The Morning Record, August 12, 1900

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The Morning Record, August 12, 1900


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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m no«^ iruto DnttaM «


fWth Yetr—No. 1020

DTOPilN AET WABE SteinherE’5

Aaothor AppMl to Amorio*

.WHUaftoe. Aaf. *U iWfil taa-

U Haac Obaar Aate Uaela tab
at Ckpa Kaaa. Ha aaya:
la coBBection with tlie wbrja of art in
■ ■flNrAHratow Mmi ••At
Ibneate 11,000 panoaa to Blindly OHaaa to Xadaea Qreat
MtoaboatSoM. Hit
Britola atot 'to Xaad Ttoepa at
(uctares, which we hAre carrihd so loag,
tiMm «iU to
daatttotoal tte Bbaartal-Ade^ to AUka ea
Whm Wv toOimlarAUM Aml«
we are placiag^ before the dtueas here
itqant tbari
Mda to MWn VMr
Fektateew to DlBtokb rtra^
toaaiborlitote—DdaU AwttWtowsome fine pieces of artistic pottery,
XI to BiitoPto Otter Itor«* «m •eaaoattotteaautrr by aayraMl to Cktoaae aad U k BaUmd Parelbla
we know will be appreciated by
■ftoitoU ia caM tto aray Ubatyerto
XWto* SjcMtote to Dattoi Otote.
areaMbart. SaaUyox baa baaa toaek- " Kanarn wOl Ban Good BBaet. '
all loTers of the beantifnL Mr. Hobart •
a4. ae aaw aaaaa bartw
apwbl w Tha MWBln Baawd
has had many years of, experience in
Park. Aar. n-Tte Biaktn to BaWatotertoa. AW- »-Tto atoto A»riaa baa trea AdBkal OoemJeUaa
fine pottery, and can assure the people
two dkpetehn ooeftrBtor tte aewa to
Cttefaportoaadtet i
of the gennineness of the articles pre­
tte hattln to Pel.Tbaar aad Tor
OmroatbatlaaBtottal tearab Baiaff Tbaar. Oao k dated faka. Aaceat 6,
sented. All are cordially invited to call
Xorwardad Obaloe Aernt 1. nd Baa>
Bade tor tte Oiaytoa to Baprtoi
and examine them.
a raBor tbaLjtba larattoaa at
ate aaaaia ttlatoPakla hara aaflared a raeawad attadr.
teM«tototteto«taalacto tte aad. apwtol W tiM MwBlac BMWd.
Iteaatairto Iba' tataraattoaal raUto
Oolasbaa.' Aar- It-Tba eeaatry
aotaaa toward Pakla aad ito aaaeaa- alow tte Faaavlraaia railroad to- wirtorAactei t> ttya: “tCaay Bk■ ban been destroyed aad abrkt.
tora rtotoriaa baa aw^cMad tba lapar> twaaa Uk oily aad Orbaaa la baler
kUlad. MkaioDarim an aate. AU
tol cetaraaaBt to a raaUnUaa to Ito atoatadbydatoeUrattopaiaaltto tte
k calm at Tab any Etoof
mm wbo Bordtrad Ezpraat MMiinrw Waabtortoe. Aar- ll—Tba appeal
Bo aaa ia Ohlaa woald to aen ae- Laaaaadrobba.ltbe aala U tte eitor
aaareke of the fiiaadly ofieca
aratobto to lUa goraraaoBt aa paaaa ratoaarlaatalcbi.
to tba Called btaln toaecuraa cbaere
aaroy tbda tba •oaaiaUa OUaaa
Dotaat ot-ttoriti aad aU aorta to of the totoatloa to Gnat Britain to
atotaMia, U^Baw toaa«. Batwitb
non ban beta aiftod doom, aad
atoadtov tte eHttotoa ^ bto aaUoa cOean ara ao aaarar a aolatlon to tba laodtreopaat Bhaa^ai. waa laid ba­
darlwtkalaatfawwaatette adaOa- myaiary tbaa whan tbay. atartad. If ton the Btata dapartBaat today by
totntka la WatUaftoa looba ayoi U aay -p>bBlatar olawa ban baaa ac- MinkUr Wa. Tba appeal ana trea
U Hoar Cbaar aad ether Tlaardyb-ot
Baac Chaac at aei Ml^aa abli aad
earod tboy are balac eloatoy raardad- tte aoBtheraprealBon to China. They
profroKlra atataamaw bto oat aaUraly
placed aadsr rapreaeDt \bat the Uadlar of treopa
frtoadly to tte latartota to tte Ualtad
• today nlaaaad.
an anti-toralgn Bprialay.
attlti aad aaxtoat to calUtato tte
Tba Adaaia Eaprna Oa.. iaalata tbat
Wtatoblp to thia tcvamMat tor tba amout loot waa aiaall. aa oaly tba They aaaart tbat the reports tbat
traops are to be landed ban already
way ntowaa robbed. Tba tbroogb affected tba aatina. aaoy_ of whom
BtrtoOy ayaabtiTA. tbara to ae eeeaa- aate fron 8t- LoaU waa aot toaabad.
tbat bnslBeaa
laa tor aacMlattoaa aa tte part to
Actlof Baeraiary to Btata Adaa, to
0Uaa.teaaaaatbatato aad^bat baaa
whom Blnklar Wo baaded tte ^peal.
aodatoaiattoato war afalato aay e(
took It at once to Baeraiary Boot, with
Pelko Oallad Oat to I
(OoBtlasad ea third para.)
tea to raaratary Bay la tte Moatiaal
■PtotoJalyt. wbarolBba-atatod tba
and Ball Qaba. '
foaltte to tbla venraBaBt. U Haaf apseisl M ta* Kerolar Bnort.
OteacaapaacaaeiToy tor Cblaa aoald
laalaad, Aar. 11.—A riot aoeamd
4e ao Bon tbaa tba paaaldaat to tba botwaaa toetioato Byrlaaa on Broad
OafUdMtotaabaaalrot^daaato pro- way lato toaicbt, la wbkbnrolnra
rttaaway tor tte teporial cetera- kaina aad boU bate sran aaad with
Boat to ratora to oordlaU lelatloaa
with tba torelra pewan. Wbaa tte bloody affapk A doan Ban wan
wayia apaaad far tte iataraaOeoal eeadad srith ballata. none tamUy.
nUataelaBatoaBtar Pakla aad glto The riot call waa aoaadad had the
And before it is placed in stock we would like very
Ite lacalton prepar oaeort baek to tte polka pat aa aad to tte tnebla. ar'.
And jon'U eee Low low
much to dispose of what is left o( our summer suits
aeaat. It k balland tbat all tte pewan reatlar twaa^ dktarbara. iaeladldlr
we here marked our earn'
wUl fallow tba load to tba ITaltod twoilac leaden, bottaof whone
regardless of cost. Some of these ar^ood weight
mer- footwear to close it
•totaa aad arraa apoa a aatUai
and can be worn all the year round. We have room
aMtowfllpaetoettbalatoCTUyto tte
to mention but one number here, aud that is a lot we
MpIfB Tba Daltod dtatn waato ao
have been selling at $430- It’s a splen- G^O
partittoa to tte anplra. It k aet
we Man Fatalty aad Tear Otberm
did wearer—to .close...............................
ttafaaUtalThe dainty, atyliab ehepthat tte Obi
Bwloady lajorad Laet HIrbt la
ee—and they'll wear toa
They were $1A). now we
sell them at $1.00.
Keaeaho, Wk.. AW- U — 81a i
war* lajaied aad two baUdlan wr
BPtokam Tkmadantonn Bmfbt adhantkkenalwW » ffoaeUM
Oaotor Vaatter la Tbair Bate pkahB ia tte ntoea to Beery H-BaW
Handsome, trim styles—
eenarto Kila had Market atrnak.
iBto Aaat Bicbt.
black and tan—we bare
apMtalwTMKwaiar Bmom.
MdnoPd CO $1.96.
eratotoUy lajand;
Obince. Aar n—^ rteiaat tbaadar- wkOe 3. Petonoa. Scary Aadrc, Leak
•barm breteenrtbkflity aad toalaity Tawan aad B. A. Weadraka. Ihi
lato Mtorbt. briarur to aa aad tte laUaramrtolw mm from Bawap.
toMtot aastalaad pwlod to alaety
aertoetly talarad.
For ladies'—cloth trimterna waatbar la the hktory to tte
and serriceal»le—
weather baraaa.
rodaopd to $1 96.
Twain daatba trow aeaatrton
Must be sold out quick.
eand today, aaklac a total to u ter Vow a ObSakaa Tbkf la B Paae k
ltetfrktdaya.doTlarwUeh tte boat Waatod la Kaaan
tor Tnad:
In order to do so, we have
ivmlled. TbkdonaetladadaBaay BrsdalwnsHonlaaBsMn. .
prices 10, 25 and 50
etbn daatba eccarlac darlar tte aana^len we*re sore you'll
B Tue, Tex., Aw- U-Oeerra B.
pvtodanrlbad to ether eaam bet iBBdera.
boy if yon hare any nse
per cent off. You get raU
aarrlw a lea days' aaataaaa
- by teat aabaaattoau la the aeeaty
JaU bare tor tte theft to
ue received.
faerehlakna. snaUaatifled todayaa
■ laWkeoaala,
aty. Eaaeaa. Laadan k mated than
tUlaak. Iowa, ladlaaa aad'MIAiraB tor dafiandlac tea Bnaa Snyder Ball
abow MBlrbfa BtoTB to be r»«I- UnatockOo. o{ Eaaaaa City o«t tis.ooe
tolBciar Boeb aaadad rallaf la tboaa In a oattla-daal. Eaaaaa aatboritka
beat rtodaaalatea.
ban baaa on bk tnU faeyaan
Trsrerse City’s
\ Leading Shoe House of Northern Mich. 8ei Ston—HI Fnil Stmt
fjeading Shoe House.


Fur The Week!
Boy-aSchool Baito.aBw9to

HttiniG THE mmm

Fast Black Hodety, aims 6
to 10-inatead ot 15c


Coraat Oorere—good onea for



A Good Outitig ilannal (or

White Sweatees -^inateadofSOc

SOc quality Bag Carpet st

. i0o

That Big Sale

Combination Skirt Bindisg,
relreteen, robber and etiffening dl In one.



AU.Pnre Linen Crash Towd-iagat
AU Lines and Duck Skirts
At lees than cost — (2.50
White ^oe Skirt



Lot of men'e and bby'a cups
—InsteSd of 20c


a Look at
our Window

Fancy Colored Dress GinghAffla,:worth 0 sod 8e

New Clothing
Arriving Every Day

8 8-40
Men's Pasts—Big lot — oae
and two of a kind—instead
of (2.00 and (2.75

SUk Beversible Fonr-in.hand
Ties-inatead of .'iOc


Ladits' Oiftrds

Ladias' Silk Ties,
25 and 35c kind st

lidits' »MS

Other BergBies, Too


Ladies' and Hums' Use Hom
-mos^ csnUnsl-instead
of 20, % and 35c

Man’s sll wool BiCTcte Pfents
—instead of (2i0

Our Tan Shoes and

$2 T Shoes

___ _




y $1.88
Choice of s lot of ladies' Hats
worth np to (1.00

1 big lot of ladies’ fine Shiit
Waista — instead of (1.00.
(1.25. (lAOand (1.75

Erprything Jeft,'m Lawns
ffoe* bt


VT»«««^blatoba praaaat. bat
.ptahadtobatoctodadto tte>orraakaMga. U waa totoadad to rSaet a
a bat tbat waa
wbaaaaotbarBaattarwIUba bald. A
------ waa appototod to draft
%y.UwaaadthaaoBBlttof wlU npert
at aaxt aatorday'aaaatlar•

HearyOook to Oraaa Spriara. Ohio.
Shot aad XiUed
iselal WTn Msaam Kscoaa
TiMa. a. Aw- ll-®aary Cook waa
abet by Bdwwd Treat tbk analw at
* - on BUaBBorttto
Than waa aa old rrodca beti
Treat wea tokea into eaatody. aad k
m bk way to tbk dty. Tba
rdtbraataaad to lynch him aad
Treat ma rottoa amy barrli "

The OBljr Tli^w* Hake
OaThU U*'
knoi^ tbat wa abaU aot
cerrr enr to aaetter aadioa
rooda ea wbM wa eaaaet
daplkato aiaaa. Wa ban a
leMtotka for lowaat prlna
wtea we really mol ^to toaaa




From Your Desk
Yom Can

Aay part to tte
etaab direct aad
ttoasrtthyaar nalnaica. baada todaBeak, aad todaet, anry ooaydB
wkb toBaai.
If yon 8BB people, yoe aaa't do any
Bon tbaa talk with than, aad ypa
aaa do tbat from yoar own afltoa. with
a latre saTlw tofsetod by tte tolaphone aad plaead on tbaersdltsideto
Ban yoa one to yoar oBeat


Silk Rnabing-in^d of 25c

6c yard


.Ladies’ fine Percale Wrap,
pers—instead of (1.25 sm


Linen Hock ToweJ*—instead
of IS:

Men'e Light Coats — instead
of 75c


nirty Proalaaat la tbk Aaelloa Hat
Teatorday — OomBittaa Apptoatto to Draft OeaailtaUoa.
Thmwenaboettbir^totte bo
p«adMBt trait itrowen la tbk reftoe
ataatoattar nllad for yntarday to
Moaoid farthar to tba eccaaliMiaa to
a trait rrewan. aBoakttoa. Then
Who were praaaataxpcaBad IbaaB
to retard to the probable
te^ta^ratb aa orgmalzatloo aad
laltirr------ read trea aantal wall






toall lot Cballiea and Prints




- ?6c

1 The Tan Shoe


Is the Shoe for summer. Summer is 9
still with us, but 'we are having a ^
sale of Tan Shoes. If you want to 0
make a good investment invest in a
pair of Tan Shoes here.


J Men's ISjOG tan shoes sell for--- 1................ $4.00 J
2 Men's $4.00 tan shoes sell for........................ 8.00 5
A AU$3.00 tan shoes sell for..Y.................... 2.60 ^
M All $2.00 tan shoes sell for.......................... 1:76



J Fi.«it8ti«t


McNamara BEOOK Jj

Men's Stiff Hats—good styles
- instead of (1.00,(1.60
and (2.00

Good Stair Carpet — instead

Men’e Hospenders — instead
of 15c

Come and soe If thty
don’t do as thop «dTMs
. ttse, At

BoUsble Dtp Goods,
Onrpot and
Olothisg Eofino.



lUflE Mrt Ulti
BTfc*d Vroporty.


iz ww.

