The Morning Record, February 01, 1900

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, February 01, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




Third Yotf—No. 856


i n iB l>Mlar»d E«

•Mk TriaW*. Ik* I
•< Ik* koM*. akatgl
I kaehaM Bad* toward
r Ik* Baa who did Ik*

Brltidh Loot kt 8ploo Kop

ed lh*M** aad aekody *)**
•aaml ^1* B*v*rta Xadyntth la
■ tt ap. A I
•oodBkapaaad AbU te Bald Oat
wUk two OalUac gaa* *t* clatk
ta tk* mfbaL 1k*ra k a* •ffkttac te
todrdaHaly .P*U*eod Kaiwal Bai.
Ik* *H**la.lattriy da* to Ik* ouaaa
ter VQl AtWBpl 10 Baaah Ik* Olty
1 UMiim M*d Ik* Btmmot, B«t tl***tttt*4* *<»oUttaU l**a**a Ik*
Vloa Aaetkar MroetteaBriatO**tnirt*«k7M4l«*. Via
II—A rnaktort
Xeva Sl^atek Bayo H* Bap
•U, M**r**«—V**kkM Ate>
r Tkylor
Ik* Attack.
«aek Ik* 9^ **U*
terlac wairaal* ehaictaf
Loadaa, Jaa, ll—ta Oeaval Balterb
*t— Owkii M O*
prepared tacT*ryB*Bb*r of the l*ctaanl Oolttar *8« OM*r*« BUUi* Water*
ha* allied •kiBooU wltk dtepateh iroB epearmaab
kaetataathattk* loBollreep* talk*
tom*lBr« k>Tk*lr m«aMB.
abaadnaMBtof 8ptae kopwa* forty
paroBteftka ferea 0«a*ral Balter
maklart, K^.. Jaa. sUwkll* 9mateo atalB tk* r*ciB*at wa* ordarod
•l«Oo*b*> I* irlacat Ik* polat ot
fcoa IhapeaMoa byOoloael ThorMy
9m>k wllk aa »—WHly o< r**amy. X*r led***** Belteood te b* Mb
erott. who to hlphly *0B^*d by
k*kH allwM ifwnalkkkl k» parlaportaat to >w*ia Tkaa Okaac*
Balter for hte eearacA. cal&^ aad
a*a* 0( aaillac Ooraraer tkyUr, at
coed ]odcB*at Tk* raperl cm* *■
to aay that It wa* (Moay Tkoraeytaaalaoter ailk* Ufktataf* k
8«riia.Jaa. 1-AdkpalBh totkaOoereftb p*raoaalcaUaatry wklA weed a
0Ma*d.aa4 to*k**a*•*«Ip a*rw le«M Otaett* troB 81. PMana
T*ry difisalt ytaattaa early oe
Leadlac elrela* la &o**la do aot be- 14 tb.
At * ••doek loatrkt 0«*bel wa*
It te repertpd that Lord Kliebeaer
ll«r* that tk* ehaac* ta Ohiaa aatail*
•won ta a* foraraw of Ik* *lat*
B*a COM la Bdtal. Tk* war ofB«* rofasM to eoodFB lb* roport. bat bIUCkM Jostle* Ha>drit.>ko ateiak- lac iadaeoe*. tt te tboacbl. te far i
!***« lb* oaU of oOe* apoa tbl* tUiac laportaat aad eaa oaly b* aeortad ^ taiy B«a aay that It te Boat Ukaly trao
Thte tadleatM that Ooaoral Balter wUl
poww*. laelodlac tk* Ualted mate*
lb* l^klali** **■■!*!•• wbtokrw
only bo allowed to act aader Lord
of ABorlea. aoUfyiac Japaa that they
. parM apea tk* *et* of Ik* n
Bob*n*> order*.
latead to Baiatala tk* *lat«* 4«o la
*l*Hea J. ft W. kwriik*Hi tk* D
A dtepateb tnaa 0«a«ral White at
Ohiaa OB the bay* of the Tk* Baca*
LadyaBltb te aa foUowt: •Tb* aew* of
«ratk *aadMat* tor U*at*aaat f
Uoacatioa of tk* teeCA raaoH.
aerwMalaoawocBla. ‘
Tk* 0*stlU r*«r*t* tk* aaeartaUty
tac froB Oaaeral Balterb fyiar*. he*
Iu*akkl7 apoa .taidac tk* oatk a to wketkar Ik* pewarelrfll eoop*r b*B roeyrod with fortltad*. W* «aa
ee«o*ktf k*a*d aa ctA*r 14.1k* ■Ultia **bold OB Tk* carrteoo te kealthter,
operate with Baaala.
OHBkM ta Vraaktel ta^atara la tbair
^ewy aad ooaAdeat. Dteaaa* to dlw
appaariar aad lhaik te ae kora* atekkoMaateaea
Tk* rya* cl*« plraly of c”—
B* also k*a*l aa ;oedat t-tmof
We AB hear (teaaral Balterb c«**
lac A4«laat 0*a*ral OoUlar.
1 VhU* talBto Wa* workliic aad It te raBorad to
JaCc* OaitaakB U kk ala**.
Byac nrad la Boaor of
that h* te adraaolBC aloac aaetk«r
At a lat* bear laatfht Oe*b*l
Uaa The B:
0*TBaa BBpetor.
hoUiac hk ewB BMolp bp tk* axnak*
e acala f^ <
Loadoa. Jaa- ll —A
te tk*
OB the eppe
ippar Tocato. Tk* Bo*ta
at hk woatafal «rtU power, kat bk IWly KaU troB Hoackeac. dated Jaa.
bar* alao taka* ap a a*w poattioa ee
pkjBtakM Mat* that tb«r* k ao kop* M. **y*: ‘'WhU* tk* Oaltad BBU*
Caaboat Wbeelinc waa Briac a mIhU tb* hUl* aaar Ooleoao to cr*at f****«« kk r*eor*rp.
te *r* aopaiaotly arrlvla koaor of tb* OerBaa BBperor'a
Ooraraor Tkjlor tkW Mniaf
birthday tb* c*b baraV kUllac two lac trOB tk* TraacraaL”
>ara*d tk* K*atad9 »««»*
A Oap* Towo dtepateh eaya tkatO«i
B«a aad a«rioa*ly lejariac tkrae
a*ak)p aatU V*b. A
eral BiiUer *tUl bold* tk* Taceto drift*
TIM loUowsd Vu aekoa of tk* ooe
aad Bay poatfbly mew hte attesy to
t**t board last aicht. Ik* DoaiooiaU. BSBAIV8 or OBBBB AX. X.AWTON tore* bl* way tkroack tb* Bob d»fOB*B before loac. la aay oaao iBdy
wsjsrltp of whteb toro*d a report
■mith 1* eapable at boldiac oat for a
mtlnf U.-obel aad Daekkanthe D*mc'
oral oaadtdat** for foraraor aad ll*o
eoMldcrabl* Ua«.
8aa FraaoteoD. Ckl.. Jaa. Il-With t4ElBbarleybeUocrapb*d to tb* Modtaaaat coreraor. Tkk report wa* v:
bar* b*ea pr*MBt*d to tk* l^ialater* tto flic**i ball maoutbe Ualted biatea der rlTcroaap oa Friday that all Brittraaaport Tkomaa eatarod tb* harbor teb *abjteta i* tb* Barkly W**t dtetrite
tkk atoraiaf.
Oororaor Taplor at 10 o’clock k*oed hM« last erealac. bearlnc the bodlr* bW b**B ordeiod ^y tb* Boeiwtotak*
lb* loUewlBC preelaaaOoo to the fot' ct Orawal Beary W. iBwioa, Major ap ana* tor the repablle aadB eeaalty
A. Locaa. Jr.. Liaateaaat Bbi- of aflaeol C37 or three Boatba’bard
*ral**MBbly: ••Wboraaa.a atat* of laaonoelioa aow prwraik. 1 kmbr oatt, aadDr. J.J. L.
adjoaraateae* tk* gmmti aMBblp
to M*t at Lowdoa. Kaatadkp, Taea
aad bB ehUdmi.
Aaj, P*b. 6. at aeoa.”
Tke vc**y wa* mat at tb* Oo)daa After XM y of Fire Day* Btblopia
Ik* DMaooratk iMBkws oftk*l*r
Matar* dodlaod to aooopt tk* adjoara- Gate by OanBy Sbafter aad Ueataaand State y Vebreaka Bave
WUaos. M*jw W. r. TaekB.
MMtaad decided to aeot okewbor*.
■*a*ked Port
of Mr*. Lecaa. Bobart
Tk* l^kUur* a* a kodp Baroked to
Vew York. Jaa. II—The
lb* op«a koaa*. bat tooad a eoapaap B«8ttey, a triead of tk* Locaa family,
«f Boldlat* beforo ik Tiea U* l*ck- aadjOaptato Baraaaoa at tb* traaaport Bthlopla. fire day* erarda* from OU»Cow. WMaiefated yi:M o'^oek tkte
latare dootdod to deliberate la tb*
TbaTboma* wm pMead by the qoar> Boratoc off riie Utoad, boaad to. 'SIm
hoaaeaad ter* tkroack-tk* *tr**B ta
that dlioetlea. A eeeoad ooBpaaj.of aatiD* aalkorltte*. aW OaMral 8bafter wa* preead*d by aaotkB •teaia
Boldlm boat tk* law Bakeratotk* tkaa a**orted Kra. iBwtos aad kB aappoaed to b* tka State at Nebn
ateo orerdee, from 01a*c»w. Moeh
«oal aad tk*p tkea took to the *tr**B, Alldrea tetb* komarf frteada.
anatety had baaa toll fB tk* Bfety at
k«B told of tka faad aBoaaUa.
' t«>*rt«c tor a pke* ta wklob to bold a
___________ ,
alBoat *100,000 that had baaa rateed l>oth*klp*.
for the Uwtoa famUy, tb* widow wb
Tk*y ftaaUj d*oid*d to Baroh U a OVBOOB* aad eoald oaly aeb bB ay
body froB the Oapllol b*Bl to tb* «at*
Tb* eaakata eeatototoc tb* bodte* Xataraatloay Maaoa* aad Brioklayon
After kataf U*ay«*d tkop
BCkIbeeoatk fat*. w*r* landed at tke traaaport doek aad
Uoloa Detobltekad Xm*t Braatoc
«a Bitoriac tk* »ptlol they foaad loaf later taken toaa aadartaker** aader u
With 18 ObariB Baaber*.
UMOfla^tryataadlac oa each aid* «*eort of artUlary.
A BuaUBC wa* held teat arealac M
ArraacoBate bare beea aedi
of tk* kaU with dud b^oaek. At tk*
tk* C. B. P. B. haU fB tb* perpoB of
deo* of tk* etaiia laadiac to the lackl: eear^tb* bodte* of Oeaeral Lewtoa
crcaalilac akcaaehy the lateratkr* kaUe btood Ooload WUltaB* aad aad M*jor Locaa aad Dr. ArBatreec la tloay MaeoB* aad Bneklaywe' Ua^
whi«* kiB a d*taehB*at of aoldleca. a apaelal trya. aad Oeaeral Bbafter There wa* a cood attaodaao* la apite
ha* been apaeiaUy 4*taU*d to aocom y ta* atarm. aad a teBporary ori
WUllaBi haaded to eaek i
tea *epy of Oo*«ra*rTaylor'* ad- paay tb* trato *a*V Thar* *Ul be a ntioo wa* eSeeted aad a charter ha*
coard y lafaatryBea. A ear wUl b* baaa rrqeMtod, whtek wUl be ha
Attv tk* t*Baltaooe;prol**l* of tk* plaead at tk* dtepoay y 0«BBy L*w- a few dar*.
kfWatec* ac^t oeiac barrod troB UBk family, wbU* aaotkB ear wUl b*
W. J. Neteoa wa* eboaea temporary
tk* oapttol had died dowa a propoaal roearrod for the widow aad ehUfrdn at tayrmto of ta* body, aed JsM C.
to r>
tk* op*ra hoA wa* roerifod MajB UcM
ryaUcB aad frlaada Petenoe
tempemry aaorotary.
wttkakoaBof approraL The eoldtera
parmaaeat orcaa'catioe will b* aBaet.
«w* bolter raaaact tkaa tk* law Bak
oA Wadaeaday •captoc, Pabraary 14.
' -eca, kowvror. aad taktair to tk* Blddl*
Par9-tW0 Death* Bepertad te Haaoof the alraeB aarily
Tk* lecklatcn bad oaly Ike *ati*taeSaa Praateeo, Jaa. St,—tka ateam«ca el ataadtac oppoall* tk* opera
r Aasteyia, whteh arrirad I
hea**aadcul>r »t ^ paattarUa*
ofaeldiar* drawa ap ia froeloftk* aonyy*. reporB that kp to tb* ilm* dtoc, Oaorr* Baek.BlBB Van WacBB.
ykB deyattare thB* had keen 41
wttk Asad taayoMB. Ik*
Bobert Dewaoa. Odte HeOany, Beary
d«aUw from tk* bobopte ptoc** aad a
Gaafiald, Darid Morphy, W. J. Neteoa.
r of tk*
toteiy sseaBB.
ry PotBBB, Ohartee MeMlekael.
t^tk* l^klatera b*
ry Jokaaeo. Joe Ptetorlek. C Van
{^taa*|Bt Ooloaet Gray, la cemmaad
dBUp, tmateGroeyB.
of tk* Bllitla. lr*dr*d UlB.
tb* (fowd tkea Bad* tor tke ooart Era. OenaaiB* Satertatoed 8S Toaac
hoa*r. bat *• they .tartwl a .aooed
X«dte* lew! Broator.



