The Morning Record, June 12, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 12, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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'«o«k •v«rr»ormlac.


HEiiup enwowi
GtetaiaOfiMof A

OwBtftnj, BoMia, Boland
'•Bd Franoa. Xnoraasa Foreaa.


Babj's First Pair af Shoes

OfBiitish O^tored by Boere
end Many KiUed.


aamel leTac Morslae BMord.
8b Pant. JOM 11—Tsro aiaa held ap
Ci^ Zomi of “n-T- mA IbtlnM the office of the Anbauaer Boach Brew, •aeaaOfiearn aM Sightr-Seraa Kaa
PaU TteUBa—SitoatlM in Praa
■■BMtefctSMMOfCUBMa Tm- tag Oo. la thie ei^ thk noea. Thar
held tbe ofBoe foraa qaiat with lerelad
SUta More Sartona Than bappoaed—
rerolreci aad rifled the aafe. The sea
Qaaaral Kathnaa FotaaA to Pi^t
Mnm to a*»d Ken Hm to KoapS attempted to aacapa bat were folio
hj a anmbar of the brewer? amplogea
la Sflfart to BoUara OolvOla—Boars
and after, a deaparato flgiit with poUeeKaUag BxtaaKra Praparatteae for
■K ^—»• 4.000 6e>dieei at TUa
TMa-OeUook la awtona




Full Sets


Ladies’ Bicycle Shoea —

Beautiftil goods at low prices and folly
100 pieces at..............................10c each
100 pieces at............................. 8c each
Come end see them.

Black and chocolate—sev­
eral styles, al $1.M>.
Men’s Bicycle Shoes—Extra quality


loather stayi-rl,

elk boIps,

at $100.

Boy’s Bicycle Shoes —
chocilate color, easy, U>ibt



serviceable, at SI

and $1.00.

Traverse City's Leading Shoe

ClothiDg Exhibit Opens ThisMorning!
Come To Benda For The Best!
200 dOz«n "Uaiou Mad*-" < 'veralb, blat-k blue,or white.
with or without bib....................................................... ’.....
66 dozen “UuiDU Made” Working IShirta, black, blue,
cliiK'ktKl or 6lrip<‘d....................................................................
81 dozen -Coion Made” Working Panto, lined or unlined, double sewed..........................................................
210 dozen ’'Ciiion Made" Hato—all the latest shapes,
alS3.00. S2.00 and...................................... ..........................$1.00
10 dozen "I'nioti Made” Carpenter Aprons — jnst the
kind that’s right.........................................................................
“Union Made"^ Barber -and Bar Coato, Vest* and Aprons, at
bottom prices. It pays to trade with

s. jBEisriDjeL. & oo.

Minute Rates Other Stores May Try
but they Can1 Equal

pbemlag. Iron Mountain
and othor

Upper Fenlnenla
New I.inee

Low Bateo

is Reducing Prices
on Shoes.
I Will Go Them One Benei, and
make 30 per cent. Reduction on
the Best Shoes In the market.
Sit Front Street

Have You..
For buying a 10 cent
cigar when yon can get


Our great values in Men’s Suits at $4.98, $7.98,
$9.98. These are all worth about 50 per cent, more—
The Iota conaUt of one and two of a kind, broken sizes in
each lot, bnt all sizes in the entire assortment. Csme to*
morrow and see these.


We Ddiil Let Them
Undersell Us

If ws know it. Oompan quality and yon will be oon>
Tlnoed that oar prioso are aa low as the ao^oaUed Bpeo«
ialaaleor l-doffprioesmada in thlsoity. Onrmotto
is—“Hot How Cheap, batlHov^Good.”
Our ahoet are made by makers ol Beliable Foot­
wear only.
Ton take no chance/when you buy of us. We
have sold shoes the pastflS years in thia city, and stUl
lead and let othera follow. Make no mistake.

The Old BeUable Shoe Man.
Oar new store ie now at 242 Front Street
H. B.—Babies bom in 1900 we shoe free—Others do
also. We lead, others follow. 8BB!

ifyodbuy a pair of Minor’s Monogram
Shoes. Every lady who has worn a pair of
these shoes has been fully satisfied with
the-st>’le, fit, durability and price. The
price is $3.50. You can buy them at


Mat «u afford."


Fpnrtli Year—No. 968

at the bazanrdepartmeot oftbe



SMk not to ateol the other ieUow'a
We would Ilka to have yon oall and
CM the grand exhibit of Men*’, Boy*' Batberpntoa ateem end make yonr
aad ChUdres’* FaU and WUter cloth­
lataad U too old te hope ing, today and Wedaaaday. Thoaaanda Do whatever yon do with aU yoor
MBIT I aboBld Bay not of baantlfol and exelealve a^Ua to
chooee from. Ul Front atrMt, U By taking Boeky MeaataU Tm at
Frank FrUdrieh’a old etM*. 8. Benda



We will give every baby bora
io 1900. A pair of shoes nb•olntely free.'

Dwparata Wealatanee

SptclalmUie Morelaa Beeenl.
teTH. llonitaaBaeert.
LemdoB, Jane 1»-Ieta diapatehee
TIM IWb, Jua 11—The third traia
point to
aMrtad for Pakin laat nifht bcariac
»M OarBM, 80 BrlUah sad TO Franch Project to Extend Line West lathe northern Free State thaa haa
beea aappoaad to azisb Lord Boberta'
' Mm Jaekatf aod mariaaa.
eommunloations bare been InUrmpUd
ShaarW. Jiuw it—Pour tbowasd
alnae Wedneada? and on Thoraday a
troopa and U ru>8 hare been
landed at Paal 'Taihoand aremarehl&c. Tbenoe Aeroaa Hamwa to flnttona whole batUUon; of mUltary eneai;^
at Booderal, waa captured by Boei*
toPaUa. ^aaprcaahaa fled to the
Bay—PoMlbly Oonaeet Sood Barbor
afteraflgbtin which the Britiah loet
Bowlan lc«aUM.
and Binpiro—narge PaTllion
eeren officer* and 8T men killed and
8b Petarabarg. Jnae 11—Aa the reBnllt at Foaeh and AttracUre wonoded.
anlt of >a sadaretaafliaff between BuTo ihc eastward of Eoodeeal. abcot
ala and tbe other power*, a dftpaUb
Qrounda Laid Out.
ten miles aoulb of Heilbron, General
baa been a^t to Port Arthur ordering
There la a atrong tnasibility thkt
Meibuen U reported to hare been
S.OOO of the Bneaian garriaon bold In
Friday,, apparently In an efreadineae to go to Tien Tain when tbe Uanistee
Company may Boon
anon eateod their line I fort to reach CoMlle.
Cotyille. who wm suppoeBnaelaa mlolaver aak* lor aasUiaccc.
Waahlogton. Jane 11—«»n receipt of Into Leelanau conniy. Thu officlale of led to be at the laat named place and
dlepatchea tbiaatteraoOD from Admiral the company hare had the czienslon In eeemlngly in acedof snppliee. a^ Kellyand last woelc they ! Kenny telegraphed Snnday
Kemplf, Seeretar; Long sent tbe fo!
lowlngdlipateh to Rear Admiral Ecmi-y i
here conaideriog lao matter more Blocmlonleln that Methuen when iear
»t Manila; "Send by the Solace imme- In deUii. The resall la. that Chief • '....................................
- •
dlately with all dispatch to Kempff, ioo
marinea, arranging if practicable that Hanlatee yesterday and immediately ville.
after landing the Solace aball cootinne atartod Into ueelanau county to look, Tbe Inference to be drawn Irem tbeee
ee her homeward royage M prerionsly the gronod orer. The proposition haa reports ie that the Boer* were in for^.
Kelly-Kenny appear* to have bellered
their number* ex*ggeratec, and u two
The dUpateh from Admiral Kempff
STMMfoIlowa: -'Tongko, Jane II— tbe erect aide of Chrp lAe throngb Cen day* had paeaed when be aent tbe dieForoea landed by different naUons are terrllle townablp, eroaeiog the sarrowa patch without freeeiring new* of tbe
Sntroenlu. it looks sa if they had not
o^ing commanioatlon with Pekin.
Bay. While little la glrea ont. been favorable to tbpTl7iil*B>' Boiler
Amertoane Joined."
it ie eappoeed that tbe new line will ie reported to hav/pnehed hit way
Signed "Kempff."
rna nary department got wdrdtbU ran orer to Good Barbor and make a throng Drakensberg moontains and to
nnslng that the gunboat Monoeaey connection with Empire. The Hoe be at tbe Jnnetioa ol^Uan* Vlei and
had left Shanghai tor Taku, in aeeor- rnna within a abort dletaaee of T. Klip river in the Free SUte. 2S mUei
daoM with ordare to-proceed thereto WilceACo/slegglagroad now and a northeaat of Vredc. There are a num­
nlBio(«e Baar Admiral Kempff. Her connection eonld be eMlly made there. ber of poaiUona aUll between him and'
Wwmeiiiltr wm anthorlsed to draw on Tbia would open np a. good 'eouatiy Lainga Hek where, if the Boer* rcsoive
the Oi^on. Oaatlne aad Yorktowa for and afford a moeb needed mc^eof to make a itand, he may have tronble.
tianalt to the polnta mentioned.
A onriona item of newt from Boar'
mwtaM. aU ttuae Bblpa being at Shang­
Baffiaem Bnbbdl baa iMtraetlona to mreas la that tba BrlUah eolnmn la
hai, aad it It aappoMd ahe baa atleMt
loM no time la looking omr tbe rente. moving toward tbe Tranavaal through
n of them OB board for abmaarrlen
'lib tbe view of getting to srork to SwnaUand. Tbla reqaima oonflrmnUon,
•» Tin Thin OT Pakin.
lay tnek as ^oa m poadbla Be haa M tbsr* WM a taelt nndartlaading b*The fmremant approraa the action
bMaorar the'territory boforo nad la iwaaa tba baUlgsranm at tba bcglael Kempff U tending an
diapoaad to tbink fnrorably of tbe pro- nlng of tba war that naUva twrltory,
Iniga form of aanmea and
aoeb M SMUtnland aad Bwaallaad,
PMdn. althengh no oflelnl eenflrmnThia la not the only
wonldnotbs made tba aeeaeofba*ttnot the prMB dlepatohm to that
d by the M. A H. B. For tillUaa.
dNot haa bean fMaivad.
timeaprojeet to ImproreFoneb
Of evanta In the Tranavaal tbsrsbM
Mlaiatn Ooagtr aad Admiral Kempff has been in mind. It la now prop
beea no Information whatsvar forMvhambenglreBamrytrM rein m to
to lay eat atteMtlra groonda on tba •raldaya,bntU.UlndireeUy learned
the partiKpattoe of Amerlimii foreea In
abme of Carp Imks at that point and that tbe Boer* are making Urge pnr^eteeOag Amarioaa and ether foreign
erect a large parlllon elsM to the lake ehMW of eaad bag matsrlal at Lorsnso
latmmtt nad la srhatemr aettoa ^t
ahore, eraating a pleaaant day xmort Marquee far tortifieatlou at unknown
may be aeommiy to bring abont
for the bansflt of TrararM City people
~ MlhfantnTT eomdttlen.
Joel bow and otbera alrag tbe line of the road points. MeanUms tbs pdUUeal aitnaUon U Caps Colony i^psara to bs
•Mj OalMd Statea mariam nad aeaIn both dliMtleoa. Beth these imMB are aahora la aot known here, bnt
wonU bs desirable and
)«|giag treat thn pram dlapatehae and greatly appredatsd. Plana bare al­
ready been drawn for tbe pavilion, bst
HPpanathareaiaatleMt»WBOw on
are not yet eomplets. It ie probable BMclved With Bnthnaiaam and Ten
OhiameaMl Boeratary
that both onlsrprteas wU! develop
dnred BoUntbM of Sympathy
adonUof thareporta that MoArtbor
shortly. __________________
boon aaked to Inform tbe gomm
SpeeM WTfct MwelartWii-wilMai bow maay troope now la tbe
PhOlaaiBH be will be abU to fnmlab
OolQmboa. Jane U-A. D. Fiaeber
te amwlm In CUaa. Ho each laqnry
aad a H. Weaaal*, the Boer peace
bM been made. Secretary Bay My*. Loeoh LaIm Indiuis are tJgljr envoy*, arrived in Oolnmbna tonight
and were ecoorted to the city hall by
and Tronble ImminMt.
It aad MeArthor
Urge anmber of elUaani who gave
w Otmoa the subject of aeadiag troops
GrowUg Out of the Onim of Gswny them a roMpUon and beard their plead­
to China.
ing*. Ex-Mayor Black prealdad and
Toy Oonea Ihnt Bo ia tba KaoBUb- Bayor Swart* gave tbe addrM of
Ciuiigar was asard from
agaia today to tbs sSset that tbe Pao
Wbila aetaera ora Sooklag Safety U welcome. BeaolnUona were adopted
Ting Fo mliMewrtw were eate up to
extending the eympatbiee of
eltUena of OolnmbM to the people of
tba prmsDt; that tbs ChlaoM gon
Sontb Africa la their prtaent atmggle*
. Mat hu aent troope there and bad Bptcial W Tbt Momiaa BecorC.
promlaed ample proteeUon
Minneapolia. Jnna 11—From reporto with tbe BriUah.
Tbe envoye leave to­
. mlaeion:
from Leach Lake it ia evident that an
tbooght that thle protection will other IndUn npriaing la threatened morrow morning for BalUmore. Pbilalosnre permanent aafety. According and eerloo* ereaolu may follow anteaa delpbU, and New Vork. whence they
to Mr. Conger, it U impomibte at the active and immediate atep* are taken mil for France Jnna lt>.
moment to aaad any foreign foroea to qaeil tbe dlatarbanoe imminent
from Pekin to Pao Ting Fa.
ksottg^em. The Indiana have been
Mr. Conger'e doabt m to the perma­ raatleaalor comeUmaand wbea-aaaonence of ChtncM ability to pro'tbnt mis- eUteddlTMtlywitb tbewhitoa bnve Admliml Dewey and Bu Wife Becalved
Monalaln Una with bla prerh
ebown a enllen dUpoaltian.
a Boat XatbulaaUc Welcome
praaaloBBot opinion. Indicating the be­
TbU Utaat tronble wm atartad by
lief In bit mind that the law ChlncM Oaway Tay Oonee, who appeared at
GrandBapld*. Jttnell—Tbe Idol of
gnarale who are diepoaed to protect the agency aad announced to the
America U U tbla city and bM received
tbe ferelgnere are to be orereonu hj braree that be wia tbe MemUb. The
aneh a reception a* Grand Eaplda never
tbe sleeaent at tbe Chlneee coart which fellow won the good will of many of
gave to any one before. Tbe hero of
u farorable to tbe Bomi*.
tba Indiana, who *ith foU confidence ManUa haa beea tnvaliag through a
How York. Jane 11—The loUowlng la hlm.left the agency Joo atrong and
aea of admirer* ever sUoe his apeeial
oablo from Pekin was reeelred today encamped on SqMW poUL CaptaU
tram polled Into tbe city.
bytMMatbodiat EpMoopal beard of Mwoer. the Indian agent, aoentod
Tbe admiral and hia wife were greet­
tronble and had Oaway Tay Oonee ed, M tbe traU palled U, with as ad­
"PAl^ Jaa* >-Maeeacre of natlr* placed ondor anwet. The balance of
miral'* aalnta of 1? gnna. They w^
Tbe eitnation of forsignei*
the npriaen were left on the poUt and aaeorted, through a parfeet Jam of
MerlMeaL PTMaWashington.''
Tbte mme dirMt from tbe m!
areeaidto be growing ugly and dla- ebaering peopU, to their carriage, aad
eoatentod. They threaten dimeter to driven to tbe Morton BoMa, where e
tbe inhabltaata. and aa there are no atm
troopaautbe ageady tbaaitoaU
They took e private drive abont tbe
eoaeldered aUmUg.
eltytUa aftatnoon. and are reatlng
Maay aettlen are Imviag their h
for aafety U the city.

