The Morning Record, August 02, 1900

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The Morning Record, August 02, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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AUIM ATmlM Bow Wmiw


» Troop* Or4«rod to Dkars
CUbm 1b Um Tuff.
■p*tl«I IB Xha Mtnlag Bacartt.
Iff. I—The




Summer Novelties

Tluk^ Xffisben of ^riiament
PoTorod Boer Oense.
of affair* to the far eut ooBtiaoM oeri-

BcpaiMd rtm om. CUbmo Bdldim arc aow te-tho Important Doewaeato DipeooaioJ to
mM aoettoa of LtooTaajt pooisnla
oily k7 CUmk. Wttk 1m of IBO
Hap Chaae Smiow
of BBUtoB troop Pretorto
miad or TTnniiiliii
Ibooble Amoiff Sifft OOdalB
tmni Vwte T«a au« 9nm Ttn
ADfflaBd-OeBcnl Baoter Bep
TMalMti^XAftaracwaf Buay
the- aortBader od Another roree of
-OlH— Thr»li OakMM >y U«
l.aoo Boen-enemp Tor* up ihaU
The^lfaB Aeeued of Mnrdertoff Stael
OaiM SUtM.
road, and Wneked Sopplp Train.
Mtffp^U Tbirtp Team Age «M
. Ifrlol le Tk« Boeart HotBlac•pMUI I* Tac Hersiac Beeer*.
ffrae bpa Jaxy.
TIm iun. Av- l»Hw
Loadoa. Auffuttf-Hie Telaffraph'a
•pwW W Tb* Matetai Bwara.
taacnfd ei the P«kia t»Uat aoi'
New Imadoa, Ma. Aoff. l—The jniy <^pe Town eorreapoDdeat anp* doeuwmnpmUtAtM* i»ok^arwou__
ito of the hlffheet importanee emto the caee of the elate affatoat AlexChocolate kid, kid topa,
?1U B«nlua (uMUmm torta «M
ittoff from ShirlaBd and impUeattoff
kid tipe,niediDm beiAt
mUmtrom TimttiA IdU*dlrwtloa aaderJmter. ebarffed with the
der of oabart-Galea, brother of the
a, Bt$lB6Bplir.
efPDkln Ite UdJ^CUsm who ateel
mafsate, John W. Oataa, » jear* other poUUdan* Ip the effl
««• tWTlM^ U« IM A«d.
affo. returned a rerdiet of acquittal favor of the Boer*, were dboovered to
WMhUctDB. A«t. ll-Tb. w»nk m laUf
Pretoria while a aaareb waa helap
VtkiM kM kiru. A»d Uu BUM troopi
made of the ffoveroment office* to the
vUl BOt tm faBck aatU iber* !• t forFine quality kid, kid'
Mplial after BoberU’oceupatloB. The
•TBBWt'lB Gklu akpBbla of nolatoiatips, medium toe, made
the toqulrie* towith English back atay,
laf Ito iBteml oWcoUoM. ThUforatitnted bp ite
pontet leare no
It ha* BO paotUrr oSelal iofer- Bryu Says That ia tha In. doubt ae to the truth of the
Regular S2 shoes at
$1.26 a pair
■BtloB w to the exMt date wbra the
It further aap«: -It would aeem that
latonattonal oolasa left Tien Thto, tant of Damooratlc Platfonn. weareoatbe eva of a& unexpected
bat It ball**« the
and •
evelopaent to oonneetion
bOM aiTM oataad ib* eoiama la aow He wm »ot Deal Vlth the Saljeet! with South Afrlcnn affair*.'
Black and red,very soft,
.■aechlBr toward Pokto ander the era- to Ba Speeeh at Vottoeation llaetuppers,fiexihle
l-'n*® *»»r ««« »•
l^e and button, oOc.
i of the BvMlaa adMlral.
I that Oenaral Hunter report*
t-alues, S6c a pair.
Aiaiteff. B/ p^nff the Bnteiaa ad­ toff Bat WUI Hnndle it to Bla XaI- that 1.100 b
miral IB oonBaad the bIUm bBTo eet- twof Aeeaptuoe.
Tbefatooncr* toclud* 1
tied the fliBt point of dlffereaee aad
deraoo, a Dantoh offiaer. Banter *xOBearod the prompt help of Ramla to apeclal u> Tb» HernBa Brard.
pecu tbe total number of prlaoaer* wm
the nadartaktoff lor the Immediate re­ Ltoeoln. Meb.. Aup. l-Wm. J. Brpaa reach 4.000.
black and tan, lace and
lief of the lataUoaa Enaala ha* great­ has dnUhad hto apeech for delivarp at The Boer* took up the rail* near
button, light and heavy
er latanata to proieet thaa the other
PrederlcktUd and wrecked a copplp
solee, shapely, serried
power* aad haaa larrer armpla^toa. ^to leltar of aeeaptaaea to not pat ebm- train. Thirteen mu were killed and
Able. 6 to }i. 50c; >4 to
Adatfpl hlaaleff B alae the raaktoff plate. Brpaa made a atatemaat tedap »wounded. '
ll.Goc; 12 10 2,750.
toa^toff on the income tan. He uld;
^Aaar to tha allied •
"I Bhall not dtoeuM the ineomc tax to
tl OhaSee haa 1
le heartUp with the other
ataadeiB, but eo far at pemlbla to heap but wUl deal with the aubjeet to mp Bumered That an Attempt i
The Leading Shoe Hooae.
the American tone to aoompaet bodp. letter of aeoeptaaee. I raffard
to BArdar Alexand
Thii tovwnnmnt wUl fflve no heed to raaffirmatloa Of th* Chleaffo pUtfora
the OhtooH waiBtoff that tha danffv of aa aa ladoraemedt of tha lneam*: tax
Bpaetol U> U* lUnlac namrt
th* mtolaaan dapaada on the dlaeroUoa prtociple.
nflha pewara Thlc ia reeoffnlaeda* The JMat floaferaaee bp th* PbpuUat. Leaden. Auff. •— The Ohronlela'a
eorreapeadeat capa that
ntmplp a diplamatta threat that the •moeraUe. aad HUver BapaWieaa
lunehae (hare from Bclffmd*
Uvmof the Bln later* map be eaeri
IftthaaUlaa maroh on Pakto. Tbl*> tanlffbt. after two dap* aamlou, it to that Staff dlemadm of Servta waa
ianoad that oalp plans for tha etota abot at whUa ddvtoff to tha dtp Wed, however, takea the
palffa were dtocamii. aad the naadap afteraoea, hut waa not'tojurad.
ttentkat the fnadomofo
eaadldaep of Tbwaa «vat aateaehad.
Th* rumor to net confirmed.
te not a matter ter d
It will net treat with China for
Ttan Ikto. Julp *|. via Chefeo. Julp
OrdanlaauadTaaierdaptor Two Bat«1, and Skaairhat. Anff. l. lt:ts a. m.—
Briff: 0«. Oaaalaa. eenniuder nf the SMort Gan Otabis Aftar the
terlaa to Start tor (Atoa.
BnHah tooopc bare b aanlM* to adapadttMTtanarntac B«eeM.
Big SUvar Cap.
PBM on Palda aad la madp to eUrt
1 — Ordara
wtth thB troop* aow avallabla.
liaaad bp.lha war dapartouat tadap to
Onb aant aa «
BBlitndhpthMh* eoaaldand that the TraverM
roahmora arUllarp to Ohtoa. U^t
a at Pakto warraatad th* mni. aad tha *1*01 Hhoettoff TM
vtoa C aad M of the Savaath
Wbl Taka Plaea Zen Aaffaat B.
artBlmp, tha tocmar at Port Adaw. A
Mdhawat tolaver ofan Immsdlata
I., aad tha Uttar at Waahtofftaa,
ha* baea heard from.
telm. D. 0., wm prooaed at
TheBrttlahfontomratoicoDd ahap* Yaataedap Saeratarp Prad D. Ourtto re- to Sea Fiaaetoeo far ambarkattoa.
far a etart, then^ ant reaUp tallp oalvad a ohallaaffa from tha Cb
Bad aad Gaa elub for a oontaat for the
1 Oaffffatt k wUltoff te adraeup won from that
vaaea, allhooffh onlp two oompaaled elaha abort Uma affo bp tha Travotaa
a Tin Plata and Aaaalffamatad
of the Fourteenth tofaatrp have ar­ Cltp Bod aad Qua COah.
AasoetoUea SOU to Om
rived and he ha* BO tmaaportatlea of The ehaUaaffa waa at cmea aoauted
aapktod. The eolonel hl^f ia with- aad touaadiata praparattoae beffun far apeeui wTM HmiM Baeer*.
eat a hone. Major Wallar, th* eom- thabiffffniahoottoff 1
New York, Auff. 1-Tha tkird dap of
—ndard th* Amerieaa martoea, to ffivea to fiorthera. MicUffaa.
Tin Plata Oompaap and tha n
praparad to atari aadi tha Ktoth tafaa- loaal otffaalMtlec baa aaauraae*
tip haa toaaaportatfoa. bat il» man aaba from Petoakap. Beat Jordaa, Uvea of tbe Amalffamatad Aaaoetotloa
of Iron. Steel aad Tin Work«ra todap
raonthaalekJtot,axalB*iva of thoaa Beltolre aad Oeatral Lake wm
wenadad to flffbUaff dalp ll.
torffelp rapreaanted and that maap eaau to a oloae without
Elk betoff raaehed aad tbe conferenm will
be reaumed tomorrow.
tomakaaatart Thapaap toap need Bopida. Mackinaw, St. Ipaace
aMra Uma.
lie E*al Proet *iml.
other potota wm be pt^t to compete
Parto. Aaff. 1—The
Cluth*m cuUeil ter **A Crlln-ml.
for prtoea.
'rn Pbooe 1»,
Bilaaoe of tbe Preaeb forelffo office Thnradap. Auffuit 9, to tha data aet
Ntaaruffua Take* Poaceoaioa of Propnffardtoff affaire to Obtoa to oauatoff for tha touraament and la the
erta of Karitlme Oaa*l On.
macb eoaameat. IttokaawBtbat the
wlU be nude
to reoeivtoff
on the local ffronnd* and pravialODa tpeeiU uTm Moraine Bcear*.
bat 80 laformation to ffivea out. Thto made for aceommodatloa of a larpe
Maoaffua, Ntoaiuffua. Anp. i—Tbe
laada to tbe'belief that bad aaw* re- crowd of apeetatora. The member* of
of Kioaraffua ha* toVji»
uaettoff H. Ptoeboo, tbe French mto- tbe Travene Cltp dub propoae to
o of tbe pmpertp of the Maritotar at Pakto haa bean roealvad.
for the vikltlnff Ume Oanal Companp and removed the
Bniaaeto. Auff. i-The Balfflaa
compaaph ear*. raOi aad other propahatffe d'affair* at Shaath^ eabtoa evaaia with prirm of caScieot rain* ertp to the latarlor, tram Oreptoa, aathat the advanoe of all the aUia* cm to make it worth whUa to eater the der article S4 of the ooncemion.
Pakto baa beffun. Th* qillee expect to oo^UUoB. Thepriae to exdta the
taaeh Pakto to a weak. '
moat rlvalrp of ooutve will be the
London. Auff. l-'1be aUica b^an allvar cup, and Charlevoix will make a
tha ndvanea from Tlan Thin thU mom- daaperata effect to win It back.'Saat Givea Oemaeratie BemtoaUos for this
tar." Biaaaaaaa aa affaaep bulletto Jordan, Baltolre, Omitral imke aad
dated at Bhaa^ nt ii;u a. m. todap. otker'dnbawmifotototheMtaBt to Baed Cltp. Auff. 1—Bar. Oeerr* KUFor Pig Tails, but aiace
An adeanea baaa srlU probatalp be. win atoo aad It to amred that tbe laaa of 8k Loeto, lueeived the DemoaalnhUahad ae or M mHaa fraa p*kto toumaatpat will be atteadad bP excitI bare tried
thtoaf• wm t»
■CBOOB on tbe first ballok
mrplea dlraet atrake at tha
tbe cap ecnlpat than will be Mr.
1* a methodtot aalatotar
avsato which todlvldaat
aadreaide* la the towawU^totlm
^'u* *0.000 aUtoavdabarkod at
haa eatar far valaahleprtoesaadavaiy- home of Bos. A. B..D*rraffb. th* BeahOl pvta. bffltok mllltaiT obaarvaia on* who CM shoot wUl b* eli^bl* to pubUcaa nomtoe*. It to *aid that he
•oaoUm that 10,000 art avaiUbla far an eatar. Thto wm <affm a food cvport&al- WUI take the stump m aa active
hdvaaea bayoBd Ttan Thto. The Chl- tp far sportamea of the dtp aad
B*aafiBcaH,aeeacdtofftovaffueffathar- nmadiBffecutrp to iUquUp their bkm palffa cffalnst the rival eaadidata.
The excaiaioa to Omeas ffivea bp th*
lafB anaOttUfama* ofltawB of the alUea withtb*raBaadUtoalr«dp asearad
Epworth Leaffae of the Seeoad Methoaptadalpr.ware dtopeaad to a fmat that th*ra wUl be a iarr* eatrp.
anoUrtp aaOm lo^aaddtotoaA Sevmal prism wm he eoalrtbatad bp ultot ehnreh wm Imve the dock thto
4:W thto
taAftaaamnm ThoammhmaJKsad ao effort wm
rwMn. The tare far tha nnad trip
• of tha
hotaandto make tha
•n nttartp nakaown. fh* Pal Bo edtha vtottar* mtA *» tn wm^i-L^txlfar
r to hioehaded by h
-ntattaa of the dtp for hospltoUtp.
OiUaBha far tWMtpm
Ixnnlofi to ir*-ih‘td-wdBtA
■ TMbu aad fiarthm an.1
Suadap aftaraeoa. Sim mar wm Imre
I har* come to tbe cooclo*attiio.;
• at e- p. m.. ffivtoff
S:to, retaratoff
Mr. aad Hr*. B. Ifoataffae
heart at the tmof\
reaork Herat'* crion that 5c will bay a finttofthdr
' - . wm famtob mt.
made.. Far* is
claaa, deliciooB smoke. Try
trad* to Mr.»t*dB.Hoof«o<Kaami coats roaad torlp. Aaotbar_______
Qtop.Mo. Th* wrliffe wm b»Ml- anaadtte totoad la th* evmtoff.
oDe and you will never pay
emaised the totter port of thtomesth
10c for a Pig TWil again.
at the Moati
• oa State atiaeL

iwtli Year—No. lOU





Indian Baiksta In be^ and pretty sbapea
Bonvenlpfi In.Shell Work.
Haadaome Opal Ware with plotura* of
Travnae OiQr.
i AU of tho lataat and hmt books of tbo day.
Plotoraa and Work* of Art
Coma is and sne onr good*.





