Grand Traverse Herald, February 25, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, February 25, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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nire Drugs
fair Prices.


-T nlybi'Mk Ur uw qaaattaa a(


6b «Ui

wt bm I
CTBdBBtdrBCB-tbBbwt; Ub»
esnayoar work wUl >t«MtkB

SPECIAL OFFER-»«m. Im mlW ,o.Ui, rtocl 4t .nimproT^ bBBW hooae, two Btory, pine roans; granary, botBB stable
go^beeriBg<»iABid.goad{efioee; eoil grtrel and oisy lo*ai.eBr^
■oAly leret. good water. Price S3.00U; one-tbird eesfa, balenoe'oR
time et ^ per cent, or will take city pit^rty in eicbange.

t« u
•altoerl.^ DlTBrt*^* ****
SUKPLVB 96,000

,Jiose & Spn,

I «pu lUDN mm M



Bnajnees OardB.

Uoa to bdnwwkoM
e« dlatreaalV (»r in tkbt eetat abe
BkiB^ itBTBilLfer h»r projacl bad ra■Id hardly hope It woald ba eumra
larradBkebaciBwr to earty U ewL ksd
Bcaidia akr could And ao truer of
It BBWac>;dmd.lobkr tkal 11 voald k*
I boat'* keel wb—* it bad btwn
paetrtwiBHc u nplorr ike blaad all
>WB aa oa U* mad. bhe aow aoby brrarU aad baa* a thrilUac vxmbI
rd for Ue Irtl Umr. wbal to a nme
aWoI karadTeslkn
s»d ikaak-*a4—.W*dk—ahM-, IM Ulkrdof dalv
— Ik. MS .hi—all <)>. day.
.. kdaboald fled that l________ ...
kaAklatsa—kalaasu Ihr harrylM SB—m
.« TKJ writ WltoOBl blBl
Thu nu—IH— larahA—ar.
t'afertuBsirly tbr Hrnalt
uraa wa. a a Mewtay ireahly I
Lb4 I Bl—.y* (Tan aihuilulbl—BW«y. but bta beaplWblF dtior Mood
>t. Of oneiwr it ba
irtdr ->i-n at oaaBl'kBd klurioB arcralle liyk'- boat fmm it
BM « n-.h..«ll«p--fih-..h-.*. M ad iba tarit laTluiloa kkd wnlkto '
raye,. and It
it W
B* a,
bow Toyayiay l-y
A, lay •«> Innd barnaa lhna(h
Tb« HrralVt caw wbleb bad bm •<
f OB Ur toMiay watee toward Old
Tba-ui*sata.>h-*khr —«an <nn/ slv>Wrlf baaldr tbr door, haapad
•alMatoa aptwlal porruphie kt aiftat
Marina sraa a* brarr-faearlrd at iDoat
Uet I k—a Ihal tW aaa akl— hO ska 4ay.
trfVWtoraad flrd wlfdly dowB Uir paib. yooay yirla. bat Ur pruaprot of apead
TkaS ska ftaa 'ra tSauas Wl ska yArMatin roojly balprd haraalf to aoaaa iby a laerle aifhtoa Ue Umad wat
Wie Ua bus ar^ tbr alnoal loo appaJlioy .Tua<-rl tlalbl.
rur ■! aH frIaaA la i—l k-ra.
___ Inti
rUlay; te
V I^a.
OAia ram.r.
haakriful ikat tbr Bmlt bad erldcot- srtll foranyatrrl
rluut drradfal tone
brfdrr traaiaf.
hhe fl)M> Uioy toht|
aid Uat wlU
;brt which waala- (oalai
ddrd la a ataap BMr Ur
nnoBte llltir rxprdlilea hryaa to
"I doa't SBppuar br'll care, far I aball appear la a toully dlffrrrnt liyht. Sbr
pntbBblT rrtora It briora tar nu -- - eallrd H "foolhardy" to beraelf.
back."abe aaU kpoInrrUrally to Vic­
t 1 bad at Iraal Irft ward where ‘
MkrioB. aktoly kcrreardltoa. rlew 1b tor; who rceaidcd ibaaa lawlaaa arw
waa yelay—IfOt now ikry will a.H aet
tbr miW eapolB of Ike komarr katel.
with rcidrai diaapprotaatW.
to look („r tur. itrtidee
BTBtcbed • tv parly cil krr (cllow-ntniWrd chMcWbrr barb to prr- Ur Colunl
nay arrt yrt la till
aa (bay want tMthlafsad rbav
(anbrr ilrprrdalluaa.
aad a<
(Incdotra totbe buBl-Wadint.
twatlaadlnf. wkrrv
lu cguippnl akr rrlurard to brr elude
ilode Uat 1 barr y>«e orer te Ur
Ibr OlumbU. yay wlib flap aad
akd rossrd ua urcr to kUrloa la- IV.iBi totuy with Iht Jraaiayi' ylHt.
an. wa* aralUay to taka tkria
____ ____
Harr _____
ahr drrw
.. tbr hoBl Bp
ap oa aad will ukr no funbrr Ibouyht about
tba bay.
tbr nady
kkdy iMcb
aa tar ka akr euuld i
____ Ihete bftr« asy ea* bytof>aa
lal dnwa to
aot allowlar
Ibty woald nrriy bar, wid that t
Ulaad ahould W
by worrylay
war* Wan la ber lorrly rr»y ryn;
E. W. HA8TtNQ8‘
callud by ny aaBir.~ abc aai—1 orer oUriaII an baryanii tbatlbvr* waa bo
ooder wb<) Uw aakaowa lady la Uat
aeyyrttrd llarit of
rsa IL aad why. akr nrrrr coare to
aia brr dmaaia. IVrbap* akr d,e*
a bcaattfsl water ApBwl. ______ _____
>C kbew how charaiar it ia. tt'bal
(el broVa ryn rrcmMrd bar wItA a .. we kbould Bake toac weadrrfal diautfTcrir* far' hrr. Victorl Tbrrc say
dbn Ihla ®aaB7- ___________
ab erratorr Iw iroa, ar cupper; vraa. ttowrd awav. joylol aeaiauncr. carry lay the aticks
that he waa. V could aDle
f ,Bob* bl.
aader ikua<- loaoccat .luokiar m«a. with brad hrld biyk in Ur air. aad or
cold Boae Ibu her •rardi Ultie hasd ao>i I'tiry'aay tber* la a dallyhlfull.r roai
caaionally wurryiay aad isealay them
apriny aaaicwkrrr npaa Uat bluff—1 fur bi. . .
PBoairr. CABfFUL
w lU 1 bad aunr u( Uc waur to drlak
Brforr aril,ay fl,r to Ur rtaprvtablr
laJVirloii brrarK to' rsplaie why *hr Ui. ntlaiilr.”
pllrUrybU built. MarioB U»aybl It
was BclLaTko: aad ahe wmild aiae harr
Bat Uc acrard la ao haate to bryis. er.1 to walk amuad tbr Uorr to a
' rabaawi Black
beaa tbr ?cry finl to dray with srura bfr cNpluraliuaa. Tmlb to trll abr
poial fruiD whiub Ue eoald ace Ur
iDsiaiMlIra that akr wa* r<Tia(- did Bst end Uc ialaad geltc ao allarkv
-teanrr approaehlay.
to a liltle flluf trBprr.
liul it. when aluae a* akc bad the tlmra wbee
.................... wi at C'U:
to boro
kialy bore rrry imieh ttsai apprBr- u- u-o
gj ,
party to
Ihr U>at o
aiykLElar why Ula auddea capru-r?
. llowiuay aco it aMwol!
> Vicb-r. fiw wbote eumpoa,se rsptoltiua arouad tbr bay bad
bad laat brra Ibrrr! Sbr< lonship .hr duw ouuld hardly br Uaokbaee plaaacd (urdaya. aadakc hCncK
. ilrrlRad Mid Urot of
had bacB aa caUualastlc orrr it a* any
I* Udy wku oweed Ur!
Dul thooyk .br palleatly walked
Aad aorrly Do wiwe aaaptrloiiv
udeaiaad It lor bcrtcll;: aliMty Ur Waefa aad eayeriy aeaaanl
dayeoaldharc brea draircp. The air
Ur BOW aiiyry aater. sh? inmld are at.
wasdellfkllol. with a aoTt.«uol brrezr
beat Tbe wind blew .piirfuily ayala.i
blawiay; Uc water ]o>l rua-d licktly.
irlUrr Would Ue w
hereelf to bar hrr way; Ur wae—
aad Ur aky a clear, dark bier, aarr
daUrd up OB Ue imad with a Uarlsy
wkrrr iraal (camy clouds biac aa if la
;b4, Irarloy a Ilae of loan a. tbr;
reated: a .tranyr aennd wallnl
Keuar kacw of hrr miration torw
' a abc^doca; ao wc «
Uroayb Ue hweat. like a wialry hlari
waia bekiad. lor akr bad bera aa buwy
ii her aa loay aa a
blowa oecr wariea oI tnnw-t u(ia(
aa tbr real loukiny up wrap, and *u(
tircakt of liytaiaiay. like flrrytoayuf-..
rraUardaiautafor ikr luoobrun whicl.
flaabrdayauwt tbr dark boriom: while
Ury wrrr to «»l ln the (tut* at Ikor
* iflrrlDy of Uaadrr reb.ird
But at Uc laat mniareC' ab* had
sly. aad acalteriay dropa of
-\Vr ^. afford to be
alipptd away; abd tbr tnrrty l-rty
OpBBlBibjwtoaaaalBktaBdaay. , werr all too ialrnt oa Urlrowa ptraa alocr kbr yacc Ua ialaad ieefa a pretty rainbeyaa to fall.
•Coow. Victor," Ur aaid at laat. -wr
arlay te aotr brr ahacac*.
The boat
will yo Inck and atart Ua Are—it will
bad already wbb-ilrd waraiv'y twice
beeunpaay for ua. at IraaL"
brfura Ur iaal of tbr flullcriaf UniB|r
Tbe wind alimwt blew bar oft brr
trpiyl lluw aiupld be laBat barr
feel a* abe wearily retraced hrreten.
Ikuuybt hrr!
bo pile of tNwU. Bet Victor. wb»
Braacr'a locie^ to kb Uran'aeuBleat,'; . Mow yay Ury bad brra Uat day!
ahead, bad aoaooeer rrtobed Ur
aaid MarioD WiUa tiulreaukiv of Thry kU waited foE^woo^ rlar place. Uaa. wlU a ylad eclp. bo
brr breath. aaUr boat at laat tborrd
Ooaodrd forward, aed Urn Waa to
asray and Ue "Hoy*' Baud" alraek up Mr* aad told i
raa hlUrr aad Uitber. aaifliBy Ur
a Urrly loac. | "1 auppuac Ue.r'll harr yellow meaa aailrd alowly out
daaciuf aad—Md a prrfrctly lorelr uUid a wuodcrlul cloud, aad Uca Ucy
Bad ruwrd bark 'to .N't-ak-ta-waaU
• • mind. Victor must
bo hmdly insaplard akr.had Irariv abroad, tnoualil Uail baklad
Perhapi Ur brat ai
tbc iewark to faint. jumpr« iljria.
D ptuoyr into Ue hay
Uwaos bad by tbi* Uote breontr
iUa.fftad' bark, aad looked >x__ui. poor caninr hcainl
iDlly toward tbr stairway, aa if
wlTcly warm, ao, lakiV the
llul rrea while .br stood wiU band,
____ bo* aad balrbct. Marina callrd
her to doout for* ma -‘*avpcd and b«nrt boaliny wiU terror,
i'irtor ID
is Iron
{runs a
a drlurklfol ar im, aad
vbrrrfalancl familiar wbtMjr aouBd:Umbrd up Ue klopr
alopr to wb
wbcfo tbr
***•■1 den't know'hat that ir>.uM br Ur vUnbrd
-i near by, and Um who bat Bert
brat ikiv to du. old chap.*' Ur raid Ir ifer. oreided a yratrful Uadr.
She bad arylrcled to maxe allew- bimwK .bonld br eomipy toward brr.
aoawer to bia uaspokra pea.
"Awl I
acr (or VIetor'a botllby appetlta in wlu Victor leapley andly at
raUrr rncaa we aball bare to hurry if
if in rraliiy frantic wlU Joy!
Merioy her lancb. ao that br Cttmr ia
we doa't want to meet Ibe crowd Uat
Sbr bad planard It all out m>
>r the lloa'.Uare. toil erra Ura ut
went down to ace Ueni off.
I auppoae
lyln her own miad—Joat bow rooUy
ad watobrd with wnlfnl rye. tbe la.1
u'ey'd Uink we 'i^3t left.’ and I'd orrlortrl of Tbe MSdwieh Ue had kept Ur wonid roorirr bin '
r bear Ue Uat of iL"
k to bs-r-M .hr hi
"So, dalatUj- pirkiny uakrr wbitr
ir.-wiik 4h.l Hiprrb
li.ta. Ue claeiberrd quickly dewa tbr
would ll.lrn to hi. p
cepatrpe, Victor Dearly knock iny her by. If we yrt huayry." .be mM Ib eon
how bau«hlily Ur wc
kiob orer more Uaa oaoe in ikc rxnbetaaee Mslalion; aad Urn arcae to beyia be, —J
that It was a laaltor of aet tbe aliyhl
-ezpiomtiOBa"^a CareeaL
Oct imporUacr to brr wtclbrr ba catn
"I aia piwiiiTcly eboklay wiU
Oa tkc way.a briybt idea atrack ber.
or w«oi—lall ibl. wiUool Uc allybl
aad. alwayaa erratorr of Impaler. abr UUsL" tbe declared, "aad I jaat cna- ctreyardto
at oaeepracerdrd-to rarry itouL Uowa out driak Ul. bay urator; to come oa.
Iv^. let at aeelf weeaa And Uai
to Ur klldtara abe burrltul aad bryyid
taiaatlal loack of tk* aataniUed
Aad DOW? Weil, it BL..
'<k?mblny Ur tteep kaak. ahe found
1. wko amid Bot bqlp tokiay. "Did
hciprlf on Ue drutely wooded brM)- ihalabr iyaomlaiotoly caplla-ated. aad
you miM Uc boat'."'
audbwalked on anid a ttlllaa*. all Ur coaU Ue heupod oa Ur yoony
"Oh. BO. but tan niay out oaan '
I'acorU brad wrrr Ue ward* "Ob.
eapcdllloBol ny owa ud may not br
rofuand at te be almoat appalliny
iBirrralt a limy .iyh teened to . . 11" ottcrod ia a tooc that made hit
back In Hnc tor iuDcbeoa.*'
er Urouyb Ur treea. Uea dir tomewtaal aeterptihir bran tbump
ake look her acatly packed box of aaadarickca. and wiU a .bawl, a book or ^way. aed Uie aame bet. breaUlna •tranyrly. Hat he wat yolny to yirr
for byttorica. aad aaid. a*
tws;aad Victoral hrr brrU. walked hoU woald follow.
t. wlU aferliay of relief U
rapidUdoWB to wbrrt Uramanboau
to fiad^ roHy* ladiet Mrolliay
laat fuoad benelf ea Ue Bor
irrrc krau aad nanaced to ye\ aafriy
tione a pan a diacrt ialaad:
Ue ialaad.’ batiuy followed
oat on Ur water before Uc lew atray"Well, a'paa my wordl if yoa
ylcre cBtae back, bait reyrcttlv that luially duflbed trail arruae. aod aio
Ucy. toOvbad Buiyase 'on Uc plcBa- leokiDcoat to where Ue watata of Ur fairly atealiv >7 Uoaderl
toy merytd lau Ue darker bine cl waa plnmiv mTarIf on bMay Ihrooe
BTC cxenioo "
Lake Mkbiyaa. FarofftoUe aorU- oaly Rubinron Cmtoc oa UU ialaad.
"Aad. while ahe rowed with Uea
and now I fled }oo eoatacUv «** *«•true, aleady atrokca Uat Bert klnacll
or. Be qalcL Vietorl What do you
bad Unykt her. a picure kept coniay wklrb mi^l bTadiataat tuna
Bwab air, by trcallay a yratlenaa aa?
before ber rjtt of Min limaer and
There weie peeallar. rayyed looklay Won’t yoB pIcMC call off your cloy.
Bert pUylny teanla. na Ue bad
clooda alreakiay Ua aky. Ue "narc't- MinCrotoC? i bare aborrlblr Imprr*
Uen only yeatexday afternoon,
ake tat aa Ue reraadU Uyiuy to read alU." wbick to aailore portend wind. -‘■m Uat he would like to eat me." ^
-ub. Hen. I am to ylad to eee yoo"
aatapid btnk aad iwTteeoUy ahe did •oL not beiv wraUer-wi—. Marioa
rd Maripe ayaio. Ber flae aneecbca
ialbrn; aadera
--- «re lor teauia
Aad to hear Mb.
__ (oryotiea. iVoa perorire abe wa*
mid doobticet i
-.jacr'a affected Uvbl
She did
aa aateaUallT truUfol maidUbcarLI
Id be (ar pn
aee bow Bert coold eadnre iL
d that a b,
••Ah.tbaak*: Then perhaJ yoe will
I She aad Bert kad quarrellrd na
ilow BM to be yoor maa Fnday? I
Td Ur proniard
Dnea before, bat aeeer ked br *U<
Tbry kad
scald br moat bappy. 1 aaaoir rou.umpriltd to falawayaoloayorappearud tebrkariay aariv- ud <
anchayoodUmewiUeatbrr. And be ;ow Victor *
wee aaeb a apleodid teaifl* player, too! llpa with Ue tepid waUr of Ue bay.
• If 1 had ealy Uonybt to briv toj
But bew a ylrl k-Ard. raeiay abool tike
a tomboy, all blown aad blowty! To
itayaaiC abe aaW r«yr«l*n>lf• “
"Uut bow—wbaa?" beyaa Martaalartd ber baad* aad face ia Ur
-be Bare Min Braacr bad UeatyUof
flysreUal ahowedtoyood adraataye wbiU aeemed eooltr to U
tosscb Uan to Ue palate.
at aoeb
poarlay la a lew miautea and yoo
She waa weary wiU ber loay trnmi
Hyht. flnSy klad UaL looked all U*
yrt completely dreaebrd. LM
ncce bewitokiv whea blowiny about
oa boKW to Ue Ur aide of Ue ieland.
ber (ace.
Aad of couree akr karw Itl Book. aUetebed krrirlf
I left my bo.
thiak Uat l^roald beaotak- ably for a raaL wlU Vic
■ab la It. wbici w^BTseewr row
tber alrtaad affecuttoaa: It teotedly
betide brr. A* Ue Uy
_____Jly 1______
rywTidest Uat be could not care watcblay Ue dead* moeiay aw
Ue aky a* Uenyb imp*ilr_
at Uie loraly (ace.

O. P. Carver

Real Estate




i^noW I'hi^?

Fire Insurance

r>Or.«BMM U M* ta

wlU«ni«Mwka(rRaMU let.


X. X. yn.T.M

^ SkOM«Mi-»w


l». r—“

£5^gagHSrg Dr. J. A. Snyder,



Epfiife E;tcliAn^e

MtlflMM ex WM kr WMIL
PrtaM fMI W k«Mr ■■



A r«BSBlB> BebtoMn CniBBk.


And Oyster Depot!


60o Jugeal fox* 25o

w. s. ixnoon. rnp..

■”,KK&;v„ ... ™p,.

-Aye yon in need of a

............ ..

Chest Protector


Chamois Vest?


In'S BeqaM by naMri^ U>* apoU

, Carpet Cleaning,Works

baV by Bmr bBriar bad thas.
-aMriBltUaoaq>ot faBMnwia }aM
tha thiac.

8e ar. bar. apaana fro*

<ba Mntat baU «r arrtar*
Bba aaaltet ala«a BT eaaat nik aanfteal


apaBCy. CtaBwii. aU sbaa.
(6 taaOTc ftMaa.

Sonreyor uid Clril Engineer

Onlk AeU. to ra-

Uk.ato.. Ifatal paUBhata, Ka«UBlto,IMpall.ato.'

Waif* Drng Store,

Telephone 90
cren? E'xAj’wrinES.

MMonic Block.

Good Fits,


ATBB8B mrr.


dtaadhlly trtybieaed to tarn alaid
rrr aloar tbruoyh Ula ttMM**

-itor«d'" ^ ***



Merchant Tailoring.

z: ■

in the line of fim<Iass MerchSil^olS&fSKea,,
call upon
upo the^undern^ed,
' ioducements are being offered

Brosch's Meat Market

^ **“*■

-■Aad Wbrrr dM ywa iMra yav bntf
t. II fatlrard terarrly?"
"I'm afraid It U BM (UtCMdatalL
It la"
"I'alrB It wa* tlad tff osani Ika
am hare eanird It oft. Bat hww
drradfal (or yoa to be kcBaiaaBska
'^^I^'had qalte beyaa ta naUta Uat
""1 ranaot W Uaahfal eaovh Uat (
•wa. drlren lolaad bm.- Uul dielarad
-'ros .orril Ursry Uad at yoata
MV wi." .he mannarrd.
liy Uk unr tbr. bbd tubebad the
luat and Urrl prodened a boy* BUab>
aio>b from none Mont cobby aad
wrapped Harlem ia iL Tbr atom woe
new fully npna thrm. The ralh frll ta
,. and ihby would .bar* brea la
darkairer bot (or tbr (reqaeat
Ba.bra el IlykUlay. Urrat clap of
ibnqdrr baret ae acur them Uat Ua
Tcry fnandalMat of tbe Mrtb aeoaiad
to uraibir. It wat all Martaa aould
I. tu keep frooi wTtaiolaf whM tka
Ila.b and rrpurt caaM alnoat They could do aoUibf bat take iL rHm weald aatBtaa
raaiwa<kBtali«Aellrr aader a brae.
' It k B^dkta.-’ br dreUred, "wlU
br Ilybtniae playiv *ueh praakt.And ladred Ury nuild brar. eroey new
tad Ura. oae of Ue lursnt fftaalafaU
wlU a tr«acod.Hi. rraak.
"Bot yea arr yeuiay qalta druaUcd.- pnrtfeied HariOB from the akelur
if brr maekiatMk. when Victor, too,
loddlcrl ayalaat her.
■■ril euna dry oft afain •'boa I eaa .
tart a flrr. Tht. it too rteleat to laat
nay. Hcektea I Irrl Uai I am aaeded
l■r^r."br aodrd. wiU a little [t i "i
hi. arm ab.>at hrr aboaldrr.
"ItoB'lbrridiraloak Brrtl" Botabe
waa ylad. nrrrrUrlraa of bk broad,
aarm breast to leae VblaaL ' Olad to
saow that be wa. ibrrr bralde ber.
•rra Uoayb Ur could aot aee him
wrr when tbr liybUlar lit op oroiy*
iblny with iU Inrtd ylarr.
Tbr atorm oratod aim.wt ae aaddealy
a. It had bryna. Bm aow pninriid
u bindir tkc flrr br had laid, and toea
.ailay hlsatolf brforu IL tka
threw iu ckeary yldpr aoraeal
yard, aruoad.
"What tiiM k it. Bert?"
"Ifoarter pau rlerra."
"bo latel" la a tone of dkoMy.
Tbra. after a abort tUenee, "DMt
ou Ulak the wind kffolbydowaT li
rrna to Br it b aot kiowlay near m
"TbaV. btwaoM you raaaol kaar It
a Uk aide of Ue kland. Yoa'd Akd
; to br a perffrt y^r, atlH. if yoB Wpr*
----------tbr other aide “
i-t Utah It bbbU ka
ul?" plt^^ly.
>efr to re^uT^oj^


MBped if-w> a


We ea« supply you. Now then; if you went to save money
let u. sell you u s<*. 7Se otS.eo ehu’mois Skin. Then take
hxric at our made-up stock and make'one yourself.*
Yours for health and warmth.
. ,


early bird, aad w««t oror w DMi<i
baad. Be waa u ba awv taradv
ortsiTxaad. kaowlv ~X
~i~n T~
MiltV- klad)/ offrrwd me Ue an dd
tbe IVdm. If. a dandy, too, 1 MO
ysm. I took bln Bret to Ckarfeeate
ud wae fn.t brailay back wbaa tka
wind rot too murk for mr bad 1 kaalad
la tndrr tbe lee of Ui. ialaad. And
' teky Uat t did ao," hr added.
’’I.arky (nr me.'’ abr admittad fflta -ra *ar< I aboald ha*B b*M .

"Oh. Bm: whatabdl I dor .
"1111 Boat aeaaibir UkA to BtaJ «
rlyht brrr. olBcr you caa^ aoUlaff
elie. and lei me Babe yoo ae Boaderto*
le a* ponibir. If I aoly had aoMev
■Iv hot lor yoa to drlak. it Biffct


^bf It k TOt that—bat—• Botwut? Would yoB rather I kad
br horridf You know 1 ikoald
here died If I'd beu boraalans throoffh
all Ui. eurml"
"Tbra what k it?"
"I akould UlBk you'd haew Uayll
all maaoer of dreadfal Ulan
boBtaa. And 1 kaow aaktla wlU ba



, _ w^'teabetter r______
»t auuy iriU^M^Mada^
>k brr breaU asray.
lodeedl I ahoaid Uka to


aUrd ae
tooe ae tl
her aetoakhmcBL
"I rrolrcd U (re


lory after Uc (a^■■Yeo know rery woU Uat I Aa mot
oadetuM year tayai Jaiffm." m
k aeoerdiv to aD tka
eUlBof romaaM Uat yoa ekMid Bar"^•^t I don't coo Uat yoB kara ton
"I Uail^^ Uat-rery aooa. Tkaw
will be a soon auBotiBa twaiffktaad


Good Goods,
Fair Prices,


Cut Tlowers,
Floral Pieces.
Bedding Plantd,

Choicest Meals, Poultry and Caine.
Fresh, Salt tnd Smoked Meats, Sausages tic.

ni srirr Auntie Bike ao aba Bead aot
worry betarlf tato a flt of byBortaa—
Uea wr can oobc ^ wiU Ayiaf oto-

•Here yoa






Plants for Decorating before you orfer elsewhere, as I beltove I can
or THE
better goods at a less price than any
mTIBB OR nOSAL 00. ttaTelmgsalesmaiL

187 Ilront St

TraTOtse Caty, Mibh.

