Grand Traverse Herald, September 09, 1897

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Grand Traverse Herald, September 09, 1897


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "Grand Traverse Herald" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




« lomiEys^

M writes U7

Mir >«iKhbor.


T» ■r'M4B M}UM-. M

■■Site' ■

■ '

CAPITAL S100.000




<rra< w a#*U BA' MM» art. tar bI

“ O. P. Carver S-SCila


For Sale By



• U. IW pto* M. u

Rose&Son Real Estate

sod. ofmm. Icoolda'lexpeet'loaor-i
-Wbal kind of-p lookiur prmon U
eaedifahetolled.; .he. Xedr <iuened Cyaihia
a good deal of mooey [ ooileed a strange lady passiay bv orcaperty. but I beliere If | sionally srilhia the last srn-k or two

xr.; S3 Su';:r‘1


AH—■>! 1 Law.


BBlUa klsa


Ib« .b'k.4aoaae labalp


Fire Insurance!


BMoms. Txnzutns. m.



aa- aoo. aw bU *aF». aa-u
■ .b-aw.,«.
r. M^!>iarr.-. lairsBia.


A RackMa of Flowar Sesoa.

“When in doubt lead trumps.’

'Tillbcs Of lUyiDOrr was
altraeUra place.
lodenl. Iba
able TenTb-t ri atrribKrn
abootaiaidya '
aa Opr graarmlly

era mostly
moatly Iboili
after 00a modal. U>e mb>orily uf
o Uta alrcat: sbu lb
me 00
. ..thal b.
boaatad froDlVAOia w
drroid ofai
_______ ________—
—- arraDCrmaol
ibetrruoadA Lbat Itvooldbarr t
diflieoit lu dreidr wbicb atylr wak

You are playing the trump card when you select our store as!
^ the place to buy drugs and the many items which go to make
up vour wants from the drug store.
You who are fruit growers will want Sulphate of Copper
bnildlng at tbr rxiramity
this spring. We arc in position to m.Tke a bid for supplies aebool
prinripal alrart was tbe oolv air
in spraying gfateriaJ.
that could lay claim

JAS. G. Johnson,


sxsxmiEraxiaca uBtyooxsw.


Br|4a> >*a aa-bw
ta* out lor bm.

a Mdarr. bans' al


tabaana AJock.


Dr. J. A. Snyder,


rarrbboijr T*.

AgesU tor tbe eelebtited
Hlils. I'amte. Ilpes. E

, AxkttKi mat »


t&av'krke city,



For Potato Forks,
Hooks and ^oops.
Com Knives,
Powder, Shot and Shells
Traverse City, Mich


Hack, Bus and Baggage Transfer Line
Best Livei7 in Northern Michigan.
FMd aad 8ala Stable Id CoDbeetloa.


In hcigbth and weight, the
short the tall. the.thin, the fat,
we fit them all. Every one can
getting a perfect
fit ';The largest line of new
Fall Styles in the city. Prices
right and satisfaction guaran­
teed. Give ns a call.

IM. HUELlilllTEl.
Tho Lewling M*rrhAot Tailor,
216 Front 8(.
TfsTerse City

aoty ur aymmrtrr.
il. loo, lyrab
.fiyuml by oaaigbil
gbily boards tbroira
yard u> form tralka



rp plaptad a year ur
ally kuccuiobed tu
isml ...
ppadaptabUiiy of tbr a
tbair daail
Stamps ■till aiapdioK
lioK a> mooreful mook of Uirirtof tbr Uay
ia«BUbl»brd witb
Iba ovK auprrlalrndWawr
Tbr ahabby plaaka
ww dl»plac«^by a dural •
klieka stoa« mod
carrfullv fralbrred up and ihroiTD out'
by the iDdFlaligabir l-rofcasor binurlf.
aaaistod by a bumbarof the school chilwhose aervlcTB hr bad rnlibtoL
and whose raihukiai
aiaed to arouse. It war a nrw depart­
ure for Ihekc urcblni.. who seldom bad
•ern any iutcrral macilraW IB Ibik
lloe In Ihrir own humes. and attrrt
they looked acbael to ae* the head
teacher go into tbe work aa il be really
enjoyed il—enlirciilDe the task. a> far
did eo. with word* of praUr and eoW wH'^c e^B* '^BoVeBliiu^
1* ietrctiooi. sod b.-forr many dayi
- --n bad Imore urferaof be.p
hr could nlUice.
"PerbaTw the rcbool bourd will
wllliag toaod tbe yard for ua.''ai
ua.''aaid he.
-when they dad that we'll appi
tbrir efforu by maklay tbe yard' clean:
wr’ll ask to bara shade trees. '
>plea aad rims would
rm-ocu in the appearai
rt Uma la dreyears you boys
..yk at this place with pride
plcasun to think ibat.voo briprd h
"of beau^."^
"" ' ""***
Bot be Foppoard. bowerrr
e auubsUclra to orar
ooar, and that all was clmr sailing
Hr. Warreu. Manyottbr pupils, al
'1. grew tired of
log called on loassisL Others gram
M at the rules probibiiing apple
serapsof paperantl other Utter
from being am.---------- ,-----------orar the endoaure as heretofore
graduallr a change was
. beiog
aud the way opepiog ulosriy bot surely
for greater improrrmoBla.
tfeile at the other end of the Tillage,
ataadlag a few feet bark from the atdewalk. <rae ae unfintabed (.-aiae bouse,
luawaer, Hiram Claybaugb. bad ba­
gnn its rn-clFoa soma years before, fietahiagoely the iBsIde. iBtcBdiug to furetah it aed coSi|
iplete tbr balance when
lid sfford If Tbr design aad rise
BS^ow II
- forlorn ap,
fallore 1.
snmllrr scale,
Want of pul 1. eiucr i r original painting right -y .in aud the ■
e agalf
wrulher-boarding. garr I a look
lapidatioB and age. 'The rrraada rxisl1 ie imagiualioe oaly.
ring the ncarrai approach
r adjsi
adjsnel to a
front yard had
a plot, bot the feet of
spiBff children bed wort it uff in
CM here and there. ooUl now it
t that laxUy
er by.

i> aaa«ta(. H Bwakr. as •wrti:

tmld. It oertalnly did not look dirty;
nethlag alsoet Hr Claybaugb could Jo
--------- -lly only eaattraetiye
and nainriUng. .
homee that are kept aa neat as waa.yel
are almost as eoaifortlsas and anhomelike aa thoo^ they ware
like eertaln ealore'c people
whom----------- ...
e. bat who repel m by their I
Hra. Claybaiigh’s aaiare had a prepondmance of prum la iL and eery peo-




words about iv aithar, ar ni withdraw
molaflae IV—ehyeafrireapaoS the right* ad whaai-



Bnaiiieas OaidB.


Mfb. IIivbb.''
Aa'a> umr pu< Out brr ry
Uahr. Ito-jr Irll tl««B.


BeriltBKildiig. FronStrsei


^ all" •i,S2l“lba aei>riTriUu5!
,aod plaeUac UtUe rleas ilka year
iwoodbia^oaij har-B baa Hula
— *------aliak fast to tbr boaaa.
1^ 700 woald rneka
o bar kaabaad. a* aba aat ar.r. I firBtwa'lite— the ordia^M i
tor a b.iiar-iDadr cdVprL
rpPB -reo-,, -It
-It naat
Boat be
or iba
tbe kled celtr.
celtrd rritebli
parh tbro- that aha has plaatrd Tbe fio
fioial rsMr bad abmTdbt,_________________
hBTrroow mat eana wiU my packac*
raoBfb for two tamlite
iBbadl -M:
fill it Witb buerdrrv it I Boat folka. bi br lanliBC U awmv plaal
ka^ Uta Ublt ^rU.^ i^iOaa j Inf tklagi tor thoar «Sool.fhiid^n t
tkiDfaeoarb topaiat
flaLahapibr tranpiey do«p.~ 1
a-wSoIe Uiar laalda c
or airbt' baarb'B curt aownapl
Ral. la; tbarrbaucbaacafor
-.Noar. leoibw. don't ;
waanaam. "Tboicbt yoB w—anh

. 1 Bp ai lar ..situ- «U)r ■



last Ilka htm lor all tWwarU.

Fs es abs alffat b«- ntWK •

special offer-80 «»ai foer laik. mlh. .h^t « .m
tprovedetrune bocMe, two story, tuns nxMM;grsiiuy, hotsp ^ble,
good bsutag orohwd, good fenoM; tail gtiTsI sod dsy loon, nirfaee
mostly lerol, good wster. Price «1.000; an»-third cash, baknce
time At 7 per oenl, or will Uke dty pn^rty in exchange.







adding to her home the lltUr
Itahmaats that made ep tSe ppeUy of
- wenid hare been rewarded by her
Marly waated.
<MFrioes)y. grouad
wan ^ad* to grow mbtaages aad lomaIM.
Why waste oar's strength oo
tUagn UalooaldB't be sroraaad uatTit wan^^great .



.-_,._..aourhtorrt;why.ifs her."»aid ber broiber. with
^t acoDUBl of Tom bmllh s yesterday, true boyish di-.daln of crammar.
I had about made ap my nlud that he
Not loatr after tbi. coBTeiaatioa as
in. but be wa* more Cyoihia aad her motber were ears^
re bin
t I b
fire m,.roiog, Mrs Claybaugb bappsard to
a.?- gimme through the altUag room wlBr
cfted Ciluhia. the eM«i girl. 1 ho had dow and rsuM a lady, arruerd la a
been engaged la dusuog
ung up tbi
tbe brarth acurlrl shawl, coming Icisorrlv up
the eoB
-ilioo between her walk toward the houw
-Hear me. I'yolbis; Who cao t
••Klowarseed.? Wbat Bouarnse. Wr be- khe*a.d
-Suppose you go 10
bare DO money to throw awsyuosoch amir aod tind out what she waott •'
tosutculeryaa that, rvuthr.- returned ' ""by. mother, that moat be Mib.
Hra. Clsybangb
»ll would ba more "htreo." remarked CyoUiia. peeping
like tbr thing Vo sarr it to paint the ““l u« abe borriedly wiped iba^dnst
houar. wheo that-, door ifll be lime fr-»» her heads.
-Maybe she hasflow.
to Ulk about flowers "
ers,toBell. You know Ned said she
il will take each a loug. long
klF^T* planting and working wlu

Sf tat
of^ aerrous
a^rJSJf aaalaty
IHum tSfuh
wUeht^lLoolaorroos au.ute
hayeateriagiahiaaiultu------ "
U all
ail tnrAllag
truAllag aa
as bi'utedaAtte
ba a
ulUng for
mark walUng
tr ta eibraUag la upMe of tbe firmly
leeih aad the elsoehed haad*. It
a neaaea or two (oomuM tUa.
of our best aUlatea ■------,
Ualy mea of Hal«em W.
, ™» type are eicady oa the mark,


l-erhaps by that lime tbr bouse will he' ‘■^bs oreda t inmble heraelf to
soold-lt will have fallen down, aud' here. then. If ihal a her basil
there won't be aovpla.-«- for plaou."
answered Mrs. Clscbangh. reanswered the girl, jr*iloglr Thea, lu '
‘hi- polishing of tbr pan she
.re to raoa.and oatteoea
a more eanteal
iiweal tone..
lone., she begged, “rid.
r menyefthem will rotaea
you. mother.'-aa
we .e, me SFod for some aeras. ,

tbelr f.Kid. Tbe eight of a silks* Mric. you'.'
hae. here is Ue adrerllsa- Lyotfaia. as
se bark a mi>me.
-nonghtoenaomeof them trumIn tbe paper, offering four differ'be kilcbeu. -I took her I
aad tbe aouad ofa band ar a
rot kind* for tweoty-fiee eeoU ' And “e kiuiog ru
offered ber the
In motion ta a eommoa
Cynlbia spread tbr paperou ber moth- b« rocking,-]
aad ahr thaakrd mr
l^j^w it out of the
er-B lap. pointing, aa ake did so. to the'
Polllcly wl
pmt they ai
seedsman's n«lier.
,OToer for h«


..r mynose. |*be would wait awhile aud .. ______
this, to put lh<
thinking I'll St
k to read It ! fT>" her a chance to rest."
I'll Uke
that the ad-'
»>T«BtlDg hrraeif of ber bugb kitchen
s yonrepre- bpruu. Mn L'layl>angh repaired Ui the
rerUseiDeul IS there Jitsente,! It," was Mra t'layUugh'. pro- eitUngroom, where she foBod her etamkii
• tVe liari-n't any mon. \
rxamiuing a rase uf flowers that
for Back thing*
If It was i ■‘‘““J "®'be ttl.le near her.
cboioeaeed com that a brie w*» sure 'ber»elf as Mrs.-Warren
would grow. I wouldn't miud ineesl-''rife of Ihr new priDciftal. uni a
Ug; ^t flower aeods-thafs
1—that's aaolber
T boarding'
i for heraelf, "hrr^^sliiod
other Uacoers.
tired of the hotel." sbe
lare nerer boarded
public house before. I bare only I
ter. -She
In lUymorvaahort time, haring 1
jox'l »o u
deuloed by the I'loesa of mr mol4ier,
-ladeari I will
11 enjoy it. papa." ach- „
lold Hr. Wsi-rru that It I hsdto
o«d Cvolhia. bi-r
-r Whole (ace ebowiag m,
my home at a bn '
________ -.u- fata faeorahle later-' be
bom.-sic« tbsl
-There are paasira among them.
I're always wassieer 1 w«s a
' Aunt .Sasvy'a

realiihwhen they haee.mado ttehM
orthrworatota breah aa ^aleklyaad
fulmes quit
quicker Uma thair ridar.
Tfcere ta seareely a tralaar at aay ot
the large tracks la Uia stalaKy of Se«
York whoeould not uU a story at *ar>
nnu borsae wbleh bars base la tbelr
Kor many yean the -Jadfua
e«.l atarten of 'our rar----------------^
a Mila
tralaera of boraee to bare tl
at tbe homeoBarterataaMadad iatba
noa nadJork Ic^tarall aalmali
raoaJ OB aar partlrnlar day. ^


the peat—Nra- l'„rt .una.
>t they're
re like,
like, but I aspect esl In fl-twers.
I'ee passed by here a
reltr. and—"
A Qneaa of tb* Kloadlka.
'"‘"Tup- „( uie pretty flower beds ahowl^
Garenee J. Bony.
ad bar uiotber. h..
>-OB»F.Uirr.urh the trees, aad Boticed tne
bare bleeding hearu : caars oa the window allla. and I made
fje»p up my mind w* woold««ad pUeaunt
«ffree to cirii^ fira*aISfui‘^^ M
ISl Milled
fiss.ouu. which bo paid ' ''
they can't gel'tmbuilf large!
t and
p riaybungb bad t
tie did DOl hqee togi* a htawUaotaa
landtahrtough. Hut ryathy,------------------- -no mueb aa pin meoey. anaaaaaima
by the Ume Mrs. Warreu panaed of ber own bbu wouM oa^aiC^
' '
' ifficisDt compaanreto pt Uaw from ber sawing nad pA



.XSJS'r'™""'*•10,000 or no ta ber lawa

pule to the
adiloom on
you hare to Ugk i^h

Tbta tea* bm amaMMM IR
^ng*'tbi"1.lh^™ of


They haeu tdnrwd H


ao much trouble mggmg it Id from ba, «>„r atmut in tbs most noespootThta new ^Id' ktag aad quoM ^e
>e first strike UNoremW. Tbey
the fall whan iu learea Ura a Iwly tend Kitty clusUred around
worlriag alMgSidorndoCbBak.*
bright red You
ihcr plsOTB Iba rultor
uitor* drparturr
eh of the Bouinra, wUeh ampikm
=-------------- rifor'tJ
m ” ln,Blp.v IM h.* 1
the Rlcmdike ahoat tssr^Sw
yoo .
bars four Mactiers and
-V“*5' ®";lo be.
abore Dawson Gly. Tkiir a

They all left it for Mra tVarrea the fifth one ab--------- •—
eorery hi
e drug clerk to''
larrsgtoBT u'Mtra^J7n«Kkto
-Yea. wr'II beer Wgirr lb«cbllda|to grt him beanll^ wbrr
get late pairisg dirt, bni whM the euteqaarur. mother,
-^i amouat will:—If
themaeleeB, If they
they eon]
wns opened II was sdasate awfaL n*
rbreakas.lfaraa. |areloeome juatasaooa as tbe
flm proupeet panaed fit aad filtelU
pan. It grew »nddeii\y ttflMMdtW
el-book sod baadtag
bit daugbicr. who recolred 1 with a , eighty dollare a moath.
1 can
- Irotd
gund Ubir oa that, aad lay ep
"Well, wall! It's your
oiage.. to Solata the bonae. at lasL~
fm a atagte^^Mth.
'member. Ueybe we'll w
quar ,| Tbere was a sespicioae Iremoi
they bare Mead la a Mh by It­
buy I
elth. " Ob- roiee as she added. -And toil
self, aad the pao|de who been Itetmtsd
lady IB a oonrafel tour, was all
Il o
... to
.. Cynlby's
_____ ______
__________ to. the etraags surlea of the yosM
BatCyatbla bad slipped away to write | Hra Warm
woeld hare Ibooght
aad hta yoaag wUa hoes aefM
tbey baee beee tw
ber order for the oorsied package, and of eomlng here, if it bade t baue for
mother's dismal torebodlBgi ru-ltbe pslas the cfaildrva bars taken to
' left
ft ao room to think they
ata net
leg tbair future peauiblc pormy make the yard look pretty. Our good: ulllag the truth—traU wM mm
lui rtach her car.
luck. Cyatby. he* all come ifaroagb nrabahU la the the* of Mhs ahd
The aaoos prored to br not too old to i iKal quarter of aVollar Uiel I bsgrudg- lump, of gold whieh tbey haea aetyut
genaibau. a* Mra Claybangh bad pre -ed you." and ehe Ukl her haad half
ctod; wbee the
tbe package arrired. aed timidli oa her
bar dangbl«r% ebonldar.
due eoerae of time mad.- rapid and |
-Ob. uercr miad ibaf mother," cried hotel In tiao «>-■■■---------—r
Jlby growth
With what 11
letcuse , tbe girl.‘her face dimplod with smiles
pleatare Cynthia
walcfaed the a
atthe Iwigbt (froapeels ahead of them.
Ptwridaat Tyter’oMagteoHd OrM
of each leaf aad bud. fiodiug new < "I're ha
rraet in them eecry dar.oaly ibceomfort onto
he grave c
r loeer^r nature ie this ber m«t e«ae If il bad,
It o
of the t
drlieate foVm can nadcraUad
No la- i err."
pxrvaid to br a ple*aher owe heads shs spadad ep the ni
aad earned Iraf mold from thu {this noon became a fueoriu
iboring woods. By degreca ber j aud Mrs. Warreu. wbogaee _.
dMghler. whM gneu la host, ta Uo.
ataw. aad area Ned (proaoeaced ' ralaable leaauas In fioeicaltBre.aad asbr hta mother to br tbr mrat rough-: drr their oerralgbt aad by Uwir oag- Bible for thta necteet to honorWmM>
aod-tumMc boy in the worldi. became gmtiOBe aad aid. the little yard took
during the eommer oo added-beauty,
la daa Usee tbe
1 emistauu la water ; bouse was paiated aed the earaada fla- amor ,7 the etale to oroet a BallSa
.wy flowers, tabed >b modem styla
fKher appliU for fTFome or table board were ae- Tyier he burted^THe..
diogy. bara-lookiag yard laloe
imodatrd. and Hfa Gaykaagb be- tm. nM the gran •< il
bic ■ tbiag of Maty." Vasea ta
a- larga aad laerabe ie demaad. aad the cnpboarc s rae■* mayaomrlimsagiow from
sacked Cercungt
>draps lobridtbr
raaia aonrecat a pap
bonqueU that we
BOW plaekad erety
few days to ornan
aa old-fashkmed pitebr,
mdlr. wbca flllrd .with briUlaat
a. among which the white WoaIt trae the prsriteS^* tM k
of twaet alyeaem ahowwi with

,‘^rr^v “.’’■V


i“ «l<»k«nnr.''she said. ^ .Nod^'lIK

FL%. “ i -I.'ti.;'"' ^ IT,'.i-?-. •‘-■i


wm It Come to Thli?

• to which they are now mpThe iBealld father
bat little, bat
•*• happy Id
■mag bow math ou- .wriea about la thta way:
oymrnl Bad
prueurad with, the
-What's the ehaigm. oOearr ■_____ A* Judge Empsrnr. aa a timid teokMoW
- Mra Gaytmugh.
wnmee was eseorted tramWl^- theharotJaaticB.
-taia iMiMu. your noBor. was walk­
din. aha eared bat Uttle.tho^^ ing down Hala atraal wlihoataay balL
A young faltew <m a whaai ew

£2?£/f.srfE sjja;
ssr^'rriKrisif'teTa CcSFluSy tetehmwJtU C

thrmsaad pUaa bad
— •enargetic
mtly dia- paltry flowera aad cry. aa CTbiMb did.
(<od.' by wl
,- tauid
_____ -w* abe tonad Carte had em'
bs ratsad tooompiete IV
Bniyearaltor year had gtme by. aad llaataum-

■alii iwiahadi IMMW briagdaaa.

NArroas aa OIria
aweii imowBfaet ihMagiaat,52rss STL'S:
The Oty Owho tM Papw.




