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The Morning Record, December 09, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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: carr, xicn,
■ulot UpTo S O-CIobH Kmtt «
SMvtartM Hay mnd Oas* May
Laava CaMnat
OahMbaa. Dee. B-lbe nttnniy M
EmraU A FmnU. the
Inna, who ta ndar—Mnnao< dntb by eiaetttwa-
Op>orotors on Afleinson. Topeka
A Santa F* Go Out
to BBke OM more efort to behalf od
tbrir eliant. Tbay wlU go before
tto board ad pardoM. Judge KeCBmpbeU
- •
eon ban been teMlly notlAed and
' JMaapproval^ at Hay-f*aunoafota Treaty by Senate
Mllaa Sarloualy Impadad
-it to rWM Thto tW TreMto wm
WMblagtoe. Dm. 8—Than am ranon M UapMdlaf cabtMt nteegw.
eocwtlbnudiBc tha larliatioe of
PraokiMt MoKlatoy to. all tho i
ban of hu oOelal faailT to mala
eitb bln aftar Banh 4. Saontartoa
Bay aad Oa(a an botb gattiai
■Mao OTBT what tbay call a aota
yranlac look of ootinflaan la tbalr
eS^ teooBiaMedatioea Hay la
Mid to ban eetlflod the pnal<leal
that ba coaocl eoetlaea la tba tabtaat
if the aaoato ra>et« or anaodi the
Bay-Poaaoafeta tnaly. Bar a^fOatad the traaty, aetliiff akoe for tba
Uaitad Statn goraniaitat, aod ba
eoeildan tba objeetloea to it la the
aeeala at a raflaotioa opoo bU oOeial
oot at teoretaiy of ttata.. He woold
eoeoldor a rafiuBl to raUfy tba traaty
or aa amaodiaeot In a way to aalllfy
Mb aaotrallty claaw at oppoalte of a
vote of ooofldaaoa la tba adminU
baoaate it oooiaa froat RapabUoas
laadwa in the aaimta. '
ou defaodor of tba new traaty U
KotKao, who U a Danootat. Prya
aod Lod«a. indiac Bapablican
ban of the foreign ralatloBt oo
laa, am oppooed to the treaty. Them
la ao probability that It trill be ntJI wttboot bring ftni
niMnmd iu beat
n to Indaoe tbe i
The pterideet doee not want tbe
•eeretary of ante to qalt tbe oabinet.
bet Hay baa eat ooBaantad to remain
aflM the treaty ia'mleoaed. He. baa
tlw BnglUh 1«M of the want of oonfl. deaoe making neeeaaaiy a efaaiw of
adBlniatntioo ao far at it nlatea to
oabtnetolDoen In their fartionlar departBeota. Kepoblloan aenaton hare
no patieaoe Willi Hay'a poaltioo for
the reaeoD that the aenate la a
at tbe treaty making power aod baa
the aama right and duty In ntlfyiog
tmatieeaatbe atate deinriz
In aagatlatlag them. Tbe
tbe alalo departmmit bat an followlog tlwlr own enw of daty aa to
wbat tbe treaty aboald be befon U it
Serretary Onge
age baa no leaaon tofta
OMtitlTe now,% for daring the l^t
- foar yean fewr if any
aay of hU no^o eongreee hare bden
followed. Hot It la nld 1b adminbtntton olrelea that Qt«e will be inoUaed to follow tbe example of Hay
If ooBgreoi followi. the waya and
I aad nmkaa larce
a In then
- Kent w'eek«MlaS B Ae Momlaa
WaablngtoB.Deo.8 -John W. Yerfcea
of Kentn^y. will be noBod OomBiaaloMref Intonml Bernaae next
week- Preeidenl BoKioley tendered
tiw appointment Ant to JqM^_ Han
tar at Kalse. Hanter would not ohieot to tbe appoiBtBMt if be e
poetpooe bU. atoeptaaoe until after
the eeeeion of tbe Maine leciaUtare.
rm-GitT WITH Kinvn
K of ■ IttwmhM Brawl 0*«r
Tru«tnd Employ* of Omnd
fUpldg Fourth Nattonml
■oMai M A. Heralar «M«.
Otaad Bapida, Dae. 8-G. AUmd
Sebanoh. bead bookkaapar for the
Poarth Hattoeal bank of tbit city,
tbUaflanoaa by BboHff
Oowaea. aad lodged la
yall, Merged wiUi the a
of fonda of tba taaok. a
.488. Tbe eoeijdalBt waa awocn to
.WllUan H. Anderaoe. preaidratt
oflbehaak. Tba arraot waa Bade
In tba bank when Soteraeh
work and be waa iBBodiatol]
Into onatody, being giree the liberty
of tbeyaiU
aa Sefaanch Jt a proeiiiient yttong
Baa in Ibia city. Ha hat been
an aetiTe lodge Ban and haa Bany
to make any
r. aa be haa loat all the
Boney in bad apeenlatlooa. He eayi
that be bad no erimliml Intoat when
be Bnt etarted to ateal. loit that
be ezpeoted to make
a big winning and pay tbe bank
faaek. He haa been in the bank ten
yean He U onder penooal bond to
' tiMt
at II o'olook to poUoe oourl. He
' wand exnatoatlon and waa bound
onr to tbe nperlor oonrt. SnbarMh
WH releoaed upon KOuring ball In
the enm of 08.500, tbe bonda being
algned by dour prominent emaena.
BurglM Handcuffed Him at
Point of Revolver
BiM Tlae
KalkMka - BerrUm
W«at Threeab Tve atoMw aM
Left tbe Ten* fa Hneia.
larry Bberwood, night polloemnn
Calknaka. had aa experienn fMday night tlmt dbea not ordinarily
to a poUoemon onee in a life
time. He waa haodouffed by two
burglan at tbe point of a revolnr,
giren a ohanoe to'-UeatiU" while
tliey weal througfa two atom, after
which they left the town and be
to get oat of tbe maoaotoa aa
beat be oould.
waa on bU beat tlmt night, when
two BM appeared, one a man of mid
dle age. tbe other a younger man. and
at tbe point of a rerolnr they oompelled him to aubmlt to being bandouSed. Then the taorglan went
tbroogfa two eteree. taking wbat enlted Ibelr fancy beet. Mid mde tnoka
out of town.
There la very little olue to tbe .ferpetntwi of the bold Tiolatioo of the
law. Two men atopped at a tarm
< a abort rtlataaoe out e
town about 6 o,oloiA..iB tbe
tog and got eotoe bnakfaat
It if thought that they wen profaaMy
nme men who> handenSed
- - - tbe
Juat^MW mneh wm
from tbe atarea la not known,
but It If known that they aeeired
three rerolren aad a naor.
Tbe men wen beadeS to tbe dinotioo of tola oity. aad (toief of FoUoe
Beanie wua notifled, and la naa
the lookout for tbe offendara.
i Oorml. 111.. Dee. 8-One dead, an
other dying and three mm eerionaly
wooBded. li tbe renlt of a fl|H>t with
knlrea in Beat CbiBl. Jamaa Ctoae
-and Ton aad Jim Ofoaa. while Intosleated, attaokrd John and Frank Lo- 8800.000 y
la tke milaiii Pan at
Wn aad fought antil Tom Oroaa
the t-tlr.
kUled and Oram fataly woonded. anew to A> ■erulaa BmoA
Tbe Dobent am ImpriMned. A quar
Oanton, Ohio. Dec. 8-Tbe Satoon
rel OTVT a wotaan eaaoed tbe flgfat.
bloek. one of the largeat building
toe city U burning and U abeady a
total ton. The Onnd Open Bouee
' it U to ImmtoMt to
Otoer property to
alao to danger. The open bouoe
toe fim wua
FUladelpfala. Dm. 8—Four toy
Imt WM ea^Kled without ntrlouk
onaebee for Waahtogton wen wrookod
nltoap. The lorn wm reuoh MBO.OOa
on tbe FhiUdelphla. WUmtogtaa *
Baltimore rallnad at Oraya Feny
CAiniOT BBCKIVX wwrrown
atatlan at S;46 o'olook tola aftoiunoB,
tbe ma$orl(y «d wbw
wen Inland, two perhape mortaUy
Parte. Due. B-It to reported ttol
apeMI to Aw 8Umtaa BMee.
King Tteter Kamnuel at Italy baa
Hew Bedford, Mnoa., Deo. 8-Four
bBBdmd weuven at ton f niliaii
■ntoaw^ mlUa mat tola Mw
MAvotottoMtoalta^ mm
scxdat, x»bcbkbbb
•, X900
FOir&TH TKAB-Na lltl
------- ^AT-------
today. He told them to give
aeeaaed tbe benefit of all doabt. He
mid under tbe todietmeut whtob
Inidawiy. Make your
■eltctioa while the as•ortment u knr- A
fer murder to tba Ant degree down to
the fourth degree at Baaateabter, abe
oould be given aa low a Mtanec ua
fix Bontoa to toe county $aU
high a penalty M death. Theynry to
adU oat at a late hour tonight
-Xbeeny Book store.
To sell their enormous holiday
' stock. CeUI and see us.
SHotr nootitits
Watebts and
^ .
Samuel Aplln and Son Killed
CAIonio, Dee. 8-AU tbe telegraph
opmatonof toe Atoblaaon. Topeka
* Santa Fe miload ayatea went out
> atrlke at 4 o'olocA tbia afterand tnOo of the 7.800 milea of
road extending horn Obloago to tbe
Oulf of Mngleo aad tbe Pnelflc o
•erlouMy Inpeded.
tnina left Ohiongo on aebeduled
time, but ineomlag tratoa were be
hind time, and freight tnina wen
ruaohlng dirlaloa beadOffleiala of toe nilnad oompany
eatlmate that fifty per cent of tbe teliben OB tbe ayatem. or about 800,
mt. Tbe opanton aeeert that
ninety per eent, or nearly 1,100. quit
work when tbe atrike moaoage
toabed over tbe wireo. Thto atrike to
called to eympatoy with the oprraton,
•ering 1». on toe Onlf bnneli of
toe Santa Fe ayatem. which liave been
OB Birlke etooe Thuraitey. Tbe railroad^people aoaert that the openton’
.iMtion. known aa toe Order of
Ballroad Telegiusdien. Iiaa broken
ng oootnoto with toe Santa Fe
^ctem and that none of toe etriken
will be re-employed.
• Aa aoonaa the telegrapben'went
out today the railroad ofitolato ant
out an order laying off 8B per ornt of
toe foroee employed to tbe ear oliopa
along toe, eyatem. Tbeee men will
be without work oo long aa the rail
road oompuny auffera throogh the
atrike of the tel^njdtera.
J. M. Barr of toe Santa Fe ayatem,
wbo baa eharge of tbe operad^ delent, mid tonight be wua teat
filling toe placM of toe atriken and
that be nndelpated no dUBcnlty in
fiaing all tbe poeldaaa before TumdBy. 'He declared that the imib^ad
company would not trMt - with <toe
atrlkera looking towurda a aettlement
of toe atrike. The atxiken on toe
otlier hand, my die eagineera, fire
men and condnototi on tbe line
would go out on a aympatoedo
atrike If called npon to do eo. Thia
will mean toe tearing np of all toe
tratto on the Santa Fe ayatem.
Ballroad oBelala daay any probabil
ity of other employM Jototog the
tanka of tlw atrlkera.
Louis Campbell for S140
I I-ammlWia ramMuMbe -Aae
la JaH.
ttpWel to A» Morulu Beeurd.
Oteenrllle, Mlcb.. Dee. 8-8amnel
Aplln and hia aon. C. W. ApUn, are ^
both to toe county )aH tat the mur
der of Lonif Cbmpbell four montha
ago. and have eoafeoaed tbalr guilt.
They bought Oampbell’a peraoaal
property for |140 aad toon went to
the honae where be lived alone, kill
ed btos and r««a^ tbe money. Tbe
body waa taken to n bam and oovered
with lime and debrie.'
Muy be fonod at the j
\ n. m\.
FMWrir-a Kew Bum DoiMr.
Will Fetterly haa bolU a eemmodioua new boot bouae on the bay j
•bore oppoalte 8. C. Darrow'a atore, i
The atrueturv la 80x80 feet to dlmen- ’
alooa and well equipped for the build
ing of boata Hr. Fetterly hai plenty ,
a while envelope full
Blua Point Tlea
all ahatme
a la Parla
store Opea Eveolnfs Until Cbrlslmas.
Be Wise
good I
itFincli't. Iiri-lfi
llriuga oot the oompoeer'a
gruiKlestconoepUoDB when be performa on tbe Kimball Piano.
We sell tbe best Bosical iastromenU. of all kinds, and can
help yon to bare beet mntic.
o.miiiijiii (0.
I 20 Front Streeu
N. E. 8TRONO, Managur.
Jlrt You Zip to tb*
Ityoa winh to be k, tbe Tele
phone u indtepenaible.
No ohe can be up tu tbe work,
in thia age, withont tbia twentieth
ntory adjnnct.
Now U the time to get into comdsnnication.
Not in two bonn—Not tomor,w. butOgmedlately.
The other fellow often geto the
order yon might hare had. becanne
be bo8 a Telephone in hit place
SpWaltuAwMiwBlMBMMd. _
of bnainoM.
Imndon. Dec. 8—Tfanre la not the
Ask tbe local managem.
aUgfatrat aign of public latereat to
Bngland to toe pmdtog Hay-Paunoefoto tzMty. The preaa, with one or
two exeeptioaa. givea little ^noe to
and toe talk of
toe danger of offending England to
toe point of war if tbe United Smtea
We have aa oanal a fine $
fortifying the canal doM
line at reasonable pricM - |
nfit ooaae even on atom of
from each makers aa I olgate, |
tola aide of tbe Atlantic,
Lnodb)rg, Eastman, etc. — V
nie only public alluaion here la the
Imder in toe Timee tbrowing cold
Erery bottle goaninteeil to »
toe whole acheme of the
be good. Paocy boxes aod S
canal. Pirii^ toe truer inteipretabottles. It will pey yon to h
tlen would be toot it U tounded to
boyyoor Cbriatmas perfiim- a
pruimn the public for u full cenoMolon to America when tbe l*oper
moment urrlvea.
Wfebfg*tt Ceiep^ut Co.
C/me to tbiak
about «
JyoMa^ to
Hew Stock...
Lattsi novelties
niakt Your « «
StIecHouM Dow
Bamum & Earl,
Kt-ver wens au :h prices offered on upHo-dato n
dinndiae. We're detewuiued to clone thia yenr’a bnnioesi
with u aauce«fal month. We're after yonr holidsy wuntA
Tlie low prices w8 offer on mercbumlite were never st* ‘
tempted in tbiirtcinity before. With no
grace, we
pal the knife to profit, cutting cost to tho <|uick
Ckime early.
itii mm
No more—no leaa
The Pingree
l-adies* Shoe
Yoa take ao rliaarei wbvn
TOO pay in.Ou for Ihli hIio* —
ICverv pair in womnled —
UaJe ou U.-W and alyliali
laaU—livdvy and llglit mI«k.
kid lined—a aliov tliat wear*
well and flu wpH. You to't
tlietn of the Old K<-liabU-
COOL auicms is a btork
MIrblnue Men Took B
r Skmrtri.
Ltvinapcrt. Ind.. Deo 8-J. W.
Fcoter, of Flint, Mieb., n vertinoiy
aargecB who boa been to the city
■everal weekt, tonight at B o'olook
walked Into J. T. Ftenmfun'a hard
ware etore and aaked to look at a 88
ealibce revolver. Tbe clerk abowed
him aevaiaL Feater eeleetnd one
naked to oee a cartridge that would
fitlL The clerk haaded him
FoeUraUppad toe cartridge Into toe
revolver and before tbe clerk oould
divine bia toteattmu be placed* toe
weapon to Ua Iwad aad pulled tbe
trigger Tbe bullet tore tbroagb tba
took |>rt of hia baud. UUing toe
TTFflom AT 8Dre«nre
81« BlV, Due. B iftoe teen en*M
at typhoid fever among toe toma
Stag Stag prteon am eaaatog aterm
amcag toe uMetete ttU^ The apltomle te atkribBted to Impurittea la
an water with wUto toe yttetei
BiltmlaE Nnia), Dk. 10 aid enttnaq inlll Jin. IS, I SOI
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
ZDe baoe them
now tototototototototototo
MuNaoH Btooa.
And hllend ihiH givntiwt rf
nil 88lca.our
tototo Bronte
' What more useful or accepuble
holiday present can you purchase
for your wife, your mother, your
sister, your daughter or your
You can buy them without any
special holiday profit,
Fourteen different styles, from the
heavy Rough Rider to the full dress
patent leather. Sixes aod styles
can always and everywhere be ex
changed for others when necessary.
Popular Shoe House.
The Old Stand.
It takes a long time to 6nd out how long
a pair of oiir
. will 8
These shoes are thoroughly washed
of pro6t and put through tbe bar
gain wringer. Try a pair. We
guarantee every pair to give sati*faction. ,
Front Street
McNamara Blodc :
iwm-awM^». vm,
D CP foM «|ik wiviffiB
Word was recedred fm Kortk.
OnUiekvilie Im bdeoBe a noted
ffBoana emca or Ts>
upmty owmb la the Fox Uke arbor for satey for Mte giBwi
: ORAND.TRAVERSE HERALD last evening that owing to Am ki^
B <N WlBcnrfa have hairfad
wind that }*evaned on tbe Ukc the
taft of the bay and Baay boata an
-«Tdrive Cl rnis carp oat «d the wsten low lai4 up there for tbe wtotar.
In tint Tiednltv. and It U inln
them are Frank FrIeMtffi’s
to Bi» the Hiegam river fm the yaekA Hasen & Pingiee. Ja : J. A
^ > purpocA The ^ s^hmkiag Montague's aloop; Weneel «edor>s
W. HAMNEN. editor And »UnAK«r.
gasoline Uunefa: tbe bunch
Bond, owned
Loub GreiUck; the
TxBMpons vlU Mt oMl tiUB Ban OoBet, owned by Bndolph Oreiliek
I. FMWlr at TMs Otr
SiiBday hsnafter. ~ and the sloop WI7 KoA owned by J.
ith tUs nU. tbe
FnelUtiee have been j
ooDeo. U instMd e< Dee. 1« tbe proper tnre of yachb for the
David Piemen, fmmerly a mBdant
With atone and |------at this eity, has been convicted at
onnsplBeriBtbsUBitedBtatae oonrt gcTA wlU be di^ntabad mi Dee. 17.
A ^Mst vritioh hes heon frlgfatenat Milwnakee, after a tirUl tlmt
lasted two weeka He was indiettd imr the poOfiU of Bonth Blver, N.
J.. tor soaB Ubc pMt. was enpenrwith two others. KbMwaer Dike
Ernest Osrey. The jury was out sis od Friday ovening by a party of ELKS ANNUAL SOCIAL SESSION
hoonretaning a verdiot of gailty in young Ben. and wbmi tbe shasti
ItwUlTabePloseVew Tee
of Plemoo and Dike, but ae- with ■mbiA 1^ was clothed
Boved be was found to be George
quitting Carey.
rson. aged 50. who M taken
Tbemgtbod in which tbs
Betbod of Mihteatng '
to have
Tbe Elks'otMib dty ere iroparing
r Into ateylng in nlghtn
_________ iltted U BBique. lUs
for a vtry abborate mnnal mm
old soldier tbs fl^t
Bke pbee N^ Tear 'a Tbe
take ont a quatSar seetlan of govsnAN IMMRNM! TBOjecT.
ment land. In ease only part at ibU if tbe pbns of mvutnl Brnnhan of Che tive committee has appoint#
which an already
.Tbe ecNBpiMinn of'the Cbia«D U Bken. tbe veteran baj tbe privilsga board of adoeatioo prevail Tbe <
dmiasK* eumi, • omm«>ctiiiK Lakr of taking ont tbe rest at any dnsa. is to he eondueted nadsr tpeeial eu- pbnning for tbe most ebbotate
sioo la tbs history of tbe local lodge.
MidiffUi with the Uiulwippi. i
TbU privilege is also made amign- pervislmi of teeebars skilied in ednIt
iwoMiitwl o ereot piree nf eaelnt
abU. which gives ^qwttanity for tbe ~ring diiUw in tbe art erf .ti)
Ibr to ibavgiven last year. A
tbe coil Fields of Bffleient sine
imt. and it bM aoeompUslied wcoidm tnuds.
pbte jNogiam of tee feetons will he
The method that seems to have vegetables may be grown and fas
forCbkiwo. Now> project uitiiUr
ia it* Botare. bot of eronderfal inU' been employed is as fellows; Plea- opemtiotis ecodoetod on a maall aeab given. The «g«iv b in charge <rf tbe
following ooBBittees:
■Itade, is beisf; oHroc^M. «ud W on. acting as agent for a Arm in MU- are to Bamnnd tbe aehool
EntertaininenC-Biley 8we«rA I
and tbe study wiU be pomed In tbe
which wilt rerolotioiitKe freixht aoiiri, secured sssignmenu from
ael BendA D. F. Campbell
■nBBer inontha ohly. The garde
tnlBe from Chicafro to the' AtUalic of the same name as those who
Baaqnet-Fred J. Bechtel, a O.
■eabaard. A oommlmion especially
•ppoiclml to icrestiimte the |HUibil to have taken ont part of ttelr done by the pupib theinselvea
InviBti<m-J. Biley Bishop, CadilB««it sales of real estate in Oalitjofa canal coaDecIlns the Great eUims. Some of these assignments
Imkeo wllii the Atlantic coast.
would not stand the oarofol eerntiny veetcu ibon that owrenc property bc. Dr. L A Thompson. Chau
value# are only about one-half the Hale.
' made Us report, wliich hns bo-u
of Uncle Sam's eye, and ^e a
Eeeeptioo-Jrink Friedrich.
dgiiros prevailing prior to the st
Bitted for anch a watenra^r, and ther followed of Plemon. Pike, who
As t^ remit of an election bet Eehoe, W. Cary BaU. a K Aldrich,
one of the old soldieri who m%de
desert be the immense ralne it s
be to oomraeree and in oue of
an BskignmcDt that Uncle tUm did two black beqre will raardi in tbe Gadilbe, J. T.
Finance—Biby Sweert. John
i in Weehingtou next
not consider all right, and Carey,
March. W. a Boey and William, Santo, Frank Goodrich. Richard Beywho acted as notary In the case.
Taggart, of NogebA Arl, made ^ ; bold. Oadilbo.,
> the metropolis of t
bet. Tbe former won and by tbe;
-------weaL A oommisaion states that
The pUy which Sol Smith Rnsall terms of tbe wager will feed tbe|
water war with a twenty-fool chanI in tbe i The first iMae of the NcitportLeadBSlwonld cost.mete than MOO.OOO. made famoua and whioh, withoni
After the er. which was formerly the Empire
«00,°aada thirtr-foot channel oearly doubt, has been the groatest sMoeas
> they will be given to tbe Lender, was ismed Friday and Editor
•ao.eoo.ooo. TbU would be a stopeo- of that fsmotia actor's career, U to be
Campbell etarta ont well in bis new
daoaa tmdertakinic. but tbe ‘RrowiDs the welcome attraction at Steinberg’s
Grand Opera boose on Tneaday evenfleld. The Leader shows up bright.
needs to cheap and direct t
U ailed with lire loeel news and has
transportation from the lakes to tht ingjhe nth inst., under the title
WlU remove to tbe SeslA abmlthy dUpby of advertising of
. aaM saem to wanant the onterprise. of "A Poor BoUtion.”
Tbe jirodoctiou will be given by Oaasdbn sidA and wlU areet a tbe live boslnees men of Nortbport
other peliib in tbe coun^. and
SeiMineir eteel plant of 400 tons a
aH-BII PIloaKCtTon Tl TTUr.
City merchanlA
Jodae Teist deOes Goremor Pin. Mr. Alden Baaa. sapported by iht day. to be incteaaed to 1,000 totu,
tu-st company that has yet appeared sad a tall and pdaie bUI of 1,000 tons In hU Blutatoiy Editor Campbell
C>ae and beldlr asks the Rorcraor
but excuses
prove his assertiems lir aakinj; the in UiU oharming pUy. Mr. Bass a day. It is proposed to roU raiU of | mokes no promises
in a very modest
fafisIaApp to inrosilfnte the jedpe’t
cotme on the beneb. When the gov- rection of Mr. Fred C. Berger, who drst plant in the world to carry co way. If the Leader continues as it
such work."
| hm begun it will be a good thing for
atnor hantrs ooi n'btntr bo mneralh
Wlm th, ..o~.li l.ttod mt 1.1 S'**!”"
Bakes listiek. Uere is another cliano -•imltb Bnssoll's msnager. Aides
must haves rest but we can't live
--------------------forhim tpredeemhimeelf. lie ipnoter Bau is a oomedian of repnt
.lelp is needed at__
when . .
without food. Eodol Dyspepsb Ci
Jadge Weist for llio ].fcsent s» «Ku>ud onlv to Hr. Boaaell bin
eon's life is in danger, A neglected
, what ,you
so that you
thongh he were not worth passinp He took Mr. BusavH's place
can eat all the good food yqp want oongb or cold may soc« become serf
be stopped et
BOtioe, but Bys he proposses to stunt
ill, and-starred In this pUy, sooring gans to health. It b the only iirepa- One Minute Cough Cure quickly
ap ^rosepQtor Tottle. Tbe Bovemut
raUon that digMU all kinds
food. eoughs and eolds and the worst
eridentlr tneoiis to pnt a hrillituti s foocoM whlclt surprised his most F. C. Thompami.__________
of croup tuonchltiA grippe 1
pyiuteehnie flni^t >m Ills sMiBtinnal .mJent mrtro]>olitan admirers.
Bam' jiowcrfol and sympntfaetio porAt Evansville, Ind., four boy* Thompaon.
adalnlsiralloti. No we need
rarprlsod. boa'crer. lioeause when hr irnynl of the half humoroua half were given a public wbipjilng Thnta•tartad in he said Out he wocld [wihctic and wholly artistic role of day. The boys broke into a freight
l^F thltiics ImtD in MiehlRan. < and "Noah VaU." tile seedy genius end oar and stole a barrel of applea
jdiilosopher. U Bid to be wonder- When amtigned in the police court
folfy like Mr. BusseU's perform- tbe judge told tbe father# of tbe bds
Tbe Brhisli liare mmered General uicv of the inil. Mr. Bat
that he would release them on oondiof the eminent comedian
Dewel affaiii and It is now Bid thnt blcR Mr. KosspII greatly in
tioD they would give them a whip
<{i)M«rjnce, individuality,
be Is surroundi-d cwtupletely. twi I
ping in tbe corridors of the bek-np
tils facial rxpnasioiU. Mr. Miteliell. This was agreed to. and the parrots
aides. It.will now lie In udn
the wily Bow to slip througM a hob [lie dramatic critic of tbe
used an old blcvele tire on the boya
In Sot Smith Rus
^ M tbe lideiNbere lie is not anironnd' Kuqniter. in writing of Mr. Base, Tbe lads were given a hard thtaibing
Great Play
ad, which he pmhably will, Vo kcei «id:
and the exhibition was witnemed
lilB recKBl Rood.
^ y
"One could chut his eyes and Ib- doieni'of people
agine be was listening to Mr. BusHolland bsa received ex-l>mideni seL "
Srajier and enwt sympathy
\ Mr. Bass and Mr. Berger have
■ riiown him, bnt when it enues dowt: taken esppcui {aius in mounting tbe II, ••-----------ud no relief till I need !
ie bnalmw Kmicer Beets disappoint- ■■Uy ibis season with entirely
JntAlen's Anit-_
lies Balve.
I have notj
ment. for Holland will not inter •cecciT. coslut^ and stage Kttlngi. baen troubled with pibs stooe." Il'si
-•-■“i ptb
plb cure on earth
Tsoe in favor of the Bona'
.Some novel sUge effecU will be men the only champloa
and the best mlve to tbe
world, toe
which will eclipse anything ever
Walt and >
Cadillac mtr now rejoiee. She Is Attempted heretofore. Tbe
to have a fn«> ilelirety system es- os follows
Bbllahed March Orst. and Bay liere- • Noah Vale, eeedy geninA Mr. AlWatMinelofts of northern growth |
aftar safely clslB the distlnetlon td den Baiw; RoderiiU Faye,
Bay be enjoyed to winter by follow- [
aoltyT even Ihouph a llttleoae..
fnecarpr. Who rules a thousand aad tog tbe plan adopted by."Unelej
MorrlA a fanner Uring 1
-is nilcd by one, Mr. S. 8. Wiltaie; JasfHedlato
■■er SieiTPt, liis partner, Mr. E. Guy
Mra Minnie Gbaj
Slangier; ■'BocUble" Smith. Mr. •elaeted a number of chnioe melons
Arthur V. Johnson; Mannaduke Daly, and put them in a cave, after eeuls janitor. Mr. Homy Woods: Dolly, tog the stems with wax. Inst weak
t tCftas VUUjte.
be eat osM and found It as crisp and
DeoeasM was <S vobT'^ sjee and
:han: Eunice ^ye. the head of fresh as though it had just hero
house. Miss Henrietta Newman taken from tbe vine. AU thU b
Jops. the leiTor of -the i I flocr. vonebed for by a kteal paper.
M.. hum.
M Couch
Christmas Presents
JJSFint-claea InHtiaaec Oompanlea.
Booms. HaBiUro a MilUkro BloA.
New phone ffi
We ha\-e a laqie Une from a good full •pring, j:
spring edj^ couch at $6.50 up. to a fine leather. Also
a fine line of Bed Lounges.
217 FRONT 8T.
The Old Reliable One Prioed Jeweler.
Fire Insurance
U you haAe n dwelltog. atoek.itore.
barn, or uv other tgu|iertj toaurabb. kindly remember 1 want to
write tbe toeiuance for yon, and will
give yon prompt and oaieful atten
Only the meet leltoble etoek tosarBate* very bw.
Telephone 78
Give Pretty Footwear
Nice warm slippers for mother and father.
I’retty fancy slippers for sister. Shoes for
iheboys and (>irls. and pretty, dainty
covering for baby. '
You're sure to find the right thing here.
.Men's Slippers............................ 60. 75c. Si.oo. $i.:s up to $7.00
Ladies’Slippers.................. 50
-Si..\s up to $2.00
50. -f>o. 75c. $i,cxj.
You are welcome to come
com and look, I’erhajis the children's leggins will interest you
See our window.
i:ii Faont .Street
The rrnciioal Shae Man
Traverae Pity
Grand Traverse
Land Co.
HOUSES for Ml. tn .U .in. .t the
FRUIT LANDS on the PentoauU—
Improved and unimproved.
BAROADfS-We have Uiem.
Grand Traverse Land Co.
r.Thnn.U C AOmiiaoed
New Phone 28
B. A M. Block
The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company
Wliei it cones Is a qiisilioi
ef qualifies qsi| pncei in
Fur Coals, the question Is
settled tl
Steinberg’s Grand
Miss Anita Fowler; ‘Alice Wairinar,
for whom existenee is a struggle.
Miss Graoo Petrard: Rip and Patch,
last evBilaft. it boinR their instalU- two children: the heritage of the
poor. Master Donald and Little
tlon meetinitEoy Wynkoop was eb-cted
seoretary and npon the resignation
of Aimon Boiler. Iran Wiskochil was
^■pointed to flU the vacwncy.
TWe program was as follows
^tUml leaviM a soar. Beware of
• My Object In Joining
iterfeitA F. C.
the L. U P "—Lloyd Thacker.
Qncatiem Box.
NOBptu. "My Hnatiitg EipedlTickets sold
—Loali BinlsalL
good to return until January
one fare for round trick For tartioU'
1 at office or “phone
'phone kT 12.1
Maw IHve. I-n. T. M.
ringA C. K. Mumy, AgenA lllS-lOt
. Mona Hive. L O. T. M.. has }nsl
been organised at Maple City and the WE KNOW what yon'll do Monday
toUowing officers ins^led:
• envelope yon foun4 at
Past lady commander. Mrs. Q.
yoar door.
D. Clement; lady commander. Mrs.
Dr. Praliok; lienienaat Udy cob fAT^ (X)LOR RECEPTION. Mi«
lAitlte HavlUnd will bold a iSS
■mnder, Mrs. Thomas Yonng: lady
reoord keeper, Mias Winnie; fasdy
- Bnuioe keejirr. Mrs. 8. R. Burke;
Udy ohaplain, Mrs. E. F. DensBorc
lady saaigeant, Mrs. Kennedy; misHAND PAINTED
MMs-at-ams. Mrs. J. W. DtrkerFlorence J. Jaekn a «m axUSt
man: Udy sentinel. Mn Wil
bins at Wood
Sickle; Udy ideket. Mrs. & B. Gate:
lady banner bearen,. Miss Jennie
Brtidit, Mn. Katie Kellogg, Mrs.
Harvey. _______________
trayA balrptn bona, pUlCA e*a
Now-ii the time whro eronp and
tong troubles prove n^y fatal
The only hunlsM remedy that prodtsoes tosmediate rronlta Is One Min
ute Cough Core. It is marj pleasant to
takeitodoan bernlied upon toqalekF. C.
----------Is ths
They are the warmest, nicest coats a man can own. Wc'rc
showing the greatest line iq the city, and better still, we're
selling cm. And why not, when our prices are considered.
And such goods! We've any kmd of a lur coat you wantGoat Skin. Dog Skin. Siberian Bear, Russian Calf. Wombat
and Coon Skin. Our prices -are $7..'iO. $io, S12.50. S15. Sio.
$22 $25. SoO, $35. $4a $50 and $65. Stop and look over our
line at once.
Tuesday, Dec. I Ith
ir of Sol Smith R
Special price*: 3o.60asd 7Se;
box Beata. tl-00.
. Seat* are sow. ta aate at the
box office. Telepbooe 112.
Jl BoMap Reminder
Cent’s Fur Lined Cloves and Mittens.
Gent’s Fur Lined Coats.
Gent’s Dress Suit Cases.
Cent’s Fur Driving Gloves.
Ladles' and Gent’s Trunks.
Fur, Plush and Wool Robes.
Sleigh Beils.
Baby Cab Robes.
t. Beadles
Christmas Cards and Booklets '
Dainty cards suitable for Sunday School Classes, from
2C up, and the finest booklets at 10. 13. 20 and 25c. Christian
Endeavor Booklets with tbe monogram and the mottoes and
the finest illustrations sell at 10. 15 and 25c. The. Christian
Endeavor Calendar for 1901—the finest ever issuejl, sells at
35c—Other beautiful calendars at 25c.
Books For the Young People
We cariy a full line of the David C. Cook & Co's, books
—sell at 5c the book, and the cloth bound edition at 25c. A
peat stock of Juvenile Books at g. la 15. 25, 40 and 502.
Five complete lines of boy’s and girl's books—the best of
readiog^these sell at ath 35, 3a 40 and 50c.
Teacher's Bibles
‘ Some of the finest bound, with all;'lhe teacher's helps—
maps, concordance, references., etc—siJL from $1.33 to $3.50..
No nicer gift could be made than a Bible.
And make her a preyent of a carpet sweeper. We have a
foil line of the celebrated Bissel Carpet Sweepers, made from
die different kinds of wood and eell from $2x10 to $3150.
1W firot cut. fmoi The OeAgner. In
eaggeetion fv that meet diOetdt eg
oO gtfn tn decide npon. •womeUIn;
n mnn." It* conetroetlon I* Qm* da
•ertbtd; Vet It am mqnlml posMMi
ntlff paper. • amall rbamoU akin. _
lAeet at wndding. half on onnee of
mebet powder.
yntd* of aatln ribboo (o«r or fire incben wide,
«meqnor^r of a yard of India oUk tba
Tbe good old day* wbru am___
. mallow tnooMd aarTepUtlouAy erer a
candle or a low turned gM }et aermed a
triuupb of btarado and xnllnary aklD
to Ch* eoUege glri are orerpoat.
few Of to date yeang wotneu
eerk tbe cbrAc shade* wttbovt IncMIng to ibetr ectaoioatic cmflt • ctaoffag
dbb and a* maoy of lu eireaaorlta m
they eon eomiam.
In many of ib* weetsro unirerAty
tows* where eoedoraUoo preran* tbe
•oecrity mafi fraternity bauaea fnrulA
tbe atage asttlng* for weekly rhaflng
dUb candy been. tboM awoK Ihuctln'
wbtcb naoaUy .Aake pbee Sattmtor
loffa. Baeb girt coDsa crard wltb
her own dUh and her own farorlte rec
ipes while tbe maamllnr etement In
tbe role of attendant sqatiea ore kept
boay AreUIng nnts. cbepphig figs and
laWM. grattof eocuannt or popping
corn. White paper cap* made to 1mltnie tbe French chef* oud big white
apnoa are worn by aU tbem eootest•nt* for mllnary booora. Tbe long
dining ubie U left wliboni a cloth,
while a tray at each place bold* tbe
chafing diabra. AH of Ibe adjnncta are
placed near at bond before tbe actual
eooklBg hegtaa. neecr emitting plenty
soft tewela and a bottle of oUre oil
to rs»e tbe alcohol aplU* ®rer on the
pollabed tilile. Tbe Instant Ala occur*
(end no chafing diab party to erer Im
mune from ocrldenta of ibla kind) a lit
tle A1 to ponred on tbe spot and tbe oQ
and alcobol -aopped" up with towria
Ererytblog la tbe way of onti^ ran-'
died frails and popcorn can be ntlltord
to chafing dish confectioaery. To tomaae tbe fan and >oDlty Jodgea are
often appolnied and prise* offered for
tbe moA original dealgn* or for tbe
ibinatlou of cnior
aoocnoiB cuK.
mm* obatb aa (be ribbon, wltb arwiag
ry allk lo match. Cot
ibree filrce* four
inebee oquare. Two of Him rut In
Ir» of_tb» c*»r lum rwwtlr rrtunHHl to bif poM U
half. Tbb glm you otw aquarr and
if tbf mwt iwpoUr metobm of u>e d
four oblong plerv*. Corer um- aide of
I they ore not allowed paper* they cocb neatly with tbe chaioolii. Krom
the paiicr cut ptecte like ibM of tbe
know all abont the Whii
» opd
d. abo from tbe waihllng. al
feel Ineeaaed that noh
lowing a margin for inmlng oier ibr
flumld be immediately pardoned edgee of paper. Split the wadding eetd
while many other* oonricted of
sprinkle tbe powdr-r Iwiwpen tbe byporatirely minor offenae* ore forced era. n<we tbem aiMl baatr oo Ibr allk.
Ibc Pofcmron iiuidor lodUtu, noa
bMdaf •boat aw, will bo paid > I to' eerre ont their term. A »pirtt of rorering ooe aide of tbe |W|irT plecee
'Irltb It. Thew form ibe lining for tbe
d Ibe heat of ibeir kind,
Hvtfocd, Dee. ft. Nt.OOO m per eooMnricU rinoe the White pardon plere* corcfe.1 with Ibe rhamob. Ilaate accordlag to Table Talk, wblcb pref
UM tot • portioo of the CUooro lok/
the reqieclire piece* of chamol* and ace* tbemMabore:
tneeired nt Joekaon nnd
(net propert; on which the lodioiu
•Uk together Orerband with tiny
Pecan Caody.-Any one wbo bM
hare a claim. They will each teoeire
stJlcbe* three aide* of tbe ohl.ng erer llred In .New Orirans to familiar
ilsa The Hartford ImaiDem men fore the only weapon carried by the piree*. bovlng one long aide of each with Ibe <l.>llcloat creamed pecan
hare ocrred to do the hoeon for the gnorda hare bMh loaded biofcory ood tbe entire aquare nnaewrd.
dy for wblcb Ibe eld ^ky mam
■Bbe dealgn mnstrulcd la fealber
ooeoaioa, funlahlait dlnoer,' boll rent oone*. Sow they oil hare rerolrem
famous Ibe world orer. Tbcnr can
and wlU aboot at the flrvt nbelUou* nltehed around tbe -edge* with em- dle* are eMlIy made, ollbongb it I* dlf•odfoal frM.
braidery Aik. wbtcb U all tbe egnore' flcnlt lo tbe north to procure tbe rich
Kdword Sellmw, of WeA Bimseh, ■ign from any of the 700 oonrict*.
aitgar. tbe gennlne jirodoct of
wo* crippled for Ule in od accident
Forobildreo when troubled with On two of tbe ohloDg*
— ore
- embroidered
---------- ----- Ibe^ne. Tbe tlgbt brown or coffee
oti the Hlchigon Cmitral rood,
eroop there U nothing quite eo good tolltoU. on the other
two apray* of angar of our marketa la howerer. a
ji^ returned a rerdiot for It.OOO M tlbamberUin'a Congh Bent^y.
onliitltole. To a ponnd of
J. R, Watt*, of Rar. Ohio, my* it,
cannot be beat, and' that hi* cuatom- ling on the iwAi-boanl. or the decora- anger add two-ihtrd* of a cupful of
▲t HouRbtoo the oool in the South er* n*e it with the beat reenlu. Thi* tIOD can In- done wltb oil or water col- boiling water and two eren tableOT»- Sew the ends of the ribbon
Uke Linden ifaed of the OaluBet A
apooufol* of aweet hotter. Stir anti] it
gelbcr. mark It wltb thread lo quar- melt*, .t.bi Jurt a pinch of cream of
Bnela mine ii oo Are. and appomntlx
ter* on both edge*, galher with n-ry tartar an.1 let ibe Arup boH witboot
thailainee ore iraleinff on the firefine sttlcbe* botb edges of tbe ribbon. Airring colli a drop of It win moke a
mem The ehed contain* neorlx on
Emperor, William, adopting
Now lake Hie equare piece and to each •oft iMiII when rolled U-tween tbe fin
area 100,000 too* of coal, worth role of a
n pnctioal ;4oker. hoa' jut corner faai. n que of Hie marked qi
ger*. \V*-I tbe fingers In Ice walir be
oboot «S&0,000.
cent Connf ron Buelw a large p^ ter* of ooe edge of the rllilioa.
A cow beioaRlnK to William Slater ege oontnining 100 pound* of aenp right Ade* nf the ribbon and ehamola fore laatlng. UTien tbe-drop
son. bat doe* not nick, the caudy It
of Impeer, sot • amall' tnnip *tnck with which to clean the Chaneellor’a being placed Icwelber. Oreriiand neat ready. If It 1* loo bard and craefca
tuber ihroM. Mr. Slater oonld do paUoe. the Connt haring complained ly. putting rnunt of Ibe fuIlDeM around
. It baa liolled tuo long, and
adthing for Jj^e animal and oonght that the Oonniem wna afnid of a tbe roroeni. aa little to required be
add p tcaspoonful of water
the odrlee of • doctor. The doctor grand cleaning.
and let tbe alrup boll an Inatant.
tbe cate will not lake a good thapa Dot Air. but merely teat again. tTben
told him to diKhorfe • gnn under
when rlrwed. On tbe other edge of tbs h resebe* tlie creamy or soft ball conthe oow* throat and her fright would
la Gecd Moedlua.
at pour
Breryone who ho* need Chamber- ribbon attach lo (be Mine way tbe an- ditJuu. rxtlngntob Ibe dame and
dUiodge the impwlifflent The diet
aewed *l>le of Ibe four obtoor pleeea. to a cupful of {iccaa kerocto. iUre
barrel which Slater Imd loaded' with
patting Ibe two *rlih tbe lultiaU bppo- ready buttered Una and
powder and wad. mimed fire, and Abbottarille, Pa. I^plc' who oaoe Ateeacb other.
Into them. I
after peimlng it, he meant to trj It uae thia perponlioo ore aeldom mpot In *hap? lay tbe *quarc. which with a knife into candiea two ioebes
but dlachorged the other tairel lafied with any other. There la noth
:ie lioHom. on a table, bring it aqnaie. lireak Into tquarei w hen cold.
ing like It to oHay a eongh or Ic edge* of tbe ribbon together, making a,
hr miatihe, which wo* loaded
Concord Cream Peppermlota.—I’nt
l««ak np n oold. It ia pleoaont to pnff of II. Tbto will briiig twd of tbs. Jnto Hie blaxer two cupful* of gran»
kill, and the beet oow he bod t
take. too. For aole by F. O. Tbompoblong pltess orer tbe bottom, forming laicd augar tnd one-Lalf capful of wa
Awt dead In her trooko.
ter. -After It liegini lo boll remore tbs
R. a Sherwood of W'kterrliet. adThere hoa been enoh a tremend
spoon and lioll eight minute*, placing
rertUe* in the Record of that place deoreom in AUaka'a ontpnt of fun
Ibe bot water pen under U If It boll*
that hi* ottdianU ore fall of rabbi
that • deeided atlmnlna i* felt in the
too rapidly. Ilemore. add eight drop*
He offer* hunteri fire eent* each for bnainem of fox forming ta the nontbof iwppi-rmlDt. Iirat bard and drop
oU "eottoDtail*'' killed on hia prem weatorn part of the territorr. Kufrom Ibe end of Ibr *poon on waxed
tneo, hooter* to keep the gome.'
Iw dropmeroua anrh enterpriaea ore being
Imodlord W. a Barney
led out
organixad, and a akuk form ia oiao
n oUcO
liajK-r to dry.
a tree that
a bunch of ripe frnlt
Tonr heal feeling*, yonr aoeiol po(be bnnoli of not'a huge one,
of cream or milk, twoenpfutoof grannliSon or yonr bnainem anocea* depend*
eormlnly a norelty. The
lated sugar and onc-bilf cake of unlargely oo the perfect action of roar
' ateBd* in the hotel lobl^ nnd
aweetened dmcolale. SHr constantly
Stomach and Llrer. Dr. King’. 'Kew
great attnetion.
Life Pill* gire Inoreoaed atrength,
USIll tbe cbatvBTe I* melted. Beat to
keen, clear bndn. high ambition.
Pingme .ho*
boiling point and boll eight or ten mloA 85o box
• ox will
wiU moke yon
ron feel like a
ote* nntll It looka ernmbly. and If a tit.
one releoae from priaon erery
He to ibrowo laio cold water it draws
day* of hi. official eoreer.
o a globule, tbengb not criap like
Kra Wm. Eeiaer of Meodem, died
xly. Extlngntob fiame. add one teaA new iron ore field Ima jnat been
txom borne rcoelred Uat Saturday
of raolUa and beat until tbe
while fixing the fire. Her clothing opened at Miehipiooten. OnL, which a second aqnare. opening Tcnlcatly, mlxturpto creamy. Four Into a alightcnoght and o* ahe wo* a inralytlc it la Ihonght mar flood the lake tnd tbe two other |■l.■c.•« orer Ibla ooa. ly battered |>ap cool and mark to
nbe wo* almoat be1]dem,. She wm mvket next year. The ore la de- forraing a tbird square, opening borb square*.
aoribed m a Iwown hemitite, more aomally. Tbe npper square cau be fasn year* of age.
Maple Crtama-FiH Into tbe btager
I with loop and bniloo or narrow
At Monroe Ohorle* FVeedmon, like the aonthera ore* tlion the Lake rflibon. Tbe moM effecHre abide of
-half pound maple sugar broken Insmall pleeea wltb one-balf plot
while tamping a battery charge ol Snperior hematite. Mark Hanna 1* rtblxjn for tbe pnff If tbe cUamoto la
eight pound* of dynamite.wo* aerere■ "^lyeated in the enternri
used Is old mac or light blue, but • cats cream. Heat to bolting point and cook
lb minute* until It begins lo
ly tajnred br the explo*lao. both
hard usage at well at one of ex-,
n a but*
being blown off. He may lx
The holidoyi will ooon be here, and ccedfu riebnea* to made from bronxe
feoating galore. Children will eat Icatber or beory brown aiik wltb rib
interaolly iniured.
meats and poor the bot mlxtnre
and r
aweeu than ia good bon to match.
