Grand Traverse Herald, September 02, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 02, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


(feratiJi i^aligygje



■w. B*. 3=T A;RS3

tand TraverssJierald


Tha-Warof tlMBBlcBwmiBrv. TW
Mthera eaafadrrary so iaawcr asMed
_ad tbr old atalwan aalOB wm alewly Uaa U. Satoort.
-I oooldan HtoiT that bi
ortUiac dowa to barlaem sBce meeu.
Area la oqaaia mOw. Ul.HS.
Atol «fly doUan nrt wpU. bat I am do Uarray Wama aad Hania Ucair. two PriiUikia l■a^«^^W» .|«.Wi.a<
irltb<tol Uto trm otottlar I war fouur ot Ibr bom la wrrr'Vaadiar wbomhet e.tiswma «Ubm.EtoM^
thalr tfWy acroar the oouBlry tram kiawtoaad SE.TU laAlaim
bBAt dmt aa*
aloar ■a W^w“i
tbroBFb yaaermea aod Kra-

SPECIAL OFFER-»»>-<~' •n« «-ll. ib5i^

, two story, nine rooqis; granary, bone i
good beoring oimid, good fencM; eoU gntvel ued ctajr laMU,,«arf*c«
mostly l0T«l, good water. Piiee$S,OOUi ooe-third caali. balance ~
tioK) at 7 par cent, or will take dty property in excbange.


For sale 8y
OAPITiX *100.000
8UBPLU8 8A.000

^0,P. Carver^

Rose & Son Real Estate

makr ap for it. aad thr ik«1ar a
tacky, to their b
r»lrm irmtor tAB wop t hr »»rT ■
ABybow I'to ri'iar to apj. v It ^
dellrhUBl. aad. aa aaey war aoar too
And Ahr did rsl .y iL
W'h»t b |
plraUful amuap U ‘•bcya.-tbr two
•arc ar maeb at
Ihn.uyb to
^otolblr by laaklac tbr
mwd asd patoi Bivund ^ lo
troarb. fall to
claar cold wator. aad bow c«rrrly ttaa of Xr.h. _ _______ ..
jaded horacB draae^-ttoir-bMd. for­
tbr oirBL iBaaaBOcra
ward to thr wcleoBir drauEbt
Ao4 no
nr arar the bolei an nacUoa
laaaiatUflrd wa« *b« 10 aat tbr diulr
aebold rood, and taralurc
Abrrp-Btoo lift Awkwatolly ibair toloV
tolnr p ace, and idU mrioalty la
aomtmro* aa thry - dWaoaiitod

L»n A letoprlM SArt.4 to to
Wr pmU rpuAl ttoto btoAto i
(to--. Atol CAtoraAr'. «.

canstat a rUBpto ot brr brforr Ikry
drank cnpfnl aftorcnpfal In.oi tbr Iron
.11 tbta tlla^Ulto ■■ .,^a««r toal
at a rup uf iruirr." rbr thnnrbiV> brr•rlf. -Iip.plw tf'a jax <u niirb w-.lrof
.u o. arm.l iu..un. ■„ tor k..»kn. "

Tktulirli Ikr Wrakw. to


Fnnt Street.


Bvedneas Oaids.
» t«w. u»m


eD« II u I. ft. MMu, wMi I. d 1. mt

AUerMTt m» Ii*«,

?\rms & (^OLE/

*ii*t wrwc ^ wr wt wn*r» M« w wnw w w w« w« wnw wt w W( wt w

y.fc. Aret^.l



a|a. >F>aoa taoHbohmoa anj■fcain.

' Com Enivek
Powder.Shot and Shells

Traverse City, Mich

146 Front Street

8.x. XnXXB.


t*!!._Konay to Loan



Momy to Loan

;i^t Cleaning Works




«w>Qor •adCIrilEulae




Hack. Bus and Baggage Transferline
mC. a w. X- o.,M.a R.A.Badneat uaw^ad w
TtamsRCai. W« ar» tSo »w»f lo baadf ytt rt«bL

Best Livery In Northerii Michigan.
Pwd aad sals BtabU la CoaascUoa.

InMk ttaUM M iBMa aai XMbtowsMa.



Tka Soath SUa Grcaakousa.

flO W. lOmatkev

Pioneer Livery,

Ian ft Boanliiig Stable.




wamw roc waxt
^ M. a. taaot OOM


piikbrd open tbr ykle and me nn tbr
"Oh. UiK> l>.“ahr cr.rd oat
kbrUly. "Irt R>r omqr where roe arr'
I'ai afraid of the mwkr .
Him I', roar aad went down tbr atrpa
How wominti and WBdrr ahr
aa abe raarfird a hand dowo to tbr lilaad aallrd n-saaurierly.
Th.wnp rrowdtar aroand thr loaf
irovfh and A Jark-ryrd. wratfarr.
brnP'-.l niwboy leaned Irum bir mu>AOd' hriprd biiBUlt to a drink
. - thr In.inUin
Aa hr did au hr
brard th- ■•l.ttd’k frliAilrnrd rry and
p-rllr. "oatanu pl.-turr.
k hraladlrd thr w.--------- '---

In heighth snd weight, the
short the tall, the thin the fat,
wc fit them all. Every ahe can
fh . depend on getting a perfect
iTj : I, fit. The largest line of new
;!’ij ;il[ Fall Styles in the city. Prices
f>>ight and satisfaction guarac1,41'
ttS^l. Give U8 a call.



^ Ii i

tbr um-lamlllar
iroodriudr wby ahr war al forty
■Ull oamarrird Star ma*t bare had
ippolatmrat.'' they aald. ib>.u
Mia V. looked lean likely of wooiru
bare bad art





Bfortably Bied.-aa thr
'drlorV faw' yrara
toftre. bad left hi tbt Brat little eoW
fralt orchard brblsdlL
id thr fra:
! which eoppllad Botonly brr but many
Btlirbbora erlth cbotce fruit For
aoiblaclf out BrirhborY.

carefully prrarrvcd.
Tbe clitorly-Bltinf drawrn.. almual fined V> tbrir
placra l.y lunf diauM-. wrrr with dlfllrii'ly rrmorrd.and found to coBlalD

rfol—Irttere p-nalninf to theme
mile kuilnrae of unr coanlry a. ti
ck ae ITiii

la tbr effort* made I

the twu lower oare wae brokra. rzpoeinf aa oprolBf balow them twrlro
incbM lonf. kU wide aad four la depth
Three kccrrt racrpurlre ware packed
loll of eotnr nanl lubetaacr. well corcred witb many iblcknrwMwuf wuoien
Ciulk. 1'bik ariBf raioorod. Uurr wa*
rer«lrd a quantity ol appareally aew
kllrer coin, which, tlrmofrlv rnuurh.
burr Ibe'elamp of Amrriuan eafln and
halfrafirkuf tbvrkrllmltaiatAfr: and
la each drawer were aU.> ketrrni aarruw BkratTtalkuf either medlclnceor
ebrmteaU. and a few other* eetlroly
Thr iukterof the coin waaaa
briiltaat a* If frrab from tbr mint: aad
yet brnrath lU brlffataao* appearod a
little worn with uw.
Mr. Warrap called la a tew peraoaal
frleniit la wbokr jadfnrat br bad cobBdrni--. who pmnuonred tbeetoB(»anurfrli fold, aod accuueled for iu re-


BfalB aueeraafal. aad tba old maa rapaalod hX me**. It tacL ter reaiB
Oh. be X atlll moebg ap Salt

kaom Ibe meaalagxrUto
pbraee. now, bat eery tew rimmabto
--------------Uwbe •
Aa Iraa Tra*.
lately near 1%ra* Ttaa, Meatgamtoy
ow the fijtoB Tb* tn* X abMt
.Ifhtoee fnt^sad XsbWn lai^
' --«r, aad baa ban iixilitlly
tb* Iraamajtaa^txbi^

ibtaocc fa< kllrer by tbr ibakere bar-

lof been amaicurk at the work who
blundrrrd In tbr mlitorr of tbe metaU
emploved. It wAk, tberTfure. left la
the or^enlBf and nolbtof done with |l
Two mar* later. I vUlted my friend
Ohio boBM. and wa* abown bX
tblc deak and Ito coateata. la-

__ _ _paldBorar*l____
tary. I obiaiord a perfectly emaoih
kind ptotr abut a foot kqaara aad
placed it OB a hut rywe wItb lb* temparstere at aboal i« decree*. Tbea I
darcfally covered It with a aiBfl* layer
muuihtd child wealoa be- way acbuolv of lb* eola. and iaakborl U». wlUi
ward, .toppiof nflnn to walk backward tbr aid of tbt. he*L tbr tllrery wbitot few kb'pa tad wooder at what thr lUAk enUrrU dbappearvd. It proead.
a* 1 bad kuppumd. to be BaaBia* old
___ Hr* r.Tora behind her .
fold OOIB of the Tailed StaUa. toudfadow bllnd.calltd rkcludly to Mi
mated ir blended oa lx aarfao* with
aad told berall aboot It -Itepcnd ap qnlckkllrcr' Tbe empty vtoX foaad la
OB It. Uarto." the cinarerrd. "Uatold tne drawer* with tbr i-oio I nfbUy lamald'r fol a bl.tory aad I know IL and ferred bad conialaed nitric acM aad
1 balnt t mlfhl of doubt (a mf mtod qnlekaUvrr. which, eoablaw). have an
but wbtt ibafi bor bean come back. BfBnlly tor fuld. Them had nailed
lib the
the aarfece
aarfece of,the
of,the awlal.
awlal. Tb*

ilTf^'wtbe taetttat tbsahaln aad

- tra*.
tf**. the
lb* lit*
waa pneipiMMS
................ ex
tb* Uttof. aad there was aa toterebaafa ot ottaale aad atoani axttor.
aotet lb*neka wonnltond ftM
oolortaf axd tba Ira* took H ap.—Xp-

kwpapir lakiabbrx oaUaraaS teii'

■ r.-iicEJisissiruS
-WhyrwiUtom IL Baakr rw




become looked


___.y wbito ha waa mSiktos Wtax
be fot tba mllkiBf dsxa ha waM to ^
tba moaoy away la artiawar. Ha Mto
ad (bT^warmad poorad tba iSte
pallfal of milk totolL--tsmXXm 4oXl?

from th*


£ A

mtbatarr*atod( ol <imr. pai« tea.
w* nr* agala iiiRpMii ta dcllw th«
mae t* taaUltaalB aU yaHa of tb* dty.
Av aMBl e< iM mUni wtU it

tbr brrdtra—aBd a. Ulak H. looked onr tree %bu.-b apread lufmtlimba and
faltaltodaBd fril. roar freldt and »a» denae f..Uafr far oat over tbr foaatola
picked ap and placed la tbr wa^n aod Into tbaatrret.
»>y ahould br look at brr *0? Why
. ’brn'lbr^lSilcloodofdnat bad art- didn-t br fo? Ob. whom did be look
tied. Xlra I-..amilrd
amilrd tobrrarlli.
tobrrarllao odd like aad who wa> br?
it that momrel her atartled eyaa
MtUeasilIr. '■'U'aa.ioeer tblnc to u
no onr'a tniainr.a b
ifbt >lfb( uf a loaf, rad tear acraaa
(Bayba, bat
. maa'i forehead, for hi. bead wna
(oy owe. rod (f I
bared, aod la anotber Inatantahc foood
nrv v.iri Infrtoir
ilf leanlnf afalart th* cyprtaa
r^lo/ir-H.ip.litolvo/ *<• L
r qutU
quite weakly
frellnr at Ihi .ifh
..1.10 Id do « " .
-------, ...............
it iBu.t all ba a dream Then abr fath­
d a errutn plate ered hriacll lofrlbcr and kpuke In a
Id Uir city and
a baatliaralnvi. held a quirl voice which t
of bnalaraa
. U it yon. or am
■frraBue with tbr arup'L
rrr Bumrrdu. eatalocara.
____ looked orrraoi
ant draamtof. K»!llr.“ t
lalktd prlcM and tbra
replied aa onlelly-"ll 1* llora
$ot for boatr. b
are Nellie. 00m* lorctbcr
apiown oilier la afreet bnck ahr orit
d you ar
(Bade brr way: then, aa the n.mmcr
.t la tbir .traafa way “
twlllcbl war ratbrrlBE.
dim P. auddcBly Icat b<
IB*. auayfat
and waited tor brr
Mlto I'.-a life war loerly
aeeard alwayt lacklBf U< make it e>
lied at aa larliatioa
plrtr. Bbt wonid out adrelt IL rrac
rcaointc Mo hr Ucd the mnetoof to iBr rlnf tn
I, tor tba owner of that
trunk aad loTtowed M.u
,t arm. lade- iB« 8r-i
QMBlb and chlB. aa
cwofree that P. Into —. ---------boner. wblU
— the

...... ixr;

denu tb. y r.H-ited. Ibrlr f real
snaint >tylrmoddlcth>B:
oddIctloB: bntib.
bntil j

>ienu bad toea'
ad lu
The LoMOeeaa.
vlalk and Ibeir
r tbe coin, when
ipletod the work.
lime and
qniel New Eoflaod bom* cut Into tbe fivlof it
II a
- d*?lMM
world, to be iwallowed op In lb* yawn- kparioD*
_F _ .. .L. -kTBaxalMxf «•
a* kllvrr ■mifbt
inf >w* of tbr wide, wide waat: a firl
__________ _____
A of beat had almply o
aad polled apatlbr litUe while ra>F left to eat brr bran out la pn,ud, ae>l-kkl)rar ieto rapur v
eadcr Hire K'a eyprrar arch hricb- apokaa eorraw aod rafow ber varioa.
1 lato tbr a
enltort brcaoke kbr had ao lore to fire
wa*b*d It In aoft water, witb a
bdn brfaa to wooder aad coajeei
— * old. old etory afaln. bet
p| ^ .^ded, wbee lu rcator*aod Vo nrcirct tbr eookint of t
• ooral. leait had a happy ntalaf.
tt^a wae eompirie
Appijiaf tba
BooBday mraU. when Mlw >--a I
bariof duly peered orei
■Aad h
___ _fur fold, there
hr vra-e i jukl *1 pf'per teaU
there vra* ao
The liVadiDK Merchant Tailor. kanboBBiL
all.-toy* ol
to tbA wac^ Sod lnap«t^ Ito 1
in. ..raea-a^kb^^^-^U
----... .doabtof itovalo*. AUboBfh
the citoe were mech wore by ^‘towa to tlw Hd
216 Front 8t.
Ttaverte Citydoor aelfbUir. "lor be ntmol oil (ho*
.u aarpoere of trad*. Ormatoorp Trilmae.
oitlU aad wae jail a-pawlD'
to they
Id tncat
------- heirUroafb
lace Taloo;
aad w
worth Ueir lace Taloo;
look aftor'em. Aad b*-*worth cooeid( la tbr w
>ttof ^m. tbera wa* foaad
la lb* aertbara ■
.orUt. and Mia* H-'* reetod bar
my VrW Warraa raatora thX
owaarf Like aa

OwfiUwW bAT« ibwfM. to W*> Raw W.
iboaeat mi ,,, mad*
be coaid
-taiBtBoaachtbliic: txtoki
had toft ibeeoe
Wah-ao aad II
ore llkaa waurtaf tfotft
eom* hack
married He
- la a
wW* I*B
tba oUy exMxaa X ky a nMMXsax
pwd W la thr edaraaoftime H prorad looXIa' a*iklk
kUek a* yea ateaw. 1
them a
' ' by SldorStowan
to be. -gnat like oa* of ber qaear aa- WAk married
IX* By iaya tear Umm tod
todfAton tbtok 1 to to «kto ton WA .Uoaa.'
"Sul tru Ma
____ atm. ya*l
■I to taiitoe A^ toAb* totou
gr. oBd a third tbai aotblaf oa happy, for nTxafood. kiad boartod
Utotopa toA»bAA nil IOTPT7X
aad I eall tbat qaear freak of
lb eoald MOV* her to bar* a pablw
MM-todAY AA« ttovtor to* to
wttia- aalbat wairrto' trwafh
»toc iroofbpotaplafroolofher
Beolkray* eara that 1 waa Iba
la fraatefberboaae-aiapaterdeidqr
meat- to faraUb him tbc awaaa
-rnton SipaoL
to be* bto baex ImawB lip 4b>

i kill


Tn* maaa ramr kWawpIng .^al tbr
arattv o.tlaKr. arndlnc rloiida ..f tall
A* Mlu !' *1 ,e fate with
lorma doal urrr (far rvprraa brd(« up
leed upa( im be IllUd
- from
imbrrra and
nd apranf
hi. endOB tbr beda of Marlet teriMBaa aad in■ licf pardon, mndam." br brpaa
loMUal’.'atrryfaor. bo( XlMKoeriMUrtedn.ry'
but I want to thank |r»a
llrr -oft ryra. full of compaa
aloB. fl»d out upon that patlrni fortbrtrrnt pnrilejrr
It * a rare Ibiop I Uallfnrriia i
ibroBC of crraiurrk. and a look of pain rd
awrpl acroaa brr face a-tbr pnrlblnfk
tried oarrrly to catch a mouthful of tbr
1. freeti rraaa which formrd Ulta leapoodrd Miar P cordially TbI*
wrll-krpl Inrdrrjutt ouuldr thr BoUiinf nrw [tuteoa of Ihaakfal paa>uy
brr fur prupath. Thr b.irarbacif rulrr urfml •’-----OB. and
and it waroaly a almplr act!
r doat-brawB back, inerilirr till li
rd a£ Ihonfb unr nlcbi walk ronrieay tp thl. particn'ar cowboy t
a tb^ ItrlBE fl.nd. Kebind tbr do tbr aamr. Ho kbr wondered a llltir
wbvbrdldaat ukr hiadrpartarr bow
If the Uki
lltol hi. et.and.w*r
rtpand.war door
PrJbapa he
and aifaanatod abrep wrrr carrird by enjoyed the abode of Ibe mifbty 6f

fort complete. Hbr war not rteb—oalj


Frll tor aBltlBr to
Wkllr tor LaUar* rB.rrrO fn:
rt, tor.
Alllbrltlto. IwWo.
Karr Ikr «a, ri
Kto. ikai lua M
Wto^nk Ml,.


For Potato Forks,
Hooks and Scoops,

ttaOtWMDra Mm.


Ktoadyke foU Baite partly to Amaf
‘*niataajr7^CUm«« totiuTnaa. ria tba Vokea. la

JAB. O.^^mgBON^



I., llkraatfrrr.
rtoklBf krur:
al Mtrrftk
a.rtod M> aU MW llkto BI Ir

**Wlien in doubt lead trumps.'

ijnoW fhi^?


Hold Sfal dlaeerarad ta IRt.
pradBcl of foU to Sb%A

try. and tie family were aiap-wlBc of
Kloadyka Ta BarUeh U Daar Hear.
Ibc ae«i,BC fnraitnrr are matter of The rirar la tb daaifBatad oa tba mapo.
Amuar the pircea offered
-be foUBaite partly to Amof
war an old-tlmr wriUnr drak made ot
white (Bk.finitbrd nalaral. and with
ruriootly carred ornameetr, atlU more dyke fold
c-iirioukly farunrd in Ibeir plaran. Thr ! aboot «.>o._____1; *la Ghllkeot IMS.
oarar of tbr maker and tbr dale of the , Aboot t.txutailaa.
work carred anon it wrra totmrlimr in • Time to make tbt trip by Hltor
--------—ath ceatury. la ahape it I —•r—
a nearly ».|uarr
>.|uarr tr
tkis, abont aifbl’^t ^‘tba
abeat SMQ.
rk. and atonlTraral piBl£ ealy ia Jaaa. J
.iba beck,
an invltor to aii lach-aaitbr and AonaL
keretal raiall
aaiall draw
Dnri-- • —
r leral documraU. .
BTldeaUy. It


R. Wtoki tor wlu'

Dr. J. A. Snyder, .hep,acat’S:i™ra:5S;Vai“^^^^^^


ad haanwtoU
be ilmk AbMiUy boaed. and 1 ,,,'4 appear in that
maftor bedted.
khipprd It toCitKlnnali tbr tnllowinr I __ •_________
- - rmfoolkh
>■e____ _____
orninr and tbr two yonar mea then look for him Ityoa thaaU toaaoy
anmr.1 Ibeir p.arary.
ihinf ol him tealfhL roa'd bettor aM
They tto.1 oflro dlrcuaacd tbc Mbjrct
' car*riur >n komr bmaefa of rum- ________________ _ iTilraarftaalla-,
mcrulal buain.--. alter ibr war eloaod. aal I'd haw to IhlBk IbaL My ooa by
and Mr Hraly aio-adv
lr.-ady bad El.»« at la-. my Brat maa fell deed of heart dteaaea
hr waa williny to larrat rlfbt where yoa ataad. Ua wnaa dy
In portnrrkbip • itb
. hlr (rirod. Mu Mr.
H. DOW foBrrntulated Wnrrcn oa
Brat rlrh aad t
f adowa ikaiUia that Itmtr
up your wanU from the drug store.
plrtw .of .lurr furniture
I...—■ IV.i
Wait food BiffaL aad pltoMSt
YOU who are fruit growers will want Sulphate of Copper
Thr OrewhiwI
aombrrra. and a -iidrlrn..............
this spring. Wc are in (tosition to make a bid for supplies
dararrBMd to comr Into bln Urrp ,
en tbr ri«bl
-VP Balt lUTet.’
KtHP aDttodof Harry.
in ^r^'ing m^erial.
Hut hr atoiattol th- .•ihrto in W-dpinr ivrfrrrrd to be IndrpriideOL
la tba early fortUa aa aid maa,
WhesHlM.V iLAdPop
Ir ap brr
mind to
I thr alrnruiiir herd under .■.•blrol. an.l
In due urn. the aoU<,ue deek twhrd boae
aamr waa leaf alaaa lorfottoa.
do B tblBf it WSA done. BorNo wbrii >b*
• enallt . alter all wrrr hriprd the home of Mr. Wafri-u. In Ohio, when
------------altUng on tbrr p^k
rior- 10 ktait llirm morlnc ara‘"
• "r'dr. he at one- pnk-eedrd to tboroafbly ..rmi inT^e coaBlyilli(•aaan.Baraae
pirli of brr
Bwath of Mall Blear. 8X aire^Mt
clean aad brifliieq lu apprataace. aad eharactortollc
TRAVERKB CITY. MICH currreri obttoirr on- bol rrd harkk and- loofnand
baaa aa
m rnoKT 8TBBKT.
appaan to
W hare
hi--------------awilrhlnF <ali>.
and linked np the airrrt and aaw adfor tba prrwnt hr rare It a place In bi. Intcaae daalra for
oOea. aad hetaaUy
raiieiair toward brr a rreat fl-a-k of thr daaty road.
Thrn, «’ih a wi
own room FiraU tbr aaprr. prumia peiaaadad hto Aowatmaa

kbeap. a plan camr iau. brr wbich
cuoualy thrown inb. the (udt ol th* Tn, ae a toadidate for tba lagistewpa.
pmrrd Impirtani.
deak wrrr carrfally rxauinrd Nooe

vnuAUTt the ADYIOE,

opyws M MAncaAH auica.

of ealllr -tbr

lUiada 1E.M0 teat; Hoaal 8L
1.100: MoaatWfaacd,n.bMteaL
ot ite unitary. JasMB a
, iviadBal prgdaela
Sth aad Wbrr.
aC Ikapa^'

ifuard low tor of a ...jdrrd plunriar
Btn(Ird wiib tbr
r i rira aedoaJU of
the atiwedaat cowb-'t*. who ta widr I^Tihto’^y
Irit kDtobmrm aod_ pl?la
lulradrd ti^find a plm-r apun any plain
^r at racb *l<lr of thr ini^aF laaito of olBce table or .-ouoler. and war lor orBer Spare flocto.
bon» Bed rourb-euatad hodira.
"Ii alB-l er'rybody I'd pal to alaap U
dropped brr rnrdra tool, aad
rntly lefal f
U>U room.- toid oM Hr*. Jlaka to the
waat vp tbr klrpkAo (hr
e priKnitoiiooeiy ecattrrrd over
jm4dArT>cl>/'’r.»M lo.Kl.r,
rwr uf term beariof a date B
mleitler who waa lyadi^t^ alf»*
r.f BrrUutf up lAi .if.iiLi.):;
rnJ'.TmrBt.if brra in
r anciel
full ol •acre^uoSkUaaa to ma.** aha
.d t:
rArrrBM and• kBVikfkotlon
amlBcd by many prraoa.. (u
"my trot hattomd 4md t
poor crrauirra. wrary with tbr I
pueitcel near thr an.-lionrer-t etaad ai
withUt btodirn'tofoamr
of laaBY toUra orrr dakly Kiady
uffrrrd lor aalr. Hut lew aermed
r. dlahadiadaaUla'
trillara-and pi
Ak ■)
torn it aod tbe fa rifht
. kurrine low. It^waa Clloally W.I.thr erpr
Id to luy friend, 1 toMM Into tba I
rkrn child fiarrry Wairra
iwd of
r tHflInf kUD Of


SaiitaijPlmbers j l^eSl Epfitfe Eitehin^e
and House Heaters.
Fire Insurance!

brr fi .wrrr. die-

WB^be-niad Ibrur
aa approarhlo,? h

rutole a.uf kuwr, .

jtAimi. mm Tixa.
IthHtoH mock.
TTawrrmtCItr.Mlcb ft


toot, workrd

___ arooad tbr roa*-i
K-irar> with brr IIIrtnr
Ur Bt..
nor. lurelnir
. ap tVe earth with bar.
- tyln,_. tor kBMltoilto ptr. ■■
Story <, to* ATwy
■Arkol itototoU plAli.1; to<
aiitoiJ torart toAk-* ralw

Principal Hrora. Urn Tab
te^ tba


Traverse Pity. Mich.





aad cetOMtbei
Sat wboa la a tew daya
trox drtekiaf feaatala waa braafhl

^teHln rdagtaaxIpmHiP

«. B. Oall. ratarwiM from kX
.mhaatkmof ibaaaal SaUtedSIa*
bto taro^t back wit^ bimto Waab- thAmrh'lba boa^jx tkroaj^*^
ateee* of fat of i mammoth pro-


eeeory afa






KiaU AacUatofatooaca.
How that trawl laaj sot attraet tba
awaattoa a< aperlaMa aaoh to
tbato attaatkiai wlU aataiallp lai
tbapa*aa‘^o'Vb**- tba epaa aa

IM a»r bMtar Ok Tb*
. iM to bM «M » h>ar u» ••< tt>>*

•□ «b» flM a* b>ad »t BMt
‘ PV' Th* iMbv wOl ba baaM to
«j^ at»7 —* ablfpad b7«aaaal to Aina—a> * lAT A'a.