AvoT^iR dBAi|»^ n.
WM M Tnphr
W 'Xbba

Flaw OB tM
p( ttbVeatb.
■aerawry Oanli «(tba Tawwaa
■Pd aai e«B Otob b iB POeraapM
wtebttppM-ptobstBMMcB a
^ la ikwB IP telK tkp iaip at thP
DaaUas wlU B. t. Mo«aa aad aack ahpot l» Up trophy aap te
ai niiMitiMtwita^ttBpM
Tbm Aaaa->SM« a« Bdmo^ Await- AstoPtMthktbbalK.
b Mai lor M trophy on tbp pobM
w Miiid»abaFiy'i( »>
fierthaaopoffmai by M-. Blyh wlU
Bp milMnodOariwA. Tl
toha plaea at tba wsea time.
aaifMiy.irb|PaMapw-«a thBr way
ObarlMBpyw.R feoa
baMftffbffWBi^tba a»w*
aBamariBtegiclBaUty ana
VaUM aai the nOl^ yneht B
TBpy arm tBim ppaoMloB M tba «
aattla leader, baa awn to Kriat.aad
Faba t. Oto A Op. Raoptved 600.000
•m aooB ba aallpd mpea to aamr to a
Feat UstMlybt.
Wbw Mr. Tbataa obMlap Up trtie to Marye wuiu mt laad him to
Tba toy of John F. Ott A Co. iaet ter more than a tampocary aojanra.
ttiybt btoayl
broaybt In tba laryaat limber
laaBBOBBaadUBtUpeldbBOdiBca ob
On tba nu flf Jply Hayca made a deal Biybt
raft of Ue e< oon fram Ua cast abort
tbplalpad vUlba tan down, and a wlU B. J. MotfiB, wbataby ba bomUt of Bsst'Bay. The raft eontoiaad MO.taa dBb booaa anetad, maklat Ua _ bone, bony aad haraam, and aa ae- ooofeetot leys, of iwhich IOO.OQO b
belay bardwood aad
I a promiaaBt raaort for CUeafo earityfor tba payment tor Ue ontftt
be cava a ebattaf mattnea npon Ua
property, aad In addltloa to that, a
Kan OB »
vaa Ua ownar;'It b said that Bayaa
It ow to Empire aad traded tba
Maw Ooonty Ooavootkm Bald Hara
bane to Pkaan Moraa tor a
and a etaar. and dbpeoad of
Frevaatod n T^uyady.
haraam to hb broUer. Be than sold
Timely InformaUen ytvan Mra.
tbaeoutFWimnUoBoftha Prolil- Ua bnm to WlUlam HabM. wbo Oaom
bony of NewStraluvUIr. Ohio.
WtMStotaWHMdiai&aoOea of tba b amployad in J. W. Omau' maat
Mv^twolivgi. A friybtful conyb bad
rntybL I
Orud Tiaaana Lud Oo- yaatarday net to Ub dty. Bb tradlnf did not
and .4oei
•I t e'aloek. U waa attaodad atop hare, however. Tba ataar he eold
bnt etaadlly yraw wane unUl uryad to
bF OBthwiMtte baUaaan ka tba taa- to Mr. Simms aad Ue eow ha tnread try Dr. Elny'e Mew Ditoovery. Oea
■aetaBdthadoetrlM of
and sbe
to Mr. Barrlncton for a board bill.
eoftiMaaloos b7 Ural After them important deab Bayaa writaa. tble matTclooe medteine also
eurad Mr. Lonyof a tcrere mttsek of
Tba aaaattoF araa
abandoned tba ordinary iralkaofmor.
Sneb cures are poeiUve
tboataaOe. and arork waa dOM aloaf tab aad nndar an Inajdrailon Irined proof of lU power
tba Una of aa adraaoa In tba work of 8Uv« Brae.'Great Amartaaa RoTalty ebaat and luny trdnblee. Ooly
tba part/ in lha aonn^ and aUta.
Show aad Trained AnUbal BcblblGon. 81. Goerantoed. Trial boitlee
S. R. Walt and Jas. G. Jobeton'e droy
appointad loaalect
where be could tba better demoaelrata etora.
dalacataa to tba atau ooBTontien. Tba hb latent talenu aad aameron* aework of tba party wQl ba paMad
wbbh ootud BOt be
(btaeonaty. tbToafbtba orfanlzUJoa
Ua hnmdram
that bw almdj bean allaetad.
ranUna of a botac. cattle, bad. hnraem
Saeme as tnosyb seme of these
and baccy trader.
amounu ouybt to jan “sir* op '
Mr. Moryan. however, waa not eatbthe pile" yon wleb to put In a I
■ntt. If it b bere'B where we ]
ed wlU the bnalaem traneaeilont of
are able to ylve yon etUer
vaaatleo from bar datiaaln WUbalm Mr. Bayae. ao tar as bb aaenritlee ware
here I
812 ora 810 enit : ■ the 1
Brae.' atera.
iraed. and nayaa to look abont for
email emounii quoted
These 1
Dr. ‘Aamaypa of loola, who la ra- Mr. Bayev Ba ww dbeoverad wiU
ere UU eeason'e
lon'c floe Uilor
aerttar at Elk Baplda, waria Ua eity tba Silver Braa.’ abow and ooliM cant
no better offer 1
lUlnr on frianda yaaterday.
to Efmore. wbara Ue exhibition was
B. L. Oartar waa In Aldan on bntl- bdayylvao yesterday. Uat Bayaa wu
Bamllton aothiey Co.
ma yaaterday.
wanted. In Ua meantime a warrant
Dr. MnnaoH and aon FMd bava raawora OBt for bb arreat and Sbertsmad from a aamplaf trip toCMrp
Iff SUnpaon will briny him here to ylva
Ue daulla of fait salea and tradca of
MiM Sdffa M. FnMt of Waablnffton,
Ue property npon which Mr. Moryaa
D. 0.. U vlBlUn« Mlaa Joaepblne Vpdar.
Dr. O. E. Cbaae waot to MorUport bald a mortyaya
In eonniotloa wlU tbeaetranaaetlona
it U Interedlny to note aome oUer
J. D. Eromar, travaliny paaacneer
daab Uat immpdbtely preceded Uem
rant for the 0. B, A I. wm In tba
In Ue early-pertof-Jene Ueyat boaybt
ally tram Grand B
Bboraaof To^Sbane, ylvlny a note
.Frank Goodrich U home tram a baaifor tss for the Wlanea due on the ani­
naw trip to the nppar panlatnla.
mal. with a chatial mortyaye on the
Mba EUla Eann of Maolataa. reiarnbene aa acenrlty for Ue payment of
ad to bar borne yaatarday, aeeompaniad
tba note. Friday Ue note waa dna and
by tllM Bnby Solomon, who will be
Hr. Shane bayaa to look for bU mte.
bar iruaat for a few daya.
Mra. W. L. Flobam of NorUfield. b of whom be bed not a liiUe enepidoo.
Be found that Hayea bad' depan«d
Ua (ueat of Mra. A. B. Finney.
Mra. Wm Dawitt and danffbur, fOT oiber paru and Uat the boraa bad
yone. too. But ba yot tiaee of tba
Adalla, ratsrstd iMt niybt tram a vbborer, on the fa's of John Myera, aavittoMa&omlaaa. Wlf.
dn mllca eaat of UU city.
Lonb Pratt, wife and danebur bava
Be went to a»e Mycn. who wanted
ratvrnad to fTndlay. Ohio, after a vlall
to trade bonea wiU him. Mr. Myera
WiU Mr. and Mn. Baa Koab.
did not have time to yo to tba paalDre
Mra. A. B. Fianay- and bar run,
wbara Ue borm waa. but told Mr.
Mra W. L. Plnbam of SortbAald. will
Shane aad hb eompaalon to yo end
fo to Patoakay today tor a few days'
toko a look atUe animal. They went,
formerly of UeSoo pot a bridlagin Ue bona aad aald Uat
Imaa, pauad Uranfb Ua tba dty Uey would lake It. Thb Ury did.
yaatarday on hU way from Frankfort. wlUontyivlBC full valoa for tba ani­
William Phalpa of Cbleapo. baa ar­ mal In cash. It was Ue boraa on wbieh
rived la Ua ally to vbll hb brother. Mr. Shane held Iba mortyaye.
Bayee bad traded tbe boraa for a
Obarlea, who U aapariataadant at tba
factory of tba Mlcbipaa Mannfaetarinf plaea of land, then bad mortyayad Ue
land to| purebaae the outfit from Mr.
Fred Moeller and P.
Moryan.the aala of which yot him into
proprtatare of two department atoraa trouble. _________________
In Ohieaffo. are bare vblUnf John F.
Seats will br on aalr at Ue box ofBse
Ott while maklac n tour of Ua northot Slelnberc'O-and tomorrow mornm raaorts.
Mr. and Mra. B. Montafne bavefone ay for -A Bree/y Time" and “Two
Merry Tramp* ••
to Watertown. WU.
Cbarlaa Pata'raoa ratuBad yaaterday
fromawaaka' bulnaat trip tonorU'
an Mlcbt(ao tawna.
Mba Ella sulnbery will (o w Patoa­
kay Ub moraine for a vblt.
p. C. Gilbert and family are reaort
Inirat bony Lekr.
Mra. Wm. WilUamaonof
Grand Rapldr, vrara arrlvab at Edirc'
ipin* CDUoti. Asthma,
iarood yaatarday.
Bronehms and Inelplant
Frank Walton retnraad Iwt nlybt
Consumption, Is
tram a vblt to Mlafara Falit act
oUar polnu of latareat la Maw York
MbaMlanla BmtU and Mba Pearl
Tackabarry want to PetoUoy Ub
nUftora fraakbatay.

_rnm >•
aa« wtfa «(
CUa^MBlB*a^. TVyarrtrad


gSfa^>_t^»i;SS|^^«^ E.**^

I PUllpplM
k FUl^BO
I wUehft tout «H (UMk le
-BiTMMd AfttlBkldo."-Mr. Br^M
Mtfbt to 'wad word w the FlUplM
MM dileb, tkroub 8«Mtor PtUlirrew
who warn » owfal (c-Mwees. that
Hr. SWawaon ia ttia eandtdata of tha
XMwoentU partj (or alee ^oridant
mi Boi 4riiuido.

tfaw wUi balp bnalnaaa, and paranada
«Im laborlnr van that trw trada wiU
Mp wacaa. and patanada tba eolorad
MB that ba U batter off wUboat-lba
haUot than with it, and ooBTlnea tba
aaUlara tbat ibalr blood and braTary
bare bean apaat la Tala.tben tba wrty
M7 bava aoaa ebanw of winnlnft'Beat

«tor Bryan ?oU to
Ibas any aver before anjoyad by any
•Btton. for tba pnrpoM of trylnc a
CaaBslalaxparlaant oondamnad by all
Ma.CBOKuiaaffMr. ElUaraao buy
vaublar aaeh other In Maw York tbia
year tbat Mr. Bryan may bava to aand
OBa of bb Babraaka frianda to look
■(ter bla IntaraaU in tbat aUta.

* Fma U« Oklaayv TUMi Brrmia
i4 dMa'i hate un inat Um
■arthlBf IU« khli «««M happu: Bay.
Paum. fOB ka»BB't get »• >o eea« a*ai
A}ake«BBe. hBTSraaT Mb;

Of eosm 1 «Mb*I aigBCt
AartaiBg Iikr iklB, aa4
Tu »B.t gi»* a» ttat

•til. xll. eelU Ilf
taoBealBffBs> asd *l.fB tad vbrra
DMl;li*ppBB- IdfcUfC
tkUeapaf alaon iob
- OaeawtKirBfW ’

BMlag tkat-k ai
•eBioMB. aaioar•at Bar.

Taa«oB'ta«aB<tr Onaui'

VvU. willveil: laBBtBovfU
Par B1 pktBr* wbll* grtaag told abooi

Pleagant Tima on tba Beach.
One of tba moat pleuant lllila ont>
lafi that bare taken plaea tbU gammer
•M Mjoyad at BS Dalttllb farm on
Tbnta^. Sarly
ctmtij <u
in the
Hio I<B1>
day. U1
In apiie.
mt tba rain. Ua wacowand bagylcal
PUriadoat leaded «IU hb braUara
PBd abut! and Ibalr tam^lee. accom
fpBlad by ibalr oeagia. Mra. Baddgn of
IbBtpalbr. Ind.. and bar naphaw of
Cblo. Thar drove to tba haaah where
Ibpy ObOBt lha day. At noon a dalleIPBS dinner waa atrvad, and tba after■OOB waa spent OB and near tba beach.
ariU Mra Gaotya Blaa of Ub elty and
JIta Bonrwaad darter Rada of
TCoBtpaTler. J»d.
Toward evenlnf tbapBrty adjtnraad
dP Ua Itwp where lea cream and cake
t«d ddfelow frail -traaB Mr. Iblgtll'a
iww ware enjoyed. After aapparUa
aUldran ware aAwtalaad by a Ina

(S.50. $6.50, $9.50.^12.50

Yob dnH DMd hBj wood ttUi
hot wppttprtfyoo him
OM of Oor

Blue Flame

lost a little oil-<«iid aiy child can oper­
ate it. Yon can nse it in jota dining
room, or any place. We have them m
all sires and styles.

U«-iaO WWOSTT toTtoKWr.


1 File Crafoe Podrait
I6i20 far $1.25.

Faiaial Diraetor.

Ae. IM. BrllfBemm

This offer is good only for a


short lime.
Made from any good pictnre,



DON’T Be Fooledi

Rre Insurance.

........... .


I, L. A, Buliatog.

Dealers In Everything! Dealers In Everything!

n. Rich and Elegant
IfeM In Furnitura

Pretty odd bits' that relieye the monotony and add the
touch of beauty that make a house into a home. We
are dally unpacking the greatest stock of handsome
furniture you have ever seen. Small Centre Tables
with tancy coverings from $3.60 up; Ball Stands, or for
the comer, new designs, sell from $2.00 up; beautiful
Chairs, in odd shapes and new style of finishing and
carving, from $6.00; Three Piece Parlor Suits in differ­
ent styles of upholstering, from $20 to $60. Remember
that the “little at a time' payments soon.makes you the
happy possessor of a house full of handsome furniture.



ABandoomalfew Baaldeaea
oo. Prank BamUten b fflvlnr a
rood deal of attanUoa to hb alacaat
naw midane^ aOw aboat randy for
platlcrara. at tba wraer of Frank
and Wastalnrton atreato Wbao
plated Ub wUl ba oaa of Ua ffaeai
Waablarton atraet.
and Mra: Bamlltea azpeet to iak« poa•aMon aboet Ua ftrai of Daaaabcr.''


\ The dawAJi iiMEDY*

Yo complete the furnishings of your rooms. What a
change could be made witl^ a haodsome drapery in the
door, or possibly by that window, ko store is'showing
the assortment we are in the new Persian designs, or
the Tapestry effects. Our prices are from $1 76 to $15
the pair.


Gives that glad-to-be-at-home feeling the moment you
enter the room. Just placed on sale some beauties, eu’
tirely new designs Priefes from $1 50 to $9 00.________


Story of a lOaas.
To ba kband baad and tet
by Ua ebaba of dbaaw b t

5YJUSS?«£?V-b, «. lulbtua
baa baaa aobel^cat for flea yean that
•baaoeU aottara over la W aloce.........................................................Tleetric

BPH. malasaboly. baadaaha, falatlnc
aad dbM.epalb. It b a radaesd W
weak. aleUy. ran-down «ae^ Onra
npraatavd. Ualy aoe. Md tra & B
Watt and Jaa. Q JobnPoB, dranMU

Reduced from $au to $30.______________

TM Nannab & Lay IRgrcanDle Co.
Dealers In Everything! Dealers In Everything!
B A Baanioa A MUlUma Bloek.

TBM Morome tmxm: simday. august 12. iw _n
or aiOHKlAN I
ttopwtinMU tmMkm o( tte 60I'

, •pusB Vnu* Awmf
r AfWraeu ak tto
w.PM el

Mnto thk ncta.|Mpto mw^
to tor to— o» E- tofc
4«r*rt ytiitoj
Tm CuarM.S.- TkM «ffi to pmte m4
aiMMM Md tto gru»

.... 0
7 1
Ocmatm IWnW skd
ttst so defftotp wBos w tlU eMBM
wOl to tskw by thkgcvaraBesti

............. 1 *J 1

HngtapasdBabl^rScsspdy and

It’s all your gain.

Itkulikslyttp gwnBestwa
»Tto ■Mtia o( OM^«torr>” »U1 to M W. K Wrtgbt oAMtWg. aaWawd by wyttlng Becethw'jpBBBsteak
ttocModt. toMofttotoM tank- Bor. C T. Bwat of Omao otorto.
appeal to tto Brititt goversBest for
w u tto MW «1U to yrwwt.
Mil. HwiWat ■paaaw. wtoao wa
■wry a.'r*rk «m« toUtag^ ■aao WM Brittain, vta bora U ▼«- Lasdos, Asg. lL->Ttore la so UisBMdr» Wto, Mtr Onmi taptto. diw Boot, w tail. Sto Uvod iton tfU tto dency here to ba sodnly awgslsa over
UttawtMiet waWr. atrwk totlM agaodMyaatA wbasatoBazrlod John tte (ktseee qeeaties, bet Smpew
•to iWowWi kk Mto. Itlittotokt
ptoM.aattoatiaota boMrwat
dee asd cevprsaasB give aoai
$e.W>. $&60,
$19.60 are
to iimi rwBw.
osea to Ike reperte ttot tte
7 a
th« pricAH Pick on* of thoM and yoo
Bteoa EoUa »to WUl Boa. tto Ua- Tbay reWdad at If aoktaaw uto ;
reeklisee to the powsn Bay aeon dBoarTIl'^.X!!!.!!!'.!!!!
Vhret aad Fkber: KttoU
Mf toU hyf0 »ke warkto ttoir way wtoaMr. SpaneoroaBa to tto'yrwint eallapec. It k rekagnliid that eaek
wUl liBTO MTod from thro* to fivo
WPvli.»k««ttoy*Ci|ndto tto
alw of TrararM aty. ato aagagad Is freeh aggreealen of tto alUed foreae Begdes.
.... » u
• to aiBlslpk tte eka^ of tto MOwwkar..........
forttw*. vrtrU toM M • (ralgkt tto ISBber baalsBa Tto foUowttg
wee dppeeitloB aad tbalr rebeUlew KwassChty-- -Mia IMI towrday aJcktr-''ttoy n- yeartowulW rtodoat BlkBatoda,
Bt Of dsttSBS
torMd«BUot«xpwWMt. Witt Bitot wtora tto' fOBUy Urto satU mi.a
Is tenth inalng.