B for M Printing loftBt tb«


atruck: at­
tar yrarely raiaad kb bead and looked
atberia wonder.
Poor doy! He
IMtedaamall boaU aad only biadt
tloa to bl* nUtxee* crer iadneed him
to aaler oat. If hr coold bate kad bia
eWB way be woald bare
Ue limpid blar water a
about wtUa luUU: bat
blioy U Ue botton at tbr boat, net altewedeeea to pat bia pasrtoe Ue edye
aad look orer. wat almoal mire Uaa
UaproodaoBlroui- bear.
beaevy of Ue day
BOOB bad Ueir m ilneaee oa Ue Urbalestbaartof ilv,,oa; lee boom emtld
toayehaUh biu-r«amwtU Uc opaltbtrd bay all w-varkle U Uc clear
samUrbL Ue air awfcl b>d trwh aa
oaly air itet la btowaoeer larye
of pure watv mb be: aad a j

*ThrSrtSt*I!Si^towed la Harlas-t

you don’t eroa ^bU
-Why yoa dear
w It aha waa faat aalee(L
ie wtU Uat aaeomlart- ^*^Se'id^ AaS^l*wS^^tyou do UouybL of <
tetl Braldea. I
,*cry w«a

dtanayad to Aad Uat it {waa aearly ala
o-cleeL aad harrirdlj
b«- Uke-a-yood'i.^.Sl
eelttoyrUcrbeBloaaainmedlale rw -data.■Do be acTtaotr
torn. Tbeoyh abe bad * Waabd- Ue
■Cerulaly: Uh no Jobfay matter
laiat trmU to a chippy UUle wv »iU
adlayaaUc llule baefliaaB nndy
Uo narmil** hatobcL abe aomebow
be kindled. 1 at emoe aacfiaeud Ue
, (rlt Uat it would be Mfer to yo back
around by Uc ahore Uaa to lodaw Uc . raraeewf aa raeny aad-Ud myaeU
-rood*. CMDtoy to
ally osplanay aa



to rm awv


uIi M-.

____________ u-wiv.’-e^



"What will yen do. Um? Oo haak
UBcly to Xe-ab-mrantotokebiiy



•Nowiteo happaaodUat theU
bta bad wiaaly fleridad aotta n
caiay. boU
of It V bartay a bapat thaOaeaa I»
TbmiofU. BOOM bad badadbaaetta
worry about Ue Bktlvkmea.

‘T^aee.•dtohe(Uabad be
ktawtay dIraeUy toward Ue
toy a leay Une bat oUll n<.
d>7*« tlBder. (
—d. TUaltbtffaato de_______
ad. aad
that Ike rcaaliwaaM keafqrUat akr tooct bate fiotad Ue
ma to Ua UbAi
pleorwber«abebadleftit.aBdwlU a
traaa. 1 aaid I
pewaliar atoktoy lealtoy at km boart.



Hartaakuda. Wa

toiMaha yaaa



pteaie all to wanrleoa. Victor. —. DM (KM Whan Uay tod_______
...UafaaUriyht.- dadarud Bart. _ .IheoapuMtaadMualdtafRl^
anaBBeadyally: aad Vaetor Uaavwl
MMtVtoMrtatoakttoito tbaM
a rlyaraM *a|mr^ cd Ue ptoa wtU ____ ke, deaWlen hopkv for a a«b- atrOy. -And Uoa wkM Ttetor oaBa
hk to0.bBt iidaot daeeni maU ae cuattol tuttai*. anon mme TuaalW ta%C alsoff Uka Bad aad alMd all



EuTStf-wJrJSJtSSt-^ ■<

b CM e( tb<i weMat bdakt pnn


tto OalMI SMci tBV tn loMfl
Ifrar ■ P0M>
dcabtiM. «■• Mtlrlcmof faUUMfa tod ibctr...
qomi Kf>]MitBa<i bj lotfitatr Itlm
CMC of iTc*rwfaid> ta umdUicxprcMtoecDd
•oorpud ni>ort lint be mVct nDiled.
nu report, Ilk# bl« Irelh. wm fclte.
fer tbore «be konr him bm drcUn bu
«oll«( verr (itmI «sd vIoslBg. '


• Vatbingtoa-t deriag I
« Hobbi Vwaoe. fnaa t

• Uta ttM'tmV U«»'4


«l^»p)epB«ti btarl and u«L Tbarc
W(C wk «ooo(b fv* BMP M to doj
M McrehMMtocUf *B tbo tM •MtoMdBMdtbct Of ewMT alwkjn
tamd itaM is plMip for raomtiem.
-»itb oBbiB foil fd tbareoctalndc usd
tMBcIi f»U c< booodt Wccfalnftois bow
Mclfad isi booilsf. la tb. jm. at nptar. briwaeo EugUud and Ibr coin' iMUttraartbiutlasB a wMk. Son
Daring Dwrlp 1& prare b. waa al'
Ma wbo mat a-booU« «ltb bio:
I to panor Ibn nriabl. iiKxl. of
*Tba««ca] It a *acp .roIImI asd Ite. tfial of a wnaJitap planm. lord orrr
bald botauaM, laaplac tb. hlgbut
«sdf (InealD and a moltitede of arertaeaa.aad folog aztraasalpqekk. «lthwa. BMidt«lb.hoBiFmat>-orilocnt
eat BaVlin <« bit aHretipa. baahog cai
bto brtdla B lutlag bit bona nw »Ud. "
Bit bold fMlag oncbakaiallp troegbl
Wb to pM. bet BO urioei aceidtBl
M btCill bln
npacillaaoe IbweeBUm Tolbmbe
wai BDlfUBlp kind and )o«|. bei aaTtoelp rurilag aboat tba.pecfonaaDea
to tbeir dnllca.
Haring pnaerrto the
..bla to hb pootb. Wioblngloo ood•*Vmi a-baatlag witb Jaokp Oeatli
dooled hb real agrimltaral opreallotM
Md aatibtd a Pox. atiB ttara. boon'
with tba .aaetacBaud apabm to a awrehant Mgagad In large reotbrea mod
Boating rbh arjnxire. Id a alngla peat
b. raland T 000 bntbrlt of wbeat and
ae nn tiTm—< am*
MiMi, mmm
10,000 betb.It to ludlaa oore. and
rabtaK bit bralbs. aad Oolo. PairfM.
Bboo. wttb ICr. Pairfat as>d
Mr. WIbM ad EaglaDd. dined ben.”
Aad Ibap pcobablp ”Bada a weak tt
H.” far two dap. Unr It lb. Mdp.
floar gradaa to cloth and chHfalag
’■HaaBd a«Bie witb tb.
obtained from EnglMd Tb. reareU
> naibnnoallp look ost bit tobaod ibal bo
Loodcai and Lirerpnol tlwap
________________ ____________ r. dap. and
tellowad lb. boead* 18 dtpa. wbieb U a rtrd an aglmilrr «nl.T for cloibin.,
plaariiltof agrirnliore aadartlrbato
uattp fair laecrd for a alagl. stootb.
iBtoip Dotobulaabl. oo ibb aide to tba
Be ladalged bianatf ia tbla naalp
, - -t*ort •atil Within a few peanotbla Atlaalle.
He and bb wife lotoirdtoUMtail
daalk, aad H waa with *raal nrrow
tbatbabaallpecataBed tbaHskbeav
wap. wen alwipt to tb. beat mi
^iS^].°?'ma<Maii. it It Bid.

lb. two- aad Ibe lateat atjl».
bianU oaegbl batwata tb.
**nala rlelbfi;wttb-gtod or aileer
awiiBlBt BBlaa b. daabed down a bill, bnltow, Mall that 1 dtnira,''bobaca
w^aw^l. wrote bb laHcwda UmdoiL ‘Tbe bret
waaimad. eaoagb fer hia” eridrallp,'
and be wm wlUtog lo pap fur it.
CaiBwarr Tbb b be^ SM lattaaea
lo peraateg hb doplloata Ineoleaa
Meet naapunaa cd bit daab and rlg- arbbb hare baa pi'iWTTrd, ow b
a>. bb perfect ladlflunie. lodaagei.
tnapted to qaola tba dPtailed IbBaaBp Barriaga to tba Widow Ooilb be tire. ID qaaint are Ibcp. an compbie. ao
betaui OM (d tb. riotaral bob ia bb HlnatraUTato Ibe methodical cbataeler
^eriaea, aad baairita atoiAa and I
to tba man. Tb. giaatn part to Ibta
glatet aad perecsal prcqiertln <d
ordert prrhapa war tnad. np to nnicln
' getB, btoiTMd aoB. AOMacraa of laal- for bb wife and atepcbildiaa. aa to isVudaroBlHratiiB. At bb death, ia
im. bb ptopretp wai ralaad at o»ar
balfaBlUlos dollara. iecianitv aooM
M.*M0 aataa c< wUd aad cnlttraBd

b^Bd to bltaidt, "Tru b aperfael

The stock wle offer has j ust been opened, comprising the new­
est ideas in the trade. Tlje extremely low prices sit which
they axe marked should make this TECE SALE of the season.

. enre for'
_____ IHt gi—. .
utred perrip
ImaadonelboBsaDd dollarareerard b'
oHMcd for proof to tbr contnry. It'
B.TM failt to are Coafnoni blood i
PoitoB. Scrofula, Ecreoa. RbramAtbm. 1
Caaccr. or asp otbw dlMOA. of tb.'
blood. U too bare A blood dbaAC. >
tAk. Arensedva bich will not isisre pon.'
BewAT. of mreenry; don't do*
lo yoar tprtMi. Don't ^ botlW^I^


Abore tb. boppT boorebold bor«n<
»Wtiwto|«ljMao. OotbobertK.^
«w oloeb 7M »tn rUbte. Bertoq
•bMdMcdtbtcwardcDdpltial foribo
pto* Md praoUl M^lblt^Ancriota

Likens and White Goods.

watBiMtxsKH BaAngcaana At >cw-

lo bln. la tretb. w. Dad eaUaed two
^ipait. natoroi, tbi- ant aim aad diepataioaate. tb. oibre riolrnl and uplo. . wbirb. bp itroog
re, bnl
Ballp kept Bader flirn coalroL
Swill Speci
•0 direrei- naratvt we aee eae.

New Spring Wash Goods


Every desirable novelty is shown in this line, consisting
principally of handsome Lappet Stripes, Javon Madras, Organdi Sublime, Etamine Royale, India Foulard Silk, Irish
Flaxonette, Jaconat Duchesse, Aberfoyle Silk and Linen
Tissue, Pompadour Lace Lawn, etc. We place them on sale
at this time to enable the ladies to have their dressed made
before the hot weather which will surely come.

ontlp np-1 of
It of
— cool
—. .I
mp. bnl.
■Id him back—at wbM ' tioent. teparaWir "» collerelrelp, to ent
ogbt bel
rling onlp oo. of bb b-tnparn- np lor independ'-iire, bnl Ihit poo mip
rrlp ni«u—that noor of ikrm will erer
It ocaiticlinu. there b tabBii to ibi- loa< cif tbot. raluable
riglittanil ptiriirget trhl<* are eaa<-siiai
Dce Ifaat Vat
10 Ibr tnl.Abnaiili of >T«rp fre. tiale
and wiihrot Blurb life. lilfKp and
dnlin Hbiinudapt afo-r clinreb'wCT. I proprrtp.are rrniirrrd intrenre."
ornallp d.rotud to bb ooree^KUiai'Oee [
During tlir IS ptart |w>ed at UODSI
and rera to the making 001 of hi. in-i Va.bmptru was a memoerto
TOieea Uealwnpa ••aaidgnire" nt table, lb. Virgirria legflAtiir.-and had. drepil.
and war obanrani to lylig
rvligiont forma, tbit lark to miormal aluiitr. arqniced
bfurteoiv, trb-I
When ...............
reptnati.® fm angaritp,
langbter »’at at tb. ' a repiUatiiiofor
death land
(and whom..I
whom.-being child- dom and mnderaijoa. TrRtoher wilb
point of dntb
).''th.gnwt ;m»eral aat<rial.-. be waa tirrtid dele, Irred moat teod.rlp),
anrelp imit. gate to the lirii roniiueoial rcaignwt and
bwriof hrr ana
dine at bor ' «i "ot Ircm lur bomr, judrebiiaiiT witb
tea with grito.

Our Cloaks,
Overcoats and Ulsters


must be closed at ouce to make room for spring goods still
on the road. Do not wait, prices can never go lower.


--------------i— ------------------------ -- —
' Witt Ui-n to a diltrrent ttiinp 1
betbld. heandihlpand earneatlp ptaped ' Et'maiid Jh tirtl. ic n and I'utn, t •n-iirp: tho.. « itl. whom b. lud fcimi. tlp
y.omei. and putiipti
»ord'b.!.d, tbrSbiuf Xogwt. .
htTwoorerpto bealtb.

All Cleaning


About thehonse.paiot.fioon.pots
and pan-i, disbe and glaaswam.

a', altto-' >‘>l'
aad dealta, bappineae and
IT peuj.rii.i
That tank b' and b>< wife had made , and atietorrAiir
liatad in tba life nt Hoiut V«i
wnol.l a
if VirKiuiaVreuimiKi'iii. tut bi< eiap at
• riiau a
iiM-utal ruuI di legjti-10 tlie »,','<)Uil e,1,111,

silver and tinware, can be deme
better, quicker and cheaper with


lird, owing
te him: "I hoi. Too will •
mdto war gailiirlng on the bnriioii.
I kuuwtiiiirgv tvill." And beadda
promlredtOKaiu portrntootigoportioih.
lUT from «Inca til b n nu i itract:
bo bnigw conld tbe Anirrioui eoloniit^
lUle woman wa* bour
h. noaware-fbal di>*'n>ioni. poaaiblp from inoming
noti1 Infill with dom
Mig not
loodp rooflbta. impoiard. and th« wb,,,,,
Aalatba affoadtd bp ibe adjacaat Puw
r MBOtig them prepared for the predoa- „u.rrtai...ii and all.
fi«ilid Cl i-tiii'rtua'
tBM. aa bah aad wild fowl, aad waa
ood tepaimtion. Anitmg tbea. wu tumt. .Win ii V*-aet.
Ibv mnruiug.
alwart laid withaxlTB otnmiat ebaaot
rartlngton. wbore ibtegntp and pntri- ,
rhretrd nt
«lb, at well attaganllp and praaoieDea. ^ith me ci»«l wordt. 'God br a ith pon.
Aagrae. boi piaiintd an rxcelkst
b would be no lew than Impeaehisgtt
tlB, aa Bigbt be aipectwl of aw _
admit fora tromentthei he at firat lean„„ j,,.
, _i.
tooBtdcwlife. Be liked a wall owked
ed-u bt. bnui charg.'d-loward Use ^
Wathaad wall arered bbI. aad. gstbawa
AUbough b. bad owa
that be waa liked io Ui«w oru tba
. loac than'manp
tba'maiiT At--——
awi.l at tlw deMB and tba wiea
bbaSliatianharl irembitberto ijuTutiiui. ol tbe mugn.iu hi. liritrobHb gBwdW aanta B^ bla pRB*
ww-il., a.w.,,„- In '.
to ladBiga ia geaeroea Uqaoca-aot to
-Iba-moti ariturtaiic prnVli
I. b"
be wilboo't'
BilbonV hiTiltaiioo
CMI hi«
iIirtiaTT ""**
bbrtaaBiib tbeAtotgiasp.- „„„ ,„irMl ................. .............................
IBaAnlof hb parriiaaaa aftvauillag
the till of
iti. dap i« fi>te lb.
to MoaBlTaraoD waa a ■pipe to tba
lo a lattw to tbit time, whicb be ateembliint of the ri iiurt-M at Carpton eld Jtadaln. ■'and bb UrorlB bar.
to one to
bb funner omnpaniont
w. hall, ami aiain<
d ID__paAMUg
aa>«aa aaid. traa tbla aao. wtaa weca
In anna, tba atailotitol at Boaion. b. tamoot itaii- p> -rn wliirh have pi
Bidet, flip. aBall bear aad portre. It tb.- Jinitx of iliiir auihtoa
Ibi. nmnecticai. '
’ WAAniroToic BTC. arcAgr.
(to '
banMS'B'Tnrkrp.Aaa-Soba Park. Catlb’iVre
wreu t^gni h-iMv ■« thrlnldt of Ibr tone.
A Mwt. ttnll rrapr. boek. bouM at abrr«.
with-ii3U Park'I'atilA-'Utbutw •••
id Ilia frimd Pairu-k Heurp itaat
A twit Bait bniBd to Turkep. ta« warfeib
}udg-MtnhAr>rktOMH."wt-.u, m Ito latid.
mai ColuBcl Vaibingtun wa> ouqueaiapl.”«ta. adllhiian. Aboot400*B|. ■a r«t I'-uwa: a •kaU Prtpe* Bwh. bm mad
anwna trratad. wbo areragrti ”ptr to tot tAM Btur-r; ir rOt rmreliUBn
He waa BO qratoa. He roold out. Ilka
baad" I iBimaga for food aad » abil- A ItButBUo dTMd UuU, to Bws 1 enti
aaU do. At A a 1A boa of rtoterlaini tore
bla gn'ai oollriunia, more the hariaut
Hato for liqaeta, Bwb with a drralopid taftTlBAtre aad euBBlt. •<. The a1
men bp apprallug lo tbrir patoinua It
aapaebj to aboat Ibna qBani at a At- Ihiaat to lir Aral to A •iruB( Ireak biw
rntt J P. CMIt'B <r:
Ia related Ibal, BtorUp after bu miri
totoamuk. rvb kt
riage. when the aprakre-ot Ibe bonar of
Onr terr coot tototl- **• (Sucka..
baigvire pabliriy thanked bim for hu
peaMlBapIp bp drowalDg bla
to the rwtotid IM. to to rkareto ••
botk dub. PaA and Mtrtbt IBrfee
Inealtuablr arreire.uo Ibe fnmttFr be
Hkrvito IM laait to wntiag papt

soiEvriFie I





Ministers Should Use


iM*. Hues’ Heart QOC.

flbdMtleAriak. betto tbee«M«to ...
pat ba bMd a gaidwnr wl'b ibaannaa
todv ware Ibna ordered manp me
atlpalKtoB ibto a. put wupew
In adrasa from Landon and alp n
tba Baa totald. bare “bt at Cliti
ed tbrir dwtinalion afur perbapaa
nfdrlap. And ibb waasMasaaip. M






tbcae to bb own cantrp. but bra<
Ibadaarthto tbe aame tbla aid. o
'Atiatic. Oral Britain bad taka good bp one work, tieqaea
brtPB aat^ba
tare VP retallMt reewsciiona to tomol atbartuanMa. and
room iJ.JJi.Urm
tbe growth to AaMrsean Isdaatrbato
Mp aon and to atolatolp iDbibll the O<to^L0BfciBllU]wItk.biiatoirasbpalctaaT^toa rM.m,iM. •Bortagareare
predaetla to aitMaa to lenip aa wtol aad awroM pradiatkia had bMone aa
- "!
JeSetao. Vaablogla torad boibaand


Dr. Miles- “


April joirioua
DriTiu back lo BojUOD. tbe Briitth
were eoon oowrricg wllbtn tbrir drblucka<l,-d on Ibe Und tide t,p
.OuOor gO.eOu Mawarbon'tia miuolnmt'U and ralnnlrert.' Tliat prarinrr bad
beeu Itav flrat to cullicl Itn- malrriiil for
I. ilupol
war and to arm iia
fegoaitp.'wbro ih. Bni»
Oo~w ami h-fnre ibep
pliabH tb.
to ih^.r mateb,
haraae'd Ibi.r murte
leuta, fioallr bt'-opiii tb,-ni to » ataiid
aDdanipe]llied Ib.'irdiaaitTTD* reitmt.


that bo muld batdly apttok a word!Tat nud miaaing.
- aicod. rtamueriug and blnahiiig. ufiiil
Tbi* an. Ibe entiral midtlioa to aftba apak-r aaid: '-jin down. Ct.iaoel the B.nlra-jnI WMhiugiou. Yonr ipodearp aqnala poor bl.drviigreM tb Jlir, lira
TuennI eahv. and iliai aarpawre tba t>o<m to riena
as anoy bad B- j raddeplp
. asr laugoagi i ponaean''
, fuu .-i li «a* lireire:iog tba eoemp.
Tbe deb-gala at Pblladelphln.per- direcMd bptbeHaiacbaarita promonal
fcwjB.dwbattbrp am.4or:
, eongreaa. It wm ocaadered Oeairable
. -To eaaider tbe moat prapre and ef-. that the remtun-uial ragrrea abocld mfertnalmasitortoaotixipmtingnpw^aBmedirecttaMdappoinlaouiBaasdtbe ectotBi rmal relatiooi to tbe oolain
’rt'A «-■ h.toWr oooBOT at to praenre
fer Ibi maeb Injared prariDni
^ Unanarbiiaelu Bap; lo aarnre BtitJab Tbie Opponnanp Sboold Hot be Lat.
The wirld U fill'd with wiSerlar
ibe.aragM asB
A»«ja friini
pevpi. wbo
abo cul-aaldgm
cu'l-aaldgm wall cir'
atbilraiyeaia aud ipewlllp »B
find at what tbrir uwaule 1«
Ibal barmonp and aula ao >
,bra.Sernt, pre-p'r wfteaUnia
. totbeaibnlr ««!
spire amlaDgidesitp deaired Up all-Briiinab Al
• iM Itla^or jMtlbeMiw^.thatj

-------OH ALL-----—

ID-CntEtTCaXbfcaisg 85 POT oMit Off flnt OMt-of good*.
We will not bore you with a long sons and dance bat will give prices to suit your pocketbook:


" s:r'.L,''''SS^“s-iST!;is3«'S5SiT



: 1« Kaeh I Kao'S wool sox
afliwd tb.j
s***y -ooi

CitT. whs ie witbat doiM* tbr
.piTinItol la caring die‘fol.j.....................................
iaabra tb. foilowing oCct. He
*^^>^l*Zdnto and to tbeGodto boaik*laTH that it: UriM pa
all to_____________
write him abat par
drew dirato traa isatarv mon ihM fiOB
baaredlaiiaaai Itoto lefloa.” And gnia aa tlmrst wm echoed eomplainta,
tall blm.bow pa----I fol.. and
rr fra.
I hooka at aaeadband.
H. roe at
d taklig Sr. Kltir throngbal lA eaoRp: "V. mbM b. will aowvr par toitor
fra. of
1 e'ebek in (be mtoniag tbna«bat t
...............flgbt. Wr mbw BOW |wapaw for tb. In-1 ebnrga.__ei^a^ Jb»^
peat, apodlag tba lima btooa bteakfaal Bm«m aad daniad Ibe .
wakahl. atriiggl. agattial Brttlah fora |
baMda I barejBtocton
(wbbb WM at t ia tnomea and at 8 la
wlatag) la bB libtup. After a tn«al
lapaitbaBeoalad bb boraa and rod.
.•nrbbplaautbanutu am tin* for
dlMU. wbkB WM at A and fer wbbb
b. diaMd. Be alwiflB peabad



pOT psl»......................................

(Md J«n«7 lUrta




ISSSSillii.'ii’-.": 2.26
r Dome wen* MeiUau n (eoA ^

IM Froat StTMt, Prtwlricli Blki.

8bmr«a. Ottj,:


W kwW tor «
babp that


terat •MBdMloB.

wmia> Bradfardl a-paar^ daafblar. Bra. wklla plaplaA aa'tka atapa ^
bar boM at DairalV apart a pap of

A PoaviM 4aelOT raport* tfcM
■wcMrfalljr tnatad a cm* o(
atcpa. aad la a '
AIfkttvia with uU-ioxtoa.
that aba died.......................
' A poalU7 iib<Mr aad laMItaU for the aCaeta of bar lajorlaa Ua
ralBf at t cTclaek. The la«ar part
•art£«^»«e eoaal; wa. baUal
Ue aU14-a bodj waa trlfblfUip
T»»ian-ti Tbm w«r« M aatrtaa. -


W»ftaf*3itSrrinm veri
lD»«At >koM tbo l«a »



Ballark of Wheatiaad. a wl.«lir teTMT of BlIladalarooBV. draoaod
«m4 oftoarttoUata wkUc afl^tig
tobi* datlaa
Oaeatn' cUlm lo *Up laan
tbaaavaUxr towa IB bosUm
. IMlfaa* ud «S«« to prara U br Ibc
laUvar dranaChariaa Scharawrtor*. a poor Bolder
ad Haraoetle. kaa rceelrad wt
•U.OM ircaar eoBlae to bla
Df kb Bolkar la (»iaa«a.

aaarWdirla't? a' ab^
:b. A aoatkera Hlekiraa-------------_ japllalUta an alao Laiarat________
aebeae to ntUUe the rlckcraal^ laada
of Lake ooaatp, «rUeh appear ta be
lookiar op.
Twaalj-elrbt bead otoaMa. ralnad
at orarMoo. wata kiUad at the Plae
HU) atacb farm pija^j^

Wtat, far Ue wul af abetur



d^of^e aUta aaallai7 ataek 'aaatmiaaloB. who kara baaa bora taaklar
aa ctatBlaatlaa aad teat far aome oakaowa diaraaa axUUaraBoaca bard qaatr aaladp, or treat it aoooeaiful
aad wkl^ the; looad to
. Mkatr Uafortoa* of-.iflO.oqo
After waaderiaf araoad the dark
aderrroDB'dcbanibereotUe Reliaora
Aaatk of aa aaat io HoSalo, k.
Blaa Id I'aaiuTleaBla aiace lael
At Taeaaiaak WUl Weld, acad il.
dap. WHlie UajorUlk. are*) n ]
triad io pall bla abat r»*
• ><»d <><
waa rracaed FrMap la aa exha
wood kr tba Boaila Ha died taauetIj. tba ekarra UUac eSaet la Ua alia.


