The Morning Record, June 22, 1900

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The Morning Record, June 22, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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' •'» , —T-r ^ • _ •


AffiBrloma OobboIbIb at T«iii
Tsla Has Bbbii DMtr^r*d.
te Kann that tba Attack Pnctleatly
Mean* a Xteclaratloa of War Agalnat
Daitad Staten by China - London'
Doee Mot Credit BapOTt ot Iteath of
AdmiralSeymov—Mote Amerlean

BopabUoan Standard Bearen
UiuMiiiaoaaly OhoMo.

WUdMtHomwot 1
iif Olo^ Bom cctbo VMloaU


SpeedMO b7 aouftor Fomkor »n4
OolOBalTcFBBF —Pnaldant Ceornt•Uled tba Bovta Rider.
Opcekai te TM-MonlBc Baeerd
- PhUsdelphlo. Jooe *I-Tbe Repnllion utioDol eosTCoUon today somlaaud by acclamatiOB wmiaiii McKlnIpy far proaldeet and Tbeodore BooM'
TrtllorTleepre.ldent.aiid adjourned.
: and oonBBTCTybody la
AMt that the tiohat will prore itroacer
than any othv that the party eould
KMlUy hare pat «a-tha fteW.
When Boalaationa for praaidant
were »Ued tor. an AUbamlan w re•oanUed, who atood on a chair and
«iad. ‘'Aiabama yialda to Ohio."
ThU wan tba aicoel tor the raeorAlttaa ot Basator Forahar. who aroaa
tOBMka the apoeeh nowlnatlnp KeKialar. Ea wan irraetad and fraqaantly intamptad by load ohaaelar. and
whan ha daelarad that tha BomlnatSoa
«t WUUam MaKlnlar it aqaitaiant to
an rtaetlao.tba dalafataa want wild.
' Bpaaklac of tta prataa that tha praalAani daaarraa. Forakar
••Tha prMidanVt raaoed apaaki hU
hUchatt anility. U ooaprahanda r-^*peaoa and war. and eonatltaUa
I—♦ atriklnc iUnatiaUon powlbUet
Mnaphant. Inoptrinf Sd«i»F ^
S.1.PM la dlanharfi of pabUa dnty."
Ba loUowad with a raanaa of tha
worheftbapaat fonr yaata. and
rtndlac hta nddnaa »ld:
••In tha naaaa ot all theaa oooald
Uaoi.lBthanaa» of all EanubUi
aato our aandldata tor tba prealdency.
WUUam McKinlay."
Thla npaesh waa foUowad by tba
Brarybody atood
and warad and yallad.
warawrancbad from tbalr plaaaa and
borne aloft, tofather with ombrallin
and t»at plumae of rad. white and
blue In a tampaatobna aea of color.
Whan order wa. dnally reatorad.
Cbaltmaa Lodfa raeotiUzed OoTeraor
Eonaerelt. and at the aonnd of the
name, the crowd ehoerad with an
anthaalaam acarcely lana than had
graatad tha nama of McKlnlay. Boot■ omit atapned to tha. pUtfonn. and
„iMiy waiting for thaltuinnU|io anb' rt4a.ha»id: -1 rtae to aaeond tha
•emlnatton of WUUas McBlnlay. tha
|na.ll1nr* who hat had to moat and
nnaeroua and
itthan any othw pratl
Awt alnoa tha daya ot mlchty
Uanbla; tha praaidant under whom
•Aninlatmtfaa thla eountry bna attain•4 a mneh blfher plleh of prcwparity nt
hnma and honor abrond than orar batea in Ita hlatey.*'
. At Inau after qnlatwnafaatoead, tba
Wan. Whan It waa omr. the
Mowed tha raenlt. Tbara
aran»MT4WBWt.of which WliUa*

AUbaaaa wM raaocnlaad te tha praaantnUoa of a naao te rlat pnaldaat.
Alabama yialdad to lawn, whan Ool.
Lata Yenac waa roMfslaad. HawUb4re« the name of Ooinaor. and named
OoTomor Boc.trrtt of Kew York. Th=a
waafoUowedby a damoaatmtion not
Moond to that wUah followed tha
name of MeCalw Whan tha aoti^


epackel M Tbe MocbIbc ttreor*.
WaaUngton. Jnne 11—An oSolrt diapnteh reeeired thla aftkmoon from
Bear Admiral Kempff.eommandlag the
oiean eqnadron at Taku, U inter­
preted by oiBeiaU to meen that tbe
Cblneee gorenment hMoommitted a
boatile act which U praetieaUy a decla'
ration of wnr ngalnit the United SUtee
and the otherettlooa. Admiral EemyiT
■aya tbe American coneulate at Tien
Tain hae been deatroyed by a bombard'
ment, and tbia i* taken to mean that
the Cblneae Imperial artillery conduct­
ed tbe aheUlBff, ae tbe Boxers are *uppoeed to to without big gnu*, e
they bad than are not capable of nelng
Nonewa other than Kempff’a diawaa fiaUbad. It waa fcnod that of tha
BterotMlntha oonTantloa, W had pateh has been reeeired by tbe gorembean eaat for BooaereU and one dele­
1 In New York
gate bad not Toted. That delegate
that the White Honee hee new* that all
war Booeerelt blmeelf.
A demonatration frtlownd that the foreigner* in Pekin had
and Ties Tbtn wa* being bombarded
ahooh tha baUdtng, and than the
bf warahlps. U denouneed at a fake at
weary and hoane dalegataa betook
the White Honee and in other ofBelal
themaelTM to tbelr botala, tba eonranqnartera. Tbe eerlonaneoi of tha elttlon barlag adjonmad rina die.
nation te realized by the ofBeera of -tbe
The Praaldcnt Oongratnlataa Sooae
1* are wlUlng
to to quoted ae te the probable out­
Waahlagton. Jane 91-Prertdant Ke- come of the bombardment of Tien Thin
1th Ite dcetmetire effects on
Btnley aent the foUowing to BooaereU
merlean coneulate and the foreign
'■Eaecuilre Manalon, Waahington: quarter. Further adrices are dawned
to juUfy action that would
Uon. Tbeodore Booecrell. Pblladelphie
Pa: Your nnenlmoot^nomlnatlolr le a be tantemonntte a declaration ot war
high and deaerred honor. I extend my agalnat China, but It te regaled a*
more American troops
bedrtiaet congratnlationt.
will be cent to Takn.
“WiKiam UcEInley."
London. June SWTBCTe'-te^ no au­
Althobgb ao definite time baa been
thentic news froYr^kln or Admiral
fixed for the notification committee
Seymoorb force. (ITneaelneae waa inwait on the prertdcni and formally ncereaeed to Admlrrt.^empffa. men
tUy him of bit nomlnaUon. It U known
te the American nary department. HU
that ttae preaident hae indicated that it
te the dispatch of a relief
wonld be entirely aatiefactory to him If
party te Tien Tbln te interpreted ae
the committee wonld rlalt him at Oanmeaning that erenu bare forced the
tonJnlylt. He and-Mrc. McKinley
haade of the aUlea. oompelling the
expect to leare here for Oantod not
letar than July 1. and It ie not improbAdmiral
ablo that they may leare in time
reach Qanton June tO. Aeeordlng to Bmub and Admiral KempffbditodUhpraaant plana they wUI remain tbare «. apparently tianamltted from Tam
day. te ragardad at Mrotehlto
threngb the month ot July.
It It undaretood te to tha pmUant'a hope that tha Amarlean admiral
beu mteUd by • uHre rumor.
pnrpoae not to midie any apaaebae dur­
I^oadOB, June SS—Tha British admir­
ing hte atoanoa from Waahington. JH
alty dou not ballare tbe report of tbe
death of Admiral Saymeur, eomma
otthe latenational relief colt
There eeeme to to not tbe aligtateet
Be-Kaetad by National BapubUeu
arldoau to book np aneh a report.
Committee —▼igorone Oamp^
WiUBoento Ooi
apeelel to Tbc Meniof Beeord.
Philadelphia, June si—Tha National
eommlttaa awt immediately after the
adjournment of the oonrentkm. M. A.
Unnna of Ohio wae nnanlmoualy re­
elected chairman. Cbaa. W. B. Dick of
Ohio waa rtaeted temporary eeemtary.
perannent eeeretary wOl to
ehcnen by the new exeentlre commit*
tee. Chairman Hanna wa.
te appoint-an axeenUre eommUloe
of nine member*. Itl. generally nndaniood here that Dick wUl not to
tb. Mcratary of the new commute*.
ItU protoble that aome man from
Now York wlU to appointed to that
poittlon. 10 both eandldatea wUl to
In U. oSelal organlxatlon
National headquarter* are to be
opened>n Chicago ae coon n* potalble
and a rlgoroui campaign will to o
menoad in the middle watt at onee.

Netioe ot AmnMty Imued by Oenara!
KaeArthnr In

Odd Fellows
While In Travme City ybu-are most
cor^ally Invited to visit

The Old Reliable City Book Store
Bring your wives and families and
make yourselves at home.

re rare a
of 'sboos . FREE to every
baby boyi in !‘.KK).

A Few
ot our Famous

Arthur S. Hobart

$1.98 SliBBS

“What We Call Wool Is Wool."

For women—
The aboes oar pleated cus*
tomere brag abont.



To what our frioods'sa; aboot out clothing

Ladiee’ Bicycle Sbou—
black and taa, cloth and
kid tops.

“Best suit I ever bought.” •
“Better fit than the suit £ had made to order.”
“I wouldn't buy a suit of anyone else."
“Benda’s is the only place to buy clotkiog.”
“Benda’s prices are most reasonable.”
And bnndaeds of other most fisttering remarks.
If it’s really first class clothiag, hats, caps,.funu6liuigs,
yon wish, remember “we are the people.”

$1,08Goodyear welt sole akoea,
new sbapee—very service­

$1.08Fine soft kid shoes, bsod
tarn soles—very light and



r $10 men's suits.

Haudsoine, stylish shoes,
silk vesting tops — $2.7.'>
valuesChocolate kid, silk vesting
tops—neat, trim, durable.

$1.98Buys shoes here e<inBl to
most storee $2.75 shoes.

Blill-attbeold stand.
It always pays to trade here
and most people have found
it ont

That Big Suit Sals


Make Nojistake I


We have not gone out of bueinees, but
have moved to our new store,
. S4S Front Street.

Ispheminy, Iron Koantain
and other

Wh.n you want BBLIAJBLE FOOTWEaB got tt of I
UB. We hare placed on cale

Hnnila - Leading

Upper Feulnsula

Oommiaeion — FUiplnoa

Propoaa a

Sertea of Oooditlona Which Will to
Preaentedaea Bute.

Bpeclsl lo Tb* Memlsc Kecord
Manila. June tl—A"aericd of meet­
ings between the FUlpino leaden and
ateo between thecTand -Oeneral Mu.
Arthur and the Philippine oomreluloi
ilted In the euembllng today of too
of tbe oteat lafiueatlal FUiplnoa, Ineluding ex-B»lBteUn of Agnlnaldo'a
cabinet and mUltacy ofielala. rrho
actnally legteUted and fought agnlsst
Oaneml BrUWw'a
and so prteonBra, who
6ibaa Poetal Frandc Completed and bad been granted a haU day'* Uberty
to taka part In tbe muling. Among
Arrest of Fonam Director Expected,
tbe Utter were Oenernte Montenegro.
apee lel w n« Homiex Reeote.
Ban^ June Si—Diraeter of .Peata Del FUar, Oarela. Terru. MaaabnU
^tow haa eompteted hie Inraetlga- and Lnkban. The aUmut farornbla
tion at the poatofBea and after eonenlt- to Amerieau wu eon^Unonaly aboent
Ingwith Oor*rnor:Wood hae deddad daring tbe thru bonre deretod to the
to hand aU pipeiu to the flacal. who dteeuMlon of nn nrrnngenwnl to being
wUl carry on the case on behalf of the abont a dignified and honorabU peau.
Fin^ a
Brietow's interrlax. with ax-Direetor propoeltidto. eubjeel to Agnlnaldo’s
approml. wu nnanimonely adopted and
of Poete Bathbond waa rery mm
wlUtoFnamted to MaaArthnr ua
taetoey. the latter being ntoH
bntoiforaBdingthewnr. Thteaehama
wnsqmaetkuMd. Tbeontlookie blank Iselndea. flrBt,g«eemamBaety by both
Amarieane and FUlptnu: aeeood. the
retomof eonfieutod property: Uilrd,
She BnSelo to Manila.
the prorUlng of poalUou for FUlpiao
BpKtalu nwHetelecBaeetd'
goHraloffieenU tbe new nHlitery:
BMthampten. Jnae SI—Tha Onlted fourth, the nu of eumeUnt ruanu of
duteetrrtnlerahtn Buftale (fonwrly the telaato to ralUre tba dteircu of tha
he Brealllan dynamite gun erelMr imporerlehad pupU; fifth: a gnarantu
NieUaroy) eaUed at t p. m. today for jof pmonal righm aeeordlng to tha

Won’t last much longer—so take advantage while
you bare tbe opportunity. Any suit In tb6
house for $11.48.' Men's suits worth up to
$7.50 at $4.98; men's suits worth up to $13.(M at
$7.98: men's suits wor^h up to $15.00 at $9.98.


Minute Rates

•plrita of XnsBTTecUon Met With

Kewland Eats. $.1, $2, |1

-^^^—Begiooiog of the EiB

$1 98-

PlBcuBBed by Ifillpino I^ewlBr
AtMeetlBys TeBtordsy

ronrtli Year—No. 977

Ubltehment of a tirU gorcrarteat at
Manila and In the proriaoe*. and aer•nth. the expnlelon of the Friara.
The memban haliere AgalnaUo win
abUe by tbalr decielon.
Tha notica of amneety. pubUahad to­
day ia at toUowa:
••By dIraetloB of the praaldeet of the
Dnited Stntee the nedenignad enBouso** amneety to all petaoee who
BOW or nt nay time alnee Febmnry 4,
lew, hare been In intarreetloa ngninet
tbs United Stetec in rtUer n mUltary
or cirU capaeity. and who shall rHthln
a period of alnety daya from date here­
of formally ranoanoe all eoaneeUon
with each InaorTaaSloo and aabaerlto
to tbe dectaratlen acknowledging tbe
aorereignty and nnttiority of the United
Sintei orcr the Phil Ippines.