6800 RoUs
of Wall Paper

Okaw more warped teapeie. more gromi^ dfrpcieitione, more eear natsree theo all the torpid

All new 1900 patterns

Urere A&d^dyqiepna la

Shipped lu direct from factorr. Will hare it all aapacked in a few.daja, bat' can ihow yon the aamplea
aow. It u iatmtlas to are "whafi what” in waU
decorations for this year.

the eooatry.


Hobart & Beecher Co.
SaccMaora to 01tr;Book Store.
Sao-SBS Front St

Care eore feet, prereBt

Balph Oonaablo Jr., Manasar

health; feet from beconr
Wls*»^aewW|h^twse »-*r lb* pm*.


. Keep the entire body warm—they are better
than all others bat co9t no more.

The leading shoe faooae.

$5.00, $7.00, $10 and $12






Oomwir Xojlor


S. BE3STI3-A. Sc OO,
RewUad BataAl'to Cl,

Ian Maclaren
The famous EngUsh antfaor, writing in the Rorth Americeo Review
on "The Eneig; of the American
People," saya:
-’No man writee with bis own
hand, if be can dictate to a atenograpber; no man dictatea.‘if faecan
irraph; no man tel^rapha, if be
can tolepboBe."
If ;oo -are a typical, energetic
ap*to^date American, yon already
use the .Long Distance Telephone.
If not, a word to the wiae is snfBe.


Miller's Store

Pto* Bartety M lo 75*

We Positirely Open
at I O’clock Today!
Fire and Water Sale
Hem am Just a few of the prices which
will start oar gmat

Men’s Daok OoatA, 48c.
OhUdmn'a Knee Pent Saito, 46o,
OhUdran*B Knee Pants, 7c pair,
Itad’es’ Blk. BMTer Jack ts. $185.
Tabl. OU Cloth. .UshUj dunnsnd. Sc •
Men’s faeATj onderwear, 10c garment.
Men's gfsf random nnderwsAr^ 9o a
Most of the sbovsijgoodt am onlp slight*
If dsmsged bp water.

! Off

Also ISO lidiK’Sress Pattern at Alnat HaH Pries.
Watch this spAo* for pricoe. Come here to­
day-get choice of the beet tbinga.

on every didlar’s worth
of goods ontil farther


m. Swa»iS^8^S»»^ Kid Mtetea^MTki'p^^ &5*^w*to
Baa's aad boy’s paate,


Halialila Dry Goads, Carpet aad CleHiiag Haasa

i W.W.Milltr's Cask Stare
.826 Front Street

Toa will find a fine Use of


Any Hoys?


If you bare, they probably have feet.

Stamped Lineiia, all aizea of Sots
PilbwB, Down Pillows, OosI ’
Cords, fiatteabnrg matariaU o
kinds. A foU line fielding Bros.
Embroidery lesaons given free.

Laat aicbt Mta. W. D. C. Oermatoe
«o«paay of eoldi*** wwaaf dlrecUy
SeoattoC Varty Bae iato a PUIptoe
«M* tkkr path. A eecMid beat o( •Bterutoy twaaty.flrcyouic ladle* at
837 Front Strset
a pleaaaat Wa party at tke r*ydM>ee at
tk* roe* «a»aed aad away weal i
KanUa, Jaa. M-A aeoatlac party of
B. S. BalL The repeat wa* prettily
tor* aad npreeenUUre* down
taa Twenty dHb tafantey. while op«r•traet ta aolood of doit yeUlof like aetred aad the deeorattea* war* piak
atlnc Bear SeWc. wa* ambeahed by
ladiaaE Aioocelde rap taw aoldterm. i aad cream colored roeee. At each plate
1 a tietttenaal and three
Tb* reealt **• the aaBc. Tk* lecte- j »»• a half blowa roae. Deriac the 1
teton were permitted \o look at the erealac Mr. Bnlik crapbapbone reo{wivatea were woaoded. A company
ilOu>d II BredlcBeak.
r. Fltni »Bil Cm* M*.
aonc ditianee la the rear, oa beariac
ute* w*m p. Wb.w-. PIMO. Onma: iriM
the Artec, harried to the kceae aad
! E.™i;;--------------ru»{* M. Vil 'lBi.S.nrtB.Pteoa.
" i.k-*l ait.tOT7.
VifWatarc will now adt*am aabjeet
to I| Oor Tt-ieeh pet
pore Hai
_ __
VIoUb. a*iwew.
•aid to hare teat forty killed and
“{t^iaported that Ga^WB Tkjtlor

School of Music

Those ^eet 'need the very best of
footwear^ and we have that kind.

We're closiog out a line of boy’s leath­
er lined shoes at $1.50—the price has
beta $1.55.
Boy’s Box Calf at $2.00.
Good-Solid Satin Calf Shoe at $1.50.

Up-to-date Footwear.






nATWseiTT - wcnnmw Oa^Xi«M«xlCearth*WM
988.8M Tom.MbUn TBATim HBK4LD.


«■» i- w. niim


Tto8«Uttnli(MlB KmtaOtr !■ •
gM M th* UMry itf tht sMlM Mid It
^ tot Uktfjr «tot *• «d 1> yM !■

•LitorOwbal ta • 4I«im« to tto
•MM oad to tto oovBtor Md » fr*»»
tiidTMOO to » NtoOMbU OOMlMr•toa o( tto BOriU o< tto oMtMt.
m------Oootol too M tto folat oi
to*tbMdtb«oloriiclittor« tor U>
IWPTorr, 7M tto OoOtolitM do BOt lot
ItoMHMMot doaU to Itotr latoor
toto ttoa from carrTlac oot ttoir
parpa— LtUlMtalrlit OmM «m
•wan la m caTonarof KntMky apoa
«to iadlaco ** tto tafUatan oon
Sittn la tto aUotIcp ooataat. Ttoao
toAlBft VO nob Momr oao axpaotad
tto parttoa lagWataro. Oorann
Xtplar WM aUotad bp a tafa osjocltp
•ad was Bwora Ibm a traa awtUeato
•(alaatlea. Tat tto OoobaUtao la tto
•to loflalatara d«taradaad to oaat
PovaranTarlaraad appataatlp ttoj
to«a ■arwaitlMbn' ttotrnto. allhcn^
Itofa- loadar, tto neito of aa oaaap.
«oUl probaUp porar Ura to dU
'prnm. Bowavar, tto parpooa at tto
to calaad Jaat tto


««a>.<iUa oMdlOli l« 1

. ^Taylor talla to itoafajaitiea tnai
Tto tnffody whidb aatata late tto
poataat la Eaatad^ H daplaraMa aad
wiUtoracrattad bi aU Uw abUlaf
•IttoBaa. lapardlaaa, of tto alatoa of
•titor 0(1 tto ooBtoMaao. Tto tbad41i«ef kaaaaWoodlsaaabaoaaaa H
•dBtnaatolto Oalaa aad wtoator
ftoattoaHbla aet aboold bo ooa<
daMdbybotbpoUtio^partlaala tto
Kiablpaa Coal a^i**^
Tto doralopMBtot tba ooal ladoatry
|aJ(leU«aalaof aarafioc lataraal to
•roopoaa aad a peraaal of tba roport of
t«abar Oenlaaloaat Oox wlU proto of
‘ •paBaloalaato awpoaa whotelatar•atad la tto prowlait topertaaea
•raaltb at tto t^ia.. Tto aataat of tto
ladBOtrp alnadp wlU bo a praat oar
artao to maap aad fow wlU ra*
•UaathatlB Bix^BoatbsMaioaa la
•ponUrra la tba atata pradaead IPS lb«
•aaaofaoftoddl. WhUo tUa H rratt*
(plac. It H atill Bort rnttfplaf to aota
•hat tto baolaaB U atlU la Ita lafaa^
aad that faUp *00.000 aaroa ara aadar
taut u tto coal baala. whleb eoTaraaa
araaofaboat tqoara atUaa. At
proaoBt aoarlp 1.600 aea ara eapb.
ta aoal Blaiar >a Mieblcao. bat at tto
fata of laaraaaa daiiap tto paatpaar
'•hataaBbcr wUl to larpalp added to.
The iBTOtUpaUoaa Bade bp tto labor
•OBinlBlnwer abow that tba poaalbUi•Ma for fotara fraat doralooBaat la
•eal Bialsf la tbla atata ara oalp
MMaarad bp tba MlaBtof tto ooal



radro Bartp had Bba^ow Boelal BaJopad Laat Broalac.
Adallfbtral tiBa waa aoj^laat
jraalar at tto padre party aad abadew
•oMal rlroa bp tto Tooof Bob'* dedal'
tty of dk Fraaew obarab. UthapadrO
^ aartp tto drat prlaa tor ladHa waa oapparad bp Mra. Tob dhaaa, whtU dlUa
Boadteehttodratpraatortr *
[<paan Browa nd daait Daaoaa rapalrod tto boobp priaai.
Ttoahadowaoolal that Mloeadtto
aadro party
A *«r7 »j >P*bla aCaIr
Mdtto aoelalwaa a aaaowlaoratp

