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The Morning Record, April 25, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
flAOAiflAB Clabv OABAOt bo OUppod
Boon 0tm la FomomIob of
BloomfoatoiB Wotorwor]
BnbMt<f VbcM OmUam m Mm
W«p«ut-BrttMi Opm-
XiM SzWaAIwc » BMum «(ama17 MUM 1—T Mm AmpU OpTortBBttj to Xo*o Hoithwue.
■pwW w
Bor aurkoc
Ar«iAl MtA*
Tbrooto, April :4—1%# eoart of appmiM raro iaigmml todaj. dbaMar
with ooBla Ua Balt of thAlaabonaoa
of Mlchlfaa who ban for a paar boea
Irpiar In the eoartn to lavaUdato the
proriarianaw raqalH^ all Inabor eat
to bA awn In Ikb ooantrr
itrp and all aappUab for lABhnr raapB to bA patebnaad
Hofmuc BMOrt.
Apdl ts-0«ftml BoiNrti'
disVMcb to tbo wv oOoo toU*
All Um HAAOtlAtl al pHAAOt . _
of tbA Brittab opontteet, aImIa* to
Mmi u4 iMMiblp OAptun tbo Boat
IB tbe AOBtbAAAtora part of
tbo OranfA VroB StatA. Oorrni
dontB raUU tbt moraaMU at muA
loctb but dmlopBABta are not pot
HRMonUp AdMnoAd to aaba roporta
worth tranAWlttlBC la datall. It la
elaar that the oparatldnA ara on a
great aeale. The amp la being daploped on a long front Aslendlng from
Karea aiding u> Wepanar. a dUtanea of
70 mtlAi- Fighting, however, baa baen
^UeallpcooflBadto long rabga
tUlerp and plekal firing.
' AoBordlngtotbelataati raporu the
BoaraatUl have ample room Ui which
to more northward.
Ua aalnra of the wagon bridge apae«i»g the Modder rivar at Krana Kraal,
if thap an aleet and Join toraaa with
thaw at Brandfort and Kroonatad. as
thap appaar to bold aironglp all the
Mntip from Banaae poet to HaaBloInnd. iMlndlng Ihaba Heba and
I tha onlp damage
Anno bp thr-Boan at the '
U tha tomoval of tbo aUdlag valvea
■ tha pemplag aaglnaa
DaWat Bull Bolda Wator Worba.
LoodOB.AprU at—Tha roport of PolofMraw'a oocapatloB of tha B1
mtor worb* U not eonfirmad.
aagahMbaan roMivad from Laolow
Sop. dated pAAtardap. atatlng that DeWat la atm boldlnf them with a atrong
feraa. Oanaral Brahant'a fore* after
ontflanklng tha Boara at Bnshi
Ko^U now reported wtthln eight mllaa
of Wapaner. which haa now praeUaallp
bean raiiavad. Dalgattp'a garriaon waa
terdlp moleatad Mondap.
Bnnd'.a'B f<?eo oeen^iaa tha
alUon near Dewetadorp. Tha Boar
g«n»kapt«pan intomUtant fire on
hU eommand all dap Moodap.
CUM Town. April 2«-In eommaating
. on the trial of the BnnnpaMe - rebalt,
the Oaeland. of Dnteb origin, daeiarei
that while thap ware oondamnod. Uep
wfta anJnaUp triad. It protMtt agalnat
the rafnaai of tha eonrtto allow a poetpoeameat or aehaagaof venue and
dMoribm Ua oondamnad nun na tamba
lad to tha alnngbtor. Lord BobarU
proUbltad Ua einaUtiOB of the Oaaland in Ua dlatriata wbara martial law
Ontario ZtetneUoA 1
Mm or (
for ITAlUad Oanal Ontracoatwelel te The Kenuag neoM«
Tbronto. April 14—Tba ehlaf of Ua
Ontario grTeramaot detective lorea.
John Mnrrap. who hae ratarned from
a Urae dapT inrmtlgifUoB of Ua dpnamile oatrage at Ue Welland oannK
givea it at hip eandld opinion that
neither Boon nor pMlnn* had anpUlng
to do wiu Ue dumsp attempt, bnt
that It wUI tnm out to be a
attempt bp eapltalieu or laboring med'
to frighten.ihlpoara Into oBlng anoUer
canal route tor Ue grain traffic.
Loci 883 In TbiM Oapa' FighUog at
Batoeo--Waa Disaetroua to
l»pnlAl u
HeniAc ittrut*.
Waahlngtoa. April A4->A diapntch to
a^e: “Manila. April t4->Barlp on tha
morning of Ua ?U, aavaral hnndrad
Ttgalet and VUapana attack^ a bat
talion of Ue PortteU Infantry'at Oagapaa. on Ue norU nonet of MUdanno;
onr oaanaltlae were two kUled. 11
woonded. The eBempb loaa. »3 klUed.
11 wonnded and onptnreb In Ue dtp,
bmidm oUar loanee enffarad on Ue re
Both lOohigsB Sonaiorg Vot.
•d Agmintt SMtinv Him
d bpOMVoU
p la Oredited to
Benntor Bapnn-TblrUnn BapatoU-
would be ao cloas. owing to Ue abaenee
ofaeveral Bepabllean aenaton favor
able to Qoap, that be dedded to caat
bU wlU Ue oppoalUon and defeat gasp.
Be wae about atartleg to Ohio and
prised hit Republican eoUeagnea bp
asking to pair agalnat gup. Be waa
paired wlU Oepew bp wire and
change of two voice defuted Ue Penn
Bceb U Ue etorp Uld bp % Penupl
vaala Bapcblloan u to how Quay haa
mat hie Waterloo in Ue United Btatea
Ula attemonn.
gnap waa'dnfMt^p one vote. Tha
ballot stood » against. 3! for. on boU
roll ulla The ehange of Banna from
a anpportar to an opponant changed
UaaonTaandQaap wudafeatad.
Demoerata voted wlU the Bepuhl
Infavorof Quap and 13 Bapubllcau
voted against hli
Tha Bapnblieana who voted agnlnat
gup ware Bard. Cbltfomla: Barrows.
Mtehlgaa: Bale. Maine; Hawlep. Oonnecticut; McBride, Oregon: McCnmber.
BorU Dakol^ McMUlan. Michigan
Platt. Connetidat; Proctor. Vetapn'
Wlacouin: turn. Vermont;
Bimoa, Oragon; Wallhigton. Marpland.
The Democrau who voted wiU Ue
Daniel, Virginia
MeLauria, South Oarollna: Morgan.
Alabama: SatUvan. Miulnippi: ‘Tallafarro. Florida, and Slewui iSilven
We Bell tbe kinds that
Good Every
Boy’s ahoes, made of Satemnnder Ittatber — tbfj are
waterproof, wear wall and
always look good — $1.25
and $1.50.
Little Gents' shwe, shaped
. juet like big meo’s, -Boi
calf, Wiliaol calf, bWk and
tan vici uppers, outside
Ixick stays, nickel books
and eya1ets-$1.25.
Boy's salib and veal calf shoes
— i-xceptioiml values for
■ tbe price—$1.00.
NoliirttBtBcligr Co., Proprietors
Stores at Big Rapids and Traverse City.
New Revoraihle FtiQr-Iii-Hand Tios .50c.
Just tflance at our window 4«very tim>- you i)aas.
Of every deecrlpUoo—aU colon snd oskee—naderwear Ust does not ellag Uke n •‘porx>_ __________
hang Ilka u ''elephaat'a tkiD’'-underwMr Uni file
perfaet-85. ». 7St. ii.eo. pi.gs to »».oo. Not s link
miming In Ue ehala of nnderwear nasortmMt and
Ua low selling prlem for raeta pmfoet goods bring
S. Benda & Go.
'■Bike'' Suite. Caps. Belts.
HY . I
Where you can get the best value for your money
—'i ou're entitled to do that—We respectfully call yonr
attention to the showing of
Wc are now olTering—prices are S'l-OO, $5.00. $0.00, $7.50.
$10.00, $12.OC*. $13.50, $15.00 and $1^.00—and we believe
them very strong values.
TOio Is on Ige oCHyrrrPcop'c urc npi uoot«n: wiU the
tlow-go»;cg methods of their grundUthen dsp*.
When Uej- went sapthieg, Uey
t It at once, sad U
Ue telephone U
opt at heed tor Ue a
It takes but s word, sod
ISM t'
of Single Pants
order s 'phone today.'
auKiucas ixa'iuK-
2ru-:::v.v.v:;: ? I
■Uvala will Aak Ua Country to Pwaiah Ua Money
apwial U' The Horalax BeeoM.
^bbell and Sngdan; Hutinga and
Madrid. April 14 - Benor Bllvala.
pruldrnt of tbe oounell and ministar
of marine. Intends to uk Ue country
to make a great financial aacrlBca wlU ^^bu^Oond.ng:Spark.and Mina.
Ue view of eoutrueUng a new navy.
3 1C
Damman and Beldo: Baker and
.......... ;
4 u
s 7
Uutoa and Shaw: Hart and Spur.
Salr to a MUlloa.
•t. VwtiM Woman Oatt a Portaaa
Prom Hnogarp.
epwlal te ne Moreioc Iterord.
. Lonii. Mo.. April 24-Bp Ua
duUofaa uncle In Boagarp. Mra
AnnieBtclnof UU cltp, hu fallen
heir to •I.MO.OCKI. TogaUer wtU bar
hnshaad. Mareue 8wla. and ehUdraa,
Mra. Stein vrill call to taka poaaualoa
of her lobaritaou, 84.000 haring bau
aut to defray Uaazpanau of Ua trip
to Europe.
apMW to Tht Munuac kMava
8k UonlB. April »4 — Admiral Oawap
lUba praaaated wiU a
tel bp Ua riUsaaa of 8k LoMa
on hU vlalt to Ula eltp Map 3. la ^
abniNofamamoUnilvar pnneb bowl
lined WlU gold, outing 83.000.
^ Mvari i^M. IteM
•6 valaa fu fAM at Ua New '
an made tram Ipn* Jalau.
Soda PoantalB.
“OnlM Made" raffWiing
Buy';Your Spring Suit
ir; TiMr'"/'
> snd
one call msp be worU msap months'
TbanoblU -Intel.
Bandreds. and
da/ nlghv Tb^ former champion U la
fine (ooadlUoa nod bt^ea to defeat
Dunkbonl handllp.
Paaaad Away at 11 O'clock lAat Might
After Painful Ilincaa.
Mlm Amelia Oaitlek. daughter of Ue
Uta AaUoap Oreitlek, died at II
clock Inat night after a uvare illacM of
apiul meoaagllia. Oaeenaad was
peart of age. She wu highly aataamed
Baprd of Pobllc Worfea Save Made a boU la this dtp nnd rielnltp and In
OraUlckviUe. where Ue family have ra' Ooed Btart on DlelaiOB BUeaL
aided many paaia.
Tbe board of pnblle work* have made
a Marl on Ue blepeia paU ImprovalUmoia Middle of Ue Baadara.
■ant'aiid Ua trial haa gained good apvcJsi ta The Heralwr RMord.
baadwapon Ua waat aide of DivUlon
Bpringftald. 111.—Tbe Middle of Ua
atraai. between Pront and Baemd Bead Popallau bald their eonvMtlon
atraati Tbw far the effort peomlaaa today, and aomlaaiod a alata ticket.
iBnrni A paU aboot four feat wide Thap aelaetad dalagatae to Ua national
baa bAM made bp removing Ue eod. oonvantioa U Onolanati. Map s.
nin«g u wlU clap and rolling and
Oan Fiji avtl Poaltioaa.
rcwndlng np in good ehape, leaving a
hard, amooU tnrfaee. Tbe raanlt of ajweUliaTulluasiavKaroaii.
WaUtagton, April t4-Thi 1
Ula will be watched wiU UUraet and
good Ulaga nra aura to bo Ue rannlL
Un FbtakarJolat p
to aMbla army oMaara to fill otvU i
Mnppp Mlk Bnpida Wadding.
tioMta Porto Eieo nntU AngMt 1.
-Banry Shoratt of Travaraa Cltp and
Mhw Arrilla Oolaman of Elk Baplda,
Prank BnsUad for BtaarM.
ware married at Ua OaUoUe ebareb at
Prank Priadrteh has not forgottu
Blk Baplda MoiMap. Mr. and Mra An
hU dd time poUtloal aaargp. Bto
ton Tbntl. Mr. and Mia. John Umlor
fonnar axperiaaea hnsUlag for Vt^rm
and Mr. Bheratt. taUar of tha gitmm.
In atm trank In Ua mamotp and yuatmdrove over from Ula eitp to atUnd Ua
daphadU a good dulof mMomarp
wnddlagwalk for Blaaraa amoag tha dalagatH
SsrpfiMiag OoffH—IdtU* Tarm to Ua eeatp eoavantloa.
We ha\-e just received ie onr barnar some sets
of jTablemnre from the celebrated Wedgewood potteries--«8tab]iBbed ia England over two centuric*
ago. We] invite the public to examine them and
get prices.
Popular Shoe Hoi
1 and PalU:
City Book Store Bazaar Department
apMAl w The Mscaiaa BmotO.
Waahlogtea, AprO M—Bcpator Ban
ns haa tha madit tor dataatlttg Sanatcr
Qoap and of evening up nn old aaore in
poLtloa Laat faU whM Banator Ban
na waa making a heroic fight Ulearrp
Ohio he aant to <laapb trUada In Panaplvanla for finanelal help and failed \o
get U. ‘The ~
imittee could not;p*^e Uamonap
Banna daalrad for naa^nOI
Ohio and ha
^ tha fallnra.
Beoator Banna had not bMo cordial
toward gcap alBea bnt baa not baen
openlp boatila nnUl wlUln Ue last few
Third Yeir-No. 927
R^t iB life faj
iog hia
Damoeratt Phvnrad Blm-Tba Tote
I and Dankhorst WIU
Pgbt Monday.
to The Meraiss Beeoid.
New York. April *4—Bob PlUtlmmona and
Dankhorat each pentad
Your Boy
caaa Toted Agalnat tnatlng nad Biz
rad natlvea. Inflaeneed bp Agnlnaldob
bishop Aglins. attaekad bla troopa at
aavaral polnla. wbleh In tun had baen
attacked. Tbe loa. In tbe attack at
Batooo on Ue 17U Inal wae 100 kUlad
nnd dnrlng Ue entire figbUng from
1.'>U to irU, tli killed. Onr loaaee,
killed, four wounded. Oeneral Yoniig
bad tdentp of Uoope and will have
little fnrlher difficulty.
oUer Luioc polnU improving, local
I and InbabllanU of Uwna
Taatardap'a Bau Bail Soorta.
are giving intormallon and rendering
. Troope are now taking SpMMJ IV TM Horalaf
NATIXNAl. Utai.l Kof Ue Interlora of tbe email
Cbargaa l>mocraw WIU Bad PaiU
and will Pifht Pualoo.
ap»fpl wTbr Momlar
WlehlU. April 24-Ona thoamnd
tfcvnw B>wut.ou
‘in^'~r uemocTBia
OemoeraU oi
of Ki
Ua asnnal baoqnst of Ue Bun Plowar
elnb bald bare tonight. Wm. J. Brpan
wmUegQaatof honor. OUer Demo
crat oratom frxiB Ua aa»t were alto In
SB-Oongreanaian Simpaoa
U aald to have withdrawn from Ue
raoetorl'niud Btatm aaaator, claimlagUe Democrau have not treated
him favorablp. He waa not invited to
Ue banquet tonight. notwlUiuading
Ue fact that he announced hU wUlingnmn to aupport the DemocraUe nom*
Ueee in Ua BlxU ud Bevacth ooagraaalonal dlitrIcU. Tfaie made him
Mgrp. and now be propoaae to fight
Bg^aBt fuUon.
-This oewBuu
AMason’Hn uiBBuincture—mao
t\m f Ka fftmnna
tbe famoM Sweet, Orr ___J
and l>
wald A Weil Companiee—no better
ujiujuiBvhurenf oo
on llie
the Am<
Gooda oj
of BCieCk
select mitit»rimi«—
ils(many are private patterns)- tut.
shaped ami finished aa yonr tailor
would to your apecial meaaurv.
We Guarantee
a Perfect Fit
Pants from .5v to $.'i.5f»—in all
etyles and coloriDifs. in stripes and
I'hecks m cassimere and fancy womletlj and black clnye.
Our panto departm.-nl is poeitively the largest in northern Miebisan.
.We have j'nst opened onr aoiia
fountain to th-- public for this
Jhe Boston Store..
B^aaon’atrsde. Ewrj'tbinK is
freab. clean and neat. E^g
drinka, pboaphates and delic
ious ice cream eoda, all np-todate and properly served—aU
fresh davoia made from pare
fresh fruit joices, at
Wait’s Drug Store “MONOGRAM”
KEEP KOOL! Krrooge for your SHOES.
in adva^^CT wtU^
BoU'phoaea No. 114. 410 W. Front Sk
John R. Santo,
Tmvene Oltj
We have the exclnsiye sate of these shoes in
this city. You’ll not be troubled with jour
feet if yon wear a pair of “Mpnogram*’ shoes,
for they fit the feet perfectly. All the latest
atyla in welt and hand ten^'^les, black
and tao—the price is $3.50.
McNamara Block
■ <i
ns Moumra bxookd.
of AAAia A. Oibhe re Moeciey Bra
in CiraU Ooori.
«UTB«s arr
X W. &4xna. Mitor u«
nm comssoM
AppotBtMd XiBMt Vlckt
Sh emtlM ttee of the eirealt oeort
lUyor HamlltOB.
wMbeteep yeoterdoy with tbeoaoe
o( AAdie A. Oibbe of Moydakl. <m
ly Confirmed
HoMioj Broa of erond Bnplda AJaiy
I te Oonetet of Ban.
woeeaenrod and the ploinUre wit
thowhaot oU
W. MUlknn. S. P. Vilholis'.-B. A.
nt the jilninttm teattmoay In yet inralffbnB, OtercMe L. ersUfU and
Tbe eoee in on
M. HnmUn-Othar Bnalnra Trans
trra the lortloe eoart at Klnyoley.
ineelra a qeanUtT of potatoee cold by
acted by the Oenncil.