A NEW $2.50 LINE

f Which we want you to eee. For a better shoe see our
Oompoeite^.OO ehoe for ladies, end the Governor $4
•hoe for gentlemen.
New stylee>nd goods arrive daily.



Tha Undine Shot' Eoua. of Horthorn lUchigan

Have You..




For buying a 10 cent
cigar when you can get



* Wowailiioouseeooriroeof—l^s:^


$2.00 SHOES




We have the best line of ladies' shoes at this
m price that can be bought for the money,
We have all the latest styles in black and tan,
and guarantee every pair to give perfect satisfaction.


Front Street



I XMunaa sboobd.


•atMaaBattawb Tola Jn«ped Oaa

>B4Tma am


9ma». T. ^ATm.AMO i. .W. BAam*
V1. W. HAsn. Bdltor




Mtdu. •• wc*^ <

Its Work Wss:WeU Doao.
ns Eembllcsa bsUobaI eosTsaiion
kMCaUbsdiu work, sad U hM done
waU. Tbsrs was do drabt About the
roMBlSAtlOD of WUllAm MeKiDUr Aod
tfes HBAOtBoos voles lo bis selsotloD
by tbs oosrrniton WAS ad ompbAtlc
SBdotMBent of bliAdmlalstnUoD. Hli
naolaf BAts, Tbeodore; Boosevelt, U
of tbs foremcsl taen In tbs eonotrT
Md iho msDBsr of bU oomlBAtlon 1^ a
trIbats *^to bis worth, as A ms
soldier And sn AserScAn citUes.
better mAn oonld bs DAoied for vice
^r«<dect. sod Aside from bis thoroogb
fitness, be comnundi the blrbesi Ad. Blrotiop of the entire- eonnu-f,
(ArdlMAof4)Arty eocsidantlonA Jtls
A srinnlnK ilaket. bended bj men tried
find tme. nnd becked ty priaciples end
fioUdetthst wJl ba esdomsd by the
vest ms^rti^ of the AsaerleAB pecplu
BOAISEKO eridenUy continnes food in
SU the wrslerc.Dorthwestera.soaniero,
sontbwestern, Asd'fnr western steUk.
seeardlag to Br*dstreet's retnrss of the
bwk elenrincA for Msy And for the flrAt
fiveaoDibsof this ysAr. InNewYork
tbs dwriDfis for Key were less UtAn in
lbs SAms month lest yeer. owing to tbs
dnU eondiUon of the tiock merket.
BstOVtAldeof KewYork therslnnw
iroB All ssetiou of the country ebow
thAt tbs benk olSArlngt tor Key were
•11.000,000 greeter then a yeer ago.

tbs ship snbAldy tdU, Hon. Arthur Sew
sU, tov ysATA Ago the vies prsAldsstUl
SAsdidAts of tbs DsBeeretU:, perty,

^ of freight on onr enporM end Im­
ports." Tset money, if peld to Amerlsea ship owners, wonld AnnoAlly smIfiof more then tOO.OOO ekiUed work
jMBAnd SAppert AmlUlOA of onrpscflA

Snaind Taatarday.
Tbe vote la tba earnieal geean eontest atm inerMass with BdM Wilbelm
■klBg a leng' lead. A fierry was
gattsrMen wbea too
a ware east tor MMs BMtaer. mak
tag bar total IM. WbM tba eout
was mads last nli^t. bowavar, Mim
WUbelm’e{totol took aaotoer Jamp by
the addition of «1 vetaa. making a total
of tU. The eontert baa only begon.
as the remainder ,of tbe week wQl
show. There are many lying low to
bMm tbe stock of Ibair favorttea and
it U said that there wlU be oUier oasdIdates latrodaeed whan tbe proper
time arrivee. ao that there prcwlecs to
be some eEritemeat before the tollot
boEss ere closed forgood. The follow
Ing is tbe total np to Isst evenleg at
7 o'clock.
MM Bins Wilbalm .
Mbs MianlsBeltber

tteipatad in by XMdlng Korobanta

t A PLimeB

Tfegri is so cliiit as camfortalilB

SettntbaVsMi Way bet Want Into
theBiveronaBleydc. '
OhailH Zelglw borrowed'^ wheel
tram ble attofatber. Banry i^sigler,
last avenlag to go tor a rida Ba
led all right bet when near tbe
ftveroBBaet Front street be didn’t
wait to prepare for a bath bet Ranged
la. wheel and all.
Bealdre a good
drenching la Boardman river be was
rwiae nnlnjarcd and thr wheel ride

Oarvsr of the parade earnmittM tor tbe Ponrtb hte reeelvednotloM from many martoante aad aeveral
toeal tactortos that they rriUbava fioau
in the auoet display of tbe big celebratiea. From the Indieatioas 'wwitls
amred that this display will be tbe
Urgeet and best ever seen In this part
of tbe aUla Tboae who have already
signified tbelr IntenUon to prepare
elaborate floats are toking bold of the
Twenty Xnirirs Already Side- acd
work with more than ordinary
and tbe rosolt cannot bnt bnt be grati­
Forty are Expected tor tbe Zvenia
fying. Mr. Carver erges er»y
Mtnt Xontb.
chant and mannfaetnrer and society to
Secretary F. H. Pratt of Traverse
state tbelr Intentlocs at onec so that
Bark AaioeiaUon an.
bs can the better prepare for the dlsBonneea that there have already been
p»»y____________ ::____
TO entrlte for the raeee on the 3rd. 4tb
and 8th of July. Fast horeee will be
here from Fetoak y. Lndlngton. Man!I a Ve-y atee. East Jordan and Frrmons.
•Jimmie S" tbe well known trattcr
was broegbt here yeeterdey from
FremontbyJamesSUnnard. Ills exTbe ecMion of the Northern MIeb.
peeted that before the enterics close
Igan Odd Fellows Annlveraary amoeisthere will be 40 horsce entered. The
Uenelosel yesterdey afternoon with
track is in fine sbspe and local .bortet
the schools of Instruction in both
are training evrrr day.
bmncbaiof tbennwrittcowork. Both
•ebooUwere fall of interest to tbe
A Life aod X>eaib Fight
Mr. W. A. Hineaof Manchettrr. Js,.
Petokkoy U ansion* that tbe n^t writing of hU aitn«; miraeni-uf c-leoting of the association toaU be cape from death, says: "Brp3>or<- a':er
meealrs intlaoe'l rerinn'-lung tr.'n'q;'.
I held in that city, and there is lUUe 'whiileh on-Ted in P'rtnn>rti'’ji. J ;--;d
Idonbt that this will be arranged. The frrqnci
hemorrhagei «r.d emirhcd
night gacd liar. AT my d''c‘/3M'ra'a I
lo pi,
Thrn I b-gr*- i - tti*



You can sit or recHne in any position. I have a
very large line, Irom the pice lanze lawn Morris Chair,
painted re'd or green,* fdr, $2.75—just the thing to sit
under the shady side of a tree. Then I have the Solid
Oak, with a pair
reversible cushions, for $5.75—just
the thing for sitting room or parlor—and you cannot
duplicate this in any other store for less than $6.75.

Slater’s House Furnishing Store

M8.40 foi

X2Q B'xorL-t staree-t:.

Before buyinif aiiything^ in


Wp sell

fverylliiDtj used in.footwenr,^and we,believe we
van save you mouey -Tben-’e no mioes work ur
liAphazanl mellufils I’rarti.-!- umkes perfect.
So.- nur new lipe of womoueand meus Oxfords
and Uvf ird Ties w,* have just riKoiv.Hl and

do ao Id n few dayi.
my'adviee and all sav i» r-rrr fjT*.-tT. e t-clehra’.I'sa was an nnctually ! <T:n- T.-.rcat. Chest and I.-'’tptton’5><.'*
John Woodniff was espricu-d yeeterpi"’ :d nil sali. at the followiD« prio'6;
T-ia‘ b.-,>
day lq Jua'.ios Brown’s esnrt on tbe auccesgful snic-Pjorabiecne. Th.-fine t
r-U-iluin.* d<wu»oln kid lace oxfo.-d. worth
V.) f .r............
ebarge of carrying a eo^csaled wea­ weather of V-’canetday. which C-and
______________ ’
j " oiii'-ti s oxford tioe..taii nn-l Mark, worth SJOJ for........................................... $1.4S
pon, and was aentcnced to pay a fine of
IISDBdeeeU of 833.40. In default of ordered by Mayor IVledricb f^* Ihi*
M'Ti's Juli.-ls, bfack only,/or......................... ;..................... ;....................... jp.xi
which be is te be Imarisonod lo the mpocial njciTOn. dtJ much toward in
c-cisiag tbs eajoyiu:-at of ibe celebnconniy jti> for CO dayt.
DB. C, D. W^nXKlvs C'OMl’nr:.\-[>,M.'a’«
h'Hfhi re. the*
to->.............................. ............................$l.*is
Woodruff waa arrested on ecmplunt tlsn.
lU.t .ro l.«.o ,0 roo,,, to .loscribe i.,r.
of Mrs. Cera lisebo of Batde, his for­ ■ The following ar.- tbe namss of tboae sod blood, f-om Contact and Sccondarvi vbi< Ji we will bt- pleasixi to show yan when you call.
mer vrife. They were divorced at toe aboioci: tbMlrsnd Lsdge degreeyti
Herrr"di-.ary r»u,e*.
\-p--------April term of court, and on June 14 lerday:
< '
Mrs. Woodruff waa married lo her prtaD. baton. Juba C. Stswart. B. U
' 136 Front Streot.
practical Shoe Man
eat bnaband. The ^ext day Woedrnff Olfford. Tbompsoorillr: A. L Waks
came to tbelr home and endeavored w field. A. P. Shea. Isaac SanUon, Frank­
aeeare tbelr font year old child. When fort; W. BarUelt, G. Barth. Geo. BlgtMra. Beebe refuaed to aurrender tbe low. Nortbport: C. I. Tonmn.' D. M.
child Woodruff naed a revolver to In­ Dodge. Manlstee;Vna W.'Baberiao&.
timidate her.
H. L. Carter. A. B. Fox. L. Beatb, A.
Tbe Jnry wee out.but >wo minutee, BUadeau. Traverie (nty; O. C. Snyder,
barely time enough to take a .alngle OadllUc;U. A. Beleber. A. Fiosb.
ballot, when they returned a verdict of Preeton, Sberman: Geo. A. Parmenter,
gnilty aa ebarg^. Tbe attorneyafor NaabvlUe; O. Nordrum. Peioikey; C. B
tbe defence. Onderwood.A Omlor,
Ilgozanla; Gm. A. Oonoan.
sd thateentenee Ae not Impoeed. SaitoDS Bsy; Geo. Miller, Harrlette;
which propbaltloo wae not reotovad faBUI, Jotoph Hewitt, Cadaci H.
voraUy b7 the oourt Woodruff
Kncka, A. Bmndage, TnrUe Lake: B.
aooordiagly aenteneed as atoted. and Halllday. Elngaley; M. L. Cook. L. A.
In addition wa^qnlred to give a bond Herrington. W. Uwia, D. MeGaoer. 8.
la tbe sum of 8900 to keep the peace. B. Bnrke. Maple CltyiA.Puffer. Monroe
Neither tbe bond nor tbe fine bat been Oentar.
produeed and Woodruff la In jail. Tbe
appeal bond bae been flged at 8300 aad
rwood A Umlor claim that the
There was Mo Intention of fiUgbtlng
e will be appealed.
8}nth Side MerchanU In Z. O 0.
F. Farade Wedceedey.


All A msTijir

Ou. A. 3. WABHkA, prSAidABt of tbs
WetAllie ISAgae, as^t: s “Tbere
SBSelaal reason for not making nilrer
setoAge tbs obisf Isms 1b tkU
ynlfn." This Is tme. More gold has Modern Woodmen Frond of a Boantlbasa mined sines Bryan’s defeat, in
fcl Emblea.
ISM. (ban STAB mlASd In tbs first half
Joseph fileder, dark of Pnebese
M the esBtnry }nst ending.
Oaaap tS4s, Modern Woodmen, ^rreetvodUiehi
banner orIt Is grAdnaUr dasmlng on tbs demd by that lodge The banner.
DsmooraUe platform makere that a whleblathe handeomeet in tbe cl’.y.
sbaU Upped with present prosperity Is
iived yeeUrday. It caat the
nUa to Pieros tbs bsATlest pleas of lodge IU8 and was made to order, and
ADesricAd arsAor pUU erer forged in that organUaUon can well feel prond
tbe fnruse of edverelty.
of Its emblem.

Pbhocaats in AlabamA And Tessa
Gage UX
«tbe Indestrial Apeelal U TheMorelBc &Men).
» of tbs aostb show tbs bene­
Waabington, Jane Sl—Secreury
fits to be derlTsi from that policy.
Oage waa very mneb Improved today.
Be eaUed at the vmtt Bcnte with
•mndny base bell is dodmed in Bsy
Mra. Oage.
oonaty. The Bay Uto antboritics
bare -%tnck ont” tbs game from the
A Wealth ef^nty
Uit of Snndsy reereatloat.
la often bidden by nneigbtly Pimn'
eaema. TetUr. Bryaipelai. Silt Bbet
«. Bneklen'e Arnica Salve will gli
»Ain*AJiv will probably be permitted
by coring a
to fnralsb tbs ios for tbe Eanws City Uoaa, alao CcU.
eU. Brnleea. Bnrna. Belli.
Felons. Ulcera aad wont forms of
Piles. Only S8e a box. Core guaran­
teed. Sold by S. B. Wi t and Jaa. (
m. druggist.

MSniT wmit MEIT


rhere was'eoncidarabla feeling Wednmday among 'the merehante of tbe
BO ith side, beeauee the parade failed to
pa«tbem: Yesterday it waa foand
that there was no intenUen of doing
to, but that tbe change In the line of
nmreh was purely accidental. Marabal
Canfield, who was leading the proeetalon, waa giving inetrucUons to the
drum major of tbe Boys' band as tbe
bead of tbe parade reached the corner
of Cam and Eighth atreeu. They bad
been following the atreet that had
been sprinkled with tbe etioet eprinkTnUbad furoed off'"%t E-ghtb
etreet, and before it wat noticed, Mr.
CanfieM'bad made the tnrr, acd did
not eee his mlkUke nnlU it was toe
late to mike the change. He la very
aorry that the mistake oerarred, and
eayi that all tbe b'.adFe ebsnld real on
him. There wat no IntenUon on tbe
pa-t eUbsr of the offirere of tbe asaoelatiop nor tbe’eadere of the oarade, to
alight the asnib eide merebanU.