. 1
'■ '1

Oood Priaro far Orwpa.
n* mWmM t* to fMM tkta
wfO tattokM^. Ui«Un m4 vt
•I anai w« laato
ito aw r>«raw. ia« to a

na Uniwyto wbleh 1 write lla
watato aortb to to. apatewta araat porto. of oriflaal Mtekltaa. It te wfll kaowB toat la to. fer-

wa aaato Frii^. ttora totaf aaar

■■IPWI *■«
^U to. Iowa palaala Hatova
tarOtatarraUrdaiito totoatral_.
Mto «■
to M.
to. M...a,
riw Iplaf
la.BWi tob r<.«>
alawt wbony witola ba boaatory.
aai la Ua to abat aaafb land to
Btek. a bmUbb riad cwaaiy.
aaaiy. tto
to. Mate
mmn fara to MbhlfaB the oppar

I apa MfB. Klaf te opa to.
raaa with |aapa. after whteh a
Mto toriaw aatow wa toU. at
wM HwaAaMtotehaUto. toaftatoto aaart far to. toatot to to.
toab baa* faaA. la atoat
A Btort aAfaaa wa ftra by to.
riMtotoaalfiBBl Mta.aUatlybr
prallat, la wblto to* oatUato to.
tarii arto**a.laf7ar,aad Ito pea-

lyl^ Borth to etaUal Hbblfaa to aot
tto pataosa larolred Id thto
It to with artow tetot^teiteted la thto Urril
far. aay tateiaBted
that i writetoto latter.
Tb. rary
rbw* of JatriUf
"A* to* ftowto to ^Bba ba baa
m»a GOaomlBf
aaaparad with toat to a
laatrated by tba folbwiaf bdd*
yaat* I trted b priaaad.a
afiatoter to baooaiea paalor b
aadl^osa. toaeardatyb te ■
eeato eartbririar rillaf.. a
to* ttawcirktolaMyar.aBdadd a*
sMtal. paylaf a food aalaryi
pat te appart to. fatar. ftowto aad
toiaearabliD. 'Batpared ttot
prw.wttytotb.toab. latoto..-to woold “(raeu te doath." ^ bar. tto
arwat a.bfiar. that yc baa
w. to balbrc that oibera i

Tto top BOlto la tto potato Mrtoil
to thto rity tor tbto yror was ra ' ' ________ OB sniwuy repalra, bat th*
Tto prte. paid wat farty work to Ml doro aow aad meytklac to
TOBta p. baahri aad o*TO at tbat prim TO riroo aad oat ttot It fairly shlooa.
ttor. WM oet a Isrf. apply brawf^l Tto Oak Para'TOtobl was fiial riritod.
to. Oearf. I,srdto bat boofkt aboat Tbto ha* brow appited
too bosb.l* dortaf tb. pari few days, trrofto aad tbaaooc^
whtoh to riclppto te ditoafo
« UrTOfb
water dtofifartocaad
tto wan* wflltodoM Bway-irith la
I, aad Hatool. Wtoal* the fetoTa. It **ae foaad ttot tto arhoofbt a qoaatity fisUrday aad
tolaa wall oalr faratohee ejeter for
McCoy A boa abrot MO baritria Tto
■e tolar aot aoafk>
peeralllBf ptteo to tto blfbat ttot I
torro to *.od It thrrorb tb. tolldtof.
bw. paid tors to thrs* yoia: ''Tto
Tb. eaalury arraweaiato to tb. to*w
ol tayra say that *s oea. to really Mat aton a.<d w>M ebaafa Oa. of
all tto MriiM 1 11 riaad. aad they . th. *t
Bi TO tbe araiod ftoer ba*
prodlet that 40 Mats will to tb. atari- ben fitted ap with 4i amu. I«a*tof! t
BB. prim.
Wtoal fefTOffat s.^ OTOta to toeto
,0 aod KlBi^aod Arraoe
aad abodt l.too bariicU
boUdton bare beea tboroufhly
booi^t by tbe Baaaab A Lay fieri rated. Tto pap. bat tom ectaped ..WnutrMO»^us*ut^
.111. With them prime lot their prod-, froni the wall* aod they bare bero kelIL
acts the .
oally rmIUlBf ttot bard Ums ata bw woodw.k ha> Iwea raratohMl and tbr
eoBla^ a matter of btotory laatmd of a ! floo,; oiled. Thr roef aad exterior
p ITOeat modlUoB. It to a loaf tl.e | woodw.k bora alto beea palnte<l. Tbr
t aayttalBf like tb. pramat pricro aiaall TOhooI bdildiof «
TO th. Klotwrai
ha*, bma paid sad the rnalt to a rw areDB. froiiode bat bma fixed

rival aU aloof the lloe. mot ealy to
bsriara aad arricelwra but to eaerfy
aad TOro.raf.awDt.
ttotarder tb.
elty i*a* filled with* aad tbe
eroteqaeoM teat's food boriamt
tbeoterehaBU. Tbe local bealarai
see eery much TOeoarafed aad Ihty
all afree tbat th»e l> a beifhl
wtoVer to all .
arroaaooa Idte* ipfardlnf tba
of tbe Mermalile
I will lay:
stated itatarday tbat cattoBeia
; a illUa
I bare beea iodebted te ybe

I Seasoli is Open!
And the question of a Hew Fall Suit,
Orerooet or both, is uppermost If you
will leave it t6 ue to provide you with
the ri^ht thing, we will sell you clothing
that bears this label and which we will
take back without a word if you had
an^hing wrong.

It to meoodatoew.wlth freab P»iB‘.‘7,*^'’‘'“if
proeemeoU aad rn>a>rt. aad wUl be oc-'
„,.au or moeny reeariwl by tbefoarthfradepapile.
. fuDdi.q. Uootucdl.-

B you boy -Adler-clotbtof.
aad date of pun base on 11

Tbe eeatral boildlof was aerer to a :
food thapestittotodsy. Tbe floors
tlUOtiiLOi, i:ivi.»rt. Ud.
throoflMOt the balldlaf hare been
" ' ................................
.......... .
oiled, a oew'tloor laid to the bosemeot. tV.-Iler. of \v.ehiki la. to woure la- fri ^
tbe batenicat whool roomt parftvoted by '

Utioaed nfT frvai tbe rrot of I
Mot uakinir them luiicb war
“Oar wlatw^ work, a yaa bare
ar. It to traa, tbaa -b
at to Oaaa ato Saate. nat <
A Karrow Etcape
'............ .............. ...................

fpriaf comm bar. (ro. tea daya to aad paylaf ap old amooBU aod a
fally aadattratoialylaUat by
Utile Bulb Alkao. Mfe.1 four, .while'
iraaka later thaa to tto aooUMcra which to a poaltie. arfOOMot that
pafiB. aemlUa. Tb*bbWty-b
Ibrofmati.. Bat our aataM (i
playlof on the tieep rierr took Bear r„hi|. of ouln.^.. ihe tomtllre . .
■ooeytofeUiai aatl..
eadofraion tlreet bridfe r- ftr- nbum. Income lax and one dre-ltrordtoarily later, lo our wtoiei
T. Pnbllab Tax Uria. '
balareUy slipped and fell late tto tor
■"rwrmle ...oerthlp of tend
. vary noeh to laafth from tb. oldTto Aodlter UeMntl of tto atate of ttrmm. Tbe water at that polat to
. parts of th. atatc. Tba.xlreoMS of
p.’',Vu;Vmt'V.rXr.;>d M f"ll"w,:
arafTteter to eeairal aad aooU>. Miebiesa has Miected tb. followiaf
II. A l»aec* of e<miu.nJlnc (hc» aifH..uIiur« '
In'tohajjr of the dairy !^d
atp Hieblfia Ihaa bars, by fro. teo ta
IrdiiMry: rxvi-rlr.a r. .I'li.ilnn'nf *11 nf. i WJ \
tea mlet to May. lM>': Iteexie
1^ defTw.. tba torfc bodto* of waml.rhi
ter adjaeaBl te a* rafutoUof th. tern- eoaoty, ExpeetB Praakfort: I'barlw Blfht hter bma trrunit.
Mr Uaeto toe to r.-i-.rt t.. the nexi r.mcr.«
pMtar. to all thto rofkm. Oar thiaa roix. KraUoel. Cbarleeoix: Bmaiett. pluDfed to and with tbe omUteuce of f.w ro-„|-r*tlon tot*,
m foar aioBlto of food rialffalaf coo- Btrord. reloaksy; tlcaod Traerae. tool. Kratoeraad If. P. Kortbmpfolber th' Pre.ri.ilon of ro
■ tcTj torotmMy -wltb the mad Herald. Trarere. City: Lmlanaa. lla- oulaU rifhb Thelitllefirl toampd-'*'^,"‘‘

Only a first-class custom tailor can fhr*
nisb you with as good clothing, and be
will want double what we shall charge
you. ‘‘ADLEB’* clothing is the best and
tbe most stylish. It is what you want
if you desire to be well dressed without
undue expense.


ijjj Union St., South Side.

terprtor. Letoad:' H^aiatee. S.nUa.1. dapfbter of W, It. .Isckwo who keep* ^
aad froaao road* of
the reataaraat on the corner of Sixth Cl*. rimlri*ii„i: duty
W. bar. rery law ..rare ■tonaa. Tbar. Haaistee.
n Aincricen vcat. lr
and rsioaetr. McVlekm. afrd ebonl trrelrr

aifaw wa look farwato M raacblaf
Mwato wHh a htltoafhatol i. to. Ibtoqatotcnmar. 1 tora tnrelte

iillty a atoatoeb. aia dtoaf. Ihtoterritec? tor (oar yaaraaad
■mowboaod" oaly oaa-lia]
Ptotytef pratoUaJ ab)au.
baa atekibbil prepa .ilk
Of oar aaum. aaad acjt write, for
a to dw
r wofUpf It to kaowB by all thr paoplt ttot thto
totbeaaaat. paradiar of al« picaaorc
ns. lo tbit territory tbrr. arr

to^ baabaafaatadto. paater b
Ity teaatbtorfirteto
ifertoealaa farorad
. Tbaatoaty
alMdaybBMiAteafrirtooa. bat b
•tpoM* toaaluia aad ttoafbk
“I baow to a way tLat toa yar-.
wpric My a baatol a a far arary
■l^toar to write a abort p^ar ob tor
mHiiI to aaehaoalaf ..attop, aad
PMpara tad arraM bar ewa papa by
toda lad baten toa toab. la toU
•VtbdlBtaatbi toe ab).M will ba
toablto. toa iMcrtaat bob firmly
■pad la toa rntmarf aad toa kawladfa aad baatol fratly laeraaato.

•<Oar Blabb
K lat a kap
r la riaw. Ut all par
papa, abew tob. Lat toa. ba papa.
>r talba toat wocaa wry boM wttb
gteaa to bar owa dab by Lacy
wba h kaoWa aa toa Votbar off Mfabla Otaba,
Mb ototr. baaw Meb otoar; do aac^
Pibar rood. TkbbMratoaallbratara, Mra ttea tcdaaoa. It b toa tolrlt
a to Uia. Haate-

O. ■. Bora wbo fa*a aa
>atbtell^ telkoaOraa«a.a«aa latrodatotea U tba ywwb eoaraa to atady.
hodMor Aera fata a rind d.erlptiM
to lb* fwdrapby to toa waatry. fbowiM tba tafiaaaoa to tob apoa toa diaratowtotoapaopla. Tbaortfiato toa
WtoWlaate waatratedbaric, aad toa
taaw dteirfkiil
Tbair aarly bbtery
wte brteiy .teUteid. aad Mb to
7 told. a. wall
Pi IBM to toahareb daad. to torir
fiaal MB wbbb bora paaaad late bWtary. Bo dareted wabort Uat. to toa
aaHfteto ahte to toa Um^ aad
■aUbfa to warablp, .abowt« toat
toab rallfteawaa

HiB. J. 0. BiMdill faUowad with
■aa paparmtoafaffraphyaad Mdtea blabory toOraaaa.
lafly wribaa, abooiritaf fa bytoolar

>. to toa
Ufa aad bbtery to. fraadpaopla.
■bate.abat hrtefly apoa toa facv
•B#hytoOrpaea.whbh. allbe^ bat
aaatotad aa brf. aa MbhlfaB. baa
ataifatoaaa b to. hby. tUMiBiw. pWkMphy aad art to


abaa. a^ fbw toa l» l^aad. to fod*
MdfaddM.. ibbbato torMdaada
to aabr. wbbh adda to toa trarda to
taryadMbbaharm. Brary baaatUal
■t Wt to ttowmtdb bbtery. tad to
ato^y wulto. tto aMwaa. mab.
aadpbteia.daiu.telb tto bad
MBbd tpciab. a telaM la IMelf.
HiB. »iawlal1 pBtead awUtly orar
toaBdd.partadto Ito aoUaa'a lib.
faMltodotetolto Bomaa eaaciBtet
to lu B. C. te tto
lau. tbrateriy t.oooywtttoaalbe
lay dnrMBV aad it wa* a aarrri that
aMto tetoay tod tto sboafth, wlU
aawpbbbf Bfabat toa., te rtea aad
too yda. Tto uteal by


pab^tobaddbdUhraaaa. i

mm. te ▼toiH^ar hto fiSM.....................,
The r.i.
Elk ItepiJl ..oo
Iron v..
Co have
....c pur-',
n traitbr the liriteted earfacm
; Ellto-oabUfarmeontb of
city, ehaeril frra theTrarerae City Lumber .|o» anliy rvilrtrapd
tbr aumi.mmf
■Will* Witch
Tbaraday tb. boy fall fro.I Ibe
of a kilo.
* If trifled away:
I they are da
abat tbe bmd and body, He wlU to
..nme.1 by
, delay
drit to rate* where One,.
furmd to remala iodooia
. tome.
VtouteCouphCum^wo.i'd briof UnB.-'
I>r. (torar waa taBOuaed
laioTtea. aasde lira* la East Jordsa
Thejptoerr of years ha* been cared
oottefaa. tbawof Ihrm are patotbl and tohraTOBTlait.
tl.m taken hy the F.rtrmm l-.mirT.ea io a •ioflc olphl by tbe ut« of IVton'r
rcaldtetea. eoittofalsor aeroa tbac»
whlrh ha* adj.-nmcl, »n. that on rcro- OlalmMl. S poaiLv.-, aerer-falltor rrmaad dollaiaapto.. BMld.-tb.
waters" aad bays, wa bar* baadrsito of
literally Itosd with tbr »oi
Tbra tbw« at. aiaay
amamUi boult filled er.ry year, aod
eatertriowith tbadtlaenala -all oar taordm." ladaad. DMalawottbepaopl.
dapaad l.s Urtof apoa tb. incoM
Tb. water to all ear tok. aad
awaaMtoatricrataryalal. Tb. pto.
Bwly all dtoap^ml, bat larfr for.taof Mpl*. braloea aad elm.
May otbw rarl.Uw reaiato.
tl.b. to aow briaf barrrated vary
Tblrly-Br. or forty aillloa
fMof.ln lof* wUl br tsaaotaetarod


Traverse City, Mich

______________________ i

$1 Grand TraverseHerald


Manufactured by J. E. GREILICK CO.,
Traverse City,

II to qalte li^l to aomr'pItoM,
Mdclally aloef aon of tbe railway
Itote. bat fally tbrM-flfltoof tbto ter­
ritory to food faralof toad, aad atoia
«f It to aqori to aay In tbe*latp..J'brmtorl>tef)|M hBT«- nffortoTa tb. pa*l.
11 tfarydetoall la.brrlaf .ejanirlra,
11 tb.
tba ti.brrte r
It la lb. lari
id am bar. Iwtei elwod aod
d. nltlratloo.
All th.
la tto ateu or. latowl here with
Hoei. of tboa. bartof tb. prr
with ledlaaa
llltooto to raw tatotof. y.t Urr.
imy «a* eora-told* a. far aorth a.
BwralraiBty. Aad tony tarprta*.
feaad stock buy.ia eojoylaf a tbrirtof
baatoa. to tba raftea of tbr -Slralto.Tbe Hrmcn tell ra U.y <ao ratoo
aloek with profit to thto acettoa.
ttead) iBKcdMtelyl-teold WMtb

taafiT. parieiirafT.
aaad oa Iuab.rrd laada, after tbe
fiia pa., orrr th«« partially ctoarinf
than, aad tboa faratobMabuBdast pas­
tors of tha tori qaallty.
Wa prodac a fraat anoaet of tto
fiara fralt foaad to tb. .late
atepl. are apples, aaaia. planto aad
toarrM wbtU all frail raoBoo to tto
atate eaa to lalaad ba^ Aq aa tod«i
to oar faratof aad fralt todast
My lay that to Trarano aiy alowa

antique. Parnteb yimsb.

work, tbe find, are -white walo tto
tbe ooly araalty belsfraw
tet. falthfBl..artoat. Ble. workra.
Aadwaareeo fartaBate'a* totorea
TO diflteMl for peo^ te aeropt £hrtot
a. thoir 8a«tor wbM they to*, broa
IbrawB iaui a<
laro. elate aa^ a
Tbto part ct tto Mate to.
fraad fata*.bri..lL
-IttotowatUalfarritaatloa.Bob. Itorry Baapah. ratarwlBf fmaa rialtlb lb.old
•■Mtto aayo(Napfa.aBddto.-bBtl
aay. BM tto Tiarona toy aad dto-

NO. 9


Sideboard Safe

Milk Safe.

Cupboard Safe.

Bnnquc, Varnlsb Jinteb.

Bnnqnc. Uanusb/ml5b.

Bnnqnc. VamtBb finlsb.

Haight 6 ft 8 inehefi.

Width 8 fiMt
ibli eoaeUT wlU
of tbto
eonpata famcably with tto old. parts
toflatotrillfsawaBdUiriri. Maav
o> of .rae te tea baadradpsepla to*, tb. lanryof waUr' sad riwlrlc Ufbis. aad all otb.
ttot cB\m
At to the oncorta. BforOirtottod

NO. 8

Width 3 ft

- Depth t ft 8 lac^M.
Carved Panel Dciors.
One Large Drawer,

Depth 1 ft 8 inchee.
Carved Pane! Drors.
T«ru Drawess.

Sides Ventilated.

Sides Ventilated.

Height 6 ft 4 isehee.
Width 3 ft 6 inchee.

Hei^th e ft 4
Width 8 ft 8 InehaB.

'"Depth 1 ft 8 isehee.

D^th 1 ft 8 isehee.

Screen D>orson top. Panel Doora
lielow. Panel Ends. Lower part

Glass Doors on top, Carved Panel
Doors below. Large Drawer. Panel
S^ds. Loirar part ventilated.

All kinds carried in stock. If your furniture dealer cannot supply you call on us.


Please bear in mind that we have the largest stock of W'indows, Doors, Moldings. I.umbcr, Etc.,
in Northern Michigan and our prices are lowest.



= <,.4

rSTA TIwnmw ^

••• mat ta »a laSa Uwf ^
SSd^bea aad VI
on Ualr
' haade.
- . Oaan
Umcaateaaof tbam
banp ttll ba araa kHlai


Matte ^ BMrted wttb a enrtoad at
hbpotnteaaforCMhaponBdaapseM to
reniUa aboai fiU« oa the load, aftm

——- ------ *---------...




....................... -jdUe---------------- ...
Baiarwallaa. a U-/aar-old boy la h

M^Aanr safU as • •»!) Md bto

StSSiir£TBc£^B2u“ “"’’***"


Hracbee an aoita aeoreo la that imaw
dlnU rlcialty.bat afewmllce aaanr
nbatr. playlop with tba rap*. wfaMi la ^ lake Ua^i^poar to .be l^n^L
oBM-way canpbt oa tba hbok.
Tba Bet. Cbarla Level, of Uaalap. load^lU frail.


la tba

v/ r.XBaraJixa.

iaiof .

M A Onto af «m.« for
a wlte mill JObbt
Job bt oamo-

________________________ d te Inteam the Job and If
wlU lb* '
spaa U*ta«saad|w*ml**a.tBU* dte
ictat ahovB isImmA ta. iiurdlnp to
MoUm oarrM te yan nnd nay vote:
vriUoattelirsamto any Imalsm'balidWsoptelWtoBA.
Ooodrite. Ikenmood. lArdtn. Baa
UMAUdayef tepumter. A.
toL Qarriaim and Jal

