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The Morning Record, January 30, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Tldnl Yoir-No. BM
km® toafktto raofoet ««
ootdWSfktiBf 90Otn.”
1 by Unltod BUtM
Tkot Uo
tokooboadlttbo tEprmmi y*ow
iB Vow SPggBBtBd
oCnootof tfa aiUtwy taptrUTho oMiMie® o( ta®MU«rlenUm Ballatod that Boothar Dafaot of tto
ewMlMter «®U*tk®. •tmyaftiM
Um MT017 imtimmi LodTndtb gmfrlBritkh ia Boath Bfrtem WcrwlU
M«» o( tk» BrltM M •»io®
•0® oad Uo rotrau ®M
iMd to^Bcfocatto Ihk MonaaB®Mi CUM® SDcUik
10 K*m t®r. botfa Cram ® mani ®®tt phTiJa®!
mmt to Ba^ aa Mediator -Tto
»MS IBOO KUkdx*rm»
Ida® Woold to Approrod by Both
OafcoBtad kr • ▼•*7
Tto faU o( todyamltb. aU admit, k
Brttkh aad Boon.
toai®a4 tho BoMttot thoWarl®
With Oaaaral BoUarh
Waphiafto®. Jm. tO»h riaw of tto
•Ot >Wlol®t.
team ofol®
®ff»l® ripiioii o»4
of tto Brttkh
r—«— N-TkolM^ «1M®1- lUitfmi farad Jp«m tto ®WUt7 «t
«h«B Ipfamke® tto Bora to toko LodyamUk at ttotr Afrtm aad tha prohahOIW that LadyMm to tko fw«®» ®Mo*
cmilh wOl 1000 to aompaUad to aarraa
» h®o »U tom pfaamn k
m4 m
dar ta tto Borne, diplemak tore week
atoo poMM k®»it to toUomd lo to •fiw ttot te OW7 pratoMUtr
vmytoov Looto® mpMtottoi too
wOlaffM® oomalt tto gwrfao®. act to eai
of latereBtUthe
«®ro«aM toUtaf totak Ispamat ®®d ttol tkfa turn tto forrtm®. la tto
wetay- It k
k tot tto «cfemi M r»*
, wUl otaad UtOo Booth AMa
dieted that
far tto Bam
forfad from Smtk Afrtm »M ®et ral atow to toat off tto mwiy.
Bra U tto Bora do aot attack Om aa tto taklaf ef Ladyamlth wlUeaU km tom M®Md ttotOmml Bob- ani White Meat mraly to saar tto aad eoBfafc tto Ideaof
ofhktatbar ta mattan at food aad part of aoalral pewara, la tto aaa
Mtoa adTloto tto
Udjamltk. tot tto tnth of tUi It aot
aad aay to driaaa to a hamaaity. to and tto war.
Tto Bafaa afreawmt tarn heim aaflaat daapanta aortic after bluwlac ap
pMkBOwa. Ttot ttoollMtlmlo
fiam ttoa at my ttoa pralem k ooo- hk foaa aad aboadcolaf the aich md
~ aad tto faallaf la i
aad fara
— woaadcd,aa to did at Daadoa.
all horn kfffra after tto taUaf of aooiaa. tto Britkh people ellaf to tto kaald to hara raehad m aeau atara.
feist hope that Omarol WhHa way to net oaty heamaa ef tha
aWe lb Bfht hk way thro«|b tto Boar thy far tto ^aata, tot alao haaaaaa of
Tto wart
to tto aamaittai la taklaf aad hMdtac Use, bet tto aaaowplkhkmt e< thk tto arUtrdryaauaraof OMtral raaak
BtU«T»d Mow Ttet XAdj.
•pta® top. tat a rmort frat tto Boar
kmdiiamn aaar LadyraiU. via
oMai^aoa.mya that two Brftdmd warn left m tto totttotold,
Tkk avkmk ttoaffht to laaloda the
iniiir Ttotaporiaim itatad that
Mmmal Ballar had haa® daw® wttb
dara- tot tod laaoraad.
If .Boar rapork aia to ha halM
■ptmhop waa raaaatarto hyadlrat
•Maakaad aot * -------- ’
. ton ladteatodvoartiadttoBritkk traaahm
Md took ue prkoaaca. Thay Imt
toarOf, totatowad that thay Ufa* M
■» aa thpy
•makSfal la dataadlat fthaot.
Tto faUewtaff dkpatak from Oaaaral
«r Badrra Ballar,
♦Tpaarmmk Camp. iaa. t7, lo p. ■.
laa. M, aa raportad; Oaaaral Waram dmaa toto tto aaamy aad ebtalaad
m^mfa® of tto aoothara arak ot tto
> aliaa
at Aatm Bom aad ^mfor'a Poort to
tto Wmtar® Ladyamlth hUla. Pn>«
thm to Jm- tt to rapihlBad la aloaa
amtaet with tto aaaay, who bal^ a
■■ ®tftoffpoktiOB 00 a raaffoof amall
k Bortbwaat to
t tto piataaa from At
«m Bom throaffh Bpio® hop to tto
ladt haah of tto Tacala.
•Ttoaetaal poMtim hold waa pardakly taaahla. tot did aot load Ikalf
lem®d«aaaa,aa tto amtharaalmaa
wara aa atom that Qmatal Wacra®
aeold aot fat affaattta arttUary la poalWe®. aad to mpply hk keopa with
“Oa dmaacy at 1 aooamtad ta hk
atkaklof Bpioa hop. whioh k a larfa
, a moaataU—which
•rltoatly tto hay to tto podtlm, tot
riTia^land'thaterat Brttala will
aot to allowed to amiiaaa to Iffoera
tha Tlfhk of emtal powrala haraffart to aaMaa tha BomT'mdtbtotto
BapaHak will Paaart Hm If a Demok aware of the
amt k Daaldad Dpm far Mk »mwadkMm eftor i
Bmth Afrkm BapabUa.
Umdo®. Jaa. M—Tha Popalkk of
Tto tolamm of Emala at PaUa a^
tto wmtara loebtar mkaam at Ooloml
Bryaa, wto k jael ®ow toorlaf tha
troopa toward the Afp
amt la aaarah ef the koet daotraUa
rapatdad m waratapa. It
Damomt to to hk nualaf mala m weald aot to a prat aarprka to WaahThay are loth
o dl^omak U. after aaathor
to tolkea that k tto reel ohjoat of hk
itof dafaat. each at aew aaowa
trip, hat matramakaem potat iMtoml. Gnat Briials woald ton to
to that aoaalaaka. thay are proparlnf
attfto woat aaaeptto warn him that If tto Popalkk are
■to weald prafar to
not flraa tto rim praldaaay thara aak the Oallad Blotm to net to thk eewOl to DO fmlm.
paeity, lalhar thm ban other BaroThey aaaert that it waa i
at tha raamt aoafaraoaa wUl
apoB her, md there weald ba, to aaeh
araqemt. a pni
would tara a Popallat aa hk raaBlof
baaaaaa ef tha daalra ef the Born to
k. aad It waa baceaaa of that aatore tha aiadlatfoo of thk poranuaaat
daralaadiaf thay are ftphUaf tto mUTto Hapaa treaty k now before tha
dlr-oMHa-roadrafara ooareaUoa at
aaaata, md.U baa
wwa day md plaoa aa tha Dawot It ahoald ba
emtk aatieaal ooanatioa. Thay aay
raUtadat oaea, that It may fsrakb
thay will aot aadoraa Ooloaal Brym
thk ponraaeaBt with tto axeaea for
md five him a Popallat rsaalaf mate,
aettop ea the medtetor betweaa Qnat
ea wae done tear yaata ape, If a DawoBrltato md the Sooth Atrlem Bepob-<
It will to olthar a porfaat fa-
patbar aaktop the preeldmt
Body Xdm la StaW aad Baaoral to to wadlator to thk Booth Atrlcm;war.
Maid Thoreday.
Leaden. Jaa. W-A dl^tab tram
•‘Tha Ghlam lapatim at St. Patara- Bood SlaIpbiBp .Tastarday ; Baablad
harp hm raoaind by aaUa aOelal
aattm that Bwpargr Kwaap Sa k dead O^MootopofA«
Ptoaorththmfrokttoaoalh. Oatha
aiphtof Jm«ary tt toaolcMBplaa hop.
hatttwmraydlMaaltlo hold,aa Ik
partwotar wm too larpa, aad water,
whkh tohadhom lad to hollora m
lalad. IB thk aatnardlaarUy diy mam waa rary diamlt to abkto.
••Tha Mta wara told aU that day.
apalmt aarara attaeki md toery ahall
Bra. Oar iroopa foaphl with prmt
-I woeld apaetoUy waattlm tha am- OoMralBamaid Baym WlUBaaeaad
Boat ofttoSaaood Qarareolam and
Olty of MaaMo, Jaa. m-Tha pamlttop at Oaaaral Baraardo Baym to to
team Ikataapaat aide, to aaah earn Mtoktar of War k tot tha carrytop o«t
Bphtt^ thair way to tto too: ako tha of a plm loop miartotoad hy Praaldmt
Baaaad Tut--*-— aadSaeeadMlddla- IHae of prorldlap far the innnwaln®
pabUe affeln. Par yaara to haa
kmt tmditlem.of tha Brttkh arwy
toroaphmt the kytop day; alao. m ropardad Baym m hk rlpht head wea.
laamry M. Thmaajaikfe woaalod Bk pMltlaat aapartoaae aa ponraor ef
Baaee da Lam and hk mlUkryaaram
tataatry. who faapht threaphoat
kl Woodfota, who wm to
at tto mwmit..batop woaaBlaarwto mi T*-^ him da«ldddm tha alpht at Smeary M to
•baadmlhapoaltfa®.aad did m ha
lm® daylipht Jmmry
-1 raofhad Warrmhorap at A a.
m.. 7a®. M, aad daaldad that a aaemd
•MMbmSpto®kopwe«ll to malam.
•Bd tto aaawyh ilpht wm too atreap
to anew me to farm It. I aaoocdtoply
Mdai to Withdraw tto farm to tha
Thera k balland to to a pomibHity
that Ambamador PaaDestoU aad Moo-
y to ttoMtlaf
^ tto MUk to Thk Loaailtr. a
Peraawal weeks pact lombwmm
ton ham aaaiooky sralttop far a
mew fall aaficbwt far pood alal^lap.
to aaahla tham to icon tops. Oondl
far aUddtop lopo hot tto laea of aoow
hamltop to tto mllk.3Yeatarday. hosranr. tto etrato
Hand aad anry anilabla team
broopbt Into oersiea. Ttoeet
of pood elMphtop wat a rah ef lopo to
the milk aad It me o baey* day far
Before dark Itat ali^t John F. Ott
A Oa had raealnd at tto bip mill 41
aUiphloada,baaldratleanea tto V.
AB. B..aadllearamtto Pwa Mar<i«tto.
Itorawill ba a Btlll pnatw
today aad tto batotoa of tha weak If
Monday and Tuesday Only.
All books in sets................................ aj p«r’^nt. off
Sundord and Ute books, bibles and children’s'books at
lo per cent. off.
Toilet Sets, Sterling silver...................lo perjeent. off
Pocketbooks. Statuary. Medaliens........lo per cent, off
—Will be wara, dry, may
ABd comaortable if you pat
tboB iate A pair of Dr. Baad'a
Wednesday We Begin. Inventory
anl thm dluwiuiw m Dot In foroo.
Hobart & Beecher Co.
Aetiahion oijlamb'a wool
felt in tbe bottom of the ahoe,
oorered with
Special Clearance Sale
Feet Will
BnooeBsors to Olty Book Store.
light Itotber,
880-rS88 Frost 8t.
does the work, and does it
Ralph OonnablBtJr.,
glorioQAly well.
Handaome ityles, for ladiee
or men.
'Tity th' poor paple thot niver bov new clothes, only whin they
hov eomewan's ilee’s owld wans.”
Men, Women, CiOdren,
md that hk hedy k bow lylap to akto
ad thaatata tanaral
k Baad far Tharaday. aad tto aaw hair
to tto thro*o will to
paror at Pakto m Pab. t aklar tha
aawa of Chlk Maapa,
Ttw Bwpram Dowapar. It k mid.
faan dktarbaaam to tto aoathara
•nun am
And-coogratulating each other that there is at least
one store in Traverse City where they can purchase
New, Stylish and Fashionable
The leading shoe boose.
Clothing, Hata, Capa, Fnmiahinga. etc., at lover priom than
you’d pay for the other kind elsewhere. Jut now we aay beat
anil® £r men «11A0-F!ne psnts-N^wknd Beta, $1,68, ISStyliah 75c Puff Tiea at 35c. Tea, it pays to.aee u befwe yon
let yonr $ I go.
Kara Pmta. TO. 17. ss aad 3Se.
Ian Maclaren
The famous Engliah aothor. writ
ing in tbe North American Beriew
on “The Energy of tha American
People.” mya:
“No man writea with bla otm
hand, if be can dictate to a atenographer; no man dictates, if be can
telegraph; no nan telegrapba, if be
can telephone.”
If you are a typical, energelto
up-to-date American, yon already
use tbe Long Distance Telephone
D not, s word to the wise is enffic-
We Expect To Open
(Delay is owlnx to lateness of fire
insurance a4j asters' In arrlTinx)
and will offer you the
Miller’s Store
eyer known in this part of the
country, in our
Fira and Watar Sala
Host of the {{coods sllKhtly damag
ed hy water only.
on every dollar's worth
of goods notil foithpr
W. W. Millar's Cash Stora ^
226 Front Street.
Olora md Kltteoa ISo. Ue. tse
Rellibit Dry Goofs, Corpotood Clotllog Hooso
Mka Bmdy Ctob Made It naaaaat
far a FMlow Marahar Zmt VipkL
It srm srMl kaewa that tear ya®»
Ito Baaolm dtody Clab told a niy
ApoPraidmtDtoswaB atomri to hk Mmraat aad
doaka to rakr®.
Ha faMa that hk analap at Ua home ef Mlm Mlaato
Too will find a 6ns line of
Wait m Waahtaptm atraat. Frarlom
■NTtk a raak Tto pirn k to make to tha maattop It had bam arraaped to
Oeaenl Beym tto pmacmal ramamata- aarprtaa Mka Virim la haaer ef bar
tin ef tha praaldmt, who will thm to htrtbday oaalncmry. ae whm tto Stsmped Linens, all sises of Sofa
ralland aad aaablad to smto tto toar' paUwtap dkpanad Mks Virim wm Pillows, Down Pillows, Coshion
which to hm tram ttma tettoMpoai- amortodowayby a trail plaaaad aah- Oorda,______________________________
Oords. Batten burg materials of all
peaed. to dafaraaea to tto ptoadtopa of tarfapa aad whm aha raaehad her
A full line Belding Bros.
boma,tto raWmea of W. M. KaUy.
