The Morning Record, May 26, 1900

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The Morning Record, May 26, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Bor^rhcr* U Vndt/wcrt D#
olar* Tbst th* War to Orcr
BilPry ffM Bmm rnmm VMM
A«f«w th»^MlUMrM Oostm

•» om tk«

auM TMtter-MUih *•

Xte B«rp-P»tter.

pel™ bill

•OTW W TM MontM «mot.

Telada.M^ U—Obariaa Barttoy.a
wal aeiato dMlar of Create aad e«
*d to ncenmlaeta fcte atop Iteba. E. 4.
Bartley, at tte latter^ home aa Owad
araaaa loalffct. B. 4. Bartley to tb*
ate wbeleeal* froem- ia Okie *ad
•taada hifh la be*!**** aad poHttoal



Against it Tsstardaj
Oaamntse^tbeWbcdaof tbaHouo*
a Ood* Bill aad Inoartaddatl-Traotaat
afoaa Otaatad. Aaaoaf Tb« MO a
Koath for Widow of Oaptala OrMley

H« 0tel« Th«T flu

SWIFT CAmwq justice

UM40M. kUy M~A dliV»t«k frCME
N tlM r*MTt ttet tb«
Boot tew ntirad mwh tte Vo«l HrV. Boodwteef rrwBiatOTWtteUj
•vMdtflat- Urd E»bOTi wiUdoste
toH oTOT tte VmI T«wd»y or SDodoj.
Tbo barter* *t Vr*d«rert dwUn ttei
tb* irate
UKi Boboto wuX» body of troop* ia
tte Oroar* Vtm 8ui« te aow tetiraw
Vr*d*fort stailoB aad W^v«ko*k *tftUoe OB ite wap to tta* V*alri«*r.
wbar* tb* Boot wot taid to bar* proparad to dtepow tte BritUh adraseo.
WolMho*k*utientedDtrfl(Mee mil**
from VtIJwBi drift, wtero the field
■narobar* etc Ur i* cateeted to erca
tteVaaV H tb* bonrbrn elect to oppw* tte iovaalOB of the Trateraal it U
tbOBffht that eoriow firbiiaa will dc
wlop aloar tte rlrer today or Batorday. Lord BobOT'e rlfht. left and eent*r tew boon tbrowa oat to a oon*lderabl* dtetaao* M> that tb* Tranevaaler*
will find their Urrliory maaaoad at
MUltary m*B bailer* that the cad of
tb* war te rapidly drawlar B*ar. The
dat* for tte' ooeepatloe of PwloU
white te nraally aased aBoay otfielala
to date it- It te aa**ia*d by ttea
tbattbOTwUlteao deUy either in
tte p—fr of the Vaal or in tte eewpatloa of Jehaoaeabnrc *1bm Oeaeral
Boberta, with b« •np*riority of nn»bOT and hi* etraarth of aumatad
fore*, eaa tarn the Boer* oat of awry
defaaalw poalUoo which they may aitOTpt to bold.
Warraatoa. May lt->Op*ratlooa hare
baea paabad forward to mltea. «oe of
Ooaetal Banter'* bneada* terla« oceaptod Vrybnrf leal alrbt. Ooaaldartaf tte dIfiealUa* of tte road, tbte te a
remarkable aehterameat for a mlied
lore*, teort of laUeaa a*d maklay
loread marebet. Watar te •**■«*. Bom*
pertloat of tb* brifade oorared l»
mil** withoat a break. Oeaeral Baatapanoaallyfo** to Vrybnrf today

nn.1 Ik. OIW. D.1W.U. to Ik.
Xioafaaef Xtohifaa Mnatelpalltla*
,at Jaeknen 0am* »oma
I riwoftte nlaedalacata* fremthte
elty to tb* maatlaf of the Laafae of
Mtoblfaa MnnlelpaUti** at Jaolmoa.
Itet ewnlaf oa tb* Paw Marqaatu. Member of the Board of Pub­
lic Work* Oalkla* and Ald*r«»a Moow
aw*UU lath* ■oathara part of the
atat*. Aldermaa Oarrteon etopped off
at Batoa Rapid* for a rteU wlthtalnUto*. aod Mambac of the Board of PabIto Work* Oarwrltei foa* to riait hU
old bom* la ladiau. Mayor Prtedrieh
OltyTwaBBrar War*borf and Ald.rBattiafa. Slod*r and Keayon rttaraed.
d ray fin* aad prodtabl* *OTloe of
tb* Leaf*, te wporud by tte wtnrnIpfofiielate. Tteproframwaeafote
one and wa* eapeeialty practical in Ito
aatew. Tb. party from thto city
•topped off at Oraad Eapldt. and epeat
tte dar lfH?>*>"f owr tb* city, fcttlnf
Jlctlml pol^ tel «f*rd to dtoaet
baildlnf. water midn laylnf. aewrrafe.
etc. They wot flwn tte beat ^t
tte city had. aad wot drirea about
the alraeto. with erary opportunity of
analBf all thaw wac to te aeon.
They are ualiad la the bellat that
tte praetlatl Ueufhto taat they
Mt by aUaadlBf tte mwUaf wUl
tolar mow ealnable to the elW iRte
Aba OTtey aptat to pay tba axpenaw of
fib* trip. _____________________


Sbarama of Iowa
■•a Who Blew Op WcUaad Oaaai aeomel w tn* MeanoM Espoan
Imtke tat to Priioa lor Idfo
WaihlBfton. May M-Tte aeaat* to­
day dtoeuewd the PhUippla* bUl, Morby a dory.
fiaol Atohamaspetelaf thre* bean
IotW 10 TW llOTlac BomC.
oppoelUua to It. B* took tte froaad
Toroata, Mty ti-fi Caaadiaa Jury
today fonad Molua. Wateh and Dall- that tte bill wa* pwmatuw la that H
provided afo
t lor laada aet
maafuUtyol dottroyiar property by
yet ander ov eoatwi. ** the iwurwedyaamlte aod
tiOBie eUll et iU h^hlh. Tte bill
>» for life.
weal over withoat aeUoa aad tte eaadryeivil bill wee taken up. Altar pam'
iaf «4 payee tbe eenete aojouraed.
WeshinytoD, Hey SS—Tb* houee
Brp4B 8o InformadbF the yave two hours today to the Altekaa
cod* bUl, lo committee of tbe whole,
Dfmooratic Opposition
ineertioy the anU-tnut prorieion. The
wat of the day wee yiveo to the coneldewUon of privet* pea*l<M Bllle, 1»0
Dlaorfanlxt Damooraile Party aod beluy acted upoo in commlttac of tte
Beenlt la 0#eat— Mabwaka Haa
Amony tbe bills petted were: Urentf
UrfcdtoMcmlnate Dewayand dc- iny pension of fisa * month to tbe
widow of CapUin Orifley of the Olym­
erpt Portfolio of teerelary of State
pia, who died on nis way borne after
Alter the Admiral b** Swept tte the battle of Manlle: yrantlny of fitO a
monih to the widow of tha-JaJ* Ad­
miral B W. Meade;yTd^nyof too*
month to Burnt R. /Bbennaa. twiee
VesblBftoa.iMay n—TbeanU-Btyaa fovemor of lows;
of SMu
DrmooraU aw sow tald to te oelaf mouU to the widow oT^eoeral M. F.
moral anaalon oa the man from Kebrat Fore* of Ohio, mlulster to Fiaaoe
ka to kaw hlq ataad a*lde In tb* lntw> eborUy balor* bU death.
•at of party harmony that it may win
Tteyh---------------------ibt open flfbt on Bryan at Kanaa* City
and haw takea him Into their eonadle
and eonfideaee to abow him the ani
B/Jeetad at Ohio Prohibition Stota
aatbeyaeelt. They
hare UId befow him what they ooaald
erabeolnu Inloratteloo abowlofthat apecUl la Tbe Hornia BecorU
hi* election a* prealdeat !• impoaaible
O.. May ts - Tha Ohio
and hto aomlnatloa at Kanwa OUy ProbtbiUou eonvaution today oominetaaother Damoewtie defeat and *d a state ticket end adjeumed. Tb*
the dtoorfulwttoQ of tba party. They expreaslou that the party would way*
believe Bryan !• a loyal Democrat and war eyalnat the liquor traffic. “In the
wUI not Btand in the way of party ene- Dumeof Jesus Christ'' ws* atrlekea
from tbe pletforet. after* very eplrlied
Thalr aefacme I* to Indnee Bryan te debate. It wee asaertad that tbe oppremiae that te win, In one of thoee poeitlott wa* reyarded by mscy tlaoer*
epeecbee tor which be i* Jnetly cele­ ProblblUonUU ae a little ebort of
brated, withdrew hi* Bern* and at the
Another plank that
Mme Bomiaatee* tte party leader oenead e warm debate are* tbe deenoalddmi^ Dewey. They profeee to be- atiou of offiM boldere in Cuba aad the
byBryaawonld PhUIpplne* ns -'boodlet*.'' Columbus
te atroBfer thaa Dewey i
deleyata* opposed the cspreealone end
after a flyht with Bryan in the eonvan- the elanae was atrlekea out. 1h* laltitlOB. and than h* would aweeptht eUve aad reftreadnm elanm offered by
eoantry- For hie aelfaaerlfiea Bryan U
to be mad* aeewUry of atat* la Dew- defsatad. The woman suffraya plank
ey'a okblnet aa Blalae aaa la Oarfiald>a was earried by a lair majority.



Fatal BaenlM ofaa AccMaatto a Work
Tteln at Akroa.
apMlal >0 Tbe Horalac
Akrop, 0.. May t&-Jaek McMahea,
Miehaal Pandara aad K. Welkar wot
kaiedaBdaavmlotbOTieJared today
ia aa aeeident to a work train on tbe
Akron A Cayahofa rapid traaait alactrie IlB*.
Han Bawklae Knocked Ont by Foe
Hperiftl to Tbe MeralBc;Rrean].
New York. May ss^oe Uan* knockedontOanKawkin* at tbe Broadway
Athletic Clnb tonlyht in two rounde of
tbe faeutt fifhllnir ever aeen In the
clnb bonw.
Teetorday-e Baa* Ball Score*.

Sl31S»v.v/.'.' .'..iS H
DSS!”iiiSS!!5“S' ilSSr
liJSSU..;:;;;;;:;:::;; I 5 I

Man Owm to OaUlowU BtoU
« TW
ton Joac, OaL. May *a-Acoordlaf te
MdoatJfdaa ol tte Ltoaad Btaa.
.,J. W.Cbrr.--------

and a* Amowt lor b-Ooraracr

? ? 5

SMlud Wool.. Look mmi BoUi.


