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The Morning Record, January 12, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
l>faird Year-No. 639
nmuftn i
at*aaaP«per JUdotaa ta Bworiiaa
Bla Aathoriip.
Bavtaa. Xu. n—Tba Lod». is a
tea* aditortel today n«aidi^tba data
obteb Oaaaral lAdtew baa raeaatiy 1mOf«rtuiPiM«roMMsicB wu rra^ poaed oa that aapar aad tba Oabaaa,
nriofR>tU« naSTM tba arttetea ebjaatad to iaUa
aaya It wlU aot
^T»nU »otW AAmU batnigl
Um»t UtfrnUtk-a,«to«u b, orateatha aatborlty of tba MUIIary
~ nor. altbewblt »fU obaarfaUy;
atrtwJ lforu« Ttot Sk MEa4
pay tba Bu wbw ordarad ae to do by
a ptoparly eaaatftatad oourt.
Xw. 11.—Lord MmrU
Oawtml Ladlow aaaarta that to toef
Lste UUbMV krrtnd »i Mr, Tows aa tba Laaba aoattaaat to raaam.“aa«'
•IktotabewlMlalcbt. ThtjvfUba 'UdoBOiy fatea aiortaa” ba wfll-ooaUeaa
•llowadletM 16 work wltboat «• to tapoaa ftaat. aad will laeraata tbalr
j____uiii iiTir-T“—‘r~“‘—'
Tba Oabaao daelarat It wlU Uy tba
aattar badora tba Goraraor Oaawal.
rtnl ti Z6b$frU Md Kll«bMW M 0,p*, aad baar froo blm baton saklac
«Dwa Cited toMMB Ibc crowlBf i«. fartiiar arltteiaa of tba aoart of tba
pMiMM of th« aoulrr M tb, protoof. Mllilaiy Oev<
,« teMUvtty iB th«a,te BrHteh damp,,
Befora tba aad of tba »aak Ooaaral
tad (bt Mtlra tbMOM of mawa fivltr Wood wfllprobablybaveiaBaedpardraa
M BdfqatM laaiirbt Uto tba loatl to MU paraoaa aow aoofiaad ia tba Ha‘iltattioB.
TbapaMtetodprati balBf ^ «ana prUooa, <rhi ba*a tarrad tanaa
aaaUa to form aay jatt Jadymaat of i toarar tbaa tba Board of Prlaos Israit
-tbbaataal poaiiteo of affaln. atoriaa iifatloaaooatdaraiUie'jaat o
art rifa tbat tba laacUoa U aaforoad on
— ■ ■
"rnrr’ Balter, owlar to tba aapadltaroof bla raaorraa of amcDaeUloa,
BBd tbara art avaa wild raoora of a
abaU famtaa at boma. Bat UtUa im- By th^ Knigrhtb of Pythiis
SobOTt* amA KstehMMr BMOh.
fortaaoa aaad ba attaebod
IteBt JBToniiiff.
It la almaat aatvofiat.ly aatamod tbat
Blabornta Prepram kaadarad aad Imwith tba teadlat of Bobarta and Kitpfitelra XaatalUtloa Oaramooy Ooaaboaar a prompt rotaro will ba mada
daatad by Pate Qraad ObaeeaUor X.
to tba ortctaal ptea of aampal(a.
aamoly, a (rodt aantral adraaaa on
m KaOoy-Lvpa Grcwd Aopally
Kdamfoatola. bat tba moat In
Bni Wen DeCmted Vllh Baavy tom
by Ooloaal BaltefA—Twuiy-Paar
^ —They will w»ar oat bhoM—
Kilted aad Sixty Oaptarad Oaearal
A bat yoQ wiU bflve leM troable
Here Are 2 Good Books
“Stalky a Oo.”—By Kiplbg at.................$1.80
Sab waa Waa a TMtorr at Baaar.
aadbaptorad tba Tama-POlplaas r wiib yo«r boy'*.
Bimparilad of Traaabary.
Manila, Xaa. lt.^A awbtaa««-t
irOalateba on
tba Bk Tbaaua rnd. hatwnaa tba J If you pet him shod here— t
Tbirty-nlatb Infantry aadar Ooloaal
\ Oar lia* of ehoM otede of ▼
Bnllard aad ten eampaatea of laasrpaata. 0<doaal BaUard was moviap
from Celamba la tbrea boiomna. with
two pans, whra ba asaouterad tba
raipinaa. stronply latraatoad. Aa at
tack was mada. and vary atabhoraly
by the loanrpasta, who ware
Are exceptionally eooaomioe) )
driven back, bowavar. They made
—Tbey re*i*t the water — (
thTMsaparateatandebnt ware Bnally
atand lota of hard wear, and *
defeated drcUlvely. with a lorn of 14
kUladand M prieraen. The Ai
by poliahi&g make a nice ^
-as bad one private killed, and
Sunday ahoe, too —$1.25.
cffiwn were ilipbOy wounded.
General Bcbwde'e brlpada reached i $1.60Bpsir.
Mnsunlnpa Priday, after a lonp and
tiresome isareh. The Inacrpenla bad
fled bait aa bear before the arrival ol
the Madmbebe Monta.
Early tbe next morainp. Uaneral
ibwas divided bis foraat. tasdlnp
tUallona of tba Thlrteaatb rapimsnt
and Forty^lzlb ra|imant with a wapon
train ate^ .tba ooaat toward Binaap.
Tba paaeral^maelf prooaadad alonp
wltbtba Maocabeba acoataand Major
Steale’a battalion of the ThirUteb rapimast, CMonal Bayaa' cavalry and tbrea
He took tba traU istend toward Blnanp.
WtaM tbe broad rfoa flalds near Banan wan raaehad tbe aaamy were
I. calmly wateblap tbe approach of
tka Uolted States troops, from
OB of a tew atone wall alonp
tbcaraek,a qoartarof smile Inlanptb.
Tba Maeabebe aoonto deployed, tollowad by MaJ >r Steele's batulioo of
the Tblrtlatb raplmeai. Tka enemy
ware la plain view. A tonnaUon wa*
Sjcted and the Aoarleaaa were soon
wliblo ranpe. Whan tbey were abont
100 yard!'distent tbe enemy opened
A prominent New York official
fire, killinp CarporsT Johneoo. Co. B, of said the Kerenil nee of tbe teleD.-trolt. and wonndiop two men of Oe. phone had made the taak of efficP of the Thirtieth raiment. Tne men* entiy protectini; life and properly
were never before nnder Are. bni ad- over .50 per cenl. easier.
vanead ebaeriop. Tbe iDinrgenU re
Telephoning in case of fir*-, attreated to tbe towr. Wbenj^oor troope cideui or burglary has beci-me a
raaebod tbe onuklrte they obwrved recogntx^d
recognixed ne
the enemy down tbe road In tbe pltrt.
Every well repulatColonel Hayea- fifty cavalry econu
ed hnuaebold haa a
ebai^ aad were received with only a
taw ataota. Tbe enemy dltappeared.
Hare you one in
bni the praaenoe of many Amlpoa Indiyour home?
eate that they wan reaortlap to tbe
«.!.< tactics.
Tba K. P- hall waa paekad laat
wU bo maabte to moat bafora tba and
lepoBtbeoaeaaioB of tba annnal laof tba moatb. He aawo of I
had baaa raaoiaod ap to tbia aftanwea ateUatloa of oOoara. and nntU a lata
tba arown tbat
IromBoatb Afrteak mmor wan oarmt la tba elaba lata DMti royally antartaii
Tba pobUc tnataltet
. _
tba Ta^U riTor. bat aotbiap aoald ba ably aoodneted by Dapnly Grand Oban•btoiaad la aorroboraUoo of tba raport. oaUor ■ B- MoCoy. amtotad by Dapnty
Ubdoc. Xaa. ll-Tba waroffloe baa Past Grand Obaaeallor B- W. Onnalaffaaalradtha foUowiac dtepateb from bam aad Depaty Grand Prolate A. B.
Guatal air Badrart BaUar, who U la Holliday.
A very Boa and elaborate prowrax
pmnrni aommaad of tba Ladyamitb raaa randarad darinp tba eveatnf. inIterlaroolana:
mparaad with tba InalaUaUon oera••Frara, Xaa. 10-1 Traovaal talapraa
the nawlyelaeted ofB.-era.
flwa tba aaemy'a tea* at Ladyamitb oa
Jaa- e at to«r klllad and Btloaawoaad- Tba otBeera laatelled were elected is
ad. tbte afior. aa admtttad. aadnrlDy a Deoembcr. aa followt:
Wltbarlar Bra from ala maaked bailortetaaad tolat dafaatad ataU polnta.
MaUraa bora aaaart that ana
Prelate—Mai Tatinao.
alaea iMt l&O klllad and wapoo teada
M. of W.-Uury W. Smitbofwoandad. The haarlmt loot laaald
K. B. and d.—Guy D. Bensedy.
to •bava baaa aattalnod by tba Fraa
M ot P.-Job&ProberL
•tataa. whom tba Tranaraalart foraed
M. of Be.—J. T. Hannah.
Into tba moat
M. of A—Gao. W. Pbelpa1 dtapatab fraa Piatarmaiiubarf
1. G.-& B. Howard.
.' dated Xaa.«, atataa that Oanaml White
O. G. —B. I. Knapp.
*“ *t Ladyamitb raporta tba daatb of
Grand BapraaaoMUve—A. W. Bicktbi«o oflaatt and alaataaa man tram
ard: alternate, B. B- MeOoy.
la am aTraatea tbru yeara—A. W. Biekard.
TbowarotBaa baa pabUabad aa adTba prapram waa oae of nananal andnteaal itet of dteraa maa kilted at
eaUasoa, aad waa iboronpbly aijoyad
MMoteoa'a Nob.
A ramor. probably arialap from tba by tba eompaay. It waa at foliowa. al- Said to be Haxt to tba Larpeat Swam.
ar in tba World.
fppoRt tbat Oranja la aaadlDf ra- moat avary nnmbar balap praated
aatoMomaata to Oolaabotf. baa boon '1th aa aeibaatetUe
Berlin, Jan. U. — The twin acraw
Qaarui-Mateia. Holliday. Doaptea,
aatoad bora from Oapa Tewa, to tba
■amor Dentaebtesd. hatenpinp to tba
aCoot tbat tba Boon baaa withdrawn
Hambnip.Amnrleaa line, was laaaebad
Voeal Daat-Maa
rand Bol- ymtorday at tba yard of the Vnlcan
irate Hacoratoatain. UtOa waitht la
attoahad to tba raportipbnildlap aompany at Stettin. Tbe
Violin Daat-Mr. aad Mra. Bobart
Idoatoaaat Oanaral Lord Matbaaa.
V veasJ la next to tba lorpaat ateam
aommaadiM tba oolama adraaotap w Prtea.
ar In tba world, and ia expected to be
Voaal Daat-Mr. and Mra. X. T. Baa tba fastest. Sbe will ba employed ia
tba raltef of Cltebartey. It to barm
Iterad of kk aommaad witbla two aab.
tba trade batwaas Haw York and Ham
violin Bolo-Mtei Mania Omaptoa.
Voaal Ooio-Mim Oatey Bolaad. with
Uatarbawlllbaaaat to OapeTewn
Beraa von Bnatew, mlnUter of
aao aoeompanimaatby Mra. BoUiday
•adoraataaUy ordarad bomr. Whan
welpn aifairm, attended the lanncbba raaabaa Batland k# wUl ba raUrad. aad vlohn obllpate by Mr. StUnpaoa.
Inp. aad mada a ipaMb, dwalllap os
Viol a ao o—Lloyd Betnna.
Thtenaaala not pnbllabad In Lon
It of tbe national t
Quartet—Mamrv. BolUday. Donplaa,
don. altboatb it U known to tba Bnyder
asdabipplap. Tba opaaeb rapidaad bironp.
^lara of tba Imdlnc topara. Tba
Plano dnvt—Mtmm Xatia aad May ly drifted into advocacy of as iservaaa
. toett bava bmn eoafirmad by an oaalal Blraap.
of tbe navy, tbe epeaker vlrtnally rc
Ooliar aolo—A. B. Howard.
of tba war ofieaBeprodlali
alaei-aateoUon—B. B. Mo- peaUnp tba arpnmmts aabmltted te
Lwd Matbaan-a aaaa It a aad aea- Al Ooy.
tbe Belebeup in Deeember. Is ebrle:
ways a mat of ratbar frail phyalqi
After tba aomptellon of the propiam ealap tbe ebip Baron von Baelow mid:
altboatb a alevar bonar aad aa aU'•MayOodblam tbU vasael. wblob
Upbt ratraabmaata were served ooaalav
aportaman—bli eonatltatloa
tnp of lorkay aad ehleken aasd- beara tbe same of onr eonntry. May
bapaa to abow alpaa of b
wlebaa. foe eraam. cake, and eoPee, be protect it In all its voyapae: may be
Mly after ba took ec
the fricndablp between Oer
Pef hte divlalon.
>y and tbe United States: may ba
Chafcavte. Adanea was anjjyed by
Iboaa who know tka
part of those praaant after the company pnard German labor, German indnstry.
ud tba aitaaUon of Moddar Blrar
and German efieteacy: may be pranl
•qaally wall, and who are wlUlap to bad bapu to dtepanans paaee aad eoceord at home aad a
. ataU facta plainly, aay tbat Matbnaa a
snra detooea, and defend onr streaptb
abraed. May bo ahlald aad blam Gar.
Balap Vormniated by
maav . and even aa tbte ablp ia dm'ra*
Saw Batdaab^ tor Bapland.^
Land am
ad to rank above all other skips that
Laadon. Jaa- u.—Tba admiralty baa
Saotlapo da Onba. Xaa. :
emm tba oeaaa. ao may Germany for.
ofdmad from tba Lairda of Blrkas
ala BaW and Oaatra have :
evar rank above anyUilsp far all barbud tba macblaary for tba batOaablp
aa elaborate plan tor a Oabaa federal Btana. -Dentacblaad nbar Altoet' We
Mooted^. BOW ^np bnilt at Devtm
repablie. This empbaa'cm tbe mam nnito la ralatep tbat cry, which emosrt. Tba rarinm art to ba tba moat
ally of deeeateallxUip
bracac aU we feel aad hope and blrfva
pomartal avar pUoad la a battteablp.
ba variana pcovlnoca. They for."
•X^an to dava)^ IS.OOO Indteated
Tbe Beperor was present at tba acre,
Acmaaiva, ooaSdant of tba
horaaaommaad tba tpcM la to be one
knot or over ovary i.MO botoa pewar. abUttyoftba Oabaaa to maintain a moay bat be did not apeak.
The Dsntoebland, aoaoniiap to bar
tba people bavlac
Tbara wlU bo two aata of Vlpla-expaabad an admlrnbte object laaooe in tba bnlldera, wUl ba tba awlftoat oama
•lea aaplBte aad thirty BaltevUte
of dlaolpUM aad aaberdl- creaair to tba world. They bava pn«r>
htelm. watob will eaat cis.no. Tba
astkm dnrlap tba Amarioka rmriato. aataad to tba Hambnrp Itoa that aba
totol aoatof tba vasal wlU ba evar cs.Oaearal Wood, who M
wtU avarapa •! knola aa bov. Tba
baa iBvlted Oaaarala Bebi aad BOW ablp la aaoH fMt leap, overall;
of «7 X feat beam aad 44 fact flaap. la adOaatraWMaompaeyhlmeaa tom
fltttoa to tba twial lanriaa of a Wp
Itoar.. aba wtU bava a playroom far
Vira late Kaw Ol.
abildroa.ap7maaslam aad aprOl ream.
Borbipblpto kaolawUl help bar par
FUipinop UmAa DedpiTA
StBuA Vemr OpUmbte.
bateat weatbor.
[ Salamander |
book-Interaating to aayoae who was ever yoanK.
“Janloe Kere<Utli”-b, Ford, .pecui mi*. $ i.ie
Ui. i,u.,r life b.hi«iU..
in the iU^ timn of Ih. American B«olntinn-e
deeerl. mterravc. a Inn itorr in tb. ohunntec U
n.“Brerelon."nnd themcMt Qnakn'
Meredith. Well worth the rewnlnr prion of
IliO, onr .pecui pricn «.1S Ptidny .nd Stnrdny
lot Of lata books will arriio aait Moatar
And now
watch very close
Enjoy the
Good Sleighing
Balph Ooni{nbln Jr., Muucnw.
290-229 Front Strut
Is going to do.
I 'stonishing values
in suits and overi^oats
are offered you here.
All are this winter's gofxls.
the values.
Miller’s Store
j Fat
I Facts
to the Cigar!
I hare aoreral fine new riffs—
both BlDgla ABd two BOMtOd
Beal outfits in the city. Try
Order by 'Phone No. 32.
Geo. Cams,
Uvcryaaid Feed Stable*
For Fire Insurance
Prompt. eaiTfal aad oonrwous attea
UoB. The stroapoat asd oldaat fire to
nes eompMiaa to ths world rspra•aoMd to my apaney.
Jotra IM. 'PkoH n.
School of Music
Come in and see
for Slim
But the
best ;0F ALL--
Sc Pig Tail
! «.ek Noble............................. Me
1-ek Snow While............. 43e
l«ek Belle of Ohio.......... 35e
1 uckStar .....V................ 33e
•No. 1 Koed. per 100 lbe..S.5c J
W. W. Miner'sQCash Store A
22fi Front Strut,
Shoes Cheap
Allow 08 to call your attention to thru of out ladiea
Tbe'pricto are $1.50, $1.68 aad $1.75.
$1.50 ahoe ia aTgood cue—all aoUd, up-to-date in
every reapect.
Jnat tbe thing for a cheap every day
Thoae at $L68 and $1.75 ate tb* aame aa
many dealer* aak^you $2.00 and $2.26 far.
wsraaftaabam pssattto traia. PbM
wsfb a raaiMlw.
We'd be plaaaed to abow yon oor median priced
Front StTMt
au»n>a mmooMt.
g. If. Uamwu. »ai*or wt
loardaaa Staar l^trfe 'xdcht <
PoMtOa. vm Pat ap Kota
Tba BaaHBaa Blrar Baotrk Ufht
ft Pawtr Oo. ara pUaaiaf to pat la a
MwajatoBOfwitl«. Uthapfotlba
aootradt for tba altp llfbB tar aaat
paar. tbap wlU aMaad tba ^ata»
aldMablp. la aap eaaa. tbap wiU pat
Uaaowliaafratalbapowarboaaa to
eparau with tba Uaaaalraadp atraaf.
ft Baada ft Oa. baw Jaat pat la a «M
aawoatdtofaiahalplatodwiadow tx
Do You
BoiBcKada Bg WUlteaPBofean fn
tba WBUaKMBBaOe. .
Tba BwabtM for tba tBiMBlBTa of
bBabatetbBt baa ban 1b BMOttbe
WMte aigmBB Oo. faatarp dartog thr
peat aoBaoB. baa proved ao OBtkteetor.t
that tbap hate drdarad dftan Mw me
eblBOS of tba uma modalmf tba doMg
or. WilUam Paokvoa. ThaeaatlBg
doBO bp BoBDd ft Sob. FlveotO
■anhin-r ara alroadp eompUud aao
tbaoibora are aadar proaamof on
otTBcUn. Mr. Paskaoa baa a patnt
pndlBg OB tbe tavntloB.
Nature's CUR^
A Curb lor C
Sallgbtfal SaBttxg Witb Xra. B. B
• Oeua Ml km and al I dte.
,Tha OoafTafathaal Anaa M
aharga of Mn. C B. Barat wUl aaat la
BradUte raotardapftftarBOn* oara. ttotdbjrft
«ba abarah partara tbit araalac at 7: M. i A moat doUgbtfBl tfma waa aoj-red
Md W«t«k IS Kwk
prasTMkMtVfortof tte MMIcmBbbptbaBa BagU Wblat dabattbalr
maaUBgwlUMra..B B. Braokn poa*
ttrdap aftarBOOB. Mr*, g. B. Foetar
aarriad eat wbataacma toba tbo rag*
oUrordarbt tblaga bp wtaalag tba
fta iBiaraatiar awe ag waa tba
Ik* iMMifiM Of MIbUcm U IMO.
prii- pie agate.
prapar aeaUag
MiBiliiUTln «4 m Uad*.BBdli
Dalteieoa rofraabmnta arore aarvad.
■Ml IwtwM wd la MM Ir ftU lo«Uenaatetlag of
ka«a hMS raa to tkalr (aU aapae- Ufa of tba UMter'frait Mlad. cake aed ooflar. Back of
tiy, wbUa aet a aaall par aaat hava MaOlara'a MagaalM for Daoaabar. wm tba gaeatt waa praantad with a lovalp
ttrrr'j « mdn in
haaa la omtpUm ea "aMrUM,” to atadiod.
aoBvaalr. porebaaod bp Mto. Braekao
Median wAo topaii maUv
Bobart warraa aaot witb a palafal
■aatatfnlordan iM laaraasia(d*
oa kar roent trip to Oraad BapMa.
vtd i$ mn *t H.
Batllp■udt for Iteir fredaiw.
HiM ntmt if T/nffrtt,
Ht I*
Ubcrwa. hoU aklUad aad aMaal, padoatba lap walk oa Baat Preat
GeTbem^ntf^. TXif'raftdmUr
kavabMararx faaaraUr raptoradM atraat. aad fall, aattlag aa agip gaah
Mn. Nalaos Obattarsoa te ooaflaad
f*ir sign thjil he it» gcod «Aor*
>fr aaO laarorlacwifap, aa4 mb la hia head. Dr. O B. Cbaaa atiaedao
■Mrrcpf faattbar*baa bOMafftMt bin.
K. D. Uwte ot Blk Baptda waa la tba
vfMrn. Ve/vtlwntlQlrnyoa
A aaw book rarlaw altib bM ban or• aharlan ®* oomob labor la mar
ffiof to matof m a UOits’ $Hot
l^anaoftbo atatr; ao ■aobaetbatlt ^laad bp aoBM of tba poaag ladiaa ot clip paatardapWilliam Daaklow of Lolaad waa at
ftof Mfft ArJJ apafr. %hkhit
kMMtarlaUr lawifrrad wttb work tba aoatb aide. Tba alab aaeta ararp
fto toaf ator
ftof prttor
•■a.raUroad ooMiraeitoa bad la tba Moedap arnlag. Mlat Alaaa Orlati la
MIm KIttUGoldu ot Old Miaain la |
ftor nor cama ovi of nny man *a •
tawda aad mimm. aotwltbataadloff tbo tbaartaldaat .
tbagatatof Hr. aad Mra. J. O. 8acj:>
T^ ■ratbara of pipe ergaa
«rffar hy a pa». Yew’ff/Or
lIM^No. .1 ara ri^atatad i« awat miB.
