Grand Traverse Herald, October 28, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, October 28, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


^Srsmti ®ra*wr«ie UiralJi,
raxvEBSS csrr, aBAMS travzssb couKTr, joohioaii. ooroaBB m lee?.





8CKPLUB *».«»


^th an kto akill.


Mdlelaa and
akataTa^dcpaBd Urplr m
Uwdrafriat- Ba «aa adrUc aa
ta bod aad drlab aad



AttoTScr* at Law.

BTtEriness Cards.


Vow io the time to buy e cbeep Ibrm, on t
Oood looktloB. Bee Set below.

So'm-Maerea-a w
« Seek SC t SS » w. AlllaiprOTad; So bh.IdlncK rood aoil; ebaapat tiooo. )j oaab balance on tj»eat T per r—
J40-«oieraa.-w if
u of
nt ne
r, » i^eoek
u aewk l^lMor
I:; I M n r H
M w. Abo
»«. __U^tada^^
woat of klncaley.
■oreo; na— .....................................
UOO H caab. balance on time
la I » 10: about eo aena I
So. lU—80 nera^a S Vortfa of dnDBlU Citf: food aoU:
kjraalaiutaaUM doctor ordara bnild Inca not ewyfxud. « mile noi
Ik Tba IntreJicsU are of Uie
k aeck so t » n w. All limber a
beat qaallv aod arc cwtsUaed in
-UIcnLwbe. B'lll acll fortooo. .
tAepropn-iraj'. We ate careful Maple. Baeeb nnd Bnmlook. '• - •
at rrrrrj atep- It la now tbe
tlBO of year wban a hot water
tartabelpfoltoaalekoue. We
wUlny a two <ioan aiie at
nty-fire centa.


o. P. Carver



^\rmS & ^OLE,

tod House Heaters.


Real Estate
hcoisns!7 xo roA.^.




VAUi AB mxAca.
XAinU. OKAtBB. Toas.
j l^eil
maiEBs. VERXU^sa. ek.
lUla. PoBpa. Pipea. Etc.
laa CABS S T.

■• ijwrn



Fire Insum 1


------------------------------------------------- --

«»a.PT. CAFtFul


fofanaan HJocIt.
rc/epbooe 71.

Dr. J. A. Snyder, YOUfiAViJ
in doubt lead trumps.’


A-gg'.^a.-'aia; •

*■ Tb(«.wltM]atUM(aiaffletb8
BBiBTo** 8w<w—*1 "fifi to saaU«. daiTMa aoBBUy doetor M vkpdcled to go
-rkwever ealMd-rala or abloa. beat
oraoiABlffbtor da;; aoBaUsea. par.
Voteb tba BUk n at oaeo. hapa, Waarely. bat otlea aa quickly aa
Nocm." Aadoff Ibotdpptd. vltb tba poaalMe. TbroBffh
Tbrowk all UU hU hone wbaM vIbatM
llUla osatara oddlad elaaa lo ber aad!_______ ___ _ --tolaat encnpaakiai Tbea-ValBbai
aad aban u«oiber Um Jor* aad tbe lag bbbaadaal
But it IBM a vartlabla ymuff UrrcB. _____________________
‘the road, It b out airaoffe. tbe niaa aod Bl____ _____________________
vbo. tas Bloawa latar. eoefraotad tba IberBfora.
altaebBtcBi of a to> bring blB faoA loM ika nmL wiNa.
aaUBlahad Celt aad (book ber aoUl bar 'Bora tbaa oediaaiy iBtPMity ofuo to By aatowiabBeat, J fleiBd tbM tbe
teetb obatlarad aod the Bilk aplaahed aprUffk B> betwooB tbaat, duriaff
B 00 tbateida. wbltAM^M*^
rrr oe ber aproa.
whiefa the Baa setea tbe alBoat baaae
It rrmak
"Bllaaed Molbcr! w-wtohaUrar la tbe qaaltliea of tbo hone.
•thrr. HlB Bcaale?- ataBaerad poar
While quite a boy I ki
Ota. •'
.>eh buBor aod IsUllIt
' MattareBOSFh- yo<> Blaerable fflrir ffare Be a biffb oplBlna of bvaea
his bead.
AdA tolu Uw air oU tragedy qaeao.
the younff lady waved ber band ujtocrd
led sw t
the iBfaat Bo« walllBff loaUJr <b tbe Boat of klB to. bumaa
bainffv aod I
bed. La»ktbarv; U that oar Margvty a here
..Iked to them aad Mmlesrly baad? Xo. Art tboae Maixvry'* ed tbea acuonUoffly. Ball, a fine aat
Id eoae to hk
ui *BlS

biff bloa eyee;
Xo. U Ihb ear Mar- mal beloBfflnff U> my UBcle. who lived
A bb bend aad aqoa
fferyalalir Soiltlaa't.
U'a—lu-a OB a larB adj lieiBff oara, wat a aoiTvl
bone ol ffood aue and capeclal'j Sac
WrAen aaeb evldeaeea ot tbe Iheaffbt'
bead, with br»ry Lech aod bli...ddet»
laiaUlHe bad doae a food dval dl Uns work
a' lUbich -tte Iriab ffirl. boo aa bya. Is bb Urar. tMt wae bow too ..Id for fftace. are aevs Is hiiirwia, tba Uaa of
teriral aa UIb Beaala. croaaed heraetf SaylhlBff Lot nuasoioal liffbt brrvice; dcoiaruaUi
aod felt 00 her kbeea. luaUerlBr "Tbe eo fie-otuali.v
•■oenali.v had t_
the raoffc of a pa*- ___ huBae reaiciB becoBee aliaaat oV
adeG beve Barry, for Ifa bewitched tare Is fit>ot
fit>at of Ihr bou-to
bou-e that reto-bed liirrated. Fraak baddaeMad that ta
we are. irery one of aa. ABdoh.whal- upu-> Ue yard feoce. TB... —^
taraiag to the right U..............
tbe left rala
- s to be paUed to get bUa back lato
Idwwlll tbeBiaauaaayta (Bd (beep U tba aamr paelure
DallwvBoled for bb cunoii ff rtr‘h' road, and that tbee I abeold dk•ver the rein to be BBfaaMaad. Ba
. ever Ulcki, tut* a(_ opeolBC ffaln e®*'
■rtaialy bad reaaoaed. aad reaenari
(Bddoon.jw.UBff d <wB .I.*nBDd the —
aaldJack----------- —
like, bol BO oae HUperU-l biiB of pltr- iQtrteate, too.—loulA'i CaatptwWs.
peand lathe datUli
Uff pi^llcal
00 Ib^bbnp whro
-poBiled tbe faa la ber baa

-wr. F,T=rATas33C^, ^

Grand Traverse Herald Tour

You are playing the trump card when you select our store as
the place to buy drugs and the many items which go to make
up your wants from the drugstore.
S ou-who are fruit growers will want Sulphate of Copper
this spring. We^e in position to make a bid for supplies
in spraying material.


l)o ^otj

TUrj Jaaora EBMr taai la I
Ottt la. brrakrr. wUt
Unto talrr rrctofwt
Bn Mor Itolrwar
Taro' bM»nii« ap

yaer tr >(> alnp la a aaddra Saak,

Pinr a>roar> aad aMj tv a> arr aitr.
. ll Ur, Iltc ,B IW ttolllM Ud*.
<laav] Uia iBre lb. autul unto:

Uiito tb»i r».a ol vva!
Bui uat tbnr vat
Taru' bUadlar apra;. atriRprrrbM
-l> wlia brt. Uda. as.
au tomarv:-

“ wi:?, voB blnaed boy.' «- wrOBff aide of the fcBcv. It wbv bv hie
------------(ponded tbe llule wonteo.oen BOn all BoUc»r.od erld (Bilee aod dlmpln.
Yon bavo beoa a abeop WBbbo found t
real frieod
aojo. when H4II lb uE*!.l Uji
»ov la. lae. an- ot; lasd a< to
bin. be alyly plrkrd op a abevp by
wi.ol with ba le. «h and dropped if
Wkal’.a .israno a (sltaal rr
»to> taw lor Ulr. asd V ba «t
r tbe fence Tbrii, ffaing away
IocIIo^Um td pat
dly OB tbe ■OBC dbtacev. he aokuwuly wailed.
pat UbmU ffi
to evideBtly wawbiaff fUuto >bv) rvek.ol a<
----------------------that they.
young Ban withdrew
-------drwo for tbe eveninff, when be waa to
t Ibe »l.*ep wa» diteorered he
eil tbe poaiUoD of boat iB plaea of tbe
gare a asot« aod brffaB te fuB aad
Hrar tlto atlppcT . kn-r. aad «ar.
atwent lord and maatcr
beeb with
will delight.
' -CpvliaAvt.lsd..aadUnkva
Hot he bad anrwiy dlrested blBialf kick up tab bttb
SoiBvUoirb: be would aleal article*
ail 1-prta.r:hb coat and araaaUII •matliaff with
-.v.a- r.n /..J^
collar batloo. whea hU ebanber docw ,Bad bide Ibrs.-rvideolly Just Fh- tbe
fuB of tbc tblbff,
maal, aacb b* b uv
Two Peramliolal
aad wood, waa left
near tl
• Ok.
Jack. Jack: You are n»y
Biir <»e ra; upon by affair,
that heoouM rra.-h il- »Vb*a br >upAnd la a BlefD eolce. u.
of bopeamid EffypUaO
Ec^Pt^o darkaeaa;'
' .that
at 00
BO one aa« tala be t'l -k the
-Jack ViotoB. latbbapraeUeal )okc ,____.
iitUe Mra. livnlej . precipitated
Woere Baal up wllb bi> Ivctb. can
beadloDC upoo trr bruUier'a
tbe farther aide of ibc Add. nful'j
bU ll
l brbiDd
brbiD - tbe atump
rurr stiff abd iminaculale »airl-boiwa».
tbea watched tba revolt. Thktime
-It ww so good of .voQ to ejB* early,
JmI.'. -.... t» .1™ I. ...pU bad bean eeeaoarr.ring the maBlairi
for Berer wm» wonao acaror ibc rerffe
Ibe Ben oadeagrrat ado. pretend
of oerroua p«»lraUoa.
Vj>u kgow tbc

-Yea. alr; lkob> a B
Wliiat Cluli »cru here U.-uirbt aod
fenoe oomrraand bebia.l noBiv
ibaiCbarlic Baa brea anddoely called ling Iiule thing that
Hallwa* ruBBing. auortlng and kick­
out of lowo OB impjrtanl baainca , OB before teobl iBcte
ing np bk beeli arilb anbosaded dely boy.-i
Then ttala morelBff ihwook bad a flare ;
llgbf Wbeoerer they nppruaobed the
I thing U.iwtat aga»oaodaaereaii
up wilb Bulb, tkr aarar naM.aod
ed to attract their attenUon
I Henley aank limply on the loonge.
FrcBcb loatr. Silrcrmao A Co
..-„Uerler pnihl.
1 Jack tell half dietractord -Hat. U
.f*llrOto arod Ibe 'fan—auch a be .uta' Jack fell half
have been engaged la the
pa'.olcd Id or.;faidi—wbich lorderc
•r a delutloD praeUee ot ts'diciae ay boraea barv
a Aral prii-. the baby baajust ■
bad no opportuolty to perforin inck*
aod talike tbeae. but mtay time* I beer .sea
ol^atelligeoce and bumor
cold, bolaleruua
BO leu
•aylor at
todneeD Bptoia
day »y boree Jobs
grippe at
poai in ■

Bopuw. toanue -


si;5 i S.""."™”' zy'XTr

re or object
town. Tberv w
p cold, raw
of aay kind v
Johq s i'— -'------------Bd, w> I eoeeredcore
krl. nod on lop of Hhk Ihrrw a boff.lo
roba. tucking ll well nndr - tbe bar
iMt tbe wind abould bAw it »dl
in my care with tbe btankri aod
robe. I forgot to fi
poaL After I bed


(be paotowant of breath, au Jae'
late wai.--Ky Jorc:"
Uc aucccMed 10 Iiuki
If Ifke
thelic, boweeer, tbsl it «---------------- -

I. dear, don't get K
onvlocvd you nr* arr

you. Jack.

^S*u' AUMt yiarrtPfcp.1^-^


i^noW thi^?
aiAK.MIU*rbt>ra(mare to aew h
WlatM drasjia*.

.Knueh iherv I* '

IfftTIGy to IdOan

Doctor’s Prayer,

.U the cold storage. If Farmers at
a distance wish to load at other ••'.Vi “'".f.'S.:
points and make up carloads I will
buy at ajiy station. Write me what
you have to offer.
r ir—V, ~
ibU laat rvnant Hut b* it wae be Mid:
"All right: trot tbe kid ouir and tald
it with a .mile.
. too. Xor would
baeeyoppoto-a ,b*in a v,.-_li« oo ib^r

Car^ Cleaning Works

)nt tnaay tmtify that macli of tbe
ODK aoffmBK of n chronic form is
ItiMItl V Jaatl Mti-ly cored at
die Elm* BuMtoriom. oomerlGth
tnd UilioD StA,'Travenw City,
dich. And more, it you have
Pil«« nr any R« tal IrouUle. KidrrcyoraadeivU Eogloecr ocy. Bladder, or F«. male Weakness.
foo trill make »u mistake
luU DV.^LXB. Telephone liCl
.)fBre in Sanatorium. ConsultaiOD nxiina in Mt-Naman's atote.

■a am (aOr

The South Side Greenhouse.






lu heigbth'land weight, the
short the Ull, the thin the fat,
we fit them ali. Every one can
depend on getting a perfect
fiL‘ The largest line of neW
Fall Styles in the city. Prices'
^ 'right and satisfaction goafan



ft. S. CiOOK,
' /
TkAraacOiTT. Uks.




n g

I . ' .sio W. lOcrulh Bk


Traverse City, Mich



k purr tea.
deticcr tba
I of the dlT

I teed. Give us a call.


X? p

The Leading Merehant TaUor,

!!! I «
J- S H Vi’

U1&? S


aad about dtlevs alln wida. to parbape tbe OBly oae la ali that artrvBa
iMrtherB r^oa whleh dots aot frwas
overdurtBgthewiBter. NoeoBBBal- .
cation baa born dkeoverad belwuen it
and the aea. ^rerlbalaBa. at hl^ wa­
ter opoo tbd eaa>te of tba north an
ocean, tbe li^al of tbe lake rlan.-had
It falU against low Ud*.
TbI* >4 cop^y with tba an doaa not
exieodtoibqpuintof Bakiag lialatolh
a aalt lake, cto tbc ontrary. iw mtan
are good to drink.
But another of Ito
pecuTiaritie* I to that Ita tampuntan
nwalo wIbi

t la really t_______
bathe In it { latbaotbar band, inthu
aniBiurr Ub^ tbs water to extraanly


It In tbn ^

afaBDdanee ol flab la tbe laka to BO gnat
ilm^B^^e^enn nlBMt Mich IbnB

tim aritb a Uub.

Hera tor tba Blanra

coat of living. eafoelaUy d»^ (he
bouVa ^ncnn.gatanoagb flab to
poly blBMcif for a Bonth. aod Of tbe

**i rill nol be aetontoblM it aasa
flor day we tony ae*. anon the ikirii
of Ikke Salaf ita. one ai Ibone CaaUeaable bolcto. kbirh niv tbegUry Bf Abrricu walcteplna«.-8tLo«((R*-.

Jobo aad the barn m.kiag good time
bomeward. already beyond reach of my
I'relty *»0. bnwreer. John
An old S<Me fu-Bdr, who Ua«B o«
the BalUmofc
BalUo^ and Ob
milaaontof iowD. bad
drad- 'yaitla In diameter, iiwii tbr to luce a va^bUoolt_____
ite mtoaT^
am wth BfBlrle. and cam* bark W th.- Tbe anletal
>al HoBped ontef a
poat agBlo, wbrrv hr ebook bk head
tbd railway, asd wi
h-iw b.i
often and pranced about to .h-iw
yaiexpreini '
hattocffi . SB amtonbln
la a boiBe uoaid *ay art'Iemeat n penatbl
aritb the nU '



-Thla !• a koock-down aorprieel



sandry qaluical. girliah glance* cai
Id Wibey lasgtaed in
*t>« •» ‘‘“x
*° ‘***y '•'***’*•
bit dlreclioB.
"And blvto my^uT:
aympatby. while anddcDly
wbBt If i abunld meet In-rV' bi. a
***“ “
*“ •
roTerUBg. a. it had done eery o CO ol *>'*’■'
3 a falror.rnjsipi.c/M d. i*.tf>i|


_________ a they parted on.........................
their bosn being In different citlca.


0.^..^. -i. Wby. 1 ara. only playing a practical
to abow bow carclma you wv
to tie my baiter. CH euaiav
lid not haro left you out be..

leaB. (or-ian't ll fnnmling a lo*t baby ” ^
Why. M am
m I.
l." Then.
ly. roae-llBed
uider the dainty.
a. If we bad
(Bopie.. "hi. •
SappoBC we
j.l>o« f

"WOTder if i


e,,, p»i.»c. pr.„,
pink aod whiiecaeopied pefambo'aUir.
iDwblcb. under a «ifl white fur


Margarj the pmtUeat lllUe flower of n


Boat raBeBbnr,- eeatlsnad
tbr claiB agtnt "that yonr oott wan •'
r oh oqr prpperly wkta tba
- bowrver.
U wb eu
... Wp
and arc'd Ilka aoniTnBgu a e»HliBWt
wllb you on I friendly hnato.*
' •■Veil." alfolvanld tba fliradn. *'AP
h (topper. Mureoeer. be bad aa la- Ul you. As te aony dai fool nnft
■nd ob iLe rallnmd Iraek. bat Ay
llgcat look. Bsd I liked bla - 1>9b
poor Ba& Ay akal gira you twa.
.airy I loand that bl* flr.1 runaway
waa not Bscb to bia dlaovdit -A toUarr
drankeB driver bad forced biD to croto.
Falileue raDs.
a rickety culvert aod allowed blai to
ran tbe wbvela off tbe pUoka el
cad and opaet the bngry. at wbk
becama frigbtoaed and ran away,
tertbk be waa eaally frightened by
I ^Ip^aSr^eolU^Sa*' war for*
any^BBOsaal ookc and eonfuakn) be. It Wad Ibe s^ at tba Olid that

aa Ictolligeeee, bot fur a
ibink Frank wBaesperior to an? m
10 I to

I at once began tbe training of By
And what do yoB Ulnk of new hone by toying to cmvioce him
of two tbioga: V int that I waa hla
friend and wuuld'Oot foraakr b.tnQO
any aoeoent; aeoord. that < waa fully
- to care fur and protect him
jester. ^
[ aucceeded Bay be guraaed
' yuo that I drove bimaly day for (even yenn aad
hM anionway SomelUne* be
I be atartVd. tmiagenUe word
flrra, ataady rein, wonld alw
ire blat as that po tooobl*
Hk cxpcrlenec had laaght
'bieh Vim Beaate aremed
bim to be vary cnaUuos aboot cel.
itaad. for abc
aecned to be tbc
Yea. Baby: toll Barold-a i
.. r
repair be wonld atop, mi
the bap- OBl of
t, for it WB
asOBBt of oonxlsg or puaBlog eonld
laee him to paaa urcr ll until t Bsd
---. carefully
cnrefull. exi
gw oat and
«n. after 1 bad told bia that all *
right no matter bow nckety the e
"Xow. Bertha. I ibiBk Ideaer
aolaUQU." pleaded the roasg man vert vraa. he would quietly pn*. ovw
came Into By p.
-.en Maeiw Harold--------------- ----------aioo be bad tbe habit of.frrqueoUy
• frrqu.
throwing bk bead op. and. m^oia^^-

Tbk^aeaa t^toa tbs anerlaaaaaC


146 Front Street.

w iai aU ar«nre ar



For Potato Forks,
Hooks and Scoops,
/ .Com Knives,
Powder, Shot and Shell s

Tbe rich placen af KloadUia an aM
the only enricaity of tba (onatcy travtrwd By tbe Yukon.
Hot far (raa
ItaarMa then la lb Atsaka a raally
.alraordiBary lake wkieh wtt Maad
Salawlk by lie dkcoveror, Err. P, loaL


and. with—with------

.'PaSem aaf laag Safferine.'

tbroogb tbe

"A. If a mother oonld be rnktakeo la

Potatoes and Apples
■ p"~'.



216 Front 8t.


traverw City.



ed tbc Celtic


tbr propelliry tura-uut.


Moat impwaing it waa too.
gav.y dreaaad wiadowa aad
deep. Uled reaUbule
Tbla. likewiar.



l got to tote toe Kin inronge an

rte^t^WtUg Uey WB_____

gS.T.OK'.T.rsi'.iSS. rock to> rock la tbe Alps, and fait
absolBiely n. vpaln. 1“----------------- ------- ^
atrti e. -Aa I
tbroagb tbc iBtad. aad able fflviB ir*y
bydaflgbU^ Magas tot druaBlCBC

not to fall ^bbula. amlly fbi«»
self froB tbe top at« eUC. te «aM
e of tboae who bddfaBM—d
escnpnd allva may to. _________________ _
todo vritb te prnetloa and batlof—
IktraU Frur Ites.


tVbncver tbk bnppeaed f wonld atop
Take tweedy pennda of CMBBen aU
blB. get ent of tbe buggy aad replaee
It He aoDO learned to (top wb*
be would like to atop and be pel
bBlrht bava
ra preeenicu
preeenicu t
IProeara qaart hnSTS
ee^by Bakytbebndk fft Ww.
tbla glsB, auch aa an ardlaarily aaad
rreU to Be that, with U
*dg«] bk Mater, aa (be overwbelard
hydnggtoval aad U1 with.Ibto, aoakcbBckled lack, aa bv locswxt
...led 01*
cbwgc : beroffapringartUieBraeoea.
I Bight soon tench hla t
St tigStlyland aaaUag to ptoaaM
ic raatof Ue waiting infanl
ay. I won't be flee
>t Icnving ebUdraa
aa of ^opa. I toef.
>uBd aali
right here In the rcawbuil. aa I'm guin'/^ ‘

Is g

a. Jjdt (prang npw^ tbrw

tbabWUe fthiratoi .

