The Morning Record, March 04, 1900

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The Morning Record, March 04, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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--.qf^j-^^prr’ 'V '- - V,

Tkinl Year—No. 8^3

■— I
Bom ItMOlng Armj Hour

taouin m



PMfU Sto»a r»M

BOl VlU b*





Bornloc of tho ^^bytorUn
Ohareh Tootorday.

WMbUAieo. lUroh )-lt ao« tfA #0M
AkM( 6.000.
f*M« U*t * UK OM* wlU bo
to Oriels of bum 8tlU s Vjstdrr-lnto■•n,WUl aMtotA««u6«ef M Hbltob tb* l*t*»ty of. tbo profo*od
. Hot * Hu* of Bats*, bot Sum*
Urlf bill. TbsbUl UM
Wmk XrftU* Busand—XMsssBM
rratorto «e OmCst Viik ttmUml
•MOO-Otbar CBoMbu Proaptly
iac 61,000,000 for tbo roUof of Paorte
•ICTM ot Otm«« rm out*.
Ei«BM wUl. it to thoarht, prorid* for
Offoisd PUeo* td Vorabi*.
LcsOm. lUrU. t.-1te* to so Mm tb*ir Boodo *t yroaooi. Bow tbo
«««i«tUac «h»rMtor
MMU B*pobUe»M wUl atk tb* ,Abo*l e o'eloek jwtorday stonrisr.»
AMutoA^-TtoM to*f**«lB<9«n. p*ouc* of 0 bill ImpoolMT * mobIooI oUll *Ur« osllod tbo Mr* dopsrtBont
tooM. •fpMuUy.HUMNukitto prot». tariff, ud * uot 0*00 wiU bo broom to tbo ProobyUri** ohareb. U firbt •
spring thipmmt '
bUso. m
os* w
of. wbwo
tki* tfc*t Urd BoWrto to rwdx u boaoro too ooprooto oo*rt *t
am i
.u wv
Mwm ofu*l*« opmliou »i obm.
piMidonl U eootdmt tb*t the eoort “««»f‘oto »doeid*d myoUtr. Ao*
rooBlt of tU fire, tho ostiro UUrlor of
It to r*r>r««i
Knw«r will ■ uiD ibe B
tbe cborob to * bboo of bUekoned mlao
toai Uft PrMrl* with U* |ivfsm of
MoUof ProtUost OUjM litoUUeTsod bad the baUdloir been boUt of
The best stauc for wunieh—
wood, there woold probably hove boon
•d tb* BMtlst *m bo oosowborc iB
han sniveil.
Bolblnr left of It-bot Mho*.
tho OtMfo Ptm out* Oorno of tbo**
A worbmao on tbe Mort houeo wu
UOooU Afrie* wbo *r* «oa**n*»l ProTsmoBt BaftllDg for How
tbe flret to detect tbe fire, eeelny
wttb lb* efoci ibol the reecnl roKaliroAd.
eniuke toeulny from oboel tbe wlodowe.
-wnm b*vo ta*d 0* Ibe Bj«r« exoroM '
See tbr new •‘Swaffffer"
I Tbe alara »m eeat to tbe depertmeot
tb*o*i*ioo ibot r>0 aaoUM «< U>o|
l*6t — .\n entirely ditfereiil
two preildenii U p'ellBiioety to * euf j Batbutoatie Meetlaff Taeterdey Af-'bypbon*. Md no yeoeral elarin wu
shape from any y.-t eli-iwu—
feetloo of beroUtioM f w pUcr. Bat
temooo--LeUbd CooperetibB to Ae-'
Sure to Ik- popular.
miul ^ doe to 1 «(uiiA
quire mu
eo waienotoB—war
BEtouloo-Oer mmrrw
Perry rroPro-i ...
Wrlyhi of the Star Steen
----------------- —..................
.. to w-------------ii..A.A_------- of tbe workmen from
preeeare brouBhl
bear ; upoa ...-I
preeldoBtoby tbe borfherd and by'
Talked the conn hoou aod
and a few oih
otbere were
teoloniee' Aerlonaiy.
Abtecene wbea tbe department ar­
Alrtksadete' In tbe Brlttok teoloniee
Are aoM fxoluwively in Trnv
estbwtban to tbe peieonil iscllaaBeoreiaryl
Taylor of tbeTraveree City rived. Tbe ebemleel wee firet aeed.
er*4- C'ilt by
lAose of tbe preeldanu.
A Leelanau B
By. Oo. U havinyoOBUBned bat with UUle effect. Three eli
aueeee* In Le
All arallaWe Inforeutto*
inty in aeenrlnff of water were *oon ponrlny
buitdlny. aad U waa}not loay natll tbe
tbea M belsff u douratinsd aa
rlfbtoof way aad tbe snbeUntlal
paretot la the waroonraffeneni of the leadlny ollieeBS, flktue* were noder control.
Tbe blexc . orlyinaied In theeoutbTti* olme obeervMn do sotaatlelpau farmere aod bnalneoa men of Eioelacas
weel part of tb*,ba*emoDt ot tbe|
•ay ewaatlos of boatlliOa*. [Tbe Boots eoaniy.
•re apparanUy rallyiar with tbelr aeVaetorday a biff meetlny wa* bald ehnrob A larye qnaoUty of wood piled {
euiouad ablUt.r to repair the tonpor at Proremeat aad more proyreae mad* tbwe farptobed food foe. (the Oamee.
aty iwvaraa and Brut Briul* bu y«t than aiaay time prerioaa Orer 11,000 and before the fire ooald be arreated. it
to toM tbair foree a* a defenb're powar wa* pledyed and it wa* promtoed that bad charred tbe entire baseaieal, bprasader aaw eoadiUou of warfare.
ator* would |m fortbeominy. Pror*- od a larye bole la-the floor, lettlny tb*
The Brittob baodqBartore
tbe Or- montto oomlny to the (roat braraly pslpltaad mneb of tbe forelturefaU
aofe Pru BUto bare bean iwnorod to and Ibe poc^l* of that eeetlon aeom to tbroayb lato tbe beeoment. Tba u•alutaU. a few miles eeptbeut of be dotormlaed to bare the Ilae raa Ur* laterior of the
charred and -hlackeard. tbe furpiPaardebarff. Otaoral Eaberta bat ie- tbroayb ifaal locality. SaeroUry Tby-,
eead a
ordar thukloB tba lor wa* preaeat at the meetlny aad be tore entirely ruined, {tbe book* bnrnU
aad one of tbe oryen* rained. The
trooM Tv
exampUry military aeeared the people who w<
other oryan wuyottonoat. but not be
OoarsB* aad Mdarose* with wbleh they from - LeUnd that if tbe raad
bare bora* tb* bardehlpt of iboir fore- toroayh Proremont Ito exleneloa from fore It bad been soaked with water.
*d maiab. Be eald that Mr eon- that point to Iceland wa* only a<|uee- Tbe pUstoriny tou feUen from the
walla, and the eaUretoeldeto a scene
daM bad beea worthy otaoldlarsof tbe tlon of a abort time.
Tba propoelllm to aaUbltob a ear of dcooUtion. One of the memorial
and the oibers
MeaawbU* aspplto* aroarr>*la( eon- ferry from Iceland to Bieanaba
aod blackened.
otasUy. Tb* troop* are raptlac. hot Uladeton* to bainy eonalderod «
Thng Have I’nt-k in "A Mid-.SiimTbeorlyiaof the fire to a myeury.
spparwUy tbelr rest will adt be looB- yreatfaror and the extoaeloa of tbe
mer NiKht’e Dream":
Tlie moat natnrsl thooykt at flist
u tb* Boots era meaaed ia tba seiffb- llao to E^alaad will erenually
There w**re no ffh-phoiiee in
boad. aom* at them baUff
It of Ike ferry, as Laland that it stortod from tbe fureaee. Tbto
he wonldhave
doar mUee
It to Mil- to tbe seareat point to tbe apper penln,jj_ reali-AHi thnt two-thirds of HQ hour
* no^ after Tbnisday eren•tatoi that at preaut'jtboy do enl* alone the Miehlyu ebore. Tbe
•ot nsmber more tbas c.oic.
It to maiur of tbe rlybt of »i*y from Prore- iny, at which time the fnr^por wa* th a luny tiimW'liat woulil ihe Bnril of Avon
brilorsd that they are eomotanded by mottt to l^aland to a i]ae*Uon of euy carefully closed by Ear. Wrlyhi him­
Botha. Delarey. and DeWet. aad that eolntloa. Scereury of dute dtotrae. self. Beaidee, tbe ehnrcb *raa awept »ey if ht* weiv to r4‘viuit tlu- »*arlb
they are awaiUn* re-*nforcem*nU preeldaot of tbe T C. .V L. Co., to ear- Friday, and there wu oo indieaUoii . * and behold the woitden, of the inoomimr Twenli-tb Century, the
from Natal, oomioly aadar Commaod- neat in bto adroeaey of n ear ferry to fire ihu. either In the faraace or
nif^t marxelouH of
tb* Bortbern penlnaiUa aod it to be the baaemrnt. The aweepinys from
which is the tele­
Tbelr left ruu on a biffb bUl, and ilered that be will oae bto efforta and tbe floor were placed in tbe fnrnace.
phone 1tbair rlfbi on tb* riror. tbelr line* ez- Uflseaoe to briny aboat tbe deaired aad areatill there, not eren eoorcbed.
With tli^ telephone
toadlay aboat alfbl mUoa. Uenarsl end. daeb a ferry would eolve tbe ehoiriay olearly that there wu oo
you can talk and re­
Bobarta' aoostt bar* already baeosatar- problem of direct aad economical ably in tbe fumece Friday.
ceive an answer in
•d them, and la a aliffbt aklrmtob to meat from Mlebiyaa to tbe aortbweat
It boi been auyyeatod that the Br*
IMKTV hkiundkI
tbe eoatbaut. Oolosol Bamlaftoa, from Ihto eeeuoa ot tbe eUle.
may bare oriylnatod from the barainy
eommxadlnf Remlaftoa'* etonte, had
The people of LeUnd are eetlre
of coot in the smoke pipe, which
bto bora* abot onder him.
wUh Proremont and they bonwd thronyh tbe pipe aod falltny
. TbewarofBea'bas reoelrad tbe fol- are workiay biiid to eeenis the~ _, . Bot Are to tbe wood below. Tbto
lowiBff ditpatob from Oenwal Bailer: wiM for tbe extoaaioallSiext^M- theory bu mU* toruommond It. u
Miller's Cash Store.
‘■Ladyemlth, Hareb i—1 fibd tb* da- day alybt a meetlay wHTT*"
the aoot to etui la tb* pipe, abowlny oo
fentof tba Boarn more oompfeto tbaa I the Portor kebool boau aad at that iadleatiou. ot barlny bow oa fir*.
had darad to aatlelpate. Tbto whole time eoaaldmbto money will be aab- There to ao bole in tb* pipe tbreurb
Atotolet to eompletel) eloarod of them, •eribed to fsrtbu tbe proj*el. On Fri­ wblob the fire oonld bare fallen to
■xeept at tb* top of Van aMMu’e Pee* day erealay asotber meetlny will be wood below. Tbe pipe Itoetf hae fallen,
wbM« aeretal waroa* are rWhie, I ean held tout* BobemUa eetUemut.aad bat it to eridently from the wire* bold
lay it barlny been burned off, by lb*
additional aid from tbor* will
Mad BO trace of them.
-Tbelr Uet train left Modder Bpmtt aeonred aa aereral of- tbe well to do fire oauide tbe pipe.
Tliere to etrooy lodioatiw that the
ouUm abost 1 o'clock yaotorday and fermtrt bare alreadr proinle«d|to con
they tken blew np the bcldya. They tribato liberally. With a few exoep- Are mirbt hare oean aet by some one
Stove* wo-th $:f,40 sell
peeked tbelr srafou elx day* affo, tloan. which will not offer any obttnar- wbotSectod an entraaoo to tbe bate
morlBB them to tbe aortb of L<adT- tlon*. tb* rlybt of way all the way this meat tbronyb the aonthweet window
Stov.-s worth I2.2.T sell,
amltb, ao tbai we had ao cbaBae of in- aide of Proremeat to Blnybam baa Wbeo tbe Ant wbo eaw the fire ar­
tereeptlBB tbeai; bat ibef bar* toft boon eoeared.
rived on tbe scene. that window wa*
vaet onantUle* of emmsailtoa of all
ouv tbe easb and yloM both beloy ioTBB saLTAjr OF SOLO
eorto, herd*, rram. camp and todtrldaal
*id* tbe baoement. Tlito window *•**
esppoaed to be futened like the otbera
erBUAlIrBlaaoetotbe I'alted It to poaelble tbat tramps may bare
••They bare.yot away wlU all their
f«n* except two."
atored tbe bnlidiny dnrioy the niyht.
« ban* Jaxon aoap
^ i
Seretal London nxperie.l^Ued to
my ton. Mareb s — Prirat* lev aad careleaeiy aet the faosee on Arc, or
tb* opUtoa that tb* Boeta haire strobC- tors hare, been reeelred from Manila It may hare been don* IntentlonWily.
6 per cent, off on all
ly forUded N an Beuan* put. whichI aUUnff that a Oeman warahip rtolied iboayb wbo would be yvUty of ao
lie* directly on Uie rood f^ Lady
tolaod of
Sold abont elx dutardly e crime, or what motive
enltb to Uranfc Free dtate^ and that j montha aye. and tbe offieeis onmid be aialyaed for it ao cm aeem*
tb* Boers will lose* probebly , durored to pensade tbe enlun of tbe to know..
The church wu bsilt two year* ayo
troops ibere to bold OenaralBnlierandjuund'to declare blmeelf aad bto poabto loroM book. whU* ibe mi|tneolstnaJee*.iMtasadcr the protooUon of Ger- at a cost of as.oou. but bulldluy matet
will proceed to a
lal hu adraneed ao that it to doabtfal
*"■ ■ *■
■ maoy. The
226 Fropt Street
aUayUDM to the Uaitod dutea were if the atraeiure could be put sp today
datPaar IndlyaaoUyyefnacd by the cnlton.
The Boer rr‘»
for r .000- The debt on the chnreb at
Aabary number 4.U0 men. Aboat I.OOO j Ae iaretUyailon to belny made at . - preaeat to AI.OM. which to owM to the
eftbemar*eew*arontetoOip*Town.|8palB'aeU>m that Slbutor aad Cbya* Boud of Cbareh Brutlea of the Prw
The preeeare oo rolllny *tock to eaer- yen Sola were not Inclnded U tbe byterlaa ebnreh. Tbe loaa by the Are
Yon will find a fine line of
treaty of peace aai are oot therefore will probably reach »3.M0. Tbe b«UdMINI IT TMAMM 0^0.
ot tbe Oolied Stole*. iny to iunred for It.MO, meet cf wbkb
TberetoacrawUy^tlmeatin fedor to la tbe ayeaey of Joba E. Aanto.
Stamped Linena, all aiwy df Sofa
l^pe Lu's BlrtbiUyaad OorosatUajof tb* n*w that Spaatoh ceded to
The aympatby of tho other ebarUu
AsBlvwwry Obwreed Taatordap. |tb*VBltod Stolen all bar FbUlppiae u prampUy utwded to tb* Prsn^ Pillows, Down Pillows. Ouahiou
llom*. Mareb I—Pope Leo j.MlI wu;poaeoaeloa*. whether feurapbtoaUy tortou and they wen offered tbe other'I Cords. Battmbnra msteria'H of all
kinds, A full line Beldiog Bros.
MT*a<* ^’**^*^'**‘‘' toleyraphlc
>*l*Craphlc iIA
-•' ‘ U
■ tb* treaty or soc
balldlnye* for tbelr place of meetlny.
It wa* decided W bold the aervlee* ia
ry lessons given free.
Ue Catholic royal fan-'
Moptacae ball for the preeut. at Icui.
- ttUe ot Bnropo Tbe annlrereary wu j
Re*. W. K. Wriybi. peatac ot the
287 Front Street.
the VatSeaa to-; MeyUsd Aoerpu CsaaddV Oflbr
ebareb, daMu* to extend tb* tbaak* of
Aiy, wblAtolbe Mat *u
•*7 of
HilltU for»urw««tt-..
Bicsalu of sympotby aad kladsssa tbat
OtUwa.Osv. Mareb »->Tb*offM
lasA toy MlemB ap*^ apryUa* of
Oaaada to yarttou BallUn by tbo bars baMSXtosdad. both by individalMfiaklf1-'~r
8L Peteria.
OaaadUamUitla and allow iborcyo:: atoaoAmiwlMtlnsi TheloMOBtha
baOdl^wUl ba adjutod aaaoMas
Ur* to be eul eUewbar* hu bau
At tbo Pieakyterls* eaaru dr*, two oeptod. The oh*ay* will be *ff«
•osBlbU asd tba ebareb rapslnd.
os OM^. ruder ptoau luea
aoos. asd tb* rayaUis triU prokabl;
to tb* AtrUas irar.
Heweet Hnta Beadn.

Window Display
of The new

2flth Cenlmif Wall Poiwfs




now in stock, at the



New Shapes.

largest Stock in Horthero IRichigan -Take a look at Theiii.

“Sorosis" Shoes


Don’t You Do It
Do not Hptjod a ainyle dollar for your
spriuK and Hummer outfit before you
have inepectetl the

We .bow tbe lxr«ut .took of-but
Rood* and no one .-an truthfully oontradifl ua.




! Keep Up
:With The Dand.!
Some Prices:



S. Denda & Co.


; New
I Spring Hats

A j,Taud line of all that is new, eorrecl. etylinh. jast la

J from the faccopy.

Lower prices tfaau

yoo’l! be chargetl for

k cjual .{ualitiu. elaewhere- This is certain. •


. We’ll be plaased lo show you the siyles.



The most oomforUble - th*6 bMt weBring-Uie moBt
Btylish Ahoe ewer told for 1»b6 than $6.00. /
AU who hawo tried them
eay so.


Front Streot


I W. W. Millei's CasR Slort {

No Shoe Like





School of Music
•s.'tssirssssrj‘iSi>asLisa..?!s —

Now, up-to'-date
shoe for
ladiu' dreu wur.
See then
in our window.
We are exclusive
in this dty for the

Up-Uwlate Footwear.




Bn mwamia k»oo«i>.

an «ME H» an FEuows jI

Tunui OITT ' KianaAi

piobftkle tkftt Tb^ VUl >»** Vpnr
Part eC Ootmaa Brlek nalldlftC

MUD Tumu BlUtD.




Tte PmMo Eku mtiM WIS kM wntai »ftwl ««1 e( witiete 9t h
•«••»• uUr^ Md


ta dHliM «i»k tk« «MiUeB. WhlU
ataM kM bMS tp^VMt «OOd NMOM
IwartUilMit wtu IM *dauwd tk»t
ak* ^klM kM kMS ft TW7 dlOeftlt
•MtokftftdU. U te ftlM rftftMftftbl
m^pem tkftt tb* ftdBlftJiWftUott
gkftdM ikft •ttutlca tn%*J wdl
nr* tftklnf ftouas. Thfti tk« qftwtIoB
1M kftM »bOfO«dbl7 JOOlwd iftto br
•MfTM* ii ftTldaftlNd by WlUftMl
^«ft tkft
pftwd thB hot
AfMr tk* eoBdlUoft* b»T« bMa stadicd
•ora«lOM.l7UupftMftt*Hrftke It pv
MM. tftriff btU «rUl probftl
• 4Ut«r«DtU(bito anny.
Jkft Mtoblcftft ooBirreMaaft b»T6 mffMMd theaMlTw iaMUlfmtly spoa
akft q«MUM ftftd rl?ftft rtftftOftt for
•oMC for thft bUL TIm f^lowiaf tron
OeirruHini OorllM •*««•«•
akiM*b*olofot« bMB
Mknanaa by may wkoikft** oppcmd
Ik* mMftr*:
••rinv X n«ftrd t» da witkln U*
bond* «d tb* eoMUUUeai ftad tkftt «•
hft*ft ftvpU ftBtbortty for *««h ftotloo.
•Moad. tk* p*opU of Paorto Rtoo domad ftad tb*lr
taUftf. Tboy aaat bft«a Mbool kOB*M
aw*k«r» ftad pabUe
f%k tftk«B flMMy. las adolUlar to
apptoprtftl* ftU of Baeh aam-ry faad*
froM tko pablic trmary whaa we eaa
MMU* it by LadlroettftuUoa. tbe waio
a* wo rftlao oar owa robeoae. . Tbird,
It I* ft proeedenljcd mt nomeat to tbe
iAmrina pot^lo la doftllaf with oar
MW poMmlnwi 1 ftia «BwUlla( tkat
tbe *ft*t proddet* that my eotae from
akoPbUlpplBO* or Oab* aboald eater
. tale oompaUUoa adtk oar laborlay
ma. la view of tbe fact that tbe
PkUlpplaet do aot today, aad will aot
dor maar yoare to eom, pao*e*i
naadftcdot laumrmMftbdelrmr
bp wbloh Amarlcaa waya earaem are
Aad thl* from Ooorramman Hi
•Tb* bill la tbe form ta whiob It
yaoBOd the hoaw k a temporary
«• to proTlde roToaae for the beaedt
«(Paene Rioo. The laUad wa* re«Mlly deraiUtod by * harrii
fiowloc crop* ta etore deetroyed, aad
Itiklfhwfty* aad road* roadorod Impamble. It ba* a deoae popalatlaa,
aboat St per oeat of wkiek to lllUeraU.
Tb* rMeane* to bo dorieed from tbU bUl
mill bo devoted to tbe benefit of the
people of the klaad, to the r**toratlo&
at tk* road* and tbe balldlaf of eebool
« for the rdneftUcm of tbe people

VkM M I* Bailt.



£f£wn It ipctrrr.

Mr. aad Mra. Joba Probert were dolifftatfallr earprkod by a aambm of
tbair trlMd* Tbandty evealaf. Kr.
Probert WM at lody* and wae eammoaed home with tb* iofermaUea tkat
hM-wif*wa**erloe*IyUl. BeeaUoda
doctor, aad then keeteoed boaw. only
toOedaboet of bk trleod* ready to
yreethlm. Adellyhtfal evcmiaf wa*
•e^nt Heard*, and delldoa* rolreehmenu were eoryad.
reetorday aftorbee^beat MtoaehOT* of tk* pablk eebool* were deUybtfoDy.eatomlaad by Mr*. P S. Baraam. ao WaAilnyion etraot. The aftmed laa

Jftoob Oalmaa wa* la tbe eity ytaterday ftftd la «p*aklat of tbe proapoet of
kalldlM fthrWt atraetaro to rwptoM
tbabaUdlatraoaaUy baraad. ba atatod
tbftt tba aaw bftUdi*« la amrad
tkat be eoald aot tall wbaa ba woald
atart baUdiac aaUl Joba Tarbaida bad
dakdad wbathtr to baUdor aoi. It t*
poebabU. bowaw, tkat Mr. Tbrbalde
will arcaaca to baud tbi* eammar.
Oalmaa wlU baUd la aay araab bat If
Mr. TerbaUa baild* tboy »U1 profit by
oeottaeOaff tewotbor aad make a aaltem froai.
itoet and tk* fazoM of
Mr. Oalmaa atatod that wkoa hta
baOdlav toeoivl^
<• probabU wbkt aad caroam. Tk* prie* U the
■yooatoetwaeawardod to MU*
that tbe Odd PaUowa wUl eeeapy
Mra. Baraam amrad a m«bd
sppor doer, wUok wUl ba fittod ap an«a^ tk* toaok
or* asd tbair hoetoa* tboroaybly oaJoyed tb* Bcmlcm
C Mortaa ratarcod r
from Piuabarr. after *a abi
Praael* R. UelU wa* la lb* elty yetterday from Hortl pert. Be 1*. pr*pa^
lay to atuad the>tate <
Mr. Old* of Bwidoa. « I ta tb* eliy
A. OIbb* of Mayfield,
u la tbe elty
J. D.Rlater of Elk Rapid*,
tbe elty yteterdey.
Mr*. M. Lila*y aad Mra. J. Utaey
retaraed yeeterdey from MUwaakea.
Mr. aad Mra. Oeorya Lardl*. wbo
weat to Obleaio to attoad tbe faaoral
of D. C. Parker, hare retaraed to the
Jallae Pare ha* rotaraod to Elk Bap1*.
Boa* Book of b
a k the yamt
of Mki Olara Oir.
Ob*e Eoaeatkal of the Beetoa Stor*.
etarp^laet alyht from a boelai
trip i^ork Hew.
Rlaeldo Patlm k la tb* dty from
latorlocbea. to epoad ike day with bt*

Cloth Hats—Benda



Columbia River SalmoB
Norway Aochovie* ''
Norway Herriny
Ubrador Uerrioy
Boffllah Cromarty
Smoked Sinryeoo
DomeeUc Herrlny
Riuslao Herdtaa* '
Klnaaa Baddlea
UortloD PUb Cakee

Both Phones, 34

like this are before

Tou—Carpets at less than wholesale prices.
Your iovestigation will prove this to be ao.