Cole of
m^ ^p» to tte west

-.Is? 5 _ _

UowJtir AUero

be aaed aedor Ur dtnetiM of tbe Hre
Ue Mil be allowed
Oaeamban an
* and any vow
Motion mrriod b)
Uy by
Ue farmeta at the rate of *^Moiloe«afelad.
than l.toobobebporday. • The
** TvSiSteclw, Mich.. Bfpt. a l»r.
* pood, aad if Ue wenUm toepa 1V> ilM HuacenUe. Um Jfcivnr ate CUv tvoodrieh. Denmond. Lardl*. Bi
they will ton Umiaadtof dolCenmeU wT UMUWpV TVorwerI'ttk.
iloUe^ketoof Ue brmen of
KoeUtep of $»« #0 for'
Uatriciaity. H.J. Heist of UeB.J
Ob!rTt«<BX—The ____ . _.
■rvet-n. Icvela etc , of tb* peopeaod
a ef Pitmterp Tlallcd tbe HoiBrim Ca_________
^ peUUee yon to rernlt^ Mite portion
r water work* eystem wa* prenav
ly plant last srete
deep aaonph latereet la Ibc
A raBarkabla mawaj eeearred at
in adi___
Moved by Aldermaa Unetapae th
pickle boaiama the factoriee Uoe will
Maakrffoe fYidar.
A trollav
bill be allowed and ordered paid
be mneb ealarped.
which waa pocbad Charlaa
teve bean obitpod U pay aa axborbi . Motlea carried by yea nod asy eote:
Uaek foremaa of the iireet rallwat
tant tax wfalcb water* paid to tbe
oDBBao;. fell acroa Uie back* at a
City Teeawnr amoontiap U ri tCjad 4ioa?rite. Ihra^md.
*Baa of bonea drlreo bf Richard Dell
- aafiJahmo*.
Repnlar meetiap of Oty Coanell held
rich- The aelsaU ran away, oarryiaf InJ CoaacU
ConneU rooiua SepL «. IWT
___ property
U>c B»a aad pole with tben.
Wr------VV tefteroftInrvST for
Mcetlnp waa nlled to order by Ue ae louNn. 7I>. 71V.
picked ap nM»T dead tbA i
Mayor. IV. W, f
Oakllrlpfale AddlUc
balance dne f-r p en* and speelfiealtoas
- ' ai iataroal. ItUBO .
m lajarka
IbrMbt—Aldermen Montane. OrelTrettlap Ub will mmt year aaraeal of new water w.Mki eyntrm
Iteltricb llek.Uuodrich.IleamoBd.
lown bow neriuaa they ai
1. Ludie. lineli- aUeetlon, we Imvc tbe matter la yuui meted aad rrad.
mped nnbnrt
mnnui. Uarrtwm and Jnbni
ibncaaadJlar band*.
* L U Pruxa.
Moved b.r Aidrrwsa Jabt
Tbe peaeral Im woreoacnt la baataea* or Smith.
wkea we adj -um we sdj-rari
l« briar powerfally felt at Uanitllqar.
Hlnatm of laat mpnlar maetlap
Oa moUoa of Alderman
iordle. (iept UU. 1*'/:. at « o'clock p m. at
aathelowa'e only ladaetrie*are Ian- read and approerd.
dely mrried. Ue poUUne was crdervrd Ue teOBcll rwus. to loiik oesr planr
.. iron, TV. Um HuaienUc. Uic Moice- ami CUy totbrOommltlMos Wareand Mmn*. aad apeclfimtlou aad adjast tte MU
are pattlnpin
ofMr. Rafter,
LWhtU «r UwCirvof TVooerec ftfu;
ruble. Um Moya ami CUy
I than fur many
MoUoa tarried.
UmCU«<i/ TVuerreeet'Uw.j
kfor all.f"Vonr peUtlbner, the Fint PraetiyCystine
HbblTraverse■ City,
Into blaet with erery prcapecl of repan. rcpreeenla that .aid eharcb baa fnwbolder* of Ue eiiy of Trat..............
VVr do bei
ire by mify
e CuaacU
melalap at irork for a lonp raa.
ofmldCKiI Uat
tb-' Ue lOllowiap
lap I- aa
Chkapo lumberiep numraBy ha* alen paid tbe taxe. apon Lot Berea la llloek do pr<Ml
oipbt oribe ortplaal plat of Ue Vil- Uat nil r______
aceorate a^unt
of tbe rval of rrimiie
let (be era
lape, Bow-City. of Tmrepwr City,
etreeU aad
rsettoB Uerrof.
bieyelm on Ue nldewnlk oa doai
rotdbrd c
and Ue
oet. Tbe reason for mU pr
or pl^-e
aei«lnp la
and l•u>'■aBd tbataald ebareh bat paid
I* Bled or labor
lelmoa Ue aideihut ridi
Mid uxea nadar pcolaat filed wltb the
ihMDty Treaearcr at tbe timeof tbe
parmeat of eald taxee a. aforeaald.
I did mne
11 ted praetlev ba* beoeme a bal- Urt.Ux'ttB *^l««»l
10 Ur reeiiisnU atoremld.
Cuuucll a* aforaenld, on the procode
^ Ub tUdayof Anpaal I
An aaylum
IB la conrae
of ereetinn
eald prot>my wa* owned by the
1*1--*&1 lUrk-*
Hoatroot. (9WitwrlaBd.oaUapaadlwryeburcb wbaa tba Ux
N E Stronp. Allred nampeaa. Alex 1
I atoraaaid hemmr dor aad pays'l^.t.w
rbmt. C U Dolton. Ed Teylor. Freak
oillaa bare beca recoreml.
B Bllrra. Wm ItceweU.Cha* Chadwick.
AlCoBetaatlnopIc Or. Jamn
J U Loedlep. I. A Mrmll. (•. W- Cole­
rnm Ui
uxatloe under t
rmpt from
t-rll. the aew i Bitad HUtre oil
man. II Fell. .1 Beambb. Hart lilakely.
thb. State ea your peiiUuncr 1% Inform S V llolmre. B D iirad««Mn. Renj F ___ 4I*( crate rai I ■*• Mtw
Torkry. witb the
■ at'tac **.1 ■•illiM *~>U
1 aad bellerew
ball —
IlidegmU li H Cnrtb. (■ TV Tbomaa. ,;.tWb---------- Tbe First I’reebylerian Cbaite o H Cllarnee, B A Sueena, F Thortell.
.. .J. B. firawABU.
Moeed br Aldermaa linellmi
' FbAk M. I'Aina.
lap for ............................... ..... .... .
lat (be petlllua be accepted aad
Jahk* Chaiu.
aecouet <•( rbolrra. bandonjanltitatad
■e City Allortiey be leauucted to preJahrao* that Ur
F. B. WAUixa
Moved by Aldrrmsn
oe a aarrow rnleh, laadfnr to Hear
nan an nmmdmnnt to Ue present bintemeat be aaepinl atm taai t
iBka. aboai Ito mile, to llir r<Ml aad
crcle ordlnnncr. problbitlap Ue a*e of riaime be ordered paid a* rreemBME
Moeed by Aide
" catlmatc bl tbe
on Ue cldewalkn on Ue weal
That the petlOon I- ...........
tbe City inxr. on <pid deecripUoo for side of Union ntnet bridpc to IIU
Motion esiTied bv year a:nd say*;
n [>nilv linpblc publbl
Yea*—Aldermen Honlnpur. tirailic
the yeai. levs and Kudbe
l>bd be remit
mmitted to street.
MoUoe nrrled.
mKnp the nrailnble a
tbe nrat I'lokbyteriaa ebnrch
TrareiteCIty, Mleb.. 8«ft f: IW.
MoUon carried by yea awl aa
ilArrleua sad
Tulhr .......... ....
fh. Mniew end
leU <•' Um CUV".' TVonner rilp.
luved by Alderman Desmond that
Ur. UaellmanUe Hoard of I'ul-lk VV.irh> b.- anthor
liiwdricb. UrtBond.
. tbe llmple eny*. thnt the ri*r in tal. UarriMin aad Jnhrana.
to prepare plank nod e.timntc* ftw
xnxuK-UWe berebr reeomnrmd
■ price of
will be mntaulned.
*" ..................
the waurinpltouph oo I'ineetmet n wnpnn bridpe 1
Aldermaa- dabrana that adjacent to Ue Central Sebool prouad*. WsdeworU
l*worU itfeet.
ill'll nod pnwenl nl
lanmnnt l-eo Sieeene of Toroolo baa
Ibr flnt 1‘rTibyteriaa ChareU be .
p int- be ralard to n beipfatnaflicleat to admit
snpy s portloa of
nrwe drinkinp from said tronpb
for'imoorwl^iir ran f^’hlTMl^'
ildInpatUe eitner
aadaaya be will Ivaee for the Klondike Ihe'etrrrt while bnlldlv
fto-l-vl by thec-'uerll of Ue rltv
froblolmid Tratrnw Uily. U*l njn»ih_Aener nine
Al*i> that the pronnd in
tbe iaitrr part of tbie month. Steeen* of Wakfaiaptonand I'ark
Mntloa carried.
rouph be euflfciently
alio deelam he will r» >0 Andrre'*
nrbe* in oitm- ter. bentiiT the **uie
Very reopectfo
p. prorided bU latrr ezperin
hereby iumlered >-uo*lmcted ic
Jln.Bi' or IVniJt “■
Uetriet nouhrr there 1 tl. tbr mme to,
By Jon* T. KxAt.i-1
in VVv'.liut'Uia f-tiret from
The MIchIpleotan.
t. VV. liii-K*kl,.aerk.
ret exuU to Kiphtb
re only IM mllea froi
rr emally rca-bed twi
street, and
ttei tberelloB of yunr
_______• Telepram. wbleb. howrrer.
..»clh and dliuen»ion* Ut-reof
pmdr,. Icaci
ite^Unt tte Bo^"of" fliblle WorS'te sbnll coDfoim in *’l pnrtl.-alnr*
may make inpe tfator Umee e week if bnllt nn tbe aoDlbwId
the exodn* for tbe field* eoatlaue*. from teke nrenae to........ ..................
plat nilOd diapram of the *smr. a
irrled by ym and bay vole.
Sereral parties are now belap orpanildend for tbe followiap naMoaupne. UrclUek. and that such material-.. "
Uad and both Sou* will be '
oapecloia arc laoded
Hit keep* an.
Utorr. enrer* and flttlop* l-e o
Ue ownen of Ue
liarriwm and Jnhi
located herewith, asm
at One ^ap bnrl r at Uir monlb oMhr land fronliac nnea tbe sUeel nl tbe
Nnyn-Nooe. n
A porlapeot--------- point where mid eidesnlk b U be
by mid plat and dUcrsiu «
mllmW nirreurj fmm thereto t<ake hoilt. nnd who mn*t boar Ue exprww
cunUltieA In the •preiBcAtlt
itlon* and <*Trnvene City. Mich.. Anp. M.
Wawa. The
br*t'wey to reaeb tbr lo- of bnlldlnp mid nldewnlk. nlpned mU 7V< Ibc (firtiiTiUdc Um Miiirur nnd CUy Umate Itereof. *l».i ntiw on recofd In
entioal* from tbe -800." where *ep- petilioD.
the*mee oflheChv
C-uHi-n of Ibc rUp 0/ rruofvee ""
pIlM may be obulnrd. Tbr ateamiT
It I* fnrUier re~-ived thnt
part of tbe B»tim»ied expeneee of U«
fare.-roond trip, i* PT. There b a raat
(:<.r-iix.H>:X-^YDnr coouaitle*.
terrilory yet aaexplorrri with lerrml
mid newer shall l-e pi<d frum the rr*whom w*. referred Ue peUtlon,fi
era! sewer fund, and that Ur rruisi
Improvement of Webnter ntreot
d tbr
tbe Soo, where promiiinp
lap two-Uird* part nbsll be defray
Rear etroet to Garfield Avennr. wonid teapeel
Bride dor the proapeetor
dcBoe to the bneincm portion of town
d Uni U* '
For yeara tba ledlan* hare told atorim and.......................................olenn
rflu. witbontrrfUe principal Mhral*
of iMd from tbb repUia. and '
menu 01 bulldinp
wonder that it ba*
Ue land
. J; I’AIIXk
.- aLeoeperaed

L. Uaxiui
lenrrpnnedatbaloppUaUful. (
Alderman .lahraa* that U*
Moved by Aid
r from 40 I

e are allowed
reteaiioo b* adopted and pamert
Ik ordered DOtbnllL
Oommlttee on
i'KTCK BgroBKAr.
MoUoa carried by yea and nay vote
Moved by J
Cbasix* VunaAf.
a* follows:
ic report bi
> terra
Veae-Aldermce Montapoe. lirriUck.
MotloB onrried.
icKensle. tbe (bnadlaa penli^ical.ex•toodricb. DmmooA {nrdle. UaeU
pert who ha* brra Icirrstlpattop the
Tknvriee Pity, Sept. «
mantel. Garrison and Jahran*.
pold fiad of Mirbiplculro for Mualreal
V. the Hinw-niWr, Um' Moya o
jle. aald that be wane—■—*
('■iiined of IhtVity ot 7>orcr
by Us Cooncil of Ue City
!te tepmit I* Dofan (w^lntte
tenli* that Ue
Traverse O'y that a special sue**
ofr Traverse

■ ■ n that It extend* thmpbItumxal
be laadci.r..
i*e of territory, lit
tollowid U* payment ol
and com
dlMorery lamnt tbe
Inp elnllan. mme tevlnp been lamlned Unp iewer
ir dlMrlcl niiinber three i
epeaiop npntin earh dateof theriebby os and fonad eorreet;'
Ui* riiy aeeorinp to tnr plat an>
mt and meat ex:ies*ire pold field* In
ipUon thereof now un rreofd ii
Cbnadn.nnd that find* snrpaaaiaptbo
oe of the ellv rnpinrrr That
» oc
Mlehlponnirendr made are certain to com
Mineot be made in aeenrdaaee witb
7i«rMwJW} K*ctr. kih vrim.................
IW. MeKenile'eopinion*carry wrlpi
UKXTtXMBX-We. Up nndenlpned }. W. llllllkrl..Lal>*r< ripmee
rmldeaM and taxpeyeis do ranpecltnlly U.K.HMX0II. MM-lira ..........................
MBinent In proltvlral circle*
*^L Uf^.i\...‘**|'j^***'^,
and ira* foe yean
DoMiaton rralnpleal earrry
side ef lAkc nrasne from T*nib streci A «. klrkwO. pM«c» *<M'trtrCT*l*rl
peracmnlle inteereted In tbe find. At
oonerejoenee of I’rof. WeKerxieV tr- noolb to tbe noaU aide of Darid Vonkporta. mnor axtre people will leare for or * lot
B. O. STBora.
______________ ______________sain
■UavipJ. YurxEb,
rmvnxo rtren.
for wfairh mid amw* meat 1* to
VT. I). WiiAxix.
C WiaeiXK.
■otemiitlreeH.omrisJiebiliM ...
be levied and telecWd. That the
A. W. I'ani,
Enwix Haimx.
• UonrTPt*«I>.
U. Ko. e.
C. IL rmroaoeof AlBumt bn* alrrodf M. C OviATT.
manner provided by law. sliall I
p.aa*l (erXecM. .
l.ttlled r.iuipnoad* of TWpprralBloU Tbo*. i. M<Cinmi. L. K.« M.
4|. 1*11/11,
CiiAaiM HAtttc,
‘ mpeoto to hare
U 0. llAK.a.
japiteiiiinuTndd.'-WItn -ia-kpo.y ac i
~ A. Cboala,
Baanr L. MiLuca.
farmlinrrritmpl.HwacreeofmloV i‘
• be will bate tbe. crop eecnrad in *•; A. Fox.
Mored by Alderman Ilacllmnatel
Umt the petitieo be praatad aad Uat a
Ultvd A ilickn, of Bcnten Harbor, ft feet nldewnlk be nrderad eowitnctrd
hare one of jOteflbeat peach crop* in
'iUlaaodnyioBUeca*.....................tbceoanly. They bare t*.<iOu bdateta
renue from IMh etreel onU U tt
already ooBtracle<l for at fl per bnabel.
ennth line of Lot 17 HI . IV it. AVI
CO.-B rd Addlthm.
offerad to add to th^ picklinp factory
Motkm carried by ym
•Mr. UncolB NeliMi. of Marshfield. Moa factory for eaaAnp tumatoe* and
wteiw. neSbwI!* |4*i Wr
—M— -a^ .ix yean 1 teve beee ■
loirer. and apreed
apreod tonmploy orer lioodrich. IVmmood. 1/
r.u*nv*m.iaiaii*a*cn*t ten*
scrafnIOB* nSretion ef
.nd* If a »MU aitc b dooaud. A tel. Unrrimo and Jabraan.
IT plaat will bn bnill early in tb*
A.W.KU-kotC, Anc.relAry
......... .
Mored >y Aldertaaa .OarTbon

J. L. tlBvta. of ^ Dariaba^. panUarl; ahafiad soaad oa Um____
aboraet flatU laha aaar ^Vaabtort.,
•rbkb whro opaaad dbelaaad at tba;
drpibotalx tael twaabalataaa. aaeb 7
a w*ll-df«aad. bat feet, a laebaa tall, aad wall rreaerred.
Tb*T are eeldaDllT not tba ranalaa at
ladUaa. bat a raoa of cUb<« tbal aa;
haep aatedatad the B»oad balldara

vttblo bar burdan.

A lanarr uomv
•« .- •—
■■a. Ailaraa ooiuiljr. attar • Marlag

atad tblnyattbt »baepfoairbtalde by i
lay lor three yc
war. Both are i

• darlBf the
«, tbe father

car. Ue«n. ared H.

^rd 1. aad .«V
bnihfw. aiM) be died laataaily.
Tba Baoaay iwlrljwvir ^««Tb‘
Uiaaarlita lia* atartod ap acalo. »>>(<>>
f praaparity V •*"

wpleyr*. lB*t year tba ouaip
K-MK lafrlreratore ga the marl




a*l5w to Wl'both fait fro« ln»t
Tba Pranelataa tatbara of Uarbor
Hprlar- *<■> aaublUb a aa*
at Pati4key abortly. aedor (
M »T. .^loabaa aad thiw
[«m bolldlar* are
tbe falure.

r~|. -'iy-sj

Hors at KIraralde. Uaoy u{ the atooae
wva a* latre ae err* aad mneh dandoaetocropa-

[ lebmi aod
■a wae aaead.
a Ward, ooloiad. the oldeal
dM or two
at a tine. HbewaaaelaTe
aad la Wtl> relebrated
d her inoth
jnoih birth­
day by joialBC the CatboUe etaoreb.
Hra. Han llaakiaa. wife of a war e
Jaa. eiu atnich by a train near IVll*|oa.«liiiawalkior oa th' traek. aad
Mr haul waa cal off. Sba waa draf.
Laat y.-aAar Iba.kaDd<a
aaela. Charle.
Semite Neat, of Ypeilaatl. bf
aiead notice that be la ou ol 1
babtVia property appiaiaod at
NO. lalt by aa wncie who reronUy died
laOalHorola OoaWary to moot nneb
man. He. NeatnoamaVobaTatobertlad

mate alnoe tbe cooipnny want Into bueIma
Sine of tbme were for ocean
tmelm. tbieo were oeeae tor*, lonr
llphl nblpnaodtwo tuf alaamChrblopbar BarreU bai dtaeoeeiad
a« bin Inna oa aoetloB IS. Harins. n
hurm • ( Raarta-baartafioek. which
mma p «*a of ealan. ^e rUalenlng
mtta : M caoead aoma to belleea that



... .X'

to la fur blanhnret

iao,00a poande o« wool, and hae oeer
----------- poande OB bead towb1p->w.
all baa beoe boapht direct from

Mm. MIltoB Sweat of Unttla Creek


lia heaaa tbe next ommlnr tbe (umee
t< tbe raeollae ipaited and tbr parlor
■f^tara. wartb Btuo. waa mined by

learfctMCla tbe n___
hW Imod pot cBophtiB aoma
Aa a rreult bla head and

Joba FUllipa. who la in eharpa of

•Tht*!^^ SSuy^mpiS’ b^U^
kofaa whlfc takiop care of bin at tbe
tayoOBBty falrpnmsda
One < ■nmUttemoff and anotber may bn
■rafHL Pleaanatbnd hto
irmbrobaa lea ralbarpecalL
Ha waa beddh
!!!a*^^iev'~'Tbe bead
lawoff aad atnek iUlUeterb ani^t
Blow tba aJbpw.
LMUa V«a llatai.

^ Jot>n

h^twl In tMr ynrd nnd



im ww bm fnll aad bar




DteU PnmhM

^J^rateb^ldarmM JateM that Ua

•* ctdoMc mml tovor ate tterof te

tate k a te mo« toumateaL cashv hm ta tet mm

MoUee earrled by yea aad nay v
Vam-Aldecmea MontonmOrsfl:
Uoodrite. BmmoQil. 1

The Last Call

elcrk i
case fee slot
tb* MU {oral
MoUoa cnoried.
r be aetbefiaed to
rvada eo. SsvaaU
■treol to Kmvroad

-------- teXTUS--------

Mntioa carried.

sill Storii

Moved bv Alderama Moauffae that
Ue Mmrd of Public Work* be aatbor■xwad Us dimterpy pips of tb*
the river.
MuUnneafTie.1.. ^
Moved te Alds^aa lleellmanlal
that tb* OommltW* oa Way* andi
Mena* te aaUorised te base tbs old
id to Ueeoopa

d teva tte|

MoUoo carried
Moeed by Alderman Imrdl* that tte,
iiinp.loCtekvMtes a*
il* tax** be referred to tbe '
on Way* and Nmaa w rw '
port at asxt rapnlar meeUap.
MoUoa «*rrl*d..



Uat a r> feo^aidesralk te ordscod built wlUlB >« daysoattesoaUaldeotllU:
street adjaeeat to lot 1. block T. U. L. |
A Co * :ad addli

ca^ by yea and any vote;'
oonclodfid not to Carry ow • fflBCl* -fanMaMt
Ysm-Aldermsa Htetoi^r. timltkk, iQ thifi dopartmont and Will cut tb* prloaa OB tlia Bfiff.
-. __________
Deamoad, l.ardle.
l.ardie. UnrU-[chandlfiO bfilow
lo tWU It WlU poy yOO tO btty tiMB
______ Garrisoa aad Jahtaos.

Moved bv Aldormon Haollmaato] le­
thal UstUmmllUw oa Fir* and Wnur '


tttt tt

oae sindlfft
fernne* tn price ai
osodAUi .

<loodrlcb> Dmmoad.' Lnrdi*.
inntel, irnirisue nnk dabtaa*.


. - . -

Krt-liK--.' Laundorcl Shiru. ••Orth 50c tor.... S4o
Mens Paoev Bttiioin. Detachable Collar and Cnffs,
also Nepliutv, tvorth 75c tor.................................................S7C


. amonji them, worth at least $1.00 for...

.... Clerk
k Ite___________ ___ ._______
from Mr. Hnns*
of wnv uf Wndkworu street fr
•trvwt to Fniot Street.
MuUaa enrriad.
Onrontiuenf Air
cnrrMd.Ab>nfMU adj K>ined.
Oly CIrte,.


Men's fine Percale Fancy Shirts, detachable Cuffs and
Collar, worth $1.25 for................................................................74©
A lot d)f Bnesl Percale and Madras Shirts, white bands
and soft Itosom. l>C8t makes, worth $l.&0 at... ... Mo

Come quick before thle sale is over, aa the
quantity is limited.

Glass Block.
* *' ‘‘%J2^*PMbr.
rh run t. I*kp« ■nlmwib *aC
r.J CMteXVnW-Trite

-BicyclWl* Keel Frleod'
ar name tor DvWiit's Wlu
live, always ready for cm- .
Wbileaipscifie for ate
Uevm and
- - -----rbeom,
^V-Uon* of Us *kln
J. U. Jobs
biull pjtoanUut.k
prsat misebiet*. IkWiu'.LituTteriy
call pllUia aUs. but
■t In prrvsaUnp Ue
.. . terioat f(M I* of liver sod sromneb titrablsa. Ttey
T..., cere
and bsadachs and rernlbM ^s bnwcla
J.O. Johi


Try Alien *
AwnrirrleW nasln-n l*lo Ilw iknra *1
sxl Sri.naC
CrlUrtenuSl], lll-u **•■- .wnmiicPrln
Uckl **u*^. irj
lej AlWk'k
AlWu'k r*uk X*w. Il rw*W l*r
Iwlate WkSr. **Uliw**.). Curr. *wl|«T
tvou ••rib-* ste ••r*II*c (rat. Id terra kte

I tasvn two Inmber vraponn. wide tire:
nr IrupU lumber wsfoa. 7 loch Ure:
ae pUtform wapon wiU Urea acal
earoad wapoa.

Oxen for Sale.


fnend recommended 8.S.S.,


ar’i^-SaT^aSrii^ b-hci. Of

of e^olabUa b la prlM UL Oarrtaooand Jabtate.
Tte hay mop M Imnikht


L wrilrr*.
H_r Or. Wo X wr.k>.
Wrrk a t**4'vro. wrTlrr.. ..
t,* KwriU.rm.h.HUeetem bmss

it i* eotircly
• my I

Horses for Sale
^MoxLeea? Xj±-v“©3?y.
B. J. MORGAN, Prop.
A nice car load of mares. wci}vbt.i^m 4,000 to 1.K0;'
.-ilso TCvcral cheap ones. The resort Reason is about closed
and I will sell them cheap now.
1 have a very nice pair of baymaresS yearaold. weight
3,100. A pair of chestnut marcs 5 years old. weight Z600:
they are-extra good ones. A pair of blocky built -bay
mares 6 years old, weight 2.400. An extra nice bay mare,
very blocky. weigljt 1.250. A fine black mare, blocky
built, with arch neck, weight 1.200; A pair of blocky

-Kindly give me a call and look my stock orer.



rite. Ondlkk. Dsat
mantel. Garvima mi

L Larfil*. Been-

HiuLioIira. ain,n.M.late.'




Y^w^og^ styK food

. Tteiffoffprtoa 4.M

TVe* lom Mao'* astr* b
wool *aUa.afyU ate *•
mo4*. Tariff Ol

Ipap to toUar
..Ttetffoffprim 9m

I lot Mea'a wiate wMfbt. tmwa ate Ussfc
aatta. Tariff oaarteSn............... . .TMff off prim

tr-W* wan fortoMto aaa^ to bay oU aor wtosw
ffooJn teten (te toriff kfU bammt a law, bssm
prWto abov* m-''Tariff «■ ate Tariff off."

School BoySp Look!

__ Boy*'•l.waall. read waor
etey Boy*-Sin*att.Bn woo)..
tete I



Jllen’s Suits.
Mea-n extia teavy. btaek Ctevlaf. wool salk
Tariff OB prle* Sla.....................Tariff off prim $
Hen'* oxtea heavy heowa Ctevtot wool salt. Tariff*
ooprtmtlO.................................. Ttelff off prim B.79
Meal teaMe-kiuestif Mach Cteriet wool salt.
Tariff prim SI1.............................Tariff off prim 7.9S

c«. i«..X
like..that. tf .all......

________ nr fatal.



Is the U«H" of our^kAhing Uii^all,

Tariff OB prim M>.M

(jmaranUtd farrfy aw»foMr)
m earriod by y«a and My 1

Everybody to know thatthe best pises
in the <4ty to lesre your oeden Cor
nil kinds of job printingis st tbs'-



.1*. Awonld teve cse

Very tstewffkUy.
Auteoi W. Jamar*.
H Mtixysm-a, ,
F. C DBuioxb,
Crten-IUte oa Oalamand Aeeoaati

Traverse Olty.

built brewn mares, a little aged but good workers. A
giMKl gn^- gelding. 7 years o1A weight 1400. A fine dark
bay mare, blocky bnilL 5 yea rs old. One rangy built roan
horse. 5 years old. weight 1,100. One small mare cheap,
and'lots ni others that I cannot describe here.
Will take any kind of stock in exchange for bones.