Dm plolnUff lotbo oefendantt. who
Tbe final atop in the
oturword. meoUeyed.ief need to take
themonaaeoantefafaU In tkemarket. for Ue eostrol of lbs eity water work*
^oat were mode by Ue eonnell test
eveniay. and Ue water
d by Mayor BamUloa. and
by tbe oosnetL
Ooanty wiU Bold on* Hon .B/tbetermeof Ue
ibercf tben
ThiA Siuinor.
from each ward, ooe
for five
pear*. onoUerfer foar. anoiber
IneiUtloa Bxtonded at XeeUey In three, another for two and another lor
OfM# Ohifcb Xmet Mlybt-Frefltn one. Boo. J. W. MlUlken sroe ebc&en
from Ue first word, to serve for a term
bit Popmn and Anteetnd D
of five ysnro. B. P. Wilhelm wee ap
by AnnAny School Worker*
pointed from Ue Ulrd word to eerve
Ofoee choreb wav 111 le 1 with Snnday fear, E. J. Pnlybom, from Ue fonrU,
aobool workere la«t etenlny. oa the oc - three yaore. & L. (Aremeb-fco^the esc.onolon of the conrentlan of the Trer* end. will eerve •wd^yean and J. B.
«City Sonday School Atooelntion. Bnmlln of Uefiltif werd will be a
iberof Ue
a year.
oyram woe corriod ost.
The matter of Ue bond of Locis
tad etcpc tokeo for a rally la tble. city
Sledar, which was referred bock to Ue
dnrlny the enmmer.
The moetlny woe opened by derotlon committee on iieeneee by Ue'eonncli
ole by Eer. W- K. ^rlyhv Tbe cboir Monday evenloy. wai reported by the
terocod with dellybUnl mnelc.
^ oommlttee.'wlU the reco
Uat the bond be approved. Is UU re
Tbeoddrebeaf welcome woe yin
port Alderman Lvrdle of Ue commit-*
heortOy by the peetor of tbe chore
tec did not ooDcnr, and cuyyetted Uat
Be«. C T. Stool. Thle
tc in well choeen word* by Be«. Hoyb Ue action oe the matter be deferred
till Ue next mectiny of Ue eonnell.
On moUon of Alderman Uook. however,
wne tbe eob>eet of on oddreee by Ber. the report of Ue oommlltee was ac
W. T. Woodbonee. Be woe litteaad te cepted. and tbe bond-approved. Alder
with cloee nttentloo. oa b» uryed the men Uosttnys and Inrdle rotlny no.
A propoellion to move tbe llybt at
ImparUnee of a Uryer ose of
bible ns the text book la the Sonday Ue north end 9! Coes street brldye to
aebosl. lie adroeated tbe nee of aide Ue Interaeolioe of State and
totheitndyof the Iomoo. bot said ntreeu ws« brouyht np by Alderman
that Ue bible ahoold be the book In Montoyns. an^ferred to Ur commit
teeonltybte. to report at Ue next
tbe aeboel aeMlona.
Mr*. Dayton cany n deliybtfol eolo. mectiny of the eonnell.
The Amy bond of the Bennab A Ley
which woe yratly enjoyed.
■'Is 0:30 the Beet Boor at Which to Mercantile Oo. for fit,000, wiU B. P.
Hold Sonday School" woB tbe anbjeei Wilhelm and James J. Duia os tnrr.
dlscnsMd by Lari T. Pcnnlnyion. A ties, was approved.
Tbe oommittee on fire and water, to
lively dlaeoalon followed, participated
in by WIU Winanv (1. A. Holliday. B. whom wat referred Ue matter of Ue
W. Boetlnya and others. After tbe petlUon of (ieonre Wilklbs for the
of a boeee os Woshinyton
by Eev. C T. Siont. nnd poeend os fol etrat. nbont wbieh oomplelnt had
been mode on tbe yroand that it
Resolved. That the hoar for boldlny to be in front of Ue line of Ue other
Sonday ecbool be ehoafed from It o' boaeee, reported la favor of flfrmlttlny
clock to «:30 o'clock, prorided the con- Ue erMtlon of Ue honee, os U was to
It of all Uc sebooU In tbe city be be at least 8S feel from Ue 1st line,
and not more than a foot U front of
The matter of BvUy Day woo Intro- UebouesodjolDlny. The report was
doeed by C. B. Bites, preoldnnt of tbe adopted.
O. W. Ools WM yived- permlaaloa tor
Oeoaty Sonday School AsooeUtlon.
‘Thtt era diaensaed very freely. O. A. Us erection of a taonss on West Tenth
Holliday. Hon. J. W. MllUken. Bev. W. street at a east of 9TM.
Mayor Hamilton onnonnoed Ue pood
T. Woodbooee. B W. BosUny*. Emannal Wilhelm and Lowell Soars of Blk rood! oonvenUon Uat beyina today,
Eoplds. oU tekioy port io tbe dloona- speakioy of tbe ebanye in Ue piece of
olon. It was voted to extend an lo- meetlny from Ue eoart room te Uranye
len to be
vltntlOD to the exeenUve board of tbe hall, end arymy the
eonaty awocUtion, to hold tbe rally In preoenL
TbecoapcU adj»orned to meet next
thleeltyntsaehtlsMna they may de
cide npon.. and me the. asnsnneemeni Monday eveniny at.::f0.
bo^ already been mode that all that
Fe penal.
oeeded to briny tbe rally here was
Mr*. E. C. Alyer of Haekeyoa, is vtethe inv}uUoa. there le no dosbt it will
itiny nrr sister. Mr* lie* Eoyrt*. tSt
beheld here some Ume durlny- the
Tb« Facto Bioo Aek
Mow Ui»v th« Porto Bloaa «;«
bailor oBAoratood by
pMfto. Uo c«7 prop*- *%vti Ukoa by
jty worifcdiU bardI to adopt
«(to fora tb«
«bo fra tradepcdley.
I to compel the aba
IhoprotoetiTe prinelple. bet torlanately wUhont a»oU. Oar eufor. oor to
tera. oor fralv, oor eefetable aad
■rrlenUv*] iateraU cao rat
ittbatjiwt at aocw oe limey
r tbai Porto Bleoa prodaeto
I oor ourkoU witb onr own
, thM they will be f«Uy
The prlsdple to do tbU hoe
hwa latolaad. and ^t li the mala
•Moot for which the
We hare Irad the Porto
m from a i
It opoo elareiy. oad it raU with
lham to attain a tUndord that wUl
•mttae Uwm to Mjoy and opbold the
ftfbti ob4 prlrUeffae of the ooobUuttOB of the L'oltod BUtee. WhUe we
on wtUlay to help the Porto Bieane do
lUt, the prinelple of protection to onr
own Uhor and onr own farmen hot
hoB richttnlly ratolaed in eooh way
that it may beI applied when we eoa*
MeoMlderthe Phlllpdaoe with Iholr
■UUooa of low rAiti Ubarem, and
«dr pralMe otilUy to compete diced•■iAttaoaaly with onr coyor and to-
i- I
oa the water
, mode by Mayor
. aoBUtea Uat oWrbt. and eonOrmed by
the ODoaell, will meet' with renera)
The membern are all well
haownelUeeneln wbooe eoorre the
•OKpoyare will be eatiaded to leare the
irannim work to be done thte yra.
-The dntiee of the oommtMloa tbe fl'cl
wmt wlU beordoone. bat to the fen. may be left
Mfldenoa All M them
P. C. Bsoer bn yone on a beslasaa
bMlMmmtn of good Jodyment
Tbefollowlny offii
I elected
trip 10 Chleoyo.
wiUhoodU the detalla of tbe lor tbe ensolay year:
Pred Slliby, formerly city
with the
Preoideat-O. A. BbUlAny.
of tbe
is in the city for hla
Vice Pr««ldeav-r. M Polno.
eon that they exorelea In thdr own
mer vocation. Be baa spent tbe
Secteinry and Treosnrer—Miss Uertyesr at U^mrryency bospltel at Demde Sproyne.
I Oeoopy Monslny and
Aftemooa on Important BabjcOt.
Owiny to tbe foci that the clroolt
•oert U in Mea>oo tbe food reade oonweaUoo win not be brld in tbe eonrl
(oem. However. anranyemenU bhve
_________ ^e to bold tbe momlny eoMlon
tn Orosye nail, and oe Honnyei hutahery bee kindly offered the nee of hit
Opera bouae, the afternoon raalon will
be held there.
An Intoratlny proyram bat boes
pmpared nod' pepen of yrat intereel
will be read. Mayor Uomllton hoe Ineitad eereral well hi
oCar papers. ainoBy them belpy Lowell
Moors of Whitewater lowosbip. E O.
Loddof PsolMslo. JohnWbiteof Solon
and several olbsi* from this and odJntelny cobdUos. The prlnelpst adAraeas srill be mods by tbedlelln
•mkhed ooiside speakers. A. B. Palmer
«< Bolkoaks. Editor Eodysrs of -The
Boodmaker" and Clril Bnylneer Blom
nhWdof Bay Olt>.
PraticoIraadbnUdkay will be dte
araod In oil Its tateresUny phases and
there srili be mocb of interest to everynan. Tbe momlny asm Ion will beytn
•I n;M and the afternoon SMslm at
the bnslnra of Us atecl
M the United States has 1
tsed 100
pnr cent dnriayUa pest six or elybt
anmlha. TberoaoontorUspbeaomsMMlffivwU te toend inthelorreforelyn
MiSMd for Steel pradetm. Merer be
S«n have Uere bees M many and eeci
Insyn order* from Bempe ne have boei
ranlsed dsriay the pnat few rantha.
tana U
bn A. Loranyer went to Cold water
Mr. and Ur*. John T. Hesdle have
y»ne to Detroit.
Traverse Bay Tent No. I3fl held a
Frank L li-sby i« in Ue city, rep-rvery nleosaot box eoclol in Montsroe
boll lost evenloy. A ebon mnrical
proyram woi yiven which was much
eaj^ed. Carrosu. pedro apd other
fames were played.
were sernd is the form of box lenche*
which were sold at anetloo.
entirs tit society.
p WMSnnr DC isr tnc mr i«rK
Steinberg’s Grand
Ml*. Koni Dead.
Wednesday, May 2nd.
Edwin G. Jepson
Mro. Annie Kons. wife of Anton
Kona, died yesteeday afternoon at her
home In UorSeld township, at Ue aye
of 64 yeoro, of chronic liver tronble.
She was a well known Bohemian lady.
and Us wife of ooe of Ue most promi Pre»‘ute tt>e grvategl 6ucc»*aK.of
nent farmers of that section of Ue
the pri'HeDl acL-ade,
c»nniy. Poneral arronyamcntawill be
aanoosced Ister.
a which Is so plrntifal 00 Ue maty
mond by hotel and miaarant koepera
fipnada Uks Wildfire.
When thlBys ore "Ue beef they b«oome "Ue bnt eelllay" Abmaam
Bore, e Isodlay dmyyUt. of Belleville,
a. writei; "Bleetrtc Blttere ore tbe
beet eelUoy bitter* I have htndled in
M year* Toa know whyf Mott diiesace beyin In dmerdrre of ekuBoeb.
llvar. kidneys, bowrio. blood and
aerre* Bleetrie Blttere tenet np Ue
stemoeh. reyalatea liver, kidneys and
bowala. purifies Ue blood. sOreayUeas
the n^e* beaM carev mnltltadw of
It bauds ap tbs eatlrs
■yateas. Pats new Ilfs oad viyor late
aay yeak. stehly, raa-dowa moa or:
---------“ ■
-Bold by fi. B
->n. droyytete.
soTMkiv coo-utu. t.t«u
•aaUar 'Dorfant Bamte.- i^ieb will
spear at SMlabeer* May i.
B. W. Bnnnd retsraed ynsterdajfram
a barittOM trip to the aectbMro. William I. OeKay hoe yoaa'oa a
brief Tteit to Oraad Baphte.
Froak Ihompoea of Boyae City, bee
retnraodtohteboBMahera vtell with
Mrs. L. J. Ibdmaalain from Sammlt
Oity vteitlny (riends la thte eiWBdMortia.wbe has aCmpted a poet*
UCB WiU Ann .A Ootc. hae raiDOTcd
wlU hie taaxny to this
S.B. Mbaw of tbe Miehlya|i Tblehooe Oo.. te at tbe WhlUi«.
Jobs B. Keaalay. Ue riyar asaaaiaetarerof Oiaad Bapldo, te la tbe
a of Oraad Bapide. te
ISTO. -iTl
Is the best Rocker on the
mu^et for the monej.
It is solid golden oak, has
two verj wide back alats,
nicely^ qaarter sawed and
embossed, high arm, cob
bler leather seat, only
$3.75. It 18 a bargain.
We have over 300 differ
ent styles of rockers to se
lect from.
Oharlas Gtaalieb of Oraad Ba^ ar
rived ta ue city yeetetday to vklt
UweU Soars of Blk
edUe Sonday ecbool convention lasv
evealay at tbe.Bi
Mr. and Mr* V. B. Walker ware in
Ue city yesterday.
. C. BlUmon of Cedar, was at Ue
David Briber of BnttODS Boy. is la
Ue city.
MisaJaaniaMoecTcf Mayfield, woe
a Travem City vislior yaaterday.
Mr* J. W. Ollffe left lost nlybt for
Asbload. Obio.for a month'sylolt.
A. U Joyce and C W. Fasst will
atari on a Ulp Uronyb ^koska
L-oanty today.Mrs.. Perry Tompkins of I'nion
street will yo to MnakryOD to make
Uat city ber pemoneei hi
liter W. K Campbell of Empire. U
in Ue city on baelows.
Fred Brown will leave far Ellsworth
today to btake a permanent poeiticn
WlU John Mar*.
UTtl£ AT i TMH
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B'xoxL-fc S-tareet.
Make No MistakeThen*
any olht*r ahoea node that
arc just as
ae our ahocs for child
ren which arV-Miadp cspeciaUy for onr
ortliT—Thai in the kind wc adl—We
know of no school shoes to be com]>afed
wilh oura - they fit well, are up to fash1. not too ui'iir, HDu sliould be bouubl
by all whodi-riire U)
iheir money.
* That Xbi
of auffercra have proved Ueir matchleas merit for aick and nervous beodoebea. T^ey make pure blood and
bnlldapyoar health. Only 35 cent*
Money bock
:k If not core
eared. Soli' ‘
Wall and
Id Jo*
' Jot
Prierti are ISc. '1-V. T-'x-. Ikic. Il.l’). feacb tk'ason • the shoo
hill of every <-nstomer in the conimanily is leas because we are
here. D<ia't hwitate—-try us.
You are us weleoiue to look os to buy.
J&L.. S,
Practionl Shoo Man
iX, Front 8tr.-.-t
F«r Shecs yo te A. 8 Tryau.
Going To Ride
a Wheel?
No reason why you ehouldn't Everyone in this region
can. Our terms are most liberal, always glad to show our
wheels and talk about their good points. That’s our business—
That's what we're here for. Got a spare moment? Drop m and
look over the wheels.
Going to talk about the Cleveland for igoa Always been at
the head and this year it will continue there. Why/ For sev
eral reasons, ’lljcre's the Burwell combination ball and roller
bearing. Let it be remembered that the balls in an ordinary
bearing are loose and all .move in one general direction, rubbing
on each other, causing Iriction and grinding the balls. This is
entirely done ,iway wilh in this new patent. There's an entirely
new way of anchoring the direct spoke in the hub, thus avoiding
the danger of breaking if struck a hard blow from the side. The
great feature is the gear case. Throw your wh»:el iif the bay,
ridi- it througli tlic mud or on the <lusiy road and you’ll find
your chain absolutely free from water, hiud or dust. Then all
Cleveland's are ftued with the celebrated Burwell Clincher Tire.
Customer told us that he had used l«s tire over the roughest
road-and wouldn't use any other. Theyll stand all kindrof.
hard usage. These wheels sell at 5^40 and S50—the one with tbe
gear case at $55.
Intarpretad by
A Peerless Company
And staged wiib most elab'
orate detail.
A beatt storr deftljf wovei with
deaa, briebt, whglesoma
Priced—35,*50, 76c; box aeatF.
n.OO. Seata on aale at box offlee
Bear in mind this fact that we sell also the Clipper
Ohoinlew. the Tribune Ohalnless. the JUuhblar, Che Weatfield,
theldeal, the Hibbard, the A^ax. and the most complete stock of
bicycle sundries carried in tbe city.
' :
The Haonah 1 Lay Mercantile Go.
Walker. L- Boberta. W.>. C. MitobMl.
OamoUoe tba eoamttoo adjemnHm Bib Ba^ troo CO. hare pot
Mwaawdaat b*rp«
After adjoaramaot tbe eoanty i
teielha>roilUalBkBaplda,aad will S«pabUeBsa of tho Oooa^
otyaaiyad by ctoctinc ■
baffia roaalaralrbtaaaaooo aa they
juiUMS SUNjK A m Itnk A sit
aaapnllaUfbtafor tbe mllL Tbay
'At tetod Bkrbor Vnalr
•> wOl eat 20.0W.M0 fact of hardwood
rMorr: J. O. Jebi
•S smBd eoiani atU«u. 1* 4m*
laaaoa The Ion ara alraady oa Bepraaeatatlrea tfaieotod i
inm m affMU of as *ecld«t ta a
W. MUUkao, Jobe Beste. & C Oarrow.
fHMcf foot ball botwM U« tateo
O.A Briyham.
