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The Morning Record, February 04, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Ttird Ycar-No. 8^
Work of KMimoky AaMMiB
PfitH rrrputo* u Srotoee UItonr Bale
a arO
iTo OffleiBl Bewa From 0«s>
•ntl Bailor.
AeeWeal to Bteva MUi Bmaltod to
tot Daeth ef Braak
arrihla aoetdeat oooarred ytatorday atnhe mill of toe WylU OoopHwre '
Co., at laterlotoM that rewritad to the'
death of Braak Mayhaw, kwwa to'
many to toUet^.
Mayhaw waa worktoff apoa oaa of toe
aewe la the mUl. wkaa toa krit at-'
latoed to too klowar brokr and the
end atmek him OB top af toa Kead. Be
faU toemmlMe. aad wm earrtod from
Dr.GMaorwaa at oaoe eammoaed.
aad toft oa toe atteraooa K. A N. Btrain. Tke timto wm heid lonp
eaoaffhjfar theinjaredman to ke pat
aboard, end be wm takea onder Dr
Oemrr'aeare. It wm the tount'oa :o
take him to the hoepltal to ManUtoe.
Maybew never reffelned conMlooa-
Hew Tork. Hek.
e|weW.te toe
■i—ter PeeeM Awf M
HatHle BeUeeed Me U Hefftfcd to
Mkaas too« WeakUgtoa myv
It SioM After E Bnre 11^ tor
Vm pneideat to ^repwlaff to refleee
Aaothw Aumpt to Bateh Ladye B*t**«ei Omb to iee toewf
ewlrti fNaeral Metoan U Hatoff
Otto to toe PUHpetoM kr • per^r eirfl
Bapidly aad BSretlpaly Mrintaned
•oewMT Ten* frea tetertoiriar
Meaey 9mm an Betoff
• EM he todMMd
VHh toe Xaftttotare.
"b" toededdedaotto wellfor3oa- l/oadea. Bek. P—tkera U a rerini of
pnBkfwt. Hr-, reto »-l^. Oeetol
hopa tor good raport* from Sooth AfW«ee4. AttoreW«M«rkltorlifebe
deeUed. toerefore. to eead oat toree.or rtoa te toe akeenee of deSaito aewe
•mOt eeeeeaked to tke cBeetoeftoe
oet fl«% eoasleeloMre. to eetoV from OMarri Bailer, aad altbooffh
ktoltoefeew—trie. Hekctotoed kto
BOBO ara aaaffnlBa toe raporte toat
hen keen rwielnd tead to tOHellef
Mr. BiakkiB. toe GaekM^te Itoetoe report of the PhUIppiae eommleeioB. that toa Brittob tome oa tha Taffala
•eat to Oooffrcea today. Aceoritlafta ara etui eaopee toaa attempt to re
•at Be«er«<a. kee keea aetlBC teareat Indleatlono toe heed of toe
lieve Udyemllh.
aer etoee toe eeadlUoa ef p«r. Oeekel
The warofBae U^laatM raffarte
MadeMd-klat aMkle toporfara toe
of toe territory of the PbUip- Oeaeral Boiler, bat there U mry raadattoeof toekCae. TsBedtotelf efter
BOB to brlleve toat he U BooUnalnff bU
movement npoa Ledyamltb. Thoee
Mr. GMkel'i deeto' BetokM «rw
who are to a poeillon to know eoaflrm Xuqawada Ballawera le »> goreraer.
bU report of erot.laf the To pel a and
f.ijd Ume in OolambU ball, weal
Oee <rf tke fnt eeto ef
fc^kkem Balled la Atlempta to Bara two Tcwae
telleve that he wta eapaffed yeeterday.
ilde, Toeeday eveninp. February >
wee to Iteer mi order to fthe nimte to
A Douaffe from Ladyamlth Tboiwtoy.
6SB 17L
—Oeaeral Otie Maklap Good
dtoeeree eed rewr> to toeirlkemee. ket
uyioff that toe Bear foroee wwe leav
iBff Bffato and that toe tawieptoff foree
ae *0000 wee leiroveeto^U order
WaehlafftoB, fkk. S. — Osaara! Ot>» wee ooneiderably dlmtoUbed. toad* to,
HkerU/ eftor 10 0*010011 thh moralwr
eaklrffram today ehowe rapid proffrrw eonSrm thU.
Meekel eeffored e eerere eUklnc epeU In o^laff toe hemp porte la the leThe Born* are exhikfttor ooaelder.
•ad ffTOir werM eo re^p.itoet lor » laade aoath of Uuoa. It ie •• fol eble aaxiety to reffard to the n
Mae It WM tooepkt tkkt tkf ead ■ wee low*:
ment of the Britleh flylaff eolamn.
“Oeaaral Kokke raporto from Oeba whieh, It may. ke remkered eterted
;n^tion ky the troope of Oal- toronpb ZMlolend la the dlreelion of
r aad of Bryheid ekool the Ume tbet General
kay and Oet
iMtofreawoM esd diedlthle <
TkelotaaaiBLeyto Then wM eppoal. Boiler bepaa hU move toward Aprioff
Ueo at tbeae torn polaU aad tha la- Said.
Boer re-lnforeemeato ] from
^adffe OeatotU kM toMod a towporuy earffeati aadaaTOrto tetora Oaltaayoo akopt badywalth have baon karrtod
Taylor aad OaUfealoffEB. wttooai
bate to protoet torir Unw of <
The famoua EoKlisb aatfaor, writ
trow totorterinff wlto toe lectoUtore eeptfora very allcht dameffo to tha mmaUatioB northward. The Boer tome
ing-in the North Ameriosa Reriew
mmt too* raaOTlBff toe e«t of toet leet town. The flra wm pat oat ky toare U akote4.0M etroap with thraa
troope from tbfe pelai.
ffoaa VryheldUatownintoeTrant. on “Hie Energy of the American
Oaamwl Kokke dron the Iasi
vaal. akoafePO milm aortbeaat of Lady- People," sayp:
j£r*cMW ku toBMd k oeUfere aader Oeaaral Lakoan lata the
'*Ko man writea wiUi bU own
anevetLoodoe Moodey aftomoeB. talM, eaptarlaff a larye areaaal and
Brom T netormaritokari
nto to tokea to ledloeto tket toere powder koaee, Oeaeral Lakkaak kaff nader Wedaeedeyk data report that hand, if he eaa tlictato to a atenowOi ke EB Ettoapt to erpEklea tbs )Eff> (Bffa and moaey aad all kla artillery. frrqeoat raaonatoeanew have ^eea
gnpber; no man dictotea, tf be can
MEtETE EEd eloot ECW oaoEIE.
At Tkelohaa the iBoarffent lorn la kill made from (%ieveley reoeatly. wito e
tel^:nph: no man telegrapho, if be
Ik BEke E qaorsiB it wUl ke
ed wa» ten meo.wUh aoearaalUee oe
for toe troow to erreet end take ooreldo. General Kokke eeptorrd at weakaaed by the withdraw) of me
n telephone."
to Itoodoa EBoofk DemocmU for tont all pointa thirty pieew of artillery,
A report eomee from Oepe town that
If yon are a typical, energetic
pwpOEE. A loader of tke party eeM: rlflw and etoree of ammanltloB. Thera Omeral Metbaeo U rapidly and effee••WewUI ElEotaU lefftolEtlrE ottoero were larffe qoantttlM of hemp et pelaU tlvely re-lDforeed. General Tneker'e np-to-date American, yon already
•ad eleet Ooeemor Bradley to toe eelaed by Oeaeral Kokke, aad thirty depertore from Oepe Town for the
OEltod Sietoe eeaato. ffottloir tke eondlntrau- Modder river U reparded aa Important, nse the Long Distance Telephone.
«Mt iBto toe eoBEte, whieh wUl krlar
If not, a word to the wiee is enffice to Ceba and Haalla." and M prMumably indleaUnp that
• drdeioB troiD oonpetoet ^etbority.'
Seventh army divialon, wbleb U now lent.
Tbr Deatoerato barEdeelded to nake
arrivtoff at the Cape, will be added to
•ofartoerEttempto to'kold eoiEione
toe forea St Modder river. A battery
la toe etato boeee, aad to Iffoore -toe
of hone artillery that bM jotl arrived
■eitlaff at LoBdon OBleta eompelled •ebeme of-Bryaaa*e Brieada to Bool from IndU bee been eenl toltber. and
' the MlddlOAif tha-Hoad
toattoad. U toe Teytor foTME attempt
It U eald toat more nave) pone are bw
toarreettoeato eompal their attoBtop taken from the warebip Baree
Miller’s Store
lee wiU ke
at Bmi London for the aama deeUnaLtaeolB, Nek.. Bek. »-Wcatora popalute ban perfeetad a plaa whieh they
t at toe I
kellen will prenat the threat
•Ma Moaday tern* aettoa w|ll ke takea
epUtia toe party onr the qanUonof
MMtod oCerlBff a reward far the
ladenlBff WUliam J. Bryan. Akoata
d^of Ooekd Tke leaden 1
■ripk Ooanakle BOread to Tranp Boor
third of toe national aommlttee
MarofofferlBffa reward of ffsa.000
Mitot Ikroaffb Baow Bi«m Oopp A
«Waor ^lor kaa paraekk
of Bryan, bat tnriet apoa hartoff a eoaBmlthk KUl to Beadk Mill.
f* te tkearretoaad wirietloa dt
nalkm at .leaet a moatb kafen the
Batpb Ooanabto bad Every anjayabie
Demeenta. la order to pnnal a
yMtorday and eoa wbleb
walk«at at the aonnatloa m wm aartola U toa old plaM ware eeirled oat, wm ke a pUaeant rentodar of kU tnl
nUaowprepeato to eall the national totrodaetioa Into toa life of a lamkarVleaetot Beetol ffkadttoa •!«
wanatioa toaMOtta April or May. man. Fkr tome Uam Mr. Oonoakle kM
Teelerday »P Woaeaa'e
aama Senator Allen for Prealdeat aad kad aa Idea of eatartoff toe lamb^toff
then ban him withdraw darlaff toe kMtoMi. and Intoly ha hM ffima
(ood daal of tooaffht to toe qnaltSeaTke lewiplinn rlrea yeetoirda^ after- eampalffa. Uttere aaktaffereptaloae
tloae neeeeaery for e lamben
men to toe teaehon of toe elto eekooU on thU plan were eaat oet tome daya
earear. Teetordey wm hU tnlUel ex- f
on every dollar’s worth
kfflkememkmof the Womeak olak •ffo and aenral rapllw hare beaa reperleeee. He aoeompaatod C. F. Bead
WM owe of tke meet eaJoyaWe aoela) erind. Tke manipoUton made toe
to MaySald where they eeenred a botM s
of goods until forther
, of aeadlaic <
•Batie of toe eoeaoa. The alak roone
and ontter tor n drive Into the woede.
ptpentod a rery lavltiaff ^tora, and
Mr. Bead etopped at hU mm aboat eix
toe toaekerawara moat ipyaUy raaatr man with whom the plan met 1
mllaa from MaySeld and Mr. Oonnable
tanr and he hae orittMt loeal mlddle. «d ky toa ladtoe of too olak.
drova oa to tba mm of Copp A Smith
Mra Bokorte, too praeMoat. ffaee of-towroadmea, waralafftoam eftha
tear mllM farther. After
tkeaddraMofwalBomo. la whieh aha aekama on foot. The mlddla-of-toetoff to toe barinaM whieh broapbt him
•totod too okioet of too Womaa*a elak, road ama aaprae eoafldaaeaia kriap
2S6 Front Strert.
•hewti^ toe almUaiity of too work of able te eoatrol toe eoanaUoa.
aryaxperienoe Mr, Ooanabto pr^ared;
Tke BaUer eUmeat daelrw te pmrt
toaalak aad toe toaehwi. Bke aw
mribaefc, wboa. }Mt ae he
toew that toa elak wae to eympalhy the PopolUt aatienal
•boat to ffet ready for the rctom joarwtth toto work. Wm Joeda Wllkalm held at the wm# time aad plan at
Boy toe animal took a notton to drop
eeaff a adle ta her aeaal hwtpy maaaar.
dmd. whtob it did with qateknaM and
Mn. HawUtoa ffan a ferial iMiew of the nOddle-of-'toa^naden offer toe
dUpalto, iaavtoff Ooanakle hotaalem,
itoanhcrae*e “HarWe rau.” It
toe BeUer teetiaa with a walk of foar mllee kafora him.
atfpelaUy Baa. aad ahowad a tooroaffk wm try to reson them fraw the -eew Be bead toe hardahip bravely and
mlUee for toe offeaee of holdlaff a trudged keck to Baml's nriU, where ha
aad koM «praele-‘
totoad Mr. Bead. Th^ aemied anadtoaweAu
aatlooal ooanatioa aad awklaff
*' r oatSt and after a hard drive
Mw. BoUiday tomt tovorad toa
iaatioM witooat the Miiytom of the ....aeded to ffetUap to MaySeld to
not. a a. ■««. vSS?narwaM.
paay «lto a roeal eola. trklek waa
Ume to eatoh the evantoff train tor
ffttotly eejoped.
Liras oMAXB.
Mn Dr. Marita Ran a talk oa ea>
yewrioa aad alao read aaeatraet frooi
toa Xrndlw' Hewe Joaiaal oa tha [n. B. D. MaAny Hm a Oarloaa
of toa Omitory.** tkle wm
Akeat two waeha affa, Mn. Brad &
«^paMaUy appreprlato aa hariaff a
dtatot kaaitoff apoa om of toa pnat XaAny of Bt^Uh ahroatiioerind Iron
ia Ptaar del Bla, Oaka, a nry
toe day aad
It UU toe fora ef a
WM nadend to Mn. Marilak
Of the hmoos women's *^roais” CSnb after
lar«e laat toat aha kn hoaff by lit
wearing Uie ‘^roais* ahoaa, wrote the following to
ilntoawtadow. Ithaa ao raela
^’tSmUMteriatoffana baaatlfBl
the mantifaotoreia.
Miafr**- eola. aeeompael>a ea tha
•Wr Dmv mra-N •• «M^
pMaakyaOw Daley Bkmlek. Tkte wae •oartehmaat from toe air. ItUffiewklaCWaaealev M. TmwUIv*
IMlpwadfeffaamanryftaapealaff toat iaff aleriy. to apiie of tha faet Umt H
51^“ “
warn VM •»** 1
WM ffnaUy oeloyad ky $ja preant. waaqalUhadly krmiaad aa the wv
Tke tediw who took pari to top poriaff frawOeka.
Tiny natlew an fftewtoff frooi eaa
woto Mtm. i. V. MalaWefe
rida of tha leaf, analog the alffa.
Mfle Welt, meetoe WiN
w^. aat IwMIa BtoBaat.
aad ea toa etow rite Huialeana han
. i .I. * Vor
• eat. It la a
eltka ‘
Y. P. S. C. E.
and Epworth
Colored monogram and name on each sheet, ele*
gant qnality paper, 140 sheets in Tablet form, worth
25 cents.
.Special Satardap and Noadar, I4t.
Hobart & Beecher Co.
to Oity'Book Store.
823-298 Front St
Salph Oottosble Jr„ Manager
80 it is with all yon boy at this new store,
“Good Through and Through.”
S. BE3STD-A. & CO,
w. »iavSkim.II00.ltm.ti.so.
KewlwiO Bm. ti,«. ri.
The People Know
a Good Thing
When it is offered them, as is shown by the
phenomonal business done at onr grMt
! Five
1 Per Cent. I
I Off
Since opening Tbarsday afternoon. Tbom^ we have
bad a largely increased force of salesmen, yet it has
been almoct imposeible to wait on all the people who
have crowded onr store oonthiooaaly ainoe this sale
began. We are glad to annoonoe, therefore, that we
have arranged for still a larger force of clerks begin*
ning tomorrow, and hope to be able to wait on all
more promptly.
toaae the Spatiils for Tomorrow art;
Yard Bide China matting, jointieoB, 7c a Mid
Youth’s overoonta, in Bearers, Meltons, Kerseys, etc—
Choice shadee—valnes 16, $7; $8, at $3 96, $4.25, $4.66.
Ladiee’ fine seal ploab capes, gimp and for trimmed
worth $8A0, at $3.85.
Men's and boy’s o^)a, special lota, at 10,15,25c. worth
25c to 50c.
Still some of the famons nnderweai at 9c,80c, 26c,36e.
60c, values 25c to $1A0.
Bf* those Ladiee’ Drem Patterns at abont HALF
PRICE-A few of them left.
For Oenuine Bargains attend this great sale—It
will pay yon.
j W. W. Biller's Cash Start
Raliahla Dr; Goods, Corpotaod Clothiog Nooso
School of Music
SorDSis--T1iB New Shoe Fer Wenet.
The President
4„pMdM etMikmiy. aad,eU kad
The Bm-
Sin Bt II tti Ceititji.
As to the bat shoe to buy, just call at
onr store aad look over oar line of
gentlemen’s dress shoes — made bj
'‘Thos. Emerson’s Sons." They ari
perfect fitters—the styles are the Bery "
latest and the wearing'qnalities are the
very best
Ton shoald see the "Titan Calf Shoe"
—New last^.OO.
Up-to-date Footwear.
Tba baatoaniaaottop 9t too %north
Laapaa of tba Piiat M. B. akarob wUl
V. V. B3mb^ Oe. etn Kim a Maw
KAVBmsBonrr • MioBiOAa X«ft«tr VMUMMd At Iha MmIUc to babaldOM watotron Mratoaya
Yon Use
amk Ken Imponaat Paaltfaw
toe aad aet tonorrow analap aa proMun> n&VttU BStALD,
to Brand MapMa.
TtaBMttoV of flitiMH*! taUM Tba rapalar aaaattop of tba Womb** Tba W. W. ^baU Oe. ol Ohfaapo.
M *• Bam as» J. W. Sabb
TMtartoj to tolk ortoUaBcrto- BaUaf ODcpo will ho bold tonem* ban loop neopnlead tba
aftaraoea at t detoek toatnd of to tor
#. m. MAMMm. »dlMr m4
ability of tbair mampar to tbk nty.
H. B Btnap. and pan him a pood
M4th« MMOtoiB. & W. TkjtoTMd
O. e. OmU wan ftow » cmt
ty aoen time apo to po to a
«mi to aMoanfatowk Tha gaatla- noway aad abeakawaa foaad to U.. lerper work, with alarpnnlary.
■ of & Baada A Oo. yntarday- dtnmp haa barctofon dadtoad to
MBwaraanand to Ika baarty ae-o»After
tnnlI.bave picked oat a lot that sold from 3Sc to »0c
elty. wban ha haa naay
antioa to tka rllUca to Battou Bay
aad U olhar perttoM to toa aoaatj top nnia tba elty Mr. Baada toaae eoekl totamte. bat baa at Mat aeeepteach—you cao have yonr choice for 25c—aad if yoa
an aqaaily awatfatte towa wUl ba ao that tba waUat baloapad to Leak BU- ed a poaMoe that wQl taka him do
aaa of Datnit, ninnaa far A. eraad Baplda wltoto a
waat a Staad I will pat yon in a aice Oak, Mahog
AaUjr to pariaattof toa amai
Tba poMUea to wbkb Mr Strtmp
any or Oak Fiaiahed Green for 47c. That will make
aof hb foee k that of wholaaala aad rtfmii
daunted to 1
yon a nice ontGt for a little money.
manaper far the eenaaay far the eaI tar Pawy
A tea baby
wn added to tb« tin wniera half el too etato. with hk
Tn altonn to toa tnga4/ to Saw*
I have a Sne line of Jatdinierea up to $2.00—
family of Mr. aad Mra. Jeba A. WU- baadqaartan at Qnad Ba^ Ba
taaby aaan toat
wlto toa daato
Stands, all prices—Earthen Umbrella Staada from
^■Mlnr towbaL '
' '
Tbalaad far toa nUto to Hnoy liana Int alpbk Mr. aad Mia. WJ wUl eater apea kk new dalfae eboat
«MMw*batoaatott«Myba.taan- Jmaa, who waa harwad oat by toa n> llaan raalda to Oatrott aad are rWttop March lev wbaa be will nmon with
$1.50 np.
ptottoyarttoaaadabtotaacatoaaM- aaat Sn. haa p«wa to qaiu a aaat Mr. aad Mia. On Oraaawald oa Baa- hk family to that eity.
to whtoh'tt taaeauaiUad. Tba
Tbe maay triawda that Mr. Stnmp
^■narto Uto totontoadto tola to- by A. W. iahnaa sow faafa ap PM 75. Tarkayo an nry aearea to tow bn made while to the city an divided
betwaea eoapretaUtuma for him that
r--------------- ol tbaaaaatttoM tod fftn ttolaf Baaato^ p»j ar aoatilaad loaaUtyaadli
bea eeerpled aaeh ea Imponaat
«^M Ik rk^ wlM ia daptond bp pM, awd toa papar toat waa toft to toOblaapo for a aapply far todayb be
poeltloa. end repm that he k ao aooo
■ paarytoaarto)aaUaaaad hpOar------ Oarto' OffwIBtan by Mr. Baaato
Praak afaawbniln to toon toa elty. That he wlU make
^kr M ton toaa etoan. Vat
towapht to
naktopalotal totM.75. wUlalaefarnapartof the naaa. tba a aaeena to hia work k eeruto. aad
ISO SbTOXAt Bteoot.
dot to ba aamd to tbhelty tola year. toebntwiabnefaboetot frkada po
^ iPiMtoa to wktoh ba waa toa c«to
an to protVifdHk OoaaaaarTbytor waaaiaet.
pran far tba Mp aoetotP ovaat to ba
^bpateednaiorlty aad ptraa
Mre. Bmler—Yoa oaptat to be
plraa aaxt Prtday analap. Aa or“HnM aboat the i
itsan batop madofartks
eaoatn of a dona plaen wd tarakb aehaned of yoaredf. l-ast nipbt yoo
to Boetnir
-weabed my bloe fardtolere. .
PhaoewMIirbtoftfaUowadtoa flpana
aaaaal dktriet Bpinrto Lespn.oan
aafae, nraral plaen to be eeeered
“Xo; what was itr
Mr. Beoder—AahldeoL Manfae!
fMU ibowad a najartty. tba board iMrnrtorifa tontototMttoCtomctol from oat of toe oily.
veatkw to ba held to this oity the ton
Mre. Bender—Why didn’t you atrlke
■fctobnadand toadaalatoa waa-i
a Bmteh to the haUweyl
oa liquid air passed s lot aroand to wstoto Jtao. Bvery eCort wlD ho
A aarprin party waa ptoa^ by
Mr. Bender—Did. Meft-ba! Btnek a toe people—yoo know ft's aboat a made to aako. tok tbe bast moottop
Aapall dartop fbe pen weak flakb. •aarh oc eolr of$h my aboe.
MBd tta daetatoa waa daancd AaaL Bat Ftoraaaa Hlp^aa far Bual
Mra. Beoder—Yoo cooldn’t weQ do mlUioB times coUerto Ice. aad still a
flaabal. who aaaireUad tba Panoai----- laat aipbk la aoM way toa aaant top toe work of toe reeldeaee of Pater that
when you were In year atoefcinp liquid.
A Pripbtfal Biaader
■koe. Tbk k eaa el toe Saen
«M|ari9 to toa laplatotan. bad da- Itakad oak bowarar. aad Min Holnn
feet I foaad yoor eboes near tbe par- | “In"
Will often caaaea bocribU Bara.
«b>abawaada"WeU. etraapest thlnp to the world
Paridaad tooaat laytor aad eapiara
lor door.
iWd CatorBnlsa Baektoak M
etato aad e^aak naay taa elty reel
BbaePaa. “
A Card.
ears toe pato aad prompt>
^lawid.and Boabal waa daetorad by loyad by alL Tboaa praaaat
-Fellow sidlled a dlpprrful ea a to beal It. Caw Fever ifacn. Diene.
Bolls. Ooraa. aU ekto Braptloaa. Beat
pba l^ttiavara U> ba toa Icfally alaetad Maad Baker. Tbd Soatoard. WaUla kot and cold water, hot water beatlnp. apne to l---------------------- ^------------------ Boston pirl—"
OoJy U eta. a hoc.
bottle of Own's Warraatod Syrap of
fPMBcr of tba atata. Dadar ordtoaiy
I Cere paaraatMd. (told by 3m. O.
-It frv» solidr
Tar 11 it fails to care yeor eoorb or
- - a tola daatotoe woald ' ^ad OonptOB. Miaala Ayora,Caara neaufare nodern dwelUap. aad k eoid. We also paarantoe a SS-eeat
I JohaaoB aad A A Waltk dikp .
toat modern eoareal
naalaaSn. Bat to tola Eataar. Blla Snlto, rtoraaea Btcptoa,
botUe to prove nUefaMotr or money
oaen eaa be provided to e farm bow. nfoaded. 8. B. Walt, Bapbee A Boxt* Oww m OMB In Om Bay.
yMO 'oaly MatlMor fanrlac Ooabal Barry Oardlaar, Baaaab Pi
Tbs baaieat aad mlpbUeat little
Jeba AUaa. Bay Alaxaodar, Bay bubo- Bm—to Mr. aad Mie. PbUlp Baat bnrp, Jaa
‘ Johaaoa.
i. P. C. Tbomp- tbtop that ever waa made is Dr. Ktep's rake Waraer’t White Wine of Tar Synqi.
m to aabotoaUOalla Martlaak,
of Bto^aat, a eow.
Mew Life PUls. Tbne pills ehaape be best cooph rcaicdy oa earth.
^ too otolM to Taylor waa daaiad.
weakasn toto stnapto. IktlcaaM into
aptsM CSHW —WanM
inrito too Aadlaca to toa l^latotan Baul Bayaa, Bdltb Harrow, Baby Wol- Aboat *50 waa takea to at the door
Whs* «f rmt Syn^
^ daonadlaal toaooaiao tahaato fak-Mtoala Loaalactr.Aady PUab. Kara at ^eoaaart Prldayalpbt.
Tbeyke woa4nfal to boUdtop ap the
IfelB toanaoa aboald ba oat jaat to a Wtotara, Sibyl Olda. Aady Blgptoa. Tba memban of dlekioa Ho. 7 of too beat co(^;b remedy oa earth,
health. Only >5o per box Sold by
to owe day if taken in ttom. S
Jea. O. JobaaoB aad 8. B. Walt.
Jlftl ranady. Tba oateoon la atUl a Ubarln Dally. J6ta Oorbatk
' s
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Enm It foeiErr.
•ataarto aoojaoiara. bat toa troabla
a aad SaB*B pUaaaat
pad toa tncady whtob naalted are Bna daMtoir par^ at Martaa^bae*
#Malaapea toablatecy to Kaataaky. adany toat alpht waa a praad aaeoen
tmr UKsn^BMsBotrr.
Vito TbalrlUaoptkwVan.
Tbaladtoatotoo J
I to pcalM
^ toatr raaaptkn to tola dty. Aalda
0nm toa napaUtoaat aadlaaea wbieb
pnalad toaai toay '
waya. Wbaa they arrlnd at
^fbrkPtoaaatt delook to tba after
laaea. afb
attar toa aaaal dtoaar boar, they
toWdaaploadld warn dtoaar awaltaad
ooarta^ aataadad
|p naka it plaadaat far toaat. For
IBnoooartadnthay dtotrlbatad
attnaalary tiakata far tba aoaeart to
*•-- ..........—‘----- - aad------------------Wntariir noralac B. J. Morpaa to*
4Htod tba todln to toko a rlda aboat
Iteattyaadter toat parpen plaaad
dm torpa alolpba at tbair dtopoaal.
^Itbay Ttaitod toa aeylan aad otbar
ptoataottotarnt Wbaa tbay waataway
dboy aapnnad tbair appnelatkn to
MlUard. Marpory Clark, Laay Kelley.
Baoala Oarlaoe. Banla Haaaaa. Bath
Dnba. Ploaala Olaanaia. Clara
Dnar. MUdrod Jaeoba, Mary Bariay.
PloroBoa Prioa, Obarlotta Uptip, Loala
Prtaa. LUa Pataraen.Bartoa MeMlebaal.
da MeQUlto BalUa WUbatot
At Kaottop of too Idaeoto Uterwy
Soelo^ Imst Mipbv
ft.»c«adapaoftoa Botal Braadapa
0 Bawor. waa to t^ olty yaatarday.__
f. 9- Baednawi. airealtooert ataao) to ITM CbdUiaa toat
>Mtop to any to toa etty onr Baaday
aowUl attaadeoartatLalaadMooday
4. Bebaaldar of Ukt Aaa. waa to
pBi dlW l«« baatoni ynurday.
Mr. aad.Mra W. B. Browa of Aldoa,
pn Ip to# oity.
to L. Ooaltar of Deatial Uka, waa at
«Ba P»rk Plaea yntarday.
/adpo Prod W. Maya# arrlnd to tba
0tf yntarday aft^woo. aad wUl po
da Latoad tosorrow to hold dreait
Tba colaadar tbonlaa Uitot
ty reqaaatad to attend toe meettop
at Mra. Uada Howroab «a Bipbto elnek
Than will ba e meattop ol toe BetaO
Tbair Boat party wUl ba pina aazt
Clerka' Daioo lenerrow analap at tba
Wadaaaday alpbk Than wiU ba ao
a A P. A beU OB D) - '
daaatof aabool bat two ropator
P. C. OUbart wUl dallnr tot adtop parttoa wlU ba ylna oaeb
waak. Wadaaaday aad Satarday alphta. dren at tba mnUap of tba I. O. O. P.
of Mortoport, toe I4to of toU moatb.
Bdaa LaPraalar para a rary aajoy*' The oeaaaioa k toe anneal eaUbnUoa
abU party at tba bona of bar praad of too Mortoport lodpa.
paraati oa Beat BipbUi atraat yntar
erlbtop the party pivea Thoreday aftaraoea la beaor of bar olpbth
day eveator by the Beat Side Olris, toe
birtoday. The
k»e of Mn. a T. Stoat was by mkwith paain aad tba idUMraa ooJvad
Ujm MBitted assoap toe Ust of ebaptba anat nry naob. Bdaa raaelnd
naay pntty prnaata. Mra. LaPraalar
Tbo repalar mactlap of too Poeoatera
waa aniatad by Mra. J. M. laprip aad
Mra Bobart Prtoe. Very alee ratroab* wlU be held tomorrow oveatop. BpeokI
bosinaMlstobeatteadodtoaada faU
Tba fdUowtop won yraaoat: May
The Lineoto Utorary Soeioty held
ito repalar meettop at tholr
Htoth etreet. The cleeUoa of ofiens
far toe next throo moatoa oeeapled toe most of tbe moottop aad roealted as f^lowe:
Praaldent-Almea BaUer.
Viee Preaideat—Berray Trtpp.
Becordtop Seemtory - Cbarlm Baaale.
Asektaat Beeerdtop
Prank WalteaDmlor.
Treaeaw Boy Wyaooop.
A W. Jabraas. A M. Parker. 'Will
Bobba, A L. flea. A D. Campbell and
a P. Oarvn of toe Oetoaary Clnb ar*
at Ohrp Lake, pattiap to the eammark
■apely of lee far toe elab boose.
Tbe ressTvs osot plat for subeeribero
tar toe attraetioo ‘ By toe Sod Ses
Wavoa- wUl bo pat OB next Moaday.
Tbo peaoral pobUe wUl be allowed to
Waite Ooodc Shta. «UU___
Latest doelpas aad pallerta
Something New
‘Hidden Brapery"—So named from the
gold thread that is woven in tbe cloth. It'a
tiaed for enrtaina. acreena. covering boxea. afaclvea, dntping on the wall for coiy comera, and
aella at 10c the yard. v.
‘A Little At e Time”
Oi tbe whole down st once, is the ynj
yon can buy either a “White” or “Queen” sew.
ing msebine. Tbe “Qoeen” with stationary
head at $21. the drop head $22; the “White” at
$52, and tbe drop heed $35.
MkeBeokott Mksodo Ooetly Om
aeot. bet It Was PoanA
Telt your friends and they will hoy.
One of tbe kdke vrith the Symphony
erebeetta. Mks Ploreacc A Beckett,
toe lute eololet, loet o kaadaome
diamond brooeh wbUe to the elty
yotterdsy. She mlseod toe omameat
ftret when at tbe train ready to leave
for Mt. Pleaeaak A eeareb of tbe bas
to wbieb tbe bad bees ridtop failed to
dkeloee the mketop diamond, aad eb«
toft toe elty witboat it.
Prof. Bora was noUfled of tbs loos,
aadasearebof tbs City Opera Boose
ilted to tbe brooob betop foood to
Btoaldo PaUar ntaraod laat ai^t
Before the oleetica there a
toe dreestop room that had been Oeto saead Baacay prompto debate oa. “Besolved. That to eapied by Mke Brekett.aad it wm eeet
jrlth hk famUy to toe elty.
jide a pcanal. k better than a apeekl to her by tbe next otail.
aty aerk A. W. Blekord
want to. ordinary odaeatioo.' Tbe» sfBrmoUve
fast eveatop to apmd Saaday.
dby ArtoarZ
Mka Bvaae retoraed last alpbtto man Look BirdsoU,wbUe Almea BaUer
Poverty Is one of tbe beet la
aad MsTahall Pries hasdied tbe aara- ton fcnowB.
tiva. Tbe Jodpm-deoided to favor of
Good acts, like sheep. Are apt to fal
dty yeatorday. Bo (oports lae the aepattvo. Orton Satith pave the low ooe anotber.
nittek (Opart.
Every womaa knows more than a
ju does—so she thiaks.
A MIpbt of TOmr.
History has to repeat Ita^ boeaam
people are so forpetfoL
*>Awtal anxiety wae felt tor ___
.vUew of tbe bravo Oeaeral Boraham
Wlien a wMower courts a widow tltjIMatotoa. Mo., when the doeton eald
tk CopW pete a abort reoL
■ho woald die trots Pacamook
Steed DoetoOA
'■orator' writes Mta. A B. L
A A Moaday. a lawynof Beariotta,
If the moon were atade of preea
Tkx. oooo foMod a prave-toppw. B*
saya: *‘My brother wm vory'low wlto ebeeoe It would eertalaly be ishabltod.
nsaiarkl fever aad Jaandko. I per- —Cblcapo Dally News.
loliT -- -- BAlna. aad
he aras eooa kaeh bottor. k
I k pmaraatoad to tbeir aee natU bo wm Wl
■are aU^TIu^t,
Trial bet- Ufa.- Tbk remedy omk amtorla,
aaad AA kUk dksM ponas
Mow k toe time to have yoar Bl^eto
keed. aide dipeetkm. i^akws liw. roBBsmiledaadotoaaod op rsof^ far
kktoeye and bowola. eoreo ooMtipathm
Imva respoaded wUk a
Read, and then protIt theraby.
Read, and ttien the goods yoo1l try
Seme of tbe daintieat pattema yoo ever
aaw—One eapecially, u tbe “Yard of Boaea.”
Too get four of tbeee beantifnl yarda in each
yard of material Many ladiea’ nae thia for
oomfortar oovera—oaiog two widtba. Coata yon
15c tbe yard.
‘Quit Roughing”
“Can’t”, yon aay. ’Deed you can—Only
coata a quarter for any o/ theae excellent remediea: Piso’a Cough Cure, Winter'a Instant
Cough Cure. Dr. BoU'a Cough Synip, Dr.
Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup, Braatk Pnlaoa*’
ary Balaam.
“I Think I Have
the Old Rheumetiz”
• Don't have it long—It’ll affect yoor Iriz.
We’ll cure yon quickly, for we’re tbe masters.
Well core yon surely with Porous Plasters^
Bella donna—Cdlio's Voltaic—Cotieura—Her
rick's Perforated — BaDaidk Caprienm — All.
oook'a Poiona—All 25c each.
Monerch Jelly
Oneoftbe finerf jelUiv msde-And ao
many good flanm. Can’t help but strike your
favorite one. Orange, grapA atrawbeery, ptom,
Mpple, quiace, [dnaapple, red enrtant, raq^
bsriy—25c a tumbler.
Whet Do You Eet
Rem-Sho” Typewriters For
It’s tile
all-aro«nd snaebum on the
market—Perfect paper feed, permanent align
ment, nniveraal key board, removable ^ten,
writes beyond maqfin,'perfect
straight swsy ribbon fsed.
fasUbesiings. No trooble to show it
Ever try Pettijohn'a CsUfornia Break,
lari food, or FonM^ Wbaat Gem Masl or
Quaker Bolted Oats. Shredded WksstBteewL
They're all meat excdleat, aad sail at Ifie cr
two for a quarto-.
Free Storege All WiDter.
ifa wmk can not bo boat aad prfan
i^iraat. WUl eall far yoar whoel
Call aad pat» prioas.
^Ml^*pboMllo. m. Mortom ‘phoM
E L 6inS.Pnp.
Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
wMdMli nfort iar i»uH7 ■bo«« 144
with 4* MSvtMtaM. TMkm* »vd4h wj*
PMfUan ftUiac Us te ywiwtlaj
11Wfhwhy«0S4tftaciwith th» l««.
Mn. Wm. aehradsof utlwbvr
fl*n MfMl kw4nd.,4oU«n Iar »
---------- 1-. to bM ha»M^ It wUl she
Wtfarsofs msNM4 •qvlfsut e«
Mtai 4ms1« BaU «f Istay atr. owu
hf«7toMU«f«t 4h^
ttet fool
iwohhhty »T«d kar fothoHa Wmm
•iN rnilUj Uair Utoit At oheot *
o^Uotfi WIOMiay sarmior >ka wm
vnkrnmi hr tha «t as»iahfa« oo bar
hairaoB pn. 8ha Md kar telkar
Ofo la rooM adK«alairikairfraas7
BMta. Dpoa iBvaaiMaUv it waa food
that tha door of tka Moot waa aa In
■aar tka atora, aad bat for tka ptoaa*
dlaaerarya^lsalrBai tra woald kara
kaaa tka nMlk
OrtahtBO Bths.
