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The Morning Record, January 31, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
TUii Yew—Mo. ttS
»««.>o lo O” •!«»* »
yrilM K<m> 9t oaiiw-^M M«a
■hikk fcf «-«l
ke* sCoIr WM • Toa* of tko BoM, wkO
mof tk* posiUao mm7 U of«*r«o
owkUtkoato doMMT ka moMo
■a(lu« to
Mtite** !>■»»*■*
SmbU of «k* Mm S*» OtatM.
UM0B.J*kM>TM*pMA of th*
»M >M4 «kl* MTBtir M tk*
* *«a tk*
»M>*< Ik* >*dw ik»m IkM H >* tk*
of Ik* q*MB
«o*MOfM>art»ta«*eB------------•Wt lk*CTM dMMlM WkiJfc •*••
itkowpInloeootkAfrtn. 'Ik*
MlMTlaf aMTMt Iraa M* *»M*b
okmtkaMilMAaMMCcrtk* foronMBiky«ko q*Mi.
•>to natottar «k* lawlao of ay
■oaw omMOOTtoBM ky
wj tk* koatk
AtrtaM E*fokU* M tk* Ohuf* 'm*
•M*. ay pwpU koTv--------- -“»•
■ tokk* oppMa
I mU* to IkfM. wwl Ik* borelMDof
f'; ■j*eUU*Ml*«k*t*UMd uj Milor*
O.d«M».MWk0 Uodod 10 OO
wUk tkoa. M«o ao( f*U*e *k*rt of
of «*r aOUtoiy
•'laadaaply frtaaad that ao aooy
potoaUa Itoat kara fkltoo k wartfina,
>oi I ba«a «pltoaatad,wttk tka kaarttoat
th* pakrtotto
witk wklak
■ ail
ofay mv—i
a koM
ka«* aoa* toward to akara to tka
oeaM* flalrar of ikafr layarlal to<
Lull t aa aeatdaat that 1 akaU
BOtlaok to tkaa toaate wkaa laitert tkaa to aattoa aad taaaw tbair
....tb.* aatU tkqy kaa* tooacht tkto
r tka ailataMM of tka
Man ato tka aaartina of lla aaaMimar *■
** * ▼totortoa* ooo«Tk# prortoto* to aiUtoiy Mpaidl.
toraaaab* Ur«aly toaraaaad oa aaooaBtol tk* abar«* to aUliary oparatoaMtoSaatb&lriaa. ToowUlaot,!
' ' a aayoaUty
raqatoad to ptoea oar
ratfaa oa a laral with to jaapoaaCbOI«a wkMk to foaaaadoa of ao fraat aa
oapir* ka* Uid apoa aa
“I nmaiiiTn-' yoar daUMratloaa at
tktoaa<ka*tlat to toblaatoaad
CvSdaaa* of dlalfkty Ood.**
•" ---"-»* of to Irtok
WB>* ao-aot froa to opadlof aaaatoa
of parUaoaai. Thay haU a »*atiar
aad daatdad baaaBfortk to aat tofatka;.
•Aa war ottM aaaooadtd at add•ICkt that It had raaaltad ee aaw*
from doath Afriaa bayoad a Maaf*
from Oaaaral Lard tobarta doalarla*
tottoaltaatfoa waa auakaayad. aad
aaatiaaatt—-------tor* la acthlatol topertaao* fioat
Brwybody kotUl la to dprk aoaawa
toe to wkaraaboata of 0*^ Lyttto
toa'k toicad* aad Lord ttoadoaald'a
aoaatod troapa. aad tkoafk tor* I* ao
• to aappoa* tot tkay
toatolamom toTactotataly. tkara
haoartolsaMMtef aaalatyte tidlacatM tow. MtaawWIato oaly
totaUlCOM* ti tot oeatayad la to
oaatotyltota. ‘rkaaaaraaByatlaerw.
b.1 Ibw .W, Wl«l. U»
.....UUII U»1 0«».I
u.,. u li^ • n, iwa b_ «»t
4MnrtteaU.tra.l.].UMli.pM Ui.
U a. lo .1
1.9-*. •!»
MOUra Spio to. too.
—-- o(U
— ------------ -aad ala toalag. *klla Oaaaral Lyttol.
aaaprorloaalTloBtltkiUador woi ‘
od. Tkl*.ofao*ra*.l**d*ttoto-to
yMtottoa of aa appaUlar roll of daato
to to raak aad tl*.
Altotcrf taaBtlUaa awaac to of*
of to rf tk dirlakM to woaat«d tolfBd* to tk* attaak oa dptoa kap
Jaa. *4 laaaad by to war efto^ akowa
tot to oCtara war* klUad to M
woaadad. wkUaaUaraatm atolap
Malordtreaeof to Baato (kw.
rokiTT to u waa wan ktUad, M
OoloBsl OMbsl Shot Down la
Vntfikfort, Sy.
0«Mral Boltar te opaorwtlyM*
iKOiadldato Bor Bonner of X«■MkOMo. Ikok
loiMt «ooMlty IM
taofey Tlota fi aa
Mardto B*n**l Mol* Vlr*d V**r
Ik* ffortHiM of tMl kotoi^T
Btou Oapltol. Oaa taklag Bflkew
Oanv Kwa Vet (Mptaia*~UtM*
«k*TlM*a«olk*rloiAlaf ateMar■aanawaat BraypUa.
LeM Eokorta to nld to
Bf«akfOrt.Ky.. Jaa. M—A darlag atkovo aivtoM tkto M*».
It to rot*wpt
waa nada tkia ■ocalag apoa
Mod to aOitory took* waickt ttet
0*0wol Wkito mm ooljr UM OBOtka- tka Ufa .of Od. Wailaw 6o*k*l. to
for goraraor la
to raent alretioa. oad k* U« at proaaat nry oaor dtathk dow-.
oadkoowtoc kto
Mr. Ooakd waapaadag throagk to
ooa*to**d tkot Wkito wiU a*k* u
Mtoitpt to aot kto «r»y eot »t ooy ooto ataU boat* yard at 11:10 Ub woramg.
tfk* NM*wlk*ecd«r to ■orr^dor wkaa a molror waa drad at hlw bow
to*oatot. botMok u *Btorprt** to
aoaoBd atory wiadow of aa oM«*
M ottoriy kopatoa. ud aoa baUdlng dlroetly aa«t of to eapltol
boUdiag, aod be fell to to greoad.
ooly oBtoll * haory aaoHlaa of Uf*.
Tka aoWoat dcnoalttoa ok dafaoaa Bb koad waa aapportod by JarkJhJnB.
wbo waa waliribg with hlw at tka dw*
wot ocala to aaaioo today, oad it
laoroad that aazlaty aboat Ballark tk*abotw*Ba*ad.
Aj OoIomT Ooab*I lay OB the groaad
0*0 oaalUoo to OKproattd by Lard B«b>
«rto, a* ulaa ka f*U aafa’y aoatb
«k* L!tU* ‘Toc^ wiU kto baary aU of tow BtriWag don. bat i
tomoaport. troto ka wUl roa tka m*a towtaki^afleet.
daatar of hartoc kto------------'“•*— - Th* flrata]
aboat alBo laabw taalow to arm pit oa
tk* right eld* of U* body, aad bad
ponrd tbroagh part of tk* laag.
Phyddaa* that attoadad tka woaad.
Batoaaad by da^ea «»y*Taatird^ ad aaaa tkoagkt at drat tot to woaad
aot pro** total aalaw oowplba▲a aa loaolnat Mtot Vadar
tloa* akoald arlaa. -Xkia afi
to Baaferaptoy Iwvbowanr.to eoadiUoa ofto aaifarar
Claaalt aoart adjaaraad ywtarday af- waa werar. aad nry gran laara
a* to kb raaonry.
Aa aeeo aa It waa kaowa tot Onbal
wMBhat, to
nflad. A largo «rowd orwad with
to tk* Baaord aowa tlw* *r>. Maw- ridw oad ranlnn at
>b bad bata aarraadarad by hit to balldlag trow wklak to abootteg
boadawaa. kia brotkar Oaaid. far aattafaatloa la to aaaa of a dabt owad by
Tka erowd eaptarad Barlaa Wktttokor. a fanaar, whom tkay oaooaed of
a tirto Bapid* attoraay.
to orlwa. Tkay wan boaUlag klw
Twtarday Xaweowb a^tarad la tk* oloag. owU nlw of -Baag kiml''
aoart to tkowad tot ha to aot ■•StrlBg klmopt- -dkoet biw^” ate.
to aaltafy tk* aeeoaat B* kaggad for protaottoa, aad pretaat'Uah WM la to aatrkbarkaod of BMO ad tot It glrn tlwa, k* ooald pron
tU and* aa awiyawaat of aU hi* prop, hta laaoeaan. 1km ravolnr* won
tytoklaaradllo**. ai
foaad OB hta paraoa. bat aaaa of tkaa
akowad ladleatloo* of karlBg ban
Tbawkttarof towotlos fortoearIty fir aoaU la tka «aa* of Boy Oalkrl*
Thirty n-aain afiar the abootlag
ra Wrlto-Blywaa Oc- wo* ooetlaaad to aaotbor air*ay took plao* la a aaloon
tk* aext tarwof aoart. Tka partlea half a bloek away, la wblek Ika
io bof* to pririiac* of aoUela* wmiaan (oolond) waaakotaad it ta
w*o for trial.
tbooght fatally wounded by Craig
Irelaad of LoaUTUle, a white man. la
tk* mb to the auta bona* Irelaad aod
WlUiaaw ooUlded. Tka aagro atrnok
Irabad. wbo drew a ptetol aad Cr*d.
Bawtag OlreU of Travara* Bay Blva
Mawbaraof thelagfa
■qjoyb^ HotpdIaUty of Mr. to
kagaa to aqod maeagw to tbair «oaHta. D. K. KaKaUaa.
adtan^aaaooBM It waa kaowa tot
Tko Bawtag aral* of Traaaiat Boy Oookol had boom akot. aad to 'mUn
Bln L. a T. If . dion oat to D. H. kagaa pooriaf la wiuio an ho^
It ta aald tot all tka mUltary
MaMonoa'a bow* oo to paataBala yaw
twdaytoapoattoday rtaltlag Mr. atraagtk of to atata ta berrylag to th*
to Hf*. MallBUaB. A plaaalag pto etat* npital, and gran faara ar* aatargrow aoaalaUag of waata to radta- talaad that more aartoaa ttwbla way
UeoB waa rtoaiad darlag thatr atay
to a gaaaral good tlwa waa *a)oyad.
Bafor* raUralM tka ladlw i
Mra MeHollao arttk a b '
Mew Tack Iw< data Vrgaa BIm for
dtah. Than war* *4 ladlw la to two
Tie* Braatdaatial Mowioatioa.
load* to rataralag bow* toy raaekad
How York. Jaa. BO-Tb* Wsrid aaya:
to elty aboat l o’elo^
Bapablleaa laadata la Hew York dtaU
ban eowa to lb* eoadaeioe tot to
tSda of eraats will ton* to bowImUoe of Tkoodon Baoaanlt tor rlea
MaUhawa A Balgark Oowpaay la «By praWdeatto dad Bn Van*.-' at City
Cp to to pnaaat Mw* toy ban
been baeklag the aapbatioa* of bln
Op*naoaa*.Vab. Btk.
waaat Uorarabr Timothy L. Woodraff.
Maaacar Joka WUkalw raodrad
Bna now toy do not propoaa to tana
aotlet laat eYaalag tot hla propwlklw oBt of to raa*. Th*y ar* parfaetOaatoto Mattowa A BeIgwOowla
ly wnuag tot b* akoald go abaad
Opara Oa bad kaaa aeeaptad. -Ik* agwith kta «aanw aad tot k* akoald
gngatioa la nid to k* to boat traTolwaka aa good a akowiag baton to
lag eewle opara troap* la to
a* be powlbly
Ikay wlU prodaaa to popalar to
daaator Platt ta not anre* to bariag
attraatloa. ‘-By to Sad Sn
Oonraar Boooenlt pat oa to aatAdaal
Wana** U to (kty Opara Hoan oa
ttokat. boeaaa* ba haa not foaad blw
rrtday analag. rabroary f. It la
aa daUgkttal a pataee ia to gabaraaloagtlwadaaatoloaal toatra gear*
torfal abair at ba woald ban Ukad.
ban «t}oyad oowla opara ban aad it
It ta aeaaptabl* to
kaalatoaoytottoraaonrha* baaa
PraWdaat MaKialoy'o* a raaatag wato.
aaowpaay of tkiidlatlaatlee aad warn
Ia faei, to praMdaat weald lika to
la tbk part of to atata. Tkia it to han kiw ea to ttakata* a atraafftkaa.
lag faator, aad ka* aaid w» *onral
Baaatora Lodg* aad Okaadiarwaat
Uw to ba Tie* praWdant, aad daaator
a Adrift^ oa aa lea Baan baliana b* pawiwii to lyqalatta pepalarity. Ittoalaoelaiwad tot
ta to only anOaMaooBBlaaa, Mlab.. Jaa. N0-8U a
bla waa aaaa oSto ta Bryaatato
aappoaad to bo i
Tk* Klagk
rlAwkad idoUlad.
ai wan woaodad. to oa* la wMag.
■ of to tghtlag
wBpkwhop. toagktoydoaat ooodrw to atory raawaad yiMwiay fnw
Sow aeanw tot to poaltlea waa
nhn by tow by *torw.whoUy aomk>
an to anwyk raraloa of to aanrtly
' Oad rapert flaw Bran antw tot to oat flow Mwakooaa kwt analog to
Ba^w bad to taag* of to traaah toy oot aoW, won aan oo a aaatlae of lea
wblA waa dotatod from to
that wkOa to Britkk kdd U to gaaa bodyaeatk of tblad^ ^ toklg^
dadto tkdr
akaUi a wteata lato it, akOa to wkola , wattw of gran deabt. A party la a
•BMltofto km waa toad by wa. Iboatwwrt oat to ainrtala who to
ito aa
aaalaway* wan aad to brlag tow
MMadCrawrttaplW to wUak to ka^ TkateaMkato drina
' '
Daalbk Doar. aad to waatkar b laMtoly«olB
Md*r It tot aay af to Btttlah MO
laAkqtoatow- to padMMWhto.
tkay kald Mpalaady Aar
*M ataaai^lf
Ba I* aat taaetly a wUItatf aaMdata.k
aalUoahUBtaran for i
ha will w^ kk objaatta
At to ptrtorwaaaa of to »0eew
tanra 400- laat arnlag awaetto
bar anlda darM om
aftodaaaw. Dr. I
toiiil laka Iikviai k Df.
lari cm Wa.
6800 Rolls
of Wall Paper
All new 1900 patterns
If yon wear Dr. Beed’e
Shipped u direct fnm factory. Will hara it all na.
packed.io a few daya, bat can show you the sample
now. It ia intcrestlaE to eee “whafa what” in wall
decorations for this year.
The eoahion of Inmb'a
wool felt in theee aboea
Hobart & Beecher Co.
iMie erwy toe jrtnt reUeyea the preaanre <m
any ec^na or bonkuta and
yoor feet wiil no longer
trouble you.
SnooMsora to City Book Stora.
SSI0-SS8 Front St
Ralph OonnsbI. Jr^ Kanaetr
Perfect Fittiug
Stylee h>r ladiee or men.
A DilTerance la Taatca.
"I saw y«n klanla* wy dan*hiar. i dee-i like It. Hr."
•Tfc** m don't kaow wbtf. too*. klr,--Ule.
Twisted Truth
aaw aprlar ato«k ta oa Ike way aad to baUaee of oar wlntar roodt
maatbaaaldatoBoe Ik-aaa **oat.and.Mt-apaad.ap.kad.w^to*lHraS^
on-tomt^BsTl." B*ar lawladthlaatoAto allbr»?«*w.^^
The leading aboe houae.
Bop's Kloo Pats.
MaataaaHa. atatam, evamata, aaitorwaar. ate., all go ateatprtoaa.
jan Maclaren
The famoua Eo^iah aotbor, writ
ing in the Kortb American Beriew
on “The Energy of the American
People,^ uya:
"No man writea with hia own
hand, if he can dictate to a afenogi«{dier; no mao dictatea, if he can
telegrtpb; oo man tel^rapb*. if be
can telephone.’'
If yon are a typical, energetir
np>to*date American, yon already
oae the Long Dielance Telephone.
If not, a word to the wise ia anfficient.
Miller’s Store
(Delay is owln* to lateness of fire
insurance adjusters in arrlTlng)
and we wUl offer you the
ever known in this part of ths
country. In our
Fire and Water Sale
- of good* ontil forther
Greatest Bargains
on krery dollar'* worth
Mdi s Paoa.
W.W. Millet's Cash Store
Ifost of the groodB elightlv damagr*
ed by water only.
Reliabit Dm Goods, Carpot aod ClotMig Moose
226 Fron^ Street
fin Insunnce.
I. L. A. BnUdiB«.
John R. twnto,
Btnril liurun.
School of Music
fiai.BSiJSs.-5Bs -
Can Always
A “Tbos. Emerson Shoe”—not only by
the 6t, but the wear alw. For gentlemen'e|6ne dress shoes they sund irith-,
ont a anperior. Inst receired some of
onr'new aprin? styles which we'd be
glad to show yon. The price! are 13,
$3.00, $4.00 and $5.00.
Up-tfMlate Footwear.
KOMiaa aaoosD.
frotfejr loeial rimettoa tai
UtarvyBaU luatMl^t
m. «. Bas» An
tfOB BoMrtaiaUnwlr MndoTitp
SbiJ<7iUr-TMr Han Wm BmmUfaUy VuMiUd forlbt OMMUa aad
Ow Vcnick cm* fpr 1999.