^sitb a Prtoa bava rwodalod their
eat Detroit.
Bwtor Blfh «sb0(ri tfms sad U«
aod Biota Oh
‘ PWawoU dorm iut ML Bwhr
Tbe Repabtlcaa ceonty eoaroBUn :Wrwn«rwnwwtwrtoti«nWMiiM.i
The froot room bee baao maeb
faM Mil •'ttfe lh« CUeafo
1. a neat draastoy met io Foresters ball yastaiday after ! THE BTAQE
OalDBi IMITMT. and latMdad to alo
a haa ban parUtloaad oft. aad tha noon at l:M and was enltod to ordn by
«Mh tka Oahu OSMa «Ma aaaaoo.
oral appaaianaa aad eoavoatoaoe of Cbairman Monroe.
dt Maradlaa a barral tail of aalua,
wm made tam■aai far a layeh tab. laU oa JaMO tba reoiaa iaprorad.
porsry cbairman and O. C. Moflatt toaIba Bridfc Baildaraef the Oeorr«r»WUiaaifbt'a tear fmr aU bor aad
"Darkeat Baatia’ wlU be seen at
panry aperatary.
imtaaUr kUM him. Tbe child waa tioaal abaieb artU laaat arttb tha Miaaaa
aad Opera Bomc oa May
Oa motion tba ebPlr
ttTl^toratatahn'aBaatUUM to*
WbUe this play to saw to tbto city,
Blitees M foUowa:
atadyot Mieroaaaia will oeeapy the
B. Prn^ W. S a it la one that to waU knwn aU oear
WbOa plowlac hU paatara dacnat oaeaiac.
tbe eoaatry. and tbe oompaay that to
Mitchell. BeU Monroa.
it is now naarlay the and
BUai#. llvlac oa the tooa Uaa ba
laatutloae ara oat Cor aaothar aoeial
oryantoatloD and order of
t«aaa Mk OcMaa aad iruaa fooai a party by tbaP. B. aoaiaty.to taka bnito^-F W. Bnatinye, L. W. DmU of iuaeeaatb eonaecnUnsoason.which
beyan on the tut of last July, and wlU
sasbar of lltUa pUaa of oata. Bia plaea at tha City Oparm Boaaa toaad G. A. Brfybam.
caffaaltr balat aroaaad ha araMlaad baorrow ovcbIbk.
Tbe eommluaa on eradaaUaU rep^ terminate on Msy i:*b at Bnflalo. New
Tba Miebican Bardwood Lanbar ed tboae enUUed to eeau to tbe eon- Tork. Durtoy tbe season tbto compeay
baa covered over tt.OOO milea of travel,
qaaatlUaa of araaaie. Cbaau of bread
iiatlon will meet tbia moralny at ecniton aa follows, and tbe report
wftb a route eoveriny.tbe eoantry from
fUad with'tha poaon «rer« foaad Ip lOo'eloek.attheoffisa of Jadye Bob- aceepUd and adopted:
the banyard. d abort Ucoa ar> t«o crU'.
Aeme—B. F. Stlua. M. Story. John Balitax. Nova ScoUa. to San Praneltcg.
In oflerlny tbe attraction. Manager
of bU eowa died. . Ulaoek baa kii auaTbe Cbarlea Belts U loadlay Wimber Boaie. S. P. t>sM. J. D. Stodi
Stelnbary will yivs hto patrons tie
pldaaa aod wlU eoaimnaleate than u at tba Oral Di^ factory dock for
east and proiucGoa tbathaaathoritln.
Oaalel Daka Tbe earyo' will yn to
Blair—G. A. Briybam. Jaoob^todelbeen seen In all of t^e laryer eliiesMd
la hla offlelal ordara for the obaarra Cbksayo.
baaer. H. C. Bart. P. M
not one that plays only tbe tmi
Uoa of Meaioiial Day,
Tbe lumber baryea Marka aad Pottor MeWetby. U. Swalnalon. /
CowauBdarR E. Paalarof tba G. d are loadiny at the docks of John
East Bay—J. B. Mabani Walter FieK., aaya tbe day la tba aeldlar'a Cab- Oit A Co for Chlcayo. '
O. Uonioe.
tV. H..iitc^hcl).
C. * '
Maosyer Sielnbery has been fortuhatb aad that It aboald not ba daaaFife
Joltot Beera la tbe owner of a new
nale in seenrlny a return enyayemeot
eraud by maklnc U a day for aporta
C A. I’Mci. B. E. Walur. Jamea E. of the famons orlytoal Irtob Coiiidtons
Cleveland bicycle.
aad aoUy demoottratlou. Tbe rarTbe new day lleeaae toys ba«e ar- Hamilton. A. K. Wllaon, M. DaetoMurray and Mack, who vrtU prcMnt
« peata an inatraetad to daoorata
their medley of enjoyable noasi
tbe rrarea »f tbe aoldler dead and to ri«ed, aad City Clerk Blckerd has '
^toward. AmM Li
"Finneyan's Ball." on Wednesday eve
larile tbe aoldiera of tba bpanUb war. at work yirtoy Ibfm oot to tba ow
Frafk Hyde. 6. G. Sasaar, Klley
ning. May
tbe auta troopa. aad cittaaoa reoetally otcantoM- W. W. Palrcbild yot the
to participate to tbe day'a obaerranca. 'firatoae
Grant-F. K. Walker. F. L. Daell. -I.
Miss Ada Mooiyomary U very Ul at
Edward W. Mackey, captain aod
M Schell. U. O. Earl. J. O. Rrlybly.
eaator Beider of Ollrel'e baaa ball niae. bar home on Elmwood aveaae.
Green Lake—A. U. Certto. Wm. Ocx>
broke bli cbeekbiae la two plaeea dorThere will be a maeUny of Boae Oo tor. Ora Van Tassoll. L W. Lyon.
lac Hatorday'a ratne with Kalamasoo.
o. I at the enyine boaae this evenlny
Lony i<akc—E. Y. Llnderman, Jo
Mackey's tojarto*. which were raealrad at 7:30 o'clock. AU membara are aryad aepfa Ctaasc. Lastor Wells. U. D. How
to alidtor l‘) aeeood baae. ware
to be preahnt.
yarded at dwi at dtQ^ront. but later
There will be a maeUny of tba Fra
Mayfield—L. W. Daell. O A. Drake.
tbeir ------------------- -------------- ternal MyaQe Circle this erentiiy to Frank Mackey, Almon Darllny. H.
Mackey baa^ygne to Ana Arbor for an Moniayne bair. A toll aUeadanee to Youoy.
I>arad!sc—A. B. Stinson. A. E. PulTwo man flabiny two milea aoatb of
Lieut. Jca. Ktoaaea. wbo has baea ver. D. Monrae.'Wm.'Sparltoy. Frank
Kaaon diaeorerod tbe railroad bndye very sick, waa able to come down town Dean. Ralph CAse. John Hoff. J. V.
oa Brr. Barfor tba timely dlacorery
TUlotton, J. S. Brown. A. L. Tbnraton.
Itaroald ba*e probably bamed auffiClare Cortto baa boea appointed local Philip Miller.
A Cure for Nervous Headache.
ctontly to bare wracked a aoatb bound oonsul of tbe L. A. W. for Trneerae
Peninsula-P. F. Lardie. A. W. HUI.
paaenyar train.
Beory Ughm. James McIntosh. W. B.
Labor Coumbaioner Cot aaya MlcblHarry Sbannoo of Kinytley bad bto Gray, Frank Brimmer. F. L. Jobnaon.
yen la affilatad with proaparlty.
on a knot saw Jr„ U. K Brlnkbam. W. A- Maraball.
oaybt to knpai. for be haa bee
Tonday while at work la L. R. Gibbs'
Pnioo—Not represented.
work for Mine Um» yeiiiny dyurea saw mill.
Wbllewater—Lowell Sours, Frank
.............. ................................... nlKII*.
freaa aarlooi todoatrla* which boUter
WlllUm McDonald has sold hto real- Sours. James S. Fallelt. Neil Munro,
curihf.V<-rM->.'*t<><i>»<->>. l.lvrrMndKlU. Huid l>r druvKiHs. mc.andS0c. b
ap bia optoioB.
dance property on West Front street A. J. DeVries. O. B Bolle. G. D. UsmOathoUe aarrlcat were bald to tbe to William Haydan. Mr. McDonald moud.
Traverse Oily.
Mleblyan Asylon for tUa. Inaao
expects to more to tlrnod Ripida.
First ward-J. A. Moore. Th.S*~r.
Kalamaiog for tbe first time to tbe
Some peonie wonder what Btada
history of tbe lostrtatUia. Kaarly
will do nexv He baa done it. Tbe Bates. F. U. Pratt; A. W. Rlckerd. O.
aad many patients Hannah A Lay MereantUe Co. yester P. Carver. J VV. Milllkea; L. Boberu.
J. W. Pstobir. 0. C.AEoffstt. F. Hamil
day sold bin a fine Tribane bleyele.
At Resadmer fire w^ disogrerad
ton. J M. Tnpmss. J. A. Loraayer. L Declares Dr. Waelzhold in
Alfred Day aad Theodore Dion will
one of the tovel* several bnedred feet
yl?e a aociai bop to Foresters ball nait F Titns
Articlr on
fluslc and
Second ward— S. C. Darrow, E. H
balow tbe surfaes io tbs Ttldan mine Tnesday. erenlny. Music by Helm's
Allyn. B. W. Hssitoys, A. B. Binybaa
MMdaynlytat. Hmokv'u comlny otil orcbHtm.
C. L. UrelUck.W. O Foote.E- B. While.
of ceracnl abafts- It to Impossible toi
U. S. Bsrle. SUU eousnl of the L A. A- U. Brown. Thomas U. Shorinan.
toUJaai where tbe fire to. but It to
W..to In the city oa bosioeei eoooected
Many Oirto duffer said to
' known to be near No. o ehaft. where srllb the lateresu of wbeelmen and ha C. Thompson.
bejtbc kesutt of -MamThird ward-T. J. Bendeiaon. W. W.
tba powder mayatias is located. There
meriny thetCeyboard."
wlllbepreseotatlbeyood roads coo- Smith. C M R;ers,P. C. Gilbert. J. H
le Bb way to atop tbe fire. a«d all tbe ventJoD tbto afternoon.
Is the Illitl^b Mrdic;>I
Monroe. L. K. itibba G.|W. Ptaelpa W.
man bava beao ordered oat. aa an exWacUboId
The Meroaniile Co baa Inirodoeed a A. Newton. 8. C. Dtopres, 1. F. Gordon. cowed Dr
ptosioc' may os^ur it any time. Maeb
.Music- -ml Nrrves."
damayewlll rtauliif tbe fire raaebea new patent time reytoler by which AloDzg Fox. Frank Freldrleh.
that tbe alsruiiny
every employe to tbe
Fourth ward—C, C. Knowltoa, W. F.
. _i disorders in voany girls to c
be ••dwlly ccistoro” of hammer
Barsba. F. D. Martin. W F. Calktna.
u.. b-iu...
M. C. Ovlatt. Oeo. W. Lardie.
tbe cause is due to
IteritiM of G,»nil lUpld. onforwl...
, a .
Flflb—W. W. Fairchild. W. E Moon. piano Icsaops may remain a question.
mi... of lb. ..W p.bll. mbmil. .ImmI | » ■bm
lb. oid.r
u . prmm.ilo. .Ol~t
11" » o;,i«ib™ ...Pblom tor tb« Deo. P. Gameon. Demas CoebUn. M. But there is oo droying the fact that
there is an WnormoDS increase .of ner\ D. Moryaa. Wm M Smith.
There are now ,foor pabllc aebooto aew K. of P. balk
ous diseases amoDy young yirls at (be
Foneh autloo. os Carp l*ke. M. AN.Medad V.ntoo
critical age of twelve Io sixteen, wbea
closed In-ibe city and one to tbe ooun.try. 1.4» papiu are on a vacation with E. railroad, will be open . for fralyhl> C. W. Aataton and Jno. Glllto. fill vs- they ace josl crossing tbe threaholii of
I Tbniaday. April M. eancles In First ward; V. F. Greer, to womanbood Tbrir oervons avstems are
taatmetloDS to remain dooe at borne
aad fortf-ooe teacbers are temporarily
Tbe Forretiers will yive a :
Tomer in Tbii^ard; fl. E. Steward 01 examiualiotis. It is dnriiing this try.
sat Of employmnaL The condition In
at their Lalt this evenlny.
ing time that girls hecotne
pale, weak
Fourth ward; A. A
the North End to yrave lookiny. but all ■
su'd nervous, and sufler
lU of
precautions are belny token to prevent
irregularities of ibr delicate (euioioe
The committee on permanent oryanfuribwapreadlny of the disease.
i enurch parlors thl. aftomoon at rsu
The stole baai baUtrry at Mill Creek ; „-cloek. la ebarye of the work commitbudering uilb tbe lUi
that tne temporary oryaniaGon M
has beci. eolaryed with the addlUoa of; tee.
peruliat (<i tbeir sec.
ex. (bete
made permanent and tnat tbe order of menl
a platii for batobiof wsU-ayed pike.
lenl to 1)h-' cotruisre.i
('Otn{iare>l with Dr.
D A. W.
Georye Use
bnsincas be first, seleciion of county Cbast'» Nrrr- au.l l.loiG Pi1ills, tbe geea;
nndiiu cxpecied to batch -S.000,000
I tbrov'D from bto wnyoo eommit'.se: second, selection of. five piiv-ale prr-.i-ripiion ■ Dr. A. W. Chase,
ayys iiuraeaiaidy Tbe firatoonsiysdalccsus to attend state cooveniloa «hO!>e (-ortia:; ami igoatutc is on every
box of the genuinr.
May 3rd. third, selection'of five deleDr. A. tt" Cbiw'* Nerve and Rlcs.d
Pill* re-.t-nrr iiuO rrviuiirr the waited
nbeebaryed ap to poor roads. ion May tat Tbe report waa meeepted '.|go.l .•:ii! iicire ctdli., ItrlBg liark tbe
it will Uke about fificen days '
Ih 1 hi-eke cn4 the nmniliio.* to
and adopted.
u.™ .na,.h„ ,m
the fnrni
u hns, St all dcslrrs,
On tr.r-.ion the chair appointed OaoCbaae
e Med.
klei Co.. Bufislo.
W.-B'.eward, F. C. Gilbert ana A. W.
Atstoyioaw K. A. tlroamann wasen-:
ysyad in repslriog his impihs Isnneb
E W P'‘hcr svas m toe dty from
TbeoftScers of tbe convention took
Mnaday wbetL sn 'exp'.oslon Otourrad, Bingham yesterday.
tbe usual oath of offlse.
badly bsmlug bto hands ar.a b i*fi. iiia
Tbe membera of the- coonty commit'
hair, ejrrbrorra aod cyetashrs wyre
wrre then named by the reapeetive
bnrnet cfT and Us face b'latered. it
townab'jps apd wards as follows;
■ Is tbonyat that bto eyes ar- uoinjored.
! Acme—lobn iloxieCHICAUD.
. letter received Monday
Blair—G. A. Briybam.
0.n.W«.F.SbafteraddretoBd toRe,
Eiat Bay-J. E Mahan.
6. Pearson of tbe Cjuyreyattoosl lutnn, May a Ore fare
Fife Iwke—W. W. Brower.
Ualeabnry. the .yeneral aaya
Hrlbodisi Ueceral
_1 Conference.
Bell Bell
tisrficic—Geo. W. Steward.
la npvvr’cotiipletf without
toeffeet that Galraburg la to haves Hav I.
7. H. fl. B«tnn done 1.
Grant—F L Dnell.
Green Lake-A. B. Cortto.
the Rladncae that comw
iny to Boeb a c»o«—
' within Sen miles.
Long Labe—H. D Bowavd.
Uk^. b..h b.hv lb. cr. Th™.
Mayfield—L. W. Ouell.
from the ponseuion u( a
O.U will b... tb
lb lU lb.r.1. b. I.
Ml Mb,
Paradtoc-A. B. Stinson and Ralph
UbSbbfUrbbbKMi bb-MUbb w1U. ,7„7;, *Vibifc"!. Obbfu. '
new spring hat that ia
• aanUtro < lean and tbe yaaeral i
Peotnaola—P- F. Lardie.
1 lU a^KMlbb. .bbW .^1
Union—J. M. Myem..
aatisfnetpry ■ iu 6t, style
t a awwtoi oompat'tor. ««!and morning tralaa Mnya. ReturnMny
for 3. One (are.
tottor also tasloaad a «
Traverse City—lat ward. J W. Mllllnnd price. Von will nltha ebarch above named
kre; 7nd ward. 8. C. Darrow; Srd ward.
Daaseratle Stole Oonvention. Ball W. W. Smith; 4tb ward. & C. Knowl' By tba doaaUon of fA«n to cash and
waya find them right, at
n baildtoy site ef five or sto i
toa; &th ward. W. E Moon.
, On# fare.
Dalttstaa ware then eleetod to tba
ntoowry ylvtoy aai^ymantto not leas
atota oonvanilon as follows:
Iban forty man tha year roand.
White Wine e« Tar Aypa^ the
W. H. Foatoe. F. FrMdrleb. Geo W.
best eougb remedy on earth, cures a cold BnS. F. L. JobMon. C C. Enowlton:
VAtarptssdd ObooeUtd.
• “ • ninli
and to tha
n dsiteiow drtok at WalPs Soda
iThoe. T. Batm. J. A. Lomnywr. F. E
7«r SkoM go to A- 8- TrTBta.
fpanuto. , e
It Wi«ri|rip i«nit K>
Piano Practice
Causes Disease
The Glory
.. .»p. .~f.
Some men nei^ a chaaye
of clotbcs tbia spriny. sad
others need a dunye of
Yon can yet tbe kiad of
clothes you wspi if you will
come to the riybt store.
