The Morning Record, January 09, 1900

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The Morning Record, January 09, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




TUrd T««r—No. 836

Xoport or BK


ot LodjsBlth.
•mnl Wkito 0m4s Word tkas M«
assSrivMthsSMMr SMk vtu
IMS Aftor s Loac sad
Art•mwi tansr» Vwrtac Sk
Vsf «B VkHirs Brtkf, Bavta«
Laados./M. s>U «rt ivrtrti wkkk
mom» tom tealk Alrt* todsjr an aoaIbMd OfSrt BrttaU «rUl teas naan
«a n^otaa aad tha whok Ms^ »U rt

OOWtU b mUXinD.
Aa4 ViMM Dm*)
ptfsUM tom «M Povlago.
iMdoa. Jsa. s.-.1ks •tudsf4%
■tfa iwrrwaiMilMi mn tte* k tiM


Oneral BatoS Attend X—n To—
at Inarpnk art XUlrt Sametp.
toor—Tba AaarienXno Waa Tkraa
ynitd. r»..»-a»»p
.Bto losnpaak W—
-Ska Baaap Botnotod Tbwsrda
Mnila. Jaa. S-Daoktoa oetton kas
bantakniatbaa—patpa la Bnthan Loan apatoat M toaai'paak who
TveUrfo Ooaa art Sobs Mart— kara baaa patWlop th— to torao tor
Mart kr War OdaertB.
i U— for tka pori
ratoad atort agolMtJthi TTnItod
lUdard o( Ua wan^ OosUia kaa
I laatmtad to raqain ot 8aa
Oeaalato ^■^adkto nd aonptoto
naarailn tortoa taaaUtotoa Fraaik
.._«1 art artet aaoaakn of iha
toaokotiw. TkaAdrtralk to rt>
rtfof naortof rroaraattaasloa. art,
Manorr. k to aCaot a lartlac.


act tka

a raUarrt tka as-

pdaMad tka CoOeiriBr •

“Ladjaadth, daa. t. t p. b.—da attart has kan —da ea np peaitka.kat
rtkdr acakrt Ganr^ aaiap art
WwrtUU. Tka aoany wto to fraat
Md paakad tba attaak with
aoandaart aaarfp. So—ntrpaak.
—•to n Wafn kill w— tkraa tlaaa
tahn W Ika ad—r art ratakaa bp aa
-1 7:M p. B.
kp tka anap dartof tka wkela dap.
katat dask to a mpbaarp rato atora,
tkap w— trtaad eat of tkk poattloa
rttkapotatoftka bapowatto a aoat
^altort —soar bp tka Darou, lad bp
Oslaaal Park. Ool. In HaaUtoa aoa—odad oo Wacn HUl art nadarrt
aalnhla aarrka. Tka troops bad a
kap trptoir tl— art baharad as•oBartlp. Ikap an atotod at tka
•anka tkap ha*a nadarad tka foaaa.

tkrt w— batof akipprt n a
ataatoaratMm—lldorta Tbaea—to
wbkb tba raiH »— paekrt bad baaa
•aadf^ptoaoa Tbap w—aonlfart
to a dm to Chrktkaa. Korwaj. aad
had baaa daolairt as Iroatoonrarp.
Tbaeaatoat oBriak ara boip.tka
rar oSaa bavlnc ordarad that all roamU laarliic Britkk ports ba tsoat aarataUp aaarabad for ooatrabart. It waa
lUp loart that tka Bo— ware
art ttonad foods
that w— auda n Btflaad.
OoFiidaTtka port of LoodoaeasMM datatoad a aklp that waa oairplar
all Marta raat aod aaetkar that bad
a aaiveef bkerttoart praaarrad aaata.
Thaartktoa'axplautku of tbadtoof tkalr aaaaoia w— daaiart
rp art tka aklra w— ooaaeqaaottp bald.

P— Marqaatta- Badwap Oo. Will
Offar Irtooamaota to Mortharn Mtokipao Baul—.
raUrort ;baa aotarad Into a eolooiasUnaebaaabpwklebttkpropoaad to
hara aattl— apooaevaral alllloa ae—
efiart adjaont to tka dlffaraOt park
et tka rrtlroad. Tb— laada ara now
ad bp todlvldoala art oompaaia
who ban takaa a— of tka Unbar oP,
art who hariap aoUtlap tarUur that
tkapaazatodo with tba toad thanaalna, are auiou to aall and kava tka
lartaatUed. aad ao wUl aaU for a rarp

arMfc aorp kaaap toaa, praoUp aaaaad^tkrtnapaida,wktok wUlbarapassodnaonasUau an aonptotad.Pnai tka an—1 taldoonaa tka aawa
trtt Oao—1 Prnah kaa^oata aonpaap
rt tka Brtjlb r^mnt in a olpki at•a*. walla fnn tka waatara fmttor Tba Ofud Bapida B—U T>na
k laaatart ttdtopa ot tka aorraodar tot aararal toUraatlap parttoolan to »re■ tka to—of Kara—B Jaa. 1. aftar a pard to tka new aehrma. wklah an
tao^rtra. tka Bo— taktop ito p(k- brkdlp as folio «•:
H ,^ows kas ban appototad
Tolapra—Cr— Baoabaip np that apaat for aU tbk tort that k to ba
ooraral eOa—art tklr^ an of tba kaadlad bp tka MW eonolldstloa. Ba
•affolks w— kUlad art aboot fittp ka fomerip ban arltk tka C. A|W. M.
aaptond. Oaaaral Fraaskb aanoaaaa- road ia tbk work, wklak ba earrtad on
■nt that tka B«aa replaaotkad baaa rarp aaoo—tallp. Bow ha aeoepts tka
ant to laplaoa tba BaP jlks k oun Wt- similar poalUoa with tka aeoaolldator to tkc tott—' Mauds tkas tka list Uoa.
•t aaaaaHUaa. aa tka nip totoraoas da- Itk tos totoaUoB of Um aansp— of
daatobU troto ikk faot k tkat tka 8of- tka aoka— to posk tka —Uar of eolColka dlapraert tkao—Irat art tkair nUitkawltb aon riporthaa erer.
Bap bp bolttop art laarlop a tow of It k tkoupbt that lo a rarp few pa— a
tkoir—nataaabaoo—daa to All tka praat ekaapa wUl ba —da to tba aaPntarla laila.
pKt of tba eonntrp. Not oalp wlU tka
Fraort'a asaaoBT— kan bean ao Imntpraata ba dn— from tka fa—
brtUtoatartbUtaetka hsTa prorldad who an raattop to tka aostkara part
n a aauU aaale BO pood aa ebjoet laa- of tka aUta art to aaipbborlap oUtoa.
an of tka -«’»-*■’ to tohiek tka aas- ' bat the eompaop wfU po Into 'foratpo
paipaoapbt toba ooodaetrt n tba ooaotrla for tka lipfat el— of aatU—
Britkb aide that tkk toddaat k pan
Iks eoaetla tkatlaelada land that
- Uartpaatornoato. Thai—ofaa—tp U .propoMd ibM tor teUlameat —
priaoa— tkroapk a Boar bapla aaU for Newappo. Me—ta. O—oa. HaokUa.
a BriUik ra—at k aataark—. aapadal- Midland. .Imbalto. Kalkaaka art
Ipwkao Oaaaral Fraaeh baa takaaaa Omd Tranroa. Th— land* rnpresaal
—op prkoa—with fair epbUap. bat ao— WT flna tamlap ooantrp. that
ka k Iks oalp Britkk paaaral who kaa
rornblp with anp la the
aaaaad to ba foUp n poard apatoat alato. For sareral eropa the aoU k ea.
Datoh a—lapp. art kk praatipa k nellnt. art e^aetoUp for pototom it k
•ow BO—«^t eloadod.
Tba oomoaop wUl
aoompa tba prow tba ^aelallp of wheat.
— art potatoa.
tka aaktaaea tkat the mUrbad <
Mr Tboaw Llptn WIU WaU VatU paap will extort to tka laalpraato
who taka rtraatopa of tkk ekaaoe to
pataekoap kotoa. will be la tka wap
Map —a^ortatin of faoUlim art
I —Mr Tboaaa Uptoa,
II k ladwilof «rUl dstor aeUoB nFATOBS MBOtATXOV
pardtop aaotha- Sballawpa far the
Aairiaa aop aatO Oktaat Mm art b— BatUpnw Waata Oa to Aid ta
nothar portt. oew to eewaa ot anSattUap Xranraal War.
a—rtlsto aaaerdtop to dalpn bp WatWaabtoptoa, Jaa. I Bantor PotUan. kara ban —plptod far C. O. pnw todap oSorad a r—Inttn art
Siparkaap DktaatBkon wlU ba aa lalaptbapor—anttooBaik —di( n tka Brnaaato art atln batwan Oraat BrlUan art the
Bonth AMoaa BapabUa.
Motoor. *a^ toat tka dalpaa an aaeb
Uka tk— of tka HarraakoP laaatarMke Lanaid Bpunad.
plMa. It k —tod as aarloaa that Barrabnff art Watan akeald aot kara laataraatopat tka ko— ot Mr. art
k—Aap kara ban worktop n aia- Mra. O. a. Utkrop at Blpawood. to
honrof Mia Faarl Unard of BL
Qktoat Okorob water Itoa wlD ba Ipaaaa. A^ u w— praant. art
two toaSakortor tkn Britaulab. brt P—aa _art plaanat aom—tioa
. tk ooU kM wUl ba torpar.


Xaoi^stl Me—Bald.
tm » mw
A. B. BadlBaataL whohaotorf
. M—owaort lkaBartl—•klBoMl.n
BhI Blpktk attaak, na aaU tka prep.
rtW to W.l* Brown.
rtW^thkwaakattkaHonoh A
Ofcy kCoU^ at

Blank Books.....

d Twiaa n tha Soakto

OampBicB Opsawd VIgorotiBly
Taeeaa, Weak.. Jaa. $ —Ortortal rt>
ia Boathan Iabob.
vl— atato that, tod bp ftold Mankal

I-------1 rtd aean Cron ttaoarrt WUu

lanaoto Ihrt Ika Bo— brtnadaa
ana—ad attaak apn tha a>W
bannfakid wltk kaa«7 !«>. Tka
ra—r k ake aarraat that Oaaaral BrtItohaa araand tka Tacala art kaa
tnto to Udyarttk. attar datoattaa a
datoakauat et Bo— art aaptarlar It



So, tka Obto— tnopa kara twloa datoairt the Frash n the Irthto herder,
wh— tka Fnaob kara nnaadotritoorbtor^toaBad”
torrMotp at Kaaaekaawaa bap. Oa
Daa. to. a— Kaaaakoown. tba Oktoa— thaFraDehartparaoadth—
tor ao— dtotana. Tka fnaab 1—
waatklr« Tka Okto— too—
Oa koariap of the affair the Vlearep
with 1.000
Bton order. Tha Vtoorop
also wired tka lkaap-11 Taan (Okto—
tornlpB aMor) nsklap what at^ — to
be takaa to eoirp nttba daUaltatIn
to tba mtkfaettoa of the Frank.
Obis— rieterp was at
Pakal. wfa—atoipht tkapaapMirt a
ap ko— dltod with Frank aol.
dim. Tkap killed th— Fraaoknu.
ad earn etbara. art aaeapad.
Next dap tbap tnrnd tba flaak of tka
Frank oolaiqB aad aaat it flptop baekward. Tba F—eb — awalttop rinI altoapUap to pire
battle In to—.