TW t(«w 8< tA* t«nrt» «( *A*
Pallid INMA tettef Ui jmr ki«i
kM inaflilii nd m wyHiMri
npfcHliii wlUi
iMi tAi «•
»»iin if ««r
la ttet MMl MMidid iU ptiilmm
Ov total doMtli rapom. miDnIff* rood* taacpenid. «wi
aalaM a> »um Mt.»r acaiaM di.m.' |N4«diBllM OflMMSU0.Tr.Wl «Mi
. aduna
JADUASY 31, 1900
UI«V7 Ball BMW tooted aa pnUf
aadisrlttoc aa toat Blg*t,«tealte
of tte Udlaa' UUary AaaoMatfaaCBoaB
,«rUak«rttl|au lato aaalal klatoty aa
M of tte Ml piMMBt od tte yaar.
tte todlaa teva worted te acvafal
daya la pfaparattoa aad tte Vaaalt
toaoaatte anwy «f wtettiaTacaa
OUy^ fair wmaao aaa do to aate H
plMMBl «» Otten. tte teU
baaaUtaUy daaafatad aad tte Cncraaoa
eddowanaddad to tte teaatyeftte
palauaad teaqaat Ua pa. Bad aaoda
laaaaanWa aaaaKaa ■aultaa
0o«7 oonara wara anaacad ten aad
tten aad otter aorta ad daft teada
telpad to aate tte rooaapiaaaol
aaaaaawrtluolaifiWM. laiteaoalkwaat aetaarwaa alArrateotA, with a
wtenleaaraai iwaaaarrad. Baartte
atorsaattew ataldaettteraoB
aaoiter tooth whan daUatoaa esCn
HMry W. Bc^toa Plod Itoaday Mlpht
-Mra B. A. Wall of Ztoyalryaad
JOha Wtoae of Xatotid atoo Dead.
Aaotterof tte old ploeeMiof Lee
taaao aoaaty tea pm to .bto nward.
Baary W. Bodpera. apod SI yeara. dlaC
at kto teaw at Good Barter Baada.i
alpktatil o'atoek. Deonaod «aan u
thto aaetloa tklrty yaan apo ate te»
atoea Wa pnatioeat to Ualaata
aoaa^. Ha laam ato aonaadtwo
Tte faaanlwiU tote plan at Good
Haiterat ISo’atote thtoauratop.
ateaSriaaa. a waUtedo tamarof
alaad towaahlp, diad Meaday attarloom ml hto boaaa aaar Waa do
dropay. apad U yaan. Ba laana a wlti
ate Mpht ahUdna. too bom aad all
rhtaca AMoap tte latnr an Mia
DaU Byairaa aad Mra Ghaa. MatM of
thto ally
Tte faatral wlU bahald fraat tte
Onapa hall to latote today at a a n.
aader tte dlraattoa of Baiph AadorMra. B. A. Wall, a preaitoMt
daatof Ktopalay. ate «m of tte ploaatOan of tte lowMhla diad at
hMhomtoKtapatojiMMrday a
top, afiar a UapartoglUaan at oaaaM
Itoaaral larrlBOi will ha hold at tte
faatUy rtedMoa today at 1 oblook.
Mia. Wall toaraa a baahaad aad
?•••■ •
;J^^onr tIM ap to aaarly twaaty
Vito tte dm toMia ad a
pbHadStatoaaaa r . .
.doMttewarUapd at tte piaaaatrato
ddiaariiii will to a nryahortttoa
naaad tte faaaira trada of Omi
fill IIIIM Hli rr raaaaa to bcItofaltotOraat Brttoto wUI aak tte
9totad Stawa to totamaa to toa Soato
AMaaawar. Tte apaaab of tte qaaaa
a Royal
I of Oraad
baUered that If tte aMoetotioe
a port.
< aiKSld be toqaealhed to tte yoaap
woald be parfor
Tn Biiitoh to tooth Afrlea ten a
BaWt of amalattoc that ktop of rrmseo
who Mtrahad bk arvy ap tte hUl aad
Uarcbad It dowa ayato. That proacad
|B« bad a ptoataat aori of aoaad ia Ike
dte*7 bat tte Brlttoh ban had aararal
daaabaaot luraaltoae.
a for tte Barpoaa Of Baear-
toot onetop
frnaaWpaoathtottei Blaroatoof tte
Potato Inplnnat Cto.
3. M. Barrla. proooeatl
dlaat alphi
to hto teno to Beyao aty, aftM attaadtopCtnaitaomrthar*.
Aadpo Prad W. Mayaa rataiaadto
Cbarlanto toatantear
Aldaraua Oaa. W. Lardte wtU loan
thto neratop oa a baatoan trip
Oanlaad ate Ptotobarp. to ba ptM
tha raat of tte woak.
Ba*. A. a Uad wlU loan today for
Taatla. wbantebataoeaptod a pealUoaaapavtMOttteahBrahthara. Ba
to tte work
hen. aad tte i
of tte
ebarek baa baaa Iweraaied by
a W. Wteotoek to to Braad Bapida
a B. Marray baa pooe
adaoditwoald eoattoM to prow aad
folly, la aloatop Mra.
Baleo arpad tte yeaapM oosaa to
uka apoa tbemaelna tbe
of tte pood work aad ao
loap ate ao hard.
Tte addras of Mra Batn waa to],
lowed hr a rooal aolo by Mr. Baiph
Baalatt. reUewiap thto, hula MoaeUe
BmbbU Mtartatoad with
Ptoaatop naal
by Mtoa Morpao.
Mra. Daytoa ate ftaak Patea. Om of
tte pretty loatam of Ite prepras wai
byUtllaLatoDaaa.daapfctarot Mr. ate Mra. rraak Daaa.
AftM tea totorsal prapras t«,
aotea, watan ate lea Maas wei
aamJat tte bootee ate tea niaitod.
of tte aroatop waa darotad to plaaaat t
DohlUe. La Grippe. Pneaso&la.
Aetesa. Bay Pe*er aad all saladlee
of Obeet, Throat and Laapa an poelUraly eared by teto sarealUiaa sedlolne. We aad SI oa Snry bottle
• - - at Jae.
an whfi ooeat. Oor eoantere are
Uaed with ooaoUeee rarletlee of
hoeeekeeptop ISeae, embroiderlee.
moelto aaderwear at prion e*aa
lower ttea oa prcTioae ealaa, alteoapb erery Item hae advaaete at
tte sUle. Bow to the Use to bey
ke ap for e; »rtop
Dr. W. t. apptoa OpMatlra
atodad tor tte anbltobawat of tte aaw
ikntrln* alroaB to axtaad trcw Da«albUBtaadBaplda.aBdtealada thto
It to tte totaetioa to aaeara. by
itoto anaatawni ibi bwl nliw efai>
dnaitoM tbai ftaqaaatly paaa Ihroadh
Baaadaoa tteir wayaaat. aaddoaot
aMathnaib tktoatata
Than WM a larpo tteoap praaant
tte amali to OOMpoaad of thna aabate tte todlaa of tte asowlatlM an to
JtoWoaa. tte Oraad BapUi dtotrlat
Proaipb m
Jr-*-*- two tteatrae toOraad Bapida.
ttoa. Tte ■
aad oaa aate. at Baade Laka. Maaki
tiadtofftaa aad Bic Bapida. Tte
teaisd to sy apoMy.
BaaktoMa Bralaa Saloa.
•nad Tianna Dtotrlat toaladat
Baa world wide faso tor sar
For Fire Insurance
MaaBNL llain.
a, lS3BTiK.“i“
aaditeoiky Optra Boaai
of wbtoh Jtea WUhalai to .boM, Bana. Mk, Ba
Dlaan. TallM. Balt Ete
Aa aeppM aad Irea diateat laalodM
•Mltteauaftav Marqaatta. lakphaaBuaaaaa. Boaphtaa. OalaMat,
r aad Dalalh.
To Ooro • 09M te «M D■^
taka Wartar** White mor of Tar 8t^
Slater’s House Fumishin g Store
iso Vtoat SlTMt.
Smoke s
. wltk datoly latopa
aad aeanalra to pin U aa
atrtaUy to knptop wltk tte aaltoaality
wkite It ripraaMHd Tte airaspt■aat waa daUpktfally appropriata, toe
bara taa, hrawad by fair haada, aad
waton, wan oamd te tha
Thto booth waa praridad onr by tte
MteM Barltoad. MtoBto Walt
Mabal aad Clara Bataa tte yoaop
todlaa wMa anayod to pratty
tor white 4aaaa to aotad.
tte In araaa booth waa ptaaldad'
rMby MiidaMMft D. UFMata, a
C. MeHaBaa aad Mtoa Ada BnUh. tte
attaadaatobatoplUnM Umlm Bate.
Loa aad DBWa UaMaaaa
taaharpaoif tea aeffta booth war*
T. D. MeKaaaa aad W. r
Oalktoa. while tte totoon Mattto Lyso,
Maryarat Loadca. Lala Calhtoa aad
OUlaralpbaM annd aa atUadaata.
Ihto booth waa prattUy airaapad
**pe papM doeonttooa of ptok
aad wktta.
Ttepaaataa araoatndhy tte ofBean aad ai Mttn board of tte
of HMdaaua Barilasd. a i. Kaaatoad.
W. Poaad, a P. Oamr. T. T. Bataa,
Le*l toola. B. Thlrlby. B. 8. Pratt. 0.
K Bate aad Mtoa Ua.
Than waa ao foraiallty obaarrad;
WBBBudapMfaetly at boaia
aad from tte anmat of tte arrlral of
tte panto U waa a kappy pathorlap.
At l:M tte lapeonpta propras wm
btpaa by a plaatoap ptoao aole by Mtoa
Bate. Pouowtop teto tte praatdaat.
M. BUanoa baa poiu oa a taa
to tte irar aatU tte aada of
daya' vacatloa to Atbaaa
d ban biM aaoenpUabad- tte
Mra M. A. Weatpata baa pom fw a
ferato ton foaad toatttey
thraa weeka’ Ttolt to CUaa^ aad
kaaa a W« job aa toto baada trytof to
BleoatSeld, Iowa.
aria batttoatoa
toatoa torritory pnrioaaly
J. J. Uadry of Grate Baplde to Sll^nparad by tte Bona ter Jaat aaeh
top tte poeltloB of 0. M. BGhuoo to
jMrtbtlllln aaten baoa danlopod.
the O. B. A 1. depot.
9bas tor tte Bean ten abeira a da>
Mn. J. U Olbbe eama te tteoHy yeodidad loorbaadlUraat
tarday froB Mayteld.
•artoy of n^aav Jtew it Bortoad
Mr. Boa of tte W<.W. Kiahall Oo. to
dBpaala to do aonal^tor It to crUoat
to tte eity. nlllpp oa H. B. Btroop.tha
idhal a feotooU maat bo foaad to a
«al auaaper.
plan wban too oaaaiy ten aada aa
Areh Olbbe of Mayflald waa to tte
ptipataltoBA. Tbaa tor ao aaah plan with a fawmarbi aparoyrlata to the
eity yntorday.
Laaa Ckutaar of Ktopalay eaMo to ite
Tte addran of tte onatop waaplteB eity yntorday.
OaABV lArtoa to
by Mra. M. B a Bataa, om of tte
J. W. CliffewaottoBallalnee bad•anr lata a (ool tbtoy
o«te If a toaaden of the olib. Mra. Bataa Mi yaatarday.__________
llMto baatla to aoadad to aoeoapltob a
> aarly htotory iaad
Hto WUa Band Bis
t €f tte anoalat
Mt dtoaaaarte tor tte alty to tte Chlea aad atatad taat ate bad thoaitet i
•‘My wlfet pood adrlea tend sy
life.-wrltee r. M. Bon of WtoSe.d.
^diatoadaoaaal whlob it to arpaad ofttefatanoftteh
Taaa.. “for 1 had aaah a bad eooph 1
Ztopa Onad Baidda^ dlraat oailal to tte
Bat ate oSand a •said hardly braatbe, 1 preo eteadUy
«Uf of llaalaa. Koo aa addltloaal
Bto aappnttop oorae udar doetor'e trealse&v bat
Mrawaat aaa ba adnaead for tha that tte pood work bu» by tte i JP’'‘•j^^te «e to aae
BaapaatairotOited Bln
toaodan aeald ba raeeMatall*
itally ear* I
ipleteiy mod se." Ooophe. Oolcto.
OB.by tte yoanper wosea
■ of tte eity
Bedroom OuHit?
If you do.do not go without it, for I Am offering the
«v SS.« par antnaealaat M l PM aaat
IP UM aad MI pMotal la IWT. Owtoff
datte toat that arou wwr* aermal
aaaaWaally aU onr tte warid, oar a>pwta of acrtoaltaral predaeta wan
•aly STSl.loa.ot4. w afalaat SWl.Oiv
m m IWt. tot tola tola od aaarty
MiUteM waa Mi ttea oSmi by
dha tala of aaraaty-twe aamioaa la
aaantoataiM. OtoM fain, aolably
dd alztoaa MllUaaa la aalaa aadfaraat
Do yoB need » che«p,
bet solid
saanrifir^-*sV^a. b! BICYCLES?^
Sow to tte tisa to ten yen Btoyalo
roMsalad aad atoaaad ap ready far
Ff9 Stonge AU Winter.
MywsAaaa aoibabntaad prion
Wbntor bakery oa Soate Oatea
•tooot ttebaa^oaawlUhaopMad teabM WIQaUl tor year AaeL
Sc Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
the mark
every time.
Spring Stock Of Wall Paper
Beoently fitted up U most complete in every res
pect, and our new
The largest we have ever carried is here- has been
checked off—put Into the raoks-the samples a'l
made, and is ready for sale-it’s the finest stock of
Wall Paper wsVe ever bad on exhibiton. This
year’s designs are not quite as large as heretofore,
but the combnlatlone of colors ere more harmoni
ous. In many eases the back-grounds of the
Blue -r Oreens ^— Browns and Beds are nearly
soUd, showing more fully the gold and silver de
signs, but the only way to appreciate the fuU
beauty of these papers is to see them. It’s time to
plan tor the improvements you're to make in
your home. Those rooms you were going to paper
and didn't Our prices, quallty)considered, in many
oases is much lower than last year. We’ve got a .
fine combination of two band white back paper
that sells at seven oente the double roll, with
, bo^er to match, at Bo the yard. Our IB and 16o
papers are beautiea Tbe dining room patternssometbing new. IS to to SOo. The hall designs
show the artiete’ hand. The sitting room and par
lor papers are beautifnl combinations—prices from
Ifio to 40c. Xany times you want fust a
room, a bedroom perhaps—We can -fill the biU.”
Have some remnants that we’ve out right in two.
Then we have eome patterns that only cost fie the
doable roll.
If quality, quantity, patterns and prices cut any
flgnre wa’U get your trade this season.
The Hapihi Lay HereaDtiie Co.
Tto mM «lBk W tka SAosl o<
SMlawtU Mt MM«kli
kM WBI SMtflM WMk b«B tMlfkt
«b»BtaMtMflMvte.oc a»ra«7
\At ymr,
r, W* ^rntm iMMUt «< M7
wall Mtwmi tim B»7
tKt«7 to aMU rauliff. 1W Wwt Baj
OHgr tedWr. »uw 4i« »et atokrt uta
Iter iauMT 1. »U1 W !■ opmUon
Sll«7'ThMirMi,» «v4 of tb« at*M
piWtoMkeolMODUoitw, ltoi»»Mrof Oout7 A«m( loblwM M EWimtm li «hoM Wirf« Wo wao toaiorMfiy. SoMooofWWobooifOMW.
^ to 11 otvhiil4 7oinelA.ii4
«Mo tnm ■MkoUU, Mtok.
Itoo My of «Mto RoWIM, ifW tt,
«ke MWar loU or juiM Wlo ■». CUir
fim It •!. CWr BMir. tea haai
OMoaaM Ror lal to haltoaad to Mo
Ml 4m to roproof lor •
WU kb W gi«M
liCalMMi WU. M Ifeo WaWaUa,
MtMovhPlMoal vfU to
Ttototokito oioMloyaaiM ptootarmofttooKf MO lU n^aaoM to
•ttaid ito aootM itai. P.V. toU
It 7 oMek atMwd
Tto MoatiM F oiltod far tto
pupoao of wtiMM te 1 loloi.
Tto UUU tolka of thto atty wto aiJoyod '•Bobov Dosoty” t» Mote
toot »ook, win to r^oM
to lain ttot tto Mkoy »teob trofod
to tto pwlorBaiaa 4M to IfiototM
wUah WiU to proMBtad la PtalBkarro
Onto MKt Ttotday araalMt. tek «,
of BUk
aMrtkkriBf ai adaptatlai of Marfa
OoraUPi loool. ••Ika yotoana*. Tto
atoryof ttoFay M aad, ■oMatolxtaraafitot bat wtU Ua 4ato mmogoi
aftkaaoBknatoBy anaaiyoiUooilap aaaMi that kolp to aaka tka ovkeU
a lUaaaat aatartaliBtot. Tka pnB
raalM ooMa at tto ato of Ua
driBa laUaaarUdMka aaaia- Tka
iMtaataoBBaMMorlU a
wktak oamptB Ua ntin atapa,
AtUaaUi^ of Ua acMBOtloi Ua
HfMkalokaoot of alpktaadn-
At Ua BUtM W tte Smifktoat
rrmiof Uara wUl
ttooo oMItotaator tto trot nlk
toatoitof ttotklrd.aa
ItMteatitoalnaai Itot foU os-
toti to tto mM to tto iModtoto
«latolVo<WUtotoU.topiytac «ou
RV- Bart Tafor, i Waatoailto. too
toai «atoily tUtof tte aMa to aw^
toll loaaHilaa Rtof tto oatotoBoita
W Ito Pora IlM^ootttnllwiy ito M
fwllaad 1 aior oob tm kla f taai*
topi AlookofaM roooiUy loUad
klB aoro tkii «l to tto prooloit Bttil
m MmUoi to ito totoa of. lowalar
StofotoMd ttoy toU Moartttotlto
tolla MO rito wltk tto doocBlk Ito
By Oka daaU ot kla boUm, Mn
Let tka blood
. _
pat Ula,
waak nd
■Maiy, ato anry part M tba body to
——-idiorwiatof pnpat aoMtobTba dleoadn a«M faito to da
Ito doty, ato than to
aimiiy a M'lf.nuidr omd.'
-.jod; JO crato a he«.------------------ W. Chaac MadicfM Cobbut,
N. V.. Oa ovary box of tba
will ba teoed portrait aad A
Mpaatoro af Dr. A. W. ~
Steinberg’s Grand
Hot A lot of Bbolf Bpom ahooA Wo oao mto job
from 10 to 60 por ooat on yonr ahoa blUs th« next
thpw-cot our prioM oad W4 wUl
ooavlae* yo« that no othar phoo hotiM oAn much
foods ter tho Mao moB«y.
