Grand Traverse Herald, July 08, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, July 08, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



f^i^tojeirge; Jljet'allb.




(Grand Traverse Herald



IfMend it
or end it



Per * us »)Ki l*tt hloM*!! be

Vo* as swsd

ear ODB^ with BaM-'e Pare Re-




Rose & Son,
Ml (KMKT*.


— racsrs-'t^tr'^'uiS~r-*“

aadt* a«Udls«.


IM •• «BiM W Ik*
■k M tu or K>^ P^- ■'*'


puui. U.


«BMhL L L»M«.W«iUL


Saiiitii7 Plumbers



KAims. oum caa.
inarm, vnmumt. cm. II Parms and farming lands




Fire Insurance I

Uiartaarb n«a<




• I iDoi.llccd toyc, IlCO." tar,J
UiiaTbaakful Applcyard.
I ai
»ay Ihc lirajaiiia amhr,hr-l
b,)T» r»c got. ’Tais't rrerj man
Icare hwown crop and lo-tk all

'‘'uiMTb^ok'lol emlled hoewloclr
br *.lrodvfc*»j;'l''r^I»v<teht w*»»t ‘bi-

“When in doubt lead trumps.
Yon ire piayihc the trump can! when you srU-rt mir store as
the place to liuy.xlruffs ami the many items which «<) to make
up your wants-from the druji store.

You who jtre fruit srowers will want Sulphate of X.epjM
are in jiosiiion to make a hul for siipplic
>|ii iii^. We
<< ^ <>■'.
in spraying; material.

nrnrw iw aesKiiAR makv.

Tbaaklul Arplvyord » Baii*illy
hr lant and Al..p|>rd aitlik ervak.aud
ir* «rA>at>o. t■BAln|r-.filA piU-htork,
iDc* do»n iDloUii mote, came through
7lUr a ide. froBI d.r.ta
A aparr. elderly woman with a band
webulimd orcr brr Brad aUwO Ibcrv
aiktm.-amond Itar aril Ellrtl bam
-Tuc«v-»y,-r last laid iu.Miw, AppV
.N«r.ln-l worry aUml abowef*

'-StiiwV'eAul Ibryooti
rDlog bie br..>a eliould. ra withalaurh
ffat If
a fell.ia
•• TwooW W A pn-uv eixrhl
----------of mv »lir tfonldn'l li. Ip oot * voupa-of
•.ornrooB and o* . <iue»» ru here*
drink out of Ibcwell 1-fi.rv I uo.o*d.
IVc doo'Vhitr »i.-li WAtrr At o»r |d»«-,
IhMui-h Uirb-lUo' Apringain'l nafool

AiTMl* r<w tbe selebrsM j
HUI*. I>•■ap•. lliMs. Kl



til Jk til Jk til tit tiu4t^

j l^edl E?f4t& Eielidn^e



A'SI-Jii.’SSS ■

'hghl n-'i- th-iicbl WiOAlM-. Miikfur. crphAn niw. known in inr
nelxd.borbood »eTl>AOl.fiU Apiil|.yi.rd «
"M.P-/jnl Abnot. *A irmcUiir*rt *A *
lajttrrny." Mn. ^ib^p«■l^^-^l.r vlllafr
fur h.-r braioA il'e F*>.r to are ob*t
Ihrm . fllUtl eiilh—ta.Uan' ril.bon.
end a-.wodeaoil (nini mia-n
inr till nlrbt
II Khr »:n'l a .-ICAr p.cinr'of Abullcrlly l‘»e mi—ed my lig-

PItiX»tijrtiTWO L.RtJOC»ieT.

»Ol*II>4» *»*WV


Ik-n laid h
ban. and awuiwlbt-Tb.-ly’» all in. I

e. o. 1*1 It

For Corn Planters,
Potato Hanters,
Barrel Chums,
Bam Door Hangers etc. call on
----' VV. J. HOBBS.

Money to Loan

Carpet Cleaning Works

. ll.0.CHAflN.Pn>p

Atv flyinu aroond now luokint; for
plod woulrn of fur neat in ynnr
tieat winter overcoat or mink cape.


We can help yon cheek the ad-

Sarrcyor and Civil En«ln«!er

Vadce of the piwl and aave yoor


fora by aeliing yon camphor gom,
tnr camphor balla, etc., at a low

wu*i»ir»»>«* «»

dgnre. Our BkeelerirAV Gxea the



P'* ‘*^



•i^ UbU Mi

Mm ar wmr bw

Palne'ft Grecohciasc.

t)o ^oLi


fS Jg-C a



ijnoW thi^?


■50 £

be—T S

o a-gH
•^•5 9.5

M o ^
<D rr
» 5-<:=i





gH §-^

■su S-.S


- MQ. 8T. ' '

eoatard pte." tl rvterkad.
raa*|ti*y M diaMr and t
baked U<hni.
in tbeaab._________ aeule tb* eoffee with, myarif—lb*r*
m.w. I'm dretfnl obllgM aad IH dew
a* aneb by you v'arliae. Kow. dew
I. bar* you bean! tar aewa? Handy:
d^e?to b^'^lkTo
ayuD'A cauaia cuor or«r from Bab
When »he ahosld marry I'aiah
.«;.lr to be.p about thr work, aac
liranon. to whom the haal I—en -pr mi.
cj tlrw aav a» >bwa' lira are da
ired" wbes tber.rrk la hi. glory dawn.'. ing op logilaarrtrd
If. a dretini
Ml apno her bnriion
good maieb bow. ain't it?
K«mo.-.aid that
tVl*»1ow bad
iidSrr and ptpty, loo
taken tbl'daed away with brr. aad In
poT- dir ol tb
■haarr. and that on tbr d^ o' Brr i ■aomettu
bad deeded ibv place do |
• f»yw>* a» ao aft of rr,,ir*tioti i roirr tki. tiutr i.t'.nlaf
Hot fia AUttb drt-d bad rrrr r.iToi* hr'cAM. aAatmtiM.r .tep uai
Ilirbt.BDd l»aiab,tlmy«oii liA.t iuirrlr.1 lp.r--b—• Mr llrt>«ii na.ow’
Aorirkbor e ilAO«Rlrr. wl„.«r rarir ,
l>-iiA-hl elArit-d biaard Ihr dtior with
icatb wai follow'd by hi>»nn wilbln i » a,ui—lo ms —mr«l,m. HO*
Italy child. ; bad ennorord arB.idrn UTriSe.1 atorAfr«pmn.«*d iim. tbrir only
, ■ of B
had^^JbM left to Ibr caro’^ot
a fiwirrtMIrr ..I^a to Ibat Lartuirm yoolb ailta
yraiM bU »rol>w. who had vied h
br*B to him both father amt brntber
- lle-rligblV came lb* call a. aeeoad
Iroa tbal time.
the llltl* bonsralnod empty and
Toe girl perward her hand* ceer bee
. aarr for thr ebndi.l.,cni.MW of ear* a* .tic cunnl ap m a frightened
n.l litllr DrllkhlaA tiler played UaII on thr f.>.t ul the bed
together in the anutrul momShe wouldn't -abe culdn'tt
JIul llrligbt wBA nut thinking of any would go away o«*r to llakriacule anti
nt thev tfaingA tivlAV She wB> bnral- ilo hoovwnrk lor * bring—anything
' i.rer thr daV'Ing deed ahr bA,1 l> cn bigrisaay. Mbc fell like a bulleTlI,
week' ronirnipiallng -a ruiirn twughl in a net—but thr net ws* bn
ipwro' that wreckliaA ftwlirtly. a own wraeing. Ibal wa* Uie w.ual of»ro
• trcling.
a': deme but ll,i* klrere. and bv•'•Itaa'ldemvh
In a panic »he l«.gan to poll nnl her
radae nighv"
nichlV Thnrwiay
niehV alir anid bi thiDga ir..iurioaeUau.l drsavr*. bbe
.. |,„raw.,rk (mekcl
hrrafif. grttinpout
UlBAl luirr aou... nionry. ba.
il, bring aa ueer... to tmub'ing linger* alir turned up*)dr
Mim Thankful
.■rt.a-1,'kl.d he«*. d.iwii on luc IhmIiIic Ool taiolaining
etc btnii
ny reccing tthen Itr^ are ..nly trcaaurra—* lew tnnkrU that
It wa» .
iflly uciawbnl the d.a.r am1. bad bft.n tier in.ilticr'*
'ight ant
•IVfiy. ttrilghl, wbc'l .•■•mr
rcMUiTd >IT the coBtforlaM.. breath
-tag in Ihe next rooni.atolc d iwn alaira dowb- •aid H:w. lii»t ' '
U VI »vc
mildly rr(Wtia..hlui tn
and ont'of
ibc MVU
ho —
heart beat .|tiicklya.
.'My *«kra. wbata look
Hut'BV, w ti a au.ldro fming
thr uarirMHwaof all thing*, bad .lip
ul hotiana
l*d ptai brr au.l guBc down alair* Ui


Ueown elaggerei Vt tbr
laircl.itfi chair witbag*.p. Hi-.ptucr
Ugurr rrlaird w'lla a piw»u- liiu|.iii
a. if hi. laioe* Were
I.rn-li.a.l uppearhe .rlli-l
Uebhal hid-nth
nt to Alii linraft
J — I lb lugf.t you iiaod me. IhItmwn. ferl.iy iw
■liit at last
.coi.rul.l- did.''*oh>redtin>
fly," j.eiHUatly
"Y.-ullrligllLptrti'd frttin hr fileoda
i goul to me and we nad
pari. s i.wbly
with peointar. of wr-n
e—at-uic band meeUn'
ainlf 'I
-llkr a •!.. brr flat 1 dot
Ikeyou -*.. r*eli-B*-l-l
and avoir
r.riii to dnutm orrr tbr dclirhU of 'her -Ibougbi
I t cry. In-llgbl.
ft ain't
rr*p.>nded the diwi>B*oi-Tliaiikfal Wan to w.tndrr ainn c-rtir fsuil.
albo till, at Pit' v,..iilrn lii.'.ld.liip bitwrrn b. r umi-ialiy faatl.iiooa nincr
uii.l fat. irarruloua. i-i»od nawr*d I'atly
lie *Bt up. looking the pletara of dU-

leaning b. bu'k at ibe thmigl
.■rmg rrAecthm io the Ifrown

m bay"' ahe aald dU.
.Iminfullr. .Irmiphl-ninR her alcndrr
Intlik p.»ivii,n ahe raimmirtl
Urn Dotao niucb of^ bullrilly aa a
ilj aj.ii'. •■Voti.mpht V) be
didn't get wrt.
"I fa a aplcp'tn'lla-aprlnp *j buy y^ aotuc Hum
"I'Vbal runi Will tbal doinr if ITr
at tobr furl.rd alir- Urrr: frp.ii-d

•ss: sL“iishrs4S‘4:
rt*we. like a pUlatir* good kya
IViighi rna* to hne ,!**« awd wwl
booM a* qakUy aa aba ha4 ccti*.
TV neat day In Maady UtansA^
fr*Ue*ly-d««Dnt*d partor ab* w«*
•-•log 1.
- —
— .
ab* bad
tb* eblM aftwr all.
'llghf* Bye* waa

lag foe tb* bridal party. 1&*
bee breath aaddeoly
leely at tb* alCbloTa
Uraugb V
• - at
- _________..
tbr ep*s dear
•looklBg oddly dlgalM
In biaa*w fBltof 'htoreclolbaa'’ U*
bad CUB* dowa la marib of BomstUag
■light allppod deflJe
broad ahoaldrf* of Mrv BI
Her-ralrd ooeaidrofi tbe
U rooa with a
______ jlala* drsaa aad'a
garuet »*■»
boeaet borrowaa far tit*
stole ont-

.irhlof the radiant whlueMloa that
held out b. him a yetlow folded sapar.
io'tbr boi wlU tiotbarb
It got pa*b*d aadar Iba
Iiolng. I kept
,| it
It aa B surpriie fee yaa
t.d.ykod-I hope yoaTl live la
the bon— and be eery happy ~
Itrnvnfnlded tbe paper It war Iba
deed left by llellghf* ntolber for hte
f*th*r—tb* deed of tb* little bOBM
and land. Tb* yonag man lookad
.l.rwn into lb* loeely |ml* lae*. bk awa
'’''^K’km't'wanTl^ltellgbL'h# mU;
"whal do I i«re for—"
lie «lopp*d. foUnwiag fNUgfafBWlda,
saioBl.hrd kUo w leto the Belt raora.
Kidrr ItarrU. tbr
p*.W«r. had cn
In and lakea bUplao*
and frooiUM


...n,-hanil»d°'la'mT.*' tin- h.ime of her
, inbrarr il
. Knmi the Iwcd-und tbe leader of
.•uglitr hadtl.
tbal mu-iral ph' ii.'iucnon, the Ikwiti .11 iha.i liellgh
towB bra— ban.l ' hchuettpinl by day Ihr
warv-rly lea. caalXetl pnaitioii of clerk star liuv wiOt n p.-r*
inlliatanUtarc.lry giatda atom, twughl
-•It, ngm - jourr
alght of that while Bgnre In W< j.-ua.- Ivi
the ahadim of Ute willow Iwan.'liea.
an I "'rite Lad on the Ib-. p Mrep ful p-rlty I
e^iD,. ti.-»r bring wr.a-kcd In m.n
cii.'t ht lpif*umoi*ethl Ih
0 finlah t
igbt. wttl. err ry.a ou.-.Le bit vr-mu
h looting and banging, o
.ar.hiiowlr ort'd' 1_ ...
ir Inwanl
irtt Ik-light
loin, ml
I uinrasr'.’
bad iDi-I
. of Mr. Mriuig. where h<.,b
.lid lady, dlllu't I'
•lly ..u .i..rey me. Iteiiglil?-'
i»l ccrDin . Miaa W'malnw." tfc rrfaairt!i chair and
halitiog .
and llugci
^ Uiar y.!ii hat., at .laal ^
litll.. gath
i.n.i" that bao or-rn
n.te jeweler lor
erln'a w ith yonr po
.lie pride of tile iiakrrsri.
i.-htof fan .y. J
way frttm him
thr ollnl l.ntk t-e.'r hi* lMr..hrad.
hi.-wc..n.1 hand libilorui. aitf
Ilf gill brsitl. hr waa a d
••not il you ,»ta. uu-fonr
^i'np Hgiire I IM.ght
lib hi- hBn.l*om-' a
J a .-tweb-wun
shin *li-.-Ti-a
l»: I -I can't Iwar you—gi

TraVeae City, Mkh

il aad tba brokaa

m in Ber talod. lull »*elBg hU ade**.
“^?Mlgb..^b*wb,.p*erd. "youbrnwe
I d.m’t want aaythlug "f a hnoae wllb.Hit yoo "-he had taken, not the Bapwr,
hut the hand that held it. aad waa
.•rawing hrv toward him. "tTI ka*p
the deed If ymi'il marry m*. drar."
"bh" aaidltellgbl
‘Come lalotb*
narlur ibi. BHoet* Thry'r* golaf to
A'int Thankrul. taraiag to look te
eeremoBy began, wan
' t the eight pi the
• ailiael face beaUe ber.
• For Ibr Und eak*." Bbe mid tob*v
mit. "What now? Tb* child Boaldat
bar* rared for yimog Brows Vo look
like that Mamy m*. and I IhoaghI
.lir'd been breaking bar, heart o*B*
hirn lor iBonlbst"
Sta^ had forgotl*B Vb* rumor—wbleb
Mr.. Hlmpwm bad »Uted as a fact—
alnul Iteo and Retb, a rumor foaaded
like many others apon nolhiBgbt all —
earepl the fact of two yontig paopl*
heiorunder lb* .sm* roof. Nor bad
lerer o curred to ber that Oellghfa
-eci-iMon Itirthepaal
lepaal few maeth* bad

'Dgof I
■ .jaoBdaa adoi
srki-d with eo
• alwayi
» awfully
rn Kulh and
lu me after eoa—'
glMl Vo
lied Delight

Early Days in Wblta Bonsa.
■■Cougrra* era! amwmbUd in tba MW
rwpiti.l on NorrmtiFr IT. 1>«1». and Joha
Aiiam.. ibeo pfT*W*nL b»th ap hla
aliuil* in lhrrAr<blleemaa*loB.‘'wrllBa
et-l'reeidrBl llamaoeof "Tb* itoUH*Dc Mid* uf the Wbile ilouM' la the
May ladirw'Home Jouraal
fully eompleied. Thr
of tbe luHise *e*m«d to Mr*. Adaaa a*
■graod and anperb • Tba plan wa* tak­
en from IbepaUoe of tbe dakairf LaU•term liublTn^
'If they will pal ma
■ p*ou>* bell* aad let OM bar* wood


ntuABLE «ID WtOMro-

Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Best Livery In Northern Michigao.

, T^ic|)kon^

Merchant Tailoring.






Tbr.gVt.*^UrrMtaI‘'IbaBkfal mUd.


127 Front St


broken ami.


oM hoM*. or u tripthraaghlhsiatrrvale toUc <',(anne farm that tey «•
Ibr north aide <rf Uw ApfCrranl pl«cw
Or abr enuld go lA play I* lb* *aapty
hooae In sight of the went wladowu.
Uae prrliy little' boo** that Thael

Yoti'»r*B«.*n."bal>iiiir* ''aLuiI thia tlmr, bv-. a alraogrr un^)lt. doB'l talk like tiial"' taid IteAKuaK.tii Ml to Ihr ff.— BUd i«Ay llraoK. ligbl piUfuily. palling hack the hair
_ _ vou at I1..U.C.
I'd go away town ii.clhod 0f lr»-kinr thr aloradnnr Li'r tiai .laieed lace. "<io array
wvik in a .hop or clerk In a .tore " and (foing ,-al for a walk or call, mtirkl and don't Uiink ol me any more." bbv
ilMiV' re.p>D.icd ll.nunraaily.UirM. hare tfanught the dry ptxida buaioeaaat dnippwl her hand, in brr Up with a
• ign.'-I m wot worth faming about.
reulltw.outbreak* (r.nn Ueligbt ulaay. a low ebb.
llriiCbl did not gnacatn to the band■ maybe 1 ebaa'l Her eery
madr him eagurly ml-r-t»b;e -I gor-*
r; 1 feel drradfnlly.' kbr though litorally iBtbs womls. wo nwa
there* w.ira* place than a farm. H-- mrcliiig—Hint waa b-i il.-aiwratr a
'rollra prrprirAltd—but ahei„i4,.,
light. AndAluirr'n'f have our l.aod*.
oirald be fococf to eat ai
niUtiip of I •IV]
n. win'rile rtn my accoBBt. W0..1. Tlir few cord, of w
pretty fullI
Tlirre'. plenty of •
Irula foirl w,a prv.ided had bean e
tbr place f .r twontco'—lie pauMHi
Irritable bi a .ItTjroi Iba^mazrd
-,-,0.1-1 > J,.«ionl 11 ,.»B-AiUi equal drying the pla*UrriBg. A !•«
then added, "and for 1
Thankful n» hr lu..k'i..
lo,.k.i.,. Irarejn g«t j w«r<,n, wearetl Ibnoiwh
too, but if joo're*o»el atrb a In
D'lipht'.' .1epi|.*.i.m. Au.l he
clerk,_ drlieered a cord aada h
fhaterrr doe*
fanning,. I . pow- U'* no uae t.. menv
ling aaiy : in md" nog roelirdfuto.inmlly lalo the '
!•.' Hr*.
:aclaim<Hl one.
aiwdhviy I bro .k a. lie ewwemf ili.' bridge.
II .
we hate for
Ur looked
It .|i.l .not rn|ulmuurb •hrewdnraa I
,,, cunsUoUy raquirad, awd wa
aUnat there II the M.ri afternoon light | pnuloc
Hut Helighl wa* «*rd
..p of'on thr part of Mi-K Tbankfal Ui garM^^rloId tbe nmda will suoa be eo bad
beside the w ■11
; the rcull ol Vi.i. inlerrlew
liut the ,
il moaot be drawn.'
I app.-al.
an Ihi-w.
-Ti,* *uei.ty Udiee arara Impatlawt
light luruiwl around » Jiaa.>uour • elder womaa.irewhrr'owB eon, Icwna
B0.HI gr
1)0 It youraelf.nlien. ' .he neiueii a. lbeday*r-*w-d by. and ttir better-; (o, a drawiag room'U the eaaeaUe*
“»hooia hart' rrerythiBg you
in .icK to desUi of your , -.Hi tiH—r. ; lU went aU.ut the bou-ewivh h.r gay „o*loo. aad Ui* wbra Hna A4mb
II 1 coulU grl it for y.iu.-p'rad' fol.le.1 away—a paibatu tad no looking gUaer* bat daraA'
nd I'm rngagid to J Ir-monl lirvwu
I 'fttle dgurr tbal ..flen br.mghl U-ar. to

.!l* driw. from
Fard and Hal* fllablv I* ronnfctlon,
r, l|.mr M *. Thaiikfal-. ryra. U.ougb *tie
e eera 8r.t thing "
1. Thankful dreppe<l tbr
into ii.e flm and aat down
•Ac.l wear :t hUck-b'r'in'—that'
at ; "*r^'"*ummA iiaewd .lowly aad
■■light «'in»U.w," -he aa
lor ber clotbc* of tbe great east
Ibe rbUrUi
••'dully at tne old Appiryarit piarr. DrllghV wilheringlv length.
YcB o.-rcr mi-an bj 1
Tb* erlglnal cost of <b* Wltlte
h«wr'.' rejolt
■on : light went Br.tber to tor Mnmg*' nor
••1»..nT talk
,!k U) me, lt.-n
l-o 1 bow you're going Wr giro fl-n 'r
Is Idbl to bare barn a lltUa mors
O.c tJfarwm*'. the on y p ace* *h* hail
luvk wa If I'd luariv a larmer?'
the mitten lor Ihai Iw.ia leggtd.

leri away aa »hr .poke and -idee, bair-'lled .imp!i-Wn wii
. .1 fW
onlf cared to beep d
pallitii thr kilrheo ibw-r. more brain, than a jv-adauT''
ilracttca bftfa
riag IL —......................................braille which Ib'e ••regiee'l milor " made,
aad' Ur old d-.u-.-. an
fsili. and in U« bojldlag
........... 3 U*
- I am-a..; *n>l y .a .-an call
bank rf roar-wliiie nlonra
, i
all you n- a inind v- " reio'trd D
norU and aoaU portiaoar-Caa
SbecrusM-i the ap-tlc*- paioled It-»r throning anay her sproo and r
and went up the wnle. au»igb\ .Uir op -talra.
ful. who had been to mapr a long de
to her own r.«>m
'I he wealenng .no
Bate Are Val
Mite Tbaekfn: sal still in l
(erred call at Ue iirayun place. cam>
ahonewsrtnlr inanrt ma.lrgold dream,
ID to find IVlight bus'iy makisg Uiasl
in Uelighl- hair a. .hr brut o»er a
he^*^ r
parties <iesirin(r anything in the line of first-class Merch heap of a-ffy white msb rial oe the tint of tbe pa-t a ,.| borer .i.rkly vtef
hBTc bare awd l« warfar* sa wiapiai
l ist other DeDgbl. ; *lie!^L" abe said, slowly
ibe old bi'uae
Tailoring, will do well to call uj)on the nmiersitim-.l, aagale.l Wairgiag lam Tbe ink M
“^il la lb* pri^llie-t drrw. thi. aide of tbe pri'ily, willf
tdoliar-t ai.irr
related by Apptaa of U* slags of
special inducements arc being offered to all intending pur
i Ue wedding. Mrs liray sue srit word
lersTillr if I di-l make lU' ■
ThemlwiTra. la I'oataa. by
: by me tor yS6 to Iw sare and came. Ur wy agaUst HlUrtdalaa. TarraW
to herself,,ng U out
le hail door before.
' bal~ I .. Tbankfei besluw-l and lookoisBaru-elo brr feel atjedfut
'*^e"mf^iched. atrawbri
I Bo•Taia't l.'bt eaprrt |cbl(d.
don't (eei to.
(aady ouln'l ■
Y...I sec Ml
1'ro.eleiKw, jwMOe'
-r-U law—aad
agsiD. SM 1*1 .
,^1 dowa *
Uougb twoBldl”hB»e « Mir up f.
■l.ght m
good deal Ul Uai
■'Kdow wbst?" SAkod fiellgbl braIt waw driring Crum- lira tin
,d imlweliy- Uy
aad blew or esurma of hat.
a. .be bad bur lealy. Uoogh her Up- were white uf
plrbora down to (be paatarr
Tb* erooad iMtaBeei I* taeerdad la Ml
eonme I'm go*' to Ue weddin'. my Irish ntaBOBorlpt la Ub BitdMhaga*
For Mb* Tliankful. Iruieot as *he
whit* drrosi-all ready. Uratde^ I'tc
was IB'many w*y»to ber pretty blece. prrdjBdired^Bgai a.i
U >ynt*. at
hrijaboyb a prrseei f w 'em "
waa ttaolat* sIwtTt on aoe poiBt-I>r. BUB. It a no sign b
light might not set f.s.t in the Tillage. ,*»*-,
• Mi,-'^—

DM erea 00 those (mtie« outiaion.cai.•
mi., Tbankful . fs- e darbracd. and
ly .
ml •■baBd-meeliB' nigbta." when the a-ti a soddee deu-rmioaUm she tied
Daaru w»f* womiaa ay atcaiagam. tmt lira- Rand nude thr air ,* ------------------------latnaa*! ber ging vlf. "bnt ehr's ban man n an* knows U* .Vorwegtaaa. abalucad by baaOea.
11.1. Und aliv*. wbst bare w» poor cn- tried to piwrca Urn wall* of U* town,
tremble around tbe Appleyard pi*-»—1 ham paru.ol, and bok her way i
isr's aU door to ba*C SO (*acb trunbie wbea. ■■whattb* Basoo* aad the Oat- '
for Ue eemlrlrcl* of hou*** kn.'wn a* | ipr field* to fatty Mroog'a boa**.
••Ue Tillag*" w*. *o Beat that a .....................................
in Ibis wiirlcr'
light was
•dall who ware amoBg tb*M. dU wa*
Dritgbtevd* oat of tbe boas* aad to throw down Iwfa rocka. by which
bleUroogbtbr b.dg* sad a few >lcp*
*B ber aunt mroe beck, end am not
took tte paU ah* bad aeo-dad fursom* they broke Uti. hanllo* orur (batr
amM Uf little rustle bridge tpaaalBg
■BontbA past—Ue paU Ifmding atoog beads - What tb*outers did tocbock
Ur brook tcooght on* almcat oe to U«
small gn«B wbrrr tbe baud-sUud tr
"1 >e twwn making laqaine* about UrrircrtoUc gap la tb* siooe wall t^^ to plaoe larya poeSe aadar Ibc
hi*, aad fatty Strong says he's rrai •rparoUag Ibe irroyeoe farm from
Yean ago MimTbaaVfal had had a likriT
Y'nu CM baeeUc boas*, lie
.V„ U- OM — -VTOBBgar sister who bad goo* to baad- ltrlil'shoas*''—Him Thankful tsllwrrd
BcwUo'a.'' aad bad fallea la lure wiU a litll*—"fixed np to Drr In.
"It'll U'
Ue clerk la the ao.llarrdfy^oodssure ernr bi* work, nad—sad I can't bear to
aeroM tb* grera. and man-ml him to
yon and me qnarrel. IVligbV so I AlrawbriTiru laid 1
Tb.y always foua
lad tb* first strawWrbegin a Kfe of pwerly aad waadri
i-tssyatbiag. He*
rW la Ue -dge of tbe DorU B/wtag.
was Kra s waddiar toplaaafald** oatstdeaa tb* hatdUa.
udMorv^ftlrasaad degradr.1- Fin­ ..„Jer il be eatd eomeUiag to yoe
ally tbW* wa. a long iaiwreal io wbteb about Ue weddlag. You aeada't Uiak
What tbe aaxoa* 4U next was ta
St tbe little empty
HimTbaBafal, liring pfoew at tb* old Fd stand ia U* sray If be docu. ebUd ~
Urow dowa all Ue baabimi la (h*
boas* Itet bal so ofles erbiwd to Uelr
hnmratead. beard no Udla^ ol brr aisigbt looked ep wlU wide, frtgbi
wa apna tb* bMlecnm. wMab pra- .
e .iomsad where they had msdeebUdtar; lhae one day WrligaL a goldea- *B*d ryea hurely Uis was em
etodUaa from •aoelag Ucdrbaade
lab plADA of lieiag some day.
balrod babe of Urer.eas* wlU * pan- cllmaa. Not that Itrilgbt •
teg. from tbe number of baaa wbicb
' drew

back aaddealy.
Tberawa. eUagUrm. Tbaj afttiward doadatad
lag ticnaar* of lore and pealuaee from known waat Ur word mcaau but abe ; . bbe
- trf* U - aorafield where
fell a anddee terror at UM Uraatlag I Bea eomiar oat
Ue deiag motbcr.
aad tan tb* city.S.aetUrn Hba Tbaakfal had
of reality into her aebeloo* faacisa
b* bad bars abotiimg tbr eora.^
bbe fled
Bed apdtaiin as a toot wa* beard I std* him walked prrur BaU TVa
Tbai* ar* ,mow TU tMilllai ter

^«mly aid M^ aoa.
- -IWagga.ylymt'
btesok dawfi
i» tb* city to letive jroor ottien for Deiigbt to get more thaa a atolea
liaad lakibar
at^M* 'dSueUy*^
8b* hMtd l_.
_____ . .
WwwAtmetigwa Qir« IN ■ tribl oraet. J ar ttet fiowad aa U* oaimr aid* of Ue
I asa U yem deaM lamd ma a

U6 Front Street.

fcUMh ttehlM M ft—» and KmhtewMte.




k mi * tik til * tiltiL A jti til Ik M ML m

Dr. J. A. Snyder,


Unr—.« •A|>Wt t


Bifeinees Cards.