Embroidery lassons given free.
ahasraaaamd to Sad Itoraalltha
lapthakola. By«atoim.ltWor> BayeaiwiU BBaaaad DIaa ia psopar
of tto etah.srtobad
S87 Front StTBBt
towm wm iMMmkotod amth of
amatakm of (topram‘«toT«ila.wllhmttbatama<o won
ar a peaod af atoraa.
naon®ls«wMapmt laa daUphb
•Tto faM ttot tto farm aeald wlthtal masam aad tha baaarad yo«®p lady
4mw from aetaM koah ^to earn tha
a baaattfnl Beral
item wara tom ttot L.0M yarda apaK)
Pllt.' Mka Bataa. amkhw raamtor af
with Ito aaaaw U tto parfaatmaaaar
thaalah.s a ako pin® a aaUaethm ef
It did la.t think.
a ISa. lallm Ua.
mar af harUrthday
-That wa warn ftomlttod to wtto- fhalsidfld^
mo® aad a
^ aarra a rira At yatda heaai. wMh
School of Music
We Buy as Lowjas We Can
That’s Bvsiness Sense.
We Sell as Low as We Can
That's Progreasire Seaae.
You Buy As Low as You Can
That’s Common Sense.
You Buy Of Us
That's doHars and centa for both of na.
Up-to-date Footwear.
Do 70a need a cheap,
bat solid
Bedroom Out?
Bm, Bb*t IL Pai
mt o< v«Uk tmiUmtMam la
•|fliima.li>iHartat totaaUM tow
BlMtolatoTOaa«A«Maktto aaa.
Ba kM rwtly naalTad a aoauaaalaaltaa aHnN« kr atoat tftp
aaaatp. ra«aMtla|t bta la allow kla
•aaatobt prMaladto tto EafwbUaHaa<ttotlalkoeacn......................
totto aoMlaatiMtor
rattaafU rapUad tkat to weald Jaal
kal tkat to weald aei Ifaera tka aiakaa aditofaavla of tto dlatriat Yka
mm wka alcaad ,tto vatttlea k
geedaoa«itoalnail thakar wkaattor
aaattaad tkatoft dlitrlatwill ton
a («>d aaacraMto If Mr. PatlaavIUia
WaiLa tto aaaaMl wiU axart all ita
jatowaitetontto fraa daUracraa.
toadadkayaad tto Ibalta aewaatak.
vananUfkta tawakatto Uapaera
•MtpuMiWa tkarwUlka aoatreatad
wUkaaottorfaebUw. Aipnaaattto
taadatoip al tto aoaaaO la to radaea tka
Ufkttac axpaaaa tatkar tkaa to la) ttnU
la Braat Britola Jaat at tka ttoa la
wUtoBaatoralW*ti« tto aoat. Saa*
WBlWkllate Udpawltk.
Mfattof** Adalav. wkakaataaaaow
BMd to tto keaoa [fer tto faat waak aa
thamaltet akadlali. la aklatoto
ArtkarBaeU ad, Oadar.waa la tto
^r. tTpUSirki la to Otoar oakaabTv.
WartafwJito <kdniaayaataray. wto kaa kaca
Bddtof larlval naatlaya at tka Okarak
•( OkrtClalt yeaiariay ^ kla koaw.
toterapdac to
irfU aeadaat aeata toaattacaMr.aadMca.M.&oi
raaefPeteakay. arrlnd la tto ally
toy. to bo the raaataof Mra.
SigMatkalk yaraata, Mr- aad Mra. Je^aa •tatabart.
Q. Q. Oorall waat to Oiaad BapItoyaatarday.
Bar. J.e. Baas waat toBoUaodyoateday for a riait wlu kla paraata
• .BarU of Bly Baplda la rialtlar kla
4a«lktor. Mra. a. L. Itortar.
Bto Olara Ctoae baa rataraod to
ptotoU attar a kriaf Tlatt with kar
Maata. Dr. aad Mra. Ohaac.
Mra. Btawa Jotoaoe aad ekildrea
•Mrtad yoatOTday tor Hptoaaa Palla,
Waak.. to jolB Mr. JobaoM. who kaa
kaae la tka waat for tto paai year.
B 8. PraUla la bake City, attaadlac
too iiitlfwi of tto Miaaaakaa. ooaaty
Otortaa WlaekaU. tka ataffiaf araa•allat wbokaa keen kclptay ia tka
^ral ■aatiafa of tka Okarah of
Arlat. taftyaatarday for kk iKaaa ia
J^m Palya waa U tka alty yoaUr.
Bay freai Elk Bapida. to eoaaalt a pkyjWaa la rofard to kla kaaa. wkkh kaa
tort tally lawiwiil fro* theaSaeta of
f. S. Viatea of-----------WOllaMakarg. waa a
rlaltor y«
tto Baaailoa t^atkar tto baildlafi
TbatatoBtohQdof Mr. ato Mra.,B. ttot ware toawayad by Ira raeMily
BartotdmBay aiiaat dlad Baaday will be rabaOt. That aeaaa of tto
Uto nplaoad by briik la
, Mr.Oatoaa.
ItoadraaoaatoofaaaialDr “rakia
BoMaTwOlofMatltokoa oMoa af wko ewao a frcataga of 41 taat, kaa daatdad to pat ay a thraa atory brisk,
ibag^Qraad Tl
with two Btoraa balow.a yatrefoOcaa
l^B-TorolwlUatartaa kla
to tto atato of Waatoaftoa afwr a rtalt ia tto aaaoad atary fraat, aad kaek of
tkwaladcaroon. TtotUrdBoorto
wttk ralatlvoa to thla
alefttoyaaaa.rlaadaot Mto
Bkaaa gaaa a«. a nay ylaoMat lodya.
OMr. Ibrkalda wtU probably balld alCaarltoS. MaMea of Moatkyort. aa ■0. UMaapaatadttot towUlraplaaa
aaalacftto key wke waa klllad at tto balldlac reaaatly karaad witb a
Jadlliae by a Wato wkUa aotatiag. two atory bridi atmetara.
-- - ' aald to aa latarrlaw
attaadad tto
taaacal Saaday.
Mra. Mlaera'a boayltal la maak la- laat algbt, that to had aot at aay
daktad to triatoM far tint of Iralt. }aUy tiiaa oteaa tka Bra
aad akarkau Tka kaayitai la la aatd adttosatatto* of kaOdtot a brtdk
Mto laaet at tto ynaaat
of old ahaata tar waklBff baadagat,
, eoatribatloea OQUd ba yat to fooo ready tar It. Bla praaaat plaaa ara to
r.Bt ttoold balldlag.by oattiag Itto oea
I la ataora- atory. aad Mbiag It aa aaar Bra proof
asawoodaaballdlageaB baMda. Ba
qaaatad to lafm
TtoMkt tto ••OooatowB «0" will to will aak tka OOBBOU tor pemlaMoB to
iwodaaad la tto aty Oyata Boaar. do tbii.
baattraattae la wall
y draw a faU b
W. D.
Beya’Bead kaa Began ArraagrBeaia
d toa batoty aa death Dataa forenatUptoMataFi
Btraat. locaairty raa by Jeto Wkaalw,
The Boya'Bead iaprapariag tar aa.
wlU epaa kla aaw baalaan ‘Zhi
otkar of tbair big aad popalar eMaatral
Moratag with wodara faaiUtlaa.
Ttora wiU ba a tagalar ■iiHag of perteftniwa Tto ■e»kara bald a
Tiawwn City ledga. Ho. 7t. K. of P.. naatlBg laat Blotto atart tto prallBaad the IMlowUg
Tkaraday araalag. Itota will batkraa
rare oboaaa to aoadaet tka aatarpriaa:
lldataa tar tto third taak.
■aatlag of tto otaao aad brtek Baalaan laaaager—W. B. Oanpball.
iMtf ttoelty wlUbabald WadAntetaal atoga ataaagar>-D«F MoaMday algfct tar tto parpoaa of orgaa
TkarawiU baa ragalar paaotlag of Maator ofpropartln WtUlan Martto Oarpaatera'Uaica Tkaraday araalag. Tkora ara oaroral
Tmnrar-M K. Palga
parpoaa of tka bead to sub
a mnrad to ba yroaaat.
tkia anat the Mgmt of the klad
•talaborg'B atara waa to ban opaad 1a tblseity by leeal taleat
ad tar bbalaaaa thia Boralag bat ewlag aad praricas raoeasan gin
to dalay la arrlrai of tbe laaaTaaea ad. right to axtrangant elaim la thli
jaatwa who ara to aottla tto loot ^ regard. It la czpeetad Uat tto abow
tto roeaat trr. tto aton wUl aot ba will ba glna abaat tto laat of Vakraad BBtU loatomw, whaa
dialaborg aapaeti to be la roadlaoM lo
atart hto flra aad water aala
tka ^ly yaatarday to aaamiaa tto
angiae trltb a rlaw to tka
otaalwUmr oao tor
tkatel^. MahlataakM had two dia.
aatroai fira raaantly. aad are thtaklag
rary aarloaaiy of bottar Bra protaeiioa.
Tka eomalttaa emalated of Pu« Coi. f
Seoti. Aloaraaa Ckapcaaa aad AldarA aambor of oaati ara left tar iba
ooaevt of tto Boatoa Ladiaa‘ dympkony
Friday analag. Tbooo daA Voanreirl'B Exp*rlene«.
drlag a aoat at tkU dallgfatfal oooeart
Mr daaabler's aw m were lerrtbJr oat or
8bc wn thla aad wrak; U>* t«art
abopld oaU at tto OttyHawadtaad at
oeea. aa than' wlU probably ba ao
a IkttU later.
Tkwa wUl ba a bleating of tto UalLoqrMeMiiU.
for* Beak Kaigbu of Pythlaa this
analag at • o'deek. for tto parvoaa of
oers. 8oKibr4faeewu.
A total of 4t profiaaloaa of faith
i‘ tka roaalt of tto meetlagi jnt
elaaadattbaOharebofOkrioA AfaraweU naetlag was gins after tto esr
rloe Baaday analag. at which Une
rfjn» ahowB that
hU Ubors had bsaa
It to espaeted that Proewnr Tkyler
aad W. W. Deaa will lean today or
eeastr. to eeeara tto right of way tar
railroad. It to tkoogbt ttot
thne wUl to 80 difiealty la obiataiag
a Royal
i. DePtaaorwaa
la tnm Mayu
Pity yaatarday
Boy HUlIker kn takes ttopeslttoa.
B. «.DaVrtaaof
of sight olark la tto Bowl OalsBtaa
»t tka Oolaatkla yaatarday.
raeostly oeeapiad by • Jeisn WeedO. B. WkaolarioiattoeiVtattotatoroBM of tka Oraad Bayido Diwawat. Aaettor of PniL Mlnrt A Sob's good
B. Q kdoM of M^ aiy, waa at tins «SBoli« psrtin wiU oeeartkto
enalv at Mortaegkk ssajeny. Tbsn
■karIC A. B..BMtiBfaref MayUaty. das on are nry popalar aad isfarlably
vaa to tto elty yairtrrday.
a lacge aad nsny etewd.
WUltoa Bakbalar waa ia tka dty Tto Masto Dab of tto Sebeol of
Into will hold Us Bret ssesiea at 740
e*eM tonertew enalag. At thto
neettag. tbe life aad works of Mead^oha WiU to tto eabieet taretady.
Tka Esigkta pt Py^iea wiU gin
tbMreeotol parW^ Wadaaaday enalag
la ttolr toU ia tto k
aCsirwiUke c
r Icir Xalgkts
ef Pytkiae aad tkeir feailJtoe
Maatagae to kariag a
Had.Oo.. Bagalot H- T.
large aad nodsn ban baUt ca tto
ofktomMeaeapnfarwaa State
TM 9mm m «MM to 9m 0«y.
Taka Wamo^ Wldte Wiae of Thr Syrai
too boat oomhratorfyoonrth.
iMHwa Pitonk BaMk
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoke?
the murk
every time.
Bow Is the tine to ton year Bicyote
■ jeasnelodaadMeaaod ap tatoy tar
Baoklaa'a Aiataa Selva.
V»tagBee world wide tana tar narnlota
Free Storage All Winter.
My woAna aot to beet aad prleee
ItoVawaei. WUleaU tar year wheel.
BMl*p£mH<------- •
totaUiUnnPnaa. Ctota
BoUgaa Btarto Oa. Aattoriaad to
CapitaUas tor •B00,00a
. Tka Mlakigaa Btareh Oo. raealnd
Cran Uaoiac yaatarday t^ papara
wktak aatharlaa aa laaraan of tto flapital aioeb af tto aonpaay toon BK.boa
to BtOKoea. Tto aonpaay aoa
plain aataaaln inpronnaata tkla
apriagaalda tren what kaa already
If 70a do,do not gb without it. for I am offering tbe
I good, well made hardwood bed (or.................... $ 1.75
1 good woven wire spring..................................
I good excelsior mattress (no cheap tick)............. 1.75
1 high, embossed, wood seat chair ^....................
1 solid oak, brace arm, cane seat r^fcktr............... 1.25
t wash stand with drawer.......................... ......... 1.50
1 wash bowl and pic^re.................. .............
I Eiair 7 lb feather pillows....... .............................. 1.75
I heavy comforter.................. ................................ ijoo
I bed spread.......................................... ...........
Bekari Barea Tea.
Mr. aad Mra. WUllan Leadoa
taiaad BaUtday analag at a Bokart
Baraa tea. Jt was a noat dallgktfal
eeaaaloa TtofoUowtag gants wna
>t: Mr. aad Mra. 0. M. Prall. Mr.
aad Mra. Beajamln Iklrlby, Mr. and
Mra W. P. OalUat aad Mr. aad Mra
B. Bristol.
Bla Vila Band Bias.