In eaetm Pmeaia tbe dlrretor at tbe
aighnp for the tawpe reeeotly called
kcMaa Sadaaror Spy Valow Umtr the aneotlon of tbe gossiasit to the
fact ttat ta bl« dMrtet Mber driaklMi
at tka Frfewda Ohatch
wna r»*i rapplaDtJiix tbe as of alcoThlaBreolsc.
koL la (be city ef Memel aloBe. aftaated
to the extreme aortbsetem part
Tka OkrkUaa iodoaaoran e( Ika
ait/ arc aspaetiBC a oaaaoa foU of of Oermany. tbe ste of ether deatlaed
laat aad prodt at tU CkriaUaa Ba- aa a drink for tbr pact year te oiBctelly
ed to bare amoaaied (o 8A80
daaaor day aaraiaai at tte FVtMfoa
gaaru. to wbirfe moat be added a targe
aharck tki« araalaf at S o'dock- Tka qnaadtT that waa paaaed ibsugb by
lulc k la tka kaada of the Frlaada amDrcMnx
whirb (besfore ew
lefoty. FoUowfoy w tka yn«ias:
caped vibem! evuoiiag. la tbe dIatrM
Hyaa<>"Tha Badarlkr Friai^'’
at He.rdHcmg a ctUI mos snaiderabfo
aoM aa a etlsa-,
■aadiay olastptara.
foai Tbe ether la aotd by Uqner die-1
penaen and reuiles osr tbe comts
Utrodaaleiyliwidby l«dw.)
to toe seaames to drtoks aresgiBg
NawPfoMfor Oal^ te 0«r Local
OafoM Mr. Boyt
Laffcr F^wabiy tka World Aroaad
—Mr. Fwafoctaw.
Bysa—''Straartk to Badaro "
Tka ladtfolUac Frsiiii (ipkd by
VraakJ.ThaapHBof Mawa^ waa
aaalap for tkraa yaan aad a half
wkaa tka UmU far kfo oC^ waa for
Mdaya. BaaowaaaalkaBroak-BallactOB aUn Oa. for TN dajra* pay.
At Pafoakay raeaatly fiaraU. tka
aifkt rMT old aoa ad Ora B. Thospaaa.
araa aakad by a taasBMf to foataa for
Faaton' Fire Miaota Talka — Bar.
hlstkaloakakataoakhai«rk. WkUa W. 1C Wiiirht. Bar. D. OoekUa. Brr.
- aa dolat tka UtUa foUoWa ftoew waa 3. & Btas, Bar. Barelay doaaa. .
krokaa. Friday lockjaw act ia aa tka
LaadarkOoalBy Worda.
Hys8>-"BelT Qkcat Wltk .Liybt
rmlt ad tka fojary ai^ ka died Friday aftaraoaw.
Tka larya aaw aaow' plow oa-tba O.
B. A t. raa taw fodfht No. >l at Maa*
oaloaaoMBickt tkia tMok, wroaklair Bwnwwforstsfwnwwrwcwcwrk
tka aahoaaa aad Sra dak eara, wiiteh ^
. ■ ||
aaarht Aro and boraad. Th# plow waa I
badly dasaffcd.
tWfo—ko Viyaatto laft a larfc kareaaaa lasp baralac la tka baaesaat of
kk Mlooa at Baaaeek. to tkaw aosa
fooas waiar pip«a. Tka lasp wt ftra
to tka Jelas aad ftcsaa karwod tkeir
waytotkaaeorabora,irtsrctka kaat
karat tka bettls la aavaral
••pop'aadthaUqald extlafc
Mtshill Mtiiaaa taraad oct ia ynat
iaraa oaa day tkk waak ta wltoas a
Japaasa waddlay. Aboat N
paepU Iras Battto OrM arrirad too
lata for tka earasewy. bat it waa rayaatad far ikair baaodt
Bkada Bartea, tka ‘'Urlay akatatoa’'
wkeraaidMatdtaatoa.foals teat tall
aad walyba » poaada kha haa aa
aMar to trard with a wfld waat abew
aast aaaisar.
lalatiapii laatnuaaafo wara aaei
tally BSda at Maiqwatta Tbaraday
rakoasof tka biyb
a dlataaea of n ist throogk briok
Srart Wiard of Ypailantl, rnoeaUy
aiat with a paaalar asidaah WhUt
rtsoriag tka bnag tros a aidw barral
tkagM prnaaara waa w great li wai
blowB oat with gnat teraa It atmek
kls la tba aya. and with anah f'trnt m
to injan tka mambar. ’Bit bat wm
blowa away aoiae dliaaa foot aad hOaaalf knoekad nanrly off jklc tsk
At Boaklaad the two lltUa akUdran
ad Mn. Bil Orinon pUyad with eeatabsaadastkajMssoaftn. Tkasotnm ease to tko rasno. carried tkes to
a plas o< tatoty and ibao ntarnad aad
aattagaiahod lao flams with a bnekat.
A tow soBoaU later aka dropped dead
foes heart foUnf*. Bka ws fonad by
aalffbben aa hoar later.
Barold, the yoaag eoa of Blram
Fladlay, of Owaaeo, faU law adkhpaa
taU of boUtag water atad wm frightfolly aoaidpd. Mia, Fiodley <
Mt the paa on the floor amoi
taataaQy tka boy feU law it.
While boriag for a flowing wall nt
the farm of Bcnry Biss aaar loaia, a
U4achrfoaot Iraaora wM atmek at
40 foet. At ISO fst, tkay weat tkrongk
14 iaabs of elate coal, hkea throe«b a
II foot rein of hard eoU. and aaotks
U laoks of aoft aoal aad nndar it alt
^ WMaffool rein of A No. t In olay
' which Blood the e-trerst tst at Araeld-amaahiaoahop
AStoekbridga maabaea Mloey of
flrw-baaded Italian bare which made 7S
penada of kouy w tl daya.
Bsmott Oarpeatar of Okalnaa. rneaat)y tkoaght he would like to do a UtUa
grsaoelnm work, ^r plaoed a atnp
•ear a hmm la tka eellar, etool oo a
tofoewkUa bo raa tka'atrap throagk
tko bndile, and in reaoUag ap to eaake
tko loop M largo m paealblo orertars•d Ike croak and la folUag forward kU
kaad paaaed tkrongk the loc^ ertUak
waa drawn tightly abont bla aoek. aad
habiagfo»rnkfoptaaa Aagnodltak
woald hare it. Ue eletor waat Into tk«
oallaraad aiaoomnd him. flkaoatlad
ks seths who aamo aad eat him
AOWB aad aarriod blm^ ayatalra. Dr.
Balsar waa aaat for aad werkad
bis a Uog tlsa bafeSAa wm preaoaaaad oat of daagar. The deotor
acid that If ko had knag thsa aatla■ta leoger ko woald aot has seorarod
A Mf Omtfkmmt
V^J. Btfliii, OpfoMlv
Aidaa BsMdlotk -Fablo B>saai’'
will be praaaatad at Stelabarfk Oraa'
OB east TcMd^ msloy. Fak. 4. An
latarriair with His Oras Baatar.
tros tka Waaklaytoa IM:
Ofaea Baatar, tka dasear.
tlaf attraatioo laal waak at M Qraad
Opera Boas, kkafo a cbarslarUi
Mis Baatar ia aoi>
abtoM baiay tbalarstorol tka waU
It ia d.
eidadly oispla. kelay worfcad only
tros tka treat, bat aotbt^praMar
eaa ba tsagiaod. Tka ataya la perfcetly dach aatU at a rf*M atgaal. a
ray of Uykt akoota irtm tka body of
. Mfoa Banlar U a
ellBtlay dras, aodtalatay aaarly ISO
yard! of alotk, at tka rwy edge of tka
fooUifhta. Then etandlny In the ooe
epot bar anne begin to more and whh
thamsbadTapeifoanatU tkeladyhar-
pean oa tba moriag drnperis aad.
sklag.BM>tioa from the adapted- wrltb
ing of tka dnoe, daru ken aad than
ta tka light. Baaekto of flowon and
hoade of tko praaldens with area
wariag flag are ckowa, followed by
etarry aky oa wbleb the worda "good
ai^t" an wrlttoa.
Seren] bnadred coats aad vesta
cold daring the jeaiv lenriag ns
After inventory wi^ a»iy pairs
fine psnts, bnt oo line sizA from
BlroMiaataTalteIkaOcfotOowr-lfiaB KaUacFIkaTaatkfwckw-Mlat Basse
Tka Ferwafd Moaasawt for MM
[ SpecisV
which to readily fit enstomers.
aad for tbe aatonat
laee the afur cffacto
To close ont entire lot we »r« will
■ew ar«i> Worker* Bke«t4 Mai.
a ta ail right, aaya a writer to Tbe
Banltary Record, fs tbe man who tobon all day In tbe open air to eat
trsiy. but toe man of eedentary bahito, toe bnia worker, must adapt bla
way of living to hie oeeda He mwt
be well pooiished. for tov brain u inspnble of good work nules well euppUed with purr food, but eneb a man
cannot pooalbly fumlab rital tors to
dlgst three large nislt daily. If be
Ms h. natns wlU protect at every
atep. Tbe chemlsJ vbangs of dlgaetian will be Imperfectly performed.
Tbe etomacb win neither eecrete freely
nor ebara (be food with ckeerfol alaertty; tbe pyloric orlOs coatneta nad
aliowa aoeb ebyme to pas with grudgtng
as Mbamwto
pabnlnm. wbirb cbokea. irriuts aad
sngeata tbrai. ao toe laige meal s
malna in (be dlgeeiive orgaoa to taf
mem and putrefy. Uni toe astern can
fumlab enough vita] force to convert n
email msl Into ]iabttlnm of bigb atandard. whicb will be absrbed without
dlflicnlty. Aiwas' leas tbe table a
little bnngry.
ing to sacrihcc nil profitn and a
>'*“*• inrentment in'
“aoy canen. Prices
put on fonr
I%e first opportnaity of
the sceepn for the eelec*
tioB of mning soitm
Obe of tbe moet eneeeeefol mnnufsetsrerg of tbe
eastwiU display bis fall
line et oar store ob
“sorted lots an follown — $1.45,
$1.90, $2.45, $Z90.
ThcM pricen
give yon choice of goods worth in
regnlar stock froih $2.00 to $4.00,
I «k4 e\XUift’>MS&s%.
Water Cws.
Bald a pbyalciaa not long ago, om
wbo baa gmwn oM aud wls to bla
psfwalon. ~roi smlng to believa that
If I bad to cboo«i- Id my practfoe tbe
one of ding* aud (be us of .water I'd
give up iltc dntga." II ia a truth that
ta generally accepted that tbe eOcteaey of tbe variooB mineral waten dependa fdr In* on (be quality of tbe
water iban oa toe' quantity suKumed.
and for nnirt of ua water ia free m air,
tbes need be no blndraos to a
•rough lex uf ita rtnoea It may ba
haa Ik-co charged agniux oa,
(bat we drink
mtxb. but far mon
often ia it true that we drink
We faU to recognls bow
nnr body demanda. and our food U
bread, nmt and poetry Inetsd of tbe
fmlta ood vegeiobls that would aupply our needs.
Most Tbaraday algbl will ba a gale
The fertucr millinry sup at MonBight at the City Opara Bobs, whra tatik i'olnt which sme muntha ago
tbOM mdord bmaklng oomodiane, waa fairly alive with Aurrisn aolMatbewB A Bo1g«r. with their Wg dlera. la now onlv a wild waate.
atrlag of aeeociatee. prcMet tbelr let
wt reralon ot the Mg raaderllle oper
etta "By the Bad 8s Wars" which
hM bean aafoly rated ooe of the sry
bstaoraltlMM beprreented tkleeea•oo. That tba rwnlu will ba aeore
thaa gratifying gow wilbont aayiag.
M thti firmly sUbllehed fnniiy pair
has pattbalr beat cadwrora forward
aad tbe eritletem of tholr work eaa only
be of the moat gstlfylng ebaraater u
cermumptlort, la
not only tbemeelrs bat to thair mao
agera, Maaan. Dnaaa aad Rylay who.
andanatod la Ikalr Jadgment, gare
them tba adraaiaga of a wall filled
pane. Tba plaaa, play
you oall It. la dwaribed M a randerlile
tars aomody act to maeic. with aU tbe
aecoaeociw of ^ona, aeaaery ai^ os
\ IVto tfmuui RMEO^
tamaa, and in point of nnmbera, large
ly exsadlng many el tko opera eom.
paalsnow traraUag. ItwM eoaaldand an ambitlona oadstaklng wkaa
fint broaekad, bat now that tt la mUlag OB ika wars of anceoaa,'tbarn as
tbooe who claim that ootkiag eenld
foil whan Matkawa akd Balgar as
Tka aaaaeiT
mstelabosU dasripUoa, the i
paay oarrylag tbe tkma aeta eosplaU,
while tba astams astaaid to bemraUtwoe of tka deatgasb ekUl Tba
maaSe which aboaade laorlglahlaod
likely to baoomo rary popalar. aad oe
as tka bery «9 baadeomo girle, which
form the akoraa.
largely to ether drinfciag all d
ot toe Urer. khtaes aad Mber organa
that oeaa^ ralfor fimu alcokolle stomtloa M exensM as.grcatly oa too
toercas and prone lo ran a moto mos
I weW ms&t Aitfi mederaVt
We advise an early inquiry as to
j VnyAce.
Many people who have
aot believed it poesible
to be pleseed with readyto-wear euits are now
satiaSed that they poss
ess ..some sdvsDUiges—
No bother with dress,
making—no perplexing
. qoestions r^nliog tbe
thmminge — no nBcertainty aboot the pri<»
Tbe finished suit is be- fa
fere you. ready (or inspecUon— If it pleaaea
yon, aad tbe price and
fit are aatlafactory—Toa
can aee and know exacW
ly #bat you are going to
have aod bow it will
look/when delivered —
Tretbendone advenees
and improvemente have
been i^p in the past
year m this branch of
manafsetnring and the
samplee we eball display
what onr intentions are regarding
the sale of men’s
Ulsters, Reefers.
Many men coming here on a trifling
errand hard* stopped to investigate.
' Iflyestigatibg have found it to their
Five Cent
Pig Tall
Ihos ia a airoag pshabUlty that lha
ealabsted Walkar Whitaaida wUl appaarlathe Osadia tko aaar fatas.
Ba hM praetiaally alOMd arraammaaU
Mr. Wkltaalde, it wiu ba n
vt T*e BrOe.
•Whare the nMbe in tka atkar
sornr ke demanded. .
-H*i Hagfle." eke rs>li«a“»4
poor dear girt hM to hare eome aceoD*
you knew, and m the
wed yon M sock 1 docMod
For perbapa fls slaAa ka wPi
anmt -Tkea=^-#ifbed-and apokm—
~l wUbdsw my objecOou ta the
■7 plaao." be mM.
interest to buy their overcoat or
nlster at once.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Please the Han
a Royal Smoke.
sit& *5uss&sib
Next wUl be well worth
examination by every
lady in Traverse City.
Too are m^et cordially
invited to e^.
^Vioto ua \o T«m\u& uou
WriVtoT, ttts\ ou Tftoufisn
fM4Ha»»»«« »»»»««>**>* ««»»««»»
w» ttav\ CUT Syst^A-V 9iu»
>PKVU &oo4s, SUmvs
I Removal Sboe Sale
Hade to
We have faaadled tbie
line for eeversl sieeoai
and coaler it oee ef
the best made.
They are
Hot s lot of sbolf worn shoos We osn sots yon
from 10 to 60 per cent on yonr shoe bills tho next
SOdsys—Incp^ them—get onr prioee and we will
oonvinoe yon Uutt no other shoe bonee oflisre snob
tt goods for the same money.
AfUr Msreh 16 we wiU be st MS Front Street
uus\ TXscouu\ Sa\s on
auAKCuli&uMuAsTwsaT. !
coutwuVug trttVtV tosM
Vane mon \a ana Vn Vlts j
Oar oonnters are piled
foil of sew spring goods
and yoB will enjoy looking them over and w* j
shall enjoy having yow
do so.
»M»««»««««»MM4Ha««« ««»«»•»» nsnsawtoibwgig
The Old Reliable
Shoe Han.
»'^:IS»l'»BC;'IHK’Wir-.^ -y-i* '■THE MORNING RECORD. gUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1900.
fcapnwt mimw
\ aemofTHEWono
« tHOUT STOniEt 4
» A* Jk.
Saaday- Pwallaf at 1040». b. aad
«tnu KMlBltoM «Via( vMtrftttoa a»7p. at
to tb« Bow *»f war» .»B«ii»o«57
atuweloaaef aooraw««rMd n«ndv *lffct t* How T«B
At» mmUag U OwmcU k»U.
Monlaf •abjoei > <*Tha Ooapel
■«T. Dr. LrawB AMMt o( Vow T«rh
a^pmnA Mon Um eoBBtttw os ol«o>
■ro^Uaf ~aah^oat->'iM£ lad
UwoTkot^r M BootM «e ePPM*
«fe*«knoMUMforo 4. pMliaroof- ^^d-waok prayar atoaUaf. Thaiaday
"AiSSJ^l.rtuUo.10 U» .rtU...
• to4o- oUoadoU thooo oorrlaoo.
mn— tko r^wtk
tk* l<«oor trofle
fa-llrY- MttkodtoM »t ttto ooplul.
B«T. O. OoMwr. PMMr.
. b|r BMmp MflOobo OBd E«*- Dr.
Otereh oa oonor Of Htstk M4 Wodo
’. IM«0 BWr>P» «»BPMCB W»i»M ^ortfcotfMta.
OtMolte }(wv ^a^ iorrloM are ao toUowa:
a 1040 a. B.
•towoosbortiBr tkoir roodm to pro
Saaday aehool at 11:00.
wl tho eo«BU7 tr
• p«y
ProaehlBf at 740 p. a.
ttot Um
Tho BMtlBfo will eo
‘ tho
a week.
to iarUod to ttoo
VriUoulM I. >U |k« t
At ih. >a«l. whUo p^porlBf to Ifbt
waortkowftb Ito
-------- '
, too OfBOt Marlboro oB^Ult
wroro oorprlood by o roto of Iho mo
•oV«r*1 dopoolU of ieoppor ood U
hooo boon toootod la niortbaro Qboobi
iMd. ood proopoetlBC ^ rolof on »«taooty.' It to Mid that llo Blalot to all
Oho rofo In that eslony.
Salravion Anaj. for aoeond Ubo,
toao failod to ret P fooihoM in Ueoloo.
MoKteaa laws f irbid a)l nllriou pro' a in tho atreeu ^ dUco.
Tho Mtaina of «h «ol|liora wboao bod
dot wore brcnrht from the Pbllipplow
• work a^. bare bbM ohippod to
0 and frtoado of tho dead la
wartoM etelM. prlaelpdUy ta WaahlartOB. Idaho. Or«on. aad (tooth DakoU
Abo«t ,7« poreonvyet romaiaattbe
Brittoh yaaht Thtotlo.
Hallaa Abdal HaBlA of Tarkoy, to
■aM to karo dooMod It vtolt tho Pbm
wapoalUoa aad ■apoeor WUllaa noxt
Tho wardoB ot Uo Jail at ChleMTo to
•boat to oot tha foMlo prtooawa (o
mark oalUraUor mat. Ho bolioeoa
ttatoveotaally thoLr aoltlvatloa will
ratoo tho Boral ataadai|d of thnoo who
toad tbea.
dpaatoh wv rooth rldara are to bold
• rraad roialoa Jaao »-«« ia Oklaho•aaiy.
Tkroarb the loBooBOi of tho womoa
wrbe took ap the matter of pUatlor
aod aalUeaUar troea oa Oolloce BUI
CKaeiaaatL a dtUpldadad loeallty hat
boaoaie attraeUro aad propoaty la that
■oatldahao adraaood »i par eeat
•«« or ihrao yoaia.
' Toara havo baaa rapoatodly aaprooood
la Iho loot throe Boatho that tho
^■ki are plaaalay aaotbor raaoial
■MOO pro of Ohrtotlaat la tho interior
w( Tarkny. The Korda, parUeolarly la
KiWdtotaa. are Boeh odoltad. aad aood
BWlyaoparktootart them apoa Iholr
•arW work. The World hao iafooBaaiei arbleh ladlealoo that at Mardl^.
Wiarbokr. KarpooC priaelpit oltloo of
eoalral aae oaotero Torkay. tho Ma^
BohMao are ooly waltiBy a tarorablo
’ to repeat tha horrible
■ark of raplBO aad Border of IMS aad
IfM. The OhrtotlaM of thoeo plaeeo
•foopoolyasd eootttaUy thraatoi
'tIoaeralMUM'aowaaddlohorMto a
jrroal bloek ehariar.
wao boarbt
froB a faBooo KMtaeky farB and to
BOW OB ito wity to WeohlavtoB.
,*^bo Bdence and practice ot bodoiaklaf bar* oadeiroiir a rt<Uc«i
ebeofo la tbo pom few yaar*. Ia
DOwiy door orer aod deooroied boao—
-Botblof eeuM be more Impr—tore;
laarr loxurtona aad wore todleal In
the bJtberio aeceptod tow* of hj-fleor Uioa the new
bedo." So OOP* tbe New York Sua,
arhlcb add* o few detail* a* follow*:
Tbe . aodel joet aow la Che bonaeo
wbrr* aaUqoe BUibefaay aweepo
ororytblBf before it to the OeorgUa
bed. Tbr— euabl olcop. wltb aa
la tbe
area - ladoedd by tbe foor tnoMir*
carrod poeta'of ooe of tbeoe bif
SBiad to biihf tbo oleepinf ptotfm
ap to the required belstat. On* to of
hair, ooe of eoctnn. aod la whitor on
top of the— repoo— a mlfbty ttek.
atoffed tall of tbe beat white foo—
When tb—e
are foUlled. tbe fall fledfod Uoorctoa
bed to drraaod with creai attratlon to
detail aad etofaoefe Old brocade odfed
with bnlUoD friBfr to twod for the
tr. hMctor iomm, pOMer.
Ohaitdi, Oor. Oak and Fifth atiwoU. haasliif* aod
tbe Boor, nod the e—t of armi of the
Saaday aehool at »:4S.
Poblle werohlp 11:00 am.
owner I* carred oo the b—dboen
Cbrtotlan Bodeaear day proffraot U theeoneb.
prepared for notoo aorrlM at 0 p. BIt to I
Tbia wiU be one
pleaMOt toa- Itandsoo aRenulDerarrodG—rfton
toreo of ibr day. and the yooor people
or drew It lo anilque brocade, bol even
of tbr elty are Invited to attead. .
wltb the modem bralk and Iren bed
j, 7:00 p m.
Pohllc worabip.
Sermon Boralnf ood erenlnf by the runalo* about tbe bead and bIf feath
Speeial ilnflnf for the eran- er oiuffed mattreoaiit for winter o—
are no loncer a mere fashion, bat are
^be*^bfle are eordially Inrltod to a iteneral cu*iom. For half a o-ntary.
aU theae aerrloea.
the ft-aihor Ix-d b*s beon looked upoo
very coldl.r by exiK-rt* lo byfivoe. bat
latOB (KP»t»P4Ll CUUBCH.
Dtly. (>otli wlib reyntd io the baofhe*. Cku T. Oteau Beet«r.
and the feather rnatlro**. a ebanfo
Oomer Waeblnfton atroot aad Board- lnf*4'
be*rt tans oome. and dcllrme. nerrof bet
laa arena
Moralaf rrlw aad aormoa at 1P:S0 oa*. ci-nrelKlc. rbeomatic women, and
Holy OoBBonloa at 11:10 a- ot
. Saaday Sebool at II b.
An*^55dtaliy ufrttod to thOM
cKounao iciaaca.
ObrihUao Oeieoeo ooreiooo will bo
It ralastoon aod II wtdowa of Vdoo- hold at tie Booth Uoioo atroot. '
Saaday Boralnr at 1040 aad Wad«Mn ia MtohlfM alroady drawlac
aoaday oroolar at 7:10. All are oordUUy loeltad to '
•ipdio Joba ParaoM of Oiwo«e. boo
ve^Matod to tho tooia of Ooooraor m»w. W. I. WooObomw. Po«*or^ of Vow Tork. a
Iforaiac oottIm 10:10 a. b.
-■•Tho ProiBtoco aad
daUctfBadyaeht. It to awriy Bet faot
la^aadtoaaoBaotoo^of tho *bw
Itm yaaht Tdootoor. that Vofaalad tho
•OM CM—— to the Vh—ey bM
B. yTp. U.. •:«.
Beaoiar oorrloa 7:00.
■eoaiar toplo.—‘'Uchto aad Shad
Prayar OMoUnf Thanday oroalaf,
ProachiBf at 10:10 a. b. aad at 7:00
.. bare ^-eo rec
ommended to take tbe fe*(bi-r bed core
la tbe winter Qoeeo vtctorto to one
of tbe ablDlof proof* of the efllcocy of
tbe feather bed. for where abe (tor* a
bif lick fall of featbera In It* lettber
trarellDf larket *o«a. too, and always
tbe cartala* are drawn abooi the bead
of tbe bed to abai off any drafta.
Qneeo Victoria and ber doctor* beUev*
that tbe proper way lo aleep In wlater
to la a cold room laxartoasiy topped to
a oeat of f—thn* that prtwerr- all
It Of
<A|Me*t weather a coveHof of
only ooe pair of blanken aod a down
qallL Tbe modem bed. eo caUed by-
■taod. and tbe balr mattreu constaatly dUalpate* tbe bum*n beat ioitead
ot cooserving It bceide* drawing away
at leait. tbat I* wbtt advocate* of tb«
feaiber bed —y.
All tbl* drain tbe feaiber* prevent,
and tbe —ally ylekltug surfare they
Tfor moralaf _-.........
VoBberahip lathe ChrtoUhn
For Spring and Summer Wear.
Frloes talk. The inducements we give on this sale are to reach
the needy as well as the warmly clad. We want you all to Invest
No investment will pay you better, regardless
of advances in tbe general market, we offer you at coat and below on
everything bought at the lowest market values when goods wer*
curious, at least to watch the throng of buyers who will crowd our
store during tWe sale.
Gents’ Furnishings.
A lot of stiff bosomed Colored Shirts KfV
reduced from $1 to......................
ir-KKisSTarr" 'ses.’’
up to’ date linen colors, “arrow’' QQ
F’f4f£^tq«';rs-ij:s.sS2^ Newbrand,
kafl made,
ma/lw to
Vrt close
rlivtft eacheach. .*w
•VP-'o- ..Sl’U?
Our best seckwear in all the latest 20
styles, to dose at •
Blk SapXU.
M*or at 4 p ot
Thtet wlU ba ao V. P. B. a B i
aaioa i
at tbo Friaada ehareh at S p. n.
The Bosieal oerrlM for Fobraary Hn. Ww. a Fortci. 4» W—bl—to* Of.
will b9 at 7 p B.
I the IMThe profroB will
Sotoo. 1. The
Way ot
A2aMt»£iArm^jdjt»aa. by
A lot of string ties, 25c values, to OK
close 2 for................... .................
A lot of all wool 6ne cashmere half
kose, 50c values, small sizes ®nly,^ J^Q
An accumulation of ^nter caps, val- 1 K
^oc. to dose at.
at............. • i V
ues UD
up to 50c.
25 per cent off on all our finest winter
caps from our already low prices.
Men’s finest underwear, a collection
of broken lots running in price up QK
-to $1.50. to dose at.......................•57v
Clothing Department.
A lot of Children’s Suits, sailor
collars, double breasted, val- 1 QQ
SsE.I-S^i-E'.SS.-SS: iSEt
ues up to $4. to close at..........*
3 lots of children’s double breasted,
all wool fine suits, worth double
what we ask, to dose at ^ -. X *29
..............................$2.58. $1.89.
Suits sold at $12 go at
25 per cent off on all children’s
wool blouse waists.
aowaMBtoMM. llatooaarMWoay aad
----- WaUto Oalarrh Can hMhaaasMdlaWM ^ Ihowaadi of
r. j.a
8 60
Look at our $4.98 suits and compare
them with the so called $7.50 suits
' elsewhere and wonder.
All Overcoats and Ulsters, Kup-
. *BMr»Vwd)rl1UeBia|hakaM
At 8 o’clock sharp!
tbaratoaobatlarBadtolao to- lh<
^htoa thaa OhaBhariaU'o Oeagk Baa
Everything has Its limit and we are now limited for space. Our
store trom basement to garret is j ammed full of merohandisa mostly
seasonable now, but soon to be replaced with new spring arrivals.
There are two carloads on the way now: Wt have no alternaUva.
We must clear our shelves and countera of winter weights and warm
textures, but howP
We cannot afford to wait until a stragster carries off an item or
two at a time. We must creates demand-a multitude of buyers—
there is no other solution of the problem than this, namely:
Sale Commences Monday, Feb. 5,
daoaaodaof bwa I Io M. aad hare
Sa^owii«obolr(aU BOBbet*) •rpopw—«*.- A—rgala- J*S*V*rij.
■ ^^lattw7tadybaforo7 e*elaok.
CawMoUyrtoBafUoh porto aad la plaaoobiolBtbo
Uyea hara au of tho rad hyaa
Mka (Uadao Dealal) aboat - yoai
r aV Oliltoli Hr OMirh ihit booaa. MoaM brlaf thas ta tha Bora
It Has Reached the Climax
on * bed of even tbe b—t hair. With
tbe coming of the elghtecotb cenrery
typo of Engllsb bed tbr f—tber mattr—i wa* iDtrodoced. and now there |
OlaM BeeUnf at B:4S a. m.
Saaday acbool at 11:48 a. m.
of women wbo have not.
Kpwortb Leafne at 6:41 p. b.
only 1—raed tbvir vlnu—. but. like the i
Tnareday—Ooaaral Prayer oMtlaf queen of Euglapd. travel about with I
tbeir bed* done up In 1—tber ca*ea
*VwrtiJ*'iBritatlOB to •
Borne of tbe rbeumatic* and sufferer*
trom cold feel have pronounced themcaracH or caauT.
•olv— five from their offllcilun* when
luxurtoUng among tbe f—tber*.
Soiwloeo hold la Oraafo halL
Feaiber bed* are coming into
Saaday oehool at 040 a. b.
well In ottnerles. and. tbuugb
for ebOSarBoa 10:N t. B.
drac tbe Oeorgtoo four p—ter to not yet
TbaS^ -Tbo Ooopil af Ohrtof'
the taablon. the gay—t bed* an mad*
Badeaoor at 0:00 p. b.
to cblme lo wltb the oeboD— of aorSonaoa. at 7:00 p. a.
oery decoration.
TbOBO—"Yoath aad Ballflea.''
All are Boat ewdleUy laritadloat"I thtak t would go eraiy with Mia
rere It not for Chomberlaia'a Palo
An assorted lot^f Mens’ French FlanJorBlai*. Fa- "I have b—a *fBk. _
nel Overshirts, values up to $2.50, QQ
with rbenmttiaa for aeveml year* and
be— tiled remedl— withont aamber,
toploscat ................. ...................
"OoBa, Bely Spirtt." by bat Pain Balm to tbo bnt Bodidoe I
have got bold of." One opidto*tlm
For aele by 8. B. A lot of ^jersey Overshirts. 50c valuei-^gg
■.fhOorybowoef Obioato. Mfathal
■Mawhaeohooaooai troM thoro to
A Bale that Excels Everybody's aod
Even our owo Former Efforts.
~Brminf theao^'‘Throadbam Oar-
. At PdMMo report hao been Bide by
•eaalor Bortowa on the reqnoot of the
Boat of ▼ateraar oryaattatiOB for
Bpaatoh war oaaaoa to M aeod ia aakSac Bodato for otaBbori ot that order,
40e. dSiamodof Ho.
tooaator Borrow* takeOtbo froond that
610. A Oirtot^ OhQd.
■oeh a doaattOB wotld-ho ooatomry to
aho praetUa ot tho war dopariBant
AathoBa. l. Tbo Klaf of Loro my ptok aAUI OBBAF- tor— Bvvly fealU 10
BBdeooold opM the-way for aaay 8bo|*ord to, by SbeUey.
- Ooldofeo.0. Thoo OTMt JohoIt erfaalatd o
$18.00 values for
values for
..... 12.00
... .. 8.06
Compare and dsdde for yourself.
An American Prieste of Mia In CeylonJ
«K THE ««rlr tliM M tk« BuaOIT
I r»ll«to* waMi
to Um
tbr ’poorcot. the lowlien. for* umptM u prtmu^tm. An oM wtIIlorooM trontoB «b4 oWMub tf ColOBbo
Us record! ttet
I mnd Mr vonmi to *«a bc(u hor
One « l» baa
not iM«n oa the rround and aoea ibnn
Mk« (W Ofmmirm tfc# row* «o4
nf tbn prMtteed. 1b tbes* day*, lao.
M • ftw BnAdhm n«B. 'worn about
Japanese torpsdo boat d
y Borglag 10 tho troat ao a BghtiaB powor oa «ho
uloMiatM shows tho. aew Kn«Uah
— .----------------------------------------- ...
j ^
t. but capable. 1
moDummit to a Oermae. hut
thta *e haa done la tha case of Heiaa.
Tha aeeompwayliic Uluaira*
turn abows tbe beauUMI oew metsmnal
The moavmeot 1* placed over the spot
where the ashes of the sweeUr cynical
poet of nussridorf now Ue. Thl*
strange poet was one of the moat girted
of the race of MendrUaohn and ilotbscUld. Rachel and Rublnstetn. Cbopta
and Dtsra^L He was born at the Utti*
Old town of Duawldorf on the Khlae on
Dec. Ik IT*0. and It was to celebrwte
tbs centenary of Us birth that tbe
Montmartre monument was erected.
Owliig to tbe tact that Belae dwelt fur^
a quarter of a cemory In Paris aiU did
most of his best work In that city. II.Is
girls were wont to stretch tbemselvea
upon the floor to sleep.
The leading toward the higher life
among them therefore naturally began
with the religion of the body. .Next
the undaunted American woman under
took to enlighten their mental and
spiritual darkness. She commenced
with her pupils by instUUnc Into them
through precept and exampte
plain, moral and religious truths ac
knowledged as axioms the nniverae
over. Morning, noon
aad tele, she dinned
» aad chastity.
“Thou Shalt' W steal; thou shall
bear false witness: thou shatt love tbe
Lord thy Ood with aO thy soul, mind
and strength, and thy neighbor as Ihyself; thou Shalt ke«p thy mind, thy body,
thy garments, ihy house and every ar
ticle thereunto belongiBg clean
pure as heaven’s white UUes'*—this ts
the tbeolocT SUtcr SaBgbamItu has
undertaken tbe up hill task of laeulA TAim OP LAAOBRS.
An EOgllsb minor elBeer who has atraetsd moch attenthm because of Us
Buaayslde did
much to cheer
Up the Orooplcg
MrlU of tbe
BrtUsb at a
ttme when the
Boers escmod to
baring evsrything their
own way. Pllit wlU be
with his tittle
band ^ TM Ca
nadian aad AU*.
Ifnllaa treopa.
enpturad a Boer
laager an4 40 priaoaars. Tbl* was dsns
throagb making tactful us* of oovsr
aad by akuiful shooting and a Baal rush
ttet was on* of tbs motl oouragMns
thhWB Id the history of the war.
■ otraoi oC atrena.
• af the •ftsMIh •
uroent to him U th* creation of Louis
HaaselrUi. who ta one of Ihr moat lalentad aculptors la aomc at tbs prsMnt
h Af*
kt a#:.
several thousand of these mules and shipped them.iu Africa, where they b
been u*«-d In hauling field guns and transport wagMbs to tbe frbnL Every ana
will remember how a band of these Unreliable animal* brought dlsaxtsT Id
British arms by sUmpeding at the batUc of KlamiHlaagte. It is not gensroBT
known that each one of these animals Is duly branded by tbe British antfedPItles before being pressed Into active service. The brand eonatsts of the nsaal
cuvernmenui Insignia, the broad arrow. Tbr accompanying tllastraUoa
shows one of these mules being marked with the Imperial sign, ths brundla#
uoually they would net hove anything
eloe with which to repUce It 01 night.
SO they *0111 the diSerooce and tumble Imparted, the schuo) would be a boon
down dressed as they are upon a mat to all Asia. Some of the pupils makexqutaltv embroidery and beautiful
la some corner, like a clvllls^ dog.
Cingalese lace, w bkh are sold to add to
Bister Saughsmltu’a Eurasian t
against the wishes of the animal. <
tegees gorged Ihemselvea with rice, tbe convent revenues.
which they somehow managed
squeese between the rib* of their 1
In quantity almost unbelievable. The
amount of rice an oriental can stow
away Inside of blmaeU Is somet
:* grave
fearful and wonderful. Bqncesed
there has been
gorged a* they wer
hoot at all
Bnaaat tims has alM a MMkber of toipado craft o< a c —■
«2^latlw^sraBt y^jg Ftyms aad 0*raap. •• t*^ t
■ wn bo aao ad tbo B
eatia* amonr the browa akiayad w«.
men and chlidrea of Ceyloa.
In the eoareat of Bitter SaurhamitU
lo a ehapH, with aa altar bearlns n<iv>.