MalL I

Tab Hau—B *ude.

Don’t Worry
(->vt-r yonr abora for not wearing—
I/cani where to Irajr yonr nrtt pair, ao
it will Wear and get your money*a worth.


WAITS sro-il

On your own ciperience buy your
footwear of tbs pmctieal shoe msB
and bt-enre of i»flting value received,
and morc.ttio.
We srs confident that our cxpericacc and aervice ia
worth your trying.
Buv our W. U DougUt $t.OO. $150-and $4.0U ahora for
men. Md uur cuMom made $1 .'lO. $2.00, $2..'>0, $100 aho«« for
* Onr goods arc new aad np^to-dale.

A. 8. FBTMAN, tbe Practical Shoe Man

oHo’s" Leaf {"Quality
Leaf 3~Style

as Saving Money

er------- -

120 FfozLt 8'tx‘ee't.


Nothing Quite as Easy

Died Last Mifbv
Marola Pasek. wtf* of Lawreao*
fknak. died at bar bom* oa Elmwood
•esno* at * o'cloek last yraalay at tbe
■f* of so yoara She lean* * bsibiod
md fra obUdrpa. Tb* foaaral will be

Slater’s House Furnishing Store

^ Wboepiny Oouyh.
aronohitie and Inolptont
Consumption, la

Mk* Uerdle of Uld Mkalea, baeyoae r
to Abb Arbor.
Mr* R. Oaee wa* la tb* el^ from >
0. L Wbitaey bM yoae to Detroit. {
C. b. Travk left yeatorday oia a trip
tbieoyhthe*oath.Cb«uaBoaca.T*aB.,, *
Aihrlll*. H. C.. Lynebbory aad New-!
port Hew*. Va. Be will loveetlyato '
timber lands, and will be yoae from i
tb* city aboat els week*.


IFnIlliiBoUII Kills of fiatlressis
From $2.25, $2-50. $3 25,
snd so on np to a fine hair at
•15 75 and $22.75.
Anything yon want in sprtnga nnd mattremm. A little
cneh sad balance on payments.

Don't Speculate

J;-K,SSi?s ♦

tTlwCHSlInlGmss i

To rvwt well asd sleep well yoa
mast have a ffood mattreM Ottr
felted cotton U the beet rntfrcn
niady for the money- We goaisntee it not to bancb np. A oottOD
mattress is the aoftsst mattrcw
made if they do not booeh np. and this is only one way they
$mn be made so they will not bunch np. 1 sell them for $7.75,
IK75 snd $9.50. They are jnst the thing tor s folding b^—
Yon can fold yoor bed without any Ironhle. •

Little Hats—BfDdA -


UniOD St.

All the eerie* of tb* Preebytoriea
aharoh wUI be b*ld today, moralay
nsdoraatoy. laMoatoyaeBall, IH B.
fboat *1*001. It k oepeeially daelred
Iknt all member* of tb* eharcb aad
dseyreyeUnn aboald b* proeiat. aad
strapyefB will be cordially welaoot*.

ThMo will b* a meetlay of tbe TypoyraiAleal Uahm la Mcmtayae BaU mt
aix o»eloek Mnday evoBiny.

Carnation Pink
and kwUs Ruaca

Jacob Furtsch,

WUl be Meld Xadby Jb Moatayo*

riven partkalar atwaUoa aad atady to
tkalaadof thaHUa. Daroytkeeammor of l«M be epeat two OMOtbi ia tb*
Britkk Maaeam. WbUe pottainy bk
lamtiyatioa* there be w*a eleetod an
Amoelate of tbe Victoria laeUtate."
aad atao a membrr of tbe Loadoe So­
ciety of Biblical AKfawaloyy. Mr.
Thompeoa i* aa eloqaeat epeaker.
Tbe Jaekaoo OlUsea.
vMay on
tk* loetora. etid. “Tb* dieooarae wae •
brUUaat eflort aad held tbe oadlvldad
atuatioB of tka larye aadlaao*.'’

, Latest

Oeod Find of Wild Beney.
J. and B. Wheeler, while oatUpy lo^ |
afew dayeayo lorP.MorrieoaatAayell, i
felled a tree wbleh etraek a etob, tarn-1
bUof that over, aad la the ytnb tbe i
otoaad about ?S pooade of
It k a bill for the reUet odtbeee people
Md will beylD to taraleh reveone
Immediately after ,he peeeay*. No
Ornah Hdta—Bends.
pipe/ yenhdy MetpMl laadble lor early
Mllef. Aa ritoarioa of ;onr latoraal
fnraaac *y«iem whereby aa already Oe TheyHrtlMk VntI
Yon win eee many of oar Hewbarlay
sailed apoB w pey e-priee for their arc- Style Nvwlead H*U wora »boal
•MlUee Isereaeed bryoad their power day eveolny »ru>r *opDer. Tbooof parehaec, woald have; beea tmpito- *»ad* of them *tlil to cbooev from
alv*. Porio Rico raise* three prloelpel Will yon be eezt? S. Head* A Co.
SfOp*. *ayar. ooffer ead tobaeea Tbi«
Brown Hste—Sends.
MU eimply rcqalr** the soyar importan to ooatrlbuie a duty, that k IS par
SSSV ottheesUtlnydvty. for (be *rSSMea of eebool booee* aad tor public
Improv emeau oa the Uland of Paerto
ffkP. Coffee oome* to frra bow aad
WUl coatlna* to eome to fm. Tbe
Aaly oolleeted la onr eoattoeaui port*
; se prodneto Imported from Porto B oo
Is eoyreyated aad aet apart for tbe
baeefit of Porto Bleo, aad the dniy I
SBllaeUd ta Porw Rico port* yoea tor
PMto Bleaa beaefile.
When price opportunities

Rev Payette t. Tkompeon of Jaekm, wiU leetar* oa tk* above tkom*
M Miecad M. S. eba^ tomomw

Heobansn U heviny a raa oa msd
doy«. Tb* aaiborltie* paeeed aa o<d*r
rrcinirlBy all hoy* to be moulsd aadrr
peaeUy of belny eboi oa alyht. Slnee
tbet time foar doye have ebown f WrhavsjBDi r
ermpu>a* of reblee, two dyioy aad
Daisy Queen.
I VO belay *bot.

N. E. Stroay retaraed tram Oraad
Rapid* y**tord*y.
W. C. Browe wbo wa* lajarod oa tb*
M- A H. B. reeoatly, k rapidly ooaraieoelBy, aad k aklo to Ml ap.
Praah Ellbora* of Oedar. k la the
Mr. aad Mra. D. P. Boale of Hortbport were la the al^ yaotorday.
Jabe Novotny of Mortbport, k la U>*
city on baalaem.
U. A. M*yar of Rapid Oily i* at ta*
Mia* Lettl* Marvin ha* retaraed
from *il*U with frioadt at Old MU■Ion.
Dr. and Mr*. Uarear retaraed yeater
d»y from Aaa Arbor, wber* Dr. Oar-,
aer b*e boea Uklaya «peelal ooarae >a

Yon Can Roll These Up
and-Conr Thom.......

Or BeTos^ Oaataxim of Bnaoea

Baaber Moam a Bobber.
J. B. UameoB. oaebkr of tbe baah of
TboreviUe. Ohio, bad beea robbed of
beattb by a ocrloac laay troabl* aaUl
be tried br. Kiayb New Diaeorary tor
OoeeampOoa. Then be wrote: “It 1*
tbe beet medielBe I ever nted ter a
Betooded ObrUtlaa
•evare oold or a bed caae of laay
tronbia I always keep • bottle on
bead.- Doa'teeSer wlthoonyh*. mid*,
lytorlen 0. B. Socioty.- or any throat, chest or Inny troabl*
To lb* P
We wUh to mead oar eympetby to when you eaa b* eared eo eaeily. Only
Dd $1. Trial botirle lo ernia
yoa In the yraat lorn *n*Uln*d by tbe
fir* in roar beauUfal ehurch. aad eatrad to yoa a oorditl invitation to at­
tend oar aoMaty and-ioak* yoar bom*
Biff SatB—Bnodn,
with ueantU yoar demey* my be re­
paired. C-l. Hinnhaw. Preeldanb
Priandi 0 B. Society.




Snt mn nr nnn nt mVntm


New Spriog Mattiogs are bandsome—15c to
35c a yBrd.
New Ltaoleums, Lace Curtains.''etc.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet aad Clotbiag House.

Leaf 2-Quantity

Leaf 4--Price

It is good luck these clays to be able to gci just what you want in your shopping. Our
dry goods and clothing departments are constantly
unpacking the latest attraction^

Silk Fringes


.Ai^ the all important ileum in tb*- pres­
ent style of dress trimmiiiff Silk, in one ami two
Knots, add the CheniUe fringe, newest d-signs,
50c to $L(X) the yard.

.Are the popular fabrics. Never so many
handsome designs, ^e stripe* in all oombina-.
tioDs of colors. Although all cottems have ad­
vanced. we ll sell them at Nc, 10c. 12^ and 15<-

Black Taffeta

Brocaded Silk

.Just nnpackoil some of the finest silk
ev.-r. sold at this remarkable prlco*-T-it' thq yard
*il im-hee wide.

Uot a splendid bargain that to close goes
at 42Jc the yard. 20 iiK-^.yide, Have some
other bargains in silks/ Ask to see them—
They’re sure sellers.

White Quilts.
Some of the finest iiualities shown. Hem­
med, neady for me. One style F>Ss7i» weighs
20 ouni te, .-iOe- other grades $1.<KI. $1,25. $1 V,
$2 DO. The fringed quilt with four inch fringe
sell at $l..’iO aud $2.00.

White Skirts
The Hni-st whit*- inuslin skirts. All sixes
and diff. rent make*, s.11 (r..m DOc and $1.00 up.
badies Night ftubes, some splendid garments
left, sell fmni r*h- U> $2.m). '

Honest Prices-Honest Goods





“What style of tie shall I wearf is al­
ways ansaered here. We have the very swell
eat things to show, from 25c to $1.50.

A line tbaPsa tine—all sixra simI kinds
of miterials -Kersey's, Beavers, Plash. Ossslmeres—25i- for some styles, -50c for others—
You ran spend 75c or $1.00.

Men Dse aa many of these as the ladies
and require as many* Btyles. That's why we
have aocb a apltmdid aaaortaient. 5c buya' a
good one. 25c best yonVe seen for tbe money.
Tliaae hem stiched, embroidered ones aell up to



' New styles snd shapes, all tbe time, and
we show them among the first. One hnpeetion
and you wear our ooUara. We*re closing oot
some 20c and 25c at 10c, three for a quarter.
They won't lartlong.

Tbe HaDDah ILay Memotile Go.




» ooNoeNseo NEWS I ^ J

Wife of the »ow/i dkppoiBlod ^advo
Died rtaMealr
OF MIOHIOAH I bttor. «M v»r7 bWrUy <
brofTMt vMj'.Mmc the awbw
Ka)as»f-«. Her^SolCra. Baotr F.
: U o4d Use bMd mesSeeereee. wife el ttie aewty appnlated
SanaCtmdallTW7of mU*bM bmm '''
A M Bmoot. (^olbou I Loeen ol daadsv are MMiwd ot« JedCeol tbd Ualied SUUi Coart of
Appeala,died here Ttrj eaddealp to>»'■»
f'-'T dap. dbe wee di peart cld aad wee
Wj —iBood. lirtoya—e w. —» the Creaoool'bead la FbewiM' bell.
iaoat ia the loeal Ohrieilaa telfMadaaewaee lor * elet aad wlro;
Aa «eeUo« procre.
»W» at aoetehareb Beeldee harbeebaadaha
latmoE fc, B,*o'sh(»e*e»ohtobera.|the »eeUf.fof the I. a O. T. 4aot Uaree three deophu^





Moaday ai^t tba Baat Stock oobpaay will bapta a WMkb oapartBaat
la tba Oity Opera Boaaa la a repariolra
of popalar attraeiloM. Tba amaaa
meat lorlap pablie will be plaaaad to
apaia praat Fraak Taeker, who bae ao
maaytlBea dclipbMd theatre poera
If the ooBpaay aa aaebaapa aayt:
Be tbea bmU e elroalt« the eUt aad, aUrbi la ebarfo of Jaax ■ Paraar. The
■Tba Bnat Stoek Oa. laat alpht pnwtra feaoe fro* tho bare to U|c beek profra* aeat hatardap oroalaff wUl
“Pa." said Hi.bby. •‘teat-Uer told na •aatad tka taapbaUa wmady -’Wbaa
Of the far*, a dUlaaee *f <*etik wtinil (odn) Uint lieorpe WaablopBin Wtta’a Away" to a Urpa aad aatelf aUla aad loaad bo oeald talk
lU work of tbo SroBM at tbo Proo- toa dklii't coi d»wD ibe rberry tier.”
aadlaaoa at the Ctty Opera
"OMu'i. b«-> r' Mid Mr. I'auaUck.raadUp. Be aleo eoald talk froo4 Maaon bylerlaa cbarek .yeatorday wao awot
Mr. Taeker playlap the eoBody
that sluiidy 4t>DBnus my reTboyworooorrodwUh hot -tVHI.
to the taek oad of the far*.
aierfc of Itir oIIkt ultibt. wbea 1 eald lead aad whoa that U eald It’a aaodlem
The iarreel al* Woo o*or ^roofkt ooFoo whUoatwork.
to add tkat tba aadlaaaa waa k^t la a
UBi ili«-y
My or do.
Daeaoae Oa*p. Mo. mt. M. W. of A.
l••eatb Bataa wao pafokaeod by E.
troaaiart to ftalak, aa be atUl
For liuuiw-r.
WllUnui Tell. Tlie
9. Plereo fro* U. Bafdoa, who lie* will Boat la rafalar ooeeioa Moaday »Bly tblDB ibel uude lilm celebmiCKl bat bte prlatiaa aplaador la eoBady.
Ola aUat aortbeoeUa Alleraa jeoasty. mlfbt la Moatapa*
was Bhootinc an apide off his eoD'a Tba ooBpaoy piraa a ooaUaaal yartor
for iaIUatloa. A brad. Thai ail iwdAred blm to errry
The Woo Maoand 70 fool wlkboot a
.LNowaltaatthabUl ia laWr
ebibllsli Iwan as a »on of nedUeval
Uab. aad Mr. Bocdoa wUl raalfee 7.IM
Buffalo Bill or old llawkeye.
-Vow ■paraad wUb aparkUap apaclalUea "
iMt of loBbor, aet laeladlac U* wIbTMiarday WUIla* Oeavai baalbd eia they (e-.
(ell as
. _______
he didn’t sbooi at nay apBlan. Wbleb will aBoaat to oODelder. ^ lope to Baitaar-e bUI. tba appro- pie. or hhle any arrawjja^
lie Walton' eseoUaateompaay will
aWo la etoto wood. The tree ^ tS pate boiap 3 ;m feet. Tba lopt wore to 'kill (lie<-. tyranu had I slain my
eat tba aaeeaaefal pUy -‘Side
boy.’ Th-eefon- he U rwleUratnl for
foot la dtOBOter at tba halt, la baaladfor J. K. Wilbal*
Traetod"at Stataberp's tiraad Opera
oattl^ the Iroo two owaiBO k beet
’enious tMH-niise BcaeacwTocadayoeaaiBp. Mareb U.
Tba rapolar Boatbly baeloaB meat
lap of the C. B. of the Cear'er-tloael he didii'l M> anyililnK ntx.m Molly The Icadlop role la lO tba baada of Mr.
Kiark's Ik-Iup a a l.inw toiilplH.
The Blmer Wallen i brother of tba aatbcr
etaareb will be bald la the baacaaotof Ki-Olcli irirl—I forpel hi-r tmpie—I
BearpfMnoa. ocwl 11. of Oodlllac.
tba abarob Monday ovonlDp.
nions iNN-auae
didn’t hear tlx' plp<a and be U ereolwd with balap «r<t
haeplaadraUty loetealiar abfnt aiou
Dnrlap 'tbe pnntolpht Bonlbe 4. W. al I.mhnow. .tlid now (he prvat Boraabletbaa dale Waltm blnaelf to
worth of lacrlBC ehala* holo^plar to
«Je<»risr didn't <•((( down euy clierry portray the ebaneter of Horatio .\erata
Bobartoon. bow ia bU 77ib year, bee tree. »r have anv link- iiulohel. o
the Ormad Baplde * ladlaaa robd.
bnill the wood work iooeer 100 cnskata to his faiher's iirui-. nold.or je-r- BooUt. the leadlap apirit of tba piacr.
J. C. WUeoa of Pratt Ltki aeai
form any of ih«o«- *dd hallowed feair
at H. L CerUPe ceakoi fantory.
Lwwoll, while throwtap dof^o oobm
Thni u-osi In make %\» want tn kl<-k
It, of
H. A. Vounp.
loMlto bio botoea loaad two ooaipUU
apaata tor Iba Matropolltta li
• Itui. |ui." Mid m.Ul.y. "he eooMn't
atdto of partly wore *ea’e olatke hid ter from bit attoraaya ia Pittebnrp.
Co., waa la tba city yeatcrday la e* atell a lie. muM her'
daa aadw the bay. Mr. Wllko eaye atatlop that fjoweaataia Broe . with
“I don't know, iiiy l•o^.■’ said Mr.
whoB be bed hU ooniromray
raiihili'k. "I nexer beard (hat he did territory ombraoee upper Mew York.
Ih^ look like prleoa rlothee joad
thlaba eoBo raaawaye muet here potaioee ahippad to tbam. are ready to tell, nn.v hliBsHf- Bui llil* fan aeeiiit Canada, Michlpan and WiaecaalnU>
InsjilnieaiUe tbeclaln-lQ fell aad be releaa.'
ohaacod oalu la bU bara.
e xery aide effuns li
ed fro* jell. They are atlll In p
|A Fieadiab Auaek.
Mia. J. A. /.I
awaltlap trial oa tba ebarpe of ooaboo booB aoqaltud la eirealt eowrl of
;;Ab attack was lately made on C. F.
tbo aharpo of tbo larooay of
the uiii-xpeet- Oolller of Cherokee, Iowa, that aearl:
Htawart Wordaa. wbo Urea
prored fatal. Iteai
ooatafalBC noarly btou fros M ee Mar
'aekpotso lame ee
Klooley. wataararely froEin roeeaily
A man's reiN-uiami- Ik alxvays slatba A. Uerton of Bowell. a
lont preat pain, nor ait In
wbUaaodnrtbeiDfleeaaaal wo sncb ren. -at iHe Umi-.
AlMoa oollopa. Mre
propped by cnabir na Mo
Tillof hom-siy l« alwa.vs aore. remedy helped him imtU be tried Elec
It la ooelal aad Utarery elrelea wbUkay. Be atartad borne fro* Klapasliiw.
trie Hitter* wbleb efleeted aneb a woaM Albloo. and the trial baa itbaeted lay. bnt bit eutkar opaet. aad wbea Inn It’s
t(»no- men an- b»iu fiM*llsli and some -terfel ebaape that be writee be feelr
Baoh attaatioa. 1’he praeeatloa did frwad hie haade aad feet' ware troaan.
like a new man. Tbla marrelons mi
Mm. Hart CMk will aatartala t a aMilexi- r<K>ll>lik^ 1'.' relline li> loYi'. cineeures beekaebe and kidney tn>u<
wot preesat a ainmc eaae. MlBOertoa
K.irs>-'f“ln<-M 1» iln- nwult «t the
be pipe
WeClfled that ebe waa tryldp oa
Mabet la a etoee M AlMoa aa4 UM bar orpaa food eomBiitoe tomom « alterM4-D -.........
ffollar a nion m»|oln-» hr wants two,
pataa ea a aettee. Wbea aha waatod noon at *:3Do’clock.
taaaelt.1^ pone had diapppoared.
Dlriatoo Mo 7 of the pipe orpao food Ooliars m»n-.
Unipn Made Hats—Benda.
H..m<* hoi.-l <-l.Tli orlitluaUKl
Mre /. aunarBaa waa the oply other eoBBluai win be aatariatoao totbr rx-uiiirk. "Tlii-iv U always rxwiu ntj
onatonar la tba i
L at the morrow afternoon by Mm. Doekarar and
the lop."
tina and after aoBt daya abai«
Mn. Morpae at the boma of tbs forIII ..r.l.-r h> smvtHHl a man almiild
raatod aad beaod erar for ulaj.
tmx-r |ilci)t>' Ilf piisli. 'liui BuuirUuii.-. a
Wbilodolapahom^ropad Lba drop
There will be a meatipp of the Ba- pull iirijr. him olilotoroof B. M. Ulaaa. of Benny. John mil Clerks' U .i-w tomorrow ereolop,
X ml.'
Falser took a pood drink of earbolie la tba C S F -k Hall
aeld mlaad with brandy. tb(aklnr it
There will be a meetlap o' the I’ni
I n'rils..
Many n
waa eyrap- 8a walked to al doelor’a form Btak. KulpbU of Fyth ax Tnee 111- wants
•Sea aad back aaitbaa died.:
day ereelnp. Tbere will be tl rue can utiH'i: i.Niii U-lls him lii.tlo It.
,\.> iii:iii ur xxxilnaii >' ■Ill affol'il til ImThere are throe Ualrenltydf Mlebl didates f>r initlatlnn. and all memban
For say ciKir»<, <>ut ainn'
w-lirti tlii-y .-.nil
w-llli..m msMi i;
paBalemelaiMadiar lenarqs at tbi are rcRaealad to be prexrat.
n..nli Mo
a., llnh- null .«
Ualrenity of Ijwlpslr dnrlnp (be win
I liBve irixd a
i:ix.' til- It'll.- .\iii.Tl.iiii iixlall.x n.-ws
lar ermsatar of isRtt 1» 0 ^hey an
1II..I I..' will
I«»|s'r ali.t
Pebe B bautoer of TraroraeC ty and
PKW.- nifikx- I'H'i—II
ft' lioiM.' iiiixxxli.-i.- on
MlB Meita W. Bsfluar of tb« lltaiarr
t elaee of isbt. aad MIm Arnea M- Miaoa
d> |.<aoih.-a'
M III xronta a wifr wiili.iui e
Ijiity l'.Nlrlhi aixl Iwd;
maimp" toiHi III- ux>iil.l<- urisi-> Jroiii ihi'
uuikr a |mis||iu>- a.f (h.t
of tbo literary elaas of law.
•'i> xx.iio:iii xxHiils u ti.ull
mi nt of ihx-lr KlH-ilaml |*un> farm.
Olaroaor. tba U year old aoa cf Wlat
fnii.L P Uhiik. f..n.»-r of •*’*' '’’''•'••'i
F. Ooek of Maowa waa oat' baoilap
ilililrpo nern helonpM
wbaa tba paa which be earrieid waa ac
to Ihx- Oitsluol Klml«-rlx-y mlin'. «nd
alAaataily dlaebarped. and the fall lisliin.-nl
thlswxss s.N.ii .•x.uvxTH-«l Ini', an enor­
It .-..sis >4 l<a..4SS> a >.-ar l» t.ialiitalD
ohaipe weot Ibroapb bU rlpbt
mous lioli'. xxh'.-li has ;n-.-u •■Sl.-mlisl
the Ixxoi.l.x fom ni.xal iNilm-x-s of Kill.
-until l.oW it Is JllN.ilt I.U*' f.-Ot >I<N'|I.
aaklap ampaution aeeaMiry Just
I Imye come lo the coiitN-i«r Wlliii.m tInxKiKlioiii lb>- (Ix-rniati
Thetllanmnilsi-on.i' iu xil.nt an- kn-.wn
low tba elbow.
as -|.hs*' tun .lou'ii ihn.bsh
clnsiou that -*c will buy
Moaalaa are reported at e'l plseaa la ' The Ihimlas fiisili- c-stuli- iu Ki'k. the l»)ors _«! slijijo.__________
UiImI. xxlii.-li f.s s.’Xrral •-••iiti.. i.-- na4
a ,fir»l i-laaa, delicioot
, tba etata, aearlat fever atn«. dipbtheria the |.r..|N-rty of ili.-ii-ad x.f ll..- Inmil.x
A Card.
at la aad aamllpoa at I
of Inni.las. has iK-m mHiI to a t'lnslx-x
We. the aaderilpaed. do hrreby
Biiittk^ Irry one and yoB
apiwe to rsfnod the money on « &o-eent
Mn. Oatbariae Bellar of Clyde towo- lll•■r•'llM^l for anT.'sisKi.

