirg'tol tor wiil ■



"BxymJK ow

'‘‘“j "
t'anyouaefmiyisnrrUaaUbT IVian'.
vi.luer PDl* an- rrllmini; auiei- iwek. -f
l. 'timbss Iber twi<- l.vq f.imsl t.-l.-.r
lin.igh to kkioeir liian all niliv n. a/ ■
Ir.(Mil.and, ta-tuv itin. tot an- duii;)Iji.Tight berrta MIcUnb. A*k any .mr .
I liojut. ever UktsUeu) and WTWlial tlk-y

EaeSmdr Sifimturv at


ym aarthlK ate m to pW <r ynato toaia
It "Jmi a> (Wd* aM 'will amvw MT f<ripaw." Ag-imtWyvagmOAA-T-AUL

There is no;
tturtl solull
and alKiui which such t.t.nJt-r and
hT>]}' recollection, chistcr
of '• .\1oi iiKK
she who w-atciii.d
^vcr.our helpless infancy andgi:ii1cil our fir'i lottoniii; step. Vet’
the life of et'erv- Kx|>.-clunl Moth­
er is beset with .biiRer .inj all ctlorl shoulil be ni.nlc to .ifoid it.'
so assi'-ts nature
inlhechanuctdVim; place that'
lite. Expectant!
bleU to look for ^
w-ar«!:w ithouf




Tba Calabnted Sp^UlUtt.


(Hotel Whiting

dread, suffering or tloojny forebo.lin;;>. to the hour when she
cxiieriences the joy of Malbertwod.

TrAYerve City. Mich.
W«daatdA7 hsi TXundhjr,
April 28 And 29.1897.
Two XMy Qalr Baoh Hoath.
[nation Free and Strictly




_ To Young. Middle: Aged and Old Men;

ls•..^^«=rl&:r''u',n Et'H"

rewUy. I talked
Aad when I camr

__ ..


and vaUal-lelst-irauOou I.->

«« rwa
;US rerrO .><^<a.-.4..ilAw.:^.«krar. B.w ■wladi.

. S’.'.""...'~

■pMa. Mrs BraUMav. Itos. Tap* Wan
War* w«a

on of rlonamuo appIUd uorea dap
trill rrmuTeararta.

I)RS. 13. S. & CO.

Lock Box leo.

n.Tra rRFAM MAim l.apasUaar^

ri'" =SS=2S=




y- (if parlii.'s hoMinp any of our premium ticket* to brin^ name in before May ' ^
y- 14. as wc will not redeem them after that date. It make* no difference how
few ycu mav have wc wiU jfirc j'ou nometbing for them.
SOXX2.G SgeoAChl JPx^joea fox* T*3xl« *W'ee3c;





obtained by adrertisiiiM
your waoU In the Bsrald


' It





Emniaatlon of Teacben.


Choicest Meats, Poultin and Game.

TKLEPBon (Maker 4.)

mm KUHNts'

1^ ta aT'th?
• booed up ta tot w

Brosch’s Meat Market

Fresh, Salt ind Smoknl Meats, Saussget Ftc.




non 8THEBT.



Qcss and Loss or SUEP.

thm'* £Un-v PIIU fm aaV bt all deal
.ViJniis .Idull.-i % FretereF..
..illmni l'...
C.', BiKTahi.
bunahi. ..
. wde a..........
to l' H Ueoa-uibcr

Uw satsi:. iAmh'^
•Bd take sou


t JStad’ta!*

Xpofret Reinrdy for Co«6a»tion. Sour Siomacb.DiantDeA.

Itj u.-v insuriis safetv Ip the live
of both Mill her and CiiiM. an.lsh.
is found stromyer after th:in,lH'fi>ic
Posiuve and Negatiea.
conhncnient - in short, it “m.ikei
"Mpauat waa alway. saying tame, Childbirth natural and c.-tsy," as!
-Hoa't talk ao Uiudi-ynar voice gets
Don't be
.briller erert day!'* aaid a pleaimat- so many have s-iid.
persuadH to use anytliinj; but;
bacamr ao neevona aad Irritated
r Ihia rebuky that mv
wa> iBor. uneven and harsh Uan
and I kar.ll( dared .|ieak at home
t last .1 vlwb-.l my eousina in 1--!(they an- n..l.-d f..r their .wcet voice.
l' inorv In o-n min
....r imlTfr'...........
,ruu kauwi, aud then suddenly I u.e
____________ _____ _ ___
• tbr wide di<r.-i\-oee, w bk-h I had ut.-s witli rith'-r ..f h. r ..ilK-r
dn-n than vhedid ali.igvtIi'T with her r» .i.-i.ii.i
i-iahind before, between a
-. and a wcll-modulat-dooe.
*u to ,_____ ___ _______
•ad a*l luy.
Ut trick lit U.-ir intonatluna and their