»na1ill7 baa Ibtra braa a aaareuy o^
Oaorge Atb baa ratarnad from aa ea*
' ftom. mir AfWfvjMV oodf. Thrtt
.Mi^tafa,-aaa<aB aad baUdora'oB- •atardap aftaraooa at I o'aleak with
Uaded vtelt at Siavaet Polat. Wit.
MUnfee^nslyltt. Ve'fBoU
plojaa. whUa Mt a faw etbar tradaa Mra. B. J. Morgaa.
Mn. Jemaa Luaoa of atvaUad. te
agoifa for fto Tingrt* " CompoTba BMtlac of tba Ontral Labor
Bara at tlBta roportad a abonof aof
Bloa will oeear UU araalBg, la- vteliiag bar atetor. Mra. Mode Bleb.
L B.McIotoabof Clarln. formorip ‘
artalag. aa ,as
la tba aaaraaa of aaarlp S.ooo faolO' ataad of. lMt
Haa JaalaoBoladad bj tka 0iaw Paetorp Boaaaad la paatardap'a Bboobd. Tbara load looker for F. B Ooodrieb, te la
. iMpartori. li waa dotorniaao that Mt b bMlBfaa >ot apeclal Imporu
lOM baton tba Baotlog. aad a fall at*
Bf tboB bad laarai
Made Taeog ftgala.
Jial iaraatod •t.Ul.tM oa dartar tba tndaaea la atpaoiaUp daaliad.
• Oaa of Dr. Klag’a New Ufa PiUt \
W. 3. Irwia left paatardap for Ms*
nar UM. aa araraga aamat of ta(■eh eight for two waakt baa pat me |
graaM far aaob tBaUiBUoa of «ll.9M00 kagoa wbara faa will rrawla for aona lo mp 'toaaa' agalo." wrtUa D. B. Tof '
oar of Dampaaptown. P*. Tb^ra tbe
aattra Mpital. la l.tn
Tbara will ba a regalar aaratlag of beat la tba world tor Livar. Blrmaeb
•bOM aaaraMod. tbara wara foaad to
aad Bowala. Parelp vagatable Never
taaaplopadatotaloi M.lMmertaB- tba A. O. U. W. tblaaToaiag la Moata- gripe. Oalpataat Jaa. Q. Johetoa'a
fiofm thaa daMag iba faar laaa, ba
aod 8. B Wait’a drag atom
^taraga lacraaaa laaaeh of tbaaa fao*
laalaaef ITa'poroaai. Uwaaalaoat•a,
's/»/* • aa.-a.t •»'v •?
Ibaatad that 74 par aaet of thdaa faaBp ajpaagataaet with Jaaob Lltt, "A
A Dining Table?
—ft ao, I orili qaote yoo aome pricea that will make it an ol»dct
fqr yo0 to buy at ou»n». I bar* 27 tliffewol atylra on my floor
and 10 diffpreot atylea at my warehonae.that 1 bavrat room for
on tbe floor.
S3.76 extanaioa teble for.................... $3.16
$6 .76 table, MUd golden oftk, for....... $4 .66
$8.60 Uble for......................................... $7 $6
$8.60tnble for......................................... $8.46
$l8J»tftble fbr....................................... $i0.b6
$81.76 Uble for....................................... $1$76
1 bare a fall liaa of them—beat of altitablM that ban tba laavra
Hgbtlatbam-aobaBdlaof loavw Iplag aroaod la poor wap. Tb«p
ban a aolld outav—a child caa axtoBd it wlihoat taklag oovar or dteb*
aa off. 1 wOl aall them bow tram W 7i to 8I1.7S.
Slater’s House Furnishingt Store
190 Front Street.
Frank Friedrich
rheOld Reliable Shoe Mao
■tiaa wara abla to pap tbatr aaploraa TnniBa Yeatteataa," tba aew eoandp
ivaafcl/. II paroaat awatblp aad 14 wbleb baa woei grrat aopalarltp, will
Bar aaat paad-BoalWy. bcTaalp four
itod lat dlalabarg'a Uraad
par aaat of tbaaa faotorUi raportadaa Opera Baaaa aaxt Wadaeadap avaalag.
toaraaii of baaloaaa orrr laav.
Job. 17. Plapgoan will ao doabt ba
fbav trada aaloB aoanea, throagb
I bare -aa opporiaaltp to aar
^hatr aararal aUta and loeal teeraiarjaa Mr. Baa Uaadrieka
^1^ cfierra. we laara that ibcae ebtn- role of dTCD'BaaaoD. tba bare of "A
pdaMof wagaa aad
^ •o«acajYaoalDoYraUaioaB."J.drn tea poaag
•d Ubor ara la a p
aad grow* I gweda who baa ban trait rd for a aila^ aoBdlUoa aad that laeraaaaa la pap lagaaglBoarattba great Dpa»la Dai*
jwabalag roportad la fartoaa plaaaa aaraitp la Bwedn. aad wba te eomlag
. arttb WgbtaalBt proapteU for aUll to America to aegata >d bit cfaoaaa
frtatar laaraaaea. Botblag la oxota oalllir oat la tba saw mialagragloB
aiMttlra to ahwaglBg Uomo Uibb tba tbn jMtopealog-iba Oorar d'AlaaaaoaU aad aa l«pro*atBaat la tbla Tba Oral act of tba plap takaa place oa
i^ltawrallp tba laattbiag aaearad cr b>ard thefMortb Uarmaa Llopd ataam
•r ••Maraebaa" wbilailptag la Soatb
amptoB harbor awaUlag tba arriral of
Bo bOBaat. aaprrjadbwd Biad oaa tba indar briagiag tba p
gall to ba iBiprataatt wltfa tba fact tlat from HoatbamptOB nroata
-ft low poara ago boaeat labor w«aaar* Y’orb. draa aad tba other ebaraelrra
ftMtlp aarklac bo-uit anplojBoat.aed of toe plap arr lalrodaeadlo tba aadl
MablBgUlBYalBuwfallaaowli la tba nM bare aad Sacatraaa aeroaa aa old
lahorlog a»B wbo te balag aoBgfat bp f'iaad wbom'be bad m«tu dwedea. la
lha oaplopara of labor, witb faigbar tba aeran of tba Boaorabla Oordoa
Tbaraportof Oaitla. rx*mfateiar to dwadao, rotarBirCoxeatba coael* home to tbr Daltad butao. Tbe aaeoad
Mom of labor aad wagea ta Mlcfalg.a
gt thteactukea plaottff Bill.
moob aaloablo food lor
York harbor. Thcablp
U boarded bp tba health effinraad
of cbolrra.oa board deialoa tae
Ip tba report prove# trot .hat f)ac
»1 at ^uamUae '^e llaaorablr
•ral Matbaaa'a mlad U BBtaalaaead, all
Oordoa CuUe .baa.valaabU paper*
qavtloe'aa to hte frUlip or lack of It wbU-b ba te'tbe bearrr ot to tbe deadwUl U fofgotlca iB dnp apmpatbp teb embaavp.at Waabiogton. aad wbleh
far Iba >IB .ted maa. oaoa oaa cf ba I* aosiouv to have delivered wlibaoi
Baglaad-a IdoU.
dalap. Kvea aademkea the commie
aloB of deUr.rlog tVbe paper*. j4mp>
aod aalma aaaorarba
aaroad aet ebaorea to tba Coear
Sr. BBd Kn. K. M <al< BoiortBlaid
d'Alaa* ooootrp. Idaho. 8vea dteeov
Iwat Bvniag.
ara bw brother la tbe paraoo of Cfaarle*
Mr. aad Mra. S. 8. BaU nUrulaed NaUoa. who bat bon aaUogaatbe
•t C o'clock dlaaar paatardap. A raaaagar of a mlaala tbeOoeard'Alera.
•BBiptBou barqact waa apraad. aad a NeK'.a uae provei diaboDeaiaad wbca
MtdoUgbtfalUoia wMaa}opadbpall. broagbt ^ aoooaat bp bte eoaxpaap
9ba folio Blag wore tbe gaaau:Mr aod weald have beaa la aarlopa tmbla bot
KfB. L. W. Tlakhas. Mr. aad Mn. A- for tba launaatloa of Hf(a who aavoa
L. Baabaav Mr. aad Mra. Du Loodu. hte brotbar'. rapotatloa at*tbo aaeriflee
|fr. BBd MPa. L. B aeoa. Mr. aad Mra. of bte OWD gnod aame aad tba love of
W. D. C SaraBalaa.'
bte Amarleaa awaelbaart Other eomAfMrdiaaar. Mr. BaU CBtcrtBlaad plicatlona arUa ibroagh tba. labor
fbo oenpaap for two bear# wUb oalac- troeblea baiwan the mlaara aad ibalr
gtna OB tba pboBagrapb. Ba te aa aa* tmplopera lb tba tBcoeadlBgaci.bat
Ida la dowolag bM nemlet
pm at ttate. aod baa oaa of the daaat
aad alaariag
og hlma^lf of tba augma
iBalniaiiT- la tba atata.
ovarbaeglDg b1m. regalai tba affee*
Coetraat Awarded.
LBibar aad ftnltb ban ben awarded
tbaaoatraet for tba aocatraetloe of the
Hte «Ua Bavao BIm
"Hp wlfr'a rood advlee aavad mp
__________ Tbe
Ilia.- wntaa F. M Boat of Wiafta.d.
bpdOMbpHIll Bfoa
Taaa.. -lor I bad aaeb a bad ooagfa i
I wut to lat tba p^ta who aafer ooald Urdip breathe, 1 grew ataadiip
4fom rbaamatlam aao lelaUaa kao* wore# aadar doeior'e Iraatmaat. bet
to oaa Dr. Klog'#
that ChambarUta'a Pala Balm ratiend mpwtieorcadmc
me after* Bombar of etbar ardlelBM Mew D>taoverp fur Ooaammptlea. wbleb
mpletolp eared M." ueagba. Oolda.
pad a drotor had failed. It U tba baat Bro^lite La Orippa, Ppoamoala.
f'BlBMBt I haVa ever baowa of.—J. A- gvtbBta. Hap Fever aed all maladlm
Oadgn. Alpbaratia. Oa. Tboaaaada
of Cheat. 1 broat aod imago are poaU«a bna aarod of rbra^tbs bp tbte Ittvalp earad bp tbte maraoUoBa Btedi*
MModp. Oaa appHeaUoa ralianatbo atea. Me obo gi ao. Bnrw botUa
J- ^ gBaiMlBad. Trial betUaa 10a at Poa.
li. PobBante oBd ft B. Walfa drag
* Kw
IB m rBoam are, vary
' Before Placinj
I life Insureice
A Straight 25 Per Cent, Discount.
Ferbaps you may need only a single pair of curtains or just
one - that's where you got still better prices. We have a few of
such, and on these the price has been cut exactly in halt We
start tbe New Century as tbe greatest Want Fillers of this North
ern Region.
Oiia Night Only
Wednesday, Jan. 17
Amrrica'a Oraataot Swydihh
Couiadii n,
January Sale of Carpets!
Ben Hendricks
III the laWl and beat of the
wiiaH of Swadiah i«tn-
Just another example of how we are getting to the people.
These are the best All Wool Ingrain Carpets and are selling
regularly at 66c and 76c tie yard. We find we have some very
fine patterns that have from 7 to 80 yards'in the roll, and these
we ll Bell you at 45 and 60c the yard.
Our special t ffer of Tapestry Bruseels selling at 76c the
yard is included in our January sale at 49c the yard.
Don't wait for some one else to snap up these splendid of
fers, but be the fortunate one yourself
••<]>• draniae
“A Yenuing
Inlcrjirated bv n compniiy of
unojiiiitl CSC* ll- iico particiil*
nrly adt|jtt*d lo tbe r.ijuir *
manta r<f each individual
chara< tar.
Prodnead on a wale
niai^ni&oDce navar hafura ntteuiptad ill onm«dy draniaSUircd with DOW and mat;
iiifie rt.t -canic aod iiiachanical afffCte from Iba oriirinal
drawing;* bv John H. Youiik.
of tlia Hnmdway Tbaalra,
New York.
Coiita'nini; apeciailiaa of
lha moot rabnad and hii:ha*t
order and original wholaaaie
January Sale of WaH Paper!
Everything New.
Now te tba tima U> faava poor Blejeir |
j*namclad aad elaaaod ap raadp for
Fre« Storage. All Winter.
Mvworkcae act be baat.aad pr>w»
tta lowMt. Win eoU tor poor wboal
Ba. 11.
One of tbe finest opportunities ever ofiTersd to buy Lace
Curtains at prices never before made. Don't overlook tbis splen
did cbance.
Tble bale Includes Nottlufrbam Curtains firom 60c to $4.00
the pair. Irish Point from $3 60 to $7 CO, Brussels Net from $4 00
to $10.CU. On all these regular prices we are now mak'ng
it * * J i
twr «i !iriMMa^l? atw^r ovarr l""'oi
January Sale of Lace Curtains!
Sea tilt* new jwliaiaB of lha
p* .time Life of hartford—lhav
; are afionani. Ratae tha moal
- aarikfa'*U>ry.
\\V rIbo 'a«*ll their auci<l>*Ql f>
« an<l hanltb poliriiw.
• H L. A Co. Block.
tdaonaaatar o,lw,H.«aite.
Going to paper that room now. that you've been thinking,
aboutP Here's the cbance.
We're selling papsr with two band border for 12c the
double roll that originally sold at 20c. a 16c paper for 10c. tbe
10c grades for 7c, the border to match at 1 l-2c and 2c the yard
One hand 16c papers for 10c, and several cases for 8c the double
roll, the borders to match for Sc to 6o the yard.
We have some email remnants that formerly eold from 16
to 60c the double roll and are now selling at 4 to 10c the double
roll, and borders from half a cent a yard to 6c.
Tile HaQDah & Lay Mercantile Go.
4-- '.
S^\t Himjk
______ *■
K • Ttorre to* joM !>•»■ mnored .fP
n WlvlfTW.^ th» a|4n> of »C BMwaiT* rborrlk
_______________________I Exrtrt • Tta* ^tth ■ lHatorj a»
thu BMan^ iBuv«»uat. lu
• Os-WMMitert» aMfhttrM tu
fpilli u tk« k«MMt «r tka MitM I (( «•* kB 1«M Uiai BUbo|» Courti>MUteMhoal. aa4 U lfr:M a'^oak
^ Bsmct baud that a gfaat MI
SSaTnl^lX rUf irara JT, «
ba ar,«lr»d. a»d
l-rla» a paialoo ta that-llrartJoB. J»
^telaUahall«laffatika U«a.aaO
»a ita tmaiaaa a
haadway b.
naaagH lo aacan the mowiar la
fiaait waa 41aaovarai. Tba ahlUras axrhsaia for
aataOar oaaa. Ila
t^mwpt alfM 9* aaala. aad bat te tba aBectaarnlly mncrad It la Bxater aa<1
MrtiaftkaPiaaarttwaanlaTaot bad It bolatad to tba top «( tba aanbban raaaliad. U waa a
tower of tba catbadr
to Mt oat. aad' Tbe tower, bowerrr, bad aot k
__ _
d»l»»ad to acroBBodate aach a c
*«fw»ilaMtlhaar aahoel booba aad
wiMv wivb «blah w«« d<
9m»tt tbaa. Mta Bdltb Oai
MdAUaa Saa» Biwilay. wan badly
bwraal Mka ■byaa. afiar balyl^ to
•MtbaahUdnaaatwaaaanyaUad to
bar U*a.
traaaore tbe Uabop ere<iad <
tower a aptre. ofoak.<
ted tbU by a
tMd. aod he attrtaooBta
. « featqpe- or
W tbe eoWraou
wbteb waa a repraaeamtaa ot a roo»tar !■ eopprr.
tba < yaar old abUd •( OatrU Vlnw. > ita exrrem lanytb waa two fM
a« Onmi BayUf. faU iato a lab of idae larbea aad belybt two fret els
btfiM wator aad waa naldad to >»cb«a. wblla it wu eight lacbea ibirk
IB tbe enter, brlag cast boUow. Tba
Ml;blooo, wbUo Ufa. Cbryaawr »m
biai^ag oat alothae.wn baaed aaraastaf aad ayea bar going to Us naeaa
aba waabarrifiad totadiWelotliiagOB
u. uw.b«^ I. •
M, , ,,
. • .
a^ IMiBalmU waaaawwoaad.aod
IN Aa«Oa^ .
W'anrdVcar SI faao Ordbtaa Had
SeS-^s.? r
naefal doty of telling tbe realdrot* of
tbe **B«er FalthfaT eliy wbteb way
tbe wlad blew. ttarlDg that loot ept-Q
arrrtee It looked down oo eoni>■*'»Mte aad ntorlog aigbte. for tbe ]>e
K Faao. Tna«. Jaa 11.—no aeearaat Winard eear agyariaoaed la Sew
Mrxtae sweyi aaroM tha Wbits Oake
rarkM. a<a>st ttt w'lea aerthsaat U K
Paso aad lforth*ea>«ra railway, yaawrday. and'eeattaBad la laiaosliy «•
ill thU aoralar.
Tbe fr. sea body of Al Baaey war
feand CP Uw road near Hegal. K. M.
Baaey aad a eowpaatoa. WUl <Jwea,
bad atanad ea foot to White Oaka. bat
wanoeertabeaby Ua atorai Uwea
■nafed to -Toaeb a boaaa aboat a
qaartor of a mlladtataat.
AataUoarrtor batwaea WbitaOaba
aad roet (ftaatoa alwaat lost ha Ufa
la tba atorw Ba araa foaad aaooasatoat a faw wi'aa frost White Oak*,
bat rcrirad aooMwbat
TEST thj_kiinet8 08DER YODR fflingR WOOD
tirf U Thf an OImX Uw tba
W0rM'i OmKct KMo«y Cun
HuilwooD smv
.Bldtvaik Lumbar tn.gOl-
ADother Happi Menll,
•hawlUraaofar. j
j Tbe uld weaibereor-k ba* brared the
It I* reported at Barlla that RuMia
Mia. daha Jehaaoa; who was bara*d .
'• iN-liev-d
' there l<
Of •rthe--’r^ !*'»'*‘^‘*‘*-''*W*'**
jenegla tbe beglaBlBf of Kovtaibat
day at FniltyoA. la daad.
laM aad laft Altc* a soldier* behlad
A mhlMS Adveslnr*.
Mar^aetto laatbarwaa ara aoaairactOne afiernuon. almit
lag las roads with aprlaklars la Uaa of
wblle tilling fur inr]Kiii. I n-<-rjr <| a
-Judge. Yuur ImiK.r" »nld tlie prt*
MOW. aad tha fall qnou of log* will
terrible bl..w <iu ibe l.ni k i»f ihe iH-ail. oner. -I^mn- I •iiitn- iii) pb-n I'd like
ha daaayad Iato tha near.
wUi-b llirew mi- mil »f ilie Immii Iiii.. to Bsk K f'-u’ ^IHKlIlMls.'*
Jasaph Waltara, raaldlag four alias tbe water ami aluuiet ••vi«i linve till- ■■nun's |s-nuissloii"
. Illlllol
OOBtb of Nilas, wa* faaily klobed la aay* Forest nml hir.-nm.
-If I L*" To trial. u'lU I liov.'
mj guld.- into ib.- Uwi.
dhshaadhy a bora* Wodaawlay afte.- ba<-k
‘ ‘ by
berv nml li>i-n wlilli- ibe law'\i->ss link
wbirii was fliiaitiii: full .if wan-r. an l
■)........... ....
'found. Ijlug full b-ugib In It. a |H.r••f.Tlalul.v."
T'pnlss- sU>ul uilH- r<n-l bxiK wlilrti ' ••.%«.! 1«noi be r all tb>' liBiidurlUnB
■aaforaagar baata. Thayelalmtobaeal probably wciKlml nv.-r .'.•■> is.uud*.
loattooaay la ralslag tbam aadwy'Of murw tiil> iish uev r strm k »i<-.
-Mid r..ii.<«
of tbv
MMywUiaMgo law It again aaloss
......... .. I'i---..
•ha artaa k mtaad la M a tAB
Wl«at liB|ii*en*i1 wu*. b>--Jiitiip<-<l lilgU cbi’iuUi y uii l b snalty ei|»-n».y
,« ,br air. a. ibr, lrv,u..iitl> do. ...d 1 ' V-.> .......
TM fbaadatloa walla of tba saw ,,tided bead
foai in ti.e i “" ■ 'I Jmltf.-. .v»ur b.m-r. I'l
•towartWoek at Battle Oraak wash-, ati-ra of ib.- l-wi. ku.skius a le.v i« •’"'••r
I'b:'-r Kulltj,
AMdaed the tbraa aiory
story brick atrac
atrae Ibnuigb
ibnuigb flu- ;->-il1iig ami Imii.iiu of lU
!■ ba* bssn drmooB'rw'-d
Uapaad. No oaa waa injarad. •
siununu; liimiH'U. Tb.- id..* I : !■
hatlha lota1 wlllloot
wa* •niiwil b.r III* Usif Till!-awy •*»*• *■ the Laloa. and la
fact apaevarmt
aevarmi taoaetboae- cr«vm-d
ww**w SM will root
;mai.y buvien o unin-*. it*i cbsmor
">B U|w............
S0.r...si I
Ccmch R. mrdy U a certain proI Tim iman-st rowlsuil
A toiler writua by Joba Kealy frua bumlr-l yur-l* «cr. ami a. wm f.-ar.-.l
Ivareal remad;
Mly f.-r U<*i
Taaadan*. Cal., to hla atetor at Ooldwa the |mr|>u>>« uiigbi n.<nv.-r at any m ____
V FUbar of Idbertv. W.