“My wife's good adrln sand ay
Ufa." wrlln F. M. Bon of Wiafl^
Tbaa., •'fcrikadaaah a bad ooagk 1
eoald hardly braatba. I grew ataedily
wane nadar doatork traatnant, bat
You can take tbe whole or any artide,''
just as yeu like.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
1$0 rzont Street
of Cbeat, Tkroat aad baaga ara poaIttnly eared by this a
olaa. »0e aad gl.Oi
gaaraataad. Trial bo
Ss Tbeta at ths Itart
to. V. J. JBggita. Oparatln tostlrtry
Spring Stock Of Wall Paper
Secently fitted up 1b most complete in every res
pect, and our new
The largest we have ever carried is here- has been
checked olT—put into the racks—the samples all
made, and is ready for sale—it's the finest stock of
Wall Paper we’ve ever had on exhiblton. This
year’s designs are not quite as large as heretofore,
but tbe combnlatious of colors are more haimionious. In many cases the back-grounds of the
Blue — Greens — Browns and Beds are nearly
solid, showing more fully the gold and silver de
signs. but the only way to appreciate the full
beauty of these papers is to see them. It’s time to
plan lor the .improvements you’re to imake in
your home. Those rooms you were going to paper
and didn’t. Our prices, qualltyioonsidered, in many
oases is much lower than last year. We’ve got a
fine oombination of two band white back paper
that sella at seven cents tbe double roll, with
border to match, at So the yard. Our 18 and 16o
papers are beautlea The dining room pattemssometblng new. 16 to to SOo. The ball designs
show the artists’ hand. The sitting room and par
lor papers are beautifnl oomhinations—prices from
16c to 40c. Kany times yon want iust a small
room, a bedroom perhaps—We can “fill the bill.”
Have some remnants that we’ve cut right in two.
Then we have some patterns that only cost be the
doable roll.
If quality, quantity, patterns and prices ent any
figure we’U get your trade this season.
The Hannah & La; Ircantile Go.
Steinberg’s Grand *****«•*««»•«**«****|^
THU MORNING REc6Ri>;?roit8t>AY. JANUA^ 3», 1900.
. rosm
«M» fftM wwdM orVM
_alM^aCM( Ua«. HtoMmMMW*aMUM NmNUom: Amf
ttat «tlk hook M«mM M» M4 ta tbc
v.MditektoM. U9«f*orU
br«M pMM. art Ml Ua* withU tha
MMtMrafihaaMala. i
VhaproM o< a Md faaMryat
BAWta «Mk tet bm toMWM
JMk Pntat tm«
tka Uto .af
iaOy «1M at •Mkd-^OMB I
A rarr mtatj aadal «m aafapaA toat
oaator «bAm tha aaaplaaa of tba
MleretoaaWtoaHltfb aebool, for tba
throaaaaaatoBTi .
baaaltot tfib AaaaaL
Uaaa. Aa It waa. bat far tba
at ^aak Prekart of Ttoraraa Oto. aaabMaoelali.Aa4tbarawM sfeoA
Oisrv« Biaej of tUe ykca woalA hata
Joyad a Am laaeb, aad aiwiy yasra
iaak Probert. wko baa Jaat lalabad aad aoatol
aarvad to paaa tbao
tba piaatortar M «ka ator Aharpa htoek toy ta*y plaaaaally. A Mbatoi
«PM AiTtac tha alaaitotot «Uk baaatt win ba addad to tba taad for
aaaaral ikMUil Araa to ASarMt parto
AUyaaraUbayMMA Maaah
B^ aiy. walkad late aa apaa apai
tba ciaar Batark^ aocatof aaA
Afowaad. Tba body waa raaon
Mia ■Btaar to a widow aad IHaa at
Da. A. J. TbOMoa at OadOtoc. ayad
•a.Atodat bto bOMO ea HarrlaatrMt
■abarday tooraiaf attar k tarn beara
UatMofapoptoiy. f
BaUatoi to wyaetfly fawaod with
aaaw thto wtetar.' Walla petota far
baaa adtheat mow far alatyblav. tka
tatobartoM of BMlatoa aad tboluodtoto ttotoliy kata had toad atolyktoy
oearatoaoCb '
. AaOxtardMH to too peaaaaaor of a
hM whtob baa toU a ddaUo yolk aye
Thtooto ifMatklay to tba atwoophaMatBlabtoodd, atfAMlly, wbtobto
Mtodaatlta to ioayatlW. for tl of tba
MW raaidMto ad that baiy aca
dahaatyMor od CMitoye. aaya ka
yaaa Aba Oaylar ad OetowalM, a Utary
HyMtor.apaycldptoet far,aaatar
baatawuaaat farhiaarrato.
Tnesda;, Ftb. 6
a( Tiaaaeas atf. mmfU btoera tba
■ M aSaatai kl« **7 »
Bi—a Blay toM ewreeae bj
I Removal Shoe Sale i
Aiden Benedict
odktboOAtof IktfaMialtbaaMl
iirtllal. *»lw to «ka aiflMHr to «nM toto tka balMlai; aai too
Ilin^iM who «Ma at work tkara.
. Mvtaia^ .
MwfU ^
Ua iMtof. fMKgA it§aku ti rn«
ilberaacUjrNMW IM« toaait*
MyAaa. .ThamwlrTiaMld Wba
aWtotoBt le M a aaaiMr.
AbaMwtaaMrr la to iba baitt al
Mk. Bana aaaalr. wUak^wUl d«a a
Mkattelka aUlk of t.MOaowaia
k.Ju. n—A atfMc*
bm taA»r. bf whkA
Mis Itrtlia BeaDfort
AND PLATFOB|i | Sapportad by a tttai of aaparior
aiailUani. fa AtoM Baaadtefa
Tleal^t at Otw Opara Beaaa toa bly
OeaatoWB tW wSl ba tba attoatolea.
Tbia to tba yiaataat ooUaattao od aatoradarttoto. ttto aaaebcr.aow^paarhW — tkaAtoariMBBtayw Tb^wfll
yita aU tha totaat
aatobyaiiB tnm ear pepalar oparaa,
,atoo tba lataal tad. tba yMotoa
walk, wbtobto
Btballth yaarotitaeoa*
I la all tba
atkay I
ator prieaa wUl praMlL
JaakFrakto1.tkOMth aary maWaltha ataata
e(tkacaa.aatoad tba i
aay. Md by tba ottooat cCort aairiad
Dr. M. A ■toroa waa ca tba apet
pmapUy. aad aarad far tha moa wba
bad ao aarrowly area pad. Mr. Bobart
aad Mr. Probart ara atoaly j
troMtba aBeeta at tba y.a.batMr.
Btoay to atlU to a praaartooa eoadittoe.
BakitaotbaM far tha aBortodPraAidM BaaadtoVa -fabto
barttbara to aet tba aUybtoat doobt whtob wiUba
that Btoay woald bora baM daadtoa Broad Opera BeaoaaaxtTaaodaTovMfawietoataa.
toy. Fob. a. to a play with a attaay aad
■ttrrtoy totoraatto It Tkoaaatoobava
read tba book Mttttod “Ika Taadatta'
wU aaaUy ramambar tba prataat of tba
atery. A daaeirad haabaad to bartod
PoraloeyUMaiPoaWatatarBaB baa allva, bat aoaapat Crem tbo tomb aad
ekaartad tba yrowtoy aaada of a Bwa rotoraa to dl^atoo to tortarithoaatrM daUvary aarvtoa, aad faltbfa) wife. knUay bar at tbo moi
iwa. Tko Boval
wbaa to WaabiBytoa aoaaa lima ayo ba
breaybl tba mattor to tba attoattoa of taiaiabto totoaaa aaaaaa wbtoh ara
byaattoay eoai]
tba peat oMsa dopartmeat. Ua waa
at that ttaa aetidad that mora thaa tba prtoatpal mamban btoay apaalally
far the eharaetora ami
floa aaw owrlar weaU ba impMatWa
I FFrank
# 118 front
front 8V
In hw gswt fln, Mnvoptli
«nd Mp
Prioeo—26, 85, 60c, 76c; Box
SAle <rf Matt will open at the
Box Office Thoraday noraing.
why a
Xho Old BtoUablo 8boe Mnn
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Efects
to tbto ally far aoma lima to aoma.
ikata are as
MtomeataSttoaottbto Kia Bewavar Mtoa Uraa* BasUr of bar <
Mr. EaBkrgadtbaaggimliyadatlaaat
oaaaooa earrlar aad to raply to k tohdaaaaa. to i
• actoadad aarrtoa aboaU ba ailewad, ba taaalrad tbad^lowtoy:
Sia-I am In raaalpt of yoar applieattoa far aa oddittoaal lattor oarriar Bortral Barrtoao At ■■toad
to aaabto yoa to cstaad tba (raa daadBraadBapifawmba <
llrary aarvtoa to tto dwalUnya aad
OhordS'Dld Oraat Oeod.
BOW botlor aad apytoa pat to aad that aa*^ faetortoa. whtob ara aot aow
Xho opaelal aorrtoaa that bata baaa
aka wm ya oa tba ran katwaan Boatb
to proyrtat at tba Itoeoad M. B. ebar^
B»*m aad ObtaNra tbto eoattoy
etoaad Saaday: aveatoy. Tha
«w drama baildtoy whtob waa baUt prtattoa tot tM iMtotaaaBoa of
toyt bare aaamtoyly baaa of aa aaW tka Btato orar M yaara ayo to ba fraa daUrary aarrtoa darter tba Mrrent
aaaally Impratolva aod prodtaUe
daeal yaar W baoa antleipstod. a
aaad at a tmWIaaaa for tba
that BO addltoooal altowanoea eaa
thto owmaieawMltb. win ■
made aByoSM wUbont awaUay
« la tha maettoya, a anmbar
far aa aadartoharb akop by Oaorya W.
aey, ao aarrtort ean bo allow
of whom hare already nnltad with the
Obktobara. who will aetobltob
r tba parpoaa
------- of* axtoodlny
-ttoodlny tha
tha aeiabnreh. Re*. Bennady, by-bto eanaai
tkmaaxtwoak.- The beaao waa baUi vtoa to aaw territory o* ineraaalnr tha
sresk and eoaaeeratod life, has the
•Ueetions and
. dalivertoa
to tSM aoaordtoy to ao aet of tba leyto- nombar ofaoUeeti
Voar rKjttast, srtll. bowavar. ha mof tha
lataro, aad It to a alayalar feet that ao farred to a pcatoSea
aod the ehnreb to ateadUy ytowiny to
asaMUra araroaeapiad iba balldiny. wUl visit Travarae Olty. mshe a thoribeti aad Ita Indaanoa for yood ta
aa it waa orlylaally iatooded they ooyb tovraiiyatton of yonr fr
rrr aerrtto and report tally et
ita eonditton and needs, aod aettoo
A Card.
Tha midwtotw raak of fratykt to 'Ul be taken on bU report whan the
.Wc. tha aaderslynea, do here I.
aow batoy traaafarrad aerota the pproprlatton for the nest Aaoal j
ayraa to rafnad the money on a H*ecBi
aeomaa avsiUbto.
atraltoofMaofetoaa. Utoaotaa yraat
botUa of Qreen'a Warraated Byrap of
Very ratpretfnUy,
aa toat yaar: aa it took both terry boata
Tar if It fai a to care yoar ooayh or
nuT h Basra,
cold. We alao yasrutee a tS eent
to do tka work, wbito thto year tka
rtrat Atolatant P. M Uenaral
bottle to prove eausfaetory or moaey
Poatmaator RiB aUUa that to all the refanded.
•to. Marta ka^a ap with it by rualoy
H. B Walt. Baybec A BoxM or It twon a d^.
loaalHtoa where the ntanatoo of free onty, Jaa G. Jobnaoo, P. C. Tbompdallrery
oondl^l^aaOydaa. of Uotoe towaaktp,
Wiaaeb eoaaty. baa a boaaa U yaara tiou do not yet extot In order to oe- Be OuBm
‘ oU that to aa apty a* a tkraa yaar ootf. nro free daUvary the IcoalUy naadiny
eancBer the valaca that yoa'll yet hi
Tka boraa aaama food for a aoora of
Btolabary'e Oraat Pire Sals It etarta
We have placed on sale at out prices
• 8400 pairs of Shoe* -We give you the
a beat makes only.
save 70a from 10( to 50 per
» centWeoncan
yonr footwear for the next 60
daya After Karoh 15th we wUl be in
m oornen
our new store, BAS Front street
Sldownlk Lombor In nU olnM.
JOHN P. OTT & OeXlasora to Trawarao OJty Lombor Oo
________ _______
toisiliatioi ail EiaaiiMiii Fraa aal SiricHf Caifilii|iar^
DRS. B. S. & CO.
lyof flaw York, no i
iaiericaalGdicai ud Siroicil listiUte of mm, Ikh.
acytfeol •WTHm-ng, Tx'Bh’n-or-tte 0±«ar,
Feb. 1, ISOftL.
OBoe Moon faoto • o. B. to B p. m
John F. On & Co.
Saceassars ta
Iravarsi Citf Umbar Ca.
TranrseCitr, - - Michi{ai!
and aidewalha, whtob to net yMaraUy
wkDa ataaltoy a rtda from Wararly
<A yoaapb. whara ka aapMtod to taka
a Malttoo. Ba fall hatwoay tba <
aad ealy Uni a abort Um.
At Ballalra Ttodla A Jaekaoa have
laatpattoaowamAtoaetortba i
afaotara of bolter diaboa Tba daily
oatpat wU) aaaaad that Of aay ottar
faatorf to tka atoto. 8ofaral other
aaw todaatrtai ara ooatatoptottoy yotoy there aad Baltolrak proapwli ar«
Tory brtybt.
Dalton eoman to tka front wUk a
peodlyy to faaaily baaltk. Ohartoa
Mornaa to 7* yaara old aad hto wife to.
They have tkraa auntod ohUdraa.
Dartay tkatr marrtod Ufa they bara
aorar omptoyad a pbystotoB. aad
Maeaaa Borar totoad madtotoa to bto
Ufa asta a raeaat atoaak of trip.
BetanaUwdby Kto^KOlm.
Tko Mtmoa Oma aad Ctoia MUtor
tostolaad a oompaay oT fatoads laat
oraalay at Ihotr borne, ioomar Blau
dOMaatraot. Mwto. yamaa aad a
pall foemad tha aUN faatarm of
Old Poopto Made Teaoy.
loatottto (Mtob.) Babo, baa
________ 1 «ha WMartmbla aaarat of
Muby Dean's Rlnbdsy Party.
Yesterday was a bsppy day fir little
r of Mr. and Mra.