A Blcbt of ranee.
»Awtal aaxiotp waa fait tor
•rtd^ of tba brara Oaaaral Baiebaa
■BBlaT' <^l'« Bra. a. H. Uasola,
•A-rp. wUahhal Beta tbaa oa«a oar
•4 tor Ufa, aad earad bar of OoataBpB • Altar takli«, aba alowt all alcat
fartbor aaa aoBraip earad tor." Tala
•MTtlBt B«dialaa U faaraataad to
•ara aU Throat. Ohaat aad Uaf Ota• mrna. Only Me aad tl.M Trtal bet•Ba lOe at Paa O. Johnea aad 8. B.
Waite drmcai

*W. o. 1
__ ___Tto baaiaaaa wiU to opaaad
Thaiadap with artoP
fora drat
Baaa hakarp fa arwp wap. Neoa bat
•mdMtbabadcoodi Bade, or^
AaltTBod. NerthBaBlapboar.,

vt tk»


totte«oil i»4Mt*TO( MkAl.



•n. Tto toltowtaf

data la
laaafor AaoiraraarpBaaalac at «to
Maadi ObBeb Baadap _
^^fSLnaty at Maaaat bada of

•otfaadara ^atamittpmat ttoalata
Tto Chrfatlaa BadeaTor araat of tto
too opaMd Bp a toataow, ■afaldeaBt
i. pnwortioa aad (ar-raaaklac ta Ha paarwOl eeear Baadap araalscat*
imtmumac. It baa plaaad VlaUcaa
taiaak wiUottor atatoalbtto poo•Mttoaof ttotoat arttoaof aaoal to tabUotoMstefttoa
tto aaalraraarp of the orfaalaaltea of
tt of wbtto bat taw ara tto drat aoetetp la tbla eitp, tto OoaCracatloBaL
Tto raralar Oboittlaa Badaaror Dap
Ito totalanaof tto tool baalaon«aaaart»MW>oqn*aaPn naalar prcciaa wUl ba aairted eat aa prw*>*d
aoaatp oa tto aeaU to bp tto Daltad Soatetp. Ttoaah}aeto<
oa 'to aorth.-aad ttoaatiraaarrtea la •'Thiac* that k*
tf tram Baroa aaamtf oa tto dara,” aad InlarMtipfc apiabTrri will
tore tto diflaraat aabH"* ee tto pro*
_____ Maaoata aaaatp oa tba waat
Hit tonaiar laatopa Uto a poor with CraB. Tto BB^ WiU ba la tba baada
llaatM aad at Jaahaoa.tto. broadnt or the Prlaadaaodatp.
-World Wide Badaaw" wtUbatto
partoa allaa pataiaf fnn Saaiaaw
eoBBtp. Not aa e( Ihia raat araa an- aabjeet of a abort talk bp ■. B. BoU^.
"Sam riowata aad rnUt" wiU ba dtatalaoaoaUa . . .
tar.tottbariek dado lotto Saclaaw onaad aadar dra baada. -naQilat
rritop ataaa lade, el «bat wfU fallow. Hoar" wUi ba ttoaabW apokea of bp
TaanHaoworar aao^acna aadai Mlaa Patoo la a dra aUaate talk. Mtea
dwiU apeak of ••Ttotbath
laoM, aaeh aara tattoatad ataa aw*
ava of 4.M0 toaa. A plaan wlU abow Lacioa." Mra. W. K. Wrtchtoa -Tba
for Mtoioaa.'- '*
tto nairaltada of tto ladaatrp.
TtorapUltp with whleb tto ladai Boyt OB «New Plaaa tor OatW to Loeal
_7 waa dofolopito oaaaod tto Labor UBteoa." aad Mr. Peaelaftoa oa
DamrfTTT* to aato aa aatnalti la* Larcar
......................aalaw of atoartala- Areaad.Rra Btoate telto bp the paatora wUl
aadar atata ooetroL
atoaarOoB aaiployad a apadal afoat Oharjb of ftorlat. Bar. D. Ootolto tor
tto OoBcrecatloeal. Bar. W. K. Wrij^t
raatadOBaadadthaap. •or tba Praabpterlaa aad Bor. BaraUp
lap that all
B tor tto maada. AdoattoMtor
■tol a Bdaa Mpietcr. who
tba Obriatlaa Baddarorara ia OMerad.
•boald bara a t
tto Biaai. looklaf to tbair taaltarp AU ara arfod to ba preaaak
eoadltloa aad tto aafatp of tto opara*
Um. Tba roaalt waa tto
Aek No. 67,1 rail IB Uwa of 1»M. aad
tto appoUtBoat of aa laapaalor.
At tto baflaatac of tba pear ttora
ara tt Biaaa la oparatloa. whlla
abafta ware b*la( projaetad, abo
that that aaBbor wUl to larfalp aagBaatadln tto fatara. Tba Biaaa la
eparaBea ara loaatad, aaraa U Bap
ooaatp, aiaa U Barlaa*. two la Bbla- - aoa,oea la Bi
aad dra. asall oaaa. la Batoa ooaatp.
Tbaaa laat ara kaowa aa drift Biaaa
•ad^ara Btoated oa tto Oraad rlrar
itoeUpofOraad Ladfa. la tto
part al. Boatba tbaaa dra Biaaa bare
tahaa oat abeat «.ooo toaa of ooaL
Beporia. aoToriaf a parted of au
Boatto, wara raaalrad froa 'tto ataa>
^ara of tba >6 atlaaa la oparatloa. aU
of tboB bad baaa taktaf oat eoal oalp
tbraa Boatba, oaa for oalp om Boatb,
aad na had BOt pat UfieJ aap aoal. ao
that tba report of tto oatpat firea ba
loo ia praetioallp for oalp dra Boatba'

NaBbor of aapiopaa.................... 1,401
Araraca for aaah bIbo.............M
Ararofa beara par dap........... 7 6
Arorara Aw* P«r Boatb... .tl.s
Ararac* dally wafoa........... PI M
Naabar toaa oatpaUSt Biaaa) ttl.601
Araraca KM* par Blae . .. .11.767
ATMBca aoat par tea par oatpat^ pi •!
Uadoabtedlp Blehicaa ta today prodaetoc 60.000 teaa of eoai par asoatb
at as araraca oaat ofaboet dl.lo par

MbaJtortrada MoateCBa baa ratarsad
froa% rlMt to Abb Arbor.
& 8. Stow, to ehsrcaof tto eeaatrBaItloetertboMleblcBB Talapbowe Oo., la
to tto eltp.
Bart WlBBla, who haa baao atek tar
aararal dapa, ia raeorartocJ. 8. Bodpaa of Pita Lake, waa to the
dtp paataroay.
MIm Oraoe Clark of Btal Frontatraat.
U qatte iU with tba frip.
b. V. Wartof rataraad paaterdap
from a badaoM trip to OadUlaa
BharUf SlmpaoBdrara to from File
Laka paaterdap. wtora ba haa bare
looKiar after traapaaaara apoe atata
Mr. aad Mra a L. Uosaar ratarbad
ptptrrdap froot a rialt to Aabtop, lad .
aad CblearoPat McDooald of Maalatea. U to tba
eltp to apeod two waeka raeatlea <
bla brother Ooff.
Walter Hapaaa of tto Oreaeant b
baa rataraad froa Blkart. Jod.
will fo baek tba drat of Map to eater
thr faatorp of C. Q. Ooaa, tto aanaleal

tto aoaleal aebool to o

Botertaiaod bp Olaptoa Larc’la
Uwt a'rht CUptoa Urdia aaterteli
od tba papUa of bto Baadap aebool
alaaa aad tbair poaar todira In a
plaaaaat BMocr at bia hose oe Ninth
atreak Tbacmtof waa dalUrbtfallp
apaot and Mr.Lardlr prored h'Baelf a
pood boat. The motor <n* daroted
COVSVKFTITBB toitoaBjopaaBlcf railoaagoBaa a»d
Jaalor l^eaaB Itaodad thBtttWonld rerrahaealr. In a j -llp raaealaf faae
tto Brat pr'aa •*• won bp O^wira MebaAdrtoabla.
Tto Jaater Lpaana Bald ararp tote Kanala aad MM Mary Sharp capiarad
the coaaola|ior.

ilcb aebool BHOaiblp room. Tto
■C with a cbaralBC Gear A c'aWidoa broke tto taeord
ptoao deal bp Bairlat Braadp asd Mite torpapw haartarto ^bU eltp Martop
Jaoairp br haaglar ora*' 400 rolU.
Aaaa BaaiaaB farerad with a pleaatoc raaltetteB on -BUad Man and tba
Blaphaat," after wbltb Banda FalCbma rand bb .totaraattoc orlctonl
•Mtp OB -Bate and Jany." Tbla waa
loUowad bp a toaaUtol reanl aolo by
Blaaato BaakaU.
'aprodaatlae, “Aaoac tto HlUa”
rrrp etormlaclp randarad bp
MUdrath Dtekaraj aa was alao a
btecrapbleal. aaaap OB ■‘Qafaa Vteterto"
bp Bator Bleak
farorad wlib a plaaatoc ptoao aele,
after wblcb tto diaeaMteB look |daaa
wktoh waa rorp baaaddal •• waU aa
toteraattoc. ^
Tto aabJaM tooaaa tar dla«M
waa. -Baaolrad. That Mtebicaa abeald
aBtebUaba hea^tal tar aonaanpi
aad aoaapM tbaa to cotton.’'
Tbaaa wtoapoka on tto affimatlra
■ara Bano Oolby. Ida Larkiaa,
Map Wtoters wklla Loaia Btocaa. Flop
Watok aad Ban Wrl|Bt haadted tha
a«a«ira. HarkaM Botecnb atoo •<
oa tto aacbtlM alda to tto cnanl dla-


Bow to tto tlaa to torn pear Blapato
faw of tto aOr^tlra.
ra aaotealad and olaaaod ap raadp tar
Oobb.wtohadeharcaottto atognm, •frtop.
raadarad tto ontteb raporv
Free Storage All Wioter.
Mpwetkaaa aottobaataad frteaa
r poar whoaL
thTlot^ WmmUtar;
plaaaaat ttaMdaa«da« party at Prof- OaUandetoavP

BaU •pheao Ho.