■ aSIUtoaoBiaatar to tbato wbe
^^^lbb.aaiUM laqaaau ibat
,«a bato toaia tor lalareaUaa i
atpataV tba BaMto prtob^
■api^ of iba atala gaoa aad
ira. at r^Uag to tbb toaalltg;



Opaa MBoa for iaar. Sarambar Sib
_ MiKtotobar aoib. botbladodra, a*oapi to tbaaoaaUraotLaffar.Bi
Taaaala, Haacb. AlWgaa.
A.UHaB. —aH»W<P*"«*- **r. Ottawa. Mawaa aadVt. Clair,
tba bKUar e(daerbpn>blMta^-b
AwAar Big rt«fc FaiB. ^

C. uDa^MaafBtotBtr b .
■r i-g bla aoaA Aafiaa LaBM

•MRla. VaA. Am>
tor. wba waat to it. aoebatb tor
mitolin r~r—I Mtaraai la Oto totr aa
tba aiMBar PortlaBA arhka aMra« am
rwtrriar toeralaa. He aara:
aato tovea waaki at tbr bobI
Tukaa. at m. HItoatoa «b
tbr Btoerr cDtcIna oat ato
tlWB. Aa a nniU 1 toalK BUT datr
mtoa wui. a«i to

garmtai. »|wru '
toon Ibt ftrto .

la berato tbatlf fatobar

atota tbe prewena of tbe Brttite ftald
> draalatoi lorea B tba Itorhl waU^ caat to Ban
UB. Beiwem Saner and tbe Indax tbe
mun arprar to be gHtecIlned to letn
tbe rebrlUaa. A ainog enlaBa to na>
Ure trona and tbe royal Irtob regiBeal
WUb four gona under ranmend of Col.
rdc(B. -baa .atarted tor the
e KarwB Valley tocta <
ee haaraern rent ta tbe
tbe Sblmwart emrrtooo. .
ed (bat the captare of Fort
Landl-Kotal waa aceamtdtxbed tbrou(b
uearbery, and Itaxi the orlctedl rw
pert tbet
tbat a flabt
- - laicliic two boon U
e enihlB Cbe walla of tbe fan a

The atrOn, bowmr. waa aad b tea to
Aa grrattol-K net lb* rMUM-to tba
worU t hitwrr Pn>toUr tZ-toOtot
toraMi up tbb aprtna. aod.acxi to
ikiokf«rHAat.ataierAaa.aoa. TbrflaUb
bar* baiair Umb uiwbrI bp aa rat. but
Ukb> guise In SOB Dual war
It laaloo
tbat rvrrrlbing
a asy taporu rraebri
tiHl If

Jai^ 1.1^
“No brw torlka had bars rrpuMto .
Nat <Dort;ma ira iaar aa ^ la tha lima to my PaTtos. and asuibrr
bUtol Iv aaraaapafwoa to aa; oae Bay nbi W Btadc tor fltt raat. *
8ui Atorka 1* la manr way* a
MgbM irtlh (ba UcMd Ti%«araa ngtaa

MWKABrraRAa lxeant>e."PweiB

H K.’csL'srJxi.’ruS

. Prabawar ealley. After dchusc oi
dtoultury nature aoine of the Sbiin.
arax dn^tped from the wxlli aad Bef
totbetrbenea The Afrtdlr on tbe walla
ritbauar e'rellltex
tbe bearlsrn of tbe fort. e.bemii»B the
Cauo wire opened from the Tnude and
the enemy jeured to. Pome of the de­
fender* Bed and other*' rMnatoed and
fteirrolted with tbe beeelpen. Tbe
Feibswure were dlearmed. elx of Ibnn
were held aj prUunen and the remain­
der to lbe.Duml>er of thirty were al­

capabir to rupponlag anr great
or aslmtl Utt^nd a country to .aieb
rlguruui cUmatt U>lb winter atto tortog.
that none but tbe moel bardy cas poael.
r nun bare
rlolhlng. 1
Ibal Ihrre it
liaabta. t“** fU tor BOD-raaldaBla to
Mr. LaBafa parasta
■ppUee ran br buugl : to Ibr ViClB*
’ al Datralbaaibaialataa aaa; imtm' tba atote. maat ba takaa oat bafora
lly at tbe mlnra They n .
«MM«oteo(aartria7a. Bb (a*bat tox tuna Satile prtna but they an
AppIhaUoB to ba Bade to penOB to taken even al llraa flaura futer than
. ar Wa^ttba iirt f^tito *»“
tba ooBBtr etofkto tbalr ratldent ooaa- they can be cot to. and before wtoler to to Ibr dlearmloK of a portion of tbe gar>
r.euB (Khyber riae«i a) Jamrud. It la
balf over. If the prwacnt P
oooBaai tbapwafatbaaarraf aU Ua Ubelieved the! the Khyber nflea. Kxrrlty wbatB tbay propoae to iMta tbalr
aoolnc the forte to tbe Kbyber pxB
auiiBBto. /»
.. a^ ba rafaaai aa aara la aafaMai tor
rox. btoek or Cray pqalrTBU na 1
Inc for a ykar'a euppUee. In tbr aoi
Sannlypwii agolulfflB<
of ItoC abuul UH tool uf euppllM
_ie Ipdtoabadrrtirrdfit
U|i the river, and the new p^ulatMn o
LUO U f.MO aulfered from want. OI borbrod of tba wbite m
rate to paiMlag. oaptartog-n k
tbto uea luna pruhawy l.Ste una were Bod bfi little girl were al
tby e^ to I
tbaaa apoaitt to aqalrrala la pn^ltritai. rum. toola. funiliura and ai>pllet otbw
than proelalcn*. Thla aeaHm-allowtac
the moat fbvi.raWe rlmiincUBCw»7<»«
Bshi of datigiT. TbemoClNg
00 teoei
Bv toTMT. rraak Fiteirteb. aa
WUd IBrkey aiw protected aatll tlw Bare than «.toa li{na of aupt<Uca ran be ___iuxlde
Bxt iuxldeI..lie' dour
. . erwing. vbUa tea
batod. baMpaatod by & C. Daw
got dp tberivrr. fully balf of which la
yaar lto«.
ram and tooto ai well aa mppllea other Child irxi iu Tlir lirighl etUMblne play. toBA aatarad tba barber Tbataday.
Txannwa AXb vi'ail.
Utah food. TNere ate rwire Ihaa tblee
after aa abaaaea to }aat tbraa
Uttog aa many pet^le there Iban laal
•atoto. 1W vATif laft bm far a
wrisler. FlgnTwll out for yourarlf. Orob doily half a diB-'S ludiaux Irreb fran a
tobtoa M OaargtoB tBJ, bat O. H. DoBe weedeoiA. plorar. Bay ba blllad froa waa eomptolely rlraned ont tbia eprln*. iwnot raid on wt.iiky xtood St teo dorato Bartbpart.-bo Jotead-tb* yaebt at Oelobar I to Itaewmbar I. The baylag and taxi wtnier Iberc waa ouch n ararw. wayanddeteoudiel uMTcwbUky. Tba
Ity that roo.*> bame auM for f» rack, lady bad oo whixlcy, but rfterod teas
tbadpteto. batoaaUldiiriBg tba drat eraelllagto wood^eoek. qaail
dour ttto per hundred, baron »1 j«.r
faod and titiuk.
•ato. Thtoatarttaad tba trip. Tba
povnd: what will nu bippen thla eomwiu> atfK.
locwmicr? Why will nut people actual. wen drank, abd befurv
pai^ bawaoar, waM to Iba -B
eoDld ioterfete Iba roogbrst arixud the
WDd daoh. wild gocae. bcaak oretber ly alarre to- drathT.
- MdatAtoderarypelat to touraat
Uule girl awl wax making off wilfi bar
wild watar fcwl Bay be killed froB
toraa^ totr bad (bat potaW
ptisiMKA SRAaum roB watthm.
When Cbo dog. wbicb bad
Dbbo toft tba yaebt at Uadetoaw aad aawkal(
away a abort dinaora. name bmutdlng
Mr.rriaditekato Mr. Haapraa aaatto- halt boar after aaaaet of aaeb day.
t~ck In au iortaol ba bad Ibe xeeage
rl to JasBAry tl.
aadtbaxiyage atoOB. wUb ma
“Ae to ahriter. la per cent to Dawxoe by tea Uuoal aud tbraw hint to tba
to tba Uppar PeetotalA wbera deck. wax Urine lu Irota in July: labor n giocuML The oterre. haring DO dreaiBA
braat Bay ba kOtod tnaa acarre am! bourn rwnnol br built. How
X braty rrtnaL Tiw
g kepi a
Mptember 1 W JaBaarr »■
are T.coo peo|<le lu pllh*tar>d the rlgora
♦ tHpiarplaaa.tetoaTByaaaaaa»dU
of a oil* motffhx- w inter of aeml-darbtaour'ano oaayujw.
htoaaaiayadto At Macktoaw Mn. I
newa when the merrnry gura H dicreea
B. Plagtaa aad daagbter Uaaal wa
Open a BO on for boat aad gtayU"t below xero. A* to Ubor. It l» tni.-tl
gaaatoto Iba’ra^toradar. ai wa
froB Nay Ito Beptambor
Uel winter—tbe wtetcr aocceedliur
Bratra a^FducaUon.
aaaanlotbBfriaadato tba owaan i
Tbe xpaarlBg or eatebtog by dip net creel atrlke—when mra were era
KegBiar mreUeg of Hoard to Ndura.f aallat. grate pika nd ektaa aad wacB were ntaday.bnllfBoaew atr
la made whet U to keep wacen up t
xB bald Ip Coaneil Uoom Aag. IS
aaekert at aay aeaeon to tba rear lx alwlotrr* Three are but S«o cUlnie
Boa old alto bbdrapart
lowad to atraaax aad rlrara wbera llonansa. Hunker aod Eldorwdu creeka /There heleg not cnongb maBbet
there to M> local act la
tbat will ppibably be worked thla win­ preanltDoooaUWteaqBoraio. Urar
ter: an arerase of debt men tu
■lUTTlxa or oxtn;
to I tbink. llhetto. It but LNC me
A. W. RienBh. a«rk.
IbeablpplBgor aUeaptlag to atalp emplnynd and tbere are t.tlW ur an<re
work what muxt Iw the rratst?
X or ander e
or barlag to
Hpreial meetlnc
A’acrw muxt go down. I am told Ihel timi. bald i--------trod for tbe parpoaa of ahipping- hay much crub baa gone over the dlrlde,
bled, aalaul or dak protected by lawx yet from what 1 know Iwoqld wacerniy
Maa. aa tba Itib, laib aad ITtb to Bap‘’Mrallngwaa rallad to order by W.
Ian duller that not to exceed tOS Iona of
W. Smite. |•^ea>dcoL
«Mar. AdrioB laorirad boB tba to tbto elate, bayood tba boondar
atinipllte aver ai^ above what tbe c*
^Wo^ Mrii-brr*- MoBatt. Moore.
pmrn Btolto Oarpa aad 8. to V. aaspa
I-ybua. Nichols, lillkeri aod Bound nod
man going Incan arrive with mure lb
te WMdato. BAltoaha. Oraad Tnrarae.
tee I'reaidwet. W. W. Smite
a tour noolha' au|iplr.
Xoateaaa. ABtriB. A
There being not coungta meBbera
“1 am alao luld teal there t* plenty al prearnl oo Aug iMb to conxtitnte a
ladlcata a
Pt. Nlrbael. So tbeew may. br. Sul
“QaapBaaa'' e
aner SepL U 11 might aa weU be to
. toratehwilhaay
and rateto fcraaleor Woe. any black , New York city: tor to traneport It' by denl. railed lor tee tranaacUon of xneh
dog train or aled over L00« mll<4 of Ity regular btariotux.
baat to anyBUa.oraBypomh of Im
I alawlstrly ImpoualUe. Tbvrr
Miouiewof regular meeting held July
walght Ibaa toBr.raiaoM or My plkA
nor win there ever be. a
re read wad approved.
•MkatovtUba Ugbtad wftb atoetrie plekaralereatdahtoalcB eroigfattfaaa train text ran uke enough In to
ntT. Mtch.. Aug. 1. lily;.
llBlf otwr uoa mUea Itellef la. therenghto.«adaappUad wUb water fraa
tore. Unpcawlhle. Ovrr tee divide In the 71. r-ummlUcc ..I .......................iHilOrotri..!.
thapdUtoMlM. AUtaoMpwillba
iniieree v uir.
winter wopld be quite aa dIfficulL To
dapBltod wllb aaahBd latloaa. dWwa.
The penaUleatoraelolaaiB to any
tor the trip from Dyra
iMtaaMatoaw, ao tbat Ibay wiU aaad to tba atewtaa fortbe prateeUoa to
time before tbe aprlDg
a impraaiblUly. RelleL
a wllb
i iB^^Woodyke after
Mi IM PMpaota to trait that ba baa

«bo haaa raaldad arUbis
■ irrlir-^--------------- -wUl
a«a^y I. tba baai- Iba atata tor a parted to ate BMatba
BBXt pr^tog tba appitoauoa _(pr

ibtoatate. top

0M,“teu‘»«J^Bg”Iairbx tee 1‘raai-

nuBtba. and in aU pro

MBliy^Bte^l a plop
rbtfeaale IreiuporUUoo
of proide without auprtlem. .Xct ne
be flowed to eutra teat regbm t
Na 3 teMberx- draka..
he rartltw with bbn epongh foof
All to be dellerred f. o---------------- dotelnt u Iasi him a year.
.raa^ly. bod^ay pnm fanad broken
-There are woDien and little children
I teere today who abould be went
a /ar aa BL HMiael before navigation
r. only dner 0
cLwee. 1 bear much of Ihe buala teat
buQdInr lo -go nr ter river, bet
y E. ikViiiiKt.
e ftum tine elramer ready on Aug.
Traeorae City. NIeh.. Aog 4. imr;.
0 new boat ran br added lo the car.
h ibc aon.
Biato-lBte^terrTKTtow-Aft-r. >«• Tying craft tela falL Tbe Kkindyke la a
raaalerd by DaperiateBdciil ManII not be made ooe ct
Boeloaed plant* dad elrealar daa
irhrdnraa and death. lag aebool teweber'x dr«lt, tod
gaunt hunger, wrmrhi
l*t no one be. alluwi
oo aebool detota. Will be pleBadd
to name you the fallowing priceo: No
d raved, borrowed or btcged^doUaia. a alnglehnll bearing deak at No
*w will be aa good chanrea far mlo- S ream al
ing In tee futnre tu now. UK the people
lo regard to Ifae ienebar'a drak will
wall. Tbia la not a Crti«de Oriek or eoelo a a rard. Wa will adow you tn
-f raugbl. tliay per ceat dixconnt. l»f eourae tbeoe
priora would br on Ml amgl* draka and
iarenra.aeoording to year toiler.
plaaaad with tbe axperlBcat.
Hoping tbat we may be faeorad wii
teg b a eopy to tbe aaalyabi

to tbapoaarakBOfaay
aay Uate wbee tbe taking. klUlag or
aMteU Ma)er S. a. Oraaa. Tha 0. B. baelBg In patewalcwi la by law prohib­
*LaBd«aaaAW.M.wlU glra apw ited b BBda prima taela aridaaaa to
adit a—Mte ralte. Oaapdraa wUl ba faHV
MMob the BoaBi^ to tha liOt aad
dhaaflBMaBtotbaiatb. AiUmLIp
-.ttaTnoww fair la baU dmring tbe
^faraathaMtbtetbamb to 8^


la aboat tbrwe eraaka


lika all prawtera axblbiia

^ Oraito Tnearat IndBaWy Otb will
hswwrthytolbaatetralateraitto tba
bBMaate aad prafBolfBil axM aad elbOB ia Traeorae Oly, aawoUteof tha
Tha tmtr wOl taka |

Baaetian. naBtiBl.


J tbaaDateiytete

Total rwaldtM obttfBed by erapae
a aad
tha in'lndnary
and arrange
- parttea to tha pragrara.
BaAdBa after igBlUae. ur toargBak
1W dlraetenaadaa wba aalaetloB
y to yohn Whltatwhob IP
^.I^MadaBt to tba ttor.
Ob TTiiliMlejn—aeaaral
-------fteIntB TThlTb
*--*1. Tha Wbeatan Oel- dins dtlnrlda. U.
aeattel wUl toko pinee at 1 o'eteek
to tba alMoBB. TUe wUl ba faUewod
W aatete to tde^ noB aad athteUe
^erta Tha dotell to which wUl ba in dneed by tba oagMk oatter to tbe
rater. >.
— 1 toaP.Oarwor.wbeb alnady
ABoant to (raa ibbibIa. a«ot:
ppopartog a goad pgagnB to araab,
ABOBBt to albBBlBold aameBla.
whhh ara BBiB to ba totteeatlag.
OaaarthateaalaeraatbaBdiwDI be
'i^BOBBtto totntraeniaatotedUK t

aa tba . gmato Thanday
Abb BBritel pregiaB wtU ba


to tbg Qraiwa

toy ax-

wWto bara bean darigaated far tbb
Thapnc~a «D1 hagte at

Urava. TaateawtUbaadalttod irae
fathagteaadaBpoa thatday.
Oaato tha baada will aet ba the
laaattotheattraatioBeoayriday. aad


ordered tee faltetnl ta'
la readlnera for a holy
War and that a meeting of mullah* baa
Cnbul to dkctiB

maad moeb^le
xlarBedBeaad I n

Urge XBoeai ol
■faoey. bat Caxlly beee bad text It war

TroerrarCKp NWi.;

Ho leSS-PrtoeBo.

______________ _
oteera eoraplied
with the bid aihed tor. Thwforo. we.
io W. A. Oloixteil for timi U and we •'
laxlrnct A. W. Ktckerd.^hy rlrrk, I
place tea order ia arwrdanee.
C. I'tni *.
Jauko a. MimiiK.
u, C. Noitxtt.
CoBB'.ttee on IVayxand Mrana.
Hoeed by Mr. titibort that tbe report
I Ike eonuciltee be noeepted aad
Traeeraerity, UIcb.. Aug. Si. Irit
Tl- tec H-eird i-f SiluniibiN. Tnirmr
run. Httcli.
UxjhLKutix: We have examined thr
following clairaaMd doing teem etw



;■ li
C. rt liiw.
Jau» a. H<»ki.
O. C. MurrxTT.
in Way* and Mm
Moved by Mr- tiilbrnteat tbe report
1^ aod elainu be ordered
aoeordanct wlte te« reaoBin.
unxof tee<*
Motion rarrirdMoeed by Hr. Vyboa teat tee Comaitteo on VoUdlfiga and (iroundx be
iteoriied '
tee bexVad'.____ ,
. MoUoB carried.
that tee bill* to
by H
n.l* for aebool
J. E- Hough..
aentoand olW.A- UliBXted Ol IIU3.S7

fagbatobrto tha toifa bBiidipg. o.r.


aty TiiiiiiigiWl—tapaaalito IbN

Bi^ dlAMBtoaDwa IB faBM.

iBlUiaraMd Ormado.

„■ :


No. 1278 -Price 36o.

Mo 1189-Prlce 67c.

Na 6081-Price *1.00.

1^0. 6040- Price 47c.

Mo. 6048-Prloe 96o.

Ma 6016-Prloe $1.00.

Traverse City, Mych.

in St.,
6t., South Side.


—imitte* on Wayi and MeBux
Motion carried.
MOTWI by Mr. Moore that L. M
Tompklna be allowed per month
for tekiBg rar* of We«l Side primary
aebool bnlldiog and groond* and keep'
lag Arax ifi tec Elmwood Aeeaoe xebool'

&B*-Your eoBBiUee era Baildlaga
md tkoonda xobralt berewite Md* reTbe next ragalar meeting to Grand
I fur fnrntohing to Na 4 tongto Traeerae Ketrtet UrM«a wtU ba held
wlte Ink erwlla. 10 No. ^^^to t Intend UraM baU aa Wadarailay
Iracber'xdeak-adTharaday. itm •-«. IfaT. Ab isbneanwardodteeoonttwifar furmtoherratlw laeotlBg la atpraBaA
lngtberaBetog.F. Bongbeyaad totteled Aagnto tt. 1WT
« ncwtvwd tofaa atrwcud your clerk to orteanBO far
F. B. fateWB. SaeTwarded iBBedtouly. Tko nraouM of

CBBptog at Carp ttek
« to the light fratt a
a falteBl^ tram tha a
wmhabBi ulteBlea thaa teat
hBtgtBta aad oigBtahb dbplaya *Ui
bB a sBdit *0 Otaad Tiawarw tadaalry.
AatbalTBHdbpiay wlUbaliBitei a KUbbit. Kit Koedaad and Baaale Coure booty tnben trato^ rapinred tana
xly about «a ct tees bBve bami lefl to
be Bade to lad.e. teda. Hbwx. Charira CkrTOll. WUJIaB
* Khybra tarn, ibr atecn barJehnaeB. Frank aad Alban Oeartada.
lag dtoirawed- (o
o arek BUMIIm ef pew^
Pany HayBytea aad ban Keriulgm. kM. Tbto to p
peofeakly tba naira far
.• ■ --------- MwaU B.dC'<(aid bara baaa ar




Triircror CUg. Jtkk:

Na 1867- Prioe.86e.

“wCS' ™”““" “■
Jxnltcw*'pay folHor ABg.. iwr ..




mlBcjrr.MlIe.' Hoxn
|0ute two yrare ago
t bxex beee wxll. Ai-aa go where 1 wlxt
wxxe ap ax cbeariplrlely raned..*xiwxoMby all drac____________*»lo«le
beaeCuortaaDcyrelUDded. BroKox Bean
maret free to aUapplteaate

Kox <171.
Cadillac. Hicb.
TrareraeCily. Mich.. July it. toi-7.
kin* ba allowed fa
K<‘f. c. T. Oniieti, TrirpCTW cili/, Mi h
moute 1(Sf tekii^ cai of tee primary
Bcmbay. Auf.
Uttle fiexb newi
CAXSu—TbcOrand lUp'idaSratlBr tcbool bonding on I awood AecBue.
D Md rariag for
kn* been retelved here tram the tcrawrite ua teal you baee adxised
c attack baa been toad* on
HoUcB carried.
rt to tee faraana rang*, bat the Ste^teel^ocd^BraJ^f Tri^erar Cily
Oo moUoa ofAlr. Moore.duly ratrtod.
reveiee propoealx . for M xiagle
wtlacklng Con* wae repulied. Iratog ftvn
i. No. 4; I'l xiaglc rear *.-alx. No.
killed and aday wounded. Tbere to can1. W. Buwkbd, City Clerk.
.and 1 lexciier'x dexk. No. 31.
Bderatoe excHnoral amony tbe tnhra
Irand Kapidx SraUng Company dc
alone the Uolin raule to Queiia. aad tee
na to handle tl
aura, to to....------------------------- -----------telecnpb .wlrtw have acalb been coL It
' reported Ibal tbr tribramrn are cate- bid:
tac near Zlrkci aanllartum. and mack V. a .l.e
ilaiel Salve. J U. Jteoeoo.
atixlKy IX felt regarding the Mf.ty o<
sen aad teUdriii teere, a* tee
*S 1
Kora Niagara Falix Exottretoa.
ofBcialx Are aakint fur military 111 UH Md they iDXtraef n* to w
The C. 4 W. H. aad D. (1. R. 4 W.
prolrctloo fur Ibelr protwrty. U tee you lu per rant dtocount froa
Unra will xrll on SepL 2nd. via Detroit
rouie to eonaldcred sate ter women ond prira oo Moebeia- drab. only.
aod M. C. R R.. rxearBioa Ucketo to
chlMrra ot the ranlurluBwul be brought
Tbe priaat on tbe other draka nra
nek ThTpriera ar» f. o. b. earn in
tirud KapidA Should yoo Atoll* pri­
ra. on ouSTnombera. will aiBply odd datetoaale. Aakag«atotor
A eeituna under Colonel ttordon wax teal they Inalraet na to nnrae:
Oao. DbIIavd. <1. r. A.
Sra. landlaingtodoxkx................. I
dlxpaltecd to tee Bxmasa dtouici
terday oompraed entirely ot osUe* No. » tingle doak* i SaB* ax No. 4- >
raeato ara aaalraa If triSed away:
traopo. ond tolly eunlppcd with BedleoL Nat. 5 Md c tiogto daakx................. *-fa aad teey arw dangaroaaly waited if
Banra and V'roau................................... »-» eoammed by delay ia eaira whore Om
It tbeir price* are aneb pa
baa order* lo tore* lb* Kohat paaelt nee.
Mlnate Cowgh Oarw would bring Ibbo
oaary. Muck lodlvMual firing into ike tee ardor, ere wil!^ plraaet
dtote raltof. J-O.JoboaoB.
camp at Jamrud baa takrn
TVaiaeryto ywara hna been c«r*
’ aa IM Kray akot* baring born
. -r H. M-xTxot'*.
^ a toagto Aigb^ by
B^to. Draa'
Soc-y nod Oen-1 Hanoi
apaaks well fur the dtonpnne and .
aatotatoed m tee ramp that
eiibot wa> find In esrhange.
oral Wodebuioe baa gone from H
to BuoaB. whs* tee teece aawas
' la Zbt* B*a with two gum and w

Never such values seen in this city.
Note a few of the remarkable bargains to be
found in this offering. Every garment perfectcut hill size, aud the workmanship of the highest


oflMtweek. Many bArgHinA left Iter 706 to pick op.
Men's S:.oo Wbol Pants
1 QQ Jloy’s l^ng Pants, extra
for..................................... XefcFk/
Bo^’s Conluroy Knee Pants
M^nsi^i.T.OVool Pants
Men’s 50c Sateen Shirts

lion’s Wool Knee Pants



^5c 3^98

C*shMaB..ocl»c ^

. Toon, anzioiu to pleeM.