One day. aa I was drivtng al

.. te
telBra gsiueten Bain, tte state


wtoan be at last entorgBl. U le orebid
te buttoned up la tato brena
pieMoat tbe peraabulaur ‘a^u'te


ad nU nroand
ad and
nod ovor M
b. hot ooaU
wraag. BO I said, with BIBO
-• I op. Frankr Bet be
stood etui, aad
"Why. Sovu. arhntnange you
haar crtnl a trash yonag voice, aa n deeerter. "SeBu of <mr gunarnls euan- ap aad down.
looked agaia. aad
aHgbt. MMy haired
do^ tbe
nagntoypUae a^ onto ------------- ayl
to te krtdU. bol oaw Botbr *•
lac Tmmg. I now. wiiboni labi^ np
___ IB^tB, ------------------------ ------te Uny nwnp—t In bar nv. "Ton...................................................................................
nftw n bard day's wnrto U I enn tnd te rate, task tewb^troB ito no ’




ali ^oBewmrd-

- Is. ’
127 Front St

Trave^ City, Uiob Si'S SSTSSf^S JS:

goedannaafgr aaetar----------

tba^fwffftenar twenty iiwiM
. . inteateWto

i«Mn) TRATEBaa Ha^*di nmjWntp ga. igap.
Hwaiaad. Itat tta <



' i4«llr. II
olUm tmn
BMratafr «* tka i

B^!£si;r=sii?=i ■^-:=i;


•Mkaef Hf. Hovea
M «
1^. Wlfhi
Walhar aad BHab
■an with tta
aad Udattrial
Sta-Haak a ■. flatardap
ta inaaldartta
ttaiiuaudi I

«ITr*»tiM a<y c Mtftidty, Ort luk. ----- ••-'


■r. »««rB.


rf0h:aU mmUn
MMt tat Kr. rmrtaM.
€««Mlo>tf Mr. MawMtta taw«

^^IH a
Wlpbutaa. HatetaU.
taary, • libel e. Bleeh—9
Haps-Hnara Hoarea. Tkplar. BanJau Wiunu,
UMB, Darpaa, HwaiaaMa. OanwOmmiUae oa OakM aad Aaeaaata.
HendbpMr. Halbw tbM tban
aaaatp teraapapla« taaafataaaaOoa. SnrwB. Bbrpard-9.
Tta (tawHiao aa Pieaaaa. Ha.
tart baUanaplad aad adapiad
oa irhieb. Hr. mack
MMOtaaf Hr. Waltar &a«BW
lo pap rtaa
«a laid aa tta table.
Mr. PtaterbU
bUl. Mo. 99.
Oaweilaaad Mr.^Blata beard adTbapcHeaad aapa bblar
■■rapd totawnrew avalM et94B
Oraad TVocarw Co
oMaek ter aawwIM work.
I'avTunak;—Yoer OaBBittea aa aa te* BBaadBaat tee com did pr*
r. B BBoax.
Yaac—9ip*relaan Taylor. MaBl'toa.
B. A. ItBwtnr.
BarU. Halkar. Brewa. naekar.' Dar. napalpOcik.
f Flaarwr, Wapa aad Hran
row. Parry. Blaek. Haraar-ld
TcraoAT. Obt 19. *fr. 9:10
Pate4iber. HenBaardaaUad taerdarkp etairmi iktittta am wat apporUaaad ta Iba
eaaatp bp ibe Aaditor UaaaiaU ria
Ball aallad; all aaBbrn praaaat
- • '••.tJb, •
HlaaM of pratndap'a preaxdlat
TbrqneeUen'raearrinf aatta eriyl
aal BoUoa tbr report ae aseaded wa*
Alao that tbe a.
aerpted aad adT>p'<d
aawee otib
Oo aiotioa ot Hr Walker tta^eij
a Jr la Ibe •
taiU aoaalp taUdlan
trataarrr xraa entbnrix d to ■the a
Tta eavant an nppotlte aaeb lowc
BP rary lean I foecawary ta defrat
ataalup real aatate.
ebip aao coy in m eolsBa beedrt
Ob BoWoa of Hr Hlltata
■Bty aspeeeaa aatll ea'lanloe o>
•Mete T»t~ be lernd aa a elate us
tra at tbraa waa appAatod ta laranaTbr anoant eet opp»itr eaeb toi.
.pau aad uaarMU tta maae wbp tba eblp Bed cut in lt>r colaoe taedrf
■•Ctaalp Ita- be leTted tea .
caataeanlepaadar iba}«
I aat ttareae tel
- TbratDOBet*etapp«iteneb
Hr HobrorntdtBoUonte adjo
(tip >D itieoolaan faredid "TawBeblj
TbaehairMBarpdaUd th.-fulluar
Tes ‘ br irpled aa a toweeblptai.
' '
Tbraoiuontiet. ppe lrea?!. Iowa
•p; U^ra Blaak. WMkar aad HareHuT-d bp Ur Black that tta Board
alp lu terc-Jamn iiawded ••lowaehl
oad Tax" be >er
.rried ae a toweebi <d Sn*erei*on ia aeeordaaea with Sec
U of tbr Mraaral Tax-Law ioeuart ter
»d tex.
The BBonet ntw..
eoaatp treieorrrae faraa peaeible la
»b>p in Ita eolniao beaded • dpeeia aolllp bp Irtteroroitareltenll drllnwerk.
Baad Tax- ta lrr:ed aea apeeial run
IiMe'doahp b.
quenl tex papera not later tban tbr 1*1
MraUr* aalled to order bp eaatrBao
Tba aBoaoleet'ipo'wlir each towa of Jannary ful|pwier tta mum of anBoll belli all ateoibrra preaeak
ablp lb tee i >10010 hnded "ilrldv paid texcB Tbr moi‘ua pr< re'Ird.
Oa aoUoa of Hr Hlaok tea rrpart ol fas 'be ler.ed a* * orlilKi ux
Ur rrrrp ■o».-d te rrc >B*idrr tbr
Tta 8io..tfa< *ei opa eile'cet
tta OaonaUlea oa EqaalUeliun wae
rote tebro apoa Ur. I’nlclpber'a
•bip ia tee culumu bredrd
aboped bp a pea aad pay eela ae fol­ rax-br leTiol a.acnbaol lax
loliOD rrlatlny to to* toe aad reeordri'c
Tta aiu.miilerluppiwlle eeeb Inwa euurt and the yeaa aad aa r briar
Pnlepbcr. -Taylor. cMplBlIir coloun beaded l"Nox«ooi e*ll,d far. tbe motion prerailed ,a>
Walker. Bwalaa’eo. Browa. Thaakrr. Weed Tas"ba l.riedaxa B-idion
aaMHbWM HrHw aaaadtbapaa-'




r. b.bk>w«,
Beardaallad la atdnbp tta <

BeUmDadiallBanban ptwaai
OanaUae af Mr. Tbaebar beard ad.
jaaraadealU IMaHlaab teraesaitlaa work.
r. B FKnn.
B. d. JiBwroB.
Ml*atia«« tta UM aMilBff rata
Depaip Clark,
OMtf titaMfir. 0 V.XJljrtat rtaBATUkDtT.
'91. 9:10 a. I
MtJtai ^ bb M»Ml rtporl
BaaldaalMta erderbp abalraiaa.
OaaotMiaef Hr Hwo*. tiaMaiW*
. ni^— rafanta ta OpataiiU
Hiaataa al paotardapb proeat
Y tteMa. Wv« >ta Mtwa

0«aetl««( Hr. Bladr.bawd
Mr. Tbaekar pranatad tta IHIewlaB
»ra««ta I:« pt «. ier aa>ia
raporW of tta OotaBultaa aa Piaaaet,
Wapaaad Maaaa:
to Iht HuwebU Doa-d qf Wtparttain
MawdaatM toerdar bj a«l
■ptfrmul Pbntv'tr Cotiaw;
Unruuika-Yoar aesmltlaa
Ml«*IM;*UpraMt tat Hr. Par•rbwB waa ralarrod tta report af ita
akaintanaad aawalarpof tba Ooaagr
«BMtlaa a(Hr.
«tdla-i' Ballaf Omatalaa aaboilt tta
)sanad W Wataaadar Molat a
Ha ban azaBiaad aald p
Mipaiedtbe aaiaa wltb tta
i tta Oeaatp Tras*irr-a affloe «
an foaed it aomet aad wa rae<
tkat tba rapert be aaeapiad i
Daratp Oarb.
wltb ita
Ita proeaad.
adapiad and pnaiad- wlib
WaaauauT. Oat la.**). I
Ian at Ita bgard.
Ha farttar raao»B-ed ttal tta »«pBallaall:Hr Parbait ataaat
pnlloB of aald d.alnaae aad w«reUip
MlaataaafpaaMrda/’a aaaUDgraad rip Itat tta aamaam raol be approartatadfor tbrlran aariaftta »bId« Darr.w, Parry. WiltalB, ftlaek. dbrp
Ob WPUaa af Hr Wl(bt«a tb. paar ta ttap bad tba pa»t year, ta wit.
9990 ba aoaapud aad^aakS ataoaat br
Napa—Haaar* Uoarar. BaBiltae,
alaatlaa a( ■etoal Sualaar ata ta|d
BaeU. WiabtBbb. Oarpen MatebeU.
al Paar «aa aaada a apaaial ardar f«r
ttarada« aaraiaff at 9 abl^
Hii.u»WiuBi»A« taad 'Hiapa.
Hr lUaak ptearated aed read the
a P. Ctatar. Bapt af Peer, fraiaav
Mluwlex rrpori .of Ck»mli
Pbihe UuiuifOlM fbunlri/ Su/itmi
Ooeet. Uruat.da aad BuHdlact:
0f (frond TriiitTwe rrani'p;
OaaaUaaafHr. PaWpbar tbara
i-Oir Ilim-iml'lf Oirinl o/ SHfrrrUurr
OskTUiMKa -Year ruwmlUM aa fi^ waa leterad ta OaaaBittaa
BBaao, wapa aad to wbo
t.’ Uniwf Tmrrrac (.'tjuiili/:
Oaaalf Peer.
ndamd tba CntatT Trcfnrrrb i
Vonr CoBDUteeOB Oanotp CJroaade
Mr. Bbapatd aCataa tha Mlaelar ra^^aatwiit tbr fnllowlap:
.eSBnlidlBKe r. aomaead ttal a Jatein rianlai
aaid rrpirt aad
W placed U tea Court rooa be-'i tba bookt aad
■Bparal ibraaBo
lorr Ita beat tera of euurt. wbsib eea
IMaad, itm* tta dIattaatiM ba_____
_ ita * , Tnatufar'a df•arata
taaaaaita aaMVaad taraaaip pa« ... aad lianfotioditrorracifxorpt to aedoac aiacoal of 9*o a peer We
are tboroaabip laprrMOd with tta
oaeiBBUbte tba Traaaarar failad to
e.ornUp fur brl>er aowMBiaudatliW*
OaMHaaHHr. Maaraa tba
eraditblatalfwhbllo. paid bp hinoo
far ibenoaotp oflerr*. sod parUeularwaa laM aa tba labia UU1 abtaah p aa ardar draws oa tba Baldirn' BalW Ip fur tee eouiilp reoMa whicb we
read Aad wawoaldraamaiurad Itat
eooeider a. be la a nrp eaapernui pialtba rrpart be aearp’ad and adapted and
OaMUeaf Hr Itaatar tba beard
lOD at preH l Tta dnlrucUon of
with tbr proTlao itat ba ba autborlrad
hereeo'dtbp fire wamd ba a'Iota to
•IJeanwd ta idoa'alaak p. • ter aoo uieharpa ap ta aald ralUf fund aaid
olbeeueotp pmlrr uan tta ouatof
omtaioe aaa ba priewd with iba pro
«mrt hpoie. aed miieb uf tta raatirr
aaadlapa of tta board.
Idaoblaab p ».
Ml d an be
The time baa
iCo» oa II
Baaed «Da< la ardar bp abatraaa.
' (Be iCbro bolter i-r.itecllaa fur tbr
P a Beau.
V oaaaa. Hapi
neorde le (mperatirrlt droaoded
BaU Mlladi Hr Parkati aba«V
Hiijjt HioiiniAB laad Haana
OBMllaa af Mr. Patalpbar deba
Qb Botloa of Hr. I’aleipbar tba f etejM be lakab lowaid tec rracUna of a
WIItatawMBielcaad latba plaaaoe pent wara aaeapiad aad adiqxrd.
opart bauee tail *ea*aa aad tbal the
iiiwB'iiiii n‘i raaaat bp tba abOBBOlleBorHr Wllta'm board look ■ailar i-f lookiaynp anltebla plaar
•ad aaoh lafunDatloa rwtafdlof —
aaaaaaf Hr. Parkati.
iWeataBBttl l:tD p m for aontnltUe
Id probable eoai hoeobmi
Ob MHea af Hr. Hatetau beard ad- work.
imitter. aakl
Jiaraidde (49 a’alaak taaarrav i
UMo'alaek p m.
TtMUT.OM l>.*M. •a'Moch*
Bcw««alMl» «rtartf Ctalraaa

laBa^! an
Mr. Partalk


r u“


i S?«fc*Wapi

Beard palled la ardar bp ebalrau
BaU nllrd: aU nesbrn pnarat.
Oa BoUea of Hr Tbaekar board ad-

B. d. Baarrei.
Drpatp Oarb.
loaraad lolJOb-elaak Hoadap faraac
TBiaanar. Oat. U. *97. tiM a ta. ■luwwerk.
MaaUapaallad la ardar bptaalimaa
P E Baowa.
« BaUaaUtaiallMBibwaBrtaaat..
H. A. Bawraa.
. Cbairmaa
Ob watlea at Hr. Hi|^laaB tta
Orpolp Clark.
taaid paMadadta alaat Oe iapt of
Jlom.iT.Oat It. HI. I;t0p m.
Board nliad ta ardar bl taalmaa.
OiHiwii ippatBlad Hr. Blata asd
BaU ealltd; alLnamtan praaaat.
Hr. taapard tallaiB.
MlBBlea of Batardapk proeaadlai
ItaraasUedtto ballattaam
road aad apprond.
ft B. Biaaa ra>Hrad >9 aelaaaad
Brport tf Eqaaliaatloe Ooaalllar
waopioaealrd b/Ur Walker at tel

Oa aaUaB at Mr. Thaebar tta baa>d
pruaidld taalaat Babeel Bsantaar
Ob MloB a( Hr. Btapard twatallata
laaaa appalatrd.
Tta'naahafiba bailaiabairadthat
ft T. OrawB raeatrad ir

B it

J9Maa.aaattartH>- ft T.OrawBaraa daHwad ab
OaMlaaof Hr. WUbatalba
tm at plaalar a lalaptaM la Oaart
tdaai waa raterrad ta Oa«.luaa aa
Oa watlaa af Hf WUbala board leak
faaaa aaUl 1 eblata p a. tar mmH-

BaMdaaDad ta ardar bp atai
Tba raaolatlaa af Hr. Caapa>d la


BBd tarratalf pear, tta qaaatiea
aattaadaptlaaaf lta9aaa.tto raae
iBttadId aat ptanU bp apaa aad aap

Just a
Little Pail.



io otr UtOHMiid baa a chaBoa to beeotBo creat We are
j^bewwgtat ^B^D^pricea tbat
buld ap oho




ie>>e«.Vrt^ tea warolw it anheadad.

tatlea ae a nic H Bach amnr





Boat niedBate type, RkeoBatina caa
be cared oolp bp a ml blood moedr.
No' liaimcBU ar oiatBenU caa paeaibW
reach the dieoaxc.
SwUf. Bpe^
(S.6.S.) le tbe oaly curd for ftbeoBa.
turn. brcaneeitlxltaool.T Mood tuBNdp
that gate down lotberer*' lioltomof nil
owilnate tiioo<l trouble*, *od cnmcnaM
Whkb Mbet reaedie* casoot reach.

l>er hl.J.

N.'w prices rvepj- wnA.

U will j*y v.»s to watrb tliia apace.

226 Fpoat Street,
1 doorwo9tof8telnbepfa.

frawepfe dty. Mldh.



The IBOUDI let r-ppeeltr each
hip Id tbr c dumu headed “
Tax • be lerird a* a *br»ep tex
■•nrjea. kwaiiuloei Oroab. Oairow.
Alaoifaat tta taperticur of Craa
tevaafaip be au'l. r x-d to lery Ite )e* I'rrrp, Bheperd. Herorr-Il.
Nai*-8oprrTleor« foleipbr^ Malebarop.rllue of lhrSi:h,i,i Tax in in
triet Ko 9 ' w|ii> tv.x'o
rtt rb*rb.r. Wilhrlm. Bla-k i.
eoBotp Wbraojat led aod app>rUua-'
<>n mnllun of Mr Helk.r tbr moUoi;
Aleotbel the .up itU .r <1 Parad-ae wa* I»M on thr tehir bp a je* and n'aj
Opt. a E nurbesi. the popular tmllrwathlp br ante, r x-d te lery tu ) i*l r.teaaf .1l6w*;
»o*4 uianof CMumbi*, K.C.,»»y»:
,eopnrtlva»l tta hrba>l Tax In Hi*
Y.a* -Hnpririeoia'pb.r Tajlnr.
-At 6ml iwidvery litUeaitcntloBto .
trlei No Ifta^Hnal with Cmaw.iod'
HamllioP. Wa'ker. Wlrhiman. nnr>f»' tta little pain*, but they becaita to ^
•i. Tb»ek
i attarkr 1 bt
I would •u-rll to manr'll
*ire.*ud KireBclbe
• re* Ip
•'I aaam
lp to doubt
that Kbeamar
' ' “ua could
lid ta cured,
cured, when I U Madriaed
Od b<4'ob of Hr T< *ek.T the
try 8. S, S. Tbit
Tbi* tuDrilp aemed to
brreoftbr boai^^and. f’rrk wrrr af | get right at the
ean*c of the diaeaae. aad
cumplcielp. I bellrre
cute lor Rbetp
...................... ......... ao man of tea
IfBaw for
for eight
eight yeatw”.
Tbe Bcrcurial aad poteab cemadioa.
which tbe dortoiu.alwape preterite far

>a la tbr joinla and , I
whlrbaddaomuchto t

At first tight;;',SIS’

t Vl'c xrr 1 .IJ h. »r» ri. l-i Ibt iJuvnU C

H. BdRN t GO., ^ ^

Ws.t- r SOrrtrs hi'C Wd anfi.iliyttl CuMuoi’*
- - ta pkm In Mltfrixl.^
■BORN-aoU ulUroat^
i..!..rj2 tha




.li- IHiKFm

RbemnalKB breanae it l*ab*o1ateIpliaa '
from uotaib, tnen-nry or oltar Binccalt.
ItlatbeoBlp blooa mnedy gnarulecd



eaiarad lioo.
H. W. lliJr
iCoa. OB Coeaip
J A. PeUsT
[ liroBDde arE 3. TiTwi I \
OBBinloB ofHr Tb)1w Uic a
wat adopted aad tta cba}r appo aUd
the followlar eoBBiitea
llteeh, Peirp aad Taplor.
Hr Btapard. Cbairmaa oa Oobbtj
Poor, praeeetrd tta tellowlac:



>•/Orand Tronrtt < ounlii: ■
' VuerOommitteeca OooBtp Peer,
wbomwac mferrrd'lta report* uf Uir
OooDtp tiopt of Poor, iroald ttafaecfulte report aa follow*;
He b»n esatnlaed Urn report aad
ed teal tta rspraee ol oarlap fur Uu
All of which U ccaprclfuMy »c
7b lit acnaraUr Bonid i.f Sop maar*
poor baabecD redaeed derlac ihrpaei
a/ Oriiad Tromr oaiKp:
:two prar* and we brlwn that te<
W. IL TiiAt’kca.
Year eoalalttea oa Cqaallrallap tar- worthy jM>te Wbo are’alwarei
tViuu* tVimnuui. '.CuaBlt
bare notaara aaplecCrd. We
J. U. Ui-rix.
MU of ttamcral ^^nahlpa aa>
mead that tee report of tta Sept, al
tta Clip af Tranm Clip at a ooil
Ob BOtloa of Hr. 8b< ptrT tta
nld Cbaetp, raaprotellp report i
of tele board.
)t*aaeepud and adopt, d' .
tta naa ba rqealind aafcdlowa:
B H Baaraaii
; On iDoUoa ot Mr. biiTyi board ad3 U. HiaxKu
joaraed.ta 1 olsloek »ba^ '
E HisaTok V
v'clnek p
fte Betiee el Hr. PaMpher tea aamV
oraa aaspted aad adapiad.
Oa Botere of Hr. Walker tta board
kdjoe.aed ta 9;W o'eloek toaorro
te . anbnlucd
locaiac for eoBBlUawwork.
teroDgh Hr. Honree:
P. E Banal.'
E A. NkWTiik,
e IfiuW.nti.h fl-»i
Uro*d Trui-vreel
Orpatp Oerk.
Hai>sni>ii HukViaa. l:M a'elaeb.
X 4>iBterdealj^ta t-rdar bp ebalraai
Irralion teBoll oallfall taeaban praaaat
- ,..........................-...terp la'iilHlaates «f peaUrdap'a praeaedlai
a* follow*;
load and apprond.


' ^.............

Tbeaa wbo idi iu Ant
tna^laxt year, euy be rnre
rare teat with
tee firet eeaeoa of cold or di>
weather, tta slid pula
a aererc oar. asd I
!iBlea*c snlil tbe

iteCbbosa Irate.



Gloves and Mittensj


!t <M ‘
••:••• I' "'1 PolaoD.' Canerr, Bexem*. or any altar
......... ;!
blood dlaeaae, M nuitrr bow ofaxtioate.
BeabtBtilrdfm. Addrcattee8wUl

lo'tbMHgabdaiDyttiick iaoom;
Iht^ Huortmanc nnr

both In loHpriow. #

The InrgMt and beat Une or Bl jtk«u and Bobaa lo
tha city now
lOw open,
open. Plicae risrbt, qoality the beat,HH-f
■ortmant thalATEeat
- •
Seamy$2. $2.60 Had $3 TFoak. ]
Tbe Tery beat for;tba money.

WII.LIAH A rBXNril.C.un,*l

TFHYa -aa Oltjr, MtohlgHn.-

I ise hoBt Stnot,

r igsnni GOOD RESOgi ?«nauYhMi



Wool Underwear^ Oversmwts


yvpDi Unkrwc^ Overskirts

fi piirpr


Hipa-Baara. PaUpbar, Baalltaa.
Tbpta. Baall. 'Haltar. Darpaa, Hatatatt. Bnnra.Ttaetar. Oarraw. Hlphtaaa, tarrp, Blaab; Haraar.
Taaa tear! aapa teertaaa.
' Tta rapoH at tta Batdiera’ lalUl
Otaatalaa waa pr»>aawd aad read bp
tr M foUaae:
ar Oraite jyaawar OvwMB. Jftai
^taa^^ar. tta


Mr Black. Cbalraaa of BpaeialOoB';
m>tt*«. prrtealrid tee fe11airiB«;
7b Chr fluauruUe Dwinl >./ fhit«rTbort
uffini«if nirrrn t*Nnitfv.'
d t>. »T.u>,.
itlee aad.
aarrrteiBtl all
--------------------------------------- ter jartalla loe
ofihr Baarder:* ooarl art triad ibei*
nd: uattb.nlaatofferran of opa
o br^wroD the Proerebilnt Alloraep
faclrp to an le tta Bitter.
Owlnp to bli refaeal aaepeaaea that
properly e»Br wlUila tea Jar adietloa
of tea Kaeorder * OMrt aad wbleb
Mild ta tri.d therewlteoateoat to ter
piop'e are tebea to tta JatUee ooarl
wtara ttap Wcoatr aa rxpam to tee
YuareaBBUtM bellen ita
i.dp I* la-yrij
JB>^ij It
In tta baada af tta
« Atiem
■ Ptjun

tta1talarteta7^’air..V. .« n ii

3. L HilisKB ji”'
OaBnloeofMr Black ibe repnn
.otion of Hr. HatetaU tta
waa raaalnd aad aada a apaelal order
waa adopted
' a taaarTow noraiar at 9 o'eloek.
AHtatrealtatMtl) ttaUtalta
bp Ur. Pakiptav
Hr.Wllbalm oSarta Ita tellewtac.
haitan tat|tl ndiatribatad aaei
teaaUac ot tta board isat
Annerd. That the Coaaittew oe
tpril tea
^taSat aadaat aaeaadad ap
9*^ BalHIy
Oak tat, '9T. balat
aaataaarp laeldeotala pertalalac tatbe
That It ■ tec
el tta
eaaatp balldianor Uaoffiriale, wbleb
ihattta JatUoreof
lore of tea
^^-..taHacaataadOat ,
aadar tta Jariedtetlaa of tta tew or
■lad eoti
. .
..leaaea aalm
.UaalblBC werathaa adUarrta
eunp'alaaete flret ain aaliable
Aaolrai. Tkte^tta taatp Clerk U * w aoata. malam aaeb talU ai
aanpaar. tatwaw
batwawe_______________ aatborltad to draw ordera oe O
r lb* Prnareaiit g Altoraar.
Ita iBiHar of tta iMt aateaBl ter tta rtaaearar la ortUeaiaat of all bl____
Wunasi* lo deSeaee of.tea ra-aBBBbw taaraiwahad fartta lut afaonvaaiird aad eenlAcdto bp all
*aai aide lo tta ebon no ' '
■fbari of Ita Canal tea oa taaly
any oaaae hen brrn brbn«l
OroBadtaad BalWl^a
fraaltupabee hae baea nate apna
3 d.M0BC<«tia.
OBBoUaaat Hr Btaperd to adept
B^ed .
UafltaMMar^*'^ Satdtaa-Ba- ItaaaM Ike Botloe dU an praraU b; aaa<l
-------------- pA» naf Ibe_____
baked to pap tec bilk wbleb
ftaaMtteaat Hr. Palalpbar ttara- a pea aad Bay rata at te Iowa:'
Darpaa, HU
- *drod.
partwaaiatemdialtaOMBMiaa e«



_ I'n*. .■'•‘“'•V;


( J„h* H.'UuuaU, llutiMIBX

K*Uw»Mli "lS.U


■ iiSiF'-:::

• bkarr Hi». , pr Xlln ..
i IM«
*1 W A rarirbrr. ar*;. Ver
lMW.»r..Nr.M J*e«rtte-

HlfklMa..................................... ....................
Brwwa. Tkataar. Oanww. Parry, Blaek
r. B-Baova.
Haraar ~U
B id hewraa.
Hr. Palalptar afT'ead tta
ltaB9T.OakU.t<ae a'Hataa. ■.
twib. YWi after jtetoBliwJaa
Hdaalladta ardarbp ahairwaa.
a teOad bP alarhi aU ■■■twa aMBf


,*4b> ta u.r«u..Da..»fnou«».,.«r
IMU; ru-ht Hr to-i.1 r>->.i-‘*n ffternut UUllr.'BnnC'urraiiaiL t Irw oat. 1 «uxhletuUtTPU.ll aud ir.c v*llu rrsi;.*.',

Is .it

Ii't.T K*v«.. IMiulre'
i; C T <lrao.*>-*ikAr.*<rr|ter
w X a«,o. u..i» o.*u.« —

Tactory &qutnBend — Ina

<* 'IZ" a*:.—a-u "l'.t . - .
I« Sr^SuiaaiiuM


Va .

n-aPdi* Jurj
VtcuArruI Ju-mCertell
aeO .Ira* • lU
II J X.IM* lln-rt tee M*>,
K u
....... ..
. .. ... t«
.. c If ai*<.««»».iuiiix <»■«*»
aadripm w*«*>aar
a «l
W C-U*r.Mlpl.l>>u.