totototoAto ao •oTM.UtoHwUy.
8parka.WaddcU and Smltt; Otar wd
of tto forward polley-of tbe alllet. asd
torn orarolsao lived.
- for tto w«r Md tmr.
■■ apuasr. wto diad a Uttla low tto ttreau to lacriiee tto legaiiopa
WalW tta
Firtt game—
aMrUgUdw, oa ttt Ctoetod Uto, m ttos two yaart ago at tto ago el w asloeatte Isvaaien to abwdosad, so Detroit............
wr aarioealy alansa tto power*.
tor itosn (rtp oa tto Islato mw yoara. wet tto original owsv of a larga
nwtoay »fWfM»..t pMMnn uw yaridf tbopraaaot alw of Trarerao
Amole wd
c;ty. Be bad tto orUrlnal gorarst
78c. *1.00, *1.80, *S 00 j: Wc
tonglsf to It ato«t • bU*, away. All yattnt to A»o 'fraeiionat aaetlooa of ngttat any baim btiaaiter inflicted
toMo wai auto to raaeh tto* aad ilaad, reulag aaat toward Bait Bay upon foreigner* will to met with tthove fltied oat many ontiro teaxiliM of
laBM# vM Boaa tooaaoa. aa ttay wart (rooi a liaa naar Boards^ araaoa.aad flietlon of tbe tevereat perwnal penialtar;
boy’g from this lino—Kany of theoB
aaarty eatoutcd. tortay toaa la ttot reanlag aoal^ from the bay to Board- Uca. Tbic k aomettlog ttat appeale
even to me mttt fanatical orlrttala,
aoatUioofora leaf tlM Tbay tod Ban Lake.
cost u* nearly doable what Aeynow^for—Whsre
Mra. itpaaear wat tto aotter of and the eneeruee already gnined by
toto talllnc aad tolag latzparWatoa
trariaBabUteaoBiroItto beat »toa
there ie only one eize of a kind we limply eat the
a tllght tqaall ttraek (tben. ToaJr haraneapt Battle, tbayoangaatdangb' ttelr power to ezeenta tteir tbreata.
price in two, If necessary to sell it;
Koooebaaa very clear Idea eai
' aamW an Bart aad Loa Aadrawa aad lar. Barah B . tto aldaat danghUr, li
the wife 01 B L. Spragne of the Bagla wbat anthorhy ii really in control in
Baraay laaaot. all ol OlaeiaaaU.
Second gameArable WiMBaa. aged at yeara and Fma. JasB dpanwr U in beaioM In Pekin, bnt it makra UtUe difference if iBdiwapolIc
Cleraland ..
mamarrled. ana of Joba Wtaemat. ai- Cbieage. Be arrlrad In tto oily Tharv tte fear of repriaala or any otter
Gardner wd Heydon; Bcffer aod
Bamtor of tto board of adtMaUon at Uy. dliaa W. Spwoar tealdaaat 81. tlve U tcfBelent to protect the lega- Spiea.
Alpena, wbo toe been :>totsg el^ XHlton Bpanear U U toal tiooe nntll tbe rciene la complete.
Tbe beet aign of all k tbe ptoapecJalr M. waa teaad wandtrlng in ^ laai In Colorado. MUa Oliva N. 8puTwo Carload# Of Cortata Pole*.
woode Friday afiMnoon In a deaa
Tbe Mleblgao Manufacioriog Co
on tte German ecmmaedefln^
Jaet the time now darlDK thte hot month—A
aoadltloB- Ue bad lired on wild bar- aotber ua iba time of bar death.
Bra. Spencer waa a Bamtor of tha Von Walderaee. It algcallaraa degree chipped two earlobd* of euruln pole*
rtaa aad freiLoBe waa only oapturad
few day’s wear will give yon your money’s worth of
FraabyUrlan ebereb for tnuy yeara of harmony among the power* cf tbe to Cbleago la*t week. Several Improve
•torn long etoae.
bafora bar death.
wettern world anfllelent to deprire
lU bate been made lately In tto
comfort at the sm^ price we close them fbr—86 to 60
Tha«tata^Bdaid of tVaiarlnary BzChina of any poe({t)(e adranttge dnr; factory. A new friction poliehlng me•Blnara baa Oaeldad not to giro for
IngtbemUUary portion cfttecrlaU; eblne baa been aoded aod will be *et a
per cent, discoant.
yablloatloo a lUi of Indlridaala gr
Cbarlotta, the 1} montba old dangb- Wdtbia. eofwaa China 1* rooeeraed. work Monday.
ed eertileawa to praetlee the healing terof hir. and Mra. AUiter Gens died meaaa ttat her eaao k abaolnialy hope
There's hardly a man but what oonld nse some*
art M tto boraM of mehlgan. The yeaterday moralBg at 4 o'clock, after a leaa.
irett la, tto lUi woald aoi to a long
vary abort illnaae. Tto fuenl. aerTbe attUnde of France in thU conthing'We are offering at the prices we quote bo clean
one. aa okt of u appllouM who took
Tioea will ba held at the home, ill neetlon la very lntare*tlng. Five yean
tto esaaainatlon abla week. OBly three
np small assortments belore fall goods arrive.
M. Cedar atraat, tbla afternoon at two ago tbe Idea of aneb intimate mlllury
ware granted oarUfioatea. Maoy sen
o'clock, oondectod by Bev. Hngh Ken­ ec-operation with tbe eonqneror of
wbWbav* aeocetafnlly doetorod horava
nedy. Mr. Gann worka In tha atom of 1170 would have hern abanrdly
for yeara wart aoabla to uawnr the J. W. Slater at Elk Bapidt. Wha poaalble. There bat bern'a eeriain
elBploet qecatlona when clothed In the child waa uken 111 be waa haaUly amowtof angry commcEl in I'arla
yrofaMlnaal ramaenlar. Soma of the aummeoed, arriuWg but a few benre over tbe proporal bat nothiogapproachapplleuta eouldc'i tell u utiaepUe btfoie tba baby'a death.
ing genuine popular protcaL
trOB aa amatle, ud In. aoBa eaaat
80 far aa tbe reported American
Uon. U U. Oorell. wbo bat been
■a did not aniwar IS par oent
eampiog at Cong Lake, retarned totbe objection to Bogland'a action in landeationa eorracily. The board
city yeaterday and foood a letter leg iroopa at Sbnngbal It coceerned. If
raqairee a aiaodlng of Ti per cent.
from O. A Wbeolcr. euilad that he there ia one idee more firmly rooted in
John Strobe, a farmer llvleg near and Bon. J. 6.' biearnt were ready to tbe Britlah official mind than any
UayvIllQ.dld hla mUklng tba otter eome here aad look over the nropoeed otter It to that tte Bi llUh.and Ameriew
UnrivnlUil company of oonicdisiis .
At graatly reduced prloea. Tbeoe arc real bargaioc.
nlghtabd left bla pall of eiUb in the
lanae rallWad roote- Ur. Oorell la inurcau in China are Identical. Oonin tliat muaicai comctly
ptatry to cool, while ba went in the eoaSdenttbattotb genUemcn Will to arqnently. action to to be idenlicsl
.11 f.irarb - Alot otpork*lUrtB«liV-up«v^-'. . ISc
A lot 'll pear
to't'p' ...
poatettoa. Betamlng home, be foead bare tola week.
»J>-*orb Aloiorbicrrletlfvtapr. !«>«(( ra('3 .
U la ezplained that tbe Britleb action
A )ni or tool
toi»r «arli , A let of bli-ri-I* wnorbM . .S„...U,9)r
ttaaerean in tba pantry window
A loi of parr*; rarrkr*
There pill to anottor maoa meeting' in Sbangbai to nnrely prectntlanaTy.
, .
lAriair Letof blrrr1*rPMa<.cepdoor*.JV.(lu>
broken la and the milk gesa Look- of the Carpcnteia'. Maaoaa’ and Paint Whatever may happen elaewhare.
. lCr*acfi LolofUrrcI*MtCdl**,reedoo*«.*nr,IIAa
lageat la the orchard to aaw a large era nniona tomorrow avraiag at ?:lo Bnglwd U determined to keep tte
klaeb bear. Uelriag tba milk off tala abarp, InC.S. P. Aball. All membera Tang The vnlley open to tbe werld'a
A lot of pedal* aod bandle bar*—rood once—cheap.
ehopa. A poaae ol nalgbbora procered of tbcae nniona are srgad io to prea- trade. If thia can be done by tte
Four ijood 6(H.'ou(l band ladi^’ bicycles, SIO.OO each.
gene and rldeaudpnranad brain an- enl.'
mninunanee of tbe Cblneae auttoriUea
tUdark, tot|fallad to eaptere hl«.
Blpgbam Broe. have pet In a flee le- nnlmpairrd. ao mocb tto betur; If nok
Tha baarb trackt la tba dooryard foot eaaa in ttelr meat market, aad a BriUab authority wUl tiep into the
Entirely rewritten and torntsl upBaaaared ti? laehaa. Tfala k ^ drat litkia later In tbe ataion wiU pot in a breaeb.
duemg c
to-date, iniroducii
bear aaea la tba neigbfaorboad for Uaeof canned menu, fralu, vegeublea, ■ That, Itk urged, toa perfeeUyaimple
Baay yoara.
and atralglitforward policy. If It k
tab and all klnda of canned gooda.
Charlea W. Kroger of Detroit, a aol- . A apeelal train will be ran
Bverythiug. New,
men, ttev are quite at liberty te
41er la the PblllpplBaa. waa kUled in a WilllaBabnrg oa tbe Pere Marqaei
Novsl ABd OriginaL
akirmlah at Saniya, Jnly It. Kroger » a. a. today lor tbe beoeflt of tboM aoeertain what they can geteleewbn^
wat a semeer of tba Tbirtiotb velu- wbowUb to attend tbe faneral of \tiring In mind alwaya that Bnglwd
War lafaotry.
George Brown, retnrnlag after
Beeaeae bk asotber locked him «p narvEoea. Fare M cenu for ,tte rosnd own bwd in tbe Yangtae valley.
la a room for mkbebavlor. WilHe booo- trip.
Tto tOTegoing itatameot may
aa.aBayeeeoiy boy aged it.abotat
A party ooasUting of $1 aaea Helen aaeribed a* a aeml-offlidal ezpremloo of
bar with u old abotgnn be foead In and Catherine Moore. Emma wd Lnli Brittob policy. In part, at Icaat. of the
■I interpreted
tto raoB.- Tba weapon eonulncd bird Bnabee and Bditb Earl will etmp 01 Uugied Cbine*a queaiion.
- Hundred.
ebot aad aeveral ware imbedded In ito wcat ebon of Btat Bay tomorrow
bin. Doaeub faea ud neck, lodleilog
Tba Mloaca Aaderaon eotorwioa
only alight Iniary:
Friday cvulng with a vary erjayabie
Oread Bapidi wlu probably to n
Bambmtllowroattat ttelr camp on W Bt Mc wr wrwi wc wt WMW wnvm
aaaicd by aoo 0.*'A. B. BCBtora at the
Beat Bay. Abint 3o young people
Watch For The Golf Clab.j
A very enjoyable social event
utloul eaWapment tbb month In
droea o«t from tta city.
tte card party given at tta Park PJaoe
Enjoy two bourti aad a half of
Tba aaylum received a carload of ftne Friday evenlog by Landlord aod Mra. L-leau fnn-Tbe aDoul report of OommUai
Holden. Uearu wat the game, wd
Of Pentloot Eeana will abpw ttot the Holatalo catUe Friday arealDg.
Popnlar prioee—2r», R-'i. -'lOc.
somber ef peotlonere mldiegis Mlcbon aalr at box uffice tomor.
wbkb were offered by Hra. Jamet row morninu. Telepbont> 118
Igu on July 10, waa t<>8. aa tbe city from Chlsage today on
Morgw. ware very handtos
- sgalDattMm on the aama daw laat ■WaBOr Cbarlevols.
The wlnnei* were:
y«ar. Faymenu to peeilenara in the
White WUl Probera wai glrlag OM
Firat prlie:<tadlaa. Un. B. 0. AUey,
■WW aggrtgaud a(i.«4t.«T» daring tha efttadratoame tbclr daUy enareka
allver eandelabra; gantleman’i, ekafing
> y«r aa agalaii de.«tt,st« is the praerday. tto wagoo csBa aacM)
' eodlngyear.
wd tta rear wbaela went off Into the dkb. B. J. Macdonald; Itdlea' aeeond
prtae. cut glaaa bon boa dkb wd aterAfter taking two women from the gnttor. while the team attrwd to
Ung bon bon apooo. Miaa Annette Bar^ere Maiqnetu auilon at tonilng 10 and were atapoed with dUBealty.
anm: gentlemrn'a, cbaflog'dkh. apoon
tto Uka SBore depot. Bllaa Beeghner.
J. c. Mbrgw'a family will move
Wd fork. B. C. Aunr of Cadillac: eone haekman In the employ at StoHfl
Feewr, foud a piirae cobtelnlog a anrtow Into tteiir kosae reemUy par- aolatloa prlae. five pound bos of ewdy,
Ipige anm of money le bkhaek. He ebaaed of JaWaa Sbrlglay. Mr. Sbrig. Mki Grace Morgw.
‘Beildea tbd gnnU from tto city, Are now located in this city, ao<]
tBBOdHWly drove bach to tba depot ley wlU move at once to Hanktca.
asd reteraad the perae lotbelady wbo
Tto Craaoent bw^ ueanloa aronnd mwyof tte aammer gueau of tte ran be conaulted on all affairs of i'
ksdloatli. "Wby. bow In tto world tteklwd uiu evening wUllanva tbf boul were in tto party. Imperial life.
punefa waa terved dnring tbe craning
It makes no difference what your
did 1 come to loaa hr' ecclalmed tto dock at 7 o'clock abarr.
experiences have been in tbr past
lady, aa abe elatebed her perM tightly
WUl Fatttrly k baiUlng a twentyLaatevCsiagMr*. A. W. Walt enur* with clairvoyants, tzypaiee. fortane {
*10 her band. ‘-I have alway* beard foot gaaonoe lansch lor Morrk Sloman
Ined a few friead* at a tea party '
tellera. palmiats, etc., a call will:
ttstbaekmsn bad tto repewtlasof ofBetrolL Ycaurday Prwk Friedrich honor of Mra. G. O. Bateaof Cbieago.
convince tbe most ekeptical that!
balcg tklpvw, tnv now 1 ktew there k cold a fonr-betae power Wolvorlsa gaithe Bomarra are tbe rsmant atsraj
OM huaat aw aaottg ttoa.’* And ollsa aaglsa for. the craft. Tto boat
In view of the fact that the rise in price of coffees baa
of occolt aeience.
ttkweattouly tbanki ckWndm) by wUl to oomylaMd ttk montt wd daTvalra SclUn
of ChUdk
made it necessary for oa to raise prices also, and realiang
If yon are in trouble, do notj
Iba lady ogee tto letere to bar of llamsd is DeirMt.
Bslta te fut 8tg Mian
some of onr cnatomere would not be willing to pay
BPra ttw tiWThstk wbat om man nrad ratbe advanced price, we have added to onr line these grades
whom to trust—call.
AwkaWWIef ‘Me" gtopW boogkt
eentiy on a aingle pnrehaoo of
Do not buy. aell, move or travel,
lltUa cakaa of classlsg aoap wfcleb a
and to this trade we can recommend them.
ckUdran'* two pleoa iniu from
BppdUl Pliow Otnvd b7 B* ^
onr bargain eonutcr*. Many
or take any iroTOitant atep before
' peddlw warranted wBka oat ^kisda
mnrajsat aaeb bargatno.
Hava enabled «wy a man to
eooanltioe the Bomarra.
ef do^ graan aad’ptalto tna dlotUng
BamUttn Clothiag Co.
dreaa eoafortaUy dnring ttU
5otb^ guaranteed except the
paying twonty-Bra easla per eake for
boMpall tt a Am llsan oraab
or tasey Awsd bsU. Wa aaU Grocer.
Beadinga for a abort time only.
peddler bad beegbt tta 0009 at tto
50 cents.
law nf Its latge eakea WraeurWr in
N,* Phone ik
on Phone SStt
per eesi dkaowi.
___day toaoa "Two Morry Tram"
Office open from Han. ’till 8
•wet the Wool awrea asd wsaashat Lake Eric Park Catlaa, la TbMo. „ m.
_ Sunday’s from I'tiU 7 p.m.I
lig aeveral keadied par ent pa kk laOkie, ne Jum 10, laoc. Oaly B.OOO ko- P ™
440 East Front Street.
leg aWa to aaeara oeau.

in Men’s Suits-

in Ohiidren’s Suits
Two or Uirae Piace-.


Men’s Linen Summer Goats,
Vests or Pants-

Neil Ittraction

Steinberg’s Grand
Wednesday, Augnst IS

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Fitz aBd

Special Sale of Bicycle Sundries

A Breezy Time!
It*8 the Limit.

At LEDERLE’S, 118 Union St., Near Front.,


The Up-To-Date Photographer



■ KlEtaBSioX."

A Fine Liae ot Photograph iButtons. Enlarging of III Kiails.

Ind a Grand Cake Walk


er£0TS It soeierr.

f 20

Direct From Cairo

nt loridt Ftowooil CliinoTuU,
PiMMi u4 Itdlim

You can see that
we are always looking after
your interests.
Note what we offer you

Old Colony
17c per Ih.

17c per Ih.