Oaaaral Ba— has epnad tka earnpalpn with ripor art tba fint blow kaa
I a aar— one to tba toaorpaats,
who anffarad haarp 1—.
Tba Aaarieaaa w— attoop'p eppoaad bp tka rabala and lest tkraa kiUad.
iooln^ a Ueotonaat. Twntp warb
inded. Tne namp'e I— waa sev.
aatp fonr kiUad.
Oaaaral pebwaa'a solans toft MasUnlapa Habtfrdap noralnp. Tba Maeababm aad a—s of tka ElarnU ear.
alrp aeoato atrnok tka aaaap two nitoa •e-'O^'b/X
oat. aad abort napa ftrtop followed to
different dlraetk—. One of oar aas
Chks. W. Baxter wUI show |
weartad art ato Innrpaak w—
eaptarad. la tkaaftomooa tkaoola— I the oelebnted line of Bteiu- g
apato mat the aaanj at Btoaa, art I Bloeb aoito aod oreroodte in ^
with a wild ek—. rortad tka aartk- ' oew sprinp stylaa — Ordera F
worht. One Anarkoa ww killed art I vUI be Utkeo for spriop de* f
, lirerp — HamiltoD .Clothing S
ratroatad toward
Tba too
ktol. 'kkkkkk- k-kkkkkk-tkkkkk
BUaof. wh— Oaaaral Bak'
lowlap tbaa ep. Oapb O. B. Parker
aadOaraoaa th— dapa'apo. bathk
to— was withdnwa.
aaeortflpkt aaeaaaaip.
Ltoatnaat OUnon of tba enitoar
Yorktowa, who waa eaptarad bp the
toaorpnk near Baler aaaap aoetba
apo. baa arrlrad b— bp boat fron VIpaa, art at eooa e—a aabon torialt
hk Bktor who baa baaa to Maatto ter
aU— Doriap moat of tha Une
he wea in the hands of the rebels be
was t—tod wary barahlp and he ia tbto
and weak. Be rerp modeeUp tolls n
thiilUnp atorp of kis adrantn—
mpa tkat be aad his eompaalons <

Tgeslijf aid WednisilaT


I Oo.


» Ladies I

i It Means
' a Saving


OaopblFln at 6:80 art ZMd $8,000
Daaspe. Bat B—kfaat
Of fifty to eeventy-five cents, •
BwApon Tiaena VanaL
f if yon bay s i>air of onr
tk— wna a UtUe bloM to tba Morton
Bonae, Qraad^BapIds, peatardap mocnlop whtob nosed a daaapn 'of abont
$3,000. The pnesU w— rooted ont of
their brdsnt e:S0 a.a . tha hotel batop
fltlad with anoke. The fln dapartaaat aeon qneoebad tha flena whidi
Orer twenty atyl’eb ebapee
iaatod to the Ftoakh room on the
lo select from—lace or botton
lower Poor. Laadtord PaaUlad wea on a —light or heavy Isoles—kid or
tkaaeene and bit own oooln—aod \ guaranteed vestiiiug tops.
of bis anplopa rnUered the
natron nnp nndne alaMn.and la
I— tkaa na taonr knakfaat i— anhonoort aanraal.
Mr. PanUtod had axpeaded a larpa
anonnt of nonap rnoenUp npoo the
Mortoa Hones, whleh Is kerpinp paea
with the bat hotele ia tba etaie, and
whUa tbk 8ra did UtUe danape it will
tbs wap tar atlll
The popolmritp of the
Morton and the hoepltalitp of -ito toad
lord will not be dinned bp e litUa
btoaa like that of patardep.

$ Famous
i $1.98 Shoes


------ —'

; ALFRED V. ' i

B. WaMeaffa piUk Wapoa Took a
•arlont Tnmbla.
The bo— baloofiap to E. Weldoeft
art need to dallTartop milk to patrons
to the eitp, took a Ilttto trip patordap
tkat was aot down oa tha repalar list
otTrtla. Tba alai^Unp fbelap «
Mr. Waldoaft pot ont to walk bp tha
aids of tka rip. Tka ko— took Mpkt
A. prominent N«w York official
art bapaa to rna. Ba dasbad down
tba —baakant batwan F—t art ■aid the mnerol ue of the teleFUlk ateaata, atoirtBp bp tka brook. thone boa mode the tuk of effie: bfo and property
art BO oaaapa was dOM to tka aaiaal
B of fire, oe*
aor tka atoiph. altkoopk tk— wo
a—baof eaatoa— who did aot pat ddant or bor^itiy bad beootu 8
aUktkataomtop.|3dboni 100 qt
ot aOk waa tost aad iMr. Waidooft
was daapad into tk^ —ak. Bkb—h.
wBllkBn —istrt Ua^to amph
Hare yon o— in
ailkto np^Jkk aoat •mfartaaa.

toa—irtofa oho hrt torlrw. Tko
rBl ha n—tod Mrt Tna-

•MS^i Z


b Office Supplies


A good Moortmant ia
ittki, peep, peedla, pnaetp,
tettar preneo. copy book%
•ponge cppp, oprd riic^ pppto,
tnadloge, robber bands, pin%
eye shades, etc.


Sale Monday on Violets—lOo.
OBAh pAid for old Mhool bookB-Oono la mad got o llpt
of tbo Undo.

S9(^t» Front Street

B*Iph OonBAbl* 9r., IfBBBgtr.

Wr Don’t Have To Urge
You To Buy Our Olothing
For trlten yon Inspect onr Suits; Overoosts sad Ulsters yonll
notice that the genera! mske-np is bettor, thes^les are oonboC
and the quality of material is fu snpen’or to the general mn ol
clothing sold by other atorea. Everybody notioea these Utiogo.
and you'll notice
notioe them too. Then, too,
too. yon nc^ioe
aotioa that <the
prieea oi onr clothing is very low.
Onr great Inventory &1e now o£ is yonr wmortnoit;
Don't fail to take advostege of it.

124 Front Street

Fashionable Oatfitters end Clothiers

Our Special Sale
on Cloaks
Ifi in full force, and many garments ore moWng ont doily.'
Why not invMHgete the voluea we offer you in this sale?
Cloaks for ladies’, misses' and children.
Come tlis morning.



Good Sleighing

May be
a creature of the
coming ccoturj,

. I have oeverol fine new rigs—
both slBgl* and two aaat«d
Beet outfits in the city. Try
Order by 'Phone No. 32.




School of Music
•stai'irsasr*' —C. Ol A POnt. nSTkea—p.

Geo. Cams,


Urmrj and Port SUblrt

The Man
Who Smokes
Sc Pig Tail
Havana Smokers


Lowdoto Jaa. $-Tba Ho— Saoratoij
MrMaMkavWkltoBUlep. daeltoato
tetorf—arltk tba antnoa Sot death
pa—d oon Mila. I—tosMiasat. a
. -Urtop to Brtlaad.
tor tka andor of ba| ant. hfokOd of •

. To BAtch yoor old oeM
or in anj tixe, tbickiMM or
binding, boa 15c np par 100

is the man
who rules the world
in this century.


For Fire Insurance
prompt, oarefni aad oonrtoana attoa*
Uon. Tha ■uoapaat aod oldoat Are to*
onraam oompanlm In tba world rnprw
oented to mv npnoex.

JobimBloeL 'Flioiitn.

The only thing
About oar children’s shoes

is the price.
We give special attention to the parofaose of diild*
rm’s shoea. We realise the rough usage slvsys
given these sixes, snd^porchase socordingly.
A good strong heavy sole slute, lace or botton, 5^ to
76c boy»A psar of those^fine hand tnraee shoes, sisss
6| to 8, node by Boney A Berger.
Many otiier styles, bom 60o to |LSS.

rront Street


KOBma noon.



la notufalilsg.


M X MAsm V°>



7M** IDUMl
pMb Aa< jM
Mk M •kick MMT Mrk.'


Itltedtk* IMM*

Mhirr-r «aio4MU .tk«ywrk «•
•Midi Udorr mA dfttw ttot tks
/•—ior lk« rwr WM •N.<M.ei».'
•U,M7.«U,m IB IIM,
mA man tku AmW* «b« toMl oImt-

li^d IBM. ru MOfA efteilM

Twr wMtk* BMllMtr*M4d to IwM^ ywiRkaA tk* gwMl
MM of Aauotol —rtlilnM Alnetl/
fMirtog tka toAMrtd todtaiM »

I-Mra A. U Baal
toad. Mia. <X J. raaaliad. Mis. O P.
Qarw. Mia. W. Pnasd
; sMtoo. alcotod—Mr*. M.
S. & Batto. Mra. M. e. Thlrihy. Mia.
£^aosto.Mis.M.K.Baak. Mtoptaiah
Laa.Mis.B8 Pratt.
Nltwsa raqaaatad that tkonportd
tkaaaarataiyba pclstod. It to aaMloaa:
Masah PasBDwn an
^rasAMociAnw: Utkayaarwktob
w list poHad tka weifc d tk
ttao kaa Misly baas d tka ataady
ttsa Mad, with aothlag to oapaelally
■arkltaabolag dlffMBt fisai otkor
aatfal yoaia. Thora kara boas
qsartarly Baatlsga at whtob rapcrtadoSatn ba«a baas baard.aad
oaaaaioaaUy a Ut d aettoa takaa oa