sntn an


McNamara Block






IHCREA8E $3,466,839

Bmnl WaadviBC lAmbt Om« for
&Mt Might.
SATniE cnnr
T%eceopwMprett7 weU fiUedlHt In th» Total Asi
TMB «■ o(»«ai:«r T>S
thB Ooimty.
fakta who M»
SM T. Bat» axo J. W. BAcna- haTerouemked.
Che (akin were etrasren la tka eitj Patttton for e. B. ft X. Sal
M. W. Bammmm, Bdlwr sad Maufer. who were tryiag to work a Tarlotj at
ewted at Special Moettag of 1
UtUetamea. Thej had eone tawdry
vieare and Soterred w a Oomi
jewelry wUeb they were tryiiir to dieto Beport This Afterneoa—Begardpoee of ky methods which dU aot meet
the appotal of Chief Bennie, and they
lees of Chahge ofBonte Dr. Kaealand
need other qoeetlooable methods tar
BtUl Oppoaee the Broporitloa.
addhur to tkelr exchequer.
Every member of the board of enperIt U probable that they will ret a
■ mrnatanM
saqwrt to some other elty early this Tteon waa praaeat at the apeelal eeerion when Obainnan Walker capped
for order at »:30 Yesterday afternoon.
m SI «a* PiUiMm •( Trerm I
Hteh., ss ssco^ elM« wensf.
The board wee called together to
ooMlder the appUesUon -of the G. B. ft
The Mayothk. Bnllt by ▼. B. Konta- L Bellway Co. for permlsslob to bnlld
gne aad Owned by J. ft. Kontagae. aside track along the river bank and
toeoaetnut abridge over the stream
OlvsaaTrlal Bnnday.
The aloop yeeht Kayoahl^. owned by near the boom adjeoent to the ailU of
J. ft. Montagne. was given her trial John P. Ou ft Co. This was Uken np
la the Demosee upon receipt of the formal eomWip Bnnday. and proved u> be all that
was expeetod of her In the way of mnnlcatlon of the railroad company
aakiagfor a permit to extend their
lei tOft eboold bll apon his own etannebnees, speed, comfort ana eeahlnmt, which is leyisg a good tracks from the present terminus neer
Apaldera Xn Hew York he has luay
deal, tor it was expected that ahe
leed warehouse, west on the prop­
dimes been fltttered srlth the prospect
wonld be the finest saUlng craft la thU erty of John P. Olt ft Co, to a point op­
of a aominatloB for gorerhor of that
partofthsstaU. TbevesselUti feet; posite the rear of J. ft. Uontegne's
atate. and it has erea been hinted that
la length over all. and i9 feet at the hardware store, thence over a bridge
. ho may be the sice preaidantial
waterline, with 11 feet beam. Her eroestngthe etreem near the boom
■fag male of Mr. Biyaa. oa the Oemodraft wlihont the oenterboard U 8K striking the eontb ebore of tbe river et
sntte Usket,,
Wt. aad her tail area lie l.wo rquare the Use of the Bsnneh ft Ley property
fast. Her keel ballaet|ie 4.M0 and her adjoining T. T. Bates’ lot.
187D, the !
of the
ftesompanying tbe request was a pe­
laslde haliaat S.OM ponnde.
100 per
The cabin U It feet long and bat 6' tition from I'erry Bannab. J. ft. MonUawtaadtheprodaetteh of oetlea WO
pwesat. With MO per eeat more laGrand TraY«ra« Oot
1 Valaatiott.
mawe la prqdaetlea thaa la popalaMaa. the daeraaoo la price bae
IMB than 100 par ooat, and the qaaaUty
RrisoBAl loe»«M
aaod by daearieah amia has Inaraased
m par seat. This iadieataa the growth
aad ratoe of tU hoBM market.




Taeterday’s Base Mall Oamra.
JpaMel te The tbnkse Beeerd.

This Is
Nice Weather

tbeeroeelngoftbeetream hya brjdge
nrarOaMctroM. bntae tbe rente has
bean Ranged and the erowlng deci^
farther west It te believed that
hjections of aome of the signers
to tbe protest will be removed.

ft large number from this city left
yesterday to attend the Dewey celebra­
tion in Grand Baplda end a etUl larger
number will leave this morning.
The Pare Me^nette will ran an exenrslon leaving'tblt elty at S:3S.
Beeidea those who will go merely to
■oe the Dewey parade, a large nnmber
of the loeal Maoeabees will go to par­
ticipate in tbe tour days’ feBtivitiet of
-the Great Camp there. It is expected
that at least &o of the loeal Maembees
sriU be In attcndanc. They will go
wlOi banneta anfi nniform and will
participate In tbe parade in addition to
ahartng In tbe Great Camp festivities.

Maw York......................



120 S'jpoxLt Stx’eet.

We Don’t Ask You
to Pay For Our Time

j, The Cure Hnl Gant /

To bIiov you onr reliftble line of foatwear—all
we ask from you is to inspect the -absolutely
latest styles in nren’s and women's shoes that
we sell. They are jnst what you want. Most
erciybody knows the present like condition in
our business. Tbe nnescelled values we have
lieen Kii'iog to our customers is best told in the larife'and increasing
bnsine® constantly coming to us. It is to our interest to please the
poblic which we endeavor to do by giving the best value in shoe
leather that experience and skill can prince. It has paid us to
make and sell the best shoes that tbe prices would permit and we feel
confident that if you see our shoes you will be pleased and if you will
boy them you will wear no other.

, Whooping Cough, Aathma
Bronchitis and Incipiant


-A., s.


and SalllTaa: Oarrin and

Slater’s House Furnishing Store

Mrs. George Bogere bee gone ,
Orend Bapids to see tbe admlrel.

j The ^dtaftN I^EOV*

To take the baby out, and if you take advantage of this
offer it will hot cost you much. 25 per cent, off on allbaby carriages and go-carts and bicycles for the next
lO days. I have a large and complete line of »baby car­
riages from $4.75 up, and so-caFts from $4-25 up, and
25 per cent, olf on my already low prices brings them
down where you can get a good one for less money than
a’cheap one would copt you.
In bicycles you can get a hist-class high grade
wheel for what you would have to pay for a cheap one.

Wm Take Many Maoeebees and Other
ClUasna te Grand Bapids

135 Front Street.

Practical Shoe Man


(aet bead room. Tbe. cockpit Is it feet gae. T. T. Ustes. John K. Ott ft Co..
5 I
long and 8 feet wide. Then are aleep- > John T. Baalle. C. K. Back. B 8. IVett
Moaleraad Waineri aogheyRobinlag aecommodatioiis for eight In the aad J. W. MlUikea. aeklng_Uet the re­
quired permiMios be Mtn.
8 14 <
Mr. Montagne wiU start on hU anOnmoUonof Mr. Uepard the comanal creiee ebcrtly after the Fourth of mnnleetioa was refei^ to the comJnly eelebraUon here, and need net mutes on roads end^Siridgea. with
srorry abont going anywhere be likes, instruetions to report this afternoon et
i o'clock.
^^yanil FarioUri^lippl aad Inalmocteny weetber. Be wee pre­
Tbe informel conelderetion of tbe eisented with a handsome yacht ensign
eeaeuent rolui oeeoplea the etby Ui friends. ,
AMamcAa uuora.
tentlon of tbe board for an hour, wbeo
TheaUre host was dealgned aad
a reeeae wet taken nntil this morning
baUt by V. ft. Montagne. and U ae fine
far committee work.
0r<»b, uia a epaetmea of yacht bnildlng ai
Tbe reenlt of tbe atteatmenU in
wonld wlab to see.
Tariont teWDthips U Interesting and
Tbe veieel bad considerable trouble
In getting ont of the river Into the bay. ebowe what esmes of the tax commlialoD. Th9 toUI aaiested valaation of
Rafdyaad Bmttb;Ow
Her draft waa so greet that hjt e long
the entire ooooly is f7.»si.07C. an Ictime ahe could not croae tbe shoal. Tbe
Comet came to beraaeletanee first, then ereeae of f 3,ir.}.83l> over lest year. The
totel realty li 83.793.381. an increase
the Hsstn&Pingree.Jr. TogeUier these
boaU dredged a channel, working from of 81,930,810. Tbe.totelperaonelvalii
atlon Is 12.158,005. an Inereate of 81.I o'clock tiU 7 to eccompUeh it, and got
These figurva ere probably
Lao and
aad Cbrle- tbe Kayoehk Into open water.
eorreet except as
East Bqy. which
may be ebenged eJlgbtly when the
Dmd of Dipbtherit.
roll la footed completely, whieh will be
The Utree year old child of Mr.
this morning. The table given herein
llUme Poand Meet Teaterday Mrs. ftUred Llndall died yeeter
the comperetlve fignree frsm
morning of diphtheria, aad was bsi
eaeb townablp and will prove
at VUnra PUU.
in tbe afternoon. The funeral
apodal Interest.
apMsel to ncHonlAs Bword.
aondneted by Thomas P. Banter.
This morning the board win eonelder
Vlagara Palls, June 11—Miss Mabel
the matter of oomplatlng the terraelag
WUlleme of PhUedelpbte oommltled
A Life and Death Fight

............- ^

•aielde by leeplaf lato the whirlpool
tapidB froai the feet of the elorator cm
the Citaedlaa aide of the river this
■onlBg. The body wee net raeoTored.
John Oerroll Dead.
John CaiToll, the owaer of a general
■tenon B«a‘. Bl^ih street, died at l
O^doek thie morning at the age of S8
peara Be had been very low tor a
aoaaiderable time and hU death was
■el uexpeeted. Be letTei a famUy of
Cov danghUre. one In Washington.
OMla Cbioago aad two. the Hlmn
Mlaale and Nellie, in thh city- The
fnneral will U In charge of B. L. CarAQard.
Wa. the naoenlgi
do berel
w to refund the money on
iwiibWUeofOranVrWarrented Bynw «X Tar If It falls to enn yonr mgh
weald. Wealeo gnaranm a (t cant
bottle to prove sstlsfaetiarT or moner

8. B. Wair^bee ft Box-

bug. Jamee O. Johnson. P. a Tbomp-

romaa's Cleb CbUdrea e Day.
I eseeaUve committee of the Wo:«lnb held e meetiog ycsierdey
tbit admlHloo to the CbllFriday afternoon
ahaalil be^lmlW to elnb
cblldreo and visiting

ft Moaetar Devil PUh
DeaWoyisg tu vieUm. is a type •
The power of this mi
fw are a safe and oerUln enre. Bret
la the world for Btemaeb. Uver. Kid■ma^ BoweU. Onlyti eenttatB
B. Walt aad Jee. o. Jobaaon’e drag

V«w X>iscoY«97 for BloodPOlBOBtDM.
ramady. aad (tr all dtaeaara w uTSSb

Mr. W. ft. Bines of ManeheeUr, la.,
writing of bis almost mlracmlons escepe from death, aeys: “Bipsenre after
meaelee Ibdnoed aerioni Inng trenbir.
which ended is ecDsnmpUoD. I had
freqnent hemorrbegee end coughed
night and day. ftU my doctors said I
most soon cie. Then 1 began to use
Dr. Ring's New Discovery which wholly
ired ma Hundreds have nsed it on
—y edvloe end ell eey it never fells to
care Threat, Cheat aad I/sngtrooblee."
Begolar site SOe aad 81-00, Trie] boitlee lOe et 8. B. Walt end Jar. O. Jobneon'i dregetoree.

The O R. ft I. estentloa wai tbe
enbjeet of cose
anfevorab'e in the boerd rooB^bnt
efter the adjournment Dr. Kneelend
made it e point to conenltlhe membert
of tbe board iudividnsUy and col­
lectively In tbe wey of e protest, and
the preaenteUon of a petition opposing
the extension signed by s'number of
tsxpeyers. The petition will probebly
go te tbe boerJml todey's eeaslon. In
neeatlme the committee eppointed
to look Into the metier went bver the
oarelothlngexpositioQ. open today
and tomorrow at 118 Proct street. p.*opoeed rout and while they did not
res themsetvM ofilelally. it wu
^ what tbe fell end winter etylee
Ilka h Bends ft Co.
believed that they would report favor-


A Combination—Groceries tha;^nsure and pro*
mote health, and prices and quality that mean
economy and satisfaction.

Our every day prices are {[always as low as the
social sale hgures of others. Convince yourself
by calling. We are here to please you and all we
want is an opportunity.

Phone 149.

.Up.To-DBte Grocer.

We still go on angling for orders and flsblng for busldess;
all line flsblng, too, and rattling good lines they are. It won’t
be our fault if you don’t buy them. We fairly dredge the market
for bargains of every description which we are constantly en­
gaged in netting for the flsblng population and the Traverse
City public. No better flsblng can be found In Michigan than
around Traverse City. See how the officials of all tbe great rail­
roads of the United States come our way. No better store to
trade than “THE COMPAIT^S.” Want some flsblng goods F '
Jointed Poles


From 20c to 40c. $1.00, up to the finest
combination sled at S5.00.

A big stock to select from, selling from
5 cents each to 40 cents.'

