The Morning Record, August 07, 1900

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The Morning Record, August 07, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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. i«‘riJ8s^ffK5MRgraagr»^)



FOR $25,000 BONDS

fiawaifa tada^ 6. J. OeMbaa, Bat
itodadtha admbaltp. aall ^A«kaUateddl^aiabod dOOMaadaw
VaBheatteCUaa. Tba parltomlav
aaarataiyaf tba ian%a oMaa, Brodai> PropoBittoii wnibB SBltiiilt.
Bo«it«d thm Ohtam* Wi.aaMtba fOfarato|pt had ae late>
t*d to TA^iB7«n.
“**-------------npartad ad'
at PiltaiW
adtba Mttob aad otb«iaUofteo»
DaBaltaStapaSbwaid Aha Batai
toward Nda. aar aa ta tba praaaM
ad tba Water IUbb-Sow Bellar
‘Btbartba faraica alalatar t
•€ ttet aeawaaiaattoM botb^fram
Ordaaad lar 'Puptef Blatlaa-«1^
thalarattaaa aad tba raUafterca bad
babacM bp ruaanaad dl^tab
^hoM WkoMU Wm* Boa- toaato.
____ HtlUU^tarprloBA.
Ibadoik Aar T-Tbara to mo tethw
•waaf .tbaaacafatoMt banraao tba
^Itea ht nataaac tbaa to aoBtolaada
llJiO qialitiM - 00.4 cm.
am «t tbs Bmoumt CWs Vtmb
aaadar Xaaatob rapart. tfaltbar
Tbataxp^arieftbceltp wlU'
loiteble uid dtcpelT — bOv
Ad^nJ iMiy ■■! n—■■inr o< baa aap Istanatlaa haaa raaalTad ra- bare aa opportaaitp to acta oa b prepBardlaptbagaMtal
cBlthBtoboadtbceitp te fw.BOe to
th* TaAtm^-WUla Om«M»1 it
prorldc farsxtaatoau of tba water
to (Mltad
dtopatahtoaaiOeaoBiaadoa baW the atalBB aad lapteiaaiBito la tba
of kaewljdfa. Tba Tlaua’ wwks. Tba ocoaeO last airbt, bp a
•cmccble—now $1.00.
aaaalBOaa rota, iaatractad the dtp
baa baaa raaal?ad tbara that attoraaptadraftaacrdlBaaca to ihto
al Cbriaa laanad tram
eftaet. to be acted apoa at tba ^tedal
dapaaaaa eiMiaac«a ' that Oaa. Taa« aactlat of tba ooeaeU wbl
raa Slaara traepa waca maaalBC la tba ear aext Moadap eraaiavM 31, eo ud OS OUU.
rleiaitp of Paitoeap to oppoaa tba adTbc-repertoftee water
KUtod fORM
aaaea of the alliae aad that aa adiet caUedoetK
•Bd tb* CUmm took pUM ftt Pal Tnac
>aaa laaaad ordartac tba reeaplnre Mded la the aetloa looUag toward the
ymntoy. Md bj tb* brtof report
$3.00 Hhow -8ilk TctiBg tope
of the beada ter the exteaeeat bf Ooueader TboMif of the of Tien Tala aad tba Taka farta. It la
— light, trim and dainty —
Yorktewa, the edToae^of the for- fartberatatad, tba corraapaadaat a
now $1.88.
oifMn wM etntip oMtwied, el- that tba Ibaar L! Tamca bad, aa J^p
TKwameadatloa of the water
‘*thoofhtheOhtMw ^iocndtcrt- U. oomaaacad to prerlda the lepatloBa
Mca was that tba dtp partraet. Tm brM dlepelehee frow
Xea^ styl^B—now only $1.86
> a ISO bona pe war bdlar to taka the
TBBHir ead Adalrel Bmp. beU et
But that Olraotor of Telac^b Sbeac place of tba M>o that are BOW la aaa.
Obefeo.gire the oedp eeeeoBtoefthe
taetUa raaairad la Weakleftoa. The laforaad tba eoasala Aapaat 1 that Mr. KUlIksa, t»aaldaBt ef the ooBoilaiba praawt boUete
- dapvtaattt has BO rapoet frea Oauret the edict ordered Owaral Yaap La to
Lace and bnttoa—now 60o.
paars old. that tbap Bap need
CfteBaa, bet axpaeta (be datella Wnor- sapate aa exalted oSeer te arraafa are
■rom. IboMlf faporta that the enrsfc- for the safe eondaet of tba Blaletera rapalra. tbat tbap will hare to be re­
set. at a coat of aareral headred dolBMt ooBtlaaod fron t e'tioek tiudep
AU snmmer footwear
mralBC to 10:10, or atora theaaaraa baadiu attacked the paripaa roato lan. aad tbat tbara eu be no cerUlatp
At A qunnor to a third off
thap woald be aararelp pulshad, aad la up case that thap are parfaeUp
boon. BBd that the aUiaa. aambariar
aaBoaacad that the Ibaap LI Yaan sate. Ha arpad the adrtoabill^ of the
regulnr prloes.
10,000. iaat ta kiUad aad
woald aadartaka to forward aap plala pordaase. aot help oa aceonat ef presUOO. ehlaflp BaMlaaa aad >i
laaruacb eoBBaaJeatiou trem tba oat aeidi. bat with rafaruea to the
Althoath the raporto era
•oda of tba tetora.
both the «*ar aad aarp dapartmoM aaOa Soadap ahup <
Aldsrmu Beoad etirrad ap a loop
aapt tbaa at Yraa aad ladloaUi« that
otbar edict dated Aapatt I, i
ad uprofittUe dtoeaaalon bp lutottha Chlaaaa sadp a dMparata ataad.
iap oa kaowlap what kiad of boilar the
That tba oagacaMat ooatiaaad
fObatlBBad ec third papa.)
aaaaa hoan aad a half la a place arlre ware aot n
whara oalp tasperarp aatranchBcau aat troable la tba aorth, ud ordarlap
aeald have baas aadr, aad that the BBUre chriattoae protaetad.
aUlaaloat UUUadaad woaadad more
tkaa ? par aaat of thalr aatlra terM the farsfoiap to Ua laflacaec of U ■diafodtoBaeaBaaB Pmuatad b,
aaariaeaa the allUaip aaparta that the Hoac Ohaapb repeated waraiace aad
Amot of a Mm Dader BosBuw
CbiBMa era wall armed aad kaaw how
poadcBt'e aatbor cap* that while awailpidoot OlrcBBitaaoea.
to«aathalranaa lithe
lap •alekleaTs
----- -------- -Mtal
te n* HoTBlM a«erataat tba wbala dtotaaea to Pakla aa
Boriallxad the
Boaa, Aap. «-Tha aew klap of
tbap dU tba «nt nua«a tbrooch
faU pewart to aapoUato oa behalf of Italp bad a aeare todap ud It to bewhieh ik» aUlaa had to pam tbap will
the roTaramwi.
licead u attcBpt te klU bis
ataka tba adraaaa oe PaKla a rarp ear
Loadee. Aaf. 0-Tha aaU-foralpa
raUwap stotloa
lOH aad dlBaalt aadartaklair. Tba partp apaia has the oppar bead at
bare, wbOa the klop ud qaau were
tihlawa haca ao« baw potad ter ateV Pdda. Adfardiapto
ca roBtc from Beppla to Koeta, a weU
bora aad paralataat fl(hUar ottar da
Aap part of the conunut. be la eoaOhanp'a lodplap at drauad
faat, aad aftar the al
■tut, direct aad pdteonal eOBmanlu*
, blebappape U packed prarltb a (OTolror eeacaalad oa bto per- tloa wrlth poar aalcaau. beada of deTMa aU traiMa tbara
paiatorp to bis dspartwe ter PUla.
Ha wuaRaatcdaftarastrvpple. partoMato. aad U fact, eworp oaayoa
iaat at Palttaa«. araip
bat. It to added, ha baa applied to tba
a tba Ohlaaaa troB Ihroae ter twaatp dapa alek laare. U aad aftar haiap suadad was aaat oc -rtobtoBaaL
liaad bp Btead’a
maldap aaotbar ataad la the opea, aad dalaitbatbU rapraautatloaa ta tba MMUu to
U poa BBB people, poo can't do aap
dap letten arc aald more than talk with tbaa. ud poa
•hepwni aot fftra battle tetbater- Yaap Tea rtoarop aad toTMtalSbaap jadpu 6oa
dpaan apala aaUI tbap rae^ the wiU be daaeaacad bp U Flap Boap ba- to hara beu foaod apea hlBcu do tbat from poor owa afBoa, wltii
walled dtp e< Taap Obow. joat aa«t of aaeaatbap aratnoadlp toterdpi
large cariof effected bp the talePaUa. Tbate tba Cbleau are expectphone ud placed on tba credit aide of
A aawa apaarp dtopateb troB Shaapad to make a
bal. datad tadap. sapa that it to raaor- bat Oorersauat Haa Prohibited BbI tbe ledger.
eaaae the place la fortlflad aad It la aa ad that a powarfal rloarop. Yaaa Bbl
flare pou one la tout ofSce?
pratioaef JapuaaeLtberm late
iBPortaat aapplp d^ ter tba caidotBtaaa Taap.jrbodtotaL Tba Obtaaaa Bad bold Taap
tba Ualtad Btataa.
Chow If tbap expect to rmtot Ua adpa
aaoelal U> Tbc toerelaa B««erS.
Waablaptoe. Aap. C-Tha Japuua
lapaUoahasa dtopateb from iu forTHE TRAVERSE CITY
thepraaneaat d
dpa oSoe saplap tbe Japaaeae port
UDiaa AND GXN-n'
. It to ponaraUp
baa toaaad ordari' prObibtUBp
awaBid at tba «car departmut tbat AUecpd Intentioii to 8«iM cBlpraUoa of labonre to the Ualtad
at loaat a part ef Ooaaral Cbatcab
Stataaud Oaaada. Japu wtobad to
OhlnoM Terrltoxy.
aaall arap was oa haad 'ud took u
ladleata Ita frleadablp ter the Ualtad
actlre aad agpresiire part la the af­
Butaa aad arold up appaarueeof
Declared taba I
ni bmi rtuBt aiPMt.
lal to laterfair.
aUewiapbaraabieets to unop people
ClotbM cAlIdd (pr BBC delirrml
Pdtoa&p to the Brat raiiwap autlaa,
Kenhera PhoDr in.
seta ef Other Powers Bauaterp Bap la tbto eoutrp.
MRS. jxKKta AforarixE
aipbt Biles aortbwait ef TtoatalB,
BaaBauNoUAadThatSaeha Bd<
toward Pakla.
are Weald be a Meaaea,to ABcrieu
It to on the Pd Ho at the haad ef
tldawatar. lUa a dUapf of and bate,
Alabama SlacUoa Wut 78,000 Dsbbat oot waUad. Tba rtrar hare to
eeratlc. PooaUats Beltux
aascui w Tn Mosn«« Bscuu
eadpable bp nctblnp laiper tbua
. Thalr Old Lora.
Parto-Aap. e.—It to autad here
ataaa lanneb. It to theapht that tba
pood uiboritp. tbat the Gennu bb- Spaeial u Tbe Merslw aceonl.
troops probablp raaebad there
Moatpoourp. Aap. 6 — TLa ateta
be sudor at Wasblaptoa baa bad u
aaaU boats, towed bp naral Unaebaa.
Inlerdaw with deep. Hap ealllap bis elaetioB la Alabaaa todap raaaitad la
U to flpnred bp (be aUltarp axperto
plaralUp of aboal TS.poo
attuUoa to tba Vaapeta Klaap. U
tbat the l.too caaoalUas oa tba part of
to balisTad that Great Britala'a ooarBe DeBoeraU, the BapebUcu rote haiap
. the alliae orobablp Beaaa a loaa of
la ^dlap Admiral SapBoar ap the iboan0,000. thaProUMUoa aboal t.CroB three to tlx Uaaa as manp bp tba
000 aad the Popaltot rote about *0,000.
Obiacaa. It to poaslbla that a blow of rtear iadkataa u latutlea otaalzlap
lerrltorp la tbat rapioa, wbieb woald ThePopoltot rote was aboal M.ooQ
tbtoBapBltads map break the raatotbedetrlBHtal to the iataraeta of*tbe foarpeare.apobntBMtof tbe termer
mam of the Cblom adTUea eolaaa,
ether powata, It to said that Ua Oar- Popaltoto bare retaraed to the Damebat M tba otbar bead it to poulbla
For Pig Taila, bot sinee
ratlc partp.
that tbU dap be ou of a larpa____ otuambaaiador also polatad oat to
The Home
1 bare tried
bar of plaeaa u the road that bare Hap that ABadeuto oOBBordal iatertbaC
Bapbau latreacbsd with a view of talll
laad'a botsbuL
back aad eoauaUap tba terelpa .
Tba fact tbat this aUaped later^w
, the repalatlap
eaaea ae aa ta dalap aa leap «s pomlda
ef tmts. dowB arltb tba tariff, aad datbs ardeal ef tba toralpaara at Pakla. to balBK talked aboet la Tartooa Aoaeallarles
apoahs Tolaaui for tba mat's traatBut
Loadoa. Aap.
dtopMeb Tn»
of tba Porto Rieaaa
Hhaapbal of paatardap's date ,upe tba
Tba MW laptolatore will. be
Japaacaa ooaeal baa r^edved a bss- powera. aru If tbue was ao teoadaDemeerats aad I* Popaltou aad E«upa trmo Pdda wbieb aapa Oea- Taap tloa to tba roport. Tba atarp of the
pnUleaM. It will alaet. Jeba 1
tab Btaap bad stopped tba iiwdlap of report ecBsa troa neb bipb aoarua,
howcTtr, that then to bacdlp aap Matpu io the Ualtad Sutaa saute.
ptgrldWi to the lapatloBa Tba
aapablaoatatastbatlarta aaBbera ef doabt of lu aecaraap.
rtap. Aap.
Tba atefa datroops are asMBlap at tallar Pa.
aOdato prafa« to k
feaaUoba Wheat Ttald wO! ba ■
OblBCM roBcr fraca Pahte to to the aetblapofa^ latarrlaw
latarrlaw batwou
dteetthuYauBeUp.Kal. peearaor ••weURd Btata aad
Burnt Tbto mt.
af Bhutaap. baa boaa kfUad.