And when -we make a statement people always believe
It-We never quote quantity or prices unless we have them to
show our customers. When we buy cheap (and that means
nearly always in car load lots) you got the benefit in cheap
prices. Our prices on many lines cannot be dupUcated for this
very reason. We're quoting some remarkable prices on many
lines. Here are a few of them.

Iror\ Beds
For instance—a full sized iron bed, well made, brass ornaments, for
$2.75. VVe sold hundreds of iron beds last year for nearly this price, but
iron went up—Now the market has dropped and we secured this phen­
omenally low priced bed. We have others at $4.00, S4.25.,$6.50. SS.oo,
59-25. S10.75. Sl 1.50. S12.75, up to the finest brass beds in the city at
$28.00. S32.00, $38.00.

Wood Beds


That are good wood, well made, full sired, put together for hard wear
—and all for S2.25. Our next grade sells for S2.65, and the greatest bargaip for the money is our seller at $3.75. If you want the full bedroom
suite we‘ll show you the greatest display from $16^5 to S59.50.

or nudde deers tut Oalau'i HuUc
Spar Varnlto.

flalt I.Ake 3trj atqnbod only Piftecn
MlBBtce to Meach Perdiet
"Tin-------------- —------■
Salt Lake. June Sl—Tbe Jery In the
aaee of former Congreesman B. B. Bob-

a eordtet of gnilty today after being
•at fifteen minnim. ‘Ibe defendant
Mde DO delanee bat anbmltted tbe
■attar on an agreed sutemeat of fact.
•amp iDto Tmalanan Ooontp


We do not wish to appear vain-glorious
but desire only to remind yon again
that we are still selling gh>cerles.
. -x>


Brfoel^iitT- Hebball of the M. A H. B.
•ad a force of osan bave eommeaeed
•nmplng for tbs M- A M. B. astanalen
lain iMlanaa eeutg. It Is enpeetad
that It wUl reqoi<m a montt to eemPlata tbe aarrcip
Wa. tbe nnaeislcBsd. do baraby
agios to lotaad tbe ■onsy on a m

Srt bettto

Just a Dresser

One Minute of
Your Time, Please!

Of IMS’S Wamatod fiy-

0-UL3? ST3-Ooesa
is due to new ideas, correct methods,
hew stocks and contiiAal thonght .of
betterment, which eaables.ns to fill yonr
dafs* waata, as yon desire them, “down
to date.”


bn^. Hmm a Jabnwn. W. 0. Ibsi^

New Phone 149.



Is needed to complete your outfit. Just unpacked some beauties. We
are starting a wonderful sale at $9.50; We know this is marked elsewhere for $12.75—Its identical, same number, style, size and make. Our
other grades are Si 1.25, $j2.6o, $14.00.

Tables are Necessary
And our stock is enormous, but we had to duplicate our first purchase.
It’s pleasing to know that we can’t keep our ubies. Quality and price
always tell.
have a good kitchen table for $1.75, and a fine break*
fasj table for $3.50. We're selling a six foot extension dining table tor
$4-35 up to $i4AX Our library tables are the admiration of all purckasen—i«ll from $&7S
Our kail “ooffner” staDdfi are beaatiefi
—sell from $2«o to $4.25.

The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.


•harp SacAgamant Hmt Pr».
toria Baportod in Detail.
Hot ri^t cisM Ounm u WhMi
Brftah Wmasli^eM ta a 8mn
OroH nr*—QxbsIUm,


W*r* U^t —Btrt of arbl »*«
jClUatf aad Cbtoael ErerUm <>rM
WevBdad and Cartared- BaOmr
•pwU) M Tac H«ralM ItaeerA.
Pretoria, Jana is, via Krooaatad,
Jna SO—Oe Twsdar laat tbara was
rarr hard flahtlsr on both flaaka at the,
Soar poaitlos and tbelr aaatw waa at■oat iBpr^blc. Oaaaral Praneh
svant to tba left and eatered a aaetloa
■of tb* eoaotir nasalubla to •earatrr.
Hta foroa was aarroaadad and aaaUlaada heavy cnaa fire. They made a
a^did drbt. hooaTar, and tbe Boar*
ralTMtadJattaitha artlUa^ond an>
aaeluoB were axhapalad.
Bamlltoa'a dlvidon a&vaasad oa the
rifht and Braadwood'* brigade beeaaia
iavelrad tsthar aerioaaly. While ad>
vaaeing between high kopjs* against
the BAn la their front, they were
aatprlaed by a close eroa* fir* from
snipers ta a msal'.e field and on tbe
enrroaeding kopjsa Tbe nnmber of
Boers inerdased rapidly and tbelr ri«e
4co san*^ math dsmago amaag tbe
artillery bonre. Tbe U>ere advanced
over a riae in ground for too or c>>
yardi. bnt were ebe:ked by ar'.iJIcry
fire. Tieatbi Tw}lf;li Ian-er< on Vie
right made a frontf^ charge while the
Hoassaoll cavalry went to tbe rlpht
andcleartd the metUs field. It
la tbU fight that tbs Bsrl of Alr^io
killed. It wat over he wa« found
with a ballot ihroagb bla heart.
Colonel Kgerton Urwn wat wonnded
la the thigh and taken prix^ner.
There were very fewcaanaltiei among
tbe BritUb eonaideriog tbe abort range
at which tbe fighting took piece. No
Tranivaalera took part In tbe eagage*
mant. The onllre fopoe that oppceed
the BrltUh waa made ap of Hollander!
who have esltled la the Transvaal, eoloaiai rebels and
Daring the engagement two BriUeb
gana were firing frontwards and two
other* rearward*.
Railway eommnaloaUoa is roatortd
and a proclamation Jnit Itsned warns
the Boer! that If the railway or telegraph U oat again tbe farm neareet tbe
aaaaa wilt be banad. Dewet'afarm
at Rbaaoater has already been bnraed.
The wives of Emger, Both* and
Mcyar remain at Pretoria under the
proteetlon of the Brttlsh.
Inaemneh at tbe field marshal'e-llnaa
In all dlraetions are now again Inlaei
It to believed that tbe Imperial army is
roady to daiiver decisive blown eelenlatad to bring Praaldanta Kroger and
Steyn to tarmi. There are no reports
of Oeneral Randle's aagagemeat i
the Free Stators said to be mmtaelng
Us froBt at Pieksbarg.
Pmaldant Siayn ha* aatobliabad hi*
latest capital at Bstblebem and has
toaaad a proelamatioe defying Lord
Roberto'anaaxatioa edict eed ealllng
oe tbe borgber* to eoatiaae tbelr tapport of the eovareiga state gtrvera*




Mr. and Mn. M. Frink, near St.
Jehaa. celebrated their elztieth wed.
dlag anniversary on the farm on which
they have lived alnee they etarted
hoaaekeeping ala decade* ega
There ere eiz eases of emalipoa in
Springwella. '
Maekegonis infected with bicycle
tbievee. Alee Oae, aged is. U nnder
arreet oh saspleloa of being one of tbe
ElnaMateon. Of Montane, waa en­
joying her first ride on e etraet ear at
Maskegoa. and when the eer we*
iog et tall speed dropped her pnr*«.
She taw U dicappearing to the dtotaaee
. and jamped tout*groned. Shelapded
08 her back and head, aisstatolag aerloostojarles.
At Port Baron W edaeoday. the peline
Ught fakia who
gave aaaumedyaame*. Two of-^ them
had their ai^dooeap to plaster easts.
Othen jartted the erotoa oil ban

atattoa aavml ^laa ap the rieor. that
ring a sapply of pan water.
I MlAigaa Agrie
aoUaga daee of IMO. haa atortod oa hie
henawardtrip. BawUl vtott Bostaa,
Saa Fna^eo. iapaa. Baglaad, Balgaria. aad thnea ntam homa- He U
artog htouaU. for a poaltlon to
Robarte’ aoUege, CaastaBtiaopl*.
Qyde Oalbeld of Taeameeh.tha yoang
laa wbo vraa to ba married to Mm
Alta Powi 11 two weens e^ and who
left town 4 qoartor of no' hear before
tbe wedding waa to take place becanae
bit tailor woold not let him bare bis
wedding eait witbont the eaab. hae rctoraed to hla mother'* home two mUr*
eoath of there. The bride that waa to
to haa had a loag interview with him
and the wedding will very llkdy uke
place yet.
At Grand Rapid* on Toeeday Mat
Hook, aged 70. wbo lived alooe was.
fonad dead in hie hoatci Semnel B.
Bower, aged «>«, while walktog to hi*
back yard, dropped dead: and Mrr.
Anal* Sebletlleeatu, aged 8t. fell dead
(•eorge Bailey, liviag three mile*
from Grand Rsphia, bu OB* acre of
gronad in atrawberriee; On Monday
be picked forty fireeralea. OB Xnceday
forty <»tca and on Wedaeedey forty
crate*. He says that he can fill a crate
of sixteen quarts witbont moving It
more tban two or three feet along the
pateb. The torrie* an simply croweing each other for room to grow. Tbry
are tbe dark colored Warfield variety.
Lonia ifmart of Bndson, waa bnraed
todtath In a faoiel fireat Sonih Bind
Toesdsy night He was well known
and very popular. He was la tbe serT-ccof.tue Rti; Telepbcae coapeoy.
having toio seat t) S*utb Band on a
spcslr.l crra:*d. Ue was 2t yv'sr« of
ac.'-'nad n son ot the late II.'. .V- ESo)*-".. oae of thr prominent pLr»Iciti;$

nm S8.00D
8am AgatoM tba MiAlgaa AtoiA


l.Mt Oclcbar.


r^I>rvisl toTlic MorviBxRcrorU.

Which' we are placing on sale are remarkable, not only
for the beauty of the designs and cdoriogs, but also for
the many improvements in the “shirt uiloring” and the.
changed treatment in the ^iped patterns.
and around the cuffs.

This Season the Stripes


Down on Both Bosom
and Cuffs.........................


, TWe'Uripeii ct'fccts this year arc also not quite so


starttir.g as they were last year, though in our assort­
ment will bo found many daring color combinations

■ i

and effects.

Dojv't Be Fooledi

the eastiesi possible moment.

Prkc. 18 ents. Nsrer s<.ie

60, 75c, $1.00, $1.50.

Is balk. ACEcrl ?M sabfti*
« mts. Ask rear druxttat.

Witb^Separate Link Oufib or Cuffs Attached.'

Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House

Hamilton Clothing Co.


Monday, June 18,



i .5

s i; f ^Big Stock
Wall Paper



........... ? i; ;
Cleveland___ trt...
Miller end Shew: Hoffar end Speere.

ipsetil to Tbe Honitax kseerd.
Weeblngton, Janell—A monnmeat
to the memony of Semnel Hebaemenn,
foander of the homaopethte school of
medicine, was dedicated this afternoon
with appropriate ceremonie* in the
pretence of e large eeaemblege, incladiegPreeident McKinley, Attorney
Genere' Griggs end delegates to tbe
Amerirea Ins'.itata of HSttropetby
now in eeeslon here.

AtMtSt*. Maris a apaeial else
waBhaldtoaatberinthaeity to head
thaedtoiBthaaam of sno.000. Tba
■MMy that laised ta to ba aead to cz>
toad aad otbmwtoe Improve the water

tbe opera.
AU's fair in lore and war. Even to
tbe dto of battle tbetc ts en eogngement rinjT
Ask tbe everg* nan where he got
Ue ambrelU and be wfll Jteeltate be-

As sizc.s arc soon' broken in our stock of

fancy shirt novelties, you should make your selection at

Take the steolac. oricUul

Hawley and Bnweraan; Dlaeen and

axmeaB utatfOs.


Run Straight Up and


Chicago—Ctoetonati. rain.

Last year,

it wilt be remembered, the stripes ran across the bosom

What is Celery King ?

Teeterday'e• B^Ba
Balt Oamea.

ThaatotowMgMBt ad the Sma
ddVUMMaSQagaaelakato a gnat
aaaana. AS tba 44 todgai to tha atato
an npeaaaatod aad military rain pra-


Patterned Ghirts

SbattdrM by Zarthquke in Alcsks

Sev.tir, Jane 31—Capuin Hackman
I tbe steetcs'<ir> Queen, just io^fr.m
Aiaslia, seys the canfcq--*aUc In Alaska
itol |■i.lob.-•r oi6*.rcyec Ibc M-Srrd of
Mulrglscisr. TUc Qjcc-j sailed -.hreotrh
fragtnenu. icd iw'orrgs for live ai.l
bat failed to
W. S Myers pa'ifcod Ihrongh the city fcrmv.ion.
yeets'day on b'K way from tbe aoutbBAILWAY BBIDGE WRECKED.
ern part of the state to hts borne In
Believed Sympaihissrs of Strikers are
Comrad W. B. Chamber! of Frank­
fort is visiting Harvey Carta of Welt
Speelslto The Uornlo* Record.
Seventh »trcci.
Gnaataon. Jnne 21—The Colorado
Mrs. A. J. Doyle and nephew, Carl C.
Clark, bsvegone to Wexford, for a ten Southern ' Railroad Company's Irrn
bridge eeroe* tbe Onaataon river tow
days visit.
by tbe czploeion of giant pow­
Mias Jean Noyea of L'tchfield. Mich.,
i* vlsiOng Mn. and M4sx Albright of der today, it ta believed by aympatbUera with the etriken at the Bald­
ns East Ninth street.
MUi Cora Crains left for her home win coal mtoes. io order to prevent tbe
Wednesday after spending a month rnnntog of trains{Bna.

with her brother, Harvey Crains.
Mrs. Fleeeer and Mrs. Cora Triplett
of Kingsley, are the gnests of Mr*, a
B. Ptoaey.
Mr*. Fred Hsiden, who has -toen
visiting ben for tbe past tnree weeks
returned to Chiceg* yesterday.
Alderman and Ralp'h Hsstinn
turned last evening from a fiablng trip
to Sear creek. They report a fine
□C. J. and John Elmer wenttoBeltner
yeetordey on a '
B. O. Ward retaraad frem Frankfort
B. Fox of MS Wetoter etraot.
Miae Ro*e Carpenter at ftoarUvoto i*
the gnact of F. O. Pratt and family of
Ninth streak
Frank Head* hae ntoraed from a
trip to the eoath part of the eUte. Hla
mother end little nleu reUrned with
Loaie Mena earn* ap frem Gnad
Baplde laat evnntog for a vlrit with hie
brother. Fred Meng of Webetor etreat.
Rev. Howard Moon,
of toe Friends chnreb in this city, now
of Menton, in vislUag friends here.
John LsCore was In the City (roi
Elk Rapid* yesterday.
Mayor Frledrleb went with Trareree
CitjTenU K.. O. T. M. to Charlevoix
C. H. Beckman and Gxorge Bsfriitcr
■pentyesterday fishings*. Carp Lske
Goodrich -^shome from a visit
to her dangbter, Hn. A. B. Atwood of
Lo* Angeiee. CeL
Mn. B. C Carlin and chUdren of
OreenrIUe, are visiting the family of
tor father, Asa Hale of Seveoth street
MieeLnlu map of Kalktaka. who
has been engaged to teach the sixth
grade at toe Central reboot bnUdtog
toe eomlnr year, it visiting Mrs. R. W.
Bird of East Eighth street
Mra James Morgao. who has b«n
■pending the winter in the eoath ana
apftog in New York, arrive I at Park
nm tost night for tbe enmi
J. Makelto. a well known attorney
of Bast Jordrn, tain toe city.