0OVBVOI Ftm» bM throws off
bto Blktor7 todUy ssA toft tkca to
MoMrtoMof tho erisOss) oesns. bst
ho to sot «hell7 wltkost naoi
, 9ws tfcOMk kt hss ahd*d Uovor are. Than ha*a baaa twain ragalar
> Mr WmoIIm of wootars Mtokkrss, atoaUaga d tba asaesttra board.
OofMvffnsk VrtaArlek cAsortkars
to atUl te Aaek, ssA proof isga tba Vend of tka ordor hsa bate tka
MstoottkaoMOltisf tka|isaA‘
tottsatardtoeantoa. TkabaUdiag
baaskaptls ropair, sU bUla largo
Ir OaMTsl Wklto orar hoA osj ad anil promptly paid, aad darlag
ohoMa for ssAitor gosana ko to sow tbaUaikaUd tka yaar epaatdMblo
dtootssU/ostolpoUUea forevar, ssA tkoaght pat apoB louUag tka amoato-'
PofT7 r. Powarscos raat aarcsa.
ttoato meaty to good adToataga. Thia
powors kaa s good show for tka sonl.
dly wall aeeempltobed aad
MtiM obA wUl Mba a Atst dsa
at tba baglslBgdlPOO re­
•otolkaaosaa ka to capabto, osA Is port oaraalm oat of debt, with a good
Mary any doaorrlaf of tka eosAA
" ' wa bold at M.000. with
0t tka pa^ of tka atata.
proapeato of a rtoa, and with $».900 oat at Istoraat at ? par eeat, ea good
Bdatos PamasKW nya that tf ba
MOO ruiptso ba wosld ‘'baop on la is tbo way d roota asd dnaa to
fCbtfag Ull ba got gray." Iba diffarthaa pay aU rsasiag azpeaaaa.
Mto batwaas SawaUir PatUgraw sod asd tka oomiag year tdda fair to ba osa
Psda Has to that Usela 8asi istaoAa of qalat proaparity, with plasty of oaw
Mkoapoa Agfatlng UU ba gatakgsla- book! aad more arosay to add to oar
•Ufr-Okiaago lyibssa
The Library
fjBxcus wtra pjji«i.tkzs. amaa, all la good eoadlUoa. We ban
kapt wca ap to tba datoaad of tba toad
Agod Mrs.
IHad kaddaBly tas- lag pablto with tbe sawaat and baatUtMtara of tba day asd are anrs that
day «<gbt.
Mia. Mary Koehdtod aary osddaoly yaar by yaar wa aball ba able to do brt
ill jar Blgbt at tka bOM of bar tor atlll. By that meaat wa traat to la
mettbarabip. aad woold like
gosgblir Mrs. Jaeob EUar, MS Boat
fMtitrM. 8ba bpd baas Id good to pladga eoMlvaa to bare oar proaaat
kMltb Aarlsf tba day, bst Jaat aa aba Itol of TO membeis made an eras has■Psaiaady to ratiraaka was atrtekaa drod wbao the sew ooBtary begiaa.
orltk foislyato and 1 >ad bst a faw 8haU wo eotdo ao7
Oar aaaoelatiMVwaa wall raprsaastad
Misstoa dbawaaOB yaaia old. Tho
Msofsl wlU ba bald fros tko booaa to- at tka aasoal maatlag of tba State
PodaratlOB of Womara’ aoba. bald at
■isinr aftarseoo at 1:10.
taelmon is Borember, asd raaka among
PM40B oaUMB PBOIttBOUA. tba beat of the fadarstad aleba. eartaisly oatraaklBg aU otbars to potot of
^ ObUgatfw
*•* ^
4ha Bright BrO^paOta.
Tbare ban bees ao naaoelaa made
(to Soaday s»oealag tba R*». C. T. by death darlsg the year, tboagb we
•Mot AallTcrrd bUaaaosd asBoalaer- ban bm oalled apoa to aympatbUa
MOO bom whlobft tppeara Uat Oraoa with Mra. Book to tba "death of her
gotoaopal ekoreb to la a vary proapar- BMlkar, and with Mra. Thacker to tba
toaa of bar haaband.
^ s..
OMoeadittor. All
Tba tnlgsaUoo of Mia. Baeh aa'aaokora baea a«t, all aonYaaUoo anawMoa-r— atodoaary pladgaa for tba ntary to April
Msr oadtog iaaa l. ba*a alraady baas It will be a glad day for tba tba aaaoBamobypraraitois tba partob ciattoB wbas aha eas eoca more taka
Md tba proapact (or tbe oowlag yaar to sp bar aSetoot wortri Wa allaattato
labtog tbe pesaest yaar may restore
to bar abmsdaBt health and atraagtb.
gaooAd Matkodlat S. • SlaeUos.
Oaaof tba boat features of tba year
foUowlBg are tba Mwiy aleetod of- bn baaa tba barmoay that bu p w
Boon of tba Saeoad Matkodtot 8asAay nUad. Than kn aot base a dlaeordgMeolt
aat pota tka yaar tbrt-agk asd tbo
•sseHstasdost—1. D. Hebbo.
beadeof tan batwaaa .ss an firmer
aad atremgar tkaa onr k fera.
Thkaa all la aU. tt bn baaa a good
yaar. aad tka toot year ad thaeaatary
wklta WlU naka tba third decade of
• from tklaataadOfgmatot—noroDoa Waltos.
polBt taU of preaUaa.
; thooeboolbagtoatka.yaartos aaiy
' siutoiiiiT- ooPdlUoo. with as attaoAaMtolttarh Bridal
^Mof 177.aad4a addittopa Hoow
TTni-------------- -


Mooa to Daad.
•Aabolldogowsadby Bightwatab^ daad. Ba waa wak.
MBtkaraosdi with kto toMtar 8asgoy algbU wkoo ka waa aaddosly
Adaad with paiosyaM soar OarMlsato

Bar. W. B. Bdwaita. Baptftt mlale
tar. Boffalo. B. T .aaym M do Wot
bsaltau to proaoaae* Dr. A W Cbanh
Ototmoat a p^Uve can for bUsd itabiagpUee. ft haa osnd me after IS
yoan of almoat ooaaiast
I tba tambU
aad it aad an


iMtouAdtod aeoB aftor. Bto AMk
JwTUtAaaay Asa to poboa.
B.T. Proa nmpla box for atamp.
gwaral dogm kara bMS palotoid tka
■Mt torn woaba. sod ■Mabodf la kMpZmmp troaWa te htMaU U ka to


tMaoMPatgOhaptorKeUTd Ika
MpMradffii MM'Mar. wUa
^ wrmtm a» ttoo. A tall atlMd-.

M. M. Oealea bn goaa os a baatoma

,W. B.Pifa of Tata want yaalorday
ea a rlalt to hla aid bona la Plttobaig.
Min BMa Staatoy rataraad to bar
borne Is Maple Oily yntatday. ahm
Ttattag frlaada bare
Mta Mitt Irwla of Oharlarate. arrlT
ad yntorday aftanoeo ter a vtalt with
^Bietor. Mia. WUl Baldawarlk.
Mia. W. W. Kallay and daaghtar ra­
taraad boM yaotarday aftornoos f
IC BaoJ. Baaaky ntaraad to Mas
tataa yaatarday.
Wm. WataoB. the aboa dealer, baa
nteisad frem a rlalt to bU ralatlna to
lea. Oat
ae Stalobarg haa ratarsad from a
▼Mt to Pawakay. to kta alatar. Mia.
M. Bonatbal.
W. O. Holdaa and datahtw Maryam
ban ratamod from a riait to Mr. Boldash pareata at Beat, O.
Dan CampbaU L to tka ol^.
Jaek Oaldwell want to Charleralx
iaat anstog for a (aw days
Mta. B- Beasatt of Harbor Ssrtoceaet to Lasalag yaatarday rftar a few
>*>ya rlalt with tka family of A. A Mc­
• MfB-W N Eeliry asd hardaaghtat*
ntaraad from Baltoire laat niirbt
The atedeati of tba Uolnralty of
Mlehigan *ho have breo apredior

^ Whooping Cough, Aothma,
Conaumptton. ta



High tot
$3 00, $3.60,
$4 00, $5.00.
Baavy Sola.
A big Una.

Frank Friedrich
The Old Reliable
^oe Man.


Bow la tba time to ban year M^ir
MBdad aad ctaabad sp ready for


Frea Storage All Winter.
My work an aet ba b
tta (owaab
oaU fa

o aad fatal dtoana. Xf takas tkor-



Pisak Boldawarth. B K. Jibsina,

TbMby. Prad Manoa aad Waltor
M.aOo«aU a< WbItahalL la to tba IbMby.
Mr. aad Mra. Boil Daraa otBmptas.
BottCG TarMwa^to MbCBam- aralBikealMftaot ataa pm.--dia. M. K. BMk.
aaayaatarday.taattosd a aaattagof Arthar Beott of Oadar. la la tko olty.
Baaawd rtaa praa—Mm. Z. a Pair- tba atala board ad pardoM.
Praak 8. Wklto of Kalkaata, mat la
D^.C.3. Kaaalaad ww la Onws
Third TtooMoa—Mifcg.P.
K. aLswIaadBk Uplta. Mat tho
a. a Dmf«o tad (tasrsbd from Laa- WhUlag.
a P.CtorMkaMlamia Batoa ad ffraairtartta r B. Viatoa of wmiamabaig. wn |
via Mm Mia. Ua Babaaak.
taPt. fta. Bia-^ra. Prod Oarlto.
iaa Oaatta 8mtth ad Oadar. waa
B.8. Piatt wata to KalhMhaya
W. p sad.
W. Plteakv.
trn MagBla taadaraoa bn naaraaMka Urn ataalay al Mapto 0HP> <• ftsna
-Mrs. WOl Aabtoa.
rWt to tar old homa to Mi.

jiMI oi
d m

------ piieea that vil! mAo it aa
I hare 27 different eqrles ao mr Aoar
oMltbat I bsTMH ram for

tbttr naatiawla tbit elty aad vteislty.

A iarga atoMdaaaa toarbod tka as- O.C. ilandafi woat to
■aal ■Mtlag d tho
Ubtsty roalmday.
Mtattopkardat tba Bbiary to
BomO.B OwaUwaattoKi

« UW M Ml

A Diniflg TaNe?

IUM«lwlM!d ■nradeBdimMd*

OflcMfflimaad BibbcI adBeeMaiy
itaowatkaltorntotiMtoba Oat d
Mata, Ovstog toood BsDdtog asd

A*b4«ate«MMRli otf 1

Do You
Need^ $3.13

1 tan a tall Mae Bd them bestofallttabln ttat tan tka leans

SlatePs House FurnisbingBStore

MS.B. T.

180 rrmt BtMkt

Uhanea Psac

▲ B. VIU Aao

ertkatanaeftke Peat
, Oa aatardky aftarsooe. a: 1 o'eleek,
MePharaon P^ Be. it. O. A. B.. wlU
Ball at aMrttos tka old maakau which
they had ter aararal yaare. Tbe peat
bn aaod tko pleen maey yean aad
(or three yean paet tka Haaaah Eiflea
ban had the an of them. Tbe poet
kn ao (srtker on tor the gsot ao
they bare deeldad te dlipon of tkem
alsrlyer to qaaotlly to tho bigbnt
bidden. Tba aaeiioB will take plaoe
OB tbe comer of Prest aed Can ■trooto
taiarday aftaraooa at» o'clock If t^e
wniber 1a plaannt otbarwln to
Oraage ball

m. - telmu. BlMtle Floar VuiSi


The time's almost here for our annual inventory, so wo
hare gone through some of our departments, and find the stock
very much broken by our ennrmous'Decemher sales.
There are ma"y articles that rather t^an include in our in­
ventory we'll take less money for. so we have marked them at
prices that will surely move them

The cloak department

Has many attractions -The first is a line of Jersey Jackets. In
black, blue and tan They were ezeeptionalty good values at
$3.60-the pro-inventory sale price will be $A69.
We've a few Coney Oollarettes left- former price $2.60, pre­
inventory sale price $1 89.
Ihe remainder of our stock includes tbe Bouole Jacket from
$6.00 up. Black Cheviots from $8.C0 to $20.00, Brown Kerseys
from $9.00. bight Tans from $10.00 up. Red Kerseys from:$6 00,
Long Coats from $3 60.
CHILDREN'S JACKETS from $2.60 up. We have marked
all these to sell at a straight 26 per cent, discount.

