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The Morning Record, January 28, 1900
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
rt THE MOENINQ record.
Third Ye«r-No. 8M
Mmport thst WaMIt Army
WM OraalMd.
Mta tal to
. gtoi>MI>iii»I«a—«to r—fi»»tor.
Boan kaa kaaa i
Udgaatilk to pravoBt tka o
tkM to Ballark plaaa aad tkat
praparailooa to Bobwia aad KHakaaar
irtbar mullnaa will
f tnm UdgMBitk to
toaBtottkaraUtotoLadgawtlk latar.
arotodiactkagarTlaaa koUa oat aad
BallardaaaatoaaaaaadlacCoettkc aa
DkmomX Bm.UA in Xentsaky
Mta Bang. •
arpikUMP - Tbia
Aatlsp la Ototoaad to ka a Oertaei
Mm«, ■mrvTM', T^t Of*T«i Vm
Foraoaot to tba Toto to Beakalb
1 to JotaSag toMml 0M>
IQ resmic OffCT HT
latotoa. 4U. n-ru toOw* to ««• Bat •■tolna Bto AM tf Oaaaark
«nl toarvM to koU ttw bag to
liBtodgtoM) Baabk Vaat
fMto to LtogHtoU hM aMl • flaoto
«far Leatoa. toit» rafwt item lUtomakforVaartha-IUla. tarn, trhtagaUfMlgbtnU.toi thabitotoi
TkaMtaac laaraa tato tbaAtoiriaaa
I troto towlb Afrtoa Atokanador at Oapaahtgaa tkat Aaar
laakatlaaalradU Dtawkla wflUar
aaU tka DaaWi Waat AadJaa aad kaa
kg Ika BrMtoh «a tka ttto taaLFartkar raaalaad aa aflrBaUaa aaawar, bat
tkat Awarlaa kaa aada aogaaittfa to
iatolli aaa awaUad w^k aaxto^.
lar aa^
Vtoa oat tka aa«a laada to Um baltaf
toat raperto to graalar dbaator tbaa
kaa kaaa firaa oat to tka pakUa kaaa
aaaarfto. A diapatob (fOOi BarUa Cagtala aad Draw to a dakopaar Bmlatotaa apoa what fa parportod to ba
far Sonfbto Fata.
tka kaai aatharltg, tkat Oaaata) Wav
Viatorta, B. 0.. Jaa. tr—DataOa hara
laa’a toaaa traa araakto at Bptoa kop.
kaaa raatirad to tka UUlair to tka capUto'jHatod itet Iba Otnaaa faratg*
atoaa kaa a eealntottae to tka rapork tala aad araw at tka aakocaar Bika
a oe oaa to tka blaada to tka AdIttoalaaatotod tkat to aan kiMaU
Mlraltg groap kg tka aativaa, wko act
-r-r-i* Ball* vfU ka fewaad to raIkaU. .UlaHldthataUtotbarlr
toiat aaraa Tagala ii?ar. Tka maa
k troto BarUa glraa oat a raport
ladkg B B.
that a Ml^raat baa kata raaalrto troto
Fiatorto tkto Oaaatal Warraak loaa to Foragtka. aad kad tott Mow Britato
WUad waa MO aad wcaalid i.MO. aarlgtoOatokaraaa tradtag aralaa to
ThacabaaaeagrtoatiMto tkla. how- tka Adalralto*- Oa airlral tkara U
waa koaidad kg a maakto to aaUraa,
Tkara art rapaatod ratoort atatfag with whoa Oaptato Baltka waa aarig det^ kaatooto wkw
toalaawato tka gravaat ktod
Batoltoktoag anaaaalpd kg tka war aatapoa kg kla k
rad kg tka
aad kfUad, kla fab
oSaa. U baraa told tkat Oaaaral
■ata aad ato Maw IraUad aaUtaa.
Balkr^lacaaaaNto faU ratraat. It
to wkoto woca aat aad kaakad wlu
tatepoaalklato aoodito or dcag tka
kalrcaaad taaiikiwka. Tka aatiroa
aaatka ...............................
OBd aag tkag kara aolktog for pakltaaNotktog wBi kaowB to tka klUtog
ttoa. Itbarldcat^droto w HIm
itU aoM ttaa afterward, whaa Mr.
I akoat tka
Mpartod kg Oaaaral Ballar that tkara Fongtba arrirad aa tka aaaaa with kla
ar. tka Mlagara.
kaokaaaaaaara dfkttor aot gat radkg Mb
^rtad. dir Miakaal Blaka-Baaoh.
akaaaaltor to tka asakaqaar. aoM U look aad D>ada^. aad tkag, toe, <
aaUrw IroB aBkoab
Laadea parpeaalg to attaad tka daoatkswklu BMO rowed akorawarda,
oatog tka rUB tokoa boB tka Mik
dblaaial gaaratarg
aaaarra. Balloak waa akot throagh
TkawaroMia atoiaa tkatit kaa ae tka thlgk, kot tka beat partg rago
tka Mlagara, whiak, with IB gaa aaaawa to tka aatoatropka to Oaaaral
Balltr'a forap roportad froB Barlto. gtos, raoohad epaa water.
Flgkt to Bcaaofa BavaiBar Tkglor
Monday and Tuesday Dniy.
All books in sets................................. ......... ,5 per'cent. off
Standard and late books, bibles and cbildrea's. books at
Toilet Sots, Sterling «lver.......................... lo pei^ceot. off
Pocketbooks, StEtunry, Medaliens...........lo per cent'off
r(*Hkfart,-Kg.. Aaa, N-Wkat b ragartto aa a iwtVata la tka eaatraraPto
to tka GoakaUtto agalaBt •orwaor
Tbglar to eaat h',a trom ofioa, took
glaaa todag. with tka naalt la Gtoaktok
Tka eaaa to Vaa Mator. Dasoerat,
agalaatBarrg.Bapa^toaa.Ier tkalatFOBB HXUAOM CAATOBA
tor'a aaat la tka Ugfaiatota. waa daaldad la lanw to Vaa Mator kg a rota to XleUgM Maaabatorteg Oa wUl Baa
II to 41.
MigkB aa Largs Ordara
Tkb It tkaroto wkt^ikotk BapakUTka Mleklgaa Maaafaatartog Or.
tat aad Deauarata adtoU la aa aaearata foracaat to tka rotUt. tka Ooa- wUl begto thb wash to ru night and
dag. ThaeoBpaagbM a larges
kB to ordart akaad aad b foraad to
ma axtra tisa to gat tkaa aat Tba
faelotg b BOW sB^ogtog td b
staadUg. Oaa ordsr ealb for 4,000.000
WlU Ufagatta Baa^ HB Bratbar tka
to aaolera Tka Am ahlpBsi
Sat Ha Mas Ward Maas Ba Fbat
If,000 kM kaaa Btda, aba a aklpa
. - laUatad ta lbs iufmg.
, Wednesday We Begin Inventory
Bad thMO dipeonato ato not in foreo.
Hobart & Beecher Co.
Booopoporg to City Book Stovo.
8S0—BBS Front 8t.
Ha^ Lafagatto kaa raoBrad troa
kb kretkar WUl. aaa to tka Trarana
atg saldlBa to tka PkUlpptoaa. a hat
WUU wm hM werarau tkroagk tka
palga kagtoatog with hbdaaariars
far Oaka froB tbb eilg with Ooapaag
Ob tka arowp to tba kat b wrlctoa
tka ptoSB whbh kara base rbUad, hagtoatogwlto tka drat mmbpbb
lalaad Uka, tka plaoB rbitod bg tka
iPBpaag to tbb aoaatrg. Oaba, Japas
aad taallg saag ptooB to tka PkUlpptota. Baarg is proad to kb pBBaBlea
aad wiUkaapUMpralaaHaaaai
We'n buy aelUng bato. Do yon knew ot any better
bat than tbe Nawlasdl' We sell them. No nawar atyloa^ne
better kinds In Auerion. Priou! Ays, tbera's the rob—cloth,
ien fay we don’t make enough profit—hot we eell thrice u
many hate at half the profit-We're jut u well off.
Baroe Wroaght kg Banttog of Leoe■otlvo Botiar.
BattU OraSk, MM.. Fob. rr—Aa aa.toaor, AroBaa ato oatooetor ^
kOUdtedag at Bdwardatea. kg tka
kaiattog of Ika hollar to a loaoBoU
OP tka OhUago A Oraad Trank Bg.
$3.00. $100, $1.00411 tki On SlylM.
I Ntw Pair K Tie) CracI
l!M Front street
Fan Xaa^ kg B. L. Falk A Oe.-It!
OmplcU aad a Valaakto
Leather Shoes
for men
to break.
Petant LMlkan
j Store Will Open
About Tuesday.
warraa tad
a aaw
pair U tkag
The leader in fine (ootwanr*
' Ian Maclaren
Tbe famou Engduh antbor, writ
ing in the North Amerioan Beriew
on ‘The Energy ot the Amerioan
Peopte,” uya:
■'No man writea with bii own
hand, 1! ha <na dictate to a atonographer; no man dietetoa, it he eon
telegraph; no man telegraphi, It be
oan telephone.*’
It yon Are e typioel, energettc
op-to-dato Amerioan, yoo already
oae tha Long Diftaooe Telephone.
If not, a word to the wipe is anffieient.
With our OroAt
Fire | Water Sale I
Look Out For Big BArgninm.
Miller’A Store
at Foacl
.»wis« w
a Royal
5c Pig Tail
on every dolUr’a worth
Havana Smoker
of. gooda^antU farther
every time.
ThEkB what yon do if yon waet e pnlr
of our TBLVBT 6HOBB. For otylo,
fit. dnmbiUty and oomfert they are onAnrpAAAirt
They are worth f8.60, bnt
wn mU than fOr g&Oa Jnat rocAtved
School of Musie
■oxno of tho now oprlng etyloo at $8.bO,
ga.OO and $B.5a Ton Bhonld BOO than.
aatUlad, “1
Bolph Ootinnblo Jr., MEnogor
Tka aaw diraetorg to 'JVararaa «lg
aad Oraad Trararoa eoaatg. pnUbkad
kg E, L. Polk A Oo. to Datiolt, kM
kaaa btaad. It b a rolosa to »w
wall prtotod to plalo tgpa and b
aahaaatlTa to ralnakls
BealdM tka cbMlgad Ibt of aaniM,
rarlosallaB of kaatoaM, prtoaaeloaa.
aad dbwadita tka atotT. Maltkor kac
BaBatMtorlM.ata, aaoBptaU Ibt to
tka war oMaa aa axptoaattOB. at laaat
tka eknrekB aad aoebtba of
paa Mastlag of Uaaoto Zdtorarg aoaatg b glraa In fnU. and a Ibt of
•ptae kop. aad tkara ara to adrtaaa to
Boetotg Last Baaatog
rMldanB to tba eoaatg alao, tatbb
Tka Ltoaola Utararg soaiatg bald
aaopoaBaaitaglaataraatogto wUab wlMrlUagMsad tonAUpa”r
Tkara ara algaa that L
aoaatg. Tka diraetorg abo girM a
tka toaakan to Iks High aebeel <
OkpaOatoag. Oaaaral Fraaoh kaaaaa- aapaatoUg torltod, aad Ika ftdlowtog Ibt to tka BtrMB aad arassM of tka
t praaaat: kapt. U. B. Bctb, Prof. eitgakowtog wbara tk^ kagto and aad
aaadad to gatttog to toaak with OoaB. H. Eldar, Prof. M. A. Oakk, Mlaaaa aadfataWBO Ibb to tka ellg aad
Boaldto, Atkto, Dowalito. aad MePlata to datafl ato aa Uprerai
LaagkUa. Otbar todg rBltera
orar aagtktog TraraaM Oltg hM star
Of faraaa whiak la kallarad to ka tka
Tka pragraa wm rariad aad aatarjioawl work lor Urd Bakartk ptoa to
tatotog, glraa M feliewa: da oratloa
aa 'Ufa^ WM rMdarad kg Hairag
Bcrptagk paparo da aot throw aag Tripp, fallewad kg aa oaoag oa “faaHaaag Ordar laoaod SaptmikB BGtk
l^t oa tka agatarg to dpioa kop. aad
aa** kg Marakal Prtoa
Bataraad Bara TMtardag.
- aotartktotoforsaUopkaakaoBraaak.
Uab EMmU tub taad aa orlgtoal
atarg aaUttad. ‘*Tba Two Aatkara,’'
, wkloh WMbtotkaatoMoato datalla It la. how- ' wkwk WM maak M)egad.
aot peabkto to tor* aag alaar
Tkaq'aaatloabon wm aaat apoaad oaad KaptaBbor tOto to Mn. Marg Kraratt. Mrs. Brsratt boaght tka ordar.
jadgaaat. kot It laaartato thataaak a aad aararal totaraattog I
drUl whiak ealU for At. tar tka parpoM to
■aa aa Oaaaral Warraa woald aot haca
tog aoaag to bar aoa wko had oaI attcatloa <
ardoradtkcoraaaattoato dpIoakapU
Ibtad to tka Usliad AtatM agrrlM ter
BOBkara aad abltera
kahadaothadrargatraag roaaoa
oar to tbs Phlltoplaaa Aba oast
Tba dabata -Eoaolrad, That tka
gheald Oaaaral Baltork raroraca ka aMladato Boglaad tooaid tba Ttaaa- tba erdw to Piaoldlo Barraeka, Aaa
atawloacaaltaowaoaBa. tka proka ,raalbjMtiAtMa.''wMgirsa to ba- Praasbao. knt whoa bar Uttar raaobad
blUtg ol kla raaaktog Ladgasltk kg ptOBpta aad it WM woU twadlad oaB- tbBO bar oaa kad dapartad for MaalU
aldBtog tkat tba bpgi kad kad praeU- with kb aompaag. Tka Uttar wm
tba waatora roata la BOak dlBtok'
r ao praparatlaa Tka aAlrBatlro ferwardad to MaaUa aad aakaaqaa
--------- -- kg Alrop BaUar aad raaalrad bg Mr. Broratt, kat awtog to
tba Brltbb to giaat aWaagtk. aad,
b BlrdaaU. r^Ua Mosm Ollbort tba fast that tka ordB wm draws oa
BmbbI Warraak tamlag aaraaMat
batoag faflad. Oaaaral Bnlbr Bag Aad and WagaaWataradafoadad Ua atU- the PrMtoU poolofflB tka Bopog aooU
EbMtoftotbaaaBa AfM at OoIsmo tadatolkaBoMa Tka }adgaa Prot B. aotka aoltoatad to MaaUa, aekara•mM Oaaaral MataoM did at Meddor B. Eldar, Prat H. A Oakk aad Mbs torpad it to kb Botkar kara
Baaldto. krooght to a daebfaa to farer
Altbo^ UdgSBUh b aaid ta ka totkop«abra
Tka ragaUr kastooM to tka oaela^
lBprin»t^~ -------------- akattog. tkara
■MtkaadoBoaM to tba aappig to Mpaatpeato to a apoolal Bsattog. FtoMBaarlg Batogfer a MawOiaia
Bapt C a Bora gars tU arttb'a
far 0. B MoMaoaa
■BBTTI------ aad laad. Maraoror. a
iU* la Ballar weaU kara a fataUg
PIBM ara katog aospUtto for a aaw
dapriiMag iCaat apoa Iba garrBna.
tweabcg krtak ateaa kaildtog to ha
aBaabag IB phgalaal haaltk. U b
araotad aooa kg a B. MeMaaM to Ika
ypabbtothat ooBS etkar wag Bag ka
•artogoBaak kanar ea Freatatraak
fond to taratog tka Tagala paatthB- OkBltokMUl M Btogkaa WUl Oat ThaopaaUUatloM ara katog drawn kg
7.000,000 Fast Tkb Aaaoep
•IgMT froB tka Aaiaa Bobm Bda ar
Aiakltaat F. B. Maera aad tb«g wiU hi
lyftBBadliaaiattaak froB PotglaiOkarUa<s mw bIU at BtogkaB b sow rapdg far kids to akoat a BOatk. Tka
prkdrtft Oaa mars aHart apg ha rmaatog at faU Wist. Tka legiara kaOdtog wUl ka two atortaa ato koaa■f— pt OaliMB. wkaralhs Bob toft katog haalad at tka rata to ^oatM.- PMat ato tba whole wUl ka aaad far
dkg tkaraia 000 lost a dag. Tba toga ara batag tbadbplagatootorBgo to goodebaaptkwharaiatotgk
koagki at Oodar, PreroBoal ato
dUdbgMr. MeMaaoa Tka atroetara
wUl ka
fast wlda ato 100 fast daap.
areaad Oarp Uka Tka iiaiap‘i
WhOa pakUa attMttop hM ham win kaakoat TAOS,«M Am! aad Itta Ika Bstarial b new katog keslad te
Abatoai alBool aaatooirtog to tba aapaatsd that tka bID wiU m aatU tka kaildtog. Whan aaBptotad It wlU
MlaatbA kt Ladgaalfh aad Ballark asst Dsaankar. tWgktag b rorg goad
a nto a ralMkla addl•tM to rallava tka olig. tkara kara at praaaat ato a aprtakUr b katog tian te tka krtak kalldtogo aa Iba
kaaa iBpartoM ptoap proparad kg aaadtaiBprenIt. UaaMto a larga
•mmbI BskMta aad OCMral Kllaba
anew faU a Am patost mow ]'
WooA BMm* ntsoM.
ppdwhftoaatktogbbaowa doEsJ
HMgkaapaaaad that a Umam
•top BID ba aaia aptaat JahM
aad PfPlatto Md thraath tka
Special Clearance Sale
DalaFod TtaSa oo tba Bara Marqaatto
Yrauadag. '
TwaaecMaptoAotoga^traasea tka
Bo MBqaatto road gaatordag. Tka
aoatb koBBd trato wklto B daa kara
OiM waa daltgdd aaarig as
r bg aa aaeidoat at a prlrato
atog Mar AMm. kg wUab eao
■ waa kUlad aad aaotbar kadlg
tojarad. Tbs drlrar to Iba toSB waa
torowa a fiaaililBakli dtotooaa aad
kadlg ahabaa ap. bat Ml sartoualj
At Oaadcld. aaar BaUwto. aagtoB
Ho. II aad 14 waradBaUad. Tbsaorth
koaad trato daa at ItiCO waa dalagsd
two hoara kg tbs aeotoaet, aatU
ihaa^rtoeaaoaUkapat'oa tbs rails
' “ST'^i.r—. 1-bu.M !• iu«
Front Street
*rHX MCffiNlMG XBOOSft 80NDAT, JAMCA8T », 1900
I tlto* Satoraaa• ■Mt^Baa
•ra a**l*** Saa* KaMaato* ftaa*i
Bar Om» ^lan.
a*MM taMfh* Maw
Waannawod to Baa ftoBOl n tb*
ntoaadto* aotn MaatoftoitfOO »*
Nartod late to* Maatatoa lor oar
fabbto raaaM* Tbto la to* aam
Maithatlna ftaltaap. The Thirty
Cfthabtyad*tHaOiU. Waked aPlU
pto* paid* l**b»* a* to* tiaU tote tor
■aaatolaa aad at nto p. ■. of to* Uto
ba bad toat lb* trail, -by aartdtar
paMB. aad we aanpad to Iba toot bU.
Tba bey* »Mt rambUap feral
aadm i
aadaaptarad a to* be)**, paae aad
Qa Wadandap. tllb. oar BUlptae
paid* feaad to* traU apato. after toa
go* pea had aaeabar dayb atortpad an
awlnd to toa aWaapbald •ftbata
pnt aray. Iftla a pretty plan aad It
8*11^. t- L, D*a IT. laaa.
ftaiiar MoMtM ftMXMDi-I waaU
ttooBfb y*ar vatoaM* papar. that
wm Lafapalto. iap ft. lyMv aai
^paaU an vaU. happy aa* aMtnto*.
bat** armaat b* abto to writ* to
Mr frtMto aai nlattna apaM tor
tte* to waaa, aa w* 4m*I
■ tsSiMHiV
Mb* i« MMM to iMr MtaMla MM kaawvban «a an fotof lre« tola
#MWMrdftorlmeMM. M4»toto to*a. Baaiap. Baa *. to* ink a.
. «Uto raMMift ft*- • lafastrp anrlnA ban. at** a fa*
4 M«Mi • DMMMt to to* «*U gaa* *a< artfUary aatlaf aa
latMiay wfto to m aa Maaaabihi Wby they did aat atop aad ipblnn
that day I* nan thaa I aao taU. tor It
iMMIlyi iHf* koiy M «*M M*-,
W* Mt Baltaaf fir a UMla m- aa*Mtoatltaaaaat batabM I «aa
•ItoMMtUto* UnatM oftMlto. aet riflato ba* It I* alUatad arltom
•Mm far to* inrpaa* 1 prMaaUar Ota.Wapaaaa«1fa*ftat* g«*d ahapa, ■Map two non «b**Mofmpn aad I
MtoMt to* VTMoaMl mUm *< toa par- aa* aa ** van aaaaiaf «p to* bill ta ban ealy ea* aor*. Tba raM«f ear
IlMitofteKMra. TlMN»MM«rt*r- •aa 1* PilMaB v* aa* vbat wa van ■toff b*B aU b*«i ablppad to
af to*aMtolu4 ati^. WapantoaM a nlato of als plaa*. 1 ant kae* wbata.
. ttota*al»«Ma(cali*Mt. ftM*aiert*l •rnpbtffMa *f ton* Ipab ■bnpaal WMi, V* aaiapad n to*
ahalto. aad 00b. A. B aa« 0 ef to* U4 toat aipbt aad n Tb*f*day,. to* Itib.
iBfaatry vMtaftartoaMMtoa ilpbt in atartad book for BaUaap. Wo toft
|» iMpaaltol iMfaa^ m4 la•l«^ aa4 to* tfd artlUary vMtM tba toft,
«i to* lafktotoi* Mi to paralt to abMt M attoatoa than vaa a* “Ooo od to • oanptop proaad boiwon Baa
HeSUl aad Bao UDotoaae. W* atop•*Bto*niM*« toa aapawM to*, to* Oo**" to alpbt *sa*pt •‘reed" ana.
«pn)afto*»*Mto. M to* aUfht m* V* bartod thav to toair toaaabaa. I pod at ftw ftrOlU 00 ntootaa'to AU *ar
toaV r«M*t •dvMaaA-1%* 0**toUto 4m‘i toe* be* naap ** bartod. bat ■aotoea* aad yea bat wo won a tkrad.
ipa*bara(to*k*M*r*(aa*d to aUo* I totob atoach te pap far lb* atrbt dirty tot ef toltowa.
rnday. Doe. IBto, wo broke
toa patiUM to b* pmMtoA, bai It »m that*atoab
■aaaasud by to* Mtoartjr Mtabara to W* atopad ia •*«. UDMMae aatU l!lo a. m. aad Mt Ooa. Uwtn aad
lato b*«* a»4 aaMto. Tba c»to«r- to* aurato# of toa atb aad ton patted ataP at Baa La Ditoaae (bo bad paaaad
dartop too alpbU aad arrtrod
fW *< totomtoaf alUatM *•* tola ata^aa far BaUaac afato,
toroal fMuat win
M a waraiat Bafen *• toft, bnrerar. ** had a Maaato aboat It. aooa. Wa 'au <
toto*M«h* «oMd *MWrt to* *to* aaU aklrtoak n to* ■orator ct to* laaob aad anrind at BaUaap abnt
MnitouMtoaHawaMtoary to to* *to. lb*“aift*n**«rtodiaaeM*ba*li OsM p. B.. aaf* aad aoaad, rMnnd^irty
MftaatoM of to* paofto at toa poiu. that dap aadvaabaaad than aU erar kaapry aad bappy. Wa mtod all day
gmm toa adblaa of Oofanar Tartar to* hlUa aatU v* van aU pntfp tooaraool qaarMra,aadn tba lath
W* toat aasa ad ear mb that vatoad ow atothaa aad atoaaad ap
toi MB «k* aMaato VraMtlart atvad.
Tblatocralap aU efearaiin ataP
Bi««tollp. Ibafaaaraerhapaa that Wall, V* paaaad baah toroMb
ft ana* al daaaair vlU pa*«nt to* *n- Maaato pad van bat IH altoa traai wa* ablppad away aad wa ban ordeia
ftBBnMlnadtoaplan pnpeaadtof*- ftaUaar vbn toap epaaad tn n aa to braab «ap at 0 a. b. toBorrow.
Tb* trd tafaatrp vaa Tb* lOto VMaaton lafaatry wlU bold
IVnbta. nia altotnbar pnbabto.
>. aad 1 toUk wa wUl
ftjvaiai. daplanbto aa tt np ba, toat to to* toad, toa lato tofaatrp vaa
Mpwppatbapa toantln far to* varntratarurd. Tb* artUtotp *** ban a akaan to aaa aoBothtop oath*
. to* aMdtor paapto et ftMtaakp te aaa b*t«*n to* Ird tofaatrp aad leth anth Itoftaa Oaaaral Uwtn llkr* tb*
Bl—toatoMaatapnaaatto* ntoar* tofaatrp. bat did aet ban Bm I* TbM lafaatry. B* had tola npiMBt
Jpmdni BpM bp tob Oaabal toatloB. tote* aaball. for aa aan aa to* to- la Caka with blB, alao n a eaBpalra
wban wahan a raeord ofOTflphl*,
n ■*. V* alarwd n
raa afMr toavi. dnap aU tha Um witoOaaaral Wbaatoa fnaCatoono
BBaaBaal pr.)*atl*ae*lvfcnto* top aad to* artiUMy «•• atrdld to*y to toa faU ef Matolaa BaMdn. w«
ban hod a few tanpaa of oar owa,
Maaanto fta* Tbrk aad 1m **a
aadwabanaot ban wblppad yak 1
b*t I WU yoo what it 1*.
faaalmar'WobablUW- TbaHUprelaoaaaaru Uko door, aad they (toattotok aoy ef aaftnarMaa onr
vfdaa for toa aapaadUai* ef pao.aae.oeo
- iftM • to* laprenanat aad -aalarr*- look Uk* nbWM. reaatop onr to* ban eaa b* wblppad.
The Oatltojbpaii that WiU Ufay*trtoaBMd*.
■nt *ttl paratt of to* pawar* ef m
The Third tofaaMy wa* «MpU- to to dotopBktf with toft BaUaap tbto
a*itadto*rr*ato*t dtoarbt fnia M*
TarktoBoBatoaad toaaea to Obtaar* BMatadoa-toat day far pefap after Borntop for tb* oorto Itoa
1 tblBk, bat I an aot aar*. 1 vUl tot
aad atoar laha pen*, thaa prevldtor than tb* way ** did. Wa pat
troa tba oftaara. m tb* yea now aU abmt it aa aom aa poa
iir 4ln*t ibIpMMt by *atar fraMto*
Oarlar aiUn apn two Oraat Uhn by way w* do baatoan Ool. Bood of tb* albla
*■•*1 to Llnrpeol aad otoar ftoropaaa lOto tofaatry wta to ooBwaad of aa I raeslnd tottan from bOM tbto a.
part*. IftoaplaaaanaaiTtodoottoto M ear toat oapadUln aad b* haa praat b.. also a budto of tod Moratop
vUl b* to* rnataat «aaal watar way pratoa for Ctot ft. B aad C of to* Talid. Beeords. aM tbay an a podaaM I mla to* world aad It will aam toaaabl* Wall, w* arrind to tfaUaap aboat aarcyoa. It do** aa Bore pood to pet
ft** Tork to mala to* praatir* ef b* i:Mp. B. M to* aik. pntty tired, a bose paper thaa a poaM of be«t
li« to* fraawat poyt to to* Uoitad dirty aad baapry. for yoa Bay
aad Mtaa hardtaok.
to ao aaay took to ebaoo the paopl*. Now I naat eloao for I'm abort of pa
tonopk too Baida. The rin to klpb. per aad mayb* I ban writtaa toe
Taa Kntaaky toptototan baa paaaad ripa aad tooito MW. aad whn a toUow ■Boh aay bow. bat I waatod to tot oar
lallBdaUbantlaaato toaelaetloai
400 yards toreapb rMa aad bbO. trioada aad paiaato kaow that v* an
Mat laap «aeaito to pbn a la* Moktop wadaa arsaba aM atlato rioa paddias, wall, happy aM amtoatad. It will
»t a ■tad—aaaor ter wenaa to **ar to
t ttraabtoiMk Wa raatod
probably b* bom Um baton we wlU
Mtairat hatt wblak obatraat toa ▼!*• BaUaap aaU) Baaday. DaeeBbar
pat aetUcd to aoM etoor otty *o **
pfto* alM*- Wkila to* aaia of tala wbaa w* atartod eat apato for Maaato. IB writ* to ym all apato.
bady ralaUn to to* prepeaad oa* _ arrlnapabnt 11 a. B. W* toft Maa- Bat nMBbar If v* aaa aot writo
adftenraer Taylor ai* aaab aateto- ato at t;M a. m. oa Moaday. tb* llto. V* aaa pet oar tottora Jmt tba aaaM.ae
Mtoaaaaan froM lennef Jaatlea, to* aM narabod sador oenr of darkon* Mttor whan wa an, at mraddramto
patteoMaptoaiMofal ofblpbboa. ■a aaar a* pnalbla to Bao U Oefaoas. tba *4M old totop, wbatbar to BaUaap
•PM by todlaa wbe *wr toaa to play aM alaatod tear of oar Bald paaa. Tb* or SOB* ptoe* atoa.
baaan will aaat with peaaral appreral
wba aanB wan atotloaod oa toa Oood-by* for a abort tlm*. ProB
toft flub, toa Btotonto tofaatry n tbTM boy* to Wa* aM browa.
•aalor Claao •eetol.
toa rtpbt aM to* Third tofaatry to
LarAvarra. FaAuca, BeBorui.o.
Tb* beaaad *ap aealal to b* plm tiMk WaaU lay dowa. with ordan Oe. ft. Ird U. B. lataatry, MaaUa,
by toaaasloratoMof to* Blpb aaboal to do ao sBoktop or talktop. aM wait Pklltppto* Ulaad.
at tba old ft. P. baU tofaem* anatop far fartoar aoBBapd* aM dayUpkk
ariu bayead doebt b* a nry plaaaaat TbaartUlory waa aboat l.too yards
Buokimto ftralea Bair*.
aftalr. Piwpanttoa* ban ben nada froB toatop *f Baa UDatn BO'S bin Baa world wide taBr ..
|m faralahtop Pa* ntartatoMat aad wban to«y ban aoM nry pood aom It aarpaaaia aay eibar aalva.
a ^y aoatol Um. Tha pnaaadi »U1 VaatoM aM w* won aboat too yards tottoa. ototBaat or baUa tor Oala,
Bora*. Bell*, Born. Paloaa.
b* far tba btaUt of to* Aaaaal aad to fmt ef to* paaa. W* amid aaa Ooi^
Blarra, ‘Tattor. Balt ftbmm. Pofor
lb* aealal. to wblah a paaaral torlta■ - ■ “rto Braptlma:
Ooe Ooos aaorlap areai
Mm la aatMdad. wlU doabtlaa* ba waU UpbB bat aeald aet toU what toay
I paaraatord.
nto aMB ft
dotop. Bat jast as toa pray
•traaha of daw* saato, the ortUlary
CbUad letaatto.
ft. 0. Uad. wba ha* doaa aftolnt tat toM ban Ik Tba way to* absUs
erar as was a alphk Tbn to*
wart aapaataref toa dwadlto Latoarpa abanb ban far a aavhar *f Matba tofaatry pot to* order to Mraaaa. ud
pad ba* Mda May triMda dartop hla wadUUwltoa yaU. ItaUyeawhat
faaldaa** bartk baa aasopiad a aaU ta It la. tb* ftaartsaa* aaa yaU aa loM
lb* *bBfto at Tatttt aad *Ul lean ban as aay etoar alaaa
Iba Pnt •< to* weak, ft aaU h*a baaa Tba top ef toat biU wm n awfal
aalT-^"* kp toa toinb ban to Bar- leobtopplaoa tbay bMbandipttap
• of tha
Maaa CblllaM of >«to, Pa., who la rid* pIB aM tmtow. aM aaektop „ See the ibu
pppaotod to arrtn to a la* day*.
rin tor brnbfirt. bat tbay did aot # £toa Lifeof Bartfard<>tbey
atop tor aay of it- W* npfro* two f are wisneia. Batoa tha oMat
Praia IB tftaOigr.
torn etooBa. aM bartod MM non (i Mtiafaotory.
W. H. Doftaaay. to* pertnit artMt.
ftaralait aaMaurat miMv, Bartak lootn oarMda. (PioanldaBb tbtok f We alao aall their aoddent
T0o.b.*tUba at tb* atananrpaJ- rba* I aay -w*- toat 1 MoaaVByaaU ft atod bealthpcdiotoa.
pba*Mtortor**day*Mly toZUnr aMaoM otoar fallow, laaob UM S
trtlaalar part ef to* fttoartoaa arsy.) ^ H. L. ft Oo. Block.
, Ithaab*** dHaoaavaMdrapaatadly Part M too artUlary wm loft at Baa
U Datoaao lor a paard. aM to* rMt
£Sca MiStrto?*Mtt‘oiM?b!iS*{ otMWMt n toward Baa MaGOl.
two Mtoa. aM ato oitr ^obk•MdnnteratMp. JihaabMaaMU*
«Blt«Mlr»Madp tor that dhaaaa. M.
He aeed taUtop what It waa.
T. ruharolUearv. W. Va.,*ai»n for wa aarrtod It with M aM w* bad How to tb* ItoM to ban year BfayaU
Paata *bat baa b*w nM areaad to* avoapb nf Ik Tba rapatoraMdlar aarar nBiaiaaladeMatoaiM ap nedy far
SSo bbn h* wrtM*: “I ban oaad
pea* batorry.
flbpabvtotob Oearh Baw*dj '
WaarrtradatBaa Meom abmt Itoo Free Storage All Winter.
m. n Mowday. tb* llto, aM ant My work aaa aetbakmtaM prton
Monl Uwtn aM hla etaP, with tba
aM pat i» prleaa ^
TbMy-dfto retaatoar tofaatry. Tbap OaU
Ithnaand to* Un* of ear el
Ball •phowalU. lai. Wertbara ‘pbem
------ - ------n ITbM mm
itoM to fioB OM aid* «f Baa HMIBI
Mtoi*B.ft. Waltaadr.atl
aMw*aaMto faoB tha aton MB*.