Ponrth Yor—No. 9Sf

Tte Man who BcaUarad Birdakot la a
Tteatar Andlaae* Flaod M.
Bpaetol M TM Uevulec BmOT
TtmHaata, Hay »»-Bmar Ma
taball, tte anwk shot with tte Wild
hV* parfovmaaa and
lajnrad ala* paopla. wu fiaad St ud
oa a nh^ of plain aaanit
aad battocy. Ite orlylaal ohary* wa
athdrawB M motfOB of tte prasiiator.
Allttevtotlmaamyaulag aloay ale*ly. batOMOTtwo wbo wm ahot la
tteayuaraattUla daayar *1 Icalay

We eeoured a great snap in hammooks in the winter and took advantage of it, and oonsequently
have a fine assortment of them at
much lower prices than they can
be bought tor now, and are giving
the people the benefit of the low
price. Call and look them over.

SUIN b/ boxers
OcAverta Macaerad — C^lncsa
Troopa Ambuhad.
(oTU Keretoc Ucord
Steayhal. May S»-U to reported
from Saebnan provinoa of Bn Pel, that
“boxers" have dcatroyed two more vllleyu oeenpied by French converts, end
Mcred the iebablunto. Chinee*
troop eent to luppreu the “boxer**
a emhnehed.
Twenty-ilx wen
killed end many wounded. Belnforcr
mento were ordered to tbe eeeoe of tbe

Per A. 8. HOBART.

y.r..ns-:i.".L-ru,r4'; <s:^g>
_____________ Open tbi* evening ’fill 10. '

Al&mnl Bseqaat
Tickets esn be procured Ib^remsinder of this week..

K We’ve Been Called Names

For aelliiiK fine clothing * s cheaply as we do. Tba
“other fellows’* say we i *-< spoiling
the clothing
bueiiieas—they claim wc are cutting prices too deo]^
ly—hut wo don’t—we are aatisfiad with smaller pitrfite-Tbat’s the .whole thing.

Bicycle Shoes
Black or chocolate, cloth
or kidtopa......................$1.08
BETTER ONES ia plain or
plaid cloth tope - neat,
pretty afid durable alioea
• for the wheel.......... ..-'.$8.B0

Bring That Boy
Down today—$2.')0, $.'100. $4.00, $3.00 bays a mostcharming little Bait, with a real rest

nm hndml dona In TIk Iffi Be Hen m Unon.


Charles Canfield, sou of the asUlloantra lumbermaa aad mine owner, has
a fine yacht la New York.
aad the boat to on the way to tte Salt
OUy. It to U Baffeio. where eome repalrearebetaymadetofititont as a
miaature flcatlny palaoe. When the
repaira are oompleted. the veaeel wiU
for 10
eayers. toios feet loay, ll.S feet
wide aad ha* a apeed of 18 mile* aa
hour. She wa* built by lbs Hertebofl*.
the yreatest makers of fast craft in tSe
aeem* atranye to many that with
tte Bpleadid facUlUss for pleasure
eraftttet thto city efforde, no aneb
boatto owned here. No finer pleeetfor
each e yacht can te found on tte
Oreat Lake*, aatalnly not in the vicin­
ity of MantoteA and II anraly eaanot
b* lony nntU aoma on* pats aneb a
vamal in oommtoalon bar*.
nearly Six MensaadAniaed la Vet
York Taatarday.
Bpsetol te **s Ussulac a«so(d.
Naw York. May M-Il wea a buy
day u tte barya ofifoe today,
akipaarrlvod from Baropaaa potato.
« aad ItaUaaa.


our window,
goods are.

tool— «■”»

Ik>nr ud Sok.; HkUlI »0 Ikuk.

^ko.:;:;;;:-:;:::; S S »
ZLiat. at Ite raaidoaeaef Mit.Qootfa
0. p«*t

to** of wttef «P« •
sasbOT aw «rf*d «a te pewaat.

°T^^^kjyk.n-. .u.-

For choice of lot of Men's Suits, all clean
up to date, this year’s goods, in many
good colors. Come in and see if these
are not worth $9, $10 and $12. Sack, D.
B., square cut aod cutaway styles. See
It’ll show you what »pe<:ial values these



Ad Extraordinary Snit Sale I
This morning we put on sale the finest line of §
men's suits in the city—going at the remarkably low $5
price of

Alfred V. Friedrich

These suits are all hi^ class, strictly tailored
garments, up-to-date in every respect. A most per­
fect assortment in cassimeres. and worsteds, made up
in striking patterns—the season's newest effects in
stripes and checks, with single or double breasted
This sale will be in prepress for a few days
onlj*—Don't delay, but come in while the sizes are
not broken.
Included in this sale are also a fine line of G.
A. R. suits going at the same figure.
Sec our window.

The Leading Bboe Hooae.

Minute Rates


laptaeming, Iron Mountain
and other

Upper Peninsula
Haw Lines

Low Bates


Don’t Pay Higb Prices

•»«*««• *«*****•«* «« «««»«»

I Just

Xltobell PtoBoi alway* ptoaaa.

*M tf


That we are stilt in the $l>oe business to give
you the very best values chat can be obtain­


m FraatStteal

Our goods are as good

as anybody’s, and our prices are as low as


B aadehndran with bast eboas at lower prlcaa than
nay ether store in town.
Repalriay aaatty aad «ntoklyden*. s
lean fit Ii


i Remember

ed for«the *money.
Kowaaaa^ Sarray Ratlra FroB tba
K A O.
SpeMAl tan* MarBlsc BwarC.
BalUmw^MA. May tft - Meam
Joha K. Rowaa and Oscar O. Murray
„» today Anally dtoeharyad u
etovOTeftteBalUmoraAOhleBy. la
tha United Biatu dienlt coart hy






It’s not so much the price, but it’s what you get for the

mmSTK'S FlM Ticllf
RaUt by tbe BaraohoSi aad Owned by
Osarla* Oaafield-What'e Ike Mat­
ter with Travara* OUy?



can-possibly^be, quality of goods considered.

McNamara Block

* sv«^sv a o*


«»»****»«* **»*»***** »»»«»«




,„l,||| BiTPfBtT WMCWn aOVMT

«4VBWBaTY*’ -

La^ IneitoMPC ia Valiuttiott
la Bvery Ward.