We would like to tsik H
over with you and show yoa
our new inks aod prices in
tbe Hart. Schsffner A Mans
tailor made elothiny.
They're tbe kind adverlised in the l^iny mstaxiocs and worn by yood
dressers everyFbete.
But in a new location, on Union street, op
posite the Masonic blocks where Ve will.oo
business until our new building is readv. To
induce our old customers id hunt ns up. we
shall, for the next few weeks, almost give
away goods.
What do rou thiak of ladies' Patent Leather aad Dog Collit
Belts at ID cents?
These belts are new and up-to-date in every
way and are worth five to ten limes the price
wc ask. We have plenty ol other goods, too,
that we are making big cuts on.
The savings Bank Bazaai.
rtsiuh..',' =:^
('bild's Red Uoe mul Bnttona; all nzaa. New Styles,
New Toes, New Gvo^-
Frank Friedrich
The Old Beliable Shoe Man.
The Temple
We Have Mored.
New Store, 242 Front Stre
of Fashion
Work on raMUlag th« Kumh Citr
A amfc flMUivut to urrertotatg
iha awpto of DoiVlu eou«j. lUlM*
At MUtowiUa. Kwa. i«MiiUi .
gudnipU wadAiag m ■oUaolzkl. ia
wkteh twoHwU bop* marrtod t«o
Costort atoton uU two Comfort boji
•vriMi two BcoiA atoten.
Boporto of loM of Ufa IB HoBitoba
tanat ttai an daclBrod tie be witboet
pbBBt twloBcfaff
tetbe DeltoA roropaagb eime. wee
itraafM to deaU Ib MadtooB BqeM*
toefAee. Sew Terb. Moadap Blgbt. 1b a
fatUe effort to eebdae bU belllffBiWBep.
Pralt feriBi are betoff deeelopi
tbaeoalb. fa oaeslaeo la Nortb Qer*
MUa Uere are atMwberrr larme of
etfralt arebelaf ratoed, asd tbeeaAi^oaae MUne-UwarAe. dtotta
' gBlabed Preaeb BatoralUt, to dead la
Parto. af«d «t.
A botaaleal gardea baa beea eaiabItohod tat Coqollbaume. Congo Ptm
Vlatc, hj the Belgiaa rorerasea
will be called the Kew Oardcaa. aod it
wlU probably be imporunl to the rab
her and oiber tropleal lodnairleeJslD-Ba-Pnra Ii a fonog African
chief now io Ihia oonstrj at KhS gneat
of Dr. Carl I'etera. the African oaplorer.
TfaU chief Ua auo worablpcr and he
complaina becanae be hat •been able to
tee eo attie of the aan In tbla eoantrg
Wood telU at »t(i per cord at Cape
Some. Alaeka.
finaaiaU aald to have cMciuded an
amicable agreement witb Korea.
Eight thonaand minera are on atrlka
bt Santa Panllnc. saniander.
i.The president aod Mra McKinley reurseduo Waahlngtoa Monday from
Kew York. The eaiue erenlng they
toft for Canton. They will Inapect
•ct the
work being done on ibelr home there
and reinm to Waablngtoa probably
It to estimated that daring the paat
fourteen monlha apward of lo.ooo
woWee baye been killed In Wyoming,
In addition to monnuin Uona, wild eaU
lyna. bear and ooyotea.
Admiral Dewey baa aueeptad an InrlUUoD to Ttoit Mew Orleans May tt.
The laritaUoD wai sent him In a phonPgrapb.
Chicago paltoe iare recelred noticea
aakingjhe caplnre of Oeorge W.
Wright, a Uleblgan anirersLtT laiv
gradnate, who la charged with the
mnrder of tonr mes in
aod Colerado
For aome time paat the '‘•BnaaopbokisU" in India and England hare been
to a aute of alarm orer the fact that
■ the natirr troops in India are armed
with practically obaolcte rifles. It ap- I
' peM that the Hritisb gorerninent has
aow decided that It U time to pnt an
end to tbU stole of affairs, aad tte anaoancrmcei that the natire troops are
IP be rearmed has been reoeired in
lAAuita with great aaUitaeiloo.
J atm OF rut woblo
dovslb wxoozs*.
I Is fft. ffraseto Oboreh
TeaUfdag bf Fatbar Bsoar.
A pret^ doable wedding wee eel•ulaed 1^ Bor. Pr. Baecr yaiterday
■wanlnt at At. Fraooto ehvreb. the
eootraetlBg partiee balng Albert J.
Oeortade of Eaat Bay asd Mtoe NctUe
BBwklna of Areblo. and Joaepb B-1
Jobaeos of Ardiie- ' The grooma. who
are ooealna. own »e!ghbofing torma la
Beat Bay. aad the brfdea, atoo oooalBa.
lleeBear together on the peBinanla
All are well kaows la tbto elty.
After the oeremoey as alaborate
wedding dlBser waa aerred at tha
home of W. B. Oonrtade of Beresth
etroet. Aboot so gnaato wi
aad many beautlfal aad valnable preaeato were re.:elred by the two happy
A wedding dance wae glees taet
ersalag at the Arehle ball, and after a
abort wedding trip, the two oonplea
wlUrealdaeaadJolBlagfanBB at Eaat
Tboieea Btela Wblaky.
Shnmaa’apnraaeyvor Empire waa
brokaa opes by midnight Ictrodera
Snaday night aad a gallon of whtoky
sad so oento worth of ebaap clgaia
Thetbaieea erldeatly aonght
oaly the booca. aa a big roand dollar
la the caib regla'ter waa apared- But
the borgiaraae; the register on the
floor to iot the proprietor kaow that
while they bad the eaato in mind
they were not looking for money:
Eotiaoce w^« mads \brongh a ^rear
window by the remora! of a large pane
'bf glaaa.
4 00
a V. e. Meee, csrrelfrentce elw
"--im.eer.aMkaeC featte aiioid'paeM.w:Xr«. tm. oeteeOpere:
fgqnire at
Blekt Nonbeni-pkeo’.e: Belt, tot
'•Sl-K- < '-'sP- '•■‘Sl* •
.iMioo-BiIk >Uske.slso
SI «; Itniiu (.’ales siirg
I havt placed a third chair.m
bariai'r shop in onh-r lo accom-
attenti'in ”ivi ii to ail.
.\ M. 0\ l.\TT. Fropr.
Cash Capital $200,000
The Waukazoo House!
L. li. A. BnUdlng
xirkad UlrJ)
All thfi Up>to-dfite
drinka at Walt's Hods Fonnuin. 33lf
policies. Insuring against accident and
alcknem. pays Indemnity from 36 to IM
weeks, both short and long term policiea. also Uekeu on all the leading botpitols in the United SUtee. For full
pnrtlculara see
Gnid Ripldi t fidliu Rj.
ra) siM dcasnurr ef irslss s> tvavefm
tnw. Is effect Drrewber ITik. IW.
' ID
Dealer in New and
Second Hand Bicjicles.
J ."
CM'S— :
s: I
August Petander
Xi'il to Hagli- Offitt*.
St”' samples in window.
br IlilSa ■ tnOB hsb Mrte.- rsr MO
pid*. snrt
Ureud Kspld* to OH
Tbr 4 dS |. a Irals bs, parlpr r»r -U> QraW
TrSiB srrlTlBa ai I 40 p a bs« >lri-pe» Ols
elBsslt to nrsoC Rapid, Abd r«arh and blan
■uf rat Cblrard u> Oraud Rapido aad chairear
TBalBarritlrr atSWp. a baarbair carn.
^rarioUra^^Bap.d.aad cbsir car Oraad
Sapid, to printer ^ ui-REaV. Aerst
|c L LOCKWOOD <■ PATS. Oraad Rspld,
TNe Pete Ninette Rfu'inMid
L» PMnk,)r
- f O
;s U';:
'I ad«*«toa
t tut wo have a large supply put no
t;ur cuslomors
! ■ -We will furoith tamUlM. this St
* n Ic"
with ice washed clean and pul la ( •(ifd R
..'frigcralor. for 81 Wi-a moolh-I J,'"l!;i
'end won't ask to bo paid »a advauee.
' Tr».rr**C). *410* ii aopj
Both -phone* f4.__________________ |
AfO^/l CjM^fC£S5A/fr.
e. w. hasting's
'f l! ill- Hi
Best to be %ad in
the city is at
»3. w. J. actos. OparatiTs »«tuttT! _5EA50N WITHOUT REFILUNQ:'
Hfifkld Cfintnry Cook Book.
' '1
a Specialty.
All Kinds of Repairing.
J. N. WARTINEK. Enameling--
The best furnished and best kept
bone on tbto penluula to reedy for
bnelneea. Open the year round. Good
Uverj in conneelion with the house.
Bates made known on anplicatlon.
m^ty. h
neller, hloel
Good Line
A limited number for sale a;
each. Will be mailed poatoge paid
on reoeipt of the price. Addreea.Tbe
Bereld. Traverse City. Mich.
Third Chair.
iHbt >v«r. f
J. A. Jackson
T70I HALt - S»w flip rvmt Itoumr.
T loueUsiun. sUBiolso l>lack> of I'liiuD
whsul Will Iskr soisil urwral dove sn.l
vssr aiiBlSIr psrmrotn. Beuw U read) to
nnirrlDIo. ka-iuirp ..I »' L. Hn>«n. 3I*. W
Tratk atn-eS'
A BAKil.MM Is Ml (uoi lob uD Pretii sort
OtBelal Micaragunn papers declare dX
aislr «lrrrls lar essh Of ess) lprB> Also
forraV Csll si wr; Ksst^^oi
that Free ident/.rlaya hat not agreed
to cede or sell eoverelgaty over anv
rsrw ISJ srtM
portion of Nlearngusn territory to the
D.7 Biirs •ouib ct
Vailed dtotoe for a canal route
pirswd IssU. or
l}«urtZ.iOi. mulone. bslsMor oo so*)' os)
rau.. Applj to OdK llrOsrry. 141 PVesi
Ur. Ben DePoyen-BelUsle. profmor
MFmehintae university of Chicago.
b*t.T. <
WM found dead Monday in hU apart- W
am PraBkUc mirrri.
manta <m Michigan avenne. l*«y»!ciaat ul)
km Atmrad
aetlfled the eoroaer. It U biUnved that
the case is one of suicide, as ladleailoas
ad ptoaonlng were tonnd.
same i
: I Both ‘Pbooee. .No.
L. I). Cl KTIS
• 0 Ssrt U anppi in 24 (lours.
work efSlcbr*! poMi'.lr prsCt Pl*»|
work of art baa just heen Imned in
<ror« s .(>«rl»U).
ew York at an outlay of over flltw.-.
K). for wbieh the publlther^sdP«>^ * '
Hew.OfBoe. Markham Block.
manager in tbla eacniry. also a good
solicitor. Oood pay to the right party.
Nearly loo full pageangravlnga.sumpipaper. iliumlnaied covers acd
..fKslks.ta ..:i
1 over 300 golden lilies In the
morocco binding*; nearly 100 goU
Undertakinii Farlorb
rose* in the cloth binding*, bell* at
Bight; prevae* running tday and night
great Istbesalc. Cbrisllaa men and iriswi
making foi
A portable achoolhoute to reliere;
No ri'inodvequaU W.tKXHfF Winr:-.
She orer crowded condition of aerernlj^.^
seg.) SI
.'i.NK OP TA* HYKl-p for thin Icrn•b Uouu aoboola is the odd .innorattoo ir i;i BTmth.trrrt
..'uiid fatal ()i*ca.-Me. If taken thuiwhich the school board wilt eatoblish tFor, -sprsl l.ouaaanak.
.•.•lilvaad in tinu-. It willcurc n '.-a-'
here tomorrow. The bnildtng It of ^ mooc «»«.-.'.>rr.raii ■roi hall. Nn saab;
hours, aiid fu- the uuui:h that lol. ta HIM!' aina-i
.rt-c La Grippe it never faila to gi -c
frame, coatoint one room, to accom-j'"*'
iief. Pr^. 2:«- sod Mi.
modatc nearly tiw pupils, and will be---------------------------------UllM. "Ten oaajnmp-es lt.tnmpie n
to the same yard witb the oreruaed
it. bnt it will come np amillDg every
polwaiicul aviuv.u.c
irneu conoicond! ■
------------------- -■
time.” Oalmani Clastic Floor VamUh
tiangchange the aonea will simply be i
S C. Wail.
Moeed to cne point where needed. This j
plan li cdosiilered
ever tbv' old method of renting
Hpeclal Bate* vis M. ft M B. B B
IPitr. KALS Liin.H.
Blae portable schoolboutes
pul Into operation.
tpril .torn Knigbu Ten;_ .
;bigan. Ann Arbor Slay isth.
From prckcni Appearances the dls- |
ingrmrstlonsl loatlonal' Horae Mis-'
aOTcry of gold in the Catw Xome dis
slonary Society. Driroit .luoc .'.ih.
tAct promiaea to trauncuf the most Im■ Festival. Ann Arbor May i:ih.
Ciebolaatic Athletic Meet, Ann
aoruot Cads In AIa«ks. At the end of
«1>. Ttilsisyvur■ lu
Arbsr May 3.Mh.
Epwonh LrtsagWf
the flrat season the value of gold proA Ls) bim.lllic
Amembly. Ludiogton. July. AueutL
duoed wssF.',s:.o.W»-,i. The finding of
Forrate* and tickeu call at U. a N. E.
H W. OutiDiogham.
gold on u sva boacu is something new
to go.d raining,-ami the question
new as lo the eatentiveneis of that
^>K MAl.B~L.rtt 11 st>.| -Z. blork l«. ot Surpasaing Ccffw-Llttle ThTfirn.
field, it U believed that the depSl
P Hsbtisli
s. l«i. A.irt M Trsrrr-p
lOi-slA.1 ot itWl Freni ntrrei rcr ssir
ruBout beneath the water, poesibly Cli).
SI s tisrvslB Bn.inirr of JocoU Culman
— '
tm beyond the i mile limit, so that Jriiti \rrlr.
It may come about tha: before long we ^|^ASTKl>~UlDin^’roaiii ^rl ■■ Lakn^n .hi' l>e»l cwugh n-miiiy "ti curth i-l- <■
ahall see the uci.iue apeetocle ol gold
First Freeze
$1.00 a Month
(Mtiipr rae ns<r asair br
. .
made clear fiSOQ in four weeks i
taking order* among her church ac- ’
ntonces and friend*. Write us. U;»<>
, lead to a permanent paying posl-,~~
Uon to manage-onr hniiness and look .
1 hntv Imil my liuiliJiiig
r large eorrespondence, which,
rebuilt nmi pui in izucnI
you can attend to right at your home |
Addrew H A. Kberman, iv East Klfttliapr anil am iiuala- ri*s<Iy
teenth street, between Broadway A
tci rix-eivr all old |>atrouB.
Fifth avCDue.
: Clear Ice. lroni BnarJman lake.
•^Dsjor^St cell.
Isna a
^)R asLB ai I
•Bii irn-<. or »ill trse
* wnfi>un«crc
pfvprn) . 3. Vr.
114 Front St.
Piece BotrJ. I
>• K »a« at- Wem4 ehUCrea'* dtweM
•ran: Mu>
S i
mn is to 31-
r^’T'^ ‘ -TO'
For Sale
HaU'a FamUy PUla
PUli are the beat.
Ill”"** "e?
Billiard Hall
. S ^^.“esE ;ss2 Bsrrsn
Fire Insurance.
pjp— w «*» 'P ■■ w»a» “ ♦»
ForBhMi gctcAS. rryman.
Surpuiing CoSto-LUtlfl Tflvflrn.
Cigar Store
18 I
ornee* eewTieeiHir Meek. SU rroai 'Uwi.
ray ori
knowing it hat cured tbonaaoda of,pr«.»
bopeleet caaea.
Asthma. brooebitU.' *>*■bopeli
ippe and
all throat,cheat and li
disfiasee arc.
ti E. Walt am
gUU. and .
Kegnlar size
Tbcr ) la more cataarh In this section guaranteed.
of the
)t....... ..........
was Bopposed to he ioecrable.
. groat many years doetora pronooneed It a local-diieaae asd preaeribed local remedies, aod by coostanUy
falling to cure with local treatment
pranounoed it incurable, bcience baa
« «M OalAaBt Dartle
prorea catarrh to be a eonaUlutlonal
dlreaac. and therefore miutrea eohatl- Spar Vanl
tntlonal treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Attand
Cnre. manulactored by F. J. Cheney A
le ■eprlag.. t^lng sale at
Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only ooneUtniw York dtore. It will pay yon.
tloaal cure on the market. It U token
intomally io doeea from lo drops to a
teaapoonful. U acta directly on the Fhoip»t«B
blood and mneotu anrfaeea of tha ayatern. They offer one hundred dollaia
for any case it falls to cure. Send for
Fbt Sboaa go U A. 8. rryaan.
For Fire Insurance UnSTBB AID lOBTHEiSTEU B. b
reful aod
trongesi ai
mnlea Id I
T* lak* cMtex Wads
ks. II
JolnsoBBlQcL 'fimU.
—€Iice cream parlors order YODR WINTER’S WOOD
“Of large sorec on my
danghtor'a head developed into a
: at nmdd heed” wrltm: c D. lahlll of
Mcennton. Tean.. “bni Bncklnn'a
Anton Halve ompleuiy enred her.”lfs
a gaariAUed eare for etiema. tettpr
salt rheum, pimples, aorea. nleers aid
Oaly cse at 8. B. Walt nad Jas.
cei.rral .»rp«ar). can cf licruba
lai Opart u to; UiiMp Sim.
SndB Fonatain.
Ice Cream Hodaa. PhoaphaMa. loa Cream
by the Dtoh V A^nart.