Altsr woron
ITAreh 16
to wo WUl
will bo
DO ot 94> Front Btroot
Old Reliable
•ftftftftftftftftft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftfti
Stdnralk Imabmt la .U iIm.
toart to TmwtorM Oltj I^nbnr Op
Coisiltitioi Ilf Eiiniilioi Fm ud SiriidF Ciiflfiitiil
DRS. B. S.&CO.
Tnesilty, Feb. 6 AMUitu Idicil ud Sogicil luUtiti «t Inkigii, lite
ly or Raw Tara, ■> momotrno
Aiden Benedict
SCotitoX. 'WliA‘bl3A«> Xrrsb-Mraxwe 0±t3T,
Miss Martha Beaufort Thursday,
Feb. 1, 1900.
I by a ooBpuy of tmpoii
toBW. to Aidao Baaodlet’a
,‘Tto 'corkiwm puarkr ” oiunto
I.. Riiillvau.
whentob diet beard
^ tlip blow luvfuito by I*n>fnaor Kid
'o>-. "It wu.- auDirUilnf of lliat
kind. If 1 am uo- iiltitakcn. that Anal
ly kuorked air out T—Chicago Tribone.
at It or bH-lii-d It. en' If It'* oracked It
wus <m< ktxl afurr I come bore.”—4
coico Uiivivl.
ttoelnp aoeamfol parforBsaao.
"Tbo l•alu-l«ll M-CMtl U JliM atoot
hiwta." "Old Ike I'ollfgi' yoDik ■» to
pa''bed Ilia vallap itrepiiraiorr to k«Ttag for (lie Cbrlatmaa bolldaya.
-H..W ...y a>kr<l Ilia roniiiuatr.
••Wr an' al-uii lo nuika Ixiiw ruua’
<. Port.
oaa Ilia n'|>I).—Ctiliago
Mn. N.'lgliliori—Mn. Mctdiar
talul) ba. wimdarful tort
Mn. Itomi-r.—How aor'
•IklilMin—Wii.v. aba actual
maki-a hiT biialwiul tollrvr
be ii tov. In bor frost flro, sioi
tag bla own waj 1a evro'tbiog.—Clilond RpoDlah donoM.
> ftaily NVwh.
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Effects
^ 3
Prion.-25, 85. 60c. 76r; Box
UiM ^ Oaltnau Baalla Floor Varatob
q I Walt.
Hair of aeato will open at the
Pox Office Tban-tlty mornlnp.
An Interesting Case!
not loond help. I consulted Dr. Snow and be gave me medh
made a gtent change in a few daye. I feel that my health now b Terr
good' for
* a mu of* my age. All
Vn the old symptoms
stwptoms are
an cued ud
. 1____
fet 1
strong snd well If there are any. who, like myself have tried other
fAyBcians and failed to
help. I believe Dr. Bnow oan core yon if
HENBI BEELMAN. Tntvea. »CHty^Mi^. ^
any one ou."“
■^Wk ecusjnu TO CTU awms
DR. G. H. Straw,
• • . Ooi<
Tniy eomp.«e yoomU.” uld tka
un o-tio wan prttinp tto beat of Ua
Mr. Henry Beelman'a coto which hr explaioa, Mirra to illoitrate
the miaUka pbysiciana often make in dtoKnoaia. Tha^ do not always
at of All Ptosaess ui Wiikaiwsi
look deep enongb to locate the tme canae of the aymptoma, which
of Haaktod TobUIs to Obtain.
many tiuea. u with this patient, would eeem to be a nnmber of dia.
easea. With Mr. Beelman the.codm proved to be dne <o the o(»di*
tiona known u ‘‘litbaemia,” in wbicn the waste mteriala were not
changed by the vital chemistry into urea, but Instead into the ioaol.
able nrotM sod oric acid which the kidneys were nnable to readily
eliminate from Hie blood—accamnlalii^ iuI the
)• syfftem they
__________ ____________
the pymptoiha described
deeeribed below.
-I can aay that Itbink Dr. Hnow is s very skillful physician. My
health bu not been good inr a long time: I bare been in the bands
po XUDIBEn tor two years, but his medicine instead of help
ing me made me worw. 1 bad a go^ deal of trooUe with my tosn
and chut, soeb a tightneu there, sad soreneea. My noae and
were always stopped np, and 1 waa ao veir dizzy, with mshi
to IraluA Tto krtda to blood to mr head, ud my bead
head acbed
ached ud felt very much dutreoaed.
ba poBBpta of aoMldanbla My heart ^t very bard and pounded, ud thnmped. ud I eould i
hardly braath. Mr atomacb uo bowelp were very sore and aometimra I wa.
' ,
ASCMCCUtw aU wgaal* wakaiBii
there was the meet eevere pain in them, and all over my body, boweb
a- baS, WM B-r
A OarA.
Ua atowplpMd. do fa
• •
Tto aoMal to to plni by Uo Yearp
Mu' (iodalUy of Bi. PraMlt Worek
Uto onatap will ba a vary plaaaut
aR»lr. TtoArot part of Ua anatap
trttl toeanptodwiU a padn party.
far which faar pH an wUl ba pfni
aoslal wUl ba Ua scat
partef Uo.ontoap, ato a poMral
pood tlBM win to oofayad. Tka pn
wUI to tn aaito anapt
to Ua ladlaa wto will preotda bosaa.
iBeinoval Shoe Sale *
' tirry Boorlpu. tor aannl yoara a
MaUoatoraBaooo Ua Out Eapld*
A Isdiiu fiilroad at Baad aty. nalpud bit poaittoi two yarn ipo ud
ntwaad to Inlud to bmtj
aotUa dowB ta Uat ooutry. Ii
aylrai ttot to aeold aot pat a prtoat to
parfoTB Ua Barrtopa oaraamy. tto
foM totap orpreaood Uot to bad a
eaUtootaoeftkoAttaotto. Hearlpu
BOOBiod lAldirlM from a loaal prtoat
bn that to WM UBarrtod, bet Uto
arldasM wu iMifialaai. ao ko ato kla
batrothad took a ataaaar far Raw
York wkarr Uay won aurrtod. lator
OtorlaaW. Wrtfktctf Onto Baoldi
WUa koir w a propMV aotlBatod at
»UQ.«oa. Bia BoUarta haakato dlad
«Wm ObMlM WM to Utau Ito ato
omlafttaraduadtlrMBataBaai Sto
tor. und a littU
■am ud k
I rtah ky far
■aid to
fnak DlUia. a Idtal Boakiate
Baa Oaln. hu la kik poMBilrB u eld
kWlBOB Uthaaha^efadlatorBak.
^ .. torofatoUamryuoM
jf^ kelti Mr OUUa
■CAIoaottkoorcridk fair, hot eUtoa Mtto of Ofouk Wimotad Byrop of
too Mila la Book oI4m Uu urtklaf
ilae punatn a Umt
. pnkakly
ran nttotaatory or momof
A A Wam Bapbu-A BoaottaaMa yoaraafo.
teip.Jai O. JokncB. P. a 1fa»p
014 Baapla Ma4a Taup.
i. 0.Btoatoau'tkaojtai'M «
WMIb Rhn H Tmt Syftop, tea
fato eoi«b mnedy u a«U, cM^cold,
kiaudqylftokaetatiBi faatotOcto.
ettod Body.
Or. A.«. Chsss's
■srws asi BloMi nils
tkara aro pain fa
_____ _ -irtj tharaoo
Ibo^k, afdB ato llaMa;
ato aaorilpia; tto latow kacooM aa>
dad. aad tkcro to Mmanan MpdotoUaga faUtap ta ratal Ua
Nto ato IrrluMIUy, fasato on.
itoktafAte mtwtUfwyato ■falato. towittoa ato dauetoaMy
. wUto Mt. Torartaa fa ^ rM ikt ryam of thn dtoMBioi
canad by waak aid itopoto btoe<
I farU kopo
aoloBM af An ato neks ato mro Dr. A. W.
Nam oto Blood
rad itnaBi of laoa ea Ua alty of Ha- nito, Ua ptootrlotioa of ABcrfaa’t
Dr. A. W.
piaa at ito laaV
Dr. A.W. CfaM'a Nwn ato Bleto
nito tacmi tto ■ambar ot corpatow
Tto ••OipptewBue" aada fia ato to tto blood, aad to aoertoh aad la.
pan teed ntortalamt far qilia a
iMfo atotam la Ito Olv Open
BooMlutaifkt Tkoiftropttloaoan ■id tinr aetivo, toM tea rtonek aad
renrontood ato Uo Mtartaii
Boat WM oilmaly woUfIni. The
plaoo to a roc tlBO aaaaMt wUahpirM ■eribad Dr. A. W. Chn't Nam
man ten tto natoM
Baa, g OkauB of Irwla. Pi, toaaooayUd tto paaUtai of poaUr ot Ua
a< Ula alty.
HawtU let Ua eStn kan kaew taa
akert UBa orkn to au to kari
A yenp ■» te tea UBa of I
■ot wltk a;«ory
It tto MatrlU bUI moor Woxtoi* I
day. Bo OTM oUtaf Ua adr o
itodlaplayi ■ nryotaror
Uo Bin atorud 1a Ua Borataf. ato work. Than anoocan) Am faatorn
It ta Ua aaw ato aot
idtap pood apaetaltin Ou of tto
lalttoa WM a reBukabta oskibl'
TkanwlU toa i
tkm ot atroMte ky Sola Om
tlM of TkaniM Olty i
mm ioMly alaito dtotlMttn
Kaiffktotkaplar.Utotooataf. Work
to tto TobMo daproi A fall attoa- a ku*y Uftor.
"Btoto/OMtod Ito dapoatto traaa tto
paid raptOM toward ttot atoro ito
ladtttea to Ito aeUr Wtotow too
atoai ttofo ta mo pitottoi ttot peU la
Ttookaru okelref tto OMfrofo«audtopMM«Mi .
Haul ohonk will Boot Ula vnatop to
a< ttot olotoltr. Ito MOV tettora itov M kaaaBMt, it 7M o^oiook.
. tto iapeRla wiU
Owtof toa wnak to Ua Maatotu
yarda Ua 11 o'atoek trato u Ito M. A
dtOritoEapUiPfto. 4. LaTlw R. B. WM dalayad Utm kewi
• sapMtia teiiar. «m ioud
■kbrlR ilBpaw ku fou ta IVa
Sato to kla kwktik MoiM Montop. iBka to praaaad apatoat aoM 1
Ba Uoto to tto WaUiiptoi iita. 8i
tto atoto liada
«m 1 kripkt tookM FMip bm aid
kan baud far Ua
todkoai at Onto Bapito tor Una
atokorau kail to to plrai to Ua alty
■Mtto It la iM kokwi wkaM
Opan Ball. Tab. f U.
BM a OMood MWto or aaaldaik
Than wiU to a npotor BoiUly
Bom Ooary ito Marta pib. pmdoalaaltopolUa Uidu' Aid aeatoty of
toaoflto Oilai BiMaalMt toaoalt
Uo Tint M. A ekmb Ula aftaneoa
«tMd Eaptoi ton kau wtllid ky
Than wUl ba a w‘««-p ot
Udtoa' Aid aoetoty of Ua BapUot
toaarrlaaa m aaioaa to tto MU 4tri
ehanh at Ua ban of Wn A WUMl WM ton koM I aoaaptad aid U
halB. fli Waat But BlfhU alroat Uto
toUtkoBoalnaroad^ tor ordato la
at I o'eloek.
•adialaly. BoU aro OaiadliM aid
■ MO artU Ua BrttUk Baakk dallvary betu kaosBa a lltUa
oitohaoBa yuMrday Boratop em
rmt atraat, tot CAyda Browa itopyid
Tto ooaooaota o( tto Hurd booaa
It tofen uy dimapa wu deoi
Weak at daatooi wan pl'oo » pnot
Hart Wadaaoday onatof Uo
Min totoiy Boralap
i An wkteh
ban of Ua BipUat cboreh will bold
kroka out lotto
at T:U,
woBio win oMTiad froB tto wladawi
ky tto AroBaa ito otlara tod i im- OM at Ua koBo of C. J. Uinott, til
WaUlnptoo atraat; aooUar at Mr*.
AUeaB. Walfi «4t NorU Blmwood
LoEiyBMtoi. liriof aorta ot Itolaa inaot: aad i Uird at Mti A. H. Mi
MtobMi't, til Wwt BIpbtb atoaat
■on ud took ip tto kona wllek to Tkorodar anslap Ua Buihly
•wiadiadowoplad. A puat
aoiat BaaUip will ba told to Ua
MOM of Ua daaialoa. Mr. Baatoo llna ahorek parlora at 7:M.
alaia lid far woato paat kla aloBkira
J. M Moonof Aam. bad Ua bUton baaa krtoia-aOBaUBoa ky
fortoM of tovlBp bit two Blddto tOM
playlap akMt kU baad, aad aoBMlBaa oroakad by a lop filltop ei kla foot
kynp-tlBaaMMi Apala to woold to Moaday. Dr Uiraor droaaad Ua ta
d ky a MrBMUUlBf of faUn
aat. Tto Byatary wm as>
7apn Dtaea Bosorad.
flalaad ky two aalpkkar koyt. Itoy
Tto Bala qoartat of tto riiot M. K
tod atlaakad a loaf koM u a pnpkiptoM. rmi tto hoM throifk m old ebonk pan a dollfhlfal lorprtoa party
anUr pipi to tto bom ito Amid Ua iMtaraatapta booorofJiBaa Dipoe,
iomU m ttot Ua aoMda woold raaeb ou of tto BMBbara of Ua qoarwt.
Tto anotap waa apaot BMat daUpktBaatoa'a todrooaa. At Aral amMa
. tot Ua-iaWuaaa of Ua tolly at tka plaannt bosa of Mr. oto
heya whom itoy laaraad of tto aafotab Mn Dtaoa oa Buw elrut. Mr. Dtaoo
BMtoa hid nfarad aiUad for many raoatnd i kaaoUtoi kaaU of rna koda
mmd 1 MtUauMt WM cHaotad eat of lUtoa aad onapa btoaeoBB from CallOboi W. A. PlMto UrlBf la OoUorator, dfun iritk kla wUa u atiato a
laoun at tto opan haul Tuy had
|Mt naabad tto oaotnl partef UaeUy
oWm Mn. Plana aallod tor bolp far
tor hOBBoa'i, wbo aaoBod to to taiatIlf te wia tolpad laatda a aun
Ayiof oily a law bIooub laiar.
Poorness of Blood «««•»•••« «»•»«■«•«
Tba CiitM mt EubMatto Norm
Ato AU tke ltt> 4( 1 Watof
Aldto BmAMtk -riMo ------- ■ *:
Ti 9«b U •nppt1iT4 lofn.
Makm a spastolty ot all skmts Alswsis.
No roBady aqpala Wabwcs'b Whttb
YufB or Tab Btbop far Uto terrl'toaad fatal Atoam If takaa Uor^
atotitM,ltwUl<»o a I
kfawT Hsyto^Vn^fafto^
I SBMW. MtbBB and sen-
Cuuttttiei Fres.
Ttitl EitnM Fir 2U
OgBBtegBaiatoateltfflnfBBjPock. Obbb Htnot HatvmaM
w. I & Hfa. rami NIT m MaBii. MM.
MOW tr AFTCCT* THE Mousntice
TtoltpMtekMMMrVAlUhM fow4^MdaCtk«MMt. 1> «( hM«rt< -
M— biTTiitf f fEportrf Mitel fa
pwfM OUmao nwwt.
OkiMM M« « trtel to
9arf*. V. O.. «kwv«d «Uk TtoUOw
Ik* my ebUstMm *l Sm Tna^
^WHV^wyviar Id mmIm ite «o41m
,«< (M MiaiM (ro« tk« ruilyptaM.
▼iMn4iytoMt>lkl>k tha &1mm
lallDtMw ao aarioMtkat tka yawan
•wOi kaaaByallad la aadiranktyata
andaaM««)al lEtarT^r“-‘ MaKlata^ «na t? yaan ot
««a Mi^. kaai« kaaa ban M Vila,
^*wbaU aaaa^. OUa. daa. M. IMI.
lanaad a larfa aaabarafaabU*
lallaHaVag hla
atkaanlaa Maayacalfaa
aryasadM af AmI“teward Barapa la la ptorrMi. aa>
nertiaftalbafraraa of Ihapaaiporl
*anaa of tha aiata dapartwak Up
: '*0 data «ha aaabar at pan porta tasaad
,4mnariaDaafy «raa MU and m
'vUlbaaaataai baton tbo aodofUa
naalik. t.Mt iaaaary Ua aubar for
/Aha wbate mU waaMe. HMiottha
•aartotaanfrow tbamlddU wool.
Tba aaaaUOaa ia tba Ta««> •prtalBf
. nnpUaadatalchtpMaaitaaakiUad
ad MO ladM* UUad. baaidaa
----------- - Mamban McBatt. Vo
« —Ooouorm leaiaeilea Barham, Hoyt. Boaad aad OoU
mma Pn»to Pro
tod Bnak HanQUm. pmtdnH
Mlaatae of lau regalar naati^ w
Ur. A Uebida. cooael ffw 3i
Boodo trap Mb dy-phooy trMla^^ Kev York, baa OTltteo a t«t iQlereotTnfori^&'w.'MlA.. Jaa- M. iMa.
lac Metcb of the axprrtaocee of hla 2b tka
ceoatry with dlffrivat tnoeatary ayeaf Tnaant Cdp. Jftobtaaa
tana la the teat W yean Oariagthat
wayo aad noaa
ttOM It baa triad the pold
attrer ataadani. tbr dooblr ataadard that we han aa___________ _________ _
olalawaad harlegfoaad than aorreet
Pelcatlaa .