PM «u Mic^«r«n



ty. to cottiap to the treat la the amV
%m of read baDdiac. aad wUl aoea be
ttm- T. Saw An J.- W. BAnv able to c»« TrareeaeOlly potato oa the Oreawat Ghaacce Ka«oia reraeaal
toaetiat of maeadamraada with Praparty Valnatioaa Third WaiA
», W. HAonj. MM«» »■* ««»«*■ oet the aaeeaalty cf coiac tarthar.
laeraaead More Thaa Aay Othartime Aathoayaad Walter
OraUtek hare beea adreoatlac aad afi- nfth Ward rootlact aot Oiree.
tatiac tha eaejaet of food roade. and
■erne time ace a Atcaa craBhar was par- piatad fur all the waida la the elty aad
Ahaaed tn» tha Iron aompaay at Le- are ready for proMatattoa to the hoard
taad. Aa eaciae was aceared aad tar otrerlew. whieb smu oa Moaday.
hose time etoae has beea boa^t aad The aseieimeBt ahowe a rerylarfe
to the maaal
lato wii ia the relaatioe ia erery ward
ara of coma really food
la tha eity. Thto i* dee la part to the
Hew the road haa beea baUt aearly laweaae la aetaal real eetate ralae.daa
to Cartcrie sill from OreUlekrUle.
Btmwoed towaeblp to certalaly to be aafaef doUare;bnt the larfsat ahare of
aotocrataUtod ea the poeccaslOB of each theiaereaM to dae to the more ricid
pwhia the DM of machiae aad ma­ aeeeeemBBt of pereoatl properwnad
terial f^ the makiac of food roada
the plaeiBC of the real Mtate at lu
Tb« OMt o( Otmant WaIIm.
aetaal caeb^ralae.
The CMMil «ld««rAlk bMlMI
9rwwmm Cl^ hM ukm » Atvi wbl«h
real esute ralasUoa to in the ec
piiiMlMi rieh r*taraa for thOM wko •reat Attraetioo of ap.elal reatarea ward. Thto le dae to the loeatlpa of
and Trained Aalmala.
the etarcb factory there, the extaarire
•H Mid tte rl4rbi klad. U hw bt«0M tkA
ABd OAA whleh FroatocA Borer Biea. are elOAlac op arraace- improresenu to the plaat of Jpha P.
•BAAllABi rAmllA far Um el«7 Md meals far a bic chow tor thto eeaaoa ou A Co., the loeaUoa of the Mlehlcan
PAon wbo nttlM ibA ia- aad they expMt to be ready to etart MaanfaeUirtac OD.^^d tcirbral other
OaA IblAf which Aldi IhA oetaboetthoSrdof Jeaa. The aaate Importaat Improfaseato The iairood work U tbo pc^aoBl b; the cUy of the ecrref*<^«>
^ -BUror ereeae la the etoeU of the Btandard OU
ofCM^khrlArof thceoAi. ihApropArty B-otbere' Great Horelty Show - aad Co., the pereonatpi^party of tbe Staroh
OVMT cal7 PAylBf ttuAi qAArtort. The Tralaed Aaimal RxhibiUoa.- The iaetory. foe i. B. Grelliek Oo..and John
bare reenUy porehaaed P. OttACo., aocoente Urcely for the
«0Al of coacBl wAlkA ia «hU ellj ht«
hWB ia Aoac caam 80 oeaU a AqaAro ^ht larce show wecoaa, laeledlBcaa Creat Inerepae la the penonsl property
jacd aad ia olhcrA M aabIa. Id ^any elecaal band wa»on. • They hare ec- maeAment in this ward.
AlttAA WAlkA eaa bo Uld for aseh Icaa eared two 6ae perlormiac poalen the It U a fact worthy of note that whUe
ChlBK only tit posni
waAsetsed rslnation of the city ii
of bAAlAAM ia thU llae baaI be aoeh bMidao UOM a aamber of traiaod doce Creatly increased orer last year, tbe
lAAA thAB hero. IhA eoat iA oaly aapm hare boaa added to the altracUoa. The rate of taxation wUl be c<«btly dlmls. yaay wlU eoaatot of a larye aam- tobed, and the netnal tax to be-pald by
•aatt per Aqaaro .foot- Taa Oac
her of ttlaated arttoU lo the elreu aed tbe ordloary property holder wUl be
OlebA lAAi WAAk OOalAiDAd AD
MAtisr i^ai 0M>nr« SuwatI of tbAi randerUle line aed ererylhlac will be leea thao before the increase of raluplAcA had AMorad a eoatrael for Uo ep to date. Beeldes thM tralaed animal tloB. This le due to tbe prMt Ineri
IhoAAABd fMt of walk la TraToraa aad epeeial feateroe a aloe chow will in the emoent of personal property
0Uy.Al prleet eoaAldarAblyhlcher Utaa form one of the attracUoae. laeledlac aaeeseed. It wlU Inoreese tbe lax of
tha proTAlUair rau ia Oadillae. la the a larye oolleeUoa of aaall aatmala
tbe moneyed mao. bnt will be of bene­
MSA taea of the Olobe Williaa wiUbeaolrcDAOf more than ordteary fit lo tbe email property holder.
AdfArifaCA that ha wUl balld merit, In erery oeaM except harebaek
FoUowlnjr to e abowlaf of the aa
ridlac. The ebow will he eeaa la the meet for Isat year aad thto. with tbe
city cose time aext month.
laareaiei orer last year and the perocntece of increeee Id each case:
AstAMira addlUaaa to thla chAraetar of
Pint Ward.
.^proTCBMit we oafht to ir«t rood Mr. aad Mra U. B^^^pbell of Weet
iMkafor AA lltUa ausaj aa other Bichtb BtrMt, leftyeaterday for Lntber
4tUa, apd If WA ara eompMti to pay called there by the dancerou lllaeeiof
fl to SO per eaat dmwa wa ahoald am to Mrr. Oampbell'A mother, Mrt. Gray.
.... t P^B.OOC
* It that we fet WAlkA Uut are worth Mm. Horton Clate and Mra. Bowden
Second Ward!
of Nee York, are the caeato of Mn.
Parhapa XIr. Stewart eaa tall at why P. E. Tmrto.
It ia that be eaa rot ioB thoaaaad fMt Mm A. M PoBAt of Wexfewd, was In Peraor
of walk to baud la TraYeree City at the city yeatorday.
.... fi :78.070
sota thaa tha pre*aUlar prlM la OadilMr. asd Mm 8. B. Walt hare retornTUill Ward.
ed from Saclnaw. where they rTsiied
M VI wciqr IS ipnic m fac 1K1«( a their danchter. Mm Cnirer. «
Henry and Prank Grelliek left the
Sidney U. Nrfl at ManletM aad came
... t SU3 U37
Ponrtb Ward.
AND PLATFORM | to NorrlArlUe laet erenlnc. Heary
came to ate hto little ylrl. wbo airlrcd
a wcekafo.
All aext wMk Bryaa'e CoaadlaaA. Mr. aad Mm 8. 8. Pratt retnmed Peraonal..
oesaeaelar Moaday eraalar la the laet niebt from Ann Arbor, where they Total......
sasady drama. •Hlrlt, or Troe aa 8tMl” attended the weddlny of thair son
wfU be OND At Bulaberr'a Uraad. LonU A Pmtt.
bad tbe amcaAment completed some
-.•paaialUeA are tatrodaead belwMa the Mm Walter N. Blncham bae cone to time sen- but bee not bed lime to foot
ibeltou. end will not do so nntll
MtA aad darlat the prornea of the Kalamuoo tor medleal treatment.
..jAMcmmeDtUpaMed upon by tbe
play. Ladlaa wiU be adaitted Itm od Mr. and Mm Georcs BaUle are rtoit- board
of rerlew. There is. however,
lha opealar alpht if aopompaated by iBf friends In the city. Mr. BsUle wna ooeeidemble increase in tbe aesemaao paid toeeat adaiaeloa. Tickeia formerly n raaldeat here, bnt hae not menu, both In reat and personal
The preoentaces of locrease in tbe
aep.a. Moaday. been hack for the pact ten years.
•ppti oa AAla at box oSm thU aornlar. Mm Othello Blncbam wenttoUelney
Irvlac PraaehAadhiAjtUy eoapaaT torarl4twith reletlrea
eriu opea a thrM alfht aagaresjiat at 0. W. Aebton wsi In Interloeben on
As City Opera Uoaea, osaeaolar bBAlBiM yesterday.
Ibaraday. Hey Slet. Tale eoapaay Oapt H. J. Webb hat rptnrBed from
>9Mtppt hlyhly raooBBrBdad by a short rleit to Oaesopolla.
pnM aad poblie threarhoat the oaat- Mm P. C. Banw and Mm Charles
A Woman's Awful PerU.
ora AfateA aad Ia reooiralAed at oae of Procbfs'iawanttr Chleaco yeatorday
"There to only one ebaoM to eare
iheleadlar popalar price attracUoae to join their hnshaada
yonr life aWtbet is tbronirb an opera«■ the road. They are replete witb all Mm Walter Tramhnll mod Chariee
Oho lateet aorelUee which they wUl L. Tmmbnllof Olcf Mtoeioa, ware la
he t
preaaat betweea acta, yiriar a eoalia- the eity aad atopped at Park Place
-r of a frlirbtlnl ease of
tried to core brr
lOBS perforaanM aad aakiog it all a yeeterday.
atomseb troublee aed yellow jenndlcc.
MAtropolitao attracUoa at popalar
Gall Atones badI formed and
.. she. coo.
A Keen aear Uraie.
iy «rew worae- Tbea she be|
prieea. lo. so aad soeeau. Ladlaa will Yonr heel frellDCe. yonr ec
Electric Bitten which wholly
bo Admitted frM the opAolas alrht it Uon or bulacse noeeee depei
. , lo nec her
lib a wonderfnl atomseb
tomacb cnrrd
AACompaaled by aa aoeort with oae 00 the perfitt aelioB of ronr stomacb
and kidney remedy. Cures
Ilrer. Dr. Kioc's New Life PUU Itrer
paid to Mat ticket. Seata oa sale and
dyepepais.>. lees of appetite. Try
Cire Isereaaed strenrth. a kMo, clear 50
eU Guaranteed.
- . ~For sale- by S >17
•' Ihareday moralar
Waltandlse. Q. JofaDSone. dracrlstr.
•TU BOBBT BIPa&tK.'Fm Jrmb lUliri Ibos ge to Fitbiui
fopalar Soar Oospoeed by loha
^ardy, Well Keowa Berr.
••the boere* Kef raia” to the Utle of i
wmj laAplrlat soaf writtea by Joba
Bardy. wbo to ooBDeeted with the
Otaad Rapids Brrald. aad who to well
kaowB ia thiA city. Mr. Hardy to Tory
«low aad haa cocApoead many popalar
MO«A.batthto proBlsee to
popalar ibaa aay prcTioas effort aad a
Mac which will DO doabt SMt with
They are unnecessary. So is a pair of tin cuffs
^eat paUic faw. The Kimball
on a marble statute. Yet. so far as mere usefulness is
Plaao Oo. has recalTAd a eapply for the
^------^ ia thto city._______
concenied'they may as well be tin as fine linen, or any­
•100 Reward, »loa
thing else for that matter.
the readere of thto 'paper will be
plaaeod to lean that there to at Idhat
. When we sell r -package of goods or a car load,
oae dread dtoeaee that ArieaM hit eaea
abto to eare la All 1« atacoe aad ^htt to
we invariably guarantee^every ounce.
Otfarrh. Ball'a Oetarrh Cere to the
oaiy poeitlM eare bow kaowa to the
Wc buy nothing but the best goods->-We never
B^SlMl tiataralty. Catarrh beu« a
AMAtftaticaal dtoeaec. leqalrea a coeRaUb Catarrh
believed in cheap*goods, much less in the grocery line.


Two Tails
To a Horse...

I lae atooe aea mneM* earra^
tieat atraarth
the patieat
atraar^ by beildlar ac
MsM^ttea aad aael


ppwen. that they o«er Oae^ Hapdred

r. jrCtoaaay*A£lSu£>%


The season is now at hand when you want some*
thing particularly! paiataUe. and we ask you to step in
and look us ever.


mik Ikdi. nm 149


AM OfMM ravcBT
OaMifi Otnaidanhle Damace Than,
day Vitht.
Apartef theetoreof WUbaton. 'Bartak A Co. was flooded Thnreday alckt.
by emtsr from a faoMt Utat had been
Mtopaa Id the dcDtal rooms of Dr.
Soyder. orer tbe store. Tbe dtooor«ry
Of the water was atade by a paaMr by
abont mldelcht. A member of the
fire department was Dotified. Mr.
Votraha was esllyd. and tbe dlS mlty
loeatad. Om wbo was preaaat hod a
key that fitted tbe lock to Dr. Sayderto
rooms, aad Ue water was soon tnroed
The damace aaunate to about fiU.
Part of the Mihnc wUl hare lo ho re­
paired. aad there was eoete damace
done to baraeea Afaek and to c*Mtoiae
ie tbe baecmeat.

There is no piece of Furniture that
furnishes a room as well as one
of my nice

Writing Desks
III Book Gases

They Rad to Walk Rome.
They ate aot eeriaf aaythlac abont ‘
it. toll Elmer Brawn aad ThMans'
,r Keyetme n few days aco.
sat fiehlBc aad healdea the dtolUn the qeaetlly of fish
thsy expMted. their horse Introdaeed a
rnnaway diremioa and tbe two yonne
men had to walk home.

They make a nice place to keeplyour books,
and a handy place to do your writing
your writing materia) is always where you
can 6nd it. I have a nice line from $6.75 up. Come in and look them over. A little pay­
ment down and balance on easy payments.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store
X20 FxoiLt S-taree-t.

Keep Yonr Eye on
Our Special Shoe Sale!

kibe Gan Hni Gant/

WheoDlr« Couch. Aethmn.
Bronchms and Inolptont
Consumption, to

I -n,. eowu i^edy


Now. if ever good shoes are sold
cheap, you will get them at this time.
Right now and right here.
Great Bargains in Women’s Shoes.
Regular line of tl.50, $1.7.> and 12.00 down to II.IH. Another lot
perforated silk and leather top facing and eilk etitebing, worth up to
$2.50, down to $l.-!>0. Come and Kee tbe men's elioe* we're selling in
ten and black vici kid, your choice at II.-IS. Men’s every dayahoea*.*i<c.'

