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The Morning Record, April 24, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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nmn ma
i-»rm r«t* —■ tpmimt Tatatnyh •
Brittah Oainiar Adnataff•ona PMitieiis
llMrl7 Vtv« iMtoM Btoa v»ll 1b Vev
OrUBM Bad ta* 0.-9 to
United flttotoa Win* BntetentUl ^totory Over l^key
MbwOtImm. April U-TbB ralalBU Saltoa Xmao tepBrial Zndo AkUortefaj m* MBrijr 8m loAm. toodtmg
telBr Bokaadlae efMtoriourr PropWtpmm to Btotond — BtoMton» B fiwi* FuttooB «! Ab dtp*.
•MpBO Vkarpeet,Btoe CBBtorooiloB
LoatorllU. April «*-Po«r&ff ralu
imtimmm iOtOOg^t ths 8o0d dtotrictB jorifmrxtaMoharto Oell^ia Oob' awM toBo«r Ai»y»»y»TotT- oCthBaeatb
bb4 U« dBSf«r lo Utbb
atlBoplB-^TWo AetooB SoUlao tm«r BrMk vUh BrtUA-aiVltob vMli. Bttd prepanj to baap^lBr ibotb
to M>tktafOaU»MafX«rn Vow U to BBitoMtBd UM $40,009,000 WBltk ponaat Pkm to OoBUotanpakd
e<friiMBpropirtphB»bB« AoMrojrBd
wtll BaU fora naaa.
o( Bom u WakkMtooM.
BBdUtoaowUoBfbtUBtUo dBaatB
Bpwlel loTli* MoratealtoeorC.
•fMteluTai HMasaBaracb.
«U kB iNBTlJy lirrmia
Umdam. April
war mi
ial trade has baae toasad, aaUortolac
•to pr^rttoMlly wmOrntd to Ur4 Bohvto'
rabaUdtof of'Ua proparty of
ilthM ' *
leao mJirioMitoa borsod to KharCalBrto OBBorBl BbbAIb. Two Abjb
a of Ue BBoex
MiBklacotill BBpBimm Uan. It to VBttTM of XadlB M Vying pook Thao.
to Bobarta' ooltofo baa also
roBimiHMiBBUkBlyUBt Bekatto will
MB BBtU Wapaaw to rrialvBA, Bsd
Waahtoftoa. April 9S-Tke atoto doUa Bom datoBtad or Uap ratlrr.
Than kM beoa bo aarara &rhUnr for tomaa Mafa BMp bo Poreod to Par . trtmaet has woo Ue maio potot to
oarwBl dajB. Tka aafacBmato ob
fom WoU of Baaoto of Bordoa- Ua rootroreray wlU Torkey.
dtopatU from ;OooatanUwbtokUa Brittok eoiroapoBdoBto bt*
Obildraa are Bold fbr Meaepaad Bopla, stattof Uat aa Imperial trade
BOW daboUac wars ooUlaff mro thao
ttof par•taap WoBdar Bemlaaa aad BnaelBdTBBoe rnard skirBliklBr.
mlMkm to raboUd Ua Amerlcaa mlaBleamlo8tola.Aprll t«- ~
aloaary property at Rkarpook aad atoo
Corsw ocenptod Uw wotar
to baUd Ua upcx to Ue Bobarta' colprooaadlaf to'LooBW kop. Ha not
Stnla, ladia. April 91—The konon toft to OonataatlBOple.
wiU «B<7 aHcbl eppoalUoB.
to eoaalderod . mock
BtBBiMlBarto. April »-Tbs raport of Ua fanlaa ora daUy beooailBr worao
mm Importaat Uaa Ue paymaghj’*
UBt Ue Bom Bra aorlar tkalr pios
aad ISBriBc Ua Binanberc dtotrtet to bay aad Btjpotaaa. la oaa dtotrlat Ua todaauxlty elaimad for Ua dmtrnet.too.ooo cattle kare boea leak Peepla Ueaof Ua mtosleaary mparty; la
UBdea, AprU »-A dtopotob to U« are Ajing of atarratioa aod Bbildraa taek Uto has baaa Ua fnatadt polat
Cwlnl Bawa froa' Waddmlreoa, ara waadartac abOBt kemalm. oaelad to Ua eoatroTeray wlU Ua aubUme
dBiBd pastardBr, aBpk Ua Brittok ora aad aaiaeiatad. (%Udrao ara also sold parte.
uaay- OraaT to aa daar as traia.
Now Uat Uto -pormtoaloa kaa baaa
gwBORy ulOBiUBt tl^ Usaa. Tkalr
porittoB to BBW Bdratocaou aad wiU- Tka BBortalltT amoap eatUa to aaek fraawd. Ua aute departmeat faeto
lmoa«MriUi«4totBBao of Ua Bom Uat Um to a paaaibUltp of ad^or Uat It baa woe a aobataatlal etotory.
for todemaity atay bo
wbearoatoBrlyTtoiblala groot toraa.
LoBdOB, A^ tt-Tka foUowiaf dto- power, a Ulaf klUarte oBkaowa, area aUowodtoroetwlUalBlUar elalma by
byaome oaltpatok troa Boboru haa baaa raosirad la tlaaa.of Ua aararaat osarel^.
adaatloa Ue aobUma porta oaa ba
broBfkt to tanu aad a 8aal aaulamaat
‘'BleoafoBtolB. AprU U-Emadto ro
porto«of Ua flial Woroalm
atof. riftp-lkraa wars oaat eat wlU
WaUtoftoo. April 99-Tka auto daWood to Ua OBtpoal-atur dark, oolp Aivam«nt A—oh$d by Oenatbalto
II rotaraad. I dtopaehail PeloOUaw
ika mtoalooary elalma af^t Torkey
firPds TMterday
aad two torioda el oaralrr oBdar
WlU ba adjastod wlUoot tortkar airltorraaak koBoa Toatordap to aatot
tloD. Tba saltaa to dtopeaad to ba fair
ProTlalea S^t Oaom
Tka tono roaekod Earrto
to Ua matter aad Baropaaa powm
featoU wlUoot aoek onMamoB.”
SkaU ba teWaaia marnatoa to Ua prefer Dot to kare Ua Unliad States
Bm Bobarto laasrto eBBBBltlaa, wklek
BUl-Mo Impriaosmeat lor Babt— mix Bp to Ueir pollUea Tba claim to
wofo two killad. SI weoBdad and two
—-----------to only AWl.ooo. aod
OltieetSoBabte reatarco Btrlekaa Oat UaywoBldBrafartkBtToikay aboald
aaMI^. aad Use ka adda "PolaCtoroWa aeaBtad laUBtrp Bsisad Laoa w apecialteTbc Meraler BacwC
aatUaitraUtrUaBhBea it mixed np
kop. a kUl a fow mUaa aorU of last
Waak^pftoa. April 93—Tbe coafareca WlU Ue claims of oUer powers. They
otfhVa poalUoa. fke aaomp oracaat: Ua Bawaliaa fOreramant bill bare are eosplcloos o^ks Uollad Sutos raad korriadlT. toarlB( aom riBaa aad
aekad aa afraamaal wklek It to fardtof onr altroleUe oeularatlooa aad
hoped Ue two bonaea wUl aceapk The doBoteBrato kaye Uii fOTemment
dokaBBeabur, Traaaraal. A|wU 91.
force to ooUaetlof a claim to Tcrtoion rrqolrinf Uat prepaymei
riaLoraaia Marqaaa. AprU 9l-Tbo
kcy for foar It sroald not withdraw.
Oaaaial Lew Wallace, who was mlaprorldiBf imprtooomaot for debt,
baa BotlSod aU Brittok womae wbeaa ol(leko8onk Tka prorieloo UatoB- totar at OoBitantlnopla dariof Ue tlarUft Ua ceBDUr before or cm of Hawaii ahall ba raaldaota of Ua flald adsUototraUoB. la to Ue city, to
doriacUawar tkat Uey <»i olae tolaads waa ratatoad, alUonfk atootiy dtoeoaatof Ue praaaat ooBtrotorey
toBToUa TraasToaL Bxoaptlona ara foofbt by Ua aaoaUrlal ooafaraes.
Heaitof Ua Indemalty for Ua
made la eaaa of wbtotoa of Brittok aob- ■ 'The altutioe Um." aatd BapraaantaroetioB of miaaloBary property.
joetowtehara ekUdroa, aad Brittok Ura Koox (Rap.. Maaa.). who reported WoUaecaoM. "1 Utok 1 am bettor a:WOMB of rood ekaraetar able to sap- tka bill. "Is aaek oa to firbld Ua astab- qaatotad wlU Ua aoltaa el Tarkay
port Uamaalraa. All womea obUfod Itokmeatot a
Uaa poaalMy any oUar Amarlean I
to loara ara to be traatad walk Sparial 'ika peepla baea had a fOTaromei
know he to aa hoaaat man. aad I nevar
aitaatioa moat ba paid to sick or afod Uelrowefor half a oaotapt aad ara knew him to braak a promise. ObrtatparaoBB who com aadar Ue opm- abU to dtoeharfs all ottelal datto toBSto Tarkay ara Uera aadar Ua
UOM of Uto order.
aaafaot Ue aoltaa and wlUoot
Bcaadlork April 99. «to Loreaxo
kto protoetloh eoold aot remain. Not
Harqeaa. April 9S—Apatrol of Amerla Ckriatola ekoreh la koraad or mtoaloa
OBB oaooto aerriap wtU Ua Bom made
daairayadbat Ue aoluo to Ue first
a roeoBaotooBBoe early today aa far aa
___ __
Lbs to reboUdlofU. I
Madder rirar. They eaae la ooetaet Mad tafatoatloB |for a Womb Ltd know Uto to be aa Abdol Hamid to a
itoMd aebolar aod diplomat.
Rim to Riddle Bor Roots with
WiU Ue BriUU eeaaU asd a ri(orooa
the Ottoman emplra
flffhtaaaiied. Taacombaiaoto
BalleUThao KUl Btoualf.
woald ksTe baaa era
iroUed oot loos sfo.
eloae ihat roroWm wm naad oo botb Bpeclel UiTtac XerstM Xcrcrd
for Ue head of a
ridea. DorlafUa 8rbUnc a brother
Plallsbarf, April 39-Ooraotal Bar toafotost him ••
of Lleate&aat Cora wko formerly be
ry MatUawe. Compaay C. Plhaaatb
loafed to Boftalo BUlb wild west
8. iataatry. ataUoaad at Plattaborf
abow.bciwho, opoa Ua outbreak of
icrs Arreat
Trtoof AUi
barraeka. oommlttod aalcide Uto s
Ue war. joloed Lou's Hbra^
r after partoratlaf a kooaa
ad by Saerat Sarriea Mao.
ktllad. AuoUar scoot was eaatnred
llata from a rifle. Matthewa waa to- •imlslloTlx koTBlss Kecor4
wbokadla bto poaaasoloa a aiap of'
fatoatod wiu’btalia Bamlltoa. an toNew York. April :s--Chlet Htsen cf
oertalB paru of tbe Oraofo Proa SUto
mata of a qnaatiooable reaort oear Ue Ua aacret aarrioe, arralfaed before t*.
whtok Ue Briltob bare
reearratloo. Laamlof tbakeke waa to 6. CommlMloaer Shields Uto altcniooa
leare bo told bar boodsy Uat ba woald Edward Heory. alias Edward Bsodall.
Tbaba NUu, Via Lmaw
kill bar before ka woald allow her to
kto wife Mary Baary, aod Hany EialApril 99—A Boer dispaleh autoi Uat
Bbortly attar midnifbt he took a baeb. all of 149 Weat Niocty-aifhU
Um was fifhUac at Ji
graf-Jorfaoaaa rifle aod iso ronada of atraat, aad all aecoaad of “ralslot''
Wodnasday aad Tbaraday Btfhta. Tba
loalUoB aad etartad for the hi
allear earUfioatei or paaainf ratoad
flrtac was iaeamak Tbe Brittok
If rafaeadodmltiaBoa ba immadl- BOtoa. Tbay wm bald to $90,000 aaeh.
troBokaa were ao tall of rain Uat the
talr bafaa flrlnf aod for two horn
mao wm obUfad to jump oat. wkaa kept ap a cooataat faellade. many bal- todotooltof whtok Ueywm locked
apto Ladlow atraat Jail. Tbay wUl
Ucf wm raUleaaly ahok The Boats
leu fotoroatirely Uroafh Ua boUdwm ao wat tbat Uay ware oBafta
Inf. Brory ttou ka beard
alaap. Tbay U^mtm atartod a debate Botoaofaayktodkaeroolddreto Uat
08 Ue qeaaUoB of Ua food to ba dadIracUoB. Ooa of Ue belleta hit Ua
rirad toom Tlrtaa aad ooaimfa. Tka
Haoaitoa womaa la Ua arm. cOMtof a Soproma Ooort Raalaa -Rto TeUttoa
OaM MoBBtod UAaa loat 190 of
palafol wooad. Tba keoaa waa riddled for BalaaM on Writ of Rabaoa Oorpaa.
■BB. Twalre priaoBm takSB ara aew
WlU ballet kolM.
Spwtsl to the Morstor aacerd.
aBiwato to Pretoria. Tka borfm daWiU Ue laat eartridfa Mattt
Waaktaftoa. AprU 8J-Tke eaaa
elara Ua Brittok mt M 3t
walked a qaartar. of a mlto from ^
barf wmUa beat faroaUjty hare yet beaai. pot Ua mBssla of Ue foa to kia Okarlto M. Oanar. former o^itMa of
aiillBiiar ftirfi V. A A. wao. It to bamooU aad Arad It. Ue boUat eomtof taead. flaally dtopeaad of to
eatatUatopef hto head.
aoprom ooort today, adramly to Ua
•coMod. Tka ooort doBlos Oartork
Bacifod to Btootof
paOttoa for roloooa oo a srrit of baboaa
Daridad Upra u "Ynmlilm RIaanwaa
Oartw wat ooarietod by wmitiiia
fwinwralaritywhUatocharfsof Ua
TlM IklB. April 9S-1ko “Boxars'*
•Bftooertof erorha at SaemBBa. Oa.
hare mami—" maay Cbtoaoa Bomao ^•eul to TW Mwalar Baeora.
QaUMAaa saar Pa»Ttaf-ra. olfk^
WaUtoftoo, April 99-Tka hoato will
maidm the kltoaraafoa obmI bill May
Tto dtotokm waa laa^
WUl he Paridad ta the fiaaato TUB
The Bast Fintag,
Tha Bast Weariag
We have just received in our bazaar some seta
oi Tableware from the celebrated Wedgewood pot*
teries—established in England over two centcries
ago. We invite the public to examine them and
get prices.
will not mioeeze yonr pocket
HobanC Beecher Co.. Proprietors
Stores at Big Rapids and Traverse City,
book a little bit.
Boy’c ShOM - Batin and
real calf appera — good sitbstantial aalee. well made —
Satin Oalf Sh06$ — The
■at TiR, ssc, 60t.
ww* sa «d
piiMi, Strips,
Fliorn, Spti.
new broad toot — all aoUd
leatber — MceptionaHy good
ahoee for the price—$liR5.
Young Men’s Suits
Thkt mn cal aoC si •• pcrfcnly oa Bcrrl.aat
lall^ AtmuH; ih»y
oU ba lU la oa- iwCar
—aUefc Clara. —nw.
ploMa osd aUtiue
IB ckoclou: aU MW iBSWTBa.
Ycuac mm-aaolt »r Unc arbUrS orrre.
•rdoabMOrwaaMdccai. T«Mc«i Mcb with m cal^r. iwi—»r» of Ik* UiM «/la->^laM H la It. u
anTb-For bar's at* a to a-Mta
larlalsaad aOMaa—flaaaal ar allk n*u,ltjaie
BwVTep Oaata. WOO ta ait.QD.
We 0*11 BOlblBt but tba brM.
Popnlar Shoe Hooae.
Work Olaeew. to. 19.9*.
Dtm atom. nd*. SI. tS-
Buy Your SpringBSuit
Where you can get the best value for your money
—You’re entitled to do that—We respectfully call your
attention to the showing of
We-are now offering—prices are $4.00. $5.00. $6.00, $7.50,
SIO.OO. S12.00, $13.50. $15.00 and $18.00—and we believe
them very strong values.
This is an Aga of Harr}-
Paopto ara
alow-f«*.tf mi
faUera days.
Wkaa- Uay
always at hsod for Ue maeeaa
It Ukea bat a word, aad a
I ai
.1 toook; aad
oaa baU may ba werU many mosUa'
Hnadrode. and area Uootonda. are
at yoar oall. ready to do your blddlof.
wiUodt ToxaUooa delay or miaaodaraUndiof.
Why not order a 'ehoaa today?
We hav4 just opene*! onr ootla
{oaDtaiii Ui thf poblic for this
MWon's trade. Everything ia
fresh, clean and ueat. Egg
drinks, phosphates and deliciooa ice cream soda, all op-toilate Aul properly served—all
fresh flavors mede from pore
fmh fruit jnioee, At
The largest millinery emporium in Northern Michigan—
tbe largeat, not u space but in variety of styles and id^ in
<|^aantity of trimm^ aod untrimmod materials. We buy our
ribbons, ebiffons, velvets, flowers, sbapee, sailors, etc., direct
from tbe manufacturers, in large ejuantities—not iu little dribs
from high pric»*<l millinery houses—thereby enabling n# to re
tail millinery 2.j per cent, lower than exclnsive milliners.
Our ablo trimmer, Miss Nellie Beiien, will bt.gloased to
take foot oriiers, always subject to
your approval.
200 Children's Leghorn HaU. neatly trimmed with chiffou,
ribbon and flow«-rs. rea>ly t-f w«-ar. from............... 35o to 98c
to dozen Lsdieu' -Bhu-k and White Trimmeii Sailors, in
,plstD and rough straws.................................................................. 36o
A very fine Hough Straw .Sailor, black silk band, light as a
feather........................... ................................................................ ...,60o
Tour Money Savers.
Wait’s Drug Store “MONOGRAM”
KEEP KOOL! Irringg for foot SHOES. .
ParUoaammar. I am taktof ordm
New and wUI doliror toe tor
U pbU to adTOBOo. or wUl aSm jpoeial
iBdBaseMBta to Uooa parekastof ooosoB ttokota.
BoU*pbaBsaNo. 194. - 4l0W.rnBtSl.
John R. Santo,
Sujuiliig Oolto-ldtu. T«to
City Book Store Bazaar Department
Ip tbe city and tlie priree
BiaaBdolNB w
Tie lost Stylish,
BflbaMi Afsy wUl s«t A«vsm ut&
Thini Year—No. 926
Tie laatest,
nmn um
apadaltaTarHcrsiOf Bseavd.