Bamboo Poles

Fish Baskets

Good quality, and sell for 8. to and 12
cents each.
• -

The very best of goods. Prices run
from S1.00 to $1.75.
Bait Boxes
A stock secon<tto none. All sizes, all
Big and little, oblong or crescent shap­
kinds of patent arrangements. Sell from
ed-cost I s and 20 cents.
20 cents the one up to S5Z30.


For either trout or bass fishing. Sell
from 55 cents to 95 cents the dozen.

Fly Spoons
A big stock of these important articles
—price 15 cents each.

aI most complete assortment, from 2
cents each to Si.00.

Fly Books
No outfit complete without one.
from 60 cents to $1.50.


Phantom Hinnowa
The "Famed" brand.
cents upwards.

Sell from 40

Brass Line Swivel's

All manner of shapes, that will cost
you anywhere from io'^:ents to .60 cents


Plain little hooks at 3 cents the dozen
up to big ones at 5 cents each.

From 8 cents the'dozen to the patent
kind that snap on the line at 3 cents each.

Minnow Pails
. The patent floating or sinking style.
Sells at $1.25.

Line Guides
Sells at 20 cents the one.

Progr Spears

A big line of all sizes. *SeIl from 20
Different sizes, sell from 20 cents tho
one up.
cents the dozen up.

Store open Tuesdays and Saturdays until 8 p. m.

Tbe Haonah & Lay Mereantile Go.



ift«prwrn»i*n*r^^nrx;ba*lB«* trtp to PMaA<7 whew be hear, looked ot hU eloek. which
Kt, and fonad that it woe bnt
aede o lorge sole of eoektti from hie
11:90, etoadord timo.
OF MIOH1QAN J B. O. Chapbell boi geae to Gmad John KUdoe bod elreadp tanUfied
that he went hose iBB^ietelp after
Bopidstoea Dewep.
Loat erenlng Ue O. B. C. elnb woi '
GwegeW. Lordla hoe gene to Obi- theelceeoftteeolooa. oad bU father Uoralaglp eaUrtolned ot Bitter
The But Jordon * Senthmt reUnwl
wne token boBc bp Wort, oad that Sweet lodge, nar Bdgeweod. bp MUe
eego OB e bnelaeB trip.
iMi btm ontwded erosad to Soelb
Ber. ead Ito. W. K. Wrlgbt oad when be got to hU borne, three qnor- BlUlage. The lodla epent a portloa of
Ara. Mdthe Sonib Ara taabcr eoaebUdiw will Uore todap ter e two tert ot o Bile owop, U wu S:SS Bpndop Uo orealag oBoag Ue prettp epots In
yKMfdoeiwd Itrflnt eaadlfnaonteC
Blag. There U eneb e dUerepoaep Ueloalitpond ofterworde bodtbolr
^wka' eapottoload.
|a(ehr nQ iMt week.
8 K. tfeblOjOad toBllp ore cater- between the tatlaonp of tbe witnec- ellboaetta drown. The inepeetion of
The Wa« KtaUfoa Mbmtt eoa- toinlag >ila Alla Le Loud of Beat ea that it WiU.tat with tbe Jirp to tbe drowinge and the gnealag ot Ue
laaj. seer Ben Oe^. bM the Urfeit Jordon.
decide where tbe trntb lleo.
idratltp ot tbe different eabjccli woe e
Tbe eoa wUl be oentlnud todop.
pee^ oreherd in the euu. end aepoeto
Pennington of InUrloeben.
plcotoat fature of Ue erealag. Pret­
10 hemet u.000 bnebeU of pacbre eoae to tbe eltp Seadap. retnralag leat
tp eoarenlm of bitter ewMt oadeeerBrerlUee.
e lUereer.
greene woie carried owop bp. each
The ramlor mating of Chapter No.
koldaa oad doagbter Margaret
4^ cdUnc eeae eaoked bea Oee.
core gone to Grand B^lde to be pra- liT of tbe oida of tbe Eutera Star
> MdAen MntbofOerletflo were token
Tbe SoBmer elnb bod a deligbtfnl
will be bald tbU etulag ot 7;IOe’eloek.
ant ot tbe Dawepdop ealobratlon.
m wiU trieblno poieonlnc.
Ue bop ebore ot Bdgc •
& Kellogg wUl mere M Huaphrep.
A doetor wee eeaaoned end otter tonr
mode Ue roud of Ue abool boata wood loat erenlng.
hdipr terd work. Mnefod 10 it^ them Menleter eonntp. toaorrow.
WUlU Miller, editor of tbe Oheeoalng paterdep on a tear of intpection*
Yeeterdop was Ue fonrU blrtbdop
Tbe repoperlng and reetrpetlng of onolrenorp of little Gerald Bell, eoa
Argw, wUe oad donghtor Nellie, were
r ^three end e bolt foot bed otbool gnwu of tbeir outer, Mrt. A.T. Peck Ue Pint MeUodUt ebnreb hoe been of Mr. Md Mn. W. Corep Hell, and In
Jimoend elrblen feet below ^e eer- of Wahlngtoo itnet. Mn Miller end completed Otaooatof about tiOJ. and bonor'of tbe erent mbont tweatp Jorenk .,.%ec on the (ora of Bdword Verrj fonr dengbler were en roaU boase from at­ a new pUno bat been luUlled, wklU llefilendaof Gerald were tnrited to
F ^alla eonibenet otOepoe while e well tending tbe ctote W. a T. U. oonrtn- Ualraadppold for. The giOO for the____________________
celebrate Ue event. ^ lUUe folke
papering and arpeitag ba been »»•
wnu on t^lawn

WMhelnrdortiOD at Pctoakep.
vvellJohn YenUb bu reaored to Bu- tamed bp Ue Lodla'Aid eoeletp. and |
The eeordtjr of doaeette help
Uep bare alradp nleed lioo of It. ingtoa etreetf. where gama were play
ot MotkCTon end le reoUp b»- worth where be hea-ateblli
They dulre to raUe Ue remainder «■
and 1
eoalnr eerlone- One lorpe boording elger footorp. enplopiag three cigar
aeon u poutble. and to tbU end will Ue efletnoon a group photograph wat
hooee bed to eloee np leal week'on oe- Btken.
eerve a tapper in tbe church parlore Uken by MU* Barnum. Mrr. Hull wi*
eoentoftbe tnnbUlty of the londledj
Dr. J. B Martin woe colled to MeatkU evening from 4:S0 to 7 o'clock. All awUted Id ontcrUlning Gerald'* gnuU
teeeemva^eient help for Ue kiteben donpaterdap bp tbe and uewa ot tbe
are Invited.
bp Mre. H. Montegoc. Mrr. E. Stepard
end dieinr room.
deotb of hU poengat brother DonUl.
The fleet biruidap annlvereary of
A. 8. PrpBon bw gone to CherltfolB Marion Adela Benda wu fitUnglp ob- aid Mn. J. W. Patebln. Tbe nfreeb
The oreborde ofOeee eonntj preeent
meat* consUted of ice cream In pink
OB objeet leeeon on the beoeSU of
aerved puterdap at tbe home of her and white hurt*, lady finger*, devil*
Mrt. Jena Moodp end Mrt. Wook parenu. Mr. aad Mra. dam Benda
efrajl^. Thoee wbleb ware not
food and eaku oonutnlng lllUe dolU.
eiwoped thU opring ebow the eSecta of
C. W. Merrill U eporting a fine red also pink candy hearta.
and Mn. Heodp boe ranmod bar old iM wagon, made bp Caldwell A Lonthe work of the worae. In aenp
th irea looking oe Ibongh fire bod
G-orlou* Newt
ewnpt tbroBgb tbaa. On tbe other Madp and Mr. Vender wUlreBoloot
For Ue Fere Marquette exenraioo to
Comet from Dr. D. B. Cargile of
bond tbe troa wbleb were aprored ore BoUlBore ontil toll.
Grand Baplde puterdap, SO Uokelt
WubUa. I. T. Uo writu: "Eleeirie
la dee oondiUon.
wen wld.
Bitter* bu cured Mr*. Brewer of eeroft eufMoa cup, one of the new wpper
Uronad wu broken peeterdap for Ue ola. which bad eaneed her great
___ tor peart.
_ _ Terrible
tore* would
hooB lowM In Ontonogon eonntp, bee
brick block to be erected bp L. G. faring
bnak out on her bead and face, and Ue
0 pepnUUon of lea then SOO. hot it
Faller 00 Front strut.
but doctora could give no heir: but
Charged WiU Xaplng Saloon Open
tokallwloonttoheep thoeoahised
Tbe Invincible* oefutod tae Cedar now her bulth U exoellent " Bleoirle
on Sondap—3aa Being Tried
thlretoftba InbebltonU from baeoaCity team at that plaee Snadap. wiib a Blture li Uebut blood purIB
lU the *upremc remedy fei
la Olrcan Conrt.
lag unheorohle.
aeon ot u to s.
tetUr, ult rbeum, ulcere,
the aoreaent aaeai to £e aproodEdna, wife of Jamu Blebarde, died running soru. It etlmulel
Tbe Jane term of clreelt anrt open­
lag oBoag tbe eitla and vlUega of ed patsrdap wiU Judge Mapna on tbe pcetetdap morning at S o'cloex at Uelr kldnepe and boweU, expel* poUon*.
----- w_„j.„pti,Bitreoglb.
.theeUteto prohiMthpa
TbeeelMdar u a arp light home near Mapfleld. aged si pure.
Walt and Ju.
oiiVso? Sold by S.Wi
aeeof gloat or dpnoalta
bet two erimiaal eoMa. wu ebe and ber hatband that got be­ G Johnson. draggUt.
oatheeoalng Foartb of Jnip. If tbe both agaiaai aaptoa Wart of >Wuford wildered aad were out In Ue wood* aU
daadlp top eonnoa wonld olee be la- Corn era.
night sear Mapfleld only a few woeka
alnded la tbe prahlUtioa the Iket of oendertakar
At tbe informal reading ot Ue alenoldeoa la tbe newapopote of the flftb dar two eaea were dlepaad of and Mapfleld puurdap morning wd i^wooUbegraUpel
■eltha will probably be tried. They pared Ue body and ablppA^ to B^
----Take the naele*. erttUel
A por^ ot Uinnen iaalgrua bore are Ue caea of Blizt L. Adam v« Ue City.tbe borne of Mr. and Hr*. Blebarde'
atUedet hi. Joaa. Beowr leload. BeottUb Dnion and National tnennoa parenie.
Tbe large plate gleu baT--bun put
Olboie wlU folio* end tbe popolotlon Oo.. and Uat of Clareaa C. Tn«bnry
in Ue front of OavU Cigar Oe'a aton to
of tbe leload will npldlp
a. Harvey MorrUen.
The following additional eaaawea nplaoe Ue one recently broken bp Ue
■ of amall
metal Indian.
pea are now raported In Ue famllp of placed opon tbe ealendar:
Tbe Saturday Evening Poet of PbU
MaUew Vandlar of Mew Boaton. All
Adelpbla la puUing lUantNcripUoD lut
Mga, Bating* and pnbUe gaUeriagt lands.
Mery TrembUp n Jacob Egloff, bill WlU great vigor. There an five aollcbaa bea cloaed bg Ue atate board of
Iror* in UU dtp. who daring the pul
a aannl marriegc.
MelUa B. Crotar a Samnei I. Crot- WMk tecured *30 cubecribere to UU
popular publluUon. Tbe agebU ate
Bra to Bnfferen
ar. divora.
Semoel Broelmxt HatUe Brook*, dl- etapiog at Ue Columbia.
ProB plla. ecuBa, aalt rbeoB or up
Tbe body ot Ue let^ Denial Godfrey
Itehlng, burnlog akin dUeeae, Dr. A
W. ObtM of Baffelo, N. V . will and a
SUUe M. Cbaupn^ a Albert E. who dropped dead In Ue Lion uloos
ample boa of Dr. Cbaah Ointment, a Cbampnep, divorce.
Friday nigbi, wu taken to Petukey
gnaanioM ena for ekin troobta.
Oharla Ottoa Baeba^ Otto, divorce. tor burial puterdap. The contlo of
BaeloaetampforpoeUge. Manphaa
AgaUaWpgent a Hob%M Wygent, tbe young man, W. A-. McCavUb, ume
ban enad bp ample box, and poo aa
onlp aked to pap Ue patage.
hen tram I'etoakep after Ue remaiu.
Before Ue cue* on tbe ealendar Acre Tbe broUer. ‘Tnomu Uodtnp of Midtaken up for toUl, Edward Green, 1^0 vrap. Oat., wu also here.
It will not be Us eoen U b^in U
Mft. Daa BbIU and Mra. Hamg entered n plea of gniltp at the last
Ckata left paterday for a eielt in erm, earns Into eonrl and wat raleaud pnpan tor pour Fourtn of July oecor
ktlng UU week. Everyone ahould eu
ipen Ue payment of.SSO and eoeu.
aayten Wart wai arraigned on a u It that then U plenty ot buetlor
. wheaUe ebarge of vloUUon of Ue llqaor law. ud flag* on bind for Ue big celebra­
dap froa SonU 1
ha ban rUlUng ba parbnu fora He entered a plea of gniltp on one tion.
Tbe OolumbU wUl run an exsuralcn
ebarge. and senteaes has not yet been
Mre. B. L. Spragne went to Grand impoeed. On tbe oUer charge be 1* U NorUport today. Iwving Ue dock
Baplde peeurdap to j»in Mr. Spragec, now being tried. Proteeetlng Attot- at 8;S0 a. m. Ladlu and eblldna will
who ba*ban rielUng In tbe anUern nep Pratt 1* handling Ue ease for tbe enjoy Ue trip and epend thru boure at
pe^e. wbUe P. & Gilbert U earing Ue rceort.
fart of tbe cute.
Tbe Woman's Auxiliary of Graee
Ctaarla BoanUal wat to Grand for Ue intereata ot Ue aooei
Tilt' Csaet-of-Maioe Drama,
Tbe (ollowlog Jnip U eetUng on tbe church will meat wiU Mrs.. Stout^
Baplde paurdap to wltnea Ue Dewep
morrow at t p. m. All UeI ladlaTSf
ease: Char Corbett. Cba*. Oralg. A A th* ebnreb an oordiallp Invited
dap alebratlon.
MUeSUlM, MUe Agna Hata and Bowman. M. E. Uaelcell, Edward Wall, preienk
Mia BlIU Adame baa ratnmedfrom Jae. Murphy. David Swalneton, Frank
AWuUh of Betntp
A play that touches tbe b«»art. It
a weakb vUlt at Ue Long Lau attage Attweod, Thoa Rewllnge. Antoine KpI* often bidden bp unaigbtlp Pimple* has tbf meiit aod aimilarity that
•t Mra. Va Dpke. MUe StUa will go •elka. Bara Bennett. George Llnslop.
Be U charged wlU keeping open bU Eritma, Tetter. Brp*lp«la>.Splt Rbeum made ‘’Shoro AcreB" famoue, and
le Solon today for a Uort rUit before
(tc. Bucklen’e Arnlu Salve will glor­
aaloott on-Jaanarp 21, Snnda.v. The ify tbe face by coring all Skin Brap- cave it length of daj-a.
going home for Ue ceBmer.
apoclal Bummer Prioes-lO,
Dr. J. A. Snpda ud family Ibft pa twoprlaclpel wilaeeeee for Ue pr e* tione, alio Cat*. BrnUu, Baraa. BolU.
terdap for KalamazM wbare Dr, Sny­ enUoaare Mre. Patrick Kildee and ber Felons, Ulcere and wont forme of 20 and :iOc, Scats now cm sale at
PUu. Only Ste a box. Cure guaran­
der will attend Ue maUag of Ue aoD John KUdee. The former teitlflee teed. Sold bp 8. E Walt and Jaa. O. at the box office. Telephone 112
for seats.
SUU Dental AeeoeUtlon. Mra. dopdw Uat tbe left her home Urec mllee Johnaon, druggUt.
wlUependaome time wiU frlandein from Wexford Comer*, about midnight
and near tbe city. They wUr be gone Satardap night, and walked to
quartabout two wake and A. J. M.;Pbail
e nt a nule from Ue oomere, cocking
wUl have ebarge of Ue dator’e offirn
ir bnaband, who had been away from
>Be all tbe evening. Here Ue watt­
UndetUker Anderaoa ' a In MapBald on profeulonal bnalaen* peaUrdap. ed natil after t o'clock, when ebe went
MU* Eva lie* ot Cedar City. U la Ue on to tbe ealoon, aad fonad Ue rear
Mtp vUlUog MUe Clara Seoor ot SopU door (UWB. ao^ ber buband lying be­
fore ue door, badly ued np.
Hon. G. Q. Oovell retnraed to Grand
Ber eon teetlflee to mneb U* •*■>>0
B^UU peeterdap after spending San- itwp. Uongb he wu In Ue saloon.and
BnpwlU hU family In the eilp. Be elalBU Uat be did not Imve It till after
wna aoeospanled bp bU dangbter 1 o'clock, and Uat be went back onee
Benlab. and togeUer they will take In after Uat and "eet ’em up to tl e
the Dewep Dap eclebratlon today.
Mayor Friedrich left la*t evening for
Tbe proeecuUon ruled Its oau npon
etaad Bapldt. where be goea a* a Ue tsitlmonp of tbeu two vrtenueu.
lapreeenuUve ofTravene City Tent. aad tbe eue for Ue defendenF^wu
■0. 871, Of UU dtp. Mrt. Friedrich opened.
wUl join him later at Grand Badd*.
MarUa Stack wu tbe onlp witaeu
mAwU] vUltln Grand Baplde before far the
. It of Ue oonrt for Ue night.
tuUfled Uat Wart tried to elou
AUea SmiU wiU leave UU mocalag
ler GaUia. Ohio, whwa be will take a Ue saloon at» o'eloek. and that PatpeMMea ea aBUtant of bglaaer rtak KUdu rafuad to go. aad hU aoa
alapawHhhls. Blaek elalawd that
Marihrap oa the telMoaa.
Mr. A. M. VaaAerrort aadaea JaU Wart muhnd tm over an bonr to gnt
*Nat to MapleU. oe a SUli«Wlppea- KUdu ont aid 1
KUduwwtto the ha«k doer wlUn
Mr. Will Bbanb of Obarlevolx, spent huvp ttkk of wood aad a bev keg.
BaaSap wtU bU deter. Ms. C W. aad tried wUkMt boomu to get into
ranot of Bute street.
Aflar thin, Btaah alate* that ha aad
Oeearl. Theame aad LenU Webber
weatu OraedBapU* paeterdap to be > eompanlon uendad lha ktohen dear,
an lafl tha
praeat at U* Dewep dap ealebcaUea.
B. L. <brter bee vetazaad from a Wart, aad Uat aftar UU ba weal