1 0.1. w—> »
Dock aa
aad for a tlmr afirr tbr war. la abort.
baa pot to tbr teat all of tba tbeoriao aboot looiM-y wblcb sonromnita
an Diged by cooflictlag acbooto of poUtkal economy to adopt Ur. UebMa
vritee of ibeer rspertaone estettaiaiBgiy aad with tbr inteOIgtoec of ooa
wbo BBderataoda the wbola eobjoet. Uht ifSua
Bthal Bexla.
The ank-lr baa moeb ItMCrartloo ia It!
ariLDna ptnm
Aaaerdlag to tba Calaar‘i aaw Baral for tbr peopir at tbU iiiitu. aad If Ita; T.ji^witheiiiA .ewk «e onm
prorraat. Oaraaay wUl hare forty raloe la appnclaied It erOI ban wlda
battla ablpe la 1010 laataad of tba tar- pnUkatloo. It appeara la tbr eolnauia J cT!n!S, tor'in
oataoa aba baa aow, twaety larpa « Puwk p.jicr.. bKi, du. Chkw
■Wa laataad of alone. tertyel(ht weekly edited by Allen Ripley Foote, j
Mr. Uchida sbowe that tbe atanderd'
aaaUeralaert aad ffeaboaUta plaae
of thirty-two, aad m torpedo boata wne aomlnelly maUietaei] by Japan''^j^^Jj^.Mak.eawoniuei
■ooa after H opened commercial nbi-i
laataad of olrhty-foar. aa at proaaaV
tlou with tbe outside world. It early |
aoaooi, noon rcpp
learned (hat It must unify Ite lucol car ^i*w.»udeitao».,iartoeoka .
X.ttoraiy Votoa
noclea then in a chaotic coodltloA I
The rabnury Saaaaaa la ]e«t taeead aiHl that It ebonld hare a nandard of I
UBnaar pcnp
1 iu eelarcod aad yreatly improrad raloe bearing eumr drOolle relailoe to' AweHeraBwkr«., hooka............
form. lu laadinfartiria laiflUUad “A that need b» Ike eoriil lo whirb ti hul «»w, PoraetfaCo. ho•feB.^. ..
Thaoka for oo' MIO.OO
amt ad Witim Mr Ouvtli MU
baig. Oeo. Lather. Otaar Baaea
Tblrlby. Bd. Uoartatda, Oata legrig.
r •woara. MBara Mary Bataer
•trout for------------------.
tor ramambMtag
Anna Armatrout
w darllng^baba with ovary aaad for
ey whmh hra jrat baan
■rod byF. fi. Obaaay AOo. toaerpnralad at Maw Hawu Onan.. baa
.. aoalain M ■aroary. aad la
Itiotaoda to araaate•abaa tatnoally, aettag dlioetlyopeo mebUra ter tha daUvary of laa arai eratea. It alao pt'af M pat totga
freight ran da tba loaalatrMt laOwaya
toaoavoy lea from tha lakra aad tea
hy.r. J. ChMiM* Oa. Toatt» to tha oaatral
BalPa fhnByPfUa an lhahaat.
John F. On & Jto.
Smcssur m
BoriM aana w navi
OolanWa HalL Waal Blda. ffbh. lab
a^BtbMlayBuibiitn. atamt^
We. tbe nadetaigaed. bag tbe people
.1h»0emaa War DepartMBt, It la
' aoeept onr wan—•
•aid. aetaally Inapt la
mntlfnl gifta >■
ml all tba brldgaa la tha ampin ooaaid* great how of need. On Tneeday evraafter a r*--------* fam^ ehat wa ro«nd llkaly to ba damagod or dntroyad
da aaaa of war; aad, what la morn, it
to ba awakened ta s
fine dapUaatn of a good maiv bridgea
ml othar aewtrln la whlab It B iatar•taaadfnl arttolra
at ew bnretag pdlowa. tw«^ aad
It M ropertad pt'Vlotoria, A C. that Iraviag all wa poaaaaaad aa earth ba
wblM • Bart wa
i yoa ^
Baa baaa poatad ae mlaMag alaat Dao. 1 partlynnda
waaaaatUad by mitlaatre. wbo klUad
Ahaaaptala, mata aad faor aaamaa,
Agnla bagfflag avary oaa of yon to
Wha Bthal ballad from Bydaay, aad ewM e?SiSH^haaka
. emowMdbyf. LoettV Bba maatar•d IM WM aad wpt boat la im.
Obas .
aad Baby Okua I^a-
•a anreary will aor«ly daatrey tba
mmaefaeBattaadaonplataty daraago
•Ba whola tfakam ariST^ua^lt
tteagh tha maaooa aarfMaa Soeb ar•^cln abeoldraairar ba oaadaaaapt oa
Alfred Will
Ua^maalMto ordn by tha
tba Oarsegta
Oorepaoy. wbA at >7 yaaro of tea, la is
TwobatabMof uplMd dofs. wblA ebarga of 41.000 maa, aad ha* a aalary
!ka*a baoa drlUad M
kr palllac tbau frou tbair uaebUtaa. Oaraagia abopa. aed. aatln
IrUyr tbfoegb
Ban baaa aaot bam Oaruaay,M autel kla owB cBorta raeofoliad. aa tbay
wan. by a bread-nledad aed ap
aha Bean.
•am or alch* OeraaU U« atadaala, Ua pnaaat poaltioa of treat aad rasofDatlaOhl
kart Uooday ■Bralayat Hhaia, V. T..
A tha gnataat of tba^ tina adl•I a raaaU of iha baraiaff ol''lholr fra- OMOt
>f tba aeoalry, la aaotber tatarnt
oofolly ibdfo. riflaaa Janpad u toot
lag taatan
n af thb
thle aambar,
aad ia It
«a tba rraaad. Uttta of tha lodfo Mr. Wattateee talla naay of hla ewa
aaparfaoan ••laaBMoatef tha war."
Tot tha baaati of noa t^ oplt oa Mr. Wattanoa aald, -Uka aney of tha
tthooldowalk. aad
a wheoo dr........ ...
>*hor«by. tha Uty eoaaoU of Oanlaad
&aa eetad to plaoa Mlueoaa aloag tba approva, I weat with my watah to aa
nldawalk. Ml faat apart, aad tha pabUe anala who bad ao polltloa at all aad
got •» oa It" Mr WaUanoo than
nnatapltU thaat oraotatalloa tba rerlnd the pebiioatloB of aa old aaapoadad nawepaper at NaabTUla, and
WUIUm Mmafa two ytar old graod
nbUd wea aawtbarad In a fire wbiab dw otbar dally papan i
footing la tba llttie Tea
ntnyed the borne at Ifiiaela. loA. aad At tba aad of tha year then «
Af re Traak Btepbeae. wet killed la a two. bd of tbpee
two bU papar bad
waiLawey wbiob foUowed wheo bar two-tblroa of the boelaeea
le Beard monthly 'rom New
Baebaed epraag froa tha oarrlagete
York. Prloa. 10 orate a copy, gl.oo a
mlarm tba If lUar faaOly M tbair danger
drom ftra
Hraorabla Tbomae B.Boed.lnwriUag
Brltlab reeideote of Valparaiao. Chile, of the madera traet. doee not eram to
twill form a Brltlab anlranal patrioUe
laagea, aaabllag aU aabj wia of tba
rieeen to keep la teoah wttb tba noth- that while Proridenoe sed the higher
lawe which really govere tba oolreree
are. ia mrab
i*e talk,
talk. much
Inferior to the
BBlnataa nada by Taaena, Waab., EarBed (tutetae before they an anaetea, tbay an alwaya foaad to be
i le.OOO eetad,
____ ...lor to them
tbi^ Me
nao ara totaodlag to paaeb Oapa Ki
la foot. MaUn ______
By tha ftrat ataanm Iren Pagat Sooad noBopoIr aa moeb aa It doaa a
nadDeweoa. Two-ihlrda of tbia aan- vaeeam.’'
Mar will go tron Iboona, SaatOa aad
Mr. Baadb papar os Moaopollaa—
whlab M to appear la the fietorday
Pott of Fabroan 10—h a
dalBa Paella. U worldaga tarqoato aBnal^
anrrwtln dlaaee^oa of tha metboda
vroparW Mar tba- Mnooa TIflaay of nat eorpontiena It dlanaeae (a a
nlalnaat Torqaeaa, Mew Maxtee,«traak atrlblag aad original naaorr oaa of
m peeket of oaaaoaUy large end Aae
a worth tt laaat fiia.ooo.
The Pm
Ballnad eyelem
•a Maw Year'a day thara want late
Sorea la Baglaad aa aat
I bel^ laleed for
•hat la all reona of a ahep whan gooda
mn aataalty rotaUad la tha pablte. aad the fit Loeie Worldb Fair, to be bald
ware amployod.
-fiha anployar Bhall preridt aeata ba- perebaM aaBtaaotal. Otbar aabaerip*
Uooe of grealM amoneU an
Jhked tba coaatar.
^Ualtad fitataa ofielale wUI oonbat •paeUl aetirity b being
•ha graaa-goode men by^ting aatl view of tbe faet that tbe bUlappcopri
Uraaa geodi dreolan la poateBMa. ating U.ooo.ooo la aid of the fair B
aad eengreea wUl ba aekad to npaal abrat to ba UWodnoed in OoBgram-
-Aba law wbiab mahn tba aonaoa-. «geal^',gaB^ wltb tbeawiadlar.
frftha Board of Bdaaitlaa odiho «lty
Tnnree OUrBagelar ■alHag af Board af Wanloa bald la QaapaU non..................
_ aa with a raah. Hava
thagtaathargalatf IIBM
yaartatonattodo aa. Tha 1
Made Tonog Again.
•■OMof Dr. Elng-e New Ufa PUB
tab night for two weak* baa pat na
I my *taaM* agala.'' srrttaa D. 6. Tnrr <of Dempaeytown,
TbY*ra tte
, .
bMt la tba world for
aad BoweU. ~
gripe. _OaJytSeat Jaa. O. Johaaoeb
I A Watt's drag etona
Mattes to Outenan-
Innni Gh| lioBr Ca
TranrstCitt, ■ ■ litki(u
EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at
Bee ggnples in window.
J. M. Martiaek, tbe jeweler. wUb.M
to atata to tbe people wbo bad work
abhBatora that everything In that
line wae raved from the fin and that
' » eame 1
. aey tin
with gold. Tbe latter neaed ool of
Vary BaapaetMlIy.
drcnlaiton and wae gaoled at a ptA
U. C M ?rrATr.
Gao A^orr
Japan ateo tried a nattoul bank corrency modeled after onra but ■■ It
>d by Mr. Ooehlla that tha rariportof
•. neoWN. AMsew ara
A, ,bi.,s»,. c...
MoMea aarrlad.
Ole BiaDoarn, uoi la prai-iice ine oepre- ]
ajatter of
i«-.e » webra la
dated paper e>iM>1led all allrer ae well ,n)an of MBaoBlale
aa gold. Gold, ellrer and paper wen wonld reepaotfally npoet ’ »iTttbrr
alike legal tender, but no two of ibeJbanaacuMite'^cAakA
nme raloe. Nothing more la required fill tbe raaaney, at a aalary of
to abow that aometbing bealdee ;be |doUan per month,
legal lender qnallty I* ngLlred In
^ M Poax. Snpi,
0 Coesua.
—‘ssr.sasy:^ —“
mo^^tbe 4nk*iSar^^Jed*lS jyiMbadrtSM'iibl
nme dlaroont.
Tbe Wxt Biep wae to admit allrer to
fne coinage and make It a full legal
I MlwBl.
aw. ta easst Dseambar mh, tM.
SSM8 |««SA8e8ll8a>S
>rl be aeeepted aod
Ilahed tlie gold •tnodanl. beeeme miaUter of fii.auee. lie ddennloed to nTrarene City. MIcV, Jan. IS IMO
rame ej^le ,eirment. upon a ellrer TV. the
bU Board o/ Cd.MnCbm
> rrobme prMUos. 1
bnela. Bis plan wea flret. to pay off < of TVanrer etty. MldUpan;
the gorernment ootea raneel tb<-in
Harlag been giren a posltkm whieb
B. POwntR. Atto*^ at 1«*. I
and Isane no more; eecond. to compel l oealre to aceept. I beg to
o tender
tender my
tbe national banka lo pay off their : realgnation
------------- --------------------of Blnratiou
Athupstet tow. Raw
Botep and retire tliem. aod. third, toor- of Traveree City—my rvaignatlon to
ganlce one great central liank of laane, 'take efleot Jannary twenty-eiaUi, nlaemodelcd after the Imperial bank of! teen bnodrad. TrniUng that my reOeraiany. which should bare the cs-'l«aeem»y be' graoted and thanking soaieBlora.
It farara,
farora, 1 am
elusive privilege of IsxDlng paper mon-' F®*
*y and be rcjulred to always redeem |
raapeettolly yonn.
tbe nanie In silver
Miai Heii'a Pek8V
This tied tbe currency lo silver. It'“f:.
***** “* «•*»“•relieved the country from the Ooctem-j **MoUonranriiu!
tions of an Irredeemable paper ear,
rency. which liad >wn f
B. BeU-pbeoc
injorions .
taltton '^U
1« mu .uvwv-.s. I.UI
imt Cm
Coont Matsukau , M,g7j.t7.
,0, laboratory few amon^
rs.tT. aod
was of tbe opinion thai Japao bad not: (ng
~ to US. waa praaented and read,
V*, 4I.A r.4«l
rtira of Mr. Moffstk duly
lered the adoption of the guM stand-1 earrlad, waa rraalved and plaocd on
ard wonld he anolber step of prugrvsa, fi‘^^
ar* Mo. H: MiaoBM. Me n. MortbSfe
City treasnrer'e rraort for mooU of -lA-woe
nnd Indeed was Indlsia-nsable If that
aod reaMvaes, Ma n.
eonoiry aapirvd to
fir. Moffett, dnly oarriad.
merclal position.
AcfwdImtiV. Hi 1«0 wasappolnieda ' Ji^'******^
monetary commlssloD of 15 inemhere | Moved by Ur. Blagbam that the oomiL**i»‘tt« «• bnUdiaga aad grranUM
was compueed of high omrlaB. pro-1 antboriUd to proenra granlna alate
fessora of the L'nirerslty of Japan. |b's
> ter tba aehool bnlldtaga
members of tbe diet aod bnsli
eminent In the commerce of the conn-1
ns*4 ae a a- trsla kss rartsf ear 4s Otoafi
aopMs. s£ slesrira eeTiSe ssrah Ovaea
lacp B. Oas ilnssr Ola
Uossaj IS Orosa aosUs ora esosk mti stssg
iSV* kST^ «s Qira* Bsptdi so4 shotr see
Tsola am4s« o> *m p b. has chatr ear
Wgyas js QrasJ BsyMs a>4 ehelr cor Ureai
onu lb,.,UA,,K.„ I
wee tbe decision that tbr country
I iODerlniendrat, be aatborlsed to em■hould adopt tite gold sundard.
I ploy a teaebw la plaoe of Mira Parry,
Mr. Ucblda tells ihU aiory In lu in
teresting deulls. and bis account of
bow the gOTcrttment carried the re
oved by Mr. Rlegbam that it B the
form to aaccessful Issne shows It lo
• of t.e board that the baperinhere been one of the most ably eon- | leadoat
lent be aUowed a typewritw
typewriter Inthe
•ebooU. the ram# to be paid tor from
ducted operations in the enneU of gor- •ehooU.
erement finance. Tbe chengr to the **** P”*®**** of tbe Blgb neboel leeMre
gold atanderd was wade without ■nyl*“Sf*J
noutlo. or .,UII0< ,.,olil« b, «.b. I
bTlCoocUl. tb., tA.
Uehlng a new gold umi correepooaing ; p^ri
drat be anthorltMl to
lo the value of the eslstlng eliver unit. ;gss for oppambw for the pbyateal Ubo2^ Indemnity r,<celved from China rmtory
faralsbed tbe gvk) reqnired to take np
MoUm carried.
tbe ellvrr yen colas, and the Utter
Moved by Mr. MoffeU that tbe mtt
were either advaniageonsly sold or r«- ter of penvlolng bookeaera for
librarira be iwfenwd to tbe commlnted Into mteidUry colas. Tbe en
no baUdlage aad gronada with
tire pUo OB UId ont In advance was
power to met.
carried through and Japan placed aeMotion carriaA
ewely on a gold baste.
Mr. Uchida shows that tbe rrantto of
tbe change have thus for been gratify*
A W. Blekard, Owk.
lag ta tboae wbo adroeated It. Tbe ladoafirfra of tbe coaatry are
npWly. MaiUaaaimwiT
tateMtteaMt of aratarial. Tha
wogea an advancing, tbe revrai
BoetoaSWfa. »
tbr government are rattefactory,' and
tbe actlra eommaode the approral of
the people.
Tbe experience of Japan baa eovarad
ly tbe whole fiUd that dm
bate nngM over, and Mr. Ucblda hra
told tbe atory wltb aneb detail and
with ane^ dear appraetetlon at tba
tocto that are Inpoitant. that tbe ard*
da la very Instractlve. It .Is certain to
be read with great latefeat la Ibta
eonntiy. and It will bdp our people ta
a dearer nederntandfag of tbe uvnt
I have aevanl 6na n«w risa—
tawa that control tha valne of money
and Ita retedou ta ladoatry and trada both BiB^ Bad two SMtOd
Tbte te tbe aura kind of tariff wklA
ear Demoovde brethraa hare alwaya
dadarad ta ba a tblef aad a nhbar.
Lat ra have a wbda let mere at aadi
fahhaca aad a little tera^^ Damaa-
OidarlbF Thome Ko. 82.
Geo. earns,
omro aouTB.
iBSBti* K^r.Tssder. r
tsws. ItoritsI*-
I/T Ehaaftas..
At yvavetesOg.
oaonurav^g^Lsksvtev Boos-*. glk BratCs-M'vk
ipoa nALB-au
f SOoCs-lvrci
lUBIB ID Nmuni 1L
A- M. j V. a.
... .—. ^
Good Sleighing
Best ontfito ia the eity. Try
Iirqnette SiUnil
Enjoy tbe
p“£S5:tJs.^= .’sa;-is.’3!