"Union Made" Oieralls, black, blue or white, 48 cents..

People Who Don’t Care
To waste their mooey osoally trade at this oew non.

300 Pairs Knee Pants
Every pair double seat arod taped weatna all wool—neat nat.
terns—worth 75, 65, 50c—choioe

Sires 5 to 15

Alfred V. Friedrich,

^5 C


5 to 15




SUmw Hot. I.B og




Long Distance Sale

For hats that sold at
50, 7Sc and $1.


Step in and look *om over.

Calomet, Sauli Ste. Marie,
Mactiaac Islaad, ate..

Sea our Shin Waist Rargaias at 43.79,98c, $1.19 aid $1.39,

Good ^enrice.



Popular Mlauta Rates.





I Used
to Fay 10c

Pig Tail

Lot Ooh IncladM

>11 maa's and ladles' Tan Shoes aad Oifords, Raw Toes.
Raw lasts, *er|i stjlisb-IO per cant. off.
Lot Two IncladM

ClotheG Cleaning
ui Pressing Parlors


of Ladies’ Hatsl

>11 men's and ladins' Tan Shoes and Oifords-Sereral
stylas-25 per cent. off.

Lot Three

>11 onr Bicycle $2.50, $3.09 and $3.50 grade^Closicg Price, $I.9B.
Lot Poor
132 pairs woinen'i lace and button shoes now................7.5c pair
<10 pairs youths tau lace alioes now..................................{isc pair
1.300 pairs women'e
women’e oxfords, black and too........................75c ™iv
pairs womeo's hand turn P. A; 8. SLof-s reduced to.. .11.00
0 pairs misses' and children’s shoes. .50. G-'i, 75 and 85c pair

Leading Shoe House of Northern Mich

leff SlOrt—M2 PfHl Sh«l

•aaaaaaaaaa* «»»•«««••««««•

I Wliile You’re Waiting
i For tlie Fannie
Jast drop into oar store and see our
line- of Footwear. We can fit your
foot, your eye and your pocketbook.. J
Ail kinds of shoes from the baby's
shoe at 25c to *the $6.00 Patent




«*««««««« a* asHSMHSMHiHS mhsim

oClheBBBiV oiM ele. «d C. J.
■bBertrm HUM thli ■iiBlPf.

amwT AttMiJBaoA At Wsrt

OmMew—i iMt Vlcfat.

I. 9. UAXm *MO t. W. I

IlbSBaosBeatfttot atf Ttraesrw
7be the
• teehatlC. xalaa/i»
Msrehla ahosU fst the 1
It k
SCMlSSrtCB laihBtP
that Mr. Wei^nf traiild aot be e
BOt dssinBr to

lsTlt« Ite vappert of tha
intaUpC MB o( tba aouferr «■ » ptettea MM preaiMp to taMi the tnMi
■ en of trw

Thme wDl be a meetlaf of the BathbOBs atotsrt thto eraBlaf at Moatafae
Tbe old UcMasat tiore bnUdlsf ob
rcnlilathetre*ol- Onion straM. adjidnlaf Moblob photoI. Pnoee Md Ow- fia^ fallery. bet been rented to oat
of town partUe to be need eta eeeond,
foods to the
and bieyele repair abop.
Lorera of mnalc antlelpate a treat to-

PSHDXKT McKnri.sT deserlbas Bo- tha ooaeert of BUtebfordyKaranefB
and Boney'e BoyawtU be^rea. The
psbaesB lapsrUlteD ea fcdlom:
the pertj of Useots hse eoae eaoUier male of aeati has alrepdy bben eery
Henry Thacker of Wmi
hnraly met ts the llberatioe of 10.000.aoe of the buBieii feallf from the yoke dUtote for the BepebUean nomination
fortberiff. tola thedty to look after
bit intereett amonf the delcfatst
named laet nlfht.
Tta BelUmora Su
The Typofraphtoal anion will meet
e o'doek thto eruinf la MonUfw
The BelllBwre 6u to e rarj deUberate
toetlUtioo, esd It merbe that It bet: hall.
%st fSt bed the time to look at tbe
sleetteo retarai of I6K.


Beport of Thto Areat Oatherl^ of
Chrtotlan Teoaf People at OoofreMtoi Jennie Barrej b^r
from e week's rtoit at Lenelnf and Defatioaal Cbnreh Bnpday Brealnf.
Tbe report of tbe laternation)
Mrs. Jemet Sleek of Petotkey. to rto- Cbrtotlan Endearbr
iTeatloo, held
Misf bar perento. Mr. end Mrt. A. W. recently at Xmndoa, Bafland, will be
flren at the Goafrefatlonal cbnrch
Dr. Praliek end wife of Ueple CKj. Snaday erealaf. Tbe ehnreh hae been
were fneett et Park Piece fceterdey.
for tbe ooeaelon.
Hew7 MeOamber of Varaon. to rto- Mr. C!z9k, window trimmw for J.
Iteinberf. hnrlnf ebarye of thto work,
‘ Mrt. Wm. L. Brown end denfhter a which be bee done blnuelf credit,
frefneu of otb ttreei, left jetterdey tlembera of other BodcsTor aoeletica
der an extended TBit to Hew Yorkla thedty bare been tnrlted. and a fine
Mtoe HeUleUrdto bet fonetoH&rth- meeUnf to aaiwed. Followtaf to the
fert,tOTitU trtende.
^ Leon Stcinberf retnrne^ retterday Slaflnf. "Qod Bare the Qaeen." one
Bnemoao from a three weekt' TltU to
fMoekey and St. Ifnece.
Mtoe Etole Kann of Maatotra. errlred Prayer by tbe paetor.
Iset erenlaf for a abort vtolt In tbe pity. SlaflBf, -'Stand np. Stand np. tor Je' Mra. J. B. Martin and Mrt. J. W.
fretobln went to has Arbcr yeatarday. Paper. “How we Started" (all IneldenU
John WUbtlm. who want to Aai
until Loadoa waa raachedl-Iiabel
Arbor reeenUy for treatment for atom'
ach tranble. to Improrlnf and a com '^Who waa There" (all the creat apeak-1
piste recoTery to proatoed.
am and the delefatea from tha dif­
Bar. J. S. Ream, who raslrBod hit
ferent oonntrlaa)—M. B. HoUey.
pattoraU bare reeantlr. bet
SlaflBf. “AU Hall the Power of Jeene'
a dmllar poelUoa U the riret Chrtotlan
Msnh of Sew PhUndatphla. Ohio. “What We Saw," (deaeriptlon of Alex­
Thto to one of the oldeat eharcbM
andria Palaea,
etc.)—Ohaa. M. Lascaater.
John rowU haa retaraed fraat a vtott “Adranee Badearor," (Bxtracto from
as tha Bortbera raaoroa.
Mr. Baer-aaddreaa.and Dr. Clark's)
Mm. M. B. Tduaaa. who hse bee a
-OUrar Waten.

Blerthaoemlaf BaeoBfaBtioa. an tar ae
the dty to '.^Bern
■ arraafed
last Bifht aad the flfht between the
isaeaadldatcs wUl be ahlftadte
the eDaraatioB. The ooBtaato la the

The chief iatwret
the caodUtotee for eharUf aad Jadfs of
probate, althonfh the
fazdlnf the latter to reflected to a
tain extent lo tbe eostect for county
Tbe resnlt of tbe esneasee Isat aifht
abo'wa where the flfbt to foinftobe
aad tbe freateet elalma arc made by
Aabtoe tor eberlff and Loranfertor
Jodfe of probau. After tbe smoke bad
cleared away laet~n>fht both ibeae
fnntleman expremed freat aattofaeUoo
at the raenlu. Aabton elalma 32 of the
dty delefatea, while tbe friends of
: James Mnreble eU>m 2< for their faeorttc. Thacker, Belklrk aad Chandler
are each credited with a few ip tbe
dWLoraofer bellerea be can count on >8
dclcfatcs from here.
Over in tbe Second ward Saperrtoor
Darrow bad It all bis own way aad
enred a aolld delmtlon to support bSm
for jadfe ef probate. Bealdes tbi
Mr. Darrow's friends claim that be
will bsTo an additional sbowlnf in tbe
dty when It comes to n show-down.
The majori^ of tbe Soeond ward deU
fstlon to conceded to Murehie for
eberiff, alU -................................. *
ward to aaid to be aolid for
Loraafer aod in that ward Aabton
Ue?M be wUJ fct ten or elCTen on
the thirteen, while Mnreble to said to
claim three or fonr.
Tbe eanens in the -Ibird was excitinf and tbe preamnfed slate went
throofh ae deaifned by iu rnakem.
to aaid that E..oranfer will eeenfe a
latfc majority of - tbe delefsUoa for
judfe of probate, while M'omhie wlii
bare a enre majority for sberUf.
The Ponrtb ward developed tijaal In­
tereel and ft to aaid that Ashton and
Loraaferwill practically have all of

In the Fifth ward there was a warm
time aodan allefed attempt to stuff
the ballott created annoyance which
preloofed the ueetlnf until nearly io
o'doek. Mnreble will fct repreeenUtloD from that ward but tbe Indications
were lest nlfbl that Aabton and
Loranfer stood tbe beet show for e
majority of the delefstlon.
Few claims were made In tbe city
for Monroe; altboufh it to deelarad that
be win eeeure enoufh from tbe wards
to!sdd to his strenftb in the country to
mske it extremely Interratlnf for his
In the fimt conteet in tbe First ward
Boo. W. B. Foster waa defeated by
Jamee A. Moore. Foster was nominat­
ed Uter on, but be fraoetnlly declined
io ran, sutlof that be saw that there
was no chance for him to fo into the
eonveatioD. end explaining that hit
onlyrraaon for dealrlnf tofo
further the candidacy of Robert Sel­
kirk for sheriff. After this there were
but two eocteets, tbe rci
fstee belnf named by edelaraatlon.
While Dumerons end varied claims
are belnf made by tbe aspiranU for
tbe county effieea, accurate predleUans
as to the resnlto are snperflDOu. Bowever, thet tbe convention to to be a
warm oae to fOre^ne eooclnaion.
The foltowlnf arc tbe delefstes from




Wa. the aadenifned. do hereby
------------- --- • the mwy OB a
aUe to do bee own wortT
aral bottle of OreeMi
lM* fatr'f

npodlbMf toten^

25‘radaacholy he
Sddl^eps^’lt t


«OB W. Uedle, M. A. Woe^ato. F.
Ik Mwte. B. r BnwMto. A. B. Papa,

fwtitkwaek. TUfta
otolyafcw. We ban

and Beadato Twtrtom
wm Orera Bats tor the Ohamptoa■hip at the aty.

Tbe fame ef baU thto aftvaoeabatwMtbe Zadepaadaatt aad Beadab
Ited aad in erecy ward the aUeadaaea Twlrlem tor the city ^amptOBehlp
to be oae ef the Boet eadtiaf
.wneeally larfe, which demoaMratad the fraat interest tskea In tbe ofthearaaoa. There to little eboloe
betweoB the two teaam a^ a bat fame
saleetioa of the

Solo, -rU Oo Where Yon Want Me to
Qo." (from Detroit profram)—Mm.
CE. Bomb
Mr. aad Mra.- DarU MeOnlaae of
■What We Beard" (Brifht thoufbto
Mantotea.are rtoltinf Mm MeOoinae’
from tbe nddreaeea of Mie fteat
paranta, Mr. aad Mm Jacob Bller.
apeakem of tbe oonrentloo)—Bert
Mm Prod Bodfea. Mtoe Bodfwaad
Mtoa Blanche Kelley of Mayfield, pace
"Where We Went," (Tha aide tripe.
ad throcfb the dty yeeterdfty on thalr
after tbe eoaveaUon aad aU other
plaew of lnterest)-Mm C. J- EhBdlior W. C. Netooa aad wife of ^Lelaad. bare releraed .from a rtolt to
Slnflnf, "Bimt he the Tie that Binds."
M. B. HoUey. eecreUry of the mb
Mr. aad Mm B. S. Pratt hare retnradtotriet. bat a toll collection of tbe
ad from a trip to Chieafa
daily papem of London published durBdltor E. L. Sprarae of the Eafle
ittf tbe eouTention, and of tbe official
went loBeed City yeeterday to attend
badfea and other aouTcnlm ef
the Democratic C<
freat fatherlnf. which will be exhibit­
ed for the benefit of thoee who attend
Mm. Wadeworth and franddanfhter,
the meetinf.
Oatherine Yatca, of Harbor Point, are
WidUnf the family o) W. K. Wrifht.
First Ward
Mr. and Mra. W. H. Llttell of Btacli,
lad., arc
J. A. Moore, 8. Garland. C. A. Bam­
jBf la TmTcrra City. They are atopL. omun.
Smith, aowaro
Howard insn,
Irltb, ta
Edmaoa, J. L..
plaf wltb Mr. aad Mm OampbeU on
N win Walt, E A. McCoy, Malcolm WintJBuMiiudiiit'
iBka arenna.
•* nte, M. A, Haakeil. B. F. Boufbey, J
Tha Mtoaee Vene and Irenh BoIm of
8f Boyne City were fAeU of Mr. aad
w aad Saturday evsalnfs
Second Ward. .
Mm Prank Bead tha past week. Mtoa
Inse aaenrad aome flea kodak rlewt of Auf. s aad «. There to not only a freat
the many InlereeUaf placet ie the qaaatity of fna in thto taree. we are
told, but lie atnuApbere to said to be of
Mr. B. A. Baataaffv of Boyne City a mora raftned and exqntolle qaallty
salM 08 hto many Meade hereon than neaaliy obtain la taree. The
taree to eoled with fall
Third Ward.
Ben. Perry Hannah. A. 8! Cook. A.
Mm WUIlaa Lardto. who hae been Of all Its qnaUties by the eplcn^d
vMtlaf bar brother. Joha Oampball oa pany w^ hae ban aieembM la its
Lake areBM. fpr the peat fire weeke.
hBi retaraed with bar toarobUdren to
Story ef a Slava
har bon at Port Wayne, lad.
L. a. Minor, poetmaater at Sprlay- by theebalBS of dtonee_____ ______
•ald. 111., to apaadiaf tha aammer at forts of slarnry. Oeerfe D. WlUiamt
ofMaBcbertar, Mieb., rays: -My wUe
yearn that
^eoald aot tarn over la bed alone.
•erMd eeemioe the way to aapaky




wnihoMdia the li, L. h.
thk eftanosB et tdO tf-

‘ tndB TUe
tarMP of
PhaotiBbo i

W. W. 0«B. Wr»A Qrm,

MWm a^‘ Mta asm FsMh
we'mifM iietMiy hgr 4bP
ram. nexenhsihaltktfettT.
O.J.UsM«mrapraistp hh asw Israral iBSKSst U MasttBB of Dtherara OB ^rat ■ i tl sttost
tatra to Bspahikma OasB^ OasraB.
the Woma% Wmkmmrf aodatp of thm dektwi torahertgaad Lonathe
Asrah wm ■ssi wilt Mis. fwferPrabataJadfa COate Major­
rasdCMtktestmom st t oadoek.
The rafslsr ■rathtj ■■eWsf of tha ity of OW

nha faiatlac
• fedeead to
parato. Oara

Aoora fl. Wemiiw A MlUiteB Blow.