BpaeUl ta Its toanlBC 8«ert.

A dtopateb to the Oaatral Sewa froB
WlsBlpag, Aag.e^Tba foTeraau>.
I hare c»me to tbe oondoe*
BhaapbalmpsihatHhaac. dlrwter ef
HecratacpHapls KotllL
crap boUcUa totaad tbto attenuxB
i(» that oc will bay a first*
tdaprapbi aad tallnads. hat applied Spselsl u Ths tfanlaa B«>orS.
Plata the to«al wbaat pteld et Haattea, deliciona emake. Try
terrafapecaa BrtUU waiibip. He
ba at U.QO0AO0 baibala.
tVa; hii rrqartt
one and yon will nerer pay
axrcta.'p Hap sa? cc thrraTTao tr^*^
will be prutad.
b Hap
TslUag KsbUjmi
10c for s.Pig TsU again.
t for sal# ap tta W. W.


Foot '

Ufies' Oiftris


lei's Oifiris

Wenii'sM Shies
Ilf Slippers

IWth Tmt-No.MHS

Summer Novelties

——AT THE-----


In uw ud |»Mt7 dupu.

aouTuln la Shdl Work.
Eudum* Ope Wan -wtih pMuu «
TntTttM City.
AU or tb« IMwt ud )>Mt boots of th* dtp.
Plotaioo sod Worka at Art.
Oomo la oBd 000 oor roodb


lifies'Til Shoes .

Ghildreis Curas

AIM Y. Friedricli


From Your Desk
You Can




Clothes Cleaning
ua.P,ressing Parlors

miRBlII will gTbick



I Used
to Pay lOo

JS. u

Pig Tail

The Thermometer
and ,onr prices are fnormg la
opposite directions.

Men's Suits
•3.S0 to SIS

Straw Hats
at up price

Bath Tranks
10. IS. tse

In the way of*hot weather cloth­
ing ent away down from former low
See ns before yon make any pur­

S. Benda & Co.

at eat rmtaa

m Front Street

Phahionsble Onlflltars ^

This is without exception the best lot
waists in the city today for the price.
The lot is made up of $1.00. $1.35, |l.3S,
$1.50 and $1.75 goods.' All new. this
season’s styles. About 85 to pick from,
at only

76c 76c




Bicycle Shoes
Now In our store. Former prices $8.00,
$2.76 and $2.60. 'We are closing
them out at

,$1.98 $1.98 $1.99 $1.98
Don't Kiss Tble Sale.

Leading Shoe .Store of Norlbem .Mrdi


In SUk—HI Pisfl StreA


But if yon want a pair of tu or patent
leather oboe, you'd better buy'ttem
now. We are Belling:

Men', ud Wuen-. liOdlbn Ebo« lor...................... $!b0
Sb«" far.......................$1.76
^^e bare a few pairs of Men’a r>J» Pataot Leather
Shoea. which yon can boy for.......................................... $SR0



Front Stnet




' *T"!^ up*wyGj

'TnS$DAT; ATOjnST 7. »A

0t RRUIglffTWa
tanrth (d duly Oylitai Ba^
8^ ofMliiW iiafRlBt
*»Awn TIATBO «»»>TJ>.