■ tor, atau* that be raeraily mw tbara , nieni atnl stu.-i<-b ilm Imuh i» j,
Va., eoly rrp.au wbaiil baa
bnao said
ir globe
•be wbea ba wrlle>: "I
MMiOarrIa Adame, tha Cold wator glrl^
'*"■ >»y gu'd.* gum* ......... aroned ibr
I Cham'
lb Otiigb Rem*
who dlato>paarad •nddecly from h*r‘
ho>M Iin
b hew
Ka« York
VatL chy
sH. aat
■Mtog boaaa
,i„. B.t,-.
oral wata* age. ibun laUe tbe <'»ms..simxi-. * ,.f «h t
. Paraliara bayer* art poaring irto nilgbi hapis-ti if ili-' is.rt*i>i><- i-iime i.. cough rem' de. bet tbai It 1* a *rre care
for CT •up. Il ba* save.1 tbeiive* »f our
Mtaad Raptda if thabaadrtd. They »mf..re we «eiv ink. ii .wu of ii.. i.«t. chi^drrB a fcvmbrr rf I'mr*.'' rbl*
an placing order* t-rr. aad a Mg *«a' **' '"l'l’*'‘^
'be uuier nmt mil.- < r- Bieov U for aalr by 8 £■ Wait and F.
tim Iwui
ooa's prodact VIII 'be nqalrcd to moct ('"■'I"-'
'•< |be C. Tt-omptoD drugglau.
I boat, hm b-l-i-1 lo do *... n* il liiclud.sl
!llm iRmjm's.'. tv,. llwM Iiiniisl ilm Imal
Tb* Finutebijaata. wbM U aglis' riBlii .id.- up ..ml ............................. * m Micbaid Batdiig OavU’Haw Htor<.
lag lar Amer use aid la reatraialag tba sMi-. «bi<-i.. nlili-wu-li full -r n;ii.>i
La Imtir* d'Amrur 1* cae of tbc beat
faa. from npprvastag FtoUad. ba* d.uii"<l ami sup,,orM.t. amt -s|m..al'.<> li.ve etcrle* RIebKrd Ha'dlt>g Dtvl* e**
iiaCaiamel. lir aiVaiYrr* proTm-ii-d u* rroiii tin- |H>*.iii]|)iy >,f writlvD. Tbe *eene U laid is L mdnn
tmilic blMe.i l>y sliaiks. oT wliirli Iher aod the eharaeter* are a baaa ifn!
aattmaia ibat ts.um Fiap* will.
gr-'*l liinii.x Inrg.- om-s tu t’o- Amereaa girl, bar mother, a wealthy
Nrataibla year, and tost imseUtotiy all
I linVe imjr.t ,J{kt ili.-sm *h .rk* t.•nog Harvard man, and a vloliubt of
be Hunganan Orebaatra. Tbe Uln*.
^tham win onmstotbaaortbwosi
Will anl l•■-kl.■ a jmn>. but it i* in. •ra'lon* are by Howard Chaodlar
■ opliilon Hull a slrarb wbl.-b lun
;hrikty*.La Leitre d'Amoor U Ui*
'^rfagaOreot Ran oa 0basbtr’«tab ami swaUmv a inr.Nm w.mlil tl.■l
l-adl.-gatory In tbe Midwiotor Fiction
Oaagh Oteaady.
tote mnrb at a luaa. 1 dbl i..>i tuigiwi Nnmbrr of tbe 6*;nrday Bvedirg Ptot.
>hteh will ba oo tale Jaonary SV.b.
DR.e.H SN0W, "
j«IDr.Sno»topi.bli«hti...i..:rien». .
V r.”
Card Of TbaZ^
re to tbaokonr friend* and
ibor* for ttbe aympalby and tbe
IV kindDeMe* la oar batcavemen
aad also tbe R F. lodge and Lady
Maueabeea and Royal Neighbor* We
staoexiead oar beanfalt thank* for
tha heaatifai toral plaaa* that ware
Aarara Voaea.
> Faaax BaaxxTT
aad tamlly.
»«,, .A. nno.., ...nuo....
*.r.nwS?,hV.T.,w ^ -s: s;;?.
of a mother, rapeclally tba aatoad t aa, Hc helped ma. within a »*w days. I advise arary oaa wbo aaad* a doctor to call
wbom I had to take oat of acboo: b. - loa him. tt latbc beat tavcataioat I ever made.-.... t.a. .- ~Piixi> J.'Jnws,*^
cm of tbreateoed BcrrcB* proatia-j
Dr Snow male* a opeeialty of all chronic (Uacaaea, dibcAaM of •
UoB.lbaTcplaoedatihadUpoaaloftbe men. theeye, ear. nose and throat. He ie eapeoally ancceashil in
pablie my home. 0*0 Fraaklla a'raei. trealin« tsanefr, asthma and oonaomptlon.
for boaplul parpoaea anill tbc eUy
TMllifitfai!tBlf«-28c - )«S*
*wm«»- Biomr. c.
bopclbattboaeinwhoarpAweritrMTs KIMmICUI
to forlher tbi* . ff Aft will do a^. wh^c
w.ll ooi on y permit me to-bt a. bom
' w lb my cLtldren but will apArd U
. . .I...,:,i0.
. .
., _
. —,_.k 0...^^
‘ If
Will do well
to call on
F. C. Thompson.
., Mr* U av*. M H4 *«n.
ramadTaqtials WaF..veR'8 Writt.
INC OF TAB HrBtTP fur thi* torrioand fatal dbaaae. If takaa Uior^
:l,!v and in time. It wIU cure a ca*.
hotuw, and fo> tba oougb that lolw» La Grippe 1'. ^nr faUs to gtva
WtsaoiHtsH Kosvev.
i^%Mi|pw»d* way M foand«« tkt Mer-1
fiaab.lpaior-Wltb all onr
iHwUto a><a star*. « M. W»U.J. u.< Feaiab_
Wt aiw aalliag tbe atoek of good*
■■ause al wonuii > do.-* pot
I. MHtt. A Oot«ll«. d
I. M,.«.
that waa la lb* rrcaat ftr* at a very
-..A pmer.w*. Why I* ut
" \ A Mt«
low pr a • fee eaab till the Are stock U
_ IT Bath.
BaSk. Jao. r
‘ “ Sam
e*o Gaaa.
that Ibe
uTKiag aadJ. a
Tine trying i
•r-*t brainy
ly girl*
Ail I
Ipas&l AttoBtiN
pivtiy.-New York WaefelT
■1 Ittottor tgerti tha
ta^qlaw^t aty*SSri4riC«^**^
of AK«aud^l-’k KtMflAi fur
12 I
can't be praised loo b gh’y. It peotly
■ilmnlkia* tbe kidcrya. tore* the *to-n
ach, aids digcttl.'f. scd g'vr* » rpl.-p
did •ppstHa. It Ka* worked wtrder*
f.pT n., w ife and me Ii’* a ma-vsu us
rrmed- for o'd p«--*ple's c--n>platnt«."
OqIv SOc at Jaa O. Jonasen's an« 8. R
Wait’* drug atorea.—'
uf Kodaks
M Cue lot lor children fnm ^
10 to 14 years'fttge—^
ijlvooi.lic-t marie, HOc, i«
ifuality. for
and Photographers!
OiM.lot for fbi1drtn''from (
J C. Hhenaai). tbe veteran •■dlior oft
« %
di>.«cecred1 tbe remarhal
ping A,id
.voided X.
a has avoided
i von*r
re*. IrdSg.eil. .. Heart trouble, Con
Pli(ilographers!s^®’^?^''t*| |
nr.- tl»- IwilMliiu- i>f tl»- 1*a<-in<’
reads au.l digging .<f ibe Kimc t-anaL
O'O Piopf* MaOe,.Tou»g
e doctor* arc al liberty 1
whom tbsy cbose a* i
tbBirpatienU,**b.ard < ri': beprev-ded .
f *r both at tbc bOQsr
I *ba;l be glad of ar.y eog.-r t'->a* nbalpinaDy war to mprove spin ihr
praaaat plaa and* aak tboae laurrsud
Very eordia.'T.
Mms. i.KKinriia Minou:
Tin- iwy ap'.il, IN.11--M
=——•2 2
M Ooe lot
~ ^
bo>V»>io liiyrf, at -17c M.>r
^ &V&\T^0Tjt5e
a Seed X«tk*t
Sinof tha holidaye the Stex-k hah
a«1l at aoetion tbe do musketi wb’cb
the? baer bad for *overai year*. Tb#; |„h-d rpclucv-rl and wlat is Ipft will
poB'have n-ed the pleee* maev (year-I
acd for three yskr* pa«t ibr Baonaii B I bt* sold to great adrenta(;p.
.m pmm tj.,,..>l>. .applyosb.0d.
ie Oi,. l„i Rm’b llHivrr
g i ^eMw.BOe: g*‘ 3
£ One lu> L»dii0' P0nt0. 0ll 5
blddrra The sa-'lou will take place. Only a
a faw daya more for good £
w< ol. nmallgiEot^ooiy. $1
oa the comer of Front and Ca«* *tree's
grday afternoon t I o'el' ck if tb* 1 choice.
Orange bal'.
T« OMfto • COM MiIDm Qwy.
Take Wanwr-s While Wine of Tar Sy rTbe beat coqgb rwnvdy <m earth. S-’ V senu.
ThompsoD’s Drag Store £
ronca^'or Block.'
rmial* Vnr Oa
» etock of foi
sat Am at a V
lew pr V tor aaak lil ibe Riw at^ V
Oao. Qaaa
' VJ'“
My food '
Mrs Trnnid* Minora Ba* Flannad to digest aad same away jut aa I bad cates It. T
balebiag t. ____________
bom* at a Urns, my stomach tenaad Uka aato
bad coaitipau'OBst b-verp*
ASbrd Prop*' Care for the kick
rould aat hardly m'ytbiag. and evcryiblpg gs*e me praai diatma. My.btarknwbat Mar MeaMeeca.
tbampad and bast at time* ee.y faat My back w*a eery bad aad
and tbsro
tbsrs waa*maay
Not that I will, or will aot expect to good deal c-f pain there. My limbs would jerk aad iwiteb. aad they felt
aad no fesUng mneb la Usam by apaiu. M ueree* were eery bad aad I
go from my borne to amaa. bw> that 1
light b« moea with my three.Uula
>i _get anpagb
L have galaad i: woands
kBgbicf* wbeaa tcadw age r«oBlr* so i ^Ittg saw aad It gives ma-BO dial___
. ..
It’* a simple a*Rcr to usl tba kiJaey*. Yob oreil not connli a docio'.
b... stkiag >->utself three <iecatioD* .yen
MB deterpiine ^wbeiaar or aot ywot
idaey* are derpaged.
PIra: ‘-Hanyoubarkacbeerweak.
lame barkr'
; “Do Yoa kan dtficahy in
ar a hw frs^oaat daaire to
Ibtrd: “Arc than dcpoalu like bcieh ^ce—■(toa*tw TrBwaraa Olty LMfiibtCTiDo.
dn*t to tbe nrmc afur it ba* uood lot
la til early
tirjw kidacy dicaasc 1*
rwadily eared by a few bewas of Dr.
Cbaae'* Kidncj-Linr Pilla a prepar*.
tkw wbicta ba* made Dr. Cbaw famoat
tbroBgboot tbe wnM for hi* woadarfel
Oibar eaaaaltlaa ban bsaa rayorted. eeia* of dteeate* oi tbe kidaeyw
awoay tha aanbar Ursa eowboya. bat
Mr. iMiah Maoigold. paiatcr. Wtoet
thoraperto am oaeoatrwad It baa towa, N. V., writaa: “I Mn bad s
Uwatod that tba law «< atotk wUl be nry bad case o1 kldaey afl-ctioa tor
some Hmt. ard doctored la ma nmll
Dr. A. W. Cbase * Kidacy-Llnr FillMr. Rrod l^h(n^ of Bin^hR(B,*Mf£bn after tbm terribU^
wBc broaglit to m.v mAiec. aad tbe> anfferii
oriBKs «ntb Mo help from aaf aobroe, oo
■nmiag^'^e 'id
bare coopleiel* roml ata. I cannnt Mt
d bit case, coDsnlted
gy '
‘i jr.
CDoagb la praise of tbalr w.adertni Atand
B^laBtaoeShauByBbey to Attotd
If yon ban ki.liiey diaesM, yoa can
taka Dr. Chav’* Kidsey-Urcr Pllb
. Balamaeo baa a great rallgtoat re whb perfect conftdraca tUl what ba*
ptoYM an abnJutc cor* in so awny
e:nl. whiob b b
tboosandi of ca*c* will aot fail yea.
tha aaaytoaa of areeral of -tba Iceal
So long M ibr ceil* of tbe kidpcys-arr
eharabaabyDr 3 WabarChapwaa. o' not completely waaird away, a* la lb*
la« atagn ot Bngbl’t dliraec, Dt
flaw York. Today will ba red letiar CbaM't
Pill* will dn
day cf the sarle* wbea al -day aanloBi Iboa DOW eigor aad •trength, aad make
will be held. Tbe baalaraa places of them sireTtg.aaaltby and aetin. One pill
ally wiU be closed dartag tha after- a dose : aye ■ bos ; at all dealer*, or 1>T. who immnlUlly diigsowd bu cur u HPJKAL IRRtTATTON. Tim K
A. W. CnpaaModlctncCo.. Budalo, N V.
| aooa ol that day. aad cearybody U as
*' beartAtomach and bowel lYmptomaiwinK reflci aird canaM by tbria** fa«
pectad u> go toabaroh.
— I pared functions uf the bpitial uerve oenlcra. He has eapecially rt-iin^t^v' J
neb la lileiory-reaklof locloeste.
•UwaadoM tbM amid ba doaa to aad'tbe lvt.-r Ml wa# l..wered Into
b»b*lbM lu toflartac bat tbs abild tbe lower far eaoogb to allow iW
Maad bat a abort Fiao.
, orlgtnal level of tbe roof to be rer>-nLaabaraMB la Mianabaa aoatl* "
re-ereete<l no
tower of *1. HWwell-a i>cH>b
haaaftna ayaU hoyaa of anw aad
i-b-B tower. Iry ibe way. wUIeu
M prayartar to do iawharlaff oa ,uo 0,, , hi-tory. it u..
IImb ooe oeraeloo been utUlaed ae a
Owiog to tha withdrawal of so waay
OariTbayar. a«ad tt. of laulaOraok Prt«w. e.|«Htony during the relwlli.nit of the big Haen for aarelaa by tba
towaabiy. waaaaat to tbsauuladae•dsieemb <mor}. ai»l Britiab goearaweat. tba St. l«>aia of
tolalatoaol Wadsaaday for paaslag a
, tba Awcrtcaa line, waa tba only aat
laaaeaeewaal-aatHBe fKHB BsW York
igAm VOsaa^l ytaaad a lawy baalda ! For <k> ynn tbd old eoppar
| for Baglaad^edModay. Awoag gbe
1 Walaaiday alght to raad. mied fnrtu Ita Uboiw,ln tiie mbrdral j
ipgcra ware Mr. aad Mra. Blebard
a. *^i biWb ^k. »-~n wai atartiir-*** *">re. hni lo 1H13 it wat aiounied >*n ' Bardiag Daela Mr. Darla wlU pro•adtoitra to tba boaaa. O-DooBaU
*" Wdw-«'» •l‘Ire. and ibere II oacd wUbhtowttatothsaecBsof war
TO^awal/ tulxjT-l
eootloyed uotll a fr. day. ago. wbea
«'“«'•«> preimraiory to ibe .le•“ *"■' Matohbort sand Uw.
Bolltlaa of tbe spire, wblc b bad been
Pbll Arwoar. tbe CAti
Maada Base, a Datrolt glri saiployrd ' f®**"*!
»"* '» a rtangeroiw eondli^ou.
at Oraad
had a i
atu iMii nor U la a remarhalr'y pceber. la at Psaadsaa, Cal. aad aai
ataeaaetd tbat ba will rwaka Ua fa
.!»—n—™.i™. .«■
~ I.
ln.™j .. .... II .. ..
. larahoBS there. Ba la BegoUattag
•T. *T**“ aaaoyaoioto la Mr roow
plsc-ed •>(■ the lower la the plsee
for a raaidroea.
with tba gat aaly partially taracd •>$. ct tbe ruiieo -plre,
great ran oa CbamterlaiBb Om^ '*■** *.*.« sn.iw;;r,l a ron
CUly. UetolU «.e ImiUriouE
«• oi.\;ts«rd aud
ttatos to ooa of any other blad.
blBd. *^
aad w>wing
w>«ing n* ashore, of .wir*.-| got a..
Ibat trip: tny ilu-.-k f.-'t
It gives great aailsUai^on.
In toaaa
all tbe ni
niu*.-les u(
days of la grippe th<-ra '• noibl
notblagllka alin.isi bn>k<u and al!
Chawberiaio'* Ooagb Remedy tost
um-k and Iw.-fe were lerrdil.L.
•ho ooagb.
aoagb. beaJ ap'ibe
ap (be aura*!broat
aui ‘
'aZ mralimd au.l sore.
laagi aad give raUvf witbia a
■ lima.
Tb# sale* ara grewtag.
iiOto. Tba
NawaWtv tu*
•Bd all wbo try It arc plraacd w.tb Ito
l.imltUy It 1* mbloin imbW that a
gptopi aouoa—^ih Cbkago Oaoy aatiL'Iiiy .-l.lld «bw* as ma> b .laniaga* dl.l a little lad il y.wr> ..lit In a
*’%Taato by N. M. Walt aad p. C
Urnbniu vlllsge lu Uulalwr He ba.i
Ims-n .e..ld.-d by bis m«rtb.T for soiim
. ttibllsh mUtlemenanraiHl in a pa-sJir,
Mama the Chnoeiato.
Ihrs-aleUi'tl tlisl be would »el nr,- i<.
Ilm imuse. rills Iim,-ai be .■arrlrwl Into
f-tfi-.'. ault tbe hre Ibat wa* klD.ll.-’
a to Ibe perw<n act d ag
liltv U.y rage<l for two tmiirv
!• tka beat aama f or ibolr a*w abo^
dewly..yed Bfty-aev. a
tote Jaat pat oo the market. Aay par- f“
Imn.-..- rireai
rireal .iiMailde
.lufiaillie* of famliur
•aa may aaad la tkrv* aaaa* a* longM M>n*--s.they are la by Jaa. mb. Afwr toai and taluaWe .l.-iH,muu were rrdu-e-'
li: ,l *
.Ulrer; never.*]
Mwabwrleaycapg ladles WUl look oeer
a luasj^f m li:-,i
STaaM ^ ballot oa toem. Tb* —satvd II. ir j. w.d*. tmt a gr-..
Maaaaefal oa* la tha aoateai will be
V ■ «tul>V to do an and
INsipir were ivad.-red
gi.de, tot
One lot Udie,' g..c«l - W
epleodid rUae. — Ve.u •*
ooljr, «> p.ir
Jas. H. Miller
One of the firm of Chae. P. Kellogg A
Oo. of Obicago, manufacturers of flue cloth
ing will be lu our store Friday and Satur
day. Jan. IStb and 13th, with a full line.of
spring overcoats, men's and boy's spring
and summer clothing.
Orders taken for future delivery. -
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
S _ IS
t K«KltKKliKKS«T^
John R. Santo,
GhniI Iisitiici.
THV*«MCtt». Mtok
* cohobs runiT.
Cty «r
Ke-yOwU. I
(srt. Ose EwIM olmr ttrorsUs
dMeenOss of bU cbairbrard br 'bs
Usks of Baor eolof*. whit*. sfl*r Uwjhs« sMTf^ iiwir t>r<if>rr parpusr. But•ftsM ViMarls is ssU >.te«sis- ur sboat ts«o all Kots of laapproCiac LsofoM e( Bflrt**. f>rltl# plsrn*. A
rtrsr hu
«M. FeIIh BwrloMW.
m«UMr •« »v, !• 4m4 Is th* Oilf e(
k MU ononu.
■tutb Afrku wbo.
ails BUfs'* ss4 stkw rallrtOBS assste. wodditwL'
Mm nmlrU soMss frm UaAos le lbs < Is Eagbwd tbr brM«>-o foiag aws}
^s« (bat bis «sA -Is BM Maps*' SM fm i» sllrbtty dlffrrrst fron that ipf
spaa wo awes u i rain
tiabruideml Is primroaea. a
»fDW Basab o< Loa Asfstoa. Oal. mw hat corond orlib wblta oatin<-b
wCsn la ralw Ibo bsattaoMp Mstoa pbiBaa aod a inTdlsa cloak of pah4fsw aaraM bailor, bp ibo saa o« Uw.
IfsU air UaaMisai will aesfar oa bl«' Tba viHMinx of rbo eari aod coaa*
Mto.kffcroiio to--------- -■
taos of Crrwr (aoa Lady I'ocxy lTln»-
•®‘ ‘“
__fiwwwa as
SarMoaB. Cmm.. pfoaai roastsilaai
w«alaot«bo ad«itolos of Paarto Elaa
wn (ba troaad tbal tbaloUaae ladas
any toOBid ba lajarsd by saab sattss.
of tbr oMwa, Jm latereaiiBK
fron tbr llurary point of rlrw. -Who
la tbU Joarbln da BeUay. whose U-ik
tbr prinrr of tVaIrs has bom preamltat to tbr bridreroom?" was s qaeslion asked. Tbr lynoranre Is prrfort*
■ iprmiBUUra tbafroU of Oolatsd . ' axmHiilr. breansr Joaeblm du B.-IMm lawsdawd a raaoliUos la aoacrem
lay need far hack in the sixt.mtb
Tiraposlac a wsmsa saflrata amoad cmtnty and Mr. Andrew I.siic to
wsMt to tba aoatUtaUoa.
tbe messy wci« Inrtelble and abaetibr aaiool train
r yeatenUy of m lac. That made h aeceeaery for Pnelr
coBmtoBolafd ^tna- <ac. wlilrh. lb a Bern's troopers to ffo natU dwy _
enoacta to cet a caod aad ck>*r
BKKberiy aianarf. was roBdllna b r
off»{>rliid. canetallDc of six (mall k.'t- Tlrw of tbr HtUr brown mrmy. says
trns. by a falt-hluodrO mask rat. or tb • Lrallr’s Weekly. And they did U with
BraSOS boitooi typo, and two adepipnl Bplendld spirit, mshlsc. sboottne.
rbildMoftbeabiukramUy. Tb.-nt rbreriuc and lanchlnc. Two componies of Cook's battalion of tbr Tblr,l
aad famny are tb<' pnipeny of H.