■ A
O. P. Carver

Real Estate

.«n Insurance.


. ANIgMiUd*.
*. Mr -fc-- IW MnoMh. W.
A«4 tar •hr.lik.l akr RMr«llh—r

be BMxliM lo “OMsd iror Use
it will ead •jne-

fov milea aontli. abnotj^'i aciwi
improved, frame boom*, two atory. nine rooma: granary. ho«e ei*M-,
good bearing drebanl, good fenoee; aoil gravel and clay loam, aurface
moaUy level, good water. f»ri» W.OOO; one.Uiird .aah.- balauec • ••
Umc at 7 per oent, or will take Oilyiproperty in exchange.

sbaMvl bf e e<M«b. the e>9 •hesld


-w. F. TT



bMhBM til* n»^ «rr*< !•(m dlraetaA



Traverse City, Mich.

Ul H.U. o,

U tl»iCS^^^





Un Ansto ksM*
. niM.
U>«r« va Mvadr . Utr«r
MUUw*l^<MBdlac Tfc*«r»b«»»
Mt U

»=»“ P- * «*‘mxl nrad ihroiift Uw »wb

. wItkUffct«Uw»^»rISm «BUn bQ»t«Mt portlOQ <rf «A*

---------------- ■-• U»lfc4*

•*«r rWMd U>t* loealltjr.
XotiM. U«B?» **»U1« *r. lK«»IM ud sMri; «U (rf U«a h>ra kat ml)
----------------------Umaj war* lortem. li •TiW (Mr ilMm.
TbrnOrm^rad *P rmpbU; 0»k tew
weia mWeV)«T* their
whe»wdm«y***U*«" e«eeedlo*ly
kt sMTlr Iloe,bemTtektjMk b boro, by WllUma
BmbWw. wbo.^ leeabee. More eblofla
med MOfwfOfe bokln«« wm.
Um irleelpml ledwlr? <»»
*»•'»Hr. Bkl.bltf'* lok* b .boat htO.OM
<n«, i. DM m bekiooM etr«Ur.

lakeabora. jto
t of the bonlv
feoad at nanV^ttw e^lae haaled to
ftoived la the town nUI teW
vcflay. wbea It waa expreted Md the ahtoW/^ open aa Im'proviaronld roB* Mob Maaixtee.
doek U ala^ Eayt^ Falyhoag loM
Tba followiny le a ceBpIMe
t a^ eSeeUve M
1* of dollare' worth of valaabie
yood work ia a
iBBber. alko >
Tbe Ai^aea ware aerved with ooBce Wm. lUbbler.
ma worked wHb aa raeryy
by ladlB who Bade every eCort
ebaraeterlatk of the Timvene Chy BreUyhteo tbe laboeaof the Bteaea.
aad, Lake Ano-i baaiaeea aaoa aod
raOk ef the raltroad Iraek were
Wb. Babbler.alock4re«>arBlB*orc
eitixm fcU telicTcd Vhea the «x' ta work.
>r of tbe town, bat a aeetieti yaay H. AS E R H. On., depot... .
A K.B B B Co. two box can
Tbey^Ubored Ilka llyen aad Uwtr
froB Traverve City wb pat at work at
H. A .V. B. a B. Co., flat can
ralUay tba Inek ia topa fu
aod other prpfwrty.......................
lory maltx. wl
paBaya of traiak.
BoiaeUA PntBaa.
■ked like a charm aod threw alrranp
1 bollrtloy.....................................
which aUyed Ure to adraociay
rioy Iba valoe of tba property
Aaaiea .
dektrayed. Ws. lUbMer Mirlnl omiy Ueorye E. CpleBaa.' draya............
UarUn Stack. Bloea.......................
•hi thk de|Br<
•UOU; ^DMaa * Itaroett. «}aiO; Oro.
aaviny'of I
B. CWooMD. »11»; Hr. Tyler. fiOO Park Hotel. .N. K baryaat............
0, 8. TbkBlk, ooafeetlonery. .T
caorih of lumber.-aad all the dwellinyx
Ibere ware other eamll kt^aWk bat
be wext aide of the trmc^ ocar
tbemcyrrcate will aotreea Bora than
the rillaye.
•lO.OkO. il that maeh.
theeveniay biefore ntaroiBy
Hefora the erealafe train arrired E. Hlaekmarr.
lobnCov^l. >
BBiaUny AroBra were inriud to
from Mkobtee away childra b<«ka to
E. Lake, livery riya.................. ..
borne of Adam Shirla. wbo xupplied
feel the effre* ef baBfer aad ap{>ralk
tinckaer. drayaaB
food and coffee abd cooliiur barer
'kcllod mad worried BOUmm aad
W. L. Hibbdler. rcaldaaee aad
Krrryone in tbe plaae xhowdd thr moxt
fktherk wera freiiaeal.
The ladlra'
farollun..................... . =.................
yrateful afpri-clatioB of tbeeSortx of
homra bad haea apared did
Frank bloelair. rea aad fara ..
the Sremro, but the deelroetioo of va:


j«n. mad the ODly belldiaf of may IskC b tb. eefaoM belldit wa. 1H«. they eoold"^
help could tie aeeared trooi Trarerae
^ toted jBt aaal ef the
yBlioaaflhk towB oo the aaatoill of 9ty and other polala. Tlie Trareiar
aty bokloaaa tnrn prcaeat aaW tbe
akOL '
>Uoo at a ybacc and- made liaTha kbla«la mill' aad haop (aa■ auppIlBal
tary of Mr. Ilabblee b alao aarad.



Me tras there.
At a eoofereace ' Monday
U waa deened the better way that
aeweaiy baapa of tahaa.
aataltiee -fo at uace to^ I.a1ce
The rtUaca b a aeaae ----------------to drterBloc tbe
aad It b doabOal If thoac who aared
tbalr bonaa wlli ha able to care fur the of the fire aafferera. aad Mjtyor
SaltbappulBtedaaaacfacoBBilttee. •)lhnTC*~

*ba BBlk factory, aaw Bill.
' 'a aad feBaral ttore are

letoabeller aad eata tor tha aroBaoaadohildraa.
Tbt yroapt jaapoota frow Ttar.
Oty hroocht the Btaam fire aectee
(roBthatMty. Whao the
ad aid arrirad. (he aea wb:
flebOar fire with all tbclr atret«tb
ware oaorly eroro oat. hot they were
rad by the arrtral of froab aod efteebee help.
re with the m

Harry Urowa.

.......................... i

C. n Lake, furelture.......................
Ilea. hahr. rea. aod faraltare.
il. Cooniiiirhaa. rea aadfors'.
Biltoo rihipBaa. ran ari-fum..,
'IVia. Babbler, dwelllny..
Joe llkrry. farnilnra................ ..........
I!a)cer. m and Carallore.;

Kn. Faxt. dweUlnp-•
C. IVlrnon. furaltnrcv............
UUlUifiB. Tbumaa T. Itetea. aad VK. llolBB. furoitare.......................
L. Kprayue. who Bt oaee left for thr
K, lloiBB, dwelllop.,...................
lea toarp and aprat the ee lire day
‘raUilberl. dwelltoyaad fora
iin. Kerry.
;• ,
t:poB tbe arrival.of -the
i Tbiiniia, "

•• .,
li<<d loyvlhvr
bei Villaye eovaciliwaa/cali
I'raak TVick.............................. /
by l•rBidl«l rt>«idi and A. t Sbiria.
lira OlBxlead. .............................
aod Wm. Iloytira
|x. W. Iloj;tacd.llwelllny................
al IMirf CoBBiltee to
X. llryen. faruitnrv......................
onafrr with the <
Wm llkbbler, dwelllay........... ..
lubarcehanre of the dUyibutinu of I. tv liuyhcx. fuimilure......... ...■
kueh'aappileaaa tDlrbt be ^Dlribated tnxl Si.-hrpli0n.L dwolUuir...
by the oohfhbo.ioy towoa
iukl Kch.-phorxl, fnmlturr
A Tury thorouyh lon«U|rmt>i>n oif tbe
alUialiuB waa laadb, end the eodditieo >toyr Tyler. fBoiture .....

WB. K<rry, d wel I iny............
the ex
Al Kerry. dweUiefl .....------test of the Inawe aad tbe aomber o
aeo lii.xle. forBlture..................
aelaklna yolaf «P
Uie yeaeral deaa- faBilln roioiriny prompt aanlataan
ity ef BBOkt aad flaBe
yrealer than had burn aap- Juba :»1uUiADBesd,.fornUiire. KSertatoaiUBrolahUie flamra ca»
iaetbeir way Ihrouyb t

rheeoBBlttecaapeDt aeerrai bornWm. f'arnhaB. fnrnlUire.
iDTattlRaUaB. wbro the l<«al oOb
Bluer prraeBted tbe fulluwiiiy report:
Weixh Iformcrly Scfaepb
ToIlKuai'CuHHnTr.Kor TaAt'turk: City.

waa roBorad. bat ataeka of fooda west
Wbae tha Trarerae City departBeal|
pracibBlIy denllluh^
Ith-ml ahrllerw
arrlead tha ahlacla Bill aad hoop fae- food, or ulothinc
lla'intr BBd ver^
now beloy u*red Air by Hiuw
tocy waa t^raaloaad. aad a obb.oI
ngtat Are waa ataadily oraaplay to­ It lu Bora forloBale aqd the rained
lid already farnixVd by Trarerae City
ward the laaber yard wbbh ooBtalaed aad Maabtea L'»c yourown lodyinei
al haadned
and do Ibc beat you can /or
Wbao the apoelal train boarli« thr
we wUIhrlbaokful
A- K. .Siilau.
o^tao and BraBOa ftoa Tnearae City
W. II. MxTirx.
optBod the pallofaBoke the apirlu
Wa Ciaiua.
d and BBtortunale
val Uellef
Uelief OommiUee.
Oto aroae aadbopcaof aariny
With Itaa report
fatalaad were larirad.
ooalatalay tbe
It reqabed hot a few bobw
wbo bad Ion abaulntrly everylhlDy
traaafer the eaylae from the flat
they had paeveaaed. aod all boi -f >ur or
tbe ahaea of the Ulia. j«ht wBt of the '^ve uf thaw tkBlIlea were ultepy
taelaey, aad batfira Blaalaa
Utto. withont food, cUitbiay. 1
Uaa, o^pBey
A waU-B«aalBd terea Bhaaed thy
haaa IIdb. aad aooo two heavy atreaaa there wax
wata powthf lato t}» fletva flaaB Two-Uirdi of the vltUlfe had bee .
whiah Urealaaed to e<
•wi^il clean liy the pToat Are. aeareety

-rlay Vrnler. bonxe
T. b!i;rUm,ufllce.........
Utauin baildiey...........
fC TrrrAI, dray ktock..
J. i . ili.-bxrdwn, barber....:..
rHn U. W l■kul. Clifton Uooxe
and furaiture................................... l.lw
n. McLeod. xh.m khop,...............
A. Sebrphont. xlurebaiidiay...
W. 1. Free-oikn, dwrllioy aod
. Utery born...-..-.
tioaxe mvapied by HaninSlack ' .!••■
Alfre.! Warner, funiilurc ----- -\
M. «laek. bouxe............................. . .'

buUdiuy ............
tbiny that reBalaaA
tvBtlyaof lha bulldlaya belay left
Uer. IVni. Jai-t>aB. library a
AtiB a balf-hoar'B hard work t
Tbe bnread pirtloit Included tba eafaroiturr..
a at tha p
•ader eontrol- It waaataBBry b
,i,„ y,,.
pled by Hoy K
to llaa of heaa alony the tbora aaony >1 bulldlaya catlrely dealroymi.
Roy Erb. fnrnllare...........................
alaba. Usbar aad aboailaaeoei la
ataadlBf wall or poet abowlay where
Wert Haotlry, toreitare................
they ooB were. Tha only boUdlBya
Wm. Colemaa, kpoee aad feral-.
left are oa thr hlyher rronad. eaal wnd

■“ ‘"'"r t;'",

”• uaud.:^' *


of whalwaalheBaiDpattof tbe ■arioa Panl. fvnitare.................
Tba otol aaaaaef tha boloBan b
aotkaoWB, bat U b thonylit to bare
rtrarCb tbe auho-dbonae. the Wrxfnr<l Uooxe. owardliv N. K
Saryent........................... i.................
oriylaaled fiwaa aparkfroia tl^tay sure, mad haadlnp faelorr. tbe yrial
Jkx Bayaolda laondry and fur.
Booradia thaibaraaaar thelaeli
bUI and BIU» A Thompaua a aaw mill
ImiUi A'Pemcroy. boildiny.... ;
. Aaotbar theory b that Uoriylnatod la c«paiaBad.n dwellinya. aa followa:
. C. Gobowar. fnr.^.-..................
thaowleeraoaottheallL Fire
L. Imkr. A » ShlrU. W. H. Matcnaic Burra, buuxe aad for. ..
t I;>0 1bUmb1II.
on. 0 buaate^A A. Ulx. M l„ l.ike.
K. Tompklnx. fur......... T
a taw Boaenu daue voIeBBof anokr occaplcd by J. Doyle, lien. Ileraba. U
Br.C. y. fu.lnry, Uooxe, barn
b^aa to aaead aad beayiy flasM ate
Lake. oreniM ky f UKaEMt. I>.
4halr way throayb the aUl le to Use ImboBla, lico. Ilabbrler, K lUack^oke.
that It i^ato to record the alaple A. ikbkrider. £. Hnvokt. ooenpiad by
A biyb wtad waa blowiay froB y. Ayaa. B- B, Brooka. H. L. Lake.
raeaDl. U. JenlclBa. vacanL HA>^l<rewthe aerthaoat. aad It waa aaea that
Traverae City to the Rcacaie
B help arrived the Iowa wu doeaed. «rrooa^ed-by^rr»d-Be^rH. fomFifty-Aiur niluuW
Tha flre-fli
Bito oeoupiad . hy I) flrahaB. II.
That waa (be use wl.k-h elapaed wlMcHoad. Hrcr Bobu Cram, a aarmat
aaknowB, W. H. rtabbrdrr. oeeupledbyArt. Faniham. fhax Clark.
Hap. Jdhnaoa. tleo. Hoord. 11. T -1 rawtba flaBB tioB yaialay bead way i
ford. Jeff. I'dul vacant. Chaa berer
dwclliny. Lake View
Tba nuaya water power waa
boteL occupied by private famllUa.
tod. bM tto^ eSeeUve oa ordloary Peter llrixbil. Jua tHiirta. ooaBpled by
OOBBions waa aaeto al Ibb tlBa.
A. Alai an. .11. Itoaburv.
Chaa AUnnder. L W. Hall, ooevpied
br Jao. Martin. Chna Kawman. ]lert
aaB waa vlaitad by tba Are Bead,
latbrop. W. M. Orr. Chaa. inmrn. W
the anllra to il b probable that there
y. II. nrtemoa. M
waaaol aeoh, if aaykover flio.oooln- L. lake boial, A. bcbrpbonu oorupiell
by J. imL
BaaldB IhcB. aaay aBall famtliea
to everythlay.aHBcbliplhoaa llvlay
:lndx. a fewcowk
ta apailKaala. lb the bealoaea prrtluo. diahea. kBivM. forka, apouna. aailx.aali
Wbea tha'aBobe baewB toelaar Bway
lU, lard, butter aad aUple fooda Ii
athadBtitnleoaas bi«aa
>y epaea tbe wotaeo and ebUdm
loohaboatfor abcller for the aiybl. aacmpod from Ur buildtori with barely
•WbBt yooda had baaa Bved ware
wrapper or aome louac yaraieni and
OtBWd la tbe ohareb. aotaool -hooea. faarclooud. and
baraa. aad beildlaya that ware aared. ^rc in the worid ia the iiltle Uwjy bad
aad Ihoae haviBy aballar baaiaaed to ' ipoa ibeaa at ibc kiaie.
toka rooa for tha boBaleaa.
Ur. likbbeler wiU relnilld bix mUl.
Hie. Maato. ayad M yekia. Bother bat Bneb BBkIlvr Uka betorw. H
•f Hra. Barry Baker, loot bar life la tbr black Uarreadyrebni’diny bla Blnoa
Mrm. She etopad oaee froa bar bara d. b. Unractl Lax mimiaeto'i rrtiiop
lordwelllay.bat reWraed after aoBc ubl material fur hU .tore,
valaad artkb. wboo the walb fell 1>
ilcl will alui rrballd.
aad ebe eto ereaBtod. wtiboet may
bckmallerand fcbeaper beildlaya
«*ertto aove hor life bclBy poBlblr
I before, ijulie a aninWr of xaiall
Mra. M»t«a wa*forBOrly of Wexford, dwellaya will be pui a» al onoc to kc
•ad the Aral potobUcBot that place.
wUl bare am

er tba fire eopine ledltlm Caxx xlreet
■oyiae booee. Ufore two powerfal
ktreama of water were pouriny upon
dixtraeUre Aamea wbiea werede-

ployaeat la tbe BiUa. a«d *« aiU
Wned. hot earofal lopairy failed to mala. Several leBilMk have alrwdr
tetaal may farther tbtallty. ~
, aad more will toe ax «»n w
eaa And a totio* with rmploy-

UMk.Jaa.nariaad.Jax. Haryhie. Ed.
Uoyan. U. WUchnewxkL Bd. Hardy,
.knhnr Ornprox. Sell Konm. J. W, OiC
W. Ckaaiiiybau. J. C M.wyaB, A.
Walerboey.J.J. Baker. Br- Mooa,
H J tdraiherwax. fobonl. .
Wbea tbe xpeeial arrlTed at Lake
Aun tbe people were alanat |Bok
lUmlva aad il amned ax tbooyb the
ratirv vUlaye wax w be xw«pi oot of
^xiateoea. Tbe Traverxe Coy “------tt
eltk cbaiBeadable


B »a
•. •







, !5TW“; is

ham foar yean ayo

Hr married Mi


other aad one brother. A. L. Hrittoo.

V^W^ixr. firiteit. CBroe. ant
Thr furryuir.e mat >
by >hr I.OM Iteii
but thr tepr,
teP*. t.
,»■ .im
n IM.rthr

A Loiiy Oaiai
. ti, WicacT. who rece
pcaltido of htokkeeper for the
rerx.- < ity I-,*tni--r
baa becB eayaynl duriny tbetpaat
three Bonlbx ia playiny a yame'*-*
mail with W. Tabtoy, la Hrooklya.

A Real Blood RemaJ,.
a.Cabrer, E
XX. till. .1 , aad aai Icrm uf Id.ud ti
irai ai d '
■tilaeaiw. txkr al'in
r ircrtjpxclnti*Vlv’'fm‘*'tM’bllocal xa.l
imeteicd for aotbiay
iorre^um tb^^ioa BUttrr {lefBaaepl.

>Vest Alichigan


Smil SpceiBe
Co., Atlanta,


Onarclhot..-'.luy Ilitc-s
Koc.tlwvr —



L. texT.;::-,-:,;-



twix-ll ,
an.l llte dts-

f I.e i-»,e > tixra

l.rxuo KxD>Jx ■».


icv'Lx ut Ulc hckt.


au I 'wx. rKx

wx. T

tv x*'i; !r“*i

'"' r;-






fst medicinal value.

•iojk 3 a 'i

, xliybilyei
Ul.|.d xlu-ite aiK] a aullue i
Al a xp.x iul r.,ri|.«- lirlu br Trateixe Alsu. Ihii i. a Ruall luin.d tiietr
uf John HcD..i,xld. John t.xutner. IVr fi.ytrat. Sc, 'Tt. K,t.,T. M.,unJu;.v Tin cularaud eufla atci tnUBed
dinaad Laoin.-r, ymJ Itoilel. Eo. J. I- '1, th.' f..1ti^yyp4t^rexolutl>ms wt*rr
Tncka, rafnea aoU inwrti.iii ate
Klemiay aad Sul tiuldmaa.
Tbe Jury paxse.1:
•iewed the remaiiix and adjourac-d oaItll. UI >• TbeSuprelur Ruler iii His » akirta of ruriima luaUriula. A
cxI from iHmdowaiat ..
W:x,l‘iu (ixxxpain x.wn Ht tuvnier .lut
/il ycxtenlay murniay.
liiw with bias fuldx
l.dda r. t oo around tbe'
time Ibr body wax turned oerrto I'
■km. Tine., foliii. nr
dertaker Andenun. Tbe laqBexI w
I plpiiiy of 'k
wkle aod an- h.-xri.d
eoBlihood ia tie- mniaiMr.
:ux.\x. Ia thr .Ipathof SirKuiyhl couiraMlay niuierBl..
Ihrmter trotiAoU
lAod tl
that Lew.x bad wurk |
Tea jx. Vet. a., ifity ,
rorkiny ineiiiber. aod onr wbo
^d t
ways liml the yu>id of the order
4cm uf a uixluiu.; the ft
S>l i^bc
in Abe liirmley x.:b.>ul
dixtri.-i I c>m' ■X hic heart, tber. furr b.- it
tornk briny iliimxl in ni ll>
^.ridenro xbowrcl
xbowrcl that br ba.1
oii.i.-r llie belt. The froiitx ate*
rolatirex^in llattlr froeb.
forget that there are lo ■ Xituilur xsat
Th.- tiiiiifcibB may
II..CP>.t<ixIed Ir
1 bix ilentb wHtfall be rvnr cJxburalu.—h'uu Vurk Leclyrt.
Uvexse.l dw.U nl heal liv. XB-I lxIw It further
:U-o.l to hlx i»la
ba.1 a.'brovUur
iirin; near lli-ocunla
'■upxlhy aad re
tgier wasucniu.-d'of
was utnii
the oceur,l afll..-liun. And
■ uciiirV .-rUeuce
•if druyx. bst ll.e eoadi'ciua .>f llir Uxl)
.-barter be drape.1
lodiil-abxi poixoolni:. Inm vrxsel .n Ibe



ia« > Px b«x a Mr a




tied. alxu-AM-rid Simpson, wbo empxnelrxlm wiruberx jury at uner. cunxUliup

- -

7th OxyW Auinxi. A. D idPT.


.. I... u.oill;;;'

^ ,r;r:zr35 ™,..



I. OAW. B«y Ci^, Datrol^ ^etr.


‘ ell, Ann Arbor, Toledo ^d
> poinUSestandSontlL ClOM


ID.. ux.‘d fur >lrB*yk.l-s‘ prexcriiH.ooi
,ul it wax broken up aod e. idei.--.- u>i
xbrl nppaecatly .texirvyrd.
Tli.' j-/r;

^e^WxMM. JJAxeb,.-.

: oonnectioiUBtOopeBilBliwiUl

Ms deatti l-y tiix own Imiid by xu ci.n


Kwuiy ail artleba itf food la iVe
I BOM ratefal people in Michi«owa wto totally daotniyvd. all that yaa JoM now are tbe cUlaenx of lake
arM available bolay fnm tbe taBlly
and they are rvady to do aayMeraaofUMakorefartaaala ArcaBfe- thlay la tbelrrpower to abow tbeir apItotk were at <Bee Bade to have a
ttioa of tbe prompt • actloa of
Mpptf btnnyht from Tbibb Ct^.
waeCIty. Tbe aleamev and Arm
MoBbavi of tha Trmvaraa CUy Fire
OaphrtBaat wcehed like tlyaea. The
by Aetuy <»bf
•Mfkto. A- X WMaahaiy aad BA. foodawtlMtiatanivolybthyayBdaliawtot.


eoptemakei : ‘ISJmJSSSj
cdiB ‘rtkh:
‘ekkh ; •;g
* * •», * “
\ " •
»;» aprme.
aad a half fioai Viiiandy. lo a crUlexI “
«r» toy tato and caaaot pto-! ta ax
oMdlllnB. r.rowaaBxu»ed MIB FtoT.
Ml. Aax Smkh. r «,
Iny oa thr tmbllc hix-hway at }» o U.-k CtTrnfBtlt. ladiaaa. aarx; “Fbr yean
• I■*have catoed
with Sciabc Bhmp- ‘
f frtaada of the tolly.
Tbe to Friday mornUie. Hr flwL Tkrw r
aaad rnrxnyrd eliixena dirtiird
to at the rexideaee near Itlayby the «ev.
mSalnrOxy the a
• B ....axuroa
. ODcbUa. Tbe e
na^ Bv treobla. t fradoallv yiew
BPtHl '
me City Teo
able to take my food
wfaieb Mr. I
thrrr «V X hxTtj dm-.'’'!?thr
or handle Byxelf io
h.Kix' "fTohnkxww. Uh-rr
I wl^w!^^
aor way; I waa abate
Itooaed rraa bora le Stark eaoBty. yirl hxil tern rarrird In an i
lolelybclplcaa. Three
Ohio. lo IBj. He rame to Hiebiyaa
bocUea of S.S.5. ntwblrc Tcarx ayo, and reaKwed to lliey-


Tbe Are at Imke Aon broke out

by Eaytneer John Haller aa.l K.rea
lleorye iUiler. Tbe train xlarlad
!:bi in ehatye af CooducKw IHyyinv
and it wax x.>xe xpeediay ui tbe rea.-ne.
'^rcaenloy parly waa in ebarye of
aclinychUt ISilyhon and J. W MUlinnnixiaed tbe
tome wbo oeroapanled Un enyine-.

TmxHdiir. Mo.. July A-Tbr
body of Bnwaa Hnwra. a '
.pMureA la daayUac frem thr Itmh of <
lo Che » u.d> a.-ar ihia ittlxye. B.
lynched. Mil

Tbe iiala .doc here at CJt p. m.
reaebed here
xhortly after
Henatarneorye «. Corel!. +. T Hatea.
aod J ,W. Haaben at .oore xiartrd ea.-b player aod rack •
a. Bopemeet to xeenre a .|naDlity
- or. -hv
vapr lex for - Ae needy
cb play wax iouardiaielyxeqt
n .X -I. •.
C.S'. by pimlal c-mrd. Tbe yoBr wax.fiola,.- ...e
nem'xaary faid. Ajxplicaiiaax to yroeerx ixhed'i'urxJay ereiUay and dodarrd a
whoW not yet eloxed tbeir « '
were met with ready rexpooiM'. aod
‘•'•-'C h .
A hlad Ouy.
many euotributionx of luonev were
Moo.lay afu-rnuoa while l>r. A. il.
made Whed xereral bxrrcix of en^k*
Hulliday and family were onl ukiny
erx. a few hundnxl ioarrx .,>f bread.and
irairai;..o the p.1 puy do* briyoyiiiy
j.ien. .Vcaily
a Ixryr qannli'.y of nn«-el1aTieuux
.Vunly xi: 111.- .1
lu lilUe Lneille
the cx.uniry
pliee had lewn yilhrred t..celber they
attack of Utdruph.i
a,iAii |^...d b,
were |daced abmrd the train, which at
I be family had o.>C breo yoor hut a
■in» polled out f« lAhe Ane..tDx-baryr
■u >uiriilx n beu J.‘bu mx<U.Uie mao wbo
.if tViadu.'t.jr Mclntimb, bxrlos
nax chxryc ..f the Imrii. dixouri
bimni a laiye u.imU-r of .-ii><eu.
ooBditioii uf the aoiiMi. The doy wax
Wert t.. view the eerue of the
lied up and lhu> prrv.-oted duioy dxiuxyr other thxn I., iliwlf. but J.ibu wc< ithcr .-.mlrlbutlaiui .if.kxid. bed
c'ur.xl It m.wp xafrly xliil in the tiara
rl>-..weer edllex'ted Soaday miirmoy aod
and ua.Ud fur the mum of the d.xWBI dowo OB thr ^rorxUiD |
1.^. Id Ibe meantiiBc Isc duy Iwcamr
The xuppliee xeot down were plxeed
ixu’cio.rul that il .ben«l ite lure l.-gx
IB ebarye of the prcaldeai oftberil
xud feelio x b-iribLe maaoer. c-rw.hiny Cke juialx ao.l .ilbcrx'ixc. lac-rrauag .
Iiulryx. When Dr liullidxy murned
be xam.itoc xitkuuu at a ylaoce. and a
from bix n'Tutvrr
r putt,
Ahnot luo'ei.ick >uo.lx} olyfat on<
ul tlxmiM-i.
i dxnyert
theyurMxih th.i Hotel WbiUay >
..thi-rx. i...i
f xl..rt lime belorr
In1mp.» uixd.
derd roekfxi U0<1i
torn,the .Uii.1r.-i
luXQ wax l•e<l^)rr I,:. Iwovix. niuui '' ihudup-«v*.
nlui lui ruuii
rron of ape. eridently a N.wwetfian the familj wero pinyiny with iu '
lIrwasnrU drrxxed. eleaDly xhaieu. poeuaxaciexl pel. nnd Dr niiil J
I Che beclhaaiewu
ind a Iiiin of e<in>idenil>le iDleUii*e4ie<.
All eiiei jarkrt with poiots and a
■ >n the .Irexserin Ibe roiuii wax a .-.ijiv
Muylr'T.utim in-er tbo hurt la cme of
•r Muoxey'a maymr.iue. Hr l.x.1 )<-eii
lb> |e'|mlxi vtrlixi
«lrratiayeonxidetabletime a. readiur
while al tbe h.uel ' He arrir.-,! .'
-., ninrm in lhixl^iy whi. li
lay Uiyb-. .and xlmply repNierc.
-r xiuteUie
haatbouiIII .if laxl'
ixd watei
room xer^tai Unirx, bat refttw-.! Ui iixre
i phy.iei.
.1 iW all
l.andlard lunipwn ulTered l.idi. .,«•>}.
thlo«,i»xjhl.‘ the xic'k 01X0. but
l.,ib wiib fneiapx
»r abaci.-.
nothiny rxcY-pi
tsuej.p of tbe huQ7 ia Uix uixlani <if
water.- II.' wax.apparvntly uelUweai l.
■en pr.-rriilasl greet clauuye u> the two Mim ul I'loth.
ia tbe ei-'-ulne. and.xtated lu a waitiup
Ib^ PTUon uf the buildiny or furol
l*riu^ iiiuxUui lo eginypnl flyorre
•Mid tfat lie wunl-l br lUe lo rive for
ite. The .iriylo i> unkeiwcn Thr aud p|cnng eid.vx ur.- to U- »l«eial fa.upper., The- Deal vh-il lu the room nuddinp cxvup.ed b.v Mrx'lU.verx Tcoll.w Tb.y Hw-tuLl.-tallrta ailka la
nwUxl h cmrpte. '
xalwanliiipb.uiM,. aad ix ouue^l.y eir.Pt and xi.- .xccxlmyly levlly and
Dm Kii^- aad Martin were aummon.
fiylixb wboi *oru oxer >ilk xlija.
i..rtur,l rtnititig
rx1 nad prinii<ixnc-r.l ibr man draii oai>

dos,- of '.iiue naw-nie
uther cri leae
»h.>we.l-lbxl Hi,, d.w.1 unn had bee
Tbc time would hire been xlx mln•l>ere ,
ihw to had act two xlopx ~beeo be
Itiiie dudbt Imt chat, .i .
eexxltaled on account of kol rveentriek.
premedeatcxl xu ,'ide. D.The fint riyht milca were made Iv
etwdixj io rra.-h'-ny the tall
lix alantca. but after tbe Kbt U.xn
brcniae maalfext it Max nceeaekry to
>aae up a Iiltle.

iDitb reoived an appaal for aid
Ibiaelty. Tbereap.AmwBx.iaU-k.BBi1
d.ixroxof eilifDk aiyolfir.1 bD esyee
tdyob< lAkc Aop BO-l Bx^at'in
flyhttnt tbe ererlyhaC^o milrv away.
Bn ‘rapine Wud tw.. l.nae earu
.1 once rukbed'.to the 1
fruiybt hoaac when a <l
btanybllBto rwquexKl.iB
ylBc loaded
lornd.^ In a t‘
ylnx No. « waa alia


>ly, died M « o'eto a
day aft.
eranoa at hk hose near Bl _
bad aoBerad lateaaely for a taay tto
romaa abeam la him bead, aad dcaU
aaae aa a relee ae ratbor than a terrerle waa «l yean old. aad Icweri a wi/e.
yoway danybler aad tbrro aoaa.
Tbe fooeral wb held Motor aftermoo. attended by a larye anabce

Pnvtai! GiuB Uatea.