ef£gTS III sociErr.



Boy’s suitfor a^B 2 to 14, consistinfc of shirt and pants—tbe
most comfortable and popular
outfit ever devised for little fel­
lows — Price brings It within'
tbe reach oi all.


Don’i Fail To See It.

50c per Suit

Sold exclusively by us,

DON’T Be Fooledi

STii” TSt.


Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House

Two Nights

Opened With A Rush

June 11 and 12

Yesterday Morning.



wwwsMtWWWW WUWwturwSPK


"VDe mVVV yoA otv e&Ve a aem Vot
£,aAVetf 'NDaeb SVArte, \w \\ve Ww,
street, oattaq or aaqtVvtaq qoa may
voaat a tDasb SVArt 3w. "Yrtces are
Me, 15e, Sft.OO ay te Sb.50.
. Come aad qet oae ear\q, as t\veq
are etveay at the yrtee.

S. "tD. "Wmrnea

KhuhhBBhli AhhliltltB*

Three Days’ Sale
on White Goods
Will contlnu* to Wednesday ETenlng.
June 13tii.

Twenty per ceet. discount on -all Muslin Underwent.
One special lot of drawers and corset covers, Q1


Fifteen pet cent. Discount o* all lawns, Naiasooks,
Dimities, laces, Embtolderies.
For three days we wit! put out a lot of checked Nain*
sooks, now selling at yc. Sc. oc per yard

Tweit|i pet cent, discount on all Table linens,
Napkins and Towels.
Special—One jppfeceTable Damask, good width OOp
and good quality, worth 55c. at................
Special—One piece Table Damask, pretty pat- OQ/>
tern, worth 40C. at........................................
Special—One piece Table Damask, good value 00Q

Twanty per caat. discoaat oe all lace Cattaias.
During these three days we will satisfy all bargain
seekers—Come and be cejivinced.

fieli»ble Dry Goodk Carpet ud Qothis( Home.


Bntty Veddtor Tcetorday.
A pretty waddtoff ecearnd at 8t.
Maw B^adata far Leaf Diataaea tar>
rakaeiB chardi yaatarday aaorntoffat
1:M, Bar. Fr. Banar ofiaiattor.
Tha MiehifaB Talaphoae Oompasy
Tha acmtraettor partial wen Mha
hie pat to aBaat a new aahadale of loaf Dora Hlckar end Mr. fhUip Hida. both
diataaea tarlSa haaad oa mtonta
ofwhom an popalaryoanff paoplacf
Tha oompaByh ofitolato Bomb Oty. »ban they wlU make
foaad that many eoavanattoaa want thUr fatnn home.
thrOBfffa to one and two mtontea and
Ban 1 not biddea ya bewan of
daeldad to adopt a mtonta aebednla to
eeaaeUilar aaid to be the aame ee
ylva patnoa tha baoaflt of lower ntaa Reeky Moaatato Tba, made by tke
far abort meanffot. Moat of tha oom- MadMen Modtotoe On? If ye an truly
panyh ntaa have bean on a tbna mto- wka. heed thla waratoff.
Aakyoardrantetate haaia and tba new ntoaanaoar'
raoffad that tha ebarfi tnrthnamtontaa wlU be tha aaaoa aa tha old ntaa TblUSg Va^hiv«a«
far aaU by the W. W. Kimball Co.
or tom. The mtonta ntaa a^y to

^ wen Of THE WOHLB

of •
MDMver, Uei
CUmw fti 8t.-&BthM7^ ho^tltol MTljr
•oBtejBunl^ravn^ obrood •
fort UMDC tbOM who hudled
WxthotdMthwMdaatetba boboale
plMCM. OoroMT MeSowan de« nM
-mf to wbot dMth WM do* utfrotoMd
lotlTC o bwiol eortttaoto.
TboOhloMarmruBMt hM bm totevod UotUwUlboboldroapoatfbla
Ut tba Moarlty of rraseh eitiMu. ■ bol
U ■inmryrruoo«m ivoUettktm.
At Oloi^tM-, a. It it btfiotod that atatloB* men than thirty milaa dtataak
tbt dwth fran tbo OKpkdea of fM is Whan tha Ud nta waa 75c tha aa.w
Mint Ke. t wUl a«ab«- «lz or •ighl. rata will ha ise par mtoata: whan tha
aid rata waa 3>e tba new nta -will ha
VoBT -baadrod sliurt 15e for oaa mtoata and »c for aaeh adan OBt of M^OJMBt.
dltloital mitoatc.
Tbaolty aBthoriUn of St Paten
The eompaay haa adopted a tistoy
819 8Uta Streak
imrbararaaeind toniaa a ioaa of apparataakaoaraaa the ealealafffihph
tt,ow,0M nblaa (tllAts.OOe) for the far eomatlyneordtoy the time oa the
yorpaaeof rabaUdln*, rapaMaf and new mlaate eerriee.
teprorlac the balUUair.ttnata.bridfa».
Tnvene City redaetiOBa an aa fol«aara aad pansaBU of the eity by the Iowa;
year IMS. whan tha two haadradth aaOraad Rapldi so eenta for one mtonta,
alranary of tba foaadaUoa of ;st. aad s eeata for each addlUeaal mtonte.
aSrI tor t
Pbtanbac wUl be oelabraUd.
other ntaa an a* fOUowt: Ktoyal*7 _ tXTXD—Oeod
work. Appl, 10 taiorle,
Moaeow bat the laicbat boapital la mad Old MiaUM, from 15 oanta for TM Boouw Blorv.
Caropa. wiU> 7.000 bad*. Than an o» tbna mtonUi to 10 eeato for S mtoatet;
'aNTKO ~ Dmy't work or oon
rhriolola ladj. Will (Ire irocN]
jphZtleltat and 000 nutaaa, and aboat; Caatral lAke. from do eanu for tbna
. (aUorodOrMtSMorthMor
IS.OOO patlanu
are taken eara of erery mtontM to is eanta for three minntca:
IPOK 8ALB rneap—A r»»d olOElt- rorrorr.
Rood City, from so cenU to is eeati tor f lavorlj nr-w. o]>o olOKir liXTueak.- J. W.
aloUr'a Uouw furtiUblUE Star-, tm Pr.iM Bt
Ponr ailnan wan antotnbsd for 12 one minata, and 10 eenta for each ad­
dayt la tLe MaUnyaan oolliery
ditional mtanie: Detroit. 45 eenta tor
KALK raxAP-lUx coo loUrk c
Japan lately. They did witbo,at food one mliinto: Laniiny, SO cenU for one pOK
C U lUi'X
alt the time, and for moat of the time mlnnte; Marqneite, 59 eenta for one
wtthont liyht. and were none the .i,u«,ou:. s«i.. b.ii
been made for nlyhlaarvice. The new Mr..*i.oro.3a:i*t«ir,
worae whan dnf oat.
Maeh needed rain baa fallen thronrh- rate lak»* effect Jane 1.'
TZrAirTEI'-UooO rirl
• rrorral I
rV work. AtylyaiBw•orO omc-.
' MtaImoeteaUreiontberaRaaaia.and
there are now eacellent proapeeta for
“ » A WHT Trn Iwod rolll,. «asi
po^lurr.^o mUr« «
the winter and aummer eropi.
Widow Kanny Waabinrton. ateolored
woman reaidlnjr la Boatoa. hat jnat
ANTED •><»Sc«Tp>i we»rrr»13Ktlo«ih
aelebrated her one bnndred and fifth ktoitoLsM.JdLsMsdLidE.m(.saiJM.]itsdGe
** wrkviB.'. B. F, H-Bdrlc» **
birthday. She hat been married alx
••My Priend Tom -made a ynat bit
BALE OK EXOaAN'<-E-Ttfr oorth >, of
Id Siainbetf'e Grand lau nichtanda f ■onih rax ouarior of >»rUou U Iowa S'
The I’alda eorreapoadeat to
ffoodandlanse aat from the beytonUiy
Tl8Ma.teIaitraphlBr Sanday, aayt:“Hsa to the end deliyhted and kept in eonAaaarioan mtatioa balldlap at Tons Unnal lauybtor. Tba plot of the piece

fibaa. U milaa from Pekin, which were U Intonatluy and yivea riae to nnmer
Larcr la. will Iw
a Varij.
abasdoaadby the mbalonartea, hare oualtaatioM of tbtf moat Indlcrooa
been looted and barped by the Chlneae ooacapUon. Tba place U well atayed F**2»**^*~*af'^i,M.'^** ‘uiraSrV
aoidiery who were tent to protwt them. with Apedal acanery and praaanted by ptwpert/.” J*W.^?cm^”
Within three daya 78 native ChritUana, a company of mon than the avaraye
JT Sr,«Dtb ktrwM.
wall known men. who bad been train­
The Indli
ed for yean by Amerlean mlaalonariea, an talented and ylve to tbalrpartaa
hare bean maiaaaradAaar Tun« tChan. daab which kaapa the tounat np to a
i4. eVrvoat
thia offlrw.
lUny of (hem were bnrned alive **
Uyb pitch ^oonttoaally. -My Friend
Aeeaaaehe feared Ua inabUlty
Tom" ia a clerar aklt hnllt for parpoaae
Aaap hla wife to proper atyla. WlUtom of laayhtar aad Ito meeam U a tribnto
■. Kraacar oommlUad anleida on Ua to tha ffeBlna of tha author.
vaddtor morUnf at St Laaiai
Voeal apaatoltlaa by QaaaTiava Me- hM. UrwwB. or adTlae Prwa a Oor1*,TTormroo
bride waa trytot oa bar waddtoc OtoBd aad Mr. Oarto B. Barrla wan ao
^arywhaBahalaamadof the trafl- Uffhly appnetotad that they ware tobS*WvSSw7
aal end other hopee.
tirraptod wlthapplaaaaaaeh time
BALa-BOBav msC Im »
mnd. Aa eatartatotoir apaelalW ■ma
w um m4 Boteala atMM.
Tha toUowlnr ofitoarm hare baaa by Miat Mabel Oraea Pardon waa a
b U foot Iota OB Froat aad
^tad tor Haaaah Temple ad tha foodfaatanof tbefintaek Tha moat A BABOADI-I
State attaaia lor eaab or aafo larma Atae
elavar trlak bteyela rldlay arar aaai
aaatvbcUdlaatDrmla OaUMfii Baal Frost
Bathbona Slatma:
a loeal ataya waa totrodaeed by Albert
P. 0.—Mra. DUI Oomptoa.
toahar■a. aenw C
a. B. a—Mn>Otoia Dwa.
teacM ap a
TOBlyht "PloodTlda" wlU be pnB. &—Mil. Jalla Haaauaa.
aaatad. Tha plaaa ia widely dlSanat TB TOD WABT laaaraaav a( anr kiad la a
B. J.—Mim. B. B. Kaapp.
from that of laat alyhL bat to tha
U. of T.-Mn. Mania Prehart.
haada of tha Altman Dramatic oompaM. of B (X-llia. Mary Merte.
ay it wUl be predaaad to that
M. of r.-Mre. Oaeeglaua Oordoe.
wbleh hat made It popalar.
P.afT.-Mra. AmatoBaad.