W. £. HANEY,


-?;--v--T*r --- ■

B11 jW,****^*

\ tattrTmt$»Lt

t ttakUkhlU'

cratedi.bMtetbi I iili» wM «m

«Mv •twmgpa Misr Mat
iaarddari^tbidftr.MHMi im
•MMMV thi wCaai. tUMckM
toad thi «pMtr « thi Wf
«M«wteJaaA. <M Aairtai taij
•MMd krMHf*
^ bMi4a^t that tUi WM thi
toalhiOHtM fMM AwtoAo* «l teifMt cMhatoff pf awiMfftt *•
MMiL .
thiaantaoMdiritMittaM biUt,
TWfeiai»ati< O^tMto, OmM —dhitragraUj plarad wlte
Dm iMi •«*«€< imvwtHpm M nralte. Biwraa.thaiWMMtUi#
MpOT, Uttiw Mr Md wM» w wUMwMMtwhM hi dMlrad* *»•
MU «ta M< Mr a cnliiakfe Ma. iTMhitpMpliWitaerata •How



«teMto»ilMi andMiMtitb*

Hi ii’ti-r iid Ki—a Irak

Matltirfir*—•* bilUi«r*.ak- iftertbiwiittof Mai cdthiiMrMi «t thi rWa ot aaaidlatWa •hfMaMfMdUjrMthMVlMd. B«
«rlMi.cnaakM.i«di wif»- thli wOl a rMidted thi bifteater of
iac tnaafin M a. lart aa^ m*m thi »Mk, M tb«« wiU a aapli atra
te »4«r.«tikoaarui>rMUi‘
hilpMnraabirli work Moctoy.
VmUMw »m». • yauu l*»aa MiiyM*lteMO(ffoedi ara bM
iddid a ta nrlou dayMtarata iod
MMid i trite M tkM »)ia boud
M-dfiMlL With klBM U»w *
wdtabr. ttej tadMW riddM
• tnte .bitori iad a tbiy----------- -

Melbll t^ whteUi bUw aad -Twaa


A. Sae.—td Lawate.
rin.8ee.-QaUa Bydc-

,.«hv.-MR. kt. Larander.
iThe ledra WiU ctra a walrhlnc eeeii
te Menlarae haU an BataiAay. Sr
tMihar ite. to whtoh aU ara tevltod.
It Balpad Wla BaMaa
.Twaaty-ntea otkaa aad saa wro
Iren tea treat to any teat ioraen
teataaa. eata.
aara <aat and
Aratoa Balra to
Sana for baraa.



B*SJgt5gS;SStSr SSB-


r. Orara Mn. Thu Are Set

i)i wui Mitteii dinar ah

Ui *Ui lift thter Mate iaaj J THE 8TAOE
jMdlar a ta ytottera. aM h lap
•torihi rreMd.ta«ift ciitehterta
Wbjte ha wai. At ta trate had aaaato
MtctetadiaMd Twmt«m U11-: Erwytbter to aew te raadtetM tor
^ aa bit wifi to tadly tejarad tat tea ptrtorBiBOM of tbi ladtea
«a dted. Ta bfby M a aMaa lar- ‘Powhatan’' on Monday and Taraday
Ta oay raplaiW »A«aaiA to ta •ranteft te tee City Opwa Hoaee•aadaet of ta
ta tat thty w«i The dr«i nhaaraal-wat hlrhly eatto
wMOiatatad trltfiraralter oa a trate fretory. aad the dlibetor to aoore tean
trad frarter that U womld sot tap. tattoAid teat ta performanoM wUl a


L a 6. T. ^ebidlbe Mteol^
L. DemM-Tley Theobald.
0- T-—wm Oeblr.
▼. T.-Oeerra Mlrv.
P. a T.->0ha



Mr Mi hMa. t^th* BMten' aavWMibiDaMa Sara te i«y
HI Ilf—— rraaMtiaiad tM
Ii?iivi*i ^ ' •pMte«a(
Mra «Bt& «h«M
Ckf Mi) Da tmrm «t Ua«|
tbi aara «a «bi mm « terfi

MtaanSG mccord. 'sdkdat. august i». woo
E O. a«.«MeeM.
Btotahataa-Onnd, Thnndey. Anar-10
Attealr MoeBMt laat «nn

ot tea aty.
Mornlnr aerrtee
louroediate Obrtal
'oaar Peoplea* Sectety #f (tertottea
• aver ate:ISp^

Hotwitenaadter tbe ncBy dtorotoan
ta wbicb tbe fentelne ‘after dlnaer
weaker appeart. Chanucev Depew nya
tbe to a “lailare." aod u be eankteto
tee fcTorlte loeaglug chair te bto deA
Dr. Dcpew laiieratcd. "Yee. ataUare."
“Aad year advice to hef ii?'

I Used
to Pay 10c


For Pig TaUs. bat sinbe ^
nos sau-BaoM aad IwBa Ish ssmt.^
of tlx tor. rnreoe*. aMtrM Ufku
•Bdostvr. Boircoto.toUBcvosMftLnerats.
losBlrv ot Dr. tovycr o> bBc* or SB Ilk atnel.

I hare tried

Pig Tail


■ =”.7r

m.6iuxc 'll

The*pabufi«eerateUytevlttd abe to a rrcet eocoeM a* a cen/paoioo
I after dinner coffee, will Hm toobject to
iito. Xipon
to^d aUte~eervteea.
each wboltrale coodeanatico. bot wbo
cacat-H OF CBBIST.
criticlM .than tbe
bar a clearet; title to nittcli
Servteta held te OnarelteH.
— CaUfd (or. eleasBO
king d after dinner talkersl
j. j. Finley ot EaUcatea. wtU
Club Ufe prodooek after dinner telkpreach monster and eranlar.
en by the dazen. Bot none, u yet. beSuday aehool at 9Ai a. as.
Mornl^ aemon 10:tt.
SoBib I'BloaBUtol.
. .
A majority are too cooeeSoot of ibelt
OhrtoSlaa Bodeaeor «:1S a. m.
tplendld. Taopm to fall of laterSi»M tnm it
own eSorta to reach that dietuctioa.
’AKTXD- Dar’B vork orDSnlBctoCk^
or osn
Praaebter at 7:S0 p. ns. *
Mt ud tee maale to of ta popalar aad
tulBdr. Wlllrlw C«to
Chart laetare. uaUeel,’The teareh Almoet u many are in too deadly ear*
eroCdrrwttSSonk Otov.
eatohy cbaraeter. The etoiy of
DMt over their partienUr line of work
JiMifT bOiM. tarrtd trite «aa«l- cipwa fdltowa eloealy tee erirteal bitto beed tbe gtacee and tbe ligbtaorae.
DOB of coffee talk and become popoUr.
amral Hrrr~i--* -AoUan’ trerte of torteai ltc«id. and to rarater eoiaie to attoad then earvteea.
ascoxo irmioottT cai-aca.
I bare come to the coocliuWhen aeked if bU jodgmeot wu tba
opera, at not a
B*T BueaaeaMdr.PMtor.
rmnlt of experience. Ur. Dcpew caid:
ioo that 5c will buy a BratadteaerlM teordraa gaa
Ma Boberto bM tea leadter eopraao
Sendu earrlew—Piaaeblar at tO:M
“Yea. I have beard women talk at
claM, delicious smcjte. Try
part, and m PorabontM, ea bM a eery
B. and T:M p. b.
SoroBls. at dinners political, chariubla
Oi KanMt wbMt harrMt It ptacU- dlfieali aad attraeUra r^. which jut
one and yofi will serer pay
nform dinnera. dramatic dinners, din­
.mOf radM. aad nUrat abow a total eniu btr brlUiaat'aad eympathatte bMlnnlnr of tee monilnr eervloe.
ners of every ooncelvable kind, and aft­
10c for A Pig Tail agaio.
er teem ell my advice still is. 'Don't do
' wliU Of a trlflt Bare tean rater. Ma varr tabu tee part of Morn ter teeme—"Tbe 8i
Boaeaty laCaaraetcr
te Caarar»- ”
birtiilt Thta to ta lantctt wbaat ■Uorbter Star.*'
__ jseettnr as
a 9;«5 a. m.
«iopi«« pradiMdte aay^byu tea ehtef. Powhatan, aad her mdltloa Baaday
eebool at u:ts.
they teem oni of place.
of tele rote wUl an dallrbtfal trut to
Jaalor Learoe al 3 o'clock.
! “They are not in toneb with tbelr
▲t JaaaoarUU, fla.. Eta. M. Barb. her frteada. Ta Kter of Vlirteia,
andiences cur in accord with tbe spirit
trUia admirably taken
of the occasion.- After dinner epoaking
7J0belenr* to the bcor of good fellowship
aatSteto of a ••Jdater-bM" otter by Pred Baater, hta rteb baa and traalar
\ cordial teviiaUon to >
XU BmI rrost BtfW.
A woman duesn't fit into tbe snrrocqdWMtoifttteroita porobMfiltta roatral aake ap beter well adapted to
Ctoho* eoUM toe Bat aeUroNd.
to aisead teeae eerrloia.
auwsAeihleM isisiMs gvB«e. nugS’
laarat t Wit ea btr Up. at thoarbt tea tlUe role. Oaptate BoUo. the
paimsM CBUWCB""MaESk*" ‘ MM, Jastaix Arocamta
le doesn't catcb tbe mood of her UallttUoflt WidBMday tailp biraa yoear BarUebiaaa. te takea by E. B. Kef.BMcUr JOM*. pwu>r.
..oera She u apt to be a wet blanket,
vatoterhiraad trhlltoat rtelar at. White, tee toner' eanete ealUar bta Chnrcb. Ooc. Oak aad Pifte atrnato. and to Induce aad.and soleoyi formality
Buday aebool al •:4S.
-atoted. Doetoia w«a ralted to. at ratee daily. Mr. Baker, tee Alreei
te tbe room of light qoips and jollity.”
Pabllc wotablp U:00a.n.
■ahoy eoald 4o oeteter. and ta dlad, ot tea opwa. takM tee part of Oaplain
—■‘Where Women Ate Failnres.” Bo
Bdur MBorter tetoOM aroay tor a John 8»lte. Thi ‘Two Puaay la•Mh. Bar bMaad wm te Detroit oi dlana" Modtatea aad Paatear. are tokONE-TWELFTH OF A DOZEN.
teulaiM. PhytoteauMytabar'tblla aa by Lraa TltM aad Batpb BMlitt. S’wic woraklpa
aUof tecM
The pnblto are U
aad tety waka a atrenr tanas. The
the Wmp 1
rrlday ta ItenMyIraate mpi
emaox (kpocopal) cauacaIt to aot every ooe wbo knows bow lo
ladtea boye are aU rirbt aad the “Ut- Bar. Chea T. Pioeu Bmwt.
1 at • p. m-. '
take advantage of tbe diffaenoe between
^ For fall And wihter wear, from tbe W. L Dongcotabid bUoN ta traiareaahid Oolam- Ua PapoooM to “awfally" eoto. The
Corner Waablngtoa atreet and Bpard- wboleule and retail prioea AU ap ud
daaew of tee Indian MaUaae aad tea naa avenaa.
_______ " Ua riboe Co., and if yon deeire to wear a'peir in
Broadway tbe wboleeale ctone
Boly Oornmnaloa at a. b.
Cona dead la bit ur whra tee train EarUeb Olrie are ftaa. aad the whole
Monster aervioeand aermon at lOJO dtoptey tbe sign. ”No goods cold at is the latest styles, which yon will oertainly be wise in doing, then come
canehid ta eapltal olty. Uan'e retall." or the more emphaUe annonnoi
early to eecnre yonr ain. We have then in willow calf, in tan and
Bento ara now ea Mle at tea poat ^Buday Behool at ittoO m.
Boot. "Positively cogoodi at retalL
wntoer aru toaad by bta nUe with
Inquiry at tbeae placee will only bring .black kangaroo end vici kid with hand ^wed bottoms. Tbe prices nre
Vuper aervlen at 6:30 p. a.
«hraeaaBbmMptlad.aad the uft oMm Bpwt ataad. aad tea adatottea to
ont the assurance that eveiytbing is stamped on the sole of every a&oe and one price to alL
wurltidof lUMBtaalaaBd ta doer »0e. l»e aad ate. It to for tea baaadt
aold by tbe dosen. if tbe stock be divis­
of OraM Chareb Oalld.
Indltatod tat It ha bMa blown
aad Mr. a A. Bkeleber.
ible te that way. bnt u do one vrua a
A eordlal larltatioa axttaAed to all docen hate, nr a dozen necktiea, or a
Oarter a iWMit thaadtf itorei star
TbaelMbof tetoraat la “A Braaty
. Blew York Thonue Elite wu etaadter Tlar.” which wUL be eeea at Sutedosen boxes of collars, or a downs salto
et clothes, tbe fact that tbe price by tbe 155 Front atreet.
oa the porah of a hotel whw a ilroki barr’e Oiaad next Wadaeeday oraalar- Bev. W. T. WeodkauM. Pmmt.
dcMD it abont 30 or 80 per cent len ibu.
of Urbtalar amid oS hto mutaea Aar1* broarbi aboat by tee fact
tbe retail price l« neither a very comot elONly u a raior ooald ara eat It,
teat tee eradlwra of a yeaar eoltera
furtlng nor raving one
•aa Bade a tlralrbt aUt throarb bta atodaatbMparaaadhlB oat ot town,
The ingenltnss gentlemen wbo are "te
wppuaad lowar llpt aad awn bta
trade" have fonod ont a way to make
aad teat tea rtol he lerae bM doae
Bnaday School 13
aii to tee aaek m eteaa u a eharp Ukewtoe. UUeaaUyW bi.Beaatbat
mail purchases at wboleule ratee ud
B. yTp. U. at6;U
fcnlfeBlrbtait. TbarawMilMoa
Kveatec aervlee as t:bo p. b. Bebjcet. yet not transcend tbe commercial rale
eoaplleatloat ean rtow oat of
which prohlhiu wboleule men from en­
hto torebead a Held barn aboat tee alu
■Jbu, Joha aad P--~» "
teoetatoettetere Uraoalat to be
gaging in retail bulneas. When tbeu
of eoaiae, wbetbar they have
wut a new nedtrie or
AtWaehtertoiapprabiaitea f felt
ukba advaalare of. Leavtertee Waahtertoh atreet.
, provided there i
And none are poor atock. Soap aa you know is better
Cor the aetety of Obarlti M. Bobtetoa
The pabllc are tevitod to aU theie
r oat of tee qeeallea.
ond W. U Ptet-OeBa. tea eeatu ea- however, tbe plen toeald tobrtec apea eervloM.
luenmavats " of such ud such a being aged. Everybody wlio'uae* soap know the ataodnid mnkea
•orrlaere for AluM- who. with utaral Ibeetarea rw«
ume when they aee the name on the wrappers. We will give yon good anlMpU who
site gloves will make a pnrrhase of ura for 5c. 10c. 2-5c, 35c and 50c per cake.
othare. toft Bamphrt duty. Alua. on have made hiu te their tlBe and wbo nc>.3. a. ISartes. Pssior.
Pieatetea at I0:to a-B
one-sixth of a dcoen. wbilti it is related
Janes, for tit- Utebaelr.aad beat aot have been broerkt toffether for the
Bebjeet. -deivmg two MMtcra "
with nincb glo« among the Banmt ud
olaM bMi beard fromBnaday School al 13:00.
ffrtttlBt to "A BiweiyTitoa’'
tbe Bergs that one smart ulesmu pot
In 0 scrionsly wiirded order for “one-1
Shlpmau of FniU.
twelftb of a dozen brown dert> bats, |
extra qnAlity. size T4." He got lbs
ell eblpBOnto from this eeetioa •T a. BsUbm. Pulor.
TtoUBi ot Petal Aeeldento Throarb
are bcrUalar i
Cberoh on oorner of Ninth ud Wada- bat. ud, matcovt-r, be got it for |3.S7.
while its retail prioe would have been
oat Mlohlran.
___ Barnitedr. alteonrh tbe aea- srarte atreeta.
gfi-fiO.—New York Bon.
Bnnday aervieet at follows;
Dcatet by drowalar te the elate for ___bM eeareely bensn. J- P. Beif,
Prucblng at 10:30 a as.
Abiweek areu tollowi: Haraee and whole haadltec' a good deal ottbe
Bnaday aebool at il:30.
Onr fee retnmed if we £«l Any osm aanding ftatdi tad desarifMl Of
Drafnen Oaneot be Cored
Albert Krate and Orarrt BteiUt frnlt ot the peateeute, ahipped to CbePreaching at 7:30 p. b.
any invention will prom]<tly receive onr opinioo free eooeeniingthe patent­
Arawaed at Oadlllae te Bir Otora Lake boygaa yeetofday aboat thirty barreto
Wednesday evutef prayer meeting
ability of same. "How to obtain apatent”aent nponreqaeat Patents
Mee. C.J.Boebt. pactorot SL Jobae of applN aad a larfo qaaaUty of at 7:10 p. m.
‘ -- ara tevlted to theu meeUngs.
secored throi^b ns advertised for sale at oar-erpebaa.
Oatbolle ebareh at BBtxTlDe aad di
pepehra. They fo by tee
by earn
riasT nrraoDisT.
DeatncB to canM byu laflamcdcosof the Sarteaw eaUay. drowatol te Bar- Charlevote. Tbe ttoa»er atoo laada at
Patents taken ont tbrongb ns receive spteiaj notiUy ’witbont ebarge,in
aev.i.A.Bi«Mr. passer.
_-na lining of tee BaedUioa of tee moeona
Inaw Bay; 'fraetaa Orlppea. a wall tee Old Mtoaloa dock
Preaching at 10:30 a ns.
taehlu tab*. Whu tela tnbe geta Ic- Tia pATKJrT Rxqoan, an illostratod and vrideJy drrwlated journal, oonanltad
> to he Bade te larffo
Bnoday eeboel 13 m.
rombling aonad or by Mannfactarers ud Inveetora.
ta a water troerb; J. B- Mpmi
___________ Ud when It UulUttoe. The qaaUty of peaebM to
Sendfor sample copy FREE* Address,
irely cloud dufacB to tbe reenlt. ud
oandldate for eoanty elerk ot Moat- very«aetUa year aad the tetorvarcnblp at tee Borslng tervlea.
nlem the leflammatioa ean be taken
raanney ioanty, drowned while bate- toUeaproBtoato be bettor than tbe
bjMl will be "Tbe
___ evasteg snbjeel
It ud tbto tube rzatond to iia normal
tar- M>>* Beanebaop. drowned te averafa.____________________
PabUeu'S Prayer."
lodltloo. hearteg will be deatroyed
OraM Bay at Brenaeba; Boy Boaada.
AU are tevitod to be p
■a orphan boy troB tee Beekell Bone
bMOty! what a powuftil twoL.
ot Battle Craek, drdtoaed te Si. Maryb
lari. ‘Xha braveat maa faU at t^
ThatTbrokUag Beadaebe
ttekp; Blaer Sbopard of Blrfa. Oeoeola toev No wondB sramea taka Boeky
UoBBtate Tm to prolear teat JoyoM
ooaaty. drawaed te teltb'e loke: Bed apaU.
Kaerato of Ckm», te eamp at Crooked
. . .
Ft. fras
Eoka. drowned white 1a ewlo
_____ They Bake pera bleed ud
. - CWxxxT A Co.. Toledo, a.
SpeUal Ehtoo to •. ACB. Menalea- btUld
Valter Eaaney. drowned te 8U CWr
np year health. Only M ecato.
Bold by all drargtota. The.
semaft v. ^
vwarva m.
Hrar at Pert BereaHall's Family PUU are the beet
H.AN. B. A B. Oo. s
eta oa Friday. Aeg. itth. Meaday.
>. 37th, aiUTalpidu. Aeg. Ute,reI Unit Se^ liO. 1000.
Ees'i Ftat Tientera
___________ _
-> hereby
I7 tee
a b.. aad by Weed A Wii to aaaoaBe-d
•metoretaad «be noaey ea a taAt n.u, ft.te. tieorag-*
oeisBaetwItetoMMatMaBtotoa Bata --------------MM ladtea
- B te,i
Theu cold at froB 83 to
BATltepnapd tr^ naala taeladctf aeta, UtertesAy '
MAO.udltdoee aotaaedear
OaBoearway iM . a trlU Mra
p«rpcM of ereattog tea^ter,
■ay to peraaade yea **‘rr nr*
bar«a**w«*''-ctc^s q '.*d.
R u.> >ot. Cotbteg Oo.
f. A. Mltoh^l^
AfMl- TilkiBg KaoUbm
MOM «• Tzbtwm <RtF Doaabar Oo