laiher hadn't
'0 kii'jw—Ue'only
raresstan .he mlad.
le -wa. ta make m.
t.-f fi-rgaUeit Ue leiwoa;
iM.r chllclrru ta iui"id. "ood jSfp to“girl wh
CouBtu bnn>lrr<l 'foreptm aak a foel- • nd when I wi
pn ive ia qoy
I give them an -ipbae em-ta ibungfau' You thinli
iah qurwun—V then don't aak it.
pirlunltv ta
gmt thlage lobe done and tbegixid
Unae^ oil well rubbml tato the oil­ thing hefon- I r.-nwivi
lime coinlog. and pon treelike Giqrp
M^ulrh. aod want to U “ta ’em." cloth will make it la»l twice •• long. follow tag it."—/f.iiger
pou kaow Uw pan arc goiag'b Wipe It off drp.
■age il7 You are gotag ta brgii
To paint the gn'm with I'aliue l> one
Joel where pou are. aod ••pcnierer of the very beat reoiedira foetaolhacfae
with blu and edgaa" It b the wa- If your bidin. i* too alropg with age
.mall b
ail Ue great Uiagt btgta. al home o dUnte with a little alcohol.
imn, ■
rtea-^^ Uke twratp'
Whea hog* die from cholera Ur aafjuii-e of a Irniira, acanl on
Soppoea poi^urt up with a Middas
niaa Barra rerp hot
e«t plan U ta bum mUer than burp trs.po.iafnl ra.-h i>f sugar nnii a
Italtah Boiled Uer with Ckeaaa iTo
■rate uf
. . of
- pepper,
imeg and. a daah
ue caeoam and all that ba* bci-n la grate
< Biitmi
whole care ^ one ofe I
Serra aritb Chlckeni.—lloil oae capful
oontact wiU it. Fire U a certain puri- Add t
.p-Kinlul. at^'l
aua-k. a lealldren. after tba faahioa
of rice ta aome of the rater Ue chlck.poonfnl
batter anU
■ml let alomrr
jirU la t
ea b boiling la. a.ercbiog care act
half hour. .Urring oecaaionally.—.
ir n>othar woald
dip oat maeb if nap of to fat. Salt
rip Ut-i.
taata. aad when doaa
a dra
drain Ue riot
not almdp boll«
' eaocgk,
I*reaa. aew up Ur arqma and
with a fork alir la_______ilf of a cupf.l bp'a bool buttona aad gager-Baila. ao part.
Uw^mB 1 tmal pou wlU Ur whole of hem tbelbottamw It i* mneb better
of grated eheaae. Serve rerp
'Uan pufUag on a roand pau-h.
Ur 'ebiekea
b UUedwUlc.
Theae littb tkiogi. Ume--b>baad
You may exterminate bjaek anta by
edgea." wbp oot Uke Uem tor a tort
of IralDlng acbooIT NoUing will to firat keepihg uat ot their reach all
B and aorrlp fll pou for Ue regnlar .weeu- bland y«f cake .aad augar
Craabarrp Saooe with Rlea.—Cna. -k that will oae dap eeruinip fall tnx« In a pas of water, then, aropod
barrp nuoeaarred la aglaa. dbh with to poor ahareEeerp weli-otriared Ue ahrlve. pal riUrr Uvendrr. ground
a rim of bolted rice aroBBdJt-makn a booec baa aa -‘emergeBcp cloaet." Do olove*. or. better, camphor.
peawp aadAattatauenlbb-.
Uuw many a ia con'uwctad In the
pun be aa “rmergeaep” woaua: begin
^ Klee ahd Apf^le Itaddj^g^Fut a cop- ta learn to be oar
spare bed. tawk .rat
it t(nripg Hie
He oa kaod wh
did weatber. ii(H-n Ue wlndovrsnud
rerp oae elM- u behiadband. (itap
-paa wlU eaoiigh milk ta aaarly
air It no a good -windy day aod tat
let Ue
r to gap whet Ua pump and i
tabrtt. w.:., F-edim Pdw. toprW. mik.
It and let It oome taa boil, toa
lahine upon (tifpomible. Ife
■ok aad the breakfaat fall of a froatp
a to polka of three aggi. welloratag. Ik- rrmlp ta plap the piano pany im expected, and tore 1>
>r Ue ereaiag meetiag wbeu the r<W- chaace for fire in. the
cbofnlh Bemvee at oace f
bed ta the fire.or wan it In Mime way.
arorgaabt doMaal appear. Be.
•tore aad while hot api-ead
la lookeat for erraada asd biu
miitare amooUlp oa Ue bottom of a aeighborlp acrrlca.
: fairly taa>I
podding dbh. Uear Ub epend bat
All the time von will ba prepariL.
. Ue fire for nearly haV an
ap^e tanoa made fromdre aoor applet for greater Ulogi. and to asobtraaieetintir
Ill U^ are toraoughlv heated
mad two tableapoeafob of ugmr aad l^hat
- e»ea :if to greaUr Ulaga Ura, 1. 'Ibrn pot him b- lied and rub
to a palp UrerUbepread Ur
tala cbralit with gqoae grraae of vaseline
of toegga. bealra atig. aad
until It
Ue eeaa dbUI to froatiag bewin oot be ft
cup of vrrv hot«
•nrvivr Ui* treni
trumpeU before pou: but alaaditp.
overhardened table
___ ____
altaatlp. ia tooa little Uiaga pou bare
beea getting raadp for Ue grant eon- ---------- reaaed wumaa: It U iwpcllant
teat. The falUlal aso oarer be nof^r- rather than altrack..*. Aad a. Uc
patite grew* reiiaed this bocomes i
osUcaable. aad one loaea d«*lra
rnrld an
Oraage Marmalade.
food whan there u a aupeimbnndi.___
■•reel word. Fade map
The large ormagrewiUmit Ueaeeda placed before use. There ahould be
wbeTTeroraM True
map go. Sewer women
are beat. ooatiBg from afte tu atatp more Uat ia anbatantial. l**a that
t^uVawSn ■£)
apoa to hcrleof
leof to
eeataa-dmea. PareoB to peel from fatay aad flimsy.
■am- at • o-<mr>
Uee fact will rrmala. rtarbal
lea. rerp thla. ao aoUlag
Tha beat way to rid to toil in yonr
and Baalterabla. wlU lu ruou deep la
iln U pared off: toa cut
Bauipk heart.
flower potauf worms i* to thoroughly
perl rerp flee llkr atrewa; place tl
A womae b oot a woman aaUI ahe b la a laacepaa, cover with boiling watar
a mother.
aad boll half aa boor, toagtag Ue to hole la the batwm of Ue pot with
Take treua Ue world Ua awi
ou fraely i
Appik^wlwmif* gmce
water ihny timea dwiog Uat Ume.
woUer. wiU epee awlmmleg e
let It re^la Idhg eumgh
nigh U do
tor her flnit-Ura.
Ibabk f