WaaUBfMB. April 99-Tba amt#
wmaoto oatha Qaay^-------------WxixbaifBtoek
BttafMOB at 4 ekleek.
EoMtil litiniM.
We have the exclusive sale of these shoes in
this dty. |Yon’U not be tronbled with yonr
feet if yon wear a pair of ’‘Monogram” shoe*,
for they 6t the feet perfectly. All the latest
styles in welt and hand tamed soles, black
and tan—the'price is $3.50.
McNamara Block
TvrtveOeaThivwalato a Heap by a
Wheal OoimiBBcS
bad wTMh* eeesrred yeatmday
slat abOBt 4
oalheO. B.AL Awheeleame
T. Batw &n> i. W. Bunn'. tretfhtear at tacth Beardia
wMBaaettcaiby ItatrataM at tta
made ia fotafl late Ocefloa the dieaWta ear Jampad the traek which
eeaMd ihS pOlat ap «d it oara.
A wiatalap trala was east fram Blf
Baatte wUeh alearad tta traek ao that
the Bcrtk boead pasaaapar trala
ealy dalayad abMt thrae qaartan of
»w« fss •*»(• ev TU .
Are Bow far taU at tte Loaal Fact
dopartamat fa farafahlar tha t-oMt
atampe la
U bMBd boeke of It. M aad U
stamps sack, aad of poetaps valaa t4.
4t aad 9fi esats leaputtrely.
They are sold ataa advasoeofoae
eaat oo the stamp vikUe of each book.
toeovartbeeoetof.BMBBfaetaro. The
PHTBs ere of sla stamp* each, latarlest
telanm lo (k* BarnM ed with paraflaed paper to praesat pre—»■-■ «Uek viUmCm Pttrtel k^tacsM* tc amtare adhesloB.meklar a book of ooa*
Tsaleateu* to carry la Ue pocket or
4te^<erwB» w».or>igggJMt»t;
Bey Tent. {lo. 116. K- O. T. B.. tbb
erealap the aadlee of Traveree Bay So71. will faralih boaas which will be
aaeUmadofl. The proeaade will fo to
jeutOM vUlbcatkvudMtbl* the ladles for lbs benedt of the hire.
Bech lady U reqaested to briar e boa
for two.
s-.-.'s'.'s saetrvsirs
#.^1. MorrATt.
ssbbfiss OoDsmsletisl CObtcbUos
*-i« laU DtMrtct te auead tSa
Icaal CcaTcatlaa. aad ler iba
r aacb aUu '
■ow thst tbs UeJt«d 8UUS hst ssd^tsd proof fewB OsMTsl Lew Wsl
I. thftl AMsl Hsmid Is sn beimi
BS». the foTsniBMnl msr defer esed'
ilf • fleet of wsnhipe to eoUeet tbet
ladeBBltp. Oeaml WelUee deettn
tbet the eallen slwsps k<
nis eetlaeu of tiu “sick mes" does
BOt soeord wltk thst of eerml Borope•bmUodi.
There will be a meettnr of rotform
Bank, BalrhU of Pytblaat lonlpht for
the porpoae of drillmr. A fall attsndaaee of all members U dmlred.
A marriare lleense hm been fasned
> Albert 3. Ooartads of Eaat Bay and
Mfas NetUe Bawldas of Arehle.
Hr. and Mrs. Thomas Obsrlar are
tbs parenta of a danphter who arrived
Hr. and Hn. WUllam Brlakle are re*
Joldap over the amral of e eon.
Gnmnd was brokaa yesterosy tor ths
new resldeaoe of B. J. Horpaa.
Charles Oswd wu breapht before
Jutice Brown Sslarday. asd hfa heariep OB the eharpe of treepas* was adJoaraed to ths seth. ths day when bU
two sons appear to answer to the ssme
Hiv Oallata 81y. an Inmate of the
aaylam, died Sonday aftrrooon at the
ape of w.
Joels Boak of Osdar. wife of Joseph
Bonk, died Sandsy of
tbs aps of 40 years. FonreUldraa earviva her. The fansial will ojeur from
e Cstholle ehareb at Imdor tomor*
Ama writbiar ior too jmn neder
the beel of Bpuisl> eppreeeUm it will
tertbeOeboMtSelpol the meo who
stall beadle their RobUe effelis.
Therefore the electioa le Jaae ead its
nealtswUl be looked forward to with
The Friends eharch has ananjred for
oeaeldweble latereet both la Amerke a sapper at the ebareh Friday evealnp.
•ad Berope.
tobeaswl In Uqaldetlnp
ths ebareh debtThs verdict or the jory la the OoUon pram will be plven alao.
Mae ia Praakfort, Kj., kee
Tha ooatraci for tha llnoleBiD for the
that iodeerrieilBtt i mo preeVee la the
ofieaa in the ooart hoam has been
•tats le pemiieable.
The oenru
awarded to the HaresatUe Cofdalaly beeiUte aboet dccidlo« tbet
P. C. UUbert wUl deliver the Decora
Kaataekp'e most popular aad exclUac
tion DsTOratloa at Wactord Oornere
fMtIeir aboald be abolished.
Atthsmaetinp of the Portia Club
As the hero of MaaUa bap Admiral this afternoon at the home of Hra. P.
Bawep wU' reoelee a aerUa of ea^ I. Whitman, the offioare wUl be albemd
ttataetle oratlOBS OB hie ooBtomptat^ tor the eneulap year. A faU atmad•fl trip, bet as a preekUotlal poeelbUltr anca U arped.
tta JoBrscr woold lose the e&arm the
Bapeiateadent Bora has jest reeelvm Of Dewep has iMplred elaee that; ed some floe pletaree of birds, ooe
>t day iB IfOS.
sarlm for each school. They will
nsnd especially ia priamry natare
Jim Doherty fa ridinp a new Hart
BspabUeaae WUl Meet Today
ford bleyelA
Bleet Efalepatsa.
Editor E. L. Bprapns ba* boopht a
The Bepabticaa eoaaty convmtloa
new Eaple bicycle aad will disdain
wlU mmt this afternoon at 1:50 o'clock.
wnlkinp in a ebon time.
UForestnra'hall. Brooch blork Tele
The flnt lamber to po on the bip
sewvBBtioe fa foe the eeiectlon of dele
dock of tbc Oval Wood Dish Co. has
te to the stats eoaj
been ln«pecied aad it ready for a barpe
vasUoat which wUI choose dslspata*
which wilt be here la a few days. The
Is ths aatloosl oonveatlea.
seuty eommittas for tbs aasainp two lot eoasisu of half a million feet of
yaars wUl alao be asmed. The dele
Dan Gvorpe and Hike Haas, two
patas siraady elaetad from the eevoral
pretty weU kaowaweat aide ebaraemta.
wards la the city, are as foUowe:
First ward-J. A Hoora. Thoa T. pot into a aa altereatlon yesterday
Bams. F. B. Pratt. A. W. Elekrrd, O. that lea to blows, near tbs
F. (farvsr, J. W. HiUlksa, L. Boberta. depot They were plven a ebaaoc to
J. W. PslchiD, O. C. Hoffstt. F. Bsmil- think it over in the eoop ths met of the
ms. J. M. Thomw. J. A. Loraapar, L day.
r. ntaa
Alcctarc on ^American Hfafaont"
Maeaad ward- 8. C. Damw, S. Baa pltsn last aipht at Grasps baU by
Aliya, E W. HasOnp*. A. B. Blnpham. Btv. B. M. BopUas of Aaa Arbor,
0. L. GrelUck.W. O. Foota.B. B White. aadsr tbc anspleM of tha Charoh of
A* B. Brown, Thomas H. 8hermaa. D. Cbrfal.
Third ward-T. J. Bee
I.C.M. Besfa.P.Cd}ilbert. J. H
■awroa. L. K. Olbba. G. W. Pnelpe. W.
A. Hewmn. 6. a Dmpms. L F. Gordon.
Alsmm Pan. trank Fmlarioh.
Fsnrtb ward-t C. Ksowltea. W. F,
Baraks. F. D. Harvln. W F. Calklas.
M. O Ovtott. Oso. W. Lardm.
rmh-W. W. FalrahUd. W. B Hooa,
ass. F. OaerfaosL. Dsaue Ooeklla. H.
a Marpan. Wm. H Smith. L. K.
CtafStafad. Hadad Vialoa.
Bpraada Uke WUdflra.
When tblnpe an *‘lbs bmt” they be.jma “tha bfX eelUop.’' Abraham
Bara, a leadiapdrappfat, of BellavUla
O., writes: "B
t Bltmra are the
heetarillB^blttmT havv hendlad U
. Ton ____
kaow wbyt
Heat disdmmdeta of etomaoh.
Cta is-----------bowala. blood aad
aa. Blaefaie Bittara tones ap the
■m. ram saw uls aao vtpor uto
weak, siskly. ran-dorrs man or
naTFrioe Ms. Sold by A B
F. B. Hoorn, v^ has baan om >l >vm)
1 aad Jas. G. Johmoa. draepfafa.
hpCklrttFBCfalklM far ttapMtflva
ynars os moaldsr. hss rastpssd Us SflAsit Sudfl
fsstuos. asd yastmdny want to hfa‘
la Blh BapUi for a vamtlin
of tta laiidsaee V J. A.B01
HUlsrA(Hcna were plvanparmisSaIoob Bond* ApproFfad by sfan to pat an Iron mof on a balldiap
la the rear of IM Prootstrvsc. the
OoimeULMt Sight
bmildlap to be assd as a stota room. A.
B. WUsen waa pivan pinafaaisa to
on Data stnat batwaaa
•amlim of Beatd-Wew Hpd*
BsvwtH sta TwaUlh siraafa. M a east
nat Falrea OiAmd as Old Oaritl
grastOnaaotbe Ftniiii Harirff-Todto bUldalwestoiy fiamabonasat
ofHapUvata ThMatraaia,
sMo as to ShooUsA os Ve^aefa a Boat St 81.000.
A psfatta to bpUd a boms oa WaakiBfftoaatmfaoathstrant fa aloCso
Ttamtam UoMam far tta oa
ymr farmed ttafa«at Impartial Ifam that it woadd Himrfan with tbaviaw
of bafaama bsfara tta sosfaHl tam svafa* faothsnen ths mme bbek.waara.
lap. All ttatbad timprmmta
proved with owe exa
proved, with their 1
Fred J. BeAtsl. i
Barmk aad Frank Folraha.
Bish A Ubsrp. eaiatlM J«He
Wells aad H. D. CkmpbsU.
Howard WblUap. sereUra. Joh^T.
taeahall aad WUllam Jaeksoa.
Daily. amrattsB. Howard
Wbitlap and Heary ToBasUar.
Frad Wnriborp. sareUsa. Xlekotas
BasUmaatal aad Anthony Petsrtjl.
Odle MeOarry, aaretairAMeed Cam*
peau and Juans Hr^srllmaataL
Patrick BBrdea.sdreUes.JBllas Hacllaotel and James jVj^ai
Alfred LafoaUee. s'oretlr*. Alfred
Oempsee aad Edward Lantaer.
Praak Ueiucr. eareties. Aapntt
(itaer aad Tbomas;a. ShUsoa.
Philip Kbermer. sareUss. Howard
WbUloc aad Henry Toaoeller.
Lorla U. Paller. snreUes. Henry D'
Campbell and .Frank Broaeb.
PeUr Boatram, enreUca. iJoha P.
Hstsea and John N. Holloa..
Elbert 0. ElU*. anreUee. Anioo W.
Bartak aad Heary Brodbappn.
Soph A. McDonald.learcUea. Frank
Broach aad Beary Brodbapra.
Tse bond* of LoeU Bleder. with Vea •
oil Sleder and Henry Wli
itlca. waa reported by the commitlee withoot laeommeadatlone. There
no'qaeaUoo..as to the inffleleoey of
3STO. 4:71
Is the best Rocker oo tbe
mBrket for the moaej.
It is solid golden oak, has
two very Bride back slats,
ni(^y qaarter sawed and
eabotaed, high arm, cob
bler leather seat, only
$3.75. It is a bargain.
We have over 300 di^r>
ent styles of rockers to se
lect from.
Fom AJi Aunoa bau..
Plas Hfaeaaafa
last Bamlap. bat
AnOcn Psfaitad tUl Hoaday. : tha masttsp of tta |AlamU Aamna last evsalap. the matter of
ohanplnp tha alaswl patbariap to araesptta aad ball
tba mattar
balap deferred tUl the next meeUap.
Fhieh U to oeenr next Hoadar evenlap- A faU atteadanoe at this meetlnp
fa arped. that tbs real dnire of the j
hsprvlved St.
urns iT 1 THE
Slater’s House Eurnishing Store
120 FaroxL-t 8-bzree^.
Hn. E. L. Blanker leavm today frr |
Bapld Uiy for a few days rest with her
She will be aocompaoled
home by her little son Ludoi. who hss
been vlstUnp hfa prandpareau.
Meke No MistekeTliero is any other shoes made thst
are just u pood as oar shoes for cbild1 which sr»‘ fasde especially for c_.
order—That ik 'the kind we sell—We
know of iio school shoes to be cwmiisred
with, outs- they fit well, are up-t I fashion, not too dear, sod should be
by all who desin'
•iin' to i;i‘t ^ood value i
their money.
That Throbblnp Baadsebe
Would quickly leave you. If you used
Df. Kipp's New Life Pills,.- Tbonsaade
of enfferer* have proved-^elr matchlees M.m.»
merit AtM
for miMM
elek muu
and SB:
nervous head
Tbev make pure
uni* blood and
aches. They
bnlld up your bealtb. Only SS oeot*.
Money back if not cored. Sold by S.
E. Wail and Jaa. G. JohiuMm. drappfai.
U&nrpuied Chosoltte.
• H.IIMnn.
Wsit's Soda
OwiMMiiptleo Ciirv-WarM
White WIta of Tar Synip.
best couph mnedy oneaith. cam's cold
.looncdayiftahenintiBie. UBandSOcts.
Prices are I8c. (>oc, 7.V.!»,5c.
Each season the shoe
bill of every cuslomer in the cornmnoity is leas becsose we are
•e. l>on't
Uon't hesiutc—try os.
You are as welcome to look as to buy..
-A-. S.
Practical Shoe Man
13.5 Front Street
rnShsm petcA. 8 J^ymaalarpe personal property tnclodlair SI.too in eaah in bank. $500 In mortpapes
and $1,000 Id liquor atock. waa lachinp
rsferred back
The Traverse City Bod and Gaa dab
pramnted a petition rcqaaetlap permUeiOB from the eonndl to shoot
We qae-tonp club proaada. After ths
city attoroey bad bmo to hfa office for
a oopy of the ordinance, andjftc
a of the qaeslioD.
moUon was ibade by Alderman Ha«Unpa that It was the asnae of the councU that the mayor be InstmeUd
prant the permlaelon asked. This
moUon was tost by a yes and aay vou.
only Aldermea Parker, Hasllao and
Sasilh voUap for it. A moUoa u> refer
tbe matter to the awyor was carried
nnanlmoiialy. The pronod taken by
Ihcae who voted apainst the Brat motiOB was that It was a matter ourely
for the deeieioe ct tbe msyor, aad that
the eonsell had no ripht to exprcee a
O. P. Carver, oa behalf of the board
olpoblle works, bronphi before tbe
oonaclUhe matter of tha lost, strayed
or ttolcn hydrant valves that have
abaorbedao moeb Interest for some
lime. Hr. Carver reviewed the eltuaUoa. eutlnp that tbe valves' were
stored la the barn of H. O. Campbell A
Sods, that the etreet eommlseioaer waa
Botifled several tlsaes to ooaie and pet
them, aad that wbea be fioally went,
the ralvea^ld not be fonnd. It is
tbonpbt thst they were stolen, as tbe
ban in wbleb they were kept was
never locked.
It belnp patent to all that there must
be some of ibcee valves anppUrd, on
motion of Alderman narrlsoa the chief
of police wae Inetraeted to porehase IP
valrei to take the place of those
lost. Tbe Are chief wae lostraeied to
o tbe poUinp bn. takiop off and
etorinp of tbe valves In foiare.
Tbe losp fonirht matter of the sbootInppsUery on tbe Boetram lot came
ap apaln. ibU time In the form of a
petitioo from W. O. Heyen and J. J
Papan, for tbe craetioo of a brick
atroelare with an Iroa roof at a ocal of
$3». Ap ths spedBeatie
riven for the ereelta of the baUdtap, uoderthe cnpcrvfaloe of ths Are
chief aad In i
vmh tbe ordmaaec. Aldermea Hasilnpa. Lardls
aad Keayoa votinp no.
Tbstrastoe* of the Baptfat eharch
to remodel tbslr
eharch at a eoit of abont $4,000. aad
they an also permitted to ass aoti
ibaa a third fa the etreet for the parpose of plaslap mitertaL
A plsak sidewalk wae ordsrad oa the
north Bide of matoefaaat, bstween Bone
and Gilbert etMeta. Walks were aUo
ordered oa vartoas othar streott. oa
of the sidewalk la
apeetor, laeladlap Webster, B«ee,Froai.
diatc. Cedar. Spraoe, Ceas, Baadolph.
WsshlaptoB ana
Bi^thswaeu. Tbe walke ara to fa
MdwitUa $0 dayafa thew
lap fa aaUea otf the proparty holders
On motion fa Aldsrmaa HaeUape •
oram walk was eedarad amom Blmwon
ae OB tta aerto slda fa FioA oemaat walk waa srdsrfa In (ran;
Going To Ride
a Wheel?
No reason why you shouldn’t Everyohe in this region
can. Our terms are most liberal. Always glad to show our
wheels and talk about their good points. , That’s our business—^
That’s what we're here for. Got a spare inomentf Drop in and
look over the wheels.
Going to utk about the Cleveland for 1900. Always been at
the head and this year it will continue there. Why? For sev
eral reason». There's the Uurwell combination ball and roller
bearing. Let it be renxembered that the balls in an ordinary
bearing are loose and all move in one general direction, rubbing
0/1 each other, causing friction and'grinding the balls. This is
entirely-done away with in this new patent. There's an entirely
new way of anchoring the direct spoke in the hub. thus avoiding
the danger of breaking if struck a hard blow from the side. The
great feature is the^ear case. Throw your wheel in^ the bay, .
ride it throughAhe mud or on the dusty road and you'll find
your chain absolutely free from water, mud or dust. Then all
Cleveland s are fitted with the celebrated Burwell Clincher Tire.
Customer told us that he had used this tire over the roughest
road and wouldn't use any other. They’ll stand all kinds of
hard'usage. These wheels sell at S40 and $50—the one with the
gear case at S55.