Oarrtad ieto Xmke Br.e.
Toledo. Jeoe 21—Artoar Ledy^.'i
toe beat known tollowlet in toeqpu- j
try. w*a drowned in Ltks Erie ^ta j
aveniag. Be was giv^ an exhibition i
at the batchers' and grocers' pien-c a*.
Prctqse Iilc. After be ascended thc
wlnd shifted aad Instead of drifting i
towards thr c;W the balloon waa car-1
ried out over the lake.

Ooa of tb* totneatiag eaaci that wfil
eoan bafee* tbe neat term of tbeetrenlt aoart wiUto adamage snitagatoat
thoMiabigaa Starch Co. by A. B. Sum
who waa tojond then aome Umaagoi
The salt ta far by P. C Gilbert.
Stom had hi* foot badly eat go a
set of knivcioa a revvivtog ehatt. Tba
Captain McCarter Bretka Down.
claim is that the dsngeroos maehtoary
not properly covered.
Leaveawertb. Kan. Jane 21—Close |
.eonficement within the ebope and cells '
Striken Fnetiee XndigalUee Upon of the penitcDtiary proved too mneb j
forOtorlln McCarter. Utaot captain j
QlrltofClgar Faetorieeaad Xmandriae
of engleeer* !o the United SU'.eienay*
Daytoa, Ohio, Jnaetl—n* etriken Beta b*ckCD i« health and spirii,
to toe
of tbe cigar faetoriee and laaadriee rt'cd eflortaat totiiaidatlon tonight a*
tba workman left for home. At the Troy
Uandry A. D. Miller wa* knock :d naeonecione by a elnng shot by Gea HeGee. MUIerwillrecover. At Sehaefl.
er's cigar factory the elotbtog wae tont
frem tbe glrle a* they ran home. One
girivns badly beaten after her clothiog wa* torn off. At Welcreleb's fac­
tory ihe girls wen chased eevcial
square* until tbs police intereep td
the rabble-

I has an open
The iKiw-lopBol
gait of bis own.
A tow-broded yontfa portrnye toe:;
meeting of estrvmee.j.
Tbe slave be* hat one meeter. to*,'
offlrrliolder bee many.
Tborr ta tmiblng more ni
toan a c-ook wbo cAh'l cook.
Tbe love of n good woman ta toe
beet proKH-tion a men ran bavr.
A man** kleU borne bas a maotel to
avsvy room on wblrb to reel bta feet.
'nme ira't morb mom-y wbeo m
1 porebaae an eight-d r clock for
fiS cenin.

Aagaatns Yonag'e brother died at
Lasatog Saaday. He waa given i
moaey to parebaae articles needed to
permit him to preeent a decent appearaaeoat tha faaeral. Be epeat the
memey ob Itqaor. went home and ebw
ad hit wife and the vridow oat of tha
hones and wae aloaa with the eorpee
whmi the ofleeiB toud him.


aaitBronght by A. B. 8«m for «hU Udpnrd, toe Well Knosra Aetaannt

On account of an overstock, we will offer for a
short time only, our entire lot of carpets and
wall paper at


“I JeiloiE life,"
'Tit Bumi,"
"OilM VoBU'tBiirt,”
"Tbt Ulude Pipnss."

Greatly Reduced Prices.


“Only a
Woman’s Heart”




Seels now oc sale ei the Box OfBce.


All of our best Ingrain Carpets, including Low­
ells, for 55c per yard net; all our Ingrain paper,
side and ceiling, at 25c per roll; Single Band
Border to match, .at loc per yard: all our 50
and 55c’papcr. the finest, at 30 and ^50 per
roll; Border, formerly 15 and 18c, now 10c per
Anyone in need of carpets and wall paper will
find it greatly to their advantage to look over
our stock.

S The Boston Store

Glass Block, Front St.




lWILLIAM a. sope

'StA^tST tl\AB A

SVvvw Sv\k

strs'i ana os* rviuoacir-? u cua pui i\ m oraer wr smeuy ap xo oats pnoi^

6ut4S.OO IVccOTi.V&n'Plw.teii'VDaVst
^OT 55.15.
5A.00 '^c.V.ed ba^antse SWk. ^or
V 5X.55.
TkRt\ ^a\V\o

0B« or mort o^ owr

X5e S>aundered Shirt 'VDaVsts
I 3ot\V«u >uA &AHS-&UI ’Cm
\pt Voom
Gut %0c Utis \s
\u!L' »e totat qoUV.

An smiasHtl}' ekilled nod BccomplUbed artist. A vonderfol and
thoroughly quelifisd photographer.



* ^ All are eonltallr torited to vielt fata etndlo eed tgat bta ebllUy ee ea np to
date pb&togrscfaer.

I Fine Wood
For Cooking or Furnace Purposes



■UnnOk Lsmbar in all .i—L

JOHN F. OTT & 00.
■ t» Tl»i—— Oltj X.nmter Oo

T3ra MORNING RECORD. reiDAY. JUNE 22. 1900 ._________ ,


iM sHintT sraBiEt
OMsftktUMMUofttaanrd*the repobUe of
mtwa WH %o imtnj S.IS0 tlw of
i, worth la U« nnrkat
•kevt moee, ud oeptBnd troB WBrgltu darlBC the test mwral jwniBnRMOeBbMMMOVt !■ B«1
Fifty pMWrti en raportad
kSUhd at Dvulehah.
At CUmco h trellv
*«al^ •»
•kifhmuafiFMd Wadawday sH^t
ameaaat AaUaad ud Wahaab aaaI^8o«aaof tba oaaaaaata of thi
BBCae wan lajarad. Two of thaa
wlU probably dto.
Fi*a of tba blC^t dalacataa tres ColMdo Total fbrBryaa fear yaan a«o
S tbraa of tba flaa aoatribatad *100,•ntetbaeampaicafaBd.
fbrulearaeKHuaaaaribaf tba and
tba Hawallac rapabUe hara baas
bald in Booolala.
Aa aseankoa train waa
Wadoeaday mornlnf adbr Hampton
Canrt, BayUnl SUty
portad tojnrad
Albert Dawaon of MaiaalUaa. O..
la an old honad’whan U waa atniek by
Ufbtainr. Ba wa. rnd^ nnoonu for a tina and wballe raeorar*
ad fonni all the hair had baen bamad
from hit head. Stranfa to any. ha
aoPaartonaly injorad.
- Arthur WaddUI, ayad «. eniiead BetHa Pamptoa'affad 3, Into the woods in
Sfayaoo eoanty. Oa.. and eraabad bar
baad with a rock and hid bar body.
After two daya' aaareb for the obiU by
the family and nalybbora, ArUinr
tead to haring kUlad tha ehUd and
took tba aem^ata to tha qtot, wbera
Hmyfonnd her llttla body. Ha la new
toiaIl,andflTeaaabiareaadnfor kill|«tba llttla girl that bar mother
OUy Marahal MUford Parker waa InalanUy klUad Uta Wadnaaday night in
%)ana. Kaa.. by ^eldng up a Ure talaibiTT Wire from tba aldawmlk.
fiaorga MnlUna and /. H. Bonatoo
wara kUlad and It paraona ware hart
^ the coltapas ol a raUway bridge
near Lebanon. Ky., while a train waa
Oailfornla will ralae2 Its,000,000
ponndi of prnnea thU year.
Betad Matbodlat Birina vUI ba Htre
• lanaMtoSS.
A Boit plaatant and preSubla gatbming of E^worth Laagna workera will
tbaraenTaeaday next, oonllns^ for Ihraa daya
Among the momiBoat man who will
^Iram the maatinga wUl ba Blahop
W. X. Rlnda of Datrott. naUonal praaltmt of the Bpwortb Laagna.
Tba Olrena at Waabington,
When tha Great Wallaaa Showa
mbtebanblbltadln WaaUngton. D. C.
Tba Poet of that ol^ nii: "U there la
My alty wUeh U a batter ahew town
IMatha Rational Qapital. it la not
Amrn on tha
The Wallaea Show
fiMMd two Mg thieon ymtarday.
mnay paepU balag tamed away. Tha
Mw was « aneemi. both tor tha man■gamiatand for thoaa who wanted
good antartainmant. Tha elty waa

fmmptty and la anmaatfrom tha atari.
Be ana bat tba child whoaa ftrat rlait
It waa to a eireu eoold peaHbly taU all
Iknt waa down. Hardly anything oonld
bnrabaaa more wondarfol than the
« faau pmformad by the Jeatly
aMabratad RaUon family, and aapcclal^ of tba s yanr Old toi.”
The Qraat Wallaea Sbewa wlU aiUMt la Trararaa City on Tneaday
Jaly Id.
The Priae Baby^ Reward.
Bargarat Domaa won tba go-oart by
m Totaa at tba lawn party giran by
fee ladicB of 8t. Praneia chnreb, at B.
B. Sallabary’a Wayne atreat grora. Tha
aeooad prize waa eaptnred by Baby
Bewtoa with 63 Totaa aacaxiag a Ine
pair of babyt abom donated by Frank
Friadrieb. TblaUwa party baa bean
wy .proftubla both aoelally
tnanciaHy and tha ladlmof St. Franela
Skanh will eonttana almllar aoelala
ftrangtaont tha eammar.
Adrartiaad Lattart-

Pariah «ob L




Ibkan tbii month kaapa yen waH all
^ year. Oraataat tonie known, ttoebi
KSdnTaa.madabylCadlaen Ha/