{136 Front Street

Practical Shoe Mas

The Greatest Slaughter
Ever Known

Tbe marvel of modern times. Prices never dreamed ot before-but now an aetoniebins reality. This will bo strictly a
case of first come first served. Read and take advantase of tbls
remarkable offer, for wo propose to sell these 46 wheels in a
Juvenllo Whrel
For girls—24 inch wheel. lt< inch
frame, M. d: W, tire, black enamel,
$22.00, close out at............................$17.00
Oha Gent's Xwanhoe
Made by tlie Waverley people. 2-1
inch frame, 2S inch wheel. blac£
enamel, Indianapolis aiogle tnbe
tire, $25, close out at...................... $18.60
One Ladies' Ajax
28 inch wheel, bine enamel, M & W
double tube tires, first class condi­
tion, $2T|, close out at...................... $21.00
One Second-Hand Ajax
Gent’s wheel. 24 inch frame, alumurn color, M A--W double tube tir­
es. $20. close out at..........................$12.00
' One Ladles' Cleveland
Model C2, black enamel, Burwell
clincher tire, 2^ inch wheel, first
class condition, $50, dose ont at... $86.00
Fonr Ladies' fiibbord
1900 model, 2S inch wheel, G. & -J
dioeber tire, Kelley adjnstable
handle bars, fitted witb tbe famous
Baldwiu chain—Rare chance to get
a first claaB np-to-dste wheel cheap
-$40, todoee for only.................... $83.00
Fifteen Gent's Ajax
1900 model, 22 and 28 inch frame.
28 inch wbed-all fitted witb M &
W double tube tires. Baldwin
chain, Fauber one-piece crank
banger. This is a chance of your
life to get a good, strong, serriceable, np-to date wheel for a little
money—Come qnick if yon .want
to get <»e—$28 wheel—to close
out while they last..,,^............ . $28.00
8^ Hamblen
Tb 22 and 24 inch frames, 28 inch
wheels, 6 A J cUnebsr tires. You
know wbat Rambler wheels - are, ao
' it is no use for os to say eaythiag
mofie about them here—to close at
only...................... ............................. $80.00

Two Ideele
Made by the Rambler people,
single tube tires, 1900 model, first
class condition. You can’t afford
to walk when yon .can buy these
wheels at this price—$25Jwheel, to
close at............. ............................$18.60
Two Ideals
Hade by the Rambler people,
1900 model, G & J clincher tire,
adjnstable handle ban, blac-k en­
amel—sell at $:io, will cloee them
out at................................................. $28 00
One Clipper Chainless
Fnt class condition, 1900 modd,^G
A J clincher tires—$<J0—WiU cloee
this wheel oat at a ba^in.
If yoa want a chainleM at a low
figure; come and get.,tbis wheel.
Two Tiibnne Oh^iiteeB Wheels
'li*00 model, firet class and np-to­
date in every way—$75—If yon
want one of these wheels, come in
and we will surprise yon witb tbe
One Tribune Obain Wheel
Model 62—$|50—goiilg-at a^rgain
Two Count Wheels
Black enamel, punctnreleaa tires—
a new thing—come in and see them
—price $35—Will dose them ont
cheep. *
Four Cleveland Wheels
I'.KX) models, yet in stock—2 gents
sod 2 ladies. Yon know wbat they
are. These will go aloag-witb the
reel of tbe slanghter.One Westfield
Hede by the Cleveland PeopleMen's wfaMd ittrd lMtb~ BerweU
cKs^er tires tm 'ctowe out for
only.......................... ......................... $25.60

Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Go.

U«u«Lite i*u«iMLiiii«u«LiiLiiuiLX

A«MOfHMapaxbai d**«k>i>«d la
WjpmAoM* W* palioat. balw HeUl«
• nv*.
boi bMS
D.J. Powcn ot BcatMio, took %
doM et XodUa hrap, bp abUln.
- VMidap onKlar. Tkoro wu bat
'^Mabopoforblarraovop. bat phTot*
•kM aaeoaodad la ta«ia( u« SUo.
Mn. rnd CUrbo e< <riM. dowat
Mkhbaiaceliacvad wlib aMtloff An
Wb«haM.aoaba to mloc Kfi. MeObrtky for •to,000 tor alieRad olaadar.
Tbo lOAlcaB
WppoabMlMtouiT eoetotp et M. B.
Aoidk boe beea U eeMioo at BotUe
Oreek with too delecoteelo
WbOc allfbtlof from a Bey City
tf^ a Boa ftrinr tbe bobo of PbtyIteCtoayeBwaeeiracka eerere blow
Mtbeoide of
heed tbet acorly
Mvered bto|>r ood
■ stitebee to Bcod tbe wonad.
wltb bto poobete rifted. Hie one who
otreek tbe blow to etUl at larr*.
Oora J. Beckwith of Groid Eaplde,
who wiU •fodnate frOB tbe C. of M.
•ext BODtb wltb
•flettete, hw been appolated en la•tractor io bioloey la Veioar college
for oext year. The preeeot yew Mtoe
............................ w bor ewdlee. boa sued
ike poeltlon of acetotaat la zxtocy.
Tbe teat oad toreet eaterplllara ore
doiof a irreat aBooat of deBope in
Beetle eoanty. Prait^oed toreet tree*
•re rapidly beinp deaoded of follapr.
Tbe oatUoce ood dropplnpe trooi
tboB eocnde like
Much fear to entertelncd leet
they eerionely demepe tbe fmlt treei.
■ad frail boo ore flchtlar tbes le
Nothing con be done
with tbcB la tbe foreete.

TkaforoUr Boatlilp mootioc of tha
kdlM aid oodotp of tk« rbmt M. B.
eborah «1U be bold at Um re^deiioe ot
&er. J. A Breodp Moodap atlowoo at
Veoeet Sleder bo* pweboMd of Prook
PrUdrich a twelTe hone power Fol<
IM lOMUae oMrtiM tor we la bto i
po^ttbat to belsf boUu
Ooopu7 iTirUl Beet at Gfooce ball
werrow at D:M o'eloek la elrlltoa
drtoe. to atteod tbe aeirieee at tbe
BfoacoUeol diveb.
AayoM deetriof to taroloh
for tbe uw of Uenpoap Mia tbe deeeratiacoCtbecraveein tbe
abooU leave tbcn at Ormofe hoU oo
ot t&etotbortboii
ioA et tbe wtb osd tbep wUl be cored
There woe a very lotaraatiaA eeBlna
oftbeOMtUor Rolikteof Woodsrott
MostofM hoU loct evealef. wltb

Loato Oronick bee the foaadatloa It
torahoadwae reeldenee at OreDlck
rlllo. P. E. Moeretotbeniobiieet.
Oapiola Cbooe boe retamed to Oorwr'e
doek wltb the Bebooner Boneon. Ue
hoe lobcatbe eoatroet for brlagiagtbe
wood froB BlagboB to Corterto doek
for the new TTaveraeCIty Brick Wwki.
A. W. Peck oad WUlloB Fetterly
bare built a boat booM at Carter’s for
of Mr. Peck-eyoehl.
Tbe fire bores power englae that boe
been owd in the boat boe been replaced
by another of nine bocee power.
A new bores bee beea received and U
being aeed by tbe ABerieon Bapreie
Co. on tbelr wagon.
Tbe Clerk'e onion will Beet ttoibe C.
S. P.18. baU;Moadey eveningf A foil
.ii>ndance to desired, '

CldveUnd A Uenee bare tbe eontroet
tor a store bolldlng StsSO feet la etoe.
to be erected on tbe eonicr of Boee sad
Ohorlee J. Dorol of MoaUtw. boe WsoblagtoB ettMta. Tbe store will be
beea elected ieodw^ot tbe Ualrereity oocopled byTAiaU Hoasloreky and to to
Glee el«b tOr aext year. Mr. Doval to a be xesdy by the fttst of Jaly.
A neat reeldeose -to being bnUt for
joaior la tbe law deportBeak la ISOS
be grodoated troB tbe literary deport- Charles I Watkins at su Wasblngton"
Beat wltb the degree of bachelor of street, by Clereload A Bense.
pUlowphy. He to a BCBber of- tbe
Joe Cole bssrlMloeed a fiae reeldea e
BeU Theu Pi fraternity.
near tbe boBS of Cloronee GreUldl cn
Oboilee BtUlwell captured
Moaroe stroek
pooad roiabow tront with bU boade la
Jsmee McOormirk ot Empire, bos
tbe Betoey creek at Bced CHy. 8tUl‘ bsM groated a pensloD of ts a an
well eaw tbe fteb in eboUow water otd
A very pleasant lee ereoa social
JtBped la after It.
given last evening at tbe boBe of Ur.
Pled M. Werner of Parmlagton U sad Mrs. B. L. Ashton.
foil beooBlag the BockefeUer of tbe
Tbe reserved ecst tale for Bryan's
ebeeee boelaete ot tbe eteteCossedtoas will open at tbe bos
ewift four of the lorgeet fnetortce end of Steinberg's Orsad tbit Bfoming.
to reeehlng out for wore.
Mrs. Marie Netoon Lee left Manistee
Tbe war deperiment bw granted tie
Isst evening for Blkbart, Ind., where
reqaret ottbesuteBlIltery eatboriUee.
.ofae-win (dlia fosbice joarnsl.
permitUeg the UaUad States Borlnee
Street CoBBtosloner Kelley sent a
of tbe crew of tbe Mlebigna to be land
on to baud (be wsik tor .Mrs. J. C.
ed at Pt'Weyae barraeaew that aporof Bose and
Voo of the Michigan Mavol BeecrrM
W’ebeter streets. When be arrived he
rewrree J aly e. Tbe ri Bolnder lound that tbe lady had the walk a>fir«n the
of tbereecrvce will eall on tbe Yantle.
It ebe would attend to the
At Boyne City Cborlee Woodard, on
constroctloa of all nceeoeary walke
OBploye of WIgle A
M loetontly killed I’hortday by fall­ bereelt.
Jasee A. Pells, In edranee of
of ttbe
ing from tbe rmr cor on train No. i on
ibe.B-C. A 8. B. railroad. Mr. Wood- Irvlag French coBpony. woe in' t
ley- Tbto ooBpony win be
ard'e boBe to at Maple HUl. near 8o«
ard Ciiy. He wee killed near tbe eeai St tbe City Opera Boum for three deyi.
•lose where Ooodncior Wiebett lost bto beginning May II.
T%e regnlsr Sunday exeorslna to
. Ufe only a few weeks ago.
Maaistee wUI be ran toBorrow, loev. Tbe body of the abknown
•aatly killed by tbe core et Bib Boplde lag tbto city at 8:M o’clock.
Mng anclalBed. woe ewt to Ana Ar­
John C. Uorgaa-aod .bto eoiDoB
bor for dtoeeetloc. Mn-W.C Wilbur bare gone to Ottawa beoeb,where they
otMaaehesMr. II'.. read of
get tbe boat racently porchoeed
la tbe pepcre oad empecud tbe Ban to tbeee by Mr. Morgoa.Tbey will sail
be her broibei-in-lew. Investigated tbe boat boiae.
-wuittar and IdoaUfted hUa te Use to
Murray Stock of Blgbib street cut
aare tbe body froB tbeeudeau' kniree. bie hand badly Tborsday ereniag
while trying to open a fruit for whleb
brake In bto band. Dr. Moon drecoed
^lat most erdrni of the nrrtent e«iim1 tbe wound.
•atfmgl<'te. Mm. Cerrle Ompnian Cotk
U A. Prstk focwcrly of tbto city and
very re«vutl)- ap|HMtoe'Zells Hurd of Ann Arbor were
•ge in
h) an
«n lutoiid rliy
quieOy married Itoomdsy
of the 1u<-nl wone attbehoBeof the bride. Only tbe
•go. The prr»i«leul
«b’s suflrapi- assm-totleii rose i
irodnee tbe s|<eeker. *-laiiIles and lB«ediaterelat!reeoftbe eoairsettog
genth-inen." l"-caii the preslcleni. ‘I parties wore preserk
Tbe BooblntoU ot tbe dty bare ch^l
haw Ibe bontd- ibis ermine tn'latrodoes to yon Mrs. t'han-te Capmaa Can leoged tbe blockeBitbs to a game of
—I Beaa Mr>. Carrie Capninn Cbatt booebsl
—I mean Mr«. itorrle
Tbe ataaser Creaeeat Is at Cbarle*
Itodles and ireiitlenten—(desperatrlyl— roix being painted oad otberivtoe toi0 wiU Uuw lie ttddrvBsed by Mrs. proved. Sbe wiU reufn Monday to
aarrie Captnnu 8>-at.“
resa ne her trips on tbe bay line.
huniluy. iiiii'uml
Mrs. Jacc-by—No; Mr. Jngpsbr wUl
•ot la- bi>me until midnlghi, He Maoed
CDS five Uui.-s l.-fer,- he h-fl