•rt, candiM and the picture of Buddha,
aod thither the sentle brou'a alaier* to
their white rabea repair at atateiotiler-vaU to pray. They ukc the vow of
celibacy, but toay be released from It
If they vlah to marry or If they appear
to hare mletakan their vecatioo.
iBcludlnc all it* departmenta' the «oUbllthmeni built up by Slater Sauch*mltu ha* at length become a very larse
one. Tbe ttnrem own* the estenatve
bulldlnst asd tbe srouada acteral
acrea attached lo them. The lawn i*
beauliful with tropical tree* and flow •
eru. A kitchen. Urine and aleeplni
roonta hatha achoot and woik rooma
are under the coarent roof. Ihia white
woBian ha* underiakoa to do for tbe
Buddhists of Ceyloa a wrork they would
ant do for themselvea—elevatla# and
clriltalng the pooreat and loweat claaae*
amoae them.
Rich and eallehiened
Buddhlat* of Colombo appreciate thl*
and dve tha enterpriae nBaaeial *up>
port, ror tha reat—I obaarved In -me
eornee of a atoraroom lb the conrant a
heap of etLrthen veoael*. ylobe ahapi'd.
with a BlU IB them like a child'* *avf
Inc* bank.
•What are thcae thli>»a^ » aaked.
r bowla" wiSl tha
tha rept;
reply. '
In brief, when fund* eat low this deikately nurtured woman, earthen Irmi
In hand, eoe* forth with her maldvn*
the hlsbway* and byways of the
cjiy. as churcb sister* do In the while
man's cpuntrlea. and bac* money
to carry on her thraafold work amems
the poor—charitAbla. .educational and
rellsInUB. Such beggint bowls Buddhlei
disciplea have -carried from ancient
FViur yeara the American Buddhisr
woman ha* wrought In Ceylon. This
Is the visible. Ungibla rtoull at (hr
convent liaelf: A day acbool of WT a
bouse where BS persons are sheltered
and fed and a children's hospital. The
story of the slarvlns waifs the stster*
have rescued Is a touching one. Chil
dren are cheitp In the orient.
school la for boya and girts both. Be
sides rdadlng ai^ writing, the girls are
taught to sew. draw, embroider, make
visits the oriental tropics Is inclined
was drawn powsrfully toward the orl- harUly and wralhfully to declaim that
the brown trlbee there are born thieves
ple in their secret hearts are. Under and llara. ,Of these the natlte* of Cey
the atara at night, beneath tbe sun- lon are among tbe worst They have
•hlng of day. slswplng and waking, ah* assocUled with the white race long
brooded over the ancient fast, the era- enough lu achksvs Its destroying vices
Ble of the races, aud dreamod of a work without It* redeeming virtues They
for bar thera. This longing for Ihc myf- have contracted the white man's dis
ttcal, Mlsnt orient Is the swinging bark ease* In addition to thstr own which
•f tha pMvdBlum from tbs , hustle and they had already, allmenu luperlnducsd by uncleanllneSB and negligence.
Ceylon was colonised eo long ago ,
revsalsd her work, and knew that while people that moot of the ortgii
though ahe sbeuid live to the age of the aailve*' descendanu have more or leas
Bshrew patrlarcha. here was a task for European hlood in their velna. and
bar tn do with her might during all the crope out everywhere. ' among t
year* of it. Uke a true woman, her swarm* of crippled, deformed, blit
heart went out in oompasslon toward srrofulouv and imbecile as among i
her own aex, with strong desire to help sound and whole. Aa 19 the moi
them and make life better for them.
ideas of those to whom the Amertean
Bister Haughamitia settled down in woman went as an evangel. It I* safe
Oeyhm to teach Buddhism to Buddhist to say not one In five has tbe faintest
women and children. Honvtly betlev- notion ,that It la morally wrong
tac they have already a roUglon good or steal. They are like cats aod dog*
aueugh for them or for anybody else, In that respect—mere animali. On tbe
•he devotee (t*n»<f to making them un- other hand, they carry the Hiodoo re
•erautad practically that religion and ligious precept
live It. With enthusiastic effort, with absurdly far t
praysr and patience and; faith, ahe
■oy the vet
•praads her gospel. Sb* la tkt crusader. tea And over alt and through ail ta a
mna horatd to bar own aex in the orient. fog of unelaanlinea* that one would
a*r wcTk la an underuklag so remark- rather not speak of.
able aad so aoecOTami In’its reaults
Tha Amertean lady fonnd many Eu
that outside of her theology-, it must rasian gtrU. half or more thau.luUf
«lalm the admiration of *cl|niiaed peo- while, who bad adopted the civilised
woman’s dress without her morality or
l^^’^DItemtltig honalr of her ^orldly
her baMt* of Urlng. The gtrla seemsd
iospei)' mat
coraoto oh. yet. ev«y mother'* <J»u*hler of lh»Ri UcMI *e tlflit their «y«a
<alrly bulsvd form-ard. It ts tiol the
, f*»hl«n amoDs ordlnarr ortental aaUrea to take off their day cMhins and
put oa other Kknoents wbea they «o to
bed. n they removed the daytlcht wear.
White rob*, with fellow c^aak draped
•rar tt. That garb tbe suhlect of tbit
ahetch, la private life In piher year*
haowD as Coanteaa Miranda de Homa
CaaavaiTO. has revived and adopted
(or heraeif and the young native
maa BUhered about her In the eonvetit
abe has%«UMIsbed at Colombo. Ceylon.
The work the conducts there Is of a
kind not to be found aiaewbere In all
the earth.
The counteas la an Aiheri^n lady, to
thla day loving her naUve Und whh
pure patrioUaaa. Married s-ery youi
to a fortlgner. abc left itbe Unit
•atate* with him and has!since Uved
mootiy away from her own country.
ChUdrau were bon (r> b^. and the
•Bothered them well, rearing them' to
maahoed and womanhood and seeing
them eeUbllsbed In life. Then ahe be«an her own work as an Individual.
(,'ounisBs Caaavarro is piow Bister
flaughamltta. Another supeHor of tbiBuddblM convent of Haughamltta.
S npriey lane, ColomtKi, Ceilan.
la her religious faith she adhere* to
Buddhism pure and simple; as she interpreu It. the Buddhism at 2.U0 years
ago. stripped of the imagiMilons and
auperatitlon* thrown over it In
aourae of the centuries by Ignorance and
to b» •oirmiw In bMlth. <
B dnriaB tha
A gftAeiul people Mssei
TAt (toe hm canr la clua iUdc e«i
AaU t ask'ana pmw.
T«q hog did wt
tbte. vAea .
Our atrd cf Aet war e’cf>
Ttohpgm txik bmt tboa htta
linm so nJka nben,~
Ha brea Aierfad'bim from Ae haft
Na adds e'ar atirrod a bar.
K$ apt but fhahad a grander Mfk
Ha rarer raag budar abate.
WiA abb io /lunea aod taufoaua am
He dash act tbw be bbw.
tha own abip tank, but wUt a bm
He took Mid bald Aa be.
Twm Am GAmUa diKtwMd.
Aad vokrd our ptapk’n e$Bt
Thai utktaaet bt m tH
from oUea Aar wt att bam htMd
He aougbi oat danger, bead b ram
Wbere’af to Mr'twaa ptooap
Ja proud, tauhaal hoaa
A tak Aat rwrrj aoul baa aAiul
Tba mb ot fobo Paul
•( A»»
W.i. InOn 10 bh OVIL .
Hk itiuKfcr.
o'er We M.
Spr..a wide .al bre Sa*
He foagad Ae ocam b U prlb
A aeoarab to bb awap.
Tba wortfa gnat aaa^pamar ha dtStd.
Aod rrar aoe Aa dap.
Hm meaaee
lAe MV, her tbaotrad
Tha rkthm ei
bk eaA
Hm eAei>0 U. km km BwdfldjMi
Far woa be oat our awnf
Thh gkHam bod. be oAkb bk bam
Aod gtaodeat work waa datat /
b PMoe a etaroa! boa to tie
Tkb oAat itorbd duau
Amodt Hm d.di wb. dm. am
Wtmkm oAeUteMW
CurioM seOmb of pntMiiaf lBdb>
SMC •diion mn is T<s«e is
Mr. OswtMd deocribei the iUanMiaf
txperiesMol as odilar vbo had bees
•sfomsilr oDooRb to gire oAcsm to
Am SK B«a BtorrUtf sbovt tbe the raliag Rowot b7 the tKodoa o« bi«
Hj^J «B ti» tlBW topklsff for snproMra LoeoqxxiTT RbardlsUT pro«dsrr
procedsM ta
^Boartag. Tbr ardlaur
jT«Btrtl7 take oat tM patnii and
ASiB getrC for a frar jroan. tmo
JHW dag tbo
or bb agmia
«Mt a abop wbrrv tbr drricr b is oar
K WBB Isr potA la a etaita for
ipmltT. aad ter li^lcMiloa b rtTbr mao trboiairrBted tbetbitic
fwiaaia that tbe otola ta
It caaaot leO Jaat tbr euet dttr ae
pRteh tbr tarrotioo tras applied to
IRIltliil Ha. Tbr iagal dewtawnt
Mkda taoBtflra aad
ibat a aoeBHBfBl defcMT U ao memalB that
t*o Ms^sn- Botorion fur tbeir bad
»«»per» aiid tbalr IsteBMdialike far ho»mp*waiid
, *”^i!f****’’
*b>t seltber of tbe
*ta pava qsila to tbr middto
Use brtwm tbr cagea. ■> that a apan.
Mlirr pmoa. If rerg careful to foUotr
daaaical adrirr aboot tbe adraatagea of rtmiaga middle coom. nlffbt
‘ ^
tbe e
' dtiag aadd
^editorUl triead happaed to be
■toot, aad tbeabCon «aa tbe more radlg
»Mcbed by tbe oMopaataof tbeeagta
• •aa^i mu.^ of .
if w •« i“‘> “ Wiw. i»
aad ao tbr togar aad tWrf
to ait aad at
ows paw. tbe imaa whicb
bat It b eot ao rttk^ That ta ^
faiai latb troaUe. Ui order
ST& MoeMdrowa plrioM. I, to tha*»- »«»•»
fta htatory of tboBHDdi of fraoda that
An barn pot opoa (atlraad cwapa- ^ Ha “ied to rlt motionleaa aadbolt
IB ^ rroliitloa of ti^portanl lares-
- r manylhlgbly reepevt- ^
Ma nes vbo BO eooDM see aa lOTra•h that ta Hkely to Iprore raloabte
It was a caned
AiS they proraad dlll^Uy to deetgn
■»? Cba^bdia
gwetblot that trlU gM ronnd tbe pet*»*«>«»**■ ‘be Jagiun be
lted aiticta witbont: InfHngemrot “**
ortgltiaUty M •»**>• ehriaklag editor, who. do bta
,f|«y bare
hare not anfletaot
iiatiytbiag.bat^pooaeHae«^ ^
tom to
kind at maehailtral IneMirttr
**» oalU Hb dotbiag
ClotblBg teas
•rUeb makM tbeo rery a^>e««Mfol ini
te a few acratebee
dWara. Tbeae are rery ofteo tbe men
»b0 reap Ibe greatest liwofit from lacair>uaaiTcr^ Di-r/^ueB
fOBtkma that otbera otfglBated.
Tbe pvty in wboae brain tbe gem
Selle of a ratalllr. I
ft g great iDTeatlon or^ginatee b rery
. eerrea by Bapmtltla
dre mlba from Alkca. B. G.
HeBT and tbe improrer vrbo carrlM -a.
mm paM tbroogfa bb tafead.
eaA b really a
« a
^ |. *a|.-
b«r hudi tb« pUso.
And Bome^ay sweet nasie flowa:
I prefer, tbo&glt. tbe ooiseiaa mesie,
Wbon my baby pUy with her toes.
le {Aral
aad yea
beUrre^t. bat ineuat death b impoad-
Store News of Dipity eod Iniportance!
A pniteMor bar hero etodyiag te
Mbject. a maa cd reu«ia-B la hb
worlA aad be baa
itaportaai dm {roviag'i._________ ^
that DO oae raa meet with iaataat
ar wote
warn oot
tnii bb
iiu theory
UMory os te
death Be
dau aScatled......................................
rded by tbe pbeekOogy of.......
He elatesI that oo oae yet baa prored
eai-r bet'
a dead aad a lira
brain ctOL Wbea tbb baa baea dose,
That's our
tbea we caa more easily aacertalD Iw
luogattaaeebpraa befom tedMth od
celltakM place
Bat. drat, wbat baedlt To be Met
both phets and aaimata—ladading. of
ree. maa—are built ap od oaiu. eloitary anite which yoo caa only deaader te micrrweope Now. each
tloycdl ba riul eli'weatOTBait We
are DotURgbntbighlydev^BtlbdrMalta
od the iadirlrioal riulity od bogeqaaatitiee of tbeae faadameBUl cella
As tbb b asdenbbly aa bow b it
by ein
cell* which cotupoae tbe hraial It b
kaown Ibat brala cells bare their owa
cell life aad are Uable to lire a ceneia
time after they are mt off from oateide
aatritioB without tbe eopply
blood wbatrrer fram te body.
Doariabuieat la rappUed ia^de tbe cell
walk, aad it can go oa IItidk afti
iR cot off from other rreonrete
From tbb argnment it la clear to tbe
^'ofamor that thaw atiHion* of relb ia
tbe braia niaat rootione to lire after
death has apparently interrened—that
b. when death appears, bol only oa
SxBVBHeOttF aaitast.
ontaide. to bare teen inetaataoeoiu.
Balow b B list of tetaasiBg and eel^
After a man a tag b cat off. or
lag HtoH of yoBtorday te groaorisa,
iimera ynn can atimtUate te aerrea ------ tawaa BBd farm prednela la Tnyfor a king tiiH. bat you caaaot do it
theoelb are dead. Too eanaot gel
cay reqmiiw at all
Elertricity baa beea tboagtat tobete
genu of life, bat tbb b a laacifnl therhea ooofronted with te new laws
reaearcb establisbcd.
r cdBEtleea millioaa of oeOs ed
wbixA our bndiss ate sntirely conipoeed
contain the gem of life, and it b impoadhta fur tbeae to be rbited with an
“Spring Stocks ire On Tie Way"
' *?SrkMm‘’uTS'!rnrtmr^^ *"■***
S. Benda ^ Co.
A. V. Friedrich Block.
with ber pitcher
bneket of
water from a well at Hontmoread aad
d topol
M railn
Von can take liring celb from a pig'i
le drasriag Rbnda. and tbb same prdfemor will
Ugfatniagcaiaetbat demoMtraie to yoa that after tbeaa
lo which te well gbndi bare gone through their prepara
tion tbe cell* ere stiU liriag
rerr nprtgbt^^^
tbe knare b a rery
Her remaiat
Bat te enriont fact remains that pt
! are boDdradee of tba
were removed, bat the pileber waa left preeeui there are ao' data showing tbe
A llrlog lo'loxury,
ry. jwblle
Jnat where tbe deed girl bad eet iL To snppaeed leogtb of time it takre for te
» brreated tea""
anrHo BATnorTBamnci
tbb dey_tbe pitcher remaine in te cella of tbe brain lo eni|nr themaelrm
_ . p rich are straggUDg along la por- ,
asme place, and. ao far from being re- jof' te
' gem of' m«Kioasneraorlife.bnt
mored. It b laid that no liring band ;it b certain that ronacioosnem does not
baa erer toacbed it aara ita'a owoer'b
'ly after, aay. a bead
twmp That LIsbU Itaett.
altbcnigb near te side of the pnblk ! baa been cni off a body The helisL
A London flrtu hat Introduced i
Ibowerer. b that «t tasiet fonr
rtectric self IlgbtlBg bmpk road.
niicago Newa
News ; The
Tbe bmp wio
eapetetition anaefaed to te pitcher iefatw tivtoarreet life
There b an indeocribabta inflnence ear- I It has been no.ticed in tbe case of a
aonadlng it that prerenb its tonch. I decapitated bead that tbe ebreka remain
Bnndreda of people bare gone with tbe'red for tome miaatm after the eerer- "d^S^^lb iid srkdfalla. SOc per
firm deteraination of lifting te pitch- [ance. a oonclnaire proof that te celb
ar. bat wbea they approach it e strange ^sre living
repngnance cornea orer them. aad«hey I Tbe beeda of decapitated anlmsb
bnrriedty depart witbont eanriiig ont ,bnve oMidnaed to bite and amip at te Aa Bdttorta Ltti Raved by Ctbamhar
tbe object of tbeir rUit
i air for three or fonr minntea after aerlalah OeagfaHtmedy.
Oae night a bnlly in the neighbor- 'erance Thb^enumenon b well markbood. while nnder the inflnence of ed in tbe bead of a tortoise ee(»anited
Darlag thenrly part of Oetober.
wbb^. made a bet with aome friends from tbe body The life of tbe brain, lew, I eoBtraetad a bad eold which
that he wooM go and Mng bnck tbe tberefora. most be reuined for aome a-uled on my laaga and wm aegleeted
pitcher. He left to do ao. bat aoH ra- time after tbe bead b severed, from te uaUl I feared tbat coasnmpUoa bad
kaned as pale as a abeet aad empty rery fact that, tbongh being separated apoesred in aa Ineiplept state. I was
' eongblog ana tryiag to
handed. “Boya." 1m remarked, “no from tbe trank, ita nntritiona blood and
. .uld B
pereon alire oaa by bands os that gaeea. uken from tbe fnnd atored np in tajHiae alanaad aad afbr gite|
pitcher, and I sronldn't attempt it te celb. ere In enlBcient qnantity to _______ jtor a trial boagbt a botfle of
pgain for tbe whole of Aiken connW-' <*nT on Ufa- bat for what exact period CbtmbarUia'snonghBsmedy aad-the
I Be refnsed to tell his experience and b nnknown.
lit ISM Immedlsta Improvemeat,
aftar. I bad nsad ibi
aid be would Dot talk abont it Other
Do te brain oelkdieeimnlUneoiulyT
Bga were rHtorad to
partial bare gone to aee it bat met No. hecanae they have their owp indiby
>te.—a 8. Bdwarda, PoWtabar of
with the aame repnleira feeling— vidoal cell life Our ecienUfle friend
Ctarebad Plain Deatar.
< aim makes te rery aurtling rialemenl Th# E*riaw. Wyaat. HI. Por Hie ^
B. Walt aad F. C. Tbs
that in many dbeases tbe brain (wlb. 8
lallbonghttbe pereon to all .. ............
Tbe Chilean cosd minsa. opesed ia b dra A mar lire for three or fonr boon
, lE5fi. aeem to be nice placet to wm-k ia. , after iinpponed deetb baa taken pbee
. Tbe aeam of coal rnns from te abora
In tbe caa* of a healthy person being
I andenbe watere of the Pacific ocean, hanged, aceming death i* not instantaaad tbe tanaebare ao clean that yon neons at all OiRtnic motion baireat'eonldwalk tbroagfa them in a dme td tint real death is certainly not 4a'nit witbont maUng yonraelf dirty, stantaneona Tbe brain celb are the last
, They are lighted by etactricity. and yoa to dia tnd life b not really extinct oaHD bare a ride for a nUs noder te til rigor mcktis aeb in. which, in te
OCMD on as electric Hr at a speed of tO ease of a healthy peraoa dying raddnmiles an boor. Tbe mlnee form quite ly. b ptntracied
a Htecomb od well lighted pamaget
Now. when it b known that an ordinnder te water. Tbe ontpni of «m1 b oary caD Ii*«a after-being removed from
BOW l.CKKl tou a day. aad 7M mism a living body. why. then. Hanot te
an aaployed ia tem.
; twain celb retain tbeir life when te
•MMA where aa InstaniBwom light to
pCm Beedcd. te self (igtatl
btlag tamp |
ttieoi are mneb tbsaaBwaadi
• •m be more tea aeefnL' Tbe
*be battaty. i
Hys an experitBcad prerioas extateaceT
one* charged. wlU pot require at- Kew York pbyrid^___
“ “»h*t___
Tbe twad of a chicken a
»R»kB te moBtha aad jta anmcteatly atimnbtas te bsart aad circalitfoB la aad after certain Mimnli bad
to ^t te Iwp a.000 tliaH at mneb tbe aame way as axareba doH made It opened iu month and ganad
r. Chaa'a OiatBHt to m afaariatt
poM of fi ceota It tajoold aecnrety aad that if yon om it ta aaytem five miantoa after ita bMd had baa H« te pilea. and ha aeear Ima
iMted with a bottle of chaxglag aalta wbita whaling tba raaMoa ta m^dy dwtapitatM from te body
koowB to fail to Hrc tbe erant tema
of tbb toftnriae dtaeae, which ha
■■■ i ______
gad faiiHchltig. ••
The head of a cMtain aaimal
bafied madieal eCui foT^
nea of dwelirnr h«„^ e.
»« te name way a kmg rida temld off .ad fonod eaawptibta to light te
This stateawat may roond mthcr
l^a wTif^
BBdartak* imnedlatdy ater many miaata aftar -it was apparoat- stroH to penons wbo
bo de
do not know te
• Ptaatifnl maL this atao taadiag to |y dad A strong ataetric light------ Mperiw mcrib of Dr.
Or. Chaa*a OiaU
aa daaaroH
iaterfara with te haart’a aotkta'aad bak) in 'tranl of te aya and awred ^l.,bal it ta. pcrfacUy troc. and h. t point of Ttaw-flral and primarily
tcatimoay of
M Half and. aecooA benna of tb»
de of awn aad women wbo baa
them. Tba papUs of te cya followed
^ag life wbkb It fivea te te elenMOta
a Wasatara Wettarta »ar«aw.
f It after yaan of aaffaiaa
tbe light In ita
m eoartgioa and Infectloa It to----aa-**I find yoar pc#iHl tarmararypaB'
tbat ta to ay. temAWtaiaed that tbe microbe of typboM allag." romarked te teeiRna who
apoB te light a it
rrmalM alire te tbra dayi. that wa tayiag to Ratbw material te a
r diphtheria a month: aad that of book HAaMrtHB tedtattaBa. “F» morad ba^ward and forward,
HBBiOBla from IS daya to akra axampta. to ratata
Coetrary to the, iradlOoH of olicla A '
it. aad know from i£u his .
- dwer
tall hfadtetk
' tba
' only 1
It ta
iAaan'tbiilbHnate brain oaljtw
to be .']corerad with yoor oB
wbkh ta attire
r la imlutloo of It. »or*"ttab botribleteeasi
M wonid now adrtaa
It of BtncH or good e
:B ha dkeovwB* * Dacn don't aaed water to tetra
tbe real tarentar
one reason for such startling reductions.
Fashionable Outfitters
Thursday, Feb. 8th
Mathews and Bulger
In the Utat rartaloa of the Mg raaderUla opare'ta.
etuched. aad tbe woman
‘Bp the Sad
Sea Warn”
. . .,
^ . . ... .
A Strong
Regarding the Wonderful
Merit of
Dr. Chase’s Ointmeni
mm iT
as being
fiekml point a
, ;Sv AI* mMOf
od'tersr«per natlTtebS Tl^ art w dack ral^^pl^m U JSlSttertll eJ?S2mLt to
a«»T wkitaTWperHBt of tboirtRa- «»«• oonatry whara teomtid. of Ihs
Everything absdiutely new but tbe tHIe of the niece
‘‘i. J!*®™
.‘■qnure Theatre. N. Y.
35-Stars of Comedy-35
A KalcldoaeoM of Oote
and Ooslvme
A Merry Melaar* of Malady
aad Mirth.
Tha Na P'ne UUra of Beflaad
“Did tba andiaa lika it? Imneaaly. Tba boaa roarad of
ten and londly • * > iwHlIad te
priaeipals agaia and agaia.”
-New York Harold.
A Dazzling Chorus of Beauty
Ine'nding tbe great I
tba Polia Itargara. P.nvP
- .---------.>«-«l.«s«TK.dUw.n-
See Methew t Belger's Eetiiel|i Hew Specieltp.
nmerred wsu, tO, 76c, »1.00; bos
We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
And none an poor stock. Soap bb you know is better after
wing aged. Everybody who oae Boep-koow tbe atendaid nakea
when they eee the Dame on tbe wrappers, We «m gin ,ou good vslfor 5c, 10c, 26c,^V: and SOc per cake.
Fire Insurance. For Fire Insurance
Is. U A. BvlldiaE.
aHlad U aey agaaey.
MmBmL Timn.
BidffwmtkldUmbgria mUslna.
peuwU uS vomsMoos
r«j w.
™« bn. b«.
> OBtof teManallMatabalarferldfasI <w aradltad with
,.j. „
»•" s£,'r»,?i's“cii“Ls.s
IGIMBIM f TruTEff— Otty L«mhT Oo.
AianoM m
WartOas Ch. DSatiaaMTirM' SaaM
VMO Th«r Wa*a ■>»■«*« •» OHsA
R<BowSo fOB ifMO ‘cboirf " Mnd a
mm la tbs boafcrtora
“Wbst do j-oa
papw or mytAtmig mao wbo
^r' luqalrrfaMiiaTt yona
mam as aa aolboaity as aU topka.
•Ofask. aiaginc. of comm." raplM
fka MB la asarch of ortbofiapbical ia•Ob-oH-r/ weM :*a nwri
!«■■( Baa SaeUrtly.
^•it^ - dkiiuad ia a lU baorM
WB bo«7 kwHa^ at aooa
an rrfmiav to pSpar.:'aaU
Aafaaart yoaac maa. to^ sadly at
*a taasniplv ••Wa warTaptokl^
wiiun' xp nun Exxsszjr o> xs&t ruxmfL
A rrrttT Of^rtmw fa AalU-fte
■aM a*c«a l>Mataaa. Sia,
A pn>tt7 war to lirn*re lalaad roUa
iBd ratber a dcti«nun> from the (aided
nvQcta roOa Is calirO ibr psri-be. (V'tora
dar bocb iiaada unUI (bey are like a
common aaosage. Are incLes lent aad.
tbkk. Now tJc tben laio a1
kn«: brine ««r of (be rnds la (be c«u-1
ter of tbe top. allowinj: It to protrude
a UttW. TblB d<ae away with rolUoK
pin. tilaeolt caner. etc.. Is a rnurb
qalcker proceas aad it (ar prettier tbaa
old fasUlooed
rolb.. Try
■r wMj
iMuiuDe.1 nNu.
11/ ii.
Faa baked sweet potaioca make a
Bke sapper dlab for a cold t^bL Pare
foar or fire sweet poiat4Me and cat
ioto Blicea. I^i a toyer of tbe sUeea la
tbe bottom of a bakinc dMi aal (b»
a BpHnkle of atifarr,Blt aad a Mt of
pBpHka. tben anotber layer of petatoea
witb Uh- seosoolBf. and ao coatlons
til tbe dish Is mil. hartac tbr Ust layer
COrerad with Mta of butter. Add sufSclent water to Just come to tbe sortace of the potatoes, ttoecr the baking
dlab and lake one boar In a alow orea
OBtll tbe poiatoea are tiiorougbly cookfd. Tbrn take off tbe cover, allow tbs
NrfBce to brown and srrre bnt la tbe
dlab In which It was laked. folding a
aapkln alxiut IL
A putter filled with *TaroHtea- Is aa
I It uap-
IMNMK (be muu»ta .
Bortbera clilea wlib gardea prodoela.
^ays (be I’talUdelptaU BeconL Tbe adenev of refHmmiloa aad tbe coastroealcii of refrigerator ships and refrlgm^
has nacbHl ascb a bigb auu
bat It U DOW possible to raise frott It
nilgbi Im- m1<I. In almost any pan of
tin- world and carry It to any otbee
Tbta met baa been for
deiiioMiraird by tbr abipment of cai^^;
from Anmraiu 'lo England by'
Ibc shlirioad. wbrae an monuona trade
tniits. A rary Urge propoetloD of tbe
product of CkliforaU U now abided
eastward la refrigerator eara. aad boon
of tbe 0n«« frolu on dl^iUy U tbe
east come from tbat state Is thU way.
Ibc agricnltarists In tbe aonib bava
twontly bad tbelr sneatios dirscied
to tbe advlaabnity of dJremfylng oopa
by ibe high price paid for garden producia The market garden bas of late
years become a eery Important factor
RmMtoaqnala WAVtn'n WbitsjcE OP Tab Btbup (or this tarri*
-sod total diaiaoe. If tokan tbora
gbiyanduiMBa.itwffloBz« a o
M boon. oadi^ttM ooiwb Ibat
ws La CMppafe’. Mvorlula to glra
PflitoSeand Wa.
.-V •ati-.-Mo.-x
1 Basie, too," said tbs rad
S •V"-l^ tOAlBt
lbs BHBtyoaaR maa'alcxpRBtoa
^amrl (ram aadasB to ; eontempi
rapltaiuta, sUcc tbo
^AdaptM Prom PblUdelphU laqalrer. .
**Tm bad better eonnit yov diettow
“Hem. mind." letorted tbo nd
Of climate ibera sod bare taken eteps
In sooir cases to eMsbllsta pUnuUooa
bs a tttUa old..............................
latoioMd. bid
btd yooe
; aisrUl
Be Weals Oe Well (e Reeaat Bto for Iho growth of frolts on a Urge
mi of finely mlnraal cold tongne. '
fcd ft .
accofdlBf toWebst
•rUroh: addtolt tbrratobl.-sp<KiofuU MUGION 8MABES IN TM6 CSNEflAt
• vUlako&Dd
Id it oomet aoeordi
Bryan that If be wlabca to bold tbe .BUies iswts and then to UUnd poUta.
It it likewUs girlB ia the
'betbre eifts Per aoatb It l•e>laores bim to take a decid- Tbr schemes rcad_well add apparently
Your way is all right toa' salt, paprika and celery «1t
wcU haaed. There apitcars
ed stand In favor of tbe building of tbe <
Hn mnail young man gam a sniff <d
srlih Ibis m'xrnra. parking It closely.
-o.!. T1.I. I. -nr ^>-1 “
could oot
I ^Ulaga atkLjan sb^nld
hm ti.du. >■ an tuna nt arae ** rslaed In Mi-xlco BDd delivered safeBreak a fresh egg on the top of each,
ara^^ra^ i0toSa.N.:t la 4 oa4 T kaSp.
^trfakle lightly with salt, pepper and
omok. a~..; i.i»m.c ,iu.
Tbe New York Tli
••Look here.” saU tbe
merry over the action of...---------------------------------------the American fn«n «taal U------------respect .. whlcl, Me.
M "111 bet yon |S tbaCWefcatw e
Protective Tariff leagtw to Inquiring Bryan will bare to change bU ideas ^ f^nr to eight wraks ahead of tbe
Bi«kt NortbirD-pbsee.B; BkU.an.
laUto apella it •q-a-i-b-a' "
Into tbe amount of tbe church cotlec- and hU (adley If be especU to bare tbe aoutb. Dairy farming has become
*^UkeitSe." Midthaonart yoong
tlons during aJ* montba under the op- fun and whole bearted support of tbe Tery profliahle. MUk to Uige clttea
Baa. polling out a roE
eratloo of the Wilson free trade lartff aouthern ssaies. A consiamly growing aelis at 23 rents to Mexico: butter at 80
"No: I don't want to rob'yon Oet
-oeer su.l n-BKlcMC. Ntt. 71.
. e dictionary.
Tbe Boney was pot op aiM Webator’e
der Ibe operation of tbe Dlngley pro- president s man wbo bcllevea In a pro-rosa. Green ao*rsl>cas.BsU|aiar ls.r*l ssk MM B»IstsmationU broni^t out - Tbcra it
isv.va awtbnSB. boy or alakt esU> vmrur
was. "q-n-i-r-e. to sing la coneog- ”
■iirudra. Trlrp(u>MRa.X
"1 didn't mean a verb."aB<« tbe
wcair Lga«OXa-Hrs. Prasera a Saltkbaps not yet quite ready, nnleas forced
Bart yoQBg man. growing whits
J3a TeMberofPtewiaed Orroa. tol ffaskto It. to clrange Its |iarty alleglaoce and '
■ronad tbeaara “Wbws U tbenoaBr
lax«s> strsev
They (ooad (bat. too. attbongb it was
Barbed obsolete- Tben tbe aiiiart yoong
.1 tt. ckkuik- lu Ik. .ll»kl. wkkk d,u, ,k,
JSi JS ,u . Lm
BBB willed.
tertnlne the fertility of tbe noil and tbe surely of lire «
"1 won't uke your ntoney." eeld tbe
ee of t^
cbuacus near Boston.
Tbr first gypay
Iinnfk Ik.
(hs hxAtiM.
. _ e'e-/
d.,-.lJ. kpuk
nd bearded man. banding back tbe Srtery salt dust with cracker crumba ™iukl. or Ik. ,.»|bflU "My name U Bell. George T. tad put a small lump of buiter on each.
«. ... k.,1 .1 .11 ...prl-d .1 Ifc. m..r.k. n,i.kldi™ui-r.,.
TTUovrfkL tk, K™..k i.r.k,. .ko
- r~dlj kuriluk of .u.
Bake until iltr 4-gg baa act. Uemove to idea preseniivl by The Times. U Is
ui .
Ik. —-----«.ulknu
, ,
.01.1. or. r~d, lo ...k. . MB-uiUk.
whiA yon probably nerar reoeired. aad t pUltcr au>l garnish nlib parsley. qnlie the sort of Idea to W sipwied people
I qMBt sereral montba iesnlng tbe This Is oor of tbr drslralilc tlisbrs ibat
I, ouofl,,..- tw.U, --------------. ■ ,.p.r
idiudi, d.v.w k. Ik. .flood ik.1 Ik. IB-oi<>->il. roodliUl. ».;;;i';r;«i;;uTTV.“i.';7-.~'r™»
of free trade. However;
flflerent ways to spell tbst word. See- may hr aerred easily, when Uute U lim
aral years ago I was on tbe mcret serr* ited.
wllll.llTk.Tlk... Ik.. Ik. «lt.r.Dj. 1.. ko.lil.™ |,rot„ lloo. ok. wko« S'urtrtklrt..S!'*iuYl«»oS?l^tk!
Jnat tbe moat *nasty" dish yon ^can
<» ka. My partaw an^ I had bH-n on tbe
.rllT k.. Hoik- .iKiioD would Ik ko..rb.i.k.u...
BBasruu <ar osunoa Oss vtotOv sn
trail of a pair of sharpen wbo had a tuiaginr fur s hot aupiwr Is "Uiub tng tr do with ebanges of .-llmnle. It (hrral agolost Ameriran Industries.
t rmles of worms suddoniv an- I
tapertofy of ‘con' games that would kloigtsL." TakrsouieoflUcculdcuoked UBM
bai ■
a gn-ai deal to ““
do "•••«
With tbeauiuunt wr.
Mr. itryau
whole |>aa>
iwst record urus
teUs ui
of pe^^cd
0—,*^ that Jtine
June and JulT
s siiu.e
and I
_i___ >._^11_.1-—
..»• ______
. ________I rw-oru
_____ ...__lewruu
luai Jiioe
Unmade tbeoidinary bnnko men took Umh Uft from dinner, aufflch-ni to Of ebiireh .allratluos. This may not wrong, alm.mi fanatlral. opj«»mon to JTaboui to U.-sitoy evervihlnR green,
Mck. They were men of (ar inure than makr a plot Add to ll Utif a lea- aceiu to nie Tiim-s to Ik- a sum.-l.-utly lU.- pniieeilve tariff. Buoietblng more -pier eaihered In
' sulHciem to
spoonful of aatt a qiNricr of a Ira- cxplaiiSluo rensoD. ll imvihs to Ik- a (ban slleuee Is demanded of him------ blarkeo bouses and feures In certain
acdlDary intelligence and bad the
•e to free trade ad- to •
a of enitoredImaa
man of the wurld. Tbe apooufnl of pepper and one or i«o Ullfer of ll
ivlded supirori of aouth-. <j,„rtc-,s and devastated all aui
way we happened to get them was a whole eggs, mougb to makr tlirm voeatea whither the thing Into whl<-b era busltiess men. Tln-y
' “*** "i”''
o'l*'' extenslre iracta. kllltog
moUt; (wci la better If yuu <-an sjurr Ik.5. lu.iklr. I... .or l.nnu, ou Ik. i„ 1„ ,.k. ,„y ,.k.o«w .. 10 kurluk „„„
pure accident.
■ *'y partner and 1 ware going down tbem. .Now take half a cupful of stale J.|bj.wi in lUkkd or noi. Boi .. n»or. ik. ouk, k.w l„.lu.trl,-. of ik. ...,1k, „„.i,|flr. ok i»o|.l. ukd fldowrdk.
bread cmmlM, atlr Into the tuUliira Tk. Tliu.:. ik.i It l.,|kli. Oik^wlw Wkkk k.v,- .nni* Into Iwlk. nMx
L UmU t__________ ________
dlw..™,!.!,, Tk. .ii^-i.
packet ftwe were aboat 3(1 uf ns in and form luio balls. Ilarr n-ady a wBb Ik. «.|.|..n.lo Ot l,rot.Olou.
Ik. 1111..!., ,1... .ru.kwl o.ll ot ... „„
,„j .p,. d„„u.llok ot Ikl
tbs smoking room talking and trying to kettle of Itollliig water, nut iHilling fat.
rkorrk ...Ikwilok. ... kin.wr or k.t.u... I.y . -ion. lo ti~ lr.d.. It
lo ikov lo-.llim
wtably. : Join as a
Ik. ni,.i 1-I..WV. Mr, Br-.u lo l.k. . d,p,.
|M>salMy U>il. uropk'. 11..., .r.klr...r wk,ktl... p.o .kM .l.kd ,u r.roror.k. Mflir.n.. FriMk.-nllr Ilw inw. .u.t.lkwl .11.,k.