Woodbine Cottage
Ptusail Rooms. at<> Uwo.
Mra.H. lL TIKBLnr

M°ES.E.^Sf!,TSU7r“ -TITS'-


«aard ef T-Mft. Mtoa Waatftto.
aUve to Oraad Tampla—
k Dell OomptCB.
iMtoUtof oMear Mrt. DUi Oomp'.tom
Haaaah Teaapto. Bathbaoa Stotora.
^ beU (heir aaattofi at K. of P.
Baaea Meaday araatof of each waak.

Tiato to Bk Bapito at 8
Iteapaetol toatn for Blk Baplda will
Bare the )
I depot thia
marntoB at a o’cloek. AUOddPaltowa
tad Eabakahi are raqaealad to meat at
•hair h^ at 7 o’clock to yo to tha train
to a body.
AU are tortted to taka advaataea of
toe lew rata, «0 eaau for the ronad
Wip. oa thte exeniaion. The Boye’
•and wUl be OB tha train, and a fiaa
time la rare.

Oaa oftha meat popalar attnel.._
ofthedty la B1 BaaryhBlyOl^Mtoatrala, bow tha laryeat to tha worU.
ibartoy over SO aU white performan, who wUl appear at BtUabary'a
Grand oa Batarday. Jnaa IS. IhU oryamlutioB pnaaata eomadtoM
apaalalUM of tha hlyhaet ordaraalaotod
fnm the Keith aad other Kaw Yoi^
City vandaviUa dnaita Their band la

Steinberg’s Brand
Opera House.

Saturday, June 16tli
A biy amBaamant novelty,


ObUdran la Dlatreea.
Two badly frichtoned and thoronyh>diatraiaad ehlldreo altohtod.
to(. from tba Pen Marquette tr
10:48 laat evenlaf. They heU tlekets
^jtor ttaU city, bnt wen to bare atoppad
' at OnwB. They focfot to tall tha oon>
duetor. however, and wen aalaep wbaa
the tnln paawd Qnwn. Thdy wen
atraairen hen and wlthoat Btoney.
Imndtord ShUaoa took them to the
ShUeoB hoaae and eared for them, and
toeywUl be taken to Grown on tha
l:U into tbh momtor.

GrBAter ImproTed

a bly erne of forty aoloitu aad U protcad a woader, tha aqaal of Soaaa’a
aad tba fiaeat toavaltoy band ever oryanbad. Their stoyara amhnoa fourtaaa of the fiaeat vttieea ca tba mtottnl
ataya. 'Tbalr elyht oomadlane an all
Btan, and their ftrat part ia
Apw- anpraaeatatioaotthedaek of a
^ttlaahip wlU the enw of roUisktoy
laeklaa. TUa attraction U hlyfaly apokan of by the Mew York. Boatoa aad
PhiladalphU papam and will banibarad fnm laat aaaaon at ylvtoy
8100 Reward, $100.
The naden of thla paper wUl be Ue beataatoatral i*oyiam aaan to thia
jimaid to lean that tkm U at laaet city to yean.
eae dread dlaaaaa that aeianoa haa bean
able to enn to all Ita etacaa and that la
Women'e Xnnblm.
•itarrh. Ball'a Catarrh Can U tba
ealy poaltiva enn new known to tha
Mrs. W. 8. Oopalaad of OorUaad, M.
madl^ fntaralty. Qatarrh batof a Y.. wrltaa: “My ayaWm waa tarrlUy'
ran down and 1 waa thraataaad with
eoltonae and aarvou proatnUoa. Dr.
lUy. aetlv dlraai- A. WTchaae'i Mam ana Blood Pilla
^ npoB tha htoed and maaoaa aarfaaaa hdpad me wondarfally in a atildand
a« tha ayatam. tbenby daatroytoff tha affaetiva maanar." Baa ^tnn and
toaadatlM oftha dlaaaaa. and iTvlnf alysatun of Dr. A. W. Chaaaoaovary
k datat Iti week. Tha praprietota
bava ae mnto faith to lu nuaUn
fowara, that they offer One Haadred
laUan for any eaoe that It taUa to
•arw. Bead for Hit of teatltaoiilili

Tawaatkp Be

Ordtr Tour WiaUt OlotUn^ 2Tow,
PiakfnmOh'xsyb'A inataat atoek.
BiUUt oraaa thia aaoratoy.Ui froBt
atnat, rraakh old atom. d. Banda



Our big sale of last week has left us with, a
great many odd lots and broken lines on our
hands. In such cases, and where our stock is
still too heavy we have again slashed the prices.
This is not a continuation of last week’s sale
but a selection of aU our broken lines and rem­
nants all over the house, which we price exceed­
ingly low to interest the bargain seekers
If you visited us last week you well know
that what you see in our advertisements you
also see in our store, and in making these offer­
ings we mean that every article enumerated will
go at true

Dress Goods and Silks.
All our Black Fancies will remain at the
same price as during our unloading
saW for one more week.
Our $i,j5 Crepons

...... ’... 79c
Our S2.25 Golf Goods

^ 00

Gents GlothiDg


We still have a large line of Men's Suits
at S3.98. $4.98, $5.98 and $6.50. At
Elegant line of all wool Suitings, Vene­
these prices they are extraordinary
tians, Coverts and Homevalues.
spuns—all good colors.........
50 pieces Jamestowns, Auburn Mills and Qur $7.50. S10.00, $12.00 and $is,lines are
other fancies, formerly sold Q'Tp
beauties—good enough for anybody,
at 50c. stii! go at.................. ' ^ ^
and will be sold at the above prices
while they last. These suits are
strictly tailor made, in Worsteds.
Cassimeres and Vicunas. Big assort­
ment still on hand.
Ladies' Pulley Collars, all colors, '7Kn
were Si..5 to S1.50, now---- •
The big sale of last week has broken the
Plain and Figured Four-In-Hands and
sizes in many of our lines, and these
F'ringed Scarfs, regular Si.oo
we have placed on a special table,
and at prices still lower than ever.
Big line Band Bow Ties, were 25 1 Qp
to 55c, now........................... A vl,./ Prices slashdH all to pieces on Spring
6 doiien Pique Puffs and Summer String
Ties, formerly sold at 25c— Q00 50Children's Suits, with sailor collars,
sizes from 5 to 8 years, good mater­
ials, regular S^-ooand $4^30 g 90

Ladies’ Fancy Neckwear

In the Millinery Dept.


Lig line of Children's Suits, with coat
collar, double breasted, ages 5 to 8
We have decided to make a cl^n sweep
>-ears. regular S2.50 to $3-00
on our Pattern Hats and offer them
at the same 25 per cent, reductions
, for this week. Special reductions on
but if you are looking for a first-class
> shapes and flowers.
article for wear, come in and see
Young Bros, double brim flne>QQA
Sailors, regular S2.50hat, for vOC

60 —All White Stars— 60
40-^0,000 Band-40
26—Concert Orchestra—26
16—Pine Sin^rs—16

Men’s Regular S2.50 and S3.D0 Brown
Stiff Hats for 9B cents.

PoBitlTAly the Meet Origlnel,
Noyelmad Most Expensive

14—In Iwk City YiMeTlIles -14
0—Star Comedians—9

vaBifafCa So"cam


Unique Battleship
Pint Pert.

Grail Locomobile Parade.
Note the Date.
Norer before theee low prices—
85, 60,‘75c. Seeta on sale et
office fhjif mominK-

China Hattings for 10c; Klondike Brussels Carpet at 85o;
All Wool Ingrain Carpet at 38c; Velvet Brussels at 69a
■ Nearly 60 per cent off on Ladies’ Tailor Suits,
Bemember the grand clean-up of broken lots.








Wa to totole of pntotag tbs batton.
tetetra vitoa of Skowhegas toOa It to
ue. 1 Mt )»«
bo got tho It mowutred muena . aaO Xerre to
fBcts; coUdn't hart bon In SfcewfaoCOSTT Owt the Oehome U
«M It. M S«* gnof cooroe.
e4. hot He Oo« Heth-W
Bgt. whererer R waa. a coapte toon
Bonght Ostroetw.
the eoBBfn' eunb U ^
Few meu showed greutcr clermiess
the tale to toU. Of cottrae this gsaj
plannlhg to got r(ch or more oerre
icuprncki. C.B.
Imre bappeoed te Boh Halsea' hotel in
•Bme re! Hmt y«r aboMad Jwdm Aowbe^. but I doubt It. for Bob haa la carrying out tb« plan than old Peleg'
andr BMd u h* raj>p*d «• toM toe many tUnea that it to a Utoral Kenyon, who died years ago In Grintte tek for Older. “A»d »bU« r*
education for man. woman orgUld to wold. Coon. Kenyon's nert-s were
haute TO .teH ate xaiteir- U tto U stop in hto botd fire minatte.
broad, hto cattle were sleek and fat,
the twwttetb emtm or U w* btr mt
Btiral parties In question naked to bo hto fenees were well kept up. his barn*
4f«wa« tete stoat 40P 7^ ^ obowD to a room; boy escorted them were Ug. and bis house was in good
caart, »e( aalr as a eaort. oat as aw up; left them standing In the center of r^telr. but bo bnil no friends, and he
to room looking aroaod.
died alone and oucarod for. IVieg waa
Otr the elM-trle posh bottoo. of the son of a cloai' fisted Tflinkec- couple
course, waa the
and was born in Ibe bouse In wlik-b be
guest to Hug once for tow water, twice died. Ills parent* wanted liltu to be a
for hot water, etc. It Is erldent tbst fanner, like bis fnUier. Peleg did as
tho first bushtese of the new arrivals they wlsbetl till the elder Kniyon died.'
'as to stadr tto cord,
when tbc boy was 17. He then told
lo about fire mlnutco tto toU on tho hto uotber that bo was tired of farm
M tto asa. Ht dae't poitad to to
iu the oOce c<
BA -A- Ha's a aart of a ranatet •bhtfm
life and was going to Boston, where
asM aw rate to work for aotUn ato rtug —prin-D-ng. prln-n-ug, prto-n-ng. be was sure be euuld "make bis pile”
board htaaaif. Ha toia't r>t ssad ’ant priuteugl-givlng the hot water call much sooner than lit Urlswold. She
orer and over. Tlie unnitor shown did her best to keep lilm borne, but
was the number of the room occupied prcMntly be made Ws woids good. As
by the rural psttlca.
be futsB^ through the gate she shook
Tbe boy rushed Into the wsshroom her fist in bU face and screamed ont;
--..A ta wt aU kaow hla aad as
Pm Davti kaowB Urn. and U this ftn and drew a pitcher of hot water. Btin
“Don't you dare to rame l>aek to mo
%mrt tbb’t alt aUll to hU «**«..•» the bril kept sounding steadlij
till you have made your pile! "
toap tto ttete OBt of Ua er« it'a aU 00 rings in quick sneeessloD.
None of Mrs. Kenyon's ticlghbon
2Sa«t to tto war hli MUa’s hat Mo
‘Xllt a move ou!” shouted the clerk blame<] the old lady, for after\re}cg
to tbe boy. Them parties In sinutoen
toMOWOd B«-A. waak a«e Pag Xterls coao* daw* must bo eonthtorably futwed up on tbo had gone she bad to take hi* place be­
CraottoaTmtoa. HahaafetoUa bot water queatlM. They must haro tween the i>1ow handles and lo the hayfield or lot the farm go uncultlrati'd.
pochot aod a oUR «> his tote, tot ^
I’eleg went to work In a machine
toas attte oat of both his boots. Lika cold feetTbo boy waa already half way up ohop first and speedily lH>caiiie the butt
aoM hl^ aad nlchtr prtoce. be goes up
stain, nmntaff tlko a deer. Tbe bHI of the other employees from hto con­
te^nag^(aa’a«>»>W« stop aad aari:
- •art, re. Job*.
tbeae botes aad atlU kept tinging.
stant talk about p'ttlng rich quickly.
Tbe ctote. cras^l by the noise of the Later be beenuH! night watchman In ,
don’t rab aar poUah off.’
‘*Be didn’t ask tto to*e* *( fbs cob- tott stood up in a chair, ttylw things
ilonderhUa. Ha pons off hU boots sad learea In rapW sucr^lon. and held hto band ,
^ importer of West Indlau gootls.
'an tear aad than goes swsggerto
There Peleg Ut-anio a favorite because
araoad with Us hat oo Us ear and stap- ou the gong, dulling its sound.
Tbe boy tore Into tbe iwm with to
f.itbfulncss and readiness to do
pte high. Of oanna to got drank. 1
ain’t sarin to sbonldn’t tor. but out of
8 of odd lobs about tbe place,
tton 16 to orter to? aarto ’anff to par
^atebter tto «**Mln. He didn’t, towerte. utandlng before tbe electric button.
Whan to got sober, to reoMabei* tto Tbetr eyes were on the card, Tbe man
Meanwhile the latter.* praf.ting
boota, aad to goes op to Wing Lae and
....... ...
togbw ta wUoe aiooad that be’> as uo- with hto head turned away, so that tbe
meiab. made duplicate keys to the
taetoaau ertUte and tto world's ag'ln bot water wonldn'l sijulrt In hto ey«% , Ing
cash liox and the log ir.>u safe, gdniUa. He wants to fit the boots out on
hlnatlun kcylcs* h-< ks not having been
tite: to hnsbiss hlaaelf: to wigwags
aranad ilka a dog coaalu fur a bone.
invented at that time. I'or two
What eras Ctorsanltf That Chinarnan doing their best to get hot water strict­ i three years he made unc of the fatso
grabs Ua br the Bate and rans U* ly according to direction*.
OBt. aad tto dlagrnoe' won't to sriped off
tto American nstlca fpr a tanadrad
r*ars to oomo. U this rer* court U jeUla at tto top of his roice and poBOdte article and looked at tbe boy.
! hours, but not enfngh to *ult hto puron tea ubie with both dsti. It’s bteaae
“What," says IJe-the man from the
to Mi tto iron la Us sonl.
i;: "X,
-Tea: Peg Paris Is ran out br tto
wte. Does to go off and bonr a gnn
and come bate and uphold tto ctcBtcbaon of fresdosb 00 to ssr? Karr
a bit! Doea to lift up the weeplns that
natot' baa giren Urn and wipe out tto



rr..rss:. ^

to ter poker palace. wUeb. I mar oar.
to tto oolr <tes la town rannln a oquar’
gama. ato ttor waa tears In bU eret aa