Lhf«TAa4FMd8UUM aadS
It ttetr trttfts |
fMlwrfar 4a tha fooffiaae at Ma
of tha'Tbanraa
0IMB*Ml«'KBBa. M ho haM Ihk
ih •mr
TUii Yew—Mo. ttS
»««.>o lo O” •!«»* »
yrilM K<m> 9t oaiiw-^M M«a
■hikk fcf «-«l
ke* sCoIr WM • Toa* of tko BoM, wkO
mof tk* posiUao mm7 U of«*r«o
owkUtkoato doMMT ka moMo
■a(lu« to
Mtite** !>■»»*■*
SmbU of «k* Mm S*» OtatM.
UM0B.J*kM>TM*pMA of th*
»M >M4 «kl* MTBtir M tk*
* *«a tk*
»M>*< Ik* >*dw ik»m IkM H >* tk*
of Ik* q*MB
«o*MOfM>art»ta«*eB------------•Wt lk*CTM dMMlM WkiJfc •*••
itkowpInloeootkAfrtn. 'Ik*
MlMTlaf aMTMt Iraa M* *»M*b
okmtkaMilMAaMMCcrtk* foronMBiky«ko q*Mi.
•>to natottar «k* lawlao of ay
■oaw omMOOTtoBM ky
wj tk* koatk
AtrtaM E*fokU* M tk* Ohuf* 'm*
•M*. ay pwpU koTv--------- -“»•
■ tokk* oppMa
I mU* to IkfM. wwl Ik* borelMDof
f'; ■j*eUU*Ml*«k*t*UMd uj Milor*
O.d«M».MWk0 Uodod 10 OO
wUk tkoa. M«o ao( f*U*e *k*rt of
of «*r aOUtoiy
•'laadaaply frtaaad that ao aooy
potoaUa Itoat kara fkltoo k wartfina,
>oi I ba«a «pltoaatad,wttk tka kaarttoat
th* pakrtotto
witk wklak
■ ail
ofay mv—i
a koM
ka«* aoa* toward to akara to tka
oeaM* flalrar of ikafr layarlal to<
Lull t aa aeatdaat that 1 akaU
BOtlaok to tkaa toaate wkaa laitert tkaa to aattoa aad taaaw tbair
....tb.* aatU tkqy kaa* tooacht tkto
r tka ailataMM of tka
Man ato tka aaartina of lla aaaMimar *■
** * ▼totortoa* ooo«Tk# prortoto* to aiUtoiy Mpaidl.
toraaaab* Ur«aly toaraaaad oa aaooaBtol tk* abar«* to aUliary oparatoaMtoSaatb&lriaa. ToowUlaot,!
' ' a aayoaUty
raqatoad to ptoea oar
ratfaa oa a laral with to jaapoaaCbOI«a wkMk to foaaaadoa of ao fraat aa
oapir* ka* Uid apoa aa
“I nmaiiiTn-' yoar daUMratloaa at
tktoaa<ka*tlat to toblaatoaad
CvSdaaa* of dlalfkty Ood.**
•" ---"-»* of to Irtok
WB>* ao-aot froa to opadlof aaaatoa
of parUaoaai. Thay haU a »*atiar
aad daatdad baaaBfortk to aat tofatka;.
•Aa war ottM aaaooadtd at add•ICkt that It had raaaltad ee aaw*
from doath Afriaa bayoad a Maaf*
from Oaaaral Lard tobarta doalarla*
tottoaltaatfoa waa auakaayad. aad
aaatiaaatt—-------tor* la acthlatol topertaao* fioat
Brwybody kotUl la to dprk aoaawa
toe to wkaraaboata of 0*^ Lyttto
toa'k toicad* aad Lord ttoadoaald'a
aoaatod troapa. aad tkoafk tor* I* ao
• to aappoa* tot tkay
toatolamom toTactotataly. tkara
haoartolsaMMtef aaalatyte tidlacatM tow. MtaawWIato oaly
totaUlCOM* ti tot oeatayad la to
oaatotyltota. ‘rkaaaaraaByatlaerw.
b.1 Ibw .W, Wl«l. U»
.....UUII U»1 0«».I
u.,. u li^ • n, iwa b_ «»t
4MnrtteaU.tra.l.].UMli.pM Ui.
U a. lo .1
1.9-*. •!»
MOUra Spio to. too.
—-- o(U
— ------------ -aad ala toalag. *klla Oaaaral Lyttol.
aaaprorloaalTloBtltkiUador woi ‘
od. Tkl*.ofao*ra*.l**d*ttoto-to
yMtottoa of aa appaUlar roll of daato
to to raak aad tl*.
Altotcrf taaBtlUaa awaac to of*
of to rf tk dirlakM to woaat«d tolfBd* to tk* attaak oa dptoa kap
Jaa. *4 laaaad by to war efto^ akowa
tot to oCtara war* klUad to M
woaadad. wkUaaUaraatm atolap
Malordtreaeof to Baato (kw.
rokiTT to u waa wan ktUad, M
OoloBsl OMbsl Shot Down la
Vntfikfort, Sy.
0«Mral Boltar te opaorwtlyM*
iKOiadldato Bor Bonner of X«■MkOMo. Ikok
loiMt «ooMlty IM
taofey Tlota fi aa
Mardto B*n**l Mol* Vlr*d V**r
Ik* ffortHiM of tMl kotoi^T
Btou Oapltol. Oaa taklag Bflkew
Oanv Kwa Vet (Mptaia*~UtM*
«k*TlM*a«olk*rloiAlaf ateMar■aanawaat BraypUa.
LeM Eokorta to nld to
Bf«akfOrt.Ky.. Jaa. M—A darlag atkovo aivtoM tkto M*».
It to rot*wpt
waa nada tkia ■ocalag apoa
Mod to aOitory took* waickt ttet
0*0wol Wkito mm ooljr UM OBOtka- tka Ufa .of Od. Wailaw 6o*k*l. to
for goraraor la
to raent alretioa. oad k* U« at proaaat nry oaor dtathk dow-.
oadkoowtoc kto
Mr. Ooakd waapaadag throagk to
ooa*to**d tkot Wkito wiU a*k* u
Mtoitpt to aot kto «r»y eot »t ooy ooto ataU boat* yard at 11:10 Ub woramg.
tfk* NM*wlk*ecd«r to ■orr^dor wkaa a molror waa drad at hlw bow
to*oatot. botMok u *Btorprt** to
aoaoBd atory wiadow of aa oM«*
M ottoriy kopatoa. ud aoa baUdlng dlroetly aa«t of to eapltol
boUdiag, aod be fell to to greoad.
ooly oBtoll * haory aaoHlaa of Uf*.
Tka aoWoat dcnoalttoa ok dafaoaa Bb koad waa aapportod by JarkJhJnB.
wbo waa waliribg with hlw at tka dw*
wot ocala to aaaioo today, oad it
laoroad that aazlaty aboat Ballark tk*abotw*Ba*ad.
Aj OoIomT Ooab*I lay OB the groaad
0*0 oaalUoo to OKproattd by Lard B«b>
«rto, a* ulaa ka f*U aafa’y aoatb
«k* L!tU* ‘Toc^ wiU kto baary aU of tow BtriWag don. bat i
tomoaport. troto ka wUl roa tka m*a towtaki^afleet.
daatar of hartoc kto------------'“•*— - Th* flrata]
aboat alBo laabw taalow to arm pit oa
tk* right eld* of U* body, aad bad
ponrd tbroagh part of tk* laag.
Phyddaa* that attoadad tka woaad.
Batoaaad by da^ea «»y*Taatird^ ad aaaa tkoagkt at drat tot to woaad
aot pro** total aalaw oowplba▲a aa loaolnat Mtot Vadar
tloa* akoald arlaa. -Xkia afi
to Baaferaptoy Iwvbowanr.to eoadiUoa ofto aaifarar
Claaalt aoart adjaaraad ywtarday af- waa werar. aad nry gran laara
a* to kb raaonry.
Aa aeeo aa It waa kaowa tot Onbal
wMBhat, to
nflad. A largo «rowd orwad with
to tk* Baaord aowa tlw* *r>. Maw- ridw oad ranlnn at
>b bad bata aarraadarad by hit to balldlag trow wklak to abootteg
boadawaa. kia brotkar Oaaid. far aattafaatloa la to aaaa of a dabt owad by
Tka erowd eaptarad Barlaa Wktttokor. a fanaar, whom tkay oaooaed of
a tirto Bapid* attoraay.
to orlwa. Tkay wan boaUlag klw
Twtarday Xaweowb a^tarad la tk* oloag. owU nlw of -Baag kiml''
aoart to tkowad tot ha to aot ■•StrlBg klmopt- -dkoet biw^” ate.
to aaltafy tk* aeeoaat B* kaggad for protaottoa, aad pretaat'Uah WM la to aatrkbarkaod of BMO ad tot It glrn tlwa, k* ooald pron
tU and* aa awiyawaat of aU hi* prop, hta laaoeaan. 1km ravolnr* won
tytoklaaradllo**. ai
foaad OB hta paraoa. bat aaaa of tkaa
akowad ladleatloo* of karlBg ban
Tbawkttarof towotlos fortoearIty fir aoaU la tka «aa* of Boy Oalkrl*
Thirty n-aain afiar the abootlag
ra Wrlto-Blywaa Oc- wo* ooetlaaad to aaotbor air*ay took plao* la a aaloon
tk* aext tarwof aoart. Tka partlea half a bloek away, la wblek Ika
io bof* to pririiac* of aoUela* wmiaan (oolond) waaakotaad it ta
w*o for trial.
tbooght fatally wounded by Craig
Irelaad of LoaUTUle, a white man. la
tk* mb to the auta bona* Irelaad aod
WlUiaaw ooUlded. Tka aagro atrnok
Irabad. wbo drew a ptetol aad Cr*d.
Bawtag OlreU of Travara* Bay Blva
Mawbaraof thelagfa
■qjoyb^ HotpdIaUty of Mr. to
kagaa to aqod maeagw to tbair «oaHta. D. K. KaKaUaa.
adtan^aaaooBM It waa kaowa tot
Tko Bawtag aral* of Traaaiat Boy Oookol had boom akot. aad to 'mUn
Bln L. a T. If . dion oat to D. H. kagaa pooriaf la wiuio an ho^
It ta aald tot all tka mUltary
MaMonoa'a bow* oo to paataBala yaw
twdaytoapoattoday rtaltlag Mr. atraagtk of to atata ta berrylag to th*
to Hf*. MallBUaB. A plaaalag pto etat* npital, and gran faara ar* aatargrow aoaalaUag of waata to radta- talaad that more aartoaa ttwbla way
UeoB waa rtoaiad darlag thatr atay
to a gaaaral good tlwa waa *a)oyad.
Bafor* raUralM tka ladlw i
Mra MeHollao arttk a b '
Mew Tack Iw< data Vrgaa BIm for
dtah. Than war* *4 ladlw la to two
Tie* Braatdaatial Mowioatioa.
load* to rataralag bow* toy raaekad
How York. Jaa. BO-Tb* Wsrid aaya:
to elty aboat l o’elo^
Bapablleaa laadata la Hew York dtaU
ban eowa to lb* eoadaeioe tot to
tSda of eraats will ton* to bowImUoe of Tkoodon Baoaanlt tor rlea
MaUhawa A Balgark Oowpaay la «By praWdeatto dad Bn Van*.-' at City
Cp to to pnaaat Mw* toy ban
been baeklag the aapbatioa* of bln
Op*naoaa*.Vab. Btk.
waaat Uorarabr Timothy L. Woodraff.
Maaacar Joka WUkalw raodrad
Bna now toy do not propoaa to tana
aotlet laat eYaalag tot hla propwlklw oBt of to raa*. Th*y ar* parfaetOaatoto Mattowa A BeIgwOowla
ly wnuag tot b* akoald go abaad
Opara Oa bad kaaa aeeaptad. -Ik* agwith kta «aanw aad tot k* akoald
gngatioa la nid to k* to boat traTolwaka aa good a akowiag baton to
lag eewle opara troap* la to
a* be powlbly
Ikay wlU prodaaa to popalar to
daaator Platt ta not anre* to bariag
attraatloa. ‘-By to Sad Sn
Oonraar Boooenlt pat oa to aatAdaal
Wana** U to (kty Opara Hoan oa
ttokat. boeaaa* ba haa not foaad blw
rrtday analag. rabroary f. It la
aa daUgkttal a pataee ia to gabaraaloagtlwadaaatoloaal toatra gear*
torfal abair at ba woald ban Ukad.
ban «t}oyad oowla opara ban aad it
It ta aeaaptabl* to
kaalatoaoytottoraaonrha* baaa
PraWdaat MaKialoy'o* a raaatag wato.
aaowpaay of tkiidlatlaatlee aad warn
Ia faei, to praMdaat weald lika to
la tbk part of to atata. Tkia it to han kiw ea to ttakata* a atraafftkaa.
lag faator, aad ka* aaid w» *onral
Baaatora Lodg* aad Okaadiarwaat
Uw to ba Tie* praWdant, aad daaator
a Adrift^ oa aa lea Baan baliana b* pawiwii to lyqalatta pepalarity. Ittoalaoelaiwad tot
ta to only anOaMaooBBlaaa, Mlab.. Jaa. N0-8U a
bla waa aaaa oSto ta Bryaatato
aappoaad to bo i
Tk* Klagk
rlAwkad idoUlad.
ai wan woaodad. to oa* la wMag.
■ of to tghtlag
wBpkwhop. toagktoydoaat ooodrw to atory raawaad yiMwiay fnw
Sow aeanw tot to poaltlea waa
nhn by tow by *torw.whoUy aomk>
an to anwyk raraloa of to aanrtly
' Oad rapert flaw Bran antw tot to oat flow Mwakooaa kwt analog to
Ba^w bad to taag* of to traaah toy oot aoW, won aan oo a aaatlae of lea
wblA waa dotatod from to
that wkOa to Britkk kdd U to gaaa bodyaeatk of tblad^ ^ toklg^
dadto tkdr
akaUi a wteata lato it, akOa to wkola , wattw of gran deabt. A party la a
•BMltofto km waa toad by wa. Iboatwwrt oat to ainrtala who to
ito aa
aaalaway* wan aad to brlag tow
MMadCrawrttaplW to wUak to ka^ TkateaMkato drina
' '
Daalbk Doar. aad to waatkar b laMtoly«olB
Md*r It tot aay af to Btttlah MO
laAkqtoatow- to padMMWhto.
tkay kald Mpalaady Aar
*M ataaai^lf
Ba I* aat taaetly a wUItatf aaMdata.k
aalUoahUBtaran for i
ha will w^ kk objaatta
At to ptrtorwaaaa of to »0eew
tanra 400- laat arnlag awaetto
bar anlda darM om
aftodaaaw. Dr. I
toiiil laka Iikviai k Df.
lari cm Wa.
6800 Rolls
of Wall Paper
All new 1900 patterns
If yon wear Dr. Beed’e
Shipped u direct fnm factory. Will hara it all na.
packed.io a few daya, bat can show you the sample
now. It ia intcrestlaE to eee “whafa what” in wall
decorations for this year.
The eoahion of Inmb'a
wool felt in theee aboea
Hobart & Beecher Co.
iMie erwy toe jrtnt reUeyea the preaanre <m
any ec^na or bonkuta and
yoor feet wiil no longer
trouble you.
SnooMsora to City Book Stora.
SSI0-SS8 Front St
Ralph OonnsbI. Jr^ Kanaetr
Perfect Fittiug
Stylee h>r ladiee or men.
A DilTerance la Taatca.
"I saw y«n klanla* wy dan*hiar. i dee-i like It. Hr."
•Tfc** m don't kaow wbtf. too*. klr,--Ule.
Twisted Truth
aaw aprlar ato«k ta oa Ike way aad to baUaee of oar wlntar roodt
maatbaaaldatoBoe Ik-aaa **oat.and.Mt-apaad.ap.kad.w^to*lHraS^
on-tomt^BsTl." B*ar lawladthlaatoAto allbr»?«*w.^^
The leading aboe houae.
Bop's Kloo Pats.
MaataaaHa. atatam, evamata, aaitorwaar. ate., all go ateatprtoaa.
jan Maclaren
The famoua Eo^iah aotbor, writ
ing in the Kortb American Beriew
on “The Energy of the American
People,^ uya:
"No man writea with hia own
hand, if he can dictate to a afenogi«{dier; no mao dictatea, if he can
telegrtpb; oo man tel^rapb*. if be
can telephone.’'
If yon are a typical, energetir
np>to*date American, yon already
oae the Long Dielance Telephone.
If not, a word to the wise ia anfficient.
Miller’s Store
(Delay is owln* to lateness of fire
insurance adjusters in arrlTlng)
and we wUl offer you the
ever known in this part of ths
country. In our
Fire and Water Sale
- of good* ontil forther
Greatest Bargains
on krery dollar'* worth
Mdi s Paoa.
W.W. Millet's Cash Store
Ifost of the groodB elightlv damagr*
ed by water only.
Reliabit Dm Goods, Carpot aod ClotMig Moose
226 Fron^ Street
fin Insunnce.
I. L. A. BnUdiB«.
John R. twnto,
Btnril liurun.
School of Music
fiai.BSiJSs.-5Bs -
Can Always
A “Tbos. Emerson Shoe”—not only by
the 6t, but the wear alw. For gentlemen'e|6ne dress shoes they sund irith-,
ont a anperior. Inst receired some of
onr'new aprin? styles which we'd be
glad to show yon. The price! are 13,
$3.00, $4.00 and $5.00.
Up-tfMlate Footwear.
KOMiaa aaoosD.
frotfejr loeial rimettoa tai
UtarvyBaU luatMl^t
m. «. Bas» An
tfOB BoMrtaiaUnwlr MndoTitp
SbiJ<7iUr-TMr Han Wm BmmUfaUy VuMiUd forlbt OMMUa aad
Ow Vcnick cm* fpr 1999.