; man seated at a taUe writing and let II rook ontll ihc luilla rise 1,1. Sr. loor.. Tk. iwopl.^r. oior. ^aiI. i.„i I, l.-koor™ kik, ..m loor.
witb a trocblcd to tbe surface and fiuai. Tben lift witb wl>en they Itave more. They bare to laRe a dc«-lde<l ataiul in favor
letters looked np sritb
pro- |ara drarroywl oot only the foliage
sir and said. 'Coold any of you geotU- a stmlacr. pile them on a 1i<-oied disb
».------------------- -TK---------- .....---------------hasr.
ler-iluo or. ai hasr.totoopenly
fruit'and vegeiahlea.
covered wlib a napkin and serve with
past hoalllily lu It. Tliete is no ho|ie, \Vh«'D the supiil.v of ...................
... tba
haves from
am a little pnczled over
a tumbler of Jelly tliat has Ireen heated or when ihe.v have more work to da however, that Ur. Bryan will profit try
attacked Ibe gar"■Wbat kind of sons doydomaaar notii It ilqm-fii-s They are delhatei.or Ik>iU. The Man-lty or plentlfulneaa this advht-. And to view of Inevitable gpoa Manv regeubles were ruined.
enough to suit tbs most fastidious ami of work, unlike dlmatlc or meteoro- resnlia. wbh-h will. In any------ —
" *Cbuir. to sing in conoart,' ebirped arc eaaily digested, aaya Tlx- llon«- togir-at <
Is a matter qnlte Mr. Bryan a lun-k iHimbcr.
tk» yoong man. wrinkling bb brow aa bold. from « bkb tbe foregolag appe wltliln the |K>wer of regulation of bnbi
tuatier mneb lo ilie oiHintry whether |he rioae of tbe year 1800 ibe state of
tising soggratluns are reprodiictKl.
tf to recall tbe proper cwibogrspby.
maa iK-lngs. Tbe proiecOve tariff baa Mr. Brjan profits by ll or not.
Massaeh««-tts has expended In tbe
" •C-b-o-i-r.' said a scboUr(y looking
proved Itself over and over to be a .--------------------------'nual
■•a Coat. Bta.
a with gUa
of work; Tkn.ro.. It l.nolt. I
It apiK-ars ilmi when the h.ng Ikix •
methods of proiectU. ,
" ‘Q-n-i-r-a. rang ont a bi^. well fad
ctiun- ,!
coat came to us fiato bnglaiid Its tradi-1
loquire luto tbe fact of bow Froieettaa read. .. .
«M maa off la tbe coras.
nj^^e wom-y to give away the « «»seiliiaa Wtia h<
"•Ob-o-l-r.' repeated the -And maa tlons »era left on tbe otijer shle sud!
• •
-1 tbongfat arary not lmiwne.1 with It. Tbero the 'uog 'imve oJw'thM
•lliqNleb of Dec. 21 1^10 the‘^'-«"rtk^iKioa ofTbe
fool knew that
mcense in
" ‘Tbat'a aU right.' said tbk old man
.......... “
trade. That they have more money
"The Sollngen ehaiutier of eomtu.uve Angll.an ehmv bes will have no apaff in tbe corner •Money Ulkk 1 11 bet
bas been made plain to a hundred in a re(mrt draltog witb tbr local man prvcialde effect on tbe trade In that
tbat Webstar ^nUs it
ways. The relailve amounts of church nfariurr of cutlery ibis
tbat want. lAiug fawn Ihixc-IoiIi coott colifci Ions merely present further farts philns that there has been
iq-n-i-r-e" loa'
beary ri,un-hi*s Inet-hxe wonkl be nsud only
"TQ raUe yon fiO.'^id
j^lbe firto bave stitebed Isinda, with or without to Iw added to tbe mass of cumulative loss In1 . ximrts to Ibe United ttoates
time, a y.-ar A very small qnantlBapported by a company of snparlor
L srtto was a ootlon bnyer at Mem- for.
evideuce alrt-od> at baud which goes owing to
.Anx-rlcuD tariff."
mtulred for an entire
Tbe iuog,coati In Mtin or THeiira da
e. in Aides Beaedlei'a
show bow much more mooey ibe
There has been a h.-avy lom is ex- „.rvkv. As far as can be oaccrtalned
oord are cut ia a mnom-r to eubanee peo|>
"■AUright.-said tbe UgioU
.|de bave today under
protectlour»«« of many tlo.-s of forrtgn maao- no Atigll.-an vh.tr.-b wwuld spend more
nooUy Tbaa tbe otbm y^ned in and
had four yeara ago. We fartiiri- the cuirvui year "owing to tbo than t.*. s v.-ar ou Inceusv and tbe en
OMisily r»uud<Kl off to Ibe front and trust (bat Ihto reasoning
to staple Atm-n.-sQ larlff." That Is whsttba
trade is protahto not worth tnora
aboni fibOO Tben they got ih^ dicUon- bordered «1th narrow fur. having
enough i-wn for tbe cumproheoslon of Amertt-aD larlff is for-io diiulnlsb to tbao fiKsi a rear, it to pot.ularly aupary, awL as jtut now. tte tnaa
0 «wbo bet bIgb collar, wide revers aud cuffs iiutt tbe New York Times, alibo'ugh. In view tbe iitinosi possible extent tlx- use and
dial there ta a trade sucrat to
tall over the hand. Tliese close Oiilug of Ibe iustrocHre sbowlog ceruia lu cansiiinj.tloo of fon-lgn tDanufactuml lUe moklog of luecnae. but In moat
«• •q o-l-r-e' won
My partner and I waited till
tbe gartueots. of lllM-ral uiupilluile. form
be made, we van hardly hot>e for the products wbJ.-li enter into eompcUtlos coses ll ia euiiqKMid simply of gum
Bo^ bad cfaamnd hauda. tad tben 1 dreaa In tbetnseit es.
tbat newspa-;*lth .tmerican maoufactured prod-i ollbauum. 81am benjamin, cascarilla
aaiA *Come on. Ki.
oets: to im-ron-e w the ntmost posaible i bark, myrrh and ciqNl varnlsh—LoaPar (be BtekewMS.
"1 sraiked np to tbe yonngiman sad
A romantic melodruna of tarpaaaliN
exieul (he use and cousumpilota of : <joo Graphic,
One of the great im-ouvenlenee
raoelleaee—In tba 1 Itb year of its aem
; aafd 'Come with me: 1 want yon ' I'U
goc^s made in this country and Ihereabowyon bew to spell cboir - 81 col- cartqg for an Invalid wbo must remala
Alwm Ibe tost of the ludustries to re- ' by to keep American money lu AmeriNtlBs s>« Wetgbt.
tbe big old msn and we walUed
•caver fn.m ibe deptvsslou eaqaed by ra t" hr foid out for American labor
been seriously asserted by
( firm support on Wba-h the Iin-akrasl
low tariff and ItoroorraUc rule la tbat •«“* materiaL That Is proteciluo to a ; many p<-ople that we are naturally
look qmteao cheap They bad ny may be pUerai and Other artlcka of wooh-o DNnafartures. Tbe enor-,
German luauafactura rs j lighter after a uieaL and they bave
denned op orar ItO.OUO on ' (bat one
moui tmponaUons of woolen goods on- <*»■>'( Uke ibia sort of thing, tto-y
y even gone tbe length of expItiDing this
toiefc. bat they got fonr years aad a balf
der the Wilson Uriff law paralysed UN •bould remember that tbe Amerivna
Anterlviia i by tbe amannt of gaa tbat to developed
■piaoa. Tbat to oee qteUing acboed I
oNnafarturera of woolen goods (n the
*'•* framed for Americans and j fro
’rom tbe food. .Average observations,
Imra altended that not every inan gum
I'nHedWsies. and It to only during tba "Of fof
And It
tbat we lose tbreo
4. •» Tbat gome to one whiefa lyiU catcb
be working that way.
I’BsOa aad tot ounces between'nl
afato sdneated men ont of tea. Yoa ara
and OBOCBtaff: l' at we gain
«H right, bnt yoa may atU) bara aomoV%e LM( Bborh.
nnd It oODeaa i>y breakfast; tbat we la her vreet fire. etereoptieaB
when tbe Dlngley
of oor frae trade coatwnpuva- a tot* teas at -ut 14 onncee before
end tipeaifih denot
Ito tba maan yooag mm offacod
'Now. however, the wooton mills of tbe rles bave a cfaararieriatic answer
to the b atou that hm ii pnu on an arcrage
Wa Boal larlutioa ia payment for tbs
Pri«»-25, 36, 60c, 176o; Bob
. tbe
of sot pooaa; I'Ni we again lose dob
country are nmnlog on Cull tlma and unpm-wdeoted record of
MteBatioa.-Waabiagu>n Pud
In maay vases overtime. Denwad for , commerce of ijie United Sutra oodcr
tbe aftarot >0 an average of tea
ASNrtosD wool la Increasing, aad tbe tbe Dlngley urfff. Ibey ara declaring onort-s. bui ihat aa ordinary dtonar to
Sale of aefita Dow^pen at tbo
lam of American Induatriet to feel tbe ; that tbe flgorea lie: that tbe ofilclal sta- bealttay pi-rsons adds two poanda and box office. Telepbono 112.
CMppto Creak to great on sgiqnstta
♦ffert of Bepnbilean protecHon to grata- ; ristlcs ara dHIberately Inflated! This to two ounces to tbelr weight
A Baa oat tbsra amt a Unto girl witb daring tbe day which OMy aerre to In- rally aeknowirdgtog Its heoefila. — about aO that to required to
whom toaUly ha to wy iatlmata and tarest tbe al^ ooa. An
among totelllgent baalnaas oien tbe tom
Tbe Medical Inmitota of 8t Petaragfran by Tbe^dies'
be'isdies' World
Worl abowa aa
spark of raapect for tbe dying tree
"Bdkx Mltkl Bowarayaar
bnrg to aboni to bnlld a nnlgat lab
adBlrabte derira that wiu sarro tbe
Tba unto Btoadrowhmsalf mpmi porpoae 1a evrir way. This table eoa At tbe opening of tbe i
oratory for tbe'treatoNBt of peat pottonm
and tbe
1 of pest
too raoioTed tostautly wbon not to oae. eampalga the r
PAOed la Polat li paa.
This laboratory to being bnllt
tbe aroia beiag -asJly sproag off the tbe coantry with Ito greatest pledge
Ftortanav^y -tba reactloo ta ladoapegs at eacb side of tbe.........................
folflUed. Tbe adroDce gtemt of proa- trials" has oot yet reached tba dtaca- In Croamadt and to enriraly Borronad.
H to not desired tbat any weight of parity ta ao longer aq advance ageat: toona ot a reactioa ta lodnatry. tban
I liave peT^nl fine ^ew rig^
tbe table come apen tba InraUd. a anp- be to the direct oNDager of tbe boont- to bore a dlsdaetion with a dlffMaaea at a otomeat'a ootica. It to to eentaia
a subie wlib 12 boraes. drag atorao. both alngla and two saatad
■'awarfceaBofraatb# IMtatoof port can be anmaged at eltber alda to PbUadtopbto iiHinlrer.
whiefa. we regret to add. tbe free tnddwaUlaga for helpers and anraaa and enttara.
Ova ftifijaaora, wbtoh awaRtod him a raat apon the ahlebaatds of tbe bed.
cra do not point oot-Pbllsfitophto In- a toaorri la ease tbe staff to affaetsd
Bfiit oQtfita ia lh6:eitj. Try
imoldtattordBadal (or apapB date
tbe aickneat. Commankattoa will
I0M laaeam raad bifoo it la tMfi.
be effected witb Craesladt by atoom
Oider^j 1110116 No. 82.
marriage market atoo to eojoytag a
tounek. ft Wiu be equipped With ataaffl
la <ff t.OM loM eaiw mom to sprtaUe a few any bits of camphor
Oemerai Praapertty ta tba Paetecy
aoglBva and etoctric aad motor appUtom at a Baxiiaaa toalfht d corn to eacb case before roil tog It ap.
• aad a» tbe latest laraattoos aad
with..aho«tMOfBlbaM«f aa- Tbaa tf tbe allrer to pat away la a
etooe ton H wtU not borome fitocotwod.
Uvory ud Pood fltabifia
aovice tojHyan.
c?gLiiaKftsr— ‘Tfc.—
o. trzfHiisai.-JSA.ie
D* *.4^r?E„''K!:i-5,.22rSi*
Steinberg’s Grand
‘ S ...
Taesdaj, Feb. 6
Aiden Benedict
Hiss Harthaj^Beaufort
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Effects
Enfoy the
Good Sleighing
---- -
Geo. earns,
m siwi muyL
■• »rtt wtd tiM
•vrtd. the nrU o( omb. ■««&>
Aa* «bM tk»
lartM •«*»
t It Is tbe tritniMat
D cmristh of m fork rot
ter 'teirtec eh Mietter
imfbm »pa M MUTior dteweier
•r* • •
brad In paaa In. On Intlng go of tbe
bolder tbe colUr dsppe liarlf goto■nUcaBy.
TV collar la fertnedlof 90 placea of
cork, oneb place Vri^ tbe fonn of
«• laeocrira trUnglej with anglan
of wbicb t%r l*»r U 4*
and uir
tbe brigtat
t|f>-tO lococn.
acaap non
oresni ojo-iu
TV polato are dimkad towan) tbe
latorf^. whlcb girea tV colter aB donaUeo at lie pi .tpbrry of
thlcfcwbUe at lu .iBtertor ebrre
of t A-IB
- -- Inrbra.
Inrbra. . <
Tbe pinm ere cut rpdlally dEd are
brary 4e«>
. rl.Ptcd
> the folding
Mfitiera of tV binge.
TV weight of Ihr ap
VA (Wtioda and lia
oot the f.d^
(ChrMie. bewrar Mf -t
I Cbrtottee Gadehror le oow 19 yehie
'oChge. It bba wood tbr teat of dlBMet
BhulrHntaiA I
arb H
haeae aa.
Wbea I awarearaa
hdae bad coed a^e-oacb good
thre Uulr hara laat om
dad e dwlU lluir .Brr I
rHteeet^ whb a gtew
^ _ B twa trrtar■"
Mno-U for
dadi kaaw ahre «r dwr weaa wr i
fhirr'* a an on' '
i -Yoo dontlLr^ir." -id DHoreA
Aa4lbr .*rr;< (M mmi at ran'U Marl
I with a frtroleae mille.- "Se bare t-Joet
h Ob wtlroaH HM b thes IKUr Hr. M.
oplradid." Mr leeard foraterd. Ha.pinK
both banda .bool brr bare lo ao oM«o«h. hub beet MM. he* 4ma rae-at praMd
M Mar ta m> am uia hraaM:
(Tcotiuii.l war that Uondalr liktd. lie
dad I «■
I pewlmd a nioinefit. He eye. milot upoo
, brr In piraard eoatempIdtiuB.
■<Mt tmie ttade*. terdUhe d
Mar ttee <w toU." hr mrsw
(Oh. he OMld amr Ohdenui
^^wittaa.«fmaie wMtel HA
biww tia« the bead he ti\f t«A
Aad. ■alUac. hM U tnm Me nm
«U)e be bowed tew M« wMt He w«h
The bttle Had weiiiH the auae
•oft. hlrdllhe tMae. aad ac Utl mm»
9o lakr Ite ta^encee awar
See Mt.1 «t. isair da? hr
r light looked a hbadr atore tbonght-
far tat m werM ne ealj laH
Vaibal to rreee e oa/waid baart
<Ah.B I. Had. ee wWieaad eUw'i
___ ad with ell bar hwa tar Ha.
a i. Bhtteeer ta Betvar-a Megeta
of two bsif reitere farteMl
MHhM' wKb ■ blBce. b tThk-b tbeee
It • Hrneg
MTMf aprlng.
epnac. dretmra
deetiDTCi to laalBlaalB*
tein tbe rotter alwaya eteard asd Ann. Inn deUctiTa in oon of tbo la^ departTV opMlng la opponttr tbe blngen. < Bust aterta iwenUy when n wonu
I Ip lu-igbt and two inchra la di•BKter, aecurely faetewHl. When praawre ta eaoned on tbe two boldera. tbe
Mr tetaTTSteTtn^*^ tbre^' ^
with arrmae hMen pthdUhB eH (be
SStaOTWtteUi^ eMT.
Urht M (hr ea (raw awe UU Mi^
raw Ua re£a eeik .« .hr aM heal gMCI
Ahd M he 9oh» ie fooo en^hate
te He (be woU BO udMoae
AaitaMH. Her- whit, ead eBa,
Mr. BstMt De W1M« c€ Ghat
glam. ba» rvuntl/ lav«iut«tf • Utm
coOv vbM. MV«*4in> U tto
TllMU. «BM
t of fn-cat es|«>r1i
be id ediearp «r «ar
larl •iaUtU’ t
•|----- g ibuMf abe liSTe bM dneplj
Mirmii' a-lth Ibe r|Itte of Mr. Oe
WOde'e iartaUea l> »ir Bictaeid Le
Sort, the L'Blind Mqi«« rMwiI at
-OMat. ahi> neratlf «eai to the •Ul*
TM Ainu BAM ftCT.
Boned by tbe ^
drUctiee tbe abopper aaid
that «V wat nut a thief, and that iV
det««.tlre'a tnidouagewaa an ioeiiU Kp
arreat waa utade.
Tbe frtuoie drlactlres art known to
^ regolar pntrnna of the atoraa where
they are eujploycd. and )l la not linprutaible. wbm the sbupper aaid that it
waa an Itiaslt to be fplUiwad by tbla
wouan. that abe waa thinking wbat
Ona ntoce la tbie town which
rtialag nerobtoined a lot of
eenl yenra ago becntiaa of tbe onergy of
Ita fftaala detectire hna
beavily for
It ai^ It waa a etora wbicb by Ha nrraageBrst offered gnat toBpUtion to
from than. Tbe «
eogagad. and na Hw waa tV plooeet of
bar cUm abe attracted ao tnueb attoati(B that
in ber line of work. U
pened to pick op aa article and walk to
aaolbae coutar wiV it. a baUt of
Bany woaen. tbe detectire waa right
beaide ber. end Ve (ell tbet in Ibc ayea
of tV alentfa aV wea a proVbla thief,
even if no errent wee attempted
Tbe annoyance of tbii wenoea'a aoUona became ao grant and tba namben
of arraat* niada by bee waa m Urge that
tbe old patrona of tbe atore fell awa]A
Tbeyftlt that tha riak of bring mlitak«D fu a HKipUfwr ontweigbrd tbe advantage of the bargalna offrred- —Cblcago CtotmicU
"Jliar b nod orwd-te ererr ~epret.W went OB BUdiretltrly, hi* ryee Meking
bare with a great tmdrntrae.
But IMore* wa* tookiag away and did
Dot ere.
"Yea." br coartanrd (ndUntly: “H
don’t," pteadrd Morwlal.. "If.
Tbd Stfkntty Mr. FrodM^ M«
rrrr-rfione.data Vennd la rrepeaing.
“Oh. I b. i! pardon. Vl do yon"- '
IT Auiah tbm. Yoo"tear; Well- Bat do Surry,
otbiog to back yoo foTj"Wrtir
Ifremroreryoof .Irek and the eomngw-Tb.re-e anotVr tUing-I wa.iBt to M>y
■ eaah. of p«x.r rela- _tr>t."
Marf b.. b.»a.
vr*. trylt."
Tba* BH>«Uly Ur. Frederick R- More- evrr n.ch ..thcr.
Muradair Inwardly corard tbr aaeraaity the Ure edge of her Vodke
that chalurd him lu bla colurlru, profit- ent I'HikIneup.
lea* lire and longed with the fereriah
Morvlalr cdored palnfolly.
"Uo yoo
ctoncHrHtiM of (hUiga thu eadow.
AceordiBC to the HiicM of the taptcaJ
cbrtef. rteeiDg word. In
« tbe motuu. the tblng.
poeae« eetofnl rbaracier*•»*»: «• Tboj mtm hr dlrlortr Uwpired. hrlng 'nbr wlU of tbe Father." S.
T^y noet hr foanUrd opon dlr^
prlnrdpteau upon (be rook ChrlM Jreaa.
------ --—
Nlnetera yrara of (.rbrtetliB Bndeav»
«Brarterl«lo. of cMaraDrr.
I- Chrtatlan KnUravor waa dlrlaedy
iBapired. It le the will of the i-'atber.
The .prortdrntlal factor in CbrlaUaa
fcidmvor wa* long rtnphasUed. and It
Bboakd not br forgoii.-n today. Ita
lu woDdcrfol aVpu“•“y *" •»
•"<» to.hll
countrtoA lu marTrtoua work, *’•
Vin««l to t V fact tVt It
Bent ltu)>lred of God. Tt
bellet And. If dirinriy
Bay bellerc that It will endure.
lure, be-1
Inepired to uori a oaed
that la ever prcei'nt In tV rburcb.
CliriatUn fSndravor I* founded
John F: On & Co.
TranrstCilr, • - MicHiH
Hi Bicycle
tnameling- ‘
■!«” O'-'"' P'lartlJ"- Th. riH,
L-..a___ _
ttpo bndcaror
roDMltmloa. tbe pledge,
the conaecratlon arn'lce. tbr commit
tee work, are directly founded upon
tbr word of Cod. wbicb
o VH
ilhl of
away. It poraiwara tbla
cDiluraocr. and ilmt It may mdorej
there c.rinclple. nrr.1 more iVo ever
today to V etupValxi-d. Tbe pledge:
tbe commit“*e qf ^
Best to be bad in
the city ia at
ggniDleg in window,
aampnu tu
atevad and U^lmpod .riiboot »Sc»at
C^pcMtlon to erea pay «“• '*“-«
tba golf dob! And. worer Mill, atea
fun^dtra. Vt o. Vve a revival
"Ahr woa^t!" Dolo«A Vkl^ ^
In Chrlmlan Bndiwvpr. a revival of iU
face d<re tu biv own. Uumgtat ahe
priociplea. whicii are
b. . V.., ...... p.™., _ 1. b.J
«™i iSL ^
aaddraly dawned upoo brr
i. founded npon God'a
God. eten
eternal wtwd. and
ad^”' to
endurance of
conldu'l natter, and ahr
tbe njoreatent.
dung* tV aabirct.
lUV B*3. Tbr work of Cbrtatlan Endeavor te
"Now '
divinely porpoeed. It U "for Cbrtet
Uuredair Inoktd at brr carieaaly. half ud the church.
Cbiiat may mj to
defined fear revrallng ludf In U* wide
EndenPVbF.» "Ye
.c did <bit.-.w
ryee. Mr aemaed to bV aaddraly cold
,b*,*rore not only wlD (V
and dire..................................
movement endure, hot the work iVt It
.... ,1—. «... ol ,b».. - ta .l.b»n
aa rlf.irt, could fire bw IV poaltieo la
Ufa tbai would arm be hi*. And moat
•f tVm were arlUleg. loo-at wtUlag aa
V wa«. That waa wVt auV Moradate
You wilf aay. "Any nuu U a fool to
(aU la tovr la hit puaitloa." Uadoubtadty Mk Uoredair acknowledged It himaelf. But did that help iV uurrl
IB aomrtblag (dore gratify
forr thia
tbla particular one than
tog to
Vvlag 0 •live It down."
paid ao oanmBl
vUii and delivered an unoanal iHlar. It
aa poathiirooua and read:
"Tu Ihv uuly auo of iny
la only a few iboaaaodii. but It I* my
and like rnougb to Vlp a fcOlow urrr l
atninp DOW and then. Tu your faiber’a
boy. lo n-menil'ranre of that day of h
A Aarearkahle rtaeo.
Uriiyaburc. .when a *|NH>nrul of
One Booi-bru who ronipiUd a bietory WBlev atoud U-lwero one nan and death
a a remarkal4e and BDotlur poured ibe laat drop from
hi* uld reiitren Into Ibe dyiog
>lw da baigne TV king one day
bearing a drove of boga tanlag Bp pre
waaily from 1» to Mi ppuuda of Iron.
paratory to a gmeral. ruab lur and pro afterward proved a tri<-d and tailbtal
toiacootiB acraiuUe at tba aliip pail. frieod."
Ini'luaed waa a draft for the foU
Candy baa hero addWl to tV regular Uagbingly urd.red the print toi'oatrive BiuaUBl. iMiyahle to FrrdrrlrL II. Mora■ailon of the Aincrliwn aoidirr. taya uiranr by whirb
dal'-. aiKu-O'-y and rouniwlor at law. EvTV HrimtlV Amerk-an. One T
oordant aoand. might produce
ee barm
barntony- erythinc arem<d tu dance before bu ryca.
York Smi baa ablpprd
Traditlon dura out affina that tbe Holding Ibe .lip up to ibr light. Mora. tana of confrciioaery ^nrlug tbr paat j reverend gmiitirwan Bcratcbed bla bead dale atarrd at it. puxiled and bewilderad. bU ay.ieo und.Tcuing auinrtblag very
year fur tbr trxupa U Ibc I’blllpplnea.: tbiTMit. bat owing
to tV f
Oaba and Puriu Itico. Tbr govcrnmcM I tV toneare it iv aafe
wife to maarrt
that V tike BD eirctrt. Uioi-fc Good newa baa
Vya caody of good quality, which jdid not KotwitbaUndlng which. Vw Often juai auch an effr.4.
Could it Iv a Joke or a balloclaatloB?
wwBld mail from 30 tu 40 c«nu a evrr. be nuSuMcrd to nicely grade tb<
her rye. retting abarntly oo the color
ind U'a been
b(«0 aoeb
auefa aan ex■ . "and
petur. hat now"- Bbe broke off and
atarrd at bin for a ac bd. then coDtInneU abaroily: “Ifa all rrr DOW. I waa
engaged yniriday."
" lealy lo retch at
Alurvdale'B (hruat. Hr atarrd at her la a
dated M»rt uf way. bla heart beating to
■ It', all weer I ataould aay it waawith uic."
lie atarti'd lu hi* fret anil «bb atandiM^ln treat of Vr. Vwildenueui in hia
D'llorra glaucrd at him with a mlagling
Pijijn .
' lift
‘ Vyond tbla world. May this
annlveraary day become an InaplratloD
to Endeavorera everywhere, and may
Chriillan Endeavor receive a Vptlam
from on high that will give It new coDIn and new aeal for the future.
tuB PBtvgg Mititnso.
If pttaalble. noc tbe Unlied ffoclety'a
^lecial programme for C. E. day.
not. arrange a opeclal prygramme. with
«adreaara or paper* on tbeoe aubjecta:
p„i of CbrIatUn Bndeav-
SaikhAB Bleak.
crud lipMi I tadlitt Ry.
X. "The Preoeot of Cbriatlan Bn-
hi* bat
pauM. Moradale look up
Bible UcBdlngB.-ra. lx. T: Ixxll. 17:
I'S’SSSf! iSSnS-Ssi l|!l
Mid coldly.
A abadr • f dluppoiaimrec
. I John 111. 13-17: Iter. It. T.
*lri;* face. , . , ^
dS6B3ASI«8SSiS«a :SISa«
"I* that -^1 T<>" bar.—to aayr At
Ug—g-*wA C%areb t'palde Down.
mkI. with a wl.iful note in brr vuice.
"At Clapham. In Englaud. there la a
-........... ........
beO whlcb beara an Inacriptlon. 'God
«Hd. you." aaid Uoradal* oave the Cbnrcb.' But through knaa
inalala of inixrd cborolau | druvr. from tba tbla trrbU uf t V abote w;;r‘ltre7:u.‘Ur.;,‘:?.re rerTSl «>'!
^ilTud SunMr the word -cliureh- U opalde Uaytaa. w
evaama. lentoti drotM.* tmcoauui maca-j to tbalwBuoti grunt of the Isakad boar niaaL No. It wa. not a^dream. Tbetott turned lo go.
down. Tbe blunder te unfortunately,
rooM aad acldalated fruit dropa. Tbeoa , and. having arranged them in ataUa nn- waa la biarfc and white. Jii*i at aare and'' "Mre are aocb queer erraturoa. aaid gnggeative aa to tbe real aute of af. Oolom under ber breath a. the watched
m muy ebnrebeo. But tbe Lord Of CM OMew ta O read UagUa and ahair OM
Are pat la areled oiu- pound cbm of a I dcr a pAvUipa. announced to hia aaton- aolid aa tbr ruck of Gibraltar
Hrreafuv ii should br F. Ilaroldaoa
rvtreating figure *Mb i.naxled eyea, ,, , lover of order, and tV Ihlag to
■paclbl wal gbape. deoigned to fit Ua | iohed najarty. who bad aol thought of
„va the
pockefa of a uulfuru omit. Accunliug ‘ (be inatMr MDce, that tba piano
waa iaMorvdale. and lb.-aign wwild awing from M'."w»ale bad ireebed the gate, when bar
I OM of tbe big oBc buildlQg. "D Broad- vo^<^ arwaied him
chnreh.’ Vt atoo to eatreoi that 0«1
la Tbe Eecniag Paal. tbe tue of candy tune.
U an army railou origlaaied In boim | Tba king, incrtdaloii*.
ogpcrlmeau on the diet of the troopa when tba abba atruck u»e kcyra there,
.houatnd meant to him
icuUihm. wneb cburc(ieo-be may Vlong to on#
1 by ibeOeman govefBBcat poured f<rlh to iVdalight ofr tVeaiira
tbeeatirt |I ^,
.t.i. .ti,^ iu,o
i„in h
hi.. p,„
ru. kei aaTbrooghi
aiT^broacfal Bean mreT'waa bla Fatal eJacuUl
I ago. TVy abowod tbai tba conrt a bnrat of mnaic anrh at Orphan# , mi a blur tinted envelope i
dlllod of candy knd cbocelate to tb# ' never concwlved.’ Tbe explanation, i tent of fre»h vlolei*. Hi*
Im at.p. uader the anblle ioAurac* «
•“ exiM#e
—n 1 on ibr enreli'pe In dp#gul#r ruivii grretly Improved tbe when tbe crafty (wetete cboM tO
I. plcaaure and the Ilk# rutber
and the
ikaalih amfeaduraDte <ff tbe troop# u»-. bla flan, waa tnret aimple. Tba keya ...........
ly. I I
tbau to tbe Lord. U baa a lot of empty
lag IL bloc* that Uibc tbe UerBae being
tmlog atruck. a prong —
aet In motion if
by . «“•«*
oono sorm.
bad not kn-.- n l^tore. I ^ The light aoddeoly broke la
aeaiA a lot of unpaid duea oa ita rec•overumem baa leaned cakre of eboexr tbe action waa atnek into Ibc pig. grat- i “'2' au( h aa be
late and a IliDlied amouat of otber
Mcb other, a lot of aocletiee f<»
Tbe qoeea t
of tbe pUyer. tba rw t
day." aaid Murvdal.
ting, yon tbe running of entertalamenta aad for
irded SOI
SOO.OOn |»and* of ci.ocolaH la m,|tmg Mjueal. bowl or groan producing r j,, i„,i.„, hi* office d'«r and ran wbia- ^
no; niji that
. .
-pooed. the the prevention of duty to the church,
half pnbn.1 imekaeeo a. a (niriatniaa barmony
three flight, of narrow atalro. '‘"k^hunaorptiaev.i
------A. down
hurt aorptiar vanitbiDg from bar It baa a Sunday acbool that belonga te
treat for the troofia In tbe TrauavaaL
d rather than to tb# conAmcrkaa Jam uiauafa^uren are eooTba pleamire'Iif tiT^g ^mrkliag tou‘S'v^«X‘ w ith
kb fin- ’
* chuWr'tiBDcn tbar Ma
oUrriag a ainremeoi to add )aR> to tba
■ toa great extent the
- •
• dM b, Ml 10 dreaming of P*»t vlciwHudea
He waa l.auint eloae lu ber. hi* fin- ^
to tbe paator for tbe tranjtactloi
trannetiot of ita
Ita L* Chteag* ...
army railoa
It baa beco fonad ao •tonrn U
I bnalaea* and ao organlat and cbolr
‘bra of tbv new *(.ia «if poMiblllUee
Wbulrenme for tbe EiitUb army that that otben cannot afford to wear them
Ue knew
latetiwted more la perform'XdO-.OOn ponnda bafe |>n-D diapatebed Bnt tbla la a plaaaure with whid) 1 tbunt to open up before him.
It bia tal'Ol wa* do incain oa*
Tbr warm color aoddeoly awepi htf fiacre than In worehip. la your chnrch
•4 »Bitb Jdr^ #» A^r month#' eup- ^ bav#
wlib a thrill of pride tbai.. .u.
Ibe d
oa# of that klnd7-NcwV York Obaerver.
I ply be regarded aa an ornament, irrw ^
fulfilled, there « ..nld br nbtUng face at tbe oamc be called brr.
^ for 1IA.O00 troopa. ,
Tbe next waa rather preciplUle; bat.
'___ {------Iqwctiveof IbHi inlrinoicvalD#. Bnt ao j
a,gv||, lu, career a aocccaaful
eonaldcrinc tnac
that ’-|>relimiDaricv"
.bad ai*1j eon*i«Jcrtng
-i.reiimioanev .oao
Aallaloo lo Aoi
I ■“
by tba ----wealthy I „
rill t»# away With atampm
jileeare making ' claaaaa that many idtaa wear obamj T-l .k— th«re ram. a Itifkitie doobL
uire be'*pMlied wl^'awlnr
iwomraauiv u .i.
b”aV ■utomatlc Tetwr ' dtemond* exactly'^alniilar to
l^ that! a*tbare
kenv at
that way
t*«i of tSree acbooU ta any Indication.
MlUng devlc# which wOl d# away ' (bey yamrm. which ore kepv
at tbdr
tbdr j care
care for
for him
him lo
way at
at all
*Jl «r.
«r. wore*
‘Sui.iMtoh‘fi‘‘«.cfiM7«>cMtaebodyel-: Tlretinmfht;
the 400 .tudenu examined. 283
wUb Ibe oM atyk of “atich wl»h a Uok" bankera for fear of theft
kisis^ir Mtw reo»«l him a momentary pang: bnt. , Ta..— ..... .i.. «>. amiiinv tnn
aba claimed to be agnoatlc*. 60 atbelata. 16
poatage atamp. Tbe ntrw appatatu* r#- Uka a penon pUatoriDi
-St a?d aSa -om,. Buddblma 4 cbriailaite and oaly on.
CHtiftad bonkrn'
BbMot a otot macblne|aad ta ao adap- with certiftad
Mii A.
i *"»'
tear wre an adherent of Bbintol.m. dapta'a
tatteo of tbla klre. It «aa b# placed on . B«r# adrertieemanl
>1 to
te aU
all tbM tba p«tb# atrret camre or iq tbe matoOew. | aon I# to w >Hfay that be or abe caa aivaatamount of capital^half#
Sy putting a iMffy In |Ui# atet tb# let- ford to lao'
Hr U thru* Into a otot and. —
akaaget a dry or ribbre «ump puu a
Utretcbed band io reielTe
reSelre bIm.
U P“
atamp oa tb# canter of tb# letter, wbea
A BaeUvrmea bar.
"8o glad lo tee you." *be aaid. with YumMlke^tirce” ^Ub'
to abow ao». of «b#
H can be droppad lot^ tbe box. Tb#
PrcMldant of tbe OompaB^—I gaoB
BaeblB# caaoete tb# map with tb#
i !s
Tltt Hn lirqnttt Biiinti
Eazsi’.i ■|Tf
ggUSt&:l I !!1
, '“SSASW.
UIRB ID Hminii I. L
gate. UB# irf day
t ane dlffe
m of otampa. If tbla'
a wbicb Ha HreBtor taopa. It
grUi (te'away wHt tb* praoent mndter
ad atamp and prov# as acouoBlcal daptaa ter tbe po#tal aaroiea.
of a
been ' SLiifk! Hartette ton*grv *^d^*re ‘
_____________ that be knowa
that tf aa asprem lyaln raunlag 60 about tb# bdtiu«B tban weda—Hew
hOm an bov day aM night wltboA
atapptegju^ ft « H«r .aM rm n Boa# of tb# amcblUH for Biking
,________________ __ -jk^ k>k I
apaoM jMt about aMoi
te bti l«g."-Watiangtoa Poet.
which ar# Mod la tima# daya
dH «r tb# ali«l# nadi by tb# aaitb la Mtcheg
la aBtsatoaud
Mb yoarty temfiF uvoBd tba asa. tan oat about 1.600.000 Batch## dally, fmm* d«BH B ber. a saddea wmatn M
llav tet tbte moan# cti^ ba rvn- ar about MO.000.000 anuually.
bla tec#.
MtedbyatedyidadBtluffiaBd.tak^ that aa tba Maodard af Baasarw
tba »HiHt dted Mar vuBld b#
a iMto dteibte aad tha tertbaM TMM#
<b* t iliwipi dt l#a#l » Bitea.
Tb# vtM attalus ■ gnat ag#. coBtiB
•tag tatittal for at iaMt 400 yasn. It
Ii ap^oBlH^ agMl H-lhaoak aa B"
TbouM biunaalty prorre talas. God
win #tm b# trtM.
It I* bard woit umkliig aa sugar
but# witb a glBl«L
Ttm prluctplea are aa aodurtug as
tba tkroM of Ood.
Tbe aaa who walks with Ood uertr
has to boat bla o<
TbM* were nenr ao SMuy <
door# to Cbristlaaity as now.
young pHipte of today bum put tba
aBtnpriaa. caiboslaBn: «oergy. darw
-Good! i*n go wite «eo e< tbia aggrcaalT# bsMuMi aa# teLawyer-Good!
baaa't Bate bk wflL- H tbMr nOgteb «b4 into tbMt cb»db
WHb aad m-PTHbytoMaa.