A sic wdf pocket with
carpet sweeps
warraated .........lAB

• creamer) ............. .IBo

Tbeaetoama have not met before excrat oa July third, in wbleb fame tbe
victorious by a aarw marfln. The Twirlam have Imea
t time, and now

.'.lock. Follo,-

.... '.......
... .........

a rsiosrs btmbjkf.

AdvertUed Lettera.
re^«lDnl.ia« luiel Wlm T
me Trsverw City Pmi ofltee uaea


Bensrd (i«o
Bsker l«a


('•rpeoter B W
INiet. BC
Ssilib btetea
WiUce iValtOB

That Tnrobblnf Bcadacbe


ttocera.l(r« Jm
Seoit Mr.K
MeCuary Bn Waller .

1 e«Bt due oa each adverMsed letter.
OaosoK W. Rarr.

of spfferem bare proved tbeir matchWhen you are born tbe Creatorstarta
ieee merit for elek ana nerrooi head- yon folnf and yon fo a lonr time, if
aehca. They make pore blood end you drrvase tbe maia-serinf with
:ey Mountain
MonnUin Tea. dreat InbleaMoney back if oat cured. Sold by s!
E. Walt and Jat. U. JohaaoR dniffists.
Ask your drafftot

for your good books would
soon go to bow-wows. Listen to
these prices:
An Oak Book Case. 5 shelves.
Antique Oak. 5 shelves, glass
doors, $8.60.
Other prices,S10.25. S12, S16.25
The Finest Bookcase on the
market is the Gunn Sectional
Bookcase, made in units, each un­
it tbe heighth of a book; has a
glass door that, raises and pushes
back out of sight. These units
are easily adjusted and new ones^
can be added at any time, so your
bwkease is always filled: yet nev­
er complctetf. Tbe.base. top and
four units sell for |16.75. This
must be seen to be thoroughly ap­
preciated. Call and look it over.

for girls and young ladies.
Made io Chihuahua, Mexico, and
shipped direct. They are in 3
prices. The 50c grades are the
plain straw; the 75c have silver
braid decorations.
The $1.00
hats are made in different colored
straw. These are made of a
softer, more darable straw than
the American bat. Can be used
in the roughest manner, and still
retain their peculiar shape and

I iisTe had my bnildisff
reboill and pnt in goc«
ebape and am now ready
tu receive all old patroaa.

Good Line of Jeweliy
.111 Xipils oi Repairiag.

Rre Jnsuranca
la L. A. BuUdiiiE.^

We call them «>o. because tb^
do their own talking. Tesla. Bell
or Edison couldn't have devised
neckwear to outclass the goods
we're selling.
We are selling the English
Squares, to J>e worn w^ negli­
gee shirts. They’re 5<^ The
narrow Four-in-haeds. in wash­
able silk and in tbe light colors,
are popular. They cost 50c, The
silk and linen Imperials are beau­
ties. You can own one for half a
dollar. The silk and linen Teck
are swell goods. They're mark­
ed 50c. Then you should see our
two big show cases of nothing
bqt 25c neckweay. Strings, bows
anW tccks.. We areThe leaders in
this line of furnishin,-s.

"Ian'S nnpaii! tails bis chaiaCer.
Us basiiiBSs tells Ills seal:
Saa tbs naiiia apoa bis Vbael."

* *
Perhaps you don't own a
awheel? Then don’t go another
day without one. The chance of
a life time to get the wheels that
are known for their lasting qual­
ities. The Kambler is known tbe
world around. We sell it now for
$30. The Ajax will stand lots of
hard usage, that sells now for
$23. Tbe Ivanhoe for $18.50.
Come and see us at once.




*Tbe Boden bocd." mU the a
of aae of Waatoactea'a fate bo
•baa drretoped lau a anBktpalH

tap* W7


itmuiMl aadakt totc<
iisww* Md tte

<hnkktMi Hnw—Tfe^ aA

ebaape withta tba peal lA raata, aad
baDdiao aad BWtbada thaa U Tapae haaa
baaa cieattr caterped aad Bodiied. WUb
the WaI4orfAa*i^ Hi

■MeSeadWlB'par Piaa.M BaWMb
bees r«dMd. aad tbwa
"I bA a doe Bawad To^ wbaa t
are BOV tew bead meo who wUl Tcatare
laata propbeer that tbU Imtaeaae ctraetare wa» Urt^ ap ta the
_ e*«
r*er be relate tad■ to eaeead pUec: 1 bet wooda." Mid Oaceiia W. B^noldf
baea »o doaU. howercr. that witUa SO of tbt Matfooal Larabar ooMpaoT. -*Bt
reara th* matropetia will hare a bold aa waa a baar doe Baaea. aa araej oee
BvtkHpA Ut«a atala. I btUert that witbla 20 kaowi who erer llrad aMoogtbaM hale
raara the older boula of Waahiattee.
• MMOdpMtkilMft- wbkb U oaa Of the be« %elel dtlee' la doEi be^arembliii alaa two XcEAd
foor lagpad. aad will freqaaatlr (iTt
■M. ItMkHOM oftfeihM »*rlM the Cahad Sutaa. will all be rdwih.
flUMn«wptMt.M Um Mom of then bare tcecotlr baea ba- ap a (ood ebaoM to aaeapa frato a parsaias taBBtar ^ for tbe Mtlsfaetioo of
« toPfraM 4tMsdCor p«« Mtb* tw*?5rooklj!i. a eitr twlee tbe ataa of araitlat for tbe dog.that la yelpliiE fae*«T.
Vaabiaftoo. looke like 90 eeau la oeak^ fated faia aad taktef atoll oatof blm
A praadMt pbyaidM hM laeMad
wbra be eoatea op«a toll that anallr
to I^B— MBwa f
andi ibe dga'a career. aapeeUUr If It la
a dog Dot e^eetaUfTralaed to baal tba
iBtktiMlA. B»thhOMMWUltoWM(—. ---- —. __ , BouJl affair. baar.
•i awt rtu. Tb» wm kM bMB Comawidal trareten aad etbara weat ts
TbU dog Tohr of aitee era* toiaooa
_'ork to elaep. Tbia
_. . aooDde far
twiid aai proBOMBri th* b«t la tb«
feCebed, but It U tme. ttoceiitir a eoupte
of IBMdcre (tmrtom bare beco pat up.
A CMOliM a*on wploM M Vm bat---------gettiDS tbe beat
- (be Citr of Chorcbee wiU aeTcr be a
of baar that had erer beau in that coanhoBM 0f & BcjwM*. «M e( tW OWBWl' *botei town.’
try. and it any buoler didn't catcb a
•f Ua b*klMt iMctarj at L«wtott. toonfor etraacm ..
bear when Toby wat along it waaa't tbe
iaf part of tbt boM ud Mrioulj bare a cvople more bit foHn’
bvBiac thoAmiMdtaoioflCn. hmj- wHbout Jaelooe; hotel ineo ell otct tbe dog'i fault Oii(« Toby Wm berrotred
coontr? eerord tbe palm to tbe Waldorf, by a man named Crowley, trbo knew
■eUa ABd two other woaoa.
and wbat It ar<xuiipUabpO uadrr that aia- when' a eoapb^ of bcarv ware banging
At Or»Bd Bevtt karfluwtetered
out Tbo dog routed tbem out and drore
tie roof erery dty b fi ' '
Btoreof H. 1. BMedry Mondej al(ht
••It operain portofbee, dolus at moch Ibvm planib to Crowley, who coaid eas­
Md evrlod off eUka utd jrlovM to tbo baalaret at
olBce in a s»od tized ily bavo shot them both, but instead,
town, baodlius elout C.ilOO letiera daily, when hu MW them c<uu iiig, bo espAud
reoolrst (be terriert of four taes who
A fenaral rooBloo of Um bUod who art at pottal rierkt oxelutirrly. (^Iria ran. Tim Btrll. who bad gono along
with Crowley un Ibe hnut. aald that
teve bees eduAted la MfeUcAs tioea aeud'Dp 5.00U carda daUy (o toettt
Toby yo*t stood s(ill(UHlga>ed in amaze
IdH. ABd thaii* taAehon Bad other, tbrontb........................................
mvnt after ilio Syiug
. -. uotn
frtaada wUl.eoDraBa At the Hotel Hot- the hallboya There are 00
set itig that tiK bears bad got away, soon
Ur la LABaiBff. o« Moedap. Sept. }, for wilb a twitebboard ni|uiriDt tl
came bark Tltedogshowed bis opimuo
.AthroodAjA' oeoferooM apoa Inpor- eraturt. All roiuD(uura(l.>n U-(i
of Oowb-y I>y tirUtliug up and
differenr depart mre (a
■Urut aod bo(el log savagely and threatunlugly :
is done by
iiy telepUuuc. There for a few Mrcnoda. Tlien bo tjait and
the aralfATA of tba bilad. ai «raU aa tor empfiiyen
are eooasb ekwks ------------------.
in the buiMine to tl'wk Went bonu- Ever after thatTobywouId
toatAAl oaeoarAffeatat Asd felieltotion a latte tlore..................................-S
the aaniber beias IdWO.
snap and growl ctCidwU-y w huuuver ta
Oao of <ba moat thrOllaff eaeapM and two meo arv employed to keep them MW tiiui..
la ordt-r.
•*ar kaowA at Baatoa ^arbor ooearred
-‘0»u (lay I WM lonking over a leg­
'■It you say a Testinrot of employees'
• JfMday oo tba aUAser MHwaakoa oa you speak the tmlh. as the total number ging job I bad contacted hir and disioT'
mta to CblcAffo. la which a i rear old of eiuploT«-s oa the pay roll' is l.toO. cred signs of boaroloug Ihecreek. Next
ABd 'dropped It fact traa tba harrl- Tbere are io addition about 1.500 guerta day Toby and I went out to lae what
in tlx- hotel durlcB llwf winter oea- wo ronl-l
d do with the bear.
•A8 doek tbrooffb tba waU of tba walkand lk500 peoide .it pishtly at
laffboAB Pamarat the fact of>he __ io the two mitBiirBiii.. <«-n ■
boar in a small paid
•Bfflaaar. tha lltUaaaa waa plekad ap^ Mrdi
which be soon niut<9<l brain He brought
wlA onlp A lAoarAiad Unb. Tba ohUd
-............... - these bnticry the U ar to bay in a Httlo cpi n space in
waa A nleoa of Prealdent Grahaa of the folks, and...........
tbe kltidien force alone is near- a pico.- of olteniiat limber Thom wm
boat Uaa. It waa a aurral tbat^be iy as large as a battalion of troo|is.
no m-pesalrr of tho bear tunnug at bay.
IHUa oao waa aoiereabad to death hj uuml»r brine orcr 300. They coosome hut ho nldi'Utiy wanu<d to got a whack
Oa WBaalTa araaa of
walklac beaat. loO tons of Ire a day. and no .one knoww at Toly. 1 could harv oasilr sent a bnlbow many highball., sin riclwys sad
ihroogli the Uuw. but tiaving the nlsmall and latge bottles.
ctaiildenei- in T*d'y B sniartnesa.
Tliefe are JO rieratnn and ISO ball and aeriug that tbu buar was oiuciou. to
boys and pasen. A bolrl which has a haQ
his Knibrtuese agMnst the dog s. 1
l*>y force of Vi or 15 is s large one. As
Ui iMbim iiaxw tbeehanci- and
will arrive from tbe
WWr-AAiptiprwcMrWcwnPKlt many as fOO rssoests
to enjoy tho df%rt of a few minaKw'
bi oi
OamKo. Hof tbe Smad Maibodiat
ffluiteux-eriug Irtwixii the twu
"It was fun. Toby witmod the alAarefaanjoyada eery plaaMot area1.’^ ugly old chap with trick' and
iBff at the home of Mlat BUa Eaitaar nod sreuiiiiieJ for eivry day. Tlie oflice reml.r
clerical for.e »-oo«is5s of 20 ••Jerks, of quick uinrumouia nniil U>o
of Baadolpb atraet laa*. night,
whom six nn- room clerks. .\ It.OOU borae Willi with rage. Do what ho might, be
praaa aad cake were aerred to, a large |K)»cr rie< lrie plant supidk-s tbe power
coaidu'tgnt a blow or a bitcin uTohy.
■awber. Tbe proeoeda will be'need
lisbis. Rjore than in many good sized whilo Toby pit n nip at th.< 'K-arr ai alapply OB the church debtcities. Nine boilers for steam cousume m<»t cvriy tojTi Tbit Mno'iug donee
lUO toes of coal a day and bi-at UiOO la.«K-il for ten minute, oud I frit
Tha maatbera aad Mead, of tha Coo- rooms."—Washinston sHtr.
proud of my dog that 1 declared thi-re
gragatioaal church eejoyod a rery
and thill that it would taku a good deal
Tfc* OMesi Jarwr.
plaaMBt aoclal gathering and aapper
more tbaa a |luu bill to t>oy him
",SumuwiMnldoatiTc«af thoMwoodt
teataraateg. protldad by iba aoclal
of this city for grand Ur>vny a
amored me afterward teat wbat thii
A large aamkor
lfBc7. One day of tbe trial was rainy, U‘nr finally did wo« a premeditated act.
yraaaat. A dae pnvraM bad baaa arreporter ossigned to the trUI laid bu
leiilx-ratelyiuid tecnemdntlyc.-iTTird oat
nagad aad tea arealag waa theroagb- umbreJU agsiust the' Jury ls.i. but It ax ptaunod.. Others dvlanxl limt it wat
was iu the way Ibciv and a court oflievr
an aficnbongbt of tbo bear's t myxi <f
picked It lip.
"I'll put it In tee jury box. It uaght ta held and hold yet that it was entirely
It Belpad ffla Battlea.
e there,
lliei if anywbeiv." he said.
be safe
acHdrnli hecintti 1 will not admit
tVlirn (be eoart adi»umnl for (be day. that thi-nc ever wax a te-ar smart enough
-toom tba front to aay teat forarratebaa. tte reporter looked In the jury bo« for
getI (he
the belter of Toby by deeiga.
bralaaa. cate, woanda, aore fact aad his umbn-Ua, but it was not ther*. ...
"Afursparrlugand rasbingtraitlcwsalisjolata.
-----. Baeklia'a Amlea SaU
dBlee la s-mglit out tbe court omccr. who also ly at the d<« for ten tuinuiea tho U-ar
' tea bMt In tbe world. Same tor bana. oisde a csn-ful but nnsueccasful oeaerb■fete arapiioDt and pUea .fie a boa.
"One of IlH-ni iorytnea's took Ur no «i•ls«-." remarked theV officer., ".la teey're — - for nt least a miauto. Then it snddeol/ dropped to all foura aud harried
trylB that man f.>r larccnyr'
Tbe fvporter’# umbn-ila was ncTcr re- toward auotbor tree a rod or so away.
tarurd. but tbe derendaot was foond guil­ Toby folloa'od. aad ax the bear stortod
ooMma BOOH
ty and s.-men«-0 to «-ren years' itnpris- to climb tbo trv.i wind it by one of its
enment. Eridenily ih.- Juryman who had bams. Although tho dog most have »«t
tee umbrella t«A tin- proverhUI txtw of bix tooth deep io tbe flw-h. th.> bear did
b and did out thiuk (In- illegal |vkm-smud
of another's property disqiialifit'd biin not stop cm his way. bnt cUmbod on as
m passiug Jud«
Judgnieai in a case of theft if rnnbing waa worrying blm. Tbe dog
boM oil and was lilted from tbo ground
iew Tork Mag and Express.
ilifU'errlimbod. Tbo bighvt tbu bear
wout tbu tigh(<-r Toby appi ared to hong
Nrlllmat'* BU CrltU.
ue niriouz relin ‘of foruK-r sapertU- on to iu rear, and prvecnily bo \va<
Ooos an’ pn-served under tbe eourlhoaoe swinging in tbo air 15 foot from tbe
hi Edinburgh. Tbr little wax figuc
•tuck all over with pin, are thi- jiircva
"Tho sight was to funny that ! lost
roBvictiuu lu itx' ebarges of wiichcntn
wkirb were s-i rmpieut iu tin- otxtmitb UimtO'.'d on the groondand roarod. The
and ocv.uteentb evuliiries. it was sup­ bear stoiijwtl when abmi 15 foot ap the
posed (bat if a wax Image of an vucuiy track of (bo inv. clang tbure for a luo• ere tnaj.-. pniddnl with pinv and tbco meat, and tbo^it Kwe Hucaniedowti
mrtlivl in tbe firv, tbe onginal Would suf­ like.apilo driror Wben ho struck at
fer similar t->rliirvx aod dissolutl
tbo bottom of the tree. Toby was bebelief is SI least as «ld a ■ tbe days oC twoei! bira aud tbe ground There was
Horace. *■
a faint yelp, and that waa all Tlirt-e
Indeed, tee superttltlou has surrired hundred ponndi of U-ar bad flattom-d
to our own time. The lute W. U. WilK 4U jonuds of dog ont of all kind of
tee draraadM. wben staying at a KeuUsb
Seaside place, was aanu^ cd b.v a dramatic ■bape The eatastropho was to sudden
critic. Uatr in jest he m.idelrO his critic and unespoct.-d that before I couU rocover from tbe painful snrpriso it gave
in wax and melted bioi up. A day or
be beanl of Ibe death of bis as ... mu tbo tear bafldisappoarod in tbu lau­
kir. Wills, mlio wat Ibe kiu,lJ>i-S rels There novw Was 3 smarter boar
and Do«t earrl.'si of Dubemisps. eoutd dog Iliac Toby, hat he wasn't cat ont
neter rid bimxeJf of the suspUvoa that be for an actoliat There Is'where he made
was as uawflling bomiridr.—Loadoi his mistake- Tberb never wat a smarter