OmbpI Dal POar wtto hi* alaP aad
:Mtn ntoiti
' lib IlSHMM
^ ^KoXtl^fl*^ baU
Taft* ftatw Md Bob Baalal bp Taav
Tba Toaap Mswto BadaUty al Bk
riaaali aharah to aabtop praat peer
arattoMtortbaaaalal % ba plnato
thaaaboMhaUWadaatftwanalM. ft
padnparWwlUoaoapy tba ttontb*
avlypartoftbaavBitop. aMfarthla
•ban vffl be fear pMaaa.
ftftor tba pMn prtoaa an awardad, a
bnHalalwnib*M}<v*d. BubMtba
yoaap IMtoa an aapabtod to prorld*
bnaawtototop faed awaapk tortww
Tbtahadowt ef the yeaap ladtoa wiU
thmbaoeldataaottoa. aM tb*i
awator tba ontotap trUltbnhadtaliad.
ftdahaln to tb* aealal win be U
aBttaaaeawt to lb* yoaap ladlaa who
faralab box**, wbe wOl b* admlttod
■«v Ink Oak
Tba waatbar baran aaanaeaa that a
aoldwanwlUMrlkalbbmtlnaurtbant dtotrtot with marhad aanrity- b*d
will omtteM .tor aanral day*. Tb*
■aew that to m tba prmad at pniiat
to aaf* tar a ttow at toaat. aatom tba
waatbar almk bM baaa aatotoformad.
Do yoM fi««d ft cbBftp.
bat Bolld
tbsapeefaa.pemtobto work m tb*
Sib tapa aaab Bcniap.
Sis WU* ian« Him.
Bedroom M?
If jott do,do not go without it, for I «in offorlag the
I good, well made hardwood bed for
1 good woven wire spnng..................
You can take the whole or aoy article,
just aa you like.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Front Stmt
••lor I bM aaab a bM amph i
mjd b^jy
^w ttMjJy
«f Obsak Tbroat bM kaBea an poaittoely earad by tbto Ban^lma madtMa*. ao* aM PIOO. Brary bettfa
paaiastaad. Trial bettisa 10a at Jaa
O. iabMaab aM ft ft Walib dnp
Fire and Water Sale
tUa." OalMM Bl^a Ftoor Varatob
Dress Shirts
The Junior”
Are the proper tbinp—more worn than
erer—We hare them from aisM 14 to 16} {the
14 haa atwaya been a very hard aiae to find in
many of the atocka). We bare the new attach
ment that keep* the boaom from bulging, a oonvenienoa that will be folly appredated. Tbeae
are the bwt abirto aver mad* and aell at the
naitorm price of tlM.
la the new ahirt for “little men” from 5
to 12 yeata old. They want aa well made good*
as the “men folks” and tb«M ware made to fill
the bill. Made in white aad oedora with enff*
attached, and aell at 7&c, Tbeae are worn with
white oollara that cost 10c each.
Dress Shirt Shields
Something yoo abould have. Keep* your
Unen from getting aoiled. aapeclally when you
wear yoor “brnt bib and tnckrr" for an evening
call or an entertainment. The very beat of
qnilted aatin and aell from tl.50 to tS.OO
That's vbat ia alwaya foond at tb* *0a(verMl Providera.” White Bow Ttoft aU the
new afaspM, 25e. M'faito Clnb Tiaa at fic and
10b. New Ooloia of checks and itripw in the
Imperial*. Tecka and Oxfords peU from 26c to
$L26. One examination alvaye maane a porobaae
Don’t Forget
Are oaad in thia cold weather. Many
timw they’U prevent a oedd, and they'ra ao
handy to pat on. Hie **Way’a Mofflen** aell
fromSbe to $1.00. and nito made in different
eolon. We bare an ^egant aaaortmeat of Ox.
foad mnfflen that aell from $1.00 to $3.00.
That itY only for the balance of the
month that yon oan purebaee a $6.00 overoont
for $400, or a $5.00 one for $3.75, tboae $6.00
boyb overooato for $S.76 or the $400 ones tor
$200. The early pnrebaaer alwaya gets the
plnma and theae only eome “one in a box.”
Proper Thing
Save Money
In glovM alvay* foond hen. The light
gray* and btovna are ”tbe things at preaent
Unlihad Mocha meeta the popnlar fanoy-Mlla
And a dootor’b hill by wcniing good,
tbiok, warm nadervaar. Ko exenee when 22}c
get* the garmeota we’re offering. Then tbereb
tbd next gradM at 80,4Qi 60. 75c aad $1.00.
Swell Neckwear
Tbe Hannah & La; Harcantile Co.
X. O. •, T. OWnMM.
Item ««•»
tolto «to) rrttor alrkt
iRsmoval Shoe Sale !
■tasttaa BsM XrtM Bssatoc to *sskOtol MMMOtofMBUL
tirn- YtokMA w«n> toll •»«
Attbstoss*acs<tosl.O,O.T. Uat
■•sml grnama aw towt to •■4 KrfV s*aU^, lbs toUewtoC
--------------M Mwlaii UsiM
toatototoa«a«MMto «toU^ warn tsstod:
iteiM mfom »toto to rwt cw alfki
L- Dl-W. W. OoUs.
iOf«M Btj mat matmm
4 L.J^«ai WBfTCW wyltot
r. a T.-C. J. LsssaAsr.
aay to i«* bswvr iAs «••
Mtond vtoMssTtettotost Uvk tot totoOtol of Us botoUac wwto boto «. T. Obsrtto Uaiistos.
■MtsftbsQttoUsk Usok to
V. r.’~9U9 Tbsstol*.
Cto tow7 *»*|
1 tks fttwvl
I adjtoatof
Arraat I
risttotary-Jsaals Oartls.
i4 rstorstd to Fisskterilir rspsln.
•sod lbs
41 M«ksr« s rssaltor mU hss
toM ss4 BSMlsa statoto lbs Itos ■SaatocOa
aiy-r. 4.T. Dafa.
•fflbsaaassitoraf tbs May
IM tos a * V. B. fM «««f lhaii
Via* Barttrt arts himiwsw abto.
wlih Mn. •. 4. B%glaspa MM
B 4^M»
Marta Mrtto.
■Ml WMmb art Faal Ssafsa tt
r»«ltototto»Brt^ VWtortMartai apw haava w lbs ■sM^ols.
Mil «as asl br aasM awv^ba
Tiaisiss Bay asMr torts wiU fs
Thaas oaaaai wU bt lastollod at tbs
to Daalal MsMallaa^ Taatoay^amasy
M.to«artibs4av* Botooswlll Issss ■aatlat flatarday sraalto. U *btah
totol Mass lbs apart, art a^tostM las Mia JaMHBb latortass. «st B. math lU tbsasrtanars sspsatoUy fosaasl.
tosatotelM a«a«toaB la sort <
4b.tol Wart. sdtobspnaaBl
lbs nUNaa saaapsay apfsato*. bat ftorlk stoaolW Art a. PS. rtarp.
•aMIr issMid to OSUU aad wUbdiaw,
4 Os. bars jsat plaosd aa
aslblsvsaksaal tbstf alatoi avoalto ■dvflarMtost od
yobs, Btan rtarasd to Usbewi
onto dtoriay smss tar Ibair hata lbs la CbdlUae yaslarday. atlar batoc la
■a. 4. L Wl^ od Lapp*, la lbs
wttl bs lUsnlastad by • Mto* tba toty for two days, to boo Hamply
HPaaaw sf toSor aa art hairiooia. pptobpr of toi
Daasply art to attoad tbs Kaea '
itlpa«asar looktatt>»>Msaai a
tort toatas that this wlU nako tbs talborltoDr. 4. a. BoUIrty was to Bsadoa
past oass la aoribtrs Mlobi|aa.
waaksPrtblaw frotoBactoad to tbs
4Mlo Vayl. lbs ll ysar old daacbler
Mpyrtwarart baabsaa )bths Wiac
C. O. Torstobas foow to Dotndt.
of Mrs. Soils Vopl. dlod
WlUtoto AbboU bat rtoaraed troto
tn-asca at bar botos oa Bmi Birklb
AlMaatoa lbs Ba*ns baiUUac oa
Drtrttwbtrtbtauaartd tbobtyMavaslDstPl strasi. lbs toivsr floor «t strsai, of lypbold fs*sr. Tbs iMal Mlt ffatbtrtof. Bit wilt, wbo aowill bo bald tnm St. rraaols aboreb
«Uab ti sseapUd to lbs prMry
vltlttoc raUasbPOl. has hssa rtstroysd hrtrm. A Tssoday at« o'elesk.
Itfos to Tltot, Saftoaw aad Port Baroa
Bart WUbslB took flrst prist at a rtUfb »ta4 was Uewtof aad tbs tratos
Min UUlaa Uarlaad loft yaotorday
lbs bast aaks foratoa days' rltu toViartBaplda
halUtocs adjtoatof, oesapisd to iba oast parly Is OkItKa
THhoasoMssaad Boward's toraltois walkar.
Mr art Mrs. Balpb OoaaabUofPt.
Tbsaotolsoflbslala Losls Hiotna
ptosk, wots tor a Mm la srtoM daacsr
totkoy Itft tbt slV yntordsy. afttr
ipportod by a oonpaay of BapaHor
‘dsba Brows aaoM to Uaator fra* bat )aot bsoa asUML HtabdiMoav short rWt with Balpb Ooaosbls. Jr.
ssssllsosa, to Aldas Bsasdlst<s
•hatlharg aaaas days aflo with tans ui irotoaty bttontt btir to tbs rtllrs Mr. aod Mn.0oaaabl* wUl rlUt aaUayoassasloo aad slartod to bars a sotato, aad bat boon fraalod tbs UUa. otbor toa at Ktlanatoo. art Iron tbara
r«toodiM AsartssltbssapoasdUa
will c« to OtoMaaaU. wborsibty wUl
laUfoo la Tltotrk tbt tsa of fli.ow.
rttaad WM aitookadhy rtsstoo^
Mart by boat down tbt rivtr for tba
art anw tbs dsbisof tbs soutrWkflsaltk toareoto at lbs Mallby
rtlt Tbty will tpart tbt wtotar to
Mlao Mary VUsoa. lor tbroo yoara a
Boots bsltopsdersr aaoUstots art
ba^ too wsak to rlfhl 11 bs ww ta- •lattonry
rtMeaar; la Cblaa. Is rotoralac to
MMt Ptrry Uft »b* *»ty ywtorday
laUy haraadbstors bs ooald prooars
wbtrt obt wUl tatar at
ofutorts WUtsa,
------------Bs disdaflara tswheon' ^^bisr
Moapeahar dstloa os Maabar to tho
Tbs roTlrt aorrlaao bold Is Oraars MboUa bf that elWsasslltass-latbsllth ysarof
a Botlar od l«iay aiy. tort
mama Moato wsatto Ktofol^ today
as tbit sraalaf. Tbs to rsnUaforsDnattota
flay with
saWial totoal.
UabartBiHM art aoa Arlhar od
abtfs. bass btta addtd to tba _tUalio.arslH»walsokto« afttr tbs
od aaUdoIss art a stoatrt pawp. bar
shoiasrt roaosary ioaow foo4 8bs
B«trt of Mr. art Mra Cbas. Lawraass
waato torrtbls afoay troto
wbo tost OTsrytUa* to tho rossatflra
Prod Bolt, wbo hat boot U1 far aono
t tarrta.|i^. ^uio
sp tar trial at tba asn tins, M abls to bo oot aflato.
Sbayroat tots tba UtAUry ;of aboalt oeart to Labs Oty.
T. J. ttoadsiaae woat to Blafatoy
* tbsseatsatsotaboula
nr. Patobto Is tbs attorasy yeetorty tctpart aaad«y wlU bit lo faw gTtoit flito, BtSFbOptk
family wbo bsTS bosa rltlUaf tbora
' aod BpMlsb dsBosa.
AtSt. Iraasstbs oaaootProA Blebfor tbs past srssk.
Priose-26, 35, 60c. 76c; Box
prdD. Moors, farsbootito asocas. baa
■sato II.
» asttlad oatoMs of ouart by «bo g
. paytoc p flpo iart
-We bare lirt <|ulte an experience
latlBCto tin.
SI oor bonee.” taid Ptnkley to
frleod Oooylna
Yon renirmber ow
Prato lost soatral el Us trato
. lorsrtars arpad to be
lotoVfrtetron Blnlra art tbslcff
“IX) you iwan that yton cloaet
saia art oabono Isft tba track si tks a<>r« aad bs oo bart to wli
about the aUe of a dry yuoda box that
swltsb to Boys* Palls. Tbs trato nsa biy ‘<CcNa Town too" at the City Opera Is btiiU oa the elite of your dluloyastopsd by Jnn^ay. Tbsaoalhboand Boats Tassdsy nifht. wbem tbsy wUl rootur*
• Thafa U. I call- U the coneerraflrtofkt was switohtoc at Bobbtotaid- sss the bl* nolotsd organlittlea in ail
Ylri*. n. sue ba» au atIW, bat It naaacrt to yat aadsr way i tbt totsst soaft art daaoes, cateby airs toiy to
tODlebliiK Dtmil>er of planta In there—
lof to.!,. T-*--* Ik O. B. fron oar latstt optrat. tsven dltUnct oor tuauv onhliU. »»ut a lot otf ii‘-raALtralMraaorartbsPeraMarqaette aorslly aeto. wlndtoy ap with tbt Olunui alKl tblure. Tbo otb«T day «>■«
>venxl tliHi Mill K**rauluu>e were
toaatoaatU tbs ttaek wstdltaioA
Itrsateaks walk. A nlybi't fop not to
alive with Inwit*. Jtli*- asked a flor. be tolaasd. Popalar priess.
lai bow (0 KYt rid of ilii-n:—:
seotK. 1 tiicnn—and be told he
U,™.!. U«
tolmivo euioke was tbe best ri
pppor psatotato. bays sons swaafs
I _M. V-,
rt at Btoiabtry's Urart So «be t.K>k that box of eletra
Wild aslnaU are fairly
the iMve me for a fhrlMniae ju>
Opera Boa-s Taosday, Feb eib.
Tbs adlen ars of tbs bly
Bsasdlet't ‘-FaUo Bonsai' I eotildu'l KUioke tbem Iweatw 1 htd
tray sort, kaowa at tinbtra
lived to swear off eaioklnR
of tbe year. Un
-apAwkustboy wm
•o;r: fleet
Oon. wa«n'i Itr
aflnbattbt tlybt at i
Very." «*ld Mr. Oooirtne. dryly,
1 by baaytr.art played tba prtoslysl eittn in tbs aortb*
lee. \V.‘ll. ae I wte ea.vln*. Mi
• ■
;ara. art• ylvtoy
rtUadosaa to tbs pack will
ti»k lb«»*p ctoai
‘ napartoftbe Unllod fltatn to Paytt D.
I. told him to ro Into
to the blreil niaa-------alaaff bsUrt a naa to a maassr wbleb
* boart. batof to PorUaad.Otaroo, elec. tbe conservatoryI and aoxtoe
aoKtoe for an
Uere Mr. Plnkelby panaed. and Mr.
OocxTlM Inquired, "ind U klU the'to"**■
. .
! b> *> **«• T«ta. wbore they sreaasd
Tbt apprUtna of tbaBltkirt 0ol.» 1
^Id •t.i«k art wltosntd a ***^W^" anawpted hla Mend lefleototo PMt at OsfMd Friday art lltloatd
tb^ot aortb to Dsnw.aftor tlTriy. -1 abould think It probable that
, .aieb ibsy wtrttd tbtlrwty tniward H did. It <ertaluly killed the i*lantold by tbt widow. ItttttottbatOoto.
^ taootttfal art tbe d.xiore haven't pronounc
tbe hired man out of danger yet-**
■ot ballsTtof la MTlnyt basks, bad
n, Balilno.e. Md„ bartof trarplaosdbU nosey to tUadUd to bn eltd dariay ---------------nin.w.
A Ift-yearold girl, who died to Ki
osUar waU. Lul sanntr Sons of tbs
aas a few day* ago of bean dlacau
bUls bssans
art staek toretbsr
weighed Sn ponnda. At binh a
as badly that bs look fll.MP or $1,000
weighed but Are pounda
worib eat to tbs orebard art told toon
Tba State Sobool for tbe BUrt to
•M to dry.
. Vortotr OoMsl at
Most of tbt anw
Isyto Mra
LtBStoylsnow troo tron dlpfatberlsSlirto forBoata
BbI^ story, art alto nttirttod a dtad
Thorsworsooly tweoasnattbosrtool
rt tbs tom wbleb was to tbs Uto. Mo
Faria Jam. n-.«bMa a Maermn. art ao ftrtoar oot brs|k Is fsarsA
Bsaay wtBfoarttotbsboMa taatsbs tonssr OUtod BUtaseoassl at Prstdris
MUnttbat Mr. Goto had fl'lsdatQs west to Ctoarboaryb today, totsadtoy
*Tb« four year old dauybtor of Mar*
with Wlto art bad barUd It to tbs totaQ Iran tbscs IsrBsw Yorkoa tbs
tto Bios of BstUs Croek yot hold rt a
wAmit, ]nt wbns she did aot kaow. 18v FaaL wUsk -toft Hostbani
lllsinnisiKr art Mt off tbs bsib. lbs
' -ibtaprttbT— bats so atBsalta to aoon la this way bs atoldsd
nsreory ran toto tbs riiUd'a noaU art
4o«bt tba ttory as ^rsa. Sstisal toy
abs swallowed It Bbs la to a erHkal
1 doaan wars toart to tbs.
bMS after tbs oUnaab dsatbart U Haotoy a Great Mas oa (toa
Wt htT8 plAoad on silt it out price*
8400 pam of Shoes -We gird yon the
l>est makes only.
We osn SATS you from 10 to 80 per
cent on your footwear for the next 60
deyx After Ktroh 16th we wUl be In
a our new store, 848 Front street
Steinberg’s firand
I Frank Friedrich, 1
Thb OU Brtitobl* ShM Km
Taesda;, Feb. 6 BARGAINS
Aiden Benedict
liss Martha Beaufort
Bttoh aa have neyer before bE»n
offered, in Stein^nr*E Fire and
Water Sale, to besiD in a few days.
Watch for Farthor Aiieaiicomoits.
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Eifects
toptobabls ttot ssasidorabis tosrslsj
,urr—* sroaad, at bs was kaowa to!
SXartltowsUtby. ^
T UST after ioveotory we fiod perhaps a
I thousand pairs odd pants, all styles, all
grades. These have never been in any
fires, were never touched by water aad never
were included in any bankrupt stock. It’s
snfiBcient excuse foi the prices we qnote on
them to say that it’s too much trouble for us
to find the right man for the right pants. We
expect prices here quoted to do this for ns*
These pants are piled on oar front tables,
plainly marked. It’s a little matter to step in
and see if the pair yon seek is^ong tbe lot.
Opportnnities for saving money like this are
seldom offered.
P. S,—We also place on sale at special
prices. Men’s Ulsters on which many sizes are
sold ^nt Bear these in mind also.
Mtitsysr Martto of tbs PIstsoa dray
Beware of •oboMtatto.
There are nsaotaetmrera of ■
'.foos*' wbo are tradtog^oa tbo .r
WUlton MlUar. Hrtoy thios nllss \tmmtj. HsssUs flrsboUln ot that tluaofOalsry Easy.
_aoftins1^- eaats lato Fastory nsdMao to oas of say other kirt. art
M hto tort rt wood Frldav
ff**** >***1 satitiaettaa. 1a tbats
____ _______ ^Mto-- --------------- tkssoayk. bead mp tbs BMstbroati^
I Imays art ylto rsUef
Old FssBto Mads Tsaay
! abort tea Tbs nlas ai« yiwwi^. wQl oeeor be fllsappntotad UyootoJ O. TI--1— tbt tolaaaa editor of art aU wbo tty u srs ptoaasd with Ua stotookaTtogOstory Btoy. te yroat
cm for atenaab. Uesr. Udaoy art
sals by 8.' B~ wuf^ aorredlemoa. AUdroyyittoeoU It at
yolflpaM yoaay. Pbr ysaim F.g. Tbonpsoa.
ttoapsekayo.________ -
h Bsart tooabto, Oaa-'
rtSd-poTblf^. It fMy,
" ■■
OlMab iMatMr Bparis
tbs mB
tor a eirostor oo Mortay, Jannary j
t7 Tbo Mew York Store. as»-»t
ft Ckb U tru^ *
tbsktoamtOBnlbsaton.| No roinedr equal* WaairER'a Whitk
tontlaa. ^ ftow a artoa-: Vorc or 'Tail Btscp f«- tbU torri___S! U bn woritod waadsti. bleart fatal dinaae. If Ukaa tbo^
wttsaadaaa IfSa toarsatoaa uuabto art to tima H viU eara
•rt tbo •osrifioe sbM
Clothing Co.
iiHG 8SC0RD SI7NDAT, JAN0A8T98.1900
»( m 9F TMi b9MlM
/««wr fTM/ft Ji^,,
tople, “Ihe Watohaaa “
AtPwliarn»t«vUc««( wrpasMn ' Horater
BaaduBohoed U a.
wrorttiM VtOdlacB.
ETp.-H.. l:tS.
I.OO* BM. bM kM* Uh
Braatephorrteo 7:00.
-n*«lHk«ra A*Bud M
Bwatec Mpie. “OAac.”
Piapar aoatteg Thaiodap poMla
I af «•««>
Aeordteiterttetleaa^Madadto aUcaawnaa aapMom.
«ttot Mta BUa
who Ctertotlaa tteaaw oorrteoo wlU ho
hold at4M Booth Doloa itroat.
«o« iMt rrtdar M ^ >>«»
•aadap Mralap at lO-JO aad Wod• 4taa»rfe. ■- T.. ho< two pwfoeUr ho
aaadap owatar at 7;M. AU ara —
•w^ofotf hovM. Mte OotM wm lo h« dteUp
tertted to tbaaa oorrteaa.
rmr. >ho oo««r oaiofoi
• ■hhMl hooltb osd dm hor «rlj I
M how •■ toraUh. Th# oUfMwt
ObUoo Ao «MT trhOo wrMNT • aoto
A wtiBio hoiigoh forohUdBortor to
' VIOBM o low «oro ^ «M
d lo tho dtr aim IMO.
Tho rolU
oplothotoowmlhoUdi« U tho oilthhofhnnd of TUdti
«lohh hot* hm pdiod dowo to mho
■ho ho ballt for tho ooHoa** fmh r«mpttaM. Thooo mp Ull oew ho«o boon
• Md am ooooiol (ooot dopA ootoldo tho
-watte of TUdte Ktook.
It te mrt/ ate roan aim tho ttet
•^OBtrta hooV UoportadfreoB tho DaiUd
rteUtoa. wao plaoad pm a Vaaotlaa eaaal.
SrldwUp tho lodo?aUoa hao woa
■•T. J. O. L
telMOtlO:W A a.
_____ ,_____ M II.
■raatef BarrHao at T p. at. Babjaat,
Thte te tha IwtBaBdar that Mr. Uad
waiaraaAtattteatteAlim awat oerdhdip tertted te at-
a at »:M m. a.
Meratef aarrieo aad aanaea at 10:M
'Saadap Bohool at U a.
■raalac aarrtea at 7 a. a.
All m oordteUp lAlted te thaw
TneadAy tlip grpAtPBt and most eomprpbpDpiYP ccUoction of Boupakpeplng Linena Aod White
* Goods will bP offarod At vary low prlooa—lower then w<U be quoted anywhere on gooda ot equal
qoellty. For the lest sixty days we hexe aeBrehed the merkeU for underveluee on eTerythlav that
le good and reliable for thia sale, end we have suoeeeded beyrna our expeetationA
The etiffprloee that preTAil today on eTerything that oontains cotton, llnen,,or both, la onpreoedented in our ooontiy^ history, yet we are pleaeed to annoonoe to an appreelAtiTe public that
our Waeh Pabrioa were nerer eo cheap, our Llnenc pepor eo beeuUfuL We open our store on
at? p. a.
CUb mitotinr at P:M a a.
lAtesof coadolten. for it te aami
AUaoabara of Baadapartteol ara
4*o«a«on«aB7 hao hoaa teaod to raqaaated to ho priaiat at aeralMT
• •pmte hath otiaB aad oloetrte
tIudiVBBhoid at tha olooa ot aora^laaanhai teotwaoa tho Ltdo aad tho
Babjoet-“8ookter Tbtega
at t:a A a.
:«Mrl}ra,Mtoate 1
1 bo te
attoed all thaoo aorrteoa.
aaaata LUTBBBAa.
III lUu i
Housekeeping Linens, White Goods,
and tVtusiin Underwear.
Bhao^hawbmod la too
Tuesday Morning, Jan, 30th,
inawhlte, epotieeeattlreorbeaatiftilloom products from home and abroad. On arery oonnter
are bargaina for the houcewife, hoUl aad rcaUurant keeper—a delight to the shoppei and a woadar
to the onlooker. Thio eront oomoo but once a year aad tho elements should not keep you from
paying as a vlait
•teO a. B., Baadaa oehooL
IhoyrorraMof thoB
---------whoat Ihroo Mlho afo toward tho
. wiirtekSSteda^aad a
watara to hpalaof tho frteoatro rootbarBaadap.
aoaood troot tho fll^m te doooribad
>hp Ooaotal Otte la tho (oUowlac eahloc^rm. roeeirod at tho war dayartaoat: a»«. A aiamrT. I
o of Hteth a
-‘MoaUa, taa. M. tNO-Boloaood Bpaa- worth atroate.
tah prUamtn, 74 oSoon. l.ooo oaUatod
Baadap aarrleas m aa foUowa:
Proaoblep at 10:» a a.
aaoa. U airUtea oaolate. ai wtwm aad
Baadap aebool at 11 ;U.
Preaekter at 7:00 p a.
ntoa te Bpaia jootcrdaj.*'
All mtertted to tbaaa auatlapa.
Tho Brttteh •xpaditioo afalaot the
o tertted
I te
> thaaa aoattefo. Aa I
•ritteh North Berm, hao booo oaUrtIp oaoMfaL Oaptala
_______________________ _ -haw
•with 1« Blkba, attar two dapa flfbtliif wltbpoo. Odbo aad haw a goad UaA
■ f aaaarp • aad «. affalaot 1,000 rahote.
-aaptarod two forte aad two rUlafoo.
Cbareh. Oar. Oak and Vlftk atraote.
hUw ap the robol BapBolao aad klUod
Boadap aohool at 0:46.
■or woaadad 00 TBfw Tho Brttteh had
l^ahlte worahlB uiOOAia
foar Boa woaad^ Tho raBalalap
Y. P. & C. £ prapar aaattep t;«i
wtU^oCthodtetarbad dtetrlot aaV
nhlp, 7.-00 p. a.
t aro oor^^lp li
AtPhUadalphlatho *a«m Maaa.
- daatari^ aotepaaph plaat wao dc
•ateapad hp ira aad oao of thooB- ■•T. Bach BwMOr. FaMr.
Boadap aarrtoaa
.Blapaa. Llaate Blaekhara, agod 17
Praaokteg at 10:10 a a. aad at 7M
paaoa te BtealBC- Bar hodp te ballrnd
nahoiathoralaa. Tho «ro te hollorod 'sudap araetef aarrtaawUl deaa tha
ha haw arlfiaatod hOB aa eror boated foar wooka of apaelal acottega
Oteaa aoattef at 1:41 A a.
Boadap aahool at 11:4i A a.
wr. A.1. •
BahaBaahar.m of tho ‘•oat^worth Laagao at 6:48 p. a. a at ^ohwdofaaaw
Prapar aoatteg at 7;M ^ aa
a eordtel larttetlea te aataadad to
at Akroa. O.,
__________ '
<W«cht tho ABorlaaa Oai
ho later■ado Teaog Agate.
. -ooted la tho acBptap. at loaot to tho
•Oao of Dr. Klara Haw Ufa PtUa
^wteat of parBlttbip tho m of hte aaeh alght tor two waoka hw pat ma
la ap 'teaao' agate.'* wrttea D. H. Taraw of Daapaaptewa. Pa Tbn’ra tha
'-aartal aotteo hw hooa tewod bp tho 'haat la tko wortd tor Uwr. Bten^
'MoBoad aad Ooodpoar Bahhar ooa- aad Bowate Poralp wgetabla Mawr
grlBA O^lteat Jaa O. JokBaaote
#aateaofaa aroatewt awdo with aadB. B. Wafa drag oteroA
- 'Thoedon A Dodfo of How York,
-awaorofpateateeB olapU tabe tiroa. Hitlea to Oaateaan- '—’a. wteboa
•whWh wlU rooalt la aa laarom of
bad work
.BhoatHporaoBb.latboprteoof tlraa.
r la that
W hte atm t^ owrpthiag
ttea waa aawd frea tha tra iaad that
Tha altre-flpoartao atara>lM botho ewaora oao haw tho
ioairtec te tho riadlap N tro^lpoartao
^llao at m State atroat, aop Uau
-«0Bpaap throo allot troB Warroa,
after rrtdar.
.te»A. te tho Baatteftoa ooaatp oil
•Md, wao htowB ap rndap alrhk For
BiloathoooaatiTOraooearaloodaa bp
. Baooo wao hart, bat
(.Cteoo wao brohaa tor Bllat areaad.
MO d Mittewti ter OttuTh that
OBtate Ktevarp
maaip will oartep diatrop tho
___ •ofOBcUtadoateptetalp dormaca
whote BprtiB whoa oetorteclt
‘3srti: ssuxr^ifii’2?-i The Nature
hw foU to tho
pea oaa pealbte
Aarlw frea tboB. BaU'o Catarrh Oaro
MBfaatarod bp T. J. Chwop A Oo-.
~ O.. aoatelte ao aaroarp. aad te
la worth knowing to
anp.aotteff difoeUpa
>4 aad------------------------------------ orory roadar.
tm haptea BaUhOatarrh Oaro
■ aata poa fot tho ffaaatea. It te
Am tolorMllp aad awdo te<Ihtede.
aarrtai ewr oaa aaaaaa ka
^hle.hp r 3. ObwapA Oe. TOalllaathar ^elte aad tko ahew
dM*l atead kardlp aap waar.
patfadI aa alaatag oat lOl tha winter
Of Shoe Leather
Waat BUa. Thh. tal
B^aABhhoBOyhaahaatra. MtO
iw mat htTMt.
White Goods Dopt.
Linen Dnpartinent.
ISO Yds Turkey Red Table Cloth,
for this sale only, per yd................................... ‘AV
300 Yds. Fast Color Turkey Red Table Clotb._
exceptional value, for this sale,
per yd................... .....................................
400 yds Loom Damask, H linen, best ever OK
offered, for this sale, per yd.............................•w/w
64 in. pure linen loom Damask, while the 36
sale lasts, per yd.................................................. ..
72 in. extra fine Double Loom Damask,
worth, in the bleached, $1.25 per yd........... * • ^
72 in. pure Linen Bleached Damask; never
as cheap^for this sale only, per yd...............
72 in. pure linen, extra double Damask.
bleached, this sale, per yd.............................. *
Damask in new designi; also Satin Damasl» in
fancies and plain, per yard,
up to..................................................... .......
(Napkins to match)
We show a special line of Art Oft »«
Linens from, per yard..................to . ^ U
Our line of Napkins is most corn* ftO
plcte. running from, per doz...to^*±
Special^ doz. H pure linen napkins.
We show a special line of l^eautiful Linen
pieces, such as Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Cen- ^
ter Pieces. Dresser and Sideboard Covers,
Stamped Linens, Cut Embroidery Sets, etc. To *
make it more interesting, we have secured for
this sale special bargains in Remnants of White
Goods to be placed on this sale:
2.000 yds. figured Curtain Remnants;
worth in the piece 12c and 15c,
per yd...........................................................
2.000 yards fine Lawn Remnants, worth, in the
piece up to 25c a yard,
1 ^
special, per yard............... ...............................• X V
The last call on Sheets,
each at...................................................... ..............
And Pillow Cases.
1 O
as the above are below mill prices.
100 Bed Spreads, the closing of a mill: worth, to
job. 6oc; we place them on this sale
50 ^preads, exceptional values,
We show Spreads in beautiful designs of domes
tic and Marseilles Patterns,
26x58 extra heavy bleached Bath Towels, ^g3
Bath Towels,
up from-. ••
Ready-made Roller Towels, 3 yds,heavy O3
quality, special, each..........................................
Barber Towels; all linen. .
per Doz........... ...................................
Barber Towels, pure Huck Linen,
gem, per dozen............. ......................... WX'W
18x25 Huck Towel, for this sale'only.
22x36 ^ure Linen Damask Towel,
Advance sale on New up-to-date designs of
Ginghams and Percales. This Spring's styles are
most beautiful and while they last they go at the
old prices.
Muslin Underwear.
Recent advances on Cottons, Lawns, Embroid
eries and Laces has raised the price on Read]^made Muslin Underwear, but we place on this
sale a line of Underwear at exoctly old prices.
Styles are very elaborate; on the better the
finest of Muslin and best Embroideries and
Laces are being used.
No duplicates at the same prices are to be»had
after this lot is gone.
Children's Waists and Draweis,
this sale.................................................................... *^0
Ladies’ Corset Covers, plain, tucked, embroidery
and lace trimmed, ranging
1,000 yds Cotton Crashes,
per yard.........................................................
yds pure linen Checked Glass
Ladies' Umbrella Drawers, ruffles, embroide^
and lace cammed, good material, prices within
the reach of all; from
1,000 yds'heavy Twilled Toweling,'
per yard ..............................................
1,000 yds Stevens' unbleached'toweling.
all linen, per yard.................................................•%/*,/
Skirts, good material, full sweep, ruffles of Cam
bric. embroidery and lace trimmed, extra values,
25c. 39c. 59c, 75c. up
Extra values in Huck toweling in different
exturee. ranging in prices.
, 1Q to .36
We show in Gowns several styles, Empires, high
necks, etc.; embroidery, tucked and fan^yokes;
good material; 59c, 75c, 99c,
Bb Sure and look Over Our Line of ladies’ While Ipreee. i
no6m toTwtioi. AJUuMwb tt
1M« bw« • coed datf apekni of
tfimns tb* pr*«M* BonU AIr.c*a
Ked t* B^wnHlr ».>ok»d ap»B
.. (bt mMftuileat »»rV«U oC
Kitb r«a(urr. tlw
Mw or «uUw Um ous'* tar* tnr wmuif
to M OM M Um Homan amplr* lu*U. •
BTrry •tndaai of th* claaatca wfTI r*>
Mobar kow tb* old ttomaii aowim
«Md tbolr aMaMa tor Onahias back IntalMMOB to th«
li prMUMtly U
«Mking roteood
*d lb* lRipi>nsnrao( atVBal Bra* la var>
Um* aod mad* ua* of a cMr of 0f«
Baahra; Lot K «ra* wii onUl IK tbat
CokiD<4 OoIUy of tb* Brttlah Rd^l «aCtnaara d*> iMl a nora adaqttat* ar*t*n>
for tiAB>m:itlDB maaajH br ann
flaabci. Hi> iMtbod of Oolbs tbU vu
bf Bailtag a cortala ocmber of piceao
Of bright tin on polo* and aapoainc
tba« U tb* omro rara. boaM «Um
■aof aach aua vitUw waa wen kaom.vnufh wntAlniBf a von mlrrer and a
wbaa. to H'A. (ieaeral Mile* bacan bla jatat cn
a amall arrMdi or rliutlndl«a.4ami».lsn asainat Oaronlmo. If trr, a «l«htfnr rod aod two amall trlp.ia
tb* tnitb *••** only knoa-n. It waa Uta aUnd* for thr mlrrura. Tb* entli*' apheiwwraph mnrw ibao an> tbinK *Im* | paratiw d'M ool wrlcb over ten (> >uDd>
tbat M ti> tb* roundins ui> and oaptur*
caailv t»- carried
of tb« fbntuu*. blood drlBklec red maa. When B I* dealrrd to aend
can UnaotuF lb* aurpHa* uf the th* fun mlrrar U placed on one end of
Indiaa* wbrn tbey feaad that tbry a IhtD rod three fret In lencth. with t'.r
could aM atov* wliboot the fact beioc ■tation mirror at th* other end. th*
bar beinc b*M by the tripod. Wb.-o (hr
ann ta In front of tbe operator—Ibat (a
Xane tbraueb bU
ancle* to tb*
t—tbe ann mlr>
It would be bard to overrate tb* eervlc* whteb the lageniou
Scott of tb* Terrible baa raadervd tbe Brltlah during the preaent South Af*
rican war. Not only did he Improvtae for the heavy long rang* eea gnia
aneb Add mounting* aa enabled them to be tranaported te the rallef of Lady>
emtth. but be haa alee adapted tbe eeerchligbi to make it a considerably moru
powerful and useful Inatrumeni for long distance slsnallng than Is tb* raU*
llary hellugrapb. For this pttrpoee the masthead elcvlilc signal light has beta
occult'd by sliding cyllndera. or sbuttera like venrtlan blind*, and these Ugbtg
have been pUc>-<] cm flat cars, where they have Been pperaled with great sue*
CCS* Id connciUun with the armored train during reveral engagement*. Tb*
k distance of o
T 100 miles.
mtt tb* MHM* may bt tranamittad a
Btotaboe of-from flea to even IM ^llea
camBtaaoe* err favorable.