Were orderrd to Use left of tbr railroad.
llwry. wto
who llr«
llrm l,
In ib.
tb<- ««il»n.
noatbera mn
tbe «*«•
........................Ur Hei»r bid miiJI.
bu. , »“k “«■
to tbe rtytai of tbr
tor- k -br vtrtol.r of tbr B— .'“t* 0«>k.
«!■?. kept
frw days alBcr. and. atopplB< out of |
AU four of tbr rompaalca a
tbr nln at an old U* hot. wbirb h d |
mainly of -rooklra.- aa
Biv ca
kmc alww lirrn rrlrsaird to tlir Ij rmltsan-esUed.
bot tbcp made np In
“Iblnct that wrrr." brard ibr molbrr- spirit what
1y ‘’turw” of a bouB%astt. Lrbokliic dim As tk
anioad .to larrsUcstr. tbr whoir fatu- left of the track, under Cape. Day and
Uy wrrrsrcn raoQy tocaird la aarrind- Ueiit. Uonnay. cot tbelr first cllmps of tbe sbootlnc enemy tbrir oflleera
aaw tbe fbtbrr. a lercr tioaby-Ulbd sboaied ont to Steady tbelr command*.
mask mt pu scampriint otf. where- It was unnecessary. One uil rooky,
upon tbe friendly mother and ber bslf wbo was tbe first to mtrb sicht of tbr
beads of tbe msss of PtUpliioe ahead,
breeds were at oscr taken copUrr.
Two foil-bred oknnks wm ori-ure.] yelled cleefnUy *Tlsncwayr
With one scrord tbe two compan'Ok
from a fanner who lirra near town,
and who was qmte prond of bfai pro|>- took up tbe Pty of "csncaay’’ and on
otty nntU tbe mother aknnk deTek'ipri they mabed. It wo* tbelr sioesn.
eoeb a d#«?idrd fondneno for bis feath They kmt h np nniU iliey reached thiered property tbst It Dreeosttated fp>re tbrown-np dirt of tbe irenrb and saw
> IrrefUlar ms**.
one to three fowls a nlfbt to aaiUf> tbe nUpriioa.
I* ahead of them
hi-r appertie.
Tbe nilpiw
1 another trench
Brelnc li was Remnr to lie
p^islse mrlo.dy. the farmer was cm
«be "csiwway" was the l»mU-cy
,H-||ed in
to km
kill t)
the mother skunk, when^ 1
li"*® «»» of‘L
same with ibe ililrd line of trenche*.
upon hi* old biMiin- r
••armthetically. It U iin.l.TKtood of
sHf the r
IBS I'l.
that our boy* khc
Bsefelas^ Aia'w Mw.
Bia woetd wide tame fiw mxrsrloar
enrem It. aarysama aey other aaHe.
•otloa. rtotment rr- to'm for Oat*,
fkesa. Baroa. BHis. fi>^eso. Fetoe*
O'oera. Tetter. Halt B'-eare. Keser
IsfalllMe for Pilra Can cn^'oeteMt
Only SSe at Jm a 3obBM3a*s aad 8 B.
Walt's drar s>r<na
Bau"*l»r* '• *
WWts Wlws «f Tmr Syr^ the
boot coach mnedy on earth, cures a cold
-aceedsyift4jceaintBne. SSasdAO
John'F. On & Co.
Sicttstors to
*. oaoM.arvOsanBMmptt
a. Hece. eeaeralpniHlrealse
U-ai^eTaJ-iki V«.
(Ml. aar. BMeaBd
aS' essHs srI>atTCtn«ya. -M •ebaar.miKek
Itanrst Ch)[ Imbar Ci
Traiorso City,
"------ F Bleek
TB aai
tr. w I
. ^e.ialk •sBtM
Can’t Skate
With Dull Skates
Black Iwiand were drowned. Tbe personally micsesied I»u !b-ltoy to
bsdlea of the two firU bass been re the prince aa an accepinblc yiri
. re»l«inse to a qnrry a* to «hai hr
Oae Vblof tbe Gannani do tba Brl • *;?“**•/*.*^'I'*'' »*"n>f of the oih.-r
Bib ooald imltoto with yreat adsaataf*
. mad that is. baso trslaad doc* tooany'.
l•toawaltlM to tbs firiaruaas. Atoas|
orMracCtbebatUoslaSoatb Africa oo|ibe poeaessor* of two copies of. Mr.
tSaros has baas tbs Bnar firs that it. wiuiam tt'aison's poems, one present*«Mil»eat iafosaibla for aarrlanto ed by the taleuied author dnd the
Tbriac sp tbs rasares ammaalUea to »tber by Blr Alcemoo Weai. they raa
Ttba Brlaf Uaoa. it to said that dofi la fonsote themselven with the tbouabi
the Inevltabimy of ‘nouMea" on
ssshcaasseesld fo with fsefsataafaty
tbe occasion of a popular uiarrtofe. It
ewtoms moa ooald aot lies.
mlybl la wished. Indeed, that preaeuta
ju ,iujmw «f hu ••ja.m" while quit.
■■«mt»ari»«ni. liay'« an<l llannn.i's
youuc. hem-e f»r ihe i-oushlerBUoii <>' fonipaoli-a. lur Instance, m hlrh auf
fit they l»H-aine iIh- irtviperty of Mr
“o" 'ban the aseray
Hrius them to toe and
n^ry. Now. with her simnce family ,
b"d Are m«-n killed ami eleven •natr Block.
have them gronnd by an
the mother t t can be H.-. I wounded. But that cry of •‘siinjtway"
i» famou* over lu ibe Filipino linn. Inexpert ia tbs boainesB.
Burp-mi- who have l>een liroucbt in I tola. (B. TsisriMHs.n
elilier wounded or prlkoDers have InTin* kitten, are pretty as plc'-tons.hav j
ca*erly the meaiiiuK endI 1-0lykterlou. Ynnkee w*inl •r.S*?tor*?tM^r^eu52S\TpS5ljw: ^
Inc Ions, bushy talto, eomcihihe uu Ih.’I ..
keon: 10 Ic i: s a.: t te * aBS T W S p
ily prw.^.;d
prwedi^ a Filipino are
Older of a squirrel. perf« tly e.rio | whleb Inrartahly
a. Bell -nboo* W
metrlcil while and iHK-k afripes. and 1'^'"“"'«br Third has
tbelr nose U immewhiit Inclined to l« i tf'buted am.ihiT famous word
nSt^ *sr •»
a sol- 1 Bleht
-tokor. f
*puxced. Mr, Henry to notte prowl o' | "'bDU al Many of ihe .tmeri.-aa
hi. pOM.* »l.ui«.- tVa.-o tTex.( Ttbi.-,e 'Ib-r.
GelamblM advlaoe report that tbs of books were more fcneral than they
eealattos la that aooatrr to now are. and perhaps (he Primrose wed*
••---------. There lives out n ,
•n tVakblnstnu
bOTCsrbly asBanised. All tba fo*«. 8ln»-may lain* them into fasbloa.
One of the met rvmarkaUe of ihr • ^vll-known
M a.hlnsK.a <v>rreepon...rreepon I Til a J a-tnT-V*ier1o»rf ••»S*»eoii. M
dent, whose bbapi.ln.-e« cenier. In three
They do not reqnire perpeinal cleanbtoast raatotanea to
^ sons, ss.tk ilie
>e VtVsklllBpton I’.Ht. Thci,- preved o>etlK.ak ttor er Btahl esUt prew|i%
----------Tetopbe** No. A
fnrtbto^ •f*
* from---7
I. a tmvellui;
lall houM-holdH. even If they *'<1 I peas i
rk rf Ui. duU, « P«. '“C “■
WiTCBir LS*ar><««-Hr. Freer*. • *•____
A1 -TWh-rorPleaeeedlOrsas. »l We>hId iitreei.
muse lllerary hunrisrs muii be tar- sirucilny
oof stranetbis tiles. If d<«ofs ImlUtsd Mr, Aminlih
’ rir.-iiMw or camplnf parlce- I **"•' ‘'"rl.w pah- ml.. iiivtouiil.«u<e to
il do mu wtoh to la* tt the mcn-y
‘•'•u"""'*- eviryila.v praukiii-wf
-<Aae to tbe raeelpt ef rainforoemento and went In fur flm ••dlilun.. they
’ i
k,.n. mid lii-lr.
aad arsH tbroofb Vanaraala.
be under n<i fesr of lieins ai-ciiM*<l of lotal to>ielk*v|>ers
I tine liny bik
«f the xer,
The toilel Mil wheel, to mnde
The dmwiiai-k
lioll.-kt lbl.X>A fifasblnrton men ba* bruttfbt salt
aliimlnlmii and I. so cou.iriK ta.I n.
WTTXVrXn -o«i—oi.«btsrk..tiit
cnil t«|;eilur kcvivnil iir. lillik.
fold up like a nillruud ear and to a
Vv i.TTka-ti Skkt he* e»«I *■
to-uch uml
- X illlita* N.ir
ahsalaeps wHb srsaor anderbarpilr «b d'tocoVii'thi exa.V ai.iMum
p'"' »>""
' ilo'lr from yaW. to-mwMi Mo- xxitulon. ' -—— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - low. fibs will offer no axplanatlOB for aeneroeliy k.v the simple pnicea of ♦■BBEaite •wr Wheli the .toptdui: plni
able oocaatrie babil and rafnaee to ftva cousutttnE Jbe ptildtohers' ndvcritoecamp tor the ul».'ht lli<- .Idck <>r Me . to-verape l» nil ii.iiuirk ill Mu- i.a-oii- !
■sma wbea asbod..
wrnt column*.
i-ar are ]ei down by uiejuik of a .<-rli'- .........l-li.-. .1..:-. ■> I'T :™?SKraK«'“iiu.-in..r., . .
Bap Moan of llUnoU Wodoaoday lar.-. | kOHMil i.r ell.1. ami to-.-> Ii.-mI n.l- ; IT
sUI *r<iM?toraers W
of levers.
-.atodsawl 1. to. bcto a bill approprlFOR WOODLAND RAMBLES,
Tlie liiveiit.ir liSk dlvld>-<l hi. lmv<I'l—......iti:
^ le-hl fh<- ait.-llllMii ,
toUat •»-•» to Improve the plot of
Inc lioiel IiiIm rom|iarinieiiik. ■» M,ni lllell I
fifit;xs"»sa«»a .888
111.* .1..1
kCr^^owasd by ^ UaM fiUM .....
ha. ofjakln* l.my Mie party. If It to- a laryi- .me. emi to1- ..f |wito-r nml j W'
• aad kaowaas "peafedarato Moaad" la
^very flay: ami her *o*-ns for
Willi It c<n-tk'd uo iiii-iiSH . line
'Oebwoodaaiaaury. Obleaco, la wbleb lUroi’-cashm an* a* *ea.il>to a* ImY ex- (lie IniUdlue. «et-ii|iyuir. if tto-y «Mi Ini' (/llli'k Ilk lln.liclii Ilmi-'OltHr
vara bartad II aatOB and t.oke aoafed *rH*e to to-neilctol. Tto-y are madeuf apartluBito eti .nlie or a ktncle ne.in tuUliakter. lilubtoil Mi
.ti<nrH.|d uuil
Till' ronniR are tu In* nttml up In tie lieiu biui Mi:b' VI lull- III-’ itUMi'l
raraUaoldtofawhndladatOamp Daof-.tldhl wool k»oda. llfbl tu color and
tnrHlem style, with all I'Ofiveiilcni-**-. driipplil toiii-.'iMi Ibe wiilkii.Hi^ I,
The II U a. w. trsls ka. oartor ear (e Oina*
lias dirinx tbe altll war.
liKHudlDE ete.-irle Hclit, elecirle to*]|. IlMb- trotlMTk
mr flare of ba*l- n«|..^aBS stosper Uraad Bapia. W Otoaa
Taa VletcrUk fovaramaot to Isaar.-1..-irlc eonklns apparatus, and ibe InTl)i-ii dll T-.xear-iil.l .i-Ti-nm. He dow D |Xj
i* P w^^yts has paeto c^«y Ogto
nihi'V inrwickr- r»n*. please Imw at lirwS M
mg tbe Ilea* of aaab ei Ito volaitom
veutor Is even werklni: «fi a *>.ieii cej uii. niu. Jump nml In e»-.rv
ry I.th.v
that he thinks will enable Ihe oe.-ii jc''! dlkiliii'tlx make It kloiwu
'.Sevaety-8ve tboBsaad doUan wee
e had alluhii
FSiaad at Sldaay la a few days toward
esqmlpplay a aerpa et »oo bsebmoa.
iii..ili.-r rueli.-il Mill nml .-arrl.il Ihe -oh
a *VLB~A «rki rl»« pMtMSIa
blue Imi.v IiiIm llie Iimiik.- uliHe Ibe ill
ttoaapkUmleoflBfiaooKtto aptwadS* aaS jiff.?***''
1 for the
asrser. has bees s«4 a lU'lr. *11
tie .i.n<.|.iraiot> >al In n row on Mi.
J W Hlawr'k BoakrTnratkbUiv
laaf tbroBirboat tba whole of Baylead.
1*. of course, mimily of the folillnc
to-tu li. ki< k<d Mi.'lr litM.' lutre feet an.
'XlMaawepaparsooatoU lasy Uots of
S<|tl.-iile<l wllli touchier
, riely. and can to* slowed away In
«aL.C -Or kefii ■ orv ■
aftcrunrd a lliir.|..toryn
r small eom|ui.s when not In
ros tbe dtoease aad
'UUttoukry ralMil aud a lllll>
' llebu. I<r Skirr Bsd srarrr n
AbedoatbltoM are absormaUy loaf.
qslrr ol 3 U- IkfTtS' Fioareilll
the car to to Ih- detached from Mm hM.ktil nut Juki Im-Iow w-a* the
‘TtolNfAltoaa^Mat<toboese Hosw,
pate Mf the el.liT hniiher.
th rl
ltlao{Wlrht.basDot aaeaped. Haay
Inc. when* Me r.* to ample roum fof th
ti RlpBkkll. H a I.c«b1irk
li. n renini.il. Two linnd. liel.
>«r im meaabers have been removed to a
KptvadlDr of Ihi* klili-k and the .•l. v.-. , quan Jar of orlenuk ni'.ln'
tiMU of Ibe roof that fnren ilie hui.-i j ato.ve the h.-ad to-luw ami .(u,.
rWsiT x'^Dlrr" ^air^^ j
oono bootb.
Seavy yalea are >lowlo( alony tbe
It to B matter of ooiy an hour*- «l the Jar The .lu-ky stuff' fell rHat.Mnrk
wiirfc for the man who will iniv>
Vroaob ootst aad a aamber of amall
with the hotel on wto*.'U to traukforii
wmaele with tbelr'erewe bare booa
It from a railma.l .-ar Intu a hiu.- I hnilher and trl<-kl.*d slowly ilowr bin . rvwi nFVT-Pkmmhkd or imfiirri.ht.1 mBk. ' ArOrC tepM*.
float, altboayb eevarsl lifeboat retooea
tS'hlle the nieiuto-r* of the louri-: ne.-k and liitM hi- .yck the yobne*.
•re roportod. A Itblay boat toaoderI tlwive set i*i* sii.-li a liMwl of dHlshi
party are vlewliic lb.- town, thi* ci' I and vU-tory tliHi the old .ulored cni-s
1NBV Tr>> LOAK OM raaaowAL peop.
•d otf Bnalornaaar-Mef, alae of tbe
Ps-rbls e Trstssr.
cus tierfomierk culna ihrMueh th.-i
cult.-r atTues thi* wav had to .u.)m-ii.I
..mww pertehloy. Tbe berk Jeanne Banlcht'* work, or the nitcndani. at
work to h.-l|. llM*-cni.' Iialred era ml- '■ T» BHWT-Besy .** Bjst rla.. bar*
. twain MBk near Oherboa^ aad five
.ir-ars, i.. asst wiata sum.
<imv.*ntlo» or camp uin-Mnc •■«ndii* t mother qul.
peteone wore drowned. Heavy wentb- weleht. with Utile trtmmlnc. bat aueb Inc their excrcl.<*it. the ntii*ndatil iv
«er is raportod from oil Medltonuraa as there ta may to- armticed with taste swiftly bulMloe up Mm- llcht ImMtn
i-d awny In qiinim olil-wort.f 51,’i.h"?,^"*
,*i>d skill. Cray If usually cbosea be- Mon tbni will kh.ilter iljeiii for ili
iie of the most od.l '
York H.-r*ld
Coaoa Doyle, tbe writor, to (oior to
and docs not .how nlpht.-Xpw
KO—Tiro wuoc rotters. iOresU s
:.-k .«m-h 1* th.- cn*iu anill- V^;
Inr IS Inch trond' Bo.raSl srr week.
kh. Ink. U
.lU. U.
•• '“""I
«“■'» '«'■ I
T. «... •
clal eye maker snd i*alni<-r, A. Mill- Wspiswry
rrrOstunlsr bicM. J o jsmoo.
D.,to. Men bkkk'rc
Tb. kin. -f ib™,
' . ■•m-l-H."': '•
'""'-tey l.-r lllpper tu .pialnt I-auM hn. In Mm* '
very bean of ..hi ■nnirlns.-p'. deti-** •VTIUEHtoHEO BOO»«-Tor.
^Bbqalfe. nOWrsISSTri
r»r<**lK amt hich mniiiui.lnk. he sit• lid worlik nwfj .lay lu nurt d:iy oul. '•
nd.il Kt ils ,family. >hc mah-'
loppllea “blndklchr to the |«-op1i
| ‘
la Bfst
have twen such TV
TF roc WA!<TlB>urw**«vettByklsS
• Whole paiaoaal boopHal la^ lumds of braid.
rtsMcowpsaMsorv. b«7 s hosss, tot sv
sine* the days of his greai-crandraMi- X
tsiWcsUss A:Its a BleSsaU roomm 1 sofl I
er. wh.. fine .larleil Ihe worti at rarto,
Block.TrskVfsr City
bnnilj K-™-I"fn«u .M | „
.djb.ml mlrn.n- flenuan feeling.
- forc'd to twinrn r------------------------------ -----------------kp-U of a.r» s~l. Tb.- .1-.-. If. ;
bto natly<* iiiMuntaln Isml.
Vottoe to Taxpayers.
FuflnJ. iMsasT Waites oath that
tbliiK oti-urrinc within a cerlHln ran;.-.
%etotheaetu.r(»rxaerot tbe firm of
Iiehiud bto liack wttbout lumlug hiF. J.CnoTAta.dolay buslaem ta
•be aty of Toledo. Ooonty aad Stata
mforaaald. ntid that aald firm wUI pay
The poet-vtonal trfleciop wiU )m- iim*
!.ove letter* read In court do not
ful tM jockeys, drivers, roweiw and cy- lamp and wIMiln a half hoar hrought 1 rereiTc >*»] iszr* Batii Frt> ut. i««u os srsvy
fonh a p.-rf.i*i ivpr.Nlurt1ou. In .-v-*‘**‘ *• *■
for idob ood every eoM et Oatorrb «bat sound as charming as when read In cll.ia.
evryUKne hut real klgm. of the w riti5^ wtu bs
of BAU.’e,
For JuiAcys this aTOllance to fasl- er'« eye- Every year thounsudk of ,bw**e s fr» of t per r*st tor coltocitos ostii
OvAima Crno. i
tYoa tbere ever a gown mode that
kcd to the howa of a* (lal
rRAKKJ.CBKRBT. coat leas than It was expected tt tackn.
ore mo
BwoVD'to before
moaad aabs
aab^bod wouldT
magulftTnc power. The eto.s.** sn
■ kamv preaeaoe. tktodihdayof t
A woman can nertroec why any one lEit-udrd aa mudjraards. to prvtect th>
OHr Trsasiirsr
%or. A. O. ttM.
t>MkryS MUk Fsr Isrsat*.
m t BvrsU Bsuaiac. IS Xsst Frsa
abould see anything to rave oboot In eyes from tbe dirt thrown up by tbv
On the word of no less an authority
dylnc feet Tbe JIttle n-flecior.
any other baby than ber own.
aubatlB’by to It a woman always mrmi to are fa.teued al>ove tbe ctosacs. and set tute for notber'a milk In the caat* of
xHolto ^torrh Oavo to tohM fa- be copeclally proud of tbe tact (bat at an ancle which brine* the full wldtr.
amall infanta I. donkey's milk. That
of a mcetraefc fw n distance of UU
abe to a amafl oaterT .
Ha srbo Ungba kmdaot at a Joke oa yards within clear ranee of vision.
For roweta and blcycHat* tbe pc
luu* m ai
_ —---------- 1 and wbosi
fnnny to tt wb« be Is tbe victim.
u not doing well on a ... ..
A baseball gnina at tbe Orchaid be to horsemen. Bowers snd cycltot. d*>
tween married sad rtagto mee reanlt- not need tba nurd-gnarda and for ib. m cow's milk. Tbe superiority of don
ed In tb* victory of tba Bonedteta a second patent proridea for tbe ad key's mllfc Uet In tbe fact that li con
ntaSalban uncommon nmouat of sugar
Wa an a«IUw Iba otoek of freatotoa Tbto to tbe first time oa record married Jnatmeat of the isAectors to a light tains
pomparatlFeiy little water.
It is
tbaft -ana fa bha xmmX tea, ma mca have been so eraay to mak* bom* bead band, wbldt betda tbeto to exact and
, •toMf^oMbfOl tbs fie-atoakb twa.-Pbltodetpbla Tlmea.
r^Uvs poaltloa to tbe eye, ao matter atoo mots Msny dlgaotsd thaa cow's
at what aagto tb* bmd aaay te twa<«
'• ti... |DSU 'SS.-’JiE;
^1Tlu Pete lirqDette Rillmd
^b:: z
':r r/sr
! :s“,
.rz s,v; i
VXsSLi'V.iZ. !S.~
::: i ,„;'rr„'r‘bL~r,;U',b:b^
ir; Er -
'J,';"";; '4'..“
jr rOHlWHY A OB Tetodo. a
Fire Insurance.
l>faird Year-No. 639
nmuftn i
at*aaaP«per JUdotaa ta Bworiiaa
Bla Aathoriip.