Bilges and
ind Wadons

tU..andSt.X<te* failed
‘ rcmesl. Afis 1
rcatmeat bars, my






<Viu«iril <if UM t'Uy «i/ Tmro
waaraly. The atranpaat tmrtof tba afjnebtoon.
___ larpcat.bean picklinp
tair va* (bat nellber tba abock Bor tbe
eeatral Mteblpu bat llyi-_.
■mnaa■KX-rWe.' t

- •
hoy. and It —
Clcar'e tno larp*
larp* rirva
rlrvatorearecoaetaattore are ooe
anuof 1
. ly raealrlap and teippiap heea*
tboamad bosbele wcreahlpped oat I
EmI EIpbU strrel be laid In a,
• Um.
mnee wtU tbe BetiUoBa*kl^pfor
Wtflor nerim. af OfayUap. bad a
- C
. M.e_._
JobB F. MUW.O.
test fallB.r. Rowe, of Rad Axe.
■mw ewapa from InaUnt death dor- boupbl ISO baabela of btans at fifty Cbampapar.
K. Mlllrr,
eeale per besbeU Boob after Ibc price UBlfaadar. Cterim MeMinek.
Moved by Aid
dmpprd to Jest teU that amonav Mr.
e .-----------------------------praatad aad that---Ue peUUon be
Rowe held OB anUl the oUer day.i
a-foot aidawalk he ordered ballt on the
bedbpoerd of them at AphtyAee.
Motteed. bat he wae enharmed.
norU aide 4>l BiphU atnat from Barperbaabal.
low stnot'UUrant etnet. ee tbe wmU
Tbe poUto crop la Breach ec«a(y b
atroy^ aotodi and lada^*^^
ude of B«hU atraot fnm Oraal street
tbe poorest la yean. They eelloa the to Rose etnet aodoe the wmt side of
stTMta at au eeala a baobel aad In the
rua deatmyed the Inrpd baraa. hbeda.
Rose etreel from BpbU etnet norU U
stores tor e» and N.
laUnect wlU aldesratk »t Oak Fark
labim and praMrlaa
Mrtaa of Baealnpar
OorntnaUae. and tba
aroand Saplnaw .
bet tbe latter w
n and batelfacrap. TteM


^Breakfast Cocoa.

Beware First Quality
0! the Knife.


it aeUoe nfUreoanell. Ukan . .
Rapid* two> baikeu 01
Vere dtacov
P*l r>un*. t*c. •*l*rr .. ..
They tarn*
M EIpbth aad Rom ntnrU te reaelndiTamuBt. Oti
•• • “i hrar.4'0.. -.............
olbera. it b aald.
Motion carried tejrea aad uy ««u
a* follow*;
Stacked baled tey b belap cold mad
Na^y appibd to enrr the bnra.
chipped at Bidpawv at »■ per toe.
licMdrite. Ummood. te
lyamaa Oonb. 11 yanr* old and Ilrinp
rarmem in (iiaderib eonnty report tri. Unrrbon aa '
bimaelf out of
A Tawon. tbrew t
at tbe Praia they hare tbreahrd oat
•inlte llpht. batnp aboet half the neM naen Itanlap from a Intpe
I by tv. J. lillbert. of Rome.
e bny wlib
d had taken

[alter Baker & Co.’


Boyi-fiUOaaUwlUsallarasnsr.aQ sm*I.Snatr
Boy*-tote aaUaroaibS

Men's FurnishingSa

ARtalBlood Remedy*
Setofala. Emema. Caamr. ---------•MBlttd fatoodreaeMB..wbkh
h. S.8A set* at tba
Aim fan b

Bill ef P. C Oilbert of teCUM f
_____ ____________________. waar^.





rc. or. iHOST,
TopulitP Olothter,
184 Front StraetPitodTloh BIX.

Travan* Olty, m<]i.

aifffTrrfrrffrrjTTrr rfirM fTTTfTTniTnTTwTfm

M ltBnr< ai^ X-•>«•< U* }»^
*. Mr. M< Mn. Jata Msnv "Mr
dmm hMi» tUa wmH tv ajriMrlMb

«• h* hM alnTi taM • qaM

V. i«< «<

r»**« *»" •«•

MaitorkkMfMfWhM tetelMto
rtlaUa ■H1MII SMiriajra' '
tMrtaat kaak.aad tl wm

nef hk telly.
teH. Baara, of thk part far a ■aabh akb.
Mto Hlaak Baltaar aataipad tnm
a af Paalaaala. k
afphaw. Tb«w an ture aiaoH la Vaw Chkopo oa tha Paaathay ywtarday.
Mr. aad Mio Jdha Fowla. Jr., ban
Yart CUr<
tba wtte at Jadfa Omt*
E E Baaaanaad fanlly. ban
aad tha othar I6a wifa «< Tnt latote froMatrlpWOiurplaa Bay.
B. W. Moedy. am od WUUaW Hoady.
aadloBnaMaeoaty. MisBaan^att of OoitaWa CalTonlM>. Mra.
k at yean aid. bet aha k M ^
Dr. Kiac of Oraad Bapida sad Mis.
aa nnt iedln ef aUtp-tn. aad aha eeJsawa Oarrach sad Mn. Chat. Meao of
'Mra. 3. B. Sptmar laft rrflaj
Rvad hae aWIt wkh bar am aieaadBic BafUa an also aiaeM of Mr.
rkll Wia bar tea. Jaata Ppmaa
Tha Bmool Oaeaea.
.Ckorlat Bnaatbal of tha Bootoa
W. EThiitiir lodk Ihasefaeol
am thk year aad nabaarotorea •
m. Hadaatday. aad t
lew. Wa alBO pin a eootparaUn atataHta Aapk Aalnam win t^atara thk
pkwa la Oaawaed ea
Bmtslaaallikl.. ThkwiU b
wraiap Iron a two waaln' akU
maiatof thaU
Nora pars
of Ihadaomaad.
s U. U WhiU of Maaealom. baa
Mr. Bsaia waa ta anry way a
alaitlap bar aoe. Bban VhlW of
tat Ward
faithfal bwbaad aad fathar.
tad Wan.
Mrs J. E Oralltah aad tep^tw Je- M Ward
Ufa ana oaa of aaafslaaaa aad oaa
iphlaa wmttoBwiimlaTUanday ter
eot rtara wbaa daalh eoaua awifU;



ad that ha Bad valaUp baardad a toaia
«ar Oraad BapMa Satardvdlfhi
had bsaa twdlaf aeaooBU of Um paat
foU dlaeowln is tha Uoadika.
d to caialiUla of tha ataS
________________ 1 bk fsthar
toeh tha drat baia iar tha famltoia

altr- Bad had ao momtr «lt^ hia.
aadaaaMdrallaradwhao hk trtf waa sad palalaaalf toa saa who b
wm llaad eot hla Bsarip a aaats
braovht to aa aaaaaaly aloaa.
yaaia. Hk atorfc k doaa aad ha
At tha naatbw Moadar alfht tha
taaaa oo tha PraabylarJaa abanh projf
artp arataord.

oothaaldhiethapt Id
As etdlaaaoa waa otdarad draa
ifoe thailiawafbt

walh'a Tialk
Mrs-Hary Pmatoptm laft Friday
w a nmab aklt wia nlatlaaa aad
triaada to ladkas
Mrs F. E Bari wmt to TpsUaaU
a^rday to mpoma to word that her

Plasawr Iha Fair.
Tbk k oea of tha bast Falryte tSUtr waa nry Ul.
C.\a. Croaey oad
Orths ood Ido. ratoraad to thatr haoaa

,boowB to aa ataw for a leap
[btblu at Oa
iatala falrlo Oraad Bapids akirath
- la aaorw of aByaiap onr
Inowa to Oa poat.
Cr^ ara daa,
prleaa ara pood aad
ploaUfal tbaa to aloepUi
arsarataktoc adraaUpdof lU Okaad
•ajoylara lltU. braaaii«a|^U i. aa
nfaktof Oair fall wteb.' Al| of aia
potota toward aa aaoiBally


Iha mat aida of Uaka atraet.
aaard oiAarad paid,
•aeaf than thoaa of Araa A Cola, lor
tbafalrptmadaatTrmnraadlty. Kraawar Mpa for tha Sanaa atraat
ary fanorr ta aa raptee tbeold plaato
do hkabaia toward naklop tfaadkptoy
Ikratal baportaat nattan
a pood oaa. lor aanr ban theia baaa
taadad to aad the analar woaad op io
batter eropa. The fair to taw of the
a Ikoly dkeataka eror tbs fall poybwt plataa to neat aad oxebaa
alof 0. W. Baftsr^ biUaa ^oela)
old tin of triaodal
a lor tha aair mtarnoawUI bealai^OBsaia
waato. WaHUUfall k$l.mtt.of
arhlaa dfw baa alnadr hsaa paU.
ba aa aoboo) axbiblu. Tbns ban
attaatioa for the past
sMipetad nea
I« tha balaaaa aad tba matt« w<
two or area years aad wUl ba larper
•ftrra^toa ofotU aiaallaf aaUad tor
aad better tbaa enr ak talL Tha OM•act Moadar enalBf.
teriaal eoataat for tha Wbaaloe Collar*
wUI take plaoe
tlood bovtat dor XMtno Ucbt Oo
Aap deaU that stir
aaMad ra- day at f p m. Tbk wUl be tcdlowad by
Ueyole racn. aaiaUe aportapad pawn
r thacapaeilpof tha f
for prises
ftfW for pe*^. or tha laamUaa of
Tbaiiday k Oraapa Day aad Oa
Baordaiaa Blnr Baetrk Ufbl Oo
dafokp U. bars bsaa ast at nst by tha Parawf*- Aaaaal Pwak wUl be held oa
rt of A. T. MalUp, Oa bydraalle
of poblle exeralan will ba firaaftaaar «ha tarn ban tr*ai OUcaco


I* ekiUap Mrs Ckswfardi akter, Hka
Emily Petrk of Lake anaos
Km JoaspbiM Vadar left Saurday
for Chkapo to raaons bar atodin
Oa Cbkapo Meakal ColUps
The triaada of ttaymoarE Pmd'whl
be pleaaed to’ - -a ttelbe I
Mp. J. F. PrsU and aoa Wiaatop of
Featm an laAbe city ekiUap Oe
Ilka of J. B. BeallI aad E 8. Pratt
Hk* Manta
far Laaalap.. wbere aba wUl
kcr Btadtaa to the achool for the Bast Elds
Sooa Sldr
Tba 0.0. dob pans farewdl party Wnt Hide

is 1

Bateall. oa Ska stiaeU
I. J. FtanratoraedSatarday
from a eklt wia ralaUna to Mi

Dtroatt Ooart Jaren.
■ atOU Mkaka,
lafaeottmvaahi ape. aaania^
tehk anal health. Ba aw hraaklaat
ytarlaynoralap.aaaai^aad seoe

plaaf OahaarL
Oran. Aap. Id. IM. Bk aariy
amiinUmaaad b ma thwa ka
■antsd Mha bnies Ikkiti la lOM.
rardaiaaryoars tea te tn
Itepatbmy topathw. oatfl daaat.
tM. whoa tha btthfal trlM da
Btromral yoora Hr. Baara ataa la
tha mrabaat talMop boatea la Karr
Took aty. wlU a braaah stora d
U un Hr. aad Mrs. Baara asm
Hkhdpaa, tetiap pt HoranUa.
w tbaa forte ba1 Mr. Baan aad tha Uta Jms
lap anaaa aad paadap tea. tec
aaaad wbaa Hr. CTan caaa to Tia*.
a Oty la 1»U. aad
brabaa aaUl Mr. Cte-a daaU la li

raUlar haaia
aOaapadtela aad la
to TMntM Ofty aad
yaorbawaaitoOld Hk-

Orstoe for toe sanawr. ban reteed
to tbelr home to aanlaed, Obip.
’ Hka Ida Peach, wbo k tweaty yean
otapesBdsffilciedwHtbbliadte, !
Tanday for Lsaatap. wbAta ae t
tba stale aebool for the bilad.
aad Mrs Charles Bneatbal
alteaded the Barrlape of Feaay Bseeo

Oal to Jeaeah WlakleeiaB of Haaktae.
which took plaea to Psloakey Toeaday.
Fatbar Broao of Sotwas Bay. aaaoad
arooph the e% Hmd«y wia elpht
ladlao boya
Brau. Mayflsld.
to the ladlaa aebool at BarbrwSprtopaRaOaa Boaaa. Paradks
Eapeae Packard-aad Charln Beaak
P. L. Jahaaaa. ir.. I'aBtewi
left totoardayfor BIp Bapida W atiaal
a C. Hotfats 1st ward. Tranrsa aty.
OePsrrkaMwoL Mrs Bmata
! aiy.
paatad thsei aad wUl rtiaila a tow
, ltd ward. IWedays
Tkeaaa ShPaaa. ta Ward, 'Traaone

Mrs ECoirN

eWtiapherehildrea. Darid.
Arawd Dyfco.nhwafd.TtB«waaaty. Uay aadHyrttaOasaadMis aweaee
Bkfcard of Ok oily. raWraod W her
ham Friday.

FtaakSaxMe. I
P. 3. Stonr. Oardrld.
F. L. Beyaalds Qroat.
WUfon E Batcy. Oroae Lake.
Lntar WMls Loop I^ks
Joha PaBbootao. Mayfleld.
Haary ^lap. Paradks
W. B. Bsebaa. Jr.. Pea
' J. E Bewea. Jstmrd.Trsnraaaty.

iZ‘ The^^Greatest Line or gwo, etyUBh ud pi««^




war* «r«r broatbt to thla p«sloB>

....tC ^

Acsaltiof Jd. That anry a
_)BBty be ashad W make . . .
afertop for atata aad ceaaty week of
at Inst two
• - *
. -..
_____ lbs bona dapartmmi
aormal dan work aad

^ The Smallest Prices

woi««T*rpat end

te W« bouBbt our goods Ikr Mow rogiOAP tbIbbe Bod tlUs BdTBStBg* wo ettr m '
. you. WhBt wo got, wo ctTo. Wo only ook your OMBMOnotioB
Boproofof tko trutk of our otatomoBt-

Boliablo Pry Qoodo. Oorpot bdU Clothing Bonoo.

Special Dollar Sale.
To rl<ne cnl <|inck, we have ptoml on ml* a broken line of onr heal Ruoda only, wlji.-b ia.-hide $4.00, $8.60.
48.00, $8.00. $S.60 and $1.76 8bor« ami Oxford. .1


W arv <-liMins'otit many otlivr

and Can mee yon mcmey if .yon want

apraatdnlre to be
Hk aerrtae by mttlap
aesappeaUdb* Mired


reliable footwmr.

We do aa we advertioe.

Waratop to Datiars
TbcattoBtlOB ofdnlem k called to
I of is:

The Old neliabl.; Bbue Uan,


PUM- of aay empty karoaeac taarrai.
cask or paaape. belore tboronpbly
uaaceUap. remorlop or efactop tor in•peettoo toaad oo toe aaar, asd ao
paiBoo (ball kaowiaply uar any lllomlaatiop oil or product o! palroleate far
iUBBtoaiinp IpBrpoar*) purpoaa before
ae same baa bera lotpectad aod approrad by acStatclatpactorof Uikor
hk deputy.
Any peraon riolatlap aay JM
ofaa proTktoaaof Uk tactioo aBtU ^
ilats er Vv impriaoomeat is tlia
.eooBiy jaU
jaU-not uceedtop
-airt> day*
joaaneb fine aad impri*oameat
dkeratioB ol aecoart.

Hiaariat' Bordsriaad.
Tben-a aa IntaapiUa, but aanrael<m iBdrCalUltoa
eskUiu -------.llfc.
ladrCalU ---------------Step bcyoiul iu border aad Ue ploom
palB. ae pol
of pale,
.. uf despair atam
v-oa to Oe face.
Health ■
laad nf Ufa, dUeaae the pl<

n-niJc- AfTs ISS9.—No. rt«.
ACT to require tht labellnp of all .
line barrels beatlMaad aaphtba eaU
at retail.
8i«-. _
U -TM. Feujik o/iM 8wlr «•/
Jfirfilviin enori. That erary druppku
prucer. or oaer person wbo sball a*T'
and drlirer at retail asv pBaallne, bei
jlueor aapbtbs wiaout barlnp tb
true name tbenof aod tbe word.
pinirc when inUed wia air' plainly
printrd upon a label seenrely
............ .................
*• '
oaer eeexilraato tbe
linp tbe aame. aball 8b panUbed br
>e Botexueedlop me hnaArad dol-

HR B>ont Street, Wurzburo Buk-k.

We cany In *tock all the

School Boohs
used in this and the adjoining oountiea. If you want something
we don’t carry we make a specialty of getting it for you ON TIME.
With almost every purchase we give you something. Be sure
and ask for “something” and you will get “aomething.”

br no raturniup.
it k true, prorum m u
.1 to ckarps
Not so wia lit.
Ua rmtorut apecialUt of ae
_______-tr. B. S. A Co., of Knakepon,
There k Vi^ap so Good.
MicE Coder hk raanlRUlalioo aad Mi* - Tberr k Boainp Jnstai pood a* Dr.
aad a*lr appUea- Klnp't New DkeoTrry lor Con.uiupUon.
Couph. aad Cold*. *o demand it uut do
not perndt ae dealer to actl yuu aomc
taaukbed p^eeUy aad 'pensoueoUj. •obsUluU. He will not ctoim there k
The rieUm, a* aufferer, rapoltu hk anythlnp tot^. bot u> <^r to inakr
beaia sod atraapa aad
lUd beiap.
eke lobe Justaipuod. You want t

M. B. HOLLEY. Maiuser.


bot aa I^Uloatc prawto


from V. s ra. to 8 p. m. Ooe day ooly.
Hoyt's "A Unnebot Kry*." pol!
Job free aad atrictlr coofiden- -kp to date wia ik eoaic ■iloat
......................... atuaction
Oraad Opera Uoan OB Moai_.
September roto. Tbe fnn prerokinp
ratUiap _____
ao well kaewB Oat It k aeedlen is.
________ isal meetlap of ae S. 8. Aikaeaa iOr audb
ny Oat it keens
aocJattaoof Ursnd TraTemeoanlr
roar of lac
bald at Fife Lska. Aapwl 30-tl.
Ee°eartain. Au almnt
aa fall_of aa
. Hmday ae delepaua aad Soiiday to
catirely new .company ba. been enaebool workere frwm all parts of the antirely
I. and eoBlairi*
eoBBty tanwd tbelr faom toward
By aflaraeoBa poodly an)
bad paaerad to Oe ebBTcb SBd re.— paay k beaded by Ade Boanrr u
lial waleeaie from ae boeplt- -Teddy. The net of the eospasy are
•nbeenbe aneb
able people
of ae
elllaps Tbe preeito tbe ereninp-n entortainnens Maay
dcBtaad secretary betop
aew aonps daaen. medley*, sad fnt-------- ------------------prompUy called to oram are io|t«daeed. also aew bn*l
trltlaT deeotioaal enrekm tbereperU but tbe old “ Two Dollar- pap *
to ba the ferorite wtU the pablic.
of coBBty aad towcaip offieera
Then are eeren townahlp aa
Uoas six faelep repraaeelad to Uc coa>
eeatlmaad aowtop a lUalv totami
la aule and euasty srorir.
After ae tapork Mr. Hobrof Ursad
Bapids atata Seld anperi
ptotoed tba work of ae
tlm. abowed tbe aeeenlty of Uk
cnraatoatloa aad aaewered all
lioae asked ly membln of aeo______
Thk waa IdUowed be a qnlet
bmr of prayer, led by E E Bopkia* af



Tba enelap .mini waa opsasd wia
a praka
tod by a ebirir. praka
Ml. Dorm Bripha. hm aeeapwd
aad prayer balap taiaptod to a
peeiUm to a Bay Oty mtUtocry astab- that 8aaday ateol workan oajoy.
Hr. Mohr pan aa addran m "Sool
Ikhnaat baptby E 3. Weatborwas
ferawrlyoflhkeity. She loft fm there Wlaaiap-loatori
aaes Oer baart* ware atirrad ariato
oa to do better work ter Ckrks
Taaaday moralm. Srxtptan raadtop
by Mr. Barmy aM a half hoar of pray-

wacb* wia Mr. aad Hn.
lad by Mrs fieWaSy of Orawa
other (rkadi to the dW.
rs Daaa of Meoras Geatn to tin
MS Mrs Smlti of PUa
J. W. HUltoea aad family ntorte
Headay.froa CUeapo. Mr. AfilUkea pan a madcl primary lanm to i
of tweaty-fln little paopls
work aroased totartat aad wat a* tbo^
oapkly dkL-amed aa tlan pamlttad.
A paper writtea fay Hca. Edrad of
TrararaeCltT watraad by Ml. Baraay
rdoak I
Mrs Joha Btey of Minmri. wbo
—■The beuar pradiap of oar 8oaday
Bia. Ap
Iw tmOaag ■ »*..! *e»w Irea ear io U.
baa bcek rkiUap to Bip Rapids sram er aeuwolieT Ttw ll■Hl^^ n.i are M b*
AUao Snia. Dorrma Snith. W.
rimya ak dty Friday to eWt her
Hr. Oarpaaurof WUliamahurp told
SiW rUm M.lltlll W ke ewO
SnlO. H. E Suward.
skat. Mrs Mary E Brewa. aa apad a bow to pet tba laaaoa atadiod at
iotas ^ Tka paper braapbt oat
sapit (Mr. »ca
CUIk Ikaekar. J. Tmably. A. V.
Mrs Joha C Ckhaiaa aad eUUrm
-What Ttoee abmU the eobolan ban
In. C E Vadn. E E Vaa Dyks «.
to mtocUap tbair leaebatr- arrittr
Uoyd Baatef Neslaad nod by


Of aU kinds used in both city and country achoo la

-The best assortment and best value for the mon-’'
ey in the city, at

Markham BIk.
Front Street.

Haskell’s Bookstore.

'Friedrich Bros. Old Store.



The Popular Shoe House.
We sell lets of Children's Shoes becaise J
we sell eofld ones cheap.

50c I

: W*>VB got lots «r than. Rom^
thsm to BSD agaiB. Wo osI
poet to Bdl yon sessA

75c j
89c I

Big aaU CM LadlM aiMte,

9^, 1.19, 1.33, 1.48.!