Robert Appleb.r. of Kal
»rer It Coot and mart Into sqnano.
and I
Deglren J. B. Sperry, of B*
a with!
a four-legged chioken. It* death I* ! t ,.v __ Si^t.
iroetle* erniwg Fwr a OaUS.
> a reanlt there
I a ball of cord tnahle of a paatw
oertoU to be o « of Indi^Eeatian board box wblcb It a three Inch cube.
I a large rliarlotle niase mold
' for oyner^
land bition* eolio.
wltb a-Bler and let It frecM aolld. Wllb
Corer the lioi wllh white water color a t>ol fiatlroo melt ont ibe center of tbe
Joiae* Homo, a farmer near
1 M 10 form a liowl and line this
City, WM myaterionaly aamnlled
jand DUfritoea '^medy
Remedy now and be Chroogb 4 bob- at tbe renter of Ibe top
and knocked eenaeleaa, on the nil- iwepnred for them befon apnndiag oU Farien Ibe euda of tbe paper down
wltb arollng aax and tie • piece of
rood track. Hi* bond remained
ribbon around tbe aide*. Faint
the track and a {omlng train
it off.
Under the pntmmge of the United with water colors a apray of holly <m
Word eomea from Onnd Jnnotion Stttea Philippine eommiaaioti. - on
that Fred Schebke. a ronng man of experiment form wiU be etorted
that (own. who dimppeond from about fOD mile* from M«t.iu, where
Foe bnakraA miubroonii tro
t yet been the growth of eeed* and plant* tram when serred on luaA in tbla way: For
poQDd of miubrooms take a pound of
found Mr. Schelake wea -tt
thla eotmtry will be teMed.
minced iMx-fspak. Fry the Aeak. add
Old. morriKl. and of good habit*.
l** AwfW
mit. pepper, paprika and half a mpfnl
He hod been eonraoBing for book*;
“‘fi -TbereU only one ehi___ __
.. of water. Cook for two or Hires mtopgerioua to hi#
j ' your life and that i* through on opmippeoronce. —
Siraln off the grary. rejecting
WM thought
hare hod about $10 ation” were the atortlingworda hmrd tbe meat AiU tbe n ‘
IbyMra. L B. Hunt of I'
b bntier ayAsrt. tTlira llicy loek pinmp. drain
and cool them: When ready to aerre.
___ ____
• oJ
of «wn^
trouble _
and jeUow
drea* tbe oyvieri wllb nmyootlalar and
joundioe. Gall itonm hod for
arrange to ibe h-e bowl alieraalely
Fear Cklim.
Ae eoaMontly grew worua
mcra the Sbermoa nmieer. T
Take eight poonda of bard peart Wl’b a plBi of Alced cabbage that bos
began to uae Blectrie
were eight or ten different pereon* ebe
whleh wholly cured her.
•Uced tbln. Agbt pounds of angar. tbe brito cblllMl to Ice water dri.-d and
ed wllb mayoonaiae. Set tbe
Who mw it and non*'were able to
Jntee of six lemana and tbe grated or
Mm* it. A young man who ia workthinly pared rind of two. two ouncra of bowl opee a folded napkin oad gomltb
tarn ia Sand'* oomp took it to comp
cr dry ginger roA chopped fias wltb parsley aad Anffed Alrea tayi
Cooking SeboA Uagmxlne.
ne titablerfDl of water. Cook nnfor ^ purpeea of getting the hide.
t llloAratst this sRractlrc fancy.
U1 dear, cben mI to Jelty gtoasra.
Mr. Durham deeeribe* the animal to
bo the eUe of * medium ciaed lank
Lorod by the people, hotod
d(«. ehort l««*. feet like a fox and
eronld-herirotoithe foe of ______
IntaBOB aBShtiBC wm endkrod by tlm Mml (ff hnnalty—BocAy Moon
not rery ewlfl on foot M be oould
t. 1* MMtlB of Dixie. Ey..
Tea. mods by the ModlsoB MAIe*«lly keep up to it. It mode a noloe
ba para thla sTideoe: “I thinaOo.
Tiokem will be acid at <me way fora
A* yonr drappist.
Tcry much like a pig and wbeneret it
trip on Deoabar tfi, id, U
Then tried Dr.
om oU amtiana fa MwinM.
tuned OB him it would iump up at •nd Id. from
Ua taeo. It hod • Taiy full forehead
Ibara BBMllt tom;
and oom like • dog and flat teeth.
toBryeon oad
Finn Mr. Durham'* deomipcicD of
to5totoairb*BB^’^-^ 1
U no one hM been abb to name it
HiMatim OlotUap Oo.
tooohtaB ttvmsbnptheweMooBffh.
The atatemcart i* mode t^ the WaSRBeonl
•ad aot «)y »aroB(B bat obeetotely
{urdon of Oeneral Whim by OorerLOOK FOR A
-. F. MoaSrop. A.
jHtaOb b I«tle Of An tnm but
jbdjuMiMwtg. im-ii
r* *• Dhm ta CUoUau DM ■
Imaten. Farior.
M<ni« MTiM lOAD.
Monl^Sab$eet; “.AUtoWaU
Too Leak cm the Bri^ Bids."
Rpw(MhXMgwa($:$»^ m.
EroBing mrrlee at 7.
BreBingaabiMt; -Thno Ai* i
Rer. C. T. Stoat, rootor.
Svtdar Mhool at It.
The Early Omnamnio
thlB Sunday.
lareoesdtoUy iBritod
Sunday acboolt rid 0. m.
SuparintoBdeat'a uniinal roport ■
elcaeof aAool
Msettog for wnciblp. 11 a. ni.
• p. m.
Coat Scarfs
Silk Bandkerchiels
Beautiful Cies
Sleeve Buttons
• 7.00
■Foottrinu" I
Sonday oehool at noon. ‘
Young People a meeting at 6:4S.
Erening aerrire. * KD. 8ub}aot,
Her. Hugh Kennedy, poator.
Preoehlapot lOdba. bl. and 3 p.
A ,
Mmlnpsnbjeet. "Tbon Shalt aot
Commit Adnllay." tba oixth
cotuae io tbe series oe Uie trii oom-
Evemihg subject. "Tbe Yoanp
Man's Opportunity to pet Wealth.
Claaa Meeting at 0:45.
Sunday oobool at 12
Eoworth League at A:l&.
Tharaday—Prayer meetinp af-rilD
A cordial inritatlcs to extcBde^ to
all these terrloM.
Her. D. Cochlin. pMtor.
Sennooat 10 JO a. m.. op tbe ninth
article of ov CoofcMlaa of Faith.
Sunday school at noon.
Yoong Men's elom in lorn tMta to
church. Young todies' eloaa id atndy.
Yoong mm and yoong lodtoo ore laTiled to these claaoes.
Jnnior C. K aociety at 8.
Intermediate 0. K eociety at 4 JO.
Y. P. S. C. E. at D:46 p m.
Topic. "How to IjUten,” Mott
Sunday erening Ooapel meeting at
7:00 p. m.
Rer. 8. Salabeir. imstor.
Church cm cersA of »tb nod Wad*worth aneeto.
Snnda.r aerricro are m followa:
Preaching at 10:30 a. m.
Snnda.r school at 11:30.
Preaching at ; p m. The reriral
meetings will oontlDue all next week,
beginning at r :S0 p. m. All ore In
vited to these mMtinga. ‘Come and
beep os in the work of tbe Lord.
Ole do have
Some fine
See them.
Electric Pocket Knives,
Kazors and Shears
Every piece «Ump9d'‘Ele3tric”. ' AbdolBtelyjfM
Skstes ...............Barnej A: llerry's, the best tkato made.
Carpet Sweepers,
Carving Sets,
Clothes Wringers
Make excellent Cbristmog praaeoti.
Call and look them orer at
lU. 3. Robbs*
Both 'Phonee. No. 10
Our Sale of
(Ue Don’t Place
Jiuction Clotbitid a Special Price
Is growing in popularity every day. All
day yesterday the department was filled
with anxious buyers. Our extra force of
salesmen were severely taxed to care
for ail.
Seeing 1> Believing.
Kuh, Nathan & Fischer's warranted
clothing at such ridiculously low prices
cannot help but make a stir and create a
CMuk ol getting nne, elegantly
made, aNuranted Suita Over
coat* and iltoters at amaller
price* than you pay tor aboddy
Besides you can get your money back or
a new suit or coat if not satisfied. We
want you to see these goods, look into
tbem carefully--see bow they are made-^
bow nicely trimmed.
Although tbe sales have been enor
mous. we still have all sizes and can fit all
comers. But early buyers will be best
satisfied—Ev^ day makes big inroads in
the stock, and u^es will soon be broken.
Elder D. C. Tromoine of
will speak in Unnge hall both morn
ing and evening.
DeWitf* Little 1 trlr Riten ore
ainty little pitl^ hi : they never fail
I ofaotno-
Batb Robes
On a few g^'icnts. or a line or two in
our Cloak Department to call you in and
then try to sell you regular stixk at regu
lar prices.
Ok price ot every garmeA to
cut and slashed unmereitullyWe are determined on one thing—that is
we are not going to have any jackete to
carry over.
Our Prices arc from
Ui to l>2 Off
The regular price. The garments are all
the latest ideas—elegantly made—best of
ean In ami look tRem ov«r
—Don't put it off Sny longer, as the stock
is diminishing^ rapidly that it will soon
be difficult to find your size.
We also have some of the Automo
bile and a length coats that we are sellihg at very special prices.
You will find what you want in both
quality and price.
tbe Boston Store
Papers and ProfltaWe
Si II IITIII teaO—teCsaEow
OspA a 3.
ifasa «e
na late tma Bice, the CamaM cM«n maa. waa fend «f beys, and sh «tel a teawmM Wytea M sari
wsye wasted w see a leC of tfama la‘
Worn um Sstei* wBb «bo ftW
Us BSdkMMn. Be aerer gave a pergnsBl
Cermasce when the soaks and cacams
Em.b>wra.«ts*wb.aaBUmwkal m
were not flitad with yonagaten whe
Pftcts AboM tbe Cotreiufij
Offer Dr. Nertea.
Wobh is plssmisg i
tenm Bsyldas a
Oaa aucy af this aurt is taU by OapmiB George i. Untamar. trafle maaaera of the Lake Abora railroad. At
m naans TEAT D AT OBOK
lew. Iaav» aad tecm apss4y steamer
titeaoiteofifaacteamft ew the
Uaa. Be axpeott to baild a craft
nate of fiaa papen
md ud! of on rlrc»Bt ooiiit >a wlotn-. «ad tbtjr
dlwmil, all belnfAkBa the Um of' k**i‘ !•'* *■“' ■>'
jrmtlml wotfc in tba
•* <>>• ebaom la a«d
Ttw flnrt paper of Uw day
Hard, aad
tmi. ia faerabMBoe. by Kim Prnia. i
Tbe paper w a rery able oae.
of MOMtloBi Qwt miDot tail of y-1
lac lelpfol la d>e
of the bedt-:
Klw Era I.. BenoMt
fMeatad tbei
Hb^.-'Aldaia Teaebiaa
Tba HbJeet waa faHiar
' oaawd by MUe Baiee of the Etmvood :
areaBe aidiool of thU city.
“Xodna HpelUay" wa< the eab}ed'
that wa> ably handled by UiMUItiaa j
The rifota or the Talted
“Tbe TMSbtBK of Aritktaetie- wmi
The MpU
ridatly dlaooTored
oammlttee at
Banda'a aton to diacam the aatwtaia-
U ban
from WUUam Balt-
Dapaty Food aad-Dalry Oommiaaionar Dame ant rod last n^t from
»» Bra I. Thacker badthefob>et,'‘'Bsperl«i]ee« of the Inexperi-
a trip to Detroit,
Mite Edith Earl la Tory slcft and
oodipaUad to giro ap her position as
laf tUnin throoitfa which erety new
teechar haa to {m were pictured
teaoborintba pablic
At Uw lauineea meetins of the ea-
The Ufa mring
e the followinif efflcna were
efaoeen for tbe enanlng year
Kettle C.
Maailoa ialand
Mjcao ts BBOAnratt.
■re conrernwl.
The ode featai* of
teryead treaeam. MIm KatUe E. fubloD.fc furs which U at all taiMlag
la IlMwe dJiy> 1* the fur IteeU. wbicb
malDi Id favor fur many yean. X
are obllptl to cbatige the form of It
from year to year or cooat yonraeU
quite out of style, bat yoo caa
' TMsIeSaeiw ofa M
derlrc some salUfactlon from the tact
that tbe aalmal llaetf baa aot gone
of ra>hk>D.
nomlaa aelilc and allrer fox bead the
^Mlal loTbeMnnOac RkuO.
Omaha,' Dee. A—The police hare roDMiji
Dr. 3. 3. Solonroa, a well known sahU-. soaiikm. mink aad baby Umb
Omaha phyaleian. on the rack trying ■re quilens |m>|>uI
mack ami while fata are qieclai fa*:
to force him to tell what lie knowa
of tbe eeamHonar tihgedy that oc- rorltes, the latter la fox made iato
oaned in thie city laei night. A gay muir and boa being panlealarly atyllata
fur young womra. Tbe rarlely la far
Otmnell Blnffa man oune to Omaha
ganuenis ti greater O'an ever, and the
at the inriution of a
aloe preeideni, Lee
Bomiby; ' eepre-
aeqaaintanoe to meet
two ao^oalled. tbe sliapo.
It Id the rarled awmbhutime. ;
I of for. Tbe moel uuudaal of aU
The man oame aod waa met
by hii
> lung sealskin coat with doable
Mend • Together
entered .i' ri’veni. one of black and one of white
■well loeiety girU for a good
hoaae at Slxjeenlhiuid Hamer streets i>*»’’■
- aad Immediatelr s shot
' and the Omalia maji
nie Ooanril Olnffs mHn
|tad been
treated to a boirlble rarpriar.
■well Omahn
girls he was to meet
prored Co 1w his own danghtera.
party being-ignorant of the -others'
Idantity antll the dramatic meeting.
Than the father, enraged
Ix'yond all
power of control, drew hit pistol and
attempted to kill the man who
fUrting with liU danghb-rs. and had
gone so far as to inrite the father to
hla own
danghtera for a ea-
Tbe wonndwl man mabed to a
riage and was clriven to the residence
phyBiedan admiia
.'Vliltc caracal forma
wUhabaHet In hit braast.
the atory of the dramaile oocacrence
laadlag ap to the ahaotlng,
nftwaa to fapiith namea
nient. B Tcry ebon Jacket
Jacket ending
ending at
at tbe
waUt Um-.
nUek Iwby lamb Is perhaps the most
popular fur for costs ibal there la. aad
Ibis no doulit ia due in great meaanre
to tbe fact that It is Icsa clumsy and
more nally Bllcd lu the figure than
any other fur. hut tbb prlro. wbicb it
blglK-r ibao ever, has somcIhlDg to do
with It. for 10 Iw exfH'DBlte la often a
dt'sinbic attribute from
point of Mew. Itroadiall Is made np Id
a variety of styb-a. of coi
of The pmiy m-V.-Iiles Is a short bolero
not a-lilrh fils the figure niber cloae*
Iv nml curves up in the liack to thow
oDe of the vv lilc empire l<ells of panne
velvet lu eilix-r wbllg or black. Gold
braid aud orlenial embroidery are both
used In the nnlsli. lu fuel, tbe for la
trreted'exactly as If It were clolb.
Tin- an of tailoring in fnrs bat reach
ed a lilgb state of pr
Ofst elasa furriers, and wbalerer yoer
fnr may be your coat cHngs to year
figute at If it were clotb and with ^t»
at aliapely lines.
So Bays the Kew
at Ueldclbarg aad other ^tliwotel
nnlverelUsB of high rank, derottag ei-,
pecUl BttMtloo to his faroiite a
cbemtatry. Ue'appear* to have a rath-,
acquiring Un-,
aeboob for a
on North
guagra, having a fluent use of mori of.
those spoken ta Euroi* and of tbe,
TurkUh language also
For acme IT,
years be vras pcofeaaor of cbemlstry at ■
Ctoelnnitl nnlveralty. spending much
of his lelsnra during thil neriod ta
travel He U a^ol^ of
critnra a. h^ exa^^n
haa bean oloeod aod
rirod ia the city yesterday
way home.
William Jaekaon
haa parahaaed an
aleotrie dynamo forsae inbls mauhlne
shop for lighting porposM.
Uie tqo^d of
paoaUar polaoniug oaaoa in Manches
ter and other places and there. Itave
beem many oaaes of perlphemlal u
rltla in this city oanted
in boar.
by arsenic
ThaMimoa Mande
-inunra and frteddshlp oflthe Ponahkeeirie. K. Y.. .-Emrle.''!
of tbe Turkish e
ilf would hare Iran angry at
. frbo. as'
"Dr. Hfdley's seoood i
"I knew (ho man wbvn be was livii
:itw :
ji’*'- • k-i.v.- twhl
-knowledgn <if bis
ritod to be premat as there ia baribU flXM.
And 1 am pervwadcd if it bad bran iUkad
Be rioklaa
you. him in liis lifetime if nwii an irnago
aaa of Importanoe to trenaaoL
in spile of all this ibe Turktsta gov- the geneti
and astonishee yon > ahonld be made like him. and then s>-i
Tbe boys of the Oak Phrk aohool
lent haa a principle, or, nrara prop- with his
— InsQcha plac*>. I talieve be wonlrt .%»/*NTKH-HiirH.» ,e-H.v»i
. a prilc]
efeatedtbe boys of the BoMdMia
stake, which It aa- vrith bis a
yv .„ AI.IJ. .i e‘,il-« H.
les that |i would sacrifice by conin agame of
. , U-H UV IU.IV <.u jue, «. .H-*l • Hill ■K-Wl ' I P”h evI.B . I>0—OHSkll-S
them into bew and i „ i,
j.j, tvsHw.''..hhd the. irn
snl at KarpDL It b.not because
A. 3. MeOooald of Otawn and Mr*. Dr. Nerioi but rimpty Ira-anra be ,,
»» hi. v^be
Quaker. "1 ^mld imt liavo bad aggirt ;
LiUie MoCoy of Garfield ware mar a eoDMU of tbe rolled Slate*.
«“*«., aod
haa a
miarion to againstlt.wberaa.uwasbntM.imag..
ried yesterday evening by Bev. S. treaty under which we locate our con-1P~P>''
made by bands. ’ ^ BmT,«gU a-emt
auU ta Turkey providea for the eaub-i “"'h doubt
if a
chaitv. homaand
Great Idolatry."
Fine art oaleBdan are being planed Uahmeot ofconsulate* at iwlota where ! genial, friendly
ta every raaidanM in the city by tbe
they can ta oseful to commerce. At the 0|ien Hooje this aeaaon than
irpm. the Turks Insist, tta consul did at (he cloae of hU lecture —
would bxve no commeralal jvork lo do. 'nijjht on “ITie Sunny Side of Life."
Karput, or Hirpoot, as It la alao'
written. U of Interest to ibc oould*!
The Aoma oaab earriar ayttem haa
mittea of -the
The Rapid City Knms ima saapendvrlnter.
or LltUe atatea that it will moune
in the apring, tboogta be does not
Mate where it will be.
will be held at the lodge rooms
Arthur H. Clark, tbe F.
C. degree ia
tbe afternocn at i o'clock and tba M.
tbe aranlng at
YUiting brotben are
A apraial
A eordial invita
tion U extended to all
club mat lari even-1
tag at the home of Mlaa StelU Jahwhere a fine tim^ was enjoyed
by aa
Frank OaoMt came np from Inter
" Mr. and Hra
Moel iqate iw:
way to
Om. a
wedded at
through the city
Dnstta.' re-
Chieago ««
on their
tbelr wedding
„ ,l» cin. ! Vl-r. -™ •
bat no right ta take'000.
ombnge at sneb
cdou per ee. |
lUvtag alripped this iiartlcular cate ;
of every |»*slb1e pretext for tlie re- ,
,«Hon of tbe eoosol on personal!
r Coaecfl vT Ita I
grennda. even taclodtDg tbe groand
Travvrar CMr.
dose afflllatioD wlib tbe detested mis- '
alonaiiea Secretary Hay baa so far tbe ,
upper band ta the struggle between
weatem posb and Turkish obMloacy. !
If the barriet* are ODce
once broken down
dovm j *f****“^jy"
at Karput. there will be
i Preffwti. Aldermen Moore, Hitating*.
axcota on Turkey's part for nialnialB- girder. Smith. Roond and Garrtaon
tag tbem anywhere else, and
and It may be , aad Mayor Friedrich.
T aettlemeDt
--- -------------------of
-- meeting haring been called
of diacnaaing tbe
rhlnery for the protection of tbelr
te polea pieced ta
I Michigan Teleo and property
by tbelr borne gov-
Mrs. Maria Friedrich came ap tnm
aassml to tlw Mcmtag Bm«dl
New ToA. Doo. A—Memte^f the
Ana Arbor
to visit
Before any action «
atoel plate of |l a ton, which makes;
daagber. Mr*. Jaoob Fnrteeh. who U
able flower now." said Peter Downing oil room, therefore no ocUoo cootd be
vary ai^.
of tbe Boaary Flower company recent- taken on aoewt of lack of sufficient
Joe Friadricb of Grand Rapids ia
, New
to oonsfitate
the price for tank
Ttaiting Frank Friadrioh.
Steel Plate pool sent ont circnlars annooneing an adeanoe In .the price of
hnrg base.
plates #t8.
The Bdrance was agreed
apon at a meeting of the pool
bers held at the Waldorf AatoriB Priday night.
WiUiam BelCner aad A.
s fur Catarrh tbst
I" Ih.
Uler a
Other rauntry atandlng ou no friendlier .'
fooUng. It Is wllhlu Ibe prnvloce ^
which rained the property.
of aoy dffteo to object lo tbe perwia ,
<»« o» *he bank Mr.
named at consul or minister to serve > Gross had a silver spoon made, and
within Its own border, and tbe other j that U all be haa lo show for hit g|»..
The ladies qnarwt
will famish music.
• - .........................
oerenry will anri-ly destroy
le of amell and c-ompU-tely il.-r
whole e.rstcm when outerit
ttan nilsaioD siationa lo tbe neighbor-: '•‘‘riiry when gold mines were work- through the morons snriaces. I
articles riicmld never Ihbood. I Jke other loUnd- polnu of ibis \ ®d in Spain at a profit. It is n
sort. II is regarded by the Turks as a 'orod that aeveral freab diteov
is. ns die damage• they wi
danger spot lo tbelr relations with tbe gold hare been made. 8ome of the ^ tan fold
to the good von ran possiblr
ire from them, liall's Gatam
outride world.
have trU-d to mnds'of the River Menvanares are raid deri<
ty h
Onn-, manufactnred bv F. J. Glu-ui-v
coofiae foreign Intraslon
' oonlain enongli gold to rai«y the
Toledo, O., contains no mefand lo keep tbe Interior of (heir
EMtof waaliingandawetlknown mln- cmy. and is taken internallr. ai-llug
try for tbelr own people and their own
dlxeetly npon (he blood and tnnevus
religion: hence tbelr perslAent re -rhaa Jnai asked for the oonceasion of
.... ..
clow-to Madrid, which, like ■nrfaoM of Uie system. In baying
fusal up to the ......................
prewnt time
lo grant
Hall's Catarrh Cnre be snri- vou
Dr- .Sorion. I'nfortu-1 PreWria, is said to be fonnded on a (he genntae. It is takerl Intenial
an exequatur
and made in Toledo., Ohio, Ii.t F
Obaney ft Co. Testimonials fm-.
and iicriDitted tbe Briilsb government: Colonel George P. Groox. of
Sold by dniggistB. price Tta. p>
to erabilafa a consuUie at Karpoi so ; City, has a apoon that east him »«.- bottle.
Ball’s Family Pills are the best.
Yaarsagohe was effeted that
to be demanding any nK.re privileges
the Saving! Bank
d pnblioaUon for tbe
■ 'll;
rial circle ta Cou
Beaton atore.
loebaa last avantag lo spend Sonday.
tbe end and final farewell <
There wiU be a mam meeting of aU
tba aniom of tba el^ tomorrow eventag at O. 8. P. ! hall AU are in-
analyaia found
t^tsiUlssdniaToa by tbe Amrateoa
before as tourist and slud.-nt. making
* inimitable lecture which : ww. "a Judgement npen Ctcmiwell to
his Ust trip on foot for the purtnee of ' will be given Wednesday eTsotag aa , be Urns wtviuged after hrs death, becanie
that I par eent of the mmplet of beer
examined by him contained arsenic
with foolirh inw-otina, and it "was to
ba carried fnnfl place to placu thri day i F
between1 Bumatra-i
Soroesiiei nociae
Boom ana
and Vastmiu'■
vvesimm- -|-„,uarr-Tw..
was nrnal in Ibotimoof popery., 1 onfura.WHO is mo.,u •..■a.l*. A* am
for multitodes of foolish iwnple to gate
'rw *r.«i
nuse "lie war • p.'.„
mounted as a tbrophr on an ebony _
a grot iBstrument in the hands of > '
bsra. am! I. u. ta- jKv-raW.-d u. Lord i
Galway and t
the uO.-ers of the
wwidTtangras. luijierisi
Vconisnry. to : f*i^**“
-A"** ...........
coiuiurwioraUr Ib.-lr
ili.-lr Brxl'eogagciamil. have they now. said my spirit, made a
! ooatly
of :v.—
him! And
are Tl------aoch ar T y„n:i.i
sioriuky of ,l_
ita kluacow loco-;:------•' image
Paul Kluritxky
raeciva works, «Im U niaktag an ta- i were caw lus •iwicrr. vvb..|Hilied down
aperaloo of l.HTvnH.llve works in (tala i images^caviM*.. aud all rn.-Ji pcqiisb^
■-*» wt iwcr
«w»'ry. says: --Ttarv are six or eight , bks stuff wherevra they met with it.
fa.-toMe. U KussU. or* of ; now gnarding bU image and wau-bing r- .......................biVEest b*-tag bHwtnt at Kolumiu. orra it, aod lii* cbilUmi and offlccra ,
* *“ -ttsfled. ' following it. mollilndc. of the i.ibab.l- howevra. tlist ter all gaoeral purporo
aclence and,
W. B. M. day in Orange Hall Sonday
dotaa frightened
with an almori o*nparaUeled mas. of.’
of Northport
tbe boUdar rash.
gram is prepared.
boMnem ur; os
.. and tnraeud fea-1
tare, without lifeor brsnili.wliK-h woald
ba carried thii way.
great Procactor's twdy. bci adead iraa^ , _
of woed or wax. arrayed and decked I K"^
UHmnandEra Yoang are employ
be«er acqnalnitag himself with the,the
aeoond nomber of the High 1 >“.1^
the SaTiaga Bank Baaaar dari ng I life of the p.-oMe. lie enjoy, the per- acbool Leotnrv and Marie oonree.
aftamoon at 4 o'elook.
king, haa aa tai-onie o^aboot EN.OOO.. .
thraatag and preaaing of tBaUitodrs.-i' cv>B saut - Yak i^rk>. ■*■-. s-te.-t.'ii
a alx-
power Wolrerine gaanllne an
gina to Oarl Sehrader
for Ua fishing boA.
Sooioty will obterva their annual 0.
iwadoa. Dec. g-people
Hifte Smith of Xtlenta haa glcea
travellag IThraries to fourtra-a ciuia>
uas ta Georgia. Tbe books are InMded fai Uie acbool cblMren and an
m make Iba vtrmit of Uw.acbooU.
^^tUh coal
Saginaw and Bay
with faamor and viriteen.
Aa a matter of;
fact the ebolcff of Dr. Nation seems to
hare been as neariy Ideal as tbe choice'
or any eoaaal ta tbe last doaen yean.aod doobtleaa eapeclal pains were ttk- en to aaaara this appotatmest against 1
any erltlctam on Its parsoaal aide, ao aa j
to make all tha morg^Tion. tbe pnr I
e of tbe T«r
_ ^ ;
faring an exeqoatar. It it abenld do ao-'
l>r.-NoHon i. «> ye« of age
gradaate of UamUtem eoUege of tbe |
momliig at
CettioM flUed the |mper.
barbaroaa eooatiy.
the Elks annaal soeial anmirm will
The auam barge
«b» Edward Bumogfa. the Qaaker
"Apaatla of Ismdcm." whun George
Fox called him "8«a <E Thandm," was
pMdag tfaroagfa CharingCtom cm hla
vray lo the rify. apoa tba "gld day of
tbeninUi month." I65A. be found the
«r«e*a crowded with pecq()a "Tba
gaards of mldisr*. horse and focE,
“ ““2;i
that the ahoea
an not laatei a^ threw them away
moat at • o'olocA this
I xoira* sf vr—d *oa wm cam
Thrarah tisSra la lUa.
.ate; with :
and hands get ta.1
Tbe arords wore hardly eat of bla |
1 tbe TarUMi alti
a dash ter tbe
tioB that we ban been ap
....................... ...........________ _________
ibra. indeed. X will. wMsoe, -ay roa- i , ..p~-.~.7T3-----------,
Write of making a aemlbarbaroai: SOO riraa faces end bands cme baA an of the thmg cf pecqile. ”
i L
p»Ui«- cvrar *ad^aUy atik ,*1*.
When be Inqaityd the iwwn of "thl*, n»>-*fl»—■
na ir
cbeice of a eoaaal ta aettle ta a aeml-1 ^
the baa aad the fenee. wrap pod ia
an old iwirof orealta. The thief
eeoed Teacher, - which ahe handled
of tbe aivotBtee, aayt
d^iateb to the New Tetfe Posl
foead oe
aer-a for 3. N. Maaaan ft Oo of Olen
Arbor, to be takaa to Ohloago.
■paelal teiereM from the petwmaUty
Btolas BOOM tima ago from the ftik
She handled <he
It STBS Mr. Bite's caatom to atasd
at ibe door natil tbe ftrat grand entry
of tbe rlreas peofde. when be wooM
leave. Oa this orraatea be saw tbe
besgry kook ua lb* faen of Uw boys
sad ^Isd tbem areoad him: "Ton
waat IV go ta. doe'r yoo. boysr*
“Bet rra lifer 'ebooted hack tbs
Bar m«y triawds is thla nQr wlU
pteid farer at Interlodm. la boRw.
ment to be anaaged.
the Mb^ preeatted hj
tcakgy awd ochar niwthem potota
Place aaaple toocaa
WUltem Boil
5teT n
«a« on j
»he«hje«of"ChUd B*ody.”
tea by Mba Jeaslo
whidh will mka AD milaa u host
Tb* Omul TnmM Ooamtf Tcaeb•r'* iwnrtirion elond b mnaMfnl for^’„ aajwben **tr' Pan of a
mtfptAiabk lemoB y«at«d»y. A feind uv om of ilxvwmajT ctm
WM a aw bran wrliit te sayf
u tmt>l* aad berry tad aav
great demand
On motion of Alderman Moore daly
can Beauty roae. Tbe chryaanUiemam oarried, connoil adjourned.
te nill wanted, bot tbe tele of It te no
aamer Dltaoia. oa biiiliiiim
A. W. Rickard, City Clerk.
where near at large as It was two or:
and Mra Henry
three years ago. and people do not care I
Three German unlverritle* liava
have gone to Chicago.
to hare It so Ug.
Coamra becalm I eai-b over a tbonsaud irralkal atuFrank ^ri^t ha* retnmad fran a
qnite popular tbit year. Tbcre was oc i deni* ibi^semesier: Mumrb, l.Ul;
visit to CsaaopoIU.
great aile. bat people pteoied It In Bsrtta. 1.067: Ytenna. 1.03$.
Mra Fred R. Hoover retnmad yes tbelr yard* It makes a beatitifol plant,
A Tsry pleamnt sorpriae iwrty waa.
axai.aacket am CAEACU-rMT, etc.
givm last ereaiag at ihi- home of I York Ann. in wbicb oceor tbeae lima
Mr. and Mra Alfred Dakenkolb oo'aud iUustiaiiona of new faahteM ts
terday to her home ta w«—.
u OUy, and each one wiU taar ecoren of flowbat Prow aaoei. in boaor of Mrs. 1 fo"
after a virit with bar paroita. AlderIt latte far loto tbe faD.'
Dafcaokolb'a birthday
annirtirmrr. I
Brmloe It very mneh naed for trlmman and Mra H. Montagna
A large aamber were present and tbe'
II Is not a becoming fur far
war a«f retaballt
of life with
Ralph Andemm weal to KtagtUy
oocaalcB was a very plemmt on.-.
w«t^au.l figures mortly on erm
The antes in (Mina skoaM at oece Qeat latrtaator. Ask yonr dmggteL
impart tbe college cane rosfa and peyoKew
Wte Mora.
| Cl.inebllia. very expeatka and meat
Kn. R. Oarlyla retnmod yaateeday
lariae It la tbe prerincm.
It would
Frank Priodrich has aold a lot on'I'f^habk. is in bigb faror forcoUara. to Bk Bapida after nnedtag a weak give, says tbe New York Prase, tba
,; raver*, hat*, muffs and trlmaiiiga.
*ha oocner of Spruce and Bay streets*'
vlriting Prof, aod Mr*. C. S. Hont. Boxen a chaneff tt work off that goe«ff
J. D.
Kmmar. ttavaltag ftuigbt raeltag
■a tanildtag (here and o|»n op a'
agewt of die O. R. ft L waa ta the
fancy vesta, ooe i^two of a
Rarir -------- —-------“mi,iL
r boataeos with a ganeoal stock.
kind, onr hlgbeot grades,
BoU a faair cwpral of rice with a
-I hai.- two suit, f.ir my two hoya."
aaltapoonfol of salt in milk nnt!l teohave sold fee «A00, |ft«D
Oaecge R. Barker returned ycatee- »ay* n I'blted.-lpbl, maa, -ooe
len It to lasta
Winn tbe
fiay from FUnt. where be was oaltad and » xpcu»l>«-. the oibra very old and
Tba avantag e
I alwortad preeo R into a
y «ha death of his father. R. M. Bar- ogly aad worn. They o^ the** nue Maehadtet ebuth totey U ta ttege taste.
WIU. ~oootb It over tbe top. and
ta tvnunon. and tbe bdy who geu ap
when n ta* ctfoted enoogfa to .‘told ihe
HanatUtt Clothtag Co.
•( Ota young wotami of Mia. Unf_______
flr»i In the iminilng ueat* tbe gaog
form tnre it oo lo a flat dteb. Tbli
M^ble elaaa They wUl tuber, i
.nd sboold
about two
tm u^mlgned. do h«^| ^
work* teffvida special laaelo aad ta variant I incbss blgh. Itere sod n
• to rafnnd the i
attiaothra. apptea a* will riaud on top of ite
________________ itad 8t-i *'»'*'• The nilnnie l shoot.'Bora fffi •are make tba
111 tender ta
tbe pateor'e Mcmesi, by a ^wctal tent, boil them aJowly anil
t ealte lo enre your........................................ .........................................
sugar and waver, renwve ibem before
Waalao guaxantea a
will ta en "Tbrae Aids to
they lose shape. Boll tbe sugar
Ibey reach tt togetber, when there
water down to a thick alnrp- Am
ta a but flgbt over who's to wea
Roxbog, and 1 bare te moa up and reateta arAar with E hahtawb.*
>w im
I r y. >1’ W AKT Insurance .r
erf ,a Dm
-.11 ..i, K li; 'all.vn, r:m, :
ii:’-(V, M-.-k. TVhv.c t-iif.
XII kliHls »f
Bicfcle Btpalring
Bicfck Sandrits
Priets mqht.
. 6*
us Uaioa St
AWAY. Every purchaser of goods
■mooning to 60 cent at the New
York Tea Store will receive a lick-.
et on a handsome gold
Resniu announced New Yrats dnv. In different Inralilies for sale cm esay
Theae tickets are given in addition
term*. Ata) mone.v to loao on real
to the it-gnlar tiraets given with estate Mecurity.
every pnndmae.
lllS tf.
No tax ctaose Inserted la mortcace.
t Jump on It.
Ladies, "you can
trampla on it.
it wHfo^ op Office in Hamilton ft Milliken Block.
riniUDg every
Peal Bargains
Age* nine to sixteen years—
black Iriidi friete. chlnchilUs. etc.. »l..W tor. .», one
or (wo of a kind, extra goo<I
bargains to cloae, onlv
to M.60. Do DOl |wss' them.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
traumetion of bnai
ant to Chicago Friday ni^t on the
Dec: 27
On these two days the publisheJs will accept sub
scriptions to THE DAILY HERALD for the
aad wto aot tb* u«w«i*|ra* TtataliUdHra of tliw
_______ _____ —1« te for two days onlv. Mail ordc^ to r
<Mys mentlooad. aboold be mailed on December Ml o
• -Sart^ Dec. » WILL NOT BE ACCEPTl
bat they mast flrat pay np (heir sate
Do Not Forget the Dates: 27°2^SS:
-S.'-jSl'SSrKS'Stff.'SfiSratlitK”'—----------------- Orwnd Rapids Mwrwlcl,
Orand Rwpida, MIoh.
Fastest Locomotives In the World
4^ yow
!• «U-Ib
r^J and ilw rsp>^> bav.. soardrd
^ Y n>' !-*•" «>
for 11^
tuatrat loromou.m
Iv iha
trurtd St tbr rtonr of thin vundrrful
rmlBiT. wr Han aril affortl to hr tma and admit that <
of *• mll«i
r«ni-iJofaiK-}-. IhaJ lh»T» WM DO
-d.-n and AlUmir Cli,- at a aj»-d ..f MS !a tvrnd of Iw mitra an hour could not i
mw par hour, and (In^a
baud Ihf ; In- atialned That wan B ruti ptodlc ,
list ..f (h. n.n-Wn moat rapid mars at' lion. »i>«. thr raatrat trains of that prIhr .n-Rlurv's Hoar Tbr follonins la- Hod •-..uld luudlx ot-oitufcr a cow; but. !
I Mrs alll *1«- at a utuncr the brat tlmra r with thr powerful rnjhora of the proaIt Itrrsrnt by.thr raHns tnrumo. i ri time, harlnu ample btdlera und lbs
boars' duntthm. Siill. durinc
rrrat enctne rurv in IM ona (ruin nun
run a( tha mtc^Of CC.M ntW an boar
for * hours and I mlnutra. and tbr ««•
tin- Journey hetwren Euston and Abrrdrrn. 540 mllra. was
yeraoe ^>eed of M.51 mllra pra boor
A bl«h rate of aprrd does not arrm
depend no much upon (he type of enciiM
used as upon ample boiler ataee and u
■ood roadbed. The AmeHran lorumotivra are larver. hravHer. >et more resIMe. than the Gnettsb or Eoropean
and doubtlrus ura capable of better
speed; but to offset this
sani-r of cradr
Hriilsh aSd
States for''enelnrs.. ordrrlnu
trCoae of a h) brid
Odo 0# ibt. uniqM cfaaneHo «E tha
HMe U lUrrus Mote, ttae yMrub Qukcr OMlH of SiehiauAd. Be li bov »
Tuais u( BseaiKi is Yn7fsiUa
UMMycT thlbiN that happcBed la hk
ruNtbaad iviine is kmi aad tzaa. bak
tbe etenu of tbv day lasa at tba m■er ekiada. li was be who Ant MoA
Ihe fjaakar antipathy to art la oil
kaki. and be Mcund tbe petition «M(A
oauMd tbe kffialanin to praride that
tbe pablie ecboob of lodiatw Aoak
ttaob drawing.
Tbe petitioa was -|v»Mated by Stnator Baatsr, staoe de>
MMed. Twu yean prerioualy tba Qmks artist bad snnited tbe iwHbiac of
drawiiiff ia tbe pokUc oEbouia <A RkkMoad
Baiuns Bute', talent was bm with
bim. It is amid of bin Ibst when only
yean old hk ntoUnreame biaaa
from meetiDfr at>e day aod foond bia
scialcfalBg a rudo pirturv on tbe foot
board of tbe br<kt.*dwilb a pkeaof
j cbsmaL Tbe t^kras held that paial' log WH of tbo devil and Mrond of
The world has heur.1 .
>-ci;pl dn ree of rzi-umniunicaMotatry. Tbe Uiy was lebubsd. with a
(Ion which hur B-n- «>ul I
lurch In Kgssla Hgainsl Its grandest
nsaark^ “I do believe this wisrfiW
IMnjt sell. Count T.dsiol
r»n M unliersall) utade known that tbs
tiian w ho cau^il this ilei*tee
.e- iMue I.
i. Ihe
me Iiowri
tx-wri Is'hInJ
.viiitio the
lor thi
Tbnewai no relenting as tbs kd
thibyenol.islseff. who reprsarnts t'aar Nicholas <m Ihe holy synod as thr
gyew up aod tbe propi^ty to dniw
head of the chDr. h »<ome one has said that to iitunuunc- a Kuiudan proper
and paint deueb^ HewasfnrtddAw
tn indulge bis talent, but be amldSK*
bjenotostseff. la I.
be rtffsi—id.
It fai fwident that M be
rmiilrr ever slnclr faihrr .»f (hr present i-sar tool
met with ennnregeiDRit aud aid. inor and friend. Hr
a rlog u|wm the .vherls of pn«i
Heaifbf rebuke, fame and fortune would
nis dec
bare eroWDed the arUst iHth their ridiMt lanreb. As it ww Berens had M
aisuiUe of i>earr. bin If he dated be woaid aend him InteoBlIe.
tsdm to tha woods few his enliwa Tba
priaarka be derired fnsu red root, or
fMn red ink. tbe yi-ll.rws fnua yuUoW
rout, and f<a-blue be was obliged to emtsnt blmmU wiUi blnitig frtan hU aotber's waidiiag tuU
IW raAVe.
"Tbe only stealing I have ever done,*'
Keeaidtoa Jonrnal reporter, "wMla
taking bloiug fnau mv naotbir’a bfali^
bag. For lavuhtw I nard the balr la tba
sqnirtera tall, anil I nwd to
myfaiherwbnu liauitug ay as to get tbe
taiU for my paiuling.
At ArM all My
wurk was done vrilL Ibe pew. VI’bta I
aacor>.d my flnt tug ttf walra eokn 1
worked as late at night as 1 euuld aad
then spent tbe n«t
tbe ni^t awaka
pictBrliig wbal 1 wiald do."
city, the NiM-ilirrn raTI«a> ..f Ktair.conlmds lhal Its mr-ni nin of IS5 nul h
tu Id mlnutra and at serunds larvaks
thr U'orld'a m-or^ and Iraitsfrrr the
bnnor loj^uro|ie.
It has hern le
tbs murd for' lo .
lonos (u (ha.l>aHs.Iiayunnr ’
preaa.” bdilrh makes the run n
ynllra In » hour*
■ atrraffr sper.l-<.f MIS nilles |nte around hrsi lonii lUelanrr a
la that »r ilM- .Knipirr Ktai.- rkptrsr
Imloren Ni-w Vork .liy ami IliifTsl..
4«i nillrs,.ln s hnuis and 15. iiiiiiui-s,
With an av<-racr of r.: u miles'prr hnu>
AUbouch the Kivn<-li claim ihni no
latest Inventions os auzlllarlra,"therr ' cbillv
aiksls" .or frriahl
liy n shall not Ire.
ihMi the lonlesi for premlerhr acrontpllsl.r.1. In Knaland. th» home
(xo-ume Imrrtvtiinnni and the
of \YuU and ti|e|>heiis.m (but u l^re Ihr
p-tiKin.-rrs of Ih-- Hirer rounirles
anileni siaKrrvaeh Is .irie;i prcferartl (u ttrr engui
friendly rivalry, Uir
the isiluer I art. a htah inir of speed has near fuiui •houM hrlnt some aiarlllna
n»l iM-en nlinlned, e*v-pi In spoils of a drvvlopmenis
and Calais of a fnu tlon ci
yrt (hr
hr diAaii.-r
dtSlaiioe Is III miles bra
Iratrrscd on thr
Ni u - York
/'u H
Ohtral b) Ihr Empire KlBK- espr
I. a s. u. 4
whk-h. nolwlilisiandinff It makrs
( akd'n M. M. ■..rAai til.,we>... .
Iras thsn » - sis. ks." (hmuch enmdtrl
atrrels and at aradr emaslnm' nnl
IliBhrai aia-r.1 aiiulnr.1 .« offklal
drawbridars. always arrives <m sehislUlrllmr. Jlisl as fsir n ••oniiaiHson inn
be made briurrn ttie ben (Imr iii
TVanre and thr uulrA.-si K'h’duir
I . I'tem ^
l'u.1.-. less.
In Amrrii a. «hlel. Iniln Is
Camdrn-Ailanile ci
,.< ..HeoVI.Ml. CO. .'.'J,
Ml M minutes, at the hiah s|s
mllra prr hour CumpeU.-d
at termini and at rullrusd <i
order lo make Its arhrdule
sometimes maker maanlflerni
n mllra |ier Iniur (at
■ l-tlie
ir sustained si«-r.t'niade .
l’rnnsy]vanla--covrrs .
I 14 11
: I Al 4..S BfJRi'
InliuiUon day at tlerome'a Mudl.i In the Natlunal Srhool of Fine Arta
rarlA Is looked fortvard to by the novire tilth ferlinas of ainm-hrnslon. as It
Is a time honoiril ruslom lo treat Ih- i.es nniial to what Is rallid the
"bnwhe." Tlir ' mlsr a la bnx-he." ns th.' Illusiruiion shows, consists of a
sli^tu: hickory |-ole, from whirh the freshman, i.i -nouveau." Is susjiendeil
by his knees and then token ihruugh the .llffen-ni do Islons of the s. his>l. Ills
pride Is supts-srd lo m-nl uliaslnr. no In one siudiu the aHlsta may iiaini hu
neck It biilllsm pra green. In anoilirr tbvy dlve>i him of his ahlH and de>x>rale his rhrsl with syinb..le- characters, while ihe si-iilplors are likely to dr.
Clare that bis now Is •■ui of true and afll* a prolris. la of cla> or jilawirr• r hr has goov the rounds aod Is ph-mirully l>e<1.iulnd. (hr i>ratijlcal
rrnd'Wi Juke
rub him with turpentine to rrmoie the palm un<l deihirv thai e Is then a fi
fledge.1 sludrni and thereafter an es-mpt.
> this lllusiratiun shows, wh-iv-al
•r grouml. This rleture was taken by tlr
U feet from the j-ll's tiwiuth anil shows n
e airn ami altciilUe engineer.
work cleeji un(bl priM.-M at a depth .if
h- engine M Us task, but
JtMIY MIMliW «« ^ <;«lf KKTMn.
lie her le-rsonal
irm. the prraent empress of Japan
: truly ^lasi that shr Is the first my<iui of a long list
Althoug'li Ur. John Hums, who has
r. |ume.| to iwrltamenl i
sinre is»j. Is generall) known as a loiKit leader, yel. as this illuairallim
shows, he anmeilines •xmdrocends to
play the national game of old tciisland.
As a famous man in p..llU<-a. a profnsed uallator and humanitarian worker
hundred 1.1 Isalli’wed the prti
llegi- of .-atlnc
at Ihe name
Ai tbe buy givw h> manhOTd ba baeaiac mure aosurtlTo of his ok and pv
oiMed in palming lanttorapa and partraits in spits uf tbegrutublingtff bmoibm cf tbw mertiiM. He lived tben la
Wama rumily, U., and altaadsd quar
terly tnerting at WatMasTilla. Ha wag
dMoni clerk uf ihe mretlngat uns tiara,
which Ird to tbw prulrwt sgoloat bto
wrak risiug to tbo nrfan-.
He wuald
bare brrai disuwned had not Tbeouw
Eroai. father <>f tbe well ks.ura oil tallIras uf tliu city, urad fau tnfloenea .(a
prerrat it.