TW t(«w 8< tA* t«nrt» «( *A*
Pallid INMA tettef Ui jmr ki«i
kM inaflilii nd m wyHiMri
npfcHliii wlUi
iMi tAi «•
»»iin if ««r
la ttet MMl MMidid iU ptiilmm
Ov total doMtli rapom. miDnIff* rood* taacpenid. «wi
aalaM a> »um Mt.»r acaiaM di.m.' |N4«diBllM OflMMSU0.Tr.Wl «Mi
. aduna
JADUASY 31, 1900
UI«V7 Ball BMW tooted aa pnUf
aadisrlttoc aa toat Blg*t,«tealte
of tte Udlaa' UUary AaaoMatfaaCBoaB
,«rUak«rttl|au lato aaalal klatoty aa
M of tte Ml piMMBt od tte yaar.
tte todlaa teva worted te acvafal
daya la pfaparattoa aad tte Vaaalt
toaoaatte anwy «f wtettiaTacaa
OUy^ fair wmaao aaa do to aate H
plMMBl «» Otten. tte teU
baaaUtaUy daaafatad aad tte Cncraaoa
eddowanaddad to tte teaatyeftte
palauaad teaqaat Ua pa. Bad aaoda
laaaaanWa aaaaKaa ■aultaa
0o«7 oonara wara anaacad ten aad
tten aad otter aorta ad daft teada
telpad to aate tte rooaapiaaaol
aaaaaawrtluolaifiWM. laiteaoalkwaat aetaarwaa alArrateotA, with a
wtenleaaraai iwaaaarrad. Baartte
atorsaattew ataldaettteraoB
aaoiter tooth whan daUatoaa esCn
HMry W. Bc^toa Plod Itoaday Mlpht
-Mra B. A. Wall of Ztoyalryaad
JOha Wtoae of Xatotid atoo Dead.
Aaotterof tte old ploeeMiof Lee
taaao aoaaty tea pm to .bto nward.
Baary W. Bodpera. apod SI yeara. dlaC
at kto teaw at Good Barter Baada.i
alpktatil o'atoek. Deonaod «aan u
thto aaetloa tklrty yaan apo ate te»
atoea Wa pnatioeat to Ualaata
aoaa^. Ha laam ato aonaadtwo
Tte faaanlwiU tote plan at Good
Haiterat ISo’atote thtoauratop.
ateaSriaaa. a waUtedo tamarof
alaad towaahlp, diad Meaday attarloom ml hto boaaa aaar Waa do
dropay. apad U yaan. Ba laana a wlti
ate Mpht ahUdna. too bom aad all
rhtaca AMoap tte latnr an Mia
DaU Byairaa aad Mra Ghaa. MatM of
thto ally
Tte faatral wlU bahald fraat tte
Onapa hall to latote today at a a n.
aader tte dlraattoa of Baiph AadorMra. B. A. Wall, a preaitoMt
daatof Ktopalay. ate «m of tte ploaatOan of tte lowMhla diad at
hMhomtoKtapatojiMMrday a
top, afiar a UapartoglUaan at oaaaM
Itoaaral larrlBOi will ha hold at tte
faatUy rtedMoa today at 1 oblook.
Mia. Wall toaraa a baahaad aad
?•••■ •
;J^^onr tIM ap to aaarly twaaty
Vito tte dm toMia ad a
pbHadStatoaaaa r . .
.doMttewarUapd at tte piaaaatrato
ddiaariiii will to a nryahortttoa
naaad tte faaaira trada of Omi
fill IIIIM Hli rr raaaaa to bcItofaltotOraat Brttoto wUI aak tte
9totad Stawa to totamaa to toa Soato
AMaaawar. Tte apaaab of tte qaaaa
a Royal
I of Oraad
baUered that If tte aMoetotioe
a port.
< aiKSld be toqaealhed to tte yoaap
woald be parfor
Tn Biiitoh to tooth Afrlea ten a
BaWt of amalattoc that ktop of rrmseo
who Mtrahad bk arvy ap tte hUl aad
Uarcbad It dowa ayato. That proacad
|B« bad a ptoataat aori of aoaad ia Ike
dte*7 bat tte Brlttoh ban had aararal
daaabaaot luraaltoae.
a for tte Barpoaa Of Baear-
toot onetop
frnaaWpaoathtottei Blaroatoof tte
Potato Inplnnat Cto.
3. M. Barrla. proooeatl
dlaat alphi
to hto teno to Beyao aty, aftM attaadtopCtnaitaomrthar*.
Aadpo Prad W. Mayaa rataiaadto
Cbarlanto toatantear
Aldaraua Oaa. W. Lardte wtU loan
thto neratop oa a baatoan trip
Oanlaad ate Ptotobarp. to ba ptM
tha raat of tte woak.
Ba*. A. a Uad wlU loan today for
Taatla. wbantebataoeaptod a pealUoaaapavtMOttteahBrahthara. Ba
to tte work
hen. aad tte i
of tte
ebarek baa baaa Iweraaied by
a W. Wteotoek to to Braad Bapida
a B. Marray baa pooe
adaoditwoald eoattoM to prow aad
folly, la aloatop Mra.
Baleo arpad tte yeaapM oosaa to
uka apoa tbemaelna tbe
of tte pood work aad ao
loap ate ao hard.
Tte addras of Mra Batn waa to],
lowed hr a rooal aolo by Mr. Baiph
Baalatt. reUewiap thto, hula MoaeUe
BmbbU Mtartatoad with
Ptoaatop naal
by Mtoa Morpao.
Mra. Daytoa ate ftaak Patea. Om of
tte pretty loatam of Ite prepras wai
byUtllaLatoDaaa.daapfctarot Mr. ate Mra. rraak Daaa.
AftM tea totorsal prapras t«,
aotea, watan ate lea Maas wei
aamJat tte bootee ate tea niaitod.
of tte aroatop waa darotad to plaaaat t
DohlUe. La Grippe. Pneaso&la.
Aetesa. Bay Pe*er aad all saladlee
of Obeet, Throat and Laapa an poelUraly eared by teto sarealUiaa sedlolne. We aad SI oa Snry bottle
• - - at Jae.
an whfi ooeat. Oor eoantere are
Uaed with ooaoUeee rarletlee of
hoeeekeeptop ISeae, embroiderlee.
moelto aaderwear at prion e*aa
lower ttea oa prcTioae ealaa, alteoapb erery Item hae advaaete at
tte sUle. Bow to the Use to bey
ke ap for e; »rtop
Dr. W. t. apptoa OpMatlra
atodad tor tte anbltobawat of tte aaw
ikntrln* alroaB to axtaad trcw Da«albUBtaadBaplda.aBdtealada thto
It to tte totaetioa to aaeara. by
itoto anaatawni ibi bwl nliw efai>
dnaitoM tbai ftaqaaatly paaa Ihroadh
Baaadaoa tteir wayaaat. aaddoaot
aMathnaib tktoatata
Than WM a larpo tteoap praaant
tte amali to OOMpoaad of thna aabate tte todlaa of tte asowlatlM an to
JtoWoaa. tte Oraad BapUi dtotrlat
Proaipb m
Jr-*-*- two tteatrae toOraad Bapida.
ttoa. Tte ■
aad oaa aate. at Baade Laka. Maaki
tiadtofftaa aad Bic Bapida. Tte
teaisd to sy apoMy.
BaaktoMa Bralaa Saloa.
•nad Tianna Dtotrlat toaladat
Baa world wide faso tor sar
For Fire Insurance
MaaBNL llain.
a, lS3BTiK.“i“
aaditeoiky Optra Boaai
of wbtoh Jtea WUhalai to .boM, Bana. Mk, Ba
Dlaan. TallM. Balt Ete
Aa aeppM aad Irea diateat laalodM
•Mltteauaftav Marqaatta. lakphaaBuaaaaa. Boaphtaa. OalaMat,
r aad Dalalh.
To Ooro • 09M te «M D■^
taka Wartar** White mor of Tar 8t^
Slater’s House Fumishin g Store
iso Vtoat SlTMt.
Smoke s
. wltk datoly latopa
aad aeanalra to pin U aa
atrtaUy to knptop wltk tte aaltoaality
wkite It ripraaMHd Tte airaspt■aat waa daUpktfally appropriata, toe
bara taa, hrawad by fair haada, aad
waton, wan oamd te tha
Thto booth waa praridad onr by tte
MteM Barltoad. MtoBto Walt
Mabal aad Clara Bataa tte yoaop
todlaa wMa anayod to pratty
tor white 4aaaa to aotad.
tte In araaa booth waa ptaaldad'
rMby MiidaMMft D. UFMata, a
C. MeHaBaa aad Mtoa Ada BnUh. tte
attaadaatobatoplUnM Umlm Bate.
Loa aad DBWa UaMaaaa
taaharpaoif tea aeffta booth war*
T. D. MeKaaaa aad W. r
Oalktoa. while tte totoon Mattto Lyso,
Maryarat Loadca. Lala Calhtoa aad
OUlaralpbaM annd aa atUadaata.
Ihto booth waa prattUy airaapad
**pe papM doeonttooa of ptok
aad wktta.
Ttepaaataa araoatndhy tte ofBean aad ai Mttn board of tte
of HMdaaua Barilasd. a i. Kaaatoad.
W. Poaad, a P. Oamr. T. T. Bataa,
Le*l toola. B. Thlrlby. B. 8. Pratt. 0.
K Bate aad Mtoa Ua.
Than waa ao foraiallty obaarrad;
WBBBudapMfaetly at boaia
aad from tte anmat of tte arrlral of
tte panto U waa a kappy pathorlap.
At l:M tte lapeonpta propras wm
btpaa by a plaatoap ptoao aole by Mtoa
Bate. Pouowtop teto tte praatdaat.
M. BUanoa baa poiu oa a taa
to tte irar aatU tte aada of
daya' vacatloa to Atbaaa
d ban biM aaoenpUabad- tte
Mra M. A. Weatpata baa pom fw a
ferato ton foaad toatttey
thraa weeka’ Ttolt to CUaa^ aad
kaaa a W« job aa toto baada trytof to
BleoatSeld, Iowa.
aria batttoatoa
toatoa torritory pnrioaaly
J. J. Uadry of Grate Baplde to Sll^nparad by tte Bona ter Jaat aaeh
top tte poeltloB of 0. M. BGhuoo to
jMrtbtlllln aaten baoa danlopod.
the O. B. A 1. depot.
9bas tor tte Bean ten abeira a da>
Mn. J. U Olbbe eama te tteoHy yeodidad loorbaadlUraat
tarday froB Mayteld.
•artoy of n^aav Jtew it Bortoad
Mr. Boa of tte W<.W. Kiahall Oo. to
dBpaala to do aonal^tor It to crUoat
to tte eity. nlllpp oa H. B. Btroop.tha
idhal a feotooU maat bo foaad to a
«al auaaper.
plan wban too oaaaiy ten aada aa
Areh Olbbe of Mayflald waa to tte
ptipataltoBA. Tbaa tor ao aaah plan with a fawmarbi aparoyrlata to the
eity yntorday.
Laaa Ckutaar of Ktopalay eaMo to ite
Tte addran of tte onatop waaplteB eity yntorday.
OaABV lArtoa to
by Mra. M. B a Bataa, om of tte
J. W. CliffewaottoBallalnee bad•anr lata a (ool tbtoy
o«te If a toaaden of the olib. Mra. Bataa Mi yaatarday.__________
llMto baatla to aoadad to aoeoapltob a
> aarly htotory iaad
Hto WUa Band Bis
t €f tte anoalat
Mt dtoaaaarte tor tte alty to tte Chlea aad atatad taat ate bad thoaitet i
•‘My wlfet pood adrlea tend sy
life.-wrltee r. M. Bon of WtoSe.d.
^diatoadaoaaal whlob it to arpaad ofttefatanoftteh
Taaa.. “for 1 had aaah a bad eooph 1
Ztopa Onad Baidda^ dlraat oailal to tte
Bat ate oSand a •said hardly braatbe, 1 preo eteadUy
«Uf of llaalaa. Koo aa addltloaal
Bto aappnttop oorae udar doetor'e trealse&v bat
Mrawaat aaa ba adnaead for tha that tte pood work bu» by tte i JP’'‘•j^^te «e to aae
BaapaatairotOited Bln
toaodan aeald ba raeeMatall*
itally ear* I
ipleteiy mod se." Ooophe. Oolcto.
OB.by tte yoanper wosea
■ of tte eity
Bedroom OuHit?
If you do.do not go without it, for I Am offering the
«v SS.« par antnaealaat M l PM aaat
IP UM aad MI pMotal la IWT. Owtoff
datte toat that arou wwr* aermal
aaaaWaally aU onr tte warid, oar a>pwta of acrtoaltaral predaeta wan
•aly STSl.loa.ot4. w afalaat SWl.Oiv
m m IWt. tot tola tola od aaarty
MiUteM waa Mi ttea oSmi by
dha tala of aaraaty-twe aamioaa la
aaantoataiM. OtoM fain, aolably
dd alztoaa MllUaaa la aalaa aadfaraat
Do yoB need » che«p,
bet solid
saanrifir^-*sV^a. b! BICYCLES?^
Sow to tte tisa to ten yen Btoyalo
roMsalad aad atoaaad ap ready far
Ff9 Stonge AU Winter.
MywsAaaa aoibabntaad prion
Wbntor bakery oa Soate Oatea
•tooot ttebaa^oaawlUhaopMad teabM WIQaUl tor year AaeL
Sc Pig Tail
Havana Smoker
the mark
every time.
Spring Stock Of Wall Paper
Beoently fitted up U most complete in every res
pect, and our new
The largest we have ever carried is here- has been
checked off—put Into the raoks-the samples a'l
made, and is ready for sale-it’s the finest stock of
Wall Paper wsVe ever bad on exhibiton. This
year’s designs are not quite as large as heretofore,
but the combnlatlone of colors ere more harmoni
ous. In many eases the back-grounds of the
Blue -r Oreens ^— Browns and Beds are nearly
soUd, showing more fully the gold and silver de
signs, but the only way to appreciate the fuU
beauty of these papers is to see them. It’s time to
plan tor the improvements you're to make in
your home. Those rooms you were going to paper
and didn't Our prices, quallty)considered, in many
oases is much lower than last year. We’ve got a .
fine combination of two band white back paper
that sells at seven oente the double roll, with
, bo^er to match, at Bo the yard. Our IB and 16o
papers are beautiea Tbe dining room patternssometbing new. IS to to SOo. The hall designs
show the artiete’ hand. The sitting room and par
lor papers are beautifnl combinations—prices from
Ifio to 40c. Xany times you want fust a
room, a bedroom perhaps—We can -fill the biU.”
Have some remnants that we’ve out right in two.
Then we have eome patterns that only cost fie the
doable roll.
If quality, quantity, patterns and prices cut any
flgnre wa’U get your trade this season.
The Hapihi Lay HereaDtiie Co.
Tto mM «lBk W tka SAosl o<
SMlawtU Mt MM«kli
kM WBI SMtflM WMk b«B tMlfkt
«b»BtaMtMflMvte.oc a»ra«7
\At ymr,
r, W* ^rntm iMMUt «< M7
wall Mtwmi tim B»7
tKt«7 to aMU rauliff. 1W Wwt Baj
OHgr tedWr. »uw 4i« »et atokrt uta
Iter iauMT 1. »U1 W !■ opmUon
Sll«7'ThMirMi,» «v4 of tb« at*M
piWtoMkeolMODUoitw, ltoi»»Mrof Oout7 A«m( loblwM M EWimtm li «hoM Wirf« Wo wao toaiorMfiy. SoMooofWWobooifOMW.
^ to 11 otvhiil4 7oinelA.ii4
«Mo tnm ■MkoUU, Mtok.
Itoo My of «Mto RoWIM, ifW tt,
«ke MWar loU or juiM Wlo ■». CUir
fim It •!. CWr BMir. tea haai
OMoaaM Ror lal to haltoaad to Mo
Ml 4m to roproof lor •
WU kb W gi«M
liCalMMi WU. M Ifeo WaWaUa,
MtMovhPlMoal vfU to
Ttototokito oioMloyaaiM ptootarmofttooKf MO lU n^aaoM to
•ttaid ito aootM itai. P.V. toU
It 7 oMek atMwd
Tto MoatiM F oiltod far tto
pupoao of wtiMM te 1 loloi.
Tto UUU tolka of thto atty wto aiJoyod '•Bobov Dosoty” t» Mote
toot »ook, win to r^oM
to lain ttot tto Mkoy »teob trofod
to tto pwlorBaiaa 4M to IfiototM
wUah WiU to proMBtad la PtalBkarro
Onto MKt Ttotday araalMt. tek «,
of BUk
aMrtkkriBf ai adaptatlai of Marfa
OoraUPi loool. ••Ika yotoana*. Tto
atoryof ttoFay M aad, ■oMatolxtaraafitot bat wtU Ua 4ato mmogoi
aftkaaoBknatoBy anaaiyoiUooilap aaaMi that kolp to aaka tka ovkeU
a lUaaaat aatartaliBtot. Tka pnB
raalM ooMa at tto ato of Ua
driBa laUaaarUdMka aaaia- Tka
iMtaataoBBaMMorlU a
wktak oamptB Ua ntin atapa,
AtUaaUi^ of Ua acMBOtloi Ua
HfMkalokaoot of alpktaadn-
At Ua BUtM W tte Smifktoat
rrmiof Uara wUl
ttooo oMItotaator tto trot nlk
toatoitof ttotklrd.aa
ItMteatitoalnaai Itot foU os-
toti to tto mM to tto iModtoto
«latolVo<WUtotoU.topiytac «ou
RV- Bart Tafor, i Waatoailto. too
toai «atoily tUtof tte aMa to aw^
toll loaaHilaa Rtof tto oatotoBoita
W Ito Pora IlM^ootttnllwiy ito M
fwllaad 1 aior oob tm kla f taai*
topi AlookofaM roooiUy loUad
klB aoro tkii «l to tto prooloit Bttil
m MmUoi to ito totoa of. lowalar
StofotoMd ttoy toU Moartttotlto
tolla MO rito wltk tto doocBlk Ito
By Oka daaU ot kla boUm, Mn
Let tka blood
. _
pat Ula,
waak nd
■Maiy, ato anry part M tba body to
——-idiorwiatof pnpat aoMtobTba dleoadn a«M faito to da
Ito doty, ato than to
aimiiy a M'lf.nuidr omd.'