W. HECK, Proprietor.
Bldffwtolk Lombffr In all
^ TrararM OttyXvabar Oo.
kumsa-* MUl
flAOAiflAB Clabv OABAOt bo OUppod
Boon 0tm la FomomIob of
BloomfoatoiB Wotorwor]
BnbMt<f VbcM OmUam m Mm
W«p«ut-BrttMi Opm-
XiM SzWaAIwc » BMum «(ama17 MUM 1—T Mm AmpU OpTortBBttj to Xo*o Hoithwue.
■pwW w
Bor aurkoc
Ar«iAl MtA*
Tbrooto, April :4—1%# eoart of appmiM raro iaigmml todaj. dbaMar
with ooBla Ua Balt of thAlaabonaoa
of Mlchlfaa who ban for a paar boea
Irpiar In the eoartn to lavaUdato the
proriarianaw raqalH^ all Inabor eat
to bA awn In Ikb ooantrr
itrp and all aappUab for lABhnr raapB to bA patebnaad
Hofmuc BMOrt.
Apdl ts-0«ftml BoiNrti'
disVMcb to tbo wv oOoo toU*
All Um HAAOtlAtl al pHAAOt . _
of tbA Brittab opontteet, aImIa* to
Mmi u4 iMMiblp OAptun tbo Boat
IB tbe AOBtbAAAtora part of
tbo OranfA VroB StatA. Oorrni
dontB raUU tbt moraaMU at muA
loctb but dmlopBABta are not pot
HRMonUp AdMnoAd to aaba roporta
worth tranAWlttlBC la datall. It la
elaar that the oparatldnA ara on a
great aeale. The amp la being daploped on a long front Aslendlng from
Karea aiding u> Wepanar. a dUtanea of
70 mtlAi- Fighting, however, baa baen
^UeallpcooflBadto long rabga
tUlerp and plekal firing.
' AoBordlngtotbelataati raporu the
BoaraatUl have ample room Ui which
to more northward.
Ua aalnra of the wagon bridge apae«i»g the Modder rivar at Krana Kraal,
if thap an aleet and Join toraaa with
thaw at Brandfort and Kroonatad. as
thap appaar to bold aironglp all the
Mntip from Banaae poet to HaaBloInnd. iMlndlng Ihaba Heba and
I tha onlp damage
Anno bp thr-Boan at the '
U tha tomoval of tbo aUdlag valvea
■ tha pemplag aaglnaa
DaWat Bull Bolda Wator Worba.
LoodOB.AprU at—Tha roport of PolofMraw'a oocapatloB of tha B1
mtor worb* U not eonfirmad.
aagahMbaan roMivad from Laolow
Sop. dated pAAtardap. atatlng that DeWat la atm boldlnf them with a atrong
feraa. Oanaral Brahant'a fore* after
ontflanklng tha Boara at Bnshi
Ko^U now reported wtthln eight mllaa
of Wapaner. which haa now praeUaallp
bean raiiavad. Dalgattp'a garriaon waa
terdlp moleatad Mondap.
Bnnd'.a'B f<?eo oeen^iaa tha
alUon near Dewetadorp. Tha Boar
g«n»kapt«pan intomUtant fire on
hU eommand all dap Moodap.
CUM Town. April 2«-In eommaating
. on the trial of the BnnnpaMe - rebalt,
the Oaeland. of Dnteb origin, daeiarei
that while thap ware oondamnod. Uep
wfta anJnaUp triad. It protMtt agalnat
the rafnaai of tha eonrtto allow a poetpoeameat or aehaagaof venue and
dMoribm Ua oondamnad nun na tamba
lad to tha alnngbtor. Lord BobarU
proUbltad Ua einaUtiOB of the Oaaland in Ua dlatriata wbara martial law
Ontario ZtetneUoA 1
Mm or (
for ITAlUad Oanal Ontracoatwelel te The Kenuag neoM«
Tbronto. April 14—Tba ehlaf of Ua
Ontario grTeramaot detective lorea.
John Mnrrap. who hae ratarned from
a Urae dapT inrmtlgifUoB of Ua dpnamile oatrage at Ue Welland oannK
givea it at hip eandld opinion that
neither Boon nor pMlnn* had anpUlng
to do wiu Ue dumsp attempt, bnt
that It wUI tnm out to be a
attempt bp eapltalieu or laboring med'
to frighten.ihlpoara Into oBlng anoUer
canal route tor Ue grain traffic.
Loci 883 In TbiM Oapa' FighUog at
Batoeo--Waa Disaetroua to
l»pnlAl u
HeniAc ittrut*.
Waahlngtoa. April A4->A diapntch to
a^e: “Manila. April t4->Barlp on tha
morning of Ua ?U, aavaral hnndrad
Ttgalet and VUapana attack^ a bat
talion of Ue PortteU Infantry'at Oagapaa. on Ue norU nonet of MUdanno;
onr oaanaltlae were two kUled. 11
woonded. The eBempb loaa. »3 klUed.
11 wonnded and onptnreb In Ue dtp,
bmidm oUar loanee enffarad on Ue re
Both lOohigsB Sonaiorg Vot.
•d Agmintt SMtinv Him
d bpOMVoU
p la Oredited to
Benntor Bapnn-TblrUnn BapatoU-
would be ao cloas. owing to Ue abaenee
ofaeveral Bepabllean aenaton favor
able to Qoap, that be dedded to caat
bU wlU Ue oppoalUon and defeat gasp.
Be wae about atartleg to Ohio and
prised hit Republican eoUeagnea bp
asking to pair agalnat gup. Be waa
paired wlU Oepew bp wire and
change of two voice defuted Ue Penn
Bceb U Ue etorp Uld bp % Penupl
vaala Bapcblloan u to how Quay haa
mat hie Waterloo in Ue United Btatea
Ula attemonn.
gnap waa'dnfMt^p one vote. Tha
ballot stood » against. 3! for. on boU
roll ulla The ehange of Banna from
a anpportar to an opponant changed
UaaonTaandQaap wudafeatad.
Demoerata voted wlU the Bepuhl
Infavorof Quap and 13 Bapubllcau
voted against hli
Tha Bapnblieana who voted agnlnat
gup ware Bard. Cbltfomla: Barrows.
Mtehlgaa: Bale. Maine; Hawlep. Oonnecticut; McBride, Oregon: McCnmber.
BorU Dakol^ McMUlan. Michigan
Platt. Connetidat; Proctor. Vetapn'
Wlacouin: turn. Vermont;
Bimoa, Oragon; Wallhigton. Marpland.
The Democrau who voted wiU Ue
Daniel, Virginia
MeLauria, South Oarollna: Morgan.
Alabama: SatUvan. Miulnippi: ‘Tallafarro. Florida, and Slewui iSilven
We Bell tbe kinds that
Good Every
Boy’s ahoes, made of Satemnnder Ittatber — tbfj are
waterproof, wear wall and
always look good — $1.25
and $1.50.
Little Gents' shwe, shaped
. juet like big meo’s, -Boi
calf, Wiliaol calf, bWk and
tan vici uppers, outside
Ixick stays, nickel books
and eya1ets-$1.25.
Boy's salib and veal calf shoes
— i-xceptioiml values for
■ tbe price—$1.00.
NoliirttBtBcligr Co., Proprietors
Stores at Big Rapids and Traverse City.
New Revoraihle FtiQr-Iii-Hand Tios .50c.
Just tflance at our window 4«very tim>- you i)aas.
Of every deecrlpUoo—aU colon snd oskee—naderwear Ust does not ellag Uke n •‘porx>_ __________
hang Ilka u ''elephaat'a tkiD’'-underwMr Uni file
perfaet-85. ». 7St. ii.eo. pi.gs to »».oo. Not s link
miming In Ue ehala of nnderwear nasortmMt and
Ua low selling prlem for raeta pmfoet goods bring
S. Benda & Go.
'■Bike'' Suite. Caps. Belts.
HY . I
Where you can get the best value for your money
—'i ou're entitled to do that—We respectfully call yonr
attention to the showing of
Wc are now olTering—prices are S'l-OO, $5.00. $0.00, $7.50.
$10.00, $12.OC*. $13.50, $15.00 and $1^.00—and we believe
them very strong values.
TOio Is on Ige oCHyrrrPcop'c urc npi uoot«n: wiU the
tlow-go»;cg methods of their grundUthen dsp*.
When Uej- went sapthieg, Uey
t It at once, sad U
Ue telephone U
opt at heed tor Ue a
It takes but s word, sod
ISM t'
of Single Pants
order s 'phone today.'
auKiucas ixa'iuK-
2ru-:::v.v.v:;: ? I
■Uvala will Aak Ua Country to Pwaiah Ua Money
apwial U' The Horalax BeeoM.
^bbell and Sngdan; Hutinga and
Madrid. April 14 - Benor Bllvala.
pruldrnt of tbe oounell and ministar
of marine. Intends to uk Ue country
to make a great financial aacrlBca wlU ^^bu^Oond.ng:Spark.and Mina.
Ue view of eoutrueUng a new navy.
3 1C
Damman and Beldo: Baker and
.......... ;
4 u
s 7
Uutoa and Shaw: Hart and Spur.
Salr to a MUlloa.
•t. VwtiM Woman Oatt a Portaaa
Prom Hnogarp.
epwlal te ne Moreioc Iterord.
. Lonii. Mo.. April 24-Bp Ua
duUofaa uncle In Boagarp. Mra
AnnieBtclnof UU cltp, hu fallen
heir to •I.MO.OCKI. TogaUer wtU bar
hnshaad. Mareue 8wla. and ehUdraa,
Mra. Stein vrill call to taka poaaualoa
of her lobaritaou, 84.000 haring bau
aut to defray Uaazpanau of Ua trip
to Europe.
apMW to Tht Munuac kMava
8k UonlB. April »4 — Admiral Oawap
lUba praaaated wiU a
tel bp Ua riUsaaa of 8k LoMa
on hU vlalt to Ula eltp Map 3. la ^
abniNofamamoUnilvar pnneb bowl
lined WlU gold, outing 83.000.
^ Mvari i^M. IteM
•6 valaa fu fAM at Ua New '
an made tram Ipn* Jalau.
Soda PoantalB.
“OnlM Made" raffWiing
Buy';Your Spring Suit
ir; TiMr'"/'
> snd
one call msp be worU msap months'
TbanoblU -Intel.
Bandreds. and
da/ nlghv Tb^ former champion U la
fine (ooadlUoa nod bt^ea to defeat
Dunkbonl handllp.
Paaaad Away at 11 O'clock lAat Might
After Painful Ilincaa.
Mlm Amelia Oaitlek. daughter of Ue
Uta AaUoap Oreitlek, died at II
clock Inat night after a uvare illacM of
apiul meoaagllia. Oaeenaad was
peart of age. She wu highly aataamed
Baprd of Pobllc Worfea Save Made a boU la this dtp nnd rielnltp and In
OraUlckviUe. where Ue family have ra' Ooed Btart on DlelaiOB BUeaL
aided many paaia.
Tbe board of pnblle work* have made
a Marl on Ue blepeia paU ImprovalUmoia Middle of Ue Baadara.
■ant'aiid Ua trial haa gained good apvcJsi ta The Heralwr RMord.
baadwapon Ua waat aide of DivUlon
Bpringftald. 111.—Tbe Middle of Ua
atraai. between Pront and Baemd Bead Popallau bald their eonvMtlon
atraati Tbw far the effort peomlaaa today, and aomlaaiod a alata ticket.
iBnrni A paU aboot four feat wide Thap aelaetad dalagatae to Ua national
baa bAM made bp removing Ue eod. oonvantioa U Onolanati. Map s.
nin«g u wlU clap and rolling and
Oan Fiji avtl Poaltioaa.
rcwndlng np in good ehape, leaving a
hard, amooU tnrfaee. Tbe raanlt of ajweUliaTulluasiavKaroaii.
WaUtagton, April t4-Thi 1
Ula will be watched wiU UUraet and
good Ulaga nra aura to bo Ue rannlL
Un FbtakarJolat p
to aMbla army oMaara to fill otvU i
Mnppp Mlk Bnpida Wadding.
tioMta Porto Eieo nntU AngMt 1.
-Banry Shoratt of Travaraa Cltp and
Mhw Arrilla Oolaman of Elk Baplda,
Prank BnsUad for BtaarM.
ware married at Ua OaUoUe ebareb at
Prank Priadrteh has not forgottu
Blk Baplda MoiMap. Mr. and Mra An
hU dd time poUtloal aaargp. Bto
ton Tbntl. Mr. and Mia. John Umlor
fonnar axperiaaea hnsUlag for Vt^rm
and Mr. Bheratt. taUar of tha gitmm.
In atm trank In Ua mamotp and yuatmdrove over from Ula eitp to atUnd Ua
daphadU a good dulof mMomarp
wnddlagwalk for Blaaraa amoag tha dalagatH
SsrpfiMiag OoffH—IdtU* Tarm to Ua eeatp eoavantloa.
We ha\-e just received ie onr barnar some sets
of jTablemnre from the celebrated Wedgewood potteries--«8tab]iBbed ia England over two centuric*
ago. We] invite the public to examine them and
get prices.
Popular Shoe Hoi
1 and PalU:
City Book Store Bazaar Department
apMAl w The Mscaiaa BmotO.
Waahlogtea, AprO M—Bcpator Ban
ns haa tha madit tor dataatlttg Sanatcr
Qoap and of evening up nn old aaore in
poLtloa Laat faU whM Banator Ban
na waa making a heroic fight Ulearrp
Ohio he aant to <laapb trUada In Panaplvanla for finanelal help and failed \o
get U. ‘The ~
imittee could not;p*^e Uamonap
Banna daalrad for naa^nOI
Ohio and ha
^ tha fallnra.
Beoator Banna had not bMo cordial
toward gcap alBea bnt baa not baen
openlp boatila nnUl wlUln Ue last few
Third Yeir-No. 927
R^t iB life faj
iog hia
Damoeratt Phvnrad Blm-Tba Tote
I and Dankhorst WIU
Pgbt Monday.
to The Meraiss Beeoid.
New York. April *4—Bob PlUtlmmona and
Dankhorat each pentad
Your Boy
caaa Toted Agalnat tnatlng nad Biz
rad natlvea. Inflaeneed bp Agnlnaldob
bishop Aglins. attaekad bla troopa at
aavaral polnla. wbleh In tun had baen
attacked. Tbe loa. In tbe attack at
Batooo on Ue 17U Inal wae 100 kUlad
nnd dnrlng Ue entire figbUng from
1.'>U to irU, tli killed. Onr loaaee,
killed, four wounded. Oeneral Yoniig
bad tdentp of Uoope and will have
little fnrlher difficulty.
oUer Luioc polnU improving, local
I and InbabllanU of Uwna
Taatardap'a Bau Bail Soorta.
are giving intormallon and rendering
. Troope are now taking SpMMJ IV TM Horalaf
NATIXNAl. Utai.l Kof Ue Interlora of tbe email
Cbargaa l>mocraw WIU Bad PaiU
and will Pifht Pualoo.
ap»fpl wTbr Momlar
WlehlU. April 24-Ona thoamnd
tfcvnw B>wut.ou
‘in^'~r uemocTBia
OemoeraU oi
of Ki
Ua asnnal baoqnst of Ue Bun Plowar
elnb bald bare tonight. Wm. J. Brpan
wmUegQaatof honor. OUer Demo
crat oratom frxiB Ua aa»t were alto In
SB-Oongreanaian Simpaoa
U aald to have withdrawn from Ue
raoetorl'niud Btatm aaaator, claimlagUe Democrau have not treated
him favorablp. He waa not invited to
Ue banquet tonight. notwlUiuading
Ue fact that he announced hU wUlingnmn to aupport the DemocraUe nom*
Ueee in Ua BlxU ud Bevacth ooagraaalonal dlitrIcU. Tfaie made him
Mgrp. and now be propoaae to fight
Bg^aBt fuUon.
-This oewBuu
AMason’Hn uiBBuincture—mao
t\m f Ka fftmnna
tbe famoM Sweet, Orr ___J
and l>
wald A Weil Companiee—no better
ujiujuiBvhurenf oo
on llie
the Am<
Gooda oj
of BCieCk
select mitit»rimi«—
ils(many are private patterns)- tut.
shaped ami finished aa yonr tailor
would to your apecial meaaurv.
We Guarantee
a Perfect Fit
Pants from .5v to $.'i.5f»—in all
etyles and coloriDifs. in stripes and
I'hecks m cassimere and fancy womletlj and black clnye.
Our panto departm.-nl is poeitively the largest in northern Miebisan.
.We have j'nst opened onr aoiia
fountain to th-- public for this
Jhe Boston Store..
B^aaon’atrsde. Ewrj'tbinK is
freab. clean and neat. E^g
drinka, pboaphates and delic
ious ice cream eoda, all np-todate and properly served—aU
fresh davoia made from pare
fresh fruit joices, at
Wait’s Drug Store “MONOGRAM”
KEEP KOOL! Krrooge for your SHOES.
in adva^^CT wtU^
BoU'phoaea No. 114. 410 W. Front Sk
John R. Santo,
Tmvene Oltj
We have the exclnsiye sate of these shoes in
this city. You’ll not be troubled with jour
feet if yon wear a pair of “Mpnogram*’ shoes,
for they fit the feet perfectly. All the latest
atyla in welt and hand ten^'^les, black
and tao—the price is $3.50.
McNamara Block
■ <i
ns Moumra bxookd.
of AAAia A. Oibhe re Moeciey Bra
in CiraU Ooori.
«UTB«s arr
X W. &4xna. Mitor u«
nm comssoM
AppotBtMd XiBMt Vlckt
Sh emtlM ttee of the eirealt oeort
lUyor HamlltOB.
wMbeteep yeoterdoy with tbeoaoe
o( AAdie A. Oibbe of Moydakl. <m
ly Confirmed
HoMioj Broa of erond Bnplda AJaiy
I te Oonetet of Ban.
woeeaenrod and the ploinUre wit
thowhaot oU
W. MUlknn. S. P. Vilholis'.-B. A.
nt the jilninttm teattmoay In yet inralffbnB, OtercMe L. ersUfU and
Tbe eoee in on
M. HnmUn-Othar Bnalnra Trans
trra the lortloe eoart at Klnyoley.
ineelra a qeanUtT of potatoee cold by
acted by the Oenncil.