T. J-





Popular Clothier,
124 Front Street Friedrich Blk.
TraTene OHy. Mich.


Si Grand TraverseHefald
bob oanx-maja.



-r«dro-Hliiaitt«-iEB^^ BEPTBiigif^




I to »ty.yiy to tko *f^-



nmm <d >e per o
to tkto hum* to Itofc %m totorriaw
wHk.kiB. Mow Mn. PobH tolbi at

pMlOa ott of •

AlAJrte. wkH*rif»lrteCM tmw.
WiMr wniwd SMra* t "



*,)£> hr-—
otolhB 1

““'^' “*

reDoMm ^'aad waf'badlr bna^
Tbe lUrrMeM (Wla) Chair aad Haa-


’ "*


eatoaMr. Uany________ __
\ Loodoo roach, wboae pleto«n ot

toSped wfto fin

Atah. Tbe atoeu are ttoeae; llaMUtaiM.
It that tbe
)«• Bt SbbU 8U.
Bepteoiber wheat at CUeace Teater----------- • baa beeo
tUrtB UudsBr
B BO Uiek to bk dar eloato al »fK eebta aad Decaaber
reatlr oUatepreaeeted bad rxacfetatrd.
vtdoit/ tbBt
»t ba WBB aa»Ua to koBr
' ^ coata. while Septaober wo
A. O. Burley, head aad rouader to tbe
tbaa froai daaaftor bia cma br
r*ll-lrao»o rfalBs and crerfeery bc«ae
(fW^ (ben down, aad Ual tb^ tcieilmwr SeeSrlA ot 1
to Bailey A Co, Chka*o. I* lyloc to a
wort dicrtor op bia Unlpa. He waa'
I preeariooa ceedliloB •• >>i> .. -•da pormlt toaboot aeaMof tbea i
Uat rtty.
prire* to
1. Be will praaaat a
the year al Chirac^’ Bheo It reached
o tba atoW tor tbe
idlraly wild fluciu’^blTra^''
w at cUaa ' ailore B<
al KV Dmm.
(u up t per
lDtb«toUcr|iv(o( «



Xwriyall hiBBklB ouM«S.

iatt pmnllir Mwr.
priMeeoU «• foud.

Mo tnea ot
Itia wbewaa worktor't^Kato*to
Bobon aiy. Ued op a boodle or elotb'
elotbAt Half Barry Bbatt ww throws iacaad toU frfeoda^bemrpiv.
trow hk btoyato while ecMilf dow a to BairiAo
toeep btu atoi toa baea oaiCMflnai tor Jobs Doll.
HhawB. HahaatookMribaaadoUi-

ataleBtoaa taailtlarto Ai
wriuea ao article tor U
CeoWiT eoUtlrd - ilHmi___
■a-erf Gladatone.** It pieea tbe ankt'a laiiniealiiiii
of tbe Uraad old h|aa io dafaaU.

hk tfethtob aboa abop, aod dtod tn
tba MTeMa of it ab^attorwaM.

•boea the btorv
Mm. BoMrWtola, Urtor thiM allea
Moo dlUpna, draaMto ttoaday alpbl
dhot a rmliioad tmtoeraaaboet to ran
•ear bar. bha Jenpad to lare herMlf

TheUmad^^yof^^lay wUI aa. toot tbe ■oTaroBaat^ nooatitoa
• fadaatal to tha etoaetotyaaa nenoriai to the aSfMy mea who araot to tba


*SS.^ SsrSI

The children art> roantine the ,da^ aatil racatian. fa
' bry^Bs. 1 h&pairau are coonling the dalfaia ^ &
arh they oaf 8pei>d<«





■ T


Ui lUKee' the children couforubir durins the oonui« ooU «a
ciiualiiu; <xf iliuik; the baaiite«a o( faraiahii^ lha«a rie»^u|
b^urihit uu ihc nqinlK-at tuHiviiia we cu pell ipiod <
It did
rood i^iode.
liBw oHirluiiitl
coiicluil ■'to make

•' linw
this 6r<d
acbool Mtle in onr aa*
All of buitiliu^n-iuoriablc by nmkint; ench priuM aa the fame (;nde ^
w“ ueeleea
iPHulrliavc never bts‘n aulil for bi-fare in tkia city.


panUlac de-


Shoe Dept.

conn _______ __
Iloliert E Borke. a praalsebl Chlcapo
artWe k drroi.d
«*otioocd the
poiltlcton. la coefloed u bk bnne wllh
aerluwe toleroal tojurlre ftotoved u
‘^Btein waa eilomn pri
Oarefully n<
a remit to a fall dowa the front aialrSalt alnck wr dad < few ot (be na
way al hie realderi' e.
4»e lenui
111 uietrici
dktrlcl KeDubBcw^ealerite
The Hue. J L U. Carri.
“-pi” — --------- ---A tabid dot na Ioom In tbe onlbero ^ eom.niluo of Io«. ______ dradlork;
irly I erreck but for S. 8. s.”
toll-ii«, all alike, hare been lakee. "or lEioi.ter to .Spain, coou
nd of Chlchpo aad bll Ibree peraoae be- :
.toj »i^S.. Ipuersalaed perri, reTCfaMr;.

“lai^Xm'^re.atri iiTaadato.
W.-lcoli, the colcrrd enctii.T ‘be AmericBB M.nthly Sen
fore he o-aa killed by a hullei from
5«ir*r Orem
•to etohw'n
■ ■
»ie»a fto Scpieiobcr
-------------------------------------aa catiaiato of the 1 for real blood dto
ibem-«o.i;y .
11. j * ttmi-cUeaOiUlraiB. UaaUbaa.
revolrer of Sericeasi UcNaiBaro, of the knocked
ofpwiato laluaai
Booth Chlr.Ko police ruiloB,
. l»uod« a
“ordered 1-remlcr ofAipato. SenorCaai eaam Turner.
. hae. reliable toll aod winter wei^bie-I
*l> .e. Upa. erorth •!.» for Bl.lA
Mettle McQuade. me of (he
Anbur Ollmaa
an Burley, a pi«»er
pi^merr bu^
bua- .orkrilrl .CaaV‘‘“' “I '’**
«® earial treatment
^ i wl.i. h we are c»1bC to-pa*h .ml »* i
bellea,Af the wret Mde. aereUnA baa eew inaa of Chkacc. died al hie hwne. oodcrehptaabp.liilm.
fa the dociora al-kj
price wiihia e.eryoaea reach, ranylay IfJT o,! a i^t
a',^ *
llrblpaa areaue.
aveaue. at aeon yreterynteraunirked her frlmdr by entertop (be iCa Hlrhlpaa
The Srptroiber Ladira'Home Joor--^”^"*“^j.
• fro-u 3v, W. Tv. »l 10. »l Ki. fa »•

Ito; Chit. Uaa.
lireuKC; (wnrenl with the announced
that It
The dam la
drtenntoailm of becomlnc a nunWUcomen river at
Chocolave aod Tba Shota vary low.
ooMpared with
A It-yi
rear-nld ton of Autrurt Newman. Klibcurn Oty
Yooih'a .Shoea to Orato aad (Mto
nf froneI'k.. wai
y feully leavlnp the pirarure
Ckif. bael aad aprioc baal, at Tt. Ti. at,
Ire dmcpid liy a leaoi
a are priltop Infared
bj John KC..>le--WLeo Henry Clay ;
--------------nol worth'almo.1 tWK-e aa much a» we - 'll and Uv.
inner hai api»lnied Lnuk
. ddvlna. whleh had be­
their putatora
^Youtua up-to-dato
UII afa
Alton, aiate faHi.ry inaa tbry did Uat yaar. k the come frUrhiened by a tractioe enclne.
•>-« •• vs.d.mie amoB« ordinary fa.iu ao.1 fl r-. Suita. ■■
. Mto
Flerrccr Kelly, ij;;Le^rTra,dTM^B ^lito^
X bread prale fa the Rerapcaa
■ '
\ wear' rMkIaa.
of Chlcarn.
. . .
Tbk year tbe Earopeaacrop
nerty edltu
iotber. bjClilTofO Howard. Iclkol--lie : I!" „
*'’*"*' S'Snlk anr wrid ererywhr
79. «u. too,
abort aad torelpaera bare
!■ New*, t
Thr rmi.d Bliii.* arn..c farlnry hoard aurvinya
' ‘“•"'Mer “o™-[ for fa.«" and «.M1 Uur Sutl»at fa
alroviog a Million HolUra
Uolur. a Hay." the '■ ,.'‘7
atetit bat qelet bayen ot ryr
uak of tbr redempliou dirkmn of our
ailed SUtoa for Boaibt at pricer
bcLOp dated
You will be aa
Aup. a.
-ooad to aad M
tttatea." T^klivv
u. - The PacifleI

tha Bkatac boy 1
to'^woad....r t-i™Mr^'tSTlk,;
toBBd aad Hr*, t
k very aezieoa t


Mr. Ban^ Both, to IMS Sooth «th

Tbe eoaplete aorel to tbe flrateoibor
tour of, LippioeoU’e k ■■Wreotop Pe*.
ry." by Marraret L- Wnoda It k a eto
crto. alople aad effectlee tale of EopI ah eouBUr life, recotdinp the honorable bul |iwtor lore u( a »q<>ire'a koa
for aa raBerraat'a liaophler aad tLe
aad reault thereof Mra Wwdt(wbob
la Clihar' for toe ate
al borne tbaa to Amerue.eae by the
June to uet WM* icsi wirlde a Arm.
TK. procetul
pracetal aad rslirrtor oaderrolulnc lu Uo- j t»7. about M per c
,v eonpelrat p<o: erery Itoe
lap tweely yeaia.
{ prtooltua tocelpte or
> r. J. McGrath, to Rrm I top buuloeM to Chi
Tba Korth Ataericaa Kerlew for s. p.
appotoied ohalrmti

ad Mra. Dtola fenek i
Two eblUreo. Udw Moptaiy aito -“1droa a aocmet of
Leta UFlMr. were pokoaad by

. WhflaJohaBaktoiBOf BrldrawkUbawoablp waa adloHfara bait to tbe
Klatale-PAaiMt toetoy. the atkk he
wad waa >arked trxxo bk faaad aad

Of Iferoniy!

TbaPepMbto ooabarto MaOtoe^
fapaatoe wtU eoatatoa rerieato lUe
oetroliacf BeerrOay. Btot at the*
ireiT betoro poblkbed
It wfUaleo
WarU^by Mr.^^O^eal^.of
at Mew- tbaBriUah Hi
la.-eo toe K Paal road I
la toe

poU ilaodard.
ram toreea wtoe ebtotoe
t.totowt CBM riaierdar ot O
Duitop Jalr real eatst. t

.-,r p-vui. ii





two-yearsild child waa carried
Kaph Valllace.dauifhtrr of 1
Iv a atoeaula lioo, oa Caaper iuallce Puller. U reported out of dai
t^hf^ co d .undlj^ ITd


-•'W'pk ^•cnt.cll^ hv Eliaabeth

-per talk, enine and aer f.w youiaelf.

, only to aee them meana to bay a pn


:.»wr.o,d Ohild an. cawi.d away ^ _Oo.r_vto of .c-n aalr k to tuul

rich, havrdvldrd tq cuWkh a branch who bolll Ih^ 7m"hf« wd
l.W'JA.T.MahnOi''Qroffe ably d.-ioured.
Pf®*" k.ldyoud.
yraraed wboae father had pui
| rdad In Indiana. U dead al New Turk.
Aiisito uayrr.fonnerlrahens at Mil.
tba mre aod keeplayof a oiaa _____ - fartocy m thk counlry.
Julmi fkmuekun waa ytven four arvd « y-rar*.
, Loiu. Uad of the l-aciflc.'' leiybl il- WaukrJ; ai.d fur itiimy y-ar. a UWyrr
Heoderaoa. who k herdtoy ahrep tea
mimlha In )ail for B.-1llns luiuor vrlthoul , Orneral -U-oodford. ml^rr to Ppaln. '
‘>7 ■* Hacfarlanel. by John of Nr* York city. I. dead lo hk boaM
fa TIMhy HcNei
feN«ill.aad bar trrother mllea from Caaper. at the bead of --Ci
pithBatebea Tbellulc canon. There k known to bra den uf
•an. an Ifae tUI for Ban Br- ^ ^
The Ten I h Idwa e.q.icrlal dielrici eon______ ■ caapht Ara aad aba waa ao had* four Uont on Chaper monntfan. No
. ... lip Jodito ' k
ly.k8rsoddatfatodtod. Arttotrtod
bopaa are eolcrulnad fa flodtof the
Achreon. of Ibr fmicd Buiee court.
! la
aattaralah tbe flaa« bot to eato.
The JiefTylBc iiany of eiahi f- rvane I
,-eir • .~IV,
fnimold priuK and do.-oiiienu In the: C.IW uiloia uithout an el-ciicm
lotbue), by .laraea
-------------------------- from Wen WU. aupf-uved to rut
n 10 pierce by an electric'
t rotoakty.
Tha -Bieyelkr.. Heal Kriend" k a
havTi^hccn droaoed. haa relnmrd home i a
caynAa eueedtocly ricbyold ml
faiulllar name fur HrM'Itt'a Wjlch Ha­
About ltd canary trirde were aufforated
baaa dkooeered oo iheahoieti
zel ^Ive. al.way* ready for emeiyeqWawa, abont flee mllea almo
1. While a apeeide for pilaa, it alto
Vakaa aad bar aptoa laiarad.
north fa Miehlpioolea. OoV. a
lerea and care* cota.
a^ wonmn ami wae mobbed at Ifaj- , hTarthquake ahocka In China and Jafrom tbe Soo.
It k aald that
rheiim. erzema ton all

jpan. followed l.y a tidal wave,
ly »lo
the akin. ' It never faUe.
WUIa IhTtohlBir oa tha farnfa Hark
puarnerr wax
One fwornerr
Idlled and a dwn lyrcat low of life and oiorn»u*
Bakhard.two ^laaaaatof HV Jabaa.
Injured In a train
Aracaafki fros tbe e^ac. bamlap
If the oldCM j I
________ have
tha ha» aad aoatoaU ^ puay ahedA
nivchiefv, DeWiir. Ui
faWtotbe ton. aod the
WroaaiHaeka, tha wheat fronmoaeret
arc eery aoiall pin. in
Ml^ MaHi* Tooker tolled the yacht , Moneem Ir. the Wkcoo.ln valley, died') TT"'
'i'« •eC,
aadaboat tw
eewa <n nay;
hay: toiai
total ua
-irrm 1.00,M-.t K.,x lake. Wle,.nnd«..n; at MerriU.'R-to
; i
* "
•Ifeelive io pn-vei
partially toaared. V
—------------ . a naUonal
«er he .«ur,.rlv. Balled
Mine tt.e- 1 The barar City of lUniror ll on
n»“'<-"v i- -Vee
. forma nf liver ■
r. Hre.iA.L 8Mllh.a(ltrard. Bmaeh onoBniv llroiihy.
Chlraxo lo lluftalo mllh
*"'* —-r"'—“tl
They .
tod killty. tonaar, k oot aSaeted by the dneBenuinr Mark Hanna and F. fU-h|e,Un. ITS.Wa burhela . f .-orn, the totsvM carso '
r? Ji exKvn<t<..f-.ieUu.
i^o.o.; And headache and^ulaie ibc
taatloea fa the wheat atorkak bat k
f Mllwaukve. have kiuehl the ; ever carrl.f
elected preaideot of I'n.
.> eziendioy
tow Tbe fato at which
pradacea a afaeadkd berry, abd tha
... __________ jaud wa» beiay held in
ftaU waa vary toiBe aad anilanB.
ealebratlOD of thetodepeadeoMof Cm(nay. which woaacbUeed o
tboal It yWa fa a
l«i. The amaMtoatloD ot
yaad Itkfaartdfai
>. Uaoeya Bwe.
rare huallac f<
boaa anny. Tbe aaaaaato waa arrealed
bM aaar MamfaneL
lltUa fe
lie k a yontb naaied Artedooilo. I*reallow n (farad two ihou tohk taraln.
keot Horde died almoat Immediately
alter ba wot aboL Senor
(oor Coeaua.
C«nua. |prraWant fatha------- -------------- ^
nay of Ite repnblic.


. ..ere Mieblyam ni
nr I aad briybteat roM I . wtow*^
All wreak k a I Don't W a aebool aha aaUl yoa bavo
I louked at amr atoek.
i lU ha p*
: to yire you courtooat attonUoa 'wbatbAnmrtoH^*' ^


on*. Block.


Order* for Job Printing left'at the







will FPcaivB prompt Btteatlofi




Manufactared by J. E. GREILICK CO.,

Knintoai. who baa }uit ai■aAa aa Uapoatof apeetoele. Me dam- tninto her majority,
' ' ■.willretnmtoUa. nyt u r
leayb eat tpou
wall la Ortobrr. after
er an atoeocr
ataaeoce often
of ten
tha ferry bcata.
yenra to bnyland and
id on tbrer'otiDeni.
Aa Adrtoa
Sbsbaabopaafa belay made queen of
tbeprenent klnnd republic K nancu-

Traverse City,




sfaa k erfpptod ap with rhinomuS
■n the re^nbllcnna
Mt fa tUttow. while toembtoafalhc nod Um roynlku to favor of berarlt.for
tbaehnnnaof her noot. ex Queen l.illoedentoni. belay rcalored to power arc
to be verv allm in
At mian. HIM HerrtU'a doeton
nay eveol. Tbe prinoi** will arrive la
............................. Ithe
Mew York Slumber :s from Enyland.
fa»Mhl Mtha.' An oparattoa rennlrd She will probably femnio fora abort'
time to San Piaockeo vkUiay with' the
. who wHl bermidtoy there
1^. Kaiatonra father will nc-

.______ IS-JKT.p'S;


Oriental advleto aUto that yreat
The body fa Barman Btototort, the
vlbqtnkea occarred to Japan on Ant.
yMtooId eon fa Bwy Stolaferl, wl
TW toalad elybC-mtontra and
Mamknad fmm hk heme on Sunday
•era followed by a tidal wave which
afHntooa. Aw- ». waa toand on tbe
kooeh batwme Paire aad Harbor •wept op the rivara. Sowing- Into the
•en and enntad yrrot daatrariioo. Up
to Any- lo ll wna known to Yokohnma
^at over t.Odii bonara bad been leanHclween suu
*»ka MJ-a bank waa brnkni over dated (w waabed awav
nod :MK) people were knowo to bare
twoeaanafoand tbe doetora aald be
beeo ■*---------_____
It b..reoorled '
•oaldaMlim Ae a tort roaewt be waa Iloaokn that tbe coni
there . .
•aattolha Detroit meltortoat. where
iny rlrur.
minera. lo Moorntoy over
yelxn l.WO hn___________
a were' Booded
thirty people were
re killed.
kill. Fartbcr
^oim tbe tame liver twanly boniajEmk
■ka Itaymar OhrktaaaaB waa rueent- «»ept
IMhttkm^a rattkaaaheon the left.
A WfafkaowB Btoitoo Harbor attoraay.
Hka wa wtlh her. taw that there m cd and l.tkd bo'uan were fllled with
Mtorly 7wi bootee were vrreekno^tod to blber town, in
"eporto from




an rolled to every fprty-_____
after tbe earthquake and flooded
eirhtoen Cablny rilUyea. AH official
' ItoAkaka. Pbkentoraayi buUdinn hod enTT atotion at MacavdUn
war* flooded. Here
tlM.«M to a ymr.
U one
MahaCBaad»W.(IOO. Behaabnen
Amad tM,«no dor hU (dniab bat tnya
Hall advleaa report that five mt
mOlfalBrato the aprtoy and w2 e
-nvna have been wiped out aod i
Awtot Ufa ameont before (aa
icM tbaa 400 poraoM killed aine* h


latantoy Moralat.
At the bnw Ma
Mb wKa waa lytoc at the pfaatfadaal
sad Hr. BooTa faBarml waa aaatpoae
;-«a»WBlt thadaath fahk wlfewble
•ksiwii aaoaefa
Mnwata Kalam

Sd-Ud ioac I


Sideboard Safe

Milk Safe.

anttonc. Parnteb fintsb.

anttanc. eamieb fintsb.

atindoe, t7aml6b ftnlsb.

towBB and vUlayea altnal^ arannd the
bant fa Mayoa for fitly tollei. Tbe laV
aat Mwaa dealtoyad are Santo NIaa
Saa Boqaa.'Htaertoaedto. Sao Antonio
and Saa Imdor. Tbe toat two are i
arto of Ubtv. tbe deatmetioa fa wl


, Width 8 ftet.
D«p^ ft 8 inehaa.

Baight 6 ft 8 inchaa.
Width 3 ft.

Ubbfa^*Ub^?’m p^m
led to tbe rotoa AH tbe aon
a^ *bl<b i^mtUc
«» a^rma, aad thay^eathk amann ----------------pariabed
wham Saa AntuBto.
Saa Royue aad MkerioordU waradeatrayad and too more met death utMicr
d lava to or pear tb* other
Itoaendeeot red bot lava poartoy ovrr Mayoab ride*, tayetber with
deaae abowar* of aabea from tbe fint
owpUoa. bartod them before they could
flee to ptocaa fa rfauye. Gradually the
eropUoo toertaead to vtoh-oce .aatil
lava vraa flowiay tow the tea ' '
mllea from tbe crater and tbe tree
oat rale ot aahee and annd rea
mtlaeavray. VIlUym____
_______ fifty
thna dtotroyedwl
Uouyht to
a batora they «ank
ba aafe. At ~

I JfCS.'f-Tr-'.f*-I”

1. In tbe towa fa Tebaeo torye

*fa ^

_ _ .
the btnrt.
lie wm
Bwm aU. aareto to the PIrat Hew Y-ork tbktow^
iiMtim and wfaghfa «ao poaada. Ba
M ba«B to tba beapllal two waaha
peoato to hk toat lllaem



Carved Panel Doors.

One Large Drawer.
Sides VentiUted,

Width 3 ft ft iochaSk

DapthJ ftS inetaaa.

'At TfaitoaU-j^lt^oA boyt fa

to ^ T “Sfa' Floyd Ma^
«—ry._____ _______________________

Baight 6 ft 4 iachM.

Carved Panel Doors.
Two Drawers.
Sides Ventilated.

Cupboard Safe! =
antiunc. Damtftb rntob.

Dapth 1 ft 8 iBohaa.


Screen Doors on top. Panel Doors
below. Panel Ends. Lower part

Glass Doors on top. Carved Panel
Doors below. Large Drawer, Panel
Ends. Lower part ventilated.

All kinds carried in stock. If your furniture dealer cannot supply you call on usPlease bear in mind that we have the largest stock of Windows, Doors, Mouldings,•Lumber, Etc,
in Northern Michigan and our prices arc lowest.



■ ■II------------------ ‘T
Altart OlatiMliT >•
riwk BmOMk nlvMd

__ _.



fm hto Mp to ■•« Yorti.