Tb* mUnary valtw of th* brllosrKl>le
method of traaemitllac information
MP bt raadlly Imafloed. lu ftm adVbMac* It Ita ectraiB* almpUcIly. It
«BM DM MotMlute tb* keeplnc «pm
tt Hb** of eonaaitutcatlen. there are no
Vtra* to proteot. bo battariee te took
After a»d oe burdeneom* appaeatiu to
mrrr about.
later tbie waa Improvad on by lb* adop*
Uoa of a plain mlrrer. In Ita an Eng*
llab omeer a( OlbraJtar uaed an or
dinary toMtinc alaaa to reftaet daabaa
acma tb* vtrait to Tancler. thereby
tion with other Bncllab odleer* ia Af
Tbia mlrrer ayatam waa esperimentad
with and Improved upon anUI the year
U7A wbrn tha UnItad BUtaa coverna tbe lateat modela and
A nioiimsa axeucas sisoeb.
mmm m
the rear of (hi*
luat be uaed to
or only i* uaed.
Irectly to tb* receiving tution. th* mirror having a
Mile*' camp. Throueb tb* uae of the amall bole In lu center like tbe hole In
the glob* eight of a fine for the puitk**
• by
of aiming and adjuatlng the r«y. The
bmMI* band* of troop* and
alattnn mirror haa a email dUk at the
center, and when tb* two mirror* are
) army bad already
uaed they muat be *o adjusted that the
■king UB* of (fa* hellogreph li
ahadow from the center of the wun mir
anlaian. and during the Boer «
ror shall be retiected against the email
dlak on the face of the aUllon mirror.
-nala long and short sun
Mt aervlcr thi* mean* of communica
)e place of the dots and
tion baii>r*n 10 tb* dlSereni Rrlllah
• magnetic aounder. the l
eommanden bealeged by Ih* Bom in
of that ever iniercsUng laland of Hawaii Is tbe graal
tb* praami South African war 1* very
volcano of Mauna L>oa, a picti
b t* herewith rapruduoed from a (*•
well known.
rials mar be taken by (be naked
the V
Tb* Held hfUograjX) apparatua, aa a distance of IM) miles, and by an ex
uaed today, ennileu of a aul* leather pert at the rate of IS words a minute.
broken lava tbat surrou d this mountain of fire and d
tbe iaiands of the Hawaiian graOB
mecilon It 1* interetting
volcano -tt
which Is called by the natives Mokusweoweu. Is 1AOOO feel abova
(be sea. and It has been computed that t
greater than Vesuvlua. From this volcano erupllcns of the greatest splendog
break forth c-vc-ry few. yean, the outbreak of lurrcnti of lava g-uerally beln^
preceded by mole or less severe rai-th<iuakes.
Purina some of these onte
breaks (he horlxcin 1* Illuminated for a distance of ltd miles in every dir«c1l>>a>
One of the eeeoea deplrilng the occasional comedlu of war may be wu«
■—id any day In VictorU park. Just outside of the city of Durban. Here a
great many of tbe refugeu from Jobanneaburg are encamped, men, women
and children living huddled together In tents and strangMy Improvised cabIna Her* pereon* who e few monitu ago were m-fn* luxuriously at h-ime in
comforUble of
. . _____
r dwell very
much —
like _gypales and
vagabond*, gathering wood, cooking thHr
Ir dinner* over mile
little open campArea.
but all «
' a very light hearted and happy manner considering
_ together
lb* drcumauncas. Vlclurln park li close to (he seaahore and has a pleeaant
outlook and a comparative immunity from war * alarma ae while these homeleu rafugera ere net In tbe most comfortable of dwelling* they consider
tbefuaelves very much better oR than those unhappy iieople who are shut op
In the dlRerent lowna being beslegwl and shelled by the Boera.
■M leag ago at a concert in Berlin, where hef alnrng
m»T breagbt from the aevercet Teutonic muateal criUea of lb* caplUI lb*
Meet antbueteatic eomparlaoiia with Sambneb, Melba and o^tar famous prims
SMinaa. Mias UebUag-t g
'- '
TB« aoVKHlOB or
One of (be Imporunt but
M oRlelals In Boruth Africa at the prutin* It Sir Hely Hutchlneon. the
goveraer of Natal. Wbrn the war fint
broke out.
wac not thought
that tble colony
waa.to be tbe
theater of
lillllr. the pel dog of the Seventh
dragoon guards, siatloni-d at CmIcIioster. has been one of thi»e who have svict-ani major
taken an active luirt In collecting fundi toll and a ' ........ b>T who s_________
Is Just a Mill* over ban
with him
for the widow*
They are both to tbtoi
and urphana of
••t b e
absentminded beggar"
who went off to
IL.ulh Africa
flght against the
for his country,
lilllle Is a Very
and. with a box
tied round
neck, went
Aboul begglat for penntoa tor tbe aoldlefi' fund during a reoent baasAr in
EngUnd. The curious sight of a doff
bagging for tbe widow* of the aoMlen
of (he queen met with a ready respouat.
and aiiugetber BllUe collected several
pound* for Ihoae who have been wid*
Tbe Salvitlon Army haa hired a ball
1 Paris close to tbe exposltton build
ing* and will conduct servleu dally.
peculiar to tbe Britlsb empire, tbe c Ss
nial soldier policeman. lofncLlnnia el
ever)' phase cif Britlsb Imperial S’ *t«
ence the keynote of life in general
be found In (he capacity of the 8r tot
colonial aubjei-t to look after bla
affatra at home and even defend
self ngainst aggression when atom
aa moat of lb*
Sgtatlng wai
pectad to Uk*
place elaewl
Blnec. howevec,
picked up and rhoved about bodi ad
If It were a brickbat and nM a upa
Binietura many hiindrad tons to valsbb
R atonda at Loweatofi, on tbs enel
eeaet of England, and. ewtog to ttE
BklliUJT and Mvil oOetoto of Natal have
bad their band* foil, and both Sir Hely
■ and tb* premier of tb* ooleny. lieutenant
tb* opening «t boetIUUea.
^ iV'
«ba«a aa bow te be graoefiil (bough sndM Mi Bra. Thle
•» «Pbw« ttMm of
tb* belsaguered lomm. Wheniver tbe ebelle begta t* toll, the oatoset wttb
eesBdieebli hnat*. b«t eves naer* togatty. b*e»*t** bimaaK to the bMabBeMf
Mur upvidad tor bla MMuttoit and tbera b* Ua* HMD Ow toaanTW
ttrad of pewtotog awgy at hlu. Whaa tba----------i-tu atasa. be owtoM
M bto bat* aad cUaibt tba reef-aC a aughberiag oetuse to wat* tbe omiw
wt avasto witbew tbe towa aai ropart aa tb* m* to bM4«Baft«a. tost It
-------- --to toak at bU but wb« be tow Um ' ■
trr«IW*to totb*a better
griaty bMt to tb* gyaandi, tbwtob aaa aaa atoatto trj:
part er oator to bb aaaa.
tain that to shaped Uka a tlgar^ bead,
as abown la the aeeempaaylng small IIInMratlon. The
remarkabto thing about
this bead, bow1, to tb* fact
tbat at algtat
tbe'epM of Ibis
tlfur bead beI»to to due to
tb* pTMenoi of
taro small Moeme llgbta e«ntoaewd
toMS* tb* ‘ -
Piibipe notblas baa dea* Bor* to hnit n«acb*r tb* beode at tiiendshlp
between England and tbe Ifnltod Btatoe than tb* Bttlag out and dtopatohtoff
to BeuUi. Africa of (be American bMpital rtlpMalna. ThU micci^r of «dmcr wnc oont out by tbs Amcrienn wemoo to Loadca. and aoMoa tb* trained
etas oa board were Bv* cpoetolly ootaotod Acaericaa nuraca Bneb an ontorprtoe eeuld not. tt oowm. ictitovc tbs oSelal caaeOen or acMMaar* of tbs
I sad wcaelkl < «. tb* great
MMSH at papator bptotoa to Atoectoa
Atoerica «n
wM tow
aart a move nadwtobtbc
p nad Ha crew aB aaac— to ■Wcotottaf tbal
totoo— aa lb* todMiaal wba boMi Bwad at tbe ttoto adta d
tana toto fl«m bto MK.
Bp to tag jeataE krntmL
a tor tbe Cbpa toted 9 at n tbcreagbly
«LviT A WAvonm frfM or
mucNT iteoAt
“Whether We Keep ’Em or Whether We Don’t"
1 -Tb«.“ i*p wM. -Mrlj, ~rm tart
ttto ^tMMMi to ctmpUta «r tta
or ronl WMt& ~'n«*rr« IWiubp *ni)l«d on ^ rraqaeotlr.”
•w •"» VoIrM
wwTwt MMW
tiM mmwwmww
v^—— .
wuto. r«r
a.. ^ awp
Btinben of It tad m
taMM ta • Tm«IIp« Lmmm Omt 4
trttb tU lu oatcaa u with
SCNDAY. MNUAHY 28, 1900.
ui«u A n
B. wivra trow rn
TlttUty tM thtna dt U ^ tnfonattlon tbom tta
|Mit teta awl fancta that omm aad «e u„b, ^
WhU* tbm It In tnrth
rtf7 ttiUf ebaaft of «
BppMfo w ta ro^ ta « a „
^w. of etKioww tart tta uat
mn rtmtdmbU wa» ^ fajor. IW.
^ u, ,eiitar ttam aubta. adU tww
0mii hafdly ta wtai^tt. fw_ fnr H e^uioot of life in cartaia eooatrlM
ptttevt rhraw tr
"Sr «
raa offortfc”
~«-ut wer.- tta oouuww <« fuar
TOM poctal
•'Htarr roUa.from rbaamattaa aad ..
that ChawbrrlalB't Wfa
Ikrta tna aftar a aaatar of otbor wadletata aad a deator had fallod. It U
ttatatiUniwfat I bar# aror known
ol-J. A. &)dfra. Alobantta, Oa.
tbo—aada bata barn cor'd of rbto■aUaot by thia raB)cdy._ Oea appHca*
a by 8
_____ ______________ I. *ofAlota__________________
paiata at raoaat aortal faaetloai wta«« ct«, ma; ta rvronwi la Part#.
: to tta BUjortty
T« 0w« a itaM ta Om O^.
of wen and-Wooten baara upon Intiw
dactloaa of aU klada Tta najortty rakt Wancr'a White lA1nc of Tar Syru;
depaod upon thtin on ah occaaloBa. ta tea ooa^ foaiedy oa earth. K
At aortal faoctlooa aaae of oiaanar.
tatoninl plaaaura and ladindnal ad-,'
wtnrtwt-i.AiraMmn WAJfT&
raatafoa are dart rad Cron tbam by tta
ebata* of addiBf to om o Uat of ta-'^
______ _
taalouncoa. of Boatlac pHnaant or MTV ny^TtaJ*»
Cartioo ta^of raaltT*te'tarlns*^
kaowB they wort booorod or dlaUa---------- --------- ------------
I lAkar&w'Sowa^lTAatM#. KM
»“,n; i»;siv
two-tblrda of tbl# ooatnry. To -haro •***jTO»-TWa»toar#t.t»
tta honor to pntear te lookad npoa W UBrtT.wta>w war b»
aa arcbale. It k far laott aliapk to rtty aalww-r -. ud. ota##.
It’s whether we keep our olothiog;- ha'e. caps, etc. ’till next win
ter or whether oo account of the mild weather
We Cut Prices To The Quick I
and turn our Broods Into cash nt once. We have decid
ed to do the latter.
WEATHER SALE Price on all our isxx> to 18.00 Men's Suits..................... .$ii.«o
WEATHER SALE Price on all ou» 12.50 to 14.00 best Men’s Suits................... ttco
WEATHER SALE Price on all our 8.50 to 10.00 very good Men’s Suits........... 6.50
WEATHER SALE Price on all our s.so to 8.00 good Men's Suits.................... d,«r
WEATHER SALE Price on big Lot of Boy’s School Suits..................80c, i«>, 1.50
WEATHER SALE Price on iox» to 18,00 ’’Zero’’ Ulsters__ $500. 7.00, laoo. 12.00
WEATHER SALE Price on 2.50 to 6,00 Men’s Pants......... $1.65. 1.05, 2.S0. 2.75, tx»
WEATHER SALE Price on Young Men’s Ung Pant Suits..... .1.5S. 5^ 6x0, 7joo
WEATHER SALE Price on Underwear. Gloves. Mittens. Muffle^ Hats,
X to
off regular figures.
Everything New and the prices lower than you pay for goods of questionable age
elsewhere. Do not spend a Dollar for so called Sna<>s until you've seen “The
Real Thing” at
B n mm.
n ara nat, aad both Laodoa aad
hrta tara itampad tbam wttb ap
aL rar wlaiar waar aothlaf leoka
V than a rrtrai eoatnma. rItm tta
Mary adJnaeta of oabk and a narkkarraatoflaea. All aorta art la ftkl^alrola wUb tlay ebacka opon
mm aad reireu witb tlay apota apon
mm. aa wall aa etn rolratt.
* SelBg OM of tba Carorod aad tanbdi^abk matwlak of
aapaM. naa
IT--^ „aaM Ita annMnaM. la rOa
don't know wbetber yon bar# mat Un.
A taforer' Wbas ooa rlaltor k balag
aataruiaad aad a aacond la anaooaoad
wban tta boataaa kaowa baa no lBte^.
eeatlar I# eama. 0 A.
aat In bar nas or woman caUcr, tta W
«at WaOawerth awaai.
proper thlBy to do k to make an Indl-'
ract Introdurtioa, wtkb ooasiataa la r owr —ay Thwau Itartaa M tta terk*
_ Li
_ Baata.
Baaad. taw#
eater wilt dark back and
wtticiMBaU#, taward el i» It rrlaraeo la
____ ___ ___________ ___ _ _
_ jrftr^aaUa.
rwaatioo ynat ba«u tta aanM of tta a, w PaaZ^~onad
peraoB preoeot la order that ta aad -_________
aba. yoDtv rirl and lad. may ta pot at
tta eoarermtloa.
ABotber eaat k that of two nokkra baai^^..
of tta aatna city, but total etnagwa
to one anottar, ealUac at tta mbw '*'**"'
bonaa la Immrflata ooecoaaten. ho at>
tempt, accordlac to pood form. abooM-----------------------ta made oo tta pan of the booioaa to SCL*nli#r*"’
tetrodaca tbam oakaa ata prartootty
---------kntW tbt UltrodnrtlOO WOUld ta t*TOa.0^ tar
pi—» iaara M
^ L‘”.jra‘u's=s:r.'!sj^
r ta wafod oror tbair baeomlar
It moat ta adnmtod that tta
C^T.Tu.«.rS. « iTT.
It boactn of a bmM qaalatly
d collar and big K?en of wbllf
.U to», -C
«i raam baaM «a Olb a
lebaap. Baqaira J O. Bb
Coistllitloi aid Eiamiaami Free aad Siricil|i CoafidaaHil
. DRS. B. S. & CO.
VofliewVeek.aa aawoftba
and Snrticii MtiU «f lisb«oi.lA
So-btsl W3aJL1i±Agr» '7z«b‘ver<0a Cf±t^,
Feb. 1,1900.
Oora. par ha.
d.T. kiT^-
Isdeed D>erit tbe title of a ~pklaro-coai.
• Then tbere It that otbor coat wbkb
k aloe la black rrtTot. but of throoIBSrtor kastfa. wtalk fpr lu moat ctMttro decoralloB tbm are boidorlat
,jndo aad mrdalUoD ocrolk of black
n Saely otlicbed and piped wUb
Ww antlB. And ihti blot of wuto
» B lorrly reality ta tta treat
of araUae. wbkb aaowy fe-
XiBTBnaOtty Matasb
a Ikt of Un boylna aad aaUof ywurday »r proeartm.
OrawHaa Boae That PlaoM tbd Bw
^rol aod nrlas colored mtpare apBlae Ubcb amkea as efferttre crawlBBeve. TI»B oT« tb* obenlden tallo
^ worted
^ ta brlffat creea or
' “rtet. dn attractlk* ooe k of brows
T***l..*'*^. .**‘‘^*' ••
boUaod wttb wblu rabblu werkod
I with cbesHk. tbk eamc wrtl
184 Front Btiwot
All our 60 and 76o Maokwoar at obIt 86e
Now Bato Jnot In
*"'lvoa adU-d ant ela« P*Blamte_Ba#a
•'* «bt»doeed to caUara. bat
iT'SiJS. ■aats.i'Kj:. srs
yOtrwawrloMioaeaaleBrkMIa t>M
k.SMwwOlW. tH-4mo
We. the nndefilgrcd. do hereby
agree to refand tbe money oe a SO-oent
hoitie of OrneB'e Warranted Syroi
If It falla to eore year eoerb
alao gnaronteo a U<
................ -lolbafaU---------aod baring o -good ttBeatuoog aoOM estiwmoly freafa aad groee
cabbageo. Tot aaother which elicited
great aboBU of ptoasnre from a obmII
youth of 4 waa of red twill wKb a moat
all wart m klgk«ai piwlkli griao, floe Cl
wart a ■pa.tatirWaw OSee Warkban Bloek
iBtarMtIaa to tarara of «ha Doo.
If you want to make friroda with a
dog. you wUi Sad that there k aotblag
that Ibk animal llkea tatter tban to
bare aome uae ntb hk eara. If yoa
wQI take a dog'o care aad curl them That Dr. Chase’a Olatinctit te aa
aoftly up In your band# and aqaecM
Ataoluia Cura far
them rrry gently, yon will make a ca-
Can You be Convinced
itching piles?
to Traatmaat
r. a. Booa. ememl pneUr* aiae
hk comfort by acratrtiing that part of i
------------bk Deck where tta collar reata. Ttaoe Bemim aad TtaoaBaada tlavp Baaa
Coartacad by talax Cmw
m«4boda are mid ta ta need by
Bwtkt Mlai<tor TdU How
Ha Waa Cured by
Dog tattooing k aow d<we In rttkn
•a, #•#• WltertOaBea
n»d ta quite a arnaibk ootlon. aa It
) g o!uaat.amr*#y.
offorda a meona of Identifying loot aal- DR. CHASE’S OINTHENT
mak. A foorter any* be bai tattooed
dogo for
>, .no ao meoy tnai
at taw. aoMioi
ralnatkle ooea. Tbe marking 1
done In tbe bead of one of tbe
AU naeapoa and
ormaaklBd Peodbto to Obtain.
n. WM WM.0 #o4 kwobir know#OmUUM ta i#«CBltedatOHO. TTt'iu oimlieM
bciog cared.
armniM wadp.
ooch peopk who. wbea oooi
W atao amd to teco the treeta B«*
eared, mort Mroogly rceooimoBd Dc.
a^la tta eoUar k a dlotlacttealy
Cbooa'# Olatmeot, become they recog•oral featare. ao yon may oee by tta
- K in it ttaoMobwlutecBie ioriieb.
Aaottar of tta rkh eSecto la wbkb cream. It can be bottled aod If corked
taablna aboaad# k rtwwn In a ktag tlgbUy wlU keep aa loag an deafiwd. It
D aod k. Wo•tsalnc wrap of Irory doctaaoe oaUn. cleaaa aUrer withom hard mbbiag.
■metetu. Of.
I Woadtall aod goM
Wbea cat Sower* become wOtad, I Ointmeet will coo<
•adTMOrIhroad. It k trtm
cUpptng off tta
^ r*quk«d to abaohitdy I'nSILf
otams In bat watm for a few
ewio any c
Rubber boek for aO abom are bigbly
apoken of by many womea wbo Brut
teamed tbe adrantage of ttam from
. u roar akin U greaay. mo bo olat- wearlag golf eboea. Tta bad k aboat
V. Cba.'.
M . Matla na ’ - . .
weata ea tt or It oaly tarooMO wona. ..If.....u.o.»>.»fx;■.
'A Wlea af (leteily cot katoa aiay ta
mood wttb adroatage for oorb a okla.
(.of tt dry OB. aad tbea waob It off --■ta
jmArSxtao^ mad teSS. ^kdmtamltoA_______________
NrBh Wfdd water dr« nod than cold
If a Uttk gweet off ta rabbod ea ^>Sm derimd from tta y of Dr.
___________ ___
•ad tap tta okla g«t|y with tta tlpa kalrw wkldi are to ta IBM away, they
*ter*«al fU ta^erpiomooorort
•r tta Oagm
wfU not raet If iwOed la tkaae paper
*• -T **’"'*’*^_______________
Per a dty okla yoa ran rob la vaaaaad kept In a dry plaea. Bnnutliam.
■?! ---------------------------------------fteo or tbe following oIntMt wbkb
taa. If tta mat ta net tao “txad." » 2rl“ taS!m.»
taadmlal OaaaMipMM OmrmPwra—warMpr^o
ra can make at boaoo: Pronb eanaknr. A. W. Ctaae’o OkBrnoaC am a WhMa Wha af Taa 8ya^
^ Jako. m» naaco: tnita aOk. «hne
M all dadeco. « fir. A «.Sh teat Mh Mody ta mtfh. wa^oaUI
teeJ^tatfltatateteB. SStaANda.
■& L & (R nnin w IA Mum MS
»0im> IM A BAMH.
,^.“;*fri5rrs-o;S^”= CITY OPERA HOOSK
>ioeb Brooks, writing of "Bret Hartei 'sroirs U <
a. uj
list On li{kl If Fii
•. m Amp*,.
■—IIWI ■all
•«««M Mave I
WMah MM ■
-■ -- wM tW BM oritk Ux- broke* do*
*^m I t*B eMfly nrse iw«
lb* Waalthr rro*to
Ur «ad f«*lbe«. IB »} rou>t«b .
_______ ______ I iMdenI BfC MM- <U)-t I trrlrnl Bt » tova ia aoaOiern
la tbe otd towa. or UbbSU proper.
mrng tbo qiwoU* «r tafiMUoa for Ibo iBdUaa to Sod the people all exrtted Uicte «re mmm Sw pMlc baiUinse.
Mud pneei—leoo of tM TulW o»er M-eeral arrcete for nbittaj:- A bat oo ebopB; eoiiMxjueBUr tb«« to a
• auaei 4i»t uiui.uiiKi'e wliu-ti .in- fa»ll; Mued Black. coBatotla* of cumubi aireaui of people and *ebi_______tbe laiiMnaiiee•eUUta(
m( to
to uam
apd wife
aad a atrowa-ap
M. ctoa
ctoa over
oe< tbe brUfea'
to aad from Bu
_____ ________________________
IU.4 .i«w .b.,P.M1. tad
»b-i~______ _______________ bualaeea to Si
wa walla* that to ibe atfain of ibe m aaay tbefta. laatead of pattlii« ***^
e of Bbopa.
Mufo aad ibelr rrlatMa to tola coon- thi-m m trial tbe propto bad deter
Cblarec. iha.iVh
try proiwr Ue aoute proUeaia whlcb bum to appl/ tar aad featker aad 2^^
•a rarula to aflwrt aoi oalj tbe pao- walk ea out of towa. I bad ao pbIda ad tbe lalanda. bat all tk* poopla M jeettoas as far aa tke axa were can- amietiuea, wlik bmry awalaga to tke
. ' «rtaed. bat wbea It caate to the wooi- edge of tbe ektowalk as a protcA iinii
gMaaa tka atuattoa of both I
Sra graator pan of tbe aeaeta
«a tkto gtMttoa tbare a« prldaacM of
atloaor tbe
axtoted to tbe tost congreaa. aad repre•uMUrea oa both aldaa admit that
»ar are Dot mnrti better tafonaed me
to wkat ebouU be doae thao they wen
al tbe eloae of tke last eeoaioa Thai
—.ta>—• —...
aad declared tkat tbejr
prat My dead body AraL For aboai
*0% mtovtea 1 waa
_____ ______________ grabbed I ... ...1
baatled m Into a looak aad after tbe
BUeka had baea dtopoeed of accord
^g to iwogram I was bruagfat out for
puatokMeat. Fleaty of tar aad featb«, were left, but the crowd wanted a
oBeMKVt ewi
iBttoa to balld up and stMCtbca tbe aboald Ure ibe barrel exenrtae. They
Oattod fitatea merckaat martoe to unioat aad unbeaded a big cldet bar
vmSy admitted. But the DemoRatk- r^i g»ppM aw tolo It. akd reptoerd
MiaoHty, ,wlib few exceptiooa, eUngs im bead, and then ail was ready.
to the axptoded doctrine of free abipa, | -i was lacitoed to look upon the
and thmAepoMkam
- - —.. bare OM yet -been
- - I»t9w insiiiias whb eOBleinpL •
■Me to reeeacUe tbelr dJffeifticea orer M-rer been roUed to a barrel, aad «o I
tbe ueatlea aa to tbe amount of tub- bad do Idea of tbe trmiiTleuf They
tooda are abowa orer tke counter.
C*bC-l|dM acroea
dbktbw* tbe
Aatoag tke lower daaae* 1a tke lawj,,
tSrtuin^ eons au of a aaat aad a
guUo aetUag.
But tke wealthy people bare attrarUre boaet. Maay <a three aretU-ih.
dwa filled with to
mental tree* aad
gorgeous doweni.
Three gardeas extended to tbe water.
aat^ boato The bouses 'are nitoeit
aereral feet from tbe «wui^. on
e VI
or •>»
wood, t
them eoolcr and at
aoll to
drlm. eapeelally where
blocka oi
Pvrtiapa 1 may be pan
btlef refereae* to an old compllcaticto
that arom- while "Tbe Lack of Boartog Camp~ was being put Into type In
the printing office where tbe Oreriand
iloiiibly waa prepared for publtcatloa.
A young tody who aarred aa pruofivader to the establiahiBeat had been
aomswhai shocked by tbe acut roaralfe Of tbe mother of Lock, and when
she came 'to tbe acene where Kea■aefc. after rercrently lonchlag tke lafani, aaid. "He wrastied with my fin
ger. tke d-d unto cnaa.*- Ike ladigaaat proofreader waa ready to throw
■p her eegagement rather thaa go
any further with a story no wicked
aad ImmoraL There was cooalertiatloa ibrougboul tbe estabilahmeni aud
tbe bead of tbe coouern went to tbe
oAee or the pubiUher with the rlr.|
gtoal proofrrod«*» protest. Ualuckli.r
Mr. Bomaa eras absent from tbe cUy.
Bane, when notified of Ibe obstm-le
rntoed to the way of -*Tbe LuHc »f
Boartof Camp.*’ manfully toaistnl
that tbe story must be printed aa he i
wrote it. or Dot at all. Mr. Komau si
toruffl-tenena. to deepalr. brought the'
obJectlMiBble inannocripi around to
Ml«—1— *s Tsrt—
‘Get Your
Patents Money’s Worlh”^^
tetta. Baa tbe
Rre Insurance.
L. £p. A. BoUdliic.
The Great Cake Walk!.
PricM popoUr with Ui«pe<^»—
25, 35 uid 60c. 8etto on Bale •»
City Newu SUnd.
abell panes temper tbe light and ad bunt of laughter. - It oeemed to me ii
tSr'Md” Kn .'l
• •
■ • k air. One to atnu-k
ke to etroagU erer^aamed for aocb ^ tbemselte. for 4 quarter of u hour ! by Ibe order and dMollBeu
of Ibese credible that such a tempest to a tro-, ‘
could bare been raised
Karte'« i
laed by Hi
Enjoy tbe
mtk. aad under to toaderablp of ei-, was praying for dcaib to hurry up. I boutea.
Bren the flooru abliw llk>
ng. But, r
partaaeed meu tbe eobject wttl be ^may remember that after they got
for they are 1nibbed twice n
with ptoutaioI lear
leaves; Three arc erlng my grarlty. I advliunl that
pNMd to tbe frut ntU actleo la eb„f ,b„ f«,,haU work to tbe sire-i
they rolled tbe barrel up a loag hill.
Mr. Uomau'a return. I waa sure that
Tkare la do ahaiemeut to tbe urgent obU then let It go kltlag down.
One of the favorite
be would nt-rer consent to any “islitAatotada that bare been madefomnay talk, of BeaalckBeaik but there to no
tog~ of Itone'a story. This was agn-nl
I to be sought to the cosioma of aattsrn^ I <
to. ami when tbe
few days later Ibe e
Soaring aaraaro eompaalaa to tke world repreI have several fine new rig*— c .wlp.^1 tr.d. VW • »u»Vr
or tb. b..... ui il bo« brob™. . —r .-niu.- o.i b-'.w«.b 8 oVii b' lb moored. ' "Tbe Imrk
kttoaa There to do dtepoaltion Beat-' waa naeousi ietw when they finally tl>* morning and 4 Id tbe afienMMMi. Camp- waa printed as H waa wrttteu. seated la my ageeey.
both alsgle nod two
awd by those who bare Immediate iqu a,
.ng for a work 1 w i. But to tiie ereoing all to gayety aa.l aad printing olBre and restsi prunfootton.
reuder aurrired the abotk.
wuo...bj«..b..bcwbo. u„.,b„.„,ta...«ab.... I..™.
Beat ontfita in ths^ city. Tvy-g
9 tots to ceaaecOoa with tbt > wab-Xa sort «ssk. h.f.bM t snt th. °! npanisn musKians nsearo pwy
. .
tbe carrlagro. kotosaaen .mu b*. wo.<..«*
but the II
, rerUrtog motlea out of my bead and ,o* on.red along, ■adding and ehat.
Ord«r*by ’Phone No. 32.
Two interesting heggar*
be to tbe bands of tbs members of tbe could walk straight, and to this day ting, and fhstdi^y halting to llati-o
bww4. •>... ... a. k. ‘
_ *""*
grladetonc wtoItIok to the music. SDmetimre tbe todies .rested Ibe other day In Ibe streets of I
r>■•rlug gmody I’olors Paris, says the lAtndon root. One uf,
- 'Their thick. Idack tbom. "Kaiber rhrtsituas" iPere Noeh.
lUvvry and Pecd^ahlcmm
aud Is made glussy 1* a well-known (-iuirmein- of the *afahat« kioea
aiiM-ared with c-oeoaout ull. nalles quaner. Peie .Soel Is 80 years !
aay be'-,."'" VJa~' ""
— ------------Oa tbelr beud* are i«-weU«d combs and of age. and o«>« bis name to the pos.
chanass to.
arttflrlal fli w.-ra. gmldealy. when the aetalou of a flowing while beard
« »•» ‘l*** «>d maa Bia.-k tmu- |. „ i,. height, and }u« aa the reacblng to bu watoi. He was nui-b
„ , I .,T
*»“ dl«.WHs.r> Iwbiml the bllta. the
MM ■« mag ue x»|R -u aBapenas ,Bienad of the tar. He told me that .-Hr cliiin-h-l>elU rlug and nrofound laroiistsl wheu accused of being
ragaisuHl. sHd In tonguage more avaH2I!rf
a-!’ t “
1' ‘r *!“'/**f *esiwr..
MMed to be doae.. Bat It may be ac- water to get the ainff atarted and ibai Tbe men take off tbelr bats: rrcr>. denilr than the ■•oiuiitlsrory «>f htdlio !
himself wus c-aiwble of using be point-1
Klui-ia or
or Imws
Imws In
in aa detottonnl
d ss
as csnaui
certain tusi
that ui
all tiMthe «rs<iirro
were i-r>
left oehi.1.
which rouldti'i s..
be —MMl}'
gut '"*d>' kiui-la
eil out that the latllcemen had is>m.
♦ktoeutatommheb.ngrototh.eMmltlisl an "slMiae uf authority." lie
—1 rales aa bum under tbe tow be SV;„'r <
''Ppruduiisl iwniwiKe half |M-iiii>. mhI
referred the- magisiniie i» a i-lri'iilar
of M. .ttiKalin. toying down that wbeu
■c cbaagce la the enatceis towa to
w»it rm He Mits.
Mormliy to Ibe proimsecl treaty
He had tried Hh-harrH ra.-k•’tt'b.k.-vrr I hear the bullcilue of *- *'-ens.n iHsisi-ssi-s a sum of n.oii.-i >
whic h he inn id.inln shelter aiel '
_ I will Iw c
- ——. niul he ihonghi it a shade a prtoe-figUi read." said a man at th- ■
! f— h- i. li»l . ...nl-wl. -.^..T
bp tbe proieellonleta of Ibe bouse
I- than tar. bui he bad no words. ‘ffiar dlll.e Friday night. "I aiu .. . _
' “ ■
SidewBlk Lnaibkr la all ii»
t>n the <-ootnir.v minded of tiH- iunnoiom.ua. dronliiB I TTiriaiuiaa" «.s..iied tlv Men
Is-ggar. lie gave, be said, lee- I
t Cc.rls-li at i\rw Or1<-aiis.
• IIIII histoi
history to nnrkmen In Cliesp
cliesp I
Me receipts of revenue under the Dingrraiatiraiiie In ■■aHisuee for hla nx'nfs.'
toy CBrioma tariff eouttnue to be mnet
♦nroawnoiro te. Tr«T«mn Olty Lnmber On
^tlfylBg. Tbe tetoma rroelpis fv
Merember, a abort moatb. aroouBted t»
the right build for her belglit .............. his t-agern.-ss to hear the bntl.-ili.« ' «'"•»> clegrcs-s for literature ami --iI thin. 8be bas a luug oval n-ad aud .•i.Isliii.sl extiltlugly:
en.-e. Hi- was formcTly .very rk-U.