Bavtaa. Xu. n—Tba Lod». is a
tea* aditortel today n«aidi^tba data
obteb Oaaaral lAdtew baa raeaatiy 1mOf«rtuiPiM«roMMsicB wu rra^ poaed oa that aapar aad tba Oabaaa,
nriofR>tU« naSTM tba arttetea ebjaatad to iaUa
aaya It wlU aot
^T»nU »otW AAmU batnigl
Um»t UtfrnUtk-a,«to«u b, orateatha aatborlty of tba MUIIary
~ nor. altbewblt »fU obaarfaUy;
atrtwJ lforu« Ttot Sk MEa4
pay tba Bu wbw ordarad ae to do by
a ptoparly eaaatftatad oourt.
Xw. 11.—Lord MmrU
Oawtml Ladlow aaaarta that to toef
Lste UUbMV krrtnd »i Mr, Tows aa tba Laaba aoattaaat to raaam.“aa«'
•IktotabewlMlalcbt. ThtjvfUba 'UdoBOiy fatea aiortaa” ba wfll-ooaUeaa
•llowadletM 16 work wltboat «• to tapoaa ftaat. aad will laeraata tbalr
j____uiii iiTir-T“—‘r~“‘—'
Tba Oabaao daelarat It wlU Uy tba
aattar badora tba Goraraor Oaawal.
rtnl ti Z6b$frU Md Kll«bMW M 0,p*, aad baar froo blm baton saklac
«Dwa Cited toMMB Ibc crowlBf i«. fartiiar arltteiaa of tba aoart of tba
pMiMM of th« aoulrr M tb, protoof. Mllilaiy Oev<
,« teMUvtty iB th«a,te BrHteh damp,,
Befora tba aad of tba »aak Ooaaral
tad (bt Mtlra tbMOM of mawa fivltr Wood wfllprobablybaveiaBaedpardraa
M BdfqatM laaiirbt Uto tba loatl to MU paraoaa aow aoofiaad ia tba Ha‘iltattioB.
TbapaMtetodprati balBf ^ «ana prUooa, <rhi ba*a tarrad tanaa
aaaUa to form aay jatt Jadymaat of i toarar tbaa tba Board of Prlaos Israit
-tbbaataal poaiiteo of affaln. atoriaa iifatloaaooatdaraiUie'jaat o
art rifa tbat tba laacUoa U aaforoad on
— ■ ■
"rnrr’ Balter, owlar to tba aapadltaroof bla raaorraa of amcDaeUloa,
BBd tbara art avaa wild raoora of a
abaU famtaa at boma. Bat UtUa im- By th^ Knigrhtb of Pythiis
SobOTt* amA KstehMMr BMOh.
fortaaoa aaad ba attaebod
IteBt JBToniiiff.
It la almaat aatvofiat.ly aatamod tbat
Blabornta Prepram kaadarad aad Imwith tba teadlat of Bobarta and Kitpfitelra XaatalUtloa Oaramooy Ooaaboaar a prompt rotaro will ba mada
daatad by Pate Qraad ObaeeaUor X.
to tba ortctaal ptea of aampal(a.
aamoly, a (rodt aantral adraaaa on
m KaOoy-Lvpa Grcwd Aopally
Kdamfoatola. bat tba moat In
Bni Wen DeCmted Vllh Baavy tom
by Ooloaal BaltefA—Twuiy-Paar
^ —They will w»ar oat bhoM—
Kilted aad Sixty Oaptarad Oaearal
A bat yoQ wiU bflve leM troable
Here Are 2 Good Books
“Stalky a Oo.”—By Kiplbg at.................$1.80
Sab waa Waa a TMtorr at Baaar.
aadbaptorad tba Tama-POlplaas r wiib yo«r boy'*.
Bimparilad of Traaabary.
Manila, Xaa. lt.^A awbtaa««-t
irOalateba on
tba Bk Tbaaua rnd. hatwnaa tba J If you pet him shod here— t
Tbirty-nlatb Infantry aadar Ooloaal
\ Oar lia* of ehoM otede of ▼
Bnllard aad ten eampaatea of laasrpaata. 0<doaal BaUard was moviap
from Celamba la tbrea boiomna. with
two pans, whra ba asaouterad tba
raipinaa. stronply latraatoad. Aa at
tack was mada. and vary atabhoraly
by the loanrpasta, who ware
Are exceptionally eooaomioe) )
driven back, bowavar. They made
—Tbey re*i*t the water — (
thTMsaparateatandebnt ware Bnally
atand lota of hard wear, and *
defeated drcUlvely. with a lorn of 14
kUladand M prieraen. The Ai
by poliahi&g make a nice ^
-as bad one private killed, and
Sunday ahoe, too —$1.25.
cffiwn were ilipbOy wounded.
General Bcbwde'e brlpada reached i $1.60Bpsir.
Mnsunlnpa Priday, after a lonp and
tiresome isareh. The Inacrpenla bad
fled bait aa bear before the arrival ol
the Madmbebe Monta.
Early tbe next morainp. Uaneral
ibwas divided bis foraat. tasdlnp
tUallona of tba Thlrteaatb rapimsnt
and Forty^lzlb ra|imant with a wapon
train ate^ .tba ooaat toward Binaap.
Tba paaeral^maelf prooaadad alonp
wltbtba Maocabeba acoataand Major
Steale’a battalion of the ThirUteb rapimast, CMonal Bayaa' cavalry and tbrea
He took tba traU istend toward Blnanp.
WtaM tbe broad rfoa flalds near Banan wan raaehad tbe aaamy were
I. calmly wateblap tbe approach of
tka Uolted States troops, from
OB of a tew atone wall alonp
tbcaraek,a qoartarof smile Inlanptb.
Tba Maeabebe aoonto deployed, tollowad by MaJ >r Steele's batulioo of
the Tblrtlatb raplmeai. Tka enemy
ware la plain view. A tonnaUon wa*
Sjcted and the Aoarleaaa were soon
wliblo ranpe. Whan tbey were abont
100 yard!'distent tbe enemy opened
A prominent New York official
fire, killinp CarporsT Johneoo. Co. B, of said the Kerenil nee of tbe teleD.-trolt. and wonndiop two men of Oe. phone had made the taak of efficP of the Thirtieth raiment. Tne men* entiy protectini; life and properly
were never before nnder Are. bni ad- over .50 per cenl. easier.
vanead ebaeriop. Tbe iDinrgenU re
Telephoning in case of fir*-, attreated to tbe towr. Wbenj^oor troope cideui or burglary has beci-me a
raaebod tbe onuklrte they obwrved recogntx^d
recognixed ne
the enemy down tbe road In tbe pltrt.
Every well repulatColonel Hayea- fifty cavalry econu
ed hnuaebold haa a
ebai^ aad were received with only a
taw ataota. Tbe enemy dltappeared.
Hare you one in
bni the praaenoe of many Amlpoa Indiyour home?
eate that they wan reaortlap to tbe
«.!.< tactics.
Tba K. P- hall waa paekad laat
wU bo maabte to moat bafora tba and
lepoBtbeoaeaaioB of tba annnal laof tba moatb. He aawo of I
had baaa raaoiaod ap to tbia aftanwea ateUatloa of oOoara. and nntU a lata
tba arown tbat
IromBoatb Afrteak mmor wan oarmt la tba elaba lata DMti royally antartaii
Tba pobUc tnataltet
. _
tba Ta^U riTor. bat aotbiap aoald ba ably aoodneted by Dapnly Grand Oban•btoiaad la aorroboraUoo of tba raport. oaUor ■ B- MoCoy. amtotad by Dapnty
Ubdoc. Xaa. ll-Tba waroffloe baa Past Grand Obaaeallor B- W. Onnalaffaaalradtha foUowiac dtepateb from bam aad Depaty Grand Prolate A. B.
Guatal air Badrart BaUar, who U la Holliday.
A very Boa and elaborate prowrax
pmnrni aommaad of tba Ladyamitb raaa randarad darinp tba eveatnf. inIterlaroolana:
mparaad with tba InalaUaUon oera••Frara, Xaa. 10-1 Traovaal talapraa
the nawlyelaeted ofB.-era.
flwa tba aaemy'a tea* at Ladyamitb oa
Jaa- e at to«r klllad and Btloaawoaad- Tba otBeera laatelled were elected is
ad. tbte afior. aa admtttad. aadnrlDy a Deoembcr. aa followt:
Wltbarlar Bra from ala maaked bailortetaaad tolat dafaatad ataU polnta.
MaUraa bora aaaart that ana
Prelate—Mai Tatinao.
alaea iMt l&O klllad and wapoo teada
M. of W.-Uury W. Smitbofwoandad. The haarlmt loot laaald
K. B. and d.—Guy D. Bensedy.
to •bava baaa aattalnod by tba Fraa
M ot P.-Job&ProberL
•tataa. whom tba Tranaraalart foraed
M. of Be.—J. T. Hannah.
Into tba moat
M. of A—Gao. W. Pbelpa1 dtapatab fraa Piatarmaiiubarf
1. G.-& B. Howard.
.' dated Xaa.«, atataa that Oanaml White
O. G. —B. I. Knapp.
*“ *t Ladyamitb raporta tba daatb of
Grand BapraaaoMUve—A. W. Bicktbi«o oflaatt and alaataaa man tram
ard: alternate, B. B- MeOoy.
la am aTraatea tbru yeara—A. W. Biekard.
TbowarotBaa baa pabUabad aa adTba prapram waa oae of nananal andnteaal itet of dteraa maa kilted at
eaUasoa, aad waa iboronpbly aijoyad
MMoteoa'a Nob.
A ramor. probably arialap from tba by tba eompaay. It waa at foliowa. al- Said to be Haxt to tba Larpeat Swam.
ar in tba World.
fppoRt tbat Oranja la aaadlDf ra- moat avary nnmbar balap praated
aatoMomaata to Oolaabotf. baa boon '1th aa aeibaatetUe
Berlin, Jan. U. — The twin acraw
Qaarui-Mateia. Holliday. Doaptea,
aatoad bora from Oapa Tewa, to tba
■amor Dentaebtesd. hatenpinp to tba
aCoot tbat tba Boon baaa withdrawn
Hambnip.Amnrleaa line, was laaaebad
Voeal Daat-Maa
rand Bol- ymtorday at tba yard of the Vnlcan
irate Hacoratoatain. UtOa waitht la
attoahad to tba raportipbnildlap aompany at Stettin. Tbe
Violin Daat-Mr. aad Mra. Bobart
Idoatoaaat Oanaral Lord Matbaaa.
V veasJ la next to tba lorpaat ateam
aommaadiM tba oolama adraaotap w Prtea.
ar In tba world, and ia expected to be
Voaal Daat-Mr. and Mra. X. T. Baa tba fastest. Sbe will ba employed ia
tba raltef of Cltebartey. It to barm
Iterad of kk aommaad witbla two aab.
tba trade batwaas Haw York and Ham
violin Bolo-Mtei Mania Omaptoa.
Voaal Ooio-Mim Oatey Bolaad. with
Uatarbawlllbaaaat to OapeTewn
Beraa von Bnatew, mlnUter of
aao aoeompanimaatby Mra. BoUiday
•adoraataaUy ordarad bomr. Whan
welpn aifairm, attended the lanncbba raaabaa Batland k# wUl ba raUrad. aad vlohn obllpate by Mr. StUnpaoa.
Inp. aad mada a ipaMb, dwalllap os
Viol a ao o—Lloyd Betnna.
Thtenaaala not pnbllabad In Lon
It of tbe national t
Quartet—Mamrv. BolUday. Donplaa,
don. altboatb it U known to tba Bnyder
asdabipplap. Tba opaaeb rapidaad bironp.
^lara of tba Imdlnc topara. Tba
Plano dnvt—Mtmm Xatia aad May ly drifted into advocacy of as iservaaa
. toett bava bmn eoafirmad by an oaalal Blraap.
of tbe navy, tbe epeaker vlrtnally rc
Ooliar aolo—A. B. Howard.
of tba war ofieaBeprodlali
alaei-aateoUon—B. B. Mo- peaUnp tba arpnmmts aabmltted te
Lwd Matbaan-a aaaa It a aad aea- Al Ooy.
tbe Belebeup in Deeember. Is ebrle:
ways a mat of ratbar frail phyalqi
After tba aomptellon of the propiam ealap tbe ebip Baron von Baelow mid:
altboatb a alevar bonar aad aa aU'•MayOodblam tbU vasael. wblob
Upbt ratraabmaata were served ooaalav
aportaman—bli eonatltatloa
tnp of lorkay aad ehleken aasd- beara tbe same of onr eonntry. May
bapaa to abow alpaa of b
wlebaa. foe eraam. cake, and eoPee, be protect it In all its voyapae: may be
Mly after ba took ec
the fricndablp between Oer
Pef hte divlalon.
>y and tbe United States: may ba
Chafcavte. Adanea was anjjyed by
Iboaa who know tka
part of those praaant after the company pnard German labor, German indnstry.
ud tba aitaaUon of Moddar Blrar
and German efieteacy: may be pranl
•qaally wall, and who are wlUlap to bad bapu to dtepanans paaee aad eoceord at home aad a
. ataU facta plainly, aay tbat Matbnaa a
snra detooea, and defend onr streaptb
abraed. May bo ahlald aad blam Gar.
Balap Vormniated by
maav . and even aa tbte ablp ia dm'ra*
Saw Batdaab^ tor Bapland.^
Land am
ad to rank above all other skips that
Laadon. Jaa- u.—Tba admiralty baa
Saotlapo da Onba. Xaa. :
emm tba oeaaa. ao may Germany for.
ofdmad from tba Lairda of Blrkas
ala BaW and Oaatra have :
evar rank above anyUilsp far all barbud tba macblaary for tba batOaablp
aa elaborate plan tor a Oabaa federal Btana. -Dentacblaad nbar Altoet' We
Mooted^. BOW ^np bnilt at Devtm
repablie. This empbaa'cm tbe mam nnito la ralatep tbat cry, which emosrt. Tba rarinm art to ba tba moat
ally of deeeateallxUip
bracac aU we feel aad hope and blrfva
pomartal avar pUoad la a battteablp.
ba variana pcovlnoca. They for."
•X^an to dava)^ IS.OOO Indteated
Tbe Beperor was present at tba acre,
Acmaaiva, ooaSdant of tba
horaaaommaad tba tpcM la to be one
knot or over ovary i.MO botoa pewar. abUttyoftba Oabaaa to maintain a moay bat be did not apeak.
The Dsntoebland, aoaoniiap to bar
tba people bavlac
Tbara wlU bo two aata of Vlpla-expaabad an admlrnbte object laaooe in tba bnlldera, wUl ba tba awlftoat oama
•lea aaplBte aad thirty BaltevUte
of dlaolpUM aad aaberdl- creaair to tba world. They bava pn«r>
htelm. watob will eaat cis.no. Tba
astkm dnrlap tba Amarioka rmriato. aataad to tba Hambnrp Itoa that aba
totol aoatof tba vasal wlU ba evar cs.Oaearal Wood, who M
wtU avarapa •! knola aa bov. Tba
baa iBvlted Oaaarala Bebi aad BOW ablp la aaoH fMt leap, overall;
of «7 X feat beam aad 44 fact flaap. la adOaatraWMaompaeyhlmeaa tom
fltttoa to tba twial lanriaa of a Wp
Itoar.. aba wtU bava a playroom far
Vira late Kaw Ol.
abildroa.ap7maaslam aad aprOl ream.
Borbipblpto kaolawUl help bar par
FUipinop UmAa DedpiTA
StBuA Vemr OpUmbte.
bateat weatbor.
[ Salamander |
book-Interaating to aayoae who was ever yoanK.
“Janloe Kere<Utli”-b, Ford, .pecui mi*. $ i.ie
Ui. i,u.,r life b.hi«iU..
in the iU^ timn of Ih. American B«olntinn-e
deeerl. mterravc. a Inn itorr in tb. ohunntec U
n.“Brerelon."nnd themcMt Qnakn'
Meredith. Well worth the rewnlnr prion of
IliO, onr .pecui pricn «.1S Ptidny .nd Stnrdny
lot Of lata books will arriio aait Moatar
And now
watch very close
Enjoy the
Good Sleighing
Balph Ooni{nbln Jr., Muucnw.
290-229 Front Strut
Is going to do.
I 'stonishing values
in suits and overi^oats
are offered you here.
All are this winter's gofxls.
the values.
Miller’s Store
j Fat
I Facts
to the Cigar!
I hare aoreral fine new riffs—
both BlDgla ABd two BOMtOd
Beal outfits in the city. Try
Order by 'Phone No. 32.
Geo. Cams,
Uvcryaaid Feed Stable*
For Fire Insurance
Prompt. eaiTfal aad oonrwous attea
UoB. The stroapoat asd oldaat fire to
nes eompMiaa to ths world rspra•aoMd to my apaney.
Jotra IM. 'PkoH n.
School of Music
Come in and see
for Slim
But the
best ;0F ALL--
Sc Pig Tail
! «.ek Noble............................. Me
1-ek Snow While............. 43e
l«ek Belle of Ohio.......... 35e
1 uckStar .....V................ 33e
•No. 1 Koed. per 100 lbe..S.5c J
W. W. Miner'sQCash Store A
22fi Front Strut,
Shoes Cheap
Allow 08 to call your attention to thru of out ladiea
Tbe'pricto are $1.50, $1.68 aad $1.75.
$1.50 ahoe ia aTgood cue—all aoUd, up-to-date in
every reapect.
Jnat tbe thing for a cheap every day
Thoae at $L68 and $1.75 ate tb* aame aa
many dealer* aak^you $2.00 and $2.26 far.
wsraaftaabam pssattto traia. PbM
wsfb a raaiMlw.
We'd be plaaaed to abow yon oor median priced
Front StTMt
au»n>a mmooMt.
g. If. Uamwu. »ai*or wt
loardaaa Staar l^trfe 'xdcht <
PoMtOa. vm Pat ap Kota
Tba BaaHBaa Blrar Baotrk Ufht
ft Pawtr Oo. ara pUaaiaf to pat la a
MwajatoBOfwitl«. Uthapfotlba
aootradt for tba altp llfbB tar aaat
paar. tbap wlU aMaad tba ^ata»
aldMablp. la aap eaaa. tbap wiU pat
Uaaowliaafratalbapowarboaaa to
eparau with tba Uaaaalraadp atraaf.
ft Baada ft Oa. baw Jaat pat la a «M
aawoatdtofaiahalplatodwiadow tx
Do You
BoiBcKada Bg WUlteaPBofean fn
tba WBUaKMBBaOe. .
Tba BwabtM for tba tBiMBlBTa of
bBabatetbBt baa ban 1b BMOttbe
WMte aigmBB Oo. faatarp dartog thr
peat aoBaoB. baa proved ao OBtkteetor.t
that tbap hate drdarad dftan Mw me
eblBOS of tba uma modalmf tba doMg
or. WilUam Paokvoa. ThaeaatlBg
doBO bp BoBDd ft Sob. FlveotO
■anhin-r ara alroadp eompUud aao
tbaoibora are aadar proaamof on
otTBcUn. Mr. Paskaoa baa a patnt
pndlBg OB tbe tavntloB.
Nature's CUR^
A Curb lor C
Sallgbtfal SaBttxg Witb Xra. B. B
• Oeua Ml km and al I dte.
,Tha OoafTafathaal Anaa M
aharga of Mn. C B. Barat wUl aaat la
BradUte raotardapftftarBOn* oara. ttotdbjrft
«ba abarah partara tbit araalac at 7: M. i A moat doUgbtfBl tfma waa aoj-red
Md W«t«k IS Kwk
prasTMkMtVfortof tte MMIcmBbbptbaBa BagU Wblat dabattbalr
maaUBgwlUMra..B B. Braokn poa*
ttrdap aftarBOOB. Mr*, g. B. Foetar
aarriad eat wbataacma toba tbo rag*
oUrordarbt tblaga bp wtaalag tba
fta iBiaraatiar awe ag waa tba
Ik* iMMifiM Of MIbUcm U IMO.
prii- pie agate.
prapar aeaUag
MiBiliiUTln «4 m Uad*.BBdli
Dalteieoa rofraabmnta arore aarvad.
■Ml IwtwM wd la MM Ir ftU lo«Uenaatetlag of
ka«a hMS raa to tkalr (aU aapae- Ufa of tba UMter'frait Mlad. cake aed ooflar. Back of
tiy, wbUa aet a aaall par aaat hava MaOlara'a MagaalM for Daoaabar. wm tba gaeatt waa praantad with a lovalp
ttrrr'j « mdn in
haaa la omtpUm ea "aMrUM,” to atadiod.
aoBvaalr. porebaaod bp Mto. Braekao
Median wAo topaii maUv
Bobart warraa aaot witb a palafal
■aatatfnlordan iM laaraasia(d*
oa kar roent trip to Oraad BapMa.
vtd i$ mn *t H.
Batllp■udt for Iteir fredaiw.
HiM ntmt if T/nffrtt,
Ht I*
Ubcrwa. hoU aklUad aad aMaal, padoatba lap walk oa Baat Preat
GeTbem^ntf^. TXif'raftdmUr
kavabMararx faaaraUr raptoradM atraat. aad fall, aattlag aa agip gaah
Mn. Nalaos Obattarsoa te ooaflaad
f*ir sign thjil he it» gcod «Aor*
>fr aaO laarorlacwifap, aa4 mb la hia head. Dr. O B. Cbaaa atiaedao
■Mrrcpf faattbar*baa bOMafftMt bin.
K. D. Uwte ot Blk Baptda waa la tba
vfMrn. Ve/vtlwntlQlrnyoa
A aaw book rarlaw altib bM ban or• aharlan ®* oomob labor la mar
ffiof to matof m a UOits’ $Hot
l^anaoftbo atatr; ao ■aobaetbatlt ^laad bp aoBM of tba poaag ladiaa ot clip paatardapWilliam Daaklow of Lolaad waa at
ftof Mfft ArJJ apafr. %hkhit
kMMtarlaUr lawifrrad wttb work tba aoatb aide. Tba alab aaeta ararp
fto toaf ator
ftof prttor
•■a.raUroad ooMiraeitoa bad la tba Moedap arnlag. Mlat Alaaa Orlati la
MIm KIttUGoldu ot Old Miaain la |
ftor nor cama ovi of nny man *a •
tawda aad mimm. aotwltbataadloff tbo tbaartaldaat .
tbagatatof Hr. aad Mra. J. O. 8acj:>
T^ ■ratbara of pipe ergaa
«rffar hy a pa». Yew’ff/Or
lIM^No. .1 ara ri^atatad i« awat miB.