• kapoath'

ad Mb
Ihvth ad daly iilihwIiM held tea
•aalBBoHv lam naantep aad i
«Ht.haw*w, ■■daU nfort* taa ptetadtheiaport of the eipMlHarB
edtheeatehchttaa. Thenpnrtteftna
•i ri" ~ —‘ -*■*- - r—w- In doteQ and a aery anUteM .
iliaiii inlailr the haadn od tha
Odt jmtmtv Molaff.
- itteaaWlnwa:
Tha total aateant of BOMp rnoa
BBdhU Ub tetha haa
by nabnIpMfB wna Sl.mAI. ToMda
haabaaaaddnd n wM InteaM
Kra JoHph Mecaaea died aaiidaaly
at the A^Ibb BaM oaaaiaB.
le^.attha apaedSO ya|&
__.aad. Joaeph Moraaae. took hk
pwa Itla a few yean apsaad the
tnveAepxB ktewUehslad ee
____ k that ebe beeaae desaMed. Adnrttelap..
Mia. MoraTaa waa tba sethar of Mfi. “ n..................... A.
doMph intarek, at wl
Borlhn>Me>M atnei the taaoral wiU
ha bald thte aftefseoa at > o'eloek,
aadorlba dliaettoa of WiU & Aadshyfta haat. than


_____ J»B. wUJ h

for Ml

Uo fuU«<rlB« B?-»ber»t4*lt«*«««:
>4 TrmrcrM ec«Bl7...........................•

Jutted Conn-L

. lilted with thi dsaud Qf Secraurr
■•r Mid will paralt trM «ommnnlo»Itea betwMS thte ffoverstMiit ud
ter OaBr«r- H U gntit^to
•PM that Chiu rvpwm the
tt ihte 00UU7. but now th»t the alUca
Meeetvted for Pekl* andUTemet
IbpnbotelB battle, farthered"
teOMwin doubUaee arite which will
Mteafw the aafetr of tbamlBlaun;
the parpoae of the Chteeae roww«Mi to aead tbrna to Tien Ttlo will
^ptoWjBMl with dlffleulty- White
IhoadvaBea tea mareBaattowarda a
jneaeof tha forolfiMn it will«
ItertbaraviOM i^prehosaloiia aa to the

!• the flieal yaar last eadad waiI $>41.
•M.IU- It haa Barer bees ao
tesM isa> wbea it reached
•eatham cotton frowen will appro•tete thia ratam to proaperltr Induced
ly B^bUcaa leglalatiOB.


lha M.A *.*■ axearaioa Saadey
took 160 ifroB thia dty, BoatofwhOB
want to Maniatea
A'hoek-aodal wUI bapinnOOBOTiw cranlap by CSaaaaa « and s of the
Baptiat Sunday achool, at......................
Mr. and Mra.J^ GUUa.
All Knipbtrof Pythtea an ra^ueeted
to Boat thlO««tofet W
•eoDrttho nBaiaanfMre. M. B. Tit­
ian to tba O. B. A1. depot
Traveraa BayiBlve. No. 11. L. O-T.
M.. will eotertaln the Elk Bapldt blra;
thia laflornooB on the Oantral aehool
pronpda. All Besbera are raqnaated
to be praaeatlprompUy et noon.
3. A. Slontapae and party, who han
been on a:cTBtee to the lAka Snperior
raplon. han arrtrad la tba bay. Sosa
of the party, incladlnp Dr. Vanphn of
Aon Arbor, han ratnrned to the city
from OBCna, where the boat atoppwl.
The real of the parw »iU rltlt Old
Mlaaion before retnralar.
A fall aet of pholoprapha of the caM
of ‘'Powbatan.'' tha opera that U to ba
wted here oaxt week by hose
Price. Mr. Baker declarrt that
the bari eaat tbat ha hai ^ for orar a
yaar. and that tha praacatattoa wUl bs
of Tranraa Bay
Bin, No. 71. can ba paid to Mra. Beat
at >1C Front atroet Boob 0.
Tha auBmer neallon of I^f. C. B.
Dockeroy'a BuilnaB Collrpe and SobBar Normal aehod bapan Friday. New
etetaea wUl be formed oa the firet Mon­
day In SopteBher.
The rapalar Taaaday afternoon excaraloa on the Colambla to Nc-ah-taita win be pina at s o'elndc tUa
an bouratthereeon. Prof. Bortth' oremtra wUl furnteh ibaBuate.
The Craaeeat band wUl pl*a ancxcaraloa around tha island Friday aaenerenter A baadwneart wUl he pi'
08 board aad tha coat of hhotripwlU


PnaaadAwnyanMy TatevAv Mb*
iw After a Ihw OniB* SlMiB.
A ^ooB wna earn near tha hanrta a
ahextod driaada yaataiday. at thi
lhawlintf M.I.
Shohadhaaalyinp at the pntat
od Awth lor Bama tbnr. bat hv trtaaAa
aooliaotttta ap tba hope IhM aha
iBlpht Taenair. aaiU Sttaiday aipht.
ate farther hope anarntM aaolBa.
Mm. Talmaa waa M yanta of apn.
kn waa pianUy aakaaand by a larpa
eirate adfrtee, wha wU te her
Mdly. Sha team a haabaad aad a
ehlld U daya aid, hcaldoi a BOthar. a
‘ -'Mr aad a ^ter. B« motbar,
a hama te in Oaaa, waa with bar
te her teat lUam.
A brtef aarriea wUl ^ eendneia
tha boaae thia Bomlap at 10 ohloak.
by Bar.
d. A. Bnady
wUMi tba body wOl ba takaa -te
COanoa tha 11:1k ttate. whan tha

Tha bady wOl Ua te Bate at the rtridaaee, m Sereathaanat, troBStaiQ
o’eloek thte Beralap, aad all who
darim to take a teat leak may do bo at
Sl.a» ™
Thia teem a batenoeof SltAtk which thattlBo.
amount it in thahandaofthetreMorer,
Mb. A. L. Baritend haa ntnraed
B. W. Haatteft. Bnry cent paid on1
troa a wacka rteitat Bay View.
hat bean upon the order of the exIncoBBittee. aad IteBlaed bUla
are on file with the treaaare^where

eeparate report, filter • atetement of
reeeipu froB all aoareea. aad ateo a

all 08 file with the other papera te
tba hand! of the treasurer. An ap
prapriaUon of $50 was oriplnally
Bade by the execaUn committee for
the July 3rd camlTal, bat the recelpte
etthecarninleoBBlttee from other
9M wen ai^eient to meet eU tbelr
expenditures, and ibis $50 approprlatioa ww not nlled:ior.BThe total reealpta of tha camlnl comBlttoa werj
$sse.40siba total expeaaea. $S7l.4S.laarlap a oasb batenoe of $16 kt which hea
brt" turned oreiilo tbe peneral fund,
aa stated abon.
Tha cxeeuUn coBBlttee de^re to
tbaak all those wbo aided te amklar
Belebration ee preat a euoeeaa
Tb'W.ST- Batx".
L. Bobcxts.
O. P. Cabvxr.
E. W. Hsmsus,
BxeeuUre Commi
Plaas Made for tbe Dietrict Oetberlap
At a meeUap of tbe board of direct'
on of the Blercatb District ChrteUaa
BndaarorlUnion held te this elty Sun
day. arranpementt were completed foi
tbe twelfth sanaal eonreatlon to be
bald at Bentenla tome time lathe
100 ih of Oelober.
The meeUnp wae attended by Prealdeat Fraocte B. Leslie of ■ Norihpert.
Secretary M. B. Bolley of this city, aad
member* Miss Pettlit of Beoxonls and
oproJohn ,Scott of Maple City. Tbe
pram was arranped, and U
to bold the eonreatlon about the smend week of October, tbe exaet time to
be ehoeen to as to suit tbe peoplp of
Beatoaia. The maettep wUl be held
te tbe middle of tbe week, eo that it
will be caeler |for mlateten to attend.
An excellent propram hea been srranped. ___________