Clothes Cleaning
lO Pressing Parlors



Nm Styles Shoes
Just Receinil





We Have Ninety-Fjve
Kinds of Soap


ioMiSir I..M




Sl’SSJ.iTfiTL’S^i'.ilTn.o «.u

{Patent Attomeya,)

ermam BaIkKag.





For Cooking or Furnace Purposes

NiuwooD eumxGS heblock stote won

la all toM.




■ _gHg« «h* BsUMt MMk nd
^ ** t* CMm. tkm
t *t>«

Mi* V
OB «


ttaa rM* Mi
M« tiM SUM

to tk» e

m artaui piua. non.

a to b«ta «(tea aad
ter ti.ovcr.
g aa adrabce Craa TW
H «M «of1at Mb « brier mm UU tato 10 Peklv. vlih tbe fonaer el(r m
ot Xh
ibe allM PmMfc wd P^rHeh (orcM. • mUitarr
MJM atr««. Mft*ed span PeUa* to road* taai
:boagb the Atetaaee ti comparath-etr abort aad ttader farorabte
forced marcb of a fr» dar>- Tbe ralaa
coavert tbe
ptala toto a eaat m
of. mad aad water, rcbdcrtar tt almoat
arikabte to make ibe ieurtiagr.
> if uamoteaCed br tbe hotdea o<
rrbrU vbo mlfbt aaaa opoa tbe anar a
tUBka aad rear.
An ^trraaUvc la offered ot tak^
the kaaaer n>ute. oear the caetera blHa.
about no miiea. paraltel wttta tbe n«at
wall. b«t.i thta too. baa lu dloadraattcea. In tact. Pcklnc eoatd not bare
been better altoated fee natural de>
fraae » It had been cboM by a board
o( modem mUltan' eoclaoera
eututrd IB a atertle plain, witboat
anr Inportant 'auburba. lhe,clty appeare enddenly at a turn of tbe road,
natnc ctwnd and trim, with lu U-fated
w-alU lopped by loftier towera ll U
reallacd that. e.-en after reachlnc the
outer worka of thli raet walled city, ai
army haa before It the real "propoaltlon:" How- to take It without Ibe l^r*
>rst alxed elese auaa. which It weoM
ordinarily be tmpaealble to take alone.
Tbe alllni did twl attempt In IMO t
enter thi. city. w1tb Ue outer wwlU tO
fen In hel^l. to feel wide at tl(e baae
and W at the lop. That feat bae
been arrompllabed In renturiea.
within the outer defenses ars other

It Is pne thtnp to aay 'Vu to Petmr' and qalte another to pwt Into ft*
Ptwp aftar tbe piwt wall la rancmad which tneUwra the composite dty ksowff
as China’s capital.
Kalla within walla, temples suid | ............................. .......... * —■ *“
.rt of aU the Imperial —•
deuces and wbere dweUt
tor that baa been ftjced by laws as
He bas pardena and *
fancy can anppest. bat be must not wander in them teat ha be seen l«
......................from the eater world, f^-ea In hla Imperial palace, podp
i by
Kwat«-ffB. henpecked and .
. eoBuebs who e f more epiea tbaa
servaniB to do the royaT blddlnp. cannot stir abroad wltboui provoklap •
■lorm of protest.


The preat a'dvaoce In amateur iJjolopiwphy U llltlelraled la this ideture at •
the preal irT ton locomotive of the I>enver limited takinp Its own plctiirc M
tt me* alunp at the apred
speed of TO miles an hour. The proect
proceas U aa Invention at
tbe I'nlvenlty of Chlcapo. and tbe ramara
Avrsult ilrecn. a student
worked hr the train Itself by means of elace
he use* a very ckpcnrlve one.
-.rUal runner-.lun with the track.
Connected with the camM Is a six celLdry battery, which furnishes thO
current lo work the shutter. Two wire* ate atrunp from the camera to tM
rwiu. beta-ten which a small stick U lnserte.1 In the pround. A cord U atua^
-d lo the stick, and w hen tbe latter I* knocked o>er tht* cord Jerk# out a pladff
of lasteboard from between two rectal sprlnp* nailed beside one rail. The Pito
at the aide of tbe camsi^
the bulb, and exposure Is made auiomaltcalty.
part of a second, but In that brlaf
y a tl
The exposure
hour moves aomelhlnp like iw«
period of time a train runnlnp TO mile*
Inch**, yet jhe photoprwpb* resulcinp from the applleallon of thU Ini
Illy accurate apd clear.
coBtnvanre are. as shown a
aais rsatiiXA Ako bisk ioviiobpt
Human lUe has never been held at^ ~
red by tbe savape tribes of Africa any
The cast of Russia Is auld to be rery
■ore than It Is today In China. R*haa
■fond -of hlr wife, the ctf^lna and more
Be klap of Bantama wanted a rich
Inclined to d«neatlclt>- than war.
which. If true, constltules a aafepuard red ctdor for tbe walU of his palace, tau
IW plrU to be slauphtereff
Upon tbe "Ilille white father," with bis
absolute mandate of life and death ow

mlpbt be the next vlcUi
on executions, which were
larpely attended.


tor temperate mainland. To aome ex«oht tbay were rvbt. for. taken aa a
Wbela. tbe climate of north Chli.a U
Isas anennttne than that of the PhtUppinee; but It all depends upbn tbe time
« year la which that recloa la vuited.
Durlnc tbe bat -months of aununer.
before tbe rains commence, tbe lerapee•turc la apreMWe. tboupb hlch. and
the Ml plain atretchlnp from the fult
•( Pe-rhl-ll to Ttan-Uln and from Out
•Ity to HeklDK la trareraabie la every
fflreetloD. thoupta tbe traveler may be
anreioped In cloud* of dun. Tbe dietopce from Taku. where an eltuated
taken by them, le about S7 miles. la
tbr hot seaaoe the main road between
these two points Is hard and do',
thoupta la plaree’wom into deep ruu by
the traffic of centuries Thl. rnatn
tboroupbfare in a bosy hive of human11/ U buaslnp contlnuallii w ith Chinese
workeia. human beaala of byrden pushtop native barrows piled hlph with tmmrnM- loads—not a drone amonp tham. '
The aume may be said «-f the preal
hlphway from Ttrn-Win K' Peklnp.
which Is about T» miles lonp. maklnp
tbe enure dlsuKce between tbe «-oast
and Chmeee capital a little more than
h handled mile* A railroad ftom tbe
coast at Taku me to a near suburb of

era almust every momept of tbe time,
the relief force finally reached Tienlain Spain, worn out and with ahattered
columns. II was reported that the rallrtosd lu tvkinp was praeUcally nosaplatent.



i! li

The ChlBM couTts of Justice. BO railed: as a whole constitute a trut-csty
of fusuce as II to uadeiwiood'ltt more HvUised caoatrlra and are acknowtodpml
to be the moat corrupt l^the world
» tbe teterter of a mandarin's yaaca la Cnnuto. tm
----------------- ------------ellnp prisooert. abject and aenHe. awalunp th* —e- •
dkt^ihat I*
Is pretty sore ito be affulnsi
them unteas tlwy have ■•asea" tbe
__ a
d the■ l-ctty
i-cuj I-i-dr.-rtr.:*
■ ■


and paned wffta all thata- ava
h and convertlbl
convrrilbl po*oi-a
Kanped on ellht r aide u
’ atrumenis of torture wblcb ar* used tb fore* a prisoner to eonfeaa. if puUty.
•r to wrlnp from him a confassKm cf puot. even if tnaoceaL to order to epeapa
tt* Miitoi panahy. vMeh'tHff bo ffunpitntton. poneabsa tg Urn haattonffa.

see many million* of *ui>)ecis and rantr()l of so vB*l a t"-rtlun uf Europe and
It la Uinuphrto have been ibe movlnp
cause of hi* shnllllolf of exile to Libe­
ria. with It* attendant horror*. bUt II
w-lll h-' recull.-<-ied that hbi prandfatber
iBsuid an edict forever dolsp away
with serfdom In hi* dumlnluns. and
yet the ultimate pi«l of freedom In
liuBSla was far from attained.
tVhaiever may l-e th- Influence hi*
October, ISCO. eno
wife hu* over th- -xar. It i* to be hoped
dhat h-> counsels will prevail and that
vereber the Pel-Ho aad tbe canals
temptation to ».i In motion the
frosen aulld. and email vceeela caupbt
has heretofore been rvpsrded s* an all mathlmry that mipht end Irv a world
In the Interior are surrounded
war will be resisted.
but Interminable task
walls. wUhiB which their i
There Is in Enpland a quaini mile
structure, barely larpc enouph to hold
person*, which was erected lunp
to comrormoratr the battle of Tow . la lin and as a memorial to Lord
de Clifford, who fell In that Opht of
more than four ceaturle* apone.
-The knlpbls are dust, their pood
•words rust." aad tbe nohle soldier and
his compantoaa mlpbt have been for-



be took with him. when be <U*«. Uff
prave w«s lined with tbe bodla* at
stores killed for the i


It was tboupM ____1 to
_ ths
spirit*' Ilkmc than If they were atmplT
decapitated. There were only two ways
of escape fur a victim markad for
death One was to rept'at the "klap's
oath" before he rauld be satsed And
papped, the other was w reach a CUT*
tain crossroads ahead of bis puiauPtd.

iped tor tbe time betas.
mlpbt later
■r 'be taken onawarca.
potten were It not for this Hmmortal
chapeL In which aeeelcea are heki but
twice a yeur for tbe purpoae of prwylap
for the repose of their sooto. Even
this infrequent service mipbi have fall­
en toto
but for tbe fact that tbe
vlcnr ofHyther. In whoee'pariah tb*
chapel to altoaled. receive* the tithes
from mare than a tbousand -scree at
land thnt are dedicated lo tbU htotorte
RnaatoB law aUow* ■
only four ttmaa. and he

This proup of polfers •
than U. ao that t

I It minutes past U. mldnlpht.
■ saasoo of th* year th*
e In tb* winter tt la afassoi for more
ace between tbe two exttei

cape of whlcb the "mldnlpht *un~'ls nslbie. than t* Edlnboiph.
altboufti they form tbe nortbemmoat Scotciah county. They are said to be tba
onty 'scceMible Islands wltbla Orcat Britain's JurisdteUon where polf may 6*
played and photoprarbs taken by dayllpht and at mtdnifhi at tbe aani* time.
Tbe plate from wblcb tbli print was mad* was exposed for oaly W tecends.
whlcb shews that tbe Upht was stroop and not dafletont In chemical fore*.

Th* carrlrr pipeoo. when trara
never feeds. If tbe dlatanc* be 1
It fUe* on w-ttbnut stopplnp l
nutriment and at last arrlrea. thlB. dS*
hausted aad almost dyinp. If cant ba
» aat. dOtoirnllnp Itself with drtoktsff a Uttls *•>
tar. aad then alceplap. Two or thfdS
hours later It bepinB to cut with frato
moderauon. and ricep* apnls lmiitodi»
ately afurwsrd. U lu lUpbt baa bam
- tbe pipcoe wUI pMsaS



'-.^ilMJ»^tt»M «k> MM«> »

' m* **• « M tt* iwk Mt an


riMT «ba ««M< it. "rntmm TaraoMP
hM-bM MMn fta yW Are yoa ta,
«MlW «bHr
sMad. -Bda whim fm
"mm fm imtr
-It la wthbw. bmor.-It la araU Ihb la. tte lM( tima ym
Mma.-tbedatnmldhMly. *Tbe»^
hM is tb» ha« la Mo macb (w ym.
Bat msbe kaate tad dram sow. Don't
SaUa amiled dlsbtty at abo brgaa to
take ber tUofs eC. Tbe heat aaa too


**^SjTt«3ri2!! ******** *****


•^sr«sr;ui£r“***-*^* «ta pa paa a fMn aa b OTMf k a-


. ««l
UM tk. «i* a pal ir ar
-m *T^. aa'i atikaam »W» k# *m>.

A TracM: Story of ItalUm
TV tirai main dngcrA tMr bn*T
Imrdn wnrilr oktof tb« <Ib«7 na^
Prrio, (far Jrlrrr, wnt afaiatUnt Is
(rait. Jle oolr aalkt'd Is frost brcaow
tka doa tV main klckad «p aaa apt to
M into fail rft* atxl ooav aod aanop
Sim ptMaallp 1( be aalkfd bchisd. He