•fcf^-.r* ***?—' “T'*'




VAfMU; AQU^aad

Have be«i makiiie^^iiigs lively
nt for the
past three dsys. When we anndnnce a special
sale the pnbbc knows wtU that it is gennine and
every sUtement will be carried out to the fullest
For the past three dars we have been taUrigg :
kpedidj^^ns in a^Mimer goods ^ espe^ly :

aMBlaatega. DteMaa Ai Halil.

tab: PhUlipa. KabMABd

Orte aad DaaglaM: Toaag aad Kafa.

Shirts. All say it is a shame to sell the g '
such redicnlonsly
, low .prices. We say so, too,
we are determined to carry none over and we are •
not going to,

Porkdr and Fkber; Baatteg£ ’aad


The negmes of Uoinc. Cg, have de>
dared an absolute Iwyeott on ibe
a1rc«.‘t railway berause of a rale te>
atrliilBg them to the tbtve rear acati:





' E¥£WTs IK soeierr.



. tiaade
ttooi cocoa oil.
(.row'x '•»» the pulp
rroB tbe aut*. leayins the bull Incloalag the kersal cleaa aad amoote.
xMwiai. tee srorld emlaant bleyale
•rpart. la a memW.of Wood A Warff'B


M Oo. i aad aBaaeamlac. d<
I cAallaaffM bi^la
tbara by tea


Vsw Disoorwy f6r Blood*
OftSSVSN CURBS, tea Ofoat CbMsr
MwA toM OMiiM aad SMsaiterT

A Ontoefal Idea.
A bappy tbdugkl o
roman wboar parents
parrali reacbod the ffol.. _
annivcrsari of th.-it weddiug a few weeks
since was tee aieens ..f giving a deaf of
lo tbe couple, made
cbnlinn of tbe event About
two weeks before the annircraary tbe
daughter isi’ni curds ori i-.__ —
Wends of her parents mikiug far away
la various se«-ii<>as
the country. Ac-.
vurtliiBl.'T OD tbe w.dding day letten aod
irie^ms of rootratubrion came p

Mtt. C. P. Hnutiogtoo rcoaatlygot
maid She iiuira^tt
uuirotitod beraboat'te
arrangement of her ball
"Yon will
prepare my bath every motnisg and
«vi-rynight."thebegan "Mob Dii-at "
exclaimed tbe new maid, "two batbi a
day I Why, my la« ladly took'ooa is a
week, aod tbe little ebildren ocly took
weektoo.------" '
exclaimed the new
And (be
telU tbe (tory te tbu game spirit,
ibe doe* not tell whom ber maid lived
WIfe-But J«bu. you *ur.-ly dM'c coa- with before abe got ber. Tbe two bates
Aer yourself a Baaueirr*
a day are sapposed to have an effect te
Bo^nd-Of eoume. Row do you sup keeping down ber ffesb —Philadelphia

toaorierJ-ninsdelphla PrMa.



Shirt Waist
from $1.25 to 13.00.

buys the best Pattern
Hat from $7 to $10.^
buys the best hat our
own make from $3 to $5

It Q O
Q^lj Ingones.
CQa ^“7®
Walking Hat
Q g 0 or sailor from $l to $3. ,


Suture’s co^

buys a $1.00 or $1.25 :
I Men’s Fancy Colored :
I Shift of the latest’ i
make and most de* <:
sirable patterns,- both stiff and z
soft bo.som.

A Voutif Girl’s EgperienM.
By dsuchler't nerv,> were trrrll'lv oui at
rUiT. sbe was tbin atid weaX; tlie l.wM
Dolw stanM bsr. aad sbe wu wakemi ai
nlxbt IlMire she had takra one {a, ka«e
of Celery Kina tlx' rnam;e In Crr was to
rrvat Ibat alt- coulil banlJ>
taken p>r Ibe
oomc girl. Ktie is mpidly crowing wnl and

MerrKInx run

Ilrsuion tndall'll.s.'li.l.i.i-rtud KidtiidWc. <

Hot Eis-Fits, tml
Good Fits.
Goods that'll fit In quality
and price.
Here are a:few of them:


No matter what
they cost.*—your

fc pick for






P'ine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes



Sidewalk Lomber in ell slses.

SnooeMors te Traverse City Lnmber Oo

rtcSIed BarotorU m.r1mp' . .

If yon ^ looking for nice
goods, you will find none
that wiir compare with oars
in price and quolity.

Beadle Block.
OKi hoM UO.

Steinberg’s Grand


What Draws the Crowd;


Two Nights,
August 3 and 4
The Deliciously Fanny
Fardeal Ctraedy.

Metropolitan Cast.

Prioe»-86o. S6o. GOo and 76e.
Seat* on Sale at the Box Office.
IViephone 112 for Beets.


The Up-To-Date Photographer
I Fine Une of Photograph Bottons. Eolarglag of 111 Kinds.

Kimball Pianos
and Organs
Cannot be beaten for their music, dura­
bility, case design or their price.

285,ODD in Actual Use.
' Handreds of these eplendid instramente owned
by Omad Traverse people.
Oash or easy paymenta. Old Instramente taken
In exchange.

Soil bf Hie maters from facteij ta parlor.

K. B. 8TROHO Manager.
Branch Btore ISBFront 8t.
Mavfcifwi Blo^



••TWTHBtoaSdrWHI be Pi ■■lift

/f $M0KT trotiet

Bare Anraat ®.


coleatae, oa

pot no Anfact». with a cast A M loaal
PHtahvirbralUiWntlo (or CUaa,


Apaa.Tvko7MdBg7Pt, aad alMt;
aU of Boeoo. OToa tedadlBC BwlMd,

One of the faatarae of the

terpreteraed Oklahoma
hk own oompaey.

by MO UtUa (trb.



you s»« tbe Indian us he was

the Boeky koBateln renye?

the Bolbora Tladfiet.

Bale iUa riddea

laeretyooBBtrjriiaBacUod. SeotUad
aad WalM aad U|e
Uolted Stataa


total of hb dletoM k 3S.470.
lar the meat
raeaat tacird made by Oeorce>
the Phlladelpble eycliat
tt of the heart.

After thorouxhly overhauling and inventoi7i^.our stock we aro
able to offer moat unusual inducements to patrons on follotrlng
goods. Our stock never was cleaner, newer or brighter than
during the season just past If a suit fits you and can he bought
for from 1-4 to 1-S less, simply beoause we are short of siaes, it’s
certainly a favorable time for you to make a saving.


For a
Short Time Only

If so. you

may. by witaenlay ooe exhiVttioa of

Work WUl Do It.

elacaUca from
aiaot teacatoo to o eoaraatioa to be towaabiptotbeeoeaty eoareatkmen
hrtdlaHaTaaaeatkefltai Mcmdayla BekUarareryaetlreeadriyareoacampal(B la the iatanet of Bevy Tbaeker
Bereabar. Thte eonraatloe wOl adopt
eUpfortbe oOnol i'
a aoaatitaUoa for the people of Coba
IS. The A
Teddy Hale, the LoadooepelUt, hw followtel
dally, yaeeptSaadar*, for e year,




mlyht: -vomld yoa aee him la
After Ofiot of EbarlB aad Meaaa to Oet breeh corend plains: in the valleys of


larr* crowd weu^ the rider Aaieb at


Bk ladiaaa are

bk M«
so oa throayh

arte tor a caaa^ alaetioa la Oaba OB

Coalplated hie teak of ridlap too mile*


loay Ikt of pnelBe ettraeUoae. Would

It if XnteUlceat aad BSeeUra

Tha war dapartasaat haa laaaad aa


hk oowboyi an cowboye, bk veqeeros

Oarrto K. Aadanoa. of Fort Atkiaaoe. Wia^aad Joka H. CaMlafa, of

tkatkM Satarday


Geaelae aad

-«lt k 80 Imitation.

Tte drama will be aader the dine
Uoa of Barry giawel. aa experieaee^
dimelor aad

famed yelde. amt. Oulted
O. WUUemUUle (Pewaee Bill)

srlU be -Tbe Betea Plaf,*

WDd roa^ la AoMrUa.

r o*» »

wltt thaaa

the prodactleB of dlaa VOleye. ladlaa Maeeam. Hlppc'Marina BeU Flybv Bspoel••the VltflaiaBpy''aBmtaty BOBcdy
draeaa la Are acta The pi^ will be tkm of trslaod Aalmek. headed by the

d to Mod *,000 M
to tltt aertkwwt to halp la tho kv««t

JaaotTlUa. botk WlaA war* BaRlad


pwfle an to be farmed

CeartTr^* of the lad» ahewB, new la popalar
poad«atO>teafParaBtaca.hara atea eooeprlsiayayaBelao WHS Waat. la-

(MlMnof ite OnM BarthM nd
BorthnPKlfa niiw%n H 0U«CO

«e wbOB w* aood to M8d to fM fail* to

AasrfUbewaaby retejmee to oer

treat parte of the eoanty;
WUlleaubiirc. Jnly U, IHO
My Deer Alr-Tbe towaehlpof Whilewater will preaeat Baary Thacker ea a
ceadldate for the office ol eberiil at the
neat eoealy eoareatloa to be b«Bl Aeyut S, to whteh you an or may be a
dclacato. We truat you
yoa wUl -join with
. .Uoa from
thk townahlp la
anpportlac Mr. Thacker for thla office.
We eek yoar lafloeace aad aeppon for

Pawaee BUl's Bktorieel Wild West, la
eoBjanetion with hit miyalAoeat


podrome, and Military Spectacle
Malay many new and
tarca. aaaiely:



MlA May LUUe.



We have cleaned our clothing coustere in
the whole centre of our store, and placed tor
quick sales many lines at the lowest prices we
have ever made on such goods.
Entire stock on front tables .will be offer­
ed in following lots and prices:


honebaeh rifle shot of the world—abaolately wlthoet a rival.

Seaer Jose

ValaKaw- ridlny end drivlay S5 homes
at oae




herd of bnfftloes and adrove of Ibny

Texas eteere, Indian

a baad

of Aastrallaa Bashmee, tamoes


Traeken and Boomeraay Throwan.

SS.50,S6.50, $

troupe ol fam
Fenoen and Fiybten. aad sword


Bepublleens of Oraod Trarerae eoeaty beu oe honebeek. All Bros., Oriental
Arabian Aetnbels end Hneaea
and treat yon wUl ayree with ee.
' .Mr. Thacker has resided la Oraad Pyramid Bnllden; animate and
of Ferala wee made deriaff hit rielt to TnTciee county for orer 40 yean,
iaaelatate eerloeltka, maklny one of
the eapoeltloe Monday. A
PareUn eOBilny hare when the whole
the yrandest and mosl woaderfal
with a drawn da^v dot eioae to the
appeand la yonr
neay other early aad atardy plooean
eh^. ThepollM etarted to •eaptare by hk eCoru aad aaerlAoes bee helped
city. A yrend free street parade will
hl«. bet the Baa Sed dowe the Atc- to make tbe cooBtry
cooatry whet It k. Ko
taka place at 10 a. m.
e ooeaty
aae Bapoeltloa. parraed by the crowd. man la Urand Ervane
done more work to
Sc waa aabaeqeeaUy artwlod.
ved by the people, hated by lie
prtnelplee <of the Bei ibU
-. _.d-be rlvak; tbe foe of dkaeee. tbe
-,Ab nkaowB raadal haa srrcached. thaa Mr. 1
friaad of hemenUy- Bocky MoonUdB
Sia head from tbe qaeea’a aUtae la
Tea. made tf the M^koa Hedlelne
Tkaekar became a voter be_______ _____
The prtlee thtak It waa the srork of a freely of hk tee aad kk meaas aad la
iaa loet oaly eereo pouda

the ahah

Aa attempt to i

maak when mlad haa faeea

eiMttlad army way poarible h» done what he
eoaU to help the party. Wbea.ttni^
— -■-wento be tnnled. la
'trk alykts, in o
Tbe raalt of the Beak of Armetnay,
, BL.svw blown with dyaaaalte aerly elaryeoftheworkof the BepabUna
party elsraya knew when to ^ the
Taaaday. The axploaloa wrecked tka men, aad It was Mr. Thackar; and
eatln baildlar end tbe barrUn alby the imituttoa

of^lay Hem-

MSI leal their Urea la the niaa


Woodbine Cottage
PiMsait Rooms. Skady Uwi.


s*t State Street.