- au

s sta.

JlwacbiBUrfut AaenCw

• BB (larorr. r*.*.i*U.r te
axe tbena. rkM '
luaiMc. i>*Me UU .
9> A X Pui.v, .rr.lru.
• * k BneB.Jntu*MU ..
B> ■ a. BruvB. UU . .
at u B. Ofu**. Jauur Uii ...

l« B I*»
<K ■ bu IU
OB »n
a IB

a i i,'aK!SS*‘T.*;S?te;u-.


a L-uuXiiU w*il*u«j’»if«An
• V ■T^i![I.te‘,"o''iBVr-ui?B
a C J.- Konlaa*. raaaiMBX


Factory SooTMecKD - iHa' '

i These
ranarrmui taroBedlBB WaM ••• >• ILu.



fBO Acres Free
James N. Gr»e\*e.

a c *’‘cu«'.e'w.i«iii*n.i,
tea ten papare of tea eoaatp if bob M
XMUrC utar..upe4m .
■MMlBc eaita teal ban nrp tliilc «» r l> HarmlB. tvpuir aaief. BB
foaadatlea. la ai ■aeh ae ita Prnne
eatlnrdturarpkolwtedlnlo k after
r____-* tee aoaatp aad
...............................reealna a nalaep at 97«
Vno per pearler
wa telak It ia a p
W H Ptaeber.U^Bpte .
•t al all t
• telaha IH


U HlIXKHRM-'AXi.iu. kliaarvlod^


C X X.MUi ta^u* *. ***-1

are made of pure wool, extra long, soft, comfort-,
^ able and extremely durable. Highly recom- ^
g mended by physicians. Htmdreds who are now < ^
* wearing the EXCELLENT UNDERWEABmad
by this firm will wear no other becaupe in tb^
, goods you got an extra fine article, strictly bani-;.
i tory at an ordinary price. Try a suit, soid only by





pnlon Street. South Sid*-


Traveree City, Xildl^




HpBHfcOHDptap. AtUaU, Otonla.

O.'mMlPnofHr M««.
aM Breed ta arpoai iieeaap ia Jane
aiy, lata, at 9 o'eloek p b.

, ' .
F. B hanwx.
E. A. Nica-TMX,
DrputT Clrrk

La Grippe,


15 TO 25 cilTTS-

1; 'imI



AttaM »*0M <
________ em at wkan has_____ ______ _
IM M M Bora or Ua Mrioailr mmL. ThooH
ha ffoo^ A
Bor&waMiO J

BM Potssnid.

■ the oleek mow lo

0 mtnr haodiod aatoBM.
land .^HiB.
h7M^Kotobup. lih _
oa ara aohaodlo «( h^


took. aU* UaTSlIt h^ •



vwaa lor oaaia, aroiut ua oeoa,
poMoood b* teidirrli which had bwl
aooM ataeUd lo the eaalt lo which
aoa with «M.fPOO tholrfoodwaeoohtd.
—.......... .waeoohtd. It
It It
It enr^
that anap of the aC«ren wUl loa
draali* poap will bo oocv_______________ thalrllta a a raalt of thl*,
Bath iLiip^ lo that clip oifd io lh«
- t b* •hto^ for Uto YikM la


A Business

la Ll MeMh d MM hMdb'MfeM In I CaqD»



' jflwod A lafi AooUv. Mariag U W
wm Bopablactoa. arxi lA whoa
pawM Ha BOrth of Dryda. dlap-

llr.Bril.a^HurfUi BaUtl. obM •


la a etoel boat 09 lacbc
o dap.' It wUI



wUl dortoBoto lUtt^fdrsooH tlao.
Uc atUiaptBd to Uft a cak oooaiaiiw
4i ralloa of wsWraad thro* b>m with
hklreth. ne effort wa boo aaeb for,
bia aad he Ml back eabaated.
ooBdiUoa keorlaa. bi* hartbHarol-


that eaa be dead lo ro^
-■__wr. will eonpleUlT prated the
eerapaat. Tbe boat will be prorloimied tar Bftp dtp*, la which Hma Oldban expeett to raeb New Yak.

:W rr^tM
•bow* that the Abpbtlalaa are deem*Seeaal waka afo t traetloe apla mlar that eooatrp.
Tbrp here al"tlB*. I. F. Booirxrxa.
A| aiil<rrihnl eid M-ni le btiun
rradp dbptreed w wiped ont farpreat
me '
tbroegb a bridge la Portlaod towatUa. • ImUibrirf M.y. *. I»„ l«v'.
d.n tU tbelr lire
(lli.Ki.l: It .
Inia eoBBlp. aad wa wrecked. The atoek
_____ _____
aadbare _____________
laitted ________
4oho Shcooll foil doWB Olaiaathlf
ilUeo. All
..........tbe prleoorr* Ukeo V
boa* la M^>I« sure ud otraek m
it b edded. I
tha Ohara roraorof a waohbOhrd. which
. _.jd. ne art- ... _____
pfaiifl Uoloft broofVoaosla* datb.
froB the baakt «f the (>U
>rc the ezpeaa af • lawcult.
AtHartlaUM (ov raareld ta of C
Tborehao aaaoal anoBetofli
berlav la Btrao eooa». aad Idle nco
J*pan tod tt
of Hartlo. bp ^Ua( ainp Into a tho are rapidly diappeartu. while the Beat of Hawaii,
■all, growla.
growlag <n
of. the
BalgrotloD ii^MtUno. b oow la
lo a fair
for aeUlemeot by arbItroUoo.
IW Unroll attor foctop. betap
Boroo Boactaln dbtrietkad Dear ibe
b arbitratioa prapoeed bp BawaU.
c-nthere *boreof tnlnSaperlor, where
•daotatdleuiedbp Japoa. Tbbb
1rw* are aow operating. Soon
ooalan aatobo oWowail luorlea And It diaenlt logrt
tbe-Uelglclodap.oad jaat t
A.eleUtiaB pf Ue lew agelat thlp- to Mr. Cooper, tbe tnlaUUr
leref forein
At Oatea. S. T.. Pnd Otair.
pleg qnall ont of the cute wu dlwiorra. the alol*Owiaii, Mioh., la ooootiaf dowp a___
Pted at Owono lo t premier nuaner terfor japaa
hat coatnit of hi* wtaoM aad wa
tbe other d»p. An offioer wt* In the Unow reodp to> eabaslt to
arbltealloB aU,
IhtwwBMfoot BafrBctQr<dbM*ball
depot there with hb pelctor dr^.aiid tbepoinUat iBae.wKhoalanpre
Wd wUlprateUp dla .
tbe ItUer, atWr tBilBng araond eona Uon. llerelofoa Japan derllard lo aiwa ha boa roenHp laid
at a box Iplog lo * cor- HhwU Uu two ebbf polauat Im^.
D coaaw, Ms DCIaraitof
. blpneot. The b«x wt*
>thof wb
POoaUla. aBd
wlU tab
ailed MUIertot
fa^ to be fall
fan of h'MI.
> Bewail.
no riUi^ otart* at with thra allli
______________d. and the aita
A dlepati
fmee L>yte. one of
r]^ REXT'-a IruD.
anal otora aad a awipaper.
oSoed it for *blpa»ht floed
laade. tape the place
ig tbe lew.
stud by a cyeloaa. Many >■•>4 fnr latieasrsl i—e baudid oatbeb
. . . I^ooi
......................... ..
As exporlBcat la tbe wop nl t tebeol
la. i-ourknoar.................
U. «
lofetaieoaeork. Ballroad ariogejMk.......................................
Tihai the MOO.
nou*re<l, deairoyed ihr towne of Tag- '.*eli.ei.A*nt'mel*t*laiaK1kr Po4 ~
The i
b-o>p end terra fie ilo nar. rirtsitw.
tbootaod neb rooB to railed from her papllt lohaa aad Srrnaal on tbe lelaed nf. of
leiMwi .iai m.lul-ierreud rad
fruB _ Lrrtc. and aerernl tmaller rllVagee. It
.......... «nB •
ponap ap.a Ibep dcelre to lap opt* ■- ■-•'Baled that ton llrrewere loot.
dlteto Bt^.
tbeeaelnr* of t hoab teraont.
Idrleea from HaaiUa ray that
Ho with ha
will bp gireoetrdt tor thetnouBt toro­
..rloae oceurrrd OB Osl It aad
.......................................... reoarlBC a eboe id la. and iht nooep wUI be depralted that Carigara aad Baraga.
TJffANTED-aeiwd i
boUa ihM had bora U her aae about oabaohla Ifae oatoeof tbr .lniard of era eoaet of Iwpte, '
if <t
edoeatioB. Wbeaerer a popU'k drpotlt aad that
aa Immrate
imeote ware awept laDOtefBAUic tocouot laBd.eBrvl6ngmapyT{Uaraa. Saeeral
iwfra: the pmooM oh tbeOelala]%o______________
betraodemd tobl* tbooHadnatlrrs perbbed at Taglohan,
OloBoa li Sir Btehatd Chrt•waKTgo-'nit'irnnuiTifv awn
The ryrione al>o errepg
eirepg tbe
the blaer
blaed ol
VV eraUFSrUf.r le.llr. L.lrerFl fo
orrlfht. alaMMr of flaaaa aad eoa*
mebllUcC ar.u». lo airfelees
A new indaetrp ha* bran sUricd here •biaar. Tbe fall extent of the r*l
la a Bodeet wap tbb tumBer tod bldt tra|dN is yet nnknnwn.
riate kapoa
fair to grow to anch larger proporI
Maport of Sapta ol the Poor.
.At Mooao Claroaa P. HUla weat la- Uoot. rapt U>e Motkegoo Ubraoiele. It
tothe tara of Ma Baaaah Old* with woritu of tba eatebingand ahipolog
ovnairsw reii^i'r'iTXTi i
Uraad TVnrrrer I'lixnfv. JtlrliltfaM.
■ hilrra M feed ihe hocecawbeo It tatppliv.MrUea It be* been coodacted bp one nan. who made fab fint ehipDcxn.cHKx—B'e. the Hoard of Cone.
Beat 00 Jalp 7 and tbe laet O i. & la
a of- tbe
tbe INrar.
INrar. of
Ihb Utae be exprceied to I’hlladrlphU /raad^^sreni
irteCouatp. Mirb., woold
attto won aeed.
(.UOpoaBdioftaappliietartl-taBd lo reapeclfanr sobmlt the lollowlag earnwSTlMTin .1 lu
Ikuwenl viiukm
’ trakPhUodf BoaelowaeUp Bar
OloelBoaU I.OOO poond*. Tbeoe were mtry of tbe aiOBep* expended for tbe
I HMa wUto TocoooB hToodap
aU eaoght lo Uotke^ rieer oear tbe rrJIef ot po<;>r io aeld Coaalj for
It wra
wa a iHeBdld
■idadld daoeteeh.
bead of Ibe lake.
year eadituc September »lb, iwr;
Venrdin eakkr-e ProQ.rr*e« *«««< Prre.
’welfhlAB toUp fltura pooaditod t
To tbrae wbo
dptei ' Dr. «<rekrn'( elweire Cere .Here
enillbFir inrioe antlqoitp tb efelloirlnr tnim aa
etoeetkewher,.... *„ ra..l«W| Per*.
-Clillilfcii. PoUlro4urot-.'
oIdKUat Woekip Bagbur of Aogotl.
: prUlU Stria » pear* bid. too of F.
'JJ Stria of FM^ae. waa drowned
bdaie wUl ran batwera HeSalo aad
J.ihe Ki-Ili. IcJifiei uVaf..
VadotiAtr eight whfid dodc booUeg
Aogrlrtr. Bb
waa reo*t, leiH. IheraioaiBi^ publbbretbe
Dated al Tratofae CItp. Mjch.. Oct.
raiertA Hb pi
follewlag; "Tbe Erie otraBhoet from
BoKaloarrired ooherflnt trip to De­
.Hit. Harp Fioi. aa aged widow Ur- troit tbe Kth. Notbisg raold excew!
H. E*ti». .
:4w ta> the aaet part ofHUat, attdopted the earprlaa ot tbe red meaoa aeelng
E. Fi'i.1 an.
HWbt a tie la Iht kltehra ttore with Walk-lD-the-Weler
rd 0>. SapU. Poor Otaad Trayertr
.. .................narewttaaaxploaloBaed
agolatt a luoac correwt wiaioiit ai'
.. Hleh.
■ - It ft not oonerrallt. .Tbep lined tbe bonk
axprraaed ttbrir aorprira bp repo
a eiiiuiRiTKxirAlCbataalag I
Td Dodge rthad
dt tad % laeaBa
•■Lake SoHtode."
—- glren
oleeldoe proat aad an
a ________________
Iraa battle he toaaewl.r <Ua
I ot water
oiMoetod& pooadtof brown tor*.'. one aad a baU
Id one mile
Horapitamert can raiae it eb*aper wide, thre
Horapiti--------tfarthof IkwieCKy.
a* ameaded ia li>ri.
Bow ihep raa aa]rie tagmr.
I md* par* alairri In
id with Act No. 116....................
n«. ]Itwa
tlof the lain, pet fe^lf any. Ta
llr. kIwihi.ii.wMewaadcUUrra..
e raople have erer aeea IL
Along I'lr. rekOMtlally eqbmlt tbe following
Anneal Eepori for the year eedlag
aartalalarM*La 'roraola aomtpara lu ihorea Baap naaint aad enrioai rrl-- JoneSO, 1*97;
imarafaaad. Thed«a*prd and halfboriad hall ot a large ramel of andeat 1' nanbr et ra
UiB-d IB lira Pra
model lira at the water'* eoge. with a

Mr. aai Mra. O. H. Pte. Hrtv


‘^srsr.srs." '

ThaarUlo. tapaa aootp. kora • babp


Agorit for ■

v?,£. ar S4'.i7.-'



Oucknoii. Midi.











Sa :



laigeoaktee* rrawlag np throat'
bottom, .lie hail bear* a t***mh
the wooden war reoeelsof theearW
aHf cd her Iw .bp a brother. The
rt of thb eealarp, and aome think it
woumi ICB Aaageraa* oaa He b U
waacaeof Perry'* Heel, which aoogbt
^belter la thb Uke. then a port of Lake
Dcriag the paat few week* Labor
CoBBbairaerCoxbaagaUimd (roBall
.. forty Tinagra
rlllagra lo
la tbr sUU ial_____
Uon atio theamoantof the asaeb tallcad
of pc«pertty that ba« eiraek Mk-hlraror wv Madera loiprie*airai
gma. neaeat oat blank* to tbr rilleg*
I AohaaoB of hhoahwap went preeklAM and rirrks. Tbe rrpll
taBBac with frloBdt Hetardep night. dteaU an improred raBdilieO'of al
Ndwborry reporU Ibst'tfa* wee
dap Uborerearec:: L'Aaeeaed lloorhton. gl.n'; Baarack, Si s.t; Lake L'ndea, fl.AO. and Crreui Fall*,
Fiflaee rlllagea report SI 60: alnelr-

” ■ SSStSs


. u-

k. II ft«e.r-cklll..ll,.,,,.v


»■!■■'■«» "P-iyrr

CSndtjior'^imttaM lat

SI l»: two. S) t:S: eoe.SI.03; eigbif
alx. St:
St:. two.
flee. T3
~ eaeu
In .irply to tb* qa
■I* work
--------plaatifal than
ago?" I4t



.-XM. Mays, of Baato* Harbor_____
rawlp miBeed death treai aaazplcakB



Wat ^Itad atUr aAag the

Dr. B A. Beerett.<the oldrat practfeJiS pSmV^.ia HUbdala. b dead.aged
a* gndaated at Ana/Arbor la

rame To a third qatotiim: ■
ia«rldlemeB7~ ISOaaswer-‘or
ye*'" iathelattcrelaaeiSraik
incloded saomber wbich a
e Ol alx." ''more then need
‘•rery few." etc A total of eixty
a Toprwithat new entrrprinri ham
I eatabllehad Waee latt yaar.-ITese

Is by
teioral lo


JAB. O. IoDssoh.

Padrtuiw wilbie lU '

TSrf.isir'CTjiS; ’
•SifSiiSii.'irM ‘
Pram.rara.durU(4t>>r.>r ...



nmicBehlag at Broad Bippla. lad.
Mr*. C. E. Bara* fooad a maaacl ahell
F«b1 Taeaerb lega <b the bauIrSdd whieh ebe bwAeopaa aad foaad lo eootaln apaar] at large e* an ordiaarp
AM has beta a warm trlaad alaoe.
Vtrul>eraraDtiw>.lfriuBtW PrawFaed
Wbll* Pigeon Farmer BlaBh* pra. Seeeml yewelcn examleedjt-aad
hara wee awWlr oeerraa with rau plae* lu raiae at tt.ouo.
• csmeedwinoriefilwi.o . g>l
that ha oahadaMadploarad him a
Aetbe reanltof ‘narsdap’e o
*ew good rata. The t^d wtaked to tienottbe llliaob V.llcp eeeo.
hMaalLUea aeoaiwd themantryfor
MWeaaad Saally deilrarad »la two wUI perarat to edegr^ a b
hmr^^^lag. apiUMg. aeratohtac creation of a ahip raeal t
UkeMkAilfmB wfUiUieUal
A. J. WotauTa wealthpfarw
Tbqprejecw itb aetia
tar* mBrawest of Bollaiid.a
-------- —^^earaolBlmi
Tb* Buffalo aad New York
!o.«.oB the New York Centn
afault'JS^l*ota eon Kirer tailraad.dae loairire
•awlp laeeaud aacfclae. whieh work* yorkai7:» o'eloric Sanday
ApaMntwIUaiarawbeapthrown from
HaJeon rieer one and
eoe-hall mUe*'
Oaleraet, Bapraead OoaleUA a from Uarrben'esuUi
lUoa. Twcaly-rigfatl
y—ikBea. baa goo* to Poolead. Ore-.
The nuieing wall
when be wUI Join a pratrof eli who along the rieer had 1
vtUbMPp apuuw Ma^xb rieer. by big!




SToTlirr MicHi.ex.
Coi-STT iir UoAkn Tiuvai
We. the aadeteigaed
raU nf the Rmr for tbr Co.inry aforrraM. do bereby certify. That the foragolog b a tra* aad ramvl sutameat
ot the matlei* tbrraio set forth, accordiBgtooorbeatkoowledgeaad br­

l(nuyanU3:inchall wool Salting, thb w*ok./....


up Stain

hkir Bae. ap-io-date Men aad Womeak Footwear at tha LowestFrtera. aaU aw .

Clara Block.


Friedrich Block.

New Departure!
Dr. A. a Srinoey, of Del
Delnrit. aUe
proprietor <>f
;f Kt-cdCilytUni
, Uniurium,

yoor town, where le w...
remain for one day only to gire the
nick an oppkirlunlly lo eoneult him
that cannot ace him at hi* Suniiariam.
Tbe doctor ha* to mach faith to tbe
experience be ha* had 'ia treatiag
>iedi*ea*e*thathewill give
h'* treatment and medicioe i
AUO FXKasi'ecic*t,orE*aTiu?cs to
AU that hd aik* in rctora I* th
every patleot will Ktate to their frieei
;tbe retnlttol
•j hi* treatment,
chri^c diicasea
formiUes treated.
I state ba* bad «acb extended expw
rlencein tha treatment of CATARRH,
DISEASES *• the doctor, fie gradoated S7 yearn ago from Cirrelaad.
Ohio; waa Id years ' n geartolprac: after U
Pby.iologT^n Detroit:
•pathic Medical College for *
yearaj wa* 8 year* Snperintendenl of
TpaiUnti Sanitarii

ly la the bet hoapitaU ia
the cooBtry. and exaininiag nod treat"•...........*• of chronic ca:
prepared him tocarewheotbe geaeral
metitioaer ftilk Have you been sick
for year*? Are yoo. dikconragedT
Call aad *ce a*.we will tell yoa whether
io, wltaeee whrtvof
whereof we
?S?«U? we eaa cure yon or noL If we caoBel

care you. we wiU teU yoa what reUaf
bb loth day
petraflkwtrara* ta raid raratc dr. trauord o.**Owan P, CaBvcR.
I rS'£3*:*'‘|£
A. E Pnvrju
raalutvly .free—mejiciee*. aurg
Cha*. H Eurra.
>a*. and i
MaprrtBtrndnitsof tbe Poor.
............... *HItwho
who are loo pour to pay,
Our method*
od* of creatmeet
ia all that la
known by' all tbe*, with tbe aid
Bewoia ofOratBrnu forCauirb that.
odrrfal of
allageou io Paralyki*. Uom of Power,
and all di*ea*e* of (he
ll 'h~*rt Ikr wurvu. .uv
.^«^Ual*Jay*cro« . ..

Traveiaa Ciq. Mich.

1 ou^ fall
it wear are
plctc. We
have Socks and Rubbers, Felt
Boots, I'acs, Leggings, Felt
Lined Shoes, one. two and three
buckle .\rtics. light jand heavy
weight, with prices I as low as
the lowest. Look our stock over
before you buy wintejr footwear.


S .-S™.