I Used
to Pay 10c

5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoker

Alp.St.CUfrCo..ialoekad pp la the
aaaaty JtU on a cbarpa of <^elty
aalBala. ItUalle/ed that Mrs. Hel­
ler bad terribly aeplaeied her cattle,
BOtprovldlBp thcB wltb falter or
proper toed, and Meenl ar^ eald to
hare died. TbaoSlaen bare raoeived
aoBarooa oontpUlala of ai^ taiap
oaplaetadio tba ooentry. abd^uarar tka aeaBeary arldaBoe afS^ba ob
talaad wUI praaaeota to* otepdera.
Foltowiap the lead of all; tba oollapas and maay of the foremoat aeaAamlea, the Uiehlpan MUltor^acadamy
feaaadopW sceolarsbip ratais poTamn
lap Bemberabip in aibla|e
Boraatier aay cadet who falj^ to matala^ a fair 'paminp avaratoe la bU
•i' alodlaa is utelpibie to pla| ia aay
U,—-^Bateb or p^iec paoMB mUI dadeihas beee made pood.

X *

TbrwyoaEpboytla WestlBay City
ara aader arreat eharped wiU eiippllap a Mn:hipao Oeatral eaplae by ateaT'
aoma brasaes rained at Piou ; Tae boys
bAbU itaair peUt and aay tbc^ sold tae
Biaffw a aaeoad band poob dealer,
bat be daalae bartap bad koy boaiaeaa
inllW" with tba boya.
A poeallar ooiaeideaea poam
«tU tbs death of Wtlllam Horton
Ibn boiler exploaloo nt Tpn^nU baa
bMB made paMle. Hw d^Ur ia
*arrte* and Urea at Boebo^ "

lo ilie wntlenfOreeoe's Warranted Symp of
w ill never pay lOt- for a
hi.N-k ,Tar If H fails to care your eoerh or
also pnarwntee a ts cMt
eik^r again.
.niifl.- aclil.-x.-toiiii. sr.- iIkw ol fri. wtie to peore waKsfaeiory or moner
f.-s-oi U•N'■llt.-l. ami
Irefueded. K. A Walt Kophee A
s.-r..ui. ot
folk (ii ltx.siou btirp.4aa Q. Jobnann. F
liHx.' aienml (ditiis to >.l.-«-rxx' .In- IianIi .aoa
• ■_______
aiinlx.-rsa.x of llii- l.litli of lUmuMltiw I
III HMtmi II. MAiT 'i l.e |»-i-l« ofj
I'orthiii.l. Me w In.• in' iixin..’
A mar me eollbmn <.| l«o freight
alll al-Ki >t-ti.|.in(<- iln- xialx-.
train* on theOrand Baplds A Indiana'
A WnIi rn.m Hiilxilir.
t rwllroad about f<wr-wlle« aouth x f Cad
tVi- i.i.ti.n- ilmi jsi.ui.x-i ll.iiTv Still lilac Friday ereolnp canted tixe delay
a.-II K,.lxwir.l-. ..r Ma.-..1I Uu> l~i-n iip-.of bJI tfatteand a preat dinlrucUon of i
, ,,, •. . ^
pi.lniMl |N*Tin»-ii-i- ■••r tlMi ihrixlne „„
Of a i
tvl- ........
llr..H.. r K,l
'<e*ersl of the .rrew narrow-* tbirf
what «
wsi.U, I«!.- .......... . I? eacaped with tbelr liras. A wreck j ers ebarpe for
'"It -Jben If
!■• stifiiin:
n’t rtt
Imxe tmin wa« cent from Cadillac and the job Un’i
rtphi. do the rlpbt tblnp.
X |ll>•Hln|• i.ixx-nni ilix-BlII ,
a from the north and sonib •lewM—bring them back
.. an.I 1ii>. sm-x-.-.
417 110109 SLI nesr Kih
It.- It... a.'.xm.m.'i.i m.iy uiFlenuel Hate—Benda.
lowK U. Urn |.rfxll..i:.- x«f l.iijin-.■*»ttn b _____

Give Me
Your Shoes

tIHt flit .x.-.-»iJ..n*il ynni x.f i-itl ta|-t----------—--------------------------------- --------------

fli.-tv. Up luxx.- x-x.i.-d f..r ilml |K»lar
fh-i- fn.m Ktin n|. i<i si.iulx.uii. xxe luii>hullK nN.liml it ilffr-i-liiilUii.-lx. iHuI
i-nrx>-<t i.iir tutilul* »i. th--. mJu.I.> fliul i.uiix H iitphl. wl.i-x. w<xx.-ri- late K.-tliiu li..iu>- fp.m i>ra.'.-r
luxN-Uiji-- MX- h*xx- «h-|ii mill- x.-rnniln
will, fl uiell luur for it pillo
tVr'onlil ki.iM'L
xrHMx’l. IsNiks
iHum-nilMsI wiisiiar:
r.s-«-nl •TIlKiory of the Ijiie
tVflr" X
klll.Kl i.iorx. nii-n than wx-irr;
■re. Ill our I
«lNM»-^n.l I
a <-xmiiuiiu>iy rfinrfl
..- .•
< t.JniuMl lie:<hli>
XWU- 111 fl
Mr.1 of y.iini:

Btitebed Bdge HaU -Benda.
m Tokaday momlnp. ooe toUinp of the
Anatb of b«r tolW and tbe ^b* from
tbnPbUlpptoB toUlnp t»r;tbnt b«r
AtOmnd Eapide (be baby em pt
•^41* bmtber bbd died Crow tovor.
iobn Moordbof <m« bwmed to death
Friday wndee rwpeciany mA elrenmWhaVa TnarFann Wo^.
■uneca. Tb-ctal c bad been left «rltb
a f. ymr old t.' nber wbo wm elek abed.
OomtiHint* a tortnne. bat'oere
wbUe tbe molhsr went tnio tbe yard
iob*«g owt iiome elotbea. It U be-,
OB Ibe aktn.-all alrnca of lirar trunt la.
BoiDr. KlBf’s Mew Lie FllU jpive Ueeed that the baby rl-t lo pot come
-Cl*r Skia. Hoay Coack*. Kxeb Com wood In tbe atom. Tbe brother eaw j
pten.oD. Ooty 73 eeats al 4es.
hf*nllt-np by the a de of the etoee i
4ebn*>n aod h. E Wsm's dnw nto
■viti. bU elotbrs aSrs.aod m-t&d oat to!
noiifrtHe mother - Sbs rac ia, bat
SsFd Foniiasdst thb LlM* Tat' o-ly'n 9ad ths c^ild dead. Tba body
*an very bidly blend.
mi ____________j


Oray &At»—BeDOe.

Bav Sdge Bat»-Benda


i Not On
I Your Head-No man wants anything but a
comfortable •' derby bat on hta
head—No man geu "an nncom*
fortable one from our L. & H.

New shapes just in —

brown or black.

I Hummels
i Crushers ^Fedoras I

Arc known by all weafers of good
hats—We arc fortunate in show-


ing their line soft hats—-Just for


an idea look at our window—
More shapes and colors inside More on the way.


End munt m il them at once to make room lor apring
flloek. .Cost not ooniridered tbia time.
sector Jackets—Thb toke* in an aa»iiment valnen up to

' $.>.ua.
$3.68 for Jackets—An anurtmt-nt which nold at f7 UO, $9.00
ami 9H.00.
$7.48 for Jackets—Valaen op to 115.00.
Look tor other big hargaini in thin department, at'





k Few ot the Choice Things Just Received—

, 111 pattxTDs x>f Velvet—
20 pattx^DH of Itigraiu.
Stair carpeta, velvel and

prvfty line MoxjUx-tU-s.
A liiix- line of Hasaocks

large and choice line.

Cloak Department.


Roswelle Hats
Complete line, botirBtiff
and aoft—^1 tbe lateat
Htybw and abadea.



Dress Goods
and Suitings
All tbe lalesi products
of the loom.

Ultra Shoes
A full line - All lailii-a
should see them — Fine
filters—easy wearing —
uicsi etylish anti nij-tGdBte--$;i.5«»

and Satins

Almost endless in variety
and imtteras.

You cannot find a m<Hv
complete line
thing or anything yon

R & G Corsets Flannels
You cau’t find a better
or nicer line anywhere.

They have no superior.

All tbe light and delicate

Tbx'ar are only a few of the many new tbinge we bare in
•lore for you' New goc^ arriving eveiy day-

The Boston Store



W gim tf TH£ 90Mtt
/f $gm trggitt j(

tteppad o« fbr a moBrat U oaatek af a


tag tP Aneikor teif*

lyiap brra te my kMw?

Bw hmai ewv atU D(


T«rk JawMt mf

M«<a PriMMoa. S J-



bTyTp. C.. am.
Braoiayaoreloa 1:00.


—Mtad hto hoUaMwiU (wwrtaU'

tka two oatflaaMla wOl aat a larya

or.J.a 0M>a. FBMr..
■aeteB hold la Or^ halt
•bm 10 MB


ThOBO-“Tho I

■aaaay acaon B» • • »

Ito ««Mo. •rUt Mfikday.






-rdUU, Urtua ••

ba»« a tfmtj wmm laBaatk Africa
Lady LaatM Hadaliaa Tayka dial at
IPooMaah. Oaaalr

toad the aarlMa.

KIHhuF- Fr^Bay

taP-tortile, eaaerMoraiay aerrloa atl0:W a- a. Ha
1000 wVX ka
MiSbara aboald ba pr^tBraMi*- tka aiykt kafara tka batUa af Boat aadlally iBTlud. SerttaMllka
Walarlao aad yirdad aa tkaDokaef ena of tba eartae oe tbe eplrltaal Ula
Saaday School at It a.
WalUartaa'a award wkaa ka alartad

dka *aa a daafbtar at tka

Dakaof BtekMaad





lar tka AaU of baUla.
.tyofCkrUUaa Bo-

TkaadTiMkmv of adUlay a oaalar«Ma of tka aaaltary oCiawB tkroafMat

daaror at i p- a.
Y. p. 8.C B ali:**P-B.

tka Ualtad kiataa to aoadider waya and

At 7 p a will ba tke aialoaaiy
aaaM gt keaptay tka boboale playaa proyraaoB Japaa. aadar tka auaploae
Inm raaeblay tkla eouBtry U belay of tbe Brldya Bolldare. Tbe proyraa
«ryad opoa tka aatboriti« at WMbiay

la aoawar to a latter aaat by Dr.

pleaee be in tbe etudy for tble eerrloe.

Kayaorda. baalth eosiah^ar at Cbl«ayo. W

Dr. Wallar Wymaa,



», Jue«. P«.t*r.

yenara) vf tka »ariaa boapUal aarrlee.
Dr. Wymaa aayt




________ , Cor. Oak and
Hnoday acbMl at 9:4&.

* aiooar'a koyyeaUog that k aatioMi ooo.




la April,
roaeat S:4t p. ai.
poblic woieblp, 7:00 p. B
tamoo Boralay add ar ealay by the

nbatt with bic approval

The Brtit
taaraayatheiaarderto tba Moay&an
diairiet of Mntra

Kiddle aad Botber-

Uad. BHbth ooMBlMlewara wbo ba«a
kaM«a«afod la




yroap »( rUlayaa tm

tka aCalr.i

aUlayon karabaaa

Slaty of tka




kooaaa kara baaa baraad.
Tka MoWU KayiaMr r^*ad tka toI>
lowlay tnm tbair Batiaaa oorroatMtak

*^be public are oordlally larilod to
all tkcM aarrloaa

iaiau-katloa of

thaBarBMCbloaaa boakdary. kaa oaptarod tka wbola

«> a. aatel>rr7. Peeler.
Oiurcb oo eoraar of Nloth aad Wadawortb etreeta.
Suoday aarrteaa are aa foUowa:
Proaobloy at 10:Wa a.
Proaeblny at 7:00 p. B.
Midweek prayer aaetiay at 7 p. ax.
All are lorltod to tbaae Boatlaya.

-I bare laaida latomiatlOB that

«kara la to baa




tka lalaad


baaa a yraat daaMod

tbare kaa


lor apart, eta-

A apacial to tka Barald froa Wub-

dlatraaa la

Porio Bieo oaaaad by the


Saoratary Boot, by dli^t-

loa of tbo praaldank baakatborUed the
oaaof H.tu.ooq roataUlay orar Iron
tbaamaryeaey toad.
of a

The March mayaripea ara ozcoplionPreaebloy at 10:M a.


and at 7:00

^ Cttie BMUny at 9:45 a. in.
Sunday aebool at U:45 a- m.
Bpwortk Loayue at 6:45 p. b.
Tbunday-Oaaonl Pray« nxeaUay
‘yjj &r“l«lr. -Tbm Ul. ol Ohrl.t...




hooaa i eomaoltta

rr.j. A-Pfwrfr. »~«or.
Sunday—Proaeblny at 10:80 a. ax. aad

Tba bill U daatyaatod to aid la

*'a j»^l* lBTlutlonto tbe publleto
attend all tkeee eerrleea.
RRAQt (apiac»PAL)cai'aca. •
cr. caaA T. Biaut.
Oomar Waabinyton oiroat aad Board-


roBkla keblad ike

‘MA”ii”^erTioaaad aarBon at 10:S0

«aaa-la la tka Iroe Moaataln Blaa. aad
* £>ly CoBmanioB at 11:U a b.
Sunday School at UB.
tkat it would uka aar^ days loayar
Tbeepeelal muelc .arraayad for loot
te reach the bodlea. aa the iBpriaoaed Sunday evening aad poatpoaad oa Mraen Baal be dead by tbia ttma Tba count of ibe atorm. will be given UU

oxparlaaoad Blaare are of tka oplntoo

flva Diao wbo bare bean Uben out t


maa yailty

York auyl^te
of diaordoify

ttekllaybi^.wife'e feet.

“"A”u‘U’‘Saally InvilBl do tb...


dkudnet for

Tke boebaaf

All cbanoe of eavlny any ol the Spanlab armored crulaera eunk off Baallayo,

daelarad tbat be waotocl-bia l^iaeBUed

Cuba, la gone

witb laayblar.


urilb teara.

Be yot



Tbe Bar.

bat bleadad

for tbe woBaa

wrol iato




be aalled away from N'ep York raeaat


tkat tka Criatobal
tka beach

by tba crqlaar New York, after tbe bat­

Into deep water.

prlaoe, aoB of K>sy Qi^wayo, «
‘ reasarhabla looaiay mlaaloBary. wbea
-..,ly. to/nlulaad.

Word baa reached


Colon, whlub wee puabed on

tle which Oervera’a oonxmand, hat alld

Boaaato Coronio. a /ala

a yorg

tarbaatoaot oS bU pMrioal coat of
black, oa wbieb yllttarad a larye oraa.
•aak eat with dlaaoDde.
How-e Ttaiar
Wc oBar one kaadrad oollaia reward
for any eaae of catarrh tkat oaaaot bo
«ured by Hall'* Catarrh Oare. F. J.
Obeaoy A Oo.. Propa. Toledo. O.

Be Fooled the tlaryeoae
AU doctor! told Eenlck aamUlon of
WeatJeffcraope. U.. after euRerlny 18
BuNitbe from Rectal Fietula. be would
die anleae a coally operation ^ pwtoroxed; but be cured blnxaelf with
Bueklan'i Aralea Salve, the beat in the
world. SureetptleoureoaeanbjJtea Jaa O Jobnaoa and 8. B. Walfa
dray atorua.____________ :

BUS H>tB-Bands.
A diapateb to tbe Tempe from Copaabayvi oayalV now appaara aartaia-UMl
tke Daaiab yovernBent erlll aot accept

ky tbolr 1. _
WBt A Truaa. Wbola
roiado. O.. Wal
rla. Wbc

ff.r from AmB-ioa to aoqalro iha

DaaUb Weet lodlaa. tka kiay aad Pre­
mier Boarrlay belay oppoaad to tka
! Druyyleta.
laaa Si Mar- caaaloB of tba alaada.

Dr—yy HktP
ly. actlay dlraetly apoo--------------------------uaaeabaaarfaoeaof tkaayaloB. Prtee
7»e pa kottla. Scrfd by: all dreyybta.
JIallb Fatally Pitla are the beat


Th«y are

ad by Uw.


eUaa tka atraatt oc

yarti^ aad otkm tub aad work troaa

T« Om% m OoM i« Om Day.

dawn to BBaaot

taw WarW* tt'bite Wlae of Tar S>-n..



with tho pop


tbia time,



a moat


iMtrcMt Stock HftiB-BMda.

br branl tin' rtonii <>T u|.|.'iiiis<. Hiat
yren.-d b.-r rnirHo.V






tlM^' ar? lov.-lj


tu Iwik 1900.

'i-r. Il•■wt•ve^. te proluUly due to tho
fart that It la oaly Uit-


with B

tony purwr whi> can afford to l>oy tboBL
Sonictliiny uew In tbe U<v robee la B
Stw black ckastlUy te<w api>Utioa wllb
bnada of btecfc taSeu.allk BBlika*

Voii .-an M-anli ibr world over and fail
to liud a lovHirr ualurr.
“Muher." and br eHiiEht b.-r band te
an eaun i lurp. "you ivally miao it—you
roBrl'llI y"
Al tliMl .........
N.-ll rt..|.|H-d uut ou
"N.-IU" br .rnri. with a
juyi.UK riUK iu fair von-e. "inolbrr baa
(iveu tbi-.-<inMrBI 1 dared mil a|k,"
... ..Ml
"Ab. _____
y.Mi bnvr
bnvr IrarArd
IrarArd (u love
her. Hirii. thank. In ilir ..Id tedy‘» diploluarj,’'
*'Vi->. tuutber. I have brr Inog
anil di-i-ply.”
Ilm a. «hr bam-d turwaid to kiw Ibe
eiMwIil.-.. cirl .Null nw.Uid riou brr .-uibra'.-.
"No. ini: not yrt. .Ii-ar madein.
Klr.t hrai my <-oiifr..ion ami Ibni ma,
dtsiiii lue if yi.II will."

ItoU-n laid a pr>.|.->i<iii: hatid
su fan arm. ttuplon-d h«-r
«-r w iili iib
iiU cbimv
fril all Iq
"1 will -i.'ub. 1 will. If I
my ...iifr—hMi. Urar uia<laui. lirar me.
I am not tin ni.Ml.->t. lowly •■nmpanhm
w-bnm rmi liiivr Liinwu nud
aaniiioT. i nm an iuiinot.-r. nn iiiiio<.-nt
use. it tuny <«-. hut au imp...tor alt Ibe
-iranc-. *larHimli. m.i. •'hihl.~ in
il i»m-. "To uir ywiibnv.- Im.-ii a failbful frirml. I .-an- u-lbiiix r. >r tbr ae<-ivu

with a very liur rilk ..-r-l «iu ibe edge.
Tbrrc rxlrud lu tlu- loiiu lim-r «u UuA
widr tu u lllili- N'luw Ibr t>ii<-4-. rulUng
In a ruuud hn-p tor a lliilah. uiifl l•rluw
this U u m-rira of two lii.-l. frllte of
plain hliK'k iiiH rditpii with a lurliv of
wuTuw hbii-k h-RUZr i-ililam. Tbia cootunie te-Hboirn iu thi- lIlin-initiuD witk
■ iiuthrr iu HOc- luiv UppIlljUC III tiM
oultuu 1*0101 dVsprli un. tbr nppUqw
dtul^u ..iM-rlua (bi- rutin- akin. Itobo
dn-SM-r uf uiiu'm w-lliUK. w-lib appllua(iuUM ul Uiv for tli-rurnikiu. an- rboralixy, and ibru tbrn an- tbe new mvuaaclliioa. aim und i-ouuu infxiurcs. wlIM
variou* abaia-,1 drate-ua of nubrohlMy.
bcaldiw a' Er>-<ii tiiriny of tttie cottoB
balialc ruU-a aiiutlial ail utri witb TOrtfd ilralyua Id .'lubfoldrry.
Uur fratun- wblrb te ■llatlunly- uxaBIfi-al muuUK Ibr lirw uuiiriliila nln-udy
In aiitlit la (bi-U aufl. Uur Irkiun-. rlluginy •|UMlitli-«4ud i-ntiH' Iluiab.,, Stlg,
uu.virhllUE fal.rl.-a an- i-ulin-ly out of
Uie lUir. ami. wblh- wr luay bava
lui-ka. iilalia and xMibnw xvithuui «'Ufi
Uirr UU. Ih.-M- aiipplr uiaK-rlala wifi
aduili uf thrui uil wltliuui proilucluy
any rl6may rffn-ia.
Kv.*n tbe outtoa
dlullb-w. tewiia Hiiil |ih|iira bare a aoRvr Onlab.
Kahrlra witb ibi- cni|*r tliilab art
vi-ry polluter uiiw aud will be V017
tuurb w'urn tbroupli the i-uiulny OMiaoB.
nirn- ia a.jnu- variety, too. lu tbia aort
of Unlali, our <-a|Nw.-iBl kind IM-Iny a ailk
atid w’.Mi) iiilsiiire.
Tbr urw aaiiii foiihinla art- brautlful
^1) III ('rxtiin- and •-olorlnc aud aa
yloMi.T Htid BufFllMt Ibi-y look Uko
luuli-rbila and
w-iili-b y-Ur tin- effn-t uf a atrl|>v arv iB


i, wa. till- l..».lii-si bom

In butiouine a
ibe sre«teot
than tbe utlslakr of a lifeiiruu.'
SUenrr reicnrd fur a .. _______ .uu-Dts:
atniu L-oou-s uimii tbo fim button, na
then hurryUik fiwlMilis <-amr BP the eluded Iwi. ur thne men uf preat uleet before atti-tuptiui: to faau-u this bnttoa
Brichtlin bis .pre<-b
Mr.. Wimbrop and «n-ai liHi.-mr
wtaln i>o to Ibr Ul.
.tbe aeclittle
Krunp .uf
o: spoaeryinc. "My
l-m^-dif- IBsdr sllnrloii K. this little
opcanc up. efyinc.
__ J a
. seemed ond oite. laatly ibe (irsl.
__________________jrtwodayt .l>ed froBB tbi- baiumiwb whh
I Of F. O.
Never button one yluve vfltb tba flBqniir clear ss lu wbn was Its ac­
lad tor
lor a s|>are
tkasrar fatara, with a Ana Itea of air.^ad
yaaUamas'a anite. Oaa- Ruben's moudy recilr»ni-.r uf tb.- past tual leedvr. asd be seat tbe buase latO
a lor■ yaai
■buots uf tenphtrr hy Ilkenitic the party at the Upa of tbr tliiym to pull them
V Kqat-.......................................
to make tk«lr yea' seemed li. h
to a fh-oteb terrier be oO'.- bad. wblA off. Tqra bark tbr wriata and dnw
and -his moiber-s heart
waa au oiuall and m> aba'cay tb*t R
tbein og Inalile out. bat on no coBaldbupe when hr aDnuusisid
almusl ImpusaiUr to teil wbirb wue Rc
auyia* at
oratloB leave ikam lo tbia akape or roil
heed aud wbirb was Its UU.
Turn ikasi rtybi aide ovt.
"H* is a wdf made moa.*' BrUbt oaaa
At Iba aartteat epparlanhy Lurie bad
pa—d Into the beoae. Neviac luutber
But later on. wbea Mra.
.bM oBdar BBd b
ivdnd tar tba ttfbt. «ka

FMhiOBRblB HktB—B«ndR.

alt daya la tka

tba paWta auaraaiyara aad are protatt

liefArv. Jmi they alauy f wei-in lo be an

BOf a foallitlcil^r'/'..

Oaaeltko oaritaolybBiB Shartaa-

Baikal plaoaa of that city.