^ ri^anaaa oo Sa^w^tawaWo W


’ ■taainaara
: lorau bar tUI recewUp. BoU remalaad
Mqatd^aataa bp^^Wfe barrlor. •larla. aad aoaa Uara wIU be a
A brtdfa bolldar aaaad Oarpeater. oftheold awaeUcarta. '
Taa Wart. O . allppad froB a C
At Uraad Ijtdf a ebild. two_____
3. A U. iraalle at Rodaoa. aad fall *S old. bad laftaoiBatioB of Ua bowela.
iaaC aoffartaf Injortaa that «rUl prore aad Ue faaUp pbp^iaa dapabad. A
Betrbbor «r^ opaa the paraaU Ua
VhOa WIIHbm Blaab. of Jataraoci aae of eaU' kidea. aad Ue doctor laterpoaed BO ebJeetloB. la all. S9 failata.
. lUarhterAipktbarla. the boUdlai took top. aod
aad bleedwaa totallp daatnpad.
Now tbe lltiralaaelaf.
At BatUa Oraak tbe adraoUat ynW tie*
•IM ia Ua Aroald black kaa faraUbtd
At Otaeorilla, wbllccBirplad a packAtoh BAla wlUla Ua paal favrwf«k>.
Lkalfe fmn kla (atbar ta hu oaola.
■awfoapa) meetlafa ban baa« held _&oat a roam. Oaorre Hart'* little
pad II traapa aoarertad.
Uibe-jaarwld aoa fril oa *'
Lart^Bh Bwiac. ared n. died Fab. blade, which eoiared bla
heart aad prade
tl. Oarbaabaad follawed thraadara
law. Tbapbad baaa BMirriad halfa The ead aoeldeat
■arfa •
UaaaataiT S llr< '
__ baba autiaa. Joel waat of Ucaaara boriad la aae ranoa Moallle. The paraaU of the little tallow
Va. BtebaMBd. a f
Bartaae C. HaaaBdea haa aaterad
paraaU at UlatBlrrrwlr tor the parpoar of learalaf
UrBarIbb laosoareHrlaaaallra
of Horte Bloo. aad owae aad cdlua
aewtpoper. which lathe aouU-piece
ofUeboaeTolepartr. Tba adItoriaU
ara'af Fmak Bdn«’* tealw Barber eranaeiiad with he aeada to Ua paper dallf from
aouatrp. Hr. Bcaaodaa U bow M j
pf tpratoaieoB
At tbe are of *T hr rnde
erttleal eoadlllo
lard Uara two fo
of llteraure.
Lorraio Roraa. of Daadee, baa
retyci ‘
' ' '
iTti. qaarral
raar t :| the wap tram u
kadof Bl«e k
Africa aoil war prearnlad to kirn bp
Dr. Balkewa. aa Africu explaeer. It
> U Afrisaa pia'Do. ronchl)'but lara' At HtaBdlahoa taa waiiaoi uie taoi
liooalp eOBilracted. asd b about aa
arpeaaaqudrtberTp box. It I* made
rf halld wood, hollowed o
.idm. which are partlj ek
.ea aiaall keraor aome ki
ftatara bat BabSt.
Appareotip It la rerp old.
Hra WUllaa Baaea of BadaoB aadAana Daaae. a dcmiratle oa a tana a
ItoBUl^^traw a llrblad aatah OB the akqrt dUtaace aoath af Uea tern Harbor.
p!a^ Urea piae ia kcr poaU laelead


_______tree, tied
taa aUabw
. Ilab sad


a aome oaeapoke to her opeaed
lipa to repIp Bsd awallowed Ue
tdaa EITnruudblodre them bare re■olted ia tbe ramorml of oalp oae, aad
bodp b neatlp awollee aod aba b aaf

Mar t^bVp ^Tueb

for bar racererp.
UtUahopa'-*--------------fraud with*
. .
A pacalbr diaraaa called Ua "blaek
A rWia Mda U ton U eweed br
>l dlaeaka" haa ^ipearad Is Bifa aad
■ifaMBprtrVof Barv UtaaBbeirleld towaahlpa. aaar Adriaa. The
4aoa of Ua ftallp. Three aUan af
> b trat attacked bp a rlolaat
Ua Baaa ■akabraurbtit.l---------oha. ud Ua rarlaa cUfra of
Altar a* earn balaaraed. Uei
.........Buera udaaBceafollewlar. af­
ft af Ula aaka la aaUtOMa.
fect Ua area aaacUpredaee a eaelirt. -laaaaa BroaiaaaM. al Iroa Ble­ UDDoaeatriarof blaek caubafora Ue
ar, leokad bar two ehlldraa la the rbloB. Uaap Uermaaa are raid to be
.heaaawbUe aha want to do aoaa trad- banlar feather beda, la Ua bCItef
black rau an hidlar Uara.


3. D. tVlldap. af Plnaoala. cw eat
atrioUp frrah vtra if be b ao raiaded.
aa manp aa be
be waa
la ..................
«ra ta «M atora.

3pwSjp ^'wdlui



Majorfadk eDtercd Ue alae
' lb two coapaaloti* bT ’'•‘7 w< ■»
V Ue datp of Ua
ft, bat be rot aaciaraled iraa Uea Cite Clerk to keep Ua rarlatar of all
dora llraatad cadar the prorictaha of
ibb ordiaasca, toplec receipt for all
aboat aaeklac u uU >>*lU t**
aoaepa paid la pannaace baraof. ^
r ta prnrloe aaoh aoiabcr of mcUlilc
A Ooriatof ABd*raoa.lBd.,U aablblUor aa BioorpbopWlea rielarl or
Dead Bea Hip. The alorla flower .expcdlcBt (Uc ahape of cadh aback or
aprw dlracttroaUernoad, rnw- plaic ta V ehancad each pw) harier
lar Troa abolbaalarre aa a babj e atampml Uercon Ue aamben ladirav
brad. Tbe flower eiea. two feet la lor fur which pear Ue Jiueaee it paid,
oumber.of the
Ur liceaae Bad
aod tbe .letthe aumber.of
■ II
Ueaoce bo
tara T.
p. D. T-. aqd fur
Ula^ like a calla lllr; U la colored a paid ahall deUrer oae of theae
drap aarwoB wlae. ud la al Icaal airht platea or ebeeka to tbe paraon ao amp­
iacbra aeraaa. Tba odor b rcrp offea- ler licaDae on aap auefa dor. had wh.a
alea aad b aapooaad to attract loaeau
that tie* OB arrioa. Tbeee laaecU fer- raSe'r^Si^^o;
Uliia Ue flower that aoad map be pro- and each bocaea aod rerbup faa are
for.Ue Aral time paid. Ua dtp Clerk
tball alae Voa free of enar*e ta tV
oa implar cneb licaaa- auluble
ir to V toraiabed bp the Connell o>
. Rartueha. Ue traitor friead at
Clip, prorided that owaerc of dora
Macao. wV Vtnped Ue CoV»
IT ta draU. b reported to haee map obtain al tbelr own expeeae eallara lor au
kUlad bp aa araaeala.
A qaiaber of^ieep la UUtawaablp. .aba^tia
at., kaeedled otaarcaliar malade. aut acrebp oompelled
efore dnU
Ue aalmala larnlcbad bp Uie Clip.
deal, tbe bodiea at
.ICC 4—Ileball be L
_______ blark.
ra-cat open the Arab
aod to be eailrelpderayed.alUoarh
ptraalc irauble
pxrUciOBrlp orraalc
'Pk. di-partucnl at UIU- to be pta^ aroBod
_____________ Tbe
daf. a anitahlc collar, and
wa bae ordered aa iaeeetlraUoB.
to such collar to attach or canae ta
taok aleaioer Ilaluant, attached the mctaUieplata or chrek si
turoisbed bp the Oily Clerk: aod if aui
ablp Iwt aiU all haada :m ib
prrsoD shall place or canM ta be placed
uiMu Ue ~Har or around Ur neck of
,______- eJotUewaebc
Cape Forth of tbe Vuraea*
(ia'ileo. eliempted ta taw the City Clerk, or anj
Ur DlamaBlaad ta »ee bpr crew, bot plate. wiUoulUr bees
the hawaer ^rted aad Uc laak ateaaer dlrappeared from elew an quicklp
that II 1. Vlleecd .Ue went dowa.
altirs hrreln proridcd.
li shall be thednlpofUe
A apaolal raportar of Ua Auocibted
nra. who la Tieltinr the famine dU- pound-master of raid City ta torUwiib
■kla Id India, baa laipeoted the Cra- take up and impoodd any d-». male or
iral maUre nUtca and Ue llnadelkaak frmalr. fonnd ronnlncat Ur(e in Ue
City hot barine a co'dlilricc The people tram the former
bare been flucklnf lata the HriliU ter- lar around tia neck wiu Ue aforeraid
ritarp for tbe paM month and budUradt metallic pla<r or cbeck iberato aitacbf -n—‘-r peraoae are maeUac Ue rd. and Utald d-« ahall Dc
rmiec aad brtrrivaa their oalp cbaoce .>aem«d aa Vreiaifiar'praeidi
laataleleBar. Tbe riUarea arc Um- la Are ii| days after, aneh ...
lAc the refnraea awsr aad maep are bare been Impdui.drd, il aball ■>
ttalkinf from oae duty of the puooiJ-masier ta aiay
atatioa to aaaUer Ue oorTcnpaodeai dox oreansc the name ta be done.
found flee dead bodim aloofr Ue liar. It U hereby proyided, that any and.
Childrea arc daaartad aad are left ta dox ao Impon tided, map be redeeoad or
foracn far Uemaeleea The rmjabc were Ukea from such pound, upon exMbltUe laat la aiartinf Ue ralUf work and >np ta aacb poond-matter a rrcrlpk Ot
Uaa Ue mlacblaf bad bcea aoDa. The Ua City Clerk, showing tVt tba lieeara In tltii-ordinance Impoaed bae
aiortalltp U ^ol atjtoda. (be b1
bean paid tor euc--dof and upon papmanitaMld poond-maaier of a pound
mof' f.oin.ouo
whereoat of a p '
teen! flfip il-ii-cenu. aod a forUar
anffarataoBlp Ml
snuiaflwrntj flreiSM ranto par day
for each and ererj dap auch do|f aball
bare been impounded under aap proa.lsay tVl the ramalac of Ue Ute down- alM of Uie ordlnanoa.
cararapraraaf JaM where baried
8xc e—Thepound-maaterofaaldCUp
rraat atate al Kpola. .Capaldknt
Is brrabp aaUor.i^d ta collect Ue feaa
dlficBltp was fo«ad la raaklar t_. prOTided for ia eeeiion flee (S) bereof
proper atratwwaii far trwiHiartlas lor all doxs Impounded, aad Ua monthe body ta Kyoto................................
ape ao eollactad ahall V retalsed bp
taqolrad that (hrde_____ -.................
bim aad abaU aemUUte tV entire
aae altar Ua oUer, aboald draw Ue oompearavioo of aueb pound-mastar for
faaeral car.
The ana betwaaa tV Ue p^ormaora of hia dutlat in osittabatu bad black aad white apota cm
Inc Uta effect tbia ordlsauee.
Ua bodp. a wblta atar oa Ue forehead
- - --U ahall not V Uwfnl for any
aad white atacklasaon allfoar 1cm
paraon barlaf. In
TV^_ ImmedhiMlr lafreat of Ue


koraa waa axlrlaalrd wlU peareelp
aeratU to ahaw far hit adreatare.
CkarlM Falrbaakiot Adriaa baajaat
tetaiMd from Mexlon. briartar wlU
Ua two Mexlraa rhlldrea, bnea arad
^ aad elrbl pcara old. Tber are
AOdtaa af Jaae Wraa. paatoffiar laawaatar at Mexico, aad Ur. VaIrbaBka.
<--------------- ei,
it aJelfhUr of Ua iaat twe
lu i^e ^ blcreatroB of 1
IT aaBotactariar
paap of KarUellle bare bad la ;
Se(r lataeaw pardearafaU of «crp
••aI tlaber. It
will a^ aearlp a
alUiOB fer-t of lamber. AH Ula t
^da^Ue tact that tkap were bi
Tba Aibaraea of UeBoalBae


Dr,.CrerBe’a .Vmwr>i tioni n<i arr-v. rrn.^y i.j.dml 'I rra.-fty B-bcT Itr spifem nrrds 4t ft'S sresua.



srsj “i!

ISr pr»qJr mr|nricrr »*c' If dsrinj Ur ftplsp

reritahi'’* tbr Brrrrs »>» /wJJBf Urm w<i

•Boatbs ta toar

/««!' n»d /K-e".- It Is/a-t ao(r ns e.M

rrfdnu arms m

oaj.rarirb Ur Wood,
ourVistos to

:e-I«ip ^mnliritufM^lirhu- f»
I. c Breno.;/.* (f
iKrf’tt brcIU ok<f rip-'dorlap tbr

rt,ij>prs/roB< w/ol" I-


Tii'» y-rrAri .;.'i»i/-ib'J-

,irir.r(flr, CrcTB'-.’ .Vr; >l--i





it rrSifrt- .1 '.ri.tor,

I Pioneer Livery,


]!f .,!l mra,M


Bnsisns are fund <if relaflnx'tbt folsnmlale almut Ue czar wham
tbe ,»aunx rsori.w .Is |kj<prd (be
|UC»11on hr raid: -Tlir rmnrrar.
fsiber. has ruinaianilrd
lanilrd mriomakcpoa
me lo make;
band aod hr.-irt.* To .
,i> h I'fincras Alia r»t nrsse leapoad- -

rn;.idl> l--.-..minn stallrsl. Ibourh the
IHtle d.mJ.rp ivaa di.tnc bis ls-.i, Tbr
Is-irinlrni wbrelonn. puit.nx bis left
hoi.d a?ainsi tbr Imi-k of tbr ran and
pivl.i.e hisw lirrlwlth Ibrolber. pnsbril offer of
i,„r.| Uji IbedanUrj laUnp UVr


\rrr„r., IJ:.I o-t b-tt' rrwfy (ti>'•fotac.




iti:Biidrd mr to errep* tbe

■X la tas Ui*f7 Bas tafUlrs at tba
sr Ussep. Taa erUl a
XWtasstads aq

And Urn the ra.ral troth

;riK..Blofp<ni m.-u-- *
................... "•
•rifrK 1-or wAirr
-. -I ah..uld ii'ier in Ue ,
„n turimp am,lhrT-s frelinxs
.toidl.nir «ol optV hill wilhanlyoB. STht-««*;. “IV feHinfs.- br aaS! -T.b.,«-riV
donkey :" __________________
.-llipliL me Hrar child," raid the(rrmti. Pk—r Vsa wRIaleanpoamhateraU I
"A Ua.-li-lur irarlirr -abo uos in t» ta bun the frellariT^. -lirraura
a iv aronnd tban!’*--X. 1

be Usii." a r-jJ'r
oa tbe' hnn-l. rrornily
oci'-Vlue to chainier- a iireti.v mira .
6 siininwn. Tl.e niWdnoous

-GlremepoW.Vod. XrlllcIted to tbe exnlinxc . toad and ito
mainder to to s.-t part for
proeement of pro
u under Oie aaddea; pou wfll hair to ask papa.*
sbtll take
'' :itu Atlanta Enterprise of Oraat Uertk
s after >u
iffi.riU us ples.ori-local! especial
lii.e talk' adrertisa-ment of Ur
dotorebp certifT tbit ihr fra*- attroli
r ordinaora was_oassed bp the 'Moth


I dap of Febrnarp. !•
prraidenl pro i™
W W. Smith president
It* Clerk
A. W. Bicaxaii

iGCMiooiTin m ill 1

The summil reacdml. the

helril of vunbhiiix n-frarinn pupil*


!Sale& Boarding StaUt.

«*ic* islJk sj.riiip e

ciB-t lu.rrtirr.

AmeHaa «i|c<lmcn Irityl.
r, ue barborer aa af
1 «-Im uns hicrrllnp In
rf"* Vra'*
his wheel1

..f shall be punlsbrd by a So# of not
lew ibao two ist dollars, nor m rr
than fifty |M» dollars aod ooa-s of
prciaecutlon. ra bp imp-isuomml U> Ue
odunon jailofllraadTruertue c-mal.1 •
oriotbecily pris-.o. for a Wruia^^
not Iras than two i;j dare nor more
tban.nlactr OBJ) dais; And io lasr such
Court or Maeislratr shall only impae
a fine aad cost, the i.ffreder mar br
,ten^ to helmpri.iD. -■
u i* of. liratd Truer
io tb e city prise
flnr aod c<
ap.riodm.irai-llDX Most
dr 13-0.
Arr m< relatlrr .. d-rps
d .ps a- (
In force 10 Uie YUlax'ul
Trareruc Lin
ax' i.l TraMichixao. is beryl e rrpratol.
br.i li- The n
arisl^ from
•he lluenee proeldi

end brafU-si eri

hiwrU. l.fT. osd

~"SL..^i^MomQAM. Prrailatra.



1 ladu^ l!l7b2e's^at*^al esp-u*i- Issued ^ bcforc lllC fira of .^pril CACh J'Car. and in order (b re>
we are oflera miB<t altractirrand mrrit..fii»>t book, f dllCC OUT StOCK (ycfore OUf ____
flCXt inventor)HI
sskieh lh“.»
lh“» m:
maiUrre -------- ■
'?.d*’imi i
barjiainson all our stuck. Among the bar*
m*llon ut Ibe


izptoiiug w V ^ gains in canned goods we give:
i -A
Three |>ound can Tip Top tomatoes,, iregular price
i • -c- our invcnion’ price<>c, or 95c jier doz.
J iThree pound can Genesee tomatoes, regular price.
■ ■
le Batavia, r^ular pritt
» if>c. our inventor)’ price uc,
■tan.l.r.g IH’•fritiisl'be oeaL*^'^
f tomato weighs onc-half pound
rolcr is,, and the mudnliu-.l arnl'oees - ^ pn-asal af Ue book SriU
srill eoarloee
can and is a bargaiit.
ireakipp asainsi tl. how Is ati.-ntinn gg,- ladv. and Ike*
oa of "Molber's
n beromi-its
aoUn10 be tis-d u'lKjn Ibr - srrtiH.o?
Tbr ‘ Fund' Vauar herto
Sweet or Sugar com—Bativia. »n excellent com. reg­
.lag tbr boor when :
mlndgrowslax,lhrquieia:ulstte*eiK-ss si'asUe ____________
Irlrod. bl,toing
ular price 4fx:. our inventor)' ptice iic. or$i44 per doz.'
It 'beard of It aad was indnee*! ta
lart letsl todislraeiMm.
tislTscIMm. Ibc
ibr drat she
(ic-ncsce, not quite as good as Bauvia, but of the
ulblrunltrrm, and
standard qudity; regular price i3>ic.ourinvenu>ry
rair’t liiougbis ccDtra
BradSeld Itrgulataf I'-u.. Atlanta. Oa..
price qc, or 95c per doz.
rad reorfrrd in crUTD, free. Uis excel^b"l*a aondrrful enosirurijoti. There lent book. -To Expectant Motbera.T
H you are lookthg (or bargains in any thing in the
Is a tcilow rose iri-mbriHg On a long ^caining iafurasatioa of ralue ta all.
grocery line call on
tlrm with rtrrp mui'mctil of Ur wmreiO MATJN CHURCH.»

: Pllh tto a hale t Bisrrss tar tto Maa ' --I'kal Ue -Mustier' It. '
remedy waoderlul In Its V^litr.aA^rJ!
Tbl» Is «t.Bl l.u-i- ns lo Ihr i.s-.ii be- Here* the ex^wctanl mo--------bind lb.-hnl. s:n s i :,r riiiflKr • i >l.s*-r>ec: kle suffering nod rubs t


t^ta ^at 4a^ rr'a bead and osr IbtIss >0 calculate
liir exicniof ilsarr. Tbrrrarr bur.chea
wouM to Sistisct r nnf——— taat tar
...^pr-or-i^'^lS of feather*.ilispoa-,1.eppormil}. whha
rnt xaoderinc slew to |tmroiinx aut-fblug ftun: be- nataUfita ksrs xi-'ss'* tar nrur* rallss a*
eneb dor to bi)era
"Sc. 6-n aball tenolawfo) tor
osroer. poaraaaor ra barborer of aap
tamale dor. knorinclp. to partait bar
tarnoat larfe while In hnv ciu
WlU or wiuont aueb mnula. aad
shall br ue dnip of Ue pootod-mral
aod of Uc pulioe lo forUwilB lake up
and impoand any female dor rwnolnr
atVsa'lqaald lip at aoth time l>
cn a eocoad emiricllon fur Tiolauonof
;)ra elrbl If
le Loan In addition
,0 prqacr.tod may i

h^£r ^er'llur tbe dor bali»ru>r

actilce of ribbon, upright and Imosor. ggoCUlM) A^■tl rMOT/SIOXt
aWr. *bich aUU turiUrr obsirure Ue
Oss, Port W'bU>*• ..
Os*. Port per»
fw",^'l^'*5 tori ;
Occeslonxlly OBr pri» a TDomrntary
irlhDpsr n* tbr brad nf tire pr-nrhrr as
It la strairbi-e out in res'irvlsi ion. bat
It srrmsa merr driarhet) fragment a'sr.
■ ting Ihr air. Tbr prra.
bimwir bas dlsapprsmd ns If hr
Oais prf^bu toUr
.- riai,blr
-r ■ motornt
kind farther

. ‘


;s J Corner Front and Cass Sts, Iraserte City.

brr S:SL



beard dial oae'emlBoa* howl, tbea an­
Tsrsl. tow, pr, tri.
eato.M. 1.
other, aod laallp toBDd blBMlf tarITbrri Si. IVuirihi.eiuff
—naded br- aearlp a doraa teracioai Ura M auraetlar coatUarable auenbxr'v.—It sball be nnlawfnl fra any bead. «.f Ibe bofp *.va<ri In llussla II
oleia. Be jaet time ta lamp late Ua
pereuBtaOWD keep ra harboranp dr*,
IS rsTkooet) that the «ta.'cof the *lis>rlakler. where ha ramaiaad all abrht
wbicb. bp loud and f.rqnent barkic».
itrrs were nermtorr-t fl.- w-uld raon
..oar. The tampeeatare waa It below
howlinx ra reip-nr- abaUraneeannoy
:n-p them but. In rjutr, 1 ..= "cr. of
tero. aad he waa badip fiacaa. bat ha
ance ra disturbance ta aap of Ue citi.mat loi
' raid be woald rather be taraad lata iae
■ mlhlrra lK.licr. thr-p hc»' irtolilp
iri s uf said clip.
thaa rartc aa tBDpar for wolrea
Icrfyatrd. BOtll ll.rre arr ik-« al«ut gKWIMG
tiuO.tiOOof tU-ci « iihdiil rrrkcuirpthe
M.ooq.TOC trout err* Vrr jnet beU , ^^^“hT’d^Vblar Ue ' Mayra
VIierc»*.-mbo«T» p!-.0c«.i«» strong.
rpcclerilal Ue CharleraU 6U VlCh-1
j,Jmwlamaiion «sniri
Ex-Pretldbai Beaj HarriMB b bapap ary. aad elrbl ra tea haad* wUl be era- P
h,^mr ia oha:.- orer Ue adreol lata hb boaae of a Uv - --------------------fra them.
| keeping anr dog ra dor*- »«> oonfloe
Ue daarhter. bora Saadap.

Vllrrp .hxj torn d«.-i..rrr.l
wm b., .
.kr maa arebnelar blrd'a aar peraoe wboanad umil
Tbe aatlnnal roacreae of moUan kaa
polencTthatsb‘-g>h:pwillbrsW-ta(ro r u. *».i cwaaiuwa. la^wito *i
beenholdiaraa .ialereaUar aad larra- eyrmapietor Ulpraeal. paj Ux llo oa»«eri-anr d.'v—oed » harbored
ta Amerira «iU us motire puvrr in- r~uv»..««.u.-lerisra._________
Ip aiteeded roareatioa at WaUtartaa. Uealnmp They hare ahlppasl aerrtml, kepl-ln ebarxr bp him. ra shall all*
car loads, aad Vee funr more taahip [ aa.« dc« to escape ra rofroa.hit pm
' B‘CTCI£OWNE|IB„-t^^^
KaJ. UcRiolep hat been quite HI
... je liable. C- ...
' eiigsstsr H a N-. X S' *0-ur. sll
wtu tbe rrip. but 1» now recorerisr.
proper Iribnaal. to Ue penal
WlU aotlfore
Bart Oaxlap of Usara
mod wUI procadc ta Waablartaa Harrh whittle fra some time u---------. He
rscribrd berela
Dariaf tto tnra of larxr raraa
----------cut lies
aeriord bp Ue Mayos'a proc
AnIeIcKof laearporatioB wera tied'
UmauoB, anp dor foand ransla
la tbe oSoe of tbe BMaatarp of aUta
J-btlndep lacarporatlar Ue Maradea
MBUodUlsof-Harbra-Spriar*. ledbp,
- . ,,
laaar with aaaatbarixed aWck af Ueir p^. Ue Ve 0.> ^toaram.
tribnaal Tbe
that aap to^as )><<toB a^c^a la

waaa aaabta u
» ret Urrmrb wiUoot
b .Tbc7 claim Ueahoek
^ Ue t’lnrlab peal.
wbM Ua atair exi
exploded killed teoat of
fta tok la Ua rtctaltp.
Vm raakibeir of RopaUan ceaafa. la
OaaafUapaateaperalaiTBMnat Ua
Bantos eoutp. thlbk Uap bare talead
Mt daraea baWl at Baa Aata^ Tax.,
.. _-k.---------.---------berry
rat bapaad mratral of Ua aaodaetar
alarpe batld.
Wedaaadap- It waw ap at faU apaad.
anahad Uraacb the not Uned cear
aparaUrae Ua eeat of Ue wUtar
aodleU dews Ua ahaft. a dbUara of
—“-r toab- aifa frcli ——
TV ekeeat
crap from ai

ft n-< tmlf

nr irorlJ. Crral ri-ri.p JfrdJoinr-' ' /< *h. come (o to [ yotr;Xn. tot lu.tiys rirt. rrd hj-mij ; it Bot loifr strcnptAniB
rreopaltrd oc Ur tost ikosiUc sf-Wap nnbc’nr (o lutrionj ^


istarfera wtu tbalr arc pradaelBr
proelIrMea Wtldap baa IJ palUu aad
10 bid baaa that are haiUara wbaa ft
BMrTaaaatBeUaadara food al ooarauualraacalbrlodartrp. That
arrar -aheara aad the dadar-who Uepattead araldaaoalp uboiiaara b
wared by the fact that taJaBoaip Uep
Upad4«a.udalaee Thaakafirlar Mi Uaeb
h aaarcb was r«inirad to Bad Ue'
leaAa i!mo ••brkdn- tor Uaa.
b. wra
dardea B doan. a Coteua fralt rnr
dlaeorarad at a remote place la ua
er, rabad la hb orchard laat ecu
eoBBUp. aad thh fnaeral arrwwema&ta
what were eeoMdarad U be Ua flarat wera Uaa carried anC AaaaelaBtlaw
applet U that raffoa.
Be thoarhl to
wlax the f
slfamllp n
il U^aachlarap.
a o*rt of plw ofUaaaleeUd fralt to a'Cbbaco caaiailralob fir*.
Be haa Jaal raeelred a
Aronad the Bactaa.
check forclrbtr-twoaei
tap oat
aad cooalden hlmaelf I_______________
kewaa aotcallad apoa jo pap tralfbt
ChdUlaebu paUnteid
a emplnpe of tba Hap de Koe laai________
>p. at UaabUqaa. waa eat- a winter bleyele Ual seciat w be a
craat saceraa.
aattiala Uc eDBatpUla pear. Heap

tatratlac » >flr Uaa la faraa
At iacfcaaa. a trirhtcaed hon
taehad to a dallrenp wacoa. rai

that I
r.vfidaO--------------------------------uaara into Ue Clvy Traaanrp, .
to pap a fra of twenlp-flye i»| aaaU to
Ue arrk of raid dtp for Ua Valnr
andracordiarofaueb lideara. aad ob
ulB the Clip Cbrk i reaelpt for Ua
hce^ ao paid; aiao'ta ohialn from
aald Clerk the taeuUle plate or check
be.eiaafter reqabwl ta be farntabad
bpthaC ip Otark nadar tbcpaaalura


Hotel Whiting
TrawM City, Kleh:

W^DiT, URCH 3, 1891.