Bairui Moislivrd In LphanoB.a,
fur many ytwis aod lirmsuUly knew (ha
gnat Tom Csrwlu. wbuse pratraK Ira
painted for tlm suts
It bai«»
in tbe iUWbaaauBt (^ilutalms. marked
"By an noknuwu artist." in fpmking
ot thU painting tbe artist said;
"By daniditeT hanasud to ba la (kUobasatid«»rntloUMsU(telujQsa Hba
from oongrrai and said that tba fallowa
down at Washingtrai saiuiifd lo tbiak
that iHdmdy in (Jbio oonld do aayttlag.
and that ba bad rafnaad in ait for a pratralt fra an artist ihve f<g that mrasL
Ha wanted tbe wrak duow at borne. Ba
■af for tbs portrait a aambra of HBUb
id I beeams wsll acqiiainted with him.
"Be bad a daiq^ter. Eva. who wm
wat iwid
ra. bewa
a for bra.
in Warren eoonty wbo ^ poor in packSt. but bad a atraag will, a ckn
heart and first claraabiUty. Bawag
modest, however, and bto ability wm
Dot known. Be sbovred Era OrawJa s»
much alteotiud that bra talbra flatUy
frabadw bar seeing tba young man. and
tbe girl vras sraionsly^affeetsd by the
loy Instead of
tiomb inio hei
ramogeher subwild
he Is a progreoalve
selling an rso-lleni example to her loxyple. and it Is ..win' tu her InMuen.-e
against li thei the fashion of sisinlng
tbe teeth of females and shselog ibelc
ey.-br..ws has fallen Into d.-auetude
Kniprvas liaruko has. tog.-lher with the
emperor, ralard the siamlurd of the
Ja).aReae .-ourt (.. a higher |.laiie than
It agei l»for<- on upled.
nbnrfaau rraidence. and bra frtomk BOHead that her healib wag bsgiturim to
be affected
Kbw had s triraid wmod
Jrainle Hardy, siuce Drake, wbokad tba
adeoce nf Kva's panntg, oad ooa
1 met Jr-oniw and asked bra to brl^
Eva t( my sindiu <ai tba nazt day at 1
o'ckek sharp.
"What fraV she naked.
It English aclenllflr Journal a)s-aka !
promlra me that IbeewlU.
swru. WlHthaar
"dbe Mid sbe would.
met tbe yoong i a aadVaid t^l
waDled bim to OMete
’ within tvM
I'elook ahatji.
•Wbatfrar bsaakad.
■Herat Urae mind.'1 said. ‘How.!
It Ibaa te> gira me (fay band, jaeoatoiiig tbM (baa wUl ba (bra* im ml
"Basarumabkhaad. TSraan*^.
. 1 tbraa Wig g kao^ a( my door, otofi
■raawraaJaanieaDdETa. JeaaiaWt
As I'closad (badrar ^
. The gatlsnt old Dukr of Canibrldge. Queen Vlrtorta's own cousin and for
a years commander In cUef of Ragland's arml.A Is aim lisle and hrarty at »
yrara of age and over. He showed his ilBor and «-st iju.tr rcenily bj- going
wt lo his leaned shooiiag grounds and. wllh eight ..ihe.w, gathering la SIS
hra.e of parirtdgra and more than IW hareo. "HU rajal lilKhnees" dellghia in
outdoor coatume. the Kagtl* iwpera rwv. beceum *« .-nahie. Mm
hU shapely liBb* and UlUe feet, of w hleh he is inoNinatrlr proud
There an other Wlosyocraalra peculiar to tbe uoUe duke about Which hU
*>*• AYerat* I
t Ibe BhackiM of a tteoedlrt and aaothee b_
-deraa^ wlfe> skter bill." about w hich be was alnoisi at swurda' pWata vrtth
tbe Prime of Walra and others of his family. When tratellng IncoSato.^
duke, who la aloa ftanm CulloAen an.l Rarl of T
portrait hag
Utneo. but net
It may t« a aback lo tbe boruy band
ed aoaa of ioi> who were wont U. greet
What la promised M peWUvHy
taliisM Ima a pbotograph by an e
Boers were In tbMr laot ditch, but iw
iffB oa different friMn hla ordinary
IlineatB. They win be likely la becoow ramlntoeeal and ask if this Is tba
maa arbo began busloras life as a hry
of U Id oM Pr1ee-a candle worha.
d lo rtimblng out and digclag orveral other
and M (be BrtUah a aaerry eb-w .
_ .
o trip up the u
la tbU lUuottaUaa. ai «iy be oboervrd. the
o hara parked
d Ibelr
to mote. Raadfbg from kfl to right, the Brat man H a ooa of Commaader NeU. No. t
t la
b Chief Bcoue Jaswo. No. » to
Field CacMM CaHaa. No. 4 FMd Coniet Fraacda. No. t w Oe Wet'a aecratarr.
try. awo
n-bo bbb
baa ri
aalv ' to ding to M
atak ur aviM. avrtuu ar aackh: No. d H Da Wat hkMcU. No 7 k On---------- a-*
x.- . .
_ •*-wh
Tbr Japanra* governmrai la cnnHdi
lag the adrtsahitltr of iaPIctlog e
^ oukkrt la OB airtight «toa»
her aad
Wtet does (bto mean r
IWBD(toBM(baa.’Igaid. *Tkk»
twm tmlya aUaatara two ibal
, was oDotbra km^ sad t Ofmi*
... km.
The youiig man wh (bma.
aod 1 btougirt bim in. myitig to S«a.
‘Ikto to Oarage B. floge.
How you gga
my prtoimgH (ra ooe bora. 1 waoto INm
and Uerage toba(age(bra fra ewMIa
AKbeead eff (be bora 1 will atflira
ww k wbieb thoM (wo yuanv pMpk.
planed to gat motriad. Oera«gB.aifg
- -------- ----------------..X
Hakaow aladgan tka&Hlba*
■ anrr, noB, nnfi»ATt
Owbantnadif wabO.
Asf «M«afiag ArtdhMi
07 nreabos win prcoix]; rmive ov ofUMc fn* o
•UBty «l MK.
“Uow bt obtain A patent *acM ^«sri
Qy P*t«r McArthur.
FUeststaken out Uiniaph ns receire ^ecu/ Mofi«.wkboot cbaiwa,m
Tbi Pamr Rnovs an ilhxratml aad widely eimlated itwnal, opMted
by Maastaetnran andnnTwton.
ted for niqaaj^FR^B. . AddrtM.
M0nMI a/. £VAMS « dO«
(Patait AOoraeys,)
=0=3|4b making Your Stketions
for toilet Soaps
■•hi: tniBilrtakJil.1- niin m».V xixM of rbrt^to ww.Wt brtalod wIiob
'I i>laop-d luto thp clr>-arT «a<t« of «|tw« bpj-Mid £» bartm of <bp
nlr tl» «K>*. bklBorfr'a f«nB.
tf nM fa vr a aof-
Bear in Bind tbe fact Uut ve can 6t yon ont witb (be beat
Mloa fU*t «otui-«-l;»Ti- l-«.-*Ui CIH- rtiUliiis rural »off»<'o of tbliwi ibore «w
_ too
•__ kron. too fraotlM. B»rt
____..__ ■._««>______ — _■_ L n*i.a_
WloItT w*a
lu bare a l>risb«-r atdr (ban tbai vfahli lar »a,l of doom.
As I paawd tba Uf barfi Ifao auuiidaof founc roim brblnd tbr bofr donra
laid me tiuit (-oosins Knpk ami Jla> wen- loulde. rerbatm mendUtK barnmur
(oob or rar»B for (be lire stock. Tbf IHIIr door, framed In tUe bufc pn.-a.
opeited ■<> D> hand, and Jim and Prank, one bcddinc oiwm a frain bac and ibr
Otber enipITln^ a bosbel Into Ita inealj-, sajilOB luoulb. amlM a «-eleonie.
WHboirt bnktnf up. rn«V Ilartil • slro' k or' an tl»T benfied op measure' nf
■tain and msrkeil II flown on tbe acore. “I Ibnoffbl It was about time," sa)|)
W-. and 1 tben knrir tbal tor aoclal aUtns at tbe farm bad not cbaDaed ajsce
tbe last VisM.
The horses «n tbelr slabs aioppod noalnK tbn bar and prtebed up their ears
hr a inlDDle. ibr rattle held ibeir mda lisllr and surrd: then tbe atamspben'
resumed Ita Ihrobtdn sllUneaa
rtntll tbe load of bass bad been
and aet Hi roars, fmtr Ibla
and notblna inore fij wa> of
I'en'itKiiiy In reertrlnc a rbrlstmas fBem. IJUrr raroe hiqillries after *nbe folks" and tbe
i-aest dolniCB Id town,
tviille uiirlcras^ a aattsnf^
qoality of eslected aoepc at prieea from So to :<oc per rake.
eirii bad nn n brand new suit froin w«>l rnisisl mi ilie fsrui. Tbi-s.- trilb-s
e lb.' only ecldeDee of a hnllda.v. for nm a w«M^ of ChrUti
■ l•llll<II^B
apoki'B. tVe entered tbe strunr uuL rauibllne
line of
l•llll<tl^I»• I'uusllitilliiB
tbe fannliouse. tbroiifb a wood slusl. Into iLe wnshnsim. IIhsi |iasi n slon ns.ni
liarliie n faint suBKestlon of lioldliiK aup|ili>'s llidt were ImilhsonK-. Nest eaiue
a snniDier klleben with* ikmIIIi'i- mli.rof newly iiei'li-d api.li-s. dDUshmils and
apli-ed uilni'e inrat. I’nele lisl tire way out lijsiti the r«'’' b In Pvoid the en.wil
ed tnain kiteben, thrauirb the open door nf « lilrli rarae IhiI and lieavlly taiU-n
air from ample oreos awl sleaiiilOE kettles and ]>aiia
Cousin MartbB. tbe uiipluckeil flower of a «niii|i of iM'V.-n jclrls. rvsbed for
ward in Elve UI«' Qnd effuslTe yrreUnE. and t'uiisln IIMtie. wllb Cousin klar
Tln’a wifi'. Jitinle. followisl suit---------iM'Ih-re cIrlUbmisa.
In mal
larrlet. lonkin E c<>nen>ua
lUEli to wish Jlinl II iTi-sllan
BilEliI sit diiwn to the feast,
wliuw- stac's ot. |ire|iaralloQ
wen- shown by irtalns and flni
patebes oxtendliic feiwii biT rf
to IIh' liein of bet
kindly reproral.
. but aliiiie. ns usii
noating: up
from the front
rani ennp a IuiIn-I of volf-ea.
iind llsliih. lb.- olib-st grand«.n.
a fi t. Inmrty lad. shootetl
Uiys, -tywi,- and see onrChristmaujr .Is we ruunded Ihe retriierfS the housi- tbe sanp Imies
•rb I out. ’’Itrady. aim; flrer’
nml a don-ii Imlls whliUed past
>ur lienils from a snow fort
maiimsl by a Insip of Isiys and
girls In mufflers aud inlltens.
.kfler Ibis reception the girrlsno
araitensl and ts^o ptartng gnmt rolls upiiti the imrapet to build It bigber.
> l<lg as a glam and a rald-ll the »lu' of • Balm Bernard were
paleb>-.1 1: With a
e wi-re asked to review tbe algtits
and Wb-'ii we got a gllmiise of the dining room, as tin- wimicn sealed tbe little
L It prvscnii'tl
mide of
>f baiqiy. red fai-ee and b<-apa of conked (blngs ]n
brown, tihlie, pink and yetlow
.\ll cbri.iiiias dinuers an- alike In one ttalng-under any
«aue<-s the gm>sis arv ravenously b'ongry and Ixilstproiaily hap]>y.nn<)neither
«1Q nor yoHiig ran oIsuTve lln' nilr of iwl talking with Ibe nioulh full: oCbrr•rlsr Ibe feast would Is- silent, ami with X> taoutbs rujoylog .\unt Harriett
boUDlisMis spn-ad that dinner was not at all quM. Moreover. 1 illdn’t regret
baring tunosi niy l«ek n|sin tow n e<-)e1>ratlons for a Christmas at tbe fanii.
<5. KrvxrTII (SlIMKA
' tat^.
LECTJUC and Um. Bbedra aud (ilohea
Gaa Fixtai
■r "taa^rr M b awl fM(k
and culun. Interior teVplionia tor hooi
factory or *lore.
We can wiie aoytLii
from a rail In-II to a wbute city
. ebou kr Htma- >»»->»
a beantlful face,
flbe li
____ _______
arauad. Tbire ain’t any talk
kmralediw, racept drirln li> Oh' ataUoo boosa and aakin
to tbiiia. fatuiliur xilh ehrtriral and Iboarryemit attbe d*ak wUafa tbe fare
teleiiliuneliist.uT. ibsl ilM<finrttelepbdM <r<n> Twenty third to Pifty-eiffatb
was (ianlrw lrd tn Ruein. , Wi. . and «rre»- Take It all roinid. a etbman’i
that Ibe hirennu. Dt li t). Cusbmsu, We « «* Wer and yet tbcre'a juat
isnowansidejilcifCbreafii. Hiaofik« aa. much cimjK'tiltoii as in anything,.
ohm.”—New Vork Tribnne.
I are in llie .'<t->-k :_______
' Hitv tho voner.»ble innsme, wtin built
tbe Cm teleRTuidi lioiw in this paK of
The work <d the unmkisb acnI{Mn.
-lar weet." imn-noe
‘his tiMiuew
with inure aJertnres in affaua Umu tbe b«h in wood ami sli.n.', iJkiws a TaM
aterase ynOBg man.
; amoQUI if humor.
Wiliiees the
ige * Royles nf our old c'lion-ties and tbe
In a eiinier of Ibn ninm is a huj
whieb is det ilp- Imlf human, half animal, which
inied iu lliineolorareiresFntatioqof adorn lbenpi«TgaIlcTies andfram tbe
lelrsranh line stretebi^
stretefaim; anar td Ibe cia-bels mud IrackeUcf
JrackeUcf many
dlstanor. ixmnected with a erode’ iosini- Tbi'se ime ran araieely believe to hare
seriously as oobrepno"
ummi ret on two li«s. near which a Inf
stream. Tlits old relie
llie s|iirii of eril. tm. u ue* uis'irme
la sming I
tbep^maliiy of tlie devil were held
< teWroph line of ••good
carrely prubable that
which l>r. Cushman eon-, fkitlilnlly. it i
weet from Racine fm- the Erie artistswonld baveeximmlnl thiir satire
terrible ami vmiliiiivo a {s-nun .
and kliehigan Telegrapb nimpauy
objrel bring to take tbe I.Khining tbal
BtrucK the
tne wire and
ana ran
run it
11 into tbe
ll,c Imn—I
ibM I.
U» ll,h. ™.r™. .--1 In l,k.H.,*fns.
This inatruiueDt was
oat uo tbe
sras iilaaul
over and over |
TIP importaut
imr«i«*t fort
fort lias
lIxMP wobave in■*«>« bren slat.d bytl
Ihe subjirt
......... •■■■..................
- williBcieufiflcex.n™ Itat 0.1. .U.1 6 „ s „ ^
sUted that
k“'"« --'nJ.xna! ;
1“ tracing up this Ion it is
there 1 < required 1
K*wSn'*i’bl2'’c^^JltM a'Tripfe «.«0* «l<vre«af brat, or ^1 niiii
rnarnl. with b sheet of thin irou at
deBTcre of temprrniute—to chauge
Ibepilre. similar in cno-lraction to a .
pound of water into steam, while
modern "rereiter.” was plretd
p of the water h
o™. ,< ,1,. b... 1. — ,1,
This i
parerd thnmgh llie instrmnent Up eleciv.1 hi'
tro magnet w.mld poll this strip nf iron
dowp into lip rai
' 1
i n^iirt SUM ji«n« iMi. b
baarmraK/ ihc building at Rarineund
cmimvted with ibooUHT radtif the line.
1.,. „vt",S Z K 11- 11 a STJ
mu« ton mwii
mu rtmaim
killed his assailanfcrereblm-If from fegg,
dor ................................
great Isslilt harm cau be an.-jilisl.
Codfisli |s-r 1b
. .
This imorurton was hstsdnl down Imrd |sr Ilf
.u’ .
frou aiu-ieul liuii-s when weapsis «d Bailer is-r lb llniry
lutur jii-r Hi..
inmalt cuusMnl of knives. blu<Up«as.
iwords. Hc .which an m-tiie tiiun bad
---------ehance of omiping. Ucl .•.1 ..
..... ..
applirabh. to litre.- .la.re -f revolf.-t.
ami wiucbexieni, whose.buihts no man
eau ibsli.'e
Hamt llie l uilnl Rnm p-r l«i
Suuw sniTi'Ue court has H-n( it to lba Bnekwbrat Klour |sw Utl
black btier
litter I’ udi'Ut
- garret.
— The man seutess'itl to lught yran'
supreme court .an..l-r 1m to. w)
pm u.
“*•* ■"""
der f>7 a Dcwtrial tuMlvTauew itutrac- 5?“!?'"7,11“
,^r bn
Srst In IS.
if h<< basil'd him^uJf. Ibe law justi.
1 standing bb gr>mi>4 and
klUiiigJiisassoilautiirovid-.llb«'iinwable cirramsiaiKsw are su>-h o> 10 satisgnmni
fyajury tbaibi'ludi«u-mabIegnmn.U
l» tS'lH
fur U'lieviug and aeti.l
that tbe killing was ureresary 'I pnSn-t
himself from gre-sl -b-alily li
Vr limit:laliiiu on the
Bis art) Tltflr If E IDTCRD
u« aei.Nueca raa*.
Ttelr nlUkliWI I «(I1 Bs."
Ant ihre b. bllriod M reiedsCT USB.
TuA BP sn imrsir re>«Tmreol >B .h. rwen. ilns sM Us rdm
Ts sD kit
e cs pmir. e.«»» ipn
I -resr •BMs-i isbu.'*
waslPard ISnnbwaway. This is llio
ai^larailioti cd bow tbe old painting
with the croile iiistratueSt and Ibe
croaking fr.g is idemiti.st wub tbe diay of tin- leh-idKiae.
Dr’Cushnmu li „p in^tra of ^
wel^ a t<B
and Ire is
—*'2 degrv« are apparrat u^ a iber-
t Sfard^p^y^
PJ^Tpon a fUt aurfao. a
_ _ .......
O’ them big oOee baildinga.
‘"Wait.'aaahe. TU beeot la uiida'Well, say I Ifl-dwaitedtiUboro
naa two or three mitraacca, and be gtno |
1. re ...1 .lip. 0.1 o' 0. oto.
• e*re|« MOthweia and ttorlbrast. and
there Is Mil f«t «, eov-b side ef this
•rritta'. It's railed tbe Kay Herwe,
and wa rialtn evvu tbs spars, and we
...Jumplrc on 1____
Bay Borse-thafa what’s these urea
ti arooud bece for, end we’ve got the
M«o plare of ru|« that we h
U oM Hmiuti.*
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests whsi yon eat.
rretniiot emsigb wlr-n
Make It
■y ohaaem. any day an blaOn a am
tmiot more'a hk twa 11 - ~ riiaia
itedM'l aaiMaaPi^MM wmt
A phimber baa airaagsd'a new sys
tem of borgUr alarm by Beans of coinprmsed air. When 'the mod.ra BUI
Sykes opens a window or door, ibr
eompeemtd air tdows a porcvmas*a
wbMIe and lights an electric laap to
Sometimes you do both
lesreags bsJisee.ckiwM tniBssOgmersl
P>«.40HNS015 ,
refoes sod mOEhacss, sod
1 pimple*. blsdchoJs a
The Tor Trnm.
Ooe gignoiir monopoly ibere M free
from sitsi-k. and that is Ibe loy trast
kept a goin(.by one Ur. Ksuta Claaa.
about 4w.OOU.flUU losiy about*
*!>»“ 6.OOO.OOO, but .
eta. fa and tna and uneie may tmy
Christmas gtmeraeks
from Ktsitb.
Jooea or Brown, bat they won’t go
down In tbe nocking nor up tbe cblothat the eiffire popalatioo of_
Tiritrd States reuld live comfortably In
00 them. Call It patent rtgbt or ropy^
^ Texas
right or rcsiyd right, tbe grand old fel
I'nie. be
»an .ye thM twinkk. like
atar. Tbooe only are bantifal wUeb. doras’i charge a caab fee for me aar of
like tbe plaaetm bare a Meady lamhMit bla oaoe. hot be Is s atlcklrr for all
light, in laminoiis, not apaEtUng.— Ibe glory iber* U Is tu and be gets It
In foil measure. Everybody pUtys into
tbe baoda of tbU trasu Tbe conaosncra most bare tbe real thing, aad the
- - - -i.
i» i. k..
denlere and middlema ranapire to
’tfool the cable car oot of;
a nickel, but becan do me oot of a dol-j
iromeof W will get oet of a cab tar aod dimlnite siCMUly m the Ml
&. __________
gppfoacb II
Beautiful. Dr. Chase's Oinlment.ii
bcesw they clog I \
Oiauwal te a toad ' '
for tb. tIdB. It h
abiorticd. -
The rwarSt’^^eT^ maDOseripta i
S a oig peuireaui*
partner Ih
la« three
yeara. aod be U aow
tbe la«
only 1« yean old. be bas reod Bsmta. chiefly boys' smriea. and hla
beee varifled
by ibe rac>
Jodgaroai haa
tbe books which he has ae>
ranted. Oae wooM aataraly egpect
(Ml a boy would be tbe bM
• b^ ■wry. hot BO other peihllahtag
boaro has sabmlttad sneh BawMCripla
a TbU yoang reader U atfil
w boya
nl. .re.
aad wbeo
bo flaUbro bla
la tt40ol.
fltadUa be U leftig re..
iBto —
bU ,graadfa*
ther-s baaoe to bagta at tba
JA8. O. JOHNSON, Druggist
' McNsjBsrs Blk., owr rsrkiv Hr.. Sb'>-Mi'cv
2?^ aMi and 1
nUlaji. OWll IDd
woB.a's'WJfe asd
H comptetc vkta Or. CUaels Oiut- VOTk rnarutecd SaUsMCtOfT'
•anu for besides briag the meat perfect ikia :
ammi6erobtainabkticanbenaediBaecore------ -----------------------------------------------------------------sf diflereat »srs. Iiabsoiatriycsicsccaeaa. >
Bit rbemn sod the hebiag te wfaiih vonea
John R. Santo
eatm nmemr:
fcri*are aoeeami chafed with '
sa appheatka of Dr. Chme’e OiM. I ^
■eat taka eot tbe
Thro for barns. aaMa aad every-sqn «J
lYsTsii te.i tn eury diiviHan
for |mwt<s-s. all stock. 10 ceels.
I*n'vailing jiri
lerday-j:. to 37
For the Skln.=
b a uixtare of chloride of lime and
oxalic acid dioaolved in abunl eqnal pros» natiiawy TellsaTUU portiflOS
iflos in a pint id cnld water. Yon
tell when the mixture is light by
"Aeabmin's life ain't alllwerand iu taraing magenta eolcr. Cemtinae to
dcittlee,"said an np town Jeha
tbeolb- an>]y II amil crety atau « spot haa
arda.r. "Nobody ever thiukioTgirin ; dUappeared. and then twith a clean
poor cabby a ^1. and Iota of 'em seem ; aponge wash Ihe print fn
freely with cold
toukeaport^ pride>n never payii
water —Art Amencan.
than the legal fare. A m
After that tbey'll walk O
1 peril of having to satiidy a jory
black in the face for frer be Ilgiro me ;
I »
--------A waste.—New Yort
t* agys. would ,bretcif whito papCT. simirwbat lanter
and «miain a great mm-; j^an the print to ha cleaned. Corel.
il patenta.—Chioago
" |dampen the print cm both sidca wii
........ ............. .
Roucr^s'-r I'b
<k*. strleUy fn^
lob it altogetiHT. ArLaiisas is isily
<ji the uiauy stales in wliieh a losu may
have to divjili' vity hastily wlH tbrr lie
ahull bo trlMlf'T Lilhugalelluvrrilixee or let ll«ef-ll-Tw eiiinvi Is- tried fur
kjUing him. In lls«erar.w. with his
atcraliuu ezi-iiislly tisid<si. his
tog ep and Dr. Cnalimau Wi watching ' “ake op Che l.»2 degrera above meo^
t^ iniarnnK-nt the msakiug .if frogs
the eugino nnt^icaled
Mun. I calU it. Hon UwB «k» I're :
drtm a well dtmed *q,o down
«d^Urn juaTrat^« iuto w
rked the doctor 1
(ion thn-tiidi (Ire eyre Zf -byriandi n.
Coort ami jury will do that idierwsrj.
If jnat and all that amt o' blarney— :
rhat are tbe.v?" asked tbe- obia
-IVell. one i* when tlie-palletit
too sick V give much of any heed
■ed to
tire d.Mlnr
That means be la
In a pretty luid
way. The necdod la
when1 he sbews
■Ires. This mtana be
bad. tml Is MM Beccwsartl
Tbe flrtrd M wbA be e
to be rrsleftil for tbe doctot's vUU
And rather latlmate, be is Irytog to
^apaWL Thai ma» h. li o«:
where excvpt within bis owa Inmiie the
law mium s a man tu ron away and do . Clear Port per bbl, ae^
_________ OH a|s- fro_____ __________
a -un'laiit___
U- Cin
fore killing him. Th.- jo.Ige fortlwr
Pork per Ih
mid that when asrsulusl •« bUown
o.s». a I''"**'. mw.
np« ■ Ind.f s dr^ tliau my
I*"*""' eti.h-nror.-New
“»'* ““ Erpreim
tav BeloUM Tkiiiti «-»-■ riTa B
Driow te B list of the baying and
Otr Psprems Oor^
aelliog |irie<-s of yealerday for ntie-
IIUI. and ihe ex|ierimrnul lighining wlheareb flend, ie.r wimld the mimics .-m.
arrester which led to his discwety.
l-rc bUouisI ifa.-ir mioererw and aulla
It is a mninder of tbe days
•*— «
with Imrlesom. of his
Dr. '*> beJecoraIrd
tanio majesty.. Cnsliraan was asaocialod with l^nfe.. ..
I Morse ib the pioneer days of tel^nphy.
On his drek is the finn telephone tramhas pmbi
miltiT. ctwistiucled iu 16.'i 1.2o years be> I'sikune.
fore the Bell patents wee takeii out. Ic :
too inorh.
In Wyemltig: ’We foun.1 it aud clalin
h by tbe right <f fmiud.ng It. It's
All iLe
146 Front Str»»t
r^as ef CswL
got from llieNiklrr nnra for tbe
Inini-tilrel KamiM-l, who lud ls>eu
llien- Inst Christmas: then tbe
group nian'lMd single lUe Is^-'
liimi tbe aliilwart Marvin over
tbe tiMTow anew ■•alb to the
_.j-------- t-.L---------------:-----------
3as. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
Tw >ss Mb m sv bM a>
Ts «srt iw wciurr ncu;
sll IMI srstsscM «•
SM aim ti hsfs »t ngta.
berness Ih-d from tin- farmbousi-. for tbe iv»t of that day at least.
Coi>lii Marlon siani'd hi to . hi-ek her linssl. Init 1st elilldli-ss sister Kalherliie miM: 'I.0I the young <Hii-s pi It. Tlim- .tmiigh to be sols-r when tlM-y Eet
olil.'~ Tlo-n nnele pit down on ijie 0<Nir ami innirel himself Into ■ horei' pln.vlag jrramtilndily until IIh- rarket iiiadi' the oUlismsi- shake.
My iwitsins stole ont and hurrhsi nervously t" tin- rarrlap- faonsr. on thr
Bide of the fimu. oppiwlle the Uk liani. 1 hen-"was life and bustle tlier.-, f.w
alelglilM‘lls gave fllfnl auebslbw as tln-v non' takiti off and hung up;
wllbwoimdiiig slatM. 1
•iH-l «l
.mslnI Marvin
We bny in ({oanLitiee, and iqake the price rif^ht.
is a small, isuaie l«x. u-ith a speaking
Vifreand couti.ii.ing a meebanism on
Ibe same prim-ipleas that of the modern ■
key to. ilie'iss-iisliin. Jim nml
FVank rave a hand lu eimkinc
allenis- in tbelr inounilliB slslie.
gooda in tbia line are from well known maken.
flOTT OCT or B*a*r
rattle and
llx-ron-sof Imipi Jim and Ptaiik
eliall>'ne<sl roe lo.eiKHUuK al ll>e
of tbe idlio
all have aimllifr
pl.-s«." rhlnied
and now let s bt> and see whnfs
imliiB nil III tin- kllrbeli." ' I ii"
tl.vd for tin- Brsi lime tbal Ills
Hill'll 'll as verr fresh for a fariut work and that Ibi- Isiys
WAMHmerom. a. o.
A- ■wllrflre.
«i nmAT* ]
T«»~AMa. Miatepae. Maara.
S. W. Bocn.
W. W. 8KRV.
B.W. Hamaa.
Mirifac was caBad to ards by 'Ufiad ▼. ftwdr
y Aid. Oa/Tteca that tbs r
Ba«M aad OarrtMB
HiaatM «t lB«
Bsatlw a^
blip Ike worts*'
« road had approTod.
fncsw4enir twtet sod bewd ibe traunred Iritis tsto I'brMiDao flfu list ro the SoaarwWr. (be Jfapor
cap CoaaeO of (be C«p of !
rOi be seeepiaWe ud dceonUre ti
cap. Jffcbipaa.
mil os nsefuL mnoilu The bMKliS
In prSx r to onefa! anambn*. tmoof
v^ teb orror Ibe fottowlw:
'boild aa addJtioa to By boartSla* bo«ae
Vt«ri7 *rrrr one mm. wsd— or
altwtad at lU Stats stroM. aa 1^^
eidId-pisuwLi • cuDsn sowtdtro
ly la Mad of i___________________ ______
addition to be 10 (aK wtda and M feat
lo«ff )olalas to tba Bala taiOdlaf aad
to be I (oat bl«b with a aqnara frawt.
•the total expenae of aald addition to be
about tM.
I am deatniu that
abeold refer Ibis Bitter at OMe to
are and
.................... ................
-__________ oa If la
thetr IndffBMat It la adviteUe to do
ae aa I an autiona to get tbli arork
doae b« aoea aa pOMlble.
E. J. tenses.
Ob BoUen of Aid. Moore, duly
rfed. tee pcUUM waa t^erred to tee
•o the Htmonble. the Vapor aad fbe
CUp CovacliW (be CUp of rraoerse
Octertawaa — Tbe
emtly held_____________
___ __
preeeat to tbe cooacll ten aeeoBpaaylap reprrt of roeeipu aad ezpeadlUirea. by wbleb it will be eeea that
teere leBalaa aa balance doe oa bills
ten euB of I18.U. There U ten cords
of atone on tbe eraaber proonds on
Weat Pront ati
faad by rtald..
abtp to place of Boney aobaeripUoaa,
worth 117-00: there was ate about
tS.OO worth of coal left which bu been
uied by the city.
The coBBlttee would raepeetfully
- hat the council direct the clerk to
an ords to tee coiamlttee for
Tramnc Otj. Wch.. Dae.' 2. 29W.
In 8hc JliniwHf. tea «n«w nte tba
fisnnrtl <r tet CBp af rwnaraa
__________ ftTT._______
- KM. U.
Kasofsed. That tea expeaae «t ceaBtroettax tec lateral never «a Webster
straatreB Weiliaptca Brect to FiaakUa Otrai be boara twwtelrda by The lewtep dntea nad baelap fnaad tens
and oo^trd by tbe property
wt. wvald rimBwand tbeir payan affocted thereby aad teat tee,
: froB tee tmitoai fnads aa Mcity clerk be laativetad la apportlowtap aald tax to'teclade oaly aaedbird
of tee cost of aald newer.
Mra. C Dkimh. imeking and
84tth. Bnap
TaATOBi Ckrr. Mtcb.
Not. 1». IMM.
To tee r
o«p <.. . . .
e cut of rraoerae aad Oanlaea. Kayn Waac.
cap. jrfchtpaa.
Moved by Aid. Meatapae teat tbe
OnriLPMn — Toar comailttee «a dty clerk and Dninnirr be aatboriaed
^ttec. to wboB waa referred tee ta traaafer fr«B the eoaiUBcat fond
peUtlM of tee Cdatial Labor Uahm. 12A84AS to tec credit of the vanoas
iBatlre U untaac tee Ualoa Ubel eo I teada aa /olkiwar
city priaUap. rcapaetfuUy report teat j------------------ ‘ *
i PrlaUap
after latBUxatOB. we! flad tbe
tee dty
lrdy;P«dlee fua
prlaUap U belat doae alaMA eaUre
' 2» M
lieo labor aad therefore we
by uBl*........................................
BOtOee wbat more can be doae la tela Poor fund..........................
.Balarten faad................................
We alao find teat tee city tearUr | lutercat aad alaklap toad,
akee it oMIpatory upon the part of Alao to tnaafer from th« .
eonacil to award tee dty pnaUag, I180AS aad from the ccseien fund
r to tee loweat mpoodble 1218.0$ to the credit of street district
we bob take iaio eon- j fend
al<J#raUon. We enaaoc teeiefore, •eel^^Plwters^bo'ids cfjiaa^
adopt eaUrely tee Mercantile Co., and Wmi B H. An
tee Oeatral Labor | we preeented and
however, of SBltb. dely carried, were acrepted.
MU We are In favt
Id by Aid. Bmlte that tee mat^
lap tee cUy clerk w'oerever prectleable. award a}l contneu for )ob print- of adjiistlap the taxes aaseased
D. Campjeil A Boas for reel
reel and
lap to ................................... *
- •
veral property be rtferred
to the
Rnpeetfally eol'Bl'ted.
sttoruer to report at next rrpular Beet
Joaarii Sixiipb.
MoUoB cirrie«L '
HcBxrr Motimix
Moved by Aid. SBlte that tee report
of tee coBaiIttee be ado^. Motloa the Michigan Telepbone Co: that alt
pi^es berenfter set east of Franklla
. -Alda. Moatapne. Moore. Has- atteet oi< streeu ruanlnp raat and west
______ Bleder. Smite. Boophey. Bound
and Gorrlmu Nayw—Kobe.
cap Couaca of Ihr Cilr of.Trotwrae'
cap. Vichtroa
tlapa. Bleder. Smith. Bonpbey. Round
and Garrison. Nays—None.
of F.
On raotioo of Aid. Smith, duly ea
C. Counade and others for sa exles- rlcd. couanl adjourned.
A. W. Rickewi.
sloD of main sewer runnlop south
alley next east of Union etreet from iri
present lermlnos between Tenth and
SleTtxte Btreets to InteraecUon of said
I council room DecemUr 3. liUM).
MeeUng was call.d to order by A. V.
Friadrich, mayor.
JswEfi A. Moonc.
Present — Alda. , HoniaKue. Moor*.
RK-iisan W. Roi'XD.
1: W. HilUken. F. P. Boupb•
Round WrifibL'GarSewer Committee.
lyor FriedrjehGarriion that U
Moved by .
Minutes of iaat regular «
n^rt of the committee be accepted
Trav. expeniea aad hotel bllla-l sr SI
of special
:lDp held November,
10 00 and adopted. Mutloiucanled.
Steffens' Orrbeetni..
1«K>. were read and appro
Teas—Alda. MonUitie. Hoc
21 &0
On motion of Aid, 1
I'lily cariBps.
Batlc Press........................... ..
n«i Dec.
d Garrison.
20 SO ind
Pooute aUiaps. lleframs, *
4. 1»M. at.7.3u o'clock p. n.. at the
Oeo. JatnesoD, dta^................
October was prew
J. H. LsrfclBi. fueT................
of Aid. Smith, duty carried, eras re
Do dray..............................................
ceived and ordered placed on file. .
Herald adr. aad job work.,
Tbavkbsk Crrv. MIeb.
hall and prlniti
connril held In connclt room
Nov. 2. IWO.
Place, hotel bill..................
4 SO
To the Hononbfr. the Motor oad fhe 1«».
Bitiadhtpen, livery.............................
2 00
MeeUnp s_ railed to order by Al
rup Coaara of fke Cap of rrarerte
ICIty Opera h^l.-.
10 W
fred V. Friedrtrh. mayo
Cifp, Vichifi-'s
Praaeni — Aids. Montapue,
cerdtioerd fotindallon erv Held loretbcf
'''' I?i «
aEMUMi s—Please arnrove and pay
atlngs. Bleder. Smith. Round GarroMowlnp 'dills attached:
*'“'*«>'> road..;;!; ,'m 25 Foster Bteveba A Co.................... .827 82
on and
erire(-ur aatln rlMion. -Thin
ill 54
.. Mich . Dee. 22, 1900.
20 20
■houtd Iw used for placllip. Three rince , H^STbllls. cToBbla.^.............
*1 M City clerk. Wll...............
Vonoroble. the Motor, aad
}t| 08
for hanpers sbriolit Iw atlaehed to tlie | h. *. L. Mercantile Co................
4 60 Labyni, dray............................
cay CosiKa of Ike City of Trat-:.
Do less paid.......................................
cardlmnl l«rk. Tbls bolder
tree cut. Ml
22 20
Hlchlpan Pipe Co..............................
’' pretty decoration for
' I 774 20
156 00
Fulpbum Mnfp. Co........................
lanew B. Cloio A Sons. ....
2 83 reapectfully pellOon your honorable
Beiuled In pay rolls Of tee city 248.17
16 04
Arms A Cole.......................................
488 00
paerled abepe may Cate tteid by committee.............
5 00
C^le Presa.........................................
be ullllsed fur ever ao laany pretty
iR a rate of 13.00 per quarter.
Boardmac River E U A P
738 17
This amount we think shonld be
Co., for Sept |5.60. for OcC
sufficient for tbe prlrllepe of waterinp
Tlie rastlc picture frame is aery prep Balance due..........................................
28 18
borses and rleaninp tbe boilers
Henry R. Worthinpbain....
Moved by Aid. Montapue that the pe.
months in tee
nt^nHes ami roniw attsehivL titloa be accepted -eea tee balance due Tbe Hanna'B Ihy Mer. Co.
Jno. Barry,
Tbe iwips arc ootebed where Ibey be ordered paid aa petitioned
As these Are
e plugs
. arc placed
BamuraI A Earl.......................
rroa to make tliem He flat and are; carried.
premises for fire protection on
only and
Has- loha F. Ott A Co................
belli loprtber by floe wire Iwlsteil |
Yens- ----------------------...
Round A Sons......................
0 .ilnpi.
about then.. The i.hloup frame has an
,Unpi. Bleder,
Bleder. Smith. Bonpbey,
Bonphe; Round
dllioa at our expense
deem It propCUlicns' Telerhone Ce...
-o'and Garriaon.
Miei-I lUppnrt al llie Iwrk.
that tek dsdurtlon be made as
Frt. bill........................................
.................... CtTT. Hleh.
coDcerai In this city are receiving such
bands of
flai rlasilr arP fastened arrcMoi
Nov. 12. 1900.
tbe Iwrk to liuU Ibe phnloprapb with
C. C. Msea. ..............................
To fkc f/ono/wblv' (he Vapor ar.d (k>
Ri fcpc) tti
Its Rlaas. a auuill ledxo of wood belnp
COp Coaaril of fke Clip
p of rrovem Ulcbtps^ Telepbone Co...
JoHX F, Oit A O).
5 40
tarknl screws (be laek of Ibe lower
CUp. Vlcklpos'
lotlon of Alderman Bleder duly
8 20
OuenxMr.—1 berewite submit aUte- Bvle Press. IsIm, Vsii;.
74 46 carried (he petition waa referred to
T. C. Iron
wiiDn. van- mux le- tssru iKH lu art :ment of tee’eewt of lateial sewer builtu. JnracsoD. ...
7 SO tbe committee on (Ire and water,
Mie frame overbatanrrd by plicinflon Webster street from Wellinpton
Jamee Murchle. bill. st«k...
12 85 r.. fkc Honorobl-. the Me::..r oad Cffy
jatreet to Fnmkltn street aa followsI-**®'
«Br« of the
-.1555 76 H. O. Joint, bill............... * ...
Cify. Jficki^H:
.. 26 48 MIchlpsQ Brass Iron Works
Y'our petitioners,
dorn A S<
8114.80. 120.80. 830.80. 8188.^'
- Mao-bole rinfcs and cover.
24 42
would respectfully
petition I
00. 8356.80. 882.00 ..............—1735 20 ..........................
73 78
^^Cement sad pipe.
ask teal permission '
grantee —
23 OO
with- a siding which
Pay roll ending Nov. 3.................
695 66 cross Bay.......................
will connect the Pere Marqueite rail
Total .........................
8703 44
road with tbeir store on Bay street,
Two-thirds assessed to property
asid sldlogptf cross Bay street about
loward 1 month...860 00
owcsri belnp................................. 8(8$ 86
twenty feer«M of the present brosIVHlams. 1 m'(h.. 60 00
Aterape coot of sewer aeieisment
of tbe Pere Marquette.
for 66 foot lot............................... I 29 21
Respwlfully submitted.
Almox W. Rk-kpo).
loved by Alderman Montague that
City CTetk
the petition be referred to tee commit
Moved 6y Aid. Smith test the state
tee on streets and si dpwalks with power
ment be feeelved and placed on flle- be areepted and tbe claims be ordered
paid from the sxter fund. Motion car
MotloD carried.
Ri carried.
Cmcsoo.'Nov. 15. 1800.
Moore. Has Vo fkc Uoaorobl.'
•e C
CiTT or Tasvtasx CiTV. Traverse
roSNClf of tl
tings. -Bleder. Smith. Boughey. Round
cut. if«-kl,
and Garrison. Nays—None.
. . . :»
tee undersigned
refor Bepumber ac- irrATxMEXT nr BuABo Or pt-n
ask permission
lon of your hont to 83.487.19, which U
orable body 0 repair
ilr aad re-model my
TaAVEB.se CiTT. Mich.
now past due. Thahkinp yon la adresidence al 622 Webster street; the
Nov. IS. 1900.
we remain.
■pairs to be alnut 1700
hereby certify to the council
Yours Very truly,
fully (ubmlUed.
of asid rliy that the tallowiDg It sn
B. F. HAromo:
accurate account of the cost of repairs
Secretary and Traasuter.
Ike tloitorable. the Vat .ir ued ''.fy
streets aad the constructloa thereBy
»y T.
I. N.
IV. ^UHnaun..
Ike City of Ticecrfe
the amount of materia] used and
uj lua.
uiai the
uie mayor
Moved by
Aid. omiia
Smith that
cay. Vicktyaa:
ter Other. Hw (wip frotu'^the Ureb and clerk be authorised to make
GcxttxsiE*.:—We. tbe undenlpned
or the dwarf plov are the liest to use I temporary loan for the amount of wuo
eapeetfully akt permission of your
labor performed:
for this tnirh-. The (We-nse^yrty 'aUttinent aad to oend remittance for
to build a min bulldKTBErre •■oNsTairtkn oa BEPAtai
premlses sltoated
MATCBlAi. ran>.
factory ^ on Bay Btreeh Bald bulldExpense
____ _________________
Oapt>8Ieder. Bmlth. Bonpbey. Round
Inp to
: 24x80 feet. with
site laddi
Expense for patching and gen
The ovasw ceee.
- **“•
22x30 (<
> be bnili with si
eral repairs on streets ....
« Cnr, 1
) stories high and
Grading on "Conn street------Nor.
ular as c\>-r abroad. As has ufli-t
Fluihlnp sewer. Ceatral school
I pruvol. grapes an- ukwI notrl
... Gtnucx Co.
Flushing sewer In alley..............
of Trevor
Per. C. L. Oreillck.
s aad an- i>f,-rapix-«a( Isvelli to
To the Honorebh. the Mn
tbose who sailer from aaamla or any
OtsVxcuKi — Your committer oa [Slush plowing and
tKCll Of Ikt
klad of ladtgiwtloa. In taking agra;w printing, w whoiJ 'wai'rrt^ tee
« It--l«
(v-----------------------------folia*- a eoiuse recommcDdsUon of the c
e undersigned ref dirt, wlilcb. bowrvi-r. la out irrj latlve to plau
2h.u/"raS,rt^t w?hJ^i Disks for .ewer cov«.............
1 »^
Tbe lailicnt Iwglos by ratios
. reapectfully
liUon ..
wio: tee city eaglne« «id S» tm. for park walks ..............
I 44 | f«W«
t. a
aiwul 1
nsolted with
a dafly quaulum of grapes,
the etorage warebouae of tbe Grand
lv> iiuanda and bhmv tlwn one iieracm. after teorongh Inveatl^tlon would [Weighing at.
Rapids Brewing Co., situated on the
Wf.U tbe rad of tbe rare. ha. been ,teco«m«d the adopUonI of tee com•
I. Railroad
' 1 76! right
- of
- way
y of the O. R.;. A 1.
_______ tee city clerk aad the
B many as 7 pounda a
Bald I
6 85 OB east Pro
i TooU.......................................................
city engineer be 1 20x20 feet, one Story high a
Cemetery tools aad tnpplln..
Recpsctfully submlttM.^
30 00
E 8. Finch. 12 dys. at 82.50..
Pears want hxig and slow baking and HoO-W.
Rodman aerrlera...............................
Rrapectfully enbmlttad.
•bonid be dune in a covered veead.
Baowptowlng. ...................................
JoaxTR Stnea.
with anfficlent water to keep them
- Ct.sacil of
10 50
Work la cemetery............................
Hnacn MotrvAacK.
ray. Vlckipea;
mM. They do nut need paring; bm.
OxxTtmxx:—I. G
U prefened. they ahonU alao be atlced.
One crosber Jaw..
•brb pirlore nriNiroirir wcmhl be an
MppiMlre underlskllif. sod to keep
tbsii all tocetlier In ■ pqrifolln nmwBitais Ihe liamtllnK of llif tmiiK>unl«d
w rrefT tliue liter are uii exUlblUoa.
■ abowD
tevratlve war of ateelinc tbe dlfBculty.
The touBdatlAD of ibe itletiirea
botdrr Is made of allff eardltoard nod
my -be- of any sl«e peeferred, Tbe
e arranged
on tbls rardUiant la it list lUlRbt lie
caBM orderly dlaurder-tliat Is to nay.
'tbearraaiceaietit follows a rrftilar plan,
bol all sllffnefis and rows of Mralcbt
liars are aruhhsl Tin* pbotoerapha
It the card
board w
dniub larks; Uum velvet ribbon of
any prelly. dark shade la
tite rdpea of tbe pleturva. /ramtnK tbrui
. Boat effectively. Tbe
^bvt pat on uiilll all ibe Inns porll
____ -Is |iut
................. _,.:
ranped .....
and a class
then the edpes of tbe pless nii.t of «he
Afc .
port of U
A. good book ts a tonic for the mind.
8'altb and hope may die, bat ^rt|j
Is tmiiKirul.
■Dtr more a wlw min thinks the
teed be Is apt to talk.
TkAvxm CiTT. Mich.
Nov. X9, 1900.
You may be naeMe to obHge, bat To the llooofmbte. ike Motor 1
cut Coeactl of ike Cify of I
you raa at West epeak obilglagiy.
cut. MtehtfiomWhet poor, defenseteee crratuita
GcmxwKX — Y'ont
women would be If t|>ey couldn't ctyl
streets aad sidewsiks. to wham was re
Roue men are always feeling for ferred the peUUoes of BUmh Mills aad
tbe handle tbet wUl rasbte teem (a U O. Bryant, relative to approval of
j Plata oCBHah Mills' addlUen to TravU tbe toot of tuny on.'|erne (8tT and of Bry^t park addition to
Ur spsclmcni
0 tn the MiecU and alleys eC tea
Man a^.