Mis. onaaadOrWM
Ik* c«iM «< Mu. HIM Qm

LOCAI. c. b c
TbarawUI to-aaaarb
lac by Uu Chrbdaa I

■r>. OM<«.ArlM«(Uc«>lM. 1B«Ik. ii Tfaitisr Hn- OMrt* 9^-


Hn. LiMjiV'
MTMd fnn B.UCM B>f McxulkTDr. Mtf Hn. A, B. UoUMufwvhM
tn» • wa^-i MMplaf *t QIM«toW>WUUm BrftoM m»t«d a**«d«y
eras » bMlMi trip to Orud B^U*.

Oo«BM ol Waat daraalb

Hr. aad Hn. J. IMa
H. 'ara ipaadlac a law daja at Pttk

Bfbth Orade. DlrbioO.A. L
'Bichth Grade.
Dirbleo II.
. tlorraar
------- .. ....
r - tbaroth Urada. (bUr K l>ian.

Mra. I. B. Lefa)«r of Wc 1
latba COM at Hra. L. OoU a

□bur; aa^lJaUr^HalM A. Kortae.
UUa and Germaa. Uarriet Hamldl

Cirl^ Hraaebm ai
Baphamb JkkUac.
UraaiBar aad Nio
ioth Oiade Eacibh. Ullba

•.>. a. » w cam 7u naa

BbUi Grmda. Edith M. UIbba.'
PiflhUrode. Alma Cook.
‘.^'foerth Chrbteaa Paloe.
&^ird Grade. tUr. E Cr.mlar.
Braoad Grade. Betellc Sebaelder.

Mn. H.UHHlMa( OMave, arriaad



___ sr*^u


Onu ^



• W«bpoght oar goods fsrbBiowregiOArTsiBes. uid this rndTutoM w*
you. WhstwogotwoglTe. We only
your oxmmiBAtiOB
asproof ofthe trath of our stotomoBt..


InaeeS. i*»o.rlow-*«i_

W*p« «r«r bPoaghl to this f«gloa.

The Smallest Prices thstweraawnpatosd«p«idAldeqnsUtlB4.

um rr^A^.m w am>. ueiMit*
M to A O. (A44. BmWWT or D.

Soperialcadml-C. T. OBAjrN.

an at OU HiMtoa tor • faw dar*'
Ua BaMUlea at Aacaita. Kj.. la
tha KaMtetHr.aadllfB.8. W. Baaa.
ILM.OaMMaCAarda.Iad.. la rlatti^


Frioeipal. C. H: Bora.
Bcbiieaa. Mjnio A. Cobb.

tn Kollofr and UIm Kolllo Ot«j«


Xiie Oroatost Line or good, B^Usli «ai pntty


H>M Hmt IteZoM* ta «
J^al* Bkaai^ ctf CUMfe-



C.B.riuMrli*liUIairU>M ml



•Mbh. M't'cCo-cWmlUdi UUonRl^“iatnABS ofaeb.aae U.tstn.r- ••:
w. aboa.S of Belt af laeM,

Belisble Dry Goods, Osrpet vtd Olothlag Boom.



-TkaiB^ far a rWt with Mra. IM.
Mia. B. FMdac aad
CawalaLalaadlora ahort rWt with
Friiielpal HUtb aad tteraatb Gradca. Ada H.
Foarth aad HfUi Gradea. E«e Lamb.
Tbtr^lradc. Ida H. CotctL
Seeoed Grade. Liman LaSellr.
A. nrat Grade, AarnU AdaoM.
. B.ftcmt Grade. JeaaieChmp.

JitSS a'illSili ..Tr.^QW ..
'? !!MtbaamrtBn
L% amm-ctn. . ..Kl-rlri...........

Prlaeliml Birth aod tbreath Gradea. AfaM


Mr. aM Hn. Owar Bowm
Maad toOadar, arhara thap arUI i
Hn. J.R.BMMtaCML Morria. la
tba coMt af Hta. r. T. (TBaO at 4M
fifth alroat.
Mr. fUo^of VHhibMC. traai
at tkaatataffraaca.latbaroaM at C.



n. n

K T. Omrprutrr
aiDH.r BubblU

HIM latUaOanoalBa left SatahUj
<pr arkitwlthbM aialM Him. C.' U

Luwj .1.



HndaaMa Smith aad M Fraok of

TTamwCIO .

Fifth Grade. Lola Batbaa.
Koarth Grade. Kaanb Taylor.
Thlrd4}rade. Jnb SUIm.
Baeoad Grade. Uaa Kline.
A. Flrat Grade, ttorn I.BwItL
U. Flrat Grade. Nellb Kelaua.


School Books?

!1. t-$T a. r 10 w—pttH rn.

Bamocl Blmoad* U El wood Blmoodm.
aSiof es of BMV.aees. .tsTa. r is w
□any Workmaa U Atma Workman,
eb of Mb.arcS:. t 9$ a. r 11 w—fiou
Mania B. BUb U JsIlnxT. Ilaeaab.


Willard D. MellliicuHaltbS. Hew.
Ill, paroeb. aec Im. t S7 a. r II w-hST.V
Birth aad Fifth Gradia. Gartrade Binitia.
Foarth Grade. Clara E. Carr.
Third Grade. Rob; Dean.
Bteoad Grade. Graea Cleraland.
A. Flrat Grade. Uinnlc R Wait.
U. Fiiat Grade. Bnaa Coeway.



lotV^ulk’T^Io* “ *’'*^“* ***
Bopklaa. .
mUd. nart lot T. blk 4. H. U
aabdUof SrRadd-tooi.



»■ B. HOLLEY. Haiuicr. «


Tbe Oraad'^ Bamy.

MMkrrcm. ora rWOar Mr. aad Hn
Haadgnartara Tenth Dlitrioi Sapan
Hn Ann Hlfnaa. who baa baoa
-Mta danla Jahaan of Uaa. ladlmant el Mlohican W. R. C.
ataylardaitn; the ummM with bar
MM. larWIlacbM
. frawnrCiv. Uch .BriN 1 lar:

Mta-J.W. Uaa»eB.rotornad eonpla of waaka rUitlnc trieode and
la oomplbnce wl* cearnl ordan
lalaGrn at their old bom# at ttottnna
U Giaad Bapldr tbUrday.
department haadguaiiara. the
Hn Bmlfasd danebtar of Chleafo.
lalofaU atm
oonrunGoo of tbe Tenth
aad Mn Primi; of Sonth Band. lod..
baaerataraed U tkelr I
J. W. Oarttoa^UahiUa. fenoaHx
Tbit with Hn B. Uobba.
Hn iaaha. loti (or thair hoaaa la MaaMra. B. B. Oabd-wbobaa been rbib
If bar daachler. Mrb p. O. Tarner,
Mn Oaa. Baal; at Laaalof. aad
Id aoo. H. H. Uataa. left yeeUrday
■ta. 0. W. Baal; at PaotMe ara rimttor bar home la Ow.
Hn 0. M. Fiat).
curb nawley-e wife aod aoa arrirad
I. B. Baiav aad Him Baraa; ara at
OMllM at rUa Uha
Waitaa aad Oharln BaHhaij hare
faaa ta PeMoaatai;i^ a faw daja
MlM«aMlaOriaUhMlakeatha ao•Hka ad heahhaapM far Thartall A
«Ma at tha Palaaa BahM7.
Him fleraaM Lalkiap. wbalma boM
aHjriacat Bdeawoed fM aama tlaw.

Maroad to Jaakaaa Moada;.
Mn HlaaU bawiaaoalaft Moada;
raahawOl raamlatwe

•la^ hM Bakarda; alcht.
H. F. Bjaa. foiBM^ aditor ot tba
AUwaa ttamewat. a^ B. B. Boai alaa
Mr. aad Mn Baah Clark af Bwitoa.
■tritad Taaadar aMt lor a rWt wlU
Mr. aad Hn U H. Baaaatl.
■ imaai Uolawa aad taaU; hare la.
■aaad MOnpamMh, whdtaHt. llolmM
teiBaaaradariodpoallkn '
HUdrath aad BowaH Deokin; hara
aolaroadfniMarWtedtwaMootha te
Hraad Bapida aad Badeford.
A. T. Basla aad hmll; latt Bator««; tor Aae Arher whart tba; arlU
■aba thalr bema la tha tatoia.
r. A. Olai; aad tomil;. who bara
«aai thaaommarbanwOl ratara
Broad BapUa teda; tor Uw wtatM.
Mt. aad Mn C. W. Wolaorioo at
WlaitoaMM, loA. ara aa>o;lac -thalr
Math aaaaai rhit ta Tnrma Ot;.

for tba paat thn monvM.
Mba Nan tfllllkan. who baa bean
^abdlnf aavatal weeki with bar
Mn J. W. HllUlcen. left Moada; t<w
or bama la Wororatar, Hi
Hr. Aadanoe aad Mr. Orecoi; of
UubSald. are TUiU]W L. Cola fad
tomlly for a few daya. attar wbbh tbe;
will toar lha nortbere nor
Mba Alla OereUaad Mn Jobe Uoyd
Mt tor thalr home la Dsadaa Hob­
day. atbr arblt with tbrir bfOthw.
Boa. O. 0. Ceeall aad lamUy.
Nban Cbrriaaad Altee letoSGy, aad
Hr. Bari Uadle; left Friday for
thalr bon la aieaffo. after a
daya' rbll with frieoda >0 tbe ell^.
Mr. aad Him. Geotca Urdtf. who
ficarb^a.epAdTsra-faw'woaka Tbitla; tba tomlly of tbetr aoa. Aldanaaa
Imnita. retnraad U (Old Mbthm ToeeW. MlUnienaad tomlly
.. ..
Cbba^ Moada; lo ooopaay wlM Ibelr
aboa. Mba Naa Mllllken. wbo b on
bM way to bar

■umplion. warn yirea np u dir. uacbl
all metlieal Uratmmt that monev mid
proenre. trird all aoneh remedim he
eoald hear of, bet irot ao relief; apept
BwayniyhbaUtiiiynpiDictuir: »i»
Inauced u try t>r. Kiny'a New IKoorrery. aad wa* cored by nae of two '
Uo»„ For pact three yeara ha*
atUadiny u hoainn. and uyT Dr.
Rlax'a New tlbrarery b tbe yraadml
rem«y eeer made, aa it haa done ao
much for him aad abo lor
for otben in hi.
community. Dr. Kiay'a Sew Dbeoeery
racinff ■^e.Jay i
Each Corpa U eDtilled U oar U yaaranterd forCouyha. I'olcU. and
dcietata for eror; n memban Co
ara rx-ofibb mamtoim ot
ara'a Dm; Btorea.

brrabur aod her haakaad. Mr. and
Un Ibmany of London. Cbnada. and
Mn. Kirby, a nicea from Southern
Dr. Emma lleeker wbo baa bean rtaitin; Mra. E. O. Ladd.
will to eonTonlino. and will to expected
t by .Mik. irlra a brief report of the work ot tbeir Patoakey OAR- BxoaraSoo. Tbnraday. Rapt 16. IPk'T.
Darb. metbM of Hn ladd. wbo
Op account ot the Emmet fount;
CO to ('tin. Mbh.. for a rlait:
Falrand the G A R. UeuDion. theC.
» W. M. ily. will a^l GekeU lo lb>
View aad return on aboredateat "
Ta Balaa 'Wbaai Wlthent Ploblns.
ficunTrarerae City. Traia will la
Tbb boo lovara makeahift of
at u a- m. aad amee at Petotkry a
«w aoaatry. aad harlnr aarad mota IQS. of Iblblre.
Tha Grand Parade will aurt at
than a thonnd dnllan worth ot
Fraa aabitaiomrat will to prortded o'clock. Special tnia will Iraee Day
la the bat twenty yean by aowlec by the lonl eorpa tor all who eoma. View atfl;jii p m.. Petoakey L:*ti p. m.
tor Blk I'upld* aad TraTorae Cltr.
wbaat la tba aiaadinceorn. -1 wbh Kecrataiim ot eorpa arc taqueaUd U
Gt... DxlUrxj. G. V. A.
tanoan eeald bara aaao m; wheat tbe aaad Ow mm of ddeyatm and rbltWui Buy Poutooa.-.
; pnt anmmar pul & la thb man:
orm to Oarrb B. Hemureet. Ibllalre.-aot
The poU'.o market b recnlariy opnit with tha adJ(RBlBC m
bur rhe- Bept luth. la order U faelllad aad we will buy at the hirbmt mar­
plowed lead.
It hod altocethar;
thta the ^k of tbe
ket priera duriny the aeaaoa. Fannera
ter alaad. not wlaUr klHinc a
lUoa Gmeand haeinyyoml ripe potMomaboald call
which the; wUi arriTc.
A. A. MvCol A Box.
part o f tbe .atate- Bow three
ra^ camp «ra will to r>raa by
aboot.eBlGraUoee are; only, ridye it
Card of ThankalUrtalBlnc eorpa. TaaBda; Vraniac.
with doable aberel ealUrator which at T;S». In Kaaracy town hall. Mel'
abl* aw.l«tc« II. CeHtoUe
arlih lha cm atabUa kae|> tbe
Ke,w..ld«. »e
eon Ralbf Oarpm atundln; thb eonran- •feurau.lwMlaah
for touar protaedoa.
But you moat tion'will join (be Pcatat UellairacolBC toeeto
enUtraU the corn lata, wbaa tba
U PeUakey.
Ma a Mb. e ^ hu irn
■hlDaatha bottaat.aod lha waada aod
Hut Ibeae eoBTonUon* aia helptal
cram arc aaral; killed.
Alwaya pleat and inmidHBr to all wbo altaad. we
eora ce tod land, then yoartland don't know, aad it b booed that erety eorpm
bake with the roUlacted. . I alwaya la tbe dbtriet will torepreaeal
Api-g at rgn-.
tow cram aod with tha wbaat and thaa


hara oaly oae plowlac In the ratatloo.
Wbaat and ootaara thaciaat auplm
latt tor Lalaad
aad with alln for eorny^m can prodaoe
aftM ■aadlac afrwdan abhlac B. tha Bwat with the laaat Uber. wbkh b
Ftobl^ aad tamUy ot Wnt Bomb tha r«at all4B-all ot tormlar three
leld la thb dbtriet bv onr ordM.
B. VouBiu
Toarm in F. C aad L .
Barray Arary, formerly of Traren^
AxxiK Bot-i.a. lYeaidmt.
CHy. bet bow of New Orleaam. when
JxxxK A-WooncK. Brrralary.
be rapreaeaba laiirenw maanfartar;.
arrirad la towa Taeada; tor a rblt ad
MnJ.UIbba. who hn baaa rialttac
latmaata for tha aeeampmaBt'
Mbi AmaUa Tonarlier ot tteeatar.
bM totbM. W. A. BnaddM. rataraad
lad.. Hn E. W. Moor«. 1. B. Horrbea
bM heaw U Oraad Bapida Moada;.
CmpkNaeOmr. UeM.CawCWr
aad Mn dohaaoa of BaaUa Harbor,
Dr. J. A.tovdMMaatartaialac D
AdJaUnt iGanaral. J. C Boatam
hare been rnaab at Hr. and Mra.Henry
The Volaaltom of Amerin Wo
a. F. BapdM of raltaa, who arrtrad \
eat ITU. Fetoahay.
yaaliad a year ayo yeaUrday.
Ambtant Adjataat Oaeral. L. C
Mr., aod Hn Jamea Gaantlatt ot

Mllaa. ntnnied ben Frida;.'. aftM Baady; Fnt U. Maaoalen
a loa; ata; in thb dty and Elk Baplde
TbiUac thalr aoaa. Dn J. W.'aad J. C Foal ini Fauahey.
Harcaa Baba,
C aditor of R Darb: Feat ITO. Fauahay.
Cbbf of StaB, A. J. Btread. Foat So.
tha Brealac Oall' Imfantta. lad., arrirad la tba city Friday tor a tow HorUaBay.
laapector Oaaaial. Oaoice W. Dbkdaya’ rblt arith the family ot bb brothInioa. F«t U, Barbor Bprinfa..
M. T. T. Batn
Cbaplala. Ber. Joba J. Ceah.'matSl.
Oeaarml aod Hn R M. Oat^aaa of
* UlLOlhhoa^tamn; hara Morod Oraod B^dda. pom tbiboch tha olty
BarcMO Oaaarat. J. E. Baakia. H.
toonMa;BaUtaihU(lt;aadteto ta- Bataiday ea thalr wa; hen Im
a. Peat ITD, Patoakey.'
bn poMMtoBaf ihab Mm. aoT Hm
CUat at ArtUbey. a A. Balbbaa.
Peat ITD. Pateakay.
U A. Smithothradortek. CnwionI
ProTcat HanhaL B. Bardaa. PM lit.
latanad FHto;
oooow. brolheraf Mra. O. W. Oartb.
•UofHaitBDOk.aiaTtoUlBcwta Hr.
•ad Hn U. A. OrtfflU of-KlaU atraai.
Hr. aad Mn B. M. Bpaar of tlatUa
Oraak. who hara baaa rWUar tha fmaB; ot Oaoita Bon. rataraad How

^toF^hay.<»artarate.Bt.Icaaoa who with hb wife baa heaa rbHb« hb
Oommlmacy fliairat N. L. Bi
abtar Mn Cortb aad otbMm. rawraad
ntssa. Bbama.
Hn CbarloUa Haah ot Uollaad. ta ben tbtaiday moraiac.
Cbbf HaMclaa. A. F.
Fn ITa.
Hr. aod Mra. Kaoa Cortb are ea>7bwa ea a riall to harabtar, Hn Halaaa
■■dam, aad alaaa. Mn W. A. Boad.
Baaior Alda. J. «. MatoM. FOat
4m of Barttnat.
Hn Maiy OraM hM rataraad to bar
>ldm-da<bm^ Wn' tl
bawa at Ftadia;. Obto. attar a tbna
•ra U Fledby. 0-. Friday.
sat. Lake City; |L F. ItabM. Ptot
■Mha- rUtwUb bMaoa Fraak aad
Mn BlU(CarUa.wbohnaaaa ato
towU; at Arabia.
lUac lha tomlly ol bar aoa. Barray SU. Cbmtoaia; Byraa R Bb^a^ Ibal
m. FUa Imka; D. W. Pbalpe, Peat SK.
Man Umterahappadbwafara rWt Carik. hn rataraad U Korthpart. ae■aal Balatad. Poet l«.
wHb UaaontoHnUM. DaaA Ba
•dbyMbaJaaaieCarib. who
Mapb Oily: f
to aa ala wa; la Ua ben U Oraad
.IbMoforaabort Uma.
r C. Baaar at Oraad BapHa. aritrod
■ Bafdh; alcbt tor a rialt with-kb B. L. Bpracaa. kaa baaa rMUa; Hr.
artfeta idiaab. Mr. aad Hn W. d. Ibr. Bpn«aa aad tomlly dariar the ■at
waak, aad Mt tor bon 9aMiv.



* 7.t IS a, 110 0

Hia. A.BMr7aadaMrhc. af Mnah^BMOioalalll^Mr.aadMn. W- H.





Special Dollar Sale.
To «'Iom>«nB
en line of onr Utot


liDvi'piMvd <«i nte s brok­

«*ly. Irhkk tB<-lutlp $4.00, $SA0,

$3.00. $8.00, $8.60 bimI $1.76 Sboni Ml Oif.wtU nt OHB

W.-»n-cl.miuir .kH

nuny .sh.-r liuM

■ml enn Mve you nion,-y if you wom p««l. it-UkUp foutvrmr.
We do Of) w«- odYortim-.

IW Old Kelinbl.'Shoe Uaii.


118 FroA STRF.ET. Wlirj-hurg Biakk.


of all kinds used'ln poiL cit7 and country schools.

The best assortm* at and beet value for tbe money in tbe city, at


Haskell’s Bookstore.

Buggies and Wagons
I hare two lomter wayuea. wide tin
«e lenyth lamtor wayoa. 3 inch Un
oe pbtform wayoo with UirM eeoti
•erood waypa.
_______________________ BOBGAN.

Oxen for Sale.

HoPses for Sale
IPioxLoea? Xi±-^e3?y.
B. J. KOBOAN, Prop.
A nice car load of mares, weight from 1,000 to 1.550:
also severAl cheap.oses. The resort season is about closed
and I will sdl them cheap now.
I have a very nice pair of bajmsTesS yearso1d..wcight
3.100. A pair of chestnut mares 5 years old,'weight 2.600:
they are extra good ones. A pair of biMby built bay
mares 6 years old, weight 2,400. An extra nice bay m
very blocky. weight 1.250. A fine black mare. Idockr
built, with arch neck,
1,200. A pair of blocky
bniit brown ures. a little aged bnt good workers. A
good yrey gelding. 7 years old. weight IJOO. A Boe dark
bay mare, blocky built. 5 years old. One rangy bnilt roan
horse, 5 years old, weight 1,100. One small mare cheap,
and lots of others that I cannot describe here.
Will take any kind of stock in exchange for horses.
Kindly give AM a can aad look my «tock over.


Vriadrich Broa. Old Btote.


We are eelling

fjft K! Ay K K.

Ws ars dolag thla bacanaa wa kava alwnjra naad tha
pa^rlghLatwayaaaUnodahoaa at towprtasa,
DvntInOtoaaaeBr thrav Grant tboa ITei

98c, $1.19, 31.48,
din aboa laathar.

Alfred V.Triedrieh,
XhaTovalv Shoa Bow* sd^nvana Otty.

teipk aUiwiMt, » M a(«l ligfei
M IMacto Sallaj. —rWatif.i.

l( 1(

11 P


Tba Baattafa baea baaa plarlaK gtlt
adfa baU Ude «aah. Oa Moada:
Tba reerlpt* of tba oOea at
aaoagb la waka a braab te Iba 1
a taM a«}adr*A iqMM. »ad vni ba Taaadar tba; taeh two «a<Ma (roa tba >aaaar*r Whuie alaar tba taa toll dlba; aad U Mrba-------—Vy
atea4 la tha ■erthsB MUhtoaB ai^- aiaaro Bdcaia. 4 to I aad »to s. aad
tbU taaralacTTtaacdMafaaa
(n>a tba oadt OebM QUala. with
bar «b* •
d laat loar.^l. -aa- to antoa
1 la tba baa. WatblM i
me tiaa
plteh thia aWaraage.
that Oxra U.a^'poaeT la dlrealatioe
last John PbyBaab wba llaaa
WUUaa Boad. of a—it. aaar Coinai.
Baodoa. taft borne afire leeblar ap bH
aa. lad., wbara ba baa a la>ra paatortiBirpaat.* fE7vt>'"? dwtiliar aaaara from paaaiblb latrad-'^
ata ia Iba rriaada- ebareb. ha* baaa
erv U«ratarwrda<Fwday*aro.cmly
wbdUaf tba famU^ot O.Pwforaar.
Bad Ue portable eoetram of tbe
armldaya. It wUl baTCaeatbcaad that by amall pcopany owaaia U larfaly In
■m.mbaioc. aUaabaetdtleaa aordt
Hr. Bead awrrtad M(a> Ella
of laM aamoier. which H al«>
wood from tba yard. Tbe Am Im1
> daalb. laat wiatar. waa Eraatlr aa aridaaor that Ubm are frewinr. palae ef Hr. Pnymaat. aataraUy. waa
1 *a«7 plaawaf
laoMtad bf maar friead* barA We batter. From today l*prr peui add!- loaalcaaaU
ara r>ad to abaoaaee that Hr. Boad tloaai will bt char^ <* all
arill prababljr ratara aext 7<ar to i
Balai4ar wnlac i
ibie. A maa named .Vatban Wine
•aa a? bli bawa. aa«ariaf la
d brCbarieroia <
aoeased of trylnr to diaptme
IPanu $10,000 Damacas
Bibtle wwk in Bortbera Hkblofacaaeoftbeefteelaof Mr. l-*yleaorEc Col*, wbo lakerad vrk
1. aad waa arrealml by. Uapety
Jaty by a fall from a tomber pile oB
Sheriff Juba Hndabaw of Baade
elaaateIX>BllaaMdlbtowaa-a ffraM
f. E.b surer*, who oc
the duck nf tbe Ttarerae City beaebea
tsbra into cnatodv. A tanker
daaatac aekdaay la Uraad BapU* aar- C<x to a boom of l>v* ia the eratar fitaatiratluB waa ioatltaled.
T. 0. ShUaoalabaUdiecaaaw aaaI raaia. baa earn to Trararar City
feat below, ie aboal to bapla Iccaa
a»w7 tMa Wldlof aa kli prapertr
■tay aad ba* laaaed Ue-^l
to «oUret damaycB fro**
' New l.oaffa to Pa Orffsalzad
aa Ualoe atfaaiaoath
tbeLoirberCo Oolrb lep wa* bn>kra
Thera wa* aa importaat bmoUbit of
Boan. Wbaa oasplMcS It v{11 ba
in tbc f»n am) he will ba ilid ap for
TrarrraeCliy Ladyr. No.TJX.ef i*. MoaM a a barbar abap bjr tiqalra A
•.imr liM. IV E. Llodwv. an altoeday niybt lo eompirie arruffri
ney of Chiraeo. wa. ia the aUyye.tee.
for the lit.tito.U.m in tbit city
Ka. la? diawa tba ^aUt aald fa Iba loosd daaea* le tbe Uraad Opera Onaee d*T lookiop ^ tbe maurr lo tbc intarDCict Wedaeaday aTeBlDE.,to be fjlloer- rtUofCaband will bctrln action la
ac«tofHta.D.O. Pbca. ThabaUar
t.eo- A. Cam. Boyal Vi*i
ad byaaocialhop. They proaeut orcr tbe rnlud State* I'oorl In^liieafu for,
of tbia tldcat eae baaa tba qant bjr
forty dlEoraat daaeot aad will fom a
CBlHarM tba Baaau> eSa aed pta>
Bapid* wa* prmenito attend I
Turner t-> a**l»l in tbe ca*e. Tbe.
aaoUaf tba Uekat.
Coal deuil.
Ur Quo U well k
t*,)o that the anlt U to bW becnn In
onlya. UirBoyalViriirrof I
Hia. J. G. Roatarrr of Oiaad Bapid*
nnearo i* that tlia l.ncahrr Company
Temple, bat a* C^piroller of tbe bity
aad bar tbrae boy*, who
o b^ breo at
tneorp^rated in that rl'y.
anlaatba papar io wbleb the deliaforaeoni
Dopt^r wrrki^
Plant Is a Good One
the traeau of B. 3. Horcati two
t tax liat for (haad Trararaa eoaba* that of a Royal
Ip will ba pabilabad for tba aala which
! day* thl* areek oa ibeir way
T, Maltby. wfan

* 'S

"'^1 ------ -


State Bank.



tabaa place la Hay. IWa.