Dm plolnUff lotbo oefendantt. who
Tbe final atop in the
oturword. meoUeyed.ief need to take
themonaaeoantefafaU In tkemarket. for Ue eostrol of lbs eity water work*
^oat were mode by Ue eonnell test
eveniay. and Ue water
d by Mayor BamUloa. and
by tbe oosnetL
Ooanty wiU Bold on* Hon .B/tbetermeof Ue
ibercf tben
ThiA Siuinor.
from each ward, ooe
for five
pear*. onoUerfer foar. anoiber
IneiUtloa Bxtonded at XeeUey In three, another for two and another lor
OfM# Ohifcb Xmet Mlybt-Frefltn one. Boo. J. W. MlUlken sroe ebc&en
from Ue first word, to serve for a term
bit Popmn and Anteetnd D
of five ysnro. B. P. Wilhelm wee ap
by AnnAny School Worker*
pointed from Ue Ulrd word to eerve
Ofoee choreb wav 111 le 1 with Snnday fear, E. J. Pnlybom, from Ue fonrU,
aobool workere la«t etenlny. oa the oc - three yaore. & L. (Aremeb-fco^the esc.onolon of the conrentlan of the Trer* end. will eerve •wd^yean and J. B.
«City Sonday School Atooelntion. Bnmlln of Uefiltif werd will be a
iberof Ue
a year.
oyram woe corriod ost.
The matter of Ue bond of Locis
tad etcpc tokeo for a rally la tble. city
Sledar, which was referred bock to Ue
dnrlny the enmmer.
The moetlny woe opened by derotlon committee on iieeneee by Ue'eonncli
ole by Eer. W- K. ^rlyhv Tbe cboir Monday evenloy. wai reported by the
terocod with dellybUnl mnelc.
^ oommlttee.'wlU the reco
Uat the bond be approved. Is UU re
Tbeoddrebeaf welcome woe yin
port Alderman Lvrdle of Ue commit-*
heortOy by the peetor of tbe chore
tec did not ooDcnr, and cuyyetted Uat
Be«. C T. Stool. Thle
tc in well choeen word* by Be«. Hoyb Ue action oe the matter be deferred
till Ue next mectiny of Ue eonnell.
On moUon of Alderman Uook. however,
wne tbe eob>eet of on oddreee by Ber. the report of Ue oommlltee was ac
W. T. Woodbonee. Be woe litteaad te cepted. and tbe bond-approved. Alder
with cloee nttentloo. oa b» uryed the men Uosttnys and Inrdle rotlny no.
A propoellion to move tbe llybt at
ImparUnee of a Uryer ose of
bible ns the text book la the Sonday Ue north end 9! Coes street brldye to
aebosl. lie adroeated tbe nee of aide Ue Interaeolioe of State and
totheitndyof the Iomoo. bot said ntreeu ws« brouyht np by Alderman
that Ue bible ahoold be the book In Montoyns. an^ferred to Ur commit
teeonltybte. to report at Ue next
tbe aeboel aeMlona.
Mr*. Dayton cany n deliybtfol eolo. mectiny of the eonnell.
The Amy bond of the Bennab A Ley
which woe yratly enjoyed.
■'Is 0:30 the Beet Boor at Which to Mercantile Oo. for fit,000, wiU B. P.
Hold Sonday School" woB tbe anbjeei Wilhelm and James J. Duia os tnrr.
dlscnsMd by Lari T. Pcnnlnyion. A ties, was approved.
Tbe oommittee on fire and water, to
lively dlaeoalon followed, participated
in by WIU Winanv (1. A. Holliday. B. whom wat referred Ue matter of Ue
W. Boetlnya and others. After tbe petlUon of (ieonre Wilklbs for the
of a boeee os Woshinyton
by Eev. C T. Siont. nnd poeend os fol etrat. nbont wbieh oomplelnt had
been mode on tbe yroand that it
Resolved. That the hoar for boldlny to be in front of Ue line of Ue other
Sonday ecbool be ehoafed from It o' boaeee, reported la favor of flfrmlttlny
clock to «:30 o'clock, prorided the con- Ue erMtlon of Ue honee, os U was to
It of all Uc sebooU In tbe city be be at least 8S feel from Ue 1st line,
and not more than a foot U front of
The matter of BvUy Day woo Intro- UebouesodjolDlny. The report was
doeed by C. B. Bites, preoldnnt of tbe adopted.
O. W. Ools WM yived- permlaaloa tor
Oeoaty Sonday School AsooeUtlon.
‘Thtt era diaensaed very freely. O. A. Us erection of a taonss on West Tenth
Holliday. Hon. J. W. MllUken. Bev. W. street at a east of 9TM.
Mayor Hamilton onnonnoed Ue pood
T. Woodbooee. B W. BosUny*. Emannal Wilhelm and Lowell Soars of Blk rood! oonvenUon Uat beyina today,
Eoplds. oU tekioy port io tbe dloona- speakioy of tbe ebanye in Ue piece of
olon. It was voted to extend an lo- meetlny from Ue eoart room te Uranye
len to be
vltntlOD to the exeenUve board of tbe hall, end arymy the
eonaty awocUtion, to hold tbe rally In preoenL
TbecoapcU adj»orned to meet next
thleeltyntsaehtlsMna they may de
cide npon.. and me the. asnsnneemeni Monday eveniny at.::f0.
bo^ already been mode that all that
Fe penal.
oeeded to briny tbe rally here was
Mr*. E. C. Alyer of Haekeyoa, is vtethe inv}uUoa. there le no dosbt it will
itiny nrr sister. Mr* lie* Eoyrt*. tSt
beheld here some Ume durlny- the
Tb« Facto Bioo Aek
Mow Ui»v th« Porto Bloaa «;«
bailor oBAoratood by
pMfto. Uo c«7 prop*- *%vti Ukoa by
jty worifcdiU bardI to adopt
«(to fora tb«
«bo fra tradepcdley.
I to compel the aba
IhoprotoetiTe prinelple. bet torlanately wUhont a»oU. Oar eufor. oor to
tera. oor fralv, oor eefetable aad
■rrlenUv*] iateraU cao rat
ittbatjiwt at aocw oe limey
r tbai Porto Bleoa prodaeto
I oor ourkoU witb onr own
, thM they will be f«Uy
The prlsdple to do tbU hoe
hwa latolaad. and ^t li the mala
•Moot for which the
We hare Irad the Porto
m from a i
It opoo elareiy. oad it raU with
lham to attain a tUndord that wUl
•mttae Uwm to Mjoy and opbold the
ftfbti ob4 prlrUeffae of the ooobUuttOB of the L'oltod BUtee. WhUe we
on wtUlay to help the Porto Bieane do
lUt, the prinelple of protection to onr
own Uhor and onr own farmen hot
hoB richttnlly ratolaed in eooh way
that it may beI applied when we eoa*
MeoMlderthe Phlllpdaoe with Iholr
■UUooa of low rAiti Ubarem, and
«dr pralMe otilUy to compete diced•■iAttaoaaly with onr coyor and to-
i- I
oa the water
, mode by Mayor
. aoBUtea Uat oWrbt. and eonOrmed by
the ODoaell, will meet' with renera)
The membern are all well
haownelUeeneln wbooe eoorre the
•OKpoyare will be eatiaded to leare the
irannim work to be done thte yra.
-The dntiee of the oommtMloa tbe fl'cl
wmt wlU beordoone. bat to the fen. may be left
Mfldenoa All M them
P. C. Bsoer bn yone on a beslasaa
bMlMmmtn of good Jodyment
Tbefollowlny offii
I elected
trip 10 Chleoyo.
wiUhoodU the detalla of tbe lor tbe ensolay year:
Pred Slliby, formerly city
with the
Preoideat-O. A. BbUlAny.
of tbe
is in the city for hla
Vice Pr««ldeav-r. M Polno.
eon that they exorelea In thdr own
mer vocation. Be baa spent tbe
Secteinry and Treosnrer—Miss Uertyesr at U^mrryency bospltel at Demde Sproyne.
I Oeoopy Monslny and
Aftemooa on Important BabjcOt.
Owiny to tbe foci that the clroolt
•oert U in Mea>oo tbe food reade oonweaUoo win not be brld in tbe eonrl
(oem. However. anranyemenU bhve
_________ ^e to bold tbe momlny eoMlon
tn Orosye nail, and oe Honnyei hutahery bee kindly offered the nee of hit
Opera bouae, the afternoon raalon will
be held there.
An Intoratlny proyram bat boes
pmpared nod' pepen of yrat intereel
will be read. Mayor Uomllton hoe Ineitad eereral well hi
oCar papers. ainoBy them belpy Lowell
Moors of Whitewater lowosbip. E O.
Loddof PsolMslo. JohnWbiteof Solon
and several olbsi* from this and odJntelny cobdUos. The prlnelpst adAraeas srill be mods by tbedlelln
•mkhed ooiside speakers. A. B. Palmer
«< Bolkoaks. Editor Eodysrs of -The
Boodmaker" and Clril Bnylneer Blom
nhWdof Bay Olt>.
PraticoIraadbnUdkay will be dte
araod In oil Its tateresUny phases and
there srili be mocb of interest to everynan. Tbe momlny asm Ion will beytn
•I n;M and the afternoon SMslm at
the bnslnra of Us atecl
M the United States has 1
tsed 100
pnr cent dnriayUa pest six or elybt
anmlha. TberoaoontorUspbeaomsMMlffivwU te toend inthelorreforelyn
MiSMd for Steel pradetm. Merer be
S«n have Uere bees M many and eeci
Insyn order* from Bempe ne have boei
ranlsed dsriay the pnat few rantha.
tana U
bn A. Loranyer went to Cold water
Mr. and Ur*. John T. Hesdle have
y»ne to Detroit.
Traverse Bay Tent No. I3fl held a
Frank L li-sby i« in Ue city, rep-rvery nleosaot box eoclol in Montsroe
boll lost evenloy. A ebon mnrical
proyram woi yiven which was much
eaj^ed. Carrosu. pedro apd other
fames were played.
were sernd is the form of box lenche*
which were sold at anetloo.
entirs tit society.
p WMSnnr DC isr tnc mr i«rK
Steinberg’s Grand
Ml*. Koni Dead.
Wednesday, May 2nd.
Edwin G. Jepson
Mro. Annie Kons. wife of Anton
Kona, died yesteeday afternoon at her
home In UorSeld township, at Ue aye
of 64 yeoro, of chronic liver tronble.
She was a well known Bohemian lady.
and Us wife of ooe of Ue most promi Pre»‘ute tt>e grvategl 6ucc»*aK.of
nent farmers of that section of Ue
the pri'HeDl acL-ade,
c»nniy. Poneral arronyamcntawill be
aanoosced Ister.
a which Is so plrntifal 00 Ue maty
mond by hotel and miaarant koepera
fipnada Uks Wildfire.
When thlBys ore "Ue beef they b«oome "Ue bnt eelllay" Abmaam
Bore, e Isodlay dmyyUt. of Belleville,
a. writei; "Bleetrtc Blttere ore tbe
beet eelUoy bitter* I have htndled in
M year* Toa know whyf Mott diiesace beyin In dmerdrre of ekuBoeb.
llvar. kidneys, bowrio. blood and
aerre* Bleetrie Blttere tenet np Ue
stemoeh. reyalatea liver, kidneys and
bowala. purifies Ue blood. sOreayUeas
the n^e* beaM carev mnltltadw of
It bauds ap tbs eatlrs
■yateas. Pats new Ilfs oad viyor late
aay yeak. stehly, raa-dowa moa or:
---------“ ■
-Bold by fi. B
->n. droyytete.
soTMkiv coo-utu. t.t«u
•aaUar 'Dorfant Bamte.- i^ieb will
spear at SMlabeer* May i.
B. W. Bnnnd retsraed ynsterdajfram
a barittOM trip to the aectbMro. William I. OeKay hoe yoaa'oa a
brief Tteit to Oraad Baphte.
Froak Ihompoea of Boyae City, bee
retnraodtohteboBMahera vtell with
Mrs. L. J. Ibdmaalain from Sammlt
Oity vteitlny (riends la thte eiWBdMortia.wbe has aCmpted a poet*
UCB WiU Ann .A Ootc. hae raiDOTcd
wlU hie taaxny to this
S.B. Mbaw of tbe Miehlya|i Tblehooe Oo.. te at tbe WhlUi«.
Jobs B. Keaalay. Ue riyar asaaaiaetarerof Oiaad Bapldo, te la tbe
a of Oraad Bapide. te
ISTO. -iTl
Is the best Rocker on the
mu^et for the monej.
It is solid golden oak, has
two verj wide back alats,
nicely^ qaarter sawed and
embossed, high arm, cob
bler leather seat, only
$3.75. It 18 a bargain.
We have over 300 differ
ent styles of rockers to se
lect from.
Oharlas Gtaalieb of Oraad Ba^ ar
rived ta ue city yeetetday to vklt
UweU Soars of Blk
edUe Sonday ecbool convention lasv
evealay at tbe.Bi
Mr. and Mr* V. B. Walker ware in
Ue city yesterday.
. C. BlUmon of Cedar, was at Ue
David Briber of BnttODS Boy. is la
Ue city.
MisaJaaniaMoecTcf Mayfield, woe
a Travem City vislior yaaterday.
Mr* J. W. Ollffe left lost nlybt for
Asbload. Obio.for a month'sylolt.
A. U Joyce and C W. Fasst will
atari on a Ulp Uronyb ^koska
L-oanty today.Mrs.. Perry Tompkins of I'nion
street will yo to MnakryOD to make
Uat city ber pemoneei hi
liter W. K Campbell of Empire. U
in Ue city on baelows.
Fred Brown will leave far Ellsworth
today to btake a permanent poeiticn
WlU John Mar*.
UTtl£ AT i TMH
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
120 B'xoxL-fc S-tareet.
Make No MistakeThen*
any olht*r ahoea node that
arc just as
ae our ahocs for child
ren which arV-Miadp cspeciaUy for onr
ortliT—Thai in the kind wc adl—We
know of no school shoes to be com]>afed
wilh oura - they fit well, are up to fash1. not too ui'iir, HDu sliould be bouubl
by all whodi-riire U)
iheir money.
* That Xbi
of auffercra have proved Ueir matchleas merit for aick and nervous beodoebea. T^ey make pure blood and
bnlldapyoar health. Only 35 cent*
Money bock
:k If not core
eared. Soli' ‘
Wall and
Id Jo*
' Jot
Prierti are ISc. '1-V. T-'x-. Ikic. Il.l’). feacb tk'ason • the shoo
hill of every <-nstomer in the conimanily is leas because we are
here. D<ia't hwitate—-try us.
You are us weleoiue to look os to buy.
J&L.. S,
Practionl Shoo Man
iX, Front 8tr.-.-t
F«r Shecs yo te A. 8 Tryau.
Going To Ride
a Wheel?
No reason why you ehouldn't Everyone in this region
can. Our terms are most liberal, always glad to show our
wheels and talk about their good points. That’s our business—
That's what we're here for. Got a spare moment? Drop m and
look over the wheels.
Going to talk about the Cleveland for igoa Always been at
the head and this year it will continue there. Why/ For sev
eral reasons, ’lljcre's the Burwell combination ball and roller
bearing. Let it be remembered that the balls in an ordinary
bearing are loose and all .move in one general direction, rubbing
on each other, causing Iriction and grinding the balls. This is
entirely done ,iway wilh in this new patent. There's an entirely
new way of anchoring the direct spoke in the hub, thus avoiding
the danger of breaking if struck a hard blow from the side. The
great feature is the gear case. Throw your wh»:el iif the bay,
ridi- it througli tlic mud or on the <lusiy road and you’ll find
your chain absolutely free from water, hiud or dust. Then all
Cleveland's are ftued with the celebrated Burwell Clincher Tire.
Customer told us that he had used l«s tire over the roughest
road-and wouldn't use any other. Theyll stand all kindrof.
hard usage. These wheels sell at 5^40 and S50—the one with tbe
gear case at $55.
Intarpretad by
A Peerless Company
And staged wiib most elab'
orate detail.
A beatt storr deftljf wovei with
deaa, briebt, whglesoma
Priced—35,*50, 76c; box aeatF.
n.OO. Seata on aale at box offlee
Bear in mind this fact that we sell also the Clipper
Ohoinlew. the Tribune Ohalnless. the JUuhblar, Che Weatfield,
theldeal, the Hibbard, the A^ax. and the most complete stock of
bicycle sundries carried in tbe city.
' :
The Haonah 1 Lay Mercantile Go.
Walker. L- Boberta. W.>. C. MitobMl.
OamoUoe tba eoamttoo adjemnHm Bib Ba^ troo CO. hare pot
Mwaawdaat b*rp«
After adjoaramaot tbe eoanty i
teielha>roilUalBkBaplda,aad will S«pabUeBsa of tho Oooa^
otyaaiyad by ctoctinc ■
baffia roaalaralrbtaaaaooo aa they
juiUMS SUNjK A m Itnk A sit
aaapnllaUfbtafor tbe mllL Tbay
'At tetod Bkrbor Vnalr
•> wOl eat 20.0W.M0 fact of hardwood
rMorr: J. O. Jebi
•S smBd eoiani atU«u. 1* 4m*
laaaoa The Ion ara alraady oa Bepraaeatatlrea tfaieotod i
inm m affMU of as *ecld«t ta a
W. MUUkao, Jobe Beste. & C Oarrow.
fHMcf foot ball botwM U« tateo
O.A Briyham.