-.jod; JO crato a he«.------------------ W. Chaac MadicfM Cobbut,
N. V.. Oa ovary box of tba
will ba teoed portrait aad A
Mpaatoro af Dr. A. W. ~
Steinberg’s Grand
Hot A lot of Bbolf Bpom ahooA Wo oao mto job
from 10 to 60 por ooat on yonr ahoa blUs th« next
thpw-cot our prioM oad W4 wUl
ooavlae* yo« that no othar phoo hotiM oAn much
foods ter tho Mao moB«y.
Altsr woron
ITAreh 16
to wo WUl
will bo
DO ot 94> Front Btroot
Old Reliable
•ftftftftftftftftft ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftfti
Stdnralk Imabmt la .U iIm.
toart to TmwtorM Oltj I^nbnr Op
Coisiltitioi Ilf Eiiniilioi Fm ud SiriidF Ciiflfiitiil
DRS. B. S.&CO.
Tnesilty, Feb. 6 AMUitu Idicil ud Sogicil luUtiti «t Inkigii, lite
ly or Raw Tara, ■> momotrno
Aiden Benedict
SCotitoX. 'WliA‘bl3A«> Xrrsb-Mraxwe 0±t3T,
Miss Martha Beaufort Thursday,
Feb. 1, 1900.
I by a ooBpuy of tmpoii
toBW. to Aidao Baaodlet’a
,‘Tto 'corkiwm puarkr ” oiunto
I.. Riiillvau.
whentob diet beard
^ tlip blow luvfuito by I*n>fnaor Kid
'o>-. "It wu.- auDirUilnf of lliat
kind. If 1 am uo- iiltitakcn. that Anal
ly kuorked air out T—Chicago Tribone.
at It or bH-lii-d It. en' If It'* oracked It
wus <m< ktxl afurr I come bore.”—4
coico Uiivivl.
ttoelnp aoeamfol parforBsaao.
"Tbo l•alu-l«ll M-CMtl U JliM atoot
hiwta." "Old Ike I'ollfgi' yoDik ■» to
pa''bed Ilia vallap itrepiiraiorr to k«Ttag for (lie Cbrlatmaa bolldaya.
-H..W ...y a>kr<l Ilia roniiiuatr.
••Wr an' al-uii lo nuika Ixiiw ruua’
<. Port.
oaa Ilia n'|>I).—Ctiliago
Mn. N.'lgliliori—Mn. Mctdiar
talul) ba. wimdarful tort
Mn. Itomi-r.—How aor'
•IklilMin—Wii.v. aba actual
maki-a hiT biialwiul tollrvr
be ii tov. In bor frost flro, sioi
tag bla own waj 1a evro'tbiog.—Clilond RpoDlah donoM.
> ftaily NVwh.
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Effects
^ 3
Prion.-25, 85. 60c. 76r; Box
UiM ^ Oaltnau Baalla Floor Varatob
q I Walt.
Hair of aeato will open at the
Pox Office Tban-tlty mornlnp.
An Interesting Case!
not loond help. I consulted Dr. Snow and be gave me medh
made a gtent change in a few daye. I feel that my health now b Terr
good' for
* a mu of* my age. All
Vn the old symptoms
stwptoms are
an cued ud
. 1____
fet 1
strong snd well If there are any. who, like myself have tried other
fAyBcians and failed to
help. I believe Dr. Bnow oan core yon if
HENBI BEELMAN. Tntvea. »CHty^Mi^. ^
any one ou."“
■^Wk ecusjnu TO CTU awms
DR. G. H. Straw,
• • . Ooi<
Tniy eomp.«e yoomU.” uld tka
un o-tio wan prttinp tto beat of Ua
Mr. Henry Beelman'a coto which hr explaioa, Mirra to illoitrate
the miaUka pbysiciana often make in dtoKnoaia. Tha^ do not always
at of All Ptosaess ui Wiikaiwsi
look deep enongb to locate the tme canae of the aymptoma, which
of Haaktod TobUIs to Obtain.
many tiuea. u with this patient, would eeem to be a nnmber of dia.
easea. With Mr. Beelman the.codm proved to be dne <o the o(»di*
tiona known u ‘‘litbaemia,” in wbicn the waste mteriala were not
changed by the vital chemistry into urea, but Instead into the ioaol.
able nrotM sod oric acid which the kidneys were nnable to readily
eliminate from Hie blood—accamnlalii^ iuI the
)• syfftem they
__________ ____________
the pymptoiha described
deeeribed below.
-I can aay that Itbink Dr. Hnow is s very skillful physician. My
health bu not been good inr a long time: I bare been in the bands
po XUDIBEn tor two years, but his medicine instead of help
ing me made me worw. 1 bad a go^ deal of trooUe with my tosn
and chut, soeb a tightneu there, sad soreneea. My noae and
were always stopped np, and 1 waa ao veir dizzy, with mshi
to IraluA Tto krtda to blood to mr head, ud my bead
head acbed
ached ud felt very much dutreoaed.
ba poBBpta of aoMldanbla My heart ^t very bard and pounded, ud thnmped. ud I eould i
hardly braath. Mr atomacb uo bowelp were very sore and aometimra I wa.
' ,
ASCMCCUtw aU wgaal* wakaiBii
there was the meet eevere pain in them, and all over my body, boweb
a- baS, WM B-r
A OarA.
Ua atowplpMd. do fa
• •
Tto aoMal to to plni by Uo Yearp
Mu' (iodalUy of Bi. PraMlt Worek
Uto onatap will ba a vary plaaaut
aR»lr. TtoArot part of Ua anatap
trttl toeanptodwiU a padn party.
far which faar pH an wUl ba pfni
aoslal wUl ba Ua scat
partef Uo.ontoap, ato a poMral
pood tlBM win to oofayad. Tka pn
wUI to tn aaito anapt
to Ua ladlaa wto will preotda bosaa.
iBeinoval Shoe Sale *
' tirry Boorlpu. tor aannl yoara a
MaUoatoraBaooo Ua Out Eapld*
A Isdiiu fiilroad at Baad aty. nalpud bit poaittoi two yarn ipo ud
ntwaad to Inlud to bmtj
aotUa dowB ta Uat ooutry. Ii
aylrai ttot to aeold aot pat a prtoat to
parfoTB Ua Barrtopa oaraamy. tto
foM totap orpreaood Uot to bad a
eaUtootaoeftkoAttaotto. Hearlpu
BOOBiod lAldirlM from a loaal prtoat
bn that to WM UBarrtod, bet Uto
arldasM wu iMifialaai. ao ko ato kla
batrothad took a ataaaar far Raw
York wkarr Uay won aurrtod. lator
OtorlaaW. Wrtfktctf Onto Baoldi
WUa koir w a propMV aotlBatod at
»UQ.«oa. Bia BoUarta haakato dlad
«Wm ObMlM WM to Utau Ito ato
omlafttaraduadtlrMBataBaai Sto
tor. und a littU
■am ud k
I rtah ky far
■aid to
fnak DlUia. a Idtal Boakiate
Baa Oaln. hu la kik poMBilrB u eld
kWlBOB Uthaaha^efadlatorBak.
^ .. torofatoUamryuoM
jf^ kelti Mr OUUa
■CAIoaottkoorcridk fair, hot eUtoa Mtto of Ofouk Wimotad Byrop of
too Mila la Book oI4m Uu urtklaf
ilae punatn a Umt
. pnkakly
ran nttotaatory or momof
A A Wam Bapbu-A BoaottaaMa yoaraafo.
teip.Jai O. JokncB. P. a 1fa»p
014 Baapla Ma4a Taup.
i. 0.Btoatoau'tkaojtai'M «
WMIb Rhn H Tmt Syftop, tea
fato eoi«b mnedy u a«U, cM^cold,
kiaudqylftokaetatiBi faatotOcto.
ettod Body.
Or. A.«. Chsss's
■srws asi BloMi nils
tkara aro pain fa
_____ _ -irtj tharaoo
Ibo^k, afdB ato llaMa;
ato aaorilpia; tto latow kacooM aa>
dad. aad tkcro to Mmanan MpdotoUaga faUtap ta ratal Ua
Nto ato IrrluMIUy, fasato on.
itoktafAte mtwtUfwyato ■falato. towittoa ato dauetoaMy
. wUto Mt. Torartaa fa ^ rM ikt ryam of thn dtoMBioi
canad by waak aid itopoto btoe<
I farU kopo
aoloBM af An ato neks ato mro Dr. A. W.
Nam oto Blood
rad itnaBi of laoa ea Ua alty of Ha- nito, Ua ptootrlotioa of ABcrfaa’t
Dr. A. W.
piaa at ito laaV
Dr. A.W. CfaM'a Nwn ato Bleto
nito tacmi tto ■ambar ot corpatow
Tto ••OipptewBue" aada fia ato to tto blood, aad to aoertoh aad la.
pan teed ntortalamt far qilia a
iMfo atotam la Ito Olv Open
BooMlutaifkt Tkoiftropttloaoan ■id tinr aetivo, toM tea rtonek aad
renrontood ato Uo Mtartaii
Boat WM oilmaly woUfIni. The
plaoo to a roc tlBO aaaaMt wUahpirM ■eribad Dr. A. W. Chn't Nam
man ten tto natoM
Baa, g OkauB of Irwla. Pi, toaaooayUd tto paaUtai of poaUr ot Ua
a< Ula alty.
HawtU let Ua eStn kan kaew taa
akert UBa orkn to au to kari
A yenp ■» te tea UBa of I
■ot wltk a;«ory
It tto MatrlU bUI moor Woxtoi* I
day. Bo OTM oUtaf Ua adr o
itodlaplayi ■ nryotaror
Uo Bin atorud 1a Ua Borataf. ato work. Than anoocan) Am faatorn
It ta Ua aaw ato aot
idtap pood apaetaltin Ou of tto
lalttoa WM a reBukabta oskibl'
TkanwlU toa i
tkm ot atroMte ky Sola Om
tlM of TkaniM Olty i
mm ioMly alaito dtotlMttn
Kaiffktotkaplar.Utotooataf. Work
to tto TobMo daproi A fall attoa- a ku*y Uftor.
"Btoto/OMtod Ito dapoatto traaa tto
paid raptOM toward ttot atoro ito
ladtttea to Ito aeUr Wtotow too
atoai ttofo ta mo pitottoi ttot peU la
Ttookaru okelref tto OMfrofo«audtopMM«Mi .
Haul ohonk will Boot Ula vnatop to
a< ttot olotoltr. Ito MOV tettora itov M kaaaBMt, it 7M o^oiook.
. tto iapeRla wiU
Owtof toa wnak to Ua Maatotu
yarda Ua 11 o'atoek trato u Ito M. A
dtOritoEapUiPfto. 4. LaTlw R. B. WM dalayad Utm kewi
• sapMtia teiiar. «m ioud
■kbrlR ilBpaw ku fou ta IVa
Sato to kla kwktik MoiM Montop. iBka to praaaad apatoat aoM 1
Ba Uoto to tto WaUiiptoi iita. 8i
tto atoto liada
«m 1 kripkt tookM FMip bm aid
kan baud far Ua
todkoai at Onto Bapito tor Una
atokorau kail to to plrai to Ua alty
■Mtto It la iM kokwi wkaM
Opan Ball. Tab. f U.
BM a OMood MWto or aaaldaik
Than wiU to a npotor BoiUly
Bom Ooary ito Marta pib. pmdoalaaltopolUa Uidu' Aid aeatoty of
toaoflto Oilai BiMaalMt toaoalt
Uo Tint M. A ekmb Ula aftaneoa
«tMd Eaptoi ton kau wtllid ky
Than wUl ba a w‘««-p ot
Udtoa' Aid aoetoty of Ua BapUot
toaarrlaaa m aaioaa to tto MU 4tri
ehanh at Ua ban of Wn A WUMl WM ton koM I aoaaptad aid U
halB. fli Waat But BlfhU alroat Uto
toUtkoBoalnaroad^ tor ordato la
at I o'eloek.
•adialaly. BoU aro OaiadliM aid
■ MO artU Ua BrttUk Baakk dallvary betu kaosBa a lltUa
oitohaoBa yuMrday Boratop em
rmt atraat, tot CAyda Browa itopyid
Tto ooaooaota o( tto Hurd booaa
It tofen uy dimapa wu deoi
Weak at daatooi wan pl'oo » pnot
Hart Wadaaoday onatof Uo
Min totoiy Boralap
i An wkteh
ban of Ua BipUat cboreh will bold
kroka out lotto
at T:U,
woBio win oMTiad froB tto wladawi
ky tto AroBaa ito otlara tod i im- OM at Ua koBo of C. J. Uinott, til
WaUlnptoo atraat; aooUar at Mr*.
AUeaB. Walfi «4t NorU Blmwood
LoEiyBMtoi. liriof aorta ot Itolaa inaot: aad i Uird at Mti A. H. Mi
MtobMi't, til Wwt BIpbtb atoaat
■on ud took ip tto kona wllek to Tkorodar anslap Ua Buihly
•wiadiadowoplad. A puat
aoiat BaaUip will ba told to Ua
MOM of Ua daaialoa. Mr. Baatoo llna ahorek parlora at 7:M.
alaia lid far woato paat kla aloBkira
J. M Moonof Aam. bad Ua bUton baaa krtoia-aOBaUBoa ky
fortoM of tovlBp bit two Blddto tOM
playlap akMt kU baad, aad aoBMlBaa oroakad by a lop filltop ei kla foot
kynp-tlBaaMMi Apala to woold to Moaday. Dr Uiraor droaaad Ua ta
d ky a MrBMUUlBf of faUn
aat. Tto Byatary wm as>
7apn Dtaea Bosorad.
flalaad ky two aalpkkar koyt. Itoy
Tto Bala qoartat of tto riiot M. K
tod atlaakad a loaf koM u a pnpkiptoM. rmi tto hoM throifk m old ebonk pan a dollfhlfal lorprtoa party
anUr pipi to tto bom ito Amid Ua iMtaraatapta booorofJiBaa Dipoe,
iomU m ttot Ua aoMda woold raaeb ou of tto BMBbara of Ua qoarwt.
Tto anotap waa apaot BMat daUpktBaatoa'a todrooaa. At Aral amMa
. tot Ua-iaWuaaa of Ua tolly at tka plaannt bosa of Mr. oto
heya whom itoy laaraad of tto aafotab Mn Dtaoa oa Buw elrut. Mr. Dtaoo
BMtoa hid nfarad aiUad for many raoatnd i kaaoUtoi kaaU of rna koda
mmd 1 MtUauMt WM cHaotad eat of lUtoa aad onapa btoaeoBB from CallOboi W. A. PlMto UrlBf la OoUorator, dfun iritk kla wUa u atiato a
laoun at tto opan haul Tuy had
|Mt naabad tto oaotnl partef UaeUy
oWm Mn. Plana aallod tor bolp far
tor hOBBoa'i, wbo aaoBod to to taiatIlf te wia tolpad laatda a aun
Ayiof oily a law bIooub laiar.
Poorness of Blood «««•»•••« «»•»«■«•«
Tba CiitM mt EubMatto Norm
Ato AU tke ltt> 4( 1 Watof
Aldto BmAMtk -riMo ------- ■ *:
Ti 9«b U •nppt1iT4 lofn.
Makm a spastolty ot all skmts Alswsis.
No roBady aqpala Wabwcs'b Whttb
YufB or Tab Btbop far Uto terrl'toaad fatal Atoam If takaa Uor^
atotitM,ltwUl<»o a I
kfawT Hsyto^Vn^fafto^
I SBMW. MtbBB and sen-
Cuuttttiei Fres.
Ttitl EitnM Fir 2U
OgBBtegBaiatoateltfflnfBBjPock. Obbb Htnot HatvmaM
w. I & Hfa. rami NIT m MaBii. MM.
MOW tr AFTCCT* THE Mousntice
TtoltpMtekMMMrVAlUhM fow4^MdaCtk«MMt. 1> «( hM«rt< -
M— biTTiitf f fEportrf Mitel fa
pwfM OUmao nwwt.
OkiMM M« « trtel to
9arf*. V. O.. «kwv«d «Uk TtoUOw
Ik* my ebUstMm *l Sm Tna^
^WHV^wyviar Id mmIm ite «o41m
,«< (M MiaiM (ro« tk« ruilyptaM.
▼iMn4iytoMt>lkl>k tha &1mm
lallDtMw ao aarioMtkat tka yawan
•wOi kaaaByallad la aadiranktyata
andaaM««)al lEtarT^r“-‘ MaKlata^ «na t? yaan ot
««a Mi^. kaai« kaaa ban M Vila,
^*wbaU aaaa^. OUa. daa. M. IMI.
lanaad a larfa aaabarafaabU*
lallaHaVag hla
atkaanlaa Maayacalfaa
aryasadM af AmI“teward Barapa la la ptorrMi. aa>
nertiaftalbafraraa of Ihapaaiporl
*anaa of tha aiata dapartwak Up
: '*0 data «ha aaabar at pan porta tasaad
,4mnariaDaafy «raa MU and m
'vUlbaaaataai baton tbo aodofUa
naalik. t.Mt iaaaary Ua aubar for
/Aha wbate mU waaMe. HMiottha
•aartotaanfrow tbamlddU wool.
Tba aaaaUOaa ia tba Ta««> •prtalBf
. nnpUaadatalchtpMaaitaaakiUad
ad MO ladM* UUad. baaidaa
----------- - Mamban McBatt. Vo
« —Ooouorm leaiaeilea Barham, Hoyt. Boaad aad OoU
mma Pn»to Pro
tod Bnak HanQUm. pmtdnH
Mlaatae of lau regalar naati^ w
Ur. A Uebida. cooael ffw 3i
Boodo trap Mb dy-phooy trMla^^ Kev York, baa OTltteo a t«t iQlereotTnfori^&'w.'MlA.. Jaa- M. iMa.
lac Metcb of the axprrtaocee of hla 2b tka
ceoatry with dlffrivat tnoeatary ayeaf Tnaant Cdp. Jftobtaaa
tana la the teat W yean Oariagthat
wayo aad noaa
ttOM It baa triad the pold
attrer ataadani. tbr dooblr ataadard that we han aa___________ _________ _
olalawaad harlegfoaad than aorreet
Pelcatlaa .