fSnt Samteary of the tateraatlpaal
Ohrlattea Sadaoror Caaraatioa
fracatloaal Ohareh.
Allen BoekefMtew, who has beea te
Oaa of the beat and Boat tbwoBxhlj lha barber baateam on the aoath aide,
Bijofabte Ohrlatiaa Badaaror Beatlafi hae pnrehaaed the barber ehop of Paul
•rar held ban eecurred at the Ooarre- Wetelernnder Miller’s drapeura.
fatloaal ebureh Sunday arenlnc, the win praatly Imprara tbe appearance of
fuporu of the laterBatkmal cor—
the room, and srtU be ready for all
held at Londoe teat Boath.
temera te a short time.
Ae ebureb waa (daborataly deoeratTha date of tba aapapament of Wood
^ for the oecaaten, the deeoraUoat
|aad Ward te "Two Merry Xrampe" te
OPBatetinf of the flan, bannan and
Anp. 16.
hadtae troB Mr. HoUay'a C. E.
"The KliifSahera." alarpe party of
toBe of the dan »«» aent here for
>epeeaal»Bby frlenda et Mr. BoUey peaUemea troxi Oteetenad, arrived te
O. B. Barrteoa has returned from a
the city Suaday oa their way to Carp batlncss trip to Chtrlerplx. Boyae
te t^adoa.
whece they will eamp anfi fish City. Petoskey and other aorthem
MlB SaBBond told of the trip to the!
forafew weeks. It bai been nine years poteu.
OBBTuntioa. Mr. Bolley told of
100,000 detecetea that caBe froB all since tbe party vtelted thte rapion.
laada to attend the npat ntherinc. thoapb prerioas to that Uhte they were
Mr. laneaeter far* • wy ?l*ld dee- beraemy year. Their bappapa was
Blption of London and Aleaaadrla bronpbt te a speeial ear.
Mlaa Mae Cbamberlate, who taught
lateoe. where the eoereaUea wae held
drawtep te tbe sebooU of thte city for
and OllTcr Watera followed with
•xtraete froB the addreeen of Preel’ aercral yearn, sria a paaseapar oa the
Sunday on her way to Eaat
«eat Clark and Secretary Baer.
. NIB Baua read a eery IntereaUnc Jordan for a rKlt.
Tlckeib fw the Virptela Spy wiH be
paper prepared by Bert Montana. «nlatalnc eztneU froB the addrcBee of aa aalb at tha box office of SteteUrp'a
■any of the 4M epeaker* whoee namee Grand thte mominp.
Thera wlU ha a maettep of the
aron oa the propram. Mia. Bbaer told
«f the deliphtful aide tripe that were brlekltyera and maaca’s askia tomor­
Oaken by the Bndeanreii.ineladinf the row ereatep at tha C. 6. P. S. hall. A
IWte expoelUon. the PaBlon PUy et
ill atteadaaea te dcairad.
OheraBBcma' the hose of Bnnyaa.
Mrs. Faxon, of Pomona waa xaV
For yters °^**^***”*^**^i/”*”bir****'*mObe birthplace of the Epworth Leapue Jected to a very daUeate oparaOaa yas
aad the early hose of John and Cbariee terday moraiap ^ Dr. Z. U. £*aaa,
asateted by Dr. KarUa- Semal larpa
Tery Sue Baale waa toralahad at pall stoaaa ward rumored from tha
oriem»lt»rrfmae^ojr«lB.-U. P.Cmib.
Ohte BMtinp. «B eipedaily pteaalnp pall daete. which te coaaidarad aa ax•MBber bainp the aolo. -I'U pe whm
rleal eparatloa.
Bcrs. iMKitjraracsistA •c.sndeac. a
ftm want aa to pe.” aaap by Mn. C Tbe'paUeat it dotep ateelyv
B. Beret.
Thors wUlbs a Beatlapof tUOnlThe dcooraUeaa naed at thia Beatinp
form Baak. E. of P.. thte craatep for
arlll be aeat to renoaa other pointa In
Oheatete whan alBller Baatlan era
ratetirs to the Detroit eonelare. Brery
toba bald.
membar te arped to be prceeat.
The South elde ladlealaC the ArteM.
TbatThrobtaiiw Beada^
B-eharch will pire aa feceraaiaea•tel on the lawB at tha ^weh croaads
■p. U (ba arwkhar ia
atarmythe social wiU bo haia lathe
MU >p jo« liMU.. ou. n MU ahmreh parian.
iBhar (ere draw tha aUk ^Uew at
thahte ■





jutuMOdlae eiMM.
iiii.ii--r ‘


Ton tltUa kaow' whoa first wa mat'
That aoBS day foa waald ha
The laeky fellow IM ahacoa to tat.
Pay (w my Beaky Maaateia tan.

a $, auaUte* A 1

You Can Make
Yourself Comfortable

This hoc weather, at a vary slight expense
by buying one of our eaqr laam or porch
clwurs or rockers at a big 'reduced piic*.
Onr $1.50 porch rocker for $1.25; our $2.25
large arm'rocker for $1.75; our $3.00 laam
Morris Chair $2.25; a nice folding reclining
chair, that you can lie full length in. for
$i«a A full line* from a good strong,
well made camp stool, up to anything you
want in lawn or camping goods.




1 File Crayon Portrait

Prereoted a Trapedy.
Tlaely tetoratetlea pina Mra.
Jemre botp otNewStralUrUIr, Ohio,
wnd two Urn. A frlpblfal oouph bad
loop kept her awake enry nipbt. Sbe
bad tried many remedlet and docton
but steadily rrew worn natil arp«<d te
This offer in good only for a
Dr. Ktep's New Dteeorery. Ooe
:tle wholly eared ber; and ebe abort time.
writee. thte marreloBs medicine ateo
cured Mr. Lonpef a Mrere attack of
Made from any good pictore.
Such cures are poeltln
' all ihrot
___ _
Only 50c a
Trial boitlce lOe

Foaotal Ditsetor.
—sisii'Er’”"JlerUinenw X«. iU. BrilPboMm


Hew Discovery for Bloodpoisoning.
.. .EVEN CUBES, the Ureat Cancer
remedy, and for all dteeaees of the ekio
aad blood, from Ooetact and Secondary
Hereredltary Causee.

Flrn Insurance.

Dont BTek*
e Fooledi
dw fmtaw. aritteB
I tm-jOv toaii

L. L. A. Building.



You’ll Put
The Way
Your Foot Into It-- To a Man’s Heart
Into a good thing—if you
buy your shoes now—got some
shoes that are “A, No. 1" best
makes, made this year, but—
season's change, and we’d like
to change some of our summer
footwear for some of your
See the change in these
Ladies’ tan lace shoes—
Gray Bros.' make: ^ine hand
turned, coin toes, regular $4
grade-while these last they
go for $2.00.
Ladies' tan lace shoes,
vesting top, .^oin toes, regular
53.00 shoe for only $1.98.
Ladies' tan lace shoe, reg­
ular $2.00 grade to be c!o%d
out sor S1.4S.
A fewpairs of ladies' Si .50
tan lace shoes, for just $t.oo.
Ladies' Oxfords—Broken
lines, in either black or tan. at
75c and $1.00 the pair.
Misses’ and children's tan
shoes at prices that will move
them quick.
It has been fully demon­
strated many times that when­
ever wd make a statement ot
quote prices our customers
rely upon it. We therefore
say these prices are as great
bargains for strictly first class
goods as have been offered
this season.

Is through his stomach—
Then' have the food cooked
properly. To do this you need
a Gasoline Stove. They are
economical in fuel and labor
Savers in work. \Ve are sell­
ing the Jewel and the Dangle^
—We have instock the differ­
ent sizes that sell from $io.od~
to S27.00. I Miss Cornelius
us^ one of our Dangler stov­
es in her cooking, achool.
That one thing has sold it for
us. We delivered it last
You can light these stoves
in thirty minutes. You can
get that rich, brown color to
your baked meats and poultry
hard in the, regular
When the lady of the
house "queen's it” in. her own
kitchen, she certainly should
be saved from unnecessary
drudgery, for her moments
are golden. If you have hired
help, the best in the kitchen is
none too good. They will do
better and quicker work for
you. There are so many im­
portant points in these stoves
that they should be seen to be fully appreciated. We will
gladly "talk it over” with you
at any time. The sooner you
see them the sooner you buy.

The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company.


Tm liakis^G RECORD. tSisday. AncDsf 7.1900
wWhl'aWlwtttMtorteeaM M
Tto MkOM Looteo aad BMtto dMUr
haaa ffMa M PoMto^f artom ttor «m
tato a tote thnaBk tto iMMad MB

i oonommmo unra


Ms. J. W. Ttoato to «idlo BL
lalaad aoMt to 9>
«t Mn. MO7 fgte^attodto te *telt borhtotor. Mn.