ttontlM tor tor tor Bust iBiatg




Tbe blrt'sdsy onaiversary of Mrs.
Borrlaoa BIcksed. Bother ot City Clark
Blekwd. wse oelebraiod Tberad^ enBlagottbefat.........................................
ot the city. About fifty trtoadi
oad selghbon were prcaoat and a ds
llghtfal Use was enJeyM. A fla«
coach was preaeated to Mio. Riekerd
by her cbUdrui and ohs received oeverol other volaeble praaeata.

She wanted her little boy to he so
■polite, and sbe was very wueb Bonk
fled when tie csoh- la where she was
oaiertolnlng & visitor with bis hat ou.
to i-...________


- . ............

But "dear'' paid no ntieotloa.
"Sun, did you head Take off your
hak" sbe rvUcratt-d.
Still "son" paid no attention, and as
be came close tu bto mother she lifted
ills hat for bim. And the deluge (hat
follon-^ was e«|nai to an.v i-<ftlectloa
that Hminauu ever gut out of bis
^•be imU- fcUow bad ftUed It right
Uetevoaiag a Wnhday por^ woe fall of btor-keyed-pees for bis “shooier”
end then stood on bis bead to put
glvw at the bon# of Raos Treawlaa la
It on. And a Jlt^y hombardmcDt fol­
hoBor of ibe otoator ef lbs houe. lowed that peppei^ the fbcc of the
TUitj-lwo ooaplae ware present oad
pngroa et goase.
>wto oad aoetol pleoenrae nerved to and bounced off In every part of the
room, to the Intense deUgbl of Ibe lit­
paeeeboppy evening. Anise spread tle feUow, who had prepared the onare.
of refreahants wos
ShewloxUla ArMod.
A dPlightfiil party woe glvM lost
Smythe was showing a friend
evealag at the hoBs of Mr. and Mm around his new suburban residence he
had Jnst purchascU
E. J. Pnlgbea, la boaorof Mtoe
•-Wliat to thatV Inquired the friend.
A. Mertoa, who baa uagbtla tbe High
“Tlial? Ob. tbat’s ibe cowshed."
aehaol for a Baaber of yeoin bat who
“And tba-.r
closes bar work here tbto year. Tbe
The woodshed."
"And tbatr
M Bates. Weeks oad Patton, who
-The hloodsht-d." .
are alee teeehers in the oebooto, gave

the party. About 10 guests were pres-Y.-S. that's the place where we kill
our <-hk'kena.’'
The rooms were deoorsted beauUfuUy wltb lUoes sad panoice. Tbe
table deearaUou were amltox and
paaay beorte oad tbe favors were pan­
Tbe early port of tbe evening wee

As good e elory as was told la tbe
rvcmt giild debate cobs fruu tbe Ups
of WllltoB U Joaeo, a new B«nber
trow Wasblngtiw. Tbe logic of ermts,
be said, bad owreose free sUver logic,
And on her way b<me sbe was bctd and the Uewocmey were now relying
vp by a ■Igaoiic Afrli-sB and robbed M tbe tow bf snpidy sad demsnA "In
9t aU tbe utoney sIh- liad railed to n.
By I...,
tost ..asMlM'*
coapalgn.'* Mr. Jones contln■ f the fortune teller.
ui-d. "1 met an old fellow and
£*Mis.—k'tak-ago Trllmne.
talkiag about tbe price of srhret and
“Ilorseaboe* bring good lock, ft to meat. 1 told bln that Ibe price vas
regulated by tbe tow of supply Mid
. -Did you ever harr your wife uks
• Naey to a gold one set with dla" ‘Is there sn^ a tow os tbatP be
Bowtor—Cbic-ago Hecord.
asked. T never beard of Ik'
He—What n pretty girt! She locAs
“ 'Why. cerutely there to.' I said.
•wwt cnoogb to eat.
■be—Of coarse: and tbePs Jan wbot aroMsd. Ms-ben we gel into power
•br doM three, or fonr ilBes dolly.— o^taj^ mn bet that we wUi repeal
Cbleofo Dally News.
-UsHy Se-Too will hsT.- tn.iible. Bias," said
tbe fortune teller, -with a tall, dark

A Poet Bl^bto Rider
•rbratosa fiws aeddwta. BaAlea’a
Anlea fialrr, wtl) bOI tbe p^ oad eaat bottle of Oromato Worroeted Sy
bMl tbe Irlofy.Itb tbe eyeltotto M—' r«p of Tor If It tails to car# your coogb
Ctona abofteg. <'
" “
e a I
Hps.bwr>a Diem
pGaB. 0v»
gwiMteed. Only Me Try ik 8Md
*7V*inMv^togbM A*Be?
oe O. Joteaon, P. C l-boap
V«-B WbttMa Jw- o. JobHM.



Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House

lion, oiuf which tbe guesie
todslaty refreshBenta eoastotlag of
strawberriae, ioe oreoB and coke.
After tbe reffcehaeala, tbe folltfw-

Bealatooenees—ProfesKH- Horn.
Tbe Ooeos:oa—Professor Ryder.
Frieadiblp-MlN ^opiBood
Wedded Liffr-MTe./flom.
Single Blessednea^Mlss Carr.
Aspiratloas-Mr. ifUllken.
The Orest Unknowa^^toe JiekUng.
Piatobed Lsk
Following tbe taaato. dellgbtfal vloUn sad piano ausle wot faratobed by
tbe Mtoeee Olive and Bcaaie Falgbui

One Solid Week

Monday, May 28

Tbe Kuigbts of Pythias gave the loet
social party of the season In tbelr ball
lait evening. About 180 were pmeat,
and a fine time was eejoyed. Dbnelng
wot oontinaed tUI a late hour. A deUdous ipreod woe provided.

Grit, Or Trae As Steel

RxeuraloB Around tbe Bey.
Tbe Creeeent band will give lU first
extfumlon oroonB the bey
Tbe eteeBer Columbia hoe
been engaged sad a pleoaont trip
oroand Msr'ou isToad may be erjoytd
There wUI be m fine bead
board. Tbs boat wlU leave tbe dock
St S:t0 o'clock and tbe trip will be
Reserved see'# on sale at tbe box of­
fice tbto more'nresnts. - _________________
Popolsr prices- 10. «0 and 10 eenU
t. sfwfer. nirv.
Queer things ot-i-aNloually happen
down In Maine.
well-known w-uman
in KbIuiiiIs. w hile skating on tl>e iNiud,
fell tbrongb Ibe ka-. ami when her hns-

Monday Nieht


W. B Nelson taa» leoeed Jaa 8eb<
fleld'ssbop, Nc. ssito sis.Bast Front
street for a torm ot yeore where ee
win eondnet a first elaaa hlocksaltb.
wagon and repair bnaleeaa. Flnehoree
aboeing a specialty. We eolicit a trial
Rcaams for BIpht Teon.
from every one.
Yours very rotpeelfullv.
“For over eight year* I eaffered wltb

Choae'e Olu
perfecUy." Cbeo. F. Kellocg, Ptoao
dealer. LeBoy. N. Y. M csets, an
drovgtou. or Dr. A. W. Cbooe Med. Co..
Bufltslo. N. Y Tonrove that Dr.Cboae's
OiatmeDt curM pUea, eritBO. sr<< all
akin dtoesses. a eamnle box will be
sent to any oddreea on receipt of e-sicp.


The Best Repertoire Compeeif
oe the Road.






An nsioenUy skilled aotl accompliabed artist. A wonderful and
tliorougbly i|ua)iiieil photogrspher.

Wbon OTorp ehango lo woaUtor on.
aod "Jofit tho thing” to mMt demaads.

Flannel Goats
and Pants
The ideal eoit for tbe ho" desr*
coming—made by the nobbloet tailcrs
in the new stripe flannels.