Aad yM a wgtta'e fadr oa
had mradaWr warn err

Delrai tea from tbbSaatkm will 60 to

Port Baton.
Official ootien have bean aaat oot
for the aomlnr maatiag of tba Good
Beads Oomrrara to be bald in Port HaJolyt-S. Tba object Iff tbe e^grara to to awakao aad proraoto'iba
iDteraat In the improvament of tha
IbafoUowiag are tba dalagatu to
tba eongrasa, aMaetad at tha raeoai
And yet ao mifhtj-in IU power.
A biUDaD MSI la aot tbort boor
good roads eoavaatian of this elty:
' Uwcnub*dla.-ncaUiluUl^
O. A. Rslsoa. G. M. Dame. JndWUta, W. E. CtompbMl, WOUas Core,
Frank HamUtoo, O. P. COrra, A. V.
Friadrieb. B O. Ladd. & B. SIni
AntbozabaveoftaD mynifled the pnb- J. 8. Hodgoa H. E. Lyon and Robert
Hit bnt a man who made a basimaz of BAroey■ •
- ■ --jteralt anotTBATHBEfi- BHAMIMATXOH
aUa ebaraotar. Bach n one, bowaver,
waa the Bar. Franou Mabooy. better
hpown aa *‘FatberProak" Bufarorita Twaaty-fow Oaadidatm Wrltiag for
I Pimbmg mridi
trtokwaa to takeawdlkaown aoApopCartifieatu.
nlar poom. trknzlata it into amtbar IangMge, boldly aw»t tbat iu ita new
Tbe epeelal eiamlB%Uori tor teaehen
tam U pomemed gnat anciqaity and to being eoadaetad at tbe aapuvtoora
ehargo the aatbor wiib bariuT stolen it.
of the court boose for aaeond and
raBaaAddad Many This trldc be played ou uioru than one
noted anthor daring ibe early days of Uiird grade oartlfleates.
Haw Sabacribrn.
tbaprcsentceutury, and oacbtvoh aorety ara tba names of thou who are taking
The following bra new eonnaetad
'with the Northmn talapbona city es- poem which
AUea Boyd. WUllamsburg; L izzie
that in a foreign language.
Donn, lAke Ann; jllan Dorga. Nul:
Front translated Moore's "Go Whew Anna Falford. Barker Creek: Moses
tGS-«Btrd. E. W.. 94« Eaat Bigbtb
Gilbert. TbompsonvUie: Nellie Grant.
tst-^Ubart, P. C.. realdenee ^te
Comtesae doChateaubriatnl and charged Minnie Gran'. Mabel G
Saranth atreat.
Moorewith bavingatoleaitboUily. The Armiuge, CalUu Danbar. Ada A.
Ml—Hamlin, J. B.. reaidanca corner ■OBg. "LesWa Hath a Ucaniiug Kyc," RUmer. Hand Bobertson.MoQA SUeldk.
Boaa and Waablngton atreett.
into cboio.- Latin and Myrtle SUotoD, Leooa Sweet, Agnes
X64-Morgan. W. J.. 4tl Wabater claimed it as a yoothful prodoc-tiou of Salliran.
Traveru City: Nellie
bis own, which ho bad once shown to Tbempun. Meyfield: Mary Wood, Sum
Moorcb Another of Front's ucbiovemejlU esil City; Leila Worden. Mabel; Lizzie
waa the iranfJation nf Wolfo's "BorUl U. Wales. Old Mission; Jennie Caras.
Oo.. Mnnaon block.
tes—Wearer. B. B.. ll? Frontatreek of Sir John Moore" into French, claim­ Elk Rapids; Lois Caraa Angeli; Edith
ing, at the same time, tbat the lines
MS-Witkop, B. L., raaidanaa 7I» were written by Colonel do boanmanois, Moody. Walton,
Wabater atreat.
who was killed ot Pondicherry iu 1T40.
la arena folBraviUea.
Not aatitflod with thia he p
farther and tnmslatod the linea into
Oadar Oi^-BUlman A OMrer. M. A German reraeaud stoatly declared that, City, waa la the city yutarday. Mr.
R. B. dapot, Rolan Bcoa. Lirary atable. while Wolfe bad stolon from the Fronob Callaghan to looking np bto proapscis
poet, the Utter ^ in tom pilfetad fw the BepnbUeaa
Depna A
Meat Market.
aeod Harbor—Baa Menaky. peat of- from tbe German, the latter poom bar­ aominsUon in this dtotriel, but ha
ing, as be etated, been written to comSea. Fred Atkinaon.
memorate tbe death and bnrial of tbe oollidad with n etroag MUlikea aaattMaple City—Stanley A Young.
Swedish General Toistenson. who waa meaU
Omena—S. A. Keyae, A. Maniaan.
Mr. and Mra. Percy M. Boldswatb
kiUed at tbe ai^ of Dautria Poor
seeing bis
in Richmond, Va..
popolarity disappear and was not mnch Holdaworth hu bun sent by Ue Atwhen the hoax was discoV' Untie Cout Line B'y. Co. to inspect
/07cr t.
jf oomforted
ared.—PbiUdelpbia Press.
tbe eonstrucUon for them of a number
whul freight loeomotlvss. If
t'wful l-arToU.
The ElondlKe dab bad a India bmIt has bitberto bevn enstomarr to frit­ ■nitsble opportanities are found Mrs.
alon laat craning which waa rery en- ter away tbe intellectual force of par­ Holdsworth will do some work In voice
jcyable. They act at 'the home of rots by merely teaching thcni to say cnlture while there.
Bay Thacker, and aarpriaad both him “Pretty Poll" and things of that Fort,
Rtlph Coonsble, J.. formerly mens
and hU wife. A plaaaaut time wu bnt tbe ninnicipal anihorititis of- a ger of tbe City Book Store of this city,
apant. and iu eraam and aka ware French town liavo in-iUBmi-triwt it is bnt who wu recently made manager ol
to bo hoped will Uoaufe u general roirrad daring the evening.
aibszur in Bloomington. III., had tbe
At a bnalnea aauton tba following
to be in the district where
The poor box at tjie town hall, it
officera were alaetad, in addiUon to
lA had for a lon^iue been in a Bloomloglon’s big fire occurred which
thoee already cboaan:
OonditioD discreditable totbemriro pros- destroyed over a million dollars worth
iva D. Tylar.
perons of tho iuhahitauta To remind of propaty In tbe heart of the city, inthem of tbfir doty toward tholr poorer
Steward-Waiter D. Lyon.
clading tbe store under hU maoaganeighbors a parrot waipnrchasod. which
Onida—WilliaN. SUal^,
waa Insulled close to the box and trainOhapUU-Bdgnr Keith.
One hundred sixty-two tiekeU wc
edtoc^, "Forthopoor,if yonploaael"
Tbo resnlt, it appoan, has been high­ sold to CbsrlevoU yutarday on the
ly aatisfoctory, pence and silver coin Para Marquette.
Won Firat Prize, ISO, In ObarleiraU baring been freely given in reaponse to
Frank Ealkatlne bad hisbrad laaeratbe blrd'e appeal
tad in the mill at Bingham Wadnaaday.
fv Oagrae Team Work.
Tbe idea U capable of bMng appUed
Travana^y Hira,No. 71, won firat in n variety of ways Parrou ni^ be Dr. Moon of thto MW dressed the
prize far degree team work nt tba E nmd. for example, to warn paimrsty ot wound.
A party ot tan yonng ladtoe arrived
0. T. M. aad L. O. T. M. eaUbraUca tba proximity of wet paint on fences or
bald la CharleroU yealerday. Tbe ■bop fronta. or toramlnd people on en­ yutarday tram Cincinnati for tba
tering a booae to wipe tbeir feel
trophy U MO la eaab.
In fact, pairota might be made really
Tod Owen had a ranaway on Wut
There were only two bands In tba naefnl memben ot eoeiety.—Yonth’a
Front street Wadoeeday nlghk Thera
band oontaat, HazrlagtoB'a mUItary Companion.
In the boggy, bnt
band ot Cadillac and tbe Ealkaaka
SiMtrtc mafe la a Cbareh.
fortunately no one was hart.
haaA Tba prize was dirUad batwaan
Recently there waa an eclipse of the
tha empetiag orgaaizaUona.
Mr. and Mia. Joaaph Pomon] of
electric light at Elm Road Baptist
obapel, Scntbses,and. cnrioosly enongh.
Trararaa Otty Maifcat.
psstor bad ebesen for bis texts, pound baby b^.
below U a Uat ef tba tmytng and aall- Proverbs Ixxiv, 20. "Tbe candle of the
Mtu Grace M. Gaga ot YpMlanM. to
wicked shall be put oat,”andPMlm employed as stanograpba for the Ora)
aad term pradnati^
xvil 28, "For thou wilt light my oandU; tbe Lord Iny God will enlighten Wood Dish Oo.
my darkneas," a combination rather
The 0. E. Parks left tbs On dock
anal to tbe electric light, for when tbe yutarday with 400.0M fut of hard­
lights went oot some of tbe congrega- wood lumber fw Mlehigaa City.
tionwent ont also and obtained canThera wUl ba a apacial ooavoeation
oaeded. Tbe pastor coaid not conven. ofTra«eraeCHt7CbaptaNo.lo:B. A.
M. tbto avaaiag fw work in tba P. M.
(anily change bis teyta in
Faed,H. L
of wbat had happen^ and bo may have and M. B. d^rau. Tbara ara three
been prepared for the. general titta
which followed their
lately a aomowbatsimiUrcaseoccorred
in an American cbnrcb, and the am useio yuterday's aoconnt of tbe I- O. 0. F.
ment was heightened by the action of a
Hia number includad.
deacon who absvoUnindcdly lighted a celebration.
match and applied it to one of tbo aloe- buidu . tboM mentioned, Pruldant
Jamu Jobnw)n of OadUlac, First Vice
trio lights.—Uiudon Ligbtuing.
PruidentT. G. SbUson of this city.
Afrtesa Grwbecks.
Second Vice President Mrs. W. A.
The social groebeckt of South Africa
Dean ot thto city, and TreHorar Mrs.
Ure in large Bocietiee. Tbeyseleotatree
of ocntlderable sige. and literally cover Wataon of Mantotae.
Wheat, old, per a
It rrith grass roof, under which tbeir
Tbe Bsgle yutarday printed a notice
par bn. (t
common dwelling u constructed. The tbat there would be a muting ot the
. ). 1. pat ■
Elks laat night and that there would
Corn, per bn..
bean effort to awall tbs namber of
600 pairs of birds are known to have tbe
votu fw one of tbs
same shelter. Tbe nesu in this aerial
dwelling are bnilt in regnlar streets earnlral queen. The
that than waa so eall fw a mut­
and closely resemble rows of tenement
ing and ihat tba list muting of tha
Elks fwthto ssasoo wu beU Jans 71b.
Be WaatsA the Ceateati.
Bmory Clark Of But JordAS, M la tha
SmU fw tha aagacanwat ot ProfaaDr. Holmes' library is valaed at only
MOA This bos been tboogbt a ratber aw Payne, tbe mind raadw, wUl ba
^11 library fa a liuraty man who placed on ealo. at tbe box offiu of
Wa offer «a bnndrad doUan reward bad a lifelong fondnem fa books. But StHnberg’e Grand tbto noratng.
any cue of eatairh that cannot ba
Tbe trial of Grant BaaaaUfw etoal■adbr BnU'a Catarrh earn.
ing a bicycle wUltaka plaulaJadge
. . aadmigBad, hara known F. lags, can be bought fa f804. Tbe very Beborta- court thto Boraiag.
J. Chmuy for thHut IS yanra, and be- best books of tbe wald are quite limit­
At theC
Uara btm praiaetiy boMrabU U aU ed In nnmba.—Beaton Globa.
mefi fw
solid dalagationa were

- (Qg e—
able to eany ont any
EUbn Bairitt, "tbe leaned blackbytbatrfirm.
The Nortlmra Talapbone Oompany
■mitb," knew 18 languages. Be wak
Waat ATrnax. Wtae
■slf taught, generally nooding only a
‘ ‘ ,0.
Northnort Point resort, nad polu are
WaldlMr. KIbbbb A Marrla, WboUoolbegraund.
ula Dngglata. Tolado. O.
HaU^ Catarrh Ova M taken UterBnskint wen high boots made of vell.OM yeate bare we walud
ral ct otba cloth and won by ladlea gnatut bleuiag arw offered. It
^ by acol^ci wfa^ calebraHng . .'uti r- you- Jeyv soo halvve year ew•r-A That's what Rocky Monniaia
Iharitraoftbeohnreb. ‘
dew. Me. AMiyoardragiMe
Monday and Batnmad Temaaday.

ad to tba k
haring been mkaliig from tba eitji
niaea Monday. She baa been Uriag
with a family by tba name of Pitabarg. bowarer.aba la n elty ehaiga, bar
beard being paid by tba Mty. Attara
^aamlwlth tba Pitabacn Monday,
aha left tbair raaidanaa.
Chief of
FMiaa Bannla atartad a aaamh with tba
raaMt that ba toand bar baek at tba
Plmbnrg^ again yaetacd^.
abaaatftomtbaclqr aba wia at tba
borne of Jaeeb Caiman on tba Paninaala and ratamad to tba dty with them
Mm. Swebda M aben TbgM of age
nadit la probable that tha qurral
ily daraagaAbari


mm IM socierr.


KffMgss .S
iiml n. L.






And Lfe waa wena

One TTBCOsed weed.'
That (trork iu coward. potaCKd blow,
la ctana wbiapm Imhcd a>d%

Jm Klakdiy in JaO Agate..
last night word waa aaat to Cbtaf of
Pedtoa Baaaie that Jm Hinkle *»•
abating hto foraw wife, an Wobatw
atraak Mr. Bannla waat to tba aanu
aad took Joe in charge aad laaoed him
'U to said that Hinkley want oa a
aad west to tba home
of hie 01

A very good honsr. eoasldering Me
bad weather. wUaaaead tbe partormaau of "The Bnekaya," 1* 8Uinbenr“a
Grand by tbe Oukell Stock company
tost nlgkk Tkt play to one which ap­
peals to every theatre goer with a
face which to intaoalflad by ewraet
intarpratatioshot the variooa ebaraetwa- Tbe Qaak^ oompany to well
balanead fw tbto klad ot an
aad their wwk wu greatly appraeiaV
ad. Tonight "Only a Woman'a Heart" Uaiat fw yaan. Terrible sons would
braakoutoabw faeadaad face, aad the
will ba preaaatad.
but docton could give ao help; but
now hw health to axuUeak" Bleetrto
Bittara to tba but blood purifier known
Its tba sapreraa remedy fw wzama.
erhapal Uttw, 'ult rheum. uMan, btito aad
wu one of the most skeptical psraons raaalag aoraa. It atimulatu Uvw
^aya and bowaU, expato potooaa
praunt, l am oaadid aaoagh to admil ^adlgutioD. bnUdaapthaatreagU
tbat I eonsidw your .performanou Only Me. Sold by S. B Watt aad ai
1 here seen
lata Wash
lohnaon. dniggtok
lagton Irving Bishop an& others who
Tba postmutw general haa amradI eoBsldg you tbe pur of any of them. ad the putal relations ao u to per­
mit the sender ot s registered letter to
Is my opinion,you are today the graatest mind reader in existence- Tbomu reesU it afUr it bu baen dlspatcbad.
S. Bogan, attorney at law."
Profesaor Payne will appear io Stein
with red Ups. laughlug eyu. Y lovely
berg's Grand three nigbU. beginning
Ask your druggtok
the STth.
Honors for Bingham.
The game of ball between Blnghmi
and thel sivenltyof Mieklgau result­
ed in a score of n to 0 io favor of Bing­
ham and one mac hurt. A hot game
from beginning to end. some hot worn
u done upecially by Bingbam.
The U. of M's referred to are prob­
ably some ot tbe engineering
who are on a tour in tbat locality.

Woodbine Cottage
Pleasant Roqnis. Shadii.Lawa.
SZ2 SUM Streel-


A Hottstw DevU Fish
Constipation. Tho power c

^pK>R6At-B PoaraMjmd hssd^

int Dr. Ring's :
e and wruio c(

r. Rid«at 8.


O •(m.i. luiulienojd Balth. W^ssS-

Ladlu. "Ten nan Jnap n It traaplc on
it. but it will come up smiling every
UBe ''Cslmen’s Blutle Floor VsrnUh
S E Welt.

A Oreat Discovery tor CAjicer
' WiMisoii, 0\T.. Jsn. st. -iwoo.
Dear Sir:—I have
D. Wai
your Compound of Seven Cnru,
tbe great cancer care and blood purl.with excellent rcsnlu. I done
lute to recommend it for tbe pm

:- Brosede ollk cse- »Itli ebllTos ruflis
arwI.riT ve«i of Valoa
BMUrs '
ird oBer zsd rvceirv owor.ltn.Si
l-OxStTaimT zlotoVcXS rsi. lABk:
l»o iruDk>. Addn-u Bdl< u Amrrir^^Oe.,
Tr«'«r»-Cilr. SIcli '
^AKTgU -iUrrlH non

k l-r tbs
I Boot bar
illosT. J

llir.--froBrIlr A.ldr
aeoarnoo. S> ttoaili I'olon i


TrmaxK and



iX. WzBird zi LiikrrMw Bouw. Elk BsetdA
Ur.l of

k»7I« " '

,T ONCE - 3ood. Biroog, eitd girl, oo >1 vplDc, duKlogar
ICO. MrA W. K.

|OW ran NALE--Ooed Jmeyeow.S veers
' old. glrev nice rlrb milk. PHrr M ■.
nesuBt furslohrd r

Steinberg’s Brand =|

nyANTED-flood girl for geMml hoBMW vrork. rompoirnt taclp zsd beat wmtnu

Opera House.

prteai lirlp. ^

17 Boll, corw

and Matinen Wednesday.