Bear In mind this fhot that we e^l |^o the Clipper
OhahUesA the Tribune OhainlesA the &amblfld% the Westfield,
the Ideal, the Hibbard, the Ajax, and the most complete stock of
bicycle sundries carried in the city.
The Hapoah & Lay Hercaptile Co.
cmci iBiG laoDEia
CMai* that iriU Mato it FraeU.
AU IAum of BiuiiMn an
ThriPisir VICOTOoaly
ttebboraly Fon^t XaMraeea SaK I>
otded Ayelaat Btat* Ufa Xaaaraao*
Oo. te Olreatt Ooart
ealiy Mew aad wOl Boat PAOOO
Onad aavM to caitta by th*
'■ytoikM tortou* hntcr* mam workIrs-Mlto * kill, mmr (fa*
TbVBiklaM b* tna Pafaki. OoL.
Md an taefalar fjr boety
faaa faMB faMdfa (fa«« M j«*» aco-A
AaCi 70 Uat A**p to htoat *nk lafa>
tba be«rato of (fa* crat hOL
BtaMra^ to nWic Had witfa ifa*
walar aaia* •WaakHB. tbeaavi
<haMB««wUaHhMb*afDaad lo
fa* aiMM «(«| ifanMc^
woaaa el 0«U ha* itoaa
e*.lha>4ttodanrwnai (e a** earllar
lM(a Ufa* wa* eartlac her hair with
avairaadhad fe*Ma Ifaa laairai
laharfaaad »h*abH-hoUapea U b*>
’ aad (fa*
lplaJar*d tb**T«.aad *h* umj lea*
Mr«.0*raUa* £. BaahcU. who r*aMMlj Had* a beqaaM el hte.oeo for
« ot aa erpfaaaac* la eoaKlloB With the B
Haul* Oraak. died ai '&«r boM la
MiAlcaa CUy Friday, afed Ti yean.
Mf*. Baaball to cradliad with harlaf
gltaa away Btere ttaaa ll.OOO.OOO dardarlac tb* Uat Ua ywia. aad it to
halatred bar iMl wbaa read will abe#
laitbar brqaaatt tor (ba BatU* Oaab
The remedMmy of the Baettot ebenh
whleb wU make it preattoelly a aew Work to Baiay Paahad ea tfaa Maw
balidlay. waa bec«a yaatarday. A
$800,000 Oamaat Worha —Tbbaee
farewtel maetiay waa bold te tba
teprte teaday eraalay. &«*• W. T.
b* Bayna at 0***-SataMlve »
~ idbneae ^temef tba oM aaaodaUoaaaad btppy mamertoa that alaat>
lay OpanttioM Tbroeybeat
mareeadtha old etraetan. bat look
ed forward teapmledef yraatareaefaiaamlatte fataia. K. W. Hieilaya
■lkBaplda.alwajaahaatUBy lewa.
CA. Bwbea enreamdUo a
totakiayoa a matfeweUtaa air. *ad
Ua* of baaiaaaa to bacsite- Tba
b«ll^ ottte8Me.W0 Msaat warka
Tte tearah to te ba lemedalad. It baa ylvoa avarytklay a teeey atfaaawUl ba btIA aaaaarad, two aaw tewata tea, and the town to om of tte UvoUaat
wiU ba baUt. a yaUavy pwt'la.tte aaat- latkaalata.
AUktedaof bMteaai epwaUoai or*
1^ eapaiiliy almaat deablad. aad thp
baOdl^ WiU ba ae atekyad that It batey paahad. Thar* are aew in prooaatiea te tte Iowa M ar
wUl be Id aU tataal* aad perpom
aawteareb. Tte total acar of tba imwith many mm aadar
wmeati'wOl ba abeet te.ooo.
edatrael. OUar teOdtef*. mmA aa
lona. halla. ate., ara alao batey aieetL
Werktaproyraaatey rapidly ea the
rasa Obeaaa for Scalor ^Olaaa Aa- foaadaUoei ter tba balldlaca of tba
It warka Tba work to la ebarya
BBal-BaeaalaaTaaU Bemoe by
Sapt. E. M. Bnoea. who bw aboot
Bov. W. T. Weodboaae.
so man at work, la addltlop-Ao-tbe
The Senior clam bald aa importaat bBUdlnrefiba faeadatio^a frame
naiaaaa maatiair yetterday aftaraooa offiM bBtldlny to baiay teaetad. the
at wbtob conaidemble, bnalnem waa old brewery ia belay remo4atod for a
d la rayard to ooBmaaeameat ^oardloy bout, aad preptroUou arc
aad tb* Aaanal. A aamn wu ehoaaa baiay made for tba boUdlny of tb*
for tba anaaal and hereatwr it will ba dock.
kaewaM"The Travaraenetaa.*' Brv.
The raUroad yrad* U completed
W. T. Woodboam wm ebOMD to da- early to the altebf tb* baUdlayt, and
tiver tba beoeaUanbata earmwa form of .'>D man to at wark tharr. ft
Soma arraafemaato ware mnda la re U likely that tfavy wlll yal to the Uytard to tba clan* aoay wbieb to aanriy Iny of the ralU tbU week.
oomplatad by Mr*. Beak. Mr*. Dayton
Tobaco Lska, from wbieb tb* marl
la to ba taken for tba mkasfactara of
Tba matter of lavttotloar'fer
tba«amant,Uto ba dralaad. that the
naacemoat waa alao takaa apbamtrl may b* retched and htndlad in
aoou orlyina) Idaaa wbleh tba
a dry atoU. (hot aavlay the eipeam of
are plaaalnf to carry oat. A drylay in cim the marl ware dredyed
waa appointed te make
oak A form of maa ar* now eatttey
anaeof tb*«m
tba canal thtt wUI eonoc}*. tb* lakt
with tba bty, aad drtla at tba water.
Oaptala Jo* Bttnvalt la oa tba
Mra. Ueorye W. Miller racelvad word
Satarday of tba aartona lllaaaa of bar yroead, prapariay t^tb* eoutraetloa
mother. Mra. Thomat Tbvlor ot Otodai, of tea l,s»3 toot doek, aad tba work
Ta8B..eaaaed by aa attack of 1* rrippe. on It Will probtbly bsyia (onwrrow or
Mra. Millar laft for bar motbar'a bad- Tbnradsy.
Altoyaibar. - the Iowa ia beemlay,
aide yaatarday oooa.
. T. W. BUebay want (o Aldea yealar- and tblny* look brlybt for the fetare
dar to orraaiM a lodf* of tba M. W. A. iher*.
A Qaiaaaaae waaaa who oi
aetbiarbaktbabeaaaabaUradiB aad
Cb* lot 08 wbtoh it alood ralnaed to
lartolar the dead to bar iweparty. bat
bapt H blddaa la tba boaaa Iha boaaa
waabamad dowa raaeatly, aad
dead daatreyed. How aba to aaabl* to
taad baeaaie aha eaa ahow ae
Uila to It, tba sas wbo aald It to bar
balac daad aad bto h^ aadar ara.
Allot whleb aboald ba a
otharatobaratbadaed to tb^ prop
erty raaordad wbU* tbara la yat tUaa.
Mara Barfw.ooa of Waslerd eoea^'a
pfeaaan, aad moat raapaetad elttoaaa.
died ai bto bom* la Kaatoa laat waak
Mr. aarrar bald aararal offiea* of traat
at dUfaroBt tlmaa, haTlar baaa lor two
r. A. Clary went to Patoakpy on bna- a.iWtocwrwrwnwi*rwriWWrtejM.n
term* aoaaty Iraaaaror. H to death
da* to heart aflaetloa.
J. M. Blakealae wav la BapM City J THE STAOE
Lab* Oily to aet a pood ptaa* for yaatarday on boaiaam.
dlroroad panoaa who'wtob to amrry
H. W. CaoBloybam. ayaat of the M.
acaiatoyo. Both of tb* toat mlato' AN. >1.-rataroad yaatarday from a
«m at* daad afainat aaeb a tblay, aad baalnaa* trip to Maatotae and FreakTb* attractloa at Sialabary'a Oraad
ralaa* to marry aa^ paraoaa.
Optra Boom cm Tneaday evenlay. 'Vly
G. B. Barrtooa waa la aorleoa oa' 1. will te Eiw o C J^apioB'i prodaeUoB
Tb* aaab* atory aaaaea ba
baalaaaa yaatarday.
‘Darkest Rmla.*’ TtaU ia'not e
atPaatwatar. Vruitom Boalea of tbyat
E. E Dailey of Bmpir* to la tb* city,
r or aaitief'riekatliy, for it bu
plao* klUad a atrlpad aoake wbtob waa
b Jobaaoaot
lied lU lahereat wortB
plaialy marked with tb* Scan* I.M4. tbroDtb
.»b_ttba city yaatarday on
the put half douo yaara It bu
Tba towa to caaaeiar what It aaaaaa
to But Jordan, wber* be to li
toured all ovar the laod, pibylay tba
At Lake Aoo Bdward qaralae. ayad Inaaaw mUl batinaaa.
Mr*. J.^. Pittanrer and niece Mim principal elUa*. The netlar company
19. whil* ytriac tbroayb
Orac* Merrav of Grand B*p'.
to blyhly wmmudad for II* anlaUe
with bto rarelrar. aacldaatally abet vtoltiDcA T. Peck and f*B
bto brotbar Boy la tb* kaaa Tba Waahlnrton atraet
woaad waa oyly bat BO boaaa
TaatardayA Baa* Bail bm
SpKtai u.m Mdtetoi BwerC.
aauemeni eompaoiat that ar* to ap>
. HMlaryaalaolaraaidaatwbc
atreejt ibarwhlla mtlay a lady oat el
pur at Siclabery'a Oraad very aborUy.
“Darkeit RaaaU.” which to to ba
* aairtara raaaailr b* broke (we el
Cblmyo^St. Lonto, rain.
bare Wadnaaday, Hay *, to »t Honybbar riba.
Brooklyn->-N*w York. rala.
tom, Mlcb.. toolybt.
Tb* aa* appar p*8lB*«U aormal
-Murray aad Mack,’* who bav* boon
aebool »t Margatt* to •omptalad, aad
aaeared for a r*ura aayayemaat oo
Umaammar term will opae early la
Ortb and^Doahyato. WUaea and May 9. are tonlybt at Memphto, Tann.
E ,p. bUlrto yrut muloai faro* praAt Beyal Oak tbreayb a mtolaka “•tifT** City—Mitwaakae. wat yroead.
.{dactloB, "Wbo'a Who." whleb te*
Mra C. T. Wltooa taraw a cap of yaae-' ClaclDuU..........................o
12 • proven one of bto yrutut tncoei
Uaa aato a bet aiora datarday. An Plttoborr ...............................
it at MlaaeapoUt. Mina., loaiyht.
baploakm leUowad. aad the womaa
AMKBM'Aa uuaok.
eraa armly baraad oa tba baada aad
t It
Hnaayer Stalabarg aanonaeea aa•rmaotbar lmportaDt^^5picayemaat tor bto
Octmla 8baw. Hoffnr. Oi^h.
Of tfaa >00 appto traa* plaatad la
popalar play bonaii in May.
AprU. n«0.by Lama Joaaab.la gelaey
Mr. John Fay Palmar and aa admir
. tawaablp, Braaah eoanty. SO ara atUl
able anpportlpy company wUl te aean
PattaraoB. Snydaa: Bbrct Fibber.
thrifty and tear Irelt every year. On*
he** lo a aomplaie prodocUoB of ‘-rae
'etibatraaa.* raaaat. •• a mammoib
Egyeiiaa.'’ it beiny a yreat aoaolc
ea*. iu trank oaaaartay alaoat alybt
prodneiloa of tba bbtorleal “Lut
laat la elrcBrnferanee.
Dayt ot Pompeii.''
B. A. bMCb aod wile of Watroutrtth -Tebe<
Exprritneott in inbacco yrowlny
TtUa. were each 7S yrar* old. Tbay
Btraser niiaoto’ Fim Trip.
ted lived bappUy locetber maoy yeart. have not been very aum-vtful lo EayTb* neamer Ullaol* called at thto
and even daatb aoeld not aapanta ^n<l. (lut frciu a eiaieiuptii. ibat Ur. port yuurday moralay aboat 3:10.
them, aa tbry died Friday witbla a Plunkclt tiu<ic.ln ibe boote of com- Tbw wu her Si*t trip np tba bay tbla
moDi iny Lady Mcoilnc It kinder 4o
few boar* of each otber. aad arm
Ireland. In fan, m litM-rnlly dmt fbe Maaon and aba bad In work bar way
harled la tba use yra*cabower her favor* oc ite iltotn-ttrnl in by the {reqetat dm of tat fay wbtoAtUrand Bapida warranto bare batn country ilmt Iritb tobaccu nut only tt* which WM aniwered by tb* fay
toaaadfsr tba arrant ot Frol, and Mr*. floiiritbr* like- ibi- liay tree, bat it ball at tba doek.
D- Frvaioo. elalrvoiraato. who It to tV^riy tnloe at tirony at tbe ttionyitt of meretaai.dlt«. iaclndlay a larg*
alitend pravalUd upon a well known tobacco told. But Itoddy nud Biddy amoaai of ytodt for the uylam, wu
---------woman te tmrt witfa tzoo ’ *■'“
bronyktiBby tba aleaater. dfa* left
worth of iewairy and
In cub
eMuyb. However. If Irtob to- before 7 o'cloek for the aortb porta aad
I.lw IhUU.
to tb* Sm boat 13 aaak* Ue irip clear
a to yaln n bottar laatybt ibr rariety mutt, at Ur. rinnkett tny- tbrooyb. .
law bar fntar*. aad that the money yratiil. te milder tbau the kind knowa
weaMWdo«blad owr alyhb After a*-Knj^itb-Vlrylnla''grown latt yrar.
. M«w a Travelsy Man.
aaaarlM tba valublc* tb* pair aklp
i«tecco Uiat ibr man In tbv ttrcct
Oatry* Navarre bu a H*r*d bto eoa, c»uld luioki- conid Iw grown in Irvaaetlon with the Boktoa Store ate bu
I tomU touw- of tbe iroublra of the dl». tiTttfuI coutry mlgbi be aolTvJ. It aeeapted a pcaittoa m iiavaUay aalta, Th# Bunty (bat AUtecW Maa
man (or Wm. Baitaor. Mr. Navarra
baaa a aalmmta in tb* elothla ant to) mack te tb* faatat^ m te •' nwnt ibtt ao tucceatful were the czMaar. baaltby aampiulte. aad a ptriaeati la tobccco yruwlny in Irv- tey daputmaatof tte Boetem 8tara for
■luap body tiiad with ^Ib* vlyar ate Mad in the time of the Stnant that a tb> pant tbtto* yarn.
Attar toaralay tba aleeb Mr. Navarra
yX.J* -tbecalrtN In ordra to tmter tba grow wfU eaaka bto tnt trip te tb* waqL
i—<_!• n.
ing .*«)«.•»
colony of »Mrylato.-Waaiialaetrr
Mr. Navarra to a beattor ate it to
SSte wm tote wbtob
aeaarad that b* trill make u yote a
■pea Mate ate aaw atrv.------- -----Twealy Taat* or Fate.
imaa oa tte reed wlU aartate
SteatetaaamilaalyBaUre ot Dr. E
palu ate tetaru. m te wm haadltet
alolUac te the Beatoa aWra.
^1^. Cbaufa olntmaat. Oa* boa
m*.'' Dr. Obua-aototmaat to c*____
lead to do tba woifa. M aaato. ■!]
dravetotoorDr A W CteuMaAOe..
BaH^K. Y. Fnaumpatoratasp.
M« Maayasadrteby «mpla hex. aate
far IboM feto A-S. ffTMAE
: 10 M
By the teatroatkm* of Jedy* F. W.
Maya* yeeiardey aftaroooo.a vordiet
ot BO eau* of ectloa wu reaiarod la
tbeeaaaof tte
iBdlaBapolto. ve S. B a
H te* baaa •tabbonlyei
a Opofy* H. C«ea* •
tb* eaa* -for tba plalaUBa. aad F. C
eutertaad John A. Lenayer for (fa*
Tbaeaaayrow oat of tte ndamlof
Mr. BtooNr «0 pay two
lay 8BI.U «er promiam CB aa iMaraM
poUey whleb tealalmad waa aotwtet
to ba. Ha teM«bt
ttepoUey tor eii Ua* teaeiaBea aad
wbaa ft eama b* toaad It waa oo tb*
mammaat plan.
Tba point oa which tb* eaaa wu torn
wHUayiaatlny of aapactolecBeei
lo Mr. Stroay te a aid* ooatraet. Tb*
attoracy* for both aide* ot fha eau
airead that tbar* wm bo qamtlc
to tb* facto, aad * metion wm made to
take the eau from tb* Jory. Tfaa aryimutoee tba tew took plnw befor*
Judy* ifayae and oeeapled mui of tb*
aftaraooa. Tba deetolon wm amde la
favor of tba dafaadaat, oa tba yrovad
that it WM Ulayal for nay eempany
make any apaeial eoaemtlon* or rebatu
lo any panon.
The ntlacbment appeal cate of Addto
A.Olbte n. Edward A. and-nmothy
F. Moaatey wUl ba ukan np thU mora
ine. Thto' to tb* Uat of the jnry o
The bill to nnnnl marriayr, of Anua
HawVioiv*. BUea Aau wM.*pnt
the term.
TraUmony wm t^en ia the anlt of
Horae* B Conalnc v* LodIm F. C
PilUnt. a bUi to dtoebary* a mortyayr.
Oliva F. Naab wm yraatad a dlvoru
from Aldoras Hub on the yrannda of
drnakannem. cruelty and anunpcart.
The petition for Mle of landa of Lra
Mnslyold at al. mlaort, wm pot ever
tba term.
Lmi alybt Gay Jobnaoa wu yrnat
ad a decree of divorce from Cora JohnThe pair wer* married wUmi Cora
bot in yeart old and they have
alae* uparatad, the wife attandiay tb*
FwTlt ladnitrUl •ebool la Ely Baplda.
Daunlon wm eberyed. C. O. Tarnar
wu tb* attorney for Johaaon.
ImproTiay Imke Viaw Bona*.
The Lake View bonu at Elk Baplda
to nnderyol y czteM ve repair*. Anew
eUtl ealllny to baiay pot la. tb* wall*
ad and the boat* retou vray*.
Whooping Cough, t
Bronehltla and Irtolplant
J 'TVs Amuni^ebv^
While our hat aalM for the put two
weeka hava aurpuaed our tilyheet antici,
pationa—We look for a atlU greater ruah
now that the warm weather hu fairly
Lamson & Hubbard
Spring Style, 1900.