•wo hoots snd--------- ----------*■ *BeT T* pulled s gun on Umr ears L
-Two of ’em.’ sajs to. 'but to's hMte btelnd bni'to and can't to routed one'
•Tte didn’t talk like a liar, and 1 tonnod a warrant In tto Interest of Jestleo.
It was onlr an hoar ago that 1 toamed
the nU facto in tto case. 1 was calhtetotln to gin that Wing toe site a
deos of tow that he’d take off hii hat to
a whito man ter the rest of Us Ufe. bat
that Idas to aU busted. Jestlee to ter
all, iteether It'a tto presideot of tto
CaUnd Stntaa or a aqalnt er»d heathen.
"-Pw Darla, stand np. Ye wanted jestlee,
didn't ref
Mi't git'^ boots from a CUnarman.
par or no par. to no man at aU. Ye
not ealr didn't git j*t brats, bat re let
tto toattoa Uoff rr- Ye are a Jste
tnbUt of a feUer, and tto coniempC of
this coart ter site a critter is torosd
teUln. Aa jt arc dead broke and cant
par no oDSto aad as Raadr Bend
iaU I'm ssatendB re to to booted oat «t
Don’t aar nutUn tote to n

- *And j» Mid baads on him.’
•Ten: I ebutew him.’
••And to dUnt fight hater
•**Hano Atetes ate.’
•Staffs H-thafs tbs smt of a critter
to to. Howerw. a CUanymaa Is entittod
to his pay tto same as aar cm rise, and
y* kste tto brats uatll ye git rer money.
Ta mar go. and, as ter Peg Dsvto, I
want his to Ur it to brart that If to’s
ercr toond to Bandr Bend ag’ln this
coort wfl] raeourage another klckla. It
Pte rriUa and poondU on • tto tahU
ng’la, it atot bakaas I drat feri toe dig­
nity of thU coort. bat btease tto apee-

hafranBtrbsriL Ttoraostabk wiU t
teto Pag Davis op tto traU and head 1
ter fto O. BL mtoe. and when to swi
hto toot ag*U to wants to reaassi.
Oasegs Washlngtaa. tto constitattoa
«ha Dnltad Btstaa sal tto battle

bste to tto plBM they cun the torn
mr- toqnlrsd the stnngar at tha
•t M’t know of any sate plsea.” reM tea yonng ttsn la tbs whits apnn.
aa taaraste partor da fast »


HE KEPT HiS worn'

Vkss AteWC taste tern tto
I MSSte ritWs ito
PCLEQ SAID HE WOULD OET RICH Wtai vtiduti ter- fsttete la

Hr ta prrate d<
A *T l»i» <T»i

General Custer

d mwi * <Mar Mk

A UsuriaO <v<m I (lese
—CtrrU* Bteei b

wt That Fwet WWBW'I Xawth
Whrw the Horse Waa Bald.
lurid liariiui wte a good bttfse tted.r. I>m a n-ivnt tratuactlon in boraallceh which wai> tuade hy a welt known
klciuiibUu sliou s that iherc ate others
wbu kuow bun to gi't the long end of
a borac trade. Scvi-ral vveeks ago this
McuiyblK wan ssw a fine boggy horse,
whlcb be thuu^bt be aanied. He toeutitl the' owniT aud asked tbe price.
“One fifty." wa* the reply, .kfter look­
ing tbe auliiial nviT chiM-ly and trying
her eiKM-d lie «-oucludc«l It was a good
trade aud witbom wore ado wrqte a
chivk for the iiniouut. The neit day
he fonnd tbiU the nmtr was ns blind as
a lull, but ilil* dill not hinder her njieeU
or detract from her gV-ucrjl apiieornucc. Ue drove the aulwal /t>r several
week* uml *uccee>U*l In uUraeliug tbe
admlratiuu t>f .iiiotber lov«T of hotsefievh. who urade a p.-opusal lo pur­
“Well." said the MeuipUlan. “1 gave
gloO fur her. but 1. will let you have
her for gUT.."
Tbe prvttpective owner looked tbc
animal over and eom-lnded he had
liargain. lie iiaid over the money aud
Irak the innre. When the nulnial
imLiteliiil. the first thing she did was
to ruu against a iHist aud (hen by way
cT emphiisizLug the fact that she
tiUnd fell «.'er a liatTel- The neat day
■he hiiyi-r <-:une hack to the Uempbiai
with hhssl ill bis eye.
"foloinl. you kuow tliat mare you
sold me." ho began. "WcU, she'a Stone
"1 know ll.''‘rvpllcd the colooeL with
an alr.
“Vou didn't say anything to me
About It.” said the puretoscr. hli face
reddening with anger.
“Well. I'll tell you." rcidled the ooloucl. “TIvat felhov who sold her to ms
didn’t tell me ulKOit It. and 1 jort coocludtsl that ho didi^t want it knowa.”
Tbe newcomer tis>k hi* medicine and
is now on the lookout for a friend on
whom he euu even things.—Mempbla

A Baslara* Enllaph.
“1 was Imuiing for odd eplttphs.”
mill a Teiiuess'-e uewsi>apLT man. “and
: In a cemetery In iiiy own state 1 came
ninws one teat,was ln*crllKtl u|>on a
weigto nachlne up to niie conirs groj,,^ ,«»-kcts and lu-jt giunlle immnnieut aud read In
tills way; '.Sacnsl to the memory of
whAo the tollbov came out of
j John Smith! for iti years senior partnec
of the Urui ot Smith fk; Jones, now J. J.
Jones A t’o.’
“tlf couix- till! names weren’t really
tiny card
I IU Ula
a\ 11,1*
Smith und Jones, but 1 don't want to
“Not Workiag.'’
■nlks and a hammer ‘^1'
" I"’" •'"' '^5'
hurt anylssly’s fwlings. and they will
Ho carried
* !e- Naturallv tln-iv wa* tn mcndmis answer for the piiriKiseM of the story.
and after gaining
dlscov- 1 met Jones Inter, and to gave me a
[ eir'tl. aim nnniniiiy i < i--s wns ■|ue«- frank e.v|>l:uuiti<ai of the Inscription.
Tbe guest snrreyad hi* work with In-' tJoned-uiinut^. 11c !irr., i>M |ui«f.>imd
“ '.Smith wns a iwi-ncior
Iwchclur wiiooui
without reirel«««-t
'Ignorauce. No xtraiiirer had l-ccn ntoui.;
, ,
. ^
"There. ibsPs bnstoessr said tbo'
from the rural dl-trlcls. ’'Kf she ■


; i,,,.i,oouH lot of rauulry jieople. and if

.oin..’l ZV'-'S!' Si-"'.l.


One day. pa a Baloteoa btodh a Utt)s I batv bought tbe celeteated Parfiri na to an and. betor* 1 was awara
efaeroB StsUkm.
of It. pMcod my foM «a bar note. Oea
baowa wbat this ««aawa «ril anoagb.
la bot war it meana ibat If a riiiaC al­
lows bto foot to rast oa tto dafaated
oae'a aeck the Boa’s life to safe, bot be
Is a atere foravrri reonia or ao reacoe. foraerl; owned by Peter WorIS puntod at tto child's aettoa. It
aooa axptelnad. Shortly afterward bo^ and after this tiate s^ hotM
dowa cane a tot of'viUagecB aad li>Btotod OB taking tto yoang«er. I told will be tpaad at* my ban, S3!l
then wbat sto bad door. They oald- 'StnU Bt^.
tbey did not care.’ Her mottor woo.,
Said horse will be here l^aiw*
being cooked In tto town, aad tbe
teUd aboold go to tbe ovena with bcr. days, Pridaye and ^tnrdaye.
“Nererrinid. "Wbat! Wewbobove
eaten betel nut togetbw maaptlmca, to On Mondays at SuUons Bay, and
quarrel for a tnera rblld. to rrhom I on Tnemlaye and Wednuadays at
have gtoated life la your own wayf’ I
swore tbey should kOl me first They Monroe Center.
“Oh. that to an easy thing to da"
A bold front was tbe only thing now.
Luckily. 1 bod my 16 shooter. Spring­
ing bock snd putting a mate on tbe
sand with my foot, I swors 1 would
aboot tbe firat man wbo crosaed it
1 tad befoK. tbc nativea do not cat« to
fac« ao armed white In the cqien. Tbey
knew 1 could answer for a doaei
them or sa and. although clubs were
up and bows bent tbey beiUtated.
trail tbey might, and I knew 1 had
mastered them. Then one proponed 1
should bny the child fslriy; they cared
not to fight a friend. To this 1 at once
agreed, and a musa waa thus avoided,
At raeidtetcM—same as last year.
and a mlaalou ax. worth teupence.
Uhre large quantity on hand,
made me a slave owner. Toll It not in
teakeaapecioUy of car lots.
Gnth.—From “Among tbe Man Eat­
ers." hy John Csggin.
Botb’Phonea. Ka




First Freeze

Clear Ice, from Boemmae lake.
$1.00 a Month

3. A. Jackson



mr Hlstak* She ComsaoBleateg ITIte
ter Wrou laaCMatlAo.
A Pittsburg woUiai) tolls ’.bis story
on toraelf; bhe bad a son attending a
preparatory school near 8lng 8lng. 8he
went to Now York not long ago to |>sy
him a vlkiL 8he stopivd at the Fifth
I. I.. A. BnUdlng.
Avenue hotel on tier arrival, and she
'dcolred to call up the school by telt^
phone to Inform him Ibat sin- would be
Up the following day. 8bi- asked the
young man Ui charge of the hotel ex­
change to call tyi Sing Sing for her
and get telephone No. 71. He did so.
Wnrsbnrg Block
and she oat down to talk.
“HeUvr’ she said. “la that Sing
“It to."
"Wril ! want 71. ‘I'm Mrs. High­
land. and 1 want to speak to my son."
“What number did you say, madam?"
“.No. 71."'
“Yonr son. yon aaldr
my son-ltorry HlghUnd."
“Hold tbe telephone a mumeuL"
She waited a minute or two. and tton
Sing Sing said:
“Sorry, madam, bot we can't allow
yon to ulk to him over the telephone."
“WJtet’s that? Can’t allow me to
Ulk to my son? Wliat sort of an inBtitutlou U thau I'd like to knowr’
^ “You must come here iu |>erson on a
'vlalUng day with the proper pass Ufore you can oee him."
"Indeed! Writ. I'll just eome up
there on tlie next train and Uke him
right away with me.”
“No use to come, madam. He’a got
3^ years to serve yet-”
*To whom am I Ulklngr
'This Is the offlec of tbe warden of
Bing Sing prisoD."
ffssBsssfifiScssffkn ;sss«8
“Oh! Blog off, pleaaer-nusburg

Fire Insurance.
John R. Santo.
Geienl lasiraict.

6rud KtpMt ft lailliM Ri

of bnsl............
So 1 ilurtight It DO moro than
Thell;»»- ■
The Oiroffe’s ■rimiaitr.
■«- '«"■■■■ '">■■•-1 w "■<’ right to lot them knuw that the firm
A giraffe Is very tJnild on hearing
vras Mill alive.
The t a P- B- wslB to* P-’l®; V*'
“I ^imiilimented hlui n{(on bis good alight sound*, hut Is Indifferent to loml Sspld*. snd sleeplar •*» rad crack OraM
t iiaisS sf SI Wlalfree*# WeU.
; fact—and. ItciiilcrRon'* faltli liogiuuing
TrslBstrlrmcBt 1:30 p. ■. hra .Jeeaer Ols
Ti* following legend Is supimscd to I fo waver. Uo went tt. ll.o jtill and pnt
Aad Still Be Failed.
-Noisy sounds. like a man walking by
have given lU name to Pt. Winifred's ’ the walclimnn throucU an'>lhcr course
Uo flatiere.1 himself that be
with hobnail booU It does not noUot'.
well, once the most celebrated boly • of "lucstlon*. Tbcn K. iiymi owned up.
well In Great Britain: Wlnlfrotl. a no- to the InflnUe di*gurt and Indignation clever nmn. und he divided to propose but a lady coming lo with hardly more___
Bound than tbe rustling of her dress
hie British maiden of the seventh oeu-' of Ucuderson. who tlireanaifd Imprts- In a clever way.
“nteW of 'shair and ‘will' always makea U surt, wlUi pricked ears *fid U looewoodD.O
P AT.A. Olirrad Bayidtnry. was beloved by a certain- Prince onmeui.
he said n-flecllvely.
eye* distendc*!.
Cradoetts. She repulsed his suit and
‘TTwfs w Iiat Tve csi»v1ct1.” said piiMlnl..................
We remember well, after a terrible)

