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The Morning Record, July 03, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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Bt- IMte fftoaeit Oompamp reread to
Torme bp Bopaott— DteaatreH
•pawei wTM tewmea maewe.
Ik Loate, ielp »-The atrtka of tha
atoeatearmaa toaapmiatad to tote dtp
«M for DMh •< Bu«a
XMMitr aa iUf stojrae ienuUp daelarad off
- _ affraei to
—Uitir kimf MO aovofol BMIIotha sama aad to ralaatata
A»o Boif fwyowo to nmoo- taaandu
toe old MM. 'Aaareaaltof tha atrtha
AtaMl B0V07WIU PfoMMj
U Uew hara haaa Mwiflcid. e«er t«
woaaded bp baltote. tottaa
that aamber tojarad bp BUedtoi or ia
^ ^ meaataijp
sraatartoaatoat eaaead bp toe
WaoU^toik ioly »-^Xooilj oUvo to
ItetoitobfUtfof ocMntmrpnr* apeleaaef '»4, wktobdaetrepoda toted
oftoaatop. Tbabopaett prorad meat
liCMtoftoo .. .................................
affaeUraaadwaBthoeaBM of ferd«
too prto>w4 »~t------------------- t^aompampto------
VolMd BtfttM wUl
|tooofto«tot»»» It io tootoWa «hM
la IkoOTMofwKlBOUBaAOpdMl
Ontor»fU k* o^fMd k
tooAwriouAdoMo l«at latMtko
kao dadai^ ba waU ra
Wrrlaaa fortUo aoMMad. Qwlatto
' too aaa«aika had tahao^ too
of iha alhar pamra oC too PhiUppla«
dariar Iha •tMlah-diaaricaa war. tha
adadaMiatloa baUana Ua Moral affaat
at Ui iMOMca to oewianail of tha
^AMTtaaa teaaa waald ba aaftataat
grnanmm that tha Vallad Statoa
waald fotaaflvwhMthatlMa arrivadforMtw
r a aaUopto rorwd
to.thaa^aiattof erfi
Twt7«fflz Xoite Tflkffn fton
Bomffd •tffUUliipB
ainwiito Onawui bffPriB.
QipalBaMentto Flask
Ererp babp bom tbu pear
can hare a pair ol aboea
made to order FBBB if
* brought to ooratora.
Bipaa te B^hatle oa ttot fte«at-SlV
fdd Bdtofto Toerme weald be a
■treaff Oaadttato Car ^M Praddeaep
aadaOeed Vaato ffatea BaeaaeateteffraU Beaaiw foam hae Op.
apeelal wTbc HMlagBeaato.
Uaeoto, Jalpt-BipaH te to have
hte ewa wap aboal tiao dlvar and 16
te 1 wUl bo epoeiAaaUp maatkmel
too KaaaM Clip platform, olboro will
be ae eoaemrtoa werthp the a
mode to toa oMtara Damoeraep. Thte
mach te iwaeedert bp oeerp Demoerat
of premtoeam to tote elRp todap who
came from Eaaaaa Qtp for the parpeao
oftalktogwltoBrpaaabeot toe plat1. Ba-Oeagmewaa Jaaua Kerr,
lorlaueompletclp IdeaUflad.
BMMtoaetOflldal alltoaaBto Prator- ia kaowB that 41 of them ara from the
~ min. Oolp two are kaowa. to have
. pltp flhot-HtoMU Threath i
OM ftem the Mato nad oalp one from
eBromea. Itte etlU a matter of
apaetai wTM MaraiaaPaeord.
ajaetore how amap ware eatoi
TaRoHMta, lalp l^ad|faTh<
toarabmerged hnlla of the three
B- Umt of too arlBilaal aoart to tU* rotoad ahlpt Mil how maap met death
aantp.oMoftoa hlfbaat oBawt of
eaptogtrom them toto toe rl<
too Mbaale tiatartltp of ladtoaa.
etui toe imprMdoa of the North
oatoldadtoteaTaatoc at hte roald
bpahaaltof htoaaalt throath tha haart.
Bottom Dropped Ootef tbe Market
TMterdap Md the Prlee Oeeltoed
Foot Oeata.
BpKlal u Tbe Morslac Becerd.
Chlaago. Colp S-Thabattom dropped
ont of toe wheat market todap. prtoaa
rip 4 eenta. At thalaat
nrioM ware at toa loweat point of the
dap. TTceataforJalp. aad 77pf cenU
for dagoat. Wlikto a week priece
have taUea llj,.' eaata or kaU of the re
cent edTaaee.’___________
Teatentop'e Bate BaU ffamM.
apeeul te Tbe Moisla* Becord.
\ li
Diaoen aad
AMBBicea lanovB.
Gw^ aad Hcpdea; Vovepr a^
tetaktocdaad head tafa oat of tha ^aftle.
rtear toara at tha rata of 1«0 par dapr Detroit
Thap MladtOBtova tham satU thap
aad Bpogr. Bill, qnto
la of them amd
...... .......... t if ■
to work fereimp tbe
6 11
atmdaadteadawMfieee toe^tofc
t_. .... bP. lUwaakM.............
MBoefapewaitoletoeam of water. Ima and WQaaa-.'lddp aad Wto.
tat tot the emt.
tab /w
him before laartog Cor Kaaaea Cltp.
Karr aaid: "Tbtogo arc ahaplng ap
weU aad toe eoaetraetum of the plat
form te pnetteaUp derided. It will
trm tha CUeago platform and have
ddUtoaalpUBkMtttogaot epeelfleallptoefrMaetoMteaf aUrer at toa
legal ratio, m it wUl alao hare aa addlUoaal ptoak oa the traat qMatloa.'
HUl. Magairo aad Bagbm toft aarlp
tote moratog for KaaaM Cltp. Mot a
word wonld either aap abont tha eeafweaM iMt alghb Brpaa te cqnaUp
aUeBi to repertara bet gave a good elaa
te wbat toe alttmatioa waa. to hte flrit
opaa air apaach of the eampalga, daUrered te toe Oelotado delagatioa tote
aaoralag. It wed toe dedleettoa of hte
BOW treatporeh. Brpaa teid to part:
“lamBoro Odlecade peepto are not
leaxtoMfara reatlsattoa et toa
priaeipate of toe Demoeratle plat
toM are the peepto of maap ether
N. I wMt to aap that when Colo toimkM toa prtodpto of 16 to 1.
aad whM the pao^ hare eaaaad la
their eappon of that prtoelpto.1 wUI ba
fooad BtUl flghttog, oraa thoagb
New Shoes
For Tbe CelebratiOD
ahoM. blaek
660 to $1.00
Bearj Btomraa. wbo hm been nttaehed
to toe MUwaekM eutloe for eigbt
Ooldea weddtogB are taktof ptoee an
.tw toa eoantry. Tba old eenpUa
*W«o The Boetaa erldenUp took Boekp Moutato Tm to
tbffir pouag dapt. tse. Ask poo.
Fireworks and Flags,
Golf, Base Bail Goods,
Athletic and /
General Sporting Goods
ThoTlidOReliable City Book Store
Bl( Block Oropo PkiMT, e and lOi pn roll,
HOBABT a BEEOHEB 00.; Proprieton.
The Olothier
The Leading Shoe Hoiue.
Is Very Busy.
It’ll PayjYou Well
To flee oar Koods^nd priew before mahing yonr popchflefle.
Look at our Special^ Values in Men’s Suits
■ IN
Oapk Frank Foantato, for ei^t
pearaattached toto* Cbleago river life
mrtog etatinn. te to be tranaferred te
Fonrtli Yew-No. 98S
Han'a n.TS
Ladtea' low
Ladtoi CRTS
aadCt SO
fine ehoM
ttomaa, u ba ahook BrjM'a head,
>pared determtoadip to hte
“Wa win tote pear or die." "Oh, ao,"
Kanaai Cltp, Jnlp t — Ba-Ooranwr
Joha P. Altgaid. who arrirod hare to
dap to adraamef the
Mid ha aad all hte hiMda to nitoolt
> to faror of aominatlng for rim
idaat toe man who wcmld brtog te
theUoket the grmtMt atrength,
gardtom of wbat aaetloa of eoutip he
I from. "We hare ao caadidaU,’
aaid Attgeld. "AU wa want to do te to
flad ont who thoatroagMt man will
ba and aomtoate him. I hardlp totok
Snlcer wUl get the aoattoaUon. I am
told that ke te rarp eoaddeflt. bot I
totok toe qoMUoa dependa on the
Mtioa of the Mew York etate deiegatloa. Whocrer'ii the etroagMt man
aboald be aomtoated. Aa to Blll'e name
batog maatiaaad, I don't tblnlc he
wnnta Ik Be te not toa kind of
who would tnka It. Towae would
igtoen aa among a grMt aaop
flimea of people- Hte nomination
lid bring to oar aopport ataap peraoaa who would not otberwtee be
termted la onr eandidntee. Beeldee,
he wonld be a good conn to get on
traU of BootereU aad foUow him
aronad. It be te the etrongeet mi
think be ehoo'.d be nomlneted."
KaaCMCltp. Jnlp t—Casdldetce for
the chalrmanebip of the DemoeraUe
antloael committee are nearlp m nnmerone a* aiplrante for the rice preeldentlnl BomtoatioD. Saaator Jonee of
ArkabcM, the praaant bead of tbe com
mittee. te anXlona to bold on to hte Job.
Hia frlandi nrge that he abonld ba kept;
la tbe place becanM of the experience
gained to the campaign of *»6. They
declare that Bryaa farore the reeleetloa of the Arkaame atotetmaa. T. L.
Jokaeon, the Ohio mUlloaalre etogle
taxer, te aaother eendidnte. Johaaoa
bM the backing of tha Ohio delagatca
aad toa tact that he km a large boadla
of mpaap which ba te wlUtogtottMto
erlag the eanea hm attracted toa
able atteatloB of e number of the
del^etM from other atotea. Thocua
i. Tbggart of Indtaaa. U charged with
aa ambitloB to eneeeed JMaa.
Wholesiliuf Retiil.it
Onr preaant low prioM
ffheatlp Work te ShU ffolBC oe amd
Btotp-tovaa fftetims of Hobokaa'e
dwtol Dteaator hawa baaa takaa
Oat BaUarad tha) Ohath LtetwlU
AppwiMta BOO, Altbeatb It te
Bot XaewB Sow Knap Went Down
Barlto.lal7 a-Tedar attaradataUad ia Mato and Bramaa.
oat bp Oaaat Taa Ba^ la- Opwlel to Tie Mendaf aMord.
Maw Pork, Jalp ».-The
aiBktoc far toe bodtee et Uoto
who pertehod to- Sataidapte cneta Vaa Cattolw. for wUah paraoaa mt flro to HebokM, bacaa to reaalrodto oaad attofathw araad eovar toe deed to Urge aarnhwe todap. Bewtor nboat to amall beata
at tha ptom ehiotj totMtod to ra- teem aarlp to tha morale aata dark< allrlBB ardar to Chtoa. Tha praaiai aMBoempaUad them to qalt, thap raatfnof thaCoraaha baa aM pat datar aaad from toe riror aaar the rmtoad
MlBad. bat tt iaaapaotod Itarfli aMoa( ptentteorpoae, two of whieh
toM,aMpaa. Aaoaaidonbto portioc IhOM of hope and the root tooM of mea
ad Iha Gonaaa float wUl bo aaatalaa. emploped oe the flaala. ffeu
Thh h tbidaaaad bP ordato haaad to- bodice were fenad to toe balk of too
alBhttopcapara flro i
Beau, tptog down oa toe Jweep flate.
Tbare are 4« bodtee to
Parte, Jalp a — It to
torraoe, It to a Mew York dtp
• that too I
torgae. t la Jormp Cltp, wkiek, with
dteaoftoaOwMB atototor aad too too 4 oa toe Beale, bring toe total
floatraetleo of too togktloaa to Pakto,
tered dead ap to «7. Mo bodlm
laara ao altaraatlva bat a daolarpttoa have M pet boea takaa from the Mato
of war. It to aspaotod that Gan
Breman. Tea more peraoaa
viu taka too tomaUra to sw
raperted mlaitog to^, of whom fonr
flodaTattoa aad that tha etoar pawara
I amptoped on tha bnrned ataamwUl teUow har.
ahipa. Optotomi^t 61 paraoBi had
toqnired for aa mi—lag atoee the
I OoBiplata far a OtepUr
arhleh to flptoador hasa
(toalrwaB PriadHeb. BUep
Mdotoan of too •
p to parfaettof too alaborata
. prapaiattoai for too aaraiTal toU eventorand too prand reaapUoa to Qaaes
Bdaa (a the Cllj Opoia Bonaa. The Ulomtoatad paiada wUI atart at«:}0 and
too Itoe of mareb wlU be the dame aa
deeipsated to aaotbar ootoma for toe
parade tomorrow. There will be bomo
anr^teae to too parade a^ It will be
a aplendld eablbltloa. nerar before
MM to tote part of toe etota. Tbe
oastral flpnre. of eoarM wlU. be the
aamival qaeaa and bar eait. The
Mopele fMtore of the parade wlU be
y«lahorataaiidall ,3bb deaire to
•bmld BoUfp a B. Bale before 4 o'. aloek tote afternoon to order to aeeore
the entflt reqnlred.
The dtp Opera Boaaa baa
baaatlfiillp deeeratad aad tote
at toe reception It wUl
wcnlfli^t ««eM which to .
haa Barer been attempted here. The
mam bar of tiekete for toe main floor
-tesaeMaarilp UnUtad. bet there are
SOOaaate to tha callarp which afford a
a^edW Tiew of too atape where tbe
AbMWlUbeaiTaated. AserehMtra
pf 14 ptaeM wUl farateb eplandid
MBSte and toe raeeptlcm amd baU will
ba aa Bppnpmi
•nun am
TTfrrqa«tpBMUM4ifli«triM that
I would Oiherwtea toad to the waete
A of much time, effnrt aad mimap.
"Aak him orer tba trlapheoi." an
words freqaastlp heard lu every boainem office where a letUr hm bMB obaenra oa acme point.
Many people do not exprem thamaalTM elrarlp ia eorrMpoadanm. bet a
man can gcaarallp make hiiualf oa
daratood if poo eaa get wiihto epmk
tog dtetnaee of him, bp meant ofUM
at $4.08. $7.98, $9.98, $11A8.
Choice of tbe beet in tbe ctore tt this Uflt price.
tedies' Tiiloi Hide Saits, ill this shsoi's miln, at HaH Nm
Man’s flna satin ealf bala and oongrsM ahoM.... 98o
Woman's flna kid laoo and button ahoM............. 98o
Women’s flUe blaok>nd tan oxfords................ .. 76e
Women’s alippon and bnaklna — ...................
Women’s wetting top kid laoo ahoM..........$1.60. $1.76
'Boy’a satin calf bala, solid.......................... ........ $1.00
Touth’fl satin calf bals, solid ............................$1.00
Men’s cauTss bals, laathar solas........................... 860
Men's fine kid bals,;new styles........................... $8.00
Men's tennis bals and oxfordls...............60, 66 and 76o
Men’s bicycle sbOM.... ............ $1.60, $8.00 and $8.60
If yon want a Bssner for
your float Bee me
^t onca
386 BoArdman ATenue.
I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Taild, but aince
I hare tried
Pig Tail
I have come to the condiuion that .x will buy a finU
cUm, delicioo* amohe. Try
one and yoa will never pay
10c for a Pig Tail again.
New Store—848 Front Street.
Tbe Leading Bboe House of Northern MiiNhigppi
Always Give Satisfaction
Best of leather, best of workmanship,
and venj iatesT styles, make them
reallyjwhat they-are called—
The BestiiShoes Made!
Prices, $4.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
you want a good shoe bny an Emerson
2 Front Street
ZMS xoniM aacooD.
MMsfluvstaa bmaxa.
•m. *. l**i<*a> f W. Batmt
PoUeeand PlrtOhtef Wants
Mm. E.«. Paaethaantfol toi
to Qolt
oMt to Feotom and Grand Bapiie
Orrto Mofor oC Mwkwon. io etoitlag
I OalM oataXdvalp Dtothatood|po(<a«."
Sim HST imsEs
WboB tba Travwae Cltr
droBMd of tbe eztantodtbo eabiWUoa
wUAhaaalioadpbamBBBrBd. Thoio
araaewabeBt eo IM* konaa to the
pakandthostobUeaiB ao fall that
tba overflow bn beea located to aewlp
boUt etaUa to tbe ozpeeltien bmlldtoi.
The eeaate wUl bo tba boat orer gtrea
Ua Povth to nertbera Mleblgaa and It le aato to
aiatbii d^wUI^ ■ap tbat vrith bat oaa
»• rWtaM fTWirtAMAi iB tUi pvt atote Uaa ribboa maattog. tbie wUl bo
•IIBaUfM. TIm tomMnam tera tbe laqgeet to the eUte tbla pear. Tblo that tbe reaigaatioB be not aecepta4,
VreitadteKMdtMr «9arU wOl' ta taflaetetbaealUagoffef tberaeae it aad tbe moUon waa aapponed bp
«BWMd with nesMA-Bvarf timost Is loala. Otaad Baplda aad otber auta Aldarmea fiaatlaga aad Boaad in aaiA wUl b* A
eirealt potota.
waa pnt. a Hvelp
mi tht hOTM rwBU will h« th« fiSMt
wbleb ever} aid
BtbaUrnr c\tim tbe bwleat maa la tewa for b
aarUdpetod. Aldermae Moa•f„>he «M« trottlar AirdklW It rw pMt pnparlBg tar tbaao eveata aad hit
wUlba demeaetratei daitag togne opened tbe ball bp apeakingot
Mtete«h*pMpto«tU««Up to 4e
tba acEt three dapm. FeUowiiig are tbe axeellenee of Hr. Baaole aa aa ofBear, and declared tbat ft would be a
»^ tba benaa to aatar the
■ tts tbOBMit c< V
ealamitp for tbe clip to part with him.
■nrlra the/ will flsd tb* cardlml Wol' Alderman Bound brought np
«0M ud opu-budad boAplUUtj
Joab. r.M, A.aaaV.. t;i7i<. B. Baematter on which much of the debate
»bkh hM mad* TiwTene Cltj
. Kloadlka Praak Bareentered. tbe tore
I aed aiauWhile eatbatiBr with palrlotUm, bowmenu
of Bev. J. A. Breadp reeeatlp.
•TV, Itie -Alws7« well to lemeaber
He dedared tbat Trareme Clip U one
that aeeidaaU warn enij tw dre«aea( oa
of tbe beat and qnietcat towni to tba
Ifco Fowtb mi ererpnae abeald aart, Bed Bim. banle
wetMHweialaac* to avoid the daofw! B.. CbetK^gaa: PeddpBpaa. Maatoa; United Sutea. aad that bp making the
•d Ire and teJor7 iaeid«Ul to the nee Jimmie 8.. Bart; AUieea B.. Ugo. S:Si, ftaumeau. that be did. Mr. Breadp
had harmed tba town and doae bla
Aaat Marp, Cotton PUkar. Dan Bailep,
ebaich ao goair He cloaed bp aaptogt:»7. Bedmont, B«d|' Deer, t:te. Clara
-We ean get ail tbe
iTk imaUp td be i
W..CB.^. C. B-, 2;t&. Wilklnaon,
OhM ot PoUoa Bauiie baa tboecbt It Dorwood.\t8h.liora8.BaBtna. Fr*d era tbat we want who will behave
Ibemaelvea and mind their ownbnai,biot to band ia bla rwlcaatloa. bat wo AlBMot, Toap B.. dtp.
bat we cannot oaalip gat a good
baUon that there wUl be a aalrereal
eblet of police and flm department. “
leelre ia Travetee Oitp to have him reOrgaader, PlalnweU, Mleh.i Bare.
Alderman Haatinge apoke of. tba
emlaaUoa. Mr.Ben•ie baa made an exeelleat reeord aa Mario. Old Ago. Cora B.. Cadiz. Cleve peenniarpaaerifleelbatMr. Bcaela it
AWofpolleaandehlafof tba fire de- land. OiFloria- Levant. Ithaca: Dic ■aktog bp bolding the office for the
paitmant aad thia city ean 111 afford to tator, Detroit; B. Memo, School Girl. ehp. Alderman Garrieon followed
Bt,eare- Woet inigtoia; Lao Planter. Onlambae, with the euument tbat Mr. keanle
Aiaabd tollable as offlelaL Hit work O.; Tom Gilmore, Eentaeltp; Bobnl, fait that ha waa not getting tbe proper
lo both departmeota ia wortby of the Bine Steele, Eentaekp: Bap Diamoad. aopport from the dtp offimrm.
Alderman Kenpoa aakad to be
klfbaat comaMBdatiOD aad tbe eitp baa Hellie B., Bellaire: Sleepp Jim. Alden:
WOftled b7 bia aWlltp. roodjadrmant Marp Chimce. MeCar^ Girl. Harbor eneed from voting, on account of oome
tblngt that bad ^n aald, bat after
and paiaeUkiBt efforta to preeerve tbe Spriega.
In addlUoD to tbe above and othera ward reeonaldered that reqneat and
yoblie peace and to proteet both poblic
and prtvau prepeiij. It le to be hoped wbleb wlU arrive tbii morning from voted.
Alderman Smltb altoatoted tbat Hr.
that be wUl eonaent to retain tbe peal variooa pointa will be Tommp M. B- B.
enaie esnaidered: that he waa not
tiea to wbleb be bae tba Uffhaet eonfl- Baltebarp'a Qaldelem Wonder which
will give a aeiic* of floe exbibitioni.
getting tbe auppori of tbe dtp offieera,
lenae e( tbe people. Tbe Creaoentbaad will fnmlab mode when Alderman Moore aroac and
TEBBB will be I
MOKXIBO RmX>8D on the track tbla afternoon, and Bar- ed that Mr. Bonie had and abould
, at tbepBb- rtogton’e band of Cadillac tomorrow, have aU bit moral and peraonal eapTba carnival qneea and aalte have porttotbe t
of the law.
llobwi baveartanired to fivothe eof
plopca o! tbe eetabUebment an oppor- been eateaded an laritation to witaeaa and tbat ha wui willing to voU for anp
tBBltp toeotbeee with everpbedp clae. tba meat tomorrow and thep will oc- number of aaalaUnto tbat m«bt
required to aid in tbe foil enforcement
In replp to a qaettlon of Major
Mte ItoBa Bonn and M\ta Olnda
Waa it a Himele?
Friedrich. Alderaun Smith tUted that
Otne of Blk Baplda, are TWtlnr
lb. Bennie felt that be did not have
Cecfge Cana ot Seveatk atnet.
.. aapport of tbe
the .proper
Mr. aad Mta. L. B. Warlnff of Iona
wasda. N. Y., are vtaittog Hr. and
Mta. B. V. WariBg.
clement -on tbe
Caasde McDonald, formarlp a mem towntaldabemaataoondle. Then aba |
bar of tbe CreeoeBt Band bet reeeaUp begun to use Dr. King’s New Dlaeoverp > otber, he did not get the proper enpnad gutoto JT pounds to weight and | port from tbe chief ezecutlve.
•oved to Grand Baplda. caaa mp peeMgpor Friedrich was varp much ant
tordap to apeod tbe Poertb and be will
prised, and at once tent for Mr. Ben
take bU old piece in tbe band daring
tbe engine houiethe eelebratlon.
E. Wait and Jaa. however. and could not be found. Mr.
Fnnk Smitb.bae retnraed from e O. Jobnaon'adrug atore.
Friedrich atated moat emphaticallp
boalaoH trip to tbe Upper Peniaenla.
I tbat be bad stood bp the chief of police
Mile laabel OeUeek came down from Iha SeitOB ItCfe
te tbe Sn«t apatematle etore to the |
*»e had not made any prooritOharlevolz to partldpate.ln tbe eatal
cltp nndpon ean alwupt get waited j es to anp saloon min tbat be might
ealfeatlvitleaeaeaeof tbe maida of
apon with promptneua and dUpateb. | Tiolate the law, but bad on the esnhonor to Qaeen Bdeairary given Mr. Bennie loslructlons
Dr. Snpdar and famllp retBrned laal H. S. Osmpbill & Spill
tbat tbe back door and front door of
OvealBg from a vlalt Id aoutbera Micbgam and Indiana While aiieat from
■e store of W. J. E
I cnrtaini drawn at all boars required
where all tboee having bnaln
tbe dtp 0.'. Sopder attended the Sute
the firm can call upon them. 9$3‘ tf : bp tbe law, and that todap be intended
Benul AtaoclaUon at EalatoKzoo.
i to give epeelal instracilona for the obMlaa Boalpu Smltb paaaed through Big ixtra fcTct
tbe dtp peateidap on her wap from
of help at Tbe Boston Store to sbo<.. , servanceoi the law on the Fourth.
pou tbe bargatna Uep are offering; After tome more divcoation. tbe gen
Grand Baplda to bar borne to Nortbfor the. Fourth of Jnlp trade
eral tendenep of which was tHat if
Mita itarian Harrit aad Mlti Bell
WUaon are vUlttog Him Marp Hnnur.
Jamee Paamlep wUl leave toon to
seeopt a podtioo at Fltot.
Mta; F. B. Smith anddanghtetaara.
have returned from a viaH to eonthem
Michigan. Thep
iff Him Jeneite Smith, who baa bean
spring her epea treated at Detroit.
~ The Hiaaes Joaea of Detroit are the
ffaeau of the Mlaam Soiiib of Sixth
Mlaa Bartba Sproal of Cbtoago. ar
rived on the Charlevoix Snadap for a
vWt here.
Dr. C A. Good of tbe aaplom staff
■toft for Janeiuga paaterdap, where bp j
wUl ptaetlce to the future.
Judge BamsdeU. who U ebairmao of
1. toft peeterdap
(or lba Silver Bepobllean aaGonal
- Or. J. A. Snpdar and tamilp have rctoned frem a viait to Indiana aad
aMtbem Mtekigan.
J. W. Btotertoin B^lain ta batt-
A Patriotic Term--
'The Glorlons Fourth,”
A Household Word-
‘The Kimbail.”
Hr.aadMfa.Q.S. Btok an eator-
W. W. Kimball Co
1S9 mnt stTMt.
For 3rd, 4th and 6th.
tte aaper ahd dwk maartod
Bedgantlen that tba ttiaafer of the
WMSot Aeeaptad—H. & Oampbad
aiaat to the dtp
and that tba wator
itotnaad to Bive Otp Utanaatte^t
board bad takea pmoimIbb Suadaj
le Hambar aad Loeatiea of Water
pmtod that Mr. OampbaU bad rattood
togivotbedtpiatoTMtlaa aa w tba
The iwlgaailes e< ObM of PeUoe aambaroadloaattonef tbatepato tbe
and Fire Daptrlmist Jeha B
tar that iafermacMSad ao Uttle BxettoMtto tba
tioa the earn of WOO. Thoagbtbedw
efl teat night, and aaM i
attoraopototod that to bit ji
toaaM ot the iUgwm
Mr. CnmpbaU eoald be eempelled to do
of them more than to tbei
tble, pet andor the <
Mr. Beaaia m«a«led to benleeeed womid be bettorttor the dtp to get at
fremUadBUaenmlhtarlhasdBlp mb.
to a Bare eaaedftioBa
Be gave ao reeaen tar thnnalgaation. wap. wblth eoald be done at a lower
and it waa left at flrat tp oenjaetare an
Eha Maoo Heolta* tbto Weak wQl
Whom the tergoat MoBbar o<
■peelew MvB Been Beta
Silirii« Mie. Btokk atobma, Mia. Iipaa
Special Prices
flvaa fer the nffigaattoa of Mr.
Besatototoo of whtah are paeaatorp
eateat—t Mtofctand tarn Tacg
tMa with drtomli toll
Mim LnMto O’Beal baa rettmad
finm a vieiC to Moarea Otator.
Mie. M. L. Meanm. who haa beea
; ap. ho ateaU
wplainto and pndaeo hM
tbemedeaaetto aeaapttte
aatrtod kp a aaaai
B. s. Bizoea,
A nice high carv^ back, brace arms, thaped
seat, sewing rocker-lor $1.35. A nice lai^e
high back arm rocker 'for $1.65. 1 have over
300 different styles of rockers. If you want
to sit in the shade, 1 have a full line of lawn
aad porch chairs and rockers, camp chairs
and stools. One of those 25c folding stoob
you can carry in your hand and -sit doam
where you like.
plater’s House Furnishing Store
Tba form of bosda for tbe puebBM
of tbe plant -wm approved bp the
120 S^xxxtxt
The vrater board reported to favor of
tbe purebaee of tome extra material
to oonoeetloa with tbe plant, not todeded to tba Invoice; for «m. Thereport waa adopted.
tbonght aeareelp fdr that .tba dtp
Ervia Con Dead'.
Tne board of pnblle workt* waa to- ahould pep U per oeat of the coat.of
Brvto Core, aged H. aos of /Jatota
Btrueted to proceed with tba opening tbe walk, after alrndp peptog half of Ogre, died peeterdap morale at 10
it to the form of taxae.
of tbe eawer on Webator atiaet.
o'clock pf bean dlaeaae. Ervia Oeea
Tbe water board wae toetrueted to
Tbe following apedalpolloe for tbe *aa oalp tick about one hour waaa
find out what 100 or more feet weetof three dapa' eatebratUm were appointed death oeeurred.' Tbe funeral wUl W
Ue water worka plant eonld be purheld todap from the Btogbam pbarA
chaabed for. to be need aa a pabllclloble. J. B. Melaoo. A. B. Beaaett.C. W. at 10 o'clock under tbe direeUoa of
' Aabton. William Ackerman, Medad
A aeUtioB for tbe-pladng of a water-1 Vtotoa. Prank Umlor and C. W. Pick
ing trougb aad drtokiiig *
the edroer of Front etreet aad BoardA petlUoa for peivateaewera from tbe
do benbp
maa avenue waa referred to tbe eom- Pretbpterlaa and Baptlit ^urctaee to
agree io refuad*tbe^
.Ittee OB fire aad water.
tbe river to tbelr rear waa referred to cent bolUe
boiUe of Oreenek Warranted
8vA peUiion to grade Woodman ave tbe committee on eewers.