Teterlaarr Sarfeoa - DeaAsaA. i“* paaMmr npoo the peeaoo or proranp ol
'■Soo,- leflWHBeattrM a'cloek
aeeb .Jadge ra Jaatiea aball Iraat aa
ordardiraeingthaowaw ra posss^ra
of raid d<« ta alay tV same wiUln
tratpmlghl (4d| bnara after raetdring
Mia.Manoalqaat«sdat Pekmbepa - -lice of raeh otdar. ra wlUia Ue
few daps ago. agad aboat lea 8V
ae tlrae ta show eaara why tbajai
waaotuafUelrataraoBt Ua ladiana
add aol be alitad. TV own.
tajaia UamMMoanhB^aatrbaUa
■era Miriaet ta aeraplr sriU eaeb
TVUrmof clr^aaartat BaOalra . V eriUia foety-altbt («) hows
was the aharteat B raaapyeara Tbt after wra«~ of tbe aama. ahaU ca ' —
Tiethm ttaaaf baton the propai
Vral ba aabjact to tba jmihmaat
taiubad to thallaara rin»


To Young, Middle Aged and pidMen


DRS. B. S. & CO.



-KMolrad. ThMtk>«M»4e.aia<l
WadiMbr •tmlmf, IOnt> *rd: tU
dtj eoafvBtlM M Wadaaadaj' «*cals«HvA 10; U« <rw4 ^scsM*. te tb«

■JHMtBj lO Of____
tiM ia ballot tWpaopl*
.. IIibrlilaod of'......................
of Oral*, lor U* ,parpoar
offnwiar ibrai lro« tbe ^Traa;
mmiv mmimg. Marah IT. H wtU be forrUra Qaaro»aen aad toeaatore pracr
aaUead Oat Ik* dVocareatlCB I* call- wllb lb* bieNieo* of CbMaHaa cldliBad at SiolBWtf^ Ormad.
The (mat Uoa M tbal diatnMrd klaad.'
part of the lo««A(Kr will >e
aelaljr for delffe**
waaftbaftooraad lb* calUrtet a "
10 Gi
tr dkpaicbea are «o tbr
ba tbowa opra to Ibe pebik. T
rflcct tbal Greece
» baa bree ordered
toaiaare«o|>f«iallriBTlw4 to b* pa
raeaato Oet* *t oaer.
tb* powm 10 CTBcaaW
oat. Ill.lBteaM toaakcllapla
lad IfaBlaaptMof aeloBo^ will br
aat oaea^. and wbUe tbm naj
BOM wars eoatMklor aoBlaatioM all Ml lato aOwrl for tb* Uaad. rnaiala
be latopiitp of Ui0 TarktaS^plr*.
»U1 be eoadaetad ta
rti-ir-Tbo caadidau* blraadp
aaaad tor aoailBaUoa for the dlSar*
oOet* are all pood ■*<> w*bla taoa,
whatmr Uueh^of tb*
- may ba lb* dtp oSeat oar
balar»dbaada _______

Tbo Propoaod Two Cent Far* BIjL
Tb*f* ar* two ddea to eretp qaettkw
i«*naial7lt Bor* tbaa oac

n*lfhdJ«abClBbaBaaal Wadi
taa Wrtbdar baa<|eM. Hoadaf a
ia Dttralv waioaeof Ibi a
aolabl* aad taeotaafal of lb* tarisa
Uff* crowd wa* la allrndaae* aad

af th* aeeadae wat ^e rerr rr
lataBlioB oB lb* pan of all (act
Plarraa. aatl-Piarw* aad aU otben lo
haraaite dlBcrcMca aad ret t<«a>b*r
.aaaaacamarnnad. Gd. AUriocM.a
atraac Plar«* panlMa. wa* al*eted
wilboal oppealUeB. pnaid«at af tbr
dab; 0*L OaOald. Oaa. blear’* na^k
Maad. wa* *l*et*d rl«* praaldcat ia
lb* mma wap. aad Iba oib«r oSeaa
war* sued bp friewti irfbotb. Go*.
Plafio* aU*ad*d Q*a. *lfR*a raeerlioa. eTOTbodp ibook baadt wllb *t•tpbedp.aad pcae* aad food wUl pra-.

Male Lcaca* of I

- 4m(; Graat Fellowa. of HatUai
prBldiat; Blaplap Fblaa, of Detroit,
■iwlaiTi Fkaok Watta. of Bhugk.


Tb* npablkaa •tatecooreDlh
TMidap. wa. a apleadld fatberlot
«Mtor CorelL wbo wa* a srabero
th* Gimad Tnrara* eoaatp delepaUoa
lepadM. ** rbalraaa oflbaeoaBlt
M* «a eredeeUal*. that orerp eoaatp It
tb* atat* osarpt OeVamroeaad IHek'
iaaea waa rcpr*iaatod, aad l.OM talc*
Jadr* Chart** D. tear waa rwac
Bated forjae^oflb* eapreaeet
bp aaeUaeUca. aad W. J. Ootba
Adriaa ia tb* ■aa* wap, a ce-aoa
tka.tnrfaf«atoftb*aalrenllp. ’
oklpaatal waa oe theaacaad a
far racaal. Leri L. Barkov, tb* pre*«at iaaeabrat. a r>ld deaoeral
aaap •appartar*. wba tboarbt that

. B-.ateadU.wbleb weare aUlatcr«*l*d aad wblrkbkedoaaaraod deal
of rood lo Trar^ ifltp aad iu a«lrbfaotbood. writ** to lb* Haeklo* Oallp
Irow wblob wo Bake abtlzaet
bdow. Tbrre k aacb tntt ia wt
Mr. MU«b*Il*ap»..-^«r*l*oa« wap.
boworar. ia which Ik bklle** tb* emUroadd eOBld bcaedt tb* ppblie aad aot
aad If U*p oknld
r* tbelr rale lo tbW reject tbrre
i be rnpUtUe popalar'deBaad
» r*aonl two ,«*al ral*. ThiS.
r* b to kaae 1000 mile tlekcB
eeaU p*r Bile a*
d ftod k
The callruad* pelI tb* at
aad tb«r« 1* ao reaaoa wbp tb* ttekeU
f aot be baaed to bearer and w
Mr. Kllehell *apt:


> diaepptar. Uba tbo baffala^tbej
aat to lo a«(>* raoa for drUUaUoa
Hr. BoSi
; aelca* .«*a Mlow Ibe
Ute part of Uvatate Unofb hte
: *U eaaatrp. baiU park* for lb* ifeh (o iaaan fa the K O. T. M. •vb
waa ter two tern rnaatadv of Tmr..
a 2oaeb«r trbo aboaU*7lJbto ladal(« lacaaaqy That. X«L fTl.aafifiv aoeoral
la took aa axtrarafaat pMtIa
,p«an wa* Atetrtel dapatp fiaat
•re tbo*IddaUitI*oaU»li*
.aaader. .Ba wa»iattfaaditel i
wbcra 1* oar fr*o Awrlea. »U^ ctraa faaUiac aaap tedfn Is Hkteifaa aad
rqaal Hfbta to all. rieh aad poor allka Wteeaotiif. iBBddttteahebrtoafte!
Now aboatthalieraBtlaw. Uba tb*B.ft. C.. Moden-Waadaca.
•darn. L O.
rood tbUr far Iba aporUmaa wbe caa a F.. Fo*«*tef*. M. of 0.1B>d Manat
ba*« Uro ertbrro’
H* nrrird laoanav tv KlM)
ia th.
Gmt Caou E. O. T. M.. RUM la Ur
Saprea* Camp. Koo la tb* K.
and acenal oUv pallein.
te aa oalrnpc aad a riot*Hoc apalatt terrlen were held at U* M. E. Uarck
e^oal rtfku aad cqaal ciliaeBahIp
toxUp aador th* chaff* *4
Lot a* explois a liula aorc elearip E. 0.,T. M. Hte wife dted bat i
that tb* nadar aap aot W la doabi at av. hot fovchildren, tbreh *oM
.lap. Tbera.
a daafhtv aorricc kia..
pea aeraa.elfbtb* of oar cUtBOa. laraoitnarau.,
ert. book keepam and clerk* ia Ur dtp
Otto Seek* of Ftette died of p
d oat. wbo caoBot pet uS fv
Boate fialardsp. aflv a brief illi
eaUoB of two v IhrM wee
lie' wbt 2> prara oM aad learn a wile.
a caa aatp *eek now aad U
d4p froa tbelr roah" ol batia«*t Poaml oerTten wer* bold Tacaday.
mt-thdr w«arp miadt froa U* .wn well kaown aad Ukad at
wearp tod, who would Hke a d*p of nattB. and aacb ayafaUp te extesdladdap recreatloe each aa oalp caa be •dU hie wife aad rrlxtlm.
bad bp a efav* aflar
hllU asd plalaa aad oat *f tipht of
rk. It te BwaUp tbne
rated oat froa baatlap deer,
ra wba ar* elUiea*. who
la* paper* aad wba kelp to pap Ue ux
U •eppoet tbujaw froa which they
a* beaedV bat which daplj
bare tbea froa eqaal dtiteahUp.
Tbeae -« •.»! aot

ap. enp VBU I* a aaall aaoaat
t'kaow it Mea* aaall. bat I
aeaa* aore lo the aaa wbo te trpap
to pay fv aboaw aad wbov aaU^
will acarvlp aappvl hte faallpi it
I a forfeit ca bte lanallaml.
e a foreddaere. Sappoae hte iairot te three dollan and fifty
vBI*, .aad baba* jo«t that aaontit la
hte poeket aad ao aore. To parebav
lleea*e fv aday'rki
lit OD that iBatallBoi
at Ue next qu

. fv paalaaala drtecalta, la braakioc to

did la eoUaniac aad pabltehlap atatte. Mb of the Blaaalraoareaof b
Hr. Uwtsa te meatirelp *a•tfad la trait tr«»lB«.kli fanatbeUr near Uwtoa. aad r*ald«a la' the
tawa that Wan hteaaaa. Btteaaaa
edWoadUcaa. Tb* whole tlek*t It aa
anUoat oa* aad will note** tb*
hMp t^pon of th* repabUni

^ that will Umber up sewing mschines sooner than another, ^
^ ^
that thing is new, bright imd pretty


ti.«. inrtev Gnad Bapk
arririar at WaahlaM T

Spring Wash Goods i

itoto U*Xr
te aad feed SI

«> VWtm. Wan at ii*>. StrC Xo- X w
g War* Ke I a. Ware Bo. • le It. IWol.

A look through our stock this week wiU bring on a real in^ dustrious fit—toe new things are here now, and more coming z
^everyday. Won't you see them?


Reliable Drj- Goods. Carpet and Clothing Rouse.

Mrreodn. tb* 18 p«v aid danfMcr
^ Hr. and Ura. Certte Fowler of Ha-'____
pirtee. dirdSoadapofdlphUeria. She
will be •
poaaf (rienda.

The Greatest $3 Line

Chicafo daUrdap.
broofbt uTrareracatp Moadap ter
wat Axx* acs(«>naaoax.
Hr*. Aaaa Seberarebotb dted Tantp of dropap. at hv boa* oa NUU
She learn a fire wMka' old
Thr reaalnt were ukea to KnDMA CtlBXBJ.

Traverse CItj-, Midi.

. u te> x 1 vciij C-O..M.UV.

Mn. IT. a Javba cldnt daofbur


Atcadv WlV. Utlck

i. Jna.sroN.


to select from in the city are found at Frank’s New ^
Shoe St<»re. We show the new iasu and new to« of J
the season. Make no mistake.




BwwM *1-.-^ v^rCurwlt)

Tbr tweet little baby dsafhtor af
Hr. aad Hn. E’dri- Cantell died at
tbelr boar at tVrxf<fd Tondoy. Feb.
18. afed tixtoea aootba

erptlap Uom
________ lalareat.
peeaaterp or eUtrwIte. ia the ra^ laafioation. tbep are facte which 1
read*, bat a earefal eootlde
haee fathered froBooreitp aad sai>
Ibe catler tkorrt t^at there !•
I raid apaio*^ aap ebaape of the piea- ro<udlapwceo*(rp, Uteafacl wklcki
haTeexperiraeed apoclf. Uxt .}*>r
had ao wvk Uat would brief ne in
Btattetica *bow that th* paneaper raadp aaaey: 1 parehaaad a lleeate.
aaratap* of a Biloritp of the llae* op
- la Hiebipaa-I .peak klrrapt, baalad oterro dapa aad caade fifivo
af Ue Ice
-er peelaeala—are r*rp aaall dollar*. Thte pear I bad ap cu
.pared with the raadi dotap.
1 aa a pov aaa trylar lo, pay
--------------------------- ‘'eklj aethorn. 1 coaid not afford to gti
uae clip
Iteeaae lor twa or thre* days
of Bore that .ino.uuo popaietioa aad
OBlp three oforer M.OOO. )u larpre hBaUnf. *o I avKtey at borne.' 1 ao
towDt are few aad Iv brtweea. '
a eiiiVB aad a tax payer: bon a^
the tapper portion af Ue lUle are i
rateed la Uteeoaatp. yeti wold *'
.areas wbicb are itUl a alldemeet, lahabited oelp bp the laaberaea Oth. hBotdvr. aot erea oOe day. aniett
er *B*t area* OHwIei
of old cb.>
cbopplap* pay ah extra fifty CBDteabnre what
Tb« laae coBdiUoae
ioat prrrtil U're do pay to help anpport uat law. I atk
larprlp at
id ia the Uopee tV
te Ult eqaal rifbte to all. te Ute aul
BlatDia. w
elaa Irfitlalioar
tp ebarpe t ______ ______
The wdl U peoerall** loo poor for
rber* te aaoUv poiat I woald
farmlap aad the tranrltioe
Itioe froa
fmo Inamake. iVhU* yon va.readily
befiap lo apncBllure
api^llure anti
anel be
Ue aoeep tocoml Uroofb Ur
te a dpaificeal factual out
raoofh h*y, cauand VkWt
wheat are prodoeed BorU of Ue F A P. U- rtllnad
aad weatof Hafiaaw toxupply Ue lo.
cal ecaaaapUoB. The rai.roadt operaUap ia Ue apper part of the tiate Baadlc eery lluie Uroaph paMopet

their hcadwl debt ao*t W aeL A*
too tb* *toekbddefa—well •tockboldm

ID kvp eat of Wikraptey.

ike ami
rifid irtreaehneat la tbelr cxpeaiea.
- '
will be redocod to Ue
■le aielana aad erery
dtepeaaed with
aorp boar. aad probably
Tbe Irat reoeltofUa new rrptae.
Urs. wocld betovaee hardxhlp aad
eaCeriBf aanof Ue railroad eaployaa.
Koaad trip Uckett will be aboltehed.
alto tbe clerppaaa-a half tare peralt.
Cblldreo will be charfed fail fare.
Now let V tee who will be beDefllo
y tbe propcoed rodMUoa.
Tbe betloeu aaa. Ue trarellaj
aad all
d Back are
iBf only
t pv alia.
. . ...which ar* food fv'
pear v. in Ue w of taailp book*,
two pear* oa eoae llr—
llaeo. '~-Tbne peopU weald aot n ' aapUiaf bp tbe
ebauf*. Th*y w. Id aul baelr to pay
oat at aacb mun ria Ue tlart Ul'
woold bo DO better «S a1 .
tbe pear. Tbe beoefit woald e

trkea year
It itaobardthlpfvtheoa wbo na
kSerd to UBTcl tv plaataik to pay
Urea etau per alia it te ao hardUip
ritbv tv Uo wnaikaal traeeler of
bortdtetaaen Beery baa af-tbea ha*
it in bte powv to tmed tv two e- au
a** a aa tea of Creu aad art*«a. pet fv jer -Ue today. iPby. tbea. ebaa*.
PlaAp Ltult Oraaea

Ult play witboot fcellBf a mate
lore ter oar Harkar la bte taffretofa.
Ext. Ptrasa Dulax tChtboUe.)
birtabarfte Qnad. Hanh t.

mT6. AtLVN,


Al. DAVinsox.

Ikrar*'law will not brfinlh pay.Ue
iuxnpport, yoc alts *** Uai
Uw are wbo pay Ur Ux for it* v
pun arr Ue ar* wbo are aot-bearfit
by it the Iran, t woald likr to atk
fitlatarehttBoUiarete* to
> aak* lawt to iaertaae Ue bi
e Iowa* aloap Ueir lion are
> tax oa ovcillxeat? Doea t
1. few aad fv aparv oaodaUap
____ lly of a lew booec* clulered abent
perieovofoldwcoaatrin tdh
aa dd **w Bill. Too freqaeaUy Ue
aUl tednerUdaodUe bvun ditto
■ ■

r tolly to predict that a twoliar* BBod. OB tb* drat baQot:
wUI iBcrcoec Ue panearer
. bav. im dtwaph UeLaivhlia. MT; K. caralapaolaraadi^raUiueiB *ai:h a
Dl Mrtaaa. IM; C a Uwtoa.
J -----------Ilbdoablfel if Uertad* la Xalore'tUw. “Tb* tarriralof Ue flt. aore.Uteklp vtUed aad
K. tnaiMia. m. Oa tb* atmaad hal
tnt.- te U* •Iroarv of the two? I
----------—ipartof Ue *Ule
ktkrbiivtodka: McLa^blla. IM
I. bet Ueee^ be any be wroaf. If I aa I hopa too
<a* WiU abow ac where.
woold be apoB Uve in __ __________
A Tax PAxea.
part. Alavt wlUoel eavpUoB, Uey
bar* ao earpia* wlU which to xaak*
Woman * Clab
food Ue defidt which te evuia to;
Hr. Lawba tea §
aadCraU frowerot lai
baaa proaiaeat la bonieallaral elrclaa
B* ha* ■orrrd tb* etatc la lb* vpaolv
of «eatate*loaorof aia^-aBUnlea
B* it a fTBdaata of tb* aaltcmltp.fnN*
UW t* IfTt, btriar bee* a Kadeat aaItirDr. TbpiaB.aad wat proCtttor el
tl*fi*aflBM*iarfroalM»tomi. B«
baa btea aeUrelp latarvtcd la tb* laBtitatiaB a^ at the prcaaat writinp.
hot arrtral toat wbo are •tadcata
tbtra. Beteaasaof Jodr* lawtoa.
wbo foaadtd tbt towa of Uwtoa. aad
Utalwan btea aolir* la local affaira.
Aa eeBatetioatr of akaral atatteUca
tel Breed wlib dteUanioa. aad tboap-

TW riew* are exeeUrat aite year de-

|If thcFe
I is one thing


Tb* Uom* Uw.
I weald like.' U U* edilv wiU allow,
tbair wanbtp* U** faeaa ordvW
a littl* ipae. H tb* col.tea* of. Ibe
'tteeapot t* caforc* tbte. Gieee* tea BcmaLD to eaprm ay opiate* aad
plarkp IttU* eoaalrp aad dan aW ^ aU> lb* apUtea. 1 belie**, of a food
pan to W dowmrtl V .artlp. aad Uate BBOp of «.eciUt«a.aad taa papva.
*• tbe a<wcalted Uvea* law Iv th* prw
toettea of dnw la Hteblfaa.
White I do aot wteh to dtepate

Tbe >Bb|ect of dan fv atraber* eatoriaf lato la U<
perplexiof one t
ittvof U« .Wootsb'* Clab aad Fri­
day Bpea a eoto of U* clab a e
at appoiBtrd to prepare aa
to Ur comtitatloa nUlire to Ur
tab^ Thr clab te dnifard to ^
as well •* iatollMUal life
aad a obb—Iuc* te ateo to be -a~-i<
aeabem and fonts.
lb* dab now aoa.brn os* bundrad
and foar araben aad te Ue proof
oaeaav of Urce *udy dann toxidr
■ own Haito.
Tbe literary axneten Friday
> (bare* of Hr*. H. D. Alley,
oprsad Ue prpfraa wlU a papv
Aaaricaa t^tcratare. rrxiewinfi
Uonssd lltoiaure from Ue coleaUl
period aatU Ibe prevat. St
ered Ur jrcrat aiddl* elaa to be Iba
mduia of America asd osld oar Utcratore aa a rale >eoatoia*d not
' allotlos* at
the dlSereat pharn
Hr*. Alley va* followed bp Mr*. B.
U Cvbelt WiU a {.pv apea Jaan
Lana Alleo aad hte wvki. wiu aa explaasUoa of a blae-fioB KcatacUaa.
m a pleaxlBf lallabp wa*
•BOf bp Hn. A. U. SolUdap.
Hro. G. E. ThoapaoB read a popv
apol LUIbb Whltlsf asd “Tb* Wvld
Bcaatifal." nyisf that tbe on* tki
which ran Uroofb Ue «atire book
he wvid beoatlfol
fma wlUla aad av tma wiUoot asd
that troe weeU coutetod la what w*
re aad aot what we potaen.
Ht*. 1. L. Gibb* doard tbe prwfwa
WlU a rerirw of - Tbe fbiav of ladia"
by Le- WaJlao*. Tb* alary wa. eatoftolaly mu aad srowed evy totow

Xl. OarfdoKi dird at Ur boar of bte
parenU at SaBail City Saaday. at Ua
tfe of !7. Foarrol terTlcct wen held


Tha Old BcUabte and Orifiaal BboacaaB

^118 Front Street,

AffifiJap*oB dted at home at
Fife Lake Thandsp of oaotaaptioa.
axed 10. ___________ -

Wurzburg Block.

Traverse City, Mich. ^

Everything is Ready


The new ,«tock i all here—sample books aliunde—we're ready to t
^ .“ihinv the
the finest
finci slock of Wall Paper in tbe city—it tnav be a little early—bat ^
$ we want
ml you to l(N>k—goods are half sold then—vou sec whal we have—tell your
i5 friends—they
Ium—vou'rc not ready I'
lo ’buy—they
Is—they l(KM~v<.u'rc
' ' arc, and' do—we
‘ ' vou—
what one does. t.lfiefsdo-SEE? ^

Silty vTcsiof (xperteav avtisf.


Ercrybodp 'coi;diaUy. iariled to si-


^ M. B. HOLLEY. .Manager.

Successors to Holley * Billingt.

Joba^qfrr lo C H. Ilafv- parcel la
Jobs U CaUv to J. T. Btaaal
..B. row.—fsuo,
Soydv to Wa. Crdvbola.
|teru nf Inu T tad 8. block 16. TrorriM

I day alike

A. H .ftUlv toT. H. Sbermaa. .t
teal off e end of lute I<>. 20. 21. blk 4.
U. L *Co'.6Uadd--*ll(W.'

worU.'rS of rS of lM4. btk ... ___
wH of lot i. blk-12. all la orifiaal plat
of TXarm* City:—f-OUU
Otvr Siapao* lahrriS) to Bichard
Harlbart. lot IT. blk B. H. L.
TUadd.—KJO 12.
•fifhtO«tab.lI to D J. Voaker. W
--ad 14. blk S. Pntp Baaaah'a.lid

A BepateWt* ctbra, towVltaw -tti-1*f-f

F. A. Nllnroall to E M Bihenafl.
am W*4t*Vt} crralv, Htrrt
rs of lot 14. Edax Pvk sdd7-«TS.

I No ups and downs ^th our “BEST" flour. The same yesterdsy, j
I to-day and to-morrow. If you have any doubts about it, give It
1 - *_j_t Can be bought of any dealer.

liV. tl 7AU

MaipE Enboarseto Edwin Siloer.11- lot. >0 aad
blk *. Fei
P. K. Vlnloa to A. J. DeA-rtn..aarrta Is see. 4. 11; a. r a w-«a.Buo.
Aaditor Gfweral to Jobs OUlte. art( i
of v<« ore X, t» a. r » w—t30.X2.

Maffte Retaaka (adv>) to Waltl-r ‘
Brawa rt al. awl, of aw>t. aec
-. r 1* w—RflO
Oocar SiapaoB (aheriffi to A. L.
Coallrr. lote II. IS, U. blk IS. PU*
• • r-*lo.A. BaaioB to Job


I Our great
I Shoe offer
I To the ladies.

h’ *rikioi ^
A Co!'.J«TT?*bU F

Tbenfbno laarate w
Dr. Oltaaa. forSriyof Scw*Tvk*Bd
Ohio, baa freater faae la that b* te
recCfnUed aa oaeof ,tbe foreavl ipacteltete eftb* ore:, fiod* mater eoBfort lo Uc kaowJrdfc that hoadredi of
dropalriaf. helpW dircaoe bardeW
oora arc oow free from thrlr pokn
thmoffa hte aiotetratioB*. Hte koowlrdfe ol ardiciar aed iu viratific applteattea to U* cerlDf of all fabcUvi•Idueawaaud vi*Bietnmblv.teUr
jBxi rwall of yrsroof UBvaitUaf toil. tw4 uiu .-.4 u-teei

rure dlMOoe
So vidrat te Ute that
iaaaay loraliltea. Umoeb hte*—I
lafly. aimeatea. po-rro. Dr: Otla
pveoaUe wvid'ai
^^'b S.