“that oae ^aa like
eseatry would be eaoeyh to build up a
1 with caIS,aBd rerolrtrt.
yreat party la aay country.” Be can
aey what few mea can. that he bee
piWbed battle
It rnmM bt
voted at every aloettoa elacebe became
a voter aad aovar aotad aaythlny bet a
eempaa. bet a poeee etarte la paneii
eOlacem, abo',tetaaad to tbe'ee




We think cm of the aeet popeloa
aad bat Improved te^ay tov—
toteeeea^ k aatitied to tbk
mtrairTBD - bom mac t
vT fMU/tort*a auwi
*. /
States wUl operaulaeoBeectloa
AUoraey, date of Pnbate, Bitter
othor powbrt la eetahlkblay ae lal«- of Daade. e^ aaariy If not all the
eter^officaaenflUedbyraeideBM of
£ Baeks. atvircholecblrCr'forsri/TbMp
TiareiesOity. thkeaesfomld yo oatwwu* B.Tr*r«a.^^_|t>ia,
Bide. And BO name eaa or srill be pr«sBbaa^al, Port Arthar, Tek^me, or eatad mon entUled to the favorable
•earn olker iMlat throeyh which mon aonldanUoa of the coaveatlon tbaa
m b
Mr. Thaekor.
' o can he had with
WUl yoa kladiy write na your views
tk« mtIub aaC thr pan of
oeMde world.
of oareaadldau. aad by eodolay epa■aek ceaialslar aUMii lll.n.
ra at BacoRl aBe*.
nadpr ptsssr Mr*
Lowell Soura,
Frank Soem.
alnSlr loeairC. ACdraaaata
Par theC^cn'-Powhaiaa.” to bePreaNeU Mcarge.
Mlad Aecesi 14 aad 16.
David Bolfa.
Jamea FedUtt.
«n completed yeaDaLeney Bemmoi
twdey for tbe prodactloa of tbe opera.
Albert/. DeVrlee.
••Powhataa*’ at the aty Opera Bi
Dtdafatee to tbe Bepabllcan eonn^
Aareatltaadts.'eadar tbe aaspleca eoaveattoa from Wbltevntter towkebip.
of the Emdias OeUd of Graee ebansh.
Tba «M Biles of


HealathaPhmpplaaa.weaaUp*cd to

CUaa Wedaesday, wh«n tbe Ballad

W*V» ? S2 lit^u'ESteTl


Tbe east hat beta aslaeted.



Mke AUes Boberta tfUl
e< Pocthoetts

slay tbe pert

Followiay k tht

plale cMi:
Powhatan........................................Fred Beater
Peeabeates................... Mkt Alice Baberta
K Star.. Mke Joeephlae Veder

........................................Belpn Healett

Tbe opera wet presented reoently at
Petoekey. with yreet tnrnms.


Parks, formerly of

thk ejty,. hevlny



leedlay role.

Celt was there,




under the pereoanl

w. Ltad. tawMbiuroBet

Frevsetad a Trayedy.

Beater trill bare the UUe rola while

Oeo^ Loay

nved two lives. A fiiybtfnl eonyb had
loay kept her awake every nlyht;. She
bed tried nmnj remedies end doctora
but steadily yrew wmee entU erged to
try Dr. Elay's New Dleoovary. Oue
battle wholly
ehoUy cared her: and abawrites, thk metrelons medicine elao
cured Mr. Loay of a aevere attack of
paeumoBla. Sack
proofofito power to cere all throaV
ebeet and lany tronblea. Only SOc and
. Oeacenteed. Trial bottles loe at
E. Walt aad Jas 0. Johnioa’s drey
_ A Mlcbtyan paper teUs of the explostoo of a liot-w«er baj;.

A doctor

TTraWTED - Cwprmt rirl
------ ” •—“
w««k. Ko 4l»a
IPOB SALt-BauM aad lot os Stk •
tunia**. *l*»ti
T »le» at lb* bay.________
*ea«r paymmia
aadanrr. lUH*aab.baln>**>
ermiu nrMt.
ia<iBlr*o( Dr. Savyrr at



there hare bm so few aceldonk
pl-aKIbHeD-rroai Teas ta
Ibis kind. People aomcfline* flU then
1th water hot enough to w-aUl a pep ^CSTLfXC. YOlTtC. MAV-4^
eon to ileath. More cure shoiiiJ be taken
tod many mccideate sreold u-averted.”


ere to



rdcai la tbe

teres, which will be a Aee feetere of
tbe opera

A reheareel was

. aad


held last

*T have often wonScred



balp. appir at e»«>r3 eBe*

direction of WiUlam'A. Baker dl Chi-

SIS rnjol

with the proepeel»..ead



already made.

People who born the Lamp of
cal reaKaapmaeer kaown.
Aak yoar dnyykt.

Deafnees Oaaaot be Cured


T. F. Hsatw.
-^ -^xot
■kateam k oeeeed by aa laflemed___
dltloB of tbe meeoae lialay of the BeetaeUas tube. Wbaa thk tabs yets latamed yon bare B rambliay aoead or
‘ if. aad wbmi
Impcrtaet baarlaf.
wbm> It k catlraly rtoacd dtesns k the malt, aad
tettd^hk tte nalend^ltBMnte
_ wOl bo destroyed
tmoscr. alao sane eat of Mb an caeaed
If eMwtb. wfedak k aothte batea
------------ ■ af the
*9wlll fWajeae hateed deUen for


rsed rlH tar rranal bcaa^

^yAKTKP-Pay^ajwk ar oarsly m
- --ar'tSdiii «jSinSCaI2?*
'U i^' m
Jnu> Varlr,

Niinit Riimbiigh.


(aneaU^ou^TK. ABn roan 7


Special Sale of Bicycle Sundries
At cTCatlyndnead prion.

larrbl that eaaaol be cared by ^<e Alatufpavra.t
^ - trhOare. Saad-----------------------AlatadparMlaacTWta.
3. Camacr A 0(k. TblaAo, O
ted If alt draBiaM. Ttc.
teUb FbmOy f^an the beet.
‘’Tma IteiT Ttampa'* erlU be oae of
te^MH^reacMM of the comiv

• rvpalrad
*..................... maiwst^.
bu sei.d

South Valoo auSn!^

Big lot
excellent goods
to 1-2 off
regular prices.

Fancy Colored Shirts

Men’s Fine Socks

Black Pants
All sises, from 32

Lot hai£d8ome silk goods

Biggest sale ever offered
here—60, 76c-either neg­
ligee or laundered—86c to
$1.00 former prices.

to 42
w^t—all qualities — fine
worsted goods — 1-4 OFF.


One lot fine tan or black.
3 pair for 26c.
One lot, extra value, at 2
for 26c.

to close at


For a lot of nice seasonable
Buys' an excellent suit—In
gooda—are worth a great deal this lot are eults that sold early
more In early season—1,2,3 of a at $10.00. and are better worth
kind—to close-fine new goods. the mqney today.


Occasionally we open the
When we offer some of our
gates wide and clear up our choice eults-one or two of a
stock In quick order. This Is
one of the occaelons when It
pays to look after our prices.
$8.60 suite sold early for $12.00
Come and aee theM.
and $16.00.

it’s Like Selling
Gold Dollars for 90c.

Boy's Shirt and Pants 50c.
The Latest Fad out for Boy’a

ntlefestory work

was done. .Mr, Bekw k yreatly pleased

Ages 3 to ecboice
at 76c,
$1.00. $1 60. $2.00.
From 1-4
to 1-2 off regular ,


pOB sai^ OR XxrB^Ol^^na^

at BamUtaaClMhlarCo'a.

Chilli’s Suits


Buy one at this sale.


Hen’s - $1.00, $1.60. $2.00
- Cotton. Crash and Linen- and $2 60—a counter fUU—take
Take one and keep the hoy your choice at the mark-down
prices—worth $1.60 to $4.00.
oomtortable—60,'76c. $1.00.
lots Of Boy's Straw Hols at 25 aaf SOc. Prices niaKe ta close eatita lot
Hamed discounts on prices even do not.always convey to the
buyer the bargains secured—beat oome and see.
Oat this ont ood briog at obm to no.

Tlwee an ml haryalne.


A let at peekn drttUac cupa..................Ur each
AletofWrjt^Uratepe.MsoflleuUi .. .Me
.a la Me net Alatutbicpel* emuenaa.................... O.mee^b
A,* af Wrrela ehalaa. end naa, me. eu» *aeb
UK al Wapele ^Adlaa, r*od OBea.Ste.ilJ0eacb

tAiMofpL_________________ _____________

Foot good neoood hand ladiaa' bicyclea, 110.00 eadi.

At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union St., Near Front.

Dis is to nmioK no Ar I wish to tako aKiaatage of the
•losoal bargaia prices aow pratailiag at
Hamiltai Clotkiag Co’s.



Tm l«»NmGgRBip(«6^HURSDAY. AUGUST ^19M
gflfla. Ba. kulwaM
takM hff tbt «ma «



«M «tnc M kM> Itow k •«> cM M
rw '-Mk te wmorn mmmhrrnm.

kttte. «i^.«lM»*i
T BM* tka iMW'* Mfk.


cones TO his ouh.


g mnaar. ba
WbM be

barm bad falbn. and
tlaa iMt a bate band, for which
the farmor gnri hm a ride to Donb; tbe next town. Tbe tarmmjmid
____________ rwpiMt and that every
body knew him tbarmboot. Tbe farmer
treated tho boy to a bMity meni. He
woM to a taBar'a *ap to bay aame
etotbeo; bet tbv tailor was tntpiriwtt and
beattmad nntU Omflm Udd tdm that be
Iwd come to towa with Faimce BrvpiMt. Then the tador'i manner cbdngvd.
Be wna wry pleaiut ud farabbed tbe
boy with all that be required. Be etaid
at DMdwut mtU the next day. aad
then, not vAthing to come ooom )eoa
nnd Antoine again, be took anetbet


Shirl Waists!

a for -wofktng It:
PIrM.-CbalQ 8 and Join In a ring.
Scvvul.-Chain 4. • thiua over tbe
beedb twice, inam needle in ring and
op BDotber thread. Throw
tbrrsd over ami draw thrugb t
Btiteben, over, and draw through S
more, and tvpeat from * oocc. lenvlag
n>c ton atltch on tbe needb enrb Oinc.


all the atltchcu oa book,
and make another group of 3 trehba
WMb bo waa enjoyinc Mt Mpper at aa like the lirat, and reiwat fram • nntU
tu two oHcrri enterod. and a oowd ibere are 12 groupa of trebica in the
gathered aronad tbeax. On* of (bu reten Mac S cbali
toted bow old Farmer O
marebe had bten robbed and wardered a thread np to the middle of next S
few dtyt before, and bon- It had -beea rbain.
dtoeovered that a ibort tUm aua bad
Third.-* rbain 6 and faatcfi to mMbeen awn to enter u old tubb Just
abe« dark and quit It earty tbe next
day. and bow. oa aureblng tbe atobie,
tbe police found in a bob la the wall a
Unke the aerond wheel jnat like tbe
flrn uni II you come to the toat i
Tbe oflker narrated bow tbe abort,
tUm maa vat traetd to a village, wbera
be faooght elottan and other tbingw
tboogfa everybody mid be wai not a
maa. bat a boy. Then be wna traced
atone tbv river, and Ibe old detbre be
bad wors orate feoad In a dbeb. At uotber village tbe oAema toad be bad
bought a (up. aad farther on they taw
two mm coma oat of a wood and eaptored tba abaci, allm maa. and a tall maa
orlth Mm. Tba amall mu wore the
by tbe tailor and alto
the bat and other Ifalnga. ud. ttauagh he
might be token for a boy until yon look­
ed cloarly at Mm. yet be waa a beardbaa
mu of aboot ao. Tbe offiwr mid that
be and kb companion bad lodged both of
tbe priaonera la tba JaU at Brtonne ud
would take them to Lamarebe the aext
BAxtr Dxnc:v po« mcriRiox oovxn.
It waa a wooderfel thing to Cbarba Tbeo * chaiu .1 dDd faalru to renter
that be bad had tack u eacepe. and be uf ti ctialu of nhevi alrvady tuadr.
reeoKcd to toeve Brieone eerly ia the CbalD 3 Qud raaien hark t» orxt
morning and take tbe railroed to Paria. chain, nnil repeat fPoui • once, and
Tba neareat atatlOB vaa aix mlira away. flnlah thia wheel like the tirat.
ud (Chariea aet out to walk. B'bcn ba
Make and Join'nil tbe wbrela. and
beea on the mad over ao hour, a genhadb