OtniltUon thU week 2,300

OtptalB Elaaay. the alrfat poHaaBaa
oa tba Wait BUa, bbi baaa Eiroa leara
of abaaaeaferaahorttlaMta roB Ua
tec baatoftbaTraraiarCI^-leoBibar
Ota aea Olraai i* Blliaf bta btbar-a plaea rory afactirely ia tba Baaa-

Mamin. Uafflay aad Bleecher.
'Tka aebaol anabaflaca Meada;'. apaeicca af hnlU aad baUara. arrlred
last nlffht. They wUl ^.peot tU IJ.
& narioe. Jr.bera.'sVsnttoDs Hay
tba Bm Bill aad af «o^port tba be
8. Cobea, fanaerlyofUiUdty. ooi
unlag a alkre U Kallcaakn, will nun
aok to tbta city BOOB aad
elotblaa aad gaau fGrak)iinc ator
Aldarmaa bad Mm A B.0aahta- scab. Ba wUI aUIl eoallb^ lo eoi
Hwwad Tuadny bl^t frem IhaH aamp daetaateralagalkiaka

Mra. Kuterer wa* formerly
iWj* <if the cuanril
MihaJobasDabBBeke.iUaKhtcrofllOB. ar>

few aighi*

rbirfiy known.
bowrrnr. b* Ihr pnaer of good fellow*.
Comptroller Caro U alao ■erreury
lloa. Emil Aaaekr. who wa* cvcrlrsror| wa* bronylil here by tbr
the U. S. land office at tfah place dar­ Kirer Electric Light .t f.-nrer
ing tbe Johneoa admlnUtmlion.
Ur. the parpiac of makings tboroagh In- L. A. tv. and While here ibi* i
Anneke wu also, at oar time, anJitor realignllon rrgsnliag'' tbe mpScil.v of Ing will do a little mtumaary woi
general pf Uimigaa.
.Mm KusUrer. the plant of Ibal coiupaoy. Mr Unltbv the benefit of tbe 1^ •*!»« men.
organization of Tmrer*e Cil.r
wbo waa a acbooinate of Mm Morgan, rrpr.
_ bimwlf reiy tarombly
I> U. K K..^lUbcaa ercat of
will be ramcabered rrry kindl.v here ' toward* the plant and iu ivnoarccs and
than onlinar.v frateroal iaporwi'l aend in a'rrpiri in deuil which
to tbi* city, ft i* designed U
w!U ab'xr Ofal the llmrdma.i
bar* one meeting a year here and^Joaj
meaUng* annaally In Umed R^id*'
Tbe date of tbe cvgaeiullon i* non
■lefiailely art for Septembei
tbeorganlxation on the Mlb of Trsr‘™r ,iMiliy,JUir company becoming
<Htr CInb B. U. K.' K.
A apeiclai.
'deep'y iatcraated in tbe water work*
miaaUag i* eallad for tomorrow ere-'
of tbe odkera of K
ning In K. of I*, ball, when Bra com.
about I3<i memberK
Satorday Uarketleatre lirand RaokUon 1
All meml."j*of dlrWon I), are rt- *pe«ial at kam.ukiag on fraternal
caption of rialtora.
i|nr*te<l to faraikb tor the Saturday brolbar* from Maatlng*. Siab*UIC.
will form an exeentiee
ilreanrille. Helding. iiig Rapid*. Row.
eommluee whid> Wui ban- tbe
■r.1 ■‘■t..
.. j:.-*... * _a
hip artuHr*: lirrad. w
Uty aad Il.uliagton.'

____________ ,
Fnda. tba aama moetb*' old iafaal
PM-Bardn waat to Aaa Arbi# Taaa- of Mr. aad Mm W. D. Bridge of la
SghnwDt of the affair wbl!^ ib- rW. and browi
4ay aaadaUfatsto tba C H. B. A loekaa. died Tbamday.afUraeoe
bfaalam. Tbc tnaaral will be
ben- and tbe detail* of the | lem (rle.l cake*. Dnlcb etareae^ pi,
A fall atludanra of'kalail*. t^Ved bran*. eVr.
Tbs ant maatiaff af th« Baaa Po• U aaroeatlj reqnraled. a» ! Tbr'fulibwing oame.1 ladicaan-1
mm wDl ba aa Wadaaaday oraalnc.

Tba train will reach here
Afnrr^'nnrr a buxine** miwt'mg will
b<- hekl. wjifrb |UI imakUmc a gnwter
portioirof the afternoon.
At eight o-rltx-ti the celebmted II O.

railroad b doing aamaeb baalae
K. K. ermlng parade nki'l lake place
- Bays Folded Thetr *anu.
with the member* aed nn^idaUa io
that pobt aa erar. Other bolldlagt
The Milwaukee Clothing Co. which
eosiume. Therb-will)m'*ereml Iluau
are gobg apaadlhatowa b^laa lo
aecnred n redaction of lio6n*r from the ’ il. Tope,
io line and tbe xirreU will be
Tba arbaeinar Ada Madam baa beea dbplay aeata of lb old-UmeAaaUc.
wjtfa firewurii*.
laadlaff lambar Ziom tbaOmI Weed
Clam Bfoarn has seat ta the groerry tbe Ileowh block and left ihr eily. Ja. .•>. RuWrt*.
Uennle. Raaaoiii.
At nine o'clock there will a meeting
PM><bla*fa. .
otJoba Bredaa oa Union atraet. a ThU wa* one of those concern* which i Cba*. I'atge. M. II. Mdiet.
f« iolUaVory work io tbe new Forwlr. M. dawott hrtagt tba HOAt* lata
da of braom oom nine feet ia •could not conUnne lo do a proSublel Thiw wbn bare ni*he* at the
et*' hail. Tbe rararna Will atari
-■ tbrnaal alaaaad flarorfor hdgbk whbb ba bad mlaad na hia
oa bane tieca^ their mum-y [aje triju.*.icd t.ic*;l
.Satorday j promptly with all Ibr p>mp and glnyy
TtuUc who harp t
farm. Tbteb an rzsaptlonslly fine oonld not bay »paoe In the local new*.
dbbrt Irtm! known only to the 11 O K. K.isbd the
man of braom oom for any loeal-

pnperi to aderrlira their good* in coin. I tbr market are Tequ.-.ted
pailtioa with tbc local men-hanu who! them Salurdayi.^
help aoppon tbc city and lu losllln'----- ^—
itC.T.tlrawn *
WflU GO to Paloakcy.
la bU oOea la tba Oeatml b
f-auniglit there was.a me
lag aa Tbaiedar aad Friday of tbb
May Cause Bis Death.
Mcl'brrs.m i-«t. No. I*, li. A R. for
of crrasi.Irring th>' i)mtion
m. to ODataU wiu parenla and
ploye of tbc oral dkb factory, ran
n! atteiiiling tli
with a aeriotu Injury while watchjop a
of the 'iraiid Trarcjvr Soldier* aed
Tba famUlsa of Ham. MUe. Bw
game of ball in pragroa* among Same
Sudor*- Axaopiatloa to b<- betd in IVto*:
:Barray'0artlaae>>yada dallfhUal rw
k.-ySopi.-mher It, inand i:..-nir mal
baba wd ptoob <m tba paal
lor tbe laproeemeol of bU bnlldingl^,^^, atmek lUr- ,« a* di*uiMntI and It wa* roted lohaec
J. L Oi^a baa rcanorad kla family
taMay«atdaadarUlrfra Ua pa
attaalkmtolbaOIbba'mw mUL



mpledby Frank Hn»eb
r Tbara wUl haaapaebl masting
The stmeuue will be remodeled
UgbtaflbaN. A. S. K. tor Ibapnrpoaa
with a metal froet aad plate glam winat abatbe dabgUaa ta tba natbaal
dowt, Blmnar to the atom pccnplad by
B^ A Boaborgb.
Dr. B. B. Oaraar made a ffytaff trip
B. 8. PmU went to Umod Bapid*
' t* Uha Aan yaatardny to attend a Hoaday to attend the Uatled sutea
>aai« girt who WM amidad aai
in Ike inlorcsto ef Jnlina Suin'barg. In tka aal( wU«b was trongbt
HnlmnFtnctof Ubalty baa bam agalast bim by tka OansoUdaUd Biota
Cmatad aa erlglaal penibq. aad B. n. SarrieeOa. whichelaloaro
aObtl aba ad tbb diy baa beet gmatOeoga Baff. Ooosty Clerk tV. A.
ewtoa aad Jamra Harkkam ratamad
Ameag Meads who hare mmambsrsd
ttaBnaUMrlthbanotUal •awanars Friday from Iba aatlonal era
of tba 0. A B. In llaffala Raeb
Hia. a. W. BaC. C. a Kaawlbm a»d
of tba foaUassoD maatloaad baea
' Tba abam taarga Alba H. OUl b
bndbg a aargo tt baidwood li
UMBk A Uay (VAdaeb for Bll-

A F.

u c r.

* A





A good
Jacket or Cape
^may 1« wh^t you want. -For a dollar
, and a <|iK%-U-r vou gt-t a ni-ait Capo
|With for IriuitnlnL' all anniml. Five
tighty-cijrht for a Itcad liraiil ami fur
trimnictl Plush Cape. There are
1 others. .

A drive
In Towels . ...'..• ::c
A Ih-autifu1 all Imcn Towel.. .at 10c
Ask to see our linen colored Ta­
ble Damask....... .............. .. .at SHc
Si-e wlial a splendid^ll w.iol flani
nei. ri-«l nr blue, you can buv at l.Sc
j Our (lulinj; Flannel slock, verv
completc............ :..............Sc a'ml up

caodidstc* will be led ac.-oM the boraiiV *and* of the deaen.
At JLiu tbrie will be a gmnd ban•tort In Uie City tlpem hall, which will
be ^y by that lime; tiiure will be at
leakl 300 coeerv laid.

Money hack if yon
want it. *


we start with pretty fair goodsat 3c
in the smallest sixe. We shall hare
ajrain this fall the Ladies' Vest aad
Pant at IHc. same as sokl last ypr.
Mis.kcs Combination Suits 25c. Two
special.^ in Ladies' sixes at fiUC. oerer t*<]ua!led. (>n^ all cotton, one sixty
I»cr txfni wtHil,

We have
our I) Givods department in order
to make room for the cleanest stock
. it has ever lieen our good fortune tO
show. Wonderfullv stvHsh fabria at
2.*)C. Some handsome' Brocade Sitin
for trimming at 39c. 'I'affcta Silk
at 60c and up.



B<T«^ad. Tbe flmt game'
ara* a tla and la the gaine to Battle ib*
boy*, after a migbtff
Btraggla. vaaqatebed tba musMaim
Tbe Biflab knowing that to defrat ib*
boya of the band agala they muvt keep
ta coadltioB baea beea in training
winter, am In grant eoadlUon. and
(bey hereby challenco the band team
to aaothergaiae to br played at a
aadMaeatoCrmnlaallyagnad i
Sa Likas CaiT Laka
A. 3. Sinclair, aute agent of tbe
Mimaee company of New
mpaaled by hb wife, ha*
larwad from a bosiMO, trip U

Haskell’s Bookstore,

hMvGllBil, .
■ iHjm
SKkMteUMRimlUiHRi, . |»0^

Oor SBTiiiBs Department
relrw deiv_lu
(lOl aa* *e**rd> *i
Ur-treo Alt Jra»'-f wpef

if mxl-ra maebieery ahieb ara
practical aud if the of otba be taken a* a criterion, ought'
There ara numrr.xa* otboa* In the
city wbo buTr' a yearoiag to dalle with .
few millioa* of dollar* wonfa of gold'
bat few hare the nyrre to brae* the,
. rr and hard*hlp. of tbe journey. |
HoPeegr. by nexixpnag, there will be



Trnyme City eiiiren* who h
a jnnrney toAIaak* ia.’mind ac
. .O. Lancworlhy ba* base
talbu»ia»t since the fir*-, ditconrica of
gold op tbe Yuk m rierr and tributa­
ries. and la*t winter be dcruod a plan
whereby hr could' mine ibe yellow

■tel at apr. ti t.' i.ttely ha ha* Had thaj
aatbfaetianof rradingt.f a
folie hu.Uerk wbo baea come bacb
with forurae* gained by the o^thod*
by Mr Lingieorlhy. Now
babasinadea final cleierwiiiaUon to
cast hb lot soawwhcre’iu tbe Klondike
I te a meat inleraatiag oftb and ragloo. He expect* to leaya fact*
' member aboold nlm>D
nimbt be prr»- next February and expert* to be joioMl
by t«<x W M.;Nea!. Hr. A 1 T«dma^;
EJ. Bro»<b and rrht. W. IL Su-ffeaa
WtUMakaffiome Fun.
geuilemen have formed a plan
Two of the mnat hotly omtested
to build a. baa: of >ujH rfeut ’opacity
amra of baae ball played
and acawor-.binra* to cairy two yean'
played between
and take llie-a aafely

aortben pertioa of tbe atatc.
abaeat they enjoyed a few day* fiahln?
Oaip lake, Foeeh Statloa. teeca
ebbr-ia-law of Mm
isa weal of Tratone City, aad ia lix
boot* angbltbiriyaix large pickerel.
Mr. aaelair b an cothoaiaeUc fiaberteairaa lo .roeommesd Cbrp
had aot met for twee ly-two
take toalli-.randBapkb^^rtemrit a.
ear wae aarmd. after wbieh tba day Iba ^oper placo to go for talmua t
waaapaat iaaia^aad uIMageear ban* aad piekoraL Aocommoda
; Iftop lAba ahaat M pa«d. at tm oldUmaa
Wbaa at alght the partlatf
Mmn «maaU lacuMed that tba day

, T. H. ATmgmhaalakaapma
■ At Ua oawdwdUagoaWmt Samalh
\almat aad hb rmtdaaaa im Wo
ataaM haabaaabaaadby John Hala' i tab of the Baataa Biara

Hannah & Lay Co.

a.rti. .

Oa Satorday eeaning MUa Edna
Oardow and Frank Plamoe were wltWemnn'fl Olnb.
od la marriage at the reaidence of Abe
Tko first meeting of the Woman-*
farmte of tbe bride, oe IStb aliMI.
anb for tbr new year will be held Fri­
Tba eeremoey waa pertta atad by Bee.
day afirmooa at tba naiial boar.
Meeraof tbe Friea^a-ebWb.
Mr*. J. A. HonlAgue
H.l*(te«mhaap<iiehaaad Ike Bbr- The yooecoM^ arTBiTag ooagmu.
Hear bar aannal add^paa Tba ragutakhacaaaadwUlaendU to Mbem lated by a large aember of geod
' program tele charge of Mr*. 3. <>.
Bamadall wbo will giee a paper n, the
llaagrapby of (Iraaermnd a grorral
Mr. ud Mm Bee Tali
Amaag thaandml* laar-Sl^t a
w praeedqd by ai
ffeyer ef Bib Rtptda. paeawi oetiloa Tbte will be
aaa by l*rof. C B Horn. W>duc
ogh tba elty Friday on tbeir
way to Oetrait
Detroit wbara they s
will attend tory totbaatndyofCreecato
Qn«c*u>)be pm
tbs weddiBfot Mb* Faenl* Yalom*-, aned by tl

TbaC A W. H.
H. BUlway Oa b pra- aad Mm F. J. Linia.'Mm HaUlda Hctkalrawlleb at Wade- NtaL My. aad Mm 0. IV. Haekrtt.
laa Wolfal. Claada Carter. Melaea T.
UUIa and Mia*
Vratbaaer ef
Aaa Arbor ^eat some time Ibb wmk
atOreea laica aad badaa aajoyabla
' .farlalaad twalm rWlam ftem Amhb
time nmettag eera aad applaa
Milmpaib <mm tba Omed Uidga made
rmfeaterC H. Bern waa ebes
mambar of tbe beaid ef trasleea of tbe
Aeti Saloon Amodatm. at a auwUag
Aboat lASa baaktb af wheat
ef thatorgaalxatioale Cenad Bapid*
madrad at BaaMh A Uy Oempi
TaewUy. Ba*. W. A. F»ya wbo K
^mxa dataidoy. Tbe prba pdd waa tmatsf attaadad tbe aaetlag. T1
from dgbty ta dglify-dra eaali
aBBsal aiala aoegraet of Ibe assoeii
Uoa wUl bt beU ia Baula Creek in
Hlaa yemg beyn and ffirb
: btaaght «p from OMrratb Tm
• Meaday. Aegnat totk.'a party of reland tabaa to homas la diCarsal. aliydaaadoU aegnaiiUBoaa. mam^

S we can buy. Ouaranteed to adhere to the bony part of the ani- ]
mal—in other words, stick to the riba

Among lUedi.liognbhcdoffleer* wbo
be present are ilrnnd'^
Cbance-.lur Hau I-' M.-Uulirn of Cbe-^^^
boygan; tirand I'relale A- A. Ileanrtt. jy~
llig Rapid*; Supreme ReprcM-ntatin' I
W. Itf Awmia, Grand Rapid*; IWyal
Trarrme City. Viriertwo A. Caro. < irand Rapid*. Im
eey ie tbe abdomen. KoUiing —
It will at n
bc made for
ILOK. K. John •
tbongbt of it at the time, bat a the trip an<I th. altcndaner tram Trmr. perial'lVineeofI...........................................
ma*ey. Chicago. _
mpura wa* an*Ulned aarl the Injnrad
City wilj i.e large. There will be
A* Tar a* known at thU time the club f*
man wa. foraad to Uke to bU bed...^.
about aeeenty 'from the post und
will be formed of tbe following tandi.
Now be U in a daogerou* eondiUon. and I
lUirof tbeW. I; C A Cm
date*; TravetM- City, Mi; IVtoaker. I
bb tacoTory b despaired of.
-truibpunaUon waa appois
ChaTlreoii. IS; Harbor Spring. 1». \
■d. -i.
who wilMook after the detail at
Mancelona, U; Kalka*^. iS; Manbtoe. '
___—(brand Trairana Jaro^
eaxary iu eonnecliun with ■ueh a jour- :tr. Central lteke.,t.
The Tra*ar*e jnrora lor October term ary by rail Tbe Hoy*- llacd will be
•Hib will be oae of the red lelUr fraof UniUd SUUn Dbtrirt Court were ruiploeed to e*«.rt the veterab* and
trraal eeeou in the bi*(ory of Tinei
iry W. Stewart of ladie* and th* repreaenUtion from
Bcllaira. W. A Preadi ef Bast Jordae, tfOeen City wlli B^It be the Iea*t of
A. 3.
Leeb ef Ckdillae.
Tb*plaa*and •peeiUeatioot. in * ,
at Die' gathering.
iVuiaCraeroa of iCharlcTola. and d«Aa' key will spread heraeif tlib year and complete form, of the propotoil city
Wtraa of I^hak*y,are these
eeeryone wboaball attend will be roy­ water worba. haee been receieed from
from this *ieinity.
Engineer Rafter, aad ara now being
ally entc^inH.
Cbaricn K. Ilosb of Trm*ein* City. A.
ttndird by tbe apecial water worki
O. Wheeler of HanbM*. Wm. H. Lev
If^.CBQChi the Favor.
of Harbor Spriag*. and G. A. Uke of
■ the raceni additional gold diaSbermaa atn atnoag tboae drawn
eqeerica in tbe Klundike region the
Rcmcrabcr Iherv in but
■ bb* taken a fieth grip upon i

AAHeCbyAfba am Imdlag two

Hn. amriaaHastkaad ehUdrea ef taU. fonarrly of thb elty.
Imdbgton. mjainad bm hnahaad bma married Tnaaday b> Lewb WiaUemaa
Trtdv- Hr. Mattb aaam ham a few efSt. Igaaea
waaha t«D aad has dseUad to stay.


•wrll thr toul U. tto.

Ulb ^ bare raadead t
HMifar JTW.PUDlFa- aaw r




s slE: IF :S


If youphoFse
l0 Old, tired, and oan^ chew good,<rar fine feed is what you waat 1
Kade from the best


Bom tl Ml it i mi In <Ht

Copner Stone
Your success is our honest deal­
ing. No one_ offers such bar­
gains in all hues of merchandise
as you will always find at t.hia
establishment. Don’t be misled

The $5 Falcon Camera
l-am ooT L'ghl-IVoof Film C
ridgm far It Ezprwirm and UmA
IN DAYLtOtlT.. Improeed
ahattcr. aat uf three ittopa. fine ao- •
roamtic lew. eiew Bader aad *» kat
tortelpod wuew. Eaarxxx KcraxK
Cb.. Buahmtrr.M. V. ^urtatabg


by the vulgair methods used by




■ MMdB tedl b 08 tk0 ■kk IM.

• to t0«a «M d>j iMi

— baadredaad tb—ewai*
id— maay rieiloi*.
Mra. Mamie Oenbet DeMUIethe
__________ of Mr*. PiaeaKwehfrie-le
CeeetofHiB.W. a.(braoe. >
catbe—dattbebc—tof Hr. dark leBamv AedereM of Tiaem— Olf Taea^y eenlaf for a aoelal rialL The
— to town toet Toeedop.
Dr. L. J. Tedmaa of TVaeerae aip

Mter Bap Baauaoad at Sallo
▼Wtl^ Uaaapt. Mra. A. S.

ok - XMtell la rialUetf bto
a. Mr. aad Mr*. TboB./oka-

of E P. Oariaad'a-tef* bay
h— bo— very otok. bat to fW
tte boH— at tbto date.
A—kto Baaday schoui Wa* ikll I eyrea—tod at the Tally Wodaeadap. A food
Mm* Is tbe faomal verdict.
(Julie a Bomber of Arebi* yonnf peo­
ple altoaded ^ tell fame Weda—d^

at tbe (irate that eteatof.
The Arebi* boll team witb-................
game Baturday between tbe Harbor
Acil Oydr hu
aloe ate Old Utehm. ~
- •
to (av— of Old
Him Asua VoHa-i eluted Mra. O. C
mtee by the Harbor
— Thi

Aboat Sftt people tatdowe to dtoaer
at tbe famUp —aoioe at tbe ^
M. b. Coal—llbaradap.
Jebe Daaay aad aeo I
The i— CT—m eoeia! at BowAm'b hall Fiaakfoct Hatardap.
laet Toe-Ur olfbt forth* beoefltof
B«T. B. B. Wllep belted tl I (iS.
tbronfta Iowa Baterday.
Oeo. Weidoer. Freek Deeo aad J. M.

■ AMoiMiauidir.
A DfUatemr tUs Bcntor. bat BOl
torir pU«k™
TMTOnc todk>>» TWttoc wlto

No more trout tbto a—
Will Heim took lo tbe
aty Batsi
day 40 tbe Kapida
Empire drill from B. Aodeiaoo.
Hr' aad Mra. Lyman UaUy rialtod to
Mte Reriba Lamtmriretarateftebcr
Amoof tbo— who. went from Ibte Frankfort Tbnraday aad Friday.
borne to (irate Rapid* I—t Boaday.
place to the Banday-Je^ rally r. Seymoer William* ate wife
^rena atp were .Mibltieo. Jeclc
ale retardad to tbeir
beeo vtoltiuf with tbeir pai
Weda—y. after an
few daya
witb friond* at her old
Mr. aad Mr*. Newcomb drove
tbeir becse on tb* ' '
.to.. Friday.
Mr. Lawmw'e are eateriaintog frtomde
Hoaroe from llraaeoa. Mr. Uueklep.
from Iteiaaa who took teraalafc of

” is;:


^guaMl^m—Uw will

at the

atciao. MarUB*a. J. A. Btowa-a


VMajr8fl«MB.Av.n. U«B**«7
wMlattaBAWaadu oi
8mml M
•AM. Tha OaloB •!■• to to pnell-


Jten MeTbrfVt left Friday evenlaf
fora w—k-e vtolt wilh hie frlead* at
Boutb Uoardmao.

t UaUraw r
bae. Heweli-a
llertle Iteelele .rieittof at ber brother-a. K. Bhialar.

imrcete in
H. R. Tbayrr w—oo tbe peeioaal
today, ilc will take Will Milirr'e ool
home with birnwd break for dririaf.
Frank Edfecomb etarie totend* t
of Btea
etori for Krilii
Kriltob ..............................
be will fo in company i
lad., ie rtoltiac at UaaAlU
Tbe hall fame at tbe Barfaoryi
deypUyrd^^ld Htoeioo and &>a
Mr. aad Mra. F. H. Btopbeowm of llartoH- eaoie out to favor of Old I
laooab. Mick.. rWted tbeir daiirbur.