It of the protective tariff dar- futn. without
i faulty feature If.-r
illhoui a
*»>' 'HI !«• bits bliiir
■ i.nt apeui his fortune in leading.a
t one yror-a exis-rlenee. aa the re- targe gray eyes are ven sviuiwila-ile:. . --Vi’ci-nlii* to tlw bulletin, the tisil.- f,aid..uable and fast life. After tw
aalpto from cuatoma to November. IffHN. her mouth Is very sensitive. Her luilr W«l ntsU.sl tie- nimWe
oriwii. wi...
i„.inheritedauotber fertM* neariy g5.0uau00 lero tban tboqe
.pun M Abe Is gra.-ful lu ev.-i,. !TTi‘r!'-n".
•>'“ i""*
Mr November. tSBB. TbM la a fwt- tBovemeai. and. being .tmerii-oh. eiitW wlih tin- i-onnileat shout of the
““’"'•'s. "Ksiher .t'hrtattiiBH" M abowlng than waa made by tbe- kDowa how to cbimae ami bow to w.-.-i'r uu.rln the i-halr
CTutries Kaiallle by lii. proper nam.-BBflimal reveniM towa. Boiwnbatondtog frwka that become her like her lljw
•• •4nai wait till be bits blmf
Aud none nre poor otock. Soap ae yos'koov is better alter *a Improved rate of duox-atlc boal- a^ eye*, she to an taci.-ft feel and
"Some eXtilied over the ImiM-udiug
. .
p km
■ ■ Bak«a
The sei-und arrest was that of an bein^ BKcd.
who iu» noap
know the
ana and the heavy reeripta under the n inchi-a of It: TOO ponmU of ir. When aotl Imiulneut «ixiash from Snllivrtu obi woman fpuDit begging to tbe Rue when thoj see tbe same on the wrappers. We wiil give you good viJde l►u^.ke^.lue. At the polhv staiii.n uen for .5c. 10c, 2.5c, 3-5c and 50c per cake.
Ihal she was burn iiii
■£i ITIRI. Her tlrsi husband died ,
hi ItSi.
1837. hher second waa kiUed
,ulf. The geueral was mad with-do- no, the pn-amnpiu..iis forlwtt. Never- ^
. . In 1M^
n«M rraarkabto rroulu to re.wlpto u*ht. It happened (hat this was his tbeJeas. the nun on the .-hair triinl to
over twenty years she has been
«r revenue find sbundaut aupport to bebby. and breaking up this oefarliets be i-bei-rful and Joi-oUr and say. iv.n-, unable to do anything, and has esisi.
the sedoB of tbe trenoury deiwrunrot cnillag was tbe wt>r* be bad In hand Odeiitly. tv ibowe near by;
! ed vo rhnriiy. "I live
In pnrcbaslng bonds to Urn open mar- The vicereine found this out. but how i
' ■*«»i wail till be hits himr
. ; Chartrea," said the old
ket even while tbe governiucni to to- ab.- did It no one couU Imagine
I 'I'arUdi jahlied hU li-ri lo fsi-e .hh> - you can seud-me to prison,
durring enrwvrdinary expenditarro to
When .she gave her flrst drowlnc
»**•■"■ 'I paaa the!
conneettoaw-llbtbefhUIpplaemUlinry room at the psUce rtw was not .vmeh,-‘.Mnn
aperuUons. It to a mult which ao con- i.-ut with a formal presentarlOD but nm KeHevi- and exctRin-eii Hen-eiv' mtoaary of police sent Mme. Harwell
Mr. Henry Beelman’s cane which he explaios, serves to illostratn fisnnds the C».bdcnllro thm they have «»at up to tbi- haUnsn.. and staid au
hits hlmT
“*“* P"*"*'*^ »“
the mistake physicians often make in disgnosie. They do not alwayg-.no opinions tv ofTor Bt ibU time to m hour, moving from group to gnmp
"The fa.-ea of ibi-a.-winldv wi re be dvm-tor her.
look deep enough to locate the tme cause of the symptoms, wbiek
9Hd to the etBi-iciK-.v of pr«iecttoo ss a ami talking with charmlug roiw and strsng«-lv grove w-ithln vhe eddies of I-------------------------MMUe |>rudtti.'tug policy The reaulU brigbtnemi to ever so many todle. tolisi-en smoke. The lusn who read)
many times, ns with this patient, would seem to be a nomber of dieSt« aqnslly grailfyUiK in respect to tbe That ws. not much. y.,u i^. v.-, In ‘>*e l.ultofins chi*^ np and rouW tioi t N” ‘7*."**" —*•«»■'«" ««»««>•
„ ,
With Mr.
Ur. Beelman tbe cause p
proved to be doe lo tbe condf;
MtMiun of trade umler the prooetU . Cak-ufta tber .-an o..l rvn,ember wb.,
.PrNpIrailon w.-re water Und tb.-lr way
ich tbe waste materials were i
*wh»e .......
known as ‘'Jitbaemia,” in which
pntoctlre ay-aiem. While Import, are ' ever dU a. much at s ilrot drow-i.u
IMiKS)." i^ksngHl by the vital chemistry into urea,- but instead into the tnsoU
was pale
larger than tom yror. e^pondtog;
beforo. Tbero an- no, muu,
Istdy offe,
iwiHtitHrfersd bets ;iS:;%Xr;^i4"’“vror-^ Qu-ml.y
urates and one acid which tbe kidneys were nnable torradily
With the I
in tbe system they ennsed
ar our people.
-^ru^rodr-riy-' eUmmate from^he bl^
blr For Fire Insurance Good Sieighing
......... J.rsJrS:
JtlMlIaeL Ttoen.
John R. Santo,
tiiiril liuriiM.
Geo. Cams,
.i„.4»,v tao.»«*r .u.
We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
jtaj,«.So.™.-. ,8»i ™ .b».
,ta r,T.8.„ Er;u“i'Si,v.'''iir:;:i.',,rc
~ An Interesting Casel
*...........................t-bdlttoma. toe ex- i the tosdlug American l.d, to B-md-,. "w^.* alV-^be
’guDIvartri- *■“"»
------ ----------"J ran say thai l think br. Know is a very sknifnl phymeian. My
(1 and misses -dead silence •
'<> «<> »««
suit, third of 'be wsy around Ibe equator health has not been good fnr a lung time: 1 have been in the hands of
I. prove coocluaively Ibft American «ir^ iw ,>alcnrtr. and In that eliv al«. ««■* «he plsc
lufscturers Bud addlUubsl sceesa to ibviim no \taeeirsu buslnoro man to *^Hk startling di.ttoeiDcss tbe despnlr. -1—11- and
on thee ebair
• ^---------------------- -----
froH ondue roa>|ietltloa In tbelr homo c
■arteta. It to tbe development of domaotlc loduotries under protectlob |
wbjrti eocvutngro ImprofemMU for |
•I of product:'tos and makco I
ttooe domrwtle tndnatriea better able to |
■aMpaH. «a auny Hoes eff goods into <
Wtdeb maeklnery metboda largely on>e w«
Tbore are no proopeeu ct ebaugro to
tnatnma cr revenue taws daring »be
aamtoff sroshm except perbaps oome
Mtoor ModtflcnHoaa to tbe war reve•ns act. not toteaded to rsfloev tbe val» Improve tbe
e froturea of tint aeL
■>w tbs Fwessm Prof,
♦nmero who ohoerve . that *'tarrtfiarlal floe Btodlam seosro4" wools are
now worth ao cents a pound to tbe
IBew Terk market agalnai 90 cents to
nsfi under tbe Democratk- free trade
tariff tow. and that -X% Ohio" woota
now Mag 92 cents to tbe same rarkri
■01BM 1« eanu to UN wiB Bot affvtoe
fltoffr Dsmocratle frieBda to aMkB Ikt
luMB giTt-s BIUI VTV tsfnraii
4- lasr
—1— iii
bee mother. Tbe isaltlqii abe uiad.bersi-lr to flee weeks U best slmwn
by tbe fnit that all white .-Ib-l.-s in
India were sh-uttog her pralsew. wlici
anddemy abe fHI UL aud a glouai that
. .
—.— ---------- 41.1
-..:-T:i.VTrri.8^i?c r,
,dala ss a
k-ila .-smi
band for «ilc^«v“^t^ih ^tore^wa"
k^hlRg hui
»ui sileure. the man on the
rtiab’. kls eyes giiBteoiag. aaid~ with
K.. w. s
tbe Nelson .^smo were lo-tebed on I..,I blood to mv head, and my bead ached and felt very rnneh diatrMsed.
“**• >«"»«»“«"■ »«>«•
>1^*^ My
very bard and Munded. and thumped, and I ooald
guardsmen ronld not Join bands hardly breath. My atooach and bowela were very tore and aometimM
arooad Its
It. base.
there waa (he
- mostaevere
vV then
in them, and all over my body,
very constipated, and my stomach gave me a KTvBl deal of troobin
' In fact, our aea of beer would flrot ▼•‘ty
My food would not digeat and my appetite was very poor. I cobU not"
tp at night, and I do not believe I would be living today ,if 1 had found help.
consnlted Dr.
Dr. Boow
Boow and
and hs
be gav
gave me medudae tkat
etaild to toe world; Of nroi ^,irit. «« iO““°
“«P- »I consulted
oo ^|. made a gieat change in a tew
I feel tkat m;
V daya. I
my health now ia very
All tbe old symptonw are enred and I fee 1
■* well
” If there are any, who, like mynelf have triHl otbri
"Tbe man sB tbe ebair fell with a aou.UKh If ptaeed five fed apartt to atroog
etroog and
t the erasb au4 was carried om tola the throw a spirituous girdle arenad the
------------ ‘
name McKtotay to r
earth at tbe equator. If we add water
ot aemted waters to toe ratio of
-Mae^ to «ro«W. for tbs Hehres !
to one we have dOnted stHrita eufllword -Bea.Ktoley. ortglocBent to allow ten gUto to every saan,
nay -KoBley.- Is a compomd of Um- ’
wemaa and chOd (abolt mbco) to tbs
Hebrew *Thtoen." priest aad -l-eri.' '
rmted Kingdom.
tbe Levlie. Alger, whose wme-a flrsi **"«•»«»• ’«•'»
MakesaapeeialtyodaU ArunSe dlaeaan
ever lookrd tolo bto dirtlonary for tor tbe striped
sbin fnat as be bad
...,__ __________________________
Tbe grero exprerea of tha aute of dl-ensoa of woman,.___
tbe .eye, oar. aeaa ai»
______New Tort
taterptrailoii «f a term of AroWc ori- _________________________________
tvOlled for ttojoortb time, "that
to the year
** *^'***- ^ ^
fflB, probsWj hehMigs to tbe Om- thunder sours milkr .
eeanpnted. aaoout to f2ajB0.000, of
gboraltro. on# of tbe chief bnnebes
"Sometimes M do.' replied tbe «U which naarly 10 per cent wlQ bs ascaf tbe Levltes. pan of whom were dtotbe far and of tbe table, fsapy to nay tbs ds^ eddepan.
paaaad wttb tbe tom mbs, of tore^
nay of It » wb^to M or to
■” DR.G.H.SN0W, '
OBm Is BinlUaB*BimkAa Block. Oooo Otmt SatnsM
« Am
t » at lb*
a a iTfll aiivwD clUitru Vila
•■Xaagi ta tbe "taabitmaUie- cteat tbe'
i^ini - of a lailuf’a UU reTcakd tba I
jMkx that tba luaa waa poor, bad .«
and ao
of sappon aud |
d naoyblUa. Bealdaa tallota. abue**» “d kotten; be ovad Bua^ la
Ufary aulde Wpwa.
riicfe^ ablrtuakm.
Tbla la a rrrj toncblos aad tnatrortof nai brisc drcaanj for reallj viBMr ,A CaM*a ■Hial Oatm •> Jewalrr. let-larlJrni la tbe Ufe Of CfcliA. Tlie
wt«tbar. wlib all U>e o«r«uar7 wansA
tad Prmrtr BMb-«itcaai atanlfM’r'iua «f tbr pour wotnaa'a.
aupplM an<l w rtrrrtlf dufulMd that
th* aridv'* Uaikev. lofe la tuortilDa 1B ibeexTre(B*.asd tbe
It la not aaapxrit^. Tlirrr ara latarltB■ at Cbavea t;MMaaal«a.
happf v.u> lu irblvli Ctrtlal uard bar
WmUiDfa <wne cm at>acv arlib Jaaa- aet to iiti'-b tbe DiarlM^'s aa ltopo^
JanBt7 tlttlr bul.
lUaplAjvUii «oa<kTralaLtU
alone the hrWe wba
little quIltMj mil
«*emeaib. t'ar n*w. aalna they are mtwt be Oily cIoUkmI Cor the occaakm; '^-aiue.1 lo tlw ^le of a Pbaiw A
of baby Utub and rety abort are bat ber awtber. b.alMWra. her coua.
womno wboee ala> tie bad aarb« hoeat^^ a ptamiwalon at Ute w laa asil ber auota. uot to meBrion tba. ouowl co.-.-. with a boi trf cdntaieiit
fwate Ihjeiieral. and tl.pa. of conrae. aad luui liiiigly anoint* Hie feet, waabfixnre
wbicb ftrea tlw atyle
> to a wla-.
hrldeamalda. wboae ap- M tbein wlib teare. wl{-«* tbrm with
|.»-pMrance le arcoud la Imimrunrc- only bar bair and kleaea tbew. Tbe PbarlA*wSi?bIrttb^^SuoTrt«b^S ••
couiplained. aad la auawer Jr—
tbtrr.L.rj2 I, bSS
tSStoS *«»> •
cmniiwa. -Pok- »» tl» a pawble l» wbicb Ba
uoe at
a iatfeai bUla atfilan tbe
■Bfrat'iiel lb tbe eeurae of
..»aaa at a pr«
I ap Iowa
l£“lLtrtoSri'iSb Tblle t«"fiir!'lS. ^
b^ bin t. fo^"0 H/tb™ pointed
eorera ber foan. »o aaye ine new, —^ »tad been forglrea. We
We mar
may leam
Toi* Ann. ftwni which are alao rwueo.
“Too Boat bare bm bnof ap for a
I with fftmoa:
tbe foUowtnt llema of faeblob:
M of tba
j L A lamaoo forrlreoeoa Tbla woThere bcb to be three fiadM ati
I man bad ainned much, and yet otie wa*
^ta fowb* tbU aeaaon. ooe very plalb j
' fonrlvee. It b thoa taught that tba
forglrtmcMa of God ran be manifeated
*VocataU." beaaawecad. That bill and aeref^ tailor wade for atrlHIyi
^ toward ibe very lowed <>f alnnera. It
or cbaraea aoo bb*
rtttcbed akin and ,
lipIIaII atowty.w Ka preaeot OMfaia' waa dlOcnlt for tbe Jew* to compreone of aoBe of tbe panel XInta ckba-,'
: bead tbb fact with all CbriM'* teacb__ _____ ___
_ ‘ raiely trlmiaed with embroidery at
lo*. ycl sfi.T Chrtafa aMtucloo they
—. bix bllU In a rwTauiaitr^
I rlolh fulpure.
did not coni|>reb.iid the fact ibai the
-U-^ la ibe tint Dlaoe. becanae we ’
love of Gu<l and the fuislvcacse of Cod
•aak apon men wb^ rame ben a. gea-' ln*«“r«tlur bowerer. and there U bo
exteuded to the puldl.-naa and alnnera.
mad U-.1 It.®
1 j Uiall lu la. varl.ij ol aVlaa aad aiadia
And do we fully reolbe It luday* Do
alaa*( rememher ]un bow tbe accoant'
wc iii.t ajM-ak of m.-n and wom<‘ti aa
to gneaUoo waa opeae^ bul uaually U [
boiH'li-**. ihua abrhlclnc lli<- inrdunlne
M doae In tbia way: Some day. after a
pouvr of Oodl tvi n e not look aakance
waa recclvia bU check, be acratrlr bla
at a poor wamlerlnc alnn.-r who tuuy
■atar aerooa lu fbet- and tella the waltby ebauce have dropp.*! Iiuo tlx- bouae
'I’ll pay (bla aomorrow: tt*a ab
slflit.' and then If the perMO In ebarge
wt tbe dMk mai4a K *0. K-’ tbe check la
prat «liL tcerv and aorraw. are we oot
*^anf up.' and an; aeconat la opened
alow to recornlae blu aa ibe child of
awUb Uie aiaa.
God> Tb.- Simona are not all dead.
^ owat tnauaew tbe nn eomea
> amoaLAXDWaaoaaaTOOwaa.
Let ua Icam Cbriafa leaano to them.
waddlDg gown* In general are cut in a
2. A leaaoa on lore. Tbla pour worna loved mneb becauae abe waa muck
undvta. She waa not forgl'cn befcaweeer. tbe oaa lotebdi to work tba
Tbe aeaalbb and convenient tad of cattoe abe loved, but loved betaiioe aba
Baait. be doea not come back tbe next
tbe seaawu b that tbe bride, and ibe waa forgiven. Do we lore mncbl If
Ar pad aetUa, bat walU three or tour
groom abo. does not wear glovea. tbiu not may It not iw that we do not realakga. Tbra be dippa la and ordera a
obTbting all awfcwardneai and delay Ine bow much we have been forglrenY
««Bdia> iBbrbeoB «r a oot elaborau
conaected witb gculag tbe ring Mfely Simon would protably tbink itat
•aPaaor aad aertbbtea bla Baae aerooa
opon the bride'e Ooger.
Cbrtat pm lib debt at a bigb Bmire.
cbec*. glraa
waiter a tip. aad
White ntin otlll repreaenia tbe pro- and often wr do not reallae tbe greataa* new Becoani mcelree ita Brat adTorbial w.-ddlng gown, but *rcpe de neat of God'a forglveneoa in forgiving
eblae. voile or any aoft allken malarial oa. la It net tme itai Ibe beat of ua
-*Vdl01e by little |be aecoBBt grova
la e^i^ly anliable.
bare been morti forgiven? Ifwetblnb
9mt oerarrby
by any really 4arge ebarg*.
Tbe dreoa for tbe brtde'i motber not. let na try to eee aln a* God oeea It.
wad wbao al laat d»e mao baa a Unit
rtmllengea atteniloa as a particalariy let oa try to reallae tbe enormity of
party wltbla big appeUta tbe
alegaat confection, exploiting one of ttal which neparalea a aoul eternally
ki llaMf to W *0. R.'d' becaoae
tbe moat cbir cffecu of the aeaaon In from God. nnd we can't help bat aee
accoaai la already oo targe that It
Bklrta It la of hUck velvet, tbe upper ttal we tare been moeb fnigivea
waaia be poor poliry u ton it down.
_ ■ ‘ ‘
'Whoa tbe aocorai baa grown ao
lo looi. love much and abunM confeoa and
Ifctgi that we tblob it ahoold bare at*
arrow poloia which flow out graceful- maalfeat oor love before mea.
dLora oowa o paom. BJim
•rllua., we
bead waiter •
a afdfwailon. TU cloth gown mad* U oeer a billowy maaa of white'rtlk
. . -gtre tbe
Bwvl ilv Bwmrau rich ta hlnam
Whtra brio* tU mm I nMd.
I. and wttboot t«<Uai tbe man In ao into a complHe ault no that It la warm
eoltet. Tbe'
Ulr aad Mib aad i»a<v p. i i lag
waay word# be b glvoa lo undwatand tooagb for atceet wear. U decidedly*>o<i\ea carriea tbe oame atrlklng mode.
Piua tU anaw't drira m«a4
caab would be preferred lo an tbe awell thing lo bare The fart mag •“** ■
ot black relirel wUb a
Itp t tad oo k-aw«
imaaagrapb. Dometlnrea llic luan lakta , prlim aome cotufun too lu tbe woman
oaprvy compMea tbe eoatume.
*bilr i«<ai Ibr Umli I n>r.
^ fatal aad otakea a paymeat or aaba , who cantiot afford an entire for Jacket ^oa** ot Ivory white rloib Imedeied
U>* I ■>..«( fm Bu>* londwa.
i«ar mare time and wlb na ibai be will pur U naed la moat extravapot quanfox fur. bate to match and
I’W ■ niitatk ol a»»™,
pag aa be goto, and he rcmalM a ct»-1 tlilea. of coohw. hat eerr nreiti eoen-prea. ni cUrmlog
ma euavu agrnxa
---------- ------------ bb accoant I tumea are made with only a fur colUr «•»«««'•» f'>r •lx amaH hrldeamalda
Have a "Ulbic refcrcace measny
generally be le*<
__ trrefa. One gown lu caitor colaad goM and
meellug." 1.1*1 eacb one recite from
ta aome other place and compUlna ired rtu1h"ta'ri d«V taprormlnk
aatiu, ver/detlcaie .1
memory a Bibk* rcfiTiure on forglva-tamut poor wrvica here and lo olbat, ^und tbe oklri. a wide collar aad re»"■ •elected,
arm or love. Theac cau be iDtenpcreed
f"«hlona do
-taV* trimI to
to Injure
injore our
our bttalncaa
bualDca. baba-; „ra „f
of far.
fnr. wbicb
Wbicb aloo
tiao triroa
trima tba
the adga
»fddlDf faahlona
—.ronrUla hrmu.. prayeraM iw
«uae be can’t tave wbai bajiaota lo of the iwlcnialae oiienlng al one aide
S»««>y. ■ few little vtrlatloni
»PI «»pnaie nymin^ pray
.aai aad drink for noihlng. Ula ac*coanl, r,.o .,nanlliy of fur uwhI la limited by «»•'■* oarU new aeaeuD. Tbla winter. “T‘ it«.diDira.-I>a xvlll 1 2' civL
.«aUawad we imt It oo the Hat wbicb ,..| ibU aori of gown la more aniubla
taara nanny good nkmeo. but we never, for carrlagt- than for mreet arrar A
----------------------^ uiu.uin.
trimmed with
..v.u .•
i» ...W i». uu— »». in.1.1. i.„d.
baa wide.
orange flowera. tiiougb a tiny
t» bare It known that they are. aim. and the Eton jocket ....
I oniualDtcd lb tbe fmahlonabla fl.rlng collar and draped revere of chin- Wt »• wHueilme* wore In Ibe coraage.
anraau tba following atory waa cbUla.
oairj prayer booh or booqoot r*_____________
U(we frntt. ThU U _
a very
A trelUt work formed of banOa of
and Indivldnala
I,___ A..
-atmt MMta ago a man came bar* Telvet ta the dlaUnrUra feature of n
dacidea according to ber
m daoger of nothing oo mocb
-*tarly la tba dayandaakl that ba would go«g m mMei blue trimmed wItb
Tbe abower boaqoei. tied with «• ^If contenuuent. Tbe aecret spirit
*aae a Uttla pany of frieoda to •npp«r
inppar cream ctantlUy
ctantlUv Uce aad etoebet
ceoebet butgj LaocUce-we
ribhona. however. U giving gf
are rich and Incraaacd
wdft Mm nGar tba ibeatar that even- looa-whleb may eltbar match tba doth
foaadar form, from ta goods and tave need of noiblngand ordered wliai ba wanted. UU or tbe lace. Tbe ytae nnderaiatb tba
may pfrvatl wbara U la not auapectad.
Jbawad ttal
that ba
be was unaccuatom-,
unaccuatom-. Uce and velvet U of cream ollk matUn.
^ TV* Divine warning-poor and
am wretchraS ta tbe part, but It U our bualneoa to
Oroebet buttons ara avtdeatly one of
P*«tnr»q«u fa*hloo of
ggd mUerabU-Anda little
ardara. and wa Mid that bU rnppar me aaaored revivau In taoblon. aad wa
*■'**" »>ridcamalda, lo addition to
wIkt* p u most seeded.
1 btr oarrad bll right Thao ba atb them on allk waUU lo a vair —q
ot honor. bMa fab lo pravalL
L« na not teat content with tba
' taMtawn a anm of money, mora than kaif ball ebaiM*. rawed on a little dudlfrereor* U dbrarrad ba- tbongbt that we ara taking an equal
k to pay tbe iblU. and Mid. nTiU uwee apart for decorathm. They ara
ot honor and tba Mb- abare with otban in tba work that U
----------------.—. effartivciy
_ . . used throngb tba canter of
being dona or itai men ara MiUfled
raatli Mva
trouble tbU
evcaing.: wUb oor afforta lu Chriat’a aervica or
stad want aaray. The tapper paaaed o,, narrow bands of alU or aalln wbicb.
i avea point to oa aa exampleo. Let onr
-taf alcaly. tbe maa's frieoda from tba joined witb'a barrlnghone atltcb. form
only desire ba m know wbetbar wa
’are bearim: aU tba froU Chriat U wlO■be boot asked for bu check, looked at •
artt.ttr bhi iraiu.
, Ing to give through oa aa living branchIK and tbao aaid graudly and load, There waa a good deal of art la tba
'.as In close and living onloo witb Hlmeatf. whether we are MtUtyIng tbe lov
—iigb foe all to boar, -rbarge IL* Tbe old faabloMHl door kooefcar. and It U
ing bran of tbe grMi Bnsbandman,
was a 'gntar affair In tba tyre' not unoanal to find them sow oa MndU
' nor I'atber In bMven. In HU deeira for
Mf tba goesla. bat tbe cl>iu«x-tbe order doora or tlie <lours uf apartmMt hinaaa
aaore fruit—Ber. Andrew Uumy.
ta -ebarge tf^rarwhalmed them, and 1 The raun-s bead or Uger*a bead with
2 dare oay tbe mga acrompIUbad tats. knocker swinging between bU teeth te
The Daaara o( a*U.
abjart. wbicb waa erklently to makaj a pictareoque form, and
ware tba
Dangerous as tbe devil U. daogerona
taanoeir aolld with bU gneau."—New ahloing brats riiInga euapeoded from
as worldly amnmmenu are. (be tnoM
ornamental pUiea of met^. But aa a
dangerous enemy we o/tea hare to asbell Is beard farther than a rap why
a boe aiaea Oaa.
j eonnter walks In oor own aboaa. Ttat
abonld DM ball pulU ba made artiatie,'
Ibaat are tlmeo. even In tba bem reg- for tbe majority will nra tbe ooBvan-!
lenonlag. nrtfnl. amoMb umgoad heart
ataliil famlHaa, when H becomes nec- brat bail In preference to tba artUOe
'devil, aelf. U tba foe that needs tba
smMary to dlartpSlne seme young and knocker. ArtUtic bell pnlU have baa*
i sabjacta
sattrrlog member of tbe botirabold. Tba- made. There U one ttal repraaeats a;
Tbe Saab
sataar aranlng an iBdolgtwt father coo- long, curved (oagoa lolling oot of a
spirit and tba spirit
rtbdtd Ibai such a time bad arrived, as grian'a month, aad another, more odd.;
jagalDA tba flaab. and tbaoa are cooMa B-yaar-old aon tad committed an ukes tbe atape of a twimed aarpant,
I trary tba one to tba other. Banl bad a
tremendons tatUe along tbara Unaa.
saiet af taaabardlMKlen and ibraataaad wboae tan
tall yon t
tVaab wbao yon wiah
ta itaMl It. Katmkee and wnrelnga lo ring tba brtl.
beating down hU carnal nstiira by hard
Mtaa la rain, and at Usl tba yoangntar
blowa asd tba old ben was aWe at
, last to about: -I tare fougbl a good
smim girea a arirnd apanklng. Half aa
I flghL Heocafortb there U UM np for
taoar lamr. after friendly reUtiooa bad
%oaa renined. ao older non rame borne womao are in pUla gold with very tea
me a crown of rightaooanaM.*'—Rev.
•a. Rlgb noon Theodore L. Cayler. D. O.. le Cbrtstlan
Mmd was nonM-what surprioed when tba Hoke aad dlMlngnlabad only by dalsUaonoda tba hour for tn«wt of tba awMI InteUlgencar.
tayaaraM mI.I to him: -Yon ought ta
To ba marrtod la tba
. wblU aftaraooa
tbeir pereobhU popoUrity. Violeia. Mm; waddlaga a
gle or donbU; panalao. margoraltaa, prorad.
wild roaaa and1 four Uarad rtorar-all
clovaf all
avtaty with wbicb areiy aallor tempt tbe fsnniDiiie aboppar.
. A tmega ■iwab la C^taa Patatlag.
temlllaf U tba fomattoe of dam at
la palbtlng cblna a amoom affect Is
Carved Ivory, erysui and Jade a» all
tboM Wbo are familUr With mO- greatly In arMenee la bric-a-brac.
deairabU la taadlng one Uat Into antaw oblpa know that, no mattar bow
tbe Moe Otar, aa to a Uaf
Tbara Ua stnmg tad for Outta oUvor
.«atafbBy tba decks may ba wmabad
ta objarts of art and lo tnbUwara.
..taarb la tba aaomtag and bow Utda
AiMk af aay kind may ba done dnrtag
fled Mrt In carved crystal. Ivory uid
Ata tay. airartMMi tf
**• ebony,
1 by means of a large
ate. Stag born U macb anad.
at algbtMl as atatmata Q
and Irideoccnt pearl oaaras to bare tak-, bruah. ^A Urge OBDCaca can more
tay af da« will ba eoUactad.
ea OD new lUelD conoaetton wttb aflrar j
s mu any omra
Wboa a ftri aflya mat aema «
OoM and pUtinum coottime
^ la pratty. tba maa prmit tm
Me la mta-B ctolao, whOa boon ataM j***^J.
am^ «g dlMgr.
affnldmtiadaMafBMariadarnmlij;?^ ■****
W ■mevT a* tba baa.
>*'*■ '• Periupa the
Iniiovatloo. Then ilx- bride IMS: Johu 111. 10: ilv. 23; ixl. 1&-I7i
number of brtlUant ncU !
9--JU: 1 Tim. 1. H. 13; I 'Jobs
op ,„a a„„ n, ►«.■*. «»a o»lj ii» m.iimn.1.1 u.
........... ............keitt
tbe path of tbe aiuatour (IfTemmaber
or. iDitaed. ibai of the profitiwV-nal of
ten la tbe dUbculty of ptuperty ahribbiBt certalb materlala before they are
aaluble to be fanbloDed low weartny
appareL in recard to tbU bnjrbear a
oi^ nonaekreiilnt rorrea
flee* BMue oonKlbli' »nese«tloa ______
wbtcb till-follnwliis !■ leAra<*d:
‘nUaoi«rtailoB ofaUrliikiiif. ur apobf-'
lb*, a
llora. i« caaeo-1
or fine flauneb are cniph>yfil la order!
to prevent futore aiKHtlug. euckilag or I
abrinking from imtn or daiiiiineoa. la j
tbe finer grade of . Ipiba k.i>t In aiork :
by leading boiiMW In brge rittea them 1
gooda are oGen aold warranted aa |
Beam ajmiigea. Tnleoa ao guaraatecd.
bowerer. tbe extra work aboaM not ta
paased by. To many wcKueo tbe home
maoageuicoi aecma too H<ky to be nn-.
deruken. fur the rraaoo that much of
tbe rich appearance of line, tandaoae
doth could be eaally Injured by care-,
laaa taamlllug.
BupiKNilng. however, ttal tbr acna>
leur doea not care to pay the tailor $2
or S3 or. wlint b far more prulabte.
nppoae Ihnl ahe la out of tbe n-acb of
a “knlgbi of the rbeara " Some friend
will tell tier that a damp doth must ba
Uld n|>ou the *cK.da and that then It
Bbould he priwa'-d
ia>-d Upon
upon the wrong alda,
She view* ilier billowy b.-#p df slT^ TrflWBrCB nitW
rhicb ahe baa unrolled
eight yanla twhicb
unrolled*». I lafeiSB Llif,
eatluiafe the taaki with dixouiy. for
bow e-an abe ever dnininn and preaa
cvdily all of that htun* pile of cloth—
for huge It looka to her aoxlooa eyeat
Surely ooe ]Mrt will dry long befora
the r«*t and tbe marka where the Iron
Mopped win ba nomiaukaMe. Bbe la
BBttafled that to oodertake tbe wc>rii lb
00 blnndcrlttt; and awkward a way CIlClIilullliQ**
would l>e n'urae than letting tbe fa^le
Best to be had is
Theo the Hert time abe aaka for adTica it la from aume ooe wbo known,
the city is at
for tba Unit loMructor waa metrty a
tbeoriot and had itever put Into pracilea
.that which aba preached. ThU tfma
amateur goea to worii with a bet^ unplea in window.
ter bean and flrat carefnlly dampana a
____________ ____ ________________
Urge abeet and neatly foMa tbe doth
John F. Ott & Co.
1 reverse City bmbtrCa .
even. Tbla anawwa better peiiiapa.
but why not put braloa to work aad
CUjr. la «Wa« Daeoaka
aainc rluibcaline ooroe nlgbl eGer dark-$
ncoa aria, when the air la damp, hot no
nlD ibr>-aicna. and allowing It lo raumln bauglDg tberefrom, accurcly faa*
tmed with clotbafplna. until tba fol
lowing mnrelug?
Tlia folluwlug morning tba aun wlU
al an early hour place the cloth In exai'lly the proja'r aiate for «*aay pmaaIng. for the material may tx> brought
Into Ibe bouae when at any dealred
eute of dniupD>*aa or dryncaa Then,
by keeping tbe unprraaed portion
amootbly fulded, ao that It will remain
aa damp aa U required, tba cloth mSy •
be Ironed quickly and anally and withoni flurry or nervouj Mraln. 1-ry it
^____ ^_ ____ _
and avoid tba tallor-a bin.
nlw^"^ Am^aT^
■aw t# Clean Olteloia.
Tbe beat way of keeping tbU in ordra
U lo tave it regularly rvbbed up with
beeswax and torpaotloe or witb any
good fttrnliora polUb at atated intarvale, according to the amoubt of wear
It roceireo. It Bbould ba dally dnatad
and If neceoaary wiped over with a
Pen Iiiqiiette Eiilml
Both UiM procasaaa ara abaolntaly daatrocUve. An oecaalonal mb orer wttb
000(0 aouTW.
a ^11llab and beoca to tbe Hving of
A ■!•( ta »ota Sayera.
It U a very good time to rake o
tbe library and bny booka. If one a
People wbo aril them. too. have more
time to abow and dlacuM them. IstbU
a new kUa? It U an accepted custom
^ I}pJl
In aome famlHet, for there U no use . Yrav^Orin thinking that tbare U any time of
me yev when there U nothing to be ^
bon^tl And books nre selected more Ar
JwUclouBty If they tare tbeir speciAl
Paety Peweks Par Uttla 1
Tba fastivltioa of tbr new year bring
dautrittg and party frocks for tbe Uttla
Ilere are t
Bow oGaa aGar tbora wbo are dear
Orttvalaad a
Have you never tbongbt. when yoo
have aeen Bridget uklng tbe half drlaS
waab from tbe clotbealine on *2>lna
llonday.” that pertaiw yoa might boe*
row a anggeatlon from bar work?
Than, again, era not clotbra left out
upon tbe tine overnight tboroogbly and
evenly daiupcned by morning? What.
better Ufa we tecognUe ttat a
and reapoDalvancM
... motiveacta
IWw tbf Oo™ ud m* «M «ata.
snii iijhi t taiiuf sj.
BAxnaD An pAny raoon.
taartng frock of wblta taffeta,
wttb floe Insartleo and lace
fBimpa of FYcata uluMok,
bodi of wfaita aMbsuMarad
trimmed wttb flaa <
Ota ■
Third Ye«r-No. 8M
Mmport thst WaMIt Army
WM OraalMd.