Tbe mapor and clerk were an Uior
Uiori zed
nue to the Fifth vrard waa etroaglp
t borrow SS.OOO unUl tbe first of 8epbp Alderman Wright. It totober,
to meet tbe 'earrent ezpeaaea.
to tbe committee on atmu
burg. James G. JobatM, F. C. Ibomp.
aad walks.
aiieu Tor irs'.ve. the rebate on
ApeUtionto order a eemaetwalk, carneat walha, 1163.79 and tbe report of<
tbe oemmittM on claims aad
aecouata.' Sptolal XUuocmcBte
adjaeeat to tba eaaatp-a propmp on S3.«13 76, aU of wl■bfcl ... o.d,r«lj
■“"btogton etr« waa filed, aa It waa
“Of The Making of Books
There Is No End”
New books constantly arriving in our book* depart
ment soon as out of tbe publishere hands.
“The Redemption
of Dorid Corson"
By Ellen Thornycrof Fowler, $1.50.
-A most charming’Story of English
"The Dreei
and Fear of Kings"
ing, picturesque stpTyMvhich ought
io be read by a great multitude."
By J. Breckenridge Ellis. Si .25. An
•intensely thrilling romance of the
times of the Roman Kings.
in the Philippines"
By the prince of army life stor>'
tellers, Capt. (now Generali Chas.
King, St.25. .This story deals with
the present’life in the Philippines,
shotting both the romantic and the
serious sides.
“The Voices of ihe KIght"
By Charles Frederic 'Goss, $1.50.
John Henry Baprows of Oberlin
College says. -‘It is a strong, uplift
by Flora .Anaie Steel.
author designates this charming
book "The Chromatic Fantasia of
India”—and it is.
"ThoUst Udp of Molberry"
By Henrj* Wilton Thomas. S1.5C.
A most realistic story of today in
the Italian quarter of Greater New
"Bob. Son of Bottle"
By Alfred Ollivant. S1.25. A*true
story of two most knowing Scotch
Collies, in the North of England.
The most sympathetic description
of dog nature ever written.
“Deocon Bradbotp"
by Edwin A. iJix. $1.50—Is one of
the strongest books of tbe season.
One we re selling fast. Have had
to order every week, since it was
issueti. The Xew York Times
says: "We wish there were more
men like Deocon bradbury in this
wicked world."
by Stanley J. W'eyman, S 1.5c. An
intensely thrilling story of Queen
.Anne’s limes. Sophia, an immens
ely wealthy young lady is beset
with intriguing suitors and schefning relatives, but eventually finda
her choice where she least expects
him. and develops from a senti^mental girl into a woman of ready
*"wit and noble nature.
"RilerlOYO Iprics"
The latest and most charming book, from the pen of this popular poemartist. This is beautifully illustrat
ed with pirtures from actual photo
graphs of many of the author’s
Chicago friends who posed for this
book. The book is printed on the
higbest calendered book paper,
makmg H one of the hnest gift
books of the year. Sells at S1.25.
Par a Half MoildiT. «■ Tknadpy,
te ttedaMac «< tte
f winw
Ckwla noupt. • •*. Jt» atm
— M«iytoiiBia ta s Para Mar*
«MMa rand horat tek artOte worklacataCra. BtoMto«weriisn
•ndkia. .
Ctar1«aPlma«( Dnctar tend two
; 9t,ao$ Ulac
««M« tha Mlcklfn Ontral trad*.
Mr. PtoM <nad tha ewaar aad ra«aiaad tka BOMp.
AraatdaatafVaadaUakM a wapea
wUtt waa aaad to teal reoda orarlaad
*«■ DaMt iff Craa ooutr ^ >***•
aad tka old aaUala ta atm Aalv da^.
flriMhnppan ara
arark aU araaad Dowaclad-aad teaidaa
atlatetaf tka craw tter aia alae abe»iar partlaU^ iot aafar ba^OBooftteterawkewaatatbacradwtiacetawoftbablcfcaekoel at MUted laat wank ta aa ezanpla ol wkat
Toa^t Aaiarlea wUl do to fat aa adaaatioa. Oarlac the tear ^aara of the
aoam ha walked flva mUat toto the
aUlacaorarr terninc to aahoql. aad
teek orar itaa aama dtataaaa aaeb
al|»i, waklar orar 8.000 aUea darinf
tkeioar jaata.
At Bart the ateir wladow of O. M.
BoratwaaUawaoat by a papar laatara aatahlBC Sra aad drapplac Into
tte flraworka dtaplap. Thraa pltu
Claw wladowe ware toiaUy daoollebad
• At Detroit fire Suday c«ttod the
teUdlac oooiplad by the Detroit Joaraal aad dwtrayad the maotealaal. bU'
iaeaeaadoditorialoatdtof the
with the exeapuoa of the praww.
trUeh autaiaed only water dasace.
Thetotalloaitaplasadat about t7t,
000, fully oorerod by iaeurauea- The
Journal wae taeued yaeterdey from the
Free Preae btandlac- Tbaanet canw
of the fire ta unknown, bet it ta at«
tribatod to eome defect in electric wlr-
'.Aemail boy’e arecrecker etarted a
tre at 8t- Joeeph Monday that threav
aaad to wipe out an entire blosk
baOdIpc*. aad dwtroyed two barae
aad eereral atnaller ahede.
Tbe batata at MaeUaae rUlace are
aU ruaaiac and the Uraad opened SunAt Beyal Oak eeamoa hare been
ateallnc plant* and flsweru from the
etaetery. A reward of Sso ta offered
for the apprehcneioh aad eoneietiea at
the r>Uty parttaa
Water Work* Plant now in i
. iBaadeof the Board of Water
Tbe elty ta now opntlac the water
*rarka plut. haelnc
•aaday auralac at 8 oVleek. Tbe
ewimeay wae aeimple oaa partlelpatad la by tbe mayor, the elty eierk, the
ehalrmaa aad eaeroiary -of tbe water
. Whea tae hoar arrtrad tor tte dty
to take formal ppmmetaa. the eaclnec
wenahaldewnfor a momaaU Thea
Mayor Prledrtob blew the wbiatle,
Pneideot MUUkaa taraed oa tka
Ptoam: Breratary Wilhelm oiled a porMn et tte awehtoery aad with tte
I ei City Oerk BtekeH, tbe
plan becaa to pemp water.
Derlac tkc Crat l.« konre of the ettyta
powewlon of tte plaat. 1.I7S.000 calloea wae pumped.
Any enreft ran palm but only ufew
can 0ra\T.
roof I
A len-yrr Mre trairr Jpemnblre
eoirity when 11 ta JUKt-lre.
T}i<- niii<l<1(r wh« eix-culatc* in oil
de t>ri.tt> Kurr to ellp np.
A iintan man alweva eUrfbotri the
Ulkoe of bU iit'lsblw
Coukif IxKUns.- of the Ucht 1
a mw ecDCC.
CMeapo Delly N>wt.
e profr
profre«l..neI iiumorin *rho ted
poltrt'man ra«t hta oyo flerci-ly
orer.ibe w>«il of
-Tou’iv oil.' uf tb.- frllooH,- be nid.
CrabblPC a •«tung».r. “wte helped that
crook to (K*! away"
-1 alb not." proiemtHl ibe Ftranper.
*1 am a travrliriR unn on my wey to
<oy train. 1 acrer wa« here befon.-.*'
"Tlbm. an- you frotnV"
r alone.'’ aaid the (
**By your own confeerlon yoo're a
Itraranoetarerdar. Bnaaehakeald
—^.that Dr. Ktacb Saw Ufa PQla,
he at 8. B. 1
Btoraato tte oUjmrkanaor aftorbaa bate aa tool ayparamtly wltk>
eat aarAteatta teed, kewerar.
•n eflte warahaatt aap tkap:
iraald te wffl^ to daaa If tte nat Aa.
bat aa yat V
Imwta A Iwmaa ertU ba daaad, baw.
aear. aa will alra tte beet aad akoa
eM^aak trtadrtok aad AMrad
T.Priadrtah.tte etotkiac ilnii|,ftte
SawQua Oethlac Oe. ate tka dry
coada itora ef J. W. MUUkaa. & Baada
A 0» atoto that thay wCl edeaa ter tte
I. wtethar aayoM ataa dew
AlmeataUtkaetbardaalara aapra
ad a irlUlacnaaa to eloaa If otkara di
Aaercaalzad meramtat weald prato
ably elaa almoar aeary atera in the
elty, ate rlra eaptoyen and employ.
Tte faatorlaa ef Wmiam Baitoer nad
tea Walk.Bkrmaa Co. wUl aloaa all day
thuiBday. aad it ta protebla that
otkara *riU atao.
Tbe eomplato procram of thcealebratton will be touad on tte fourth
pace of thta taane of tbe Bacoao.
Daeerate thta moraine. Ooee
Balph Baatlnc* atatoi that ba haa
had a snot many aatrtaa for tka
btayele new aad already aema eaeit'
lac oontaau are awered.
The ofBoara of tbe Foraatoa and at
many meaibm aa peaaibla
d to Mt promptly at If oVleeh
toBMiTOW to purtioipata la the panda.
The earniral panda will atart
promptly at 8:90 thta eran^.
The Chrtatlaa Badcararen of the
civ, witfa hll mamban of that
throBchout tbqirorld, trill be c’
Iteni ttet Praeldaat F. & Clark,
wbom-aaeh aaxlaty harbaen felt, hat
been heard tram at IrkOntach, Siberia.
8a ta aafe uad wcU.
Company M held a maatinc law
nlcht and made final preparatlou to
turn out In the parade oa the Fourth.
The eompeny haa no rifiw of ita own
and baa not reeoune now to tte old
maiketa of the Q. A. B. ae they were
eold eome time
But applleatioa
to tbe qeertaemaeter of the Klebicaa
SeUoael Guard, throuch Oorernor
Flnyree. bae raeultad In an amneewent whereby the ooaipany will aeenrefor thta oeeaalon su Sprincfleld
rifiw from tbe etata.
Tbe BacoRD force will take a hoUdv
oa tte Foarth, therefore then will
X>«tan gf TWbos
w% Splc
'TkaWacte-B.H.M*Oar. atoCtav-
Dress Pants
Little Nloneir
to. A. W. Watt.
wto-nA. W Etokard, & Baten, W.
MBltoey-J. W. HawMB. <tapt. J. T.
MeI»toah,.Ueat. Jaa riraaan. Llant
Ortaraf tte Parada. Uaa oTKaite H-LKtepp.
twnaiiartollon B U8pr«aa,O.Kate OBBmtttoaa — Srarytklac >• Mumy. Jaa. Eahoa, X. B. Papa.
FIra ~
fiar tte Bicctot
atntlaa Srar Aaam to Mratbara
Bleyela Parada ate Baea*-C X. Hale,
Kal|lh Eaattoga. Gaa. Xaff, Jr.
BtraatOamw Frafi Ourtto, Tkwnn
Peartket Jaly aalabratlnn. uctokar
iritk tka aab aamaiWaaa. tera baBa
tewktoc atedatealy darlac tka peat
fawdaya to partaettoc
■ atetbaraault ariUbathat
C wtU ce oC aawotkly had te
a cnat •
Uat aicht the •
tkaordar aadfenntloa ottke mad
Tboaawboare topartklpate
akould ;doaaIy obavra tte datoU aa
printed berain and aid the marabal, hta
aldwaad tka eommlttew In carrylac
eat to perfaeUoB the elaborate plana
praparad. The fermatloa of the dlf.
taraat dlrtakma baa baea plaenad with
errat pain ate If care ta takaa to atady
the detail than wiU be no eeafoalon.
which ta eftca tte caw in bic daaum
Tte order of the' parade will beaa
Martealand Staff.
City OfBdata la
Cadillac Band.
Compaay M. 34tb Mich.. VoL
KlacMey Martial Band.
MePtenoa Poet. O. A. B.. and All Old
Soldlen aad SaUors.
Fire Department. .
Quaan of the OaralTal; Bar Btoort aad
Boy* Bund.
Srarat Soetatlaa.
Bleyela Brigada
WUllamaburc Bead.
Tradw Diaplay. fint dlrtalon.
SUran' Bate. Tndea Diaplay, aeooad dirialon.
Creaeaat Band.
Children. Formatloo.
The parada irUl atart from .
comer of Front and Union atreela at
one o'clock, aharp, atandard tune.
City oOeera, to eanihcea. will fora
oa Front ea*l of Union.
OaiUlae Band on aonth-aaat corner of
Front and Itoloo.
Co. M, and G. A. B.. with ELncaley
Martial Band, on the ea*t aide ol Union
Srarybody akould beer in mind that aoutb of Front, right rwtiog on Front.
the pande tomorrow will «tart at
Fire Department on north aloe of
Sute, aaat of Union, riebt reatlnc on
o'el^ eharp. not a moatent later.
Uaecm of the Carnival, Eieort and
married la Ftetoa. ^red la the city
ywterday aad are reeeWlac tbe • cob. Snlie, on north aide of Front, la*
of Union.
cratolaUoaa of aeorw of frienda.
Boy* Band on aouthweat
The memben of Deehew Camp. So.
8,319, Modern .Woodmen of America, Union and Front.
Labor Union* on Wen aide of Union,
an reqcwlad to awet la the old K. of
P. hall Weodwday at 12 o'clock aharp aoath of Front, right rwiing on Front.
Blngalay Band on aonthweat eorner
teamrehiathd parade,
of other campa In tte city OB ttet day of Front and Untan.
Seeret aocietiw oa aonth aide of
Inrltodtojeln *rlth them.
Mtaa Clara Cook of thta city, who haa Front atreet wwt of Union, righ t rest
braa in the weat for aoma Ume Ume. tog on L'olon.
waa married laat week to Mr. Myera of Calatbnmplaa* on open ground eaatof
Boyne City. town, and toalr home wUl Potato Implement Co., right rwUng
be In that elty la the future.
Bicycle brigade on north aide of
Tbe ladl4|M the Fint M. B. chcrch
will aerre luaehw July 3 and 4 in a> Frost etreet. wwt of candy factory.
WUUaaaabnrg Band on aorthweat
taatatthe north end of Cawetreei,
Juiteaatof tte Beadle block. Lunch eorner of Front and Union atreeu.
with coffee II cenu, ice cream aad I Trade* Diaplay*, firat dlTtaioo. Thl*
dlviatott will conatat of all diaplay*
cake. l« canta
Mlw Mary Booker, who left here
Front atreet West of Caw and thoae
few dayi ago for fiaaion. to join tbe from the Second ward, and wilt form
Chrittian Gadcaeor excutaion to 'Lon M toUowa: On North U’sion street,
don. waa to hare left Boaton today on around Hannah dr Lay Ca** block, and
the Salle, tec boat which waa burned on Wwt Front wwt of tbe Eagle office.'
at Boboken Saturday eight.
Silver* Baod on aouthweat corner of
Jamw A. Batch of Copemtah and PrMiaad L'nion.
Trade diaplayi. second divtsioo.
May Opal Pitcher of thta elty were
dlvtaion ineladw all not mention
married yeeterda; by Juaiiee Brown.
ed in first divtalon, end will form on
E. 8. Wilaon of Kal
aonth aide of Slate street, rigbtrwtlog
aa UaioE end on Union souib of SuteCraecent band on corner of Sixth and
1 of the efty Union.
are reqawted te meet at
Cnildren. on north side of Slxlh.rigfit
hall tomorrow at 18:90 o' ock, to form resting oa Union.
to line fw tbe parada
Une of March.
The Uvtoelblw defeated Benda'*
Line of march wUl be aa follows; eaii
Twlrlera at Popnlar Point Sanday. the onFrostna Boardman avtene, amih
aeora being 8 to ?.
to State, east to Wellington, tenth to
Waehlngton. wwt to Boardman avenue.
Xt Saved Bi* Lag.
Bcrtb to. Steic, wwt to Caw. aonth to
P. ». Daoforth of La Orange. Ga , Eighth, west to Union, north to Front
iffcredforato moattewiiha frightfnl rnBolng aore leg. bat wrtwt that and disband.
Boeklen'* Arnica Salve wholly cured It
Tba foUowtog are the
in five day*. For nleen, wonnda, pQw, charge of the vartoua featorae:
it<a the
ta ' world.
'' Core
... beet
.... aalve tothc
Executive—Tboa T. Batat. Lorto
naraoteed. Only 89 eta. Snld by 8.
E. W. Baetlaga, O. P. Camr.
B. Wait aad Jaa. G. JohnaanTdrafr-''
aeob Pnrt^.
Aimon Bobarti of Adiiaa, damdad
Henhal of the day—Lorln Roberta.
tat rid bf a number of UttUM and -waa
Bta Ordarltaa—TheranMorgaa, Jack
about te do ae whan the mother- cut Itonyaitoibad him. Ste aat her Math firmly
Oilcf of Staff-0. P. Camr.
to Babwte hate ate ted u ba k ~ AUea-Fraak Haatltea. J. A. Loraato looaaB bar bold.
gar. W. W. Smith, Prad Cartta, Thomas
1 reckon not tka aaaacma.
Ftoaaca-C A Ckvto, A A MeOpy,
Her tte yaura ttet enwa aad go.
M. ATatasaa.
Ufa'* M te-arautetoram to me
Panda-D. P. Oarrar. 8.-B. Bracken.
Gao. A Boyt. Wm. Loofiae. Joaaph
cHae at tte F»rmarta Boara at an
,^^-^JalyAt, 8. JO.
Dr.-J. A. Bnyter. Dr. 0. A. HoUMiy.
Ctetna PateattoB at Imber Daltea
paopla far Paurtk a< Jaly k
CUAraBb Partea-y. W. MDHkm,
W. Xaff. Jama
Ckrnleal^Fraak Prtodrtob, KUv
Swaara. Qaa. B. Baite, A C. Diipraa,
O. A. X.->W. M. Smltk. M. 1^ Margun. F. P. Oraar.
B. Pratt, Or. J. B.
MarUn. Toaa Shaaa.
Daaeratlen-FnBk EamUton, Babart
Price. W. W. Wallace. El. Wait. Alec
Caladoatoa Oamw -J. 6. Laagwerthy. David Cox, Winfield Uagworthy.
Oolnx tbrouKh our luit stock
we find from
one hundred and fifty
to two hundred pairs fine pants
in black Olay Worsteds
and Blue Serxe Goods, to which
coats and vests.
have been sold—These
we -wish to close out entire,
and in order to do so
, will place on our front tables
and give
twenty-five per cent discount,
frvm price of same.
Sizes run firam 32 to 42
waist measure.
Look them over.
law Meeting In City Opera Beeae
Sonday Bventog ww Vary
Largely Attended.
Tbe City Open Honaa wou peeked 'to
the doora SoBday eventog, oa the occaeion of the maaa meeting to the tolerwt of lew and order, with wpeclal
referrnea to the eloalng of the saloon*
of the elty on Sunday.
The meeting »ra* presided over by
Rev. C. T. Stout of Onae Eptacopal
church, end by hta tide aet the peston
ofaUthehtberprotoetant ehnrehw in
the city, with a large chorui choir un
der the direction of Prof end Mrs. C.E.
' Borst.
Rev Stout briefly outlined the purpoae for which the meeUng was called
together, the aiding of the officers of
the dty in tbe enforcement of the law.
and the aworanee that they have tbe
support of tbe chnrcbw in all their ef
fort* for the supprcasloD of lawlcw
A solo was sung by P. I. Whitman,
after which Rev. Bready of the Firat
bodjat church addreuacd tbe meel«
Be gave some atuution to tbe terrihlcnew ol tbe work ol tbe liquor trafSc
In tbe I'nited State*, declaring It the
ly of all that I* for tbe beat good
of the country.
Be followed with an acccunt of b.ta
own experience in proving that tbe law
ta being violated in tbta elty.
s of the Aracricao
Bev. Cochlln of the Congregational Sabtetb. and declared that the aaloon
church, foMowel with a pica for the U the avowed enemy of tbe babbatb.
Sabbath, and a denunc-ation of the aaloon*. Be urged all elaww to work loon which aecks to aet at deflai
tow. a
and violate it at it* own dtacre-
Hamilton Clothing Co.
kTbe Core Hurt Cons >
Conaumptlon, .to
Rev. Woodhonae of tbe Baptist
church, followed with an elcquent plea
for tbe observance of law. He plead
for civil liberty and
tberigbls of tbe
rleasnesa. aud ecpeeiaUy
forms of lawlessnei
,.jt which______ .
regard of tbe laws against Sunday lii|aer aelllDg by tbe aalooni
Rev Stout made a few cloai
Oiiog r
Hired il
marks, in which be again ...................
cSceru of tbe support of the oburcbet
in their effort* for tbe enforcement of
iha laws.
After an anthem by the eboir Rev.
Kenaedy of tbe Second Metbcdiat
church pronounced the beBed:f ilon.
widowe /want
DON’T Be Fooledi
<I h»T8 foand Iti
Tb&t is what tbe people
wlien ibry
Fresh, Clean and
. So Good, and then
So Cheap.
WbfD coneidering with
what to repleniah the raragee
of time upon the ‘inner man’
give onr grocery a call.
^t will improve ^oar apthinga we have for the tobk.
BBBdle Block
Phons 148.
Front St
Up-Ti-OiM Graniy.
Monday, July 2.
Tht Best Repertoire Coiripanp
in the Road.
Grit, or True as Steal
eeePSMTse.ese tmtp. Ask yder dragglsU
r price*—
»*««!*« SSSBSSB we«»
'Svwe &vw^\va,m
our -.lice
Opera Souse.
One Solid Week
’laying at popular prices, introducing
up to due coroedica and dramas, inlertpcraed with ipeclaUU
,Uta* by firatcltbs vtudevi leariisu.
j IVtC i^MAN
VuTin dracaan.''
JyStttVjaW dxuqtfava. 25^50*
Steinberg’s Grand
dects a\ \\-\t
w svVV
a8v4 o^tTv work inerts.
VtAXit bttTt mVVlth a\ Ml, SO Afvi 60t Wit ^atA
—>Dt kATst buTttkei tttt Urt atv4 nvA4t a vntt
\o eWst
\kt Vo\ fiukk. a\................... S&c ^at4
6ivt £>o\ £>aee Sheris
C^VtfiAb ATfi Wit too4s
\va4 tJOUT v^t ott.
ICom'a ^ona.T ckAftee.)
glTt^kAms Wa\ kAoe aoV4 a!iX \ke ma^ a\
^Oc—cVtATt vf lAtU Volt toe kKot vAu4 tkAm
At VmV. ... ......................... ....... .tht
J. W. Milliken.
tratpama of tha amrtoa ^ three
»»9«r tfc» Iw toidta* ^ ^
oftteeitf<«rm tek* pto«tkto«ft«‘
yMW«*nctowha to Mteiac <Rw ■sot ftt the TiraUtk atnatf^ M I
MwnkMtovotteeMtoctou or 1>- o-doek. AdBMMtBtk*rmt*4««rai
fwtotitokd a
tmUom iStmtm. It *too preWWto
Xa4l« wm b« adalttod tnt to
KtMraoM «1U ke tha ladw«d«»to u«
«lMn^«rBltok*abaH« M «ten. Bo^to TwWw. With lha oMoi
)MMUton.»Mttot7o(in»M4*>' amucth tet tha
«• toM ^ ira^toM Md Msaait
wiU to ooa■ ba onreo ood hlch-prleod.
thodntaaidaBoaef thla dtoooaa wm
witood to lOM, ood it haa frodBollr
Vroodutatbo damco thto
kotortttor. It oppooie to o
adhrewaapotawwothalaotao to tho
aaotorot tho hUl, ohd opao^ ot
totomU to Bold to ton o food aflact.
Loci Wetoatof faoio thot OUsoto
dM,«oo,oee d po^ oHrovoma tho
world. Thororo. ha
■otdlm, toorlaaa of daoth, oad lira eo
Tha pntoMUtr'or 0 toff rtoa to
a»haot.ewtotte tho ahortoca of tha
AMtooa anp. to wenrtot tha Brtttoh
hntom w^ tor. ; thooffc tho
ooppltoBonotUleowtor^ plaotltolly
toooal Aifoottoo, tha ladtoa erap to
Boito iMoflatoot to moot ito Bormoi
Itoitoff Mu. la.ttt loM wm killed
to«r«oar.mktor 0 wtol of st.iM
Mto IdUod atoao AprO U. Twootp
hoadnd aeorwirara ora ot work udar
BwrwnBnpnvnw wciwwfWK wrwc]
Thoreton eoyofameot of Brpoa'a
a lo StotobotT’* Q»od
iMtolirhtteo aouU oodloBea oa oeoooatof theroto.betUo Ufht ottaaAooae did oottotorfm with tha enole of''The VlUofe Vonhood.” UkaoU the I
ondorod ood dtopUpedtd food od'
^thaeopoblUtlw of tha oempchp
whtato la areU boloaaod. Tkara wm
ootartoltoat ^aelolUoa batwaea the
a, tha moatatriktof oad
botac prettp aaefa oad doaeaa bp Bobp
Horjerto. the eUld orttot, o UttU tot
ohoetdrepaoreold who eorriaa her•oil batore tha feetlJ«hia wltb the
ffoao whtok It Ukaa paora to oeqalra. pMiapatltoOBdberraBdUioBaore roEoblp aerar tor eneb 0 litUa ooe.
TbidCht the eampoop wUl preaeat
•bMkw Tnta ot Steal." Thto pUp
woo flvao dartop tha prerien eafafe*
«Dm Breo.' Oraot hmorieoa Noraltp
MkowoadTtotoed Aolmol BxUbltkm
orrired to tha aitp paatardop oad
pilafcadiu teat ot tha amar of Froat
oad Ualpo etraato. Thto ottroetioa
will ba a coed oaa oad. ita partormbaaaa durlnp the aalabroUoo wlU bora
0 baorp potroaopo.
^-Uta Moa Taiaad Tallow
' Great aouUraoUoa woa fait bp tha
triaada of M. A- Hofortp of Laziaptoa.
.. wl
wbaa thap ao« ba waa taraiap
3to akto alowlr chopped color
otoo^ area,I. o^
oad be aa^ai^'Vrribip.
aosared tarrlblp.
Btomolodp wmapaUow jaaodlea. fia
woa traotad bp tbe beat doetora. bat
irithoerbaoefiu Tdbo ba woa oditoea
to trp Blactrle
• Blttara.
wrltaa: "After tokl^ two bottli
waa wboUp eared." A trial prara> ita
motablaw atarlt for oil atooiaeb. Urar
oad kidaep troabiaa. Oalp stcto. Sold
0. Jobnaoo,
bp S. B. WaltI and Joo. ~
S«w DUodTWT tor BloodpoinBliic.
IBVEB 0DBB8. the Sraot Ooaear
aociobbt xtsttbatce pats
cbA/>ee AWn r>AOKIIV/AI
to the occasion. ---------ed and will be as follows:
Mh STuM^to^toom:
Hito^ th* WartoTMator
Mlaff «t maatohok. Oou.. wm
rlM hr tha ■jiiWwto of WOl
iBhtotola. •t lanok
Iwatf oaaothTt
aaaothTt of
lltooWortaato.wha.U ho4 booo rofor«od.hhdaot • oeUiafh A«tb to
ftooPbUphtoot. BoOBtorodthohohoa
Jtot «■ «ho ward* rrwno»Hk>
hMoltoc ooopto kaahMd oad wlto
_______ LMiwwoMOt tha ftfot
loroot tho htOo. Oteahartoto hod
haoa oowoir.tal aot tetoOr wooMlad.
BWiU loon with
hlhoto otoo^ tool hUffht
TheHenklBtiildiBg,123FraDtihiuip pbt »esr the «omer* <<
street, will be Exeestive Oosunit*; Sixth and Pine streets, aesr tiis
_______ 1ers,sod Buenn of readdenoe of Him. Perry Bsnnsh.
Information. Some one will be Hoi^J. W. HilUkeni^ Dxs. G.
20) p. m.
St the gtoQiidh of the TrsTme CS^ Dnei
te dnty at all timee to give deair- A.
HoUidiy and J. A. Snyder,
ed information.
witk aUe amtotanta, will have the
SiOO Class Trot ur Pace. Pone, $12o.
care of the cbUdren. Every child
Pone, $l5a
Tbe merchants of the
will yrho joins in the parade will be
rX Oioas Trot or Paoe. -------keep their stores open hll dhp, given a flag that may be kept asd
BmuiiK Race, $100; \ mile, best 2 in a
both 3rd and 4th, and all Tidtois carried home. Tbe pai^s wiiP '
Usual sdminiiw to tiie noes..
will be most cordially weloomed, sUrtprompUy at 10) o'clock, and
Si'v&oJjxg pax?a.±
Grand illnminsted osrninl persd* in which will sppesr Mias Edna and are invited to make tbemselv- all children who intend to take
_i__ 1_____
I____ ___ Uar <!■«’ rnbritr mutpat
Wilhelm, n.-it_
who has been
bp •a 4ten
dapa’roting contest as at home and oMntortsblA
OnesB of the Oaraival. Her Eopd l^hnen wUl
in the
All children over seven peai
robes made tor the ooetaion, and her majestp*s char- old bom the dtp and eorroiuidiB
Grange Hall will be opw all
rr® ... . . ,-----exalted rank to which the vote of
towns and conntrp are oordiallp in- dap of the 4th, and ell old i
s raised her. Ibe (^een will be «xom. ,cited to jda in tbe grand parade, i wiU be oordiallp wc^med•byMc• leOffieei
The gbthering place wOl be on thei Pheracm Post, Q. A. R.
ABameCthaSactoa torMoAaa. .
;:;"';;.^f...... ,..E.aif«.i
Fomins at owner of Front and
«st onFront street to Boardmah
riage wiU draw np in front of the Citp Opera Hooee entraaee.
from which point Her Majes^ wUl reriew the ei^ I™? “ **
mores eaat on Frant, diabui^ng on Cass, Park or Bosrdman
srenne, as map be oonvenient
'Tlxe Seoeptloza..
Bowto IbtoT
City Op.™ H.U hu been eUbonttly deooreted tor the occeeion end,
elte^tbepe™d^theQeeenotthc Oemivel, open a lhr»e pi
atate. will pediiiely teceiye bet glad enbiecin. An ot^ertn of
____ in
' pieces, tbe
in- - - -City,
- will furnish
'- - ■14
i Sneet ever otgenined
___ OhOBor * Oo.. Totodo. O.
We. tho Bodantoaod. hon >«»»■»•
evening. Thu feoeption
seoeptio and ball will be a brilmosic for the eveoning.
as the floor capsci^
capacity iiis limited, admission will be
npon invitation of Her Msieety.
, ,
.. cket nj
Mnl MMelka. u. U.uUUr
I gslleriee will be thrown open to the poblic, with idmis_.n*feTof
sion fee of 23 ce^*“
cents. The gafuriee haTe’ a "eoati^ capedty of
400, and only this number of seats will be told. Tickets for the
galleries will be on sale st tbeCity News Stand at 6 o’clock p. m.