Starting June 25tb
The Most Sensational Man
of the Hoar,

TmCILT rVENtaEBO BOOHS—la deelrsUi
Ao locailoo. Ibraodoocaeut ot Park Race.
Hr.. Aliord.ZSStaleetreot.
J|N)R SALE OR BEOBMU^Tbe^sortb H ^
to It. town a
. Jo^ Vrri,,
IIS Vroi - -

,pOB SALE-^ » aadJT.^ak Bel^^
ar«D^'lou!"m talol*a»*1^
market price. Jobs Vcrlrasset.
TROR RALE-SO acrw rbolec lana sear dtr.
A Mbrooec fmlt tree., or irui trade lor ellv
pKiportj. J. W. PatehiB.

Henry Starr Payne r’i^ts'2u:7:..7"Ti,3r.i“wS
World’s Orsatest

UiDd Reader
Night Prices-25. 35 and
SOc. Matinee—Children 15c:
Adults 25c.
Seats now on sale at Box

Nortbam-. .tore. Flbder teaie at ibU o«oo.

A BARGAIN-le U fool lou on I
AA Stale .ireeu for caab or ea«7 to:
■lore building forwle. Call at M! ■
C UrTestb •

r CaSoe aad
p etalrm, T

L* WANT bMuraaeo ot aar Usd la Brat

ADoctorSavMthGlJfeofa Young: Lady by tha uaa of
W. Chasr Med. Co.,
Bnffnlo, N. Y.
Corfu, N, Y., Mar. *6, 1900.
GenUemen:—“ A most remarkable case has come under my haada ot
iate and has folly convinced me of tbe wonderfnl power of Dr. A. W«
Cbass's Nbrvr AND Blood PiLLS over diseases of the Nerves.
" A young lady who was treated for over two yearst for
fi epilepsy by
two doctors was given np to die. She
to me, and
d on
< careftu examination, 1 found that her steknesa was not railmsy, but nervoos ttoobln
doe to menstrua] derangements, and prescribed four of Dr. A.W. Cba*’s
Nirve and Blood Pills r day, after meals and nt bed time. It is three
months since she began this treatment and she has not had a tingle bad
qieU. Her health has rapidly improved and she has gained aboot fifteen
peonds in veigbu


or Uy of the dkeuez oue to urn o( vigor or
w ^
vitality in moi or treoeu. $oc til fieakn or Da. A. W. Caan Med. Co. B
Sw pwntit rad dgnamta «< Da. A. w. Chase aa ateiy bu you bey.

TBM HaWttiiG Itt&CORD, TODAY, juwe n, iw
MBBd that tor vBlBr toaBi ttoa tog|
awt aa the tokav. Aa taald aaa »*r-|
tr«B htoBd.
Ytoa tto prewtoB
way paac thto wBdow.
BBBe'* gBaee drifted


•« t MB k kiV IRB «*•
A MB MrtM «M 4b^ C9.

ITtto M>wd totow, wtotod



leokad froB face ta face.




Ik* »nr lit «MM « O*



A cftmo dUMRisea

■ ei'*itt*ad Wteo BaM I

XiCedAandBpb OiartoiU took a Tt>r
kaw aitBlB dallaht la hi* wif*'* maMOBpHtoiiBti. bat to wa# na-

- - - , —

gar* a Bert. Oa tto other Ud* of M
oueet. Maiag egalnot a UBppeB.
>. deftly browed. Sto bed
biB at eaee witb a ■Brer.
She drew beck qaBtiy Bln the rooB, her
gnse riretrd
face. Tton a strai
He raised bi*
k eyes, aad tbw reatai
tto bakvay. Rb face ligbtad ap eagerly,
aad be werad M ara excitedly. BBBe

. whara toe bad oonaantad to
a facUliaDt dato on tbe piuo, a
BU yontb with bang* aad a nienools
was ohaerred paying a langnld and lath­

agalast IL We refer to what
termed tbe electrocuting of Met. re­
garding whMi a promlucBt raaldcot of
Bay lUdge. Brooklyn, ba* this to aay:
"Five years ago there was the finest
natnral archway of tree* between Bizty-fifth street and Fort Hamilton to to
found wlihlu the Umiu of Oreater
New York. Now. for blo^ at a
Btretcb. one me. at k-ast. ont of every
three 1* blanted, and the othera. tbon^
they are In leaf In tto Rismmer. are
losing ttoir rltaUty and are sorely
tiooined uniua* the destroying laflDeaM
can to *v(»ted in aumc vrgy.
"1 am confident that if tbe pubtte
knew at tto time the «-ire* were
atrang through tto tree* thp effect tto
Mecrtrirlty would baTe there would
hare toen *ocb a kkk that tb* wire*
would, at least, hare beca more carefolly otrung. The public sndentood
that the a-lres were covered wttb in­
sulating material and that even, as ta
acariy every case, when they touebed
or rested on btanebea. the trees would
to safe.
"1 have talked with eli>ctiical expert*I Blocr then and have bei-n toM
that tthere is no such thing as an InauBting luatcrtal throngb wliich elsctrlcity wlU not sluwly make its way.
It I* only a matter of time beforo It
Will leak through any material Ib such
a way ss to destroy anything tto wires
may happen to be in cootact with. I
think something abouM to done to
aave the n‘st of tbe tree*. Their dcstnictlun 1* an set of vandaliiuu."
Tto realdenCs of that locality clalin
that in damp weather electric enrrent
teaks through tbe InMUlatlon of the trol­
ley feedev cable* where they conic In
contact with hritoebes of the tree* and,
passing through the tottcT. sv-eks tbe
ground. In *ui>i*>rt of this theory It
is ansertod tliat nut lung ago a ire*
foil, when an exaiuluaiiou of its trunk
reveak-d th<- fact that it was decayed
anil hullow through a gn-ak-r part of
It* length. It Is also stated that wher­
ever a cable louche* a branch it apeedUy shows sigUK of decay and eventu­
ally dies. Tlien- are any ouniln-r of
trees in thi* coodlUoii in that \iclnlcy
that before the irulky was built put

ing tone enoo^ to tbe perfarswr to
have his oamatnB easliy orerbeard iff
tor. Lord Beady wae oloae at bead,
too, andpreawtly heard tto vapid yonth
'Daacad fine bbBo, yon know, bat it
Mice wesU soni—U lacks woal sooL**
To tto critic’s astonlshtnent a nttsoalaryoaag naa. with a Mg naaBoto.
whom to bad not aotloed before, wbieNliBhBaar:
For a tolUlng I’d waUop tto Ufa oat
Bs bMBned to witbdraw, bat withoto diaoovMiig tto idoatUy <9 tto an­
ther of tto Bwaoo. Tto nest day. to

tsrned aad mw that eto was pate.
”We hare tired yoa-lettiag yoa ataad
aU tto tiBBl'' toe cried la alarat. Sto
nt ap fron ber scat and »»— into the
OOB. Little Uaiierie trotted attar her.
"Mo. aot at alU" sUBBerad BBBe.
Ber cats were stralalag tee aay aooad
oataMe tto door.
There was s footstap B tto
■to Urned ber back to tto door and eeptod with avidity. Oa entering to
atood faciat tbe wladow. There wa
wae met by his.................................. ..........
tap at tbe door; tbeo It opened, aad si

It wu tw BoniM «t IIMSmbm ta
la a rooB la a hatai

mboet so, wttk «alt* icAacd Natsna.
BOI pfMi7- n* BB« wa* Btddto afrf.
bitw*ca40aad6awith kalr tanwd «rar.
Be vaa- w«U preaerred aad eatried Wbarit
He etaad before her. aaa
kaad fcatiac ca tke back of a chair. “I
nnan after foa iere.'* be wa* B^liw
«oMr.' **lt waald be abaard at mr at*
to proBB It. B« all that tbe •
- *
tatiaa ooald gire ahoold be r<
“t too, coaM aot plre yoo a*y lor*r
*a aaU tat a low tone.
to eetiaaefl *^e'd reton afteetlaa toe
aftaetlee aad lead a coBfortaUe eei*tenee. 1 an tired of myoelf. I waat
aoB* oae to Uke aa latenwt la-a kl
died ipirit. In yoo 1 dmly better*
tore fooad that aoaw oae."
•^ta Be a UUl* finer abe aaid barHedly, aallght flMk rfaliit to tor <toek.
-A* loat ae Too Uke." to raid coar
teoaaly. He toto tbe toad *to eatesded
to bin. "¥<» nodenuad,*’to aaid. kook1^ at tor kladly. “that 1 want yua to do
asaetly aa yoa wWL If yoar good *e

1 wUl hot" *b* aanrered. *<Ooodby
--aad thank year ito added B a Mft
to aooo «• to had ranltoed ahe a
Mo a chair. 8to cloaed her eye*
MmMl 8to had Bid *to eoald not I
ton tor tore. It wa* true, toe feH
lare bad been klUed within her year* ago
-Bdy the nenory lingered. Yet not a
paned bat what *be thooght oC it
_ _____och a poo
olory too. toe. a gM of 20-to, a to)
atMg yonagner. a few nontto tor •
Sto bad lored iiim derotedly. Tbn
ooa day cane the mUnndenuiidlng. It
BM aotUng aertoiia. yet *to felt *he wa*
Mrt and her tnwt in bln tod been
abaken. toe apoke Utterly. There woo
an opaa OOkiret and “
aar* to acoepted it i
tor life. Bonetlbe
toat to bad narriwj


- aba woUd be more wrary atiU. Ttotc wa*
no laawn wby *to aboold rennln *lBgieBo aartUy leaaon at aU. ato lopaatad to
Bbe roae from ber **at and, opwing the
Window. Btepped on to the baloony. Pari*
tod began its boUday. la the otrcel be­
low people wen barrylng along with
anlllag Caec*: a crowd bad already a»auMiiil oo tto atope of the open I
'ton ariUng coofettl tn-boga bag*
Mac a roaring boriocaa. Hag*
ftytag, and the eualn* of a baai.
tooaching in tto distance fare notice
tint tto peoceBlon had surtad and —
■Bine watched tto a

Bg doobttBlly at t
........................ " *to toped.
noOoed tto child abagt
BBBe bad
the botal and bad fatos B lore witb bar
Ma Sto btionged to
' '
MoiB were at tto ettor
tBorand looked oat on a back stmt.
anBe hwTled forward aad took tto
ail. dear,” iha aaid, a

SalTfarChnrohlUbaokonad in tbedlnotion of tto drawing ro«n. and oat
*^'%^*'sboi>k toads witb blB ' iBd LsMly ChorohilL

I tto
Tbte fellow has oone to apologiae
to yoo for blsnma^of last night.”
hlBsd Lord Bandolpb. "Kow.”totha
n'ua^^'' HTufM b
ftranger, ’’down on yoar kOMsI”
Down went tto dandy, lisping oat
‘Ifarioris, dsar," said Mr*. Rycroft.
"this it yoar tattor." Sto toned to blB. tto Boat abjeet p)** for forg^veoeta
"Isa'c *to a Uttl* darilag. DtckT'
Then ha WM tamed over toafooMaa
Tbe woBcn at tbe window was
to to pat ignoBlaioasly oat of the door,
Bg in ercty word eagerly.
while tto host followed bU reMating
-Ato oo wcaUy By tatberr
•WeaUy." Unghed the Ug aaa. I
tbe child oa tto forehead.^
Bra. BygM uintoriai^ to EUlaa.
”1 aBr'w^I beg yoor pardea." eto
hU la a tone of warn apoiogy. AnOdd 1 T af Cham* t
tug my
czcHenenl of niaeilag
ay nraner-in-isw.
wto ba* last reiimmed from ladla. I
that wt
qaUe forgot tor tbe
It oloam M a bostile or ifaoogbtleM
loaeh. not rapidly, for it can’t do any­
to Hnketh.
*-tUck." *to aald. “ibeae arc not my thing very ngiidly. bot as rapidly a* it
MBS. This youog lady kindly Bvitsd oan. onrl^ iu tontaolo* inward and
s B bare to ssa the ptMssloa froa
eoreriag them over with ita ootcr akin
and SatBning it down opoo tho rook.
Bat it is aot dlatarbed by its frioada
In one of tto smallar rUb tanks at the
roond slowly, and bv gase set bl*.
olty'i aqaarion at Castie Qardoa then
dropped a step bach In Us astnnWuni
savoral Uttlesea anamonoa taken
"Blalnsr to gtspsd.
"Wby, yoa know one anotberr otad
0 spiles and stonw aboot tto Bat­
Ifm Bjrtoft.
tery. In the same tank, almost within
jBaloe soBBonad a aBOe.
rsaoh of those anemooea, nro eomd bom'^oo." to* faltered. “Mr. Becketb and
on bamnelia—little onea. half an inch
I htow one another ycari ago—befoia
ao in diameter. Imoking in boan^
to went to India.’; Sto i
tto barnacle may be. it ii proridod
band, and to took it ai
„ithama*twoBdarfaI hudltkemeBdyea were fastened apoa
bar. which it throw* ap from it* ahall.
with which U *w«ia-tha water for
" a Rycroft broke tto sUeoce.
’UL yon mnsc cobc and loach with food, the tnlnn^ animaiohlB open
whieh it faeda
Ooa of theoe ________ _i* so
. oloae to
old tlBca."
that whan to
(BO of the llUls anamone*'**’**“
Balne besluted. Marjorie
flings tiB net it almost or cjnlte toucdiM
) tor and touebed her band.
"Do ton." ato said pteadlagly. "and tto tija of tbe anemone's tentaeioa
whiob spread like tho mostdolloate and
play with me.’’
Blaine feU tto UtUe warto finger* naa- Battory branobo* of tho tlniust little
tlBg in tto palm of hhr hand. Sto raised trsa. Bat the anemone doesn't olosoap
her cyes to Mr*. BycmtL
Not a ML Here down deep iu tb* tank
Thank yon." *to aald. "I ahall b* IB branoba* wave In tb* genUy agitat­
ed water, as. dalioato as they are, they
tb* afternoon of tto aame day. Bight do in the genileti xephyrs on tbe
Heaketh wa» witli Blaine in tto drawing
room of (be hotel. It chanced to be emp­ lao^ and they wave and wave a* tbe
ty, For a few nuimrnu there wa* tiieoce. baniaole throws its net Perhaps tbe
Be wa* standing in ttemt of ber. Bb* sea anomone has it* own benefit in mind
throogh all thia for it is quite prababic
BcAed up, and thtir eye* bK.
"Blalner' be cried boanety. *tMn yoo that tho agiUtloB of the water brings
aver forgive me? Too don’t know whet to It food that it might not otherwise
I bare gone tbreiagb. In India I tried to reotivo; bnL bowevur that may ba. tbe
steel my heart against yoo. to tUnk of fact remalna that tbe litUe
you hUtariy. I marrisd. hot it
for love. It wa* for power, mooey. pro- that would oloas ot tbe slightest Icaob
BotkB. I deeelTed nu^eeU that it wa* of an anemy i* quite nndiatorbed by any
right to do ou." H« paused. "Sto wa* thing that its friend and neighbor tb*
a good woman, and I wa* kind to bar. hssp»«h> might do.—New York Bnn.
When Marjorie wa* bom. ahe died. I
Ptewan U NarUtem Boasla.
oeat tto ebUd borne with Mra. Rycn
aad aha baa taken charge of ber r
An English traveler innortharn BnsaBee."
sB WTltee to Tbe Gardener'* Chronicle
He stopped again. Blaine waited with tiiat nothing surprised him more then
beating heart tor hint to continue.
tto nniversal presence of well grown
"And when I caw yoo again tU* bcn
Bg." be cried. “1 knew that 1 loved yoo flowering plena in dwelling rooms.
tot I bare never cnaaed from loving Sven in the oelB of mooasterie* end in
tto stadias of oity photograpbori farther
yoo all th*a* year*! It It too ■
north then Arohangol be found such
aak yoo—to forgive—to be n
plants at oleendeta, orotona pulargoninowT be added alowly.
nin* andfaohsie* in almost every room.
Tto double wlndowa eo neoemaiy to
tto one man eto bad loved.
keep oat the cold, have a draft tight
-W* warn both to blaBe." ato i
plante, aad it doe* not seem neoes‘Ah. we have wasted tan year*,*'
Hry to open them for eir during tbe
cried, "bat we can make it op"
ahoct hot snmmer. From Soptember to
Tto walk aaened to fade away,
I the ooontry is boriod in snow and
ttoir ploeo a coontry Bee. Again they
were walkiag together, ber am reating
Inbyioa Tto avenge tempentnre
on bB A feriing of bappiaca* oai - for Jennery it onl; 10 degree* The
teat ctepc orer tor.
Jaly temperatore. however, has an av- *Tw. we can make It op" ato aald «nge at fiO degreea F., which ie hardly
*u'*tto ban Mra. Ryeian had act Mr. to to wondered at when it is rememOarbott. Sto chatted to bto for a taw