Thr dam fur the xnmBer c
of ibrlirand liaprdx Ibi.lay C,
lerx they yirr a frVe-Jor-all.
t'.Jo. and a I:iu claaa. Foe pnebrv a
frpeif..r-a!l. SclJ.t.lx: ?:T.t.
ao.l n
V 1.-, c-iaix. Vlntricwrluxe July T-., with
the xecrx-lary, tlecx 8. Word, and the
roeexwHI br decided orrr the tam'.nx
rvydlau.>n mileytrack at Comxi.x-k
I'ark. The ndmlxxiuo box brea plaotel
at S) ernix. aad all tratox eoteriny the
city will ranr purmai^ at rvdaerd
ratca. sterna aad rlm-tri.- carx will
aiantex f.w th. yroondx. aad ooihiay will
be left nndoar which caa be door to
make this meeflny a xneevex. Thr 11x1
of eolriex and op-W-date

tba Rook Krrlew
Club werciddliyhtfnlly eetenaiord at
laael Cuttaye Tbarxday afteradua by
ra. Frank HamiltW. A xtrawbeny
ua waa eajorod and the afternoon xraa
derated to plraaare. not tbe
of bcx.kv which ia the oxoal
of ttar eJnb at ito Borliori.


Oeel Aw. Act. TaUAa.

I APhysician’s Tribute

The^ .
111 a suit of clolhos i.s a "oo<f tit. Tliorc is, as a rule, sonic
<l(*f(>cl8 in a cheap suit; wliore it's most visible to the vye is
in the niakiMip. We liurp on that particular point. Our
very cheapest suits are marie upnght, lienee the great satis­
faction they give. It is an easy matter to juil on paper that
you sell a $12.00 shit for $(i00 and thfr .xjifferenee between
actually selling a $12,00 suit for $0.00 and advertising it, is
very great indeed. When we say Ve sell a $7.00 suit for
$4.98 and a $1000 suit for J6.79, it's not wind but actual
facte for you to look up and see for yourself. Ever) thing
guarauleed as represented or yo’ur money back.

Popular Clothier,
184 Front Stroot. Prlxdriob Blk.

Travto City. •neb. Il

day. aad whM wm earHad art la
-------------- awe aa Mnadmy.
aaothar died, and aahomr later g
yearmld bey died. Tvollniarii<
aU Itelareleftef Ihafai^aar
other wOl aet —omr. Phyel
Uoaybt it waa flax, hat now ga

CTtbapaftr-boaM at Btaatoa. haea n
Hk. LMrto Itmm. m
^■B^! «wkVMd te4a*akBtOMlaatt B«»- aortt of Bharat. Tbbbirdawnr
daje aa roaWu Thar hope ta lat<
\ : OMtv* Yerfc. of Bn4r. iaU «b fmat the poeala ad Hlebtrao la the prop
liao of tbeae birda
W. Oarrr. a aarpeatar from Detroit,
(tiff* UM W ct wat atraek hf the Hkblraa Oeatral
pud wmikotia work tiaia toor milaa aaat of Hamhall
WadBetdaraftemam. ifr.Cartr iria'
tferewa twaotr fart, bat tbit

OoL 8. B. IUUM«>.af PMtiM. «
•MT^^laJimd hr rthWiar l»»«>

- after
with the a^t of darotloa. waa laaplraoutyjall.
ad with a wtokad daatra to make tnmI Uiktalai cot a qnear caper at Ooz Ua
Ha tramped artally down the
A Hallen'a aaw mill at Qalaamac. In atole aad. tayrtber with hto foUawan.
At Kwaaaaa. lhagua BlM Mart- wbkb HaU Kaaaaalt and Haarioa Cox
ad ap wUh trt aiu. aad tba lorea will were tbyowa tocelber ao bard that took a eoBoleBOat pew. Soon aftar
they had Uiaappraraace of tbe Btoma
MaU waa naeoeaakma for
<maple of miaaUa. Tba aback wl
aot aatarally,
probably atop bto inowth.

Prod Bbaalar’e tfm were hadlj I
he a email caaaae at (Htetafie
>e doetora thiak ba will Iona hh el(ht.
[. ‘Ihrball., a fanaar eoathw.
' Veraoatelila. te axhlbltlnc
r la the fuTB of a aaow-wbUa t
A is-rear-oio ana ai aatoBa
Plac. of Moakefoa. wnedmeraad

Tbat^aar-old her of'Tatar Oaalar.
NMdlac oa Barat Uaad. tall off a
pUBktadwmdroeraed lalslnebmof

^ tioom of tbaeallbmt Booker

ameofM. booeaa eaaalad aad railroad
The Beiau pickle UaUtrr at ilollaad
preealaattobaafaoBsafa fortbafana-

WblU workaaa wan anaratlafi for
A aaw bridee tero tellea went of Araa a
' effaSaa raUaZBadJ^ap.°”°
The pOwdar (poam at tba An(oa
Mlae at Korwar bareed SatardarTUrtr^en boaaa of powder ware asplodad. bat no oae wat iBjarad.
Oape CliarlaaJ. Uolataa of Burt Itotea alartad oa hb trip aroaad tbr
- wofid mrtj Tbatadar moralBK.
froaalB bh M-lootjacbt. "b-. a W. KTba

taaldaaea ot Chapar Daha at


ptor»^aca ware boraad oB Mra. Uabrn'e
At Ooleo. olthtaea paracata ate tea
eream made at a local reaUaraat. aad
•rara ufcaa aarr lU with armptom* of
pel—lafi. It iabeliaeed aU wUI re
Howard Ob eperlaM will atoek
the wood. ia.&e eiaaltr of that towa


The lodiaaayeBtat tbe im 1‘oioU
ayeacy la WUi-on.ln baa reported two
elaya^r caaea of blledom. oa tbe Ver•nlllioB lake raaerraUon. Tbe rictima
_Urbtalar atraek tbe booae ot J. wacr John Sky aad lied niur. Tkey
Baadlaa at Blaawood. barelar tbr (ot Intozlealad by driakiay maence of oytol, ha. a
'atnatara to tba rroaad aad klUlcc a poppermlat aa a aabatitotr for wbtoKy. from an e:
, lOpnrmtd child. Hra. Baadlac aad
At Priaeatoa. UioB.. a toraados^t____________ Heat barted
•Mthm ohlU ware badly harmed.
arday alybt blaw down erreral b^d- porta findlny anolber
rilT In Ue depU of a tropical fe—t
A Utm. tomcat raacatly aeiad aa ipya Amoay them wa. a bWe aaco- aboul «> mllm weal of i
fWihto between two fl(htlar do«a piad by Hra. Krown aad fire ebUdreo. borfim. Be bnmybt w I him a an
• attftwloMa. They ware taarlae a» ' Tbe woman wa. allybUy injored A bar of rallmof Ue pi
iwalllay foar milr. away wa. UTtrd
ottoar to plaam aatil be jaaipad t
Stalee a
' fonadatii^ and aet down In a lirwill yo to tbe I
tw—them aad pot both to fiirbt.
where br will o
9e to Germany,
yanise aa ezpeJhloa for furUer r
ahMfiaof aimi
eearebce in Cblanaa.
larad tba left 1
The Coneuntlnqple eor—ramdeat i
Ampel_____ __ __ ,
the l.ondao Tlmca mya: -Teafie Iwife ^botolkeepar. haaUIy
-ggj^. Ttoaettyhadj^n.
rd her haabaad aad wbtopca^ Jo him aba will aanoanee to tbe ambaaaado
Itaatabehadafortaae blddraaway io
Baa CHUB aadOaorte Pemaroy. of tbe botiM. Before thr ooold ylrr tbe
i-(ramioie nyat oi i
Uadaem. eommeaead a Ueyela trip to
rlrtne o
Joe the died.
Attar a Krboar
Itopatck fromCoaau
thaPadfie—atHcaMay They bad a
lb the money wm. found oader tbr
vhaa) —aalaclarad at Bad— aad
t iKdhem Ihaba, eom
pie mya that
. Thera wme R.TOO alllD yolA
aapari to aacompltoh lha Joaraay U
er-la-^lel of
je wlau ot tbe late Harriet liccher
. ahoot aeeaaty daya.
Stowa. anlborcm of • Vocla Tom'. of command to Ue anIUa oe i
W- AdaBM. a G. & A 1. .Uakamaa ChWa.- WM Inrantorted raoeaUy aad
whoa* boma to at Kan Wayce. laA. foaad to ykld not enoacb for tbr com- yroand that nnder Ue propoaad tm
aaa^t hto left teat la a
*<>• fonabk malntonaaoe of bar twlo eoadllloaa he will be aaable toya
daaybtrra. altboayli bar —. Rrr
S"thafafnW«—*emM a^
or Ue flrat Gate in biatory a
Cbarira K. Hlowa. of Sloubnry, to aUo
taidrrd. Be waa Kalan
I ceaaa. ha* been taken of Ue popan heir It ba. bran .aRaaiod that
ulaGon of tbe Rnmlan empire, which
Oaa J. Ilowaid. ac«d sa. employe of the raoary which wa. to be ratoed for a to abown to nnmber 1».ill.Ilk o|
the Kiret Xailonal haak at NiW war
of the boair for
r tbr^
tbr dauyb wtieb total -dl.cia.tki arc malea and
firowatd while balbUr at Barren laha
bna. The realdence to _______ _______ »4.Ml.«»trmalM. I'Biled Slate* CuaUock
:k with that of Mark Twaia.
wbo *u1 tieeeral Kara!, at Sk Peter*bury,
who traaamlta the fiyu— to Ue amte
to) amke him amtotaet caabler ot the Hred there for many yaara
departmenk *ay» they nbow that In
Some .nbUrraaraa dtoterhai
lorty-fiTe' year, tbe popalatlou of Rueaallke an loelplral
Toieaoo. dtolorW tin La. doubled, and dnrioy Ue laat
a Belyhbarhaod a few mllr. from lUln iwelre yeara It ba. tacrqpaed to i
brtdyc.'O.. near tbe Jeocuon of Ibn.
k To Uke thto eeaatm Ue Reari
•aad Ulyblaod .
-• ■ . TUttotktortrel i
(irament employed aa army ot i:
attended by ai___________
—I of Waylay canto •
peraouk aad ile completiuu ia three
lUa i. rafarded a. a Ipuat aebirrement ia clew of U* raa( expaura of
ory to be eorered aad (be Illii
Par M yaara Hrooor Paetm of Iab
S—^ttal h^ haa'l_________ ______
pi— tall ad—t lato that coaaty.

aad*thr‘ h^'^rdb^n^UMd^



Tb^ wlU 1^ the aetire trip





Hit eiretnr carrmt^ud by

AH Ur dclirair and ranpjex mretoia-'
m of (br old r-iabo li doo* xw.y »riU.
Tbelitltoctomi'drticre .i> .re.wj.~t
(m tbr crrmjurra rxliXKlxug owr the
airinpa Vm Uf* rhriitc maparu are
(J^ MM to Lrtmly a hair-. breadU
Pr—iuit down tbe key—d. tbr riratriocarnal into ibcciu;

atrmy bilew. bat Ur nbVrop
rapu the rum ul nod Ibrn wiu Ih. attrariioD. Iht gruip cetern* l.i it. f.*,
plarr. uid ui.remtinu.d .tirartiim
nirf oo,
nnr itx-r •■( rilruiiiui* U iup
jaqnlatrd V Ut pmli ol IIn- .itiiip,
btyb to ind« |.j ifaie
twLhcrf b.vra
bavr a drt i.irrf batp t.n.. and
tbr low.T aud midiliv n-ciab ni -upp.-.!
Ip ri-aluy, thr
lakiull.iitm of ilh.‘
urw’ in«ituiiHnt, Ml difli
quIitM. Ilf .puad imilu.irf hy u. :
tncUod aad Ifar old.—.New York J,

- (Imt
■ atv •hnivaipK
.iPK bl
- aimc.' U too rxpanatre' to oBoto
on^toilt.f .-vfry hbinlmL
1 tpuuj LuDitKe. wall mad*, full
M thl.
Ai uuil
iNuxi (\>«cb,
(till aprinc. $5.50.
A RDod
3fi ajiritiRB.
f lourli, rt.nltimy. 3ii
I mill pnaitiveljr toll bat 4
trf Ih—• at this Jiritv.
A R<«ntl larcr S-iiieto Hddrooa Sait,
Urpp- Rlt
Rla*m imtr-ut rMtora. ft.r 11.73, A fine UrMli-puce
Utm li-piece Smit,
-}>r<*>r ilnwcra, patmt iiutlorB, fur 1950. A 6m $•
nitvi r«rl. ,r Sait. Wt |.lMh..
_ ImadB.
_____ _ apritM; •d|;^ 2t00,
l.iir-rf.' Iiidh Urk Diiiintf rhxir*. eoliti <mk.
IU«'V.-n. fnui ’.‘.V, u|>.
Iron bralsloadit frocn
otD .1.76 tip. mill
imk (xttuhinntiou B.*>k t’Mtiw fniin l.Jil) nik
\SV i
ut ihrai-. Hut whal wv hnvf iiiii*l W ntltl l>y Jo}}' l.Mb.
tine-, tliNt txtuit —wrly wilMH’hnppy «imI tlnW that luito |hia
anlf will alwnyti nvt>-t it.


Slater’s Furniture Store

1 nirr kp. w an t.U man wb.. bad
mnrb cxp-riiucv taiib 1..,*. wh„ .1,.
eland. 'Y.-u tawr Uit a boy . l„-k
BUii*. UDlvptyt’u nnw btmwbrn }>«
‘lit ut him." Th>-r, I. B p,i*l td
lotiwaw in tbe w-utiiii.ufal i.i| .l.iui
'I'll alliiw no man to whip nt* toy "
K jttor U'j- titxrf* tbyoo'd to tl.r thmik



H^iwT Thr.'


Granulated Sugar Can.
oHufiLS. zxusa
iB.catotsnd Pa—



At O— Ol^. Philip Mark, hto wllr
aad Him. Haaaah WaUa. all a||M preptr. vara thiowa from Ihalr warm by
rnaaway borate oo their way to Iowa
the woman feUaader tba wa(oa. Hra
WaOa Atod from tatoraallBjerira w
U aa boar, and Hra. Markb ream

. Bad keye.
Wbkb aU tbr wmld UctotM la br (ba
alttmale paatccatoe tor the landartka
that amt (d ume. haa bacci bnaded «
Or. Bmbatd Etormaaa o< Bmlia. he
yaara a papfl cd Pndcmxa Von HalmMdta. haa patrnied teyMem wUah dure
away with tbr Irrrcle ttrrly. Uccalla

•I fair to be held la Sepumfarr.
The atlradeare at Ue lUr View Ae
rmfaly Uia yrar prvmira. lo'fae Ur
in—l ia Ue itoto^.oftbrai


A domaaUe la tbr emplay of 8te|dien
. Itowliny. of Ilrtroll. aoddrnully
Mayo, wbicb
wbkb went In m
rapped fTQQ worth of Jewelry In a Maro.
aadle of waahlny which lOir yt''' a muainy Tr—l. meed
- In
'n all it to thooRhttbsl m prrnltoh hne to carry to Mra. IVilly Cop
« in thr dtoaaur.
leet: Urlr
Ur! lirra
Later the Jewelry wa.
Blfhtofialy trd.
1 thr p^ler ware notified.
_____ JlOB ..
U .......................
mlrl— from Ur i'nited
Urnmie Haan. of loaia lewwbip.
Hlyb nad iblmrr leachad SUtm miatoter U IVraia. thr Me
ly. i. ;u yaara old. bat hh
Teberan. I'erala. raeeatly
praeeal bim from dolnr a
It—drd the Jrwtoli quarUra of tbe cltT
pauiarapeaeatniarhe K
ir bondir lalacl and re- aad loflktod the moat .bnckiny mal•arraaad.
t—imeat npno thr reeidenU, htlniM
terMrDoaald apoealed In the name of
--------------tCbabc ..gaa. aapirltad was hitch
haraanity to the chief of the »hah>
mintolera to aU^ tbe oulraynat acennllny u Ur
. It to
byaerrefeiinow.tana. Saturday report the peraecn m. continued until
, the
liny a beary enow wa. (alllay and after
At Palrflold. a a PeeUeh ebaeer
Im. extorted all Uelr monry.
laeteiy took In kaa.oou poandA af~mllk the yroand wa. corarad to tbr depth of
At St John. K. F.. Captain John
la Jaua aad made t.yooAo I .COB pocade aoInch.
g^ihe— d^y. ^ taeloey a makHam City. ArU.. Dr. L. il. Heap Bartlrlt baa compirted a
____ i. of St. Unto, foond bto loay-loat wlU bar owner for Ue
•mar Hope u oonTcy Liml. I’—y
coa^ known there aa Harry C—Iman,
Praak & Wood, a Bay CIt;
bto Arctic expedlGoB.
She will yo
a be bad BotmwD for l« yaara
aehool taaebar. wUI aooo Im
iO dry dock Immediately k^aeelre a
boy. It to laid. wa. elolea by yip■ Japan te do Blmbmaiy work. 1.. .......
oearbanllay to nail for-Uoev
at the La.tlyalioa ot a reject^
laterrat of
9 on Wedacaday next.
. lorar ot bl. mother.
I'aaiT aada panyotaeleattoto will Jola
Aa iaiaet to worktar U the eloear
her abonlJaly, H.
whtoh It tofearad may amioaaly aflaet. BBaaaal eeeal in tbr floral kiaydom ot
dmearthe tVbllc boaae. A beaoUfol century
tba enm of cleearaaad.
It to '
plnal bat abot oat a Bower aplkr. aad cry ba. bran made aear Tbe—opylaa,
term ofa fnb which may ba it
a bloom will appear in aboat too daya. between Ue old barracka mad Ue wamilla
While raaklay excaratloe*
* ' be tbr flrat cealory p1aot to
r laMbi
bare a Bomber of aae"Do.-* ValaoUaa trapped a fiaa hear
It tbr Whito boanr la yrara

RamdeaU cf WUUaaitoa
that tbe larfeat boy la Um
SUlaa raalda. witUa Ito ttmiu
. .
Piper to a farmer iTrlay la tbr anrtbrra
pan cf the towBBhip. He baa a hoy
II yaare old. who atoada flee feat two

nprlMa adouo IcaTai, each t>i fay
In^ la elae. ramMhably^weU predearly
........... .......... of the aaeleet tirark.
data, abedt aixty yaara after the c

Wd.aad to
otdrlacbad Mylayrnf
C3irtok wlthoot eoBtonk ca<h beylnllabcoch ^dropped
alay with the worda “Jmin. miU."
“L_ Wrfiareday rrmiiiy.
The iraadatioB *111 be pul
’Uaaum. comiac'u
Two aoaa of llaalel Marl^ of Baatrlllayc to yrar* ayo.
ford.afad Uaad T. were drowned la
. a few paaee'per copy
LttUa Haakafoa rirar Buaday while
.rara e—after be triad to atop. -* wlilbeproridefi.
batblay. They left hone oDaoerraad.
At Frankfort flrrlxur* ytrt la Ibrir
>w be U aaeeaiay hto life away.
Saarab waa made and (raadar oiybt the
SHfrelnC. burnlcip
Prof. Prtrie'a wlaUr csplnralloa.
two mm toond aide by Hda la tbr
ealM) been wooderfully frullfrult- tbr yroeen and mrat markrl of J. tV.
of hto collection i. In
ntwo Loekbark
Inomd for
Tbarr Uceldrare of tbe dry— to
killed aad
ebildrra ha»e
than W.S110.
eollapae of
which the bkycle to reptaeloK the
• •
borer to be had at Portland. Tbr drir- _______
be prince ■ -Iny aa eaormoo. mamof papyri from
HI ats_
Itarllay A Beabea harr cotiiiaclrd
A a^f^^— aye of Ciudad Baal. Speda.
. JC Roman city ot Bcbaraa. went of Ur for Ibi- pladtlneol .u«i ai-rr. for m-r,A dtopakh from Sofia. Ilulymria. eaye Kllr about 1U> milea aoalhml CVm. potator. at i'rloekry. furnl.biny .tb<
aaeleetad aad OTrrfrowa with _
that owlay to an outbreak of playae at and Ur rarlier a y—« rarirty of ob «<-rd. and payinc P<raoU a boUrl nrx<
aad it ii a qaeatioa of bet a jaar or ao ConauaGaodr tbe llalyarlanantbori- Jecu which Urow . flood of llybl upon tall fur tbr product.'
wbeo It will ba ploerad up aad pleated' tic. hare la.tiuted afiftaea daye'quar- hr habile of apropir. rrWenlly in a
aoUhe ayaiaii all trare'.era from Tor- hlyfa »t»t* of elril'mUon. wbooranpied
Klftrrn yrar old Fiorrncr llnwelto el
Charlm Allra. of Warrea aooatr. Pa., kry.^Tbe qaamaUna weal latoofircl lowrr Kyypt oaolerlea brforr Abraham Ivioekry wa. quitr errrrely hortio
aedalmoat a. far hack a. lhrd»le
Urdalea. lm<t nrrk Star • _____acklny Ue irt.iTr
who b TialUBC bbebter. Mia. B C M.«idaj.
aiyaed by Arebbiahop Umber to Ur
Kreha, ot Kalamaioo, bsra't .wallowed
—Goa of uir worm
aarthiar la fire raar* Tct br Urea. U
lay hrr a
The papyri compnae ( rt.idoramrnt.
fat aad aB]nri a rood ciirar aa well a.
They were But found in a (rerrS ebani'
aar ooe. Ic tdi: hb.ruUet r»t oct of .......... ...............................-atillUra la t_.
Thtrr yr»r o’d M'alu-r liirry < ! Cry*.
or^ aad ao food aacld be pat near fatare to reyarded aa poadblr
It bar or a care, but were mixed up with a narr«.u i-.-»apr ft.mi
KridraGy 'Uey rrpreaenled
tbroorb. ao a rabbar Inbr wat rmajsto I. euud that In aneb aa rreat Klay Ueaoil
her d»r. rjirlittlr fell
the cimriny out ol a library, whellier
lieorye will Uke eoumandaf tbeti—k by
_ _ _the
_ _bend,
_ _ _ el
_ _eome
_ _ reformer
_ _ _ _ora
_ bar. I dcliberalrly naik.d into lie J
At Ulrard (ieerre Uatmaa left bb
iitian uYo hativd linowleoye.
i*rH d'-en. Ur aa. jy.toritatcd n
iDfBDt —boar a.laM> white he wmi
The dW-orerrr expert* that ten (,. d'fijru.iy
en aa arraad. The ebild maaarad tc flood, la Ur eaaU of Fraaee. .................. ...
vrara will N-ocx-opird befot*-1
irrt lelo aa orebard where a rirtmu era AdooB and Oera bare overflowed | u„ papyri
---------- --- ....
l.eoBard llakrr of Life l-akc haJ an'
bar amrir killed ix. tVbea lu fraod. Urtr beak* aad Ue towa of Aucb to
iolrreeGr.i; lulcrrrew wm, a l-u:l laat
mother eaar to the reoeae the IltUe partially InoadnUd. Coaalderab'
iiirnauonnl CbruUan EBdeBri.r Cond niu> k-n fra
oae had oae arm aad a Irr broken and aye ha. bran done to property,
the air. aad br landr.1
,1 ..n
an nrlr B>*b wa. Ion hcroat lu fore- to brlierad that many penoa
All to eow la rcadinrra lor tfarymii and »bi'nUlri>,, f..urtuaalcly oaiM.lC tk>
heed. The babe mi^, recorer.
been drowned.
at San •P''l‘vt line of Giv atoU.aV. rvqx.'or br
• • ■
The Tiptln Toplol my* them are a
Franciaco. A^ot
About «.(«■« dri. yitr. .ir I ni'k'bt liar* been kill. J.
A Looddn ^ler—D a^ Ue
few rrarllnB *o Itb* rirer, "bet aot
rired Tueaday and inlcea. maby m,.rr!
one BOW where there were fitly flee
«in,noi>,omi Wrdnraday.
. , J,*. llainra. a !•> r,ar-ol.l tod n*
yemre arc- The maa with the dynam­
a by
Tbe bayyayr room of Ur frrry .lrp.1 • w.ntotra. i. Irtibfi to .-t...,-;.!. M.-r.
ite and net ba. dear tl>e4».iiMi». aad
to cetimated at fit.ono.ouu. to crowded wiU trubk* and rail***. |
die, Thr oiW r day br } mp d from
in fire yean the peerlaa* r9fl">C. the
Ur—tto Ucyrweramentof en- of pirar* of bayyaye pdrd iii C—l | Ur toi<mo*t point of Uie .dcj-c '
fiaeal ftib that awteu. for either aport lerUiainy yneat. and dolay Ita abara to
ndrrthr .(eel arch.-* awaiuny . ..toy bridyr in HacMee, iuio I
tbalabJe, will bt an unkadwn (juae- not lem than fiH.a.i.uon.
-------------Bbd there wrra many piece* in |, dl.muc* of
ISr w.
.y in Ibb locality.”
Uoae pile* that owner* wrr.- luokiny part aiul .wain n-bursAt Uaitlnra, Hra. Ollben Darllor
butconld aot

.M bar liuir daoxbter wer« fatally bery. Ilerlln. Pari, bj
of Uiyyaye •
At Cadillac tbe licuUof (ic. nr ‘ C- p<berard by nraaollca exploakm. r i>ybi
land .wa* .truck by tiylitpl'k' at ai
attampted to fill a aVore with oil wl
. and Uebxoqarlchore
n^^'of aB^—loB by Siam— of tbr
early bemr Tnrad.y murciof, u.d'AIr*
aba bad a fire la the wood rook aU
>rrrt lu thr MecbakU-i
Krenrb prorTacr of rAnifaodin. aad ba.
Coiwlao.i'* ktoirr and lilt:.'. li>l->. w’h>
The ehUd died at noer aad tbe multaer telryrapbed to llanykok for partlcolan
niiieil away the nrr
aril o»« Mim Jmte of tbe alloyed iecaraloB.'
. ,
lie toall Rndrararc to furatoh
Jlic .torm wa.arrr;.
WHU. a uirhtaor. r
amolhormeetiay*. and Uey will be (liriaed

U Loodoa at tbe tale of tbe llbrarr for four* mratlnyv altoruatlny the enere buc;.'
> bmlly
tbe WrI of Athborabam. Ileraard place* of Urlr apoearaora. and w •iny
Iraclkb. a Inadoe bookeailer. Snoeht |tiy *iinnlune«u*ly at aifferrtu meetJacob Con
At Uetroll. tbe entremr brat baatiar goacl
packtyv of jmti'r,!*
lar blblr fi.llo of rrllum
own tbronrh a akylUrhi Sunday after- thr 1 .
IIKi. Thl. rolnmr to the
ooe miuaS tbrbluwlar out ol two printed I
The iran.formaUon wrouybl In thr Turwlay Tfil* *-r.*V I' h- ao'l
I'l Diiu-’ix^i*'
actomatlr fire ploea The torrent of Brat bibli pwer printed, a. well aa tbr pariiion will br a lorprtor to Ur U.roprinted with morablr
book c
water Urn. releweed.' fiowed dpwn __________...e
**od*whoarr familiar wlib'lu ird e
■< ai
ty^^ ^e price paid for the
il type
throat tba bulhll<>r. '
the. -rlire r.-.r lu tt,.- .>p.-n pin.- forr*t
diy r^r
linrnham. BtoprI A
yra—I yi..w* aouuiidiliy uj-m t
<y>. aad the clotbiiuT atork of Ue IVrrThe mtoatny alaamer Aden, which entirely rbaneed. and thr roof ha* bero Tbe
torn acre* of the land own,
1am MaoBfartariur Company lu the rx left %'okahama cw April
for Imndon. yieen a trot like appearanee by wl '
by thr
rffiioo.oia Tbrplure were made. to a loUl Ima. karliiy I'two dathed to can*.* i-oreriny. wbirh hidrkroiBph
«o at a Uoperature of lli> dire off ttartoUnddf H.xiotra. at tbr

lafiaaaportta a year

alay baa b— trylBf to loeale tbr
irate of hto brother. Omriea T. Koater.
a ooloreeiTeaat>rfOo.G.Tbird HIcb
Ifaa lataatry. He baa flaally reeelted
word that tlm firaea to la fiaeaa Piam
•amatmr. VltfUla?~

—•lay a
cat of wire. t?.l»e aided

™ Alaakaae to
rnUrdydiffe—V SbralenaU > thab
tha piaee to wfakfa the aad her
Ua are ynlay to ton mlka north
aea—t mimwaarr .t.tioa and ^
to lateara theta. WaoM tbr infia
of (be Pacific I. Um at Ue eiralta aa<f
At Bartoca. H. T.. Jallae Whitehead. marreied at tbe new. of the wonAerfol Ue rcylaa to tirleily aa arelk eaa.
_________________ k br Hemra. Ilrredrll
U yean olA to eaaeaiay hImeaH
aad Bant ca Ue borJ— of tbe Libyaa
daaU. Tba daya aflo there waa a
of tbe oldrat papyri Iknown
Hrkma torleal ia uf'i'cm la tba Oi.acr
Anmnd tba Beciaii. r the wuafie of ChrtoV
I'lntaa ahhr^ ^ Jall^wtU aiqud
he Fife Labe HnelMreekbraled Ito
a that tba ralae ‘
raU birthday laat wrak.
I—t It wUI aroa
^tajr^MBg^akb ware read

dkM OadlrMr. e( HadtoM. waa
BMlaaalr Isjarad hr a naawar I

AK Muir Hn. Dariaa fltoM fall
' threuhatcapdaar letaaeUtara aad
BWbablr aaalalaad fatal lajarlaa.
Hra Brr>aat Maararof NilMacddmV
allr cat aa anerj In the am aad bled
to death before doedoea amrad.
-Fanaar Wkdoff. Ilrinr bear nuafield. MIIafroaiofaBowtraad bad
hoUi I««1 cat off below the kaaea.

enit wwa mini
Alaaha for fir

___ ,. ‘iS

himtaBJtbp atoirmed
rr at a lorn to aemraat
Aa army ot U.i
irampe Ja m
etward. At p
rnl It to In Ki
Il to approacblay la ft>nr dlHaloBL. ...
towlay thr rarloai Unra -of rallwayv
M tronblraooc ba. It berocor
people bare pell Gonad tbe
to to carry them oa to tbr c
They forayn apem
thara to aoUiay laf
__ , U
, aad mtato. The tramp, aay

vrs- w

w^'Sr^the'tfTiyal.d’^neya of
Wbal they wUl do whan they
mch the ooaatjn a qamtfoa.
The TkUUy of Belmol. Brown Oo..
ad.. toY—tly escited otar tbe exuritaatioa ot the family of Ja
aa Tha aoihm
' ~
tohaa ■ddaaly 01 Moafiajr atMs
Thaf a%hl tha talurt filed.