Mta tal to
. gtoi>MI>iii»I«a—«to r—fi»»tor.
Boan kaa kaaa i
Udgaatilk to pravoBt tka o
tkM to Ballark plaaa aad tkat
praparailooa to Bobwia aad KHakaaar
irtbar mullnaa will
f tnm UdgMBitk to
toaBtottkaraUtotoLadgawtlk latar.
arotodiactkagarTlaaa koUa oat aad
BallardaaaatoaaaaaadlacCoettkc aa
DkmomX Bm.UA in Xentsaky
Mta Bang. •
arpikUMP - Tbia
Aatlsp la Ototoaad to ka a Oertaei
Mm«, ■mrvTM', T^t Of*T«i Vm
Foraoaot to tba Toto to Beakalb
1 to JotaSag toMml 0M>
IQ resmic OffCT HT
latotoa. 4U. n-ru toOw* to ««• Bat •■tolna Bto AM tf Oaaaark
«nl toarvM to koU ttw bag to
liBtodgtoM) Baabk Vaat
fMto to LtogHtoU hM aMl • flaoto
«far Leatoa. toit» rafwt item lUtomakforVaartha-IUla. tarn, trhtagaUfMlgbtnU.toi thabitotoi
TkaMtaac laaraa tato tbaAtoiriaaa
I troto towlb Afrtoa Atokanador at Oapaahtgaa tkat Aaar
laakatlaaalradU Dtawkla wflUar
aaU tka DaaWi Waat AadJaa aad kaa
kg Ika BrMtoh «a tka ttto taaLFartkar raaalaad aa aflrBaUaa aaawar, bat
tkat Awarlaa kaa aada aogaaittfa to
iatolli aaa awaUad w^k aaxto^.
lar aa^
Vtoa oat tka aa«a laada to Um baltaf
toat raperto to graalar dbaator tbaa
kaa kaaa firaa oat to tka pakUa kaaa
aaaarfto. A diapatob (fOOi BarUa Cagtala aad Draw to a dakopaar Bmlatotaa apoa what fa parportod to ba
far Sonfbto Fata.
tka kaai aatharltg, tkat Oaaata) Wav
Viatorta, B. 0.. Jaa. tr—DataOa hara
laa’a toaaa traa araakto at Bptoa kop.
kaaa raatirad to tka UUlair to tka capUto'jHatod itet Iba Otnaaa faratg*
atoaa kaa a eealntottae to tka rapork tala aad araw at tka aakocaar Bika
a oe oaa to tka blaada to tka AdIttoalaaatotod tkat to aan kiMaU
Mlraltg groap kg tka aativaa, wko act
-r-r-i* Ball* vfU ka fewaad to raIkaU. .UlaHldthataUtotbarlr
toiat aaraa Tagala ii?ar. Tka maa
k troto BarUa glraa oat a raport
ladkg B B.
that a Ml^raat baa kata raaalrto troto
Fiatorto tkto Oaaatal Warraak loaa to Foragtka. aad kad tott Mow Britato
WUad waa MO aad wcaalid i.MO. aarlgtoOatokaraaa tradtag aralaa to
ThacabaaaeagrtoatiMto tkla. how- tka Adalralto*- Oa airlral tkara U
waa koaidad kg a maakto to aaUraa,
Tkara art rapaatod ratoort atatfag with whoa Oaptato Baltka waa aarig det^ kaatooto wkw
toalaawato tka gravaat ktod
Batoltoktoag anaaaalpd kg tka war aatapoa kg kla k
rad kg tka
aad kfUad, kla fab
oSaa. U baraa told tkat Oaaaral
■ata aad ato Maw IraUad aaUtaa.
Balkr^lacaaaaNto faU ratraat. It
to wkoto woca aat aad kaakad wlu
tatepoaalklato aoodito or dcag tka
kalrcaaad taaiikiwka. Tka aatiroa
aaatka ...............................
OBd aag tkag kara aolktog for pakltaaNotktog wBi kaowB to tka klUtog
ttoa. Itbarldcat^droto w HIm
itU aoM ttaa afterward, whaa Mr.
I akoat tka
Mpartod kg Oaaaral Ballar that tkara Fongtba arrirad aa tka aaaaa with kla
ar. tka Mlagara.
kaokaaaaaaara dfkttor aot gat radkg Mb
^rtad. dir Miakaal Blaka-Baaoh.
akaaaaltor to tka asakaqaar. aoM U look aad D>ada^. aad tkag, toe, <
aaUrw IroB aBkoab
Laadea parpeaalg to attaad tka daoatkswklu BMO rowed akorawarda,
oatog tka rUB tokoa boB tka Mik
dblaaial gaaratarg
aaaarra. Balloak waa akot throagh
TkawaroMia atoiaa tkatit kaa ae tka thlgk, kot tka beat partg rago
tka Mlagara, whiak, with IB gaa aaaawa to tka aatoatropka to Oaaaral
Balltr'a forap roportad froB Barlto. gtos, raoohad epaa water.
Flgkt to Bcaaofa BavaiBar Tkglor
Monday and Tuesday Dniy.
All books in sets................................. ......... ,5 per'cent. off
Standard and late books, bibles and cbildrea's. books at
Toilet Sots, Sterling «lver.......................... lo pei^ceot. off
Pocketbooks, StEtunry, Medaliens...........lo per cent'off
r(*Hkfart,-Kg.. Aaa, N-Wkat b ragartto aa a iwtVata la tka eaatraraPto
to tka GoakaUtto agalaBt •orwaor
Tbglar to eaat h',a trom ofioa, took
glaaa todag. with tka naalt la Gtoaktok
Tka eaaa to Vaa Mator. Dasoerat,
agalaatBarrg.Bapa^toaa.Ier tkalatFOBB HXUAOM CAATOBA
tor'a aaat la tka Ugfaiatota. waa daaldad la lanw to Vaa Mator kg a rota to XleUgM Maaabatorteg Oa wUl Baa
II to 41.
MigkB aa Largs Ordara
Tkb It tkaroto wkt^ikotk BapakUTka Mleklgaa Maaafaatartog Or.
tat aad Deauarata adtoU la aa aaearata foracaat to tka rotUt. tka Ooa- wUl begto thb wash to ru night and
dag. ThaeoBpaagbM a larges
kB to ordart akaad aad b foraad to
ma axtra tisa to gat tkaa aat Tba
faelotg b BOW sB^ogtog td b
staadUg. Oaa ordsr ealb for 4,000.000
WlU Ufagatta Baa^ HB Bratbar tka
to aaolera Tka Am ahlpBsi
Sat Ha Mas Ward Maas Ba Fbat
If,000 kM kaaa Btda, aba a aklpa
. - laUatad ta lbs iufmg.
, Wednesday We Begin Inventory
Bad thMO dipeonato ato not in foreo.
Hobart & Beecher Co.
Booopoporg to City Book Stovo.
8S0—BBS Front 8t.
Ha^ Lafagatto kaa raoBrad troa
kb kretkar WUl. aaa to tka Trarana
atg saldlBa to tka PkUlpptoaa. a hat
WUU wm hM werarau tkroagk tka
palga kagtoatog with hbdaaariars
far Oaka froB tbb eilg with Ooapaag
Ob tka arowp to tba kat b wrlctoa
tka ptoSB whbh kara base rbUad, hagtoatogwlto tka drat mmbpbb
lalaad Uka, tka plaoB rbitod bg tka
iPBpaag to tbb aoaatrg. Oaba, Japas
aad taallg saag ptooB to tka PkUlpptota. Baarg is proad to kb pBBaBlea
aad wiUkaapUMpralaaHaaaai
We'n buy aelUng bato. Do yon knew ot any better
bat than tbe Nawlasdl' We sell them. No nawar atyloa^ne
better kinds In Auerion. Priou! Ays, tbera's the rob—cloth,
ien fay we don’t make enough profit—hot we eell thrice u
many hate at half the profit-We're jut u well off.
Baroe Wroaght kg Banttog of Leoe■otlvo Botiar.
BattU OraSk, MM.. Fob. rr—Aa aa.toaor, AroBaa ato oatooetor ^
kOUdtedag at Bdwardatea. kg tka
kaiattog of Ika hollar to a loaoBoU
OP tka OhUago A Oraad Trank Bg.
$3.00. $100, $1.00411 tki On SlylM.
I Ntw Pair K Tie) CracI
l!M Front street
Fan Xaa^ kg B. L. Falk A Oe.-It!
OmplcU aad a Valaakto
Leather Shoes
for men
to break.
Petant LMlkan
j Store Will Open
About Tuesday.
warraa tad
a aaw
pair U tkag
The leader in fine (ootwanr*
' Ian Maclaren
Tbe famou Engduh antbor, writ
ing in the North Amerioan Beriew
on ‘The Energy ot the Amerioan
Peopte,” uya:
■'No man writea with bii own
hand, 1! ha <na dictate to a atonographer; no man dietetoa, it he eon
telegraph; no man telegraphi, It be
oan telephone.*’
It yon Are e typioel, energettc
op-to-dato Amerioan, yoo already
oae tha Long Diftaooe Telephone.
If not, a word to the wipe is anffieient.
With our OroAt
Fire | Water Sale I
Look Out For Big BArgninm.
Miller’A Store
at Foacl
.»wis« w
a Royal
5c Pig Tail
on every dolUr’a worth
Havana Smoker
of. gooda^antU farther
every time.
ThEkB what yon do if yon waet e pnlr
of our TBLVBT 6HOBB. For otylo,
fit. dnmbiUty and oomfert they are onAnrpAAAirt
They are worth f8.60, bnt
wn mU than fOr g&Oa Jnat rocAtved
School of Musie
■oxno of tho now oprlng etyloo at $8.bO,
ga.OO and $B.5a Ton Bhonld BOO than.
aatUlad, “1
Bolph Ootinnblo Jr., MEnogor
Tka aaw diraetorg to 'JVararaa «lg
aad Oraad Trararoa eoaatg. pnUbkad
kg E, L. Polk A Oo. to Datiolt, kM
kaaa btaad. It b a rolosa to »w
wall prtotod to plalo tgpa and b
aahaaatlTa to ralnakls
BealdM tka cbMlgad Ibt of aaniM,
rarlosallaB of kaatoaM, prtoaaeloaa.
aad dbwadita tka atotT. Maltkor kac
BaBatMtorlM.ata, aaoBptaU Ibt to
tka war oMaa aa axptoaattOB. at laaat
tka eknrekB aad aoebtba of
paa Mastlag of Uaaoto Zdtorarg aoaatg b glraa In fnU. and a Ibt of
•ptae kop. aad tkara ara to adrtaaa to
Boetotg Last Baaatog
rMldanB to tba eoaatg alao, tatbb
Tka Ltoaola Utararg soaiatg bald
aaopoaBaaitaglaataraatogto wUab wlMrlUagMsad tonAUpa”r
Tkara ara algaa that L
aoaatg. Tka diraetorg abo girM a
tka toaakan to Iks High aebeel <
OkpaOatoag. Oaaaral Fraaoh kaaaaa- aapaatoUg torltod, aad Ika ftdlowtog Ibt to tka BtrMB aad arassM of tka
t praaaat: kapt. U. B. Bctb, Prof. eitgakowtog wbara tk^ kagto and aad
aaadad to gatttog to toaak with OoaB. H. Eldar, Prof. M. A. Oakk, Mlaaaa aadfataWBO Ibb to tka ellg aad
Boaldto, Atkto, Dowalito. aad MePlata to datafl ato aa Uprerai
LaagkUa. Otbar todg rBltera
orar aagtktog TraraaM Oltg hM star
Of faraaa whiak la kallarad to ka tka
Tka pragraa wm rariad aad aatarjioawl work lor Urd Bakartk ptoa to
tatotog, glraa M feliewa: da oratloa
aa 'Ufa^ WM rMdarad kg Hairag
Bcrptagk paparo da aot throw aag Tripp, fallewad kg aa oaoag oa “faaHaaag Ordar laoaod SaptmikB BGtk
l^t oa tka agatarg to dpioa kop. aad
aa** kg Marakal Prtoa
Bataraad Bara TMtardag.
- aotartktotoforsaUopkaakaoBraaak.
Uab EMmU tub taad aa orlgtoal
atarg aaUttad. ‘*Tba Two Aatkara,’'
, wkloh WMbtotkaatoMoato datalla It la. how- ' wkwk WM maak M)egad.
aot peabkto to tor* aag alaar
Tkaq'aaatloabon wm aaat apoaad oaad KaptaBbor tOto to Mn. Marg Kraratt. Mrs. Brsratt boaght tka ordar.
jadgaaat. kot It laaartato thataaak a aad aararal totaraattog I
drUl whiak ealU for At. tar tka parpoM to
■aa aa Oaaaral Warraa woald aot haca
tog aoaag to bar aoa wko had oaI attcatloa <
ardoradtkcoraaaattoato dpIoakapU
Ibtad to tka Usliad AtatM agrrlM ter
BOBkara aad abltera
kahadaothadrargatraag roaaoa
oar to tbs Phlltoplaaa Aba oast
Tba dabata -Eoaolrad, That tka
gheald Oaaaral Baltork raroraca ka aMladato Boglaad tooaid tba Ttaaa- tba erdw to Piaoldlo Barraeka, Aaa
atawloacaaltaowaoaBa. tka proka ,raalbjMtiAtMa.''wMgirsa to ba- Praasbao. knt whoa bar Uttar raaobad
blUtg ol kla raaaktog Ladgasltk kg ptOBpta aad it WM woU twadlad oaB- tbBO bar oaa kad dapartad for MaalU
aldBtog tkat tba bpgi kad kad praeU- with kb aompaag. Tka Uttar wm
tba waatora roata la BOak dlBtok'
r ao praparatlaa Tka aAlrBatlro ferwardad to MaaUa aad aakaaqaa
--------- -- kg Alrop BaUar aad raaalrad bg Mr. Broratt, kat awtog to
tba Brltbb to giaat aWaagtk. aad,
b BlrdaaU. r^Ua Mosm Ollbort tba fast that tka ordB wm draws oa
BmbbI Warraak tamlag aaraaMat
batoag faflad. Oaaaral Bnlbr Bag Aad and WagaaWataradafoadad Ua atU- the PrMtoU poolofflB tka Bopog aooU
EbMtoftotbaaaBa AfM at OoIsmo tadatolkaBoMa Tka }adgaa Prot B. aotka aoltoatad to MaaUa, aekara•mM Oaaaral MataoM did at Meddor B. Eldar, Prat H. A Oakk aad Mbs torpad it to kb Botkar kara
Baaldto. krooght to a daebfaa to farer
Altbo^ UdgSBUh b aaid ta ka totkop«abra
Tka ragaUr kastooM to tka oaela^
lBprin»t^~ -------------- akattog. tkara
■MtkaadoBoaM to tba aappig to Mpaatpeato to a apoolal Bsattog. FtoMBaarlg Batogfer a MawOiaia
Bapt C a Bora gars tU arttb'a
far 0. B MoMaoaa
■BBTTI------ aad laad. Maraoror. a
iU* la Ballar weaU kara a fataUg
PIBM ara katog aospUtto for a aaw
dapriiMag iCaat apoa Iba garrBna.
tweabcg krtak ateaa kaildtog to ha
aBaabag IB phgalaal haaltk. U b
araotad aooa kg a B. MeMaaM to Ika
ypabbtothat ooBS etkar wag Bag ka
•artogoBaak kanar ea Freatatraak
fond to taratog tka Tagala paatthB- OkBltokMUl M Btogkaa WUl Oat ThaopaaUUatloM ara katog drawn kg
7.000,000 Fast Tkb Aaaoep
•IgMT froB tka Aaiaa Bobm Bda ar
Aiakltaat F. B. Maera aad tb«g wiU hi
lyftBBadliaaiattaak froB PotglaiOkarUa<s mw bIU at BtogkaB b sow rapdg far kids to akoat a BOatk. Tka
prkdrtft Oaa mars aHart apg ha rmaatog at faU Wist. Tka legiara kaOdtog wUl ka two atortaa ato koaa■f— pt OaliMB. wkaralhs Bob toft katog haalad at tka rata to ^oatM.- PMat ato tba whole wUl ka aaad far
dkg tkaraia 000 lost a dag. Tba toga ara batag tbadbplagatootorBgo to goodebaaptkwharaiatotgk
koagki at Oodar, PreroBoal ato
dUdbgMr. MeMaaoa Tka atroetara
wUl ka
fast wlda ato 100 fast daap.
areaad Oarp Uka Tka iiaiap‘i
WhOa pakUa attMttop hM ham win kaakoat TAOS,«M Am! aad Itta Ika Bstarial b new katog keslad te
Abatoai alBool aaatooirtog to tba aapaatsd that tka bID wiU m aatU tka kaildtog. Whan aaBptotad It wlU
MlaatbA kt Ladgaalfh aad Ballark asst Dsaankar. tWgktag b rorg goad
a nto a ralMkla addl•tM to rallava tka olig. tkara kara at praaaat ato a aprtakUr b katog tian te tka krtak kalldtogo aa Iba
kaaa iBpartoM ptoap proparad kg aaadtaiBprenIt. UaaMto a larga
•mmbI BskMta aad OCMral Kllaba
anew faU a Am patost mow ]'
WooA BMm* ntsoM.
ppdwhftoaatktogbbaowa doEsJ
HMgkaapaaaad that a Umam
•top BID ba aaia aptaat JahM
aad PfPlatto Md thraath tka
Special Clearance Sale
DalaFod TtaSa oo tba Bara Marqaatto
Yrauadag. '
TwaaecMaptoAotoga^traasea tka
Bo MBqaatto road gaatordag. Tka
aoatb koBBd trato wklto B daa kara
OiM waa daltgdd aaarig as
r bg aa aaeidoat at a prlrato
atog Mar AMm. kg wUab eao
■ waa kUlad aad aaotbar kadlg
tojarad. Tbs drlrar to Iba toSB waa
torowa a fiaaililBakli dtotooaa aad
kadlg ahabaa ap. bat Ml sartoualj
At Oaadcld. aaar BaUwto. aagtoB
Ho. II aad 14 waradBaUad. Tbsaorth
koaad trato daa at ItiCO waa dalagsd
two hoara kg tbs aeotoaet, aatU
ihaa^rtoeaaoaUkapat'oa tbs rails
' “ST'^i.r—. 1-bu.M !• iu«
Front Street
*rHX MCffiNlMG XBOOSft 80NDAT, JAMCA8T », 1900
I tlto* Satoraaa• ■Mt^Baa
•ra a**l*** Saa* KaMaato* ftaa*i
Bar Om» ^lan.
a*MM taMfh* Maw
Waannawod to Baa ftoBOl n tb*
ntoaadto* aotn MaatoftoitfOO »*
Nartod late to* Maatatoa lor oar
fabbto raaaM* Tbto la to* aam
Maithatlna ftaltaap. The Thirty
Cfthabtyad*tHaOiU. Waked aPlU
pto* paid* l**b»* a* to* tiaU tote tor
■aaatolaa aad at nto p. ■. of to* Uto
ba bad toat lb* trail, -by aartdtar
paMB. aad we aanpad to Iba toot bU.
Tba bey* »Mt rambUap feral
aadm i
aadaaptarad a to* be)**, paae aad
Qa Wadandap. tllb. oar BUlptae
paid* feaad to* traU apato. after toa
go* pea had aaeabar dayb atortpad an
awlnd to toa aWaapbald •ftbata
pnt aray. Iftla a pretty plan aad It
8*11^. t- L, D*a IT. laaa.
ftaiiar MoMtM ftMXMDi-I waaU
ttooBfb y*ar vatoaM* papar. that
wm Lafapalto. iap ft. lyMv aai
^paaU an vaU. happy aa* aMtnto*.
bat** armaat b* abto to writ* to
Mr frtMto aai nlattna apaM tor
tte* to waaa, aa w* 4m*I
■ tsSiMHiV
Mb* i« MMM to iMr MtaMla MM kaawvban «a an fotof lre« tola
#MWMrdftorlmeMM. M4»toto to*a. Baaiap. Baa *. to* ink a.
. «Uto raMMift ft*- • lafastrp anrlnA ban. at** a fa*
4 M«Mi • DMMMt to to* «*U gaa* *a< artfUary aatlaf aa
latMiay wfto to m aa Maaaabihi Wby they did aat atop aad ipblnn
that day I* nan thaa I aao taU. tor It
iMMIlyi iHf* koiy M «*M M*-,
W* Mt Baltaaf fir a UMla m- aa*Mtoatltaaaaat batabM I «aa
•ItoMMtUto* UnatM oftMlto. aet riflato ba* It I* alUatad arltom
•Mm far to* inrpaa* 1 prMaaUar Ota.Wapaaaa«1fa*ftat* g«*d ahapa, ■Map two non «b**Mofmpn aad I
MtoMt to* VTMoaMl mUm *< toa par- aa* aa ** van aaaaiaf «p to* bill ta ban ealy ea* aor*. Tba raM«f ear
IlMitofteKMra. TlMN»MM«rt*r- •aa 1* PilMaB v* aa* vbat wa van ■toff b*B aU b*«i ablppad to
af to*aMtolu4 ati^. WapantoaM a nlato of als plaa*. 1 ant kae* wbata.
. ttota*al»«Ma(cali*Mt. ftM*aiert*l •rnpbtffMa *f ton* Ipab ■bnpaal WMi, V* aaiapad n to*
ahalto. aad 00b. A. B aa« 0 ef to* U4 toat aipbt aad n Tb*f*day,. to* Itib.
iBfaatry vMtaftartoaMMtoa ilpbt in atartad book for BaUaap. Wo toft
|» iMpaaltol iMfaa^ m4 la•l«^ aa4 to* tfd artlUary vMtM tba toft,
«i to* lafktotoi* Mi to paralt to abMt M attoatoa than vaa a* “Ooo od to • oanptop proaad boiwon Baa
HeSUl aad Bao UDotoaae. W* atop•*Bto*niM*« toa aapawM to*, to* Oo**" to alpbt *sa*pt •‘reed" ana.
«pn)afto*»*Mto. M to* aUfht m* V* bartod thav to toair toaaabaa. I pod at ftw ftrOlU 00 ntootaa'to AU *ar
toaV r«M*t •dvMaaA-1%* 0**toUto 4m‘i toe* be* naap ** bartod. bat ■aotoea* aad yea bat wo won a tkrad.
ipa*bara(to*k*M*r*(aa*d to aUo* I totob atoach te pap far lb* atrbt dirty tot ef toltowa.
rnday. Doe. IBto, wo broke
toa patiUM to b* pmMtoA, bai It »m that*atoab
■aaaasud by to* Mtoartjr Mtabara to W* atopad ia •*«. UDMMae aatU l!lo a. m. aad Mt Ooa. Uwtn aad
lato b*«* a»4 aaMto. Tba c»to«r- to* aurato# of toa atb aad ton patted ataP at Baa La Ditoaae (bo bad paaaad
dartop too alpbU aad arrtrod
fW *< totomtoaf alUatM *•* tola ata^aa far BaUaac afato,
toroal fMuat win
M a waraiat Bafen *• toft, bnrerar. ** had a Maaato aboat It. aooa. Wa 'au <
toto*M«h* «oMd *MWrt to* *to* aaU aklrtoak n to* ■orator ct to* laaob aad anrind at BaUaap abnt
MnitouMtoaHawaMtoary to to* *to. lb*“aift*n**«rtodiaaeM*ba*li OsM p. B.. aaf* aad aoaad, rMnnd^irty
MftaatoM of to* paofto at toa poiu. that dap aadvaabaaad than aU erar kaapry aad bappy. Wa mtod all day
gmm toa adblaa of Oofanar Tartar to* hlUa aatU v* van aU pntfp tooaraool qaarMra,aadn tba lath
W* toat aasa ad ear mb that vatoad ow atothaa aad atoaaad ap
toi MB «k* aMaato VraMtlart atvad.
Tblatocralap aU efearaiin ataP
Bi««tollp. Ibafaaaraerhapaa that Wall, V* paaaad baah toroMb
ft ana* al daaaair vlU pa*«nt to* *n- Maaato pad van bat IH altoa traai wa* ablppad away aad wa ban ordeia
ftBBnMlnadtoaplan pnpeaadtof*- ftaUaar vbn toap epaaad tn n aa to braab «ap at 0 a. b. toBorrow.
Tb* trd tafaatrp vaa Tb* lOto VMaaton lafaatry wlU bold
IVnbta. nia altotnbar pnbabto.
>. aad 1 toUk wa wUl
ftjvaiai. daplanbto aa tt np ba, toat to to* toad, toa lato tofaatrp vaa
Mpwppatbapa toantln far to* varntratarurd. Tb* artUtotp *** ban a akaan to aaa aoBothtop oath*
. to* aMdtor paapto et ftMtaakp te aaa b*t«*n to* Ird tofaatrp aad leth anth Itoftaa Oaaaral Uwtn llkr* tb*
Bl—toatoMaatapnaaatto* ntoar* tofaatrp. bat did aet ban Bm I* TbM lafaatry. B* had tola npiMBt
Jpmdni BpM bp tob Oaabal toatloB. tote* aaball. for aa aan aa to* to- la Caka with blB, alao n a eaBpalra
wban wahan a raeord ofOTflphl*,
n ■*. V* alarwd n
raa afMr toavi. dnap aU tha Um witoOaaaral Wbaatoa fnaCatoono
BBaaBaal pr.)*atl*ae*lvfcnto* top aad to* artiUMy «•• atrdld to*y to toa faU ef Matolaa BaMdn. w«
ban hod a few tanpaa of oar owa,
Maaanto fta* Tbrk aad 1m **a
aadwabanaot ban wblppad yak 1
b*t I WU yoo what it 1*.
faaalmar'WobablUW- TbaHUprelaoaaaaru Uko door, aad they (toattotok aoy ef aaftnarMaa onr
vfdaa for toa aapaadUai* ef pao.aae.oeo
- iftM • to* laprenanat aad -aalarr*- look Uk* nbWM. reaatop onr to* ban eaa b* wblppad.
The Oatltojbpaii that WiU Ufay*trtoaBMd*.
■nt *ttl paratt of to* pawar* ef m
The Third tofaaMy wa* «MpU- to to dotopBktf with toft BaUaap tbto
a*itadto*rr*ato*t dtoarbt fnia M*
TarktoBoBatoaad toaaea to Obtaar* BMatadoa-toat day far pefap after Borntop for tb* oorto Itoa
1 tblBk, bat I an aot aar*. 1 vUl tot
aad atoar laha pen*, thaa prevldtor than tb* way ** did. Wa pat
troa tba oftaara. m tb* yea now aU abmt it aa aom aa poa
iir 4ln*t ibIpMMt by *atar fraMto*
Oarlar aiUn apn two Oraat Uhn by way w* do baatoan Ool. Bood of tb* albla
*■•*1 to Llnrpeol aad otoar ftoropaaa lOto tofaatry wta to ooBwaad of aa I raeslnd tottan from bOM tbto a.
part*. IftoaplaaaanaaiTtodoottoto M ear toat oapadUln aad b* haa praat b.. also a budto of tod Moratop
vUl b* to* rnataat «aaal watar way pratoa for Ctot ft. B aad C of to* Talid. Beeords. aM tbay an a podaaM I mla to* world aad It will aam toaaabl* Wall, w* arrind to tfaUaap aboat aarcyoa. It do** aa Bore pood to pet
ft** Tork to mala to* praatir* ef b* i:Mp. B. M to* aik. pntty tired, a bose paper thaa a poaM of be«t
li« to* fraawat poyt to to* Uoitad dirty aad baapry. for yoa Bay
aad Mtaa hardtaok.
to ao aaay took to ebaoo the paopl*. Now I naat eloao for I'm abort of pa
tonopk too Baida. The rin to klpb. per aad mayb* I ban writtaa toe
Taa Kntaaky toptototan baa paaaad ripa aad tooito MW. aad whn a toUow ■Boh aay bow. bat I waatod to tot oar
lallBdaUbantlaaato toaelaetloai
400 yards toreapb rMa aad bbO. trioada aad paiaato kaow that v* an
Mat laap «aeaito to pbn a la* Moktop wadaa arsaba aM atlato rioa paddias, wall, happy aM amtoatad. It will
»t a ■tad—aaaor ter wenaa to **ar to
t ttraabtoiMk Wa raatod
probably b* bom Um baton we wlU
Mtairat hatt wblak obatraat toa ▼!*• BaUaap aaU) Baaday. DaeeBbar
pat aetUcd to aoM etoor otty *o **
pfto* alM*- Wkila to* aaia of tala wbaa w* atartod eat apato for Maaato. IB writ* to ym all apato.
bady ralaUn to to* prepeaad oa* _ arrlnapabnt 11 a. B. W* toft Maa- Bat nMBbar If v* aaa aot writo
adftenraer Taylor ai* aaab aateto- ato at t;M a. m. oa Moaday. tb* llto. V* aaa pet oar tottora Jmt tba aaaM.ae
Mtoaaaaan froM lennef Jaatlea, to* aM narabod sador oenr of darkon* Mttor whan wa an, at mraddramto
patteoMaptoaiMofal ofblpbboa. ■a aaar a* pnalbla to Bao U Oefaoas. tba *4M old totop, wbatbar to BaUaap
•PM by todlaa wbe *wr toaa to play aM alaatod tear of oar Bald paaa. Tb* or SOB* ptoe* atoa.
baaan will aaat with peaaral appreral
wba aanB wan atotloaod oa toa Oood-by* for a abort tlm*. ProB
toft flub, toa Btotonto tofaatry n tbTM boy* to Wa* aM browa.
•aalor Claao •eetol.
toa rtpbt aM to* Third tofaatry to
LarAvarra. FaAuca, BeBorui.o.
Tb* beaaad *ap aealal to b* plm tiMk WaaU lay dowa. with ordan Oe. ft. Ird U. B. lataatry, MaaUa,
by toaaasloratoMof to* Blpb aaboal to do ao sBoktop or talktop. aM wait Pklltppto* Ulaad.
at tba old ft. P. baU tofaem* anatop far fartoar aoBBapd* aM dayUpkk
ariu bayead doebt b* a nry plaaaaat TbaartUlory waa aboat l.too yards
Buokimto ftralea Bair*.
aftalr. Piwpanttoa* ban ben nada froB toatop *f Baa UDatn BO'S bin Baa world wide taBr ..
|m faralahtop Pa* ntartatoMat aad wban to«y ban aoM nry pood aom It aarpaaaia aay eibar aalva.
a ^y aoatol Um. Tha pnaaadi »U1 VaatoM aM w* won aboat too yards tottoa. ototBaat or baUa tor Oala,
Bora*. Bell*, Born. Paloaa.
b* far tba btaUt of to* Aaaaal aad to fmt ef to* paaa. W* amid aaa Ooi^
Blarra, ‘Tattor. Balt ftbmm. Pofor
lb* aealal. to wblah a paaaral torlta■ - ■ “rto Braptlma:
Ooe Ooos aaorlap areai
Mm la aatMdad. wlU doabtlaa* ba waU UpbB bat aeald aet toU what toay
I paaraatord.
nto aMB ft
dotop. Bat jast as toa pray
•traaha of daw* saato, the ortUlary
CbUad letaatto.
ft. 0. Uad. wba ha* doaa aftolnt tat toM ban Ik Tba way to* absUs
erar as was a alphk Tbn to*
wart aapaataref toa dwadlto Latoarpa abanb ban far a aavhar *f Matba tofaatry pot to* order to Mraaaa. ud
pad ba* Mda May triMda dartop hla wadUUwltoa yaU. ItaUyeawhat
faaldaa** bartk baa aasopiad a aaU ta It la. tb* ftaartsaa* aaa yaU aa loM
lb* *bBfto at Tatttt aad *Ul lean ban as aay etoar alaaa
Iba Pnt •< to* weak, ft aaU h*a baaa Tba top ef toat biU wm n awfal
aalT-^"* kp toa toinb ban to Bar- leobtopplaoa tbay bMbandipttap
• of tha
Maaa CblllaM of >«to, Pa., who la rid* pIB aM tmtow. aM aaektop „ See the ibu
pppaotod to arrtn to a la* day*.
rin tor brnbfirt. bat tbay did aot # £toa Lifeof Bartfard<>tbey
atop tor aay of it- W* npfro* two f are wisneia. Batoa tha oMat
Praia IB tftaOigr.
torn etooBa. aM bartod MM non (i Mtiafaotory.
W. H. Doftaaay. to* pertnit artMt.
ftaralait aaMaurat miMv, Bartak lootn oarMda. (PioanldaBb tbtok f We alao aall their aoddent
T0o.b.*tUba at tb* atananrpaJ- rba* I aay -w*- toat 1 MoaaVByaaU ft atod bealthpcdiotoa.
pba*Mtortor**day*Mly toZUnr aMaoM otoar fallow, laaob UM S
trtlaalar part ef to* fttoartoaa arsy.) ^ H. L. ft Oo. Block.
, Ithaab*** dHaoaavaMdrapaatadly Part M too artUlary wm loft at Baa
U Datoaao lor a paard. aM to* rMt
£Sca MiStrto?*Mtt‘oiM?b!iS*{ otMWMt n toward Baa MaGOl.
two Mtoa. aM ato oitr ^obk•MdnnteratMp. JihaabMaaMU*
«Blt«Mlr»Madp tor that dhaaaa. M.
He aeed taUtop what It waa.
T. ruharolUearv. W. Va.,*ai»n for wa aarrtod It with M aM w* bad How to tb* ItoM to ban year BfayaU
Paata *bat baa b*w nM areaad to* avoapb nf Ik Tba rapatoraMdlar aarar nBiaiaaladeMatoaiM ap nedy far
SSo bbn h* wrtM*: “I ban oaad
pea* batorry.
flbpabvtotob Oearh Baw*dj '
WaarrtradatBaa Meom abmt Itoo Free Storage All Winter.
m. n Mowday. tb* llto, aM ant My work aaa aetbakmtaM prton
Monl Uwtn aM hla etaP, with tba
aM pat i» prleaa ^
TbMy-dfto retaatoar tofaatry. Tbap OaU
Ithnaand to* Un* of ear el
Ball •phowalU. lai. Wertbara ‘pbem
------ - ------n ITbM mm
itoM to fioB OM aid* «f Baa HMIBI
Mtoi*B.ft. Waltaadr.atl
aMw*aaMto faoB tha aton MB*.
OmbpI Dal POar wtto hi* alaP aad
:Mtn ntoiti
' lib IlSHMM
^ ^KoXtl^fl*^ baU
Taft* ftatw Md Bob Baalal bp Taav
Tba Toaap Mswto BadaUty al Bk
riaaali aharah to aabtop praat peer
arattoMtortbaaaalal % ba plnato
thaaaboMhaUWadaatftwanalM. ft
padnparWwlUoaoapy tba ttontb*
avlypartoftbaavBitop. aMfarthla
•ban vffl be fear pMaaa.
ftftor tba pMn prtoaa an awardad, a
bnHalalwnib*M}<v*d. BubMtba
yoaap IMtoa an aapabtod to prorld*
bnaawtototop faed awaapk tortww
Tbtahadowt ef the yeaap ladtoa wiU
thmbaoeldataaottoa. aM tb*i
awator tba ontotap trUltbnhadtaliad.
ftdahaln to tb* aealal win be U
aBttaaaeawt to lb* yoaap ladlaa who
faralab box**, wbe wOl b* admlttod
■«v Ink Oak
Tba waatbar baran aaanaeaa that a
aoldwanwlUMrlkalbbmtlnaurtbant dtotrtot with marhad aanrity- b*d
will omtteM .tor aanral day*. Tb*
■aew that to m tba prmad at pniiat
to aaf* tar a ttow at toaat. aatom tba
waatbar almk bM baaa aatotoformad.