Joins the Great Pre-Inventory Sale
With prices that can't help but interest those in need of warm
footwear. It means that all our Kelt and Beaver Shoes that sold
at $1.00, warm lined shoes sold at $2 00, tbe black Satin Juliets,
the Fur Trimmed Juliets and those in assorted colors sold at
$1 8S, the Alfred Dodge Felt Slippers sold at $1 60 and $2.00, tbe
Beaver Slipper sold at 76c—All these have been put into this
-great sale at 26 per cent, discount from quoted prices.

Has contributed its share for tbe great pre-inventory sale. Our
phenomenal sales of Fur Overcoats have left us but feW and one
style we will sell at 20 per cent, discount Another style at 26
per cent discount
Look at these prices on Overcoats.

Men's Overcoats

Boy’s Overcoats

Fonner price $5.00, pre-inventory safe.. .$885
Fonner price $6.00. pre-iatentory »k.. .$4.00
Former price $6.00, pre-inventory sale.. .$400
Fonner price $500, pre-inventory eale.. .$8 00
Fonner price $3/0, pre-inrentory rale...

Fonnar price goflO, prwioTeotoigr tale.. .$87C
FormeT price $3.60, pK-isTestoigr lale. ..$8.00
F<™.r pnc. SISO, pr.-i»T«.lon- tok... W SO
pr.-love.loqr tob.. .$aSS
Pomer price SSOO, pre-meetooiT tole.. .$Sj00

The Hanoah Lay HercaDtile ^



AlMtetonwCMt^tnaa awl
hmimik* pm» vmr Mid tkt Mfv
aiMfRilid t* rIm* dowa
Mlllim flliMMIMr tOMMn Mf■mm iMl dor to Mad*.
Me ^Mpto «M»
to* mUm
■•Mk •( Ml. atmam totoM
l^vm. y ot ttoBMd nfl«»r.«<
MttolMrMt* to. awMM U—.lEM
SMfTOUtotoM.* I
MB of Aditoo for H007 jmt% wm
iiaMi Mio • otoMn otoot 7 Soadkf
riffBtof. Bo BMM M 4 Md «0«t
■mtb otota. Mot fotorilM mm*
BM—tootodiMtouMMiof ttooto
Mm iooM AooUir tod to kto dtoMiMT.
tod to« to MM toattk ROMO Mao.
a»wm7i TOMRdftoto oai iMiUrM
ftoHVMO popotor otodoMor oBtto
Lkto «tom. tot qtottto nodotoot
AtoMtotootoo ptotogtoM wtodow
ItottoMUkt lotal^ ARIoto IkU.
ytm imoitf mUom klto of Ml tto
Itoi darito tto tototM. Hto r«—
«M kWkF oB, towotor. aa^ to too
fMtoi toMO tkaa to toriatBod for.
TtoJodcotootokoBeo Itto tonrtary
Bad fan kto twoTmti tattootato
Altort LtoBtoiF. a MtorMOtvo ft
to of Mototoort. toa ookooltod tto fdoa
af atoapto* *11 tto Mwa wktok kto toto
l^wltktto dataoo arktoh tkaj an
laM. IkMoaakUaf porokmwa to tae»
t tto akalto. wkatkar
tkaraoakojtaf rfft
OtoMtotoltofoaaaa Mk aad poQ
■Uatcif. aaflBaw parttoa iria kadi
■to aoktaiB. Tto faatecy wUl am
>akplaB, «ktok kaa alwava. m rattor
ntU ««7 lataly.
■ ■aotkl^ma toakaaa lU for
farUdaptMi ttoaiaKalar part of it
ip tkat la an tkat ttoa to kM Mtea BO
BOBTtokatokt aaaapt oetd aato.
ttoyaarlkMtoa dtoappoiataaat tc
iktlaaatoaa «m la Mariatta
R. A
Maaia, waiae ordlaarj alnatoataaaai
aalOM a Urtkdap tot oarn U foai
>aaffO. toTtor kaaa lalUatrd tato tkto
•kloof taaia oattoNtk day of FaktoaiT. TktofFmrtoto teka akaatad
aad ta BOW flgartor kew maaj MrtkAaF proaaata to laalaalac kTktoakItokpMrtkdkp.

■atarnl taMUlea at townam I
koaa poiooaaa bg aatlar akoaaa.
WklU loadlag bap. Jeha W. Jehawa
mrto M poara, of OkaaaalBC, aadd

Tto littla towB of Bddm to tka baa•ar tewB for waddlagi ae lam lkto U
karikf Ukto plaoa tbam ttolad waak.
Bkt tto krtdagtofM who akowad that
ka bad to apa to kulaoH wm Cbarlta
B. Mamtt, a toeal aokoo) taaekar, wto
M Mlaatn attar tto aaraauay asa
blMadf troM tto r«au aad tto brlda,
Mp^Bf: ‘'TbaratoMieltforaatege
..aad latob my aekot-l. aad. poa kaow,
IOM OM ap wlfa ‘aap old tiaa'.*'
Akoot tear poan ago UakartPoa.
torn of Moeroa, knrd a raport tkat kto
knMar tOator Md baaa drowaad. aad
'tanatlgattoa Mcatd lo pron tto troth
Of tto ruDM. ^ report
ban kaae ~gn^lp tugvamtod.''M
Mark Twain aaid la regard to a tladUr
tarart akoot klamlf. lor Uat
Viator pot la at Uabartk boat altn
Tto ngtolM of daadtef Aatria aooBMkaarefond to fMogata^tto
laa aoaatoalna.
Atlomap Oaaaral
OnawUiaaka It a tntaamaadattaapt to ton bla raoaead froa cBea
lor kto rdBMl to oktp tto law oadar
erkiah tto aoaatoaloB ww i
A tokp bop walgblag tot I
am kora to Mr. and Mn^ba Drawap
of Bataaaaoo, Ttoahliria tbrlTlaf.
A. 0 BaahUa, toakrr. dlad two
paan ago at BatfleOrak laarlag aa
Mtataeaload at akoot Ba
wUlad ll.OM to kto graadaom. Frad 0
l^aaa. eca of kto daonaad daagktar.
aad wiUod tto reaalader of tto eetaia
ed«dl| toiwaaa kto ara. daaoal Baa
kUa. aad bto daagktar, Mio. AUtoOr
aanr kaowa wkp BaaaaU. It
kUa aat ^ kto graadaoa with oalp
gl,Ooe. AatraagaargaeltottoeaM to
that to aeltUag aft tto eatata tto ara
paddaafbur of itolr owa fcoe win
aad aoaord ton nloatarkl* glrra onr
M Fred braaa oae-thlrd of Ma aiate,
•a IlMF tkoBfkt tkat to WM aaUUed
Old Fappla mU Toaag
rma. tke ntana adltor of
alaUto (Mkeb.) Kobo.' kH
tto naarkabU Marat ot