“Sapho,” “Tourist," “Golf”
Are some of the new things in light colors
that leading hatters (ourselves among
others) are showing—We shall endeavor
tb keep our sizes replenished in all the
leading shapes.
OUR $3.00 DERBY is
evary man who has previously wora one of tbem~
It’s perfect fit makes it the most comfortable derby
on the market.
Hamilton GlotMng Co,
Hew Tables, Fiitores eel Floe
Soda Foeetaiii.
But in a new location, on Union street, op
posite the Masonic block,.where we will 00
business until our new building is readr. To
induce our old enstomers to hunt us up. we
shall, for. the next few weeks, almost give
away goods.
What do yoo thiol of todies' Paioot leather add Dag Cellar
Belts at 10 cents?
These belts are new and up-to-date in every
way and are worth five to ten times the price
we ask. We have plenty ot other goods, too,
that we gre.making big cuts on.
0. E. McMANUS & GO.
IK maitl u u; IMu SUM.
The Savings Baok Bazaar.
Ice Oaam Soda*. Phoapbatu. IM Oroam
by tb* Dith or Quart.
W. HECK, Proprietor.
The Glory
of Spring
!• nevar complete witboat
the giadneM that cones
Erom the poHenioa ot s
new spring' bst thst is
BattebcUi^ in fit, s^ls
ssd ptiM.
Toa qrill sl<
wsjrs find them right, at
The Temple
of Fashion
•Bipuriac OoB»-UtUi Tmn,
SroytU&c THit.
Winter Caps
Make Way For Sprii% Hats
Frank Friednch
Tlu OM SKUble BIim Mu.
We Have loved.
lev Stere, 242 Treat Stro
■yaolyht ReMOrod.
Aadiow BiatbmiUor of Setoo, bayH
leatay hk oyaafyht aboBt Be* yaaiB ayo.
oaaaod by a aaianet tormlac cworhk
rirbt eye. Bo baeMta aBtUily bttad
A( OreehstM. Mlu.lln. M. L. \m to that eye aad rkltod aanral esdaoat
doetera aad had It traatad. b«» wllhoat
anybaaaAi. Twowoatoayo
JlrkOteA^tamft fM» «1ADeetora Oarnar aad Ohaaa 1
WM ^Ttar with % rtfl*.
aa oporaUos and eacwaafnlly roworail
tba eataraat. faUy raaUwtoy hk «yeilayad br ih« Bt«mn WankooM
elyht. Tba patlaat k DOW abU to road
«tMT hM toM B^t OB Ua W«w, eritbont fha oae of ylaeiaa. Aoatai
•Mr WellMBteMB. BlM baiar kfamtoyoatha rtybt aye. batk
yot'ln a-eoBdHtoo to be opantod Bf
Cigar Store
J gen or wonio
fg iHOMT greoiet ^
Tb« BxUstivB nlM which hcv* vtw
amllcd over Mtiriaipvl
*crta of
ticbewe for amr»( 4ajB. dchicc (he
ri««fB BcdccwUcr
MBtcc rice ta M I
taalaad •varflow
CBaaiac amCarlaC baA • >«*•
arty M»ar kaawa than hatora. Thsaa*
aaiaotanaa ei Cwalac laadt haaal
haaadaaaatadaadthaaarlyarepa wiU
ymaataUI laaa. Bowaa haaa baaa
laatad away,
Ooocya W. MiUar. wbe Itoee two ■
aoBth <d tha city, sat with B8 mala
B*U aecldaot to 1
a broedor. The toeidaat caaaad aboot
•toworihofdaBaye to ohkkaMaad
«y«. Be plaaad aa oQ aloao near tha
bcoodar ao M to haatoa tha balehtoy
bykaaptoylhaayya wana: bateoM
akaw to tha breodor aaoybt Bra fro*
thaateaa. which bBread UoatofiB
able oaiekoM «*ar throe woaka
PaWar.par to
eld. aa old boa and abont 60 ayya
£3SrS..SS.W~ ■ ‘ ■
W'ES’-PS-SSif.’SST^. •f 3m U aripH ■■ 2« ihm.
Atiar Woamn bad b
aald: *‘t plaadad yoUty boeanaa 1 baled
to face the aeBbera of the Pox faslly
wte had been eo hind to •e.” Woer■u waa a roadv of cheap norele.
Tbaro k aere caUarb to ihk aaettea
af tba eoimtry than all ether dkeani
potwyothcr, and natU tbalaatfaw
y«n wBe Biypeaed to ^ toOBrabto.
^",*3W”»*S!;‘5iaS? .rvjs
w*?sir,s^ -.•LSBTrs,:
to oBrawUb local troabaaat
lead It toeanble.
to be aa ooMUtaUoaal
d by P. J. CBwney A
a tha oaly eoaaUt»-
■uat Boftam'paaM.B: n
Bm. Me Bi-rMMceee.Xc n. Xenam »aMc .
~e*asd rwUme*.Vo.n.
A i. soon VMerteerr. Oa'anm. all
strrei. itee4Sart>lBpwasret£>a.«or aalteua.
Calls left M Bre*b*cra's or Maas's sals
-iln, «ill to prsto^ atsseM la. KonaKonhm pSoM
the beat.
■s at iM todlBSM* dp«od oa KS7
Third Chair.
I bare {dneed a tbiid chair in
mr barber shop in order to necomoAtemy patron*.
Cnrcfnl BttoDtion Ktren to all.
A. M. OmTT, Ptopr.
Wunis s*C nstot *a plSfto.
The bpit tnmkhad and tmt kapt
bonae on Uk panlaento k ready tor
bnalneen. Open the year ronni. Deed
UTBiy la enaaneUon with the boBec
Rales nude known on npplkntlon.
First Freeze
DB. SPUBU s.rroMPe
toto «^•
lea, (TomBiarmiiaa Uke,
$1.00 a Month
At recidcaceti—same as iast ye&f
na«a toireqoABt
•aka a apeelalty
ipaKD Moxan. aanl CalS
Cash Capital $200,000
Fire Insurance.
The OoeUnenUl Aasurmnea Oompony
of North Anwrkn kaaao all np to date
poltdea. inanrlay ayalkat aeeldant and
■IcknoM. pays todomnltyfroB M to IM
srooka, both abort aadlonytormpoUeka.alaoUekettoBaUtbe landiayhoaplula to tha Daltod StoUa. Pm * "
Is. Is. A. BuUdlac.
Hew Oaoa. Harichun Block
L'DdertakiDg Parlors
bNo. signesiaratoBsi.las f«« day. Clara
n. WUIIau, aa stprrlrar.^ mbalasr t. aM*.
etaied ollh biB. KfoprelfoUr^r..
Ml Bonth Union Strwt
buA MpMi t bdltti tj.
• SpocUlty.
Attgnst Petander
I btTc iiAil my building
reboilt nod put in ^ood
abape nad am now ready
to receive ell old patrons.
K<>xt to E&glp OfficA
IJDp. n. has ■!■■■» Ota
alaeMlwOrSxMMsaMaoack aaSalaa*
is^etoWaara la OreaC EapUa aM chair far
EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at
See samplea in window.
We will foraUb toBUlaa. tbU i—
mar. with lea washed clean and pot to
tba ratrlyarator. for Sl.OO a aontb—
and won’t aak to be paid In'ndranec.
BoUi’pboaea Vt.
TaaJn ATtBf ai • Mi n •- kaatoalr aarPk
0.1. uxJKwooaa p^^T'^^''Bapu*
Tbe Fere larqoette Railmd
JacBarr, 1100,
oouto notm.
oomo noanL
..f !,
Mo0/lCAI^£C£SSAIir. |;-o„ ~' ---------------—
/IAQAZINE 5ELF-0ILE({ ; e. w. basting’s ■■'-’““'‘iisstir
For Fire,,Insurance
uiJ cranra
MniBIsl ■FtoiTl
HinwooD cumiGs Hnion stok woot
UdnnlkLllliitorlii sUdsM.
^ '
E. Lange's Bicycle Shop ^
Dealir in New and
Second Hand Bicftles.
Good wheeU for ikle Cheap
. on time or for c**b, nt
warfc or klcBsst paaelUe «raCe. Plae (at
of Kalkaaka. alllopes
tmi an< Caennasa at utoas u treta
CKT.ta aSaet Oaeanto{,ITiA. ua.
» Qty. Mleb
liar Monk.
Both ‘Pboaaa, No. 7.
sum. Botii (rirpbosrsMo. Wl-
*Lt BY.
The Waukazoo House!
tkaslMnlsiaUHtonnst to arartM «
114 Front St.
J. A Jackson
A llmltod noBOer lor anle At BS eonu ___________ _ ............. w_
xror-tbs^r-t, acton.
________ BY A 00., Toledo, O
Eaqiira at
, ^Ll
od tooBl rowedka. aad by
arefen rrqol
StMA aad tharafora
BaUb QaUrrb
tattoaaJ troaUaaat.
Etrtld CtBtury Cook Book.
For Sate
MareaaUla Oa. nUak.
F'UftSr.v.ii-.^r.Ersr sir.,7
IL'-ftK'SSr "
w*sjs-ssrt™. sa-LS-SiP
Biiliard Haii
! p.‘i.‘’BMM-ss32' Bss'f-r."?.
. c’iiAaJSfeSETssia,.*-
! M«-;5.”SS2:a?SLSJ=Bt
tbair Uaaa. Tboaaaadi of head of aaiUa, ihaap aad bee* aad fowl baao baaa
W. W. Wayoner, auu ayaattortho'
MUUoaa qiaoa Away.
Bar. Dr. TUakafa oa laa^ tba ■ortean Dktrtnt Taleyrapb
aharahat Maaehaator. Bat-. Saaday, aarrlaa, kto tba elly eeaanHtoy with
arhofB ha had praae%d, waa aaUod Maaayar Barry of the Wantnrn Union aotafrald to be y^r^i Tba
apoa by an iBMaaa threac. who had ofiea rayardiny a perfocUon of Aho pritora of^. KiBy^^Okoewy for
baaa aaabla to aator tha batldlar and plaainthkrity. Tba project of atUacion U to caublUh call botaa to atorea,
waiarradto apaak arala. E
oBcMaad pabile plaoaa ao that aay
pUad.apaahiar is tha open air.
I cored ibeoaandB
la need of a meaaanyar in a bony
Aatbma, ypochU
Tha other day. whoa tha Baart attaehad OolaaM, tha wanaa obulaod can yet one. TbU plaq U to operation ta yrlppa and alt ibroakebaat and laay
by U. Call on
yorahalaa freat Plat to laara the little to all larya rfUe* and to nanyof-Aba & E. Walt and Jaa.cared
Q- Jobnaon. drofXlUafa. aarrylaf with thas wbaUrar anaUereitlaa to Mkblyan. Tbaooat ykU, and y«t a free trial botUa.
Brery bottle
they daoaad aMOt aaloahle. What
wMthaaarpriaaorthabaMl^cB when sake aa effort to tanka tha .aorrlea
they MUiod forth, oaah oarrylar bar otaalneto bnatoaM nad profenatonal forShoM ettoAS-fTTBiBn.
baahaad oa bw back; bat Plat kept ■an and alao to tamUiaa.
hie word.
tool oonfMtloa of tba ^^grtdtoBamaaa Oalimb Bi
At'Cblaaffo ctaraatloa baa haeawa a
taetor la the hBlldiar atrlke. Pml- thk enalny at 7;M to tba Bpkeopal WUlto X.“VBB4tti5
doatOarroli of tba Balldtef Tndaa ebnreh. A yeaaral tortUttoa k ex. Pint elaaa BuaoB and plaatarer.
Eaat Pront atioat.
CbaaeU aatlaiataa that 1.000 wcrk»ai leaded toallan U aetaal waat.that with tbWr fas
A Borilble Oatbr^.
Uae 4,too are now ta the aaata ala«ra of
*■01 larya tatm on ny UttU that are joBt[.rJykt at W^t*a Soda
aaSarlac aa tIoUm of tha atrlka.
daoybur'a bead danlepad tola a enaa Ibaat^.
JaMl^ la U a parttoaa eoad
ofaealdhaad'' writaa: a D. labOl of
Iba taaaeaaara la aa area ftoator
W aad pletara framtoy
tavUthaBMaaL Ttidaia
wldiiMBnd Mta.
a ynaraataad care for non-----------aad tha people ara la a slai
aalt rboBB. plBplaa, acraa. atom aad
dlOoa of porerty.
Only l»e at B. B. Wait aad Jaa.
It aad oorrapt tkaa
Mr, baaa aowa tha wind,
woric of wt
art hu Jaat baaa kaaed la
and aow the aatioa la raaplar ^a fhrlbmtatoA A rrymea.
“--of tnfiT BIOO,Baw York at- an- OBUay
daaira ■
000, for wbtob the p^
Tha fraat laerteaa in noatsarM aad
la aaaal arBameato baa planed tba ear.
▼laaa of esparleocM aeamaa at a pro- 8vp*Btla« OoflM—UtUa Tarym. aona paper, uTMtoated eonrt and
aUBB. Tha eearelty of aallara U fait
la aa aartaa. and
ronaa to tba clbib btodl^ tklU at
ahlplihea ara tnoe
ai|At; pranw runniny day and nlybt
noyroatUtbcMla. Cbrktlaa mea aad
Boa. dldBay Ptohar, Caaadlla atla-SK?.” eroBM ainktoy fartanea tnktoy ordara.
Itlaf of acrlealtara, raoelrad a eablensTKAY-Oaiu'>0 mr >i>cMMra. IlfUl baj Bapid pfOBoUonr. Oaa cbriatlaa woKAB frOB L-ud BtAtheoaa, Oaaadiaa Xl
bam. saamUmly raaaf aaC ka* Boi toaa auatnade clear B600 to four woeba
klrh ooBBlMloair la t/Mdoa. outlay avaaC latalr ^ncr eaa baia aama U>7 takiay ordeia amoay'har cboreb aeqnatouncaaandfriaade. Writoua. It
that the foot aad aaosth dlataM dU•ay lead to a peruaent paylu pnlaorarod la ABeneaa aatUa at Dtpiford
Uon to oanaya oar bBatoosa *d look
waa ooBuiBateated to tbea from an ipaa e.tLB-UaasabaU furallvrc. Aerir al attar ou-larya oomepondaacn, which
ArraaUaa bard balaf ea-Tlad by batch- C iri X Taulb siraai.
yon can attaad to riybt at yonr bom.
era aad tharafora there waa no aoeea- /XtoL WAirrrO- Par taarral baaasvark. Addran E. A. Hbermu, 1: But Piftoaath
atroet, batwoon Broadway A
UaaC waoalarreaeiauol iMlp Ra atob.city tor prohlblUar the ahlpBani of VT
la(. Mra. r. C. UaanaaC, Sit With mm Fifth arennr.
•anral BOtor eyelaa ara belay .aard
to bOBU Afriaa tor patrol aad aeontlay
drtoka at Waifa ttoda PoBnUto. mf
work. Each k eapabla of yoiay thirty
•Uae as boar, aad aa the Traaaraal
aaldt U apadally aalUbU for rapid
Ko reuady oqoala Waskcr'b Wbitp.
^IK« or TAB STKUP lor tbU torriateter travaUay. yood work la batay
i« and total aieeaae.
Blaenae. ..
If taken thoi^
aoeomplkhad with the aid el thaaa sa• dxblr and to tine, it will corn a <
.1S4 noun, and fo> the oourb that
fdk to t
Tha BapobHo of If axloo haa ayraad to
oltoL PrtoeTgtoaod BOo.
parttelpau to aaetbar Paa-ABarlaaa
aoayraae, aad It te biUarad all tha ra X Obtnt. a.ar.thiBc mBBlaw. laelaClac LaAiaa. “TaB oaBtosp-ea It-traupia u
bnt it wilt ooae op amUiay orary
pablhs* of the throe Aaerlou wUl aaad ^Blw^^Ulav.tal.laa. rbaTra, staal^aw. It,
tlm." Ciaaane Blaatlc Ploor
mo TKA1>B-Par aur lots, a farm with bcUC
« aam rciBataylay arouad to aa eld
BurpiBting Cofloo—UttlB T*7Bn.
PhlladalphU book atoco a few dayaayo
diaaoaarad a oeopla of Brat of tba eoa- IPOR nALS-UOBWaad kM. contar Kil, aaC ^U1 Bntee ria K. A V. B. A. A
lary ecploralloa book*. They were hy
Woman’a WbUt Leayne of Aaerlea.
BaeCaetla and told of hto two lear- CtoB eALa-UoiiaaanC la« aa Bata> auaat. DetroU April Mtb. Kaiyhtt Tobplat of Mlebiyan. Ann Arbor May IStb.
aaya w the eerihwaat. Bo carried
u'aMTarw'u Wrtw tawailafnit^ Oonyroyattonal (national) Ho«e MUthea away for 70c. Be toand that tba terms
rock. LaaslacMtrb.
atonary Society. Detroit Joac
•arkat aatoa of -tba b;ekt la B)t.
Mnalc PcaUral. Ann Arbor May 17tb.
totor Sebolaatie AUIatle Meet. Ann
iCt AtehlKw, Ke.8*tarday in Ute DU- Civ. taraWil aa Wcat Piaat atraai Par tola Arbor May tstb. Epworlh Laayoc
trlet OoBri Tboaia C. < Woeraan plead
AanoBbly, LodlnytoD. July. AnntaL
Per rat^aad tiekau call at M. A K. A
ed ynUty to tba ebarye of barnloy the
A W. CoBOinyhai^^
ooaUy roBldanea of J. C. Cot, a proaU
Urea, and
alybteaa yaara la tba paaitaatlary. Be A BAkUAIM-la W leal law oa Paaai aad SniyABBlag Ocff>o—Uttlo TsTtn.
admlttad the Fox fasUy bad baaa rary uara b^bk*-iar sale Call at lo: Eaat ji^t To Omto ■ Com wi Ono Dap.
kind 10 blB and that ha bad aat Bra to
rake WarocrU While- Winr of Ter Si rui
tha bOBM to order to play the part of a rpo RkXT Ok POk ettut- Parw l«> aarra. the beat couyta remedy on earth. S’> o»..