Ttird Ycar-No. 8^
Work of KMimoky AaMMiB
PfitH rrrputo* u Srotoee UItonr Bale
a arO
iTo OffleiBl Bewa From 0«s>
•ntl Bailor.
AeeWeal to Bteva MUi Bmaltod to
tot Daeth ef Braak
arrihla aoetdeat oooarred ytatorday atnhe mill of toe WylU OoopHwre '
Co., at laterlotoM that rewritad to the'
death of Braak Mayhaw, kwwa to'
many to toUet^.
Mayhaw waa worktoff apoa oaa of toe
aewe la the mUl. wkaa toa krit at-'
latoed to too klowar brokr and the
end atmek him OB top af toa Kead. Be
faU toemmlMe. aad wm earrtod from
Dr.GMaorwaa at oaoe eammoaed.
aad toft oa toe atteraooa K. A N. Btrain. Tke timto wm heid lonp
eaoaffhjfar theinjaredman to ke pat
aboard, end be wm takea onder Dr
Oemrr'aeare. It wm the tount'oa :o
take him to the hoepltal to ManUtoe.
Maybew never reffelned conMlooa-
Hew Tork. Hek.
e|weW.te toe
■i—ter PeeeM Awf M
HatHle BeUeeed Me U Hefftfcd to
Mkaas too« WeakUgtoa myv
It SioM After E Bnre 11^ tor
Vm pneideat to ^repwlaff to refleee
Aaothw Aumpt to Bateh Ladye B*t**«ei Omb to iee toewf
ewlrti fNaeral Metoan U Hatoff
Otto to toe PUHpetoM kr • per^r eirfl
Bapidly aad BSretlpaly Mrintaned
•oewMT Ten* frea tetertoiriar
Meaey 9mm an Betoff
• EM he todMMd
VHh toe Xaftttotare.
"b" toededdedaotto wellfor3oa- l/oadea. Bek. P—tkera U a rerini of
pnBkfwt. Hr-, reto »-l^. Oeetol
hopa tor good raport* from Sooth AfW«ee4. AttoreW«M«rkltorlifebe
deeUed. toerefore. to eead oat toree.or rtoa te toe akeenee of deSaito aewe
•mOt eeeeeaked to tke cBeetoeftoe
oet fl«% eoasleeloMre. to eetoV from OMarri Bailer, aad altbooffh
ktoltoefeew—trie. Hekctotoed kto
BOBO ara aaaffnlBa toe raporte toat
hen keen rwielnd tead to tOHellef
Mr. BiakkiB. toe GaekM^te Itoetoe report of the PhUIppiae eommleeioB. that toa Brittob tome oa tha Taffala
•eat to Oooffrcea today. Aceoritlafta ara etui eaopee toaa attempt to re
•at Be«er«<a. kee keea aetlBC teareat Indleatlono toe heed of toe
lieve Udyemllh.
aer etoee toe eeadlUoa ef p«r. Oeekel
The warofBae U^laatM raffarte
MadeMd-klat aMkle toporfara toe
of toe territory of the PbUip- Oeaeral Boiler, bat there U mry raadattoeof toekCae. TsBedtotelf efter
BOB to brlleve toat he U BooUnalnff bU
movement npoa Ledyamltb. Thoee
Mr. GMkel'i deeto' BetokM «rw
who are to a poeillon to know eoaflrm Xuqawada Ballawera le »> goreraer.
bU report of erot.laf the To pel a and
f.ijd Ume in OolambU ball, weal
Oee <rf tke fnt eeto ef
fc^kkem Balled la Atlempta to Bara two Tcwae
telleve that he wta eapaffed yeeterday.
ilde, Toeeday eveninp. February >
wee to Iteer mi order to fthe nimte to
A Douaffe from Ladyamlth Tboiwtoy.
6SB 17L
—Oeaeral Otie Maklap Good
dtoeeree eed rewr> to toeirlkemee. ket
uyioff that toe Bear foroee wwe leav
iBff Bffato and that toe tawieptoff foree
ae *0000 wee leiroveeto^U order
WaehlafftoB, fkk. S. — Osaara! Ot>» wee ooneiderably dlmtoUbed. toad* to,
HkerU/ eftor 10 0*010011 thh moralwr
eaklrffram today ehowe rapid proffrrw eonSrm thU.
Meekel eeffored e eerere eUklnc epeU In o^laff toe hemp porte la the leThe Born* are exhikfttor ooaelder.
•ad ffTOir werM eo re^p.itoet lor » laade aoath of Uuoa. It ie •• fol eble aaxiety to reffard to the n
Mae It WM tooepkt tkkt tkf ead ■ wee low*:
ment of the Britleh flylaff eolamn.
“Oeaaral Kokke raporto from Oeba whieh, It may. ke remkered eterted
;n^tion ky the troope of Oal- toronpb ZMlolend la the dlreelion of
r aad of Bryheid ekool the Ume tbet General
kay and Oet
iMtofreawoM esd diedlthle <
TkelotaaaiBLeyto Then wM eppoal. Boiler bepaa hU move toward Aprioff
Ueo at tbeae torn polaU aad tha la- Said.
Boer re-lnforeemeato ] from
^adffe OeatotU kM toMod a towporuy earffeati aadaaTOrto tetora Oaltaayoo akopt badywalth have baon karrtod
Taylor aad OaUfealoffEB. wttooai
bate to protoet torir Unw of <
The famoua EoKlisb aatfaor, writ
trow totorterinff wlto toe lectoUtore eeptfora very allcht dameffo to tha mmaUatioB northward. The Boer tome
ing-in the North Ameriosa Reriew
mmt too* raaOTlBff toe e«t of toet leet town. The flra wm pat oat ky toare U akote4.0M etroap with thraa
troope from tbfe pelai.
ffoaa VryheldUatownintoeTrant. on “Hie Energy of the American
Oaamwl Kokke dron the Iasi
vaal. akoafePO milm aortbeaat of Lady- People," sayp:
j£r*cMW ku toBMd k oeUfere aader Oeaaral Lakoan lata the
'*Ko man writea wiUi bU own
anevetLoodoe Moodey aftomoeB. talM, eaptarlaff a larye areaaal and
Brom T netormaritokari
nto to tokea to ledloeto tket toere powder koaee, Oeaeral Lakkaak kaff nader Wedaeedeyk data report that hand, if he eaa tlictato to a atenowOi ke EB Ettoapt to erpEklea tbs )Eff> (Bffa and moaey aad all kla artillery. frrqeoat raaonatoeanew have ^eea
gnpber; no man dictotea, tf be can
MEtETE EEd eloot ECW oaoEIE.
At Tkelohaa the iBoarffent lorn la kill made from (%ieveley reoeatly. wito e
tel^:nph: no man telegrapho, if be
Ik BEke E qaorsiB it wUl ke
ed wa» ten meo.wUh aoearaalUee oe
for toe troow to erreet end take ooreldo. General Kokke eeptorrd at weakaaed by the withdraw) of me
n telephone."
to Itoodoa EBoofk DemocmU for tont all pointa thirty pieew of artillery,
A report eomee from Oepe town that
If yon are a typical, energetic
pwpOEE. A loader of tke party eeM: rlflw and etoree of ammanltloB. Thera Omeral Metbaeo U rapidly and effee••WewUI ElEotaU lefftolEtlrE ottoero were larffe qoantttlM of hemp et pelaU tlvely re-lDforeed. General Tneker'e np-to-date American, yon already
•ad eleet Ooeemor Bradley to toe eelaed by Oeaeral Kokke, aad thirty depertore from Oepe Town for the
OEltod Sietoe eeaato. ffottloir tke eondlntrau- Modder river U reparded aa Important, nse the Long Distance Telephone.
«Mt iBto toe eoBEte, whieh wUl krlar
If not, a word to the wiee is enffice to Ceba and Haalla." and M prMumably indleaUnp that
• drdeioB troiD oonpetoet ^etbority.'
Seventh army divialon, wbleb U now lent.
Tbr Deatoerato barEdeelded to nake
arrivtoff at the Cape, will be added to
•ofartoerEttempto to'kold eoiEione
toe forea St Modder river. A battery
la toe etato boeee, aad to Iffoore -toe
of hone artillery that bM jotl arrived
■eitlaff at LoBdon OBleta eompelled •ebeme of-Bryaaa*e Brieada to Bool from IndU bee been eenl toltber. and
' the MlddlOAif tha-Hoad
toattoad. U toe Teytor foTME attempt
It U eald toat more nave) pone are bw
toarreettoeato eompal their attoBtop taken from the warebip Baree
Miller’s Store
lee wiU ke
at Bmi London for the aama deeUnaLtaeolB, Nek.. Bek. »-Wcatora popalute ban perfeetad a plaa whieh they
t at toe I
kellen will prenat the threat
•Ma Moaday tern* aettoa w|ll ke takea
epUtia toe party onr the qanUonof
MMtod oCerlBff a reward far the
ladenlBff WUliam J. Bryan. Akoata
d^of Ooekd Tke leaden 1
■ripk Ooanakle BOread to Tranp Boor
third of toe national aommlttee
MarofofferlBffa reward of ffsa.000
Mitot Ikroaffb Baow Bi«m Oopp A
«Waor ^lor kaa paraekk
of Bryan, bat tnriet apoa hartoff a eoaBmlthk KUl to Beadk Mill.
f* te tkearretoaad wirietloa dt
nalkm at .leaet a moatb kafen the
Batpb Ooanabto bad Every anjayabie
Demeenta. la order to pnnal a
yMtorday and eoa wbleb
walk«at at the aonnatloa m wm aartola U toa old plaM ware eeirled oat, wm ke a pUaeant rentodar of kU tnl
nUaowprepeato to eall the national totrodaetioa Into toa life of a lamkarVleaetot Beetol ffkadttoa •!«
wanatioa toaMOtta April or May. man. Fkr tome Uam Mr. Oonoakle kM
Teelerday »P Woaeaa'e
aama Senator Allen for Prealdeat aad kad aa Idea of eatartoff toe lamb^toff
then ban him withdraw darlaff toe kMtoMi. and Intoly ha hM ffima
(ood daal of tooaffht to toe qnaltSeaTke lewiplinn rlrea yeetoirda^ after- eampalffa. Uttere aaktaffereptaloae
tloae neeeeaery for e lamben
men to toe teaehon of toe elto eekooU on thU plan were eaat oet tome daya
earear. Teetordey wm hU tnlUel ex- f
on every dollar’s worth
kfflkememkmof the Womeak olak •ffo and aenral rapllw hare beaa reperleeee. He aoeompaatod C. F. Bead
WM owe of tke meet eaJoyaWe aoela) erind. Tke manipoUton made toe
to MaySald where they eeenred a botM s
of goods until forther
, of aeadlaic <
•Batie of toe eoeaoa. The alak roone
and ontter tor n drive Into the woede.
ptpentod a rery lavltiaff ^tora, and
Mr. Bead etopped at hU mm aboat eix
toe toaekerawara moat ipyaUy raaatr man with whom the plan met 1
mllaa from MaySeld and Mr. Oonnable
tanr and he hae orittMt loeal mlddle. «d ky toa ladtoe of too olak.
drova oa to tba mm of Copp A Smith
Mra Bokorte, too praeMoat. ffaee of-towroadmea, waralafftoam eftha
tear mllM farther. After
tkeaddraMofwalBomo. la whieh aha aekama on foot. The mlddla-of-toetoff to toe barinaM whieh broapbt him
•totod too okioet of too Womaa*a elak, road ama aaprae eoafldaaeaia kriap
2S6 Front Strert.
•hewti^ toe almUaiity of too work of able te eoatrol toe eoanaUoa.
aryaxperienoe Mr, Ooanabto pr^ared;
Tke BaUer eUmeat daelrw te pmrt
toaalak aad toe toaehwi. Bke aw
mribaefc, wboa. }Mt ae he
toew that toa elak wae to eympalhy the PopolUt aatienal
•boat to ffet ready for the rctom joarwtth toto work. Wm Joeda Wllkalm held at the wm# time aad plan at
Boy toe animal took a notton to drop
eeaff a adle ta her aeaal hwtpy maaaar.
dmd. whtob it did with qateknaM and
Mn. HawUtoa ffan a ferial iMiew of the nOddle-of-'toa^naden offer toe
dUpalto, iaavtoff Ooanakle hotaalem,
itoanhcrae*e “HarWe rau.” It
toe BeUer teetiaa with a walk of foar mllee kafora him.
atfpelaUy Baa. aad ahowad a tooroaffk wm try to reson them fraw the -eew Be bead toe hardahip bravely and
mlUee for toe offeaee of holdlaff a trudged keck to Baml's nriU, where ha
aad koM «praele-‘
totoad Mr. Bead. Th^ aemied anadtoaweAu
aatlooal ooanatioa aad awklaff
*' r oatSt and after a hard drive
Mw. BoUiday tomt tovorad toa
iaatioM witooat the Miiytom of the ....aeded to ffetUap to MaySeld to
not. a a. ■««. vSS?narwaM.
paay «lto a roeal eola. trklek waa
Ume to eatoh the evantoff train tor
ffttotly eejoped.
Liras oMAXB.
Mn Dr. Marita Ran a talk oa ea>
yewrioa aad alao read aaeatraet frooi
toa Xrndlw' Hewe Joaiaal oa tha [n. B. D. MaAny Hm a Oarloaa
of toa Omitory.** tkle wm
Akeat two waeha affa, Mn. Brad &
«^paMaUy appreprlato aa hariaff a
dtatot kaaitoff apoa om of toa pnat XaAny of Bt^Uh ahroatiioerind Iron
ia Ptaar del Bla, Oaka, a nry
toe day aad
It UU toe fora ef a
WM nadend to Mn. Marilak
Of the hmoos women's *^roais” CSnb after
lar«e laat toat aha kn hoaff by lit
wearing Uie ‘^roais* ahoaa, wrote the following to
ilntoawtadow. Ithaa ao raela
^’tSmUMteriatoffana baaatlfBl
the mantifaotoreia.
Miafr**- eola. aeeompael>a ea tha
•Wr Dmv mra-N •• «M^
pMaakyaOw Daley Bkmlek. Tkte wae •oartehmaat from toe air. ItUffiewklaCWaaealev M. TmwUIv*
IMlpwadfeffaamanryftaapealaff toat iaff aleriy. to apiie of tha faet Umt H
51^“ “
warn VM •»** 1
WM ffnaUy oeloyad ky $ja preant. waaqalUhadly krmiaad aa the wv
Tke tediw who took pari to top poriaff frawOeka.
Tiny natlew an fftewtoff frooi eaa
woto Mtm. i. V. MalaWefe
rida of tha leaf, analog the alffa.
Mfle Welt, meetoe WiN
w^. aat IwMIa BtoBaat.
aad ea toa etow rite Huialeana han
. i .I. * Vor
• eat. It la a
eltka ‘
Y. P. S. C. E.
and Epworth
Colored monogram and name on each sheet, ele*
gant qnality paper, 140 sheets in Tablet form, worth
25 cents.
.Special Satardap and Noadar, I4t.
Hobart & Beecher Co.
to Oity'Book Store.
823-298 Front St
Salph Oottosble Jr„ Manager
80 it is with all yon boy at this new store,
“Good Through and Through.”
S. BE3STD-A. & CO,
w. »iavSkim.II00.ltm.ti.so.
KewlwiO Bm. ti,«. ri.
The People Know
a Good Thing
When it is offered them, as is shown by the
phenomonal business done at onr grMt
! Five
1 Per Cent. I
I Off
Since opening Tbarsday afternoon. Tbom^ we have
bad a largely increased force of salesmen, yet it has
been almoct imposeible to wait on all the people who
have crowded onr store oonthiooaaly ainoe this sale
began. We are glad to annoonoe, therefore, that we
have arranged for still a larger force of clerks begin*
ning tomorrow, and hope to be able to wait on all
more promptly.
toaae the Spatiils for Tomorrow art;
Yard Bide China matting, jointieoB, 7c a Mid
Youth’s overoonta, in Bearers, Meltons, Kerseys, etc—
Choice shadee—valnes 16, $7; $8, at $3 96, $4.25, $4.66.
Ladiee’ fine seal ploab capes, gimp and for trimmed
worth $8A0, at $3.85.
Men's and boy’s o^)a, special lota, at 10,15,25c. worth
25c to 50c.
Still some of the famons nnderweai at 9c,80c, 26c,36e.
60c, values 25c to $1A0.
Bf* those Ladiee’ Drem Patterns at abont HALF
PRICE-A few of them left.
For Oenuine Bargains attend this great sale—It
will pay yon.
j W. W. Biller's Cash Start
Raliahla Dr; Goods, Corpotaod Clothiog Nooso
School of Music
SorDSis--T1iB New Shoe Fer Wenet.
The President
4„pMdM etMikmiy. aad,eU kad
The Bm-
Sin Bt II tti Ceititji.
As to the bat shoe to buy, just call at
onr store aad look over oar line of
gentlemen’s dress shoes — made bj
'‘Thos. Emerson’s Sons." They ari
perfect fitters—the styles are the Bery "
latest and the wearing'qnalities are the
very best
Ton shoald see the "Titan Calf Shoe"
—New last^.OO.
Up-to-date Footwear.
Tba baatoaniaaottop 9t too %north
Laapaa of tba Piiat M. B. akarob wUl
V. V. B3mb^ Oe. etn Kim a Maw
KAVBmsBonrr • MioBiOAa X«ft«tr VMUMMd At Iha MmIUc to babaldOM watotron Mratoaya
Yon Use
amk Ken Imponaat Paaltfaw
toe aad aet tonorrow analap aa proMun> n&VttU BStALD,
to Brand MapMa.
TtaBMttoV of flitiMH*! taUM Tba rapalar aaaattop of tba Womb** Tba W. W. ^baU Oe. ol Ohfaapo.
M *• Bam as» J. W. Sabb
TMtartoj to tolk ortoUaBcrto- BaUaf ODcpo will ho bold tonem* ban loop neopnlead tba
aftaraoea at t detoek toatnd of to tor
#. m. MAMMm. »dlMr m4
ability of tbair mampar to tbk nty.
H. B Btnap. and pan him a pood
M4th« MMOtoiB. & W. TkjtoTMd
O. e. OmU wan ftow » cmt
ty aoen time apo to po to a
«mi to aMoanfatowk Tha gaatla- noway aad abeakawaa foaad to U.. lerper work, with alarpnnlary.
■ of & Baada A Oo. yntarday- dtnmp haa barctofon dadtoad to
MBwaraanand to Ika baarty ae-o»After
tnnlI.bave picked oat a lot that sold from 3Sc to »0c
elty. wban ha haa naay
antioa to tka rllUca to Battou Bay
aad U olhar perttoM to toa aoaatj top nnia tba elty Mr. Baada toaae eoekl totamte. bat baa at Mat aeeepteach—you cao have yonr choice for 25c—aad if yoa
an aqaaily awatfatte towa wUl ba ao that tba waUat baloapad to Leak BU- ed a poaMoe that wQl taka him do
aaa of Datnit, ninnaa far A. eraad Baplda wltoto a
waat a Staad I will pat yon in a aice Oak, Mahog
AaUjr to pariaattof toa amai
Tba poMUea to wbkb Mr Strtmp
any or Oak Fiaiahed Green for 47c. That will make
aof hb foee k that of wholaaala aad rtfmii
daunted to 1
yon a nice ontGt for a little money.
manaper far the eenaaay far the eaI tar Pawy
A tea baby
wn added to tb« tin wniera half el too etato. with hk
Tn altonn to toa tnga4/ to Saw*
I have a Sne line of Jatdinierea up to $2.00—
family of Mr. aad Mra. Jeba A. WU- baadqaartan at Qnad Ba^ Ba
taaby aaan toat
wlto toa daato
Stands, all prices—Earthen Umbrella Staada from
^■Mlnr towbaL '
' '
Tbalaad far toa nUto to Hnoy liana Int alpbk Mr. aad Mia. WJ wUl eater apea kk new dalfae eboat
«MMw*batoaatott«Myba.taan- Jmaa, who waa harwad oat by toa n> llaan raalda to Oatrott aad are rWttop March lev wbaa be will nmon with
$1.50 np.
ptottoyarttoaaadabtotaacatoaaM- aaat Sn. haa p«wa to qaiu a aaat Mr. aad Mia. On Oraaawald oa Baa- hk family to that eity.
to whtoh'tt taaeauaiUad. Tba
Tbe maay triawda that Mr. Stnmp
^■narto Uto totontoadto tola to- by A. W. iahnaa sow faafa ap PM 75. Tarkayo an nry aearea to tow bn made while to the city an divided
betwaea eoapretaUtuma for him that
r--------------- ol tbaaaaatttoM tod fftn ttolaf Baaato^ p»j ar aoatilaad loaaUtyaadli
bea eeerpled aaeh ea Imponaat
«^M Ik rk^ wlM ia daptond bp pM, awd toa papar toat waa toft to toOblaapo for a aapply far todayb be
poeltloa. end repm that he k ao aooo
■ paarytoaarto)aaUaaaad hpOar------ Oarto' OffwIBtan by Mr. Baaato
Praak afaawbniln to toon toa elty. That he wlU make
^kr M ton toaa etoan. Vat
towapht to
naktopalotal totM.75. wUlalaefarnapartof the naaa. tba a aaeena to hia work k eeruto. aad
ISO SbTOXAt Bteoot.
dot to ba aamd to tbhelty tola year. toebntwiabnefaboetot frkada po
^ iPiMtoa to wktoh ba waa toa c«to
an to protVifdHk OoaaaaarTbytor waaaiaet.
pran far tba Mp aoetotP ovaat to ba
^bpateednaiorlty aad ptraa
Mre. Bmler—Yoa oaptat to be
plraa aaxt Prtday analap. Aa or“HnM aboat the i
itsan batop madofartks
eaoatn of a dona plaen wd tarakb aehaned of yoaredf. l-ast nipbt yoo
to Boetnir
-weabed my bloe fardtolere. .
PhaoewMIirbtoftfaUowadtoa flpana
aaaaal dktriet Bpinrto Lespn.oan
aafae, nraral plaen to be eeeered
“Xo; what was itr
Mr. Beoder—AahldeoL Manfae!
fMU ibowad a najartty. tba board iMrnrtorifa tontototMttoCtomctol from oat of toe oily.
veatkw to ba held to this oity the ton
Mre. Bender—Why didn’t you atrlke
■fctobnadand toadaalatoa waa-i
a Bmteh to the haUweyl
oa liquid air passed s lot aroand to wstoto Jtao. Bvery eCort wlD ho
A aarprin party waa ptoa^ by
Mr. Bender—Did. Meft-ba! Btnek a toe people—yoo know ft's aboat a made to aako. tok tbe bast moottop
Aapall dartop fbe pen weak flakb. •aarh oc eolr of$h my aboe.
MBd tta daetatoa waa daancd AaaL Bat Ftoraaaa Hlp^aa far Bual
Mra. Beoder—Yoo cooldn’t weQ do mlUioB times coUerto Ice. aad still a
flaabal. who aaaireUad tba Panoai----- laat aipbk la aoM way toa aaant top toe work of toe reeldeaee of Pater that
when you were In year atoefcinp liquid.
A Pripbtfal Biaader
■koe. Tbk k eaa el toe Saen
«M|ari9 to toa laplatotan. bad da- Itakad oak bowarar. aad Min Holnn
feet I foaad yoor eboes near tbe par- | “In"
Will often caaaea bocribU Bara.
«b>abawaada"WeU. etraapest thlnp to the world
Paridaad tooaat laytor aad eapiara
lor door.
iWd CatorBnlsa Baektoak M
etato aad e^aak naay taa elty reel
BbaePaa. “
A Card.
ears toe pato aad prompt>
^lawid.and Boabal waa daetorad by loyad by alL Tboaa praaaat
-Fellow sidlled a dlpprrful ea a to beal It. Caw Fever ifacn. Diene.
Bolls. Ooraa. aU ekto Braptloaa. Beat
pba l^ttiavara U> ba toa Icfally alaetad Maad Baker. Tbd Soatoard. WaUla kot and cold water, hot water beatlnp. apne to l---------------------- ^------------------ Boston pirl—"
OoJy U eta. a hoc.
bottle of Own's Warraatod Syrap of
fPMBcr of tba atata. Dadar ordtoaiy
I Cere paaraatMd. (told by 3m. O.
-It frv» solidr
Tar 11 it fails to care yeor eoorb or
- - a tola daatotoe woald ' ^ad OonptOB. Miaala Ayora,Caara neaufare nodern dwelUap. aad k eoid. We also paarantoe a SS-eeat
I JohaaoB aad A A Waltk dikp .
toat modern eoareal
naalaaSn. Bat to tola Eataar. Blla Snlto, rtoraaea Btcptoa,
botUe to prove nUefaMotr or money
oaen eaa be provided to e farm bow. nfoaded. 8. B. Walt, Bapbee A Boxt* Oww m OMB In Om Bay.
yMO 'oaly MatlMor fanrlac Ooabal Barry Oardlaar, Baaaab Pi
Tbs baaieat aad mlpbUeat little
Jeba AUaa. Bay Alaxaodar, Bay bubo- Bm—to Mr. aad Mie. PbUlp Baat bnrp, Jaa
‘ Johaaoa.
i. P. C. Tbomp- tbtop that ever waa made is Dr. Ktep's rake Waraer’t White Wine of Tar Synqi.
m to aabotoaUOalla Martlaak,
of Bto^aat, a eow.
Mew Life PUls. Tbne pills ehaape be best cooph rcaicdy oa earth.
^ too otolM to Taylor waa daaiad.
weakasn toto stnapto. IktlcaaM into
aptsM CSHW —WanM
inrito too Aadlaca to toa l^latotan Baul Bayaa, Bdltb Harrow, Baby Wol- Aboat *50 waa takea to at the door
Whs* «f rmt Syn^
^ daonadlaal toaooaiao tahaato fak-Mtoala Loaalactr.Aady PUab. Kara at ^eoaaart Prldayalpbt.
Tbeyke woa4nfal to boUdtop ap the
IfelB toanaoa aboald ba oat jaat to a Wtotara, Sibyl Olda. Aady Blgptoa. Tba memban of dlekioa Ho. 7 of too beat co(^;b remedy oa earth,
health. Only >5o per box Sold by
to owe day if taken in ttom. S
Jea. O. JobaaoB aad 8. B. Walt.
Jlftl ranady. Tba oateoon la atUl a Ubarln Dally. J6ta Oorbatk
' s
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
Enm It foeiErr.
•ataarto aoojaoiara. bat toa troabla
a aad SaB*B pUaaaat
pad toa tncady whtob naalted are Bna daMtoir par^ at Martaa^bae*
#Malaapea toablatecy to Kaataaky. adany toat alpht waa a praad aaeoen
tmr UKsn^BMsBotrr.
Vito TbalrlUaoptkwVan.
Tbaladtoatotoo J
I to pcalM
^ toatr raaaptkn to tola dty. Aalda
0nm toa napaUtoaat aadlaaea wbieb
pnalad toaai toay '
waya. Wbaa they arrlnd at
^fbrkPtoaaatt delook to tba after
laaea. afb
attar toa aaaal dtoaar boar, they
toWdaaploadld warn dtoaar awaltaad
ooarta^ aataadad
|p naka it plaadaat far toaat. For
IBnoooartadnthay dtotrlbatad
attnaalary tiakata far tba aoaeart to
*•-- ..........—‘----- - aad------------------Wntariir noralac B. J. Morpaa to*
4Htod tba todln to toko a rlda aboat
Iteattyaadter toat parpen plaaad
dm torpa alolpba at tbair dtopoaal.
^Itbay Ttaitod toa aeylan aad otbar
ptoataottotarnt Wbaa tbay waataway
dboy aapnnad tbair appnelatkn to
MlUard. Marpory Clark, Laay Kelley.
Baoala Oarlaoe. Banla Haaaaa. Bath
Dnba. Ploaala Olaanaia. Clara
Dnar. MUdrod Jaeoba, Mary Bariay.
PloroBoa Prioa, Obarlotta Uptip, Loala
Prtaa. LUa Pataraen.Bartoa MeMlebaal.
da MeQUlto BalUa WUbatot
At Kaottop of too Idaeoto Uterwy
Soelo^ Imst Mipbv
ft.»c«adapaoftoa Botal Braadapa
0 Bawor. waa to t^ olty yaatarday.__
f. 9- Baednawi. airealtooert ataao) to ITM CbdUiaa toat
>Mtop to any to toa etty onr Baaday
aowUl attaadeoartatLalaadMooday
4. Bebaaldar of Ukt Aaa. waa to
pBi dlW l«« baatoni ynurday.
Mr. aad.Mra W. B. Browa of Aldoa,
pn Ip to# oity.
to L. Ooaltar of Deatial Uka, waa at
«Ba P»rk Plaea yntarday.
/adpo Prod W. Maya# arrlnd to tba
0tf yntarday aft^woo. aad wUl po
da Latoad tosorrow to hold dreait
Tba colaadar tbonlaa Uitot
ty reqaaatad to attend toe meettop
at Mra. Uada Howroab «a Bipbto elnek
Than will ba e meattop ol toe BetaO
Tbair Boat party wUl ba pina aazt
Clerka' Daioo lenerrow analap at tba
Wadaaaday alpbk Than wiU ba ao
a A P. A beU OB D) - '
daaatof aabool bat two ropator
P. C. OUbart wUl dallnr tot adtop parttoa wlU ba ylna oaeb
waak. Wadaaaday aad Satarday alphta. dren at tba mnUap of tba I. O. O. P.
of Mortoport, toe I4to of toU moatb.
Bdaa LaPraalar para a rary aajoy*' The oeaaaioa k toe anneal eaUbnUoa
abU party at tba bona of bar praad of too Mortoport lodpa.
paraati oa Beat BipbUi atraat yntar
erlbtop the party pivea Thoreday aftaraoea la beaor of bar olpbth
day eveator by the Beat Side Olris, toe
birtoday. The
k»e of Mn. a T. Stoat was by mkwith paain aad tba idUMraa ooJvad
Ujm MBitted assoap toe Ust of ebaptba anat nry naob. Bdaa raaelnd
naay pntty prnaata. Mra. LaPraalar
Tbo repalar mactlap of too Poeoatera
waa aniatad by Mra. J. M. laprip aad
Mra Bobart Prtoe. Very alee ratroab* wlU be held tomorrow oveatop. BpeokI
bosinaMlstobeatteadodtoaada faU
Tba fdUowtop won yraaoat: May
The Lineoto Utorary Soeioty held
ito repalar meettop at tholr
Htoth etreet. The cleeUoa of ofiens
far toe next throo moatoa oeeapled toe most of tbe moottop aad roealted as f^lowe:
Praaldent-Almea BaUer.
Viee Preaideat—Berray Trtpp.
Becordtop Seemtory - Cbarlm Baaale.
Asektaat Beeerdtop
Prank WalteaDmlor.
Treaeaw Boy Wyaooop.
A W. Jabraas. A M. Parker. 'Will
Bobba, A L. flea. A D. Campbell and
a P. Oarvn of toe Oetoaary Clnb ar*
at Ohrp Lake, pattiap to the eammark
■apely of lee far toe elab boose.
Tbe ressTvs osot plat for subeeribero
tar toe attraetioo ‘ By toe Sod Ses
Wavoa- wUl bo pat OB next Moaday.
Tbo peaoral pobUe wUl be allowed to
Waite Ooodc Shta. «UU___
Latest doelpas aad pallerta
Something New
‘Hidden Brapery"—So named from the
gold thread that is woven in tbe cloth. It'a
tiaed for enrtaina. acreena. covering boxea. afaclvea, dntping on the wall for coiy comera, and
aella at 10c the yard. v.
‘A Little At e Time”
Oi tbe whole down st once, is the ynj
yon can buy either a “White” or “Queen” sew.
ing msebine. Tbe “Qoeen” with stationary
head at $21. the drop head $22; the “White” at
$52, and tbe drop heed $35.
MkeBeokott Mksodo Ooetly Om
aeot. bet It Was PoanA
Telt your friends and they will hoy.
One of tbe kdke vrith the Symphony
erebeetta. Mks Ploreacc A Beckett,
toe lute eololet, loet o kaadaome
diamond brooeh wbUe to the elty
yotterdsy. She mlseod toe omameat
ftret when at tbe train ready to leave
for Mt. Pleaeaak A eeareb of tbe bas
to wbieb tbe bad bees ridtop failed to
dkeloee the mketop diamond, aad eb«
toft toe elty witboat it.
Prof. Bora was noUfled of tbs loos,
aadasearebof tbs City Opera Boose
ilted to tbe brooob betop foood to
Btoaldo PaUar ntaraod laat ai^t
Before the oleetica there a
toe dreestop room that had been Oeto saead Baacay prompto debate oa. “Besolved. That to eapied by Mke Brekett.aad it wm eeet
jrlth hk famUy to toe elty.
jide a pcanal. k better than a apeekl to her by tbe next otail.
aty aerk A. W. Blekord
want to. ordinary odaeatioo.' Tbe» sfBrmoUve
fast eveatop to apmd Saaday.
dby ArtoarZ
Mka Bvaae retoraed last alpbtto man Look BirdsoU,wbUe Almea BaUer
Poverty Is one of tbe beet la
aad MsTahall Pries hasdied tbe aara- ton fcnowB.
tiva. Tbe Jodpm-deoided to favor of
Good acts, like sheep. Are apt to fal
dty yeatorday. Bo (oports lae the aepattvo. Orton Satith pave the low ooe anotber.
nittek (Opart.
Every womaa knows more than a
ju does—so she thiaks.
A MIpbt of TOmr.
History has to repeat Ita^ boeaam
people are so forpetfoL
*>Awtal anxiety wae felt tor ___
.vUew of tbe bravo Oeaeral Boraham
Wlien a wMower courts a widow tltjIMatotoa. Mo., when the doeton eald
tk CopW pete a abort reoL
■ho woald die trots Pacamook
Steed DoetoOA
'■orator' writes Mta. A B. L
A A Moaday. a lawynof Beariotta,
If the moon were atade of preea
Tkx. oooo foMod a prave-toppw. B*
saya: *‘My brother wm vory'low wlto ebeeoe It would eertalaly be ishabltod.
nsaiarkl fever aad Jaandko. I per- —Cblcapo Dally News.
loliT -- -- BAlna. aad
he aras eooa kaeh bottor. k
I k pmaraatoad to tbeir aee natU bo wm Wl
■are aU^TIu^t,
Trial bet- Ufa.- Tbk remedy omk amtorla,
aaad AA kUk dksM ponas
Mow k toe time to have yoar Bl^eto
keed. aide dipeetkm. i^akws liw. roBBsmiledaadotoaaod op rsof^ far
kktoeye and bowola. eoreo ooMtipathm
Imva respoaded wUk a
Read, and then protIt theraby.
Read, and ttien the goods yoo1l try
Seme of tbe daintieat pattema yoo ever
aaw—One eapecially, u tbe “Yard of Boaea.”
Too get four of tbeee beantifnl yarda in each
yard of material Many ladiea’ nae thia for
oomfortar oovera—oaiog two widtba. Coata yon
15c tbe yard.
‘Quit Roughing”
“Can’t”, yon aay. ’Deed you can—Only
coata a quarter for any o/ theae excellent remediea: Piso’a Cough Cure, Winter'a Instant
Cough Cure. Dr. BoU'a Cough Synip, Dr.
Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup, Braatk Pnlaoa*’
ary Balaam.
“I Think I Have
the Old Rheumetiz”
• Don't have it long—It’ll affect yoor Iriz.
We’ll cure yon quickly, for we’re tbe masters.
Well core yon surely with Porous Plasters^
Bella donna—Cdlio's Voltaic—Cotieura—Her
rick's Perforated — BaDaidk Caprienm — All.
oook'a Poiona—All 25c each.
Monerch Jelly
Oneoftbe finerf jelUiv msde-And ao
many good flanm. Can’t help but strike your
favorite one. Orange, grapA atrawbeery, ptom,
Mpple, quiace, [dnaapple, red enrtant, raq^
bsriy—25c a tumbler.
Whet Do You Eet
Rem-Sho” Typewriters For
It’s tile
all-aro«nd snaebum on the
market—Perfect paper feed, permanent align
ment, nniveraal key board, removable ^ten,
writes beyond maqfin,'perfect
straight swsy ribbon fsed.
fasUbesiings. No trooble to show it
Ever try Pettijohn'a CsUfornia Break,
lari food, or FonM^ Wbaat Gem Masl or
Quaker Bolted Oats. Shredded WksstBteewL
They're all meat excdleat, aad sail at Ifie cr
two for a quarto-.
Free Storege All WiDter.
ifa wmk can not bo boat aad prfan
i^iraat. WUl eall far yoar whoel
Call aad pat» prioas.
^Ml^*pboMllo. m. Mortom ‘phoM
E L 6inS.Pnp.
Tbe Hannah & Lay Mercantile Co.
wMdMli nfort iar i»uH7 ■bo«« 144
with 4* MSvtMtaM. TMkm* »vd4h wj*
PMfUan ftUiac Us te ywiwtlaj
11Wfhwhy«0S4tftaciwith th» l««.
Mn. Wm. aehradsof utlwbvr
fl*n MfMl kw4nd.,4oU«n Iar »
---------- 1-. to bM ha»M^ It wUl she
Wtfarsofs msNM4 •qvlfsut e«
Mtai 4ms1« BaU «f Istay atr. owu
hf«7toMU«f«t 4h^
ttet fool
iwohhhty »T«d kar fothoHa Wmm
•iN rnilUj Uair Utoit At oheot *
o^Uotfi WIOMiay sarmior >ka wm
vnkrnmi hr tha «t as»iahfa« oo bar
hairaoB pn. 8ha Md kar telkar
Ofo la rooM adK«alairikairfraas7
BMta. Dpoa iBvaaiMaUv it waa food
that tha door of tka Moot waa aa In
■aar tka atora, aad bat for tka ptoaa*
dlaaerarya^lsalrBai tra woald kara
kaaa tka nMlk
OrtahtBO Bths.