Thi lOm* tt ■Mtfim h «iMi


. nMMifftflrwMMt •ntey. h«|>U taff«Mtar to ftatf k« «r mm «1m
p iMnytotoMhiiiwj«ftt»»

AtOBU«MM.Ms. Lmtf. • »d.
k*MB yaov 1*47. white aaiMtlir •
wtei— mtoli. Ii
rlfbttecAhoMtoalBM. AatedjMt
IMWtolW • toMWWW MftiMl
1.7. If.
hMttaowB ni MOM fopater ipiiuy
WBMifckQlidaCM murn
M>iawpat». Md tMf tor totoiC
tftoti te a tarifht, •toridii* twwtMp
YtoodaniBoMMBlt. m4 to Mtttlto
“IMdp't lurch."
It WM 10 JMTS CfO FrtUp, AvfMt
•, ttot tto Arto ftoto wwn itocInA at
tto AdialvUdMtrtol Hama, oaa at 4
o’clock iB tto atloMooa asd aoottor at
a. fto latt «
oalvad at tto laaUtoU^waa i.tto.
Ttora art at praaaet lifi lasataa, aad
darlactto-ltpaarathc^Mhaa toes
la ofcraUoa l.m flrla toc« |Med
throat It. tto fnat maj^tp o( then
to lead a ebaafftonua aad to tocoma rc>
apaetad bp all who know thorn. to IR wUl ha
kaowa>» cxearaioa wak at tto Mlehlfan A^lealtoial eoUtfa, wbaa the
lailrcadt wUl ffItoaffaaacaUT radaead
ntoa. All tha Tartoaa baUdioffc wlU
to epaa aad
to chow tha naap potato of tatarcal.
Tto 8 jmt old aon of China Himtlaj,
of Bafflay. cUnbad «poa a chair aad
towhod a bottle of ffaloaailaai. which
WM kept oo tto copboard for fanlly
■M. awallowto aboat a tCMpoeafal,
AaUtUaWtaale. tha 1 year
daoffhtor of Mr. aad If rt. Joto Wlarao■a of HaakaffCB.-WM aiaadlaff oo.^^
ofttofaaca. horaaat aaoie to UftW
down, aad both UU la each a way m.
10 caaaa a bMry ffata to faU <m tha^
hacakiaff one of tha rlrlb laffa
Tto whMt crop la HUladala eoaaty
to a dead laUaro oa aaeoaat of tto rar.
aftoot ttoiHaaaiaa fly laat fall, fol. lowad by; ttaUrerabla wMtber. It to
deabtfal if wheat flalda la that eoaaty
wOI aaaraffa (flat boaheU to tto aera.
•OM tfaraahlaffa are wane thaa that.

Mn.T.B.JoMaaadMMSr. P
of Maatotoa. ara atolttaff Mn. i. T.
Malatoab if BUM otoaot.
Mn. wm Btaar af Oak Path. m. to
aWtUff tor parMto. Mr. aad Mn. D.

°‘rVliiyMA oaa af tto mIwm “la
J. W. HBUMb dry ffooda atera laA
taalBlftodarBow Tork. to pardhan
fOtoa. B* arM aoMiBpaalad by Mr.
HQUhaabaoaaanaa. who wlU aaatot
to aaklaff tto ponbam aad opoad a
aroto aaelaff tto alffkto of Oolhan.
Mn. O. 8. Barrtoea aad aoa toao raDvodfron a tbrM wMkh tolp to
hartOToU. Ptocakiy aad other aorU>

FOR $25,000 BONDS
I boy. a tblnffttot
they ttomaalaoa do not know aa yet.
BeadaoeatadoaoUadof beUarUtto
only oaa that It aroald boat all proper
to boy.
City Bnfftneer Wataea took a abot at
Ue board of
eaoae they had not ooaaaltedhim la
aome mattcra la which ho tbooffbt that
bla adrica tboald tore bean Maffht, it
he to to to the rlty oaffiaoer. Baaaaored thp eonacll that be would to the
cBfflnaer of the water werka
wooldnot, aad he did act care which.
Ha declared that to propaaad to be rcc
ogatoad.aatbaaefflBeer or to did not
want to be eoualted on nay <|BcaUoa
rolaUfaff to the water worka plMt
aot daaire to ‘'atir np tto aalBaala”, bat
that to-the beat of hto kaowladffe and
belief ttooltyanfflmor to Beta
bbrot the board of
era. bat that aaaa ofBev of Ua tfty it
tohUdatyt«.fBratoh the elty ofielato
adriee whiaeeor it to aeadod. Be da-'
eland that the work of tto eoMtoaloaen had been balked loaf' anooffh.
They bhd nada raporta aad they bad
been tabled or piffaoD-boled. orrafanod
to aa ordlnuea oennlttaa that!
aete, or aeat baek to Ue eonatoi
Me deelaiod that thto ‘noonataada
lor the porehaae of' thp boiler thoold

oalBibeJndffBeBi of tbeBambera of tbo MBBlaaloo, aad deelarad
that the parohaN of the boiler aboald
Trted to XUl tto Kaa who Ftoaeloaed act be daltyod a aioffla day. m la hit
jedtrseat tha boUan now la om ara
the Mortffage on Bio Fbca.
■ala for a aMaata. Tto pare:
apacW W n* KoraiM RMOtC.
Chardea. tOhlo. Aaff. e-Frodarlck of the toller wn finally eaaaiaioatly
— •
OBBaart, an offod QcrMB farmar, Bade
Tto oomintoaloa atoo reported la farada^arau attenpt to^ B. B. Boataptak. aa atloracy of thto eity. thia af- or of tto toylaff of a 16 iaeh water main
ooProntetnat from Haloa to Park,
and ato Inch main Inn Front to
aBortffaffo 00 Uaaaartb farm. Tto
BIffha OB Boardmaa anaaa. from
lattor baltoaad to wm aet Uirlj traatWeUtoffta to Bon on BiffbU aad
ad. Today bo com to Boatwtok'a ofaorU to tto Oak PaU aehool hoaat.
llpaaad flrod ihrM aheta at his. 00a
half a Mock farther wMt Uan at
taklBffe«MV OaaaarttolaJaU. B<mV
preeeat laid on BlaU itnai, two bloeka
artok'a coadlUoa to aaetoaa
farOarwoetoa TanU atrMt, aad oo
UaloB Btnot toaa to Feartaana
J. W. natar to la BUr Baplda ca
Tbto lad to a looff dtoeaaaloa that
' haataoM.
lead prladpaliy aowton lee a Icoff
Idra. W. W. BlAaoadbMffoaooaa tlaa. It waa p^tod oat that Uan
Ttolt to Perttaad. Haiaa
waa not enoaffh moaey ia tto treaaary
Nn.A.L. Bactoat to
or to aiffbt to make more Uan tto
IBh BIbal BcahwaU of EatoMaao.
«nt of Une axtaatloaa, aad what to
Mtoa Aaaa Wato of CbarUrfili, epaat towiauaoaanwaaapDulcr. AidBaad^wlth her paraata. Mr. aad eroiaB Slader wanted to iaeladeaUof.
Mre. F.J. Goffar.
8<ma bpruea atVeei la Ue report, bat
rraak Parka of Pateakay. apent flaa
ato propoaitloa waa rated down.
day la the city.
I Aldermen Oarrtooo and Wrlfbt took
Mr. and Mn-.B. B. Wbtu aaiartaln- eeeaaleo to uke a abet at tto eoobell
ad Dr. MarcaratM.EaUaffffof Potoatoy. for aot aopplytoff tto fifU ward. Aidflatarday aad dooday.
erman Garrtooa atoo waned eloqncai,
A. bcanau and wUa. who toro bOM deela^hff Uat It waa Ua tot of Amyatolttaff their aon. L. M. BcaaoU, bare Mt. aad aat the eoaaeli had not
ffoaatottoopprrpcaloaalafora trip taraod lu band aor done a aiaff to­
btforc rataraleff to ttolr bOBO
ward aa enteaoloa of the ayatam, to
Mothara Mlchiffaa.
r^kieb they wen pledffod.
tera- * w. A.
MarrlB. aad bar
Alderman Moore mered Oat Ue'
luma be ooMldered ooe at a Maw.
lera trip la toathern Mlchiffaa.
Thto met wiU Carer, aad It waa rotodMn. touCole'ecjeyeda TUltSaaday to hare Ua pipe laid wiaoot delay on:
iron her brother aad hUwlta. .Mr. aod Freatatnok Then aU tto ether itena;
If ta. C B. Lorrjoy of Biff Baplda.
wwe eoBBlderod la a baaeh. aad it waa
Mra. Barrtoon of. Milwaaker. tortoll- deeidod that Uey won to to atUaded
lAff Mn. Dcapnt and tnmUy...
to aa aooB ai Ua^ eeanell pro* hied Ue
Mr. aad Mra C. W. Detun aad aoa meaay.
Ml Chlcaffo, are etotUaf Irieada ia the
Tha amey qaaatioo tolaff ate
breaffht sp, AUtormaa Moon m
WOaea Cole waa .called to Wtehloff. that tto city attorney to iaatrmeted to
. tea. B. J.. flaaday on aeeeaat of the drawaa ordlBaeea.praridlaff for the
«Mth of hto father.
BBtoBlttaan to tto roton of a propeal'
Mn. BUa Chan of Mayiald, to wkit- thm to bond the dtp for teS.OOOUr Op
iBf la tto city.
utoaaloa aad imprarameat of
Mra. r. i. LiUle and daaebter hpea wator worka ayatom aad tto mottoa
ffotaraed from a etoit ta tto boo.
was earried.anaatoMtely.
' Mn. Prod (Mtlia aad daoffhtar fron
The mattor of Ue rot^ of Oo
Pitot,-mceonpoalod by Mtoa IabtIm ewtifiod ebeek for WM. depoaltte by
Lackbartef Pert Haroa, We Tialtlaff Swnaffood A Mayer, cone B^ aad
Mn. wm Abbott of Sanaa atraab
thooffh they toted to do It, H ana nua
Mn. A. WaUnr aad dai«bter Va
by tto eoBocQ Oat tto bamte to nif teaai I >. Oat., an eWMaff Mn.
■■ Kn^ broMht wp ^
T. i.Bnl
I aad tenOy ban
»bby. tto waanmly rabWah ta
foa* to Booktoad, Mteb.. for a etoit Croat of tto Tnnneatylna WerkA
Be wanted tto cttyauorMy to fo at
Mn. Z. B. Bnn to Mtert
oooa aad tali them n nmon tea