wbkb the pel- worh. Many complain Uat
esrU to taockof babp Aagera aad low akin wae remoeed: cot tom tata dims sot do any good: •ut It
«rU reierawee.. rtrwwieej .
•------to maeic of cbildbb laughter. {le'amaU plena, remarlag all the
UU. aad to well-apriag of poeap ekla aad aeeda Thru
wonld turn bluer aad drp ep. art I la a ptal meMura. I'lac ...____
would ealalp aearcb a barren World: la a aaacepaa. add the Jataeaad pulp
foraUeiae. aadtollfaofaoagwogid of two Umna. wUboot the ae^ or
be freopB iata ailraor.
All Uat UiwVlle akla: pUor to aaaaapaa over
s sawcUwa asrarweea *r aoa jawp.
Bonon-Werta’a F»lr.
BarUssa tair* grs<» rartiaswiaa <
good aadiopoaa. all Uat laugh* aad ; to Are. dnla aad add to fUw calora
ring*, all Uat U worU talllag ta toag aage peal aad boil iweatp mtaataa;
ptra^rn^awlr as sta nwrek aai a
m alorp. or aspreaelag la muic or' toa add for ererp hrapiag plat of oe'^ta^la lawraar. is to ortmArr tn
tmlBled pletara, u bat Ut elrtoe. to >aage plaee* two cap of ougar asd boll
■osg. Ue atorp. the plctara. to msak . five mioulea; place aome jrllp Umblera
at aalvwraal melherbaod la salun.
, oo a doable folded wet cloth, fill Uem
AS swnaga atssaiM at Tt par east. wlU ka
Tba eromaa who talU of motherhood with the oraaga amimalade. whep <mld
fane abort of bar ahare ta Ue •abliote .eat pieeea of tUrae paper ta fit ta Ue
bapplam asd ta to graad dntp of tamUera. dtpUeae placn iew mellad
wumaa aaton. VatU ahe kBOwa ibe wan and fit It Is seatlp Over Ue martolll of a firat-bora'a loacb a woman maladr; pot oa Ue covw aad ■•< ta a
aotaehirvwi real womaabood. Tbr «>I pUca-Crrhoapr.