[van Dann. It sras her aeventk Mrth.
day aanlveraary aad abost twMty
Toany folhs were tovltad to partielpato
to the fesUvlttos of the oeeastoa. at 015
•oath I’alen street. Beeldss the Jnvenlto yaeeta Mtos Beaeeit. Rnby** aebool
laeher, sras present.
Tbe proyram svae deliybtfal. ooastotlay ofrsmea,stortoy, raeliattoas aad
ntoe rafrsabfBoata. Mra. Daaa wm asiBtotod to anurtatotoy tba yaaata by
Mtoa Bellto OaUlvaa. Tba hoaorad
yeany lady raaalvad aevacal vary pretty
X,. U A. BaaaptlOB Tooiybt.
Tba iMpttoo to ba ylrM by tba
Ntabere of tha Lodtoa’ Ubrary Amoeiattoo to thalr frtoads tbto ev^ay
prsmtoaa to ba a daliyhtfal aBair. Tba
^aaapttoo wktok will ba bald to thalr
baU wUl bayta at • o'Motab A abort
aad litbrary proyram wlU bo
Tbo ladtoo of tbo r
d to bo at tbo haU at Trtl
^gppaOto It baa wAmd wrwiton
faraffwtfaaadaa. Itka amrroloaa MaayoM oared by aampto boo. aaod
lamiTyfar eld WMlab acmplalato."
at yim A iofatoMk aad «. K.
OitaMS'i XxMrtar Bparto
thi aMl
U 9m U Ir^pB « 24 Bbvb.
Noremadreqtials WABwnik Write
vVocE OP Tas Stbdp for thto terrlnt« and fatal dlaeaaa. If taken tkor>
3iirttoaadtnUme,ltwUleBre a ease
•nt Am baked y^ Mdo. ordara •ndboora. aad fa*-the ooi^ that tottooilmOcttve it aorerfaUi to yt*B
taUaC. PitoTseoBd 60o.
Tuesday, Jan. 30
“Get YoT
Money’s Worth”
Fire Insurance. Coontown 400
L. L. A. Bnlldlnc
26 StarJag Tima Irtists 25
For Fire Insurance
MnsIM. ItalTt
John R. Santo,
tnaril lniruM.
A. B. Oarh
Roaktord. Mtoh.
a Tadlyaatlwi Badn ttoabla, Ooa- wrltaa: “Afiar aaBartny for over to
Toara with Iteblay pUaiH ttond rtatot
b Or. Obaaa'e Ototmanv Ooa box aart*
mo." Dt. Cbaaato OtotmMt to namw
toad to do the worti. m arata. Jldray-
W. D Btoodfood baa' knayki «ka
Wbeator bakery oa SmU Uatoa
■troot. Tka baatoM srtU ho opoaod
nMnptswo iiura-Ylmro
WVMtB WkM Of Tnr Symp. the
best conyb remedy on earth, cure* s cold
edsyiftskentotiiiic. S^sndfiOcu.
last Oaa Night af Fua
Enjoy tbe
Good Sleighing
I hove Mven] fine new nffP—
botti slagla asd two sMtad
Bwt ootfito.in the oHy. Try
Order'bj 'Phone No. 82.
Geo. Cams,
Utmt ktad Food StablM
Tba Kitat Bnooaa^ nad B
of MtaBktod Poaafbto to Obuia.
the CBtteA Oteie*. Bto less
' Is tbs wvrU CBstass
Maw aonys. eatohy daoera. ap-te-dote S!y^raiaostiyKntTOra.a5Srrn'e
eposB uIke iMest setsotlOs
apaelsltlM. Baor tba Ooontown
Qoartotta. Baa tba
•mAs ef cues ISM I
alcai Ssvs Smo rsetereS M pnrAsm tislil S»4 Shor
n Aestk cvefT rear vSe
- .............. - -’.iiTias'
The Great Cake Walk!
Price* popnlAT with the people—
25, 35 aad SOe. 8e»to on Mle tt
City Newf Stood.
WB aOARAjmS TO CCBB aSTM* da bay,vprtawj&wrtew'^ portaw
> Best to be had in
the dtj is at .
MBplee in window.
--ssr.isaw“‘ ~
*'"1*" taSsm ZSta Marbrnta. • ^
o!'a am
Mt. I S. t U. HHini IQX in. BinKOt. BWh
k «IM ««
kVli« MfvD’
/« «MfT tTOBia ^
»» >•«
rnmmmammmiM* kwklat •• i
A fW. B. L. A Oa. Boi
11 BO
rto^B 1*.------- ------- ^
4 00
IMB. U AOe-Bato....
OUm. TkcVaM rr*i Pmm tV»ka
ttatolta-pevm prUl toU^ tW
r—ytooirf*—»—d—* wMiUn to
9ratoM UMk Mbjwto. Tto AMtoo■•Mtotea MiMT e Mto will •rrtrt
■mt Kaac to • tow 4Uri mi4 wW b«
Mlatotar B« Pvkto. ^
Is t^wto «k* gmUrmm iAtorttogr
«»wth«« • OirtM HMMl to « b«wa
BonM aoTBOor raoTi ICITT
s PatoMk.
V ite »Rwto« at
«to» a^. m4 aatoiA loo.«w
Whoab eld, M ba..........
■McHMia to(f» tnatftj of
ateCMtok who «« iapltofttoi tid
<*!««• aar hoMomaWval lodr
1^hoM.thop«rfOM of wUA k to;
VWfUooatotohtoHMO tor too au
•arkboM • hoao who k wUltof to work
tewhtoboir ho «oto aito .who »ow
toMtotowotooftoar of * peUot oto«towwltotooMai»aad too orlatooL
Xado Toaap Apato.
Vowo boo hooa rfootood of too oodLtfo PUk
^tetoofPbU D. Araoor. Jr, o» ••Oao of Dr. Etopk Bow LL.
boo pat M
aatooiphti for two wooka b
Mootokto. Ooltfarwto, umr
apato," wrltoo
toorhoro. Tooof Araoor wm U1 bat
rwa. Pa. TWro too
'A4 boon oai hk tooth woo too to
. to the world
«ooltoooltoolBBfO. Bowooll;
BowoU. Par
mttgm. Bo loft »kaco throo wooho prlpo. Onlv toe at Ji
a^ A. Waith drop
Mto« to OBOOUOBt hoolto.
Tho wootov to too rktolqr
Botke to Oafkaora
Mothoarwo. AaotnUo, boo brekoa oU J. B. Barttoafc. too Jowolor. wiohoo
Mooorto tor hoot toooatly. Oa Bow tootatototoopooplowbo hod work
at hk Otero toat oeombii
Voa*fl tor Sro tootho oooarrad frea Uao
waa oarod frow too fti-----------haadMUtootC e'oleek to
too ewaora oao boro too oaso bp
Abo oftoraooa too
wtoah 114 a too ohalto. Utoooaalho
toatwilow woo raeordoJ ao hlfk ao
m toctooo, aa4 Itatoed at that potot
«a aoroal boara.
At PoBooavw, B. O.. Pritoj aipht aa
torabohiy to> aoopto to too third halMtof. Tho thoatoT iL to too toM otorp
«f a
hoardtat hoaaa Tho lia
Moltoftaff aator too hOBOa. whora
»pSoa(kfadUac had hooa ptaoto aad
lifhtod.hatwoodkaooocod bofaro
.toMfOhad baoaldoao. Tho thoator
toad boaa otoaod for aa hoar aad a half.
toot too Ohlaooo la attoadoaoo woro
:^to(aatoobMeh«BflBwkl^. latho
•aooroBOf roow to too Wp boardtop
tooiM tooro woro ft laaot 100 Ohtoataea oiooptop
Tho poUto haro
toM toU toat Uo oaaoo of toe
«ro waa aUowptof raroape far toe
■aovtop of too Chtoooo hoo^tal to a
toorhaUarfowtoooiUottoo preooDt
tooorttop hOBM. dhtoatowB k proaUy
Tho prtooe ra«nt of Borarto hot
fMlorrod too ordofof 8b Kletaaol. fliot
. wtoot. oa Dr. Maaaaa. too oaplotar.
Ooaoal BaaUtoa Kl^ aaya Stow
•aada pood plowa, a waat Aworlaao
Maaafootarora oapht to oolae too opkortaaltp leoopplp.
tooakaa poaorak aro roportod to
toaooohot Dortd OwMr. Joha Birldpa.
tooorpo Laab Okartoo Boao, Loo Wok
^fBOpoctora, for allapod frUadlp dealSaga with robol Taqal ladtoM.
loAaoBoa k opldowlo to Itatp aad
topato aad too Papa boo ordorod apootol
vrapore to bo oBorod ap tor too oa«odioa of toi aaiettoa. Thara aro Mjno
<oaaao la Half, bat too aaiorltj of thaw
«n of a aUd ^ao. to Aoraoleaa.
Wpala. tooro woro IM daatha fraa tomooaao Botardap.'
•Ueor Piko. oappoood to haro bo< a
kartod tear poaro ape, kaa taraod ap
/ aibpa,te too awitmoat of orarpbedp
la Dolla. Obto.
At Park, a bedp ef aboat 100 akiktop
•aarvmttn oalMod too work pardo of
ahooapaolti ‘
dap, bat too poUao
. Aroeo too
Throe arroak
. vatoaodo aad oao pot
Boor Adairal Kaatc k to ootabUab
•aapotarp Aaorkaa rale oa Tataila
toUad, PooMa. peadtop ooaproooieaal
Ohartoo Maltbp, doa^ Baa Praael<
coA Mrod «T, woo owe* f^baotoaoo part
iMo of Abraham Ltoaola. to WapaaowAto. flL
TaPBday tha greataat and moBt oolnpre^•nlllva coUactlon of Bo
OoodB win ba offarad at tra^ low prioo*—lower ttutn wlU be (faoted anywherebn goode ot equal
quality. Tor the last sixty fUya we have eearohed the marketa for underwaluea on everything that
iB good and reliable for this sale, and we have vuooeeded beycnd our expeotationB.
ThBPtlffpiioee that prevail today on everything that contains cotton, linen, or both, la nn.
preoedentod In our oountryb history, yet we are pleated to announce to an appreolatlve public that
our Waah Tabiioe wars never so cheep, our lanens never so beantlfnl. We open our store on
Tuesday Morning, Jan. 30th,
150 Yds Turkey Red Table Cloth.
for this sale only, per yd................................... • a vr
300 Yds, Fast Color Turkey Red Table Cloth,
exceptional value, for this sale.
per yd ....
400 yds Loom Damask, yi linen, best ever QK
offered, for this sale, per yd.............................
64 in. pure linen loom Damask, while the 36
sale lasts, per yd............... ............................... ..
Sp«i»l J5 doz. H pure Unen napkin.,
epr dozen.............................................................
2^58 extra hea\*y bleached Bath Towels, gg
18x25 Huck Towel, for this sale only,
22x35|jure Linen Uxnatk Towel.
...... -06
Ifloo^ heavy Twilled Towelin,,'
Cotton Crashes,
tarktio — ooUo. Brvora of pi if frionoo to
O. W. rMa^ Oft. Otood Bor— arro— <>.
Oolwbla BaU. Wool Blda. Pbh. lob
JItoaiAnahoatorkotaboawa. MBOt T*>»gZr^.'y**ye
VmI atowr Patiw.
We show a special line of beautiful Linen
pieces, such as Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Cen*
ter Pieces, Dresser aad Sideboard Covers,
Sumped Linens, Cut Embroidery Sets, etc. To
make it more interesting, we have secured for
this sale special bargains in Remnants of White
Goods to be placed on this sale:
2.oooyds. figured Curtain Remnants;
worth in the piece 12c and 15c,
per yd-.....................................................................
2.000 yards fine Lawn Remnants, worth in the
piece up to 25c a yard,
special, per yard .
The last call on Sheets,
each at.........................................................
And Pillow Cases,
each at.................................................... ..
as the abbye are below mill prices.
100 Bed Spreads, the closing of a^nill: worth, to
job, 60c; we place them on this sale
SO ^preads. exceptional values,
tohtoJir^l^J. ObMpA Oo. Tbato
(Napkins to match)
■oeoM'a Boro. tTCow a So— u. _
^•oLThy Prappkk, prko no pm hah
BoUhPaorilpPBkaro too koto v
Whim Ms Dept.
Linen Department.
W*gl^aLjag *° ***“°**- *
iaAwhlU,spotleBBattlreofbeautlfhlloom produota from home and abroad. On every oountar
•re bargains for the housewife, hotel and reetanraht kaeper—a delight to ^ ahoppet and a wonder
to the onlooker. This event onmee but ones e year and the elements ehould not keep yon from
paying ns e visit
dMoooheald aerorbo aaodoaaopt oa
■l«at Werttero •pOioe,
Ototmiati kr Oatanb toto
Ototak Jbroup
aa Mtaorp wUI oaralp dookep the
aoaoo ad omU aad oofBplotolp dotaapo
dho wholo apatdai wtoe oatortop it
•aa foU to toopeof pea oaa pcakblo
4«tM from thorn BaU'a OOtorto Oaro
Housekeeping Linens, White Goods, i
and Musiin Underwear.
72 in. extra 6ne Double Loom Damask,
worth, in the bleached, $1.25 per yd.
We show Spreads in beautiful designs of domes
tic and Marseilles Patterns,
Advance sale on New. u|^to-date designs of
Ginghams and Per»tes. This Spring's styles are
most beautiful ant^ while they last they go at the
old prices.
Muslin Underwear.
Recent advances on Cottons, Lawns, Embroid
eries and Laces has raised the price on Read;^ma'de Muslin Underwear, but wf place on this
sale a line of Underwear at exoctly old prices,
Styles are very elaborate; on the better the
finest of Muslin and best Embroideries and
Laces are being used.
No duplicates at the same prices are to be bad
after this lot is gone.
Children’s Waists and Drawers,
this sale...................
Ladies' Corset Covers, plain, tucked, embroidery
and lace trimmed, ranging
.16 to *70
Ladies' Umbrella Drawers, ruffles, embroidepr
and lace tnmmed, goodmaterial, prices within ,
the reach of all; from
Skirts, good matorial. full sweep, ruffles of Cam
bric, embroidery and lace trimmed, extra values,
2|C, 39c, 59c, 75c, up
We show in Gowns several styles. Empires, high
necks, etc.; embroidery, tucked and fancy yokes;
material; 59c, 75c. 99c,
Be Sure and look Over Our Line of Ladies’ Wliiie iprons.