All aroni
booth, t


aaa aa—

Trj-A'i.t, . Fon-EcM-


' -baiidiny.
At Charlew.nx KUiuli • lalliion.aer*oD Skturdar *r-o'tcrt io an a.xddeat
nmittra i* aow ayitaiing
f iovludiny Ur .hipping that may pr.we l.t.l.
Tin- ballnoa
harbor to Idirplay
. , fl.i.'*
. and buui eausbl onaeuy pobq.piimny it upaui
Inydorinytbr conu-otloo
................... ttir.ra Inc il itifa cn.* l!.•*tr,klnc a>
^bablllty that Li^ul.-Uor Jrb-'wii ton of Ur* i.cry,- ■>;i>.-r
b—king III* tliiyli and luiU.-iioy iotrt
... wban UryyaUrr In the l.iy con nal isjiiric*. II *.x.o.lit;.,-, '.cnitral.
cert ball Tnniday Srerrtarv Uavr *av* Three ..Ilwr. were .Ityht'y injurwl
Ue Ttoitur* will br more than pl.-aveo The a.-mnuu', ./("•lat ny >• ,ili R lintt
of .l.i-hkuii w ill, iiie'ujiti-il T'l luaio- IIIwiU Ur prep.ratluD*
be ■ixtocolb' Intt-rcitiooal
il eoni
eonren- aaiensiim. Iia-I In. ‘vp injiirrct l.r .Ink Hire* Roolbeer Ca
inp tlwepiiv |»-le The .-..olaei with tin
I. hr did not braitatr P drcl:
' '
lid ecll|
eclliise all pa*l oPi ■entio^of pole ripped Ue IwUo.-n .oe p•cer0lel
the ssqpDvinn whivb pr\>l«bly xared Ue
Ue^ d^f!>i\-nl'


Dhrlne Mls.ioBitnei
Two mark little women and
mannered’ man mllcd on tbe

Letter Heads,
Note Heads,




At-Kaxt Jord-in llai
relatire of the ariah*’:

Bill Heads,

monial rrnliite tin* work, i'lank ihn
men i* the li.ppp mM.
He toe.r’yeai



a Jhr-euupU- to make
oiind to Ur
thr prrw-nl
nrrw-nt irr.nyemr,
up Ueir uilnd
tirat mbrticd to JaraoJama
i>m khe lived fi-.* tbirtt
Howen. with
yt-ara. Tbe. . ..nd marriape ib .hroo.i
my.trry, but Uov il ii that abfrom Montreal to Mivbiy
cbiyaii at
winal<-d I
r. a ptaniahetnarrivd llarrcj 'SPtield ai
he bad anothi i » He and aba came back
toitoaiJo '

^•fbe?*^ yoiuy farther no ih than
Several hursca io the ricioliy ..t My
iliutiee oa. been rityodeil on Uto nitbb.vr dito lately of »pi*iufdi,-ch
___ .k- a* far norU a* tUr .parall
Ic. caii->xl >-y- U< eattuy uf a rank
which pawn Uroayh Ur erntor ialac
yrowth . f ci. rcrol Iceland lira T^y arrynlny wbvi
Ur i-toqulinauz are few. where U
In^ucr c!-oditton^aviny rr^-apexTiii.
olyht* are whole montbC Ivay ac
apriny frewi-.' Sanj new eineyard*
wbrrr Uadayaaad BiybU are exer
ba»c been jlartcd.
clatinyly cold.
The airuwbr-rrr *bipn-.eot. >w baRobert Samau, ot Lee Aoyrlr*. ii tt
from >l-JoM-pti ir.rb..r for ti. • -U-.Uto wife aad Mtoa Anna llunn
la*t wrak fi.ii I
Ue latter a youny lady of. Wbi
tier, are tbe women.
It to not to riptora Ue polar rryl.Jfihr po'uto buy. Ui* yam are
that they are folny. nor to *ork adrn
bad aa allnp-wi* w-,old ladic.le i
r or wealU. Tbelr falU to Uat the
Hvk f.»r a cn,p of Sic tubrtd t f ai
ire* of that n-yiea bare aoult
ip like thr a .e i f lPe.*r fvr It c p
be meed only by Ue
the trachinpa
U raUri amall.
two Vc
1 mimiooarira may briny, and Uey
re Biaalenary eo'.untaer*.
ab'r ammintef
'uakera '
, oat fielda arc
TheuBdraUkirytoaocxtrvmely per-[”*‘

Eta'ASE .v.r4


I he Imuatm


*bo 1
aloailrml Uecon
J -fiewtan. < f Koo
-nuiirr of Ue RiidraVDraurirUra'lT China \Vllbhi
:•*. Cam
llnatettrr, who
:l the wa
anra at tbr conrenllon. Mix* Newton
ha. brouyhVwith brra kliken banuer
br prearnted to tbr Chrixlian Knavor aocirly that dooaU- the larye*t
* thr forrlyn mbeioa*.
r FonCbow Cbri.tlan
. wboar yrratiay* to
Iriy w-err
_. . .. totieneral
_______ iry Harr by
br Sarmqry
l.iny Mak
brforr Ury deqldcd

ifureiaaa are yoiny. Tbr aearot
ibor will br lid mi.eaaway.
aumnolcaliDn jelth ciriliraliuo Jamr* lira'-l-* '-nra w*. .ihiulied.’
r had uDtil aa entire war ha* the GraoBer * pienic el ft. I
. Tbe miaklonarieaknuw n^- wa*. by acinal meaanrrueui. rcacilt
IJ lip-hr* Ic cireomrcrvner
Mr. Heall
tup of Ur itoquimaui iaapaayr.’
aa\-a lie ha. two hill* whUh l«-ar th(*.
atmo-mal .[wcimcii.. but thl* U Ur
Ue aeboonrr Volant tbe misaioo- Iaryr*t yet prMoced.
wHI *ail Uruoyh the llchriny
Up to la*t Saiarday niphl FranV
ainiU XnrU of Ue »lraiU Ue ivy Cbn;vhbad p'eked and markcud ueri
water of Ur ArcUc ara i. encuunlered ir.tkd •|Utru of Urawbeerira from
laaiead of Ue warm I’acitie. Jhr tb— three acre* o’ prontid near Albi.n.
pamenyera will Urn br landed at Andlbere are maa.i more.lcfl wbk-1koUbw —ad. and nltb Ueir nro- br fffrr. at enr rant a quart to all
a, wbirh a* iatcadrd to la.t wboBi thr adrani-e apent of p—peril*
_____ a y«M, Uey will be left there.
baaylreu tbrpo-by
Thr only euodltbe aebmmer rrtamlay ip compirU. lu
■ Uat you pkk Uem

Toyayc to HlUlyme. oa Ue Sibrrtaa
A prat, new to Galrabunr. 1* attackTbe
A PamoUc Foortb.
' ^D^Ual friyid aad remote portlcm of lay fruit tree* in tbe Tieinity.
a email worm.
The offieiala of Ue b'aUoaal Chrtotiaa i AlaUa Ue miwioearim will bare rmly
ItadrrrlopCKlpeMhip Irayue are very
Ua EMBlmaax-. aaatotance aad
Yoony pmr tree* *rem to hare
pleaaed at Ut retelt of Ueir eflT.
Uia. They will have to d
aecare a FoarU of
to ptoeead wlU Ueir .tore* aad a peculiar attraction (or it. i.....................
______oo* from Cape Klcmwm. Pdmilra to to be fuend on *11 fruit
aloay Ue liaca of
fnlra* .praJl'
priaeiplea. Their p
ialaad. to Ue-pont where UrV her* eryeUtion.
the pail mcaU ha* been rery beary. decided to eeUbllU Ueir mtoaloaary U' pnuto buy will be barmi
latter* comlay from all aectioa. of Ue .latioB. They are to remaio at Uat
coaalry ladanday Ueir plan* aad (e!
iBUrtor auGoe flee y«MV aod oaer a
Kim. rhrrry and trfom •<— in Ue
year aappilea will bearna to Bmarboe eariou* erctlKO* cd Kalamawo coaaty
aouad (or Ueoi.
are eorrrad wiU tbe yrrao. black.
Thto will ba aba Aral mtortooary ,ata- bepwn bran aad wonllr anhto, wl
•'Ac laayM bayaa lia week ter a .wOB. It to aaaertad. that baa bran mub- are rapidly ruitiiwr tbe freuk All ti
ew FourU lb—ye—ayo. TW la- liabad la that part ot AlaUa.
Few i ere pecuUar In tbrtr^etb-d of propa•—1 baa lucuand yearly, bat tbe rw
toueb at Kotxebne'yathm. Tb* prrfrat In—f all ' ‘
depcalu a few epf> on dittorei
aalin Ui« year are bayead all expaeu' ----------------i baa Joined lb*
iBiAryecaUere. Wheu It 1* re-intplaau or tree* and
iolaad lb* e—t In as
MTod Ualoa a—BBlof tbr yreat^d^ hatch—
rrtti—ahlpmadehrtoIty o( food Ue
u** ylte btrU wiGtout (arUltxaUoe to
irored to eloek Ue rryloa wiU I Uoomnil. mere of Unaara Uad. all
• k C. H. BowiHd, P. 8.1
p—Ida a food aapply lorlfemalaa. who —ttaaa the
an and tba Bern B. A.
Ua aaGem
eald to aot the oaGy daa«ar to tba



■up.. .itra— to weto. -a*.* au.


Gooil I’ilss/
Good Goods.


I'air Prices,

RAFF Herald




Ock tbe money- aarving people. We have only TWO WEEKS mSip to do
business in our old stand. In tbe meantime tbe spring boslBMO I* .
drawing to a close. We bave a lot ot spring goods toft asyet, nAmelja
Light Colored Footwear; a good variety of Light Colored Wash Goods;
a lot of Idgbt Colored Felt Hats and Straw Goods.'
We do not wish to move any of it into pur new store. Onr desire
is to have our merchandise in the new building to harmonise with
the structure itself in freshness and style, and this season’s odds and
ends must go r^ardless of coat If low prices for good qnalitar mer­
chandise is any 0h|)ect, please call without delay.

A 1^ Ml Hynya OXX'Z' * I

■ •dTu&iiHua Hati**




aB«n» TtuTB8m matAij jdly 8. nsr.
A.fcrtbawaaafHBlt ItoaatlfBl parbaa Hia.P.T. OKealaad Mta.HaMlor. Kanwrine Baua wTaztaos rteeaa.
C. A W. M. A a
ta wbkh wa kaU ov Baatiafa toa (T iwtaraad iaet al^t bwB Laha i
UedlUriBBat b
'ben th*7 hare beea rUtlaff.
lowlha free of ekarye.
to Hr. Jaaaa Markbas for Iba wta TOB Shanaen wont to ItortMi. I
othtoatoradarlayihaBatawlay Marbat dayalaataaBawr.andialrkkb we will ntarw wlib Mrs. SbanaaB.
Her. tn J. Tripp pastor of the DaU.
H. B. UolUy for daooratiaff
ad Bnthrrm cbonb,
. laforvaaerataltlBaa
k J. V(. UarkhaB ban ntarand
ToUto. Millar for tba nae ^ atoro la
whia wa bald oar cbkkaa pla
To tba Boardsan Blrer Eloetrte
Hro. a Palyhoa aaA. Hia. Olln
Uyht Co. to; oaa of llcbto.
Katleaal Repabikaa Leayne Omnnand will rkdt Mrs. B. J. FalybaB.
dtebea and UbO>
Oee tan for naad trip Sell
Dr. and Mra ttowys wAw ealted W tioB.
JalyltandlA Ketan Halt Jnly IP
To MMn. Booyh^. H. B. Boflay Martoo, Ind.. lialarday. by the death of
Mrs. Sewyrrto brother. Chae. IlnUea.
>Uet VoanrJ'mple'sIteioa MeatPrat and Mra
B. Ryder went te
One fan for naad trip KeU
Hamball Setardey for e rtoit brfon
pt Hr. Baakell'e yday to their new boo* s'. Plyaioalh. 1 Umi
Mra J. B. lleryTam sad Hn J. C.
r ortaara wa will ba foaad rrary
Hobart of Cte?teBati ^red at Park
ttotnrday with ear bosa made I
Plaet Tharedey oa their way to Obsoo. .Epworth Lrayne Amembly. ■
plea, eakea. ate.
We voald not foryet to tender mr Mm. J. II. Woodrrley end aerraote , for n»od trip. Sell Jely »> to
heart felt Ihaaka to the llaaKti Taav- arrirad here TharwOey ea roale to Mrs.' tarn Halt Jaly IT. ^ '
dtriey-seoBBerboae at Old Hie-'
la i^Ruu!. Tneeioe Bay Bayle and
Uornl^ Bcoord for the adrmi
fare for ronod^^ Sri? j”y"si. ^
3. it. Day came nrer froa
they hare to wllllay’y done for aa.
;; zt
» yesterday
by Mrs. tarn limit July to.
Dnth baa Ttolled Be three tlBB
Thep rertoterod at the the Pork
lay the peat year. 8rpL ;. Mvc. Mr*,
Bay View Rates.
rt B.
Boyd: Jnn. 31. im;. Mra. B. I Place.
Tirkrts Will be sold Tte toe -Riapd
Mm. J. W. Plemler and eon Web­ Rapids .t IndiaBS Railway to Iter Virw
land: March It. ,iyu;. Ufa. t
ster. rataroad Tboroday from St. amt reUreJuly I; to
Conniae. They ware alUaid to rst
youd reiurn
Uary-p Ohio, where they hare been ley SBIII Auyasi :i. at one lam f
round trip from all Hlyblyan puin
Un. W. Cooii rlsltter.
Send foritlosuawddracrlpttre man
I. acios flobbell of Sprinrdeld.Mo..
an two of odr Boat ayed arabera.

^^.."r.icSL’sss's. S!
"* '

rauM OriiiMp A fTMi <»iu)i
▼Uli««o« Ukm Ann. Tha dr«ad •»
a8ta«l«blow. 8»«rt
•war tk* hamm «f Mviy wraBty-fiM
toailtaa. Uirty-en df wUeh. aambarparaotU' an Mllnly da^Mta.
TM^ tuatiau Mada an lar food ud
dolUar. aad tkoaa Mt ha (aretabad
aaaa. With a Ubarml hand yoor yaaaraattyhaa oftaa haaa ahows <a ooa
aloM of thb kind, aad arvy clUwB <
Ttaaaraa Qlty la yaoad of bar raoord.'
. Aayoar .arar'I BowaaUapoayoB
^aeatribaulnaBakoraandlaaaanbaaaUy aa ym> aaa afford to tba raltaf of
•ar frlaada and nairkbonat Laka Ana.
aad 1 aaaara yoo tbo i«7 baal M
ha aada of yoar flfta.
OtsWibaUoa nay ba Uft with any
aaa of tha nllaf oomlUaa. eoM
af J. W. HUUkaa. Tboa. T. Bata



I Here Are Bargains!

Yonr Choice

tta* nuwt velMt piokiac of Tta»
'Shirt Wmlffta at thm prie«:
Whiite at



Make a
Selection In
FIaddoI 8aiU, worlb ft OO, r<w...............^ jK) I
8etB<‘*orih ii.00. for....................... 4 .0U
Vaacy Cbcek Botta, worth SXX), for..... fiJM)
Fancy llixturv Saitii, worth M.Oi). for...
Fancy Miitniv Snite. worth I0.6P. for.. SAO
Our wy Itosl Suite, irorth 12.00.
lllAO. your cboUv for.............................. 9j00



^ Broken assortment of sizes is the only reason for theae cuts in price* on de- Z
sirablc gtHwis. Come promptly.



left Toendey for Beetonis after
To Mra. B. R. KoeeiaDd wt owe
B«UaU« Dry Good*. OArp«t and OlothinK Houas.
yreater part of tbe toccBa of the tr»t short rtoit with thd temily uf Mm. J. E.
aieoioaUiiof tbcaaaoeiaUon. Tbroo^ •ircillck.Aitead Church at Bay Vww. July la
Pr«ai<)ent Sperry of. OHrel Collerc
farr oBUrlBy eaenriee we beeat
To enable yoa, to. rialt tbe Camp
iB«alalBr a rtronybold upoo psued tbrourh the city yrwttrds.r
Meetuiy tbr C. A IV. M. Ky. will eel
B for tbto much areded work. bis wsy to Usatotre from Harbor liekru ae SuBday JbIt l» at rery low
rates, and ran sp^l uoin from Trat
aad it to to br hoped the BBOciatlon SoHoiTK.
Trararae Bay Hire No. Tl. U <).
City at T;3u a. «>.. arrlriay at Bay
will alwayi be ably anetidB^' There
T. H.. two boxea-clotblac.
View at Io:ui‘a.iB. Ihwed trip rate
iB tbs fily to spend the sammer wiUi 8100.
drm r>^ dlibra. lampa.
llMI. tisUsvKX.
brr uncle end aaot. Ur. end Mm.
eatlrry. etc............................
Ladioa Library AaaoclaUoo,
Allhoairfa we bhre petiliuBed the city
J. U.‘s.Bto aocomjBBied Ororre E.
Ibm.larre boxB of clotblay,
eoaoell for water aad tbry hare
Coleman to 1-ekr Ann yreterdeyto ndbeddlBC. dtohoa. rtc...............
AliceT. Roberta, ^duateof Broad
Jaa« f1aia|ary. }r., and Uaotra L.
Uhar toTMl a MBiltUa froa that BaBlItoB Clotblnr Oo..elothlar. M <» alow la deeidlay wbal they will do for Just InsuraBce loBeaea Mr. Colemanb street Coaserratory of Music. Fhlte..
oa. name Naterr baayirea aaaboanti property,
plaaa. aad yvtarday they Tialtad Lake More wm br aeat by tbto Bnn
will recelre pupils Ib rolee culture and
fal anpply.
MIB Arnre llabbell epeat Kridsy pianoforte playiny.—Newest and best
' Aaa aad laokad ay tha ooadlUoet aar- aa tbr aperlBl neada an
Oar year * work will apeak for iteclf eirbltelhe city, the roest of Mm. J. methods. Rates remsosable.
pUoa aad tha isniadkair
:'T U.
if yoa rialt Oakwood cemetery.
E ilrwflkk. OB her way from tVeltoB
■ iBiiiHlii Tbay oonlaRad with the WoBanh Clab. elyht new oobTMavEBSK cm. artaiL MakArr.
to IteBzottie.
fortrn. oaa doaen new towali.
It sSralU te Uutltetj suCerslacal tXM I
aiembera of the I
t. by paylay
Mm F. T O'Sealof
Fifth street, BotelltfCs
elothlayralnadatSi.K, PI ou
terr cl*sB arc tec prices nUu.c sp
tl: ladiet may, become yi
sod sister, Jranir IClrby. hsre yoae for 1 ter da) teu paper purs te prrss.aad Ur
eBah and a cook aton............
■OAUiMuM tiol tebrk rrspr-asildr lor raru
week's rtoil with their p
T. J. Hoat. elotklne..................
g by paj inrf-' wnu.
_oaaioterBarSridrnarUr resilacsrorr
Oar BOBlhly meetlnya ore beld the Cbsrlerol*.
A. V. Priedrieh. ahoea. etc.........
eaocKatts a.vyi mvrisioili.
J. A. Hontayaa. hardware......
ewar Port per bhL oca ..................... Ili<
Float Stieel.
Oartiotarday Market will be held ia ■oni Uallsiolyt Collie. Wa
Hia. B. Uobba. tsaUns aad
Tlamaa Cl^. aad tha eetaaittaa
C. bbr stopped off for a i
1. S. UaikeU-e book store erery hatarha|N ^ ••p^nViat ud etaaalfylaf: aoatortar................................
Hral.ll.l.acw.|ir« ........................
Prrd. H t. a Oo. Bm........................
day afleraooo. Dlrtoioo A. will bare frieads te Pltet.
aalt of aletbaa....
Miss Ida Belloer retorneil Tbumdsy
ebarye of tba market for tkeoosiay
alia dtatribattoa M balac nadt ai
Mndime. P. 6. Hamlin. Bt^ert
from l-apeer.aad Hiss'Mery Beltoer
ttoUrday aad we b
Habn. S. A. BaUer, A. L. RorarytU^te tolar on alealy. What to
from I liy Bspids, wberr they bare beeD
pamea b^ln with
■oat aaadad aow ara aiauriato tor abaeber. Materand A. SqoLrew,
barrel of clotbiay. diabaa. etc. '
apoad early Batarday afternona.' This sUend,iny school.
woaia-a dothlac. aooUac alaaalU.
Mrs tk-orye (ulriusn of IaIct Abu.
‘ ahaatapyaral lorchlldiw, aad aqaaa- it. C. Darla, teiwrl of flour......
call from Dlrtokn A will not lie ylrea
borra^ smony Ihose hnni
Dr. 3. D. Muaaon: boa elothlay.
tyale f<r Sre week.tUyaf laiabar. Thera towae li
aspuie yalMpr rvenew tVp Mlrr<
tbe rewest fire, is steyioy with her sis­
JaniE B. Axirutooa.
to ha bad at Laha Ana. bat at it woald" Hn. H. J. Wolfe, brddiny........
W*es1 ora.prf l.s .......
Hit. A. L. Craw, eook alore ....
. Koe.Soe'y.* ter. Mm. Kiosldo IbiHerho Iflbfc to hare all klada aappll
(^u.Ho. I.prrbu.iaoai ................
UiwIlirJirWdVb. deufbler of Cspfeata than. eoBBiUen of rellal •
B. KjBaa, yaaolina atora........
Arc vt-rv new .m<l stylish. You gel tltem <»f ns in i
tain Webb, of C^pulis. wei
aahad to aaka thk oaa of UBir aould- 3. A. Uoatayne. eook ttorc.......
ovt-ry style ami jwicc—BLACK. TAN ami tiREEN j
I. A.:
sk-ls-wante y^lenlsy to sye'rd the bslOeotye JameaoB. eook alore 'and
in color. New shailcs only. \Vc have 12.1'itairs in |
Tha UbaeaUty aad proBptaa
Uaalon Mile.
naal reporta for firs
light color Tans, ladies'ami gontlfmcn’sshms. which (
Mm. F. K. Ilrsbeat Irares this after- L“S:'toT5i«i '
lynyaUenal ebereb aid aoekety.
Boatbs. ..................
wo are closing out at one-half price.
dlebBand nab. 118
aooB fur CraBd Itepkto. Sbe has
Ko aame. two boadlB dutbl^.
the yuBl .of .her mother. Mrs. M. J.
Hro. L. Robarta. elotbiay.
Wolfe, terserersl weeks.
tVillmr Cro-rell. who has been spead<i. U. Corell. boa elolhiiw
' \n
IW '
t > ■%
ly a muQlb with bis parroU. here, ret
U ataartaaitlaa an praaeatad tor thoB
Mra Boxbaryh, elothlay. '
» Boatfas.....
sis BWBlh*. .
turned to CJfrelaod Tuesday to
Hotel Wbltlny. elothlay.
.sflote bis medical studies.
It maat am taand Um than ^Id
J. tv. Mllllkea. boa elothlay.
Total expradltares. .•»; l'i> f;3; i
Met S. K. Itoysnlus uf Stoelnaw.
ba iltUa. If any. nbaUdiar. bat U to I1«f. C. B. Hora. clolhiny.
a Baltabla asd Oriyiaal SboemaB
passed ' tbrouyh the city Friday ea
HtaaekJeaBleBlyya Mary Pohoral.
Wurzburg Block.
Traverse City. Mich
I 18 Front Street,
aad Alice Phllllpa. elothlay.
route to .Ve-ab-U-wsata to-take p>sesaaef tbaboma aad WlnaB
Jamm Duna. lotebalta
•Job of her summer ootlaye.
K. B. Chapin. lot plllowa
Joseph Polled n bo has boas rtoitiny
AlBapararydapotbaa alnadyban
A. L. Baebaatand Dan Landoa. boa
I the city, returned to his
taaatid. aad Afeat Itoyaa wUI take eblldrwa'a elothlay.
PrnremiBl Friday, accoaipattied by
pBiilta thb Borakaf. Tba IL A 'T. D. McMaau A Oa. Phnwna UnHiss Marion ICoberU has retaraed kis little niece. Jennie lllchanL
■. & caliroad m?Braay hM already
. Mm. J^hn K Kraniny and ctaHdno
from Aaa Arbor.
tatarrt |iiaaa for a eeaplaU
^ at \Ur Hotel l.eelaoau. They will
P. RoadrwaD. I
Mrs. Jack Utney of Batten's Bay
alraatara. tally at r»d U act batter 3. A. iobaaon.
stay in the city this week, then
la tbr city rlsiliny.
tJ. W. Paul, a
:. Uilbenand fsaily are eayoylay
B.A BaraiaUlBaUldtha
WilbelB Bros., elothlay.
Prof. R. Knester, m
si director of
a risli at Crystal Utkp
te a aaw atan MxkO feat, aad eipaete Aylom BediBl dlaff. elo^Ipy.
Uio. E Bteuon has ben risiUay with
tabadoiarbaabHaa la t« daya.
Zhe eoaUrlbatiaa'.faun'lEe Bcltner frieads te Uoaroe Center.
' raaediad aearioad of froeartB jwtar- factory laelndBerwry eaployt In the Hr*. J. W. Hiller and dauybur hare tbe sammer with Dr .1. W. tisuntlell.
day troB Onad Eaf^ wbkkha will antlre factory, the ylrU aa well aa the yoae to Hay View for tbe
Tony Petertyl aed CUrenc* tirwlliek
aooa ban a ylaea for.
Ben yladly ylriay their ahaie.
Hro. A. V. Prledricb U eBtertatolDy ft OB the M .t X. E. tnin ‘Thamday
■artlB Black bat a aew bolldlBr ■
Thrahore Itotlnelndca the ooatribe Uio. Ueaiy Hasliell of l.adlnytoa.
for a frw days fisbiny and hantiny'ln
ready faloaid end wW-«ia hare
Ilona Ith with the oommAtee opto I
Iter. W. H. Boribol of Sortbport the rirlalty of lledye lake. Beosie
At cost for tbe next 10 dtye.
At ooet for tbe next 10 daya.
ay. The oomioittee sfaoald
wai in town oa boMaeas Toeedsy.
BotldedaaaooaaaposalMr if thrreare
Mrs. Frsek Worfel and Mm. John
Mtoe Saaaa Dsttoa of ladlacapoli. U
pMadbfj. T. Bk
All new good* bnt we mtut haw* tbe The cbeapeet paper nearly^ gone,M
i to be aenl la. aad rlsitiayJscob Caiman of Pront street. Waltem of (Irand Uspids came up yeaUk« to praparlor to lay tba feaadatloe
any names hare been omitted in the
Mtas Houser, wbo baa beealn Chics- lerdsy to spend a few dap with the
rooib for other goode.
well make cheap prtcaa on better goods. |||
lor a MW Urary atablcV
Hated list they shoald dao ba report- yo rlsUlny frisads talureed batnrday family of Frank Friedrich and other
A. B. iloallBBalel baa not folly ^ I Immedlstely ao that proper crwdll Qlybi.
' ^dadwtettodo.batba^ted to the can bayiroa.
Pnaidlny Elder J. A. Prye of itraad
J.«jJkb Slid IrLpU,
. X. ItaylBond. wife and
■BnanyaatardaythatbawMld prob- Willard Unloa. W. C. T. U..- aad the Rapids risited Iter. K. Bal.bary last
and (iaorye J.'arrired . in'.be
ehnrcb aid eoclety of the Seeond M. Ik week.
city Friday on th^r way to .Se-ahTha oaelaaa of a baaltky
ehnrcii are naohlny boas to
Mm. E. K. Laflia of Ftaakfort. has
ite. where they will spead the
the Imke Aaa fln- ricUma. aad a larye beea risiUay berr sister. Mrs.
wfU ba the nboUdlar •< tte aauaain qaantityof raiaal^ anlels hare al­ OoraU. ^
' Paul WtatoB ax'd Jaates Matthews, KKMC'n I I
atoUaad aton baUdi^ of WUHaa ready bean reeeired. Thoae harioy
M. It. HOLLEY. Hanag.r. .
Mrs. H. S. Hall left Monday for tbe of Urond ^ids. arrired yesterday,
HabhUr. who atatad ynlarday that be coatribaUnas to Bake an rrqaaat- somaar borne of her family at Lake­ and left oa lhr steamer CretMot for
waaMnbaUdanrythl^loat. thoorb ed te laare thea with Mra dlinaldo side. O.
Omrua. where they will furolsfa mi
apoa a Iob artaaain Bala Tbto will Poller, on Randolph itredL
Bert WlDDia. who
>0 U-boir wnrkiay la at tbe omraa Inn.
aaoa faratoh iBployBBt far a Uife Tba eoateata of the bosea aeat
Frankfort, catee .p4^y to spend
MlB Alice Uebrrtsreureed Saturday
to Lake Aaa by Trarene City Ulr«. L. the day.
ulyblfrum I'hlladelphls. where she has
dad«a C a. UaUattar, of rrayklort. O T.M.. wlllbedistribated.aBoi«lbe Mm. Boaenthal of'Detoskey to rtoit- been lilllny special eayayeiBeote siaec
mrnn ap yealirday with pw» la him lasberaof the Lake Ana hire- Urm. Iny bar pannu. Mr. aad Hr«. jDUa. yradustloy from tha Broad street Conolda poabet. tba naoltot llboral eoeam ba. bna appoiated by the'loeal Stelabery. <
aereatory of Mui^ In June
trtboUeM tnn pa^ U I'raakfort. lodya to rialt that plaoa today. ■
Clary came np from <lran<l Rap­
ThaaoatBlMaaatkad his to boldtbr tela the aeeda of meBben of the
ids Tbarsdsy.a<-3ampsbled uy bis fam­
mmtr aakfaet to tb^r order, to ba ea- there, aad-look after Iba dtopmal of
ily. wbo will spend the euminrr in the
paBdadforlaBbBand bolldlac___ the tblaya Beat orer.
Ellsworth Hale retorned Tneaday city. They bare many frieads hen
rial wbkb orUl ba parebaaxd of Ur
The ralae of the clothi^. baddlny from bto Tlsli te Umarillc. liraad Bap- wbo will be ylad to welcome them.
ad reoeral.merebandtoc aeat by
Ids aad Cbleayo.
Hsmeaad l-ouie Duuyherty.
adlB' Library aeaodattea at theX
Tharles Bowallial. of the Botloe of Elk Rapidv who bare bees risiUny
(Here, tolo Cbloayaparrha.inyffstaree berr serersl days ntarned home Prlto tbto tbe asoriatloe ba. —.<i*
for hi. new atora.
dny. They sron nimumpnnlad by
The Udinwtoh
Hiss Edith Ballard ntnmed to Man- Utoara Ads «nd Jennie Smith wbo nteaapeelally thank tbe many not be- ton Salniday after a pleanai
malned antU Tneaday.
polatferlhoaadealrliic to aoatrti
lonyiny to tbe aBodatloo wba Ure with Hro. E. C. Compton.
Mra. Chsa. Chick aad IJttle daoyhter.
AladiBald oaciaty then mo almdy aeat In .inaatltlB of rateable artielB.
Mr. and Mra James Maryan of ChldOM food work aad baa proatoad to Tbay.alao daaln to tbaak tbr dMymaa Byo hare arrirad for their aanaal anm- Ms^ iimnde. from Marlon, ttblo,
wbo bare been eUiilay Mrs. Chick's
•ska ap all atalartala ter oletlilBr. ale.
merrlsllatParli naee.
mother and frieadt. wU1 you IliyRap­
tkatasy kaaaat la. Parman la thr
te TVnnrrsi (Tii, i.f
MiB WtnUmd PoUer retotwed Tbnm- ids aad oiber places beforr retaralDy
W. O' 1. A. Reports.
dny from a rtoU with Mrs. i
to tneir home ia Ohio.
sacmersBT's nanm.
s at Lake Aaa.
>aal repert of Bee. Bee-y of the
Barrey Horrtoon andehildna tbe H'th C. E diitriel of Mkhiyaa'
W. 0.1. A.
left Friday for a taw weeki' rtoll at parseri tbrwuyb town Tneaday os brr
, Lsdiw' Dark Tan Lore ShoM. reu- 1 IQ Udi«-D.rkT*a_______
Bua_Kid f>x- QQ/b
their old home at Ithacm.
iLarKsbu*...............Jolj Plloe 1*A9
way to Honor, where sbe will omke her
fords, n«.
Jnlj Prioa «yC
„ ISB .goods.
Dariny the yssr w.
Ubaaal Ooatnbatima.
^Htoace Ire Ooseer aad Jeanic Har- futsrr bme. and will nlao.teach
baldUma^Iy epselalaad T
rey. wbo bare beee sUlttey atUatloD'i poblie sehool tor toe cominy year.
I Ladiv*' Oxfords and Hliiipn-n.
et 2^ ^ cent
itlays. '
Bey. rotarved Teeedey.
disQMmt- 92 HboM.Ai
r.llAOete (
day ky Mayer fiadtk k
Tbe aiaociatiiB baa a Basban
P. B. T-iaris. eoe of Mr. and Mra J sprnl serrral weehr la Trarerse Oty
lack anarlkr wad li«af
W. Tnrle, to ban fnm Oroad Rapkla for serrral seasons, arrired test niyht
«e tha Lake Aaa dntaff
for a tew weeke'raeaiioo.
kept boay aror alaaa.
from Appirtoa. 'Wto.. oa her way to
two bare entered Ihrboade of utriAkO BU
Hies Arne. RlidrAtaraed from
na IB the:
Bay View, where she wIU spead the
lyandeateHmsBoeodtetbe Unwr Arbor Toaiday to spend tbe coi
Id wUUacaaB wHh wUA
sammer with her oatber aad sister.
racaiioB w.ib her Panels.
paadadtotbaeall. Urary.
They hare Isased tbe aouayn nd Mrs. J.
The Daadsr iB Good Sboaa at 1.3W Prieaa,
Mr. and Mrs. a a. Tyler of .Maatoa W. Traete.
^anrisltiay thdr AaaytalB. Mn. A. W.
Bemben and frleodsna^ wall pa
s bac fail tbe kBpalae < Ised by tbedtliaiis. aad wetted as a^ IVek of EsetoN lath etnrt.
-Hm. CbarlMBoow of Harbor Rprlnyv
aeat earn bf B<Bcy taeh tlBe.
moUBrofllm-liarner, to Umyoest of Tla BasT Satra is ike werU te’Splaadid :
Reatipla from thp Ratarday Mariiet Dr. and Mm II. a lisfecr.
Cate. Brniaeo. Soroo. (Heera. Sal'.;
ing Faworlte Vombers.
Hr tbs paat ynr were Me.81.
Mm. Bsaaet of Qtaod Rsptdv arrieed
BiHaa opto date ai
We baeayraroled fear mads te tbe
osBatory. planted IM shade Inae and
plaand ec aettoB teease. aad hpre peMr. and Mra. John T. Bendte tetl'
HUeaed the «ly Oeoncil ter sralv.
lOKSAT IVmUItt. 7ULT 19th. i
■onday for a tbns wasks' rtoit to Oe-!
We anynaUytadeMadMtheL. L., IrAaBdapasalUaMpeanb
Total............... .............