Ca. h**« bees lavw



A good
spring tonie


1* O-oom asd Lr^ao. aa-i t
areoocbrapyna oboeld bay plaaty
b* vc<B at Ibaxeree
Hareb X. la l>*a- Only I»e p dveo at

$2.60 j
$2.00 i

*Kr<MV^WehM» li
4lM bf ?TMkM«.a>4W> I
'WlanravaMMtoavOMin •*dalaMtdWMkMrftev^Mtk* B.
D. mftm M Or—f Ball. T«—iaj'
M—l^ karate—UrtX Protef %jafUsI atan. vtera tte owm—

a-»- —— arnrai—ar

— atttebemaofcapk Cteaa
Wbt aua. wbn hb daacbtor. I
Jdlb Cteaa.waa marriad to (Baa Pb
BoU a» fomrtba ameaf tte yaaar

TnOtoi dabatib b
day alybt daddad te ftrn a eaaeart
aariykMay. TtebaabwlUteotdbad aad praetba rammeBaad at eaee.
K«w m—bwa bn naaimd at amry
maatlap. aa4 tteriab ^ombm te ha


ITwr tfibli ate b« «
ntetomthbirthteytomthbirthtey- Bto^BaiadnaCteted Bmtten teain tetbda
ette "BI ^
^ uW
halpad himtem
A.THppofM— baabaaa appi
btercd tte Mbrn tera. Hr.TtteP ajooyt
W. A
b4 bb wMa wtU arrim ah—t th
CB. Mann. P-F.Ln«baai
1 Marn. AWthw nBtfmd tra
nrtatly maatiap at Vaitb exp
Mb deep ravral to km paaMaabiatatoraad bibbte br. Mm tte feed
a Bab— aad WUl BhteMek of Lawinaf hbaaw Tteabaaaftal
laad.Chrb Kolanel Batten )by>kd
ba yeaiC mn aad .
B. W. Hantaptm af Bokm.
Bpoa hb WBth hm« trilh a
U—todekb baattoward baUdbcap The Trataam .dtp todba wte Anm
erarta Kalkaaka Hat weak toattoad:
It b alwayi hard fw
paaterkaa eharab to heap ap'lb etcb tkammtibpted baapatt of tte
Imtlaa aad It b laryaly thi—ph tte MB Star lodpa tbmm. report amry aa...........
itdtte Ctebttoa Eadaamr krabb tiba. •^Iba work of tte lodpa
aadety. wlU tb waaUy owatlapa. that waa do— wttb tte -priteim ef ' '
work, aad tteaaobl.meattaptoU
tteD. B-ebpekblaai,
w— parUoBlarly pbamak TWkdpm
atM—t—aad CbdUlae warn weU tepacatoaaltbtoApy.
.tod. Tte Trmmrte Oly todba
w—t wan Ite Meadamaa A W.


Be-on hand
Monday, March I4


State Bank.
MJBMcroM* rmi,rn

Cifailrto.i ttfli week 2,125
1 —V Mila ap tte Oak
Twiiaiiai Ito eanaapH. B. Haa^ tetraateateeltalcra.

S— 1 b tek WateMday. aad Ite
t>< teav tealar Paaday
arm aOMa April 11.
B-m UtOa Oeldwatara^teya
VOTla—fkltera yaatateay, aad will
Iftotc Owmaa Browa Iroat terate—
MBttram tte atom tetetery and will
teylaatad ialteeapm IlMtdmaa hp
Can. A K. ionmea tea daaad a I
Ipaet wttk tea Bk BafUa ll— Oa. te
»— tte Waalaett tetwan teat ally
Tte la^ lead e( pMatem
tea^t lata tterity mm» lOrO. W.
1—dtaBritey.aad w—drawa by
ten baao. lanaarty of KapU Qiy.
tea iMod tte Balm ataraballdU '
tenwaad,— Qaba atiaat. aad
aaMapaa a
teMbafffm Ikralar Ballatla.
tea TMaaariptaBDa.laapraHy UtUr,
tera—aaat. Itpraala lb aabaorib^
te tea braaklaat table.
< teU rnabatB Gate' ter, who ratal—d Bern na«nld,
Oania ttelall.wUI boM
•arafOakaadrRmt atiM

AmheallMtearmyt Ite poplla wte:
read atwipapart at beatoara
ra. batter tpaUam. bettor la peae-

Hr. aad Hra. J. V. I
by tte middle ad Marah. lUb
maa membaa temalnady ban aa- tartalaed friaada Monday iTmlap.
Mia. F. L. Weed aad Hba Mabel
earad. Sr. a B. Oaraa b madto
tern ratarate bom a tbil la OadUlae.
Hba MaUb Cei— waa plmmatly oar*
■nm b llraly aew at tte OoM |ctaad bybarfrbadaHad.Mdar amw
wkkb ^MktwaU fortbaadm
pa. Mr. Moay— baa ban teip. amref appkidaUyfatte peat Hba Hlaala
baabaNritll' powaraeftha —wtptpwi -^aoi
wMk.paylapWaaabUPl.OOpa bar- lap Mibbwabtar.Mte Blp
rth—. BaarUlbayall te MB tepida
H1B.O1—aPartaafSattamBay hw Wan—b ■warabaoad tkb maratop
bam PI—flap tte weak wite Hia. H. y prnaotiollnp attor—y Twaddla, oa
Kbh A Halberp. J. J. Baker. L. FoUer.
Br. apd Him. Jm. BmmU wempirB. Ellb. J. W. Wbitterd —d Joaee
M - aaleyabde aarpriu Batnrday ABolbea. Tte leal aamed ara ebarpad
wllbfaillac to lake oat a Uaeate. aad
The Boyt Bead wUlplma maaqaa- tte otteim with Boplaet to take oot
eada. Wk— ttey weneompellad
rada la Ite Cty °p« baU la-BMrraw
po— !Pte^ wlaklac te r«l f—aral
byihatreof Sot. llto men tkrir—
—■tetoo Ueteta «— hara ttea ra- A earprim par^ — Hr. aad Hn. K-.
lartM waa 0— ef the aaably emab ef Hr. Twaddle elal— that tbeapb they
aartadiMHoMb,r.aadtter«iU te
ea sermbalea by tka eo—eU
tabberefneyaaap people
ttey araoaada^
Tu WoaMa-aOaaataty AMoal
arUlteUitai^alarMtUr bmUbp prbad Hr. aad Hra. B. badarim Taae- mwaUj- ___________ _
la tte U L. A rao— aan Tkaradar at
alalphiap party rbllad at Aoa.
1p.m. AUUdlaaaraeordlallrUrtlad
A few yearn ape iwe ori
te attyad. Tte aadal atlaraaea at tfaa telMb raaldeaea aeotb of tte elly Man- rim" wera located In the eoaaty. bat
tema ef Hra. K. M. HMIaoa laat Thaiathey ham^aenr be— payinp lamn«ap waa ataek aajorad. aad tteM pUaa- Chap. Vadar wUl pa to Hake*— tha
k aa baa bean- Ue e
dm of the weak aa a dalapau te
leoallUaa la tka tlaic. Baferriiip
ale B. A U. maatiap.
Hr. and Him. Jote Blaek eatertalaad to tka Fife Lake rraemrrrtte Maaltor,
L K—ner oat — da n kb a ablpUap party Friday alpkt la thab of ttetrillapa, layt: “Ate meatlapof
tka ■Oreamery- aloteboldora they rated
farm la Oraat that amlad t.OTI faav
to allow E. aacadora loaeU tke ealira
flban Arebb haalad It to tte Babb
pleat to Ike
Ur tte WyUa Oeepaapa Oo. of
pay aP all o
iBlarleabaa. taUap t.Mt fmi la o—
tad BaUte Ite dblaaea of aearly
Him. B. Oakley mod abtar. Hrm. Fai- balaam ameap Ibe atoekkoldem.
bilaala «H boaia. Tkalapaare r—kratar—d teMaabtoa Uoaday af- Bandern repertod tkat te eOald aell
tha maeUaery far $190. Aboat *0 '
w haaddeat oas aa waa arati eot la
pnaeak rearmaatlapalarpe
Tn rapalar maatiap of tte W.C.T. ol bb Uttla friaada Batacday aflaraou portioti ef tke atoek."
D. will be bald at Ite bema of Hra. 8. ■ tte oeeaabB of hb alstk Mrlkd—.
T— Maw Book Sinra.
Watelspbm'a birthday wat obaarrad
U. BrawB.Waehlaptaaetraat. Friday
H. B. Haakall b buy tkb week petalte—M at half-paat twa o-aleek. wtlb ^eebl anrcbm la all tte dapart> Uap poof* abpaeked mad ia plooe —
Bra. Qap trill etelbH a aemba -af BMb Of Ite pabUe aaheab Hoaday,
tte atelrca. ready for the formal epea.
ralka bom ladb —d will plra e— of Hr. aad Mra. Fred Deaa wan ^rca lap of hU new book ttore la tke Mark.
gpclar talk* m Ite eoeto— aad ptaaaaal aarprba by aBabbarofyoaaf
BBof tbapoopUafladb. Bmry. people wte drareoat bom tte rity Fri­
body iaritod laattaaA PbaM eoaw day amalap.
C B. Arary,
Amry alormartrilar U
■ad to amka a free will eSariap.
FIrat Katloaal h—k bare, bat not
Immlap, epm! Baaday la tteoily. tte —d all kladi ef wriUap material, aad
a larpe stock of wall paper. The store
bbaola paeatof DewTadmaa.
;rrpalm«yoi«Baliad bead la tteataia dote damp wmt to Port Bor— H—- b omrenbatlydWmiured for dbpUylap
day ea a dalwata 10 fli^ Ooart LO. F. etoek. —d b eeatrally loeatod. Mr.
Haakelt baa epcot Ur preatar part of
& A Oarb, wte b o— of tte ataw of- hb llfa.lB Ue book aad ■tatlneiy
oara. b Mao attoadlap.
um aad hbyaartapoat la Trar.Hte Amy TTHr. of H—Ion, rbltoP
City bare pir— klb b wUa’ —d
a— bmt Itek Them b a impalarly wbroUen hare Ite laat of tte week.
Ihoroapb adgntlaiaaea wlU Ue aeed*
orpaalaad baad tera of thirty mambora
omp—bd by h Uttla
of tte town aad ennwaadkap oob
apa rmapa fram II te It yaara,^
tfCyrU Tyler.
nmpaon, A d. Herpma, B. Oakley
—d d.T. BaaaabaralaOfaad BapUe

to tte Pkrt— maatl^.

~ > Baaemimt Dalm pam —a af
braaalBp tall torae. 11 bean a day.
•malap. elaariap pM. wUn wiU
omapt tte MW mlU. white b raaalap frr *m^;
It beam. tOOhaadaara abployad.
deseto aad Oraee WOkalm
>00 berm pawa bellar. wripblap 11.000
peaada, with a Id-laet atell, hat Jaal ten pena to Chiaapa to late to Ite
baaapatla. llwmnerirwl fiobtte fimad opara MaaoB. VrhUa than Hte
fur dayi

ateatena tnAaqalekV foUewaA.A tea trato }ompad tte uaak aa tea
ft * «. K. raad at Mltetell-a yaatarBteafMraeaa. dataylap tea tte paatehfar baia arraral keara. BaaaH
baa aaat.,oak aad tte

. Hte tenoB WoLTE b dalac teal
bate — tea Dally BallaUa. aad ate
teb M dally aarraapoadaat te tea M—•
iMMBewa. Hte WoUa aeaaaa tram a
airbtin tamlly. terabtar. Hra.
«a.teite<« yaaneaaot tea briffat
brlbra — tteOraBdEMdapapaiB.
Mona Yauuiarsi tema teb altaraa— tar tetrelk wbam te wlU riaH
tbaakert Uma. aad ttea fo to Vlir
CtateMlaa.. wteratewlU atari la tte
Mrpaotabmliia Bb maay fr
te Ttetaraa Cliy irbk te* aa—

te b M Mama alaadlar la U—waitlay
. Mr laratoaaUtbatrtedaof wbrnk
' BaaimBaM,«M aad M.OMboafcab tern
teaa ahlppad to oabUa petab. baatom
«Ub« aU Meal ardara. aad tkar* b
■,mm .wariy IMW bateab aa baaA
' «ten Mateaadybarhat at tte mlU
«b aO ate wtetebroaght te. aad It
;.iw ten a ten Mite Mmi "

Hr. —d HiB. fl. D. ChbpbaU
yoateeday far a rioll to Mmk«an wiU
Soorltelapou hM Mbtod taHtam)
m—ttelatte Oak Park tteaol, ana ef
era tUity meabert hm jaat
I la Oaaprapalleaal Jaala C B.
•OriatyaBd akolba el thirty boyt WM
bed laat wmk U tte Bearda—
taabeeL Tba'pladpa b,‘'I trill
be klad to all Urkw am
flt by to pratoet ttea boa areri
-Btetba matobaaaraaUlrylBp
la aaary way to llrawp to It.
H. C. boDOB. by
el bb
rtaada, WlU dellta bb l«riara 00
“Tte Ute of Ite Free, a what
•aaaa wbt atAaerie— dlliM.’tteOraad aparm borneduday altp
~n—mHaoadmbatoo fm —d all
ara teriiad. Tte latara b pit— aBda
tteaaapletaettteTramfm Oly 8mlaam Oallna. Prof. Deakaay baliaatap
that lhaa b — batta way of Matelap
Btrieiba th— by p^ latai—
Hr. badpa b— tabraatUp ^
and bM plma bate mrafal iteapbt to
bb aableokaad all W}U btnpald bp
Tnlaat —tortaUmal la tte Bipb
abaollaotan aoaiaa wUI be pit—at
tte Oimad. Thmradar emaiap. Mai
It b
Paaakm Aay of Oba—
a." a Uetora by Bet. i. 3. L
f wDl ba —paMy Ulaatratad by dbef Iteipi—t play. It wUl ba 0—af
M tbiapt M tte wtabr. Lawb b a brUlbM apaater aad kb
laeimra b atarywten fokaa i
woidtef tteUpkml prM. Ba tmt

put WlU baptomd at Ite Otp B—a




Tte Toaap Ladim' Badallty of 81.
ri J. O. tel
in—Baal Bt. PatriekH Daya
tetemaaV fir— aader tte aaapteaa of
’ tea CbtteUmaf tea allp.trUl te held
teb year at SMabarTa Oraod. Aa
riabarata prvtam wlU batarrladeat.
Mb. Barria, bam Traaacat Qly. wte
tea teM pitebv BP Udaa aad laya
la teb ateiaUy had — analllac
away aa Mata atraat Wadaaaday a




Mta. Wb. UhbOf Oaatb b riBtlaf
Itar A Cook, wbeepbb Irob fla- rriallrmbeca.
A SayUpbi Barptoip.
lb. aad Mra. A.
ara badi
M MhA. hMepaaadalawcOea la
WOay Oaidaar. aped Ik oad Wb.
tte MrWamara hloek. Mr. Coek b tremUtaadBapMa.,
Hr. aad «bm- B. Tbmaalbr ham rw Bapw. aped IT. ^paarte bafom 3
pBlto waU kaewB la UaUaaw ae—9.
Vorty tUa toeratop ebmpad wUh fauptaraadfromladbaa.'
tteC k W. H. UckatoMoa, at
rWUaptotteMVIk- torlxiap
itolM. yoatorday. They pte el tha
an part of tte atoW.
tte aama aalllap la Blmweed towsahl
y drawer thra—b tte w
Hrm. BOaraaUaadehOdf—am rbMr.bBokb —A—Arhbcmdnta.
aboatBl w. The a—aUi
HaptaOmad Piidib
aad tiptaiaali
b pn for Oataiday af lUt weak.
A Yakmataia mma ap «mi t


made by manufac­

lUp. Ttey •
toBayatytedUa' AaxUlvy of Oram
teacek wUJ boU aaotterof Ualr do(Iphttol a—iak at tte home af C L.
Whiuoy, 001—r ef BlrkU aad B-.eakm
iraab oast Hseday amalap.
B^y Barry, who km bom for a year
alteU. AiralatopiUp AUlaaoe.r«tanad borne Friday. Ba hat rlaltod
Aviate, teato aad Ua WaM Indba
dartop bb yoar wlU Ua tUp
Tm af'ftr. d. B. Lo—m'l
11 baaqaal to hb I
Ha left
yeturday far
Whore ba wUl late ahaipa of — tom—
Prof. Hartaepk b pi—aiap far —
}aaap«ial baUattte City Opara ball
HarehtU. TterawUl bo — erebaairm
ef taapboea. aadeewyUlap wUl be
eantod —I — Ite r '
H-top- ball 1
al aad li—aiy >

>—maatoUeUat to be
teurday alpbt
r—dcred 1epeatop
iy Hbaea
aad Mabel Brawe. A raeiuiiae by
Oram Bbaar. wbbb prorritad maeb
wMdaUewadbyadtwt —
maato r—da^d by Hr. Halm —d bb
' to otaebaimotarwbHb da
tkrir fetare aoocMB. An catay .by E.
amw——>oyedbyatL Tte
^oartok oo—tot top of Prof. -Bio
Dr. Baydcr, tVUl Hobbo aad Fmd Baator, roodarod two atiaettom wbbb
pltmadaU. Hte COrrta OBaal rocltad
to bar ebarmtop way. Hba Hand Deeemdorf t—dried a eoml .^o. Tato

Ohaa. Balm aad bto atotor Lottie.
Hayma OriaU reeiud to a epiy k
lap maaaar. Tteabyaalol tte Hdpa
was atatod by Wm. rW.'OoWa, who
pare a tter. atoey of ite axlatoam aad
mm aty T—t S. a T. M. pan
ef tte Hdpa atoat ito orpaalmtent — atoborato (iaaqaat PHday work
aipbt.a>d Itemamban w-tite 1
apaf Dr. floydar,
maladar of tte ifiatop la b—li«
W. W. Debto, Eatoo)
aad Dora Marrla
Tte Imdlm- HoRlBHy Oab ef La^ tlMa—paa salactln wbiah rimad/tte
Late wUl ptm aaotber teohM amdol
a towa baU at. Kml. BOtorday
ap. Harte a Jfaery a—Hoar- t—rb BaataanaJQatofTb, r
dtoUylartMdaadapaed tlaalai

•umday «w»pmMdBf farUiiA
dUppmH^ UMa BaHliTnM







p {i "S
2;. §a.I 5?










/ : A 44 inch Black Wool Bfo_
;cade at 35c. One of the
. ;•
best things of earth.





Oeldaa WaOdiB^
mkr BticaLii.

Mr. aad Hra. Ira B. Sawm— of Kaa>a yaaacd Ue flfibU —alnnary of
Uelr wedded life am Ur elereoU bf
Fearmary. )H97. They had baea lariv
ad to apead Ue <toy wiU Uelr aldeat
fbler. Him. A L. Ormady. at b^r
—at home. Aa cxealleal dlaaer
aerred.afur which Uepnaab
>oyad a lew pleamat haara to relaUcp
aneb of Uaaa far-dbtoat dayi wbttf,
aader bripbl aklea —d with» bvoyai
her. It
prlTilepeaf oaly a lew to walk Ue
pathway of life se leap topetbar.
Throopk all Ucoa yeaie toay hare paUeaUy —d BBtoally boraa Ue tolb
•bared Ue joyaof Ufa.
—d dartop Ue past Ulrty-Uraa y.
ban made a modest bat nry eoml
B— FT—olaeo. 1807.
From BOW aaUl July that wUI be Ue able home Mi of Ua rapped form
mUyiapayfor not oaly Cariati—Ea- Utoeonaly.
Amoap Ua tokeu af Ion tor tte
dearoretm. bat ail who wbb a ma
taarmble eoaple w— Ue pift af —
llphtfnl trip to Ua Keeea of aU «
U. poW-aaaawlad. eipbi-day elorit.
atoabb. tea Fr—etooa b Ua o<
my bmaUfal —d appr.^10.
pollUB elly of tte weal, ladodl
lb pepolatloa reareaeatallrm of 1
hladrad. tribe —d —Uoa. Qlmate
Daaltro to Towa.
rpaaaed; Irmlta. Bowen aad mtoEewatd GUL SerUport; L. E. Bahia.
___ of ereiy deaertptton. Tte lowmt
Jack Uuey, E. B. DaUy. Botto— Bay;
raus erer pima ban bam amarrd. Jacob Swam^ B. s. Pbkard. J. M.
—d all rmllr—da wlU pay partlealar
Watta. Lei—d; Jam Tarblda, .Ft. Oaelattoatlpa to Uaaa eaenraioabta.
to po. For fall iafaramtloa write da; 1>—k Berry. Baml Barry.'Oeborae;
C. BlUm-. B. F. McPall. Cedar; Jao.
D. O. Shorter. Cbaa.
Korrb. Cedar Baa; B. V. Darto, Seal;
k Bleeh. Detroit; U. B- Holley,
lae City; Uaiab U. Bortlek. Or—d A.' Keal. Beadea: Tbeo. ColbJoaraaoB.
H. C Bon.
•;ord. P. Babartaoa. BtyCi
AaUoay,- Orawa; Ueaiy Urdie.
»; P. F. .'imrdb, Mapletoai
1. 0. O, T.
A.J.DeVrin.WlUlamatotrp; t B. snr.t.
-ibarof-UaatoeUo peoUa propimm plr— by tte J. A HerrUt. Acme; Frad Imrdlr, tVmld Templar lodpa to Moelapae ball



*1 vut B7 ftam
■lirfM ki UMllL'

__ ...


Ow 8«vlii» Dq»rtnnat



in the right direction 16
when you are steered to “ECANIfAH’S”
where it is a toss of a copper that you
get anything you want for less money;
quality considered, than at any other
establishment in Traverse City,,,
Our record of the past is a guarantee
of the ftitilFe.








V. _J





8. WM tab.

fro— th«*« be .

«— St tb* b—N «< b— sttMT. HiS MshsTTMtors— toUMrl
ofis Mllltr.

.......... . .


iw. tbs tut. rs-


N«w4y hta whaltHf***
- - Md
M b* WM-O) Uli«4 b/ »U
vWifcMir hla.
•ritlbcbaU •» U»
UMV Ko. i •! 1 o’«lort
,». Wfd IMI.

At<n>od kiU lUrWrJ DM



CM 0—brtU bed tb. -Ufort... to

‘‘?J‘S!iwbmt WIU tl.. ..

Fr*d Otto auaea irlpthrootb tb.
»Bty Iwl waok.
Hr. aad Hra. W-. Saabats of OsMoa
ar. .Ultlar with friaad* b.ra.

J.B— 8-lUi. of Freakf^V wsa >•■
MsUr fo.»r.- hb mlUe* *••«?»<
■eu— tbeAsB ArWbost Me. t. U City .itlUat wllh bar Hatar, Hra. CbM
clo|i^ Ut U tooklet emad vllh tb. iataat of boriaf a

■Ml— —ly JO*;_______

C. ». BNrt- of 8.tt0M Bor ••«•*
— M—4. bw. 8«Bd«r U—

' Tfr-f-r‘—

MbssUstB rot ■•» op** **■

Wkll. loadlaf Inf. oa tb. <an bn* Huaday •*—laf.
iBirW-. (b.fl.ld aerrowl;
Hr.. Jao. Thaebarot Ttaaw*. at*
Mpad b.lar
kUl.d. H.fOthUaabl. wMttar rewtof Hr. aad Hra. Jamb
UfoMi.f a t.w day laM wwk.
Bt wa. trytaf toatapa : Tb* Sattoa. Bay Utorary mUty
ap. but tba 1st waat bat aecrplod a eban—(« ri*.a by tb.
a with It.
Krawtek Itthatlardab
larel.b Mid
M will appear
.. -ooM oa Friday errelarF«b
■ red hot d.bau U aatlelpatr ta.llad to atteaA
Jot*^ ba.n, who U qalta 111, t. ao
The Kortbrra DUtrlel Saaday 8ek<
bettarat tbU writlaf.
MoolaUoa of Leelaaaw ooaaty wk<
Jabal. Draa wm tb. lea—
hUb^ lail Friday alybL
Ueate Jr. b—ae aUaadlaR ral eburcB at Krawlek Kalarday. Hatch
Otb. Hretlar. *1U b. brU lb th. '
aeb-d at BIk Rapid* Ub-vsak.
aaoa abd afleraaoB.. Aa UUn......


HawT* Lovall Roan apd
Carat dro*. to Traraia* City laal tt,a«-

«—airvWlad tri—da
As —ioyaUa tlB#>vaa apfatat tb.

■ as,rrajsv:s2?””«'

Mortb HiUoa
atUMl-i ebareb alUH
•owral U lbi.e.lrbbarbood ban alrwdyb^ MUbr .p m aad ptbara


Mlaa UuU Old., taaebnof tbp Lofcr
1baapadalaMat(aroClb.l.ap. T.
Uk. arhixft. flaUb-lbar trlater terhwa Tawda* —lac aaa saeb —
H M tut. Cbra. .paat fro- Ba^dV laal kViday.
1 Hoaday vitb b»r aUUr, Hrm. CbarlU
C.. EMUrrrbomrbtalOraad Raalda
tlaloa. at Wll.laaobarf.
two a.w ablarl. raw. lor tka \.ba
>■!■!■ tfl-rr-A *.ry bwatifal ebalb—at aaa«
ce. darlai !>• PMt vwk.
atura thia Borai.f, wUeb wUl
tbr ioBbar-.a rej <w..
Who net ww Boo wwlbrr to- Ika
SSa^ baato^M adtaaw tba -w.
ItlM^Ma a
oaerr* CbrM left H—day tor De-



JW out-1

«d la la«tl
,y A a. Walb«r «a tHo Hmmmi aad Tianne City
Ratlroad: U. artUU te a fb-rd oa« asd
.ril vonk rradUr 8o-« of bb MT
p^atioBt I aarw ara rood aad to —»
ik-iel. bat otbrra I Uink and «ooild«T~
i able auoy, aad aov i. a ■c»*l
talk tb. —attn or—■ la all lu I----------..Tbat aa olntrl. road vtU b. beUt la
tbr arar fetar* f~« Traiarw Oiy' to
BMy oMi Old MlwUa k Ulek >.a’t<ir«T
doeloa. aWuBly tt><-tb»bn>ri
lakabltaau aider wld r.iad. bat aW
.1 ibal....will --y
pay tb.