BMW fMn M« I
• PtmA
pcmpatirr coeuloJaf an unmnt pt ■
trial to ctnUlali tfae pUlotir* cUln to
■ owatr. Om awria and hU vtta aad
^Ud. oaBfd Cbariaa, caaM to Ufa ia the
MiaO lows ot Bloa. ia Fi
Fnoc» la IMt. TU was liad no ocmpBtkn. ^ yet tlto faaiUy aeeaaad to be
veil off. At Cbariee crew ap be attaaded
tchool. bat be waa leader of tveadlaf hU
tl»e a^ bemt or^feillat tbroafb
tbe ««odi ar labiBC^nbDBiv iB the
•treeiat that raa ia^ the river <MffMB
tbaa of atedfflac Ml jaHaaa.
U Un Maw. Gae^ died. Per aane
flaw riw aad ber bw)baad bad beta ad­
dicted u driak. iW Martcaccd tbe
booae vfakb they bad boocht, and U vai
aold over Ooerla't bead abertly alter bla
wUv’a deatb. Oaeria leowrvd with the
boy to Oy. five er aix mUw away to the
aooth. lie drank .beavUy. dreed ia
feed atyle and eabibiicd riaft and >ev«dry. tboiub the boy veo\ around pooriy
dad. Oae day Oaeria vat aneated at an
eacapcd convict and taken avay. Cbarlet
at once appropriated IS franct vbleb
vat la a drawer, and wookl have ukcn
. hit latber'a jewdry U the box containiaf
It bad not vanlabed. Chariei vat now 14
yean old. aad vitb tbv IS franct in bit raliae. Cbarba got l............
raaten the thread In C chain of one <>f
' iwcfctt be dedampad. It vai Juw. and waa bnirylng on when tba |
tbe wliea-b and chain 4. Then make
tbe vettber vat fine, ae tbe boy atade called to blm;
ate you gulac to tbe mUrotd 2 trehhw In aaiuc 6 chain. Iravine >br
fev mica oat,
ic ap vltb a traveltoat atilrh on the nwHlIe each tJuic aa
lof pbotofinpb
tbe boy uM poUtMy.' rala- In luaklog the uhet-K
for three veeka and left bln at SpIbaL Ing bit cap.
.Vow draw the thread tightly through
M tbe mddle of July be feand blawelf at
"Caiyy my valtoe for im aad PD pay all tbr (dltchee on needle, make a
Anartbe. aoaw 15 milet from EplaaL yoo.-*^ tbe ganUeman.
Xt vat crovliif dtrk. to he bdtasbt eoM
Cbarba wUUagly conaeated. and tba grtinii of 3 irehlra In ti <-haln of each
tbe other 3 wbeeb to be joined, then
bread end aOlk, and then. maUnf for aa
d blm u to bU boaioU fUbie avay fixan tbe raad. be climb­ ___ _ ud ao forth. Cbarica mid be waa take a acwlng neetile ami draw up
ed -op tbe bidder late the loft aad lay golfig to Parto to look for work. B'ben ckneJy and break oil the tlm-ad.
dava at fall lenctb on aoaw bay. lonklnc Ibvy reeled the aution. *------—
To flnivh (be e«lge. faxten thread to
aat of tbe epca batriL U tUt poaltlaa ba
middle of ti citaln. and make * ti clL-iin
ten atleep. Suddenly be awoke and
and fuieii tu'middle of next ti cUuiii.
■ btaid veieei briov. lie aav a lifbt aMtt- ___________
___ i the car. Having
• alt betide him
around the
la« tbroofb a cra<b ia the floor and pat foud that Cbarba knew a goo<l deal and
aguare i
bla eye to tbe apertnie. Two
about boram qnd driving, tbe gentl
aeated on tbe floor below, with a lamp wrote on a card jrhicb be gave to
ti tbe
oaey lain boy. Baying:
innvd tftora.
R|illt the koroeie
roeie frtiglhwiRC
with n
‘"T-ilthb card to tM addrem 1 have
rr'.M I, on It when yon reaeb Parto. knife, (hen acraiM- w ith the luick of (hr
” aiM one. **Tbat awkea 463
ireeral F.. who U a reUtive. told
knife, tbna leaving The hidl« n|««u (hr
truce. A aiishty bif sum for a man to
<vl>. Kill <au> full of <-ut <-oni. pn-xHak bit bead forr'
to net aa groom to bb daggfater.
log It in very Imnl;. To j>r«*s* the c<>rii
*^rap It np." mU tbe otbet. *T>o yon u Invalid."
think any oaa vlU ever ampect yoa. tbe
Tbe day ba readied Parto Cbariee call­ In the enn. ««■ tbr amall >.n*l of ihr
achoolmaater, and me. tbe verger? Be- ed at General F.'a addrma and delircrrd jiotalo iiiavlirr. a» this will enter tbr
aide*, if tbe old man badn't died nndre tbe card. After queaiionlng bita at to can »a»lly. It wfll take l<i or 12 largr
tbv rirremataDcca of vbleb yon and I what be knew about homea tbe general ears of corn to 1111 a one guart can.
know, be vonU eertaiaiy bavr died U a
When the can* ate fnll. s- rew the
him to bit country rcoldence
week or two from natnral canaet."
cover cm with tUiinih nnd llrwi linger.
Umax.;. 'with a bti
Tbv firat apeakcr vrappml op tbe awnBib. F. - a a lady if 32 er :i
Tiib will l>e light (wngh. Tlirii jda.-e
ay In tbe bandkereUiif. aroac aad. reachnervMH
n clotli In the tsettoui of n wash iMilcr
lac up. put Ibe baadk la a bole ia tbe
d all tbe
to prevent txiakugc. On this piit a
vaU Bear tbe oeHln«.
and tbingt vent oa wry pb
*^bere,” be said. "It viU be aafe utfl five yeara, by which lime he waa about Inyt-r of cans In an.v |Mtsltion you |ipfor, over the cans put u layer of cloth.
tbe funeral ia over and thiaxabave flniet- •JU and a writ favored yooih. For
ed down."
.^t Cbarba warn relieved ftum hit bear: llH'n more c-aus. Fill tl>c l•nllor In ihi»
■■1 vlah we had JoM mv all the money
«C doiba. at bla mlttrvm waa confined mantrA-. then cover the ram* well wlih
that baa beea la that bole." faid tbe oth­
t tbe boaaa wHb a aenve cold. One. cold water, place the Isdler on the tire
er men.
imiug h
and bill lbn>e honrs without ceatiiQg.
_Afier they had gnl^
Mine a book, when a
On Kti-ady lioUlng depentto much i-f
Cbariee vat i
bad a vacue Miv that aome one bad been head down and bb baadt btkind him. yonr snccca*. .After boiling three hours
murdered and rubbed, and vbUe trying to Aa they drew near Cbarba looked ap; lift tbe bolU-r from the Are. let the wa­
ter eod. then take Uh- «-ans from thc_
pat togatber tbe eanrervalion be bad and the man did tba
be fell aaleep. Wbea be
l«oller and tighten, let them remain
‘ Uy Oodr CbarA
awoke, day waa juit about to '
until cold niHl tighten again. Wrap
father rnroae and. dewending
the ladder, looked
each ran in l>nm-n |ia|M-r to exclude
np at tbe bole ia vbkb tbe baadle mat
....1 keep
t..i—. In
I.. a
- eool.
____ > drv' <vl.^.1
the light, and
It bit
have that money."
tor. Ite very mm- (be nihlier rings
be laid ball abud. and by cUmbing
are not Imnh-uisl by use. It wnuhl istbe back of tbe laddei be reached ... "la it peaBlbb'.
"Tea. air: 1 am Charim Onacln.*^ wu b-n to use ui-w rings, as poor rings
bole and drew forth tbe bundle. He diaanawer.
are the eausc of iiiurh fruit spoiling.
tribnted tbe money about bit pAaon. the
"How came yoa Mtbwt Bowjtmaga
tbt baadkercUtf Into the
The com In the cans will shrink by
bob aad. qnltUag the tuble. crept ronad teallaaAaar Gwrla aaid.
• tor Arc. yean In tbe em- cooking, but do Hot. on any aecount.
"I have been
al F. at bb vflto. attending open them.--Good Housekeeping.
Moy of Geaoral
upon into F. na bar groom." waa tba
imr time onto he came to a viUage.
It vaa dayUgbt. aad he saw a taibr at
t to wonderful." Ooertn aalA "1
Among different aitraeilw ways of
ork In bit window. Ub dotbea vetn
___aeatcaly baOeve my atntea But bt wt-arlng rlldwns. now iu vogue and deme Ml yoa aiy atory. My real name to plctetl by ih" New York Herald, arc
abo|i and beogbt l
V and a Jacket. At aaother plaea KoiraigiH and yoa are not my ton. 1 and two laklug effi-cts a* follows:
bt bought above ud aome otiier tblaga my wire were la Genecal F.'a employ for
One. to b- Worn uHh a shirt waist.
yean. UadoBtotoeUc vai at acbool in
aad ibcn made for tbe baak of '
well as with moti- clalionite bodices,
England and ebpad with an officer in tbe
V He walked on aome
Brittob army, named Ramaty. General to a atock, with two small loops at the
F. and myaelf want to England and db- UmmL The ends arc thsi In a four
Wa new
catfled be r«dbd togeibn and
Uto mmred tbclr wbaraaboou. General F.
a flltcb. Be aooo came to uotber Tttlage
o vreanay,
aad bought hiaurif a cap and had a goad.
and there a child waa bora. That child
b Toneaalf. My wifo and I were paid
aad riapt. Below
going to ibep. how taka you avny and provide for yon. I
.................aa you know, and deever, he tied aU bit money la a haadkercUef aad hid it among the foUage above mudad more money from General F. It
waa rofaaed. and I need ihteati. 1 waa
armated fabaly aa an cmaped enevicu
General P. had iauaeeae power, and 1
convicted and tut to priam vhboat
eoam down. He beked and_________
mouth. Oaemantb
Urn a bi^aaa. nearly aevM feet tall, aad
who bad
a aamll. thin mu not much bigger tbu
atou witb ma and to w
Mmmlf. bath eridaatly truma. He <bBe gave me abeltor «
acended and waa ginbbad by the amall
moemy. I naaamad tbU dtogabe and
man. wbeaaid:
■ young t^ wham did ynn gm tarn* bite U bopm otAeaing Mlb. F.
peutrly Mra. Eammy. and havcbtbw? Toa ateb them,
Ing t^ great wtoog lighted."
In the ptaaeace of Gnerin ai-----The Mg man bagbad gliMMU. «nd tba
admitted ^ tnth of Goeria'a
nmaO mu tuflnntd;
______ Bba w4a wy wealthy, bav"OamAMrip. Off with tbam an. m ro
t labmitod a large eatote tram ber
II yon. WontLJomir
She cMfcaaad that aba bad
"Oh. yoa." mpBM Jaan. "Ha'i a b
atad a wiB bavtag aU bar praparty m
me. b my Mand. and thiaka rnttMag
ir au. It hi abouM ever ba dtoeovared.
klBb« and oamg au of Ut own aba
oonn higger. Don’t yen. Aatotur
^"Tu Indood.’'waa tbi c^. «Oama. a aarma Aaak and dbd wlMla
GeMcdl F. dmaumd ^
loop bow. with pendut end*. A amaS
by oM tim boy enmovnd Me Cbarba aa hnpoatera. bat a trial tally
knot oo each cod makes tUa a very
ebtbet, aad datalat mmevid Me. Tbea eatabHMad tba rigbt of tba youg
- ta tbe
pleaalng and flnffy effert.
Tbe otber is f atock. wttb tbe coda
ttvvw bb raga to Otarba. Tla MM Bamaay. Kat tba boat impaclut Inddmt of tba traU wm the prodaettoa of drawn to tbe abonldcr and pinned,
tbe mm who amatod Omria aad cemov- after which « toow to lied, tbe coda of
ni coma back and Ute ynn. Wul t ad tbe box e—Ua Jeveby. tbr whi<« arc tied IndiridiiaDy nte amaU
puTflom belag to Mcnr* mar* la Ooevia’a iMwknota. A dreasy effect, anltable
Aartm ted flarttnt m
an dm paammlm «Mch tatty ffbdeaad tbe tawntebid garmanta wMtb AatMaa bad lathmMdp hatwaM MVa. F. abd Cbariu car aflemooo: atoo t«t channlng for
aat^ace wear, wbea tha

isoTtetomAM am nsn d wn, *W wtoV»>,rtot. « quU
te\M ilm>fIt^WA «Atto Wt uoiVVs m wf tn All.

ttte mV^ittaV 50e '\DatoU twro Xbt.
IVW ibe orig\tta\ Ibe'VDatoto woo t»e.
^VV o(i \be ii.OO "VDatoVs two ASc.
AVUbe 5\.Z5 atti $\.60'\Da\rts Ibe,


t SaUu


i , A-.


1 i

A —fly DvMaa aga f
f Cvaakvt qr«
Tbto cover to ruBHioanl of 16 a

SKINNER SATIN WAIST$—Everyone knows of tbe good­
ness of Skinner Satin—What’s left of the spring line of
\Vc have not a complete line of sizes. The colors are black, dark red.
ight red, navy-and automobile. If we have your size this is a sreat
bargain for you.

“Sa^^ela S\.\Vi 'VOaxaU
Light colors, beautiful evening shades. This waist sold at
0">y-eight waists left in this lot.
Marked to close at............... ............................. ...........


MDVvvU Yvesat
We have placed all the White Pique on the center table and it will be sold
2b per cdffA. dUcouttV irom

T>r6ss ^oodis'Ketwva.uXs

All the short ends from the d:i----- i goods stock have been measured up
and piled up on the counter.
There arc plenty of skirt lengths and
children's dress'lengths. and some full dress patterns. If you are
thinking of a dress or skirt for fall it will pay you to look this Knc
mtA. dVscowiA Vs Vflktn ^rbm T«g«\aT viVee.'
■Sot sottT dMietv tiM dirtuis mi -yiKiimi Stulm we ne.

TraTanaOttr Markov
A. Oreat DiacoTeiy tor Cancer
below to a Uat of the mylBg aaff aatlW..N.«,m.OxT.. Job. 24. laoo.
Dr. a D Wanier. Dear 8ir:-I havd
of_ymtonUy,f«r frooerim.
used yoarCompouod of Seven "CnrM,' P™”*?®"‘“‘^
Uie great
-eat icancer core and blood
wd PDripnri■xLXJxa raia
Ber. with <
[ do not
hcalUte to r
Dd it for the pur. Clear Fork per bbl. new..
pOMa tor which it to naed. lu effecU
srelnaxhort timeao naaifeai tbatdt
iDov fall to give the greateat mtlefaction.



Tcicpteec He

aueadad to prowpUy. otRaaPhaaoa,
HeoH. SoaUraev.BaUaO; MevM.

I. auevMy aad aoeaaal.

ladim. ■ ‘Teu eaa Jump a It tnffipto cs

iu but it will oqme np amiling every
rime " 0a)i&an'4 EleaUc Floor VaniUb


Campbell t &oni

waretlore.. r. 3.
where al! these having bnaloeix with
tbe firm can call upon them. 0:0 U

Republican Benaiortal Convention.
■ flci-ulitlraa SroMerleJ Cee"oi>e» for
‘vseljraeseeUi S^eaierial dUirlri mill tm
etTnTrrae CIty.eii TmeeCay. AugiulT.
eatlun • reii
diurleleoc tor th« traaxMtloD et aech
otbrr Isislora


illIM to Ibv (ulloslbg Buabrr of amimmmi Itolki '
J Lm)b
X Writ.

.t.S's'SSssrS.-s airsa iv

......... ..................................... Sun»a»id laawir.
ctT'e (irmod Ucrtm heaoe, rraot
graot strtvi. Ttar.
rrae FrUay. Aagtiot 9rd, I Ale'clock p. n. torthCkUarprae efptaeiacla Botai
battoB eaedidale- lor eouei





P« ba....................................