n <• M w«

MkStfg AMO MOAtWSas .
TiaaaaaaSMi ■MWpb.
tkafadowiag to a timafy eltpalBg
BgaarofDitoi MriBMt Bm CtM*
Worn a Ckioage trada paper:
p4m an Xotam-.iag Ptatraeafc
aapa tto dark
Kegatcror Uatd* O. C M. Batt hM;
browaad peddlen an with at agaia
anpltoda aSmyanMn aataarat of
-!------------Tea, tka haBkle peddler to ton aad
ttodetdeoadaongaraa BIm U tkto
Ttoa coo to camto
ttoMaUtofaliofeaialtoaMfrtra tto Oaar
apoatp for three pran. Wk|le ike
Tan «to J kip rnm Biakt w ban. aappip koatea aad tl ____
taal saaoer aad oaoaoa ot aortgaalUag'ltolMlot aa iaiataaee baokar t'awerd.
kfae atow a Mlgat iaerraea, tkto to daa
at» oraia oa
It Dcede so acieBUfir uas lo tell os
maaau aake aad wot %e aa
tto dollar' an all kera, aad after
ofttoforaer laaoBtonaaaa tkai plcatp of poir air. botb dap aad kamattbaatoavaBBg aas (rem'tto
elgtac u alMwiuMp etorstlal to good
Tto iraaalaia tf deads kto largolp
IP hoaaa wfll ha taktag
health, it to a erlf rrldrns fact with
laa raaard.ahewiag that raal aatata kto all istenigpot peopto. bat «IU tbereare eedna Boat tto faraaon. Oar oplalak
om.u aailn la otoagtag kaada
Biasp who for certats maoBe get atoog of tka whale oatn to aoemod la tto
with a aaail eopplp of pm* air. dsrfag ■oUowMgmMafkwktokwk aUp fna
tto algbt at toa-t. The *toartaia raa- * fertiaagfr. SKSlTUnmtotoMt,)MtMM of ttoOotoB“TbaBontiM a kraeaU^ .paddiM
flaltoaaipoar dear aad trim to aaU
ktokoOM.«ORtoto » toditoootek •i. Oornamj. am. sm.T7i.BigBitaiji»i.
maj. ttomofOkkototorofiMo. 7«7.6i:
fooda.aakklM If to wOl taka yamr
totlar. cggB aad olkar (am prodan; Beekekrat Tlaar am kU.
tod of lopkto kkd <ilfctooto.M tkat
j 8lM,MP.7p‘
OeBBttp.TM. SMt.BM,lL ttoial, SMI,
raadptokoOdafmd Mdga onr the
IlM of toktoi la tto otftot.
wIlUaglp dmata a
•■aUkaF, aad o*oa ttoomiU <77,m.
imt,—M67 Imtraaua roaordal,
(aw dollars 1b kalaHaleag. TaU hlw
ttei.tola iddMM U ttoeltFoatto
Ooaathan to a poor fkaOp dowa tka road
kMtoat atoMlB aad aliokay aawal
woaM to tkaakfal M bo^ doaata a (aw
kUfkt Uhrtaa an mpertad tnaa tto TOMl,il7MM,F7.
proetakw; oak him U ha woaM arakadtokftofaataklaroB aldfka. Tto
■oaeodadi Ottp. IM SiM.
tribsta to ae aalarprtor )ast startod. U
Pn. PO. OooBtop. mo. StfMN.N. Tm
be agram to aU tkeaa. aad aukaa It
>WUUb. Me |aeMadlag, otoa tkra d«*t patroolaa
TtokUfan’daaoa. that wm to ton ,StU.P07.0l. ,
IHd,—t7l noordad; a^. IM. SIM
him. Toa? booM Morebaali wiU do
koaa Fine tkto analM. km toaa poat•M,ot.
tbw aad Mask Mora."
tal. StUMtU.
Tto ebon la aa arttola aboaadiag la'
tto lUam of Prot Maftaajta.
ICs4a TPUf Again.
goad karat anal, aad oearp ataa who
1BH.-IM raoerded: Clip- Mt. SUI.
Tto MlU of Jeka F. OU A Oo. aianad
“Oka of Dr. Elngto New Ufa FOto
raada tto mmo woald doobuaat Ilk
PMM. OooBtrp.tlE Sltt.PlLM. To­
p paatardap atur a Mnral waaka akat
eatoktfbt lor two waoka toa p«t mm
tal. Sm.ITtM.
ton it apptarla kto loaal paper tar It la av’taoto'atato." writB D. B. Tmowa. torrral InpranMoato tova
TketoatuMdaswaatlB tkoBOrV
weald ton aona aCaeL
aerof Datpaej town. Pa. Tkin'n tk*
aoBMadiaad ko« tto aoMpaap toa
beat la tto wnrM tor Ueer. mnaBiM
gage Iwt to largelp lacraaeed ewlag to
«a oaeofk u alpkt to ru tto rta% «.f
aad BewMa. Pnraly vegmabla. Moeer
aalagU Bortgaga of SlM.000 wbteb
tto wtaiar. Tto ftroa aapUpad at
grtpa. Only »e ai Jaa. O. Jekaaokto
wMiiadbp aaoataida
*kdS S Watfa drag atorea.
pnaaat m akoot fonp
prepartptoloaaied laa
• trial of tto aaw BoaklkaiT of tto a part balag ta tkto aeaav. (tto tn ; maner of droftii. tUap |>rotrie raaaoi la*'A Tsanlaa Tratlcman.'’ toa }mlliaa^aa Maaottoiamp Oo. «aaa atada
•MMaatp to Slo MortgogM ban a draft ot cool air. ea|v<-lallp night Sstobodaloag tone of tba waaLlno
jaMaroap. Tto laa horj wtU atari witk Is —»■ 9oohtp. With tkto anraat eot
**P*^ ibem wbm slnpiog wiihoot tto Fnaiac eoaat raav aad wUl Mni
anffertog obfaruisble
tUa gnat attnpMae to Trannf^Ottp
a fail ftma aast JloaaaF.
tkalsflrwtoaol grraL
cboln- of pvll» the>- prefer to get (or flaa bight, Wedaoadap a
AtaxUitaokof Moatofoa. kto kaaa
aloBg wttboat (be oenlrd fmb air.
17. at Slaiabotg'a Onnd Opan Bonaa.
Mto Aimtttorg SatwtaiMaplKiuiMO to taka atonia of tto
It to poaalble. bowerer. lo arold a Tto«toageMa*-*alBpartkat. lor tk*
toaaaol tto c. A W. «. oivtooa of
AftarttokoarforMoalag Uat area-;current of air from an open wlntlow
betUnVb koubU OM aad
kto Pan MaiRMUa,ia tkia elmi lag tto elarkt of J. W. Mlllikak with a and atlll ban good naUtoiloa Is onr'a
ind oTerecU abibiled >t ;
ttaaaoenaa Liuaia Uiwouar, «to kM few tavltad gantt, wan daUgbifallp rpomi. Mpa a writer lo The Udiea' sger BtaUberg oalp aaenrad It tkrongb f our atore TaesdA; nod Wed- f'
iMoa aaaioaao a auauar piaaa at Ma*
d bp Mtoa Aaaa Arwatroog. World. In preface to 'anggeatlona. ac­ apaoUl ladaMBaatt la tka w»p of I orkdajr — Olden tAkesi for J
S Mviog deliverr — EUndltoii Skthar koam ae Waakiagtok Siraat
tbto line. Tb« Ilioatrailoot abow bow
Konr MUnn, Toin A. Dmott, aoa ot I OothingCo.
torfa BkMton of akaian am at>)o|' Maato
gaatM oaaapiad tto attae*
tto air OD entering a room can be turn­
lag ttowMoa
t'.oaof ttopaiip dari^ tba analag. ed eltber to ibe rlgbt or left or can be Wb DcBeU.bpnBtaratfBrBflr.a'iot
Mr. ato Mia Jamaa Hatna of Oar- aada
amppar P?a.:,n„ed up lowaiNl the ertUng. tbe air
data ikmatoiiH ara tto paraata id a pared bp Jaaaa Q Dokartp wm Most belog tbti* difftt».<l tbrougboal tbe up­
per part of tbe ro>im or turned. If da- br hto fattor. Ba wm M pann of aga
and WM AmpondenL ^
alred. directly down to tbe door.
Tto roTlral oorrlan at tto toooko
Fig. 1 ahowr a drrlre that to aaallp
Maiawiat. caiuea an
Hto Wba Sana UIb
Two airlpa of board
gtaat oaai at aitatiwoii ta«p oiu
’ owlob Wrda from tto
long ai tbe width of tbe window, tea
“Mp wlfato good adetoa aaaed ay
lUkto oariLg
a Qo. of Ohtongo. ton
iBchn wide at one end and currlng to life." wrttaa F. M Bona ot WUSaid,
toarip Uaitoai su bmb aLoaah a» toOBi^rfld bp Ua Horthan Ta.e- I point at ibe........
--------------------------------other, are covered oa tbe. rens.. ‘ tor 1 bad sneb a bad eeagb 1
tto MW A. U T. MeMragcr bop.
phone Oo. -nwp will ba toaulladat cun ed edge wl-^ tbe thin board itiwd coaid bardlp Sraatba. I gnw awadllp
Mro. BOwtpa toaorloM aatiou Bap, oato.Jtad will aanbla tto eumpup to (for plctnr* larking and f.-iatened witb worn nnder doetorto tm'Bont, bat
mp wife urged ae to hm Dr. King'*
Will do well
who OM hart bp a latitog tm haiur- fin aera batter aarelaa tbu la tbe, round beaded tacka. Tbto aOalr 4a then New Diaecaerr for Oonsaptloe. which
jput Into tbe window aa abos-n. It la
oap. to ropoTM gotu^ auMg m w«i. nm
beM there hr little book* and acrew
Da Grippe. .............. .......
ae ewaia aa aapnM.'eeo u id Uiwu«i.t
Mtoa Oran Clarke bad a portlobU,„ Tnrnrd In the optwwlte dlreo- Aatbaa, Bay Ferer^sd alUaalbdle*
that ato WUl taoorar.
F. C. Thompson..
of tba bona la one ot ber Sogert r.« j tion. the cnim-nt of air woultl of ooutse ofCbnUTbraatand LtoBft on poa
w. U Uiaarao of Fila Laka, tot Bond Randap. Tto
Itlrelp cored by tkto BAreellom BodtTb trouble In tto : be changed In «h<nad with a all
•,lrer B0d.-r tbe
pig. a n(mw* how
Ilghl piece ot eiua. &0e ana SI.OO. Beery bottle
witaa eanra aeetaoni taaoaUp. to.
lU dmlopad I
............... ... I>e arranged w> aa lo turn guaruntead. Trial botUee lOe at Jm
■ Maira^k Bp ;a- lalnag _ua.tof. aou anlL
hat I
I the air uptvanl when the lower aanh to U Johnara'a end 8. B Waltto dny
kaoeked faee dowa apoa acne loak. r. • be 8*
anger hM gtren bar great trouble ^I
r. 1- l..l.a ...
...i. mrtri 1...,Bto bead aad Ibm wan frtghtfai > far tnrM weem,____________
iiook* and ring*, the hooka at«r} lf.iua
I the top Iwlng *onM- eight o
Braltb Oaltare, wbtob hn been pnb
A nilbinthropir l>lMpp«4ntR>c«t.
' (oBg
Arthar SlnpaoB llrlag aaar Beaole
l»bed for are yraxa m a qaartarly
eaboel baaar.eot kto foot kadlp wlthaa
A w.iuinti i>t-H-*|toper r.-|»«rtcr wJio] In Fig. 3 only two triangular pl*<->-* aagbalne. epesa Ita *laib vo-uaie m a
sontLiy under ibe edItoTphle of W.
aa while ehopplBg U tto woods. D' I* now a well-kuown Biilhor. <mce of U-ard are o«-,l«-il. The roller c
ntlled Otmti IMaa flrarc Ih.ilgr. the tain I* drauit doxi-n ov^ the e<^ ot C. LaUoi, M. D Tbto d-ange may
Uaraar dmaad the woaaA
nilllluualn- orgimlicr and h<nd of the tbeae'pto^ Im-Imb h.-W In at ib«-tiild Ukoa a* an evidei ea of ibt pnanarlty
The Portia aoh wUl seft witk Mr-. New York WorkliiB tJlrl*'cliilui. who la die by ttawing a »niall rod of w<«d of the magaai^a a< d tb* growi^ (cA. L. Batohht tkto aftaraoea at i;W. ai*o tbe atiihor of
Hiinillc of tbrougli tbe bitcw c.vt-a. If ib<* Imltotn terra', ibere to in tb* •ahj-et of good
bcaltb. T^a Jatinary sember to a
tare to Ktiay tilrl*." The aer'vn&t kioketi of the curtain I* ln< llD<>d lo bios- out. bright one and eootalni iDT«n int«rc*i
■opal Badlep. asploped at
hearing c- n-*ciioal hygiene, cMolny
toplBB, wap flailed to Bear Ukr Byrnpaihi'iiisily at the rr|*»rter.lnrUed a email welglii lan U> attached
ber Into tbe ho»i«e. look away her wet cnnaln pull,
with at abla article by Dr. Lataos fli
paaurdaj kp the dntb of bto aothn.
rulilirr* And -hoe* and hronghi dry
Fig. 1 Indli-al--* the plan used for Preo'b-il Onvucr, ooeaidemg tbr
Siaoe the faolidnjg tbe stock liMa
Tkto to tto third bemnsMt that ka> tinea, an aet wlih-li lllletl tbe vtoltnr'a dlffiialDg the alp ihroiigliom tbe upprr qera’loc, ‘'is Fi*ab Meat a an Anleir
eoae to bin ^arlBg tto pMt fr« bean with Joy. Tben *l»e brought a
. I D'< I B**cnllal to Phyi.....................
been reduced end^wbat is left wUi
tt'Vico-?" ‘-Tbe Men
itha. Last Jalp kto little aes dlad.
Dac**e"nn oonaldered by
. . be eold to great adrentege.
Dae algbt Is Auut, to rciaraad to
known writer on bcaltb top'e*. Dr
Ametunre will proOt 1^ an ex*
bto tova to Sod bto wife dead la bed,
Falla L. OawaJd. Mcrttee MacCm
“ATT you a r»-j>orter1" abe aaked tbe
aad BOW eenee the aewa of the daau new«|Miiheml. •V-»r "I am very
Buck write* of -'Hott-bcroCalifarnu
aminAlion of the anpplj on band.a Hea th Breorv’' An Uliutrated a
ot bto Mother. Be haa tka apMpatbp aorry you atoiuld have iMtiie iiij here
ele OB “The Direr and luFune'lon*"
Only a few daja wore for gooA
Ihto rainy day to m* me. Yon know
of a large elicle ot friooda.
' y Dr 8 W D dd< will be ia«d wpb
I never talk altoiit my plan* for puhllStole Day. tto'dabgbtsr of Mr. ai>d <-ailoii. Irut we eno luive Jn»t a tilee
laurret and ptoau Dr. C. B P. g<- choice.
eoD»ider«tfaeqoe*t1cn of - Bow Mueh
Mra. Baarp Dap, of Webetar atreo'
time talking aUiut iMHika end plcinrea.
tiball We Bat." A paper by EJ * V*b
died pcaterdap of paeoMoola. at Ikr Won't you have another <-ii|i of HwT
Poole which will prove eapenallv in
ago of aibo prara. Tba fuanU wUl MUBI you l«e gdliigj 1 ain verj- wtry.
tcreating to many women «> bo apprr
Walt a minute and have tbe coaehiuan
oeear tooMtrow at le o'eloek.
date tbe Impo-tanee of per-«D».*p
drive you to your ofti«-e or yoor h' lne.
roane^^er ^lock.
pearaoce on -Faeial M*»**ge for tbe
Cotbe tip Home «Uy « ln-n we
Tka FarMcn' Mateal iBaaraaea
nrevenUon of Wrinkle* and Age in tbr
ogMc-n- !>• vmmLATioa.
wlUkold t^r aaaaal meeUag tbli more lime ami I'll tell yon all alnHil
full* lUnairated
In a •Iroi'g
-tl»e working glri*' eiuliA hm of rtinrao,
,j,.. rvwm A rod of atom wire K*oe"
aftaraoea at Orrage halL
editorial Worry to oonildcrcd m "Thr
of It,"
or light Iran I* ■•eot Iniu the re<|alred Epidemic «( the Day.” Cuba m a Win•bape and ilghily c«>vcrc*l »-nb cloth ter B>-»uri ramr* In for cco*lreratioc
again—ai b-a*i not
at tto MMtlBg of-dha BataU OUrb'e lldo'i <
Triangular aide piece* of cloth are acw- • nd Auwrn to Oorrripendent*. Br<k
Aeaoalatiaa laet enolag aad aenral
ed to the rod. a t-ord belog “run Id" at Notke*. etc., make up a number that
__ __upper edge lo bold Ibr weight of
that wlU to
Tnillam n.ory tbe BO-year.ald car- thh wbole.
cord* have little
a«tcd apoa at tto wit MoaUag.
rtar of the Called State* mall Iwiw
imber or SI oo a
L. I.. * .B*ndii(.
rlnga at the upper end*, aa abowo.
Tkeaeaeof tto ■
Deiroli and Kiooy t'reclr. wa* ouce
AOdrr** I- KAI.T*''
Tue eud* of the wire or iron rod* at
aeaane. Maw York.
eaUad Maatatao Oroaalaf kaa ha»a AUbaiua alat e. aud raid for Am
Into arrew eye* and arc Ihu* held firmBeoatur
youngakaagad to Kalaea.
T« Onpk • uoM in On« On*.
aet aenator. a* to geuerally au|>pa*ed. ly. tbelr weight liclng vupponed by tbe
Tka aaaaal naalOB of tto Urdia Senator Butler, of Nortb Caruilna. wbo cord* In the edge* of tbe aide piece*
ak« Warner'* White Wine of Tar Syr
faMlIp WM bald at tto boma of Mr. to M year* of age, bring ctne year bto al>0Tr. aa «ugge«ted befot*. AU of be beat coogta rctnedy on earth. SS <
tbeac device* are *o *lmi>le In conairucaad Mra. Oaorga W. Urdto at Old Mto- Jnnlor.
Warrher* g'ce>
Trewetserttp. PIM
centa _________________
Tbe Maputo of lAirne. wboae wife la lioo that they can readily be made at
aleaKaw Yrarkdap. T
I daughter of Queen Victoria, to offl. borne end at an eipeora altogether KoMmM tuaun
ahUdraa aad graadebUdr
Tba Mtebigan Starch
b Co. la •till