X MaoasBBdfraatUraUec.TwllMsMik af
haro by raanolny tbo tasUr and tbi
aliT. WttleakaeiMfaBi tw ataaaaC laaC. ar
bymalM bk naptoyor foal that bk
Dt. W. $. ayytoA Dpemtlre Deatkuy
JOHN F. OTT & 00. ■afeJgs,’7rsB"sjT!wu
SueosMors to Ttatapm Olty Lumfesr Oo.
i-»rm r«t* —■ tpmimt Tatatnyh •
Brittah Oainiar Adnataff•ona PMitieiis
llMrl7 Vtv« iMtoM Btoa v»ll 1b Vev
OrUBM Bad ta* 0.-9 to
United flttotoa Win* BntetentUl ^totory Over l^key
MbwOtImm. April U-TbB ralalBU Saltoa Xmao tepBrial Zndo AkUortefaj m* MBrijr 8m loAm. toodtmg
telBr Bokaadlae efMtoriourr PropWtpmm to Btotond — BtoMton» B fiwi* FuttooB «! Ab dtp*.
•MpBO Vkarpeet,Btoe CBBtorooiloB
LoatorllU. April «*-Po«r&ff ralu
imtimmm iOtOOg^t ths 8o0d dtotrictB jorifmrxtaMoharto Oell^ia Oob' awM toBo«r Ai»y»»y»TotT- oCthBaeatb
bb4 U« dBSf«r lo Utbb
atlBoplB-^TWo AetooB SoUlao tm«r BrMk vUh BrtUA-aiVltob vMli. Bttd prepanj to baap^lBr ibotb
to M>tktafOaU»MafX«rn Vow U to BBitoMtBd UM $40,009,000 WBltk ponaat Pkm to OoBUotanpakd
e<friiMBpropirtphB»bB« AoMrojrBd
wtll BaU fora naaa.
o( Bom u WakkMtooM.
BBdUtoaowUoBfbtUBtUo dBaatB
Bpwlel loTli* MoratealtoeorC.
•fMteluTai HMasaBaracb.
«U kB iNBTlJy lirrmia
Umdam. April
war mi
ial trade has baae toasad, aaUortolac
•to pr^rttoMlly wmOrntd to Ur4 Bohvto'
rabaUdtof of'Ua proparty of
ilthM ' *
leao mJirioMitoa borsod to KharCalBrto OBBorBl BbbAIb. Two Abjb
a of Ue BBoex
MiBklacotill BBpBimm Uan. It to VBttTM of XadlB M Vying pook Thao.
to Bobarta' ooltofo baa also
roBimiHMiBBUkBlyUBt Bekatto will
MB BBtU Wapaaw to rrialvBA, Bsd
Waahtoftoa. April 9S-Tke atoto doUa Bom datoBtad or Uap ratlrr.
Than kM beoa bo aarara &rhUnr for tomaa Mafa BMp bo Poreod to Par . trtmaet has woo Ue maio potot to
oarwBl dajB. Tka aafacBmato ob
fom WoU of Baaoto of Bordoa- Ua rootroreray wlU Torkey.
dtopatU from ;OooatanUwbtokUa Brittok eoiroapoBdoBto bt*
Obildraa are Bold fbr Meaepaad Bopla, stattof Uat aa Imperial trade
BOW daboUac wars ooUlaff mro thao
ttof par•taap WoBdar Bemlaaa aad BnaelBdTBBoe rnard skirBliklBr.
mlMkm to raboUd Ua Amerlcaa mlaBleamlo8tola.Aprll t«- ~
aloaary property at Rkarpook aad atoo
Corsw ocenptod Uw wotar
to baUd Ua upcx to Ue Bobarta' colprooaadlaf to'LooBW kop. Ha not
Stnla, ladia. April 91—The konon toft to OonataatlBOple.
wiU «B<7 aHcbl eppoalUoB.
to eoaalderod . mock
BtBBiMlBarto. April »-Tbs raport of Ua fanlaa ora daUy beooailBr worao
mm Importaat Uaa Ue paymaghj’*
UBt Ue Bom Bra aorlar tkalr pios
aad ISBriBc Ua Binanberc dtotrtet to bay aad Btjpotaaa. la oaa dtotrlat Ua todaauxlty elaimad for Ua dmtrnet.too.ooo cattle kare boea leak Peepla Ueaof Ua mtosleaary mparty; la
UBdea, AprU »-A dtopotob to U« are Ajing of atarratioa aod Bbildraa taek Uto has baaa Ua fnatadt polat
Cwlnl Bawa froa' Waddmlreoa, ara waadartac abOBt kemalm. oaelad to Ua eoatroTeray wlU Ua aubUme
dBiBd pastardBr, aBpk Ua Brittok ora aad aaiaeiatad. (%Udrao ara also sold parte.
uaay- OraaT to aa daar as traia.
Now Uat Uto -pormtoaloa kaa baaa
gwBORy ulOBiUBt tl^ Usaa. Tkalr
porittoB to BBW Bdratocaou aad wiU- Tka BBortalltT amoap eatUa to aaek fraawd. Ua aute departmeat faeto
lmoa«MriUi«4totBBao of Ua Bom Uat Um to a paaaibUltp of ad^or Uat It baa woe a aobataatlal etotory.
for todemaity atay bo
wbearoatoBrlyTtoiblala groot toraa.
LoBdOB, A^ tt-Tka foUowiaf dto- power, a Ulaf klUarte oBkaowa, area aUowodtoroetwlUalBlUar elalma by
byaome oaltpatok troa Boboru haa baaa raosirad la tlaaa.of Ua aararaat osarel^.
adaatloa Ue aobUma porta oaa ba
broBfkt to tanu aad a 8aal aaulamaat
‘'BleoafoBtolB. AprU U-Emadto ro
porto«of Ua flial Woroalm
atof. riftp-lkraa wars oaat eat wlU
WaUtoftoo. April 99-Tka auto daWood to Ua OBtpoal-atur dark, oolp Aivam«nt A—oh$d by Oenatbalto
II rotaraad. I dtopaehail PeloOUaw
ika mtoalooary elalma af^t Torkey
firPds TMterday
aad two torioda el oaralrr oBdar
WlU ba adjastod wlUoot tortkar airltorraaak koBoa Toatordap to aatot
tloD. Tba saltaa to dtopeaad to ba fair
ProTlalea S^t Oaom
Tka tono roaekod Earrto
to Ua matter aad Baropaaa powm
featoU wlUoot aoek onMamoB.”
SkaU ba teWaaia marnatoa to Ua prefer Dot to kare Ua Unliad States
Bm Bobarto laasrto eBBBBltlaa, wklek
BUl-Mo Impriaosmeat lor Babt— mix Bp to Ueir pollUea Tba claim to
wofo two killad. SI weoBdad and two
—-----------to only AWl.ooo. aod
OltieetSoBabte reatarco Btrlekaa Oat UaywoBldBrafartkBtToikay aboald
aaMI^. aad Use ka adda "PolaCtoroWa aeaBtad laUBtrp Bsisad Laoa w apecialteTbc Meraler BacwC
aatUaitraUtrUaBhBea it mixed np
kop. a kUl a fow mUaa aorU of last
Waak^pftoa. April 93—Tbe coafareca WlU Ue claims of oUer powers. They
otfhVa poalUoa. fke aaomp oracaat: Ua Bawaliaa fOreramant bill bare are eosplcloos o^ks Uollad Sutos raad korriadlT. toarlB( aom riBaa aad
aekad aa afraamaal wklek It to fardtof onr altroleUe oeularatlooa aad
hoped Ue two bonaea wUl aceapk The doBoteBrato kaye Uii fOTemment
dokaBBeabur, Traaaraal. A|wU 91.
force to ooUaetlof a claim to Tcrtoion rrqolrinf Uat prepaymei
riaLoraaia Marqaaa. AprU 9l-Tbo
kcy for foar It sroald not withdraw.
Oaaaial Lew Wallace, who was mlaprorldiBf imprtooomaot for debt,
baa BotlSod aU Brittok womae wbeaa ol(leko8onk Tka prorieloo UatoB- totar at OoBitantlnopla dariof Ue tlarUft Ua ceBDUr before or cm of Hawaii ahall ba raaldaota of Ua flald adsUototraUoB. la to Ue city, to
doriacUawar tkat Uey <»i olae tolaads waa ratatoad, alUonfk atootiy dtoeoaatof Ue praaaat ooBtrotorey
toBToUa TraasToaL Bxoaptlona ara foofbt by Ua aaoaUrlal ooafaraes.
Heaitof Ua Indemalty for Ua
made la eaaa of wbtotoa of Brittok aob- ■ 'The altutioe Um." aatd BapraaantaroetioB of miaaloBary property.
joetowtehara ekUdroa, aad Brittok Ura Koox (Rap.. Maaa.). who reported WoUaecaoM. "1 Utok 1 am bettor a:WOMB of rood ekaraetar able to sap- tka bill. "Is aaek oa to firbld Ua astab- qaatotad wlU Ua aoltaa el Tarkay
port Uamaalraa. All womea obUfod Itokmeatot a
Uaa poaalMy any oUar Amarlean I
to loara ara to be traatad walk Sparial 'ika peepla baea had a fOTaromei
know he to aa hoaaat man. aad I nevar
aitaatioa moat ba paid to sick or afod Uelrowefor half a oaotapt aad ara knew him to braak a promise. ObrtatparaoBB who com aadar Ue opm- abU to dtoeharfs all ottelal datto toBSto Tarkay ara Uera aadar Ua
UOM of Uto order.
aaafaot Ue aoltaa and wlUoot
Bcaadlork April 99. «to Loreaxo
kto protoetloh eoold aot remain. Not
Harqeaa. April 9S—Apatrol of Amerla Ckriatola ekoreh la koraad or mtoaloa
OBB oaooto aerriap wtU Ua Bom made
daairayadbat Ue aoluo to Ue first
a roeoBaotooBBoe early today aa far aa
___ __
Lbs to reboUdlofU. I
Madder rirar. They eaae la ooetaet Mad tafatoatloB |for a Womb Ltd know Uto to be aa Abdol Hamid to a
itoMd aebolar aod diplomat.
Rim to Riddle Bor Roots with
WiU Ue BriUU eeaaU asd a ri(orooa
the Ottoman emplra
flffhtaaaiied. Taacombaiaoto
BalleUThao KUl Btoualf.
woald ksTe baaa era
iroUed oot loos sfo.
eloae ihat roroWm wm naad oo botb Bpeclel UiTtac XerstM Xcrcrd
for Ue head of a
ridea. DorlafUa 8rbUnc a brother
Plallsbarf, April 39-Ooraotal Bar toafotost him ••
of Lleate&aat Cora wko formerly be
ry MatUawe. Compaay C. Plhaaatb
loafed to Boftalo BUlb wild west
8. iataatry. ataUoaad at Plattaborf
abow.bciwho, opoa Ua outbreak of
icrs Arreat
Trtoof AUi
barraeka. oommlttod aalcide Uto s
Ue war. joloed Lou's Hbra^
r after partoratlaf a kooaa
ad by Saerat Sarriea Mao.
ktllad. AuoUar scoot was eaatnred
llata from a rifle. Matthewa waa to- •imlslloTlx koTBlss Kecor4
wbokadla bto poaaasoloa a aiap of'
fatoatod wiu’btalia Bamlltoa. an toNew York. April :s--Chlet Htsen cf
oertalB paru of tbe Oraofo Proa SUto
mata of a qnaatiooable reaort oear Ue Ua aacret aarrioe, arralfaed before t*.
whtok Ue Briltob bare
reearratloo. Laamlof tbakeke waa to 6. CommlMloaer Shields Uto altcniooa
leare bo told bar boodsy Uat ba woald Edward Heory. alias Edward Bsodall.
Tbaba NUu, Via Lmaw
kill bar before ka woald allow her to
kto wife Mary Baary, aod Hany EialApril 99—A Boer dispaleh autoi Uat
Bbortly attar midnifbt he took a baeb. all of 149 Weat Niocty-aifhU
Um was fifhUac at Ji
graf-Jorfaoaaa rifle aod iso ronada of atraat, aad all aecoaad of “ralslot''
Wodnasday aad Tbaraday Btfhta. Tba
loalUoB aad etartad for the hi
allear earUfioatei or paaainf ratoad
flrtac was iaeamak Tbe Brittok
If rafaeadodmltiaBoa ba immadl- BOtoa. Tbay wm bald to $90,000 aaeh.
troBokaa were ao tall of rain Uat the
talr bafaa flrlnf aod for two horn
mao wm obUfad to jump oat. wkaa kept ap a cooataat faellade. many bal- todotooltof whtok Ueywm locked
apto Ladlow atraat Jail. Tbay wUl
Ucf wm raUleaaly ahok The Boats
leu fotoroatirely Uroafh Ua boUdwm ao wat tbat Uay ware oBafta
Inf. Brory ttou ka beard
alaap. Tbay U^mtm atartod a debate Botoaofaayktodkaeroolddreto Uat
08 Ue qeaaUoB of Ua food to ba dadIracUoB. Ooa of Ue belleta hit Ua
rirad toom Tlrtaa aad ooaimfa. Tka
Haoaitoa womaa la Ua arm. cOMtof a Soproma Ooort Raalaa -Rto TeUttoa
OaM MoBBtod UAaa loat 190 of
palafol wooad. Tba keoaa waa riddled for BalaaM on Writ of Rabaoa Oorpaa.
■BB. Twalre priaoBm takSB ara aew
WlU ballet kolM.
Spwtsl to the Morstor aacerd.
aBiwato to Pretoria. Tka borfm daWiU Ue laat eartridfa Mattt
Waaktaftoa. AprU 8J-Tke eaaa
elara Ua Brittok mt M 3t
walked a qaartar. of a mlto from ^
barf wmUa beat faroaUjty hare yet beaai. pot Ua mBssla of Ue foa to kia Okarlto M. Oanar. former o^itMa of
aiillBiiar ftirfi V. A A. wao. It to bamooU aad Arad It. Ue boUat eomtof taead. flaally dtopeaad of to
eatatUatopef hto head.
aoprom ooort today, adramly to Ua
•coMod. Tka ooort doBlos Oartork
Bacifod to Btootof
paOttoa for roloooa oo a srrit of baboaa
Daridad Upra u "Ynmlilm RIaanwaa
Oartw wat ooarietod by wmitiiia
fwinwralaritywhUatocharfsof Ua
TlM IklB. April 9S-1ko “Boxars'*
•Bftooertof erorha at SaemBBa. Oa.
hare mami—" maay Cbtoaoa Bomao ^•eul to TW Mwalar Baeora.
QaUMAaa saar Pa»Ttaf-ra. olfk^
WaUtoftoo, April 99-Tka hoato will
maidm the kltoaraafoa obmI bill May
Tto dtotokm waa laa^
WUl he Paridad ta the fiaaato TUB
The Bast Fintag,
Tha Bast Weariag
We have just received in our bazaar some seta
oi Tableware from the celebrated Wedgewood pot*
teries—established in England over two centcries
ago. We invite the public to examine them and
get prices.
will not mioeeze yonr pocket
HobanC Beecher Co.. Proprietors
Stores at Big Rapids and Traverse City,
book a little bit.
Boy’c ShOM - Batin and
real calf appera — good sitbstantial aalee. well made —
Satin Oalf Sh06$ — The
■at TiR, ssc, 60t.
ww* sa «d
piiMi, Strips,
Fliorn, Spti.
new broad toot — all aoUd
leatber — MceptionaHy good
ahoee for the price—$liR5.
Young Men’s Suits
Thkt mn cal aoC si •• pcrfcnly oa Bcrrl.aat
lall^ AtmuH; ih»y
oU ba lU la oa- iwCar
—aUefc Clara. —nw.
ploMa osd aUtiue
IB ckoclou: aU MW iBSWTBa.
Ycuac mm-aaolt »r Unc arbUrS orrre.
•rdoabMOrwaaMdccai. T«Mc«i Mcb with m cal^r. iwi—»r» of Ik* UiM «/la->^laM H la It. u
anTb-For bar's at* a to a-Mta
larlalsaad aOMaa—flaaaal ar allk n*u,ltjaie
BwVTep Oaata. WOO ta ait.QD.
We 0*11 BOlblBt but tba brM.
Popnlar Shoe Hooae.
Work Olaeew. to. 19.9*.
Dtm atom. nd*. SI. tS-
Buy Your SpringBSuit
Where you can get the best value for your money
—You’re entitled to do that—We respectfully call your
attention to the showing of
We-are now offering—prices are $4.00. $5.00. $6.00, $7.50,
SIO.OO. S12.00, $13.50. $15.00 and $18.00—and we believe
them very strong values.
This is an Aga of Harr}-
Paopto ara
alow-f«*.tf mi
faUera days.
Wkaa- Uay
always at hsod for Ue maeeaa
It Ukea bat a word, aad a
I ai
.1 toook; aad
oaa baU may ba werU many mosUa'
Hnadrode. and area Uootonda. are
at yoar oall. ready to do your blddlof.
wiUodt ToxaUooa delay or miaaodaraUndiof.
Why not order a 'ehoaa today?
We hav4 just opene*! onr ootla
{oaDtaiii Ui thf poblic for this
MWon's trade. Everything ia
fresh, clean and ueat. Egg
drinks, phosphates and deliciooa ice cream soda, all op-toilate Aul properly served—all
fresh flavors mede from pore
fmh fruit jnioee, At
The largest millinery emporium in Northern Michigan—
tbe largeat, not u space but in variety of styles and id^ in
<|^aantity of trimm^ aod untrimmod materials. We buy our
ribbons, ebiffons, velvets, flowers, sbapee, sailors, etc., direct
from tbe manufacturers, in large ejuantities—not iu little dribs
from high pric»*<l millinery houses—thereby enabling n# to re
tail millinery 2.j per cent, lower than exclnsive milliners.
Our ablo trimmer, Miss Nellie Beiien, will bt.gloased to
take foot oriiers, always subject to
your approval.
200 Children's Leghorn HaU. neatly trimmed with chiffou,
ribbon and flow«-rs. rea>ly t-f w«-ar. from............... 35o to 98c
to dozen Lsdieu' -Bhu-k and White Trimmeii Sailors, in
,plstD and rough straws.................................................................. 36o
A very fine Hough Straw .Sailor, black silk band, light as a
feather........................... ................................................................ ...,60o
Tour Money Savers.
Wait’s Drug Store “MONOGRAM”
KEEP KOOL! Irringg for foot SHOES. .
ParUoaammar. I am taktof ordm
New and wUI doliror toe tor
U pbU to adTOBOo. or wUl aSm jpoeial
iBdBaseMBta to Uooa parekastof ooosoB ttokota.
BoU*pbaBsaNo. 194. - 4l0W.rnBtSl.
John R. Santo,
Sujuiliig Oolto-ldtu. T«to
City Book Store Bazaar Department
Ip tbe city and tlie priree
BiaaBdolNB w
Tie lost Stylish,
BflbaMi Afsy wUl s«t A«vsm ut&
Thini Year—No. 926
Tie laatest,
nmn um
apadaltaTarHcrsiOf Bseavd.