. CT.

wiritol Uwyarof M&waakn.
Mn. Bd. Btwtaa aad Olid an eteltl^atMaatotaa.
Mtoa Oran Paoto bM mo IM a t«n

BMUynfimdtn Oe oaamittae «a
MTOtesaod wtekn, wrlo-dineUMi a
tteortte Oo MBt Mottaff. Diiteff
Ike AteMwiea of Oa fMMkm. a liroly

Boaai. ta.white

MaatlHWmto Mate ia Qro^
Apnpoatttao tosnat 8. ASdv »
nhateedSt.»oa«to«oiWaff tkte to
hoayntpattaoa Soata Datea ol
nBai oatooM wm dtowlem.
teM SMteBt propoted M
pmltttef tea
te Meyota m
tto illiwilh o< Wote fNst oMot,
wtonteoatnothaa haeanate abaw
laWy i^oadWo to hUyatea, aad alnoMaote oarrl^n. AiuraaoM ttroiy dka—tea te Oo otejoot. Ofty AtlonoylteteawneaUoi Bpoa,aaddo' te Oat whan tto nadia
thte, tto rid* hn A portaet riffhk to |o
■pea tto walks, ato that no proaaoa
tloaawoald Mlow: AldonnB Baal­
im wiadnwUi notioa te anoad
DtelaaBoa, aad,*a mottea by Aidernaa Ksayda war-paaaad. pcerUtaff
that all atnote that hare boon. lora mp
topat taffoed oaaditkm aioaoa
wbaalt had carrtaffea
A leaff ordlaaaoe oo tto eaaatnc
reomeatwaUn 1a tto ally ppaaffirea
itt flrte raadtaff.aadnCamd la tto


ban. Jntwto tto aimtaao wffl to M
ipeanatamattarof OM^Mten.
tto aaadldaf an Bam. W. B.
feanrofthM tlte. aad A. B. Phlnar
■ “

For man,
youth’s or ohildrsn-ai
1-4 to 1-a
regulsr vsluas.
AU on our front countsrs.


havt ter tto aomtaatiea.
Mr.PanMraiidrte te Park Plan tate
doff, ■nuimpialii by tto Falbnto
CUaa. Dr. B. D. Baheete aad D.
Cdoaha. M. C M«r^ ateo mam
tecoff ta tto tataroMi of Mr Ptemw.
^^4lio08BTBIiT ABD BBT^~


Boa wm luko Bpwekao te Uber Day
Pioala taOLteaffo.

pMBi wihe Mantn awen
Cbleairo. Aaff. »-It waa doeldte to­
day Oat Oonraer Booaaralt ahoted
apeak at tto labor teoak ta Ola oMy oa
Laborday. Btyaa wm apeak tto nan
day from tto aamo ptattorya- Whita
ttooeeaaiooia adeertlted oa atrletly
BOB-partinD Uare ta a ffcaeral fealtaff
A propoaitloa of Aldormaa Moon to Oat wia thaaa two amiaoat psQtlcal
preeeat it wUl be hard to
proTida aeatt ta Ue eonnea rooau for
tto water cemmiaaioaanaad Ue board cot politics Cron their apeifhfa
of pnblle workB, that Uey miffht tore
to atiaad Ua moeUiiffa
We. tto I
waa approred a
elork and mpyor wen aBaori;
make the porehaae.
eolA We
also ffaaraatee a a
The report of Ue bohrd of pobMe or
bottle to prota aattafaetary or d
rorka. callad for tl.466 tS: tea water refunded. 8. K. Walt. Barbee A
ammlaaioaen,; aad tto eorait- bntff. James G. Jobn«M. F. C.
' Thomptoe oa dalmt and aeooaau. Sl.TtT.oo.
ordered impror.
ed from Bayatreetto Elmwoodareaoe.
A larffa aomtor of ceBtent walka
Al'G. tod
are ordend in dITereat parta of Ue
O. B. A 1. dty and parmiaaion waafflraa for Ue
Good to retani nnUl Any. I3a. Call
ereetlon of«
at offin or phone 12-9 Haff* for parUcatan.
c B. Marray, Apt.
Taaterday’a Ban BaU eaawa.
VAT10541. LKAOm
Chtoaffo......... ...........................
t 1
t It s
Why do yoa aot take It? If yoe wl
erne to Lelpad yoo wiU find that
9 0
wm meat aa qnlnmeaU of a d
Beantlfnlly locatePhUUppt aad Baltc; Dl^
ahloff a
aUeff ae bast la Northa Mieb.

For dress
or eve^ day wear.
$1JS6, $1.60, $e.S0 tor aooda
worth up to $4.0a
These are fiut being reduced
in numbers.
Don’t be the last to call.


Ghild’s Crash Suits,
Men’s Crash Goats, Vests
or Pants, Straw Hats
All put into tha';
special sale to clean up
entire stock at
26 per cent, off reguluprices.

Ineeda Rest”

-nne^dA BmC" Oott««s

Hamilton Clottiing Co.


t 16
Cbaaebro and ODoBMr: Donabae
and Docfftass.'
' If yon hare a dwelHoff. •lock, store.
8k Lenta............................... . T IS 0 barn, or any other property Intnrable.
New York..............................
0 4 « ktadly remember I want to writ* Ue
Powell and Cbtffer: Bawtey 1
At ffreatly reduced prle«
talyae moat reliable stock InsnraMKBica/ k
A lot oT penr ra- lamp.... ! A lotot pocket drtaklaarupe...
aaee companies rc._________
Bates very low.
I { A lot of blcjcle ^

Special Sale of Bicycle Sundries

E. w. Hastings

a aad Poweras Baattaffa and

Phone 79.
Bata at Miaaaapolta.

Johnson Block
A lot of pedals and handle bars-ffood on«-eheap.
Poor good Becon<t band ladiae' bicycles, 110.00 each.


It Helped Win BatUea '
Tinaty-alas oflleare and men wnt
from ae front to say that for eeratcBcs.
brataea. cata. wounds,' non feet aad
aUff jolata. Backlia*a Arnica 8alv ta
aa bast ta the world, aameforbnraa,
alda eraptioBa aad plica 2Se a box.
Can ffaanawed. bold by 8. E. Wait
aad Jaa G. Jehaaea. drnfffftata
•Two Merry Tram ps."Wood A Ward'i
epleadld comedy, .ta proaoaoeed by
ereryMie to be Ue most refioeo and
abeolnuly pare comedy on tto read
ais aeaaon. not one sDffKeetlee word,
aeiien or ee«De beloff introdoced In the
entln performance.

John R. Santo, At LEDERLE'S, 118 Union St., Near Front.
Gentil lisiraice.


Wortbnrr Blote


Clothes CleBnjne aDd
Pressing Estiblishmenl g
Ko. 4M rreei acw*(.

For Cooking or Furnace Purposes
in aU il-e-.

0—MOK t« TrsYAPM Otty Lunber Oe

The Up-To-Date Photogra^er

u„e 5) photograph Buttdis. Eniarging of 111 Kinds.

You can see that
we! are alwjays looking after'
your interests.
Note what we offer you

'^ovx m\V TvevieT
ipvece 0^ S'vVVi
& VvUU bvY 0’
Wvaxv wo\D.
All tbe fancy Taffeta Sillu io tbe atore that were $1.00
and $1.25, now ........ .......................................................69o
They are going tut—CMie quick.
Fanct Silka that were $1 JO. $1.75 and $2.00->while tbdy
Itet, at..............................................................................900
Think of it, 9Sc~better take a look at them.
FGuUrd SUkB—To eloae out wbat’a left............36,4B, 680

In view of the fact that the riae is price of coffees baa
made it Deceaaary for aa to rsiae pricea alao, aod readiring
that aome of our cuatomere would not be willing to pay
tbe adrmaced price, we hare added to our liae. these grades
aod to this trade we esn recommend them.


New PboDS 149.