A L GUK;, Prap.



. M


CUp'a Water 1
A latbar fren Baciaotr Goo. W. Baftar war laealred poctardap bp dtp'
(Bark Blakard, ia arhieb to aeen«* tto
of arbitrator aa tto water
tioa, aad aapa that kla ear
rteaa WiU oaat •» a dap aad tape ataa,
oa kio iuauiB worii tar
aitp. Ha aapa that to hh eptotaa It
aheald BOt rrqaira loatar ihsB a waGc
r tea dap* to aftaa apoa a prtea.

B. D. CtoapbaU ateiad to tb ~
laat alffat that to had aot pat anwtot*
ad bio arUwator aad bU aaada ao
loroBaat pat to that diraettea.
Mr. OoBpbaU atUl belieraa Mr. Bat­
ter to to aa totanated peraoa aad that
ppototBMat bp tto eltp eoaaeU U

A Card.
We. tto aadaratcaad. delbarabp
afrae to rafaad tba Booep oa a 60-oeBt
bottle of Oraaob Warraaud Bprap of
Tar U It taila to or------------ ------I
•old. We alao c*an*tea
a Uodbt
bottle to Bora aatlatoetorp or Booep
Boebae A £oarafoodad,
B. B. 1
bare. Jaa Q. Job
I. r. C. Thoap

Use.'’ Oalmaas llaatlc Floor Varakb

1». W. t. BUttoa. OparatlTi PaBtfaWy

John R. Santo,
fienril iKirun.

WoaUHotBircBBBap for aialed anlenttia
•BOV waa a fo*it d tp, «o he eoold hare aome
hiB with it Hit fob wiU Bot oost him moeb
now. I Bin offortng

14 off on all Hand Sleds,
Carriages and Runners.
That nakoB a £So ded coat poa onlp 19c, a 35c
^onlpSTe,* 50c Bled oalr i^and w<m.
TooeBniiotaffanltofn witboatoM. It will
ba a good inreotmaat for Mzt viatar. 1 hsTa
aoma ol thoee atoel baby cnxiM miuon that
. don’t need a not to hold than on, at $1.25,
one-fcHirth off mfckaa them 94c.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store



Bldnrslk LumlMr In nil nlnen



Spring Stock Of Wall Paper
Becently fitted up le most complete in every res­
pect, and our new

The largest we have ever carried is here- has been
checked off—put into the racks—the samples all
made, and is ready for sale—It'a'the finest stock of
■ WaU Paper we’ve ever had on exhibiton This
year’s designs are not quite as large as heretofore,
but the combniatious of colors are more harmoni­
ous. In many cases the back-grounds of the
Blue — Greens — Browns and Beds SM nearly
solid, showing more fully the gold and silver de­
signs. hut the only way to appre(fiate the foil
beauty of these papers is to see them. It's time to
plan tor the improvements you're to make in
your home. Those rooms you were going to paper
and didn’t. Our prices, qualltytoonsidered, in many
cases is much lower than lost year. We’ve got a
fine combination of two band white back paper
that sells at seven cents the double roll, with
border to match, at Sc the yard. Our IS and 16c
papers are beauties. The dining room patterns—
something new. 16 to' to 30o. The hall designs
show the artists' hand. The sitting room and par- ,
lor papers are heautifol oomblnations—prices from
16o to 40c. Hany times you want lust a small
room, a bedroom perhaps—We can “fill the bilL”
Have some remnants that we’ve cut right in tao.
Then we have aome patterns that only cost 6e the ^
If quality, quantity, patterns' and pricea cut any
!■“ figure we’ll got your trade this season.

Tbe Hannah & Lay MemtUeJp.




ate Akm la IMaaolal

Ma lotaMS. k MUUgU Omtni

lAtoofLO T.

A a. OoaoMktwir a*i*»Ms •<----------a
•* bb »•••«.
^ Oofiw. • CkkodlM pbrd-

000000000 ooooooooo iiilVIlWte

ra kk tbo fkiapJaa
Tte Jfta aaabaroa tte Blck Mit 1
r Ua kMdqMrtanda laotaftkBd MmIc Ooarak will taka
r la tha Otj
kimioklarakaa^aoaaaaflkaaaB- Opaao Boaao. Tha twaaiy pokaff
WkofOoattTnaafMSo. m. 1.0. r ladloa of tha Bjotoa Ladlaa «7Bphooy
lalklaaaf; laaatatarrtowlaadavaBtaU of dallchUBC* aa
laf w«k W. J. BoUkwa. DapalK Blfb aadiaac-. aad ha»a bad tha roauai
OhW BaacBodtkk ktato mod FlA
wharavar tha^ haaa baaa
Ohlat Bmcw of Oeart VraoamKo.
tu. It waa laataod that tha dofaaet
HaaiT Djalaa, tha aoBdarfal
alaatloa, whUa alalBl^ tta' a
hojaopraoo.iaaiaa with thlo aoBpaop
a kk Iho olbar whiah hM a lodfo ofBoaieBaa. Tha BaaoBbUl Oaaaaia
^teBatlhoMakad haa ao ooa.
aaattoa with thk aarfaaitktloa, whte
KMlor BawfT tealaa. tha bap ae
haa Ha hokdqaaitan at TBSoate, OaaBBO, Who baa attfiotad oo Bach av
r tha paMjaar^ Bora ihaa
ad troB tha BktaJMdy aboat M 70011
kfo. aad hk*k kowi raaaiac wlthoat a
Bahaaaaeloa otm
> raaom. Baaoo, whoa tho7
ip. with tha btcb
BaaBlaflp withoattha iMt iiartiiia.ho raaahadC.
aad aaatataad tha taaa teeaffh a**aral
tka oqoauatloo of whkh Ooart
Bawaa totallp aaaifaatad
Traaotko la a part haa •K.QOO oa da- aad aataiaL hat aaat wMh tha oapraapoalt with tha otsto Baoaaror. ba
Bloa aad laaUap of aaa twiea hla paan.
tlMAM la 0. A hoBda to aaaan. _ Tha laM aaBbar, bp ArdltU, ha fa*a
elalBBala. Thar paid eat Mt.«oo to
lathaerlctMl luUaa. Ha a^ram'
hoaadolarte dartaf tha Bcath of Oc
tha aatlra aadlaooa.