W. W. Sun. Hayor.

j Nearly Over


The wall paper season—but we keep right
on selling just the same. Our papers are fine,
and prices right-the two together make them go.

Haskell’s Bookstore.



Our Coin Tofi Stioes




' *...




Wall Paper


* Hammocks

We are bound to give the most for the least money.






.a fe*^ rw..

I July Bargains



The Cojnn Erest of tin Seisoi i <



Alfred V. Friedrich, i I


BBaaro oauTgHBKazgjaji jofcY a.~iaBr

la IW M«>aU» M MCMIIIm.
Idar. BewMIkrowa bxm Ui wM le taka aeUea la regard Wtto aaaoal i
_|la tt* b»l{-«U« net
■atckjaeterdarat WtU Marr^e gat
OM Nyralaad. therefore «m
aty aaddaeldada
daaea Wedaeady. AaM lenr. TWe weea tea -e. oa radi ( the data. Beml aoh^eoatsiv J ^da. Wm Marroliad P<

■r i


•aU. ^

ti:: i■




N V tUe dtg. Vrr
t the daeirad
oaaofthat aldrrMa hen

Hark Haria. who waa m«tetad of
reatad hare haaa eaalarrad with, aad I with a Wfe of *0(1 o
wtemr la the aroell awrt Vadaeadar.
Ue Aairmaa of rook rriJi Meat with I l.ooa
IMr ffphMta aadr
rataaalaaeed to ^laea BMatha la
tv feBe^Rag H a IV of tkeae <
haalalaprtaaoatHarttMUa. Be waa
araaly to eaaaplau tba ai

h %f


U tv baU Mile raaalag laea a

jw M

; D

bg J. B. Haaoa of Traraiaa Qy. waa ,
' ataoBag. aad Urarg Ckariy.owaad t
fimnalae Bna. of tbit ay got aaa- i

li Hi

Coraall. W; Ctaw. 8Di JaVaaa. al
Total. •«.
OharUe OtfeO of tkta dti took IV
priaeto tVeU-mV nad'iaeaal aaeaUeat Ukeaae* ,of HV Joarphlar
Half laAtargrte ware
SIh Vpide Hoadag.
Bag Brow.. TItw of thii dig, who. allhoagfa IV
goaageat Bwsbar of tv board. V
meaabg of Bk Bapide
LO.O.F laatallattao
diet prlie ia tV two-alU rate
TV followiag are tV eOeera iaOiarieeO-Kellaeeiaid.
atallV Tatody Bight bj Otaad TraeBhaO We Bare a Market Site?
aroe Lodge. Ko. *00.1. O. 0. P-:
TV Burkrt aite proieet te agala
W. Cbanplfa. K u
W, D^olU*ler, V.«.
1 la Stdaborg^ Uraad aaj
wtU go to tV ooBoeil at Itaaest
C. & JobaatoR, Secrotarg..
’ UewtegoToalag. TVVraaee lopn
B. N. Dagia. F. VereUig.
J. B.'Hoaroa.Trmaarar.
« of tv aUraetioB »1H V I
able plaet V aet atida (or that par-

-to-.a.ato vne-w—lee tee-


State Bank.
eiMtOroMS-*ttTT B

1. Kloplta. a a SMi

- tVdtglodagUOMBplautVarTwwrh

peat. TVpeUtkn Mataa tVti
prorltloa wUi meet with the approral
L. B .Faa. Wardea.
C A- ilogbea. Coa_______ ,
of a larga najoriy of the daalen la
W. H. Unoad. Ghaplaia.
iVeiy. aadef
^ pt^daoU aad I
J. D. Ilobba. 1. O.
efOrld. etateargaBUer. of tV W. C to diapoar of t
A. H. Krowa. O. t;.
alao aah that boeVtm
T. U.,aaeb gave aa laatroetire talk to
E. J. tlaria. K -& S.
' Ulkraoa. U 8. A
v'ticooBOd ia eoofomiy with alnilar
ibrr of ladV OB tv trerk of
A. H.-Browa, R. B. UrilSth. i
deadart la otbor aitiea.
aodetg aad
Y- W. C T. V.. la
taaUUreato the graad lodge, which
Meade' ehereh Hoedag.
Tbe petlUon la
aael la loaaiy (X-lnVr 1*.
ieadlag haalaaaa taae aad (am^
Hang V KoBt Biade a oeatorg rae v
It la cepaeted that ererg aflori will V
Balanty Uarltat.
QadilUe ud rrtara Hoadag.
erada to bring aboat tV daalrad ceA
Bade Uie rotora trip la ale boar
TV Vlaidag Hvkal will be held
elgbteeo mlaat^ At Bad Vg c
V aaoml Ibla week Ip H. L. llaakell't
Pan Ca Oarp Lake.’
wag boow V waa tan dowa bg a
The drat dieialoe. Hrv If
Dapay Oil layaetor W. T. Rortoo of
wbldwaa nidag with aaolhir.
CarUt. tuptiiatcadoet. ia expected
lleliolt, Bute Pood aad Uairg OainBlawaa hadig bralaed aV the Ucgdc aidfarelab the prorlaloet aa follow*;
Uoaer Baakell. VYUlard Bath. UotareIg beat and geaarallg dtebled.
bread—wtalla. brown and aall-rialag:
or llogroa'i prirate acerelarg. aod
TV atrawVrrg aeahoa baa epaaad Prook ^iedrlek waat to l.«laBd jm- caka. codlciew.ifHtdokea. baked baaaa.
erallerm. rolla. IlalebclieeM. pie. Tbeae
lardag aad irare tV gnaaU of 3. H.
large <{BaatUlea arr itlag abipped to Watte of tVt placo. Tbepartgwan abould V V hand aa near f p
iDonbweat. O.^. Eyia Ugatbarlag
with a trip oa tV praty
' ladle# Id thte dIelUon
Ladg Watte, aad apdot the

eoaaeil to eat aelde a aaiubla itropt o
plate (or a narket kite. Thb wa
wortbg of aerieaa eoa
atderaUa aad waa referred to the eon
•iltae a wage aad naaa.
TVrooonof the o
had la eharge the aaneterg water mat
ter woa alao ukaa fron tba table aod
afM eoaaldafBble
uoftV c

Cireuirtioii this week 2,350

IVprtaaof whoa
Oeerge HaV aad KV Harg B. WeUh
Bv. Howard Hoota at Ua teelivea

‘ of trail ud Vipplag to EeeaaaV aad
VgrV Baadag IV a
Vretad to tv aid Bd IdV Av aeBergaa to
U Chicago. Hr.
U caltlratlaglB
H. K. Bartoa. H. D..« wnena pbgdTV UdJat- Aid Boelay of Haplatoe
oka trea QraV Bapida. baa toealad la
wOl bold a aeelal at Craaoeat BUI. reel«Vdtg, wUhreoaaattVBotei Wbildraaa B. H. Bdgoooaib. oa Vtordag.
Jolg loth. Befraabmrau freoi i' tn to
Aaarrer araa aade iatVaotlvof p. m.
atraoberiV aad eraaa aad
tv death of T. C. Brittoa. He
goodtblagawUI Vterrad- tiopMrrtedtoHVHaigHlUvtalMt. i:

■ porthn.of tV dag ftehiag.
Theg bad aeeelleal lack, aad of tbeir
rateb throe Bv aalaxn troot of tV
T^y ware abipped
gtoa. halaioa troot
gna. bnlChrp lake la baooniy aotV
ben. aad will la tV near fatara
b^aefa aoofkt oa tbit aooooot.
An AattSalooBLaagnt.


Ooad bate baU nag Vospaetad bant
todag aad FMdag.
TV Haalataa^ The Ladlaa' Aid aocirtg will Vld a
rolal at'-Craaoeal Blll.-Hapietoa. rcaOeltf wBl plag two gaa« wlib tV
Idaaaa of B. H. £dg»^«mb. oa Vlar^
dy. Jalg loth.
VfrmhBoata will V
Bal^ Baatlaga of tbit ely woa tba
. baU-aUla epta'Megela iw at Kaalatv
ber^lea aad eraan aad other good
Hoady la ivoalraight btata. Tlan thlagm. Hnpoar Iteeau. cblldrea lol
Mt and l:l»__________________
VDla. A good Una laaBtlelpatM
b lilaVer. towrig are eordlallg larlted.

mealltig of tbe paaton of tV lo­
cal abarebat geaterdag it waa deeidV
dealgaala Soadag, Jolg Ik, M
itelooa Laagoa SitBdag. Tbadaaigali
bare aerrleaa In all of tV charrhea
the aroraly of tVt dag dai
U-nlooB aobiaeta.
will V bald it> StalO'
barg'a Uiaad -Opera Boaae to V ad­
it U
expected that noted oolUde aprokara
wmalwfiUaona oftVloeal palplte
la tkenoraUg
A eonnlttae, aoaUaUy of Her. O. 8.
Nerthrap. C. A. iUnnoad and lieorge
W. Hall, waa appoleted to perfect
raagoomta ft la

1.- ‘
" 1

Oardg ax eylaeer i

TV laWB fate asd aodal gieaa at tV
l■ll^ala of Joha Rang Taaradag
idghVier tVbaoaBtoflV L.C B. A.,
had .ageodUneaaddellaiewr^nab-

TV MooSa of JoV Snee. eoaOalg Oaa Left.'
•na (etoMa of tV Tneaiw Ciy binM. Calew canaUtron Cedar ThaiaVrOa-a garde, will V glad tolaara dy WlU hit left baad Vdig naatV» V bw labv a poallkn la tV an- gUd aad two Sagan aaarlT aaeerad.
ptog of Ua White Lonbar Oa at BogM ilaiaalwiU) v aeeldent at tVmwnlll at Uat plaaa, vd tone beta to
Vte Dr. Hartln draaa IV woaada Be
baa worfcV la Ua mUI 90 gaoia A
Ue Sntfliigarof Ueotnebaod.
aad BOW V baa Mig Ua Hula Sager


U Jagoa A Oa Ha lU. a H. Elite Ha
UA B. PUenbaag Ha IM, Trarorta
HvU Baaeat Na Hi. B. L.
Laaineaaiy aboat* e'eloV Ja«lea
wW avda two baarta bappg.
mtaaiaate wan Fraak SnIU. of
UV aad H V Saate E. Bill Of Alaaaoa.
Braawl aaaay.
Plea or aU baadrad of Ua patteote
attVaylaaea^ogad Uair PoorUof
AalgeaUVa^HaVdy eight. Thy
galkaradaa>Ue Ug Uwa aooa aftar
■opparaadae It grew dark wautead a
Baa dteplag of Srowurka afv wkteb

eV of Ua tew Srv of FVv A
evtear aad PatehU A Imtoagar. A
vtblp baa bate fomad bg Hr.
Oaa Uidte thlppad a ror of atrowhnrrtea aMaroteatoCkteage vurdy parly to locate la niubla atVaa I
atteraoaa. aad axpaeu to ablp at
1‘atehlBji a Snt-eUn trial Uwgar.aad
a aarady Ute weak. TV Chicago Hr. Oowarteaaei
oftvUw. aadUacon
«oaa potal to good prieea Ute weak. Uoateagoedoea
me tv tappig tot Uat eiy nnet cone
Hr Loraagar will coaUaaa to a
Urgelg aow tren aankara HloUgaa
VeUeaUlVlleodUiaeck.aad Hr.
TV bnrV kata era Ua Saaat aear
■arVted ta MteMgu aad tVra te v




^To get up ads. these hot days.

' t :■!




ItV easy work, however, to bny and sell as onr store
IS mat h c.M.liT than ..tit of doors and our prices seem
t*> he s.» satisfactory that it is merely a matter of ««•
lecling sut-h tilings as are suited to yonr waotp. '
»urt \Vai.sls are first class and our slock fine.


Olroalt Court.
11 dag Kridag io Ua ClrroH coon
ocespird WiU Ue trial of Ue roa*
of Ue iHrUnd KaSeiy Co. ea Janni
8. ilodgaa The Joy rcadrred a rer- (amilg will arrirc in a few dayx,
diet aaar rrcaiag is Uey of Ue de(eedBBt, awardiy dana^
utofU tU- TVeUlnofUeplaiaouxuBMiamaaL.



Mo Plade UV Graad Troearo
la plualy far a trip dariy
Uoa. Ue nala poiat to dteide te where
to go to aecnia Ue moat bealUfa! eajogneat. lalookiyoeer iV'liat' of
texhloBxbleBlxoxe.V wworlx of

oemlort. WlU all CV a
aa bcatly. Vhiy. good wav. aad ia
elgoratiy ellnate combiaed-dt ran V
mad la Hichigaa.
IlarlySUod ia Dianoad IaV.
of good faallplagcra
jri»la aad aV Xyarn PalU.
••ewH" (or ^ Vne-Jt,), j.
indlaaapoUx girox
onaat opiakm Uat tV

TV i‘reabgter1an rharU la plaealy
to Vlld a n.oon eVpal oa Ua Ua
W. C. I. A
(fOBl of Uair lot, coraar of Park aad
Theuaoal neatlypflV
Thag wm laara
tv aVItorian to WdV UV. TV
L. aad ue (el.Udiy aow occapgiy tV
yol will aooa be i
UoUe-taar of lowly o«een aleetod:
PreahUat. Hra C. J. KaaoUad: Srat
Ua lot and reatad aa betoro.
ioa-proVleat. Hia A. U Barllaad;
Vlldly eenaUUaa
Hra F.T. ClUia;
eraely aad talked Ua m
TV pleat will be eoaopletad wlikla
' TVBewVdIlloewllItoVlIial
W. p. COltad briek aad will V of
klaa: treaaarar. Hia B. J. Palgkam:
Hoard of A New Law PlrmSteteoa. L Hoate. H. E C tem. E. J.

- f-


I make rnoiplea of
Urbicgcle ordloBicc.
Meadaawa B. AUeg. A Adali. J. AdaiC
U. C Hoffall WB» appointed
leaalr Aadereoa. Nettie Agrea. T. T.
Vr «t Ue board of edueatiu
Uatro. Ileilb.
Hlae. Jaa.' Black. A. W. Illaek. A. H.
Vavlt. lI'llariM. Anna llriggv
Backer. Cbaa. Hall. Slantb Blacknoa.
Franeea Craw. W. A. Calklat. II
r. eVrer. MarionCralne.
Hook. A. B. Cook,
J. &npV11. Cura afteraooD aV aachored iiff Ue Wr'.^ne
Campbell, 3bo. dennt. Jaa. Craig. toogelub bOuae. On board were
an.l I'm! hprioger
Lay Cartia, f) £. Carter.

heaU tody, aad again tonaerew, aad cleared, eroald glee a apae* of about
two good goaaaa ora eariola. Haalateo
Tbe buaiooxa mea who
I elated with Urea tietoric
of Ue
of fvr la Haaiaue. aad evSdeat of earnaal aad Ue xab}ect wUI V (artber
loto III and I
Tbe proprrtg ooald V
AViv <;
eaal lo Edgar
TV Uaatlara. aaartiy aadpr Urw pnrebaaed bg Ue eitg at a eay low
■tralgkl daltate. are eqaallg deter- prtea. aad It U tboybt
niaedtonakaUeColtawot Ub
of aav a project at Ute
Uaa two niBu V to wla a VaL
time wonld not be oallol
ol pi
Vay Low Rate 1
tea Uaa aeer Vfora. Frank Oaina
Will probaUg ^leb oaa of Ue gmnaa
(or Haalatee. wlU Waty v Ue rob­
ber fee Ur II oatleia. aad it tboald V a
VtUa regaL
Qalaa bald oar'
dowa to flra hlU m% Haatetea Thaa
then la Hlllg Tlebald. Ue Troranc
Ciy (aeorite. aV -Kid'' illroaoa wlU
hla Ug taV aad Harka wlU u yaallg
TV (era aboald taro oat

' I

walk wax ordered laid at tV I
ed dUlriet oo FrODl xireel.
On a'>tioa of Aldrmae Deal
Stroel CoaiuiViooer Kellg waa
atroctod to empty ia alreat
xapport. ax moeb aabiaaiblc.

be doe OB a note giree bg Ilodgaa la
btrodng torvi.'rspagateot for cai-lala ronSng. wbicb
PteBchly. ]";Xi
bf alleged to dlaeoeer aot ax ceprew-ot.
Tbe Uaaauiai
SBBdng School (•dlowing.
V. after Ue oote -waa gfrea. Tbe
iVeUad to HV Hay WaJboara
JoalorC. E
UarlaodOa broySt aolt lo a jetUer
(akaberto/lldHInloator llowvra. a big box of atrawberrlm
.y. I'. S. r. K s;i
tla^ago for tbe anouDt
TVataonarOolanbU wUl dee w aad Ilea Daeia applco. tV latter aa waU
Kreeiog w-rruf.
apd Hodgra aiicBred a rerdict for dannewly aaeaMoD to Tmh W Ible prcaarrV aa tboagh Jaai rIpenaA alto
Pngrr merllag Tliumdng breoiy nt
■ to Ue aaooBt of «U TV raae
aeaaly. ItaelagV S:M aad
Him Marg Carotbeia for a box of remfUMoJed loUeCimiltanrt with
U laagoe will raaalt fron ibla arroageBoaad trip U
>l| ore lorl
Ueaborerraolt. Dodge A Corell repHaltVw Uorabard of Elk Bapldaaad
meated Ue pUlelilT vd Patehln i
Aaothnr Fire.
HV Flotooea F- Walah of tfala eitg.
Locoagar Ue detradaaL
AboBteae o'eloek tbla norely i
Kxarea. followx
ware narriV Vadag bg Bar. WUy K.
Dniy tVir naaUy hero tbe lira t
The Cirealt Coori KridBg groou
Wright at hie rwddeaor ee State atrotU of tv weak IV depay oil laapaeton alarn vllV oat tV 6ra dapanmeat
Pmeblng nt I".hi b.
decree of •1.Tm',.<Iu i 3 U II. l>oUocl
the realdanoe of I. B- Uaein, on .Sou
Hnalag xeboKi Bl tl:iu.
troeV. Id Ua cmiie of II. B. Pollock.
Dr. LA.T
I bg Fioak rrtadricb.
On SuaVg hU,
VoaV. ea .A. T- Hoxle ytal. io Ue
I'rroi-biBg nt t V< p. ra.
r gaehv Bawa S. IHagrae. Jryteoktben tberarener kiMbv of'tV talldiy.
bat tbe flaiara ware eooa extiagolebed.
All ghe inTited.
, to Na-ah-te-wmata. wherr dlaner
•troy Vorofgaaollae
A cur Par«!
fBuBc-B i.r ciiRiar iBHaimarl.
TVqBnUoo^Bclt.rpark.-eMtnkllyj SerrkexBre held in K. O T H VII
atog V kept a aharp Iwkdut fv tbair abool the plaoe. bat Hia- Uarla declar­
lototed. la being yitaied bg
•ral B* lo;jc.o'cto. keery .soodng
I eenfort.
ttefora IVlr departnro tbeg ed tVt there waa do gaaollaa la tV.
t. Sbe atoted tVt ahe waa awak- laadly bBxlncto men. Ilbaxbaeoay
Subjexd-"l'Bul nod SilneaetBI Lib
m of hla
.UlahnaUyarapraparty f<n a goad ,
bg tv aooadof V exploaiaa. vd. geated Uat Ue Cutler proprrtg. cecal
iery Uroagb Ur power of Tralb."
dy bV with a baadthe rdkr of the Ig pBTchaaad bg J. T. llanaV. woo
Frfdag erraly exp^rlenoe meeUy.
make no admirable allr for aseb
The neraly train on tba O. B.
park, and a aput opcin wbicb a cl
gaatordy breyfal la 9! panaagan
Vildiy might V nracted ia Ume. It
vUa efOtBDdRapidi.aad.HV Jaltat fron CtaelBBaU. and tby Innedlatelg
ia argaed Uat Ula te Ue oolg central
teekar of Ibla efy. Vte goM
Real Eaute Tranatera
look pataage v tbe Celnnbla for
aet ^ tone aaa Oaa of the barrele point aeallabla. and Uat if Ute la
aaaap at RaaBlt Inka.
Omav raaort. The jortg waa a
woa wot with gaaoUoa the wire a
tecurwi It will V difBcalt lo 6V aapol Vn.l.l.e.1 le C O. Lxdr. Hect.w >rf tM-X..
At tv aaaoal neoUy el tV Bartb- pgaadof Law Voight and faatUg, Hr. waa partUlIg tom bon the door and aearaoaaltobla J-T. Ilvoah xrax inH VIntao to W H. Bhiteford.
«s Htehlgaa Aaglan bwrd of troaUy aad Hra HarTg Foolda. Hra. Poalda' twabaadlaaof rage wari foead ooV terriewM bgUe UxR*i.i.rog*nlii>r Ue' of aw
VUgaaterdy.Ttvtea Locia Bobarte BMibv. Bardette Foalda, Uoa. A'roak tide tatarated with tV cdt.
Ktrchaer aad (anilgaad Aagwl Eaiaa.
would be wllliy
naa ro.alaeted pwealdeat of tV b
hotly aad Ibnllg. HU neraai
Ply Ball'
Baiddratioa aad Uatan to autrrtw
MdTrnatea H. C. Daeia, aaerotey
paetad tbla neraly
TV Kaatlatm croal VM wlU Ueir
It bad alM baea atated
Hay W. Nall to Alex Ctow. Jr., parold rleoU. tv Hantetea Colte. for Ue aerarallote>la Vd.lttea eould V ee-'
Bi i«i, r'
Ueaa Ula taaaea v U&r vUte aarndla tkdwma locally wbicb. wVa •i.iK'jri
1 la aitaagly tor ayedal
rate far Ua aaaaal naetly of tV Caaaad Nortbern Hlchlgaa K- O. T.
H. to V VId la Fatrokrg Jnlg l«.,tv
ior.^ roagdAdp wUiy-^y
TV trola -wlU Itaea at 6 a n. an
win lotara In tv

Hannah & Lay Co.

fora wiV mill agatem. wo* Paallg
Tbe report of Ue coainltW oo Sre
aad water, ralatiog to tV Hrr
xa^>ecl vd
9t of & C. II

Mra. B. i

Wo.OraM-^^ wieHlAlU V^Wi kM> III lee

are not all angels. The'ones you and!
[ we live with have wings,.and with the j
j help oi our “BEST”fiour assist in mak- j
I ing^uf homes happy.

aroBadTimrerM ay affwtl mo
to Ue acre Uaa ay oUar waton wiUla hteknawtedga
C. 8 Banker, d tneally i
Cbteaga ateo toga Uat be bax Bxbad
Ue UbK of Hexiea Saaato laka a
LaV Lamohae. N. Y . vda aambarof

Baaclr Hotel for a weak, tokiy in
tlBM oew 1*0 poeadx at Ue Bang triV
froea Ue wateta la Ute locally, vd to
tetVlr friaada at ladlanapilte
BaaUorakg. HV Hatob Va
Uat tVee are flab aa well aa wav aad
TVraporteof Ua ogteer* wan neat toad la Hleblgaa. Urg xklppad Tu
giaUfgly. aVwUg Ua* a goanal U- ptoBdx of diwnad flU borne to tiekle
taraatbV baaearoaaadlatVeanatetT tV palaV of tbtfr trteado Hr. Ittate
arbriyealled bon; v orgaal bnalaeiB Uy left ban Ja1g M. more Uaa
aaUaflad wlU Uair trip aad oanVa.
bat expeciiat to roura ia Septonbar.
ty Uat ha aetkna aia neatly wiU
Ua approral of tVpaUlc U gaoeeal.
aUc Raoa
woold V jHaond to laeaiea
oddlUaaa to UMr natebaeahip Ua*. aad
JlladV U tV dy or tv at
aaoBteywai Vootdlalywd

Oa Jolg toU Ue C .V W. H. and D
. ll A W I'mee wiJI .rll ti.-kru b
IVirUaad. He . Vd mam. ria U P. B'J
aad D. T. B'g at tV lowmt raV reer
■oade foreuch aa ooroelon
will be good to rrtvrti onii) Jolg 91.1.
li.mad (rip rate from Trae.
Ciy will b.-»i: mi
It , Cm. Drllxri-x. <i V. A.