Tldnl Yoir-No. BM
km® toafktto raofoet ««
ootdWSfktiBf 90Otn.”
1 by Unltod BUtM
Tkot Uo
tokooboadlttbo tEprmmi y*ow
iB Vow SPggBBtBd
oCnootof tfa aiUtwy taptrUTho oMiMie® o( ta®MU«rlenUm Ballatod that Boothar Dafaot of tto
ewMlMter «®U*tk®. •tmyaftiM
Um MT017 imtimmi LodTndtb gmfrlBritkh ia Boath Bfrtem WcrwlU
M«» o( tk» BrltM M •»io®
•0® oad Uo rotrau ®M
iMd to^Bcfocatto Ihk MonaaB®Mi CUM® SDcUik
10 K*m t®r. botfa Cram ® mani ®®tt phTiJa®!
mmt to Ba^ aa Mediator -Tto
»MS IBOO KUkdx*rm»
Ida® Woold to Approrod by Both
OafcoBtad kr • ▼•*7
Tto faU o( todyamltb. aU admit, k
Brttkh aad Boon.
toai®a4 tho BoMttot thoWarl®
With Oaaaral BoUarh
Waphiafto®. Jm. tO»h riaw of tto
•Ot >Wlol®t.
team ofol®
®ff»l® ripiioii o»4
of tto Brttkh
r—«— N-TkolM^ «1M®1- lUitfmi farad Jp«m tto ®WUt7 «t
«h«B Ipfamke® tto Bora to toko LodyamUk at ttotr Afrtm aad tha prohahOIW that LadyMm to tko fw«®» ®Mo*
cmilh wOl 1000 to aompaUad to aarraa
» h®o »U tom pfaamn k
m4 m
dar ta tto Borne, diplemak tore week
atoo poMM k®»it to toUomd lo to •fiw ttot te OW7 pratoMUtr
vmytoov Looto® mpMtottoi too
wOlaffM® oomalt tto gwrfao®. act to eai
of latereBtUthe
«®ro«aM toUtaf totak Ispamat ®®d ttol tkfa turn tto forrtm®. la tto
wetay- It k
k tot tto «cfemi M r»*
, wUl otaad UtOo Booth AMa
dieted that
far tto Bam
forfad from Smtk Afrtm »M ®et ral atow to toat off tto mwiy.
Bra U tto Bora do aot attack Om aa tto taklaf ef Ladyamlth wlUeaU km tom M®Md ttotOmml Bob- ani White Meat mraly to saar tto aad eoBfafc tto Ideaof
ofhktatbar ta mattan at food aad part of aoalral pewara, la tto aaa
Mtoa adTloto tto
Udjamltk. tot tto tnth of tUi It aot
aad aay to driaaa to a hamaaity. to and tto war.
Tto Bafaa afreawmt tarn heim aaflaat daapanta aortic after bluwlac ap
pMkBOwa. Ttot ttoollMtlmlo
fiam ttoa at my ttoa pralem k ooo- hk foaa aad aboadcolaf the aich md
~ aad tto faallaf la i
aad fara
— woaadcd,aa to did at Daadoa.
all horn kfffra after tto taUaf of aooiaa. tto Britkh people ellaf to tto kaald to hara raehad m aeau atara.
feist hope that Omarol WhHa way to net oaty heamaa ef tha
aWe lb Bfht hk way thro«|b tto Boar thy far tto ^aata, tot alao haaaaaa of
Tto wart
to tto aamaittai la taklaf aad hMdtac Use, bet tto aaaowplkhkmt e< thk tto arUtrdryaauaraof OMtral raaak
BtU«T»d Mow Ttet XAdj.
•pta® top. tat a rmort frat tto Boar
kmdiiamn aaar LadyraiU. via
oMai^aoa.mya that two Brftdmd warn left m tto totttotold,
Tkk avkmk ttoaffht to laaloda the
iniiir Ttotaporiaim itatad that
Mmmal Ballar had haa® daw® wttb
dara- tot tod laaoraad.
If .Boar rapork aia to ha halM
■ptmhop waa raaaatarto hyadlrat
•Maakaad aot * -------- ’
. ton ladteatodvoartiadttoBritkk traaahm
Md took ue prkoaaca. Thay Imt
toarOf, totatowad that thay Ufa* M
■» aa thpy
•makSfal la dataadlat fthaot.
Tto faUewtaff dkpatak from Oaaaral
«r Badrra Ballar,
♦Tpaarmmk Camp. iaa. t7, lo p. ■.
laa. M, aa raportad; Oaaaral Waram dmaa toto tto aaamy aad ebtalaad
m^mfa® of tto aoothara arak ot tto
> aliaa
at Aatm Bom aad ^mfor'a Poort to
tto Wmtar® Ladyamlth hUla. Pn>«
thm to Jm- tt to rapihlBad la aloaa
amtaet with tto aaaay, who bal^ a
■■ ®tftoffpoktiOB 00 a raaffoof amall
k Bortbwaat to
t tto piataaa from At
«m Bom throaffh Bpio® hop to tto
ladt haah of tto Tacala.
•Ttoaetaal poMtim hold waa pardakly taaahla. tot did aot load Ikalf
lem®d«aaaa,aa tto amtharaalmaa
wara aa atom that Qmatal Wacra®
aeold aot fat affaattta arttUary la poalWe®. aad to mpply hk keopa with
“Oa dmaacy at 1 aooamtad ta hk
atkaklof Bpioa hop. whioh k a larfa
, a moaataU—which
•rltoatly tto hay to tto podtlm, tot
riTia^land'thaterat Brttala will
aot to allowed to amiiaaa to Iffoera
tha Tlfhk of emtal powrala haraffart to aaMaa tha BomT'mdtbtotto
BapaHak will Paaart Hm If a Demok aware of the
amt k Daaldad Dpm far Mk »mwadkMm eftor i
Bmth Afrkm BapabUa.
Umdo®. Jaa. M—Tha Popalkk of
Tto tolamm of Emala at PaUa a^
tto wmtara loebtar mkaam at Ooloml
Bryaa, wto k jael ®ow toorlaf tha
troopa toward the Afp
amt la aaarah ef the koet daotraUa
rapatdad m waratapa. It
Damomt to to hk nualaf mala m weald aot to a prat aarprka to WaahThay are loth
o dl^omak U. after aaathor
to tolkea that k tto reel ohjoat of hk
itof dafaat. each at aew aaowa
trip, hat matramakaem potat iMtoml. Gnat Briials woald ton to
to that aoaalaaka. thay are proparlnf
attfto woat aaaeptto warn him that If tto Popalkk are
■to weald prafar to
not flraa tto rim praldaaay thara aak the Oallad Blotm to net to thk eewOl to DO fmlm.
paeity, lalhar thm ban other BaroThey aaaert that it waa i
at tha raamt aoafaraoaa wUl
apoB her, md there weald ba, to aaeh
araqemt. a pni
would tara a Popallat aa hk raaBlof
baaaaaa ef tha daalra ef the Born to
k. aad It waa baceaaa of that aatore tha aiadlatfoo of thk poranuaaat
daralaadiaf thay are ftphUaf tto mUTto Hapaa treaty k now before tha
dlr-oMHa-roadrafara ooareaUoa at
aaaata, md.U baa
wwa day md plaoa aa tha Dawot It ahoald ba
emtk aatieaal ooanatioa. Thay aay
raUtadat oaea, that It may fsrakb
thay will aot aadoraa Ooloaal Brym
thk ponraaeaBt with tto axeaea for
md five him a Popallat rsaalaf mate,
aettop ea the medtetor betweaa Qnat
ea wae done tear yaata ape, If a DawoBrltato md the Sooth Atrlem Bepob-<
It will to olthar a porfaat fa-
patbar aaktop the preeldmt
Body Xdm la StaW aad Baaoral to to wadlator to thk Booth Atrlcm;war.
Maid Thoreday.
Leaden. Jaa. W-A dl^tab tram
•‘Tha Ghlam lapatim at St. Patara- Bood SlaIpbiBp .Tastarday ; Baablad
harp hm raoaind by aaUa aOelal
aattm that Bwpargr Kwaap Sa k dead O^MootopofA«
Ptoaorththmfrokttoaoalh. Oatha
aiphtof Jm«ary tt toaolcMBplaa hop.
hatttwmraydlMaaltlo hold,aa Ik
partwotar wm too larpa, aad water,
whkh tohadhom lad to hollora m
lalad. IB thk aatnardlaarUy diy mam waa rary diamlt to abkto.
••Tha Mta wara told aU that day.
apalmt aarara attaeki md toery ahall
Bra. Oar iroopa foaphl with prmt
-I woeld apaetoUy waattlm tha am- OoMralBamaid Baym WlUBaaeaad
Boat ofttoSaaood Qarareolam and
Olty of MaaMo, Jaa. m-Tha pamlttop at Oaaaral Baraardo Baym to to
team Ikataapaat aide, to aaah earn Mtoktar of War k tot tha carrytop o«t
Bphtt^ thair way to tto too: ako tha of a plm loop miartotoad hy Praaldmt
Baaaad Tut--*-— aadSaeeadMlddla- IHae of prorldlap far the innnwaln®
pabUe affeln. Par yaara to haa
kmt tmditlem.of tha Brttkh arwy
toroaphmt the kytop day; alao. m ropardad Baym m hk rlpht head wea.
laamry M. Thmaajaikfe woaalod Bk pMltlaat aapartoaae aa ponraor ef
Baaee da Lam and hk mlUkryaaram
tataatry. who faapht threaphoat
kl Woodfota, who wm to
at tto mwmit..batop woaaBlaarwto mi T*-^ him da«ldddm tha alpht at Smeary M to
•baadmlhapoaltfa®.aad did m ha
lm® daylipht Jmmry
-1 raofhad Warrmhorap at A a.
m.. 7a®. M, aad daaldad that a aaemd
•MMbmSpto®kopwe«ll to malam.
•Bd tto aaawyh ilpht wm too atreap
to anew me to farm It. I aaoocdtoply
Mdai to Withdraw tto farm to tha
Thera k balland to to a pomibHity
that Ambamador PaaDestoU aad Moo-
y to ttoMtlaf
^ tto MUk to Thk Loaailtr. a
Peraawal weeks pact lombwmm
ton ham aaaiooky sralttop far a
mew fall aaficbwt far pood alal^lap.
to aaahla tham to icon tops. Oondl
far aUddtop lopo hot tto laea of aoow
hamltop to tto mllk.3Yeatarday. hosranr. tto etrato
Hand aad anry anilabla team
broopbt Into oersiea. Ttoeet
of pood elMphtop wat a rah ef lopo to
the milk aad It me o baey* day far
Before dark Itat ali^t John F. Ott
A Oa had raealnd at tto bip mill 41
aUiphloada,baaldratleanea tto V.
AB. B..aadllearamtto Pwa Mar<i«tto.
Itorawill ba a Btlll pnatw
today aad tto batotoa of tha weak If
Monday and Tuesday Only.
All books in sets................................ aj p«r’^nt. off
Sundord and Ute books, bibles and children’s'books at
lo per cent. off.
Toilet Sets, Sterling silver...................lo perjeent. off
Pocketbooks. Statuary. Medaliens........lo per cent, off
—Will be wara, dry, may
ABd comaortable if you pat
tboB iate A pair of Dr. Baad'a
Wednesday We Begin. Inventory
anl thm dluwiuiw m Dot In foroo.
Hobart & Beecher Co.
Aetiahion oijlamb'a wool
felt in tbe bottom of the ahoe,
oorered with
Special Clearance Sale
Feet Will
BnooeBsors to Olty Book Store.
light Itotber,
880-rS88 Frost 8t.
does the work, and does it
Ralph OonnablBtJr.,
glorioQAly well.
Handaome ityles, for ladiee
or men.
'Tity th' poor paple thot niver bov new clothes, only whin they
hov eomewan's ilee’s owld wans.”
Men, Women, CiOdren,
md that hk hedy k bow lylap to akto
ad thaatata tanaral
k Baad far Tharaday. aad tto aaw hair
to tto thro*o will to
paror at Pakto m Pab. t aklar tha
aawa of Chlk Maapa,
Ttw Bwpram Dowapar. It k mid.
faan dktarbaaam to tto aoathara
•nun am
And-coogratulating each other that there is at least
one store in Traverse City where they can purchase
New, Stylish and Fashionable
The leading shoe boose.
Clothing, Hata, Capa, Fnmiahinga. etc., at lover priom than
you’d pay for the other kind elsewhere. Jut now we aay beat
anil® £r men «11A0-F!ne psnts-N^wknd Beta, $1,68, ISStyliah 75c Puff Tiea at 35c. Tea, it pays to.aee u befwe yon
let yonr $ I go.
Kara Pmta. TO. 17. ss aad 3Se.
Ian Maclaren
The famous Engliah aothor. writ
ing in tbe North American Beriew
on “The Energy of tha American
People.” mya:
“No man writea with bla otm
hand, if be can dictate to a atenographer; no man dictates, if be can
telegraph; no nan telegrapba, if be
can telephone.”
If you are a typical, energelto
up-to-date American, yon already
use tbe Long Distance Telephone
D not, s word to the wise is enffic-
We Expect To Open
(Delay is owlnx to lateness of fire
insurance a4j asters' In arrlTinx)
and will offer you the
Miller’s Store
eyer known in this part of the
country, in our
Fira and Watar Sala
Host of the {{coods sllKhtly damag
ed hy water only.
on every dollar's worth
of goods notil foithpr
W. W. Millar's Cash Stora ^
226 Front Street.
Olora md Kltteoa ISo. Ue. tse
Rellibit Dry Goofs, Corpotood Clotllog Hooso
Mka Bmdy Ctob Made It naaaaat
far a FMlow Marahar Zmt VipkL
It srm srMl kaewa that tear ya®»
Ito Baaolm dtody Clab told a niy
ApoPraidmtDtoswaB atomri to hk Mmraat aad
doaka to rakr®.
Ha faMa that hk analap at Ua home ef Mlm Mlaato
Too will find a 6ns line of
Wait m Waahtaptm atraat. Frarlom
■NTtk a raak Tto pirn k to make to tha maattop It had bam arraaped to
Oeaenl Beym tto pmacmal ramamata- aarprtaa Mka Virim la haaer ef bar
tin ef tha praaldmt, who will thm to htrtbday oaalncmry. ae whm tto Stsmped Linens, all sises of Sofa
ralland aad aaablad to smto tto toar' paUwtap dkpanad Mks Virim wm Pillows, Down Pillows, Coshion
which to hm tram ttma tettoMpoai- amortodowayby a trail plaaaad aah- Oorda,______________________________
Oords. Batten burg materials of all
peaed. to dafaraaea to tto ptoadtopa of tarfapa aad whm aha raaehad her
A full line Belding Bros.
boma,tto raWmea of W. M. KaUy.