»na1ill7 baa Ibtra braa a aaareuy o^
Oaorge Atb baa ratarnad from aa ea*
' ftom. mir AfWfvjMV oodf. Thrtt
.Mi^tafa,-aaa<aB aad baUdora'oB- •atardap aftaraooa at I o'aleak with
Uaded vtelt at Siavaet Polat. Wit.
MUnfee^nslyltt. Ve'fBoU
plojaa. whUa Mt a faw etbar tradaa Mra. B. J. Morgaa.
Mn. Jemaa Luaoa of atvaUad. te
agoifa for fto Tingrt* " CompoTba BMtlac of tba Ontral Labor
Bara at tlBta roportad a abonof aof
Bloa will oeear UU araalBg, la- vteliiag bar atetor. Mra. Mode Bleb.
L B.McIotoabof Clarln. formorip ‘
artalag. aa ,as
la tba aaaraaa of aaarlp S.ooo faolO' ataad of. lMt
Haa JaalaoBoladad bj tka 0iaw Paetorp Boaaaad la paatardap'a Bboobd. Tbara load looker for F. B Ooodrieb, te la
. iMpartori. li waa dotorniaao that Mt b bMlBfaa >ot apeclal Imporu
lOM baton tba Baotlog. aad a fall at*
Bf tboB bad laarai
Made Taeog ftgala.
Jial iaraatod •t.Ul.tM oa dartar tba tndaaea la atpaoiaUp daaliad.
• Oaa of Dr. Klag’a New Ufa PiUt \
W. 3. Irwia left paatardap for Ms*
nar UM. aa araraga aamat of ta(■eh eight for two waakt baa pat me |
graaM far aaob tBaUiBUoa of «ll.9M00 kagoa wbara faa will rrawla for aona lo mp 'toaaa' agalo." wrtUa D. B. Tof '
oar of Dampaaptown. P*. Tb^ra tbe
aattra Mpital. la l.tn
Tbara will ba a regalar aaratlag of beat la tba world tor Livar. Blrmaeb
•bOM aaaraMod. tbara wara foaad to
aad Bowala. Parelp vagatable Never
taaaplopadatotaloi M.lMmertaB- tba A. O. U. W. tblaaToaiag la Moata- gripe. Oalpataat Jaa. Q. Johetoa'a
fiofm thaa daMag iba faar laaa, ba
aod 8. B Wait’a drag atom
^taraga lacraaaa laaaeh of tbaaa fao*
laalaaef ITa'poroaai. Uwaaalaoat•a,
's/»/* • aa.-a.t •»'v •?
Ibaatad that 74 par aaet of thdaa faaBp ajpaagataaet with Jaaob Lltt, "A
A Dining Table?
—ft ao, I orili qaote yoo aome pricea that will make it an ol»dct
fqr yo0 to buy at ou»n». I bar* 27 tliffewol atylra on my floor
and 10 diffpreot atylea at my warehonae.that 1 bavrat room for
on tbe floor.
S3.76 extanaioa teble for.................... $3.16
$6 .76 table, MUd golden oftk, for....... $4 .66
$8.60 Uble for......................................... $7 $6
$8.60tnble for......................................... $8.46
$l8J»tftble fbr....................................... $i0.b6
$81.76 Uble for....................................... $1$76
1 bare a fall liaa of them—beat of altitablM that ban tba laavra
Hgbtlatbam-aobaBdlaof loavw Iplag aroaod la poor wap. Tb«p
ban a aolld outav—a child caa axtoBd it wlihoat taklag oovar or dteb*
aa off. 1 wOl aall them bow tram W 7i to 8I1.7S.
Slater’s House Furnishingt Store
190 Front Street.
Frank Friedrich
rheOld Reliable Shoe Mao
■tiaa wara abla to pap tbatr aaploraa TnniBa Yeatteataa," tba aew eoandp
ivaafcl/. II paroaat awatblp aad 14 wbleb baa woei grrat aopalarltp, will
Bar aaat paad-BoalWy. bcTaalp four
itod lat dlalabarg'a Uraad
par aaat of tbaaa faotorUi raportadaa Opera Baaaa aaxt Wadaeadap avaalag.
toaraaii of baaloaaa orrr laav.
Job. 17. Plapgoan will ao doabt ba
fbav trada aaloB aoanea, throagb
I bare -aa opporiaaltp to aar
^hatr aararal aUta and loeal teeraiarjaa Mr. Baa Uaadrieka
^1^ cfierra. we laara that ibcae ebtn- role of dTCD'BaaaoD. tba bare of "A
pdaMof wagaa aad
^ •o«acajYaoalDoYraUaioaB."J.drn tea poaag
•d Ubor ara la a p
aad grow* I gweda who baa ban trait rd for a aila^ aoBdlUoa aad that laeraaaaa la pap lagaaglBoarattba great Dpa»la Dai*
jwabalag roportad la fartoaa plaaaa aaraitp la Bwedn. aad wba te eomlag
. arttb WgbtaalBt proapteU for aUll to America to aegata >d bit cfaoaaa
frtatar laaraaaea. Botblag la oxota oalllir oat la tba saw mialagragloB
aiMttlra to ahwaglBg Uomo Uibb tba tbn jMtopealog-iba Oorar d'AlaaaaoaU aad aa l«pro*atBaat la tbla Tba Oral act of tba plap takaa place oa
i^ltawrallp tba laattbiag aaearad cr b>ard thefMortb Uarmaa Llopd ataam
•r ••Maraebaa" wbilailptag la Soatb
amptoB harbor awaUlag tba arriral of
Bo bOBaat. aaprrjadbwd Biad oaa tba indar briagiag tba p
gall to ba iBiprataatt wltfa tba fact tlat from HoatbamptOB nroata
-ft low poara ago boaeat labor w«aaar* Y’orb. draa aad tba other ebaraelrra
ftMtlp aarklac bo-uit anplojBoat.aed of toe plap arr lalrodaeadlo tba aadl
MablBgUlBYalBuwfallaaowli la tba nM bare aad Sacatraaa aeroaa aa old
lahorlog a»B wbo te balag aoBgfat bp f'iaad wbom'be bad m«tu dwedea. la
lha oaplopara of labor, witb faigbar tba aeran of tba Boaorabla Oordoa
Tbaraportof Oaitla. rx*mfateiar to dwadao, rotarBirCoxeatba coael* home to tbr Daltad butao. Tbe aaeoad
Mom of labor aad wagea ta Mlcfalg.a
gt thteactukea plaottff Bill.
moob aaloablo food lor
York harbor. Thcablp
U boarded bp tba health effinraad
of cbolrra.oa board deialoa tae
Ip tba report prove# trot .hat f)ac
»1 at ^uamUae '^e llaaorablr
•ral Matbaaa'a mlad U BBtaalaaead, all
Oordoa CuUe .baa.valaabU paper*
qavtloe'aa to hte frUlip or lack of It wbU-b ba te'tbe bearrr ot to tbe deadwUl U fofgotlca iB dnp apmpatbp teb embaavp.at Waabiogton. aad wbleh
far Iba >IB .ted maa. oaoa oaa cf ba I* aosiouv to have delivered wlibaoi
Baglaad-a IdoU.
dalap. Kvea aademkea the commie
aloB of deUr.rlog tVbe paper*. j4mp>
aod aalma aaaorarba
aaroad aet ebaorea to tba Coear
Sr. BBd Kn. K. M <al< BoiortBlaid
d'Alaa* ooootrp. Idaho. 8vea dteeov
Iwat Bvniag.
ara bw brother la tbe paraoo of Cfaarle*
Mr. aad Mra. S. 8. BaU nUrulaed NaUoa. who bat bon aaUogaatbe
•t C o'clock dlaaar paatardap. A raaaagar of a mlaala tbeOoeard'Alera.
•BBiptBou barqact waa apraad. aad a NeK'.a uae provei diaboDeaiaad wbca
MtdoUgbtfalUoia wMaa}opadbpall. broagbt ^ aoooaat bp bte eoaxpaap
9ba folio Blag wore tbe gaaau:Mr aod weald have beaa la aarlopa tmbla bot
KfB. L. W. Tlakhas. Mr. aad Mn. A- for tba launaatloa of Hf(a who aavoa
L. Baabaav Mr. aad Mra. Du Loodu. hte brotbar'. rapotatloa at*tbo aaeriflee
|fr. BBd MPa. L. B aeoa. Mr. aad Mra. of bte OWD gnod aame aad tba love of
W. D. C SaraBalaa.'
bte Amarleaa awaelbaart Other eomAfMrdiaaar. Mr. BaU CBtcrtBlaad plicatlona arUa ibroagh tba. labor
fbo oenpaap for two bear# wUb oalac- troeblea baiwan the mlaara aad ibalr
gtna OB tba pboBagrapb. Ba te aa aa* tmplopera lb tba tBcoeadlBgaci.bat
Ida la dowolag bM nemlet
pm at ttate. aod baa oaa of the daaat
aad alaariag
og hlma^lf of tba augma
iBalniaiiT- la tba atata.
ovarbaeglDg b1m. regalai tba affee*
Coetraat Awarded.
LBibar aad ftnltb ban ben awarded
tbaaoatraet for tba aocatraetloe of the
Hte «Ua Bavao BIm
"Hp wlfr'a rood advlee aavad mp
__________ Tbe
Ilia.- wntaa F. M Boat of Wiafta.d.
bpdOMbpHIll Bfoa
Taaa.. -lor I bad aaeb a bad ooagfa i
I wut to lat tba p^ta who aafer ooald Urdip breathe, 1 grew ataadiip
4fom rbaamatlam aao lelaUaa kao* wore# aadar doeior'e Iraatmaat. bet
to oaa Dr. Klog'#
that ChambarUta'a Pala Balm ratiend mpwtieorcadmc
me after* Bombar of etbar ardlelBM Mew D>taoverp fur Ooaammptlea. wbleb
mpletolp eared M." ueagba. Oolda.
pad a drotor had failed. It U tba baat Bro^lite La Orippa, Ppoamoala.
f'BlBMBt I haVa ever baowa of.—J. A- gvtbBta. Hap Fever aed all maladlm
Oadgn. Alpbaratia. Oa. Tboaaaada
of Cheat. 1 broat aod imago are poaU«a bna aarod of rbra^tbs bp tbte Ittvalp earad bp tbte maraoUoBa Btedi*
MModp. Oaa appHeaUoa ralianatbo atea. Me obo gi ao. Bnrw botUa
J- ^ gBaiMlBad. Trial betUaa 10a at Poa.
li. PobBante oBd ft B. Walfa drag
* Kw
IB m rBoam are, vary
' Before Placinj
I life Insureice
A Straight 25 Per Cent, Discount.
Ferbaps you may need only a single pair of curtains or just
one - that's where you got still better prices. We have a few of
such, and on these the price has been cut exactly in halt We
start tbe New Century as tbe greatest Want Fillers of this North
ern Region.
Oiia Night Only
Wednesday, Jan. 17
Amrrica'a Oraataot Swydihh
Couiadii n,
January Sale of Carpets!
Ben Hendricks
III the laWl and beat of the
wiiaH of Swadiah i«tn-
Just another example of how we are getting to the people.
These are the best All Wool Ingrain Carpets and are selling
regularly at 66c and 76c tie yard. We find we have some very
fine patterns that have from 7 to 80 yards'in the roll, and these
we ll Bell you at 45 and 60c the yard.
Our special t ffer of Tapestry Bruseels selling at 76c the
yard is included in our January sale at 49c the yard.
Don't wait for some one else to snap up these splendid of
fers, but be the fortunate one yourself
••<]>• draniae
“A Yenuing
Inlcrjirated bv n compniiy of
unojiiiitl CSC* ll- iico particiil*
nrly adt|jtt*d lo tbe r.ijuir *
manta r<f each individual
chara< tar.
Prodnead on a wale
niai^ni&oDce navar hafura ntteuiptad ill onm«dy draniaSUircd with DOW and mat;
iiifie rt.t -canic aod iiiachanical afffCte from Iba oriirinal
drawing;* bv John H. Youiik.
of tlia Hnmdway Tbaalra,
New York.
Coiita'nini; apeciailiaa of
lha moot rabnad and hii:ha*t
order and original wholaaaie
January Sale of WaH Paper!
Everything New.
Now te tba tima U> faava poor Blejeir |
j*namclad aad elaaaod ap raadp for
Fre« Storage. All Winter.
Mvworkcae act be baat.aad pr>w»
tta lowMt. Win eoU tor poor wboal
Ba. 11.
One of tbe finest opportunities ever ofiTersd to buy Lace
Curtains at prices never before made. Don't overlook tbis splen
did cbance.
Tble bale Includes Nottlufrbam Curtains firom 60c to $4.00
the pair. Irish Point from $3 60 to $7 CO, Brussels Net from $4 00
to $10.CU. On all these regular prices we are now mak'ng
it * * J i
twr «i !iriMMa^l? atw^r ovarr l""'oi
January Sale of Lace Curtains!
Sea tilt* new jwliaiaB of lha
p* .time Life of hartford—lhav
; are afionani. Ratae tha moal
- aarikfa'*U>ry.
\\V rIbo 'a«*ll their auci<l>*Ql f>
« an<l hanltb poliriiw.
• H L. A Co. Block.
tdaonaaatar o,lw,H.«aite.
Going to paper that room now. that you've been thinking,
aboutP Here's the cbance.
We're selling papsr with two band border for 12c the
double roll that originally sold at 20c. a 16c paper for 10c. tbe
10c grades for 7c, the border to match at 1 l-2c and 2c the yard
One hand 16c papers for 10c, and several cases for 8c the double
roll, the borders to match for Sc to 6o the yard.
We have some email remnants that formerly eold from 16
to 60c the double roll and are now selling at 4 to 10c the double
roll, and borders from half a cent a yard to 6c.
Tile HaQDah & Lay Mercantile Go.
4-- '.
S^\t Himjk
______ *■
K • Ttorre to* joM !>•»■ mnored .fP
n WlvlfTW.^ th» a|4n> of »C BMwaiT* rborrlk
_______________________I Exrtrt • Tta* ^tth ■ lHatorj a»
thu BMan^ iBuv«»uat. lu
• Os-WMMitert» aMfhttrM tu
fpilli u tk« k«MMt «r tka MitM I (( «•* kB 1«M Uiai BUbo|» Courti>MUteMhoal. aa4 U lfr:M a'^oak
^ Bsmct baud that a gfaat MI
SSaTnl^lX rUf irara JT, «
ba ar,«lr»d. a»d
l-rla» a paialoo ta that-llrartJoB. J»
^telaUahall«laffatika U«a.aaO
»a ita tmaiaaa a
haadway b.
naaagH lo aacan the mowiar la
fiaait waa 41aaovarai. Tba ahlUras axrhsaia for
aataOar oaaa. Ila
t^mwpt alfM 9* aaala. aad bat te tba aBectaarnlly mncrad It la Bxater aa<1
MrtiaftkaPiaaarttwaanlaTaot bad It bolatad to tba top «( tba aanbban raaaliad. U waa a
tower of tba catbadr
to Mt oat. aad' Tbe tower, bowerrr, bad aot k
__ _
d»l»»ad to acroBBodate aach a c
*«fw»ilaMtlhaar aahoel booba aad
wiMv wivb «blah w«« d<
9m»tt tbaa. Mta Bdltb Oai
MdAUaa Saa» Biwilay. wan badly
bwraal Mka ■byaa. afiar balyl^ to
•MtbaahUdnaaatwaaaanyaUad to
bar U*a.
traaaore tbe Uabop ere<iad <
tower a aptre. ofoak.<
ted tbU by a
tMd. aod he attrtaooBta
. « featqpe- or
W tbe eoWraou
wbteb waa a repraaeamtaa ot a roo»tar !■ eopprr.
tba < yaar old abUd •( OatrU Vlnw. > ita exrrem lanytb waa two fM
a« Onmi BayUf. faU iato a lab of idae larbea aad belybt two fret els
btfiM wator aad waa naldad to >»cb«a. wblla it wu eight lacbea ibirk
IB tbe enter, brlag cast boUow. Tba
Ml;blooo, wbUo Ufa. Cbryaawr »m
biai^ag oat alothae.wn baaed aaraastaf aad ayea bar going to Us naeaa
aba waabarrifiad totadiWelotliiagOB
u. uw.b«^ I. •
M, , ,,
. • .
a^ IMiBalmU waaaawwoaad.aod
IN Aa«Oa^ .
W'anrdVcar SI faao Ordbtaa Had
SeS-^s.? r
naefal doty of telling tbe realdrot* of
tbe **B«er FalthfaT eliy wbteb way
tbe wlad blew. ttarlDg that loot ept-Q
arrrtee It looked down oo eoni>■*'»Mte aad ntorlog aigbte. for tbe ]>e
K Faao. Tna«. Jaa 11.—no aeearaat Winard eear agyariaoaed la Sew
Mrxtae sweyi aaroM tha Wbits Oake
rarkM. a<a>st ttt w'lea aerthsaat U K
Paso aad lforth*ea>«ra railway, yaawrday. and'eeattaBad la laiaosliy «•
ill thU aoralar.
Tbe fr. sea body of Al Baaey war
feand CP Uw road near Hegal. K. M.
Baaey aad a eowpaatoa. WUl <Jwea,
bad atanad ea foot to White Oaka. bat
wanoeertabeaby Ua atorai Uwea
■nafed to -Toaeb a boaaa aboat a
qaartor of a mlladtataat.
AataUoarrtor batwaea WbitaOaba
aad roet (ftaatoa alwaat lost ha Ufa
la tba atorw Ba araa foaad aaooasatoat a faw wi'aa frost White Oak*,
bat rcrirad aooMwbat
TEST thj_kiinet8 08DER YODR fflingR WOOD
tirf U Thf an OImX Uw tba
W0rM'i OmKct KMo«y Cun
HuilwooD smv
.Bldtvaik Lumbar tn.gOl-
ADother Happi Menll,
•hawlUraaofar. j
j Tbe uld weaibereor-k ba* brared the
It I* reported at Barlla that RuMia
Mia. daha Jehaaoa; who was bara*d .
'• iN-liev-d
' there l<
Of •rthe--’r^ !*'»'*‘^‘*‘*-''*W*'**
jenegla tbe beglaBlBf of Kovtaibat
day at FniltyoA. la daad.
laM aad laft Altc* a soldier* behlad
A mhlMS Adveslnr*.
Mar^aetto laatbarwaa ara aoaairactOne afiernuon. almit
lag las roads with aprlaklars la Uaa of
wblle tilling fur inr]Kiii. I n-<-rjr <| a
-Judge. Yuur ImiK.r" »nld tlie prt*
MOW. aad tha fall qnou of log* will
terrible bl..w <iu ibe l.ni k i»f ihe iH-ail. oner. -I^mn- I •iiitn- iii) pb-n I'd like
ha daaayad Iato tha near.
wUi-b llirew mi- mil »f ilie Immii Iiii.. to Bsk K f'-u’ ^IHKlIlMls.'*
Jasaph Waltara, raaldlag four alias tbe water ami aluuiet ••vi«i linve till- ■■nun's |s-nuissloii"
. Illlllol
OOBtb of Nilas, wa* faaily klobed la aay* Forest nml hir.-nm.
-If I L*" To trial. u'lU I liov.'
mj guld.- into ib.- Uwi.
dhshaadhy a bora* Wodaawlay afte.- ba<-k
‘ ‘ by
berv nml li>i-n wlilli- ibe law'\i->ss link
wbirii was fliiaitiii: full .if wan-r. an l
■)........... ....
'found. Ijlug full b-ugib In It. a |H.r••f.Tlalul.v."
T'pnlss- sU>ul uilH- r<n-l bxiK wlilrti ' ••.%«.! 1«noi be r all tb>' liBiidurlUnB
■aaforaagar baata. Thayelalmtobaeal probably wciKlml nv.-r .'.•■> is.uud*.
loattooaay la ralslag tbam aadwy'Of murw tiil> iish uev r strm k »i<-.
-Mid r..ii.<«
of tbv
MMywUiaMgo law It again aaloss
......... .. I'i---..
•ha artaa k mtaad la M a tAB
Wl«at liB|ii*en*i1 wu*. b>--Jiitiip<-<l lilgU cbi’iuUi y uii l b snalty ei|»-n».y
,« ,br air. a. ibr, lrv,u..iitl> do. ...d 1 ' V-.> .......
TM fbaadatloa walla of tba saw ,,tided bead
foai in ti.e i “" ■ 'I Jmltf.-. .v»ur b.m-r. I'l
•towartWoek at Battle Oraak wash-, ati-ra of ib.- l-wi. ku.skius a le.v i« •’"'••r
I'b:'-r Kulltj,
AMdaed the tbraa aiory
story brick atrac
atrae Ibnuigb
ibnuigb flu- ;->-il1iig ami Imii.iiu of lU
!■ ba* bssn drmooB'rw'-d
Uapaad. No oaa waa injarad. •
siununu; liimiH'U. Tb.- id..* I : !■
hatlha lota1 wlllloot
wa* •niiwil b.r III* Usif Till!-awy •*»*• *■ the Laloa. and la
fact apaevarmt
aevarmi taoaetboae- cr«vm-d
ww**w SM will root
;mai.y buvien o unin-*. it*i cbsmor
">B U|w............
S0.r...si I
Ccmch R. mrdy U a certain proI Tim iman-st rowlsuil
A toiler writua by Joba Kealy frua bumlr-l yur-l* «cr. ami a. wm f.-ar.-.l
Ivareal remad;
Mly f.-r U<*i
Taaadan*. Cal., to hla atetor at Ooldwa the |mr|>u>>« uiigbi n.<nv.-r at any m ____
V FUbar of Idbertv. W.