' "W


Haskell’s Bookstore, £
ww £
OnrSBTiocB DepArtment £
xgcfggrr r.tgtc^Liwi.
Memcmta-r there U hut


Lets herself loose once a year to cele­
brate Uncle Sam's birthiiay. We have
been letting ourselves loose for Mme
time on our


and shall continue to do so until the
4th is safely passed. In considering the
wheel question, remember that the dif­
ference between what you pay here for
a first-class machine and what yon
would pay elsewhere is an amount suf­
ficient to celebrate the 4th 'n^th in a
glorious manner.


WE} Ipril ImiiM ll I *■} iw OH


Hi Iu lit1





<^RAHP TRAVSBSS HEEULt) JULY B. tt07ftm b«n lo our* do*. 4bem bMM mA
froa lte«t«E«U'>.tmBBMakdatk

•h* lo« it. Ha/ «■• fWf 1h* (UM


owtag to the laleaae beat
Baeea had a haU ga
Korthport abe aad
wbiai Kortbport

mtv be
- itMtaclMnSMdv■Mrfoffnikw^qaMly.
ga«MlMudi^lsa»d- tantwMlpoiud
Hr. OrteU Md (aaUj t
w* r«t«rd>r_______
BoUbaud (rtadt

Oa datardaytl
torad IW« la tba

J. a HartiB.ol
BbaU^fare a radutloa la tbe
day night ander the aa.|M of tbe Y.
i^kc■Kwbioh*aaby^ar the great-

tea. Hick..
tbRMCk Um «ood» b« »»•« Uedly. deha PrUa aad deha
Ukrc u> Tiannr CI17 ud os Fridv
1m »w takw to lAk* aty mod kfi 1b
aokar have aaeh pore^aad a bwdar.
ebanr* of th» BWlff ei MU.B»k**
HIM Hav tlthroBK aad dion Dip- large aa waa eayerted. ahowed ibelr
tbe beany applanee


Wc have jast received a complete «tr line of

Walter BBaker & Co.*s


Cm* Lean IkM Oae CcM a

Dorchester. »»ass.^


To^Uim* trlth manj other* in


' - -

Hta UatirelawraeeeaifaBM 1
lad; ftirad Atoa hooa fraat Tim'
V. d.niloB aad laaUy tialtad Uka at; Utt irriday.
a Sapda;.
daoo^d. OroeMbkaTiBC
aad Ut<Dda to erect
Hr. aod Hra. Osar
apaat Sanaeiijear.
dayatHr. MaaJ ’a
Faimen' Inailtnte.
Hr. UBBifrt baUf.
H. R Nairgarth mm up trea Ked
John VallwB of BoDor aWtod at Hr.
A rammer waaioo of tbe fa'annen'
City itacday. He will aeead.a la*
Chrb. MttooB'B. rtask BoobaaT* Haal-r bat week.
Inatlble la an laaorailoB b thb redaya hate with kla taoilly •
J. B. Uetaadorf of Trarene CUy U gloo. bat ito aaeont waa aaaared
repalnUar the chareb. lie *U1 alio TamdW- * J*nr*
'-It \ViB. BUbcke'a tad CW. &c>
ijbelr wiTco.aV
iTaieit uiy «a«h
traded the meetiag held b ilraage
IllM Hartha Haho of Haple City wat
thegoeetol Ur. aod Hra. Augtiai otto hall, and the only criliriam 'heard
Vary warn
HIM Uiaea Clark aqd Bdai
IMUtbaabadatbUrdarBadliaBthat tbe day waa h-o ehtot for Uw
Uat *eekplcnie held at dkttoaa Ray joyinrat of all tbe good Uilnga on. the
aday M lar^ aUduM. prrvram The raeelinjta were b charge
H^ Opal Hobb vti IjTPttrr wft
r fifty Id aaajW pneeat of IVof 1. K 1'atlof tbe ArricnUnral
aad they report baring
B tbU place, ai
College, wbo opened tbe morelag aeaa good time.
•lon with aa able ulk ua the pbnUng
Tbe <|narterlrmeeUngaerriee« fa
of orebatda. J’eolemor Taft
Hr. aad Hra. lew aad trtoad* of la- oa Saloiday and Soaday were Umm
______ k UapMa.
baa arrired here yratorday and ^
.................... -n preeent w
knowa etbrreol he
Mra. Ooark. daarbtor mod afalldne preparlaf to eaiap by the lake tkla
tndWida. 11
■lltol idcM Ue urged tbe
It to Bk Bapbb ytoladay.
Uer. Kdd W,
Ilorouitli of Kaaaon................
youac treea, and ndriaed
Tiarwae Oty
a of Tiai
TcnremClly. aad Her. J <• ->r
the thorough niluralloD of oreharda
ir. la eplle-of the warm wealber
rrUaralCkl alHraC
■cnni HitTUB.'
large audWooe gaita-red on Sunday
muraiag aad Iwtgnnd eloeelr to the inacUoal eiperleooea of
K. II llubbetl baa nxmd bw I
Menllng Mmnon delircred by Urr. **
Jabbrll'r bbuae.
lira till Trarerae fruit calwrt
Tbe AldaoeletynMobwUb dira B.
• irat gare an intoeaUi
Tha aboiral«artarCraak bat Won the a-|rantageeof coolluBtng aUick
_______WlBlera. of '
raleing with fruit grewtug. and n llrely
leblUBg fadeada at tbli.
The etrawberry aeeaon it about orer
diaruMion followed, laating until
Le*la Hoekto terM Halarday lor
Chat. IbUued cebbb foot rery Imd
aTliere n. rer wa. a year when fariiiera
ly laet week.
a abtetrUit
tmulilrd with fniil eneudte
,pn-raet aad I'rotnaKir Taft'a
The revularniiaraday eeealag pbyer meeting *111 bcatdan'b V^abrt'
I'caliek rUlted Detroit aerera talk on fungi and fnoglBidr-. waa both

Ladies’x'Genfs Fine Shoes






daya nt laat week.
tiiDvl> and raiiiable He alio apoke at
Uiaa Ulnak Ibrke ia .tollbB OO length of aieawberry And ratpberry
frteada and rclallrn
a be
jligbt-oad the be»l rrcnrdien.
Mttor bad Bot beea ao eery warn.
agent for the aaiar.
Ur. aad Hra. Kreemaa of itolilli
Mra. J.O El
W. 1.. Prink and wife and d.
e rlalUng relaUrea bare.’
inf.irber i-anned fruit*.
ttcodto the ParmePa lB«tl
rarceae City Tnnelay.
iprr the dearr.
Him Seine Hollcnbedi.S rfueb.lo tbe Intenwl
Dr. A>aliek aad wife, are cBtortob
een w<*kiog et Trarerie CUy. U rb^
IB^ Otelr mother. Hra. Fralick of Copc- of tbe ladiea in tbe audience.
W her pereeia for a few weeW
A. II, UcBae and Hra U. K Steward
Tbe tee crcem toclal at d. B. Wlnberae agaii ;foUj>wed.wilb an able iloe-naaiou id the
Him Ruaa Sbaley
»,• IML week waa a eoelal
«*b1. race
afteraalay 4f about
aubj*.-t.' lT.i!e»*or Tail clieed
a little urrr eight dollara.
rae Cit
riernonn aemiio ailfa a abort talk
Hlta Ula »vrl. of Tranne City, ae
to’HaSSSw aty. Jelllr^ t^^
Amldon. wbo liaa been b tbe
onutJn. Knrtoo
totheymiog people <iu Ole neoeaaary
tonth part of tbe able rlailiog. relara
Baatpurt. peaaed tbroogh '
Me Mil town cm bceatol better
■inalfUealioU'. tor ai
rd borne faViday.
« lb their wbeelaoi
' Sierrotka tbaa
'Ricagricultural college.
w been attcoding
Tbe pngrain wa*'inb-ra|K-rM*l witb
»»le by Uir popular Aiehleorcheatra


A vote of thanka .ana glren t
Orange for uk- of the hall, b
ArebU- i*che*lr» for i{a fine muti
to tbr llknti.o fur printed progra

Baaday with frbad. b iUyfiald.

Mra. Uagr*« Wataon b oa U» aick
B. W. Back, of Haplea, M. T.. la the Ibtagab.
e of the Mabel people apeat tbaday at
A. O. KalrbuVa and aan treat to
Trareraeai)' the SUth.
Hra. Downer U ipendlng a week at
wane. k^cwUag hm eacatlon at
raeerne City with frienda
^Mhool bnllirng A. U. Palrbenka 1> at work on e well
tc* the Uoee ecbool hooaa.
• aty
(|alte a good many tram tkla piM
qmat the -Mb b Glk Ibplda.
Cbariie tlirndenbg and family et
Aeme rlalled frieadi. the Srd.
Tbermometer reglatercd IUJ° In
ViH erep b good.
ahade yeatoidayt aome cooler today
Ohnriaa Am and dahn ilaawall attonor* tba eabbmtion at VnnktoH.



BarrM Mtartoa aad erlta of Bm- ; • tv. t
jto^B^at Oornge (btoboU-. om ilbnyac. ..
; Dali Pairliboki-.


■elAboU^ tfrena rblUf Bmplre on
tbaMrdaad {*«*•< a gteatattmc^
toUtopoopbof Iboearroandbg n-‘-*-


bLfl^lafm kmnSr <n>b apeak, well

Hra. C. H. Alba U haring t|nlte a Be­
rn time with aenralrb
Vary qnlei aronnd tba abingle mill
aaaadaya All aelebratlng.
It almoat bad a aoUem to rala naUrday. Sothiogbataaeantbongk
n ware loU of ryelea on tbe road
we Traeerne City
e apeat Ike
and Hra. 11. H.
la. Ur. aad

Jaly baa arrired and beo^btnaaome
By tbe aoiae we brar from KIk RapHto Haade Hnribatof BbffaAmle ida tkU orening we abonid Judge they
*Wti^ trboda at ihb plaha.
jla of fan down there.
Ibtoto bag* baee made tbelr appeap
Mr. aad Hra Iwe Smith aerred 1
aMja grtot narnkmaot tbia plaea.
The Haaa Brelbma ban ranond all nl their frieoda I
thair bga from Hu haakbg gronad
H. U Smith b on the alek Hat thb
week and b nadnr the care sf Dr.
a lorUe Tbomiacn of Elk Ibplda. lie boo tbe
^end. which we are glad to hear.
Hra. II. L. AUea'a coodlUoa at thia
rrlUsg 1* not rery datteriag. She b
meek «B tbelr way to Cbarbnlx.
aot barlag macli if aay ferae now.
ru tag Anbar of Hllwaakea baa Tbe uoobleaeema to beSfRk bar atomoBlkblaadlag UatThaiaday towiag
w tor Haaa Brotkera.
abaardbg aeow
Hr. and Hra. II. U AUea'a littl
' dcdu dabwua baa goae to Keetb danglilcr Uaa reeelred a frighlfn
Haatton Itlaad with tome other per- kick from their faocae, whirk bit bar a
Iba to Ihepefpaaaot peeUagUa bart.


Hr. Wbate. wbo baa boea emplcwed
H tka Bagbam tow mOI to Uie ^
to. cetaraed home laat


.llkongb It b
r tkaanaoaito


ben bat aigbl wUeb

iinmbtotbe tthofJnly. .
,Hta. PiatCabtolth b eery peer.
Moat lermera are naUag rye hay.
WUUt Clark baa the cbieke*-poa. .
pearly erary fkmer b bnay ealUeatHr. aad Hra Amm rbited- t«ke Ana

Bart BaaU ntaread to hb bocaa b
n j^e^ b banllng bark to iiberladbto tob amenl^.
B.d.BobUorKlagaleyaad KaUt K
Wetdatool Bomaiiagr wen married
to Tcanna CUg bat Taeaday.
Mra. W. B. WaUnaa aad Him
aad to in the ahade.
Tbe Bnchaa acboel will bare aa
alameatJaly utb
Hbtto dabab Cbnndi
Vida Melaea ntoraod to­
’ CSIy ymtaridiag
day. wbantbay ezpeet to tpaad tbe
Albert Bill 11


Rer. Ur. tVatklaa erpiwu to aaend
Poet O. A. R. Ka tfceaawttbhbaoniaCbkiagD

SEEi.'ssr. r.-rsx
WnUeWDeqr.toaotd. W.
V Wlleetol
thbylato.«aU toot tbe raalArmL
lad, M r

Uare yon aotleed tbe new wind mllb
Mr. Boaberry add
to Mr.•^J^TJtortay;
StUto - - '

V&sHiHfiftwoa X


he baa Bold «-

Wc offer a disoymt of from


10 -bo 125


On all Razor Tik- Sinn's in slock. If you want a
bargain in s«imi'lhint,'.p*H*d now is your ojiportunily. You can col the Ik'sI here.


.nrara. •


Summer Lap Robes iDustera



at iinceti never lioanl ol l.cforr.

y <* a railroad, be mnst bo a eatpeo- -w lien, IfVjib il then-be tbin upaM
r aud l.lurt«mith a* well a* a rra.piT bliaatlem kind, yon find mn-lty.
and bark j-v Ic-t. nod »1 b ban iiny
SinuiturliiiK wilh liltlv Ovwh d
traile or knack of deiug tvnrk It all.
■ xieativn abitiiy. '
Iu fat. favor aad tend, tnin
make giad ban i*.


ilrnukard. uimally bare 1
llin- atvml Ibeir cfaiua
SJov.iu'bave wriuklra at.
Ila y+-| t from Uvfkiiig for tbi-ir Long, .tbln ehlnt ate ycieliral,
ejirudliig tniuicyund lotari.a Owlngto blc and dellratr In mixtitnliou. iloah
inuudw'iiiio of'Vaitact." Iirulork . ,..oiae .tv ntyixl u> <U>wel deraumv( 1* w. ibi-ap tudayuitwaa leo’ti„i,t*. If thtu Ibnmidi the augle* of
-. - ■ "
.. .............‘ “0*111 . tl,,. niimih. t«»>. thi-y arc prnui
' '
h--inlook griiMlh tbiqiiug for a t
V> cnlmiiM gi-m rally abort liviv!
piiw are mailing until 00 mote e: ‘rmd|
U.-dioni i-hln* WMh alrngp—iiTe blcall' b<i maile G fern (ifli-nug to w'll- i ftlK-aiiiai in ibe n-iilcr.vai ith nnall
Tiny .Ijavl Ibe timii l» naning wbiai! ^ionii.l. of O-nh i-u l Uhig ilib', chatai-.
Will owuall'tJeown all‘(Je- hvmlork iu tbr ti rio giii-n-itj. iiiifulaiM iiiw.. t-bi- ry
tluib'd Stall*, but ini-anwbilu they fear
•lo-il I bin., w
w-iih a
Mimi- mogjotori!^ imnwi will be dub of Arab Jd.i uiiibelbe r
i-oTiTid wUeb lUaw uut
A riHjt
riHiuiiv brni- ............................
■ li'WiT lip.
b.-k. For tb.'» r>-a-vo« Ihr bark owuvre fobuiw*. brntuliiy.
an-nut wtaullyhaii|>y, wl.ile tbr barkm ,
k. U.'—Ko micfi-otut- rau-U-taki-n
eoiiliuun to enjiy iliitiieilvi*.—Ulnnd tn Jndpmi; cbaraidvr. tKteu dvvi-b’p
Fall* (Ua) Uur. Krw Yuik Sun.
:m>mo( oihig (arulli-e .4 mind or b-a
iitin !v gi'Vrtiiii. In i-ai li
t'lTaiilv of nidicaliKii*''
tadklnif.—-Sr. Diui. fliiiMuu.

IbWe Haoamqre
e walcoofe to all toeetlngv
1. I-. II Uaha. who bare
Irieeda in York aUto the
i:»)ian to tbe Ora
I week*, telorned borne ■
Vera rt.ecay.
iDOMlh emllbg .'unr
Tbd fohowiiig wei
A rnnoa* raimbiualian id logic with
••Did yoB
■rr*a Crandall.
' ill. The,
lack of ic^iiiriidc ba* A-ut a Ftvuuh
Ilai-vry Tbarrr, Rrua llniard.
\Vc oodrratand
towe laat m ek
. _
dent of goodfamilytojailforicuivara.
good farail
liver Slarliuck.
man itf onr hngielc. ir* deecrted , M. bud fuiUid in In. exiouiualioo* and
finly aia were **"*F-j^
- - - •hi. f.*! uiiKioij
from mtltnot abeeai
Uto Jraab Wolfe, wbo baa been
If i>Uu.M-d
rreaa Crao"‘"ivrtila' ('ra?'-'alaying at the' Deoimorr lluuae fur
jiig up bl*
Iran Koeh.
returaerl to h^ hea
aume lime, rc
•cbului.liilv but bu kin-w
not tardy.
a<>«ib-ili t»ic.V-*mrr teai-bid tb'tliniw tUb'
Trarerar City. Midday.
Numta-r of daya taught. <»
Widow'* amiproold U< emuapt
of aarth.-r brigade atid wu* plin.d 1
Ur. and HsMla wi
Whole minit*-r’eBnilU<d. K
Iiu tbv Cttiwripiiiiu. Re pronclod.
di-T giiard. A wililii-r of onr brigi
iDura U
the loa*^ Udr y
a widow
Ihnl w»r eaw tb.- (kiuli.KT-~..............................
They liarc, Ih
unniriwcl lo find lb*t be wa* iT ij)i.*ing hi. lallav, with wbosi be
lauBBlly In the
........... .Vanda.. ,........ .......................
wlH. bad ib-wrtiri from bi* . w;b. on j.rlielly grad
grade and reqeived bar illplmua. Ar,
Again the Funrth of July taa* eome
edgnne. -Ttirec daya ware oelabrated'l ni Rcltiug hi
guilty, b
round here. Same of oar people wi-ni
Tie- day u|.«i win
) Bmpite Satarday. aomc b- tbe lakir.
IVuiwylrunla to
e «u tin- way
Did Too Bear
nd Imd picalea. otben Ihoaght C '
Ik 1]. ligbl tbugrvut ib-rldlug luiltle. Tbe
Hilton a* a remedy f
aa the place, wbbb 1 guru* It
dM.Tiir wa. iilwvvl ill an ambnliiice,
• • ^
■om all report*.
bf 111. rolbu. Ikul nintbliig. At uunn, and get relief. Th^m^fetor ba* to
qeirk and . rofTie, ibe found to 1m- (leculiarlv adapted to U
r hardurk. quirk
Korthport UepAnmani. •
The wiinl "batkii” at U b tu
b^gadv fiOMk-tbri:" Ito'
u equarc
cure of all Female Cui
■nonad (uriarkaaaLe
Wbfu tbr diwerier wu» inarrlKd frot
e yaiuc Iwi-lwoo^ rignifini 1
The b^ Allor liill lay at Uif port
rain luarlerot a profitable Iraile. The
If you have burn of AppeIlirrofUu. Twelve juiai trim-marched
rtty barker i« a rnab ,wbu U hirod
ition. lliwdai'lu-. I'aiotl^
Hra Hinnb Cbampncy of Tra<
IW'O nr itan. rod* from him. Tb- ofUoer tite.' Cim.lipatiol
heane the ilaaxling errata in ibn line
Hty briaiUng la tbla placw.
gave.tbr comiuand. •Ready, nim. fire!’
Him Ida I'hrb^ ma-tr a pleaanre trip of damn tnoet'orn frvaka. bet rie. TlH' i-riniiual lei! bayk oa Li.iroffin,
n barker ia a niu«mlat. anwqmio proof piim-d by five or *il ballrta Tbo bnr« yim neoil.fl
K. Otiaof Honor a-ame faViday oigbl man who*.' life Imoni-m b to i««-l tbo
(Inly fifty
and b the gneat of Rer. llaribni.
bark froii'bemloi'k ircr* and pot
aud tbr brtgadi- polled ont. tbe
. O. Jnlinahai^foMUoUi the uunery. Laat week band playing a ipliJniep.
-on'* l>rug .UnV*
••After tbr lauir nt tveityalmrg. ana .
a'dA-ii ritTr rmpUn-meat ageacy ai-nl
Hba Cyalhla' Keyn of Trarerar Oty tmim than I.ODO Iwrin-ra to Ibbtown wbra toe Fifto ewp. wa. camped near
There to Bathing Ju*laegt»d a*
ia la Iowa, the gaeat ol Uia* Virgbia
r. in tk-pu-mbw.
ami ).yenil. all of wboiu wUl work
King'* Srw Diftcovery to Conimnipti

toe whole romuiaud
Mra Jctoie Urataani of (iraod lUpli^ firan'iiow until .Septntuber and wfU get tort* ndracf aaqonie. toe en.tomary Congfa. and Cold*. >0 demand U and
aril yoo
cpme faViday night. Inring tbti ■------formation, and wiiniwwd tor abacnii
'to;»nUtitulr. He enll a«l claim tb
tbr uiue liiey oS' In rbe wockIc In
five dreeriera All of tbrm were
ID Order
'ditiiiu III I
e rlu* kiKiH'u a* bonnty jnupera _
..r profit
profit he may claim
and lalgmg anil free G
laland today when tl
They bad di-ei-rud_toVrrBl Umia. rae of |el*e to br_Ju»t ra good.
d. Von waal Ur.
pud Xitan ib-it M.-<irk.
Dtocovery becauee yow
them livv iimi-a Tbiy were Srw Vert-1 King'* :
tuemU-nd Ibut Ibe I
ipl era A iIc*pvTsireflunboilL.-m iniilc: t0| know il
e Mfe aad reliaUeuaad
.bqt gfi a nHialb ami trained palp mill Bare tbi-ir lirra S-v.-ral «immiuc«;T>m~te^
Bu-n—w'id maki n> aad ikgielura—ei
ph*. Cold*. CooKumpfrom tb. groat eiiy bud wetted n|«m ,, V
.ffrclioa* of Tbnial.
Jeanle Wolfe o' Ttaretae City bi had at fit.-.’.V to Fl -iO ndaVoach, PriwidPiit Lrarolo and pleaded ffir tbem.;
Chest and Luugw! there to aolbi
Friday nigbt aad b rlMtlog wiiboai bouTil. the wogm dcmuaitod
The w-iv.e and rbildn-n of two of them. good a* to Dr. King'* .Sew Dtocokery.
Maodiln- —
tbr lorki-r* »eoi pruicrly aad-out
prerident, boi
Ur. Liurclo Trial bottle It rt* at S E tVait'. *ud
iIk' kind of labor tboy
So aerrloe waa held la the Cnog,i propigt
M tr moved. . Hr
I irvig Storea. Regu­
barrb Sunday ercnlng. owing to tbe have to
ibr affutro id bnndred*
IpMoncte. lar »i»e Huwnu aod »l 1*1.
llnme of tbr oaator.
pld^nya. witea bemlorki
fint Ibe time bad naDOwbro tbedi*{druliful aa gray kiieb niid etfry farm
■r. WBO Bi
ripHoe ctf Ibr anuy dianuudid toe ar____________ City tot_____ _________
t. aoldiuiu found
turned borne laat week.
prebd in tbe rammer, llriid la the fall
gnilty of tout .1
Trank Cady of Jackaon. Mich., nm
and haulcvl oui tn tin- Ituuery in tba
••tuvrelaty Stanton, for a year befrae
laat Tharaday nigbt and b tbe gneat c
•iuii-r. Triy wa* llu- un-Uual tullow-ed
Ur. Linrohj bad lefnrod to
Mr. aad Hra AltorV Voire.
to nuTi' ibau a iv-iiinry.
dtorteiw bad pleaded with him lo tel
Hra R A. Camplwll went to
livk waH drivui liaoA 10,1 In' tmrdin aud
toe law have iu way. Ur. had
■a City laat teturday aod will n
tbe Inmiyie* *1^1 ibmAuded more and
tbe-|>ciadeni many a tiiue liuit hi*
errral day* rbitiug Ir*
mtae of liu- laaim- acid, variou* anbnl.
Hra J FurUch aod daughter. Iautb. latre were irinl, ineJndmg
eJndmg yellow Ibirth,
endangering ibe life c4 the naiioo. Uil
of Trarrrae Qly came V'rldayHiigbt oak. nmar and awrel f<-rn. but
and were Ibegneetaor Hra O.C^Kao- pitn-iuE no gtmd a« facutlock new cfforti Ur. Uncolo paid lllUr beid nniil IbCS.
••in *«Dr pcniaii. of Ibr army it wm
woe made to arenre what (bo trade detoe cnitau to bang dcaertrr*. bol
Uina Unxaie and Ralph White mauded.
Doet inetaoae Ibty were toot, and
•f Uatto. Uh-b, came Satarday aad
At a time wk.-n bemlorh
toe prioeufii of tbeir nwinvHtrc.
were the gueaU 9^ D. F. Ilooie and
cheap a Hnlnr .yudtoir, which inelodwife orer Suaday.
Buinito, aa dioraibed. Tbe Wtm war
ed Senaur Eagi-ue llak- 'and ea-Gor.
magiraL Dewertiona were little b-ard
Dr. KplIMay apd family of Traeeree
eraor D. F. ihiein, bongbl npnboot
d for tba next few motitoi.”—Cbii
CUy were la tdwp aereral daya laat
week doing denUl work. Thar left
ponmDicwBa-tbr'dea] completed ilian
to their borne Friday.
tie prke of) tdtnlag mairrial began to
Mr. pad Hra Emmet logrraoH aad
Hba UatUe lageraoll. of TrarMie City.
CACM today aad are tbe gumU of Ur.
nrrie* t*rn foroed Into tankraptcy it
aadMn Joaepb Bettord.
-body had not diafoverad that the.
Frocndiag rbln* eharactrriro mm
«e C E topic for neat Sna^y eren- aomebody
remote bemlnrk bark, wbicfa
aad wusieB d tbe gut tbire tyr*. 6artfaw mrenkia of^e^Srld!'"'ISa*
in Ith- wood* that iu
aMwfnl pniplr mallv <an? to--ir chTof
l^loill lt. iMder. Mra
n. F. J.
- Fra- lion would hiuda ila removal, ooald be tora*i forward, t.iiii <KKnpie*r«d llpw
bollrtl down and the tannin
Ihi* rhni, if heaw. with broad rami
________ Hra C.______
aad family
, •0 that three coed* fd bark cocld be pat and ewi Uuig m.*>< ux*. UMboaua figblreturned ftum tblr chit to Cbarleroia leio an (wdiaar; bancL Tbudiarorcry tag blond.
Uat Wedoraday. They.- were
enabled a iiair d bunaca to cany mora
A mreatiug rl in choir* lark of fenn,
tanma than ten. tranu bad been able to mentally,
lly. moratly
morally and .tdiyiiralty;
b*bhanL 'B^ gave tor tauanu - anotocr ally c< tor yielding tort; earn diiiN»r- auMii B.^P L.wrlnll. •eclutouww
Hr. and Hra U. E. tilll and I
ehaooe fm- tlirlr line. Beginblag in a aged; dreme |MrcXM*i: mnall dxe»
Area retaraed from their rlait |a Hia- ■nail way. toe nt>Ac( wotoa inegeaaed
Bbre ferva Tbr derctoyneDt d otom
Btoola tot Tbanday Bight. Hra Gill
and the children hare bwm pway
hemlock prated In Ualne U Ihlnnd •to
A amaU, well naioded toin. with
faazrok, a* i* molaaare or kraoneoa
souie aad red oBahun ef fleto apem iL
Hra F. Oita of Hotaer
---------------------------------Tbr baUmraed the Maine barks ii, ladleaun
. ,_______ joTing--------------••
Tfanraday nigbL She wm a
by her abler. Him
_ Bmmi
-toma Daaek of tbe diirct eBtoome of tbi* obanga Kot I dimmed, all vtoe mo
. Hr. aad Hra Will
to feU tRMitoJwbelcmgtoeoqM
People wU
(iraot od Trareree City.
n be a touted; dimple* lora to be
graaUof Bee. HkKbat.
n. who OBB qiUt aad ahava auvea! Uke ndaitatios and prater: gtmsallt
Hba BalbWllaoBVtotaHdd. wahU
boop polea pBt them tegetbs and j fiefcta Caaally tkla chis ia healthy. »»MmUy wblb rRag ‘
rt tbe beada andwamBihia barret*jeaiienUTC Old hiv need.
............. ra.-a.w..— rara
Bthedoek. 8be mtoed It
•f UMbOBlMtd waha hod


Hr.a*dHia.OiTtaOete^rt fidgm
ratov epM! ^brday aad Baaday with


Trunks and aU kinds of TravallaM Bags.