I Removal Shoe Sale I

of a *07 lM>r.tawrri.^
b« had with TbaikaCarlrlf.wboMkd*lc* b* oao*
aboot «dag ia for
Utnatara Dr. CiutUr. ia roplp to tba
old Baa'a qaerp a* to «bal aothon ba
kB*w. BOBiioiKd doha Htaait Mill
liinkiebM. kC^ •>. <>(
Cbrlple broke ont;
k fcokr liwk
'•Ob apa. puor Mint B« awd to
mtHm wum ih«
aa to aw bar* with bla BnthaBlam.
Mb. kMcklar Mb 4owb kad iMrtef
Ma radkaliam. hk gnateat -aombB.
—■alUBottofciwBMktBW. Half
awA a' that aoOBBaa. bat I had to taU
hlB at laat itwu a' moaeabliw, aad ba
ImM Mb la «lBk 10 »TC Uk Ulk.
Vot»lot or tbolf worn tliooB. Wo oab mto jom
dldaa Uka it Bpl ba waa a thia. win
Ctariat. tko iov TMT «M koa of Bd.
drawn, aawdiwtiab. ksk eboppiag Uad
ftom 10 to 50 por ooat on your oho# bSUs tho aoxt
QBi—Bf fl< Mt. tCoBlk. ‘tookted k
Of bodp, waa poor HiH Wbaa bia book
SO doyo—Xaapoet th«m—cot otu prloM Bad iro will
lo • 47WB>M okiMdfk oad «ko
aa Ub^ eanw ont. ba, oent »a a oopp
eoawiaoo yon tint ao othor Bhoo hoaM oflteo aodt
MMk aatlMM 8w«« of Uklkft
of it to read, bat I jnat bad to taU bln
■ad BWO %lo»B off.
that 1 didn't agraa with a aiiicle word • COodB for tho Mmo monoy.
of it tnm bagisBlac to end. Ho wi
Atk nflfokd Mkria« a; lowBUok
AftorVarchlSwowmbo atMSTroat Stroot.
oAendod. and arar omw back to aw.
koattkfMUIra. a ma^aodOMh
Hw doenr triad Backla:
••Of aU tha tiockbaada bp wbon thla
a MkioC Mvn^aa fekMMjvi
bewildered geaeratioB baa bees dedndad
............ icik
that man Backla waa the greataat * * *
M MVtaw dM aet bMMU.
A more taai winded, eoncritad Uoekbaad. and one more Inil of anptp. bartofcart lioyd. a wall karnfanaar
nn formoU* aboot tbe proareB of the
^eeiai. progrcaa of tbii aod pragreB of
The Oennnn emigre bad ia I*>8 31,K^k4iyaadteraTlac«rkBr. aaatM kj
of brave bopa kave faBaa >
that, and e^wciallp tbe pragreaa of ad- 63U poBtomcea. ,
to te PhlUpptoea; Baabanda. aoaa awA
oiBWoakta ilMli« af okri^farMo
rvan telr Uvoa far '
fklhor la-lkw. wbo la m.
tme that oonld beuf aervioe to Bo norCalcDtta an trmaba.
DalMU D. riaoBaa. oltr traaaawr
Tbe woHd'e ptodurtioB of bad tep weald Btvar agata an te d«r
. Aldaa Pi----- BoMkl'
And BnaDp Herbert Bpenrer:
a( FUal. dikd MddoaU Ta«8k7 of aokBoonted to 1966 to Tn^KO toaa.
"Spencwl Animneanrableaaa ■
(aoee: bat teneaada are la'Atag ad
will ba praaaatad at Btatabanrb Uraad
WUUkB PUa. afod tS fmn. dlad
Tbe wage* of a Cbtnaman at Amoy borne today wbamigbt baaavad If ter
OpBk Boaaa aaat Taaadap, Fab «ib. And ao pe'*e baan meddling with Spen­
amount to about tS a month.
fUlr n*(*
tW* Bsatb KkT. 6. Foatardap aotalaf at hia
weald aoaaaU Dr. Ottwan, formerly df
Maria OoraUl, tba aatho* of “llta cer. bare pet He waa broogbl to me
New York, now prcaldeat of te Ite
U. VOwtaroC KklkBuoo, aaaa^od U
I Bila oaat of Orawa. of
VMdatta" wbieb Aldaa'Baaediat baa bp Lewea. and a more eonoeitad ponng are glring place to napbtba lanntea. of Dra. B. S. A On. Tba emlntot pkpal
man I tbongbt I bad oe*er aecm Ba
tha Maaaa odwol heaao la Bradp towa- ottar aa Ulaaaa of oalp thraa dapa.
dan haa devotod hk Ufa to te atndy «r'
draaBtItad aadar tbo aasa. of „"Pablo
^ aeemed to tbink biuweU joet a perfect
ahlp. aad*oa Baadkp laat ba afaia | aa Iootb a wlfa. aad aoa hcotbar aad
madlelBa, aad batreatorad thnatedr
Bomaai" la. bp birth, half BngUab aad
^ Mmerra for knowledge. '
of ritaering invallda to perfari ba^^ <
pwaahad tahha mop^aad boa'a«o.BtanUtIbc aaar Ohtefo. Tbe halfltaUan.haraKMhar balag a BBb..................................
Ya’U get link
good oat of him. poong
after f rie^ and famUp bad glvoa v
iba aaata toat ba aaad la luo.
|faaoc«l wUl ba haldboathaaharab at
Jaat of Qaaaa Vietonn, aad bar fathar
hope aad otee pbpstdaaa bad pCD>
IbooMaLaak. tha poaar aaawte.Orawa toawrrow oaoralat at iO
Boaaced them tneararie.
Ba avow .
oftbaoUBomana. She la
aaahad«.Aoak a woak a«aia AUriea e-aloak. Ba*. baUbarp of thia dtpwUl
wbara all oten faU and ataade aloM
powartal writer of tba antroBi
rival In a Kao- aad anoMtloBablp fint to bk field of '
darlUAaad thaa Bpuorloaalpdlaap''aAdata.
•> a teaeh of te
_______it week 601
r. Bebaeeffeeta'-------- *-------------paarod,haataiBadap. HlaowaathaartI <tU aaw bakarp of GharlB Law- walrd aad maeaaap la naarlp all her
AtMacoaffOiooatTad a latter Taaadap
la jO, balldia* lorBorlp oooaBerlin b to have a network of nnworka.aa^ aa •'Ardatb,- ••Thalma."
American ioventora of make ctarim
IfOB hlB bOB Daavor. Oat. otatlac pUd bp Okaab bakatp. wlU opaa Bat
dargroond rallwaya. It ta expected tbU woadarfal phpte
('aadatta.'' aad Baaadlat atU a d atari look to their boreb Tbeadoi
that two yetfi will aufBce for complet­ from tbe jtwaof death
thatthaBOoap bakBfod to klBoad .(dap, wbora Mr. Uwraaaa will ba an Ita^atraag poIbB la tha pUp of Bengali baa entered into oomped
iU be «i**n yon to ooaeslt .
ha waa taklat a pUaaara trip. HawUl raadp to Baat old ahd
and jndging from tbe aample given in ing it.
man when
— be
------------vldle Travmaa rilMp^
TaWo Bomaal.”
good faith by ■ native paper at OalcntLiterary MotaaMkh . Tbaradap, Peb. tot. aad wulCn
Tamdap Bight a Bra broka oat la a
ViMk Wathka. arad 4t. a ateaa bo' bare U BwclariUa and tha wblatla af
t of teat hi- u be win be bard to beak Some time
-1 of 1
te privato
‘Tbe Pint Night ot a Pte." In
I MatewaA Balgev'baritha lovely daofbter of a wealthy ‘•Tbroogll tha Slnau with Mn. Bal- Hotel, from 9 a- m. to t pm.
aaa. laft B^toaw Taaadap aMrht with tha BlU waa blowa. wbLb aaaaad a
' y a cotoa and ItoftooVotb." "Wbat it Meant to ba only, oaeb month. “
b Baa bp wboB ha bad baap kBplepad
examlnatloa free aad
he do BOBO work aa a farm ^ Bridgabri to fo SI tha wpsi. ... ■ ^ •*— ___ _ — -..................
ttogakbad batea aap daBkga waa lovan to thb dty. Tba vahbla for te 1 »»er remaina were being mnwyed to te L brarlaa of Oongreri. aad "Tba Pa > ttol.
part daataoatk of Bridgapprt Wathka doaa.
and the Man la it." by tan Maalarae.
reUod froB the aaat la tha rig dMd.
among the notable featorea tf te
A aaw daelea kaowa aa a aalenlona tateaaa eoU had pro4aaad haari
Pebraary lAdba' Home Jooraal. An
graph haa baaa Inatallad to tba oMea
U( n.lniu.
-B, U.. St.
*. b. te. . W.h
of tbe Mieblgaa TalapboaeOo. It la a
doraBtab A. Oteaaa.
It. Bca.
Sea Wavaa.” Every featare tbb v a-1 4,^08 aa a profneor of oconlt acienca. ‘^&^°^0B»an Bebbo? Men of Tbelr
Baaklae to Beaeare pxaeilp tha time aon boriglnal. bat te UUv, notwltb- the aerrowiiig rebtivee readily cooeent- Ballgion?" and than b an totereaUag
ai^tar te tba Datreit Hariaga baak.
article on HllA Obamlnada, the faaioaa
otandtog Iti toerpmooa adjeeUva. teaa
haaba* bIbIbc Maaa Iwt Moadap ooaaptod bp aap one
e -npoaer aod pbnbt. Another artiela
to aa oalaide ofiae, aad will do awap parUealar •■wavea" an anpUlng bat
[be Bage then obtained three cowrln. deMribee ‘‘Prank Htoekton'a New
Booa. aad ao baa hl.hOO In ebab.
I after praying very energetienUy Home in Weal Virginia." Tbe opening
wlthloBaf "kleklBr*oa tbo ttowbp aad. Tbop ara vertulde babbling b»Aa • pear old bop aaBOd Taaalar. aoa
chiton of "Tbe Pareon'e 8ottoifly,"a
liMtantThe threw the ebc
paopto whodeafao to gataoBethtog te Iowa of a
af a Itaitaaa to Bap CHtp^' took kk
new serial bp Mrs. Obarlea Tony
of tbb giddy marieal and vaade- ly one dieap|«ared, and the apecUtora OlUoB, are also preaenied. Molly
ikatB Batardip aad otortrd tor tha
tyere wondering wbat bad become of U
d'acnaaee wrmas'a rights with
b Marp B. HaadbaB. taaebar
when a bngr cobra bnrri ont of tbe ad­ DoBahna
rtear. atoao wblA tima be kM aot baaa
No.. abb aanttarioB bp teaaaalda Be>a jacent jnngle. bearing the miering cow­ Mr. Dooley, aod" Edith and I In Pari*,"
•aaa. Btr paraata ara aUceat frantle,; tba^Umtnar aebool boaaa,
. dietriai
■Bar Boatoo Ekperienoea." and "Tbe
haUariag hlB to bare akahed toto aa *• K-wood, la proparing te a plaaMt (ba variona riiaraeten dbplay their rie on ita forriiead. It mart have been tatoMograpby ot a Girl" oontlane
boaaa Peb. ballaainatioM and fanny aecentrleltid a bnmble eort of reptile, for when
---- ---------------- at tha aebool w.«A.WAh
with Increasing intereak Tbe pictorial
htb. SbaaillbeaBlatadbrMiBMto tbroBghamaae of farcical riiaaaoB* dered by tbe eage to rack tbe woond on faatara. "In Honor of fit. Valentina."
At Pateakap. Wataea Sapdar.
tbe deccaeed Udy it at once complied, by AUee Barber Btepbena, will roeall
tatrof tha lata Wntaoa Sapdar. the Bla Babball of thla ritp. aad Uw bob- that kaepe te andbnea to a perpetnal and tbL« died to save fnrtber troobb. •ome happy, bygone days. By Tbe
____________________ ^
______ ___ bare of tba aebool wlUalao taka p^ln ateta of good natara from tha nae to
Tpaflaati atd Pat
Within an boar its btunan-victiip bed Cartk Publishing Company.
tba tairof the ‘cartoia. Matbewa and qnite recovered, end wont oft merrily delphia. Ooe dollar a pear: ton eanU a
plaaatog tha areation ot a foar-atorp! *>»•
Bodara brlek block, to ba need in part | Tb* ragnlar meathlp bariaam mcaV Rolgcr at the bogua profeaaorm. are with ber boiband an I rebtivea. none “sopp
kp the Beaord. whieb wUllhaa pat to, tog of tba Bpwortb Leagae ot tbe Pint the anb opoa wbbb thb aatoration of te worse for ber little adventniw.
- Stood Death Oft.
•Sorb wae tbe marvelooe treatment.
a modara eqalpmaat with .tppeaetttog]M. B. ebonb will be beldla tbaahareb eomady swinge aroend. They have a
E. B. Uardip. a lawyer of HenrielU.
pneant. lyx. onre fooled a grave-digger Hr
badge! of new j ;kaa aad an entirely .ayi tbe uarrator.
partee oa Moadap erantor.
Meblaea aad aapear aa a <Mlp.
Sepported by a compaoy of aaportarar
Moob Bnx. profmew iif tbe occnlt adaa very low with
dalaped new (pectolty act thb aeaaon. Somr
AU laeomtog tratot <
Tba Mlabigaa Baggy Oempaap of
excellonee. in Aiden BenadieVa janndioe. 1 pervary pretty eonga an Introdoeod and ence. which, with tbe »pread of the *0 ...
BhlaaMuao, aaflatod gt.OOO torn from paatardapbptbaatona.
aluiori aoadad blm to try Electric B-tiera. aod
their two lataet aooga "A Japanaee'
tn Moadap, whi.ib waa aaaaad bp a
died out of tbe bnd ' Wbat we cannot ba waaaboamaeb better, baloontlnned
J. M. i
Biby" aad ‘ Yon Said Yon Bad Money underatond If why anakea committed their oae an<il be area wholly cared
ateaa to tba eottoa plekar.
lateo boUdtog reaaattp damaged bp
e tha Baak" an dmtlaed to m the a
'1am sore Elrcirle Biltara saved bit
A farmer wbo U idaaUftad aa Joha ' •». by a aaw eoat of patotaad atw big hit ■nieeapporltog oaatbaabe.c more atrocitiea wl*en occnlt acience I fe." This remedy axpala malaria.
wae in iu prime than nnd« weatern
Xoaatog, liring to Datton, waa kUlad J paper te tha Intarior.
kUla dUeaae germs and pnrlflea the
ealeeted with gnat aarc a^ aclde from clviliation.
bood, aids digestion, regalatm liror,
at Grand Beplde ae ba wai dririag tolo { WUlU B. diton and BtU Taylor, both Uatbawa ud Bnlrer. compriaea aomi
kidneys and bowela, enrea eonatipation
thaatoP with a load of wood. Tha of P*adlaa towaibl^wara Uaaaaer' **
of the beet ulent oa te stoga.
dyspepsia, dkeaaaa, kidnep
mat whaalt of hie wagon aank Into a manp peatedap.
trYobfra. fenaala complainte: gives per­
gaily, aaaiingoaeeral Uoeke of wood { Tbe woodwork oa tba baaemaei
fect bealtb. Only tOe at Jaa. O. Jobnmaatle melof
•on. and B E. Wali*a drag atorea.
ho dialodga aad'atrika tba heraaa. They tha aoart boaaa baa baan dnlahad and
___ lienee—In tbe
u]iik|w. are ytHif mr> organitaliui
aptang forward and Kooning wai ! the plaatering pnton.
tinning ancw-Hfal
carilcatly aeked one uiao of anotber
Card of Tbanka.
thrown andar tha whaala whteh paand !
r. and iTr*. J. M. fi
• > wa* Ml ■
■ ■■ '