< la aald aHp. aad
A. W. RirKxan. CAoHl
accepted aad claims or
dered paid as rccommeaded. MoUon
-Aide. Mentagoe. Moora, HafUagt. Bleder- Bmtth. Bongbey. Round
and Garrison. Naye—NoecBHl of Traverm atr Bute Bank of
81.261.25 for IntcreK and exteange on
wpons %as preaentad.
Moved by Aid. Smith that tee MU
be allowad and otderad paid. Motion
USB poUlng pUee
J. M. tnihUa. wood (or eSeetSen
Michigan TataphoM Oo.. rental
Wemera Unloa TeSegraph ■
T. T. 3atea eteoe tent...............
Grand Traveree HaraU, job
. E E L. A P. Co. light tor
dty library............................................
J. E Oreillck Co. tofhltore aad
window aereent........................
A. W. Riteard. poetage. mppUm
LocUc Doaenbery, care at li
brary ...................................................
E L. Ilea, freight and cartage
I draylng ..................................
NelaoB ImpooBdteS nnd
IHW *««.........................................
rm BceAnnaEjrr rm.
F. O. Mama. oerTtes as fire
S. U nea frei^ a f eartape
and draylac ..................................
OaBeweH Fire Alara Telcsraph
C. W. Merrill, straw.............
Harry Powers, drayinp. .
J. H. Urkias. coal.............
F. E Lamb, draylag,....
aXhike. draylng.............
JamesG. Johnson, supplies____
B. R. E L. A P. Co., lampa-...
W. J. Hobba. supplies, .............
Hoee Co. No. 1, aerrlcrs.r____
Hr.*e Co.. No. 2, servicee ____
Hose Co.. No. 3, ser,vices.............
Hook A Ladder Co., rarvicee,.
Fire Department pay roll for
'“lo.'ss E
d to conte wlte
a peoUe tee Kkbigaa Talrphtmc Co. reUtive
■bewlag the hwatlim at tec praeent.----------I to tee placing of -‘-t" ~
pete on
newer aad sice of the aewer as It Wateii
atrret ea« of FranklU
teooU he to..................................................
•tly eet by aald cempaxy.
I: d to order enid o
Hra of mid sewer aceth to'•........... ..
Mreet -We believe that tele matter it
be pi................................
expenae has been Incurred U ex ,
trrieon. Nays—Alda Hmlending told sewer. ThU plan woald Itlags and Rooad..
e the Uying of
- tee maul
mreet north to tbe river. We hare not'tee orders of the 1
relatJee to
y« boon able w sccore aa esUtete of Plactag pote ea Wi____ ____
tee probabte net of laying -and re-, the NichgmB Telephone Co._______
jconnectlnc mid aewer aad would re to tbe action of tbe coonril ukaa at
1 88 'qoeM that
..................................................... .............................
28 M irarmlder this maU>r
ithu U of vital imp •rtanra to fotore!«**Ttod.
--------------- -Brimw and tee conUnnstioo of
on Its prsiint grade wltboot cmafalla
•r <he CUy ar
_ .
t1t». •
will be of a coralderable expeoae to tee
Regular meetlag of tee board at Bducity and will ntemlute a coctiniial
lUon beidja eooiieU room November
ananal expense. We await your fur21.190«.
tber orden la this msttor.
Meeting waa called to order by tea
prte^L Alfred T. F^rlte.
w rk
Praaeal—membera Patehla. Pool*.
By O. P. CssvxB. Chairman.
BUgfaam. Frank Friedrich. Hoyt Pope,
8aato. and A. V. Pricdrleh. prml2 «} I
Mei sd by Aid. Smith test the repon
of tee boirt be referred to tec commit,
of last regular meeting vera
toe oa lejKfs for, invratlgatien and
rrad.,and approrc'
2 25
CtTV. Mich.
Ciiy treasorer'f rc|<un for mooUi <
28 45
november was on motlca
To fkc Hoeorauc
Sirith. d-sl> carrihd. recelvo) and o
of Ike roy of Traorrae CUp. Mtok-
Your commtilee 00 arboola and toachera napcctfully sotmiH ta regard to the
g so
We do heret.y e
I at Rlmwood avaaiie.
44 I of mid city that
Mies Emma Busbee.
accurate account
S9 45 on-streets and
of. tee amooiiL____________________ __
.. heruMI eOcthe
1 25
(eat ie tbe portUoa a-sd your 0
9 M place ^here such cdltcrlal was usH ---------- --d that •
21 41 or laldjfcrformed.
teacher In that rc-om for the teiaaea «i
sranrs <ossraL(-m> ra axrsnxD sx»
ruun n-so.
Polire pay roll f«u- November
C. W, Ashton. Iliya at 81.«;.
Ehpte PreB.'Sete"*'
B. R. B. L. A P. Co., street light
for November.................................. •
i Wilhelm,
r November.
Expense excavating sand and
Coun Btreet............... 8
Labor ..................................................
85 81
Gravel from Pratt's pit.
HovH by Mr. Friedrich, that tee .raloads....................................................
pmt of tae eommUtoe be accepUd and
adopted. MoUofl carried.
Work done on last pay roll..
mx'.sr Cnx. Mich.
General repnira. pattelDg eldewalkx........................................................
Nor. 21, 1900.
To Ibe Honorable Board of Binealiom
aranlng out .-ulvert on Wert
of Traveree Clip, ificklpoa;
Side and repairing bridge..
Putting In
walks oa
B Front street..
that wp have examined tbe following
rinims Slid Ewing fonnd them corrvet.
-.jlon rtrect to Seventh
would recommend teelr payment from
to Tenth sUects.............................
:lie various (unda aa follows'
Hsuling gravil to patch Wtsi
F'ront rtfort and hauling lum
ber to repair brldgv................
Puiurg rollcruutl stone crusltin tool faouar............. ...............
Putting in sea-er on N Union
street brldgi
Resp'rtfully submiUcd.
R. 8. FTnch. 12 days
B. W. Hai
Kcpairing sidewalks,
.sidewalks. labor.
Od>. P. Ojtaxiaox
iOrnWlng on IJnroln strert
C^ltlee. t Drayagc...............................................
Montaguq that^**to on remeni walks...
and claims belSaowpleilBg ................................
24 80
•red paid except tee
* Item of sa|.!''ork in (emci'ry ..................
ary of H. A. T^gworthy
thp police pay roV
• n ctrried.
HasUDgs. Sloder. Smith. Ro'diKi. and
rdered paid. Motion carric
Yeas—Aids. HoBlaguc.
itoguc. Moore.
HasNa)-3. none.
Moved by Alderman Haattogs test rlsoo. Nays
the HoHorahlr, ihe .Ifayrr aid fkc
. A. l.suigworthy be allowed 850.00
C««_"ca of Ihe cut of Traveree
>r special police for November.
Motion carried.
so fa
Oily of Traverse City, coal.,
BiTinixu >rxD.
Itennah AI Uiy
Uty M
Mercantile Go..
J. E Cteniek ra.' |umw';
5 68
14 24
Robtna. Martln^T'Pb^ral
laboratory supplies..................
w iruin. ROOKS n-hii. '
Prang Bducatlonal Co., books.
iXRi'SAXrc vrxn.
r. A, Hamond. premiums. ..
Hannah A Ijiy Mercantile Co..
M OIrott A Co. suppilea.
W. Rlckerd, freight paid...
2 64
133 17
2 78
estern Union Telegraph Co..
Yrcie—Aldertsea UonUgue. Moore.
Gt.vri.E>ii:v-l'lej«ite approve and ]i
1. Sleder.
8k*-- •'
• •
and Garri- following attnihrd bills:
Mkhlgan Telephone Co., rantFYilghum Hfg ro..........860 00
Nays, none.
Moved by J
60—8 292 .50 Wayne Waters, care of Hbrary.........
I commencing DecfUiber
F. E. l,ab)ni, dray
F. I). Marvin, wrvice* aa iniF. R l,jhyhi. frt on 4-ln«)i
ant officer. *..................................
Morion carried.
] ‘ E. M. Dumas, ilraytag.................
Alf- Gum....................................
83.077 01
Western Union Tel. Co...........
Nays, none.
Very n^pectfully.
Hepkins Bros..................................
Moved by Atdennsn Muatague test Mlchlg
O. Illackea/be allowed aa extra flO
Moved by Mr. P^"teat te^^rt of
for servlees for tee month of Novem- H. n, Campbell A Sona.. ..
the rommlttce be acrepted and tea
Morning Record...........................
etsims he ordered paid aa twammead^Mi
MoUon carried.
Caldwell A l,oadon...................
30 36
Motloa carried.
Year-Aldermen Uonugne
Wm. Jackaen.................................
22 64
Ta.vvEnsE Cirr. Mirh,
SIMor,, Smith, Roui
Round and Garth
Grand Traverse Herald.. .•
7 00
Nov. 21. 19O0:
Western Uplon Tele. Co...
fkc Itunorablr Hoard of Education
T"he commute on strrats and 'side Cltlaens' Tele. Co ..................
fhr cup of Traveree CUp. Miehwalks Wide a verbal report upon the
petition of the Womeu'a ChrleUan Geo. Idtrselle
Temi«rance Union relaUve
H. O Joint.
K 33 passed satisfat lo'r'ny"the roqolrod
Inking fo-iDtain
t bercufore petlaminatlou.
nnd we would thercTore
r.iied •" M
irat nd teal the be granM a aeeond
2b 00 i grade certificate in
Uie matter be referred back to the comn Plellc. removing old bolli'he rules of this Inard.
C. H. Hoax.
Tony Toplrk
f. 40 I
Chalm,an Committee of
ccrrled ’
Motion cerrted
Tonv HarariTxavcbse Citt. Micii . Dec 3 1900
O the Itooorobie. Ihe Hapor u«d the ----------3 20jcepi«H* and
ifleato be gi
fs.'sr.r.'jrv. . c,
OExnxucs:—Your Board of WaterlChas. Parks. 2 dava at 31 Cfl
^mmlssicmerB would most respectfully iGeo. Lackey. 61 hrw. at 25c
rwommead and ask your approval of ! Michigan Telephcne Co........
fh. extension of --------------^ yy.
Sc, from north end
nert with
llh mam now Uid l
of sarao
0 bridge. This eon
be made
Ie wlte wrought tro
It laid.
The ..................
be.grcaUy bent
ly amall expeai
being supplied
Boirdnmn River E. U 4
Pt.-ncer I.lverj Feed A
James Murrhie.................
27 51' I accordance Ibcrcwiite. Modoc
2s5 50: Report of
. .. Kbool.
Booka sold amounting t
824.64 and
------Wentt f.......................
tuition eoUeeted
No4 21 I vember, amountitg to 885.84 were pre65 seuted aad on motior of Hr. Pope duly
« sfficarried. wire rerelved and orderod
i placed on file.
- e.t by
y Ml
Mr, Pawbln that tee
9 JM) j mlttre on buildtogs and greonda
I .
- - ..
• I for
srhool buildings In acooidasce with
rpoit of
ermmittM of wood
h Side tervlce will
43 OO
<1 at a umparallve33 00-8 902 90
Thai service is now James
perch rtc
way of Oak 8U or
Ibduld Chat. MrHI
■Hlrbael. S6hra
Gibson 52 bra. at
i: c
I4.4S2 2
City tl
a report for monte mf
obir was preaenwd and on moUOR
Mr.. Pope,
duly carried, waa ta-
and1 through a 4ln.. main on Eighth
■I’P"'"! or n,l,
than dtnble tee
sou'h of that street
Moat Reapectfully. ^
.. .83,312 02
J. W. MiuiKiv. President.
E. P. M'li.iinu. S«n-tarv.
Hov-d bi AM. Bleder that the pay
roll be mt-rptiH aad ordered paid aad
;hai the mayor and city clerk be ante>nst.! to toriow from the bonk tnffie-
Moore. Hba
r*»ed and adopted,
tbe Friday Miowlof *^MoOon
Moved by Mr. PaUhla that tee pro
gram for commeticeinent exerelaea l»r
tbe school year 1900 and 1901 be fur
nished by Ihe gradnatlng claaa. Mo
tion carried.
next reguUr tneeUng be held oo De
cember I9te. Instead of December 26lh.
(he nguUr time tor bolding mid meettee
On morion of Mr, Hoyt duly rarried.
t board adjonmwl. ■
A. W. Ricgxmj. Clerk.
Ie. fke kfoMr acd l^e
mahe alterations and
>f the cayV Traoaree
repairs to the frame bnlldlag receaGy
Board of
porchased by Philip Sbermer and
Henry Tonneller aad new occnpled by I^hllc Work!, to whom was refsnwd
the matter of preparing plana and
Store. Bald repairs
mrnatM for tee tort of extentlon of
windows In front on t
aeoond otory also to rearrange enUrely and pot In Brat clase condition the
aeeond atory of mid bnUdlng, also to
tee bnUdlng with
heMtng and
plombing of tee mom 1
tee total cost of mid a
be ah It $1500.
r AMaiman Smite t
,»«tMoM ha snaM.
n^niiSnsin grade far tee mid palm u he osMnad U tee a
• traMigi dl teM Urrttery wtth- wherever fenMMe. Metlen mrrfad.
rtraot.eart to.GarllHd avtnue be re-
lie works be lnrtmrte.1 ...
aeroaa Bey street
**•«* Co. «
Motion cairied.
Y'ogh City, will open a dl
-oehool in this city at tbe Aoi
Wntoeadav. Deo. Itth., wb<............
will teach all tbe lateet aodetr
_________ _______
Itaie aad___
id>Tsi<»> celtaie
aad delaarte and deportmenL 1 am tbe only
teacher la the amte
rooa goldmedab for
my work ae ■ maitoroftbe pmMaa■ion. Waltx
iraanateed U cma
o '^!5*^**'** *“»«• HasUnga. Sleder.
'M lioo
Mid OarrtioB. Nays—
be Rlvea at tee opeBlng. at popolar
Mared by Aid. Bmlte teat
of this eoundl that tee
W hall rent and lastroctlon for tee
1900.„_____________________ l|U.8t
afm'Wbm «Te&ta(. I. V.l
me covino
Tb( vwW U (TO«ii« eld.
to tlf* «r eimptr
aad ckUdMh
pWMrrw aad fdala rlrtare. bet whDa
«F Hrr wr lerr. aed m, katc aa Or aaeial coaioau ef CbrtMinaa Irad aa u
MB» stTMS Viib a artr raaai
aad thr BUta (aroma pdWrfal aad HMem. TW •trncTli aad Fbatartw ad
a auir la «bn« laitrr dara da aot ty aa
' Troaey can of a
laiavar Bear M. iMla htra a rBiapim
telepkBae oatflt trbmdir (Mr
dlTtdnalT iBtrtIkjMt aad cwMI
BtitHtB aad tlir aatlaa «rUI partake of
e aeaaral cbaraAee-—Refonaed
are able to coarMae «lib tbe beadqi
ten oOce OB orraaJoa.
Sir Jamea Graat. a tafdlcai
Caaada. bat ereind tbe wemtorTal----------theorr that rbramatlaai it dae to aa | P*-,
_______ ______________ ___________
,. . j -: b-uM
Moeoekoopoo 1
It hat Iwea snnssted that (ha dor«es 0*5:5^
dgawajimd ooaaarttae af
a ...................... W—itaaoWb—rwrotobtacit. <oftbe«.dfl.lwr.wbHboplythrirl»
-"m, 1; «. wuicli may br
S t-KS;
" ' -™- —Or—U, . i tbe Ji*«h™ofO-traaaatlamle Meamera
<mrd forj.Mablllc; pnHf,. ,be flm coBaMmllna would
be wbellfT or not 1 wau lo work there. Wbo are freqiwoily kmt la foca or run I
Ni-al drwuRera 'well invvklrd with ; down by vewoeia abolild If fonilabed
aMvM. lK»fca ard ra.-ku tiro creut wfib a tdepbouk-apparium for detectbetpa lowani lidioraA. Mill It makes a I &c 'if anwooeb of sft«m
«a*t .llffenn.*-bewibewaicanaacrd. ' to c<re a wariilac sIcaaL
Ufcently I saw lu a Aar. (ww bouse a Maamitted very dlatlaetly
buller'a imalry w Imae oul/ obHrea for ter. and advmace It (BkeD of IMa fact
storluc ill**fB>etv alaire tbr n|fa>aca i Ifl the tnscywlrd
Into klKlirn aad dinlns ruoin atul ae | of a aMhaltlre mlmpbaoa. wbMt is
bleb tbal atiyucib. alniac aniM and a
sletdadder Would 1f,a ocfnally
| pboae aad bSlU-ty eonoected wllb It—
WlM-n I furuhdi a kltcbcn aa my i New V'..rk 81m.
Brorlrenin. acme kbw a> lo rouriwlmee '
Bectrir lyjwwriiera are expected to
i and Ibe aavlnc of Uim- iin.l aiepa modi-' BAke tbeir appeansce oa (be marksi
I Aea iIm- aiTaneeiu.'iit of iblnc«. .Ml tbe I tbia wtatrr. A aunber of them bkre
1 ntetmila arc k.-|rt as n.-ar a* iwMtll.le lo : brcB pateoted. and (berr will be
{ wtn-re 1lM-y «tll If ueedial, Tbe iln { rtnlry. They will rout alful «20a
I cort-ra ipt uniut-iioua and kcitbf An- on Tbe rieetrk'lypewi
I a tnHi wlthiti nweb of Hm- niiici-, Tbe I rtalDC. all Ibe work of liw movlnc parts
' roukiac f.fkxanri uiumnu luii o tbeir ' betas dnoe by an electric motor, while
{ nlrb<-w.JaM la-kiw.
| tbc o^Emlor almply lodicatrs tbe ebar;
Tbc Iliib- larluc kulfc 1 like beat It { octeri. It io>du like an ordloaty typO'
: not In tbr knif.. tun mi,Id .-arver* and I wtlirr. aad .(be keybaaid la tbe aai
l.nilxloe Hw-nw l"it wbrre 1 can cet M i The prinllac t» ai-compliabed by lu
i Wilbout kwviDc 'be tow na-k.T where i eoniiri of ibe Aacer, No pttwre
i-barca MUMCB
I »li when |.rri>arlns t.'-seiablra. Tbr t log re«ultr.t. there N no fallcue. ,
cot two timall ailiaa linkmoee Hma
„|Heml knifr an.l cmilac Imard, which
»*Iht advai.lice la that speed la |«ctb
lie work
work 'it d^
an Im-b aiwrt. slanilnc
tbwB 1 la a|.i n. If tk-rover of a cram-haaket. eoilT uuHiulled. Tbe
allcbUy toward tbe CMter. Any briebt [ Utiji an.1 . Iran, aro alwav, envenkot ' fast dl
B ^ tod^cd.-Chtcokire.! rihlwn may be -.-jrked In and 1
,|k- |,mi,| Jaf, Two or Ibnw favorite «**<> N«
abouki be a trilk whler (ban ibe allU. Kaucepauu are kn'i banctnc ahiuad ia
An arc beodiicbt for eketrie-atreet
aa Ibe imff.Kl^ert of tbe ribbon ia
„,„.r fa„c.-t. fr.r I* I <*"> l»* lost Ifen Iwoucbt on,. The
very jirotij, Tbe on.- here um-d It of | u,„ ,|,r tirui ui..|,
lo.vard cniklDp
cooklnc al
al- ordUuiry
ordbuir? oil fa
lamp bndlirbt or the ra.
. lunarr)
brlCbl r»l aallB oifuiunr Inch wide. Al
*e\er>tliin-.; U.e |.re|airiuit for . Hety utioc an
tif lot> draw Ibe ribbon tbroneb Imlb
rrr>Mt l■•II.Nl Hiii.-rr
^mall ^ratmll
pkn*. aarl flnlub wttb a Inw. It may,
Kueb r>iral.^liia -\m* not ■Hibaa«ai|>fc»b»‘<»rd terr
A notiry
be pivlill.i .kcorale.1 with a delkale I ,he i.milnc* ,.f
Ui.-tici |.ertui|t«. woltln*tianae®
Tlae or w|*niy of Aowera <ir an appro- ! imi ii
w.inalirral ilifr.T'
nitli (III- Hfuf.! at nlili'b a rook feet only. In tlH-ar daya of bleb tpeed
•■an n.irk nltlunil failcor. Iia nlrbe trqlle}- tart lb.-(v It uixroc Deed for a
>1 Allredlafa It.lK BoU .lect;' on.-.- .Ie.-W.tl U|uli. in. .Hub .«■ tlHKID IlCbt tUtt Hill u|h>«- an
rat«Ur.,di B»l«.n,laD bU». fooled ar
.an In- alb.u-.tl otiray In Jlu- kiteb.-n Um nark 111 liuK- to atop tbr
alandius ebar ftoii. tbe riolb ■! bat
wlirrr ..m- v..iibl ti-ork ra|>bll.v. aad (be (be oew bradbsbl BB Inrloeed arc lamp riH, b,«WAKTnI«, um-lal___
an iBcIi and a lialf May lOrre a doiiUo!
ml»ir.e.u uMI If
utaii llilnet ** ***''^‘ roBtiiwIiic aln.ul tbrre4|iiar. L* i..mrtrrr and dlwaa. ,C m.
______________ ________ ____
» Itnr ia
tbe Martor. artrlac her nuOte lUk wtitt,
(be oae (bti bed exrtted (be admar rrlOeiem of UU> Urntdar at alloeelber ton
' ibvwjr (ar » fau^ girl mod (rbicb MaB'
feed tpahe ul at ■ diram of nnenbl beaatf aad anir'H'pro^tHf. ](<maiulf dd
aait AdrUite'a Uev dark ej.-. aad Iran
idia lo petferiWiL Kbe tl~> ebvwed l>a.'afb ber frorfc (be »(ilr ir.ia«H ttlppen
that .<U Ur Unlbadi bad >»iried a( oa
il wet Halmdtr. The beak «ben ('atart eat rmiilefcd eleaed «a Katnrdar aflerwaao, tell |« at^tmpndahl.' that AdeHae tbuecbi tbe rouaf oiau uiabt •-•«>e
'biti (hat B.tuiaa
afteracwa foi b>r. aad (e .wee
had luld KiiMurd ibe -tioe ibiaa;
baa tbe utitellLe walM tail (be «l>p-
mre wa« s lixbl ttef is Ibe ball, tad
tiM-ai tbnt r.Mir e
It (Oita .lUl tui! }nu uere cine
r caujEl
it» I.tt
Sad Uiti laiauiar ttaaopd.rrrr
' Actooair at Uir bnre .-arir.1
e.1 up uB ibi
Vhpce aad Ibea dellhrrali-lp
morn .-ut .
y ninred
^Vebiaa <bair aad e.l •!..wa. .tdrl>
^^er wiaced. but wel.-..mfd ber w?ih «icb
brictil talle Ibal ll>e rliftTlj
liferly tad tever.;
teailirr brsin In lliihk |bal alter
r atiebt Del b
able at tbe bad b»|t.<d.
“I wat^Btl b..|riu( that . lnel.rty
wmU <oaie-io.” ta'ul AdeUnr
"I’ye btto tryiOE to ((•• In tieei.. Inn
eaa'i even du tbal. I lan'i reSd. eilb
berautr ai.r eyet bun me. auU mtinua
taki Ibtl I wat lu Play In until >i.e y.,t
bark, berautr tbr wanled to nuke eouie
wub'I keep ><M a tiKKnent. DdO.1 Irll bee/
■houl Ibe unuw »el. fatcr- I WiW Ibe
I iLiiiL 1 did tell Mr
a tail imereti.**
Mnlluuhnnd did I tell ym. ibti? Why.
But lu-for,-Kianf.ud .-nold nt hi. peaMr.
,..u dUi/t lliiBi-..HI Mi.. Ijimoiw came in and 1bfa> Uma
'Knn-ibiMX I did. I IlHmrlil tbti y.>B teUl.d •bnn
ttuy. t.d tbit. AiMlae
. 1 bnei
^..n— rotluminA
lud faH|.
'btM- Ibe dirlli
doii^-1 ..flea
« itn i pHtl for
nnd..rw.-i..; aliiu.ui lo tbe .lark.-Good
CHRIfitlAn L
..Ibrr enew. ndulnc.
Table Bllrer.
In-m iiani
Aiii- (111... luKtirally autiinr*
r>iut| mill ■■inltli.tl ini
Tople t^r tl^^eel.
I be piaua of fbe
I clrinc tb^
tria of au aiii|.en- v( eurrrDt at TifKI
roll*, .w Bimul nlslb-trulU <rf a Imiaepowrr. TIilt
alcDUIrani • oniparrd wllli llte value of
tbr bri.rr lleht olKclDed. Il It aaterted
IliBt tbr new boadllcblt aiv nlmpie In
d.aica and work a-rll In i.iarllve.—New
York Huu.
-l odd Ur-M.iIU.di. tod iff. Waoford
"*“''‘1 f*"!"- *"*
lulL-Ut bate beard me."
| for •Tmf.rlr.
• T.U .b.p.1 willW to bM (bn br did.
r .
Tba( cm iui.k.e n... U.rd."
of Ibe ii^y .uxe«trd tbit
••Mr. Mullcbt Why; IrbiBkbe-t pet.
Tbe ollu it. for fup.
Wntmr. and the Untntat. I»tb. and. I
Ibbik. tbnt.- aie (be only tun plf.» «-c ^'“Mr.''M‘.dU(b>*'
shall CO to."
-•■Whoui >li.l ,v..u lliliik I BiMmV
ibiBk yon." tahl Mit. l.tBulne
M) aniiuiinlann. elrti ibeiu is tbr inoiniu
rery Uicfai
* I bttr Bii'di'idre to eoltb . |ba( I..., ui 1 if lu- bJu m. u.uchZ.«
TSfr il
>k. bedimtl dbirc
Illoloclntn are aorkluc
>« lb., imrable of '
' problrni wlilcb nay affect
iffoct Ibe InUkUnc
'briui illutlraln
by (lir-cro«ib l.f ur.tl Ibe different ly fruel.tl 1 ............................ ...........1 of eaclurt matMlaUy. (tome expena
•ffei-l. of (be liiilli ii|K.u different,^ In order lo 1..I.I llilt (III a larcc poiar-^iblak lluit It will artiully rrvoJutlonllvet.
A UOW.T W.-UI f.inb (o tow. ! lain |.r.-ervins k.-iilr wllb Imillnc wa- lie tVe work aqd irarb emrloi-rn bow
«™«-,‘0 HiHiii- u.-rdu r.-ll by Hm- wn) tide, oa !-•••*- "•*•* n I'b-r.- of natblnc aorta at lo bnIM (far hl.al rucliM-. aayt (be New
tbe >tin..H. ln.-L of totwenDS B ouetUoa :
tbe lianleiictl ]iaili aei*n.u (ii.- ll.-tdt or lortf au n p.io.1 ulntl res ntwl boll (he York I•rp1l». ITd* nauU. H U rx|mcled.
a-lll lir aiitini-d by a tiudy of tbe batoa Hie itlc<- of Ibe |ihiwr.l cn.un.l , ««v.T 1-h iiilnult*..
After (lilt Aoda
IriKa ufrlnlrlr Otbia. Tfar laHlruUr
| Tbr blnlu warn m.' ibnii ii]< K.iiii..' !>«lli '■»- f.-w dlm.ibuHllmit (bai rrIntinnt '
^''"11 tvbl.-b ibe luoat it bo|>ed li
r.-ll II|U.|| UI..U.V |.ln.t-u. ill! i.fku bi.-lit- ; niain .uti If .........
' ----------(br frrtb wal
ly cov.-nW will, -oil. Tb.-.v uj.iai.c np | " it'> n
iu».I......... ....................
..... o:;':tn;;r.t!/;ri-^
Uumld ihink tUl if >..u wiebrj 1.. rlrep
y..n woold Had j.uir Ivdiuoiu a .r...rr appmitrialr pure (ban tb.-Tuirii-r. '
•I waulr.1 (,. k-. (.. lb., maliwe.- aahl
AdeUae. dinrcaidinc (be iaipHed 1*- :
pe<uf. "|k.i,'( ,..j .don- I'aikrr liiiniaTHI? Cin tiniidy <Ttrr over bini. 1C*
a tiiu|pnir arirni.n.tk too. and I uiebl
e c»l bit libliirr.'' I'lRtfrabl
I'm afrabi to buy
Utaiamd.dd me. lb.'
tb.- tbouxbl
tbo.xbl 1 eiisbt
«itiW luy uioury (u Wii.-r ad
" I wa. piinplu cel it
Rui-i,. ,m.
0 y. ai
rHnu.-bius . raym
you'll trr liim |.laili
.Ml ranvif.in 1
1,: m HL Hot tU«.
uco-b-d. -rve noibrd that."
-But he U ra(b.r-.»-wbat thall I
ay?" pnrtunl A.Mine. . -| cneat 1 woa'l
forr-l bey«.-ir ao*fai a. I.
r (.. a I
trtuf of the in.lN..ary ..f bet .--.I
II liabard Ubm-." remarked Adriuub.rr liiui. <l.«'l y
’-.IdHiner ..v.-laimed Ibt- tili.-.lt.-a. ber. "I .mpi—e ' -If a.Wrd. -Hb.i
bat y..u
are aimply iwli.lciiu: ■>. )our tlll.r
f h.b:(
of rtaceeratmn. iait bi Hu. uamr
aulbinc <wnl.l be in Wunu' 1
Atul ,B. f..r Ibal no
l-.-ll, of
roiirv. yon .an kupn m-ibi
"'•VC but 1 a,."‘
**ICt Ibal wkbk
If 'll c-'t ...or it."
''.\..,.tie n.w’t: be'll ulmplr cel woiar
: all Ibe iWf."
"III- aukrd mamma mul me to roae
nw-r lu bi> ui.idlo .me day (hit week."
"He rrilnii.ty laerb-u III. 'uerre ricbl
ai-.nc nilb bint. You're ik-I c-dos. ate
"Ob. 1 .bm'i kip.*. Uai^ua said per-
QUb-kly. bm UbHuk j... <b.|.tb of r...t ] .......
n|.l.lb--l will, a'iltaiinel .loih. - t^r Uub of iwrHieru .kfri.-a. Illf batdied aluo aa .|U). kiv. oib.-r m-.Hl fell ! n Imn. Ibe .llv.f will
at fnwli as . »'Ti(w sre m. powerful tbal a uprclmeo
•ntouc iboniu. u|u.i, wdl wl.en- Un-rr w|,m It llr«l .nme from (be d.-aler, | ff't lM«Hi« loni: l.n-liUf.Kayibork
wen-(woi. ..f ibornu. Tbe-ibonf. Rrew | «y«n eN.-l.m.E.,«inalluc « i.iaxlraum of a»l voll., Tlila
■piked Leaf ad^i Beartel Bere*.
I'bi-n- 1h n latKi. nnmlK-r of imnoBt,
. ell 111 tbit nm-rnarj-workaday ace.:
’>“• »«■ '•‘‘hind
dll' I*
ii’an H»- iimirrial part of U.;
O'"'I"***- «>"• >-'rvllor. by
Wbii'b lb., unul it iiiliilut.-rrd l». coucpy
a ereal il.-al inon- ibnn ib.wr tbloft
wbb-li .-mi If <-M.n-uu.-d l.y tlcbt,
timti.l, l.raHiie. iiiuie ami miM-ll. Tlrtt
then- lu <u.miifl»1 wilb n lliiojf wbatM-erer Ibe iiuk.u-|.*i1..ii of lit iics next tliv
i«l wtlh i
It liy the ,iu... ..r <.uurnm~tli^£.for
C. for aU;
sad <-->i-n<l uihl tflilml ami lu.yonO
lu.yono '
nj. wllb
wlib tln-ii.
tlH-iii aud.
aud. IflUB lb<- ulnmcer,
Cbokrd (br ueed 10 deaib. SlUl giber
tmW f:.|| „U c.«l croKud and bit-ucl.i
fortli fnrit lu i>n.|Mnb.o (.. (be iiuallty
of Uw m.ll.
---------------“-■-ita In Keenlnp Opraa.
■iltUo deulcu for an rvrnlnc
if .b-ep oraupe vchi t. coM
aad brain.-,
ITve thutMaii.l cofxia of
WOO.I arc nw-d fur till* ludutiry In Ibe
L'nlte.1 Ktaira raeli year, ami IC> per
ritut uf
.r II romea
frum Maine. Tbe tloiN-r uuitl la
ily wbiu- bln-U. wKh
iia|>le, aud moat of It roiues from
I-'raDkHn .-oiini.v," Ontahle of tbe Ploe
Tree Ktalr Ibe iDdutiiry ia conODol to
IVunuylvaala. MaiMirbnaerta and New
Wlien tbe liiuibmuea lu tlicdr winter
(«u,pu Hnil a floe white Mrrb tree. Ha
f-bobf portlouR are laid amide for toulbpicba. TIm- l«ct. after beloc aeasrard
la (be oiM-u air, arc taken to tbe faclorjea. ulripifti of (beir liarti. aeiomail.-ally rut Inlo veneen. nluxit aa thick
I -tdauix. orauce
Wnlu .lu-U.UHI
ilu- u.
wliU-li fell IK, U,.-INItbt
bb—om. ni... myrile. .yi«t-ut. lululle. | oc tbe fl.+l. I be-,.rot,d . la.. I. it^ireiw. ibat It 1m» lu.n.T (., awuk,-i, uoiue i s,-m.*l by tb.. -.-.-I w bb-b r.ll ,.u M.my .
^ilinrm ,0
np roinaiK-e., cromul
H-.v U i.l.iuml ......... .
(•tm.T. ifudiuc forwaid. Tl""'- w.wvb.s ll„-«- tw.. I. p-tlfr. list - ,Kile b.-un-r. but (b.- tl.-kU- b..ar,-r. He ‘
waut to so." .
*'• '1'" n-umu.f ..f b.itly in man/ i,** n-iiii-.rni v .■,itbn-iaui,i. l.iw no |fr
.-Ulioed .\dr1inr.
“Uote a Wranp-oW u.i|«-ruim.«,, and (broueb mau.-nt utut.lht.; |. full ..f feeHns.t.ut
l...rl«. k.
(bent all nil,, (be ,h.„. of J,.y. of pmd m.t of f.-.llh. Tb-llitnl .laa* I. repre
•liiii }oii dou'i warn (.. e-.C
AAdhu- Muilrd -ami (lutteird Ibe kavr*
OKI ,b,"l.ATiwl.“w
lurk,, lufr.p.ul will, ll,e r...naucc of m-nb .1 b, (I,.- u.,,1 wbleb fell amone
OK, ,hW.tl..,i^ l^kms.
holly 1.
■ far to -eok, I-iwc-, p.tl Uu-m.
Tbi. lu Hu- «..r)dly iH-arrr, 1
ib—iebt. ,l<Htu.iiu«ly •
*’^u‘^Tlc-iu--li«gx.ld till
.n«*l amt
ami paiaed
of hoapb n.-Jcitin-, but hi> worl.Ily .-am. ami
,-a.o.-r wa> unn>n»-d
lion sad b.-rul.-Otty 1, lu.tMsl
.. ..
an- -. p.-w, (baHlK- (rotJi la
e how ea-ily Ad.dinr t.u.k (be ialer'
bad «br>nl ber ulnuia ini|.nlt,\Ad..bne
au.l wuudinti bow abe culiM leaf ami Idutbloc.-onlrbok.-d ..til of hi- bran and brines
woiii.1 htie U-*i uliak.-o ■( liw.l. but
The roniaiirr ..fbnlly It very old 1 fortli 1.0 fruit Tbe f..urili .Ibu. la rrp: venerra Into anlalwd toolbplcka at (be
Uiut laiiu-iue kui-n dial il noiiUI ii.-r.-r
nr-li.-.l IIU1I.I..WI.
(I,.- -.-*1 wlilrl, f.-ll „pna
. rate .,f fc(*ri a ulauie. Ai the muiado at K..lM.n. .. -J1.r kIH wa.
planle.1 1,
dwrlllne b.niu.. korp. off ] r—i cn.im.1
cn.imd aiut bn.ucbt forth frolt.
dratly mi-iy.tia benu-lr iaiiiH-ir
' fantire I* *0 rat.bl (lie factories ran
. That a (duah ..r .bam.',
1 lnt.r-t.a1
niRket II
IlCblnlDc or .
a l,ini.1n*lf.d.
- wat an added Apavaliuii.
I.nl uiie iba,
inri- In tbe iMunmiiic tourb of 1 only a few wifk* to prepare (If aopply
-■t-ni iu bi.'k buluy." paid KtanfoidL
s.>mr forty, G.—l ia>U dllfera lu giial- t
e utAptfd. Heuid.-u. Ih.-iv wa- a
irrliii: «ii iln- <vrw.*ee. Other ; for a y.-ar,
drawiiiB a .-hair bait a yar.l aearer to (be
Umil lo aH( nwirniut. .kreoidliicli Mi-t
My, It .-an If <-nlt1.ati-<l and lni|>n>r.; 1
l-ijiiiu ..r III.- (110.1.-1 are the de
The very Iwat toott^ka come from
luuoco than (-paiirr'v "I've dnae tome
IdBolur nuf witli inn-'b -lieiili} and left
ed, and w.- uboubl nu. ri.-ry lueanu to ; •
Cwtl work ifalu morvlus. and Bow I And
of III.. iM.iero Ifimv (be walat Purincal, where they am wbItUed by
(br mm., and AdHim- pcded anA ...u
make oiir a.-.-.-|.raiie.- of tbe initli tbe I
joK^lii-re tihi. afb-rnoon,”
e -null eiiilu nii.l n drnifry.of | baud from orauce wood Bpilnii by
cratntatr.1 henclf «u Iwr .-■e.-.i..- w.irk,
mnn- in a.-.-«nI with tbe If-l poaulbla ; |
in." uaM Addin.-, and Caw
le Illii«...n a.-ro*R ihe froat of ! ciri*. who receive 10 cenla a day foe
ltbonl> ar,.tnard Ibrre wa. aaoiber !
lefnlly‘'.m ber.
I tbeir labor. Tbeae tootbpicL-a are rtaad a heavlrr l.-.ui.-p in ll.e hall and
’v„ T,,..- t." iauiHed 8ian!ord. ~t
rnc At-rucAno!i,
then (br ~.uml ..f a rapid ati.-pl of tbr '
■------------------• markably amooth and do aot spUnter.
lly wbsl I aay. 1 ran aeo Caa0 the ^trtith? :
ttalra. Aik-Hnc uiuilrd soil p.I ti|. and
^..o» arow. Haab.
. They arc found la Unit riaaa rosUl^
iny (iuie I want to by coiac (0 tbs
u u» t'r<'|u.re<l l.y faltli
mill nm- im- ■vmainu of any cold , nnii aod la ibo bomca of men who
aud lookinc throoeb the patlockat
hair Inlopotili
Kim-ad a l.m(.-te.l linkine dl*b
walat. Tliea tbe ra.ue.1 one wimt-.n uhade
will, abty,-r..f mm
8prin- ' lenee*.
'Yra. bnt you
_ wimMn’l have any lu
aad bwrml am.lker imlil ibe bultl b-H
kle will, ilii,.l.i ml
i( Ibe hRB
ink," aaiil Catner tare
next to roTtucal In tbs
OB (be hMiBee t» h.-r aaltefa.i
■ J^k^
lui.luteaed ultli aioi-k or era
and proill.all). Tln-n- ulmuld be no im.lutcp.vl
iuc a bank fi-om tbe iwnlrr (a
rt. Ihal’a true.' ^ man ba«
temluirarj eiitliaaiaam wlibout (wnua-, anollier layer of iwilalo Jivrr all and VnH^ Rtatn.
-y are cni by band
bertrif m lib .wefiil nedllcru.
o If pa
ar where br puts'-bit bard
--blllly, no hanlnena of ! umoib ibe lop and apr.*..! wl^ mrlled from iredt
itoMKia asRMiI
t, ^ WhaCi tbal you’** «ot
brart an.l ii
Her ialeivtt ia hiV bnnit a ■« liirid.
Of Iblticu .If tite w.K-1.1. Ibat Ib<- won! ■ may If vnri.-d l.y 11k adillilon of chop- ,
btee or four rime. ,die lowered it-aod
brine l| y pA'
York UcruhL
our likes. Wb. i,
bl-arilM-truth of
xor* ucruw.
ualU be ronabed: >bro ^br
b«* yon ktarlkd lor*"
"DMa-i meanI 1to," taid Caaarr arer hta
raitar,. "I .IkIu'
tbr taat of (hr a(iernu.m
Mamma hat
U toe silly (or ao.ubmc. Wbat'a iha.
yoa’ra cut time?"
-Cbocotalr,.*- n.,dlrd Caaoer. (rmlrria,
“And you Iboucbt yoa were colac ta
you luin-.-d (hit uonilac.
-J il uimw it to yon wbra I,’* fioiataed.
I wnried al II
I o-.-lo.-k tbil
IS. jiial (eellnc
the Inamralion. you know, and I never
tbnucht «t iKeakfaal uatii nearly noon.*' i
"Poo'lyoa.«rrc»l|»lBiera**olkria- brecn... Ice or thrown
u^ikalira* kept with deoraUuo. of boUy ,
**** ^ J waated Ikt lo slay.
ir *
taer ^
^ ****
Inc tUai
0»f thine
that tbe
tbe fomprt
(foBTel ha* d<»e It
'Iferfnl fanes Tbe.
l•Anence ct tbc metancbidy cod. HoJ-; »•«
----------- -
•'•rtim for mnrb.
Carol r«r PooCaa.
A Chicaco niaa baa psteotod
feader wbkh appnin lo hare
nine tin- ln.T..a>e ..f |uipnlan-rt-tiil* Jobiliie Ibe ei.lora
V In Ilii.aia tiiiailfrv.1 JDT.tOO,
nave a
apmlallr prepared profranime. w Itli a |.ni>arril paper or «).
drew ni, eaeb .-faiaa of la
Is this luiralde.
-0 in writine mass Isttsra
,yhen n la net tbe fender U tbrowalDto
poallkiu to aroop up any poraoo on tbs
It fortber proridea ■ brake
I meebanUm wfakb wUi enable
! brake and fender to Iw operated with
TTC tboMcad ton* of Amertean ctefi
DUhwIt lo Say.
um' SIT
III is
Ji I
II m
*w*R Nr
I m-' ilil.
II :y|
*wa -4 M
Pere Marquette
001X0 POSTS.
#• I»
rm IW
ERRED RAPIDStubltiuiiy.
-S^IWasTii'K.-ak.’"MW • BfSfOAOO-K.Jo-'
■•Do yon know w bat bappena lo-dltcoTcm. Ibe natloa.
chief L.
_ .
erirj tbinc.
(le boy. wbo leU lle*r asked tbe kind
Teotook anconlora nsed to make A j
ly old criitkmaa.
............ ............................................
^004.1 dirldual.
( bearer
In ibelr hnis wber* Ibe wood-!
dirldual. as
a* an
an tndlrldnal,t^lridiml. waa rocard
-Well. I can't be auie or lt,“ cnland aprlku talclx aliHier when tbeir
‘rt"-"oM^e ra»# |
swered-tbe np-towtaie »«y.' “Ton see.
bauata were bare of kace*.
,.f etctliratlon. j
father ha* ablfled bk siory ati often
*Td (tte
a (ocred dkllDC“**' ‘‘‘‘rt* "tet-^Hrli'aatka la our i.
that br has me cne.*iBC."
imorttadtea^ ""J
'■**rt'"‘««‘‘y. There •
-Wbar do you meanr demanded
m extended Iti! «■■ be »o doubt In regafd to thin. Tbe J
-Voo doa'l strike toe as thin akiaasd.* ■
"" “““*
I the kindly old cenHeeiaa. now tbor•n want yoa boy s lo atop aqaabbla*.*' ffra'-ra by^ p)satbic*lt aa a char«!«f'^ V?*. ***,fl®*^'.‘*
oncbly (pnoMAnd OIK. of tbr tfalnci tbal hare
ana Adeline. TC. partkalariy uaptras"Why. somedmea be say* (bey bebeen
aal. Tell Bf about that foMball came,
timea. ■ tradJiion
Cnstomiia Op year eyes?
eome weather prephett. eawetlmes he
, Mr. rasMT."
i rwr op la
■nropf that tbe every Individual has com* to be re
BoMblara.>T(>. TersMlnatBcai*
•'B an a (Bomrat Itiaa Addiaa. Dsa*! keOy bad
tbe crown of
BdMcUa Kline cm da
1 mar* for your Ufa. I warn is crtch tMi ttsma. U Ikmmaik and ■"—,ij »
knew tbe liaii- when >oa waaied to
away llkoa -ooodrd fawTairf
.ri”VrS'.K i
j_ s'
qabed Ca.nor. ronainc from m cioomy ; causeu It to morn to ibe spot wbere II
.-U reqolred to If. aod I, wn* a eommoB
aim,* aeAm.voii.
;lv. t. 8: Math.!
* rep,cter?
"Il mu»t be t-wriy." aaM Adriloe. throw- nmloui auionc the Ilonunu lo aend bol- ’ Kci>- »«*•
*; Arts TIH. •JO-!, ^lor—Yra. l am in want of a aim
up her eye. ecRUlirolly.
|y wrealba to weddlnp*
Luke vL S»HU;
weddineu a*
a tokens of • Til.
■If he aaya H i*. it I* *nre 16 be,** ob^
i always Ifcnaae of thi* K>: x
ened l-awar.
ahonband writer?
Mue a*toeiallos of cood lock with the Ber.
T UfBI, l-> U.- oiuc lu loaiui.
, _________I_____
AppUeou-Nu. air. Boll amc npU
•u ia i-xBl-aii..o amonolioc to driirfOH »amflccnf bony,
ind tbr
-f.-.-----Tal^ —
of (bo loAinCaaL
; rlter. 1 naod to ba oa aetor mad bam
•snair aa :
Tbc okl
acri^iural feaai of Hiinrn, .
~ aaid Stanford.
IBbr Ibrm bark, I d.w'i w ant (O rob aaybody. I‘U (ft you were cmac to sire
them to Ulaa Lanoinr.-*That waa H. rniaHM-keaUtal^malba. Sbr'a (br osly oar ciri la tbe wn M
(ar ow. THd you aay.............................
God. may It fall on c-k.I »•» and brine
fortii evod frail, to lb.- iukiior and elory
of (b>d:
rm. x-aAvi.B hlkti.ic.
Ilani9te« I Northeastirii R. R.
wmibl -do work wlik-li lu at pivtrut
cvoerlvrd only la tbe wlbl.tl dtramy n*
rm: ixTiJu-ajwaiio.x.
Tbe Brntl lu tbe woni of God, The
Bower I- lb.' 'Nrrt'atit of I'britt wbo
tprradu lllu uurdK abroad or tb^t
pn-n.-b.-u lllu iruib. Tbe uoll I* xbe
biiuian bean, l-'our claunot of liran-n.
sre pleinml by iliriirt. Tlio llrul riatu
u n.|.r.uM.n(o.l by tbe mt-.! wblH, fell
ty (be wayubb-.' Thlu .-lauu «*.ntlats
;lm-i.|.llo..vn.ratle j,r
.-an-I.-tu, ...rrupt au.1 ntterMu... wuieij (ink luH-tillar fan- i,- i„n|..„,,i i,.-„r,T. (i|.ni whom tbe
|uirll. .il.-,r lb,up.,
. : in„i,
Iiupi-rtulo,. at all. SaIt bau ...me U. If IMU, l,..t|y. a. wl,b
lUike. h,m ...
aro^ *anaiMd t..'mf bn when hJ look-
to loU Irom (6 to .1,000 uo kimoI
cfaotlol iM-urily, jewelry, fomitori-, .
pioooo, Iioriee or oiiy kind of il-wk,
or/(ooj cei-nred iiotra.
roll nt loom 1 kbd 2, Heuilhm
A Millikttn Block.