A LG. Ind
Good to retara oatll Aug. 13lh. Call
at office or phone is -2 rlnge for partfenlara
C. E Marray, Agu
Talklag V«eMe»a
for sale by tbe w. w. Klnball Oo.

teaMe varalM

Dont Be Fooledi

ay, graeaais aeraate
-p aaiLBR*,i
A • to fyotaate •
McreaaUIC Oo. Bloc

1. (nee
wbo ..

The X4ttle Tann-«f



Fiieril Oiitcnr.
KortoeraPhex ^e. Ihu, Bel] Fteae m .

IRCawavaavr. .

I Beil -pbooa, Horthwa


: zrrs-.r:
Ho. I.

«.ii;A5rSE7 ^


bMit. At Abii, MC Mtf W had frfM
mtar tJmm t« be «t tW
M Wtu waHad might aCMr
wight wpm the teaeb ia tke
------had ocpc hamw towmid wnfah^ aU
~ea ake hesaa to waeaaA Ub
At Am he
■mend bratallp. “Aiel -1 a» waa17 of roar taaia.- be aaid. abovbc Ue
pelated. trbte taaCb aad taraiac avar.
“~-te can that t do M ecaw to t




Bneeda Besf

One of tV Dearest taateriato tor
WkydoyDUMitahaUr UmuwU)
arann araktber to lack doth, gray to
color, of a bard weave and exceedingly onwa to Lelaad yoa wUi Bad tbat
UsV la welgbL It to good looktog ' **nnM(U Bast" Oott«c«
kad.11 bdieve. areara weO, beaides be^ moat comfonable for tbe August WUl moot tba raqairamaato af a daJJrtyul taMtkto. BeMtlfally loaatod.-'
IVh^aad taatliM tv btot to BortV
Itetty materials for troavra to V
woru with a dark frock'or morning **

• 4mW with th* OBMt «f
Imo sight agBin. Tal
■a. vMrta «ad fm; no- back bar aoba and canwed. hia.
; 4rit(c4 woold net err war Bore, neter, nerei, u con lalnad. whiefa U one of iV Tdagn
or Piieodly gronp, In tbe aomb Pacif­
coat are as a ruk oor'aa pieoUful aa
tteo^k tho riM* a»d u
V would premke tVt V woald Bk ^
of 'narl^ton.
tbe dotV for sack aulta. U-Ing roufinawap. He pretaiaed cartkaalp.
od almost eniitviy to s«ri|w dralgos.
ImA. Md U tte Uut
"I am wraof to think that jm forpet Scnrecip are elians <-otut>1eted alxnrlorntlon when (be lupateriAn exceikni combination of colon
•NM. HitkMie «r« M the «r<* of Um- BC. I kBew,** tbe whitpered panitcntlp,
dMpiof aboot bk neck. 'Tor Vee pen ooa hdaad enilrelp diaappenn fn>B
or a kuage suit is light giuy. plain
■A amko Im ud tkt Aart
■«( loU Be that ear lore k Ktoap aa thk sIgtoL Tbeu when anllora Vve made
’Oespmtloo" is a gatM at oardi light blue and white. There is a coolMdMtf w*a • fTMt ud ri«fc csballCTo. ebaiar Bha pot tbe tiap lace of Knew np iVIr minds tVl do such klabd ttat is best described aa a oonHnnity of ne*s almut such a cosiutuc tbat Is ef­
Jb «M 9r1*Uik*d to wmlk opoa tb* vite tra Benon dc Dotorea to her Upa. Bat «rcr existed and tVt tV mao wV
regaidleaa of anil It to fective, and Us alupiklly glv.w it an
a dwaIUng.atoek.aton.
A of tbe placa, vbn* tk« tV leak U her epno wat a daapaiiiap
it most lure been iSayodw
with throe fallpackiof US____ added aroartm-ss. it abould iw made
qneatka. aat nodooMinp trnat
He iaopbad, and when V went awap dreaming U nlll l>ol> ii|> agnlo abore each, and tV most conresieat nomber up in this waj-: A gray, single i.roastroaad aad reaad ia aa aabresarfarf of the ocean like a Imd of p.toycn to IS. tal eight n- too per- ed. VddcI aack suit. raUicr light in
aad where a peoa dared aot
aoaswill And it a very deligfatfol way aV«k- and either plain or with a sus­
hla aaadaled foot. Bat < Gnadainpe that npoa tbe nest niebt penny.
I rMiatala atoek ii
Paleon latond Is or was-it is nlarnpi to spend an ertslng. In a party of la­ picion of the berrlngUm.- w.ute. a
la her relna • woald coat apala witboot faU. DoaDgerons to speak of it In the pres- dies and gcotlamen tbo Vtterway to for soft fronted sbln of-soUd blue bum of
ttAMwaa ladlaa bioed. aaoa«b to Uaie lorea, fordar hanrif to beUtre. waa alhw
iMa U a pale broue, to pat the hiethe cue lix to diallongo the other six a i>ale electric shade, a inedlutn brigbt
t' la tbo carip Boraiap to AU
' a aad eottaaerad pao>
and iboo. sitting in cooplw at tV table, tnniuver c-nllar. a narrow fonr-in-liaud
pie la her epee, to fire to her hee a
aclaaalternating the play.
Ik of lieavy, |<Uin wliiie linen, liavlng
to her Map the dicaitr of a
The first doty is to select a banker, a liM>se liaskei w eavo.-soniewiiai like a Plwne O.
- JotuMi BlHk
e in tv Oardea of
paaea lad late captiritr. The aeaoHtat
wfacabonld aUo act m ompire (or tbo white rbevlol, wbicii. ludetsl might
oae It waa near to
* <Wlad hr lacked Leitta’a cnoc. for it
ereplng. Tbe banker or dealer abould be etjumliy w.dl tiaed. hose <if a sulialdc
tv great bonoe where Haanel Ured.
SV paaaed indeed Vfote tV door of tV
(bon stanlBe the tbne packs of cards to- aVde of idiie or gray, wlili a smnll
bonae aad atw Into tV patio wVre hnogtithet vary thoroogbly and count two spot design or a jdaln <-I.K-k lu wlilte.
Sthe Udlaa Baade i
diedf of aukaa and camelUaf btoaaoBcd
-nesu. '• of 30 cards each, tbe one to V tan ieatlii-r todt and tan. low sb<H-s.
jaeaaei obegealU iu be loitered apoa and wbrre a peacock walked among tV
known aa "ladies' neat." tbe other aa
FlannH suits nr.-\: .vunw still
a beach aad waMed the crowdlai loU- hriUiantlp co' - '
‘genilemon'a neat," placing them at rage. Tbo iUuMrutJofi sbiiwa odc
When abe eai_- ____ ________ _______
era aad thdr w^sea
endi of tbo toblu Each plbyur
ferrd bp Ra edpe. talking. Hera, among
cMar aarrow wa^ al
______ < liae of c^ Boder the abadowe (be trcea and flowera nnder tV abadow
of tv aDdeat KnndacaB dmrebea aad
rallss dlsuu ov at a Uue. Tbwe banda are placed
Try TUrm
monarierko, tbe blrda trilled aad tV wa- frdm lu nren-si uelgblsir. Tufoua. odo face down directly in front ut ■«»*•>»
No. «N rrest Utrrat.
tere flaabed and the aoft rokaa of tV of tbe prlncliBl nieiuVrs of tbo 1'onga player
peons mtnpkd mnakallp.
The play to from tbe bankti- (o tbe
grtHip. It uaw first s*fii in IKK.*; and
LoUu fiUtd her jar and poked It atop at once attraned tbe Bi(<-nil<>u nf tu-ien, left, and each player tnrna np a eard.
r her Vad. Aa ahe did lo tha reboao fell
Vrk from Vr Vre. brown neck a^ UaU, who were bIUIkus Hi iltlermlue and tbo play oontinnea until an acu is
breast and abowed tV eVio pleamiBp (be Mture nf tbe fon-es wbb b •■oiilil turned. The privilege of tnrniog tbe
le eoald hare pot oat her hand aad against iL •Ti'V pare yon lhatr cried add auotbilr island (u ibe tliuuiuinds top card of oudiu nusU to uken by tbe
moaa. Dolerea looked dewa aad did wbkb already doited ibe surfai-e of tlir first player of each aide. Wbtui an
tearhed hlat. ao Dear that ehe codd bear
ot answer.
aoutb I'aellli'. It was <ust |i> deter- if tnrnwl np it to placed lu (be cat
Mb wbiaper the wordi of the tong that
”I know.” kaphed another; *T kaow.
caae tntn the bead biddcD aaMOc the
ilBe tlut KaJeoo iatonil was of rolraii. of tbo ublc, and tbe fun twgiu> Tbe
t was tbe Benor Manuel Cotllla.”
baaa: ‘‘Dnlee ea U caaa. pero otai lo ea
k origin lu cliffs ru«4> uiun- tVu irfi purpose of tbe game Is to exbaoti
'•Ak! Maanel,” came IV reply, with a fcM above tbe level of ilie M-a. ami uo eeukr neats, and the game U won by
a* eeo. Let aatamra quHoa del coreao*.'’ How the eoft .aolee dwelt on that afarup. "He is tV sweetVan of PeplU tv Vt portions of Ibe Istoud It waa tbe side exhausting tbeir neat first. The
lad word, aa thoopb bit own heart wc» Xuno. Mp motVr k Vnaekeeper for tbe
eaciueoooi in the center of the ubie are
• braathed oat to bar U IL Her dance lla- Bonora Nano; iV knows. Brerp alpbt be only nee<«Bar.v lo dig di.Wn alx or aoo high to donee, wbilc the aide i
eight feet lo n-acb a iciiiperature which
pered apoa him ai abe went bp. Thea Ulki (0 PeplU at the window.”
quouees or parUier's band are high _
"It Is not trae! Ue k not her norio.” w-oold boll water, while on tbe surfi
be looked ap lo the white toweri of the
eathedral. deaBiap acaiiut .the tticht. puped LoIlU, and, inrainf. sV walked the tberuoioeliT only iiiark«-d K.'. dc- low. Bo that each partner playa on tbe
ceoier soiincuoes. bit or bis partner'a
aad Bade a pearer. to her Baiae aoiat. off with tbe glide of a tragedy qama, tV graea above
jar steadied upon her bead V a roand.
Hamra Beaora do IMotea.
Tbe fact tbat tiie bibuMl Is entirely Boqoences aurl J.i-i own. iu effint play­
-Aad whaa the moaie bad etopped and Bp^lecd arm.
ing aeveu bands in a IS baud gama