FuU Third
Ufe IA gp^ is bed.
11 to hATie thAt ooinWecMiMkeiteo
, UttJe «M« (o jxM.
8ta vef7


ARood iron bed, brara trial.

tmra St.lOdar* wltkael ta. k*U*. r*ra*l*


1* buru^HdJj^


Waa.'nsG:—Ptraenawbo eoScr from
conghk aad eoldtkhoald h«i
iag*of daageraod
feriag and faUS rvealu
Mlnau Coogb
It bandBiamoie rrmedy for eetigk
Ibraat aad long



' .SiTS-fj;!.-7=171:3!


Mot aiaoe JS9J hat the potato crop ol
the L'alud Sutes proeed *e araily w
Mr*.'MS7 Fraiheratoae of pnni
lailore aipa Tbr Amrrlrao Arriealurbt la iuSaal reper*
«»« Jbld of 1«97. i
Onapared with the liberal crop o< iagt
ptar, there b ^apparrpt fallUpcflof I
nearly SO par ebet la loeaage. - .
qaallty « the whole b greatly deScleat.
JtoUraa tbow tha yield to be itt.ouo,.......................

W la
«BD. Oraeeei raaatp hna etfll aaoUnir
The aeaeag* rau _________
'* plarad at airty-tpor botbeb.
taking the eoaaty
at taega. agaiaat
-------ty at
eighty ate brahrit la U
aaat to LbwL
w of Use Vailed
'.ihera ra train at At. Mlebaele.
BUMniebhb wl«ea.
MnfaappUaiS^ tharHWrrfaaf-

Dry Goods Department'
rintutheaaaatkiiki'werareyantreal toSA
do Bot gpld* oar price*,
liaderralnra arat

Look at oqr Rargaia Tkblea new on axhlUUoa.


■ S".

A Child * f-hpeOreteoal. f«............................................. ............
A youth-a all wool ChlarhlUa krary Vbter.&w..............
Aa a)| wool child's Halt, *g«a tram a lo IA tor....................
A AUd'. A

No. I—Womea'* Kaagsrao. t'alf aad Kid Shoe* ............................................. ............. • .M '
:~WomeB'sextra Sac Kid Hhewa. lor.. ...................
.......... .....................LIS
So. J-Meo'»ap«aimbboe*.for....'.................................... .................. ...................
Sa «-Hcklng*ofS3*adSt8hora.for ....................... .................................................... L4S


ir ^

Specials in the Olo^iing Ds
Mra-abeary all wool Srateb Tweed S
A beery doaUe bteaaled bloc Bearer Pea Jacket, (or..
A beery ^eeleb Orij Ubier. tar....................................................

Bhoe Departeient



Speciab la the Cloak Department^'Udba' all wopl floe Kartey JaeheV halt Mlk Hoad. lateaL M.....................
A ladle*- stylbh Boocle Jacket, half »Uk Uaed. for the Ugcata at......
A ladba- 811k naab Capa. ac*tly braided aad far edge. $er...

From^a yard oi




B 1

Alao Agrat for the Celebrated



Bbt oHp old tariff prtera. bat
Man lhav pHara way Arark btinw
•err oSerad yet will be laaw
dal the BsMaBtenthto wash. <
■noth atoek of Dry Aloc^ ClothH^^oota
aad Sbera, Oraba sad (MrpaM wn phr*
chased before tbe
do. direct tram the mllU. w* ra


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Liae

r •umr cask, ran* alOTir S*aUaitara.wkk*
* IdckaiXknttka ta*< e< iB.aical-nin.saaM
a.ciMV a.FMilM. Tvrrak far kaart art
Iiritma.i ikr 1..BW »> *** ■uhaHaa *r ho*
pUal lathi Ualtad Bthla*.
Remember, we give a writtea nar*
antee to rare every ease of PILES aad
RUPTURE. Algo, we F ive a lyiag^a
hocpital defurtinent ii oar Uniter
iom. 6e^ for Journa .



WAst wood iwda we eao a^l .yon n good







$» oa If ]
made 1

Add Ah extra food.Spring {» $8.7E-

Slater’s Fumitm Stoiire
128-132 FRONT STREET. '

Woman’s Ms



The "Bagnle BM
Mr. Itwlirbaac)
eww befara, erllh prteae aa law they are arar
Jaot wow w* Ara adartag aow ffM vain** Ia

Best Uvety in Northern Michigaii.




T^le^kon^ jpg
vur ac*HMby*Sab«


Am I—raa* mnHiay Mnrir of TBya.£MA*hi< tmej aiiit W imk
tagnb taarricA.

mabauunn *90.



9Wi«w>«U<» a immimari mt.
*r«u*. «mMd to tb* ptotBtUr bj
prtodpX Md Ooo-W.
Vtab m aaratT' ■ ^

BOtUr thoae ia ermra that their
Una BMt ha dbalaad tf the taltfaa
e Bot paU arithla taadaneAerreeMriBc'Botioa to thateVaet. Haraal
al eaea where paraeat of taltloa
fa aa-raddeal papila hadbaearafaaed waa leported br tha taper
eat and la aeae of thaa cMea,
WH theWB that tha peptlh pareeta
ware to poor to doth hla or her aad


k ud «m a
iB tho hute of pMsUff •
. ^laraCUelki*. Mr. Poctc^M tho
aoloMraHlvMrlohta a»i*c>Md to
ymf the MBOBat o< It U> BriaksboX,
Ml teok Jal(Mt aoiaet aartor.
0 they were bda* ear
—---------- ‘a taed I^k ee aeat to aeboel by relatira la tha dty.
«Md peek dMlMl I
a daeided to aot fan* payaait of
kUtir. .ethWar he wM aot ItaUe at be Ihetadtto.
■MairMtheaDtefre* BrihitaAoX
AflV tha dlaeoato of uartc
tor eella^. that ha bad (mb ra- roBtba aattera the
' laaaad hr Briakerbet ax
to aaat la two waaka
^ BatatoBarlerwUhoai kb
BatcBU * Onrttar were tba aUertMTB
T£o Boom aad to Sobool
Iht ptalatlff aad Uadanrood A UatIm*4

ear oaa baa dtflaed to AaerleaB
tobool aaaala
id aalB^aad b
orpaale eapaclty to to p
■ eeait ITaaadaj
to tralalax ibe boya aad c
thaa <a the raaaraat of the aellee of
lha Ofcalt eoert ia dtuBlaaiaC the <*
eoitdbd in It tot toy aay faacoae
thad law^abldalMcflUlaa.Baitoer.ata(. Thia U
lay Aaarlcaa dUaoa. Aeeaalay that
aaea dhalaed la tha Otrcalt wart ha
aa tooMod of PraU h DarSt far the de- to pato*h o* Iba pnbUc acbool i
taadaa{i.lBtba Jaaa tarak and wIU atatad la Ub delaiiloe b eorraet.
BO« eeae ea tor trial U tbla eeart
■ Attonrft Uadanrood A L'alor raaalaad traa tba elaib ot the Sepreaa;

Tballalaii f« daaaffa Mkad kf

^alaUS. wboallacaa that
aeU Uqnor to her totha. Bear; Ma- tioea. aad tot tha uak to paopU expeat It to peifijiui U 00 raay oae- The
pabik aebool that doaa aot ataad to
to pririelplaa Mi f<wth io the defieitioa
. Tw« Mimoa'lraapa.
—oMrallly. latalllyaoce aad fool ciUTb toUowfnc te boa tha Meal
Two BiniMi idle traapa aaka
deqMBt aaawer to the lal|e
that proai^ty b bare.
iabora b Biereotypad Bu


edahertlyafurelartiea lattfaU.batlv
loaa aoBfoato la tha HeraU eoapea. iaitnMBwaiditebly ho^ dbeorarad
«etO lataly. Bowavar. aptaUaf.of
toapa: Tbae aay <« aay aot bt two
BllUoaof tbarmtn bobo at larfc al
tbb Uaa.' Bat aaa tblaf b cdta>a.
tSae art aot a raat Baabcr of man oot
of work la HlchlfBa arbo raaDy waat
Ik Maa oat of amptoyaaet ara b
lataaoaarettU Otar tha atah
wafa ara.rWar- Tha adlur of the
Baeall erUnlly slaad icadlat the
raeaally paMbhed report of the.
abdtaerof laber. Be abo probably
Btaad the report of teklaf Coaab-.
atoaer Jaak patibbad yaaterday. Botb
.laportaproaathat U'tbara ara aaaay
traapa la Mbblfaa who waat
top eaa tad Ik It b aM aapaeted.
hdaroi^, tiat tha proa rat adatlabtratto will re-arraafa ladaalrial eoadittal la a tow aoatha ao that artry
«aap ia tbaeeutryeaa bare a
lekatfood wacta; ortoioaaaa
hottar (TO^ wUI ralbra tba aaOeriafa
of tbaVoaryWaUai hot whoa oea
aagtoe that there boot a tororab’a
ote^o la ladaatrial eoodlAooa or that
preaparUy baa aot already falapd
•oad ieolhold ta to aoutry, be eatt
WMlaqiwladtlaf the aealal

There waa Jett a ^aenia' at the
aaatiacoi tha hoard of odaBiloB Uat
■ aithk Bowerar, ton waa aot- rary
IboA to las tha ampba of to
I abort.
to payant of elalaa acyreraUoy n,•U.M. Thota waaabiUef tor
ana ia to OaOnl balUlay tot
aaaopM whoa to report wm adopted.

aad ototod that bo woald hria( to
aatorpnpaiyhofara to other
hen af to eoaaiittee. Mr. Boaada

nppiba of that aatara wUhoat flm
nhalUlar to aatler to to board
•apataleadeetOtawi^atatad that to

toy waeatodedat ooee, whbfa
toioneatotMr. rrtoAriehbad ordarad to taab before to oaeUac of
tohoard. It wha tooeatiiaeat of to
board tot aoeh aattor* aboaU eoae
bdah to aatlre hoard ter eonaldarmttohatoreiwdhaae.

Mr. Bbhobaeallodatuatkato to
had ooadllloa of'tooeapod at to
Oak l>ark aebod. U wat daeided ta
ban h clmred atoaea aod th^ to
oeaaitta ea boildtap «pd yrooadt
riVort at aa adjoaraod Baatlay 1
, bald ia two woeka. It waa asplalaed
tot to water aopply waa eatlrel
ada<)aai**adtaaMtklara>oat ha____
to baiter to aaaltaryeoBdltioa of to

bo taohad after ala

r to Uaa


Thaeko^M Miafiay «or
Oeetya Lather of' Weak BetMth

la hoaarof Mte. Trerhk who espeda
M bate wtih Mba Tnrb for to aoi
laafewdaya. ,
lha G. 0. aahaajoyad a }oUy r
Toeaday eeBtathhd afterwardt w

-Ov borreyor Mortbrap rotom
to boat of Mba Mlaab SaUb. oa day alyht froa Oraod BapIda.
(Hataatraet. Theeeaotwaa yirea In
WUI Broach weat to Oraod Bapida
hooor of'MbaOara Saaib. wbe wGI
eateeday a attead to cartUral.
Ineo tbb Boeslar f<w a ebit to Utaad
Mbato McCoy woeltoOraadBapBapM and Patrolk
Ide for a rbitMoeday Boraloy.
Jay MaaeeMh aad ‘Chariot OoUloa
Blfi Fouteaa.
-eat to CadUloe Uoadar to wor^
Kow darUy to naaao of dlyylay
MraJ. V. Boajaaip left fer Kew
outea faraota baraataoab ara eallad York Ueoday to tpead to wlator.
Mia iiirow of Harbor 8priaya b rbitlay ber abler Mra. B. B Oaraer.
<J- E. UoofhrylellTaeaday aoralay
fbr a'baaiaM trlparoBad toM
& Barer of Garfield, aeadi a Baalj
of Bebna wolyblw foar paifSaa.
Fairbaakt bmyfat a Dalqaa
B froa to fara of Mr*. L. C.
tola Monday, welyfalay 4 k poaula
aad walybt 4 poaodt. » oai
’1-belaiyeat yield reported tbb year
Lod one wbkb It wilt be hartl to eqoal,
eaaoa to teraof i. C. BllleU at Uay
lake. E. J. Baal baa rabed opOB tbrhe
yroand 8J0 boaheU of Beaaty
of Hebrooa.
Tbehe^rlatday'a »orlc la diyylny
poatoea that baa ooae a to aoUee of
tha Bkkaiji i^b aeaaoo b froa Acae.
I'etTy Bopparbayaa work atT;Mk. a.
October SO. aad wbra beqeitato p. a.
had day 1G3 botbeU. and yatored


J. W.Oaaplckeda<ioartof redraw
bwriee iaapiecect woods U Mcmltar
tawaablp. Bay eouaty. last Friday, and
taoh toato Bayatyaa proof of to

carairal at Grand Rapids today air
. Biyb
I of SoFortack
Itaadant Unwn tba followiay baa
a of Mayor Smilk.
beeaarThayod for pablicaGoa la tbe
Mn. E L. Kellogg will retora today
Hxaau). wbkb ahowt to nomber of
alndeota ukloy tbo eariooa coaneo from a throe weeks' visit Io aoolbeni
aad to aeeaeal toaebara onyayod la Mkklyaa. While away abo aUeaded
to week:
the aretieg of the NortbivesV-rD
Knock W. V. M S. at Jsrksoo Aaetber meeting el aaeb Interest was
«ir _
JiyeiicL^ebUa ill tbe twenty-fifth mBPivenar.r of tbe W.
F. M. S. al-Coldwaler. of wbieh or^----------- .r
kb^^Konau sai ^ ‘iiaUaa Mn. Keilogy was formerly pres­
llaMrrpl.-rea>e;i) are Ulllai. Uownlac
k ident. sbe has slap viaitad at Burner,
La Porte, lad., and other poiau


in— Oowelay



Friday aiamhiy a few frlamda waeatoaiwaMiUa hoaa a< Mi|a. A. W. PM

brAry wool Oaanmere—Wear «■

worth KBO at $4.60: letter

resisteia—panta made donUe ^





»i-ataBdkti«ea.aUsizea.woe(li ^

oDi<«, ratue P^.00 al $6.00.


Ulsters-xonderfil nines. Come and iffis show joi the piols.

BelUbl^-Dry OoodB, Carpet and Olothl^ Hop«e.

Siba How^ ta Pharia L.‘Howard,
o's of BKof'ack.aeeeB. tst a. r i; w
iwsoo to John Sbblds. awk
Il.tMB. r It w—filOu.
John GilUs ta W J. Pllaan.ocb. sec
id: IV D. r V w—eiua
..uditar Geaenl to EaalUd A Cola,
paresda la arc 31. t :S a. r 10 w—Kl.ul:
alsoorl,. tacss. t
a. r lo w—att.!!-.
also pareob la see fi. ttt a. r 10 w—
*3,4 «.
J. T. Ilcadle tadaiolstntorl to H
Fbh. lot
>l 37 Edna
tbrk add-StUi.


J We Make 5iTmdo'w Curtains.
|- We Frame Pictures,


I We SeU School Books.

43. G;d
Aadltarr Geaenl ta G G Swaiostan.
3. Wynkoop'saAd ta KingiUey

J, K Purmao''toC D. Keavon. lot *0.
k T| if L A Co s 1st odd-llta.
Rtate of
Inytr. oe^s ol




I We Give You The Most^Por Your Money.
I We Please All Our Customers.

c n. tcoa. r

. Dallas Uuademan ta C. C. Toal
pan-els la sec ;o. i i-e n. r II w—ti..,.u. P. 1‘. Kuuybey.ta g B ttoogbey. paw j «
eel lutec lu. i:;Tn. r II w—*l.

H. B. Jolley, Han>|cr. j

B, P. Booyhey ta g E A F. P.
Hougbey. parrels In see lu. I -.■T e. r 11 ■ **

g E Boarheret al tuMarr Bogghee. I T -..................................................................... T_______
g. B Booebey ta P. P. Itogbey. par !


g ElloayhsyetalloH.p-Boaykry.
paruel la see lu. t !T a. r ta w—Ituuu
g E Bouybey ciat to H. P. Boogfary.
od ^ interest la parcri la sec in, |
, r II w—(Kxu.

Water Proof .Sciidol Shoes,

(■liver Stata et al ta Delb Stata. Iota
Oskwood add—$1.
Uevid £. Unlfe ta C. W. Cook 4 wife,
of nwV. aec 11. tSTn. ruw—

Am Btyliah aad good WMreri. In boya’aad ^1b'
aiB«B- dot th^ of



'phipe L. Pallee tn D K- Uolfe.
s iu village uf Wuiiaouuutw--

Tbe True .Sem^y.
IV. M. Repiae. editor Tlskilwa, III.,
ihlef.-say-:' "We won’t keep bunwwUb'Jut Dr. King's New Discuvery fi.r
I'oa>uruptlno. Cougbs aod Colds., Ex'-,
periaienled wiib laany olbcja, l>ul n.-*'er gel the true remedy iiolll we oted
Dr King s .Sew IKscovcry
So other
remedy can take its place iu our bone,
C It we haee a cerUlDaod sure care
Coughs. Colds. Whooping Cuogb,
It U idlr ta rxprrimeol with
rr remedies, even if they ore urged
you as just as guud as Dr. King's
V DIscoTery. They are not as g‘iod.
beeldee b guaranle.
ir fails U< satisfy. TrbI bo
a at b. E. Wait's and J. G-.

Tbe Old BelUble Shoe llau. ^
118 Front Street, WcEzni Rc Block,


of all kinds used in both city aQd country schools


The best assortment And best value for tbe mon*
ey in the city, at

MaiHiam Bit.
Frodt Street.



agraii. Hakarr.

giC, ■'


Haskell’s Bookstore.



I Money
wiU buy more shoe leath­
er here than ever before,
fi Wever have we been able
^ to shoe up your family so
cheaply as now.



TBoe.T narEB.

L°8SJES^.-^r5i,a-c 7 s
Mba Lottie McGany of Beitaer b
apeodtag a few days
day* with ber aaat
aoat aad
aarie. Hr ami Mra W«. Bmiab.
—sa,,.-octabvr la
Arthar Rimpaoa apeol Snadav at
warnm-ura a k Bri.s««i. vemST
Walton with hlTgraK^ Mn. fi. E. ^
Kaayya. aad hb lata, Mra. B. TomHr. aad Mrs. Jamm BhelhyorOfwd
wen to gawtaot Mm. Bbei---------!•( mepw ia lacmis. areiA^tti
Mn. Oaorye Boeri of T^aecns CMy

Child’s Suits

Moiyaa L. Leach ta Cknb Boybu.
parcels, sec.;». I » n. r II w—»4<M.



Men’s Overcoats
made of Bearer, relrel rollar,

med, double.broASted «style.

• $fi.OO.

EUn J. Goodrich ta Praoh. R. Goodridi, pareela—liou.


Brnrlita hi.
PJjMrul (».
Joe Maeg b at work for R Tnvis.
nada aeny RatorLItUeBapUoatb made
Ratar8e mci b WM weather stapa to p naborne af bb parMr. aod Mra. Loab Heath, oa
Wclllayloe etreak la hooar of bb alxtfa
orj. rifle.
'litUefrieBdawenlarited to
doing beoor ta tbe ocoalaa
young felka enjoyed a joTy a
ProaUlay Elaar's App
Jdha HeTargot of KeyaWoe apaat’
k and all
Be*. E. L Rellocr. PnaUlay Elder Senday ben with friends:
fan made tbe boan ^ aariniy aad
of to Grand Trarano Diatrkft baaarhappily.
nayad bb
ikM of the Oeaad Tbaeena for tbe fint qoartar aa followa:
field b working for Mem.
Ledya. Ko. Sd^ O. O. F . taadered
Charlaeolx aad Koe
~ are sorry ta lean that A. U. CbrIroatoa. EUawortb.
>Bove|Dto tooth part of;
Bellalte. "
froa the Grand Lodge al Lanalay. Nmhpe^ti^L^^kalaa
Pewakrj. Clarioi
apaclfle faaaoo of' to dam- B<7ae6ty. lodia
Aka waa tba fact that Lodya
aa beat tot'
Kaabar SW waa boaorad by to Gmod
KabeiB Avery aod wUee, _________
day Bight at Trmvmc City irith hb abIkdyekytbaalacUaoorMr. Browa aa
'rr. Mra. Joe Mang.
Oeo. Roeel aadJoha Zeita. o< TVne-

wbaa a better water aapply ooald be
tod. The pl.OUOarlnUawMI oo to
•naa^ aeeaa to be a tailore. aa to
watd. whO« (ood. b toe llaitad to hr
TraaBtOOearMarrlB reported that
darhw Oetoher be had feoad
ohBdtea Ulll
tlllay to a
hr had looked attar aad
faaUbi who
wbe ware too poor to aaod
’toirehlldraatoadhool. UaaUotteV
dad tot ia ardor to properly loot,
to •klldraawbodoBalaUeed.a
It woaU ah> aboat baU of to
of to little friaadi
..r»mUy ............ .
lar yara him a tarewati Empire. Betuoab.! ..
Mr. Pykat'eaaHail tot tli.OM party Tbaraday atyhk aa he a^peeu ta »>aakfort. Baar Laha.
tooiaaaa for to Elawoed pad
taw daya foe Uraod Bapida
aadarfyeatedahoBtpg.oaaaaeh. Whoa
■oa>T. iMo
aty let ci
■hdHoffo eoaU aot bo replaoad to
aiy. :d cl
Old Mb.
. tot atoutheaoradtot to alerk
GeW Mooroe. May aad Jetta
Elk Sa
•thoriadwaaetot fitroog. Beatab On.^1 aad Emma Prtodrteh.

SUrioe WbiW of £.• «th etraet re­ PsjsIsM It a O. Mr. Kegu»r <i4 DvrCs
turned Tbaraday olybt from Colaabna.
Chrb Oamett came dbiro from Char­ . John W. Patch
4.ore 3. t IS n.r lu w
levoix SatonUy Itfuraoon U apead Hall, lout and «.

B. Valoeuteie of Iblrolk faraerly of
ihb elty.Nb beraooarbltte hb
Dr. A. B. Bolllday left Toeaday for
Mt Clement for treatment for rbeom.
Joaepb A-llct of Milleraba'ry.
Ohio. brUiUoy hbauter. Mra. ' ~
Ubdiord Holden of Park 1‘laoe. weat
aad plaead
I Grand Bapida Tueadty to attead
Hi^per woald like to bear of X biyyer
ic carairal.
dhyk woiir toe tot.
W. P. Voyeleony' and John ProbeH
Fnok. Katocbril. wbo Hera an
weat to Brllaire Tuesday lodo
tillrer Lake, oomca to to trool with
of plaxterioy.
Mra. Mlaale Cbamppey left Toeadar
«. M.Aay
loroiay for Grand Raplde to apeod
a botb5)k of
arcok with relatieea.


: Men’s Suits
- All wool, well made and trim-

: PS.VJ At $8.60.