aaiT V. rr likely Nellaja^u I* aorkla*
tiara tfai> uiorsioc. okil Ibey eoald tni
a lUtk aiuTeat tbeirjfnifal dinsra tcrfftber if kbe aerr. NfUt ata tbe tieauir ut (he villacr aod akf roiiV 1° marry
bla cuu/to Wl. faat tbki dkl sut maiira
to Prrl'i. U’ti aaa ^ay In Napka.
ororkiua bard tfarrc to make tbe mosey
to furuloli ihrlr Uule borne aUfa.
Bui t«-day IVflo aaa not ^oUe ao astlaftedaauaual. Ur faad sol (be aUffalnt
otJrrUon to 5rlU'a Birtiof allb Uim
afai-D U>li «aa away., but aben it ramr
to ber be«(uainc «otl clasraa on anolber
man. Iben be Im-cod to barn Is rlcbtcout
' ancif and roamiment acalstt ber traat:
ment of bla «mais.
Jual ai (bU Diommt Ua train of ibuncbi
aaa dlaturbed by a roira rinfinc in «ue
the i4lec sardrsa a little farther op
the blll- roice ibat mkdr (be mso'i
syra fleam and bla whole frame tfarill
•witb anlmatloo-Nella'a rok»: Ue atopMd bla mulct a motnent anA pottinf bia
hand to bia moolb an Ibat tbe aouod
Blfbl iravvl farther, cried:
-NdU. Vella. ICa almoat noos. Come
4ows. and yoa aball rkle os one of tbr
■olea to tte trrea, and we'eaa eat toAfthcr."
The door of osr of the nrarrr fltrdrsa
epraed. and Vella came dit
-No. I*rri<s” ahr aaid: "rtr ratrn al­
ready. li'a luiat noom Braidea. I'm In a
harry. I’ci foinf fyslt for tbe' rrnilipan nb'i'a iia'lstiof me tbia afternoon,
m foUif np to tbe eosTent now."
' Terio'a raw darkened, and bit eyea
took tbe aharp. aleallby look of anarr ao
Bnle iirinaa at once tn an ItalUn faiv.
-Dora le-ll know }-wu alt for tbU EnfIkh artiair
“He knrw l waa pdna to alt." rrtarsrd
tbr firi. “loit wbai doea It mailiT to
And abe raat on Prrio a look of
111 CMDeralot cisteupt.
That l-uili eoemrd to madden tbr man.
wbn aoddcoly tiatneil Into a freat rafe
“Si-r. my .Vella." be aald. lakins I
Xioii U my eoualn. wbllr hr la away, and
frt you api-nd bonra aliiinf with tbJ«
feielUbmnn. tillloc to bim half naked,
too." be added, with a ancer. "Ab. yea.
t knowr- a. VriU Started ladlfnaatly.
“The I-Id wan who lakra wood to tbe
My eonmit told me. aa an Eayptian
Aoren. with only a akirt and >eweU and
a r<ld anake in your bait. U<>w wilt J»tl
Ukr that «-bi<n 1 irll him tonlfbtr And
hr Ywnt fomani with a eoatar laufb.
•Tonlgliir- abr aUnrd. "Yon trll
Lett] toniebir
-Ab! 1 didn'l
la eomtnt iMolabt.
heard It in tbe town." and be pointed to
where tbe while city lay at the of
the bill, “Hr will be here (onifbt and
I aball see blu. Yea. and I will tell bitn
how you sit tr. this palnlrr. Neila. nnlca*oslrts"- He held out bU erma and the
twre&fe dird out of bla face. -Vella. I
• "^oa spy! Yon enr?" abr broke eat.
“Dow I difplse yon! Toa’qnntluo tbe
poor ol.t msu at tbe eoormt. Then yo«
Ihraaten me and ■ Her me your lore, Your
lore! tV'bat eouiso would acei-pl tb.Ion- of a repiiwr' She turned and
walkivl innjifllcally d<*< n tin- road,
-N.-llar'.he seraanied. lu~.ide bltnirlf
with rap-. --VeUa; y >a callme a r«-pilli-T
Ton shall pay for ibis! l'«-ii1 tell Lo
OS aooii aa be rntera tbe town, I wlir—
"1 nill tell Itiui tnywlf firat." aaid tile
firl. lurnini r.maJ acurnfally.
walkril slowly c|na-B (be road, and Peril'
Mood .walcblne ber, roote'l t-r tbe spot
and tnnd with race and Jealousy. Waa
It true? Was she afraid .<f what
Conia tell U'll. or had llir old man t
blmhes! Ab. what wi>nld be fire to
her fai-et t»u.1.liul«, a- if in debance of
him. sbe twoke fortb Islo'ber aoot afain.
tbr sonc sbebad Is-en slnrinf io tbr ..lire
fardi-n: '-iiniia,
labrr. a* potrasL
Aolcr nn ban - an leHe!"
Perio'turUi-1 white wiib ancer.
drnland: ' In- abo-m-d bnararly. -You
mf of kIsM-s, You fo to tbe kiasi.s ef
yoartoeer." But she took bo sotlee. only
walked OB steadily, a ijoeen of women,
skmc that doaiy rood. Tbemas rliixdied
hla banda and aim wl puAnl tbe moles
forward. He woold lake ibem borne
««ee and burry bick to tbe town. 1
woald see Inti first, after aO.
KrOa walkril on In the creat summer
hast. It did not seen to hart ber. 8be
WSi ■ real rhiid of tbe aun. No bent was
too fn«l for h.-r. not rrett tbr heal wltbfo, wbleb was bumiui fiereely last then.
-Perio spoke of lore kbors.- sbi- waa
tMskInf. lillle be knows tbr
tnU: Gerald. CM-nU." abr lisped a
HRV dm tbr bnd tasMfs ate. “How
It would he li

otrack bra. -Loti eomlur toaigbt! Wbat
shall I do? tVbaterrr shMI t dor She
waford alnwty'doara tbe orange grave
Inglag to tbr eawreai Aaor ate tapped at
lata todiff. Kabt.* mM tha

WORK AHEAD• of the tm*


too wefl that sneeeaa in this thrHf
Arproda opoa them. This U the Empb« State, which cacti the laisM ctoetocal Tot» la theJCnloe. aad H In alao
tbr pdrvtat atafo. upon which the rra
Bolt AeiieMta -It la alao a -doar and
Aonbtfid sUta. Tbs wboit rwolt <foSTBda apoo what the laoaaa arc. bow
they arc regarded by tbr rotm bore
> Hr. Varaaoor bad eboaaa for bar and how actlT* aad aafonaiaMle tbe
I Oeopatra—a eoatmsr ablA alAaed
o maxslflerM aontbats baaoty to its
rery rreatrat adranlacr.
Tbe iMors arc wcU In foror of Bc-He muft lorr ma—be moat lore tor to­
day." abe abiaprrrd to tbr brilUast blaefc pSbUcab aaercoa. Iltr chief iaaae la
rya that IwUd boeb at ber from tbr the approval
tiny Klaaa. And to abe paaaed Into tbr wbirb has been tlsfalarly fortonate
tg arolding mistaken. Tbe admlblMraUrraU Varaaour bad rlretcd to paist tton'a poUcira have all led to anccraa
brr. and to paint brr at Cleuiuitra. alib and prosiirrity. Tbe grcatrct proofiaai tlp-r akin at brr fm. leanint
walnartbr raaaajrr atone carrlna of tbe pcrlty in tbr blstory of tbe rmtad
fray oU cbdatrr plllara. And abe yrr- suien baa oeciflnal daring tbe pan
tainly made a rtiion of ram braoty ai three years nod since tbe rmoratlOD
abe aat ai be bad placed ber. kMikiSC of pnblK- (tm^Wnce and nndrr tbe
atralfbt at bim. ber rblo buried In use
' oT ihu^DlncWy tariff. The
abapHy band, tbe other looaely boldlnf a free silver ond free trade bobbin of
bar- fan df peacock fratbera. And be. aa tbe Drinocnla and aide stew parties
be IwAed lalo tbuae eyea. trfah^ brifbt
with lore or triumph, looknl Into tbe
deptka of bla oom. Ufiiti to think that if
wiii-u tbe "advance agent
Ckr’patra bod really ke>ked ao, Ibro no
aruiMler that Anlony aacrilirad tame and of iirosiH-rity-" waa pi-nnittrd to.move
into tbe tVlilie Ilouw. Evcit aspect
b-.unr and all for Jier.
It Lad la^o didirult ncrk to yet tbe waa cbanfiil iinnjedlaicly and at If
prloi oW aialen of the r<iureot to k-t bim by Ukafic. All tbr bowlt about *ioipaint ixf tfaera. in tbe <r-nur of ihclr old prriallsuj" and waaii'fnl aud wicked
>y Huiner. bat no olber place bad wars and uu-.\nivrl<-ao iiottHee do
Ide aurb au Ideal barifroaod. and the
lirrusin- of a larse diuialicm to (beir ebanfe the fat-i that the {Hdleirs i
M' bn.l at k-oflb p(-rauaded them. dcDiuisI bavf liroucbt onlrr out of
Aod.' lM-«tdr«. «ai it onl NHIa—-Ibeir ebaiis ami ImluMrial pros|Hfiiiy ont
lillle Ni-lla. arixi bad aonf in ibHr choir stajtuation and Industrial derp^r
ilnce abe araa a rfaiUl. and abom .they
Till' national pi'Hrli-s of tbe nilmlo
knew tu lie food and true?tratlou an- a!l ficlil and bM>etii-ial
.Villa tb-uRht U aU'orer In a dnll me- tike Counir.v. anil Hh'-Iwst tbiof the
cbanii-al aori of way aa ebe aat and roiiDiry' <-an 'to Is to Knataln them. *
fail'd at (be mao abi- lored tbia laat
afternoon. Mliat wmiM tbe riatcra eay
tfaiy beard tbe .'■..lY And abe felt
III waa Hoik- U|»n ber. That anbtle. luii help It todintinue tp prosper ami
,pnweDiiiucnt (bat aomi-tiura ouuii grow- rich. The mnsiM's of this country
u* human m-a(on-* that a eriaie. are never pour from i-lioice. amt tberv
tbr rria>> of our liten. ii faat approach: fore It Is iiui tt-a«mal»li- m supi»i»o that
ins came . r Vella that aPi-ruoon aa they will ilrllls-ralcl.v vote to mtim
tbe sat In her weal irappinca aud pui a tbr. [koverty luatluc 1
wUtfnt. proplM-lic luuk Into tbe soft eyi-a
li iLe.v ri'ccntly
and loik away ber ruire, and abr aat aitdlenn.
Blucbaratonn (N.
C Y;) nrjnlldl
lent iu all ber ftory.
• How quiet you are today. .V.dUr be
said fCDtly. “.Vre yon aurry il'a onr last
"Yi-s. milord." sbe answered simply.
"Are your
He I'Bikid at brr! What was that b
•Dkc Uepuhiti-su nailoDal ^'onimitlrc
her tone, tbnt ui-w softni-ss. that trrroo- sent out I-Uiiiks to uiemls-rs of (Iu- na
loua Hull- bryikY And at lie louki-d at tiuual usMS'latliiD of tnanufai-turcr*
ber he now a diffemiiv. even feua yi-sterday-tl> dllfi-n-iiiv Is-twei-o tie- loid
and tbe Mossooi. (be sifu of (bat a.>albi-rn men wrbolii tiu-.v bad ruiidi>yc<l
temprrnmeni. that in one anpri-me pio- yi-ar frotu ivai to IKK*, iudualvc.
niedl rbaofi-s ibe firi Into* the perfect well'as (hi- total nmuDDt of wagra
wniuau. And slit- was n i>i'rfi-rt woman wbk-h (hey Iwcl paid during (he same
sa the sal then- in half lArtwric spli-ndor. yean
bi-r aeorlet lips allflilly itartinl. aa Ib.totb
TbiTv- vwTi' •J'ki n-plh's. Tlu-y showi--!
sbe would s|B'Kk. !>iil ('•uld d»I: nulbinf a stiwdy tni'nvsc iu ibc uuiuU-r of
but the flitter of the Ji-Wels i.B her arms
ntid the Bashes .if ber deep eyea ahowlof hands cmpli^gd in Hu- ibsJ fai-turics
uutil tbr yi-nr ISO. Tlicn.- was an Imshe wns m> stoloe.
And ai ('.erald A'awasour lonki-d into iiitKllaii' drop of 10.01k' turn In IXM.
CbiMC i-yi-s be undiKstissI abat bad »-brn tbi-y etiip|.iyi-d WU-sS men, Iliil
they cmployi'd KKi.iks'; In lh.«s.
(diancn! ber. He saw b<-r secret, and a In
creat thrill swept orrr him—sbe lori-d ISl.'lfa’s iiu'ii. ami laa( year 17-I.<H.'> men.
him. this s<i|<erli w-oman. ibis queen w-|m In short, till- minils-r of wage ••amc«
looked at liiiu as n slave looks at lla mas.
ti-r—she lot-isl bimt Hut bi> love n-aa
buriiid in a crave Iboutaods of milet
away, and an intense wave of pity on-r- to ITd.Ofa* last yrar-almost dnoblcd.
Hut till- i-i-:iimst is rvoti more strik­
I'nme him. for tbr look in (bora ryes was
Ibe lisik be fidt (umr into bia own when ing wbem applli-d to the atnounl of
wagi« paid, and the fulluwiug table
be tlioucbt of that crave.
"Vella." he saM. roinc Dp to ber and shows the ivtunis f>.>celved from the
lakiuc her bands bilf uneonsHously. 200 iiianufai-nirrra
"don't l'»k liki- that, t am heartbroken.
I never Ihoafht"—
■tl will not sra yoa acain. nOIotd. Vo.
J dm not asbamsd that you know I lore
you." .he aakl. “WUl ypn klas me oner I'U................................................................ Sl.'C.t.W
b. fora I for*
Her fincera strayed llcbtly over
lyjt.......... ......................................... w.M'.ia;
hair, and tbe loneb of ber sort, w
a around bU neefc held bim for a
It. and hr laid bU lipa upon brr face i-»................................................................
klsaed her afain and acaln. Tbi-n
Tlic amimot of wages paid by tbosi'
aawi- axt manufaetun'Ts Incrcoacd
straimy fpoui ISIK' to ItWA tben there
iD-dctaly and. folnc to bit rnral. Mid. was a drop iu IM93 and aouiher drap
dthoul lookiDf at ber afiln:
•The alttinc la over. 1 have aBlsbedT- In l>5H. I'liriug till- next two yoara
waci-a ptckcil up. but It was not until
Ni lla stoppl'd OD Ibe bridee aa abe waa l'C>7 tiiat ibi'sc same manufaelurera
oioc borne half an bonr Uler. In tbr wen- paring out a>- uiut-b mmu-y In
wages as thrv Iwd paid out in ivnfa
dim cTonlrif liebts abe enuld just
wbUe water lilies at Ibe islfe
and I'CO ihc 'Jis' mann.
factun-o had liu-rvawil (bi-lr |Niy mils
upward of In fact.
•n quiet and pt-aerful."
, ■ Ijiic amount of wae«-« wldrti tbi-y Ji«A little firi l•>aelle•J her arm. 't'otne Idouble
tuiekly home. Ni-Ua." .he «ld. ber breath I "“’nLv mid on
fooe with ruunlbc.'-I...ti i. ..omr."
imlJ out In ISO*, i^.p y
••r.o1i- aaid Vella, paMiuf her band ‘I*'- »»
ever her eve.. "U-ii rutue alrradr?" r»-allse wbal IvlieHt ••oiK'Dlnc the inilla
Then .he divw berai lf np saddi-nly. ! h.--.s iKii-ti to American wage earners
"Tbaak you, Ci-tnma. f-ir corainf to tell ' ani1-Io tbora wbo feed and elotbe (Kem.
nu' .C-'hai-k and .ay I'meomiuc. Here'. )
________________ _
my bracelet if you run qaii-kly.- and she I
par Amrrieww Ihipa.
bundn'd million dollars would

aad pushed Ihc ^ai nt.lK-a aride. -Ve
«»"• sblpplui.* liUl were jmaard.
- Be .baat-aeb me acatu." .be ronroict- If U falls, (bl. ."Untry will keep oo
' si.-Ddlng r.tsi.os'.tski a year In paying
; fon-igit .bip. for doing wbat Atui-rleatk
------------------------j ahlpa proiH-rly pn-leiirO would do.
A View «i t»-«r.
. ti,,. Ri^uUlcaDs favor American ships
Xapoleon HI in Bar iwcmyraeote year
Anuilcan rwjimuw; hm tlu- Hrmoof bla ace wnrte to hla fatbi-r fur l-r-oi'pcn-d to leglaUtlon that


.......... ■■ , Demorrata favor, ratlter. (he purcli
O.t ih. m-.! -inif-. ol: •'

But JHiw an
tts|M>ej. <• Forlo Wtew.
calm you ihoroacWy.
Espon. to Porto Itleo have OMrc
raptiac the case of leriiiraatr defea
douhled nooer
under Amerwau
American auiuiie
(h.t k.
..e ti.l^ I. I.
a.. tK. tbnn
‘‘“b tlOOUk-41
Lome—l. .imply aahar*«ritj
har*«rity. a feton '1 PU>vs ‘a. wum
“ ' aa
" tbr Fllipltko.
—-----Ity whieb diff.T. from that "f a oaracr the free^nlsn offarml tbein by l*rr*ami f.-roclotii Wat only hy creairr skill. < Meot WcKiBley and rattle down to
drewh and fuiiltty In Its c-h)ect. • • • the agkcnlltiral and eomnercia] drThi. b r».acb on tbM h^d I can only ■ relopmcni ®f tbelr country,
tandade l-y, repeatlnc what I kaer often
- -- '
ft may be assnnied witb a good drrre of canOdi-nce that ibU campaign
- III mi be aa proflulde for Mr. Bryan
as was the test. The people wm hr
Verse waar a abort atoeklng nr ste slow to part
wbleb. After being washed, la mK at IrwM hwir hard
rd inck
im Morlaa.
3*r-batf laeb hnigra than tbr foot. Bear
ta mind that atoeklor* abrink. ^ nuc
that they will allow yoar tors to spraaJ
oat at tte estrrake rada. at this karpa the
lolat. It plira aad makaa as*
' fUrty ihct ud Crmnkly treatad.
atbaetler foM.

To run his own buBinesB—He hires no one to dic­
tate “how to get the people.” Benda gets them—
the thinking classes.

By Clean Cut, Honorable
Business Methods!
People come to this store when in need of

At prices that are low, not on a certain day BUT,
At present we offer all our

At the following figures. Bear in mind that
Benda has no old stock to work off.

Men’s Suits

All sizes—all colors—cut
to fit— made t 0 wear

S5.00 Suit at .:.. ■■S 3-50
$6.00 Suits at----- • • 4-50
S7.50 Suits at - - - .. 6.00'
Sio.oo Suits at .. . - 7-00
Si2JDoSnits at .. .. 8.50
S15.00 Suits at... . laoo
S16.50 Suits ut... .. n.30
S1S.00 Suits at... -• 13-50

Boy’s SuitsDouble seat and knee.
taped seams.
S7.00 Suit at------ .$ 4-00
$6.00 Suits at----- -• .3-50
$5Z» Suits at----- -- =-75
S4.0D Suits at----- - - 2.5c
S3.00 Suits at----- .. 2.00
S2.00 Suits at - - • •


Any kind of lether. worth
65c. 50c. 55c—your pick

Straw Hats

Elegant Suits with fancy
silk -or flannel vests—
checkes; mixed.
S6.50 Suits at ... - .5 4-00
Si.ooSu\xs^t........... 3-25
$4-50 Suits at........... 3-00

>5.00 Suits at- .-----



Rough or fine braids
fancy or black bands
$1.50. $i.25v&4X)kinds
'Qioice 75c.
75c. 65c, 50c kinds
Choice 53c.
40c, 35c. 25c kinds
Choice i8c.
Hats at 5c and 20c.