' volcanic
It 1
the plaaa bepaa to be darned, ahe dided
Tho (no of ibu game Is enun-d by tbe
. .rfor hours. 8be .
eC down the narrow BtrBfL..fceeplxtg U
■ulpbur In ilii- air nukes it certain pei^'allT ooiiuw'u-d lhc-n.-wlih, which is:
the Ufbt of tbt electric lamp, that abe tbe adoV with all (be Impai
playi-r is purmitted by word. look,
e of her impk, but her long eyes
•tfht aot be loot to the alffat of Haanel,
motion or suggestion to ludicato
arho WM toUewiaf bar. acroat on tba oppoaite aldewalk. iwiiiciai alone with the tbeir curilDp lashes. Her mother, half
Tbe most careful sclentlllc examlna- to tbe pursdu playing any play or iiiisSlXuir nRtMTUI rUXKtLSUIT.
pMsible on ponalty of (orfeltlag
caralaa, leisarrir fian of the am of bU
on of FalcuD island was Uui
raot. ooaAdeat of bla «en<)ueat wba be tppearrd Into tbe farther of the two by tbe olBcorn of tbe liHllsIi ship Ege- tbo play of said player and having tbo gray flnnnel nitli a liugi- of gm-u ud
a gtlald of gr>s-u aui! nsl raihi-r loboaM apeak to bar at the door of her roomi which were Vr home. One bp one
OeloVr, 1«S#». Tliey found the ebanod nf a seqaenni pans to tho next dlsTlunly Woven iutti tin.- ground color.
hoMO. And H waa an atr cesqaeM. her elfht small brotben and sisters Strapplayor at Ulde, which wuu
How aboold it bare been other with tbli pkd in. and. throwing tbemselrea apoa toUnd''Purely unlnbablied and pn> be an oppouent
I’lii- OMUt Is slngb- lirvasietl. <-ut fu]uan'
blld of oereltode aad poeertp and In- (heir Vds. fell asleep. Bat still LollU jectlng out of tbe ocean in the alupe
There is a groat amount of sport iu in fntut, very much ns a sack coat Is
diMtt Ba bad but to make tbe aipn. bad stood wailing for Manuel a Viribk de­ of a high sod symmetrical black ovul.
made, witli lais-ls a trifle brooder limn
bat to Bttnnar “I loee thee.” and ahe spair growing in tV ctiildUh Van wbkb
nluiost dcatJtoto of either ani this gnoiofciT a social evening, and it is those of tin enllnary single breastetl
too soon a woman'a.
waa hk. rorptUiDc arib and batten.
vem-uble life. Three or four veiy |(0)inlar in tho oastoni ritiea.
le law a dark apeck eeming twifllp seedling ptonu. pridentlp carried to can bo made "prognioBiTo-'iT drairod on Hack Jacket. |«iie|i |NN-kets. thre<- but­
Ba had loeed befare. had ManuaL Tbo
■piM of aoToltr lacked for blm in tbo down the dearrtrd itrcet Uwnrd her. It the island by wandering sea birds, bad tho same priuciplos M uuchrc.-i-Si tons in fnmi mid Uins- on tlic shwes.
boitnnMl ibruugb huuoulioies. no alite
daaparato derotloa of Lolita. Yet it waa proTcd lo V a Uaek dog. awlapinp along uken root, and two young coeoanut Laois I'oat-lliifpatcta
behind or ut the sides. Tbe Jaeket Is
awoot at Am. when tber wandered at with its gleaming epca fixed racuUp
not Id a flourishing coodltiun.
Mpbt throopb tbe wide, tioc arched patba atralght ahead. Aa It paised Dokraa
half lluisl. tin- wslsteoat slTigle
all (be signs of regruilon. an<l a
ad tba dark alaseda or aat upon tbe ahrank bark into tV doorway. TV more.'illi a eollar a little linmder In the
mrul aurtkd It. aad it atopped abort, tongle Baud pljier.and a solitary nretb X Little Olrl-S thiglsml UeaslllBU la Omrl lags-ls than Is usual and the trouw-rs
Aoaint atone beoebea, her bead upon
bceaat aad bar Ann link band in ^ looked at Vr. pare one kop Vwi
were tbe only living (blags wUlc b a
of -nnsfls a Hlerthose of tlie onlluary sl:n|H>.
' was Mgbtcaed
Wban tber act hr dar in the halda. be
careful search of tlie Ulaiid reveah-d.
An iuoiduiii wurtfa n-cording occnired, slralclit and fblrly full orer lb<- ibiglis.
. 8V began to ....
harUd ridden on hli ailrer trapped KraAt the lime of tbe Egerla's vtolt.
CD and And him.” aV aoid. wnp- -four years after the Island appeared boforu Cbtef Jo'lgo, Swlg.-wirk of tliu. Tills is iHTliaps tbe siiiurii-st slyle for
taekr boree to tbe trTstiac place, and abe "I will
I____ ____ ___________■_______________ .....
sDperior court in tbo trial of Um action a single breasted tlunnel suit. niid.
hariaf came br the muk care and aftot'
for tbe Aral time, tbe wares of tbe brought in behalf of Ida <Joidburg to
tratd afoot, peahiiif her wap tbrooeb tbo
(bough llieri- ar«- nf coursi- a gn-at
wbkb Vat upon tbe bigb. cover fl6,w)u damagtM from l-slward many strlissi materials wbleli do ....
prowth of Aowen that bcl a warlnc pkMack
Bidloy-d: Sous for injuriw rei-eivod
rr of color, over her bead, natii aba
bear (be stamp of comiuoimess. tbe
knew It. as aV Vew all tV Ana wftb great velocUy. were fast eating being koockvd down and rnti over br plaid Is. geiierully s|s-ollng. Ilic
Mb kaalBg acalaM tba tmak of i _
gjal iBb y apainat aoaa eiae prawn
It was predicted then that
j of the wagons of tbe firm Tbn girl
Prom a disUnce aV cooM rae tVt within a few years It would eniln-lp bad her arm (rurtnred. Tbodefenwwus fasbioualile :ind exeluslte.
Thus writes -Tliiw" In Vogpe.
TV world waa paradiie Iben-the abort tVre was tbe Agnrc of a man at om of disappear nnlcM some new vokanic that sho was riwpoiiaiblu for tbo acciSSSlf. SS««2SC2 23
tbe Vrred lower windows. It was ilan- activity abonld give it a new loasc nf
UeH paradiae between tbe dowapenr
dunt by her own nugligouea ucl, haciendo I'urao, making lore to •cant
rieaul.a White Vres.
tbe ralni and tba wItVriap beat of 1
LottieUoldix-rg. a sistur of tli» plain­
woman within. Bbe knew tVt Vfora life.
Lace is non- so iiiueli us<sl ibnt It Is
wbea tba ralkpe blosaoB
Blnce tVt rtolt Falcon latond Vt tiff, who is only II-years of age. was Well to kiiou’ li-iw til clean it. i'over a
aV atw bit face,
* of tV blac meontains.
red. only to lx* driven called to tJio witnuss chair to Patify to large iMilUe witli a linen eiis>- niaih. p aea of pink and white and pellow Ip Vhiod blm a
knew t
np Again by tba reolitleas force operat­ the cir>'umiiUiiccia of the Bocidcut. Bhu lit lightly. Ibill (lie la<s- iirniiml |(. tnkaad tad aad Uae. when tV eerp pai
apoa tbo treca k oranpe and ne___^ aaiola,
ing Vueath It. lutpr explorers bafa was sorii a little child that abo-wat lug enr<- lliut Ilii- isige Js kept siiinulh
rrhaa the akp la alwapi fair, when tbe Vfore.'
made certalu (he (act of Us volcanic qausliuiiL-d os lo her uudersuudiug tlie and that the iM-mi of lln- sm-itHsIliig
Then Lolita. Angering idly tV mtdaUl- origin. They have even found
air k ao dear that tV pkamliip apirea of
naiore «f ait oath, in order to oaceruiu ninml <-uv.-rs it. TmU lls- hi.-.- Jn ibe
tv cbarchet ahow tran nflaa away to nod tsrlsUng tV Vain atent Vr utirra w-ho. daring
wliother him sltonld 1st alhiwod to tMtify. slightest |s>ss[|>le niamn-r'niMl w itboiit
a»«ap tv footbiik and when tV land baada. went Vek to bar borne, into tbo
--Ik yon oudurataud tbo uaCnru of an
kncii.H. Wln-ii the lii>s- Is f<>|l>s|
tVt lu caagoeton kacw aa Nneea Oali- booM and. dimbing an onsuadp Udder, eruption In 1AS.1 which resnlteil li
da k tV Boot baantlfnl apot upon earth. came out apon tV Aat roof. It wm
r»uml till- Isiule. cover it tightly with
• Yei. air."
BoooligbL and aV atood looking witk rnnoea from Tofooa and watched the
la tboae dapa wbe£ tVp
linen. Tti<-ii iiinke n strung hither nf
wide, dnU eyes near tV dtp, orer (ba low forces of tbo volcano at work.
"What is it?”
gisMl wlilli- Mui|i and let the In.-.- n.v c-r
roofs and the many domea and aplres and lu last dtsapp.-aranve. In IWW. still
rietr V pare bar
•'ll i* a swoar."
•s) Isiitle ri'iuulii 111 (Ills fur :i night.
BP at tv ahlmmerinc akp. A whiff of tV other visitors bad dlN-overed niN-riun-s
ek. '■KkU
On cross examination (ho little g
Then rinse It well by is.nrlng tvuier
« which U___________________ _ perfuDt of orange Uoteoms came to her
was asknd:
ilVer It. If gsiHsIble. exgsisi- tills Isittle
atrakp and withont and.” and aV forgot, tram a tree in tV patio Vlow. It
the sir, naterlng it fris|iienllr, nnd
at, bendlap toward Vr. V threw it oxer
let II dry tbiimughly iK-fure iqs-nlng It.
her Vad. tbat tV link modal which abe bad first aeaa Haanel when V Vd
"Well, it la tVll have to
haap froB It beta tV pictan of tV wbUpered to tV atrains of the muale
Ihi nut uii any- neeuiint (i«i- hot water. :
MetVr of Borrawn and waa aM ramd that cama oat tram amid tV treee—*Ta
as It lU-stru.vs the Iisik of newness.
margora qultaa del coraaon.” He Vd
abeat with peark, tV }c»tk of Mara
"If you don't doll tbe trutta, wVt Iron the Ihiv iinwlnd friim the liuttlv
•V waa tao happy than to know tV .jred her tVn. V Vd. V bad. tboogb teiBperatiirvfl has )M<en designed
and sgiread it nut. Iln-n iiliire It n
Boaalnp of tV aptamod, prtorinp face be abould (ell tbe eeooriu a tVnaaiid Germany. It consists of a stnall cylin­
"That woold bo a sin."
Ironing liluiikel ciivered witli a g>Its n »f
af tV dalatp Wt of anaBcl. bat tbe tkao UoM tVt be bad noL Bat V did not drical rucelver of steel dosed at one
"What is u sin?"
linen iiinl pUi-e over it a gilisv of el,-an
loTt Vrnow. It WM at an and. and for (>od. At this end a capillary steel
cam ora leap wbaa aV andcrateod.
"A bad Biark from God.” onsworod n-blle inUKlIti
1‘ass the Imii geiilly
It WM apoa a dap when aV waited by LollU life. too. Vd andad. SV moaned, tuV of oncHiuarter milllmaier lueer- tbe little one
uvi-r tbe niiislln. but do not let the
tv rirer odpe froB noon aatO alpbttaU and. Vndlng orer. tV aearched tV aaad nal diameter I
Tldi tuV
Thev-cnerable ofaiuf jadgo was visibly eoBie 111 cuntnet with tbeiuei-.
aad lUaacI did net come. 8V want otoV roof until tV found a bit ot tUck,
back aeroaa tV Mdt lo tV twUipbt. aad a place ot tbe branch of aa orange Uca. can be made of any length np to 00 touched al this kuswer of the child and
IVa. for tV Am tUaa. aV nw tVC tV Than Ve threw off (be tebon, and it feU yardo. oo that the Indleatlona of tbe remarkod. - Thla to a very intelligent
aaaaaa of tV Vwera Vd paaaed. Mat at ber feet Taking tV chain. aV wound luMnunem can V seen at a coneldirra- diild and i>erf.«tly nndvrsUnds tho ob­
Laei- ami luusjlu uudersb-c i-a. w-tileh
tVy were dry and brink italV. tVt far It agnlo and again abont ber neck,
ble distance from (be place of wbkb ligations of an oath.'' .Shewas'thoDal' finish abrugitly with a me
‘ narriiw
awap U wbare iV BonaUtna faded into firet aV broke tV madnlllto from It
tbe temperature to requlml to V lowud togivober tosamouy.—Now York baud nt the wrist, huve
Ttokt abaVwi IV Uad waa baraed and kksed it clasping it In ber band and known. TV capillary tuV Is ran- Becordor.
iigi alertly, aeiunlliig to \ ogue,
Vowa. wbOe tV dnat rote aader her Up- whUperiag a prayer to Onr Ladp of Bor- tkcted to anofber small flattvned tube,
t those Wiileli an- llllei] liiio tin- line
plap feet and bunp abont bar. BV walk- ->wa.
ad akaa amidit a praop of men who carTV VaU WM tight aboat ber throat wbkb to wound In the fonn of a spiral
arm and wrist, wbinber eluiigatixl
That the ways of woman ore pasting
ow. but aV ran tbe piece of orange TV whole of theae tnbea atid tbe
Ofwart Vpia.
rarur ear
rkd treat kada of red potterp aad eoopa
the wrist by tucks ami iln-ti Jiarliig
tango was again provoil byanincidont
WWMWO. a, r A T A.. OraV WAS
rail of chickaai oauVlr tecka. aad a wood ibroogb a strand, and. with ooa earlty are completely filled with mer­
pf till- baud with bns- for ilm-ms-dle
I B. NUmAAT. A««at. Tram,
hard at tbia. rad Vbed bop* wbkb wtra last gtaaee aeraca tV alieut dtp Uward
Work, do find deeldiHl faviir. Nothing
drieea bp a wkaaed old aaa aad a bean- Haaucl'a Vooe. IV began to twist it drical recelrer then causes Uir ^trai gaotlenian arosv to offer his seat to a
lore Is-coiulug lo a gin-ity hand,
tUal Vp. LollU walked becaoao Ve Vd ”8troag M oar kea,” aV mermarad. to dibite and to untwist. One end of lady who bad jnst entored with her lit
no Baacy to ride ia IV Bnk can wbkb ”Vt onr kee to braVa. TV chain saM tv aplral Vine held and the other tie boy. Boeing tbe aoat vacant, abe and tliai count* for mu.ii in these
days of utmost rare, wbeu ilngen. srv
raa to tv city. Moaael Vd fotieRaa to not break.”
telng fixed to a soluble gaaring. tbe •ent tbe boy to ocenpy iL wbilo she drraw>d with jewels w-orili small for­
BV was tanlng, tnnilnc, and a look
fire Vr ao Back ai a qaartUlo. New aad
olnng to a strap. BV wat evidently
apaia aV leVad ap loagiaplp at iV can of wild via cam npoalM face, tat Vr ladlcatlon of tV temperatura can V vtgy Urad and woold bare enjoyed a tunes. and tbe l«rv baud lua ts-coine
V IVy pawed, aad of a aaddea aV BMd Strang UttJe bands nsrer falterad, and given on a dial wbkb cu be seee (or
iblonable fad. Elbow sbs-vra. with
•ML tat preferred to care for beraoo
•alte atm. paci« with grief atrataed ■V bald fast to tV toodanite. BV era'*<) ug> cuffs. Vt off ili<-*e trans
flrtt. Preeently a tody left tbe car. and
«TM. tar la ou W tVat waa MaaaaL rand and swayed. It was tight
Dl uuderalecvi-s to more advastbe one standing took ber seal Next to
VkAVp to talk U a atoat oU Udy aad to MW. BV oonU not Vaatha. Her caoutb
ber wat a serving maid with n pretty Uge than a three-quarter aleeve will
M aotl piaacB at tV brown hak<
. . and tV htood area tJUdisg her,
*jr*laaii waw»i wV wt beaiVbar. aarging in hw wia srich a ftorfni raar. me Boclety For (be Promotion of Bn- baby on ber lap. The lady aaked percar paaMd aa. aad tV little Zn- ^ •toggerad M aV made tost tV atick. gtoeertng Bdncalton. Dr. MeodonVU tnitaian to ftoid ik and tV reqmet VCafw Prittera.
ite amtaaod bar wnaty aray. TVt (V
b. tbrawiag
thrasring ap Vc
Vr anas,
artoa. baat
beat tat
tor aa advocated tV adopthm of tV otetrk Ing granted aV cooed and Ulked and ' Two copa of cooked corn, two egga,
MiBf Vo wav to tv aUwada wWh aaly taftaat at tV air. bat OM Vad araa VUtam of weights and n
played with tV child (or a half boar,
cup of mlik. om- a|M>onful of bak­
^ falatm hope Vat Maatwl weald V tightly dtocVd aad dU aot opw. foe It
utterly oblivlout of ber own boy's Jeal- ing powder, one eup of'flour, half a
Vav Bat V caiB. aad aaawatad hm tw
OBt erica and franrio efforu to attroot cup of sugar. Have aome beef auet
Vaatkii aad Man wMh MaMi aad ortbe yard and tbe pound becauae they attention.—Cioeinnatl Tribune.
almiDerlDg In a frying'pan. drop In a
relka of antiquity, and aometbtug
toiooDfnI of tbe batter and fry brown.
Wsrth't TrauVtm.
Inbcrcntly wicked la tV meter and tV
Serve with maple ajtnp or boner
Kate Field aaya aV thinV tbat Worth
tVy originated with
attVOMlIaa wu tot awv VpmSw
tbe Preneb,daring tV revolndoo at made for ber tbe only drast that bo ever
Uee taAwVlto.
tv dooe of tV laat ceotury. He made of American material « Sbe took
V Aa «toM gMtod tv words of Cbarito Btnnner blm a piece of American aatin for tbe
Bon a (eacnpfnl of rk-e with one and
•at a ewtoea.” Va aobbed. ’kadwVal
m you dktag.wttk thev VOlAg gVna
V tv MBate. uttered more tbu SO purpoee. asd at firA be refnted point a hMf pinto of milk aweeieoeO and
MMMtV^ Itowm
rtmn ago: “A ayoten of welgbtt mod blank to toech iL 'The maonfactonn Vvorad with almooda When cooked,
ntber at Lyona woold never forgivo me.” V beat tv rice to make It amootb. Tobr
■aid. 'They wouldaoenae meof treata- It Into cupa and tun oat on a gUaa
m H WVt we ■
waMd laea Vr town./ Wm Va
v •saao- IwhVWaMAsBW
wtaally HV Field's par- dldb. wGarnlah each ball wttb bright
•7- " “ *
led. Worth WM axoaed- colorad jam and pov cttiiard or a
iBgty frank to kit OHUnarx. "ChooM
tbat color if you like, ” V aid oaa day




Cloilies CletDiii Btd
PussiDg Establiskmil
John R. Santo,
Ganiil lisiruee.

Pere Marquette


enaf Kipidi t iidini ej.






lUBisi US luniEuiia l i.





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