Do yoM fi««d ft cbBftp.
bat Bolld
tbsapeefaa.pemtobto work m tb*
Sib tapa aaab Bcniap.
Sis WU* ian« Him.
Bedroom M?
If jott do,do not go without it, for I «in offorlag the
I good, well made hardwood bed for
1 good woven wire spnng..................
You can take the whole or aoy article,
just aa you like.
Slater’s House Furnishing Store
ISO Front Stmt
••lor I bM aaab a bM amph i
mjd b^jy
^w ttMjJy
«f Obsak Tbroat bM kaBea an poaittoely earad by tbto Ban^lma madtMa*. ao* aM PIOO. Brary bettfa
paaiastaad. Trial bettisa 10a at Jaa
O. iabMaab aM ft ft Walib dnp
Fire and Water Sale
tUa." OalMM Bl^a Ftoor Varatob
Dress Shirts
The Junior”
Are the proper tbinp—more worn than
erer—We hare them from aisM 14 to 16} {the
14 haa atwaya been a very hard aiae to find in
many of the atocka). We bare the new attach
ment that keep* the boaom from bulging, a oonvenienoa that will be folly appredated. Tbeae
are the bwt abirto aver mad* and aell at the
naitorm price of tlM.
la the new ahirt for “little men” from 5
to 12 yeata old. They want aa well made good*
as the “men folks” and tb«M ware made to fill
the bill. Made in white aad oedora with enff*
attached, and aell at 7&c, Tbeae are worn with
white oollara that cost 10c each.
Dress Shirt Shields
Something yoo abould have. Keep* your
Unen from getting aoiled. aapeclally when you
wear yoor “brnt bib and tnckrr" for an evening
call or an entertainment. The very beat of
qnilted aatin and aell from tl.50 to tS.OO
That's vbat ia alwaya foond at tb* *0a(verMl Providera.” White Bow Ttoft aU the
new afaspM, 25e. M'faito Clnb Tiaa at fic and
10b. New Ooloia of checks and itripw in the
Imperial*. Tecka and Oxfords peU from 26c to
$L26. One examination alvaye maane a porobaae
Don’t Forget
Are oaad in thia cold weather. Many
timw they’U prevent a oedd, and they'ra ao
handy to pat on. Hie **Way’a Mofflen** aell
fromSbe to $1.00. and nito made in different
eolon. We bare an ^egant aaaortmeat of Ox.
foad mnfflen that aell from $1.00 to $3.00.
That itY only for the balance of the
month that yon oan purebaee a $6.00 overoont
for $400, or a $5.00 one for $3.75, tboae $6.00
boyb overooato for $S.76 or the $400 ones tor
$200. The early pnrebaaer alwaya gets the
plnma and theae only eome “one in a box.”
Proper Thing
Save Money
In glovM alvay* foond hen. The light
gray* and btovna are ”tbe things at preaent
Unlihad Mocha meeta the popnlar fanoy-Mlla
And a dootor’b hill by wcniing good,
tbiok, warm nadervaar. Ko exenee when 22}c
get* the garmeota we’re offering. Then tbereb
tbd next gradM at 80,4Qi 60. 75c aad $1.00.
Swell Neckwear
Tbe Hannah & La; Harcantile Co.
X. O. •, T. OWnMM.
Item ««•»
tolto «to) rrttor alrkt
iRsmoval Shoe Sale !
■tasttaa BsM XrtM Bssatoc to *sskOtol MMMOtofMBUL
tirn- YtokMA w«n> toll •»«
Attbstoss*acs<tosl.O,O.T. Uat
■•sml grnama aw towt to •■4 KrfV s*aU^, lbs toUewtoC
--------------M Mwlaii UsiM
toatototoa«a«MMto «toU^ warn tsstod:
iteiM mfom »toto to rwt cw alfki
L- Dl-W. W. OoUs.
iOf«M Btj mat matmm
4 L.J^«ai WBfTCW wyltot
r. a T.-C. J. LsssaAsr.
aay to i«* bswvr iAs «••
Mtond vtoMssTtettotost Uvk tot totoOtol of Us botoUac wwto boto «. T. Obsrtto Uaiistos.
■MtsftbsQttoUsk Usok to
V. r.’~9U9 Tbsstol*.
Cto tow7 *»*|
1 tks fttwvl
I adjtoatof
Arraat I
risttotary-Jsaals Oartls.
i4 rstorstd to Fisskterilir rspsln.
•sod lbs
41 M«ksr« s rssaltor mU hss
toM ss4 BSMlsa statoto lbs Itos ■SaatocOa
aiy-r. 4.T. Dafa.
•fflbsaaassitoraf tbs May
IM tos a * V. B. fM «««f lhaii
Via* Barttrt arts himiwsw abto.
wlih Mn. •. 4. B%glaspa MM
B 4^M»
Marta Mrtto.
■Ml WMmb art Faal Ssafsa tt
r»«ltototto»Brt^ VWtortMartai apw haava w lbs ■sM^ols.
Mil «as asl br aasM awv^ba
Tiaisiss Bay asMr torts wiU fs
Thaas oaaaai wU bt lastollod at tbs
to Daalal MsMallaa^ Taatoay^amasy
M.to«artibs4av* Botooswlll Issss ■aatlat flatarday sraalto. U *btah
totol Mass lbs apart, art a^tostM las Mia JaMHBb latortass. «st B. math lU tbsasrtanars sspsatoUy fosaasl.
tosatotelM a«a«toaB la sort <
4b.tol Wart. sdtobspnaaBl
lbs nUNaa saaapsay apfsato*. bat ftorlk stoaolW Art a. PS. rtarp.
•aMIr issMid to OSUU aad wUbdiaw,
4 Os. bars jsat plaosd aa
aslblsvsaksaal tbstf alatoi avoalto ■dvflarMtost od
yobs, Btan rtarasd to Usbewi
onto dtoriay smss tar Ibair hata lbs la CbdlUae yaslarday. atlar batoc la
■a. 4. L Wl^ od Lapp*, la lbs
wttl bs lUsnlastad by • Mto* tba toty for two days, to boo Hamply
HPaaaw sf toSor aa art hairiooia. pptobpr of toi
Daasply art to attoad tbs Kaea '
itlpa«asar looktatt>»>Msaai a
tort toatas that this wlU nako tbs talborltoDr. 4. a. BoUIrty was to Bsadoa
past oass la aoribtrs Mlobi|aa.
waaksPrtblaw frotoBactoad to tbs
4Mlo Vayl. lbs ll ysar old daacbler
Mpyrtwarart baabsaa )bths Wiac
C. O. Torstobas foow to Dotndt.
of Mrs. Soils Vopl. dlod
WlUtoto AbboU bat rtoaraed troto
tn-asca at bar botos oa Bmi Birklb
AlMaatoa lbs Ba*ns baiUUac oa
Drtrttwbtrtbtauaartd tbobtyMavaslDstPl strasi. lbs toivsr floor «t strsai, of lypbold fs*sr. Tbs iMal Mlt ffatbtrtof. Bit wilt, wbo aowill bo bald tnm St. rraaols aboreb
«Uab ti sseapUd to lbs prMry
vltlttoc raUasbPOl. has hssa rtstroysd hrtrm. A Tssoday at« o'elesk.
Itfos to Tltot, Saftoaw aad Port Baroa
Bart WUbslB took flrst prist at a rtUfb »ta4 was Uewtof aad tbs tratos
Min UUlaa Uarlaad loft yaotorday
lbs bast aaks foratoa days' rltu toViartBaplda
halUtocs adjtoatof, oesapisd to iba oast parly Is OkItKa
THhoasoMssaad Boward's toraltois walkar.
Mr art Mrs. Balpb OoaaabUofPt.
Tbsaotolsoflbslala Losls Hiotna
ptosk, wots tor a Mm la srtoM daacsr
totkoy Itft tbt slV yntordsy. afttr
ipportod by a oonpaay of BapaHor
‘dsba Brows aaoM to Uaator fra* bat )aot bsoa asUML HtabdiMoav short rWt with Balpb Ooaosbls. Jr.
ssssllsosa, to Aldas Bsasdlst<s
•hatlharg aaaas days aflo with tans ui irotoaty bttontt btir to tbs rtllrs Mr. aod Mn.0oaaabl* wUl rlUt aaUayoassasloo aad slartod to bars a sotato, aad bat boon fraalod tbs UUa. otbor toa at Ktlanatoo. art Iron tbara
r«toodiM AsartssltbssapoasdUa
will c« to OtoMaaaU. wborsibty wUl
laUfoo la Tltotrk tbt tsa of fli.ow.
rttaad WM aitookadhy rtsstoo^
Mart by boat down tbt rivtr for tba
art anw tbs dsbisof tbs soutrWkflsaltk toareoto at lbs Mallby
rtlt Tbty will tpart tbt wtotar to
Mlao Mary VUsoa. lor tbroo yoara a
Boots bsltopsdersr aaoUstots art
ba^ too wsak to rlfhl 11 bs ww ta- •lattonry
rtMeaar; la Cblaa. Is rotoralac to
MMt Ptrry Uft »b* *»ty ywtorday
laUy haraadbstors bs ooald prooars
wbtrt obt wUl tatar at
ofutorts WUtsa,
------------Bs disdaflara tswheon' ^^bisr
Moapeahar dstloa os Maabar to tho
Tbs roTlrt aorrlaao bold Is Oraars MboUa bf that elWsasslltass-latbsllth ysarof
a Botlar od l«iay aiy. tort
mama Moato wsatto Ktofol^ today
as tbit sraalaf. Tbs to rsnUaforsDnattota
flay with
saWial totoal.
UabartBiHM art aoa Arlhar od
abtfs. bass btta addtd to tba _tUalio.arslH»walsokto« afttr tbs
od aaUdoIss art a stoatrt pawp. bar
shoiasrt roaosary ioaow foo4 8bs
B«trt of Mr. art Mra Cbas. Lawraass
waato torrtbls afoay troto
wbo tost OTsrytUa* to tho rossatflra
Prod Bolt, wbo hat boot U1 far aono
t tarrta.|i^. ^uio
sp tar trial at tba asn tins, M abls to bo oot aflato.
Sbayroat tots tba UtAUry ;of aboalt oeart to Labs Oty.
T. J. ttoadsiaae woat to Blafatoy
* tbsseatsatsotaboula
nr. Patobto Is tbs attorasy yeetorty tctpart aaad«y wlU bit lo faw gTtoit flito, BtSFbOptk
family wbo bsTS bosa rltlUaf tbora
' aod BpMlsb dsBosa.
AtSt. Iraasstbs oaaootProA Blebfor tbs past srssk.
Priose-26, 35, 60c. 76c; Box
prdD. Moors, farsbootito asocas. baa
■sato II.
» asttlad oatoMs of ouart by «bo g
. paytoc p flpo iart
-We bare lirt <|ulte an experience
latlBCto tin.
SI oor bonee.” taid Ptnkley to
frleod Oooylna
Yon renirmber ow
Prato lost soatral el Us trato
. lorsrtars arpad to be
lotoVfrtetron Blnlra art tbslcff
“IX) you iwan that yton cloaet
saia art oabono Isft tba track si tks a<>r« aad bs oo bart to wli
about the aUe of a dry yuoda box that
swltsb to Boys* Palls. Tbs trato nsa biy ‘<CcNa Town too" at the City Opera Is btiiU oa the elite of your dluloyastopsd by Jnn^ay. Tbsaoalhboand Boats Tassdsy nifht. wbem tbsy wUl rootur*
• Thafa U. I call- U the coneerraflrtofkt was switohtoc at Bobbtotaid- sss the bl* nolotsd organlittlea in ail
Ylri*. n. sue ba» au atIW, bat It naaacrt to yat aadsr way i tbt totsst soaft art daaoes, cateby airs toiy to
tODlebliiK Dtmil>er of planta In there—
lof to.!,. T-*--* Ik O. B. fron oar latstt optrat. tsven dltUnct oor tuauv onhliU. »»ut a lot otf ii‘-raALtralMraaorartbsPeraMarqaette aorslly aeto. wlndtoy ap with tbt Olunui alKl tblure. Tbo otb«T day «>■«
>venxl tliHi Mill K**rauluu>e were
toaatoaatU tbs ttaek wstdltaioA
Itrsateaks walk. A nlybi't fop not to
alive with Inwit*. Jtli*- asked a flor. be tolaasd. Popalar priess.
lai bow (0 KYt rid of ilii-n:—:
seotK. 1 tiicnn—and be told he
U,™.!. U«
tolmivo euioke was tbe best ri
pppor psatotato. bays sons swaafs
I _M. V-,
rt at Btoiabtry's Urart So «be t.K>k that box of eletra
Wild aslnaU are fairly
the iMve me for a fhrlMniae ju>
Opera Boa-s Taosday, Feb eib.
Tbs adlen ars of tbs bly
Bsasdlet't ‘-FaUo Bonsai' I eotildu'l KUioke tbem Iweatw 1 htd
tray sort, kaowa at tinbtra
lived to swear off eaioklnR
of tbe year. Un
-apAwkustboy wm
•o;r: fleet
Oon. wa«n'i Itr
aflnbattbt tlybt at i
Very." «*ld Mr. Oooirtne. dryly,
1 by baaytr.art played tba prtoslysl eittn in tbs aortb*
lee. \V.‘ll. ae I wte ea.vln*. Mi
• ■
;ara. art• ylvtoy
rtUadosaa to tbs pack will
ti»k lb«»*p ctoai
‘ napartoftbe Unllod fltatn to Paytt D.
I. told him to ro Into
to the blreil niaa-------alaaff bsUrt a naa to a maassr wbleb
* boart. batof to PorUaad.Otaroo, elec. tbe conservatoryI and aoxtoe
aoKtoe for an
Uere Mr. Plnkelby panaed. and Mr.
OocxTlM Inquired, "ind U klU the'to"**■
. .
! b> *> **«• T«ta. wbore they sreaasd
Tbt apprUtna of tbaBltkirt 0ol.» 1
^Id •t.i«k art wltosntd a ***^W^" anawpted hla Mend lefleototo PMt at OsfMd Friday art lltloatd
tb^ot aortb to Dsnw.aftor tlTriy. -1 abould think It probable that
, .aieb ibsy wtrttd tbtlrwty tniward H did. It <ertaluly killed the i*lantold by tbt widow. ItttttottbatOoto.
^ taootttfal art tbe d.xiore haven't pronounc
tbe hired man out of danger yet-**
■ot ballsTtof la MTlnyt basks, bad
n, Balilno.e. Md„ bartof trarplaosdbU nosey to tUadUd to bn eltd dariay ---------------nin.w.
A Ift-yearold girl, who died to Ki
osUar waU. Lul sanntr Sons of tbs
aas a few day* ago of bean dlacau
bUls bssans
art staek toretbsr
weighed Sn ponnda. At binh a
as badly that bs look fll.MP or $1,000
weighed but Are pounda
worib eat to tbs orebard art told toon
Tba State Sobool for tbe BUrt to
•M to dry.
. Vortotr OoMsl at
Most of tbt anw
Isyto Mra
LtBStoylsnow troo tron dlpfatberlsSlirto forBoata
BbI^ story, art alto nttirttod a dtad
Thorsworsooly tweoasnattbosrtool
rt tbs tom wbleb was to tbs Uto. Mo
Faria Jam. n-.«bMa a Maermn. art ao ftrtoar oot brs|k Is fsarsA
Bsaay wtBfoarttotbsboMa taatsbs tonssr OUtod BUtaseoassl at Prstdris
MUnttbat Mr. Goto had fl'lsdatQs west to Ctoarboaryb today, totsadtoy
*Tb« four year old dauybtor of Mar*
with Wlto art bad barUd It to tbs totaQ Iran tbscs IsrBsw Yorkoa tbs
tto Bios of BstUs Croek yot hold rt a
wAmit, ]nt wbns she did aot kaow. 18v FaaL wUsk -toft Hostbani
lllsinnisiKr art Mt off tbs bsib. lbs
' -ibtaprttbT— bats so atBsalta to aoon la this way bs atoldsd
nsreory ran toto tbs riiUd'a noaU art
4o«bt tba ttory as ^rsa. Sstisal toy
abs swallowed It Bbs la to a erHkal
1 doaan wars toart to tbs.
bMS after tbs oUnaab dsatbart U Haotoy a Great Mas oa (toa
Wt htT8 plAoad on silt it out price*
8400 pam of Shoes -We gird yon the
l>est makes only.
We osn SATS you from 10 to 80 per
cent on your footwear for the next 60
deyx After Ktroh 16th we wUl be In
a our new store, 848 Front street
Steinberg’s firand
I Frank Friedrich, 1
Thb OU Brtitobl* ShM Km
Taesda;, Feb. 6 BARGAINS
Aiden Benedict
liss Martha Beaufort
Bttoh aa have neyer before bE»n
offered, in Stein^nr*E Fire and
Water Sale, to besiD in a few days.
Watch for Farthor Aiieaiicomoits.
Greatest of Stage
and Scenic Eifects
toptobabls ttot ssasidorabis tosrslsj
,urr—* sroaad, at bs was kaowa to!
SXartltowsUtby. ^
T UST after ioveotory we fiod perhaps a
I thousand pairs odd pants, all styles, all
grades. These have never been in any
fires, were never touched by water aad never
were included in any bankrupt stock. It’s
snfiBcient excuse foi the prices we qnote on
them to say that it’s too much trouble for us
to find the right man for the right pants. We
expect prices here quoted to do this for ns*
These pants are piled on oar front tables,
plainly marked. It’s a little matter to step in
and see if the pair yon seek is^ong tbe lot.
Opportnnities for saving money like this are
seldom offered.
P. S,—We also place on sale at special
prices. Men’s Ulsters on which many sizes are
sold ^nt Bear these in mind also.
Mtitsysr Martto of tbs PIstsoa dray
Beware of •oboMtatto.
There are nsaotaetmrera of ■
'.foos*' wbo are tradtog^oa tbo .r
WUlton MlUar. Hrtoy thios nllss \tmmtj. HsssUs flrsboUln ot that tluaofOalsry Easy.
_aoftins1^- eaats lato Fastory nsdMao to oas of say other kirt. art
M hto tort rt wood Frldav
ff**** >***1 satitiaettaa. 1a tbats
____ _______ ^Mto-- --------------- tkssoayk. bead mp tbs BMstbroati^
I Imays art ylto rsUef
Old FssBto Mads Tsaay
! abort tea Tbs nlas ai« yiwwi^. wQl oeeor be fllsappntotad UyootoJ O. TI--1— tbt tolaaaa editor of art aU wbo tty u srs ptoaasd with Ua stotookaTtogOstory Btoy. te yroat
cm for atenaab. Uesr. Udaoy art
sals by 8.' B~ wuf^ aorredlemoa. AUdroyyittoeoU It at
yolflpaM yoaay. Pbr ysaim F.g. Tbonpsoa.
ttoapsekayo.________ -
h Bsart tooabto, Oaa-'
rtSd-poTblf^. It fMy,
" ■■
OlMab iMatMr Bparis
tbs mB
tor a eirostor oo Mortay, Jannary j
t7 Tbo Mew York Store. as»-»t
ft Ckb U tru^ *
tbsktoamtOBnlbsaton.| No roinedr equal* WaairER'a Whitk
tontlaa. ^ ftow a artoa-: Vorc or 'Tail Btscp f«- tbU torri___S! U bn woritod waadsti. bleart fatal dinaae. If Ukaa tbo^
wttsaadaaa IfSa toarsatoaa uuabto art to tima H viU eara
•rt tbo •osrifioe sbM
Clothing Co.
iiHG 8SC0RD SI7NDAT, JAN0A8T98.1900
»( m 9F TMi b9MlM
/««wr fTM/ft Ji^,,
tople, “Ihe Watohaaa “
AtPwliarn»t«vUc««( wrpasMn ' Horater
BaaduBohoed U a.
wrorttiM VtOdlacB.
ETp.-H.. l:tS.
I.OO* BM. bM kM* Uh
Braatephorrteo 7:00.
-n*«lHk«ra A*Bud M
Bwatec Mpie. “OAac.”
Piapar aoatteg Thaiodap poMla
I af «•««>
Aeordteiterttetleaa^Madadto aUcaawnaa aapMom.
«ttot Mta BUa
who Ctertotlaa tteaaw oorrteoo wlU ho
hold at4M Booth Doloa itroat.
«o« iMt rrtdar M ^ >>«»
•aadap Mralap at lO-JO aad Wod• 4taa»rfe. ■- T.. ho< two pwfoeUr ho
aaadap owatar at 7;M. AU ara —
•w^ofotf hovM. Mte OotM wm lo h« dteUp
tertted to tbaaa oorrteaa.
rmr. >ho oo««r oaiofoi
• ■hhMl hooltb osd dm hor «rlj I
M how •■ toraUh. Th# oUfMwt
ObUoo Ao «MT trhOo wrMNT • aoto
A wtiBio hoiigoh forohUdBortor to
' VIOBM o low «oro ^ «M
d lo tho dtr aim IMO.
Tho rolU
oplothotoowmlhoUdi« U tho oilthhofhnnd of TUdti
«lohh hot* hm pdiod dowo to mho
■ho ho ballt for tho ooHoa** fmh r«mpttaM. Thooo mp Ull oew ho«o boon
• Md am ooooiol (ooot dopA ootoldo tho
-watte of TUdte Ktook.
It te mrt/ ate roan aim tho ttet
•^OBtrta hooV UoportadfreoB tho DaiUd
rteUtoa. wao plaoad pm a Vaaotlaa eaaal.
SrldwUp tho lodo?aUoa hao woa
■•T. J. O. L
telMOtlO:W A a.
_____ ,_____ M II.
■raatef BarrHao at T p. at. Babjaat,
Thte te tha IwtBaBdar that Mr. Uad
waiaraaAtattteatteAlim awat oerdhdip tertted te at-
a at »:M m. a.
Meratef aarrieo aad aanaea at 10:M
'Saadap Bohool at U a.
■raalac aarrtea at 7 a. a.
All m oordteUp lAlted te thaw
TneadAy tlip grpAtPBt and most eomprpbpDpiYP ccUoction of Boupakpeplng Linena Aod White
* Goods will bP offarod At vary low prlooa—lower then w<U be quoted anywhere on gooda ot equal
qoellty. For the lest sixty days we hexe aeBrehed the merkeU for underveluee on eTerythlav that
le good and reliable for thia sale, end we have suoeeeded beyrna our expeetationA
The etiffprloee that preTAil today on eTerything that oontains cotton, llnen,,or both, la onpreoedented in our ooontiy^ history, yet we are pleaeed to annoonoe to an appreelAtiTe public that
our Waeh Pabrioa were nerer eo cheap, our Llnenc pepor eo beeuUfuL We open our store on
at? p. a.
CUb mitotinr at P:M a a.
lAtesof coadolten. for it te aami
AUaoabara of Baadapartteol ara
4*o«a«on«aB7 hao hoaa teaod to raqaaated to ho priaiat at aeralMT
• •pmte hath otiaB aad oloetrte
tIudiVBBhoid at tha olooa ot aora^laaanhai teotwaoa tho Ltdo aad tho
Babjoet-“8ookter Tbtega
at t:a A a.
:«Mrl}ra,Mtoate 1
1 bo te
attoed all thaoo aorrteoa.
aaaata LUTBBBAa.
III lUu i
Housekeeping Linens, White Goods,
and tVtusiin Underwear.
Bhao^hawbmod la too
Tuesday Morning, Jan, 30th,
inawhlte, epotieeeattlreorbeaatiftilloom products from home and abroad. On arery oonnter
are bargaina for the houcewife, hoUl aad rcaUurant keeper—a delight to the shoppei and a woadar
to the onlooker. Thio eront oomoo but once a year aad tho elements should not keep you from
paying as a vlait
•teO a. B., Baadaa oehooL
IhoyrorraMof thoB
---------whoat Ihroo Mlho afo toward tho
. wiirtekSSteda^aad a
watara to hpalaof tho frteoatro rootbarBaadap.
aoaood troot tho fll^m te doooribad
>hp Ooaotal Otte la tho (oUowlac eahloc^rm. roeeirod at tho war dayartaoat: a»«. A aiamrT. I
o of Hteth a
-‘MoaUa, taa. M. tNO-Boloaood Bpaa- worth atroate.
tah prUamtn, 74 oSoon. l.ooo oaUatod
Baadap aarrleas m aa foUowa:
Proaoblep at 10:» a a.
aaoa. U airUtea oaolate. ai wtwm aad
Baadap aebool at 11 ;U.
Preaekter at 7:00 p a.
ntoa te Bpaia jootcrdaj.*'
All mtertted to tbaaa auatlapa.
Tho Brttteh •xpaditioo afalaot the
o tertted
I te
> thaaa aoattefo. Aa I
•ritteh North Berm, hao booo oaUrtIp oaoMfaL Oaptala
_______________________ _ -haw
•with 1« Blkba, attar two dapa flfbtliif wltbpoo. Odbo aad haw a goad UaA
■ f aaaarp • aad «. affalaot 1,000 rahote.
-aaptarod two forte aad two rUlafoo.
Cbareh. Oar. Oak and Vlftk atraote.
hUw ap the robol BapBolao aad klUod
Boadap aohool at 0:46.
■or woaadad 00 TBfw Tho Brttteh had
l^ahlte worahlB uiOOAia
foar Boa woaad^ Tho raBalalap
Y. P. & C. £ prapar aaattep t;«i
wtU^oCthodtetarbad dtetrlot aaV
nhlp, 7.-00 p. a.
t aro oor^^lp li
AtPhUadalphlatho *a«m Maaa.
- daatari^ aotepaaph plaat wao dc
•ateapad hp ira aad oao of thooB- ■•T. Bach BwMOr. FaMr.
Boadap aarrtoaa
.Blapaa. Llaate Blaekhara, agod 17
Praaokteg at 10:10 a a. aad at 7M
paaoa te BtealBC- Bar hodp te ballrnd
nahoiathoralaa. Tho «ro te hollorod 'sudap araetef aarrtaawUl deaa tha
ha haw arlfiaatod hOB aa eror boated foar wooka of apaelal acottega
Oteaa aoattef at 1:41 A a.
Boadap aahool at 11:4i A a.
wr. A.1. •
BahaBaahar.m of tho ‘•oat^worth Laagao at 6:48 p. a. a at ^ohwdofaaaw
Prapar aoatteg at 7;M ^ aa
a eordtel larttetlea te aataadad to
at Akroa. O.,
__________ '
<W«cht tho ABorlaaa Oai
ho later■ado Teaog Agate.
. -ooted la tho acBptap. at loaot to tho
•Oao of Dr. Klara Haw Ufa PtUa
^wteat of parBlttbip tho m of hte aaeh alght tor two waoka hw pat ma
la ap 'teaao' agate.'* wrttea D. H. Taraw of Daapaaptewa. Pa Tbn’ra tha
'-aartal aotteo hw hooa tewod bp tho 'haat la tko wortd tor Uwr. Bten^
'MoBoad aad Ooodpoar Bahhar ooa- aad Bowate Poralp wgetabla Mawr
grlBA O^lteat Jaa O. JokBaaote
#aateaofaa aroatewt awdo with aadB. B. Wafa drag oteroA
- 'Thoedon A Dodfo of How York,
-awaorofpateateeB olapU tabe tiroa. Hitlea to Oaateaan- '—’a. wteboa
•whWh wlU rooalt la aa laarom of
bad work
.BhoatHporaoBb.latboprteoof tlraa.
r la that
W hte atm t^ owrpthiag
ttea waa aawd frea tha tra iaad that
Tha altre-flpoartao atara>lM botho ewaora oao haw tho
ioairtec te tho riadlap N tro^lpoartao
^llao at m State atroat, aop Uau
-«0Bpaap throo allot troB Warroa,
after rrtdar.
.te»A. te tho Baatteftoa ooaatp oil
•Md, wao htowB ap rndap alrhk For
BiloathoooaatiTOraooearaloodaa bp
. Baooo wao hart, bat
(.Cteoo wao brohaa tor Bllat areaad.
MO d Mittewti ter OttuTh that
OBtate Ktevarp
maaip will oartep diatrop tho
___ •ofOBcUtadoateptetalp dormaca
whote BprtiB whoa oetorteclt
‘3srti: ssuxr^ifii’2?-i The Nature
hw foU to tho
pea oaa pealbte
Aarlw frea tboB. BaU'o Catarrh Oaro
MBfaatarod bp T. J. Chwop A Oo-.
~ O.. aoatelte ao aaroarp. aad te
la worth knowing to
anp.aotteff difoeUpa
>4 aad------------------------------------ orory roadar.
tm haptea BaUhOatarrh Oaro
■ aata poa fot tho ffaaatea. It te
Am tolorMllp aad awdo te<Ihtede.
aarrtai ewr oaa aaaaaa ka
^hle.hp r 3. ObwapA Oe. TOalllaathar ^elte aad tko ahew
dM*l atead kardlp aap waar.
patfadI aa alaatag oat lOl tha winter
Of Shoe Leather
Waat BUa. Thh. tal
B^aABhhoBOyhaahaatra. MtO
iw mat htTMt.
White Goods Dopt.
Linen Dnpartinent.
ISO Yds Turkey Red Table Cloth,
for this sale only, per yd................................... ‘AV
300 Yds. Fast Color Turkey Red Table Clotb._
exceptional value, for this sale,
per yd................... .....................................
400 yds Loom Damask, H linen, best ever OK
offered, for this sale, per yd.............................•w/w
64 in. pure linen loom Damask, while the 36
sale lasts, per yd.................................................. ..
72 in. extra fine Double Loom Damask,
worth, in the bleached, $1.25 per yd........... * • ^
72 in. pure Linen Bleached Damask; never
as cheap^for this sale only, per yd...............
72 in. pure linen, extra double Damask.
bleached, this sale, per yd.............................. *
Damask in new designi; also Satin Damasl» in
fancies and plain, per yard,
up to..................................................... .......
(Napkins to match)
We show a special line of Art Oft »«
Linens from, per yard..................to . ^ U
Our line of Napkins is most corn* ftO
plcte. running from, per doz...to^*±
Special^ doz. H pure linen napkins.
We show a special line of l^eautiful Linen
pieces, such as Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Cen- ^
ter Pieces. Dresser and Sideboard Covers,
Stamped Linens, Cut Embroidery Sets, etc. To *
make it more interesting, we have secured for
this sale special bargains in Remnants of White
Goods to be placed on this sale:
2.000 yds. figured Curtain Remnants;
worth in the piece 12c and 15c,
per yd...........................................................
2.000 yards fine Lawn Remnants, worth, in the
piece up to 25c a yard,
1 ^
special, per yard............... ...............................• X V
The last call on Sheets,
each at...................................................... ..............
And Pillow Cases.
1 O
as the above are below mill prices.
100 Bed Spreads, the closing of a mill: worth, to
job. 6oc; we place them on this sale
50 ^preads, exceptional values,
We show Spreads in beautiful designs of domes
tic and Marseilles Patterns,
26x58 extra heavy bleached Bath Towels, ^g3
Bath Towels,
up from-. ••
Ready-made Roller Towels, 3 yds,heavy O3
quality, special, each..........................................
Barber Towels; all linen. .
per Doz........... ...................................
Barber Towels, pure Huck Linen,
gem, per dozen............. ......................... WX'W
18x25 Huck Towel, for this sale'only.
22x36 ^ure Linen Damask Towel,
Advance sale on New up-to-date designs of
Ginghams and Percales. This Spring's styles are
most beautiful and while they last they go at the
old prices.
Muslin Underwear.
Recent advances on Cottons, Lawns, Embroid
eries and Laces has raised the price on Read]^made Muslin Underwear, but we place on this
sale a line of Underwear at exoctly old prices.
Styles are very elaborate; on the better the
finest of Muslin and best Embroideries and
Laces are being used.
No duplicates at the same prices are to be»had
after this lot is gone.
Children's Waists and Draweis,
this sale.................................................................... *^0
Ladies’ Corset Covers, plain, tucked, embroidery
and lace trimmed, ranging
1,000 yds Cotton Crashes,
per yard.........................................................
yds pure linen Checked Glass
Ladies' Umbrella Drawers, ruffles, embroide^
and lace cammed, good material, prices within
the reach of all; from
1,000 yds'heavy Twilled Toweling,'
per yard ..............................................
1,000 yds Stevens' unbleached'toweling.
all linen, per yard.................................................•%/*,/
Skirts, good material, full sweep, ruffles of Cam
bric. embroidery and lace trimmed, extra values,
25c. 39c. 59c, 75c. up
Extra values in Huck toweling in different
exturee. ranging in prices.
, 1Q to .36
We show in Gowns several styles, Empires, high
necks, etc.; embroidery, tucked and fan^yokes;
good material; 59c, 75c, 99c,
Bb Sure and look Over Our Line of ladies’ While Ipreee. i
no6m toTwtioi. AJUuMwb tt
1M« bw« • coed datf apekni of
tfimns tb* pr*«M* BonU AIr.c*a
Ked t* B^wnHlr ».>ok»d ap»B
.. (bt mMftuileat »»rV«U oC
Kitb r«a(urr. tlw
Mw or «uUw Um ous'* tar* tnr wmuif
to M OM M Um Homan amplr* lu*U. •
BTrry •tndaai of th* claaatca wfTI r*>
Mobar kow tb* old ttomaii aowim
«Md tbolr aMaMa tor Onahias back IntalMMOB to th«
li prMUMtly U
«Mking roteood
*d lb* lRipi>nsnrao( atVBal Bra* la var>
Um* aod mad* ua* of a cMr of 0f«
Baahra; Lot K «ra* wii onUl IK tbat
CokiD<4 OoIUy of tb* Brttlah Rd^l «aCtnaara d*> iMl a nora adaqttat* ar*t*n>
for tiAB>m:itlDB maaajH br ann
flaabci. Hi> iMtbod of Oolbs tbU vu
bf Bailtag a cortala ocmber of piceao
Of bright tin on polo* and aapoainc
tba« U tb* omro rara. boaM «Um
■aof aach aua vitUw waa wen kaom.vnufh wntAlniBf a von mlrrer and a
wbaa. to H'A. (ieaeral Mile* bacan bla jatat cn
a amall arrMdi or rliutlndl«a.4ami».lsn asainat Oaronlmo. If trr, a «l«htfnr rod aod two amall trlp.ia
tb* tnitb *••** only knoa-n. It waa Uta aUnd* for thr mlrrura. Tb* entli*' apheiwwraph mnrw ibao an> tbinK *Im* | paratiw d'M ool wrlcb over ten (> >uDd>
tbat M ti> tb* roundins ui> and oaptur*
caailv t»- carried
of tb« fbntuu*. blood drlBklec red maa. When B I* dealrrd to aend
can UnaotuF lb* aurpHa* uf the th* fun mlrrar U placed on one end of
Indiaa* wbrn tbey feaad that tbry a IhtD rod three fret In lencth. with t'.r
could aM atov* wliboot the fact beioc ■tation mirror at th* other end. th*
bar beinc b*M by the tripod. Wb.-o (hr
ann ta In front of tbe operator—Ibat (a
Xane tbraueb bU
ancle* to tb*
t—tbe ann mlr>
It would be bard to overrate tb* eervlc* whteb the lageniou
Scott of tb* Terrible baa raadervd tbe Brltlah during the preaent South Af*
rican war. Not only did he Improvtae for the heavy long rang* eea gnia
aneb Add mounting* aa enabled them to be tranaported te the rallef of Lady>
emtth. but be haa alee adapted tbe eeerchligbi to make it a considerably moru
powerful and useful Inatrumeni for long distance slsnallng than Is tb* raU*
llary hellugrapb. For this pttrpoee the masthead elcvlilc signal light has beta
occult'd by sliding cyllndera. or sbuttera like venrtlan blind*, and these Ugbtg
have been pUc>-<] cm flat cars, where they have Been pperaled with great sue*
CCS* Id connciUun with the armored train during reveral engagement*. Tb*
k distance of o
T 100 miles.
mtt tb* MHM* may bt tranamittad a
Btotaboe of-from flea to even IM ^llea
camBtaaoe* err favorable.