WaaUBfMB. April 99-Tba amt#
wmaoto oatha Qaay^-------------WxixbaifBtoek
BttafMOB at 4 ekleek.
EoMtil litiniM.
We have the exclusive sale of these shoes in
this dty. |Yon’U not be tronbled with yonr
feet if yon wear a pair of ’‘Monogram” shoe*,
for they 6t the feet perfectly. All the latest
styles in welt and hand tamed soles, black
and tan—the'price is $3.50.
McNamara Block
TvrtveOeaThivwalato a Heap by a
Wheal OoimiBBcS
bad wTMh* eeesrred yeatmday
slat abOBt 4
oalheO. B.AL Awheeleame
T. Batw &n> i. W. Bunn'. tretfhtear at tacth Beardia
wMBaaettcaiby ItatrataM at tta
made ia fotafl late Ocefloa the dieaWta ear Jampad the traek which
eeaMd ihS pOlat ap «d it oara.
A wiatalap trala was east fram Blf
Baatte wUeh alearad tta traek ao that
the Bcrtk boead pasaaapar trala
ealy dalayad abMt thrae qaartan of
»w« fss •*»(• ev TU .
Are Bow far taU at tte Loaal Fact
dopartamat fa farafahlar tha t-oMt
atampe la
U bMBd boeke of It. M aad U
stamps sack, aad of poetaps valaa t4.
4t aad 9fi esats leaputtrely.
They are sold ataa advasoeofoae
eaat oo the stamp vikUe of each book.
toeovartbeeoetof.BMBBfaetaro. The
PHTBs ere of sla stamp* each, latarlest
telanm lo (k* BarnM ed with paraflaed paper to praesat pre—»■-■ «Uek viUmCm Pttrtel k^tacsM* tc amtare adhesloB.meklar a book of ooa*
Tsaleateu* to carry la Ue pocket or
4te^<erwB» w».or>igggJMt»t;
Bey Tent. {lo. 116. K- O. T. B.. tbb
erealap the aadlee of Traveree Bay So71. will faralih boaas which will be
aaeUmadofl. The proeaade will fo to
jeutOM vUlbcatkvudMtbl* the ladles for lbs benedt of the hire.
Bech lady U reqaested to briar e boa
for two.
s-.-.'s'.'s saetrvsirs
#.^1. MorrATt.
ssbbfiss OoDsmsletisl CObtcbUos
*-i« laU DtMrtct te auead tSa
Icaal CcaTcatlaa. aad ler iba
r aacb aUu '
■ow thst tbs UeJt«d 8UUS hst ssd^tsd proof fewB OsMTsl Lew Wsl
I. thftl AMsl Hsmid Is sn beimi
BS». the foTsniBMnl msr defer esed'
ilf • fleet of wsnhipe to eoUeet tbet
ladeBBltp. Oeaml WelUee deettn
tbet the eallen slwsps k<
nis eetlaeu of tiu “sick mes" does
BOt soeord wltk thst of eerml Borope•bmUodi.
There will be a meettnr of rotform
Bank, BalrhU of Pytblaat lonlpht for
the porpoae of drillmr. A fall attsndaaee of all members U dmlred.
A marriare lleense hm been fasned
> Albert 3. Ooartads of Eaat Bay and
Mfas NetUe Bawldas of Arehle.
Hr. and Mrs. Thomas Obsrlar are
tbs parenta of a danphter who arrived
Hr. and Hn. WUllam Brlakle are re*
Joldap over the amral of e eon.
Gnmnd was brokaa yesterosy tor ths
new resldeaoe of B. J. Horpaa.
Charles Oswd wu breapht before
Jutice Brown Sslarday. asd hfa heariep OB the eharpe of treepas* was adJoaraed to ths seth. ths day when bU
two sons appear to answer to the ssme
Hiv Oallata 81y. an Inmate of the
aaylam, died Sonday aftrrooon at the
ape of w.
Joels Boak of Osdar. wife of Joseph
Bonk, died Sandsy of
tbs aps of 40 years. FonreUldraa earviva her. The fansial will ojeur from
e Cstholle ehareb at Imdor tomor*
Ama writbiar ior too jmn neder
the beel of Bpuisl> eppreeeUm it will
tertbeOeboMtSelpol the meo who
stall beadle their RobUe effelis.
Therefore the electioa le Jaae ead its
nealtswUl be looked forward to with
The Friends eharch has ananjred for
oeaeldweble latereet both la Amerke a sapper at the ebareh Friday evealnp.
•ad Berope.
tobeaswl In Uqaldetlnp
ths ebareh debtThs verdict or the jory la the OoUon pram will be plven alao.
Mae ia Praakfort, Kj., kee
Tha ooatraci for tha llnoleBiD for the
that iodeerrieilBtt i mo preeVee la the
ofieaa in the ooart hoam has been
•tats le pemiieable.
The oenru
awarded to the HaresatUe Cofdalaly beeiUte aboet dccidlo« tbet
P. C. UUbert wUl deliver the Decora
Kaataekp'e most popular aad exclUac
tion DsTOratloa at Wactord Oornere
fMtIeir aboald be abolished.
Atthsmaetinp of the Portia Club
As the hero of MaaUa bap Admiral this afternoon at the home of Hra. P.
Bawep wU' reoelee a aerUa of ea^ I. Whitman, the offioare wUl be albemd
ttataetle oratlOBS OB hie ooBtomptat^ tor the eneulap year. A faU atmad•fl trip, bet as a preekUotlal poeelbUltr anca U arped.
tta JoBrscr woold lose the e&arm the
Bapeiateadent Bora has jest reeelvm Of Dewep has iMplred elaee that; ed some floe pletaree of birds, ooe
>t day iB IfOS.
sarlm for each school. They will
nsnd especially ia priamry natare
Jim Doherty fa ridinp a new Hart
BspabUeaae WUl Meet Today
ford bleyelA
Bleet Efalepatsa.
Editor E. L. Bprapns ba* boopht a
The Bepabticaa eoaaty convmtloa
new Eaple bicycle aad will disdain
wlU mmt this afternoon at 1:50 o'clock.
wnlkinp in a ebon time.
UForestnra'hall. Brooch blork Tele
The flnt lamber to po on the bip
sewvBBtioe fa foe the eeiectlon of dele
dock of tbc Oval Wood Dish Co. has
te to the stats eoaj
been ln«pecied aad it ready for a barpe
vasUoat which wUI choose dslspata*
which wilt be here la a few days. The
Is ths aatloosl oonveatlea.
seuty eommittas for tbs aasainp two lot eoasisu of half a million feet of
yaars wUl alao be asmed. The dele
Dan Gvorpe and Hike Haas, two
patas siraady elaetad from the eevoral
pretty weU kaowaweat aide ebaraemta.
wards la the city, are as foUowe:
First ward-J. A Hoora. Thoa T. pot into a aa altereatlon yesterday
Bams. F. B. Pratt. A. W. Elekrrd, O. that lea to blows, near tbs
F. (farvsr, J. W. HiUlksa, L. Boberta. depot They were plven a ebaaoc to
J. W. PslchiD, O. C. Hoffstt. F. Bsmil- think it over in the eoop ths met of the
ms. J. M. Thomw. J. A. Loraapar, L day.
r. ntaa
Alcctarc on ^American Hfafaont"
Maeaad ward- 8. C. Damw, S. Baa pltsn last aipht at Grasps baU by
Aliya, E W. HasOnp*. A. B. Blnpham. Btv. B. M. BopUas of Aaa Arbor,
0. L. GrelUck.W. O. Foota.B. B White. aadsr tbc anspleM of tha Charoh of
A* B. Brown, Thomas H. 8hermaa. D. Cbrfal.
Third ward-T. J. Bee
I.C.M. Besfa.P.Cd}ilbert. J. H
■awroa. L. K. Olbba. G. W. Pnelpe. W.
A. Hewmn. 6. a Dmpms. L F. Gordon.
Alsmm Pan. trank Fmlarioh.
Fsnrtb ward-t C. Ksowltea. W. F,
Baraks. F. D. Harvln. W F. Calklas.
M. O Ovtott. Oso. W. Lardm.
rmh-W. W. FalrahUd. W. B Hooa,
ass. F. OaerfaosL. Dsaue Ooeklla. H.
a Marpan. Wm. H Smith. L. K.
CtafStafad. Hadad Vialoa.
Bpraada Uke WUdflra.
When tblnpe an *‘lbs bmt” they be.jma “tha bfX eelUop.’' Abraham
Bara, a leadiapdrappfat, of BellavUla
O., writes: "B
t Bltmra are the
heetarillB^blttmT havv hendlad U
. Ton ____
kaow wbyt
Heat disdmmdeta of etomaoh.
Cta is-----------bowala. blood aad
aa. Blaefaie Bittara tones ap the
■m. ram saw uls aao vtpor uto
weak, siskly. ran-dorrs man or
naTFrioe Ms. Sold by A B
F. B. Hoorn, v^ has baan om >l >vm)
1 aad Jas. G. Johmoa. draepfafa.
hpCklrttFBCfalklM far ttapMtflva
ynars os moaldsr. hss rastpssd Us SflAsit Sudfl
fsstuos. asd yastmdny want to hfa‘
la Blh BapUi for a vamtlin
of tta laiidsaee V J. A.B01
HUlsrA(Hcna were plvanparmisSaIoob Bond* ApproFfad by sfan to pat an Iron mof on a balldiap
la the rear of IM Prootstrvsc. the
OoimeULMt Sight
bmildlap to be assd as a stota room. A.
B. WUsen waa pivan pinafaaisa to
on Data stnat batwaaa
•amlim of Beatd-Wew Hpd*
BsvwtH sta TwaUlh siraafa. M a east
nat Falrea OiAmd as Old Oaritl
grastOnaaotbe Ftniiii Harirff-Todto bUldalwestoiy fiamabonasat
ofHapUvata ThMatraaia,
sMo as to ShooUsA os Ve^aefa a Boat St 81.000.
A psfatta to bpUd a boms oa WaakiBfftoaatmfaoathstrant fa aloCso
Ttamtam UoMam far tta oa
ymr farmed ttafa«at Impartial Ifam that it woadd Himrfan with tbaviaw
of bafaama bsfara tta sosfaHl tam svafa* faothsnen ths mme bbek.waara.
lap. All ttatbad timprmmta
proved with owe exa
proved, with their 1
Fred J. BeAtsl. i
Barmk aad Frank Folraha.
Bish A Ubsrp. eaiatlM J«He
Wells aad H. D. CkmpbsU.
Howard WblUap. sereUra. Joh^T.
taeahall aad WUllam Jaeksoa.
Daily. amrattsB. Howard
Wbitlap and Heary ToBasUar.
Frad Wnriborp. sareUsa. Xlekotas
BasUmaatal aad Anthony Petsrtjl.
Odle MeOarry, aaretairAMeed Cam*
peau and Juans Hr^srllmaataL
Patrick BBrdea.sdreUes.JBllas Hacllaotel and James jVj^ai
Alfred LafoaUee. s'oretlr*. Alfred
Oempsee aad Edward Lantaer.
Praak Ueiucr. eareties. Aapntt
(itaer aad Tbomas;a. ShUsoa.
Philip Kbermer. sareUss. Howard
WbUloc aad Henry Toaoeller.
Lorla U. Paller. snreUes. Henry D'
Campbell and .Frank Broaeb.
PeUr Boatram, enreUca. iJoha P.
Hstsea and John N. Holloa..
Elbert 0. ElU*. anreUee. Anioo W.
Bartak aad Heary Brodbappn.
Soph A. McDonald.learcUea. Frank
Broach aad Beary Brodbapra.
Tse bond* of LoeU Bleder. with Vea •
oil Sleder and Henry Wli
itlca. waa reported by the commitlee withoot laeommeadatlone. There
no'qaeaUoo..as to the inffleleoey of
3STO. 4:71
Is the best Rocker oo tbe
mBrket for the moaej.
It is solid golden oak, has
two very Bride back slats,
ni(^y qaarter sawed and
eabotaed, high arm, cob
bler leather seat, only
$3.75. It is a bargain.
We have over 300 di^r>
ent styles of rockers to se
lect from.
Fom AJi Aunoa bau..
Plas Hfaeaaafa
last Bamlap. bat
AnOcn Psfaitad tUl Hoaday. : tha masttsp of tta |AlamU Aamna last evsalap. the matter of
ohanplnp tha alaswl patbariap to araesptta aad ball
tba mattar
balap deferred tUl the next meeUap.
Fhieh U to oeenr next Hoadar evenlap- A faU atteadanoe at this meetlnp
fa arped. that tbs real dnire of the j
hsprvlved St.
urns iT 1 THE
Slater’s House Eurnishing Store
120 FaroxL-t 8-bzree^.
Hn. E. L. Blanker leavm today frr |
Bapld Uiy for a few days rest with her
She will be aocompaoled
home by her little son Ludoi. who hss
been vlstUnp hfa prandpareau.
Meke No MistekeTliero is any other shoes made thst
are just u pood as oar shoes for cbild1 which sr»‘ fasde especially for c_.
order—That ik 'the kind we sell—We
know of iio school shoes to be cwmiisred
with, outs- they fit well, are up-t I fashion, not too dear, sod should be
by all who desin'
•iin' to i;i‘t ^ood value i
their money.
That Throbblnp Baadsebe
Would quickly leave you. If you used
Df. Kipp's New Life Pills,.- Tbonsaade
of enfferer* have proved-^elr matchlees M.m.»
merit AtM
for miMM
elek muu
and SB:
nervous head
Tbev make pure
uni* blood and
aches. They
bnlld up your bealtb. Only SS oeot*.
Money back if not cored. Sold by S.
E. Wail and Jaa. G. JohiuMm. drappfai.
U&nrpuied Chosoltte.
• H.IIMnn.
Wsit's Soda
OwiMMiiptleo Ciirv-WarM
White WIta of Tar Synip.
best couph mnedy oneaith. cam's cold
.looncdayiftahenintiBie. UBandSOcts.
Prices are I8c. (>oc, 7.V.!»,5c.
Each season the shoe
bill of every cuslomer in the cornmnoity is leas becsose we are
•e. l>on't
Uon't hesiutc—try os.
You are as welcome to look as to buy..
-A-. S.
Practical Shoe Man
13.5 Front Street
rnShsm petcA. 8 J^ymaalarpe personal property tnclodlair SI.too in eaah in bank. $500 In mortpapes
and $1,000 Id liquor atock. waa lachinp
rsferred back
The Traverse City Bod and Gaa dab
pramnted a petition rcqaaetlap permUeiOB from the eonndl to shoot
We qae-tonp club proaada. After ths
city attoroey bad bmo to hfa office for
a oopy of the ordinance, andjftc
a of the qaeslioD.
moUon was ibade by Alderman Ha«Unpa that It was the asnae of the councU that the mayor be InstmeUd
prant the permlaelon asked. This
moUon was tost by a yes and aay vou.
only Aldermea Parker, Hasllao and
Sasilh voUap for it. A moUoa u> refer
tbe matter to the awyor was carried
nnanlmoiialy. The pronod taken by
Ihcae who voted apainst the Brat motiOB was that It was a matter ourely
for the deeieioe ct tbe msyor, aad that
the eonsell had no ripht to exprcee a
O. P. Carver, oa behalf of the board
olpoblle works, bronphi before tbe
oonaclUhe matter of tha lost, strayed
or ttolcn hydrant valves that have
abaorbedao moeb Interest for some
lime. Hr. Carver reviewed the eltuaUoa. eutlnp that tbe valves' were
stored la the barn of H. O. Campbell A
Sods, that the etreet eommlseioaer waa
Botifled several tlsaes to ooaie and pet
them, aad that wbea be fioally went,
the ralvea^ld not be fonnd. It is
tbonpbt thst they were stolen, as tbe
ban in wbleb they were kept was
never locked.
It belnp patent to all that there must
be some of ibcee valves anppUrd, on
motion of Alderman narrlsoa the chief
of police wae Inetraeted to porehase IP
valrei to take the place of those
lost. Tbe Are chief wae lostraeied to
o tbe poUinp bn. takiop off and
etorinp of tbe valves In foiare.
Tbe losp fonirht matter of the sbootInppsUery on tbe Boetram lot came
ap apaln. ibU time In the form of a
petitioo from W. O. Heyen and J. J
Papan, for tbe craetioo of a brick
atroelare with an Iroa roof at a ocal of
$3». Ap ths spedBeatie
riven for the ereelta of the baUdtap, uoderthe cnpcrvfaloe of ths Are
chief aad In i
vmh tbe ordmaaec. Aldermea Hasilnpa. Lardls
aad Keayoa votinp no.
Tbstrastoe* of the Baptfat eharch
to remodel tbslr
eharch at a eoit of abont $4,000. aad
they an also permitted to ass aoti
ibaa a third fa the etreet for the parpose of plaslap mitertaL
A plsak sidewalk wae ordsrad oa the
north Bide of matoefaaat, bstween Bone
and Gilbert etMeta. Walks were aUo
ordered oa vartoas othar streott. oa
of the sidewalk la
apeetor, laeladlap Webster, B«ee,Froai.
diatc. Cedar. Spraoe, Ceas, Baadolph.
WsshlaptoB ana
Bi^thswaeu. Tbe walke ara to fa
MdwitUa $0 dayafa thew
lap fa aaUea otf the proparty holders
On motion fa Aldsrmaa HaeUape •
oram walk was eedarad amom Blmwon
ae OB tta aerto slda fa FioA oemaat walk waa srdsrfa In (ran;
Going To Ride
a Wheel?
No reason why you shouldn’t Everyohe in this region
can. Our terms are most liberal. Always glad to show our
wheels and talk about their good points. , That’s our business—^
That’s what we're here for. Got a spare inomentf Drop in and
look over the wheels.
Going to utk about the Cleveland for 1900. Always been at
the head and this year it will continue there. Why? For sev
eral reason». There's the Uurwell combination ball and roller
bearing. Let it be renxembered that the balls in an ordinary
bearing are loose and all move in one general direction, rubbing
0/1 each other, causing friction and'grinding the balls. This is
entirely-done away with in this new patent. There's an entirely
new way of anchoring the direct spoke in the hub. thus avoiding
the danger of breaking if struck a hard blow from the side. The
great feature is the^ear case. Throw your wheel in^ the bay, .
ride it throughAhe mud or on the dusty road and you'll find
your chain absolutely free from water, mud or dust. Then all
Cleveland s are fitted with the celebrated Burwell Clincher Tire.
Customer told us that he had used this tire over the roughest
road and wouldn't use any other. They’ll stand all kinds of
hard'usage. These wheels sell at S40 and $50—the one with the
gear case at S55.