Ikoablp-arau be aeoooated a fallora
aad ODwortby t aapport uf a food
ty. Bat la
dar that to acbool aay fail] ia bicb
potto* ‘t ia eeideat tot it
to eo-opcratioa of iu two ■
alllca-Tthe home aod tba chareh.
w who bara aaeb to do with to
wt of oar pnUicaehoob
> bejmpriaaed wlib to tact
totla aaay.tooBaoy.aaaa to boat
UrvC.E MabanmadMn. ll.B.Lewla
expaela too aoeh of the acbool.aod tot
une over from Elk Bapida Tm^day
iiwlead of belny a Bcoi poleat ally te
aaddlaei^alPark I-lace.
rrryotua. BBinteatioeally.'to taaat
Dr. J. B. Mania bae yoae a Meadua
Jaaaeb Jacqoa baootor taber .
force with which to
biy polaloaa. A lan^ weight or
aad will take la tbe carnieai at Graad
aobool baa toooBtead. Ja'a racne way.
Baaiteoa kb way home.
foar paaada.
aoaa people expect tbeceho^ to trela
UMc«e Manball of Peloakey.
IbMr ebUdrea la the nrdlaal rlnoa
Daatb of Krt. Charity FdUer.'
merle laodlord uf to National Uutei;
In tbb city, b beeo oa a eiall.
Mra. Citarity Poller, wife of.<i«ori
Palter of Almira towncblp. died oo
Mr. aad ')ilia. K E. Wearer left tor
flee aay aoeh tcalntay or lai eocoarage Monday. Oelober S». al the aye of TC Grand Eapid> Tueeday iiiurDiay
yean. Mn. Puller waa the daoybter tpead carairal week hariay a good
ItlBto boat.
of Amaaa aad Elaete Manafield. aad Gme.
iftharaboDoleaaoBofaara Import
la la>» the
Mr. and Mn. O. D. Rector reioracd
IBM thaa another wkleb Aaeiiao wu' bom ia VoraoBk
eaar with her hoabaad aad family ta from Cblcayo Friday to epeed to
dtlldraa aaad lotaaraUbtba leaaoa
Grand Trararae and In the apriny of : winter with the family of Mta Prank
rtybtly eoaaUlated
aelherlty. The poblk acbool b a aoat
factor la yirlay tbb trala- where toybareaiacellTedIn Atai»j Hr. aad Mr*. JuUm Steinberg
ley boUl aeeda to ccHOperatics of to lownehlp._ Al tot time Alalra^e a Wnod Monday night from CLieayoaf.. witb few If aay roods, aad tcra tea days' abaeace
boaaor la batlefforblo tbb dlreetto
Mr^ Palleraad bbaoo Sanford bronybi plaaaure.
will be alBMBtfirUla. Pareobwbodo
to fint taoaa lata to tawnablp, and
klrw Alice B. Walt left for Gnad
aot trale their children to obey In tha
tor aoBM Uaa aU to prorWooa
Bapida Toeaday ta wiuteah the
boae onrht not to erpaet that tba
Biral. after which abe n iil go ta Grid
the adiool with forty or ao^lba tor the actUan ia Alain,
"tated" OB to faaea, were baaled by to remaia for tbe winter.
fifty children to aanayc and inatroct.
Iboaa teorai over the roaybaat roads
Dr. Bnna went to.New BofialoToatot
Imayiaable. Mr. aod Mn. Poller ware day ta remare a tumor from a yooay
failed etterly to i
trpleal phraeon aad did tbeir fall ahare waman wboae caae bea balllrd lb< aidll
la wbieh to-eblldrea-ara taofbt
o( tbe work that fslle u aa aartr act- of tbe Boat emineatruryeoiia
a ftapael tatorb aad aotber'a
tority andaobaytbeaiapUciUy b
Pyr twenty-fire yean Mn. Foliar bae
Hr. aad Mn. Thomas Orr. who hare
mat laporuat and ^ffeelaal ally of
been In ill health. aad baa receired to been risiliog their daayhter. Mn. P
pahlle aebool.
taod«freat aod moat ooaataP
A. Itaaa. for to past two mnpibs. bare
rain, aanr pateau expeet tba pnbbar hnshaad aad cbildrea.
nloraed ta their'boiae In apnihero
Ik tckoola to trala IhAr dilldrea
ber long sofierlnywith peiUenca and llilonia
oaa oorreet and ebaate lanyoate.
raalynaUoa. fniUoy with tbe M.. E.
Mra. J. B. MarGn went ta Lclaed
fora habla of neaUea aad eoortaay
ebareb la early life abc
Friday ta yire an 'eateruii
when toy
1 and eonableot cbrUllaa onUI eloeoUoD that nlyfat onder tbeaaapicea
0 of tboir
Iron. elolaU to
of the Lealanao connty taacher'a
re of ai
ehaeta laayoaye and aeylect to m
her, aaeford.llrlpyaboBt three a
Miaa Burrowa went ta Chicago
the homa a |daoe of neataea aad a
weat of tbb place. W. R. Puller
Toeaday fora rUit of aboat two wewks
Moot lielay. Tbe (acta are tot a
Fife Lake. Noah, wbo baa eamaiaed ea While tore abe will make a aiody of
to home farm aad Mra. Ueorya Potter all tha newat mclboda in ber profreof Homataad towaahlp. Tha fuDceal aidb and look op the latest methods
laarlay their tialBioy
aerrlece e^ere held atoaa o-eloek Wed- balrdrcosley.
aebool and to etraet,Mn. J. BoBTaean of Mapletan itarted
tot tha lalormaUan. bablla and lab- needay. aod tbe borlal waa la to. Al-.
aln ocaretery.
Satorday owrnlay forWallla to rklt
yuaye yaiaed by the cblldran oo to
her daughter, M
Mra.. Peter Dmaandar.
of aebool boon awn thaa
Blyk Sohool Stadantt.
toteoeblayaadtealBta Tialt ber brolber. T. Lardle.
Ve^ aaay patroia of tha.pubUe
lay yboa daring acbool boon. No oec
^en barn bat a cayaa frienda.
roalUa beftarton to teacber tot
Aeoaylboae wbo will take loAbe
--------,t of detaU iBvoIeod
ebiUtoa laam mon bad Uaynaye.*
erU baUta.
to atraoC from
0 Bine la to eecalay than oaa im
erhalaeoad in the fire acbool
Itom na eartew orfiiaanco b a dlayrAefal eeafealoe tot pareaU either
know to daayan tbeir eblldi
a«e aobiectad toon tbe atceeu or are
iadlSareat la regard to too.
Wboo pamnte yeBarally coae to
realtie tot toy bare a aoat laportaat doty to perform Id Ualniny tbeir
ehlldrea for yood. hoonk lalcUlyeot.
iBw-aUdlayeltIteaabIp. tfaea will tbe
aebooL aided by tbe boae. aeoa be
able to aeooaplbh tUt wbleb Uc poo-

B wiU bo nore oridenL ^eo to quote but •

J. F. Lord, of Soolb Waterbon. Me..
pbaiedei* bllbof.bonlenltunl
bat spring with aoothera white
in the bllb for to beans ta ran oo.
Tbe earn grew ta an avemy^eight of
10 feet aad made two bulk toads fora
oair of bones, bat to slpll» ore eo big '
that they bare ta be en with an ax ter i !
to cows ta eat thaa.

Editor W. B Campbell
•bell of
ef to £b|
Leader, w

«1 to ow^ lo»-w* yn nye.

■ We ask you .to
; Compare Prices and Qualities "*

tewe Bear OoaBaree. Oablaad eooj

bbo*. old rgbb

Special Gui Price Sale
asrow onv.
aOOpain Udie*' Fme Kid Sbo.^ <
$100 to lAO.

GOO pau* Hen'* FIm Show, good teatlifff. nim 1
at7l«A,4mt from taOO to 1.48.

850 pain aitdm'a ShemA, ibmJateIr

tmry pAir.

Ton get good wearing
[ shoes at low prices her^



•r, ao ttmk, $160 to TSo; $1.3-* to SSa
Xea'y Worii Show—vc can wre yoa ■
Onr lAO *9ld At $260 4

Oar ImdW Felt Show
odd fret,


joet tbe tbiog f«;r'

^oat cume aad aee whet we wfll;

: wtl yoOAt 1.00.

i Alfred V. Friedrieh,
The Foimlar Stuw House rfXraVerse OtgrK

W. KiabaU keaM ataao.

k >■ B. Bmoc. Mamiyw.



mMmMLknaat HiautrP ftmwwga gs wfr


State Bank,

«»p<rrow-F-T7aaoaaa. a.tmrw


Clrculitloii thU week 2,400
1 Uleof doetb Beardona baa

dtaaaaer viaobif Ua UUataddttiaa to the Uwery aatOt M Oora
Brara llrery ban.
IMa aabyUtktaabwUloaet
^ avaata^ at the ham ai WOUaa
O. «. Utdie baa aew boabala
afpetatofalabti wmiaboaaa aad
P. H. Palaa.
aertot, left at tbr
WuTi. eOetyaalarday aota* alrffaat
PboprtetoftrhaatlaUee loral Mrbai tetoa ntMad to W eaea yaatortey.
Par aaMtlaoealyneaila iaa beea
Wni Dam* aad Will Blobarda Itft
Prldar far a tea daya- buttac aapaiUtioa ta tba ytaiBlty af tba BoTa
>. wbo bat joat rabaraod (rpn a trip to Ulaaoari. wbm
hate hoop deiaebaatataaio tba fnilt
■Brinla. ;_______________
Oaf Bf tka W, C. t.
A. »U) babaU la Uia Ladln' Ubrary
raaMaaatTbaiaday aftaraooaatrio

*lha ioBlert LynoB aat la
Blfbaaboorreea afur aebool yotardpy- *• lamuor aad lattnetlra
1W ■aoHayoftba Brldpt' Boildart.
whbab Baa to ban bora bald tbda eraek.
tebatapMtpoaadoaUI aaxtWodawte oraolap. Oetober rib.
paapta lajerrd lant aarloealy la
(Barlaialx hotel arreek. irill aotbe
•Ma la aoM boM'tor aoBf tlM.
Kaaamr Barry^ te talapboaa aaataaga. la harlat wlraatraar for laatraaaiala la the r^ldaaea of Prod. P.
Baddta a»d the OnniU oopn room.
KteMty. wat eatafod TModay algbi
sad a letafabaaa aadaboel tl.oo la
ate aloiaa. Bo elee^ to tba tbUf
- Tba Blgb aaboal foothall taaai an
yraparlactepola M«al««a» Bplarday
taracaaaarilfatbaBIcb ateSt Obb
of that plant, wblah dafiatad tbrm her*

At s:M TMnday afteraaa lha raat toot
teatpte Mn. W. E. j
arttea wWl at tba Mylas waa dm- Wright wifc af Bra. W E. Wrlgbk
aaete with tba tea bolUM of tba patter#! the Pnabyiarlaa eharak. niatUtaUoB aad tba eattf^baUdlag la aterad Udiagtof tba tarioai matoi of
■ow oappUad with tba ponM wpMr barfittbar. Baa. Kawta Bateowa. LL.
Oaly aboat aaa-baU tba
of Oalabbwrk. nu. Hra. Wrtet
tba wMI la Inagbtto tbla
aadtetaly o&te for tba t-'-*'- '
baUdlagyatiaeae hA>r aad
tar nlntet then waa a aaiplaa of
ia.W>gaUaMoteaadatee all aaad
for iba gnat balldiag. The water
f that a pMat T7 faat abora tba water
tebU of tly balldlBg. TbbcraatanaaioB wall, wbteb bat alnadr baea aaa- joaraay
k to }oia Mn
tieapd by tba Hkoau. la apt af iba.Wrigbk
ftotet le tba atate. Water wat atra-k Boa }
BMamae waa 1i yean
at 100 feet aad tba Saw It onr
of age, aod tor llyean Mrrod w
goUoaaaday. •
boaor aa pmldeat af Kook Oollege.
Ualeabargb. Be wat tor H yean fitatr
Clear Koban- Data.
of Public loetroctioa.
A. J . SBitbof Eroarri le. lad . U lo of llllaoit.' aad la early deyr waa
Ibeoity 18 tba lateretta of tba Cigar latlBata friead of Abrabam Udeola.
Makm- Union. Mr. SbIUi b tba effi
k*d oB»a adjoiaiag
ti»l orteit^ of
A*^ f*
>-‘ooo>b for nranl yean
lookiaglDlotbaeoadlUoBot the local | “»>»ry batwaao tbaoe two •%*,■ aoi
braoefa. Mr. Bmlte aaya that ba baor 1 laemed wbaa Mr. Uncola bacome
prbedthatUielonldaaJendbaotriralpnaldeBi of tba Cnlu-I aitaten
___ _______
,a(aetaran{ fleteBao boa been IdenUBed with tbe
Intbe'eh). Be alao ttataa that If the jodiiaailoDal pr.>greaa of the atate
lloob tor Baoy y^ra and wot am<
local Btaafoctann ncolred half aa ItHoob
a forrBoat vt tIbadlatiagabbad pnbBO«b trade at
taoeet awty for
for |gradea the
of good* not aa gaod''aa
good''aa Bade
otadc ben. ;'»*^»Jrlted dUiaoa of iba atate.
B. H. Xlaaay. Jr.. B. J. Elaocy aad
if Ateariea. toalgbt la Hoatagoe tbenwoeld leaat-tblny Bon Maay frleeda will Boarn wltb Mn
Artbar Prtaaa- atari tbia teoniM *4> ball. Thk
TbltBae^ U called for tba
aaployed ban. Ba haa! Wrigbt aod bar family la tbelr Iota,
attaad tba iBtlar Day HaiaU' aoarae■ of InUtatlng eereni eaadi
-------------- ^-------UoB at taolb Baardsaa. Tboy waat dates After tba loltlatloe tba Bts fcachtoaar i^fordlng tbe etoaUaaoel
to aaa tba aonatry aad will walk o*ar. ben will gather I anmad tba oasp-dn
Tba Con
> Aid So­
dlataaea »l aboet M nllaa.
aod oytten wUI An aarrad. A fall aP
ar BcatUg for
whleb aigbt Joit oa waU go lato acUre I ibe coali
ebareb parlora
of the Wtat Kida Improra- taadaaoa It doalrad.
The buaiana of
latloo on rrqaiatcd to Beat Charlaa Boehndla. oa oploya l> cinaUUoe In tbla.etty.
|Ua day before tbe eoeiety 1
tba layFrld^ araolaf atT:M at tba Wood­ tba teUI of Kallf ACoraU at UlfbU.
CoBoaruag Tax
I log oat of tba plana for tbe yaar'e
ward baUdloc n Bay atreal, ter Dorwltb a am polafBl aoddaat
iwo^. ktatJaga foribe neaol rm
row'aalon. Bodoaaaof apbeial iBpor- MoDday oeorelaf. Oaa of tba balta to Tbe followlag clixnlar liei
]work M aewing. etc 1 will ba belli
totbaWeatlHda wUI ba
tba Boeblearybrektoad waa Uupwa

P" ir wdaka.
aboet iba foot aad eaek of llookradd
from tbr aala nada iaay be colled tbaelub work, of
Tba OBBl-aaDoal apportSooma
iB aeck awayaatocot aad tear the frta tba tax record at the aannal lax|elaJ-Utanry natnfe. at Iba teat InUn
prtBory aoaay to ba Bude aoao wlU ba flaab la a tarrlhla Bteaer. Tba latalkie
the maeUen oor*
tba lorptet la Ibt Uatory of ihr atate. jer^ Bae diora to tba dty wban iba
la two waeke. Tbe (alter dirUloa bae
Of prior yean maev be Bade
" r Dr. Keaalaad.
or baton Uacaaber ttb. l«kT, wbalber taken Boaetblog of a new deparlarr.
amde to on ladirldaal
aad proalaae a moat OMfal aad attroclA large aaslBraf frialidt alUadad'
• waa flfiy-foer eaau per
t the atate. Ba- lea- pragma. Tbe genemt direvtjoB
loanlet little Jallea fib 1 Saaday'
iltda oaa wot oaa rtar demptiop Boney ROBoot be recalTed. will bt lo Ue way j>t
Tba A. W. Walt M^. Co. la gatUng
eld aad Iba aoa af Mr. »ad Mn. »>aak either by Ur ooaoty traaaonre 01 '
filepaa. He dlad Krtday night of ebol- tbit daportBrai. at aay later dau
"Oo aad after DecoBber fi. ie«T. all
of AldWteoa Baabae Ooodriok fitter enlafaataB. Tba Udiaa At the Iloyal laada bid ia tba atate at Ua tax tplt In •ubjarte inated. UAllr not p cookb'klgtabon tntxrd on! Id W body aad
day.. Tba poate will ba palatrekwhlta naay baaeUfol Moral trlbntoa oorerad Dectmber, ItV)^ and sot radaeiaad beBobool. It will paruke< of
abdiwill ba attfoeUra ta wall aa a
of Ue arUixh «f that tno.1fnn
that date, becose atate lax laada
tba little ateat Tba Robemloa AM
aad popnlar eduinUuaal Joeliaodaty J. C. D. blao were prraaat la a aad aabjecl to tale ae each, and all
taUoa. t'apm
MHte'Broa. will deaa tbair Tipkat
land# told to IndlridatU at taid
____ i___
recipae. ate . «
Brokar-a ofltea today, for tba wlotar. deeded os aurrasdar tbarrafler
ally'lllaxtmted bv
Fred hUytald wbo Im bad eharga CbaaL E. Mamy. ageot of iba O- R A or tbe nertiacate of aaleaod ooobisg el -t
oUheofBoeforaoBatlBe, will go to
TYAvar It City Horaae WlSwhich win be aartakrs of by Ue atToledo wban ba baa token a pdtiUoD werka' rUU at bie old bame lo Haloe.
ooeoaeppalad by hla ^mlly. Ur. Hur­
tVblleUacMat of tba Patoakay hotae racaa
aaUarellBgaalcasaBfor a large
ray la oo ordeot aporteBpa aad
« off Satarday and Ue TraTene plete laying out of tbla coaraa of atody
ilahing gooda hoaae.
oa'bla raeaUoB darotad
■k eeeryUlng is aigbt la sot per(ecteffbyi-t esougb wot deeldU
BardatW Balaa. oldeat aoa of U
ad is Ue aftersuos
ai Uey did is Ur prrrloni
tbm la plaaty lo tbe Neer Bagland track wat rrry baary aad su eaty good Bi*r an attraallrr wiuler'a work. A
tad Ura. Charlaa llaWia.dlad finaday
forrate. Ha anooeedad la killieg a ctritbelr boBa ^o Alnin of dnpay. ag
wa* oiadr.-Uoagb It waa 0>od nutlcurdial iariiatluB to attend Ueae
yaan. 'Tba feaanl will be bald tewalgbiag too pouB^aad a large eoDalderisrUiaooBdltiooef Ua track. %ealinn ii extended to all Trnrena
froB tbe Alain aobooi boota today at dear.
la Ue fiae-for-all Bicycle Ulrl. U. .1
B. Bar. Jaamus of Lobe >ae
Morgas a gny mare, took 8nl Bosey.
tbe local lodge of Good Taaplan b de- Das Bailey taking eocoBd. Arbals.
lew of tbr matter la an epiaired at tbe next rrgalar BtaUag. Uav third. Tibc.
7:31. S:li
Aoetbar nsladar for rtaldsita lo
eantenrr: "A maa well fed
ordaj- rraolng at T;M. la Moategna
la Ue7:»S trot or pane Fnd Alaont
bare tbair latiara oddraadbd to'
hall. Elaelloo of cOcan for tbe ra- took Aral Blooey. Tise.
2:3ii libalfakred.-wbicb.aeoBe Uinki of
tod ooBbar. will DM ba oet Af
aalag qoarter will ba tba epeoial ordar
tod t lltUa tttatttea to
of boelnae*. goartrrly dual an oow
Kicyeir lUrl want a alia with a' rantreeotfnakBjrbti
payabla to nnberl Norttanp at City oing bame 4o beat Ue track record af ppalotedUe loUoWlag eommltteaa:
Irrry lyMaai la eatabllal
ViMTltn: Mrwlamm OelaU. Cortlv
aawi etaad In poet ofBoe. Amage- •:M.'imt oaly 7:J» waa aade. Ue cob
balag mada for toother UP
of Ua Itoek balag aafarcrable
aaplt'td Id arvy eoBteek________ ■
to faat work.
The Tnrerar boran wUl ttrtara oa
Ibo DOW KiBbtll Boak al«re Friday
A Jolly’parrot aoaUirrs Ificblgaa
iTica: irradamea. Uclntoeta. Jobotod tba Bnt tarrioe perforBed by (ba tallaBeo an rejoylag a week'e oqltea. Iloyk Dottoo.
iDatniBaot erta t tolacUoa epoD tba
aouUwBod U
iBg at benh-te waota. Anoag 'them
l'a«>B*-v: Mredamet C. J. Kaealand.
epboaa. tfanamlUad urer tba win
Haary Damage SalP
. Hontagur, U. J. Morgan. K. C. Hew
of^a ItlroprrAnactloaforpAixiu damagn waa be- pm. Deemood.
bb broUiar aad Barbert Jenalng*. ua ynterday by Oaoigr W.■^•hrlp.s
A teinwot topper will be giran neii
roehlar of tba MrrebanW Beak at y hie attorneye Dodge A Xorall, Tueedty raesiDg and otberewlll be
Tba W. C. T. t-. tre Btklag t
CbarlotU.. Tbay war* Jjlnad early agmloat Ua Chicago A Wtat Ubbigaa
doe to tba Blaalottry It tba I
Ua wlater. . A epeci
Id Ua wrok by A. D. I
A1.1 Who tn 1
papan wen teracd upon al'foatan of Una .will be tbo
wlab lo tld lo thla work ti i.nqeaatod proalaanl Barafatat of tbe ■aaa-'eUy. Jaaea Kakoe, loco) agent of Ue
llmr following, aad laaUng Uroagb
Mn. A. W. They an paaalng Ua tiaa away la 8*b- paoythe arming.
Boabaa. West fieraatb atraak Aay- Isg bad report aoar large catebn.
Pbrlpa waa lojarad while In Ue anPatotkey. oa
ploy ortba o
Wuman'a Ctab.
aoBSiy Elaeunu.
At Ua annanl aaeUag <d Ua AM bo- the STU ot^ April. 1
’rtdaj- atUe Woatan ariub 1. ki
MMWaita.wbobaa bate aapleyad
aa Baclproclly day. Tbrrr will
e Btleaatt la tbe Bottoa filon derltp eUty of Ue Pint U. E dkbrch yeelar-'
from one of tbr other atate
Ibt ptat tbrat yaan. will laara Ula
Ing BOBa bos can eear Ua fnigbt ideba. road by Ura. U E Carter.
slty KeraBbarTtb And go to Barber
hooxa;. be ,Bonated Ue ladder Alex. Coaurd. tbr pmldmt of .Ibr
rreaiaant—mn. vtnmn.
UprtDgt, irben oo tba Alb ba will ba
of oae af tbe can tor Ue parpow of Uandon Womaa'a Club, will mtertel
Ul Vlea--Pm^t-Hta. fiblaliU.
BtiTiod to Mite UuV fielgU of that Sd Vlae-PnalSwt-Mn J. Jaaaaot
It froB^OBOtber. when bl*
Ha aipacU to eBbtrk lo baal- fiactatory—Bn J. fl.dmagworUy.
After adjnaniBrol
tan than.
which projretod oat to aa toe------ —
‘ to girr
will be held
Tbe pUtlerm

Anolbar praeUeal erldaoet of tba
eaed la loadlog 8ah. Pbelpa waa badly Mn Caaterd.
prapeAy that bat dawbtd opoa tbU Hie ananal aaeUBg of tba Woaan'i
r^loD la tba fact that >a tbia ooeaty VorelgB MItaloeary fioclety of Ua
HbaldThandayanf permaaent Injurtea Be atate* in bla
declantloB Uat ha baa been saabla to
•n elected:
ierlag tba paat BMolb that for a tlml- Ue following
Rearembcr there l» Kui
lyUing bat light work aloot Ue
Leaeaa Thoaat:
ar period of tlaw lor three yaara. Boat
Bcddenk >f (ba iDceabraaeaB Udod hare beeo Vice prealdenV Mn. Mary Moore: Saorriary. Wlalfred B Pratt: Treaaarer.
Baal Eatau 1* BooBtmg.
Ura. Mary IngenolL
oaw Fnabytarlaa cbereb la baTbeaeewadbaalBaaaeUrliyln Ula
Cyelona Waa -to Blana
rianlDg lo aatoBa attraetlrr proper.
Uia eonwarb Jery lo Ua big hotel aacnoB of Ue atate D not conSaart mlota: tba baataaal wall la dalahed and
ala part of tba adldea la brglB. laatUir at Cbkrlevolx. eoaplrtely aad better pricoa for farm produeta,
Ua ^hlteck Ue builder
BlagtoaaggaM what tba whole dIU
bat tba real eatate aarkat U aUo fealika wbaa eonplatad. Tbla will and all eoBseeted wlU Ue
«. fieresty witaeaaaa were placrd lag Ur impatua
of Oartald tewaablp. ana the
ikt BKfeMM tetWD tw>
•mU* Mf«t kwaj,«h* MftB «rUl.*ot viottaafaaaaracad «ew Baaday aad
tDtoKMtatMbUrdv- AfMMMU hM waatili ara qmtto ftoaa TMcbey
«oa (urod aad Ihreara by tba bena o(
(ten babuid aad hla «aab badMoadar mi^t oa tbt li o'tiedt C * lyWaaad eat. Ba na aWaaiidby
«r. M. mta a «u«of aftr MB. aad Mro
Dr. Eaeolaad wbe fa*a the aiiiwry
la to aam aa aooaa. artvad fn»
»%Baplda n»yfor VaaiteweckoaUwC * W. U. eaFriday teoralv wml teeaban ad
lha .OetebadralCaab. 8ta Baa. C K.
W. P. Boaid»aa of Mcrth Haa- l>Brbw. H. B. QDlaa. Aldanaa Jabraaaaad
W. P. Eatpay. left for Platte
tea Uoadr^nd la the eltp aa llw
l^Uvala Boaday alifct wilk aoaM Uka. Whara they bare baaa apawdlBg
iktelBgaodbooUag- Tbair oatBaUlaferPraabBniaefaASaBa. Bala
of tbroa laou. eooklog
nanriar aeqabnaaeaa atMr aa ataaaee
rf umyaaia. ___________
* itaaMlt. ftnaraa aad Aehlag taabte.
They won iolDad 8atonlay by O. P.
Hrm. Oeldaa fertafa the Bi
CMrrar aad W. J. Bebba.
pray of pear bloaoma pldtad yoatorBoata Agoit Wabb of the ABorkoa
ttaaea Mr. Bopkiaa', bn
U^mCd. batbeea la Ibaaiw leeklag
r tba bBaatelB thtodl.r la eterga
of F. 0, Oarfaa. Mr. Wabb tialae that
(be boaleaaa of tba ootepony M grorfW. J. BobbawbojoiaadAbaOetabad- Btlly Improriag aad that tbe laeraaat
■at dob at Platte iBka Salordfey, n- la tba alata ortr laat year U froB 10 to
anadyaatarday aad nportad that tba It poroMk Tnrana Oty ebowa ap
tbar teembera wan barlag a rloriooa with ibabaot towaa la ibaatau la aa
tbaaaadlbat batt tibiae eraa axmlloot mad pasa aboadaaL


for a mill that can supply you anything from |
Wheat, Com or Oats, drop us a line and we will |
try and interest you with samples and prices. I

Hannah & L^y Co.
■ If)ouo7ifywnrHhejHli^lifnoiighlotlarlrilti-

^Ab Advertised hy some

Oar ReRolar Pri^e

Best Velveteen..........»«orili 65c for 39c

25C It s all itJs wotti

Novelty Goods, value 50c for---- J7‘ic


iw • l6c
38 inch all Wool Mohair, worth ;sc •
for...................... .........39c

37^^C for over a yeay past.
ETC.. KtrC.. ETC.