Flannel, Serge
or Brilliantine Goats
and Vests
An elaborate display In grades
from $1.60, $200, $2.60 up to $6.00 and
$7.00. Ton can be Etted both as to
goods end price in this department.

fique, Silk
and Percale
Negligee Shirts
Of Beat makes—last colors—are
np-to-dat« in every way—Prices, 60c,
76c, $100, $1.26, $160.

Hami ton Going Co.

The Waukazoo House!



The best furnished aod best k<
iTuse on tbto penii
peniasuto to
to ready
of Sickest vossibis ersde Fii.e s-i-( husineso.
isiceso. Ooea
Ooen the ,__
roani.. Good
wsrk aepeeloUr.
Ivety In eonneetloa with the botuo.
stee Bade known on anpllcatlon.
Mew OflM. Morkhea Block

SVve £»a\es\

Tbe king of nbotograpbera in pealnp, Ugbilcg, drapicg and arranging bU
sul-jecis for the praetleing ot bto truly wouderfui ark nbotegrupby. Mr.
Soper has secured xbe Photo building opposite tbe Hoie> Cktlnmbla on Front
street and baa reBodeled it and put to in order for strictly up to date photo-

bine giUe le Mod Uke yeetordsy.
WmM Bvpsol It.

c Our Resources
are WellShoini


Vici Kid Shoes
Modem Toes—New Lasts.

{ Ladies’and Gentlemen’s Dress Footwear!
If you art looUng for • rood oltoo at $8.fi0 wohmf it Wo don't adwortloo this to bo a $3.0Q ahoo.
but want you to lofipoot and oompare It with othor to
i eaUod f8.00 ohoM.
Wo load-otharo foUow.

* Afia xd'vVvBo^^ct
\odiau, awdi
mUV a\\ art soU
Out \bt Ca«\oT 'BeWt ............. .................oic
IV Wub 0^ 2b. bO AU& bOc S^uVKfiT '^\V& ......... \bc
I 'Gut Svoo ■puVVeij 'BtVVb, tmboufi& VtriW........ S«c
^ \Wt aue 0^ 'W.u&Tt&hb^ T^V4
YuVUs ,


^A«^VVtv«^ot....................................... .......... bOe

eVeqattl Utve

SeUtt atv4

TklViViotv beVU.
ttdt Vt Wt \ut tri ot «n 'WttowiA SUo


I Hnr store. 8<S IMat St.

Tbo Old BoUablo



*nmcrriiewMLii ,
II turn irina \
^m^***< ■»««““«
rwUMpwpow of •Ml«telai*dy
OMrnl aMteraff. rtUf ®f tb* EMtu


Mtto«*da(»k« »peih. MMpantod
bj alcht lilfk BsalM efistra, to pr*p« tor » p»riW» owfltet wl*k

Tha wktoito rU** « • «te*r»
• * toaaaaraMBt
BiirUMidtka wBWna
utU tiu
o( tM MftM'BrU
bC^ostMmOOTAWnrateM K*h*. Ika hmmmtU

ny ---------aMM«r Vf »uyt«rU*B«^

aotMtlhtB^laa. to BlMdrr*atofh^tw .vu uttor fMau»i.oo»aWfrfwr.

gtototowueoarrrifpotadly to th*
tet tew «»r* »»
pwUea o*
fMMifiM. PiwMte. CtofOry wm •■■--------u-^ ibr erowdkBdft
HOC* «l F«*wn war* tojmd.

AMtektoto (fM all o*«r Barop* to*
■Mktot ntec* >a Baflud.
A »«rter«r at Jaawa. Alatka, aaa«d Martia Wrvart. atoud to ba baaped
• witkoata trfal, aad bU reqatat waa
A Naw York daalor raoaaUr raealrad
a aoMlcamaat of laabar wbteh to aald
to ba tba drat arar abippad to the Uoltad Statat fren MaoUa. Tba wood waa
«ab««aar o( tbafloaaiqaalltr aad waa
oold to a triB of plaao nuiBlactarara
to ba aada lato plaao oaaat.
Tba Prlaeaaa of Walat at Kaaaloirtoa
Tbaiaday afiarooon opaaad a eraat
aatloaal baatr In at& of war aaffereia
Tba mafaitadaot the prataat nadertaklap aellpK tba alinUar afltlr bald a
a paar apo in a.d of Ua Cbarlnp Oroti
boaptUl. A railp daaoratad trat* of s« eara
left Topeka. Kao . oa tba Koek laland
road Wadaaadap. aairplsp 21,000 boabato of com to tba faviaa aaSarara of
In caearaUnr the old Boatan oanp
of Oarae^toB. near Btoabarp. on Ue
Daaabr. batwaan Vtoaaa aad Praaabarp, the axplorard'baaa oona npoa an
10»7 waapoea aad plaaaa of arm aad
alorw ofbarlap, paat. ate. A praat
■anp laaerlptloBa w«ra foaad ai wall,
aad tba aaaai bp wbleb tba ea«p waa
aappllad with waUr.
It toaaid ooaaldarabla aoaap to batop
vaat la BratU bp apaaU of tba bpaatoh, Fraaeb aad Ueman poraramcnta
to aaaaa to ba poUtobad arUelaa
apalaat Britain aad the Ualtad Stater.
iBwne wltb prtaf orer bar sotbar'a
deatb, Biei Sarab Etpanbnrper of
PlpBoatb. O.. laapod from a foartb
atorp window at caaetonatl, aad torr!blp tsjarad baraalf.
In tillBOto durtop tbo laat 16 poara
Wrda bare dacraaaad M par oeat.
Owtop to the larpa nnmbar of daatba
eaaaad bp aatarle farar to Sooth Africa
tto Bnttob war ofBea to bow iaelndiap
two aaaaol boiia in tbo ontdt of eretp
■aa potopoot. Tbep are ozealloat
wtopoarte apalnat the dtoeaae.
The flrat real atapa toward aalarptop
and ImproTtop tba WblU Booaa were
lak'aa whan tba aanato aooaBlttoe oa
apptoprlaUmu toaartod aa lUB to the
aaadtp alt 11 %9fnpritMo» blU antoortotop the preaidaat to appoint an architaetaada toadaoape pardaaar, aaeh
with the obtof of eaplnaera of ...
araap. to aake aa axaBiaatlon aad to
report to coapraoa at iu aexi aeatloo
plaat for aalarptop tba axaeatira i


raw IM3TQI0W
••An ArtoraooB I* CtoUforala’‘tba SabJtet of noaoaat Batartatomtet tor
tba Wai^’a Qab.
A dalipbtfal aftontooa waa oajapad
bp tba WoMBto Qab jaatordap nadar
thalaadartolpolllra. B. B. Braekaii.
tba Hl^aet ta^ “Aa Aftorwooa to
OaUforato." Tba pnpraB waa totrodaaad bp aa toiaioatfnp btotortoal
akatob of OaUtorato troto 1H« to tba
praaaat ttoaa, piraa to tba term of a
talk bp Kfi. W. D. Taraor.
Mra. Oadp. Kra. B. & Farrp aad Ki*.
B.J. Merpaa haw aU baaa toeeat
Ttoturatotbat toad of dowara. aad
aad) paw a dall^tfal ttlk aboat tbatr
trlpa. tolltop of tba aoaatip. tba ell■ato. tba paopto. aad abora all. apwktop of tao baaatifal flowan wblah
toaka that part of tba DoHod Btoua a
aarltakto paiadtoa. Thap lUaMcatod
tbdr tfarki wltb a aatobar of eartoa.
tftti-iti«p ptetaiaa. Jtpaaaaa aad
aad olbar totoraatt^arttolaa.
Dr. BMotbal'Tbompaoa para aa
atoa paper oa tba aabjtetof "Lopmap.”
- aattar watob baa aaeasad Bbeh !■•
poruaea with aa aiaoa iba aaaaxatiea
of Hawaii. Sba told of the dtoaaaa.aad
dteoribad tba boaplial aaubitobad to
Tiaaaa for iu care, which to tba daeat
M of tba klod to the world.
Mrt. B. H. SrMkao para a tea paper
oa -Uproap in Hawaii.*' ahowinp tba
terrible extent to wbien tba dtoeaae
hat baaa apraad in that baaaUtal land,
and deacriblnp tba tolaad wbieb baa
been aei apart bp tba Bawallan porernmentfor tbelr apcelal we. and tba
metboda naed to eartop for itacB. Tba
eonrape of tboM who. tboopb in pcifeet health tbeBMlrM, bare p>en op
home aad ojmfort to care lor thaae «nfortnnalapaoplelltotmpoeaiWato daaoribe.
Bor Ulk ^ waa Ulnatralad
wltb pbotoprapba of the aatUament at
_____ ,_pa on the toland of Molokol.
aenl tbtooph the ktodneu of a reaidant of Hawaii, for tba benefit of the
Womanb Clnb. a eoartaap wbieb waa
inch apprael ated.
Tba afternoon waaa delipbtfol one
in arerp wap. and waa mneb aniopad
bp aU praaaat.
Dm Ballap aad UarBalna Broa.'
apottodtotra ■■Spark” are tba paraala
of a fiaa colt jaat Uka Ito matherf

or Mm OMbOttotftbaWofTraFafia
Adtoarwad rapalar Moattop of oltp
aoaadl boM to oMoaU rooa Map 14.
**lteaHiw waa ooltod to order bp A. TFriadrteh. M^.

b IA« BonorabU. lb« Mayor aad Cl
Ootmcfl of toe City of Trarerst Clr
MtoMpoaOanttoaaoa:— We. tbp udaalpaa
raaaiatfaUp paUtkm poar baaocabla

8, Baaaah. Up A Oo’a. tot addIttaS;
Mid walk to ba H feat loop aad a feat
wfdaloaaat abMiM aaauaar aqoara
*1 aad toba baUt toaeeordaaoa —
F. O. Bbvmaxx
Zb the Honorable, (br Mayor and CUy
CoMAOU of Ibe OUy of Trmwraa City,
tbo aadairi^,


adadjaeoat to oar brtak btoekeatba
BOfth alda of Froat aUMt aad Ota aaat
aide of Uatoa atraat; aald walk to be 10
BtraetioB of «
Tkx Raxxab a Ut MKBCAXYU.X Co.
H MoBMp*e.See.
Trareraa dtp. Map 11.1»00.
Zb (A« Honor^ibU. IA< Mayor and VUy
CounrtlofUu City of Trotwrue «■«!;•
Wa. the uBdofalpn^, ryat^HoIlp
walk in front of lou 69. 3Q II and s:
M Blphtb aircet. block 9. in Banoah.
Lap A Co's firat add to rraverae Clip.
Btapeettullp anbmitud.
Wu. Loi nox
B SBistxit.
TrarsmaCltp. Mleb-. M»p 13. i9»•A. iA« Hunoralilc. the Mayor oim^ C«i/
Couii- fl i-f IA« CHy
ZVoi'fCSt t'Uy.
walk on the eoDlb aide of Front atreet
Infroot of Noa. 100. lOS. 110 and tl3
Front atraat to te lA-toai wide and
balH aecordlnp tolfie prade eaubitobed