If itie rarlHy In robe drvweea already
^wrlalile*. itiey uUl Aourlab aa nevar

gn-ai favor.
NolbiiiB that tbr aprluB araiioD daof 3_..1II
......... purl."
"I.iKlro to me. di-ar martai
vrlupa lu iilllliimry tuny In- rX|Mw:ted to
.Ilia*.- fn.l ,-hhii.i:
14. Ibe ed. fi.-liUk- brr ■..Iliac.,-l.him: irwaf. l-Zrlli- UU.V K|H-<-hll aaluilialiiurul. oa
Robley D. Bvaot, on tbe Naval Service, j D«-etioK of
matter what ibi- mlxtuma. for o-rtalBn»-l pulpiiati-d MOli ii..m-rrr1 wilh lii> lutr."
•Tbe Boer War. aa Aooount from tke j *■!•««
ly fur and tnllr are ua ciin-im- ae any
iii>. ubih' Ibr
"N... nu; I will not i-l.i.-rr tt."
Alnad.v tkert
Front." la the title of a varj Intereetteg !
.Iinoii Miiuiirr.
Still tbr pl.'iido.i; v.ii.-.- w.-ni ..ii. while two matorlala <an Iw,
deaeription of tbe fiybtiny with Mexh ; g|,.atui.l bririn al.o-v ilm
thr ii.r.-tV r.-i..- H.idiod and pnlrd. aod are lognra made of rlilffon. atriped
with faury Maiin'Kimw htwlda In dlfferMrr.
I'edtvUloD at Belmont. •Gras Pan Wu- >«r.. W imbr-.p aat ..
u|h-ii In-r.
faat usui^
aad Modder river. The article te illnabrr .-iitjunri xilta and
"I a.-K-l U|«io ■iu|>nl--r vlii-ii firiU I lay Ibe-pteci- of made up feiithera. A
>r Ui-biM Liiidlibb- ahinx- tlx -iMtl.i-u mnie.1 w-iib a rii;h lo rauir p. i-.ii
I ^ai.l I will Liiow- aad win
thr oii-th.-r..f Ibr luan-I love. She WUI
ebaraetor by the aulkor.
'■ her cirlii-l. •.nup
mil r4.ii.r to iiy. hut I will e- tu b<-r. and
TbeMetlonal /.to at Waablnfton te|
Tx-ai u.^au. wliiit ,\oi
ibiiiLinv ul KmI.
. my thru rouw day. W hrn rhr lin« Iramed tu
tbeanbjeetof enteruininy treatment'
■ uir I..V.- mr i..r my .'»n aakr. I will make
Wbni will br
aanteY Ite'.i UloiitU. far bnliliiiK my ».'ufr.'i.ui. ' I- I •■•n »ay no mure.*’
-Im>iiI in tiir y.-irlil. with m-i
n) ur lUw
I aiiurr. 1
wr«-,-L I lir Ilf.' wbile bau<lr
enlartalniny. Another very latoreatiny aiiy rb»M i.f iiiilborii
Silriii-.- r<.llciwr<l ibis hri.k.-B r'lW-crb.
i.,riiy ir h-I 1.1 Uir.
article U Cole'e eayravinys of old F.a?K1..-0 my end r hm Mi-. Wintim.p » aeaiiv it •
"KlrauKr .bill!,. Imw I .1
III.- (u.uir tbia war in Klow.-inraruml omcr tbat rklllsd |
(..utMlrui-Briiux- tir-l you
Iteh maatara.
iDirr^ lull
hill my
my brnrt war full, aud .run iL.- hrarir i-f hri ll•'a^rrr.
Monaey'a praaanM aeveral payee of
ry-Di)*atb.'Iir b>-.v..ii.l any om- I bavr
--You bnv.- laid ai.-sr 4.. a in-.lbi-r'a
good matter on aaveral leading man in rv.-i kuowi., I.ii'-ir..will hr rvrr ..iitlivr brarl. I■.■^^ay•'.l h.T mo«t -uirrrd .-.infi-l*
puMte affMra at thte. time, with por- thU mad iiifniiiuti.iii? I kn-'W w.-tl Ibm driin-r. d.-sin.y.-.l l.rr fnilb io liiiui:iii aaIM-i'il.iur rh-uo-ut in a lure turr.
V»n tw,. In.M- <.-onrrin->l against
afluir. but I
■' rhr Hum.-.! f-iih. with
[|. Kr-'Wiiir
Mooae bnatiny in tbe Klondike will
take ut that *r.i
n-r.-nlmriit. "whilr I h.m- I
appeal to bnntora aad everybody etee,
of buTTor.
TbU U a good alary In Barper'a.toyath-'
, ’ Wan all my! dolBK. aami Ibi- pm.irhni'ut
or witb many other good tblnye
All areudirj in the ■u. ipl r. air."
"ITav. you rvqr wr-ii lb. BlrlT’ falter- aball l*r mine alum-."
tke above are nowon tbe abelvee of the
; In’ely.
••.Vm-I «ill 1 l«-li.-v.- in Iriilli or inn<>City Book Store
I do iiKi fmitirul ib.-nl.-r*. rrnn-aR.iin." rhr te-ib*n. hm tbr cirl dr-'
R..u-rt h:.-. «lrni(|T.' li..h<-<ni:.U InM.-r. aud ta-<-i,-.l.thi Har>-r in b.-i vol.'-. -nuebt bar
Bstended One Week.
' thry hai r l.-il bi:.. Uil» .bi.L-rruii> wu>r. kaiul lu b. r lipr ami ki.-il U.
, N». dontil «>br ir a «irrii. a'» tliry all an ."
*lj.i awny." wrakly. ".VL. .-Iilld. how
Banda A Oo. have received
~m.,r mui,,,,,. n.n -h.iuld m>i iuudrnia I have l-vn) .v»ii. wI.hI h..|■•'> 1 bare terse u*i|ut' of wiicw wblie tulle triOH
namberof yacBaee upon “Wbat wl 1
|iiv.r tirl mibminl.
Shi- pndialily rhi-ri«hi-d thi- M.imnf.rr
And ibrU, med wilh .-ili-lwrlss blos»ou»«tend a
botaanona of them pUyr fur a lhi-Ulimi.1.' Wi-imim-i all be yU-idins to iminiKr. rUr put In-r anna
Banda do nest'
terse Iww aud l*aml >*r lda<-k panne at
ate.HI the Lin- litis fienrr i.nd Imrsl iuto
offer tbe oorraet anawar of tbe query born lu tbi- piiritli- of idh-iir-s."
one aldf la oue uf tLi- aiuuutos novel•q..uck-. yon nii«lnkr.
It I. uut tbat, tearr.
U..UUOIU. op.i,l„of lb. .«W
I. my i-bild.
*H dr te-lirtr in yuti. .bihl." -be Kuhbrd. tUw.
envelope In tbe Br>v>iu> ofliae oontolnTbe sfiftli-ula is one,of Ibe favorite
nb'iulil not fiT-l tbr s
hut an ar-.‘-BOd 1 funrivi- riu- d.-r*i.ii-in that baa
flowers of Ibr tiiuiin-ut. as te tbe violet.
tauebt MW a inui-b mi-d.-d li-«-«in."
Iny the eolation, avU! ba azlaoded
Tbe lali->l hale txave rather a high
And thr hivrrr .
week. tbia vilir»» Olhera wbo have,
n.ay bavr a .te-«rt.-dsikniwa. with In-'it
antall mund i-mw-o rix-ln-led wllb corda
Mxt yet tried a ebanaa to give a yneaa
b*::;:' mi'd 1 o.X— Hu-m-n Hiiiti:i'ior tucks and perhaps mvered with a
for tbe prteea of fUfSand W. All MarTtec-with a Wjnthri.p mun a
-------------------------------BPtwork. banrtiuadc. Ru saya the Near
meat baaeatln before lo'oloek leniirtaiii.n 1.. a airl ..f rtera. but A.fcw Briabi awd the Uitir rev t>a«.
Vort NiiB. fn*iu wlik-h are reproiioead
uirdav Btebv at which time tka »*«■■'
»!"■ rr«Hw» «h»: 't t"'-*"* iwr**ri<bt ws- b.-.,i l.spi.v .,u,v m do«.ribthe UJustrutIuns here slvvn.
_____ erty sBdvstwinl'-iFa, .hr will ibmw
erty tec a ivrtate MD.nll pany uf, U»M-ral mweavelope win be opened.
' Urn
him ..rrr
..Tpr wiib..Hi
wiib.iiii a ranc- Bi-iw-r a f.-w *«de. wfa.. <lr«-nrd Otedsi.m.-te-,-aus.-of
thr pour boy bis crral rttuit l.i4nf 1 uu.-h.'i- thr wurkmmilbt i>r brartbn-ak fi

toe. 6. C.. la a tak of kaaaarda wkloh.
•traett aad aUaya. aad partloalarly tko

««M AilBtt’i Bkrttc


............... .................

iiiuatrated I

ma la an ezeaptlonally readable work

talopa pralria ahlcbaaa, yrooaa. quail



apon to equip foreign‘railroads

aklpBaal by pot baatora of door, aaaad all blade of yasa.


^^Mid^ook prayer meetlny. Thotaday other good article te fumtebed by Oapt

Moal Importaot faatare of tba maa
lo eapplaBaaUi.c tba aute yama

the ateodpolnt of a akllled yenaral and 1
-Nor- aml a -irancr Itiitod arr.«a
ttrateyliL The aama number contains brr flow n-Iik.. fa.v: tln-n i>i n Imrrt ..f

and appropriate at

«ko raatoraUoa of yaote aad aoay blrdt

Uwa aad la prareatlny tba Intarataia


article upon theWB. Siberian railway. |
Saaday eebool at tba eloae of mora-

alOB of yame billed la rloUUoo of looal


Lmlla'a Popiffar |

o. BHuo-no

an enbanattve

raport oa Bapraaeatotire Laeay'e bill

tovarioaaparu of the ooaetry

now attracting tbe atuntioa
the world.
Monthly eontelna a

Djiiriird farbion. 1
“On<a. (..r aii <1.. uoi .
Ujn-U rup- ,
witb .»ouf p 0|d<- on my bixi b*. 1
will ..nirr UK I.......... iin«’
■'Auil joilr pn mirr'f" liiH.-riy.
Ki-U. 1 miiCbt bn.r known fbr fud uf It
ah—dn-aiui and «i.-lu»ioii.,"
••|_«li.l uut
uot ..
pr-niiio.......... . (•• imni-y .too under
, HUd oh (
I wnbrull yvu w ilti .v.uir faiiiil}
• Vel you haw- led n- ol
falriu pimniM-b.”
day witb (airMuiU-r
.. hii.i li.i little
••ItoU. Ilol."- un •
nri..ui "«IV you
hand »o fair nm.
-I-..II wiib
wilb n..;
lie; l..iiicl.l. Wlh-O
aeokiiie a iinarr.

in Ux. Said and tbelr opmationa from i

oosMOraa. kae praaaotod a (arorabla
to problblt the totoraUta tranaporta-

writtoB artielB upon rabjaoto which i

mnn-d •

Amariean army |y<*c* , Inic.
(In ..n a yarbiliiu trip will,
aomothlny InteraaUny aboat tbe troopa i frirudr and f..i u.t it all.
aad ofBoaia of tbe Bnyllab army now ’
' lmi--.«..i.-iy.
nnoT arraoMrr.


York, trom tka

ally tae and moat ol them eontain wali


apaelal report from

MaJorUaaoral Dark abowlay tbaatarf.


been Ureleae In <

.. Huffc Kee»e4y.Pe«*er-

lay oMditioa of aaUroa.


tbe proyraiB. and baa

alt tbat could be dmlred.

TbU aathoriu-

tloa waa Made aboat 10 daya ayo aa


enooem of ibe j ' ,.y^„

She bad tbe ontlra charge of |

•ometbteyOood to fta«d.

iaytoBaeyt that to raUava tba yraat

tka raaalt


r vHi’aou.

of tkaaa yooda."

mine Tnanra and Bala

Imported run Inanre n futnrv for tbaae


bar elloru to make the e
dlally lOTltad to tkaoa aarrloea.

BWwv tfe bU4.l Uok*UK««bi •( tbr Bjr
IW <aUd vw b«« (•Itb ■ <^iil tbr> wr>TV
Ball tmr M l>
^ ■ cbMB
Tbal-wairt and Wr Ball Ml V. Vr barm.
ban X. VU( alJ i.M ciM.
BubCR abd II
A* 111 ear ah'!
Ohn iV iBMVt 4M


Oatl. CUtanc Pnbriea Inane* a«wna>
- fBI Uneo-Crape VTntakeO WnMo
and aniln PVnlneda In Pnvn?.BtBB»


etea. for tbe unqualiflod

Cbrletlaa Scleaoa aareioai will
bald at 416 South Unloaatraak

okatoa. aad kaatMOoka. I Sararal of the
atoTM hare aold oat tbair aaUra atoek


larya •mUmum, aad

Sarwal/MtrWMn m* ttkmvn^y
«UaUrM>lBM«(taMy«YMte oftfca

«flU^ Mdtka BiMti

-1 vrflt iaderd. Wbi-io have yoa been
hidliic aaay all
you vainly et Ibr doae of the eeaaoa.'
•■Bobm. I hara breu bm- te your
borne for thr laid taro Doatbe-rTcar'
■B ter tka kMMtt of tka Aaoaal.
Tho paroSu U tka attoraooo waa
NBBon atokoraW Ikaa oa Friday,
Vo3d tbr vr..Hd
aadwaaayatakaadod W the Orweaal
aaolber day.'*
■k Ball V tBa»«—d otft MWr al lawi.
"Rok. KuU” and tbe put CNI1 an inpBrVltl. tuubiM tBaanra tad Uix- b«n:
band, "pmmiiw me that }<h> «iD heap
Vr till BWr bn Brian. Ihn W Ball bt
la tko kaU tWooBa aeaaa waa proaaOeiK-e r.>r a time,
t had a apdlve te
aalod aad tka mtm pretty ooataoMi
E>oii‘l ruin all and pteie me la
liebt of ae lBpo.(.>r.*ware la arldoBoa. Tka proyrM waa
no pmnilww. text t
Uryoly mw. tkeayk aoM of tko baot
la.TV< 0» bare «l hrr •<
aball n-ntain on (be >|trt ibe re<d at tbe
faataraa of Friday orealay
anuimer and art ar ae<>Ud to me rifbt aad
paatod. ABooy tka a
dnluK to Ibe .N-raiitea.’'
linker on
ntbroattiJly by MyrUa MlUar aad Blaaeka Barn bk word.. Ibe liucen
out ibr aeamu
Mra. Wialhrop aii-epU
BOB waa Book aoJiye« a plaaalsy
tbe ritnatiou witb Inward i->y and outriella aolo waa pUyod by Blaaoha Bar-1
ward .a'mWith ran- dipl..Baa.-y dBe
bob; a yailar aad baajo daet by Oara;
iMvr* thi >>iima rouidr Iu ihenirelvre
tru.m day li> day and iruM« to limv and
BataoraadMart Bordaa waa eatbatt-j
propinquity and (br ni.»iuK ebanu of
aatfeally roealrad aad poalay by Bkaa;
autnmrr l,. d- (br r.-»l. Never bt-f.ire kaa
SlaitlB aad Oorriaattlrwa daliyhtadi
abe la-eu auiliy of
tba aadlaaoa. A oaw paatMlM wa*
f.-ara anil (•ir>-UHliiiy« have
>ulii a .rernlmiiin In Ibat pruud naiotrodaasd, -Tha Olpary-e ■Wkrblay. |
f.-aW tbe awtftuvB iif ilie Kcnlle
hloh waa*a*y ^wy.
thV«i.-r.'e..d eu JUn«rd l.«.l i«.ru.-d out i i
.. but rival lu-r wiu'r bi-url from lU
Ae oa tba praTWoe-BTeoloy the atar
i,.uHit ..i N.-lla p.<-.| atli'i:ten(v rln- w.>ul<l ctedlv ov.-rlouk
foktnra wee tba weed drill, by tba fol-1 Ward, tl..- n-iruiuK iJ»l »r iIk- lo^b. iba all dir|Hirit:<-i. uf birlb and foniiuo.
Kola-n .-nn nrivr rv,-o«.i-ib- bimiu-lf t*
lowlay yonay ladlB:
tdaii>iii>i iaurbine ithiinl lliai ..«.-r e'rai>
tbe lltlle .-<ui> rbr U idayluB wi'JxoMt
kia (Miir..iii aii.l (hriateixa at any uiuluvnt
Miller. Wioale Fuller. Idayyle Mdiar-:
^ i..iii|«,Nir.v lull io ibi |n-rt.>nnaui'« lo f<>rve Ibr ritimtiou.
ry.FrauceeCaSrey. Rhode Rattoubary. .AuU-.*i Wiiillir.iii foiind hf>- Huy Ix-biiid
And ir-riN.-ir*
bar awake t.-lr a- en<-<l imilri ibr kind ui«l ul...... .. lu.xbvrty
■latta Moryan. Kre Thacker. Bla- it**' —«i..l
tr-«iiia-i.t ..r Mr>. tViulbr.,|.. Sbe fivle
BoreOoDBer. Florence •|•hOInpwh, Biorr rare all niiworihy lli<- .^>utl■ll-ll.
r<'|-iM-d iu
elle Crowell. Fapnie Qrrenatead, Ruby io4..|||..-«.
w >Dti-d her. and ••ii.-b day
rli.. laF-.^TN* ao
more dini.-iil«. lill b
Keith, Allle Walt, Mere Wriybt.
: *zrii> i»<-ui
ibbi r.'k'imled frii:bli-iu-.l by till-.
iiiKii ilixt wbe
Tfaoaewbobad the eBloriaininent.ln. * m—1> flui-'li iu
w.iuld (aiu t
r<-fiit;e 111 iiMiiiniinioui
obarye deaire to tUuak tbaae wboee
•'.\.4i. »‘«i» till' 1
flk-bt. Tb.fl
III Lir v:in-l. rr nature
kiadnHa aad yearroalty -eootnbutei
bonorl i.l.-lire tuf aro-n» lt-«.Jf. mid »b.- throw •• (. ar tu tbe
a uiiilK nr ihii 1 windr, rhaiiiiM Ili.U-n l.. a bai.j.b'r muud,
eo much tothe aucceet of tbe eoterprlee. -1 dn-aiuiiiK."
axnl iIhO’ ruil away fniai Ifai' land like
cbildirn ai idiij. BMC.. Henry Brodbayen. tbe Mere
anri„ at tli- idatio auxf.
Oue t-M-olnii rb. riia
tlleOcx.. J. A. Mooteyne, Barnry An- witb auyer-"do y.<i te-tii-udi;,. uio my lit- tny.
tey. wbile
w-bile iin>ih<-r
iii.>ih<-r andyoii
lirtmi from tbe
deraon, Creaeont Band and otbere.
< tie bunr of triuii.pb? I bare earned It, Utile bal-ony and watrh tin- creat white
moon .Jiiiil. u|.ward fruiu ibo watery
uj.. X«.
MU. B,u. ^
Vartr of lb. K<a) rt-a.
aleud temanaytey the project. Bud , t,..kv •
Ibr ifirK liuit a rarely awiM't mrain aoeach famtehed valuable euygeatloBC. <
‘'Nell. I nm ii> eani.~t.
Mitli u n-rlaiu rytii|.uibrlic thrill
Mr|. Martin Erat eayyaeted tbe idea of! cumius t" a .-liin.ix ai bmue. and it b
Id it tbat am-* blralybt
-alybt lo
to the heart
heart. As
i-iitb from
thl» form of eatortelboienV MiaaBliaa */ * ,|ji-rtn.u uf iimi- wbji^ii I I>r>-uk ioure abe
,be waiiib-iw aWntl.'
frmii our aouy to
ilbro]< Ir nmrii aiored.
aiT|nyad tba drill and amlatod much , f„riuae. I will be
ma.ter. auU
«\ a nm- «
r my own niaMer.
wbat aurrlfirr
wouU 1 Bun tnpraeliel^ Mtea Downing te ma-' for your dr
>iT all 1 luoat know
ponalble. ^^pe more than any one J
iMtalfhtbylka popOo of «bo

» hl« *•*.*•»**••»*• »•’*

TIM P«^ Friday
»■ »*•


Bw wt. .u bw..,. hr. i«C« • atm.


i««B M tiM Mf** tar of Ua boM.


Wbai dcB i

-Ilodb.’ Bnbm." benrrvbtecly.

nt • rw Ml bto»«rti«.

TMUMtCUrvlM^ !• mtomlf iU M



> tar ^rtey Mlu at tkat

*ABy-Oolor” H«t—BGttdtt.

aaiMt>ttinUtUlTtr- dmfw


ms Mwgimfa. Mwoap, sundat, kaboM 4, iMMS.'^PAST two


^ - FMBK Major JUrcta’i bMwMen
Tblrt7-tkir4 ialwtrr
w K '"•I
Ha wud «haaa ap low
lha Ifortb Oootfȣ> moinUlw a/Ur tb* Brbw 'MtiinaWo. hto
faotaorv otto tbora nun* atruaa aooa


Wkat »urpTlM4 tb«o mait
tbc oot«Mn' "boom, boon Bre atkAa"-<or
aucb Ukr>- (oratrd tb*
, rUW. Tbr*r moontaJn Mk* art m>
fiioada of tbr Tacals and wero (Ud
| •wwcb to point oot to tbt AnaricaDa



As tngeoloua ininoia Jeweler bat tl>TWttrd a dock, tbe model of which I*

Ibr mull of Ornrtal
d»l nUrA lati deaprrair attarfibiioawvt
bark tbr AnM-riraot. Tbcw moubwln
had reiurood w(Corvast«« with
reui of the rear tuard
v«ry day
tbr baiUe wai (ourbt. It to<>k Marrh'e
mrn t»ro wbolr dayt and a half to cover
tbe aamr (round, burry aa they ml(ht.
Tet tbaar uonderful lyorrotr noaotaiD
rvnnera had aitualty covered tbr dl».
taoro la Itaa tban oKbt houre. Juai
bow Ibtgr do it no whiu man baa ever
It baa bem mippoeed tbai

a u bed nve foel bi diameter. From
outride of tbt wbeol hang 120 eup*.
onr-third of ao Inch deep end half an
inch in diameter. Each «• of tbetr < ui>*
hold au-el ball* 'hr
in diameter, and a
tbe halla' wrlghl. one ball fallt from I
etery »0 M-rondt. roll* down u So
Inclined plane and U lifted bark to
at a Journey Ahat mlcbt be made In i
day by a white man with a (uidr will ita cup by a little car which rune <m a
rlceper Inclined pUne to the wBC'I'e
oftrn lake at '
' '
top. The e'.eetrlc •ttwage batten u«ed
without the
require* rri'lriuthlng only once ev«ry
e dell^tfu! chariu-terlailra
of dcvourlny all
Rlr Willtem Thompton. one of tbr
w)i>> have fallt n on the beld or battle.
I*hy»l<-atiy ihry do not aland quite ao meat dlMinaulahed turgeoht in flr<-ai
l»n III Ihe acale of civlllaallon aa Ihe Britain and rocrnlly prreldem of the
College of 8vrNe*rli..ii, but morally and nietitully
gei.nt tn Ire­
they are about aa unregenerair aiwclland. la
inena of humanity aa are to be found
Kngland't great
In any r^rl of ibla beolghird ab’be of
havour*. Their rhief diet la eara,bHii nu-at
and wild i'~ua found in Ihe wood*, but
terviee In the
a apei lal dellcai-y reaerved for elate <>craalona la timed dog meal.
__________ _____
to deliver a mreiape la pereon hr haa
arrived al hla deaiinaUoii In a wonder­
fully Bhorl apar.- of time. They have,
-* - Ime, a thor.iuah knowledpr of ail

carry a rlH-.
but, Inetrad. will
ln»* the n-id
with a aurgi-A.
having of
frrrd hit aen'Icra free I
I! ae l
Burgeon, he alll hr a valuable ad
Ihr medical corp* at the fnuil.