^sitb a Prtoa bava rwodalod their
eat Detroit.
Bwtor Blfh «sb0(ri tfms sad U«
aod Biota Oh
‘ PWawoU dorm iut ML Bwhr
Tbe Repabtlcaa ceonty eoaroBUn :Wrwn«rwnwwtwrtoti«nWMiiM.i
The froot room bee baao maeb
faM Mil •'ttfe lh« CUeafo
1. a neat draastoy met io Foresters ball yastaiday after ! THE BTAQE
OalDBi IMITMT. and latMdad to alo
a haa ban parUtloaad oft. aad tha noon at l:M and was enltod to ordn by
«Mh tka Oahu OSMa «Ma aaaaoo.
oral appaaianaa aad eoavoatoaoe of Cbairman Monroe.
dt Maradlaa a barral tail of aalua,
wm made tam■aai far a layeh tab. laU oa JaMO tba reoiaa iaprorad.
porsry cbairman and O. C. Moflatt toaIba Bridfc Baildaraef the Oeorr«r»WUiaaifbt'a tear fmr aU bor aad
"Darkeat Baatia’ wlU be seen at
panry aperatary.
imtaaUr kUM him. Tbe child waa tioaal abaieb artU laaat arttb tha Miaaaa
aad Opera Bomc oa May
Oa motion tba ebPlr
ttTl^toratatahn'aBaatUUM to*
WbUe this play to saw to tbto city,
Blitees M foUowa:
atadyot Mieroaaaia will oeeapy the
B. Prn^ W. S a it la one that to waU knwn aU oear
WbOa plowlac hU paatara dacnat oaeaiac.
tbe eoaatry. and tbe oompaay that to
Mitchell. BeU Monroa.
it is now naarlay the and
BUai#. llvlac oa the tooa Uaa ba
laatutloae ara oat Cor aaothar aoeial
oryantoatloD and order of
t«aaa Mk OcMaa aad iruaa fooai a party by tbaP. B. aoaiaty.to taka bnito^-F W. Bnatinye, L. W. DmU of iuaeeaatb eonaecnUnsoason.which
beyan on the tut of last July, and wlU
sasbar of lltUa pUaa of oata. Bia plaea at tha City Oparm Boaaa toaad G. A. Brfybam.
caffaaltr balat aroaaad ha araMlaad baorrow ovcbIbk.
Tbe eommluaa on eradaaUaU rep^ terminate on Msy i:*b at Bnflalo. New
Tba Miebican Bardwood Lanbar ed tboae enUUed to eeau to tbe eon- Tork. Durtoy tbe season tbto compeay
baa covered over tt.OOO milea of travel,
qaaatlUaa of araaaie. Cbaau of bread
iiatlon will meet tbia moralny at ecniton aa follows, and tbe report
wftb a route eoveriny.tbe eoantry from
fUad with'tha poaon «rer« foaad Ip lOo'eloek.attheoffisa of Jadye Bob- aceepUd and adopted:
the banyard. d abort Ucoa ar> t«o crU'.
Aeme—B. F. Stlua. M. Story. John Balitax. Nova ScoUa. to San Praneltcg.
In oflerlny tbe attraction. Manager
of bU eowa died. . Ulaoek baa kii auaTbe Cbarlea Belts U loadlay Wimber Boaie. S. P. t>sM. J. D. Stodi
Stelnbary will yivs hto patrons tie
pldaaa aod wlU eoaimnaleate than u at tba Oral Di^ factory dock for
east and proiucGoa tbathaaathoritln.
Oaalel Daka Tbe earyo' will yn to
Blair—G. A. Briybam. Jaoob^todelbeen seen In all of t^e laryer eliiesMd
la hla offlelal ordara for the obaarra Cbksayo.
baaer. H. C. Bart. P. M
not one that plays only tbe tmi
Uoa of Meaioiial Day,
Tbe lumber baryea Marka aad Pottor MeWetby. U. Swalnalon. /
CowauBdarR E. Paalarof tba G. d are loadiny at the docks of John
East Bay—J. B. Mabani Walter FieK., aaya tbe day la tba aeldlar'a Cab- Oit A Co for Chlcayo. '
O. Uonioe.
tV. H..iitc^hcl).
C. * '
Maosyer Sielnbery has been fortuhatb aad that It aboald not ba daaaFife
Joltot Beera la tbe owner of a new
nale in seenrlny a return enyayemeot
eraud by maklnc U a day for aporta
C A. I’Mci. B. E. Walur. Jamea E. of the famons orlytoal Irtob Coiiidtons
Cleveland bicycle.
aad aoUy demoottratlou. Tbe rarTbe new day lleeaae toys ba«e ar- Hamilton. A. K. Wllaon, M. DaetoMurray and Mack, who vrtU prcMnt
« peata an inatraetad to daoorata
their medley of enjoyable noasi
tbe rrarea »f tbe aoldler dead and to ri«ed, aad City Clerk Blckerd has '
^toward. AmM Li
"Finneyan's Ball." on Wednesday eve
larile tbe aoldiera of tba bpanUb war. at work yirtoy Ibfm oot to tba ow
Frafk Hyde. 6. G. Sasaar, Klley
ning. May
tbe auta troopa. aad cittaaoa reoetally otcantoM- W. W. Palrcbild yot the
to participate to tbe day'a obaerranca. 'firatoae
Grant-F. K. Walker. F. L. Daell. -I.
Miss Ada Mooiyomary U very Ul at
Edward W. Mackey, captain aod
M Schell. U. O. Earl. J. O. Rrlybly.
eaator Beider of Ollrel'e baaa ball niae. bar home on Elmwood aveaae.
Green Lake—A. U. Certto. Wm. Ocx>
broke bli cbeekbiae la two plaeea dorThere will be a maeUny of Boae Oo tor. Ora Van Tassoll. L W. Lyon.
lac Hatorday'a ratne with Kalamasoo.
o. I at the enyine boaae this evenlny
Lony i<akc—E. Y. Llnderman, Jo
Mackey's tojarto*. which were raealrad at 7:30 o'clock. AU membara are aryad aepfa Ctaasc. Lastor Wells. U. D. How
to alidtor l‘) aeeood baae. ware
to be preahnt.
yarded at dwi at dtQ^ront. but later
There will be a maeUny of tba Fra
Mayfield—L. W. Daell. O A. Drake.
tbeir ------------------- -------------- ternal MyaQe Circle this erentiiy to Frank Mackey, Almon Darllny. H.
Mackey baa^ygne to Ana Arbor for an Moniayne bair. A toll aUeadanee to Youoy.
I>arad!sc—A. B. Stinson. A. E. PulTwo man flabiny two milea aoatb of
Lieut. Jca. Ktoaaea. wbo has baea ver. D. Monrae.'Wm.'Sparltoy. Frank
Kaaon diaeorerod tbe railroad bndye very sick, waa able to come down town Dean. Ralph CAse. John Hoff. J. V.
oa Brr. Barfor tba timely dlacorery
TUlotton, J. S. Brown. A. L. Tbnraton.
Itaroald ba*e probably bamed auffiClare Cortto baa boea appointed local Philip Miller.
A Cure for Nervous Headache.
ctontly to bare wracked a aoatb bound oonsul of tbe L. A. W. for Trneerae
Peninsula-P. F. Lardie. A. W. HUI.
paaenyar train.
Beory Ughm. James McIntosh. W. B.
Labor Coumbaioner Cot aaya MlcblHarry Sbannoo of Kinytley bad bto Gray, Frank Brimmer. F. L. Jobnaon.
yen la affilatad with proaparlty.
on a knot saw Jr„ U. K Brlnkbam. W. A- Maraball.
oaybt to knpai. for be haa bee
Tonday while at work la L. R. Gibbs'
Pnioo—Not represented.
work for Mine Um» yeiiiny dyurea saw mill.
Wbllewater—Lowell Sours, Frank
.............. ................................... nlKII*.
freaa aarlooi todoatrla* which boUter
WlllUm McDonald has sold hto real- Sours. James S. Fallelt. Neil Munro,
curihf.V<-rM->.'*t<><i>»<->>. l.lvrrMndKlU. Huid l>r druvKiHs. mc.andS0c. b
ap bia optoioB.
dance property on West Front street A. J. DeVries. O. B Bolle. G. D. UsmOathoUe aarrlcat were bald to tbe to William Haydan. Mr. McDonald moud.
Traverse Oily.
Mleblyan Asylon for tUa. Inaao
expects to more to tlrnod Ripida.
First ward-J. A. Moore. Th.S*~r.
Kalamaiog for tbe first time to tbe
Some peonie wonder what Btada
history of tbe lostrtatUia. Kaarly
will do nexv He baa done it. Tbe Bates. F. U. Pratt; A. W. Rlckerd. O.
aad many patients Hannah A Lay MereantUe Co. yester P. Carver. J VV. Milllkea; L. Boberu.
J. W. Pstobir. 0. C.AEoffstt. F. Hamil
day sold bin a fine Tribane bleyele.
At Resadmer fire w^ disogrerad
ton. J M. Tnpmss. J. A. Loraayer. L Declares Dr. Waelzhold in
Alfred Day aad Theodore Dion will
one of the tovel* several bnedred feet
yl?e a aociai bop to Foresters ball nait F Titns
Articlr on
fluslc and
Second ward— S. C. Darrow, E. H
balow tbe surfaes io tbs Ttldan mine Tnesday. erenlny. Music by Helm's
Allyn. B. W. Hssitoys, A. B. Binybaa
MMdaynlytat. Hmokv'u comlny otil orcbHtm.
C. L. UrelUck.W. O Foote.E- B. While.
of ceracnl abafts- It to Impossible toi
U. S. Bsrle. SUU eousnl of the L A. A- U. Brown. Thomas U. Shorinan.
toUJaai where tbe fire to. but It to
W..to In the city oa bosioeei eoooected
Many Oirto duffer said to
' known to be near No. o ehaft. where srllb the lateresu of wbeelmen and ha C. Thompson.
bejtbc kesutt of -MamThird ward-T. J. Bendeiaon. W. W.
tba powder mayatias is located. There
meriny thetCeyboard."
wlllbepreseotatlbeyood roads coo- Smith. C M R;ers,P. C. Gilbert. J. H
le Bb way to atop tbe fire. a«d all tbe ventJoD tbto afternoon.
Is the Illitl^b Mrdic;>I
Monroe. L. K. itibba G.|W. Ptaelpa W.
man bava beao ordered oat. aa an exWacUboId
The Meroaniile Co baa Inirodoeed a A. Newton. 8. C. Dtopres, 1. F. Gordon. cowed Dr
ptosioc' may os^ur it any time. Maeb
.Music- -ml Nrrves."
damayewlll rtauliif tbe fire raaebea new patent time reytoler by which AloDzg Fox. Frank Freldrleh.
that tbe alsruiiny
every employe to tbe
Fourth ward—C, C. Knowltoa, W. F.
. _i disorders in voany girls to c
be ••dwlly ccistoro” of hammer
Barsba. F. D. Martin. W F. Calktna.
u.. b-iu...
M. C. Ovlatt. Oeo. W. Lardie.
tbe cause is due to
IteritiM of G,»nil lUpld. onforwl...
, a .
Flflb—W. W. Fairchild. W. E Moon. piano Icsaops may remain a question.
mi... of lb. ..W p.bll. mbmil. .ImmI | » ■bm
lb. oid.r
u . prmm.ilo. .Ol~t
11" » o;,i«ib™ ...Pblom tor tb« Deo. P. Gameon. Demas CoebUn. M. But there is oo droying the fact that
there is an WnormoDS increase .of ner\ D. Moryaa. Wm M Smith.
There are now ,foor pabllc aebooto aew K. of P. balk
ous diseases amoDy young yirls at (be
Foneh autloo. os Carp l*ke. M. AN.Medad V.ntoo
critical age of twelve Io sixteen, wbea
closed In-ibe city and one to tbe ooun.try. 1.4» papiu are on a vacation with E. railroad, will be open . for fralyhl> C. W. Aataton and Jno. Glllto. fill vs- they ace josl crossing tbe threaholii of
I Tbniaday. April M. eancles In First ward; V. F. Greer, to womanbood Tbrir oervons avstems are
taatmetloDS to remain dooe at borne
aad fortf-ooe teacbers are temporarily
Tbe Forretiers will yive a :
Tomer in Tbii^ard; fl. E. Steward 01 examiualiotis. It is dnriiing this try.
sat Of employmnaL The condition In
at their Lalt this evenlny.
ing time that girls hecotne
pale, weak
Fourth ward; A. A
the North End to yrave lookiny. but all ■
su'd nervous, and sufler
lU of
precautions are belny token to prevent
irregularities of ibr delicate (euioioe
The committee on permanent oryanfuribwapreadlny of the disease.
i enurch parlors thl. aftomoon at rsu
The stole baai baUtrry at Mill Creek ; „-cloek. la ebarye of the work commitbudering uilb tbe lUi
that tne temporary oryaniaGon M
has beci. eolaryed with the addlUoa of; tee.
peruliat (<i tbeir sec.
ex. (bete
made permanent and tnat tbe order of menl
a platii for batobiof wsU-ayed pike.
lenl to 1)h-' cotruisre.i
('Otn{iare>l with Dr.
D A. W.
Georye Use
bnsincas be first, seleciion of county Cbast'» Nrrr- au.l l.loiG Pi1ills, tbe geea;
nndiiu cxpecied to batch -S.000,000
I tbrov'D from bto wnyoo eommit'.se: second, selection of. five piiv-ale prr-.i-ripiion ■ Dr. A. W. Chase,
ayys iiuraeaiaidy Tbe firatoonsiysdalccsus to attend state cooveniloa «hO!>e (-ortia:; ami igoatutc is on every
box of the genuinr.
May 3rd. third, selection'of five deleDr. A. tt" Cbiw'* Nerve and Rlcs.d
Pill* re-.t-nrr iiuO rrviuiirr the waited
nbeebaryed ap to poor roads. ion May tat Tbe report waa meeepted '.|go.l .•:ii! iicire ctdli., ItrlBg liark tbe
it will Uke about fificen days '
Ih 1 hi-eke cn4 the nmniliio.* to
and adopted.
u.™ .na,.h„ ,m
the fnrni
u hns, St all dcslrrs,
On tr.r-.ion the chair appointed OaoCbaae
e Med.
klei Co.. Bufislo.
W.-B'.eward, F. C. Gilbert ana A. W.
Atstoyioaw K. A. tlroamann wasen-:
ysyad in repslriog his impihs Isnneb
E W P'‘hcr svas m toe dty from
TbeoftScers of tbe convention took
Mnaday wbetL sn 'exp'.oslon Otourrad, Bingham yesterday.
tbe usual oath of offlse.
badly bsmlug bto hands ar.a b i*fi. iiia
Tbe membera of the- coonty commit'
hair, ejrrbrorra aod cyetashrs wyre
wrre then named by the reapeetive
bnrnet cfT and Us face b'latered. it
townab'jps apd wards as follows;
■ Is tbonyat that bto eyes ar- uoinjored.
! Acme—lobn iloxieCHICAUD.
. letter received Monday
Blair—G. A. Briybam.
0.n.W«.F.SbafteraddretoBd toRe,
Eiat Bay-J. E Mahan.
6. Pearson of tbe Cjuyreyattoosl lutnn, May a Ore fare
Fife Iwke—W. W. Brower.
Ualeabnry. the .yeneral aaya
Hrlbodisi Ueceral
_1 Conference.
Bell Bell
tisrficic—Geo. W. Steward.
la npvvr’cotiipletf without
toeffeet that Galraburg la to haves Hav I.
7. H. fl. B«tnn done 1.
Grant—F L Dnell.
Green Lake-A. B. Cortto.
the Rladncae that comw
iny to Boeb a c»o«—
' within Sen miles.
Long Labe—H. D Bowavd.
Uk^. b..h b.hv lb. cr. Th™.
Mayfield—L. W. Ouell.
from the ponseuion u( a
O.U will b... tb
lb lU lb.r.1. b. I.
Ml Mb,
Paradtoc-A. B. Stinson and Ralph
UbSbbfUrbbbKMi bb-MUbb w1U. ,7„7;, *Vibifc"!. Obbfu. '
new spring hat that ia
• aanUtro < lean and tbe yaaeral i
Peotnaola—P- F. Lardie.
1 lU a^KMlbb. .bbW .^1
Union—J. M. Myem..
aatisfnetpry ■ iu 6t, style
t a awwtoi oompat'tor. ««!and morning tralaa Mnya. ReturnMny
for 3. One (are.
tottor also tasloaad a «
Traverse City—lat ward. J W. Mllllnnd price. Von will nltha ebarch above named
kre; 7nd ward. 8. C. Darrow; Srd ward.
Daaseratle Stole Oonvention. Ball W. W. Smith; 4tb ward. & C. Knowl' By tba doaaUon of fA«n to cash and
waya find them right, at
n baildtoy site ef five or sto i
toa; &th ward. W. E Moon.
, On# fare.
Dalttstaa ware then eleetod to tba
ntoowry ylvtoy aai^ymantto not leas
atota oonvanilon as follows:
Iban forty man tha year roand.
White Wine e« Tar Aypa^ the
W. H. Foatoe. F. FrMdrleb. Geo W.
best eougb remedy on earth, cures a cold BnS. F. L. JobMon. C C. Enowlton:
VAtarptssdd ObooeUtd.
• “ • ninli
and to tha
n dsiteiow drtok at WalPs Soda
iThoe. T. Batm. J. A. Lomnywr. F. E
7«r SkoM go to A- 8- TrTBta.
fpanuto. , e
It Wi«ri|rip i«nit K>
Piano Practice
Causes Disease
The Glory
.. .»p. .~f.
Some men nei^ a chaaye
of clotbcs tbia spriny. sad
others need a dunye of
Yon can yet tbe kiad of
clothes you wspi if you will
come to the riybt store.