Embroidery lassons given free.
ahasraaaamd to Sad Itoraalltha
lapthakola. By«atoim.ltWor> BayeaiwiU BBaaaad DIaa ia psopar
of tto etah.srtobad
S87 Front StTBBt
towm wm iMMmkotod amth of
amatakm of (topram‘«toT«ila.wllhmttbatama<o won
ar a peaod af atoraa.
naon®ls«wMapmt laa daUphb
•Tto faM ttot tto farm aeald wlthtal masam aad tha baaarad yo«®p lady
4mw from aetaM koah ^to earn tha
a baaattfnl Beral
item wara tom ttot L.0M yarda apaK)
Pllt.' Mka Bataa. amkhw raamtor af
with Ito aaaaw U tto parfaatmaaaar
thaalah.s a ako pin® a aaUaethm ef
It did la.t think.
a ISa. lallm Ua.
mar af harUrthday
-That wa warn ftomlttod to wtto- fhalsidfld^
mo® aad a
^ aarra a rira At yatda heaai. wMh
School of Music
We Buy as Lowjas We Can
That’s Bvsiness Sense.
We Sell as Low as We Can
That's Progreasire Seaae.
You Buy As Low as You Can
That’s Common Sense.
You Buy Of Us
That's doHars and centa for both of na.
Up-to-date Footwear.
Do 70a need a cheap,
bat solid
Bedroom Out?
Bm, Bb*t IL Pai
mt o< v«Uk tmiUmtMam la
•|fliima.li>iHartat totaaUM tow
BlMtolatoTOaa«A«Maktto aaa.
Ba kM rwtly naalTad a aoauaaalaaltaa aHnN« kr atoat tftp
aaaatp. ra«aMtla|t bta la allow kla
•aaatobt prMaladto tto EafwbUaHaa<ttotlalkoeacn......................
totto aoMlaatiMtor
rattaafU rapUad tkat to weald Jaal
kal tkat to weald aei Ifaera tka aiakaa aditofaavla of tto dlatriat Yka
mm wka alcaad ,tto vatttlea k
geedaoa«itoalnail thakar wkaattor
aaattaad tkatoft dlitrlatwill ton
a («>d aaacraMto If Mr. PatlaavIUia
WaiLa tto aaaaMl wiU axart all ita
jatowaitetontto fraa daUracraa.
toadadkayaad tto Ibalta aewaatak.
vananUfkta tawakatto Uapaera
•MtpuMiWa tkarwUlka aoatreatad
wUkaaottorfaebUw. Aipnaaattto
taadatoip al tto aoaaaO la to radaea tka
Ufkttac axpaaaa tatkar tkaa to la) ttnU
la Braat Britola Jaat at tka ttoa la
wUtoBaatoralW*ti« tto aoat. Saa*
WBlWkllate Udpawltk.
Mfattof** Adalav. wkakaataaaaow
BMd to tto keaoa [fer tto faat waak aa
thamaltet akadlali. la aklatoto
ArtkarBaeU ad, Oadar.waa la tto
^r. tTpUSirki la to Otoar oakaabTv.
WartafwJito <kdniaayaataray. wto kaa kaca
Bddtof larlval naatlaya at tka Okarak
•( OkrtClalt yeaiariay ^ kla koaw.
toterapdac to
irfU aeadaat aeata toaattacaMr.aadMca.M.&oi
raaefPeteakay. arrlnd la tto ally
toy. to bo the raaataof Mra.
SigMatkalk yaraata, Mr- aad Mra. Je^aa •tatabart.
Q. Q. Oorall waat to Oiaad BapItoyaatarday.
Bar. J.e. Baas waat toBoUaodyoateday for a riait wlu kla paraata
• .BarU of Bly Baplda la rialtlar kla
4a«lktor. Mra. a. L. Itortar.
Bto Olara Ctoae baa rataraod to
ptotoU attar a kriaf Tlatt with kar
Maata. Dr. aad Mra. Ohaac.
Mra. Btawa Jotoaoe aad ekildrea
•Mrtad yoatOTday tor Hptoaaa Palla,
Waak.. to jolB Mr. JobaoM. who kaa
kaae la tka waat for tto paai year.
B 8. PraUla la bake City, attaadlac
too iiitlfwi of tto Miaaaakaa. ooaaty
Otortaa WlaekaU. tka ataffiaf araa•allat wbokaa keen kclptay ia tka
^ral ■aatiafa of tka Okarah of
Arlat. taftyaatarday for kk iKaaa ia
J^m Palya waa U tka alty yoaUr.
Bay freai Elk Bapida. to eoaaalt a pkyjWaa la rofard to kla kaaa. wkkh kaa
tort tally lawiwiil fro* theaSaeta of
f. S. Viatea of-----------WOllaMakarg. waa a
rlaltor y«
tto Baaailoa t^atkar tto baildlafi
TbatatoBtohQdof Mr. ato Mra.,B. ttot ware toawayad by Ira raeMily
BartotdmBay aiiaat dlad Baaday will be rabaOt. That aeaaa of tto
Uto nplaoad by briik la
, Mr.Oatoaa.
ItoadraaoaatoofaaaialDr “rakia
BoMaTwOlofMatltokoa oMoa af wko ewao a frcataga of 41 taat, kaa daatdad to pat ay a thraa atory brisk,
ibag^Qraad Tl
with two Btoraa balow.a yatrefoOcaa
l^B-TorolwlUatartaa kla
to tto atato of Waatoaftoa afwr a rtalt ia tto aaaoad atary fraat, aad kaek of
tkwaladcaroon. TtotUrdBoorto
wttk ralatlvoa to thla
alefttoyaaaa.rlaadaot Mto
Bkaaa gaaa a«. a nay ylaoMat lodya.
OMr. Ibrkalda wtU probably balld alCaarltoS. MaMea of Moatkyort. aa ■0. UMaapaatadttot towUlraplaaa
aaalacftto key wke waa klllad at tto balldlac reaaatly karaad witb a
Jadlliae by a Wato wkUa aotatiag. two atory bridi atmetara.
-- - ' aald to aa latarrlaw
attaadad tto
taaacal Saaday.
Mra. Mlaera'a boayltal la maak la- laat algbt, that to had aot at aay
daktad to triatoM far tint of Iralt. }aUy tiiaa oteaa tka Bra
aad akarkau Tka kaayitai la la aatd adttosatatto* of kaOdtot a brtdk
Mto laaet at tto ynaaat
of old ahaata tar waklBff baadagat,
, eoatribatloea OQUd ba yat to fooo ready tar It. Bla praaaat plaaa ara to
r.Bt ttoold balldlag.by oattiag Itto oea
I la ataora- atory. aad Mbiag It aa aaar Bra proof
asawoodaaballdlageaB baMda. Ba
qaaatad to lafm
TtoMkt tto ••OooatowB «0" will to will aak tka OOBBOU tor pemlaMoB to
iwodaaad la tto aty Oyata Boaar. do tbii.
baattraattae la wall
y draw a faU b
W. D.
Beya’Bead kaa Began ArraagrBeaia
d toa batoty aa death Dataa forenatUptoMataFi
Btraat. locaairty raa by Jeto Wkaalw,
The Boya'Bead iaprapariag tar aa.
wlU epaa kla aaw baalaan ‘Zhi
otkar of tbair big aad popalar eMaatral
Moratag with wodara faaiUtlaa.
Ttora wiU ba a tagalar ■iiHag of perteftniwa Tto ■e»kara bald a
Tiawwn City ledga. Ho. 7t. K. of P.. naatlBg laat Blotto atart tto prallBaad the IMlowUg
Tkaraday araalag. Itota will batkraa
rare oboaaa to aoadaet tka aatarpriaa:
lldataa tar tto third taak.
■aatlag of tto otaao aad brtek Baalaan laaaager—W. B. Oanpball.
iMtf ttoelty wlUbabald WadAntetaal atoga ataaagar>-D«F MoaMday algfct tar tto parpoaa of orgaa
TkarawiU baa ragalar paaotlag of Maator ofpropartln WtUlan Martto Oarpaatera'Uaica Tkaraday araalag. Tkora ara oaroral
Tmnrar-M K. Palga
parpoaa of tka bead to sub
a mnrad to ba yroaaat.
tkia anat the Mgmt of the klad
•talaborg'B atara waa to ban opaad 1a tblseity by leeal taleat
ad tar bbalaaaa thia Boralag bat ewlag aad praricas raoeasan gin
to dalay la arrlrai of tbe laaaTaaea ad. right to axtrangant elaim la thli
jaatwa who ara to aottla tto loot ^ regard. It la czpeetad Uat tto abow
tto roeaat trr. tto aton wUl aot ba will ba glna abaat tto laat of Vakraad BBtU loatomw, whaa
dialaborg aapaeti to be la roadlaoM lo
atart hto flra aad water aala
tka ^ly yaatarday to aaamiaa tto
angiae trltb a rlaw to tka
otaalwUmr oao tor
tkatel^. MahlataakM had two dia.
aatroai fira raaantly. aad are thtaklag
rary aarloaaiy of bottar Bra protaeiioa.
Tka eomalttaa emalated of Pu« Coi. f
Seoti. Aloaraaa Ckapcaaa aad AldarA aambor of oaati ara left tar iba
ooaevt of tto Boatoa Ladiaa‘ dympkony
Friday analag. Tbooo daA Voanreirl'B Exp*rlene«.
drlag a aoat at tkU dallgfatfal oooeart
Mr daaabler's aw m were lerrtbJr oat or
8bc wn thla aad wrak; U>* t«art
abopld oaU at tto OttyHawadtaad at
oeea. aa than' wlU probably ba ao
a IkttU later.
Tkwa wUl ba a bleating of tto UalLoqrMeMiiU.
for* Beak Kaigbu of Pythlaa this
analag at • o'deek. for tto parvoaa of
oers. 8oKibr4faeewu.
A total of 4t profiaaloaa of faith
i‘ tka roaalt of tto meetlagi jnt
elaaadattbaOharebofOkrioA AfaraweU naetlag was gins after tto esr
rloe Baaday analag. at which Une
rfjn» ahowB that
hU Ubors had bsaa
It to espaeted that Proewnr Tkyler
aad W. W. Deaa will lean today or
eeastr. to eeeara tto right of way tar
railroad. It to tkoogbt ttot
thne wUl to 80 difiealty la obiataiag
a Royal
i. DePtaaorwaa
la tnm Mayu
Pity yaatarday
Boy HUlIker kn takes ttopeslttoa.
B. «.DaVrtaaof
of sight olark la tto Bowl OalsBtaa
»t tka Oolaatkla yaatarday.
raeostly oeeapiad by • Jeisn WeedO. B. WkaolarioiattoeiVtattotatoroBM of tka Oraad Bayido Diwawat. Aaettor of PniL Mlnrt A Sob's good
B. Q kdoM of M^ aiy, waa at tins «SBoli« psrtin wiU oeeartkto
enalv at Mortaegkk ssajeny. Tbsn
■karIC A. B..BMtiBfaref MayUaty. das on are nry popalar aad isfarlably
vaa to tto elty yairtrrday.
a lacge aad nsny etewd.
WUltoa Bakbalar waa ia tka dty Tto Masto Dab of tto Sebeol of
Into will hold Us Bret ssesiea at 740
e*eM tonertew enalag. At thto
neettag. tbe life aad works of Mead^oha WiU to tto eabieet taretady.
Tka Esigkta pt Py^iea wiU gin
tbMreeotol parW^ Wadaaaday enalag
la ttolr toU ia tto k
aCsirwiUke c
r Icir Xalgkts
ef Pytkiae aad tkeir feailJtoe
Maatagae to kariag a
Had.Oo.. Bagalot H- T.
large aad nodsn ban baUt ca tto
ofktomMeaeapnfarwaa State
TM 9mm m «MM to 9m 0«y.
Taka Wamo^ Wldte Wiae of Thr Syrai
too boat oomhratorfyoonrth.
iMHwa Pitonk BaMk
5c Pig Tail
Havana Smoke?
the murk
every time.
Bow Is the tine to ton year Bicyote
■ jeasnelodaadMeaaod ap tatoy tar
Baoklaa'a Aiataa Selva.
V»tagBee world wide tana tar narnlota
Free Storage All Winter.
My woAna aot to beet aad prleee
ItoVawaei. WUleaU tar year wheel.
BMl*p£mH<------- •
totaUiUnnPnaa. Ctota
BoUgaa Btarto Oa. Aattoriaad to
CapitaUas tor •B00,00a
. Tka Mlakigaa Btareh Oo. raealnd
Cran Uaoiac yaatarday t^ papara
wktak aatharlaa aa laaraan of tto flapital aioeb af tto aonpaay toon BK.boa
to BtOKoea. Tto aonpaay aoa
plain aataaaln inpronnaata tkla
apriagaalda tren what kaa already
If 70a do,do not gb without it. for I am offering tbe
I good, well made hardwood bed (or.................... $ 1.75
1 good woven wire spring..................................
I good excelsior mattress (no cheap tick)............. 1.75
1 high, embossed, wood seat chair ^....................
1 solid oak, brace arm, cane seat r^fcktr............... 1.25
t wash stand with drawer.......................... ......... 1.50
1 wash bowl and pic^re.................. .............
I Eiair 7 lb feather pillows....... .............................. 1.75
I heavy comforter.................. ................................ ijoo
I bed spread.......................................... ...........
Bekari Barea Tea.
Mr. aad Mra. WUllan Leadoa
taiaad BaUtday analag at a Bokart
Baraa tea. Jt was a noat dallgktfal
eeaaaloa TtofoUowtag gants wna
>t: Mr. aad Mra. 0. M. Prall. Mr.
aad Mra. Beajamln Iklrlby, Mr. and
Mra W. P. OalUat aad Mr. aad Mra
B. Bristol.
Bla Vila Band Bias.