Arthw MllUr of Bal—ab drat .tor*
k- ba— HHi with pwaeUU. uta

Low.ll Soar,

•aM* of tb. Old HUHaa rwap paepU
want o**r W Captata Jokaaca'. at
Bowara Ba^ Satarday
- *
Old Mr

m iMt waak.
J—«t* laBAefTatebUka.w
■aHMaff at 0—iral Laka. waa la


Baata U quiU pou-ly; M k.

At* wa polap to ha., aay loo to put
aa? H tb* qa—Uoa bow which aaa—s

BM ha*, aay to* la tb. Hry

laat yaar

BBIU Hatob.

Bial*_____... bMntaraadfrM bar
etaltlB Haalata*.

A. DaMwbeUtlaMwUbrrlpMra. Datoal tbpior la raaerwti

ut.S.-ffll'—— “
Araoid MartlaU r—artaffrt—I >
atiadi of tbr rrtp.
A. O. Falrtea________
Oaatial Lak* tb. Ud.

dawn FtitoU dree* arlaaa oaa day iMt waak.

niU QdcTBMy aprat a faw day* with
Mrada la TraeafM City aad Oiawa.
Baa Oersall aad wit* etoftad friaad*
St Uka Aaa Satarday aad S
Udtoa- AM -xlaw
______ -ark at tk* bom* of Hi*. BaadararaS-ltb.
Ba*. Hr. Mary 4*Ur*rad a vary latoreaUap aarmos Hoaday **aalac at lb*
H. rebutvb.
niwo-i F*d(. of Oadaiae, wm I
lowB iMt work toattaad Iba laaar

I. S. Btokard to apaU
anaad tb* aalpbborhuod.
yCbrauB. iJrrat ItopatP C
wollar L O T H wmU V
->t wm« loektap af wr tb* latoroeU df
; HanayUlr*
Oae. C -k aad Ma frad *rrlf*4 at
, bam* Satarday , — - * A aambm of tb* yw*op
' Mlehlraa, wkarotteyba** bpeaapisadtoadad lb* tarir at ibt W
•**«lar of tW 113.
' Tfl* -R*afar wbo*. asm* to Itostb.*kM again »Wtad os aad ukea un* of
Ik. falrasl b«ds -f fortb. Ora, tt* 14
aiy tb* mb last.
—Mbs aid ^ayhler of a me* and
X.-,il* Curarll. bbrkadhara lif.wlik
at-iain ctrx.
Um* Bed d
..................................... ..
P*k a.
. Mday th. ICib Tb* fuaeTal t
Mrs. W. T. Haaaa to ttoh Witt the b*1d at tb* H K ebercb lb* I*lb. Tbri.
Ra* Mr Kadr^apohrafew wo^ of
«. Kellryot nipbtaWM tato
r from
’ 'elallTM. Tb* c
SB bBkiaam H-mday.
taUfol aad aw
Rat B. E Wimy will asataaa*
M kind friaad*
rartost maattapa bw* ttto work.
a OatraU
Chartay Bar* of Traearm. CHy apaat
•alsttovaad Saaday la 8*mWit6ty



SSlThaladfM- aU Mstottoa et Bammlt



I. wu—. lowaahlp tarn
aktap aftartt*

Ml* Da«M Dan waat t* Namai
In* wark M rtrit bar daapktaf*
Oa* Atarif BSd Hra Wm- «r*m.
lOmMls^BatSaUwM marrM t*
Vtt. Inn ad iMesn* 0«, bH* Ssn-

I Meet jour cjre aad ear everr paasiug daj, aad jroo
. maj be deceived once or twice.

It U our expdieace

, that yon pervUtently refose to be conatantly deceiT*
Oar policy and practice » to give yoa barg;aiu
; BviSBV DAY in the year.

Not once or twice in the

■ year bnt any day yon come into onr store we will
guarantee that wc can give von a bargain that jon
can't get elsewhere.

Wc make a business of looking

' up bargains in the Furniture line.

; J* W. SLATER .. /

Delicious Crackers^

froak. ertop aad appaUxtap.
W* aarry a larpa *artoty *f
plais aad iaaey eraahara. tb*
prodaot of ik* eary kaat bahariM aad oaa hIpUy


-aad tb*M for qaaU^. ftoha***aadfla*«r.
Hpaolal aitoaUas to dtoaetad
to oar btitlaretaekacaatTm



ao^xVtx Sdda.

Oaalb. 0«oo«3?.

anypuldei.. flv;?’:;'

TfMi.-»u«a IVilwu.
w’lu’'ro": 'J
WarradlBtne asnusi rrp-iri of the
rr.**es* I'liyl’ H .-VWJ, pul,’l.hed
,n the lli asi.K last w«.-x. that that a*
eletv el.iin.-.l U. he lustra—enial ia Ike
orpaai—It .11 uf the Xurthp.rt. <>«ena
it ein It built tkr cheapest..
aadisullonsHayC 11 wmletles
ti-ike iii'.at p-s.p'r. aad tk
whil" we admit that w* bar* b**a bra
rflied in -any *.\s by uur cuasMlIoa
wllk that wwiriy. >*l w* fe..f ilia,
Trmwrae City la elaiuilnr -or* lUao
Usria—T^rmlors.. that—let usi
wbea alie vial—s that lb..
a price, and plvrour flair.iuapr /M
UHi' ibat kill .-am lor that prior.
>I1-Vrars adO wv hU
l..e as at proscDl, nO fo
r^'»-iw.r.*. S.S., ................. .
IB (r*.i-ht raws, aad wa '
rompi-lled f. .'

Isau or Bui s
u. Traeer
rr IVlusk .
Ing belter a-s-u—odatiuas, But i
Ihe Isals on tb* Cbleap.. root*
... .......................lurlbul.
ut. a—iatrd by the
am- unilrr o.r aaaatrewrnl
'brisUaa Endea.orssof Norlhporlaod
K J Ifrink—an—Tbr only way .U>
-.1 fo bodlea ptrlap pel lower Jake freiybl ia Ui fire the
p—eha. wbo
prayer -eellap.
up -Ihrir repular
boat Hue*
liora the chuiea betwara lower
horn* to do ao.
ram and
ans no busii____
llaplre -Last fall tbr usual
Paulnaala Far—ara'. Club.
roclo.-ad• on lb*
• ,N.
1 M T, CoV

boat* to 3U.- per Urrwl la car Iota.
fur tii» naiuiu.
il lisoa-lfw. bad had (
ab met punanat toapaeial call la iMt fall ihousaodsof taarcoto
afternoon laaiaad of rraalap. m would kae* baco uktRpad t
Boy Waller *Ult*d Ik*
tarty. M It M*-i impuwlble W ar- act skipped.
llpb aeheal ywtenlay.
ran a nod ** at thtw —rel­
la Iheevealap.
Hra Mlaato Falrtaaaln of TtaMne Ian wbea held
' air.
Sobject for aia
imilatb. eh
City to TtolUap rolatl*M bero.
. wllsSrdwith ov.i
m»au of fralt the OMlaraaosT If
II frai-li'.B of what «
lap friroddts tbto rillap*.
Hto* Appl. I-paes diad Uat Tbarst? A. Haraball~Wa -aft raU
the^'ktmU come tu lower r
dayofeuaaaapUae.apedia. Bb* bad
aud produor aad at Itoi
part of t—r applra by rail.
boas 111 fur two year* pMt.
____ iheprowlap tradea^ ' prtcnio
J.w.Arrber-1 want tbr bMt l<
Hr*. Lamaoo asd Hra. CSr*y «f Tr**- —are downward.
haul all my fruit to T»a**rar City.
•TM Oily dree* over raoeally teelslt
Jeaesh Archer—IlMkrU a
1-rea tlili—tberrirw shipped by
tb* family of Jabei Oadarkirk.
ablpplBm* la 'kan cratM-lhr Jauer arnee io Cblrapo la —uuk twlter r«
ara liable to lat Ue amallar plu-a tioB than bt U«t. I luroierly tboi.....
Ibat It was brat to ship pram by U—i
rcuill—llama tall la bMkau oa fro—
tb* Babbatb with tbelr paroat* bar*.
Old Hiaslc—. but my cxpariroc* would bare paid
>e)y to kaer hauled ay
pesru la Trarrrke City an.i shinprd
thrai by rail. They aerieed by boal
Thanday *<
larpa a paekap* tobaadlr to ad
Fboloprapbar Cortto to **ry kick, abd ,
tape; too-nch Iruil-la a ma—and eel, OB tbr w>>lr lot. 8^r IruU |
It to dMomdoobtfal U harvoeeer* He
beary to Miry They do not ael
________ A wit
M wall as a—tiler taMkrts.
J. C-Hill—HMkrU dtoplay tb* frail
'la beat adeattap*.
How Low
Jokaph Arohar—Ceilld «ot Ibr baakr
goes a brg.
Is ilie order at the Boston Store on all winter merchandise. Our patron* all well know
faclurlr* palapariltioa labatutrtc
that we are over loaded in our department* from cellar to garret. The spring t* rnfridly
wan oompaay.
spring purchases of the latest novelties » all ouF dnfMi^
itcat-rai I proAching. We must make new spr
TW MW aad ahlapto mUl af Daeld
—-r^inra' mcnts. liut spdce dues not allow it
It here, hence we have concluded to ssCTifioe the mnnioe
fllddTaoomb. threw aad a half aUle. ape as Mr. Arebtr msotloas.
J Ctml-Ull polap to aartc
m'^Ow'Tm.’ der of our winter stcK k regardless of values.
eortbwaat of ttto rillap* baraad obe
psaebca hrre?
here? f
bey-are brlap
iwlap kaicil
alrht IMI W»*k. Tba lot* wat tarn- psaebet
hnow! TSej
lu wan* Im-a UI**.
fritr freflr
plat*, with au Ibaarsaea.
Shoe Department.
We ar* payint* loo mack freipbt oa
af thrittiiBc
nrtekoal*al*rtalam*alBtU. A R. ntir frulu r 'Bsid -riitg lb* srlling prior
In our cloik department we offerimitstion
In this (lepartment we are closing out aO
hall Friday ataalapwM *n}ayrii’bya
Jamet Hwaaey—They' ship fraia
larpa aadlaaro. S*t*Ml wm peraaal
of our Rubber and F'elt wear below cost of
seal, .jj inch Fur Ca[»e. Thibctt & Martin
Tiar ■—* ^nty to Chlcapo tor » «raU
from Kiapalty aad Soalb .Euardams

Election Notice.

cosd suu. i—j o«~.

J u^cious



In tlM Hsrald leads to fiu^pctHy


Cut and Slash.


nm .s m.rts.
CalUeata bettor apd
pal a bettor arttolp.

'J. I. Cummlapa-Parmara la Ottawa
Mr* Libbto JWaamar*
a oa th* aoaaty are Vuabialap to bar* taelr.
atokUttlaat Saaday.
eWB boatla Irauaport tbelr Trait a«d
Tom Yimap weal to Tiaaaraa Oly prodac* to I'bi.-api. aad aiso tlaalr uwa
latl Saturday aa buriac**'
Ed. 'Troma'a. who wm hart a
J-. afco. U priliag al.m* au»1y.
UJary EaradaoB to back apata BfU*
B-Iradiap the tuarral uf hb hnub*..
Tk* t.ltrrary elab mrt at tb* koma af
apar’y rrrtlUre ,
Mtia Blal* Maalry last Kstarday Bipbt
r brat aad rbranrst way totornla*
rn. rulV tbratallu. down Md plow
Staalcy A Vaaap bar* tbelr to* pat
*m nndrr and rah* ryr to plow nnBp ter tb* su—awr. Alwi Hr. A'raltok.

trimmed, for
Jackets of all wool materials, nicely trim*
mediand up to date for $5.00.
All wool Kersey Cai>es of the latest tnike
for Siimc a great deal better for $3.50.
Ciotbiiig UcpartmcDt.
itodi«f .r>»*^I.’c.'f‘.'ATam'ii Ip ouf clotlitng dcp't We offer half wool

*” au wo^^c Ker^- Overcoats, ekgantly

_____ ______ _____ _______
dnts u. to wirax
«!***'sad kndib^a • lined and, trimmed.
VManlTwaT Careful lit,
Men's Suits as loa* ss $i.r5tmarat wUl (rttaialy


Kaa* « Frtwmaa of BardtokriU* riaIM a lew dayaef lMt week at Ur.
ttoaM-* ..
Hr* naaarat wm aallad Mat waak h orw-bnrda Wi-wiap *#.
(o aaa b«r daopblar wba
B to Wait-1 tbinkitwrald brr law
•tnb'r to frad tbr awn .lotts asd Him Katl* Trambal of HUtor
KiaOnx to alsylap wttt WOl Jsdd.
WM tM*rn**to( Mr* SooH laat 8
its* arw p
Hto* Hepm Oes baantarsad to Tib*. day BBd SuBday.
I fbrcMn
tor SBXt,
___________ ________________ rWf Ti**-CM Ciiy. WM ttraapk ttto ran-of Ahr
nsatry iMt wnah bsyl^ fat aattla
Saowl^ Stoda
bad jMtBBtlB.
Uat w««k wnaaU wn wasted • It
la mor* asow asd w* hs** pot 1
Oab matst Orasp* hnU at t * m..
W* to sathlapUh* sdTwtmlap k
punaastto ad)emm*a(. Pra* dlUla
ttarbalr. .
MW BUMS n^ a
SablBBS tesHamBdtoBm liH ■iiHflf



>*rc la alwaya!
_______ _______ _________ e»—blalaf for .

auwl diawa wbleb bwad Ika trait i
piuwata aadcr a brary prpalty M ahip I
oa owtalo Haw of traO.-lrUlUa to be
da-TM.^ .bc_tb. M£^ M ja ;
• “tJ .«!« k
-.-.d ia 0
la all trmlar to
a>—r truoMr
It a boat
ablp Via Eut Haa
vaa pat oe to raa _____ - brr* to East
irlr halt orerKwd —aay would cart tbri
Uad tu Traaartr City.
Hr. D*Ba-IIlr*abl
Ui8»turday. :
let b. abal wit a prlcm
rices tkaa a—all esc.'
aon aa a rale.
Attb. laatbaaian. Bodtiar <>:
On -BoiUa
moiUa lb*
V aamr topic wm ooa: K of tkU pUt. wwe appUe.
laard for awl
On Mitida -tbr c
tro—twoti .
, wplad.
perfUaU. frail w Biarkrt. 'wbll.
iBlar C E. of ibta place will
Tb. Jai
Wa. D Ka-Car. flas.
Irattrat City br rail It would aot
rial acwj^wal^M*^ wwk
lir.kalf that tiau Thatwid rwd
I oot b. ballt wilbout *■>-» Isdacw
Hrl^E F.'Da-a
—rat U held ootA* lb* build— 1* alto
Uat batarday. tb* »>tb of Febraarytni*. Me Mdi cas br i—u*d by itar
t 3 o'clwrt p « . Mi- Mrrrrd*. Vovl
ibr ktxi
lowaabip. aa tbr lav lorbMa tb* aa—e.
what duwCbrUt
- - ««-«?•' Tit-- — Koa Mr Walkrr’a
dMat her boor ia UapUtoa. of,
tba liayaw.
It wa. r.Uauud
pi. atuad— tb.1.
il plM* in brr,I
—■lertala—i —<• ■app.r laat MuDda> lb* rlybi of way for aa .l»cirM rail-ay frimda apd at I
rc—d. la locallnp aald hlfbwly Hr.
_________ waa kaowB and larod :
aad ope for all who w*r«
Walkn taya bl—aril It U a. radical
by all. 8b* wm alwaya brUht aad
Hrwra U F. BoaHr. Jae. Saabora. ebaapr from tb. already aureayad llae.
lat. H. tblaki it would aborlr. tbr rWrful aad kladtaall wke
t. F.OiU, H. B. Lwix-. It A-Campand will Iras* a Tucaat aiaor
.uU. H. B Ca-pb.ll aad BlUy Form dialasw. whteb I IbUk U . asltlake.
tad. U. Irarc. lb* telcpboa. read at braru that will brbaidtob,
of tbii plae. atteadwl U. oaualy »BUariaad'a; ha calls It abeut tv.^-llw kadaotbmahsnat fromm-buol
rtalloo at Lalaad latt balarday.
Tb. ladle, of tb. ebiirek at lb. I<oIbI to baild a arw ruad ou-laf oof^ arar
«br old Mallwua boas* aa lb* tele
wlllrlrta cblekM-plr tupp'r '
A,ar read afaia. wkirk t iblak would
rwldsae. Byroa WooUrj- duriL, .
raama •>
afuraooo aad rr.alat uf Tawd.y, ba’DWrrr six -llw tba. two
3rd. 1 ad—tt Ihr tirv would br
Hatch ted
AdulU II waU, oHldrca
rl of dMlt
kpleodld aiuac said wlraboac nad, bet ^rl*B«|^. aad^lb* aup.!
busiflras uiust br cunsldrr—i also. As
wclal rlrrabytb. V. P H <
fa—a larV' sb»rr of tbr iuoxa. of said ruad or rrlucUntly aparrd.
of tbU flaw at the rwRirace of C
la su—m*r would br d*rtvdd tru— tbr ily hM tb* srtupalby of ikraalir* cwm________
2 Ual Friday aipbt
aipJit wm' irasrllsf poblir. pulBcaadVs'Blne u —ualtV la thrlr sad briwarrmrct. Bb»
,-ly,cuiJjyabl. aflalr. M well aa a all tb* drilpblful aumarr r^rUal- WMlald torvatiD lb* llilislu. c*-r.1 aaoww Baaaclklly.
Tb* roads ready raiabllabwl laud thryU- Is- J*ry oa Uunday. F«b T4. tkrr. M rirep
r la flar cuodlUoa and th* rrcblag- crwslaprrrry year), we all know sum till lb. n»orr*rlloB —.tu
a prrirrt i—* fur a aleigh rid*, all of —rr rraorts are But ICKatrd oa Ihr mlilwhich hrlp*d to -ab* lb. occmIoo a dlr of <hr rralasula. but aloup
A Taluabl* PnaeripUoa.
braeufal sboras uf tb. b.A If 1
^XTudlr.' U*eefllMl«y of.tb. H. But —iaUk.a, Ibr irriirr of Ih* arllrl* .Editor Morrison ..( IVotthlafloli,,
lad.. "8«B."arril*s. ' \ .iu bar* a roln-;
la ibr'^lxK«i3> baa hiutarif laid out ahlr proarnplk— in Kirctrii- SRtrrs..
itai \5wacvday, Kr*ry brantiful Ixwd. »nd driTF.''ub kU ua* aad I i-ai rbrrrfallT r*.VM*bd It fur
oa.wboalicadrd rrponwl b>rlBc«i- mil. of water fruot. to be turard iau>
CoBatipation aad Kirk Hradackr. and .
J..yfd act Vai-cpiioaally plraaaai day.
M a p.*'™' a.vst*m I'.ui.- H baa no'
lliaaer wm wowl tu about sixty pw»- * nh.'^'lll th* lib.bliaau aloe*
*>iual '■ Mr*. Aonir Mrkl*. W3» Col-, twxl sooUl will be held at Irlrphoar road submit to karc
tapr Or*rr Ac*.. Cbi.-airo. wm all ran,
la with Hra- W'UlUouuB aeit Frl bicbwsy on whL-h the-town hai
o wbleb all ar* lorlted.
A eery pradrd au muck money dratepyrd aad down, rauld act Ml Uur •lipcwt food. {
abaekacbr which art*r l*R bcri
talnlor prucra-aa'd a r>*'l «up tuiwd iBIo a railroad, %blcb. hltkway
frit Virrrt and wrary. hut alx bot-1
nil b* praT>drd all wbu all
is Ihr road tk*t,wp^a drprod'
of Elrclric. Ritters r<wt«r*d bor ;
, b. Mrrrd from *
In wtalrr U> trarel on a ts—.l of sr
lib aad rchrwrd brr atrrartb. :
,■ shorrf Furlkrr. I
9M to cruu and Tl
0*ta buUlrat
At tto lodlynalfo. -wtlar. whirl,
1. Wail sur Jaa. (1. J.Uinauo'a'drup
ra.lfoad wltblu ihr four '
wa. bald la Ike UJ*. bait latt Tuwdar
r~Ul laid oUt-UDlr
,a.U- la tkr width u<
W.I* Pivw'.t
Th. I|ur*ila. WM dul> I klilhwar.
bclieTFarnad could
dlkou—rd by —any of thcvIllC'.s .11 <•(
IBb. I dirueteo with leas pradr aad
wrib anal—-ins
id aaylur ll
ik.i coflsiruet,
tksuik* Ita* alrrady aarr.yed.
wrduapt waatssaiuoa' Nrltker
furly yratu' .xprrleiic*
liquor auld la aay tom pr la bauw t,y fuc
a^uB tke >ilrerr*d
r l«..ur atilap*.
In Mcrd- lu Ibi. w-utiu
•orralrd la winter
aaro Wilk ihrm- rirwsa law auti Urdrr | lin* esurd i,- <
Irar.' was ■■nranlosl with ■wrr *i o. *«-.-<iunt .•(
iknafaul* .lisuniw
,.u.Iwt> ■i--.llo.ln,'mr*
PVw~icn^-lle» »' K W
^11., ll,.''u,us; B.'t look at tb* prro.'i
aVvie, bUI i.,..kaMUe II

W* a, .
P»*k bMaular r—iOTrrrd froc*nl lllursa M tu Ih
-liF.lsit.nK frlrads.
AIbwl Cialabaaa-rlr Balabad bb
li«s M.lhrws, of Aldra, raorad lau
Ibo old buusc of Elba Alico .
. tavhaaL
• ^J»a^ wta lar - iar b-b-a fa—W.
Mr Malhrws U w<srklap
a. Aim la Uir uodar awa—p.
A. Maaa Bros - iMpIrr atoppwl kU
Hro. Eltaa t^^iinTalah at
kota* v> sbut th. pat. after h>— at H
Faleiphrr's far-, the bnra. In->k U lat.'
O—. A«llb wJII baud U SB ed
Th. Ooap'l AJa—UVy aaM.
hla hMd toiroemaad w b* did and
tDbUbeswlBlbsBprtaMrII*. MImu- Wrdatwday.:
wa. Mopbl at Ac—, by U—\. ItcatM.
UlU. e*«Tl. Bubla— I. ealU aide it was.)ultr aal—rpruatway, knt au
palB. kariap a raUpa. at lb* pripp*. daa—p* WM duBc ikat w. bar. heard
IMptai. B-ury aad wif. aatarlala^
toV^lriaad. Satarday aifhv F.k
alliboekcdlabsarikp Ur
broibn. J. K. (
Md arwt of tbr sudden d*aU of R U
Id -m —IL
Mia. Baboork bM Wu cry alH< N'uUr. aii**fKlk KapKja' br.i frlruda
Hr.^ NnbI* .«-• brr. tb. aa—.r of
1*». OB tka I'r .potlar SbwkHaa. trow
Ma.-klaae Islaod. wl^ H.
.aJoha OtWad U alaylap at W>
rlktor. and probably brlaplk. flnl ui
Mu-.'a atuadlap tolhlapawhUa b
from lb. liraad Traroja* rrflaB
laak. Mr.
r. KnW«
Knbl«-aa-iiMlBUne*. wkt<
FUrn Rbrpanl and Ko
ipraad law
nnsl pan, —B*
a Hallow aad Amjmt Urfi
aad Tbuiaday fat Trat—a C
abopolap asd TtatUac old IrUada
W* ara Mrry to b*M that wa ara to | araMOw-aaMtia-.
loan Bar paalal .Up. drl*M Errla
Ml*. K- Boadaaa tovtolUw’ alBaH
PaHurd. *1 -a ho^; to Ilka U. awaU war. la kowa Thartday.