We would like to tsik H
over with you and show yoa
our new inks aod prices in
tbe Hart. Schsffner A Mans
tailor made elothiny.
They're tbe kind adverlised in the l^iny mstaxiocs and worn by yood
dressers everyFbete.
But in a new location, on Union street, op
posite the Masonic blocks where Ve will.oo
business until our new building is readv. To
induce our old customers id hunt ns up. we
shall, for the next few weeks, almost give
away goods.
What do rou thiak of ladies' Patent Leather aad Dog Collit
Belts at ID cents?
These belts are new and up-to-date in every
way and are worth five to ten limes the price
wc ask. We have plenty ol other goods, too,
that we are making big cuts on.
The savings Bank Bazaai.
rtsiuh..',' =:^
('bild's Red Uoe mul Bnttona; all nzaa. New Styles,
New Toes, New Gvo^-
Frank Friedrich
The Old Beliable Shoe Man.
The Temple
We Have Mored.
New Store, 242 Front Stre
of Fashion
Work on raMUlag th« Kumh Citr
A amfc flMUivut to urrertotatg
iha awpto of DoiVlu eou«j. lUlM*
At MUtowiUa. Kwa. i«MiiUi .
gudnipU wadAiag m ■oUaolzkl. ia
wkteh twoHwU bop* marrtod t«o
Costort atoton uU two Comfort boji
•vriMi two BcoiA atoten.
Boporto of loM of Ufa IB HoBitoba
tanat ttai an daclBrod tie be witboet
pbBBt twloBcfaff
tetbe DeltoA roropaagb eime. wee
itraafM to deaU Ib MadtooB BqeM*
toefAee. Sew Terb. Moadap Blgbt. 1b a
fatUe effort to eebdae bU belllffBiWBep.
Pralt feriBi are betoff deeelopi
tbaeoalb. fa oaeslaeo la Nortb Qer*
MUa Uere are atMwberrr larme of
etfralt arebelaf ratoed, asd tbeeaAi^oaae MUne-UwarAe. dtotta
' gBlabed Preaeb BatoralUt, to dead la
Parto. af«d «t.
A botaaleal gardea baa beea eaiabItohod tat Coqollbaume. Congo Ptm
Vlatc, hj the Belgiaa rorerasea
will be called the Kew Oardcaa. aod it
wlU probably be imporunl to the rab
her and oiber tropleal lodnairleeJslD-Ba-Pnra Ii a fonog African
chief now io Ihia oonstrj at KhS gneat
of Dr. Carl I'etera. the African oaplorer.
TfaU chief Ua auo worablpcr and he
complaina becanae be hat •been able to
tee eo attie of the aan In tbla eoantrg
Wood telU at »t(i per cord at Cape
Some. Alaeka.
finaaiaU aald to have cMciuded an
amicable agreement witb Korea.
Eight thonaand minera are on atrlka
bt Santa Panllnc. saniander.
i.The president aod Mra McKinley reurseduo Waahlngtoa Monday from
Kew York. The eaiue erenlng they
toft for Canton. They will Inapect
•ct the
work being done on ibelr home there
and reinm to Waablngtoa probably
It to estimated that daring the paat
fourteen monlha apward of lo.ooo
woWee baye been killed In Wyoming,
In addition to monnuin Uona, wild eaU
lyna. bear and ooyotea.
Admiral Dewey baa aueeptad an InrlUUoD to Ttoit Mew Orleans May tt.
The laritaUoD wai sent him In a phonPgrapb.
Chicago paltoe iare recelred noticea
aakingjhe caplnre of Oeorge W.
Wright, a Uleblgan anirersLtT laiv
gradnate, who la charged with the
mnrder of tonr mes in
aod Colerado
For aome time paat the '‘•BnaaopbokisU" in India and England hare been
to a aute of alarm orer the fact that
■ the natirr troops in India are armed
with practically obaolcte rifles. It ap- I
' peM that the Hritisb gorerninent has
aow decided that It U time to pnt an
end to tbU stole of affairs, aad tte anaoancrmcei that the natire troops are
IP be rearmed has been reoeired in
lAAuita with great aaUitaeiloo.
J atm OF rut woblo
dovslb wxoozs*.
I Is fft. ffraseto Oboreh
TeaUfdag bf Fatbar Bsoar.
A pret^ doable wedding wee eel•ulaed 1^ Bor. Pr. Baecr yaiterday
■wanlnt at At. Fraooto ehvreb. the
eootraetlBg partiee balng Albert J.
Oeortade of Eaat Bay asd Mtoe NctUe
BBwklna of Areblo. and Joaepb B-1
Jobaeos of Ardiie- ' The grooma. who
are ooealna. own »e!ghbofing torma la
Beat Bay. aad the brfdea, atoo oooalBa.
lleeBear together on the peBinanla
All are well kaows la tbto elty.
After the oeremoey as alaborate
wedding dlBser waa aerred at tha
home of W. B. Oonrtade of Beresth
etroet. Aboot so gnaato wi
aad many beautlfal aad valnable preaeato were re.:elred by the two happy
A wedding dance wae glees taet
ersalag at the Arehle ball, and after a
abort wedding trip, the two oonplea
wlUrealdaeaadJolBlagfanBB at Eaat
Tboieea Btela Wblaky.
Shnmaa’apnraaeyvor Empire waa
brokaa opes by midnight Ictrodera
Snaday night aad a gallon of whtoky
sad so oento worth of ebaap clgaia
Thetbaieea erldeatly aonght
oaly the booca. aa a big roand dollar
la the caib regla'ter waa apared- But
the borgiaraae; the register on the
floor to iot the proprietor kaow that
while they bad the eaato in mind
they were not looking for money:
Eotiaoce w^« mads \brongh a ^rear
window by the remora! of a large pane
'bf glaaa.
4 00
a V. e. Meee, csrrelfrentce elw
"--im.eer.aMkaeC featte aiioid'paeM.w:Xr«. tm. oeteeOpere:
fgqnire at
Blekt Nonbeni-pkeo’.e: Belt, tot
'•Sl-K- < '-'sP- '•■‘Sl* •
.iMioo-BiIk >Uske.slso
SI «; Itniiu (.’ales siirg
I havt placed a third chair.m
bariai'r shop in onh-r lo accom-
attenti'in ”ivi ii to ail.
.\ M. 0\ l.\TT. Fropr.
Cash Capital $200,000
The Waukazoo House!
L. li. A. BnUdlng
xirkad UlrJ)
All thfi Up>to-dfite
drinka at Walt's Hods Fonnuin. 33lf
policies. Insuring against accident and
alcknem. pays Indemnity from 36 to IM
weeks, both short and long term policiea. also Uekeu on all the leading botpitols in the United SUtee. For full
pnrtlculara see
Gnid Ripldi t fidliu Rj.
ra) siM dcasnurr ef irslss s> tvavefm
tnw. Is effect Drrewber ITik. IW.
' ID
Dealer in New and
Second Hand Bicjicles.
J ."
CM'S— :
s: I
August Petander
Xi'il to Hagli- Offitt*.
St”' samples in window.
br IlilSa ■ tnOB hsb Mrte.- rsr MO
pid*. snrt
Ureud Kspld* to OH
Tbr 4 dS |. a Irals bs, parlpr r»r -U> QraW
TrSiB srrlTlBa ai I 40 p a bs« >lri-pe» Ols
elBsslt to nrsoC Rapid, Abd r«arh and blan
■uf rat Cblrard u> Oraud Rapido aad chairear
TBalBarritlrr atSWp. a baarbair carn.
^rarioUra^^Bap.d.aad cbsir car Oraad
Sapid, to printer ^ ui-REaV. Aerst
|c L LOCKWOOD <■ PATS. Oraad Rspld,
TNe Pete Ninette Rfu'inMid
L» PMnk,)r
- f O
;s U';:
'I ad«*«toa
t tut wo have a large supply put no
t;ur cuslomors
! ■ -We will furoith tamUlM. this St
* n Ic"
with ice washed clean and pul la ( •(ifd R
..'frigcralor. for 81 Wi-a moolh-I J,'"l!;i
'end won't ask to bo paid »a advauee.
' Tr».rr**C). *410* ii aopj
Both -phone* f4.__________________ |
AfO^/l CjM^fC£S5A/fr.
e. w. hasting's
'f l! ill- Hi
Best to be %ad in
the city is at
»3. w. J. actos. OparatiTs »«tuttT! _5EA50N WITHOUT REFILUNQ:'
Hfifkld Cfintnry Cook Book.
' '1
a Specialty.
All Kinds of Repairing.
J. N. WARTINEK. Enameling--
The best furnished and best kept
bone on tbto penluula to reedy for
bnelneea. Open the year round. Good
Uverj in conneelion with the house.
Bates made known on anplicatlon.
m^ty. h
neller, hloel
Good Line
A limited number for sale a;
each. Will be mailed poatoge paid
on reoeipt of the price. Addreea.Tbe
Bereld. Traverse City. Mich.
Third Chair.
iHbt >v«r. f
J. A. Jackson
T70I HALt - S»w flip rvmt Itoumr.
T loueUsiun. sUBiolso l>lack> of I'liiuD
whsul Will Iskr soisil urwral dove sn.l
vssr aiiBlSIr psrmrotn. Beuw U read) to
nnirrlDIo. ka-iuirp ..I »' L. Hn>«n. 3I*. W
Tratk atn-eS'
A BAKil.MM Is Ml (uoi lob uD Pretii sort
OtBelal Micaragunn papers declare dX
aislr «lrrrls lar essh Of ess) lprB> Also
forraV Csll si wr; Ksst^^oi
that Free ident/.rlaya hat not agreed
to cede or sell eoverelgaty over anv
rsrw ISJ srtM
portion of Nlearngusn territory to the
D.7 Biirs •ouib ct
Vailed dtotoe for a canal route
pirswd IssU. or
l}«urtZ.iOi. mulone. bslsMor oo so*)' os)
rau.. Applj to OdK llrOsrry. 141 PVesi
Ur. Ben DePoyen-BelUsle. profmor
MFmehintae university of Chicago.
b*t.T. <
WM found dead Monday in hU apart- W
am PraBkUc mirrri.
manta <m Michigan avenne. l*«y»!ciaat ul)
km Atmrad
aetlfled the eoroaer. It U biUnved that
the case is one of suicide, as ladleailoas
ad ptoaonlng were tonnd.
same i
: I Both ‘Pbooee. .No.
L. I). Cl KTIS
• 0 Ssrt U anppi in 24 (lours.
work efSlcbr*! poMi'.lr prsCt Pl*»|
work of art baa just heen Imned in
<ror« s .(>«rl»U).
ew York at an outlay of over flltw.-.
K). for wbieh the publlther^sdP«>^ * '
Hew.OfBoe. Markham Block.
manager in tbla eacniry. also a good
solicitor. Oood pay to the right party.
Nearly loo full pageangravlnga.sumpipaper. iliumlnaied covers acd
..fKslks.ta ..:i
1 over 300 golden lilies In the
morocco binding*; nearly 100 goU
Undertakinii Farlorb
rose* in the cloth binding*, bell* at
Bight; prevae* running tday and night
great Istbesalc. Cbrisllaa men and iriswi
making foi
A portable achoolhoute to reliere;
No ri'inodvequaU W.tKXHfF Winr:-.
She orer crowded condition of aerernlj^.^
seg.) SI
.'i.NK OP TA* HYKl-p for thin Icrn•b Uouu aoboola is the odd .innorattoo ir i;i BTmth.trrrt
..'uiid fatal ()i*ca.-Me. If taken thuiwhich the school board wilt eatoblish tFor, -sprsl l.ouaaanak.
.•.•lilvaad in tinu-. It willcurc n '.-a-'
here tomorrow. The bnildtng It of ^ mooc «»«.-.'.>rr.raii ■roi hall. Nn saab;
hours, aiid fu- the uuui:h that lol. ta HIM!' aina-i
.rt-c La Grippe it never faila to gi -c
frame, coatoint one room, to accom-j'"*'
iief. Pr^. 2:«- sod Mi.
modatc nearly tiw pupils, and will be---------------------------------UllM. "Ten oaajnmp-es lt.tnmpie n
to the same yard witb the oreruaed
it. bnt it will come np amillDg every
polwaiicul aviuv.u.c
irneu conoicond! ■
------------------- -■
time.” Oalmani Clastic Floor VamUh
tiangchange the aonea will simply be i
S C. Wail.
Moeed to cne point where needed. This j
plan li cdosiilered
ever tbv' old method of renting
Hpeclal Bate* vis M. ft M B. B B
IPitr. KALS Liin.H.
Blae portable schoolboutes
pul Into operation.
tpril .torn Knigbu Ten;_ .
;bigan. Ann Arbor Slay isth.
From prckcni Appearances the dls- |
ingrmrstlonsl loatlonal' Horae Mis-'
aOTcry of gold in the Catw Xome dis
slonary Society. Driroit .luoc .'.ih.
tAct promiaea to trauncuf the most Im■ Festival. Ann Arbor May i:ih.
Ciebolaatic Athletic Meet, Ann
aoruot Cads In AIa«ks. At the end of
«1>. Ttilsisyvur■ lu
Arbsr May 3.Mh.
Epwonh LrtsagWf
the flrat season the value of gold proA Ls) bim.lllic
Amembly. Ludiogton. July. AueutL
duoed wssF.',s:.o.W»-,i. The finding of
Forrate* and tickeu call at U. a N. E.
H W. OutiDiogham.
gold on u sva boacu is something new
to go.d raining,-ami the question
new as lo the eatentiveneis of that
^>K MAl.B~L.rtt 11 st>.| -Z. blork l«. ot Surpasaing Ccffw-Llttle ThTfirn.
field, it U believed that the depSl
P Hsbtisli
s. l«i. A.irt M Trsrrr-p
lOi-slA.1 ot itWl Freni ntrrei rcr ssir
ruBout beneath the water, poesibly Cli).
SI s tisrvslB Bn.inirr of JocoU Culman
— '
tm beyond the i mile limit, so that Jriiti \rrlr.
It may come about tha: before long we ^|^ASTKl>~UlDin^’roaiii ^rl ■■ Lakn^n .hi' l>e»l cwugh n-miiiy "ti curth i-l- <■
ahall see the uci.iue apeetocle ol gold
First Freeze
$1.00 a Month
(Mtiipr rae ns<r asair br
. .
made clear fiSOQ in four weeks i
taking order* among her church ac- ’
ntonces and friend*. Write us. U;»<>
, lead to a permanent paying posl-,~~
Uon to manage-onr hniiness and look .
1 hntv Imil my liuiliJiiig
r large eorrespondence, which,
rebuilt nmi pui in izucnI
you can attend to right at your home |
Addrew H A. Kberman, iv East Klfttliapr anil am iiuala- ri*s<Iy
teenth street, between Broadway A
tci rix-eivr all old |>atrouB.
Fifth avCDue.
: Clear Ice. lroni BnarJman lake.
•^Dsjor^St cell.
Isna a
^)R asLB ai I
•Bii irn-<. or »ill trse
* wnfi>un«crc
pfvprn) . 3. Vr.
114 Front St.
Piece BotrJ. I
>• K »a« at- Wem4 ehUCrea'* dtweM
•ran: Mu>
S i
mn is to 31-
r^’T'^ ‘ -TO'
For Sale
HaU'a FamUy PUla
PUli are the beat.
Ill”"** "e?
Billiard Hall
. S ^^.“esE ;ss2 Bsrrsn
Fire Insurance.
pjp— w «*» 'P ■■ w»a» “ ♦»
ForBhMi gctcAS. rryman.
Surpuiing CoSto-LUtlfl Tflvflrn.
Cigar Store
18 I
ornee* eewTieeiHir Meek. SU rroai 'Uwi.
ray ori
knowing it hat cured tbonaaoda of,pr«.»
bopeleet caaea.
Asthma. brooebitU.' *>*■bopeli
ippe and
all throat,cheat and li
disfiasee arc.
ti E. Walt am
gUU. and .
Kegnlar size
Tbcr ) la more cataarh In this section guaranteed.
of the
)t....... ..........
was Bopposed to he ioecrable.
. groat many years doetora pronooneed It a local-diieaae asd preaeribed local remedies, aod by coostanUy
falling to cure with local treatment
pranounoed it incurable, bcience baa
« «M OalAaBt Dartle
prorea catarrh to be a eonaUlutlonal
dlreaac. and therefore miutrea eohatl- Spar Vanl
tntlonal treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Attand
Cnre. manulactored by F. J. Cheney A
le ■eprlag.. t^lng sale at
Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only ooneUtniw York dtore. It will pay yon.
tloaal cure on the market. It U token
intomally io doeea from lo drops to a
teaapoonful. U acta directly on the Fhoip»t«B
blood and mneotu anrfaeea of tha ayatern. They offer one hundred dollaia
for any case it falls to cure. Send for
Fbt Sboaa go U A. 8. rryaan.
For Fire Insurance UnSTBB AID lOBTHEiSTEU B. b
reful aod
trongesi ai
mnlea Id I
T* lak* cMtex Wads
ks. II
JolnsoBBlQcL 'fimU.
—€Iice cream parlors order YODR WINTER’S WOOD
“Of large sorec on my
danghtor'a head developed into a
: at nmdd heed” wrltm: c D. lahlll of
Mcennton. Tean.. “bni Bncklnn'a
Anton Halve ompleuiy enred her.”lfs
a gaariAUed eare for etiema. tettpr
salt rheum, pimples, aorea. nleers aid
Oaly cse at 8. B. Walt nad Jas.
cei.rral .»rp«ar). can cf licruba
lai Opart u to; UiiMp Sim.
SndB Fonatain.
Ice Cream Hodaa. PhoaphaMa. loa Cream
by the Dtoh V A^nart.
W. HECK, Proprietor.
Bldffwtolk Lombffr In all
^ TrararM OttyXvabar Oo.
kumsa-* MUl
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