Q^t^n:-!. toe lutdaralp^, 1

Pilca for Blxtaea Yaara.
Mr. O. M. Glbba. 80 LeBcr aranno.
-topbamtoo. N. Y„ aapt: ••Dr. Obaae'a
OlntBaat eorad aa of bleedinp aad
r. B. HcMaSi-1 ACo.
protradlnp pilaa afwr erarptblap alee
To the Bouonililc. the Mayor amt City
toiled ” 60 eaaU. all dmprtou. or
CouncH 0/the City 0/ Trareree tHiy,
A. W. Chaao Med. Oo.. Bnffalo. B. V:
Uentlemea:—I. toe andi
i of a eemeoi

b Slirt U anppf IR 24 ioart.
remedy cquafc VVak.seB'8 Wiim;
Bl F for lhi» t«-rri. ,NK OF 'Tab Svh
and total
tal direjue.
II token tborit will Are a
oueb lha.
.■«*LaGrlm>e it uever tolto to piva
.•lief. Price. SSr and 60o

Hannah, Up A Co'a 6ih eddiitoo: aald
walk to be 60 feet lonp and 6 feet wide,
aad to coat about IK) oenu per tqQare
pardand to be bnlit in accordance with

7b Cite MononibU. the Mayor aiid CUy
CounrU of the CUy of Trut'eru City,
Fm OHil bieShMiMtoPryBUt.
OenUeaan —I, the nndaralpnad.
raapoetfnllp paittlon poor bonoi "
bodp to order tbe eooatmetlon of a
■aataldawalk oa tbe aonib aid'. ..
Froat atraat adjacent to mp praaleee
fronUnp 318 BMt Front atraeti aald
■rTTAtfTKO b»ceed h»aeeho« f»«x Wtof sraik to be 10 faei wide andAOfaet leap
and to be boilt to aceordanMWlto tbe
d(«M BMl'afoSte^tPh** ^
ordinance relaUre to oooatraction 0
Frank Fricprici!.
Council of the CUy e
HiektffORGanUaaan-Wo. tSo

/■nOOK WAITTKO-l.ed/rooa wsoted si ssre.

' Tbe plapM baa appaard to Ataxand- PcsskliB


mnnt aldowalk on the aonto aide of
»t adjacent to lot I. block tl.
ilat. Trareraa tou; aald walk
orlpinal nUt.
to ba e feet wide,
par iqnare pard and to be bolli in
ince rel
to eonatrucUon of cement walks.
Hannah A Lap Companp.
per fi. Montapne.

Vnt Bcrroib M

Motion earned.
Yeaa, Aldermen Montapoa. Moord,
Hattinpt. Slader. Boapher, Kenpon,
NsnbsB'r store, nsdrr lrm«-r st this rAos. Boand. Wrlpbt and Oarriaoo.
Napa none.
OOLUIXR* ATTlimftJ* - It
OanUemeo-I. the nndoraipned. rc
O bonratrsdel Irss ibsb l«J ... ................ ..
JumS. IW4.1 sill psr joa at psr sno fur apeetfnUpaakpermlialonofpoiir bonerect a dwelltop on Bap
belsBcrefrosr clsl«. Address (> A Brt<hss. UrsiiB, or sdrlse Pratt a Dssla.lVavow _________
Tba boUdtnc will be
13x30 ft. -AlaoaaBall bnildtop 13zlG.
will ba naafOT a aboa ataop.
BeapaeUuUp anbmlttad,
FsB. B^rU.OU Mil
W. F. Qlbaon
On aotloBof Alderman Montapnn,
... m, ...Uu, o™ dalp carried, tba petition was praatad.
Tiararae Cltp. Map li, 1900.
Zb the Bonorabte. the Mayor and CUy
^•BKIMBD l^lU^lb board

Batter Bceorda Mad*;.'
OoB Oob TaMardfi}Tba third erMt of tba Trtidrao atf
Bod aad Gan clnb oeearrad at the bow
•made tooth of tba oitp raateidap

t.L5r~................. ■■


City Opera House

Thursday, May 31

■‘A Runaway Wife”

Ladies Free ThuisilBrllielit oely

erd. E J HaaaOBd. W JSproni.G W
Cnrtls. J C Blopen. M Dsllp. Will S
Aadoraoo. C KeUp, P A. Oaneeo. a
Adalep, B Ltnpe, Wiltaalm Kroa., Nc.
sotop Bros. W O Caapbell. J Pnrueh,
W Carp, E L Bonner. A D Squlera,
. .. aip. A E Wllaon,
Shilaon. Charlaa O'Msalp,
ss. MarkOrmw.J
Horn. F Kafki
** '
,Wa Wrlpbt. W F Baraha, E P Wll) ^Dd. Jr. Cbu M Beara.
A J Patortpl. M B Tatman. ^aea C
Hopklna. J B Bailep. W F Wolcott
Jacob J Bpant, Wa Abbotv J A Montapua
Moved bp Alderman Slodor thai tba
patiUon ba racslvad and placod on file
Motion oarriad.
rravarae City. Mleb., Map li. I900.


Judgments For Sale! . s!

That the undersigned will receive bids for the following
judgments, heretofore obtained and entered against tbe
following named persons, which judgmeifts are for the
sums set opposite the. names of the respective persons.



Saginaw. Mich,, Ionia, Mich., Big Rapids, Mich., Cadillac.
•r the CUy i
Mich.. Traverse City. Mich.
Oentleaao:—We, poar oomaittae,
would reeoaaend tbe followtop re
batea on eaaeni eldewalks, same bar
868 67 John Lardie .
top bean in our opinion properly oox
18 81
. 50-88
16 61 ThoBBB Welle.........................
B. L. Ashton. fiO'' aq. pda ... .f 16 it He".ii!?Oetaf. .
13 10
John T. Baadle. 67 aq. pda ........ 16 «
111 13
J. B. Monroe. 3l^ sq. yds..........
s 33
67 33 Arthur Freper..........................
Wllllxm M^i
^. Uupbton:.33K sg. ptU
9 87
>. O. Covalt. lilt', iq. pda..


S 93 06
Very raspectfnllp,
B. W.-Boi .sii
E. W. Habtisus.
Com. oa tlreeu and aidawalka.
Moved bp Aldenaan Montapua that
tbe report be aoeepUfi and rabaU al­
Motion carried.
Year. Aldaraen Montapae. Mooi
Haatlope. Slader. Bonpbap. Kanpi
Bound. Wrlpbt aad OanW

b^eeew ftri bt loksi
"SUus yul »er a



A BAaGAIM-lb M loM tots ee PraM eod
A autosueetsfsraetoiorseaTtstws Alas
bsUdlBc Csrtato. OsU atMi XsM Prsai

ataar wbtoh baa boon diawa oat to the
•tit ba BtUd aa a park, aad In pa uaneaat the
aabarbi of tba oltp. a’btob amoant
■ toalpbtdoUan. WUlponktod- aama would auppaat that a alu ba
aaeurad for tba email aoptoa bonaa and
low him too aaaa
' VO balldinpu
projeettop Into Mid Lake avaaua, ba rcqaaeiad to vaeata oaaa at onoa. aad

* aaaaap be
ptoSbOO be paid tl
J. Bledar.
Oea Oarriaon.
Motion oarriad.
C.D. Kaarpo.
____ Aldamea Moatapna. Moo-c.
HaaUnpa. Sleoar. Boapbap. KMipoa.
Boaad. Wrlpbt aad Uarrtaao.
Kapa aoae.
Moved bp Aldarmaa Wrlpbt toat toe
Trareraa dtp, Map 7, 1900.
To toe BoooraMa A. V. Friadrieb. r^w^tb. •o.mlttoe b. aoo^
I^Mklant of Board of Bdaeattoa:
Motion car tad:
Plaaat aooapt mp


orp wbkb para toataat raUal.
hBWMadit to ap toBllp tor fa
MfB aad rwYimmand It aatba preato.

;ss;ST^PrtaabOoaad Pl. E^ip bettto
arweaU se k- B. AUra •esw t
awrta MeiesataeCa Usta,Tteiw <»r.


John L. Welsh..
BlnatUan .F. MorriaoB...

Mra P U
O Dal
A D Greeley
Mra A Broed
ir^dbead .


^OMaa CUp, Map 11,1900
Zb toe Honorable, toe Mayor
and CUy Ci
Counril 0/toe CUy of Tntvtroe City
'rank Adaw .
John Moore ...
WiUiam Oourtw
OantlatoM-I bare toaad it aaeoa-

Twtaiad a Wtlaaaa.

?^r;aatord. Trial boMl« Ite at B. B



p«3a BALX-Ooad thrw jra
H berM< eod boerr. T,
Aifml Her. r» X. Frost Bl.

Tba oSeial eatlnate of tba atoaral U) Good wscr* ps)d. At Uoirl MrrrUl.
wealth of Siberia would Indloate that
I70B aALK-aw«sdhsod tbsMos.rbrsi. for
tbto eoantrp to, aiaarallp apeak top, J? cub. csiisiaD6w.i«hei.
•aa of tba rtobaat to tba world.