- tb. amrtatk- td
»u of U. CbH—
|Biatr. aFe worktiic ter ebapn n

tbattb. tide taUvt

aBBdtab.e<aUMn. Hr. Doll I.
, vlt. aad fear eblldr*a bnU*. a
—’ end —.ttbn aad -

bilar bMdat

the Prtra<U'«kBreh b)r a niaatar b—.
UumibWapartod tb. .UU. Mb*. U
•n lo«rUeb»'*et«a( —o* <•• WMVeta.
hia sad MesaU Cos. bl. —U*.
. appolaUB—1 *
vt—b 0—briUb itfekwHb tb. totird to k.
CM.r Rea <:b*|>.l ------------------------ ----"ur'ssd Hn. 8 A. nb.s&li4stD 8ea't*r. Bot bcoawtbrr dWat-.*
to ru. bet na aeeoaal nf .tcks
U Hb—W. tUsdsr.
set tH-lar Bbl. to rid. Ual far.
Mrs. A.C. Wroknor —t ^ Trs*- I Mrt E.tiaJe« aad baby ar
—w ctir iMt —t.—srlae -seb brtur that tbry broa---------L Ratbsrt ssd J. Horrit «—t U Itobdjah Cotb baadat. a »ny abort
Tr*n«M Ohr — bsolBM. lb. l«tb.
!iKi^ itdtdaot UraW. 8h*.p«at
KorrU »«»’ -m —bt to* I—t• tteoar tbra. boar* aad ralara-l bo-a
MW to-day that ab. U .lUl InItoMrdsr, bol tb.flr.vM me —Uarekb<4 tritboat teUf esj du»MMrs Jobs B.T*rood w.ot to BorUa4
Iwt FrUsf.
8b. wUl .Mbfl tt. 0^0Mt» of tba «UUr vIlB Mr. BsTVOod *



flvHh'aar aMpm—Bi^taatkhaAanrt*Mtoa
—dfaat. wbfaot.* 1 KaflW-, bat mA-BitadJi-HH »
Hr: Ar«bar-t ladi—■ tb
Mr. S. B. WaJkn -blab r
Mfad tatb* ~
A. BriaV
*U Bnt B-

wtmr aa tbidadriccasd
—igxntiuae fw scirtmiBwni ar* ct—uined
to ' Tkr rrofOr'a Cow-— Seww Medwa:
Adnsrr - to R V f,mr. M D., rkief
—stihifig pknlnaa of the lanUds' HmH
Sbd Stegwul lusOt.w. S^Sstw H. Y- Tklf
book win b
rPi* flwcoi
... .
.. ... ....wa—paoccMbtoownd
tor yt sumps Addmt Ur Pwroe — abew*
tw. Pierc*
p>e*c« bas giTca a bfeki—c — tb*
Mudy of wo—en-e 81**-**. Md h— bad at
wide a BtBFOcsJ cxpmrac* hi Ikh BaftiCBl—
toU —asetmaepknseton. Bn'Panriw
rnacriyxeo*'- is a prriMt aad wtonliSt
i*»»dy «nr diaroacaef —« li-l.lni —»bm
R to Ibr only -rakinc drriwd toe Ibto

Men’s all wool Scotch Tweed SuiM $4*50*
Men's extra heavy Twilled Suits Sh-qS.
A lot pf children's OvercoaU as low as 75c.
Choice of the best for $1.75.
Boy s and youths' Suits as low as $i.«.
Hf^-s'and youths' good wool Suits .JU *3-»S
Children’s Suits as low as dOC.
The v’ariety of children's Suits b inunense,
consisttbg of-fine qualities, aad we ^ve you
the dtoice of any of them for $ai '

production. We are also offering ^edal
inducemenu on leather wear.
Gent’s Fnralshing Goods D^'t*
In this department our stock it totnewbat
broken, but we have made concemioae in
odds and ends and alto reductions os all
heavy ware.
We arc tiering a heavy ecariet, two> .
threaded tJndentetr for 17c a piece.
Fine all wool brown Lfndenrear. reduced
from one dollar to 6qc.
. Dress Goods Depaitmaiit.
In this department we will continne HP
slash prices on our heavy flannel Suhii^
tin th^ are gone.
50 inch all wool Suiting at the price of sqc

and'^ S*^thi‘^“‘*****^ Priirtto.3>fe
croos to mention. .
It will pay yoH to attcad thla a^


■CBP PteWerd teeeepne
— ww
’reird >h;eo»nn
•k' ■ Pin rate Ite tntiiWairWiBtoi 'Wbra I aatoatlwy.alu rmiicr (eel
wrf,;4a^. M toCaW
tbroacb nri that ottn reerrr Mb.

To Every Fathily.
—^waytoatoirtiaAb tstdl tht wtob

a yotioc bull, relief
aa aad bto chlbliru fua-i’
A£M|Uiefa any bract «a

turnout (tohh dtapte laafNAC*. la aa bw

wpib-to-poplbb. aad as dinct m a rifb
itosUabHilst. VsfytesilihMBbWrStory.
............................ Ws waat ytM to rsad
'me DEntorr evenim newa wiaiAHy.
h wW.tob yM vety UUte .

back to tbe etetlote the Ixlu
te Bade to nrry Ue Aec U batttote an pot in order, aad the teaenn]
Thto to bmtp the etephut te ao tell, are VteBdcdto.--Thc Story u'e Ufa- teC«f «n«
•.■‘d I*
aad Uc eoldkn caa eaiUy hec the Aac SB<lacStxUoB.-by
AylBcfroB bto back. Ooe of tbeee elephaate, which bte
loBCvd to the Peooa boat, wae nry
hWteud nry klad, bat be woold obey
the order of ae ooe except bto teebpt. i......................An PMIy r ..L


T>..» BniTOii-ThU l« U* tr«
r «T»U (• tb« Huam>: I r> u>
whoei VTaTtay. lUk* ay taMbv.
«B*U. I*M4y
ifud writiV.

lrttwUhay*l*»«. C1»r»Br^-

••Wry. I»a.w~y«~»oU- 1 b*«
M yM bat I Wr« tomt,*kan sad ao

Jou BMocxntaT.

fw.« Mm. BAn»—YU* to af Int
MMte Ua Hhuu>
I *o « “**<>'
•t«jfay>«M' My towker-.
mm Q«alto ItoU; «■ Ilk* >«r *ay
mW. 1 stWytk* third mder.aHthMtoaaltptollMC- tt-thaT.W.ehal•ntawsAaoL
Ib«»« two «toto™
■•a«M bnMhw; tk*lr dumb m Bat«•. HMdto ud "MitTI »rtll Bet
artMaayMrathtoUBM. A«»u.
KittibJou.t. '
wuuM>M>>.r*h-». UMnB4> bma-l
I wiald
■rMthcBnaLD. !*oto»
•ibaaleearyday. My tevherto
Mra. QttoM. I like her eery aoeh.
•M la Ue ttird pada I etady readlap. wrIUaC- aplllif aad arlthweUo.
tWeeoaeetotor;ahetoeU yean eld.
Bar aaaw to Mildred. For peto t haee
ahdMkdcvaaaedlkniaadapv «•!
BDMd Tabby. 1 p to Saaday aehoel.
IwtUMeah Oeodby.
exano* Baae.



iw.m Hwf Bane—1 weal dowa to
OiaadBto aad OraadpOoa'e to SewBlt
•ad I read eoaeoftbe Ultto luteie;
they were T«y aloe I thoecht I woold
write ewe. The ale«t U»e I had wae
dowa to pVMlwa'ilhtowiWteer plckiaf Waehbvrtoa I go to ecbool aad
nW la the dni reader. I p to 8ea-

WMid i^to
•to* Ub* thia
■c 1 bad waacolBr to tb^Bryaa
•yaaeh wWa «> ru Uto atoapa and
pr«tty MV baayW u oat <rf tb« wa«to tk* Saaday lobao] rally,
ale* ■!->«
1 CO to •ebwl
kdwr'a aaae to Wary Wiltobw. 1 han Ihiac krolheia; ay bralh“rim
•a' aaaa are Vet. dlea aad VUlie to
taiiteiiuo ui a Sbuirltol laoMrr. hod
tba yoaafeat of all. 1 bar* oac atoUri
without further eoniiaead followrd It'
name to Laey. 8b« to a aebool
with thr crj?li of e bocar. .low inp of
bv. My peto are a Uula black
roqi. (mot. eiiil Mjwato of pip. whin*
d^ aad a Uaek cat with a while Up
Inc of rale, and terh.ue noiere ineldrul
fern. lilr. /Ir could p
-........... '
oaluiail. aW it looked •aeau that I
huunde In
yelfw of e |ei<'k of huui
aaBNd It after the ead of Ite taa
a fo\. eirl in eo rrw’mti
ThM* .are aot all the dap aad eau
aeteeat uier ue BUOoe.recejrea a. ,-„u emild ■
rtvly hrip brlleriactltet
that we hare bad thU Mamer. We fatal wound, ud fell to the pound.
ad two <topi eae dv waa Jack; be where be |%y branU a pHeotmouded
jir. iKiniinur mid ooiodv bed tanirht
aaloyiveold, aadithe otbv Collie. aod (Ulu.
] the ummi, .n.l ble preulier imitetin
doBotkaowbowoldh* wae. Jack
Tbe Obedieui aolmel would not more,
killed obtokeaa. eo pp had to kill thnupi tbe bellle mcnl wildly aroond
n.v. Ilev.
Malcolm. Ue
hiia. Aad paadaMthv waaled Collie him. The roooa aoldien, who fnred a taerr ]>uit
Vlnp otereoRie. e-ere I-rrerbr/ fol
took hiB dowa toin apd eoae
eheerrd on by the eipbt of the Aac atilt IXwpitiE'i
ler. ai.,1 wna made fttooaedhlB. We bare ec<^ cate,
from hto bvk.
! tremely
TDue at pipht by a rumtrr
bat they are aet all cawed,’ AUa,
leeer rtltnd a foot, and all; eton inp
all hour. briieaU hie win•ad t bad the iwlee. tbroueb tbe hot Opt. tlie aotor..Ue, dow. Tbe |ieoi>le «hn
caoke. tbe eonftuloa. lietesed i»tint', blD could not .li.rov,.r tlw noeter. l/.ii
Sy InUmieeof biecneler, ,
I oiir DioniinE Mn. Ihmninp. in pueeine
eo.---------------------------- *-urled el him, a • the window. WMelvilrd Uy nerln* Ue
mrw of jktrliae plemd hie aidea,
... hto
ei_. pup; .j-throw b«k bi« lieail and crow.
aoi thick ofaayU
my ran dripped wlU blood, bat be | Bbe baeieried to relate , tbe elrrtimyevi. Good by. V
lood like a r»-k.
..ten we to her hailiand. Who waa ia>
HhMkcT Baowa.'
Tome forward,
tej meat" cried tha!
rreduloiie and rarefull.e waiebrd the
Feona eapUilB: -Dur Aac atiH Abate.' doy. He qu
lulrUj eornile-ntetibiewdfe’e
and the Wuie wilt yet be uun.| story, and fur w-nri tltii> t^e ae
'diarourneed and Iwedy to' Aorked ts eee the womleriiri d
Ureat white eaow dahee were falUay Ay.ndllrdaltbieeomme'id.awlwiUa quickly., learned to ei
eira. Thto wae the Ant eaow etorw. ebeer for tlir
• "
flay pn-eaed funvatd.

lley* were eteadiac at the wli d >w eeyiher bad woo the
luiid. / I.ael'
,d pur
rirtory .nnd
pul U
Ue mrmy to fliplik
»An tliey yalhered aroiUe
tium A 11
“it'e <Mtoar dowa p6d aow."
and the manoyer offered a
Fred Unru Me la Ue drawlap
lenm-price for him. eoiltiy that hr
rooB when bit ocaala eat raadlac aad
. tliiiiifh.4>-ound<
dni aad wortu the waa^eoutinred Ib'neh could b^taupt
i«un..'jut.Mr. DowninyiTfuaedtopi.e
•■Itay. Bob. UVep for a ride: Ue tU be bretd bto i
optiewmore llenrh I* not
aow to eoatlap dowo pod. aow.
could arrt - apeak ayain.
’. hto eolor
color Iheinp a dirty
•■AUrlcbl."eald Bob.
yellow, bis hair r^innw a
In yrrat lioete
ley* ebon.' and hie hotly rather u
'I eappoae tba rirto wiU bare to p If place in mile*
where llred.
lo Ilia eves, howeter. Ue
dH.rr*. litilc Mta. when the riepbaat wieldv.
pleamo an Intellipenee ctnioet. I.uma
knew aail lored.
When ibe little bnr wee biouyhtin —8k Ixluie (i1o1ie-Il.moermi.
Ue luilOirirround
ouDdUc.elephant showed
baton they aee ca.” Ho Ue boye weat
to Ueir rooot aad ptoakeary orerxwte. Aatkey wan eamlap dowa the
.'—Jennie a Judaoa. ta ^
M'buot. TbechiltteinUey met Ue prit.

ana little boy V
1 tbem^t
Wt 1 eroold
would errlW

nad Ue ehUdraa’e lelleia. 1 p to
aehoel. I like toetody eery atoeh. bet
Ilka oUv little boyx like better aUU
to ekato aadeutw twlL I Ilka to p
to SMday echwti too My paadp
tea tehee the BaatLoerw elaea ite
■rat .ubto wu pteted. Well, ae
thto to Ua Anttlnelban wriuea 1
wUlMeatitetrwtofUeetoryfot am

BavB SoonkLO.

Duk JlM. BaTM-My pp tekee
y«v ppv aad 1 read tta letwia. aW I
Uba Uea eery aeeh.ael Uoecht 1
enald write toe. IptadollooUe
Obrietaaa trto,eeled.aW eoate pop•Ma.eaodyaWpeaBeto. Sweat dowa

■■Ob. Fred, eaa't we pT” atked
‘■Yo« CP p M tv to 1 kao*.'
••CtoB't we Bob. pUcee?"
II. p pt Tea
... rlchk-eald . .
they weak
la a lew BlBotM 4he boran daUed
aroead to Ue Ue door aad Fradjampedplaad ru la Ue hoBMtocatUe
Whea tley wen ta tdy to atari
Un-UraneoateetoUe dovudpUPEhMtoly;
-Bob. doa't let (>ad p tv. bepaea
aa afrdd wa an ccdac to ton a
pry MOW eloTte.■‘All rifbl.'' tetd BP. aad the borw
deahed dowa Ub arpM ato oat
Ue aoBBtry.
'Fnd.~aUdBeb. •■yovaaUtfn
aoliopfv.aaaoiCDlacfv.’' taid Frad, bat,

Ctty. 1 ban throe roealae Urlac U^
'Veil, wait a telBBta, -Bob. Wtot
IWr MM an IW. Hoyd ead alUyouT
Q«rB<eJehaeaa. I Ulak I hwAwriw
So Frad bad bto owa wv ato weak
to* peach for Utottoae. 1 wUl doea ate iwtty. eoaa Ue eaow fall hprlly
to taUlac to! >ktee aid ap. . dp t. ateUlbrpatoptdark.
-Well.- aald Fred, -we wUl p back


burw a »d1 elynal
elynal lipt
aopphed) to
be to all
'k Ibut they '
•otify those on Ibe
hare been seen, and tbai

Mtete Ooedby- Yov little triaP.

Bmb Hw. luna-! Uoewbi
watod, write toUeMcMkoae I I
pear wrtttaa baforw 1 P> to eebool
•eay day aad Ip to the <Mk Bark
aebeoL My toaebvh toane U Htoa
■ Opway. I Uke her nry «oeh.
han apat; faetoalltUa brothar.
M dfht tepUeold aad bto wai
lari. Ba We debt teeth. I Utah ha
teawMpto. 1 ban OM Wc brOUv
tlyevaaU: Wtoworhtec
telra. Wt will b* bene to-a _
ton teuWctletmdwtowriUac «v
■a ae I toa write ply a few


OJm Qhjjled PLQ^S
Ar the Best «Etnb.

^.....^'1 i.e u.ewirw.




Excureioa Bates to Wae Inctoa I




ticket, fi

f the |•re.lautto’ Iseo
m.’iiica Manh tth. the
l: will Mil eaenraiim
hiea toWa.hinylnti
tore f-irUr

ID jiniteet the



,Z ,^. I ^‘l Tr,


'nrii tw..
rs 11 sra r-

’'T Ir U.t luact ieeil by the Katlira. Tlie '


Irnm tlwdae.'Uat iu ijte. are mlled






’*■' ti»anil. and flnper.

,a |r..oor,

The tlmeoeoupl"! toanmctime.,tonijO-’_ _ —
and we can ih.f •'
» Irr^'dr K-nhaebe aw.

I-* «“•» III edenttottiwreiiei.

JOBK* »-----------~-~-



.-> M-.~t. .i.e... .<

__ _ _ _ _ _

■ n, i;,r‘.y'"7Sr J". JJTXTt5l?


Few people keow that all pluU con- -i il-'-o.

cowi. Mi-bieta.


tb i» leai-uo that Uflr Shaker lliyeeltte , (»v. 1.
lurdial to mretlay with Mi.-b pbraume-




It tba Tblid Day of April
trUay.Aprtl *S, IMf.

__ 1 ,,i

I odenee lli.i iluy
ylono. Intlu-J..uj
National Hi-torj i.

tl»te it. eatoe. aod we
A*** *kal etery aafferloy dyapcFUc •« la-siii

...nd ihai a pvt I Tux Bari 6*LVX in Ue world for
between a pair of ' Cota, Bmla.-a. Sore*. I'leera, Hall
antlera on Ue te- iuda. aod aaolb-r Bheom.^F^e^ Sor^
paV appropriated
liaihmini. wb.-rt-.
patreqol^.**'. __________waa de«r...e.l v.e
JO tortbeir rriveu-d lahoro.
I aboil tell thto Jim
1 alime. A Uiittl piifr h. 1.0, an— —-—r
The Cr>t to lie queMioni-d was a atool rinpty ear.- hanclnc
■ ic.r.cainM I
lutij. |,Uow. thr In .p'li- .1 in the elaaa. tlp-re rwan-.l tbeir ti
•tl .t.iwo J?d« of Ue won-t <*ae. of thto lerribl.
-liana.- aald
mav read Ue nni
d 1. "you UI
ben a* I i-nml to ih.-ii. un Ibe boar^
■ trv Ik
HW :
|So I bryan mimniaml Mona Iwyan:
• iCliUv








irMecB iiifii—

troduesd a mlnlatore eiren. tjdor„ ,od bladder. Read the lidkiwiac.
____ ___ ____ ________
. . . ra. babooe and a iJookey. I Mc'lVm. Netooo to a well-known bu-i
hawser atoo beam a ' While putiiay Ue babooe tbronyb its | aess taan of Kalataaroo. tar fai^ at B±1
tiny that ll be Btede pacea tbe Iraiaer aoliced bop rofxrXj | Poetaye Street, and bi. buftoms it Ual of
■rd. dliecti
re the
the whipiHBe.
' It soByhtthefootllybuaad aeanaed Ue ,» Praia ^yer. «eM.r»
' feel Ueve

back all ricbk"
k the evtnetehan barted <
they wpt aad-ate
tehv deep InThe eaad. awl:
’< booked tel thto aaebor and,
wbn It beCP to coi'darh Mr. Oram
eald. -I will take Jba aad p'O go tod thchawaer. which tae bm mads B
imeo deal worry.Wbn Ue ftrta wpe^p MvftM

.• »ptMa ai.’T


"u7i’rf HiaT**‘l'bi'a rlriaea^*

fame to him. Ue Ami luroed bto bvk
to.tfas boani and tried to read Iheo bv
looklny over bto ibeulder. Imi famac in
ar a BeAtUy ’ ExlxtsBse.-Tkat'f
this, be bent furweni tiotil bto bandt
tourbed tlie Itmir and looked from be
WhyUe KVlMR •• «R«> faU.
leys at Ibe 'numbers back Of
re bat prorided . omaln ai
him OB tbe boa^.
-.t fer eiery ory
I will not altempt to iMkqribe Ibe ap>
, . oTcrlaz
__ and
roar amouy Ue rr.I of tie arhoUra. nor ally,, t,.Uj.a
There to u.
did 1st the Ume attempt to quell Ikfer____________
vrone who would, not laiiyj. at Umi, a. the kidai'TS: on'ibem to plaord ili
krnrheaded Ihtle Oeniian' boy v he portani fuoetw* of filterinr the W.
placed himaeinnsurhs ridirulouspmi. the Impurities whlrb natuially fnrm lu i
tioB to r«ad Ue sumbrre berkwvd. to rryulst afii.« id life ud dlcr-u-n. T
toekiay one of the . hametertoUm of are cooseqaeotlv termwl Ur w

Abe bebooti ^ay aonM the footllybta Into bto arms.
arsa. Aa iequlryee
inqutoyee the
l»rt of'the aetlay Bsanayer elldtei the
extraordiaaryfacl that theeeaman bad
oriduliv twoayht the babooe from U.


iliil ine.iI.1iT e- I - Isxoltotbe bent mediriue forehll,.f tbr lk.n.l-1 dm. Doctor* re«Ba»eod it .la place
ly Uieul. I’an.r

caaiik^^raaxbj e.

For lA^u tai ChiUna.


U^Sl'uwiau. w,e* aMW*rivmt Mr. B M



Mr W >
If |TV*M-




! Deal Yjth ns and le fill deal litii jon.

^ .or own. IM H k S«M M
I. ra. .rit to Trstws. ciir, as


r S3.M3

otto u'u.^fcrej^>^^^a!!eu<fi**w*|ttw
,«UM mt4 rmslsuto I. rut mmm, Oom larMO



rs.'T.zsi’ssrs iursua

-.HM MWI. SIM to enawil. SM


- m

t Witte, atec. B Stetee twm Utem Dawt^ M
Fteel 4V ef Mv. A r

to expectancy of yritter better, bat Uer
UBavtifi^ SuBttaoetksayo'I
all proved uaavtiB^
hew osinx Dov'eTadney PUto.'wl^ I
had hard b^y Rcomtettekd. ami I can
nob say Ual Ue Asttertog ivppns were

troobi^ aawTrfecr beuer Ua 1 hare
d.teef.KUm years Bate UDeas'sEU.
I ary PBto wese wtO fcaewa aO over they
• who boeate that be werhe ,


k tbe ooverleeaa of U.' -« «.


arid, -srhlch brlnys P
la tniny forma. Tbe bnrk to Uc Stsi lu
tbuw ihii tloppayc. FVen tbere
the warataig oote: it should be b
spd the kidueys reeeire

Kow there to one endlras amah rope,
..Oramwae aaxlon aU Ueafleryv one three and a half Uebee
Bte aad wbn Mr. Ut«m m
la clrrumfetent
alcht eto B«l bite wlU p u
wtU tbe shore.
I tbe
t^ larye top. to
-boor (whve
'* wcB
(whaee focB
know.) by a anateb-bteek; Uto btoU
aaewrd V owe akic aad ehaeed
Star H tae fatete
eliPMsl MV
• alipfiedM

Mk«t tor Mp toto ato tto b^

■ aei.>ni>!i.,l the bJntnm lhai here.

.erebbtlc.-,! ta hunt up


‘ Yp- nid Fred. -1 ate c»lto *o fM
Veiy aeoa'he cap back aad nld.
■IttoalltUe lac kotp. We na cri
loud we cu pet the boreu la Ur
So Beb cot eat aad tocathar Uey
col Ue boiaee la Ue ehrd aad Uco
thry.eet aboat to teakeaSp ^hey
broaebt la Ue robee. In bic w
aad pt Martant bad Betel
the boaae aad Up Uey wan ter Uteba
Wild a Are.
Then wae u aid Araplan wber
beyeeoald Wild a An. aad they Bade
>f Ue cabca. Fked took nl kto
pieh. -KiBc o'clock.-be nid. -Mou
likely Uey wUl eoae to Aad aa.■tOirto. eaid BP, -yoa lie dowa aad
go to elocp aad p will atey ap.B^boyanteUnk



1 n l.-eer.i

done, liana,- auid I.. -.Vow yen
read Uem baekwanl.ItUle Ir.tlow'a face llorkenrd fn.





r, T,r

written oa


fitted with Non-bieakable Bled
emema and cannot bccqaallad.
Out for /miMffonr Biuf Bny OaO' of tbe Svgalor Ollx-er AgeaU.

mpim wuico
p. e. u. an.i lu viie.r
tlcT." tor and
. V. .. .
•are killcl. llntimi.i
pariicuJv day. ttevlloc----o" , ,1 wi.h
aeilv will 111.- plai
flih^ ou
e..i..,..i l»--,iu,diiim-r uf Aic~, I..U 1
FraroToe. neadiiiy wa. puue Uroucl
P«k1 re.,.i,"fur ,t.
wiUout siiyibinp
oiiiirual. oucur
ii>r- |!> ••»i-er.-*— -in^ tbe nun.bem thru Ukeu up. A


Ue_tima hutt'M to U« ■Wtloa. and
the whole cretv luni. out; tbe boat to
out on Its earrlaye. ell apj-aataaJ
to rolleeted. ■
Uey.proceed to Ub
K-oinaltbewreek. U
practlealile. the 1 ife-boat to iDUiiched.
earb mao wra.-iug a life-belk
pull off to Ue wreck, ud undv the
Wper'i ordera. which are promptly |
obeyed. Ibe |iaiaHTiprr« pte taken “ ' ir U4rh. and tlie boV trOima
II hate brm rraeurd.
U Ur boV cannot be tawd on a«
edUe niri and the weather. t> ey pi
•ed to ric tbe bieerbm-liuoy line I
ween tbe wreck iiol tbeahoir. Comiucabrmiof Uewmk.p'epaialone are made lo yet a Hue to the resel.
Each man liu hi« pvt of Ue
work to do: tbe heejieT. aaatoied by
Ke, 1. baa been loediby Ue yon:
be jMiU lo It a projeetlle to which to
futened a atrony braided Ilne.M.) >anto
tony, and ao eeUed in a box thai It may
follow the shot wlUout yektinc euttaylrd.
If tbelr aim to well taken,
tbe sbot will paa> oeer Ue WTW k aad
Ue ahort.llM
Tbe new ta tbe tereek faaol ll
which Ue lifeuaren bore at-,
taebed a pulley with a beael-r rqpe .
throuyb It; both eada of Uto rbpe are
kept oa ahore.
a pulley, or tail-block,'
Faateaed to tbto
te a Ully-lioattI with d^ectiona la

Tiaref Onr, Ittoh^
«. IP.
tw.e terroa—I am la aehool aow
aebetboecbk Ko aw apoka aad tbe
WBdaathanaoUteCtodo I Uoacht
1 weald writo. I P to aoboci! rerey
At teat Bob aaU auioMly. -Fred, t
day. HyMaeber'e>a-eto HP Cook
« aad wlwre 1<
dwt bellen we an P ^riflitrcad.
H faok
•tel aha tonryaloe. My eudP
oocht to ben ben to Ue tallraad
When i
U. Weehould baneaoe baekbe- Ue lUeMTcm faxtea • lunrav to o
• BM laartoC*- * ateletoarry ChrtoV

the Ubd tiae I ban erritten to to Ue
tUaau). 1 wpt picktec berriee eare
lau eoaitete aad goi aboot two v
thrpqMria. lUlak»yleiwrtoptUMqdtoletooo lwIllctoM tor Uto

moory to the fanaera g| Ancric*


han«M broUer-Uleac. aul a etoter
MteadUabai. 1 hara a pt nt auawl It toobadi
Toway. I ban baaa ow to ■mrena'

Ma. d p* •
J p to BaPay eohod eevy Saaday
whplatewaU. I a-» yean old aad
J ate te the third pad#. We ban l>
aUatentapreebtedaow. betUtode
wot all a)wv> eoate to eebool. Thto to



. If title
■■Ob. boya. when an yoo piafr'
baetotlwIU write apla. I wUl cloee
aekW M<
^ teUiaC ay aoaae aad ap.


The Detroit Evening: News.