the market for onllI aad
SellId mo
JasaaO. Dototip ku aanrad k a
potato** fdr wbleh tkra ai
ar* payirg
aoaaeatlos with tba 0p4o-DaW roM Margitto of lAWHe."
tb* bigbeat prtcea- Ttoy ara aie^
favorite «oatbeni dlab to VltTlnU
taaraavaBdhM taraad kto iaiarmta
toylag wheat for wkloh tke* are
eorobmd. It tosen-ed Ina de«-peartbover to Oaarge S Wloala
paying markat priee. All eondltloa*
burg rineyard* nn lungar. and to* ob­ en Iwklug dJ*b ami I* dipped out with
of damaged wbeal boaghL for wbieb
tained fram tbe Kraperor of Auatrta a-ai>uou. A* a l•reakfa•t dtob It ba* M
Waste More Sooaa
they win pay aeeardtog lo quality.
caBM-al to tbelr Itring leased.
Rreak two egg* Into n bowL
J. W. iUtar to vplag to maka a
Imrlns bto Hall to Knglaad. Kmper- add about ooe-balf ctip of Dour, oa*
bargats with A. V. Fraldrlak teballd aa or tVIlUa
eup of meaU one-balf cup of milk, on*
addlOoa back of tto elom to aaw oa
•pornful of lard and butter mtiod and
a beaplog iea*pouDful of baking pow­
oaMea. Ibm etortoe high, tke width of
der. Beal tboronghQ. Then add a enp
two loto aad raa toek to the aUep. Mr.
During tbe early pan of nasi year or more of boi water. It abould to
Slater .aow bto fear Sran. MilM feet, there will he a Urge galbertnc of repvery tbln and abould to poured Into a
aad etlU baa aot rocra okoagb lo ebew reaenlatlvMi of Kur^iMD
Uiru|HWD 10
_____ _.
i Branlteu drop eaittonware dtob lo take.
Mon tkaa two of two tklrde tto Uar oa tbe lUTlera prolmhly
l*rly ■sill Inchide
or M««b
CrmsWrrr Tart*.
uarfc. tbe Rmpreoa
tb* King of I^iiuarfc.
Take ra«--bair a cupful of very eold.
Dowager of Ru**la, ilw Prtnceaa of
SkOBM iMat (toa't Bztot
Wales. Ibe Duke and Dncbera of Cdb*. (blA pweet cream, add to It tbe sUflly
Wkaktto kMaapaan toptkaaltkv brrlaiHl. l*riP(* and I*rln«ra Waldo- bvotea white* of two eata. aad wbisk
bad rlgonm hp ike sm of Dr. A. W BBT. and Prion Han* i»f niiial»bWB. all together for tea mlnotca. Add anlBOkaaak Kldaep-Unr FUla It to ark
rient Uonr to roll cut to SI tto pane.
Sereval women entered tto ear te- bake quickly, but do Ml brown,
aMdlaftUtStdoedkpdotonn cio
aape tkat eaaan rbeaawitoM Dr. A gsttor.
tbe suing stew a pint of cranbrntes la :
W.Obam'e Kldaep-Unr Ftlto «ak
"OM kp." Mid tbe fat Ban to tto half a plot of water until aoTi. Rob'
BidLwalkLiittbsrlB sUHtasH
tto kidton awoag aad aatin la thai> tMn nun.. ‘Uod gtve a tady yow
through s eolsnder. add ooe cupful of i
work of Stoortog tto blood aad ikw
TT-T Tf TjiriMlUMI OW4 amt** Fat imo always think ttoy ws
onUI tt la all «*prlrileged to reBSln anted.
tto tart abeUa Ato '
*N3M «p FoMself." retorted tto this
Bia. i^^tT^^^dU^r^ant" aet awny to get vary cold.
S t* TFHWBS 01^ Zr aMbSF Oo

Macytioi Md eUtok dMiktcroMIr.
MdHn.fiwk, touto <d Budolpk
MM*, dtolit
s «Moelt.
Yto fuMs) MU to told at tto
M. B. toarto IfMniinii »t 10o-aluk.
TtonMUto • ■iiMm of Or»sd
Ttsmw Ledfl* Me. MO. 1. O. O. F. tkk
miMrc. te «srk to tto ialtoMr; oad
WMtodMNM. HoMton of tto d*^
ffWilMlannqdMlod to to priMOk
wfU to» -i-T-i of tto UaSfom toto. XslfkM of PytklM tkii
T—‘-I T---------- to tto



I Sttii-Blicli
I Spilt Slits


of Kodaks
and Photographers

< ____

TbompsoD^s Drag Store

Fire insuranci.
John R. Santo,
Gwtril lisiniti.



kUDweait biimiGS MttuiciSTon-woos



ncK cuuiG oonvML

I» ONt or tataiTTAKri

■MB amt iU(M« im.a



llquenni were banded rouiul

of tbe rlcb oro dotbad
•.Mi/.uiaH. >Im

•** “®**
bealllu aad contribute


HaUOataa kaa I
Bmo Md wlU apaad Ito vrlatar tkora,'
gatkmlat matarial ter a aaw atwy.
I down and reoder woiwblp to (to i
AtttoatyofllOKtaoa bow Amort-' adorable thing beoralb tbe bending angeliia. tbe lliiie prot-eMlon mad
Saa ..................... ... egiaid «p MoBday bMveaa. PratoMy tto very womea
dor baalBM sadar Ito tiUa of tto (Jut- wbo write ao poaltiveiy about tbe
todBtalaa Baaklac Oo.. with tlOO.OOO B««Aa of tto wee people drew tbelr
paid toeapital. Ooorte^-BamUs
'loon, warm garmeata of little bxoniy

< oove wbat la gained by freab. clcaa bore (biB bride, to her lllUr blnrk
drt«B. made lier towb to (be Bialwan
Tto grawib of tto Amorioan baaktog
,nd water Mayto'they tore
It la OBO Of ito moat alABlf- duaeu divotea for tto babr. aud maybe youth lu-alde
ioaatai^od ttoUmaa to Maalae aala they get along wttb hair that numlier
»Miiai«i> Hiai«.
waablng out and deftly Iroulng tto
m caret of onlluary fanning, do u<>t
'*-"'bl—. b..i

'• ““U”

.s "bSirb.a...


Pb^ D.

«*» e.7

s/r/b"?.;": ■.tit?

■o Bovar aaw a

hove known a »oman lu keep her luilty

"I wiaalwaya

dainty toyood eumjatv wlieu iw«i 111-

I tmaj to g« to tba



■aomtora af tto Importol yeomauy koa-

before Ibta taa you and 1 an- b«ye to
telli. and little Mr. aod MU* IWb cau

akalr oforta to equip aad matotato a
hnMilfl with
wiH a
a toaa
aaaa at
at uapo tio
waata Oil t»t



Oaa* Uka. Oblppowa.