Tb* mUnary valtw of th* brllosrKl>le
method of traaemitllac information
MP bt raadlly Imafloed. lu ftm adVbMac* It Ita ectraiB* almpUcIly. It
«BM DM MotMlute tb* keeplnc «pm
tt Hb** of eonaaitutcatlen. there are no
Vtra* to proteot. bo battariee te took
After a»d oe burdeneom* appaeatiu to
mrrr about.
later tbie waa Improvad on by lb* adop*
Uoa of a plain mlrrer. In Ita an Eng*
llab omeer a( OlbraJtar uaed an or
dinary toMtinc alaaa to reftaet daabaa
acma tb* vtrait to Tancler. thereby
tion with other Bncllab odleer* ia Af
Tbia mlrrer ayatam waa esperimentad
with and Improved upon anUI the year
U7A wbrn tha UnItad BUtaa coverna tbe lateat modela and
A nioiimsa axeucas sisoeb.
mmm m
the rear of (hi*
luat be uaed to
or only i* uaed.
Irectly to tb* receiving tution. th* mirror having a
Mile*' camp. Throueb tb* uae of the amall bole In lu center like tbe hole In
the glob* eight of a fine for the puitk**
• by
of aiming and adjuatlng the r«y. The
bmMI* band* of troop* and
alattnn mirror haa a email dUk at the
center, and when tb* two mirror* are
) army bad already
uaed they muat be *o adjusted that the
■king UB* of (fa* hellogreph li
ahadow from the center of the wun mir
anlaian. and during the Boer «
ror shall be retiected against the email
dlak on the face of the aUllon mirror.
-nala long and short sun
Mt aervlcr thi* mean* of communica
)e place of the dots and
tion baii>r*n 10 tb* dlSereni Rrlllah
• magnetic aounder. the l
eommanden bealeged by Ih* Bom in
of that ever iniercsUng laland of Hawaii Is tbe graal
tb* praami South African war 1* very
volcano of Mauna L>oa, a picti
b t* herewith rapruduoed from a (*•
well known.
rials mar be taken by (be naked
the V
Tb* Held hfUograjX) apparatua, aa a distance of IM) miles, and by an ex
uaed today, ennileu of a aul* leather pert at the rate of IS words a minute.
broken lava tbat surrou d this mountain of fire and d
tbe iaiands of the Hawaiian graOB
mecilon It 1* interetting
volcano -tt
which Is called by the natives Mokusweoweu. Is 1AOOO feel abova
(be sea. and It has been computed that t
greater than Vesuvlua. From this volcano erupllcns of the greatest splendog
break forth c-vc-ry few. yean, the outbreak of lurrcnti of lava g-uerally beln^
preceded by mole or less severe rai-th<iuakes.
Purina some of these onte
breaks (he horlxcin 1* Illuminated for a distance of ltd miles in every dir«c1l>>a>
One of the eeeoea deplrilng the occasional comedlu of war may be wu«
■—id any day In VictorU park. Just outside of the city of Durban. Here a
great many of tbe refugeu from Jobanneaburg are encamped, men, women
and children living huddled together In tents and strangMy Improvised cabIna Her* pereon* who e few monitu ago were m-fn* luxuriously at h-ime in
comforUble of
. . _____
r dwell very
much —
like _gypales and
vagabond*, gathering wood, cooking thHr
Ir dinner* over mile
little open campArea.
but all «
' a very light hearted and happy manner considering
_ together
lb* drcumauncas. Vlclurln park li close to (he seaahore and has a pleeaant
outlook and a comparative immunity from war * alarma ae while these homeleu rafugera ere net In tbe most comfortable of dwelling* they consider
tbefuaelves very much better oR than those unhappy iieople who are shut op
In the dlRerent lowna being beslegwl and shelled by the Boera.
■M leag ago at a concert in Berlin, where hef alnrng
m»T breagbt from the aevercet Teutonic muateal criUea of lb* caplUI lb*
Meet antbueteatic eomparlaoiia with Sambneb, Melba and o^tar famous prims
SMinaa. Mias UebUag-t g
'- '
TB« aoVKHlOB or
One of (be Imporunt but
M oRlelals In Boruth Africa at the prutin* It Sir Hely Hutchlneon. the
goveraer of Natal. Wbrn the war fint
broke out.
wac not thought
that tble colony
waa.to be tbe
theater of
lillllr. the pel dog of the Seventh
dragoon guards, siatloni-d at CmIcIioster. has been one of thi»e who have svict-ani major
taken an active luirt In collecting fundi toll and a ' ........ b>T who s_________
Is Just a Mill* over ban
with him
for the widow*
They are both to tbtoi
and urphana of
••t b e
absentminded beggar"
who went off to
IL.ulh Africa
flght against the
for his country,
lilllle Is a Very
and. with a box
tied round
neck, went
Aboul begglat for penntoa tor tbe aoldlefi' fund during a reoent baasAr in
EngUnd. The curious sight of a doff
bagging for tbe widow* of the aoMlen
of (he queen met with a ready respouat.
and aiiugetber BllUe collected several
pound* for Ihoae who have been wid*
Tbe Salvitlon Army haa hired a ball
1 Paris close to tbe exposltton build
ing* and will conduct servleu dally.
peculiar to tbe Britlsb empire, tbe c Ss
nial soldier policeman. lofncLlnnia el
ever)' phase cif Britlsb Imperial S’ *t«
ence the keynote of life in general
be found In (he capacity of the 8r tot
colonial aubjei-t to look after bla
affatra at home and even defend
self ngainst aggression when atom
aa moat of lb*
Sgtatlng wai
pectad to Uk*
place elaewl
Blnec. howevec,
picked up and rhoved about bodi ad
If It were a brickbat and nM a upa
Binietura many hiindrad tons to valsbb
R atonda at Loweatofi, on tbs enel
eeaet of England, and. ewtog to ttE
BklliUJT and Mvil oOetoto of Natal have
bad their band* foil, and both Sir Hely
■ and tb* premier of tb* ooleny. lieutenant
tb* opening «t boetIUUea.
^ iV'
«ba«a aa bow te be graoefiil (bough sndM Mi Bra. Thle
•» «Pbw« ttMm of
tb* belsaguered lomm. Wheniver tbe ebelle begta t* toll, the oatoset wttb
eesBdieebli hnat*. b«t eves naer* togatty. b*e»*t** bimaaK to the bMabBeMf
Mur upvidad tor bla MMuttoit and tbera b* Ua* HMD Ow toaanTW
ttrad of pewtotog awgy at hlu. Whaa tba----------i-tu atasa. be owtoM
M bto bat* aad cUaibt tba reef-aC a aughberiag oetuse to wat* tbe omiw
wt avasto witbew tbe towa aai ropart aa tb* m* to bM4«Baft«a. tost It
-------- --to toak at bU but wb« be tow Um ' ■
trr«IW*to totb*a better
griaty bMt to tb* gyaandi, tbwtob aaa aaa atoatto trj:
part er oator to bb aaaa.
tain that to shaped Uka a tlgar^ bead,
as abown la the aeeempaaylng small IIInMratlon. The
remarkabto thing about
this bead, bow1, to tb* fact
tbat at algtat
tbe'epM of Ibis
tlfur bead beI»to to due to
tb* pTMenoi of
taro small Moeme llgbta e«ntoaewd
toMS* tb* ‘ -
Piibipe notblas baa dea* Bor* to hnit n«acb*r tb* beode at tiiendshlp
between England and tbe Ifnltod Btatoe than tb* Bttlag out and dtopatohtoff
to BeuUi. Africa of (be American bMpital rtlpMalna. ThU micci^r of «dmcr wnc oont out by tbs Amcrienn wemoo to Loadca. and aoMoa tb* trained
etas oa board were Bv* cpoetolly ootaotod Acaericaa nuraca Bneb an ontorprtoe eeuld not. tt oowm. ictitovc tbs oSelal caaeOen or acMMaar* of tbs
I sad wcaelkl < «. tb* great
MMSH at papator bptotoa to Atoectoa
Atoerica «n
wM tow
aart a move nadwtobtbc
p nad Ha crew aB aaac— to ■Wcotottaf tbal
totoo— aa lb* todMiaal wba boMi Bwad at tbe ttoto adta d
tana toto fl«m bto MK.
Bp to tag jeataE krntmL
a tor tbe Cbpa toted 9 at n tbcreagbly
«LviT A WAvonm frfM or
mucNT iteoAt
“Whether We Keep ’Em or Whether We Don’t"
1 -Tb«.“ i*p wM. -Mrlj, ~rm tart
ttto ^tMMMi to ctmpUta «r tta
or ronl WMt& ~'n«*rr« IWiubp *ni)l«d on ^ rraqaeotlr.”
•w •"» VoIrM
wwTwt MMW
tiM mmwwmww
v^—— .
wuto. r«r
a.. ^ awp
Btinben of It tad m
taMM ta • Tm«IIp« Lmmm Omt 4
trttb tU lu oatcaa u with
SCNDAY. MNUAHY 28, 1900.
ui«u A n
B. wivra trow rn
TlttUty tM thtna dt U ^ tnfonattlon tbom tta
|Mit teta awl fancta that omm aad «e u„b, ^
WhU* tbm It In tnrth
rtf7 ttiUf ebaaft of «
BppMfo w ta ro^ ta « a „
^w. of etKioww tart tta uat
mn rtmtdmbU wa» ^ fajor. IW.
^ u, ,eiitar ttam aubta. adU tww
0mii hafdly ta wtai^tt. fw_ fnr H e^uioot of life in cartaia eooatrlM
ptttevt rhraw tr
"Sr «
raa offortfc”
~«-ut wer.- tta oouuww <« fuar
TOM poctal
•'Htarr roUa.from rbaamattaa aad ..
that ChawbrrlalB't Wfa
Ikrta tna aftar a aaatar of otbor wadletata aad a deator had fallod. It U
ttatatiUniwfat I bar# aror known
ol-J. A. &)dfra. Alobantta, Oa.
tbo—aada bata barn cor'd of rbto■aUaot by thia raB)cdy._ Oea appHca*
a by 8
_____ ______________ I. *ofAlota__________________
paiata at raoaat aortal faaetloai wta«« ct«, ma; ta rvronwi la Part#.
: to tta BUjortty
T« 0w« a itaM ta Om O^.
of wen and-Wooten baara upon Intiw
dactloaa of aU klada Tta najortty rakt Wancr'a White lA1nc of Tar Syru;
depaod upon thtin on ah occaaloBa. ta tea ooa^ foaiedy oa earth. K
At aortal faoctlooa aaae of oiaanar.
tatoninl plaaaura and ladindnal ad-,'
wtnrtwt-i.AiraMmn WAJfT&
raatafoa are dart rad Cron tbam by tta
ebata* of addiBf to om o Uat of ta-'^
______ _
taalouncoa. of Boatlac pHnaant or MTV ny^TtaJ*»
Cartioo ta^of raaltT*te'tarlns*^
kaowB they wort booorod or dlaUa---------- --------- ------------
I lAkar&w'Sowa^lTAatM#. KM
»“,n; i»;siv
two-tblrda of tbl# ooatnry. To -haro •***jTO»-TWa»toar#t.t»
tta honor to pntear te lookad npoa W UBrtT.wta>w war b»
aa arcbale. It k far laott aliapk to rtty aalww-r -. ud. ota##.
It’s whether we keep our olothiog;- ha'e. caps, etc. ’till next win
ter or whether oo account of the mild weather
We Cut Prices To The Quick I
and turn our Broods Into cash nt once. We have decid
ed to do the latter.
WEATHER SALE Price on all our isxx> to 18.00 Men's Suits..................... .$ii.«o
WEATHER SALE Price on all ou» 12.50 to 14.00 best Men’s Suits................... ttco
WEATHER SALE Price on all our 8.50 to 10.00 very good Men’s Suits........... 6.50
WEATHER SALE Price on all our s.so to 8.00 good Men's Suits.................... d,«r
WEATHER SALE Price on big Lot of Boy’s School Suits..................80c, i«>, 1.50
WEATHER SALE Price on iox» to 18,00 ’’Zero’’ Ulsters__ $500. 7.00, laoo. 12.00
WEATHER SALE Price on 2.50 to 6,00 Men’s Pants......... $1.65. 1.05, 2.S0. 2.75, tx»
WEATHER SALE Price on Young Men’s Ung Pant Suits..... .1.5S. 5^ 6x0, 7joo
WEATHER SALE Price on Underwear. Gloves. Mittens. Muffle^ Hats,
X to
off regular figures.
Everything New and the prices lower than you pay for goods of questionable age
elsewhere. Do not spend a Dollar for so called Sna<>s until you've seen “The
Real Thing” at
B n mm.
n ara nat, aad both Laodoa aad
hrta tara itampad tbam wttb ap
aL rar wlaiar waar aothlaf leoka
V than a rrtrai eoatnma. rItm tta
Mary adJnaeta of oabk and a narkkarraatoflaea. All aorta art la ftkl^alrola wUb tlay ebacka opon
mm aad reireu witb tlay apota apon
mm. aa wall aa etn rolratt.
* SelBg OM of tba Carorod aad tanbdi^abk matwlak of
aapaM. naa
IT--^ „aaM Ita annMnaM. la rOa
don't know wbetber yon bar# mat Un.
A taforer' Wbas ooa rlaltor k balag
aataruiaad aad a aacond la anaooaoad
wban tta boataaa kaowa baa no lBte^.
eeatlar I# eama. 0 A.
aat In bar nas or woman caUcr, tta W
«at WaOawerth awaai.
proper thlBy to do k to make an Indl-'
ract Introdurtioa, wtkb ooasiataa la r owr —ay Thwau Itartaa M tta terk*
_ Li
_ Baata.
Baaad. taw#
eater wilt dark back and
wtticiMBaU#, taward el i» It rrlaraeo la
____ ___ ___________ ___ _ _
_ jrftr^aaUa.
rwaatioo ynat ba«u tta aanM of tta a, w PaaZ^~onad
peraoB preoeot la order that ta aad -_________
aba. yoDtv rirl and lad. may ta pot at
tta eoarermtloa.
ABotber eaat k that of two nokkra baai^^..
of tta aatna city, but total etnagwa
to one anottar, ealUac at tta mbw '*'**"'
bonaa la Immrflata ooecoaaten. ho at>
tempt, accordlac to pood form. abooM-----------------------ta made oo tta pan of the booioaa to SCL*nli#r*"’
tetrodaca tbam oakaa ata prartootty
---------kntW tbt UltrodnrtlOO WOUld ta t*TOa.0^ tar
pi—» iaara M
^ L‘”.jra‘u's=s:r.'!sj^
r ta wafod oror tbair baeomlar
It moat ta adnmtod that tta
C^T.Tu.«.rS. « iTT.
It boactn of a bmM qaalatly
d collar and big K?en of wbllf
.U to», -C
«i raam baaM «a Olb a
lebaap. Baqaira J O. Bb
Coistllitloi aid Eiamiaami Free aad Siricil|i CoafidaaHil
. DRS. B. S. & CO.
VofliewVeek.aa aawoftba
and Snrticii MtiU «f lisb«oi.lA
So-btsl W3aJL1i±Agr» '7z«b‘ver<0a Cf±t^,
Feb. 1,1900.
Oora. par ha.
d.T. kiT^-
Isdeed D>erit tbe title of a ~pklaro-coai.
• Then tbere It that otbor coat wbkb
k aloe la black rrtTot. but of throoIBSrtor kastfa. wtalk fpr lu moat ctMttro decoralloB tbm are boidorlat
,jndo aad mrdalUoD ocrolk of black
n Saely otlicbed and piped wUb
Ww antlB. And ihti blot of wuto
» B lorrly reality ta tta treat
of araUae. wbkb aaowy fe-
XiBTBnaOtty Matasb
a Ikt of Un boylna aad aaUof ywurday »r proeartm.
OrawHaa Boae That PlaoM tbd Bw
^rol aod nrlas colored mtpare apBlae Ubcb amkea as efferttre crawlBBeve. TI»B oT« tb* obenlden tallo
^ worted
^ ta brlffat creea or
' “rtet. dn attractlk* ooe k of brows
T***l..*'*^. .**‘‘^*' ••
boUaod wttb wblu rabblu werkod
I with cbesHk. tbk eamc wrtl
184 Front Btiwot
All our 60 and 76o Maokwoar at obIt 86e
Now Bato Jnot In
*"'lvoa adU-d ant ela« P*Blamte_Ba#a
•'* «bt»doeed to caUara. bat
iT'SiJS. ■aats.i'Kj:. srs
yOtrwawrloMioaeaaleBrkMIa t>M
k.SMwwOlW. tH-4mo
We. the nndefilgrcd. do hereby
agree to refand tbe money oe a SO-oent
hoitie of OrneB'e Warranted Syroi
If It falla to eore year eoerb
alao gnaronteo a U<
................ -lolbafaU---------aod baring o -good ttBeatuoog aoOM estiwmoly freafa aad groee
cabbageo. Tot aaother which elicited
great aboBU of ptoasnre from a obmII
youth of 4 waa of red twill wKb a moat
all wart m klgk«ai piwlkli griao, floe Cl
wart a ■pa.tatirWaw OSee Warkban Bloek
iBtarMtIaa to tarara of «ha Doo.
If you want to make friroda with a
dog. you wUi Sad that there k aotblag
that Ibk animal llkea tatter tban to
bare aome uae ntb hk eara. If yoa
wQI take a dog'o care aad curl them That Dr. Chase’a Olatinctit te aa
aoftly up In your band# and aqaecM
Ataoluia Cura far
them rrry gently, yon will make a ca-
Can You be Convinced
itching piles?
to Traatmaat
r. a. Booa. ememl pneUr* aiae
hk comfort by acratrtiing that part of i
------------bk Deck where tta collar reata. Ttaoe Bemim aad TtaoaBaada tlavp Baaa
Coartacad by talax Cmw
m«4boda are mid ta ta need by
Bwtkt Mlai<tor TdU How
Ha Waa Cured by
Dog tattooing k aow d<we In rttkn
•a, #•#• WltertOaBea
n»d ta quite a arnaibk ootlon. aa It
) g o!uaat.amr*#y.
offorda a meona of Identifying loot aal- DR. CHASE’S OINTHENT
mak. A foorter any* be bai tattooed
dogo for
>, .no ao meoy tnai
at taw. aoMioi
ralnatkle ooea. Tbe marking 1
done In tbe bead of one of tbe
AU naeapoa and
ormaaklBd Peodbto to Obtain.
n. WM WM.0 #o4 kwobir know#OmUUM ta i#«CBltedatOHO. TTt'iu oimlieM
bciog cared.
armniM wadp.
ooch peopk who. wbea oooi
W atao amd to teco the treeta B«*
eared, mort Mroogly rceooimoBd Dc.
a^la tta eoUar k a dlotlacttealy
Cbooa'# Olatmeot, become they recog•oral featare. ao yon may oee by tta
- K in it ttaoMobwlutecBie ioriieb.
Aaottar of tta rkh eSecto la wbkb cream. It can be bottled aod If corked
taablna aboaad# k rtwwn In a ktag tlgbUy wlU keep aa loag an deafiwd. It
D aod k. Wo•tsalnc wrap of Irory doctaaoe oaUn. cleaaa aUrer withom hard mbbiag.
■metetu. Of.
I Woadtall aod goM
Wbea cat Sower* become wOtad, I Ointmeet will coo<
•adTMOrIhroad. It k trtm
cUpptng off tta
^ r*quk«d to abaohitdy I'nSILf
otams In bat watm for a few
ewio any c
Rubber boek for aO abom are bigbly
apoken of by many womea wbo Brut
teamed tbe adrantage of ttam from
. u roar akin U greaay. mo bo olat- wearlag golf eboea. Tta bad k aboat
V. Cba.'.
M . Matla na ’ - . .
weata ea tt or It oaly tarooMO wona. ..If.....u.o.»>.»fx;■.
'A Wlea af (leteily cot katoa aiay ta
mood wttb adroatage for oorb a okla.
(.of tt dry OB. aad tbea waob It off --■ta
jmArSxtao^ mad teSS. ^kdmtamltoA_______________
NrBh Wfdd water dr« nod than cold
If a Uttk gweet off ta rabbod ea ^>Sm derimd from tta y of Dr.
___________ ___
•ad tap tta okla g«t|y with tta tlpa kalrw wkldi are to ta IBM away, they
*ter*«al fU ta^erpiomooorort
•r tta Oagm
wfU not raet If iwOed la tkaae paper
*• -T **’"'*’*^_______________
Per a dty okla yoa ran rob la vaaaaad kept In a dry plaea. Bnnutliam.
■?! ---------------------------------------fteo or tbe following oIntMt wbkb
taa. If tta mat ta net tao “txad." » 2rl“ taS!m.»
taadmlal OaaaMipMM OmrmPwra—warMpr^o
ra can make at boaoo: Pronb eanaknr. A. W. Ctaae’o OkBrnoaC am a WhMa Wha af Taa 8ya^
^ Jako. m» naaco: tnita aOk. «hne
M all dadeco. « fir. A «.Sh teat Mh Mody ta mtfh. wa^oaUI
teeJ^tatfltatateteB. SStaANda.
■& L & (R nnin w IA Mum MS
»0im> IM A BAMH.
,^.“;*fri5rrs-o;S^”= CITY OPERA HOOSK
>ioeb Brooks, writing of "Bret Hartei 'sroirs U <
a. uj
list On li{kl If Fii
•. m Amp*,.
■—IIWI ■all
•«««M Mave I
WMah MM ■
-■ -- wM tW BM oritk Ux- broke* do*
*^m I t*B eMfly nrse iw«
lb* Waalthr rro*to
Ur «ad f«*lbe«. IB »} rou>t«b .
_______ ______ I iMdenI BfC MM- <U)-t I trrlrnl Bt » tova ia aoaOiern
la tbe otd towa. or UbbSU proper.
mrng tbo qiwoU* «r tafiMUoa for Ibo iBdUaa to Sod the people all exrtted Uicte «re mmm Sw pMlc baiUinse.
Mud pneei—leoo of tM TulW o»er M-eeral arrcete for nbittaj:- A bat oo ebopB; eoiiMxjueBUr tb«« to a
• auaei 4i»t uiui.uiiKi'e wliu-ti .in- fa»ll; Mued Black. coBatotla* of cumubi aireaui of people and *ebi_______tbe laiiMnaiiee•eUUta(
m( to
to uam
apd wife
aad a atrowa-ap
M. ctoa
ctoa over
oe< tbe brUfea'
to aad from Bu
_____ ________________________
IU.4 .i«w .b.,P.M1. tad
»b-i~______ _______________ bualaeea to Si
wa walla* that to ibe atfain of ibe m aaay tbefta. laatead of pattlii« ***^
e of Bbopa.
Mufo aad ibelr rrlatMa to tola coon- thi-m m trial tbe propto bad deter
Cblarec. iha.iVh
try proiwr Ue aoute proUeaia whlcb bum to appl/ tar aad featker aad 2^^
•a rarula to aflwrt aoi oalj tbe pao- walk ea out of towa. I bad ao pbIda ad tbe lalanda. bat all tk* poopla M jeettoas as far aa tke axa were can- amietiuea, wlik bmry awalaga to tke
. ' «rtaed. bat wbea It caate to the wooi- edge of tbe ektowalk as a protcA iinii
gMaaa tka atuattoa of both I
Sra graator pan of tbe aeaeta
«a tkto gtMttoa tbare a« prldaacM of
atloaor tbe
axtoted to tbe tost congreaa. aad repre•uMUrea oa both aldaa admit that
»ar are Dot mnrti better tafonaed me
to wkat ebouU be doae thao they wen
al tbe eloae of tke last eeoaioa Thai
—.ta>—• —...
aad declared tkat tbejr
prat My dead body AraL For aboai
*0% mtovtea 1 waa
_____ ______________ grabbed I ... ...1
baatled m Into a looak aad after tbe
BUeka had baea dtopoeed of accord
^g to iwogram I was bruagfat out for
puatokMeat. Fleaty of tar aad featb«, were left, but the crowd wanted a
oBeMKVt ewi
iBttoa to balld up and stMCtbca tbe aboald Ure ibe barrel exenrtae. They
Oattod fitatea merckaat martoe to unioat aad unbeaded a big cldet bar
vmSy admitted. But the DemoRatk- r^i g»ppM aw tolo It. akd reptoerd
MiaoHty, ,wlib few exceptiooa, eUngs im bead, and then ail was ready.
to the axptoded doctrine of free abipa, | -i was lacitoed to look upon the
and thmAepoMkam
- - —.. bare OM yet -been
- - I»t9w insiiiias whb eOBleinpL •
■Me to reeeacUe tbelr dJffeifticea orer M-rer been roUed to a barrel, aad «o I
tbe ueatlea aa to tbe amount of tub- bad do Idea of tbe trmiiTleuf They
tooda are abowa orer tke counter.
C*bC-l|dM acroea
dbktbw* tbe
Aatoag tke lower daaae* 1a tke lawj,,
tSrtuin^ eons au of a aaat aad a
guUo aetUag.
But tke wealthy people bare attrarUre boaet. Maay <a three aretU-ih.
dwa filled with to
mental tree* aad
gorgeous doweni.
Three gardeas extended to tbe water.
aat^ boato The bouses 'are nitoeit
aereral feet from tbe «wui^. on
e VI
or •>»
wood, t
them eoolcr and at
aoll to
drlm. eapeelally where
blocka oi
Pvrtiapa 1 may be pan
btlef refereae* to an old compllcaticto
that arom- while "Tbe Lack of Boartog Camp~ was being put Into type In
the printing office where tbe Oreriand
iloiiibly waa prepared for publtcatloa.
A young tody who aarred aa pruofivader to the establiahiBeat had been
aomswhai shocked by tbe acut roaralfe Of tbe mother of Lock, and when
she came 'to tbe acene where Kea■aefc. after rercrently lonchlag tke lafani, aaid. "He wrastied with my fin
ger. tke d-d unto cnaa.*- Ike ladigaaat proofreader waa ready to throw
■p her eegagement rather thaa go
any further with a story no wicked
aad ImmoraL There was cooalertiatloa ibrougboul tbe estabilahmeni aud
tbe bead of tbe coouern went to tbe
oAee or the pubiUher with the rlr.|
gtoal proofrrod«*» protest. Ualuckli.r
Mr. Bomaa eras absent from tbe cUy.
Bane, when notified of Ibe obstm-le
rntoed to the way of -*Tbe LuHc »f
Boartof Camp.*’ manfully toaistnl
that tbe story must be printed aa he i
wrote it. or Dot at all. Mr. Komau si
toruffl-tenena. to deepalr. brought the'
obJectlMiBble inannocripi around to
Ml«—1— *s Tsrt—
‘Get Your
Patents Money’s Worlh”^^
tetta. Baa tbe
Rre Insurance.
L. £p. A. BoUdliic.
The Great Cake Walk!.
PricM popoUr with Ui«pe<^»—
25, 35 uid 60c. 8etto on Bale •»
City Newu SUnd.
abell panes temper tbe light and ad bunt of laughter. - It oeemed to me ii
tSr'Md” Kn .'l
• •
■ • k air. One to atnu-k
ke to etroagU erer^aamed for aocb ^ tbemselte. for 4 quarter of u hour ! by Ibe order and dMollBeu
of Ibese credible that such a tempest to a tro-, ‘
could bare been raised
Karte'« i
laed by Hi
Enjoy tbe
mtk. aad under to toaderablp of ei-, was praying for dcaib to hurry up. I boutea.
Bren the flooru abliw llk>
ng. But, r
partaaeed meu tbe eobject wttl be ^may remember that after they got
for they are 1nibbed twice n
with ptoutaioI lear
leaves; Three arc erlng my grarlty. I advliunl that
pNMd to tbe frut ntU actleo la eb„f ,b„ f«,,haU work to tbe sire-i
they rolled tbe barrel up a loag hill.
Mr. Uomau'a return. I waa sure that
Tkare la do ahaiemeut to tbe urgent obU then let It go kltlag down.
One of the favorite
be would nt-rer consent to any “islitAatotada that bare been madefomnay talk, of BeaalckBeaik but there to no
tog~ of Itone'a story. This was agn-nl
I to be sought to the cosioma of aattsrn^ I <
to. ami when tbe
few days later Ibe e
Soaring aaraaro eompaalaa to tke world repreI have several fine new rig*— c .wlp.^1 tr.d. VW • »u»Vr
or tb. b..... ui il bo« brob™. . —r .-niu.- o.i b-'.w«.b 8 oVii b' lb moored. ' "Tbe Imrk
kttoaa There to do dtepoaltion Beat-' waa naeousi ietw when they finally tl>* morning and 4 Id tbe afienMMMi. Camp- waa printed as H waa wrttteu. seated la my ageeey.
both alsgle nod two
awd by those who bare Immediate iqu a,
.ng for a work 1 w i. But to tiie ereoing all to gayety aa.l aad printing olBre and restsi prunfootton.
reuder aurrired the abotk.
wuo...bj«..b..bcwbo. u„.,b„.„,ta...«ab.... I..™.
Beat ontfita in ths^ city. Tvy-g
9 tots to ceaaecOoa with tbt > wab-Xa sort «ssk. h.f.bM t snt th. °! npanisn musKians nsearo pwy
. .
tbe carrlagro. kotosaaen .mu b*. wo.<..«*
but the II
, rerUrtog motlea out of my bead and ,o* on.red along, ■adding and ehat.
Ord«r*by ’Phone No. 32.
Two interesting heggar*
be to tbe bands of tbs members of tbe could walk straight, and to this day ting, and fhstdi^y halting to llati-o
bww4. •>... ... a. k. ‘
_ *""*
grladetonc wtoItIok to the music. SDmetimre tbe todies .rested Ibe other day In Ibe streets of I
r>■•rlug gmody I’olors Paris, says the lAtndon root. One uf,
- 'Their thick. Idack tbom. "Kaiber rhrtsituas" iPere Noeh.
lUvvry and Pecd^ahlcmm
aud Is made glussy 1* a well-known (-iuirmein- of the *afahat« kioea
aiiM-ared with c-oeoaout ull. nalles quaner. Peie .Soel Is 80 years !
aay be'-,."'" VJa~' ""
— ------------Oa tbelr beud* are i«-weU«d combs and of age. and o«>« bis name to the pos.
chanass to.
arttflrlal fli w.-ra. gmldealy. when the aetalou of a flowing while beard
« »•» ‘l*** «>d maa Bia.-k tmu- |. „ i,. height, and }u« aa the reacblng to bu watoi. He was nui-b
„ , I .,T
*»“ dl«.WHs.r> Iwbiml the bllta. the
MM ■« mag ue x»|R -u aBapenas ,Bienad of the tar. He told me that .-Hr cliiin-h-l>elU rlug and nrofound laroiistsl wheu accused of being
ragaisuHl. sHd In tonguage more avaH2I!rf
a-!’ t “
1' ‘r *!“'/**f *esiwr..
MMed to be doae.. Bat It may be ac- water to get the ainff atarted and ibai Tbe men take off tbelr bats: rrcr>. denilr than the ■•oiuiitlsrory «>f htdlio !
himself wus c-aiwble of using be point-1
Klui-ia or
or Imws
Imws In
in aa detottonnl
d ss
as csnaui
certain tusi
that ui
all tiMthe «rs<iirro
were i-r>
left oehi.1.
which rouldti'i s..
be —MMl}'
gut '"*d>' kiui-la
eil out that the latllcemen had is>m.
♦ktoeutatommheb.ngrototh.eMmltlisl an "slMiae uf authority." lie
—1 rales aa bum under tbe tow be SV;„'r <
''Ppruduiisl iwniwiKe half |M-iiii>. mhI
referred the- magisiniie i» a i-lri'iilar
of M. .ttiKalin. toying down that wbeu
■c cbaagce la the enatceis towa to
w»it rm He Mits.
Mormliy to Ibe proimsecl treaty
He had tried Hh-harrH ra.-k•’tt'b.k.-vrr I hear the bullcilue of *- *'-ens.n iHsisi-ssi-s a sum of n.oii.-i >
whic h he inn id.inln shelter aiel '
_ I will Iw c
- ——. niul he ihonghi it a shade a prtoe-figUi read." said a man at th- ■
! f— h- i. li»l . ...nl-wl. -.^..T
bp tbe proieellonleta of Ibe bouse
I- than tar. bui he bad no words. ‘ffiar dlll.e Friday night. "I aiu .. . _
' “ ■
SidewBlk Lnaibkr la all ii»
t>n the <-ootnir.v minded of tiH- iunnoiom.ua. dronliiB I TTiriaiuiaa" «.s..iied tlv Men
Is-ggar. lie gave, be said, lee- I
t Cc.rls-li at i\rw Or1<-aiis.
• IIIII histoi
history to nnrkmen In Cliesp
cliesp I
Me receipts of revenue under the Dingrraiatiraiiie In ■■aHisuee for hla nx'nfs.'
toy CBrioma tariff eouttnue to be mnet
♦nroawnoiro te. Tr«T«mn Olty Lnmber On
^tlfylBg. Tbe tetoma rroelpis fv
Merember, a abort moatb. aroouBted t»
the right build for her belglit .............. his t-agern.-ss to hear the bntl.-ili.« ' «'"•»> clegrcs-s for literature ami --iI thin. 8be bas a luug oval n-ad aud .•i.Isliii.sl extiltlugly:
en.-e. Hi- was formcTly .very rk-U.