haa riiarge of a chamber Neat in order
Tbe membera ot tba Ladiet' Library
a«arbb bead. kUltog Um toatanUp. <i,i,^tlallp anrprtaad‘Taeadap eranlng
come 4S minor jodgew atybd cunncil“Palth. an' OI
for earbebambet. Brsidee tbeae Aaw ciaUoo wkh to expreoa their thanka
Be loa*B a futUp.
bp tbo ladlaa of the L C. B. A. aad
to all wbo awktod tern ia telr reoep
other, "li'e
strictly judicial fonctionariee. wbo are lion and program Toeadav evening
‘•Unala JIbbIo'’ Orawtord. Lanatogh tkair baabanda. Tha ladlaa breaght am."—ChIt-ago Dallj- Newa
appointed for life, there are eoren offi­ Also to N E. Strong of the Kimball
boat kaowa aharaatar, dropped dead oa'tbalr baakata aad a flna ^raad waa
"MarU. did you read about tet cial advocate*, one of whom ie a nort of p;aoo Cc , for tbe nae of tbe pUno. and
tha Btraat of heart diaaaaa Taaadap | aaread. Mra. BaaUmantel wn pre Phlbdelplila woman wbo waa cured of
attorney general to tbe whole liody. toW. J. Bobiuton of tbe Enterprise
Bight Bawaa aBagadaalaradBa8.|aaatadwithaflae)wdintoreaaamkm- ber mcuul truublcs by faetlng forty while two practice la each of tbe di- groeery for bU generona donation of
Bre dayef I believe eueb a in-ntmcnt
the eoflee toed. All people baving
wha had Head than tor paan. aad wafj eato of tba
wouM cure that uubappy. temper of Tiainna
noted te bb habit of earring aa Ua |
advanaa eale of aaata te ■Pablo poora."
To thii riaff mort beadded foorcblef Mila againet tha awocfatlon ara re Is her arefit flr«. fitereopticAKc
aerated to band them to tbe eecrelary.
Bosaar will opaa at tba box oaea of
hand wtaateeer ba bad
~Y<-«! It would make an angel of met clerk* and aboni a *core of minor ofH- Mrs. C. J Koeeland.atteiMceof Dr.
aad BpAnifib dfinoes.
te that v.-bat you would like, John Bila water mriira, a pa'll Statobarg'e Grand thU moratog.
Knealand. before Monday
b a court of requeria aerving to decide
Price8-26, 35, 60c, 75c; Bofc:
af water, or a famUp waabtog, aad
Tba totarte of tbq Pan Marqnatte la»r—CiUl<-azo Tribune.
seata tl.
"What'a tbe diffen-ute between a what caaes shall be allowed to go before
thb. tee, at groat apaad. 8a waa for-1 pamaager depot baa raealtad a aaw
te civil and criroinaJ ebambera roBfi'e of oeato will open tUw
marly a aUea, aad had an idea bow aaat of paint.
tpectively. Eleven jndgea in all the dlmornuiK at tbe box office. Tel^
aU ho waa
I Mamban of tba Oarpaaten' Ualoa patrician geu It ebarged.—Chicago virions are oeceaMry to form a t
phone US.
Tbe courta only eit three days
^ praaMt thb a*«tog Kecord.
bom IS to 4. *0 that thia huge maefate
of Morabaat MaPar- tetha parpoaa.of aoaatoarteg Imperdoes Its work very riowly.
toad, waa badly baraad aboat tha laga
"Oh. wdL the Keying 'A fool aod bb
SMtobarg'a atera will opaa today at l BteOey
aad bodp bp drapplag a lamp, tba
hre.l>oun lurted' has no rdatlon
Katarr'a Caaalaa.
damn of whiah aaaght to kb night o’atoek.
to oca anyway."—Chicago PoeL
Protective mimicry, that enttoingdedrw. BawUl
She—lan't that a dnek of a boonri vice.of natnre to preserve animal* from
So'ghU of Ppthlaa Party.
Dr. Cubelw' wife baa out
tbelr enemie*. k well abown in tb<
Ltet araoiag a Bott deil^ttol Uma
He—Yua. ami U'a very rppropriate. •gg. of ceruin flebea. noUbly 'tbe Cali
rteletOea i
haraaa:waa acjrpad bptha Kaighu of Pplhiaa too.
fomian eharfc known at Oyroplearodai
to aafetp.
8be—How Bof
aad qwda
(rancied. Tbe ihark ia of a alnggiafa
waa tret nported that than won eU, and Ihalr ftaUlat. Dtnelag
Ha—Her hnaliand’a a qnack.—Cbb
>•“'”“ * eago Dally Newa.
HkiHW««P» M WffMklWMlSky
8%. BkfkUaraitta


a»aa«a«Haa* a«a««a»« mmm»‘



Steinberg’s Grand'

Tnesdaj, Feb. 61
Aiden Benedict;

Hiss Hartba Beaefuti



Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Effects;


a feast

■». Tb.. W« I»k.. U.
> Tw* Kiada •( Oalag Fp.
■aol and Pater Poteraoa. They landed
_____________ __
Under te Wikon blU we oaed to
batea the rooaatog party roaahadthaB
Tba KalamaBm (ca YaMt alab haa
--------------------------ibaaadaehallaafatoaap alab to Iba. bear of
. Under tbe Dingey blU we bear of
A Vrii^tCal Blaad^
otete to ante a regatta tea ehaa^waga going np. Tbeie ta qalte a dlfM a _hertbla Bai^ ah|p paaoMb______________
feeence In favor of tbe Amerleaa people.-Pbtkdelpbla Item.
Working Might and Dap
te baal-tt. Oaraa Parw Iteoa. UlcHn.
Tba baalaat and Bl^ttoat Jlttte
teUa. Oerna. aU akin Mraptloaa. Bari thing that erarwM Bade b Dr.^l^’a
New Ufa PUla. Tb«a pUb change
•4roagU.lbUeBBaB tote
JehaaaaaadAB.Waitb drag atacaa. oaergy, bnto fan tote_____ ..

arSSSS: sav-ii.-s;

Th»m woadarfal to brildtog ap the
' Tu. Only Uc sM- hon.
e. JokMOB and 6. B. Wall.

with aoaaUate rartettaa

_JMh~teictor Ipa


weed folded np kpirally It la depodted
among ibe beda of kelp and cUnga to
te leaves by tbe edge* of te ^drak.
Tbe yonng shark bnrrie open ttie end
of tbe egg and rwima away. Another
ebark-a egg of the Padfic enrt baa teataclee which darp te seaweed and
•ko imitate ita appearanca

not Fakt.
Beekfeed. Mkh..
**80 poo bare no boamof lordala
................ fiartag lor (tear to
wUbiBMagpaaMfvaed nlM this coantapt" oaM tevldltog EngUebmaa.
Or. ?baoa<B OtotOMek Oasbaa
••No. we barn't." replied tbe AmecU^- lean. "Tbi* n a aatica witboat a
peer.''—Harper's Baxai.


1 eared bp aampla box. ■

lowar thaa aa pcevlaae aatoa. alm t4 iMni
thoagb awan Ucb baa adtaaead at Tf €»• U
thaBlUa. ^b tha tea M bop
No rene^ aqnab Wnsms'S Wbitb
Towoltog at Be par ]
poarBilBblatamaha a»teiprlag \Vof* OP TAB SYHfP lor thb terriatpoarUaaara. Take te ad*£iaga tde and fatal dbewe. If takaa thoi^
m OM 88p.
oagUpaDdUttime,nwmoai« a ew«
inVteaia. and te te ooogh that tot- TbfccWi
•a White TRne of Tar
antoha had at tha bmbw
te bed eao^ xemedp 00 oaffh.
tha Baataa ten.

Beliglon k inteded for both worida
and right Uring to thia k te boat
preparation to te next Character k
dedrive of destiny. -Tryon BdiCarda
The fint eqaaetrian etatne erected to
Ofoat Britain wae that of Cbariee I at
Ckarlag Crow. London, fadag Parito-


Enjoy the

Good Sleighing:

I have MTeral fine ww rfo»—
both BlnaU And two AgAtGCi
B«t oatfito in tbe eity.

5c Pig Tail
Geo. Cams,'
Havana Smoker m=.
Order by 'Phoae Ko. Hi.

UTwrpnnd Pned SubkcM






Fire Insurance.
L. L. A. Bvadfai#.


MaaBM. 7mm.