Bike Suits

All sizes, all colors.
$6.00 I’aqts at.........4-oo
$5.00 Pants at
54.00 Pants at
$3.50 Pants at
53.00 Pants at
82,50 Pants at

Her’s a snap—See!
Sic.oo Sui^-at^------S6.50
SS.oo Suits at........... 5,00
Bike I’ants at......... 1.50
$200. S2.50 worth from
$2.50 to S4.50.


Puff .Ties

For boys and girls —your
pick foronly TWENTY

Big lot of ties 75c and 50c.
Wilson Bros. Puffs —
Pick for Twenty Cents

Everything at out rates. You run no chance
at this store—all is new. It’s a straight closing
out of all summer goods.
This is the time when we shut om- eyes to
cost or loss.

124 Front St.

A. V. Friedrich Block




A 9MMUtor0UflMM01pUNeU

1.1AS4 tt ««W U PM »1M to tb«
MtcTM ««)v of MeKtotor. «t>M kp

ivr.A.GnnFiOB:2TT sttoobss

«•» Mtad bp flftln «Bd koadrcd*
«pMMl hU ntoctb A»4 taucfct tbra
rtrj BDck Cbtone frw truir wtotfom.
t. Awl wbes be bad flabibed aU faia
piirabiM tlMf« wm gatbmd 13 baa>
kata of fracmants of vewda and ae»>
tapcn that Dotblac be loat
4. Asd be potntrd oM oer
polota Is as axceedloctp mild and pesflamaiilj.wr. b«a«»e be did aot wtob
to abed iDDOceot blood.
». A«1 one of OUT »eak potota
tiiat wc weabl not allow anUoba of
Chlaeae toboren to come anx»r w and
CM tra«ea 50 per cent. trbUe Uiep aeod
taoO.OOOA'O or «3<k'x0(i0.0no from tbeir
«. And
«Ud. Ve cannot csjwct other oatlont to
g be anxlooi to do bufoeM with poo If
poo are onwUUnc to t^naloct
7. Till* little Joke ooJa nation of 80.MO.OUO with over f2.oJ^Cl;OOo.«iO of anexcredios ket« nstco^oue bomor
Mllp am. and eepeclallp trbeo
ponte the inarreloua vwlty that our
forcipa coniuicrcc art 40 tlmoe tarrer
per caitluTtbao Ho't free tnde Cblsa.
8. Cannot cxpi-ct! Laod of the drapOO. but Wf bare expectixl; pea. and
we routitiue to expect, notwahmandlDp
bla CblncM wall ftoxera. and bU Cbl«eae wall em|irr«i. nod even Id the
Cam of bla bearp fraa tmde Cbii
mall export duip.
.9. Alhrli, IIo Yow wUt not that 00der protection oeeonllnp to Dioplcp are
MjMund lo d».a btiainoaa with other
Oatlona that eliall yet more aod
atartle itx- whole world aod rtmae
eren excloelre and almnbcrlop punkwood Canfoclan Cblna from her rever­
ence for iMkcknumberlam tod ontlpatbp
to propreoa.
Ui And the bumorvoi opi-akec. nlao
fafomicd bla audience ibai oar bm
maiketlam wai a fatlacy, and tbat be­
fore expaniloD wi- must eire op
borne market, yea. verily, contract our
borne market and cxiauatoo ft^lowa
11. lIow»«-1t, tbU last Joke defted
a and enallp took the bcavl.
p frmu-d rake: for the Klowcrp Klnpdomp
h a well known contract-

^l^npopl B. B. fMt Turkep icA amI pwper poccIlA. Mporlor I««d.
l-eake eoeount uU m«b.
tard pauai
- - - - >bump ....
1■ card
book and opa,
1 spool
>poal SCO pard haaUnp eottoa.
box Jet
Ji beaded mournlnr plna.
1 box
t packape. (oonutolnc ftveamtll
naekacca.l balrplnt.
1 vard Valeneleaai

«eUf*^ Bmlape.
Tbe total great earniagt ef railroads

and Importers'


1 baaatp pin.


[aeturera of elothli
tnltp to bap the vntp beet
pou »
Come aod tea tbe big pile* and bop quick wlbile the eelecUon U good.

Oae big lot of all wool Oaaaimere Solti for men ana
lnU^teeioraaad*reight.wortbMto$R.ialeprtoe 8«9o

Ad odd lot of t
■cat*, aome awell etplee. b.
a lit. all go In thiaaalea


1 ladlea’ fanep pique tie, worth U
1 pd. fnnep dree* braid, worth lOe.
1 fonelne born, maml back eomb,
extra beavp.
1 box black and tan eemUnation
^1 I pair men"c extra qualitp web

A cwell line of all wool wonted pante. the' ana
newest pettoror. worth 9f., sale price..................... 0.^9

- __

ssh snito. eboioe of manp new
1. for onlp.


r eoau and

A lot of fine qualitp eraab «ntU for children.
cverp oae a oew stplrlear'------aod worth np -----to It.---for. .


...b. b«,


A bixlot

.. the
__ most up'todate i
sotu in tb(
tbe S-pieee vestee aod S-pleet snita for wye op to 1C jean, worth IS. for........................... 1.79
Aaoiher lot of all woo! children's veetoe enita and
S-oIeeesmUforbonopwl6yian.worthlJiO. non

*°1 food elacd eurlinc iron.
I box cabinet hairplna; am
ivnvd Vi
food qtallu.
1 pard Valenelennet Inaertton, ex­
tra Food onalUv.
«t d«
pocket eomb lo i

1 doc. due qualltpwblU pearl bnt-


overprodueUon of aeveral p
■e than half on at

1 paper nieicia plated aafelp plna.
nlao blae^amel. all alxee.
L etc domer, pollabed, wltb bandle
1 oakn buttermilk A alm^<« •”>>>


New lots
of Goods
opened and

of Men's Summer Suits. Light Pants. Boys’ Wash Suits
Extra .[oality whisk brooms,
/ramed in pluah, enamel
and Summer Clothing—all going at startling prices.
handle, aale price

AloiofallwoolSeotebTweedSnlu. oil new
etplee, worth r so. eale price .............................

1 pd^uen^torehon lace, all widtha
—worth uptoiOeapd.

Over 400.00O lous of merchant vrawere l.uUt la (be ViUled Sutes
durtag tbe fiwsl jrar which ended oa
- Jnae ao. taoo. and yet btn car, a
sra^ip of 1.770 gross tons, was
tonOt exrtmdvely for onr tocelga trade.


The crowds came and went in rapid enooession from the time the
store opened-yesterday morning until late last night The buying was
very heavy and everybody was perfectly satiaSed—so much so that many
regretted they did not have more money with them, and said they would
come again.
The impression was current that this great sale was only for one
day. It would be impossible in any store to dispose ot all the big lots of
goods consigned to ns for thte sale, in one day. The sale wlU be continued
until the goods are disposed of which will not be too long, judging by the
way the people took hold of this sale yesterday.
The interest window every day, as the news of the sale spreads.
There are many lots that have not been shown yet. Como every day and
tell your neighbors and friends about it. Plenty ot clerks to wait on all.

tab coneol in tliat city aap*; “Improrementa at* tisUih- In everp direct Ion aiM
already the town baa aultc a different
apiieomooe from Ian year. Tl>e work'
of dralninp the filthy town ditches aod
atopnant pools
epidemic, hut
teltp Is Inostimable. There are.' no
dotftd. at pn-sent polden opponunltlea
for the employment of capital and tal*

Asotber preat factor ibaria aldlnp
ttoa Bepnblieahs In the west Is the proaperttp of the fannera. No elaas of clilMBS has received so much Iwtu-fit nom
the return of pood times as have the
farmers of the west, and they
abowiDp a eery natural dlsposiuo
b^P keep the pood limes bp their
votes. Eren Clab and Colorado voters
are abowlsp atpns of returnlnp comaenae md are deaertlsp the Brpaa
crate for tbe pood business prtttciplea
«f miboB UcKinIcp. - ffprlnpM



1 fenta' heaaUtebad handkerablet
—Hnea fialab.
1 ladlea' fine handkerchief. 10 cent
1 puir Stockinet draua ablelda
I purd braab blndlnf.
t rubber drewlnf eomb.
I ladlea' aleevelcaa low neck vmt.
1 yard fanep hair ribbon, extra
qu^iip. Nut. I. 7. worth ISepd.
1 fentt'mrkep red haedkercblef.

Verr Diaeiest.
Speaklnp of the t'allforula wool mar­
ket. th.- annual rrpon of the San I'randaco ebatiiUp of commerce, dated Janaarp la whl: The «ld stock which
bad brto carrlcl from the free tariff
time has all u.i'n w..rked off. and todap wo stand on a solid batiA as we
toe*, no morx- wool m »Le Lnited
Biataa than we can ti«
How differaat this is from the “fn>e tariff times.”
wbea torelpu »t)»ldy |;oo<l> were autd
to the AsiericBn market aud Ihet* was
BO demand fur .taH-rlcan wool prosra
faruA-rs. — Norwich
<C«nn.l Cnllrtln.


ParsonaUy conducted by 0.8. Emerson, the represenUtlva of tbe bin
mainifaoturers and importers

IS. And wb<-n the |•arn)•lo■ were all
apoken. aonie of ihem that llateoed aald
ono to floutbiT: This pathriiop a
marked *uec<-M; afinr niikli the echo
came tack; i>|«<clally the hnmar.
U. Here the loomiop hour expired
aod the bUi went over.

The Brltlsb vice consul al Itullo says:
' *Tbe VnitcO htaies fon-es liave now
asccenafoUp oocupled the boiler part of
the lalaod. The end of tlilf year anfurs wfU for a happier future, and,
wbcB cnee a peaceful rule Is establish­
ed. many important improvements wlU


Fin. .11 .
and worsted
1, worth up to IS, sslepr ee



A eweiniae of children’s ve*t*e (ulu and bandaome

I” “b.'J.-'is??,:.-"*


Extra fioe worsted and cawimera children's veateo
sulu aod elciraot two and throe piece tnlu for bops up
to 1C pears, tee best garmenU made aod weilwortb 16, i
bat all eo Id this great maoufaetureri' and Im- a na
portin'sale at............................................................
Ssores o! other big bargalu in tbe clothing depertmeot.


ere ie when* you get real ben. A lot of ruion Silk Fonlarile in
un<I save
sATe good mon
its and
attnu-tive pattoi
you can one every day
offered io tbie i
lou'll be here «rorly tor these:
A lot of eilk Foulards, good styles,
Full SUndard, first quality
sod the givatest barPrinta,faitcolora, worth«>c Ol^n
gains ever seen st........
a j-anl.eale price...............
X lot of Brocades and Plaids in all
Oil boiled Turkey Red Printa,
eilk fabrics, yon never
urellvortbika yard, aud
saw the like for.
in thia aale at....
A big lot of. mill ends of assortetr
Double told, indigo blue Perstyles faocysilks, worth
SI a yard, sale price...' OVC




Silk gaters, buckle and 2 bowi, is
fancy c«es. well worth
33c, aale price

. 16c
Cleah briitle hair brosbds tbat salt
for ;t5c, price in this
great sale


Clothes bnubes. that are baff
bristle, very good for 30c,
in this great sale at


Thick, bevel French plate. «boi^
hind mirrors, worth 7^
safe price


Extraiioality. ail eilk fancy, rib>
botiB, the latest 1*100 style* 40c A -VV yd.,.sale prrce

Sun bonnets for ladies and
- fast color 25c.
sale price

Several big manufacturers iound
that they had prodnc<Ki more than
there was demand forand.many A lot of c
75c, go in this sule at
orders were cancelled, so oar share
of these lots will be sold at very
little price!. You will be glad to
lot >11 go now for
know there is sneb a chance to Anolbe,
save money on new style shoes;
Ladies’ tan oxfords, neat, narro' A namber that are worth 11.73
toes, new shades, ll.-X)'

V 16c


Ladies’ tan aod chocolate oxfords,
Fin^Bilk Mulls and Silk Tiasc de
xici kid. new styles— ao.« Lsdies’ Serge Skirts, tailor madw,
Mill ends of light colored priuta
Sole, well worth 7.V: yd.
JJ..50Lsale price. .... WOC
$.'!.50, sale price
go in this sale, while they Ql^n
Intkisgreatealeat.:.. OOC
last, at per yd..;..............
Lsdies' vici kii! tan shoes with the
1 se?!nm^ed tooth bnub.
swell vesting top. lace, w e;o
' 1 pard checked tineo toweling—
2.000 yards of Madras Cloth,
Skirts, finely made.
styles.thst whould be goofl value
latelast. 12.25. sale... l-OO
.ia. wide, worth he a yard,
|4 00, sale price
iaale price............................
■ "■ ■
summers’ new last, $2 50, sale
ladies' belt boae anpporter — tbe
big lot of Scotch Lawni, very The banner bargains will be a lot | pric^nil^^t U0*rale
rable w
Ladies’ Jackets, tpsn Uilore«C
of factory remnants
lots of allwooli
nil wool
price ............
ayaiird. sale
Ie price...
handsomely lined with Taffeta
Snitings tbat will go like
li this:Silk, worth
.50„ sale prut
fonr yard
jmrd lengths,
. . four
worth Ladies' tan shoes, vici kid. with
A lot of fine fancy Dimities are
ehlldrea. mu»M ud UdlM.
namlsome inlaid top— gu gue:
.. out
__ _______
oDbrauk •bis rubber eumb, extra bunched with allI of
sale price.».S50
stock of dimities, fine Iswns and
Men's Ian ahoesi velour caif^o 3 Ladies’ tan oxiord.B, the neweei
:se value. feacyorgandiesthstsoldai
For4yard lengthbs. worth
1 bMk eomb. rvgular SJc vulue.
mannish'daHt. very swell $3,
styles of tbe late lasU and the
as ..........................
2-ic yd, all go for,.

OCI 1.7.5, sale price will be.
I erlluloid band mirror.
mannfacturere’ tale
3 new sbadee, from the famous
■ham apres. all flniahad ready to |
1 ringham
Pretty Cretons that are very de-For 4 yard lengths, worth w r\o
Forbusb A Brown factory, price
I ladira' pwra Caa lisas bamstit-bed:
M*ort^ colorings,
sr * ; 2.O0, sale price will be
manufacturere°Ml^a“ 2.981 Ladies' tigh Ian shoes, vici kid
j -'fl'
^ -J" Pri<». ■ ■. OC .,U .bort 1.»Fth, ,»d recent.
,rSlhc2.uSi^Jldted,I.I.| BlcMhe^tton l.ble Uuiiuk,! cmul.led tr.
- •
worth 2oc yd. is this sale
pteev silk oesm •biadiag.
baek towsl SOxH. worth tSe.
inthissaleat 1-8 lEGOUB PUCES! sale pri“









Manufacturerd* CSSt ^ T
" • *
Silk and
tJl of Mnslin
and Importers’
aXHJaJImJ Shirt Waists
To add to the general interest of
From a noted mann&ctarer of sitk waiits comes 150 fiue quality,
very latest style ladies* silk shirt waists, all gusrantsed pure sUk and
this season's prodnedoo—tome are plaited, otben are beautifully
triamed with the new, narrow black raeets—they would retail regn- this season's styles, at ridicnlous ,,
of fine cambric corset covers elaboretelv trimmed with oev
lariy at $5 to
and all go in this great mannfaotnrets' aale g ^0 prices:
embroidery, like we nsually sell at 75c and they goat 29C
Choice of aU Sailora, aome of which ^
^'ighlso;^ in Emoire, sarnlice aod mother bubbtrd
New style Bbirt Waists in all tbe new color effects and
as high as $ A
“®«“broidery. worth ll.nale price.-69C
detigna, SOc, sale price........r.......................................................
this eale for................ 48C
■» »'>» qqq
A lot of waisU in the newest styles tbat are well worth A
Onr entire stock of Trimmed Hsts
$1, offered in this sale at........... ................ ................................ .. ^OC
There are a nnmbmUd high grade waists and with these we inclode all onr own that acU as birt as $3, and all go in this
sale at........ ....................................... ............................








TOC mokhimg hbcord, sphdai. AnGoar n. iwo
U9W nmtwrnt tar

IM*. k*^ a rnttht

■C *r
>• ■■ »wy«m
B PABau.
Xte teM aHtplM the imibUp «C


hbe ajoit ptew^'
aU« tocofeor Mia fcRc.

^ thi* tte*«B«r OcwciM pMca;
csllr ll■■^ll^||^ uimigwinnii


A certaki rieb.

BOS tad « atewvd Tho «ro*od talte
tn hla tratt.