“My wife's good adrln sand ay
Ufa." wrlln F. M. Bon of Wiafl^
Tbaa., •'fcrikadaaah a bad ooagk 1
eoald hardly braatba. I grew ataedily
wane nadar doatork traatnant, bat
You can take tbe whole or any artide,''
just as yeu like.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
1$0 rzont Street
of Cbeat, Tkroat aad baaga ara poaIttnly eared by this a
olaa. »0e aad gl.Oi
gaaraataad. Trial bo
Ss Tbeta at ths Itart
to. V. J. JBggita. Oparatln tostlrtry
Spring Stock Of Wall Paper
Secently fitted up 1b most complete in every res
pect, and our new
The largest we have ever carried is here- has been
checked olT—put into the racks—the samples all
made, and is ready for sale—it's the finest stock of
Wall Paper we’ve ever had on exhiblton. This
year’s designs are not quite as large as heretofore,
but tbe combnlatious of colors are more haimionious. In many cases the back-grounds of the
Blue — Greens — Browns and Beds are nearly
solid, showing more fully the gold and silver de
signs. but the only way to appreciate the full
beauty of these papers is to see them. It’s time to
plan lor the .improvements you’re to imake in
your home. Those rooms you were going to paper
and didn’t. Our prices, qualltyioonsidered, in many
oases is much lower than last year. We’ve got a
fine oombination of two band white back paper
that sella at seven cents tbe double roll, with
border to match, at So the yard. Our 18 and 16o
papers are beautlea The dining room pattemssometblng new. 16 to to SOo. The ball designs
show the artists’ hand. The sitting room and par
lor papers are beautifnl oomhinations—prices from
16c to 40c. Kany times yon want iust a small
room, a bedroom perhaps—We can “fill the bill.”
Have some remnants that we’ve cut right in two.
Then we have some patterns that only cost be the
doable roll.
If quality, quantity, patterns and prices ent any
figure we’U get your trade this season.
The Hannah & La; Ircantile Go.
Steinberg’s Grand *****«•*««»•«**«****|^
THU MORNING REc6Ri>;?roit8t>AY. JANUA^ 3», 1900.
. rosm
«M» fftM wwdM orVM
_alM^aCM( Ua«. HtoMmMMW*aMUM NmNUom: Amf
ttat «tlk hook M«mM M» M4 ta tbc
v.MditektoM. U9«f*orU
br«M pMM. art Ml Ua* withU tha
MMtMrafihaaMala. i
VhaproM o< a Md faaMryat
BAWta «Mk tet bm toMWM
JMk Pntat tm«
tka Uto .af
iaOy «1M at •Mkd-^OMB I
A rarr mtatj aadal «m aafapaA toat
oaator «bAm tha aaaplaaa of tba
MleretoaaWtoaHltfb aebool, for tba
throaaaaaatoBTi .
baaaltot tfib AaaaaL
Uaaa. Aa It waa. bat far tba
at ^aak Prekart of Ttoraraa Oto. aaabMaoelali.Aa4tbarawM sfeoA
Oisrv« Biaej of tUe ykca woalA hata
Joyad a Am laaeb, aad aiwiy yasra
iaak Probert. wko baa Jaat lalabad aad aoatol
aarvad to paaa tbao
tba piaatortar M «ka ator Aharpa htoek toy ta*y plaaaaally. A Mbatoi
«PM AiTtac tha alaaitotot «Uk baaatt win ba addad to tba taad for
aaaaral ikMUil Araa to ASarMt parto
AUyaaraUbayMMA Maaah
B^ aiy. walkad late aa apaa apai
tba ciaar Batark^ aocatof aaA
Afowaad. Tba body waa raaon
Mia ■Btaar to a widow aad IHaa at
Da. A. J. TbOMoa at OadOtoc. ayad
•a.Atodat bto bOMO ea HarrlaatrMt
■abarday tooraiaf attar k tarn beara
UatMofapoptoiy. f
BaUatoi to wyaetfly fawaod with
aaaw thto wtetar.' Walla petota far
baaa adtheat mow far alatyblav. tka
tatobartoM of BMlatoa aad tboluodtoto ttotoliy kata had toad atolyktoy
oearatoaoCb '
. AaOxtardMH to too peaaaaaor of a
hM whtob baa toU a ddaUo yolk aye
Thtooto ifMatklay to tba atwoophaMatBlabtoodd, atfAMlly, wbtobto
Mtodaatlta to ioayatlW. for tl of tba
MW raaidMto ad that baiy aca
dahaatyMor od CMitoye. aaya ka
yaaa Aba Oaylar ad OetowalM, a Utary
HyMtor.apaycldptoet far,aaatar
baatawuaaat farhiaarrato.
Tnesda;, Ftb. 6
a( Tiaaaeas atf. mmfU btoera tba
■ M aSaatai kl« **7 »
Bi—a Blay toM ewreeae bj
I Removal Shoe Sale i
Aiden Benedict
odktboOAtof IktfaMialtbaaMl
iirtllal. *»lw to «ka aiflMHr to «nM toto tka balMlai; aai too
Ilin^iM who «Ma at work tkara.
. Mvtaia^ .
MwfU ^
Ua iMtof. fMKgA it§aku ti rn«
ilberaacUjrNMW IM« toaait*
MyAaa. .ThamwlrTiaMld Wba
aWtotoBt le M a aaaiMr.
AbaMwtaaMrr la to iba baitt al
Mk. Bana aaaalr. wUak^wUl d«a a
Mkattelka aUlk of t.MOaowaia
k.Ju. n—A atfMc*
bm taA»r. bf whkA
Mis Itrtlia BeaDfort
AND PLATFOB|i | Sapportad by a tttai of aaparior
aiailUani. fa AtoM Baaadtefa
Tleal^t at Otw Opara Beaaa toa bly
OeaatoWB tW wSl ba tba attoatolea.
Tbia to tba yiaataat ooUaattao od aatoradarttoto. ttto aaaebcr.aow^paarhW — tkaAtoariMBBtayw Tb^wfll
yita aU tha totaat
aatobyaiiB tnm ear pepalar oparaa,
,atoo tba lataal tad. tba yMotoa
walk, wbtobto
Btballth yaarotitaeoa*
I la all tba
atkay I
ator prieaa wUl praMlL
JaakFrakto1.tkOMth aary maWaltha ataata
e(tkacaa.aatoad tba i
aay. Md by tba ottooat cCort aairiad
Dr. M. A ■toroa waa ca tba apet
pmapUy. aad aarad far tha moa wba
bad ao aarrowly area pad. Mr. Bobart
aad Mr. Probart ara atoaly j
troMtba aBeeta at tba y.a.batMr.
Btoay to atlU to a praaartooa eoadittoe.
BakitaotbaM far tha aBortodPraAidM BaaadtoVa -fabto
barttbara to aet tba aUybtoat doobt whtob wiUba
that Btoay woald bora baM daadtoa Broad Opera BeaoaaaxtTaaodaTovMfawietoataa.
toy. Fob. a. to a play with a attaay aad
■ttrrtoy totoraatto It Tkoaaatoobava
read tba book Mttttod “Ika Taadatta'
wU aaaUy ramambar tba prataat of tba
atery. A daaeirad haabaad to bartod
PoraloeyUMaiPoaWatatarBaB baa allva, bat aoaapat Crem tbo tomb aad
ekaartad tba yrowtoy aaada of a Bwa rotoraa to dl^atoo to tortarithoaatrM daUvary aarvtoa, aad faltbfa) wife. knUay bar at tbo moi
iwa. Tko Boval
wbaa to WaabiBytoa aoaaa lima ayo ba
breaybl tba mattor to tba attoattoa of taiaiabto totoaaa aaaaaa wbtoh ara
byaattoay eoai]
tba peat oMsa dopartmeat. Ua waa
at that ttaa aetidad that mora thaa tba prtoatpal mamban btoay apaalally
far the eharaetora ami
floa aaw owrlar weaU ba impMatWa
I FFrank
# 118 front
front 8V
In hw gswt fln, Mnvoptli
«nd Mp
Prioeo—26, 85, 60c, 76c; Box
SAle <rf Matt will open at the
Box Office Thoraday noraing.
why a
Xho Old BtoUablo 8boe Mnn
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Efects
to tbto ally far aoma lima to aoma.
ikata are as
MtomeataSttoaottbto Kia Bewavar Mtoa Uraa* BasUr of bar <
Mr. EaBkrgadtbaaggimliyadatlaaat
oaaaooa earrlar aad to raply to k tohdaaaaa. to i
• actoadad aarrtoa aboaU ba ailewad, ba taaalrad tbad^lowtoy:
Sia-I am In raaalpt of yoar applieattoa far aa oddittoaal lattor oarriar Bortral Barrtoao At ■■toad
to aaabto yoa to cstaad tba (raa daadBraadBapifawmba <
llrary aarvtoa to tto dwalUnya aad
OhordS'Dld Oraat Oeod.
BOW botlor aad apytoa pat to aad that aa*^ faetortoa. whtob ara aot aow
Xho opaelal aorrtoaa that bata baaa
aka wm ya oa tba ran katwaan Boatb
to proyrtat at tba Itoeoad M. B. ebar^
B»*m aad ObtaNra tbto eoattoy
etoaad Saaday: aveatoy. Tha
«w drama baildtoy whtob waa baUt prtattoa tot tM iMtotaaaBoa of
toyt bare aaamtoyly baaa of aa aaW tka Btato orar M yaara ayo to ba fraa daUrary aarrtoa darter tba Mrrent
aaaally Impratolva aod prodtaUe
daeal yaar W baoa antleipstod. a
aaad at a tmWIaaaa for tba
that BO addltoooal altowanoea eaa
thto owmaieawMltb. win ■
made aByoSM wUbont awaUay
« la tha maettoya, a anmbar
far aa aadartoharb akop by Oaorya W.
aey, ao aarrtort ean bo allow
of whom hare already nnltad with the
Obktobara. who will aetobltob
r tba parpoaa
------- of* axtoodlny
-ttoodlny tha
tha aeiabnreh. Re*. Bennady, by-bto eanaai
tkmaaxtwoak.- The beaao waa baUi vtoa to aaw territory o* ineraaalnr tha
sresk and eoaaeeratod life, has the
•Ueetions and
. dalivertoa
to tSM aoaordtoy to ao aet of tba leyto- nombar ofaoUeeti
Voar rKjttast, srtll. bowavar. ha mof tha
lataro, aad It to a alayalar feet that ao farred to a pcatoSea
aod the ehnreb to ateadUy ytowiny to
asaMUra araroaeapiad iba balldiny. wUl visit Travarae Olty. mshe a thoribeti aad Ita Indaanoa for yood ta
aa it waa orlylaally iatooded they ooyb tovraiiyatton of yonr fr
rrr aerrtto and report tally et
ita eonditton and needs, aod aettoo
A Card.
Tha midwtotw raak of fratykt to 'Ul be taken on bU report whan the
.Wc. tha aaderslynea, do here I.
aow batoy traaafarrad aerota the pproprlatton for the nest Aaoal j
ayraa to rafnad the money on a H*ecBi
aeomaa avsiUbto.
atraltoofMaofetoaa. Utoaotaa yraat
botUa of Qreen'a Warraated Byrap of
Very ratpretfnUy,
aa toat yaar: aa it took both terry boata
Tar if It fai a to care yoar ooayh or
nuT h Basra,
cold. We alao yasrutee a tS eent
to do tka work, wbito thto year tka
rtrat Atolatant P. M Uenaral
bottle to prove eausfaetory or moaey
Poatmaator RiB aUUa that to all the refanded.
•to. Marta ka^a ap with it by rualoy
H. B Walt. Baybec A BoxM or It twon a d^.
loaalHtoa where the ntanatoo of free onty, Jaa G. Jobnaoo, P. C. Tbompdallrery
oondl^l^aaOydaa. of Uotoe towaaktp,
Wiaaeb eoaaty. baa a boaaa U yaara tiou do not yet extot In order to oe- Be OuBm
‘ oU that to aa apty a* a tkraa yaar ootf. nro free daUvary the IcoalUy naadiny
eancBer the valaca that yoa'll yet hi
Tka boraa aaama food for a aoora of
Btolabary'e Oraat Pire Sals It etarta
We have placed on sale at out prices
• 8400 pairs of Shoe* -We give you the
a beat makes only.
save 70a from 10( to 50 per
» centWeoncan
yonr footwear for the next 60
daya After Karoh 15th we wUl be in
m oornen
our new store, BAS Front street
Sldownlk Lombor In nU olnM.
JOHN P. OTT & OeXlasora to Trawarao OJty Lombor Oo
________ _______
toisiliatioi ail EiaaiiMiii Fraa aal SiricHf Caifilii|iar^
DRS. B. S. & CO.
lyof flaw York, no i
iaiericaalGdicai ud Siroicil listiUte of mm, Ikh.
acytfeol •WTHm-ng, Tx'Bh’n-or-tte 0±«ar,
Feb. 1, ISOftL.
OBoe Moon faoto • o. B. to B p. m
John F. On & Co.
Saceassars ta
Iravarsi Citf Umbar Ca.
TranrseCitr, - - Michi{ai!
and aidewalha, whtob to net yMaraUy
wkDa ataaltoy a rtda from Wararly
<A yoaapb. whara ka aapMtod to taka
a Malttoo. Ba fall hatwoay tba <
aad ealy Uni a abort Um.
At Ballalra Ttodla A Jaekaoa have
laatpattoaowamAtoaetortba i
afaotara of bolter diaboa Tba daily
oatpat wU) aaaaad that Of aay ottar
faatorf to tka atoto. 8ofaral other
aaw todaatrtai ara ooatatoptottoy yotoy there aad Baltolrak proapwli ar«
Tory brtybt.
Dalton eoman to tka front wUk a
peodlyy to faaaily baaltk. Ohartoa
Mornaa to 7* yaara old aad hto wife to.
They have tkraa auntod ohUdraa.
Dartay tkatr marrtod Ufa they bara
aorar omptoyad a pbystotoB. aad
Maeaaa Borar totoad madtotoa to bto
Ufa asta a raeaat atoaak of trip.
BetanaUwdby Kto^KOlm.
Tko Mtmoa Oma aad Ctoia MUtor
tostolaad a oompaay oT fatoads laat
oraalay at Ihotr borne, ioomar Blau
dOMaatraot. Mwto. yamaa aad a
pall foemad tha aUN faatarm of
Old Poopto Made Teaoy.
loatottto (Mtob.) Babo, baa
________ 1 «ha WMartmbla aaarat of
Muby Dean's Rlnbdsy Party.
Yesterday was a bsppy day fir little
r of Mr. and Mra.