3u feet. F..rti
the |TO*at of
Bee, Frank IL Itowalnc. wboTIree la
tbr uclybbortaud of a email arUletecnt
ruJI.-O (oeuy liar.
I!to famny 'couetou of btmeclt end wife end a noell
yaUowAuc. which I noticed ^itrd,:.,
.at of.etn u'c)
ihrrr wm aothiuc pwrtlrutor*
ly Bttneti>e ele-ui the dny. vbleb wae
.lew Tl... w
cnlya aioncrel euc„l fotberwondered
le rbln<|T»n>i.
at Uieir tueufeel kSrelion.aadunrday
iaqui^ '.far rrueoo fur ik Mr. [town-



We will take all the fresh
uad firstclass butter that jron bring us. ^[^est siSsrsjfli&js
market price paid. Remember our place. ^

sattra-sTiisr-**- ?.t±r5i!r.sfi‘.^=r *-----





Wtaa «ba &nl Mweh
ban blowD tim -taw n^nr



Isa rrall oa aa aaelaaiaa vatar dial
tba jaca araal be bapt f*U of •
all tbr ilaia. aad eome pao^d aaa
lie amaunU or cbaraaal ia tta wawrt


„ Hn. CleveUait a* f
o Um mcw. -lb* taMtital M
Uad. Mr*. Uci
tad; oftbaUad.
ltl«..n»aa tbovt>«* “l» ■»«“« Mt tobe bar plae*. bat aba---------- -

MW MW •»» •”._“^.“L

with lb* Bkaa-i
____________ n af fiaab warta.




I lira ia a boaaa of draaaaa, -

powm ^


Absolutelir Pim.

yn Biy wUoy«a daliirbl-

il. tbauito.—»fc-b—tiw



^na (bat ar«.ban W rtfbt
>a«t. balUUraaUrlaberiWT
.111 ^ra. prumiar oJ .laal

mrlyaprloy tb
reaorrd ta tba
Tbap «a b.

Ar'tt Kaai»« IMrurmCo .blW I oaa

tba.oat brd
-Btfd ia tiir
plaaad ia a
>n» ia ouafraa. i ’ '
tbuu^ aa laraii
acUra aocial^ri.^


• TratdT.*wMt.

•■ ' Abd L«*blas ot U.a»a I dinar.
hr lattlae tbam For all 1 aaa Wan tha'ataoipbl Bod.
Ua (ayatical aaa) aad al
tbar viU But ba



oa aaiHk,
BapUaed with babTraly daw.

,r rocky blllaldra ia Mareb

MNlaa-tbaatbay-aaiaWlma, tba aaw baaatr fl»»a »o aU
rtribla oat-af-door abibfa d«rta« tb. (bat ao lar aa hrr atmrb aUc-a. Ar
II dll (br duUa at Iba plaaa ba baa
“ STv. W broasbl lato
Bifbt. ^eaka aat aloaa (e «ha aaiamal
« lar bar.
B> Ibay gn>w aary lanro aad
ajaa. Tbara h aotaatbliw d^
plaaUot probaMllty t
Maai to eajay Ue cbaaffa
tblar «*•.» It iiinn~ aboaUt
old rocky bill to Ua aoarmaf
___ ____ jaof Ihe.lado.- Tbeyoaa■Hbiad ckiaar uvatbar. men la aja• • loabiiajolbba *ul“™ P^' aol W B>ada to irro. to tba gardeb.
pathr baaaaaa l( ia ri^aa aa Uaparllalbowerar, alter Uc-dral aaaana
lytaaUarUklB* ao
drat to Uat> .
Tboae .bo lore tba dciieata
«^aataa>7 tint aatara'a beaaliaa
faraa .III Wglad to kao. Uat bUparara BoUitaodad faribafa^ lew
a bare Ibaia idott tbaa two BOTtba
Tiler la apriag. by prapanag lor it i
rio«. baltoraU aUl». aa lar a.



I look away and tba futarr
■lad you of (ba arar«^ apHa* dayt
le to Bpp

r.y ba.aeYrralUa.dlbat a.Wortu«



K moraiag hand beU t
itor u deligbifally iarigo

A gioxa of mil rrater. warm v
Uken oa riaing la the awraiai
cure eoa>lipaliuD.


m WII ■

I Uatbiag tba eye* wbea tired-oi
eSTaUar-’- •
!ia warm Ull water win tdutb
de a pretty liule dkk f«a tick ,
atrcaglbea Uem.
peraon the other da} aad aa It waa ao
lilMe trouble aad prored ao rrfieahlag, ■
Salt, plentifully apriakted oa l
I iboegbt tome one elae might like to
know about it. l-waa making lemoq .eor.Ucp. will bare a aeller aad
jciiy and eared out a e^l bowlful, cr cSeet than aabea.
whiefa I ponr.-dlatoapiediab. wetung
tbr diU well Brat WiU cold water.
If Ur aofl watei that down ia your
pipee la yrll-w pat bluing luto the
Pillar, before buiiiag tbe cloUea. It
aapadV mmUm tbaa wapr
aeelioaa in one half of »he diab. Wb. n will gire them a bettor uolv.
tapcUoaa ooold W ooadartad alorr
aad awTbaa aaaw a fiaat
oold, 1 cut Ibk hall tato tMUare piecea,
tably. BoltbarawUl.ofopuraa. aroaadUie rooU, aad plant tbeB ia a learlag a aeciioa in rack Diroe and laid
uballew bnr that .111 be ol coatcnl'
aaadlUaaa baaa baaa aaeb that ■prackm. fllmpte tbrvaxb.tbe arubrray •ica^ place ia tba iriado..
piled Ihrm oa. top
The Jelly »a»
^•k It la Un garden to the laral
Ooldaa OaU," forfaHic* pa*« tba Wp ol the gruond. and c >»er ibl
IbajeaBaot »rtaplba road. Iba
—de by waking half a box df g.-lailnr
half a.piat of cold water for aa
tIM. .baa H ia apraad fiMlf balura
r .lib Ira.ra abd bruab. a*
hour, adding the juice of two good
tbaa. Baralj. (bay »o wbaoi a--------a the bul^rily tfA maaulbcturer.
aii>^ lemon* and three ouarten of a


Bom:E OF


ApofiTi Remedy forCOnsUpbtion. Sour Sto»s£li.DiA(Thoca.

I iM t Ir;

wss rod Loss or SLEEP.


VacStoxlr Sienalurt tt


•r ..L sslii’is,..
ire; iBa.a.

cxACT cenr or wRAma.




«-* i. ^abnifa. -t. it. aaow ta off. pound of auger aad thee pouring orrr.
Wr lotu
into tba
KWp .. a pint and a half of bailing mtrr. Sur
onag tba
toa loa
.-r .booar

liueketa aad all wooden paik not
till (liaw.Ued and pour into a mould.—
ie. aa well aaaaab tuU ebould
,ae yt.eoeerarehaarClcAumK
loUI™Uaf^' Uoulofll
uraed bi«Uim aide up, to prereat leak- 1B( tar Use e( abnr trail
gradually bring into tbr aii
..a...- I_____
Tbe Mew Tea
lool^lhe dakly ^roni
Boua thedrlieau,
begia to ...
Batrlmnay baa lea eomu
be in Uelr foil
graceful leaeea
ing, Uia prerc.
'Ibear were aludied cut I
baeiwalTeagewtafDrihcC. a » B O'.B 4 .a r . aad Heat Uaemread •«
banda and rleauM* Ue raiMiu..

arVer abonly U-fore Ue
TrereraaCItT. H • are the peepU to Xaadlc yon right.
.luaality ol raiala. nredid.
ddulng. They u.d< the •..
the nellar uatiT^ebraary. aod Ulai
, aiU water to cor,-r, *U«ie, U
reulilul reaoluliuaa, whicb ke Inbe
before'remoring Irani Uc water.
the relelime^lbe preeldealFeraa eaaarm endure dry beat at any
o will probably be prowlamv time, and daring wialrr eapeelally
*“i*“steer. except fortbe be«-ri
Tead and Sale Stable In OoaaaclioB.
Flankek >bould ba aaaked ffnt
Ury want a 090I place -ffouackc p 'inlay, ol Coloabue, O
coW water and then ia hot water,
M U. foi* they are maile »p. le lonler
ol neat amroa and a raj
BfbMhSUWM atOmm aai BMMavMt
Bov to Una Cold Roaei Bea£
Balaiimof Bn. Mekla
ahriok them
______ ^
u.. ere Bra. SexA alee atnw from oold niaat beef la
Di.Slugb Mew Diecoraor for Cob.
J. Merer to look rroea at her.
Mia Meraball made aa foliowa;
bin. bar eup moUw.
aumpUOB. ..
4, Mrrnr to^worry kar vll
Col a aaU.-ieat amoaaU M> r»dr Aim trrcavTto.
Berber, of Claralaod. bar aUlar. and
IcWllllawv aa-i .UrdaUccBil poaaible. aad pat into a
Tltia k Ue bei^: medicine la Ur
Mte Berber; ‘'~
atewpaa wlU water to ooev. Slice
World fur all forma of C.uigha and
I.. ^
urp V three oDiaaa. Uree earrola. aad
fol.k and for ConaunipiioB. flrrry
1* uT ir S
Annie UoodwlB, of Chi»go; Bra. H U ala or eight poiauea. aad add, to tbr
I buttle » guarautord
It will eureaed
V.'To earc. eheriah.aad fore»*r ,aeUraer. Bn A. S. Olaegow. el Jarkaoa.
at; If Uere la aol auffiolmt waKy to
er all. add muro, alir in a teaapaua-* Irad her.
i'Cough. .V-ihuia.
To 1

of aalt and ooeer eloeely.
euui-ixia. llruiJvllili'. L.
prajera liod wllllag,.
>aelatant Alloroey Ueaetal Sima, ia a
imer gently ior Urne <iua|
Id ia-U.' liea-l uud f-rt'oi
Skied-.-......... ..
ir. Ukfag carrUat Ue *
k refr fer xU age.^ pieam
•loUaa ol Br. MfKialey.
At IhlmbdmloUlraUon U a garden of aot boil out Then wii a U
glriv to la tbe Deal daughtarlaaa. Bra 111 butler with two of nouf
te-r.paa <or ArUJi
Hobart, wife ol the rioe-ore.ldeal geally; abakiag Ue ate-r-paB
Boll* made from Ue recipe girca I
OraaJ lUpk.. BWX._
- way to
altcb loal a baaullfal girl of to yean
>w are eefy cxl-cUcbI Sift two .luai
' lie InaItaly.
Iba Italy, aad broaklBg the potatoea
abonla yaaragii. while
[ flour in a lar^r cakr-bowJ. Bak.
II aeceeaary. and pour nr
ole la tbe .■enter aiul pul la a Ubleer. Am—
auenaliil of augar, butler tbr >ixr of an
lec. k a faeuri
■.uda of aunatalne Into Ue bunarj
egg. |.u.-lte.t,» a cake of comprwaod
.bareUe Claralaad childraa play ao, _________to Uk atew, and oH^ whi
yca»t dn-oired Ina cun of lukewarm
merrily will donblleea be darkrerd in ..mpe would prrirr to Ur ouioa.
-rreter. and une pint of milk xligklly
memory of ta. llule oaeathal d
botCny be need at Ue aam« lime.'
Ik.rKil »lir Ur».-iagredien
Thb remainder of tbr mnat may
k«ik l.>ag ago. tba i)iaaldeal.olecl
,bul *el In a euol pkor orer night. T
bia wife belag ehlldleea.
uard ia many way*, ebupm-d aad benv next morning mix' all togrUer ai
ed in a alew-|mB wiU cream, or milk knead fur Bflerii laiauln.' If Uey x
trJtooS'bSd" to M^rMcKlBley to a. and butlrr to aollea. but aol- enough uo .HU' add a lillir warn milk.
akt Uem la their deareet ambM'o", fora grmry, aoaaoaiog with aall aad X X
place xgxin fur ik boun-. col
pepper—while pepper la Ue beat—and ,ul the lolla, M-1 lu X warn pk.-e fur.
Tbr fai l that .be la higbly lotol
Evcr>’ mbthcr
a lilUe celery e^ or clore if liked, half aa hour ami bake
ke Tk-M
feels an indeand eerrlag 00 alioea of hot, erkp
-b.wlrd for
ulr Ur day brf.rre.
r. and

Her'^tm are eiiaple She in a grtai
Bcnlxiblc dr<ad
pakta.1, V aclllug
naixgr at
adtocala of happinCM ta tba home. d kneading
at ten
uo. aadmixing axri
of tbe p.-iin. and
, mar be baked ia
Uc erenipp.
„ ■
^’bSr'^h;^ au'h/r ^

teaaUartwtMtafall MaaaiB«a to,ba


iba gaalle aoloa that la oaa of he
ebanaa. and with tact ihbi ooi^
toflaainanl ol aoul. •rka—a Uia
try am wbo bare dooe bar baaa
aaob bonur. bha la a liagalat
mirable ability, aad bar irarela
et haadalraWylorUcpialUaB that
briaga bar U ionlacv wiU Ue reprr-

tbaartal lor, area tboafb feruum ia a
ararUlyaesaa baa|aiaa<d iba- oaldlj
br. Bat •«. »baa Uia. Iba aianiibr'a
baaatyaaaaM aaUaatappadl ta ar­
te Mka aa. aad fraatar aSorta
’ Iba battanaat at ali. to flaa kladly

__ j;Tru“sMrEr


West Michigan


w Wbaa I A* Bleb.
Oaeqaariofbolllagwmba. .


i?‘rV '•




paid eramriyea Btreis oil tbe 1
ete. eat, tbaa pat oa to nook with a
MbU paaauty ol rioe. Bwae hot or
•old wUb Iba rlee aad eraekera or
aUgbtly tcaatod,bread. ^ no a drtok le
•mU paaaUtUo arary two
beara. ».
aot to tar

Gmd Rapids« IiidilM E. E.

(teofblly toaot. not bnra. light i
bnads pouoaermllkthkkaaed wlib
tor and laltad a Hula. Beraa with
•ay klad of trail wlabod for.
to* potatooa The bmt way >• to
baiyttolatboiohmaadeow with
•Mb !• Ua (toTo boartb. Brril a alee
■to of bwfitoak. pala btUatmU aad
- «both. ■
r ia hyara, t

aad*7aioo fto Sah.^
■ la milk. 'TbkBtbo il

Tobao^Polaontd Babies.
agaiaet it.
la the
A horrible cuetom. which U be
Foxball reuuired that a
prrxl- bapplly._
aboald alwaya
arldc •fv
■ Ue

—ppur. .
laaiiy. k U
ling wbea ia Ue cui
fowl, bollod or allrer plate. wlU aa appropriato*iajUren.
Maay a el
•.rlpUon. waaoa»olUeobJ®.-tx xbowu
bakad U milk
aiulngina room polaUd
tboxc who rkited Uc balldlag. bat
o xmokr. aad tbe illMax k
AlmeatanykUdot when UetMd pewe were replaced by
arw oara. Us plate wax anfurtaaatcly ____________ j erery cauxe but Ue right
rayaaagreealeal The exact lo.wUon of Ua arat re uae. It ta nolouiy Ur woraingman
arrred ta Ue prealdcsl k a*w an who puSx array at bk^plpe wi


*d* "■
•to et boilUg. Ko opto pipklaa.
totdaka.ou Don't I
wUhdlbem BBto yoa with tv a Wmg
mea< of prmuaUoa atUr. Bat r*«
•toe mto of toaelad bread. erUU V
towB. aad btoU of dlffami blada
•amiytwovtbfooboBra. Bat bo »*i
oaiwtal aboalglriagaolid food rape
' (ally mmt V nay kind of fat. Often
Mall pto'ol hoUod or baked beef.
Vto or any blad of tried meat, woald
inereaai tbe teeeror caaw
yato* after it b^ak■B^
There are many rarlatlac
bratba. toad. brolled.peef..
to.tu'vfewl. botdoa-t
tbl^vaareerbw. Doa't fry V high­
ly eeeem wlU opkwa AeoMgreeaeol
aU ktocntpiallUlealebbuUer er

Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs, Etc.

Horseshoeing and General Repairing. Done.

Baked owoMbyto wttk mUk aad

BBiCTii wiu tb« ttomacb wbaa Ue
tot may be eataa oltma.
Don't try
norm bbealt or hrrad. jianmkaOi boil^^MaSueet wlU rich grerj. Haah


Baby Mine:

Z. ebarch. aad hla wife, altboogb a aall aad cook it tor
Preabytartaa before Ueir marriage, k add Ue chapped a
cupluk to oae oalot
water. Mir well. <
Mr. MeKlalay wUl donkt
■ liren or twenty___________
, altmdanea oa raluramg _____
eaaped tomatoee.
_______I It
H waa bnill by Mr. Fa*- out half Ue water, makea ibk bank
____aaa tkaak offering la ISH^baeery aloe; tbr oalna may be omitud

intm et egya. milk and .
Mally agraea yllb a . '


Best Liver> in Northern Michigan.



•aa rtes. a UtUe aalt; bell eery
add eeae r»d aUh or etnaa.
BaU a leaaplaoeet *aal. tba aaeb
n lag. (aota fauy, akUay ptaee.) la
pteaty of water. Add a lIttU mlt. my
UiOe p^yp« aad eoaetlMt oaa
CktakeaW la«b »ay be need. Do aot
tM Ue water get low aad baa* It eeld
. arbapatoaleoaok. Betswaytec'

Hack, Busand Baggage Transferline


‘‘Tw’aareat Ulag abewt Ur borne
krepiag of tbe eaecaUre mbneioa after
Mareb U thbl there will be fl.iwete ga
Mra Clreeland batalw
a gnat laser of floweea. but ntw. k
Klalsy pmireire a vaUmeni fv tb<
xaeb ax k rarely ksAwa.
Koxre a
Illire aad riolrU will bloom erei.
where aad Ur euaxerewtury will gler
up lu. tn'wt rxqaixile palmx aad feeax
lOT her eympathy and aSrclioa
Daring Ue yrwn of brr xtay bve la
Bra. MrKlalry'e apartmraU at tbr
Ehbitl h.nxe, where abr reredred her
frieadx. Ue wm alxo alwayx aurronad,edby Ur rarrwt blaxeomx.
conxiaaloareoT her ba.Ui
fancy aboald Tw grwtifled

'nr-exreUrnt borwexAnd trapa that
ill the white bouto xuhle will bring
McKlalry only
pleaxtrre to
Mrp McKlelcy.
. la ber
riub to plrwm
plrwae oUerv fur el
*kr k B-I
nttea ab'e
- t
> drire.
Belag tKr
tl graaddaughter of a| inraalktead a
erireu. Ue affair*
affaire «(
of Ueir k
wilt probably'be
fully k'nnwn-uruugn
Ur prreo wbra
wbea Urre
that vlU laterexl
lolerext the penple and
gayctirx will be left to the
■nemhee* of tbe cabinet aad oUer oil
riala. tbe white huuxe wll
111 be the
- rep'
eaeam aa a dreealag.
I'lM'Utatire Amrricaa '
—.Vcir 1'vHl
It yoa bare aoUtag better, aerre o*
a tUa board w.U a paprr oter it aad a
•taaa wbtu clotbfera.aapkla. Hare
A Fnrutaste of Rprisg.
idUe beet
■ harm Dmkaa
Uaa wbal i by erery meab* la my power, to make
Bexerre a'"f
hooMUxik likexprtbg,
. y«i aapeet will bo--------------------------------part toraemmdo* Ulrd belplag raUrr :
The ordiexry wladow planta. erra
«haa hare nay toft. A few lean a
bea lull of bloom, do aot aaxwer Ur
m»U taneh of Mtoate ftoeren.
^urpoxe. but a few real oaldoor fluweru
seem ■xcrmirs**} that tima pe­
Waldorf Saladriod of her life.
I'iirs, core aud cut law dl
large (art applee. add to them
B e r o in i n'
Af uclrry, cal into half-inch
mot lur^lioi
Daxl urcra tcarpoot
xpooeful of paprika
irragoB rinegar;
bleipooofukof tarra.—
all togeUer. and ibeo xtir la a cap and
la half ofgood xllff.mxyonaaixe drexaIng. Ivrtc OB Iclthce Iratcx,' or ]uxt dancer of th'c ordc
ax It lx. garaixbed wiU.-clery topa— its antici|>ation i
Hta. 8 T. Borer la Fobniary leidic*'’
iiuuir Juuru-if


tkrwr are a plcaxaot ruicr
rful dl.pox'liiiB There ix


lUe brcviiag. who'would be
ixurs u
of bk babiU. r
•d at any oenxurs
age* bk liule daai
MU chair while be xtnukee bk crruiug
cigar, aad purbapx preeaee upon her folly. If your trouble be a grtat one.
^wewrr. you may rkk tolliag it to
pure lllt.e iBDxU X good night kixx
(unr brel man fnrad. bebr lorer or
Bird WlU wbak ton baby. i. rank .
. -jiojr xuretkal he will do
id you; bularrrr reirture
-Hag bia wiU a buaille of Imx^iacbom yean ol mkplaccd heroic eadorloce hare aot
not nut
not inure
inured to it aad wbo
reelpr for ffilst fur layre cake,
ximpiy ooaeMl.tbcir iawanl Ureaking
and dugaal.. Hut wbal Ury xubmit to which k eery good and heepx welj. k
tableapomfsl of corn etarch wei
to protewl
fv tbemaaircx Uey
h cold rratrr. pour bolilag rrater on
ildrea. Very few
_______ ,
'ir criildrei
littUe k.yxeoalrwct a llkiag lor c^r- It and xtir till It tkickrnv being ratvI ful aot to get it ,yn thia. Add the
eitea whuxe Mil
y.ilk of an egg beaten op.wtU half a
The odor uf totn
CUB ofxugxraod Ur Juice aad grated
tar del
..Ire toUerw. ami
od uf an orange >w a 1i;m<>B.
Ily laduce Urai
.aiUx or lein -x ntnicl , TX<
iaxtineUrearr-^- - ‘
Uc <mke may be Icrd wilh Uc
the etg or xpriBkled wlU p



Mt. Plsuant, OwesAo. 8s«inaw. Bay City. Da^it. How­
ell, Ann Arbor.' 'Toledo apd
polnta East and South.


Cleaning up Sale.

connecUone at Copemlah with
M.^N.E. Ry.

ROBE. eUHKET. GlIHE )»8llint«



Oen'l Paaa. AgC Tolade.

EiuninitiOD ol Teacbm.

A f«tr udil pair* Iilauk,.-U, a Bmall axoorlmvol of Bribes, wUl
Ih- ciore-d ont

It bark.'bin priew.

Ureal battisiii* offeiicd in

Ibcae h'fXKla.

walk, wlia
Medicine aUloax
*cBukr la thru- fare* from Ur
cloud* of xci
' pipe* which are Urir ibxepa^lr ci.wpxxkmx.
..lupiBkiax. and Ue ehiidrea
go borne with oold*. aad alomach ffk
ordrea. which ao oae eaa aooouBt fur.
il nay be a bard aayiag. but mra
k bajuraled xolgltoa of craaj«t^af!
ought to loectbotrohlldrea hrttor than
Uey tore tobaceo.—Uuiar
{icwxk. will re'miire mxriciag iak
WaU aftorward ia cold watgr.
Ta Ba HaalUy
Frof. Rbseluck aay*' ';Mal
Hat fruit I
' Awacdad
hbaa muffiex aad cram-1
Uigbcal Raaora-WorU's Fair.
tiered uaxt. Hal wbotoDecliae p.>tatora U U^'


-A lar^ varici}-, boat iiualilj, tiArflsl prices on onr stock ct




pn.XAcbr. L' X Xuuuri. ixrorj xxc an e<.
wa-IUA. rinl rorrexarxi. BbTXWlcer xaCj

I think It keafe tome that alarlyBine out uf ereryAnadrcd wumra wear
• ialaltoa le____.
Any Umr la Fchraxry. when aaeeaa ,----------------- ------------- ------------------get Uam eaxlly, brtag la breachre of : dbore that arc too toi«e ia Uc lanep
wm. eaacue ; pig^. eherTy. aw>le. praeh. prer and I allow Ue fee) to exowd forward bn to
rxipa. <ac. ;mac. poUtog Uam la Jam wlU ptoaiy | UetM ^ Ue rm^k^tbere k a^
• ‘
‘------ ber, atoe timea oalol
.re Ue batleaxoT ha
, ; eborn act w Um will be made Urgm
*lla Ue taatep aai if Wtoexa----------- •■B. mad iBtwe
I Htog her the mS^Ilf k ««ly ii
The balVm aboaM be reset ee ba to
bat wbea Uey- make Ue l■aMp smaller aad Ueaboe


ifmeCr^CsmmarTatarPewdw. hm

TiftTene City, Miobif


.a. aac„-.a: rre*




Uiovee and Mittoba.

xxtfai. cl tx, ae
traara-, alairrm. pkrxu^ totou.x
alklMurr.aae oaxixare lai-gki euce


WaSf■ Idor
adlre errrr day. Take a bau erar
d^^ VVaab Ue face ere^

Ue cherry, plum and Hiar bloaaoa* ia



State St., near Union.

Tvlrreco]K SaU-bela. Tronka and Bags St prices to attU the times.


____________ • aotoea. iaded from capo-


I, LOCkWcxiD. <1 P. a . irrxna Kx(un.




is the remedy \ihieli relieves
womca of the (prat pain and stif
feri«c ii'tident u> maternity; ihi
hour vliicli is dreaded as woman'
severest trial is not only nude
paifliess. but all the dancer b
moved by its use. Those w h<
this nlficdy ate no lonycr desp^ilcni or cloomy; nervutisttc
nausea and other distrciMnc eo
ditioiis are avoided, the system
miale ready for the cominc ex eiit,
and the senous accidents so <
mon’ to the critical hour
obviated i
U.-iUi:g !(J



Miss Maria Parloa
Says ‘ Use
Extract of Beef "


UU totou

arerynw .y. Sam' a-e—ex .

aaC tax Xrr< xMrX M


That the befTpbee » buy anything in'lbe Hn« of
ware. Nails, Barbed Wire, Bant Door Hanpn. Paint,
Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freeters. Gasoline Stora.
Fishing Tackle, and in fact everything in the hardware
line is of W. J. Hobbs. Come and sw roe a^ 1 will
prove this sUteneot.


146 Front StreeL

. Traverse 0|f, Mkk

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