Bear In mind this fhot that we e^l |^o the Clipper
OhahUesA the Tribune OhainlesA the &amblfld% the Westfield,
the Ideal, the Hibbard, the Ajax, and the most complete stock of
bicycle sundries carried in the city.
The Hapoah & Lay Hercaptile Co.
cmci iBiG laoDEia
CMai* that iriU Mato it FraeU.
AU IAum of BiuiiMn an
ThriPisir VICOTOoaly
ttebboraly Fon^t XaMraeea SaK I>
otded Ayelaat Btat* Ufa Xaaaraao*
Oo. te Olreatt Ooart
ealiy Mew aad wOl Boat PAOOO
Onad aavM to caitta by th*
'■ytoikM tortou* hntcr* mam workIrs-Mlto * kill, mmr (fa*
TbVBiklaM b* tna Pafaki. OoL.
Md an taefalar fjr boety
faaa faMB faMdfa (fa«« M j«*» aco-A
AaCi 70 Uat A**p to htoat *nk lafa>
tba be«rato of (fa* crat hOL
BtaMra^ to nWic Had witfa ifa*
walar aaia* •WaakHB. tbeaavi
<haMB««wUaHhMb*afDaad lo
fa* aiMM «(«| ifanMc^
woaaa el 0«U ha* itoaa
e*.lha>4ttodanrwnai (e a** earllar
lM(a Ufa* wa* eartlac her hair with
avairaadhad fe*Ma Ifaa laairai
laharfaaad »h*abH-hoUapea U b*>
’ aad (fa*
lplaJar*d tb**T«.aad *h* umj lea*
Mr«.0*raUa* £. BaahcU. who r*aMMlj Had* a beqaaM el hte.oeo for
« ot aa erpfaaaac* la eoaKlloB With the B
Haul* Oraak. died ai '&«r boM la
MiAlcaa CUy Friday, afed Ti yean.
Mf*. Baaball to cradliad with harlaf
gltaa away Btere ttaaa ll.OOO.OOO dardarlac tb* Uat Ua ywia. aad it to
halatred bar iMl wbaa read will abe#
laitbar brqaaatt tor (ba BatU* Oaab
The remedMmy of the Baettot ebenh
whleb wU make it preattoelly a aew Work to Baiay Paahad ea tfaa Maw
balidlay. waa bec«a yaatarday. A
$800,000 Oamaat Worha —Tbbaee
farewtel maetiay waa bold te tba
teprte teaday eraalay. &«*• W. T.
b* Bayna at 0***-SataMlve »
~ idbneae ^temef tba oM aaaodaUoaaaad btppy mamertoa that alaat>
lay OpanttioM Tbroeybeat
mareeadtha old etraetan. bat look
ed forward teapmledef yraatareaefaiaamlatte fataia. K. W. Hieilaya
■lkBaplda.alwajaahaatUBy lewa.
CA. Bwbea enreamdUo a
totakiayoa a matfeweUtaa air. *ad
Ua* of baaiaaaa to bacsite- Tba
b«ll^ ottte8Me.W0 Msaat warka
Tte tearah to te ba lemedalad. It baa ylvoa avarytklay a teeey atfaaawUl ba btIA aaaaarad, two aaw tewata tea, and the town to om of tte UvoUaat
wiU ba baUt. a yaUavy pwt'la.tte aaat- latkaalata.
AUktedaof bMteaai epwaUoai or*
1^ eapaiiliy almaat deablad. aad thp
baOdl^ WiU ba ae atekyad that It batey paahad. Thar* are aew in prooaatiea te tte Iowa M ar
wUl be Id aU tataal* aad perpom
aawteareb. Tte total acar of tba imwith many mm aadar
wmeati'wOl ba abeet te.ooo.
edatrael. OUar teOdtef*. mmA aa
lona. halla. ate., ara alao batey aieetL
Werktaproyraaatey rapidly ea the
rasa Obeaaa for Scalor ^Olaaa Aa- foaadaUoei ter tba balldlaca of tba
It warka Tba work to la ebarya
BBal-BaeaalaaTaaU Bemoe by
Sapt. E. M. Bnoea. who bw aboot
Bov. W. T. Weodboaae.
so man at work, la addltlop-Ao-tbe
The Senior clam bald aa importaat bBUdlnrefiba faeadatio^a frame
naiaaaa maatiair yetterday aftaraooa offiM bBtldlny to baiay teaetad. the
at wbtob conaidemble, bnalnem waa old brewery ia belay remo4atod for a
d la rayard to ooBmaaeameat ^oardloy bout, aad preptroUou arc
aad tb* Aaanal. A aamn wu ehoaaa baiay made for tba boUdlny of tb*
for tba anaaal and hereatwr it will ba dock.
kaewaM"The Travaraenetaa.*' Brv.
The raUroad yrad* U completed
W. T. Woodboam wm ebOMD to da- early to the altebf tb* baUdlayt, and
tiver tba beoeaUanbata earmwa form of .'>D man to at wark tharr. ft
Soma arraafemaato ware mnda la re U likely that tfavy wlll yal to the Uytard to tba clan* aoay wbieb to aanriy Iny of the ralU tbU week.
oomplatad by Mr*. Beak. Mr*. Dayton
Tobaco Lska, from wbieb tb* marl
la to ba taken for tba mkasfactara of
Tba matter of lavttotloar'fer
tba«amant,Uto ba dralaad. that the
naacemoat waa alao takaa apbamtrl may b* retched and htndlad in
aoou orlyina) Idaaa wbleh tba
a dry atoU. (hot aavlay the eipeam of
are plaaalnf to carry oat. A drylay in cim the marl ware dredyed
waa appointed te make
oak A form of maa ar* now eatttey
anaeof tb*«m
tba canal thtt wUI eonoc}*. tb* lakt
with tba bty, aad drtla at tba water.
Oaptala Jo* Bttnvalt la oa tba
Mra. Ueorye W. Miller racelvad word
Satarday of tba aartona lllaaaa of bar yroead, prapariay t^tb* eoutraetloa
mother. Mra. Thomat Tbvlor ot Otodai, of tea l,s»3 toot doek, aad tba work
Ta8B..eaaaed by aa attack of 1* rrippe. on It Will probtbly bsyia (onwrrow or
Mra. Millar laft for bar motbar'a bad- Tbnradsy.
Altoyaibar. - the Iowa ia beemlay,
aide yaatarday oooa.
. T. W. BUebay want (o Aldea yealar- and tblny* look brlybt for the fetare
dar to orraaiM a lodf* of tba M. W. A. iher*.
A Qaiaaaaae waaaa who oi
aetbiarbaktbabeaaaabaUradiB aad
Cb* lot 08 wbtoh it alood ralnaed to
lartolar the dead to bar iweparty. bat
bapt H blddaa la tba boaaa Iha boaaa
waabamad dowa raaeatly, aad
dead daatreyed. How aba to aaabl* to
taad baeaaie aha eaa ahow ae
Uila to It, tba sas wbo aald It to bar
balac daad aad bto h^ aadar ara.
Allot whleb aboald ba a
otharatobaratbadaed to tb^ prop
erty raaordad wbU* tbara la yat tUaa.
Mara Barfw.ooa of Waslerd eoea^'a
pfeaaan, aad moat raapaetad elttoaaa.
died ai bto bom* la Kaatoa laat waak
Mr. aarrar bald aararal offiea* of traat
at dUfaroBt tlmaa, haTlar baaa lor two
r. A. Clary went to Patoakpy on bna- a.iWtocwrwrwnwi*rwriWWrtejM.n
term* aoaaty Iraaaaror. H to death
da* to heart aflaetloa.
J. M. Blakealae wav la BapM City J THE STAOE
Lab* Oily to aet a pood ptaa* for yaatarday on boaiaam.
dlroroad panoaa who'wtob to amrry
H. W. CaoBloybam. ayaat of the M.
acaiatoyo. Both of tb* toat mlato' AN. >1.-rataroad yaatarday from a
«m at* daad afainat aaeb a tblay, aad baalnaa* trip to Maatotae and FreakTb* attractloa at Sialabary'a Oraad
ralaa* to marry aa^ paraoaa.
Optra Boom cm Tneaday evenlay. 'Vly
G. B. Barrtooa waa la aorleoa oa' 1. will te Eiw o C J^apioB'i prodaeUoB
Tb* aaab* atory aaaaea ba
baalaaaa yaatarday.
‘Darkest Rmla.*’ TtaU ia'not e
atPaatwatar. Vruitom Boalea of tbyat
E. E Dailey of Bmpir* to la tb* city,
r or aaitief'riekatliy, for it bu
plao* klUad a atrlpad aoake wbtob waa
b Jobaaoaot
lied lU lahereat wortB
plaialy marked with tb* Scan* I.M4. tbroDtb
.»b_ttba city yaatarday on
the put half douo yaara It bu
Tba towa to caaaeiar what It aaaaaa
to But Jordan, wber* be to li
toured all ovar the laod, pibylay tba
At Lake Aoo Bdward qaralae. ayad Inaaaw mUl batinaaa.
Mr*. J.^. Pittanrer and niece Mim principal elUa*. The netlar company
19. whil* ytriac tbroayb
Orac* Merrav of Grand B*p'.
to blyhly wmmudad for II* anlaUe
with bto rarelrar. aacldaatally abet vtoltiDcA T. Peck and f*B
bto brotbar Boy la tb* kaaa Tba Waahlnrton atraet
woaad waa oyly bat BO boaaa
TaatardayA Baa* Bail bm
SpKtai u.m Mdtetoi BwerC.
aauemeni eompaoiat that ar* to ap>
. HMlaryaalaolaraaidaatwbc
atreejt ibarwhlla mtlay a lady oat el
pur at Siclabery'a Oraad very aborUy.
“Darkeit RaaaU.” which to to ba
* aairtara raaaailr b* broke (we el
Cblmyo^St. Lonto, rain.
bare Wadnaaday, Hay *, to »t Honybbar riba.
Brooklyn->-N*w York. rala.
tom, Mlcb.. toolybt.
Tb* aa* appar p*8lB*«U aormal
-Murray aad Mack,’* who bav* boon
aebool »t Margatt* to •omptalad, aad
aaeared for a r*ura aayayemaat oo
Umaammar term will opae early la
Ortb and^Doahyato. WUaea and May 9. are tonlybt at Memphto, Tann.
E ,p. bUlrto yrut muloai faro* praAt Beyal Oak tbreayb a mtolaka “•tifT** City—Mitwaakae. wat yroead.
.{dactloB, "Wbo'a Who." whleb te*
Mra C. T. Wltooa taraw a cap of yaae-' ClaclDuU..........................o
12 • proven one of bto yrutut tncoei
Uaa aato a bet aiora datarday. An Plttoborr ...............................
it at MlaaeapoUt. Mina., loaiyht.
baploakm leUowad. aad the womaa
AMKBM'Aa uuaok.
eraa armly baraad oa tba baada aad
t It
Hnaayer Stalabarg aanonaeea aa•rmaotbar lmportaDt^^5picayemaat tor bto
Octmla 8baw. Hoffnr. Oi^h.
Of tfaa >00 appto traa* plaatad la
popalar play bonaii in May.
AprU. n«0.by Lama Joaaab.la gelaey
Mr. John Fay Palmar and aa admir
. tawaablp, Braaah eoanty. SO ara atUl
able anpportlpy company wUl te aean
PattaraoB. Snydaa: Bbrct Fibber.
thrifty and tear Irelt every year. On*
he** lo a aomplaie prodocUoB of ‘-rae
'etibatraaa.* raaaat. •• a mammoib
Egyeiiaa.'’ it beiny a yreat aoaolc
ea*. iu trank oaaaartay alaoat alybt
prodneiloa of tba bbtorleal “Lut
laat la elrcBrnferanee.
Dayt ot Pompeii.''
B. A. bMCb aod wile of Watroutrtth -Tebe<
Exprritneott in inbacco yrowlny
TtUa. were each 7S yrar* old. Tbay
Btraser niiaoto’ Fim Trip.
ted lived bappUy locetber maoy yeart. have not been very aum-vtful lo EayTb* neamer Ullaol* called at thto
and even daatb aoeld not aapanta ^n<l. (lut frciu a eiaieiuptii. ibat Ur. port yuurday moralay aboat 3:10.
them, aa tbry died Friday witbla a Plunkclt tiu<ic.ln ibe boote of com- Tbw wu her Si*t trip np tba bay tbla
moDi iny Lady Mcoilnc It kinder 4o
few boar* of each otber. aad arm
Ireland. In fan, m litM-rnlly dmt fbe Maaon and aba bad In work bar way
harled la tba use yra*cabower her favor* oc ite iltotn-ttrnl in by the {reqetat dm of tat fay wbtoAtUrand Bapida warranto bare batn country ilmt Iritb tobaccu nut only tt* which WM aniwered by tb* fay
toaaadfsr tba arrant ot Frol, and Mr*. floiiritbr* like- ibi- liay tree, bat it ball at tba doek.
D- Frvaioo. elalrvoiraato. who It to tV^riy tnloe at tirony at tbe ttionyitt of meretaai.dlt«. iaclndlay a larg*
alitend pravalUd upon a well known tobacco told. But Itoddy nud Biddy amoaai of ytodt for the uylam, wu
---------woman te tmrt witfa tzoo ’ *■'“
bronyktiBby tba aleaater. dfa* left
worth of iewairy and
In cub
eMuyb. However. If Irtob to- before 7 o'cloek for the aortb porta aad
I.lw IhUU.
to tb* Sm boat 13 aaak* Ue irip clear
a to yaln n bottar laatybt ibr rariety mutt, at Ur. rinnkett tny- tbrooyb. .
law bar fntar*. aad that the money yratiil. te milder tbau the kind knowa
weaMWdo«blad owr alyhb After a*-Knj^itb-Vlrylnla''grown latt yrar.
. M«w a Travelsy Man.
aaaarlM tba valublc* tb* pair aklp
i«tecco Uiat ibr man In tbv ttrcct
Oatry* Navarre bu a H*r*d bto eoa, c»uld luioki- conid Iw grown in Irvaaetlon with the Boktoa Store ate bu
I tomU touw- of tbe iroublra of the dl». tiTttfuI coutry mlgbi be aolTvJ. It aeeapted a pcaittoa m iiavaUay aalta, Th# Bunty (bat AUtecW Maa
man (or Wm. Baitaor. Mr. Navarra
baaa a aalmmta in tb* elothla ant to) mack te tb* faatat^ m te •' nwnt ibtt ao tucceatful were the czMaar. baaltby aampiulte. aad a ptriaeati la tobccco yruwlny in Irv- tey daputmaatof tte Boetem 8tara for
■luap body tiiad with ^Ib* vlyar ate Mad in the time of the Stnant that a tb> pant tbtto* yarn.
Attar toaralay tba aleeb Mr. Navarra
yX.J* -tbecalrtN In ordra to tmter tba grow wfU eaaka bto tnt trip te tb* waqL
i—<_!• n.
ing .*«)«.•»
colony of »Mrylato.-Waaiialaetrr
Mr. Navarra to a beattor ate it to
SSte wm tote wbtob
aeaarad that b* trill make u yote a
■pea Mate ate aaw atrv.------- -----Twealy Taat* or Fate.
imaa oa tte reed wlU aartate
SteatetaaamilaalyBaUre ot Dr. E
palu ate tetaru. m te wm haadltet
alolUac te the Beatoa aWra.
^1^. Cbaufa olntmaat. Oa* boa
m*.'' Dr. Obua-aototmaat to c*____
lead to do tba woifa. M aaato. ■!]
dravetotoorDr A W CteuMaAOe..
BaH^K. Y. Fnaumpatoratasp.
M« Maayasadrteby «mpla hex. aate
far IboM feto A-S. ffTMAE
: 10 M
By the teatroatkm* of Jedy* F. W.
Maya* yeeiardey aftaroooo.a vordiet
ot BO eau* of ectloa wu reaiarod la
tbeeaaaof tte
iBdlaBapolto. ve S. B a
H te* baaa •tabbonlyei
a Opofy* H. C«ea* •
tb* eaa* -for tba plalaUBa. aad F. C
eutertaad John A. Lenayer for (fa*
Tbaeaaayrow oat of tte ndamlof
Mr. BtooNr «0 pay two
lay 8BI.U «er promiam CB aa iMaraM
poUey whleb tealalmad waa aotwtet
to ba. Ha teM«bt
ttepoUey tor eii Ua* teaeiaBea aad
wbaa ft eama b* toaad It waa oo tb*
mammaat plan.
Tba point oa which tb* eaaa wu torn
wHUayiaatlny of aapactolecBeei
lo Mr. Stroay te a aid* ooatraet. Tb*
attoracy* for both aide* ot fha eau
airead that tbar* wm bo qamtlc
to tb* facto, aad * metion wm made to
take the eau from tb* Jory. Tfaa aryimutoee tba tew took plnw befor*
Judy* ifayae and oeeapled mui of tb*
aftaraooa. Tba deetolon wm amde la
favor of tba dafaadaat, oa tba yrovad
that it WM Ulayal for nay eempany
make any apaeial eoaemtlon* or rebatu
lo any panon.
The ntlacbment appeal cate of Addto
A.Olbte n. Edward A. and-nmothy
F. Moaatey wUl ba ukan np thU mora
ine. Thto' to tb* Uat of the jnry o
The bill to nnnnl marriayr, of Anua
HawVioiv*. BUea Aau wM.*pnt
the term.
TraUmony wm t^en ia the anlt of
Horae* B Conalnc v* LodIm F. C
PilUnt. a bUi to dtoebary* a mortyayr.
Oliva F. Naab wm yraatad a dlvoru
from Aldoras Hub on the yrannda of
drnakannem. cruelty and anunpcart.
The petition for Mle of landa of Lra
Mnslyold at al. mlaort, wm pot ever
tba term.
Lmi alybt Gay Jobnaoa wu yrnat
ad a decree of divorce from Cora JohnThe pair wer* married wUmi Cora
bot in yeart old and they have
alae* uparatad, the wife attandiay tb*
FwTlt ladnitrUl •ebool la Ely Baplda.
Daunlon wm eberyed. C. O. Tarnar
wu tb* attorney for Johaaon.
ImproTiay Imke Viaw Bona*.
The Lake View bonu at Elk Baplda
to nnderyol y czteM ve repair*. Anew
eUtl ealllny to baiay pot la. tb* wall*
ad and the boat* retou vray*.
Whooping Cough, t
Bronehltla and Irtolplant
J 'TVs Amuni^ebv^
While our hat aalM for the put two
weeka hava aurpuaed our tilyheet antici,
pationa—We look for a atlU greater ruah
now that the warm weather hu fairly
Lamson & Hubbard
Spring Style, 1900.