Suiijiose some potato buyer would idvenise that potatoesjwcrc worth 8 Or loc.
t asdic-had wonderful abilities
es and needeil
needed a fewfew* carloads h^
he would pay 30 to 35c
this year. It wouldn’t take long to sij:e hhii and the siiuatiun Up, would it? No rogn
or niLTchaiil sells an .-irtkle wonh ?!j.oo for gSc. When you. can get something for
nothing please post us up. We’re interested.




Haskell's Bookstore,

Utbkyaaref allphtappla erop U
TI* tarU qaartarly aratlag of Ue
a. BotaU of Ana taada tba IIkoalo iraat aad Oraea Daka fianday School;
WBpWof at larpa aad laa
latioa wat tad al (inn
lipp applaa at an aaaaUy to ba aaaa L lay orlU a good a\tadaaem Tbe peotba tel aawoa*.
wwproattalW fall otlotereak
Ua good faalacaa waa aa adOaeti* O'Kall baa awtad lato bU at*
ratIdaBaa aa tba coretr of tet BlaU rata by Prof. C. B. Bora, of UU . liy
Blnataad Ukt avaaoa. Wbaa oob- a “Boa
plated it oUlbaoaaoftbakaadtetetet
B. U Baatea ntoraad Toeaday
US a trip Urragh Ohio. ’ladUoa aad
lllaoia Ba nporw Barb damage
tatbar. wUeb baa I
for load for emtUe. The Oraad
daat to tba corlaa of tbO' rnnma nglaa. ba atetea.- la Ua
ttataiiBIbaC AW. K. dot ban at 11 krigbteat apot bahaaiaaa dorlag hla
a>tedi Ual akrbt eaaaad a dalay of oaa ■atintrip.
,OBd aoa-ball boon. Tba aoeidwai oa- Mr. aad Mra EllU BAwdall went to
■ earrad atar Kaat Cilyrraettaa Olty Hoaday aad left a eeryibipg aaean at bone ai Uey aeppoead.
at aboat I.1 oeloek a. m. of Ue
day .an erae dlaoaearad la Ue olv
tata lbad9. Tbry ban t
by aalgbbce*. aad by a baid
itraggleltwatpMoakbatBM befon
maoh daUagato foraiUra, Iom'
.piaak Portaa aad ttBlly
I t
ally bowm
laltm aad Ua boaea waa doao.
«teMflaatea.Wk. ‘BUthUiaAnl
bit leea at tM boohateUafaaa/afataboyaaad ibna trad Aollara. Moeb wodlt aboaM ta
fteaUaf wboB bora romp aad |lna to Usaa wbe pat Urn Bn «ak-

Ueeland. Tba eardial eaya Ue dltUa lollowiag by Boa. Beal
atter wot caaard by "a beary wlad,
(tadrich: ItOaetanaarSlIearUkrto
eyrieae or tornado.” The hotel U al- Fmnk KratoebeU for 8USKi; alao Ua
rady nbulll op io tba taeond alory.
old Proaty farm, oa Um Hoagbta Dakr
atate rood, to Wm F. Hunter, for
-teb haa alao
Ball delle ry- Buuui eDbeeribam 11.- are amalleraalee la thecoeou-y
iBg wlUlB Ua IlDiU of tbe delirory. gatli
gaUagtl.tiO. bealdei cily loU bboobV
ban Uetr papart dalleered wlU lng'to|i.<
B. W. Baetiegi haa alee
tbelr oUar mall ymaSdot Uey aoUty
tbto n.«n (oat Ua poaUfllM. b<a Ua aereral aalea of farm property. oBoag
beiag au aerea le Doag Lake
HoktUi oSeal girlngetrrw
Oar Savings Departn;^nt
lltowDahIpboaghlol Hr*. Joaaa by Mr
FiBchfortlMi Alao » aerea tMd to
W. lirarl by Fnnk fiteeaaa wbo Une
b Gmad Bapide. for 83W.
Ur. Baatlog alw offoeteda ealeet
190 tern of tiBber laad. a pwtloo of
‘ diatriel < ereoiloa UaDooglaBfmrB.toaaUA fimlU. lor
• $£crMirr ritticai.tKO
1. M
klE} Dptit ku tt M It I nq Ilf 8W
yeaierdey afteraooe arlti^ good rrpnTban It eapeldarabia laqalry for
amUUua from Ue ebarebte
brm property bat autao Baeh b Ue
dietrict- Ba>-h church la catitled to oae dty. Uoag^ than ara iadleaUaaa of
dalegate aad thirty wen prearak
ackleliy la leeal real aaUte b Ua
othen being repmeotad by lettan. fatora.
Tbeeblat bnatnemot Ue ateaUag araa
todeeldaapoa Ua Praaldlag BMarb
eolary aad on»ri>oa D amoag Ue
chanbai b Ua.dlalHck



Aannal Cooroaeiaa.
Tba prafiam ia oot lor Ua ai
laetlBgof Ua tiraad Tnewn
triesHiabUrial tapHaelil aad Me-,
to ha bald at Haa-1
ealoaa. See ia 19 aad I* Bae. EL
of tbo dUrirk*
will apeak of Uaoatloeb lor Ua yoar
aad Ba*. J A Bnady will deUeor tta
Tta taaaatta waa baU b Traeona Ct^ latt
pearb oaaaertlea wUb Ita dMrtat

of toiM bird Siamcnro srticlro and tooth powdm ia p*nieoUrly iBTitias. berwnae it presesta an
■nob isskensen. miede, sod rail
AlMonrTiAof peffnmea. ten let <
(icloa and bsndkoKhiaf axtncta.
Thb tmfity of onr ditigs ia wril
kson Ab] ow ^ctrvHM esM in •
I ia a mu



We don't do business that way. Some people try to.


Baaaal SaMay of WllllaaMbatg, aad
Itoa HotUb C. LlDdarlait of Mabel,
-rn Borrlad Tateay >7 Bar. J. A.
tba Matbodiat
Bbilb atraak Tba friete of tba
e Tooaday Bormlap by Ra*. Pr. nappy eoaple will ba glad of tbU opA mddlaf braaUbat folloerad wrluDlty toeapmagood wlabaa aod

■MM IB tei Bip tavtelp.

If you
are looking




on good nature it' would be to
attract you to our store's in
hopes of getting SOMETHINGl
for NOTHING. We never mis­
represent. When we say we
are selling goods at bargain
prices it means that you are get­
ting the worth of your money in
values with a little to save, than
if you had bought them some­
where else. We have nothing
but the best, Which is always
the cheapest. ‘‘Plunder” is dear
at any price.








trtete M Law Uk» •>& Mn Abb
hto luebar latareeto hare.
'MmMt «wte»*rba*» MBlla ai
Ur. aad Mra Pnd Lardie hanbaea
ntartaiallirWaadi fne; W^ord ih^
. Miab atote^ aa<




Two Bxm taaew arriaed pealerdaT
Iron iUc Saplda. anktiut tear to eona
ttwB there to work pa the kanadeo A

i' vtiSb^
urn Absb MaHinu i
artu >«lM>*«a la


<ji^TES=ra^.srHra. Obbtsb

Plaaaaat wnth w agala aM h talay
Attanwp WMA-OBkeWlad Inlaad


Mr. aad Mra. Boroagb bare Bond
a tbe tarB «Itb their eoa Cbarlea. aad
Bfaby win
by ■
Tbe rcgeler ta
Frrf OrabaB of Beat Her to belptac
V. will be held al
iBoa Waller dlf poUloaa.
o'doek eon Uma. Sobjecl-'
sot eauock froat.
Batr Jmbm IB U| te*a Bcmla.
Fetdr Bodaad aad foBlIj will aoae
TbrJoalora with the
IM B*rr«J BBd «U* tatB f*Br»Bd _uwa to their laica tarn aaar Port
Mle^ i^Mpariyat
- ^^OUkvtBai(«taa taUkiiirtorite
nry pleaeaot tlBr.

iSimn bMbBW BlBkbB^ toaUa
Ibajar the tllh laaU
Hra Oraoe Horelaad who baa )>eeB
Pi^ HBBMar n*« aa BBMfttlBi
aaeadtour the aaBawr with bar parr
Mia. Hr. aod Mre Peter Awae. wilt r»tara la bar boae at Orawo the la


Abkb Waller haa a aawoora crib o<
<iprea«l plao with aolld ataae BaaoaloratoaadaUne. ratproof. Capacl9 boahahartU wacoa ahad lo

Ml allMa HaMBaato


■ MaUlalna
leeMlel theberian alraaA; tolk-

t^inTT T* r! **^?* “ >
^^^wuSmbi all the food leek


Oanolekael ia afata rWtiai

Mr. aal Mia Obaitej Beward rklud
pt hw latberb laet »aadar.
' Ml aal Hn. AUred Chwaeaa took
r with itr. had Mib. P. CoMeM

Ma Meoi« (asUr, who hate nMmad tnai ladiaae: report Mateee
•ala»tBMhW«7«aia.' Mhktaa U
Mt *a went place atur aU.
Md DafAeoiaad MiooMar)' Bhal
ware aailad la nairkM laat dnadaT


Mta. Leater Holleebrek of Blk Rap- “ -lolleabochb.
Mira Jaaaie Bager attended the teacb•a'euBlhatloBat Tranrae City laat
;t to to Beet at
Oaawall Wedetada; arilb Mn. C. week.
'B D. and Viaeat Ooff an ealoylng
a riait fros a brother who reatdee 1a
Hra. Uao. ^bert of -Oadllli
New York.
lag bn paiMta. Hr. aad )
Df. WalUraad B. H. Hobbarddron
d» laat week W 1. I'rtakdag; _,ef to Tranrae City Wee
potatotAlebwelghati.ponoda. Wb
tornlag l%iuaday.
Will Clark etarted for Ohio Uoadav
o'look after hie aod biaatolor'i later­
al ia tOB^oIl laoda there.
a U Hotchlneatuaded the Odd FelBoiriu^idat Nortb HJloa^j^K lowa' awellog at LaoeiBg leat week at.
npneeaUUre of Uie lodge bera.
idal^beard BaaUag of the
Mr. Abbolt, who aae been clerkiag
LbarebtaoaU>to<diarga.beId Taeadaj lor E- C Brower, left Oatorday lo be­
afleraooa. It wmi decided te drop Baat- gin trwebing eear Sammlt City.
aert frOB the efaarfe and ban pnaeb
B H Bobbard of l*nlaekl. who
big at Kortb UUloB onrr Sabbatb
aarrlaa to be bald altarwaMlr aioralar beeo rUitiag fall daughter. Mra.
aad enatag. ‘bVxl habbatb aerrloea Waller, ntarord hose Saturday.
\V. a Foliar aod Dr. Waller bare
anaViOAO o'elona.
each forwarded eampln of eogar becir
Oa tiatarda/ erealBg abost Iwealp
of tba b(7a aad girU of the arlgbbot^ to Prof. C. D 8mUb at the AgrlmiUnrhiBd set at the hoar of Fraaeto fl.^k- al eollege for aaalyala.
Un Miaa UeCoy of CailooariL Mow
la to help Htoa Krllta oelebrale brf
_ refrMb tana, who baa beea apeadlag the aoB
alath w-T....__
Wrthdap. •...______
Thep tooh
Beata with Ihea and the areelog wae Bar with nUtirea here, aUrled for
^Mt la gaam oa the lawn, which wt> home yeaterday. Her Bother. Mra. N.
inled her.
wall Uebtoderitb
dna report a Sae
EBBetrnagadora haa ballt m addlUoo at tbe rrar of bii atore. He hei
aleo newly aided the Bhlo bulldihg i
the whole, addiog Bu
Buck to
appraranec of the propprty.
aebool the l»tb.
It bae her
Bar. Hr. Darliaf haa goae la Lud Prteabey Hatarday.
ported that be eloaed a hnrgala
iBClOB oa a bulseaa trip.
1 Oakley while there fo ..
J H. Honrot aod faBlIy. a
_______ lOd 6re actra of groand one-half
Mealtew aad wife were rtollora
Bile aortb of therillage.
41a annoopced that then will be
A large aban of the wheat
rbeat eowa be- wreaUlag Batch at Q. A. R.hallHatoi
fon the sotb. of toeptcBber to badly
.____ -Blbrl.......................
_...-ldge Aldridg.
danafed by tbe |nidao fly.
pooDda. aad IVb. UeCrn.
weight I
Oateb w
parM.of flU.
The M. B. oaraoaace to to be eold oa
J. a
aad Ulaa^lla Bord^ of
the Stth.
Hereafter tbe paraoDage
will probably be at a Bore o>
iBoalty aad were greBed with
F. RaBllB. wbo baa a large acreage
r of rice oa alighUag (roB Ue
af eerg, reporte an aecrage of a boabri aahower
re Friday ercolag. Tbry an
oIbm of good eoud deat o«w» fro*



Obaa Oopalaad bae boagbt tbe s^ of
MhB LMra WOep weal toToMeki
laotrriAaj. .
aathe Uatbw
fnL Baaalar cm twa aatartala- thelaaA
Bone iBBMBae ylrlda of poUlon
Mhe Maad Palrar wnt io Tiarana reporthd. C H. Moeroe will ban
Boarty S.ooa bnbelt froB eerea
Hr. aad Mn. lM>aw <rf Ealkaaka Bow to that for Uraad TramaeT
MBi Baadej with a F Chai^.
TbeOraataod Ureea Lake S
Miatloa held a eoBnoUoe ■
Mrawa eehael booae oo tbe fSrd. It
waa (airly well aUeaded aod all felt


...____it—for r
Uader, Miaa
i.H Blackman of Trarerae'cnyarrired
at tbe Waukaz'Xi
Mnodayplgbtahd exloMnodayplg
porU to roaaln aereral day*.
' The B. U topic for next Soodap r<
lag ia “Tbe boada of pea.'F." Kph.
V Uader. Charira IlauDiWrgrr,
ulaalda Darto left Tortday for ber
oaic at Ilorlun'a Bay. baring been
le Waukaxoo a little orer a year.
Mra. Chaa. Murphy aod daughter
Kaikaaka are rialting Mr. aod M
Wraten. parent* of Mra. Mnroby.
Mra. Hlckox, who haa breo loliraiicl
Uapidaor near tbeee etoitiag Irlrod.
for aeraral weelca. arrired bouie Friday.
Little. Albert Strelr badahlrthdar
parly Muoday afteraqon and tbe llule
folk! preaeot had a right nu-rry lime.
MtoaCyathIa Keyra of.Trarrrar Cur
left Tneaday f.w her b.<me after rtoltfrioDda In Ibia p'acc for abool


Mr. and Mrv Cbarlea Yowinkal and
MlB VowlokrI of Hoffalo.
the guwu of Mra Keary Sf
tW* place.
Ramember fhe chicken pie anpprr
aod baxar lo be gleen by tbe Udice'
Aidaoclety and Eam« tbe
r fotnre.
.'a read In tbi EagTa tbe aotiee of
marriage llrenae of Mr. '
(Ireen aod Hi*a EHa Kurdge
of thto plaoe.
Miaa Wloifred liutchloana of [thla
(ui; (irand lUpIda Ho ing, wbere>abe expocU to remal

D Loog. conaia of Mra ite<
'. aad A U. Hanna of New Cadtle,
cere gueaiaat the Waukato.^ laat
Thnrnday aad Friday.
Dudley I.
-.. Earaeat
a will mcelilritb
CD aad Uiee Mr* Kl.a Campbell Salurday afteraono
lederaoB aUeeded the weddlag at !:in o'clock.
:k.^ letalllha
it a yolot to be proaent.
Oalyss ceauper baihel ia



ladUdBee owe
laat waek'w^iac
week walrhlac
a daj
. . A a aaiealh potala. J- W.

Mra. J. D. Kilwy to rIalUar at Traeena City, at praaeou
Fraak PutaaB aad faBlly of Trar­
C B. Theobald of Tiheiraa Qty did
ataehe betwara the elate eltber.
erae City aiTgueataal Jasce Pataaea'a
aoBe boataeoa here rKcaUy.
JaBea PutaaB to raUag tto konif
Henry ttohoBbrfg it baildiagaflae
aad putUag a aloe etoae wall aeder Ir.
bars oo hto eioeh lars »4zy«.
D. M. HkldBon retaracd
a. b:,L. Ailaa baa wend te Teba
rlall to tbe
a partoMhe a
I^^ay Vuh
laat Friday.
1 teacher.
riu etarted for hto booe la Cbl
Tbe flee W weather to ea
«day. HewUliakelatbaeargi
Miaa BatUa AUaaietafaad tew
bla rray.
at Tkaaane atp tUa week.
Mr. BBd Mia. Q Tbaakar af Traee
by tbe Blleo FaBlly
Otr.httaadadehanbBt tUaplaea 1
waU aUeaded.

^thS? ^wfK«“ **“*

B barge Fine L
Bber far the 1

aaeca and eowauiblra aad joatler
eoBria rare aeraral of oar people a trip
Tnreme City Int^weeb.
Bari Char, who l.'alteodlag tbe la-'
a,expeete toniara duetrial achool at Big Bapida. apni
Satwday and Snwday

dertrooble yon willflod

« Ulllc Thin of Trarern' dty.



bimT^ Sr ^* k'

SToS^..£3C:£"~“ iiSias'ei




Fn# Ftlla.

: for Mr ii
Tbe Mtoaea Clara and
aad Marylloltoa
dalted with Poari tVioae
Inae ou hupday.
Jobaaop aad bla
bla taaily bi
Mp digging petaloea
Mr.- h

No need to jfo tboc for

•rhea yoo can get it at any grocer's..

It Makes the Dirt Ffy\



Haij Ha Ifl


A New Line of Goods
Bt tlir j::>putBr pric- of




Suitsand Overcoats

We •would nol give the pubHc the
reaaioo that we carry only the lowpriced eliithing.
fight over s
s7Sc Child'
ild's 8nii, or s tl/iO
Men's fioit
Our endeavor is to do
three thinga/


lat Cany tiH-widest rafiety of goods
and prices (including the lowest) sod
BTaiitiv* them tu Im' the lowest.
2nd. Keep good fniihwith thepublic.
Hrd. Kell goud goods—satisfy the

Savor War Algn..

Ilere is a line of goods the'people
will appreciate.
Hamilton Clotrdhi Go.
S.V how they srr mnila—b«- the rit<tu
Ib of a
B coat. Did yuu ever nre the
itiBiiieof A BBW Irv’ Well,
ell. here
line of i.'taKle. Hir very •^-ill^Js■’I
tala" I,picture
sr<‘ bLowii. OuaraatAet] gixid. huncel
ifoodB. Cloth ahaolDtely pure woo). frv«
from HhtalUy. cotton and eliurt Ktock,
(afterstrictest cbeuiii-Al tniL)

DoM th« AttoniflT Omwal KoK*nnAir«arO'


Who recognises the Secy. oT Trei

HOT FOR murtHiiic

uwr in ■ mun uwwr; saise oraoo
1." brand
Since tbe Klobdrke

eoplr ai

the $18.00 Suita are induM io
by tfaM
OM who are looking for large in-

laooarooagb. If yea are “ant
qolfa weir or
half akk' bare yon
eecr thongbt that your kidoeyi may br
It to My tofallV^ui^aalde poor
riae for twaotr-fanr hou-»: a aedlaeat or aetUing Indicaira an apbealihy
eoadiUoB of tba kidam Wbea ariaa
oialaa Ifaea it la arideaeo of kidney
tiOBble. Too fre-iuent doatre toortaau. BCBBty aapplr. palB or doll aCbe la
tbe back to aton e.Befaclag proof that*
the kldoeya and bladder Deed doctor-

‘*Tbere to laUafaetfaa In kanwlog th
the great ramedy,_____________
' Or. Rllaer-a_______
Kw.a ^
Rout. lulfllU ererr wtob in relieriag
or dineaeed kldneya aod all forma
of bladder aad nrlaary troabh
iblea Nol
bebaUatBerfcarOaaekKea.a. Latae
oalT dooa Swaap Root give a
Kleigbt. who moved lo Ohio over aad activity
Ity to tAe
the kidaeyn—tbe
kidaeyn-U (uac
i yaar^ai^^ returaad.
Bto family of trwibla. bat by traatlng tbv kUneya
it acta an
aa a toale'for
toale for tbeeaUra
tbe eallFa euavUthe Bar
UUoo. If pan need a Bedlclne yoo
M^iai BBd hare aaartjr dalahad ihtir. B.B.E.
aboald baev the beat. Sold faydraggtota. prtev fifty oeato aad owe dollar.
Bn. J. Nrebar of Krewwk will apeak mowing of the T. In Ttai
— •-----------iltoelog

-----/ Bealtoelng the Ocaad Trarerae
in the tieraaa toagaa Saaday aMralag
Retald and anadlagyaaraddrem toDr.
.....................nBber T. AS the
* C
To.. BingbaBtoa. 1». T„ j
oerdtollr lariud
lariled to|aad*^^fe^%vM
^rmnnnMhrv ^toilr
a a mmpfa hoUfa at tba gnat
raoBt la yea faae by aoaU.
Min KlBa HeDaaaU baa haa retare-


SJ44 Front St.