In eaetm Pmeaia tbe dlrretor at tbe
aighnp for the tawpe reeeotly called
kcMaa Sadaaror Spy Valow Umtr the aneotlon of tbe gossiasit to the
fact ttat ta bl« dMrtet Mber driaklMi
at tka Frfewda Ohatch
wna r»*i rapplaDtJiix tbe as of alcoThlaBreolsc.
koL la (be city ef Memel aloBe. aftaated
to the extreme aortbsetem part
Tka OkrkUaa iodoaaoran e( Ika
ait/ arc aspaetiBC a oaaaoa foU of of Oermany. tbe ste of ether deatlaed
laat aad prodt at tU CkriaUaa Ba- aa a drink for tbr pact year te oiBctelly
ed to bare amoaaied (o 8A80
daaaor day aaraiaai at tte FVtMfoa
gaaru. to wbirfe moat be added a targe
aharck tki« araalaf at S o'dock- Tka qnaadtT that waa paaaed ibsugb by
lulc k la tka kaada of the Frlaada amDrcMnx
whirb (besfore ew
lefoty. FoUowfoy w tka yn«ias:
caped vibem! evuoiiag. la tbe dIatrM
Hyaa<>"Tha Badarlkr Friai^'’
at He.rdHcmg a ctUI mos snaiderabfo
aoM aa a etlsa-,
■aadiay olastptara.
foai Tbe ether la aotd by Uqner die-1
penaen and reuiles osr tbe comts
Utrodaaleiyliwidby l«dw.)
to toe seaames to drtoks aresgiBg
NawPfoMfor Oal^ te 0«r Local
OafoM Mr. Boyt
Laffcr F^wabiy tka World Aroaad
—Mr. Fwafoctaw.
Bysa—''Straartk to Badaro "
Tka ladtfolUac Frsiiii (ipkd by
VraakJ.ThaapHBof Mawa^ waa
aaalap for tkraa yaan aad a half
wkaa tka UmU far kfo oC^ waa for
Mdaya. BaaowaaaalkaBroak-BallactOB aUn Oa. for TN dajra* pay.
At Pafoakay raeaatly fiaraU. tka
aifkt rMT old aoa ad Ora B. Thospaaa.
araa aakad by a taasBMf to foataa for
Faaton' Fire Miaota Talka — Bar.
hlstkaloakakataoakhai«rk. WkUa W. 1C Wiiirht. Bar. D. OoekUa. Brr.
- aa dolat tka UtUa foUoWa ftoew waa 3. & Btas, Bar. Barelay doaaa. .
krokaa. Friday lockjaw act ia aa tka
LaadarkOoalBy Worda.
Hys8>-"BelT Qkcat Wltk .Liybt
rmlt ad tka fojary ai^ ka died Friday aftaraoaw.
Tka larya aaw aaow' plow oa-tba O.
B. A t. raa taw fodfht No. >l at Maa*
oaloaaoMBickt tkia tMok, wroaklair Bwnwwforstsfwnwwrwcwcwrk
tka aahoaaa aad Sra dak eara, wiiteh ^
. ■ ||
aaarht Aro and boraad. Th# plow waa I
badly dasaffcd.
tWfo—ko Viyaatto laft a larfc kareaaaa lasp baralac la tka baaesaat of
kk Mlooa at Baaaeek. to tkaw aosa
fooas waiar pip«a. Tka lasp wt ftra
to tka Jelas aad ftcsaa karwod tkeir
waytotkaaeorabora,irtsrctka kaat
karat tka bettls la aavaral
••pop'aadthaUqald extlafc
Mtshill Mtiiaaa taraad oct ia ynat
iaraa oaa day tkk waak ta wltoas a
Japaasa waddlay. Aboat N
paepU Iras Battto OrM arrirad too
lata for tka earasewy. bat it waa rayaatad far ikair baaodt
Bkada Bartea, tka ‘'Urlay akatatoa’'
wkeraaidMatdtaatoa.foals teat tall
aad walyba » poaada kha haa aa
aMar to trard with a wfld waat abew
aast aaaisar.
lalatiapii laatnuaaafo wara aaei
tally BSda at Maiqwatta Tbaraday
rakoasof tka biyb
a dlataaea of n ist throogk briok
Srart Wiard of Ypailantl, rnoeaUy
aiat with a paaalar asidaah WhUt
rtsoriag tka bnag tros a aidw barral
tkagM prnaaara waa w great li wai
blowB oat with gnat teraa It atmek
kls la tba aya. and with anah f'trnt m
to injan tka mambar. ’Bit bat wm
blowa away aoiae dliaaa foot aad hOaaalf knoekad nanrly off jklc tsk
At Boaklaad the two lltUa akUdran
ad Mn. Bil Orinon pUyad with eeatabsaadastkajMssoaftn. Tkasotnm ease to tko rasno. carried tkes to
a plas o< tatoty and ibao ntarnad aad
aattagaiahod lao flams with a bnekat.
A tow soBoaU later aka dropped dead
foes heart foUnf*. Bka ws fonad by
aalffbben aa hoar later.
Barold, the yoaag eoa of Blram
Fladlay, of Owaaeo, faU law adkhpaa
taU of boUtag water atad wm frightfolly aoaidpd. Mia, Fiodley <
Mt the paa on the floor amoi
taataaQy tka boy feU law it.
While boriag for a flowing wall nt
the farm of Bcnry Biss aaar loaia, a
U4achrfoaot Iraaora wM atmek at
40 foet. At ISO fst, tkay weat tkrongk
14 iaabs of elate coal, hkea throe«b a
II foot rein of hard eoU. and aaotks
U laoks of aoft aoal aad nndar it alt
^ WMaffool rein of A No. t In olay
' which Blood the e-trerst tst at Araeld-amaahiaoahop
AStoekbridga maabaea Mloey of
flrw-baaded Italian bare which made 7S
penada of kouy w tl daya.
Bsmott Oarpeatar of Okalnaa. rneaat)y tkoaght he would like to do a UtUa
grsaoelnm work, ^r plaoed a atnp
•ear a hmm la tka eellar, etool oo a
tofoewkUa bo raa tka'atrap throagk
tko bndile, and in reaoUag ap to eaake
tko loop M largo m paealblo orertars•d Ike croak and la folUag forward kU
kaad paaaed tkrongk the loc^ ertUak
waa drawn tightly abont bla aoek. aad
habiagfo»rnkfoptaaa Aagnodltak
woald hare it. Ue eletor waat Into tk«
oallaraad aiaoomnd him. flkaoatlad
ks seths who aamo aad eat him
AOWB aad aarriod blm^ ayatalra. Dr.
Balsar waa aaat for aad werkad
bis a Uog tlsa bafeSAa wm preaoaaaad oat of daagar. The deotor
acid that If ko had knag thsa aatla■ta leoger ko woald aot has seorarod
A Mf Omtfkmmt
V^J. Btfliii, OpfoMlv
Aidaa BsMdlotk -Fablo B>saai’'
will be praaaatad at Stelabarfk Oraa'
OB east TcMd^ msloy. Fak. 4. An
latarriair with His Oras Baatar.
tros tka Waaklaytoa IM:
Ofaea Baatar, tka dasear.
tlaf attraatioo laal waak at M Qraad
Opera Boas, kkafo a cbarslarUi
Mis Baatar ia aoi>
abtoM baiay tbalarstorol tka waU
It ia d.
eidadly oispla. kelay worfcad only
tros tka treat, bat aotbt^praMar
eaa ba tsagiaod. Tka ataya la perfcetly dach aatU at a rf*M atgaal. a
ray of Uykt akoota irtm tka body of
. Mfoa Banlar U a
ellBtlay dras, aodtalatay aaarly ISO
yard! of alotk, at tka rwy edge of tka
fooUifhta. Then etandlny In the ooe
epot bar anne begin to more and whh
thamsbadTapeifoanatU tkeladyhar-
pean oa tba moriag drnperis aad.
sklag.BM>tioa from the adapted- wrltb
ing of tka dnoe, daru ken aad than
ta tka light. Baaekto of flowon and
hoade of tko praaldens with area
wariag flag are ckowa, followed by
etarry aky oa wbleb the worda "good
ai^t" an wrlttoa.
Seren] bnadred coats aad vesta
cold daring the jeaiv lenriag ns
After inventory wi^ a»iy pairs
fine psnts, bnt oo line sizA from
BlroMiaataTalteIkaOcfotOowr-lfiaB KaUacFIkaTaatkfwckw-Mlat Basse
Tka Ferwafd Moaasawt for MM
[ SpecisV
which to readily fit enstomers.
aad for tbe aatonat
laee the afur cffacto
To close ont entire lot we »r« will
■ew ar«i> Worker* Bke«t4 Mai.
a ta ail right, aaya a writer to Tbe
Banltary Record, fs tbe man who tobon all day In tbe open air to eat
trsiy. but toe man of eedentary bahito, toe bnia worker, must adapt bla
way of living to hie oeeda He mwt
be well pooiished. for tov brain u inspnble of good work nules well euppUed with purr food, but eneb a man
cannot pooalbly fumlab rital tors to
dlgst three large nislt daily. If be
Ms h. natns wlU protect at every
atep. Tbe chemlsJ vbangs of dlgaetian will be Imperfectly performed.
Tbe etomacb win neither eecrete freely
nor ebara (be food with ckeerfol alaertty; tbe pyloric orlOs coatneta nad
aliowa aoeb ebyme to pas with grudgtng
as Mbamwto
pabnlnm. wbirb cbokea. irriuts aad
sngeata tbrai. ao toe laige meal s
malna in (be dlgeeiive orgaoa to taf
mem and putrefy. Uni toe astern can
fumlab enough vita] force to convert n
email msl Into ]iabttlnm of bigb atandard. whicb will be absrbed without
dlflicnlty. Aiwas' leas tbe table a
little bnngry.
ing to sacrihcc nil profitn and a
>'*“*• inrentment in'
“aoy canen. Prices
put on fonr
I%e first opportnaity of
the sceepn for the eelec*
tioB of mning soitm
Obe of tbe moet eneeeeefol mnnufsetsrerg of tbe
eastwiU display bis fall
line et oar store ob
“sorted lots an follown — $1.45,
$1.90, $2.45, $Z90.
ThcM pricen
give yon choice of goods worth in
regnlar stock froih $2.00 to $4.00,
I «k4 e\XUift’>MS&s%.
Water Cws.
Bald a pbyalciaa not long ago, om
wbo baa gmwn oM aud wls to bla
psfwalon. ~roi smlng to believa that
If I bad to cboo«i- Id my practfoe tbe
one of ding* aud (be us of .water I'd
give up iltc dntga." II ia a truth that
ta generally accepted that tbe eOcteaey of tbe variooB mineral waten dependa fdr In* on (be quality of tbe
water iban oa toe' quantity suKumed.
and for nnirt of ua water ia free m air,
tbes need be no blndraos to a
•rough lex uf ita rtnoea It may ba
haa Ik-co charged agniux oa,
(bat we drink
mtxb. but far mon
often ia it true that we drink
We faU to recognls bow
nnr body demanda. and our food U
bread, nmt and poetry Inetsd of tbe
fmlta ood vegeiobls that would aupply our needs.
Most Tbaraday algbl will ba a gale
The fertucr millinry sup at MonBight at the City Opara Bobs, whra tatik i'olnt which sme muntha ago
tbOM mdord bmaklng oomodiane, waa fairly alive with Aurrisn aolMatbewB A Bo1g«r. with their Wg dlera. la now onlv a wild waate.
atrlag of aeeociatee. prcMet tbelr let
wt reralon ot the Mg raaderllle oper
etta "By the Bad 8s Wars" which
hM bean aafoly rated ooe of the sry
bstaoraltlMM beprreented tkleeea•oo. That tba rwnlu will ba aeore
thaa gratifying gow wilbont aayiag.
M thti firmly sUbllehed fnniiy pair
has pattbalr beat cadwrora forward
aad tbe eritletem of tholr work eaa only
be of the moat gstlfylng ebaraater u
cermumptlort, la
not only tbemeelrs bat to thair mao
agera, Maaan. Dnaaa aad Rylay who.
andanatod la Ikalr Jadgment, gare
them tba adraaiaga of a wall filled
pane. Tba plaaa, play
you oall It. la dwaribed M a randerlile
tars aomody act to maeic. with aU tbe
aecoaeociw of ^ona, aeaaery ai^ os
\ IVto tfmuui RMEO^
tamaa, and in point of nnmbera, large
ly exsadlng many el tko opera eom.
paalsnow traraUag. ItwM eoaaldand an ambitlona oadstaklng wkaa
fint broaekad, bat now that tt la mUlag OB ika wars of anceoaa,'tbarn as
tbooe who claim that ootkiag eenld
foil whan Matkawa akd Balgar as
Tka aaaaeiT
mstelabosU dasripUoa, the i
paay oarrylag tbe tkma aeta eosplaU,
while tba astams astaaid to bemraUtwoe of tka deatgasb ekUl Tba
maaSe which aboaade laorlglahlaod
likely to baoomo rary popalar. aad oe
as tka bery «9 baadeomo girle, which
form the akoraa.
largely to ether drinfciag all d
ot toe Urer. khtaes aad Mber organa
that oeaa^ ralfor fimu alcokolle stomtloa M exensM as.grcatly oa too
toercas and prone lo ran a moto mos
I weW ms&t Aitfi mederaVt
We advise an early inquiry as to
j VnyAce.
Many people who have
aot believed it poesible
to be pleseed with readyto-wear euits are now
satiaSed that they poss
ess ..some sdvsDUiges—
No bother with dress,
making—no perplexing
. qoestions r^nliog tbe
thmminge — no nBcertainty aboot the pri<»
Tbe finished suit is be- fa
fere you. ready (or inspecUon— If it pleaaea
yon, aad tbe price and
fit are aatlafactory—Toa
can aee and know exacW
ly #bat you are going to
have aod bow it will
look/when delivered —
Tretbendone advenees
and improvemente have
been i^p in the past
year m this branch of
manafsetnring and the
samplee we eball display
what onr intentions are regarding
the sale of men’s
Ulsters, Reefers.
Many men coming here on a trifling
errand hard* stopped to investigate.
' Iflyestigatibg have found it to their
Five Cent
Pig Tall
Ihos ia a airoag pshabUlty that lha
ealabsted Walkar Whitaaida wUl appaarlathe Osadia tko aaar fatas.
Ba hM praetiaally alOMd arraammaaU
Mr. Wkltaalde, it wiu ba n
vt T*e BrOe.
•Whare the nMbe in tka atkar
sornr ke demanded. .
-H*i Hagfle." eke rs>li«a“»4
poor dear girt hM to hare eome aceoD*
you knew, and m the
wed yon M sock 1 docMod
For perbapa fls slaAa ka wPi
anmt -Tkea=^-#ifbed-and apokm—
~l wUbdsw my objecOou ta the
■7 plaao." be mM.
interest to buy their overcoat or
nlster at once.
Hamilton Clothing Co.
Please the Han
a Royal Smoke.
sit& *5uss&sib
Next wUl be well worth
examination by every
lady in Traverse City.
Too are m^et cordially
invited to e^.
^Vioto ua \o T«m\u& uou
WriVtoT, ttts\ ou Tftoufisn
fM4Ha»»»«« »»»»««>**>* ««»»««»»
w» ttav\ CUT Syst^A-V 9iu»
>PKVU &oo4s, SUmvs
I Removal Sboe Sale
Hade to
We have faaadled tbie
line for eeversl sieeoai
and coaler it oee ef
the best made.
They are
Hot s lot of sbolf worn shoos We osn sots yon
from 10 to 60 per cent on yonr shoe bills tho next
SOdsys—Incp^ them—get onr prioee and we will
oonvinoe yon Uutt no other shoe bonee oflisre snob
tt goods for the same money.
AfUr Msreh 16 we wiU be st MS Front Street
uus\ TXscouu\ Sa\s on
auAKCuli&uMuAsTwsaT. !
coutwuVug trttVtV tosM
Vane mon \a ana Vn Vlts j
Oar oonnters are piled
foil of sew spring goods
and yoB will enjoy looking them over and w* j
shall enjoy having yow
do so.
»M»««»««««»MM4Ha««« ««»«»•»» nsnsawtoibwgig
The Old Reliable
Shoe Han.
»'^:IS»l'»BC;'IHK’Wir-.^ -y-i* '■THE MORNING RECORD. gUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1900.
fcapnwt mimw
\ aemofTHEWono
« tHOUT STOniEt 4
» A* Jk.
Saaday- Pwallaf at 1040». b. aad
«tnu KMlBltoM «Via( vMtrftttoa a»7p. at
to tb« Bow *»f war» .»B«ii»o«57
atuweloaaef aooraw««rMd n«ndv *lffct t* How T«B
At» mmUag U OwmcU k»U.
Monlaf •abjoei > <*Tha Ooapel
■«T. Dr. LrawB AMMt o( Vow T«rh
a^pmnA Mon Um eoBBtttw os ol«o>
■ro^Uaf ~aah^oat->'iM£ lad
UwoTkot^r M BootM «e ePPM*
«fe*«knoMUMforo 4. pMliaroof- ^^d-waok prayar atoaUaf. Thaiaday
"AiSSJ^l.rtuUo.10 U» .rtU...
• to4o- oUoadoU thooo oorrlaoo.
mn— tko r^wtk
tk* l<«oor trofle
fa-llrY- MttkodtoM »t ttto ooplul.
B«T. O. OoMwr. PMMr.
. b|r BMmp MflOobo OBd E«*- Dr.
Otereh oa oonor Of Htstk M4 Wodo
’. IM«0 BWr>P» «»BPMCB W»i»M ^ortfcotfMta.
OtMolte }(wv ^a^ iorrloM are ao toUowa:
a 1040 a. B.
•towoosbortiBr tkoir roodm to pro
Saaday aehool at 11:00.
wl tho eo«BU7 tr
• p«y
ProaehlBf at 740 p. a.
ttot Um
Tho BMtlBfo will eo
‘ tho
a week.
to iarUod to ttoo
VriUoulM I. >U |k« t
At ih. >a«l. whUo p^porlBf to Ifbt
waortkowftb Ito
-------- '
, too OfBOt Marlboro oB^Ult
wroro oorprlood by o roto of Iho mo
•oV«r*1 dopoolU of ieoppor ood U
hooo boon toootod la niortbaro Qboobi
iMd. ood proopoetlBC ^ rolof on »«taooty.' It to Mid that llo Blalot to all
Oho rofo In that eslony.
Salravion Anaj. for aoeond Ubo,
toao failod to ret P fooihoM in Ueoloo.
MoKteaa laws f irbid a)l nllriou pro' a in tho atreeu ^ dUco.
Tho Mtaina of «h «ol|liora wboao bod
dot wore brcnrht from the Pbllipplow
• work a^. bare bbM ohippod to
0 and frtoado of tho dead la
wartoM etelM. prlaelpdUy ta WaahlartOB. Idaho. Or«on. aad (tooth DakoU
Abo«t ,7« poreonvyet romaiaattbe
Brittoh yaaht Thtotlo.
Hallaa Abdal HaBlA of Tarkoy, to
■aM to karo dooMod It vtolt tho Pbm
wapoalUoa aad ■apoeor WUllaa noxt
Tho wardoB ot Uo Jail at ChleMTo to
•boat to oot tha foMlo prtooawa (o
mark oalUraUor mat. Ho bolioeoa
ttatoveotaally thoLr aoltlvatloa will
ratoo tho Boral ataadai|d of thnoo who
toad tbea.
dpaatoh wv rooth rldara are to bold
• rraad roialoa Jaao »-«« ia Oklaho•aaiy.
Tkroarb the loBooBOi of tho womoa
wrbe took ap the matter of pUatlor
aod aalUeaUar troea oa Oolloce BUI
CKaeiaaatL a dtUpldadad loeallty hat
boaoaie attraeUro aad propoaty la that
■oatldahao adraaood »i par eeat
•«« or ihrao yoaia.
' Toara havo baaa rapoatodly aaprooood
la Iho loot throe Boatho that tho
^■ki are plaaalay aaotbor raaoial
■MOO pro of Ohrtotlaat la tho interior
w( Tarkny. The Korda, parUeolarly la
KiWdtotaa. are Boeh odoltad. aad aood
BWlyaoparktootart them apoa Iholr
•arW work. The World hao iafooBaaiei arbleh ladlealoo that at Mardl^.
Wiarbokr. KarpooC priaelpit oltloo of
eoalral aae oaotero Torkay. tho Ma^
BohMao are ooly waltiBy a tarorablo
’ to repeat tha horrible
■ark of raplBO aad Border of IMS aad
IfM. The OhrtotlaM of thoeo plaeeo
•foopoolyasd eootttaUy thraatoi
'tIoaeralMUM'aowaaddlohorMto a
jrroal bloek ehariar.
wao boarbt
froB a faBooo KMtaeky farB and to
BOW OB ito wity to WeohlavtoB.
,*^bo Bdence and practice ot bodoiaklaf bar* oadeiroiir a rt<Uc«i
ebeofo la tbo pom few yaar*. Ia
DOwiy door orer aod deooroied boao—
-Botblof eeuM be more Impr—tore;
laarr loxurtona aad wore todleal In
the bJtberio aeceptod tow* of hj-fleor Uioa the new
bedo." So OOP* tbe New York Sua,
arhlcb add* o few detail* a* follow*:
Tbe . aodel joet aow la Che bonaeo
wbrr* aaUqoe BUibefaay aweepo
ororytblBf before it to the OeorgUa
bed. Tbr— euabl olcop. wltb aa
la tbe
area - ladoedd by tbe foor tnoMir*
carrod poeta'of ooe of tbeoe bif
SBiad to biihf tbo oleepinf ptotfm
ap to the required belstat. On* to of
hair, ooe of eoctnn. aod la whitor on
top of the— repoo— a mlfbty ttek.
atoffed tall of tbe beat white foo—
When tb—e
are foUlled. tbe fall fledfod Uoorctoa
bed to drraaod with creai attratlon to
detail aad etofaoefe Old brocade odfed
with bnlUoD friBfr to twod for the
tr. hMctor iomm, pOMer.
Ohaitdi, Oor. Oak and Fifth atiwoU. haasliif* aod
tbe Boor, nod the e—t of armi of the
Saaday aehool at »:4S.
Poblle werohlp 11:00 am.
owner I* carred oo the b—dboen
Cbrtotlan Bodeaear day proffraot U theeoneb.
prepared for notoo aorrlM at 0 p. BIt to I
Tbia wiU be one
pleaMOt toa- Itandsoo aRenulDerarrodG—rfton
toreo of ibr day. and the yooor people
or drew It lo anilque brocade, bol even
of tbr elty are Invited to attead. .
wltb the modem bralk and Iren bed
j, 7:00 p m.
Pohllc worabip.
Sermon Boralnf ood erenlnf by the runalo* about tbe bead and bIf feath
Speeial ilnflnf for the eran- er oiuffed mattreoaiit for winter o—
are no loncer a mere fashion, bat are
^be*^bfle are eordially Inrltod to a iteneral cu*iom. For half a o-ntary.
aU theae aerrloea.
the ft-aihor Ix-d b*s beon looked upoo
very coldl.r by exiK-rt* lo byfivoe. bat
latOB (KP»t»P4Ll CUUBCH.
Dtly. (>otli wlib reyntd io the baofhe*. Cku T. Oteau Beet«r.
and the feather rnatlro**. a ebanfo
Oomer Waeblnfton atroot aad Board- lnf*4'
be*rt tans oome. and dcllrme. nerrof bet
laa arena
Moralaf rrlw aad aormoa at 1P:S0 oa*. ci-nrelKlc. rbeomatic women, and
Holy OoBBonloa at 11:10 a- ot
. Saaday Sebool at II b.
An*^55dtaliy ufrttod to thOM
cKounao iciaaca.
ObrihUao Oeieoeo ooreiooo will bo
It ralastoon aod II wtdowa of Vdoo- hold at tie Booth Uoioo atroot. '
Saaday Boralnr at 1040 aad Wad«Mn ia MtohlfM alroady drawlac
aoaday oroolar at 7:10. All are oordUUy loeltad to '
•ipdio Joba ParaoM of Oiwo«e. boo
ve^Matod to tho tooia of Ooooraor m»w. W. I. WooObomw. Po«*or^ of Vow Tork. a
Iforaiac oottIm 10:10 a. b.
-■•Tho ProiBtoco aad
daUctfBadyaeht. It to awriy Bet faot
la^aadtoaaoBaotoo^of tho *bw
Itm yaaht Tdootoor. that Vofaalad tho
•OM CM—— to the Vh—ey bM
B. yTp. U.. •:«.
Beaoiar oorrloa 7:00.
■eoaiar toplo.—‘'Uchto aad Shad
Prayar OMoUnf Thanday oroalaf,
ProachiBf at 10:10 a. b. aad at 7:00
.. bare ^-eo rec
ommended to take tbe fe*(bi-r bed core
la tbe winter Qoeeo vtctorto to one
of tbe ablDlof proof* of the efllcocy of
tbe feather bed. for where abe (tor* a
bif lick fall of featbera In It* lettber
trarellDf larket *o«a. too, and always
tbe cartala* are drawn abooi the bead
of tbe bed to abai off any drafta.
Qneeo Victoria and ber doctor* beUev*
that tbe proper way lo aleep In wlater
to la a cold room laxartoasiy topped to
a oeat of f—thn* that prtwerr- all
It Of
<A|Me*t weather a coveHof of
only ooe pair of blanken aod a down
qallL Tbe modem bed. eo caUed by-
■taod. and tbe balr mattreu constaatly dUalpate* tbe bum*n beat ioitead
ot cooserving It bceide* drawing away
at leait. tbat I* wbtt advocate* of tb«
feaiber bed —y.
All tbl* drain tbe feaiber* prevent,
and tbe —ally ylekltug surfare they
Tfor moralaf _-.........
VoBberahip lathe ChrtoUhn
For Spring and Summer Wear.
Frloes talk. The inducements we give on this sale are to reach
the needy as well as the warmly clad. We want you all to Invest
No investment will pay you better, regardless
of advances in tbe general market, we offer you at coat and below on
everything bought at the lowest market values when goods wer*
curious, at least to watch the throng of buyers who will crowd our
store during tWe sale.
Gents’ Furnishings.
A lot of stiff bosomed Colored Shirts KfV
reduced from $1 to......................
ir-KKisSTarr" 'ses.’’
up to’ date linen colors, “arrow’' QQ
F’f4f£^tq«';rs-ij:s.sS2^ Newbrand,
kafl made,
ma/lw to
Vrt close
rlivtft eacheach. .*w
•VP-'o- ..Sl’U?
Our best seckwear in all the latest 20
styles, to dose at •
Blk SapXU.
M*or at 4 p ot
Thtet wlU ba ao V. P. B. a B i
aaioa i
at tbo Friaada ehareh at S p. n.
The Bosieal oerrlM for Fobraary Hn. Ww. a Fortci. 4» W—bl—to* Of.
will b9 at 7 p B.
I the IMThe profroB will
Sotoo. 1. The
Way ot
A2aMt»£iArm^jdjt»aa. by
A lot of string ties, 25c values, to OK
close 2 for................... .................
A lot of all wool 6ne cashmere half
kose, 50c values, small sizes ®nly,^ J^Q
An accumulation of ^nter caps, val- 1 K
^oc. to dose at.
at............. • i V
ues UD
up to 50c.
25 per cent off on all our finest winter
caps from our already low prices.
Men’s finest underwear, a collection
of broken lots running in price up QK
-to $1.50. to dose at.......................•57v
Clothing Department.
A lot of Children’s Suits, sailor
collars, double breasted, val- 1 QQ
SsE.I-S^i-E'.SS.-SS: iSEt
ues up to $4. to close at..........*
3 lots of children’s double breasted,
all wool fine suits, worth double
what we ask, to dose at ^ -. X *29
..............................$2.58. $1.89.
Suits sold at $12 go at
25 per cent off on all children’s
wool blouse waists.
aowaMBtoMM. llatooaarMWoay aad
----- WaUto Oalarrh Can hMhaaasMdlaWM ^ Ihowaadi of
r. j.a
8 60
Look at our $4.98 suits and compare
them with the so called $7.50 suits
' elsewhere and wonder.
All Overcoats and Ulsters, Kup-
. *BMr»Vwd)rl1UeBia|hakaM
At 8 o’clock sharp!
tbaratoaobatlarBadtolao to- lh<
^htoa thaa OhaBhariaU'o Oeagk Baa
Everything has Its limit and we are now limited for space. Our
store trom basement to garret is j ammed full of merohandisa mostly
seasonable now, but soon to be replaced with new spring arrivals.
There are two carloads on the way now: Wt have no alternaUva.
We must clear our shelves and countera of winter weights and warm
textures, but howP
We cannot afford to wait until a stragster carries off an item or
two at a time. We must creates demand-a multitude of buyers—
there is no other solution of the problem than this, namely:
Sale Commences Monday, Feb. 5,
daoaaodaof bwa I Io M. aad hare
Sa^owii«obolr(aU BOBbet*) •rpopw—«*.- A—rgala- J*S*V*rij.
■ ^^lattw7tadybaforo7 e*elaok.
CawMoUyrtoBafUoh porto aad la plaaoobiolBtbo
Uyea hara au of tho rad hyaa
Mka (Uadao Dealal) aboat - yoai
r aV Oliltoli Hr OMirh ihit booaa. MoaM brlaf thas ta tha Bora
It Has Reached the Climax
on * bed of even tbe b—t hair. With
tbe coming of the elghtecotb cenrery
typo of Engllsb bed tbr f—tber mattr—i wa* iDtrodoced. and now there |
OlaM BeeUnf at B:4S a. m.
Saaday acbool at 11:48 a. m.
of women wbo have not.
Kpwortb Leafne at 6:41 p. b.
only 1—raed tbvir vlnu—. but. like the i
Tnareday—Ooaaral Prayer oMtlaf queen of Euglapd. travel about with I
tbeir bed* done up In 1—tber ca*ea
*VwrtiJ*'iBritatlOB to •
Borne of tbe rbeumatic* and sufferer*
trom cold feel have pronounced themcaracH or caauT.
•olv— five from their offllcilun* when
luxurtoUng among tbe f—tber*.
Soiwloeo hold la Oraafo halL
Feaiber bed* are coming into
Saaday oehool at 040 a. b.
well In ottnerles. and. tbuugb
for ebOSarBoa 10:N t. B.
drac tbe Oeorgtoo four p—ter to not yet
TbaS^ -Tbo Ooopil af Ohrtof'
the taablon. the gay—t bed* an mad*
Badeaoor at 0:00 p. b.
to cblme lo wltb the oeboD— of aorSonaoa. at 7:00 p. a.
oery decoration.
TbOBO—"Yoath aad Ballflea.''
All are Boat ewdleUy laritadloat"I thtak t would go eraiy with Mia
rere It not for Chomberlaia'a Palo
An assorted lot^f Mens’ French FlanJorBlai*. Fa- "I have b—a *fBk. _
nel Overshirts, values up to $2.50, QQ
with rbenmttiaa for aeveml year* and
be— tiled remedl— withont aamber,
toploscat ................. ...................
"OoBa, Bely Spirtt." by bat Pain Balm to tbo bnt Bodidoe I
have got bold of." One opidto*tlm
For aele by 8. B. A lot of ^jersey Overshirts. 50c valuei-^gg
■.fhOorybowoef Obioato. Mfathal
■Mawhaeohooaooai troM thoro to
A Bale that Excels Everybody's aod
Even our owo Former Efforts.
~Brminf theao^'‘Throadbam Oar-
. At PdMMo report hao been Bide by
•eaalor Bortowa on the reqnoot of the
Boat of ▼ateraar oryaattatiOB for
Bpaatoh war oaaaoa to M aeod ia aakSac Bodato for otaBbori ot that order,
40e. dSiamodof Ho.
tooaator Borrow* takeOtbo froond that
610. A Oirtot^ OhQd.
■oeh a doaattOB wotld-ho ooatomry to
aho praetUa ot tho war dopariBant
AathoBa. l. Tbo Klaf of Loro my ptok aAUI OBBAF- tor— Bvvly fealU 10
BBdeooold opM the-way for aaay 8bo|*ord to, by SbeUey.
- Ooldofeo.0. Thoo OTMt JohoIt erfaalatd o
$18.00 values for
values for
..... 12.00
... .. 8.06
Compare and dsdde for yourself.
An American Prieste of Mia In CeylonJ
«K THE ««rlr tliM M tk« BuaOIT
I r»ll«to* waMi
to Um
tbr ’poorcot. the lowlien. for* umptM u prtmu^tm. An oM wtIIlorooM trontoB «b4 oWMub tf ColOBbo
Us record! ttet
I mnd Mr vonmi to *«a bc(u hor
One « l» baa
not iM«n oa the rround and aoea ibnn
Mk« (W Ofmmirm tfc# row* «o4
nf tbn prMtteed. 1b tbes* day*, lao.
M • ftw BnAdhm n«B. 'worn about
Japanese torpsdo boat d
y Borglag 10 tho troat ao a BghtiaB powor oa «ho
uloMiatM shows tho. aew Kn«Uah
— .----------------------------------------- ...
j ^
t. but capable. 1
moDummit to a Oermae. hut
thta *e haa done la tha case of Heiaa.
Tha aeeompwayliic Uluaira*
turn abows tbe beauUMI oew metsmnal
The moavmeot 1* placed over the spot
where the ashes of the sweeUr cynical
poet of nussridorf now Ue. Thl*
strange poet was one of the moat girted
of the race of MendrUaohn and ilotbscUld. Rachel and Rublnstetn. Cbopta
and Dtsra^L He was born at the Utti*
Old town of Duawldorf on the Khlae on
Dec. Ik IT*0. and It was to celebrwte
tbs centenary of Us birth that tbe
Montmartre monument was erected.
Owliig to tbe tact that Belae dwelt fur^
a quarter of a cemory In Paris aiU did
most of his best work In that city. II.Is
girls were wont to stretch tbemselvea
upon the floor to sleep.
The leading toward the higher life
among them therefore naturally began
with the religion of the body. .Next
the undaunted American woman under
took to enlighten their mental and
spiritual darkness. She commenced
with her pupils by instUUnc Into them
through precept and exampte
plain, moral and religious truths ac
knowledged as axioms the nniverae
over. Morning, noon
aad tele, she dinned
» aad chastity.
“Thou Shalt' W steal; thou shall
bear false witness: thou shatt love tbe
Lord thy Ood with aO thy soul, mind
and strength, and thy neighbor as Ihyself; thou Shalt ke«p thy mind, thy body,
thy garments, ihy house and every ar
ticle thereunto belongiBg clean
pure as heaven’s white UUes'*—this ts
the tbeolocT SUtcr SaBgbamItu has
undertaken tbe up hill task of laeulA TAim OP LAAOBRS.
An EOgllsb minor elBeer who has atraetsd moch attenthm because of Us
Buaayslde did
much to cheer
Up the Orooplcg
MrlU of tbe
BrtUsb at a
ttme when the
Boers escmod to
baring evsrything their
own way. Pllit wlU be
with his tittle
band ^ TM Ca
nadian aad AU*.
Ifnllaa treopa.
enpturad a Boer
laager an4 40 priaoaars. Tbl* was dsns
throagb making tactful us* of oovsr
aad by akuiful shooting and a Baal rush
ttet was on* of tbs motl oouragMns
thhWB Id the history of the war.
■ otraoi oC atrena.
• af the •ftsMIh •
uroent to him U th* creation of Louis
HaaselrUi. who ta one of Ihr moat lalentad aculptors la aomc at tbs prsMnt
h Af*
kt a#:.
several thousand of these mules and shipped them.iu Africa, where they b
been u*«-d In hauling field guns and transport wagMbs to tbe frbnL Every ana
will remember how a band of these Unreliable animal* brought dlsaxtsT Id
British arms by sUmpeding at the batUc of KlamiHlaagte. It is not gensroBT
known that each one of these animals Is duly branded by tbe British antfedPItles before being pressed Into active service. The brand eonatsts of the nsaal
cuvernmenui Insignia, the broad arrow. Tbr accompanying tllastraUoa
shows one of these mules being marked with the Imperial sign, ths brundla#
uoually they would net hove anything
eloe with which to repUce It 01 night.
SO they *0111 the diSerooce and tumble Imparted, the schuo) would be a boon
down dressed as they are upon a mat to all Asia. Some of the pupils makexqutaltv embroidery and beautiful
la some corner, like a clvllls^ dog.
Cingalese lace, w bkh are sold to add to
Bister Saughsmltu’a Eurasian t
against the wishes of the animal. <
tegees gorged Ihemselvea with rice, tbe convent revenues.
which they somehow managed
squeese between the rib* of their 1
In quantity almost unbelievable. The
amount of rice an oriental can stow
away Inside of blmaeU Is somet
:* grave
fearful and wonderful. Bqncesed
there has been
gorged a* they wer
hoot at all
Bnaaat tims has alM a MMkber of toipado craft o< a c —■
«2^latlw^sraBt y^jg Ftyms aad 0*raap. •• t*^ t
■ wn bo aao ad tbo B
eatia* amonr the browa akiayad w«.
men and chlidrea of Ceyloa.
In the eoareat of Bitter SaurhamitU
lo a ehapH, with aa altar bearlns n<iv>.