Stltaf. E tepm. M. E TUriby.

lap. Banhanwiliidlbanaateftha
Una dorlar aU tha yaara alaaa.
ae. Dr. Uaraer, Jalios Palpbon.
MiUioWte.athkdwth.qolw aalw
rkit wia rolatina la DoWeft.
ate. N. E Slieap. Chas WolfaL aflorwua be wUI
Mo fbm holdte ot Old Hteo.
9mt oaaoral yaon Hr. Baara wm prae Yka foUowtaparttaksara to ba sop- ooUepeatSaadwtaE
tet of tha Oraad Ttataroa. Aatrlai pikd: Brood, yaoos brows. MitiWap.
Md Inalaaaw Pbraart- faaaroaaa Ca.;
. oaakks triad aakn, behad bMw.
hni awaad oa iMraMlp oletfe of Bte-

oUr new fall


Kinp'f Nrw Dkcorery beeann y
know It to be safe aad reUable a
ed to do pood or money i
Ik cum arc TouebFor Ooopbs Colds Conran
r Iaad kobtlaatiated by lirinp Uoo abd for all aifeclloeia of Tbrm
ad for
proof*. •
Ckest aad Loops acre k Boaii
arouph I
aa k I>r. Ktopk New Dkoi
Elk •kill.
Tbk raaowaad
Jas U. JobnaOB'* I>rup Stores .
aiv TbL .
tor alxe M ceou aad Pl.oo.
a* priTaUparloncI
aparloncl Ue WbiUspBotel.

poo. Urmad Bapids UoUaad aad oaer
towBB to eoatbara Htahlppm.



ue pruanu la ewa or more oi omr cubbty papem. and Oat baton a* type k
dklrOatod a aalBetaet aomber of cop­
in ba prtoted oe allpa to dktribatr to
paatora aed
aimllv, That wbea we ad­
it tball be to po back to onr rewith

...... : 'S

a asada later.
a^ P. Chrm, ehalmaa of as anoaawat eonnlUae of Hat fair of a*
top Mrs W. 3. Backer aad rnortlair
Oraad Tronrsa Aprlealtaral aad lartalalty, baarelarsed lobar bone
daatrkl tkelety. baa <
to Grsod Bapids .
U for aaartas of enak which
a Kallas Oates of Maaoa. Mieb.
wUl ka aar^ to attroct larfa crowds
nlady. artfday
0 Oat ealowiararaaen
pBcUy ais tall tor Mrs F. H. Aihtoo.
days aad the tariooa prUn oSatod:
Cllatm. Btobop. am of Ool.^E K.
thrsa hoadrad (too) hoiae powv. wblla
BkEo^Oraed Bapids arririd Satur­
tha baiaaoa.abaat MO boras powar. k Kewtae M^ta raoit
day for a rklt wia-Oe family of
MUac to anata thiamb Oa pata
Herbert Hmlapae.
year daau «hoaU yoa la
F. E
aad family, who
ha tallad opea ta farakh awn por
thaa yoar pt^t
arUl aSard,
Usabepm Friday.
taka thahairhfh” P^'pS^Lm'm
The eleam barpa Keawood aad
taa (10) faat,
sort airleed to ak port ynlerday for
dardopa rd^t hoadrad aa« aanatylomber treat a# Oral Wood Dkh Cs
aaa <ni) hetaspomt ab-year praaaai
for caatm narkels
Mr. aad Mrs Donlor reUraed to
H na. opaa Meyota _ _
arirboncia Rkbmood. ladkpa.
terday. They ban beea eklttop Mr.
aad Mrs Cbas Uoaaas
Daalel Daka. aa wril kaowa lanbar

■Mill III in kii.;

Wbnma. tbsaa aaa baU a wmim
yeatba la MMIpaa aot aow la oar
Boaday steel, maay baadrada of
-------- ara lantadlriaia ov em '

rkltatloo for the purpose <
ill to choreb aad 8oaday aebool aad
-------------------------- tba ftm oSeriapof
TimfenJ fih. That m eximd bnrty
laaka to ear cooBtyofiaan for aa
itM Gala
.. ana
... . who ban partlclpaled• to
• aa

proprsm, to he lor •
laltten and ae pte people c
Labe for aelr
a* delepate*
ae' ears of
aad' to all wbo
wl bars to any war. cuautod toU

HoDday anaiap to boaor of Hln Btbol
Doaa who wlU pu to YpallaaU to av

ar art at tha prOlayt Of year
TatWaa abaaU add. that tha
Tarbias wbaek wblob yos aow ban
la pealtiea wOl. irhaa pot la proper
mrUar ordar. doaslopa «n baadrad
aad dfiynlaa aad eaa-half <u»K)
karat poorart. aot pracrtkally
tha aattaa Sea of tha Mw.
t thsprsasat Una far



I Uroad Bapida Friday.
E E Pistt aad family ara aatartalalap for a few days Fred U. Lyoea aad
wile of aoetiaebaaes.PS
Hr.aad Mrs M. Crawford of Owote
ban nlsraadboneaflsrarkltwia
Mrs E Petrie of Lake
Hr. aatf Mrs H. Crmwlotd of OUonc.

lead school.
Hr. aad Mrs J. W. Slalar aad Hln
Kata Dockeiy left Moaday
trato for Oraad KMdds to tabs to
Uw auu fair...
Mra. Sarah E Millar aad Harold H.
Uamy ratoraad to Oraad Bapida »!•
dsv. after a rkll wia Hr. aad Mra
aa aader aa aaspten of Trai
fa aaba tha trot. Iha OUowiap k
B. U. Bracbaa.
triet I'oBOaa praape. after wbteb there
pact tbs ecael^em of tha mfiaaar;
Barry Bika of Baclea.
will ba sports aad amawBeata Tbera
*<1 fooBd a OomirB of twaaty tboaatpeodtop Ihrss weaha wia aa fanlly
aad fDor hoadrad aad fifv (M.tso)
of bU oade. 8. E. Walt, laft Xar
oabde foatof watarparnlaata. wbkb
at tm^ (M) fast baad, wQl danlopa
Bay Bin, Ns 71. E O. T.

of bkaoa.Ckaa.H.
I. Boors, is Uk dtp
atlP:M HeadaynoralatarsdSlyaata.
MMaanhad bsaa la i«fii»r knia
faraana Una. bat ap to sU neat
apa ha ma swart aad aeUn lor oea
hkaatrenaafo. BkriylaUw

iiii I

We Lead.

bamtwodayawMl ^mtlaprapartaB
fy bM^wEaad mn^wtatw


Mrs W. E Wripbt
Y^enm aty
of Y^esraa

Ba*. V. E 'Wffpbt panabBitoeaM

§ Allred V. {^iedrieh, ;
XIMiIch xim OU .ton.


Ctertw. wUUa ebarp* of tU Urtel.
bad tU'nailai tehaa te Mr.TUraboif% old bow, Mapla atp.Taaadar
itep, whtta tU latartBaat wm

Circulitioii this week 2,300
n oath* a•mkr fflna te K«thpsrt tr U* Crw
a»wrt»y »lfhv
IteMhooMT UMrUknfraA 8Mv
^ BiMl kwM witk t.OM bMkak d
M te tte BMub A Ur Oe'i ^

WHlaid BnAar. (orMrir «< B»Ulc
Omk. raMsUr m»lorU »t tu Bomoi
pud»voiiUM *i wa­

TU Babj UfUAMn dab «fll

atarbabMtUmto Otud BaflU

MU lU Mm ten HdUv ■
Ur 9ultSta.lUrte, wbared
tedUr la D. K.Mi
TU Tnrmaatr Uabv Oo. hM
Mddl.a&MOftMa(UBloMilo OtenUU
two eviMB Un
MUm Mteate aU Bom W<|od. of
lU «r» Id Wood aUten. raUTMd Satwater attar aa astaadr* trip tUoarh
^ amUra »IUteatT marUte.
flteata tar tU Womb'* Oak aatcrli'T- - wUl Uoa Mte at tU tel
arnm at ttatebarr* Oiaod Hoedar-

m rwaa sat teat aifkt aad
it wbtek WM «b* or tU Uat
litito Ostete Caomkall. acm of Oaenre
CUUM of Brhtk alraat. aaffoMd a
Ud teU no« a porU teat Baadar Ut
Ik ww aotaalUTaaadar tUt It
■Bin------ that hit oolter beat
Utte Or. UarttewMoaUadte aad


H. at A-h-Mra. Kate Urdte
a Baatten pter*d a Aaa
Saatteal-^lra. Aaaa lUMpa.
Taesdar with tea Boholteka. tea well
PlUal-Mrt Maad Tompklaa
tedpa ttarte oat with bripfat koown Wratera Uapoa teas, wiaalbp
ooetMl. 4tet. Thte U tea
tete sad witbUMpromU of a
AmttlBSoae of tU IrapaetMa*-^eoBeop late aorteara. MIe
laterMt wa* araaaad 1:

Taaadarmoratep at s e'eloek Joha
at TmreiM Rily eaa pal op aa ai
hM rataraad fna Banr. ■aaaper of tU W«
■rtaaa tbat'eaa wle oet apai
OB of tiu C M. B. A. telapiapfa aSea, raealra
BidparUla. ladteaa. f<w Mm. sate odda. aad prorra teat teeclalB*
Mr. Boidaa'a aoa
■ade for tea boM tasB are faUj joatThnpe.
•a bU Ut
Uka. aboat tea bUm fran tea dlj. lAad. TU BraUam
great werk la tea date asd aeUmalr
aaaeaadap tea daatb of a reteUra.
Mr. Urry raaliaad tU aaemaltr of
U had aa atearUsd teotte aad^lt
gam. Ut hi* aapport
ipada rip ta‘
laeted tU)a»beaa. aaduaaad il/te
arratle. Altboeph Watelra aUowad
at tee ra
daear- UwUlUaaMt
tea -BoU aleran bits. U waa a
Uma briap Mm. Tborpa to tU UA»
the Uu apart at eritieel
B. *l.-trala. Mm. Tborpa ratonad:
TU frntaru of tU paw
Pater WanUrpbMaoma^
with tha rlpaadatartad
Steple'a oelfiald work. BallX MeKtaMkM oladaaplaMof UtMteah<of BidparUla. which aba w
Frara bittlap. WUhalm-a
wblUUIaateaowwUt praad. Ivte lUa for tea faaeml of bar rpteUra.
aaeoad baaa pter aad all aroead AddtU waU Uowa atelUde. "Bad Daar."
<atek werk Ud had aet Hra
IralB lap of tea teeala. Omad Bapidt Bade
whiabUparahtaadafawdartaro-of thoepa bin ablateoateb• teeir Amt ru in tea teitd ea MeKiatterldot.....................
BMlteha. "BadDaai^
............. ... ......................................
wadd. aot Ura Uaa aMa to pM
raMrdoftrttaadteoaa af tU awv 1b tUa for tee fuMaL
et aaeoad. The otear ru wm eaiaed
Paate Uad bertM te Hiebipaa.
la ten atete on Paamh two-bappw aad
Mr. Maltar^ Plaai Aoeaptait.
it Ut UMivpgrtedaa tU MreM*
alaplB b}- HeKlBBar aad Drteeoll. Tbe
tut tU UtolMN»«b-U-w»aU Ud Thoradar a^t tea aprdal wa
BraUam auda two te tea foorte ao
nwU eoBBlUM amt la tea eOea
Whaaterk doable aad arrom brOlbaoa
UnAMd. taekkaottUcau
aad MeKlaaer. aad asotber te tba
raert UadoBcaiplMdid bulaaa
a for tte
br Hall. rmr mmd lUbotoJUt »UU •---- ■■■Ur of ff«k- It wilt be at least
oabalteUWUU saad UHStebai
4>f PwUy tkr. bdor.
tU hotel wlU el
_____ aartsa ia»-4 * i
.... ...aoj^aatj^^ii^
■ M.Onieltarrd Batter aadiud. Mr. Balter Ud rafronthteportiMt alpbl oalrad ABteprarleaalj aad tU U
UotBia OoBtMof
BdforareoBplatfMt af ptea for ElttaahoQM A Bmbrra
te Chkapo. TU drU lead wm tU iap the work Mr. Batter apraad teat The qilMdld aa«aaMS of tee BIpk
total eapeadltere* for plM eoalargMt aw tebaa from Ibis pert. Uptola Fnaklte wm oeeooipaolad oa tea tmete. aaperiBaate. ate., ahoald aet
d •i.uo.
pablle to look forward t
» hr « nrc Oilaf Demprm. Dick
spun a>
ud etuUj. wU
tU »BDd trip tUffMM^
Him PUfte^ Hwtwtek. wU
eludta.tUdrawlapefpIaaa. apraikeabMB aaplored »t tU CaUar Bow tor
Um. dted TaoUajr of pard/iia
>w • widow aad Imvm two eblldiw. TUbodrhubwteMa I
U Ckrtcr'o vadarteklar Mom* and Ur
bmtUr la Notk^oa aU bratUr-la' Won in n Walk Awaytew la WiUteMUtvUraUeBiiBUflad.
TU Haaaab mUa' tM pterad UIl
raaUdar in Twalftb ptrMt park.
" arrirad 1a thia port Bora' Dead prMeat aad It w
mbmP of Upt. JofaB Unae. teat tear woald ateo pter- Clora ob"Battte Biadwall" Uite troai
B. failed to iwraal
■aeh teat leohad Uka ball ptariap oi|
tUaaplaiatUaraw enadtu of JoU
SiadlB. «iat
two boeiA worried throart with, aad
wbaa tear ware fialtbed tba BiSaa had
pUad ap SS raaa. white tU baaS
Bdaa Waite daaffater.
rutteriMwaraAah aad TbomM
Bobari aad Oaorpa
Uwof Detnit.MUWrlpbt<rf UUea. tor tU BUM aad Maek. UlobaaakrM. Y.. FraakLanbot
U«MlM aad Unrwa for tba Band.
Mr. aad Mia W. M. MUte TU r^hl Urnraaa eaaphi ap^ pama lor bte
aad Boworna pterad waU at
tetUterpastpteMBraMlllap eran oa
prMt tehaa. tUap 10 feet te teaptb.
Vor tU RlflaA Aabk •pitebtep.
naa'a work at aaeoad. UaaMtt'a at
I bM beae apae a eraU of s.OM
■iUnadtU reripa te aot |at Sa- tblid aad tba hlttlap of tU aatln
TU par9 are oat for pteaasra
aad tU boat te teJlr adesaate tor
■■Mateaaaaad MletrABarleet Curpa.

terof Blawoed aad tokaate U
whare U «aa Jailed ie dateall of
iraaawar SatarJeaaph BafiHa-i
dap maralag aa WMt Preot atiaaC
1U taopaa of tU -wapaa dtoppad. TU hodrotJoeaphBaftileofToreh
Uka, wU WM drawaed oP the aacar.................... ttamaUtUriaaaata
alpblIt of
1U BUwaod anato
Aapaat tid. white rateraiap troM the
aty. haabaM tatUdaekat Torah Uka.
after balap Id tU water aboat terra
^tradPhni>tiitea»aktepatekotate TTialri TU raa^M wma tetarfed la
pnpaialteu tur a praad Uaa east
•amUr. tU oaoMteaef tbair pteale. UU Terek.
TUra' wiU U ptmd KMte aU all
UaU trffeodlhtepateaat. TtaratM
AUU rapaterataatlnpTaaadar Bipht
0«r te terlted te late to tU faatirltU.
TraratM CUr Gbaptar. Ma 147. Order
ol tea Eaawa Star. tU feltewiap ofBU »>•
Mm of tU bar roato tear* war* alaetad:
MMdar aMt aad aMt M fUoahap.
Woetbr Matraa-Mra Bate Kallr«hw Ua wUl raa iiMmlaM tor tU Wortbr Palraa-W. W. Salth.
: W. M.—Hn. A___
hateaai of tU ataaoa. TU OraaoMt
'—Mm. B. L. Corbatl
^MfTr—Mm. W. 1W.SbIU
WBItem BeltaM aad kte famUr apMt
'*9SvwillU a 1
amduf aiCUpUUwUh tU taallr tl.
for teatellitloa,
a* Mr. BMlam otthat pteea. wU la ao
WeamBt Olab
pMPt of apa aad had BDt aaaa tU
U piTM at
daj arMlap. SapC U. eadar tea aaairioM af tea WooMh Qnb. for tea haaaktof teaclabbOMataad. TUaatarwill U a Bm oaa te awp rw
lUWMtittda opM Baadar.ateoMaa- epoei «ad all abOBld ptea to aucad.
a te FontUBdarBtedar wm tekM hafoa
dadpa Bahana aad It wa* tharo laaraad
> waa kapt br hit
Tha Haaata te ladabtad te A. fl
Oahaaa ter a paaaM^ of taa ploma
that apM waB ter kte orabard ea
BrigUStarof luat
■hat te aiMyahwa Mllad aa -UT WOhda.
TUwpdUawtteg-flitU W.C.T
0.«OI U Uld at tU hM of Mn.
Ma. Wat Mphth ateaat. Prltepaf-

--- ------ Bala "By Ormi." T.
Paalo Teali. MU BehsrtA
■aritiWna Mia. Marlte.



lalsed teU ealdeea .
prarloa* arent of a fmtoraal aatara Aa
teoM parte. AtteaBaeOap Fridar«I^t
ter tea
of tea TmrerM Otr Oab.
a bald in E. O. T. H
R. E. SapteBbar lAtb. a«d ter tea at lOiKo'elock r
- tea rtaiteci tfOB abroad. AtthaUraad Ml OUllaata"
Ba^ aadofteallBaatfllBora ateb- UoMfl Tnt: "Be aet oeeraaBa of
' are1n prepTM*. TU atU. Ut cfMOOBe atU with goad.'
aoamir pnwraB for tea araat b Utep
prteted te eraad Rapida. It will U a
artAod will U
of tea prtoterb
TU propraB m ter M


And prices t^at n^ere never tower are the indneeBents
we offer for your fall bill in Dr; Goodi and aUied lioea.
AS TRADE PERSUADERS*conBider the foltowing:

A pretty, good all wool Flannel
Twilletl. good width, red or bine; at
16c per yard.' Better-ones of course.
Ladies’ Flannel Skirts at 60, 76,
60o. $1,00 and 1.26 Extra good
styles and values.
For Comfortables buy good Calico
at 3c; good Batting. ^ weight, at
6C, or good Balling, full weight, at’
lOtL Comfortable combination for
cold winter nights.

0. A.Botudar-

t. A. a. BeiUtor. B- c

Underwear for Children from 8o up.
Misses Combination SuiU at SOo,
excellent goods. Ladies’ wear I8O4
big value.
Tpsilanti Equestrienne Tights and
Drawers, list $1.50. for 49c.

Bar. D.

he heg the privilege of showing you our fall dott:.



Saadayai rttoaaaraMfoUom
allfr:»A B.
Saaday aebool at lltei.
Y. F. A.atlp.m.



Haskell’s Bookstore,

Corner Stone


Your success is our honest deal­
ing. No one offers such bar­

OnrSATings Department

gains in all lines of merchandise

TUraorillUaBIbla iradlap at tU
■nMawUlUtwobaaib te tU par­ ebapal Piteay avaalural 7d0 e'eloek.
ade, aad a U« Itee of Ulphte. PorwoUmo te aU. Uaioa aarrk
hall at TraWM Gtr bra kladl.r ■aalaext Saadayat I0:Ma m. TUm
Uat deaatad tor tea Uadprart
wrhM era bote orary two waeU,
tea rbltoea. TMote white I
TUUateaaarraort holalat Oi
twU teb aaoaat. Ut tea extra aapates wUlU Bat hr tea tOB)
TU teltewiic ecMBlItara
patetad teat sight u aaU t
liar a laral aw
opUea ter tea rbltl^ Ulpbta:
PaiaAa-B. B. MoOor. H. B. Balter.
F. Ci. Booiusa. B. W. OaaBtepiBB.CM.«*<ila.
Motte-A. B. BatUtoj. O C. Iwrff.
A.W. Bkteeid.
Ball aad DiiiiaUia B.&Ob
E. B. Vaanaat. J. KaapMa.

With water free and good Towels
20x40 inches at 86 each, ererybody
should have a clean dry face. First
cla^8 all Linen towels lOc.

Arc. Tba oontaala of bay i
. UtertaiBBent—AroBadteoStora. aad a few fi
Tb* Are waa enued hy ■
Bort U Coarary. Boatoo.
4. Uetara—ABerieanNoU-Crackad UralBp *tmw atacK. but it b uol
Bd Uaeneksd. Hotpaa .Wood. To- koowa bow ter At* la tbe eteck orip- J
laalcd. Ffforto to rare tha faulldiap 4
■aaramap Tb* Iob b aboat
Veetam—Braiaa Bat. Frank BrU
PMU. No Inesmaee.
toh Waablaptoa. D. C.
S. Ariel UdU'SaxtaUe (SUte
Sebeol Oaoi
TU aaact datm Tot tU abera aatarW. B. Tba<
not bean Axed. Ut tee aelepbbra.
wlll epea tU tetter pan of Oc- aoa af Tram c City and rrporta a meat J
tobar and crate te March. 8«asoa Ikkab for tea eatira posn* ’^>1
Uchata wiU Ute tea prtrflaps of raaartiap tUlr *oate for tea aatira SMIt i* aoaAdnUy heUoead teat tee
ahote Morra wUl U by far tea AbmI
proaeatad la TUcbm Cfty. Tieketa will U pteead aa ante M aoea M tee
date w( Ueh eatartaiaBa

Gatnap fteadr Bi


joeap people of te* Rpwurth-Xrapa*
of TmT*m* City. Bar. Fry* w»* deep­
ly affected with tbb tokea of loic aod
OBIMB. aod rmposdad wUb.word* of
praU for tec EpworUi Uapoa aad
tboaphtteatitwvoely aamaU token
of tea lota, peoeroalty aad loyalty that
aboaad* la tea bean* of etery *

Loi* U Fira.
At six o'claek Taeaday areoiap t
Un of lianaoD Kolawara at Wllllaa

.tod by
• aad IIIlmBatle RaelteT.

Monfv hael- if vanlei.
If ml right we male it right.

mad for tee ekrblisa life and laenc
Which U haa Mt balora team,
clraad With tU beat wl^ of tea Bairm detr calb

Halehla. lUfemorC. Tilmwa. A. V.
Friedrich. C. U. Toracr aad M.
pabUaadteBOw. preparedte pr
Bet. Hr. Frye coeeladea tU pretee aapapaBaate of tea acaaoBof IhR-b
te tea pablle. Tbit rear tba coerM raB 'with a fair rrmark* of farewell
and tee eoaprepaUoo joined te ter
a a*cai*d that, tea alBpiap. "lIliwCU tea tb teat biada."
after which Uirr paibcrad la
.•andJ CDjoyed dalicloa*


BatMBl haadiUa of bMUte et
Um waM kMafht tote tU dtr rriUp aad tUpaaMiltorprlM wa
kUMlap. te la )aU
Mte. * Uw teada of iaa i
booadowtetu elrealioeartef LaahHagURaute. HigUr petoM^
eoaatr Batardaj. hj JmUm <tef

VeMA White, Bollidayi TedBaa a
WhltBaa, WH aaJOyU. Tbb was 1
tewed by a aaattella aad pnilar daet
br Cbarib aad Lottie Bklw. whkh *o
dellpbtcd tee aadiraoa teat tea r««Br
people were obllpU to reapoad with
A reelteUoa
inaU follewctl tbb.
aad bar ««mct, aaraeet Baaser eaptltaiad bar baaicm. aad aba reapeadrd
wite aaotear reeltaltea.
which wa* eqaally eajerad. CUrUa
aad Lotus Helm para aootbar cUtblap aalacUOB. "Old Black Joe" a
Aoely rcadcrad by tee qoartat.
W. B. Cooper pnta two raty plsMlap
la bb aa*r BaaBari' wbicb
followed b.r aaothar aaleetiea by
Cbarlie aod UtUe Helm.
Dr. O. A. Bolliday. la Ufaalf of tea
Bpwbrte Leapaa, prcMBtod Brt Frye
wlteaBalepaatcUlr. with word* of

as you will always find at^this
establishment. Don’t be misled

by the vulgar methods used by

ne Sit's Slmfig bit
even in Septomber. be(;*t ■ tbint that
4BD beea^T alUjed with oar refimhing and d<uic>Mia aoda water. Oor
■oda water bu praaerred tb* bawltb
<d tha dtixona who ban. patianaod
na daring tbe aaminor'a Jimt. and
hast inaiiy a man fioB being ‘^««b
tohaid drink.’' Oar ic* cnam aoda.