__________ IUb lUrJori* glanead
ht.tor, tton threw a wtattel glaaa* towa»d tto window.
BUBe twaad with a Bl«b to tto

my brot_ .. _
kaown MB* Msxwtil
Be Bade hB way op etair*.
atain ... .
ad tto door of tto drawing rooB
and peeped In. Appaicntly
oerted. Then M* eye* taated o*
arm at tto far end of tto roam. He lookmato •era. than raMidjli traa Utting oa tto tolewy baBd* ■•Ba. gmsBg oa tto sewa with an
slowly op to hB------ade edlHCahla content. Tto aqaarc was
jhenec rotam to the InerttaU*
gaD now. tto haketto* tBad with paogB
ChrowBg confattl. and sly cakwad ___ to said with a sM. "and By poo*
straaBB* were blowiag ttan eewy wB- UttB *t»loB of aflection’ vanBtos Bto
Ma Ur. 1 soppoae that I anst be tiad
dow. Boond one corner the crowd
tote MM hack aad a panBg* «h____ -tor ber eatoTto added ntfOy-MaBly
About Faopfe.
toM laodsfBB Ctr M (mcBBoa.
BBBo haUO took tor gwe oft tor
g Man.
<ha«a- Bar dbaM weta Mad. aad
ToettB spending U tto father of pover­
«Bn WM a aott iMb B hat agB ae too
wattoto the tfiofta haw lalryiaL ty. Don’t be aabsmed of bard work.
Work tor tto beet aalarie* and wagB
can get. bot week for half prica
toe had BMad tto oaa tWag !■ Itte mMr than be tdB. Be year own----tar, and do not let' aeticty or fai
gBMhMM to aa HOB.
TMa «M a haoto at tto 4o*r, aad a swallow ap yoor BdtvMsUty-hat.
aad boots. Do aot cat ap or wee. _
yoo cna cam. Cooipel year aaHM tody
to apar* swnithlni tor peadfa aaka Be
stiagy to yoor owa appetito. bat niwtifti
to other’s aecestitisa. Hsip oMcp ato
ask no hup for yoocatif. w pcoad. Let
year prtd* be of tto ritot ktaA Beta*
Bsoto to wear a eoat yoa caaaet aftssd B
bar. Be ftoad to Ha W Mai or chatt;




Ba prsto to to wl^ B dhM. to •
mm ot iMMlg —* Sftvidaalhy.

A rotmg married tedy bad Jnat Ate
qultwl-* oew coadi and a new foote
man 'to match. “John," ato said <••
day. “we wUI drive out to make a few
«-ii» But 1 aba'n’l g<H out of tto c
rlage. You wUL therefore. Uke tb*
Save a few ebolca i-arcte that are on my drcaalng UWe
h and cut tto rust and leave one at them *


and 1^ half of sugar and set aside for.
an bonr or bmc in a warn ifiace. Sift
together one cup and a half of paatiTi
flour, half a cup of cornstarch, half te
tcuspoonful of Mit aud^our taaspooofnls of baking powder. With tto tips
of the flagers work into tbeac Ingredi­
ents ooc-fourth of a cup of butter.
Add gradoally about one cap of milk,
mixing witb a knife to form a rather
•oft dough. Too* on to a flonred board
lightly. Dlvldo into twn

pleca*. Pat and roll ont to,fit a round
cake pan. Pvt one piece on the pan.
apread tbe top with softened hotter
and place the other lightly above IL
Bake In a quick oven 15 or 20 mlnotaa.
Poll tto two layers apart and apread
Uberally with sofiened batter. Pat
one layer on a serving disb. pour over
half of the sugarv'd berrioa. above this
put the other Uyer. then the
tto benie*. Add one-fouAb of a cop
of milk to a cup of thick cream and
boat until stiff,
fuls of powdered sugar and. if dosited.
half a tcupoonful of vanltla. and when
wtil mixed use as a garnish for the
top of tbe cake.
Broiled Mackerel. Maltre tTHotti
over with melted batter or oil and
broU In a weU oiled broiler 0‘
fire: dish oo a hot platter on a platfonn of matbed poutocs shaped to tbe
flah. 8pr^ over tbe fish a partly
melted maltre d'hotel nuce; garnish
with lettuce and slices of lemon. Serve
olleed encumbers with tbis dish.
For tbe maltre d’hotel Hoce
three tal>le*puonfuls of butter, add one
tablespounful of cress or parsley, fine­
ly chopped and wrung dry in a cloth;
add a few grains of iM-|>per and salt'
and one or two tableepoonfuU of lemon
jalce.-Boaton Cooking School Uagaxlne.

A TaJtla* UCde Gai
A-WamaaB Uca.
Who doc* not rcnicmb*T that onr garment of the acason 1* sb^wn
Mfwn Id t
gnutdmotb4>m —yes. and tbelr great- Eton jacket of black glace silk covered
grandtuothers — In ord«T to make a with coarse net. with an applied detough plocc of iniBt tender always
mud Q pounding dovlc of aome kind
and then n-ltbuut succeaaT As a re­
sult of tticlr effort* was a flattened
etcok witli a greater portion of the
juio,-* forccil out
With nil the different utensils for
this purpose Invented by man to has
never lost Kight of tto'one Idea-that

a npotalr* to feuA down tto'
Ime. and canls bad been left
at a largi* number of booaea, tbe lady
“Now wc tnvfa call on tto Dale*, tbe
Franq>lj>n« and the (Tarkea."
“W«- «-an't do lt.“ M-re l»ndte in tto
footman, in nlarni. 'Tve only tto ace
of apadea and the ten of clubs left."
A great many of the cenana-eunmcratnra have given up their job* in
more »r lea* diaguat. Wli<-n the announeeniem waa made that the- popu­
lation eanva**<Ts wonlii la* apiwlnted
on’a tvrt.tln date tb«-e were mwiwal
thuuaand niiin- apjdlcationa at the offll<v next day than then' wen- pBcca
for. 1‘ollUcii was conalden-d vi-ry llitlc in 111,- acl.HIloii of life nieu, and
toik,-<l |>roiiilMlng.
the tliinl work of
gun It r,-a*-«dd«1
rewodilnl cclc-jr MiUug uUtil tbe
cauvnaM-iN found
till- taak ihai loiifrouted tlimi. One
iu reNlgniiig to Chi«< Agent
uti.l; “Wluit do Tou think I ave to aak tw,-6(y-two que*-'
Tliat'a a good
'on can luive it.
Thirty-two inlle* of anowahiala. coat­
ing $iti a font, or a total of glO.M,14*l.
i-eprvM-DtK til,- i>rl<v one enniiueutal
railway liad to |uy iM-fora It eonld rub
Ka iraiiiH over tlii- lln-ky inoniilatii divlaion uf liH road, itiiitv tliai Ural out­
lay. gl.'SXi.flon lina Ih-,-11 k|h-iii annually
In ke<-|ilug the ah'-dr fre,- from anuw.



ILHtLM.pkralelsa ai
' OraOuste.
t of C&lnrailj of P*i
Ie** DevToBMUar
•BMUor Moek. tl* T
tepfeaae No. so.

NevH. BMlOeDce, UeUinu; N»vH>.
0. DODO A Mtcrg^ *r0



sarr oTmmm. Old -p
tec Opera Beuae Bteo


oatem. Oiti Opera

TNS. a. ■. BOLUDSV. rra


n 0. oiUlKBT.Auereer. apactal aitesUoa
A • to Vrebate praeilaa. no**,* » aao M
aetUr Oo. Block.

.... T—..n-__________ I
luriui. DR ROHaNTnALTtiOMPaON; OBm
JxL upkta>r-le Krai.t. mrdrlrh^ erw SUork.
flealdrnre Ml Waai.iBffioo ateoel. Womro'm
aoS. ckfldrrD'M Jl.eai»-« a ■peclalll. OfSe*
boura: IU to It a. ■>.: I u> 4 and 7 U> S p m.
UrII -pbeoe, Northern 'phimr Ko. I.


V-tIL R. K. ri/X>l). OB.e In nee Tanaeller
Jj Work CalUaneoered promptly day oe
Bieh, Kortbrru-pbonr.Xt; Bril, tel


ace. No. U: re-ldrnre. Mo 71. N.mbera pbott*
- re and teoldence. Mo. 71.

of ponndlng. It lias falicu to the lot of
a practical touix-kiv|M-r tu invent a de­
vice thnt is on cutitvly new di-palturt!.
Tills im ut t>'udcn-r. a* shown in bur illustntiou. is placcxl upon a beefsteak;
then, by benrlng on just bard enough
for the teeth to penetrate tu ttoir
depth, at tbe same time using the leak­
ing motion, going Uiorougbly over both
sld<-s of tlie Bleak, it will in one minute
Is- so thorougbl.v tender that one'* fin­
ger con be punched through aa though
it were so much duugb. Meat pri-parad
In this way requlm only oiH-half the
uhubI time to broil.
Tile Bi>crut uf this wonderful device
is that it severs tbe fotty or skin tis­
sues, which ntv Uie cense of meats be­
ing tough. BO that a round steak cut a
half inch thick after It has been op­
erated upon Ifi on inch or more in
thickness, wbleh is just the reverse
with a steak that has been pounded.
For this woman's ingenuity all man­
kind must be thankful, ae It aulves a
problem that ha* heretofore pnatied
tboQSAUds of men.


_________’it iff

■oraOranlBaU l.yihe Inle-t •and BOM ap-

auca eLAcnntM, etc.
tigs of Mack velvet and jet. TtotetebIng bat worn with K is of pale blue
straw with a liugo bow and lace trim­
ming and violet* under the brim.

nlreet. liood bam In l.-oui-ectlon tor paliesta.
Call« Irft at Brodba«en'>
Bhaba'a aal*
ktaUrn mill la- proupily atu-oded to. Mortbern phona.oSrr m. trloga:Nortkrra pfeam
rekidrnri'. 131

tlolb tel.-pboneo M tel.
• treet.