■hiw.* moun.aln pM>ll* of Loson are bnman aa tbr Igorr^rtc. ThW
word Igorrote wa* originally ihr name
of a aingir tribe, but fur aoipr rraaon
ar other ha* been extended Ip modern
time* to Im-lude all the head hunting
aavageo of lAiaon. Of late •, Igorrote '
baa become almuM aynnnymou* with
"wild" and Ihr word I* nop applied
to Ihr different blU tribw oTtbe Inte­
rior Independent of ibrir race or deWilh the Igorrote tt la aaidito be Impoaatble for a young man to and a bride
unll! be ha* at leaai one head to hi*
credit. 'They are a Heree Ii*4(lng folk,
wllh loti4. lank hair, and go phnul with
naked, tattooed budle*. When Mar<-li

TIh- aii-ompanylug picture show* the larger! and moat valuable pair «f
lurka et . r taken from as Afrieaii elephaiir. Tb* exitleiice of thta magnlfloaffl
pall of tui^k* In the Interior of Afriea had been known lu Ihe Arab* for BOB*
yeiirw The*.- knowing one* wer- trailers who rent caravan* Island from ZSba
iibiii .iH-i ivoiv, l>ui until la*l yai this parlnulai |wlr **f tusk* could not M
*.■< ured frnni Ihe native ehtef who ow neil Ihem. A* aoon a* Ihey wer* brought
down to the rourl Ihey weie b-ughr by an Kngllah llrm, p hu had Ihem ablp*
I-Kj to .Vow York, wb-n- they won —Id ..I a fabuluu* prbe, Theae tuaks Sft
IWII r,+t tn elK Uliiteienee a| the l.rrKe, . nd and ..vyr nitre feet In length fTOto
l>o*e In poliil one wrdah* :» |>ouni|* and the olh-i -Ji, a dlfforen.-e 1s *Ua
whi. h hn* b« -eime to I-lle»^- ihni they did iiol h..ih e.<me from the aam* Ahl*
mal. Kx|K-rlem-<l Afrtean iravibr* Ipiw-eer. osplaln lb* dlffetemv In thli
Imeriwtlsa Way- Klophant* are to » large extent' Karl-eater*, and In order fd
oUaIn lhl-.«i-eii f.—1 tb>> turn ov.-r in-.* Tin* I* done by tearing up tb#
long. >lri.ggllm: ...,.i* with their lii-k*. and a* the right tnak I* generally
use.l foi Up- pipp.oo. It la-,om.-,. In time m.mowhat lighter from COhUnwil

tbe dlreellun In uhleh Ihe Flllplnu lead­
er and hi* men had gone, ^ey held,
hoaeter. muat aumTatlllou* belief* regaidlng Ihr power* of the Tagalt und
aoberly drclofed that they aere in
league aith the aptrit* of the air and
had floaleq away on a cloud when the
while men puraurd them over the
Theie eeie juai IM picked men In
Major March'* puraulng party. t<«ether
with the -rhimw ' packer*, and they
telt aure that Ihey bad Agulnaldc. In a
tight box. abea. lo and behold. Juai aa
tbe> «ere ..D U* baeka the alippeiy
Plllpino auddrniy turned dean eome
unknown iratl and moat my*terioualy
■llaapp.are.1. ThI* wo* |n the wildcat
and moat Inaoreaail.le rountiy of all the
lelaiiil. for lip among the Interior mounlalli tope. When Uarcb'a batiallun arii\mI ;il t'livantea. It aaa found that



making for Dontoc,


Blxly-fvur year* ago Ihl* Maivli Texaa dif'lared it* alMUdute independence,
and Banioel HouMon. an Ameiican l*'rn
toldlei. led Ihe Texana Into battle
against the Mexicans.
ftarnu*! iiouklun. who died on the
Mth of July, tt year* ago, wa* one Of
Ih'xe robust and active pioneer* who
have played Imtairlanl pan* In mold­
ing lit- ■leatinlf-* of the fnll.*l Slate*.
Though born in Virginia, he wa* .if
8coteh-ln*b deecenlBefore he had
attained hi* majority he waa a lleuieo-

of T-xa* to tip fnlted Stau*. 'Wh-ii
rre»*deiu Viiti Imi'Cn he*llal-vl In this
inaUei Houston, wllh i liarat leiielii:
eni-igy. ip-gun to roquisie hIiIi Fijniv
Spain and Kngland. tiui nitlpi ll■l•ll
hate a foreign power iiiKude on
Ato-l'U-un *oil Texa*' became a part of
I'ncle .-tom'* country.
linuMon c.-otiIlnlPil foi Hono' time m Ann ri-un |iul>Ilc IJr>. but bla jneai work n.i* the
iiddim;;e l>.tp Star State t
couniiy which
h gave
him birth.

iXat MMU AtitlAST f-fr:\srfiK.

The regulellon l--m of the llmieh a
genei al chaiact. i uf w hleh may be reullxud fmtii ih. an .•miranying iltUfiratloB.
shew* n e»i-|M>iMt and two private* enjoying a ciiiiteen -f i-* during •
■ury. as many i
‘ housed under t

pl.-ee of
n the M|U.

men of the ln*urancc principle. The
Finnish newKpaiier*, *ttrec the imik*''**
of Ih- Husatniutltin” of Fmland i eTMK UKKeMKri'imit t-l FK WAK.
camr *o acute, have paid iiu lea* ■ *"m
One of the latral fail* In London 1
than 3W.0M marks In flne* and penaliieii
innicted by the -i-*„r or by the g..-, .tobullets of dlffert-nt
or general. The Union of Flpnlsh
design* and
New«i«i|»er Owner* eunsequetitly relinking them
aolved to found a "mutual innuiwDce
by a gold chain,
riimpanj against cenaure." and -Ibe
01 »..mellno a
ahar^holderi ar* pmmlaed a }early. dlvplatinum chain
Idend of u in • per cenL
The wealing ot
th" Finnish public haa already sub­
scribed lu th* ngure of IDO.OOn marks,
Indeed. ■«> resolute are Ihe >*100* to
a fnahkiA among
maintain an indcta-ndeot preea tn their
men. nw-n language that an otberwlae unand If. of course,
wel.-ome orupnaai lo ralae th* price of one of the r*»uU* of th- wAr fever
the newsfioper* about t
which ha- raged sln.-e the bectnolng of
ben) quite eogr
the campklgs in Suuib Afnoa.

B be comfortably
eiil li.i> prove.1 Itrelf niucll
nc- It IN ahb to stand bocB
-* of. the camper In all part*

« oKD^iTdfM a
nwhnled for nWrilorluu* *<-tiuDS by tl
reigning —ten-lgn* .>f Kuru|re uneotti
i..a<i known I*
. ff
th- Turkish orVV - J
dvr of Nishaiil
on^ and
„„ Instliuied,
m the year Ik"
to eommemorab
jh- Turkish
fa„j under thaUKpk-ee of the



While Cetil Hhodeo w^a Miui up I n Kiiuheriey there wsa ah overgrown
. ____ _______
«ab tikewiae abut >p IB Uruuie Schuur. the South Africah borne of tbe Napoleon
gf the Cape. Tbi* famou* young Uooeaa wa* iwcently
................. '
b> tip' Lo^on aoolugtoal garden* and wa* to have been takes soT long 4fo b
mall *l>wmer
K«»»' however. It cannot be ahipped until
tba at
thorny to do
I lia former owner, who baa bem baueged by tBa
M.nT*. The a
, ege V* It ap
today. It la aUit com .tsraiP
fbet that It la a * almast Uta alne of a fuU gi

ant In the I'nitad SUtaa InCbsiry. and
while atill a mere buy waa astlng aa a
aubagent for the Cherokee Indian*. Al­
though he had been a stranger to
school education, be art to work and
quallBed aa a lawyer at U. and tbe
next year waa appointed adjutant gen.
era! of Tenneaaee. After a varied ca­
reer In Americas pgUilcs he moved lu
Texsa in laC. and when elected com­
mander Is chief of'the Texan force*
art 10 work putting bla army in
ahape. Tb* war with Metlco Miow•-•d abortly after, and on tbe banka
of the San Jacinto Hoaaisn cmab*4
the Uextean fore*. He became an
•ret praaidant of tba new repubUe
and two years tstar took tbe Initial i

■taffs toward nsctiH^ the aaaanuoa'

alDillar order, tbe Uuugula of wbicb 1>
shown In the acvuntpanylng little Ulu^

apb Bbosring the frulU of
a dlwmond waah at tbe Dr Bc«r* nines IB South Afrigw- Is
itoHsr*- worth of
ally larg*
BUM. which th UMit wilt ba worth • sm*u totiBBo w«a« proporly c«u„

In the calendar yiar ISS» our masB*''
faUurer* locr-aaed their exporU ovgff
isn by as mueb a* » per cmt. »—vtog
a record of The Import**
iloBB of maieriala tor Use In masufsi^
luring Isereaned S3 per Cent. The pro*
p.qtk>n of export* oAmaButacturer* IR
lt» to total exports iBcreoaed 10 SM
per cent. The chief llama of incraaaff

the morning

rm b«<i«M tk« ^ iM “


*h,» •-*««.-»-•
KlMba pnritimt >to <nj- _


«MM V«ta
v«k AM M
Ik «1MM
T» a«aM. Mk* «■*.
AM tett Ik >Md iki MUM MM

M kM Ik M* «tw km M*
HMataa Ml I7 tk M.
k #■■■■■ Ikl •«• M& taM*.
^MkMmmkk Uy^
B* «»■>»«« InM kU7« bM


a^' Aun b down oitb all
and wr aball die.'

k Ua Uk
-•. K. KM t> C^kM a



rbap. aad ia «ar bearta w* ocBM
bia wnrda

S| Fr.d.rieP q. EnrKPpcP.


te*«~c«Mkt M •ktij. K«V. tbo. «r**u
>'o .oha «1tb A ta«« cf «
(Hr yo« tr* AdAAtra lo Aiakr ap jAff •r>*r «n>or> btah.U. AAd If rw ivfiii*—**U. *TM7
\\Mmm mr* r-Am lodtffM
MB aw fakUrirf MM DitaHtn.'
pltbpr ioTt or tatr.
•‘IIf mM wNWilihif Iu kk BkA. ud
1W7 u«»rf 0.1 •t >V fooi. o*a ••
10 lb. poor »M n?i w«l
coMa Wr buTM MoTiA* op akl dMA. Aai»# Jut-ivak your aUiiTo
,\ man iMrr kMka lo-blnd tbc
tbr «loor
Tbr big rtorfc Utk^l ao^y IIlil^ a brtt, AAi
aahi a vottL I auIm* hr ka« brra tbrro kliuar4f.
Kppuk »J *“T T**
Tbe aw-c-a/ul uaB kMwa bow to
tbr oUkfo. aad Ibrif. »«. gn^
Hi* bU <-apttal al thr rtlrtM ttw.».wPo,i,-«.;t
^ “ol,
uod P" ■ ■““ •“
brr .Poo Po 1.
Mfbtb.-JilodhJio.lmtbrdidn-twlAtr. AoC
f yoo a.'Qd off that uM-kgr,
r pJrpbaBt la rallad the ffrr«t«»
drrU* AlU aklmab th.- rafiiocui or blew b«at in.lbe w*rM—y« br abbora tooiiporrow. ba'ia..
AA tbr train as b r>r> down ioiim
AAd Wr »ay*-«lod. 1I aay may—satrp
toay—«a' oar I a *eoo.I IhibIbmi otaa atth- DUikVa
' yoa
yoB wt»A nM-h-aa a.-noalAtaoiwa or Irlla bual
tbr .4ber baod.


irytblttg la
ie^aTt^ *wr^worth al every
Bvaml and tbr drill aorgeAbt la
Bia to AIA” aAarled oar. “tbat
ibrw -rre laerulty oBcerA la dr'"
du akmg o' AB it's w* poor ^eeaI ’as got
be bear tbe bUnir If tbry Mkea a mte-


dir toffrtbrr.

It’ll br o


It la aaairr for a ■■atari to rairr a
rlrs-aa thaa for a Btan toMi a pachafA
idr mi^ t
||B«i«f boalarw tbrr whip an
n*brD oar womaa baa a Borrr< to taU
n«tbrr H atwayn aiakra brr mad to
disiiivrr tbat tbr olbrr karw It 11r«.

bt ai^ioki of Ak If 1 die Ukr a oma. _____ ,......... ...
■ball wr abow'tbtAr Barra boA BiifllMi- g,.(. pi^fc aad baa to br wallejLapaa.
----- a.-* I
,ou iM-u agree whh
*.,n, ,
e luroed to ua andiaogbrd ha be ,
: IwlJrre all men are
j.-ara .vuu •an't inakr lirr briirva
dratb wmt. aod'wr wi
tbry an- not —t’lilraro Dalle Newa.
I IttaearybardloAiaBd Idir by aad
IH -m aaeoardcar oaaa Mffar wblle awati,lDf the arrleal of tlia doctor, da
-lini. I fair laubrd; I ruoMu’l help Alaaay
AlBaaV (N. V.) datryau eallad
k. at a


r... or,.., ..a I api,-,'»o, 0 PP,. „a«.pp,.pm,

*TkBd a good lob. tee,” Ulaird la a
tr^ v.doe DM tkhlad, fifa part of



VTEARLY two ytkn hare passed since. Riif .store
14 opened it’s doors, and these two years have be*a rtty
snccessful ones. And ^hy? Because everything we sell is
reliable. Never, do we misrepresenL We mean what we
say fimd live up to tbe letter and spirit of onr adverttsetnents

•‘Union Made”

tt II T


K). 75c, tl.OGr SI.5C. $1.75. %m. $160, $3.00.
Of count* yon know we have the ezdnsive esle ot the world's funoas
sWUnd Hats.. SprioK atook is all ready and tbe
assortment is aimply giand. Stiff hats ar* here

In Seven Different Shades.
Croshei* in more than twenty colors.

W<» do not aak yoo to bny,

mooey-piuk from the lai«eat asd beat sasprted stoclsaiid get yoor
money back if the hat is not all right
The beat dr*asr« in Han Francisco, Denver, New kork, Chicago
and Traveree City wear Newland Bats.

See Xlxebt *W'±zxdLo'W’



.".p.. »o.i
-a eye. -tVbat sbatl I sayT
baaad an oM.wOdlrr Maiding beside
bnnra ba retaracd, sayler tba doctor
‘-■8a; A-hai I tol<l yi>u,,or’dbem. Oor glaoiA at kit po.Hl rowloet
124 Front Street
Faahionsble Outfitters
A Ablle
h.-l.l our bn-alb
atriprs aad au<ithi>r at tbe H<ag string of
"'•» out. tUoJing Ukr
grarribbons ain— bb lin-oM ‘--•mt *<
aara tba faady bat al
against the-walk
'•^■irk-ilck-ik-k-urh. tlrk-th-k-tlck-uck. OeambarlAla'a O^b Eam^y 10 tbalr
•likk ^TT. lads.”
aiul Ibou tlwre

Imuuonj ap:*n.
•p and ll-IMi to we wbllr-I trll .eoi
railing up e-natast Armaad for It from tbat part
a burritdr
fare «f tbr Horr aar «>f l»0. Three KrATasllh,
|.mjcd that ibey «'t'--«• «i»y. Foraala ^ B B-WaH,
baloir la n Hat of the bnytnff nad aall
M«ng oBists way now and aguln he fooJt tnlgbi br on the sw vivr 1 put ns out of draft’ii
^parade, but wait till tbr >Min<l Iswiaa our niik-ry .
«t play. wMt tfll your bran’s going pit-e-*Tlu-u a bMI rai
•at. anil you aout havr far i« look for
Sm tbra. You’ll see Ik.-M wAlking up
, while you’fe IPM
Was br guinf to play ibr craeen after ’t •* »
MIy, and tbryll <«U ont. Va>
all} Ar woudered. lliu A-e conld do
TBw’a A.. Uo .m, lads.’ abonl them.
nothing but A atcb and listen tu tbe esase“I’d bem la tbe n.n» 12 »<*ntbsI M...
tk*.tac% of tbe ludirator. Tlw tweat
war b.wan. anil I just ’mtaord‘ !;!“*
being wai dripping off lb.- clerk’s face, hot be
i.Ni: OP Tax H
•«t to tbr deiMM with a brt bf onr yoong,,,, „„()■ bc’bad bnisbed. The®
1 and fatal dUcass. If ti
jtriA. Wr hail k-rrlng wll|i us a young our turn iwiuc. and Ni wusstlc began to
. -hly aad la Obm), It will c
•Beer called Tryon. and, do what be talk to us.
Mid. tbe drillUmk fair mastered him.
•••What’s ihr wsMigrr suddenly cried
vaLaGrippe 1*. boro
%wd’a troth; What a WM br’d make the Boer Irad.V, poshing hia ride muaale
E Isambv in «U sla*n
.luL Prtoo.*6oaAd«
at our e^uad soRirllmrs and bow wr got agaliiat tbr rierk’a f<jrrbrad.
Bt hot
bat from
fiM tbr krgeant.
k-rgeant; W
-The skixk eaa too •nueb for tbe man.
ns Mr. Tryon was as eht- p y<
Kraincd as hr waiu aad be hluitcd out:
u yiih'd
you’d meet anywhere, apd
«w- ’•-"■AW kniingTdr'To' your'-’ Bni’he WhllB WliiB «f
ffgir hwed him. He’d got a J.dly tort of ^
fortbrr. f.w. with an ooth. tbe «u cooffb mnedy oa earth, ettree a cold
■ to TrnTerM City LbbW Co
ut as m.
gmtte on bl. fa.t
msd.i ym, fed to
ti one
time. VnadMcta
day if
taken In
tn’t ihliiklwt himself toller nor yon
-Tk, y.»i saddhA! The rvlnrka bars
- r. W.-IL to mail. brtrayrd u*
botAuiir hr Aaaan <d«
IgM to <Me
— out with us AiDirhow., aud
bout " IU—Uoo« p— mS tbl•»«
n>-**ed r.K th. ir borsee. whUr the hleader
to’d pan ont all right, iJawd
i.A All rrM
rr«t his
Before he
asai; Wr get stm-k away ft ^-A-castlr.
spoke np: Sr. W. Y. J
la Naul. a U.Kg way from .wrTiiody tod
.. ,^b
j,..,d bt- it: I ..rdert-d him to
HI miles from mir tosr. and tbr idil loan
Don’t aboot him; aboot
mot oen uns.
••You see. lads, allhougb wr were realty
,^od and
Aiwl t one are poor ntock.
w you know is better bftor
at war. wr wrr»- su|iim-onl III to at praro.
hi- rilir awl eorered
atiord beiuenKttl. £veryl>ody who tum eonp knov tbe nUiMUrd nwkto
and ..............
SI. In such tlnM yon pret *o• i-tlM-rt
♦?' when they »ee the name on the wreppei*. ^^'t• will give yon good valieeti'-tTlelrCTAph ..m.ues for .'k-, 10c, 2-x-, 3f»c utl -Wc per cake.
dag pretty nifb allII day 'liing.
— wbat Aiih
olbrr. and
ana thing and aw.i
. Ihr eidowl.
Bfgn. per annon .
bAOWlng that thrr.' Aos sa «mre
aogani. th.mght hi ’d »«- thnt all ws- iin
the square. V-'H follow me, i-bV
Bines we tognn nalog <
The q»iAili.n was 1—1*'Hb.- tnsrk, for irinP'l and iiisIk-iI fruiii the nioui.
.V yiHiug «v-iHittii !«"• had tbr <xilor
Wr kerp
•seer lad’s nnmib snd ryto Ai-rr Aide
-'llrfurr tbi- -iiiokr rlraml aAB) we
_ ________ ______ of the pupil <»f bit ”>■«’ rrMiMVtl !•> lotroiild hi-sr till- biUACs' bisifs riugilig <n
aver nnytri my tnaaily or m.veelf 'bsffln' uniug with India Ink .u the Mfuiiil lU.i la «. XdOWX. AMTssy ana O
nl4r nitors wi
the still air. and thi-n it dawned u|mmi na
•Wurr at fate, ii
gperlAl atwaUaa ta
loenlcb oold we beffitite tmetbeOeaffb j jj,., r»lb-g>-. \ran> ago an ulM-r sMceavayaaelng.
.. thavGowd f
that then- hsil Issii iw.. while inen In
Bemedy. ne n reaeU we nreer bnee to ' involving tbr ••orni'A. awl em-rime-biug
coiiag I.M-uti-uant tbat oRii--. for Mr. Tiyi.ii aus unhurt.
anton lliih 1
Modnwnyfot * doetor and Incnr
tin* pujdl. bwvlog au unsightly H'
T.«| solht miles,
‘’’Tliniik tlisJ. lad-;' br eas]Ktl. 'It
TryoA hi cim
ito-nUrriAla ilm-rdays’ ^
ly. pkcpAuaTbrU M: Kktband Ass
lliiiu;. .1 r»pn-l he’s told his
dn'l ^r
lada. My Irii
f*grant merit'
IT you n-Lej es oi
“Off wr went, with ludera to sh-ep that
Thr s.ddier Iiirii.-il as Ihungb to go.
‘ ■ ®».------- Mgbt at Ingugaiit and to make »nr rr|Mirt
A B. DeFlueat.edltoroftbeJonrAAl.|o««Aan*wTaBa^ weea. tie gi
-A.«l whsi lN-ume.uf liimr’ itoy aak- m|Qgg
nril day al NrAi-asilr, ft riidn’i takr
W*il. Daylevlesru. O.. suffered for j^jumber Taleykmir Xc HO.
na long <>■ bml
*bai auiu- km-w al........................................... ft bU I
1. ttODOX, AHtfAsy
lluready, that tbr )o^^llg offiivr
^ no. awl
hlnwi-.| 1
• — a- tio- - wn* *r •- ‘T nk.1r*v I , ■
_ - . grr eat* of us two ?.lly
j..lly gm-l
r-l cigars the |irWr
pridr ..f Ills n-gin>eiiIII." ainiP-red tto
II tto oBi—’ni’
whlrb bl- had hmuaht fni$i
iifc-vw’ Ti-ti-rgn,
T.nrsn, ' ’-Tlirrr
■1'l.rrr g»s-s ll
[b 80 mlBBtos wbU« yo«
WM aorpr.svo to recris. raii-f almoal '
lung along a» ry u|i now : ilcu’l gniwar any more: the
’ x/v[
mesa. Ho wr Ut np and idimg
Dmedlately. Tbe Pnln Balm bM beenirth laughing Wr*sr<l snn»-» full ..f Mr. Tryonsr — Wbit—PfiO** 40 Blld OOC.
ctoi-rful as grigs on a hear
Hat« jtm diBAd it tba Littld TatctmatAot eompenloB of mine cver,^^. exoan. AltetneyMOot
III .\nny lllu-tralisl.
as though Aar as> «on ' *'
g^ talkingI ai
linoe nnd iHnerer tA la." For tale by ;
fbr que-llon.
B Wait dnirrlrtiiyn.
brforr Al- i..t ni-ar tin- t-ijn.
gnllr deiH-neil. It ae>nii-| IlkiI
This faciiliy aus strikingly luunifeMed
.-vi-ry house
tto i-irlli-m of kadir of tbv
tbmugh a dead plan-.. for
Aas shut lip and not a light
lig . sh»A ini any bousi'. .Xli . Glurt-lom- bad to wrili- fivthe —"
wtorr- •m,m, «(. madr
’ ■'
■ <|ii.-nt li-iii rs t.i thr .|iHssi giving his im
-ItoAs Aro RMterad ead Re.lUIUed. tmd
gutlnn, whVrr ibi- trlegrajili odliv aos.
nine on tto
Uie Body Filed wlih New Ufa
i light .Rowing in thr }|.'J^-f“iir -Vlim A*^I!ir*wlIri'i-si'lTi
and iLrrr A
, r hour, and
AHd Vlffor. by U.I.*
■ I
fn.BMirj toiii h Blti-r till-ilinniT
" Tli il's oil right. satJllhe oft.-rr to ,1.,., «..,m-tiin-* «Plo-ar>-.l to lav ereo his
• m rtlBHE'B
Mr. ........................ .. we sfall all to glad „,..Bial rv-oim-es. lie Amir th.iu in a___ CH*»B »
«i„.|| mill m< vrtj legible haml. aud MCRVC AMD BLOOD PILLS“With-nn a ibouglil of aJtyUibig
„,ni...,iii.,n mviiidi'.l a ■•.•l■■4•leraMe
-------------we tniii^to-l tip to i».r stail..n, au-l on ito
Somiiiiin- to AotiW lutuse for a
H nervwna eabauslioo wwe totter unitora of Inaaae and
|i|«-1 -iff inirAl^U' "««* tollB
luilrnaiil AiiTVa np to the of- ten l.-rier bihI aouM oe.-aaHi I] 1 im II cpdeptir petAoas would be itreatiT reAer. and iqa-n s tbr door. Ximo-t tofoto W.U.I tw I A.I after n-adiog whai lieBmd and there would be let* paralyaia
• praetratioD.
Arr rtoild d« lllulr ihaA
ii-iaiuem aod prolca '
... pHUIlbs .ml tuinldi-a a hdWatrbr.. DUboMs. HrIt to orercouir hy b
' bito liir luiddh- ..r tn. XV. hn<ln’i Italf
Ones, etc . boagbLaoi^M rs. ! ^g»-s end eAMfenA 4MaM a sprelaWy. Ofebam>'. iind not our ..f iis (..I t.. hi- rifir
-------- -FlrebA Bleyrtr Sbeg. » « "-« naatonta: WloUa. b.; t ta 4 aM T W • A
la lime l.i fin- i tru a allot, I iiiarki.d■ our .,.v-h
... hrf
O.T m.w
m..r^ «'urteDia
_______ would Aot
atrsat Prrd nark, propiwtar.
lei-tl | b. BeB‘ptMor ■*
not to 'exbAnBled
eabAiwIed to j
iv.-h than
than A-ritr
A-rilr aa iHirr
li-ilrrr to
hut hr
Sapporting the popoUr
^ap Atlh a Hip
W- — — FLOOD, o—« 1. M. T.m.1—r
XVliil.' his luiml na- iaon-nuiilv ab tlieif work. and women would not be
pair, weak
and nerrouA
and aufler
tur ........
ont for
It a......
-Ii Ar Ai-fv all -trapi—l
. ..
j,.. «as
™ ——
—---- —----- of tbei*
Pi“':i if.:
a. at
.1 inv
tbv mme
same r—•
ap. i-nrse him. for hr iaaui
WagvsA«> iDinc
boll into lb.' -mall .if lay


ii ■

I Gsn U Asm " t* Vein.