[van Dann. It sras her aeventk Mrth.
day aanlveraary aad abost twMty
Toany folhs were tovltad to partielpato
to the fesUvlttos of the oeeastoa. at 015
•oath I’alen street. Beeldss the Jnvenlto yaeeta Mtos Beaeeit. Rnby** aebool
laeher, sras present.
Tbe proyram svae deliybtfal. ooastotlay ofrsmea,stortoy, raeliattoas aad
ntoe rafrsabfBoata. Mra. Daaa wm asiBtotod to anurtatotoy tba yaaata by
Mtoa Bellto OaUlvaa. Tba hoaorad
yeany lady raaalvad aevacal vary pretty
X,. U A. BaaaptlOB Tooiybt.
Tba iMpttoo to ba ylrM by tba
Ntabere of tha Lodtoa’ Ubrary Amoeiattoo to thalr frtoads tbto ev^ay
prsmtoaa to ba a daliyhtfal aBair. Tba
^aaapttoo wktok will ba bald to thalr
baU wUl bayta at • o'Motab A abort
aad litbrary proyram wlU bo
Tbo ladtoo of tbo r
d to bo at tbo haU at Trtl
^gppaOto It baa wAmd wrwiton
faraffwtfaaadaa. Itka amrroloaa MaayoM oared by aampto boo. aaod
lamiTyfar eld WMlab acmplalato."
at yim A iofatoMk aad «. K.
OitaMS'i XxMrtar Bparto
thi aMl
U 9m U Ir^pB « 24 Bbvb.
Noremadreqtials WABwnik Write
vVocE OP Tas Stbdp for thto terrlnt« and fatal dlaeaaa. If taken tkor>
3iirttoaadtnUme,ltwUleBre a ease
•nt Am baked y^ Mdo. ordara •ndboora. aad fa*-the ooi^ that tottooilmOcttve it aorerfaUi to yt*B
taUaC. PitoTseoBd 60o.
Tuesday, Jan. 30
“Get YoT
Money’s Worth”
Fire Insurance. Coontown 400
L. L. A. Bnlldlnc
26 StarJag Tima Irtists 25
For Fire Insurance
MnsIM. ItalTt
John R. Santo,
tnaril lniruM.
A. B. Oarh
Roaktord. Mtoh.
a Tadlyaatlwi Badn ttoabla, Ooa- wrltaa: “Afiar aaBartny for over to
Toara with Iteblay pUaiH ttond rtatot
b Or. Obaaa'e Ototmanv Ooa box aart*
mo." Dt. Cbaaato OtotmMt to namw
toad to do the worti. m arata. Jldray-
W. D Btoodfood baa' knayki «ka
Wbeator bakery oa SmU Uatoa
■troot. Tka baatoM srtU ho opoaod
nMnptswo iiura-Ylmro
WVMtB WkM Of Tnr Symp. the
best conyb remedy on earth, cure* s cold
edsyiftskentotiiiic. S^sndfiOcu.
last Oaa Night af Fua
Enjoy tbe
Good Sleighing
I hove Mven] fine new nffP—
botti slagla asd two sMtad
Bwt ootfito.in the oHy. Try
Order'bj 'Phone No. 82.
Geo. Cams,
Utmt ktad Food StablM
Tba Kitat Bnooaa^ nad B
of MtaBktod Poaafbto to Obuia.
the CBtteA Oteie*. Bto less
' Is tbs wvrU CBstass
Maw aonys. eatohy daoera. ap-te-dote S!y^raiaostiyKntTOra.a5Srrn'e
eposB uIke iMest setsotlOs
apaelsltlM. Baor tba Ooontown
Qoartotta. Baa tba
•mAs ef cues ISM I
alcai Ssvs Smo rsetereS M pnrAsm tislil S»4 Shor
n Aestk cvefT rear vSe
- .............. - -’.iiTias'
The Great Cake Walk!
Price* popnlAT with the people—
25, 35 aad SOe. 8e»to on Mle tt
City Newf Stood.
WB aOARAjmS TO CCBB aSTM* da bay,vprtawj&wrtew'^ portaw
> Best to be had in
the dtj is at .
MBplee in window.
--ssr.isaw“‘ ~
*'"1*" taSsm ZSta Marbrnta. • ^
o!'a am
Mt. I S. t U. HHini IQX in. BinKOt. BWh
k «IM ««
kVli« MfvD’
/« «MfT tTOBia ^
»» >•«
rnmmmammmiM* kwklat •• i
A fW. B. L. A Oa. Boi
11 BO
rto^B 1*.------- ------- ^
4 00
IMB. U AOe-Bato....
OUm. TkcVaM rr*i Pmm tV»ka
ttatolta-pevm prUl toU^ tW
r—ytooirf*—»—d—* wMiUn to
9ratoM UMk Mbjwto. Tto AMtoo■•Mtotea MiMT e Mto will •rrtrt
■mt Kaac to • tow 4Uri mi4 wW b«
Mlatotar B« Pvkto. ^
Is t^wto «k* gmUrmm iAtorttogr
«»wth«« • OirtM HMMl to « b«wa
BonM aoTBOor raoTi ICITT
s PatoMk.
V ite »Rwto« at
«to» a^. m4 aatoiA loo.«w
Whoab eld, M ba..........
■McHMia to(f» tnatftj of
ateCMtok who «« iapltofttoi tid
<*!««• aar hoMomaWval lodr
1^hoM.thop«rfOM of wUA k to;
VWfUooatotohtoHMO tor too au
•arkboM • hoao who k wUltof to work
tewhtoboir ho «oto aito .who »ow
toMtotowotooftoar of * peUot oto«towwltotooMai»aad too orlatooL
Xado Toaap Apato.
Vowo boo hooa rfootood of too oodLtfo PUk
^tetoofPbU D. Araoor. Jr, o» ••Oao of Dr. Etopk Bow LL.
boo pat M
aatooiphti for two wooka b
Mootokto. Ooltfarwto, umr
apato," wrltoo
toorhoro. Tooof Araoor wm U1 bat
rwa. Pa. TWro too
'A4 boon oai hk tooth woo too to
. to the world
«ooltoooltoolBBfO. Bowooll;
BowoU. Par
mttgm. Bo loft »kaco throo wooho prlpo. Onlv toe at Ji
a^ A. Waith drop
Mto« to OBOOUOBt hoolto.
Tho wootov to too rktolqr
Botke to Oafkaora
Mothoarwo. AaotnUo, boo brekoa oU J. B. Barttoafc. too Jowolor. wiohoo
Mooorto tor hoot toooatly. Oa Bow tootatototoopooplowbo hod work
at hk Otero toat oeombii
Voa*fl tor Sro tootho oooarrad frea Uao
waa oarod frow too fti-----------haadMUtootC e'oleek to
too ewaora oao boro too oaso bp
Abo oftoraooa too
wtoah 114 a too ohalto. Utoooaalho
toatwilow woo raeordoJ ao hlfk ao
m toctooo, aa4 Itatoed at that potot
«a aoroal boara.
At PoBooavw, B. O.. Pritoj aipht aa
torabohiy to> aoopto to too third halMtof. Tho thoatoT iL to too toM otorp
«f a
hoardtat hoaaa Tho lia
Moltoftaff aator too hOBOa. whora
»pSoa(kfadUac had hooa ptaoto aad
lifhtod.hatwoodkaooocod bofaro
.toMfOhad baoaldoao. Tho thoator
toad boaa otoaod for aa hoar aad a half.
toot too Ohlaooo la attoadoaoo woro
:^to(aatoobMeh«BflBwkl^. latho
•aooroBOf roow to too Wp boardtop
tooiM tooro woro ft laaot 100 Ohtoataea oiooptop
Tho poUto haro
toM toU toat Uo oaaoo of toe
«ro waa aUowptof raroape far toe
■aovtop of too Chtoooo hoo^tal to a
toorhaUarfowtoooiUottoo preooDt
tooorttop hOBM. dhtoatowB k proaUy
Tho prtooe ra«nt of Borarto hot
fMlorrod too ordofof 8b Kletaaol. fliot
. wtoot. oa Dr. Maaaaa. too oaplotar.
Ooaoal BaaUtoa Kl^ aaya Stow
•aada pood plowa, a waat Aworlaao
Maaafootarora oapht to oolae too opkortaaltp leoopplp.
tooakaa poaorak aro roportod to
toaooohot Dortd OwMr. Joha Birldpa.
tooorpo Laab Okartoo Boao, Loo Wok
^fBOpoctora, for allapod frUadlp dealSaga with robol Taqal ladtoM.
loAaoBoa k opldowlo to Itatp aad
topato aad too Papa boo ordorod apootol
vrapore to bo oBorod ap tor too oa«odioa of toi aaiettoa. Thara aro Mjno
<oaaao la Half, bat too aaiorltj of thaw
«n of a aUd ^ao. to Aoraoleaa.
Wpala. tooro woro IM daatha fraa tomooaao Botardap.'
•Ueor Piko. oappoood to haro bo< a
kartod tear poaro ape, kaa taraod ap
/ aibpa,te too awitmoat of orarpbedp
la Dolla. Obto.
At Park, a bedp ef aboat 100 akiktop
•aarvmttn oalMod too work pardo of
ahooapaolti ‘
dap, bat too poUao
. Aroeo too
Throe arroak
. vatoaodo aad oao pot
Boor Adairal Kaatc k to ootabUab
•aapotarp Aaorkaa rale oa Tataila
toUad, PooMa. peadtop ooaproooieaal
Ohartoo Maltbp, doa^ Baa Praael<
coA Mrod «T, woo owe* f^baotoaoo part
iMo of Abraham Ltoaola. to WapaaowAto. flL
TaPBday tha greataat and moBt oolnpre^•nlllva coUactlon of Bo
OoodB win ba offarad at tra^ low prioo*—lower ttutn wlU be (faoted anywherebn goode ot equal
quality. Tor the last sixty fUya we have eearohed the marketa for underwaluea on everything that
iB good and reliable for this sale, and we have vuooeeded beycnd our expeotationB.
ThBPtlffpiioee that prevail today on everything that contains cotton, linen, or both, la nn.
preoedentod In our oountryb history, yet we are pleated to announce to an appreolatlve public that
our Waah Tabiioe wars never so cheep, our lanens never so beantlfnl. We open our store on
Tuesday Morning, Jan. 30th,
150 Yds Turkey Red Table Cloth.
for this sale only, per yd................................... • a vr
300 Yds, Fast Color Turkey Red Table Cloth,
exceptional value, for this sale.
per yd ....
400 yds Loom Damask, yi linen, best ever QK
offered, for this sale, per yd.............................
64 in. pure linen loom Damask, while the 36
sale lasts, per yd............... ............................... ..
Sp«i»l J5 doz. H pure Unen napkin.,
epr dozen.............................................................
2^58 extra hea\*y bleached Bath Towels, gg
18x25 Huck Towel, for this sale only,
22x35|jure Linen Uxnatk Towel.
...... -06
Ifloo^ heavy Twilled Towelin,,'
Cotton Crashes,
tarktio — ooUo. Brvora of pi if frionoo to
O. W. rMa^ Oft. Otood Bor— arro— <>.
Oolwbla BaU. Wool Blda. Pbh. lob
JItoaiAnahoatorkotaboawa. MBOt T*>»gZr^.'y**ye
VmI atowr Patiw.
We show a special line of beautiful Linen
pieces, such as Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Cen*
ter Pieces, Dresser aad Sideboard Covers,
Sumped Linens, Cut Embroidery Sets, etc. To
make it more interesting, we have secured for
this sale special bargains in Remnants of White
Goods to be placed on this sale:
2.oooyds. figured Curtain Remnants;
worth in the piece 12c and 15c,
per yd-.....................................................................
2.000 yards fine Lawn Remnants, worth in the
piece up to 25c a yard,
special, per yard .
The last call on Sheets,
each at.........................................................
And Pillow Cases,
each at.................................................... ..
as the abbye are below mill prices.
100 Bed Spreads, the closing of a^nill: worth, to
job, 60c; we place them on this sale
SO ^preads. exceptional values,
tohtoJir^l^J. ObMpA Oo. Tbato
(Napkins to match)
■oeoM'a Boro. tTCow a So— u. _
^•oLThy Prappkk, prko no pm hah
BoUhPaorilpPBkaro too koto v
Whim Ms Dept.
Linen Department.
W*gl^aLjag *° ***“°**- *
iaAwhlU,spotleBBattlreofbeautlfhlloom produota from home and abroad. On every oountar
•re bargains for the housewife, hotel and reetanraht kaeper—a delight to ^ ahoppet and a wonder
to the onlooker. This event onmee but ones e year and the elements ehould not keep yon from
paying ns e visit
dMoooheald aerorbo aaodoaaopt oa
■l«at Werttero •pOioe,
Ototmiati kr Oatanb toto
Ototak Jbroup
aa Mtaorp wUI oaralp dookep the
aoaoo ad omU aad oofBplotolp dotaapo
dho wholo apatdai wtoe oatortop it
•aa foU to toopeof pea oaa pcakblo
4«tM from thorn BaU'a OOtorto Oaro
Housekeeping Linens, White Goods, i
and Musiin Underwear.
72 in. extra 6ne Double Loom Damask,
worth, in the bleached, $1.25 per yd.
We show Spreads in beautiful designs of domes
tic and Marseilles Patterns,
Advance sale on New. u|^to-date designs of
Ginghams and Per»tes. This Spring's styles are
most beautiful ant^ while they last they go at the
old prices.
Muslin Underwear.
Recent advances on Cottons, Lawns, Embroid
eries and Laces has raised the price on Read;^ma'de Muslin Underwear, but wf place on this
sale a line of Underwear at exoctly old prices,
Styles are very elaborate; on the better the
finest of Muslin and best Embroideries and
Laces are being used.
No duplicates at the same prices are to be bad
after this lot is gone.
Children’s Waists and Drawers,
this sale...................
Ladies' Corset Covers, plain, tucked, embroidery
and lace trimmed, ranging
.16 to *70
Ladies' Umbrella Drawers, ruffles, embroidepr
and lace tnmmed, goodmaterial, prices within ,
the reach of all; from
Skirts, good matorial. full sweep, ruffles of Cam
bric, embroidery and lace trimmed, extra values,
2|C, 39c, 59c, 75c, up
We show in Gowns several styles. Empires, high
necks, etc.; embroidery, tucked and fancy yokes;
material; 59c, 75c. 99c,
Be Sure and look Over Our Line of Ladies’ Wliiie iprons.
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