^dard time, Tuesday, July 3- There will be no reserved eeato
and when the 400 limit is reached no more tickets will be
as crowding the booae must be avoided. The proceeds realised
from the voting oontest and aals ci tickets will^ ns^ toAefrap
tbe heavy eiponw attending tbe carnival and reception.
BoUto nml^PUlaora tha haot
The Queen of the Carnival has ordered that aU masques must be re^ed immedistely npon the conclosion of the parade, and a
repdy ebmpUanoe with this order is expected.
tooommor wawtoc opponl ot ro*
bottom prtoao. Tho Baoton Storo.
....ioilsJm '
" "
.......... &25p-“.
.505 p. m. Special
SpedJ from 0.4.r.......m Bpecml •
“ Orfm'.'.TSp ^
“ Bonth..9:10 p. m. ,
PfOCMMFOIIULT till, 1910
Smdd OnturOookSook.
With Horse Baces July 6.
Bmrnr utw.
Sroil A Caaa wUl fonlab BMtol eon
tor daooalttoc oahaa ood pop to eoah
oroeortothmwhowm aoaa their
0 a. m. Course:
Coureei From eorn*r
corner of i'ront
Front and Uu^
Luum etreets
streets west lo
Elmwood avenue, south to 14th street, east to UnionstreeL north
to comer of Front and Union streets, about 4 miles. Sei^ch
start. Entries to be made with Ralph Hastings before 60>a
m. July 4.
Seat sa
otThoBaateo Bteco-
tor sals ay tk« W. W. Kimball Oo.
Woodbine Cottage
nusiit Rooms. ShodiHowo.
.................................................... 6 00
3rd.................................................................................. 4-00
4tb.................................................................................. 300
BOYS’ ROAD RACE (Not over 16 years of age)
Course: From corner front and Union streets west to Divuion] street,
and returnCASH PRIZES.
Coisiltitiu ul EiiniihN Fm iri Suictir CoifMiitiil.
B. E. OTTM AN. M. P.
HnPrdldeatoftlieOttDU Medial lutttite Go.,lntain,Ed.
SotnA 'Wliilrf-ng,a*r»'v-wc«eOAtT's
THURSDAY. - JULY 12, 1900.
OMMXsusfMmBa.m.toBp.m. Om day ealy aseh month.
........................................................ 2-00
3rd.................... ................................................................ 100
90) a. m. Place: Union street between fith and 8th streets. Run
ning broad jump, 1st prize $1.50, 2nd 7^.
sn stau Stresl.
M°ss,£Ss,‘;5T?i.'rr"‘ 'ss".
F’iSSi.vsr.sisn' Si,Tr;|
Standing bop, atsp and jump, 1st prize $10). 2nd 75 cents.
. Running bi^ jump, 1st prize $1 50, 2nd 75 cento.
Standing high jump, 1st prize $1.50; 2nd 75 cents.
. Pole vinlt, let prize $1,50. 2nd 75 cento.
Throwing 14 poondlhammer from 7 foot circle, lit prize $1.50;
ZDQ 76
<0 cento.
Putting 16 pound stone from 7 foot circle, 1st prize $1.50, 2nd
1y Avu
100 yuu
yard ubbb
dasL, ab
1st, uiia«
prize $2.00, -------------2nd $1.00.
------120 yard Hurdle race, 1st prize $2.00, 2nd $100.
’ Entries on thq ground• with
J. O.
o Langworthy.
0 a.m. Place: Front street, beginning east of Cass and lending
AdCrest box Kt, Olty.
near Union.
JV^K^eeahlni- (>ael sraa**Six-legged race, prize $3.00.
' &rrel tolling race, 1st prize $l.W, 2nd $1.00Wheelbarrow race, man in barrow, 1st prize $1.50, 2nd $1.00,’^
Sesih Velon auorl.
W3 If
Back to back race. 1st prize $2.00, 2nd $1.00.
E^ carrying race, for the boys; 1st prito $100, 2nd 75 cento,
3rd 30 cqnto. Entries on the ground with Fred Onrtia,
TXyAKTKD-D«7's vertl«r asrala* b7ChptatlOO. This parade will start at precisely l.-OO o'clock, standard time,
' from comer of Front and Union streets, and will proceed east
1 on Front to Boardmsn Aveiuie, Bosrdman Avenue to State,
and Wss
Best of m^sres l»ald.
, State to Wellington. Wellington to Washington. Washington to Tbs Most SaoesssfiG and BotsattBc Trsatmsat of All
of Manklod Pooslbls to Obtain.
Bosrdman Aveuoe. Boardmsn Avenue to State, State to Cass,
’aiioO SioiM. ait lano eiprrlooet,
T»« ■«« «««ly •=« f*T»r»bl7
BpcclAlKt le
Cass to Eighth, Eighth to I'nion, Union to Front, and disband.
Itale Is the »srW ceshln kla ta
upoB (he latest eelceilBe p-ladI X>. Daylight fireworks and hot air balloon ascensions for the chib
SrcBMKSc?KSttvo^lsa^^ bujoddV*
«oUU». hlB u> the lull c«<e4en«e of ihr
drea immediately after the parade, nesrtbecomer of Front and ^n.
ease a_l dcaeaaraalc
I’nion streets.
Mscaoe. Dat
moat tkmi
oeecr fklleO tc thesoi
WTVAitTXD-<iood airl' for tMrml 'boasa- > )0 p. m. Immediately after tbe parade. At the Driving Park As M&S7
fceple bam demtk eeer* feite e
pl»cM their CMC* is the hmttd* of ex|
sociation grounds.
IMPOBTAWTIO nADina.-i>*.oTniA>f. i
Free for all. Trot or Pace, $^. •
eeslime to the »e*. recoie
le 4lem
hose u
2:24 Class Tret. $150.
TCE BOXSa-Tor aale cbrap tat tbs
Running race. 9 mile, best 2 in 3. $l00.
a Lsrlaaso
Exhibition 1^ Tommy M., the Guideless Wonder.
MBj.tsnUMlawesr^e^lMhM'or lUe.
Fanners’ Race, walk half mile, trot half mile, mn half mile. $25. •iMorc
DlSCBABOiaO EABS <miM le r>«T «
of toor 4set ssd kU oxkut ere es*r».
Usnal admission to the races:
*cwMWioaoKS rra sod rMoisM Ions
s catarrh.
trslUaa, esnaad Crea
^OBLT rL-BinSBXOBOOUa-IrdestnMa 2:30 to 50). Band concerto st different points on tbe streeu.
Xv loratloe. three Mors east ot Park Flae*.
------------------" •IHO
fsrUesvtnirSaeteofasrlTeiec oad (bo anMn. Alrord.ao State street.
ma SAUr OB XXOBAXUB-,n,e aerth M ^
hibition will be here Jnly 3rd and 4tb. This show will be a
attraction, andjrill appear in tbe parade with the well
lo bU aUU^
known Silver Bros.'Band in their new and handsome chariot.
The usnal popular adminion charges will be made to this show.
avane Larfs Ms. vUI be sold at teas Uaa
■arh« priea. Aeba Vatlj.
The Traverse Bay Line of Steamers have arranged to give hourly ex
OOB BALS-»aeim cbalee
aear ettp.
cursions on tbe bay tbrougbont the day.of tbe 4th.
------ -
itaod WerAi tor tha o'iiltad Statoi Ba-
Iwtohto thoak the Ualtad Stotaa
Baaotalaat Soatotp ,ef Saptaow for
.ttoatrpraaBtaaatia tha aattloaaaat ‘
ffhaa poa
StooaWath«taka potoi to took
In the evening there will be the most brilliant display of Fire
works ever semi in Nhrtbem Michigan.
SeethaB'eatoee. PIMar leare at thU eitoe.
CW>B SALB-Oeed nark baeai. IJOO wet«bt.
C laqnlreotx Lueaa » WeeaMr.au^
UBOB SALB mnae aad las Borth.wcat een>er
Behenlaatnel. . Jehs Veg^ !•
them aosa
Arrival and Departure of Trains and Boats.
at 90) a. m.
Arrive at......................... 60)a.m. DepaitaU.;.....................6J5a,m. ■
Arrive at......................... 1:30 p.m. Depart at........................Ild6a.m.
This q>ecial stops at all a
will conn«ri at Walton after a shi^rt w^t, for the
PKU MAWjuxrrx.
Arrive from sonth..........1:15 p.m. Arrive from north......... 11:35a.m.
HIoa?se Hacets.
JULY 6th.
, .
80)l>. ra. Horse isces on the gronnds of tbe Driving Park Aaociation.
2:25 Clam Trot or Pace, $150.
2:45 Class Trot or Pace, $125.
tSiaa Manyetn be gang. eaHSi5Stabaa^^^.yjfy»^VJ?l»^».»0w>aM
Print. B«im
0.^ iroi^G Bifeogp. TUESDAY JUI.Y3:190* ,
t P^sd r
-«. ■. It
T«k *-•
MusBAbar.forMrcsut AMjahJop'
bMi bM • tierk IB <bc Flm NaUoft. •! buk ol SqvvtoBkot sod wrer ooeo
to sll tkst tlD* cOaid the** hsTe beoft
(WMd OM toaslf. MliUiT cm to say of
kb books. Oto batoBcc oborU vvre marTtto of BBCpoOMl corraetBcaa He eoald
r«B dova UTM eoiBBua of fleam
mma tiae aad at expreaa ppcad aad add
tbna wHb afaaolate pretotooo. He eoald
toeatt tbe tnuupoaKtoa and
wbOetha Boat toutaau prohjemi of o
. d «ated throoeb the cotdea Uiaa of
Uto oa the lowest roBiid. He bad catered
tba baok at 14 aa a p««tr elcrk aad at 48
bad attaiiMd only the bead boo
^ Nerenbeleaa ----------------be bad bf'
aad a shrewd tarn or two, tbaaka eltbar
to bla dlaeemiDeDt or rood fortoDe, aeroBBlaled a few tbonaaod dollars, wfaleb
ba bad toTMied la the Baaawtoakrt aad
Bflaawoac BaUroad eompsoy, a rery tidy
bula property.
was a Can. leak man. with a
k Up aad
and lo«i.
loai. the eocaplaxto
eocaplaxioa of
>»e«tbar beaten wood aad anaU. aai
ayce of faded haaet He toriritbiy i
a atnlcbl. higfa erowaad
atorepipe bat
with a rery nvn>* brim, a aasdy bUek
broadcloth aalt node with a toag frock
ooaL a low piccadlUy eoUar aad a btoek
toxoaliiaa tie. lie was always aempti'
looaly broabod aad bottooed. aad wbaa
. be walked be carried Umaelf rery
aad prdellbentely. Uka a
who thtoks weU of btnaelf.
Alcogetbar. akboogb sot atatoeeqae, be was
istootosg. and beeaoae of Ua pacaUar
“Old Ptoab Bob aad T BaMur.” bat
tbk. Barer barlag btard. be did aaC heed.
Bli reereelioo wai rery almple, (hU to
Hia entire letoara
tiaa was ocaytod to peAutog The I
saneUl Beriew aad like pobUcatka
wUcb to tba t
arid, bat wbooe atoek Kata aad other to1 Ur. Japltoc the «•
................a aad stisa'
laud bla arithmetical
bllastal If wmewbat elepbaatlaa apMtIreOM with aoUd facts and
a day, Mlaa Mebatabto 8aa____u axtraettog tram a rather toon old
Uack atoektog wbldi bad been dataad
oritb white thread fS.MS.OO to tdUa
t to tba I
t of coaree came ander the
aobea of AbOab Jopttog. and from tbat
day be marked bar where M went
Laoktog oat through the wUte aaabed
wladowt of the bank, dtocteetly rtoled
by dingy green wire arreeM wbereoa
ware displayed the title of tbat temple
of finance to uraUbed gUt lattara abaded
b rusty hUck. Mr. JopUag bod an miWith
p of Uiaa Mebetabai Baa-
lag b
been b«Ut oot on to the front of Mlm
Bnaeom’s' boons.
Bbe bad ecigtosUy
atartad her abupkoeptog in the dwrUlng
itacit, bat aa she proapered she found
aaad of an enlarged eatabliahnMat; bence
tbs addlrtoo. In the aide windows of the
Jtttla atom oae might see to ■
I. doik. marfatoa. kites a
•r aaceaaltka of ebUdbood. betodm oome
books and pertodicab. a Bteader stock of
Boattoa. eaUcoeo, cHataes aad other
ckaap rabrim, aa weU aa an totmattoc
-------------- it of that wlacaUany kaown
dtowtog if not n briUtoist
aoeceoa of her
wnt UU. apntv and rnwbooed. srith atsai
nauBod apeetnelea and tblnnkb. dark bok
to whldi were many allvrty atnBda. Bar
eras were gray and planing, her ammlb
r of the shop and. nttked to .
dmt brown dress, retbar
.boot tbe
‘aaktoa. bat very plain, very aeat and
---- ^
Orfadawa. mUto her lltUe maid_______
ororti amiA tba shop aad tbe kdewnlk
hsfikaM.^Sm coaM bare act year watch
hr Bm althm la the a. ___ _
the M of a flyto wtoc. abe al
■ ‘ - p m. Bba s
____________ Jlberothaa
ABUca. tta gase BO credit If Aa eoald
PMMMy avoli B abd tbae tor opt ahera n
■aA. Bte sraoH ant aei^ Caandtoa
.............. r.r..'
1 wmmi v> wfMa ths
aad wiU gtoayt
(Myths mesl rsKUs stssk iasn*
aacca. and
the time.
Os one of tbe CWeage tracks tbacc aaa
I liddwa. tba iBsgam of them aa extan^ ladder tbat can ha talaad 80 feet.
TUo ladder li of the kind that la talmd
on tba
tnck. to which
footla| aaesred.
By 'maasB of ctaakaand the mcckaal
■ 0 It, al^Ttoan,
_________ . foar
tbe trackand
ea the graoad. can rake tbk ladder, ex
tended aad to poaBlcm for aaa. to 80 aacOBda. "r-*-*fiTt mmaVui
is carried on tbk truck a CO foot exteatoos. wbhk k taken oC tbe track when
^ and raked tram the groond. Thera
k ake a U foot extnkcs ladder, called
a iusior enenkon. which k seed wbesIt of tbat Itea I bare
there U oecnsloe to carry a ladder Inside Whasi. old, par
bToa. Wbat rbara baaidj of a bnUdtog where tto'xtatowaya might I
kde pleeca. Folded, a man ran earry tbk
yoar todaatnr. roar oeeaeaty aad -yoat ladder ea bk shoulder tlmoat anywhere,
aldei tba tbrae
TtoT walafl. bartoc eanCtote
mmir-‘ tbe aap of Ue iMufaWg
atoeeplpe aad tookad yell to M atra
■artMaa of Ua aob*. W bataak ktmmtt
Ik dritoeiata aad d
akop of Mtoa Meh
Be foaad tbat Ud7 b
flariiw vattad ..............................................
aad batoe aboet to eioaa for tbo atokt
Wtthoat boattot aboat tba boah aad I
aaol aad MaaaaMd bat
Mm m m ta«M lUtlt'mmi aOm *r-
bartoc aaltber frtoad. nor andMeat
**I an nradf Dot
ioMam Btoek
a5£520.*=rasw?ss: Bicycle
8m maples in window.
Fnual Diracnr.
'wr ictddg flotoi in
one 10 foot ladder, and four_______ _
OhlMto BMtto
-------- Mortbrn
Mo. I.
E n> of tba f
tog Uddert of tbe kind with wbkk fttw
C oat
tba e
man cUmb iba front of a boUdlag, tbeae
• 1 hare boea i
baring each a ringle ahafi of wdod. with
togot Mectom-pb.
Pint Nettooal bank of Sqaawtaafcat' bandies running tbroagfa it to boM ea by.
and I boTe bt«a prrbapa, if I aur'ba al
with a king beakUke hook at ooe cad
lowed to aay io. a not —---------------- ' “ ‘ -. .igbl angki to the abaft, srklek k CbateofBIff Tin Gkaehaes OB Um
to tba ateadp frowtb aad doaarrad'
thraat thrbngb a window to rast upon
'itessti Dortsff the FOsrth to
caaa of that toatUatioa.*'
tbo aUl. Tbara are carried oa tbe track
BaUraly Trahlbltcd.
Mia MrtwUbrt atood 6oH apri«bt «a- foar eeaUag belu to be used with the
htod her eoaoter. bar arota totoaf bar ecUtoc ladders.
It haa bme doUdad by Mayor Friedgray eyas, with tbrir pleretog black dots
carrlad oa this track fear rtob aad Chief of Folios Bassto that
—bam and two picks, bam- thaBrliiffw
rottorta traeraokartoa the
eouatanaece of Mr. AHlab 3.
atraau will ba eaUroly forbi
aa dur-.
bar own malataiacd Iti nona
tba otb^ wbkk are nmd for r^"g lag the Foarth of Jaly Oi
grarity. She was UateUng
m through walla to get toto aa ad- The dsBcer to Ufa aad Umb aad to am.-OBeoaan tswMI'oDrwl
eagerly. She nuy
kdiilBg buUdtog. There are two tin cotwdFsrty awkaa this rnttbiUttoa adetoad what; obtoct
obtoet be bad to «
aotko ^ b^ to the tin mfs''~a!^‘rip^
l>oaa.,aM IB. Iriags; Hsfthare pteu
be expremed. 8be a
tbe tin. There are two window break-
koame at 4W Seem Uaha Suvat.
VriepOraa Ha.lt
John R. Santo,
tenril Iishum.
js-s- _ .
m, Iran btUs attaebsd to a length of
cord. A man oo the roof thrown tbk
“My present aalary" he <._
Iroa ball over tba edge to break the win
fl.300 per aanom. aad I bare toeeatad to dows with wUefa it eomea la ronuet on
to the Sqoawtimket aad BqDawo- lU backward awtog aad so let oot tbe
maoke and rentUale the boUdtog. Un
der tbe ladders away down at tbe rear
eriildt wlU when the VanderfaUta bate and of tbe track k a borae reri npoa wU^
porebaaad tba watiollinc totarcat yield at there la one length of hose, which, ‘
least 10 pbr cent per ananm." Mr. Jop- meaai of rcdoctloa ooupltoga, can
Uag paoard again, this time to oote tba coupled oa to fire boas of any stoc. Than
cSael of bla autemant. bnt Mias Baacom. are also a iot of nosiles, Oae
of which U
-------------------,— baa an ptI him aUastly
taehmcBt that wblrk rapidly andor proasure of water paaatog Ibroagh It. The
distributor la used la cellar flrr*. A hole
“As aa amployaa of tbe Pint Natlaaal
U cut to the door, and tba distrlbvter k
bank of Baoawtnnket.“ ba reenmed. -V
has coma oadcr my notice. Mlaa MabM'
bri, that yoo bare m
on dspoait
dsp^t there at
U tbe c^r pipe. TbU k a rather long
pment the acm of^
pipe with two bends to It. Tbe ceUar
... Boppaaa,
" (Mlaa M»-
tba aom would aa^t to fllfl,U8.00. This aom. laroitad to abarm of
thcBqaawtmiket and Banawoag raUtoad.
paying dlrldeeda of 10 per enil, for 1
bare it on tba Ugbeat aotborlty tbat tba
VanderUUh fnUy iuend to take tbe cootroU would aSotd an anaaal income of. to
rooad nombera. $1,000. Tbla. added to
my salary, would amoont to $2,800, and.'
ni I take it tbe aanoal profits of yooa
t to aot leas than
e grand total at
.lebetebd.’' said
k bU bead and ey
AUloh. tbcowinc iNiek
ing Mlaa Baacom aritb
b tbe air of an attoraay wbe bad made not a lodd aad aU
. '•yoa wUl perceire tbe etto of lUs semewkat ogtraordtoary toterrlew. I bare tbe boaer to
oBer y««-tbat la. 1 would Uka t»-nei I
w-win yoa be kind csroegh
to matry me. Mlaa Boaeomr
Now. AbUab. to thinking oat the poaaie of tbU campalgs, bad
aappoord It not onUkdy tbat Mlaa Mefaetabel. OD bearing Us ^posai of marrtoge,
xnl^ throw bee anna around Ut neck
and embrace him and perhapa mreaa
after what be bad a rague notion
die temlaine usage Of Itoe (IrcomN«. The thought of this pomlfaiUty,
ha had mads up toa i
wkea tom costlnoed: “Fur youl Ba tor
me, BOW chto I've found out thet folks It
rin an a-pev|da eote my privata af, an that them, ar *-•-- ----------------
> toy hoaA onto at to pat ri^aato wildat raltread ohaan oa boUto on boaria
aa other ea-O
to dror aU my aaodey ^
to take at over to Bqaawaag, where I
kBow e< wUI be oaCe. Aa you, yuang
maa.“ aba added griariy, “eaa be vay.
tbaakfal-te.ma af I doB't tell tba dlneteaa aU aboat roar time
tola CO an cattla’a ap. Marry
poa oo^tar be thtokto '
—' a sreddto—yoa’ra ow CBoagar
^ ----------Mr. AUtob JopBng soatomd
bemt five mtootaa t«»sv, ^ was aumawhat flashed tnm tba repUBy ot bit mottoa thltbar if sot from other eaaaaa.iaai
as-ba gtoaead at Umaaif to tbe
hto banou ba aottoed tbat apt «aly wa*
Braar beCare to tba «____
ssssB sssassRs ss
: lmffak>.p.ktnn?^aekl sMMaSVm
■.»N B. K. a. Oo..daly 4tb, lOOO.I.
Aitoaserrawaioio^m. aad (ro^
•tween all atatioM on tbk:
at im
warn tbk line aad oon-lSz^lf^.
Mrs Praaew M kalih.
> a^ orgM. Teian k
Maw OBoc. Markham Block .
Udtoi. “TnoM Jaap salt tnaptoofi tisProotSt.
■a the Fwa
▲t the Atianu expoaltioa la 18BC tbora
'OS a “woBaa'a bnlldlag" on the
gyonnda. and the committee to charge
kSde « strong effort to aecare a dlrcrai'
pam of the ioot^
after. “FomUy tree, loaned hy Mn.
tor-abont '80 aecoods aad srhea AUfab
bad bean redoced to a aute I
doaely oa ImbadUty. Ae apoka.
*Tbat sraoU ba a vary aka
t.** aba aaU very driiber
very aka
AUIoh brightened op at o
etJuaelTUi. mg.
Which ahalf
aball deaignato^^
deeinata the ! -^.ao
fin.™..-, w cug.,
piM where they may be Orad.
srill laareTraroraa City at S;M aad'
ii:i0 a. m.. S:U aadB:lo p. m.. Jmly 4th.'
......................................... “onor aad 7:Sd p. m. I
Tralaa will arrirai
Iflpe la sospended froth a bolder aUi^ from MontoiM aad Hobor at a:S0 aad
11:00 a m.. flrlS aad 1I:M a. m.. from
Cedar City i:tO a n and l:4S p. m Tbk
to ssriag tbe^pe aad point
OrectieBA The bends la the tope an-' will aoeomodala you all ao maUbr
abk tba throwing of water to potota (pat where you wtoh to.calebrato. Let the
eo^ sot ba rcariied with a straight pipe. haada play and all join in.
There are two fire extlngtflahera srito
wbUto to pat oot amall fires or to keep.
If the track should get there first, a fire
to check unUI aa engine nrrtrea. There
k a portable fire eacape. oae end of
wblcb eaa be attached to a window sUl It. bnt it srill oome np nintllng every i
by means of which a fireman cun lower tlM “Oa]man'a Blaatle Floor Vnraiah
anyWy from a bulldiag or a petuoh
could lower hlmsrif. There are two life
Une cans that wUI throw a slug with a
Ught Une attached 300 feet up orer a A Greht DiacoTdry lor OdBcer
buUdlng. a Jomptog net. two amtotc
WutiMon. Unt.. Jaa.
masks and rignal flag, and red tonteroi
V. Dear Sir:—I bat.
to flag trains on tfaa ekrated ^road.
innd of Seven Caren,
For other uses there are two while
tompa.-GUeago Inter Ocean.
to aeod anything tbnt would b
and attractive.
Amdog those
apiodcd was a lady
Uvea to BkkBan<i and who la a member of tbe old
Being naturally
prood ot her descent. It occurred______
tbnt tba framed copy ot her family tree
wonld tn an Interesting oh>ect. nnd It
wnt accordingly expreoard lo tba com
tAlrr oo tbe tody vlaited tbe exponUtou.
a chaats nad lastbodical nad. ot coarse, one o( tbe first thtogi the
looked for was ber own contrlbudoo. but.
bet to hU dlaappofitanrat. bet strange to any, the was unable to find It.
______to hk rtokt nothing of the kind
Tbe roitira exhibit wna neatly catakguod
bappaoed. Mlaa Meheubri kept bar bead
ruanly over tbe^to^p^ by p^
Rily remaikabk manner indaai'
ttonad to- regard him immovably, arms
folded, boil nprigbt. tba Uttk btoek potou
to bar grey Irian saeaitog to plarac tbs
gtoasee ot her steel booad apecUcks and
to gimlet toto tba very brato and sool ol
finid UpUit iHUiUll
ottoata srUl be arreotad sod prasMtad.
u**—New Orlaona Tim
haalUts to recommend it for the parpdaea for which U it noad. Ito affeeta
arainaabort time to i
eannotfall tofflvathe rrrateat'aatiw i
Jan. CiTHHinen.
T. F.Hmien
rebDiU bed pot in
to recetre all old patrtma.
PEBiArquette |Good Line Of Joweln
oaok effoR be toteaded to
V enae enme to txUL
*«ir.“ ba anid Impreoalvdy. 1 AsD
T aaa.'* totarruptad tba HtlsnaL
Mtocaa b twialiirea wUh yon towyera oa
waO ns
hnpa you nre right to wnMtog the Mttor
atttkd at tbe mart. Hew modi wW you
charger*—New York Mall and Cipaam.
*Tm afraid. Bdwnrd. yon'ra ttiIm
me eely beesaaa Fra Inherited fnra my
•BBfk 100.000 crowns. “
“Why. BtoBcbe. how ran you thU
OODIO sooiw.
111 Kiadsof Repairiig.
Leave TraveraeClty at 6:10 a. i
LaaveOrandBapIdae.SOp.’m.. Moabi
Bate $J
*« *7 88
Dr. V. J. OfiiBi, QptraUn DaMtotr^j
Fire insnt.
Ia L. A. BoUding.
Tba beat feralohad and beat kept
honae <m tbk pentonto to rrady for
a the year ronai.
ronsi. Oeod
Uvery to
Bat« made
DL Eumm
oomo HOKTH.
Lv Oklreco.............. )•«
Detrell................. i IS
Ar OrC Baptda........ k »>
Lv Trave
Ar BkRi
to take the train from there borne.'Batog
anfamUtor with tbe pUea. they atoppod
to inquire ot n colored woman tba way
Iway outko.
_________ .• dlrec._____ ____ ________
“Cartatoly. mb.'* aba replied,
-goto right 00 tiU ye' eomea to da
da ok poauOea oaad ter te.
ts'D to yo’ laT on yo’ll go right t
they reda off aka beamed with pride,
wito emawiiwm.
gmoaetOMt. nno.
and. nunoui
oltbough th«
fasBd the atnttoa, they have yet
r the “eoraar wha de ok
ter be."—New Yeck San.
lie ervlrlnr eiv-oi a. bi.Iias uI rpers Iraw
f aad <;ia-
hkYe hfid n>F boiidiac
sbflpe wd am now ready
The Waukazoo House!
row llraaij KtutMo.
HDitei t Baaakaaeli.
Bing! Bang! Bing!
IS| '
lUBm ID HnilllBI L t
For the 3rd, 4th and Bth of July.
16,00 photo, lor «3.00; 0.00 photo, for 12.00;
•3.00 photo, for «1 JO.
And 8 aannln. PbUnnm Pbotoemph. for 38 onto.
Pine Wood
P.SP.H.Oafm '
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
UOTWI cumiss HMoex STOIE won
aidmlkDotobtriii oUolM
1 wosU marry you, mo ointtae ft
SnmM Ottr tnta Oo.
THkltOaCWQ ggeOBD TtaeSPAY. idly 3. woo •
rEBffi OlRRIMSlfiP.
kfrl^tbauThey are not apuly
Bu It wnUfi be too moeb to hope tbu
Mr. Btya hnf Ms fUBowen bad really
rbsaasfi tbUt minds on frre trade any
■ore than they bare an tree anrer.
nay atffl bold tuneiculy to tbelr old
acTM Mr. Biyun btmaetf, tt may be
well to nueubre. wu bk first teoogIS an extreme Dee
Mbool UCc U always n
flw a ftarireL It oeeun on hb sevutb
birthday. Tbe cetlre sebod goes to tbe
new scholar-e borne, badtog a iteUy eaparisoDMl and flower bedecked dookey.
The BFW pspU b plaewl oo tbb fittk
beset and. with tbe bodja. <w teacher,
bediag. the AUdreu form a double fib
and reeen Ua to the echo
lag kycHw Mgs,
To a etranger the remmoa Taikbb
athooi (reeeaU a riagular setae.
pupib are aeated ereas kgprd oa the bare
msrbk pavement la tbe porch of tbe
awoqat forming a aemkii..........................
a to NOee is so
ciety- She was quite veB aware that her
bosbsiara raeaiu were not of soflteint
sksgaitode to permit an
danle la that ditteriag galaxy of gaycty,
and gentility, hot she bsoked oa
..........................anee of at least
ber two b<
wbo wai ready i
meot to marry may pretty girl wbo woald
•eeept him.
Naturally enoogh. H was not to be expeered that any yoong and pretty girl
eoald lore any old thing like he was. ba(
Chea be was ao rich that hire might wril
be asked to take a back aeat.