Eyr.5.SS:::.. -


JOHN F. OTT & 00.


We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap

E»Tt you dlubd at tba Uttlo T -




Best -to be bed is
the cityi* at


Half Soled

I. S. Fnimig. 135 FroDt Street waf

EXHAisTED NERVES Cjty Opcra House
One Week




■L g ^axaaa.-■.3i^.tt!





Dr. A.-XV. Chaae’a Nerve


X’^Mrs.-rrs’jar*;' •“ "


tives known lo modern edenee.
--------- ----------------latrm^ 5^^
arr not purgative, oor have they tbe
..... ..
drop, wlitlo
iRL w*imn> MAM Br««4.
effect of a pnrfalive. hot »M ra.-h aidr of him Mtood a ILh-t In shirt
ing effect.
^ b«oraaaf»^at^«
In Hazou and tordiwral tifurs. even tore by hniMiag op ito
Ito ayatem.
Mrwrra. with a Maifinl rifir (.ring snugly
after Ito inli-ndu.'riMB of A-faral and utb.. .........
A. W. Chase’* Serve a
his anil.
•Now. rninrks.' said a Idg fvuiy whi*- <<r .shsaK Ihrrr >-an to iitlh- dunbt that PM]- are pietiaied fioot tbe fa>
rrgnUriy mAsi by ihv |aan«r, «criptton of
krrvd man. Ttr trapt-d T-m likr rat- In
r Ito purpusrs ..f Bsking
author <____
va.WBtia- iiF.asoMamn.iiaK. Iwuiau SriB^left at Bradnagya'- *r >bA*a’^ aM
P trap... Yon 'didn't ibmU that av wrtv pi-a-anli
-it Mill forrrvr. ilkl yoo» Yon lllVB.I. Mand U..I ..niy In m-«s uf aearei-1 .ad have proven tto ,---------------rriag
ty. tail a- a gwical arti.-!.- of f.«d- Dak :
for dlaeaaea viainK ffom thin,
Aldn'i ibink wr bad grit !.-u.aigl> l
Wri’ten from tb« gre»t
tivrs A Ver tbm..'bli'fly vahird beawiiai- ot i wAtgiw blood n»d exbaAsled wnmn.
-’ rnwrii. Wbirii Ibry paoclA.'.-d.
^ ilew wanks’ rafftom taaabn^.Hitb
-B’r were In a
Ill Till-Aogl.r>4a»on tfiimnii-lr tor tto Ibi,-opnlerrmwedy will oempMlelyvee=»es
_r old iTgitiM-nl any mnri.. «*iir efaaps
triM to put a U.ld fa.-r ue tl. hiil it was
.... hi-a«.v rein<- whUh .wmr on just' crcAelBg the ecqs
n |AT»r alirmpl. a
|>4ur atlrmpt. I
laofced urrr at Ito uffi.-M. amL to all ts-fwrr .Xugust and laMrd till Caudle-] ^^d meeting new
that’s bolT. lads, hr
iiuii.' .-birpy. Dva-." it ■> i-Xi>rasM> rmwdiM as an eg-1 the body with new life and vigor, nsd
hS faer. graiaii.ui ..t thr "hiAvy tlnir" that -maM :
b atai^e Cram the ayatem. Then
SnwOBM. Mifftb— Konk
AS- ato. si-ariT thi. year tbat ooor was'
nncMwerk aboto tbe tennha of Dr. ------•Ad it braiii-urd Uir up. .
I nor to >■' lu-ard of In tall tbl. land or In Onac’*
•r mnarh-d
* -Now. vou.* tbr- Ihirr
Nerve nnd Blood Pllk. Yon L. D. CURTIS
• ^tbrir ----->oo'vr
ive pgopertleA ' Fifty etsteet:
______ _____
r baroor
1 order ynur rtwimmt l« go down by g>'»r forriAv. ami rvi-o bariry bread, in nit denlcfs.
a, or by mell on receipt of
pric;. to Dr. a! W. Omh
GoTmiIo. N. Y. On rrarr fans ot jn*^
r pointed
____ haws, an aannia
t^XriiKAa. If iw® plaiv h
‘knesra'lto wa.v i ,r
clMM wftk biB. Bm
foo hadn’t eomr along Basking-noise iiiur.’’'-laingmnn’

^STS' 1

Opening Play:

SMlTheCounterfeiters F""

sstsaa-si.; L“;




iS5a'£iSi-'“D..r5r? ’”

I* Wiits Beiwni lets.

Undertaking Parlors



John R. Santo,
Guinl httHuei.


Cp« » oM -»->
Mlmisn AT* RMBt. Int (w ikate
> ilMM tr^ AloBr th.'BUtv

Aa* llto to .AArtI f.«b. »Alk^



«h>« tbr fXiiortK

«>r tb«

4 ^scl»«trlf



-w%mt oMi

tto- oraoB tou tto> old
A tow au mui tto.1 wmio
wa Kja^a.
■to Bowra o >T Ihr yrOov krya ate aOvtoa.
Ii It i>l-i “r
■to t4«r dim >-ym
not wMA Boml rttooo.
Ttr lunolr lirvo bla ^nt Car o»»r
iBlo > apl’Oto toad of Ufa Urtoao.
■krrr laaaa—d pliaanra arwra aa «todka

ood <H>iioo ondiioMt.

11 to oot 00 n»».


4MF wbkb fliMta a forHan markM. la
tW aaiuro »r thlaga Uil> to lurVltabW
aad to llkrlr to cooUoim for manr
j«ar« to cw.
A Urr- part U tba

▼MUra Kspoat «• aw a RM TW Mtato
toatoo Ow VaMod So^
If tbavbdMrlotbaaootagioal (ardatoi
will aaka bto way

V and woti abaomer
iBto aad rstMdfd.
Our eapiwta of
- MattfartarM I’Baaoi i>qiial our asporti
aC aiamil awl acrlraltunl p^tMta
far nau)
Tlu- jUaportaat tblaa to that tbr dlan»iaia.-y botwam ito- two to toradllf dwrraalu*.
la Itof) onlr tit IMW n>at of our osporta wart otbar than asrii-bitiiral:
teat jmr tbr propurtioa bad rtatm to
■0 pet rrat, wblto at tbr aator U»r tbr
pw»arBoB df importa whk-b rontoatad
ar nw wtatortato laiawtod to br twed
la tbr pctK-raaea of toaourainurr to
atradllr twT*a.ti»f.
It would hr ImpamUr to orriTatp Ibi- inoiiirptour nanra of tbto HrP0mtiaw>r.

Tb# tabtoa

akow tbai la lto». wbru tbr twal Im­
port* wart raliH^ at $4SK.4U,^. tbr
•aadailaMr mrrpbanUtor. by wblrh
rtiMt ba uudrrwtuud tbr arMcJIra Impart(4 for tbr i.urxwwr of tmunfartara, waa rWlinatcd to afuounijto «21.T76.e4S. wbrrraa laal y>«r. out of tba
total baporiii of #WIW«4.tBU tbr raUmatrd ralur of tbr wiodottoblr arr
rbaadlar to rrfmrted to ban- braaCISl.-

Tltla ronMliuira an rsiraonUnary, an

Wbrn ba aaw tba fraataomberpla^_

UIM aud uped. Darwto abot o«*e to i
>o«o U>
»=»• « I UHI4 with
iwhfw. nod U iwMOted 4 M from ;
beak to mil, TV uioasarrmeuta of OM


Tbare -to aumalhliis luarrrlouli In tbr

fartbar Olaairatkai.
Tbry «4II ahow
tbat wbUa our tmporu bavr-doubled
Mara UNU our rsportr bavr: <|iMdruplod. iB tbr furniar yror tbrti war aa

tba rtrnw of rs|K>nr otrr lui^m a«fiwaalrd S47.‘i.»riZii:.l. 'I'bto l-xrm* to
Ml ao torar an ilmt uui<-<l (u IbUK. bii
tbr dn iliir to wlHilly lu as^ii-nliun
ataplra. Tlierr wat u urwnll fallurr
•r <-ro|i« in Kun.|>r lu Idw.. au.l tba
from ib

llBltrd Htatra.
It «a> i>Mii|iiil ilm
lati yrar. wbrii au atoraip- Kiirt.prai
rrap wan karvrrtnl. (b<- driiiind Ulail
tbr t’0Mi-.l Klatiw ali.nild luikc fallri

OD tbr .rtlH-r baiMl. t^- foiwitfU

dnuawl for artlrb-r of
nfarturr ariitall.v Im-rraM-il »p>l
apltr of IW- fart Ihal ll••■r•■ ^<l InfU
a ffnai awl Krnrral Iu'#ik<-'iu
tbr rffni of wbl<-b it iiA-'.
aiipnbrwl^ would U- to ••urtail liiah-rtotly

turfl.wts m-olc In

It was hu»g euppo-M that noi.don

•» .•

Ih'A .

moat top.

’ Trinity,
-tty well nim-avl. toil-

.. IK ttom.
S>m- that Ueuii Hole is tHi K-cord Inre
aa a dropisT ttf
pHrlmjw tlnwe orIhn-pic ehunipimts will fvKive uatjv*
vulKuriaiis the sanie babit.'—Tim-u T<9
MwaaeV TersiM Masle.

Aeconling !.■ Tb.- t'ommeiv lal Adver•%aer. th»- fi.liowliig to tli
w-ale of
wage* W1W U.lag iiald in tb - <lltT.-n-ni
trades to tbe aelgbtoiHiiHsl \>f K»ii*as
Oty: Til.-aud lirk-k .iiBk.TK.,H: «.oueentt'-rs. ff3.UU; i.last.-r.-r*. •'t: plimib-

Aiaou Kahiit'to'in is-qu.fltd thM lu
ret.'i’-iMW to wulie-u artf-ls:
•T ililiik lH.ii.-s ought 'ii«v.-r to stady
uinsicasuu art
At least, thi'y ought
mil lu lake «|i I Is- rliw- ..f trarls-rs wtoi
arv sl.b- |.i K-a.-i. Hiiil n.uke true am-ti
An.llwi!l 1-11 y..uwlo-,

rrs. Ct-.'s): sienui (itiriw. Kt 1%; ga* tit
ten. ffitir.: .unwuis.
latlirrw. |3:

•{Ue-lioii (hit then- .-itv iO niuoewl lmli<«

paluierw. ffJ.dit: .arptuii.T*. #E-4tl Awl
tbe Iwst «f It to (htil tin-tv U w-vk for

to ime musi.-Hl taaii. and my own exjicrieoiv to th.d lliey le:in> lienv quickly,
have Ui.nv iss-lry. and. In fun. an-uxirr

reiMirt aii>
tiiur uiiil.H
now to bto

•litiput piipito than bk-ii.
Hut w hat is
ilw iiivariahle neelt- Wlim a
lady bos isssnne a iw-rfea-l ortisi

if MA
.1 awl
yiiakr -me

atep lowartl rvih*-uiliiK fe

n«h- frou)
tbe black mvnl » bl< li it liu* lu the

Bilwto of the iM-oidit\ ll*«a ton .toy*
tod wi sucli showing IIt w-n*
, 'a atory then of low wag.-,
t*-*i. an.l
iniiat i-aiww vt nn .tui.iiy m.-m at

sVcb.sMw rV.iiamls.Miie niustiu-l
ptvfetviiiv lo art ”
BariM U -KdMsir.
"Are there notiuns, Vtid a man. aat«rinx tla .ifli.v «4 a'hinynlitor. ‘w-tom
joQ can write lialier ihaii at oth«
times r'*'

tbingiou. sal.l aiuung
flbsl tine of tlie c->otmiuu.| m future
prisiperily iras Ih - n-gulail.ui <.r the
Uriffsoibaili woiiU'-Aaylregnluted.’'I

■ ii, de,-|. Jarkt..-. .vpceruing

to mu IK ta rvcWanf* will irdire tbr ■•U
rM frao thW Mr hr }to( w ■arh.-to-

color turtween the akin and IV bodlee.
Tbe black akin with light or bright
coWrad arutou wbirt bare no btock to -

Tbto to ai^oned to tV prtw
poUtkal^ ev-.«omy
ai-bouU.* ev4U^


tbeir eompoaliion to no longer eonaM-



ered gnnd form.


Tbesw Inatruetora exblldt our dutlea aa
purvryocB of



awl Imjwrertobrd pnrrbanrrw of flnlahed i.nstiR-w. oi* aa Utodstoae put It.

Kor esaiuidc. a Mue

and fawn etowkeil allk wain to very
good myh- with elllM-r a fatvii or tdoe
cloth akin, w-trile with Mack It would
aeeni paaae aiKl ordiuary.

taliwfw of i-brap vorn and .-ottoa. EngUud bo.rluf «-«»m and .-oiton at Ita own

In many of tV *i>nsg eoriuinea of
light wool tailor snltliw. ete_ IV wnlat
to Vlusl at tV luiok and oo the aUea.

iwicr in llw chraprat market and aelllug Ita luaubfactorea at Its own ine-

bnt to front to to Jaeket atyle. with
Ubbed nida falllug l.eluw tbe waiat

nopoly prUw to tbe deareal market

line. Tbto luoiK-l to a good one for any
one with a long, slender figure at tbe

Tbow.- of onryotitb who are Vlng

Into tbr proprr tueotal aitt

titor toward Brittah trade In our lp«‘
tutlone of blgber rdwatlon are IBvitad
to note tbe panh-iiUr enipbrnds tbeir


seem, iw-rtlneni In this .-onneetbm:

k~-l. BHUl. 1«.

boclu but 00 tbe waist froui It need#
lengthening by luat amdi ine^ n
these Jacket fronts funilab.
Btomactas and bipw are rHiBlMtfid
from most of tbe \etf ueweat French
•flpirea- of the spring season. WbetbIbis miracle baa been rifoctod by
mcona of the wonderful ani«Uc abaptog aud tDuliIIng of the now comets or
b.r rigid dhHing nil Vinter, cnflpkd
ilb a dally uee of baUit In wbicb tba
ibjcct slow ly steam* away Vr toper,
fluona bulhl. slepooeut soiib nob but
tbe atin weighty woman won’t look
well III auy of the vw spring atyieo.
X poplar dcul'gn fur one of tbe new

U.. Am.rl.M Itolir

' -r..-'.".-

Ok pl^ed akilta to *•• arraup-d aa to
form a ahallow to* |■lalt on tbe front,
one on each *l.le and tw o lar.or .abapw

\..f, tml."

'Ye*. '■
Afa. 1 tlsiught sol That men who
write tnnst e.w>nll Ibidr cowlilioe '
(umU. Niw. tell ^e. wbuB c

e to-sti"



im ahme." the editor re-

Jl. i,,rtu, .1.1. 1^ ..HI. ..•■ pH".—U.„lo„Ti|.Bm


... ...




bono.wble llgbltug.

Tewats Kalal Retmedleea wf TarICa
• r KBttoBWI B«WBUt.r> Mwea.
Here ta uw.tkSl- cuv of uiised-awl
uuivrtaiu laireuiugL-. tbe Bruuui Slau
nfu.-lurer*' Ase.s'l«lhiu uf tile Ltilk-il

hr»ugtai , HuiU-k awl t'amnla. iteganliUK tbl* orunait
,.........-................. wli.-u an oplei
a leli'gmui f-.i .................. I n Isor Mbs. guuiutluu tin- N>ruviv Teh-Kraiu.
lladk-y. TtH- Ik>i
lined vii4.-i». 1‘rw. - i wws|ia|ier wLlek liuasta-ni mii.-h h|io<sti.r was :.l.-B*.-d to tliiiik
hub,ti»w that (111 trusts aiv .-n-niuiv* .
MK-Utioiis «.-n- e.«libc ilie olher to.-b
‘.............IV Uriff. Im* this K. s«.v:
ehirs. hill be glau.-ed at hi, own .-ar.l ly•'When inisfs in.-n-nse ihe's.lHn
iuc iu the iHirpb- fragrnniv with luatblng.
uf <s>imn.slltles. It ta rlKbily *n:
Tb.-u V ..|--ii.,r (III- l>•l.•g■>llu aod ihii it
lluil IV .vusiiiinr*. the piil.ll.-. si
hasiily in lito j-s-kei.
Miss Uadi.-y what il was.
II.sai-l (bat it w as rr..iii some uW- to Lad lo

Au musli

uiiiuiiut uf tbe ium
tk>0 of Uils V -14»-J

nu.l ('aliailu.

tbe Brtsiiu .Mauiifaei
Ike rnlK><l Sliites

bleb was lu M-ssioii in I'lih-ug..

rwculaied.' rolisvIUe H’

to-sm. ...tolnea. of .to co.mtry

........... .

Hill she ts,'h..ncd
. say tin- \.t} l.-nst. I.iil
ing tb
be uilier girl.
*..iiM h> e Is,<11
TIm-ii .Miss llmil.'.'s a.I.niraM.- and |htf-cl .,sd .task r.-nrh.d il. *.-i.iit.
is y.-nr pn-H> rri.-iidy sbi- Hruinii.ei .solid 0.4 bare been more vuia-rk,
Tji.-r.- aas a pa.nw
N..tne on.- luigbl
ba«- lu-lissl i'r<Nt.w .uP. bnt 1..............did.
A siii-’ker eaiiH- fnip. tta- cr.iii|> iiiid tiicned inin a .nugb.
Tbeu ibe (nan io
IWlor .-ame 1.. hto ai.l. the n-alizatiuu
that u wa. all ever, tody uto-s fanlt.
Rnyway-Miss Hmll..>'s, in i.ailicnUr.


Iful b

tn.-ant evenlug- toilets, dsy



pr<>|>fts)tii>n that

the addl'd kilt pUiiH.



nod l>ux plaiu. with, tbeir'
widll-a aud tb*

closi-l.v masMsI side plaila. Hn-re Is un
Orideiu Imenlioli .if r.-sii.rlns wluU tb*
Krencli t-all n slight -|(toveiii<-nl." or
draiB-r, ai the -idiw K.ward ita- baric,
ahowitig a gtiio|su- of nn ismlersblrt of
lighter ■.■otiiraKtiii];i ... soui.-wliatdark­
er innii-iial
This i*^always a becoolug style of skirt uu.1 l.mks csperiallff
well when lint tot-k of (Im ovenlrpM to
loug enough t-jrniu.
Covert (SMiiuc baa niitdlstoneed tb*
loug |>u|iulnr sew fubri*-* for siyltob
Iravelliij: ■sKi^i^ita' ixKlbiguuw a&d
prln<s-ss iln.-atrs for g.meral everydoff
KilHugs. I»* su.1 tilik. plaltiugs,
tik-kitic uii.1 folds will V used tbto
s|iriiigon every garui.-ni i» wliieli they
.«IU pro|K*ri.v U- a(>|die(L «,"* l. Art ds
la M.aJe. tin- suiitov of Ibi-v Items uf
fuslilon .lUd of ihe llliisiniWoD -howlag

Hie. KiSH-nil au afHT«.s... gowu lu vlcumi ami luoas
greftu velvet.

cut nllke of tariffs or natlouftl tonin.lary


dr.-Kw-s. leu gown* or any oHii-r of tV
jmmiTous styli-s sulte«l for smart Ind.sir we.-tr
Tin- trullKst skirt iBOdelo
aie iio» ettreim-ly Krocx-fill


t»ome of 111.- Itr.rni»s-mllc |uip<‘rs
seem to V cla.l In d.s-p iiioiirnlng
were. tsH-Hiise of tlie leinpiati.
steal in.w that on.ler tV Hingley
w-e (KisMU.* ibhigs; wortli si.-allng. This os. of a Ktort
While the K.m|.I,oiis.- Wilson

Mee e-or i.BBob or SaBwer.
d turkey, lukilig uut ail bito
of skiu. I. H- nnd fab To eacli cupful
of UliU.SNl itiikey add two Ul.lespooufuls .4 on i«l hmtet. half a cupful of
milk, two stta-s .4 doloii aud a pivb
of gnu.-.! tannm pas-l., Stww.n lo last*
Vitb salt wiul |w|>pcr.
Vi It 'lioil up,
Ih.-n spread on iliiii (Misled and but-


u-red bread aud aerre dceoraled wHb

reproaeh. quiet li..iirs ..f night. Tin- |Ms.r i.-nnnl
He! nl
"SVs my «if.
awoke, wIi.t.-ii|h.ii the iulrinl.'r iiiaik
Tbr very winds and (Ile *.Tew were . ■ d.i I. f..c tit........ ...
"H.dd tl|i
biisbed. In the sitau.s- I’r. ^..r'seye. Is- ;
,i.e uup-.wrn.-r. -|v.i.'

Kates Fttm The gcwelees' Citcaloe.
.Vi-w single \ ■»! vbalu* for meo ar*
very A-nder ..u.-s of gun metal or gold.
In wbi.-l. I.rllltanit to ibe numha- of

., ,
. ,
■ on bis rm,-. sn.l tVy wevrr wsrer- '
S.„,u.« be»v in Htar Ihupid dt^itb.
• *ss n IwinUe, Ato.ul Ae .,.mer.
nf ber nimitb war an unmtalakaMy
She raised * biineb of
vio|..|s I.. bid.- ll.' Tb.-y wen- iV ..oes
that Jiad LXMiH' Ita- day before. He mnv•d uuaaidiv nod bmm Ibe eyes peeriBg ’
UboTC tbe Itawraw again. This time tbev '
beM bim.
Mi*. HsdU-y’a roiee esnw
Araly, will, a . disHm-tM that must
bave. p.-n.-(>Tit>,l •-i.-n to (be stern—*T
an.iMlef wbeita-r it ta I nr ynn—all. who
' f'-*^ «to m.»t .-toap? TaV me to meet
fy-uu- wife, Mr, I’cmr."
- And be '-k ^r-Amenjot.