“Sapho,” “Tourist," “Golf”
Are some of the new things in light colors
that leading hatters (ourselves among
others) are showing—We shall endeavor
tb keep our sizes replenished in all the
leading shapes.
OUR $3.00 DERBY is
evary man who has previously wora one of tbem~
It’s perfect fit makes it the most comfortable derby
on the market.
Hamilton GlotMng Co,
Hew Tables, Fiitores eel Floe
Soda Foeetaiii.
But in a new location, on Union street, op
posite the Masonic block,.where we will 00
business until our new building is readr. To
induce our old enstomers to hunt us up. we
shall, for. the next few weeks, almost give
away goods.
What do yoo thiol of todies' Paioot leather add Dag Cellar
Belts at 10 cents?
These belts are new and up-to-date in every
way and are worth five to ten times the price
we ask. We have plenty ot other goods, too,
that we gre.making big cuts on.
0. E. McMANUS & GO.
IK maitl u u; IMu SUM.
The Savings Baok Bazaar.
Ice Oaam Soda*. Phoapbatu. IM Oroam
by tb* Dith or Quart.
W. HECK, Proprietor.
The Glory
of Spring
!• nevar complete witboat
the giadneM that cones
Erom the poHenioa ot s
new spring' bst thst is
BattebcUi^ in fit, s^ls
ssd ptiM.
Toa qrill sl<
wsjrs find them right, at
The Temple
of Fashion
•Bipuriac OoB»-UtUi Tmn,
SroytU&c THit.
Winter Caps
Make Way For Sprii% Hats
Frank Friednch
Tlu OM SKUble BIim Mu.
We Have loved.
lev Stere, 242 Treat Stro
■yaolyht ReMOrod.
Aadiow BiatbmiUor of Setoo, bayH
leatay hk oyaafyht aboBt Be* yaaiB ayo.
oaaaod by a aaianet tormlac cworhk
rirbt eye. Bo baeMta aBtUily bttad
A( OreehstM. Mlu.lln. M. L. \m to that eye aad rkltod aanral esdaoat
doetera aad had It traatad. b«» wllhoat
anybaaaAi. Twowoatoayo
JlrkOteA^tamft fM» «1ADeetora Oarnar aad Ohaaa 1
WM ^Ttar with % rtfl*.
aa oporaUos and eacwaafnlly roworail
tba eataraat. faUy raaUwtoy hk «yeilayad br ih« Bt«mn WankooM
elyht. Tba patlaat k DOW abU to road
«tMT hM toM B^t OB Ua W«w, eritbont fha oae of ylaeiaa. Aoatai
•Mr WellMBteMB. BlM baiar kfamtoyoatha rtybt aye. batk
yot'ln a-eoBdHtoo to be opantod Bf
Cigar Store
J gen or wonio
fg iHOMT greoiet ^
Tb« BxUstivB nlM which hcv* vtw
amllcd over Mtiriaipvl
*crta of
ticbewe for amr»( 4ajB. dchicc (he
ri««fB BcdccwUcr
MBtcc rice ta M I
taalaad •varflow
CBaaiac amCarlaC baA • >«*•
arty M»ar kaawa than hatora. Thsaa*
aaiaotanaa ei Cwalac laadt haaal
haaadaaaatadaadthaaarlyarepa wiU
ymaataUI laaa. Bowaa haaa baaa
laatad away,
Ooocya W. MiUar. wbe Itoee two ■
aoBth <d tha city, sat with B8 mala
B*U aecldaot to 1
a broedor. The toeidaat caaaad aboot
•toworihofdaBaye to ohkkaMaad
«y«. Be plaaad aa oQ aloao near tha
bcoodar ao M to haatoa tha balehtoy
bykaaptoylhaayya wana: bateoM
akaw to tha breodor aaoybt Bra fro*
thaateaa. which bBread UoatofiB
able oaiekoM «*ar throe woaka
PaWar.par to
eld. aa old boa and abont 60 ayya
£3SrS..SS.W~ ■ ‘ ■
W'ES’-PS-SSif.’SST^. •f 3m U aripH ■■ 2« ihm.
Atiar Woamn bad b
aald: *‘t plaadad yoUty boeanaa 1 baled
to face the aeBbera of the Pox faslly
wte had been eo hind to •e.” Woer■u waa a roadv of cheap norele.
Tbaro k aere caUarb to ihk aaettea
af tba eoimtry than all ether dkeani
potwyothcr, and natU tbalaatfaw
y«n wBe Biypeaed to ^ toOBrabto.
^",*3W”»*S!;‘5iaS? .rvjs
w*?sir,s^ -.•LSBTrs,:
to oBrawUb local troabaaat
lead It toeanble.
to be aa ooMUtaUoaal
d by P. J. CBwney A
a tha oaly eoaaUt»-
■uat Boftam'paaM.B: n
Bm. Me Bi-rMMceee.Xc n. Xenam »aMc .
~e*asd rwUme*.Vo.n.
A i. soon VMerteerr. Oa'anm. all
strrei. itee4Sart>lBpwasret£>a.«or aalteua.
Calls left M Bre*b*cra's or Maas's sals
-iln, «ill to prsto^ atsseM la. KonaKonhm pSoM
the beat.
■s at iM todlBSM* dp«od oa KS7
Third Chair.
I bare {dneed a tbiid chair in
mr barber shop in order to necomoAtemy patron*.
Cnrcfnl BttoDtion Ktren to all.
A. M. OmTT, Ptopr.
Wunis s*C nstot *a plSfto.
The bpit tnmkhad and tmt kapt
bonae on Uk panlaento k ready tor
bnalneen. Open the year ronni. Deed
UTBiy la enaaneUon with the boBec
Rales nude known on npplkntlon.
First Freeze
DB. SPUBU s.rroMPe
toto «^•
lea, (TomBiarmiiaa Uke,
$1.00 a Month
At recidcaceti—same as iast ye&f
na«a toireqoABt
•aka a apeelalty
ipaKD Moxan. aanl CalS
Cash Capital $200,000
Fire Insurance.
The OoeUnenUl Aasurmnea Oompony
of North Anwrkn kaaao all np to date
poltdea. inanrlay ayalkat aeeldant and
■IcknoM. pays todomnltyfroB M to IM
srooka, both abort aadlonytormpoUeka.alaoUekettoBaUtbe landiayhoaplula to tha Daltod StoUa. Pm * "
Is. Is. A. BuUdlac.
Hew Oaoa. Harichun Block
L'DdertakiDg Parlors
bNo. signesiaratoBsi.las f«« day. Clara
n. WUIIau, aa stprrlrar.^ mbalasr t. aM*.
etaied ollh biB. KfoprelfoUr^r..
Ml Bonth Union Strwt
buA MpMi t bdltti tj.
• SpocUlty.
Attgnst Petander
I btTc iiAil my building
reboilt nod put in ^ood
abape nad am now ready
to receive ell old patrons.
K<>xt to E&glp OfficA
IJDp. n. has ■!■■■» Ota
alaeMlwOrSxMMsaMaoack aaSalaa*
is^etoWaara la OreaC EapUa aM chair far
EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at
See samplea in window.
We will foraUb toBUlaa. tbU i—
mar. with lea washed clean and pot to
tba ratrlyarator. for Sl.OO a aontb—
and won’t aak to be paid In'ndranec.
BoUi’pboaea Vt.
TaaJn ATtBf ai • Mi n •- kaatoalr aarPk
0.1. uxJKwooaa p^^T'^^''Bapu*
Tbe Fere larqoette Railmd
JacBarr, 1100,
oouto notm.
oomo noanL
..f !,
Mo0/lCAI^£C£SSAIir. |;-o„ ~' ---------------—
/IAQAZINE 5ELF-0ILE({ ; e. w. basting’s ■■'-’““'‘iisstir
For Fire,,Insurance
uiJ cranra
MniBIsl ■FtoiTl
HinwooD cumiGs Hnion stok woot
UdnnlkLllliitorlii sUdsM.
^ '
E. Lange's Bicycle Shop ^
Dealir in New and
Second Hand Bicftles.
Good wheeU for ikle Cheap
. on time or for c**b, nt
warfc or klcBsst paaelUe «raCe. Plae (at
of Kalkaaka. alllopes
tmi an< Caennasa at utoas u treta
CKT.ta aSaet Oaeanto{,ITiA. ua.
» Qty. Mleb
liar Monk.
Both ‘Pboaaa, No. 7.
sum. Botii (rirpbosrsMo. Wl-
*Lt BY.
The Waukazoo House!
tkaslMnlsiaUHtonnst to arartM «
114 Front St.
J. A Jackson
A llmltod noBOer lor anle At BS eonu ___________ _ ............. w_
xror-tbs^r-t, acton.
________ BY A 00., Toledo, O
Eaqiira at
, ^Ll
od tooBl rowedka. aad by
arefen rrqol
StMA aad tharafora
BaUb QaUrrb
tattoaaJ troaUaaat.
Etrtld CtBtury Cook Book.
For Sate
MareaaUla Oa. nUak.
F'UftSr.v.ii-.^r.Ersr sir.,7
IL'-ftK'SSr "
w*sjs-ssrt™. sa-LS-SiP
Biiliard Haii
! p.‘i.‘’BMM-ss32' Bss'f-r."?.
. c’iiAaJSfeSETssia,.*-
! M«-;5.”SS2:a?SLSJ=Bt
tbair Uaaa. Tboaaaadi of head of aaiUa, ihaap aad bee* aad fowl baao baaa
W. W. Wayoner, auu ayaattortho'
MUUoaa qiaoa Away.
Bar. Dr. TUakafa oa laa^ tba ■ortean Dktrtnt Taleyrapb
aharahat Maaehaator. Bat-. Saaday, aarrlaa, kto tba elly eeaanHtoy with
arhofB ha had praae%d, waa aaUod Maaayar Barry of the Wantnrn Union aotafrald to be y^r^i Tba
apoa by an iBMaaa threac. who had ofiea rayardiny a perfocUon of Aho pritora of^. KiBy^^Okoewy for
baaa aaabla to aator tha batldlar and plaainthkrity. Tba project of atUacion U to caublUh call botaa to atorea,
waiarradto apaak arala. E
oBcMaad pabile plaoaa ao that aay
pUad.apaahiar is tha open air.
I cored ibeoaandB
la need of a meaaanyar in a bony
Aatbma, ypochU
Tha other day. whoa tha Baart attaehad OolaaM, tha wanaa obulaod can yet one. TbU plaq U to operation ta yrlppa and alt ibroakebaat and laay
by U. Call on
yorahalaa freat Plat to laara the little to all larya rfUe* and to nanyof-Aba & E. Walt and Jaa.cared
Q- Jobnaon. drofXlUafa. aarrylaf with thas wbaUrar anaUereitlaa to Mkblyan. Tbaooat ykU, and y«t a free trial botUa.
Brery bottle
they daoaad aMOt aaloahle. What
wMthaaarpriaaorthabaMl^cB when sake aa effort to tanka tha .aorrlea
they MUiod forth, oaah oarrylar bar otaalneto bnatoaM nad profenatonal forShoM ettoAS-fTTBiBn.
baahaad oa bw back; bat Plat kept ■an and alao to tamUiaa.
hie word.
tool oonfMtloa of tba ^^grtdtoBamaaa Oalimb Bi
At'Cblaaffo ctaraatloa baa haeawa a
taetor la the hBlldiar atrlke. Pml- thk enalny at 7;M to tba Bpkeopal WUlto X.“VBB4tti5
doatOarroli of tba Balldtef Tndaa ebnreh. A yeaaral tortUttoa k ex. Pint elaaa BuaoB and plaatarer.
Eaat Pront atioat.
CbaaeU aatlaiataa that 1.000 wcrk»ai leaded toallan U aetaal waat.that with tbWr fas
A Borilble Oatbr^.
Uae 4,too are now ta the aaata ala«ra of
*■01 larya tatm on ny UttU that are joBt[.rJykt at W^t*a Soda
aaSarlac aa tIoUm of tha atrlka.
daoybur'a bead danlepad tola a enaa Ibaat^.
JaMl^ la U a parttoaa eoad
ofaealdhaad'' writaa: a D. labOl of
Iba taaaeaaara la aa area ftoator
W aad pletara framtoy
tavUthaBMaaL Ttidaia
wldiiMBnd Mta.
a ynaraataad care for non-----------aad tha people ara la a slai
aalt rboBB. plBplaa, acraa. atom aad
dlOoa of porerty.
Only l»e at B. B. Wait aad Jaa.
It aad oorrapt tkaa
Mr, baaa aowa tha wind,
woric of wt
art hu Jaat baaa kaaed la
and aow the aatioa la raaplar ^a fhrlbmtatoA A rrymea.
“--of tnfiT BIOO,Baw York at- an- OBUay
daaira ■
000, for wbtob the p^
Tha fraat laerteaa in noatsarM aad
la aaaal arBameato baa planed tba ear.
▼laaa of esparleocM aeamaa at a pro- 8vp*Btla« OoflM—UtUa Tarym. aona paper, uTMtoated eonrt and
aUBB. Tha eearelty of aallara U fait
la aa aartaa. and
ronaa to tba clbib btodl^ tklU at
ahlplihea ara tnoe
ai|At; pranw runniny day and nlybt
noyroatUtbcMla. Cbrktlaa mea aad
Boa. dldBay Ptohar, Caaadlla atla-SK?.” eroBM ainktoy fartanea tnktoy ordara.
Itlaf of acrlealtara, raoelrad a eablensTKAY-Oaiu'>0 mr >i>cMMra. IlfUl baj Bapid pfOBoUonr. Oaa cbriatlaa woKAB frOB L-ud BtAtheoaa, Oaaadiaa Xl
bam. saamUmly raaaf aaC ka* Boi toaa auatnade clear B600 to four woeba
klrh ooBBlMloair la t/Mdoa. outlay avaaC latalr ^ncr eaa baia aama U>7 takiay ordeia amoay'har cboreb aeqnatouncaaandfriaade. Writoua. It
that the foot aad aaosth dlataM dU•ay lead to a peruaent paylu pnlaorarod la ABeneaa aatUa at Dtpiford
Uon to oanaya oar bBatoosa *d look
waa ooBuiBateated to tbea from an ipaa e.tLB-UaasabaU furallvrc. Aerir al attar ou-larya oomepondaacn, which
ArraaUaa bard balaf ea-Tlad by batch- C iri X Taulb siraai.
yon can attaad to riybt at yonr bom.
era aad tharafora there waa no aoeea- /XtoL WAirrrO- Par taarral baaasvark. Addran E. A. Hbermu, 1: But Piftoaath
atroet, batwoon Broadway A
UaaC waoalarreaeiauol iMlp Ra atob.city tor prohlblUar the ahlpBani of VT
la(. Mra. r. C. UaanaaC, Sit With mm Fifth arennr.
•anral BOtor eyelaa ara belay .aard
to bOBU Afriaa tor patrol aad aeontlay
drtoka at Waifa ttoda PoBnUto. mf
work. Each k eapabla of yoiay thirty
•Uae as boar, aad aa the Traaaraal
aaldt U apadally aalUbU for rapid
Ko reuady oqoala Waskcr'b Wbitp.
^IK« or TAB STKUP lor tbU torriateter travaUay. yood work la batay
i« and total aieeaae.
Blaenae. ..
If taken thoi^
aoeomplkhad with the aid el thaaa sa• dxblr and to tine, it will corn a <
.1S4 noun, and fo> the oourb that
fdk to t
Tha BapobHo of If axloo haa ayraad to
oltoL PrtoeTgtoaod BOo.
parttelpau to aaetbar Paa-ABarlaaa
aoayraae, aad It te biUarad all tha ra X Obtnt. a.ar.thiBc mBBlaw. laelaClac LaAiaa. “TaB oaBtosp-ea It-traupia u
bnt it wilt ooae op amUiay orary
pablhs* of the throe Aaerlou wUl aaad ^Blw^^Ulav.tal.laa. rbaTra, staal^aw. It,
tlm." Ciaaane Blaatlc Ploor
mo TKA1>B-Par aur lots, a farm with bcUC
« aam rciBataylay arouad to aa eld
BurpiBting Cofloo—UttlB T*7Bn.
PhlladalphU book atoco a few dayaayo
diaaoaarad a oeopla of Brat of tba eoa- IPOR nALS-UOBWaad kM. contar Kil, aaC ^U1 Bntee ria K. A V. B. A. A
lary ecploralloa book*. They were hy
Woman’a WbUt Leayne of Aaerlea.
BaeCaetla and told of hto two lear- CtoB eALa-UoiiaaanC la« aa Bata> auaat. DetroU April Mtb. Kaiyhtt Tobplat of Mlebiyan. Ann Arbor May IStb.
aaya w the eerihwaat. Bo carried
u'aMTarw'u Wrtw tawailafnit^ Oonyroyattonal (national) Ho«e MUthea away for 70c. Be toand that tba terms
rock. LaaslacMtrb.
atonary Society. Detroit Joac
•arkat aatoa of -tba b;ekt la B)t.
Mnalc PcaUral. Ann Arbor May 17tb.
totor Sebolaatie AUIatle Meet. Ann
iCt AtehlKw, Ke.8*tarday in Ute DU- Civ. taraWil aa Wcat Piaat atraai Par tola Arbor May tstb. Epworlh Laayoc
trlet OoBri Tboaia C. < Woeraan plead
AanoBbly, LodlnytoD. July. AnntaL
Per rat^aad tiekau call at M. A K. A
ed ynUty to tba ebarye of barnloy the
A W. CoBOinyhai^^
ooaUy roBldanea of J. C. Cot, a proaU
Urea, and
alybteaa yaara la tba paaitaatlary. Be A BAkUAIM-la W leal law oa Paaai aad SniyABBlag Ocff>o—Uttlo TsTtn.
admlttad the Fox fasUy bad baaa rary uara b^bk*-iar sale Call at lo: Eaat ji^t To Omto ■ Com wi Ono Dap.
kind 10 blB and that ha bad aat Bra to
rake WarocrU While- Winr of Ter Si rui
tha bOBM to order to play the part of a rpo RkXT Ok POk ettut- Parw l«> aarra. the beat couyta remedy on earth. S’> o»..
X MaoasBBdfraatUraUec.TwllMsMik af
haro by raanolny tbo tasUr and tbi
aliT. WttleakaeiMfaBi tw ataaaaC laaC. ar
bymalM bk naptoyor foal that bk
Dt. W. $. ayytoA Dpemtlre Deatkuy
JOHN F. OTT & 00. ■afeJgs,’7rsB"sjT!wu
SueosMors to Ttatapm Olty Lumfesr Oo.
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