•rt, candiM and the picture of Buddha,
aod thither the sentle brou'a alaier* to
their white rabea repair at atateiotiler-vaU to pray. They ukc the vow of
celibacy, but toay be released from It
If they vlah to marry or If they appear
to hare mletakan their vecatioo.
iBcludlnc all it* departmenta' the «oUbllthmeni built up by Slater Sauch*mltu ha* at length become a very larse
one. Tbe ttnrem own* the estenatve
bulldlnst asd tbe srouada acteral
acrea attached lo them. The lawn i*
beauliful with tropical tree* and flow •
eru. A kitchen. Urine and aleeplni
roonta hatha achoot and woik rooma
are under the coarent roof. Ihia white
woBian ha* underiakoa to do for tbe
Buddhists of Ceyloa a wrork they would
ant do for themselvea—elevatla# and
clriltalng the pooreat and loweat claaae*
amoae them.
Rich and eallehiened
Buddhlat* of Colombo appreciate thl*
and dve tha enterpriae nBaaeial *up>
port, ror tha reat—I obaarved In -me
eornee of a atoraroom lb the conrant a
heap of etLrthen veoael*. ylobe ahapi'd.
with a BlU IB them like a child'* *avf
Inc* bank.
•What are thcae thli>»a^ » aaked.
r bowla" wiSl tha
tha rept;
reply. '
In brief, when fund* eat low this deikately nurtured woman, earthen Irmi
In hand, eoe* forth with her maldvn*
the hlsbway* and byways of the
cjiy. as churcb sister* do In the while
man's cpuntrlea. and bac* money
to carry on her thraafold work amems
the poor—charitAbla. .educational and
rellsInUB. Such beggint bowls Buddhlei
disciplea have -carried from ancient
FViur yeara the American Buddhisr
woman ha* wrought In Ceylon. This
Is the visible. Ungibla rtoull at (hr
convent liaelf: A day acbool of WT a
bouse where BS persons are sheltered
and fed and a children's hospital. The
story of the slarvlns waifs the stster*
have rescued Is a touching one. Chil
dren are cheitp In the orient.
school la for boya and girts both. Be
sides rdadlng ai^ writing, the girls are
taught to sew. draw, embroider, make
visits the oriental tropics Is inclined
was drawn powsrfully toward the orl- harUly and wralhfully to declaim that
the brown trlbee there are born thieves
ple in their secret hearts are. Under and llara. ,Of these the natlte* of Cey
the atara at night, beneath tbe sun- lon are among tbe worst They have
•hlng of day. slswplng and waking, ah* assocUled with the white race long
brooded over the ancient fast, the era- enough lu achksvs Its destroying vices
Ble of the races, aud dreamod of a work without It* redeeming virtues They
for bar thera. This longing for Ihc myf- have contracted the white man's dis
ttcal, Mlsnt orient Is the swinging bark ease* In addition to thstr own which
•f tha pMvdBlum from tbs , hustle and they had already, allmenu luperlnducsd by uncleanllneSB and negligence.
Ceylon was colonised eo long ago ,
revsalsd her work, and knew that while people that moot of the ortgii
though ahe sbeuid live to the age of the aailve*' descendanu have more or leas
Bshrew patrlarcha. here was a task for European hlood in their velna. and
bar tn do with her might during all the crope out everywhere. ' among t
year* of it. Uke a true woman, her swarm* of crippled, deformed, blit
heart went out in oompasslon toward srrofulouv and imbecile as among i
her own aex, with strong desire to help sound and whole. Aa 19 the moi
them and make life better for them.
ideas of those to whom the Amertean
Bister Haughamitia settled down in woman went as an evangel. It I* safe
Oeyhm to teach Buddhism to Buddhist to say not one In five has tbe faintest
women and children. Honvtly betlev- notion ,that It la morally wrong
tac they have already a roUglon good or steal. They are like cats aod dog*
aueugh for them or for anybody else, In that respect—mere animali. On tbe
•he devotee (t*n»<f to making them un- other hand, they carry the Hiodoo re
•erautad practically that religion and ligious precept
live It. With enthusiastic effort, with absurdly far t
praysr and patience and; faith, ahe
■oy the vet
•praads her gospel. Sb* la tkt crusader. tea And over alt and through ail ta a
mna horatd to bar own aex in the orient. fog of unelaanlinea* that one would
a*r wcTk la an underuklag so remark- rather not speak of.
able aad so aoecOTami In’its reaults
Tha Amertean lady fonnd many Eu
that outside of her theology-, it must rasian gtrU. half or more thau.luUf
«lalm the admiration of *cl|niiaed peo- while, who bad adopted the civilised
woman’s dress without her morality or
l^^’^DItemtltig honalr of her ^orldly
her baMt* of Urlng. The gtrla seemsd
iospei)' mat
coraoto oh. yet. ev«y mother'* <J»u*hler of lh»Ri UcMI *e tlflit their «y«a
<alrly bulsvd form-ard. It ts tiol the
, f*»hl«n amoDs ordlnarr ortental aaUrea to take off their day cMhins and
put oa other Kknoents wbea they «o to
bed. n they removed the daytlcht wear.
White rob*, with fellow c^aak draped
•rar tt. That garb tbe suhlect of tbit
ahetch, la private life In piher year*
haowD as Coanteaa Miranda de Homa
CaaavaiTO. has revived and adopted
(or heraeif and the young native
maa BUhered about her In the eonvetit
abe has%«UMIsbed at Colombo. Ceylon.
The work the conducts there Is of a
kind not to be found aiaewbere In all
the earth.
The counteas la an Aiheri^n lady, to
thla day loving her naUve Und whh
pure patrioUaaa. Married s-ery youi
to a fortlgner. abc left itbe Unit
•atate* with him and has!since Uved
mootiy away from her own country.
ChUdrau were bon (r> b^. and the
•Bothered them well, rearing them' to
maahoed and womanhood and seeing
them eeUbllsbed In life. Then ahe be«an her own work as an Individual.
(,'ounisBs Caaavarro is piow Bister
flaughamltta. Another supeHor of tbiBuddblM convent of Haughamltta.
S npriey lane, ColomtKi, Ceilan.
la her religious faith she adhere* to
Buddhism pure and simple; as she interpreu It. the Buddhism at 2.U0 years
ago. stripped of the imagiMilons and
auperatitlon* thrown over it In
aourae of the centuries by Ignorance and
to b» •oirmiw In bMlth. <
B dnriaB tha
A gftAeiul people Mssei
TAt (toe hm canr la clua iUdc e«i
AaU t ask'ana pmw.
T«q hog did wt
tbte. vAea .
Our atrd cf Aet war e’cf>
Ttohpgm txik bmt tboa htta
linm so nJka nben,~
Ha brea Aierfad'bim from Ae haft
Na adds e'ar atirrod a bar.
K$ apt but fhahad a grander Mfk
Ha rarer raag budar abate.
WiA abb io /lunea aod taufoaua am
He dash act tbw be bbw.
tha own abip tank, but wUt a bm
He took Mid bald Aa be.
Twm Am GAmUa diKtwMd.
Aad vokrd our ptapk’n e$Bt
Thai utktaaet bt m tH
from oUea Aar wt att bam htMd
He aougbi oat danger, bead b ram
Wbere’af to Mr'twaa ptooap
Ja proud, tauhaal hoaa
A tak Aat rwrrj aoul baa aAiul
Tba mb ot fobo Paul
•( A»»
W.i. InOn 10 bh OVIL .
Hk itiuKfcr.
o'er We M.
Spr..a wide .al bre Sa*
He foagad Ae ocam b U prlb
A aeoarab to bb awap.
Tba wortfa gnat aaa^pamar ha dtStd.
Aod rrar aoe Aa dap.
Hm meaaee
lAe MV, her tbaotrad
Tha rkthm ei
bk eaA
Hm eAei>0 U. km km BwdfldjMi
Far woa be oat our awnf
Thh gkHam bod. be oAkb bk bam
Aod gtaodeat work waa datat /
b PMoe a etaroa! boa to tie
Tkb oAat itorbd duau
Amodt Hm d.di wb. dm. am
Wtmkm oAeUteMW
CurioM seOmb of pntMiiaf lBdb>
SMC •diion mn is T<s«e is
Mr. OswtMd deocribei the iUanMiaf
txperiesMol as odilar vbo had bees
•sfomsilr oDooRb to gire oAcsm to
Am SK B«a BtorrUtf sbovt tbe the raliag Rowot b7 the tKodoa o« bi«
Hj^J «B ti» tlBW topklsff for snproMra LoeoqxxiTT RbardlsUT pro«dsrr
procedsM ta
^Boartag. Tbr ardlaur
jT«Btrtl7 take oat tM patnii and
ASiB getrC for a frar jroan. tmo
JHW dag tbo
or bb agmia
«Mt a abop wbrrv tbr drricr b is oar
K WBB Isr potA la a etaita for
ipmltT. aad ter li^lcMiloa b rtTbr mao trboiairrBted tbetbitic
fwiaaia that tbe otola ta
It caaaot leO Jaat tbr euet dttr ae
pRteh tbr tarrotioo tras applied to
IRIltliil Ha. Tbr iagal dewtawnt
Mkda taoBtflra aad
ibat a aoeBHBfBl defcMT U ao memalB that
t*o Ms^sn- Botorion fur tbeir bad
»«»per» aiid tbalr IsteBMdialike far ho»mp*waiid
, *”^i!f****’’
*b>t seltber of tbe
*ta pava qsila to tbr middto
Use brtwm tbr cagea. ■> that a apan.
Mlirr pmoa. If rerg careful to foUotr
daaaical adrirr aboot tbe adraatagea of rtmiaga middle coom. nlffbt
‘ ^
tbe e
' dtiag aadd
^editorUl triead happaed to be
■toot, aad tbeabCon «aa tbe more radlg
»Mcbed by tbe oMopaataof tbeeagta
• •aa^i mu.^ of .
if w •« i“‘> “ Wiw. i»
aad ao tbr togar aad tWrf
to ait aad at
ows paw. tbe imaa whicb
bat It b eot ao rttk^ That ta ^
faiai latb troaUe. Ui order
ST& MoeMdrowa plrioM. I, to tha*»- »«»•»
fta htatory of tboBHDdi of fraoda that
An barn pot opoa (atlraad cwapa- ^ Ha “ied to rlt motionleaa aadbolt
IB ^ rroliitloa of ti^portanl lares-
- r manylhlgbly reepevt- ^
Ma nes vbo BO eooDM see aa lOTra•h that ta Hkely to Iprore raloabte
It was a caned
AiS they proraad dlll^Uy to deetgn
■»? Cba^bdia
gwetblot that trlU gM ronnd tbe pet*»*«>«»**■ ‘be Jagiun be
lted aiticta witbont: InfHngemrot “**
ortgltiaUty M •»**>• ehriaklag editor, who. do bta
,f|«y bare
hare not anfletaot
iiatiytbiag.bat^pooaeHae«^ ^
tom to
kind at maehailtral IneMirttr
**» oalU Hb dotbiag
ClotblBg teas
•rUeb makM tbeo rery a^>e««Mfol ini
te a few acratebee
dWara. Tbeae are rery ofteo tbe men
»b0 reap Ibe greatest liwofit from lacair>uaaiTcr^ Di-r/^ueB
fOBtkma that otbera otfglBated.
Tbe pvty in wboae brain tbe gem
Selle of a ratalllr. I
ft g great iDTeatlon or^ginatee b rery
. eerrea by Bapmtltla
dre mlba from Alkca. B. G.
HeBT and tbe improrer vrbo carrlM -a.
mm paM tbroogfa bb tafead.
eaA b really a
« a
^ |. *a|.-
b«r hudi tb« pUso.
And Bome^ay sweet nasie flowa:
I prefer, tbo&glt. tbe ooiseiaa mesie,
Wbon my baby pUy with her toes.
le {Aral
aad yea
beUrre^t. bat ineuat death b impoad-
Store News of Dipity eod Iniportance!
A pniteMor bar hero etodyiag te
Mbject. a maa cd reu«ia-B la hb
worlA aad be baa
itaportaai dm {roviag'i._________ ^
that DO oae raa meet with iaataat
ar wote
warn oot
tnii bb
iiu theory
UMory os te
death Be
dau aScatled......................................
rded by tbe pbeekOogy of.......
He elatesI that oo oae yet baa prored
eai-r bet'
a dead aad a lira
brain ctOL Wbea tbb baa baea dose,
That's our
tbea we caa more easily aacertalD Iw
luogattaaeebpraa befom tedMth od
celltakM place
Bat. drat, wbat baedlt To be Met
both phets and aaimata—ladading. of
ree. maa—are built ap od oaiu. eloitary anite which yoo caa only deaader te micrrweope Now. each
tloycdl ba riul eli'weatOTBait We
are DotURgbntbighlydev^BtlbdrMalta
od the iadirlrioal riulity od bogeqaaatitiee of tbeae faadameBUl cella
As tbb b asdenbbly aa bow b it
by ein
cell* which cotupoae tbe hraial It b
kaown Ibat brala cells bare their owa
cell life aad are Uable to lire a ceneia
time after they are mt off from oateide
aatritioB without tbe eopply
blood wbatrrer fram te body.
Doariabuieat la rappUed ia^de tbe cell
walk, aad it can go oa IItidk afti
iR cot off from other rreonrete
From tbb argnment it la clear to tbe
^'ofamor that thaw atiHion* of relb ia
tbe braia niaat rootione to lire after
death has apparently interrened—that
b. when death appears, bol only oa
SxBVBHeOttF aaitast.
ontaide. to bare teen inetaataoeoiu.
Balow b B list of tetaasiBg and eel^
After a man a tag b cat off. or
lag HtoH of yoBtorday te groaorisa,
iimera ynn can atimtUate te aerrea ------ tawaa BBd farm prednela la Tnyfor a king tiiH. bat you caaaot do it
theoelb are dead. Too eanaot gel
cay reqmiiw at all
Elertricity baa beea tboagtat tobete
genu of life, bat tbb b a laacifnl therhea ooofronted with te new laws
reaearcb establisbcd.
r cdBEtleea millioaa of oeOs ed
wbixA our bndiss ate sntirely conipoeed
contain the gem of life, and it b impoadhta fur tbeae to be rbited with an
“Spring Stocks ire On Tie Way"
' *?SrkMm‘’uTS'!rnrtmr^^ *"■***
S. Benda ^ Co.
A. V. Friedrich Block.
with ber pitcher
bneket of
water from a well at Hontmoread aad
d topol
M railn
Von can take liring celb from a pig'i
le drasriag Rbnda. and tbb same prdfemor will
Ugfatniagcaiaetbat demoMtraie to yoa that after tbeaa
lo which te well gbndi bare gone through their prepara
tion tbe cell* ere stiU liriag
rerr nprtgbt^^^
tbe knare b a rery
Her remaiat
Bat te enriont fact remains that pt
! are boDdradee of tba
were removed, bat the pileber waa left preeeui there are ao' data showing tbe
A llrlog lo'loxury,
ry. jwblle
Jnat where tbe deed girl bad eet iL To snppaeed leogtb of time it takre for te
» brreated tea""
anrHo BATnorTBamnci
tbb dey_tbe pitcher remaine in te cella of tbe brain lo eni|nr themaelrm
_ . p rich are straggUDg along la por- ,
asme place, and. ao far from being re- jof' te
' gem of' m«Kioasneraorlife.bnt
mored. It b laid that no liring band ;it b certain that ronacioosnem does not
baa erer toacbed it aara ita'a owoer'b
'ly after, aay. a bead
twmp That LIsbU Itaett.
altbcnigb near te side of the pnblk ! baa been cni off a body The helisL
A London flrtu hat Introduced i
Ibowerer. b that «t tasiet fonr
rtectric self IlgbtlBg bmpk road.
niicago Newa
News ; The
Tbe bmp wio
eapetetition anaefaed to te pitcher iefatw tivtoarreet life
There b an indeocribabta inflnence ear- I It has been no.ticed in tbe case of a
aonadlng it that prerenb its tonch. I decapitated bead that tbe ebreka remain
Bnndreda of people bare gone with tbe'red for tome miaatm after the eerer- "d^S^^lb iid srkdfalla. SOc per
firm deteraination of lifting te pitch- [ance. a oonclnaire proof that te celb
ar. bat wbea they approach it e strange ^sre living
repngnance cornea orer them. aad«hey I Tbe beeda of decapitated anlmsb
bnrriedty depart witbont eanriiig ont ,bnve oMidnaed to bite and amip at te Aa Bdttorta Ltti Raved by Ctbamhar
tbe object of tbeir rUit
i air for three or fonr minntea after aerlalah OeagfaHtmedy.
Oae night a bnlly in the neighbor- 'erance Thb^enumenon b well markbood. while nnder the inflnence of ed in tbe bead of a tortoise ee(»anited
Darlag thenrly part of Oetober.
wbb^. made a bet with aome friends from tbe body The life of tbe brain, lew, I eoBtraetad a bad eold which
that he wooM go and Mng bnck tbe tberefora. most be reuined for aome a-uled on my laaga and wm aegleeted
pitcher. He left to do ao. bat aoH ra- time after tbe bead b severed, from te uaUl I feared tbat coasnmpUoa bad
kaned as pale as a abeet aad empty rery fact that, tbongh being separated apoesred in aa Ineiplept state. I was
' eongblog ana tryiag to
handed. “Boya." 1m remarked, “no from tbe trank, ita nntritiona blood and
. .uld B
pereon alire oaa by bands os that gaeea. uken from tbe fnnd atored np in tajHiae alanaad aad afbr gite|
pitcher, and I sronldn't attempt it te celb. ere In enlBcient qnantity to _______ jtor a trial boagbt a botfle of
pgain for tbe whole of Aiken connW-' <*nT on Ufa- bat for what exact period CbtmbarUia'snonghBsmedy aad-the
I Be refnsed to tell his experience and b nnknown.
lit ISM Immedlsta Improvemeat,
aftar. I bad nsad ibi
aid be would Dot talk abont it Other
Do te brain oelkdieeimnlUneoiulyT
Bga were rHtorad to
partial bare gone to aee it bat met No. hecanae they have their owp indiby
>te.—a 8. Bdwarda, PoWtabar of
with the aame repnleira feeling— vidoal cell life Our ecienUfle friend
Ctarebad Plain Deatar.
< aim makes te rery aurtling rialemenl Th# E*riaw. Wyaat. HI. Por Hie ^
B. Walt aad F. C. Tbs
that in many dbeases tbe brain (wlb. 8
lallbonghttbe pereon to all .. ............
Tbe Chilean cosd minsa. opesed ia b dra A mar lire for three or fonr boon
, lE5fi. aeem to be nice placet to wm-k ia. , after iinpponed deetb baa taken pbee
. Tbe aeam of coal rnns from te abora
In tbe caa* of a healthy person being
I andenbe watere of the Pacific ocean, hanged, aceming death i* not instantaaad tbe tanaebare ao clean that yon neons at all OiRtnic motion baireat'eonldwalk tbroagfa them in a dme td tint real death is certainly not 4a'nit witbont maUng yonraelf dirty, stantaneona Tbe brain celb are the last
, They are lighted by etactricity. and yoa to dia tnd life b not really extinct oaHD bare a ride for a nUs noder te til rigor mcktis aeb in. which, in te
OCMD on as electric Hr at a speed of tO ease of a healthy peraoa dying raddnmiles an boor. Tbe mlnee form quite ly. b ptntracied
a Htecomb od well lighted pamaget
Now. when it b known that an ordinnder te water. Tbe ontpni of «m1 b oary caD Ii*«a after-being removed from
BOW l.CKKl tou a day. aad 7M mism a living body. why. then. Hanot te
an aaployed ia tem.
; twain celb retain tbeir life when te
•MMA where aa InstaniBwom light to
pCm Beedcd. te self (igtatl
btlag tamp |
ttieoi are mneb tbsaaBwaadi
• •m be more tea aeefnL' Tbe
*be battaty. i
Hys an experitBcad prerioas extateaceT
one* charged. wlU pot require at- Kew York pbyrid^___
“ “»h*t___
Tbe twad of a chicken a
»R»kB te moBtha aad jta anmcteatly atimnbtas te bsart aad circalitfoB la aad after certain Mimnli bad
to ^t te Iwp a.000 tliaH at mneb tbe aame way as axareba doH made It opened iu month and ganad
r. Chaa'a OiatBHt to m afaariatt
poM of fi ceota It tajoold aecnrety aad that if yon om it ta aaytem five miantoa after ita bMd had baa H« te pilea. and ha aeear Ima
iMted with a bottle of chaxglag aalta wbita whaling tba raaMoa ta m^dy dwtapitatM from te body
koowB to fail to Hrc tbe erant tema
of tbb toftnriae dtaeae, which ha
■■■ i ______
gad faiiHchltig. ••
The head of a cMtain aaimal
bafied madieal eCui foT^
nea of dwelirnr h«„^ e.
»« te name way a kmg rida temld off .ad fonod eaawptibta to light te
This stateawat may roond mthcr
l^a wTif^
BBdartak* imnedlatdy ater many miaata aftar -it was apparoat- stroH to penons wbo
bo de
do not know te
• Ptaatifnl maL this atao taadiag to |y dad A strong ataetric light------ Mperiw mcrib of Dr.
Or. Chaa*a OiaU
aa daaaroH
iaterfara with te haart’a aotkta'aad bak) in 'tranl of te aya and awred ^l.,bal it ta. pcrfacUy troc. and h. t point of Ttaw-flral and primarily
tcatimoay of
M Half and. aecooA benna of tb»
de of awn aad women wbo baa
them. Tba papUs of te cya followed
^ag life wbkb It fivea te te elenMOta
a Wasatara Wettarta »ar«aw.
f It after yaan of aaffaiaa
tbe light In ita
m eoartgioa and Infectloa It to----aa-**I find yoar pc#iHl tarmararypaB'
tbat ta to ay. temAWtaiaed that tbe microbe of typboM allag." romarked te teeiRna who
apoB te light a it
rrmalM alire te tbra dayi. that wa tayiag to Ratbw material te a
r diphtheria a month: aad that of book HAaMrtHB tedtattaBa. “F» morad ba^ward and forward,
HBBiOBla from IS daya to akra axampta. to ratata
Coetrary to the, iradlOoH of olicla A '
it. aad know from i£u his .
- dwer
tall hfadtetk
' tba
' only 1
It ta
iAaan'tbiilbHnate brain oaljtw
to be .']corerad with yoor oB
wbkh ta attire
r la imlutloo of It. »or*"ttab botribleteeasi
M wonid now adrtaa
It of BtncH or good e
:B ha dkeovwB* * Dacn don't aaed water to tetra
tbe real tarentar
one reason for such startling reductions.
Fashionable Outfitters
Thursday, Feb. 8th
Mathews and Bulger
In the Utat rartaloa of the Mg raaderUla opare'ta.
etuched. aad tbe woman
‘Bp the Sad
Sea Warn”
. . .,
^ . . ... .
A Strong
Regarding the Wonderful
Merit of
Dr. Chase’s Ointmeni
mm iT
as being
fiekml point a
, ;Sv AI* mMOf
od'tersr«per natlTtebS Tl^ art w dack ral^^pl^m U JSlSttertll eJ?S2mLt to
a«»T wkitaTWperHBt of tboirtRa- «»«• oonatry whara teomtid. of Ihs
Everything absdiutely new but tbe tHIe of the niece
‘‘i. J!*®™
.‘■qnure Theatre. N. Y.
35-Stars of Comedy-35
A KalcldoaeoM of Oote
and Ooslvme
A Merry Melaar* of Malady
aad Mirth.
Tha Na P'ne UUra of Beflaad
“Did tba andiaa lika it? Imneaaly. Tba boaa roarad of
ten and londly • * > iwHlIad te
priaeipals agaia and agaia.”
-New York Harold.
A Dazzling Chorus of Beauty
Ine'nding tbe great I
tba Polia Itargara. P.nvP
- .---------.>«-«l.«s«TK.dUw.n-
See Methew t Belger's Eetiiel|i Hew Specieltp.
nmerred wsu, tO, 76c, »1.00; bos
We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
And none an poor stock. Soap bb you know is better after
wing aged. Everybody who oae Boep-koow tbe atendaid nakea
when they eee the Dame on tbe wrappers, We «m gin ,ou good vslfor 5c, 10c, 26c,^V: and SOc per cake.
Fire Insurance. For Fire Insurance
Is. U A. BvlldiaE.
aHlad U aey agaaey.
MmBmL Timn.
BidffwmtkldUmbgria mUslna.
peuwU uS vomsMoos
r«j w.
™« bn. b«.
> OBtof teManallMatabalarferldfasI <w aradltad with
,.j. „
»•" s£,'r»,?i's“cii“Ls.s
IGIMBIM f TruTEff— Otty L«mhT Oo.
AianoM m
WartOas Ch. DSatiaaMTirM' SaaM
VMO Th«r Wa*a ■>»■«*« •» OHsA
R<BowSo fOB ifMO ‘cboirf " Mnd a
mm la tbs boafcrtora
“Wbst do j-oa
papw or mytAtmig mao wbo
^r' luqalrrfaMiiaTt yona
mam as aa aolboaity as aU topka.
•Ofask. aiaginc. of comm." raplM
fka MB la asarch of ortbofiapbical ia•Ob-oH-r/ weM :*a nwri
!«■■( Baa SaeUrtly.
^•it^ - dkiiuad ia a lU baorM
WB bo«7 kwHa^ at aooa
an rrfmiav to pSpar.:'aaU
Aafaaart yoaac maa. to^ sadly at
*a taasniplv ••Wa warTaptokl^
wiiun' xp nun Exxsszjr o> xs&t ruxmfL
A rrrttT Of^rtmw fa AalU-fte
■aM a*c«a l>Mataaa. Sia,
A pn>tt7 war to lirn*re lalaad roUa
iBd ratber a dcti«nun> from the (aided
nvQcta roOa Is calirO ibr psri-be. (V'tora
dar bocb iiaada unUI (bey are like a
common aaosage. Are incLes lent aad.
tbkk. Now tJc tben laio a1
kn«: brine ««r of (be rnds la (be c«u-1
ter of tbe top. allowinj: It to protrude
a UttW. TblB d<ae away with rolUoK
pin. tilaeolt caner. etc.. Is a rnurb
qalcker proceas aad it (ar prettier tbaa
old fasUlooed
rolb.. Try
■r wMj
iMuiuDe.1 nNu.
11/ ii.
Faa baked sweet potaioca make a
Bke sapper dlab for a cold t^bL Pare
foar or fire sweet poiat4Me and cat
ioto Blicea. I^i a toyer of tbe sUeea la
tbe bottom of a bakinc dMi aal (b»
a BpHnkle of atifarr,Blt aad a Mt of
pBpHka. tben anotber layer of petatoea
witb Uh- seosoolBf. and ao coatlons
til tbe dish Is mil. hartac tbr Ust layer
COrerad with Mta of butter. Add sufSclent water to Just come to tbe sortace of the potatoes, ttoecr the baking
dlab and lake one boar In a alow orea
OBtll tbe poiatoea are tiiorougbly cookfd. Tbrn take off tbe cover, allow tbs
NrfBce to brown and srrre bnt la tbe
dlab In which It was laked. folding a
aapkln alxiut IL
A putter filled with *TaroHtea- Is aa
I It uap-
IMNMK (be muu»ta .
Bortbera clilea wlib gardea prodoela.
^ays (be I’talUdelptaU BeconL Tbe adenev of refHmmiloa aad tbe coastroealcii of refrigerator ships and refrlgm^
has nacbHl ascb a bigb auu
bat It U DOW possible to raise frott It
nilgbi Im- m1<I. In almost any pan of
tin- world and carry It to any otbee
Tbta met baa been for
deiiioMiraird by tbr abipment of cai^^;
from Anmraiu 'lo England by'
Ibc shlirioad. wbrae an monuona trade
tniits. A rary Urge propoetloD of tbe
product of CkliforaU U now abided
eastward la refrigerator eara. aad boon
of tbe 0n«« frolu on dl^iUy U tbe
east come from tbat state Is thU way.
Ibc agricnltarists In tbe aonib bava
twontly bad tbelr sneatios dirscied
to tbe advlaabnity of dJremfylng oopa
by ibe high price paid for garden producia The market garden bas of late
years become a eery Important factor
RmMtoaqnala WAVtn'n WbitsjcE OP Tab Btbup (or this tarri*
-sod total diaiaoe. If tokan tbora
gbiyanduiMBa.itwffloBz« a o
M boon. oadi^ttM ooiwb Ibat
ws La CMppafe’. Mvorlula to glra
PflitoSeand Wa.
.-V •ati-.-Mo.-x
1 Basie, too," said tbs rad
S •V"-l^ tOAlBt
lbs BHBtyoaaR maa'alcxpRBtoa
^amrl (ram aadasB to ; eontempi
rapltaiuta, sUcc tbo
^AdaptM Prom PblUdelphU laqalrer. .
**Tm bad better eonnit yov diettow
“Hem. mind." letorted tbo nd
Of climate ibera sod bare taken eteps
In sooir cases to eMsbllsta pUnuUooa
bs a tttUa old..............................
latoioMd. bid
btd yooe
; aisrUl
Be Weals Oe Well (e Reeaat Bto for Iho growth of frolts on a Urge
mi of finely mlnraal cold tongne. '
fcd ft .
accofdlBf toWebst
•rUroh: addtolt tbrratobl.-sp<KiofuU MUGION 8MABES IN TM6 CSNEflAt
• vUlako&Dd
Id it oomet aoeordi
Bryan that If be wlabca to bold tbe .BUies iswts and then to UUnd poUta.
It it likewUs girlB ia the
'betbre eifts Per aoatb It l•e>laores bim to take a decid- Tbr schemes rcad_well add apparently
Your way is all right toa' salt, paprika and celery «1t
wcU haaed. There apitcars
ed stand In favor of tbe building of tbe <
Hn mnail young man gam a sniff <d
srlih Ibis m'xrnra. parking It closely.
-o.!. T1.I. I. -nr ^>-1 “
could oot
I ^Ulaga atkLjan sb^nld
hm ti.du. >■ an tuna nt arae ** rslaed In Mi-xlco BDd delivered safeBreak a fresh egg on the top of each,
ara^^ra^ i0toSa.N.:t la 4 oa4 T kaSp.
^trfakle lightly with salt, pepper and
omok. a~..; i.i»m.c ,iu.
Tbe New York Tli
••Look here.” saU tbe
merry over the action of...---------------------------------------the American fn«n «taal U------------respect .. whlcl, Me.
M "111 bet yon |S tbaCWefcatw e
Protective Tariff leagtw to Inquiring Bryan will bare to change bU ideas ^ f^nr to eight wraks ahead of tbe
Bi«kt NortbirD-pbsee.B; BkU.an.
laUto apella it •q-a-i-b-a' "
Into tbe amount of tbe church cotlec- and hU (adley If be especU to bare tbe aoutb. Dairy farming has become
*^UkeitSe." Midthaonart yoong
tlons during aJ* montba under the op- fun and whole bearted support of tbe Tery profliahle. MUk to Uige clttea
Baa. polling out a roE
eratloo of the Wilson free trade lartff aouthern ssaies. A consiamly growing aelis at 23 rents to Mexico: butter at 80
"No: I don't want to rob'yon Oet
-oeer su.l n-BKlcMC. Ntt. 71.
. e dictionary.
Tbe Boney was pot op aiM Webator’e
der Ibe operation of tbe Dlngley pro- president s man wbo bcllevea In a pro-rosa. Green ao*rsl>cas.BsU|aiar ls.r*l ssk MM B»IstsmationU broni^t out - Tbcra it
isv.va awtbnSB. boy or alakt esU> vmrur
was. "q-n-i-r-e. to sing la coneog- ”
■iirudra. Trlrp(u>MRa.X
"1 didn't mean a verb."aB<« tbe
wcair Lga«OXa-Hrs. Prasera a Saltkbaps not yet quite ready, nnleas forced
Bart yoQBg man. growing whits
J3a TeMberofPtewiaed Orroa. tol ffaskto It. to clrange Its |iarty alleglaoce and '
■ronad tbeaara “Wbws U tbenoaBr
lax«s> strsev
They (ooad (bat. too. attbongb it was
Barbed obsolete- Tben tbe aiiiart yoong
.1 tt. ckkuik- lu Ik. .ll»kl. wkkk d,u, ,k,
JSi JS ,u . Lm
BBB willed.
tertnlne the fertility of tbe noil and tbe surely of lire «
"1 won't uke your ntoney." eeld tbe
ee of t^
cbuacus near Boston.
Tbr first gypay
Iinnfk Ik.
(hs hxAtiM.
. _ e'e-/
d.,-.lJ. kpuk
nd bearded man. banding back tbe Srtery salt dust with cracker crumba ™iukl. or Ik. ,.»|bflU "My name U Bell. George T. tad put a small lump of buiter on each.
«. ... k.,1 .1 .11 ...prl-d .1 Ifc. m..r.k. n,i.kldi™ui-r.,.
TTUovrfkL tk, K™..k i.r.k,. .ko
- r~dlj kuriluk of .u.
Bake until iltr 4-gg baa act. Uemove to idea preseniivl by The Times. U Is
ui .
Ik. —-----«.ulknu
, ,
.01.1. or. r~d, lo ...k. . MB-uiUk.
whiA yon probably nerar reoeired. aad t pUltcr au>l garnish nlib parsley. qnlie the sort of Idea to W sipwied people
I qMBt sereral montba iesnlng tbe This Is oor of tbr drslralilc tlisbrs ibat
I, ouofl,,..- tw.U, --------------. ■ ,.p.r
idiudi, d.v.w k. Ik. .flood ik.1 Ik. IB-oi<>->il. roodliUl. ».;;;i';r;«i;;uTTV.“i.';7-.~'r™»
of free trade. However;
flflerent ways to spell tbst word. See- may hr aerred easily, when Uute U lim
aral years ago I was on tbe mcret serr* ited.
wllll.llTk.Tlk... Ik.. Ik. «lt.r.Dj. 1.. ko.lil.™ |,rot„ lloo. ok. wko« S'urtrtklrt..S!'*iuYl«»oS?l^tk!
Jnat tbe moat *nasty" dish yon ^can
<» ka. My partaw an^ I had bH-n on tbe
.rllT k.. Hoik- .iKiioD would Ik ko..rb.i.k.u...
BBasruu <ar osunoa Oss vtotOv sn
trail of a pair of sharpen wbo had a tuiaginr fur s hot aupiwr Is "Uiub tng tr do with ebanges of .-llmnle. It (hrral agolost Ameriran Industries.
t rmles of worms suddoniv an- I
tapertofy of ‘con' games that would kloigtsL." TakrsouieoflUcculdcuoked UBM
bai ■
a gn-ai deal to ““
do "•••«
With tbeauiuunt wr.
Mr. itryau
whole |>aa>
iwst record urus
teUs ui
of pe^^cd
0—,*^ that Jtine
June and JulT
s siiu.e
and I
_i___ >._^11_.1-—
..»• ______
. ________I rw-oru
_____ ...__lewruu
luai Jiioe
Unmade tbeoidinary bnnko men took Umh Uft from dinner, aufflch-ni to Of ebiireh .allratluos. This may not wrong, alm.mi fanatlral. opj«»mon to JTaboui to U.-sitoy evervihlnR green,
Mck. They were men of (ar inure than makr a plot Add to ll Utif a lea- aceiu to nie Tiim-s to Ik- a sum.-l.-utly lU.- pniieeilve tariff. Buoietblng more -pier eaihered In
' sulHciem to
spoonful of aatt a qiNricr of a Ira- cxplaiiSluo rensoD. ll imvihs to Ik- a (ban slleuee Is demanded of him------ blarkeo bouses and feures In certain
acdlDary intelligence and bad the
•e to free trade ad- to •
a of enitoredImaa
man of the wurld. Tbe apooufnl of pepper and one or i«o Ullfer of ll
ivlded supirori of aouth-. <j,„rtc-,s and devastated all aui
way we happened to get them was a whole eggs, mougb to makr tlirm voeatea whither the thing Into whl<-b era busltiess men. Tln-y
' “*** "i”''
o'l*'' extenslre iracta. kllltog
moUt; (wci la better If yuu <-an sjurr Ik.5. lu.iklr. I... .or l.nnu, ou Ik. i„ 1„ ,.k. ,„y ,.k.o«w .. 10 kurluk „„„
pure accident.
■ *'y partner and 1 ware going down tbem. .Now take half a cupful of stale J.|bj.wi in lUkkd or noi. Boi .. n»or. ik. ouk, k.w l„.lu.trl,-. of ik. ...,1k, „„.i,|flr. ok i»o|.l. ukd fldowrdk.
bread cmmlM, atlr Into the tuUliira Tk. Tliu.:. ik.i It l.,|kli. Oik^wlw Wkkk k.v,- .nni* Into Iwlk. nMx
L UmU t__________ ________
dlw..™,!.!,, Tk. .ii^-i.
packet ftwe were aboat 3(1 uf ns in and form luio balls. Ilarr n-ady a wBb Ik. «.|.|..n.lo Ot l,rot.Olou.
Ik. 1111..!., ,1... .ru.kwl o.ll ot ... „„
,„j .p,. d„„u.llok ot Ikl
tbs smoking room talking and trying to kettle of Itollliig water, nut iHilling fat.
rkorrk ...Ikwilok. ... kin.wr or k.t.u... I.y . -ion. lo ti~ lr.d.. It
lo ikov lo-.llim
wtably. : Join as a
Ik. ni,.i 1-I..WV. Mr, Br-.u lo l.k. . d,p,.
|M>salMy U>il. uropk'. 11..., .r.klr...r wk,ktl... p.o .kM .l.kd ,u r.roror.k. Mflir.n.. FriMk.-nllr Ilw inw. .u.t.lkwl .11.,k.