St StneL

Travers* City, Xiehtgao.

«is made easily and quickly irith
our McDermaid revolving bar­
rel .chums; or if you prefer to
use an upright stone chum we
have them also in 3, 4, 5 aud 6
gallon sizes.


Corner front and Cass Sts., traverse City.

Your Horses.
Frutu t,nsts asd flies.

We offer

msfit vxc'ellpDt line of fly nebi Mkl
cuvern. Tlir prinm are lowi-r Ibau

Ear Nets from .
......16 to 76c
Good, heavy, Wash Cotton Net - ■ - 860 to $1.60
Pine Wash Shaft Net.......Sl.OOto 9.6Q
Leather Nets from............. ...... 1.00 to 8.60
Bemember the Bargain Single Harness 7.00


ire ¥01 Nenons?

aSS Kiissi s-jr=iS3S:
a HSiiS'MaJEriiir.E





ETC TEEL son M Tim?
Ifuakarayraraym «««wM braBf

J. W. Qauntlett.
Orders for Job PHntir« left at the

' raif^wnmra

OBAKP TBAtAa HElttfcO JULY ». 1«07
Tbe mile bowton of abwapaad lamh
are eeot oot to feed, etoh In vbW|re ef _
herder—ectiw faasda tsesnp hired fs*
ltoe.4Babse—r. K..' b.iaU .-m la lo keep
the lambe frtsm «ao7i(#ama.v eodmitInf tbra^iea op w Itb tbe 01 tor buBcbra
—v.blA tbr; wmx«rtaiBi.r de If tto;


It Marr'a eomisd
Bbe'a nok. and mol
•ecootd Oda mda ia the cairiaae. "
made clew, the; |
tbetr war. talkinc of ibu aaad U
Williea Uutbe.o«lrtil
bm aiald. and be determined
■e aa aoao ai bb boadlea «


at Use vnode.
l*rai«aiovedtb.lrcoasla. . _ ..
to atar aod help Ibam until lamrlr two
- owe ware pma. aod Aoallr. at abool
In tbe mawitlme wbeie waa Martial
he wral aboBi nmniw aod bapp;^
a kSR time and ta; aisd b; ran down to
tbe fate and |•neprd ibroegb tbe packeta
bbealood tlsere nutil e bautifnl boltwII7 lit OD tbe fmdeelwbaeidc ba. bba
trltf to eatcb bim. till when abe alaoai
bad bin be dew ova Ibe face and aetIbd down in tbe middle of tbe aUvet.
Katia awone (b<- Ran- open and atopp^ oot. Ikt fare flaabed and awga. On
the prim, and Joel
ato went rluai'
bapproed. Boand
mnawsr bene
with a broken tnRS7 dauRling at t
bnla Mobodr eoold Ull wbal did i


A»4 Ck* nr >«vU>

nclr etna ft blood
Bpon it from a wnond la tbe temple.
Thar twtried b« into tbe hnav aod
Murah planed Irt <s ba enpi-Jiitk bed.
thsMomainl fartbedrrlor,Wbo,«bsn


A-pDmeUweaaaaaanrlBa a
. pplw for aala wa< mn taf a tadr. who
faeoghl half <d bar noek and then ftio bw
tank MB <d them beak Me mat a fa« Aolte farpotlen. a
iliac ..iU.A
who pwM ber l<w aoa^bM of what f-_
. a decode alnoe tbe death of Lbseoln.
maiBcd. bol ratwmd twoef Ibamtebm. i that be waa bora oo «S»“Iirft»'ri W> t4vj
farm.” aa the place bar aJwara Lara
feaUef wfaatabe had kdtaod gaaabata
oat appla.>la otdrr tbat aba nl«tit a
have an
ai arm dc D la bar haakat. Bssw

I The Evening Ne\^^ j

Tbe brtda wilt be watsdslsr

: I. A aj.awcwis or rrmpd hoy.
cam to. A Havl»t tbe tom of
Harina tm roaUllaa of on aaa
A BroBcOt 10 a wmlnaUcs. A InbaUlanMcfDmmwt. T. _____
Diamond; 1. A tour. *. Wolclaar. A.
A da«a'a tmadih. 4. Umam I. Find
in mud. A TO aprmd. T. A totw.

BrahlTSftd n tba aovsvaiwrl;
H.'dsewtid a^7i aaa Bab to ^
Be .1 maabt that Bsoeusc
•'AasHr-MbeeftBetber---------------------"triUjou ir^lwr M-Asawr- lat«bad.
"K.4 It rs«i bad a a-M," 1 —*
Abd a < D7 tor... I QOSrklVwto


K; flat and aftossd ft)sal mvtbM.
SV dinsernrs' bftwnni D17 Sift and m; cui„ p
___ J ftfuak IU7 fisurlb.
W7 Bm la oik' ball tbe . .
rvro su7(blrd•. and
at BS7 lourUi.
U; Brat plea m
K7 flral ploa ns; third eqoali twoAbltda » o
f 1117 irausd ploa 107 foortl..
-The Wbuie la a 7TW of lamoal teevMTbodp.

^T«k»fVid<«»c( IfeRK vm"
•Id Km BnwlwMl. m ih« taKmnl kw
Mon Md>Fi-d irmo to klp« VUlbL
^ ''Tf*kiM’iun."lHni>Urd.Dnlipmk

At the rare el Use are bell Iba ooto wUl TWO
Back le the Imk aad tom ctoAi tor ^
tioitrrfl; froni bet rlaqvd haod,__
cord Ow KKU aod wal led tor Hm 8dw • Twmal^tamwhtotbmtmaatothu
New Tor* (res- |
Urmao. isssi Ump apn faoiiphi Use lla..Brjnre Wlllle bad time to rrtnrn tbe
|«sr1 bouae. vev...errdiJ.e
'^ctneooe man hoc. and walked ont moUx-r had rub*' and liwov brr aonwwcr
ilrnii'iilly rerturv.! iHe ctiL
(al walcbina. Joataa tbe click atniek
do tbe rarriaar.
ua'Bp il
Krtti. mod WflUo oiaod t>r tbo will. It tbr sDom-ioDt brother waUrd ioio
tbe raid, tic wist np naira to (to to hia
' iow to wMd bw. .
lie wfaivird aro'iii
ito, two we^ ViUier- aald rocob Wbeo be ttaaMal hii tuotlwr'a
and U is murh
I off apaia ^
U lli?,wris^-iJliwli..n.
SaWia.aa boaMdMOiode awifllroat
icmrul. and rbe eamr forward.
i>•-Ae^ler. l.u.inp ss^Ll
D>«r. trudiv mnihcr, with all brr
‘H«7oa,”tiianaict; fiw Ix-r datlina rlrl abr did not
teimt ha U7. bbe took
look him
him ia bn
.1 tlir ninin>-^T||iF I
rluK atbat
•owjua have lo ala; and M>8 (o bif. wma and fctwd him. kiwwlu
jmlnR wo
it io ilsr iiHWt
• fiiollab tnr VTillii' to rue iMi
nrart,. tlir

New Styles,
' ^ New L«ck.


New Patterns,
lowest Price.!

] tack or nail la it, ma; damage It at



'^UJbM llkr koiDii hla lestpcr, and
•> be onde a
a oaagbtr
naagbl; aprcdi.

.rOBtoahalBp, >•
bod ru<D«b to ata; bm all
tnibteinc TOO twit or of It.
:bOD’d TOD Off and in me altas.'
ITettlr amontbrd down a little wrlofcU Id her while dreaa and replied:
•<VdI.lwdlL laban't alar where folkt
^doatwaotsie. I'm pnitisniditawa;.''
‘ bawa a| ro bn tors bIiodI wbes abe g
ffo.tbetiisr aod mid, with a qoen Utile
■aioapitoB of dlimit;:
-*lf BDjthiiiK happsif In me. Willie
laball )ut

<I,p» fcUM.
•a BoibCT jon'ro to Uam becaom

■■ lUK


%sn' u.ea .ue. ms.s-m.ui.1

and tbe chlldiab woda came Lock ic
bim. "If 007lLiisR baispaw lo me. Wi|,
lid Anwlaml. ond
I RO killed, ITI joal
tell luotbcr 700‘re to blame.
••Ob, motber," he erii-d. -la abe
dead* Hare 1 kiUrii brrffail bi-od.
’Ko, WiUir. abe i« not dead, bot boat
wtrr, ear baill.T, and 700 moat help
me norm ber vvlL"
Afta man; dayi rf bn» and fear
Kellie beycau to prow b-lh«. Wiiliu
watebud and traded ba, and ww ao
tbanfclolwbea aba eaoM talk and omilo
That w«a a Rood manj reaiBaafo.
when be waa IS 7»n old. and be la a
wn nssw. while K'dlie I
’. Dui tbe ei
weeka laORfal bim a bwMni le'baaoeva
forponoi, aod I have wrinra tbsi 11017

fBBB7 UtUe girl,
,‘WHoaiirB rsno; wa.Ti, that Willie al:KOal fell gml natsred to are her, bat
bad an moeb bad in bia heart tbat aU
lit-ht faclinffawere ebnked back.
«nd be let brr paaamt of tbe loom
Wltfaeot aaTioR «>c word mme.
Prewvtlj be h'ard brr Uagbinv aod
Vtfcattlo:; vitb Korab io tbe kllcben.
then be la; down upon tbeao&
;4^ bep-n In think bow aboard ba waa.
tblktecm blrnaeU, Uite lawbat be aaid: teyoo. __________ ^
“Alt (be facTi ia IbeTillatearemd;
t»go b;.’thia time. I bare Lera 0900!'
‘te on a Bond time fee three wroka, and
Jam be-i«ae mother look a freak 1 man
------------- ---------------- -Kettle. Ifa
Tnbaero iavlaeiiCsvl iu ms'dical hookA
|btn:.:m. th
taji Tba Vontfa'a Csm.psuioo, uiihiur
And WUlie
oot tntfaU;. tbe daftaao mmora, a tstm oard to der qstet aod lUUaml Io tbe aoibe certain drnpa wtairb b; ledMloR
of imeota ioBii7bat a
. Too-am. Mm Bowland'a ool; alats
. mm
M uen
t«B WM
waaa taro
«wo jearaano
;eOT^ «
>Mb« baede fer bat faeaitb. a
’ftbwlaod droTo to the cit;. its m
ailcw. to
meet ba. and WUlla bad1 to r
Iw op an
;«9ertMl tdiwanre and --flaru homo
Tbp Ut# (ff Ua aeqi
• bam
M i. .sdi
.. to|H>
. to
*bda'. and bare a time. Tbr; bad
^Sdel 'aefare;tbr7badpDt opaawinR;
M-ri wade mao; fcmralol decora

lla pecnliat. imspcTtiiii atv doc cutinlr
to (to well fcisown oabatanre ntrolloe.
: which ia prcaiiit is s drpttv TsrriOR aoasdiOR to the tom is wbiefa Um planr
Kicodoe, wbra pare, ia a colnrtoa.

•miP'raftbeUwa'owBcntiiig. Mpjop
•aeciKt Oa«a, droma. and aofactb.wen

iplaedid da; io aotleibopnvd bOT. hwing bia
AM ba Ibuoitbl tbit di
WH mote ibao be eoold bear. Pnba|w
-MAMklobodlM kaaos^bawiaM

like ^OT and piTirirlrat Lomii ..
It MAto-l.v asslufale iu wafsr and tapbllrleapaaoaetirtliBol
Tbia active irinbi-le of tobacco fa
■powcrfsl that tto -imaU dmr of c
tfalrir-aeenod of a prais raoned an

WA nanaca, estieme wnarular weak«A Uborieoa nopinlloo and witb ier
xtremiila. partial ton < '
OA a rapid, fsseble piilao and «
imtiaa of impcndiap enllapw.
iB .larte amaanH uiecitlDe w(i wItb

bo. ItAV> know what nmkea
ilphi wbcB atsa ftsmee

boms' Irgni acLsiul.
a. lt-7 ukea care of the Raarira varr
fa^lfafoll! a^ alkiwa o.. wmda to prow lo

Hanr of Ibe nodroU wbom I knew

uaeta ktk-rfrvui.Charka


Or tend d-«.
Ha. iTcl pbit.
A chat pie.
I'al blrrmTV traat faU u

Uuu)-tilnp<-a wr« of vvsid. am
{wi.rUwa vinduna Liid an inaisir toanlace L.v n
rhuttpr. hel.l in. jiloce
-e s'liiiika ni
t'hotipa. There
s prsiluii
le. IdllK-AUXara.
'» ptnisil
15. I hnnp adr; wna tbfOA
■Kfl 1.S.I
H, Icfaiptiewsa
blalinpfaooa.............................................. .... .
16. A tumor psivo a pimp is rala
the family wist OiriL. r-.iii.- ito fon-sii
tJida.KTk npu«vlion ol l...i'siii to liu.-.
uf Ilaftlinnsoiiti.
I boBUa UiKvsis left
w thinpa alKiot It.
) u,i, (ami 00 .\oliiia .-iTvk. and fettled
bribe sositoraStoieB Knol. crei4..-i-da/-'n mil.* from
HodiP-naville. and.fnmi 11,ere to wiA
Ur.iS b7 t la BAni
to IssdiauA and Vier to llliS'siA—
Ul.-sr b7 SJ. <3i,Sl
Cooese IlyYcimw»e. io Bt. .NMmoLiaL.

lojc; 1-7 Tto And five pruducta, too will ofasriTA Hear it la Done In tbe Grewl
.•f tbe Far Weal.
am nimpowd not onl7 aPtto miise hpurw.
Tlir berdlSR ef InmlSA moat people
faWt.d ttoaiueBcima to th.'swaeanla.
ibousb baflnslnpwlib a dlSercat flgiiia would aa;. aboiiUI Le a pIviMot ocou. d tto atnapmt
CarhUnir. And
atnapeat |wrt
iwrt of it all patios, but no ssci urwilou la more ex*
list lid.U;ioBlll|illod
ItS-Btr mollliillod to
b7 I>a.<^.^'
! U PW.ISW. aaiieiwliisR than
after tbat point Usepaodocta km. tbair
few lamto
I when iloomea to bcidinp tlirminirrval
Ko. itA-Craafttod htoa^r i,pp„ ' Bomtoiw. w in-uieni abftsp iwncLeA
&4ua»-l. Sail. g. Aoh'. I; Iria
t. *ton woe kuynaa far mas.
Lot. 'KMdk; to)uai*,J. Ua a. eltaj ! At tto pruiwe sesaoo Uie flocka are
A LaM.
4. Kivd.
Lower Sqnalv—1. divided opiotolittle busoli.'KofJOoraw.
Triir. -A EdpA I. Apne A Itotf.
to order iL-il
lL-11 iLi- sew-Lorn InuLnnJ
Ala motiirr may -pel artiuaSnlrd.
able Bock the soother ia alinoal aui
nb. Aa lor (he lamLhimacif

i WiUia a

the rbi'incu
enou-h KtJII left of V
naillife <•> omke it isicrmb>p.
epw of the
raliLit.. i-ilcs-at
und olbsT ntiiiuid* look
like a ft'l 1*-Ll v'.en factor tf.- I
l)pW. Did not iLcm' aalnio:. .|ui
Disd-veivr lla l<y lurnlnr sLi-lr li’ a,

totolO Behwto
Tbte0.7car.old Bttol bod bras pootetod bf ber mamma tor aome ailpbi <to
Ungnair; b; haviiip tor little bai
Blldlr alappsvL
Afta tto rvwult
teora bad torsi drift!I llttol
httol polbi
to bs.7 doll'a hpA aa tbooRb
L batrai
batraiop to

••ouit for

I bodiea of Aabm taraad ID

^Vti an-Sole .Atiiiits for ilii« U-rrh.sry tor ihis siiiirnoT
mnkt; of I'irt-J’roiif Safes. anJ it will Ih.- i.s >onr imt-resi
iovfstiuaic'thc.cooil qiiaUTifs. ami aUi lh.-.,|srifrs. (sf thtl^flcliraurd .\l|sinc Safi-tefun-l.isyin^;. Wt- im.kt- a
’ SiilV. which i

l.aUeO niv .-rBvKl'
Not lonpau-o a
m-lr from
afarrv>«*'rn 1, nr, ar-i-rd l.r- m niplit

ta.nd va- fallii p a-J. - i- to i.'iirmurml:
••Liaien to lb" Uirf. Vi.til'la; ,r- ctocon-, vnrth th- jeiircv;-. .1 bn--i-i
hei.r.1 (I I-., irai-'■ li»toomiup
iLvv a.',I, nft-iwfroO' " 'I'O* nr pints*.
On l|.t|U;r.
li.tjuir. 1ih.' hii.l onil -V-'d that
dw.1 mrc
The Hocoi LvImooB Miaker* have
rCrntly perferpil at, lopeni.,u« 'U,c

' ' r.v'iS‘iSHSH’3
th n.J cu Asewtt A D 1807.'

I.;i f.nmi Su. 'I rivi-rs.; I'itv. .Midi.



' ^OKroAM^'ffbi^iirrxiLI IP. .1*..- ur le.

If you li.nvf

,pr<-.«pim<I \v4lh Ihc
\Vv havi- for -.ali- jf.uKt. w'umi' ■;
ll.-mliick Lunilsi-r, Surlacsl S«iV-\v.ilk l^kink.
UiiZ. Shun Mills!.'
Lan.lo saK-. MiH M^idiim-rj
*>f fill ilesi-riplittn^. indu-linu 2
S»-i Wurks, Or
rijivi-s. ami Saws. • A cotnpl.-j.- Saw Mill I’lfinl for salt-.


r, the 1 Ub day ol






A- PETeRry.^^

Carriages, Cutteis,Sleighs, Etc.



Horseshoeing and General Repairing Done.

.i'v eombincl.

they do eat can- w th-ns ptio an-1
- Tbia Isire-t'Ve l-orrliaiof tbe SLaberecTCacuany^etome. h orronpemeni
Erery ooe will to prvaily inierr-tod i-*.
read the liule *"»,>. wbi.'b ha- »>evr
placed io the Land, of .Irupr-,-**

acl mmalr at which


'Sisrt I; Kr=A.~;3"S£5,';s;;'

__ ,

.a. \


xitoLj i-i (

What L. Ux.,1.’ N .fbiBP tot C*»
lor <sii aad, a* palaUbIr aa buaey.
Cbildrea like i(.


Re-Painting and Upholstering.
Slate Si . rear-Unicn.



anda l (hoar other e^Kpema- ,l".ea*-<,
iocldral to the an;Q-oer m-wkod. u
fouod In Ur. Kowlrf-a Ext. of Wild


mvzBn CUT

tlokal oo.


the place to go if you want a finit-clauarticle
of Tea or Coffee. Onr utock is new. and of 3
the best quality. Our Teas range in price from
15 lo 50c |>er ilr.. and-Coffee from 14 to4dc per
lb. Call for a sample of onr goods and compare
Ibcra with others and yon will be conrioced that
gire better valm.-s than you can get riaewberek
Try our Gold
Floor. It is becoming more
anil .mure po[iniar every week. Yon can’t make
a mistake br giving it a triaL
................... -

rir iB&Md ua CUUm.



Plants for Decorating
TalcptoMlOfl twwBdMuUi

.'.ufsaw CASTORIA

Ab Gao war a pale Uae tsaOtai orItiareadOvaaftiailatJ
tac weak «b dipvu coddiwr
bloQOB reahlnp to hit knoA and Ua tobraafcriatosab- rxtron- a> a perma.
tbai Ilia baadt war sail aad •rtraUbc ‘ kah-bailtor (a aU
nRlytotoaom. tie had on icdailk
tnmanA loeae abore, bot tipbtl; woond'
WOBud tto anktoA vAiie UrTichl; em- tod mraranjw ato ww to,-:.wnift Oro A, (nriar Hoed-wk Blood Biller. k<Tpa
broidmd abos wr» pKsvidftt with twto-ni lirw.’tbcblood pora. ibc difoUtia pofaeV
WbUe poiated aelea nraii; two ioebea
•kh. A
tow S>t tTkw ^vbrowi ^ mTto'l^M
br A rad
Vrd btWKa. ftmipk-ifti tbia mot
they area protlBc brcedar of.mto*
«7****'iae2roM*M I**** ** ** <8^
•bVsBt MMM. Mo vtmdCT to ww •MlfWtIMKU AhM
aad profanllT. Doao-a OioUBrot g.v
iuctant relMf. rvwu la tto wgrat «*a
phwedvKhhbimairbBdFC^of Up

Cut Flowers,
Floral Pieces.
Bedding Plants,


—Iftakra inb, the bead bribe aotrilt twour tbrve.l mca O wer'e. Tbooi
aa' Bcirctrie i«i‘ w 1' (Koiiivr'.r prlieve
the m-wt oH.-u-ire cav- ot eaiarrh
Eev. E. K. Crwoe. Dnaklrfa; X Y. r: I

is (to
urpa folk, tisat in
(to anew
muam all abodt
auw». i ti«» a»d an tonat of Isap. bcoascMal and
**^5’*“**’"- ._ _____ _____________
bit booae are foeisd Ibeij mKb.
WsckA Tb.1
bo bvc Is Use tbit* pine 1 mriea ia beaed s;»e .:osp)r ami


ecw. s ir usaM


Cily LiimU'C. C.imitn’fi

A frentlonnn inu- 'ii - in IVni
to Lae toei, in a to., n vb-rc tl.
for prayer fiie 1,h>— a
Loaiurna men riiah mit .if ifaelr
to the rhnr-he*,
il,-ir ple-aof
- ; nk cui no
body eva lia. a
• -ob n


I Ills iloii

A. A. 4>IcCOY & SON, Aficnts.

end often itisikillr.).—Ik

total atatiistaio' from tbe o» irf to- IHirthn
A Yarobaceo oorterllr Laae
Ibu ceruia rvasidln
Ooe causoot caailv risviues' lif bia ar>
. . IBS.aflat reitain diaeaw.
tor a pereon wbo floda p 1
Tmat. J.
L 61am. A t'te.
(todactoaptetsoaocediBcaiafale. AUthv
isTVra frtOE an afta dussa ripar, A Meath.
time Naliire roar have tbr remeily rifht at
bet tbe Blmoat ooulisoal emi'Icvi
hand bwt b will owlv to diac<nxfed to tto
le form, end nparsallr
of loi.
doctor who baa Haitod’loBCVT and doper
Ibe fomm of "A dpaUp in tto noRbwoodt in the Adinm Ibaa eOsen into^Upaniralar i
daefca tboeiia manwholinia all aksa
lu a Uttlf boQae is tto derp wooda. He “'
„■ >
bat tovm 00 tri.mdl7 with Use Wildwood
ipn. It baa proved te be a man I Iowa

if-Mo. doUr. .
mamma ia naaffatr <« P
-HsUadalphU Timm.
-Moibar aaid lAeold alar abd Mko
weed Kettie."
-If that ala’i mm»r’ a»trtn ma
TMtf apo Ibaav moat
bare beeo faiph m»a Is Vronlnf. aod
It hare ban fsU of A*.
WtMrtbalvaabimld oortrA

VUUe biMistad. dalafodbeaoalds'l.

• Awiroala’ Irira I'lacTratna,
"Yes vv luiu- u'lfnud dral of i-vpaiace .with .vll.I aaiBuJt.' rrmaik.-.l aa



hat a proportion of.the

t a—

. oaotoo.*

trm isBtl.eJiTy li'm hai-k to
ILP. heSrinp otssl tmcllinp.
s.'s Lunch. Ttic.
-.-ml 111
trsoUia apnu. cres'Iinp
h-r w ,tli ti r.
int -lbm!“ aa if I., •eiy,:
j'a^; .VntlvhrreirHvey.Vo
pa^;si • to. r.l like to know T*
Inlepial" all .lav l-np. Irvmi aunria.' ilonacl. sn.l il s'- n-J tn 1~ u
, Lr the nml s f iNe .l.ii. ifai-l-ara—I
heftier afarniM lu* in a aintr nf rrilla|iac,
nissl hia t.
in a ier>- r.i-kcty ns.mlitirm.—Ki'IfnriTF. Ilamp. in Ynulh'a (>ins^'


fc the pnlaos
which folw esUanco to the bodr ia
tllr beinp eliminated brtbevartooa ergaaa ID tto pof
, UlBp 1_______ ________
Uin. bowerer, tbat erooc, awar. su.ian, pitoa. Mows, throws,
ventoallr '
on,. l-rw. own. a-ei.. isowo, uiise,
» of tbo blood.
base. ■hoot. mo.’, atiown, flows.

IhvteUwmrdwcntoattnmnn ibew.
vm." mid frod Baker.

V ItsvL la sa a.1iUki»Lini*na if ia provok*

: Lla exiateocc. be it out
only unnLle la diatifipobh hia mother
from aui oUier aWp. but be caauut
dialispuiah her from anvibiiiRelae, aod
I ejiaae a mao or s -cow or a rayoie

tto mas iropfM I0-.
Mantlr lo tto floor, pare a ksop drawn
■ waa dcoU is three mlon
Uenttoe la added to fnabir
draws blood, tbe hlnod lakea
ooUw, dark boe. and epem esaraloawith tbe mlatweo]« (to mluote
tioa w
partlolea in Ihe blood an- fnoiidto

been meiT paUeot. but be bad Ui
fptber'a bair and ej-ia. and bia
rr raae be pnidonrd for bciuR a IIIIlpent Toda; abr had been
I Ic when (be
Icat. and tbe irooll
a be; at 700 caa Imagiac.
urcsimi latner
item aon
aod ova,
ova. nil
till oan

liin. Tlie rhlniiM'}
ia made of Miibtl lupa. placed IsipvU.rr
Jual ua lop houaea asc Luill. .luaiile
of iLffal ats.nvi. )dai-rtloii tto^iounij
■ Uif I
il ap.
n jKsuJi'laasil pruteei
<s rLiuini'i.
hewrUialniK'a to (lie lupt.l Ilie.Limnr;
vaa (bickl. dadlicil vitli vloy. Tb
ciiuase,- r^clK-KOnlv ball va. tss lb
u„'. sjkI i» rouiMlcd <i
anisU MickA
TLia Kin-i.L' Or.}.laee hsralabod lao.i of III.' lipl.t, all
of tto bewt. ana the .olc in.-4tw for
eookinp Use metda at Use fusiil,.. IKe
eabiu Uul uni Lu.r vniu a ur arcousl Btor;. aa fa?sv skk>i ral.isA
waa IraiU l.v Thcnnaa Linrotn. fatba
IWS. and .wsa ratiicly e..n»tru' le.l
iLVaimplc i.«ila

and (he enneot will not grt 1
repair atrip Hoa

io.. vX;?rs:rr;TS-.-.

K-' ••

•» “*v‘

“ “* ..'"O.



- Corner 7th and Union Ste.


**^*^‘” -TTn.T 8. M87.
KaajrlBg The Teeth te <Mv.


ihalUUe para eaapborwith
____ .______1I.1____*______
atai ehalkf or other
harbrleea preaantiea. Aroid all tooth powder* whleh
eeaialB eaUlrSib boo*, or other aabetaaoe* likelr
kelr to ecrateh aad lajare the
aaaiBri- tiaii b a cheap, tale aad
freW daotilrloe. wjbee. b pood

MM. U. B. C Bit». MlVw.