/# w/rr mmu jj


A omd ncMiNOca of thk comba-^

nit hit Amarimm mi
^ Mta to C/iair tto Iwvtot «tog«
.wwMtto 4Mtnltof*««
.MWl Ita wOl «WTT 14to.MO toto of
a«aWooiftto«ts.oto totoofgtounl
la IMoftho

■ of tooiu malrnt tooocktto
=«M rnadMo^froto tha PklUpptoa
II n I
-------- vAol MO ooi
hr ftfotttooer
•:MnJo tor » prtnto totoroMot wlU bo
«aito« to tbt ookiMul eoMWt7 »i

X»iioto«M orlOi JtwoU. to W7 oM
ABafOi iMitoo ^too tor amml
■ opoobo pro ripirtod tobavo baoaooM
;jto4iCanalpartoef iiradoa. oopooto)*
-.T»r to too aoUbbcrbood of farUM
tbo poooltor oaoo of Ulto Otooo, too
-j-n sow «o tiW at Porkorobort.
ar. ?a., tor totfory, bao booa Iraat*
itfaroAtotoo.OaitotfBtaUoooart Mtoo
-toWn tor yoaro bto bora Baowa o* a
aa« (bao aot ealy 4oao a naab
•««to ao oarpaatar. plaa»bor, atoow
-tooanp ftoatoror, aad to otoor oapad*
«toa. botbto alto Baba toyo to aaracal
;90Stor wotooa. Bar trtol to oa too
•abaito «d torrory aad toa «aa foaa to­
rso too Paltod Stotaa aosrt oa a owtioB
•Clara writ of babaaaoorpoa.oa toaal3afaUob toat at too ttoM toa aUacrd
dtaioiiaa awa aotosmad toa aeeoaad
- VM a fsoldaat of Bactoad.
Ttoo Garaaa afaOBOr Basoa, fro*
-ybBidalpbto. baa baaa wroekad off
-rnmmmtK. DtaMrk. wbltov aba woa

Tbo WnitoB Oraap A 8oe<B Bhly A
Mafftoa BsUdtoff Oo. of PbOadalpOto.
rtoaa fwaatood oraato (roaa
Adydo AGO. far tiro aaw
1 aad to BayttaadSaa
Tboaaaasia wUl ba aaoh
-ffoot tear. 40 toatbaaai aad W toati
ta fataro foroiira’ aaaaaa ooslat
-aato Maw York wiU hara to sadaryo
Aa^iatloo by too tBoaifraUaB aotbor•Iktoa, aadU toay ato aot qaaUCad tor
iBdBtoaioa to too oooptry aadar toa
.iBOilCrsttoo towa toay wlU ba
OaBorsl danaoBt. toa Ptsaeb
faadar-to-cfaUf. whasoaaraoaaltoar
«of iMpaetioB aloaf tba ooati, aanowly
BTifil drowaiof at Qoibaroa. la too
.dark aad too fop ha walkad
•S aay aad fall into tha aaa. Bto aU do
•mtbp aad ordaiiy aaryaa
■aisaytd to aftar hint and ai
•tort^ttoy klB to toad:
Twtfao poaadt only to toa walybt of


>OBp«lMat to toa Daitod Statao aray.
■tdrsauOabotaaBteoia.aad oan ba
«earrtod by oaa saa.
' Tar* otoek ta tba ^nltad Statso, ae
. .nordlay la Oraaya Jadd dyaraa, bow
»atato«I.IH.000to TSloa, too hiyhaat
t MOtotwm knows.
■ Oao of tbo Boat dariay 4topotob
rtoon to toa Trauma) war to W. OaaulBfB. 00 wbooa band too Bgara ham
mat aprtoaofSl.500. Ob oaa eaeaaioo
BMi totmpld Ildar orapt for naarly U
BOitoa oa bto band* aad knaaa w\to dtopatabcatonarbapartof tha oooBUy
BtrorBtoy with toe auBy. aad as:•MWnlly raaobad hto daaUaaUos.
' • toW ffirra oot that tha work of 'TSStar tba oaaou wUl aot bayto satU
Jam 1 aad too work of aataal asoBar*Uoa Will lut aboat oso awath, too
aUpatoUoBi raiialrtoy the rataru to
bo to Wuhtoytoo by Jnly 1. Tharo
V j«Ul be M.OOQ eaaBacaton to work oaa
-moBib. <Vmr 7t,000.000 of pao^a aut
toa roaorflad wltoto to daya. aad tbara
-artU toaraforo ba ah. amrayo of two
.MdoMhalfBUUoaa day. In towu
«nadolttoaof •.COOtohaWtaataor omr,
:*i to rasolrsd that toa work mat ba
fAatabad to two woaka. bowamr. and
Abto will Bska toa dally ammya attU

3awto ml QtataaMa te Oaunh ihto
Ontoto Wuavtj
BS BBvnry srlll anraly doatny the
ooBM of oBaU aad eemptowly denaya
Afaa srhnla ayatsB whan sstaetoy it
wltoayh tha bboou anrfaeas. Suefa arAtotaashMld navarba usaderaapt ea
BaaMtlpdoM from rapalabla physlSaam u toa daosaya toey wlU do to
•aa faU lo too yoed. you can ponihto
dtoetnfnBtoaa. Ball's Oatoirh Oun
_________ wrad by W. J. Obeaay A Oo.
'Ttatodo, O.. aoBladu so Beroury. aad to
aakaa totoraaUy. aottoy dlraeUy upon
atoabtoeda^toBMuararteaBW tha
jif labuylnyaall'aOatarThOun
.--------- yoo.yat tha yonnlna. It to
toakoa tatarnal
s^y ^ mAt to Tolodo.
4» r. '


The rtiarlot wu naed to aatlqiilty
tor toe battle, the «4taae. to pobUe ^
etoatofia and to yawea. it bad two
wbeoto ond-ma diawa by two horoao,
and wbM oM or two horses were add­
ed they wore attatdiad to each side of
.to pair by a aide imcc. faateoed
to toe front of the chariot.
Tbme chartoia hare only ooae dowa
to ne In ftsymenu. with toe eacepttoa
of toe one to the archwotopteal mnoaBB of noreiiee. which U a rnlgtie eaample of a war chariot.
ao caltod
*^fa dl Praostoo.” fooMl by HoaaaUaao la a Tbebea tomb, it U certainly
W oh) u toe foarteento ceotary B. U
It Ic probnMy n trophy obtntoed to the
Borib by some Byypttoa swrrtor.
There le nn entire nbeeoce of acta)
to the conetnicriea. Immedtotely on
toe axle, witboot ^ny> of any ktod,
rcata the basket, or body, of toe chartat which eonoiated of a floor to ataad
00 and a aeiuicliealar yuard around
toe front and about half toe beiybt of
toe drii-er. It la entirely open at tha
bark. BO that toe eombaunu alght
teop to Ihf yrc
cAmc neceaMi
action. There wu no aeat. nnd yeoerally to war charlota there waa only
rooo for the coiubaunt aw) bU chari­
oteer to atand In.
u to the preseni toetaaca.
attached to the middle of
the axle, allhonyb to outward appearaocec It looked aa thouyh It aprany
from tot front of toa Uoket. At tba
rad of toe pole waa the yoke, which
loofced like a ram'a bom. Depradlay
from tbia by katber thonya wu a T
thaped place, which probably took
toe place of' the Dodern boroe c^lar.
Probably broad bande were atoo flRad
around the cheat of the anlmaU.
Bealdea too bnntcaa of each bona
there wen a bridle and a pair of ntoa
Bomewbat to the oame atyle u are to
oeeattbeprecentday. Tbeee were made
of leather and were oraaBeoted with
atodB of Ivory and metaL The relna
were paaaed thronyb rinya attached
to the collar aod^wera tong raonyb to
be tied orouod the waist of the chariot­
eer to case of bla hariny to defend blooeir.
The wberiB nnd body were nsnally of
wood, etreoytbeoed to placee with
braose or Iroo. The wbeela bad from
fonr to eight qi^ua. and toe tires
were of toolue or iron (to tbe prenrat
inaUDcr ub wna uacdi. and toe piu
wbkb oecnred the felllee were of foasil
bODC. _
TbU deecrlptloo applied to the ebariota of almoai any of the nations of an­
tiquity. the difference couRlstlny chief­
ly to the DonDilnys. Tbua the chariots
of tbe Egyptlaoi and AMyrianii. with
whom tbe bow was tbe principal arm
stuck, weto richly mounted wlto

‘ (Ire.
I>lato ar regards mere deoorathma. Ttii- reisians and the ancient
Brituu OMil a claes of chariots baring
the wheels mouuuil with sbari). alckle
shaped blades, wlik-h cut to piecaa
wbaterer raroe Id their way. TbIa waa
probably the Inreotlou of tbe t*erslsns.
Tbe iiae of tbe battle chariot really
belonfs tv toe heroic |a-ri«d. Tbe warHor.ataadlny b.r the aide of bis chariot­
eer. was driveu to front of the line to
invite hootlie warriors tv single comAfter tbe strategic skill of a eoinmaodei' snpemeded tbe deuaods on
peraoul valor the chariot waa
tnufermt from the battleflehl to the
where alone lu oriytui
form was ttreserred. Tbe description
of llie ilonierie bailie chariot. Iberefore. to e gniit exteht slao applies to
toe historle .-Imrioi of tbe race conree.
The small .Uauieter of tbe chariot

-Lobstan, when young and frtretoaa.
chanya tbolr shelto aernui tlaas a
year, bat u they grow oMer aad. pra■BBaUy. Boca sedate they art coateat
artth a aaw oun every stunBor. Tba
febster to hto own caOor. and persou
who bare watched the procaas any
tost tbe diflkalty seems to Ue to yetting rid of the oM yarh and not In fitOny the new. Pbat be Is attacked by
' loarulshiBs lasting tpr uvDuring tbeaa a faint Una
or breakage appears down tbe Biddle
•f toe back.' wblcff- yiadually yrowa
broader with every spasm. Tbe
piece to toe first to braak eotirriy.
anddealy a vtoleat effort enablea
lohater to withdraw his head, leaving
toe larger part of fals eyes to tbe abeU.
After a real of a few bona tbe strag­
gle begins again, and the ■honldera. or
targe claws, cm.-rge, sritb effoR ao exbausttog that nvariy a day to laqnlred
for recniietsilon.
During this Him be praaeots a rariaoa q>ecUrle. with head aod body eoapictely out of the ohell and only toe
Inclosed. Tbeo the eonvoIalve|
resumed.'■bfl abell by
sbeU toe tall covering to loooraed. antU. with violent strngglea. toe taU to
free, aod tbe lobster, looking as If be
hsit iwen imiirii iim <tnwn fnr m
st> If.

• fbisoa oraaob

Knlttlay of tba good old style do­
aertpUon hu become a thing of taahtoa. Nearly every woman expects to
do more or leas of It and It to now
toe fad to turu mii artk-tee of a
nbatantlai order aad prsciknl ralne,
«a^ » atocktoga. eapa. gtores. aack-




<|John F. On & Co.




- •'■.•■kC

IrimtoChi (iBtof Ca
TrinrsaCiti, -’ - liddiu

aa i-nonax n fbcaam.
Braeclaily does tbe BasraBt benefit by this new order


Comfortable ariH-les for fatbera

f>iip.> ...s.

generally in

load by waa
__________________________ J klAnaya. Mr. L.

Uko the enU which to most cxeea-

denuded of hie shril covering, bat as


i. a aaapto aeat free tor alamp. is
>, all d'nrytoU or Dr. A. W. Chaaa
Oo.. BDfloto, M. Y.