VRKU MoRag. hnelllnikb and boane paint

Hew «e Cortal* WlaaowA
Ordinarily two *ct* of curtains go to piANO TfNINii-J. W. riiffr. |
a window—t thin pair of muslin or
lace next the glau and a thick pair of
. XVAMS. H. D. araduate trot* tbe
silk, wool, cotton or linen nest the
-“raldepanaemof the Colrcrally of
o.r. f^i.
t«7t. Spe^^lal''atWi7iro*
Special atteiiilo* «I»e,
room, says Harper’* Boxar. The qual­ llnflaliirreir*:.
to operator nurfwy and i11>na>ea pecallar to
ity of these materials varies. Often tkr «ioniarb. Office ao.l reabtenre SIS Bay
At borne troo a to lO
b^bO tram I
they arc costly, often cheap. When In
doubt nbont tbe thin curtaioa It is alBSaON*. Men f
way* aafe to buy wbltu doited mualin.
Either loop them back with a white tor :i Ie*
cotton cord and tasseL which come for pboee 7*
tho pnipo**, costing only IG cental
pair, or tie them back with ribbons—a
more cxpcoalrc and also mofo extrava­
gant way. alsce tbe ribbon muM al­
AM MAKINGways be freab to be pretty. The cord
or tho ribbon U held in place by a
book screwed Into the woodwork of tto
window frame. A ruffle of tbe tama
material or ot Bee adds much to^tbe
effect of any thin curtain. Tbese cur^
tains arc put on small, inexpensive
brnts rods that run throngb a part of
tto hem, tbe upper pan of the hem be­
ing left wide enough to fonn a bead­
ing. A muslin curtain ought to fall
Call and see me at shop,
witb a certain fullnesa. being ent about
one and a haU the fuUocas of the wrln- S86 Boardman Awe., or call
’Phone 328.
dow jtaelf. Small and large wli^dowa np

Haw «• Car* a CatA
First Mop eating. Tb* ay*tem la
overloaded with Impurttle*. and they
must to ellnduated. Fast until these
poison* can to- disposed of In a natural
manner. Take long walks, drawlag
Mkad Whistler bow to liked a titetoh In many deep, full breaths, exercise
btlutimadeforapiotara "Ithasgood •very musele of the body that tbe drp^B,”«MLha answer. “Oo abaad culstion may lie quickened and every
with U.” A few weeks later to was part of the body thoroughly cleunaed
Mked about tto piotnrw ’'Doing ta- by this acreU-rab-d ciiculatioiL B
nmaly, ” aaid Bossettt. “I’Te ccderwl at least once a day. rubbing tto
a f."""t"g frame for it ” Some tims face of tbe body briskly nil over
five or ton minntes. After missing
later Mr. Whistirr saw tto
from t«-o to three meals. If a ravenous
_ __
"You'vodooenothlngtoiL” appetite Is acquired it is of conrse deMid Mr. Whiattar. “No, “ repllod Boa- alrablc to indMge this appetite, bot in
Bodetatioa Coder no clrcumstnneea
mM, “bat I'va written a Mnnst on tto
Om4 Wt— Claaalaq ■ante*.
aobJaaLK you wonld »ro to boar ly ’ Bbould tto stomach be gorged, and
*Dld yon know." said the old house­
Wtos tto reoUatioo wa# over. Mr. those foods which are uuwboleaome keeper. “that croabed eggshells are
WhIatBi. sold. “Boaetti. take out tto ' or hnt moderately notritioos should to good for ckanli^ discolored or stataod
avoklML-Medical i>rets.
eoBMM pat tto owDot in tto flanw.
twtttei? I used to think I most have
a amalt amount of shot in the boose for
Meaning the UuMe of bottleo. Of
north of Bngteod tbe corions fact has course chopped piece* ot potato ate
btit cggsbelb are flint rate too."
furmiititr of Turkey te make mMiaro- j toen noted that only tto men working
■Mte of tto aaa <ff Mannocn in oftM la very high tenparataraa hava aato datermine aoleottfloaliy
•• what

------- «9«d infeclloB.
and light woods oi« muMi to
ban oooumd throng tto late uMTtarro •»* o*ae •! piofTM*.
CTidstoe foT poraaol stit** Thasoor*
qMtoa Tto pmte ha* given tto datijad
' It is claimed that aome artist* Bme M
piece from top to tip and withMMiiilarirsi hot Sto BnMaa wmtiger* with tto ameU of flower*. an-J *« aay ornament at tto Btter point
wwwiUbt asDortedbya
tto rose aofin* particnBrly grateful to Very
attractive among them B boxaaL and a TnABh novol offlov wlU ote the
very sttractir
S MoU tto saiMtiflo avawiinntk— el. tbto ubnally flary anlittai.-PopuBr flah!


Wm. H. Petherick
..Done BDsnEss agad..
I have bod niY boildlito
reboilt and pot in fpxd
shape and am now r^y
tu receive all old patraaa


Good Line Jefdiy


r OF A cuppca

ArmcewadconMto tUfoaotor
lalStl wUb MBW oMBFTMd thaiBMBttoo of tending A entt to te Mid
W9 tar p—mgMi to tbe Worid'a Cidr la
. loadoa. For tU« porpoM be locate!
UomU at PorteiModi. oeatwted with
aUpteilden wbo ted tUprirdi at
Biot, tan oppoeite PotteBooth, for a
telpol about 1.000 toMi. wltb «nMBThe Bodol of Uw teip waa that of M
' Wboa oearir cwapiowd, tbe projeeterfelletertofaMoep. JCwteqmwd
ntteted all bora eoatnwtel ^ and
I rtate of fonrardnira Tbe
BMObania oocielodMl to oomplote the
abip and pat her iu tbe baode of Oor" 'wia of Portemootb for rale.
JDtractor to take hb pro rata of
, tbe BbiiN
riirn. wae ttanafened to tbe
goTtnoc. tragbt to E

*1M vlatra,” aaM Mt. H. B. CUeaHaefChtoteo. “I bad tbe pirame of
bj «M
_ _
a etrall11 dlnif
of oar anitoaaire aiaaiara. at vbite
OteB Field wae aa larited gaML
“Flatd'e briUteWT aa a writer b la
taroea ratio to bb afaUitjraa a aeoaep
gatte. la foot, tbe etearat of thrift b
aadlj vantiag in bb mateap.
"Ibere were maaj good Mage to
taaipt tbe palate, amoag them atrawbwtba, wfaleb an acoeU/lazatpin tbe
dead of winter at ChSoaga
•‘Wbra Fted’e bowl of bnrba were
plaoed bralde tooted at tbea
with tbe eoratiniciag air 'of aa qilooxe^
aad tbea. la a TWT emphatic wa^,
a to ooeaida. BOttoing white
“ -Araa'I yoa foad of Mrawbeata.
Mr. Field*
*■ ‘Toe. Tory mate indeed, bte they

Mr. Wilomt. tbe bosband of tbe poetam of parnion, ia a oommra araae bnei-

Kigbtlngale and under
a Captain Domareaqae called for Aiutralla with a cargo ralood at 9IM.OOO.
■be prooeeded to China,
S per ton for Imodon. To
. teet ber mmiu Meam. lampoon A: Tapa pnblbbod in tbe London Tlmee e

Tbe eeieotioB of marble for a moaiimeat b altogetber a matter of mate.
Tbe fiaort atatneiT aarblw are foaad
to lalyand Gneoe, tet aiercryexpra-


Ta^ XMhiiies

M. EiomEn

f^»alc by the W. W. Kimball Co.

fir. ir^Sfqgglaa.k Optrattte
BmbaU Pluot'J^pi^ 9si if

FinnI Wraeiir.


Ifyoaban e dwelll
oibar property
aberl wont to wrltwtbe

John R. Santo,
GtHnl lisiraici.

Coited State* good etatnaiT
Only tbe moat rriiatde etaek lUarmarble bai for aenral j'ean been qnar*
Tied at Wcet Botlaod. VL, wbeco a
Baire very tow.
layer from tbreo tofuar foot thick b iaWarxterg ploek
taemciBod with 40 or SO foot of eloaded marble. Tbe Snott of cteoary mar­ I%oae 73.
Jteneon Btoek
ble it foond at Pitteford. Vt..
tbare b a bod 90 foot tbiok, from white
blodte hero beoo token eimablo of tak­
ing o Toiy fine fioleh. Tbii marble belt
extende north and eoath of Bntland
■ratHTalaa* AatMsreat iralaa at »>a*>
coanty. thmogb Vramant and Mamawas Ow uattoa. b «teM Jara inb. im.
bat in loaee in quality to both.
dbeotioas. Toward tbo north it b finer
and harder, bat lem ioiiiid. and toward
the aoath it licoomea ooarocr. Anotber
Sss=o S£ss:s«5 s.
Best to be had in
bolt oi wbitomarblo cstonde along tbo |
flanka of tbo Allc>gliaoloA through a >
the city is at



I Maryland and into \lrginia i



Pere Marquette
Train will leare Tr*Tetae <aty a
A m. Leave Bay View 7:00 p
Petoakey ::10. ^ BaU Sl.OO.

B«nld Ceatnry Cook Sook.

BufKtpMit lidieuRj



Fire Insurance.

■ ■



Pl““ l«BUUno™.
;s» unplea in window.
kU .11. O. Ok, ooculoo. Whiki k, , ^
naan. Cana, and at Lee. Mam., and ;
otbor places in Kew England. good>
bnUdlng marble ia quarried. MarhliT
Ufi. OMW I Cn
&om Lee traa need for tbe oxtenaion of ;
tbe oapitol at Washington. Variegated
marblM an> foond in aercral looalitiee
in tbe United Sutra A mottled lilaa AIIWOTbMUeMwoMihtetTato. 1
aapeeiaUti Qbooolato and white, known as TenneaI
marble. U regarded with faror for
Mew Ofloa, Markham Blete.
' manteli.
iteli. Ublea.
ublea, oto. Anotber of ted.
brown and wbito if qnairiedat Burling
ton. Va. tet it U rather dUBenU to
work on aoconnt of tbe liUoa it ooaUina—Montraal Star.

pbotograptui of hi* wife on tbo mantel
ofhbroomintbebotaL Tbepertteambarmaid, whisking
wbbUng them off with ber
feather doater, eleotrified the loring
■ebyoxolalmlng: "Ifyt W^atot
iris ycm'rc
got!"—Chicago Herald.
to raca from tbe Dowsi to Cbloa nad of girls
bate for CiO.OOO—a diftanoe of nearly
SO.OOOmiioK. Batnoooooonldbefosnd
kuow beOer than to
••Yoo ought
«b aooept the eballrage. 8bo waa aftorL" raid
put email ooIm into yonr montb.’’
ward oold to a Salem 'howo, wbo arat
tbe old graUmnan to tbe boy wbo bad
ber to Bid Janioro, wImto ibe wu eold
and cent to the ooaet of Africa aa a }nst blacked bia boots.
Whorenpou tbn« ritety appareled la­
^Tor. was captored bya United States
dies who wero hurrying past to catch a
miser, i be elare* liborstod
nod tbe
■treot oar panaed a momrat ud looked
irael ani^t h'
indignantly at tbe epeakur.—Chicago
lyosad by tJ
robellion, and after tbo cloae of tbe war
WM sold and pnt into tbe California
Hi. OMsrasa.
tradti TbeKigbtlngalomadettaoabartSbe—Erra tbongfa yon do not admira
(*t known run from tbe equator to Mel- Browning,
rowniog, yon most admit
admit bo makoe
« think. Mr. Chapleigh.
from New York was
Be—Ys-a-a-a Tbat'a preciselywbyl
inga of tlio Ikatonimn SooieCy.
object to biu:—narlom Life




maa« Aft.



!!!^ '



* |sS£5SSSisSSS£«9

L. L. A. BuUdiMff.



The Waukazoo House!

r.AP H. DBfM


^ U.tts. n. trsiB ha. eUlr car to Gtaad
KaplSs. A:S> * w-lrale bs. fauR.t Parlor ear
taCbkarn. 4-bbp. n. iialp ba>. aieeprrs b
tfhlraro. bl. LmiIp. Clsdnaatl. ladlaaafatb.
aed beat kept Uwi>rlUr.
TralpnrrlTbcalf .Sla. «lr..,»-rv (roa gSBpi epaSay. U aad't
St. L->uU. Ipdlaoapoll,. l.uul.rm« pad CiB.
eliiaatl: alMdlBlbt ear iropi (iraud Kai>>4«
Tra'oamrlQft Mia) f m. ba.|>ar]»r car
par A.araaS SajM.
a B. HtnUUY. A««et. TracerM City.

xror.eM.XKum, ncioM.
The 1
bonee o



^ Recent Gash Purchases at Under Prices Enables us to offer some remarkable values.
ing are only a few ot the many attractions^



Here there is no juggling with fig^ires or game of
chance. We do the business because we sell the clothinR that never disappoints and costs you nothing extra.

At $5.00

Wash Goods.



In this department we offer

5g Dress Lawns
at 3 Cents.
Everett Classic and Amoskeag Ging­
hams. value ~c and Sc. special


• We have the winners this
season. If you understand goods
. and can judge values, then look around,
compare these with any suits in the mar­
ket. If not, then we suggest that you
• bbniBu. Bce.ocwcT
make your selection here and aot take
! chances where $S suits are marked $13 or Sio suits
Si 5. We also sell suits made of the very finest mater­
ials, made by expert tailors, and the prices are right.

$3.00 Bo|s'Suits at . . .-............. S2.3D
Uttle Captata Suits at................ $4.D0
Uttlu Guteraur Saits at........ .. ■ $$.00
Twentieth Century Straw Hats. See the latest here.

Taffeta Ribbons
Nos.‘5 and 7. all s‘lk. at......................5c
Nos. 9, 13 and 16. ail silk,at---- .... 10c
Nos. 34 to 60, all silk, at....................15c
Drive in F'ancy Ribbons, Plaids and
Stripes, values4ip to 45c. special- .25c
25c Leather Beltis at. - -.................... loc
50c l.,eather Belts at................ ^-----35c
All wool Serges, black and colors. 25c
instead of 27c. 34c or 40c.

97.60 for Boita worth $10 and $12 •
$11^00 {orBoitB wortb$l5mod$16 '
$16.00 for 8nil8wortb$lHand$91) •
$19.60 for 8uit8 worth $23.00
$82.60 for BoitB worth $W.00

Shin Waists
-38c, 50a. T0c,$l, $1.25, $1.15

Silk Department.
35c for a line of Brocade and plain
'silks, values up to 50c.
50c for F'oulardines and assorted short
lengthy values up to qoc.

Ever)’ garment made in latest
style, and materials the best. ^

Crash Skins
$1.00, $1.40, $2.00 iud $150

50 pieces Toile Du Norde Ginghams....................,.. loc
Finest Silk Striped Ginghams, the 25c kind at only.. i8c
Foulardincs and Japanese Crinkle Cloths, only......... 15c

We offer Suits made of all wool Cassimeres, wSlI lined and excellent wearers.

At $7.B0, $8.60
and $10.00

The follow-:

We sell the “Dowager.” best
corset made for stout figures^,

■ At $2.00
At Sl.OO we give you choice
of about 20 styles, but wish to
mention the W. B. Bias Cut
Corsets. Very popular.
25c and 50c Corsets also in
our stock.

almost looo yards of fine Dress Materials, consisting of beautiful Novelties, Black and Colored Crepons, that we are, making up into
Dress Skirts absolutely free of charge. You buy the materials—we do the rest

:: sotjth: side

COE. -crtnoiiT A.3srp eio-sth:





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