he In Kvenge cut off her head. The Peleg. “no right ahead, .\ocording lo ; never kmnv just wlilcli Is the correct
prince was immediately struck dead.! the law of the (.tntc. the heaviest M'ii- ' a'oid Ui
and tbe earth opening, swallowed him. I fence that can tv ImiwwHl on one who! "Tlic rule 1* wtj simple,’’ she
MAT It >M0.
Winifred’s bead rolled doB-n tbe bm. I Steals from bis employer is bcvou plle.1 lutuvently.
“Just remen
It, and be said he was suiprised how/
and from the spot where it rested a
••t)h. never mind the rule." he inter, very little notice tbey tote. Tb^
spring gushed forth. St liucoo picked to cara $10o.(KK). .\fler I've ttiken my
' :uW
1 punishment for theft tho luuUcy rfipted. “JU!(t tell me which Is cor- jumped to their feet, bnt almoot at
up tto bead aad reunited It to the body.
rect-'I Bliall marry yon’ or 'I wlU mgr' once toy down again when ttoy found
line. don't yon
tl 0D|
BO that B’lnlfred lived for many year* is mine,
nothing happened.
Hcndertinu was amaz<-d. but, on find; ry yonr"
a Ufa of great aonctlty. and tbe sprlag
which her name was given became
time to creep along that gallery In my
talking about, .wftereil bim «,000 aud ClncUinnU I’yst.
Its curative_______
ooeks tbey would be so scared tbat I
Tto wrtl was located in HolywcU. freedom If be wouhl return the money.
believe ttoy would dash themselves to tr Obtare.....
County Flint. England, and waa re> Peleg langheil at hbu and aUn at sev-<
ganled with great venetetlon during *rn\ mon- favorable proiH.sitlons and | "Uenry.” she sslU. "aiU yon got
Tbey fear the lucking tot, and a blng
tto middle agea. being visited by tbou- mude a rauntcr pr»|>o*UKin to re- , shoe buttons fur mo today y
bang scares them less than a faint,
Treraira Oy.
mmuA. teat tolleved implicitly In ttoltfirn SfiO.OUU. ivtaluing FCo.tWO If lien•■Vep,''In-replied,
rastllog sound. Tbey are la that re­ AT PMrabW ...
tooling virtues of tto water. It Is now deVEba •ould sign a icivr agreeing; '’What did you do with themT’
Hi* piwcket and prraently ject very deelUke.
In a sttte of nedert. A courthonso ! hut to p^seent.-.. nendetsou refused
Uo fell iu hi*
was eoBstrocted over the famous wett «t
»»nt yloldwl after sU weeks’ fished out a little ruuud box. Then a
M It Oe at TBta.
by tto Counteas of Richmond, molbert delay, becoming pressed for ready scared look uverepread hU counteLv BkBsslds!.
At TrertracOy.
of Beary VII.
: 'u*ds.
loosening of the purra strings at a
I’cleg wont home, crawled under tho . whin was the
What Hs Wished, i.
; smoio.
sUblo. icicueo
fetched out tuc
the casii.
casli. gnvc
pivc $30.-1,
Aim ^you
ou lara
lake buj
any of those complex- hletbodtot conference In Washington,
*T want oome more chicken." maid ;000 to Henderaou and iMs-kctcd the to- i lou pills x.<u asked
to bring home Btobop W. A. Candler tad that aereral B. r.HOBLLaS,
Bobble at the dinner table.
years ago be sent an article to a paper
Then he went luti> the house. I for
you’/" Iu- askwl.
“I think you have bad as much as la put tbe money down In frt>nt of his | ’‘Ves. onr” she auswerqd. “Why?"
in which to wrote tbat “we pray too
good for yon. dear," tad Bobble’s mother and divlarol that. Iiaviugj "That'
shoe button. Here
tend aad work loo lltUe."
n sliare*'
KliaivT! the
The tntciUgent compositor got In hto
“made h^iile.” lie tvas ready to
pai8.”-rChlca^o Tlnies-llerold.
fine Italian hand.'and when the artlrie
“1 wont more," tad Bobble.
It with UM. She declined to liave nny-1
— - ■ ■ ■.----------“You can’t tore any timre now. bnt thing to do with him. and he went
appored It read. “We bray too load
oae Way te Farhero 1s a wishbone that you and mam­ bock to Boston, made Investineuts In
Patlent-Your hill of lUU marks for and work too little."
ma can poU. That will be fun. Yon city and suhuriuin real estate aud grew rtoits aud OU inarks fur medIcUies to
“I let It go at that," said tto btobop.
poll one aide and I’U pull the other, richer every year. Every husliii-es 'ft®- high, divtor. hut I've arranip>d to set­ The fact K I believe tbe printer waa
and whoever gets tbe longrat end will ture he made turned out well tlioagb tle. I'll pay the CU mates fur tbe med- right, and 1 never attempted to correct
have a wish come true. Why, Bob- aoclally he wns tMtrac(xed. In time bto klucs. and I’ll retnra all yonr vtolta.— IL"
I’ra got It What was yonr mother died, aud be retnrned to, the FUegende Blatter.
We. yon’n
A Uvtw Basrasil*.
old farm, which he made the finest In
"W* are what we feed on.” quoted
B more chlteoi.’' tto county. Uo was worth |73a000
“t wlatod for s
We AU lOcht Be Haaaler.
Mr. Hlxaon, laying down bto book.
“This would be a happier wwlil."
when be died, sitting IkjU upright be­
*knd I am willing to say tto aothor to
fore a pile of gold and l<ank notes. aid tbc corn fed philosopher, “If more right For example”A Htotosta Cara.
With tbe pnniose of partial restitotioD. of us got' wbat we wanted and fewer
“I am already a heUerer.” Mr*. HlxAftarlto exocutloo of Chari** I and DO
«u hi*
of ns got what we derarrad.’’—Indian-'
doubt all
property was w UlvO
» IntMTupted. “Yon wlU Instot on
tto rtototetloo o^e Stnaits to royal
lleudcrson.-New apoUi 1‘rcsa.
haring Iteoter for supper always"
power Edward .Whatley and WlUtoa , york Frras
And Mr. Hlxaon, mortified, grew
Ooffe. two of tto Judges that condemn­
Stone-strret was the first street in
very r*d.-Breoklyd Life.
ed tto nnhoppy BMoaroh to tto scafNew Ywk elty
Rnter Fra It.
. .paved with -cobbletald. srere compriled to fiee from EngFoster—Do all your employees drop) stones; bmee Its 'name, Tto paring
taiM. Ttoy cam* to America, and for tbelr yools tto Instant that tbe whtoUe waa done in the yar 16ST.
-WeU. Dlfby. I’m enrprieed! Yotfr*
a time ttoy bid to a rote earsrn note Mows?
getting grayr
New Barta Tbto hiding pUre boa
Ployer-Oh. no. not all of them. Tto
Fileodahip bought with money Isfft
“Yea ye*: I’ve got lots of gray halrt
Maea bmm known os tto "Bcgicldaff moro orderly ooM bare their toMa pot proor'agaUtot tbe coin of your a
prarioas few <ff tbem."-Detiolt
■mr^ and to «M oC tto 1....... .

UOTbl. „

lo Mob —tor o,, b™


V ™ r,

. ■

1 Sr-no'^ibToS^-L.V'S-.Tb


iSK 1.^



uiBiB in nnnunn 1.1


away toton that tliDe.>«aipsria

Cbleaso News.


mt P—hi— ^ I
U-Th« Plch OMsfc

Bicstr nM • dealer Ui bone (ooda to
• iHioHer. **WHL It ta c*Uad a doek>
tag kaJfp; tboogb it U vitt aocb
like a knife In Htapc.'*
Tbe cltnler
op nn
vitb atroDK wooden bandiea. about Id
tncbeo In ienctb and «-orfcMiE on tte
ipTenMft! principle, not nnllke a larce
pruning knife. In tlur lower liasdle
waa a concaved apace alH>iit ibc alae <tf
'« coffee cup cot in a cruaa aenlon. Into
waa cloeed, a convex ated blade with a
very aharp edge.
^Itb the bandlcn ettended tbe blade
tereo the boUowed out apace In the
lower handle. Tbla Bta under tbe tall
of the home anogiy. Tlie Idade, which
la mlacd aeveral Inchca above the top
of the anlnial'a tall, if tbch brought
dowu aharp on the u|ipcr aurfocc of
a. the tan at aeme point lietwcen the ver:d>rn Iwnoa. and wiUi a quick, hard
preaanrt of the extended itandlca o^U>e
knife the }olnta of the vertebm nre
loppi-d off na the Umb of n tree between
the aharj) odgea of the gnrdcner’a prun­
ing knife.
The opontion Ia of eoumr. extremely
pnlnfol. eapeclally an moat boraca aie
docked'When they linve attained full
growth, the tall being altnply the elon­
gation of the nnlmara backbone. To
the Uecdlng atsmp u applied the end
of n redbot iron to cautericc the wound
or, na boraemen nay. ~io atop the flow
of blood." The exerudatlng nuffertng
of tbe animal during and following the
amputation and the tnlllcllon of addltloonl pain by tbe application of the
ndbot Iron to thc^w aurfacea of the
laeemied bone can beat be Imagined.
"Denlera In hone gonda and horacmen dh not mnlnUln them- practlcea,
however. It la 'the atyle.' and na long
an It If aueb the borne muft be tbe nnhappy victim of man'a cruelly. boenuKO
the fashion la implacable. If society
nil over the land ehould agree
nnlt that from a certain date It wonld
be Taablonable’ to drive cniriagc
boraea without docked UUa. high checkreins and murdcroua curb bita. then
’ the mllennlnm In the horse world will
have come. But aodety will do noth­
ing of the kind.
"Docked tatlA curb blu. high beads
and stiff cbockrclnA curved ni-cka by
nnaon of th»e curb blu. and Annlcing
rhalna have Itecu In vogue for so long,
and the people are so used to having
aurb a combination as the acme of
borne faabioa and the onlookers from
the sidewalk have enried these equip­
ages for so long, that tbe atyle baa beeofflo H rtscognlscd imrt of society's get
up The horse doesn't enter into the
“If one stale baa a taw against dock­
ing, the adjoining state probably
ban not. noiiles may be operated upon
In tbe latter and shipped Into the for­
mer. The only way occurring to me by
which B poalUre atop might be put to
tbe pnurtlc«-. since tlie jicople tbemselveT rt-fuse to take tbe Initiative,
would be to make It a misdemeanor to
have a docked burse lu one's posses--...Ad. This Arcadian ciioch, however,
ml never be renebed.
■ “It la common to find boraea whoM
tongnea ate grooved with n deep cut,
bard and eaUona by years of constant
preasnre of the enrt> bit. A horse's
tongue la soft and erowUi: It Is not
tough as a cow’a and It is very sensJtire. The luriure of a high ( heckrcln
and a double curb bit. will, the reins
Id the lower ring, must I>c vert' gmL
This Is the moon why a horse
■champs' the bit and tosses his bend up
and down from side to side. Ity these
moUoDA which appear ‘so stylish,’ he
oblalM momentary relief from the
pmsilrc of the bit. curb ejialn. cbeckrdn smd head harness gear pn-ssiog
upon his flesh aud'irritatiug hla nencs.
“On the underside -of these larga
*nrb blu for carriage hursra wUl be
found a aeries of ridges or couvoluVons cast in tlio atccL Those ridges, as
they .press down upon the horse's
toogue by tbe preaagre of the rel&a
hurt IL A amuoth curb bit la bad
enough, but the ridged one hurts just
that much more. They are called *seTerc’ blu and arc supposed to keep the
horso la restraloL They will be found
In OD out of 100 nets of Lnmusa used by
•The moat 'severe' bit used U tbe
Spanlsb curb. It has In tlie-miter a
rained part like an inverted U. At­
tached to this la often *#00 a little
wheel whleb gives forth a clicking
aound as the horse rolls It on bis
tongue, which he docs all the time
WlMS be ta at rest with bridle on. and
this motion of the animal's head and
tbe clicking sound are n delight to the
Spaniard or the Mexica n, but It la bard
on the horse when the allgbust praaanre U exerted. A horse's Jaw can be
broken by one of tbeoc Spanish bita
“1110 cbeckrein t«uld Im> prohibited
by law If K-gtaUturcs would pass aneb
a measure. A law affecting curb blu
would meet with stronger o^MalUoa.
as It would be urged that these blU
were itecessary for the t
eortrol of boteea"-1Vsi
•am# In tbe Cbnir.
Hr. J. H. Bnnie some years ago was
pennaded to take the chair at a Boms
cAbmtlmi In Scotland. He waa ex­
tremely slbmt and stole sway at tbe
earliest opportunity. Next week ap­
peared in Tbe KnUonal Obeerver n
bnmoroQB article, entitled “Mr. Barrie
In tbe Chair." In which Mr. Barrie’s
tedi of social tact waa held up te ridlcole. Many pe<Hde thought tbe writer
had gone too tar and protaated. But
a Mr. Barrie hlnudt w

‘‘aPAWKIHQj P. B. H, 27.-"'
Aa •ader

Was P—tad la «h*

The ebiet of the hospital staff of sar^
gaae» one ereslog on bU rounds astend ward 2. which Is devoted to te
enn of cbOdran-s injwiaa and gtaaead
la a perfeaetory way at tbe ordan
posted by etiendliig sergeons mi te
prerloas alghb He M>«ned hla eyw
wids wbea be sew tbte oeder. sig^
by a physician;
"Spanking: P- B. K.. ffj.Tttrslng to the norae In atte
te surgeon asked what "27"______
It meant that 27 children had been
spanked in that ward on the night befen.
-Weil, that Is the most remarkable
order I hare ever aeen In the bospltnl." said the oflielal, and be naked te
ntme bow It came about "P. B. N."
stood for pro re nata, “to meet tbo
emergency." It was tbe other pan ho
wanted to have explained.
“It began with the throwing of a
tee." the nurse said, “and it was aft­
er all of the patlenu were in bed and
tacked np for te night I supposed
tet the boys with broken legs and
plnster rosu on them and tbe other
boya with tiroken arms and fractured
BOOM were disposed of safely. Then a
ahoe from somewhere went sailing
bis akull trepn
The shoe wnt
tike a match to a barrel of gunpowder.
A croteli flew over my head and bit
te window. The boys with plaster of
purls on their legs wriggled out of
tbelf eota hobbled to tbdr near neighbors and pulled them oat on the floor.
Those who wanted to be qnict were
poked and plagued and forced to get
out and Join In tbe rumpus. There
were half a doten pillow fl^u In prog­
ress Id ns many places at once before I
CDoId Bay ‘Scatr
"lost as the pandemonium was at
Its height the doctor came In
rounds and protested. He said that
there was so much noise tbe patienU
la tbe wards near by were complain­
ing. Tbe buys must stop. If they
would not stop, they must t>e made to
atop. tVliy not spank them?
"I ventured to say tint the task of
spanking 27 Iwys. hand mnnlng.
were, wss tM cUlId's play, lie nald
tec I. must do U. and then he wrote
the order. Of course it had to be done
then. Tbe doctor did not wait to
what I would do. and he looked rather
amused as be turned and weut'out ot
the ward.
“Well. I gave out the order to the
children, but they did not mind
the least. I did u«t want to siank
them, for ahey probably for t^e first
time In their lives itad their stomachs
fall, and their anluiai spirits wem
high. They had had enough misfor­
tune In the accidents that had brought
them to tlto iastltutioo. So 1 just
warned them that they were up to a
apank down. As tbe boys say, 'NUr
They just winked st me and kept on
worse than ever. Then I started after
them. They limped, hobbled and wrig­
gled back to their cots as fast as their
legs would carry Uicm. 1 turned don-n
the npper sheet of the cot of the first
boy that I came to and laid it on good.
“Then there waa a change. A cboms
of dry bowls went up to the celiing fol­
lowing tbo trails of the first victim.
Down the rows of cots I proceeded,
slowly and eoDscientlously. aud. if I do
say It, tliorc was lu my wake a lot ot
ehnslencd souls."
"I'il make a note of this order ns a
mnarkable one." said the offlolaL Ho
did. and that ts how It caiuo out—
Cleveland Tlaln Dealer.
ThM* Cfelaea.
,Jerome K. Jerome and Thll May
wore riding past St. Paul’s In a cab
one day when the chimes began to
ring. After listening to thcm-sllently
for a moment Jerome turned to May
aud naked -him If be ever tind ot the
beontlful sound of the betU. “WhaPs
that you nayV” asked May, putting hla
hand to bis ear.
“1 asked If you had ever beard A
more beautiful sound than the chimes
of old 8L 1-nal’sr repeated Jerome,
raising Ida voice.
“1 cnn'c hear a word you sayr* May
ahoated ba<A. Jerome put his mouth
dose to May's ear, “Don't you think
those chimes sound like angels’
volcesr he caUrd.
May lookid up at te tower and
fcowlfd darkly. Then be yelled Into
Jerome's ear. "It's no use. Jerome: I
can't hear until Utose Infernal noisy
beiU shut up their daUcr!"-Js)iidoD

Tbo Hon. Hobert b'nrreU of Son
rraaclsco, who U tamJtlarlr called
“Bob.” prepnroa his public speeches
with great cam. The eanae of this it
an oration he made a number of years
ago which was a noted piece of flam­
boyant eloquence. It began. “Prom
where Mount Sl^asU lifts her snowy
peaks In air to where San Diego sits
by tbe waters of the ever smiling aea.”
The next day letters came in direct­
ed to “Mount Shasta Snowy Peak Parnir and “Ever SmUing Sea ParreU."
It took months for him to escape te
etiecu of bU oratory, and be rowed
T to commit the crime of eloqneaco
agaln.-Saiurday Evening Posh











A SHHIOUS'‘redBLE»l?|*

•I tave»re« Pvemml
■itoo te — - “While 1

.Bxaweoag 1

S,pu.u« oouv OmM>.