-r iS






tT*wmt*;Wa.m.. Paeaaiwyceow. at.
kro ll* Uw cn«»»» r«nsr» ennete at
' ElkBapUtaodTraraneaty.
K- A. Ctompball fmaad a ^Irof fold
bowml apaetaelea Iaat Thar*^ aboni
oppoaitetbe raaSdeaceol inoTBl^.
Aar one laaiac each to rrsaeatad loaaU

aSiSai. (wt^cneeamfmu C*n

ana totoaUty tbam.

■Ikowm for tonAar.

te ttb ridBltj


Uka laok diaaar «Ufa Hr. mad
P- (Ma had a *ac7 aide b<aaa fiaiarday BlffaL
Oaa of r CorbaUb botaaa
waSLaU alfbtBoaday
MtoaUtoWIUobaataek diaaar with
frWa<toatSdaa Saaday aad

at Claar Brook.
OB ladiaa___ _
____^ _______
IteMl Keeh of OlmUaa. OUa. to who ollad oe ralaUraa la Kaat Cedar
vfaUUc Job Ea<* ui4 <Mill7Eaa waa Uwood tMBBooda of HbarlB.OaUMava^ »Ua.U«a*t«Partor daa. lod.. wboaaoM toaaahto taUwr
td Hn. H. Or»7 an bemten Dock


LtodaUlwSw. rtoltad fato atour. Un.
_____________ iM «e»la>f«arow4liaa' ttorah WkiBaa>7. aad oUuo relaUTaa at
aicM te Hr. Bofktoa-yard.
MO.WI at <k* btoyato dab. Inm
MtbafjaMi nirHtClmb.wancntloa Aaaal attfato piaea ttotorday areelac
iuTsaaday awra|a£Md afjfroooa.
M^boxiar alfhi. Mad fay Bari

aafaartaat,*hkb (1<

Plae ooro waatkar for tkapaat weak.
unarn o«at
Bowatd Hoora will ptWfa
day at tka ekM of
Loae Traab day
day. with Mtoa''-

ware oat bli
flekad tw qi
Tfaaaato f*»ly at bat w^tha^atataad dial at rIawlK >■ faaiac 4>>M
araaad faarx
<oaa Tree
r. BwlU Ttollad
aat Baadayi
Mr. Maa
NT faaafaato at fiaia
Ihtoyaar. Baa to that?
Him. Bdd Welboeni raae aa from
Mb KUary to aloaf tka tan
Kaiaaiawo ae the aieoialoo aM la tM
taadaaw. wUfa fato Mafatoa.
lUar bar motbar-ia Uw, Hra. Weiboarp.



Mr. B»d HraP.
Hra. P Panaaol PeriOaalflatobad. add paaliy to tba
O- >’• nabarb
ft htotarBi.
Hr*. Cbarlto Ball to
tacoaar Bifht.
Hr*. «. P. Ptobar atUBdad
Bttaadad ebarek
Mafia City teal aaanlaf. BBd
bar mala at tka table.
MaUaMtaaalfaa HdItUfaaal



timaadtka laas fat tboar^r
a. Kooaewaabar

Atthab*Ma*B Beetlafof tbeCB.
Hoaday eTeeiafMim Celle Stedaaad
Him Claiv Thoma* war* alecUd aa dalafale* to tbe Kalkaeke aoarcstioa.
IVot. (toturn ol Baaeoala will oeeapy
Cbarlaa Oaai
^•Dosald. mehm bw Brat te
be pelplt to tba CoBf-1 ehrrreb aen
/iHrUaade Loomto Orv >ade abort laaday moraiaf. All are iarilad to
ealtooaa fawof bar friead* Iaat Bata r- laar blau He wm* to b*r* baae beer a
town today.
ofo Baaday. bet owlaf to tbe HIday aflamooo. whUe ea bar rray to
W. B. Crowell to la toe t laobdaraf- aname bar new daUaa a* taaeber of lanof hi* brotW ba waa anablato
aadeoeaiB. Jefaa aad M B. Banowa. tar hto latamu bare.
tbe Heyfiald aebool Hrv Qny. epeal
Hrv A C. Little, Mince lir*cc ■
Uaater Vor*a Voaaf
two year* In oar latarmedlnte deparv
iwae McKlbbia bad l>ae*l McKlb'
few daya la Ulaa llarea.
meat and waeonfTvtnlaU Hnyfieldoa
of Granrille. Ohio, end Maeler S*y C
tbelr choice of a teacher.
Bar. Theobald of Trarema City p
ad tbioafk town Tuaaday.
, Mrv Hniford Mekaraoe of Celifomto maa of SpriafAeld. Ohio, who hi
apaat tbe Rrealer part of tbeanmmer
Ml aaaBtod that it waa a a
Mr*>>ao. W. rrallek rtoitad Cope- Bpeal two daw Iaat waek with her with Mrv John (toman at f--------- -------alecM. Hrv l '. Wltooa aad Hrv A. U
nUta rtdradaj. raiornla* Krtday.
left for tbelr hc»e* t^ey.
' laaoe. aad to now rtoitinf ber bi
Min Anrie Anderiun of Trarme
nd'* father aad brotbar*. She lik
...iBakm haaaold forty
City. wborrrlTe.1 l**t Wedpeaday toatCAllfumla. yet admiu that a'pern
land to Hartla Olaoa.,
» Sonctor w-hool 'cemreatioB
amt raaident there, II tbay wlab to t
Bar. J.a. haaborwill bra
joj parfrcl health, aboeld once Is U
Baatiaca at Kaiaoo Uto waal
year* at laa*t come noiib for the oo
ft tor Omen*,
HIM Leaa Balaeke baa coaa to Trar- with foM auaadaaca mad freat InUr- pare air aad inrlcoratiaf braeaav aa
tbera betora
■aa City to rroMa for aoOB ti«».
The fi*bl0f party that epeat tbi
(Mae. Cook of Orrelaad. Ohio, to tba
U II. Campbell, whe hA baea em­
dar* at Dark Lake Iaat weak raport
fOBt of fato aoDk Hra Vm. Baabara.
ployed by U. S. Unrat of Drtrait for tbe
j..llytliDe. Tbe party waaeompoead
Ml’, aad Him. Bd. WaMpad cbiMraa
Hin Aana Vnorbato of iladBoa. for J. Crotaar aad temily. U. Oe*e and fam­ pan few moatbv left w^tb him Sander
of Timaona City are rtoltlaf wiU relamarly of tkto plar’a. to rtolUof trieada ily, Dr. Harder, of Tr»rarae City, aud --------tor Keaasinn to repair the
. at that prdnl
After ■aiabfamily. K B. Crouar. lieu. Snyder. Jakr
Mn. ;obo Oroeaarr aad aoe Artkar
_______ ..-ill fowitb bim to Two lliv
EOr Ulkby antarUlBCdaaBmbrrof Skidmore. AlmaJ.-aa-e. S. I. t'rot*rr, aiaarid on to nrlfhr plarea . They o-ara
haraiotonied tros aa aatdadad rtoit
wife aad child, U. E. Wyakoop ar.d
bar friea'da Batarday aflaTBM. it
to Bead City.
family, aad rbilip Millar aad wife of arennjpanird I r II. sfaay of lietrott and
lac bar birthday.
Mewwa. Cbariw Bnmrbtos aad C. B.
Summit aty. They wei
.......................... JoMpS Leminie. of Rav SetUemeat,
mod Hr*. PrrllOUoof B
lirooarth of ttaUooa Bay ridMl at tbto
lo Maple CKv S<laorla.r anj
per and motbar. Mr. ane .-ur* oar*.
K 0. T. M. rtolted tbe L. O T.
plaaa doaday.
ad the tamparanca naatio*.
Mrv Duan aad Arthur aad llnwaid
Ihelr lodpe room Kridav areniaf.
Joba Pfalfley maa from Trarnae
Wrifbt; ______ with llieni tome deU.-loo* fralU
City oa fato idgei* toil Baoday^ratoraoo>a here in bm. aad abea
.ad OB Hatanlay by M. Uctany aad whirh made them dnnbly welcome Af­
d It will be . an oral
rile and Praak ilamlib and* wile of ter the ri-itor* ap-ired tba I. O. T. H.
C .E.
ad}onr*ed and a rery dellfbUal areaUfa.
Ipf waa apent.
Tbr ladies'bad praBeadlof to nearly d.—-------- --------------olaat Baaday f
^tad refraaburenta. altboufb
aware af .the Jvnifht'* plan*, aad *»■>aouKU.
par wa* aerred about
after which
poutoaa and what tbri bare to aall.
ao hour wa* >peet la alaflof aad play:
Hra.TbMaaa Uaa tortoltlBC la BIk
S. Latlie to harlnf bto bouaa rr- iBf fanre.
_____ noticeable repair* upon bia
A moifarr*' meetini- wa* held in Ibe
dwallinf bare in town, eoeb a* re-ahii
Hr. Binoioot aad faailly at Vafaa ^iBf aad addlaf a ponb avron tb
Early polatoea are faeflaaliif to br
Sunday aflerp
ban norad to tbto plaee.
tipped from tbto piM,
rvi; X
w a rrry lo
Hr*. MeDoarld of Detroit baa
Albert liarer*. who ba* be«B
Vourdelcfau* attended the Baaday
>tlb fare ai
rtoltlaf bar ooaala. Hrv Cbarlla b
>me weekv toktill iioablrtobeaebool eoDrrallM at Nurtbpon from
Min CaltoU Koainr of Trarerae City bare. tWiar* ware iateadlaf to yo bat
The Ka.-a«t Worken hare ebanfea
ir children r
aaa tba faeat of Utoa Lottie laato Iaat the rain tetrad them o*L Iter. .1. I'. Uloirdayof meetiof from Wadn



Qalta a aanber fron tbto <
uaded qaaiierir naeUa^ a.
Kik Rapkto Baaday.

Elk'tU^r’^ltadr^tb^'ur and Hra.
J L. tVaaleb leal week.
fad d^M^y'u tkKri^l^ aad I
Oaioaea Hoot of OopaoUah. aeeoi

r-TTir—• tkto nanliB
dtotrlet Bo. t wUk (Harlia Walboan

toiUac HfawiiitehrU.
ptada U. rtoUkto-broUrr. Will Uoat.
HM Aina liilckall baa
aanJanaia. Lola aad CladaCtor*i.
ran aebool at Traroraa Clly.
. JobaaoB. Macfta Morrtooo. Mabel
Ur. Wrirbt aad fanOy of Trararw
._lcb. Uoooa Boarv Katie Daray aad
Oty apaat Baaday at B. J: Baat'a.
UtUaBMAdaM baafOMtoLMrThe Bblak)# llrtire aebool opa
nMa.Htoh.. loalayithett tlMwlth
loaday with U <i. Beat aa taaeber.
tire at Ura Elk Bapida aobool Hoaday
Haiar*. BmU of Oardeld ware la
Hra HaKwaU of BnUar, lad., ro
Iowa urday oe tfaalr way to Itaaa lake
«d taborbaaM attar artolt wit;
• Haaara. Utw mad Gray aad fanll
Maa-la>law, Hra. Uaa.
hare brokaa aanp aad ratanad ta



hartb. Bitoarday. Brpt. la

Whita. Jay lllaby, tVm. Tremaine and
Joba Bykar were pment mad taoofbt
back a food report.
The mrmbar* of the W f fire a un cent Um at Newman , hall
Batarday.*.-wpl. ll. from S to T o cloekIt to hoped a* maay aa caa will patroaJ*a them. TWob>eel to to ratoe mone}to aaad a dalefale to '
bald at I'eloakey.
T. 1!. refolar maetiof
■ wall
— .— —--------------------ad to the lUt. We feel frtat food be.
ooma and to to come froh
Iroh tbto 1orfanUalioa here. Tba. . . ,t mectlef
1 with Mrv Cba*. Herry
>ka from la*t
meeUaf. All are cordiallv inrliadI to allead.
___________ *• by Attorney Wirt A.
>ok at
tbe W. C T 13. pnWlc meellaf
iiutoy i*
to wortby
wortliy of to
more than
I. It >bould be printed 1b
_______ ol our paper*, ao that tbw
wbo did aol bare tbe ^ponsaity oj

____Babrrt aarlaad eatarUiaad r«1alirta from Detroit Iaat weak.
__________________________ _ who haa
Hr*. 8 Uarlaad of Trane** aty to
baea rtoitlw bar atoter, Hra. Mad. haa rtolUaf Mr*. Kobert tlarlaaA
oaa to Aldea.
Uarrry Cook ratamed to Dtdraat Iaat
rraafUd toaae
Tba VfMmX WorVata niaaloa baad Tboraday. Erary c-----------------------------_>at Baaday atlarBocn with Hra. Jaw llarray afalm
aU at Porait Ledre. Ao lataraatlay
Bobbie WaUttr of TrararaeClly wa*
ebalk talk by Mr. Baird pa** all a
daraUat weak of
>e fnenl for a few
deeper lataraat U> foralym mlaateea
orUa UarUad.
Tba oOeerB alaelad
Hi*. W. B. Edward* of Trarerae City
apeata few daya rialUac hordanfbUr.
Vka Praaldaal
Hi*. Charlea Uarlaad, tkto waek.
Bac. 8ae-y-A<
We war* all flad toieaMr. BBrfeat
cat to C. E. Baaday araalaf lor the
er*t time In many weeka.
BetofalBli«ie bealUa*
bealU a* ra^ly
rapidly aa oan be a*.
tor a maa of hto 7<
Hr. Priadla, Br.. to itoltlacat Owoa-

fare l^lea eery al<u|neat and pleatinf
ntyle. wbicli br*peak* for bUu a brifbt











raalBf-. be atoo



___________ ___________,____ el ia Trn*nneaty. the lenter «akb« thaeon■ bertoe»*latk»eB*tbm*parteftha

Care, which fitaa quick raUaf.

Victor^ BapaMikn. Tetmto, Aar.
>0, bepi. fare.
Street Pair. CadlUae; Sept. ». la, IT.^1

J. O.



......... -

C. E. ir.. Ralkaakatr^M IT. le. eaa^
aad oae-tblrd fare. (
Home Swkara- EadoraioB I
eaad ;. Soaadil.
Home Seeker*' Eaesraioa Soath. OrV
« and .(. I* and 18.
Other September Eamtaloaa—IndJoftoe. Oraad Kapida Cbleafo, Cvlni


... ._j

The Road to Klondike
is a lone anil hartl one.
It's tnnch uaaicr to gel

irum your gr<*cf.
Sold everywhere and cleans t-wrything.

uM,y i;y


m. Luuia

He* VurV

Mr. A. B. Stlaoam. 'baa
1 lb* m >to«a* te hto atom, ha*
latodlLi ad haa haaf weU-framed
Kl*ley.nnd ~
wwHb tbatombm

------ J.1——jAW i^a Mpr
be* by man. Manta the Oraad
Tram** Sarald nnd iMdpear adtiM
In Dr. EllMT A Co.. IkAmptcia. H.
T. Tb* reclaim a( IJS mm VMT-


Fann and Draft Horses.
Some very fine stock at reasonable prices.
Call and look them over at

state Bt. near Uniov

Travoreso (Mty.

Fitioi Dll' pia/zB in ■nrotMr

BnekleBM.Amion Snlrv


Thk Hiwt Sai.tx in the world for
Cnl». lifiitoe*. So'rea, Clear*. 8nl*.
Rfarnm. Kcrrr Sort*. Tetter, Cbnppad
U*BiU. Chilblain*, (tom*, and *11 Skin
Kruptioo*. *ml poaitircly car** 1‘llea.
or no par required. It to fnnrsntoed
tofire rrrfccl «»li*f*ctlor oi
refunded. - ITice U cant* pert*
mle by J. G. Jobnaonnnd 8. B

aiipr.^iiat«l by Uu- Mtili"T5JW’«»4.^y-tot.bome la-opli-


ofTravorwr City, irblch biw
Ai<li-«1 gnmtly liy the


nimforUbTo au<i aity ItatUn
Furnilurc lajuglitat SInto-r’A
c Um b«?«n a haven oC r«*t fur Ihunc.


Sonaay Behool Aasoaiati

aday School
•The Korlhera H
mnnly will
Aaancialinn ol I,
atloD at !«hold lu *cml npn
land on Tburad^y------------------------)<i:<siv lu.—Detutiunal cxercite* br
Her I-. E Whitman.
,«;Pj_Welcome addraia by S. Hlnckwood.
m.js—Uemark* by the prmidant.
Bor. f E Whitman, /
JU:((i—The orfantontSin nnd the woejt,
ol tbe *tatc Sendav ik^l Auociation.
by Rer. J li. Nruiai/
H:«|—Tnr Work of the Ctoanty and
Dtotricl. by Geo Trvkrr
^^y.iy-Child Study, by Hiv T. Envi-liaaket dinner.
l:(a> p. m.-llaalnem.
olBrrr*. etc.



; i*s-Hou*e to lloaoe Vtoltata. by
-rd Bevold.
S J.v-Nomal Work, hf Her, P.



Eau. Envoi
Annnal O. R. * 1 Exenralen Sontb.
Tbe G. R- A I. eai-armoo *onU for
Klcbmoad. Detroit aad Chimfo will
Icare Travel** City September IHtb.
Tbroufb cart wllbool rbaafe to above
poioU. Ttekel* ht fer roaBd trip, food
C. K. Mrnaat. Afi
Will Bay PoiatoeHTbe pnuio market to refalarly op
ad aed wv w HI bay at tbr blfbeat m


A. A. UcOot ASoa..

Oavataa Plsaie at
Tbe C A W. H. Ry. ttnU will lanve
Travarer Oty nl lO-Sto v m. and arrive
at Elk Rapid* at 11:10 V m. tav*
pm. Bound trip eoeawtn. Don’ll-,
tb* ebnnea to awjoy yontnelf at tbto


K-™=S=!“iS --...-- ^


BadaeadBatee oaa. a. to

ellar. w
will W- farld In the Conf'l vbsFcb i
earn *ermoB ia the M. E. ebureb f
<I*y; Sept. IS.'
day rerninf.
At Abe
Cba*. Ilaaaom etolted friend* in Trac the lat.1.
County SuadiT s
erae .aty aereral day* Iaat
kicb wa* held at tbto
tumine Saturday nifbu
tVedneadtv aad Tboraday of <**l
A very pleasant party ^flren by
Mr and Ur*. Jay I’amfa toauumber
I maey food rep<n-t* from tba dlffer.vehiKill la tl.r county, whli-fa rpaaka
of their friends at tbelr bbma Iaat Wad
»urafinfly of ll.e work wbieb ha*
aeaday •veoiof,
ID door ilorinf lb* pm-etUnf year,
Mnaroa and daurhter Malanf tb* risliiat' •l•'lrr■le> wh<>at
riun ..fCbleafo arrirad
' toll Wedaaaday
lor a few weeka' »Uy at tba Wanka- leaded were Mua Etta Ilurlborl. Hi*l^lnatowrlr, Mr. I-owrie. Hii.rbam.
r. and Hr*. John White. J. I'. W hile,
rv IliL-kerman., Mto* Mi** Id*
Ind.. wbo bare bean at I
msicr, .Siilcin; Mr. arid Mr*. Joba i'orfor the peat aaracal weekv
lerrMr* lltoi-kwori. Ix-1and: J. HicUy.'
tbelr homes Iaat M'rdoaaday.
Mr. Trem»inr. Ji'bn Uyker, Maple City;
Htoa'l'aPBto Steele raturoed Wedae*- MimAddir .lornl. Hi** Ann* Mvlean.
day from her rlAl with friend* lo Em­ OBiena: Mto* Anfie Anderaoc. Harney
pire. Solon. Trareraa City aad other Andcrvio'. Tivrerae City; Hltaltoar*
laeev .
ndlcy. Her. Mr. Nrubar. Mr. (itviler.
* Matilda Rernid. Mto* Malild*
S. bool opened today with Wm. BnaId. Kred iU-roId. Mis* Minnie S'
rll. I'raek Itoei*. Mi*a Ilattia IVUnf
I. Mim Tilly tlelacke. Keawiak.
nd Mia* Nrliia Er>>'k*<>9*a trscher*.
The la.iie«'aid aoci'rlywlll bold iu
It refill
liar I
IHd Too B««r
of Hrv Uichard
Try EUvtrii- HilU-n. as a rcmcly tor
If not._irna boUlr now
.and wife.
Vraok liar
ro^irlnc has liocn
.d frl n-tief. This med><
were in
nod tolN-t<ccu1tor1y_n<to
(.-ueat* at the Waukaroo. Iravinf for
'of bll Kr,
tbelr borne Salanlay.
it*, r-n.-rrmca
iUivs-1 inplainU...
-.......... , - wonderful
Iloimoc I' d pis
- Ini'
and tour
Tbe M'bonner John MeeafCblrafo
tbr orfanv If you have Uiwof App>loadiof wllb eerdwoud and tJM i
tiir. ('onstt|>ali>m. H•■adacbc. Kalnllnf
X.TTOU*. .........................
Slccplciis. Ba*
Mi*ae« Hattie IWImf of Lelaa.l aad Spi-lli
M.-lanrliulT i>r trunbird wItJi
Xellie Eriktoa oMIif iiapid* arrimd cltabl
.-Us. EI.H-lric Hitter* to UirmedSaladay to Uke ap tbelr dullm ai IUrjySp.-i
1. Health and »in-nfth
teacler* in tbI* place.
J by iu. usr. (Inly flDy
4. KebI bad tbe mtofortuae to break o-mts at S, B. Wail's aud J. 0. Johnwheel while
ridiof pact
paat tbe Wandie ridinf
vm'* Urflf absrev
i>o Sunday^
Sunday. }le bad fai* napl