■ tor, atau* that be raeraily mw tbara , nieni atnl stu.-i<-b ilm Imuh i» j,
Va., eoly rrp.au wbaiil baa
bnao said
ir globe
•be wbea ba wrlle>: "I
MMiOarrIa Adame, tha Cold wator glrl^
'*"■ >»y gu'd.* gum* ......... aroned ibr
I Cham'
lb Otiigb Rem*
who dlato>paarad •nddecly from h*r‘
ho>M Iin
b hew
Ka« York
VatL chy
sH. aat
■Mtog boaaa
,i„. B.t,-.
oral wata* age. ibun laUe tbe <'»ms..simxi-. * ,.f «h t
. Paraliara bayer* art poaring irto nilgbi hapis-ti if ili-' is.rt*i>i><- i-iime i.. cough rem' de. bet tbai It 1* a *rre care
for CT •up. Il ba* save.1 tbeiive* »f our
Mtaad Raptda if thabaadrtd. They »mf..re we «eiv ink. ii .wu of ii.. i.«t. chi^drrB a fcvmbrr rf I'mr*.'' rbl*
an placing order* t-rr. aad a Mg *«a' **' '"l'l’*'‘^
'be uuier nmt mil.- < r- Bieov U for aalr by 8 £■ Wait and F.
tim Iwui
ooa's prodact VIII 'be nqalrcd to moct ('"■'I"-'
'•< |be C. Tt-omptoD drugglau.
I boat, hm b-l-i-1 lo do *... n* il liiclud.sl
!llm iRmjm's.'. tv,. llwM Iiiniisl ilm Imal
Tb* Finutebijaata. wbM U aglis' riBlii .id.- up ..ml ............................. * m Micbaid Batdiig OavU’Haw Htor<.
lag lar Amer use aid la reatraialag tba sMi-. «bi<-i.. nlili-wu-li full -r n;ii.>i
La Imtir* d'Amrur 1* cae of tbc beat
faa. from npprvastag FtoUad. ba* d.uii"<l ami sup,,orM.t. amt -s|m..al'.<> li.ve etcrle* RIebKrd Ha'dlt>g Dtvl* e**
iiaCaiamel. lir aiVaiYrr* proTm-ii-d u* rroiii tin- |H>*.iii]|)iy >,f writlvD. Tbe *eene U laid is L mdnn
tmilic blMe.i l>y sliaiks. oT wliirli Iher aod the eharaeter* are a baaa ifn!
aattmaia ibat ts.um Fiap* will.
gr-'*l liinii.x Inrg.- om-s tu t’o- Amereaa girl, bar mother, a wealthy
Nrataibla year, and tost imseUtotiy all
I linVe imjr.t ,J{kt ili.-sm *h .rk* t.•nog Harvard man, and a vloliubt of
be Hunganan Orebaatra. Tbe Uln*.
^tham win onmstotbaaortbwosi
Will anl l•■-kl.■ a jmn>. but it i* in. •ra'lon* are by Howard Chaodlar
■ opliilon Hull a slrarb wbl.-b lun
;hrikty*.La Leitre d'Amoor U Ui*
'^rfagaOreot Ran oa 0basbtr’«tab ami swaUmv a inr.Nm w.mlil tl.■l
l-adl.-gatory In tbe Midwiotor Fiction
Oaagh Oteaady.
tote mnrb at a luaa. 1 dbl i..>i tuigiwi Nnmbrr of tbe 6*;nrday Bvedirg Ptot.
>hteh will ba oo tale Jaonary SV.b.
DR.e.H SN0W, "
j«IDr.Sno»topi.bli«hti...i..:rien». .
V r.”
Card Of TbaZ^
re to tbaokonr friend* and
ibor* for ttbe aympalby and tbe
IV kindDeMe* la oar batcavemen
aad also tbe R F. lodge and Lady
Maueabeea and Royal Neighbor* We
staoexiead oar beanfalt thank* for
tha heaatifai toral plaaa* that ware
Aarara Voaea.
> Faaax BaaxxTT
aad tamlly.
»«,, .A. nno.., ...nuo....
*.r.nwS?,hV.T.,w ^ -s: s;;?.
of a mother, rapeclally tba aatoad t aa, Hc helped ma. within a »*w days. I advise arary oaa wbo aaad* a doctor to call
wbom I had to take oat of acboo: b. - loa him. tt latbc beat tavcataioat I ever made.-.... t.a. .- ~Piixi> J.'Jnws,*^
cm of tbreateoed BcrrcB* proatia-j
Dr Snow male* a opeeialty of all chronic (Uacaaea, dibcAaM of •
UoB.lbaTcplaoedatihadUpoaaloftbe men. theeye, ear. nose and throat. He ie eapeoally ancceashil in
pablie my home. 0*0 Fraaklla a'raei. trealin« tsanefr, asthma and oonaomptlon.
for boaplul parpoaea anill tbc eUy
TMllifitfai!tBlf«-28c - )«S*
*wm«»- Biomr. c.
bopclbattboaeinwhoarpAweritrMTs KIMmICUI
to forlher tbi* . ff Aft will do a^. wh^c
w.ll ooi on y permit me to-bt a. bom
' w lb my cLtldren but will apArd U
. . .I...,:,i0.
. .
., _
. —,_.k 0...^^
‘ If
Will do well
to call on
F. C. Thompson.
., Mr* U av*. M H4 *«n.
ramadTaqtials WaF..veR'8 Writt.
INC OF TAB HrBtTP fur thi* torrioand fatal dbaaae. If takaa Uior^
:l,!v and in time. It wIU cure a ca*.
hotuw, and fo> tba oougb that lolw» La Grippe 1'. ^nr faUs to gtva
WtsaoiHtsH Kosvev.
i^%Mi|pw»d* way M foand«« tkt Mer-1
fiaab.lpaior-Wltb all onr
iHwUto a><a star*. « M. W»U.J. u.< Feaiab_
Wt aiw aalliag tbe atoek of good*
■■ause al wonuii > do.-* pot
I. MHtt. A Oot«ll«. d
I. M,.«.
that waa la lb* rrcaat ftr* at a very
-..A pmer.w*. Why I* ut
" \ A Mt«
low pr a • fee eaab till the Are stock U
_ IT Bath.
BaSk. Jao. r
‘ “ Sam
e*o Gaaa.
that Ibe
uTKiag aadJ. a
Tine trying i
•r-*t brainy
ly girl*
Ail I
Ipas&l AttoBtiN
pivtiy.-New York WaefelT
■1 Ittottor tgerti tha
ta^qlaw^t aty*SSri4riC«^**^
of AK«aud^l-’k KtMflAi fur
12 I
can't be praised loo b gh’y. It peotly
■ilmnlkia* tbe kidcrya. tore* the *to-n
ach, aids digcttl.'f. scd g'vr* » rpl.-p
did •ppstHa. It Ka* worked wtrder*
f.pT n., w ife and me Ii’* a ma-vsu us
rrmed- for o'd p«--*ple's c--n>platnt«."
OqIv SOc at Jaa O. Jonasen's an« 8. R
Wait’* drug atorea.—'
uf Kodaks
M Cue lot lor children fnm ^
10 to 14 years'fttge—^
ijlvooi.lic-t marie, HOc, i«
ifuality. for
and Photographers!
OiM.lot for fbi1drtn''from (
J C. Hhenaai). tbe veteran •■dlior oft
« %
di>.«cecred1 tbe remarhal
ping A,id
.voided X.
a has avoided
i von*r
re*. IrdSg.eil. .. Heart trouble, Con
Pli(ilographers!s^®’^?^''t*| |
nr.- tl»- IwilMliiu- i>f tl»- 1*a<-in<’
reads au.l digging .<f ibe Kimc t-anaL
O'O Piopf* MaOe,.Tou»g
e doctor* arc al liberty 1
whom tbsy cbose a* i
tbBirpatienU,**b.ard < ri': beprev-ded .
f *r both at tbc bOQsr
I *ba;l be glad of ar.y eog.-r t'->a* nbalpinaDy war to mprove spin ihr
praaaat plaa and* aak tboae laurrsud
Very eordia.'T.
Mms. i.KKinriia Minou:
Tin- iwy ap'.il, IN.11--M
=——•2 2
M Ooe lot
~ ^
bo>V»>io liiyrf, at -17c M.>r
^ &V&\T^0Tjt5e
a Seed X«tk*t
Sinof tha holidaye the Stex-k hah
a«1l at aoetion tbe do musketi wb’cb
the? baer bad for *overai year*. Tb#; |„h-d rpclucv-rl and wlat is Ipft will
poB'have n-ed the pleee* maev (year-I
acd for three yskr* pa«t ibr Baonaii B I bt* sold to great adrenta(;p.
.m pmm tj.,,..>l>. .applyosb.0d.
ie Oi,. l„i Rm’b llHivrr
g i ^eMw.BOe: g*‘ 3
£ One lu> L»dii0' P0nt0. 0ll 5
blddrra The sa-'lou will take place. Only a
a faw daya more for good £
w< ol. nmallgiEot^ooiy. $1
oa the comer of Front and Ca«* *tree's
grday afternoon t I o'el' ck if tb* 1 choice.
Orange bal'.
T« OMfto • COM MiIDm Qwy.
Take Wanwr-s While Wine of Tar Sy rTbe beat coqgb rwnvdy <m earth. S-’ V senu.
ThompsoD’s Drag Store £
ronca^'or Block.'
rmial* Vnr Oa
» etock of foi
sat Am at a V
lew pr V tor aaak lil ibe Riw at^ V
Oao. Qaaa
' VJ'“
My food '
Mrs Trnnid* Minora Ba* Flannad to digest aad same away jut aa I bad cates It. T
balebiag t. ____________
bom* at a Urns, my stomach tenaad Uka aato
bad coaitipau'OBst b-verp*
ASbrd Prop*' Care for the kick
rould aat hardly m'ytbiag. and evcryiblpg gs*e me praai diatma. My.btarknwbat Mar MeaMeeca.
tbampad and bast at time* ee.y faat My back w*a eery bad aad
and tbsro
tbsrs waa*maay
Not that I will, or will aot expect to good deal c-f pain there. My limbs would jerk aad iwiteb. aad they felt
aad no fesUng mneb la Usam by apaiu. M ueree* were eery bad aad I
go from my borne to amaa. bw> that 1
light b« moea with my three.Uula
>i _get anpagb
L have galaad i: woands
kBgbicf* wbeaa tcadw age r«oBlr* so i ^Ittg saw aad It gives ma-BO dial___
. ..
It’* a simple a*Rcr to usl tba kiJaey*. Yob oreil not connli a docio'.
b... stkiag >->utself three <iecatioD* .yen
MB deterpiine ^wbeiaar or aot ywot
idaey* are derpaged.
PIra: ‘-Hanyoubarkacbeerweak.
lame barkr'
; “Do Yoa kan dtficahy in
ar a hw frs^oaat daaire to
Ibtrd: “Arc than dcpoalu like bcieh ^ce—■(toa*tw TrBwaraa Olty LMfiibtCTiDo.
dn*t to tbe nrmc afur it ba* uood lot
la til early
tirjw kidacy dicaasc 1*
rwadily eared by a few bewas of Dr.
Cbaae'* Kidncj-Linr Pilla a prepar*.
tkw wbicta ba* made Dr. Cbaw famoat
tbroBgboot tbe wnM for hi* woadarfel
Oibar eaaaaltlaa ban bsaa rayorted. eeia* of dteeate* oi tbe kidaeyw
awoay tha aanbar Ursa eowboya. bat
Mr. iMiah Maoigold. paiatcr. Wtoet
thoraperto am oaeoatrwad It baa towa, N. V., writaa: “I Mn bad s
Uwatod that tba law «< atotk wUl be nry bad case o1 kldaey afl-ctioa tor
some Hmt. ard doctored la ma nmll
Dr. A. W. Cbase * Kidacy-Llnr FillMr. Rrod l^h(n^ of Bin^hR(B,*Mf£bn after tbm terribU^
wBc broaglit to m.v mAiec. aad tbe> anfferii
oriBKs «ntb Mo help from aaf aobroe, oo
■nmiag^'^e 'id
bare coopleiel* roml ata. I cannnt Mt
d bit case, coDsnlted
gy '
‘i jr.
CDoagb la praise of tbalr w.adertni Atand
B^laBtaoeShauByBbey to Attotd
If yon ban ki.liiey diaesM, yoa can
taka Dr. Chav’* Kidsey-Urcr Pllb
. Balamaeo baa a great rallgtoat re whb perfect conftdraca tUl what ba*
ptoYM an abnJutc cor* in so awny
e:nl. whiob b b
tboosandi of ca*c* will aot fail yea.
tha aaaytoaa of areeral of -tba Iceal
So long M ibr ceil* of tbe kidpcys-arr
eharabaabyDr 3 WabarChapwaa. o' not completely waaird away, a* la lb*
la« atagn ot Bngbl’t dliraec, Dt
flaw York. Today will ba red letiar CbaM't
Pill* will dn
day cf the sarle* wbea al -day aanloBi Iboa DOW eigor aad •trength, aad make
will be held. Tbe baalaraa places of them sireTtg.aaaltby and aetin. One pill
ally wiU be closed dartag tha after- a dose : aye ■ bos ; at all dealer*, or 1>T. who immnlUlly diigsowd bu cur u HPJKAL IRRtTATTON. Tim K
A. W. CnpaaModlctncCo.. Budalo, N V.
| aooa ol that day. aad cearybody U as
*' beartAtomach and bowel lYmptomaiwinK reflci aird canaM by tbria** fa«
pectad u> go toabaroh.
— I pared functions uf the bpitial uerve oenlcra. He has eapecially rt-iin^t^v' J
neb la lileiory-reaklof locloeste.
•UwaadoM tbM amid ba doaa to aad'tbe lvt.-r Ml wa# l..wered Into
b»b*lbM lu toflartac bat tbs abild tbe lower far eaoogb to allow iW
Maad bat a abort Fiao.
, orlgtnal level of tbe roof to be rer>-nLaabaraMB la Mianabaa aoatl* "
re-ereete<l no
tower of *1. HWwell-a i>cH>b
haaaftna ayaU hoyaa of anw aad
i-b-B tower. Iry ibe way. wUIeu
M prayartar to do iawharlaff oa ,uo 0,, , hi-tory. it u..
IImb ooe oeraeloo been utUlaed ae a
Owiog to tha withdrawal of so waay
OariTbayar. a«ad tt. of laulaOraok Prt«w. e.|«Htony during the relwlli.nit of the big Haen for aarelaa by tba
towaabiy. waaaaat to tbsauuladae•dsieemb <mor}. ai»l Britiab goearaweat. tba St. l«>aia of
tolalatoaol Wadsaaday for paaslag a
, tba Awcrtcaa line, waa tba only aat
laaaeaeewaal-aatHBe fKHB BsW York
igAm VOsaa^l ytaaad a lawy baalda ! For <k> ynn tbd old eoppar
| for Baglaad^edModay. Awoag gbe
1 Walaaiday alght to raad. mied fnrtu Ita Uboiw,ln tiie mbrdral j
ipgcra ware Mr. aad Mra. Blebard
a. *^i biWb ^k. »-~n wai atartiir-*** *">re. hni lo 1H13 it wat aiounied >*n ' Bardiag Daela Mr. Darla wlU pro•adtoitra to tba boaaa. O-DooBaU
*" Wdw-«'» •l‘Ire. and ibere II oacd wUbhtowttatothsaecBsof war
TO^awal/ tulxjT-l
eootloyed uotll a fr. day. ago. wbea
«'“«'•«> preimraiory to ibe .le•“ *"■' Matohbort sand Uw.
Bolltlaa of tbe spire, wblc b bad been
Pbll Arwoar. tbe CAti
Maada Base, a Datrolt glri saiployrd ' f®**"*!
»"* '» a rtangeroiw eondli^ou.
at Oraad
had a i
atu iMii nor U la a remarhalr'y pceber. la at Psaadsaa, Cal. aad aai
ataeaaetd tbat ba will rwaka Ua fa
.!»—n—™.i™. .«■
~ I.
ln.™j .. .... II .. ..
. larahoBS there. Ba la BegoUattag
•T. *T**“ aaaoyaoioto la Mr roow
plsc-ed •>(■ the lower la the plsee
for a raaidroea.
with tba gat aaly partially taracd •>$. ct tbe ruiieo -plre,
great ran oa CbamterlaiBb Om^ '*■** *.*.« sn.iw;;r,l a ron
CUly. UetolU «.e ImiUriouE
«• oi.\;ts«rd aud
ttatos to ooa of any other blad.
blBd. *^
aad w>wing
w>«ing n* ashore, of .wir*.-| got a..
Ibat trip: tny ilu-.-k f.-'t
It gives great aailsUai^on.
In toaaa
all tbe ni
niu*.-les u(
days of la grippe th<-ra '• noibl
notblagllka alin.isi bn>k<u and al!
Chawberiaio'* Ooagb Remedy tost
um-k and Iw.-fe were lerrdil.L.
•ho ooagb.
aoagb. beaJ ap'ibe
ap (be aura*!broat
aui ‘
'aZ mralimd au.l sore.
laagi aad give raUvf witbia a
■ lima.
Tb# sale* ara grewtag.
iiOto. Tba
NawaWtv tu*
•Bd all wbo try It arc plraacd w.tb Ito
l.imltUy It 1* mbloin imbW that a
gptopi aouoa—^ih Cbkago Oaoy aatiL'Iiiy .-l.lld «bw* as ma> b .laniaga* dl.l a little lad il y.wr> ..lit In a
*’%Taato by N. M. Walt aad p. C
Urnbniu vlllsge lu Uulalwr He ba.i
Ims-n .e..ld.-d by bis m«rtb.T for soiim
. ttibllsh mUtlemenanraiHl in a pa-sJir,
Mama the Chnoeiato.
Ihrs-aleUi'tl tlisl be would »el nr,- i<.
Ilm imuse. rills Iim,-ai be .■arrlrwl Into
f-tfi-.'. ault tbe hre Ibat wa* klD.ll.-’
a to Ibe perw<n act d ag
liltv U.y rage<l for two tmiirv
!• tka beat aama f or ibolr a*w abo^
dewly..yed Bfty-aev. a
tote Jaat pat oo the market. Aay par- f“
Imn.-..- rireai
rireal .iiMailde
.lufiaillie* of famliur
•aa may aaad la tkrv* aaaa* a* longM M>n*--s.they are la by Jaa. mb. Afwr toai and taluaWe .l.-iH,muu were rrdu-e-'
li: ,l *
.Ulrer; never.*]
Mwabwrleaycapg ladles WUl look oeer
a luasj^f m li:-,i
STaaM ^ ballot oa toem. Tb* —satvd II. ir j. w.d*. tmt a gr-..
Maaaaefal oa* la tha aoateai will be
V ■ «tul>V to do an and
INsipir were ivad.-red
gi.de, tot
One lot Udie,' g..c«l - W
epleodid rUae. — Ve.u •*
ooljr, «> p.ir
Jas. H. Miller
One of the firm of Chae. P. Kellogg A
Oo. of Obicago, manufacturers of flue cloth
ing will be lu our store Friday and Satur
day. Jan. IStb and 13th, with a full line.of
spring overcoats, men's and boy's spring
and summer clothing.
Orders taken for future delivery. -
The Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
S _ IS
t K«KltKKliKKS«T^
John R. Santo,
GhniI Iisitiici.
THV*«MCtt». Mtok
* cohobs runiT.
Cty «r
Ke-yOwU. I
(srt. Ose EwIM olmr ttrorsUs
dMeenOss of bU cbairbrard br 'bs
Usks of Baor eolof*. whit*. sfl*r Uwjhs« sMTf^ iiwir t>r<if>rr parpusr. But•ftsM ViMarls is ssU >.te«sis- ur sboat ts«o all Kots of laapproCiac LsofoM e( Bflrt**. f>rltl# plsrn*. A
rtrsr hu
«M. FeIIh BwrloMW.
m«UMr •« »v, !• 4m4 Is th* Oilf e(
k MU ononu.
■tutb Afrku wbo.
ails BUfs'* ss4 stkw rallrtOBS assste. wodditwL'
Mm nmlrU soMss frm UaAos le lbs < Is Eagbwd tbr brM«>-o foiag aws}
^s« (bat bis «sA -Is BM Maps*' SM fm i» sllrbtty dlffrrrst fron that ipf
spaa wo awes u i rain
tiabruideml Is primroaea. a
»fDW Basab o< Loa Asfstoa. Oal. mw hat corond orlib wblta oatin<-b
wCsn la ralw Ibo bsattaoMp Mstoa pbiBaa aod a inTdlsa cloak of pah4fsw aaraM bailor, bp ibo saa o« Uw.
IfsU air UaaMisai will aesfar oa bl«' Tba viHMinx of rbo eari aod coaa*
Mto.kffcroiio to--------- -■
taos of Crrwr (aoa Lady I'ocxy lTln»-
•®‘ ‘“
__fiwwwa as
SarMoaB. Cmm.. pfoaai roastsilaai
w«alaot«bo ad«itolos of Paarto Elaa
wn (ba troaad tbal tbaloUaae ladas
any toOBid ba lajarsd by saab sattss.
of tbr oMwa, Jm latereaiiBK
fron tbr llurary point of rlrw. -Who
la tbU Joarbln da BeUay. whose U-ik
tbr prinrr of tVaIrs has bom preamltat to tbr bridreroom?" was s qaeslion asked. Tbr lynoranre Is prrfort*
■ iprmiBUUra tbafroU of Oolatsd . ' axmHiilr. breansr Joaeblm du B.-IMm lawsdawd a raaoliUos la aoacrem
lay need far hack in the sixt.mtb
Tiraposlac a wsmsa saflrata amoad cmtnty and Mr. Andrew I.siic to
wsMt to tba aoatUtaUoa.
tbe messy wci« Inrtelble and abaetibr aaiool train
r yeatenUy of m lac. That made h aeceeaery for Pnelr
coBmtoBolafd ^tna- <ac. wlilrh. lb a Bern's troopers to ffo natU dwy _
enoacta to cet a caod aad ck>*r
BKKberiy aianarf. was roBdllna b r
off»{>rliid. canetallDc of six (mall k.'t- Tlrw of tbr HtUr brown mrmy. says
trns. by a falt-hluodrO mask rat. or tb • Lrallr’s Weekly. And they did U with
BraSOS boitooi typo, and two adepipnl Bplendld spirit, mshlsc. sboottne.
rbildMoftbeabiukramUy. Tb.-nt rbreriuc and lanchlnc. Two componies of Cook's battalion of tbr Tblr,l
aad famny are tb<' pnipeny of H.