_____ What Bore aireel Ibra a blee
bird? Aadboerbaaetlfal. likeabitef

AbMiyteIr PHr*.

l^eeblrde. It d«e aaj one food
tka wiB^ rad lk« wvbller of ■
bird la • Mor ^ Me. Itbaralicfto Ur* near thriD.
■nierr b s tloj red beaded wrei
got %w*y Irw tb« nob*--®
Beat la a'lac that lblckl7 drafia* c
aborad iB B eiV. e*ra b tmtlX
auld BOt^l
>lii«>7 eootraled Ihatoae
brar woodQ BooBdB-lkB
[•etialat«bs*t« or Ike wild Wrdi BOBf. Tbere g.«> It were tbeiT aalBe aperial
•• • - It. _JE* go bp.
«MI be>. bleed ia m be- I
■ a dap. and the
daUgbl iB Ibe BDlBMad, Ibe oDceUlrea. l/ponpe«
rwad. Hat tbera are Ifaliio Bfon»<f ..........
bare eel ae pltraaBl-rn
isaiaaoa Tbare U ao aarthlj oee of
plaoUag a rardaa where tbeae pe>b
abeaad ae thej aow do here la oobbV
leaaaaBbei*. Tbej bts amaU pet. bat
■aka ap fa aambera wbat Ibep lack Id
alaa. Daa’t 700 thlak Ihep bare rid­
dled the boedoek laarea ao thap ara

1. bet thep ebew ap
pbBtaeaooaaaitpeepa'lU poor little
' aoft bead abore groo^ aaoept i>tns
ABd up flower beda. aowa with raoD.
ala, ara arlthoat a graaa apear Id the*
Bat I aoaaolc npaelf; thar*. la the oor■ar ad ^ altUag roofli. Is a brakes
qranea^balorBlpfww- Bowgtaoe.
(silbforB. howteadtriugrora! Ts
ha BaraltaBtaoaalVllBtaWal Bade
mjmU oBlofthraeold brooa aUcka.
bot Itbatblagof
ip apes an
tboaighi of It.
Theae traacarra an
obaapi Ibor osat aothlDg bat the gathBtV Ub are faU cH
IbcB. Feraa. two or three kieda.wUd
SowstbU prefaaloB. ropeeWlp ioth*
aprlag. Whpwrepaadwwrpoi
laallthebiBBBdgood thlagB I ora aee
or bear aad tlBak Ibe Lord for them.
Did poaeter bear aqaallf Arao't


Thb will . . loo^U
two or thne* tUae^a
iaea,a d»r. _______
effect b .
for a week. Jbeeame
-------daoed. thoagh.perhap.. aoi la u aqaal
diirrw. br eaUor etrawbrrrle* aad
->b*TTifO. eepaciall.r the f

«; heed BallajreaUBClB Ibe b^

Ibe Wee akf. tbc tnabrU. daepeBi
blae. Hb aeng BO laoder. ee fall of
ierlBir iBdaaarB. • »aar. dear." be
•rtwoBUteMwrmulefoa before aeara to eaj. “Bow dear 70a
I uMVlBrwUkMr. V. »>d Tbeo orer KoqaarTeUhM».DofaBU7jac*~
M Ike M« fcn.. neoBlf wnBd* 1 whatmehBnBlactrpeof ha™oo7“d
, tbe Ileaa of U»
___ bMT H t WTiU mn Ike dtrbtac of

Ca^ M Wdte ■■

CV.. dMDg Mwtorwi a* daam. etc . « Ifd
Kkrair Mnn. KakBana. iawbkhrli} I
U-.-rri^ ^^I»jartl^orW nernih*
I larc uecDoa'-iBc aumuui hldarroits
,* teeth oigi
rwloio mphar* ojmn^ Mi»
id prlhfara Ibeo branilloUj.—.SeteO- fiWnt.Uir
•rio Terr ■rrrtr at tlam; mj aiin*r>' •>>
irm »at afo< is a bMl atair of drr
rm-pt: torartiami (br urise WMaraDi;
A Serrloeable Art)
Uii-n nrmn tb>.
I.riil . .Ilftk-uhv Irf paaaagr alwaya rxlalt-.!
1 lirard of Ihwo * Ktilorr HIU* al atlmr
iierial -«l.n I Ml that I wa* tolDg 10 hr idrk.
tint ihrir u*r wanlrd <0 as attack, ai'l 1
Uaura to a depth of mb
nni now fn«Dg T*ry mueb IcHlrt >ta
nd ^fRrbed rerlkaUy at

10 wBiru ari.^ IhiB^,
wbaterrr orr ba> to -bara can be Crap ,

• wiled I
a*, till


New DepartureiT
I aa opportuaitp to oaaeaU Ub
that caBBOt aecbtoa at Ua Saaitartai
The donor has ao Bach faith te II
ta b^ te tnatUg



____________________ ______ a la that
rypalteat wUlatatcto tbair frfoada
remOUobtaiaaflbp hla tl
All fotMof chrmikAleeaeea rafl^
aitiea treated. So
I e baa had aaA e



. ictt>r>&«uL

a 37 peara ago from Oetrclaaa.
10; was 13 pears ia ccacrarprae*
■ j after that lectured aa Piufiaaiir
: of Anatomy aad Phyaiologr In Detfoit
:Hv«neopaihie Medical Colfoge for*


^ OF _


-... .iiBcr aod b^pitbl. W.U not imlp prevot dao-;
, nennaorat and »peedy rur,
e«w. and pleDlp wa> on rack liaod;
»« plapthirge
plapthirg> fr-'m
fr.'in lall’nr into
UDluHuaied conDJc«ie
conDJrooe fii
61 It
id1 eo
OP mao
«ao wroogrd
wroBgrd bi.
bl. brollirr
Urollir lli. n-.
for DO mao eoastnl it gaio
Id aloaelp poo map W
»>t*n>. »«»r. ToUrebp
llie»wratolaooihrr‘*brow. coi.rci
e bp the------------------i.'f
i lutvi'dunr CO much lor me."
black MU. rad ber anali. bright epM
to Jop at aoolher'a pmn.
I i-aa you a*k any morr tbanthtol Ikwn'e
iRle* Brea.l
lookatpoB. Kfaetfalaka paadoc'
her, rad wa j^t let ber tbiek ao.
thrr toivf
)a a iliflV'ulL
■ hnaisb Ihr kkincy* than all other m
rr* aimplr rad only aellrfle. Ihr drit^da
ih tharj. and. hrtirr stiU. they arr d.iii
wiffcr brptbeni thwn-r. bdt i* rerr di-liriooi. to tbr pal­ this right hra; to »Dchlit^ A»k rayj.
•Uag mrn
ate To make it. boll oor trmmp of
(>M of tbr I
utn Mf.
^mra Id tbeawelUrlag dap*
ket oerer ktlr riw when ewking.
MB to bate another.
>e is apt to
roaeblDg I* the fact that she
Whllr hot. Bill botter tbr ai/c of an
ir tbr u ,« nd blood filled rar
Mk Biai onbeaxciDglp wan.
egg. a (lint and a half of milk, half a NiHaira Co. Huffaki, K. Y .a..k agwta
ftira'a < ina. aod rrery toair «a»
hair gets oat of enrl. ii-r *kis geu
' Ua r li RrnDwtticrUwDaiBc.ito*al,
ahlBp. or worsr Ihao rithrr, the odor of
,kra tUrli koown: bob
paoa. hating U not oarr two ioche».“*
I along thli Uae Bsp br
thlrk. and Ink* Jnat'uor boor lo a
BOD. fnr lo.uria hr wanted Dung
tot with oi’-e |
And rice and toil 00 trir llWlr ooe.
"ftettae IB warn lB*tead of cold water,
loogRT Ihrir rain wrought;
•l t.alter- or g.iod ayirrap, it i> at iU
aurd eolull
lb la the iaUor frelo
‘ ■ more rrfreab.
' '
i thr fi-chlr 10 body and luia.l had
lag at the time, hot tbr aftec-effrete of
III 6f mv.ininotbtm Doloogeracare f.<r brrr.*IheforBtf ^ Bmeh mon la»U^aod
bUt>- lOT.iha Laws
-OBl of thr pleDtp Uiat Waa'fni
xut'h ttniWr anil
beUer. Cold water pruinolaa rapid elr.1 tbetra thr firal to be |b<l,
. T aerv irca'ile maU for tbr laarn
_______________ -'lu
eqlatioo. therrlj p^oclxj hral.whU*
nr U». ti.ii>av »- mode frum odd piece*
MoniKK "—she taho uatchoi
(epid water will learr
a oh! but that la»d waa a happy
• ahcirl remoanle ol carpctiDg.
laad for Uwae wbb werr alatc. of
our hcIpIetisiMlancy andh'biJ- {
• aw- Unml with robber cloth, and.
or whereWD
>ui first tottcrinc step. Yctj
. can gal through thr
tlble. bath'
DO rndr aod snaeno
robber. Ihrv afr a great prelection for the lilc Ol every K)qK.-Ctant Moth-1
Blgblud Bonilag ID auJa and water,
toil, ie fieUlor ioawrater'adon;
the feel when placed undfr a chair.
afterward* nibblDgllgbMp with diloled
is Ibeset u'llh iLtnccr and ap"Pf'.;
Bol body and ooul t
cr 1$
Therar.. cep.-Ci*UT desirable for ao ioIracid. whichIt^erfecUp barmwoman felt womai
d be made tto avoid it,:
fort should
A few drop*.ofaiaiiioDla Id tb<
so awists nature;
jou arc bithlpg pbar bjdp will And draw IhaB I ilr to the atroqg
A Chaap Hammonk lor the Chiiarmi
Nerrr pw
I* good lor Ibl* polrpoae.
ara* tbr gowl of hi* aUter'* oai
thU OB tbc face; it U roiaou*
Take four eutuiDou meal sacks
Powdered bor** aUrreJ loto the And the fleld. were yellow with hrajem uqrelher firmly In an oldeng _
- the Kxpcct.tnt|,
aeaUng where eaeiy man might
-arm water D*ad in tbejiroporUon *
Stitch a wide hem at each end.
od ran a barrel boiip Into each end
Lheakin clrar. while rad adte and pre^ Aod t£ flahful rlyrra went Biogi^
aog with •atom rope*, ax all hami Note
The children can
io<-k» arr hung.
e abould be wliboat a
imble intuit feel rad all. and bow dread, suffering or gloomy Jorc-,
ch eomftirt the lilUr
bodinc.s. to the hour vfhen sHk I
foretu.rad tl
A lamp of ma^eatoiaa
in Uiose four old meal Xjrkx —.’Nlrcted.
wnvnccslhc joy of. Matbertood.
with fruit.


litiooer taila. Uarejm branch
t. If area

Apfrfrfl RAiwly forCrwtUpabon.SourStooktch.Diarrt»ca.

eSunto Sigtmtarr e<

__ .’Si-crrT^u.s.

ygw -YORK.

£ t rZ TT.'f'f. Si-'Sf.U I»■



I Tbere is 00

weean gire you.

Bionlh arill b«
loea. aargieal
efit of aU oar
skiU to all wbo----- ...
Our me-.liadaof treatment
i*all thai


of e’.cvTricily. t
all agenix io
RheutnxtisrB. and all dix
tie room system. Co eanp, aa mj

1. Ji *xA elllewl l*» *aif»



Mother S

Friend sHH

The Celebrated Spedallflts.

Aad the breath ol Ur kin* like Inc
i] a Utile rtnegar to tbe water ... use insures safety lo llie livethe beat.
Joatnib llllghUy
~aro«e in the mradowa atiU g
glowing rurface; allow it to resmlo a
I you *oak fish.
of bolh Mother and ChiM. and sIk
: abort lime aod wipe off lightly.
is fodiiil stronger after than iK-lorv |
win not clog the pores like (ace pow1* forerer !e tbst fair land,
conrjfiement—in short, it ‘'nnkcx |
xn enried hie maU-.
^*A good toilet arater ahoold always be
put In w
Childbirjfi neural and catv.‘ a-,
id aomsu '
....................... -.............. in}V?i^’ili"a'.»r ftwjaare
band in warm weather. A few dnqia
V tolled h
iny h.tve said.
Don't be;

M ma de eol<vne or rlolet araW In
to make ili-m tender.
idcd lo use rinyihiiig butbate.
000^4^. BO diobB to araah. bo aareef
The scum of soup* need not be reAnd the kiogdom that Christ bad prommnveil: it eoelainx the aibomca which
i^ ara* oow for all men In aee.
iBgaealmriagaacaptUaga WouMb' aweeteelog.
' tbr name of that hai>py klngdmn ix raiuabie. and nothlug obji'cllunable
the Bfit be Btoa lobe a bird and Borawbldfloordaated lightly o<
aa. "Tbe lami of Um-ksui
' "
—Mlri..ul l.inf U.
jii .C 'o! pies soaking
To pr.-rei
Bat tbare are eala. A hoetid old gray
inlbiuudc -rail, brat thr while of an
tOB eat. wbo belongi lo aobodp bnt
Good h.r Sni'l>*r or Breaklast.
eM-faahioned aUreb bog I* uegg and brush
tilhe.-rosl with it
toilet oecomity.
htoaiair. oom« aoaaklag arooad aad
ipice TwbW.—TAkr risen
Stale crackers whieb taste old eaa I
:h. towl
d..ogb. UolI oalahai/InchoraotlPck
Itoha tba et«aB off mj mllkpan* alghta with finely poaedered
made fm.h by ptiuing them on a tin
a lllUe powdered orr
bruah oaer milb melted butler. Thrn. the oren and shaking them t>(u-n uni
tie* ...........................
B. (aSd
•d<ie.l.o“l ' -•
dual oaer aciUi spier and sugar mixed they heal thniugh.
We»*ing t" »nj "n» rlpeetifig
paabahlp tBeUratallp eatMiaa all the or talcum 1
lapice to laale, prolmbly for a
com., a M<1TllKK."iia>-» cu»
Bka. for tee don't aaa up more of It to dellgL............
tw tota. a uaapooiifal ol rlnnr—
llasbSK<o> KxLn. farrni. 11
He to Best to a arild rat. for be
iva good plan In p-iur a
______________lail . . .
woatfothiBaalt beaeeBaseeptbpaa
.- puiUng
-ight a»toe like roll*. water nreV Ibem first be
Ber Oenttuyr fleoonl
them into hot traler.
Itokr io a quick oven.
HU* HatUe C. I'ardyol Iterby.Cooa,
■alalp OB porag bird*, for be ba* been
"Maine lliscult"—One pint of milk
X.1J BmlsUr
B.'vlxxwra.. lllxatx.Ca
apple, kept ia the •uke to*,
TB flrscaru
.jaewiih the lark the other m.wnlDi.
aara rraolBg oat of the graa* where lo Uke a Iraaon on her new bicycle, aaalded rad eouiid: one half cupful of keep m>»lemteiy ri.-li rake mntot fnri
putatu y eaxt; liuur comigh So knead. ^neat leDpth oT time, if the app'c to
Mar bp a grorad bird ara* erping
msnagiog ll»
heel at tbr same boor io the prrUy Hix in (be eeraiagaod lelsuxnd dn a newed wju-D withered
draadfallp. Tbeae eoag aparrowa or
m.irnbat not another one rauld boast
.man oldJ.,.wl l•err•re roaxtlng ij.
Ibrwbqk tkMaiia r^lar ehoniaof __________ not another
ing. kuead ten lo lifieen nilDutexj 1
that the dap ws* ber trirtfaday. or tl
ami pula lew n'lckx <if celery inside
tbaa la dlffarOBlfoBcaor kepaaeop abr bad -msde a oratary.'' BOt of mi
OBV and cut with a btoeait cutter;
till- stuffing to llaror
balf-hrmr .w mo
•eralBg la Ue boabaa araead tbe —bolof prais.
Trr lulling-th* biUof hrrt.i tha".
a bluer, and bake.
Miwi Itordy wsa lOOpraiwold
bnM.BMb a ahaBC to kill their babln
xre lefUv.r <lry. io a tin>lau-on the
IS. bat with a friend oa ullber aide abe
of praui. •iwk of the RUrre. pod when ih.uv.upt-whaBtbey do bo h
made hertlrat attempt at bicpele ridly dry. n'lllng them nntil fine, then
geod. -Bat tba artekad haee always log. Sarnmnded bpao interaallngaad
itrraallng a
a pinto of
iirep 10 a M-ll wigllng gla**can: to use
^Brmted group composed of the "n
xouful uf »
f<w ►lutlli'p lislt. fowl*, etc.i for smltat Inhablianu'' she prdlled ap ai
Tba oatBt rad tameat UtUa blrdi
and put to riM-.
puildlnga. etc.
|mtb and seem, - feel I
ba*a ara a pair of Jaaop arreaa. whieb
keeoeat enjopiornt is the a|K>rt.
made tneaiy by luK
the size of a daep jelly Kn -roll
baea tbair boma la a amall bba 11
"Keep on pedaling."called her . .
.. .lo i*)!d wmtrr
a half Inch thick, |■ul Into the greaued ir>X'*uaWA _.. _
rt.TTt rRT.aW bam* I* m pMttivevuTS.
mtodaow aidlagthatwaa left alter er, when the wheel-wareeed a little, tin—mb over with melted Ifiller and ■ after being peeli-d. JVhe
When boiling they aiM-.t louuv Msufla li • cxiealj xhwetert. •>
ber n<*l1p galtered
round yl tba xhiNild he tvMKed tn salted water; «fx u SI PrsctUw oiW wx 11 * *x«uw* tw. ly Mil
balldlagaareoitagahaea. I got Tbeo
plmir im V p .fit
<t nnniher round
Kvwfwt Cuiwith renewed alrengtb until
turnoff liie ixr BKi'TilthiS.
duBgh rabbed with the melted btflter.
leratlltraDatbaMMoadof tbeeta- Ueycic mored amoolblp again.
L_. ____
.. . .when light_____
..-X. :--------- Bdermte orca. water, leavin

• • poui
Wa, qulU blfb ap. It toagood plan. ---------Dolatimr and entered
the tabic and kettle to dry
Iluiler b-fure •endleg
illed Jen into the pleasure w iita ibi- entliaeim-B Cat aa you w-ould pie.
of poalb.^fi^^aak^^fa<Y friend* lo
:Two capful* of 11^*1 broad
Xblnak.- it 1 ■ode;- by stewing very
tableuTnooful <’f butter, gently for
hnnm with pepper and
doagh. c
tew psrd*, and then
pen in
two Ubla^too -uls of sugar, one half salt, lellinj runt etomtapiatof Ihinid
hiUp rad wltbnnt si
iters of two inland lakes. Seven
-rant* aad a little when door, an.1 allowiag the remain,
Him Punly
Purdp to lo
In eacsllent hraltb. cupfal uf drii
fl. to kBoek spa few bozea aad leare
Mia thr
boiler der to boll into the meat. Make gravy miles by steamer from »k Itapids.
powdered -----------------.
smorp I clear and other f.
BBiMll bole only abnata* large aaa
nf the llqnl
Michigan rad Uraml Traverse ll»y.
tiB unlmimirad. aod
half dnUar Bear tbe lop. aader the
Let It rim until very light, then add
Kine xcenery. toxthing. boating, black
the eurroou ud
rooL for tba door-wap. aad pat Uem
tas fishing, trout streams.
lo btocnit: let them xUaJ to
'•pwbBatbeaatoeratMlmbQD. Ton
New hotel. Tumfarta'tile raoma. v»il i
When light bake aWit twenty min*
tooaa tba wrara will got iototbem.
Seeping the House OooL
After the luinx are (ahen from
i/.h . beaotifuUy situated. flWper. |
* away whieb
Bow iMwt to keep the honae cool la thr oren bruah the top wiibB tra»poon
ay. f: tnf.’per. week.
■ sugar disaolwed in a lilllr water
OBBtad tba beat too. or tba bole 1
eumms- to a genre problem.—Haring
or milk lo give them a gloxa.—.'drim..
iBft* raoogh for tbe aparraws. ai
K'.k ItoDids. Mich.
attar a faoa tb«p lafl tbs wreop

Inly. 21-1114 22. 1S97.
Two Dspu Ooly I aeh Month.


ConsultAtion aod Examination Free and Strictly

rirei.' ror w^trr

d rev <xswsenwsnu>BsS' s •P'-isIlr el XevC
laifs SFV xiexrv twxar te

To Young, Middle Aged and Old Men


___ „ .



“ DKS. B. S. & CO.

Brosch’s Meat Market

Skegemog Point Resort g|,(,jj.g3, [yigg,s_ pguUry and Oaine.

TtL*pno**(Ma«»ffT 4 )

Sflr^JtiTskm pliri^lM snTwmlf^
saxp (0 the wurid, a* vrell
we II ax
s< pilira
sviv*wi>v lov uHieu xBth, aad oufstfp.


^ Just received one.half car loed of sugar which wo are selling
less than cost.

MBe aad UeoBMr poo and slag Ibeir
A SoBtmcfHouae Tea*.
awMtt aoag* to lo proaide tb
An apple-Uve with four
ftaatp of aaeb eeap bMUag BlaeB.
lagbraneb«>.Btandttoom._,. .
Tto laaMUroone birds ara oar
a ro^^^l^toee. tdder than^ "oh
Hrap e< tbsB Mata to lors to
shade to eool and plsasanl upon a biM
snmmer dap. list It* gnmtmt allracatfaUttopoui
tloo to the entry s.mmae-hoomi. about
isBBd oat balldiagt eight fret from the gronud. aad tv
ed by a wide Sight of steps. A
raUlng i
to It, and a &«
< you dor rartaapa poa t
gropevlde eovers tor
r with Mifbt bow
I a pairadblBaMrfo at 1
Bfiaf laraMd tto ara at


iBBqMlfbUMBntotroiJM a



Uwld Modal. MiJHiater Fair.




adBaau sit'aad belt aad

30 poaorl* (sranalafod Souar........... ...... Bl.OO
22 pituibls C Soj^r.............................. .... 1.1*1
XXX.KCoffA-.......... ...-.......... ........... .... 13.:
•2 poumt crusi coffto in bulk.... ■. • .... iV
9 one pnnnrl ban tuap............ .... 2.'k'.
1 packagp Parlor Matcbiw................ ......... Ik;
t's.ra Sttnrb per packa«**., ............... .... 5c
8 puufi’1 Starch...................................... .... 2.V
VHear Fat Pork pprlb...... ............... ___
Hamaod Btosn.................................... ..., 7c
Pare Urd............................................ .... A-

A Fu* Rtv ftwto if tutor

*^to^eo»C craJv asj 1*0 sf isv addluessl
besM-Sve elxlivlivs. Ngvln- tsussy.were"' BHISsw lasni aanwe-lsllj

-^_^,^j’:rv.rssj-t *u.
aicvssse ■eseSvTsUsto pnmaey era.
eltf M vlUaev vM.xde no sov css MD n
weev txax iSrvD tsird erUv creulWnIve
Be swtstfv Viauise Df n pvvesst wUI be
fw xum< raase. n7^mS%sl«« S



<krt.«uc|........ ....................................
S luin, Twin CUtm Snap.................
Mix.vl Candy per Jb....................... ......
P.anato por Ih...........................................
IVjgr. -MrtiJ |»ir Bark......................... .........-•
1 ^Slon UraoQ Jarti. per due........ .......
Good Smc*inir ‘W«cekx, per lb... .........
Gwa] Fine- Cat TofaaesM per Ib... ..........
Syrup prr t^tlluo............................... .......
fiood N'-w Orteana per t.'al........... ...........
A Rood broom..............................................

Semember, b FKEE BARN for all our patrons.

^ lI>oarBut ofSMflBb«t«:%.

W6 Frtmt Bt, Xr«Tfl»B» Cf^.»


nr KioBiaAM.


3 cn* mm < Mm L L osiai'
Hotlruta CmapUUd TlMjmgk Omtar

.Summation ul Teacbm.

It wtBt Ugb islo tto tboaarado. p

Tto forBBtobUBd-bllBdM ■




It to pa*a through every nxM*. but
ts Uawara areltara. tbatdoo't ea
------- aa
- the beat o'
o' the day fa^iaa.
clock. yon abould. always
•fa ttoaoBg biida tlaeogfat to Iroee aay oIm o'clock,
clwl dowa lbs wiBdowa. ar close In
iflsBip otbMtomlroMaBd ahrabbarp
tbe bU^
____ ^t'
.xat tbeb^alT 1___,
woaad ’Ibe bouse tor UwB to BBt la..
se on tbe cool walls —aktoonL


Fresh,'Sail and Sjnoked Metis, Sausages tic.

HUMORS ■™^BS|G00D results
to tne

makes the vwutig led old. and foe old tod
llifetsnolwonbdw Kvmf. let ■ ds»
gcr Mgnxl
ngnxl of
r-f Kldnry
Kldarr U.^—
l>iKaa<—foe u
rvvdi'nce ol weak. Isiaet’vr and loer Kidners.
Any penon cured of Kidney wrakMii arffl
tea you fhal when (he back oaaed to aeh*.
all trauUes ended. Neithee totmeDb. Mr
plaalets. nor electricitr Can Can* it. Th»
sraloftbetroutoeisnatm foe akto. Oeto or


"I ^ gfeaBozx.


uii«|var, siUbeavl* Is iBv

- H

asrvkine t* tar urery iioe
T-.lU aa* rarartWa*
laisixc leiar Ww4r arm

Lock Box XeO.



Send for JoarsaL

Wednesday, July 21st.




ma Ilxnajj.


aarip in tbr Boralng. preuara evtala
tbr rurlpfortiea aod t
foods that will keep well. aad,Araid
Thaatiabatbat wratla aod
errrrbadp in Ameria
e< lha craebi to the boal-for mp bXiabout enough lo lire
r*ar~«tt^xtay. Tara-IIooca ara rory
ba«* ceB^ In UmbI Madam
well on a banc
Imlica •IrrxH’d
Bore pleasant in anminer than pMog lailica
me iBcllaed lo be a liule criM aad
dollmr* a .pear. The daughters of
f.allbou •
rtebeut man in tkwhm
Bold wbramr ! want bp Ul'era. but preferable
acTupulou* pistol
toWMr.J.Jaatgargledl .Aad bedora
wife rai! motber owned one brocade,
kble cooW by radui
U all Ibe Mbs. lie llkB'lo haee bc
whieb did serrice for several yrora.
; M tbr pdremeoi
asMbp. HeaesMtobaalBoatalurmpa
s eoasidercl
eoBsidercl vulgar. Sow.
[itop'ay wa*
only gueen Vii-Virla
Viitorto <lam
<larea to go shale
goodly »l
aittlag ea a stick orer the boa. qnii
One clothe* hare become B oeers[lowed to Iswca'p tbroogh l
Vo the leaser lights. The gresler
faoaae moraing
ling aod
and ei
ortl.iB'nf people were hsp^er. to
air of midday will
cuodeimc quickly o
troB bto MUI HaM arerm seam* rary cold wall* rad cauie
cause Uiera wax nirt aueb emulation,
eauie b
munld or dam|
such vulgar stririug. nor snob Kuiring.
•ly it sh
Ubp Ibe whU*. aad let na^bopejt bf*
ifooltoh amhilioos
Then, men aod
Bow be lowed to enter ray portion o:
women fell buck on their own mind*
All tbe rooBs io tbe
«udi«aad Bhaksaowith that
for that colertamment which they oow
be kept nerapnluDsIy elhai
toBgiBff Ml BBd not drop H to stiBBgm
In fast horses, yachts, great and
eonstant change, journey* '
Bat to Bsror doro. tor 1*** watched
r^yonra^i^t night whea It to ato to
- New|mrL^^Uouto>k Ue plmw
Ub.. Thto to probably ibeir
Weed. Bow BMP man they arill bare
stogand tbcy'^iU bceMTrad ^jlady wax iBtrodu^ Into society, udi
Uto MMor to nneertala.
wUKanmmer. Eseeptlos* to this bou.|nel dxd duty fur. the seventy-five
e on windy days, a* tbe ropU
I artab I omU roBeBb*
motioa of the air doe* nut allow eonts a sober elegance
lion. Ke.,.
fliul in ..position.
the riehexl In pooketo'l.................
_____ _____
talk about ra,niry: itbax become a subwhltewaafa with plenty of lia
aaaied and fad lo Ibrir young in a a
tbe grealcal ealnc la (ammer.
jrot of ooorrnaUaB place tbc 1
^aoBBor. Pertopa soBe of you c*



SB Hotel Whiting p<ouebr livery,
T„v.». City, mch. iSale & Boarding StaWt

th*p “beaep" MrdaT A palrot quail*
lira aoBewhare wear bp. bot J*t
it. aad bow
the Bellow “OwbBt'riaee
ttiokgTBB. where BO Aoebt Ur. g. Is
CatUag Us dialler of apaU graBbap-

...... - --

raerieBce, comhiBed with Baay
atadp in the best hoapilBla la
entry, andesamining and treato

• prepared hita in core when the geamal '







„^ond to arrrrtt)-. whilr ll i.
alto^eUirr. i am ivii


owe MONTH raec.



Do DM go West or BoMfe nntO fm
am wbat Hiebiguoffon toMUfsX
mao bsUer wUh U

Land* ridi. dry aetd gewtip retlUag.
Imbered matolp vrith Sugar Mapto.
Bock Elm. nswtninil. Ash. BsecB
iodi. etc., aetd ara wsU —tmufl by ‘
r solto.«ne crops. Iisaltlv •«•
popsjstlbs. aa^p fora rstoira Bh
sd Csands.

ror Boobs. Mara etc. *lflgra


rugs and matb-

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