.JOHN », KELLY. A^riuil
: carr, xicn,
■ulot UpTo S O-CIobH Kmtt «
SMvtartM Hay mnd Oas* May
Laava CaMnat
OahMbaa. Dee. B-lbe nttnniy M
EmraU A FmnU. the
Inna, who ta ndar—Mnnao< dntb by eiaetttwa-
Op>orotors on Afleinson. Topeka
A Santa F* Go Out
to BBke OM more efort to behalf od
tbrir eliant. Tbay wlU go before
tto board ad pardoM. Judge KeCBmpbeU
- •
eon ban been teMlly notlAed and
' JMaapproval^ at Hay-f*aunoafota Treaty by Senate
Mllaa Sarloualy Impadad
-it to rWM Thto tW TreMto wm
WMblagtoe. Dm. 8—Than am ranon M UapMdlaf cabtMt nteegw.
eocwtlbnudiBc tha larliatioe of
PraokiMt MoKlatoy to. all tho i
ban of hu oOelal faailT to mala
eitb bln aftar Banh 4. Saontartoa
Bay aad Oa(a an botb gattiai
■Mao OTBT what tbay call a aota
yranlac look of ootinflaan la tbalr
eS^ teooBiaMedatioea Hay la
Mid to ban eetlflod the pnal<leal
that ba coaocl eoetlaea la tba tabtaat
if the aaoato ra>et« or anaodi the
Bay-Poaaoafeta tnaly. Bar a^fOatad the traaty, aetliiff akoe for tba
Uaitad Statn goraniaitat, aod ba
eoeildan tba objeetloea to it la the
aeeala at a raflaotioa opoo bU oOeial
oot at teoretaiy of ttata.. He woold
eoeoldor a rafiuBl to raUfy tba traaty
or aa amaodiaeot In a way to aalllfy
Mb aaotrallty claaw at oppoalte of a
vote of ooofldaaoa la tba adminU
baoaate it oooiaa froat RapabUoas
laadwa in the aaimta. '
ou defaodor of tba new traaty U
KotKao, who U a Danootat. Prya
aod Lod«a. indiac Bapablican
ban of the foreign ralatloBt oo
laa, am oppooed to the treaty. Them
la ao probability that It trill be ntJI wttboot bring ftni
niMnmd iu beat
n to Indaoe tbe i
The pterideet doee not want tbe
•eeretary of ante to qalt tbe oabinet.
bet Hay baa eat ooBaantad to remain
aflM the treaty ia'mleoaed. He. baa
tlw BnglUh 1«M of the want of oonfl. deaoe making neeeaaaiy a efaaiw of
adBlniatntioo ao far at it nlatea to
oabtnetolDoen In their fartionlar departBeota. Kepoblloan aenaton hare
no patieaoe Willi Hay'a poaltioo for
the reaeoD that the aenate la a
at tbe treaty making power aod baa
the aama right and duty In ntlfyiog
tmatieeaatbe atate deinriz
In aagatlatlag them. Tbe
tbe alalo departmmit bat an followlog tlwlr own enw of daty aa to
wbat tbe treaty aboald be befon U it
Serretary Onge
age baa no leaaon tofta
OMtitlTe now,% for daring the l^t
- foar yean fewr if any
aay of hU no^o eongreee hare bden
followed. Hot It la nld 1b adminbtntton olrelea that Qt«e will be inoUaed to follow tbe example of Hay
If ooBgreoi followi. the waya and
I aad nmkaa larce
a In then
- Kent w'eek«MlaS B Ae Momlaa
WaablngtoB.Deo.8 -John W. Yerfcea
of Kentn^y. will be noBod OomBiaaloMref Intonml Bernaae next
week- Preeidenl BoKioley tendered
tiw appointment Ant to JqM^_ Han
tar at Kalse. Hanter would not ohieot to tbe appoiBtBMt if be e
poetpooe bU. atoeptaaoe until after
the eeeeion of tbe Maine leciaUtare.
rm-GitT WITH Kinvn
K of ■ IttwmhM Brawl 0*«r
Tru«tnd Employ* of Omnd
fUpldg Fourth Nattonml
■oMai M A. Heralar «M«.
Otaad Bapida, Dae. 8-G. AUmd
Sebanoh. bead bookkaapar for the
Poarth Hattoeal bank of tbit city,
tbUaflanoaa by BboHff
Oowaea. aad lodged la
yall, Merged wiUi the a
of fonda of tba taaok. a
.488. Tbe eoeijdalBt waa awocn to
.WllUan H. Anderaoe. preaidratt
oflbehaak. Tba arraot waa Bade
In tba bank when Soteraeh
work and be waa iBBodiatol]
Into onatody, being giree the liberty
of tbeyaiU
aa Sefaanch Jt a proeiiiient yttong
Baa in Ibia city. Ha hat been
an aetiTe lodge Ban and haa Bany
to make any
r. aa be haa loat all the
Boney in bad apeenlatlooa. He eayi
that be bad no erimliml Intoat when
be Bnt etarted to ateal. loit that
be ezpeoted to make
a big winning and pay tbe bank
faaek. He haa been in the bank ten
yean He U onder penooal bond to
' tiMt
at II o'olook to poUoe oourl. He
' wand exnatoatlon and waa bound
onr to tbe nperlor oonrt. SnbarMh
WH releoaed upon KOuring ball In
the enm of 08.500, tbe bonda being
algned by dour prominent emaena.
BurglM Handcuffed Him at
Point of Revolver
BiM Tlae
KalkMka - BerrUm
W«at Threeab Tve atoMw aM
Left tbe Ten* fa Hneia.
larry Bberwood, night polloemnn
Calknaka. had aa experienn fMday night tlmt dbea not ordinarily
to a poUoemon onee in a life
time. He waa haodouffed by two
burglan at tbe point of a revolnr,
giren a ohanoe to'-UeatiU" while
tliey weal througfa two atom, after
which they left the town and be
to get oat of tbe maoaotoa aa
beat be oould.
waa on bU beat tlmt night, when
two BM appeared, one a man of mid
dle age. tbe other a younger man. and
at tbe point of a rerolnr they oompelled him to aubmlt to being bandouSed. Then the taorglan went
tbroogfa two eteree. taking wbat enlted Ibelr fancy beet. Mid mde tnoka
out of town.
There la very little olue to tbe .ferpetntwi of the bold Tiolatioo of the
law. Two men atopped at a tarm
< a abort rtlataaoe out e
town about 6 o,oloiA..iB tbe
tog and got eotoe bnakfaat
It if thought that they wen profaaMy
nme men who> handenSed
- - - tbe
Juat^MW mneh wm
from tbe atarea la not known,
but It If known that they aeeired
three rerolren aad a naor.
Tbe men wen beadeS to tbe dinotioo of tola oity. aad (toief of FoUoe
Beanie wua notifled, and la naa
the lookout for tbe offendara.
i Oorml. 111.. Dee. 8-One dead, an
other dying and three mm eerionaly
wooBded. li tbe renlt of a fl|H>t with
knlrea in Beat CbiBl. Jamaa Ctoae
-and Ton aad Jim Ofoaa. while Intosleated, attaokrd John and Frank Lo- 8800.000 y
la tke milaiii Pan at
Wn aad fought antil Tom Oroaa
the t-tlr.
kUled and Oram fataly woonded. anew to A> ■erulaa BmoA
Tbe Dobent am ImpriMned. A quar
Oanton, Ohio. Dec. 8-Tbe Satoon
rel OTVT a wotaan eaaoed tbe flgfat.
bloek. one of the largeat building
toe city U burning and U abeady a
total ton. The Onnd Open Bouee
' it U to ImmtoMt to
Otoer property to
alao to danger. The open bouoe
toe fim wua
FUladelpfala. Dm. 8—Four toy
Imt WM ea^Kled without ntrlouk
onaebee for Waahtogton wen wrookod
nltoap. The lorn wm reuoh MBO.OOa
on tbe FhiUdelphla. WUmtogtaa *
Baltimore rallnad at Oraya Feny
CAiniOT BBCKIVX wwrrown
atatlan at S;46 o'olook tola aftoiunoB,
tbe ma$orl(y «d wbw
wen Inland, two perhape mortaUy
Parte. Due. B-It to reported ttol
apeMI to Aw 8Umtaa BMee.
King Tteter Kamnuel at Italy baa
Hew Bedford, Mnoa., Deo. 8-Four
bBBdmd weuven at ton f niliaii
■ntoaw^ mlUa mat tola Mw
MAvotottoMtoalta^ mm
scxdat, x»bcbkbbb
•, X900
FOir&TH TKAB-Na lltl
------- ^AT-------
today. He told them to give
aeeaaed tbe benefit of all doabt. He
mid under tbe todietmeut whtob
Inidawiy. Make your
■eltctioa while the as•ortment u knr- A
fer murder to tba Ant degree down to
the fourth degree at Baaateabter, abe
oould be given aa low a Mtanec ua
fix Bontoa to toe county $aU
high a penalty M death. Theynry to
adU oat at a late hour tonight
-Xbeeny Book store.
To sell their enormous holiday
' stock. CeUI and see us.
SHotr nootitits
Watebts and
^ .
Samuel Aplln and Son Killed
CAIonio, Dee. 8-AU tbe telegraph
opmatonof toe Atoblaaon. Topeka
* Santa Fe miload ayatea went out
> atrlke at 4 o'olocA tbia afterand tnOo of the 7.800 milea of
road extending horn Obloago to tbe
Oulf of Mngleo aad tbe Pnelflc o
•erlouMy Inpeded.
tnina left Ohiongo on aebeduled
time, but ineomlag tratoa were be
hind time, and freight tnina wen
ruaohlng dirlaloa beadOffleiala of toe nilnad oompany
eatlmate that fifty per cent of tbe teliben OB tbe ayatem. or about 800,
mt. Tbe opanton aeeert that
ninety per eent, or nearly 1,100. quit
work when tbe atrike moaoage
toabed over tbe wireo. Thto atrike to
called to eympatoy with the oprraton,
•ering 1». on toe Onlf bnneli of
toe Santa Fe ayatem. which liave been
OB Birlke etooe Thuraitey. Tbe railroad^people aoaert that the openton’
.iMtion. known aa toe Order of
Ballroad Telegiusdien. Iiaa broken
ng oootnoto with toe Santa Fe
^ctem and that none of toe etriken
will be re-employed.
• Aa aoonaa the telegrapben'went
out today the railroad ofitolato ant
out an order laying off 8B per ornt of
toe foroee employed to tbe ear oliopa
along toe, eyatem. Tbeee men will
be without work oo long aa the rail
road oompuny auffera throogh the
atrike of the tel^njdtera.
J. M. Barr of toe Santa Fe ayatem,
wbo baa eharge of tbe operad^ delent, mid tonight be wua teat
filling toe placM of toe atriken and
that be nndelpated no dUBcnlty in
fiaing all tbe poeldaaa before TumdBy. 'He declared that the imib^ad
company would not trMt - with <toe
atrlkera looking towurda a aettlement
of toe atrike. The atxiken on toe
otlier hand, my die eagineera, fire
men and condnototi on tbe line
would go out on a aympatoedo
atrike If called npon to do eo. Thia
will mean toe tearing np of all toe
tratto on the Santa Fe ayatem.
Ballroad oBelala daay any probabil
ity of other employM Jototog the
tanka of tlw atrlkera.
Louis Campbell for S140
I I-ammlWia ramMuMbe -Aae
la JaH.
ttpWel to A» Morulu Beeurd.
Oteenrllle, Mlcb.. Dee. 8-8amnel
Aplln and hia aon. C. W. ApUn, are ^
both to toe county )aH tat the mur
der of Lonif Cbmpbell four montha
ago. and have eoafeoaed tbalr guilt.
They bought Oampbell’a peraoaal
property for |140 aad toon went to
the honae where be lived alone, kill
ed btos and r««a^ tbe money. Tbe
body waa taken to n bam and oovered
with lime and debrie.'
Muy be fonod at the j
\ n. m\.
FMWrir-a Kew Bum DoiMr.
Will Fetterly haa bolU a eemmodioua new boot bouae on the bay j
•bore oppoalte 8. C. Darrow'a atore, i
The atrueturv la 80x80 feet to dlmen- ’
alooa and well equipped for the build
ing of boata Hr. Fetterly hai plenty ,
a while envelope full
Blua Point Tlea
all ahatme
a la Parla
store Opea Eveolnfs Until Cbrlslmas.
Be Wise
good I
itFincli't. Iiri-lfi
llriuga oot the oompoeer'a
gruiKlestconoepUoDB when be performa on tbe Kimball Piano.
We sell tbe best Bosical iastromenU. of all kinds, and can
help yon to bare beet mntic.
o.miiiijiii (0.
I 20 Front Streeu
N. E. 8TRONO, Managur.
Jlrt You Zip to tb*
Ityoa winh to be k, tbe Tele
phone u indtepenaible.
No ohe can be up tu tbe work,
in thia age, withont tbia twentieth
ntory adjnnct.
Now U the time to get into comdsnnication.
Not in two bonn—Not tomor,w. butOgmedlately.
The other fellow often geto the
order yon might hare had. becanne
be bo8 a Telephone in hit place
SpWaltuAwMiwBlMBMMd. _
of bnainoM.
Imndon. Dec. 8—Tfanre la not the
Ask tbe local managem.
aUgfatrat aign of public latereat to
Bngland to toe pmdtog Hay-Paunoefoto tzMty. The preaa, with one or
two exeeptioaa. givea little ^noe to
and toe talk of
toe danger of offending England to
toe point of war if tbe United Smtea
We have aa oanal a fine $
fortifying the canal doM
line at reasonable pricM - |
nfit ooaae even on atom of
from each makers aa I olgate, |
tola aide of tbe Atlantic,
Lnodb)rg, Eastman, etc. — V
nie only public alluaion here la the
Imder in toe Timee tbrowing cold
Erery bottle goaninteeil to »
toe whole acheme of the
be good. Paocy boxes aod S
canal. Pirii^ toe truer inteipretabottles. It will pey yon to h
tlen would be toot it U tounded to
boyyoor Cbriatmas perfiim- a
pruimn the public for u full cenoMolon to America when tbe l*oper
moment urrlvea.
Wfebfg*tt Ceiep^ut Co.
C/me to tbiak
about «
JyoMa^ to
Hew Stock...
Lattsi novelties
niakt Your « «
StIecHouM Dow
Bamum & Earl,
Kt-ver wens au :h prices offered on upHo-dato n
dinndiae. We're detewuiued to clone thia yenr’a bnnioesi
with u aauce«fal month. We're after yonr holidsy wuntA
Tlie low prices w8 offer on mercbumlite were never st* ‘
tempted in tbiirtcinity before. With no
grace, we
pal the knife to profit, cutting cost to tho <|uick
Ckime early.
itii mm
No more—no leaa
The Pingree
l-adies* Shoe
Yoa take ao rliaarei wbvn
TOO pay in.Ou for Ihli hIio* —
ICverv pair in womnled —
UaJe ou U.-W and alyliali
laaU—livdvy and llglit mI«k.
kid lined—a aliov tliat wear*
well and flu wpH. You to't
tlietn of the Old K<-liabU-
COOL auicms is a btork
MIrblnue Men Took B
r Skmrtri.
Ltvinapcrt. Ind.. Deo 8-J. W.
Fcoter, of Flint, Mieb., n vertinoiy
aargecB who boa been to the city
■everal weekt, tonight at B o'olook
walked Into J. T. Ftenmfun'a hard
ware etore and aaked to look at a 88
ealibce revolver. Tbe clerk abowed
him aevaiaL Feater eeleetnd one
naked to oee a cartridge that would
fitlL The clerk haaded him
FoeUraUppad toe cartridge Into toe
revolver and before tbe clerk oould
divine bia toteattmu be placed* toe
weapon to Ua Iwad aad pulled tbe
trigger Tbe bullet tore tbroagb tba
took |>rt of hia baud. UUing toe
TTFflom AT 8Dre«nre
81« BlV, Due. B iftoe teen en*M
at typhoid fever among toe toma
Stag Stag prteon am eaaatog aterm
amcag toe uMetete ttU^ The apltomle te atkribBted to Impurittea la
an water with wUto toe yttetei
BiltmlaE Nnia), Dk. 10 aid enttnaq inlll Jin. IS, I SOI
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.
ZDe baoe them
now tototototototototototo
MuNaoH Btooa.
And hllend ihiH givntiwt rf
nil 88lca.our
tototo Bronte
' What more useful or accepuble
holiday present can you purchase
for your wife, your mother, your
sister, your daughter or your
You can buy them without any
special holiday profit,
Fourteen different styles, from the
heavy Rough Rider to the full dress
patent leather. Sixes aod styles
can always and everywhere be ex
changed for others when necessary.
Popular Shoe House.
The Old Stand.
It takes a long time to 6nd out how long
a pair of oiir
. will 8
These shoes are thoroughly washed
of pro6t and put through tbe bar
gain wringer. Try a pair. We
guarantee every pair to give sati*faction. ,
Front Street
McNamara Blodc :
iwm-awM^». vm,
D CP foM «|ik wiviffiB
Word was recedred fm Kortk.
OnUiekvilie Im bdeoBe a noted
ffBoana emca or Ts>
upmty owmb la the Fox Uke arbor for satey for Mte giBwi
: ORAND.TRAVERSE HERALD last evening that owing to Am ki^
B <N WlBcnrfa have hairfad
wind that }*evaned on tbe Ukc the
taft of the bay and Baay boata an
-«Tdrive Cl rnis carp oat «d the wsten low lai4 up there for tbe wtotar.
In tint Tiednltv. and It U inln
them are Frank FrIeMtffi’s
to Bi» the Hiegam river fm the yaekA Hasen & Pingiee. Ja : J. A
^ > purpocA The ^ s^hmkiag Montague's aloop; Weneel «edor>s
W. HAMNEN. editor And »UnAK«r.
gasoline Uunefa: tbe bunch
Bond, owned
Loub GreiUck; the
TxBMpons vlU Mt oMl tiUB Ban OoBet, owned by Bndolph Oreiliek
I. FMWlr at TMs Otr
SiiBday hsnafter. ~ and the sloop WI7 KoA owned by J.
ith tUs nU. tbe
FnelUtiee have been j
ooDeo. U instMd e< Dee. 1« tbe proper tnre of yachb for the
David Piemen, fmmerly a mBdant
With atone and |------at this eity, has been convicted at
onnsplBeriBtbsUBitedBtatae oonrt gcTA wlU be di^ntabad mi Dee. 17.
A ^Mst vritioh hes heon frlgfatenat Milwnakee, after a tirUl tlmt
lasted two weeka He was indiettd imr the poOfiU of Bonth Blver, N.
J.. tor soaB Ubc pMt. was enpenrwith two others. KbMwaer Dike
Ernest Osrey. The jury was out sis od Friday ovening by a party of ELKS ANNUAL SOCIAL SESSION
hoonretaning a verdiot of gailty in young Ben. and wbmi tbe shasti
ItwUlTabePloseVew Tee
of Plemoo and Dike, but ae- with ■mbiA 1^ was clothed
Boved be was found to be George
quitting Carey.
rson. aged 50. who M taken
Tbemgtbod in which tbs
Betbod of Mihteatng '
to have
Tbe Elks'otMib dty ere iroparing
r Into ateylng in nlghtn
_________ iltted U BBique. lUs
for a vtry abborate mnnal mm
old soldier tbs fl^t
Bke pbee N^ Tear 'a Tbe
take ont a quatSar seetlan of govsnAN IMMRNM! TBOjecT.
ment land. In ease only part at ibU if tbe pbns of mvutnl Brnnhan of Che tive committee has appoint#
which an already
.Tbe ecNBpiMinn of'the Cbia«D U Bken. tbe veteran baj tbe privilsga board of adoeatioo prevail Tbe <
dmiasK* eumi, • omm«>ctiiiK Lakr of taking ont tbe rest at any dnsa. is to he eondueted nadsr tpeeial eu- pbnning for tbe most ebbotate
sioo la tbs history of tbe local lodge.
MidiffUi with the Uiulwippi. i
TbU privilege is also made amign- pervislmi of teeebars skilied in ednIt
iwoMiitwl o ereot piree nf eaelnt
abU. which gives ^qwttanity for tbe ~ring diiUw in tbe art erf .ti)
Ibr to ibavgiven last year. A
tbe coil Fields of Bffleient sine
imt. and it bM aoeompUslied wcoidm tnuds.
pbte jNogiam of tee feetons will he
The method that seems to have vegetables may be grown and fas
forCbkiwo. Now> project uitiiUr
ia it* Botare. bot of eronderfal inU' been employed is as fellows; Plea- opemtiotis ecodoetod on a maall aeab given. The «g«iv b in charge <rf tbe
following ooBBittees:
■Itade, is beisf; oHroc^M. «ud W on. acting as agent for a Arm in MU- are to Bamnnd tbe aehool
EntertaininenC-Biley 8we«rA I
and tbe study wiU be pomed In tbe
which wilt rerolotioiitKe freixht aoiiri, secured sssignmenu from
ael BendA D. F. Campbell
■nBBer inontha ohly. The garde
tnlBe from Chicafro to the' AtUalic of the same name as those who
Baaqnet-Fred J. Bechtel, a O.
■eabaard. A oommlmion especially
•ppoiclml to icrestiimte the |HUibil to have taken ont part of ttelr done by the pupib theinselvea
InviBti<m-J. Biley Bishop, CadilB««it sales of real estate in Oalitjofa canal coaDecIlns the Great eUims. Some of these assignments
Imkeo wllii the Atlantic coast.
would not stand the oarofol eerntiny veetcu ibon that owrenc property bc. Dr. L A Thompson. Chau
value# are only about one-half the Hale.
' made Us report, wliich hns bo-u
of Uncle Sam's eye, and ^e a
Eeeeptioo-Jrink Friedrich.
dgiiros prevailing prior to the st
Bitted for anch a watenra^r, and ther followed of Plemon. Pike, who
As t^ remit of an election bet Eehoe, W. Cary BaU. a K Aldrich,
one of the old soldieri who m%de
desert be the immense ralne it s
be to oomraeree and in oue of
an BskignmcDt that Uncle tUm did two black beqre will raardi in tbe Gadilbe, J. T.
Finance—Biby Sweert. John
i in Weehingtou next
not consider all right, and Carey,
March. W. a Boey and William, Santo, Frank Goodrich. Richard Beywho acted as notary In the case.
Taggart, of NogebA Arl, made ^ ; bold. Oadilbo.,
> the metropolis of t
bet. Tbe former won and by tbe;
-------weaL A oommisaion states that
The pUy which Sol Smith Rnsall terms of tbe wager will feed tbe|
water war with a twenty-fool chanI in tbe i The first iMae of the NcitportLeadBSlwonld cost.mete than MOO.OOO. made famoua and whioh, withoni
After the er. which was formerly the Empire
«00,°aada thirtr-foot channel oearly doubt, has been the groatest sMoeas
> they will be given to tbe Lender, was ismed Friday and Editor
•ao.eoo.ooo. TbU would be a stopeo- of that fsmotia actor's career, U to be
Campbell etarta ont well in bis new
daoaa tmdertakinic. but tbe ‘RrowiDs the welcome attraction at Steinberg’s
Grand Opera boose on Tneaday evenfleld. The Leader shows up bright.
needs to cheap and direct t
U ailed with lire loeel news and has
transportation from the lakes to tht ingjhe nth inst., under the title
WlU remove to tbe SeslA abmlthy dUpby of advertising of
. aaM saem to wanant the onterprise. of "A Poor BoUtion.”
Tbe jirodoctiou will be given by Oaasdbn sidA and wlU areet a tbe live boslnees men of Nortbport
other peliib in tbe coun^. and
SeiMineir eteel plant of 400 tons a
aH-BII PIloaKCtTon Tl TTUr.
City merchanlA
Jodae Teist deOes Goremor Pin. Mr. Alden Baaa. sapported by iht day. to be incteaaed to 1,000 totu,
tu-st company that has yet appeared sad a tall and pdaie bUI of 1,000 tons In hU Blutatoiy Editor Campbell
C>ae and beldlr asks the Rorcraor
but excuses
prove his assertiems lir aakinj; the in UiU oharming pUy. Mr. Bass a day. It is proposed to roU raiU of | mokes no promises
in a very modest
fafisIaApp to inrosilfnte the jedpe’t
cotme on the beneb. When the gov- rection of Mr. Fred C. Berger, who drst plant in the world to carry co way. If the Leader continues as it
such work."
| hm begun it will be a good thing for
atnor hantrs ooi n'btntr bo mneralh
Wlm th, ..o~.li l.ttod mt 1.1 S'**!”"
Bakes listiek. Uere is another cliano -•imltb Bnssoll's msnager. Aides
must haves rest but we can't live
--------------------forhim tpredeemhimeelf. lie ipnoter Bau is a oomedian of repnt
.lelp is needed at__
when . .
without food. Eodol Dyspepsb Ci
Jadge Weist for llio ].fcsent s» «Ku>ud onlv to Hr. Boaaell bin
eon's life is in danger, A neglected
, what ,you
so that you
thongh he were not worth passinp He took Mr. BusavH's place
can eat all the good food yqp want oongb or cold may soc« become serf
be stopped et
BOtioe, but Bys he proposses to stunt
ill, and-starred In this pUy, sooring gans to health. It b the only iirepa- One Minute Cough Cure quickly
ap ^rosepQtor Tottle. Tbe Bovemut
raUon that digMU all kinds
food. eoughs and eolds and the worst
eridentlr tneoiis to pnt a hrillituti s foocoM whlclt surprised his most F. C. Thompami.__________
of croup tuonchltiA grippe 1
pyiuteehnie flni^t >m Ills sMiBtinnal .mJent mrtro]>olitan admirers.
Bam' jiowcrfol and sympntfaetio porAt Evansville, Ind., four boy* Thompaon.
adalnlsiralloti. No we need
rarprlsod. boa'crer. lioeause when hr irnynl of the half humoroua half were given a public wbipjilng Thnta•tartad in he said Out he wocld [wihctic and wholly artistic role of day. The boys broke into a freight
l^F thltiics ImtD in MiehlRan. < and "Noah VaU." tile seedy genius end oar and stole a barrel of applea
jdiilosopher. U Bid to be wonder- When amtigned in the police court
folfy like Mr. BusseU's perform- tbe judge told tbe father# of tbe bds
Tbe Brhisli liare mmered General uicv of the inil. Mr. Bat
that he would release them on oondiof the eminent comedian
Dewel affaiii and It is now Bid thnt blcR Mr. KosspII greatly in
tioD they would give them a whip
<{i)M«rjnce, individuality,
be Is surroundi-d cwtupletely. twi I
ping in tbe corridors of the bek-np
tils facial rxpnasioiU. Mr. Miteliell. This was agreed to. and the parrots
aides. It.will now lie In udn
the wily Bow to slip througM a hob [lie dramatic critic of tbe
used an old blcvele tire on the boya
In Sot Smith Rus
^ M tbe lideiNbere lie is not anironnd' Kuqniter. in writing of Mr. Base, Tbe lads were given a hard thtaibing
Great Play
ad, which he pmhably will, Vo kcei «id:
and the exhibition was witnemed
lilB recKBl Rood.
^ y
"One could chut his eyes and Ib- doieni'of people
agine be was listening to Mr. BusHolland bsa received ex-l>mideni seL "
Srajier and enwt sympathy
\ Mr. Bass and Mr. Berger have
■ riiown him, bnt when it enues dowt: taken esppcui {aius in mounting tbe II, ••-----------ud no relief till I need !
ie bnalmw Kmicer Beets disappoint- ■■Uy ibis season with entirely
JntAlen's Anit-_
lies Balve.
I have notj
ment. for Holland will not inter •cecciT. coslut^ and stage Kttlngi. baen troubled with pibs stooe." Il'si
-•-■“i ptb
plb cure on earth
Tsoe in favor of the Bona'
.Some novel sUge effecU will be men the only champloa
and the best mlve to tbe
world, toe
which will eclipse anything ever
Walt and >
Cadillac mtr now rejoiee. She Is Attempted heretofore. Tbe
to have a fn«> ilelirety system es- os follows
Bbllahed March Orst. and Bay liere- • Noah Vale, eeedy geninA Mr. AlWatMinelofts of northern growth |
aftar safely clslB the distlnetlon td den Baiw; RoderiiU Faye,
Bay be enjoyed to winter by follow- [
aoltyT even Ihouph a llttleoae..
fnecarpr. Who rules a thousand aad tog tbe plan adopted by."Unelej
MorrlA a fanner Uring 1
-is nilcd by one, Mr. S. 8. Wiltaie; JasfHedlato
■■er SieiTPt, liis partner, Mr. E. Guy
Mra Minnie Gbaj
Slangier; ■'BocUble" Smith. Mr. •elaeted a number of chnioe melons
Arthur V. Johnson; Mannaduke Daly, and put them in a cave, after eeuls janitor. Mr. Homy Woods: Dolly, tog the stems with wax. Inst weak
t tCftas VUUjte.
be eat osM and found It as crisp and
DeoeasM was <S vobT'^ sjee and
:han: Eunice ^ye. the head of fresh as though it had just hero
house. Miss Henrietta Newman taken from tbe vine. AU thU b
Jops. the leiTor of -the i I flocr. vonebed for by a kteal paper.
M.. hum.
M Couch
Christmas Presents
JJSFint-claea InHtiaaec Oompanlea.
Booms. HaBiUro a MilUkro BloA.
New phone ffi
We ha\-e a laqie Une from a good full •pring, j:
spring edj^ couch at $6.50 up. to a fine leather. Also
a fine line of Bed Lounges.
217 FRONT 8T.
The Old Reliable One Prioed Jeweler.
Fire Insurance
U you haAe n dwelltog. atoek.itore.
barn, or uv other tgu|iertj toaurabb. kindly remember 1 want to
write tbe toeiuance for yon, and will
give yon prompt and oaieful atten
Only the meet leltoble etoek tosarBate* very bw.
Telephone 78
Give Pretty Footwear
Nice warm slippers for mother and father.
I’retty fancy slippers for sister. Shoes for
iheboys and (>irls. and pretty, dainty
covering for baby. '
You're sure to find the right thing here.
.Men's Slippers............................ 60. 75c. Si.oo. $i.:s up to $7.00
Ladies’Slippers.................. 50
-Si..\s up to $2.00
50. -f>o. 75c. $i,cxj.
You are welcome to come
com and look, I’erhajis the children's leggins will interest you
See our window.
i:ii Faont .Street
The rrnciioal Shae Man
Traverae Pity
Grand Traverse
Land Co.
HOUSES for Ml. tn .U .in. .t the
FRUIT LANDS on the PentoauU—
Improved and unimproved.
BAROADfS-We have Uiem.
Grand Traverse Land Co.
r.Thnn.U C AOmiiaoed
New Phone 28
B. A M. Block
The Hannah & Lay
Mercantile Company
Wliei it cones Is a qiisilioi
ef qualifies qsi| pncei in
Fur Coals, the question Is
settled tl
Steinberg’s Grand
Miss Anita Fowler; ‘Alice Wairinar,
for whom existenee is a struggle.
Miss Graoo Petrard: Rip and Patch,
last evBilaft. it boinR their instalU- two children: the heritage of the
poor. Master Donald and Little
tlon meetinitEoy Wynkoop was eb-cted
seoretary and npon the resignation
of Aimon Boiler. Iran Wiskochil was
^■pointed to flU the vacwncy.
TWe program was as follows
^tUml leaviM a soar. Beware of
• My Object In Joining
iterfeitA F. C.
the L. U P "—Lloyd Thacker.
Qncatiem Box.
NOBptu. "My Hnatiitg EipedlTickets sold
—Loali BinlsalL
good to return until January
one fare for round trick For tartioU'
1 at office or “phone
'phone kT 12.1
Maw IHve. I-n. T. M.
ringA C. K. Mumy, AgenA lllS-lOt
. Mona Hive. L O. T. M.. has }nsl
been organised at Maple City and the WE KNOW what yon'll do Monday
toUowing officers ins^led:
• envelope yon foun4 at
Past lady commander. Mrs. Q.
yoar door.
D. Clement; lady commander. Mrs.
Dr. Praliok; lienienaat Udy cob fAT^ (X)LOR RECEPTION. Mi«
lAitlte HavlUnd will bold a iSS
■mnder, Mrs. Thomas Yonng: lady
reoord keeper, Mias Winnie; fasdy
- Bnuioe keejirr. Mrs. 8. R. Burke;
Udy ohaplain, Mrs. E. F. DensBorc
lady saaigeant, Mrs. Kennedy; misHAND PAINTED
MMs-at-ams. Mrs. J. W. DtrkerFlorence J. Jaekn a «m axUSt
man: Udy sentinel. Mn Wil
bins at Wood
Sickle; Udy ideket. Mrs. & B. Gate:
lady banner bearen,. Miss Jennie
Brtidit, Mn. Katie Kellogg, Mrs.
Harvey. _______________
trayA balrptn bona, pUlCA e*a
Now-ii the time whro eronp and
tong troubles prove n^y fatal
The only hunlsM remedy that prodtsoes tosmediate rronlta Is One Min
ute Cough Core. It is marj pleasant to
takeitodoan bernlied upon toqalekF. C.
----------Is ths
They are the warmest, nicest coats a man can own. Wc'rc
showing the greatest line iq the city, and better still, we're
selling cm. And why not, when our prices are considered.
And such goods! We've any kmd of a lur coat you wantGoat Skin. Dog Skin. Siberian Bear, Russian Calf. Wombat
and Coon Skin. Our prices -are $7..'iO. $io, S12.50. S15. Sio.
$22 $25. SoO, $35. $4a $50 and $65. Stop and look over our
line at once.
Tuesday, Dec. I Ith
ir of Sol Smith R
Special price*: 3o.60asd 7Se;
box Beata. tl-00.
. Seat* are sow. ta aate at the
box office. Telepbooe 112.
Jl BoMap Reminder
Cent’s Fur Lined Cloves and Mittens.
Gent’s Fur Lined Coats.
Gent’s Dress Suit Cases.
Cent’s Fur Driving Gloves.
Ladles' and Gent’s Trunks.
Fur, Plush and Wool Robes.
Sleigh Beils.
Baby Cab Robes.
t. Beadles
Christmas Cards and Booklets '
Dainty cards suitable for Sunday School Classes, from
2C up, and the finest booklets at 10. 13. 20 and 25c. Christian
Endeavor Booklets with tbe monogram and the mottoes and
the finest illustrations sell at 10. 15 and 25c. The. Christian
Endeavor Calendar for 1901—the finest ever issuejl, sells at
35c—Other beautiful calendars at 25c.
Books For the Young People
We cariy a full line of the David C. Cook & Co's, books
—sell at 5c the book, and the cloth bound edition at 25c. A
peat stock of Juvenile Books at g. la 15. 25, 40 and 502.
Five complete lines of boy’s and girl's books—the best of
readiog^these sell at ath 35, 3a 40 and 50c.
Teacher's Bibles
‘ Some of the finest bound, with all;'lhe teacher's helps—
maps, concordance, references., etc—siJL from $1.33 to $3.50..
No nicer gift could be made than a Bible.
And make her a preyent of a carpet sweeper. We have a
foil line of the celebrated Bissel Carpet Sweepers, made from
die different kinds of wood and eell from $2x10 to $3150.
1W firot cut. fmoi The OeAgner. In
eaggeetion fv that meet diOetdt eg
oO gtfn tn decide npon. •womeUIn;
n mnn." It* conetroetlon I* Qm* da
•ertbtd; Vet It am mqnlml posMMi
ntlff paper. • amall rbamoU akin. _
lAeet at wndding. half on onnee of
mebet powder.
yntd* of aatln ribboo (o«r or fire incben wide,
«meqnor^r of a yard of India oUk tba
Tbe good old day* wbru am___
. mallow tnooMd aarTepUtlouAy erer a
candle or a low turned gM }et aermed a
triuupb of btarado and xnllnary aklD
to Ch* eoUege glri are orerpoat.
few Of to date yeang wotneu
eerk tbe cbrAc shade* wttbovt IncMIng to ibetr ectaoioatic cmflt • ctaoffag
dbb and a* maoy of lu eireaaorlta m
they eon eomiam.
In many of ib* weetsro unirerAty
tows* where eoedoraUoo preran* tbe
•oecrity mafi fraternity bauaea fnrulA
tbe atage asttlng* for weekly rhaflng
dUb candy been. tboM awoK Ihuctln'
wbtcb naoaUy .Aake pbee Sattmtor
loffa. Baeb girt coDsa crard wltb
her own dUh and her own farorlte rec
ipes while tbe maamllnr etement In
tbe role of attendant sqatiea ore kept
boay AreUIng nnts. cbepphig figs and
laWM. grattof eocuannt or popping
corn. White paper cap* made to 1mltnie tbe French chef* oud big white
apnoa are worn by aU tbem eootest•nt* for mllnary booora. Tbe long
dining ubie U left wliboni a cloth,
while a tray at each place bold* tbe
chafing diabra. AH of Ibe adjnncta are
placed near at bond before tbe actual
eooklBg hegtaa. neecr emitting plenty
soft tewela and a bottle of oUre oil
to rs»e tbe alcohol aplU* ®rer on the
pollabed tilile. Tbe Instant Ala occur*
(end no chafing diab party to erer Im
mune from ocrldenta of ibla kind) a lit
tle A1 to ponred on tbe spot and tbe oQ
and alcobol -aopped" up with towria
Ererytblog la tbe way of onti^ ran-'
died frails and popcorn can be ntlltord
to chafing dish confectioaery. To tomaae tbe fan and >oDlty Jodgea are
often appolnied and prise* offered for
tbe moA original dealgn* or for tbe
ibinatlou of cnior
aoocnoiB cuK.
mm* obatb aa (be ribbon, wltb arwiag
ry allk lo match. Cot
ibree filrce* four
inebee oquare. Two of Him rut In
Ir» of_tb» c*»r lum rwwtlr rrtunHHl to bif poM U
half. Tbb glm you otw aquarr and
if tbf mwt iwpoUr metobm of u>e d
four oblong plerv*. Corer um- aide of
I they ore not allowed paper* they cocb neatly with tbe chaioolii. Krom
the paiicr cut ptecte like ibM of tbe
know all abont the Whii
» opd
d. abo from tbe waihllng. al
feel Ineeaaed that noh
lowing a margin for inmlng oier ibr
flumld be immediately pardoned edgee of paper. Split the wadding eetd
while many other* oonricted of
sprinkle tbe powdr-r Iwiwpen tbe byporatirely minor offenae* ore forced era. n<we tbem aiMl baatr oo Ibr allk.
Ibc Pofcmron iiuidor lodUtu, noa
bMdaf •boat aw, will bo paid > I to' eerre ont their term. A »pirtt of rorering ooe aide of tbe |W|irT plecee
'Irltb It. Thew form ibe lining for tbe
d Ibe heat of ibeir kind,
Hvtfocd, Dee. ft. Nt.OOO m per eooMnricU rinoe the White pardon plere* corcfe.1 with Ibe rhamob. Ilaate accordlag to Table Talk, wblcb pref
UM tot • portioo of the CUooro lok/
the reqieclire piece* of chamol* and ace* tbemMabore:
tneeired nt Joekaon nnd
(net propert; on which the lodioiu
•Uk together Orerband with tiny
Pecan Caody.-Any one wbo bM
hare a claim. They will each teoeire
stJlcbe* three aide* of tbe ohl.ng erer llred In .New Orirans to familiar
ilsa The Hartford ImaiDem men fore the only weapon carried by the piree*. bovlng one long aide of each with Ibe <l.>llcloat creamed pecan
hare ocrred to do the hoeon for the gnorda hare bMh loaded biofcory ood tbe entire aquare nnaewrd.
dy for wblcb Ibe eld ^ky mam
■Bbe dealgn mnstrulcd la fealber
ooeoaioa, funlahlait dlnoer,' boll rent oone*. Sow they oil hare rerolrem
famous Ibe world orer. Tbcnr can
and wlU aboot at the flrvt nbelUou* nltehed around tbe -edge* with em- dle* are eMlIy made, ollbongb it I* dlf•odfoal frM.
braidery Aik. wbtcb U all tbe egnore' flcnlt lo tbe north to procure tbe rich
Kdword Sellmw, of WeA Bimseh, ■ign from any of the 700 oonrict*.
aitgar. tbe gennlne jirodoct of
wo* crippled for Ule in od accident
Forobildreo when troubled with On two of tbe ohloDg*
— ore
- embroidered
---------- ----- Ibe^ne. Tbe tlgbt brown or coffee
oti the Hlchigon Cmitral rood,
eroop there U nothing quite eo good tolltoU. on the other
two apray* of angar of our marketa la howerer. a
ji^ returned a rerdiot for It.OOO M tlbamberUin'a Congh Bent^y.
onliitltole. To a ponnd of
J. R, Watt*, of Rar. Ohio, my* it,
cannot be beat, and' that hi* cuatom- ling on the iwAi-boanl. or the decora- anger add two-ihtrd* of a cupful of
▲t HouRbtoo the oool in the South er* n*e it with the beat reenlu. Thi* tIOD can In- done wltb oil or water col- boiling water and two eren tableOT»- Sew the ends of the ribbon
Uke Linden ifaed of the OaluBet A
apooufol* of aweet hotter. Stir anti] it
gelbcr. mark It wltb thread lo quar- melt*, .t.bi Jurt a pinch of cream of
Bnela mine ii oo Are. and appomntlx
ter* on both edge*, galher with n-ry tartar an.1 let ibe Arup boH witboot
thailainee ore iraleinff on the firefine sttlcbe* botb edges of tbe ribbon. Airring colli a drop of It win moke a
mem The ehed contain* neorlx on
Emperor, William, adopting
Now lake Hie equare piece and to each •oft iMiII when rolled U-tween tbe fin
area 100,000 too* of coal, worth role of a
n pnctioal ;4oker. hoa' jut corner faai. n que of Hie marked qi
ger*. \V*-I tbe fingers In Ice walir be
oboot «S&0,000.
cent Connf ron Buelw a large p^ ter* of ooe edge of the rllilioa.
A cow beioaRlnK to William Slater ege oontnining 100 pound* of aenp right Ade* nf the ribbon and ehamola fore laatlng. UTien tbe-drop
son. bat doe* not nick, the caudy It
of Impeer, sot • amall' tnnip *tnck with which to clean the Chaneellor’a being placed Icwelber. Oreriiand neat ready. If It 1* loo bard and craefca
tuber ihroM. Mr. Slater oonld do paUoe. the Connt haring complained ly. putting rnunt of Ibe fuIlDeM around
. It baa liolled tuo long, and
adthing for Jj^e animal and oonght that the Oonniem wna afnid of a tbe roroeni. aa little to required be
add p tcaspoonful of water
the odrlee of • doctor. The doctor grand cleaning.
and let tbe alrup boll an Inatant.
tbe cate will not lake a good thapa Dot Air. but merely teat again. tTben
told him to diKhorfe • gnn under
when rlrwed. On tbe other edge of tbs h resebe* tlie creamy or soft ball conthe oow* throat and her fright would
la Gecd Moedlua.
at pour
Breryone who ho* need Chamber- ribbon attach lo (be Mine way tbe an- ditJuu. rxtlngntob Ibe dame and
dUiodge the impwlifflent The diet
aewed *l>le of Ibe four obtoor pleeea. to a cupful of {iccaa kerocto. iUre
barrel which Slater Imd loaded' with
patting Ibe two *rlih tbe lultiaU bppo- ready buttered Una and
powder and wad. mimed fire, and Abbottarille, Pa. I^plc' who oaoe Ateeacb other.
Into them. I
after peimlng it, he meant to trj It uae thia perponlioo ore aeldom mpot In *hap? lay tbe *quarc. which with a knife into candiea two ioebes
but dlachorged the other tairel lafied with any other. There la noth
:ie lioHom. on a table, bring it aqnaie. lireak Into tquarei w hen cold.
ing like It to oHay a eongh or Ic edge* of tbe ribbon together, making a,
hr miatihe, which wo* loaded
Concord Cream Peppermlota.—I’nt
l««ak np n oold. It ia pleoaont to pnff of II. Tbto will briiig twd of tbs. Jnto Hie blaxer two cupful* of gran»
kill, and the beet oow he bod t
take. too. For aole by F. O. Tbompoblong pltess orer tbe bottom, forming laicd augar tnd one-Lalf capful of wa
Awt dead In her trooko.
ter. -After It liegini lo boll remore tbs
R. a Sherwood of W'kterrliet. adThere hoa been enoh a tremend
spoon and lioll eight minute*, placing
rertUe* in the Record of that place deoreom in AUaka'a ontpnt of fun
Ibe bot water pen under U If It boll*
that hi* ottdianU ore fall of rabbi
that • deeided atlmnlna i* felt in the
too rapidly. Ilemore. add eight drop*
He offer* hunteri fire eent* each for bnainem of fox forming ta the nontbof iwppi-rmlDt. Iirat bard and drop
oU "eottoDtail*'' killed on hia prem weatorn part of the territorr. Kufrom Ibe end of Ibr *poon on waxed
tneo, hooter* to keep the gome.'
Iw dropmeroua anrh enterpriaea ore being
Imodlord W. a Barney
led out
organixad, and a akuk form ia oiao
n oUcO
liajK-r to dry.
a tree that
a bunch of ripe frnlt
Tonr heal feeling*, yonr aoeiol po(be bnnoli of not'a huge one,
of cream or milk, twoenpfutoof grannliSon or yonr bnainem anocea* depend*
eormlnly a norelty. The
lated sugar and onc-bilf cake of unlargely oo the perfect action of roar
' ateBd* in the hotel lobl^ nnd
aweetened dmcolale. SHr constantly
Stomach and Llrer. Dr. King’. 'Kew
great attnetion.
Life Pill* gire Inoreoaed atrength,
USIll tbe cbatvBTe I* melted. Beat to
keen, clear bndn. high ambition.
Pingme .ho*
boiling point and boll eight or ten mloA 85o box
• ox will
wiU moke yon
ron feel like a
ote* nntll It looka ernmbly. and If a tit.
one releoae from priaon erery
He to ibrowo laio cold water it draws
day* of hi. official eoreer.
o a globule, tbengb not criap like
Kra Wm. Eeiaer of Meodem, died
xly. Extlngntob fiame. add one teaA new iron ore field Ima jnat been
txom borne rcoelred Uat Saturday
of raolUa and beat until tbe
while fixing the fire. Her clothing opened at Miehipiooten. OnL, which a second aqnare. opening Tcnlcatly, mlxturpto creamy. Four Into a alightcnoght and o* ahe wo* a inralytlc it la Ihonght mar flood the lake tnd tbe two other |■l.■c.•« orer Ibla ooa. ly battered |>ap cool and mark to
nbe wo* almoat be1]dem,. She wm mvket next year. The ore la de- forraing a tbird square, opening borb square*.
aoribed m a Iwown hemitite, more aomally. Tbe npper square cau be fasn year* of age.
Maple Crtama-FiH Into tbe btager
I with loop and bniloo or narrow
At Monroe Ohorle* FVeedmon, like the aonthera ore* tlion the Lake rflibon. Tbe moM effecHre abide of
-half pound maple sugar broken Insmall pleeea wltb one-balf plot
while tamping a battery charge ol Snperior hematite. Mark Hanna 1* rtblxjn for tbe pnff If tbe cUamoto la
eight pound* of dynamite.wo* aerere■ "^lyeated in the enternri
used Is old mac or light blue, but • cats cream. Heat to bolting point and cook
lb minute* until It begins lo
ly tajnred br the explo*lao. both
hard usage at well at one of ex-,
n a but*
being blown off. He may lx
The holidoyi will ooon be here, and ccedfu riebnea* to made from bronxe
feoating galore. Children will eat Icatber or beory brown aiik wltb rib
interaolly iniured.
meats and poor the bot mlxtnre
and r
aweeu than ia good bon to match.