Now. tbe bosband ot this amhitioiu la
dy and tbe fatbiv of the two beaaUtal
daaghten was foMlsb enough to think
that love mixed with matrimoay better
than moaer did. and be was averse to
the maebinaflotis of hb wife to dispose
et either of tbe danghter* to the miUioi
wire at a prire. One day the lady, ia i
pleasant humor, spoke to her bosband e
the subjeer of Ids oppu
“I should think." she said, “that yoo
would bare some amUtioa for yuar
Yoo bare nerer bm aide to
futBlsb tbein wltb tbe means their bean
pottUoa de
manded. aod now. when
rben I am doinx my
ntiEoct to do a pat ■nfs part by at least
A Omo Whm 4
WW. wa —
bora all erer the west for the lm« SO
•aster Otnincer of K«w Bi
yaara, “espectoUy wbea be b ia my lutai>••• ’a'EoP. 'tim
fnaaM • tfTORtAoa my
aeaa. Whoa 1 was a yoBOgster back b-ve
-nd ggiira Is ble cUborste ■
in the ease 1 always avoided fightiiK
srbh other boys simply brcaase I didn't
He sad hk people bate prsleetkn
Uke to fight, and they ased tu Ikk me oa
Amrer OrreUnd u iMdest is K> bttteriy u theyAate tbe add standard.
all oecaidoBs. ant ao maeh breause I
eooU not fight as bevause 1 woald
TtBlMT. ItSS. sod the cMctSwDt et the A Demeerstk rktory wdg|d mean the
^•bea I came arsL though, as a
NN bra rahMta
fiednetkn of both of tbeae BepobUe- to reach errry student By meam uf
■Wfl—Gorsiss tsrlff Uw is Ai
preand got Into the aimoopbere at sera
OH. nntod Is
-^ •
■a to eHt hU Ngk Sbvb raesra
■eire order among the mbchkvoas. bU
fpand that If a amn didn’t bare hb n
»ftdle the rbwOes of WlUlssa MeKlB-K ran
Iw W eito.
to urge oa tbe boy whose rrcttatioB b nut
with him be aerer wuaU amount to any
lr«r m praridMit Is Normber. UK.
salblactory. Dot as a ruk. budjas .
thing. ao I braced ap sad fonad 1 could
BSd tbe eskctSMSt of tbe Dlsxler taitt
laxy and oftre fall askep. Then it
bold my own aboot as wril as tbe aver
- Isv in 3alr. 1807, MOHrd Is satkad
Utoa ttoy ran ‘b to«k *b ertt M .
that tbe pspOt enjoy what the Annvic
age. thoogh I kept out of troalde as far
_J«t re iuue ranaxita Bra
boy wunld slyk a “plenk." A trick they
as 1 could.
e tondu Financial News of May epecUIly like lo (day on tbeir akeplng
“lie nerviest chap I etW
•Mo DMwersdc eSWt faujieen wisdo
«the fact thatteacher b to anoint bb bair and kmg
boree thiet in Nevada. It was 2T. years
to snswerttik. bmsoe tt is steotstdr
-Tbe Unltod Sates b again becom- gny beard with sax. which ia. of coarse.
ago at PbielHi. Nrv.. wbleb b off tbe map
. Wad. Uer toy Ml Nmat
Errs before the srtsal
sow. I guns, aod tbe loi
•Jt ura er-als. rattta ttora.
pasHce of tbe Oonnsn-WUstm law Its Ing n better msiket for our wonUed very diScsIt lo be rid of. Yon may
ap over
IJrat tok hfia BM Ur ratad-il.
aoiT wbu tbe bodja wakes be
rr tbr ksu uf buraes by (far draerdataWol aUdow bad betas to (kll tianau In April. 1806, nbe took 815.- gwd ose of hU leng^ wespom
■Csras ttoy toWi-l ra.4 Hra ^are '
uf tUev.-s. Finally Mike (.kary. a
aoHatbe'cooBtrT. Kenator Oanisfer fiOO yards; in April, l8B0k uly 003,000
Some ot the asosen- these Utile Turks
well k-DoWB 1‘iuebaB. iost a fine lay mare,
yards; bu kst nwa tbe ounUty
•Iwired tbat Is 1803. tU>>ar uf tbe
rtceire lo tbelr Uaeotlona woald make an
and Mike thoogbl enoogh «f her to ukq.
It llvy di. ■lULrUfft
P(«and taascoratloa oC PmddMit row to 070.000 yards. Tbb b si
• eyes
aetire tni-aaun* lo get ber l>ack If possi
■e 'a IBS *
_ _ __________
advance: but It
A half grown boy. in tbe preec-ncm
Bit «r lurad Urn sU (tor «>—
ble and punish (be thieves. IleMnt'wonl
Udiy wia 10.213.000 yards a April,
'n tetb the story, aik
out to all the eamps and M-ttienients. aud
fioa tbe urines banks of Mew Yetb
I torisf*. ihtt M.raid tw «tora ’bs
la the euunr -f «rv<-rat days be beard of
State In UMOS of tb.- dt^ta. Bnai- W-tbat ta. before the IMngley tar- edtbe bodja:
think you would show some sign of ap
Jt dram
“What makes It falar
the ttSlw at Dererl Kprinc. about 75 mUr*
’Bout ttor lUagi w aua'a brait aate
neu faUsrea. wbleb for tbe flrst thru
preciation ef the atteutioa and honor |iaid
“Dp in the thnida.*' answered tUi wise
away. A man had l«>ught Iw-r over there
It la ^aay to aw why tbe Doited
us by the wealthy xenlleman whom I
SMBtbs of INTO bad hers
In noaimefaer. "oor prophet,
frem a party he did mil know.
highly twtpert."
ber. wltb total ilabaiUea of «»3n.T«i
of foreign goods, for
••Fotjrfre me. my dear."
•Bon “rara- iBia, ,(U«ra ra brett*^
rou to S.unD and fta/«Q.08H la.tbe
iuto barinem togetWr. tbe profits_____
sad at last uv bad a ’ruund up'—Uis(-b.
pmpH SR te better shape than
faashand eentritcly. “When tbe gealiefliU three months of 1804 and to 4.S12
divided. Une night Mohammed stole sU
we pot guards—n-r the town ud called
before to Aiutlfy tbe|r taste for
the profits and rau swsy. In’lhe tnornOB all tbq inbaUtanli- for niih-s arnand to
, and lexi&Mao iit tbe Und tbrac
luxuries, and there are now more mu Ing, when the ChrisUan Cud dlscorrred
. nostba of INua Prom Mar 4 to Oct
greatiy molll
and fifty men n-pwied. and all were daly
n .. yr re ora* «S, nS>
8. laos. the ^merlrm pi^e drew than ever bi^ore who .un afford to
Bed, and ibr husband went d-wa town l<
Ttoy ura-t urar pnat yev vraM
aceounteU f-r but Ihn-e. TIk-»v (brer
8878.000.000 fMm the national banka. wear high priced foreign fabrka. At gulden rbariol. tbe r mbling of w
fab store, rvturaiiix in tbi- ev<-oIng a lit
'Pyw to *a t)t ’raa
could p-rt Mrisfan-rily ex|ilaiii tbraaJ. Edward mmtDoaa. pn**ldeBt of tbe tbe same time there are more men. nlng b die bjOlris of fintie later than usual, but quite efaeerfaL
acires. and they were lu.-k.d u{. until we
and well dreaaed men. too. than ever
“Ttoy e-B sre ra^ria n ysracHa
At half
hair past 8 o’clock
o’eli-ek tlu- wralihy
wraJtby geo1^>brtb National hank of New Tort,
shot after hlh-fieelag partner.- Moham
c-vuld have the IbswM Kj-ring man para
tleauin callisL and shortly after the la-ly
who u a ferreat •tariff reformer" bad before who are
med. Godins be could nut eacepe in mid
oo them. He came and at nnre saU that
uid on Not. 11. IWC. "The election of dotbea. So tberw Is not much ground air. plunged into tbe sea: the rhristbs
they were the erewd wbo bniuxbl the
for grumbling at the 4.000,000 ysrdi of
Ood tuDowed him. and tlu- shock splash
mare t- Deaert Spring.
Qlorer CIcntand can oolj' be retarded
Britkh wereteda wbiefa were sob] lo ed the wBler out and it {<« tu the oartb tically palmchean] roily a yard square
T7iat was all tbe (■•stimiiny we waal' Vf all oonaerratlre boslneas men u a
“It is Ibe «gn 1 prembed fur the gentbe United SUtea In tbe mouth of la rain."
«fi. and after a trial by a piHird op jury
fortvnalc thlnt for this coontir." nid
April, especially wbw wc remember
And tbe yonng Turks, beliering the
the «hrre hone thieves Were eundemiwd
In another ncwsitaper Interview on
she .read
u]u>n U in lare<- letters.
that in April 1807. tbrw montba prior
be hanged that
. May 20. UM: “Penk? We bare b«n
-Pletse rail
re Jhirehasing
•» MOMtor {opre cotdri It.
raosr* of
at Big Tree, foor mih-* fr-m.tini
to tbe enacrtnwnt of tbe Dlngley tartir.
ao deep In a bole for three years that
Bn I Ml rackty resri.
procoralon wns forni.-d with lb.- tbire
than tu dmea that qouttty ot laim tbr troe sunrn- of which U tsogfat
Tbempnn the lady Mi Into a state of
rrr taitU or “J-dra Orargt •
Iblats cannot tet any lowerp
prlaoprrs in a wagun Laving a high seat
Britbh worgtedi came to tbb comttiy
madness, from wbleb she has scairely yet
Ttoy irat dcrad Us aaras “I
In Beptember. 180S. after Mr.-dere- under tte frw trade tariff of 1804-7.
for ebnreaienee at tbi- luiiiging. end wc -Iritira Blatora Atlkra la LraMi
reeuvered. and (be husband is takiug-bb
land had l>cen inautorated. bnt befora Tbew were bakyon years for foreign
moved off toward the seat of action la
meals down town and sleeiiing in hit
good ordiT. -Arriring iberv-. onc^n was
OoRDao-Wilaoalsm bad become law, riedb makers and gloomy years for
Btorv.-Washingtuii Kiar.
awed in tbe waguo aud driten finder tbe
Ibe Aoterlcan Economist undertook American doth makera. Now tbe sltlow Oae Wall StvMV Maa Was Heist
Umb of tbe tree with tbe rope dangiiog
an Indiuftrlal ceesu It showed a de
natko b reversed alike as to fables
With His Owe Petard.
down from it. and when he was propvriy
crease In
stoce Nor. B. 1802, of
and other eompedtire foreign producta,
“A nomber of yean- sgu," mU s Wall The Oeelogtsfa Colleetlaa CoavlBeeA adjosti-d for tbe applirati-o-of tbe tt>pc
0IH per cent a decrease in wtfes of
leader took a l-lank iKsik -Hit uf bis
and tbe American people aeem to enjoy street man, ''entne men came fr
tho laUtaas et UU NadaeM.
» per cent nod a demnne la buslneu tbe Change.
pocket and addressed tlu- prira
tbe wvsl lo Dual a M-bcme In Wall i-treel.
K«th American Indians always treat ■
of 47.2 per cent . This wm due to tbe
“ ’What’s
yonr namer says be.
It’s your
One of tbe most successful bruU-n ot
■ ■ gr«-al kiudurss the lusaiie
antlUriff atKntioa and the certainty
nc y^ go l>y .mt hi-re. bot
that day was asked to take it U|>. ami be.
tbe f-s-Ue niiuded. U-li.-ving that tiu-y yiKtr real nsi
e they know y.,a
, that prmectlon wu to be reduced by
after ccnudSerallou. agreed. TTie agrccwould be punisbed fur
by at homer
rnsth Ton Xtollan kero Rwr Ttaa
s that the stock was l-> be placed
Tbe allrer
so uul-..lunuusl.'. ll-iM-ral Strungjells
aa n-tinder Free Trade.
f controU'd by ibe bruker. Tlib
propaicanda bad not then become ao
how this Is-lief of the Indians euablcsl qun^. aod It »-as But the same by
Important factor in trade or poittica.
n>e Ameritan cow baa been feeling Block was to uqt 815 iwr
I’rofessor Hayden of the I'niled Hlaliw which In- was known by In tb.- w.-sl.
Whan tbe Oonnan-WOsoo Uw wu tbe effect of the good, tiroes and lias owners, anil th.- hniker was I-. bavc geOl-utic-al surrey to eM-a|w from a dan
wbaterer be cuuIJ gi-t above ihal figure,
gerous predicament.
finally paased. It be«an at once to en- come In for a share ot tbe praspnity and
leader, after writing d-Wa tlie nsine, ’so
DU quiatiuDB were lu i<e askid <w
4)nc day. afler liaviag filled bis saddlertcb BuroiK- and bnpororlab America. that now exlsta In every coraec of our ioquirirs mad-' as to wbat be was duiiig.
notify your f.dks that
aod poritets u-ith piece* <if various dead. Of cwursi- we won't say that we
Oar imports of cotpln competlnjt fm^. country.- Note tbe followliig flgum ot
“8o tbe game startid. sod presently sto
bang you for horse stealing, hut sill rail
Pits Roods, which bad been rallied at Uic total value of all oowa In tbe Dull ries began l-> fly aUun conn-mlug tte
it aecidental «r wmething like that,
88B.2fB.T8D In ten months
18G»4. ed Btates and the average vali
■took, nod they wen- verr roey st-irics as
“Fiabhed dot Story yft, Westyr
started in senr- h of tbem. Set-iug tome they sill nut f.-el eo l».l «rer your loss.
wbat the future of that lumicular
“Ntw: de rest’s oo de odder side, aa
rose to 8IO0J10O.731 In tbo ten montba cath, as shown by tbe department of
men on b-rw-baek and supp-ndng tbal Anything rise yon want to ray or w.«d
of MM-5 under tbe redoced datien. agriculture:
they wen- bU fri.-li.ls. be rude towaH y^want lo vend mil U- put down in this Tm Waitln fer de wind ter tara de paga
«.“-BoMeo Globe.
Total valw. Pwba
PorelRners were supplying goods which
them, but, to bis horror, discovered that
and your last wish,-, will U- attendL UN........
they were Indians.
bad been made at borne. American Jan t. UN.....
I to as far a- poasiblc. Now. what hare
one of tbo storks tiui oeeupinl the atleoKnowing (bat h.- was in Ibe country of yoti got lo aayr
factorlea were dosed. American wage Jia. 1.
Uoa.of btukers and custoiw-rs alike. Tbe
“What bat lu-eome.” asked tbe oorehostlk-B. he lunx-d bis borso and atlempteamors were In Idleneu and want -On
“The man l•HggMi aod pleaded to be let skmal gnest. “of the prvtty lilatA eyed
treasurer ot tbe roinpany. wh- Lad
But hi* Baaaivbags and go. nuking all sorts -f prumis.-s. the lead
. the evening of Jan. 12. I8M. after tbe
ZOOO shares in the |iool. om- day, «
girl who used to wait at that Uble erer
all his p-ekels w.-re full to -verfiowiug. er in the meaiitime writing down all the
in (he
derdand admlnlstraUon bad been ten
n o the slock was selling at IW, rusliid .
as was aleo ihe till box eunlBlnlng bogs facts b.- want.-d for hi. final re|..rL
the broker’s oOlee and. aCicr esciiedly
months in power, a great man meeting
' “IVhat pntly bhrit eyed glrtr Mffidand Insects Which huug at his side- Thus
Cows on the American fnm
•• ’Drire on.’ b.- ui.l brielly to Hie
ly imiuiri-a the
wooiAi wttb tbe
In Cooper Unkm. New York, dedared worth only from 831-77 to 823.10 each pressing bis Is lieflbal tb-- stock a a.-t ..
>ped he made but poor headway. at the lines, atid.th.- burse thief
ing lo nu. ElBled that be had just pur
•aoh noer aod prominent cblo.
Tbe Indians soon overlook biL.______
swung from the wagon aeat am] b.-ld up
under the Democratk ndmlnbtraUOn
“1 r 1 ren.omb.v rigiily. she bad a UtUo
qentage of the working people____ of Frealdent Clereland. Dem milk _ chased l.tM) shares.
sign language nr-iered him to dismouot.
by tin- rope arokind liU nivk. ,
'Now. chi' tressurer knvs' leo tiOkes as
bit of ivmule~iin orar ebifk."
■wlou lodiistrke In thU country are bought when our faeiorks were cioaed. moeb ubout the iDtritu-ic value of tbe
Tht-y pnin-vd.-d nt nuei- to make an
“Tbcn the wason was .lrir|-ii around,
■•Ob, lhakirirl with tb.- Uoteh oa her
lapM-tion -Jf bis postMwsioDs.
He bad and ih.- aeniud lu.., sns i>4t iu,
toddy oat of employment- and •Var- Dot busy factorica moan money to stock and tbe inside «i>rkiogs uf Ibe cumfare; ................................
• liinh and iImnesUy pcoteated" against tbe disas qtend and more mUk for tbe famUy; no pany as the bivk.T did. and the liroki-r nothing with wlii.-b t» d<-fend biruselt. when be wss un.li-r
Chicago Tril-une.
trous purpose of the Democratic tariff tbe fartnets' cowa are worth more m>. knew that it lud little -r n-> value at ail. bia .-utfit Is-lng a p-eki-tkiiife, baluni.v. fixed tbe li-od.-r l-wt .-ut bis book and
chisel nnd wnteli. Tlies.- Ilu-y l-K.k and pencil end aski-d faiUi (be usnni questions,
Kladly Hewe.
der tbe protecUon of Uw Dinglcy tar- Yet the trcBBurer. earriisl awny by the thou begun In idunge their bands Into Lis winding up wilb. W.iw. abat have y-m
“nniat a fiue rotuplexi.n Mta Haare^ Xor «-ere wage uraers tbe only anf- Iff. whlrti.glvea tbe borne market to tbe rumors wbkb' be himiait hnd utdeced poi-kels. bringing tU-m ..ul fiUed with
wred has." said Mr. Beechwood to Miaa
ferrra Tbe farmers, too. were hsrdi borne worker. A dlffercmce of 810 lo started and wbkh be himsoK knew were tbe rock sixs-imens.
"II.- InIJ surtt a pitiful story nf wito
untrue, fooled binnu-lr and had aetaally
' hit by tbe "isrtff reform"
tbe vslov of eacli cow. between free botight tbe stock si an al*surd figure.'
“ I'ui iK> glad you like iL“ ehlrraped
pnek.-is. iKiueb and sn.l-llebags were all .-onpany tlut tl»- eruw-l Is-gau to weakBecatme of reteced emptoyment there trade and protection tlmea. It an “ob
“The broker rixHigiit it over, and then
Mira Nunbside. “It’s a Btor campIrxtoB
t. The leader el>i--.-d hi. nut.-hunk « ith
ptiuo of tbdr ject leeeon“ for tbe fsrmer.-Nocsrich be did two Ibiugs. i'lrst be laughed, and -emptl.-d. A- (hi- |>lle ->f Ktou<-s iueresred
>ist l-P—glil nut by a ileaerriac druggist
upon ibe ground l-e-.i-Ie him the Indiaux
ptodurtm. Oo'
fuap. -Driv.- ..a I’ in- commanded, and
then be went out and pulled (he string.
(Connj BdlleUn.
f niy aeqnaintanre. sad I do b-qie U
bnrvl into |..ud laugiiKv.
FiunUy they tbv next instant the pris-iaer was swing
that the fanners lost In tbe sbraokra
Tbe stork, atier a stump wliieli ultiniatiin Is-rom,- pupular."-:i1ttabtirx Chraob
opeiie.1 ’the tin box. and wh- n Ibi-y saw ing and (be s-agnn moved apiund fur lit
ralnea of tbdr.erops daring this Demly laml<d it at Ik then i-asis-d inti> tbe
Bolhiag In ihM but bugs sml oth-v In- third aud last load.
oerstk tariff for revenue period “eonthey quickly clos.-.! it. and. lo-king
There b now only one firm, conaltt- ^ods of a receiver and has never dune
•Tbis <-bap was an agiy. lilH- sawed
aldcwWy mote tbas 8t000.000.000 a eet gold Democratic acnator-Mr. Caf- snythiog oincc. The uvasurer lost more
je nnothiT and lh--n very .-i-eM-Iy at off cuss, with a face like ir-n. and lie
on tbe lAWO shares he purvhased than be Pruf--*s(ir llnydi-n. they (oii.-fae-l their
“Wbat are tbe»r Uoxers?” inquired the
year." or In all, •more ibao. twice tbe fery of '
bad watched Ibe entire proct-vsliogs with
made oa the 2.10) be pul iu tb.- pooL
atuoant of tbe utlonal debt a
foreheads and made the sign iignifylng out turning a bair. He si.-pp.-d
Democratk party In tbe wnale will be and yet there ar»- Chow- wlio wW say craiy.
dou of tbe par of tbe n-beUlon.'
place and took bU seal lit.- a suldier
abwintely nnanlmoua for free aUver.
•lluagrv Joe’ wasn’t right when he
O'* VSS-U"*Uft
Then they-grre bnek all his things, facing a f-.rt. allbough bis arms and legs — .n, ua.w.aj.j
It was so Ironical fact that this for Senator Cattrrys term eiplrea _ created the epitfratn that Iberr was 'a
“WHI, lUy pr-ornl iiuprvssioD is
reo (ilckitig up (be specimens and re were tied, an-1 be e->ald nnt m-vc m-ith
•nartffyor rerenne only" not only par Mirefa S next and It k already on tbe sucker boro every tnioutr.’ ’•—New York
that they are s-fiK-tJiiug lik<- wbat (be
placing tb<-ni .-arefully in his pnclcet< much grac. Th<- leader, as s.-ll a*
alysed tnde and Industry, bat failed Blgte that be b to be dtstdaceiLby Oor- Tribone.
pooeb nnd saddlel-ags. and in the rjgn rest of ns, was more ..r leas m.ived with
to prodoce trvenue. It •nmpoverlabed «*«■ Foater. a Bryan Democrat The
WUr lie DMat f^lL
admiration tor bis ni-rve. an-i wh.-n tbe
tbe treasury." The nercUnd admlnls- •ame procfui of mercaem proecriptkm
-Youth’s Companliin. •
A gay and festive youth who is em
old man took nut lii* nntflxwk and iipneil
RaekaeyeU. ■>•( ftafe.
tratloD wu compi-lled to borrow dior- U now going on wbkb a few years ago ployed BS a rierk in the reutuylvauia
he was quite pK-esanl in bis mann<-r.
New Han.l - ll-w shall I get ap tbeaw
moos sanu of mooey In n Hme of pro drove Ufeloog protectionist Demociata railroad office had occasion to gu down
*4 by E
’• ‘U'-II. Shirty.’ b.- said. addr.-sslng
Ul-fary eviti--isiii»3
found peace to keep tbe treunry re Uke tbe Bon. T. Jeffereon OooUdge out to iVilmington. l>ei_ one evening, aod
While Jsines TVhiteutab Uiley and Bill him familiarly. *wbat have
Maeaxine l5lit-r—Well, jost say that’
serve' Intact and to meet currat es- of tbe DenmcraUc party Into tbe Be- whfie there be met a giri who irapressed Nye wire irav.-Ung top-tb.-r ih.-y fouad
“ ’Drive on!’ said tbe prisoner as calm all th- iir-n wriiiTH are hnltaUnx Badhim as U-iag worthy of culUvaUoo. Ue tbcffiselres r.-gist<-red at a reiuutry inn.
penaes of tbe goTemm«t
yi.nl Ki|-l.>.g aud that all tbe l^omea
pohUcan. When tbe Detnocrecy baa
That Is one side of tbe picture. _ _ rid ttarif of all Its mediben wbo b«- asked if be might caU and was assured ami lo the adjoiuing room. a.'|iarai<sl ly as Jf he bod charge of tin- fooi-ral. and »riii-r» reuiiud JOB uf George Bloc—
was s-> startling thit (be whole
stor CsUlager. in bis speech, bu ef- Ikve In tbe gold standnifi nad tbe pro that be .would be wHcurae. “I lire in only by a thin ptnitton. were s nsi-nlly tbe effect
lu-lian.vis-lis Frees.
:d broke into appi
New CasUe," sbe said.
feetlrdy shown tbe sodden and slgnUl- tective tariff, ^ere wifi be very Uttle
a suy of proctssjlQgs.
“Bnt wbere U New CastleT’ be In' eant change trhkb came over tbe coun left to eotemeud It to tbe tnialnM la- aisied.
go.d hard Dcrve wihning agaiasl lug
tbe IVtroit J-mmal.
T7..try with the Repnbllrsn
“Oh. anybody can direct yon." she re railing at 'the man in waspish tones, and odd*. an<l the prisoner was l-ild he might
He didn’t
180a WhUc congress. In extra aesslon.
“We lire in a great Mg stone tbe husUnd was gruffly replying wbeo- ^ve a ehan.v for his life.
“.kn oi-l fi-llow wbo wears a
break down. then. «ith-r. bur' said he
★u preparing to rerlse. tbe tariff on
Te Uelp Bavlasd.
.-iutb Frine* Albert, chews tobaei
He was forced to be satisfied with thaL mad clear through.
Finally' tbe wlfe woald do nothing or say ooihing until
protective lluca a great tide of uxmey
It tbe filing of tbe reports In fsvor
says -drmme’ when be waata to m
bqgan once more to flow Into tbe banka of tbe shipping bia daring tbe sesatou
—Chirago Timet Hrreld.
hia arms and legs, and u. s-.-u had bitn
Caatie. and when bt inquired where the ID ber eyes:
Tin Sept SO. 1802, Individual deposits of cougrem Just dosed baa accomyoDBg womau lired the big jail was
“Yen told me yoa
you were well off before loQoe. nicn be told u* that if «c- would
la tbe banka of tbe country stood at a pUabed nothing eke. It baa at least polsted -out to him. •That’s whet* she we“You
The Wealthy ttoC.
let him have any'old plug of a horw- aad
:cre marri.-dr
“Do yoo see that dog?"
total of 81.7<&.«22JK3.' In October. 1808. boried for sB time tbf so called *Tree Urea." said one of tbe town boys. “Her
knnra* Stan I...
b-- re....1.ln-r
w-ml-ln’l ask
“By ,J<
.. -I was.’’
- .
yelled the bosbaml. fen hours’
with “tariff refociu" Impending, they mhlp" propooltka.' wlilcfa. on examina father’s one ot tbe jailers." The young “but I didn’t
’> know (>'*■
oddh ot anybody. H-g-t lbe
bad faUen to 81.451.124.S2U. In lie. tion. b found to be a measure for tbo maa teek (he next train baek.^rhUadribe got tbe surt. and be got out of the
“He’s worth 850.000."
country quick, and we never heard of
cember. 1897. tbeae depnalta bad gone promatku ot BrtttA sUpbuDOlng.
“G-md xracioas! How did he a*re the
“Well, my daushter,’’ said the mao him again. Cut I have always tbougfat we
ap again to 8L910.«ao^52. Aeflectlng
with tbe round face, “has married a boy let tbo worn one. of (b- gtnr get away mooey ?*-tJfe.
e Incrcaaed confidence ai_____
and ImptoTed
X*t oa_______
simply because we
such a high i«wbo.
ufnlng capacity of-tbe American pen________ _
There wm be DO campaign -kme.- give tbe pretiiluin ot unquaUfied admlrafVd for oerve,"-Now York Sub.
“Bo Clara refused G.-urge Iweassr ba
ID tbe «Nae ta which that weed k gts- tioa to a mcTcbaDt
____ _____
in a_______
small _____
sooth alkrigtiL'
A. iM hit was an undyiax lowT’
Tbe year 1S8 was tbe year of tta eraUy accepted, on tbe sblpplag quea- of Fargo. The “town" roaaists of a rsilTecatraeat That PalleU.
“I'm glad
"Yet. abe said sbv prefers to think Ae
war with Spain, bnt Dun’s review. tku during tbe cooing campaign. Tbe raad autioo. two rerideaces and two replied, “T.
“You have bes-n sufT.-ring from ricepmay
•BBem." uid the pbysirian.
Amerieaa people are unanimous In be •tono, both of tbe last meationed oae ryr
PhUadelphIa KuHetia.
story bolldiac* of about 20 by 40 feeL
“You hit it tbe first (lm& d«c.“ oaid
ttolmed H “s year beyaiM parallel.' half of - “A yomiB fellow turned Bca“-Cblca<toe of the merebsats adrertiara oa a
tbe worried lonklDg patient^
with “tbe btggeet volume of builniu
a k pkdged tn enact H at ^ ihc*t Isrge aiga la front of tbe baihUBc. “Gea- ffo Timcs-Ueratd.
Aa Heir te I
“I don't want to give yoo twy reda•Tee seen.- Tbe '
“toe. you don’t rare to tato any lutor•rail'
* - .
•raT Merchandise ot
Every "
tlvre If 1 ren avoid It. nrre U a plu
c snatber bidustrial
e« in tbe races."
Bis eempeUtor goes him oar betler. Hit
“Doa’t Worry too much ’hoot appear- tfcat works weil aomriim.-s: JoN try to
Wbtob De Tea Peeimt
“B’elL la other yean, rod are. Fve IxkceoBua. This showed, u compared wltb
Bccs.“ said Dnclc Ebee. “De patcut
B too much Uiteieri in thc«.*-CMfBff*
tbe Ocn&an-TVlUu era of UOfi, an Into streofftbea and up- wril be enriona.-Cor. Baeton Trsaaiyipt- leatiicr in yah sbeea looks fine, but it
•ereau of aoifio per cent la nomber ef
sfat' gwiater keep yob feet Tam bartliL”
bands employed and of B4X0 per emit baud tbe Amecku imry.
“Huh! It ii the other frilow
JBM fUalAtak.
SM a Ptal* CMk.
IB wara.
boalnuB of tbe New entk party bMjM as
Ht la wortyiag ate. I tat a roc_______
-Too ought to hare yoor briltefl
Turk during
The malignity that uever forgets' or tbatCDom bke a bussrew gifliic throaxb fund against fire."
pare SB Nstbetie. bygieBlc repast."
fluviTcs b fuand only la bate and iguoUe
W.IW0|,1I4B.8S2 lo JnnuBiT. 1807, to fifi.Tea. sod ibep very Itkdy
“Do wbat?
yea fl<
float want I
Mtorea. wbora aims are trifilh and whooe
snmldat bora at long to I Bre!"—H«
a0O.T47.TT8 in January, 1800.
I. msdatn, Yoa___ __
rsae Sttvae aa« PeM-aaew.
ra are indiraet, cowardly oad treacbWrit.
Btoutor Oaninger boa done a great
'NlBL“-IafliaBapn{is Jtx
A vote for a Democratk riwriw
pabUc serrkc by preparing hk maater
--------------- I B rote te tree tmds. fnw
ly snuy of fbets and figuMA coutraab BOUP. treetotrer. tree bccBd. fMs prer-.
toff tbme two periods of tariff (Or ccT■mm uuto AM tutff flar rorms •••
Few people are able to ...
they are told that It tokes a
■ -
“TaN” amrered tbe bhm6r reaffli
“Aad' tkata what H
“Well, anyway, a
“Na, mat alwnya.