Tba barge Alice Ulll . _ ._____ _____
edawllh polatnea at Ulll'a Pier Uat
.Mr. aod Hra.’CbebuncaMd'Tboaaa
WllllaBa baea breb digging potatoea
for Mr. Moe.
' SUbb^lUandHr Wiane
(Btcta a few flab
h daring t
Oat mue folka are gnwtly plaaced
Sunday and laaguealat thp Waukaworld for with their oew achool teacher. U‘ia
Th€ Baax SM.vk
Cola;^nratoer,, ______
Sorea^ - -lera. Salt Aaaa MiUio of Omraa.
Sorea. Tetter. Chapped
MtB Sadie Oklebloom left Monday,
all sklB
Bora^ on Urn Oneeat for Trarerae
...................... fur a eonple of muotht.
rrtnrned tn bia bonir at tbto pla^.
1 iiUaa Peleraon haa engaged to teaeh
Fhrmrra are Improelag thla
aaUafacUoB or moae]
!hool about four mlln from ITorefall weolbcr aa fact aa poaalble. galtihg
nfunded. Price nocal#
Inthelreoro aad potatoea oat of the
“”i n. i>h™i. ..d Ubs b.Un.«i! 3-““ u"”.£S“d
roauh of Jack Froat.
laat Saturday -from a elalt with frieoda |
It fi>r life by boraa (
Bart BuraNy. who came tram Jrdi- i
1 acalda Bay. hr aruldrd by aalng_ r
-leriiu to riait with (rianda at ttih j
IWlif. Witch Haael rial
“>« fr
lyfor pUea aad fi.
l*orter at Ulaad.
Cahaapolia, etc.
aod a&ie Uoobln.
Dan Nrgaaink. oea of oor lod
The Ladiea' lleerai aorlete will meet
nalgbbom died with aoDaompUno
t (he home of Urn. U N. Smith FriTburaday of laat week. Ua waa bur
i to dcralop lnli> poru- io the MrooBiBee cemetery today.
Fred Baamberger left Friday for
aaplioo. - laaunt relirl
ootb Bead. A'ta.. where lie cxpra-la to
a certain <'urr are affordrd be Oor { where
rmala all wioter.
Minute Cough l ure

Fraak Haylor to la Forte Wayu lad. to an rmoldly aa they di
Hra. Jeaaic Armatmog
Will Triplett wma OB the akk Hat laat
.OBcIo Manitoo lalaod
after rialting ber parent*
pareota .Mr ar.d Mra.
Om. McDooaU la la Oinad Bapkto ^bard Kitcbeo, lor
for aereral week*.
thto work.
HiaL U. C. Raniom and v>o Edward
Id the weak with
Cate A Crotaer ban ballt aa aUlUoa fan
dt Monday
Honda; f.n-(irand Rapi.l
Altheogh tba trail crop le abort tbto to tbelr ofBoa.
they wUI-reBBln a week or mure riaitWb L. Witooa to (a towa looking lag frieoda and aitco.ling the immlral.
aa eat. a lacga aban geleg to Haaiatce
Tbe realdeui. whkb i* uuu 'vclag
Mdwher polDta for the Uke ahorc
'ballt ^ W. 11. Porter Ugirlng lo be a
great iBproeearml to tbe atreet on

, Traaei'ea Cttr _________ ,
^ aad Uta aapler. laat weak.


We invite you all to call and exuDdiie dur
Dry Goode. Clothing and Shoes. Our aim is
to get the trade of every one by honest means
and to your advantage. We will do bueiiieBB
on the great and Btrong power of low pribes.
Call on us before buying eleewhere.

... —


■iMllIl lor U« Baatalx wbbIb.
" waaiarAor.
Male UntaroaoM tebo the

Korthport D

B. UeoafaB preaebre el the Coo-

week Iroa a rlait al Trtnne City.
Joha- K. llarrar aad <W U eialUi
.................................... Wadacedap.
>Dt IIIM are la
>d Baipide
to attend the caroinl.
.. M. tiebenik of lolerloebee to lo
town greelieg hto Basy friende ben.
Tbe Silnra taBily han billed the
tows fur as eatcrtaloBrnt tblaerca-

ii%-^we Daw iv«i{laaBBDd^ UBobU

hleb It to bi
ballt aad aleo to the lonlllygeoerally.
We are glpfl to leM that plaaa an
belBf Bade foraleclata eourac ben
tbto wlaler kp ikc eobool aod ere bowe
Ike oadartakiag wlU meet artU the
aocena it deaterne.
three who attohded tbr'ieaci
at Ulaad laat Friday
frorf thto place were
Ber. W It. Hi
art aad wile. Mleaea
Kaule lletxvBg anu
Nellie Brikao
_____ ___ _____-od MiOBra.^VB.TlBa
wll and Frank (toVto.
Mra CaUuriaa Wilaop. accompaaled
by her daogbicr. Mrv lieo. Dame, re­
turned Mspdar aigbl from Itraad
la the Mackloaw Coau'
Ida. where abe haa been io eoaauU
lawyers la MlUcBaat of ll
A rery <|olet weddlag waa tbe ereat
lat Saturoay eneing at Wm Mael- of Jamea lx>ag. her late buaba.
l^to Maolruld waa OPiled la aailatactoeT actlleBeat waa effr. led.
bM^ lo Mi« Supbia Huff. Ret. A
of the c .
The aupual
U Th'urauio
too coSldalSog.
We w lab the
. _______ _________ chorcb will be
>oai^ people
UoD^y afuraoon and
UcBe Nature ia,Tery klad te oa Uiia .Nor. lat. The bualneaa sretiag
letog'uaa aeeoad crop of { held al the eburrb
cborrb in the aftc
111 laat a little ter
wblcb copper will U aerr. - - from r.
loager. . Jamea llrnnli baa a boab of ' In
in 7 at the pararpagr and a aoclal
til the
bUckeap.raspberriea that ba i n: her- ’ea)oyed
le hour of adjouinmeat
rtea oa en^ braarh. home of '
itereaied la the work of tbe
oearly ripe and are a Ire l^e

' • .ut of Dr. King'. Srw.Ufr Pilla J
will eonrlpre y.Mi of tbrlr enerlU
City Toraday.
-iTbree plllaarerae'
U. M. Dame Bade a baalana trip tOjpertllHilariy ift.'rl:
iu Ihr ri
tioBdey. Daaclag.
Trarerae City tn-day.
|('On*Upell<>n anilhl.-k JIea<Uebr.
F. Taabary nf Uraodr llapida,
they hare
Theaobonorr Jiinaa to loading whli Malahto aad
gaeat, aad Fraak Wnnakey. clerk at
Tlirr are
oUloei at (illl'a rl<K-b
_______ ,------the Itork Plaoe, who han beeo atop- „ •nieaehMnrr Jaeoa Parker to load- goann^
bc-prrlertly free from
Houar. eetoroed'
plBg at tbe UeaaBBw Houw
W with poutora al K<^ra dock.
to Trarerae City Tondav.
iiph-ly vrgrUble. T hey do u..l *
TU Leuiira' Aid will meet Tburaday by their acli.m. hul by glrlng b
of Uito week wiUi Hra. Wb. Voire.
alomach and tovwi-to greatly inri
Tbe barge Alin H. ilUl lomled wi(b tlieayalem.- Regular alze :9c. p<
pototoee at OlH'a dock laat Tburaday.
Sold by J. ti. Johda>ui, aadS.l
t. Mak etarted for Cbieago'
Dr, Flood of Bik Rapida waa lo Wr
Susdar. a gueet at the l\>rler llnaar.
Bttciletfti AtnIea'Bhira.
jao. BklUmaa of Chicago arrlr^d laat



It to nid we ban tbe owly baad
ataad la tbe oeoaty.
Wbr eaa not U
be flatobed and tba aeafl<ddlag takea
. B. W. Ba^ho aad (aalfy han dou a beton winter.
.......... .......... .............. 'a aea icw a aaa leadlag off tbelr cow. The boy claimed tbe
eew and got lu and now Hr. Newmarcb to lookiaff tnr tbe waa. '
Mr. and Mra Uefbriby, i. Ckotav.
Clark. Mta. Noble. Mra Kriatf,
We bear tbe Ueaa- haaaalBf aad
there to atroag talk of their Vilog Myrtle Dyer and Fraak Wilaoa
aotodg the rlaitora U> Trarerae Oly
bind la h'apleCity.
- It week.
Uroige Olawwitaad Anbur Iteolt altMded the uaebera' aaaalaaUoa aad • Her. K L Odell, ataie
tbe W. C T. f .gaee are^'latenallpg
aneelatloD at Lelaad.
leeture In the M B church laat Friday

Batiee of the bowebc
Hln Uaed Ilpar. who baa baaa rieiV
lac Mr. aad Haa J. Tomllaaoe fur tba
a. A. Jobbollntoraod froB laaelog
peat Booth, left for her borne Toeadar
Hatarday. where be haa beta aa npre• ■ week. TtolUr' " OlMhsirmBrBBd fM
•MtaUn touioad Lodge of ^o To
OadUlae aa

W.*. OUla«iB fc» poi


Hfa.DewMrU«tfariat«1lhflaMlwThialU rkdtedrUaUha
Mdac: Mral7 a baalaan trip
Laaiadaa A .Ward bao
their Unbar Maadap of laat
.aaeh baa bees I
a few daja. bat to aroaad

Suits and Overcoats
Fit for sayb^y, $74^0 only.
Come tnil see them.

Urtnui will, .

$7.60 Overco^r
A pblD dak
broiol. 1(V■ ■foi McKesBA,

ol ns ought to be MtiaSatl

We nUhe xm-

repotttioo oo theae goods.




Mt tat (M tMIKb towud
tr tataliM ld> tHnokcb vlth all Ita.
ftatwcf tall ruling Uafta. And ta
M Ml allow Ui(s,rDttawliftle napitaiD
taaHwKbto fcc;;> bkis OMBMaMCal
ftiM hit faBxiotM. U
afihn i>k nn>cr (nm

Thuvdky «ad Md«y. *

^OBBltMlon And BxubIbaUob Tt— ud BtHotlty

tatat l>ii^ do
tiwi tbe Aowm oo tba
taMcnaitdUialimdo.taiit Itaat
tagf.ttaa an aim—I
tan In d« -flowm.
lUrt Itant II17 were afuj taow7. atad.
tatWHw goa and DM, 1 taelirte wo y»t
•MoraUiU to ttaa oontniy MtwldiAtaodtac—ItUto hard 10 Mirra that
^tboae dear IKUc ttalngi ran cat bi«i

A BrltM Aina wtau. In the Am«_
M ddread itjl ukrn pHrunT 1
Bomam rUw
ii.twkd ttm.
nmauxrri a yn.i |nrt of ihaenui
,1. TU>cl^«iii.tfT-laA«-re Biwn CaiM In anekmi htaunj.
— ____-f pracUce. lu
aalc ta all 0U« — :
- A'UneUnfaiordIcwfela'nrin
^ wtajr BO* bamulog Urdv'aauac
_.,A n>« in Uaru>an
breoly <d III to-nrrj.
C A nama taianc by twa royal |
Abl Well, bow did rnBnd <«t for
talbrr and aou. Id Uw pnvui t
dtaiaiirfnibartopultMMtaar AMai
Itae tanr too t<iTi,o
one that can drlihrreirIy«U ant*
' u. bdplrr*. loDoecnl liulo
ta-Aaridawiin be bad far'nvpi^
' at to taf relied «e
Well.iltraodbyba aatlidlad Ita btaaV and allEbi'd on a bxaDcli of a dwd
t. One of the Uta aod grreleta of tta
■ • ■ .....................etdowtaft*
kioft wbu bate retd arer Knabnd.
I. A arrel -dlaeniefcr who Ured IB tta
R cmyUiltfr aa baioral aa. penintureUi century.
Ua. and a erprata riw ii re dtainla
BodjtraedrsUbatl ealmol brer toaae Uierltw^na'"
'111. AfchwtaK^hdwhoo.iatadtbe wonld nertr fully torn tail bread, baoe
him go nod fit bimwU for rehndt
%'rJl. Air. HamiBlaff Bird alijtbted tbram tram a (tnaala relatlia.
tug. that be oalltd the "U^ a
Antr le»«t tail little winga I miipumi,
<ta be hided tbeai qoltaly. bnl lerned
^^Bita of a bead fnan aide to aide nn.
Xadrew flare faimaclf to hard atiidr
ITbeo cwoli ta tbe all feline ma aronpa'
I b;Utre bai Urn oorfarl^.r rretrenitta. I‘ few the etntuner and ibeu went to the
It aearlet ttarna- glowed llta a coal
ill fnrni one wotil. end wl.uu Here all
taiBir ^ aat ttanr awfailn to tbe efaUIV Itarid BimuJmiKFandadtt^
■.him to haid him a

mu- ■'fioiUU-ldtAattantOtaalbogt,



»'~'-j^ire^^leebet At-tataerere. atoeaUeuA.

g^^^m^'.^tssiss'^sssszz. rc:_
irtieiiiil ranleulareta Ueireaae aad bare ■■lirtre
lulT 1«. e> rw>-ta lareJtw

DRS.-Ii S. & CO..

Lock Box 160.


award rererine tun..Uow
luofl hare yoo iandiod natbe.
... .- .._- — _jil Iriierewiil f
marteaV ' demaodMl tbe great mao.
d Itaea tWMiiug It rooDd like an weed rdeeidnl to > Hd
''TLtre intaUhk. *'
1. Ucunnn. « 'lurr.cier.
i. Crro..«Hi A
"Aiidwluit^Hiwaf cuuic
Cicn>'/” Biltciibiitue rojuitud. wiihf
ttoa f« tar few away dlrretly. I
WMebed fall liitle tandy oat of eight,
■sd then: fill to wocHleriug wberr taei
But alter talking (be law a few cpire.
tinea hit not <uly hvt bim cbi' biok. tint
Ured. Iiow be llrid nod wbai leaf ajeltated I.U fairy arn.
tairirfd him md to wwi- hi* titn.- in
Pn-uy taoD then
tbe0iranti7.bat (n go tiipb
and fli.itta. aut «noib>f flying tiaitot
oirdcjaitairwib.aitati.'al erhtail
mmt la tagtat-^ aaall (^aaker, ttl.
[. Thie paw farm law w^ afterward
Cnienl And/xor
Him dettaed lu brawn and gray. 1 did
M atai tar nania. bat twd my Ya
tbiiritr cat a
SnrewatiTi and RtwBMl tbal It
Mn. itaBining Bird. I ge->d
yotuig n-iabli
at Mr. a had loM tarr
There are pltwrrof farm bora
wbodiJiki..tanuwu(k. It nKioiati'tta
UapOB IbeTrry liata that he bad
wile to liit,T tbal
at till
bireaae.or ihi> iiadoitaanltB. fcreii bar light wdgfal art
luui ueaiaJMuwi tiny are Anorew
Aodrew I'onm
tta eyinreaU loa<iolt»Taa aba aat
I inwdulryn. An eoey boaie f.w jwignirei
-nakli-utattashl before berDMBl. Mr.
Tbe'ptoionw tau.w (be
:U to u.u the ore .fbey make ta their
BtaBalSg Bird Doetbarprerrled b«r a
taBBtlifalof •OBtabing wbrn be went
bone, for Uie npprr did sot area re
TwteirMe kaure..
naeb of m obJret aa tbe fmb air. k>x
IVbal tb.. Shakcre ul Mount l>baaoo
a, f. «. It. lA tba aaUKW ta *-T«a tow
art tbtaaalcaig nioa. IberhUdreo
koow more about yban aoybody
i^a. lUJlaaa
u niloe treoB frar of frigbl- tbay build w ho bnlld t> nretb the
A IJ. 4. •.<. U. 6, IS. Un-kuih.eiifTbe. the oar of to beta
aaisf iita:awa.r.
Tbiif barealodied the p..wer of K„ _.
fud. luokod With few on
I •oadarrd where ber bene waa and
They nearly all lire toa ripe old ape .
tabwinr Mr. HeioBlng
oBlng Bir
Bird made a
- - Ver Uipratlre Cordial it preII, «.■
erta "WLIle la'IKa
pared byth Shaken from herbaand
wbrn itae
tben-e taupe.
p'anu Witiaipeeiai
. . ipeeial Weir
tonir power o»er|
11. 18. I.KI. lA aatbew
lUiwaierrew tteOudund
le toflod tai
rerrMoy wait;
and digmud fSa m. the Mrebctb-ak.
waM mu luy pultof’
Wwtbe gi
world looked
1 Mlebn.
tSrrr tr,
Ur* rrarrr fU TWCi.'OO
g aaibed
icimn,. joaaelra. alronp body. ali«Dplur»r;ni.wrreaaaU
__ »__,.ear
n vbr
. — e_ ...’r..
a.K ..1___
S nris. A M. SI; It. aathor ta "On tniiWi
ctornal laiuping gruuud ibeU iilmi.
-aia.all come fram properly dlg.-aud
And than bi
uCeelJp-iji; e,.ejifl y ■ -------------------------- .--«Un|tt
A atek atoi
Tbowbola !■ aaDototiaa froin Btawma
flWion uad<
Veil. Ota la at work ttgain, flitting
..............................jea. Icraof apprtllr,
im flow to flower, sud it duea't
pain ia the stomach, headaefar, plddiII* —---------------------------------------------------- ------------. ;ua..i
Uui ■
otota re If toa ataid Jong onoagb at
atm. wtgkcaaa aed all olb
topta tiicB to tlo any good. But
(inniawrerr. eootrlilno ta (be W.ulr
r todipratb-n, ctrttanly
la* <b.|-r-Uatec; t- eeU ruawr, bai< al IlirWr- ee el>.«,rT tu* c;
Vel but tor II ere»,.«,.4-- 1 d«l.-.rr.
floto. Tbeteara littieoDcaal h. ui
! la*.' ..file le :hr iTt; af Trereta. ttlr. .*B lu. Ilia
eeiT I; .(,
tatod. The 1dm nrrer comei iuto___ Are.« rrmaxUikwi. UiM of bean, Iwniwl
Sold fay drapplaU. Trial butUe JOcta.
■tito of a bead tbal ibe la out ta tar
**acDBer aehen'* tmilw.. tier
landmtobt«reek)m little________
Or elw rwaR the tajint uaalal end druU.
ir lirm Iq Hr. Themu' L.drctiic Oi
'II'• » |W ..fW.' u>l log (* .taure Uww.
_________ ii tfrne. WhuivI 1
aorecripo cure for
-oop and all fneiiwr. >•^11# iui-ii.i><|.
Tie but a^i^tu raiHU fu^t u i,a.
VMld fire nrad) to koow. Bat then
er throat and loapdl
1i »6 tava ta that. 1 bare ubi time le
MaM ha «p and watch tta bird
taM." Bat 1 read







----- ------X.r:,



frraniSad'‘Tf‘^ w SoJdil'r pt * wt

"To Young, Middle lAged, and Old Men '


-..... —

of the world Ood said **let there be light,**
but we ouly have light in tbe day time
and not at night; so through tbegoodnew
rf the'Almighty, man Invented artificial
light, till now it is so perfect that our.
O. K. Lanterns are next to daylight. They*
are handsome, cheap and wind prool
Our Oil Cans are in good demand. We
would especially call your attention to
our 5 gallon Brown Can, the handleet and
cheapest can on the market Look our
stock over before you buy.




Corner Front and Cass Sts., Irarene City,



In the

^ '


cbOe. aad all vlll be f
re .a ee{4 bu>

Advertise in the Herald—it pays to do so.


MWM aimmwmmmwmwmwmwimimnmfl!'

issstSfSS™i PijSgfpSSip: ^


Itoonta fa^ttaarefa

. M«ltaai«toere tu watch Her flnlab 11
Ifwithttaaaall tooli ntberroniaaDd
—tat ttoy breiK and hag, akndu bill,
llwto .adata tottop. floe mere «.d
^UtovA ooreted OB ti ide wltb I irbeaa,


» OalMd
_____ bt fontid
fon^ la
'A ta^
or Taontoreo.

> par(a
Ai a rale
fl,W0 abeav are eared lor by a abepbrtd,
•fe.«idmta|tardaai>d flredoga The
wadatnbeifcerdi tare little hitia in
Vkieb ttiiiy lira, to be eloao tothe Aaep
at all tosMt. The dogiara fl. ire and
riUiflaaaa wolf. Tb.-y wear

2a*^lCf cw5wo/"l* i

L BrhmdanAandimre
A Ou *11 ridre itnd Imtr cl______
A A rtTc* In A*J.T and Icare a nattm af
onbrep A;na>.


reamu. thei ealtprllM—t ll.r eeelrr u> Il«- i

Cao atway* be prorerrd at Tbur(ell A (toDc'a. Ttar *a- no other
ie tbe comprk'tion of Ibulr bread
which ia *n widrl.v koowB aad
Buted fur lu aupMor iruallUrw


A Tucil....... pbnty.italmretoimp.
A Tu drUdgr
f. TurmHaudkwre


Oh. ladj. Waki,' T
tirliodire iniUr
, Ttto'W lRw. ••

Of all klDda aod a foil Baaortmeat always «a haad.



tta fleefcatmm wild beaata
Wtaa a ffek or tired abeep drapt hakfadttagi
' ■
a aick aberp lira dews
oaeta tb«d(«awiUataiid
d gttard
edflg an.
reling to the tuooQiauM
and back agals ibaredogiwilt keep tta
taeka reparated.

•iV'Wrty Mwrata ca
t> hrenwnu, wiBda
ralcr: Urbnnmuw
bared prtaw.w.luU. tree.

t. C. Berry, oue
Piliaraaof .Sprucri.
-. Ma.tre'ifir. lUt
he cured bimaelf of ibe.woret klod.f
It^nMof n. Wlti'»
. O...C.
Hr had taro
ib pilre for oter thirty,
ad oped mauy <i;(Iereat
b-cm11ed■ curea; ImtneWitl’a
>e that did the w.'.^aod he

Cot. 7lh aDd I’nirm JSta.