: * “Von’d b>
lisingbl it so if tt bad
I been me In.
I .4 fJ llortic." be aitgIgesKsl.
H s .
ia., wuaw> called tnuu
• Bnt it
D.4 talr 10 tola. Ae-lusislod
uwaulnifyelbm'WHBI.S 'i«W,d.“-l.-.-,n«. to •“ *»“«»« »•'«
ta reislmov.
iP j^nwra. tl * pUII. ot golA Hold waa fuowl ia Uw
ftd ueljthlsulwod.
w whole
IM is.
lie to- wr
-tblnt. ll-l..ldm.-i
How ou earth du yuii iiiia^cln.- Brjan-1
Toska «4 tbe nmmmoih bar* baun
. Hadley
••Rnl is ll right .
•mey enu w lu ngaln iiuh-** fnw trtd- f.>nnrl .4 a h-ugtb <4 B feet, mcrtured 1* gnesi."
MoC. That’s a mtatske. .
an can cooirltv tv swludlj- Itrtw.l win- Mudg tba ourm..
Dsiifferauec. VooKren.^j
Ita- mi-al* and I tu gnard (
miaerahle Brjaaomt ffos
Mtomi la a
tairiutart Ml
- trle-strie-*. _
VMid make; Uo t*l

iiic Itiln skirt.
ic fact Is well cstaldtabed that loug
skirts will .s.iiiliiu<-10 V worn wiA nil
bouse g<iw ns. and by bouM- guwus are

(smiitrv. ns tV .viismiii-i-s will bare
i„ the mi.hlletuen fr..«. two lo fnitr, kIiu|*-I.v


• Jflra. Kimtia piwlretrd

Over tto hips the fabric I* pUiU
Kour and ouesiugrter
to .4
liiei. cm.!* are required In

■iniiieaiioi.aMe In. k.
An.l il .-an.. I.. |-s.. a- Mi-s ili.dlry

and sti. I.SA.,1 als.t.. for I'r.-L.T. »« .vnlmlhsl l.y > trust; .............
p..vs.-sslvel». a- Il...ush
be must, of pli-Ss.-.. pnis tip the pri.s-s ..f ll
cuurw-. Is- lli.-n- llm I.e *a* not i.. br ewmA-s .4 life wIIIk.iii n-gtinl
■AVU. So sb. Sl.ssl an.l talked t.. a|> Ipien-sls l.til lliose ..f llie lni«l whi.-li
vf 1-n.l j»-.q.l.-. as tto ls«t ,«.ing -nt ;


ly oiu-s at tl^ liuck. TlK-ae arc sHtebed
down |uirl way and iIh-h allowed to

is-k. lias .V-idi-ll l4•■llvnlllvaU gm.liw
l.rtnmis •£. .s-ti1s a d.ikeii. While
fm-f. M-rinnsly every Imnie Iti I


I’l.s-tor ..os
ll.- f-M.glil
............. _
rimrui* of la. U.s-be’. fom
dren. ale .di-lai
ming tilings
tl..-y wid sml ef Ita- last
B.'k .4 .-roop
.4 Ita- ........ .
be* its *'tia->la'' had
unr.-,! il hn.l ta... Il l- l.«l.i.s l-.e.-d him.
M.-o. Il;..(l<-y laiiglosl.
Thai linn I..S
M-lr .ei.,-m. and lie weut b.Hiie.
Tt|.-n I'ns l»i sisri.'.l tu l-> d» .A be
was hal. ll wasn |il>-a,aui gaiiw eBoiigii.
Mi-s Hr..ll.y .-..iitd U-n
wu, Itie ..IK- man
stainp of
I.......... I f-4 III.. .
was Hie insii. H.- >lai.I all ita- 11
alvp. It. InuelNViii. .-its., all the ant-rais.n.
Fart of tin- liim- ita-y | together -n
tin- nnudoliti iw>d gnitnr. and f..r ita- ..-4
tta .v lnlk.,1. Tta'i. I..' Kinid to dinner end
until son..' time after -'lap. " Wta-u oUi
eini dini-s . ulhd biui ..fl. lo- wav to'-L
again surprisingly ..-.u.

ariTRsouv (H>w» rs rices* aM>


tMie-t->ia him ihat Ae.
lo tin- . ity on the early tsuit. 1 may -trike the .
e-Miifne ha.-k."
lie tlii-nghl it would -vohi.lilr to- hi*

tive. yet Ae *s> dimly a»nr>- that ib.-j
wi-rv clril Vy-nd tbeir w.iui; ev.-n ilierr
ishdiac be <s>us>-[.tad. *.,-ni..d a .ymiMiib} in tl.-ir tni.n roniM.r tn.-is ;.n.,-t tt.e in..-r.-ns ...
. .0.1 know.- he toU orr. Hm si..' wav tow and cmwt (uasv ..f th.v insflib-."
y .4 ii..i1.”
wai.'liiim f.M riTs-t..r. ' II.- imgbl to- to- .
lli vl.-w of the fact that the dut:
•• they a-»ui
d.sA '4 til tbe i-aliiii.
hmiuiiB Is Hie v<>ry m.iih-mte one ..f *jli
b ta ui.lik.-l.
lik.-l,. - . .Vi h-UElli lie a|>|s-iii.,l fr-.iii ibe olber .H-r is-m >1.1 vaIor<-iii ai
i-n me side of the diwk. unjUliE wiih-aiiolh.T .-om I* on tin- fr.,- list. It
I hrcv.-i tH.-l>.
ind the girl. The girl gbn.vd al her. willi a half
Tbe Teh-geiuti t.i .-yplalli
I.'»i of I SI in ih.- I:..
smile.' Sb.' «-ns....|.i.stj that Mi- lind
S- rns-lur ..-til -v.-r to The Sll'ul.f'
Il|.. si-t. alul -V f-M-g..t what sli< l>nM>iii tnist. innde up ..f
. and i-nnu.Uiiii inniiiirn.-ii
.mid Altos Hiidley. got .tp
ind toeq sa.ting.
vn*<- n rntiiitre ..f'onr
iii.HiruiiJi: i.ds' that it
1’r.NS.rr am! the ciri stf..n.d to Ih.
iff. Ho wd the fo.-i
Ills .-:is<-tl

«lBkerin« tboT the IltnadHl’blfl mre-j

BMABing -etmiyriTee.”

! •■“"

«.,rr -ei.l I’^sr.-r.
Tve d..oe it ,Th ;
4,.- He d.-i«rted lu k.-.p an engap-m.-nt :
tile Wand abb Mis. i
u, «-ali
When th.-> started, br made iV lyd
earn iv-w.lve that Is-f.ire they r>l I" tb.
goaral.titH- elation sbv should kw.w ail
bc.l Ac 'swu'ug into Ibe ]*>.■ as l.lissfulh
iguorant as she had left it.
He bail
funkt-d again.
Aud at.this

llie whai
.. .|«,irl.-rs .1
li.-d .4 him.
I'll, not >i.r.- ikal 1 like tin- vrt.
Ihoorii. y-ii kli..*," -mid l' wliru
tod I'
They iuipresMd
tile .liguhy Ilf the servbv
iito. Ihal it w.mld to good
l‘■'..s.M sai.1 it would fall
High «i .m.v.
tto last ..toy ori<s'u."

»M'bnt un—nb- l«isUi.-ss • .-.uMI-bm*. i
t„ H.-sn .inn..u tk. p
(tars of NerT&,
and none kvw this 1-du-r tbaa Mr. 1
" "’^tL ,
Ipple. wrtYe 7 n-ul* a d.iraUi; cbtYTica
Yet It wviui
wt«v I tsmt; w-uliitits, abalf cent: rfiwt;n.u si--k ..r bii'n. lint br b«k it. Th.-te
ffrot piinsiae of luiri) h-adi-r* as s»ci
unto, I .s-nt; i-n.-iinibmi \veiv*»1d nt 80
as a .-banKi- In Hi.- towniaklng i-.wi
tv Id .s-iMs: l.-mirv, at 8« tasi.U tv W) 1
i-ied. ainl i’nsS.M- )woccoru to tlukiT with the tiwlff aad ui
rvmt*. fud •rtii-bokrs M *!> f.ctiO cenu. j jn,,„|
IV *.>rt ..(I'elbrw wV
arttle hoeiae*,. awl li is this fiequrtil
g fv IK boars at a
Ortti.l to interesting

tTu imw. '


"Sira. Strong baa ft '
to d.. it.” be sonuiiD.-ed.
i f"r lunuufactnlvd ware* than f«i
• -Mr,. j», «,.n’t. »e feds atout wlieal aud provlslous.
Her t.rganUu
,n.all w you do.
SV g.H-s around tion fur sn-urlug upi>uBltlun lo .Vmeriwith Ibe I.S.I: ..f * stage «vns|dratur. You ; cau Kbipbuildiog. Atuertenb *hi|> own


II thuu youug Aimiriraii
aud frown

Ibe poIicHrs of IV ll.-jitilil ■ail 1*1
and Oir effl.-l.-W'y of ll.-|m
■Inlatmtlon. I’lilbidell.lih


to-iv ..f - Wben-ver It was.
H-.wever. sereral »f them met her at
tdids is by 110 mnuis keni. Th<^ pmim>-r (bat aiglii. and
ind tbr
ibr r
ivsi called aftbly disoc»».e- tbeir fw*1 by sight, aud tbe
ird. a- isjV .-ust.iiii. SIis* Hsdl^
dao-ut of OW) bird aerr«« aa a sigual to
dM not know it was ll
other* at a distaiicu.
ifatHigtat it was ^ OB I
A youug <*mkI<w is a much prettier ob­ awl that tbe is.s^as is
miug to come
ject than an old «w.
It to cl.itlHsl euhirb made liec yet more
tlrrly iu whiu- down, and when it art- atr.<aiil.
dtov.s.ltioo* ihrire u(s«
tto iwelf In sVp. with its ferl hidden toiua made much of. relnruinr cuiiriesy .
aud it* liKail tuck**) uw^y. it looks like with p-si .s.iu. IV lsi.-nt oawnuess ..f
.•Ibers isamis i» hr.-, a- llir suakv .mi iV
a fluffy white toll,
Tbe plumage of Uie adult ia black, wuod.-h.mvr'* Vartb. As if there were
....mlim.siiB<-b.-d upeii
.sviipy her.
with a wbile ruff rtmt.d tV neck, and
im.,1 her iilt.-iiiiou tmlnlrally 10 to
Ike quill* bar.-a white wlgiug. wMeh U-Hbe. and eb.-n she saw bis wify wnu.e
hecoiutw bniwileT at ««cb ance^wivo Ae nslontosl li.-r euersn-s.
moJt.-'Luuduu Hkoteb.
Kr.-u.-li und flirtatMUS
ojhI .-b-ier, aud. wlint.-rer el-o- was to to
Pr.sptag YWIr OW.
said of Mi«s ILi.lli
s elee.T. loo.
>ridly sort ,4-way. liiM Mrs. to
The tost brat lueti In Englai.d bare
tbe habit <4 babilniilly dm|qung tbeir tbshr «s, stn|.i.V an.l Mil hiugly aware
her sl.i|>nlil,v. NtUL sV *BS
was a good
*'g’s" in w.pIs .-wliiig in ‘ii.K," such
hlug nod bad d-Mi.' a kind
r* Koii.g, rnimii.g. wi.lkiug. .-t.--oe In (b.- Bsrri~.u al oi.r
^iiw of thi- ycnnip.r p-in-nitinn «f
lud it resi-Bl-d -os-iug
Atmhra are liurrifte<l wh.-o tiny hear
lOisI) ur.'li-bi-d. her |U>|e
Ihta thiug •bo..' to older is,>pli< aud set eyes-blliug an-l l.i-r lips quiveriug a> ibe
U-aui> dr.'* dni K.s-1..- >0 a rtsuole --urit dnwu as a mark <4 igAnimv.
Those uf thimi wbu Imve heard the luT aud ■■■ lii'i luillcrbs. upou liim.
ouaiK-iK llemi U..I.-..r Kugfand iu his**-. s.-anJaliied. aud Uie f.s-l
iugs-f 111. to. l..-l..ts w.-r.- Iinri. it «aL.-turi-s are u<nr mir|irto.,I to find iluit
j.i.l a iiltl- In.. 111-4.-01. So lliey «.>ught
-e iiiranably <lmpa ins ttoy
« |.>'iil 1.. Ill Ibe eriun-. siid thi* is
.V hsikiug up his aniiinrity for it. Ri* wluil Ihey .|.-vis,>d:
mtto.»iiy is -imply .vmiu.m u-age
miong IV DiiiriTsiiy bred men <4 Eng..Uht. ll

It will to ae.-n lluat 4li.-««aeirlal. ttouw-tal awl lu.lm
lotion, a n-.olutiuu inadi- 1

runriKMi *

girts were
brsrtl Iba by scent, hot ekperimeuis have
provtsl tlmt tv si-iiso of stuell in tlwse

tlca rvflr.-t wHhllig li-s* tU

TW W ,I!r.s”V

are lo M that there ta aoizie retotioB to

.tor i.rofeaMira will give to a tranaactlon
dviu-rwie flirt, don't you think r' sbrUbai tedwM ibe gold ..blpBMtits from
aaked. It waa UM-aul to lie light, bnt' ’ I tbto aMr by «7.toJti.«UU and tbr proba
wae a »hu<le auaiuu>.
Me effect Of wblpptag an additional
Thai would hare U^-u tUnmc'a vhaarr
ff7.0nit.0uti worth of wheat as tbe |>rtce
to bare |>at aO eo.l lo a l<Ae
' u( that cotumorilty tu Liverpool. wVre
rduk 1- ««.
1It bad got a<
‘tom. and tb.- m.
ariM'. eirouu
lie toiAetl lo.-sD 1 made.
>*<rook juiik.-u.
'**«' hr tu.d ..ever known I'r,-TV Mlowlng . uiilDg from Ibe Xew
tor to flirt. -Ue u .w.ibrd In end upe. | York Thw-w. whleb to BrHI.0. en.mgh.

; W'»j;r .r.""-'"'..'.”in: ""r::: ^;.V;

naa its wings but

tbr aHllus of AuirrU-aii tiiBiBifH.nun-a
to tbr forvlsu warkrt.
Y<-i p«i<«d of
betog eurtalh-d timt ■ellli.g 1 tnally li

suHi sliowlug
a fnv trad.iliiH- III iDiiHlilmm-ir and 1

tbr making^up of new aepurate wmiata,

ora wbtrh to run to galbw tmuw-ntnm [
Ii- said nnlr thing*
biugs about
aboul them.' They ; Vlb'
» height wsmgl. to fly tf it
hat b.
Englaml * ..
ijfan la. In addition to do.
sss.-u w
ne wo5d
wuubi like ttotut..
tl ..
. .
railiugs. Tb.-y .
[He uay «' iiw
Beat | lag all the inaiiutanuriug of IV worlA
could Iravw the gmuii.L SuuM-timra,
to tvdtivl all w-eauic tch-paph. mall
fracD tbo Kip <4 its pen h. it atlmupts to

Taka aamr otbrr tourra by way of


toe, and .on.mJn4e.eoey wUl Uka
i^raed ihoa#
__ , ,1.^
manwl nor the

- if you wrtak. to VquIre dlattpetloA to

,wp« a toi«v oo-a.! to J
-a iwoa tlo> -VI! <i w. IW

to j>'Vlw-J^-nG'-' 'Tm »7Jt to h w’.* !-tolps fnmi w hieh
take It Ui fh-iagoa
•d YlTid meiiUl pi..lurra of tlio bird;
that I .l..o t hu..« fa-.w to w-t «ot." V not b.- |»TniHl.-.l
at a ffiwul bright wUboPt an of-1 to aiakr h.-r*Hf utipipolar.
.«t«w -iM-d pinned
B**uMr«a swl
HUM suganited
H.i^BwivM rr Hn.v
..-I sblpweii
lO tPe TmtlStaal.
f«1. roariug
roariuB in
in gmo.
grao. for
far iHrelw^
Hrel«, or
or glid-;
slid-’ *^>*f*''*
-“r'-wf arture atwmg • group thnt u.p.v.Tmiieui profflp.
U-- i.-ll
i.-ll tbe
the truth
truth and
and wbame
shame U
‘; o*-iug
owing to
to the
the llrlllrh
tag down Hko lightning upon its prvy. Ii •* rtoellw llet.irnant.. eattM-r a^
alilps from trading
!bll.lilnx Btiitoh H,l,,
hi-adftrwwn i fahblou
of lb.- arerwUted paiBIlW of the
f.el m-ue
lu-ue of a
“ .v.nfunu.led
................. — ' am '
kI r.el
^ fotvigu vessel will
of - or tit • Je.ult that. 1 .. .......... ...
down Vtw»m it. wiugN and it* plum«/ »
‘to'*' »« .s»v.-y ,be to
Fstbeiw." Hot
the Ih-uienani*
IP-ulenanU w
wen"t,;..u.i.l.-r: you are areitginc
ago draggled, wittoint sufficient apnou 1i ^It
“« the
n i.usy.
** * ns.'
' Louriuteo Manjii.-* l*ort Ktisa-

aalur as wr wrrr toi yrart aao. tbr

tailiin- bad h> In-Muidr

«f tbe ainrt
Tbare .
d some prrjudirea whh-fa

#• wHI aoi to niD up afatoet. »•
llir aeiYtre
take lerenge up



• WWah rpaat tba

___ _

that fell to flun.boWfs pm unypretiy ; .“*«

ABtoBOt of tuanufaclurrd aood* whtrti
wr ^uy abroad Ium wtually dairanard.

aacaaa of liiip<*n» ovrr rx
to 1 lOl.DTU.ttK!. wbrrrar | Id


- of iBTaet bat beau aiviai'

wbirb tbr uatlua to taklus. .tlUniocb
wr arr imiririlns twlrr as mwh la



pttwf n
Rtruos a______ _______
Br raid Ihal abr bad.
'‘And I loU
her that br wa« a lurvet tiarbrb>r. IV>>e>
tor bimaett raoK- to at the nwaitont. aad
the dtoimid it. '.Vuw >»o be atUI for a
day or iw.k awl let <btof> lake .-hiHr
Aad they took it at a wad
Biat Badiey uiabi bare sur>rrd that
eae linn lieutraaul •-ouU oerer have alfurdrd ail tbe faui? luxea of flower>
and raiidlea that <wrh- over for lii-r In
rruetiir'm naotv l>\ aU>M errrjr luot. hut
»far did wn rlop lu rrfleci |>robabty. and
■hr war iiiishtily pU-aM-d. Uitb with herarU aud hllb, whereupon ebr was slUi
mure dkMamwUt- t» rrerj onv
But a tiny cioiid hesan Co float a.-ntoa
her blue akr. IV- flowen aad >«rrW
were ii<aii> aad arrived rrsolariy, aad
whan ihi^ wasted IVortor at tbe adjutanl'a oflirr they m-oI fur hlui to the
And >-fl. though the week of
her vi«ii «-a> draw-iiis to a v-hiw, bo was
ao orarvr (u luvrwakiDa Ibaii upuo tba
There are more thtort to the serrico ttrwt day- «he grew a trifle «imw«.
. than bras* bnltoa* aad dasbtog eaeabT- waa Ooi that >be waoli-d Prw-tor. but

aaat ba pal down to tba hlgbly axnc- I
fwetrd aMoouto of early writtaa. Tba | "

ward Btiidr In tbr dlm-thm liKlkntrd


la tba Taltnca’

arlaiy, be will tod a ouudiw of tba Aa-

faf«laiii«i of iJto <*d world to dlrpttod•m aaoe ihia <-ouoii7 for lu fold aod
tbto drpi«d•• MrtX


-«e* Tort Ladaar.

To br .arr, wdat ai*

Rao«to a* foodatnVa rtW form iba
Mte part of «W AntYkao nrKhaa-




• i\mf. aiKl ft b

Rita >KI>

Vbu ■•rtee He Oald -■••Ig*.*
' Rtrange Lady-If a isiir .4 er.-glassea '
sta.uld be dto-ov, ml V nuyof .onrlndp.
wUI you hate iVni dis|«leh<d by tV
negi post p.
- toe? Clerk-C. Mainly, ndss. In wbat
^m of Boston .ta yon reside}—l*biiadelphis
phi. Norifa
North Auerirs

wlti.lle Mos III full hlasi
-tid :i n.-i-gi- .imier's i«-

hurry: If yon
e 1
»- .1,
•'«ll0p simv AlwiHa, « Itom s.pta-ldy
tariff jmLu* br
('ollinihns .still 11
----------p.r «
All lUlugs are
otlnly Hiat Ih*. .r*-ar 1

>. witellier ll

..f Ho- uiii.lury or tV Aral y.-ar .4 tb.
«s-oinry. w ill ilwlf el»><- in
never I
glory f..r tto |»arly whl.-li
gtan.ler or g1..ri..iis In as|iert
„ ,, Hstoy the H.-puldl.-nn inirtr.
,.y y,, -rimes.

three or four are set at regular dtolauces apart.
A |■laln gold liracvicl lu Vmbuo paiIfTII Is <lUlle IMiVvI.
l uique among men* rings ta oue
<s.iis>siliig .4 a plau- uf |uve act tollItoRi*. whi.-li Is .-nried to lit etoue to
lb*- finger aud in (be ceuter of wbicb to
ael a mliy cut to a tong, uarrow marform,
A vw loug clialu has tb* usual cabuetaius repla.-ed by Jade heart* of
considerable six*. Ijirge caboedtoos of
IUM,noise uMtrlv are also very chic for
itasH- flinlUK.



bright, '

iT.'ly -iimi.-B of gn-eu (H>i*4 In uud luoruix-o leatVrs.


, ,
line f<ir
ItuHi plafb jMillsVd Irory and pi^ awhig* htovely 1i
No pr.wl.leni tiiai ever .leenpled (ta-|Htr fluings of llv taaiVr'dirosluff
White House ever did im4e fv the In-i Vffa.
(itmtrtal d.-velopvpt of tb* aoWb.-'
Ebony bnubes antotieuUy moa
^Ogflelphla Inqolit*.
witb aRror Bad a arg* cUeaieto..

-_______ ___________

«• Mm«
'Vta Ikt aUM




lur that an fim shall be last,
• utaiHllaK
, ae'-ar • lortiD*- t«41er‘» tret. a»d the last shaU be aFuT (Math. Ux.
asd Jaar Abw lefi Johhai*- (ieorfc aad «o,. TUs tratk Is lUurtratcd Imna*
«Mtel7 by CbrlM by the parable ot iba
AM am, Him
w feRHv. OtT
rrinwi o' Jobui«
laboren la Use tlueyaiH
THX paaa«i.E.
***’* ***: tw (tin -btaak >fo«
__ »n»ti
Sbr'aas analler I
klagdooi of beareu U IlkMied vaMJ M rw) •ins M ^ tw Mffc- Adb*-‘« ronjA
thaa J»to A>i^. aiihUrr . ton.patbri
■ booaeboUer wbo early lo the
(air hair. Pbe *as
«a* pnt'
pnt- tDorainc hired labMer> («r his vloert to ss Its M il aiUn sM asto le eyesI and »«
t fair
ty. bat ill a caorv frayile aaj ikaa daa« _____
8be Invlud a Suaer that had ; ■
_ third, sixth, oluth aod
Aa4 ml, >w M.«Af Ml snbf as. oi sab IM
hseo faeatee do* u bj besvr raio.
| Meveath hour/ be hind otlstT tabaren
tb-.a Ml faISM
AM an
Ml a-fV to BUi. aad as aaa
-TeU >er f.muiieV" ssU tbe gypoy w<h
cOOdlUoO tbit be »onW pay then
Sn tts IUM.r «( sl>

•at ^ '■**** 7 **'^*| I I liiii j

Citahsa. Ptola. PaaetoA. St*:

WWte Duoc of as srouhl be wQUac!

a kurry.
A da.T or eo after Jane
litlle OK.uniaiu farm early
th- morelog wbih- the mists.yet bun while oo tbe
hilisidi-s. Nbe hHd a long
V held Iwk •
turi.Ml up hi-r sliirts. (..r t
where the hrau-bes
I1^e.l bsM
damp siet niuO.l.T with de
an.l Jam- Anu.- bad ou Elii- itss a f-niuid.T ta«1 her rosy
ebei-fcN RB.i iM-igbi
lo more
lou.-ly. IhiI S' shv.'d.-x.ei.l.-.|
poiud.Ris regB.iis sbf- -ve i«.k saatber
sensui girl. uliMi iNiuDd

n.H.„.V ....I

•‘^Wat oppoiv
wbciber one


"John F. On & Oo.


fn-l OH


Is an Intrednction.
Tbe napkla ahotiM Iw fol.ksl to half
Its aoipmnde and UId np^.ii the
and the Udles remove their gkn<%. .
U extremely bad (ora to put (Seee In w
tIasB. as some do. or tuck tbem to at
tbe wrist, leavlug tbe arms vuvered. a
form of tatlneas that Ujtoi accocdloc'
to tbe Boages of good oociety.
Tbe oysters come first and are eaten
with the appropriate fork; otberwiae
' one nay find oaeeedf oldlged to ask for
’ another, the oyster fork being twelcaa
for anything clap.
[ If one does poi take win-. It aboold
be kuibeleut to say to the servant. “So
' wine, thank yoa“ but one sbonld be
on the al.'ri to prt'veoi its U*ing poor«n1. If OUA--S pN>fereoe«- Is forgetien lat­
er ..u. out of eomaderetion to one’a
h.r«t OIK- »ould out waste what Is sup.