At te raeut msott— of te MleUeadomlaffte
bar AatoelaUoa at the Otodnnatl ■
Ing.whMi provided mlea, and m
ttooa for the national InaimoUan bnraan.
Tbe report of te meeting in tonehlag npon thU point wai rather abrupt
and eome of Ue lumbePlaepeetom
mannfaetarert did not fully andentand
it. It wan Btotod that a provUloa
made forte appomtmmt of deputy
laepeetore. to act under Snrreyor Oeaeral Wall, wb) was praeant at thia
moating. The provision also cwil
platod the appointment of eetobllehed
inepeeUon firms ea depntlee, who are
rcqnlred to give a bond. The rulw reqolni also the tranimUaioB of a eertlficate of lasoeetloa from te local Inapeetor to tbe deatlnatlOB of tbe 1 am­
ber and tbat tbe oertlflcate of the inBpectOT at the receiving e^ eb^
aeeordwiib thet from tbo ehlpplng
point TbUprovtolon U calculated
obviate many dISenItlea that have
heretofore existed. The Idee wee
calved that should the luspectioo of the
oSeial at tho dealinatioD of the ahipment be greater than that at the in
apection poli^ the local inepeetor ehall
be reeponsIM for the value of tbe dlfferanoe. While toe certain extenithla
U true, yet Section # of the Bnlea and
Eegulallons adopted at ClnelanaU provldee as folluws; “The certificate of
Inspection and meaenrement leaned by
tbe inspector shall be final between
buyer and seller. Any error In the in
apeetlon Is a matter between tbe party
aaffering from each error end ^ Inapector who made the error."
Tbe tame section provides tbat la
case of dispute tbe enrveyor general
ebell Uke the matter up end fix tbo
reepoDBiblUty. Tbe intent of this rule
U to eeUblisb a qmr«--iiBHe(^m inepectionaadto fix toe responsibility of
error where It b^ongs. Thn lospeetora
of Dortbero Micbt^, with their long
experience in the bueineae need not
fear tbat their eerliflestes wilt not be
accepted as final: and in Case of dispute
there Is tittle chance ot tbe local Isepeetors being held for any error nnleei inveetigetlon sball prove mietakes
at this end, and In that oaae tbe tnepector would not shirk the rmponlbllity of a mistake of his own.
That iho rules adopted in Ails regard
are eatisteciory to the Michigan As
toclaUon U pvideneed by the following
reeointion which waa adopted. June C,
after earefnl eonelderatlon of te
pointe at Ueuc:
Eeaolved. That we hereby endorse
tbe inspection rnlee of thei-Natiocal
Uardw<x>d Lumber Assoelatloc, and
tbe system —of applying tbe same
through a Nstlonal Lumber Inspection
linrean. aa outlined In tbe plan adopt­
ed at the Cinclnniti meeting.
Surveyor tieneral Wall le an old and
experienced lumberman, connected
with the Buffalo Hardwood Lumber
Oo. of wbicb be is treasurer. Ue has
taken a greet Intereai In the eeUblUbit of cqnltable rules of inspection
end c-ame here personally to diseute
tbe matter in detoit with this assoeiatiOD. For a Img time uniformity la
luspeetioD rules has been sought bj
lumbermen all pver the ecMHry and It
Is now believed that tbe plan adopted
will accomplish tbe desired end.

ed him whet the mitter was.
- -Strang, I'm In a heap ot tmbM.'
be said.
"•Nothing aeriouA I biqie.' I on~ 'Hump!' he graatrd. Tbet's all y»
know about hit: Jes' like a dem tendvrfootr
“I made no answer, and after drawing
B tew puffs from an ukl eonieub pipe be
"'I might as well tell ye. I live np
yaadrr in tl»t honsi- on tbe hUk aa 1 alvsys cslculatcd tu live an die thar. bat
hit looks rs thongh hit wasn't to bA
The otluT day uiy wUe got hold of a pa­
per eomewherv. an ahe read lu hit theC
women's clubs'wuz aU the go. an bit set
her wild to bev une berself. WaaL-abe
talkitl lu llu- uiber old wlmmen aronnd
yore till sho hid '«m Jea' oa craxy ex her,
sn tbe result wax tbot 15 old wii
are uuw holdin a meoiin op at my bouse
to orEBnixe.
“‘Waal, tho Dm tUnt; wax to«e1o« _
titvsidcut. Tboy took a Ullot. an the reMiK wux thet varh onu of 'i-in had s votA
Hit «ui the same way on the next 1
balliUA au frost wux b^innln to form
Ibi- ulndows. WssV. hit looked like a
dcadlo<-k till Olio fulv womsu xuasrsted
thet I bo slionrcd to cast the di-rldlB
rot.-. Waal. I bad ji-s' pr.-seure of mind
riiuucb to iK.liii out tbPt bit would tskia llttU- time to iwlre sl<-h a d.-U.-ate
question, so 1 knm <>nt yere to iMiid.-r. by ibe- Kmilt-s of 15 obi tvimmiii, If 1 v.ito for my wife, ihi- olber
1-1 will I* after my wa1j>. an if 1 doni
voU' frr iK-r bit nn-nus 11 lingerln death.'*
“ Then it is a (|Umlioii of Ibe Isdy or
the tlErrl’ said I. smiUnc.
'•'StrauBer. I didn't know thet yoa
kiM-w uiy wire. But y.m’iv rigbl. sb.-'s a
tlK<-r. surv viiougb. Slraiixor. I'm off fer
Ibi- tuoiiutniuK. I'ui li-sviii 45 arrvA a
ni.-wl nil thixv boj.-s. but wbal l» (K-raonal
w<-altii to K-rKoual aar.-iyT Fun-well,
stranc’-r. lilt taki-s a man to riw- an
H qneslloii like- tbU. I'm ulir
Detroit Free Vrv
la (be Nix t'a.
TIic prexidi-iit of Ibe w-lii>ul Uuird, who
bad iH-viT pn-Jdi-.! at tbe cradilatiag exerclw-s of (III- bigb »«-b<«>l Is-fon-, was
armiewhat flmlen-d, bin i,i>t nlmiK fairly
well till be .-Dim- t« No. U In tl»- literary
NH of fan- iirovicb-.! tin- on-asion,
wbi-n 111- niinomii-i-il;
-'.Mi— .M>bi<- Tbroekmorloii will now
reello tliv slorj- «(-Tbi- Man tVbo Carrie<l tile (iarMige to M.-ssiu'-I should
say ‘Mnn-in lo Gew-iiBu’—w.-U. anyway,
tbat’s wbst she is fiolus to n-citi-."—4jhb
cagu Trlbuue.
Two KtadsorB

’-What Undr
"1 illdu'l kimv Itii-n' WAS more tiinn
<>».. kiiid.”
"Ob. yos. riion- is ibo n<r.>riiu-r
who ms-kM lo n-roriii oi1;i-r |ieo|iI<-. uud
ibon- is till- n-foniK-r who ailmlts tbo

A Great Discovery lor CAnoer




P j Sill
•. C. NOITAtT.

Bapabllean Void «asenn«.
waa» BO-1.
a RmtUcan raBcni af valaie —la


Efirald Ofisturj Cook Book.
A Hmit^ nnmber for aale at f S eenU
each. Will be mailed poatage paid
M receipt of the prloe. Address,The
Herald. Traverse City, HIcb.


TaoBAi NocLvos.
wxnu NO. S.

Best to be had in

the city is at

. w*ai> N.i. 4.

See samplee in window.
Urlvxtotn lo atioaU itw fiopuMlcaa eoostr cmvvm.oa lolMin-ldJuar lAiMu. at which cm.

The Waukazoo House!
*Ior-tlii>ox7t, agleb.


,Y SlS5^,Sf



The beat furnlefaed aad beat kept
house on thU peninsula le ready lor
^l^eea. Open tbe y«*r round. Good
Dtvery In eonneetion with tbe h<
IS. teutMHe-clock.forUM-n
Bbtee made known on application.
.UelraaMtola aUcaU th* B.
R. A. CAMPBELL MaraaUaelebvbaldJaM l». IKU. at «hld



Now 75c a Month
Chas. W. Merrill

I linrt- hail.uiT building;
robciit nud pot in Kood
shape and am now ready
to rt'ceive ail old pntroDB.

Good Line of Jewelry


7:io- Bnsineae.
S;00—Annnal eermon, Bev. B.' H. Ford.
Friday Horning,
uusiu.vaav kesnox.


WiNUAuu. OxT.. Jan. S4. IttOO.
Tv^Uvr blaoA Xl( fvtot MraM.
Dr.C. I) Warner. Dear Sir:—I have
need voor Compound of Seven Cares,
tbe greet cancer enre and blood puri­
to private familifla.
fier, with exeeltent resnlu. I do not
beeluteto recommend it for the pur- Payable mi^thly in advance.
posee for which it ie need. lU effeeu
erelneehort time to meniteettbet it
w. Ote«.(aiy OpxraBvaeeaia.
eennnt fall to give the greatest aatlsBoth phunee No. 134. 410 W. Front St. -rvR. W. a. a W. B. Moon, rvarral pvcilwi else
Jxx. Ci mmi.vob.
AJ ■pd-cIalmaeTV.M.r, sow sod gvello arlDsrydlMMM. Old'phaae.H;Mc>. in. OS,
SlBball Flasot always pltaae.
HS4 tf
ICC Opera Hauae RIaek.

Pine Proffrerator TBlrty-Ponrtb An­
nual Session This Week.
Tbe follooiug program will be given
at tbe 34th aonnal session of the Grand
Traverse Bsptiet Aseocietioa. to be
held in Kingsley, June I4ib and ir>th;
Tburedey Afternoon. June 14.
S;S0—Reading of ebureh letter.
S;1S—Discussion of Needs and Plans
for'tbe Work in the Aasociation.
followed by Prayer, led by Bev.
E B. Cole.

d. B. L. A On. Beat...............

White Front


III Kinds of Repairing. /'

..Fire Insurance..

OOcM. OnyOpeta
Henae Black.___________________________
T\R. A. H BOLLtDAY, graABAW Toteaie
■D c oilILBBn.AtMvuv. •
L. w P

KpdldeiK-e XII WaaainsMB atM«L Wemaa*a
aad ehlldn-a'a Ulae»ae. a apaalaity. OtOca
houn: IO«alta m.:Z 10 4 aad T w Cp. m.
Bell -pboae. Konbere 'pbaae Mo. 1.

. CalU asawvred proapUr dar ar
If you have a dwelling, stock, etora. atgbi Mon»*r» pkaae.m;B*U.sB7
ban. or any other property insnrable.
UoOBMal (lOSODIb mtoo
pan all olghi.
Wl.-IviihaovNo IS kindly remember I want to write tbe

Funeral Director.




Only the most reliable stock insurace companies repreeanted.
Bates very low.

kan. Traaublaaaaea dal

bone 7S.

Johnson Block

Fine Wood

6;to-^PresenUUon of Sute Miaslona,
Ute* MiatloiiAKorelgn MIssioda
HinUters’Aid. Christian Jfidoeatioa.
ll;10-Blble Study. Bible and HIstiMS,
Rev. A. B. Cook.
n:40-Prayer and MisstoM. '
Proet aU««. Traearaa Oiy.
t;S0—“Snnday Sebool Work,"inch'aSge
at B. Wilhelm of Traverse City.
Sidewalk Limbar In all sines.
t;l&—“WomAa's Work.” la charge of
teSahh rabtr^nx^p
. bin. Bpaviai atMoiisa ^<eo
Mia. B. C. Fenner of Gaylord.
As -'Ptom- nmmmm Ow.
“What do yon enU yoor teainat t:ie—“Junior's Work." In obarge of
>«fT(aal<w>l«a.w^te b«m1
Msora to Traverao Olty Lnmbar Oo.
homo. Mia. PItx Jackaonr
Hra. O. K Hall of Ktngtiey.
“Peach OrebardA"
4:00—Boslneea. Beporta of Gommltt
“I don’t nee nay occbnrd In this ^
“No; there was one peach tree beAo eminenlly ekilled and aocompUshed artist. A wonderful and
Y. P. U,” In eharge of Bev.
Ind our cotUgA but It died."—Inthoroughly qoddi8ed photographer.
lo. B. HnlL
t:lfi^vangelUtlc Sermon. Bev. W. T.
U«l— the Krr.
.The king of pbotogitHtevs in posing, lifting, draping and arranging Us
Walk along any street and yon wffii
nbjeets for tbs pvaetleing ot hla truly woaderfal art. nbotogra^y. Hr.
nae a woman come out of a bouse with
oper baa seearad tks Photo baUdlng onmalte the Hotel Columbia <m Fraat
her walking cloUwa on. lock te treat
.iraotand haa ramedelad Itandpatltln order for strletiy np to dale pbeto^
dear, pot te key itndcr te mat nad^ time.” Qtimna’s Blaatie Floor Vnmleh
SB Walt_________________
imud MriUt kkM-di,ud UHU,u«pto
walk amny with an air of pertnet ante

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes









' tea—iiiwtlty lirk^><ate.V Ba W. 1. BtftM. Opmttf* StetatoT

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