Up-t».dat« Oncer.
Old Phone 350.


laaplwalthobyXt^ lfca «
f m »
' ttoaMrU^iflMr ^ iMi a
---------------------- ------------------ fli ika ■dgawaod. wbara^lhV M • ««•
aateatharaathoaaraban sat A
IhabosakMtoa fftowato BIgglaa. as
twUra thay aisaiad tha
j tTir*lT*r

tp s

rtka dMial Mat
to to ^atta aviala that
■iii>Bi Tialwtrt. tha gaa»to aM
Vtohaaaav.aai that Hat a|
4Mtodarh«Ulaa mmutr tA ...
iha to aaa Qi to laava thaaaaOa at
fMadrtotahoC B«r Haahaf. tor har
. «BaiOM7 n»ar aWl la BafW.
iatha Bacltok Chaaaal ttatta h
te»iat«raalaa taf a gala ^ tha
^NtokaoMttoatnva with wiaaha af
«Halanaada)aMara salk Tha nalu faahtOomtrwMaaak te aaUtol»a*«lih a ataaa tahlachaat off Baia^
^ta. A ataaai yaaht, htilavoA ao ba
4ha rator Qaaaa waa aaak aff LagwalL
4koaaba«abaaBacaah daugad. tal4gtaah wtraa la Otaat Brttala aad Otar
Aalt tha eaatiaaBt ay parity Aowa.
Q. p. Way asd tfaaa aad It oi
AMrioaaa. Mcoi^ialif by Mr. da U
Jtaa, aa K^ltofaripa. ellabad tha Om
•dbaaae la tb# Bagadlaa. Boitaartaad.
.VfMay. Wbae tit tha aaBalt Mr.
WaytaUerac a praelptoa Tba rapa
lag bis to hto MB braka aad
«ha Oro wara kUlad. Mr. da la Baa
aatamod with graat dlfflealty. Tba
Tba MaUoaal XtaUaa Baclellaa ot
Mnwklym, oompoaad ot tapraaaataUrM
oMS btaneb MelaUaa. Bald a i

----------- --------------------

•nsTtsHial tt---*"*
Tha aaxt saattag wUl ba halA at tha
SMotms'FUa Boaaar. oa Tba*

Bali^ at tta Oaatori 9A
aad Good Xataraat
ThaaasaalaMiOBof tha taad
IxaUtata tertbtoeoaaty opaaad at tha
Oaatrat aahool yaatarW. Prat I. O.
aObortadBidohaato eoadaotlag tha
by P. A. OowglU of
I^aaar aad Mbs Mary Batbay of tha
T^iUaU Marsal.
Tha laatltew prestos to ba a tory
aad tha toUowlag
la hata airs
Daila Arahar. AUea Arebar. La^
Brawn. Maria BroHh. Byrda Booa.
B«a>t..BMBatt,JaaBUCartia. Lyrab
CfeoakUU, Fraaes Oaffray, Maysa
BUaabatb Braaa,
M '
Gram Ity Krataw. OUta Oraaao
Igrdla Eoaalg, Asy Dagdoa. Vlaato
Boett, Mand Mueay, Mattto Millar,
EitUe Kaodhas. LeeUa O'Haal. Agas
SaUlvaa. Moaa Sblalda, BstUa Voglaaoag. Lisle Oldt-Tylar. Ua Ooertada.
Olaytoa J. Parry. Otto MlUs. Irtrla
Maaeay. City: LIult Dau. Oaakama:
Flora Kolgbk Hodga: Mattla Uar
wertbr. Mary Wood. A. B. Bpaar.
Bdiib Moody. bossU City; Lale Jobaaon. Haplatoe: Eibal Seotk Frankfort;
AUoo Boyd, Mary Boyd, WilUasaberfi
Anna Fellard. Barks Oraak: Ida Tby
lor. Klageloy: Bra Thaeks, Taka;
LaUaWerdra, Bardie Worden. Nabal;
Uey«rG. Eaet. Meal; LUUaa-Dana,
Bos bwaaay. Unto Wain. Old Miaelon.
____________ -

dba goraMSOOt ofislaU to aalto U
•aso plaa tor aappraslag anrcby,
.sad alodglag ihoaMlrot to cooparaM
da tbU ooaairy la larraUaf oat, ar<
■oallag aad taatralalef aaarebtoia
Oaool tba boUata oa tha Bpaalab
sratoar lataau laabol. gara way at
MaaBabaatla Friday, aad aaaaplag
■laa«aeaUadttaaUac«.oaa^( whom
4lad. BIX othan ara avioaaly berk
At Baraatoa, Pa., by aa axyloaloa of
gu, two balldlaCB oa Isekawi
afaoBe. la tba baart of tba baalaeaa
Atotrtok wara aesplataly daiaoU
aad It pwaaaa wara laiaiod by baiag Frot Ssat Bwlgne Uadenklp ei
aaagbt la tba arraak^ or atniak by Orsoeat Wojt la Faroe of a Formtr
Vasbtf ki Baaryb Graat Baad.
Isti aigbt Prof, a B. Bsat raalgaad
tka leadarabtp of the Craaoant baad la
fator of Mr. OhsUa A. Bhalohs. who
Bad aad Obb Olab I
waaoMOftba proslarat sasbcr
taparbtlaaa for Shootiag tparaaBl Baary'a tesoaa •lO.OW baad te
tbiaa ■sent Mr. Skalebor ton talaaat to ba BaU Thartdai.
a of tba TtiTame Otty oalad saaielaB aad aalaatrmetor
«od aad Oaa aab ara maklag 4Uboc- aUkiadaof baadlaetmaato aad
I saay yaara.
atoapraparatloaafor tha Wf akoottag loUowad tba. |
Ba bae'fioBO s tbto eliy te rslda partoparaasiat to taka plaoa oa Tkenday.
Adafgaawbarofaxpartaara axpaet* Banaatly aad wlU bo a daSrabla adaiaad tbara wIU ba saay aplrttod eea- ditloa to local saeleal etoolaa
awto for iBdlrldaal prliw aad for tha atoo aa Boeospltobed taaoralags aad
fcaadiome Cbarltfolx abaUaaco rap. waa oao of tha leadiag roeaitoto of Bi
Tba pragras tor tbo tooibameol to aa Hoaryb eespaay. Be wUI gtre the
iberaef tbe baad ladirldaal laffolbwa:
atraetlea aad derou saeh of bto atSptloa to tbair baaefit. ProL Berat
-r-QBaesaaelBg at I e*eloek.
bae had ebargeof tba baad lesa time
«B?aat l-Taa-blrd awaap
aad baa dona rase hard wo^ia bringbraaoataa,tl.
Bvaal l-Flftaaa-Urd at
hare attalaad. Be WaatarUy with­
•atraaea taa. gl-M.
drew la fars of Mr. Skatobs aad will
deroto bto aatire attaatioa to hto rlelln
papUa nail ocobstra work.
g at t o'eloek.
Braat i-FtfiMB-blrd awaepatakc:
•Btraaee far. li-io.
I Proparlag for a Flac
BTeBti-Teasaboet fs Obaiteralx
Trophy eap raload at gst; twraty-ftra
ts tba Vlrglala Spy, to
Mine Bo^ ps saa.
be glrea on the lib la Stainberg’e
Braat I—Ten-bird awoapatake: anGraad aads tbe aae^ of the For
graoee fae. tl.
Brent 4-Tea-blfti awaapatal^ at- eaten, sa ptogreslng finely end the
y amagesaaS prostoa
draaee fra. fifine ptceaatotloB of that atlrrlng draThe anb will aleo off« ae prits to
sa. Tbe sesbetb of the Porsten
sack saa abootlsg at SO Urde dariac
and aose flni elan local talent are
Abe day. one large laalber cartridge
taking a great iatcreet la tba prodne. box to ahooter saktag higbst ai
ttoaaad the eaet will coauleeose
Miat fifty bird! ahot at.
One buBilred leader ebalU to lad clerpr aeiora.



Owl^Wthahntlha roeepMoo at
Ihd IsAtoii'UbcMF
^^ '
taata Ibo isiMaMSito >Uk au
sry WM ael eary tegdiy atssJad.
haka SOM oaJafBhto Bill

eprat by tton pranak ‘
sMtoks wara piotsely
with Bowen. awoM pna .
atosr.whladyhanac a hoaqaM k
lalharpias. “ ‘

otoy pa



a»«)eylBCthasaalm thto week at
ftosp “BuTA-woe" oa itoot Bay. la
Jaaaia. Aagla
Oanla and
riaa WUv

Tbara Wfll ba a fiplaadid Pndactiea

hasoC Flfa Lake, aad Maaam. Balph
AaAsooa, aad Harry Baran of Pori
bare bow drawn ap ^teh will
be boaad head and toot for
a good Use aad (nodes trow tha for- hyTo
tha chatoa of dtoaas to t^
fors of alarery. George D. WUUm
of Menebsts. MiM.. aan; "Uj wife
bae been w bclples te fire yean *
Ho Atsspt at a Bold-ap.
aha eonld not tare orer to hed_a
prod Arsy. who ww slApd ap U Afis aelag two hotUn of Bto..
tbe troabto ia wbtoa Oeorga Droel waa Bitton aha to woaderfall isprorad __
Bligbtiy wooadad gatarday night, da- eUe to do hs o«n wsV." Thto
npreoM resedy tor fesale
dars that tbare waa no auespt at a
, selanoboly. beadaeba. latottog
bold-ap, bat that the tmble aroee
ditxyapaUi. It to b godarad to
fres a qaarral la wbtob Ukc aad bto
-_k. ilekly. rea-dowa wopla. Oare
oospanion are eaid to
reanntoed. Only SOe. fti'd hy s. B.
to Ibneh Arary and Greek Arary Walt aad Jae. O. Johaeoa. draggtoto.
ests that ba baeasa aaeoetotad aeeldantlywltb Great aaddes aotelais
UUsaU ratotlOBi. And while
Br. ▼. J. Bkftfih PWmMt* Dosttftsy
a of a bold -ap.
Gaafaes Oaaael be Oared
Tbara to only eae wi» Mcare deafaeae,
tile by eeaedtatlM
Wan iafiasedeonstowoeedbyaa
diUoB of tbe saeow llalag o( the Batwbe. Wbra tbto tabe
« aSasbaing
■ when
tbe rsalk aad
'e taken

Wotidbine Cottage
PiMSMt fluoins. Shady Uwa.