-l^sM K

" r"*"-


aboaU ait » as t.. tirin* tiw.

>«*■•»«. i«k n«. .«;;s.«
«nth the ose of fOM .ml eleerrtrity are
lose IWI8> of tbe restftil aud bonMlke


n?en,.torily to the falr'halrM firl. !*«*»*
N^tOelueiit was oad^
-Tu.- she omM. taraiu t« the gypay: .’■«»«? rwelred ev»y luaa a penny.“look yo- sharp, in .v«' shall say »y for- , The drat boor laborers rnnplalBcd that
Here iw aixpeece as doan't yo* say they bad been onJusUy tnated Is that
rind yv’.“
' tbi-y Teeelred no mere tlian those wbo
I The erpsj. a rsyly
diea--d dark wo.........................................bad
Ubored but one hour. But tha
naa. with a villaiuiias sqiiiol. look the
Jbim'a kaod and.
sod. beodlAi
alxpeure ao.l Jaw'
^ ba^la^
^ OtelMa!
• &, and ____
further tbe rtpht to do
reriBir eye fir fresh eneots. muttered a
^ «.|,w hu
A Story of South Wales.
eertalo fommla sbi- bad n-j-sted many “ ***
W«l» h‘» «*»•
times ibsi day. Jaar Aane listened with j
-TBE iSTkarartATlOx.
*^op yuo here. rouM' ibe fair.” —M Mraioed atitmiiun. To her this was a | This it (voeedetl to be ose of the
the mWre.. |N-r>aaslvelyJ pa»U>« for ■
seriooA aurkN^iaiint. It wes oot niost dltBcult of Chriafi.1 patahlea to
lo her work.
^eesy lo ouki- out the xy|»y's gahUc in oodenitaod and CX|
!xpblo. .It finjoatnu.rfsy slieet. bb.I Jane
Jaor Aline
Aiioe wto
.^d Beetui At haM to be unjust
-I eonX said
- - Jaae Apus atordUy, the B.rf.yrtiert.RB.1
.hiw W>Uh-K..*llsb
WeUh-Kugllsb and oot thU cock- • y,
,ji uwl^lood.
«ad brt aOAB-er was
aevu^venied by
if a allkiu
allkiiai. opoa the ney r..msny lln.-o.
Earsh cUtb
eliupch. Tha
e pn.biM
iAn-M sat f. uth.-rbiB lo W»he «hH tliiu aW
•tunes. Tbr miAn’
steward is t'brlst. The laborers are
the doorway <if the honseiplare, and
the rb’b dark hiisliaod sod many children
(Jotl'a servButs to tbe church. Tho
m>se and tbsl she “a-.nld wsik ailli
White d.two fn-m ihe half! |.hi.k.-.l goose
wages are Uud's dnal^nanla wbeo
Whiril lay aemos her ktieei Id-e sh It le lad U-fon-sbi- found tbe ticiii on.-.
"Do >oii wnni
srry Julmnie life’s day Is done. Itui two 4ue>tloas
tte light brrese and ^ttljd lo her gray
Oiviivr- askiAl Jane Anui Hheu ibr for nee<l III Iw aiisweriNl: I. Whom .lo Ihe
<NiaHo.l.Tl. The fair dlBi-reoi laboren repres»-nt? Whoever
•u.'l tiiej- may ri.|nvsent. ihi-y caanpi n-pre“VUs: Johnnie iTtorge-ii pie did think
, aaut tbe sauie peooua ut the dllTereat
tn if S.I (N> as b- .ab biSr kito lf to a
. f.-. hog. s. tv o..i
’heir llvea. Th.-refotw there
ap-ke ^wnly .,f Mbmc
Niu. ».
he found hetw oo eBi-ourngehieDt
- - tVell. w. ll.“ Mid tbe aitress wearily.
to any cue lo'^ut off eerrlug liod till
-I do Bunder at you. rJo. an him so P«tfd th.-.i.iestn u impst.
imv .m.i Ute ID life With the hope of belnr as
emit ”
**“• the other, dr
fully fvwanled as If be bad aerred
■ ••Ain t more tlighre than U-t men W.- Rowing fight, as even Ih
fiod throughout his entire Ilf... The
aaid sh.-. nilil.lng a luUk pdil Mskly with
"If.'' . ,
eoarerr^.lsami. "iupnywtjA 1 ail] hare
'•>J.d draw him froni nir. an ,
Ubon-n. repreaent at hast dlfferrat
persons call.d at different times In tbe
him toiw stuady owml welbeniarrled."
The misn.-s sighed. Hifk,,,-,, it was
'-'J him. and 1 d.. m.w wh.t.-ir.
cborch'a hlstury and wbo responded to
- - ly,
An liN.k yo . Jsue Anne Jones. Isas tbe first tail .For lostauee. they may
il I'.c^lheti
made up her mind. Jk(
»Ho were'called
also knei
to,. ,nd ,be gentiles or different pe-

• la «to «Mtls AM

At a dtaaer to wbkh foeata an hM<
I Sen the seatlemeD hMp la asai tbe laV* «lM before takinc their owo platiaa.
If a dersyinaB Is preamt. It la caatocaary to resj -rot him to uk a Ueaa-

to sssarMs aur
«haH *•« Iks Ikias sshaassaKtotkeOMat




______ • MW '

Wr M>ia.
iu|>btliA Hcbu wm hr*M. ;
(biBiac lo ftif* om tw
>*ekj- italk.
I..* MM m* tht /MW Tb« c
s cvttias ruux^er. »oM(r.


Irinrsi Ciff Unlm Ci.
Trinrst Ciiy,



F^r Fire Insurance

the spoon. nmttten.IKi by the slightest
•uuud. and the plate may be tipped
away fn-m one, m-ver towanl »ne. If;
one is very auxiuiis to arH-urv tbe last] .
No oue uses a knife with fiAh unless ’Ion
silver ones, .made f.»r the purtMu^e, are i ••>**
pr,.-Mrf. A Ut U l.n-0-T u-.alV
oLPcavwmm. K*.
sulBi-iem ns an auxiliary i- ilie fork.
IlKluUig. tXadle* and Umpa. bow.
Butret^ are eateu with the fork alone.
hold a |n.kU1ou assured by The roast Irnixmes no ajuK-lal ell<)uette.
&»hiou. if not o«-cesalty. OoinI HouseIf a vegi tnbli-'is servetl as a Be|iarata
kreplng, in lUustratiiig «..ine of their
aiT-ording to French fashion, j
“«“.v fonus. says:
eat-h has its
u puncilllo.
' faudlevtli-ks are surely “a survival
Uio fittest." for. aside from auy
itkip of
of toshiou.
- • •
good ones give miani or divided and rereL wdlh^forw
’« » f*w> *» aitrecllve. homelike air.
aivtocn and eau n w Itli a fork.

fire laIn mj

JekwoBkid. 'Phoms.

L. L. A. BoUdln^.

barbarian, .krticbokes may also be
alike, sint-.- aoiue worked longer than tecture and rumlsblnga candlesticka
eateu with the flngera. plucking the
others* The best explanatlou seems to h«ve won due iippreclath.n. Graceful
leaves lo In- eaten at the base of each.
be that the dlfferent-e reaulie.1 from tbe outline and almple, refined ornaments
The game follows with tbe aalad.
dlffen'm s|»Jrlt IB which Ihe labor was •>« tbeir dIaUugulsbing cbaracterisUca.
whk'h last. If conumeed of lettuce,
■hotild be dipped In a sauce aud tbe
tlay morael eaten with a fork alone,
which may foM the leaves to a convennmsi.lersii.iD. He was playing
In a co- wages and bonce cauld oot Justly comWuaiut and hi;.:hlyd«v,rativclnm,mc re^s^
t-uaiHit shy w-hi
hile Jau- AnBc
AoBc had
ha . been
___ .plalo. Th- nih.-rs made no bargala. «iiii:itlous. usual
bavins h.-r for
................. Id. Jane ABue They were
' reeelre wliji was right ’‘"t
«»k- larp
bnmsl.1 him out. and lie f.iiind himnelt They left
matter of pay outirely to Kunn1« that can .M-.-asloD.iHj- U- picked
Fruit iiiusi nev.-r be bitten, bot cut
to face with bU late swretliean. It (be hotist
trusted In _________ _ _____________
. . i...,..
tnd^tlekN arrniiE<-<l f.
Th. ..ivli< burst _
“Momiog. I’.il." sni.1 Jsii
•hloh always
are usually nl rn••Swo-tbraris- V.vto-."
autl.e - I lll■■1lsbt, ni
l"-«L afu-r »hi,-h. at a
’1*" grenii-r r<-wsnl. The hire- ProfUMely ornani.-tiu-.1 ei
G.-..IV gigxlrd m-rvonsJy l hid- bis enilet you got-Ibr lairrsuited to Rjjfoal from tho Jiosteas. the ladles rise,
lings revived iiirpllng wagi-s
Tlie Isrgo rooms .ir tho tliuliig table. Glaat.
I say.
1 niniH-d
are fnigllo. p-irn-bin is plncluc ilw oapkinK. mill unfolded,
“I,<M>k j.A»brr«'. Jnliuuii- Gi-orgr.
r." heaway." StlM
plates, as implyli _
RU hihi. tiam-e.-. “1 U-o Ibiukiii
things to the spirit hi wbleli they had lalmreit. bcti.-r, but I
own l> .y. Kb- liH.I a tinii'l. .|i-|.re- F>iu
thnt th.-y, of txilirw-. will nut bo used
l»int. I Can wp wunder. tberefore. that It was d<“uralde ih.-iu ''n;.-!'.
eating ..i' , \Hhe hs4t.-d a. ih..itgh she J *’''. ,
Imt bore- your ole larger ibau the former*
had Kn'Ii ilnvcB whilbor » n- w.iel.l ma
| Tall stu-k» wirtiuiit tiBii.|1-s are in- agnUi. aii.l withdraw fixitii the room.
The iiieu rlsi- aud remain siaodiug.
sw.-oth-nit ready tn
all her lit!

TUP ArrMi ATio.N.
teu.liNl as fl'iilugs to a iiiuiiiel or siilo- while the une ueStt-st ihe <ioor Indds It
III I ynur
“I •...iHii'l go lm.-k Bril
I.. did sh:
'"*■ * I’’**- Open for the la.lies to pass through.
yea.-’ said Job- An
iw-sy bad pOTlIuii to the time or qiiuullly of laUw
:bis. as In eti-rv oth.-r dlsii.-lU ail
... splrii l.i l-i fnlk*
,Jt U cusiciiiiBry. u|H.u I«ivlug the ta­
.1 Jam- ,
does t In- g.diig I
ble, to M-t »ue-|eb8ir-Himer to It or far
■ed Jam- spirit lb wlil.ii ,ch- •htbor Is |n-i fornuNL “*» '>«” nwults i.n- oulj s-eiircl when enough owny to enable others to pass
add..l. with a Unsb.
' said l-ol. -TVi4'<
inisiaopes The timU who lalw for wages will re- ’l»- ’“•“of r">" «f »« aiv made to
lmN>uvenlem-c.-Talilc- Talk.
A I .» maiiT gaU h»v.
vhsmptou celvc Ids wag.v, ami the ou- who. for- »«*’ ’I'*- sp«vi»l i.tvds of -ve.-y room,
bare J .Iiimi- CiN.rt.-. H.{ In- -i giNs]
rge. y^v gelful of rewartls aud wag.v. out of a
I’fir dilltcolty of obtibnug leaUy
Itoplr TpelelBg le riae MaBeesm
3«>king Ri, .1. sill
, g.-> ' th
ll.vti«pNwl couit.-vy has ail Infiueut-e
M- cbtiiic.-<l SB gel married
«Bl hr was. k.N-0 .-.dupstiy
ders unto God a Ilf.- uf loving, graieful I?-''
of anistli- v-iuies uud Jnnt sug-eonied In Jeukmdl.l brenk her. riiibl •' ■” •
Ivor y..' uo tualiee.
rehlhl .-ultnn- not to b.- Ignored. Uni­
.r WR. le»Pf,,l J'-bmiie G,..avP. tihsi I 1.- doing is. aervlct- will W rewarded in th- same kwted tbe lui|.|.y ld«a .if having the form |N>llico<-SK and grackiuaness
Apart r.a- biui " I
uouveried '
aod iitipi«-s.iv.-. an.| Jnup Auin- Ii.I.-ii.hI
F-«l. "H y'' shall bare that •pint, t-au we .kmid as to wbleb wlU
receive the greai.-r reward'
with a dswniux
with lb.
••Vlss. siirp." .-..iiliMiP.1 Fit. pleaiN-d by I*""*-.--- «al.-. ..n fh.- . r I wsss
...... rn.wEii urETiNt,.
ber .THiiptbi..!.'. Blleuli.iii. "Thorp’s -In uiiii.l .»... . be fair bi
Have a •-aiecbeikal uiivtlug.______
ship with slslera aod broibera and ka^amcemagw^
tlmrs sill- dill p. ’most craxy sn fre'.-d Pri. "}.. mn-b<-d-bring fan
Ituiwriani aud liiteresiiug guesu|M.n
lovely and calmly |K>ised. For polite-j io^^»ieago«®OpwM EaiMa wMehairaar
.l-odr’ aXoi^Jsiii- Anne
f ----------------- ---------------- and, lopU . Disti-tbutI.'
s Implb
resiraiut of auger;
grarriy. BII.I tu-rbriglit fa.viwN.-inuai-d “'’•-"•’d l- ihi' PXh..nRliou in mute si
____ la^mgaiSM^ B. bMeL-.. _
t a n.N-k iN.f.ire ilio mooilng and
-“New. I d..n-| l.'IWtP w1>ay .h.- bp. but
•vuihia.-d .IsHug at .-a.-b irttpr
Ilia thou
ought for oibcrs; it |mts seif WaywetoOrwMRwptoswM ebatr ear O
I- tbe loador aak th-iii in regular
I b.-anlil sty
say a. ^Ii.- Iv uUu.l for ih.-•'"'1 •'-ft J.**"™ »ad disId the baekground. TIh; p-rtou wbuee
Th- man w». order, so aa to bring om the oxplanackiirebyard,
pullleni-Ms Is aulomniic wilt all through C. L. LOPKWOOB.O
B.O P. BT.A. OraeSks
lb- Sr-i t- inid his louguc. Ut» Ideas . tloo and appUetilon of the lairable.
life v-oiiiDiend blnist-lf. w here the boor
Rllde tt.-a.Ili
tti-mllngs.-Geii. xv. 1: Fs. 1,
!' "I d.oiii’l belliwp ilII bpok.*. bean, my- i
‘■."’I reu'prpbeo^l, Blldo
or tbe brusque aud clumsy peraoo will
JsiH- AnuP.
xvi. Ml; Mai. ill. 8-]l>; Matli. v.
- . said
- ..........•
iryfiit (- sbnke .Wkil Jill .Viinp uanlpd biin tn do. His
was v.-i-j <vicu-I.T
«•» Ibp uiipl-ii-sui iiupres.|.gi ilip other's
»I-4d: AcU itl.
ing Id fine roahnen cannot begin too
ih.Mik-ht n-errUul
1-10: 1 for. I. ’.’T hl: Epb. 4tl. «-pi; F»|.
rarly. says Margaret E. Sangster lo
llarivr's Fjixrir.
( .Ire • hill,*-"••• lusMerruI. Nlw had bird- I
------------------- ----h.!'.. to.t Lioi-J l 'f ’•«
the wh.J<- day. 1
N-dpp- BPiraetoPleepy.
Oomo BOCT*.
■leevea le Perla.
-I,«r? f.. p.. vloiia
. II.' I. nlwuv.
Tbe bell slia]NNl Vl.vvc and tbe poS
H >p| lini.l k-l>' t-i'that
K'tli h-p slwoys at his .-lUiw.
Is N-ir sufileimu-y. One m.vts with It
below tbv elbow, lustead of above It. aa
ih-a away Isii him ..v.r
‘'‘•■’dearr’ everywlinp.- We look .Ipwit ii|Nin Cltlhcretofope- are rumored folure eveoto
i-w. 4t wail . bap
«"•> l■s«hf^I1ly
i,„ g,.«pr„,i„„
,re no
In sleevef. S.-veral 1‘aria tea gowns
hsilms dir srst*••'■1, If J- m. tool
inueli n-ls.-r tUn our fathers that ills
and bloiisd-w have tbe sleeve very tight
t." with a re-M..l |.«.-r.l4rb.s.l, "tun
‘imu'-uusbu wUn-h
an.l idaiii to the elLiow. and thence
du, e.™ .... mi-..
RiajlN- if_l ^osu’l marry ^




if yo- d.wsii’t bare
else wiU, maybe a
got a-stifa“‘® nauira

be ba .


='S=.i~ ™



... rs rs;' r ■si:

""?• -7


»i>u PUJI..I., .»i.i th.u I. w-i«i„ss;’ssatus.'‘w~.i3"j2;


Tht Pere^luqittte RiiliNi



cates lbp.T li-i itH- li.kle’'
. Ivgt..iii«g to rain wb.-B JamBrillism lixhisjlared
ha-blul. hu.l had rilH-TVt’Jll'ILh ^p! Ai.mJ.-lt Ihe t.
il.- left ilip town
JaiH-. .\iii»- pnimp
th- stN.utsto^
bis earuiiu;- and.
-■ ^.IIM- sii.nII -b;...
,dp»t-d II..- 1.-.1 io
/ "F-r .f 1 d-.-,
i| ■’Ton'll
-rebesjivn., y—\
ft all ..r hatii
‘‘‘‘I.S I.
"F’U Hpi .'s.v for whi.-li IIh- niiii was
but »hr hiiisii-d the
.H.gMj nwa.v.
H«- ba.t uo uswei i.1 'n- du-d if s
tboiisfa bd-. w..uhl bav.' piel
I |«»r
bis Biuui-y. It-wN.-li, M.I., >»•'••( Jane ,
An. ’,1. .-I I gXNlAnne, htii h- a.lniirrd ami
.' i.oH»d of ,
I lvha«y pru
her. Tid. .« her miml. J
.turn- spllaa wi’ M-m
• tle.1 sii-a.iilj I- rejoy b»‘i.
wil.1 hpt.-.i -l-.w. sh.NitiaL- gRll.-ri.-*
riK-jp jsf-t. stall, tii-d lb- Jian.iw'. rob,! ,
s.-i eikl vp. T
Mi- iBv.d MtTNt. of thi- ij,nal|j ,,MNt “ ,
• farm. ^ -in.
tittle town, in n m-r. -i-n ^ui.v
B-nr the .ho.vh t>..,o.lslsw,iL ,„.t ,n„.g
. au I
iNNits were atlia.litig U,4 .-p.w.U .,f .
far* h..i, smllsto.-,. AImA- tin-.iiti of
wk-wu an.l Imiglm-r .aim- liLlf frirliten- . V .1 Jnm- .Liin. Ini|uiii.-uliy.
ed. shrill s.t.wiii, from t!;.- -.-iiU iti the « i
swing boat. and. half dr..wnlpu it all. the
' •



iful nil tbP

Rm slUl Ibr.thnughi of
4rl she bad
K-.I lo r.
beard of lust iil-iaiug hsilli^
ir ill answer to bei Ihoilgbl. fc.-r py.:-«B a slight tigoTp stamliiig
ig 4
( little L
from thi- i-Tvw«l. Fhe s—im-dj
iH-dlSo hi- alnue.
•Bd sbr traned
bv/eh«r. h wall
I. . weatT ani
Vas wat.-hiuB s»me oue iuiibe swiugw

II Jobni


apptvh Is no longer oonveiitlousl To
aty nothing
. iweiHly
lUviHly Is n gretu a.-ldevetueul. The Ull.le li-«-!r .......... .. IsloD,
fjn,,. pr.,,are nhl
New Testa..... .. i-. anti.inat.-cl. So
are lisienlDg. in li.-u to
tires on Teunywon.' Isibgfi-llow-.
ShskeNlN-afv ali.l fount ToUtnl.- Well,
Isaiah and Hi- proplieis .-an enlitily
wall. hui the o|dniob of ihns- old fashlimetl pn-a.-tiers upou ->oni- who <-hilm
I b- tli.-lr niiHl-rn
Of absorbing imen-st.-Nev
antlner (HapiisK.

I d- I
... Ih- p
great.-t Jn Um' uexi wnrltl fuf
whai vre 4.. and pt-rhitps n.'i mi grret
as f.u- that whlitj w- do not do. ‘A
poor, iiiifwmtnai- la-tug ln>rn of depravotl i«nslD of the u
t kind siindy is nut as
nN>)N.nslble for his iHtudiiion as one
iHirn of gvNMl parents amid fhriaiian
Biimiimdliigs. If wv idi with our hands
ft.Idvd. laiffi-vl ti|t with silly pride.
afraid of the nffinl.m uf wN-bdy. ar{Bld
gulu- Miisfied to len.l a helping liau.l. afniM to (ova

luiDd. “I duiim.t aadpmtno Jane Anat
but Jubnntp <;r.>rgw fia’t.. fc,. a„ k.K4p.’--i;NDiniw'.

• ( Ibp ^lirpAli-B of
I,J ,, ,b,., ,.N A..J W«
air. tu
have h>st
hwt yoor
Johnoie Georae. Mw w as about
Orel tferiiug iu hU pocket s-Ne!
•ft-r and speak te tbe gSrl. wbeo the
eiwwd otMcd. aud wbe l-st sUht of ber. I Beggsr-Tbeo reo juu l.-l me bavt •
Att day. 'Bioid the sEi&to» boUy crowd. Ihtle aratoUtov*-rewr*re’a We«A&.

our fooHab pride, titan Up IS with them
In their sin an.l Ignorencr.—Martina
R. Aitams Nixon.
--------------Tto aipaa ei aaaarea.
pn-vent_the birds of aad—
__ ________
1-., -rer r-or
you may preveat them from stof^laE
to boUd tbeir neat to your Ulr.-eCME-

“*«" '““‘I'- (hat the prat-ik* to
a «10e beU shaptsl « d«lfast galuiug lu favor Any Isrgv-dealer
lb lamiw will Ot i
barnor uiatl.v into
use or jy.
abuuld U- tak«-u to nix-i 'e s vase with
a large base ibai n-si: lli-uilr on ibe
tabj.-. as lu rig. 1, If pref-mal. vuc ^
with a small lutse m.-ty iw eff.vilvcly ’
B'-*> IkmH.fitivO iuio ai. iron or l.rasH frnioe. as ’t* "'’-‘bbality ou
in Fig, L'
I »‘*f
Many kUids of in.iv. Uiii-aud metal:
vasps reu be iiillIxiHt fur this puriMwe
aud auy desired ivlur effcel obtained.
Jaiitllese Jars ..f various kinds give
highly artlstle effeets.
Glass gloties Dow evliiedli varied BrIlstip Kbapos aiiil wiyles. .Most Im-uIiUful. ns vrell as exiN-UKlve. um-s are
made lu glass of unliiu.-lj niiiigled c«4un>. lA-nded glsto Is ofu-a u-uxl. Globre
<vnie lu bulb simple au'd fanciful
aUaiies. in plaiu. (ruslevi and devurated
effects Bud 111
adiiig are j
V dewlred.
.Swale Taplwew Faddle*;
Soak half a cup uf taphNW over­
night: Fare aud core six tart applre.
Fill the cures with sugar and place tbe
apple* In a baking dish. Four tha;
soaked tapiiNW over th-m aud scatter'
a few bits of butter over the top. Add svllb that Iniest erase, silk fringe. Tbe
• little hot water, and during the bat­ bodke fsRieitB in tbe front, and tbe col­
up to
««> Ibe
'ov neck
necs at tbe
me center
ing add more as may be needed lo
onddlng uecomiBg
becomlne too
too aoB.
I* .Patens. In tbe
™ paootng
ai, pi:: I
He ™<eHAl Ia NM U.
fe«ly tender. 'Serve when nsartv eald i
a tbe left skoal^tk aagar aad thick nam
| at Th* fs

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