Thefallnera at to] l,...r, UBt.wn.le

coverlctaU aad worelAd good*


Holaa ta Ur U
Nana which have bren
•all '
whicb it i« netI alw
fteiedonr bamd:
. ta ooBceal M ilh a plrli . or brmckAsd Ue ffcad aoal wiU wtaga
The beat-meUod
..ig the* ir
ar boldea
•r ..f pari, or ■
wlU rither pittly. p'aaler
Smlln bach oa life u on a brokea puate made <if H*r<lur-I aad ginr. tVbes
drp cover ^e Blllng whb paint tc
It Chrbt were dnd Uen woald
need toeonow.
he ba> rieea and eamiabh
Black Eld Glovea.
death forapal
tVhen aafortuanle eucnigh to rub,
Httab ton pour algba. it ealp till to tear a piece from th.- uuu-r aarfaoe'of a
black kid glove nr kid aeoe.takr a few
drojmuf rweet oil aad mix it with an
eiiuaJ amdualof bla--k Ink. AppIp-thU
mixtaretathe nr any pari
la a bright artlcta wrillaa for the that map be rubbed, asd Ue «pat will
ThU (rratmeni
Young I’eople'e \Veek,lp, MLm Aaea F. hardlT be nutin-able.
ilornham bae a wiee word for ambl- will alau freabeo an old pair of kid
Uace glrb, Uklag her taat from
a. Wblurp'e ehiTwd phrane.
ha poa are grom-iag op. pou begin ta




«bt*a.erahitofham. TbanaUl)w
■balp warmed np potalom
ahall U wu
oapma. and tbcaa to
> J* a dlBcord ta to
_______ __
It caaat of vtalral
UBdrmi Uea ealoeod ahaU hi
ptaaaafboaor. I'm oot delta ai
Egga Boramblao ta MUh.
wa will aau aa Eaatar llabp.
I of water aa bot aa po« esa b«ar iv Be­
Heat m eap^f milk, melt
aaallp made aad earp pnttp. Todott
lli a prat UU a* otiea aa to apesgr ocoU.
-Jta It. Wbea Ue bewl terta tired irS>efiTabpoatakaagfa aaeoeding to to aUe ot Ixegga which bar
lUtamUp-baU adnamakea good eaough tataU Ue
riaadua. Upanb to wUtaa from to
aad aatoc
PoUb. bmombla to polka with Ulfu firmmtata
ApmaCnpaCnmBcdTmtarFowto. fhi
oap efnOk aUaldt ot bUlar. nit BpocmfnI o

P*W»to Uata. Matatoaau

a nk-mtar of the firm of J. A. WaOan A
Co . duhig tmlnm taOiiiiaii. em. ai IU6
Ehasor Suect. KaUenatoo, ta whki! <lii I
alK.-itadr FteUrpavtatarmtam '
I luve bees L>< tag allacta efi kidorv
|.)*hil. to pain in mr back
war verr w-.t-rv *1 liior*. my uiiaarv ew-.
■r« »a* ab.' la a lad mate of drrangr
i>-ul. wxm-linimtonrtae WMacaaij a ’
J tonagaln tla- aaioual would lerXOrMjv..