BoKoo.aoto te tha.ladiaa epsa
“Fowbataa.’* are pngrsatog fiaaly.
All tU parte are fiUad, tha eboras aaA
daaean aragatotog prafiaieBey aad a
aptaadidprodaMkwwlUbetba rsalk
Tba dataa are net for Taeaday s>d
Wadasday of next week.

^n. H. U. TIMBLUr

the board that tba dt saa baea aa
aspla npply of water bat owixs
Year blood gos tbioagh year body wAan Mi-rr ax'cTorrcir. Geaatlaaft

Udis. "Tn eafi }ABp cft it toaapla tt
ik rat it WUI oose ap esiltog ere»
ttos.'’0alBa8b Btoatie Floor VarnUb
SB Walk

Talephoae s«

T. F. Hunter.


We wUl giro one baadred dollan for Tjaaait waKTXD-eirVMir a«« ei«» b«_ay eas of deafaaw (eaaaod T
tarrh) that eaanot bo rared by
Oatar^ Onrr. Bond tor drenlan. ftoa.
T. 3. texnT A Co.. Toledo. 0.


Me. to I
t»8w. W

wm bare tbolr bfls la-tba bardwan etoie of W. 3. Hobba hereafter
where aU tboae haring baelase with
the firm can oaU apoa than. MS tf

Tbe Xd^ Tar

the celehratra aaoeialiM. Khrsorlr of hsr rack.

WEDNESDAY, - AUG. 8, 1900.
OMoe Moan from 0 saa to Bp.s. Oaa Any only aaMBoath.


ipot BXirr-«
f d«lpb atrrrt lor n

na tdttlatat





--------lia W . -EMm. ' BMord.


rsr.dS- ts-j
poB sei^x^axcik^a^-itoBM^

IKLWtirraD—For rrarrel botiacrork tor

Hweeatu* O*. Bsk.



£P&,»;5aafwr«::sia..a kssa'!


SIS .K'f

Tba Moet gaoeateai aad SoiwMaeTNatBwtef All Glaraes and WeaktocdMa
of Maafctod Fotebla te Obtato.

epOR BALX~Bosm M>d tot oo htb rirMt. floo
X Tlrrr of ihr bof. tumoo*. clrotnc lirbu
oed trbtor. Bblleoob. bolbOOcOMT Bbrnrou
loqbtrcof Dr.Sowrrr bl eBMOrantlb airMt


____“.»-u.?sa'SS=?.'riSs;f sssst'r.s- .siTasrars

UMi AiJ cnaoKic. KKarots, exm am akooo ohmom «pm iht uian rawiWi pdaS'
plok. ud ceutlM At- to Ik. ftul MeetoMo •* tto oCictod oi.i/rtou..

DB. OTTMAB SSKJI’tsrffiSS;'------

OetTTk. DtoMM. of tto
Eof, Kooc, Tkfoot tod Lab^ I
Mtoo.K>dMy.UMr,BlAAr.OkMOJc FotoOto Md Sozod D
mtoithAikMortor totled to ikosMod. of okpw ihM bd

a to pSetottesSw iSr

nPOBIAVT TO ...OMM-nTOTTOm, .tMT .W. , m—M. to. II...............


DISCUStoKa BAS* ton. I. totoT MM

•OSI sns opa fToomluod


AWn nwTi.r.




I Wiu to bt mt oCe* tor tto parpoM M

^ d klAaey era kteeaor dMatoak.

ooUrrtttoMldiamoemr] vMk 4«r (rM
BO« OBtirXoTrntor tot. IfOD. troo * o'claek
oatil IIA>o'«toek Is lb« (wmoos m4 fros «
D-rtock aotil 4 o'clock ic ih« attoraooo o( ooch
dar. oBd oo Taatoap craBlap •< each raak
treaa To'ctock aoiul.»o'cloek.
AUttoMpaldbcforaerptMtbrrUt. wUl to
rrcolrca *libeat«oUcctioa tcca. bad ob aU

A QroAt DlgooToiy tor Oamom


-Two Mrrry Traspe”
be toabig
farce comedy erent of oar tbeetilaal
'HOO. Manager StelDbvg baa rwtoterrd it to bto
>u <!i
Cate book aa tbe toagb<
lag night ofr IDOO.IQOI.

Huatir f laumbiogh.



MAKE run nistao ox agala. Partlae
who bare not paid water tax era raqaeeted to call at office at oaee and
actUe nsa Brtog year laat reealpt

wiLLUat •reddr««slM-k Iwf in. Tnrrtr* CUj’. UXeh.


Stor wkde

lluiteaBda^^US^siSleaB gal*

ECotel •WhltriTa.g, rrxTb*wex«e CW.'by,

I Botblag bataa


Wtraeoa, On.. Jan. M. i«oo.
Dr. 0. 0. Waras. Dear Sin—1 hare
need rear Oosponad of Serea Oarat.
the great eaneer core and
parifis. wnh exeeUant-malS. ! oo as;
baalSta to rceomsead it tor tbe parpoen te sbSb-U to eaed. tto effaaS
aretoaahst tlsaao saalfnt that it
w—»«» eraawfall to glrc tteI grwtst wk
a. OaoDgaa.

a to I to the aftsaecn aad at ao oths
Use axMi whw apaelai parMt to

Coisalntigi aid Eunmatioi Fni aid Strictly Caifidiitial.

su state Street.

Ughst. and one poweea eleaalag red
. rUfVooi
pL-RXieUD-rroat ni
Aa trd higbst.
Tls ehot off at tad of eboot. Mis Ktr. W. W. Febaaoa PaSad Away to
sad oak
Graad Bapida.
BSl'ahaM.Mwtbm-phMMao. 1.
The Momlag Beeord atoo offeia a
Ear. W. W. Jobesoo. a reUran adMb awnibeaabaerlptkonto tbe Trarers
QEwnao HAOhixn —CbU«4 >
Otyaboots auklag ~tba bnt araraga dtor of tbe eras to the Methodlat
Kortawe Tphrer.l
SbooUagwUl bagW prospUy at» agedss. Bewaaoaeof tbe‘•loaacn
of tbe ebareh to Mieblgaa. barlag as.Mo. w:
Kmhere •
S.S. As
been appolasd to tbe Graad Sirs Uvatoa to gorara la all ereas
Tba olab charge 1 eeat fs targeto to dtoa Mtoeloe to 16SS.
to ebareb aanato ba ia beet rasis«aab erehk Tbto to todadad to aam ton. Three moabye to all areas S^Mthe
M.M aadM ps ooBt of net psae. the Oread Trersee dletriM. wblob ba
K Slfwoa*. Uolbbbo co««r JobB Vortj.
BMarae’a deetoSa wQI be final aads, orgaaltM aad claisad ter hto ebareb.
sU etomsisaeaa.
' (DeBaltedaUara laeklag at tba pmr^SS^pratMor
eoU M A h. i
AlltlMdlrldadaniasotbswIaeBBee-ient writtog.bat tbto Bias bare tahw
winoOe. biMk.Ti
plaeeaboetias}. ^ smtioe of bto
•alanted. Tbto wlU be atrletly aa death wUl doabUas raeall the aariy
Kottoa to Tax Payeta.

wUl ba tor anla oa tba
•ceaade. BatristeroaM araete!«iae
sfts fint ebol to that aroat.
AU ebeotan taken to graaada Craa of

Tearaisatte la caUad to tha rale

K W amifeCBleeWMC


____ ouao a kU <■> rbareod. Cto to) takM i«—uBpa.d on October In. a nuhr -tJ
two aor MOI (or coUoClMa w>ll to d
Odlca le Brrali! bsUdltojoaa L

?yiraU,Bcz 17C

ti I S-C^TSUK inJtXSMS.lOaE.

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