Were orderrd to Use left of tbr railroad.
llwry. wto
who llr«
llrm l,
In ib.
tb<- ««il»n.
noatbera mn
tbe «*«•
........................Ur Hei»r bid miiJI.
bu. , »“k “«■
to tbe rtytai of tbr
tor- k -br vtrtol.r of tbr B— .'“t* 0«>k.
«!■?. kept
frw days alBcr. and. atopplB< out of |
AU four of tbr rompaalca a
tbr nln at an old U* hot. wbirb h d |
mainly of -rooklra.- aa
Biv ca
kmc alww lirrn rrlrsaird to tlir Ij rmltsan-esUed.
bot tbcp made np In
“Iblnct that wrrr." brard ibr molbrr- spirit what
1y ‘’turw” of a bouB%astt. Lrbokliic dim As tk
anioad .to larrsUcstr. tbr whoir fatu- left of the track, under Cape. Day and
Uy wrrrsrcn raoQy tocaird la aarrind- Ueiit. Uonnay. cot tbelr first cllmps of tbe sbootlnc enemy tbrir oflleera
aaw tbe fbtbrr. a lercr tioaby-Ulbd sboaied ont to Steady tbelr command*.
mask mt pu scampriint otf. where- It was unnecessary. One uil rooky,
upon tbe friendly mother and ber bslf wbo was tbe first to mtrb sicht of tbr
beads of tbe msss of PtUpliioe ahead,
breeds were at oscr taken copUrr.
Two foil-bred oknnks wm ori-ure.] yelled cleefnUy *Tlsncwayr
With one scrord tbe two compan'Ok
from a fanner who lirra near town,
and who was qmte prond of bfai pro|>- took up tbe Pty of "csncaay’’ and on
otty nntU tbe mother aknnk deTek'ipri they mabed. It wo* tbelr sioesn.
eoeb a d#«?idrd fondneno for bis feath They kmt h np nniU iliey reached thiered property tbst It Dreeosttated fp>re tbrown-np dirt of tbe irenrb and saw
> IrrefUlar ms**.
one to three fowls a nlfbt to aaiUf> tbe nUpriioa.
I* ahead of them
hi-r appertie.
Tbe nilpiw
1 another trench
Brelnc li was Remnr to lie
p^islse mrlo.dy. the farmer was cm
«be "csiwway" was the l»mU-cy
,H-||ed in
to km
kill t)
the mother skunk, when^ 1
li"*® «»» of‘L
same with ibe ililrd line of trenche*.
upon hi* old biMiin- r
••armthetically. It U iin.l.TKtood of
sHf the r
IBS I'l.
that our boy* khc
Bsefelas^ Aia'w Mw.
Bia woetd wide tame fiw mxrsrloar
enrem It. aarysama aey other aaHe.
•otloa. rtotment rr- to'm for Oat*,
fkesa. Baroa. BHis. fi>^eso. Fetoe*
O'oera. Tetter. Halt B'-eare. Keser
IsfalllMe for Pilra Can cn^'oeteMt
Only SSe at Jm a 3obBM3a*s aad 8 B.
Walt's drar s>r<na
Bau"*l»r* '• *
WWts Wlws «f Tmr Syr^ the
boot coach mnedy on earth, cures a cold
-aceedsyift4jceaintBne. SSasdAO
John'F. On & Co.
Sicttstors to
*. oaoM.arvOsanBMmptt
a. Hece. eeaeralpniHlrealse
U-ai^eTaJ-iki V«.
(Ml. aar. BMeaBd
aS' essHs srI>atTCtn«ya. -M •ebaar.miKek
Itanrst Ch)[ Imbar Ci
Traiorso City,
"------ F Bleek
TB aai
tr. w I
. ^e.ialk •sBtM
Can’t Skate
With Dull Skates
Black Iwiand were drowned. Tbe personally micsesied I»u !b-ltoy to
bsdlea of the two firU bass been re the prince aa an accepinblc yiri
. re»l«inse to a qnrry a* to «hai hr
Oae Vblof tbe Gannani do tba Brl • *;?“**•/*.*^'I'*'' »*"n>f of the oih.-r
Bib ooald imltoto with yreat adsaataf*
. mad that is. baso trslaad doc* tooany'.
l•toawaltlM to tbs firiaruaas. Atoas|
orMracCtbebatUoslaSoatb Africa oo|ibe poeaessor* of two copies of. Mr.
tSaros has baas tbs Bnar firs that it. wiuiam tt'aison's poems, one present*«Mil»eat iafosaibla for aarrlanto ed by the taleuied author dnd the
Tbriac sp tbs rasares ammaalUea to »tber by Blr Alcemoo Weai. they raa
Ttba Brlaf Uaoa. it to said that dofi la fonsote themselven with the tbouabi
the Inevltabimy of ‘nouMea" on
ssshcaasseesld fo with fsefsataafaty
tbe occasion of a popular uiarrtofe. It
ewtoms moa ooald aot lies.
mlybl la wished. Indeed, that preaeuta
ju ,iujmw «f hu ••ja.m" while quit.
■■«mt»ari»«ni. liay'« an<l llannn.i's
youuc. hem-e f»r ihe i-oushlerBUoii <>' fonipaoli-a. lur Instance, m hlrh auf
fit they l»H-aine iIh- irtviperty of Mr
“o" 'ban the aseray
Hrius them to toe and
n^ry. Now. with her simnce family ,
b"d Are m«-n killed ami eleven •natr Block.
have them gronnd by an
the mother t t can be H.-. I wounded. But that cry of •‘siinjtway"
i» famou* over lu ibe Filipino linn. Inexpert ia tbs boainesB.
Burp-mi- who have l>een liroucbt in I tola. (B. TsisriMHs.n
elilier wounded or prlkoDers have InTin* kitten, are pretty as plc'-tons.hav j
ca*erly the meaiiiuK endI 1-0lykterlou. Ynnkee w*inl •r.S*?tor*?tM^r^eu52S\TpS5ljw: ^
Inc Ions, bushy talto, eomcihihe uu Ih.’I ..
keon: 10 Ic i: s a.: t te * aBS T W S p
ily prw.^.;d
prwedi^ a Filipino are
Older of a squirrel. perf« tly e.rio | whleb Inrartahly
a. Bell -nboo* W
metrlcil while and iHK-k afripes. and 1'^'"“"'«br Third has
tbelr nose U immewhiit Inclined to l« i tf'buted am.ihiT famous word
nSt^ *sr •»
a sol- 1 Bleht
-tokor. f
*puxced. Mr, Henry to notte prowl o' | "'bDU al Many of ihe .tmeri.-aa
hi. pOM.* »l.ui«.- tVa.-o tTex.( Ttbi.-,e 'Ib-r.
GelamblM advlaoe report that tbs of books were more fcneral than they
eealattos la that aooatrr to now are. and perhaps (he Primrose wed*
••---------. There lives out n ,
•n tVakblnstnu
bOTCsrbly asBanised. All tba fo*«. 8ln»-may lain* them into fasbloa.
One of the met rvmarkaUe of ihr • ^vll-known
M a.hlnsK.a <v>rreepon...rreepon I Til a J a-tnT-V*ier1o»rf ••»S*»eoii. M
dent, whose bbapi.ln.-e« cenier. In three
They do not reqnire perpeinal cleanbtoast raatotanea to
^ sons, ss.tk ilie
>e VtVsklllBpton I’.Ht. Thci,- preved o>etlK.ak ttor er Btahl esUt prew|i%
----------Tetopbe** No. A
fnrtbto^ •f*
* from---7
I. a tmvellui;
lall houM-holdH. even If they *'<1 I peas i
rk rf Ui. duU, « P«. '“C “■
WiTCBir LS*ar><««-Hr. Freer*. • *•____
A1 -TWh-rorPleaeeedlOrsas. »l We>hId iitreei.
muse lllerary hunrisrs muii be tar- sirucilny
oof stranetbis tiles. If d<«ofs ImlUtsd Mr, Aminlih
’ rir.-iiMw or camplnf parlce- I **"•' ‘'"rl.w pah- ml.. iiivtouiil.«u<e to
il do mu wtoh to la* tt the mcn-y
‘•'•u"""'*- eviryila.v praukiii-wf
-<Aae to tbe raeelpt ef rainforoemento and went In fur flm ••dlilun.. they
’ i
k,.n. mid lii-lr.
aad arsH tbroofb Vanaraala.
be under n<i fesr of lieins ai-ciiM*<l of lotal to>ielk*v|>ers
I tine liny bik
«f the xer,
The toilel Mil wheel, to mnde
The dmwiiai-k
lioll.-kt lbl.X>A fifasblnrton men ba* bruttfbt salt
aliimlnlmii and I. so cou.iriK ta.I n.
WTTXVrXn -o«i—oi.«btsrk..tiit
cnil t«|;eilur kcvivnil iir. lillik.
fold up like a nillruud ear and to a
Vv i.TTka-ti Skkt he* e»«I *■
to-uch uml
- X illlita* N.ir
ahsalaeps wHb srsaor anderbarpilr «b d'tocoVii'thi exa.V ai.iMum
p'"' »>""
' ilo'lr from yaW. to-mwMi Mo- xxitulon. ' -—— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - low. fibs will offer no axplanatlOB for aeneroeliy k.v the simple pnicea of ♦■BBEaite •wr Wheli the .toptdui: plni
able oocaatrie babil and rafnaee to ftva cousutttnE Jbe ptildtohers' ndvcritoecamp tor the ul».'ht lli<- .Idck <>r Me . to-verape l» nil ii.iiuirk ill Mu- i.a-oii- !
■sma wbea asbod..
wrnt column*.
i-ar are ]ei down by uiejuik of a .<-rli'- .........l-li.-. .1..:-. ■> I'T :™?SKraK«'“iiu.-in..r., . .
Bap Moan of llUnoU Wodoaoday lar.-. | kOHMil i.r ell.1. ami to-.-> Ii.-mI n.l- ; IT
sUI *r<iM?toraers W
of levers.
-.atodsawl 1. to. bcto a bill approprlFOR WOODLAND RAMBLES,
Tlie liiveiit.ir liSk dlvld>-<l hi. lmv<I'l—......iti:
^ le-hl fh<- ait.-llllMii ,
toUat •»-•» to Improve the plot of
Inc lioiel IiiIm rom|iarinieiiik. ■» M,ni lllell I
fifit;xs"»sa«»a .888
111.* .1..1
kCr^^owasd by ^ UaM fiUM .....
ha. ofjakln* l.my Mie party. If It to- a laryi- .me. emi to1- ..f |wito-r nml j W'
• aad kaowaas "peafedarato Moaad" la
^very flay: ami her *o*-ns for
Willi It c<n-tk'd uo iiii-iiSH . line
'Oebwoodaaiaaury. Obleaco, la wbleb lUroi’-cashm an* a* *ea.il>to a* ImY ex- (lie IniUdlue. «et-ii|iyuir. if tto-y «Mi Ini' (/llli'k Ilk lln.liclii Ilmi-'OltHr
vara bartad II aatOB and t.oke aoafed *rH*e to to-neilctol. Tto-y are madeuf apartluBito eti .nlie or a ktncle ne.in tuUliakter. lilubtoil Mi
.ti<nrH.|d uuil
Till' ronniR are tu In* nttml up In tie lieiu biui Mi:b' VI lull- III-’ itUMi'l
raraUaoldtofawhndladatOamp Daof-.tldhl wool k»oda. llfbl tu color and
tnrHlem style, with all I'Ofiveiilcni-**-. driipplil toiii-.'iMi Ibe wiilkii.Hi^ I,
The II U a. w. trsls ka. oartor ear (e Oina*
lias dirinx tbe altll war.
liKHudlDE ete.-irle Hclit, elecirle to*]|. IlMb- trotlMTk
mr flare of ba*l- n«|..^aBS stosper Uraad Bapia. W Otoaa
Taa VletcrUk fovaramaot to Isaar.-1..-irlc eonklns apparatus, and ibe InTl)i-ii dll T-.xear-iil.l .i-Ti-nm. He dow D |Xj
i* P w^^yts has paeto c^«y Ogto
nihi'V inrwickr- r»n*. please Imw at lirwS M
mg tbe Ilea* of aaab ei Ito volaitom
veutor Is even werklni: «fi a *>.ieii cej uii. niu. Jump nml In e»-.rv
ry I.th.v
that he thinks will enable Ihe oe.-ii jc''! dlkiliii'tlx make It kloiwu
'.Sevaety-8ve tboBsaad doUan wee
e had alluhii
FSiaad at Sldaay la a few days toward
esqmlpplay a aerpa et »oo bsebmoa.
iii..ili.-r rueli.-il Mill nml .-arrl.il Ihe -oh
a *VLB~A «rki rl»« pMtMSIa
blue Imi.v IiiIm llie Iimiik.- uliHe Ibe ill
ttoaapkUmleoflBfiaooKtto aptwadS* aaS jiff.?***''
1 for the
asrser. has bees s«4 a lU'lr. *11
tie .i.n<.|.iraiot> >al In n row on Mi.
J W Hlawr'k BoakrTnratkbUiv
laaf tbroBirboat tba whole of Baylead.
1*. of course, mimily of the folillnc
to-tu li. ki< k<d Mi.'lr litM.' lutre feet an.
'XlMaawepaparsooatoU lasy Uots of
S<|tl.-iile<l wllli touchier
, riely. and can to* slowed away In
«aL.C -Or kefii ■ orv ■
aftcrunrd a lliir.|..toryn
r small eom|ui.s when not In
ros tbe dtoease aad
'UUttoukry ralMil aud a lllll>
' llebu. I<r Skirr Bsd srarrr n
AbedoatbltoM are absormaUy loaf.
qslrr ol 3 U- IkfTtS' Fioareilll
the car to to Ih- detached from Mm hM.ktil nut Juki Im-Iow w-a* the
‘TtolNfAltoaa^Mat<toboese Hosw,
pate Mf the el.liT hniiher.
th rl
ltlao{Wlrht.basDot aaeaped. Haay
Inc. when* Me r.* to ample roum fof th
ti RlpBkkll. H a I.c«b1irk
li. n renini.il. Two linnd. liel.
>«r im meaabers have been removed to a
KptvadlDr of Ihi* klili-k and the .•l. v.-. , quan Jar of orlenuk ni'.ln'
tiMU of Ibe roof that fnren ilie hui.-i j ato.ve the h.-ad to-luw ami .(u,.
rWsiT x'^Dlrr" ^air^^ j
oono bootb.
Seavy yalea are >lowlo( alony tbe
It to B matter of ooiy an hour*- «l the Jar The .lu-ky stuff' fell rHat.Mnrk
wiirfc for the man who will iniv>
Vroaob ootst aad a aamber of amall
with the hotel on wto*.'U to traukforii
wmaele with tbelr'erewe bare booa
It from a railma.l .-ar Intu a hiu.- I hnilher and trl<-kl.*d slowly ilowr bin . rvwi nFVT-Pkmmhkd or imfiirri.ht.1 mBk. ' ArOrC tepM*.
float, altboayb eevarsl lifeboat retooea
tS'hlle the nieiuto-r* of the louri-: ne.-k and liitM hi- .yck the yobne*.
•re roportod. A Itblay boat toaoderI tlwive set i*i* sii.-li a liMwl of dHlshi
party are vlewliic lb.- town, thi* ci' I and vU-tory tliHi the old .ulored cni-s
1NBV Tr>> LOAK OM raaaowAL peop.
•d otf Bnalornaaar-Mef, alae of tbe
Ps-rbls e Trstssr.
cus tierfomierk culna ihrMueh th.-i
cult.-r atTues thi* wav had to .u.)m-ii.I
..mww pertehloy. Tbe berk Jeanne Banlcht'* work, or the nitcndani. at
work to h.-l|. llM*-cni.' Iialred era ml- '■ T» BHWT-Besy .** Bjst rla.. bar*
. twain MBk near Oherboa^ aad five
.ir-ars, i.. asst wiata sum.
<imv.*ntlo» or camp uin-Mnc •■«ndii* t mother qul.
peteone wore drowned. Heavy wentb- weleht. with Utile trtmmlnc. bat aueb Inc their excrcl.<*it. the ntii*ndatil iv
«er is raportod from oil Medltonuraa as there ta may to- armticed with taste swiftly bulMloe up Mm- llcht ImMtn
i-d awny In qiinim olil-wort.f 51,’i.h"?,^"*
,*i>d skill. Cray If usually cbosea be- Mon tbni will kh.ilter iljeiii for ili
iie of the most od.l '
York H.-r*ld
Coaoa Doyle, tbe writor, to (oior to
and docs not .how nlpht.-Xpw
KO—Tiro wuoc rotters. iOresU s
:.-k .«m-h 1* th.- cn*iu anill- V^;
Inr IS Inch trond' Bo.raSl srr week.
kh. Ink. U
.lU. U.
•• '“""I
«“■'» '«'■ I
T. «... •
clal eye maker snd i*alni<-r, A. Mill- Wspiswry
rrrOstunlsr bicM. J o jsmoo.
D.,to. Men bkkk'rc
Tb. kin. -f ib™,
' . ■•m-l-H."': '•
'""'-tey l.-r lllpper tu .pialnt I-auM hn. In Mm* '
very bean of ..hi ■nnirlns.-p'. deti-** •VTIUEHtoHEO BOO»«-Tor.
^Bbqalfe. nOWrsISSTri
r»r<**lK amt hich mniiiui.lnk. he sit• lid worlik nwfj .lay lu nurt d:iy oul. '•
nd.il Kt ils ,family. >hc mah-'
loppllea “blndklchr to the |«-op1i
| ‘
la Bfst
have twen such TV
TF roc WA!<TlB>urw**«vettByklsS
• Whole paiaoaal boopHal la^ lumds of braid.
rtsMcowpsaMsorv. b«7 s hosss, tot sv
sine* the days of his greai-crandraMi- X
tsiWcsUss A:Its a BleSsaU roomm 1 sofl I
er. wh.. fine .larleil Ihe worti at rarto,
Block.TrskVfsr City
bnnilj K-™-I"fn«u .M | „
.djb.ml mlrn.n- flenuan feeling.
- forc'd to twinrn r------------------------------ -----------------kp-U of a.r» s~l. Tb.- .1-.-. If. ;
bto natly<* iiiMuntaln Isml.
Vottoe to Taxpayers.
FuflnJ. iMsasT Waites oath that
tbliiK oti-urrinc within a cerlHln ran;.-.
%etotheaetu.r(»rxaerot tbe firm of
Iiehiud bto liack wttbout lumlug hiF. J.CnoTAta.dolay buslaem ta
•be aty of Toledo. Ooonty aad Stata
mforaaald. ntid that aald firm wUI pay
The poet-vtonal trfleciop wiU )m- iim*
!.ove letter* read In court do not
ful tM jockeys, drivers, roweiw and cy- lamp and wIMiln a half hoar hrought 1 rereiTc >*»] iszr* Batii Frt> ut. i««u os srsvy
fonh a p.-rf.i*i ivpr.Nlurt1ou. In .-v-*‘**‘ *• *■
for idob ood every eoM et Oatorrb «bat sound as charming as when read In cll.ia.
evryUKne hut real klgm. of the w riti5^ wtu bs
of BAU.’e,
For JuiAcys this aTOllance to fasl- er'« eye- Every year thounsudk of ,bw**e s fr» of t per r*st tor coltocitos ostii
OvAima Crno. i
tYoa tbere ever a gown mode that
kcd to the howa of a* (lal
rRAKKJ.CBKRBT. coat leas than It was expected tt tackn.
ore mo
BwoVD'to before
moaad aabs
aab^bod wouldT
magulftTnc power. The eto.s.** sn
■ kamv preaeaoe. tktodihdayof t
A woman can nertroec why any one lEit-udrd aa mudjraards. to prvtect th>
OHr Trsasiirsr
%or. A. O. ttM.
t>MkryS MUk Fsr Isrsat*.
m t BvrsU Bsuaiac. IS Xsst Frsa
abould see anything to rave oboot In eyes from tbe dirt thrown up by tbv
On the word of no less an authority
dylnc feet Tbe JIttle n-flecior.
any other baby than ber own.
aubatlB’by to It a woman always mrmi to are fa.teued al>ove tbe ctosacs. and set tute for notber'a milk In the caat* of
xHolto ^torrh Oavo to tohM fa- be copeclally proud of tbe tact (bat at an ancle which brine* the full wldtr.
amall infanta I. donkey's milk. That
of a mcetraefc fw n distance of UU
abe to a amafl oaterT .
Ha srbo Ungba kmdaot at a Joke oa yards within clear ranee of vision.
For roweta and blcycHat* tbe pc
luu* m ai
_ —---------- 1 and wbosi
fnnny to tt wb« be Is tbe victim.
u not doing well on a ... ..
A baseball gnina at tbe Orchaid be to horsemen. Bowers snd cycltot. d*>
tween married sad rtagto mee reanlt- not need tba nurd-gnarda and for ib. m cow's milk. Tbe superiority of don
ed In tb* victory of tba Bonedteta a second patent proridea for tbe ad key's mllfc Uet In tbe fact that li con
ntaSalban uncommon nmouat of sugar
Wa an a«IUw Iba otoek of freatotoa Tbto to tbe first time oa record married Jnatmeat of the isAectors to a light tains
pomparatlFeiy little water.
It is
tbaft -ana fa bha xmmX tea, ma mca have been so eraay to mak* bom* bead band, wbldt betda tbeto to exact and
, •toMf^oMbfOl tbs fie-atoakb twa.-Pbltodetpbla Tlmea.
r^Uvs poaltloa to tbe eye, ao matter atoo mots Msny dlgaotsd thaa cow's
at what aagto tb* bmd aaay te twa<«
'• ti... |DSU 'SS.-’JiE;
^1Tlu Pete lirqDette Rillmd
^b:: z
':r r/sr
! :s“,
.rz s,v; i
VXsSLi'V.iZ. !S.~
::: i ,„;'rr„'r‘bL~r,;U',b:b^
ir; Er -
'J,';"";; '4'..“
jr rOHlWHY A OB Tetodo. a
Fire Insurance.
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