Tbemiotoler for tbto dreait for tbe
omlof ye— preached to a larf* atel-.
trvia Muncy *Urtod for Mt Flu—two yenra.
Mr. K-b-ter aed <rlfe from lodlaua
_-r ristuof with friuDd* at tbto pis—
They expect to locale here for tbe '


>f tbto pla-.-U
it Old HtelOB.
.Hr. OwA (oOn haff uarfM.
W« on •Mdoaalf looU« for tbe

Jte^Mneiyu ate iltte boy

If if 0—rlaf compleUoD to

Jobs Otto —Id ble tbmhtiif optfil to
tbrir borne in liiaad
John Kllwyof Uood llerbor.
needay after aprndlof eifhl
Aoh8 Whltooiid aS-tUa «•
________________ tbatP. Whilaey
.. -------------- -borne at Old Mb
of Maple aiy ie touRy bllod.
Mm hM • read MobiM aad w*
B- Pteber p—eed tbrooffa here ycrici^
Thondey 1
d^ witb a saw bon* from Bebomberf.
llWIr folk,
MHvOoed oad a J
after liariDf eftjnyrd

Dr. ate Mra. A. E BolUAny ci Travlo ttn ao—arrival of tt* geatl*
rreeaiy war* gauamatth* -'ll-------—
____ rbom Bev. Mr. Haritet hte ewHuoae Tanodsy ovcal^. Ttey
cm tteir waytoteteort^
gagte to take bto place. For tbe same
—a—a tteia* Aai ao r—alag turrtea.
Mte Clara Wfllton vtottad Maple Witt tte exaepUoo of tt* Ewduavar
aMTSaurday tor tt* Brat Mmcula- prayer m—tttgwblek
te Ulsea* of abimt two ycaia.' We
were waU pluaaad to a—bur looking *D
wall atlnaded It not butler tbaa
Tb* gasoline luunchm Vena*. Nellto
ate tte Fox mtee ragolar trip* betbto pla—ate tbecampgronada.
oakinc it' possible I— all who
edtaauead. They broke ap es
- ftlowday mornte, lcavi.|
Dr. ate Mr*. E V
Baike. Bwood
tea^ aod_E
._ _. .F. Jenamo— drove.
J. Uahner 'and daa^l—. Mte Ltoaie
Tkaverae <Sty Taeoday at■ ■ •last
------------Detroit, arrived
Thuramete Maad* ttat cam* ia Uanorr. of-Ueuc'Wedane- dvnigblteda-ttegumuotMia.E F.
Dame, wbo to a Bsroeof Mr. ■■
C- llagaa of_____________________
TwAar a little party eootetiag of
Ir. ate Mra. Edd,D*aamore. Mile* Tbaraday night oo buaiotim nod i
-------------------- Hr*. Aagaela Blereo*
Uaoeg* Bulllug-.
Hooday wl
abc left for her '
Allie Uuichktoa. Caddie Burry
re dino—
»Mltod taeeplag B
ronda last
FMaaV^*^ 1— lbln?tte atertteing
wafts —rv sue—safal one.
The pro.
to go toward parehaelag a
quite am—. While helping to\lll.
••-r M .E
“ eburcb.
beuf ba io eome wsy cot bto leg quite lenia— for the
MyrUeJrrbaotlbU pla—went
badly. Dr. Prallek waa ealled. who
to Tvarvrse Citv.last Wednesday.
,lng frieuds Ihe—
'• Suodsy
Tbet M cream uocl.1 at tb* Friends' ’ Mim Anns lllackeo of Traverse City
bureh Taeedsy e—atog was a very arKyed last Supdsv to visit her stot—,
t affair.* A short program was Mra Walter Nelson of this pla—.
rue____ d la wbieb I>r. and Mrs. UolliMr* FM. k'ebl fra* vtoiUng friends in
aad Mr. aod Mra. Clement favored Tra—rae C<<.<. several dayfeof last week.
ipaoy with a few mI—Uous ot —tomiog Wclitesday.
______usk wbirfa wv— highly app—Kebi made* trip to Travrto(ed. Beritutioot by Mra. (ico W
ar— City Mon.
idax. —turning Wedi
Fralick. Hfawe* It—a Klanley, Flora
Bumngar ami <>—> Brninger. after
A Prrry of Trarer—
wbicn i— cream and eakr wera —rrrd
- tbe
rs.-ursloo which ifar
to about «». which will help to swell on
Ir last Sandav and was
the bell fund- __________
Waukatoo Ull Monday.
„Mra. liraham. of t'BssopoIia. is tbe
gurst of her daugbter. Mrs ( baa.
r. Bedpalb of Petoaker is in lows. Webb.,of this pla—.
II llurlbul ofthisplac
been rislting friend* io Traverst
**«hol .
and Honor sin— last Tuesday. At
II. Kresalcrate
J fu
fmallv of Boeb—ter
a— vtolUog al (terg*
Hia. J. M. Terwilligar —tarned
knows and well
a vtolt to Cbdillm.- yestorday.
lo Nortbport baring tnaghl he—
m Aggie Bw—aey went to Mance- two years- Tbe et-—mony was perfo
ycsterilay to vtolt —lativea.
ed hv Her. I’. K Whilmsn of tbii pi*—.
- _s. Hodge* aod bis son J. s ilodgea Tbeir many friends in Nortbport offer
tbrir rongralulalions au.I best wish—
took In tbe excursion to Buffalo.
for a lung aod happy life togril
Hisa Vinnie Anderson —turned h<
They left Traverse City

ir soon after dinBatnrday from s visit st Bear TAke.
itoo’clork They

O—debdaj aMolwUl held !U ae.
Ida Sayen aad Aafie OtU of Hay—UCMAteabD^aiereb-peat See- •eld droTc tbroufb here 1—t arcalaf.
Hto* Ruth Doweraof Kiocaley to tbe
^a—tortwd toaMa?*
Mr*. Fred Avery to qnite tick.
fo—t of M r*. Taylor tor a few daya.
Mr. lirtotal. tbe bark man. called at
A lilUe buy of Empire h— been rtolt•rrtUe rWted «..
dmbel Urday.
iuf Oora Sackett. but retoroed 1
' BeeoU. IVr 4
Mr. awl Mia. Cb
Bo— Saekeu b— beeo etolltof hoc—to»t
E T. Pray bw a elek bar-, hot lt>to
frienda to Trarer— City tor tbe peel
iinproTiiif —me BOW.
Curl U-tisfa aod A. S. Pray
rusninf 4be plaoiiif mill Ihto w—k
ttoul Looeer. tbe b— d—ter of KalMr. Baleb toBllpairleed freo Caiiea1 Ur*}
.} aod wKe drorr to Trarer—
_________ k—ka. to to tbe Ddfhborbood loKlap.
City; el— A. A. NIckeraoB wpot dowa
Jam— E Batton and wife aUeaded
Wm Wtoau aad wife apear
tbe Sesda;
-- leyecl
le tbe
- Mth.
_____ KiekemoB
0 aeph^wt. Itoki
Mr. ead Hra. (too. Barrie tetaraed
Harry and lUy Taylor, drwre
ire-toWexWill Bototere. who b— been at work
IMrbe-etotobpemlaf Headar.
■iri one day 1^1 w-k.
w day* sin—.
Him Mabel Srbcll of RinitBley to rtolUuf reUUr-and fHendeol ihto pla—.
We are flad to a— her on- more.
to Uooor
Ca— Sc
X CroUer’K
Crouer’i teame are Aaojiaf ton's dacufbler.
lambcr to Ktofaler: they will cautlBue
Mri Lymn Wa—— and irraodMra. WDtM of
who h— 're aomr time, perhape anlll boow aha. daoebterof _______ ..
hoM rUltof her
, Mra £.
Bee. Hr. BauudeiaU our new Free Ittof at Bspervtoor Waner * ami olte
Metbodiei miatoter of tbi» circuit. friaeds to tbe aeiffabu '
Tbep will atari at oo—- to build the
I MeClasky and other railroad
V here tbe fslfa. which deUyed them
Will Blal.of aoBtbern Mieblfas
o boor* while our bo— bl—kemitb.
rre with hto tbr— litUe cbildree. Uto
Mra. Oarkef Alma, with h— little wife dtod about a mouth afo.
ri Jubaaoe. repaired tbe damafe.
lie baa
. gteeiline WOlle. b epeadlaf a tew the tympalhy of all bto fri—da.


Hr. Hear— baa a new bars.
Mra Byron A^a to eo tbe ride lift,
a trip to


F-allplowiaf toaowto fail profrem.
^Mr.^ntoof^UelroU Jotood ba
Ma. C. E Allen droea to •ikai
atyna bnriae— Hoadap.


to M.-I-

Mto* HaUie U Allea of tbe Tcaret—
yinm to at boar, lakiaf bar ea­

Wa are eorrj to hear that WIU MlUar
Ae—a— I—peoee.

(Jultr a i______
ten Vulm a
Wm HoallM h— tha }ob aed trill
Thoafb blaekberri— a— ripeatof rinll^yk^^M iratoo to Pet
pbtotMr. Slteheab hea-thtowe '
^ aneaealy many are dally batof
*eml t^icb w— sow.
A tew of oar people alteoded the
.jmp m—Uaf at Cryatal liaky tbep al« felt tally repaid for fOtof.
There will be pfaper m—Uaf at the
boa— erery allernabMd. Blemtofaa-l Him ■ermoar of
g-jr-^ty-Aea pl-eaat oaUar
Hn. Fammore left tbto pla— laet
•“—'ay for te home to ladtoaa. .Hb*
----------- 1* maoyf..............................................
fT—Uy mim te.
The eeatolat the bemedKMr. aed
We bear tbat-renl lalaM people
Mra Joha Mhh w— waU
took la U« as—nioB to New Yo^. rix.
* '
-----------------------U of Trarer—Otj m
Bmml of Trareree aif.

atllal* at BeoroaU eay that tl w— oa*
of the UreUeM, baetetaoA —ft to-

and daughler.
J. Stover, —me
llartfonl City,
with F. .1. Sio-

Iravr out
last Suaday to F .1.
stover'* and took dinner witb them
and tbe rxcorsionisU that a— vtoiUnp
lb*—. Mra. Hallwa* taken .jsite sick
w^Ie the—and Ih. Mania w— —el
for. It to hoped, however, that it will
prove to be nothing very —riooa
A Vlde-awake. well-to-do farmer
from near Union City. Ind.. —id to F.
J. Btovre last w—k. "If v.m ha- a
thousand bnshrls of pnlatoee and bring
them to Cnloa Ciiv yoo will get n
tfaoasand dollnra for tb»m, for.dealers
expect to bare to pay that for ifarm^f
they get them al home or from out
Well, a wa— of prasperity terms to
be la eight for wheat aad potato growera It anprars to ha— come a—nnd
by way of India ate Europe. Didn't
II gel he— by war of Washington as

The days e— growing shorter.
^Ill—kbnrry pickiofc to tbr ord

Tra—rae City Toredey.
Hr*. Chan—aod daughter of I Ddtoan
u— rtoiUng relaUr— here.
Ur. Hnrk* to entertaining hto
Mrs. Moo- and her sou Herb*
Willie Rixby of Ileoi
bto hrolhur* he- ute
with old acboolrauyca.
Attorory Wirt A. C<
Cook will tedrrss
Ur public trmpersD—meeting Nunday.
'eloek. Bemember tbe
Leri Lnplcu nod MimLUxie Itenn!
if Lnpton. HIcb.. began a scrim o
—Ungs in tbe F>ieods'ebnreb But
___ , school conNorUpurt Wedoeeday
nd Thuraday.
led by bto miiaie lil

Fill a bottle or
BOB glam with
Brine aad let it
id twenty-four
hour*: a t
RJing iadi—toe
an unbealtby
of tbe kldneya.
When urine euia* lioen it to rvid—
of kidney trouble. Too f-qnrut de­
ni— to
a urinate or paia
pain in tbe b<
back. Is
smvinelng proof that tbeki







un. a WI.IU..TS.:
-of htof—m witb a
slledtteir brother Uene al UiU pla—
board ^^-es.
.fhrmcra. beea—ful ubontc(»tr—tIngyour pouter*for Icmtbanagood
r- Waltrrround prie*.
Ber. iMIe of Reed City came op ye*.
Rev. Howard Hoc— preaehte at Um*
-rday to add—s* a Bunday school pic­
-ce last Sunday: will prraeb be—
nic east of he— todsy.
aio lo two wMka.
Ijwey of Hanlst— came up
. . ------nfOTbis lumbering
Hartford City. led., came oa tbr excurinlerrst* io Ibis —gion.
aad a— TtoiUng-at F. J. Htovrr's.
And—w Marion of Flint came up last
rnrySwiupand wife, cousins of F.
—k to visit bis sistar ate bar sona.

lebrl. atolrr of Mrs. K.
os tbe rxeucaioufrom
lod., aad are vtoiliag

Walter Baker &Co.*8



with Mr. StoveV'e,
os eeery four
STtttoa—nil»ld*y» loot week.
Hertba Doaa of Detroit to at A
MerbOel—to! tbettoatflebtof
We BoUee that Charlie aod Oaribaldl
MOM. Atoi w-e oaty-terMr- ■* Vbeb—Uare here mabiaf tbeir brath•rarielt.
fn—d—kod aeefklfireU.P.Kaberaod wife enjoyed-to* C.
. WMb the —r with tbe Cblcace B. CooTeatioD at Maple City lut i
a—MThet? Wb* dM't tbe beteber^ dap and Boodap.
at JubeCton*' li
Arfcbb TTMor— Oto witb eneHeet
Poet Ooclda ehowad fab
P. Bi______________
' CMewe beef toetad efewoHof tbie familiar feator—
r— ID
Id ear preeesee t
arc the fnmu of bl
eMMtrj for ufUtof la tbe ebopeof fore part of tbe week.
CbariM R. Walleee of Kew Y'ork m
• It the' 1
* ira—tof..........................
MfmLotOe -Innto
He Thu
B. dielrict eamp raeeUaf. held
bVaiikfart Aaf. V-10.
Ikreeblvhitbeard-al tbe AarPlowlof to la order bow for tell taoded
Wllltoa Dmb-hM • raloebto bee
Mn. Pecfni and rblldreo of Cbioafo
railed oa Mr. aad Mra Neil Morrmoa
Ura.0. W. Cralirkaod Hia. D. Job- Suaday.
• awe.
Qnite a BuiBber from tbto pla—
Ightof Sbelbr—HM bare
the HaDdajreA^rrally atTrat
r Mb vWt: V
ntetn they atroUed oo tbeir bocaeward Joraey teled oa U. 1-. KUte bod wifa.
The Uat quarterly meelidf of the
Hn. JaoMe refwtf oed d-ifhter
year will be held at Elk Rapid* BaUrMtD^ of ApMM. Wto. are Uw
da.v aad Baaday, Sept. 4 and '
Sm of Mr. aU lira. Pbt Fbfartj.
ftltoe Veau PetUU of B—ala
Xa»t. t. Q. Neaber. Jacob U—
rired Batueday and kmk np/har~dn9 a*
Btaekberrtoeareall the fo.
rred Be—M op—ttoattead
Dowd-i Ibreahiof machtoe la at tbia mtotrt— of tbe eebool roam Monday

toe to be totmaaUof aad a aoatee of

_____________________ Si—faaw arrtv*
tetTtatetoy irigteaadfi tbe goea*4
TIseeteueanrAUuuhmdte Witt barb
at Esal'a Aoek laet week.' >

Mra- Vofgle relnrned to her I
,rar Klngalry Bunday. after a two
w—ke' Blay with her brotber at this
Mrs. Lia* Hag— uud Maud, accom­
panied by her »UW. Mr*, ilutchrrof
Mr*. Wm. Boabaora fa— bm
tewrrn—. came on' tbe exvurslee to
■iek asaia.
visit tbeir perenta.
Ed. W^i wd Hr. Bite apeal 8i
Mte Llxxlr Hriim and Eibrl Robbie*
burl Keller of Elmdale last w—k.
alteoded tbe <.______________ __ ____ __
Mtoa (fra Flandrra to visiting liei
Mr. Itollou to folnf to Opel bl* apple ftotella Ford at Mayflrld TocmIi
ter. Hn. H. A., at Maotoo
• •
They —porta
t a pi,
pleaeaet e
#im I.vdia Ctoir and Mia Da—y
>. Hanball 1
a vary valnabic
drove to ftWakfort Satnrday for. etolt.
s. tVeidner of Summit Cilr to
Mr* Win. Tonpkin* ha* I
■eraM CBnmpoa4rse*.
lag her pa—uto. Hr. ate Mra.
rinluf furrt from Indiana.
F. J. mover Sstobed —wing::
Mrs. E S. Walt'* mother and fatoter
r wb—t Batoiday.
rom llnlland ace rielUof at Old
Mr. end Mra. sioyter bavra
te of l>, B. A 1. exeursloneca.


Mr. Vtolooof WUlto—barf wm
Kia Julia
lia IBaeaom, forarrlp oftble
r. owl Ufa. J. & Wtotm tftmi
place, aowrof
of (Jeiaep.
(Jeiaep. Ulrb . b— beeo

-.tVWw. •
Tiritiof frieode
aad ItraoeacUof
bueltolled <
PM tea tor the p—t few daya.
Ur. aod Mra. A. A. McCoy of Tray
ad HieeBlIa Shorter of Bad___ _ Ie/. rielted at D- <»- Kborter^ BaV
Tto toot ^owi^r ■—tiBf of tUi nrday aad Beoday. Mra. HeCoyaod
.M.teato>.)^wUt%ebaU MlCawa- Mta Ella Bbortarare eielotaof 0. U.
bDof oOoot
Usite a aember of people eeme op
• «U1 betb* wiib tbe eaeoraloo from Ipdiaoa aod
to boDor of the o«c—Ion (SeK. Powell
I a dloiHT party fialordar which
enjoyed rerpmuefa bp all tbe old

Mm. WatMrutetergrnA-AanL-

oiue and
. Smith of CinriDDati Is visiting
Hr tliioki of buying* cottage
he-foresumr........... '■
Hiss Jmslr liibbsol Adrian is visit­
ing her graadmotber, Mrs. t
Trs—y. at lliv Fife Lake House.
Tbiiraton. wbo is running a camp
r R li. I'etri
I'eter* east of by—, ha* <
nixed three

tamed from the south part of the stale
Saturday, wbe— Ibex weal in sean-h
of work and failed to Bad iv
Mimiiras-e Cardner
r—k from Hillsdale oounly. whv— she
a* b—B upending the *ui
Mrs. T. (I l•olle.• is entertainiog her
stteii Veaey. her brother aod
ri*. Arlbu..................................................
rlbur Vesrv: her kieler, Mra.
imbley. ate Wm. ITi-. all o<
a. Ohio.
wife of Traverse
Mrs. Coiuslock
lady, dro— over Sstnrday
and u'lfe until Buoday afleri
Mr. aod Mra N. B. Adams
mazoo. former •—siUeuU here, have
shipped their goods he-, wbe- they
will take up tbeir resid<-o— agsia as
■OOD a* a bouse cau be secured. In tte
meautime they will stop with tbeir
daughter. Mrs E. C. Brower.
teooard Campbell, ae old aed re­
spected elU—e of Ibis township, was
buried be— vesterday.
He was
years, six months aed 17 days old.
was tbr f*iher of thirteen child—a,
whom nine a— livlag He had b—n
faiUng health all summer.
tbr— maolhs ago gang—oe began
hia left fool and elowly extended nt
it reached the body. '
The Sabbath school ron—etion
be— is weJl alteuxled, tte— be­
ing many delegalea preseat
schools of tte eouniy. Among them
E.O. Lted and EoT—
aty, I
-. and 11 Im Carpenter
of Willlamsbnrg. C H. Bate* of teles.
••-1. MeWetty of Grawn, Eev A A.
-ling of Monroe Cent-. Many otba— axp—(te to attend to-day's
School begins next Monday with
Prof. White. Him Jail* Wbltcombaad
Him Vinnie Anderaoo as teuebera Miss
AnderaoD baa had charge of tbe primarr department tor tte nut three
year* Hr. White baa been in ebaige
or tbs Roardman Kbool. and Hiss
Whitcomb has toucfat a*’
II givii
ing tb* b<
lacUon- Botbepetri

others wlio gathered
paraooagr to wrlcxme them.
A —rv
merry time
rnj.iyed by ai< pre—ni
and all w
tbemsolTi* ____
kueb a pleasant occasion.
Mrs- C. II
to Traverse
Mim Hattie Dame -tamed today
frunr-Traeciae City, wbr— sh.- has b—o

r- —--------

.. ......

trip tl
Mr. and Mrs AlWrt Unsrhe and fam­
ily of IssuisTHle. Ky.. who ba— been
in tbe pla— ocorlv all summer, tb*
guesuof Mr. and -Via. C. B. Kebi.
turnrd to Ibvirhnme ftluDxlay.
Tbe C. R topirfornrst.siiindsrevcning is. -Our gifufrom Gnxl
Oiir gifts
to Guil." Uxim
-v.i. I.«teer. Him.
Winoifred 'inU-hinaon.
The E I. topic for next Sandav
e-tiiogis.—Ills BIrtt and Lineage."
A party of seven c
bia Monday, uking i oner at tbe Wantte same da).
lo a— as fo:
Mrs B. S. Johns>. Campbell
. xJohni
Fred CII Swlnff-.
ring. Geo. Bwiog.
M. Swing, all of ('
irs of Port Al______ ____________,______
r Charlevoix a—ivrd Tbunniay and
e—Ihr gn—U of Mrs. Geo.'Iluttar*
nf light Tiiiust- point till Monday, when
they returned to Cbarleroix on tte
■learner llackley.
Mrs. B .1 Murgau and danghters
K—lyn anil Gra— of Tra—rae City ate
her guest. Mra W U. White oi (ticago, came Wednesday ol last week by
way of Leland and wv— at the Waukaulgbt. —turning
Bay Tliuraxla.v.
A parix of nine from this pli
o tte light bouse for a picnic
urday. among whom werft Mr*. Baisbnell. Mi~x Cora Hilliard. Mim
Ituaburll and Mra Young, who
•iagr. and S. I. Hiviar.
•• leilUe Rnsborll. Mte
.1 Miss irois llras.-tac went
They —iiimrcl in tbe even-

We. tte memtecs of tte reap—U—' Seldlera'ate Bailo**'Beaaiaa, Pate
Chrtotiaa Eadoarorsociclie* ol Maple key. Sept Htbate IHEoBoate OMCMtv, make Ore following rasalatioas:
ttlrd fa—.
lltfUrrO. That we leader nnr Ibaaks
Vtctoriaa Expeaitfam. T—telo, Am.
to the propleof Maple Clu tar eater- to. Sept n.osefa—.
laiaiag tt* delegatus ailuoding the
St—vl Fair. Cteiltoc. Sept Ift. M. |T..
Young People's Christian End—vor ooe fate
Laelaaaw cooni.. held
C. E 1'.. Kalkaaka. Bepi It. IA -tea
ty. Ang. :i-». Ik.'';
ate oou-tbird fa—.
KrwJrrd •That we Irnd—
. ...................
Uiaaks ' ..............................
. _
to Uii—-wbo
wbo took pan la tbe rhetorrhetor, s and t. to ate :i.
ical program st tbr
the rr—pUoa
re—pUoa gireo
given in
lioase S—kera' Bxearaioo Aoatt. OeL
■■onur of the dcirfales- SatutAay cv<
lug. Aug. :iutter Beptumb—
J. W. Brill,
ingbm. ............................
(Irate Rapid*. (%'KBgo, Oolav
'neod* C E
bus, iDdisuspolto. Detroit Baste.
<ira*d Ksplds mat* Fair Bapt Mb to
Coog'l C E
II. oar la— for route t^s
Agt a. E A i.
Wk|. srr i.iiBrM bj Ue liar nl nrltre. ke—*1I, .bro- Ss. Wa Idsrvl Ir all tSv rrvrv*y
' - - mparsiuis ralM (IKAlMrt

TRAVBIiat ettt KCTAU. MAMKAT.'s.s:';

#bte..r-o Ihoogb ol many i
ding, msx br cured by osing I ee iSv dsrikw pstwr ran te pnwt.'aad’ tee
ilcb Harrl
llwexlhia. I«sasi.i>-aiiwu — —luw-s-teteMeearia
ItrWiU'e Wilcb
saod' heals.
breU I'
sr-f ts. remls. wam



rieur. n LA Ce n—i
k—PImr. B L.aO* l

" ' Pr^ S' ll A S' nTt

rexu bt— etryr s—a a Utile rbild io
a paroxysm of whooping o>ugb. ,>r if
you ba— been aanoved byacuas’Aet
tickling In tte .-threat, yoo can approclsU the value of t>oe Mir-*e Coagh
l ure, which gi—a x|uiek ix


it '

Going to Klondike?
Better stay at borne and grt

r grocer.