*- ___________________


a ealnable t
Urant Btlnwin
Iaat weak.
We*let Dana to allll at IlrowataD.bto
aid borne.
Ura li. It. WUeox tortoltluf ralatlra*
ear Lantinc.
Mtoa Ma KOwy. who baa baaa atok,
Ueo. Kewlaa* hae mored Into
Caddack * bonoe.
Hra. tdon.hv to eaUrUInlnf friead*
MmP. B-OabtratoTtoUliC barparwta a aaafda at araaka.
from Oraml llapid*.
.Thaalaaabai«a BOtoatoadadlaaII. y. Saylor to bnyini. fralB both
bar at tkto piMa aM day iMt wade.
bare aad Id SammlL
Tbaatotinaw-rikill laoktkaiaatd
Mr*. Eatber KInfUay ^ apesdlnf
tie liealerlirren, oa with him. but fortbaMakarhat tktoplaaateat Priday.
few weak* lo town.
tonalely neither were hnrt.
KM MartM Tteteb. wha baa baae
Mary Wvakoop to apandlnf a
Bar. BMtb Ma rauraad hoa> hto ipleadid profTam waa reodered, after
(i H «>ame made * trip to Trarerae
MavBidata taw day*, hat rataraad
conple of day* la town.
JnwEmeaU war* aarrM by tba
City Tbarvlay oa the yacht Pinmo.
------• •
Archie 1. y. «.
retnmlBf Eriday oa tbe Cuinmbi*.
aa In tbe priee of wheat.
worklBC order
taiemfo ai
.1 aalaaUooa.
K. I-. Cronkbite ba* morml on to bto
•dwita arai
tban at praeai.
tb bar ii
aoMBtioe at Hr^ City Aaf. M.
u-m raeated by Mr. Anfidl.
readarad by
McHellea. a H. MeMrv .lobn (torman.
J.J. aad Haa»KllwyMTapardwaMalian. K. B. .Satooa aad U. laffBbam
Wa *ee member* of tba Mayflald 1
B. Campbell and W. A. Seraraop
adatkraabla* eaUtw\UwhU tbay
. Wa mifbt eyeleClubuftaQ.' Tbe path to finiabe
were rery mnci
to (torp Lake
are «ati« road wok. 'Oaod lack ta
for the Inadd that tbe r
Dr. Abel Miaatob ba* ratnraed from la*i Hatarday,
Hra. a W. Bartaa to aejean
Skerman aad tbe etarroubdlaf eo*atry.
Him Alma Deapreaof Trarorse City
Hr*. Jame* I^lteam and
J. B. Oodd ratarmd Iaat Tharaday
>me Iaat Hatnrday ereninf and I* the
ra TialUef frlcBd. in UocI
umtof the Mimea hVimlricb.
on bto BaBalo
- - • trip.
laM iaat d« waaka. baa tai«
Mr. and Hra. KaatySuitbof Walton
Pb. Baraatalaa to putUv oaw
Hrv Ella ilaxal.of Aldan. Minn., who
MIo* waatkar for riptaiaf ec
rtoltlaf tbelr atoter. Hr*. Chaa.
arc rli
ta bean here for tba paat month rtoll
Dali Palrbaaka imt to tot
.jf heratoter, Mr* E
Hama, left for
M Tripp of KalkaikB to rialtlac
bar home Sunday momlBf
Blaocba Haleblaa.
____________ threehiac for C.B. Pray
A larfa axenr«ioa came from Trar
arm Citv Saturday, flren by tbe i
A. K- FUrbaake bad a elek harae toat
Hrv Albert Slinaon and godson
Elliot Siowell weal u> Uraad llapid.
Mrv J t-torueh and danfbter Itonra
atteadlar tka rlllafa ac
P. Laaa vtolla idatlTaa
of Trarerae, who bar* twen rtoiOnc
A. O. BBd Bert Yoeaf went to Bl^ Hoaday.
There arili ba aiora
BapM. tbe aik.
Hrv Prledriek and dadfblerv left for
Hrv K. W. Clark i
Thaakaataet tim la theaMl aarr- tbto vtelBtty tbto fall t
tbelr borne Monday afternoon.
Ur. BBd UiB. B. CkM waat to Tiar- witk beratolor, Hrv L
toa doaa aot aaan to ba at all wtolataelaei weak. ^
Tb* K. 1- to^ for neat
•bated tba p
Hr. aad Hrv
ereninf i> -Hi* htorl
Trarerae City arc
Ml*. Waidaaad* Abbott of lafham eooaly
urn. Jolla Tripp.
Hr. UlBfhaWerf TnrereeCtty
Ml tbe BabkaU wlU B. C. and W.
liar. Uaifor and melber ..._____
Tbe t E. topic far nest Snaday erencaller hare lo-da^
: Mr. ika Mia. WUm at w. Bioae*.
tolnler Mr. and Mrv Hack of Loato- imf is, "Bible diraciioo* (or pivvilcal
tt aad Cera Walter aad Min
rlUe. Kontseky.
life.'’Bph. C;i-9. Lender. MyrUe Johi.
neca Rabrbt are stteadlaf :*ebool at
Kick Kretoor kaa poreba^ tbe
U. n
MiB. PlaMy. who look bar yout BOB Traram* Oty.
Adoato Wyakoop farm, ooe-balf mile
.talM|lrilMtar*ak fw nadlsl trMV
Ml*. Htoato Uaeaiter ol Tram** rtoitad
eaat ol Klafaley.
week*, laft for bto borne Monday.
. mat. tatamad oa Itotarday.
- •
Unch Bo.
Hrv'SUaaoo intend* le anend the
J. Hamer and danfhler Liuie of
HdBMtal aai^ far Qyda. tba unit
Will Pr*J ll
wlBUe with her daaffatar. Mrv Oao. Halioivwbo wed* the fursUof Mrv
■aaat Hr. aad Hra. Uao. Barrta. Wat
Clark of (irand Eapidv
E r. Hume for a weak, left for U
haUatlbaaaaal boar ter ebareb aarrhlfbwnv Bear Wimaatberg.
Hto. (inaale Haalfald. who bak beep,
P. C Keck rraal to BIk RapIdB lb*
rery ill with inflammatory rboumatitm.
Prank MIekmmia epnt Baaday at «tb lo allwMl the labor day
n bare dorinf the ei
to reported aome betlar.
k'raak Uopkiaiand Him Uraee Hop-'
Mr.O^ltertoea tbeelek UetatpreaIn* of (irmad Eapld* are rtolUaf
trlaada and raUlira* here.
Browa' lomb.
leOaoter bairatvMd from Pori
m bare baea rlMUof N. W. dark aad
ll a botUe or eammon flam with
dror* to Hearea Ceatr* Wayne, lad., wbai* ba ba* baas rtolttbar old aeuuaiaUDcaa bar*. .
e aad lat it *taad Iwbety fonr
^1 fotof
t oa
OB U tba
Hand Camp aad Plon Cole, wbo bare hour*; a tedimaat or setUI__
tUinf ladivnle*
Mr. Battoa'a aad C JP: Baatiaf'e
Jeto JlJ^toktel to morlof ta the eoetb
r and
aa uDbanllby eondlUon of tbr kidnryv
paopl* want bneklaberrylBf tba Mb bma rtoltlaf S->phia Huff
lelaal Friday.
When arine atalna Ilnaa It to evidence
We are all flad to aa* Hn. 0. Q.
N. A. Anffell baa purehnaed a boaae
of kidnd* trenbl*. Too treqaaal d*s
kkerwm oat afala.
o nrianteor -pnin In tbe back, to
of H. McCarty and to workjnf hard
B. AjmW^otJfHm** Oty ia tba
E« proof that tbe kidney*
pnttlof it In nmdlnem for bto wife'*
fio. b«ya «alU aact Daaambaf.
wa. Salt baler* Jaaoat of order.
retnm from Indiana.
If We*t_____
Frank Wllnoo to kayt^ n eorieod of
(mtflr to ahip He any* beef caiGe are
There to oomlort la tbe kaowlcdfe BO
ecoreeamd tnrmai* ar* demandlaf and
^.a Bnaa T
(tan aipreaaed. tfaat Dr. EUmar'a
ffttiaf food priee* for tbam.
wainp-lloot. tbr froat kidney rasedy,
Hr. Fbmetoe'B Uwl* key. wbee* link
. .» Lain Tmrwaa le riaitii«
Late Br«t aad hto-------- -------------SAalldtoreto tTarorw City ImI Prl- tiraa aad trioada at Laaw Uk*.
trvmway pave way and fni^bim a free
rid*. H* tonbl* to r* to work afnln.
^r. Itoau aad A. A. Klehenea of
Hr. aad. Hr*. bbbaU lotarMd ko
Ctoaimer Manifold, former prinripal Bcoldiaf pnln to pnaalnf tV or tod
tbelr plaee dror* to Mlogaley to chorcb
tbelr bone la tba aoatbera part of tba of oar aebool. ha* hm eompalled to efferia foHowlnf nae of Itqnor. wine or
aa Baaday to*v
mbra bto aufafemeat a* principal of Mar. nnd oyareome* Ibat napleaaaat
gnIUm anmhar af anr yoof (oik* atate Tbaioday.
be mbool at Hmiek ea nceonat of tbn aiwmlwof balmraoaMHeA to fat ap
B.B. SUMof BHBapUe.wbe ha*
mnay Jmradnrlaff tbenlfbt loaris1] bohltfa of hto wife.
bean bwarWuWM brathtr. 8. A.
Oeo. HeUnoald ^ moved Into tb* nte. Tb* mild nnd aatmordiaary afHr. and Ura S.Voaut*b aad Mary e^auwafatchtoateem
]*.^tcoeM over John iUff-»abee ftn of Swamp-Boot to anon rmtlmd.
Beaerieb of Chleafo are rWtlBf biMdt
Utoa Opd Bobba aad bar brother
whloh ara almoat. oppoalte hto It aland* tbahi^Mat far iU woodarfal
w«*t to TcararM City ImI PrUay to be
HiMJI^Tnfcwbee* be win tfmi aad t*latlr*e.of tbto plae*.
mmllbakop Mr. McDonald',
McDonald'* (nm- ewran of tb* mot dtotraoalaf mmv If
ready to befia eahad Meaday.
ammt wuloom* nddiUoa Kaonr yoa nmd n madtoin*. yon aboeld bare
Mib Bart aad baby an the ra«i
CbM. Maaaa;
Oa. PMtoh aaUad at Ihto ptaea

rto^n J.n, >n> waOe bn. yon barr bepa annoyed by a (manat


who have boo^bl at

Slater's Fnrniture Store


at $1.00
_ Corn and oats a close sAiond,*
I'With potatoes neax the half
I century mar^ surely the £ar' mer haa every reason for reIjoicing. The long looked for
and oft promised prosperity is
upon us. You will still pros­
per more by getting some of
our good wearing shoes.




obtabied br adverttotna
jonr wantoinUieBaraia


MitororM dig mgotar^ Watee
taainam*>«A<« bto bead. 'EM dc^
ostoaopaod etopped wbero tbe Itted
Mg tad; bad falkm, aad WalUee Ibro

ill o (ta ter ad »k M
w lk<7ter teirr«Mi treate SsM
V (bail AraUe alptabM. Tb* tala
I •>• te wv M aldb' i> ■ te tte
Itei Hhr ■ «n*«i7 «M*. od tto
tete ofMs te|>MtDpe(lb* bn.


Itoela^mof rorote^^ tefa
p them roiaala to trmy
bmm. Ac a leemded inataaeaHtoma^
dearoH'kaow It. That la. be rofflomw
Moltbetr naening iaattaet
by allowing a mro^aa beai'e
tmied• Iff

Hotel Wfiiting

tbe Plata d<

Sbakm IHgroUee Conlial. made troto
umlcmedlciaal room and borW to tbe
»iu bloBdbeaad toretyfton- moat utatal core tor ladigmUoa. It
aaa it to tbla Meed that tbe relleero tbe
n pMntCTpnbaUrroediD

te wrUMD Mtd VmM cdr naltt.
Wripd nr Aralo DONnb (m> tb*
•tebotlbateni M» ray diff—b

TRArEUi Cnr, Mks.

Thirsriii, Septento 16.1837. ‘~‘“”"Idsa*'-aisa» -



Setcely r^ibC M Jamaica, lou cd
e doge were eeni from Hetroa to
qaell It, and ao tetrifle waa tbeii mttoa
at tbe tooDd of a goa chac tbe marocma,
orfagiUro alatta,,agaieal wbmn they
ere to aet. eepllaUiecl at udcib.
While we abadder at them elorim IK
I not fcagrl that tbe Dacorol diapeni.
don of Ibrar doga la tnry geeilr; ibat
they are lalifafol and attached,to tbnir
maRrn, making rxmlleut watrod<«i
and ueret altowlug tbr trroeity of tbalr
nainro onlrro irriuod. To man. tbro.

«ilk tw« <Mb>«. • do* nd twp dtM
U« daba. klBKiM like abortbud.

tea U UMAsm.




•Tb* tanunl ha btncBwestiiMt la
Omt Brialo apd ouaot Ik fnad
teoln. UiitraetbeaiiaanUed

tetl«^ OMr teb ■roth.

‘‘’ai dneJIKm*^ trial bottle tor 10
noe applicatloa of Or. Tbocaae- Beretrie Oil tabes away tbe pala of tbe
aoal aereee bom. It la an Ideal famlCeriaialy yoa doa'
rlth dropepaia. ee




Ye n here
bare neecw"ried“ witV:
Itorly lUaere fnri

ritVob.-eVu-I. Mr cTm iaiw^l.a?Ka3l^


Cbolera i________
Btorbua. cholera latoatam.,'
tbew doge bar* cmdUnDcd
itory. aod all Mom
tbai the Inie li only a fatale when hla dianah.ia. dyarai
dcacllj Cl
oMer dcadlr
lien to Mr little o
t pomloua «v Lroagbi ooc and ox- other
are iBfalllblT
Ext. of WlU HI

ttel7. 0U7 mil marte *|Kria b»^
lattnnd Id tfaaccmDCna. lodiD.(aOk
tat Pnu MK-------- 1 ba .1 lea. tte» dlKinrt ^KSla. «►,
-Tbe flie peemad etar” cert with em
iTDlta p.»«a tea. ooe iDPie iteia.
. nanraaa.
i, _ tbonbiac-.
u^fc, a nc time lb.. Ibe eilp of the aetaeora though by tm emwne e
iMwpuiale la BCBtrlnallngnaa Tekea
Ibrre'a a lefreablBK aaoma abort ' bortardva Darlralll*^ (otbeoAMi. (dm uf pepw Hot oullr eqoerw aoy I by
-w. He wnl
te lUe ’<d baaHbr. bapt7 cbUdm la t»t tba la a miaakon ri.-a.
. . «H CK »H liwhro. Fold It down the mid■all pan at tbe wnrid. Iteidi ntaard aerai a be morr nnrl; nlaiM to tbe ” I aed torn one comer. ei ahown in Fig
: OBiMD Id cne dlreetin and ibr ploren .. Then turn Ibe ucber nmer In a tevtni
dlreexlon. aa ahowo to fig. X
Tben doobling cha k<t hand pda arm
with Do riabi fuU. aa In Fig. A and thro
aatlre Ferria wheal, Up of I
nteurleiii la
folding, aa abowe In fig. 4. give una
I ai^ ina eDOD«h dif- , feet «
thicul a'nd yon will hare a ll«« pnAtfa
m rtevate
rlaho - antilTBiK« bare an expam of 8
a». whieb, tbough U may - - • latel‘aeDBrt.La^.«tl»Hldwa7 tebl.'ila b-i^b. If |
II woold wptjcb fnaa
u Id Cblcao U be t
« aiedottea <d thne ndelpno- aontdiat toa«e.
dad wbfwie la Cairo. aaUr balll auUer. Tbete b
M w»“
who «“’e
bare «T»«x™»t
ntanuid IIUBI
fnB MW
U>« ,
tha • .M, .1.1, r.i

Tbit li Lillian Unvu—a aweet, fat
Utile dimple face ibac i. jn>i ae good as
can be. Aa yoD ar bet now ia }nR
.uc-war (hr wa> T.aurdxy ooi In
|cDn. alier >be had bnw Aong fay yellow
! waqit. Hot mrabdi bod told bm that
•be oonld go on In ibn liayfleld and
plan, wben- bc-r father and tbe
wen mowing Tbla war afar tb<

s '.-a';:,;:j1^

___ ^SS2

aANI-glu. cured •
> t-mriteaCiueBL i'uinwwd ao4 etonp.
-Mrolaeto. Film Ta|e



rotferiogfrom a torpid tirer. HeWllt a 'n'toi t.-rure Is ...m at-fafaiiw i"'•leu
LilUe ktorly Bierrt, (lie pilU Mat

raoaa Mat o~uii
The era -I Ihx. IL. n. a «e.
ifaerinuaditordertof Me blood, litroeg
atbartica afar wnne Mao oaalene. liardork Ulood lliltere la natnrr'e own
dy for troll hire of MU tort. 34 It

.’V'ti-j:?*. ::^z

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Beneniuc tnm u


-kumaa fn.'wwSSttS


“ DRS. B. S.&CO.

IxlOk Sox leo.


**f iNHb *faL***


bnvU; aad clDiullr fnuMl. The axle
~ tbe wbroi and tbe abaflOD-wbiefa

■drrO and flfty.aad in. W a Um.
amr thr One roc <d a wandnrul alaa
_____ j3tb»wb«L Scaae'oftbe
•bUdteo bold bab7 broben aad dalm



I»1I U-.ta. «—I,

■.. • B.I.U1..
dcnwidi hop eilbcr
r*MV iwiau
winaar '“
^ oboolder otxr ,i„
tbe bnwaL xwi
h'ociee Ux>
- ' Thondariaanliaeliiolldarllkr
of long, white, brleUr ploai.e
t. rpper U-h Rand A|nan-l. A g
nte- Tbej*
matrlrol flmirv d A altn. « loreqnl
A IppmKIgfatll
• ita. A AebllL
A ■ - I. Air. i. Obwrrrd.
A Croinl Bqoare—1.
A Affncy
8 1
4. Idwrt Left
period. U
_______ .. To make (rognaa agalnc.
A Unree Rlgbl Hand tiguare—I IH
A KiIfdiuo rerga AAlrgeaem




birda and bBt(<ri1l<« that wm- ao
where the luc u were rutting tbe grua
Uat rouDd place U
ia not mowed. IKUeVar.” mid erne
tbe urn, "f<ir tbrre la a yellow waap’t
,rof It.”


A A^micd^gltob peat.
A A (amour AnKrinn tnrantar.
4. A pmlitenc of tbe L'niuri jfiaMa
A One wSmthd ia tbe Argecwiiti|lii
A A poled abolltlootat.
fa, 10 Taro teDwnla wbo fa

laswhiu aad I'l
toaia and Croairl M rod yn cbai-e POT aUTra a brad wltbooc Iram. aad a BHwUi wntarolrnc:

I ma naad wtlhroc ima. hoi I aerm ma ai.
AUbowh I'rr no mind. I as bim aad ('■
to (Mthrel al

aad ft


rcKiua wh>:ki.


forgrt, and ao wbro
chip faint fell 'cjff a tree wicb a broken
wiog, canard ly a had buy wbo flong
r. LiUiau ru for
■ it
it. T' •e poor bl
f ptinv




,( lb. .KU lit Ul-aroa UA NMSlS ■

BRIGHT’S .DISEASEI Corner Front and Cass Sts.. Traverse City. ^

kM. ro>... la car Clu W D(f -


Ulr al can, I-MIIMt.ltm »

«r„j------ 1




’Srracpl days agci.-'roys tbe Ohio
State Jem
.tiud. ”CanKtveonan Vateon
tent rrTcra
rrrrral large aarka of flower
ganleo acvcla

Summer Lap Robes
FXiir 3SnE3TS



mting OlovM and KltUaa aa lew aa SB oaata f
ttomr Trade Wionrea in oor Cilore aod MlUea Ktork.

College of Mines.






U9 Piut MrmL



Our fS.OO Tran!ikHd a OrMtt Barcaia.
Bargaia. liook
Icook our otbsi
^oodA over

A blair • —a...l


To rlnap at cxiat entire lot of


TraTarg* City, wieiRffaii

Order* for Job Printing left at the



...eSr^s:.'^ “


te wm eeol to lbs gneery to 1 .
half pDTOd of mUd cbamA bat be dUa’A
• mm. awd be' atwija earrtaa a galtonpdmetoalaKdwhrobe get Mma
.^iMMlmdamw't mam to orod.
mM Me stromMr-bMf a

... ^tro




u^^yivwy*^ jaittsikiy.i^croro Isroiaro

5 !SfS!^-S”.^5SS

’ (be ennat dsngrrrws nf all human !
InimU Imwii-r- iU a|>pr>ucb ir cool--1
conld bare beard i\ If you fa's’ Im »■''
_ rrafalr. lie rymptuni-ar.'mniiium to |
within a qi
of a milaut the piece. other dirraw-x. rlz,. ts-vur- l|.wdaclie, I
Lilllan'a motbrr beerd it and
of MiO
tbe uoua.'
bouar ip
Eo cuue
lime BUU
and ntdied
little glrfilw rod face wiUi w
wet tail,
.ll. aysUm and
.hair.-, lb ix railed
Tbit Boned the pain, and UIII
illltn wm
bv liuhiiilv of Uir kidm-re to flllcT tbe
then pul oo tbe old aelwe niK
Ifn-B from thr blood.
grtperlnr, and ebe wrut to rierp. Bbi
Mat bad boy Mit waelbeeanae of it
all went boipe unpnniabcd, and nerer
Mooght Mat It waa Lie own wickedin brraklDg that poor bitd’e wing,
canoed creti more pain ofuirward.
Tb«tii the way one bad art always
leads to eDotbiy. or. at in oor little
Lllliro Grcci.'s raw, one erne] Bose
flang at a faitd may ranee a sting in (be
face of a littto'^Rl..........................
rgirL—Ellen Ring in

ibere ha( fa>vn a eonrtoiil Bnram uf
tbewiKKnoatrf ■
pcnoiK couiing to tbe nmgirmuu'
II yop beatfailr. yuo an faiM. and s
WtnA bat lUt MokM little dl
taeda n alnraetw^ fdaiii growing ne
yon look fatoon you bap your bap wlU ia iawriBceinCulumbro On faatuntoy
da te idillitaBD. M tbe; bate few atb> onll;
!ly in tin'
tl»' roantrr^
roantt;^ In winter,
winler. wben
furfarouA H
laUe gamro, naloe ne ruonta nmipb
aial o wiiii
rliii planu
plaiiu are irane. be
rta.yoaankat, oudianer what you
■a given two parkagix He drmsrred
abd aeatBiiig. which aa<- 6oefa tb>:«£Be roniltl; frrde no Ihna- whirh
am grown
this and rt ai-brd over Into tbe aaok
tta wold orer. Tbe ycmng^t-«»«
«»'»>>- ‘ H-V’ 1* •? bd o. iiua a ,atric»
rod . began to fiU hi* ]«-kvfaL Wbep
Kay to tba fmaetor.
•bla; been” wHh etalke■ td ------------------eepi-laiien,
bat adde to bi* reg
caUfd down fay Me- altrndauA Me lover
teateede.aBdBciB>e<i( tbe older
No.-aA-KamcrieBlEolaaa: t>ra^pdi.4 a
I ll*el;i
farane «ald: 'I haven't got cnofagb
an laaiDiBt football tniD tbe BiiUah aoy.hluc that Hero and
a mcM yu. It
Me. tSA-A Wheel;
ntdte. bpt that la abno. all.
. n^| en.«ph.
laAnoioa wbro one eeca a large'
■Milia td pMxga and oaadp aundi i
a luro-a ntmbbip m- a te.
Bo kaewB a big aeboul aait fan near far. j
Una rar> oxorouro Uw anlmala la
ma nlo dom't bold in Egrpt. when a wild atatn li> « 1.0 man foaeann nd woan eat qnite aa moeb puin and fHend. r'< well aotbntl•vaatatwBaaoUldxen. All tbe natirea cned inaUDnea wlw.. lliia bn beobdoie
candy ti areamaUnref teeod. Tbe foUowint
w«»Dc.-Tbo nalire
tdibepaaleaorl. Itkemareb tnataone ia
la Toonbwl
Tooobwl f« by myna
anOowa. or mixed with walnM or p.-.- apoodenl. a yoong woman wbo la a
M mean, or wltb dabm or noonanot. . eJo» and arooratn obe rrrr: Imat wrak
OTMUMangar, ar”roekeamd.r.”if my broibrr (a lad rf J *) killed a anako
alnomnmon. asdwbseAmetkanrbil- wbleh wea jeal in tbe an<it nbUng a
____ ban
ban nndy
nlepbanu and boraet amg atKrrow'a not. Erer ainee tbm
Wa t9A—Ulwlng Rhym
■ondlana cat eandy ephioxn and pyraacftly eo bcT phyeioT*ap­
peennee. NUart.
' ordre to prc»<rrc tbe
art. lo
2da Indead. tb. CUrone efaild aeema tnde loiinarge In a m.iy
. my.' ahnut. A Rm. c
racr. r»de* r--*
aaeklBd to tbe ioBlocCire
•o.belalwayi caUng oltber emtdy or mamiei. Wbro be gom Into tbe gaidw,
prcfcicucr for
ngtr mo* or flat, thin eroataof onlear-. ib. qiuiow will fly to fata. wenetiiDet
Aa fo -fnSi,
erro a ”fcwa-1
slant wete ehirfly eoagbt tbe
- . ■------------------------ tfigblingcelila
brad, at other timea cm
No. Cto.-L«Mr Rcdmaet: itoyemah effeptiag migbt to e ftanalm ef SeleWhile poD^ eWa
mo,,. far
fm whidem.
wiwlem bat
bm they
t^ wee
JMeoa madartnopngealo faalf a neat a tamnltooaa anog c< proiie and gratit ef pfay^
ote^Kia M likely that .naitre todx It wlU aecnapuiy him aboot tbe
Ke. ton.—Dr
B pay n mnefa. Tl>ey ^cll the garden, orrer kwring' him nntil he
tn ”r.m.f atrodi" S-Hr. ga^S. Geon^nyob
know, h a qnirt boy. wbo loen asi*
mak,.asd tbla may Brouont In a
fur tbe apamrw'a atmnge arUona
Tbe teeeber la ol-^ I am perfeOly etBrlnrod that Iba
epty Mia M_________ _______ _________
! neating Wrda cm my plat* know me,
wtb.or tUi. nromecfel form.
and that they romemUr me from cma
eoocbrt. Ibereiepeat. beobd. WbUe many tnlte m beU br
te Maedb Dr. Hme-e Cotton Medical
edly eppnwnbrd my (ene to wttbln a
IcU of rttilug faieda wicboal alarmiiv
tar band cm a ailUng eerdlual. wUi* tbattbeaaamtomeitperooftbtoremmkmerely aetletrd from baaealb It wlth- abto dog »e to ba foond In bglaKd. m
mrl erlDcIng f Briber alarm.yet no wild tfaeranlboBgbttooBKl all edb«ln
hM bm m l ••nneed toward myidf fwlftoero spirit aad rodmamm A woU
onycppaDlaldegTrecdMaDdabip. Wbro
twaaa lad, I r. member tbal a omtaln feet high, with regator llata.
decrepit old dreke wonld follow me feet of a toodmate otoA a wl'
like a dag. rod be aitpeaied to miv dug nkirt. a broad bacA
rod tehy tail
If lb my soriHy.' Inmid bet op- Tbe bead to ratbar emaU Mu
tobii frt
wtoA mto tbe pnpmtntor aiMdl
la Me oM warn betwero Brola


Betsof Rock Lump Mi
It is the best thin^ to salt stoch with. Just i
put a piece in the field or manger and let
them lick it whenever they want to. This
way they can get enough but not too
much salt. We also have fine barrel salt,
coarse barrel salt, fine table salt, ground
rock sEUt in barrels or sacks, and special
made butter salt

- Per tnMnU and Childna.