; man seated at a taUe writing and let II rook ontll ihc luilla rise 1,1. Sr. loor.. Tk. iwopl.^r. oior. ^aiI. i.„i I, l.-koor™ kik, ..m loor.
witb a trocblcd to tbe surface and fiuai. Tben lift witb wl>en they Itave more. They bare to laRe a dc«-lde<l ataiul in favor
letters looked np sritb
pro- |ara drarroywl oot only the foliage
sir and said. 'Coold any of you geotU- a stmlacr. pile them on a 1i<-oied disb
».------------------- -TK---------- .....---------------hasr.
ler-iluo or. ai hasr.totoopenly
fruit'and vegeiahlea.
covered wlib a napkin and serve with
past hoalllily lu It. Tliete is no ho|ie, \Vh«'D the supiil.v of ...................
... tba
haves from
am a little pnczled over
a tumbler of Jelly tliat has Ireen heated or when ihe.v have more work to da however, that Ur. Bryan will profit try
attacked Ibe gar"■Wbat kind of sons doydomaaar notii It ilqm-fii-s They are delhatei.or Ik>iU. The Man-lty or plentlfulneaa this advht-. And to view of Inevitable gpoa Manv regeubles were ruined.
enough to suit tbs most fastidious ami of work, unlike dlmatlc or meteoro- resnlia. wbh-h will. In any------ —
" *Cbuir. to sing in conoart,' ebirped arc eaaily digested, aaya Tlx- llon«- togir-at <
Is a matter qnlte Mr. Bryan a lun-k iHimbcr.
tk» yoong man. wrinkling bb brow aa bold. from « bkb tbe foregolag appe wltliln the |K>wer of regulation of bnbi
tuatier mneb lo ilie oiHintry whether |he rioae of tbe year 1800 ibe state of
tising soggratluns are reprodiictKl.
tf to recall tbe proper cwibogrspby.
maa iK-lngs. Tbe proiecOve tariff baa Mr. Brjan profits by ll or not.
Massaeh««-tts has expended In tbe
" •C-b-o-i-r.' said a scboUr(y looking
proved Itself over and over to be a .--------------------------'nual
■•a Coat. Bta.
a with gUa
of work; Tkn.ro.. It l.nolt. I
It apiK-ars ilmi when the h.ng Ikix •
methods of proiectU. ,
" ‘Q-n-i-r-a. rang ont a bi^. well fad
ctiun- ,!
coat came to us fiato bnglaiid Its tradi-1
loquire luto tbe fact of bow Froieettaa read. .. .
«M maa off la tbe coras.
nj^^e wom-y to give away the « «»seiliiaa Wtia h<
"•Ob-o-l-r.' repeated the -And maa tlons »era left on tbe otijer shle sud!
• •
-1 tbongfat arary not lmiwne.1 with It. Tbero the 'uog 'imve oJw'thM
•lliqNleb of Dec. 21 1^10 the‘^'-«"rtk^iKioa ofTbe
fool knew that
mcense in
" ‘Tbat'a aU right.' said tbk old man
.......... “
trade. That they have more money
"The Sollngen ehaiutier of eomtu.uve Angll.an ehmv bes will have no apaff in tbe corner •Money Ulkk 1 11 bet
bas been made plain to a hundred in a re(mrt draltog witb tbr local man prvcialde effect on tbe trade In that
tbat Webstar ^nUs it
ways. The relailve amounts of church nfariurr of cutlery ibis
tbat want. lAiug fawn Ihixc-IoiIi coott colifci Ions merely present further farts philns that there has been
iq-n-i-r-e" loa'
beary ri,un-hi*s Inet-hxe wonkl be nsud only
"TQ raUe yon fiO.'^id
j^lbe firto bave stitebed Isinda, with or without to Iw added to tbe mass of cumulative loss In1 . ximrts to Ibe United ttoates
time, a y.-ar A very small qnantlBapported by a company of snparlor
L srtto was a ootlon bnyer at Mem- for.
evideuce alrt-od> at baud which goes owing to
.Anx-rlcuD tariff."
mtulred for an entire
Tbe iuog,coati In Mtin or THeiira da
e. in Aides Beaedlei'a
show bow much more mooey ibe
There has been a h.-avy lom is ex- „.rvkv. As far as can be oaccrtalned
oord are cut ia a mnom-r to eubanee peo|>
"■AUright.-said tbe UgioU
.|de bave today under
protectlour»«« of many tlo.-s of forrtgn maao- no Atigll.-an vh.tr.-b wwuld spend more
nooUy Tbaa tbe otbm y^ned in and
had four yeara ago. We fartiiri- the cuirvui year "owing to tbo than t.*. s v.-ar ou Inceusv and tbe en
OMisily r»uud<Kl off to Ibe front and trust (bat Ihto reasoning
to staple Atm-n.-sQ larlff." That Is whsttba
trade is protahto not worth tnora
aboni fibOO Tben they got ih^ dicUon- bordered «1th narrow fur. having
enough i-wn for tbe cumproheoslon of Amertt-aD larlff is for-io diiulnlsb to tbao fiKsi a rear, it to pot.ularly aupary, awL as jtut now. tte tnaa
0 «wbo bet bIgb collar, wide revers aud cuffs iiutt tbe New York Times, alibo'ugh. In view tbe iitinosi possible extent tlx- use and
dial there ta a trade sucrat to
tall over the hand. Tliese close Oiilug of Ibe iustrocHre sbowlog ceruia lu cansiiinj.tloo of fon-lgn tDanufactuml lUe moklog of luecnae. but In moat
«• •q o-l-r-e' won
My partner and I waited till
tbe gartueots. of lllM-ral uiupilluile. form
be made, we van hardly hot>e for the products wbJ.-li enter into eompcUtlos coses ll ia euiiqKMid simply of gum
Bo^ bad cfaamnd hauda. tad tben 1 dreaa In tbetnseit es.
tbat newspa-;*lth .tmerican maoufactured prod-i ollbauum. 81am benjamin, cascarilla
aaiA *Come on. Ki.
oets: to im-ron-e w the ntmost posaible i bark, myrrh and ciqNl varnlsh—LoaPar (be BtekewMS.
"1 sraiked np to tbe yonngiman sad
A romantic melodruna of tarpaaaliN
exieul (he use and cousumpilota of : <joo Graphic,
One of the great im-ouvenlenee
raoelleaee—In tba 1 Itb year of its aem
; aafd 'Come with me: 1 want yon ' I'U
goc^s made in this country and Ihereabowyon bew to spell cboir - 81 col- cartqg for an Invalid wbo must remala
Alwm Ibe tost of the ludustries to re- ' by to keep American money lu AmeriNtlBs s>« Wetgbt.
tbe big old msn and we walUed
•caver fn.m ibe deptvsslou eaqaed by ra t" hr foid out for American labor
been seriously asserted by
( firm support on Wba-h the Iin-akrasl
low tariff and ItoroorraUc rule la tbat •«“* materiaL That Is proteciluo to a ; many p<-ople that we are naturally
look qmteao cheap They bad ny may be pUerai and Other artlcka of wooh-o DNnafartures. Tbe enor-,
German luauafactura rs j lighter after a uieaL and they bave
denned op orar ItO.OUO on ' (bat one
moui tmponaUons of woolen goods on- <*»■>'( Uke ibia sort of thing, tto-y
y even gone tbe length of expItiDing this
toiefc. bat they got fonr years aad a balf
der the Wilson Uriff law paralysed UN •bould remember that tbe Amerivna
Anterlviia i by tbe amannt of gaa tbat to developed
■piaoa. Tbat to oee qteUing acboed I
oNnafarturera of woolen goods (n the
*'•* framed for Americans and j fro
’rom tbe food. .Average observations,
Imra altended that not every inan gum
I'nHedWsies. and It to only during tba "Of fof
And It
tbat we lose tbreo
4. •» Tbat gome to one whiefa lyiU catcb
be working that way.
I’BsOa aad tot ounces between'nl
afato sdneated men ont of tea. Yoa ara
and OBOCBtaff: l' at we gain
«H right, bnt yoa may atU) bara aomoV%e LM( Bborh.
nnd It oODeaa i>y breakfast; tbat we la her vreet fire. etereoptieaB
when tbe Dlngley
of oor frae trade coatwnpuva- a tot* teas at -ut 14 onncee before
end tipeaifih denot
Ito tba maan yooag mm offacod
'Now. however, the wooton mills of tbe rles bave a cfaararieriatic answer
to the b atou that hm ii pnu on an arcrage
Wa Boal larlutioa ia payment for tbs
Pri«»-25, 36, 60c, 176o; Bob
. tbe
of sot pooaa; I'Ni we again lose dob
country are nmnlog on Cull tlma and unpm-wdeoted record of
MteBatioa.-Waabiagu>n Pud
In maay vases overtime. Denwad for , commerce of ijie United Sutra oodcr
tbe aftarot >0 an average of tea
ASNrtosD wool la Increasing, aad tbe tbe Dlngley urfff. Ibey ara declaring onort-s. bui ihat aa ordinary dtonar to
Sale of aefita Dow^pen at tbo
lam of American Induatriet to feel tbe ; that tbe flgorea lie: that tbe ofilclal sta- bealttay pi-rsons adds two poanda and box office. Telepbono 112.
CMppto Creak to great on sgiqnstta
♦ffert of Bepnbilean protecHon to grata- ; ristlcs ara dHIberately Inflated! This to two ounces to tbelr weight
A Baa oat tbsra amt a Unto girl witb daring tbe day which OMy aerre to In- rally aeknowirdgtog Its heoefila. — about aO that to required to
whom toaUly ha to wy iatlmata and tarest tbe al^ ooa. An
among totelllgent baalnaas oien tbe tom
Tbe Medical Inmitota of 8t Petaragfran by Tbe^dies'
be'isdies' World
Worl abowa aa
spark of raapect for tbe dying tree
"Bdkx Mltkl Bowarayaar
bnrg to aboni to bnlld a nnlgat lab
adBlrabte derira that wiu sarro tbe
Tba unto Btoadrowhmsalf mpmi porpoae 1a evrir way. This table eoa At tbe opening of tbe i
oratory for tbe'treatoNBt of peat pottonm
and tbe
1 of pest
too raoioTed tostautly wbon not to oae. eampalga the r
PAOed la Polat li paa.
This laboratory to being bnllt
tbe aroia beiag -asJly sproag off the tbe coantry with Ito greatest pledge
Ftortanav^y -tba reactloo ta ladoapegs at eacb side of tbe.........................
folflUed. Tbe adroDce gtemt of proa- trials" has oot yet reached tba dtaca- In Croamadt and to enriraly Borronad.
H to not desired tbat any weight of parity ta ao longer aq advance ageat: toona ot a reactioa ta lodnatry. tban
I liave peT^nl fine ^ew rig^
tbe table come apen tba InraUd. a anp- be to the direct oNDager of tbe boont- to bore a dlsdaetion with a dlffMaaea at a otomeat'a ootica. It to to eentaia
a subie wlib 12 boraes. drag atorao. both alngla and two saatad
■'awarfceaBofraatb# IMtatoof port can be anmaged at eltber alda to PbUadtopbto iiHinlrer.
whiefa. we regret to add. tbe free tnddwaUlaga for helpers and anraaa and enttara.
Ova ftifijaaora, wbtoh awaRtod him a raat apon the ahlebaatds of tbe bed.
cra do not point oot-Pbllsfitophto In- a toaorri la ease tbe staff to affaetsd
Bfiit oQtfita ia lh6:eitj. Try
imoldtattordBadal (or apapB date
tbe aickneat. Commankattoa will
I0M laaeam raad bifoo it la tMfi.
be effected witb Craesladt by atoom
Oider^j 1110116 No. 82.
marriage market atoo to eojoytag a
tounek. ft Wiu be equipped With ataaffl
la <ff t.OM loM eaiw mom to sprtaUe a few any bits of camphor
Oemerai Praapertty ta tba Paetecy
aoglBva and etoctric aad motor appUtom at a Baxiiaaa toalfht d corn to eacb case before roil tog It ap.
• aad a» tbe latest laraattoos aad
with..aho«tMOfBlbaM«f aa- Tbaa tf tbe allrer to pat away la a
etooe ton H wtU not borome fitocotwod.
Uvory ud Pood fltabifia
aovice tojHyan.
c?gLiiaKftsr— ‘Tfc.—
o. trzfHiisai.-JSA.ie
D* *.4^r?E„''K!:i-5,.22rSi*
Steinberg’s Grand
‘ S ...
Taesdaj, Feb. 6
Aiden Benedict
Hiss Harthaj^Beaufort
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Effects
Enfoy the
Good Sleighing
---- -
Geo. earns,
m siwi muyL
■• »rtt wtd tiM
•vrtd. the nrU o( omb. ■««&>
Aa* «bM tk»
lartM •«*»
t It Is tbe tritniMat
D cmristh of m fork rot
ter 'teirtec eh Mietter
imfbm »pa M MUTior dteweier
•r* • •
brad In paaa In. On Intlng go of tbe
bolder tbe colUr dsppe liarlf goto■nUcaBy.
TV collar la fertnedlof 90 placea of
cork, oneb place Vri^ tbe fonn of
«• laeocrira trUnglej with anglan
of wbicb t%r l*»r U 4*
and uir
tbe brigtat
t|f>-tO lococn.
acaap non
oresni ojo-iu
TV polato are dimkad towan) tbe
latorf^. whlcb girea tV colter aB donaUeo at lie pi .tpbrry of
thlcfcwbUe at lu .iBtertor ebrre
of t A-IB
- -- Inrbra.
Inrbra. . <
Tbe pinm ere cut rpdlally dEd are
brary 4e«>
. rl.Ptcd
> the folding
Mfitiera of tV binge.
TV weight of Ihr ap
VA (Wtioda and lia
oot the f.d^
(ChrMie. bewrar Mf -t
I Cbrtottee Gadehror le oow 19 yehie
'oChge. It bba wood tbr teat of dlBMet
BhulrHntaiA I
arb H
haeae aa.
Wbea I awarearaa
hdae bad coed a^e-oacb good
thre Uulr hara laat om
dad e dwlU lluir .Brr I
rHteeet^ whb a gtew
^ _ B twa trrtar■"
Mno-U for
dadi kaaw ahre «r dwr weaa wr i
fhirr'* a an on' '
i -Yoo dontlLr^ir." -id DHoreA
Aa4lbr .*rr;< (M mmi at ran'U Marl
I with a frtroleae mille.- "Se bare t-Joet
h Ob wtlroaH HM b thes IKUr Hr. M.
oplradid." Mr leeard foraterd. Ha.pinK
both banda .bool brr bare lo ao oM«o«h. hub beet MM. he* 4ma rae-at praMd
M Mar ta m> am uia hraaM:
(Tcotiuii.l war that Uondalr liktd. lie
dad I «■
I pewlmd a nioinefit. He eye. milot upoo
, brr In piraard eoatempIdtiuB.
■<Mt tmie ttade*. terdUhe d
Mar ttee <w toU." hr mrsw
(Oh. he OMld amr Ohdenui
^^wittaa.«fmaie wMtel HA
biww tia« the bead he ti\f t«A
Aad. ■alUac. hM U tnm Me nm
«U)e be bowed tew M« wMt He w«h
The bttle Had weiiiH the auae
•oft. hlrdllhe tMae. aad ac Utl mm»
9o lakr Ite ta^encee awar
See Mt.1 «t. isair da? hr
r light looked a hbadr atore tbonght-
far tat m werM ne ealj laH
Vaibal to rreee e oa/waid baart
<Ah.B I. Had. ee wWieaad eUw'i
___ ad with ell bar hwa tar Ha.
a i. Bhtteeer ta Betvar-a Megeta
of two bsif reitere farteMl
MHhM' wKb ■ blBce. b tThk-b tbeee
It • Hrneg
MTMf aprlng.
epnac. dretmra
deetiDTCi to laalBlaalB*
tein tbe rotter alwaya eteard asd Ann. Inn deUctiTa in oon of tbo la^ departTV opMlng la opponttr tbe blngen. < Bust aterta iwenUy when n wonu
I Ip lu-igbt and two inchra la di•BKter, aecurely faetewHl. When praawre ta eaoned on tbe two boldera. tbe
Mr tetaTTSteTtn^*^ tbre^' ^
with arrmae hMen pthdUhB eH (be
SStaOTWtteUi^ eMT.
Urht M (hr ea (raw awe UU Mi^
raw Ua re£a eeik .« .hr aM heal gMCI
Ahd M he 9oh» ie fooo en^hate
te He (be woU BO udMoae
AaitaMH. Her- whit, ead eBa,
Mr. BstMt De W1M« c€ Ghat
glam. ba» rvuntl/ lav«iut«tf • Utm
coOv vbM. MV«*4in> U tto
TllMU. «BM
t of fn-cat es|«>r1i
be id ediearp «r «ar
larl •iaUtU’ t
•|----- g ibuMf abe liSTe bM dneplj
Mirmii' a-lth Ibe r|Itte of Mr. Oe
WOde'e iartaUea l> »ir Bictaeid Le
Sort, the L'Blind Mqi«« rMwiI at
-OMat. ahi> neratlf «eai to the •Ul*
TM Ainu BAM ftCT.
Boned by tbe ^
drUctiee tbe abopper aaid
that «V wat nut a thief, and that iV
det««.tlre'a tnidouagewaa an ioeiiU Kp
arreat waa utade.
Tbe frtuoie drlactlres art known to
^ regolar pntrnna of the atoraa where
they are eujploycd. and )l la not linprutaible. wbm the sbupper aaid that it
waa an Itiaslt to be fplUiwad by tbla
wouan. that abe waa thinking wbat
Ona ntoce la tbie town which
rtialag nerobtoined a lot of
eenl yenra ago becntiaa of tbe onergy of
Ita fftaala detectire hna
beavily for
It ai^ It waa a etora wbicb by Ha nrraageBrst offered gnat toBpUtion to
from than. Tbe «
eogagad. and na Hw waa tV plooeet of
bar cUm abe attracted ao tnueb attoati(B that
in ber line of work. U
pened to pick op aa article and walk to
aaolbae coutar wiV it. a baUt of
Bany woaen. tbe detectire waa right
beaide ber. end Ve (ell tbet in Ibc ayea
of tV alentfa aV wea a proVbla thief,
even if no errent wee attempted
Tbe annoyance of tbii wenoea'a aoUona became ao grant and tba namben
of arraat* niada by bee waa m Urge that
tbe old patrona of tbe atore fell awa]A
Tbeyftlt that tha riak of bring mlitak«D fu a HKipUfwr ontweigbrd tbe advantage of the bargalna offrred- —Cblcago CtotmicU
"Jliar b nod orwd-te ererr ~epret.W went OB BUdiretltrly, hi* ryee Meking
bare with a great tmdrntrae.
But IMore* wa* tookiag away and did
Dot ere.
"Yea." br coartanrd (ndUntly: “H
don’t," pteadrd Morwlal.. "If.
Tbd Stfkntty Mr. FrodM^ M«
rrrr-rfione.data Vennd la rrepeaing.
“Oh. I b. i! pardon. Vl do yon"- '
IT Auiah tbm. Yoo"tear; Well- Bat do Surry,
otbiog to back yoo foTj"Wrtir
Ifremroreryoof .Irek and the eomngw-Tb.re-e anotVr tUing-I wa.iBt to M>y
■ eaah. of p«x.r rela- _tr>t."
Marf b.. b.»a.
vr*. trylt."
Tba* BH>«Uly Ur. Frederick R- More- evrr n.ch ..thcr.
Muradair Inwardly corard tbr aaeraaity the Ure edge of her Vodke
that chalurd him lu bla colurlru, profit- ent I'HikIneup.
lea* lire and longed with the fereriah
Morvlalr cdored palnfolly.
"Uo yoo
ctoncHrHtiM of (hUiga thu eadow.
AceordiBC to the HiicM of the taptcaJ
cbrtef. rteeiDg word. In
« tbe motuu. the tblng.
poeae« eetofnl rbaracier*•»*»: «• Tboj mtm hr dlrlortr Uwpired. hrlng 'nbr wlU of tbe Father." S.
T^y noet hr foanUrd opon dlr^
prlnrdpteau upon (be rook ChrlM Jreaa.
------ --—
Nlnetera yrara of (.rbrtetliB Bndeav»
«Brarterl«lo. of cMaraDrr.
I- Chrtatlan KnUravor waa dlrlaedy
iBapired. It le the will of the i-'atber.
The .prortdrntlal factor in CbrlaUaa
fcidmvor wa* long rtnphasUed. and It
Bboakd not br forgoii.-n today. Ita
lu woDdcrfol aVpu“•“y *" •»
•"<» to.hll
countrtoA lu marTrtoua work, *’•
Vin««l to t V fact tVt It
Bent ltu)>lred of God. Tt
bellet And. If dirinriy
Bay bellerc that It will endure.
lure, be-1
Inepired to uori a oaed
that la ever prcei'nt In tV rburcb.
CliriatUn fSndravor I* founded
John F: On & Co.
TranrstCilr, • - MicHiH
Hi Bicycle
tnameling- ‘
■!«” O'-'"' P'lartlJ"- Th. riH,
L-..a___ _
ttpo bndcaror
roDMltmloa. tbe pledge,
the conaecratlon arn'lce. tbr commit
tee work, are directly founded upon
tbr word of Cod. wbicb
o VH
ilhl of
away. It poraiwara tbla
cDiluraocr. and ilmt It may mdorej
there c.rinclple. nrr.1 more iVo ever
today to V etupValxi-d. Tbe pledge:
tbe commit“*e qf ^
Best to be bad in
the city ia at
ggniDleg in window,
aampnu tu
atevad and U^lmpod .riiboot »Sc»at
C^pcMtlon to erea pay «“• '*“-«
tba golf dob! And. worer Mill, atea
fun^dtra. Vt o. Vve a revival
"Ahr woa^t!" Dolo«A Vkl^ ^
In Chrlmlan Bndiwvpr. a revival of iU
face d<re tu biv own. Uumgtat ahe
priociplea. whicii are
b. . V.., ...... p.™., _ 1. b.J
«™i iSL ^
aaddraly dawned upoo brr
i. founded npon God'a
God. eten
eternal wtwd. and
ad^”' to
endurance of
conldu'l natter, and ahr
tbe njoreatent.
dung* tV aabirct.
lUV B*3. Tbr work of Cbrtatlan Endeavor te
"Now '
divinely porpoeed. It U "for Cbrtet
Uuredair Inoktd at brr carieaaly. half ud the church.
Cbiiat may mj to
defined fear revrallng ludf In U* wide
EndenPVbF.» "Ye
.c did <bit.-.w
ryee. Mr aemaed to bV aaddraly cold
,b*,*rore not only wlD (V
and dire..................................
movement endure, hot the work iVt It
.... ,1—. «... ol ,b».. - ta .l.b»n
aa rlf.irt, could fire bw IV poaltieo la
Ufa tbai would arm be hi*. And moat
•f tVm were arlUleg. loo-at wtUlag aa
V wa«. That waa wVt auV Moradate
You wilf aay. "Any nuu U a fool to
(aU la tovr la hit puaitloa." Uadoubtadty Mk Uoredair acknowledged It himaelf. But did that help iV uurrl
IB aomrtblag (dore gratify
forr thia
tbla particular one than
tog to
Vvlag 0 •live It down."
paid ao oanmBl
vUii and delivered an unoanal iHlar. It
aa poathiirooua and read:
"Tu Ihv uuly auo of iny
la only a few iboaaaodii. but It I* my
and like rnougb to Vlp a fcOlow urrr l
atninp DOW and then. Tu your faiber’a
boy. lo n-menil'ranre of that day of h
A Aarearkahle rtaeo.
Uriiyaburc. .when a *|NH>nrul of
One Booi-bru who ronipiUd a bietory WBlev atoud U-lwero one nan and death
a a remarkal4e and BDotlur poured ibe laat drop from
hi* uld reiitren Into Ibe dyiog
>lw da baigne TV king one day
bearing a drove of boga tanlag Bp pre
waaily from 1» to Mi ppuuda of Iron.
paratory to a gmeral. ruab lur and pro afterward proved a tri<-d and tailbtal
toiacootiB acraiuUe at tba aliip pail. frieod."
Ini'luaed waa a draft for the foU
Candy baa hero addWl to tV regular Uagbingly urd.red the print toi'oatrive BiuaUBl. iMiyahle to FrrdrrlrL II. Mora■ailon of the Aincrliwn aoidirr. taya uiranr by whirb
dal'-. aiKu-O'-y and rouniwlor at law. EvTV HrimtlV Amerk-an. One T
oordant aoand. might produce
ee barm
barntony- erythinc arem<d tu dance before bu ryca.
York Smi baa ablpprd
Traditlon dura out affina that tbe Holding Ibe .lip up to ibr light. Mora. tana of confrciioaery ^nrlug tbr paat j reverend gmiitirwan Bcratcbed bla bead dale atarrd at it. puxiled and bewilderad. bU ay.ieo und.Tcuing auinrtblag very
year fur tbr trxupa U Ibc I’blllpplnea.: tbiTMit. bat owing
to tV f
Oaba and Puriu Itico. Tbr govcrnmcM I tV toneare it iv aafe
wife to maarrt
that V tike BD eirctrt. Uioi-fc Good newa baa
Vya caody of good quality, which jdid not KotwitbaUndlng which. Vw Often juai auch an effr.4.
Could it Iv a Joke or a balloclaatloB?
wwBld mail from 30 tu 40 c«nu a evrr. be nuSuMcrd to nicely grade tb<
her rye. retting abarntly oo the color
ind U'a been
b(«0 aoeb
auefa aan ex■ . "and
petur. hat now"- Bbe broke off and
atarrd at bin for a ac bd. then coDtInneU abaroily: “Ifa all rrr DOW. I waa
engaged yniriday."
" lealy lo retch at
Alurvdale'B (hruat. Hr atarrd at her la a
dated M»rt uf way. bla heart beating to
■ It', all weer I ataould aay it waawith uic."
lie atarti'd lu hi* fret anil «bb atandiM^ln treat of Vr. Vwildenueui in hia
D'llorra glaucrd at him with a mlagling
Pijijn .
' lift
‘ Vyond tbla world. May this
annlveraary day become an InaplratloD
to Endeavorera everywhere, and may
Chriillan Endeavor receive a Vptlam
from on high that will give It new coDIn and new aeal for the future.
tuB PBtvgg Mititnso.
If pttaalble. noc tbe Unlied ffoclety'a
^lecial programme for C. E. day.
not. arrange a opeclal prygramme. with
«adreaara or paper* on tbeoe aubjecta:
p„i of CbrIatUn Bndeav-
SaikhAB Bleak.
crud lipMi I tadlitt Ry.
X. "The Preoeot of Cbriatlan Bn-
hi* bat
pauM. Moradale look up
Bible UcBdlngB.-ra. lx. T: Ixxll. 17:
I'S’SSSf! iSSnS-Ssi l|!l
Mid coldly.
A abadr • f dluppoiaimrec
. I John 111. 13-17: Iter. It. T.
*lri;* face. , . , ^
dS6B3ASI«8SSiS«a :SISa«
"I* that -^1 T<>" bar.—to aayr At
Ug—g-*wA C%areb t'palde Down.
mkI. with a wl.iful note in brr vuice.
"At Clapham. In Englaud. there la a
-........... ........
beO whlcb beara an Inacriptlon. 'God
«Hd. you." aaid Uoradal* oave the Cbnrcb.' But through knaa
inalala of inixrd cborolau | druvr. from tba tbla trrbU uf t V abote w;;r‘ltre7:u.‘Ur.;,‘:?.re rerTSl «>'!
^ilTud SunMr the word -cliureh- U opalde Uaytaa. w
evaama. lentoti drotM.* tmcoauui maca-j to tbalwBuoti grunt of the Isakad boar niaaL No. It wa. not a^dream. Tbetott turned lo go.
down. Tbe blunder te unfortunately,
rooM aad acldalated fruit dropa. Tbeoa , and. having arranged them in ataUa nn- waa la biarfc and white. Jii*i at aare and'' "Mre are aocb queer erraturoa. aaid gnggeative aa to tbe real aute of af. Oolom under ber breath a. the watched
m muy ebnrebeo. But tbe Lord Of CM OMew ta O read UagUa and ahair OM
Are pat la areled oiu- pound cbm of a I dcr a pAvUipa. announced to hia aaton- aolid aa tbr ruck of Gibraltar
Hrreafuv ii should br F. Ilaroldaoa
rvtreating figure *Mb i.naxled eyea, ,, , lover of order, and tV Ihlag to
■paclbl wal gbape. deoigned to fit Ua | iohed najarty. who bad aol thought of
„va the
pockefa of a uulfuru omit. Accunliug ‘ (be inatMr MDce, that tba piano
waa iaMorvdale. and lb.-aign wwild awing from M'."w»ale bad ireebed the gate, when bar
I OM of tbe big oBc buildlQg. "D Broad- vo^<^ arwaied him
chnreh.’ Vt atoo to eatreoi that 0«1
la Tbe Eecniag Paal. tbe tue of candy tune.
U an army railou origlaaied In boim | Tba king, incrtdaloii*.
ogpcrlmeau on the diet of the troopa when tba abba atruck u»e kcyra there,
.houatnd meant to him
icuUihm. wneb cburc(ieo-be may Vlong to on#
1 by ibeOeman govefBBcat poured f<rlh to iVdalight ofr tVeaiira
tbeeatirt |I ^,
.t.i. .ti,^ iu,o
i„in h
hi.. p,„
ru. kei aaTbrooghi
aiT^broacfal Bean mreT'waa bla Fatal eJacuUl
I ago. TVy abowod tbai tba conrt a bnrat of mnaic anrh at Orphan# , mi a blur tinted envelope i
dlllod of candy knd cbocelate to tb# ' never concwlved.’ Tbe explanation, i tent of fre»h vlolei*. Hi*
Im at.p. uader the anblle ioAurac* «
•“ exiM#e
—n 1 on ibr enreli'pe In dp#gul#r ruivii grretly Improved tbe when tbe crafty (wetete cboM tO
I. plcaaure and the Ilk# rutber
and the
ikaalih amfeaduraDte <ff tbe troop# u»-. bla flan, waa tnret aimple. Tba keya ...........
ly. I I
tbau to tbe Lord. U baa a lot of empty
lag IL bloc* that Uibc tbe UerBae being
tmlog atruck. a prong —
aet In motion if
by . «“•«*
oono sorm.
bad not kn-.- n l^tore. I ^ The light aoddeoly broke la
aeaiA a lot of unpaid duea oa ita rec•overumem baa leaned cakre of eboexr tbe action waa atnek into Ibc pig. grat- i “'2' au( h aa be
late and a IliDlied amouat of otber
Mcb other, a lot of aocletiee f<»
Tbe qoeea t
of tbe pUyer. tba rw t
day." aaid Murvdal.
ting, yon tbe running of entertalamenta aad for
irded SOI
SOO.OOn |»and* of ci.ocolaH la m,|tmg Mjueal. bowl or groan producing r j,, i„,i.„, hi* office d'«r and ran wbia- ^
no; niji that
. .
-pooed. the the prevention of duty to the church,
half pnbn.1 imekaeeo a. a (niriatniaa barmony
three flight, of narrow atalro. '‘"k^hunaorptiaev.i
------A. down
hurt aorptiar vanitbiDg from bar It baa a Sunday acbool that belonga te
treat for the troofia In tbe TrauavaaL
d rather than to tb# conAmcrkaa Jam uiauafa^uren are eooTba pleamire'Iif tiT^g ^mrkliag tou‘S'v^«X‘ w ith
kb fin- ’
* chuWr'tiBDcn tbar Ma
oUrriag a ainremeoi to add )aR> to tba
■ toa great extent the
- •
• dM b, Ml 10 dreaming of P*»t vlciwHudea
He waa l.auint eloae lu ber. hi* fin- ^
to tbe paator for tbe tranjtactloi
trannetiot of ita
Ita L* Chteag* ...
army railoa
It baa beco fonad ao •tonrn U
I bnalaea* and ao organlat and cbolr
‘bra of tbv new *(.ia «if poMiblllUee
Wbulrenme for tbe EiitUb army that that otben cannot afford to wear them
Ue knew
latetiwted more la perform'XdO-.OOn ponnda bafe |>n-D diapatebed Bnt tbla la a plaaaure with whid) 1 tbunt to open up before him.
It bia tal'Ol wa* do incain oa*
Tbr warm color aoddeoly awepi htf fiacre than In worehip. la your chnrch
•4 »Bitb Jdr^ #» A^r month#' eup- ^ bav#
wlib a thrill of pride tbai.. .u.
Ibe d
oa# of that klnd7-NcwV York Obaerver.
I ply be regarded aa an ornament, irrw ^
fulfilled, there « ..nld br nbtUng face at tbe oamc be called brr.
^ for 1IA.O00 troopa. ,
Tbe next waa rather preciplUle; bat.
'___ {------Iqwctiveof IbHi inlrinoicvalD#. Bnt ao j
a,gv||, lu, career a aocccaaful
eonaldcrinc tnac
that ’-|>relimiDaricv"
.bad ai*1j eon*i«Jcrtng
-i.reiimioanev .oao
Aallaloo lo Aoi
I ■“
by tba ----wealthy I „
rill t»# away With atampm
jileeare making ' claaaaa that many idtaa wear obamj T-l .k— th«re ram. a Itifkitie doobL
uire be'*pMlied wl^'awlnr
iwomraauiv u .i.
b”aV ■utomatlc Tetwr ' dtemond* exactly'^alniilar to
l^ that! a*tbare
kenv at
that way
t*«i of tSree acbooU ta any Indication.
MlUng devlc# which wOl d# away ' (bey yamrm. which ore kepv
at tbdr
tbdr j care
care for
for him
him lo
way at
at all
*Jl «r.
«r. wore*
‘Sui.iMtoh‘fi‘‘«.cfiM7«>cMtaebodyel-: Tlretinmfht;
the 400 .tudenu examined. 283
wUb Ibe oM atyk of “atich wl»h a Uok" bankera for fear of theft
kisis^ir Mtw reo»«l him a momentary pang: bnt. , Ta..— ..... .i.. «>. amiiinv tnn
aba claimed to be agnoatlc*. 60 atbelata. 16
poatage atamp. Tbe ntrw appatatu* r#- Uka a penon pUatoriDi
-St a?d aSa -om,. Buddblma 4 cbriailaite and oaly on.
CHtiftad bonkrn'
BbMot a otot macblne|aad ta ao adap- with certiftad
Mii A.
i *"»'
tear wre an adherent of Bbintol.m. dapta'a
tatteo of tbla klre. It «aa b# placed on . B«r# adrertieemanl
>1 to
te aU
all tbM tba p«tb# atrret camre or iq tbe matoOew. | aon I# to w >Hfay that be or abe caa aivaatamount of capital^half#
Sy putting a iMffy In |Ui# atet tb# let- ford to lao'
Hr U thru* Into a otot and. —
akaaget a dry or ribbre «ump puu a
Utretcbed band io reielTe
reSelre bIm.
U P“
atamp oa tb# canter of tb# letter, wbea
A BaeUvrmea bar.
"8o glad lo tee you." *be aaid. with YumMlke^tirce” ^Ub'
to abow ao». of «b#
H can be droppad lot^ tbe box. Tb#
PrcMldant of tbe OompaB^—I gaoB
BaeblB# caaoete tb# map with tb#
i !s
Tltt Hn lirqnttt Biiinti
Eazsi’.i ■|Tf
ggUSt&:l I !!1
, '“SSASW.
UIRB ID Hminii I. L
gate. UB# irf day
t ane dlffe
m of otampa. If tbla'
a wbicb Ha HreBtor taopa. It
grUi (te'away wHt tb* praoent mndter
ad atamp and prov# as acouoBlcal daptaa ter tbe po#tal aaroiea.
of a
been ' SLiifk! Hartette ton*grv *^d^*re ‘
_____________ that be knowa
that tf aa asprem lyaln raunlag 60 about tb# bdtiu«B tban weda—Hew
hOm an bov day aM night wltboA
atapptegju^ ft « H«r .aM rm n Boa# of tb# amcblUH for Biking
,________________ __ -jk^ k>k I
apaoM jMt about aMoi
te bti l«g."-Watiangtoa Poet.
which ar# Mod la tima# daya
dH «r tb# ali«l# nadi by tb# aaitb la Mtcheg
la aBtsatoaud
Mb yoarty temfiF uvoBd tba asa. tan oat about 1.600.000 Batch## dally, fmm* d«BH B ber. a saddea wmatn M
llav tet tbte moan# cti^ ba rvn- ar about MO.000.000 anuually.
bla tec#.
MtedbyatedyidadBtluffiaBd.tak^ that aa tba Maodard af Baasarw
tba »HiHt dted Mar vuBld b#
a iMto dteibte aad tha tertbaM TMM#
<b* t iliwipi dt l#a#l » Bitea.
Tb# vtM attalus ■ gnat ag#. coBtiB
•tag tatittal for at iaMt 400 yasn. It
Ii ap^oBlH^ agMl H-lhaoak aa B"
TbouM biunaalty prorre talas. God
win #tm b# trtM.
It I* bard woit umkliig aa sugar
but# witb a glBl«L
Ttm prluctplea are aa aodurtug as
tba tkroM of Ood.
Tbe aaa who walks with Ood uertr
has to boat bla o<
TbM* were nenr ao SMuy <
door# to Cbristlaaity as now.
young pHipte of today bum put tba
aBtnpriaa. caiboslaBn: «oergy. darw
-Good! i*n go wite «eo e< tbia aggrcaalT# bsMuMi aa# teLawyer-Good!
baaa't Bate bk wflL- H tbMr nOgteb «b4 into tbMt cb»db
WHb aad m-PTHbytoMaa.
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