• t.r»eW..iceT..i»r

tereCtawia ..w


re.>'W>laa.kiaare'raaiaaj teaerwre, u.. »





X- KalL le cae I itj «< Tre«.eap till. .all'erfarL
r Ka'l I'lac ta. |.U.-a <r- k IUa« lu I r-cU r.iFe. a-

_____ ,__

1. joho'kin.
yeamdatamltiii6T«.ma0tlu. The rell; Sa Sto. — IIInMramd .(Magtaal: t
la pltool on flat icoun, bbd Itu; •bre.p Paw. A iHto S. Bunw. A Swetd.
OMUat pimmrr. tel Jornmnlftonly. r«
riele Dr Brwa taWr « Iv .^al (rial w. Aek
Ita tapfarrdf tty to prereni tta I
-* tHp. Barta Upahko, Ha»- ^rdereelat. raDepeVrrrei Da Btoi

£s..S“.“Vr,,;.sr',.-r>.; i.”!.
““ ‘£.*




: Extra Inducements

(nre.eliwki had Irer •aS.Trd an- ere..—W

UM Miepbiaibi' fltiil

tta oboepda eovnrtd with

, VtaButab.


ftar Ifltostf Asd nhiiArep^
TbatawparetauerariioMaT. AfM
lu tlmWp
part of tbeUk
to* atomp to *aarcd to ■ brasM etouaryanI hnatat Irl^re
eaivrwstitorued wpzi,
wUfa tar asd OK at liberty.*
J>ateTac(liedt>c£rl’liiladi'l]>bi^ Anioog
M '
ibtoaiua w-aacai' tuared Andrew, wbntn
hiraw. od. of cJnnbeek, Tri..
upM>- likcbtobre(b<3W.a«naBltnt. BstAo- rejw
when hehataapellof lodiItobto ia an '{luclleb ehorofa p^.
weeld barenulkisglodowitb tbe Wi^OO.
“Ktae wBomd for aa onuiimsirRabla fltew
. aged IA wilh a clrtoymau BtrM plow <w tbe vlaac. H- hid ia eoewre. era at olghl. aad be to all riflbt the reit
“»'* •*“* roatheruaiical boota morwiog. Ma^^booaanda uf nI aod w Jline

to Wftak idbonl tt^;'aTt^ m (ta , **“’
One day be locnd (ta dmige vt a

Utito Sdb—Aw. I ooald walk the
)ato-M wall aa tbe man to (be mrMe if ii wan'f fur one totofi
little WiUto-WbM U ttatf
Bdh—I'd (all <10.—I^arytor'a



Before another advance in lesther.

7‘'7i I Fine Baby Robes.

walked eight uUu to a ,
• aalebandcor. i..............................
kiw itnuKo..
u ruUtaoeal.
k~ lb. plare e( i
fapwaitfebii tevcbmi'taiO]> and oenl 1 roflrc. newawu.__
ttair^e and cbtorto to bU w.A
rl'n '
Vbeo they cane bmne to tbeerrwtiig. i d>rem»j drink u wHh ceu in»a>. »rw I 1
titodwl was toitotad. Andrew waa *»*-;
•»' to«*ai»- T«T «
t ereiytool to (be abo^.




Ijap Robes, Blankets,
Gloves and Mittens.

i Wilhelm, Bartak & Co.

Hats, Caps.
Furnishing Goods.""!
*r_ or.



Popular Clothier, ^
1 124 Pront atreM. Prledileta Blk,
-■ Xtwnme Oi^, Miah. _




e ftoaa; daf wbea j

Set alhthe ebitdrea abelllac
Aad Bs) c tbeea whIstU. if i
Wbew Ibeae are abdlad. chop, aoa too

Mta. M. S C ktA ititor.

M cnetbiac a>d Bm Kkkdb


- -r------------ <«Hel*^i^ jc*

%k€ Ums. U
bed W poorir
ud knelr Mde.1l rlre^te tbe «bol*
•penBcat ms ulUj look tk»1 do
DBODDt of elctDace cu Meoa fw.
How Ire are all of oe fMlllv wlU> U>l«
bed. wltb iU eeale
eskep. He «
•o looeel7 UirawB ea
__________ r that It ffree to tbe e
pame a wrlakled. aoUad appaan
acoodbed maklofODaef tbe Orel
rvqalalica Is a perfect adaptatloa of
aeattnaa pad sarlacs to tbe bedsto
H«>t, a wall Bade Baltraea. wbnbci
hair, wool. Boas or kxeeUlor. a
r Ibis a -par or BaUrcB eoi

lof oottoe.
ttad with Udr wti
Hare tbe "poff ~
Uffo aaoacb to ttBk ailader tbe aides or
tbe Battraae, to arold
rllof op oader

wltb while oilelolb n
sidBof Ibebeaket. .
rate plaet for tlepar
b trill of poiaCd'e
edrod with lace, it fa
ol the iliwket. aad reaebB to the betIQB. Tbe color of the baeket ebnws
prettily tbroepb the Beabea of the oeL
b border of Aeiatic noBsa fl<ac kdara.
cd lalo tbe act sbree the lace.
A cotfaloa of piak Haiap h fitted to
the top or the basket coeer. aad cot.
i with a puff of the oal. edped with
!C to beep oear the e<

I aboBld tike

>e center of theeaehioa.
asket bas ao coeer.

r hca<
aa ordiaar)'aixed
Cat jour
bait 7kni> loaeaad
liwUI allow for a bao) three iaeb
at lha lop aad aa ineb and a balf
tha bouoa If
. ,____________
TOO ema afford
rd U.
I buy
a pair of CaUforaia blaakrta, for wheo
-^•-1 they eaa be waabed aad mada to
aeaHy aa waU aa new. bat If they
they aie wars, aofi and iirbk
thaaa qaallUaaare by aoneaiu <
. aaaBOtnMtbeaaawaruBpaiBwc. dtaplaad la bed elothiac. It paya to
badaawd^tawewaM^ Hwhlriiar bay tha fa«at qaality of ebaeaa cloth
■MMd Bba a awpwbaU lakiaf a tllhor ia Hblle or colored, whiefa eaa
be boarbt for airtat eeeti a yard
kaa«todlar tha ean ia a Mr raaad Twalee yarda had a qaartar ittba rtfbt
hall, loflni aad aaft and lAlta.
qaaatlly to «et for a larre comfort, or;
icayar^foraa ordlaaiyalsed ooa I
thiak, bowerer, tbe larfc .oaea are
drtirabic for a doable bed.
.* Bat'tM^ R aboat aad ws
winter oomtort. large alze,
^TO^wtba wbaal kept
. fire bau of .good eotloa,
which eoata frou flfteea to eifbteee
badluflMdaadrospod iatheraddy
a poaad. Cat a pasteboard four
fi^aad tboafbtit tbeawaataat.
a eqoara. for a marker, and at
p^t of the equate dot with a
peaell indkatlar where to tie.
Tbie will iaaare cjcactaeB. Tie at
tbtae plaoeaBllh tidy cotton aad toft;
e^h^Oc^^a_yarn or aephyr.
b intty fiolab ia a eroehrtad adee
la^ •eallop drawn off with a u


ySeb^VhS V

> ^aaTalBaTa^
Bof that anaUaat



iWiMab* FM

with wbleb It baa been tufted. .
aad bine malce np prettily, but acai
• Bore datable than any other col
Ueforc Baking op yoarred gooda.dlp
it ia hot ealt water, dry and troa and
it wUl look aa new aa Wore the wetlimf. UalcBthlapieaaaUoab taken.
Hraba off. BahilBr ao eod of troable,
ia like aato "Aant JrBima'e
\" -the more yon tty to rab it
off, the Bora ft tUckt the feater.’*
White ooBfiwIa are apt to aoll at tbe
top where they come la conUct with
tha taea. parUealarly if tbe epread U
------------ ff atalfbt.aad thteebculd
wanbedcoa. To remedy tbia, lake a
Widu of ebeeae doth. Baking it ai
loag aa tbe aoBfort 1« wide, aew up Ike
enda. aad allp orer^our comfort or
alaaket. Baking It Xcure


OB the (aqr
tbe Bleeper.
Umt they
“lf^»;wiked as ofiaa as desired.



aaaBcr_______________ ___
av^qeiKof which oar

lets and
____ Uy eon
ttey are alaiaat aa easily washed se

-.. -•

-------- ---------------Bean
the gay---rad.
- graea
aboBlaaUoaa keowa aa I
' iltlBg
Hon," that we see
dal of bettar aad cook alow. Star" and
after year,
rexblbttod at the aoaaal
fair. but
Bty fafr.
tbe a Beat 'Hexaaad -Iriab
taught to m
- ------ — Uatiza" aad___
plying oar aezdica at aotber's aide.
—w.bafi paB (lalad abeaai with it.
qnm at laast toi^rry
cam- awar triuTber to
bar kaabaad's
----------Dd-a boBB.
boBa.' and l) bar lot ba^


* MbttMa^afiaaMm^^a.oaa

adwtory to laeaeare caaplat


SBitlv Irirnd. ud win bri»
-------------friend, aad will bring


rode apon.
la ariectlag^uatcrfMea
wiByMd a TreaiJi driBlag.
«M*awl wtthlaMaaalM*aa.arTangB te^Bara Banally wide eaoogh.
witt^ freqneaUy laU abort of what they
•Now aa w Bakr
MMid Baat-Cbap rciy la. cae lag the bed. begla by earing that your
aaUraBliea amoethlyoB theaprfngs.
tbea pat oa the 'paff. turklag aader
•rell. next tbe sbaeU with wide hems

HU Mlw^l


width aptm tbe MUrva. Now pat on
Uewhito apraad.'ielaguii'thVm
Mr figure
U exaeUy ia the e
Donot lu.
, _
/^Mttreas, bat belweea the
^Bgi aad bedilcad. drawing it eo
^hlly Mcfa way that not a saspirion

-'-iff ir-Wi "L


' '

Tbisensbioe Is eery coorenlent for tbe
pies ace'--*
sc.rlblag that
St requIreatHe use of band,
agea e« . a aimilar basket msy he
used for Ikat parprae. Todiatlagul
-- .— --piishfrom tbe aedidae baakrt. this one Bay
beblae. lastaad of a pataiiiuB. this
Iwakeibas poekau of oiled aiikoroii.


_ rtrcr‘pE5=J-_

_ gfaMcraaadnpica.


the fire beeoBHS stall slack. PracUv.
sraiekfalarM aad
the only wsya to
wUI be to aaMI our ntagr orena are
proridedwM thmaometonand uaUI
our cooks Uam to B|r them.—.Vnr ffnp-




AVest Michigan.







mt ksaWs. Wto,

ts isky eXsci S.utar.dnec ai. MI.
aiiaoe'ciwhs •.


Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc. s-tia


Use a good white •oap-frre from rw-

re. PonrUioto the
tbe hot water, which
li ulioul
1 tbe blaukryi.
vering the
to keep in the steam,
Id let them s nd about filtis-n miii.
ulca. Then so p Ibem up aad down
and turn ibcm
er. Hiase in a aevoad
of -lot
hot water
pearaaecvaad probably with i
aud atomoaia. Hinv
of tbe fanny litUe red Eiaa
^ala la Lot water with , iim, ».,.pln
wbleb look more like paiatod______ it- Mriag out and hang in the.wiod to
balla than artlelas of food; bat aot cr- dry. Do uoi let the sun sblna long oh
I may be familiar with tbe pro- the blaukeu. aa it yellows them
- thrtmgh which tbe reault baa
obtttoad. We
are told that ■this
<tae ia Bade la the aortbem part
Uaod. Thr freah cow's milk is t
rd, and the rennet added to It. d
the milk bas curdled, the whey H
^cfnl^y v^ratod from^th^saa. and
pulUtoBolds-and sllghUy preaied. so
as to remore the wbry that may br left
ia ___
' re
Mied ddUJ tbe curd it comparaUrely
dry. wbea it la wrapped fa sliaeucloth
aad there kept from eight to too dare,
ornutil the cheese la somewhat firm
Then tbe riotb is reawred. aad the
ebeeee U put into a salt lye fv aooto
dme. f arther AlUng to done by strewlag dry salt oa tbe ebreae. nutll it bas
Ukra np salt enougb' to kec^ At this
' It the cbeesc
-oeee to put______
pet latoa_______
with whey, and scraped until
while I._________________________
haa been removed,,____
lie null la that eoBdltloa the cheese
to briugbt latoa cool room and laid oa
‘-'srda. whereiiU freqaeatly tarned
laadi while tbve It obtains Abe fiae
yellow or reddish colv peculiar to ltdam ebeeae. Tbe ripretiif proceaa la Ifap


applllsuiap aweHw li u earkly stowteO. m


Cheap Homes


GnidBtpidflladlm R. B. Capi^

128* I 32 FROr^T STREET.

KoUruad Compkied nroupb Centof'
if Lon4t.

Bock Elm. Basswood. Ash. Beech
Hemlock, etc., and are well watered by
lakea. rivers and brooka
^Strong aoila, fine cropo. bealtby cli­
mate. acbooto and...............................

lit. Flaa«uiJow«MO, .Sa|4^
naw. Bb7 City, D»trolt, EtHr.
•u. Anti Arb^, Toledo fltnd
pednts SMt and Sooth. dOM
DoettOM BtOopMDlahwiyi
lAAV S.R7.
W,-H. BEWXn.

Do not go West or Hoeth until' you '
learn what Michigan offers Inuili^i
faracra. Too can ao bettor with Ima



Pioneer livery,

If you have logs to sell correspond with the Traverae
City Lumber Company.

We have for


good, sonod

Hemlock Lumber. Surfaced Sidewalk Plank, Maple Floor­
ing, Short Maple Wood.

Lands for sale.

Mill Machinery

of all descriptions, including 2 Engines. Set Works, Car­
riages, and Sa^

Good Fits,
Good Goods,
Fair Prices,


A complete Saw Mill I^aat for Bal&

avceaCaediaiN xrw
XVaawCal all iSz Pisa,


Slater’s Fiirnitiire Store


Blgbaat Heoorp-Wprtd'a Fair.
Gold Hedal. JUdwiater fair.

A hft 0n|» Ohm H «Hts
tba iwHibtaid aorwad 40 TEARS th* STARDARO

of Trarene City, wbicb are
aided greatly by the oool,
conforUble and aiiy Battao
“ •
Furailure boogbt at SlaterV
>r fnrnitan- bas been a hami of rest for (boae
who have bonglit at


HAN.5® Farming Lands

--- - -.......... 4>nr p4li»«, skswiMv t
SM pslslgl
(wbilMl escf
Bofvf rM. nmelm.
pierlw. UlwtbvsdB.
UlscSb.__ _
e«r.w.sSj.lm.0Ty, ista, SM Isllui bsU. lick.
toa.*w^^l-.sU,i.ia nucll; isvsns kslB

aaeUag tbeaby ebrei atoaw with tbe
riM A Barrato bem at tbe holtoa of
tbc fu^ with a tape drawn la. to tha
«» ••UBrtagiia. ttcM be

A-aara baalM to bold tba madtoiaa




Mua-Ipcb top* to iht bach ad each
draw the awda tbroorb tha gTui

dr rvsRT



; as.’ttnas-Tina'S




Haha '

IB ON •nr^


ExuiisiUoB Of Teacben.

•la.riaawlUiUacaiBBl Uay


Mother’s Friend

It tbp cbease to taleadcd for
iport it is rubbed’ with llaared
as to make tbe Had bard aad brigbL '
Tbe latease red of tbe aperia
BmAau lor tbe Blok Room.
rrail.T vat tolhtoeoon'
ihtoeonauy i>"oWto^'
^ dyeing therlad
the rlad with the Juice_____
. room. Twoamall has- Ccotoo tlnetoriam. a plant growiag in
keu wltb haadUa.41kc market baskets, the sonlh of fraace—^Icacd.
mar te Band to hold cups, glam
a> Trevewe Oltj. w ornwrere at • e'eieel
nnkus caei
Oae pint of chopped craaberTtoa. two
takea to tba kitotaea oa aooo aa
and a bait cupfals of sugar, oae-half
OctoUvrSI sen S........................iw;
Oaahaahet will kold tbedtobm
cupful of water and <me tablsepooafol
lag waahlag. i
rxebaaged for she of float.
AppUcaau tor lauc rredv evnlCcatre w«s<
Is tvocTuphr.
■paiatod piak aad
andtohm from

«pdaof plriaor dotted Hwlm.{a tbe
Affba.PaAllaff.-fHaaBd oUeatwo ahape tof a fuU niflls aUaebed to ibe
■ the haml]..
reaching Mf
tbe lower


Often only the whiles of virs arc re­ Hattire to OM girts rmpir amtotnnee.
agemeot m out of the qneatloa.
Tbe yolks
are crastad oear and eitner beceaie aog. quired for imcntdiale Uk-.
gy or break open at the lop of the dbb Biey be kept for some time if th-y art
and mnorerlilce Toleaaoes. This spoils put inu) a small cup.entered with a litlie
cold water and kept ia a cool pls^w
tbe shape aad aymsetry aad la unwor..
Tbe eery latest wav to baag curuici
-wber of is B bate a double rod and bare each
srrrraJ nionUa befire baby cornea.
is bat a
makcB ttA od vcni wy and nearly loln-!
■fro* each aide; they are then iieJ back iliiiakc
ired foraacccssfal cookery,
about two yanls of ibcwaj
It relierce and [irereots i moniing.
Blea ID aoBie oeeos is rqaal to twenty ' higher iban formcrlt.
aioknen*,' rrisxa the orerutruined' mua.'
in others and forty may make the articleg, rriicTm the dbacnJcil fading, nhori
dish of croijuriU*
Inlxq. makra recorerr npid and or
ni^^^d^htoa^ brick c

lade from ecu
cupful of canned tain wUh.«l anycorn, or; plate of frill
from a few
HeUMT’a rrieod to p>od fv only one
alicen of peaebn.. or a cupfni ol
can be added to to-revrow's sou
purpoae. rit: to frUere motberimod of
‘Wa'^roeS^'^U Vu
but what we danxer and. pain.
tare, that makes u.•will towfisi
degrees of bealaswell asthenember
erbnuizat slldi
Bare In ocr culinary-depanmenl
rrelri of prirc.
of mianlos required fv baking. Under
It gires ns a variety, not tbe amount
ordlaary eirccmsiaacaa tbe oree it of
material that to provided.
proper tompmuirr fv

>1aio cake
e when ItwUl browaa abert of wbilieWnrpaprr wiLfaool eatUagJe on fire
Bread ought to be baked in aa orea as la for making H wasgiv.nio fill

San Kraacisen Culnz
bot as possible without barging, aud
bis trade of a Kn a.-ji
- - .t sboald be Baiatolazd alradiry wba bad lesrucd his
Hr boiled to a j-lly f. a - beat
eggs. Ibe rind and jaiccof Uircc Ic
Cakramay bare the beat aligbUy
und of sugar and one o-isr
duerd by putUag a litUe eaa of I
ter of e-pound of buttor. It was tvadi
water Into the orra. 'nis lownu i
trmperuiare, aad sbaaM beremoredif for use wbPD takes from il.c range.




When "“"f «<*M«ptito.

MdaaanUa gn*y.aUaiaiag itU

rnmmmi. «f)U KkUtB
bra, Mratt, Mli • Wer Maey

Batter aoBc pic paaa. idt la llae:
OB Aecoue. the i*
Tbea take a poaad of «affar. taro
llumaMt Hr. 8i
iBto a paa. aad melt, aot bora:
Bat add BO water. B'bcottadaaa
an tnjare wUefa has gieta him BaS%ir.
bad like thick tyra^ <)B!-.klr
' mat
sad eufftring dace. Re bdoogad to s
Toar chopped.ap praeois li^tlj ealt
bad tara Iheai la. If tbere'e ao faalt. Iwcutnlng .
Hllr Jbtt a Biaale. poor la Um.
him faackwsld. lb fSuag Iw
bad ooel. aad tbea the laa breia)
lux edrep cut oeer fire inebn bag. Tbe
injury sOerled tbe kidarys About Iwc
BoUltut Clothcc.
> esn sgo tbe left kUarr Asrted' to bleed.'
ns/I IBS liree dniug er> erer aacu Mr
Wbaatba water aaed ia waablnp I
lliinuiiri. Id sft-w p^tnt eeniroce*. cult
eery bard aad tbe sroia riria; daria
our n-pnwroutit-c the fiiilosrlag sranuol ;
the acmldlac proorsscliaes teeaeloas'
-Tbe Bcckkat of nr -dsrdsn' hf
to the clotfar«.asafe thlBf to do I
aerddtroable it to bare aereral ban tv ia had (b^; psin'ia my bvk so.,
teadned me almnci uselem. an-l I
Bade of eheeae-clotb iau> wtalib Mit
peeked wblle IB t>s« cnrapelM to gire up work
" tuttureoreelnbed wlihuul usi>'.
the b<djiTr'fwiiip'si
................. _ ---.should be aiafia
... . . bat e tpeel huadieds__________
with a diawioy suin^.—s«(e<sad.
rsttnaa waye truing to find ndirf. lliTri
ire UM^m^y
wss Uuit j
rd fv IS
. ______
. -*d rirea up 1.
bpall btuoslacked lioie left ataad.
lay la tbe cellar will
' ' mnoeedsBpesas. ■k-qiair. ncrcr boping Iv relief, wledi i
frawdiokl ivat»utT>oaD-sEi.lwfhUv
Baked pidatoes sre DO(e aatriliriu
than tbosr pi;eparrd in aA olhrr way.
Custard IS apt to cunll/if allowed (o and tlw Weeding of lav kldarr bs« alau'
nil. aa eggs cook j
cm Indy Slopped. I kauw 1 cun vr<r I
ig polau
niml, ss
___l»- ceiUtHy mimi,
as I would b____
HrooBs and brusbet will last twice nr w II
,• hut Dmin’s KHncy PilU lu
aa long if tb>y are bung op instead of Jnv
■e fori like -s a
left standing
•nin’ Ulan all the other things I bn«T trw.l
Cleanllneas fresh air and aaWiae liirlnJt P»M r«r». ! have ant bail sn.
are the best puritiers aud aisiafccUaB -snmracc ot the pain or Wrediui! rirsv
of our bouses.
“iMnkKWvr POh fv Bto br all deal
Ts. . Price 80 reafs.. be a2l. from .Kia
Ct Milburb Co. Huffski,
Y., sole
iXcDU fv the Vniud Sutea Rrmcmbek
Tbe loeslioD. siz ■ sad TeatilatioB •>! tu- name, Awa's, aad take aa othc
led fOOBN .suf far |
ban of tbe vlber ru
»f a bouse,
r milk will car
preesring porridge,
csstardt or grurin,, do not add the sail
anlll tbe last thing.

deep pocket at one eed with baadages
Don't Lave farsv.r poles with rings for
aeat'y rolled, tbe (BC at the other eod
iu>Ub or Ibiu they are a|.
with two or sore soft Spoages. aad the
dlng^and c
V> palap •........................................
•mall opea at one side with a piece
• ofl».«ai-" «aod wbiWcmatlle
t\ b» oxau air niastlag
powder pair filled with __________
is danger of tbeir hecvniiag t
botUa of esaeline. aad a ease of eo
place a bum of water in ibe
plaster Straps of ribbon in tbe oi
I the
aide of the basket bold the adBOi
When baking .mbe. oo remaeing
from the
oeen place
plr-- tbe
A great a___ _______
the <mke oa a damp
towel fora mo­
ment. and the esur may readilv be Iskro from tbe tin without stiekiu.
oeeh and aaemtobe
ible to grasp
ooking :
the fcw 'siaple facta
seusary to lu.
‘ of wggs c
snceeasfsl baodllng. I
.tckly ifaplacb if cream of tarti
— raageaad fix’thn
fix tbi proper poiatat
proportwo of an elghlli of,a t<
tbe degW wbea theorea door will'
iBful to Zacb egg be first added..
..................................... with tl
Wbeaerer .eegeUble* put up in
degree of heat aaaniled In­ wa
are opened aadonlv pa
delicate artlelm.
It acorefaee
do not allow the ..—.Inder'tos^d
I near* them
he UDs, but tura them out lalo' i
held ia By t
arthen bowl and put ia a <-ool place.



Brosch’s Meat Market-

wan rov 'WAi

BBjnrrOff WAMT


Choicest Meats, Poeltnr and Game.



^^AinwtjjWrBrwoarBY arroaertra



Fresh. Sail and Smeked meats, Sausac
THc anr or cvonmMQ

Plate Glass



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