Laaeh toha aad


fecllfe. bold weak ainnioitia or etiiillto liave Biiimonia t<e> airuiig. as It U

Id winter clothe

betid until eoii*<-li>it«neiik retu'tio
llyuterieal p<-rw»ii. naunlly ire

pink toe. but are ibat tbe Bauuel u a*

down i« a gray


Liaoola aad Morataa B.

UuUao. M. PaUmaa, bava baaa allot
•d aa rrmptiaillfMi tor toolr aarvlam

kheep. they'll *o<iu Mine iKUiie.

lu ................................
uf <-lilldreu.
Neither tbe infant nor

t'auiplior may Iw held to the mMirlU
and aometline* cbloroforin la u«.A with


>■*'' «'■«> ‘■■m
tacep In a garment woiki during Ito

good reuulia.
Krery family *bould have n cllniral
Ihennometer. a* In Ibu elUnaie no

tto aleeper and woo pleaaaDt dreama.

Iad..wkUalooktogthR>afk tto wanroom of tto betol Baaday. foaad a took

tay laaf.

Botwaaa (to Uaem of


taato wwa toar BIO* MUa. osa f&oo UU
sad two 11,000 ktlla,

^ of Jnrrii
Tto (urquolae

In apite of Ita


•«» MWUly.

Kahrenbeli. e«dd


cold appllculloua. but give frt-*h


liking a fan. if neceuaary. and a'ltoluuter Btnall and diluted tloiu-» uf bruudt

It .ICBlSet ^




bta M.OM.Ooe to mab.

atar-*baped opening and preaa tbrougb

•vara or CHro. ''err or Totano i
. ircA r«KJ|fTT.
, raani. CMkotr aakta oath tkat

(ongne by aootbaayen of old
before they pronounced tbelr oracular

ot HALL'i

A* tto potato cornea from tbe tut>e

It clean (be mind. facUl-., guide It to a clrcl#. wtodlng It around

tateu tto acqolremeat of leaning, and .
ffiveu atrength. activity and energy. It


ant «r tto reekoolng. Lawg jeweled
] chain* ai« etUI to fovar. wbUo ring*

, point.

The little

p|j^ ^ potatoea will rra
Toueb tbem

ta. ? Cam** S^^Ato^ MiJSr to I EnfvtB** nrem to have dtaupprarad
tk* aw of ToUAo. OoBBty and state' entirely, rraa ainda of tbe aaialleaf va*
nfaramM. and Mt raid Arm will gBy'riety. Doubtica* tbe ravolntlos of
4ta«a«m*fOHXBt7XDBIDDOt.tABi faabloa wtU canto them to rainra to
for 0B«a and avory oaaa_
of_Oat^ that < favor, bat at preocat they say be
ky tto

8o, twlatlug





dipped to egg end place a bit of butter
on eoch one. Put to oven a moment to
brown aUgbtly.

The edge* tonebed by

tbe egg will ukr a deeper rolor. Po­
tato rooe* make a pretty garnlab
meal dlBbe*.-Bo*loa Herald.


Ckeap riaga ]

l>e*k (III It




■alta 'QMarA Ow* la tekM la*
1^ .dlrao^^ m
TMe o.


in l>rtUUnlo»«Oni.-'V*y»
fteilily of ooop TcgoUtriM. Take tbem
aet aad wolgbt tbra* down wttb a
boaiA natB n«tM coM.. Braab om
Btortan girla try ta aaeamia tbelr wttb flaia and oraameat on om aide
tonopacta of matrimony la tto feOmr.
‘ ■ cut Into
tag maBBOR A asmbor of them taka tbla atrtaa and arraagod to form a lai■ta thoir (lafi aad eoncoal tbom ta a tteopattorn. Uak* a gated of tto cold
kaitaat ootm. A ton ta tkaa bn^t bolted racotabtei wnh paaa tt fwadom*
in and tortted to hartato of tto^ laatt, and baap U ta a dteh. Lay tto
XtaaowMoof tto ~
CBtlali araond tto «dio with tto onawfll bo iko Am to to iterrtod. - Tto ■■toad tado m md «attoto tto top


Iranrse Chj ItDlnr Ca
TrantsiCil;, ■ ■ Mieki(u
Can’t Skate
With Dull Skatca
Bring them to me and
have thorn gtonnd bjr an
expert in tba borinew.

After ;

aereral Iremon of Ibe tuf. body


MU pwwo^ away.
n ciiLMOT
Triunipbaui and proud, tbe peacock w
itruited acrooa
ark)., the
tbe town to amootb
am^b bit
bl. f.;.^io7tormJ!T^


___________ _



rumpled feather* beyond tbe gaae of « _ poam. aworas s
tbe *i>ectaiuru.
Tbe liatlle bad coat W. MtoSamtettS
blm four of bl* beat tunaei feaiber*.

cyvaASEftanssist,.' Unit liMi I Mkn Bj.

"Krorn the Auierican point of riew,
(be luaurgeui leaden over In (be PbllIPPIM
tpploe* are all * pack of boy*.** oald
M.,,... .u. •;i.p.~..*.;w
aiding In New OrlMUi
for tbe pokllloD
lien. Oilk' aiaff. “It may *nrprl*e
to know (hri ilieir average ui
tween U. and IK I know neai .
(beui |MTK..uall.«. and iiiuii.t uf
•on* of our old frleud< amt nelghlior*,
*0 I Bill iwx at Rll likely to be utalak•4 •fowptlr 4or or
Then- l« banllj a unlive olllier In
Anitoaldo'k wtiob- .tiiuioiud who has

■ i — «.n.nn.i


tB«8> MSkAtBAABtag

:.:k';u7; sri.-s.-s'S'S'jrsmsTi.^-

.«l. ...I ,-ry t.-. ,U.I


I know iioEhU el.v UiMl aouu- nf the Ore No !•: reoiaeoee. No ‘I. MeetMia rboue
cubmeU uliil lullior ottlis-r* are buj-* ho- —eate* mad r*kld«*oo. No. Tt.

"■r.!.:;,:,",:'.'",..™.e „iiq

d*..... . r.lirj.'VFrtS'.'.Ti"''"


Heniaa k Barti ---------- ------- ------------- ---- ..............
.... .............
ttr oniwala l>r Uk Imtrot Bad Boot ate
lb*II .u>uug
.U>UUg }>eoplc m*i
e ni.Ully In ihiil irojil.-i
i lli.-y do lu ibN c-oiiniry
ir> Ik regnnlc<l a* iili age of dU<-ri-lk>n wgraiC LBUanN«-Mr« rroaea*'u.
and re«|Niiikll>llli.r and not a few mar ixL W«rk*r of n**«aad.-Orfus. tt
ry even rooiiKcr. Kevere. Ioiig-<'oiilli. legtOB
Dell cM-rtioli N j|ii|M>«<.llile III Itie lall "■ '
:aiiiU IaiHl a uoui of .VI oiiebt
. l•l-.l *1
agiiliikl fiitiire Want
■ hat Ci.d he bn> to IwgiD early
Aruin„ - ."rT»bb< rlm«* Ihiv« for bl* oltli-wr» lieeim*-'
«li rSoel bu
he wa> •bn-wd ••iioiigb i» u]i|>r<'<-l»ie
.. ■
the lullltari \ nine of tbe eiKliiiiilaaui ot /ilRL waNTBU-roe ^aer*l bone
yomb "- Kx. hnuge
Apply a«» Bait iFlaU «emt. i

!! iJU.

s«iisa*«asgta .a««


TWl|:tta.B.uwtabmBArtar oaMoOeui
*«p4*a. Md olmpar Oruod BapU* w CtaOB-

3i’.a'i2Sr.Jils sar ssa
nzllo- tniu*r<T
iniu*r<T puii.-b.
poiH-bei. I> a lunsnxUx'
c<|iis-lMlly RUllalde for «iiih11 road* The


Toaia arr(^aaM**B* w. kMeftatr ear fa

WfPANTED TO BUNT ru'loFOlobed roow. iB
pelewt* bouM. by kloale r*kU*SO*Addrow N ' Ihu oSc«. giTiur loeatloB aod


OMewWr aikt. IS*.

pn vg urra TOMt<^Na a -roe hmwwMdjM
lo Reed City. etCkr kero.

abown by the llhittratlon.
I* loaded
(tbl* oae bolding 250 iruuafert) at ibe -T
«.<!.. .nl
To l»u. . i™.
fer tbe coodtu-ior «ota a pointer, which

W. T




Tbl* arrangeueni prevent*






Lr OklCfMU
Detroit ....



— ■






wwohet to


Of good*.
He waa polllely
reeelre.1. rrvoaXNT
and one of the principal* tbowed blm . 1
orer tbe e*tabll*bmen(.
tbe fonrtb floor (be coatomer
apeaking tulie oa tto wall, tbe Brut be
bad ever oeen.
|^—--------------It 1*. waoMevuTrSMurday aigac

a great coareoleiicc. We cua
talk ^.
with It to tto clerks on tto flrot floor
of going j ft. aSC

i .b*.

llbajmafl^pacfcod yetr
wu (to aaimman wko bad”uSt«^tto
^wattea. aad la a moment tto diatttrt
*^0."^ art Waittag a raply fram



oonia Noam.



Uoro TWO- a* KipMUM.

’■Can yon toar

Ar mTupMa I t Sp •
LeOrd aapld*..| 4 »p a’

" teqmr*^ 'o^a*rdMli

A tailor named Sam Smtlb from
conntry pUce rlalied a large wholeaale warebouae and ordered a quaniliy

.’*Oh. tbat la a *peaUoi-lube.

_____ .FI-

B^eoS a^U'*tT”-Ul"l»S

uaLE—Or«e*t • a»* Bodera t r
«mia*« *i to* rtn* M««*t


ootwo ao^TS.

Bdabw. tS

,b, mJ of ih. .m.U o,vlloJ„ o,,.
• the time durt, to Indicate
the O BUtUall. B a LOo Mock

■ay through lir

c t. LoaKWOOO,o. a., otuodBagMa

Tbe Pen lirqeette RiUnta

IPOR Rg’rr-WeTei rooo
R)*TeeU> ABd I'aloe *•
ca Wmi Kl'xaih klrf^#.

• lor^rood

a* abown.

I. otMd a»pu* au ubaw oae

S* **

lakirtiiiieni. whb'b I* a tiuy affair, a*

without taking tto trooMo

,----- ,

.[.Sb4a.niM.*rwr. o*.

Oo«»go«aa aioea._________________________

through one rerolutlon. when a trao»- <niR balk—BuUdiar
fer ticket iM-aiiDf the date. time, ptace .J*
of I..O. .M ,,.i. I.


^ <>***•
totber. Put to a paatry-hag toviug a


lime be meant bualueoa.

bl* neck, be grabbed tbe rat by tbr , abo.b.ceob^ am
(broat. aqueeafng It with
bl* horny y ly.,J«—x** >•

route for w-bU-b tbe trauafer I* lu.
tended and then turn* Ibe lime

or wblaky.

Jehik F. On & Ca.