Sold everj*-


Cleans Everything

Views ‘
From tlip piaxxa b nuB.r
are 0|>prgcintf4^}' tberoAan*
ti.' ami tUyAUb'ime pisopW


o( Travpite CHI', wbidi
aidxnl gH-ntljr by Ibe



emroruMe and niiy KatUa
C. F. Edwards
s a—ived
the Wankaroo I t Friday
from bay fever.
A party from the
yarfai I'ingr—
he yarhl.

Waukauio' Thursday.
:. Ilesp-s
Tbe Boys band —me c _
Sion from T—rse niy ou tbe &>lum.
his last Sunday and took dinorr at.tte
Beside* tbe band tte—
were many otter strangers who dined
T?e Stramera rdombia.
and Uackiee made exeunioos from
Tra—rae City. Elk Rapids aod Charle­
voix to Uiis pfta— Sunday for ttxe bene­
fit of those wbo desirexl to alteud camp
Mrs. Hill aod mother of SedaliB. Mo.,
who have been io Ibis plaee for several
wcelm, —tururd to llirir borne Sunday.
. Mrs. Hssliug* sod Mrs. (teo S'toop
and son RichanLof Chicago arrived last
lay aod a— tte gii,
Richard Kltobrn
. - of ibis pi
Kiu-beo will accompany tte par.. .3 Traverse City the last of the
week, where they will visit frieodi

Sometbisg to Snow.

It may be worth
that tt<- very best aiedicinr for r
___tired oat orrrous syi
Itty rigor is Blecine ICtb
.. liciar is pn—1y vegetable
ia 1
giving tone to tte nerve -b. gently sGmniatee tte Ll<
idneys. and aids these organs
throwing off imparities i
Electric bitters Improvra tte appetite,
aids digestion, ate is proooenced by
Mrs. L E 8a mot No^ille. f<
those who ha— tried it as tbe very beat
lur —sident <r this pla— f— many blond purifier and oer— tele- Try '
jreara, earn* last Wudaeteay night and Sold t'T &■« or per bottle tt B. _
Wail's sad J. O. Johnson's Drag BUro*.


MtoJalin Frankleof TravarwClIy
Bncklenls Ante SMr*.
tbefaacdt. kidnrya. liver, bladder aod

. . Boar ‘
tbe world for
Cau. Bruises. Borra. DI—ra. Salt
Ebeum. Fever Bona. Tetter.
uealding pain in paealng it. or bad fft society a-______ _
Bands. C^UUaii
effeeto foltowing ime of liqe
l>^y evening wa
ate was s social as i
rno parreqnirad. It » gam
ityof faalagcompelled to get up
tlm«dari^ the Bight to nrisMia. E E CbmpfaeU was la Travmae 3gl— tgrfeet snMafaette or
Otvtovsra] days Uat fva*k,tt*t««i
f-i od^w^^B^
of Mn. «. J. Bobb*.
It Ulates Use higbust f— it* woBdarfnl
W. a. Staete -iarrsad Hooday from
. dtotr^«
< Try yUlen’s Foot-Ete*.
Fox UUte. wbare ba baa bona working
you Bead a medieia*. yon abonld te—
tar tte pte maatt.
L—tHatnnuy wewarato
E Oivineof'Alme.,
tle^boUto^t baantt*.________________________________
ok* vary haad*
cm *>4**—■
^ b? bte^
»»l weak*. raUrted ________________________ - —a. Mia ns aad
hiu —ik
—Ik Jim tov-v-pnadot Ue
eeafl. Bbew— amdrlej aad bnUt^
Dr. FloodafBUtlHddB eame Bate
^ night ate
* otftfcoPsr-

Fnrnitare buugfat at SUtM'lt.
Their r<sil, aumroer furnitare fan* Wn a bavru of root fortbuM
who bav<> boogiit at

Slater’s Furniture Store

at $1.00
Corn and oats a close second,
with potatoes near the half
century mark, surely the fwmer has every reason for re­
joicing. The long looked for \
and qft^romised prosperity is
upon us. You will stUl pros­
per more by getting some of
our good wearing shoes.




t atoBALD SEPTEMBEB 8 1607


l9 4i|i|te>Uia«a«Wl



a AOntbMt

A Two ihbda tdjikiaa k evwi. Fear.





• mad cMianB. too, tet«

a A u. e. ». it. a tea*
eUteaealbartk;AA A IL

•ban dto- 4. ic’d'ilte'ior..ntarlM UqaU Wttb
tnrdlac bM iM Ibenteled aiBaae; I. 11. lA A It U, a Sbrpbnd'a purm.
Lilk. Thai wn> mwo$h '
-«. ^UNlbrH
t. Pmuntof M- A
A Team'a '
Mr bacoDt • awU «ar of iMtBcrlaa,


alaotodiieetUw atattinii aad Mapttov
"tm battor tbaa we aa doaow.
------ m. then ate alwafa plea^ eC
BBTeleni ia dto alt. faink. laa<aH aad
ctbtrllTiMCTteaHa wow whbA few
pacple tblkk of or llCltto^ m. for ta■taaoe. aaeda. Maa to a jmat Mtea
Tear bjr rear be pao io aumr aaeda
Weaeetba ratelto in tbc rudeat aad

BO tbaiwe
eUM c< aaeda traTeJIiinc^raoirfa
a^ Tatena iawinitv aadiprioff

it a afaip oomplrce io aan/ d
foot a thlp geuatallT goaa atnight oat
at the boUdrr'B baada an its diet voxagv. Tbto lavolt-n an anmnoaa and
varied amoant of tirimil work. Flm
there to tbe daaignlng. wbicb Involvea

Tbdbobeed tba the plva axaritont ad>
vtoe. Ibe >101100 nte tma iba hoA and
tre at (olhms; I. "A fsanwr." A A
wUd salmaL A *'Ae fWM." 4. -A
the Moekh." A -A knlpblcdlilpliardtrlB
OmtUrltalD.*' A "A <i4er Mwiwe Upbl

dewlr aad waliad for
Tbate an aeada nnr Of tba weU
Bowa to oar rcmw folk, wbicb bare
tbarwbat an cailM winsa or aoc
Ibiaa that anawen ibe aaioe porpo
fiOM (d tba artBfad a>«da beka«
The "tara" of tbu aafa and ir<toan tba indt. wltb trlta of dob-

------ idMMMM ----- ------------------------- •


■ A» pto— Mta.—

bM«M lx* l> M|*vr<MM
AlaM (n_>b. ihiMi « Ih. k

AfMHoAlMkas Mite) of II:
tea )M Btrind ta Cbieaiio aad viU
Mka tUfotirbarboMUitUterada.
aatSaa tt teiatod Ber sam to Panba
Blaefc aad tow balto origlaaUr tooD tba
tototetf Atta. tbaaodof abaAtootUa
tba UalBd ftatoa.

IThiU PaiM to Bate tba dlnet
adUta. C E. I
■r boM wttb tbaa
Aataa a •aara. who drat ai
bar PMta toUnd bomaand
ttvMeil bj tbawinaome mam. .
tateiolailiaaKirotlfaaefailA 8ba
aeaempated eq bar loap Joarber hr
tia r<«tol aiiam who bad tote. toM
bweeKpantona ta the Aeaato Laa mtotem arbonl amdaoted
dlir tba

■Mta. aa writtoa br U

tea. are; Btepatn 6------------------TMtbte. Itedoda Sadite. Annia Bate
Iteate Dorto Balnkin. Haariralltd
IhManiatbalraeeBB. Tba partr wm
to teaiia od Mka Hallor, eaieof tba
■tempi of tea atotem achool.
Ultia Fatea Atema ber raeial
tv tea teattesat teat tee to a *-fiaiaiaa
teola.’' ate Ibite who wentoeoart bar
. tworarfUbaeMfBlMttoRlerio b*
teaB'-AtoBA" Baifatberrto ~
ted waa ibr nne tlM a ttadt
tote kaapar aa on id tbe Alentian
Wteda. Mtaa reeeollr. beei'iei. be baa
Mtowte tee Mate baaaeen Hula <»
WibdteofbtotaBllr. Tbaaate«toet

er tela. Other fomt'
Ilka. Iloai of tbe pinca kodHtm. for
n. wbeo tbeir <onaa boral open.
OM tbeir aaeda. teadr to qned
ato«. aad cdka Ibry travel a food dtoL The bop baa tba ttnall dal aead
-.....bed to a acala, ao that tba wtad
av anppos it. bet Itaia plant hai tmlr
a few dowen that an fertile.'Tben, in
tbesraop of planta wbicb bouniaaeall
tba unballifcaa. faeoaow (Uie duwcr
toalki apread oot aoaewb^ lb nnibnlla.
have WDall winped aad%^efa m tba
-•MBB«ocoir panlar. '
Boata of aaeda which travel paat oa
or petbapi above na have not wlngi czaotij. bat a earina aaat-of frinpa.
whlofa to lipba elaaUe and rRatressOflBD it to above tba arid, aikt wIm
la ripe tbto triage eprna in ataottleeoA atria
- ' and tba fetiin plant tiarta
off tapldlr-or aalowlr. ai mar happen.
TbIilibM a
Id tbe pnat fanUr of
tba eompoatka. Theretbe pi
(d pappoa. Bora and pirla kne
of tbe dandelion,
o blow Off tbefaath€Rd aaeda train tba roond dower baada
t^tbat plant, tv of one <d tu kindred.
Oe bawkwaada.
Similar Ui
andalaoln '

granndaala, apaio. bare tbe Latin
sama of aeDodo, becaoaa their white
pappoa waa tboopfat to be like tbe faoair
bain of old age. Amoop tbe Uiiatla
ate fcnapwveda tbe britUr or ^ilnr
dower beads wbieb act at a defenae to
Olia plania tern atoo Io enovef tbe
•eeito rapldlr to distent platva. end nrw
oope epHlXt np, often of antprudnp extest It to a fact that a well fcooam
tttotla <d Earopc, the tote of which
traveled to Boolb Amerini,
•d iBBrnae plains tben, dooritei^ la tbe wanntb end mcfaliite od
teat regktf and alopplnp tbe growth i
natdal plaata Tbe prettr little dalsr ■
— --•dsbm aaeadwbieta ean trave
_ it itoolrraieedtntheairbr
Our rim or edge. Otber titea oro bcase
altPig br holla, wbicb are ratbot differ,
nt focdi aa tbe eotloo ptaaiaa. ttepa
and teeda Tbe fretfaptr plomm of
are ihowr in tommiT ate
rillowa, df white we bare
Utel. IPOdlK------------------------Tben are alto aatea white pavel. if
not rear far, owing to tba fsroa with
which tber are aent oot tram tbe ripe
bolt tv pod. Stndling over tbe flalda
OB a aonnr daj. we oftrs'
aton of pops (g onoklea, white are
eanaed far tbe bartting erf tbe form poto,
white tbu ante tba aaeda to aoM dietasee. Tatea and valcbca dlatribota
tbeb aaeda io tbe like faabletL Manr
eaeda travel br water. Tber drop tram
OoaaJnto brooki. dlicbn and rivnlela.
wbtob bear tbein to new piaeta. Nbu
Mka no barm frem a ioorner in Ibia
waj.ate tbe bard areda of beragoa.
tka. doeka ate otber plaolaai
float or awlm.

Abwv ven sod fa> artfoilr

ra :

m wotbwV •vnrite a ronai
aw haexrr. aad wo wuhods
Br ceSrSc

?r --

Jl rv. tv Oedi-

iBdigaaUoB ia often taken fur eon
mpUoB. “nie word comumpiioo
^Igu vrarilng awoy, ^ dyspcpllcs
~ r rcaaon oeoplr wute any k beeither tber don't get enough to
■r tber don't digeat wbat tfaej do
If tbe latter ia r<»r troable. take
Shaker Itigeallve Cordial. This will

parelkl tarMd~'a»tlng. aa abown to tba
flauiT. and ibce 11100 b>-.............. ,’flcte.
bind Iia urrewstripot rapnr or mrd.
Shaker U«eatlve Cordial is mat.,
eat pnfeotlr Mrelahl trum and to cod and from farrba. barks aad tbe Joiees of
(rolt by tbe well-keowe Shakers at
IfiMint Lebanoo. It pots eases great
Tbm tk- inuvBblr tar to pmtr aaatiy
aad digeaUw powers.
parpnidtcutor to tb.-tan <rf the gmUng,
Shaker Digreilve Cordial bu cored
lu •dgre wil) ei'lmr ettnlxht. bot ai jrcio MBv sBpnased eouomptlvaa (who
sinfvu m.ov-eiHl nmirc to <1. • laic Imm the vrere rvallv djspeptleal. bt timpiv
atnlgbl Unc. e> It Imkm Into lluie ahn
b^la^thvJf^ Stomaeba to digest their
1 his Is aaiwclallr stolkliiB when the tor
Bohn the Insnwt poallhin tbnwh to lbs
sod new slrengtlj.
rot, when U to br a|i|drln« a rotor to
Sold fay druggisto TrUI boulea |o
the Hlan irf llw tor that foo can nvlst Ua
U(itl<al lllualun otmI otlto^ jourtef
rulolr y.m do.................
oslipatioB. sick
. .. abd Iota t>f ap..................
tie bUrlrRtoeTofnrthrM-cnmplalDta;
rroBWQBld baeMieva cured. Thtj'
re bmII pilia but great rcgiilatora.

■ ^ *irs,iSi“.TiS,3x.


Tbanax menatrfihrnts
3Ut oelr a r.w ixato kavw.

A Bteaad -a aoiirr" and gv« “a bin

Apavderto he shsSrs Inlc iSs sh>x

sll ■•III SB.) atvx rest SBC



X Bur. X.V.


wtfa. Mrrve speak evil of aiv
W >oat brfcwr roB ue geneniaa. Ei^ __ ______________ _____________
aamlf inniaentlfrM woold ba bap- I apra tee Ihcr ate dtovatire omu it
Save w^ jM M roong. to







« ..xw-m tNxc-..->x


Cheap Homes

/To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men


rwsaei.l tefaef.

AbsolB.eeorx aiiaeaMce4.

L\ Mii’HKiAX,

farming Lands



^ DRS. H. S.&CO.
Lock Box 160.

6fud KliUdlA bdHu LB. Cnpu)


RaUeoad Compltsad 7hmu«l> Ooucr
Vf ixinks.


Suulb UDtII rOB

tarmers. , Vou ran no better with leas |
Bonev orarcr.liniDW
Ueds ricni'. dry aod gcnlir rolling \
rimbered maiol}- with Sugar Maple, j
Rock Him. Ilttownoil. Alb. Hoech j
Hemlock, etc., and arc well iwaterrd l>; :
ikiB. rivers aod bi^ks.
Slroog soils. One cruis., healthy rlileale, achnols and churches, inirilirrni
lUoa. maialr from-ltostcm Statos
hxiks, Mara, etc., addreu

l«nd OemmtaaloBer.


',r *hx L^,lil>rhe. pius, Ts


Do not go West o
amvliat Uiebiga

SatunUT. tha 11th Urufgaptomw. UBT.

d ExmzaloBtion Fr«e uid Siriot^




We have j ust received a new lot of



Retsof Rod Lump SaltjK*M
It is tbe best thing to salt stock with. Just «
/put a piece in the deld or mang«r and let |
teem lick it whenever they want to. This «i
way they can get enough but not too '
much salt We also have fine barrel salt i
coarse barrel sg-lt, fine table salt ground
rock salt in barrels or sacks, and special
made butter salt.




Corner Front and Gass Sts., traverse City.

dear at ewt vnlire tot of

Summer Lap Rflbes

aiillian aparka wars flyiegoatof tbr
rvaaf ilara you horrible siekoeea of
the atomacbf liurdock Blood Ritters
will care j;cu^____________

Our SS-00 Trunk U a Onat Barsaio. Look <
goods ortr.


!FXj”Z" ^ JU'X’S

Tbr Inteata«B4 ChiUnb.


Harvestinff OIotm and KlUsns as low ss S6 esnts.
HooM- Trade IVInoen ia our (ilore and Mittoa htm-b.


College of MinesL

la Fren AMM.

TraTsrss Oltj, ICletalcaa.

prewx-s. ausu.e svsiew.
s^s -toRloa Ix>exdesu.t9>:



I dlsrasr which If allowte to bairo
bold Bpoe tbe vk-tim vrOl rarrly
d him in a mwmaiBrr gvaee. It L
lard by luacUve kldnrrs. They fall
to alter im the blood tbr Impurities
and pniaoDs wbicb It tnWea op from the
food, and which aboold br thmwB out
of^theivsteB^^way o^ter nrin^

1 sa- IS*,

lac saw will issae S ewwr
(eswl tsIlS Is thaw ssC e

e ^ tow

avtees aU as rateU U tovaktoa. wteb


Hojtiel Whiting


. . . , ._ _ ■atetoaenpa-'

Thi CtlAbntsd SpMiblirtA

Oaa Oar Onlp Bach Ventb.

sail prsecats taxiaa (cat, lUlsu-es, cslloas
sad saVr sputa. AiW-D‘s Pool-Kssc Is s cefTsih
rare let svesIltK. Sm. xSlae tael. Al sll

. .. Itoisla:
Kook Rook
lUd Pinal Are

Tmvrtsr ('itt, Mini.

E -.S'lT;

roar mind. Alwaja tell tin- tnib.
wlthal^tami^ Atoka few BtOBlan. Lire np to roar
------------- ^ So^ roar
-■ own
tM.tte tetem plaite Farat
inr. Vben
aMid teawIteMwhta tea WH aa
k bin in tbe faee.
todteL liwaaatoi
telU wbaalft. «ea
alDawt of
above all tbioga
etoa. Tow cboraetar
tiatlr inAnred except t>r
rear own acta U
If ear
tar one
ono apeak evil
ev; <rf
ran. tat roar life be ao that acme
blm. Drink no kite
artte bn ran.weaU inrarlahlr b
oatiiw Uqson. tSver live (mtefirwne --7Sv,-”'=SAr5_£.'-------bte M have teired totan tbe Ua
1) witbln row tonmia Wbra
te tba ■tbteo Bn mrrnanian
Ire to brd. think over wbat rsa
tetok, bar faacafaa bteioad tea
have bam dedng daring tfao dar- Baba
ae faute to grt rich if rot woald pciapta. SbuU ate ftcadrgalu give etna.
paMK7 Witt a traaqall mind. Krver
plar at anr gaM erf cfaanor. Avtdd
te tear yem may not aad wiLbooA aU it robbad of bar umml
iflteltete Cbleafo
m BODCV befoae rm
Itea atiaadr h» a fraU in a dnim to apete It Kewr ran into d.-M ankaa f
bfoL TbtowtobwlU
roe ree a war to gft oat ogola. Bever
bailii^ rtdaa<


I, ^

wltb~ dnent^,
"Hie Utaek Prtom"-aao of Bdwarf bowel oomplaiBta broogbt ea br ebangr
UofCngUte _
oL water and diet. One deae of Dr.
Fowler's Bzb of Wild Sumwberrr wi
“TbTSto^ wouCi Cromwta.
bring relief.
“The Little <3otiwml"-Sapolw« I
“Tba Vanwabie"-Ueda. tbe btslartoB.
Ko man
"Tba Trianf-Dtoorslus.
“4}oamoftbaKaat"-Zraubla. •
aaSarlag fmm a torpid liver. DeWlu
“Tba QuMuD Moutbed-'-St. Chrraea Little Early Biaare, tbr plllt thi
eleaoia that orgaa. quickly. J. <
•Id I c<
<rf EsdanA
“Tha Uoci Ufanad"’■-BiteBid I Irf
Ladies Can Waar Shorn
* sue smsller slice sslua Alleu's PoexAsaa.
Sosdar to lie shsketi isu. Die sSocs
lose ha bad red balr.
Juetiablue saSrsUees fxl esaj; r>*es ke"Iha _l^i»OM“-lU„.da».h«
SI rellrl Io SacBs sa4 builluss
il’. (ks
ofHearr \T1L
Crrslcstrawtaei ai*oTerTat tbe see. Cares

tote «d tea teteooaatme of tl
•tebp^ tea aatea womea.

9Na teM tewini ■edatead.tear

the beew lacaosa it n
balks, new
goaa wtna taokeo. uever niu «w^
wb>-ii left alODs for a f.-w momrato ate
in manr otber-neiwcfs ia far mem-troev
able than a pooj. A very slight thing
mar stampede 1 herd of sh.vp and send
tbeynecottyiog oe.r tlx- |dainr in wiJdoBtdltmder. Tto-sodiiri, siarttrfapooj,
aacm-limcs ev<'0 tlx- ou.-tpecicd appearann- of ifa.- n)<ient.-.l IxvdiBDeU. is anQCli-hl loranae ah Bor< B)iooable tosh to­
ward tbonVBsi n-ahstwhlcb atn-tte ia
all .linciiiBiB.
Herder Gruliam has bad all irf tbaaa
exkimeur.«. Slid his maur w< aiy boon
In Ibe seddl. Iinulii.g op Its- stvogglen
tram a BUtuissle have bmught him to
aneeriato advaolagivof tis- whivl over
tbeborac. For kodc BDCsplaiind ivaacm
tbe atxv
seem 10
aruf ilartoiiB
ih.. >l...nw


mtl sSuca. Ir; Aliss'- PisH B>w. -4) ixA> ll.s
leelx.t Btlx sslklsa .WS}. .'STOBISllXr

baeu a kind of
A Babaad' tbafrall at the pine''and
have "tba baasofatlBomhcn."

tee Beair Oiv. white wal homed on
tea BMnn a nomber of jtan. aio>
tbe Bm Strpbra AIIcb. wbo bad
I niaror of Krw York. In bia pocketbote WM foond the following minted
tllpanwomastoabowlbatiia owm

tetea tettite Maeaa to a aooodlto erframm,
tern teaa AMO ram oM. UtoaUc. new (angled fcama erf vW, to
laaM. Ammteaglr. wbra br t^ a
nltecl in tbe alot marbina at a mwida
lari sammer bia ewioaitr vru
Ttan tetea tea Ctortodao «a tba rreoat
aiM ted b. dmnte ia a nltete
Lock wu ooming the chrgrmaB'a w«r
teatdar. ami.tobtointra>ebaRw. Ite
aim dgan mUad oM erf Ibe marhlw la
fvtecaae to tbr litniatkaia (rf im intster

iBcaacaof faoma. apralns. aeafals. or
ijof theotberaeddrolal pains like
r to r»mr to tbe fasman budv. II
Tbcniaa' Kdectric Oil glvea almuat li
atant rellri.J_____________SVlt

ipaatod br ber wrrant and.
mof wbana aad ch^dras
baand bcrbair as Wte
to ter Ibeibtrv and pbted
in aafrtr. Tba Bora! Baman
aoetofr rewaidtd tbe tnva girl a ailver
BtttolUmi ate a bttw medalUos to
bag arrraDl. wbe aared a man.



te brter oardlaat at a am tohn of
h« aaaradapCBbttitrte ber arwnrtetediBte Tba U^cto tea baaa or.
,4ted. ate tee Ste late to wbkb tea
AMB wUI opp)/
rod tea wteaL—

ratting and brodtag ate Hvning <rf tbe
vaat im ptataa reqolre a vcir aerarBle
knowhidga of ttbr blgbct dcvelofimeata
nf Ob blaekamitb-r art Then followa
tbe laniiebiog. a task io Itaelf H^alrii^
tbr atmoat proriaira. Tba teip then
paeam to the engliMvra and the .boil,
makm. In cate ewe the kixncicdgF
tfali part of teipfaoilding ia a trade in
UacU. Tbe vem.1 now paare luto tbe
banda of tb« iaiecf and oarpeotria.
and teip'i ydarry la far rlcrrter and
SDtdeakiUfsl than anrtbingreqaiiteoa
aboro. At laat, afar a dual cji-auiiig
and palDting, the veanl to readr t« pot
tOM Tbmo are aotoc Of ibtt more Obviow of tbe tradea with which a cddprtobt telpbnlldcr Dual ho familiar.
InetdcDtollr be most have a gn-al
knovrlivlgv of finaoee, for it ia no vasv
lak to regulate the pecooiatr effaln trf
large abipTBid. with J.OOO or A.OOO
vrorkmen and a wagfw bill of aboat
• 1.000.4X10 a rtor. Hit dealings Kith
fon-ige natiou render H adviaafale to
luv.- some knowlorigt- of the urerantiJe
Isn- o4 ucariv all lands and tb<- wide
raiiBc cf liii porrbaa-s inTolTes an acquciutarw. with
witb tlx- prictv and uatlvta

> . IX bd.. xxi,
maatenellmdan tonetedetenmn
eterpclia at ftOl Rnd to theecMod
Itoaater. ter roda bar berm tote



swtmwmmmtnmmmfMmimmmmtflmmmtnmmifi SS'S^'sea?:


in the place to go if jon want a firKt-cUssarticle
of Tea or Coffee. Onr stock is new and of
the liesl quality. Onr Teas range in price from
^5 to 50c per lb., and Coffee^ from 14 to 40c per
lb. Call for a sample of our ^oods
Eoods and compare
them with others and yon will be conrinc*d that
we ijivp better values than yon can get elsewhere.
Try onr Golci Medal Fkmr. It te becoming more
and more popular every week. You can’t make
a misake by giving it a triaL