Robert Appleb.r. of Kal
»rer It Coot and mart Into sqnano.
and I
Deglren J. B. Sperry, of B*
a with!
a four-legged chioken. It* death I* ! t ,.v __ Si^t.
iroetle* erniwg Fwr a OaUS.
> a reanlt there
I a ball of cord tnahle of a paatw
oertoU to be o « of Indi^Eeatian board box wblcb It a three Inch cube.
I a large rliarlotle niase mold
' for oyner^
land bition* eolio.
wltb a-Bler and let It frecM aolld. Wllb
Corer the lioi wllh white water color a t>ol fiatlroo melt ont ibe center of tbe
Joiae* Homo, a farmer near
1 M 10 form a liowl and line this
City, WM myaterionaly aamnlled
jand DUfritoea '^medy
Remedy now and be Chroogb 4 bob- at tbe renter of Ibe top
and knocked eenaeleaa, on the nil- iwepnred for them befon apnndiag oU Farien Ibe euda of tbe paper down
wltb arollng aax and tie • piece of
rood track. Hi* bond remained
ribbon around tbe aide*. Faint
the track and a {omlng train
it off.
Under the pntmmge of the United with water colors a apray of holly <m
Word eomea from Onnd Jnnotion Stttea Philippine eommiaaioti. - on
that Fred Schebke. a ronng man of experiment form wiU be etorted
that (own. who dimppeond from about fOD mile* from M«t.iu, where
Foe bnakraA miubroonii tro
t yet been the growth of eeed* and plant* tram when serred on luaA in tbla way: For
poQDd of miubrooms take a pound of
found Mr. Schelake wea -tt
thla eotmtry will be teMed.
minced iMx-fspak. Fry the Aeak. add
Old. morriKl. and of good habit*.
l** AwfW
mit. pepper, paprika and half a mpfnl
He hod been eonraoBing for book*;
“‘fi -TbereU only one ehi___ __
.. of water. Cook for two or Hires mtopgerioua to hi#
j ' your life and that i* through on opmippeoronce. —
Siraln off the grary. rejecting
WM thought
hare hod about $10 ation” were the atortlingworda hmrd tbe meat AiU tbe n ‘
IbyMra. L B. Hunt of I'
b bntier ayAsrt. tTlira llicy loek pinmp. drain
and cool them: When ready to aerre.
___ ____
• oJ
of «wn^
trouble _
and jeUow
drea* tbe oyvieri wllb nmyootlalar and
joundioe. Gall itonm hod for
arrange to ibe h-e bowl alieraalely
Fear Cklim.
Ae eoaMontly grew worua
mcra the Sbermoa nmieer. T
Take eight poonda of bard peart Wl’b a plBi of Alced cabbage that bos
began to uae Blectrie
were eight or ten different pereon* ebe
whleh wholly cured her.
•Uced tbln. Agbt pounds of angar. tbe brito cblllMl to Ice water dri.-d and
ed wllb mayoonaiae. Set tbe
Who mw it and non*'were able to
Jntee of six lemana and tbe grated or
Mm* it. A young man who ia workthinly pared rind of two. two ouncra of bowl opee a folded napkin oad gomltb
tarn ia Sand'* oomp took it to comp
cr dry ginger roA chopped fias wltb parsley aad Anffed Alrea tayi
Cooking SeboA Uagmxlne.
ne titablerfDl of water. Cook nnfor ^ purpeea of getting the hide.
t llloAratst this sRractlrc fancy.
U1 dear, cben mI to Jelty gtoasra.
Mr. Durham deeeribe* the animal to
bo the eUe of * medium ciaed lank
Lorod by the people, hotod
d(«. ehort l««*. feet like a fox and
eronld-herirotoithe foe of ______
IntaBOB aBShtiBC wm endkrod by tlm Mml (ff hnnalty—BocAy Moon
not rery ewlfl on foot M be oould
t. 1* MMtlB of Dixie. Ey..
Tea. mods by the ModlsoB MAIe*«lly keep up to it. It mode a noloe
ba para thla sTideoe: “I thinaOo.
Tiokem will be acid at <me way fora
A* yonr drappist.
Tcry much like a pig and wbeneret it
trip on Deoabar tfi, id, U
Then tried Dr.
om oU amtiana fa MwinM.
tuned OB him it would iump up at •nd Id. from
Ua taeo. It hod • Taiy full forehead
Ibara BBMllt tom;
and oom like • dog and flat teeth.
toBryeon oad
Finn Mr. Durham'* deomipcicD of
to5totoairb*BB^’^-^ 1
U no one hM been abb to name it
HiMatim OlotUap Oo.
tooohtaB ttvmsbnptheweMooBffh.
The atatemcart i* mode t^ the WaSRBeonl
•ad aot «)y »aroB(B bat obeetotely
{urdon of Oeneral Whim by OorerLOOK FOR A
-. F. MoaSrop. A.
jHtaOb b I«tle Of An tnm but
jbdjuMiMwtg. im-ii
r* *• Dhm ta CUoUau DM ■
Imaten. Farior.
M<ni« MTiM lOAD.
Monl^Sab$eet; “.AUtoWaU
Too Leak cm the Bri^ Bids."
Rpw(MhXMgwa($:$»^ m.
EroBing mrrlee at 7.
BreBingaabiMt; -Thno Ai* i
Rer. C. T. Stoat, rootor.
Svtdar Mhool at It.
The Early Omnamnio
thlB Sunday.
lareoesdtoUy iBritod
Sunday acboolt rid 0. m.
SuparintoBdeat'a uniinal roport ■
elcaeof aAool
Msettog for wnciblp. 11 a. ni.
• p. m.
Coat Scarfs
Silk Bandkerchiels
Beautiful Cies
Sleeve Buttons
• 7.00
■Foottrinu" I
Sonday oehool at noon. ‘
Young People a meeting at 6:4S.
Erening aerrire. * KD. 8ub}aot,
Her. Hugh Kennedy, poator.
Preoehlapot lOdba. bl. and 3 p.
A ,
Mmlnpsnbjeet. "Tbon Shalt aot
Commit Adnllay." tba oixth
cotuae io tbe series oe Uie trii oom-
Evemihg subject. "Tbe Yoanp
Man's Opportunity to pet Wealth.
Claaa Meeting at 0:45.
Sunday oobool at 12
Eoworth League at A:l&.
Tharaday—Prayer meetinp af-rilD
A cordial inritatlcs to extcBde^ to
all these terrloM.
Her. D. Cochlin. pMtor.
Sennooat 10 JO a. m.. op tbe ninth
article of ov CoofcMlaa of Faith.
Sunday school at noon.
Yoong Men's elom in lorn tMta to
church. Young todies' eloaa id atndy.
Yoong mm and yoong lodtoo ore laTiled to these claaoes.
Jnnior C. K aociety at 8.
Intermediate 0. K eociety at 4 JO.
Y. P. S. C. E. at D:46 p m.
Topic. "How to IjUten,” Mott
Sunday erening Ooapel meeting at
7:00 p. m.
Rer. 8. Salabeir. imstor.
Church cm cersA of »tb nod Wad*worth aneeto.
Snnda.r aerricro are m followa:
Preaching at 10:30 a. m.
Snnda.r school at 11:30.
Preaching at ; p m. The reriral
meetings will oontlDue all next week,
beginning at r :S0 p. m. All ore In
vited to these mMtinga. ‘Come and
beep os in the work of tbe Lord.
Ole do have
Some fine
See them.
Electric Pocket Knives,
Kazors and Shears
Every piece «Ump9d'‘Ele3tric”. ' AbdolBtelyjfM
Skstes ...............Barnej A: llerry's, the best tkato made.
Carpet Sweepers,
Carving Sets,
Clothes Wringers
Make excellent Cbristmog praaeoti.
Call and look them orer at
lU. 3. Robbs*
Both 'Phonee. No. 10
Our Sale of
(Ue Don’t Place
Jiuction Clotbitid a Special Price
Is growing in popularity every day. All
day yesterday the department was filled
with anxious buyers. Our extra force of
salesmen were severely taxed to care
for ail.
Seeing 1> Believing.
Kuh, Nathan & Fischer's warranted
clothing at such ridiculously low prices
cannot help but make a stir and create a
CMuk ol getting nne, elegantly
made, aNuranted Suita Over
coat* and iltoters at amaller
price* than you pay tor aboddy
Besides you can get your money back or
a new suit or coat if not satisfied. We
want you to see these goods, look into
tbem carefully--see bow they are made-^
bow nicely trimmed.
Although tbe sales have been enor
mous. we still have all sizes and can fit all
comers. But early buyers will be best
satisfied—Ev^ day makes big inroads in
the stock, and u^es will soon be broken.
Elder D. C. Tromoine of
will speak in Unnge hall both morn
ing and evening.
DeWitf* Little 1 trlr Riten ore
ainty little pitl^ hi : they never fail
I ofaotno-
Batb Robes
On a few g^'icnts. or a line or two in
our Cloak Department to call you in and
then try to sell you regular stixk at regu
lar prices.
Ok price ot every garmeA to
cut and slashed unmereitullyWe are determined on one thing—that is
we are not going to have any jackete to
carry over.
Our Prices arc from
Ui to l>2 Off
The regular price. The garments are all
the latest ideas—elegantly made—best of
ean In ami look tRem ov«r
—Don't put it off Sny longer, as the stock
is diminishing^ rapidly that it will soon
be difficult to find your size.
We also have some of the Automo
bile and a length coats that we are sellihg at very special prices.
You will find what you want in both
quality and price.
tbe Boston Store
Papers and ProfltaWe
Si II IITIII teaO—teCsaEow
OspA a 3.
ifasa «e
na late tma Bice, the CamaM cM«n maa. waa fend «f beys, and sh «tel a teawmM Wytea M sari
wsye wasted w see a leC of tfama la‘
Worn um Sstei* wBb «bo ftW
Us BSdkMMn. Be aerer gave a pergnsBl
Cermasce when the soaks and cacams
Em.b>wra.«ts*wb.aaBUmwkal m
were not flitad with yonagaten whe
Pftcts AboM tbe Cotreiufij
Offer Dr. Nertea.
Wobh is plssmisg i
tenm Bsyldas a
Oaa aucy af this aurt is taU by OapmiB George i. Untamar. trafle maaaera of the Lake Abora railroad. At
m naans TEAT D AT OBOK
lew. Iaav» aad tecm apss4y steamer
titeaoiteofifaacteamft ew the
Uaa. Be axpeott to baild a craft
nate of fiaa papen
md ud! of on rlrc»Bt ooiiit >a wlotn-. «ad tbtjr
dlwmil, all belnfAkBa the Um of' k**i‘ !•'* *■“' ■>'
jrmtlml wotfc in tba
•* <>>• ebaom la a«d
Ttw flnrt paper of Uw day
Hard, aad
tmi. ia faerabMBoe. by Kim Prnia. i
Tbe paper w a rery able oae.
of MOMtloBi Qwt miDot tail of y-1
lac lelpfol la d>e
of the bedt-:
Klw Era I.. BenoMt
fMeatad tbei
Hb^.-'Aldaia Teaebiaa
Tba HbJeet waa faHiar
' oaawd by MUe Baiee of the Etmvood :
areaBe aidiool of thU city.
“Xodna HpelUay" wa< the eab}ed'
that wa> ably handled by UiMUItiaa j
The rifota or the Talted
“Tbe TMSbtBK of Aritktaetie- wmi
The MpU
ridatly dlaooTored
oammlttee at
Banda'a aton to diacam the aatwtaia-
U ban
from WUUam Balt-
Dapaty Food aad-Dalry Oommiaaionar Dame ant rod last n^t from
»» Bra I. Thacker badthefob>et,'‘'Bsperl«i]ee« of the Inexperi-
a trip to Detroit,
Mite Edith Earl la Tory slcft and
oodipaUad to giro ap her position as
laf tUnin throoitfa which erety new
teechar haa to {m were pictured
teaoborintba pablic
At Uw lauineea meetins of the ea-
The Ufa mring
e the followinif efflcna were
efaoeen for tbe enanlng year
Kettle C.
Maailoa ialand
Mjcao ts BBOAnratt.
■re conrernwl.
The ode featai* of
teryead treaeam. MIm KatUe E. fubloD.fc furs which U at all taiMlag
la IlMwe dJiy> 1* the fur IteeU. wbicb
malDi Id favor fur many yean. X
are obllptl to cbatige the form of It
from year to year or cooat yonraeU
quite out of style, bat yoo caa
' TMsIeSaeiw ofa M
derlrc some salUfactlon from the tact
that tbe aalmal llaetf baa aot gone
of ra>hk>D.
nomlaa aelilc and allrer fox bead the
^Mlal loTbeMnnOac RkuO.
Omaha,' Dee. A—The police hare roDMiji
Dr. 3. 3. Solonroa, a well known sahU-. soaiikm. mink aad baby Umb
Omaha phyaleian. on the rack trying ■re quilens |m>|>uI
mack ami while fata are qieclai fa*:
to force him to tell what lie knowa
of tbe eeamHonar tihgedy that oc- rorltes, the latter la fox made iato
oaned in thie city laei night. A gay muir and boa being panlealarly atyllata
fur young womra. Tbe rarlely la far
Otmnell Blnffa man oune to Omaha
ganuenis ti greater O'an ever, and the
at the inriution of a
aloe preeideni, Lee
Bomiby; ' eepre-
aeqaaintanoe to meet
two ao^oalled. tbe sliapo.
It Id the rarled awmbhutime. ;
I of for. Tbe moel uuudaal of aU
The man oame aod waa met
by hii
> lung sealskin coat with doable
Mend • Together
entered .i' ri’veni. one of black and one of white
■well loeiety girU for a good
hoaae at Slxjeenlhiuid Hamer streets i>*»’’■
- aad Immediatelr s shot
' and the Omalia maji
nie Ooanril Olnffs mHn
|tad been
treated to a boirlble rarpriar.
■well Omahn
girls he was to meet
prored Co 1w his own danghtera.
party being-ignorant of the -others'
Idantity antll the dramatic meeting.
Than the father, enraged
Ix'yond all
power of control, drew hit pistol and
attempted to kill the man who
fUrting with liU danghb-rs. and had
gone so far as to inrite the father to
hla own
danghtera for a ea-
Tbe wonndwl man mabed to a
riage and was clriven to the residence
phyBiedan admiia
.'Vliltc caracal forma
wUhabaHet In hit braast.
the atory of the dramaile oocacrence
laadlag ap to the ahaotlng,
nftwaa to fapiith namea
nient. B Tcry ebon Jacket
Jacket ending
ending at
at tbe
waUt Um-.
nUek Iwby lamb Is perhaps the most
popular fur for costs ibal there la. aad
Ibis no doulit ia due in great meaanre
to tbe fact that It is Icsa clumsy and
more nally Bllcd lu the figure than
any other fur. hut tbb prlro. wbicb it
blglK-r ibao ever, has somcIhlDg to do
with It. for 10 Iw exfH'DBlte la often a
dt'sinbic attribute from
point of Mew. Itroadiall Is made np Id
a variety of styb-a. of coi
of The pmiy m-V.-Iiles Is a short bolero
not a-lilrh fils the figure niber cloae*
Iv nml curves up in the liack to thow
oDe of the vv lilc empire l<ells of panne
velvet lu eilix-r wbllg or black. Gold
braid aud orlenial embroidery are both
used In the nnlsli. lu fuel, tbe for la
trreted'exactly as If It were clolb.
Tin- an of tailoring in fnrs bat reach
ed a lilgb state of pr
Ofst elasa furriers, and wbalerer yoer
fnr may be your coat cHngs to year
figute at If it were clotb and with ^t»
at aliapely lines.
So Bays the Kew
at Ueldclbarg aad other ^tliwotel
nnlverelUsB of high rank, derottag ei-,
pecUl BttMtloo to his faroiite a
cbemtatry. Ue'appear* to have a rath-,
acquiring Un-,
aeboob for a
on North
guagra, having a fluent use of mori of.
those spoken ta Euroi* and of tbe,
TurkUh language also
For acme IT,
years be vras pcofeaaor of cbemlstry at ■
Ctoelnnitl nnlveralty. spending much
of his lelsnra during thil neriod ta
travel He U a^ol^ of
critnra a. h^ exa^^n
haa bean oloeod aod
rirod ia the city yesterday
way home.
William Jaekaon
haa parahaaed an
aleotrie dynamo forsae inbls mauhlne
shop for lighting porposM.
Uie tqo^d of
paoaUar polaoniug oaaoa in Manches
ter and other places and there. Itave
beem many oaaes of perlphemlal u
rltla in this city oanted
in boar.
by arsenic
ThaMimoa Mande
-inunra and frteddshlp oflthe Ponahkeeirie. K. Y.. .-Emrle.''!
of tbe Turkish e
ilf would hare Iran angry at
. frbo. as'
"Dr. Hfdley's seoood i
"I knew (ho man wbvn be was livii
:itw :
ji’*'- • k-i.v.- twhl
-knowledgn <if bis
ritod to be premat as there ia baribU flXM.
And 1 am pervwadcd if it bad bran iUkad
Be rioklaa
you. him in liis lifetime if nwii an irnago
aaa of Importanoe to trenaaoL
in spile of all this ibe Turktsta gov- the geneti
and astonishee yon > ahonld be made like him. and then s>-i
Tbe boys of the Oak Phrk aohool
lent haa a principle, or, nrara prop- with his
— InsQcha plac*>. I talieve be wonlrt .%»/*NTKH-HiirH.» ,e-H.v»i
. a prilc]
efeatedtbe boys of the BoMdMia
stake, which It aa- vrith bis a
yv .„ AI.IJ. .i e‘,il-« H.
les that |i would sacrifice by conin agame of
. , U-H UV IU.IV <.u jue, «. .H-*l • Hill ■K-Wl ' I P”h evI.B . I>0—OHSkll-S
them into bew and i „ i,
j.j, tvsHw.''..hhd the. irn
snl at KarpDL It b.not because
A. 3. MeOooald of Otawn and Mr*. Dr. Nerioi but rimpty Ira-anra be ,,
»» hi. v^be
Quaker. "1 ^mld imt liavo bad aggirt ;
LiUie MoCoy of Garfield ware mar a eoDMU of tbe rolled Slate*.
«“*«., aod
haa a
miarion to againstlt.wberaa.uwasbntM.imag..
ried yesterday evening by Bev. S. treaty under which we locate our con-1P~P>''
made by bands. ’ ^ BmT,«gU a-emt
auU ta Turkey providea for the eaub-i “"'h doubt
if a
chaitv. homaand
Great Idolatry."
Fine art oaleBdan are being planed Uahmeot ofconsulate* at iwlota where ! genial, friendly
ta every raaidanM in the city by tbe
they can ta oseful to commerce. At the 0|ien Hooje this aeaaon than
irpm. the Turks Insist, tta consul did at (he cloae of hU lecture —
would bxve no commeralal jvork lo do. 'nijjht on “ITie Sunny Side of Life."
Karput, or Hirpoot, as It la alao'
written. U of Interest to ibc oould*!
The Aoma oaab earriar ayttem haa
mittea of -the
The Rapid City Knms ima saapendvrlnter.
or LltUe atatea that it will moune
in the apring, tboogta be does not
Mate where it will be.
will be held at the lodge rooms
Arthur H. Clark, tbe F.
C. degree ia
tbe afternocn at i o'clock and tba M.
tbe aranlng at
YUiting brotben are
A apraial
A eordial invita
tion U extended to all
club mat lari even-1
tag at the home of Mlaa StelU Jahwhere a fine tim^ was enjoyed
by aa
Frank OaoMt came np from Inter
" Mr. and Hra
Moel iqate iw:
way to
Om. a
wedded at
through the city
Dnstta.' re-
Chieago ««
on their
tbelr wedding
„ ,l» cin. ! Vl-r. -™ •
bat no right ta take'000.
ombnge at sneb
cdou per ee. |
lUvtag alripped this iiartlcular cate ;
of every |»*slb1e pretext for tlie re- ,
,«Hon of tbe eoosol on personal!
r Coaecfl vT Ita I
grennda. even taclodtDg tbe groand
Travvrar CMr.
dose afflllatioD wlib tbe detested mis- '
alonaiiea Secretary Hay baa so far tbe ,
upper band ta the struggle between
weatem posb and Turkish obMloacy. !
If the barriet* are ODce
once broken down
dovm j *f****“^jy"
at Karput. there will be
i Preffwti. Aldermen Moore, Hitating*.
axcota on Turkey's part for nialnialB- girder. Smith. Roond and Garrtaon
tag tbem anywhere else, and
and It may be , aad Mayor Friedrich.
T aettlemeDt
--- -------------------of
-- meeting haring been called
of diacnaaing tbe
rhlnery for the protection of tbelr
te polea pieced ta
I Michigan Teleo and property
by tbelr borne gov-
Mrs. Maria Friedrich came ap tnm
aassml to tlw Mcmtag Bm«dl
New ToA. Doo. A—Memte^f the
Ana Arbor
to visit
Before any action «
atoel plate of |l a ton, which makes;
daagber. Mr*. Jaoob Fnrteeh. who U
able flower now." said Peter Downing oil room, therefore no ocUoo cootd be
vary ai^.
of tbe Boaary Flower company recent- taken on aoewt of lack of sufficient
Joe Friadricb of Grand Rapids ia
, New
to oonsfitate
the price for tank
Ttaiting Frank Friadrioh.
Steel Plate pool sent ont circnlars annooneing an adeanoe In .the price of
hnrg base.
plates #t8.
The Bdrance was agreed
apon at a meeting of the pool
bers held at the Waldorf AatoriB Priday night.
WiUiam BelCner aad A.
s fur Catarrh tbst
I" Ih.
Uler a
Other rauntry atandlng ou no friendlier .'
fooUng. It Is wllhlu Ibe prnvloce ^
which rained the property.
of aoy dffteo to object lo tbe perwia ,
<»« o» *he bank Mr.
named at consul or minister to serve > Gross had a silver spoon made, and
within Its own border, and tbe other j that U all be haa lo show for hit g|»..
The ladies qnarwt
will famish music.
• - .........................
oerenry will anri-ly destroy
le of amell and c-ompU-tely il.-r
whole e.rstcm when outerit
ttan nilsaioD siationa lo tbe neighbor-: '•‘‘riiry when gold mines were work- through the morons snriaces. I
articles riicmld never Ihbood. I Jke other loUnd- polnu of ibis \ ®d in Spain at a profit. It is n
sort. II is regarded by the Turks as a 'orod that aeveral freab diteov
is. ns die damage• they wi
danger spot lo tbelr relations with tbe gold hare been made. 8ome of the ^ tan fold
to the good von ran possiblr
ire from them, liall's Gatam
outride world.
have trU-d to mnds'of the River Menvanares are raid deri<
ty h
Onn-, manufactnred bv F. J. Glu-ui-v
coofiae foreign Intraslon
' oonlain enongli gold to rai«y the
Toledo, O., contains no mefand lo keep tbe Interior of (heir
EMtof waaliingandawetlknown mln- cmy. and is taken internallr. ai-llug
try for tbelr own people and their own
dlxeetly npon (he blood and tnnevus
religion: hence tbelr perslAent re -rhaa Jnai asked for the oonceasion of
.... ..
clow-to Madrid, which, like ■nrfaoM of Uie system. In baying
fusal up to the ......................
prewnt time
lo grant
Hall's Catarrh Cnre be snri- vou
Dr- .Sorion. I'nfortu-1 PreWria, is said to be fonnded on a (he genntae. It is takerl Intenial
an exequatur
and made in Toledo., Ohio, Ii.t F
Obaney ft Co. Testimonials fm-.
and iicriDitted tbe Briilsb government: Colonel George P. Groox. of
Sold by dniggistB. price Tta. p>
to erabilafa a consuUie at Karpoi so ; City, has a apoon that east him »«.- bottle.
Ball’s Family Pills are the best.
Yaarsagohe was effeted that
to be demanding any nK.re privileges
the Saving! Bank
d pnblioaUon for tbe
■ 'll;
rial circle ta Cou
Beaton atore.
loebaa last avantag lo spend Sonday.
tbe end and final farewell <
There wiU be a mam meeting of aU
tba aniom of tba el^ tomorrow eventag at O. 8. P. ! hall AU are in-
analyaia found
t^tsiUlssdniaToa by tbe Amrateoa
before as tourist and slud.-nt. making
* inimitable lecture which : ww. "a Judgement npen Ctcmiwell to
his Ust trip on foot for the purtnee of ' will be given Wednesday eTsotag aa , be Urns wtviuged after hrs death, becanie
that I par eent of the mmplet of beer
examined by him contained arsenic
with foolirh inw-otina, and it "was to
ba carried fnnfl place to placu thri day i F
between1 Bumatra-i
Soroesiiei nociae
Boom ana
and Vastmiu'■
vvesimm- -|-„,uarr-Tw..
was nrnal in Ibotimoof popery., 1 onfura.WHO is mo.,u •..■a.l*. A* am
for multitodes of foolish iwnple to gate
'rw *r.«i
nuse "lie war • p.'.„
mounted as a tbrophr on an ebony _
a grot iBstrument in the hands of > '
bsra. am! I. u. ta- jKv-raW.-d u. Lord i
Galway and t
the uO.-ers of the
wwidTtangras. luijierisi
Vconisnry. to : f*i^**“
-A"** ...........
coiuiurwioraUr Ib.-lr
ili.-lr Brxl'eogagciamil. have they now. said my spirit, made a
! ooatly
of :v.—
him! And
are Tl------aoch ar T y„n:i.i
sioriuky of ,l_
ita kluacow loco-;:------•' image
Paul Kluritxky
raeciva works, «Im U niaktag an ta- i were caw lus •iwicrr. vvb..|Hilied down
aperaloo of l.HTvnH.llve works in (tala i images^caviM*.. aud all rn.-Ji pcqiisb^
■-*» wt iwcr
«w»'ry. says: --Ttarv are six or eight , bks stuff wherevra they met with it.
fa.-toMe. U KussU. or* of ; now gnarding bU image and wau-bing r- .......................biVEest b*-tag bHwtnt at Kolumiu. orra it, aod lii* cbilUmi and offlccra ,
* *“ -ttsfled. ' following it. mollilndc. of the i.ibab.l- howevra. tlist ter all gaoeral purporo
aclence and,
W. B. M. day in Orange Hall Sonday
dotaa frightened
with an almori o*nparaUeled mas. of.’
of Northport
tbe boUdar rash.
gram is prepared.
boMnem ur; os
.. and tnraeud fea-1
tare, without lifeor brsnili.wliK-h woald
ba carried thii way.
great Procactor's twdy. bci adead iraa^ , _
of woed or wax. arrayed and decked I K"^
UHmnandEra Yoang are employ
be«er acqnalnitag himself with the,the
aeoond nomber of the High 1 >“.1^
the SaTiaga Bank Baaaar dari ng I life of the p.-oMe. lie enjoy, the per- acbool Leotnrv and Marie oonree.
aftamoon at 4 o'elook.
king, haa aa tai-onie o^aboot EN.OOO.. .
thraatag and preaaing of tBaUitodrs.-i' cv>B saut - Yak i^rk>. ■*■-. s-te.-t.'ii
a alx-
power Wolrerine gaanllne an
gina to Oarl Sehrader
for Ua fishing boA.
Sooioty will obterva their annual 0.
iwadoa. Dec. g-people
Hifte Smith of Xtlenta haa glcea
travellag IThraries to fourtra-a ciuia>
uas ta Georgia. Tbe books are InMded fai Uie acbool cblMren and an
m make Iba vtrmit of Uw.acbooU.
^^tUh coal
Saginaw and Bay
with faamor and viriteen.
Aa a matter of;
fact the ebolcff of Dr. Nation seems to
hare been as neariy Ideal as tbe choice'
or any eoaaal ta tbe last doaen yean.aod doobtleaa eapeclal pains were ttk- en to aaaara this appotatmest against 1
any erltlctam on Its parsoaal aide, ao aa j
to make all tha morg^Tion. tbe pnr I
e of tbe T«r
_ ^ ;
faring an exeqoatar. It it abenld do ao-'
l>r.-NoHon i. «> ye« of age
gradaate of UamUtem eoUege of tbe |
momliig at
CettioM flUed the |mper.
barbaroaa eooatiy.
the Elks annaal soeial anmirm will
The auam barge
«b» Edward Bumogfa. the Qaaker
"Apaatla of Ismdcm." whun George
Fox called him "8«a <E Thandm," was
pMdag tfaroagfa CharingCtom cm hla
vray lo the rify. apoa tba "gld day of
tbeninUi month." I65A. be found the
«r«e*a crowded with pecq()a "Tba
gaards of mldisr*. horse and focE,
“ ““2;i
that the ahoea
an not laatei a^ threw them away
moat at • o'olocA this
I xoira* sf vr—d *oa wm cam
Thrarah tisSra la lUa.
.ate; with :
and hands get ta.1
Tbe arords wore hardly eat of bla |
1 tbe TarUMi alti
a dash ter tbe
tioB that we ban been ap
....................... ...........________ _________
ibra. indeed. X will. wMsoe, -ay roa- i , ..p~-.~.7T3-----------,
Write of making a aemlbarbaroai: SOO riraa faces end bands cme baA an of the thmg cf pecqile. ”
i L
p»Ui«- cvrar *ad^aUy atik ,*1*.
When be Inqaityd the iwwn of "thl*, n»>-*fl»—■
na ir
cbeice of a eoaaal ta aettle ta a aeml-1 ^
the baa aad the fenee. wrap pod ia
an old iwirof orealta. The thief
eeoed Teacher, - which ahe handled
of tbe aivotBtee, aayt
d^iateb to the New Tetfe Posl
foead oe
aer-a for 3. N. Maaaan ft Oo of Olen
Arbor, to be takaa to Ohloago.
■paelal teiereM from the petwmaUty
Btolas BOOM tima ago from the ftik
She handled <he
It STBS Mr. Bite's caatom to atasd
at ibe door natil tbe ftrat grand entry
of tbe rlreas peofde. when be wooM
leave. Oa this orraatea be saw tbe
besgry kook ua lb* faen of Uw boys
sad ^Isd tbem areoad him: "Ton
waat IV go ta. doe'r yoo. boysr*
“Bet rra lifer 'ebooted hack tbs
Bar m«y triawds is thla nQr wlU
pteid farer at Interlodm. la boRw.
ment to be anaaged.
the Mb^ preeatted hj
tcakgy awd ochar niwthem potota
Place aaaple toocaa
WUltem Boil
5teT n
«a« on j
»he«hje«of"ChUd B*ody.”
tea by Mba Jeaslo
whidh will mka AD milaa u host
Tb* Omul TnmM Ooamtf Tcaeb•r'* iwnrtirion elond b mnaMfnl for^’„ aajwben **tr' Pan of a
mtfptAiabk lemoB y«at«d»y. A feind uv om of ilxvwmajT ctm
WM a aw bran wrliit te sayf
u tmt>l* aad berry tad aav
great demand
On motion of Alderman Moore daly
can Beauty roae. Tbe chryaanUiemam oarried, connoil adjourned.
te nill wanted, bot tbe tele of It te no
aamer Dltaoia. oa biiiliiiim
A. W. Rickard, City Clerk.
where near at large as It was two or:
and Mra Henry
three years ago. and people do not care I
Three German unlverritle* liava
have gone to Chicago.
to hare It so Ug.
Coamra becalm I eai-b over a tbonsaud irralkal atuFrank ^ri^t ha* retnmad fran a
qnite popular tbit year. Tbcre was oc i deni* ibi^semesier: Mumrb, l.Ul;
visit to CsaaopoIU.
great aile. bat people pteoied It In Bsrtta. 1.067: Ytenna. 1.03$.
Mra Fred R. Hoover retnmad yes tbelr yard* It makes a beatitifol plant,
A Tsry pleamnt sorpriae iwrty waa.
axai.aacket am CAEACU-rMT, etc.
givm last ereaiag at ihi- home of I York Ann. in wbicb oceor tbeae lima
Mr. and Mra Alfred Dakenkolb oo'aud iUustiaiiona of new faahteM ts
terday to her home ta w«—.
u OUy, and each one wiU taar ecoren of flowbat Prow aaoei. in boaor of Mrs. 1 fo"
after a virit with bar paroita. AlderIt latte far loto tbe faD.'
Dafcaokolb'a birthday
annirtirmrr. I
Brmloe It very mneh naed for trlmman and Mra H. Montagna
A large aamber were present and tbe'
II Is not a becoming fur far
war a«f retaballt
of life with
Ralph Andemm weal to KtagtUy
oocaalcB was a very plemmt on.-.
w«t^au.l figures mortly on erm
The antes in (Mina skoaM at oece Qeat latrtaator. Ask yonr dmggteL
impart tbe college cane rosfa and peyoKew
Wte Mora.
| Cl.inebllia. very expeatka and meat
Kn. R. Oarlyla retnmod yaateeday
lariae It la tbe prerincm.
It would
Frank Priodrich has aold a lot on'I'f^habk. is in bigb faror forcoUara. to Bk Bapida after nnedtag a weak give, says tbe New York Prase, tba
,; raver*, hat*, muffs and trlmaiiiga.
*ha oocner of Spruce and Bay streets*'
vlriting Prof, aod Mr*. C. S. Hont. Boxen a chaneff tt work off that goe«ff
J. D.
Kmmar. ttavaltag ftuigbt raeltag
■a tanildtag (here and o|»n op a'
agewt of die O. R. ft L waa ta the
fancy vesta, ooe i^two of a
Rarir -------- —-------“mi,iL
r boataeos with a ganeoal stock.
kind, onr hlgbeot grades,
BoU a faair cwpral of rice with a
-I hai.- two suit, f.ir my two hoya."
aaltapoonfol of salt in milk nnt!l teohave sold fee «A00, |ft«D
Oaecge R. Barker returned ycatee- »ay* n I'blted.-lpbl, maa, -ooe
len It to lasta
Winn tbe
fiay from FUnt. where be was oaltad and » xpcu»l>«-. the oibra very old and
Tba avantag e
I alwortad preeo R into a
y «ha death of his father. R. M. Bar- ogly aad worn. They o^ the** nue Maehadtet ebuth totey U ta ttege taste.
WIU. ~oootb It over tbe top. and
ta tvnunon. and tbe bdy who geu ap
when n ta* ctfoted enoogfa to .‘told ihe
HanatUtt Clothtag Co.
•( Ota young wotami of Mia. Unf_______
flr»i In the iminilng ueat* tbe gaog
form tnre it oo lo a flat dteb. Tbli
M^ble elaaa They wUl tuber, i
.nd sboold
about two
tm u^mlgned. do h«^| ^
work* teffvida special laaelo aad ta variant I incbss blgh. Itere sod n
• to rafnnd the i
attiaothra. apptea a* will riaud on top of ite
________________ itad 8t-i *'»'*'• The nilnnie l shoot.'Bora fffi •are make tba
111 tender ta
tbe pateor'e Mcmesi, by a ^wctal tent, boil them aJowly anil
t ealte lo enre your........................................ .........................................
sugar and waver, renwve ibem before
Waalao guaxantea a
will ta en "Tbrae Aids to
they lose shape. Boll tbe sugar
Ibey reach tt togetber, when there
water down to a thick alnrp- Am
ta a but flgbt over who's to wea
Roxbog, and 1 bare te moa up and reateta arAar with E hahtawb.*
>w im
I r y. >1’ W AKT Insurance .r
erf ,a Dm
-.11 ..i, K li; 'all.vn, r:m, :
ii:’-(V, M-.-k. TVhv.c t-iif.
XII kliHls »f
Bicfcle Btpalring
Bicfck Sandrits
Priets mqht.
. 6*
us Uaioa St
AWAY. Every purchaser of goods
■mooning to 60 cent at the New
York Tea Store will receive a lick-.
et on a handsome gold
Resniu announced New Yrats dnv. In different Inralilies for sale cm esay
Theae tickets are given in addition
term*. Ata) mone.v to loao on real
to the it-gnlar tiraets given with estate Mecurity.
every pnndmae.
lllS tf.
No tax ctaose Inserted la mortcace.
t Jump on It.
Ladies, "you can
trampla on it.
it wHfo^ op Office in Hamilton ft Milliken Block.
riniUDg every
Peal Bargains
Age* nine to sixteen years—
black Iriidi friete. chlnchilUs. etc.. »l..W tor. .», one
or (wo of a kind, extra goo<I
bargains to cloae, onlv
to M.60. Do DOl |wss' them.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
traumetion of bnai
ant to Chicago Friday ni^t on the
Dec: 27
On these two days the publisheJs will accept sub
scriptions to THE DAILY HERALD for the
aad wto aot tb* u«w«i*|ra* TtataliUdHra of tliw
_______ _____ —1« te for two days onlv. Mail ordc^ to r
<Mys mentlooad. aboold be mailed on December Ml o
• -Sart^ Dec. » WILL NOT BE ACCEPTl
bat they mast flrat pay np (heir sate
Do Not Forget the Dates: 27°2^SS:
-S.'-jSl'SSrKS'Stff.'SfiSratlitK”'—----------------- Orwnd Rapids Mwrwlcl,
Orand Rwpida, MIoh.
Fastest Locomotives In the World
4^ yow
!• «U-Ib
r^J and ilw rsp>^> bav.. soardrd
^ Y n>' !-*•" «>
for 11^
tuatrat loromou.m
Iv iha
trurtd St tbr rtonr of thin vundrrful
rmlBiT. wr Han aril affortl to hr tma and admit that <
of *• mll«i
r«ni-iJofaiK-}-. IhaJ lh»T» WM DO
-d.-n and AlUmir Cli,- at a aj»-d ..f MS !a tvrnd of Iw mitra an hour could not i
mw par hour, and (In^a
baud Ihf ; In- atialned That wan B ruti ptodlc ,
list ..f (h. n.n-Wn moat rapid mars at' lion. »i>«. thr raatrat trains of that prIhr .n-Rlurv's Hoar Tbr follonins la- Hod •-..uld luudlx ot-oitufcr a cow; but. !
I Mrs alll *1«- at a utuncr the brat tlmra r with thr powerful rnjhora of the proaIt Itrrsrnt by.thr raHns tnrumo. i ri time, harlnu ample btdlera und lbs
boars' duntthm. Siill. durinc
rrrat enctne rurv in IM ona (ruin nun
run a( tha mtc^Of CC.M ntW an boar
for * hours and I mlnutra. and tbr ««•
tin- Journey hetwren Euston and Abrrdrrn. 540 mllra. was
yeraoe ^>eed of M.51 mllra pra boor
A bl«h rate of aprrd does not arrm
depend no much upon (he type of enciiM
used as upon ample boiler ataee and u
■ood roadbed. The AmeHran lorumotivra are larver. hravHer. >et more resIMe. than the Gnettsb or Eoropean
and doubtlrus ura capable of better
speed; but to offset this
sani-r of cradr
Hriilsh aSd
States for''enelnrs.. ordrrlnu
trCoae of a h) brid
Odo 0# ibt. uniqM cfaaneHo «E tha
HMe U lUrrus Mote, ttae yMrub Qukcr OMlH of SiehiauAd. Be li bov »
Tuais u( BseaiKi is Yn7fsiUa
UMMycT thlbiN that happcBed la hk
ruNtbaad iviine is kmi aad tzaa. bak
tbe etenu of tbv day lasa at tba m■er ekiada. li was be who Ant MoA
Ihe fjaakar antipathy to art la oil
kaki. and be Mcund tbe petition «M(A
oauMd tbe kffialanin to praride that
tbe pablie ecboob of lodiatw Aoak
ttaob drawing.
Tbe petitioa was -|v»Mated by Stnator Baatsr, staoe de>
MMed. Twu yean prerioualy tba Qmks artist bad snnited tbe iwHbiac of
drawiiiff ia tbe pokUc oEbouia <A RkkMoad
Baiuns Bute', talent was bm with
bim. It is amid of bin Ibst when only
yean old hk ntoUnreame biaaa
from meetiDfr at>e day aod foond bia
scialcfalBg a rudo pirturv on tbe foot
board of tbe br<kt.*dwilb a pkeaof
j cbsmaL Tbe t^kras held that paial' log WH of tbo devil and Mrond of
The world has heur.1 .
>-ci;pl dn ree of rzi-umniunicaMotatry. Tbe Uiy was lebubsd. with a
(Ion which hur B-n- «>ul I
lurch In Kgssla Hgainsl Its grandest
nsaark^ “I do believe this wisrfiW
IMnjt sell. Count T.dsiol
r»n M unliersall) utade known that tbs
tiian w ho cau^il this ilei*tee
.e- iMue I.
i. Ihe
me Iiowri
tx-wri Is'hInJ
.viiitio the
lor thi
Tbnewai no relenting as tbs kd
thibyenol.islseff. who reprsarnts t'aar Nicholas <m Ihe holy synod as thr
gyew up aod tbe propi^ty to dniw
head of the chDr. h »<ome one has said that to iitunuunc- a Kuiudan proper
and paint deueb^ HewasfnrtddAw
tn indulge bis talent, but be amldSK*
bjenotostseff. la I.
be rtffsi—id.
It fai fwident that M be
rmiilrr ever slnclr faihrr .»f (hr present i-sar tool
met with ennnregeiDRit aud aid. inor and friend. Hr
a rlog u|wm the .vherls of pn«i
Heaifbf rebuke, fame and fortune would
nis dec
bare eroWDed the arUst iHth their ridiMt lanreb. As it ww Berens had M
aisuiUe of i>earr. bin If he dated be woaid aend him InteoBlIe.
tsdm to tha woods few his enliwa Tba
priaarka be derired fnsu red root, or
fMn red ink. tbe yi-ll.rws fnua yuUoW
rout, and f<a-blue be was obliged to emtsnt blmmU wiUi blnitig frtan hU aotber's waidiiag tuU
IW raAVe.
"Tbe only stealing I have ever done,*'
Keeaidtoa Jonrnal reporter, "wMla
taking bloiug fnau mv naotbir’a bfali^
bag. For lavuhtw I nard the balr la tba
sqnirtera tall, anil I nwd to
myfaiherwbnu liauitug ay as to get tbe
taiU for my paiuling.
At ArM all My
wurk was done vrilL Ibe pew. VI’bta I
aacor>.d my flnt tug ttf walra eokn 1
worked as late at night as 1 euuld aad
then spent tbe n«t
tbe ni^t awaka
pictBrliig wbal 1 wiald do."
city, the NiM-ilirrn raTI«a> ..f Ktair.conlmds lhal Its mr-ni nin of IS5 nul h
tu Id mlnutra and at serunds larvaks
thr U'orld'a m-or^ and Iraitsfrrr the
bnnor loj^uro|ie.
It has hern le
tbs murd for' lo .
lonos (u (ha.l>aHs.Iiayunnr ’
preaa.” bdilrh makes the run n
ynllra In » hour*
■ atrraffr sper.l-<.f MIS nilles |nte around hrsi lonii lUelanrr a
la that »r ilM- .Knipirr Ktai.- rkptrsr
Imloren Ni-w Vork .liy ami IliifTsl..
4«i nillrs,.ln s hnuis and 15. iiiiiiui-s,
With an av<-racr of r.: u miles'prr hnu>
AUbouch the Kivn<-li claim ihni no
latest Inventions os auzlllarlra,"therr ' cbillv
aiksls" .or frriahl
liy n shall not Ire.
ihMi the lonlesi for premlerhr acrontpllsl.r.1. In Knaland. th» home
(xo-ume Imrrtvtiinnni and the
of \YuU and ti|e|>heiis.m (but u l^re Ihr
p-tiKin.-rrs of Ih-- Hirer rounirles
anileni siaKrrvaeh Is .irie;i prcferartl (u ttrr engui
friendly rivalry, Uir
the isiluer I art. a htah inir of speed has near fuiui •houM hrlnt some aiarlllna
n»l iM-en nlinlned, e*v-pi In spoils of a drvvlopmenis
and Calais of a fnu tlon ci
yrt (hr
hr diAaii.-r
dtSlaiioe Is III miles bra
Iratrrscd on thr
Ni u - York
/'u H
Ohtral b) Ihr Empire KlBK- espr
I. a s. u. 4
whk-h. nolwlilisiandinff It makrs
( akd'n M. M. ■..rAai til.,we>... .
Iras thsn » - sis. ks." (hmuch enmdtrl
atrrels and at aradr emaslnm' nnl
IliBhrai aia-r.1 aiiulnr.1 .« offklal
drawbridars. always arrives <m sehislUlrllmr. Jlisl as fsir n ••oniiaiHson inn
be made briurrn ttie ben (Imr iii
TVanre and thr uulrA.-si K'h’duir
I . I'tem ^
l'u.1.-. less.
In Amrrii a. «hlel. Iniln Is
Camdrn-Ailanile ci
,.< ..HeoVI.Ml. CO. .'.'J,
Ml M minutes, at the hiah s|s
mllra prr hour CumpeU.-d
at termini and at rullrusd <i
order lo make Its arhrdule
sometimes maker maanlflerni
n mllra |ier Iniur (at
■ l-tlie
ir sustained si«-r.t'niade .
l’rnnsy]vanla--covrrs .
I 14 11
: I Al 4..S BfJRi'
InliuiUon day at tlerome'a Mudl.i In the Natlunal Srhool of Fine Arta
rarlA Is looked fortvard to by the novire tilth ferlinas of ainm-hrnslon. as It
Is a time honoiril ruslom lo treat Ih- i.es nniial to what Is rallid the
"bnwhe." Tlir ' mlsr a la bnx-he." ns th.' Illusiruiion shows, consists of a
sli^tu: hickory |-ole, from whirh the freshman, i.i -nouveau." Is susjiendeil
by his knees and then token ihruugh the .llffen-ni do Islons of the s. his>l. Ills
pride Is supts-srd lo m-nl uliaslnr. no In one siudiu the aHlsta may iiaini hu
neck It biilllsm pra green. In anoilirr tbvy dlve>i him of his ahlH and de>x>rale his rhrsl with syinb..le- characters, while ihe si-iilplors are likely to dr.
Clare that bis now Is •■ui of true and afll* a prolris. la of cla> or jilawirr• r hr has goov the rounds aod Is ph-mirully l>e<1.iulnd. (hr i>ratijlcal
rrnd'Wi Juke
rub him with turpentine to rrmoie the palm un<l deihirv thai e Is then a fi
fledge.1 sludrni and thereafter an es-mpt.
> this lllusiratiun shows, wh-iv-al
•r grouml. This rleture was taken by tlr
U feet from the j-ll's tiwiuth anil shows n
e airn ami altciilUe engineer.
work cleeji un(bl priM.-M at a depth .if
h- engine M Us task, but
JtMIY MIMliW «« ^ <;«lf KKTMn.
lie her le-rsonal
irm. the prraent empress of Japan
: truly ^lasi that shr Is the first my<iui of a long list
Althoug'li Ur. John Hums, who has
r. |ume.| to iwrltamenl i
sinre is»j. Is generall) known as a loiKit leader, yel. as this illuairallim
shows, he anmeilines •xmdrocends to
play the national game of old tciisland.
As a famous man in p..llU<-a. a profnsed uallator and humanitarian worker
hundred 1.1 Isalli’wed the prti
llegi- of .-atlnc
at Ihe name
Ai tbe buy givw h> manhOTd ba baeaiac mure aosurtlTo of his ok and pv
oiMed in palming lanttorapa and partraits in spits uf tbegrutublingtff bmoibm cf tbw mertiiM. He lived tben la
Wama rumily, U., and altaadsd quar
terly tnerting at WatMasTilla. Ha wag
dMoni clerk uf ihe mretlngat uns tiara,
which Ird to tbw prulrwt sgoloat bto
wrak risiug to tbo nrfan-.
He wuald
bare brrai disuwned had not Tbeouw
Eroai. father <>f tbe well ks.ura oil tallIras uf tliu city, urad fau tnfloenea .(a
prerrat it.