,-« work ihs

case the itltcbes at tbe conimeoreniMt hast cough temedy oa earth, rar^w cold

“Hpeaklng of nerve." said one of tbe
detectives at beadqnaneni. "remlnda
me of Chief McClaughry of Chleaga
Be aaed to he wanlen at tbe sute.penItentlary down to Joliet, and be had
tbeiepulatloDof IwtottbpcoolestlDan
In nilMts. Ue was aa ablfiy as any of
tbe n>ea>e bad to handle aod as quick
and calm about ft as a n gnlar Sherlock

Best to be had in
the citj is at

-‘I .......-



Xrro?;^ ^-<»-r«ul«to«^at4«cta

I.fray and black, with four steel aeedlaa
No ^2 or 13. t'aai on to gray «3) IDS
«ltebea and work six or seven rounds
ribbing, first round S pUln. S port
»«« ««»»<> » PorL 3 pUln. Knit
one pUIn ronnd to Mack
rvtind of border. 1 B. 2 O. Repeat
Third round. 1 B. 1 G. Repeat. Pourth
»nnd as second. Fifth round. B all


* R.
G. 2 B. 1 G. Bejawt fn
Ninth rouml. 4 B. •. 4 G. 2 B, 2 G
4 0- « B. Repeat •. end . _
I-"'*-™ rounds in
hackwanl seqnen.v fr.m. »to 1.
U»ree roumls to B, four rounds Id O,
tortvaslng 2 stitches to il«- third round
of G. Thetv arc now again IU2 stltchea,
required for the Is.tder. tha
rounds of which mti»t oo* be reprated.
Finish with six pr
»t.onda. alternately »d 3
3 ptolu.
(dplu. 3 purl
and 3 purl, 3 plain. tloiumei


AMwarksca^bto greaa. Piaagi
Saw OBaa. MofUfafa Steak.

0l7fifMB8« CARDS.



“One day Melrtoughry was sitting to rounds la gray. In the aerentb round
bto offliv at Just about tbe time the
2 togi-tber at the begtonlng and
men were lieing man-bed bark to their end of tbe round. Tenth, elerratb and oBsss sM»c~sUsi Wseb. M Frsai si
There are now 1
was a aouo.1 behind him. and. whirling '
atHfbes on the oe.-.llcs. Barb pat- VTUILT o. dtom. gnstMy sM mw
round, be saw a convict who had PSM- 1**™
20. Flr« round of patte^ ^ tovotis*. 0«sss.a«y Opsesaosss
ed tbe giianl to some way-creeping fa- 2 B. 8 G- Repeat. Sccoml round. ». y^a. W U- O w.a. Moss-asos^ae^^
ward him with an ugly tooklng lr«i * »• 7 G. 4 B. 7 G. Repeat from *. jJ
bar Id his band.
; Third round. •. 2 B. « G. 2 It. 2 G, 2 B.
“•iHmt .TOO stirr the man whlspiw- « «
Mosay IS loso. OBsss. mix Ogsrs
•d. Tm going to get out of this If 1 ». 2 B. 5 G. 2 B. 4 O. 2 B. .>■. tJ. R.-peat
Bve to kin you
u to do If
•*round. •. 2 R. 4 G. 2 B.
~"•Ob.- Met-laugliry Mid. •! tbooglrt « G. 2 B. 4‘G. Repeat from •. Sixth
^ «
au were
w.-re going
mine tomorronT
tnmorms-' Tbe
Th» man round. •. 2 B. 3 G. 2 B. 8
S «!. 2 R. 3 G.
Btored at lliftoughry and gnimed. Repeat from •. S.-vemh r..iiud, *.2 8.
*Tt «tr McriaughiT -imply looked at 2 G 2 BG. 2 B, 2 G. Ue,ssH from p a «U«T.a^srjM. .
aalU: They sent up your dismlitMl papere this aricraoon. Cbai's aU. Ton’ve
been «i.k a model prisoner all tbe
time that they decided to coiumuta
your seuteD.1-. You can go all right
raougb If you want to. Vou n- not my
prisoner any more. If you want lo see
your iwpers-wh.v. 1 think—the.v’re here
In-lo Hie draweF- And before tba
poor fo..l ci.itld lift tbe bar to atrlka
UcCfaiDghry liad aoaiqMsl a revolver
. . ami. ieveied
...U at bla
out of. Tbe'di-sk
-New York Sun.

6ee MDplea in window.

W.'JS5g£gSS£ u Lao.


«, TO»>m.aBs.
, ^n>wrr Q, iJEEsSkvliSsS. aaSTV. HasoatoBssk-____________________________
. ^ TROHnOM H. O ONssUHaadliM
1. « HUUbrnB^ Hsatwtto it a.»- I
7ilirli-T fa----------------------------

I btiiH sj.

citr. la sfisst Dsssmbi


sttas .-sassfisaaatas




sesnsnaifiSksashH jsssaa

*^'«Bp.>-wslahss asrisr casfa OtaM

..B«u-pbos«ra ^ ________________ __
I The (lolDted Stripe patter* la prettOy
g. ^ flood, obs* m new tassiisr
arrange, earrled out to fqar ply Angering Indark
' atcK-kiog.


C. t. UlOKWOOat^ r^*£T OreS^Bsytaa
e pntuier

her of rcrotncioDs every ntlnnie. There ’
are to many revolutions to the mile, '
aud by an Id^oIoos arrangAiient tba ^
number of miles an bonr Is shown up- '■
on tiK- dial. Tim apiwratns to expenalve as well as delicate.
Tbe tote Jay Gould was one of tha
first to adopt It. aud sbortly after a
D-gisler mas placid lu bto private car
BusseU Rage was making a Journey
lew' The rim was ostally formed at with him and Inquired what It was.
four feilles. Iniu wbl.-li the four spokes
were let. Tbe upper rail, whb'h iraa of Ur. Gould exidalm-d tbe me lanism ■
eltber wood or metal, varied greatly to
form and was Intended to be yraaped
by tbe warrior on Jumping on to tba quired:
■ “ ■■
chariot, while the front |iart served for
“Dm-s It <«rn anyibtogr

fastPDlng the relM aud the Iraees of
"No; i tbtok nek." aald Ur. Goatfi.
toe “wheel horses.” in the Roman tri­ with a smile.
umphal chariot a covering of leather
"t>oes It save anylhtogr
served to ward off missiles, and later
oa tbe aldaa were compooed of atroay
“Tbeu I would not havo R to «r
car."—Cbirago Rtswd.

,„i ,u,. ..o,;,.™. .r a..



Ike B.
Is a m
mtoukea notion that a


Tke ftit liriMttt liUnU

-MVs. Prsoeas B. Swlth.

oonio oom.
No. 12 or 13. -('hat <
ii^b^fTbe ihr^T«Gk-C* irwus’ (B)

i r.

• »ss-

, ,s:s s:

First round of pottern. 4 it. 4 B. Ifa- •rpayMSM. a aargsls. Jobs Vvrty.
peat all
4 b. 4 1
Third ronnd. 2 u. *.4 B. 4 II. Repeat




Fifth rotted. 4 B. 4 II. Repeal. Sixth.
aeveotb. eighth, ninth atul tenth Jb"tor
rounds. saom as fifth. Blevemh ronnd. •m»«»res.
osa nsBarmi.o.r

rteiy of what we now term tbe “yly.”—
Bclentlflc Americun.
fori. An “eOuretlon-^toafa
Bepeac fit* '
fa become socceMful In life, beyond
Fourteenth ro^4 B. 4 to ,
Us Bseose t>^ Chlmsersu
tborou^ fsmlllarily with the rodlNotwltosuudlng that we bare tony menta An edoreiioa comes to an to- Repeat. Work these 14 rounds to baekolace ceased to hoist coal to lofty apart- dnstrions man a* naiurally as agSk ward sequence till you have worked —
tbe twenty-eighth ronnd. wbleb
rb will ba W ,Mtt.Msra<
rnrata. having aban lotted forever tba
!• “ ^ i, l.J. ,1,, fl„,
Knit and vwyaimfat^esk. slss kUehsB girt. lal>er rw
old fashioned Steplacc with Ju ooot AWBI, 10 *.U..r
p„rt It. IJ .otM. „f .hr bonl.r
and ctodera. the said flreptoce U still mr,. lnd«i,<jTU.B
..a ai.toi.~l,Jrt 1 u , b.ifl.tlo. .< It. up .»!
With u In every new house that U achieve
auecess for any man of ordi-. ^ locking
built. tiB open throat leads the uma nary ability. Bocceaa is easier than
old draft op the chimney, and tbe aams failure. Sncceai seldom cornea at once:
Bsw Is CiMB a TsU.
------------------- „
tfd reaolt foil wa-colds and cold feet. it is a matter of yrere of good conduct
Boap toee veils well and lay than
There is no excuse for a chimnay or a and IntriUgent work.—Atchison Globa. for 24 bonta In Jnat enongb water fa BMrkst.4i4a.Csisaso«n.
eretdaca In a modern hooaa bcatad
aorer them. If they are mum
murb macotdlscol- _
si tbs torks
from toe eeltor. Tbe gu log U a autahssrtmg Blars.
B water>tt tlm end of J_i Sssid. tows rater wiik 4srtc bMk aad
aance and a abam.-New York Prcaa
Cl, IM. It. ™.lt™i .arec! tt,, u„
^ ip...,


oti. I»w u. .iUl.»« lt«t .M |_a,„

tomn» It unili «an*

Ba Barrs via* DelaUs.
pp. «b. Mou >i«
..t~, pi~ ow u.. poBEite,
•Bore y" are; AU about »! Big bat­ .back cm Uie ground a^ gaie at a clear „ij
, ^^y dry D
I, prleeTte par bet- tle in South Afrikyl aorrible slanghtarr
BaUk FaaiUy POtowee tba bast
*Say. bold on! WUcb aide got eelve noobera of rtiooting stars.
•swetkISB Hew Is Bslr Wav1s«.
Girls to Ihance have dlscovi
-Aw. whafa toe
BottiM' of perfume, still fresh, aod oomethlng new. In or>l> r
. Ml-Bt cagoRecofd.
Jar* of pomade that had not lost lU ju,{, k, n'mato curly
fragrance bave lmeD recovered ftom some tine before ;
DesS Csse.
“ cotoDenm aod Pompeii.
at night they damp the hair with a II
Sbe-WoQld yon be wiUint fa die fior
baa'opraed up with a mb. Bava
Ue lemon Juice and sugar mixed,
mixed. i-na
Tha :
, effect to teiite magtcaL and tbe hair
Be—Why. rn dying far you nowt—
j remaloa crimped for days.
Brooklyn Ufe.

•» -ui *re«p« <»v4r«

«n tiar
»" nrr di«b
la Jaii-


City. ai««i


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