1 0.1. w—> »
Dock aa
aad for a tlmr afirr tbr war. la abort.
baa pot to tbr teat all of tba tbeoriao aboot looiM-y wblcb sonromnita
an Diged by cooflictlag acbooto of poUtkal economy to adopt Ur. UebMa
vritee of ibeer rspertaone estettaiaiBgiy aad with tbr inteOIgtoec of ooa
wbo BBderataoda the wbola eobjoet. Uht ifSua
Bthal Bexla.
The ank-lr baa moeb ItMCrartloo ia It!
ariLDna ptnm
Aaaerdlag to tba Calaar‘i aaw Baral for tbr peopir at tbU iiiitu. aad If Ita; T.ji^witheiiiA .ewk «e onm
prorraat. Oaraaay wUl hare forty raloe la appnclaied It erOI ban wlda
battla ablpe la 1010 laataad of tba tar- pnUkatloo. It appeara la tbr eolnauia J cT!n!S, tor'in
oataoa aba baa aow, twaety larpa « Puwk p.jicr.. bKi, du. Chkw
■Wa laataad of alone. tertyel(ht weekly edited by Allen Ripley Foote, j
Mr. Uchida sbowe that tbe atanderd'
aaaUeralaert aad ffeaboaUta plaae
of thirty-two, aad m torpedo boata wne aomlnelly maUietaei] by Japan''^j^^Jj^.Mak.eawoniuei
■ooa after H opened commercial nbi-i
laataad of olrhty-foar. aa at proaaaV
tlou with tbe outside world. It early |
aoaooi, noon rcpp
learned (hat It must unify Ite lucol car ^i*w.»udeitao».,iartoeoka .
X.ttoraiy Votoa
noclea then in a chaotic coodltloA I
The rabnury Saaaaaa la ]e«t taeead aiHl that It ebonld hare a nandard of I
UBnaar pcnp
1 iu eelarcod aad yreatly improrad raloe bearing eumr drOolle relailoe to' AweHeraBwkr«., hooka............
form. lu laadinfartiria laiflUUad “A that need b» Ike eoriil lo whirb ti hul «»w, PoraetfaCo. ho•feB.^. ..
Thaoka for oo' MIO.OO
amt ad Witim Mr Ouvtli MU
baig. Oeo. Lather. Otaar Baaea
Tblrlby. Bd. Uoartatda, Oata legrig.
r •woara. MBara Mary Bataer
•trout for------------------.
tor ramambMtag
Anna Armatrout
w darllng^baba with ovary aaad for
ey whmh hra jrat baan
■rod byF. fi. Obaaay AOo. toaerpnralad at Maw Hawu Onan.. baa
.. aoalain M ■aroary. aad la
Itiotaoda to araaate•abaa tatnoally, aettag dlioetlyopeo mebUra ter tha daUvary of laa arai eratea. It alao pt'af M pat totga
freight ran da tba loaalatrMt laOwaya
toaoavoy lea from tha lakra aad tea
hy.r. J. ChMiM* Oa. Toatt» to tha oaatral
BalPa fhnByPfUa an lhahaat.
John F. On & Jto.
Smcssur m
BoriM aana w navi
OolanWa HalL Waal Blda. ffbh. lab
a^BtbMlayBuibiitn. atamt^
We. tbe nadetaigaed. bag tbe people
.1h»0emaa War DepartMBt, It la
' aoeept onr wan—•
•aid. aetaally Inapt la
mntlfnl gifta >■
ml all tba brldgaa la tha ampin ooaaid* great how of need. On Tneeday evraafter a r*--------* fam^ ehat wa ro«nd llkaly to ba damagod or dntroyad
da aaaa of war; aad, what la morn, it
to ba awakened ta s
fine dapUaatn of a good maiv bridgea
ml othar aewtrln la whlab It B iatar•taaadfnl arttolra
at ew bnretag pdlowa. tw«^ aad
It M ropertad pt'Vlotoria, A C. that Iraviag all wa poaaaaaad aa earth ba
wblM • Bart wa
i yoa ^
Baa baaa poatad ae mlaMag alaat Dao. 1 partlynnda
waaaaatUad by mitlaatre. wbo klUad
Ahaaaptala, mata aad faor aaamaa,
Agnla bagfflag avary oaa of yon to
Wha Bthal ballad from Bydaay, aad ewM e?SiSH^haaka
. emowMdbyf. LoettV Bba maatar•d IM WM aad wpt boat la im.
Obas .
aad Baby Okua I^a-
•a anreary will aor«ly daatrey tba
mmaefaeBattaadaonplataty daraago
•Ba whola tfakam ariST^ua^lt
tteagh tha maaooa aarfMaa Soeb ar•^cln abeoldraairar ba oaadaaaapt oa
Alfred Will
Ua^maalMto ordn by tha
tba Oarsegta
Oorepaoy. wbA at >7 yaaro of tea, la is
TwobatabMof uplMd dofs. wblA ebarga of 41.000 maa, aad ha* a aalary
!ka*a baoa drlUad M
kr palllac tbau frou tbair uaebUtaa. Oaraagia abopa. aed. aatln
IrUyr tbfoegb
Ban baaa aaot bam Oaruaay,M autel kla owB cBorta raeofoliad. aa tbay
wan. by a bread-nledad aed ap
aha Bean.
•am or alch* OeraaU U« atadaala, Ua pnaaat poaltioa of treat aad rasofDatlaOhl
kart Uooday ■Bralayat Hhaia, V. T..
A tha gnataat of tba^ tina adl•I a raaaU of iha baraiaff ol''lholr fra- OMOt
>f tba aeoalry, la aaotber tatarnt
oofolly ibdfo. riflaaa Janpad u toot
lag taatan
n af thb
thle aambar,
aad ia It
«a tba rraaad. Uttta of tha lodfo Mr. Wattateee talla naay of hla ewa
aaparfaoan ••laaBMoatef tha war."
Tot tha baaati of noa t^ oplt oa Mr. Wattanoa aald, -Uka aney of tha
tthooldowalk. aad
a wheoo dr........ ...
>*hor«by. tha Uty eoaaoU of Oanlaad
&aa eetad to plaoa Mlueoaa aloag tba approva, I weat with my watah to aa
nldawalk. Ml faat apart, aad tha pabUe anala who bad ao polltloa at all aad
got •» oa It" Mr WaUanoo than
nnatapltU thaat oraotatalloa tba rerlnd the pebiioatloB of aa old aaapoadad nawepaper at NaabTUla, and
WUIUm Mmafa two ytar old graod
nbUd wea aawtbarad In a fire wbiab dw otbar dally papan i
footing la tba llttie Tea
ntnyed the borne at Ifiiaela. loA. aad At tba aad of tha year then «
Af re Traak Btepbeae. wet killed la a two. bd of tbpee
two bU papar bad
waiLawey wbiob foUowed wheo bar two-tblroa of the boelaeea
le Beard monthly 'rom New
Baebaed epraag froa tha oarrlagete
York. Prloa. 10 orate a copy, gl.oo a
mlarm tba If lUar faaOly M tbair danger
drom ftra
Hraorabla Tbomae B.Boed.lnwriUag
Brltlab reeideote of Valparaiao. Chile, of the madera traet. doee not eram to
twill form a Brltlab anlranal patrioUe
laagea, aaabllag aU aabj wia of tba
rieeen to keep la teoah wttb tba noth- that while Proridenoe sed the higher
lawe which really govere tba oolreree
are. ia mrab
i*e talk,
talk. much
Inferior to the
BBlnataa nada by Taaena, Waab., EarBed (tutetae before they an anaetea, tbay an alwaya foaad to be
i le.OOO eetad,
____ ...lor to them
tbi^ Me
nao ara totaodlag to paaeb Oapa Ki
la foot. MaUn ______
By tha ftrat ataanm Iren Pagat Sooad noBopoIr aa moeb aa It doaa a
nadDeweoa. Two-ihlrda of tbia aan- vaeeam.’'
Mar will go tron Iboona, SaatOa aad
Mr. Baadb papar os Moaopollaa—
whlab M to appear la the fietorday
Pott of Fabroan 10—h a
dalBa Paella. U worldaga tarqoato aBnal^
anrrwtln dlaaee^oa of tha metboda
vroparW Mar tba- Mnooa TIflaay of nat eorpontiena It dlanaeae (a a
nlalnaat Torqaeaa, Mew Maxtee,«traak atrlblag aad original naaorr oaa of
m peeket of oaaaoaUy large end Aae
a worth tt laaat fiia.ooo.
The Pm
Ballnad eyelem
•a Maw Year'a day thara want late
Sorea la Baglaad aa aat
I bel^ laleed for
•hat la all reona of a ahep whan gooda
mn aataalty rotaUad la tha pablte. aad the fit Loeie Worldb Fair, to be bald
ware amployod.
-fiha anployar Bhall preridt aeata ba- perebaM aaBtaaotal. Otbar aabaerip*
Uooe of grealM amoneU an
Jhked tba coaatar.
^Ualtad fitataa ofielale wUI oonbat •paeUl aetirity b being
•ha graaa-goode men by^ting aatl view of tbe faet that tbe bUlappcopri
Uraaa geodi dreolan la poateBMa. ating U.ooo.ooo la aid of the fair B
aad eengreea wUl ba aekad to npaal abrat to ba UWodnoed in OoBgram-
-Aba law wbiab mahn tba aonaoa-. «geal^',gaB^ wltb tbeawiadlar.
frftha Board of Bdaaitlaa odiho «lty
Tnnree OUrBagelar ■alHag af Board af Wanloa bald la QaapaU non..................
_ aa with a raah. Hava
thagtaathargalatf IIBM
yaartatonattodo aa. Tha 1
Made Tonog Again.
•■OMof Dr. Elng-e New Ufa PUB
tab night for two weak* baa pat na
I my *taaM* agala.'' srrttaa D. 6. Tnrr <of Dempaeytown,
TbY*ra tte
, .
bMt la tba world for
aad BoweU. ~
gripe. _OaJytSeat Jaa. O. Johaaoeb
I A Watt's drag etona
Mattes to Outenan-
Innni Gh| lioBr Ca
TranrstCitt, ■ ■ litki(u
EnamelingBest to be had in
the city is at
Bee ggnples in window.
J. M. Martiaek, tbe jeweler. wUb.M
to atata to tbe people wbo bad work
abhBatora that everything In that
line wae raved from the fin and that
' » eame 1
. aey tin
with gold. Tbe latter neaed ool of
Vary BaapaetMlIy.
drcnlaiton and wae gaoled at a ptA
U. C M ?rrATr.
Gao A^orr
Japan ateo tried a nattoul bank corrency modeled after onra but ■■ It
>d by Mr. Ooehlla that tha rariportof
•. neoWN. AMsew ara
A, ,bi.,s»,. c...
MoMea aarrlad.
Ole BiaDoarn, uoi la prai-iice ine oepre- ]
ajatter of
i«-.e » webra la
dated paper e>iM>1led all allrer ae well ,n)an of MBaoBlale
aa gold. Gold, ellrer and paper wen wonld reepaotfally npoet ’ »iTttbrr
alike legal tender, but no two of ibeJbanaacuMite'^cAakA
nme raloe. Nothing more la required fill tbe raaaney, at a aalary of
to abow that aometbing bealdee ;be |doUan per month,
legal lender qnallty I* ngLlred In
^ M Poax. Snpi,
0 Coesua.
—‘ssr.sasy:^ —“
mo^^tbe 4nk*iSar^^Jed*lS jyiMbadrtSM'iibl
nme dlaroont.
Tbe Wxt Biep wae to admit allrer to
fne coinage and make It a full legal
I MlwBl.
aw. ta easst Dseambar mh, tM.
SSM8 |««SA8e8ll8a>S
>rl be aeeepted aod
Ilahed tlie gold •tnodanl. beeeme miaUter of fii.auee. lie ddennloed to nTrarene City. MIcV, Jan. IS IMO
rame ej^le ,eirment. upon a ellrer TV. the
bU Board o/ Cd.MnCbm
> rrobme prMUos. 1
bnela. Bis plan wea flret. to pay off < of TVanrer etty. MldUpan;
the gorernment ootea raneel tb<-in
Harlag been giren a posltkm whieb
B. POwntR. Atto*^ at 1«*. I
and Isane no more; eecond. to compel l oealre to aceept. I beg to
o tender
tender my
tbe national banka lo pay off their : realgnation
------------- --------------------of Blnratiou
Athupstet tow. Raw
Botep and retire tliem. aod. third, toor- of Traveree City—my rvaignatlon to
ganlce one great central liank of laane, 'take efleot Jannary twenty-eiaUi, nlaemodelcd after the Imperial bank of! teen bnodrad. TrniUng that my reOeraiany. which should bare the cs-'l«aeem»y be' graoted and thanking soaieBlora.
It farara,
farora, 1 am
elusive privilege of IsxDlng paper mon-' F®*
*y and be rcjulred to always redeem |
raapeettolly yonn.
tbe nanie In silver
Miai Heii'a Pek8V
This tied tbe currency lo silver. It'“f:.
***** “* «•*»“•relieved the country from the Ooctem-j **MoUonranriiu!
tions of an Irredeemable paper ear,
rency. which liad >wn f
B. BeU-pbeoc
injorions .
taltton '^U
1« mu .uvwv-.s. I.UI
imt Cm
Coont Matsukau , M,g7j.t7.
,0, laboratory few amon^
rs.tT. aod
was of tbe opinion thai Japao bad not: (ng
~ to US. waa praaented and read,
V*, 4I.A r.4«l
rtira of Mr. Moffstk duly
lered the adoption of the guM stand-1 earrlad, waa rraalved and plaocd on
ard wonld he anolber step of prugrvsa, fi‘^^
ar* Mo. H: MiaoBM. Me n. MortbSfe
City treasnrer'e rraort for mooU of -lA-woe
nnd Indeed was Indlsia-nsable If that
aod reaMvaes, Ma n.
eonoiry aapirvd to
fir. Moffett, dnly oarriad.
merclal position.
AcfwdImtiV. Hi 1«0 wasappolnieda ' Ji^'******^
monetary commlssloD of 15 inemhere | Moved by Ur. Blagbam that the oomiL**i»‘tt« «• bnUdiaga aad grranUM
was compueed of high omrlaB. pro-1 antboriUd to proenra granlna alate
fessora of the L'nirerslty of Japan. |b's
> ter tba aehool bnlldtaga
members of tbe diet aod bnsli
eminent In the commerce of the conn-1
ns*4 ae a a- trsla kss rartsf ear 4s Otoafi
aopMs. s£ slesrira eeTiSe ssrah Ovaea
lacp B. Oas ilnssr Ola
Uossaj IS Orosa aosUs ora esosk mti stssg
iSV* kST^ «s Qira* Bsptdi so4 shotr see
Tsola am4s« o> *m p b. has chatr ear
Wgyas js QrasJ BsyMs a>4 ehelr cor Ureai
onu lb,.,UA,,K.„ I
wee tbe decision that tbr country
I iODerlniendrat, be aatborlsed to em■hould adopt tite gold sundard.
I ploy a teaebw la plaoe of Mira Parry,
Mr. Ucblda tells ihU aiory In lu in
teresting deulls. and bis account of
bow the gOTcrttment carried the re
oved by Mr. Rlegbam that it B the
form to aaccessful Issne shows It lo
• of t.e board that the baperinhere been one of the most ably eon- | leadoat
lent be aUowed a typewritw
typewriter Inthe
•ebooU. the ram# to be paid tor from
ducted operations in the enneU of gor- •ehooU.
erement finance. Tbe chengr to the **** P”*®**** of tbe Blgb neboel leeMre
gold atanderd was wade without ■nyl*“Sf*J
noutlo. or .,UII0< ,.,olil« b, «.b. I
bTlCoocUl. tb., tA.
Uehlng a new gold umi correepooaing ; p^ri
drat be anthorltMl to
lo the value of the eslstlng eliver unit. ;gss for oppambw for the pbyateal Ubo2^ Indemnity r,<celved from China rmtory
faralsbed tbe gvk) reqnired to take np
MoUm carried.
tbe ellvrr yen colas, and the Utter
Moved by Mr. MoffeU that tbe mtt
were either advaniageonsly sold or r«- ter of penvlolng bookeaera for
librarira be iwfenwd to tbe commlnted Into mteidUry colas. Tbe en
no baUdlage aad gronada with
tire pUo OB UId ont In advance was
power to met.
carried through and Japan placed aeMotion carriaA
ewely on a gold baste.
Mr. Uchida shows that tbe rrantto of
tbe change have thus for been gratify*
A W. Blekard, Owk.
lag ta tboae wbo adroeated It. Tbe ladoafirfra of tbe coaatry are
npWly. MaiUaaaimwiT
tateMtteaMt of aratarial. Tha
wogea an advancing, tbe revrai
BoetoaSWfa. »
tbr government are rattefactory,' and
tbe actlra eommaode the approral of
the people.
Tbe experience of Japan baa eovarad
ly tbe whole fiUd that dm
bate nngM over, and Mr. Ucblda hra
told tbe atory wltb aneb detail and
with ane^ dear appraetetlon at tba
tocto that are Inpoitant. that tbe ard*
da la very Instractlve. It .Is certain to
be read with great latefeat la Ibta
eonntiy. and It will bdp our people ta
a dearer nederntandfag of tbe uvnt
I have aevanl 6na n«w risa—
tawa that control tha valne of money
and Ita retedou ta ladoatry and trada both BiB^ Bad two SMtOd
Tbte te tbe aura kind of tariff wklA
ear Demoovde brethraa hare alwaya
dadarad ta ba a tblef aad a nhbar.
Lat ra have a wbda let mere at aadi
fahhaca aad a little tera^^ Damaa-
OidarlbF Thome Ko. 82.
Geo. earns,
omro aouTB.
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I/T Ehaaftas..
At yvavetesOg.
oaonurav^g^Lsksvtev Boos-*. glk BratCs-M'vk
ipoa nALB-au
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A- M. j V. a.
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Good Sleighing
Best ontfito ia the eity. Try
Iirqnette SiUnil
Enjoy tbe
p“£S5:tJs.^= .’sa;-is.’3!
Lhf«TAa4FMd8UUM aadS
It ttetr trttfts |
fMlwrfar 4a tha fooffiaae at Ma
of tha'Tbanraa
0IMB*Ml«'KBBa. M ho haM Ihk
ih •mr
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