.or apring.
• I'Sbaatrr hat wiU
ln>t^ of rubbtag it
r flat crown, one or iwu quUla'a
aad atlrriag tata a Srat aod aeeoad tub'
d. Uc tadantatioB well i
of rinalag water a lai»e tableapooaful
-of uX gall. To pare ox gall for waabThm are made ta laau
.tch each
|iag v.lorrd arlillra cmplp it tata a. auitand finUhed with a Utud
;botilr.. pat ia it a handfu
handful of aalt and tacbe braid.
uf clulK are
)gs of
, corked. A
•Im made to matrh each suit and have '
of to rie»ing i
Ur knee
I'&P op lu date bicprle abue iaa .-liber
a boi>t li in,:bea high-'fda-k tan auo
brown aad the popular culoia. a f.-w
Ground Tea
IttoUgiwuad likr.v’^ iu fiaver preferring black, or itiaa low aboe,
.. WiU legging, ta match. Th.-runnn
wUl be finer aad
d an..............
anftirieiil hot water
____ ta
be pander am*
and le
let tl.ataad Uaiu hatc'ur unlitary heel. •nd*e'
!y kUiot aole- with a gruuved bulKi three minute* b<
fruBi .me ta
ta prx-c.-ot .lipping
be boiling water. In fre
ra nsderorwlb Ut- akiitfatte
eUe mlaole* It U reailr
-eoverUvMrcularaHrt. Tlir
een tniautr* lieiag thp*lin
preltieat bicycle kuita Imre a nulquc
Ue powdere.1 tea * Ub irminilag down the asm^ on ciinWvea. All

frunt brea.lUia, extending
little laae <
learpoonful taa halt
pint of wat.
1C Clilnvpe and Japa- ing or I. ioubra and oniaoirnlid with Uny prarl buUiiia. following Ue liars of tbr etitehlug. Tliii.
at ihe boiling point. It i
that point, tbi-n taken from ihi- beat a trimming i.rppeul. d on eiUer .idr ot
Aliandlew twreiud* to '{'lift it before it U to heary ptalU ia Ue.bsck
nr lint Men recently wa.. made with
iapoarwd ever the leavea.—Erebow'^.,
__Eton JicketIB xouave rifret. with
large revrr. vi.:lari> almahed i.i-no.iie
Ue. shoulder arauia. faalealag a.,r>iM.'
wUb faa.-y straw, with
prsri buttang
T|ie lower edg.- nf Ur
and*c.rrwaler makeatrrj-atilT dough: collar-waa also ornamentad wiU pearl
take a coiTenienT Yreee an.l rub Ur button., a* werealtaU.- tab. an-'-Ddwall gruilp downward, being careful iag the tawm. in the back.
sol ta' ernm 'hr paper or ta go up aleecw, .lightly rvea:
again, and in thla wav go arouo'i the
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of .tough
to piece
It oB a klice.—.Vlrrtcd.
bacomea dirtp,



•cab them foi^
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ta everp gmUoaof^which U ad
drd a apooafui uf «z ga I.
clear taa of cuoiiu-a hap-.
>■ color of Frcm h I eSJv
IV riaviag walrr f.
-jbrim will brighwi tarn cSl^rand |
•uda aaawerv Ue mme parpota i..r

ira* to fpv

tato to mm anntolna to trna Eaater

To hUca Calora Feat
To prrmre to eolora of gii .
riated bwaa. etc.. u<l More paahlaj

The fotkTwlBg WaUHBBi U cor cf givu
iainea to maap a dOms ot Kt)amu..t
■ik] a man a* well kaows a* Mr. ValWv
aboUd otrrp men Uaa cedtaarp weight
aiih ow nmkea Hern it % m takia


toa^M* CVS**. sm^tAirtalst S




XXXX Arhu'-khvi Jf-rBcy* Lion Coffee
Best Butter fraikar*. per Ib...................
HtunahV Beet Fluor orothbrB.per Mck
Pore Lard, jvj Ib........................................
Broom*. eBt-h.................................................
.Syn'j). pi-r (;«I)oD........................................
Two imvfcatfv* of new Yvordeo Seed*----Eight bM» TruBi, Jaxoo end Orii Leaf
Soap............................... .........................
Seven Ibe surch..........................................

l.V ■' Beking Powderi, ^ lb.........................
6c I, Anu A lUiomer Sod*, 4 pkga...............
67c }i Ten Ibi Boiled ObU..................^
7e i W»(p«^Gr6«»e, per bo*............[......... ..
JOe I 2400 MaIcW..................... . . .L-.,
2Qc : 2U >b* Gns. Sugar (8*twday c»bl"6c' 22 Ihe C 8«Kir (SotoniBy omiy),-,...,
i Try oor 26c Tee. IfeawiuHr. •
26c! B*«tF1neCotTo»*oeoioOitM«lb.. We
25c ^ Keraeeov OU. pergel......... ......................... Me :

^ We earn-a full line of Painu and Brusbe*, Tinware. Lanterns. Milk Crocks, '

Buy Your
Ttmm CUT Hiinl Ca



Chums Etc., at prices to suit the times, at the .Enterprise grocery.

O. PIERCE &00i
1 DoorSaatefl

' 9MFioBtSt,Tniranaai^.l|kk




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