Bt- IMte fftoaeit Oompamp reread to
Torme bp Bopaott— DteaatreH
•pawei wTM tewmea maewe.
Ik Loate, ielp »-The atrtka of tha
atoeatearmaa toaapmiatad to tote dtp
«M for DMh •< Bu«a
XMMitr aa iUf stojrae ienuUp daelarad off
- _ affraei to
—Uitir kimf MO aovofol BMIIotha sama aad to ralaatata
A»o Boif fwyowo to nmoo- taaandu
toe old MM. 'Aaareaaltof tha atrtha
AtaMl B0V07WIU PfoMMj
U Uew hara haaa Mwiflcid. e«er t«
woaaded bp baltote. tottaa
that aamber tojarad bp BUedtoi or ia
^ ^ meaataijp
sraatartoaatoat eaaead bp toe
WaoU^toik ioly »-^Xooilj oUvo to
ItetoitobfUtfof ocMntmrpnr* apeleaaef '»4, wktobdaetrepoda toted
oftoaatop. Tbabopaett prorad meat
liCMtoftoo .. .................................
affaeUraaadwaBthoeaBM of ferd«
too prto>w4 »~t------------------- t^aompampto------
VolMd BtfttM wUl
|tooofto«tot»»» It io tootoWa «hM
la IkoOTMofwKlBOUBaAOpdMl
Ontor»fU k* o^fMd k
tooAwriouAdoMo l«at latMtko
kao dadai^ ba waU ra
Wrrlaaa fortUo aoMMad. Qwlatto
' too aaa«aika had tahao^ too
of iha alhar pamra oC too PhiUppla«
dariar Iha •tMlah-diaaricaa war. tha
adadaMiatloa baUana Ua Moral affaat
at Ui iMOMca to oewianail of tha
^AMTtaaa teaaa waald ba aaftataat
grnanmm that tha Vallad Statoa
waald fotaaflvwhMthatlMa arrivadforMtw
r a aaUopto rorwd
to.thaa^aiattof erfi
Twt7«fflz Xoite Tflkffn fton
Bomffd •tffUUliipB
ainwiito Onawui bffPriB.
QipalBaMentto Flask
Ererp babp bom tbu pear
can hare a pair ol aboea
made to order FBBB if
* brought to ooratora.
Bipaa te B^hatle oa ttot fte«at-SlV
fdd Bdtofto Toerme weald be a
■treaff Oaadttato Car ^M Praddeaep
aadaOeed Vaato ffatea BaeaaeateteffraU Beaaiw foam hae Op.
apeelal wTbc HMlagBeaato.
Uaeoto, Jalpt-BipaH te to have
hte ewa wap aboal tiao dlvar and 16
te 1 wUl bo epoeiAaaUp maatkmel
too KaaaM Clip platform, olboro will
be ae eoaemrtoa werthp the a
mode to toa oMtara Damoeraep. Thte
mach te iwaeedert bp oeerp Demoerat
of premtoeam to tote elRp todap who
came from Eaaaaa Qtp for the parpeao
oftalktogwltoBrpaaabeot toe plat1. Ba-Oeagmewaa Jaaua Kerr,
lorlaueompletclp IdeaUflad.
BMMtoaetOflldal alltoaaBto Prator- ia kaowB that 41 of them ara from the
~ min. Oolp two are kaowa. to have
. pltp flhot-HtoMU Threath i
OM ftem the Mato nad oalp one from
eBromea. Itte etlU a matter of
apaetai wTM MaraiaaPaeord.
ajaetore how amap ware eatoi
TaRoHMta, lalp l^ad|faTh<
toarabmerged hnlla of the three
B- Umt of too arlBilaal aoart to tU* rotoad ahlpt Mil how maap met death
aantp.oMoftoa hlfbaat oBawt of
eaptogtrom them toto toe rl<
too Mbaale tiatartltp of ladtoaa.
etui toe imprMdoa of the North
oatoldadtoteaTaatoc at hte roald
bpahaaltof htoaaalt throath tha haart.
Bottom Dropped Ootef tbe Market
TMterdap Md the Prlee Oeeltoed
Foot Oeata.
BpKlal u Tbe Morslac Becerd.
Chlaago. Colp S-Thabattom dropped
ont of toe wheat market todap. prtoaa
rip 4 eenta. At thalaat
nrioM ware at toa loweat point of the
dap. TTceataforJalp. aad 77pf cenU
for dagoat. Wlikto a week priece
have taUea llj,.' eaata or kaU of the re
cent edTaaee.’___________
Teatentop'e Bate BaU ffamM.
apeeul te Tbe Moisla* Becord.
\ li
Diaoen aad
AMBBicea lanovB.
Gw^ aad Hcpdea; Vovepr a^
tetaktocdaad head tafa oat of tha ^aftle.
rtear toara at tha rata of 1«0 par dapr Detroit
Thap MladtOBtova tham satU thap
aad Bpogr. Bill, qnto
la of them amd
...... .......... t if ■
to work fereimp tbe
6 11
atmdaadteadawMfieee toe^tofc
t_. .... bP. lUwaakM.............
MBoefapewaitoletoeam of water. Ima and WQaaa-.'lddp aad Wto.
tat tot the emt.
tab /w
him before laartog Cor Kaaaea Cltp.
Karr aaid: "Tbtogo arc ahaplng ap
weU aad toe eoaetraetum of the plat
form te pnetteaUp derided. It will
trm tha CUeago platform and have
ddUtoaalpUBkMtttogaot epeelfleallptoefrMaetoMteaf aUrer at toa
legal ratio, m it wUl alao hare aa addlUoaal ptoak oa the traat qMatloa.'
HUl. Magairo aad Bagbm toft aarlp
tote moratog for KaaaM Cltp. Mot a
word wonld either aap abont tha eeafweaM iMt alghb Brpaa te cqnaUp
aUeBi to repertara bet gave a good elaa
te wbat toe alttmatioa waa. to hte flrit
opaa air apaach of the eampalga, daUrered te toe Oelotado delagatioa tote
aaoralag. It wed toe dedleettoa of hte
BOW treatporeh. Brpaa teid to part:
“lamBoro Odlecade peepto are not
leaxtoMfara reatlsattoa et toa
priaeipate of toe Demoeratle plat
toM are the peepto of maap ether
N. I wMt to aap that when Colo toimkM toa prtodpto of 16 to 1.
aad whM the pao^ hare eaaaad la
their eappon of that prtoelpto.1 wUI ba
fooad BtUl flghttog, oraa thoagb
New Shoes
For Tbe CelebratiOD
ahoM. blaek
660 to $1.00
Bearj Btomraa. wbo hm been nttaehed
to toe MUwaekM eutloe for eigbt
Ooldea weddtogB are taktof ptoee an
.tw toa eoantry. Tba old eenpUa
*W«o The Boetaa erldenUp took Boekp Moutato Tm to
tbffir pouag dapt. tse. Ask poo.
Fireworks and Flags,
Golf, Base Bail Goods,
Athletic and /
General Sporting Goods
ThoTlidOReliable City Book Store
Bl( Block Oropo PkiMT, e and lOi pn roll,
HOBABT a BEEOHEB 00.; Proprieton.
The Olothier
The Leading Shoe Hoiue.
Is Very Busy.
It’ll PayjYou Well
To flee oar Koods^nd priew before mahing yonr popchflefle.
Look at our Special^ Values in Men’s Suits
■ IN
Oapk Frank Foantato, for ei^t
pearaattached toto* Cbleago river life
mrtog etatinn. te to be tranaferred te
Fonrtli Yew-No. 98S
Han'a n.TS
Ladtea' low
Ladtoi CRTS
aadCt SO
fine ehoM
ttomaa, u ba ahook BrjM'a head,
>pared determtoadip to hte
“Wa win tote pear or die." "Oh, ao,"
Kanaai Cltp, Jnlp t — Ba-Ooranwr
Joha P. Altgaid. who arrirod hare to
dap to adraamef the
Mid ha aad all hte hiMda to nitoolt
> to faror of aominatlng for rim
idaat toe man who wcmld brtog te
theUoket the grmtMt atrength,
gardtom of wbat aaetloa of eoutip he
I from. "We hare ao caadidaU,’
aaid Attgeld. "AU wa want to do te to
flad ont who thoatroagMt man will
ba and aomtoate him. I hardlp totok
Snlcer wUl get the aoattoaUon. I am
told that ke te rarp eoaddeflt. bot I
totok toe qoMUoa dependa on the
Mtioa of the Mew York etate deiegatloa. Whocrer'ii the etroagMt man
aboald be aomtoated. Aa to Blll'e name
batog maatiaaad, I don't tblnlc he
wnnta Ik Be te not toa kind of
who would tnka It. Towae would
igtoen aa among a grMt aaop
flimea of people- Hte nomination
lid bring to oar aopport ataap peraoaa who would not otberwtee be
termted la onr eandidntee. Beeldee,
he wonld be a good conn to get on
traU of BootereU aad foUow him
aronad. It be te the etrongeet mi
think be ehoo'.d be nomlneted."
KaaCMCltp. Jnlp t—Casdldetce for
the chalrmanebip of the DemoeraUe
antloael committee are nearlp m nnmerone a* aiplrante for the rice preeldentlnl BomtoatioD. Saaator Jonee of
ArkabcM, the praaant bead of tbe com
mittee. te anXlona to bold on to hte Job.
Hia frlandi nrge that he abonld ba kept;
la tbe place becanM of the experience
gained to the campaign of *»6. They
declare that Bryaa farore the reeleetloa of the Arkaame atotetmaa. T. L.
Jokaeon, the Ohio mUlloaalre etogle
taxer, te aaother eendidnte. Johaaoa
bM the backing of tha Ohio delagatca
aad toa tact that he km a large boadla
of mpaap which ba te wlUtogtottMto
erlag the eanea hm attracted toa
able atteatloB of e number of the
del^etM from other atotea. Thocua
i. Tbggart of Indtaaa. U charged with
aa ambitloB to eneeeed JMaa.
Wholesiliuf Retiil.it
Onr preaant low prioM
ffheatlp Work te ShU ffolBC oe amd
Btotp-tovaa fftetims of Hobokaa'e
dwtol Dteaator hawa baaa takaa
Oat BaUarad tha) Ohath LtetwlU
AppwiMta BOO, Altbeatb It te
Bot XaewB Sow Knap Went Down
Barlto.lal7 a-Tedar attaradataUad ia Mato and Bramaa.
oat bp Oaaat Taa Ba^ la- Opwlel to Tie Mendaf aMord.
Maw Pork, Jalp ».-The
aiBktoc far toe bodtee et Uoto
who pertehod to- Sataidapte cneta Vaa Cattolw. for wUah paraoaa mt flro to HebokM, bacaa to reaalrodto oaad attofathw araad eovar toe deed to Urge aarnhwe todap. Bewtor nboat to amall beata
at tha ptom ehiotj totMtod to ra- teem aarlp to tha morale aata dark< allrlBB ardar to Chtoa. Tha praaiai aMBoempaUad them to qalt, thap raatfnof thaCoraaha baa aM pat datar aaad from toe riror aaar the rmtoad
MlBad. bat tt iaaapaotod Itarfli aMoa( ptentteorpoae, two of whieh
toM,aMpaa. Aaoaaidonbto portioc IhOM of hope and the root tooM of mea
ad Iha Gonaaa float wUl bo aaatalaa. emploped oe the flaala. ffeu
Thh h tbidaaaad bP ordato haaad to- bodice were fenad to toe balk of too
alBhttopcapara flro i
Beau, tptog down oa toe Jweep flate.
Tbare are 4« bodtee to
Parte, Jalp a — It to
torraoe, It to a Mew York dtp
• that too I
torgae. t la Jormp Cltp, wkiek, with
dteaoftoaOwMB atototor aad too too 4 oa toe Beale, bring toe total
floatraetleo of too togktloaa to Pakto,
tered dead ap to «7. Mo bodlm
laara ao altaraatlva bat a daolarpttoa have M pet boea takaa from the Mato
of war. It to aspaotod that Gan
Breman. Tea more peraoaa
viu taka too tomaUra to sw
raperted mlaitog to^, of whom fonr
flodaTattoa aad that tha etoar pawara
I amptoped on tha bnrned ataamwUl teUow har.
ahipa. Optotomi^t 61 paraoBi had
toqnired for aa mi—lag atoee the
I OoBiplata far a OtepUr
arhleh to flptoador hasa
(toalrwaB PriadHeb. BUep
Mdotoan of too •
p to parfaettof too alaborata
. prapaiattoai for too aaraiTal toU eventorand too prand reaapUoa to Qaaes
Bdaa (a the Cllj Opoia Bonaa. The Ulomtoatad paiada wUI atart at«:}0 and
too Itoe of mareb wlU be the dame aa
deeipsated to aaotbar ootoma for toe
parade tomorrow. There will be bomo
anr^teae to too parade a^ It will be
a aplendld eablbltloa. nerar before
MM to tote part of toe etota. Tbe
oastral flpnre. of eoarM wlU. be the
aamival qaeaa and bar eait. The
Mopele fMtore of the parade wlU be
y«lahorataaiidall ,3bb deaire to
•bmld BoUfp a B. Bale before 4 o'. aloek tote afternoon to order to aeeore
the entflt reqnlred.
The dtp Opera Boaaa baa
baaatlfiillp deeeratad aad tote
at toe reception It wUl
wcnlfli^t ««eM which to .
haa Barer been attempted here. The
mam bar of tiekete for toe main floor
-tesaeMaarilp UnUtad. bet there are
SOOaaate to tha callarp which afford a
a^edW Tiew of too atape where tbe
AbMWlUbeaiTaated. AserehMtra
pf 14 ptaeM wUl farateb eplandid
MBSte and toe raeeptlcm amd baU will
ba aa Bppnpmi
•nun am
TTfrrqa«tpBMUM4ifli«triM that
I would Oiherwtea toad to the waete
A of much time, effnrt aad mimap.
"Aak him orer tba trlapheoi." an
words freqaastlp heard lu every boainem office where a letUr hm bMB obaenra oa acme point.
Many people do not exprem thamaalTM elrarlp ia eorrMpoadanm. bet a
man can gcaarallp make hiiualf oa
daratood if poo eaa get wiihto epmk
tog dtetnaee of him, bp meant ofUM
at $4.08. $7.98, $9.98, $11A8.
Choice of tbe beet in tbe ctore tt this Uflt price.
tedies' Tiiloi Hide Saits, ill this shsoi's miln, at HaH Nm
Man’s flna satin ealf bala and oongrsM ahoM.... 98o
Woman's flna kid laoo and button ahoM............. 98o
Women’s flUe blaok>nd tan oxfords................ .. 76e
Women’s alippon and bnaklna — ...................
Women’s wetting top kid laoo ahoM..........$1.60. $1.76
'Boy’a satin calf bala, solid.......................... ........ $1.00
Touth’fl satin calf bals, solid ............................$1.00
Men’s cauTss bals, laathar solas........................... 860
Men's fine kid bals,;new styles........................... $8.00
Men's tennis bals and oxfordls...............60, 66 and 76o
Men’s bicycle sbOM.... ............ $1.60, $8.00 and $8.60
If yon want a Bssner for
your float Bee me
^t onca
386 BoArdman ATenue.
I Used
to Pay 10c
For Pig Taild, but aince
I hare tried
Pig Tail
I have come to the condiuion that .x will buy a finU
cUm, delicioo* amohe. Try
one and yoa will never pay
10c for a Pig Tail again.
New Store—848 Front Street.
Tbe Leading Bboe House of Northern MiiNhigppi
Always Give Satisfaction
Best of leather, best of workmanship,
and venj iatesT styles, make them
reallyjwhat they-are called—
The BestiiShoes Made!
Prices, $4.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
you want a good shoe bny an Emerson
2 Front Street
ZMS xoniM aacooD.
MMsfluvstaa bmaxa.
•m. *. l**i<*a> f W. Batmt
PoUeeand PlrtOhtef Wants
Mm. E.«. Paaethaantfol toi
to Qolt
oMt to Feotom and Grand Bapiie
Orrto Mofor oC Mwkwon. io etoitlag
I OalM oataXdvalp Dtothatood|po(<a«."
Sim HST imsEs
WboB tba Travwae Cltr
droBMd of tbe eztantodtbo eabiWUoa
wUAhaaalioadpbamBBBrBd. Thoio
araaewabeBt eo IM* konaa to the
pakandthostobUeaiB ao fall that
tba overflow bn beea located to aewlp
boUt etaUa to tbe ozpeeltien bmlldtoi.
The eeaate wUl bo tba boat orer gtrea
Ua Povth to nertbera Mleblgaa and It le aato to
aiatbii d^wUI^ ■ap tbat vrith bat oaa
»• rWtaM fTWirtAMAi iB tUi pvt atote Uaa ribboa maattog. tbie wUl bo
•IIBaUfM. TIm tomMnam tera tbe laqgeet to the eUte tbla pear. Tblo that tbe reaigaatioB be not aecepta4,
VreitadteKMdtMr «9arU wOl' ta taflaetetbaealUagoffef tberaeae it aad tbe moUon waa aapponed bp
«BWMd with nesMA-Bvarf timost Is loala. Otaad Baplda aad otber auta Aldarmea fiaatlaga aad Boaad in aaiA wUl b* A
eirealt potota.
waa pnt. a Hvelp
mi tht hOTM rwBU will h« th« fiSMt
wbleb ever} aid
BtbaUrnr c\tim tbe bwleat maa la tewa for b
aarUdpetod. Aldermae Moa•f„>he «M« trottlar AirdklW It rw pMt pnparlBg tar tbaao eveata aad hit
wUlba demeaetratei daitag togne opened tbe ball bp apeakingot
Mtete«h*pMpto«tU««Up to 4e
tba acEt three dapm. FeUowiiig are tbe axeellenee of Hr. Baaole aa aa ofBear, and declared tbat ft would be a
»^ tba benaa to aatar the
■ tts tbOBMit c< V
ealamitp for tbe clip to part with him.
■nrlra the/ will flsd tb* cardlml Wol' Alderman Bound brought np
«0M ud opu-budad boAplUUtj
Joab. r.M, A.aaaV.. t;i7i<. B. Baematter on which much of the debate
»bkh hM mad* TiwTene Cltj
. Kloadlka Praak Bareentered. tbe tore
I aed aiauWhile eatbatiBr with palrlotUm, bowmenu
of Bev. J. A. Breadp reeeatlp.
•TV, Itie -Alws7« well to lemeaber
He dedared tbat Trareme Clip U one
that aeeidaaU warn enij tw dre«aea( oa
of tbe beat and qnietcat towni to tba
Ifco Fowtb mi ererpnae abeald aart, Bed Bim. banle
wetMHweialaac* to avoid the daofw! B.. CbetK^gaa: PeddpBpaa. Maatoa; United Sutea. aad that bp making the
•d Ire and teJor7 iaeid«Ul to the nee Jimmie 8.. Bart; AUieea B.. Ugo. S:Si, ftaumeau. that be did. Mr. Breadp
had harmed tba town and doae bla
Aaat Marp, Cotton PUkar. Dan Bailep,
ebaich ao goair He cloaed bp aaptogt:»7. Bedmont, B«d|' Deer, t:te. Clara
-We ean get ail tbe
iTk imaUp td be i
W..CB.^. C. B-, 2;t&. Wilklnaon,
OhM ot PoUoa Bauiie baa tboecbt It Dorwood.\t8h.liora8.BaBtna. Fr*d era tbat we want who will behave
Ibemaelvea and mind their ownbnai,biot to band ia bla rwlcaatloa. bat wo AlBMot, Toap B.. dtp.
bat we cannot oaalip gat a good
baUon that there wUl be a aalrereal
eblet of police and flm department. “
leelre ia Travetee Oitp to have him reOrgaader, PlalnweU, Mleh.i Bare.
Alderman Haatinge apoke of. tba
emlaaUoa. Mr.Ben•ie baa made an exeelleat reeord aa Mario. Old Ago. Cora B.. Cadiz. Cleve peenniarpaaerifleelbatMr. Bcaela it
AWofpolleaandehlafof tba fire de- land. OiFloria- Levant. Ithaca: Dic ■aktog bp bolding the office for the
paitmant aad thia city ean 111 afford to tator, Detroit; B. Memo, School Girl. ehp. Alderman Garrieon followed
Bt,eare- Woet inigtoia; Lao Planter. Onlambae, with the euument tbat Mr. keanle
Aiaabd tollable as offlelaL Hit work O.; Tom Gilmore, Eentaeltp; Bobnl, fait that ha waa not getting tbe proper
lo both departmeota ia wortby of the Bine Steele, Eentaekp: Bap Diamoad. aopport from the dtp offimrm.
Alderman Kenpoa aakad to be
klfbaat comaMBdatiOD aad tbe eitp baa Hellie B., Bellaire: Sleepp Jim. Alden:
WOftled b7 bia aWlltp. roodjadrmant Marp Chimce. MeCar^ Girl. Harbor eneed from voting, on account of oome
tblngt that bad ^n aald, bat after
and paiaeUkiBt efforta to preeerve tbe Spriega.
In addlUoD to tbe above and othera ward reeonaldered that reqneat and
yoblie peace and to proteet both poblic
and prtvau prepeiij. It le to be hoped wbleb wlU arrive tbii morning from voted.
Alderman Smltb altoatoted tbat Hr.
that be wUl eonaent to retain tbe peal variooa pointa will be Tommp M. B- B.
enaie esnaidered: that he waa not
tiea to wbleb be bae tba Uffhaet eonfl- Baltebarp'a Qaldelem Wonder which
will give a aeiic* of floe exbibitioni.
getting tbe auppori of tbe dtp offieera,
lenae e( tbe people. Tbe Creaoentbaad will fnmlab mode when Alderman Moore aroac and
TEBBB will be I
MOKXIBO RmX>8D on the track tbla afternoon, and Bar- ed that Mr. Bonie had and abould
, at tbepBb- rtogton’e band of Cadillac tomorrow, have aU bit moral and peraonal eapTba carnival qneea and aalte have porttotbe t
of the law.
llobwi baveartanired to fivothe eof
plopca o! tbe eetabUebment an oppor- been eateaded an laritation to witaeaa and tbat ha wui willing to voU for anp
tBBltp toeotbeee with everpbedp clae. tba meat tomorrow and thep will oc- number of aaalaUnto tbat m«bt
required to aid in tbe foil enforcement
In replp to a qaettlon of Major
Mte ItoBa Bonn and M\ta Olnda
Waa it a Himele?
Friedrich. Alderaun Smith tUted that
Otne of Blk Baplda, are TWtlnr
lb. Bennie felt that be did not have
Cecfge Cana ot Seveatk atnet.
.. aapport of tbe
the .proper
Mr. aad Mta. L. B. Warlnff of Iona
wasda. N. Y., are vtaittog Hr. and
Mta. B. V. WariBg.
clement -on tbe
Caasde McDonald, formarlp a mem towntaldabemaataoondle. Then aba |
bar of tbe CreeoeBt Band bet reeeaUp begun to use Dr. King’s New Dlaeoverp > otber, he did not get the proper enpnad gutoto JT pounds to weight and | port from tbe chief ezecutlve.
•oved to Grand Baplda. caaa mp peeMgpor Friedrich was varp much ant
tordap to apeod tbe Poertb and be will
prised, and at once tent for Mr. Ben
take bU old piece in tbe band daring
tbe engine houiethe eelebratlon.
E. Wait and Jaa. however. and could not be found. Mr.
Fnnk Smitb.bae retnraed from e O. Jobnaon'adrug atore.
Friedrich atated moat emphaticallp
boalaoH trip to tbe Upper Peniaenla.
I tbat be bad stood bp the chief of police
Mile laabel OeUeek came down from Iha SeitOB ItCfe
te tbe Sn«t apatematle etore to the |
*»e had not made any prooritOharlevolz to partldpate.ln tbe eatal
cltp nndpon ean alwupt get waited j es to anp saloon min tbat be might
ealfeatlvitleaeaeaeof tbe maida of
apon with promptneua and dUpateb. | Tiolate the law, but bad on the esnhonor to Qaeen Bdeairary given Mr. Bennie loslructlons
Dr. Snpdar and famllp retBrned laal H. S. Osmpbill & Spill
tbat tbe back door and front door of
OvealBg from a vlalt Id aoutbera Micbgam and Indiana While aiieat from
■e store of W. J. E
I cnrtaini drawn at all boars required
where all tboee having bnaln
tbe dtp 0.'. Sopder attended the Sute
the firm can call upon them. 9$3‘ tf : bp tbe law, and that todap be intended
Benul AtaoclaUon at EalatoKzoo.
i to give epeelal instracilona for the obMlaa Boalpu Smltb paaaed through Big ixtra fcTct
tbe dtp peateidap on her wap from
of help at Tbe Boston Store to sbo<.. , servanceoi the law on the Fourth.
pou tbe bargatna Uep are offering; After tome more divcoation. tbe gen
Grand Baplda to bar borne to Nortbfor the. Fourth of Jnlp trade
eral tendenep of which was tHat if
Mita itarian Harrit aad Mlti Bell
WUaon are vUlttog Him Marp Hnnur.
Jamee Paamlep wUl leave toon to
seeopt a podtioo at Fltot.
Mta; F. B. Smith anddanghtetaara.
have returned from a viaH to eonthem
Michigan. Thep
iff Him Jeneite Smith, who baa bean
spring her epea treated at Detroit.
~ The Hiaaes Joaea of Detroit are the
ffaeau of the Mlaam Soiiib of Sixth
Mlaa Bartba Sproal of Cbtoago. ar
rived on the Charlevoix Snadap for a
vWt here.
Dr. C A. Good of tbe aaplom staff
■toft for Janeiuga paaterdap, where bp j
wUl ptaetlce to the future.
Judge BamsdeU. who U ebairmao of
1. toft peeterdap
(or lba Silver Bepobllean aaGonal
- Or. J. A. Snpdar and tamilp have rctoned frem a viait to Indiana aad
aMtbem Mtekigan.
J. W. Btotertoin B^lain ta batt-
A Patriotic Term--
'The Glorlons Fourth,”
A Household Word-
‘The Kimbail.”
Hr.aadMfa.Q.S. Btok an eator-
W. W. Kimball Co
1S9 mnt stTMt.
For 3rd, 4th and 6th.
tte aaper ahd dwk maartod
Bedgantlen that tba ttiaafer of the
WMSot Aeeaptad—H. & Oampbad
aiaat to the dtp
and that tba wator
itotnaad to Bive Otp Utanaatte^t
board bad takea pmoimIbb Suadaj
le Hambar aad Loeatiea of Water
pmtod that Mr. OampbaU bad rattood
togivotbedtpiatoTMtlaa aa w tba
The iwlgaailes e< ObM of PeUoe aambaroadloaattonef tbatepato tbe
and Fire Daptrlmist Jeha B
tar that iafermacMSad ao Uttle BxettoMtto tba
tioa the earn of WOO. Thoagbtbedw
efl teat night, and aaM i
attoraopototod that to bit ji
toaaM ot the iUgwm
Mr. CnmpbaU eoald be eempelled to do
of them more than to tbei
tble, pet andor the <
Mr. Beaaia m«a«led to benleeeed womid be bettorttor the dtp to get at
fremUadBUaenmlhtarlhasdBlp mb.
to a Bare eaaedftioBa
Be gave ao reeaen tar thnnalgaation. wap. wblth eoald be done at a lower
and it waa left at flrat tp oenjaetare an
Eha Maoo Heolta* tbto Weak wQl
Whom the tergoat MoBbar o<
■peelew MvB Been Beta
Silirii« Mie. Btokk atobma, Mia. Iipaa
Special Prices
flvaa fer the nffigaattoa of Mr.
Besatototoo of whtah are paeaatorp
eateat—t Mtofctand tarn Tacg
tMa with drtomli toll
Mim LnMto O’Beal baa rettmad
finm a vieiC to Moarea Otator.
Mie. M. L. Meanm. who haa beea
; ap. ho ateaU
wplainto and pndaeo hM
tbemedeaaetto aeaapttte
aatrtod kp a aaaai
B. s. Bizoea,
A nice high carv^ back, brace arms, thaped
seat, sewing rocker-lor $1.35. A nice lai^e
high back arm rocker 'for $1.65. 1 have over
300 different styles of rockers. If you want
to sit in the shade, 1 have a full line of lawn
aad porch chairs and rockers, camp chairs
and stools. One of those 25c folding stoob
you can carry in your hand and -sit doam
where you like.
plater’s House Furnishing Store
Tba form of bosda for tbe puebBM
of tbe plant -wm approved bp the
120 S^xxxtxt
The vrater board reported to favor of
tbe purebaee of tome extra material
to oonoeetloa with tbe plant, not todeded to tba Invoice; for «m. Thereport waa adopted.
tbonght aeareelp fdr that .tba dtp
Ervia Con Dead'.
Tne board of pnblle workt* waa to- ahould pep U per oeat of the coat.of
Brvto Core, aged H. aos of /Jatota
Btrueted to proceed with tba opening tbe walk, after alrndp peptog half of Ogre, died peeterdap morale at 10
it to the form of taxae.
of tbe eawer on Webator atiaet.
o'clock pf bean dlaeaae. Ervia Oeea
Tbe water board wae toetrueted to
Tbe following apedalpolloe for tbe *aa oalp tick about one hour waaa
find out what 100 or more feet weetof three dapa' eatebratUm were appointed death oeeurred.' Tbe funeral wUl W
Ue water worka plant eonld be purheld todap from the Btogbam pbarA
chaabed for. to be need aa a pabllclloble. J. B. Melaoo. A. B. Beaaett.C. W. at 10 o'clock under tbe direeUoa of
' Aabton. William Ackerman, Medad
A aeUtioB for tbe-pladng of a water-1 Vtotoa. Prank Umlor and C. W. Pick
ing trougb aad drtokiiig *
the edroer of Front etreet aad BoardA petlUoa for peivateaewera from tbe
do benbp
maa avenue waa referred to tbe eom- Pretbpterlaa and Baptlit ^urctaee to
agree io refuad*tbe^
.Ittee OB fire aad water.
tbe river to tbelr rear waa referred to cent bolUe
boiUe of Oreenek Warranted
8vA peUiion to grade Woodman ave tbe committee on eewers.