Bairui Moislivrd In LphanoB.a,
fur many ytwis aod lirmsuUly knew (ha
gnat Tom Csrwlu. wbuse pratraK Ira
painted for tlm suts
It bai«»
in tbe iUWbaaauBt (^ilutalms. marked
"By an noknuwu artist." in fpmking
ot thU painting tbe artist said;
"By daniditeT hanasud to ba la (kUobasatid«»rntloUMsU(telujQsa Hba
from oongrrai and said that tba fallowa
down at Washingtrai saiuiifd lo tbiak
that iHdmdy in (Jbio oonld do aayttlag.
and that ba bad rafnaad in ait for a pratralt fra an artist ihve f<g that mrasL
Ha wanted tbe wrak duow at borne. Ba
■af for tbs portrait a aambra of HBUb
id I beeams wsll acqiiainted with him.
"Be bad a daiq^ter. Eva. who wm
wat iwid
ra. bewa
a for bra.
in Warren eoonty wbo ^ poor in packSt. but bad a atraag will, a ckn
heart and first claraabiUty. Bawag
modest, however, and bto ability wm
Dot known. Be sbovred Era OrawJa s»
much alteotiud that bra talbra flatUy
frabadw bar seeing tba young man. and
tbe girl vras sraionsly^affeetsd by the
loy Instead of
tiomb inio hei
ramogeher subwild
he Is a progreoalve
selling an rso-lleni example to her loxyple. and it Is ..win' tu her InMuen.-e
against li thei the fashion of sisinlng
tbe teeth of females and shselog ibelc
ey.-br..ws has fallen Into d.-auetude
Kniprvas liaruko has. tog.-lher with the
emperor, ralard the siamlurd of the
Ja).aReae .-ourt (.. a higher |.laiie than
It agei l»for<- on upled.
nbnrfaau rraidence. and bra frtomk BOHead that her healib wag bsgiturim to
be affected
Kbw had s triraid wmod
Jrainle Hardy, siuce Drake, wbokad tba
adeoce nf Kva's panntg, oad ooa
1 met Jr-oniw and asked bra to brl^
Eva t( my sindiu <ai tba nazt day at 1
o'ckek sharp.
"What fraV she naked.
It English aclenllflr Journal a)s-aka !
promlra me that IbeewlU.
swru. WlHthaar
"dbe Mid sbe would.
met tbe yoong i a aadVaid t^l
waDled bim to OMete
’ within tvM
I'elook ahatji.
•Wbatfrar bsaakad.
■Herat Urae mind.'1 said. ‘How.!
It Ibaa te> gira me (fay band, jaeoatoiiig tbM (baa wUl ba (bra* im ml
"Basarumabkhaad. TSraan*^.
. 1 tbraa Wig g kao^ a( my door, otofi
■raawraaJaanieaDdETa. JeaaiaWt
As I'closad (badrar ^
. The gatlsnt old Dukr of Canibrldge. Queen Vlrtorta's own cousin and for
a years commander In cUef of Ragland's arml.A Is aim lisle and hrarty at »
yrara of age and over. He showed his ilBor and «-st iju.tr rcenily bj- going
wt lo his leaned shooiiag grounds and. wllh eight ..ihe.w, gathering la SIS
hra.e of parirtdgra and more than IW hareo. "HU rajal lilKhnees" dellghia in
outdoor coatume. the Kagtl* iwpera rwv. beceum *« .-nahie. Mm
hU shapely liBb* and UlUe feet, of w hleh he is inoNinatrlr proud
There an other Wlosyocraalra peculiar to tbe uoUe duke about Which hU
*>*• AYerat* I
t Ibe BhackiM of a tteoedlrt and aaothee b_
-deraa^ wlfe> skter bill." about w hich be was alnoisi at swurda' pWata vrtth
tbe Prime of Walra and others of his family. When tratellng IncoSato.^
duke, who la aloa ftanm CulloAen an.l Rarl of T
portrait hag
Utneo. but net
It may t« a aback lo tbe boruy band
ed aoaa of ioi> who were wont U. greet
What la promised M peWUvHy
taliisM Ima a pbotograph by an e
Boers were In tbMr laot ditch, but iw
iffB oa different friMn hla ordinary
IlineatB. They win be likely la becoow ramlntoeeal and ask if this Is tba
maa arbo began busloras life as a hry
of U Id oM Pr1ee-a candle worha.
d lo rtimblng out and digclag orveral other
and M (be BrtUah a aaerry eb-w .
_ .
o trip up the u
la tbU lUuottaUaa. ai «iy be oboervrd. the
o hara parked
d Ibelr
to mote. Raadfbg from kfl to right, the Brat man H a ooa of Commaader NeU. No. t
t la
b Chief Bcoue Jaswo. No. » to
Field CacMM CaHaa. No. 4 FMd Coniet Fraacda. No. t w Oe Wet'a aecratarr.
try. awo
n-bo bbb
baa ri
aalv ' to ding to M
atak ur aviM. avrtuu ar aackh: No. d H Da Wat hkMcU. No 7 k On---------- a-*
x.- . .
_ •*-wh
Tbr Japanra* governmrai la cnnHdi
lag the adrtsahitltr of iaPIctlog e
^ oukkrt la OB airtight «toa»
her aad
Wtet does (bto mean r
IWBD(toBM(baa.’Igaid. *Tkk»
twm tmlya aUaatara two ibal
, was oDotbra km^ sad t Ofmi*
... km.
The youiig man wh (bma.
aod 1 btougirt bim in. myitig to S«a.
‘Ikto to Oarage B. floge.
How you gga
my prtoimgH (ra ooe bora. 1 waoto INm
and Uerage toba(age(bra fra ewMIa
AKbeead eff (be bora 1 will atflira
ww k wbieb thoM (wo yuanv pMpk.
planed to gat motriad. Oera«gB.aifg
- -------- ----------------..X
Hakaow aladgan tka&Hlba*
■ anrr, noB, nnfi»ATt
Owbantnadif wabO.
Asf «M«afiag ArtdhMi
07 nreabos win prcoix]; rmive ov ofUMc fn* o
•UBty «l MK.
“Uow bt obtain A patent *acM ^«sri
Qy P*t«r McArthur.
FUeststaken out Uiniaph ns receire ^ecu/ Mofi«.wkboot cbaiwa,m
Tbi Pamr Rnovs an ilhxratml aad widely eimlated itwnal, opMted
by Maastaetnran andnnTwton.
ted for niqaaj^FR^B. . AddrtM.
M0nMI a/. £VAMS « dO«
(Patait AOoraeys,)
=0=3|4b making Your Stketions
for toilet Soaps
■•hi: tniBilrtakJil.1- niin m».V xixM of rbrt^to ww.Wt brtalod wIiob
'I i>laop-d luto thp clr>-arT «a<t« of «|tw« bpj-Mid £» bartm of <bp
nlr tl» «K>*. bklBorfr'a f«nB.
tf nM fa vr a aof-
Bear in Bind tbe fact Uut ve can 6t yon ont witb (be beat
Mloa fU*t «otui-«-l;»Ti- l-«.-*Ui CIH- rtiUliiis rural »off»<'o of tbliwi ibore «w
_ too
•__ kron. too fraotlM. B»rt
____..__ ■._««>______ — _■_ L n*i.a_
WloItT w*a
lu bare a l>risb«-r atdr (ban tbai vfahli lar »a,l of doom.
As I paawd tba Uf barfi Ifao auuiidaof founc roim brblnd tbr bofr donra
laid me tiuit (-oosins Knpk ami Jla> wen- loulde. rerbatm mendUtK barnmur
(oob or rar»B for (be lire stock. Tbf IHIIr door, framed In tUe bufc pn.-a.
opeited ■<> D> hand, and Jim and Prank, one bcddinc oiwm a frain bac and ibr
Otber enipITln^ a bosbel Into Ita inealj-, sajilOB luoulb. amlM a «-eleonie.
WHboirt bnktnf up. rn«V Ilartil • slro' k or' an tl»T benfied op measure' nf
■tain and msrkeil II flown on tbe acore. “I Ibnoffbl It was about time," sa)|)
W-. and 1 tben knrir tbal tor aoclal aUtns at tbe farm bad not cbaDaed ajsce
tbe last VisM.
The horses «n tbelr slabs aioppod noalnK tbn bar and prtebed up their ears
hr a inlDDle. ibr rattle held ibeir mda lisllr and surrd: then tbe atamspben'
resumed Ita Ihrobtdn sllUneaa
rtntll tbe load of bass bad been
and aet Hi roars, fmtr Ibla
and notblna inore fij wa> of
I'en'itKiiiy In reertrlnc a rbrlstmas fBem. IJUrr raroe hiqillries after *nbe folks" and tbe
i-aest dolniCB Id town,
tviille uiirlcras^ a aattsnf^
qoality of eslected aoepc at prieea from So to :<oc per rake.
eirii bad nn n brand new suit froin w«>l rnisisl mi ilie fsrui. Tbi-s.- trilb-s
e lb.' only ecldeDee of a hnllda.v. for nm a w«M^ of ChrUti
■ l•llll<II^B
apoki'B. tVe entered tbe strunr uuL rauibllne
line of
l•llll<tl^I»• I'uusllitilliiB
tbe fannliouse. tbroiifb a wood slusl. Into iLe wnshnsim. IIhsi |iasi n slon ns.ni
liarliie n faint suBKestlon of lioldliiK aup|ili>'s llidt were ImilhsonK-. Nest eaiue
a snniDier klleben with* ikmIIIi'i- mli.rof newly iiei'li-d api.li-s. dDUshmils and
apli-ed uilni'e inrat. I’nele lisl tire way out lijsiti the r«'’' b In Pvoid the en.wil
ed tnain kiteben, thrauirb the open door nf « lilrli rarae IhiI and lieavlly taiU-n
air from ample oreos awl sleaiiilOE kettles and ]>aiia
Cousin MartbB. tbe uiipluckeil flower of a «niii|i of iM'V.-n jclrls. rvsbed for
ward in Elve UI«' Qnd effuslTe yrreUnE. and t'uiisln IIMtie. wllb Cousin klar
Tln’a wifi'. Jitinle. followisl suit---------iM'Ih-re cIrlUbmisa.
In mal
larrlet. lonkin E c<>nen>ua
lUEli to wish Jlinl II iTi-sllan
BilEliI sit diiwn to the feast,
wliuw- stac's ot. |ire|iaralloQ
wen- shown by irtalns and flni
patebes oxtendliic feiwii biT rf
to IIh' liein of bet
kindly reproral.
. but aliiiie. ns usii
noating: up
from the front
rani ennp a IuiIn-I of volf-ea.
iind llsliih. lb.- olib-st grand«.n.
a fi t. Inmrty lad. shootetl
Uiys, -tywi,- and see onrChristmaujr .Is we ruunded Ihe retriierfS the housi- tbe sanp Imies
•rb I out. ’’Itrady. aim; flrer’
nml a don-ii Imlls whliUed past
>ur lienils from a snow fort
maiimsl by a Insip of Isiys and
girls In mufflers aud inlltens.
.kfler Ibis reception the girrlsno
araitensl and ts^o ptartng gnmt rolls upiiti the imrapet to build It bigber.
> l<lg as a glam and a rald-ll the »lu' of • Balm Bernard were
paleb>-.1 1: With a
e wi-re asked to review tbe algtits
and Wb-'ii we got a gllmiise of the dining room, as tin- wimicn sealed tbe little
L It prvscnii'tl
mide of
>f baiqiy. red fai-ee and b<-apa of conked (blngs ]n
brown, tihlie, pink and yetlow
.\ll cbri.iiiias dinuers an- alike In one ttalng-under any
«aue<-s the gm>sis arv ravenously b'ongry and Ixilstproiaily hap]>y.nn<)neither
«1Q nor yoHiig ran oIsuTve lln' nilr of iwl talking with Ibe nioulh full: oCbrr•rlsr Ibe feast would Is- silent, ami with X> taoutbs rujoylog .\unt Harriett
boUDlisMis spn-ad that dinner was not at all quM. Moreover. 1 illdn’t regret
baring tunosi niy l«ek n|sin tow n e<-)e1>ratlons for a Christmas at tbe fanii.
<5. KrvxrTII (SlIMKA
' tat^.
LECTJUC and Um. Bbedra aud (ilohea
Gaa Fixtai
■r "taa^rr M b awl fM(k
and culun. Interior teVplionia tor hooi
factory or *lore.
We can wiie aoytLii
from a rail In-II to a wbute city
. ebou kr Htma- >»»->»
a beantlful face,
flbe li
____ _______
arauad. Tbire ain’t any talk
kmralediw, racept drirln li> Oh' ataUoo boosa and aakin
to tbiiia. fatuiliur xilh ehrtriral and Iboarryemit attbe d*ak wUafa tbe fare
teleiiliuneliist.uT. ibsl ilM<finrttelepbdM <r<n> Twenty third to Pifty-eiffatb
was (ianlrw lrd tn Ruein. , Wi. . and «rre»- Take It all roinid. a etbman’i
that Ibe hirennu. Dt li t). Cusbmsu, We « «* Wer and yet tbcre'a juat
isnowansidejilcifCbreafii. Hiaofik« aa. much cimjK'tiltoii as in anything,.
ohm.”—New Vork Tribnne.
I are in llie .'<t->-k :_______
' Hitv tho voner.»ble innsme, wtin built
tbe Cm teleRTuidi lioiw in this paK of
The work <d the unmkisb acnI{Mn.
-lar weet." imn-noe
‘his tiMiuew
with inure aJertnres in affaua Umu tbe b«h in wood ami sli.n.', iJkiws a TaM
aterase ynOBg man.
; amoQUI if humor.
Wiliiees the
ige * Royles nf our old c'lion-ties and tbe
In a eiinier of Ibn ninm is a huj
whieb is det ilp- Imlf human, half animal, which
inied iu lliineolorareiresFntatioqof adorn lbenpi«TgaIlcTies andfram tbe
lelrsranh line stretebi^
stretefaim; anar td Ibe cia-bels mud IrackeUcf
JrackeUcf many
dlstanor. ixmnected with a erode’ iosini- Tbi'se ime ran araieely believe to hare
seriously as oobrepno"
ummi ret on two li«s. near which a Inf
stream. Tlits old relie
llie s|iirii of eril. tm. u ue* uis'irme
la sming I
tbep^maliiy of tlie devil were held
< teWroph line of ••good
carrely prubable that
which l>r. Cushman eon-, fkitlilnlly. it i
weet from Racine fm- the Erie artistswonld baveeximmlnl thiir satire
terrible ami vmiliiiivo a {s-nun .
and kliehigan Telegrapb nimpauy
objrel bring to take tbe I.Khining tbal
BtrucK the
tne wire and
ana ran
run it
11 into tbe
ll,c Imn—I
ibM I.
U» ll,h. ™.r™. .--1 In l,k.H.,*fns.
This inatruiueDt was
oat uo tbe
sras iilaaul
over and over |
TIP importaut
imr«i«*t fort
fort lias
lIxMP wobave in■*«>« bren slat.d bytl
Ihe subjirt
......... •■■■..................
- williBcieufiflcex.n™ Itat 0.1. .U.1 6 „ s „ ^
sUted that
k“'"« --'nJ.xna! ;
1“ tracing up this Ion it is
there 1 < required 1
K*wSn'*i’bl2'’c^^JltM a'Tripfe «.«0* «l<vre«af brat, or ^1 niiii
rnarnl. with b sheet of thin irou at
deBTcre of temprrniute—to chauge
Ibepilre. similar in cno-lraction to a .
pound of water into steam, while
modern "rereiter.” was plretd
p of the water h
o™. ,< ,1,. b... 1. — ,1,
This i
parerd thnmgh llie instrmnent Up eleciv.1 hi'
tro magnet w.mld poll this strip nf iron
dowp into lip rai
' 1
i n^iirt SUM ji«n« iMi. b
baarmraK/ ihc building at Rarineund
cmimvted with ibooUHT radtif the line.
1.,. „vt",S Z K 11- 11 a STJ
mu« ton mwii
mu rtmaim
killed his assailanfcrereblm-If from fegg,
dor ................................
great Isslilt harm cau be an.-jilisl.
Codfisli |s-r 1b
. .
This imorurton was hstsdnl down Imrd |sr Ilf
.u’ .
frou aiu-ieul liuii-s when weapsis «d Bailer is-r lb llniry
lutur jii-r Hi..
inmalt cuusMnl of knives. blu<Up«as.
iwords. Hc .which an m-tiie tiiun bad
---------ehance of omiping. Ucl .•.1 ..
..... ..
applirabh. to litre.- .la.re -f revolf.-t.
ami wiucbexieni, whose.buihts no man
eau ibsli.'e
Hamt llie l uilnl Rnm p-r l«i
Suuw sniTi'Ue court has H-n( it to lba Bnekwbrat Klour |sw Utl
black btier
litter I’ udi'Ut
- garret.
— The man seutess'itl to lught yran'
supreme court .an..l-r 1m to. w)
pm u.
“*•* ■"""
der f>7 a Dcwtrial tuMlvTauew itutrac- 5?“!?'"7,11“
,^r bn
Srst In IS.
if h<< basil'd him^uJf. Ibe law justi.
1 standing bb gr>mi>4 and
klUiiigJiisassoilautiirovid-.llb«'iinwable cirramsiaiKsw are su>-h o> 10 satisgnmni
fyajury tbaibi'ludi«u-mabIegnmn.U
l» tS'lH
fur U'lieviug and aeti.l
that tbe killing was ureresary 'I pnSn-t
himself from gre-sl -b-alily li
Vr limit:laliiiu on the
Bis art) Tltflr If E IDTCRD
u« aei.Nueca raa*.
Ttelr nlUkliWI I «(I1 Bs."
Ant ihre b. bllriod M reiedsCT USB.
TuA BP sn imrsir re>«Tmreol >B .h. rwen. ilns sM Us rdm
Ts sD kit
e cs pmir. e.«»» ipn
I -resr •BMs-i isbu.'*
waslPard ISnnbwaway. This is llio
ai^larailioti cd bow tbe old painting
with the croile iiistratueSt and Ibe
croaking fr.g is idemiti.st wub tbe diay of tin- leh-idKiae.
Dr’Cushnmu li „p in^tra of ^
wel^ a t<B
and Ire is
—*'2 degrv« are apparrat u^ a iber-
t Sfard^p^y^
PJ^Tpon a fUt aurfao. a
_ _ .......
O’ them big oOee baildinga.
‘"Wait.'aaahe. TU beeot la uiida'Well, say I Ifl-dwaitedtiUboro
naa two or three mitraacca, and be gtno |
1. re ...1 .lip. 0.1 o' 0. oto.
• e*re|« MOthweia and ttorlbrast. and
there Is Mil f«t «, eov-b side ef this
•rritta'. It's railed tbe Kay Herwe,
and wa rialtn evvu tbs spars, and we
...Jumplrc on 1____
Bay Borse-thafa what’s these urea
ti arooud bece for, end we’ve got the
M«o plare of ru|« that we h
U oM Hmiuti.*
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests whsi yon eat.
rretniiot emsigb wlr-n
Make It
■y ohaaem. any day an blaOn a am
tmiot more'a hk twa 11 - ~ riiaia
itedM'l aaiMaaPi^MM wmt
A phimber baa airaagsd'a new sys
tem of borgUr alarm by Beans of coinprmsed air. When 'the mod.ra BUI
Sykes opens a window or door, ibr
eompeemtd air tdows a porcvmas*a
wbMIe and lights an electric laap to
Sometimes you do both
lesreags bsJisee.ckiwM tniBssOgmersl
P>«.40HNS015 ,
refoes sod mOEhacss, sod
1 pimple*. blsdchoJs a
The Tor Trnm.
Ooe gignoiir monopoly ibere M free
from sitsi-k. and that is Ibe loy trast
kept a goin(.by one Ur. Ksuta Claaa.
about 4w.OOU.flUU losiy about*
*!>»“ 6.OOO.OOO, but .
eta. fa and tna and uneie may tmy
Christmas gtmeraeks
from Ktsitb.
Jooea or Brown, bat they won’t go
down In tbe nocking nor up tbe cblothat the eiffire popalatioo of_
Tiritrd States reuld live comfortably In
00 them. Call It patent rtgbt or ropy^
^ Texas
right or rcsiyd right, tbe grand old fel
I'nie. be
»an .ye thM twinkk. like
atar. Tbooe only are bantifal wUeb. doras’i charge a caab fee for me aar of
like tbe plaaetm bare a Meady lamhMit bla oaoe. hot be Is s atlcklrr for all
light, in laminoiis, not apaEtUng.— Ibe glory iber* U Is tu and be gets It
In foil measure. Everybody pUtys into
tbe baoda of tbU trasu Tbe conaosncra most bare tbe real thing, aad the
- - - -i.
i» i. k..
denlere and middlema ranapire to
’tfool the cable car oot of;
a nickel, but becan do me oot of a dol-j
iromeof W will get oet of a cab tar aod dimlnite siCMUly m the Ml
&. __________
gppfoacb II
Beautiful. Dr. Chase's Oinlment.ii
bcesw they clog I \
Oiauwal te a toad ' '
for tb. tIdB. It h
abiorticd. -
The rwarSt’^^eT^ maDOseripta i
S a oig peuireaui*
partner Ih
la« three
yeara. aod be U aow
tbe la«
only 1« yean old. be bas reod Bsmta. chiefly boys' smriea. and hla
beee varifled
by ibe rac>
Jodgaroai haa
tbe books which he has ae>
ranted. Oae wooM aataraly egpect
(Ml a boy would be tbe bM
• b^ ■wry. hot BO other peihllahtag
boaro has sabmlttad sneh BawMCripla
a TbU yoang reader U atfil
w boya
nl. .re.
aad wbeo
bo flaUbro bla
la tt40ol.
fltadUa be U leftig re..
iBto —
bU ,graadfa*
ther-s baaoe to bagta at tba
JA8. O. JOHNSON, Druggist
' McNsjBsrs Blk., owr rsrkiv Hr.. Sb'>-Mi'cv
2?^ aMi and 1
nUlaji. OWll IDd
woB.a's'WJfe asd
H comptetc vkta Or. CUaels Oiut- VOTk rnarutecd SaUsMCtOfT'
•anu for besides briag the meat perfect ikia :
ammi6erobtainabkticanbenaediBaecore------ -----------------------------------------------------------------sf diflereat »srs. Iiabsoiatriycsicsccaeaa. >
Bit rbemn sod the hebiag te wfaiih vonea
John R. Santo
eatm nmemr:
fcri*are aoeeami chafed with '
sa appheatka of Dr. Chme’e OiM. I ^
■eat taka eot tbe
Thro for barns. aaMa aad every-sqn «J
lYsTsii te.i tn eury diiviHan
for |mwt<s-s. all stock. 10 ceels.
I*n'vailing jiri
lerday-j:. to 37
For the Skln.=
b a uixtare of chloride of lime and
oxalic acid dioaolved in abunl eqnal pros» natiiawy TellsaTUU portiflOS
iflos in a pint id cnld water. Yon
tell when the mixture is light by
"Aeabmin's life ain't alllwerand iu taraing magenta eolcr. Cemtinae to
dcittlee,"said an np town Jeha
tbeolb- an>]y II amil crety atau « spot haa
arda.r. "Nobody ever thiukioTgirin ; dUappeared. and then twith a clean
poor cabby a ^1. and Iota of 'em seem ; aponge wash Ihe print fn
freely with cold
toukeaport^ pride>n never payii
water —Art Amencan.
than the legal fare. A m
After that tbey'll walk O
1 peril of having to satiidy a jory
black in the face for frer be Ilgiro me ;
I »
--------A waste.—New Yort
t* agys. would ,bretcif whito papCT. simirwbat lanter
and «miain a great mm-; j^an the print to ha cleaned. Corel.
il patenta.—Chioago
" |dampen the print cm both sidca wii
........ ............. .
Roucr^s'-r I'b
<k*. strleUy fn^
lob it altogetiHT. ArLaiisas is isily
<ji the uiauy stales in wliieh a losu may
have to divjili' vity hastily wlH tbrr lie
ahull bo trlMlf'T Lilhugalelluvrrilixee or let ll«ef-ll-Tw eiiinvi Is- tried fur
kjUing him. In lls«erar.w. with his
atcraliuu ezi-iiislly tisid<si. his
tog ep and Dr. Cnalimau Wi watching ' “ake op Che l.»2 degrera above meo^
t^ iniarnnK-nt the msakiug .if frogs
the eugino nnt^icaled
Mun. I calU it. Hon UwB «k» I're :
drtm a well dtmed *q,o down
«d^Urn juaTrat^« iuto w
rked the doctor 1
(ion thn-tiidi (Ire eyre Zf -byriandi n.
Coort ami jury will do that idierwsrj.
If jnat and all that amt o' blarney— :
rhat are tbe.v?" asked tbe- obia
-IVell. one i* when tlie-palletit
too sick V give much of any heed
■ed to
tire d.Mlnr
That means be la
In a pretty luid
way. The necdod la
when1 he sbews
■Ires. This mtana be
bad. tml Is MM Beccwsartl
Tbe flrtrd M wbA be e
to be rrsleftil for tbe doctot's vUU
And rather latlmate, be is Irytog to
^apaWL Thai ma» h. li o«:
where excvpt within bis owa Inmiie the
law mium s a man tu ron away and do . Clear Port per bbl, ae^
_________ OH a|s- fro_____ __________
a -un'laiit___
U- Cin
fore killing him. Th.- jo.Ige fortlwr
Pork per Ih
mid that when asrsulusl •« bUown
o.s». a I''"**'. mw.
np« ■ Ind.f s dr^ tliau my
I*"*""' eti.h-nror.-New
“»'* ““ Erpreim
tav BeloUM Tkiiiti «-»-■ riTa B
Driow te B list of the baying and
Otr Psprems Oor^
aelliog |irie<-s of yealerday for ntie-
IIUI. and ihe ex|ierimrnul lighining wlheareb flend, ie.r wimld the mimics .-m.
arrester which led to his discwety.
l-rc bUouisI ifa.-ir mioererw and aulla
It is a mninder of tbe days
•*— «
with Imrlesom. of his
Dr. '*> beJecoraIrd
tanio majesty.. Cnsliraan was asaocialod with l^nfe.. ..
I Morse ib the pioneer days of tel^nphy.
On his drek is the finn telephone tramhas pmbi
miltiT. ctwistiucled iu 16.'i 1.2o years be> I'sikune.
fore the Bell patents wee takeii out. Ic :
too inorh.
In Wyemltig: ’We foun.1 it aud clalin
h by tbe right <f fmiud.ng It. It's
All iLe
146 Front Str»»t
r^as ef CswL
got from llieNiklrr nnra for tbe
Inini-tilrel KamiM-l, who lud ls>eu
llien- Inst Christmas: then tbe
group nian'lMd single lUe Is^-'
liimi tbe aliilwart Marvin over
tbe tiMTow anew ■•alb to the
_.j-------- t-.L---------------:-----------
3as. 6. Johnson, Druggist.
Tw >ss Mb m sv bM a>
Ts «srt iw wciurr ncu;
sll IMI srstsscM «•
SM aim ti hsfs »t ngta.
berness Ih-d from tin- farmbousi-. for tbe iv»t of that day at least.
Coi>lii Marlon siani'd hi to . hi-ek her linssl. Init 1st elilldli-ss sister Kalherliie miM: 'I.0I the young <Hii-s pi It. Tlim- .tmiigh to be sols-r when tlM-y Eet
olil.'~ Tlo-n nnele pit down on ijie 0<Nir ami innirel himself Into ■ horei' pln.vlag jrramtilndily until IIh- rarket iiiadi' the oUlismsi- shake.
My iwitsins stole ont and hurrhsi nervously t" tin- rarrlap- faonsr. on thr
Bide of the fimu. oppiwlle the Uk liani. 1 hen-"was life and bustle tlier.-, f.w
alelglilM‘lls gave fllfnl auebslbw as tln-v non' takiti off and hung up;
wllbwoimdiiig slatM. 1
•iH-l «l
.mslnI Marvin
We bny in ({oanLitiee, and iqake the price rif^ht.
is a small, isuaie l«x. u-ith a speaking
Vifreand couti.ii.ing a meebanism on
Ibe same prim-ipleas that of the modern ■
key to. ilie'iss-iisliin. Jim nml
FVank rave a hand lu eimkinc
allenis- in tbelr inounilliB slslie.
gooda in tbia line are from well known maken.
flOTT OCT or B*a*r
rattle and
llx-ron-sof Imipi Jim and Ptaiik
eliall>'ne<sl roe lo.eiKHUuK al ll>e
of tbe idlio
all have aimllifr
pl.-s«." rhlnied
and now let s bt> and see whnfs
imliiB nil III tin- kllrbeli." ' I ii"
tl.vd for tin- Brsi lime tbal Ills
Hill'll 'll as verr fresh for a fariut work and that Ibi- Isiys
WAMHmerom. a. o.
A- ■wllrflre.
«i nmAT* ]
T«»~AMa. Miatepae. Maara.
S. W. Bocn.
W. W. 8KRV.
B.W. Hamaa.
Mirifac was caBad to ards by 'Ufiad ▼. ftwdr
y Aid. Oa/Tteca that tbs r
Ba«M aad OarrtMB
HiaatM «t lB«
Bsatlw a^
blip Ike worts*'
« road had approTod.
fncsw4enir twtet sod bewd ibe traunred Iritis tsto I'brMiDao flfu list ro the SoaarwWr. (be Jfapor
cap CoaaeO of (be C«p of !
rOi be seeepiaWe ud dceonUre ti
cap. Jffcbipaa.
mil os nsefuL mnoilu The bMKliS
In prSx r to onefa! anambn*. tmoof
v^ teb orror Ibe fottowlw:
'boild aa addJtioa to By boartSla* bo«ae
Vt«ri7 *rrrr one mm. wsd— or
altwtad at lU Stats stroM. aa 1^^
eidId-pisuwLi • cuDsn sowtdtro
ly la Mad of i___________________ ______
addition to be 10 (aK wtda and M feat
lo«ff )olalas to tba Bala taiOdlaf aad
to be I (oat bl«b with a aqnara frawt.
•the total expenae of aald addition to be
about tM.
I am deatniu that
abeold refer Ibis Bitter at OMe to
are and
.................... ................
-__________ oa If la
thetr IndffBMat It la adviteUe to do
ae aa I an autiona to get tbli arork
doae b« aoea aa pOMlble.
E. J. tenses.
Ob BoUen of Aid. Moore, duly
rfed. tee pcUUM waa t^erred to tee
•o the Htmonble. the Vapor aad fbe
CUp CovacliW (be CUp of rraoerse
Octertawaa — Tbe
emtly held_____________
___ __
preeeat to tbe cooacll ten aeeoBpaaylap reprrt of roeeipu aad ezpeadlUirea. by wbleb it will be eeea that
teere leBalaa aa balance doe oa bills
ten euB of I18.U. There U ten cords
of atone on tbe eraaber proonds on
Weat Pront ati
faad by rtald..
abtp to place of Boney aobaeripUoaa,
worth 117-00: there was ate about
tS.OO worth of coal left which bu been
uied by the city.
The coBBlttee would raepeetfully
- hat the council direct the clerk to
an ords to tee coiamlttee for
Tramnc Otj. Wch.. Dae.' 2. 29W.
In 8hc JliniwHf. tea «n«w nte tba
fisnnrtl <r tet CBp af rwnaraa
__________ ftTT._______
- KM. U.
Kasofsed. That tea expeaae «t ceaBtroettax tec lateral never «a Webster
straatreB Weiliaptca Brect to FiaakUa Otrai be boara twwtelrda by The lewtep dntea nad baelap fnaad tens
and oo^trd by tbe property
wt. wvald rimBwand tbeir payan affocted thereby aad teat tee,
: froB tee tmitoai fnads aa Mcity clerk be laativetad la apportlowtap aald tax to'teclade oaly aaedbird
of tee cost of aald newer.
Mra. C Dkimh. imeking and
84tth. Bnap
TaATOBi Ckrr. Mtcb.
Not. 1». IMM.
To tee r
o«p <.. . . .
e cut of rraoerae aad Oanlaea. Kayn Waac.
cap. jrfchtpaa.
Moved by Aid. Meatapae teat tbe
OnriLPMn — Toar comailttee «a dty clerk and Dninnirr be aatboriaed
^ttec. to wboB waa referred tee ta traaafer fr«B the eoaiUBcat fond
peUtlM of tee Cdatial Labor Uahm. 12A84AS to tec credit of the vanoas
iBatlre U untaac tee Ualoa Ubel eo I teada aa /olkiwar
city priaUap. rcapaetfuUy report teat j------------------ ‘ *
i PrlaUap
after latBUxatOB. we! flad tbe
tee dty
lrdy;P«dlee fua
prlaUap U belat doae alaMA eaUre
' 2» M
lieo labor aad therefore we
by uBl*........................................
BOtOee wbat more can be doae la tela Poor fund..........................
.Balarten faad................................
We alao find teat tee city tearUr | lutercat aad alaklap toad,
akee it oMIpatory upon the part of Alao to tnaafer from th« .
eonacil to award tee dty pnaUag, I180AS aad from the ccseien fund
r to tee loweat mpoodble 1218.0$ to the credit of street district
we bob take iaio eon- j fend
al<J#raUon. We enaaoc teeiefore, •eel^^Plwters^bo'ids cfjiaa^
adopt eaUrely tee Mercantile Co., and Wmi B H. An
tee Oeatral Labor | we preeented and
however, of SBltb. dely carried, were acrepted.
MU We are In favt
Id by Aid. Bmlte that tee mat^
lap tee cUy clerk w'oerever prectleable. award a}l contneu for )ob print- of adjiistlap the taxes aaseased
D. Campjeil A Boas for reel
reel and
lap to ................................... *
- •
veral property be rtferred
to the
Rnpeetfally eol'Bl'ted.
sttoruer to report at next rrpular Beet
Joaarii Sixiipb.
MoUoB cirrie«L '
HcBxrr Motimix
Moved by Aid. SBlte that tee report
of tee coBaiIttee be ado^. Motloa the Michigan Telepbone Co: that alt
pi^es berenfter set east of Franklla
. -Alda. Moatapne. Moore. Has- atteet oi< streeu ruanlnp raat and west
______ Bleder. Smite. Boophey. Bound
and Gorrlmu Nayw—Kobe.
cap Couaca of Ihr Cilr of.Trotwrae'
cap. Vichtroa
tlapa. Bleder. Smith. Bonpbey. Round
and Garrison. Nays—None.
of F.
On raotioo of Aid. Smith, duly ea
C. Counade and others for sa exles- rlcd. couanl adjourned.
A. W. Rickewi.
sloD of main sewer runnlop south
alley next east of Union etreet from iri
present lermlnos between Tenth and
SleTtxte Btreets to InteraecUon of said
I council room DecemUr 3. liUM).
MeeUng was call.d to order by A. V.
Friadrich, mayor.
JswEfi A. Moonc.
Present — Alda. , HoniaKue. Moor*.
RK-iisan W. Roi'XD.
1: W. HilUken. F. P. Boupb•
Round WrifibL'GarSewer Committee.
lyor FriedrjehGarriion that U
Moved by .
Minutes of iaat regular «
n^rt of the committee be accepted
Trav. expeniea aad hotel bllla-l sr SI
of special
:lDp held November,
10 00 and adopted. Mutloiucanled.
Steffens' Orrbeetni..
1«K>. were read and appro
Teas—Alda. MonUitie. Hoc
21 &0
On motion of Aid, 1
I'lily cariBps.
Batlc Press........................... ..
n«i Dec.
d Garrison.
20 SO ind
Pooute aUiaps. lleframs, *
4. 1»M. at.7.3u o'clock p. n.. at the
Oeo. JatnesoD, dta^................
October was prew
J. H. LsrfclBi. fueT................
of Aid. Smith, duty carried, eras re
Do dray..............................................
ceived and ordered placed on file. .
Herald adr. aad job work.,
Tbavkbsk Crrv. MIeb.
hall and prlniti
connril held In connclt room
Nov. 2. IWO.
Place, hotel bill..................
4 SO
To the Hononbfr. the Motor oad fhe 1«».
Bitiadhtpen, livery.............................
2 00
MeeUnp s_ railed to order by Al
rup Coaara of fke Cap of rrarerte
ICIty Opera h^l.-.
10 W
fred V. Friedrtrh. mayo
Cifp, Vichifi-'s
Praaeni — Aids. Montapue,
cerdtioerd fotindallon erv Held loretbcf
'''' I?i «
aEMUMi s—Please arnrove and pay
atlngs. Bleder. Smith. Round GarroMowlnp 'dills attached:
*'“'*«>'> road..;;!; ,'m 25 Foster Bteveba A Co.................... .827 82
on and
erire(-ur aatln rlMion. -Thin
ill 54
.. Mich . Dee. 22, 1900.
20 20
■houtd Iw used for placllip. Three rince , H^STbllls. cToBbla.^.............
*1 M City clerk. Wll...............
Vonoroble. the Motor, aad
}t| 08
for hanpers sbriolit Iw atlaehed to tlie | h. *. L. Mercantile Co................
4 60 Labyni, dray............................
cay CosiKa of Ike City of Trat-:.
Do less paid.......................................
cardlmnl l«rk. Tbls bolder
tree cut. Ml
22 20
Hlchlpan Pipe Co..............................
’' pretty decoration for
' I 774 20
156 00
Fulpbum Mnfp. Co........................
lanew B. Cloio A Sons. ....
2 83 reapectfully pellOon your honorable
Beiuled In pay rolls Of tee city 248.17
16 04
Arms A Cole.......................................
488 00
paerled abepe may Cate tteid by committee.............
5 00
C^le Presa.........................................
be ullllsed fur ever ao laany pretty
iR a rate of 13.00 per quarter.
Boardmac River E U A P
738 17
This amount we think shonld be
Co., for Sept |5.60. for OcC
sufficient for tbe prlrllepe of waterinp
Tlie rastlc picture frame is aery prep Balance due..........................................
28 18
borses and rleaninp tbe boilers
Henry R. Worthinpbain....
Moved by Aid. Montapue that the pe.
months in tee
nt^nHes ami roniw attsehivL titloa be accepted -eea tee balance due Tbe Hanna'B Ihy Mer. Co.
Jno. Barry,
Tbe iwips arc ootebed where Ibey be ordered paid aa petitioned
As these Are
e plugs
. arc placed
BamuraI A Earl.......................
rroa to make tliem He flat and are; carried.
premises for fire protection on
only and
Has- loha F. Ott A Co................
belli loprtber by floe wire Iwlsteil |
Yens- ----------------------...
Round A Sons......................
0 .ilnpi.
about then.. The i.hloup frame has an
,Unpi. Bleder,
Bleder. Smith. Bonpbey,
Bonphe; Round
dllioa at our expense
deem It propCUlicns' Telerhone Ce...
-o'and Garriaon.
Miei-I lUppnrt al llie Iwrk.
that tek dsdurtlon be made as
Frt. bill........................................
.................... CtTT. Hleh.
coDcerai In this city are receiving such
bands of
flai rlasilr arP fastened arrcMoi
Nov. 12. 1900.
tbe Iwrk to liuU Ibe phnloprapb with
C. C. Msea. ..............................
To fkc f/ono/wblv' (he Vapor ar.d (k>
Ri fcpc) tti
Its Rlaas. a auuill ledxo of wood belnp
COp Coaaril of fke Clip
p of rrovem Ulcbtps^ Telepbone Co...
JoHX F, Oit A O).
5 40
tarknl screws (be laek of Ibe lower
CUp. Vlcklpos'
lotlon of Alderman Bleder duly
8 20
OuenxMr.—1 berewite submit aUte- Bvle Press. IsIm, Vsii;.
74 46 carried (he petition waa referred to
T. C. Iron
wiiDn. van- mux le- tssru iKH lu art :ment of tee’eewt of lateial sewer builtu. JnracsoD. ...
7 SO tbe committee on (Ire and water,
Mie frame overbatanrrd by plicinflon Webster street from Wellinpton
Jamee Murchle. bill. st«k...
12 85 r.. fkc Honorobl-. the Me::..r oad Cffy
jatreet to Fnmkltn street aa followsI-**®'
«Br« of the
-.1555 76 H. O. Joint, bill............... * ...
Cify. Jficki^H:
.. 26 48 MIchlpsQ Brass Iron Works
Y'our petitioners,
dorn A S<
8114.80. 120.80. 830.80. 8188.^'
- Mao-bole rinfcs and cover.
24 42
would respectfully
petition I
00. 8356.80. 882.00 ..............—1735 20 ..........................
73 78
^^Cement sad pipe.
ask teal permission '
grantee —
23 OO
with- a siding which
Pay roll ending Nov. 3.................
695 66 cross Bay.......................
will connect the Pere Marqueite rail
Total .........................
8703 44
road with tbeir store on Bay street,
Two-thirds assessed to property
asid sldlogptf cross Bay street about
loward 1 month...860 00
owcsri belnp................................. 8(8$ 86
twenty feer«M of the present brosIVHlams. 1 m'(h.. 60 00
Aterape coot of sewer aeieisment
of tbe Pere Marquette.
for 66 foot lot............................... I 29 21
Respwlfully submitted.
Almox W. Rk-kpo).
loved by Alderman Montague that
City CTetk
the petition be referred to tee commit
Moved 6y Aid. Smith test the state
tee on streets and si dpwalks with power
ment be feeelved and placed on flle- be areepted and tbe claims be ordered
paid from the sxter fund. Motion car
MotloD carried.
Ri carried.
Cmcsoo.'Nov. 15. 1800.
Moore. Has Vo fkc Uoaorobl.'
•e C
CiTT or Tasvtasx CiTV. Traverse
roSNClf of tl
tings. -Bleder. Smith. Boughey. Round
cut. if«-kl,
and Garrison. Nays—None.
. . . :»
tee undersigned
refor Bepumber ac- irrATxMEXT nr BuABo Or pt-n
ask permission
lon of your hont to 83.487.19, which U
orable body 0 repair
ilr aad re-model my
TaAVEB.se CiTT. Mich.
now past due. Thahkinp yon la adresidence al 622 Webster street; the
Nov. IS. 1900.
we remain.
■pairs to be alnut 1700
hereby certify to the council
Yours Very truly,
fully (ubmlUed.
of asid rliy that the tallowiDg It sn
B. F. HAromo:
accurate account of the cost of repairs
Secretary and Traasuter.
Ike tloitorable. the Vat .ir ued ''.fy
streets aad the constructloa thereBy
»y T.
I. N.
IV. ^UHnaun..
Ike City of Ticecrfe
the amount of materia] used and
uj lua.
uiai the
uie mayor
Moved by
Aid. omiia
Smith that
cay. Vicktyaa:
ter Other. Hw (wip frotu'^the Ureb and clerk be authorised to make
GcxttxsiE*.:—We. tbe undenlpned
or the dwarf plov are the liest to use I temporary loan for the amount of wuo
eapeetfully akt permission of your
labor performed:
for this tnirh-. The (We-nse^yrty 'aUttinent aad to oend remittance for
to build a min bulldKTBErre •■oNsTairtkn oa BEPAtai
premlses sltoated
MATCBlAi. ran>.
factory ^ on Bay Btreeh Bald bulldExpense
____ _________________
Oapt>8Ieder. Bmlth. Bonpbey. Round
Inp to
: 24x80 feet. with
site laddi
Expense for patching and gen
The ovasw ceee.
- **“•
22x30 (<
> be bnili with si
eral repairs on streets ....
« Cnr, 1
) stories high and
Grading on "Conn street------Nor.
ular as c\>-r abroad. As has ufli-t
Fluihlnp sewer. Ceatral school
I pruvol. grapes an- ukwI notrl
... Gtnucx Co.
Flushing sewer In alley..............
of Trevor
Per. C. L. Oreillck.
s aad an- i>f,-rapix-«a( Isvelli to
To the Honorebh. the Mn
tbose who sailer from aaamla or any
OtsVxcuKi — Your committer oa [Slush plowing and
tKCll Of Ikt
klad of ladtgiwtloa. In taking agra;w printing, w whoiJ 'wai'rrt^ tee
« It--l«
(v-----------------------------folia*- a eoiuse recommcDdsUon of the c
e undersigned ref dirt, wlilcb. bowrvi-r. la out irrj latlve to plau
2h.u/"raS,rt^t w?hJ^i Disks for .ewer cov«.............
1 »^
Tbe lailicnt Iwglos by ratios
. reapectfully
liUon ..
wio: tee city eaglne« «id S» tm. for park walks ..............
I 44 | f«W«
t. a
aiwul 1
nsolted with
a dafly quaulum of grapes,
the etorage warebouae of tbe Grand
lv> iiuanda and bhmv tlwn one iieracm. after teorongh Inveatl^tlon would [Weighing at.
Rapids Brewing Co., situated on the
Wf.U tbe rad of tbe rare. ha. been ,teco«m«d the adopUonI of tee com•
I. Railroad
' 1 76! right
- of
- way
y of the O. R.;. A 1.
_______ tee city clerk aad the
B many as 7 pounda a
Bald I
6 85 OB east Pro
i TooU.......................................................
city engineer be 1 20x20 feet, one Story high a
Cemetery tools aad tnpplln..
Recpsctfully submlttM.^
30 00
E 8. Finch. 12 dys. at 82.50..
Pears want hxig and slow baking and HoO-W.
Rodman aerrlera...............................
Rrapectfully enbmlttad.
•bonid be dune in a covered veead.
Baowptowlng. ...................................
JoaxTR Stnea.
with anfficlent water to keep them
- Ct.sacil of
10 50
Work la cemetery............................
Hnacn MotrvAacK.
ray. Vlckipea;
mM. They do nut need paring; bm.
OxxTtmxx:—I. G
U prefened. they ahonU alao be atlced.
One crosber Jaw..
•brb pirlore nriNiroirir wcmhl be an
MppiMlre underlskllif. sod to keep
tbsii all tocetlier In ■ pqrifolln nmwBitais Ihe liamtllnK of llif tmiiK>unl«d
w rrefT tliue liter are uii exUlblUoa.
■ abowD
tevratlve war of ateelinc tbe dlfBculty.
The touBdatlAD of ibe itletiirea
botdrr Is made of allff eardltoard nod
my -be- of any sl«e peeferred, Tbe
e arranged
on tbls rardUiant la it list lUlRbt lie
caBM orderly dlaurder-tliat Is to nay.
'tbearraaiceaietit follows a rrftilar plan,
bol all sllffnefis and rows of Mralcbt
liars are aruhhsl Tin* pbotoerapha
It the card
board w
dniub larks; Uum velvet ribbon of
any prelly. dark shade la
tite rdpea of tbe pleturva. /ramtnK tbrui
. Boat effectively. Tbe
^bvt pat on uiilll all ibe Inns porll
____ -Is |iut
................. _,.:
ranped .....
and a class
then the edpes of tbe pless nii.t of «he
Afc .
port of U
A. good book ts a tonic for the mind.
8'altb and hope may die, bat ^rt|j
Is tmiiKirul.
■Dtr more a wlw min thinks the
teed be Is apt to talk.
TkAvxm CiTT. Mich.
Nov. X9, 1900.
You may be naeMe to obHge, bat To the llooofmbte. ike Motor 1
cut Coeactl of ike Cify of I
you raa at West epeak obilglagiy.
cut. MtehtfiomWhet poor, defenseteee crratuita
GcmxwKX — Y'ont
women would be If t|>ey couldn't ctyl
streets aad sidewsiks. to wham was re
Roue men are always feeling for ferred the peUUoes of BUmh Mills aad
tbe handle tbet wUl rasbte teem (a U O. Bryant, relative to approval of
j Plata oCBHah Mills' addlUen to TravU tbe toot of tuny on.'|erne (8tT and of Bry^t park addition to
Ur spsclmcni
0 tn the MiecU and alleys eC tea
Man a^.