*^baSrs and grocers





»-ho ota«wh^ bar
uneu years. Be mya r
*m aoddralT taken OL



TBe aata to watea 11 ata; o* 1
a* earted at tbe laraaaU; o( tbe
wucm:thepalnwulD my hack sod sUr.
Mr lack swrUnl np la arrest rWer. and

Iwmiii------------------------------- * *—

OMIbtaM troBtti •Ob. aen.
ttevkaUtUatofMallU* gaalBwa;
jwa (Hr*. Btoi*
^a), I—‘-f ia a UUla at a Um aad
.mmAw ItdovB at 70a caaloar to
■aka It *ai7 dca* aad am: at) tbe
MMfaawUac(aU.patoa nUartaad
wpa. mawiac tkm aa at tirbt at pof
alUa. PatUManadeaaalatoabollar.
W katua. af aoU waur. Iviaf Uaa
«a*aaa tbolrdata orataadlar tfcaa
•al^.brlwiltoabaUaadtoll ttaad' |l7larthrMboai*.talcaoataadlf I
Mry (tfhlaa Um eotan acala.
pat waiathlaf oa tlw tetbm of tl>e
kattla aad batarMa tkt caat. to keep
«M >n tram faeiBKoaekad: bar. ttraw
V Ufa. :
. .
an W7 (mb aad delkdeot wbea
apaaed ia tba wiatar, aad a* tbe It oae
a( tbaaotaMe boatewina ot.«iraod
ward aar be takaa at re-

Xmaeaa Boo tbe DUiy ed a Orand

Awnet M.-Hr trland. Mra. C•aadapt latbeartof piekle makinr
After mj latt paar-e enci^ ia
plaUea. I did think I aeenr w^make
atpmra. Bat after all, Ibare ere not
raar^ptehlmlaft on tbe
and wbat me tbara, are rnl ratAad an tba poet tayt. -bopa eprinn
•Wmltathaknw btaaBt,”aowhen
s tbe teal (or nicklee

■waAwA la tbe
mwaat mka.tblrtr caaefoU (hi*
wri ■UU.I'dKkatetrpaomaofmr

Mta aat the eaa^ tail them and
lad tham ataad twaat^toar bona.
TbaadrytbamlB tbe tea.-aot t'
Amla. bat Ary them.
I—•—Tr*T------*• them with eia^
gar aad ^ lhamislaran In a Jar.
Bhvaatbw them with a layer of botne: taiM. mmdard aaed aad onion* far
aaeb layer of aaeambatm.
4aae««<Tlaacareaa oaaaeof rooii
pv.teUaa eaaeeof alUplee aad tbe
—aaf tamarin: whaaooot poartble
near tteabeemhara. tie aptlrhUy
Mt away. Tkle piefcU rakaltea eeeeml
Mtba ta matare IV bat It It dellddoi
Wbea bid. baepe admirably aad only
MtU b Beaded ae a lalieh.
•weat Blpa OHamhar 'Pleblee-Pare
Md aaad rlpaeaeamketa. BUee eaeb

Mr Met

Tbmj bare all keaa “tii

pretectioBof (oed (ra« t
altrapt a problem to warn waatber. if
oaebataolarefriprrator. Of tUt the
paper taa will be foead to be a w<
derfal ApUfier. dUp tbe plate
dith cootablar tbe food la to a fatf.
teM* tbe ead aader. aad all tbe pat^t wire eereeae la tbe world eeald aot
beam baffllaC to aa larialelUee if.
Bare come bow ia all elara. and map
be bad larre eaoorb to admit a (oodalted pUuer of meat.
Uerr tome one ma; atk. -Will not
tbe food be apt to eoar If Uoi eeeered
■n»e objection
natoeable oar. bat in an^r to it I
oaa oBlf tar that mj ai^riencc bat
not tbown ibU to be tbe ctM. Tbe
of which tbe bap U made U
______ _ and teeint to allow tbe beat to
eacape wltb aaaelent rapldllj
Bow ofteo tbe cream pll------- -----foaod to contain one or more intrualet

t ataadn epoo the bllbide. witfa the
tall elaas bendlny e'er it
lAvd. ami wbro Ihe pain «ss at hs w.ex
The homestead with the lllau by tbe I was like one crazy. Theducwtajivusl

DSWphlae to yire me reUef. but fqMlst
Aad the quint old-tuhloncd yardea. than that be said he wu pnwtvlms. sn-1
le bread aad eaka ernmbsu
yenlly sloplny down betam It
would do me nay yissl hui s»<ir
in fiy. seel, brown betty aod Chrlatmu
nc^it jasi as in the days of ycm.
'yim! nperatkm. I beUrve my Desh wu
llnm Bread dried and poeeded or
rolled Intn fine vrnmtas b
remember bow the anaahlne leil liimilly cooked la the atlempti In rrlk-v.
my senoy. ererythlnr was uinl. musiarphiiten. tuipenttae. M dotbs sisl si
and nbon'd ts^kri
sutblbiaga 1 wuinIhiscnsllii-'o rlr.T
__________ Uaho_. .. ...
cioudlrta uat up hr the doctor, and almM n-ii ->l mv
d bow th.
niodVltbsuffering. I cinum-tB.vl'skiklarye cap or Mwl. Tbe next mcralny
their quiekli tlreUny
y shadows’
Ikaa'sKktnryl'illa anl^MI} I !• H-s.trr
cut It la thin nlken. bey brosrn on both
la distant fields of
sidm aad serve wltb maple syrap—Sc-

Kolonly areinnifliea *l'l the paper hemmed or edyed with leceur eoibroidbar afford prulectioO. but arniant olb ery.
Another apron somewhat idmllar
arboneeboldpeeuaawell. When pet- lo sppeeraacr hu a full wabi aad
tlnc away rarmeste. fan. etc., lor tbr
tin. foil skirt yatberrd on to a belt
•nmmer. exemlne eaeb piece tbarenybir armbolen are finished with rnfllrs.
It to be tore tbatll eoolaloe no.............
and the neck msy be Uoi.hed «ii
Bm. or a bertha viit in squm
trimmed around the edye with lace.
(Boutb ecvurelr. or paetc It up. and
One of tbe handsomest styles for an
wriMos the onUide tbe name of tbr apron buafnil skirt with a deep hrm
article or arliclee eoatalned within. aroond the lower edye and ya there'
Yon mnr be mooebir
•>< dndinr a belt of the ume material that ithe eoetente eafa when taken ont.
in the Imek wltb broad ties.
Hecen. ooUoe aed ^len. ng ram. lellesoeer tbr shouldrn.pre srwrd to
patchwork, etc. ow be^coorenleoUr the belt lu the back. Tbl- brele-lles in
kept in taper l«ml BaA bap nboold the frupl ace J lined by s narrow piece
be labelled dUlIncUr wilta tbe name of of tlie material, the lower edyb belay
lu oonlenU. nnlem yoa Wahl to be oer- Joined to tbe belt
petoallr uDieloe knoU iin fralUem
.As In the nmterUls snilnble for
balwapalo npn-ns, riMS'bsrred tnuslin. swim and
tbe other ba(.
.m pretty, sod every Utile
haven few while aprons U>
bap. aBd'vnuipssi
hi-r best ilrenses.
Hut for
oord In eUreroom
scbonl and everr day
ponnibilily of yiayhsiTi- serpmfem're., .uue nroldlnynll
Ir belay emi led. and Ukiny np Icm not no easily lolled. /.
m than Id a bozon the c
am.eery demble. and may he obtained
.. limllarly U
l^e mnnl buutlfnl eolort .Yon think
tKf will fade? .VovU they are wuhed
which they ncijnlre when shat np In n

ids of

«MMgT08Bde)0f«s aadcN
4a* tUak. iiaea Ibam In flate Jare aad
pnarUm uaidtat Hnemr oterthem.
•nl Htbtaad tkey wlU kaep r»4a

aad I read tkam Mpt to bm.
■Maiidi awfaI«aDd.~abemld."bat
daaHyaaibiak they're Uado’fnmyr

tblakl'Ufat tbma deaea of tbeHpd
aaeamk a ■ aad dieida them mp tar Urn
Aiat iwa realpea; that will ctee taoarb
MratriaL aad they wnat eoarmneb. "
•ibwde yoa meaeare^aanemr eb
aaMaaad.. -Wbea I ns-Mn maene
Ma realpn. I deat md aay farUter."
"Ob. mam at U. fnaaraUy.
aaaea ef tptaa H aboata rood table
M^innfal. or ttetk atar aBencb for

tloT old* hmrls lore lo llqy<-r. after all
oar rears nf r.irlag.
dvluplund memory's pietni

bright and giorions bWin back the simple ina
We knew when, in nor ekildbood, ia
the di'st old bmm- at eren,
erceelved u-raayel wolherhyand-

liar shoe* lo tlir afternoon, when
the day's aeUviUes have made tbe fart
their largest. Shoes pnrehased lo the
morning are apt to W tigbV
To uve Shoes that bate been we
from ao uely grave, wipe Ibeni off and
wlih ml nr cream applied
thru rub w'iih
with a piece of flannel.
shoes oa via vs
>n kid boou. which will
•king, roll a atrip oI llanael
I-S wide aad a good yard long
and sew It Uyblly . Hip it
•r filled with a few drops of
olive oil snl
1 gooil black
iilaek ink. Hanbtbe
flan.shoe all over, and. taking s fresh
is dry. Uy
nel, rub the shoe until it is
painfol approach of
' purple and tbr dreaded white cracks

the boniawlfe who keepa storen
w uirouyh two wntem. dip
barb iorsinnble.
of berbe. tbe
1 lo lolled starch aad hno| '
.spended lioB
enliadc to irf.
Iron themumdlUonnl la wronyslde. Colored linen, hnlbtr. raltbe r^^ret taftere am timdlUopal
Mew Knrlaod. How very mneh neater ioD. all kinds of yloybnm end other
aed mom -ahln.bnpe.- an the aailoie wash yodds will retain their colon uaaar. to have them Ui bays, properly
>rn ont wbea washed la ihU way
labeled, aod ttans protected from daat
I lace and narrow colored tin
cry am pmtty tor triinmlny. and
^‘n^mds naturally to tbe aae of tbe arc not expenalre. or they may be made week with saddle snap lu-fore applying
polish, which can be made In mixing
entirely plain.—Acfrrfnl.
ooe ounce of nioriatic a<-ld. half an
ouBorot alum, half an ounce of gnm
neatly folded, the other takes cere of
Same Salads.
amUcand bsif an ounce of spirit of
■Melt, and yoer parcel U leenre
Tomato ulad- suld and peel 1
laeendrT loin nm-hslf pint of sour
We ell nhrlnk from bleekiny the three ripe A-sindtoeJ. lay them
ntove. eepecdylly those of ns who like water till very cold, then slice them. milk. Apply with a tlaouel and polish
to been oar hende in n m^iectablr con IVel and slice very ibia one or two wllb a pirve nf fresh flstiuel.—hkircfol.
ditlon for other nod mom dainty work. small rucamhers.
i’nt some frmb IclThings
Ought to Know. ^
Jut pot yoer band In • paper bay. tnee leaves In the ulad bowl with one
tbempnap the brash and polUb away. •mall, fieoly sliced spriny oaioo: add
That b> rubbing your Uirtaise-sbril
It may seem nwkwsid si first, bat it is the tomatoea aad cucumbers and nerve combs wbrni-ver they sre used with
beUrrUtaD yelUny^l orcr stove pol­ with n plain dmulay.
chamois they will retain their prietinr
ish. aad e lltUe pmctlee will make It
That carafes and
I jars may I
da of leu
If you Bed yonmelf with dishes to
fa baodfulkept bright by Uie 1
tear them In pleo
cm n In
sranh, bread to1 mix. or nnv

similar tuk
fine ashes mixed wii--------------...
tf do.
wbea clothed in
in yoor beatyowo. df ham in small sqi___
That hlankru shonid be washed .
to the neemaary npme an imloderatcly warm water In which a t<,
nnUI IlyhLjuld
prampUenir Tbrut tbe band-lBto e vlaeynr^ But an
.poontalo' ainmonlahas been potto
paper bay. and thronyh the boUum.
each gallon of water.
mak Iny w emsll s hole w pfudble. end add thta^tothetamTsi^ it ovw^he^m
That pianos abimid be tuned twice a
tic the top of the bay eroeod voor------ fora mlnuta till Ittbickr
yur. once when the fnrnaee fire is
It txdliay hot over tbe'b
with a strlny. And by the ws>, sp
started, aad again when it is dbcooumfullyaod
lay of atrinn. never throw them n
when epealey the yroeer'a paraels. nnThat ulIcloUi should be washed, flnt
fitnffed Beet Salad—lloll red faeeU of with warm water wilbonl soap, tfacn
lam^they are badly knotted, nor put
medium size natU welleookcd.asdm- withaklin milk. If iU hrigbtscu
Bat when yon have s box of Oold liosi move tbe skin while warm. Cot off tbe color are to be retained.
or Ivorlnr nicely emptird. Inch It se- end of the Wi, and with a sharp
St yoo an clear Uieclnaets of ants
ind-eod kaitr take ont the ceaten.
enmly no tbs kitchen vralL Into that
mpening a spoDge
pat the UU of stmy. and .van will maklny a thick cup of each tet
•b sugar. VYbea th
kao^ut where to find a piece wbea
of ants soak and repeal the proceu£rrh<nnyr.
chop it fine and mix with amayoonaise
Left Orersdresainy.
I'lnce the beet raps
A yood-alnad rout of beef will
tnceluvuand f
ic hot and oae eeld dinner, cold
pared celery, oupiey..................................
n beef mute with potato for with drentiny.
bprinkle a liule finely
Kiut. and then leave plcsly for chopped paimley over the drmsiny.
. . . beef
Bonp material. ~
‘ fat
Chbheye fialad-Kor the dm
triad ont and saved
for fryiey pnrp____
of H >ui
aad If anythlny ia thrown nway it wll
be only the beoca aod the meat after one of bnUer. place lo an eirsbeo howl
and set In n Main of bmliny water;
the uop b bnaed. aad even thin
then rah 'the whole loyelber nmOaibly
n fair hub.
Of itching, bemlng, blee-ling, scaly tita
with the hack of a silver spoon and add
_______ any of uiey cold rout-beef
and scalp busKin !• h.sUi.Uy relieeed
or .taayh beef steak. Is to cot it iatu a teacuptui of vincyar. Wbei
I9 w wsna bath wllb Cencrax Soar,
amall pieces._____
pieces, remuviny the fst. then to tore Is quite but. add an eyy, I
,a atngle applicaikm of Ccnccxa loluily buten. a trifle of saltaqd
boll it lo water to_____
tcupooefni of prepared mustard, bulnmtktfaegfiaiakla cnrs.andafalldma
oaecsiTDlsad eerrml
Inyaod nUrrinyall of the time till it
efCmcPBa BauLvxjcT.gruimtaf Used
sUem. one tablenpooc
bolls np smooth, and then set It away
rlu. s IbUe ^pper.
Wben the vcye>al>les nm tan tncool. Thlsdmulny will kmpa
der serve on sllcenof toast sod s.most nl days in nommer and ter a lony
Take one half the above
uvory beef stew Is thus prepared in winter.
qMlIty at drmlny. add lo It one

Cold rout Ispib. metlon sed veal^

, and a duh of blacu pepper,
is over chopped cabbaye. and
ga^h with p«ley Jeavra and cold
fa in sllrea.—InJrrii.l..


Bmixotm epsedlly. peRnaaotly. and
•nmemicnlly core, when all elm Uita 1.

imT MB “ss.ssjisr »
Eiunimaoii of iMchat.

I pH a bottie


yean^at Kyaalhab.aad It lataa ma
Tharp are many ways of cookiay eaU
yabotaioea. the bst sraywf whi* ere
-What do yon think b the Wwny
M pat ap ptaUm no they wUl
■ulloplay. servloy with
aadialS <ither eold ecr
u beets, etriny buu an(
be need to ssasoe noopn c.______ _ _
aaatatbaqalla mpai
eervrd on a bed of ictwee Uavm ua
aaeoM fmlk aad H yea hata aomo vayetable ulad with Praoek or mayoaiBfBihatWB aMadat thaUpm yea' a&e dreaaiay.
Odd baked beans, peu aad
idaratrma them tar Mt;
mke eamlleal noaps.
•lyteptaUea.A anpfnl of eold rtaa-aakas the tanaUlatyoatrytbeaeaawrad- daUeaof Hub heued
(or eroqaettes. yriddia c '

of the Mother shapes the
of unborn ecnerations—goes
sounding through al]
ages and enters the coniines oi
Eternity. With what care, Ihcrcrc, should the Expectant Mothbc guarded, and how great the
:ort be lo ward off danger and
make her life joyous and happy.


ness, re­
lieves the
■ Headache
r C t a m I) s,
\ and Nau­
sea, and so
fuily pre___
, pares the
system that CUUUrtk is made easy
and the time of recovery short­
ened—many say ''stronger aftthanheiore confinement.’’ It i;
•• Meibcf'* Prteal" say they w ill nev­
er be w-ithout it agam. No other
remedy robs confiocment of its pain


A4>^dad pwd

Cold flah la leu aaally mad than
ueatM machoaokiBy maku fish t«o
Ileaa be baahed with


40 TEAHfl tkfi STAKDA&D


ym asythlK elm m the pba ar |uelii that M
li “JMU gwd* aad-will smew eiwriiw
pom.- WBm thu yea get OAA-TOXIA.




uiism UP fOBTEEismi l1allBda-elort a m

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

Homhoeiiig anl General Repairing Done-

uoma eovTV.

aonhu II ah* bail IS en lamigb tbe uMoel


mailed fire npcm epplicatiuo. eataloju vat

Re Painting and" Upholstering.

I nCBUkSTon ce.. aKwna.«a- av au. eaueewTu


Suic St-, near Union.






ai rmi i'it


_. ___________________ [ SaapaMvaeem.
appirlswthaeamlk. Ubeahaiyatwamd. as
eaula at Dramha or br amil: aouplei lac. by maU.
SLY BkuTUKBB, M Wenm at.. Kew Vark Cut.

Your Horses.
From k.DAt« BDii fli<«.

Good Fits,
Good Goods.
Fair Prices,



a. w. ouimiOMjAjjj.^.

Wc offit

ciivcni. Till' i»ric<*« an* luw.-r tliRii

Ear Nets from ...................................16 to 76c
Qood, heavy! Hash Cottoi h-t . 8Boto$1.60 ICt. FlOAUllt,TOOWOMO, 8A||1Fine Hash-Shaft Not................. $100lo Z.60 D»w. BA7 City, Dotrel^ Hov.
Leather Nets frojh.................... . 1.00 lo 3.60 •IL Ann Arbor,'ToIo^ nnd
poltttA Bast and SenUb Cloaa
Eemembor the Barxain Single Harnw 7.0Q. neetlonfi at Oopemlali wItB



M. * H. B. By.
b«an Pma AC^ TetaAa.

•tii-l h;.«-c Ihciu laadc iritu llursihU- au-1



Herald Office.

N*:; ssj


nioet •■xivHciit Uuo uf fly ueU ami



TriTem Bijf Line of
Kmy daymu *-ae lake a ouuk btanaam rfdaa

''ifoaLhKBlA. 4.
tbu V**I.TH

___ JS::

If you have loijs lo stcll corrpsjCntl with the Traverse
City Lumber Comjjany.

IS^navc for sale good. Boniid

Hemlock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Floor­
ing. Short Maple Wood.

Lands for sale.


Mill Machinery

of all de.kcriplions. including 2 Engines. Set Works, Car­
riages. and Saws.

A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.





■•I......... jii j kvfVkTenaMr... I • i

Brosch's Meat Market

Choicest Meats, Poultrn and Game.

per SUV tor osr^d grsas. adt w Call balow «
psr ceeV Is ssr bosses.
Mrermai.tsrtrsl rrsOs, sot W tsU
n roe eau is ssr Uwsea



Chicago .« —
West Michigan

ygw YORK.

meals, sod there were hui tour Vuolee to be
~1—■-—« and ita emr war llaoho per bouJe. be
would hare thesi.'’ (isu.LirTus, Darton,Uam

wslr St Uc MstvB ss< ,

-d;,Sf\j5S*5.'r.HSrsi s

Trala* am., tram liana-auk Omad Bap

MOTHER’S FRIEND .vJ :gL^ PET£f?7-y,^

Cxectttcd frompjly
al the

Biyhat Konara-Worid'aFalr.
Gold llmtal. MldsiioUr Fair.

VacStntic tafnetareef


■ate of t:
____________with baeoo tar fisvarlay
Aar mre.truai half rare 10 itrcr jorOv a-lde
_____ _ children ..
mixed with celery and mnyoenslw
»c per aqaaia. rard IWlid
o ularv
eompelled .to yo to
Tbr L M rxTRIIH)1TKAB l>'WBtl
drusiay as salad, cnl into thin >
sleep Id the dark, lonely bad rooms,
CAkrrrCLXAXIKO er-U Kl'-.ugll !•>.
aad heated Ip tomato nance and
says a writer In an eutera paper. Cow­
loped. Tbebonuofareastaakesonp ardice and imaylaatloB appal* them
stockaantdtiiiiiHiiiii ■ U Iwatayoear
Gold chicken or tarkey
I emam sanoc. in pnto cUce. bubrd
•ap,rd take some apim tothedme•m u fire, or bnrylars. or beam. A
t ew. will be seM la iSr UrwagsBall
rse will often iBiensifv this appma salad, in a saelBr. in tlmbnles seal hrnsloB by uyiay. -It'a no wceder yon u Trsww cur. IS a
am u afraid o' alybla. yon are no
naaybty in tbe dnyUme.'' Tbe defrnselcaa. lyaomal child yru into bed
thtnaioy that eome one U lerkiny
dry antard an
Motheia sbrsid absolutolm
or to saaaoa an om^etta ornetambled forbid any Myhtaniny of .the ehildi^
in thin reapeeU and ue that their or*7breakfut dbhinmade
^l^dca ef Mar. ealy of eoai
osC rrscv as; ivs of IW she.
ham edtin small pleaea. n_____ ______
diilit MetaIDtait.aad yat ban
ofsicvUrs.eSrslrs. bolssr. or
'.Slol auslSsr* ISSXSI satnufuUj
taaimklaiii, TaageUtlaUUlebei'
. . 4tab at the poeen.


Apofecl Rrtnedy.ror(;onstipBlion. Sour SkuDfiCh.DiarrtMfi.
- nsjronviisiofts.rcwish^
-and Boss opSixeb

Pn'r mie by all ih-slrni. prin- .V> n-nu
Uslhvl by PisOiV MllUiirn C-i. Knffsl..
K. ayraufur Us-l'.S. l{.-mcm- '
e.2xw«'a and u-

Job Prin-ting



had. a psasayr nf urine, and I>ssscvl t>l-»l
and •onwynTrl' nnoa whitii ptrsilv
-n-lh'vnl me. I npidiv Impnirisl. I i.v-L
wur’’lulherqwvered Bible open in all di hnXi-s, ami f fcrltiidar Milln-li
wr-U. Mine has Iiera a wrodi-dul raw'"
While my swqet-faced mother lieUan. I livl tlial I cnnonl mv anvlhhir s)r--tn;
-lumgh hr Ihan's lvtd■H^' I’l'IU Mi
U she lays away her kBlUlny.
And rocks the old red cradle by her cwal wisli !• tbst Iber mar Is-onnx- w 1;
ii-iwo. TlM-y will I'lriive a huon i>i in-in

Aprou (or Behool Oirli.
Kotblny makea n school yiri look
.mi aod pretty u a dainty npre
Amony the vnrions styles that am popelar there b oune that affords n belter
prutaclion for tbcdreu.tbap tbcaacine
apron. It bu astralyht frootaod back,
shaped with nboelder aad side arama.
and Is easily and quickie nadr. A laryo Three brown-eyed Utile chUdren. wltb
tangled gulden treusra.
bit dlmater: tbe tame w'lb a cep collar baprsUy Boish In-the neck,
When evenlnypmyer In simple word*
rbicb bat been set ewaf witba "little and the sleeves are nsos ly t ill bishup
a wbieh the fllmtlwert shape, fiabbed with nut wriscbaads.
delirbllB maklnraion ofe"
Tbe freefalj ptriiehed lamp
eeenie U> t>« a tarorile rount
routt for Oien
theerlyrul the
whkb U mocS handler ihne
ir materinl are ST'
rwed I. happy veam of childiraod. with
Ibiniyau so tree and Inrioy.
Ui tbe side newms and aresaynt'
And sweet eed gailriru days eo fnll
for tbie porpote.
w In the back. Tlierafflea ma

.............. .....

etaatapdae; tbee tiei^ Ina



I ^d.^V


S\>wl lA OeMOTi.

Fresh, SiH and Smoked Maati, Stusacn Etc.,
THE uar OF EvnrrTMno



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