Tbe mapor and clerk were an Uior
Uiori zed
nue to the Fifth vrard waa etroaglp
t borrow SS.OOO unUl tbe first of 8epbp Alderman Wright. It totober,
to meet tbe 'earrent ezpeaaea.
to tbe committee on atmu
burg. James G. JobatM, F. C. Ibomp.
aad walks.
aiieu Tor irs'.ve. the rebate on
ApeUtionto order a eemaetwalk, carneat walha, 1163.79 and tbe report of<
tbe oemmittM on claims aad
aecouata.' Sptolal XUuocmcBte
adjaeeat to tba eaaatp-a propmp on S3.«13 76, aU of wl■bfcl ... o.d,r«lj
■“"btogton etr« waa filed, aa It waa
“Of The Making of Books
There Is No End”
New books constantly arriving in our book* depart
ment soon as out of tbe publishere hands.
“The Redemption
of Dorid Corson"
By Ellen Thornycrof Fowler, $1.50.
-A most charming’Story of English
"The Dreei
and Fear of Kings"
ing, picturesque stpTyMvhich ought
io be read by a great multitude."
By J. Breckenridge Ellis. Si .25. An
•intensely thrilling romance of the
times of the Roman Kings.
in the Philippines"
By the prince of army life stor>'
tellers, Capt. (now Generali Chas.
King, St.25. .This story deals with
the present’life in the Philippines,
shotting both the romantic and the
serious sides.
“The Voices of ihe KIght"
By Charles Frederic 'Goss, $1.50.
John Henry Baprows of Oberlin
College says. -‘It is a strong, uplift
by Flora .Anaie Steel.
author designates this charming
book "The Chromatic Fantasia of
India”—and it is.
"ThoUst Udp of Molberry"
By Henrj* Wilton Thomas. S1.5C.
A most realistic story of today in
the Italian quarter of Greater New
"Bob. Son of Bottle"
By Alfred Ollivant. S1.25. A*true
story of two most knowing Scotch
Collies, in the North of England.
The most sympathetic description
of dog nature ever written.
“Deocon Bradbotp"
by Edwin A. iJix. $1.50—Is one of
the strongest books of tbe season.
One we re selling fast. Have had
to order every week, since it was
issueti. The Xew York Times
says: "We wish there were more
men like Deocon bradbury in this
wicked world."
by Stanley J. W'eyman, S 1.5c. An
intensely thrilling story of Queen
.Anne’s limes. Sophia, an immens
ely wealthy young lady is beset
with intriguing suitors and schefning relatives, but eventually finda
her choice where she least expects
him. and develops from a senti^mental girl into a woman of ready
*"wit and noble nature.
"RilerlOYO Iprics"
The latest and most charming book, from the pen of this popular poemartist. This is beautifully illustrat
ed with pirtures from actual photo
graphs of many of the author’s
Chicago friends who posed for this
book. The book is printed on the
higbest calendered book paper,
makmg H one of the hnest gift
books of the year. Sells at S1.25.
Par a Half MoildiT. «■ Tknadpy,
te ttedaMac «< tte
f winw
Ckwla noupt. • •*. Jt» atm
— M«iytoiiBia ta s Para Mar*
«MMa rand horat tek artOte worklacataCra. BtoMto«weriisn
•ndkia. .
Ctar1«aPlma«( Dnctar tend two
; 9t,ao$ Ulac
««M« tha Mlcklfn Ontral trad*.
Mr. PtoM <nad tha ewaar aad ra«aiaad tka BOMp.
AraatdaatafVaadaUakM a wapea
wUtt waa aaad to teal reoda orarlaad
*«■ DaMt iff Craa ooutr ^ >***•
aad tka old aaUala ta atm Aalv da^.
flriMhnppan ara
arark aU araaad Dowaclad-aad teaidaa
atlatetaf tka craw tter aia alae abe»iar partlaU^ iot aafar ba^OBooftteterawkewaatatbacradwtiacetawoftbablcfcaekoel at MUted laat wank ta aa ezanpla ol wkat
Toa^t Aaiarlea wUl do to fat aa adaaatioa. Oarlac the tear ^aara of the
aoam ha walked flva mUat toto the
aUlacaorarr terninc to aahoql. aad
teek orar itaa aama dtataaaa aaeb
al|»i, waklar orar 8.000 aUea darinf
tkeioar jaata.
At Bart the ateir wladow of O. M.
BoratwaaUawaoat by a papar laatara aatahlBC Sra aad drapplac Into
tte flraworka dtaplap. Thraa pltu
Claw wladowe ware toiaUy daoollebad
• At Detroit fire Suday c«ttod the
teUdlac oooiplad by the Detroit Joaraal aad dwtrayad the maotealaal. bU'
iaeaeaadoditorialoatdtof the
with the exeapuoa of the praww.
trUeh autaiaed only water dasace.
Thetotalloaitaplasadat about t7t,
000, fully oorerod by iaeurauea- The
Journal wae taeued yaeterdey from the
Free Preae btandlac- Tbaanet canw
of the fire ta unknown, bet it ta at«
tribatod to eome defect in electric wlr-
'.Aemail boy’e arecrecker etarted a
tre at 8t- Joeeph Monday that threav
aaad to wipe out an entire blosk
baOdIpc*. aad dwtroyed two barae
aad eereral atnaller ahede.
Tbe batata at MaeUaae rUlace are
aU ruaaiac and the Uraad opened SunAt Beyal Oak eeamoa hare been
ateallnc plant* and flsweru from the
etaetery. A reward of Sso ta offered
for the apprehcneioh aad eoneietiea at
the r>Uty parttaa
Water Work* Plant now in i
. iBaadeof the Board of Water
Tbe elty ta now opntlac the water
*rarka plut. haelnc
•aaday auralac at 8 oVleek. Tbe
ewimeay wae aeimple oaa partlelpatad la by tbe mayor, the elty eierk, the
ehalrmaa aad eaeroiary -of tbe water
. Whea tae hoar arrtrad tor tte dty
to take formal ppmmetaa. the eaclnec
wenahaldewnfor a momaaU Thea
Mayor Prledrtob blew the wbiatle,
Pneideot MUUkaa taraed oa tka
Ptoam: Breratary Wilhelm oiled a porMn et tte awehtoery aad with tte
I ei City Oerk BtekeH, tbe
plan becaa to pemp water.
Derlac tkc Crat l.« konre of the ettyta
powewlon of tte plaat. 1.I7S.000 calloea wae pumped.
Any enreft ran palm but only ufew
can 0ra\T.
roof I
A len-yrr Mre trairr Jpemnblre
eoirity when 11 ta JUKt-lre.
T}i<- niii<l<1(r wh« eix-culatc* in oil
de t>ri.tt> Kurr to ellp np.
A iintan man alweva eUrfbotri the
Ulkoe of bU iit'lsblw
Coukif IxKUns.- of the Ucht 1
a mw ecDCC.
CMeapo Delly N>wt.
e profr
profre«l..neI iiumorin *rho ted
poltrt'man ra«t hta oyo flerci-ly
orer.ibe w>«il of
-Tou’iv oil.' uf tb.- frllooH,- be nid.
CrabblPC a •«tung».r. “wte helped that
crook to (K*! away"
-1 alb not." proiemtHl ibe Ftranper.
*1 am a travrliriR unn on my wey to
<oy train. 1 acrer wa« here befon.-.*'
"Tlbm. an- you frotnV"
r alone.'’ aaid the (
**By your own confeerlon yoo're a
Itraranoetarerdar. Bnaaehakeald
—^.that Dr. Ktacb Saw Ufa PQla,
he at 8. B. 1
Btoraato tte oUjmrkanaor aftorbaa bate aa tool ayparamtly wltk>
eat aarAteatta teed, kewerar.
•n eflte warahaatt aap tkap:
iraald te wffl^ to daaa If tte nat Aa.
bat aa yat V
Imwta A Iwmaa ertU ba daaad, baw.
aear. aa will alra tte beet aad akoa
eM^aak trtadrtok aad AMrad
T.Priadrtah.tte etotkiac ilnii|,ftte
SawQua Oethlac Oe. ate tka dry
coada itora ef J. W. MUUkaa. & Baada
A 0» atoto that thay wCl edeaa ter tte
I. wtethar aayoM ataa dew
AlmeataUtkaetbardaalara aapra
ad a irlUlacnaaa to eloaa If otkara di
Aaercaalzad meramtat weald prato
ably elaa almoar aeary atera in the
elty, ate rlra eaptoyen and employ.
Tte faatorlaa ef Wmiam Baitoer nad
tea Walk.Bkrmaa Co. wUl aloaa all day
thuiBday. aad it ta protebla that
otkara *riU atao.
Tbe eomplato procram of thcealebratton will be touad on tte fourth
pace of thta taane of tbe Bacoao.
Daeerate thta moraine. Ooee
Balph Baatlnc* atatoi that ba haa
had a snot many aatrtaa for tka
btayele new aad already aema eaeit'
lac oontaau are awered.
The ofBoara of tbe Foraatoa and at
many meaibm aa peaaibla
d to Mt promptly at If oVleeh
toBMiTOW to purtioipata la the panda.
The earniral panda will atart
promptly at 8:90 thta eran^.
The Chrtatlaa Badcararen of the
civ, witfa hll mamban of that
throBchout tbqirorld, trill be c’
Iteni ttet Praeldaat F. & Clark,
wbom-aaeh aaxlaty harbaen felt, hat
been heard tram at IrkOntach, Siberia.
8a ta aafe uad wcU.
Company M held a maatinc law
nlcht and made final preparatlou to
turn out In the parade oa the Fourth.
The eompeny haa no rifiw of ita own
and baa not reeoune now to tte old
maiketa of the Q. A. B. ae they were
eold eome time
But applleatioa
to tbe qeertaemaeter of the Klebicaa
SeUoael Guard, throuch Oorernor
Flnyree. bae raeultad In an amneewent whereby the ooaipany will aeenrefor thta oeeaalon su Sprincfleld
rifiw from tbe etata.
Tbe BacoRD force will take a hoUdv
oa tte Foarth, therefore then will
X>«tan gf TWbos
w% Splc
'TkaWacte-B.H.M*Oar. atoCtav-
Dress Pants
Little Nloneir
to. A. W. Watt.
wto-nA. W Etokard, & Baten, W.
MBltoey-J. W. HawMB. <tapt. J. T.
MeI»toah,.Ueat. Jaa riraaan. Llant
Ortaraf tte Parada. Uaa oTKaite H-LKtepp.
twnaiiartollon B U8pr«aa,O.Kate OBBmtttoaa — Srarytklac >• Mumy. Jaa. Eahoa, X. B. Papa.
FIra ~
fiar tte Bicctot
atntlaa Srar Aaam to Mratbara
Bleyela Parada ate Baea*-C X. Hale,
Kal|lh Eaattoga. Gaa. Xaff, Jr.
BtraatOamw Frafi Ourtto, Tkwnn
Peartket Jaly aalabratlnn. uctokar
iritk tka aab aamaiWaaa. tera baBa
tewktoc atedatealy darlac tka peat
fawdaya to partaettoc
■ atetbaraault ariUbathat
C wtU ce oC aawotkly had te
a cnat •
Uat aicht the •
tkaordar aadfenntloa ottke mad
Tboaawboare topartklpate
akould ;doaaIy obavra tte datoU aa
printed berain and aid the marabal, hta
aldwaad tka eommlttew In carrylac
eat to perfaeUoB the elaborate plana
praparad. The fermatloa of the dlf.
taraat dlrtakma baa baea plaenad with
errat pain ate If care ta takaa to atady
the detail than wiU be no eeafoalon.
which ta eftca tte caw in bic daaum
Tte order of the' parade will beaa
Martealand Staff.
City OfBdata la
Cadillac Band.
Compaay M. 34tb Mich.. VoL
KlacMey Martial Band.
MePtenoa Poet. O. A. B.. and All Old
Soldlen aad SaUors.
Fire Department. .
Quaan of the OaralTal; Bar Btoort aad
Boy* Bund.
Srarat Soetatlaa.
Bleyela Brigada
WUllamaburc Bead.
Tradw Diaplay. fint dlrtalon.
SUran' Bate. Tndea Diaplay, aeooad dirialon.
Creaeaat Band.
Children. Formatloo.
The parada irUl atart from .
comer of Front and Union atreela at
one o'clock, aharp, atandard tune.
City oOeera, to eanihcea. will fora
oa Front ea*l of Union.
OaiUlae Band on aonth-aaat corner of
Front and Itoloo.
Co. M, and G. A. B.. with ELncaley
Martial Band, on the ea*t aide ol Union
Srarybody akould beer in mind that aoutb of Front, right rwtiog on Front.
the pande tomorrow will «tart at
Fire Department on north aloe of
Sute, aaat of Union, riebt reatlnc on
o'el^ eharp. not a moatent later.
Uaecm of the Carnival, Eieort and
married la Ftetoa. ^red la the city
ywterday aad are reeeWlac tbe • cob. Snlie, on north aide of Front, la*
of Union.
cratolaUoaa of aeorw of frienda.
Boy* Band on aouthweat
The memben of Deehew Camp. So.
8,319, Modern .Woodmen of America, Union and Front.
Labor Union* on Wen aide of Union,
an reqcwlad to awet la the old K. of
P. hall Weodwday at 12 o'clock aharp aoath of Front, right rwiing on Front.
Blngalay Band on aonthweat eorner
teamrehiathd parade,
of other campa In tte city OB ttet day of Front and Untan.
Seeret aocietiw oa aonth aide of
Inrltodtojeln *rlth them.
Mtaa Clara Cook of thta city, who haa Front atreet wwt of Union, righ t rest
braa in the weat for aoma Ume Ume. tog on L'olon.
waa married laat week to Mr. Myera of Calatbnmplaa* on open ground eaatof
Boyne City. town, and toalr home wUl Potato Implement Co., right rwUng
be In that elty la the future.
Bicycle brigade on north aide of
Tbe ladl4|M the Fint M. B. chcrch
will aerre luaehw July 3 and 4 in a> Frost etreet. wwt of candy factory.
WUUaaaabnrg Band on aorthweat
taatatthe north end of Cawetreei,
Juiteaatof tte Beadle block. Lunch eorner of Front and Union atreeu.
with coffee II cenu, ice cream aad I Trade* Diaplay*, firat dlTtaioo. Thl*
dlviatott will conatat of all diaplay*
cake. l« canta
Mlw Mary Booker, who left here
Front atreet West of Caw and thoae
few dayi ago for fiaaion. to join tbe from the Second ward, and wilt form
Chrittian Gadcaeor excutaion to 'Lon M toUowa: On North U’sion street,
don. waa to hare left Boaton today on around Hannah dr Lay Ca** block, and
the Salle, tec boat which waa burned on Wwt Front wwt of tbe Eagle office.'
at Boboken Saturday eight.
Silver* Baod on aouthweat corner of
Jamw A. Batch of Copemtah and PrMiaad L'nion.
Trade diaplayi. second divtsioo.
May Opal Pitcher of thta elty were
dlvtaion ineladw all not mention
married yeeterda; by Juaiiee Brown.
ed in first divtalon, end will form on
E. 8. Wilaon of Kal
aonth aide of Slate street, rigbtrwtlog
aa UaioE end on Union souib of SuteCraecent band on corner of Sixth and
1 of the efty Union.
are reqawted te meet at
Cnildren. on north side of Slxlh.rigfit
hall tomorrow at 18:90 o' ock, to form resting oa Union.
to line fw tbe parada
Une of March.
The Uvtoelblw defeated Benda'*
Line of march wUl be aa follows; eaii
Twlrlera at Popnlar Point Sanday. the onFrostna Boardman avtene, amih
aeora being 8 to ?.
to State, east to Wellington, tenth to
Waehlngton. wwt to Boardman avenue.
Xt Saved Bi* Lag.
Bcrtb to. Steic, wwt to Caw. aonth to
P. ». Daoforth of La Orange. Ga , Eighth, west to Union, north to Front
iffcredforato moattewiiha frightfnl rnBolng aore leg. bat wrtwt that and disband.
Boeklen'* Arnica Salve wholly cured It
Tba foUowtog are the
in five day*. For nleen, wonnda, pQw, charge of the vartoua featorae:
it<a the
ta ' world.
'' Core
... beet
.... aalve tothc
Executive—Tboa T. Batat. Lorto
naraoteed. Only 89 eta. Snld by 8.
E. W. Baetlaga, O. P. Camr.
B. Wait aad Jaa. G. JohnaanTdrafr-''
aeob Pnrt^.
Aimon Bobarti of Adiiaa, damdad
Henhal of the day—Lorln Roberta.
tat rid bf a number of UttUM and -waa
Bta Ordarltaa—TheranMorgaa, Jack
about te do ae whan the mother- cut Itonyaitoibad him. Ste aat her Math firmly
Oilcf of Staff-0. P. Camr.
to Babwte hate ate ted u ba k ~ AUea-Fraak Haatltea. J. A. Loraato looaaB bar bold.
gar. W. W. Smith, Prad Cartta, Thomas
1 reckon not tka aaaacma.
Ftoaaca-C A Ckvto, A A MeOpy,
Her tte yaura ttet enwa aad go.
M. ATatasaa.
Ufa'* M te-arautetoram to me
Panda-D. P. Oarrar. 8.-B. Bracken.
Gao. A Boyt. Wm. Loofiae. Joaaph
cHae at tte F»rmarta Boara at an
,^^-^JalyAt, 8. JO.
Dr.-J. A. Bnyter. Dr. 0. A. HoUMiy.
Ctetna PateattoB at Imber Daltea
paopla far Paurtk a< Jaly k
CUAraBb Partea-y. W. MDHkm,
W. Xaff. Jama
Ckrnleal^Fraak Prtodrtob, KUv
Swaara. Qaa. B. Baite, A C. Diipraa,
O. A. X.->W. M. Smltk. M. 1^ Margun. F. P. Oraar.
B. Pratt, Or. J. B.
MarUn. Toaa Shaaa.
Daaeratlen-FnBk EamUton, Babart
Price. W. W. Wallace. El. Wait. Alec
Caladoatoa Oamw -J. 6. Laagwerthy. David Cox, Winfield Uagworthy.
Oolnx tbrouKh our luit stock
we find from
one hundred and fifty
to two hundred pairs fine pants
in black Olay Worsteds
and Blue Serxe Goods, to which
coats and vests.
have been sold—These
we -wish to close out entire,
and in order to do so
, will place on our front tables
and give
twenty-five per cent discount,
frvm price of same.
Sizes run firam 32 to 42
waist measure.
Look them over.
law Meeting In City Opera Beeae
Sonday Bventog ww Vary
Largely Attended.
Tbe City Open Honaa wou peeked 'to
the doora SoBday eventog, oa the occaeion of the maaa meeting to the tolerwt of lew and order, with wpeclal
referrnea to the eloalng of the saloon*
of the elty on Sunday.
The meeting »ra* presided over by
Rev. C. T. Stout of Onae Eptacopal
church, end by hta tide aet the peston
ofaUthehtberprotoetant ehnrehw in
the city, with a large chorui choir un
der the direction of Prof end Mrs. C.E.
' Borst.
Rev Stout briefly outlined the purpoae for which the meeUng was called
together, the aiding of the officers of
the dty in tbe enforcement of the law.
and the aworanee that they have tbe
support of tbe chnrcbw in all their ef
fort* for the supprcasloD of lawlcw
A solo was sung by P. I. Whitman,
after which Rev. Bready of the Firat
bodjat church addreuacd tbe meel«
Be gave some atuution to tbe terrihlcnew ol tbe work ol tbe liquor trafSc
In tbe I'nited State*, declaring It the
ly of all that I* for tbe beat good
of the country.
Be followed with an acccunt of b.ta
own experience in proving that tbe law
ta being violated in tbta elty.
s of the Aracricao
Bev. Cochlln of the Congregational Sabtetb. and declared that the aaloon
church, foMowel with a pica for the U the avowed enemy of tbe babbatb.
Sabbath, and a denunc-ation of the aaloon*. Be urged all elaww to work loon which aecks to aet at deflai
tow. a
and violate it at it* own dtacre-
Hamilton Clothing Co.
kTbe Core Hurt Cons >
Conaumptlon, .to
Rev. Woodhonae of tbe Baptist
church, followed with an elcquent plea
for tbe observance of law. He plead
for civil liberty and
tberigbls of tbe
rleasnesa. aud ecpeeiaUy
forms of lawlessnei
,.jt which______ .
regard of tbe laws against Sunday lii|aer aelllDg by tbe aalooni
Rev Stout made a few cloai
Oiiog r
Hired il
marks, in which be again ...................
cSceru of tbe support of the oburcbet
in their effort* for tbe enforcement of
iha laws.
After an anthem by the eboir Rev.
Kenaedy of tbe Second Metbcdiat
church pronounced the beBed:f ilon.
widowe /want
DON’T Be Fooledi
<I h»T8 foand Iti
Tb&t is what tbe people
wlien ibry
Fresh, Clean and
. So Good, and then
So Cheap.
WbfD coneidering with
what to repleniah the raragee
of time upon the ‘inner man’
give onr grocery a call.
^t will improve ^oar apthinga we have for the tobk.
BBBdle Block
Phons 148.
Front St
Up-Ti-OiM Graniy.
Monday, July 2.
Tht Best Repertoire Coiripanp
in the Road.
Grit, or True as Steal
eeePSMTse.ese tmtp. Ask yder dragglsU
r price*—
»*««!*« SSSBSSB we«»
'Svwe &vw^\va,m
our -.lice
Opera Souse.
One Solid Week
’laying at popular prices, introducing
up to due coroedica and dramas, inlertpcraed with ipeclaUU
,Uta* by firatcltbs vtudevi leariisu.
j IVtC i^MAN
VuTin dracaan.''
JyStttVjaW dxuqtfava. 25^50*
Steinberg’s Grand
dects a\ \\-\t
w svVV
a8v4 o^tTv work inerts.
VtAXit bttTt mVVlth a\ Ml, SO Afvi 60t Wit ^atA
—>Dt kATst buTttkei tttt Urt atv4 nvA4t a vntt
\o eWst
\kt Vo\ fiukk. a\................... S&c ^at4
6ivt £>o\ £>aee Sheris
C^VtfiAb ATfi Wit too4s
\va4 tJOUT v^t ott.
ICom'a ^ona.T ckAftee.)
glTt^kAms Wa\ kAoe aoV4 a!iX \ke ma^ a\
^Oc—cVtATt vf lAtU Volt toe kKot vAu4 tkAm
At VmV. ... ......................... ....... .tht
J. W. Milliken.
tratpama of tha amrtoa ^ three
»»9«r tfc» Iw toidta* ^ ^
oftteeitf<«rm tek* pto«tkto«ft«‘
yMW«*nctowha to Mteiac <Rw ■sot ftt the TiraUtk atnatf^ M I
MwnkMtovotteeMtoctou or 1>- o-doek. AdBMMtBtk*rmt*4««rai
fwtotitokd a
tmUom iStmtm. It *too preWWto
Xa4l« wm b« adalttod tnt to
KtMraoM «1U ke tha ladw«d«»to u«
«lMn^«rBltok*abaH« M «ten. Bo^to TwWw. With lha oMoi
)MMUton.»Mttot7o(in»M4*>' amucth tet tha
«• toM ^ ira^toM Md Msaait
wiU to ooa■ ba onreo ood hlch-prleod.
thodntaaidaBoaef thla dtoooaa wm
witood to lOM, ood it haa frodBollr
Vroodutatbo damco thto
kotortttor. It oppooie to o
adhrewaapotawwothalaotao to tho
aaotorot tho hUl, ohd opao^ ot
totomU to Bold to ton o food aflact.
Loci Wetoatof faoio thot OUsoto
dM,«oo,oee d po^ oHrovoma tho
world. Thororo. ha
■otdlm, toorlaaa of daoth, oad lira eo
Tha pntoMUtr'or 0 toff rtoa to
a»haot.ewtotte tho ahortoca of tha
AMtooa anp. to wenrtot tha Brtttoh
hntom w^ tor. ; thooffc tho
ooppltoBonotUleowtor^ plaotltolly
toooal Aifoottoo, tha ladtoa erap to
Boito iMoflatoot to moot ito Bormoi
Itoitoff Mu. la.ttt loM wm killed
to«r«oar.mktor 0 wtol of st.iM
Mto IdUod atoao AprO U. Twootp
hoadnd aeorwirara ora ot work udar
BwrwnBnpnvnw wciwwfWK wrwc]
Thoreton eoyofameot of Brpoa'a
a lo StotobotT’* Q»od
iMtolirhtteo aouU oodloBea oa oeoooatof theroto.betUo Ufht ottaaAooae did oottotorfm with tha enole of''The VlUofe Vonhood.” UkaoU the I
ondorod ood dtopUpedtd food od'
^thaeopoblUtlw of tha oempchp
whtato la areU boloaaod. Tkara wm
ootartoltoat ^aelolUoa batwaea the
a, tha moatatriktof oad
botac prettp aaefa oad doaeaa bp Bobp
Horjerto. the eUld orttot, o UttU tot
ohoetdrepaoreold who eorriaa her•oil batore tha feetlJ«hia wltb the
ffoao whtok It Ukaa paora to oeqalra. pMiapatltoOBdberraBdUioBaore roEoblp aerar tor eneb 0 litUa ooe.
TbidCht the eampoop wUl preaeat
•bMkw Tnta ot Steal." Thto pUp
woo flvao dartop tha prerien eafafe*
«Dm Breo.' Oraot hmorieoa Noraltp
MkowoadTtotoed Aolmol BxUbltkm
orrired to tha aitp paatardop oad
pilafcadiu teat ot tha amar of Froat
oad Ualpo etraato. Thto ottroetioa
will ba a coed oaa oad. ita partormbaaaa durlnp the aalabroUoo wlU bora
0 baorp potroaopo.
^-Uta Moa Taiaad Tallow
' Great aouUraoUoa woa fait bp tha
triaada of M. A- Hofortp of Laziaptoa.
.. wl
wbaa thap ao« ba waa taraiap
3to akto alowlr chopped color
otoo^ area,I. o^
oad be aa^ai^'Vrribip.
aosared tarrlblp.
Btomolodp wmapaUow jaaodlea. fia
woa traotad bp tbe beat doetora. bat
irithoerbaoefiu Tdbo ba woa oditoea
to trp Blactrle
• Blttara.
wrltaa: "After tokl^ two bottli
waa wboUp eared." A trial prara> ita
motablaw atarlt for oil atooiaeb. Urar
oad kidaep troabiaa. Oalp stcto. Sold
0. Jobnaoo,
bp S. B. WaltI and Joo. ~
S«w DUodTWT tor BloodpoinBliic.
IBVEB 0DBB8. the Sraot Ooaear
aociobbt xtsttbatce pats
cbA/>ee AWn r>AOKIIV/AI
to the occasion. ---------ed and will be as follows:
Mh STuM^to^toom:
Hito^ th* WartoTMator
Mlaff «t maatohok. Oou.. wm
rlM hr tha ■jiiWwto of WOl
iBhtotola. •t lanok
Iwatf oaaothTt
aaaothTt of
lltooWortaato.wha.U ho4 booo rofor«od.hhdaot • oeUiafh A«tb to
ftooPbUphtoot. BoOBtorodthohohoa
Jtot «■ «ho ward* rrwno»Hk>
hMoltoc ooopto kaahMd oad wlto
_______ LMiwwoMOt tha ftfot
loroot tho htOo. Oteahartoto hod
haoa oowoir.tal aot tetoOr wooMlad.
BWiU loon with
hlhoto otoo^ tool hUffht
TheHenklBtiildiBg,123FraDtihiuip pbt »esr the «omer* <<
street, will be Exeestive Oosunit*; Sixth and Pine streets, aesr tiis
_______ 1ers,sod Buenn of readdenoe of Him. Perry Bsnnsh.
Information. Some one will be Hoi^J. W. HilUkeni^ Dxs. G.
20) p. m.
St the gtoQiidh of the TrsTme CS^ Dnei
te dnty at all timee to give deair- A.
HoUidiy and J. A. Snyder,
ed information.
witk aUe amtotanta, will have the
SiOO Class Trot ur Pace. Pone, $12o.
care of the cbUdren. Every child
Pone, $l5a
Tbe merchants of the
will yrho joins in the parade will be
rX Oioas Trot or Paoe. -------keep their stores open hll dhp, given a flag that may be kept asd
BmuiiK Race, $100; \ mile, best 2 in a
both 3rd and 4th, and all Tidtois carried home. Tbe pai^s wiiP '
Usual sdminiiw to tiie noes..
will be most cordially weloomed, sUrtprompUy at 10) o'clock, and
Si'v&oJjxg pax?a.±
Grand illnminsted osrninl persd* in which will sppesr Mias Edna and are invited to make tbemselv- all children who intend to take
_i__ 1_____
I____ ___ Uar <!■«’ rnbritr mutpat
Wilhelm, n.-it_
who has been
bp •a 4ten
dapa’roting contest as at home and oMntortsblA
OnesB of the Oaraival. Her Eopd l^hnen wUl
in the
All children over seven peai
robes made tor the ooetaion, and her majestp*s char- old bom the dtp and eorroiuidiB
Grange Hall will be opw all
rr® ... . . ,-----exalted rank to which the vote of
towns and conntrp are oordiallp in- dap of the 4th, and ell old i
s raised her. Ibe (^een will be «xom. ,cited to jda in tbe grand parade, i wiU be oordiallp wc^med•byMc• leOffieei
The gbthering place wOl be on thei Pheracm Post, Q. A. R.
ABameCthaSactoa torMoAaa. .
;:;"';;.^f...... ,..E.aif«.i
Fomins at owner of Front and
«st onFront street to Boardmah
riage wiU draw np in front of the Citp Opera Hooee entraaee.
from which point Her Majes^ wUl reriew the ei^ I™? “ **
mores eaat on Frant, diabui^ng on Cass, Park or Bosrdman
srenne, as map be oonvenient
'Tlxe Seoeptloza..
Bowto IbtoT
City Op.™ H.U hu been eUbonttly deooreted tor the occeeion end,
elte^tbepe™d^theQeeenotthc Oemivel, open a lhr»e pi
atate. will pediiiely teceiye bet glad enbiecin. An ot^ertn of
____ in
' pieces, tbe
in- - - -City,
- will furnish
'- - ■14
i Sneet ever otgenined
___ OhOBor * Oo.. Totodo. O.
We. tho Bodantoaod. hon >«»»■»•
evening. Thu feoeption
seoeptio and ball will be a brilmosic for the eveoning.
as the floor capsci^
capacity iiis limited, admission will be
npon invitation of Her Msieety.
, ,
.. cket nj
Mnl MMelka. u. U.uUUr
I gslleriee will be thrown open to the poblic, with idmis_.n*feTof
sion fee of 23 ce^*“
cents. The gafuriee haTe’ a "eoati^ capedty of
400, and only this number of seats will be told. Tickets for the
galleries will be on sale st tbeCity News Stand at 6 o’clock p. m.