It of the protective tariff dar- futn. without
i faulty feature If.-r
illhoui a
*»>' 'HI !«• bits bliiir
■ i.nt apeui his fortune in leading.a
t one yror-a exis-rlenee. aa the re- targe gray eyes are ven sviuiwila-ile:. . --Vi’ci-nlii* to tlw bulletin, the tisil.- f,aid..uable and fast life. After tw
aalpto from cuatoma to November. IffHN. her mouth Is very sensitive. Her luilr W«l ntsU.sl tie- nimWe
oriwii. wi...
i„.inheritedauotber fertM* neariy g5.0uau00 lero tban tboqe
.pun M Abe Is gra.-ful lu ev.-i,. !TTi‘r!'-n".
•>'“ i""*
Mr November. tSBB. TbM la a fwt- tBovemeai. and. being .tmerii-oh. eiitW wlih tin- i-onnileat shout of the
““’"'•'s. "Ksiher .t'hrtattiiBH" M abowlng than waa made by tbe- kDowa how to cbimae ami bow to w.-.-i'r uu.rln the i-halr
CTutries Kaiallle by lii. proper nam.-BBflimal reveniM towa. Boiwnbatondtog frwka that become her like her lljw
•• •4nai wait till be bits blmf
Aud none nre poor otock. Soap ae yos'koov is better alter *a Improved rate of duox-atlc boal- a^ eye*, she to an taci.-ft feel and
"Some eXtilied over the ImiM-udiug
. .
p km
■ ■ Bak«a
The sei-und arrest was that of an bein^ BKcd.
who iu» noap
know the
ana and the heavy reeripta under the n inchi-a of It: TOO ponmU of ir. When aotl Imiulneut «ixiash from Snllivrtu obi woman fpuDit begging to tbe Rue when thoj see tbe same on the wrappers. We wiil give you good viJde l►u^.ke^.lue. At the polhv staiii.n uen for .5c. 10c, 2.5c, 3-5c and 50c per cake.
Ihal she was burn iiii
■£i ITIRI. Her tlrsi husband died ,
hi ItSi.
1837. hher second waa kiUed
,ulf. The geueral was mad with-do- no, the pn-amnpiu..iis forlwtt. Never- ^
. . In 1M^
n«M rraarkabto rroulu to re.wlpto u*ht. It happened (hat this was his tbeJeas. the nun on the .-hair triinl to
over twenty years she has been
«r revenue find sbundaut aupport to bebby. and breaking up this oefarliets be i-bei-rful and Joi-oUr and say. iv.n-, unable to do anything, and has esisi.
the sedoB of tbe trenoury deiwrunrot cnillag was tbe wt>r* be bad In hand Odeiitly. tv ibowe near by;
! ed vo rhnriiy. "I live
In pnrcbaslng bonds to Urn open mar- The vicereine found this out. but how i
' ■*«»i wail till be hits himr
. ; Chartrea," said the old
ket even while tbe governiucni to to- ab.- did It no one couU Imagine
I 'I'arUdi jahlied hU li-ri lo fsi-e .hh> - you can seud-me to prison,
durring enrwvrdinary expenditarro to
When .she gave her flrst drowlnc
»**•■"■ 'I paaa the!
conneettoaw-llbtbefhUIpplaemUlinry room at the psUce rtw was not .vmeh,-‘.Mnn
aperuUons. It to a mult which ao con- i.-ut with a formal presentarlOD but nm KeHevi- and exctRin-eii Hen-eiv' mtoaary of police sent Mme. Harwell
Mr. Henry Beelman’s cane which he explaios, serves to illostratn fisnnds the C».bdcnllro thm they have «»at up to tbi- haUnsn.. and staid au
hits hlmT
“*“* P"*"*'*^ »“
the mistake physicians often make in disgnosie. They do not alwayg-.no opinions tv ofTor Bt ibU time to m hour, moving from group to gnmp
"The fa.-ea of ibi-a.-winldv wi re be dvm-tor her.
look deep enough to locate the tme cause of the symptoms, wbiek
9Hd to the etBi-iciK-.v of pr«iecttoo ss a ami talking with charmlug roiw and strsng«-lv grove w-ithln vhe eddies of I-------------------------MMUe |>rudtti.'tug policy The reaulU brigbtnemi to ever so many todle. tolisi-en smoke. The lusn who read)
many times, ns with this patient, would seem to be a nomber of dieSt« aqnslly grailfyUiK in respect to tbe That ws. not much. y.,u i^. v.-, In ‘>*e l.ultofins chi*^ np and rouW tioi t N” ‘7*."**" —*•«»■'«" ««»««>•
„ ,
With Mr.
Ur. Beelman tbe cause p
proved to be doe lo tbe condf;
MtMiun of trade umler the prooetU . Cak-ufta tber .-an o..l rvn,ember wb.,
.PrNpIrailon w.-re water Und tb.-lr way
ich tbe waste materials were i
*wh»e .......
known as ‘'Jitbaemia,” in which
pntoctlre ay-aiem. While Import, are ' ever dU a. much at s ilrot drow-i.u
IMiKS)." i^ksngHl by the vital chemistry into urea,- but instead into the tnsoU
was pale
larger than tom yror. e^pondtog;
beforo. Tbero an- no, muu,
Istdy offe,
iwiHtitHrfersd bets ;iS:;%Xr;^i4"’“vror-^ Qu-ml.y
urates and one acid which tbe kidneys were nnable torradily
With the I
in tbe system they ennsed
ar our people.
-^ru^rodr-riy-' eUmmate from^he bl^
blr For Fire Insurance Good Sieighing
......... J.rsJrS:
JtlMlIaeL Ttoen.
John R. Santo,
tiiiril liuriiM.
Geo. Cams,
.i„.4»,v tao.»«*r .u.
We Have Ninety-Five
Kinds of Soap
jtaj,«.So.™.-. ,8»i ™ .b».
,ta r,T.8.„ Er;u“i'Si,v.'''iir:;:i.',,rc
~ An Interesting Casel
*...........................t-bdlttoma. toe ex- i the tosdlug American l.d, to B-md-,. "w^.* alV-^be
’guDIvartri- *■“"»
------ ----------"J ran say thai l think br. Know is a very sknifnl phymeian. My
(1 and misses -dead silence •
'<> «<> »««
suit, third of 'be wsy around Ibe equator health has not been good fnr a lung time: 1 have been in the hands of
I. prove coocluaively Ibft American «ir^ iw ,>alcnrtr. and In that eliv al«. ««■* «he plsc
lufscturers Bud addlUubsl sceesa to ibviim no \taeeirsu buslnoro man to *^Hk startling di.ttoeiDcss tbe despnlr. -1—11- and
on thee ebair
• ^---------------------- -----
froH ondue roa>|ietltloa In tbelr homo c
■arteta. It to tbe development of domaotlc loduotries under protectlob |
wbjrti eocvutngro ImprofemMU for |
•I of product:'tos and makco I
ttooe domrwtle tndnatriea better able to |
■aMpaH. «a auny Hoes eff goods into <
Wtdeb maeklnery metboda largely on>e w«
Tbore are no proopeeu ct ebaugro to
tnatnma cr revenue taws daring »be
aamtoff sroshm except perbaps oome
Mtoor ModtflcnHoaa to tbe war reve•ns act. not toteaded to rsfloev tbe val» Improve tbe
e froturea of tint aeL
■>w tbs Fwessm Prof,
♦nmero who ohoerve . that *'tarrtfiarlal floe Btodlam seosro4" wools are
now worth ao cents a pound to tbe
IBew Terk market agalnai 90 cents to
nsfi under tbe Democratk- free trade
tariff tow. and that -X% Ohio" woota
now Mag 92 cents to tbe same rarkri
■01BM 1« eanu to UN wiB Bot affvtoe
fltoffr Dsmocratle frieBda to aMkB Ikt
luMB giTt-s BIUI VTV tsfnraii
4- lasr
—1— iii
bee mother. Tbe isaltlqii abe uiad.bersi-lr to flee weeks U best slmwn
by tbe fnit that all white .-Ib-l.-s in
India were sh-uttog her pralsew. wlici
anddemy abe fHI UL aud a glouai that
. .
—.— ---------- 41.1
-..:-T:i.VTrri.8^i?c r,
,dala ss a
k-ila .-smi
band for «ilc^«v“^t^ih ^tore^wa"
k^hlRg hui
»ui sileure. the man on the
rtiab’. kls eyes giiBteoiag. aaid~ with
K.. w. s
tbe Nelson .^smo were lo-tebed on I..,I blood to mv head, and my bead ached and felt very rnneh diatrMsed.
“**• >«"»«»“«"■ »«>«•
>1^*^ My
very bard and Munded. and thumped, and I ooald
guardsmen ronld not Join bands hardly breath. My atooach and bowela were very tore and aometimM
arooad Its
It. base.
there waa (he
- mostaevere
vV then
in them, and all over my body,
very constipated, and my stomach gave me a KTvBl deal of troobin
' In fact, our aea of beer would flrot ▼•‘ty
My food would not digeat and my appetite was very poor. I cobU not"
tp at night, and I do not believe I would be living today ,if 1 had found help.
consnlted Dr.
Dr. Boow
Boow and
and hs
be gav
gave me medudae tkat
etaild to toe world; Of nroi ^,irit. «« iO““°
“«P- »I consulted
oo ^|. made a gieat change in a tew
I feel tkat m;
V daya. I
my health now ia very
All tbe old symptonw are enred and I fee 1
■* well
” If there are any, who, like mynelf have triHl otbri
"Tbe man sB tbe ebair fell with a aou.UKh If ptaeed five fed apartt to atroog
etroog and
t the erasb au4 was carried om tola the throw a spirituous girdle arenad the
------------ ‘
name McKtotay to r
earth at tbe equator. If we add water
ot aemted waters to toe ratio of
-Mae^ to «ro«W. for tbs Hehres !
to one we have dOnted stHrita eufllword -Bea.Ktoley. ortglocBent to allow ten gUto to every saan,
nay -KoBley.- Is a compomd of Um- ’
wemaa and chOd (abolt mbco) to tbs
Hebrew *Thtoen." priest aad -l-eri.' '
rmted Kingdom.
tbe Levlie. Alger, whose wme-a flrsi **"«•»«»• ’«•'»
MakesaapeeialtyodaU ArunSe dlaeaan
ever lookrd tolo bto dirtlonary for tor tbe striped
sbin fnat as be bad
...,__ __________________________
Tbe grero exprerea of tha aute of dl-ensoa of woman,.___
tbe .eye, oar. aeaa ai»
______New Tort
taterptrailoii «f a term of AroWc ori- _________________________________
tvOlled for ttojoortb time, "that
to the year
** *^'***- ^ ^
fflB, probsWj hehMigs to tbe Om- thunder sours milkr .
eeanpnted. aaoout to f2ajB0.000, of
gboraltro. on# of tbe chief bnnebes
"Sometimes M do.' replied tbe «U which naarly 10 per cent wlQ bs ascaf tbe Levltes. pan of whom were dtotbe far and of tbe table, fsapy to nay tbs ds^ eddepan.
paaaad wttb tbe tom mbs, of tore^
nay of It » wb^to M or to
■” DR.G.H.SN0W, '
OBm Is BinlUaB*BimkAa Block. Oooo Otmt SatnsM
« Am
t » at lb*
a a iTfll aiivwD clUitru Vila
•■Xaagi ta tbe "taabitmaUie- cteat tbe'
i^ini - of a lailuf’a UU reTcakd tba I
jMkx that tba luaa waa poor, bad .«
and ao
of sappon aud |
d naoyblUa. Bealdaa tallota. abue**» “d kotten; be ovad Bua^ la
Ufary aulde Wpwa.
riicfe^ ablrtuakm.
Tbla la a rrrj toncblos aad tnatrortof nai brisc drcaanj for reallj viBMr ,A CaM*a ■Hial Oatm •> Jewalrr. let-larlJrni la tbe Ufe Of CfcliA. Tlie
wt«tbar. wlib all U>e o«r«uar7 wansA
tad Prmrtr BMb-«itcaai atanlfM’r'iua «f tbr pour wotnaa'a.
aupplM an<l w rtrrrtlf dufulMd that
th* aridv'* Uaikev. lofe la tuortilDa 1B ibeexTre(B*.asd tbe
It la not aaapxrit^. Tlirrr ara latarltB■ at Cbavea t;MMaaal«a.
happf v.u> lu irblvli Ctrtlal uard bar
WmUiDfa <wne cm at>acv arlib Jaaa- aet to iiti'-b tbe DiarlM^'s aa ltopo^
JanBt7 tlttlr bul.
lUaplAjvUii «oa<kTralaLtU
alone the hrWe wba
little quIltMj mil
«*emeaib. t'ar n*w. aalna they are mtwt be Oily cIoUkmI Cor the occaakm; '^-aiue.1 lo tlw ^le of a Pbaiw A
of baby Utub and rety abort are bat ber awtber. b.alMWra. her coua.
womno wboee ala> tie bad aarb« hoeat^^ a ptamiwalon at Ute w laa asil ber auota. uot to meBrion tba. ouowl co.-.-. with a boi trf cdntaieiit
fwate Ihjeiieral. and tl.pa. of conrae. aad luui liiiigly anoint* Hie feet, waabfixnre
wbicb ftrea tlw atyle
> to a wla-.
hrldeamalda. wboae ap- M tbein wlib teare. wl{-«* tbrm with
|.»-pMrance le arcoud la Imimrunrc- only bar bair and kleaea tbew. Tbe PbarlA*wSi?bIrttb^^SuoTrt«b^S ••
couiplained. aad la auawer Jr—
tbtrr.L.rj2 I, bSS
tSStoS *«»> •
cmniiwa. -Pok- »» tl» a pawble l» wbicb Ba
uoe at
a iatfeai bUla atfilan tbe
■Bfrat'iiel lb tbe eeurae of
..»aaa at a pr«
I ap Iowa
l£“lLtrtoSri'iSb Tblle t«"fiir!'lS. ^
b^ bin t. fo^"0 H/tb™ pointed
eorera ber foan. »o aaye ine new, —^ »tad been forglrea. We
We mar
may leam
Toi* Ann. ftwni which are alao rwueo.
“Too Boat bare bm bnof ap for a
I with fftmoa:
tbe foUowtnt llema of faeblob:
M of tba
j L A lamaoo forrlreoeoa Tbla woThere bcb to be three fiadM ati
I man bad ainned much, and yet otie wa*
^ta fowb* tbU aeaaon. ooe very plalb j
' fonrlvee. It b thoa taught that tba
forglrtmcMa of God ran be manifeated
*VocataU." beaaawecad. That bill and aeref^ tailor wade for atrlHIyi
^ toward ibe very lowed <>f alnnera. It
or cbaraea aoo bb*
rtttcbed akin and ,
lipIIaII atowty.w Ka preaeot OMfaia' waa dlOcnlt for tbe Jew* to compreone of aoBe of tbe panel XInta ckba-,'
: bead tbb fact with all CbriM'* teacb__ _____ ___
_ ‘ raiely trlmiaed with embroidery at
lo*. ycl sfi.T Chrtafa aMtucloo they
—. bix bllU In a rwTauiaitr^
I rlolh fulpure.
did not coni|>reb.iid the fact ibai the
-U-^ la ibe tint Dlaoe. becanae we ’
love of Gu<l and the fuislvcacse of Cod
•aak apon men wb^ rame ben a. gea-' ln*«“r«tlur bowerer. and there U bo
exteuded to the puldl.-naa and alnnera.
mad U-.1 It.®
1 j Uiall lu la. varl.ij ol aVlaa aad aiadia
And do we fully reolbe It luday* Do
alaa*( rememher ]un bow tbe accoant'
wc iii.t ajM-ak of m.-n and wom<‘ti aa
to gneaUoo waa opeae^ bul uaually U [
boiH'li-**. ihua abrhlclnc lli<- inrdunlne
M doae In tbia way: Some day. after a
pouvr of Oodl tvi n e not look aakance
waa recclvia bU check, be acratrlr bla
at a poor wamlerlnc alnn.-r who tuuy
■atar aerooa lu fbet- and tella the waltby ebauce have dropp.*! Iiuo tlx- bouae
'I’ll pay (bla aomorrow: tt*a ab
slflit.' and then If the perMO In ebarge
wt tbe dMk mai4a K *0. K-’ tbe check la
prat «liL tcerv and aorraw. are we oot
*^anf up.' and an; aeconat la opened
alow to recornlae blu aa ibe child of
awUb Uie aiaa.
God> Tb.- Simona are not all dead.
^ owat tnauaew tbe nn eomea
> amoaLAXDWaaoaaaTOOwaa.
Let ua Icam Cbriafa leaano to them.
waddlDg gown* In general are cut in a
2. A leaaoa on lore. Tbla pour worna loved mneb becauae abe waa muck
undvta. She waa not forgl'cn befcaweeer. tbe oaa lotebdi to work tba
Tbe aeaalbb and convenient tad of cattoe abe loved, but loved betaiioe aba
Baait. be doea not come back tbe next
tbe seaawu b that tbe bride, and ibe waa forgiven. Do we lore mncbl If
Ar pad aetUa, bat walU three or tour
groom abo. does not wear glovea. tbiu not may It not iw that we do not realakga. Tbra be dippa la and ordera a
obTbting all awfcwardneai and delay Ine bow much we have been forglrenY
««Bdia> iBbrbeoB «r a oot elaborau
conaected witb gculag tbe ring Mfely Simon would protably tbink itat
•aPaaor aad aertbbtea bla Baae aerooa
opon the bride'e Ooger.
Cbrtat pm lib debt at a bigb Bmire.
cbec*. glraa
waiter a tip. aad
White ntin otlll repreaenia tbe pro- and often wr do not reallae tbe greataa* new Becoani mcelree ita Brat adTorbial w.-ddlng gown, but *rcpe de neat of God'a forglveneoa in forgiving
eblae. voile or any aoft allken malarial oa. la It net tme itai Ibe beat of ua
-*Vdl01e by little |be aecoBBt grova
la e^i^ly anliable.
bare been morti forgiven? Ifwetblnb
9mt oerarrby
by any really 4arge ebarg*.
Tbe dreoa for tbe brtde'i motber not. let na try to eee aln a* God oeea It.
wad wbao al laat d»e mao baa a Unit
rtmllengea atteniloa as a particalariy let oa try to reallae tbe enormity of
party wltbla big appeUta tbe
alegaat confection, exploiting one of ttal which neparalea a aoul eternally
ki llaMf to W *0. R.'d' becaoae
tbe moat cbir cffecu of the aeaaon In from God. nnd we can't help bat aee
accoaai la already oo targe that It
Bklrta It la of hUck velvet, tbe upper ttal we tare been moeb fnigivea
waaia be poor poliry u ton it down.
_ ■ ‘ ‘
'Whoa tbe aocorai baa grown ao
lo looi. love much and abunM confeoa and
Ifctgi that we tblob it ahoold bare at*
arrow poloia which flow out graceful- maalfeat oor love before mea.
dLora oowa o paom. BJim
•rllua., we
bead waiter •
a afdfwailon. TU cloth gown mad* U oeer a billowy maaa of white'rtlk
. . -gtre tbe
Bwvl ilv Bwmrau rich ta hlnam
Whtra brio* tU mm I nMd.
I. and wttboot t«<Uai tbe man In ao into a complHe ault no that It la warm
eoltet. Tbe'
Ulr aad Mib aad i»a<v p. i i lag
waay word# be b glvoa lo undwatand tooagb for atceet wear. U decidedly*>o<i\ea carriea tbe oame atrlklng mode.
Piua tU anaw't drira m«a4
caab would be preferred lo an tbe awell thing lo bare The fart mag •“** ■
ot black relirel wUb a
Itp t tad oo k-aw«
imaaagrapb. Dometlnrea llic luan lakta , prlim aome cotufun too lu tbe woman
oaprvy compMea tbe eoatume.
*bilr i«<ai Ibr Umli I n>r.
^ fatal aad otakea a paymeat or aaba , who cantiot afford an entire for Jacket ^oa** ot Ivory white rloib Imedeied
U>* I ■>..«( fm Bu>* londwa.
i«ar mare time and wlb na ibai be will pur U naed la moat extravapot quanfox fur. bate to match and
I’W ■ niitatk ol a»»™,
pag aa be goto, and he rcmalM a ct»-1 tlilea. of coohw. hat eerr nreiti eoen-prea. ni cUrmlog
ma euavu agrnxa
---------- ------------ bb accoant I tumea are made with only a fur colUr «•»«««'•» f'>r •lx amaH hrldeamalda
Have a "Ulbic refcrcace measny
generally be le*<
__ trrefa. One gown lu caitor colaad goM and
meellug." 1.1*1 eacb one recite from
ta aome other place and compUlna ired rtu1h"ta'ri d«V taprormlnk
aatiu, ver/detlcaie .1
memory a Bibk* rcfiTiure on forglva-tamut poor wrvica here and lo olbat, ^und tbe oklri. a wide collar aad re»"■ •elected,
arm or love. Theac cau be iDtenpcreed
f"«hlona do
-taV* trimI to
to Injure
injore our
our bttalncaa
bualDca. baba-; „ra „f
of far.
fnr. wbicb
Wbicb aloo
tiao triroa
trima tba
the adga
»fddlDf faahlona
—.ronrUla hrmu.. prayeraM iw
«uae be can’t tave wbai bajiaota lo of the iwlcnialae oiienlng al one aide
S»««>y. ■ few little vtrlatloni
»PI «»pnaie nymin^ pray
.aai aad drink for noihlng. Ula ac*coanl, r,.o .,nanlliy of fur uwhI la limited by «»•'■* oarU new aeaeuD. Tbla winter. “T‘ it«.diDira.-I>a xvlll 1 2' civL
.«aUawad we imt It oo the Hat wbicb ,..| ibU aori of gown la more aniubla
taara nanny good nkmeo. but we never, for carrlagt- than for mreet arrar A
----------------------^ uiu.uin.
trimmed with
..v.u .•
i» ...W i». uu— »». in.1.1. i.„d.
baa wide.
orange flowera. tiiougb a tiny
t» bare It known that they are. aim. and the Eton jocket ....
I oniualDtcd lb tbe fmahlonabla fl.rlng collar and draped revere of chin- Wt »• wHueilme* wore In Ibe coraage.
anraau tba following atory waa cbUla.
oairj prayer booh or booqoot r*_____________
U(we frntt. ThU U _
a very
A trelUt work formed of banOa of
and Indivldnala
I,___ A..
-atmt MMta ago a man came bar* Telvet ta the dlaUnrUra feature of n
dacidea according to ber
m daoger of nothing oo mocb
-*tarly la tba dayandaakl that ba would go«g m mMei blue trimmed wItb
Tbe abower boaqoei. tied with «• ^If contenuuent. Tbe aecret spirit
*aae a Uttla pany of frieoda to •npp«r
inppar cream ctantlUy
ctantlUv Uce aad etoebet
ceoebet butgj LaocUce-we
ribhona. however. U giving gf
are rich and Incraaacd
wdft Mm nGar tba ibeatar that even- looa-whleb may eltbar match tba doth
foaadar form, from ta goods and tave need of noiblngand ordered wliai ba wanted. UU or tbe lace. Tbe ytae nnderaiatb tba
may pfrvatl wbara U la not auapectad.
Jbawad ttal
that ba
be was unaccuatom-,
unaccuatom-. Uce and velvet U of cream ollk matUn.
^ TV* Divine warning-poor and
am wretchraS ta tbe part, but It U our bualneoa to
Oroebet buttons ara avtdeatly one of
P*«tnr»q«u fa*hloo of
ggd mUerabU-Anda little
ardara. and wa Mid that bU rnppar me aaaored revivau In taoblon. aad wa
*■'**" »>ridcamalda, lo addition to
wIkt* p u most seeded.
1 btr oarrad bll right Thao ba atb them on allk waUU lo a vair —q
ot honor. bMa fab lo pravalL
L« na not teat content with tba
' taMtawn a anm of money, mora than kaif ball ebaiM*. rawed on a little dudlfrereor* U dbrarrad ba- tbongbt that we ara taking an equal
k to pay tbe iblU. and Mid. nTiU uwee apart for decorathm. They ara
ot honor and tba Mb- abare with otban in tba work that U
----------------.—. effartivciy
_ . . used throngb tba canter of
being dona or itai men ara MiUfled
raatli Mva
trouble tbU
evcaing.: wUb oor afforta lu Chriat’a aervica or
stad want aaray. The tapper paaaed o,, narrow bands of alU or aalln wbicb.
i avea point to oa aa exampleo. Let onr
-taf alcaly. tbe maa's frieoda from tba joined witb'a barrlnghone atltcb. form
only desire ba m know wbetbar wa
’are bearim: aU tba froU Chriat U wlO■be boot asked for bu check, looked at •
artt.ttr bhi iraiu.
, Ing to give through oa aa living branchIK and tbao aaid graudly and load, There waa a good deal of art la tba
'.as In close and living onloo witb Hlmeatf. whether we are MtUtyIng tbe lov
—iigb foe all to boar, -rbarge IL* Tbe old faabloMHl door kooefcar. and It U
ing bran of tbe grMi Bnsbandman,
was a 'gntar affair In tba tyre' not unoanal to find them sow oa MndU
' nor I'atber In bMven. In HU deeira for
Mf tba goesla. bat tbe cl>iu«x-tbe order doora or tlie <lours uf apartmMt hinaaa
aaore fruit—Ber. Andrew Uumy.
ta -ebarge tf^rarwhalmed them, and 1 The raun-s bead or Uger*a bead with
2 dare oay tbe mga acrompIUbad tats. knocker swinging between bU teeth te
The Daaara o( a*U.
abjart. wbicb waa erklently to makaj a pictareoque form, and
ware tba
Dangerous as tbe devil U. daogerona
taanoeir aolld with bU gneau."—New ahloing brats riiInga euapeoded from
as worldly amnmmenu are. (be tnoM
ornamental pUiea of met^. But aa a
dangerous enemy we o/tea hare to asbell Is beard farther than a rap why
a boe aiaea Oaa.
j eonnter walks In oor own aboaa. Ttat
abonld DM ball pulU ba made artiatie,'
Ibaat are tlmeo. even In tba bem reg- for tbe majority will nra tbe ooBvan-!
lenonlag. nrtfnl. amoMb umgoad heart
ataliil famlHaa, when H becomes nec- brat bail In preference to tba artUOe
'devil, aelf. U tba foe that needs tba
smMary to dlartpSlne seme young and knocker. ArtUtic bell pnlU have baa*
i sabjacta
sattrrlog member of tbe botirabold. Tba- made. There U one ttal repraaeats a;
Tbe Saab
sataar aranlng an iBdolgtwt father coo- long, curved (oagoa lolling oot of a
spirit and tba spirit
rtbdtd Ibai such a time bad arrived, as grian'a month, aad another, more odd.;
jagalDA tba flaab. and tbaoa are cooMa B-yaar-old aon tad committed an ukes tbe atape of a twimed aarpant,
I trary tba one to tba other. Banl bad a
tremendons tatUe along tbara Unaa.
saiet af taaabardlMKlen and ibraataaad wboae tan
tall yon t
tVaab wbao yon wiah
ta itaMl It. Katmkee and wnrelnga lo ring tba brtl.
beating down hU carnal nstiira by hard
Mtaa la rain, and at Usl tba yoangntar
blowa asd tba old ben was aWe at
, last to about: -I tare fougbl a good
smim girea a arirnd apanklng. Half aa
I flghL Heocafortb there U UM np for
taoar lamr. after friendly reUtiooa bad
%oaa renined. ao older non rame borne womao are in pUla gold with very tea
me a crown of rightaooanaM.*'—Rev.
•a. Rlgb noon Theodore L. Cayler. D. O.. le Cbrtstlan
Mmd was nonM-what surprioed when tba Hoke aad dlMlngnlabad only by dalsUaonoda tba hour for tn«wt of tba awMI InteUlgencar.
tayaaraM mI.I to him: -Yon ought ta
To ba marrtod la tba
. wblU aftaraooa
tbeir pereobhU popoUrity. Violeia. Mm; waddlaga a
gle or donbU; panalao. margoraltaa, prorad.
wild roaaa and1 four Uarad rtorar-all
clovaf all
avtaty with wbicb areiy aallor tempt tbe fsnniDiiie aboppar.
. A tmega ■iwab la C^taa Patatlag.
temlllaf U tba fomattoe of dam at
la palbtlng cblna a amoom affect Is
Carved Ivory, erysui and Jade a» all
tboM Wbo are familUr With mO- greatly In arMenee la bric-a-brac.
deairabU la taadlng one Uat Into antaw oblpa know that, no mattar bow
tbe Moe Otar, aa to a Uaf
Tbara Ua stnmg tad for Outta oUvor
.«atafbBy tba decks may ba wmabad
ta objarts of art and lo tnbUwara.
..taarb la tba aaomtag and bow Utda
AiMk af aay kind may ba done dnrtag
fled Mrt In carved crystal. Ivory uid
Ata tay. airartMMi tf
**• ebony,
1 by means of a large
ate. Stag born U macb anad.
at algbtMl as atatmata Q
and Irideoccnt pearl oaaras to bare tak-, bruah. ^A Urge OBDCaca can more
tay af da« will ba eoUactad.
ea OD new lUelD conoaetton wttb aflrar j
s mu any omra
Wboa a ftri aflya mat aema «
OoM and pUtinum coottime
^ la pratty. tba maa prmit tm
Me la mta-B ctolao, whOa boon ataM j***^J.
am^ «g dlMgr.
affnldmtiadaMafBMariadarnmlij;?^ ■****
W ■mevT a* tba baa.
>*'*■ '• Periupa the
Iniiovatloo. Then ilx- bride IMS: Johu 111. 10: ilv. 23; ixl. 1&-I7i
number of brtlUant ncU !
9--JU: 1 Tim. 1. H. 13; I 'Jobs
op ,„a a„„ n, ►«.■*. «»a o»lj ii» m.iimn.1.1 u.
........... ............keitt
tbe path of tbe aiuatour (IfTemmaber
or. iDitaed. ibai of the profitiwV-nal of
ten la tbe dUbculty of ptuperty ahribbiBt certalb materlala before they are
aaluble to be fanbloDed low weartny
appareL in recard to tbU bnjrbear a
oi^ nonaekreiilnt rorrea
flee* BMue oonKlbli' »nese«tloa ______
wbtcb till-follnwliis !■ leAra<*d:
‘nUaoi«rtailoB ofaUrliikiiif. ur apobf-'
lb*, a
llora. i« caaeo-1
or fine flauneb are cniph>yfil la order!
to prevent futore aiKHtlug. euckilag or I
abrinking from imtn or daiiiiineoa. la j
tbe finer grade of . Ipiba k.i>t In aiork :
by leading boiiMW In brge rittea them 1
gooda are oGen aold warranted aa |
Beam ajmiigea. Tnleoa ao guaraatecd.
bowerer. tbe extra work aboaM not ta
paased by. To many wcKueo tbe home
maoageuicoi aecma too H<ky to be nn-.
deruken. fur the rraaoo that much of
tbe rich appearance of line, tandaoae
doth could be eaally Injured by care-,
laaa taamlllug.
BupiKNilng. however, ttal tbr acna>
leur doea not care to pay the tailor $2
or S3 or. wlint b far more prulabte.
nppoae Ihnl ahe la out of tbe n-acb of
a “knlgbi of the rbeara " Some friend
will tell tier that a damp doth must ba
Uld n|>ou the *cK.da and that then It
Bbould he priwa'-d
ia>-d Upon
upon the wrong alda,
She view* ilier billowy b.-#p df slT^ TrflWBrCB nitW
rhicb ahe baa unrolled
eight yanla twhicb
unrolled*». I lafeiSB Llif,
eatluiafe the taaki with dixouiy. for
bow e-an abe ever dnininn and preaa
cvdily all of that htun* pile of cloth—
for huge It looka to her aoxlooa eyeat
Surely ooe ]Mrt will dry long befora
the r«*t and tbe marka where the Iron
Mopped win ba nomiaukaMe. Bbe la
BBttafled that to oodertake tbe wc>rii lb
00 blnndcrlttt; and awkward a way CIlClIilullliQ**
would l>e n'urae than letting tbe fa^le
Best to be had is
Theo the Hert time abe aaka for adTica it la from aume ooe wbo known,
the city is at
for tba Unit loMructor waa metrty a
tbeoriot and had itever put Into pracilea
.that which aba preached. ThU tfma
amateur goea to worii with a bet^ unplea in window.
ter bean and flrat carefnlly dampana a
____________ ____ ________________
Urge abeet and neatly foMa tbe doth
John F. Ott & Co.
1 reverse City bmbtrCa .
even. Tbla anawwa better peiiiapa.
but why not put braloa to work aad
CUjr. la «Wa« Daeoaka
aainc rluibcaline ooroe nlgbl eGer dark-$
ncoa aria, when the air la damp, hot no
nlD ibr>-aicna. and allowing It lo raumln bauglDg tberefrom, accurcly faa*
tmed with clotbafplna. until tba fol
lowing mnrelug?
Tlia folluwlug morning tba aun wlU
al an early hour place the cloth In exai'lly the proja'r aiate for «*aay pmaaIng. for the material may tx> brought
Into Ibe bouae when at any dealred
eute of dniupD>*aa or dryncaa Then,
by keeping tbe unprraaed portion
amootbly fulded, ao that It will remain
aa damp aa U required, tba cloth mSy •
be Ironed quickly and anally and withoni flurry or nervouj Mraln. 1-ry it
^____ ^_ ____ _
and avoid tba tallor-a bin.
nlw^"^ Am^aT^
■aw t# Clean Olteloia.
Tbe beat way of keeping tbU in ordra
U lo tave it regularly rvbbed up with
beeswax and torpaotloe or witb any
good fttrnliora polUb at atated intarvale, according to the amoubt of wear
It roceireo. It Bbould ba dally dnatad
and If neceoaary wiped over with a
Pen Iiiqiiette Eiilml
Both UiM procasaaa ara abaolntaly daatrocUve. An oecaalonal mb orer wttb
000(0 aouTW.
a ^11llab and beoca to tbe Hving of
A ■!•( ta »ota Sayera.
It U a very good time to rake o
tbe library and bny booka. If one a
People wbo aril them. too. have more
time to abow and dlacuM them. IstbU
a new kUa? It U an accepted custom
^ I}pJl
In aome famlHet, for there U no use . Yrav^Orin thinking that tbare U any time of
me yev when there U nothing to be ^
bon^tl And books nre selected more Ar
JwUclouBty If they tare tbeir speciAl
Paety Peweks Par Uttla 1
Tba fastivltioa of tbr new year bring
dautrittg and party frocks for tbe Uttla
Ilere are t
Bow oGaa aGar tbora wbo are dear
Orttvalaad a
Have you never tbongbt. when yoo
have aeen Bridget uklng tbe half drlaS
waab from tbe clotbealine on *2>lna
llonday.” that pertaiw yoa might boe*
row a anggeatlon from bar work?
Than, again, era not clotbra left out
upon tbe tine overnight tboroogbly and
evenly daiupcned by morning? What.
better Ufa we tecognUe ttat a
and reapoDalvancM
... motiveacta
IWw tbf Oo™ ud m* «M «ata.
snii iijhi t taiiuf sj.
BAxnaD An pAny raoon.
taartng frock of wblta taffeta,
wttb floe Insartleo and lace
fBimpa of FYcata uluMok,
bodi of wfaita aMbsuMarad
trimmed wttb flaa <
Ota ■
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