< la aald aHp. aad
A. W. RirKxan. CAoHl
accepted aad claims or
dered paid as rccommeaded. MoUon
-Aide. Mentagoe. Moora, HafUagt. Bleder- Bmtth. Bongbey. Round
and Garrison. Naye—NoecBHl of Traverm atr Bute Bank of
81.261.25 for IntcreK and exteange on
wpons %as preaentad.
Moved by Aid. Smith that tee MU
be allowad and otderad paid. Motion
USB poUlng pUee
J. M. tnihUa. wood (or eSeetSen
Michigan TataphoM Oo.. rental
Wemera Unloa TeSegraph ■
T. T. 3atea eteoe tent...............
Grand Traveree HaraU, job
. E E L. A P. Co. light tor
dty library............................................
J. E Oreillck Co. tofhltore aad
window aereent........................
A. W. Riteard. poetage. mppUm
LocUc Doaenbery, care at li
brary ...................................................
E L. Ilea, freight and cartage
I draylng ..................................
NelaoB ImpooBdteS nnd
IHW *««.........................................
rm BceAnnaEjrr rm.
F. O. Mama. oerTtes as fire
S. U nea frei^ a f eartape
and draylac ..................................
OaBeweH Fire Alara Telcsraph
C. W. Merrill, straw.............
Harry Powers, drayinp. .
J. H. Urkias. coal.............
F. E Lamb, draylag,....
aXhike. draylng.............
JamesG. Johnson, supplies____
B. R. E L. A P. Co., lampa-...
W. J. Hobba. supplies, .............
Hoee Co. No. 1, aerrlcrs.r____
Hr.*e Co.. No. 2, servicee ____
Hose Co.. No. 3, ser,vices.............
Hook A Ladder Co., rarvicee,.
Fire Department pay roll for
'“lo.'ss E
d to conte wlte
a peoUe tee Kkbigaa Talrphtmc Co. reUtive
■bewlag the hwatlim at tec praeent.----------I to tee placing of -‘-t" ~
pete on
newer aad sice of the aewer as It Wateii
atrret ea« of FranklU
teooU he to..................................................
•tly eet by aald cempaxy.
I: d to order enid o
Hra of mid sewer aceth to'•........... ..
Mreet -We believe that tele matter it
be pi................................
expenae has been Incurred U ex ,
trrieon. Nays—Alda Hmlending told sewer. ThU plan woald Itlags and Rooad..
e the Uying of
- tee maul
mreet north to tbe river. We hare not'tee orders of the 1
relatJee to
y« boon able w sccore aa esUtete of Plactag pote ea Wi____ ____
tee probabte net of laying -and re-, the NichgmB Telephone Co._______
jconnectlnc mid aewer aad would re to tbe action of tbe coonril ukaa at
1 88 'qoeM that
..................................................... .............................
28 M irarmlder this maU>r
ithu U of vital imp •rtanra to fotore!«**Ttod.
--------------- -Brimw and tee conUnnstioo of
on Its prsiint grade wltboot cmafalla
•r <he CUy ar
_ .
t1t». •
will be of a coralderable expeoae to tee
Regular meetlag of tee board at Bducity and will ntemlute a coctiniial
lUon beidja eooiieU room November
ananal expense. We await your fur21.190«.
tber orden la this msttor.
Meeting waa called to order by tea
prte^L Alfred T. F^rlte.
w rk
Praaeal—membera Patehla. Pool*.
By O. P. CssvxB. Chairman.
BUgfaam. Frank Friedrich. Hoyt Pope,
8aato. and A. V. Pricdrleh. prml2 «} I
Mei sd by Aid. Smith test the repon
of tee boirt be referred to tec commit,
of last regular meeting vera
toe oa lejKfs for, invratlgatien and
rrad.,and approrc'
2 25
CtTV. Mich.
Ciiy treasorer'f rc|<un for mooUi <
28 45
november was on motlca
To fkc Hoeorauc
Sirith. d-sl> carrihd. recelvo) and o
of Ike roy of Traorrae CUp. Mtok-
Your commtilee 00 arboola and toachera napcctfully sotmiH ta regard to the
g so
We do heret.y e
I at Rlmwood avaaiie.
44 I of mid city that
Mies Emma Busbee.
accurate account
S9 45 on-streets and
of. tee amooiiL____________________ __
.. heruMI eOcthe
1 25
(eat ie tbe portUoa a-sd your 0
9 M place ^here such cdltcrlal was usH ---------- --d that •
21 41 or laldjfcrformed.
teacher In that rc-om for the teiaaea «i
sranrs <ossraL(-m> ra axrsnxD sx»
ruun n-so.
Polire pay roll f«u- November
C. W, Ashton. Iliya at 81.«;.
Ehpte PreB.'Sete"*'
B. R. B. L. A P. Co., street light
for November.................................. •
i Wilhelm,
r November.
Expense excavating sand and
Coun Btreet............... 8
Labor ..................................................
85 81
Gravel from Pratt's pit.
HovH by Mr. Friedrich, that tee .raloads....................................................
pmt of tae eommUtoe be accepUd and
adopted. MoUofl carried.
Work done on last pay roll..
mx'.sr Cnx. Mich.
General repnira. pattelDg eldewalkx........................................................
Nor. 21, 1900.
To Ibe Honorable Board of Binealiom
aranlng out .-ulvert on Wert
of Traveree Clip, ificklpoa;
Side and repairing bridge..
Putting In
walks oa
B Front street..
that wp have examined tbe following
rinims Slid Ewing fonnd them corrvet.
-.jlon rtrect to Seventh
would recommend teelr payment from
to Tenth sUects.............................
:lie various (unda aa follows'
Hsuling gravil to patch Wtsi
F'ront rtfort and hauling lum
ber to repair brldgv................
Puiurg rollcruutl stone crusltin tool faouar............. ...............
Putting in sea-er on N Union
street brldgi
Resp'rtfully submiUcd.
R. 8. FTnch. 12 days
B. W. Hai
Kcpairing sidewalks,
.sidewalks. labor.
Od>. P. Ojtaxiaox
iOrnWlng on IJnroln strert
C^ltlee. t Drayagc...............................................
Montaguq that^**to on remeni walks...
and claims belSaowpleilBg ................................
24 80
•red paid except tee
* Item of sa|.!''ork in (emci'ry ..................
ary of H. A. T^gworthy
thp police pay roV
• n ctrried.
HasUDgs. Sloder. Smith. Ro'diKi. and
rdered paid. Motion carric
Yeas—Aids. HoBlaguc.
itoguc. Moore.
HasNa)-3. none.
Moved by Alderman Haattogs test rlsoo. Nays
the HoHorahlr, ihe .Ifayrr aid fkc
. A. l.suigworthy be allowed 850.00
C««_"ca of Ihe cut of Traveree
>r special police for November.
Motion carried.
so fa
Oily of Traverse City, coal.,
BiTinixu >rxD.
Itennah AI Uiy
Uty M
Mercantile Go..
J. E Cteniek ra.' |umw';
5 68
14 24
Robtna. Martln^T'Pb^ral
laboratory supplies..................
w iruin. ROOKS n-hii. '
Prang Bducatlonal Co., books.
iXRi'SAXrc vrxn.
r. A, Hamond. premiums. ..
Hannah A Ijiy Mercantile Co..
M OIrott A Co. suppilea.
W. Rlckerd, freight paid...
2 64
133 17
2 78
estern Union Telegraph Co..
Yrcie—Aldertsea UonUgue. Moore.
Gt.vri.E>ii:v-l'lej«ite approve and ]i
1. Sleder.
8k*-- •'
• •
and Garri- following attnihrd bills:
Mkhlgan Telephone Co., rantFYilghum Hfg ro..........860 00
Nays, none.
Moved by J
60—8 292 .50 Wayne Waters, care of Hbrary.........
I commencing DecfUiber
F. E. l,ab)ni, dray
F. I). Marvin, wrvice* aa iniF. R l,jhyhi. frt on 4-ln«)i
ant officer. *..................................
Morion carried.
] ‘ E. M. Dumas, ilraytag.................
Alf- Gum....................................
83.077 01
Western Union Tel. Co...........
Nays, none.
Very n^pectfully.
Hepkins Bros..................................
Moved by Atdennsn Muatague test Mlchlg
O. Illackea/be allowed aa extra flO
Moved by Mr. P^"teat te^^rt of
for servlees for tee month of Novem- H. n, Campbell A Sona.. ..
the rommlttce be acrepted and tea
Morning Record...........................
etsims he ordered paid aa twammead^Mi
MoUon carried.
Caldwell A l,oadon...................
30 36
Motloa carried.
Year-Aldermen Uonugne
Wm. Jackaen.................................
22 64
Ta.vvEnsE Cirr. Mirh,
SIMor,, Smith, Roui
Round and Garth
Grand Traverse Herald.. .•
7 00
Nov. 21. 19O0:
Western Uplon Tele. Co...
fkc Itunorablr Hoard of Education
T"he commute on strrats and 'side Cltlaens' Tele. Co ..................
fhr cup of Traveree CUp. Miehwalks Wide a verbal report upon the
petition of the Womeu'a ChrleUan Geo. Idtrselle
Temi«rance Union relaUve
H. O Joint.
K 33 passed satisfat lo'r'ny"the roqolrod
Inking fo-iDtain
t bercufore petlaminatlou.
nnd we would thercTore
r.iied •" M
irat nd teal the be granM a aeeond
2b 00 i grade certificate in
Uie matter be referred back to the comn Plellc. removing old bolli'he rules of this Inard.
C. H. Hoax.
Tony Toplrk
f. 40 I
Chalm,an Committee of
ccrrled ’
Motion cerrted
Tonv HarariTxavcbse Citt. Micii . Dec 3 1900
O the Itooorobie. Ihe Hapor u«d the ----------3 20jcepi«H* and
ifleato be gi
fs.'sr.r.'jrv. . c,
OExnxucs:—Your Board of WaterlChas. Parks. 2 dava at 31 Cfl
^mmlssicmerB would most respectfully iGeo. Lackey. 61 hrw. at 25c
rwommead and ask your approval of ! Michigan Telephcne Co........
fh. extension of --------------^ yy.
Sc, from north end
nert with
llh mam now Uid l
of sarao
0 bridge. This eon
be made
Ie wlte wrought tro
It laid.
The ..................
be.grcaUy bent
ly amall expeai
being supplied
Boirdnmn River E. U 4
Pt.-ncer I.lverj Feed A
James Murrhie.................
27 51' I accordance Ibcrcwiite. Modoc
2s5 50: Report of
. .. Kbool.
Booka sold amounting t
824.64 and
------Wentt f.......................
tuition eoUeeted
No4 21 I vember, amountitg to 885.84 were pre65 seuted aad on motior of Hr. Pope duly
« sfficarried. wire rerelved and orderod
i placed on file.
- e.t by
y Ml
Mr, Pawbln that tee
9 JM) j mlttre on buildtogs and greonda
I .
- - ..
• I for
srhool buildings In acooidasce with
rpoit of
ermmittM of wood
h Side tervlce will
43 OO
<1 at a umparallve33 00-8 902 90
Thai service is now James
perch rtc
way of Oak 8U or
Ibduld Chat. MrHI
■Hlrbael. S6hra
Gibson 52 bra. at
i: c
I4.4S2 2
City tl
a report for monte mf
obir was preaenwd and on moUOR
Mr.. Pope,
duly carried, waa ta-
and1 through a 4ln.. main on Eighth
■I’P"'"! or n,l,
than dtnble tee
sou'h of that street
Moat Reapectfully. ^
.. .83,312 02
J. W. MiuiKiv. President.
E. P. M'li.iinu. S«n-tarv.
Hov-d bi AM. Bleder that the pay
roll be mt-rptiH aad ordered paid aad
;hai the mayor and city clerk be ante>nst.! to toriow from the bonk tnffie-
Moore. Hba
r*»ed and adopted,
tbe Friday Miowlof *^MoOon
Moved by Mr. PaUhla that tee pro
gram for commeticeinent exerelaea l»r
tbe school year 1900 and 1901 be fur
nished by Ihe gradnatlng claaa. Mo
tion carried.
next reguUr tneeUng be held oo De
cember I9te. Instead of December 26lh.
(he nguUr time tor bolding mid meettee
On morion of Mr, Hoyt duly rarried.
t board adjonmwl. ■
A. W. Ricgxmj. Clerk.
Ie. fke kfoMr acd l^e
mahe alterations and
>f the cayV Traoaree
repairs to the frame bnlldlag receaGy
Board of
porchased by Philip Sbermer and
Henry Tonneller aad new occnpled by I^hllc Work!, to whom was refsnwd
the matter of preparing plana and
Store. Bald repairs
mrnatM for tee tort of extentlon of
windows In front on t
aeoond otory also to rearrange enUrely and pot In Brat clase condition the
aeeond atory of mid bnUdlng, also to
tee bnUdlng with
heMtng and
plombing of tee mom 1
tee total cost of mid a
be ah It $1500.
r AMaiman Smite t
,»«tMoM ha snaM.
n^niiSnsin grade far tee mid palm u he osMnad U tee a
• traMigi dl teM Urrttery wtth- wherever fenMMe. Metlen mrrfad.
rtraot.eart to.GarllHd avtnue be re-
lie works be lnrtmrte.1 ...
aeroaa Bey street
**•«* Co. «
Motion cairied.
Y'ogh City, will open a dl
-oehool in this city at tbe Aoi
Wntoeadav. Deo. Itth., wb<............
will teach all tbe lateet aodetr
_________ _______
Itaie aad___
id>Tsi<»> celtaie
aad delaarte and deportmenL 1 am tbe only
teacher la the amte
rooa goldmedab for
my work ae ■ maitoroftbe pmMaa■ion. Waltx
iraanateed U cma
o '^!5*^**'** *“»«• HasUnga. Sleder.
'M lioo
Mid OarrtioB. Nays—
be Rlvea at tee opeBlng. at popolar
Mared by Aid. Bmlte teat
of this eoundl that tee
W hall rent and lastroctlon for tee
1900.„_____________________ l|U.8t
afm'Wbm «Te&ta(. I. V.l
me covino
Tb( vwW U (TO«ii« eld.
to tlf* «r eimptr
aad ckUdMh
pWMrrw aad fdala rlrtare. bet whDa
«F Hrr wr lerr. aed m, katc aa Or aaeial coaioau ef CbrtMinaa Irad aa u
MB» stTMS Viib a artr raaai
aad thr BUta (aroma pdWrfal aad HMem. TW •trncTli aad Fbatartw ad
a auir la «bn« laitrr dara da aot ty aa
' Troaey can of a
laiavar Bear M. iMla htra a rBiapim
telepkBae oatflt trbmdir (Mr
dlTtdnalT iBtrtIkjMt aad cwMI
BtitHtB aad tlir aatlaa «rUI partake of
e aeaaral cbaraAee-—Refonaed
are able to coarMae «lib tbe beadqi
ten oOce OB orraaJoa.
Sir Jamea Graat. a tafdlcai
Caaada. bat ereind tbe wemtorTal----------theorr that rbramatlaai it dae to aa | P*-,
_______ ______________ ___________
,. . j -: b-uM
Moeoekoopoo 1
It hat Iwea snnssted that (ha dor«es 0*5:5^
dgawajimd ooaaarttae af
a ...................... W—itaaoWb—rwrotobtacit. <oftbe«.dfl.lwr.wbHboplythrirl»
-"m, 1; «. wuicli may br
S t-KS;
" ' -™- —Or—U, . i tbe Ji*«h™ofO-traaaatlamle Meamera
<mrd forj.Mablllc; pnHf,. ,be flm coBaMmllna would
be wbellfT or not 1 wau lo work there. Wbo are freqiwoily kmt la foca or run I
Ni-al drwuRera 'well invvklrd with ; down by vewoeia abolild If fonilabed
aMvM. lK»fca ard ra.-ku tiro creut wfib a tdepbouk-apparium for detectbetpa lowani lidioraA. Mill It makes a I &c 'if anwooeb of sft«m
«a*t .llffenn.*-bewibewaicanaacrd. ' to c<re a wariilac sIcaaL
Ufcently I saw lu a Aar. (ww bouse a Maamitted very dlatlaetly
buller'a imalry w Imae oul/ obHrea for ter. and advmace It (BkeD of IMa fact
storluc ill**fB>etv alaire tbr n|fa>aca i Ifl the tnscywlrd
Into klKlirn aad dinlns ruoin atul ae | of a aMhaltlre mlmpbaoa. wbMt is
bleb tbal atiyucib. alniac aniM and a
sletdadder Would 1f,a ocfnally
| pboae aad bSlU-ty eonoected wllb It—
WlM-n I furuhdi a kltcbcn aa my i New V'..rk 81m.
Brorlrenin. acme kbw a> lo rouriwlmee '
Bectrir lyjwwriiera are expected to
i and Ibe aavlnc of Uim- iin.l aiepa modi-' BAke tbeir appeansce oa (be marksi
I Aea iIm- aiTaneeiu.'iit of iblnc«. .Ml tbe I tbia wtatrr. A aunber of them bkre
1 ntetmila arc k.-|rt as n.-ar a* iwMtll.le lo : brcB pateoted. and (berr will be
{ wtn-re 1lM-y «tll If ueedial, Tbe iln { rtnlry. They will rout alful «20a
I cort-ra ipt uniut-iioua and kcitbf An- on Tbe rieetrk'lypewi
I a tnHi wlthiti nweb of Hm- niiici-, Tbe I rtalDC. all Ibe work of liw movlnc parts
' roukiac f.fkxanri uiumnu luii o tbeir ' betas dnoe by an electric motor, while
{ nlrb<-w.JaM la-kiw.
| tbc o^Emlor almply lodicatrs tbe ebar;
Tbc Iliib- larluc kulfc 1 like beat It { octeri. It io>du like an ordloaty typO'
: not In tbr knif.. tun mi,Id .-arver* and I wtlirr. aad .(be keybaaid la tbe aai
l.nilxloe Hw-nw l"it wbrre 1 can cet M i The prinllac t» ai-compliabed by lu
i Wilbout kwviDc 'be tow na-k.T where i eoniiri of ibe Aacer, No pttwre
i-barca MUMCB
I »li when |.rri>arlns t.'-seiablra. Tbr t log re«ultr.t. there N no fallcue. ,
cot two timall ailiaa linkmoee Hma
„|Heml knifr an.l cmilac Imard, which
»*Iht advai.lice la that speed la |«ctb
lie work
work 'it d^
an Im-b aiwrt. slanilnc
tbwB 1 la a|.i n. If tk-rover of a cram-haaket. eoilT uuHiulled. Tbe
allcbUy toward tbe CMter. Any briebt [ Utiji an.1 . Iran, aro alwav, envenkot ' fast dl
B ^ tod^cd.-Chtcokire.! rihlwn may be -.-jrked In and 1
,|k- |,mi,| Jaf, Two or Ibnw favorite «**<> N«
abouki be a trilk whler (ban ibe allU. Kaucepauu are kn'i banctnc ahiuad ia
An arc beodiicbt for eketrie-atreet
aa Ibe imff.Kl^ert of tbe ribbon ia
„,„.r fa„c.-t. fr.r I* I <*"> l»* lost Ifen Iwoucbt on,. The
very jirotij, Tbe on.- here um-d It of | u,„ ,|,r tirui ui..|,
lo.vard cniklDp
cooklnc al
al- ordUuiry
ordbuir? oil fa
lamp bndlirbt or the ra.
. lunarr)
brlCbl r»l aallB oifuiunr Inch wide. Al
*e\er>tliin-.; U.e |.re|airiuit for . Hety utioc an
tif lot> draw Ibe ribbon tbroneb Imlb
rrr>Mt l■•II.Nl Hiii.-rr
^mall ^ratmll
pkn*. aarl flnlub wttb a Inw. It may,
Kueb r>iral.^liia -\m* not ■Hibaa«ai|>fc»b»‘<»rd terr
A notiry
be pivlill.i .kcorale.1 with a delkale I ,he i.milnc* ,.f
Ui.-tici |.ertui|t«. woltln*tianae®
Tlae or w|*niy of Aowera <ir an appro- ! imi ii
w.inalirral ilifr.T'
nitli (III- Hfuf.! at nlili'b a rook feet only. In tlH-ar daya of bleb tpeed
•■an n.irk nltlunil failcor. Iia nlrbe trqlle}- tart lb.-(v It uixroc Deed for a
>1 Allredlafa It.lK BoU .lect;' on.-.- .Ie.-W.tl U|uli. in. .Hub .«■ tlHKID IlCbt tUtt Hill u|h>«- an
rat«Ur.,di B»l«.n,laD bU». fooled ar
.an In- alb.u-.tl otiray In Jlu- kiteb.-n Um nark 111 liuK- to atop tbr
alandius ebar ftoii. tbe riolb ■! bat
wlirrr ..m- v..iibl ti-ork ra|>bll.v. aad (be (be oew bradbsbl BB Inrloeed arc lamp riH, b,«WAKTnI«, um-lal___
an iBcIi and a lialf May lOrre a doiiUo!
ml»ir.e.u uMI If
utaii llilnet ** ***''^‘ roBtiiwIiic aln.ul tbrre4|iiar. L* i..mrtrrr and dlwaa. ,C m.
______________ ________ ____
» Itnr ia
tbe Martor. artrlac her nuOte lUk wtitt,
(be oae (bti bed exrtted (be admar rrlOeiem of UU> Urntdar at alloeelber ton
' ibvwjr (ar » fau^ girl mod (rbicb MaB'
feed tpahe ul at ■ diram of nnenbl beaatf aad anir'H'pro^tHf. ](<maiulf dd
aait AdrUite'a Uev dark ej.-. aad Iran
idia lo petferiWiL Kbe tl~> ebvwed l>a.'afb ber frorfc (be »(ilr ir.ia«H ttlppen
that .<U Ur Unlbadi bad >»iried a( oa
il wet Halmdtr. The beak «ben ('atart eat rmiilefcd eleaed «a Katnrdar aflerwaao, tell |« at^tmpndahl.' that AdeHae tbuecbi tbe rouaf oiau uiabt •-•«>e
'biti (hat B.tuiaa
afteracwa foi b>r. aad (e .wee
had luld KiiMurd ibe -tioe ibiaa;
baa tbe utitellLe walM tail (be «l>p-
mre wa« s lixbl ttef is Ibe ball, tad
tiM-ai tbnt r.Mir e
It (Oita .lUl tui! }nu uere cine
r caujEl
it» I.tt
Sad Uiti laiauiar ttaaopd.rrrr
' Actooair at Uir bnre .-arir.1
e.1 up uB ibi
Vhpce aad Ibea dellhrrali-lp
morn .-ut .
y ninred
^Vebiaa <bair aad e.l •!..wa. .tdrl>
^^er wiaced. but wel.-..mfd ber w?ih «icb
brictil talle Ibal ll>e rliftTlj
liferly tad tever.;
teailirr brsin In lliihk |bal alter
r atiebt Del b
able at tbe bad b»|t.<d.
“I wat^Btl b..|riu( that . lnel.rty
wmU <oaie-io.” ta'ul AdeUnr
"I’ye btto tryiOE to ((•• In tieei.. Inn
eaa'i even du tbal. I lan'i reSd. eilb
berautr ai.r eyet bun me. auU mtinua
taki Ibtl I wat lu Play In until >i.e y.,t
bark, berautr tbr wanled to nuke eouie
wub'I keep ><M a tiKKnent. DdO.1 Irll bee/
■houl Ibe unuw »el. fatcr- I WiW Ibe
I iLiiiL 1 did tell Mr
a tail imereti.**
Mnlluuhnnd did I tell ym. ibti? Why.
But lu-for,-Kianf.ud .-nold nt hi. peaMr.
,..u dUi/t lliiBi-..HI Mi.. Ijimoiw came in and 1bfa> Uma
'Knn-ibiMX I did. I IlHmrlil tbti y.>B teUl.d •bnn
ttuy. t.d tbit. AiMlae
. 1 bnei
^..n— rotluminA
lud faH|.
'btM- Ibe dirlli
doii^-1 ..flea
« itn i pHtl for
nnd..rw.-i..; aliiu.ui lo tbe .lark.-Good
CHRIfitlAn L
..Ibrr enew. ndulnc.
Table Bllrer.
In-m iiani
Aiii- (111... luKtirally autiinr*
r>iut| mill ■■inltli.tl ini
Tople t^r tl^^eel.
I be piaua of fbe
I clrinc tb^
tria of au aiii|.en- v( eurrrDt at TifKI
roll*, .w Bimul nlslb-trulU <rf a Imiaepowrr. TIilt
alcDUIrani • oniparrd wllli llte value of
tbr bri.rr lleht olKclDed. Il It aaterted
IliBt tbr new boadllcblt aiv nlmpie In
d.aica and work a-rll In i.iarllve.—New
York Huu.
-l odd Ur-M.iIU.di. tod iff. Waoford
"*“''‘1 f*"!"- *"*
lulL-Ut bate beard me."
| for •Tmf.rlr.
• T.U .b.p.1 willW to bM (bn br did.
r .
Tba( cm iui.k.e n... U.rd."
of Ibe ii^y .uxe«trd tbit
••Mr. Mullcbt Why; IrbiBkbe-t pet.
Tbe ollu it. for fup.
Wntmr. and the Untntat. I»tb. and. I
Ibbik. tbnt.- aie (be only tun plf.» «-c ^'“Mr.''M‘.dU(b>*'
shall CO to."
-•■Whoui >li.l ,v..u lliliik I BiMmV
ibiBk yon." tahl Mit. l.tBulne
M) aniiuiinlann. elrti ibeiu is tbr inoiniu
rery Uicfai
* I bttr Bii'di'idre to eoltb . |ba( I..., ui 1 if lu- bJu m. u.uchZ.«
TSfr il
>k. bedimtl dbirc
Illoloclntn are aorkluc
>« lb., imrable of '
' problrni wlilcb nay affect
iffoct Ibe InUkUnc
'briui illutlraln
by (lir-cro«ib l.f ur.tl Ibe different ly fruel.tl 1 ............................ ...........1 of eaclurt matMlaUy. (tome expena
•ffei-l. of (be liiilli ii|K.u different,^ In order lo 1..I.I llilt (III a larcc poiar-^iblak lluit It will artiully rrvoJutlonllvet.
A UOW.T W.-UI f.inb (o tow. ! lain |.r.-ervins k.-iilr wllb Imillnc wa- lie tVe work aqd irarb emrloi-rn bow
«™«-,‘0 HiHiii- u.-rdu r.-ll by Hm- wn) tide, oa !-•••*- "•*•* n I'b-r.- of natblnc aorta at lo bnIM (far hl.al rucliM-. aayt (be New
tbe >tin..H. ln.-L of totwenDS B ouetUoa :
tbe lianleiictl ]iaili aei*n.u (ii.- ll.-tdt or lortf au n p.io.1 ulntl res ntwl boll (he York I•rp1l». ITd* nauU. H U rx|mcled.
a-lll lir aiitini-d by a tiudy of tbe batoa Hie itlc<- of Ibe |ihiwr.l cn.un.l , ««v.T 1-h iiilnult*..
After (lilt Aoda
IriKa ufrlnlrlr Otbia. Tfar laHlruUr
| Tbr blnlu warn m.' ibnii ii]< K.iiii..' !>«lli '■»- f.-w dlm.ibuHllmit (bai rrIntinnt '
^''"11 tvbl.-b ibe luoat it bo|>ed li
r.-ll II|U.|| UI..U.V |.ln.t-u. ill! i.fku bi.-lit- ; niain .uti If .........
' ----------(br frrtb wal
ly cov.-nW will, -oil. Tb.-.v uj.iai.c np | " it'> n
iu».I......... ....................
..... o:;':tn;;r.t!/;ri-^
Uumld ihink tUl if >..u wiebrj 1.. rlrep
y..n woold Had j.uir Ivdiuoiu a .r...rr appmitrialr pure (ban tb.-Tuirii-r. '
•I waulr.1 (,. k-. (.. lb., maliwe.- aahl
AdeUae. dinrcaidinc (be iaipHed 1*- :
pe<uf. "|k.i,'( ,..j .don- I'aikrr liiiniaTHI? Cin tiniidy <Ttrr over bini. 1C*
a tiiu|pnir arirni.n.tk too. and I uiebl
e c»l bit libliirr.'' I'lRtfrabl
I'm afrabi to buy
Utaiamd.dd me. lb.'
tb.- tbouxbl
tbo.xbl 1 eiisbt
«itiW luy uioury (u Wii.-r ad
" I wa. piinplu cel it
Rui-i,. ,m.
0 y. ai
rHnu.-bius . raym
you'll trr liim |.laili
.Ml ranvif.in 1
1,: m HL Hot tU«.
uco-b-d. -rve noibrd that."
-But he U ra(b.r-.»-wbat thall I
ay?" pnrtunl A.Mine. . -| cneat 1 woa'l
forr-l bey«.-ir ao*fai a. I.
r (.. a I
trtuf of the in.lN..ary ..f bet .--.I
II liabard Ubm-." remarked Adriuub.rr liiui. <l.«'l y
’-.IdHiner ..v.-laimed Ibt- tili.-.lt.-a. ber. "I .mpi—e ' -If a.Wrd. -Hb.i
bat y..u
are aimply iwli.lciiu: ■>. )our tlll.r
f h.b:(
of rtaceeratmn. iait bi Hu. uamr
aulbinc <wnl.l be in Wunu' 1
Atul ,B. f..r Ibal no
l-.-ll, of
roiirv. yon .an kupn m-ibi
"'•VC but 1 a,."‘
**ICt Ibal wkbk
If 'll c-'t ...or it."
''.\..,.tie n.w’t: be'll ulmplr cel woiar
: all Ibe iWf."
"III- aukrd mamma mul me to roae
nw-r lu bi> ui.idlo .me day (hit week."
"He rrilnii.ty laerb-u III. 'uerre ricbl
ai-.nc nilb bint. You're ik-I c-dos. ate
"Ob. 1 .bm'i kip.*. Uai^ua said per-
QUb-kly. bm UbHuk j... <b.|.tb of r...t ] .......
n|.l.lb--l will, a'iltaiinel .loih. - t^r Uub of iwrHieru .kfri.-a. Illf batdied aluo aa .|U). kiv. oib.-r m-.Hl fell ! n Imn. Ibe .llv.f will
at fnwli as . »'Ti(w sre m. powerful tbal a uprclmeo
•ntouc iboniu. u|u.i, wdl wl.en- Un-rr w|,m It llr«l .nme from (be d.-aler, | ff't lM«Hi« loni: l.n-liUf.Kayibork
wen-(woi. ..f ibornu. Tbe-ibonf. Rrew | «y«n eN.-l.m.E.,«inalluc « i.iaxlraum of a»l voll., Tlila
■piked Leaf ad^i Beartel Bere*.
I'bi-n- 1h n latKi. nnmlK-r of imnoBt,
. ell 111 tbit nm-rnarj-workaday ace.:
’>“• »«■ '•‘‘hind
dll' I*
ii’an H»- iimirrial part of U.;
O'"'I"***- «>"• >-'rvllor. by
Wbii'b lb., unul it iiiliilut.-rrd l». coucpy
a ereal il.-al inon- ibnn ib.wr tbloft
wbb-li .-mi If <-M.n-uu.-d l.y tlcbt,
timti.l, l.raHiie. iiiuie ami miM-ll. Tlrtt
then- lu <u.miifl»1 wilb n lliiojf wbatM-erer Ibe iiuk.u-|.*i1..ii of lit iics next tliv
i«l wtlh i
It liy the ,iu... ..r <.uurnm~tli^£.for
C. for aU;
sad <-->i-n<l uihl tflilml ami lu.yonO
lu.yono '
nj. wllb
wlib tln-ii.
tlH-iii aud.
aud. IflUB lb<- ulnmcer,
Cbokrd (br ueed 10 deaib. SlUl giber
tmW f:.|| „U c.«l croKud and bit-ucl.i
fortli fnrit lu i>n.|Mnb.o (.. (be iiuallty
of Uw m.ll.
---------------“-■-ita In Keenlnp Opraa.
■iltUo deulcu for an rvrnlnc
if .b-ep oraupe vchi t. coM
aad brain.-,
ITve thutMaii.l cofxia of
WOO.I arc nw-d fur till* ludutiry In Ibe
L'nlte.1 Ktaira raeli year, ami IC> per
ritut uf
.r II romea
frum Maine. Tbe tloiN-r uuitl la
ily wbiu- bln-U. wKh
iia|>le, aud moat of It roiues from
I-'raDkHn .-oiini.v," Ontahle of tbe Ploe
Tree Ktalr Ibe iDdutiiry ia conODol to
IVunuylvaala. MaiMirbnaerta and New
Wlien tbe liiuibmuea lu tlicdr winter
(«u,pu Hnil a floe white Mrrb tree. Ha
f-bobf portlouR are laid amide for toulbpicba. TIm- l«ct. after beloc aeasrard
la (be oiM-u air, arc taken to tbe faclorjea. ulripifti of (beir liarti. aeiomail.-ally rut Inlo veneen. nluxit aa thick
I -tdauix. orauce
Wnlu .lu-U.UHI
ilu- u.
wliU-li fell IK, U,.-INItbt
bb—om. ni... myrile. .yi«t-ut. lululle. | oc tbe fl.+l. I be-,.rot,d . la.. I. it^ireiw. ibat It 1m» lu.n.T (., awuk,-i, uoiue i s,-m.*l by tb.. -.-.-I w bb-b r.ll ,.u M.my .
^ilinrm ,0
np roinaiK-e., cromul
H-.v U i.l.iuml ......... .
(•tm.T. ifudiuc forwaid. Tl""'- w.wvb.s ll„-«- tw.. I. p-tlfr. list - ,Kile b.-un-r. but (b.- tl.-kU- b..ar,-r. He ‘
waut to so." .
*'• '1'" n-umu.f ..f b.itly in man/ i,** n-iiii-.rni v .■,itbn-iaui,i. l.iw no |fr
.-Ulioed .\dr1inr.
“Uote a Wranp-oW u.i|«-ruim.«,, and (broueb mau.-nt utut.lht.; |. full ..f feeHns.t.ut
l...rl«. k.
(bent all nil,, (be ,h.„. of J,.y. of pmd m.t of f.-.llh. Tb-llitnl .laa* I. repre
•liiii }oii dou'i warn (.. e-.C
AAdhu- Muilrd -ami (lutteird Ibe kavr*
OKI ,b,"l.ATiwl.“w
lurk,, lufr.p.ul will, ll,e r...naucc of m-nb .1 b, (I,.- u.,,1 wbleb fell amone
OK, ,hW.tl..,i^ l^kms.
holly 1.
■ far to -eok, I-iwc-, p.tl Uu-m.
Tbi. lu Hu- «..r)dly iH-arrr, 1
ib—iebt. ,l<Htu.iiu«ly •
*’^u‘^Tlc-iu--li«gx.ld till
.n«*l amt
ami paiaed
of hoapb n.-Jcitin-, but hi> worl.Ily .-am. ami
,-a.o.-r wa> unn>n»-d
lion sad b.-rul.-Otty 1, lu.tMsl
.. ..
an- -. p.-w, (baHlK- (rotJi la
e how ea-ily Ad.dinr t.u.k (be ialer'
bad «br>nl ber ulnuia ini|.nlt,\Ad..bne
au.l wuudinti bow abe culiM leaf ami Idutbloc.-onlrbok.-d ..til of hi- bran and brines
woiii.1 htie U-*i uliak.-o ■( liw.l. but
The roniaiirr ..fbnlly It very old 1 fortli 1.0 fruit Tbe f..urili .Ibu. la rrp: venerra Into anlalwd toolbplcka at (be
Uiut laiiu-iue kui-n dial il noiiUI ii.-r.-r
nr-li.-.l IIU1I.I..WI.
(I,.- -.-*1 wlilrl, f.-ll „pna
. rate .,f fc(*ri a ulauie. Ai the muiado at K..lM.n. .. -J1.r kIH wa.
planle.1 1,
dwrlllne b.niu.. korp. off ] r—i cn.im.1
cn.imd aiut bn.ucbt forth frolt.
dratly mi-iy.tia benu-lr iaiiiH-ir
' fantire I* *0 rat.bl (lie factories ran
. That a (duah ..r .bam.',
1 lnt.r-t.a1
niRket II
IlCblnlDc or .
a l,ini.1n*lf.d.
- wat an added Apavaliuii.
I.nl uiie iba,
inri- In tbe iMunmiiic tourb of 1 only a few wifk* to prepare (If aopply
-■t-ni iu bi.'k buluy." paid KtanfoidL
s.>mr forty, G.—l ia>U dllfera lu giial- t
e utAptfd. Heuid.-u. Ih.-iv wa- a
irrliii: «ii iln- <vrw.*ee. Other ; for a y.-ar,
drawiiiB a .-hair bait a yar.l aearer to (be
Umil lo aH( nwirniut. .kreoidliicli Mi-t
My, It .-an If <-nlt1.ati-<l and lni|>n>r.; 1
l-ijiiiu ..r III.- (110.1.-1 are the de
The very Iwat toott^ka come from
luuoco than (-paiirr'v "I've dnae tome
IdBolur nuf witli inn-'b -lieiili} and left
ed, and w.- uboubl nu. ri.-ry lueanu to ; •
Cwtl work ifalu morvlus. and Bow I And
of III.. iM.iero Ifimv (be walat Purincal, where they am wbItUed by
(br mm., and AdHim- pcded anA ...u
make oiir a.-.-.-|.raiie.- of tbe initli tbe I
joK^lii-re tihi. afb-rnoon,”
e -null eiiilu nii.l n drnifry.of | baud from orauce wood Bpilnii by
cratntatr.1 henclf «u Iwr .-■e.-.i..- w.irk,
mnn- in a.-.-«nI with tbe If-l poaulbla ; |
in." uaM Addin.-, and Caw
le Illii«...n a.-ro*R ihe froat of ! ciri*. who receive 10 cenla a day foe
ltbonl> ar,.tnard Ibrre wa. aaoiber !
lefnlly‘'.m ber.
I tbeir labor. Tbeae tootbpicL-a are rtaad a heavlrr l.-.ui.-p in ll.e hall and
’v„ T,,..- t." iauiHed 8ian!ord. ~t
rnc At-rucAno!i,
then (br ~.uml ..f a rapid ati.-pl of tbr '
■------------------• markably amooth and do aot spUnter.
lly wbsl I aay. 1 ran aeo Caa0 the ^trtith? :
ttalra. Aik-Hnc uiuilrd soil p.I ti|. and
^..o» arow. Haab.
. They arc found la Unit riaaa rosUl^
iny (iuie I want to by coiac (0 tbs
u u» t'r<'|u.re<l l.y faltli
mill nm- im- ■vmainu of any cold , nnii aod la ibo bomca of men who
aud lookinc throoeb the patlockat
hair Inlopotili
Kim-ad a l.m(.-te.l linkine dl*b
walat. Tliea tbe ra.ue.1 one wimt-.n uhade
will, abty,-r..f mm
8prin- ' lenee*.
'Yra. bnt you
_ wimMn’l have any lu
aad bwrml am.lker imlil ibe bultl b-H
kle will, ilii,.l.i ml
i( Ibe hRB
ink," aaiil Catner tare
next to roTtucal In tbs
OB (be hMiBee t» h.-r aaltefa.i
■ J^k^
lui.luteaed ultli aioi-k or era
and proill.all). Tln-n- ulmuld be no im.lutcp.vl
iuc a bank fi-om tbe iwnlrr (a
rt. Ihal’a true.' ^ man ba«
temluirarj eiitliaaiaam wlibout (wnua-, anollier layer of iwilalo Jivrr all and VnH^ Rtatn.
-y are cni by band
bertrif m lib .wefiil nedllcru.
o If pa
ar where br puts'-bit bard
--blllly, no hanlnena of ! umoib ibe lop and apr.*..! wl^ mrlled from iredt
itoMKia asRMiI
t, ^ WhaCi tbal you’** «ot
brart an.l ii
Her ialeivtt ia hiV bnnit a ■« liirid.
Of Iblticu .If tite w.K-1.1. Ibat Ib<- won! ■ may If vnri.-d l.y 11k adillilon of chop- ,
btee or four rime. ,die lowered it-aod
brine l| y pA'
York UcruhL
our likes. Wb. i,
bl-arilM-truth of
xor* ucruw.
ualU be ronabed: >bro ^br
b«* yon ktarlkd lor*"
"DMa-i meanI 1to," taid Caaarr arer hta
raitar,. "I .IkIu'
tbr taat of (hr a(iernu.m
Mamma hat
U toe silly (or ao.ubmc. Wbat'a iha.
yoa’ra cut time?"
-Cbocotalr,.*- n.,dlrd Caaoer. (rmlrria,
“And you Iboucbt yoa were colac ta
you luin-.-d (hit uonilac.
-J il uimw it to yon wbra I,’* fioiataed.
I wnried al II
I o-.-lo.-k tbil
IS. jiial (eellnc
the Inamralion. you know, and I never
tbnucht «t iKeakfaal uatii nearly noon.*' i
"Poo'lyoa.«rrc»l|»lBiera**olkria- brecn... Ice or thrown
u^ikalira* kept with deoraUuo. of boUy ,
**** ^ J waated Ikt lo slay.
ir *
taer ^
^ ****
Inc tUai
0»f thine
that tbe
tbe fomprt
(foBTel ha* d<»e It
'Iferfnl fanes Tbe.
l•Anence ct tbc metancbidy cod. HoJ-; »•«
----------- -
•'•rtim for mnrb.
Carol r«r PooCaa.
A Chicaco niaa baa psteotod
feader wbkh appnin lo hare
nine tin- ln.T..a>e ..f |uipnlan-rt-tiil* Jobiliie Ibe ei.lora
V In Ilii.aia tiiiailfrv.1 JDT.tOO,
nave a
apmlallr prepared profranime. w Itli a |.ni>arril paper or «).
drew ni, eaeb .-faiaa of la
Is this luiralde.
-0 in writine mass Isttsra
,yhen n la net tbe fender U tbrowalDto
poallkiu to aroop up any poraoo on tbs
It fortber proridea ■ brake
I meebanUm wfakb wUi enable
! brake and fender to Iw operated with
TTC tboMcad ton* of Amertean ctefi
DUhwIt lo Say.
um' SIT
III is
Ji I
II m
*w*R Nr
I m-' ilil.
II :y|
*wa -4 M
Pere Marquette
001X0 POSTS.
#• I»
rm IW
ERRED RAPIDStubltiuiiy.
-S^IWasTii'K.-ak.’"MW • BfSfOAOO-K.Jo-'
■•Do yon know w bat bappena lo-dltcoTcm. Ibe natloa.
chief L.
_ .
erirj tbinc.
(le boy. wbo leU lle*r asked tbe kind
Teotook anconlora nsed to make A j
ly old criitkmaa.
............ ............................................
^004.1 dirldual.
( bearer
In ibelr hnis wber* Ibe wood-!
dirldual. as
a* an
an tndlrldnal,t^lridiml. waa rocard
-Well. I can't be auie or lt,“ cnland aprlku talclx aliHier when tbeir
‘rt"-"oM^e ra»# |
swered-tbe np-towtaie »«y.' “Ton see.
bauata were bare of kace*.
,.f etctliratlon. j
father ha* ablfled bk siory ati often
*Td (tte
a (ocred dkllDC“**' ‘‘‘‘rt* "tet-^Hrli'aatka la our i.
that br has me cne.*iBC."
imorttadtea^ ""J
'■**rt'"‘««‘‘y. There •
-Wbar do you meanr demanded
m extended Iti! «■■ be »o doubt In regafd to thin. Tbe J
-Voo doa'l strike toe as thin akiaasd.* ■
"" “““*
I the kindly old cenHeeiaa. now tbor•n want yoa boy s lo atop aqaabbla*.*' ffra'-ra by^ p)satbic*lt aa a char«!«f'^ V?*. ***,fl®*^'.‘*
oncbly (pnoMAnd OIK. of tbr tfalnci tbal hare
ana Adeline. TC. partkalariy uaptras"Why. somedmea be say* (bey bebeen
aal. Tell Bf about that foMball came,
timea. ■ tradJiion
Cnstomiia Op year eyes?
eome weather prephett. eawetlmes he
, Mr. rasMT."
i rwr op la
■nropf that tbe every Individual has com* to be re
BoMblara.>T(>. TersMlnatBcai*
•'B an a (Bomrat Itiaa Addiaa. Dsa*! keOy bad
tbe crown of
BdMcUa Kline cm da
1 mar* for your Ufa. I warn is crtch tMi ttsma. U Ikmmaik and ■"—,ij »
knew tbe liaii- when >oa waaied to
away llkoa -ooodrd fawTairf
.ri”VrS'.K i
j_ s'
qabed Ca.nor. ronainc from m cioomy ; causeu It to morn to ibe spot wbere II
.-U reqolred to If. aod I, wn* a eommoB
aim,* aeAm.voii.
;lv. t. 8: Math.!
* rep,cter?
"Il mu»t be t-wriy." aaM Adriloe. throw- nmloui auionc the Ilonunu lo aend bol- ’ Kci>- »«*•
*; Arts TIH. •JO-!, ^lor—Yra. l am in want of a aim
up her eye. ecRUlirolly.
|y wrealba to weddlnp*
Luke vL S»HU;
weddineu a*
a tokens of • Til.
■If he aaya H i*. it I* *nre 16 be,** ob^
i always Ifcnaae of thi* K>: x
ened l-awar.
ahonband writer?
Mue a*toeiallos of cood lock with the Ber.
T UfBI, l-> U.- oiuc lu loaiui.
, _________I_____
AppUeou-Nu. air. Boll amc npU
•u ia i-xBl-aii..o amonolioc to driirfOH »amflccnf bony,
ind tbr
-f.-.-----Tal^ —
of (bo loAinCaaL
; rlter. 1 naod to ba oa aetor mad bam
•snair aa :
Tbc okl
acri^iural feaai of Hiinrn, .
~ aaid Stanford.
IBbr Ibrm bark, I d.w'i w ant (O rob aaybody. I‘U (ft you were cmac to sire
them to Ulaa Lanoinr.-*That waa H. rniaHM-keaUtal^malba. Sbr'a (br osly oar ciri la tbe wn M
(ar ow. THd you aay.............................
God. may It fall on c-k.I »•» and brine
fortii evod frail, to lb.- iukiior and elory
of (b>d:
rm. x-aAvi.B hlkti.ic.
Ilani9te« I Northeastirii R. R.
wmibl -do work wlik-li lu at pivtrut
cvoerlvrd only la tbe wlbl.tl dtramy n*
rm: ixTiJu-ajwaiio.x.
Tbe Brntl lu tbe woni of God, The
Bower I- lb.' 'Nrrt'atit of I'britt wbo
tprradu lllu uurdK abroad or tb^t
pn-n.-b.-u lllu iruib. Tbe uoll I* xbe
biiuian bean, l-'our claunot of liran-n.
sre pleinml by iliriirt. Tlio llrul riatu
u n.|.r.uM.n(o.l by tbe mt-.! wblH, fell
ty (be wayubb-.' Thlu .-lauu «*.ntlats
;lm-i.|.llo..vn.ratle j,r
.-an-I.-tu, ...rrupt au.1 ntterMu... wuieij (ink luH-tillar fan- i,- i„n|..„,,i i,.-„r,T. (i|.ni whom tbe
|uirll. .il.-,r lb,up.,
. : in„i,
Iiupi-rtulo,. at all. SaIt bau ...me U. If IMU, l,..t|y. a. wl,b
lUike. h,m ...
aro^ *anaiMd t..'mf bn when hJ look-
to loU Irom (6 to .1,000 uo kimoI
cfaotlol iM-urily, jewelry, fomitori-, .
pioooo, Iioriee or oiiy kind of il-wk,
or/(ooj cei-nred iiotra.
roll nt loom 1 kbd 2, Heuilhm
A Millikttn Block.
.JOHN », KELLY. A^riuil
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