Bni of ni

rr it. until it led (be little




aalarday, Ito I teb day of ICMamber.

We have just received a new lot of

•a« gijl Bt.-.- I hacr a—d Kly'> c'rean
____aaaiuW ut lMrx«i.d Sial ll
a ehare. ll hav’e'vd ■' »'
>'-< •-‘-ti: |
aalrraw el ntfa la Ibe head la le— Ibai.Rl
Ih.uo toMatWilai' ’^t'K Ihr euU ruMiaxea.

TW aany paa to iha fan id a thmv
Aad a Iro (tin dueoK <r tbr (alr> yro win ma



All Meae terrible. IlcMIog din
tbr ablD tbal help to make life
blefor U( are canard by rxternal paraailee. lioan'e Ulntment kilUthepartollr and.earcw the diaatNs. IVrferlly
b irml aa. peter fails.

Ta a tbouaad Mit roa
Twira eriy. (bn. ica.
Oar and flrr id rna

are reij abot. bderd. it U <|alu>,
atoMlj' crralBTO, and wbni n tbe wing
elona ae aMjealle aa tbe eagla.



is tbe place to ^if ton want a first-class article
of Tea or CbfleeT^Onr stock IB new aod of
the best ()iialitT. Onr Teas ran^ in price from
15 to 50c per lb., and Coffee from 14 to 40<: per ^
lb. Call for a sample of onr floods and compare
them with olhcrs Md jon will be conriaced that
I we gire better ralnes than jon can get elsewhere. *
Try onr Gold Medal Pkmr. It is beoaming more :
and more popular eveiy week. Yon can't make ^
a misake by giving it a triaL

dbee doge won maeb oaed.
aid tbal tesD wm mproladly
tnebed by Wondheapd.. ami oalyae-

ConiarTth uiclUiuoaStt.


Tbamday.Ttb roy «f OiirnfaB, A “


iuuiuuuuuuiiuuumuuttuuttittuu ^ ^ ^


KM.S «.B&*M.MUor.



Woad aad bteam M


iTJm rESgfs.^w'g-sySi


**."'!■ 2«i g

«■ fc«*i 1« ta«l




wUa-rtea toaaplala.’5!aTtolh
to pot the piaew ia their prepor Ota
The wide pan tMa lata I
whore the marrow ptaoo oofht

Hew to Berm Oaeou Beet.


>wa ore aar own (orator. Ood tabeth Bot tack hk yitU

bordea to hemait and her brawibilil
dnrtoff Ow elelt br trytoc •»«(> M Vbea the waittoy k all a
and the deathly ihai
A UUla
oaaaaatarppteDa to (all orllhaoaah. anch to entenaln W fate
Andyler)' kylveB for |
work, of
bawraa. Mr-HoUt' '
elaroa that I____________ ____ ____ _
■aaoa. aad pwdleU )hat the whidr whole nmttoe of loBlIy
We aay flad tbe waittoy bitter, add
taWlp wOl aroilaall/ baeewea bor- friend hoe eowe toaharelL
eowBl tbe aileBoe loer
anyone woald feel entraael,
„J kaoweth we are dael. and be
--------------- -- fortable If aba felt that bar rkit woe
Boeh troabla.
Tha otdh
Aad wtralaltb tor*pown to fallacaa.



bet the Boat tarBOl of eialtaca.
*"w*eea™lt*iki^ r^fft^rlte par-

re of the awall waUera rclatiac
•kaaptaraad lhaUro>w^
I Haa aad owreh i^^t al^ anUdy 1 able: bet e
.1 • •
—.11 thoj

food or ate
r hae om


urv ae fdrari- “{fad a had. knw bar*.

•Fspa»i hat ne signature ^
MF. Amm kot vtkanbt fnm m to jm mu wme e>
Oft ne Cmtar Cmpni§ <if «kiek Cham B. fUUker it

'■^iiovod tD tbe pain aad trauhC*'* Tbm



Do Not Bp Deoeirei

jovrt fjrirtt v^raum owlvm B lira a it

Do not endan^ the life of your child by aocepdi^
B rfarap faibstitute sHticb some drnggte tony offer you
(becayfle he mafa* R few more peoiues on it), tbe iagrediet^ of which evttt be does not know,

So. aorrowiay hearta. who hBBbly to
darknem aad oil alone


West Michigan.

“The Kind Yon Have Always BonAt"


^_„^wlll e^e borrlellMM ladivUMi idkwMk OhakTioBn oneb Bmle oi tba It aoenetoBed tc
A Tooehin* Soane.
orbry day. aad inra bertalf tha expend
'■ labor which -------It la alerape ehamdor to oae ehlMrao ________ihoarhtabd
«rkkh raMlM ia tk* wM« bMOBM ao Baalloat tender aSeetioo toerard their elabomto meal* weald aBUU.-fteiDearaala.aodthleb.aUll«aota ^caalaf rtml'r ifntMrinc.
Thinye We Uanbt to Enon
tba •'eblldren*' are theaawlra
Bmia io a
ta ahM^" Ml
Tbe Boonnd Coolctoc of Brood.
- swril
writer n
il,” ahaaM* sea aad woomd. . The
;br neoof a Htllr reSoed boben helareeaimllroad train a
Phyileiaiie oftce order toaeled bread
tax Id U>V wi
ream a(0. when ^>>««y_to_<~t?f
dlreeUp ta <r
or'torallda. They do aot - Bean, bow
him wtahladl^^ln
allae of bread which bar
Tbath^r brmJ.ra ehoold be cleaned
_._ ____ eridenl.. _____________
toaalod Aral on one aide by nsbbioy wlib dr\ ludiae aval antll
traocllor. aW aa maalfcatlr la
1 (be frtber. Icarlnr a eofU the duet and ervaer
yreaae am
ace ext
•weeded ehUdbood." B waarofTtalk- i^IrmUble eebtre, t
That etainx may be rvBoved from
aUre, aad be tedd me all aboat tbe
the haacU'by rabbioy tbeapoU
eUre of tomato.
k to oae mp am
I'nder IbU bead eoBO. lOeo. palled
aUo a «
bairaad BjAaMbt
broad, xwlebaek. and tbe toaewd mek help in rvBovlny apoU aad alalne
tti^wU) ■•oA"a»d €*-■—-----------lakl^l ain't amfalb
M«<ita«d( far twaaplac carpetad
for panada.
Palled bread ie elaply
the banda.
•aMltargaU takabatafew aiabrmd palled off to little Mte. the biu
Ihal elotbvapinv are made aneb
^;t tickled
pattotoaiaa lined with ppper. then more dorable by boillay (or ton Bininto a toederalelr qalek oran. and
• •
• rarcoeeil.
ntoa before
"He be«M cbthartac
toaeted naUlacoldan brown, and criip
to the re^ centra. 'Thle bre^ may he
1. IM,.
Clt rlrbtoS dlaary Bodla ba(a- kept to a dry
when we atop." h?Si
koUm. ThaAli^wm baaa.
plaeo. and reheated at eerrior tlBo. _ _ _ _
I liyhlly half a cap c
aal tt «tn ba eeafarttac to know that Helly’ll bolhU:
It will1 keep tor two Boothe. Zwio- molaaaea. Add io It aqaarter of a cap­
me.alihoacb they lire nine Blleeoet
k U made bv catUac bread late fnl of boiliny water, lake all from tbe
In tbe eoaotry. and there aia't no need
leaad toaetlap It la lb
fire and add a yood pinch of haklny
0- both o' thea eoBin-. Hat (bey'll be tboroorblydry.—.Sricried.
■oda I'OBrUiUovc^tbv batter.
'•er«—yoB eee If.they ain't"
.Wbeawe raoebed K-. t
MpidB» a»d aaoreM a aambar of
9aecns ae Molbera.
make a batter—leaa than a capfnl will
aid mna alartad to leaoe
-wbkb.itteaald yenerally auawor.
Add a little elnnahacte. bat tbe train hnd not yet
able to Ihe Rae- aaa and a teaepoonfnl
_____to .a ctaadetUI wbea a freat.
' -iGlhaoDwiBaKm
. todlee-tbaith* B<
der. and Uke ia ycB
bmrdad riant of a maa. tally "« te bee child eeer
ate oven.—.tc/cnvl.
ywra of• art
- barrlad
Into tbe
aai d^'^^TdB^e** tohw analied
"JlBay.'" cadled oat tha old
altaatioo. remlade oae of tbe marked ly
Old atockioy Icyvaakr nice a
easorly. “Here I am. JiniByr
________ ________clee of aBoay of tL.
ibadaaoa“Father!" ewied the eon. aad be
loyal aoreralyne of the praeent day.
IhelluUold Ban rinht lato hlii
Ink sttlae on llaen can be taken oat
' The tlaaeo of l^e loom apon tba
aad banad blB. while tbe Unri •
peraoaal tralolay of tbe yoaep kins ae If Ue.KWln k flint waabed In »lron|
ithaayaeof both.
tbe bnetoeee of a eorcreiira. an< Mdl water and let it atand over niyhv
Iwl^faWa Mid with pcoparoaca it A aloat plaielyebd. aiddlewcad part,
Do nut valt beef before or wbllvookkuior ner mjumwbuuu. c
.wBUi appearad at the ear door, and
iny. aa it drawn out tbe jnlem. wblcb.
froa blB for a einyleday.
__ _____________
B left (re
to boillay eapralally. are iberebv loeu
tlaeeo Bcmnt of llollaad bae edoa
.«mr tMetbailepp^ ••Roeaata
When wlplay on the floor before pnu
Thao aba Wroed aad eallad to ai
the carpel down, apriakle It all
Odd on the pUUutiB.
lUutiB. “Uere ho
_* little goi-------------------------SeSif fallale« kaahare enr at. Uere-e (atber^
bettolfoA day to alter. Tbe
prevent molha.
“Seliy-^ywin:'WMBataef '^OTan." tibkbwere
“Selly-myrlrl:" eaUtheold
____ devoted
of Ueraaar le an eqaallj
ipen your darter ^Ilyhllf before
------------tMBad triad ia batter. Tlw
Tbe eoa and daaebter both had ae
pcoalbly take a wipiny off wonlwork and
-nsaroand the father ae be left tbe
e deetinie* of ber adothna well aa a, fealber
wr. On th pie tfonn ware eaten or
lUUeaooaif her
you would be thuronyb.
ali^t rnadAlldren of (tob «te to
er to.—MlrOed.
twenty yema of a«*.
Rattan chaira that havt become dk“BareayoQrfraadpar labi “KHIt."
colored may be Bade very pretty by a
coal of black or yolden browa paiat
and flniabnl with a handaomc caabton.
.. wme
______ tbe
tbew ono-foortb enpfal of cold water____
BolU are more erkp aod tender wl
and tbe byetaaden on tbe pUxforfa eoft. then dleaolro ft ia oob eapfal of baked iioicklj.aDd
Icklj.and the bvalof tl
amlled, bat I think that Boet of theB boUtoc water. Add one eapfal of aar ahonid be aomewhal yreater f
>talof lemoajaloe
far bpKw hear.aad wbaa tbay are apr^- with a lady
• - on Om car wbo
than forbreail. Thvye'- —
eoaalderably llyhlerlt“It ii a beaatlfal aipht to aae an old B torye bowl aad aet
BUr oftea and beet the wtaltep
Ban lotnd and reterad by hU ebUdree eool
rapidly by
and 1 only wlab of three eyp alls. Wfeea tbe yelhttoe
klny ibrmprop
that aaeb oxbiUUooa of- affeellm
were beytoe to tblckea add tba beaten bot IltUe after they g
wbiua, and beat all toyettaer aaUl
renwTC Bildew Iram white cotton
nearly etlff enonyb to drop, then poor
>riala dlmolre eee and ooe half
. KHn.
into a Bald. Heat the yolki of thme
Made af Meed.
ea of cblorlde of lime In oae .|aart
aha will
oUiny water. Slralo the liquid
Oora Chka-Uair a capfnl of enffar. a or. add a pinch of lalt and one plat of
- 1 of batSar,bettar, throe effe. of hot BHk. Oook to a doable bolte tbronybatfaickelothaDdeoak tbe mil­
" , one cnptal of - - CBOotband tbkk.atirrtoyeoiiitaal dewed KpoU le thh liquid for eeveral
aad Uen rinae tboranybly ia
B meaUDae aad a hall
Bt m^ab^ .,
Wbea tbe eaelard laeoel flam
Wet tbe yooda before
jltheanilto. Tom the enorl oat latai
ylam dkb and ponr tbe eneUrd around poUlaytheBtoeoak.
ft. or eeree It (rom a plleber. -one apon the
toruoto. ____________________
overed with
other, then eovered
brown paper aad rtitebed toyetber
Bear the tclye. make an rxeellenl mat
1 thick batter
Tbe Bapreeeof UerBony baa bad the to lay npoe a hardwood lloor to front
tbie laloatblek botwfateb bae bean well Balerial te a yown made which, wbea of tbe alnk or raaye to a kiiehan. and
ooBplelcd. waeao beaaUfal that^a will aave the oook ayreat deal of work.
fby WbanaoUed thk mat can be Ihrawa
In wbleb balltUema]
.'iTtU^^udTeltm^^'*- woald Bot allow it to be di
and aaeily replaced by a freab
or and bake alowly tweaiy alantea. tbe edeeorm of a dreneatakar
torn wUh a iBBoakc tamer aad tokr torial k.of eilrery wbile
which k a mleed patten <
ten Blnatea (oarer.
follamaadbriyhv-piaBayed blrda-The
wbolaxtaade oat 11 hold relief,
• • aad
low floni a
of work mpof r;










f.rU; read whatothoaray ;
Mr. David C Oika Ii prapriBBT

n» V
years. LOOK CAREFULLY of ike vi^iepfalHswttaf it it

.forted wllbtbk
• ever oar own.
tetheVTB. I
tad Ood. wbo yave the praeioom ylft. teUKilw’a. MdtofaMO



__ •gtgk'S.'X'lS^’lE


the alow pan iwiea aron weak, wo bw
wk> far. aw



0 Whidi tfie ExpecUnt Mother is

severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All efiort should be made
to smooth these rugt^ places
in life's pathway for her. erif she
to her bosom her babe.


ness, and so assists
Nature**St le change gom fareasy manner, without
ward in
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache. Etc. Gloomy
r_____ i__ j(__ „•


-1_______ 1..1


forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anti
^ the ordeal
tl quickly
without pain—is
i-is left
strong and

i enabled to joyou:
pwformthc high and holyydut


Insist on
Tbe Kind That Never



iinsTEB uii ion8unm~i.i

^ gi.A. PET£f^7-y-^

Carriages, Catters, Sleighs, Etc.

to life of both is assured by

UK Of -Mottaer-s Frteod.'^

the time of recovery sborteoed.
“Iknowonslsda.____.'of three
ebiUrvn, who auffp
birth of caeh. wbo otMinm---------Motbar'a Friend' of me before
lourui oonoDanenti ana wav munvu
quickly aod voxlly. All ayreetbat Ibrir
labor WM eborter and leaa poinful.JoBS O. ruuiiu, faaeoD, Oa.


Horsesboeiog and General Repairing Dona


•1.00 m BOTTU al
er east br boU o
imrtuM uronavM w

flEE Mu’^AUaw* a|»**'aSi»io?*to


Cheap Homes



0 asSFiv'-*'



^ ^^^wiU^baqalta oafaddattea
•■Rahedrna toaah «m how U> Mka
M «tehtr alelhM late tba,^MM


Ika ahlffa.ooUueaad deteMow
ha re^ aorta
• oritt


^t*oM enp of Bilk ii
blk rradnally Into tbe
of batter. _____
Heal well: add twa teafaU of baklnr powder;
ed ahallDw Uc-------- '

eee enp of Wbhe floor, a aeaat half-dtp
of BOlaeeea.aleaap<»afalef andaalttadthroarfa tbewbtefloar. Addaoar
aulk Id otaka a batter. SKutwoaad
ene-half boare wlibont atopplnr or aa-

Oood Adrioa.
Tbeethwdayoal waadlaflarto

iMvIcenaalf oMHItthMoa. AM
aibihaf ^aad oUr with a aponaa*
aadaawfaa. Datteteil flwabirei..

irttor* to *^a"^^rIelSllB*Adromto"
two ladlw mt


woe done by one ekUled weaver, wbo
worked Bootbe oo Iv Ue received >30
b yard te tbe work, to addition to bU
rcyalar pay. aad tbe price of tbe eHk
wbeo It wae coaplcted wae IlM a
Bootob Cream.
Ooe-balf of aa oaaoe of yelatlne, one
eapfal of aUk er erroB. one-half of a
oapfnl ofeayar.baeaad onr-balf teaaponnfnle of raalUa. ohe plat of eroas.
Covrr .he fel'ttoe with «pld water
and leave to eeak aboat aa bear. Plaee
allk and eoyar oa tbe atovh to beat
Beat the plat of ereoB to a niS (rath.
A* torn a* tbe Bilk belle add tbe yelaUne and remove (ram the mtofa. Stir
antw tbe yeUUae le delved, e
tbrucyba tbla cloth or dtae wiret
eel to cool, tbea add vaallla. Aa
ae cold pour into tbewbippede .
aad bU qelebly and tborwbly. then
pour iDto a Bold or asall ylamea
Mace oo lee -.Vlmrd.
I'alBt etato
canbe raaaoved wltbom
lenvlayaayB^ by mbbiny wub tafl
peaUne. tftbe patot k froab U eaaha
eaelly roBorad by applylay UeWrr -


Farming Lands
ftoUnndCenqdvUd TSirDnyh'canUr
Oo not ^ Weat or Sonlb antll yon
Carmeia. Ton eon oo better with leaa
BoncT nearer bcoM.
Lands rich, dry and yenUy raUtoy.
Umbered mainly witb 8uyar Haplc,
Bock Elm, Haaewood, Ash. Beech
Hemlock, etc., aad an wall watered by
lakea. riven and brakes.
Btrony eoils. fine <pnpa. healthy
mate, eeboola and ebarabea. intelliyent
IFnr Booka, M^pa. etc., addraaa


Mv a cma teeiar Mai*

aoB M RK-vassesa-

EiuinUii «I Teubin.

Good Fits,
Good Goods,
Fair Prices,



-j. tabaewradBany adollaAfroBlIrhh
^ ^ Srit b2^ -y boBU fame ,'JLe.


I WU toleaeely

___________________ .ehaa with
Mte tRMB a teUp oat fla» weibw roaa hitfaar aad

liklilili baa hacoaa ae waah that ha
Mla.aM thahecriaaaweoa. litt


0^ *y^*

d mtnato a *^li^caf

thmdora.neTarwD abroad toaearehof
yoar wmata
It they be real waafa.

.>&Nr war aSfara. Salih.-Iter*i-k wm aa;?«a.t wbat been, net


Itk wM (hat pal!
aateeal la a read
pioo. Ilia wfal worth tr^. farU
«oM hans md Mty 4omT





•U, Ann Arbor. Telade


Leather-Nots from......................... 1.00 to kBO potafaKMtRfad 8oath..G)M»;
Bemember the Barxain Single Eamesa 7.00 oOBBoetiou at CoptBich



rt mute

bolar a loor one." aad ahe read;
•'He wbo bm wbat be doae not need k bettor to mix with tbe tarpeattoaha
caplwVymmoBl Irt ta.
a cwafal

IB to 7BC

Good, heavy, Mato Cotton Hot... .85c to S1.B0 ML PImmdLDWomo. fliliilk
Pine Mash Shaft Net.................... $100 to ABO uw. Bey Otty. XfaCteit, B»ir.

ind haw them made into Dunbk ai



AarvIm.fMBbetlrwnw thfw ywOv wM




If yon hare logs to kU correspond with the Traverse
City Lumber Company. We have for sale good, sound
Hemlock Lumber, Surfaced Sidewalk Pbok, Maple Floor­
ing. Short Maple Wood. Lands for sale. Mill Machinery
of all descriptions, inclndiag 2 Engines. Set Works. Carriages, and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant for sale.




Brosch's Meat Market



Choicest Meats, Foultnr and CamAji
FfeUi,Srit ami Smoked MetoSu



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