Kapa. Boaa.
Moved bp Altermu Moatapna
Ibaaoawlttaoa wapa aad Moam
pmmaaealWk map bmma bettor IdM
advtoad to raeoamoad the ^proj.
of tba aetaal coat, ba it
Uoa of filOO for tba latyrevamaet of
Bsaelved. toat tba board of pabUa
' ' »Avoaaa park, to be axpMdod tola orks be rrqumtad to faralah tbla
w to tba oriUnaaea proridtop '
oonaaU with an aatlmaw of tba aori of
“&m“SKf??Uo.tPto a mmabmof
pavtap Front atraat. with bmiqnaUto
tba MltelpaaUapaaaad Ur. Baadtoa
lotton carried.
ofpavtop brito from Ualoo to Part
_ _aattopa
Moved bp Aldareaaa
Raattopa that atraat. two Uoekt: aad alao toa expaaaa
Boraiood aoald
ooald ba aooompUabad bp toa ooamlttaa on ' aad water ba to- of balidlap at leaat^ blocks of maeOo.
oUmu aa amp ba dmipaaUd
Urtop tba msaUap to tba apriap ratoartbaa to tba teU. Aadtoanraaaat rclaUva to aovtop tbatr Mptoa boaae bp tola eauaelL
aaaaal maattop baa baaa aallad at from Uka Avaone aad aaeurlap
noa tba Sldaad Stto of tba praaaat
Motion earriad.
___ Ito. Of aoaraapoatotond to attend
Moved bp Alderman Haattopa that
aad I traat that pos wUl briap a pood
alsad dal^attoa with poa. Plaaaa >a oommittoa oa otdlaaaom ba
to pror—■ ■-----briap tba maUM to the attanUoa of
pearanaaeU aad tot aa kaow bow draft aa ordtoaa_________.totba o._
atneUoa of aemaat
walka bp toa dtp
_____ ______I
farpa a datopattoa wQl eoma from pe
with a TMOU^ ^
dsraaa Uidlaat a msattog
oonaeU bald April to. 1900.
Motion oarriad.
Cored bp Aldermaa KaapeatkattU
Tba mayor aimatotod tba faUowtop toaattolMPtoea atrwlwtupood
por ba aatboritrd to anotattwo tv oflleem:
mbanottoaeoaaril aad oMMam'
. Allaa Orapoan and
Frsnk Bartiap.
On motton. dalp aarried. the matiar
srtta tea mapor win anaan taa aaaaai
Pat of eonntraeUoa of latotal aaweraon
aaaataa of tba Uapaa of Mltotpaa Ma- Oaaa. Jrl
a Me- Webetor atrnet waa rnforred to tbo BMunteinallU.* to ba bald to Jaakaoa Map Unphlin.
Slrdaadtlto, aad that tba railroad
Spaeial poUoa to ai
tare ba allowed bp tba dtp.
tbo obiaf. B. A. U
Morad bp Aldaraaa Sladar to amaod UmlepaadF. F. Gi___
^Mttoa. that toe dtp dark ba In- . Member of boerd of ednmtloa from
Ward No. 1 to flU vaaaaep eaaaad bp
ismmmttea Cmtb —WHPHSr'a
aaodaaaat and orlptoal motion aa reeipaatlon of E W. Bound. John B.
adad waa oarriad bp pea aad nap Santo.
WMte Wins «f Tht
a M follows:
Oo moUon of Aldermaa Mootopue, beat cot-xh remedy on earth, curae a cold
'aaa—Aldermaa Mbntapna. Moore, duly cwled. toa a^ototmaBU
to one dap if taken in time. fibandfiOctn.
tttape. Sladar, Poopbap. Kn
aad, Wrlpbt aad Qarriaoa.
Moved by Alderman Slader that toe
ixjoT and clip altornev be requested
■Trararaa Oltp. Mleb . Map 11th. >900.
> oeeure from H. D. Campbell an
IB wrltlnp as to a drfli>iie
7ViA< Honc>raf<rr. Iftr Mayor ami the
City Councliof Uie CUu 0/ Traverit time when he wilt yield poeecaaion of
toe water works plaoi
City. .VioAiyiin.
MoUon csrrled.
Tbe Grand Bapida A Indiana Bp.
Tba conattble's bnnd of Cbarlet W.
petiUon for permtwlos to boUd a Oridpa Asbton wiib Oscar V. Carver as surety,
horn a point near toe eeed hooee to the was on motton of Ajderman Montspue,
^rdman rlrer, duly approved
fool of Caee street on Boai
the dock l<ne
and alao pnt a track
Moved by Alderman Hentapae that
Front street Alderman W. W. Smith be elected
from Oaas atreet
prealdent pro tem "f the ennocll.
I croasinp of Case 1
Moved bp Alderman K»nvon. so
amendment that Alderman B. W Haat
______________________ trompror- inpa be elected preeident pro tern o1
ertp ownert from Oau to Froot street the council.
ortbis pririN
bridpeweat. In return for
Amendment loet adpe toe Grand Bnpids .1; Indiana Br
Yeas. Aldermen Moore and tCenyi
Co. aprae to pile and fill in tbe riser on
Nape, Alderman MoBtapna.BasUn,
toe dock line where tbe new track ie aied^ Boopbep. Bound. Wrlpbt t
told. ThtaeoananphaemadeaeurTey
And liU Jolly ('ompany iu a reper­
and atUmate of tbe laproseaent and
Oripinal motion was carried bp pm
iareadp to eomatenee work If tbia
toire of tbe latest comedy aucceMes
n meeU ponr approsal
d BapioaA; lodlana Bp. Co
High claw Singing aad Dancing.
Bp C. B. Murrap. Apaol. Moore, Sleder. Boppbep.
Bound, Wripbt id Uarriaon.
Specialtiea at every performance.
Mosad1 bp Alderman Wrlpbt that the
RicL coatumw and special ecenery
jtlon be referred to toe oomalltea
00 1atraeu and eldewalks to report at Utbe
for each play.
waps and
lay night they will present
act comedy entitled
to?fflrat Monday In Map. 1900, at a
arp of 81.800 per pear and that tbeai
be provided for in tbe ordinance relaof Traet ..
Wa. too aitl:
Uve to aalariee of cltp offielala.
..poor bonoral
tbie bodp that Uke
Mobon carried.
aeenne from Union atreet to Sesentb
Ysm—Aldarmen Moore. HaaUnpa. Pricca.................10. 20 end 30 cents
atreet be need for park purpoesa
Bonphep, Eenpon, Bound and Oarrlaek tost it be Imoroved at onoa.
- - praatlp laorova tbe
ballaTe it would
of toe atreet aadbeenjoytbe eit rens in peoeral.
If Accompanied ty an escort with
W Kuf

one i>sid ilO cent ticket, if reserved
............[ins, eonalder takinp np aorae permanent before r>p.m.
H L Csrier, Jmn Furueh. Bobt J. atreet work, aad toat we map have
ISeats on sale Tuesdiy.
•me definite fipuraaeotbat we and toe
Price. H W Smith. F. Fartsch. W J MeMlcbaol, C C Enowltoa. Julias Campbsll. CbM Monlion. Vandeline SteDCk.
John Hipbland. A Poborsl. U K Gibb
CbM B Hsle. J H Monroe. John Htn:
C Dapece. A K Cook. Cbm I
Moead bp Aldan

wm S. Ward
Henrv M Jac

33 6}
47 II
7 68



81 to

Bart Snyder.............................
Aribar E Ball.........................
O M WeUa.................................
Henry Dnrmaa..........................


Daniel Nawlaiid ..........................
p pp
ps pp
Cbarlae Hieke.................................
pppp .
John Barker...

86 88


Cbrie Stoat...,................................ 11718'

,a w.^^..
r 88

wmioB Pwiy....................

Charlea Hopadon.........................







~ism um



In Up-to-date Merchandise


We have just finished painting and fixing up our store, so that it is
All sizes.
now more attractive 4:han ever; and to further interest you to come
here often, we mention a few of the many good things we are offering:

Black only.

BIG Shirt Waist Sale I


An Extra Good Corset.

for the choice of regular 60o to
7Bc Waists.

In Slripes anil Checks.

Buys a Corset like out, in White,
rj 1^11
• Black, Drab, Pink and
Ught Blue,
This is the best ever offered for the money.
It has many good points.

All colois.

But if you have a dollar to put into a Waist
don't hesitate to do so, as the hne we are offering
at that price is far ahead of anything ever shown
in this city. •


for Ladies’



3V. the World’s Best Corset
$1.00 Buysat r*.
that price.

23^ 10c 44c

Ladies* Ribbed
Vests, well made,
full sizes.

nicely made,
•just right for warm

Men's Shirti in light
or dark col­
ors, good'fitters and
well made.

For fast black Hose,
in ladies’ and
children’s sizes, fully
worth 15c.





For choice of a lot of la­
dies* belta^odds and ends,
from last aeasoo, worth
op lolloc.

Per yard for pretty dress
Ginghams in many good,
cdora; worth Sc.

For Children’s Par­
asols in light colors.
Worth 35c.,

For Corset Covers,
nicely made. Better
ones at 20. 25. 35c

and up for Ladies' Sam­
ple Hats; one of a kind
only. All go at about
one-half their value.

Per yard for good
Calicos in
medium colors
worth 5 and 6c.

lorMen’s Shop Caps.
Just what you
have been looking
. for. Black or white.

Yard for 3->c Rag Carpit; for 2Sc Ingrain.
81c for Fancy Straw
Matting, cotton warp,
worth :t0c.

Per Pair for Lace Cartains in good patterns,
worth 'iOc. Window
Bhadea 10 and i*>c for
the best.


Ladies’ and Misses’

For Bleached Sheets, ex­
tra good qaality. si^e 72
x!*0, nicely hemmedrwH
ready for use; r^ifar
price GOc.

Odd lots. 1 and 2 of a kind; good, ser­
viceable goods, worth $3.6Qt.$4, $4.60.

1Q- for Blisses'. 69c and 88c for ladies' circu*fdli lars. in cloth and natural covered; were
$1.00, $1,60 and $2 00.
00 CE lor Ladies'$3.60 Mackintoshes, in the
0Z.D9 latest style, ot Blue Cashmere, velvet
collar, double cape. (See these.)

_ Wrappers are worth
^ more now than they
were afe w months ago;
that’s because cotton goods are 60
per cent, higher than they were.
But it matters not what we paid for them we
are going to sell you an extra good one during
this sale at only 49c.

1 ■


colors, cheviots, cassimeres, wors-

' goods, worth 6.00, 6.50, 7.00 and $8.00.

B ■1

^ ^

For choice of Lot No. 2.'
of MEN’S SUITS-'I'bese arc all clean, np
to date, thisyear’a goods,

Come and see if these are not worth 9.00, 10. and $12.

C r\n

For choice lot of MEN’S HATS in Pearl, Brown
and Black, worth 75c and 1.00.

OCn For Men’s and Boys’CAPS just opened up—
^ CJ V prettiest line in town, worth 35c.

25c o“rib{S*
y 00


Meif| WORKING PANTS, regular

AQ^O For Fancy Shirts, made up to sell for 75c and
• w'* 1.00. There is about three doz. to choose from.


Traverse City, Michigan

-The Roebuno**
& B. SACK sore.

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet and Clothing House.

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