^dard time, Tuesday, July 3- There will be no reserved eeato
and when the 400 limit is reached no more tickets will be
as crowding the booae must be avoided. The proceeds realised
from the voting oontest and aals ci tickets will^ ns^ toAefrap
tbe heavy eiponw attending tbe carnival and reception.
BoUto nml^PUlaora tha haot
The Queen of the Carnival has ordered that aU masques must be re^ed immedistely npon the conclosion of the parade, and a
repdy ebmpUanoe with this order is expected.
tooommor wawtoc opponl ot ro*
bottom prtoao. Tho Baoton Storo.
....ioilsJm '
" "
.......... &25p-“.
.505 p. m. Special
SpedJ from 0.4.r.......m Bpecml •
“ Orfm'.'.TSp ^
“ Bonth..9:10 p. m. ,
PfOCMMFOIIULT till, 1910
Smdd OnturOookSook.
With Horse Baces July 6.
Bmrnr utw.
Sroil A Caaa wUl fonlab BMtol eon
tor daooalttoc oahaa ood pop to eoah
oroeortothmwhowm aoaa their
0 a. m. Course:
Coureei From eorn*r
corner of i'ront
Front and Uu^
Luum etreets
streets west lo
Elmwood avenue, south to 14th street, east to UnionstreeL north
to comer of Front and Union streets, about 4 miles. Sei^ch
start. Entries to be made with Ralph Hastings before 60>a
m. July 4.
Seat sa
otThoBaateo Bteco-
tor sals ay tk« W. W. Kimball Oo.
Woodbine Cottage
nusiit Rooms. ShodiHowo.
.................................................... 6 00
3rd.................................................................................. 4-00
4tb.................................................................................. 300
BOYS’ ROAD RACE (Not over 16 years of age)
Course: From corner front and Union streets west to Divuion] street,
and returnCASH PRIZES.
Coisiltitiu ul EiiniihN Fm iri Suictir CoifMiitiil.
B. E. OTTM AN. M. P.
HnPrdldeatoftlieOttDU Medial lutttite Go.,lntain,Ed.
SotnA 'Wliilrf-ng,a*r»'v-wc«eOAtT's
THURSDAY. - JULY 12, 1900.
OMMXsusfMmBa.m.toBp.m. Om day ealy aseh month.
........................................................ 2-00
3rd.................... ................................................................ 100
90) a. m. Place: Union street between fith and 8th streets. Run
ning broad jump, 1st prize $1.50, 2nd 7^.
sn stau Stresl.
M°ss,£Ss,‘;5T?i.'rr"‘ 'ss".
F’iSSi.vsr.sisn' Si,Tr;|
Standing bop, atsp and jump, 1st prize $10). 2nd 75 cents.
. Running bi^ jump, 1st prize $1 50, 2nd 75 cento.
Standing high jump, 1st prize $1.50; 2nd 75 cents.
. Pole vinlt, let prize $1,50. 2nd 75 cento.
Throwing 14 poondlhammer from 7 foot circle, lit prize $1.50;
ZDQ 76
<0 cento.
Putting 16 pound stone from 7 foot circle, 1st prize $1.50, 2nd
1y Avu
100 yuu
yard ubbb
dasL, ab
1st, uiia«
prize $2.00, -------------2nd $1.00.
------120 yard Hurdle race, 1st prize $2.00, 2nd $100.
’ Entries on thq ground• with
J. O.
o Langworthy.
0 a.m. Place: Front street, beginning east of Cass and lending
AdCrest box Kt, Olty.
near Union.
JV^K^eeahlni- (>ael sraa**Six-legged race, prize $3.00.
' &rrel tolling race, 1st prize $l.W, 2nd $1.00Wheelbarrow race, man in barrow, 1st prize $1.50, 2nd $1.00,’^
Sesih Velon auorl.
W3 If
Back to back race. 1st prize $2.00, 2nd $1.00.
E^ carrying race, for the boys; 1st prito $100, 2nd 75 cento,
3rd 30 cqnto. Entries on the ground with Fred Onrtia,
TXyAKTKD-D«7's vertl«r asrala* b7ChptatlOO. This parade will start at precisely l.-OO o'clock, standard time,
' from comer of Front and Union streets, and will proceed east
1 on Front to Boardmsn Aveiuie, Bosrdman Avenue to State,
and Wss
Best of m^sres l»ald.
, State to Wellington. Wellington to Washington. Washington to Tbs Most SaoesssfiG and BotsattBc Trsatmsat of All
of Manklod Pooslbls to Obtain.
Bosrdman Aveuoe. Boardmsn Avenue to State, State to Cass,
’aiioO SioiM. ait lano eiprrlooet,
T»« ■«« «««ly •=« f*T»r»bl7
BpcclAlKt le
Cass to Eighth, Eighth to I'nion, Union to Front, and disband.
Itale Is the »srW ceshln kla ta
upoB (he latest eelceilBe p-ladI X>. Daylight fireworks and hot air balloon ascensions for the chib
SrcBMKSc?KSttvo^lsa^^ bujoddV*
«oUU». hlB u> the lull c«<e4en«e of ihr
drea immediately after the parade, nesrtbecomer of Front and ^n.
ease a_l dcaeaaraalc
I’nion streets.
Mscaoe. Dat
moat tkmi
oeecr fklleO tc thesoi
WTVAitTXD-<iood airl' for tMrml 'boasa- > )0 p. m. Immediately after tbe parade. At the Driving Park As M&S7
fceple bam demtk eeer* feite e
pl»cM their CMC* is the hmttd* of ex|
sociation grounds.
IMPOBTAWTIO nADina.-i>*.oTniA>f. i
Free for all. Trot or Pace, $^. •
eeslime to the »e*. recoie
le 4lem
hose u
2:24 Class Tret. $150.
TCE BOXSa-Tor aale cbrap tat tbs
Running race. 9 mile, best 2 in 3. $l00.
a Lsrlaaso
Exhibition 1^ Tommy M., the Guideless Wonder.
MBj.tsnUMlawesr^e^lMhM'or lUe.
Fanners’ Race, walk half mile, trot half mile, mn half mile. $25. •iMorc
DlSCBABOiaO EABS <miM le r>«T «
of toor 4set ssd kU oxkut ere es*r».
Usnal admission to the races:
*cwMWioaoKS rra sod rMoisM Ions
s catarrh.
trslUaa, esnaad Crea
^OBLT rL-BinSBXOBOOUa-IrdestnMa 2:30 to 50). Band concerto st different points on tbe streeu.
Xv loratloe. three Mors east ot Park Flae*.
------------------" •IHO
fsrUesvtnirSaeteofasrlTeiec oad (bo anMn. Alrord.ao State street.
ma SAUr OB XXOBAXUB-,n,e aerth M ^
hibition will be here Jnly 3rd and 4tb. This show will be a
attraction, andjrill appear in tbe parade with the well
lo bU aUU^
known Silver Bros.'Band in their new and handsome chariot.
The usnal popular adminion charges will be made to this show.
avane Larfs Ms. vUI be sold at teas Uaa
■arh« priea. Aeba Vatlj.
The Traverse Bay Line of Steamers have arranged to give hourly ex
OOB BALS-»aeim cbalee
aear ettp.
cursions on tbe bay tbrougbont the day.of tbe 4th.
------ -
itaod WerAi tor tha o'iiltad Statoi Ba-
Iwtohto thoak the Ualtad Stotaa
Baaotalaat Soatotp ,ef Saptaow for
.ttoatrpraaBtaaatia tha aattloaaaat ‘
ffhaa poa
StooaWath«taka potoi to took
In the evening there will be the most brilliant display of Fire
works ever semi in Nhrtbem Michigan.
SeethaB'eatoee. PIMar leare at thU eitoe.
CW>B SALB-Oeed nark baeai. IJOO wet«bt.
C laqnlreotx Lueaa » WeeaMr.au^
UBOB SALB mnae aad las Borth.wcat een>er
Behenlaatnel. . Jehs Veg^ !•
them aosa
Arrival and Departure of Trains and Boats.
at 90) a. m.
Arrive at......................... 60)a.m. DepaitaU.;.....................6J5a,m. ■
Arrive at......................... 1:30 p.m. Depart at........................Ild6a.m.
This q>ecial stops at all a
will conn«ri at Walton after a shi^rt w^t, for the
PKU MAWjuxrrx.
Arrive from sonth..........1:15 p.m. Arrive from north......... 11:35a.m.
HIoa?se Hacets.
JULY 6th.
, .
80)l>. ra. Horse isces on the gronnds of tbe Driving Park Aaociation.
2:25 Clam Trot or Pace, $150.
2:45 Class Trot or Pace, $125.
tSiaa Manyetn be gang. eaHSi5Stabaa^^^.yjfy»^VJ?l»^».»0w>aM
Print. B«im
0.^ iroi^G Bifeogp. TUESDAY JUI.Y3:190* ,
t P^sd r
-«. ■. It
T«k *-•
MusBAbar.forMrcsut AMjahJop'
bMi bM • tierk IB <bc Flm NaUoft. •! buk ol SqvvtoBkot sod wrer ooeo
to sll tkst tlD* cOaid the** hsTe beoft
(WMd OM toaslf. MliUiT cm to say of
kb books. Oto batoBcc oborU vvre marTtto of BBCpoOMl corraetBcaa He eoald
r«B dova UTM eoiBBua of fleam
mma tiae aad at expreaa ppcad aad add
tbna wHb afaaolate pretotooo. He eoald
toeatt tbe tnuupoaKtoa and
wbOetha Boat toutaau prohjemi of o
. d «ated throoeb the cotdea Uiaa of
Uto oa the lowest roBiid. He bad catered
tba baok at 14 aa a p««tr elcrk aad at 48
bad attaiiMd only the bead boo
^ Nerenbeleaa ----------------be bad bf'
aad a shrewd tarn or two, tbaaka eltbar
to bla dlaeemiDeDt or rood fortoDe, aeroBBlaled a few tbonaaod dollars, wfaleb
ba bad toTMied la the Baaawtoakrt aad
Bflaawoac BaUroad eompsoy, a rery tidy
bula property.
was a Can. leak man. with a
k Up aad
and lo«i.
loai. the eocaplaxto
eocaplaxioa of
>»e«tbar beaten wood aad anaU. aai
ayce of faded haaet He toriritbiy i
a atnlcbl. higfa erowaad
atorepipe bat
with a rery nvn>* brim, a aasdy bUek
broadcloth aalt node with a toag frock
ooaL a low piccadlUy eoUar aad a btoek
toxoaliiaa tie. lie was always aempti'
looaly broabod aad bottooed. aad wbaa
. be walked be carried Umaelf rery
aad prdellbentely. Uka a
who thtoks weU of btnaelf.
Alcogetbar. akboogb sot atatoeeqae, be was
istootosg. and beeaoae of Ua pacaUar
“Old Ptoab Bob aad T BaMur.” bat
tbk. Barer barlag btard. be did aaC heed.
Bli reereelioo wai rery almple, (hU to
Hia entire letoara
tiaa was ocaytod to peAutog The I
saneUl Beriew aad like pobUcatka
wUcb to tba t
arid, bat wbooe atoek Kata aad other to1 Ur. Japltoc the «•
................a aad stisa'
laud bla arithmetical
bllastal If wmewbat elepbaatlaa apMtIreOM with aoUd facts and
a day, Mlaa Mebatabto 8aa____u axtraettog tram a rather toon old
Uack atoektog wbldi bad been dataad
oritb white thread fS.MS.OO to tdUa
t to tba I
t of coaree came ander the
aobea of AbOab Jopttog. and from tbat
day be marked bar where M went
Laoktog oat through the wUte aaabed
wladowt of the bank, dtocteetly rtoled
by dingy green wire arreeM wbereoa
ware displayed the title of tbat temple
of finance to uraUbed gUt lattara abaded
b rusty hUck. Mr. JopUag bod an miWith
p of Uiaa Mebetabai Baa-
lag b
been b«Ut oot on to the front of Mlm
Bnaeom’s' boons.
Bbe bad ecigtosUy
atartad her abupkoeptog in the dwrUlng
itacit, bat aa she proapered she found
aaad of an enlarged eatabliahnMat; bence
tbs addlrtoo. In the aide windows of the
Jtttla atom oae might see to ■
I. doik. marfatoa. kites a
•r aaceaaltka of ebUdbood. betodm oome
books and pertodicab. a Bteader stock of
Boattoa. eaUcoeo, cHataes aad other
ckaap rabrim, aa weU aa an totmattoc
-------------- it of that wlacaUany kaown
dtowtog if not n briUtoist
aoeceoa of her
wnt UU. apntv and rnwbooed. srith atsai
nauBod apeetnelea and tblnnkb. dark bok
to whldi were many allvrty atnBda. Bar
eras were gray and planing, her ammlb
r of the shop and. nttked to .
dmt brown dress, retbar
.boot tbe
‘aaktoa. bat very plain, very aeat and
---- ^
Orfadawa. mUto her lltUe maid_______
ororti amiA tba shop aad tbe kdewnlk
hsfikaM.^Sm coaM bare act year watch
hr Bm althm la the a. ___ _
the M of a flyto wtoc. abe al
■ ‘ - p m. Bba s
____________ Jlberothaa
ABUca. tta gase BO credit If Aa eoald
PMMMy avoli B abd tbae tor opt ahera n
■aA. Bte sraoH ant aei^ Caandtoa
.............. r.r..'
1 wmmi v> wfMa ths
aad wiU gtoayt
(Myths mesl rsKUs stssk iasn*
aacca. and
the time.
Os one of tbe CWeage tracks tbacc aaa
I liddwa. tba iBsgam of them aa extan^ ladder tbat can ha talaad 80 feet.
TUo ladder li of the kind that la talmd
on tba
tnck. to which
footla| aaesred.
By 'maasB of ctaakaand the mcckaal
■ 0 It, al^Ttoan,
_________ . foar
tbe trackand
ea the graoad. can rake tbk ladder, ex
tended aad to poaBlcm for aaa. to 80 aacOBda. "r-*-*fiTt mmaVui
is carried on tbk truck a CO foot exteatoos. wbhk k taken oC tbe track when
^ and raked tram the groond. Thera
k ake a U foot extnkcs ladder, called
a iusior enenkon. which k seed wbesIt of tbat Itea I bare
there U oecnsloe to carry a ladder Inside Whasi. old, par
bToa. Wbat rbara baaidj of a bnUdtog where tto'xtatowaya might I
kde pleeca. Folded, a man ran earry tbk
yoar todaatnr. roar oeeaeaty aad -yoat ladder ea bk shoulder tlmoat anywhere,
aldei tba tbrae
TtoT walafl. bartoc eanCtote
mmir-‘ tbe aap of Ue iMufaWg
atoeeplpe aad tookad yell to M atra
■artMaa of Ua aob*. W bataak ktmmtt
Ik dritoeiata aad d
akop of Mtoa Meh
Be foaad tbat Ud7 b
flariiw vattad ..............................................
aad batoe aboet to eioaa for tbo atokt
Wtthoat boattot aboat tba boah aad I
aaol aad MaaaaMd bat
Mm m m ta«M lUtlt'mmi aOm *r-
bartoc aaltber frtoad. nor andMeat
**I an nradf Dot
ioMam Btoek
a5£520.*=rasw?ss: Bicycle
8m maples in window.
Fnual Diracnr.
'wr ictddg flotoi in
one 10 foot ladder, and four_______ _
OhlMto BMtto
-------- Mortbrn
Mo. I.
E n> of tba f
tog Uddert of tbe kind with wbkk fttw
C oat
tba e
man cUmb iba front of a boUdlag, tbeae
• 1 hare boea i
baring each a ringle ahafi of wdod. with
togot Mectom-pb.
Pint Nettooal bank of Sqaawtaafcat' bandies running tbroagfa it to boM ea by.
and I boTe bt«a prrbapa, if I aur'ba al
with a king beakUke hook at ooe cad
lowed to aay io. a not —---------------- ' “ ‘ -. .igbl angki to the abaft, srklek k CbateofBIff Tin Gkaehaes OB Um
to tba ateadp frowtb aad doaarrad'
thraat thrbngb a window to rast upon
'itessti Dortsff the FOsrth to
caaa of that toatUatioa.*'
tbo aUl. Tbara are carried oa tbe track
BaUraly Trahlbltcd.
Mia MrtwUbrt atood 6oH apri«bt «a- foar eeaUag belu to be used with the
htod her eoaoter. bar arota totoaf bar ecUtoc ladders.
It haa bme doUdad by Mayor Friedgray eyas, with tbrir pleretog black dots
carrlad oa this track fear rtob aad Chief of Folios Bassto that
—bam and two picks, bam- thaBrliiffw
rottorta traeraokartoa the
eouatanaece of Mr. AHlab 3.
atraau will ba eaUroly forbi
aa dur-.
bar own malataiacd Iti nona
tba otb^ wbkk are nmd for r^"g lag the Foarth of Jaly Oi
grarity. She was UateUng
m through walla to get toto aa ad- The dsBcer to Ufa aad Umb aad to am.-OBeoaan tswMI'oDrwl
eagerly. She nuy
kdiilBg buUdtog. There are two tin cotwdFsrty awkaa this rnttbiUttoa adetoad what; obtoct
obtoet be bad to «
aotko ^ b^ to the tin mfs''~a!^‘rip^
l>oaa.,aM IB. Iriags; Hsfthare pteu
be expremed. 8be a
tbe tin. There are two window break-
koame at 4W Seem Uaha Suvat.
VriepOraa Ha.lt
John R. Santo,
tenril Iishum.
js-s- _ .
m, Iran btUs attaebsd to a length of
cord. A man oo the roof thrown tbk
“My present aalary" he <._
Iroa ball over tba edge to break the win
fl.300 per aanom. aad I bare toeeatad to dows with wUefa it eomea la ronuet on
to the Sqoawtimket aad BqDawo- lU backward awtog aad so let oot tbe
maoke and rentUale the boUdtog. Un
der tbe ladders away down at tbe rear
eriildt wlU when the VanderfaUta bate and of tbe track k a borae reri npoa wU^
porebaaad tba watiollinc totarcat yield at there la one length of hose, which, ‘
least 10 pbr cent per ananm." Mr. Jop- meaai of rcdoctloa ooupltoga, can
Uag paoard again, this time to oote tba coupled oa to fire boas of any stoc. Than
cSael of bla autemant. bnt Mias Baacom. are also a iot of nosiles, Oae
of which U
-------------------,— baa an ptI him aUastly
taehmcBt that wblrk rapidly andor proasure of water paaatog Ibroagh It. The
distributor la used la cellar flrr*. A hole
“As aa amployaa of tbe Pint Natlaaal
U cut to the door, and tba distrlbvter k
bank of Baoawtnnket.“ ba reenmed. -V
has coma oadcr my notice. Mlaa MabM'
bri, that yoo bare m
on dspoait
dsp^t there at
U tbe c^r pipe. TbU k a rather long
pment the acm of^
pipe with two bends to It. Tbe ceUar
... Boppaaa,
" (Mlaa M»-
tba aom would aa^t to fllfl,U8.00. This aom. laroitad to abarm of
thcBqaawtmiket and Banawoag raUtoad.
paying dlrldeeda of 10 per enil, for 1
bare it on tba Ugbeat aotborlty tbat tba
VanderUUh fnUy iuend to take tbe cootroU would aSotd an anaaal income of. to
rooad nombera. $1,000. Tbla. added to
my salary, would amoont to $2,800, and.'
ni I take it tbe aanoal profits of yooa
t to aot leas than
e grand total at
.lebetebd.’' said
k bU bead and ey
AUloh. tbcowinc iNiek
ing Mlaa Baacom aritb
b tbe air of an attoraay wbe bad made not a lodd aad aU
. '•yoa wUl perceire tbe etto of lUs semewkat ogtraordtoary toterrlew. I bare tbe boaer to
oBer y««-tbat la. 1 would Uka t»-nei I
w-win yoa be kind csroegh
to matry me. Mlaa Boaeomr
Now. AbUab. to thinking oat the poaaie of tbU campalgs, bad
aappoord It not onUkdy tbat Mlaa Mefaetabel. OD bearing Us ^posai of marrtoge,
xnl^ throw bee anna around Ut neck
and embrace him and perhapa mreaa
after what be bad a rague notion
die temlaine usage Of Itoe (IrcomN«. The thought of this pomlfaiUty,
ha had mads up toa i
wkea tom costlnoed: “Fur youl Ba tor
me, BOW chto I've found out thet folks It
rin an a-pev|da eote my privata af, an that them, ar *-•-- ----------------
> toy hoaA onto at to pat ri^aato wildat raltread ohaan oa boUto on boaria
aa other ea-O
to dror aU my aaodey ^
to take at over to Bqaawaag, where I
kBow e< wUI be oaCe. Aa you, yuang
maa.“ aba added griariy, “eaa be vay.
tbaakfal-te.ma af I doB't tell tba dlneteaa aU aboat roar time
tola CO an cattla’a ap. Marry
poa oo^tar be thtokto '
—' a sreddto—yoa’ra ow CBoagar
^ ----------Mr. AUtob JopBng soatomd
bemt five mtootaa t«»sv, ^ was aumawhat flashed tnm tba repUBy ot bit mottoa thltbar if sot from other eaaaaa.iaai
as-ba gtoaead at Umaaif to tbe
hto banou ba aottoed tbat apt «aly wa*
Braar beCare to tba «____
ssssB sssassRs ss
: lmffak>.p.ktnn?^aekl sMMaSVm
■.»N B. K. a. Oo..daly 4tb, lOOO.I.
Aitoaserrawaioio^m. aad (ro^
•tween all atatioM on tbk:
at im
warn tbk line aad oon-lSz^lf^.
Mrs Praaew M kalih.
> a^ orgM. Teian k
Maw OBoc. Markham Block .
Udtoi. “TnoM Jaap salt tnaptoofi tisProotSt.
■a the Fwa
▲t the Atianu expoaltioa la 18BC tbora
'OS a “woBaa'a bnlldlag" on the
gyonnda. and the committee to charge
kSde « strong effort to aecare a dlrcrai'
pam of the ioot^
after. “FomUy tree, loaned hy Mn.
tor-abont '80 aecoods aad srhea AUfab
bad bean redoced to a aute I
doaely oa ImbadUty. Ae apoka.
*Tbat sraoU ba a vary aka
t.** aba aaU very driiber
very aka
AUIoh brightened op at o
etJuaelTUi. mg.
Which ahalf
aball deaignato^^
deeinata the ! -^.ao
fin.™..-, w cug.,
piM where they may be Orad.
srill laareTraroraa City at S;M aad'
ii:i0 a. m.. S:U aadB:lo p. m.. Jmly 4th.'
......................................... “onor aad 7:Sd p. m. I
Tralaa will arrirai
Iflpe la sospended froth a bolder aUi^ from MontoiM aad Hobor at a:S0 aad
11:00 a m.. flrlS aad 1I:M a. m.. from
Cedar City i:tO a n and l:4S p. m Tbk
to ssriag tbe^pe aad point
OrectieBA The bends la the tope an-' will aoeomodala you all ao maUbr
abk tba throwing of water to potota (pat where you wtoh to.calebrato. Let the
eo^ sot ba rcariied with a straight pipe. haada play and all join in.
There are two fire extlngtflahera srito
wbUto to pat oot amall fires or to keep.
If the track should get there first, a fire
to check unUI aa engine nrrtrea. There
k a portable fire eacape. oae end of
wblcb eaa be attached to a window sUl It. bnt it srill oome np nintllng every i
by means of which a fireman cun lower tlM “Oa]man'a Blaatle Floor Vnraiah
anyWy from a bulldiag or a petuoh
could lower hlmsrif. There are two life
Une cans that wUI throw a slug with a
Ught Une attached 300 feet up orer a A Greht DiacoTdry lor OdBcer
buUdlng. a Jomptog net. two amtotc
WutiMon. Unt.. Jaa.
masks and rignal flag, and red tonteroi
V. Dear Sir:—I bat.
to flag trains on tfaa ekrated ^road.
innd of Seven Caren,
For other uses there are two while
tompa.-GUeago Inter Ocean.
to aeod anything tbnt would b
and attractive.
Amdog those
apiodcd was a lady
Uvea to BkkBan<i and who la a member of tbe old
Being naturally
prood ot her descent. It occurred______
tbnt tba framed copy ot her family tree
wonld tn an Interesting oh>ect. nnd It
wnt accordingly expreoard lo tba com
tAlrr oo tbe tody vlaited tbe exponUtou.
a chaats nad lastbodical nad. ot coarse, one o( tbe first thtogi the
looked for was ber own contrlbudoo. but.
bet to hU dlaappofitanrat. bet strange to any, the was unable to find It.
______to hk rtokt nothing of the kind
Tbe roitira exhibit wna neatly catakguod
bappaoed. Mlaa Meheubri kept bar bead
ruanly over tbe^to^p^ by p^
Rily remaikabk manner indaai'
ttonad to- regard him immovably, arms
folded, boil nprigbt. tba Uttk btoek potou
to bar grey Irian saeaitog to plarac tbs
gtoasee ot her steel booad apecUcks and
to gimlet toto tba very brato and sool ol
finid UpUit iHUiUll
ottoata srUl be arreotad sod prasMtad.
u**—New Orlaona Tim
haalUts to recommend it for the parpdaea for which U it noad. Ito affeeta
arainaabort time to i
eannotfall tofflvathe rrrateat'aatiw i
Jan. CiTHHinen.
T. F.Hmien
rebDiU bed pot in
to recetre all old patrtma.
PEBiArquette |Good Line Of Joweln
oaok effoR be toteaded to
V enae enme to txUL
*«ir.“ ba anid Impreoalvdy. 1 AsD
T aaa.'* totarruptad tba HtlsnaL
Mtocaa b twialiirea wUh yon towyera oa
waO ns
hnpa you nre right to wnMtog the Mttor
atttkd at tbe mart. Hew modi wW you
charger*—New York Mall and Cipaam.
*Tm afraid. Bdwnrd. yon'ra ttiIm
me eely beesaaa Fra Inherited fnra my
•BBfk 100.000 crowns. “
“Why. BtoBcbe. how ran you thU
OODIO sooiw.
111 Kiadsof Repairiig.
Leave TraveraeClty at 6:10 a. i
LaaveOrandBapIdae.SOp.’m.. Moabi
Bate $J
*« *7 88
Dr. V. J. OfiiBi, QptraUn DaMtotr^j
Fire insnt.
Ia L. A. BoUding.
Tba beat feralohad and beat kept
honae <m tbk pentonto to rrady for
a the year ronai.
ronsi. Oeod
Uvery to
Bat« made
DL Eumm
oomo HOKTH.
Lv Oklreco.............. )•«
Detrell................. i IS
Ar OrC Baptda........ k »>
Lv Trave
Ar BkRi
to take the train from there borne.'Batog
anfamUtor with tbe pUea. they atoppod
to inquire ot n colored woman tba way
Iway outko.
_________ .• dlrec._____ ____ ________
“Cartatoly. mb.'* aba replied,
-goto right 00 tiU ye' eomea to da
da ok poauOea oaad ter te.
ts'D to yo’ laT on yo’ll go right t
they reda off aka beamed with pride,
wito emawiiwm.
gmoaetOMt. nno.
and. nunoui
oltbough th«
fasBd the atnttoa, they have yet
r the “eoraar wha de ok
ter be."—New Yeck San.
lie ervlrlnr eiv-oi a. bi.Iias uI rpers Iraw
f aad <;ia-
hkYe hfid n>F boiidiac
sbflpe wd am now ready
The Waukazoo House!
row llraaij KtutMo.
HDitei t Baaakaaeli.
Bing! Bang! Bing!
IS| '
lUBm ID HnilllBI L t
For the 3rd, 4th and Bth of July.
16,00 photo, lor «3.00; 0.00 photo, for 12.00;
•3.00 photo, for «1 JO.
And 8 aannln. PbUnnm Pbotoemph. for 38 onto.
Pine Wood
P.SP.H.Oafm '
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
UOTWI cumiss HMoex STOIE won
aidmlkDotobtriii oUolM
1 wosU marry you, mo ointtae ft
SnmM Ottr tnta Oo.
THkltOaCWQ ggeOBD TtaeSPAY. idly 3. woo •
rEBffi OlRRIMSlfiP.
kfrl^tbauThey are not apuly
Bu It wnUfi be too moeb to hope tbu
Mr. Btya hnf Ms fUBowen bad really
rbsaasfi tbUt minds on frre trade any
■ore than they bare an tree anrer.
nay atffl bold tuneiculy to tbelr old
acTM Mr. Biyun btmaetf, tt may be
well to nueubre. wu bk first teoogIS an extreme Dee
Mbool UCc U always n
flw a ftarireL It oeeun on hb sevutb
birthday. Tbe cetlre sebod goes to tbe
new scholar-e borne, badtog a iteUy eaparisoDMl and flower bedecked dookey.
The BFW pspU b plaewl oo tbb fittk
beset and. with tbe bodja. <w teacher,
bediag. the AUdreu form a double fib
and reeen Ua to the echo
lag kycHw Mgs,
To a etranger the remmoa Taikbb
athooi (reeeaU a riagular setae.
pupib are aeated ereas kgprd oa the bare
msrbk pavement la tbe porch of tbe
awoqat forming a aemkii..........................
a to NOee is so
ciety- She was quite veB aware that her
bosbsiara raeaiu were not of soflteint
sksgaitode to permit an
danle la that ditteriag galaxy of gaycty,
and gentility, hot she bsoked oa
..........................anee of at least
ber two b<
wbo wai ready i
meot to marry may pretty girl wbo woald
•eeept him.
Naturally enoogh. H was not to be expeered that any yoong and pretty girl
eoald lore any old thing like he was. ba(
Chea be was ao rich that hire might wril
be asked to take a back aeat.