... i..«.b iV.
lb. nl Mptlb iibd.r bl. aUm fool. Tbl. .....wii-


»vnt may be
In beat exhauathm tbe «kln la cov­
ered u-ltb a cold molRiure
I ae n«


by tbe rndeni'a ferocliy aad nimble- M^»iUw76siS.oi5 oiiM
“ - and for a few aoMnda waa unable

temirralure la rtAueed to JOtt de-

horn paid. Ooraallaa V**darWU. tto candor goodneaa. aad all the aimple
sldmt a«.r*el»vcd tto graatar partc< Wrlnea! Tbe emerald waa plarad nn*
Tba mtat* will

bo ????—T*T!SlJ

BOW be wai deiertniaed to give Brer JVcie^fySlBS
___________ ..Da; w
or otrMcaSa
IVorack a. flniob flghl.
erasf-ta. toeoaa. toU to; Wawa*
Tbr peacork relating lila grtaji. tbe
four*. inaklDg a r\a. j. k. wnjreLlLohrWetu aot aun
nil airugglrO (o bla foun.
tOrrlflc iuDge at tba pracock'a ablna. ^ Qrokaa** o( P«i*aiatr wmaarln
n>p.M al hia I..M
ik..« ._i.. .. i.i. OSera D*vPc«aeU«i alaek, Se met a<
flirii ai bla Irga and tbru agalu ai bla TawS«M^to!mr
neck. The peacock teemed alTrlBhiiA —----------------------



UlU. b.qu.1. uEu U. WUI k.U UU.I.U HM. It.

in 000 000

waa under ble beela and. big oa

if. tatowa, ae

I ebeap J W mater'

upon tbe alghi and I* one of tbe moat



amo. at tbe ota>e time ibniailng t» O
beak bard ogolnat bit ribo. Tbe rot

ipoi aaLt-a an

^ total of raleemed gem* of tbe oriental*.
m|>pbl(« aymtolUea Jusilec and loy-

11 ta_____________ _ he PM. nf Uew______

Covering (be rodent wKb oae of
tU feet. II pulled bitn back lato tbe

I tieltl moat Ite euVefully wutohtil When

It baa al*o a benefi>-lat effect

>...4 iteUlu Vu4..bUtS w(U UU



deacy to ebange color, la tbe emblem



can tel] where the next >miitroke will
fall and (be temperuliire <>r the |ia

freub .ganueoi* will real und refnab
Paakay, proprtotor of tto

■arltah hotal, at S igllab. Crawford Ob.


•Id to the head and heat to the IkhI.v
warm miialani totli
|a exeelb-tii

Kreueb faltrl.-. and doea nut coat half

S4M 000 by
he tto
tha gbokata
u^nhita ooart
Aawet to
!■ Chits
okw , Bay or go ibrougb the day Id tbe baWll•m.0«

foka B.


in-atcA by u<> treatment.
aererely alone. and.
like Ho


*^<1 expeualre wool*

Baam. axaeutoru of tto aataw of tto *o much.


In raw of *unatr<ike. lUe i)r«i tliin-:
l« be done It to r-tiiove tbe elullilu.;
and get tbe tufferer Into * <h>I<I hatli
litA. If iMHwIble. auil keep liv <-u tli<

tki.niwih. ouw~ fc. t~*.
taotaart T.

If Ibiwe In- mil ciub-kly ef-


of (to aman mammal koooo. Tto ro* avaaaaa/a/aaaw aaaaaa'..
tet bad baaa ctreoUttag la tto rieto*
Il7 of tto boBBo aad mado a daob to
Hear tto lawa for a oew bnaUag
roBBd. la oorna mgatoHouo maaaer
will ahow new apriu aljlat
it bompod Into tto pcoeoek or attompi- j ot Dtaia.Bloeh uea'a toita ;
ad to crawl aador tho Mrd. Wbicb A umI orarooata at oar atore oa i
aver tt did. tto roralt waa tto ni
i Taeadataad Wadlleada^JaB
flgbt caoBod, tto llko of which
ara«r torn wltaeoaad by tto i^ f kthai^lOth-Ordarai^be |
|S takaa for nMng deliTery.toepon of tto gardM.
Tto paaeoefc waa raotarkably alert.'j BamUU»CIoaiu«Oo.
OIvlag bit atrldoBt caU to mado a M/MSASOdOOS/SMSo/oSiOSA
plnago at tbe rat wlib a atratcb of bit
Boek. Tto tat rapllod with a vldOBa
anap at tto poaeoek’a aork. dUtaita|Bg A
tbe barmoBloBi arrangomeot of tto, aamed
' mod ai
aa tto baal at Oitj IMalat
plBBtage. Anotber plnngc with
beak oad tbe bird oeored a point,
rat took alarm__________
al the delenalaatloo
Ita large aad toaotiral advmary and i WMI* WhM «f Tar lyrapi
■taned to rna.1. Bot tto peacock waa beta ooBgk rmaody ob oartb. caret o cold
faU of ttgbt and acted at' If It bad a ^ idaylflakmiintiBe. VaadMem.
grodge 0/ long

likely to Injure liu- <lellc-rfie IK.-ttibruDe
of tlie-noatrlU.

tbe toby In flanuei from iltmat to w<«

b raaarraUoB—lor ana
AIbmI park, aad will aaiar lato

- Owr or Uni

face B'ltb iidil water. ait<l oje-n

abtwlulely 0e.-,.p*ary


wb«lea..mely *we. t.

aoraa of wator—tto


*>" do eotiaMv well - 1«h.».-u i-iDibina



ai the neck, •prinkle <n»i iln-»<-l>i

wUk>m aud Iwauiy In plain garmenia

Ualtod Mtataa aad Oaaada to tobalf o<


l"•nt«D Bat tm tbe lack


pllal taad, appaal to Ua paoplo of Ito



wtodow," to tie droeka were all lie
Umi. . ll. n(
courar. re<|Ulre<1 eontuiil work

ra rlir fell well re|Mld for It after all.
of I^ItorevB* tto j, perf^.,],
for a m<*iher
X, body tfoerrtaaa9Br*

Una aad <1i.4TQ



to Obloaco BBUl

Abatolly'a Dawayday.

been written and dlaiMicbid


sock waa baoklag <m tto lawa la ftoat

army OStwr. M PiriMa.

womea tto world over are well eon-

toatto vary rartly took a vaeaUoa-



rmtA tnr mto. «r MB** fftBlftr^ I
with Mam
Oftfl liMto XIV. toWB ftftd
OM*«T«%mi tom ttM tar mtato tmtrnm of tokr ribbo* la a Aftto*
•tollft. riBtajr ptotad AoBaeM. fttoto,
•to*! MMto* tar tto irmrmllii
wlta Hbbw RKto TlBTftlatatockto.
V «to Dmr talmavtol wto.
»m—I u« ta fo •» M «*ta 9^
BrttUBT'ft qsalnt cbModm tor* tor*
4m»m U tto Im«mm of Mt r**r*pftlatftd b7 tia**toft sod Brr>iar» tor
rmtft. bBi tto atoolgtat oftniaa*. btIiIi
•IWiltota toru, WM
|M«to(M a«v to tto ordlnarr rafttor.
«tota toM to Om) *•*,
' Oae brlAo arbo eboae thia BBftttmrtl**
••Mlf. to. m4 Ito fmitaM
j tov for tor BredAtag Aid fto toc«o»*
to. ttolrmNSH«m«llk41taNlv
tor aoUiftr tad AM oaqtob* rear to*
torWato wtn rwly >wii >»tari
•tor«MUfta «to 9to y«nc •«.
tarto 1*. U m4 M
BUDtor of (Boftta wobU bar* (Ivm _
«MttatoA.tMvli«ft tear
fMUrr ftlr to tto aora*. 00I7 tto raU*
tafetak Mflotoi oto Ml ito toiUtaf H
ilrro aad a f**’ latlMlr frlrod* wrrr
blAAM to tto AlBwr. B'bich took pUrr
tto c-ini cM«moB7 aad tto
.tto taor«*rlM *taMMr Ami
nldaigbi oerrlM at tto efcurch. Thr
Tir in**taw to! ilranf frr« I
bndr‘0 govB waa of flaolg worm black
OrtaMi *to tol «U ta ft 4*7 «r M»*
Biaterlal. cormA vlih Ito eoavroiloo*
tor Eftto. 4ftf*». wllk ft mrvft 9t ll.*
al roil aad vrralh. Tto Ibrm of ito
tktata Ito tkM
Brat00 ebararter caaso oat iluriof tto
dtoaar. B'toa tto alatm aad aooto of
Ito bride MomtBlftlrd bar on tto axctUaoca
of ibe 'clotb la ito go«a aud
At ■tatm’ft toto ftifto mOm taam
atodlad OBI bow maa}' bau eoald to
Bfttatfk.V.a, wUIft*m«t« ito to
tHniDad with tto rail. Tba wadd!Hf
wnatb. bowarar. vao coBoidanA too
oamd erar to bo put to furttor osa
TtonamamrtotatMltttotoVBM'Bftt la
• Ibtto
Um »erU
»toU tboBldowiUillBtoofcBt>L Bowo of »“1 «■*» M'brlorA la 0 aalTat-tniBrna i
Ui^tlac plaBi at ‘ rt^ and tBfu of toaitoa la bar*
<« >>r«oo>e a iraaourod bair*
■itortalA, Otaiafta/. Itop ara 1.400 «wv wHb ttolrimmlag of (to fowa.
Anotbar mkluigbi wadding waa ol>I
oarrtA bf a trareior aad wu markiA
f-M.w eimm will mU . ddUntaw —
Atoai la* Mabrwith uauooallj oad foainraa. Tuo brito
«. loaar I. MfM far bM arad. ba- A deal of aoaoeaoa la pHolad (b<«a wao an orpbao. of tba poaMHt cUo».
awaaa tto lalaada ato tto ■latm. aad dago about (to llagerle of llttla Ul« ao*) of tbr algbt gnaou - (to men id
aj>. I. nipp.»d u. ™hkw... >Dd tp. worn.. I.
tor aa appraprtatloa of aa a
- who ul da»a .1-.a. dip.
loaa t) to aaod la pottlag tto ialaad aur. nb.. Of loMU... .ad U™..
• itMMoattolrtoto
.lip. «da.Ilj
iially reunlrod
A woman AofBlj UalMl Atataa mar* Tb. .aaan ot
•bal to* jiM toaa awora late aarrloa la Bover glvea aa t«aa tbaaa ibrre dooea.
"Ti‘y; .r-...... i™....»« .m pn~,...i
St Dallm-tto fiat Iwtaam ot tto kito
U Taxta.
WttobBit aod Mow rtMlaflw
of tto
tag tto Amartaaa ItapUw Oa.______ alairra
Tto bablot
optraAcmt'oo Itatoay iaat. ItoiBaamp*
laraamp_____ ____
«tao wfU (IfB ampl

moots AND NAT.

• •«»«-*»

i. o.


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