Now. tbe bosband ot this amhitioiu la
dy and tbe fatbiv of the two beaaUtal
daaghten was foMlsb enough to think
that love mixed with matrimoay better
than moaer did. and be was averse to
the maebinaflotis of hb wife to dispose
et either of tbe danghter* to the miUioi
wire at a prire. One day the lady, ia i
pleasant humor, spoke to her bosband e
the subjeer of Ids oppu
“I should think." she said, “that yoo
would bare some amUtioa for yuar
Yoo bare nerer bm aide to
futBlsb tbein wltb tbe means their bean
pottUoa de
manded. aod now. when
rben I am doinx my
ntiEoct to do a pat ■nfs part by at least
A Omo Whm 4
WW. wa —
bora all erer the west for the lm« SO
•aster Otnincer of K«w Bi
yaara, “espectoUy wbea be b ia my lutai>••• ’a'EoP. 'tim
fnaaM • tfTORtAoa my
aeaa. Whoa 1 was a yoBOgster back b-ve
-nd ggiira Is ble cUborste ■
in the ease 1 always avoided fightiiK
srbh other boys simply brcaase I didn't
He sad hk people bate prsleetkn
Uke to fight, and they ased tu Ikk me oa
Amrer OrreUnd u iMdest is K> bttteriy u theyAate tbe add standard.
all oecaidoBs. ant ao maeh breause I
eooU not fight as bevause 1 woald
TtBlMT. ItSS. sod the cMctSwDt et the A Demeerstk rktory wdg|d mean the
^•bea I came arsL though, as a
NN bra rahMta
fiednetkn of both of tbeae BepobUe- to reach errry student By meam uf
■Wfl—Gorsiss tsrlff Uw is Ai
preand got Into the aimoopbere at sera
OH. nntod Is
-^ •
■a to eHt hU Ngk Sbvb raesra
■eire order among the mbchkvoas. bU
fpand that If a amn didn’t bare hb n
»ftdle the rbwOes of WlUlssa MeKlB-K ran
Iw W eito.
to urge oa tbe boy whose rrcttatioB b nut
with him be aerer wuaU amount to any
lr«r m praridMit Is Normber. UK.
salblactory. Dot as a ruk. budjas .
thing. ao I braced ap sad fonad 1 could
BSd tbe eskctSMSt of tbe Dlsxler taitt
laxy and oftre fall askep. Then it
bold my own aboot as wril as tbe aver
- Isv in 3alr. 1807, MOHrd Is satkad
Utoa ttoy ran ‘b to«k *b ertt M .
that tbe pspOt enjoy what the Annvic
age. thoogh I kept out of troalde as far
_J«t re iuue ranaxita Bra
boy wunld slyk a “plenk." A trick they
as 1 could.
e tondu Financial News of May epecUIly like lo (day on tbeir akeplng
“lie nerviest chap I etW
•Mo DMwersdc eSWt faujieen wisdo
«the fact thatteacher b to anoint bb bair and kmg
boree thiet in Nevada. It was 2T. years
to snswerttik. bmsoe tt is steotstdr
-Tbe Unltod Sates b again becom- gny beard with sax. which ia. of coarse.
ago at PbielHi. Nrv.. wbleb b off tbe map
. Wad. Uer toy Ml Nmat
Errs before the srtsal
sow. I guns, aod tbe loi
•Jt ura er-als. rattta ttora.
pasHce of tbe Oonnsn-WUstm law Its Ing n better msiket for our wonUed very diScsIt lo be rid of. Yon may
ap over
IJrat tok hfia BM Ur ratad-il.
aoiT wbu tbe bodja wakes be
rr tbr ksu uf buraes by (far draerdataWol aUdow bad betas to (kll tianau In April. 1806, nbe took 815.- gwd ose of hU leng^ wespom
■Csras ttoy toWi-l ra.4 Hra ^are '
uf tUev.-s. Finally Mike (.kary. a
aoHatbe'cooBtrT. Kenator Oanisfer fiOO yards; in April, l8B0k uly 003,000
Some ot the asosen- these Utile Turks
well k-DoWB 1‘iuebaB. iost a fine lay mare,
yards; bu kst nwa tbe ounUty
•Iwired tbat Is 1803. tU>>ar uf tbe
rtceire lo tbelr Uaeotlona woald make an
and Mike thoogbl enoogh «f her to ukq.
It llvy di. ■lULrUfft
P(«and taascoratloa oC PmddMit row to 070.000 yards. Tbb b si
• eyes
aetire tni-aaun* lo get ber l>ack If possi
■e 'a IBS *
_ _ __________
advance: but It
A half grown boy. in tbe preec-ncm
Bit «r lurad Urn sU (tor «>—
ble and punish (be thieves. IleMnt'wonl
Udiy wia 10.213.000 yards a April,
'n tetb the story, aik
out to all the eamps and M-ttienients. aud
fioa tbe urines banks of Mew Yetb
I torisf*. ihtt M.raid tw «tora ’bs
la the euunr -f «rv<-rat days be beard of
State In UMOS of tb.- dt^ta. Bnai- W-tbat ta. before the IMngley tar- edtbe bodja:
think you would show some sign of ap
Jt dram
“What makes It falar
the ttSlw at Dererl Kprinc. about 75 mUr*
’Bout ttor lUagi w aua'a brait aate
neu faUsrea. wbleb for tbe flrst thru
preciation ef the atteutioa and honor |iaid
“Dp in the thnida.*' answered tUi wise
away. A man had l«>ught Iw-r over there
It la ^aay to aw why tbe Doited
us by the wealthy xenlleman whom I
SMBtbs of INTO bad hers
In noaimefaer. "oor prophet,
frem a party he did mil know.
highly twtpert."
ber. wltb total ilabaiUea of «»3n.T«i
of foreign goods, for
••Fotjrfre me. my dear."
•Bon “rara- iBia, ,(U«ra ra brett*^
rou to S.unD and fta/«Q.08H la.tbe
iuto barinem togetWr. tbe profits_____
sad at last uv bad a ’ruund up'—Uis(-b.
pmpH SR te better shape than
faashand eentritcly. “When tbe gealiefliU three months of 1804 and to 4.S12
divided. Une night Mohammed stole sU
we pot guards—n-r the town ud called
before to Aiutlfy tbe|r taste for
the profits and rau swsy. In’lhe tnornOB all tbq inbaUtanli- for niih-s arnand to
, and lexi&Mao iit tbe Und tbrac
luxuries, and there are now more mu Ing, when the ChrisUan Cud dlscorrred
. nostba of INua Prom Mar 4 to Oct
greatiy molll
and fifty men n-pwied. and all were daly
n .. yr re ora* «S, nS>
8. laos. the ^merlrm pi^e drew than ever bi^ore who .un afford to
Bed, and ibr husband went d-wa town l<
Ttoy ura-t urar pnat yev vraM
aceounteU f-r but Ihn-e. TIk-»v (brer
8878.000.000 fMm the national banka. wear high priced foreign fabrka. At gulden rbariol. tbe r mbling of w
fab store, rvturaiiix in tbi- ev<-oIng a lit
'Pyw to *a t)t ’raa
could p-rt Mrisfan-rily ex|ilaiii tbraaJ. Edward mmtDoaa. pn**ldeBt of tbe tbe same time there are more men. nlng b die bjOlris of fintie later than usual, but quite efaeerfaL
acires. and they were lu.-k.d u{. until we
and well dreaaed men. too. than ever
“Ttoy e-B sre ra^ria n ysracHa
At half
hair past 8 o’clock
o’eli-ek tlu- wralihy
wraJtby geo1^>brtb National hank of New Tort,
shot after hlh-fieelag partner.- Moham
c-vuld have the IbswM Kj-ring man para
tleauin callisL and shortly after the la-ly
who u a ferreat •tariff reformer" bad before who are
med. Godins be could nut eacepe in mid
oo them. He came and at nnre saU that
uid on Not. 11. IWC. "The election of dotbea. So tberw Is not much ground air. plunged into tbe sea: the rhristbs
they were the erewd wbo bniuxbl the
for grumbling at the 4.000,000 ysrdi of
Ood tuDowed him. and tlu- shock splash
mare t- Deaert Spring.
Qlorer CIcntand can oolj' be retarded
Britkh wereteda wbiefa were sob] lo ed the wBler out and it {<« tu the oartb tically palmchean] roily a yard square
T7iat was all tbe (■•stimiiny we waal' Vf all oonaerratlre boslneas men u a
“It is Ibe «gn 1 prembed fur the gentbe United SUtea In tbe mouth of la rain."
«fi. and after a trial by a piHird op jury
fortvnalc thlnt for this coontir." nid
April, especially wbw wc remember
And tbe yonng Turks, beliering the
the «hrre hone thieves Were eundemiwd
In another ncwsitaper Interview on
she .read
u]u>n U in lare<- letters.
that in April 1807. tbrw montba prior
be hanged that
. May 20. UM: “Penk? We bare b«n
-Pletse rail
re Jhirehasing
•» MOMtor {opre cotdri It.
raosr* of
at Big Tree, foor mih-* fr-m.tini
to tbe enacrtnwnt of tbe Dlngley tartir.
ao deep In a bole for three years that
Bn I Ml rackty resri.
procoralon wns forni.-d with lb.- tbire
than tu dmea that qouttty ot laim tbr troe sunrn- of which U tsogfat
Tbempnn the lady Mi Into a state of
rrr taitU or “J-dra Orargt •
Iblats cannot tet any lowerp
prlaoprrs in a wagun Laving a high seat
Britbh worgtedi came to tbb comttiy
madness, from wbleb she has scairely yet
Ttoy irat dcrad Us aaras “I
In Beptember. 180S. after Mr.-dere- under tte frw trade tariff of 1804-7.
for ebnreaienee at tbi- luiiiging. end wc -Iritira Blatora Atlkra la LraMi
reeuvered. and (be husband is takiug-bb
land had l>cen inautorated. bnt befora Tbew were bakyon years for foreign
moved off toward the seat of action la
meals down town and sleeiiing in hit
good ordiT. -Arriring iberv-. onc^n was
OoRDao-Wilaoalsm bad become law, riedb makers and gloomy years for
Btorv.-Washingtuii Kiar.
awed in tbe waguo aud driten finder tbe
Ibe Aoterlcan Economist undertook American doth makera. Now tbe sltlow Oae Wall StvMV Maa Was Heist
Umb of tbe tree with tbe rope dangiiog
an Indiuftrlal ceesu It showed a de
natko b reversed alike as to fables
With His Owe Petard.
down from it. and when he was propvriy
crease In
stoce Nor. B. 1802, of
and other eompedtire foreign producta,
“A nomber of yean- sgu," mU s Wall The Oeelogtsfa Colleetlaa CoavlBeeA adjosti-d for tbe applirati-o-of tbe tt>pc
0IH per cent a decrease in wtfes of
leader took a l-lank iKsik -Hit uf bis
and tbe American people aeem to enjoy street man, ''entne men came fr
tho laUtaas et UU NadaeM.
» per cent nod a demnne la buslneu tbe Change.
pocket and addressed tlu- prira
tbe wvsl lo Dual a M-bcme In Wall i-treel.
K«th American Indians always treat ■
of 47.2 per cent . This wm due to tbe
“ ’What’s
yonr namer says be.
It’s your
One of tbe most successful bruU-n ot
■ ■ gr«-al kiudurss the lusaiie
antlUriff atKntioa and the certainty
nc y^ go l>y .mt hi-re. bot
that day was asked to take it U|>. ami be.
tbe f-s-Ue niiuded. U-li.-ving that tiu-y yiKtr real nsi
e they know y.,a
, that prmectlon wu to be reduced by
after ccnudSerallou. agreed. TTie agrccwould be punisbed fur
by at homer
rnsth Ton Xtollan kero Rwr Ttaa
s that the stock was l-> be placed
Tbe allrer
so uul-..lunuusl.'. ll-iM-ral Strungjells
aa n-tinder Free Trade.
f controU'd by ibe bruker. Tlib
propaicanda bad not then become ao
how this Is-lief of the Indians euablcsl qun^. aod It »-as But the same by
Important factor in trade or poittica.
n>e Ameritan cow baa been feeling Block was to uqt 815 iwr
I’rofessor Hayden of the I'niled Hlaliw which In- was known by In tb.- w.-sl.
Whan tbe Oonnan-WOsoo Uw wu tbe effect of the good, tiroes and lias owners, anil th.- hniker was I-. bavc geOl-utic-al surrey to eM-a|w from a dan
wbaterer be cuuIJ gi-t above ihal figure,
gerous predicament.
finally paased. It be«an at once to en- come In for a share ot tbe praspnity and
leader, after writing d-Wa tlie nsine, ’so
DU quiatiuDB were lu i<e askid <w
4)nc day. afler liaviag filled bis saddlertcb BuroiK- and bnpororlab America. that now exlsta In every coraec of our ioquirirs mad-' as to wbat be was duiiig.
notify your f.dks that
aod poritets u-ith piece* <if various dead. Of cwursi- we won't say that we
Oar imports of cotpln competlnjt fm^. country.- Note tbe followliig flgum ot
“8o tbe game startid. sod presently sto
bang you for horse stealing, hut sill rail
Pits Roods, which bad been rallied at Uic total value of all oowa In tbe Dull ries began l-> fly aUun conn-mlug tte
it aecidental «r wmething like that,
88B.2fB.T8D In ten months
18G»4. ed Btates and the average vali
■took, nod they wen- verr roey st-irics as
“Fiabhed dot Story yft, Westyr
started in senr- h of tbem. Set-iug tome they sill nut f.-el eo l».l «rer your loss.
wbat the future of that lumicular
“Ntw: de rest’s oo de odder side, aa
rose to 8IO0J10O.731 In tbo ten montba cath, as shown by tbe department of
men on b-rw-baek and supp-ndng tbal Anything rise yon want to ray or w.«d
of MM-5 under tbe redoced datien. agriculture:
they wen- bU fri.-li.ls. be rude towaH y^want lo vend mil U- put down in this Tm Waitln fer de wind ter tara de paga
«.“-BoMeo Globe.
Total valw. Pwba
PorelRners were supplying goods which
them, but, to bis horror, discovered that
and your last wish,-, will U- attendL UN........
they were Indians.
bad been made at borne. American Jan t. UN.....
I to as far a- poasiblc. Now. what hare
one of tbo storks tiui oeeupinl the atleoKnowing (bat h.- was in Ibe country of yoti got lo aayr
factorlea were dosed. American wage Jia. 1.
Uoa.of btukers and custoiw-rs alike. Tbe
“What bat lu-eome.” asked tbe oorehostlk-B. he lunx-d bis borso and atlempteamors were In Idleneu and want -On
“The man l•HggMi aod pleaded to be let skmal gnest. “of the prvtty lilatA eyed
treasurer ot tbe roinpany. wh- Lad
But hi* Baaaivbags and go. nuking all sorts -f prumis.-s. the lead
. the evening of Jan. 12. I8M. after tbe
ZOOO shares in the |iool. om- day, «
girl who used to wait at that Uble erer
all his p-ekels w.-re full to -verfiowiug. er in the meaiitime writing down all the
in (he
derdand admlnlstraUon bad been ten
n o the slock was selling at IW, rusliid .
as was aleo ihe till box eunlBlnlng bogs facts b.- want.-d for hi. final re|..rL
the broker’s oOlee and. aCicr esciiedly
months in power, a great man meeting
' “IVhat pntly bhrit eyed glrtr Mffidand Insects Which huug at his side- Thus
Cows on the American fnm
•• ’Drire on.’ b.- ui.l brielly to Hie
ly imiuiri-a the
wooiAi wttb tbe
In Cooper Unkm. New York, dedared worth only from 831-77 to 823.10 each pressing bis Is lieflbal tb-- stock a a.-t ..
>ped he made but poor headway. at the lines, atid.th.- burse thief
ing lo nu. ElBled that be had just pur
•aoh noer aod prominent cblo.
Tbe Indians soon overlook biL.______
swung from the wagon aeat am] b.-ld up
under the Democratk ndmlnbtraUOn
“1 r 1 ren.omb.v rigiily. she bad a UtUo
qentage of the working people____ of Frealdent Clereland. Dem milk _ chased l.tM) shares.
sign language nr-iered him to dismouot.
by tin- rope arokind liU nivk. ,
'Now. chi' tressurer knvs' leo tiOkes as
bit of ivmule~iin orar ebifk."
■wlou lodiistrke In thU country are bought when our faeiorks were cioaed. moeb ubout the iDtritu-ic value of tbe
Tht-y pnin-vd.-d nt nuei- to make an
“Tbcn the wason was .lrir|-ii around,
■•Ob, lhakirirl with tb.- Uoteh oa her
lapM-tion -Jf bis postMwsioDs.
He bad and ih.- aeniud lu.., sns i>4t iu,
toddy oat of employment- and •Var- Dot busy factorica moan money to stock and tbe inside «i>rkiogs uf Ibe cumfare; ................................
• liinh and iImnesUy pcoteated" against tbe disas qtend and more mUk for tbe famUy; no pany as the bivk.T did. and the liroki-r nothing with wlii.-b t» d<-fend biruselt. when be wss un.li-r
Chicago Tril-une.
trous purpose of the Democratic tariff tbe fartnets' cowa are worth more m>. knew that it lud little -r n-> value at ail. bia .-utfit Is-lng a p-eki-tkiiife, baluni.v. fixed tbe li-od.-r l-wt .-ut bis book and
chisel nnd wnteli. Tlies.- Ilu-y l-K.k and pencil end aski-d faiUi (be usnni questions,
Kladly Hewe.
der tbe protecUon of Uw Dinglcy tar- Yet the trcBBurer. earriisl awny by the thou begun In idunge their bands Into Lis winding up wilb. W.iw. abat have y-m
“nniat a fiue rotuplexi.n Mta Haare^ Xor «-ere wage uraers tbe only anf- Iff. whlrti.glvea tbe borne market to tbe rumors wbkb' be himiait hnd utdeced poi-kels. bringing tU-m ..ul fiUed with
wred has." said Mr. Beechwood to Miaa
ferrra Tbe farmers, too. were hsrdi borne worker. A dlffercmce of 810 lo started and wbkh be himsoK knew were tbe rock sixs-imens.
"II.- InIJ surtt a pitiful story nf wito
untrue, fooled binnu-lr and had aetaally
' hit by tbe "isrtff reform"
tbe vslov of eacli cow. between free botight tbe stock si an al*surd figure.'
“ I'ui iK> glad you like iL“ ehlrraped
pnek.-is. iKiueb and sn.l-llebags were all .-onpany tlut tl»- eruw-l Is-gau to weakBecatme of reteced emptoyment there trade and protection tlmea. It an “ob
“The broker rixHigiit it over, and then
Mira Nunbside. “It’s a Btor campIrxtoB
t. The leader el>i--.-d hi. nut.-hunk « ith
ptiuo of tbdr ject leeeon“ for tbe fsrmer.-Nocsrich be did two Ibiugs. i'lrst be laughed, and -emptl.-d. A- (hi- |>lle ->f Ktou<-s iueresred
>ist l-P—glil nut by a ileaerriac druggist
upon ibe ground l-e-.i-Ie him the Indiaux
ptodurtm. Oo'
fuap. -Driv.- ..a I’ in- commanded, and
then be went out and pulled (he string.
(Connj BdlleUn.
f niy aeqnaintanre. sad I do b-qie U
bnrvl into |..ud laugiiKv.
FiunUy they tbv next instant the pris-iaer was swing
that the fanners lost In tbe sbraokra
Tbe stork, atier a stump wliieli ultiniatiin Is-rom,- pupular."-:i1ttabtirx Chraob
opeiie.1 ’the tin box. and wh- n Ibi-y saw ing and (be s-agnn moved apiund fur lit
ralnea of tbdr.erops daring this Demly laml<d it at Ik then i-asis-d inti> tbe
Bolhiag In ihM but bugs sml oth-v In- third aud last load.
oerstk tariff for revenue period “eonthey quickly clos.-.! it. and. lo-king
There b now only one firm, conaltt- ^ods of a receiver and has never dune
•Tbis <-bap was an agiy. lilH- sawed
aldcwWy mote tbas 8t000.000.000 a eet gold Democratic acnator-Mr. Caf- snythiog oincc. The uvasurer lost more
je nnothiT and lh--n very .-i-eM-Iy at off cuss, with a face like ir-n. and lie
on tbe lAWO shares he purvhased than be Pruf--*s(ir llnydi-n. they (oii.-fae-l their
“Wbat are tbe»r Uoxers?” inquired the
year." or In all, •more ibao. twice tbe fery of '
bad watched Ibe entire proct-vsliogs with
made oa the 2.10) be pul iu tb.- pooL
atuoant of tbe utlonal debt a
foreheads and made the sign iignifylng out turning a bair. He si.-pp.-d
Democratk party In tbe wnale will be and yet there ar»- Chow- wlio wW say craiy.
dou of tbe par of tbe n-beUlon.'
place and took bU seal lit.- a suldier
abwintely nnanlmoua for free aUver.
•lluagrv Joe’ wasn’t right when he
O'* VSS-U"*Uft
Then they-grre bnek all his things, facing a f-.rt. allbough bis arms and legs — .n, ua.w.aj.j
It was so Ironical fact that this for Senator Cattrrys term eiplrea _ created the epitfratn that Iberr was 'a
“WHI, lUy pr-ornl iiuprvssioD is
reo (ilckitig up (be specimens and re were tied, an-1 be e->ald nnt m-vc m-ith
•nartffyor rerenne only" not only par Mirefa S next and It k already on tbe sucker boro every tnioutr.’ ’•—New York
that they are s-fiK-tJiiug lik<- wbat (be
placing tb<-ni .-arefully in his pnclcet< much grac. Th<- leader, as s.-ll a*
alysed tnde and Industry, bat failed Blgte that be b to be dtstdaceiLby Oor- Tribone.
pooeb nnd saddlel-ags. and in the rjgn rest of ns, was more ..r leas m.ived with
to prodoce trvenue. It •nmpoverlabed «*«■ Foater. a Bryan Democrat The
WUr lie DMat f^lL
admiration tor bis ni-rve. an-i wh.-n tbe
tbe treasury." The nercUnd admlnls- •ame procfui of mercaem proecriptkm
-Youth’s Companliin. •
A gay and festive youth who is em
old man took nut lii* nntflxwk and iipneil
RaekaeyeU. ■>•( ftafe.
tratloD wu compi-lled to borrow dior- U now going on wbkb a few years ago ployed BS a rierk in the reutuylvauia
he was quite pK-esanl in bis mann<-r.
New Han.l - ll-w shall I get ap tbeaw
moos sanu of mooey In n Hme of pro drove Ufeloog protectionist Demociata railroad office had occasion to gu down
*4 by E
’• ‘U'-II. Shirty.’ b.- said. addr.-sslng
Ul-fary eviti--isiii»3
found peace to keep tbe treunry re Uke tbe Bon. T. Jeffereon OooUdge out to iVilmington. l>ei_ one evening, aod
While Jsines TVhiteutab Uiley and Bill him familiarly. *wbat have
Maeaxine l5lit-r—Well, jost say that’
serve' Intact and to meet currat es- of tbe DenmcraUc party Into tbe Be- whfie there be met a giri who irapressed Nye wire irav.-Ung top-tb.-r ih.-y fouad
“ ’Drive on!’ said tbe prisoner as calm all th- iir-n wriiiTH are hnltaUnx Badhim as U-iag worthy of culUvaUoo. Ue tbcffiselres r.-gist<-red at a reiuutry inn.
penaes of tbe goTemm«t
yi.nl Ki|-l.>.g aud that all tbe l^omea
pohUcan. When tbe Detnocrecy baa
That Is one side of tbe picture. _ _ rid ttarif of all Its mediben wbo b«- asked if be might caU and was assured ami lo the adjoiuing room. a.'|iarai<sl ly as Jf he bod charge of tin- fooi-ral. and »riii-r» reuiiud JOB uf George Bloc—
was s-> startling thit (be whole
stor CsUlager. in bis speech, bu ef- Ikve In tbe gold standnifi nad tbe pro that be .would be wHcurae. “I lire in only by a thin ptnitton. were s nsi-nlly tbe effect
lu-lian.vis-lis Frees.
:d broke into appi
New CasUe," sbe said.
feetlrdy shown tbe sodden and slgnUl- tective tariff, ^ere wifi be very Uttle
a suy of proctssjlQgs.
“Bnt wbere U New CastleT’ be In' eant change trhkb came over tbe coun left to eotemeud It to tbe tnialnM la- aisied.
go.d hard Dcrve wihning agaiasl lug
tbe IVtroit J-mmal.
T7..try with the Repnbllrsn
“Oh. anybody can direct yon." she re railing at 'the man in waspish tones, and odd*. an<l the prisoner was l-ild he might
He didn’t
180a WhUc congress. In extra aesslon.
“We lire in a great Mg stone tbe husUnd was gruffly replying wbeo- ^ve a ehan.v for his life.
“.kn oi-l fi-llow wbo wears a
break down. then. «ith-r. bur' said he
★u preparing to rerlse. tbe tariff on
Te Uelp Bavlasd.
.-iutb Frine* Albert, chews tobaei
He was forced to be satisfied with thaL mad clear through.
Finally' tbe wlfe woald do nothing or say ooihing until
protective lluca a great tide of uxmey
It tbe filing of tbe reports In fsvor
says -drmme’ when be waata to m
bqgan once more to flow Into tbe banka of tbe shipping bia daring tbe sesatou
—Chirago Timet Hrreld.
hia arms and legs, and u. s-.-u had bitn
Caatie. and when bt inquired where the ID ber eyes:
Tin Sept SO. 1802, Individual deposits of cougrem Just dosed baa accomyoDBg womau lired the big jail was
“Yen told me yoa
you were well off before loQoe. nicn be told u* that if «c- would
la tbe banka of tbe country stood at a pUabed nothing eke. It baa at least polsted -out to him. •That’s whet* she we“You
The Wealthy ttoC.
let him have any'old plug of a horw- aad
:cre marri.-dr
“Do yoo see that dog?"
total of 81.7<&.«22JK3.' In October. 1808. boried for sB time tbf so called *Tree Urea." said one of tbe town boys. “Her
knnra* Stan I...
b-- re....1.ln-r
w-ml-ln’l ask
“By ,J<
.. -I was.’’
- .
yelled the bosbaml. fen hours’
with “tariff refociu" Impending, they mhlp" propooltka.' wlilcfa. on examina father’s one ot tbe jailers." The young “but I didn’t
’> know (>'*■
oddh ot anybody. H-g-t lbe
bad faUen to 81.451.124.S2U. In lie. tion. b found to be a measure for tbo maa teek (he next train baek.^rhUadribe got tbe surt. and be got out of the
“He’s worth 850.000."
country quick, and we never heard of
cember. 1897. tbeae depnalta bad gone promatku ot BrtttA sUpbuDOlng.
“G-md xracioas! How did he a*re the
“Well, my daushter,’’ said the mao him again. Cut I have always tbougfat we
ap again to 8L910.«ao^52. Aeflectlng
with tbe round face, “has married a boy let tbo worn one. of (b- gtnr get away mooey ?*-tJfe.
e Incrcaaed confidence ai_____
and ImptoTed
X*t oa_______
simply because we
such a high i«wbo.
ufnlng capacity of-tbe American pen________ _
There wm be DO campaign -kme.- give tbe pretiiluin ot unquaUfied admlrafVd for oerve,"-Now York Sub.
“Bo Clara refused G.-urge Iweassr ba
ID tbe «Nae ta which that weed k gts- tioa to a mcTcbaDt
____ _____
in a_______
small _____
sooth alkrigtiL'
A. iM hit was an undyiax lowT’
Tbe year 1S8 was tbe year of tta eraUy accepted, on tbe sblpplag quea- of Fargo. The “town" roaaists of a rsilTecatraeat That PalleU.
“I'm glad
"Yet. abe said sbv prefers to think Ae
war with Spain, bnt Dun’s review. tku during tbe cooing campaign. Tbe raad autioo. two rerideaces and two replied, “T.
“You have bes-n sufT.-ring from ricepmay
•BBem." uid the pbysirian.
Amerieaa people are unanimous In be •tono, both of tbe last meationed oae ryr
PhUadelphIa KuHetia.
story bolldiac* of about 20 by 40 feeL
“You hit it tbe first (lm& d«c.“ oaid
ttolmed H “s year beyaiM parallel.' half of - “A yomiB fellow turned Bca“-Cblca<toe of the merebsats adrertiara oa a
tbe worried lonklDg patient^
with “tbe btggeet volume of builniu
a k pkdged tn enact H at ^ ihc*t Isrge aiga la front of tbe baihUBc. “Gea- ffo Timcs-Ueratd.
Aa Heir te I
“I don't want to give yoo twy reda•Tee seen.- Tbe '
“toe. you don’t rare to tato any lutor•rail'
* - .
•raT Merchandise ot
Every "
tlvre If 1 ren avoid It. nrre U a plu
c snatber bidustrial
e« in tbe races."
Bis eempeUtor goes him oar betler. Hit
“Doa’t Worry too much ’hoot appear- tfcat works weil aomriim.-s: JoN try to
Wbtob De Tea Peeimt
“B’elL la other yean, rod are. Fve IxkceoBua. This showed, u compared wltb
Bccs.“ said Dnclc Ebee. “De patcut
B too much Uiteieri in thc«.*-CMfBff*
tbe Ocn&an-TVlUu era of UOfi, an Into streofftbea and up- wril be enriona.-Cor. Baeton Trsaaiyipt- leatiicr in yah sbeea looks fine, but it
•ereau of aoifio per cent la nomber ef
sfat' gwiater keep yob feet Tam bartliL”
bands employed and of B4X0 per emit baud tbe Amecku imry.
“Huh! It ii the other frilow
JBM fUalAtak.
SM a Ptal* CMk.
IB wara.
boalnuB of tbe New entk party bMjM as
Ht la wortyiag ate. I tat a roc_______
-Too ought to hare yoor briltefl
Turk during
The malignity that uever forgets' or tbatCDom bke a bussrew gifliic throaxb fund against fire."
pare SB Nstbetie. bygieBlc repast."
fluviTcs b fuand only la bate and iguoUe
W.IW0|,1I4B.8S2 lo JnnuBiT. 1807, to fifi.Tea. sod ibep very Itkdy
“Do wbat?
yea fl<
float want I
Mtorea. wbora aims are trifilh and whooe
snmldat bora at long to I Bre!"—H«
a0O.T47.TT8 in January, 1800.
I. msdatn, Yoa___ __
rsae Sttvae aa« PeM-aaew.
ra are indiraet, cowardly oad treacbWrit.
Btoutor Oaninger boa done a great
'NlBL“-IafliaBapn{is Jtx
A vote for a Democratk riwriw
pabUc serrkc by preparing hk maater
--------------- I B rote te tree tmds. fnw
ly snuy of fbets and figuMA coutraab BOUP. treetotrer. tree bccBd. fMs prer-.
toff tbme two periods of tariff (Or ccT■mm uuto AM tutff flar rorms •••
Few people are able to ...
they are told that It tokes a
■ -
“TaN” amrered tbe bhm6r reaffli
“Aad' tkata what H
“Well, anyway, a
“Na, mat alwnya.
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