He coBed hlo to OMOSK

for hli atrvardahlp mod declared hla
to of deprlTlog hUn of hie pool-

1 ted retard iau I valk ud ted
r teiMd ia nr •

■ Mkte^Rtwwdta


Tbe Pteword woe la great per-

ptoR7 «• to boar to proTMe tor hie fntore. Be-decided Onilly to twdoee the
of hie lord-e dehton. that

Hla torser ikk L
____ tetter far itea tte later tnlB of
tortwr. epaaau Dlxad witb deep xreaaed
ewee. At tret te teU eat- toattfonr.
aad. cnawiac tte rod ef nr wallet etrap
tetwera fata teeth, te faced tte paia: tel
nttore ceold oot ataad It low. aod Oaalir te teaed ate joM to trap hte wtere
wr were.
At am I rpToeed
peiotrd oet to blia tte danm that oar
fort ndrtt atIB te biuttaa oo oor track,
aod tei>pilr owe laoie te awoooed awax.
Bat >1 did Dol Uct i'«c. Owe (oorr te
woke to coaeriooaaeae aad palm sod thla
tliac te ordertd tor ao rameMlj to lar
Urn dowo ihef. condiat •> a rockj- donee
Ib wUrb a roiall apmil curfflrd IsrttiBf
9 o« pB • two d«yi’ leeoa- :- ,v , .
Mr, 0«nc Awiim and 1. «ad ^
Illy at I «oold npon tte
naklBf tbr liMt of ear nj to rt- ■iroaad. I gate bia a aap of wbirky
Fort Bateterr cell
and water from tny Saak, awl aficr kt>ee
I the apprr drift of halterii« Touloo lit a atoall On- In tte
boUow of tbc rocka and pet tte Ully ob
tte llnir larati rirer.
. .
wrrr prrtlr well d..De aod we w*
to UdI aoiBe aoup.
able l-> make ibr pn«iew wc bad boprd.
Aod tbeo 1 tnrtx^ oo Grorpe
KeeaiM ear alrradx drewloa on wbre te drraa bit hart. I*oor cbapl Hit
we fuciol onfMlrre etlU wmc
ww npTB. bat rridcBtly wltb<
:;ibo8( inBlW fretn <Nir polat. And on ibal npro. telliceore. aod «nlck drawo eobe abi
eetllnx (ridt. wlib oolblne I'Ot Ibr alipht how (te palD war reckins bho. Bl(JPin*
nldr uob^t
crerfc too cnldr
uB>,irr bad aprred
eprred tbi
ir by
<te> ■)
' iray wda not f. try and poi
firriipbt enoBSb'of
tbr feebh- pllnt >
o dark] an. twfUsbl briny b.
atewd In tte
>Ofl(^ tblpb to ahow bow bopekea
r'artr w-rv
In Africa. Orori
a abort ••wr'arir
waa bia caaa. I pouird blsi oat a etiSah
to took f.
and I werr tlr-ady
alrt-ad^ iKWlunlny
d'lar of whUkr mUrd with chlorodyoe
rpnt to t^akc onr tiicoBoc f
c anlia'
aniial'ic apot
and wallnl. mberably WfttebiOE. HU he
tte- nlr
etioBld awake. Wbal conld 1 do? Tbner
Jasced cade of born could nemr be e»
teuwl aa to alaod tte tnort and jollinf
t aaw l■nlhinc■ but be had efee
uf the borae.
kVe could Mt real here
bawl, and I alvaya him
l»nB away front food and friend* and
*liinra. wbilr I ri-rilre«l bl* rrporia with clo-e Iwaldc
k cliaaily
■ tde cplnmeaa,
wblcb. 1 eatierrd
n Inrarialdc
y heed ei
bli oaaal ImmjM-ir. eont

on thia
•■It'a ralber
*bniTcna.‘ I Ihtnkr
“You Idlotr be


he tot hie poomon they wmld
receire hla into their bosiep.
ora werr probpUy laerctui'n* who

ptewmrd called them together and gave
tlMB the ptlrUege of lednciag what
theyowed. The lord-cbe lord of the
ptpward. mot the lord Jeoue Cbrloteoos>ri)ded bUn for hlo pradence. ito
ODdoabtcdly oot for hla Olabooewty.
Tbe trmoaactlD& vms a ohrewd one and

1 wsk TMin* aiigbUy in advance when
seddcnly I beard a crash teblod mo and.
lornlDg. saw ikw George's horsr pitch
teavtiy f.>rward on lit bead, half fulling
over on lla rblcr. Tte flnal rarUng shot
had struck it. Tbroogb the Iniligfal I
conld so- Ite agony In |>oor George'* lace
and'eye*. and a* tte borae. In lt« coovulauin. rolled back (« Mm be tried to raise
-himself upon bia bands, but drapped
down flat. inx-UMble.
1 turned teefc to hliu. slid fmm tte aaddie. an l. IllncinB the rrini oviw old Two.toa's
s kbead, h) a tnoment I wa* on my
kaeea beside him. Ur was cvldenlly In
a bad plight- hi* bor*e dead.sboi tbroogb
tte neck as It
Itop. and poor George blmarif injured to
^a’watenl which I only dmcovrrrd wbt
on paaatag m.e arm tedween bla Itga
talap him on to my sbooMm. 1 fonad
him bleeding from a^ernsbed and broken
1 approached my burvr with m.v
bwden tte old brntg. tossed op Us brad
and. net liking nf' appearance, began,
for the first time la bis life, lo
tosly away from ne. Fee a
locAed as If be would break I
bod then Into-w wild, senaeb
at lockand my heart sank wlfbln me,
"By tbe dragging irlo* caught under
taei aod jerked him back to reasoo
Fbouldering my poor Me«d
- .09 to Ite putnmri of tbe aadffie
he Uy face
face down across
inied and
nnd beaded aw»j
1y dsrbnew wb^
wbicb was
wa* DOW tattering
t. n apMa of tte bomr pt
I conld not help for the ou>-

A trw ebots were fired a* tre rnntrrod
................................ .....

lOe. no that they may help them to
bearen find wbeo death eomee reedra


rttte'Slatatele as they went to'work on
tha dead hoew irttb thrir eUMflw oaatwwia.
This, like a comsa thrown to
wnkeea. mod loefclly deUyed tom and
•are me Just tte start I wanwd. and art

■ Ontoa
Itof rtont atoM tram tha O.
B. tor
r than rtxslto par hewr.


, Tmt Mtotto ta aoUod to tha rata
___ water for aprinklarMwdtothanaart
----------- k Brtd
Bnid ■rata provldMfor
_________ lor
ta* - aprlnkllnc
to 6 o'atoh In tha Boralng and from
t to 4 In the afternoan nnd at no othor
tlM axoopt when apeetal permit ta

___ KttT nc #TOPf*ii. Do not leava
bydranu open or hose running without
nmta attached. U water ta toudd
rnnulng in this *way the water will M
turued-oS and caAnoK or »l wux ux
MAP* ron TTuxnio o* otoln. Parties
who have aot paid wator tax ore rcqocaied to call at effiee at oeea and
Bring your lost receipt
oetUe same. Bi
with yon.
Board rttoatorO


Lcsee Tracerwe C«J...
-- Keahtasaou...
BuuoB*nay .


rePmlB* t o Traverae Cuj al f AO


eienratons tron Tracerae CltrtaketbcBie ■erCreseeoi ccery aftemoou at
Willi ■tram.

ai»eclal^aim»wa m <

E. S. CampbflU ft Sou
BUI have their office In the hard
vrore store of W. J. Hobbs hereafter
where all tb«e having bnaloris with
the Arm can caU upon them. 89S U

Or. W.

too often the case that Cod's chDdren
display leoa wlsduiu and seal In aerting
Bltn tban tte children of the devil do
fn aerTlnc their father. The children
rt the world arc Indeed wiser, more
prudent, than tbe children of light. Bnt
they abonld not be. Aa onr alms, onr
porpooea-arenoUerand loftier, as the

A Mac* ChoM*.
Propetty Man—Now ih« yon intend
pnUIng *>o “A Tropic Ntoh" »hat nro
WT going to do sritb all tboae hanging
Wdes wood ta MV Toter Beorr




rrlce of God and In the adran^ent
of onr beaTCDly intcresta. It ia. alaa.

the effect of tte abo^k lo bb vanity
passes away, lie teouxnes jaunty—nay.
frivoteot—and in tocer UgbrneM of teorl
Btvends dtoring parties on tbr mod slopee
of bis inriosure, wbere be durits sod
N w» aod kicks and sertpe*. with half
dbtended wings, to tte admiration
feathered companloB*.
All tbe <
and stork* arc great danerra. and
rarly pairing seaaun yoo may see really
gracefol aerpsiebarran performaneea In
tte ta*Sock*of any ton wtere they are
• •
. exbil
“An el.
Idcrly •djtitaot proellriag bl*
steps all by himarif It a spertarie tbe
------------------- ,
vytnpatbrtlc oteerver
sritteint mingled tengbter and laar*.
Kars. Ht
dnly. yet so
fcDy eantest abort It. yon ore Borry
the delnded blid. and yet cannot refrain
from hoping that tte heart of the hen ad-


ttaa.”-Oalnan'a Eloatle Floor Vornlab
SB Wait.

reanlu at Issue are more ttemendonsly
ImporttK BO onr wisdom and onr sert
abonld be more prononneed. Thla para­
ble place* a premium neither on Igno­
rance nor on UsIdmo. though many
Cbrtgtlan* oeem to do ao. Let ns be
sealons and prudent In our service of

druHBipUifi iDdluiU.


fficfflu. OtototlTa XmOitij
NoUen to Ta* Payan.

TUetAX rolUforlkccoUeciloeol KbesI

Mewas. Km

WM..1 «Ol.. IM

2iiKSr-sG«'S:tfirs'“ ffi
K. b—r. h™ mtotl.___________________

lor collection.
ba>«. bsea |•lace4• U
I «1U be at ay c..
collecUng aal4 taaeseo i
aew uBUTKaTVaber 1st,
”"aoa fiw I
noill liaooVteck la Ike
ton of oorii
o'clock nntu t o'clock la tbeaneraooB
eacl. week
Mlliaae* paid befm tepiaml

_ . to rrob*i*_ Froau*#.
KareoBtU* Oa. Stock.


“uToSSrUt^apenrltr'oloosMf ceoi for
eoDeeUoo will 1* charged. On ah taxes re

IB Berald buUd^. rooa I.

Horron. AbsuM rt

PsTss Wraaacaa.


Bj. a^ 1^1


oad ehUSisB's Olsaasm • aywelrtly. <>*■•*
hous; lOtellAm.:* to * ood * to ip m.
BbU 'pboo*. Kcftters 'pkeo* Ko. I.____________

THE ntam
Hare tte parable explained. foOdved
by rolnntary parUdpatlbn on the
amx aXAi>i.vac
U Klnga. X. U-17: Neb. Iv. Id; Pa
Ixlx. 9; Eccl lx. lb; Lake xUI. 24; John
U. lS-17; 1 Cor. xr. 66; II Cor. lx. L 2;
GaL Tt I-IO; PhlL Ui. IS. 14.

U B. nOOD, oi
oak. Calls oa*'
Nenbara - - -


City Minstrels!
(In PriTato Oars)


td Betoodi.^Day.

"ss-iife,« rk"

a to Other Chi

isiconplacent Ignorance
many among oa have regarded the
great bodies of evwageUcal Christiana
ao far as they bare found occasion to

PERE Marquette

_ ird them at all. This attitude U
lU unconscious anpwclUottsness no doubt sttracu to onr
ta, bnt It

rraoi Mfwvi. Trararsv Cny. kick.

oonto aoCTE“ia’ii: mPMiali

____ source rt wideapread and not

Jostifletl trritntloD and allcoaHon Dom
the church. The attitude of nloofueas
that It baa fosticrtH] has het-n n gnat
Injury to tbe work that we have to do
In the ChrteUan world. No one could
have attended tbe ueaalous of thla con­
ference. no one could even have reed
attentively the rejairt* of them, and
The losalalr Agjotaal BtrA.
atm believe that the solar system re"Tbe plsineat <.l tte large wading bird* eolred around the weather rone on
te- seen in many of our aoological
bta parish splfv.
It was plain that
tens is Ite adjuluDl. a native of I
b«e there was neither Gwk. baraad Arri< a" remarked a nsiuralisL "!
tmrtau nor Sc.vthlau. but Christ wo* all
re seem* lo have designed bira in an
ipcnurontal mood and. disgusted with
ter baudlwork. lo have tnroed bim out
onfuisbed. The young adjutaoi, with bl*
Ttae Work That Is Brins Don*.
Tkiongh the lure of some may bar*
bald bead and Iwok like a pickax. 1*
ropulaJrriy ugly, and the mclancboly waxed cold aod Indlfferentlsm and
gravity of bb demeanor
•r eiij
auggeeu ihit te
nudlaguieod obstruckiM seen bloMir
, -....................
TUrd In some allU aons to tbe ptngreto of tbe cau*e of
lond and tile
le reve
revriaUon Is errigbing npnn
God. yet thla repfimrb cun by po mean*
hb miud.
•'A* be grows oldet, however, and be­ be a uuirersal charge. Un tbe .aame
gins lo Ukc a lirriy interest In dead ratk oM God aamtloncd aod GoJ honored



A OrBBtOiBCOTerytorOAnoBr

esty of the steward. Be simply meant
to aay. If n worldling turd so mneb
real and prudence tor furthering hU
lempotiil Intcn-wtu. bow djuch more
pnidcni and scalous ChrlstlsDs shonld


4 71

TbU la ODU of tbe moot dlfflcnlt poim- naad TonrOomponnd of Brrm Onroa.
bice of Christ to Interpret The differ­ tha irmt canoer curt and blood parient views held ore many and varied. flor. with enanent raanlb. 1 do not
hMltatc to roecmiBaBd It for tha pnrTo state them even would be Imp
ble. Tbe bust Istcrprctatlon eeema (0 peaaa for which it U naed. Ita offocta
arainaabort Umaao manifaat
be that this parable is to teach the
diadplea of Chriat prudence and BMi
in tbelr aerviee of God. and the leason
Is taught by aa Ulnatratloajf the pru­
dence asd aenrof « man of the world
Id ^rtbcrlog hU woildly InuTest*.
one can Imagine Tor a moiuont that
Christ meant to commend the dishon­


eiiito citiiii(ui

Botto to K^nUto.
CBm fBihir aollto Btotokite to


be In advanclne tbclr heavenly Inter­
I voiee 1 ests: This Is InteUlglhlc. Wc ran emoepoke.
banlly knew for bl*.
late a man's raothod of action, while
- "It'a DO air>^l Jamee.” be said. *Ta wc denonnee its character.
done for thla time, old chap!
And I theseforv simply teaches us to use tbe
Didn't tare dreacM^jnorc pain about h
aame prndcncc and acal In scrrlng God
an I'm. gcUiog now. I want you. old
as the children rt the world do In
boy. Ito—to te my good old pal lo the
acrrtng tbe world.
Inal—I id-telp me oot."

“It'e oot the
ot of E
etb. toe



yet a dloheiieet one. In a better tad
nobler Bcna<*Jepoi the® nrgee tbe dlodple* to oatAnooey and. Indeed. eOl
wotl^ advonugea to make friend*
not of God-e debhto but of God'e peo-

In* for ua.
■ oftbia."
And 11 we wheeled oor b<a-aew abarply
nl that be bad almost reed
eoPBd aerml Uetebrir bcada |e>i>pcd np
.emon* tbe preaa end bowlders of tbe
.reoxb pruund «rer which wc wrtr then
trereliu*—mneb iwnrrr In ut tban tte
Iral that be had area; Wc could eren
>aru> u/ v«»u lauii. s acwi uu uetecocnlM tbe nature of ibriQiradilriiaM,
j csrry it on. My peoate Mtwcied
of which tterr were two orTbree rarle- aad wBi____ to do great* tblnga.
tiee. end tenee we gleaned tbet eererel pirfcrred
Ted tte vri
------- T>ac
T>ai I*
hi my only
osly rrcrcglo>enU lay riow by.
tbe v____
rridi, noi there
grrt—nott the
— .. -I _
And ao we cantered oS with tte Idee of bccB bappy.
neklo* B 'wide detuur. tu work roond. wbat burls me now. 1 wish I hsd done
thrir flenk end to repeln oor rood. U poe- a Ut aiore for other chaps in suy time.
olble, teyond tb«B.
Only see now. when it is too Isle, wbat
But iB tte meantime we meant to aaecr- a useless lump I've been. But It's
aalB aO we could ateut thrir eticagth and late to cry over split milk now. Only to
^bable iatrntloac.
ead this as'sooo as I can. Now. old
There U aometbing of dellgfat In tbe friend, pist get )oop revolver. I'm longebork of aorpriw In coming euddenly
T God's
sake"- “
log for• I:IL Oh. for
apon an enemr- It «• in >l* way not on- grMoed^and a^D^dropped Inm a s
tike a pluBgr into cold water and iti Inwlgorattag after egreta. For a moment Clalon: Tboogb be had prayed me^or it,
om a tired.
I conld not bring myself to do tbe thing
.. ... anddenly
be waated. 1 i._
reflected bow. even If be
a endowed with a
were found by friends within the____
fnwb flow of life aad keenoeat. And in tew boura, which was more than Improb­
acting men agala« men. there le an
able. it woold not neeeasarUy mean tbe
aavlag of bis life, and meantime be wonld
bare to drag on la this nwfnl agony.
And eceo as I pondered hU pain writhlog bad given a sickening twtat to the
«ovpUd with the fa
limb. I waited DO mor*.
an aptitude for flgfating os great aa If not
I kicked np tbe flra for a better light.
yreaiiT then yoor own.
I put tbe muxle to his trmide. atecled
Bo it was with George aud me.
«o oor mrillr. out fatigues wcre'forgot.
coded by tbe hand that wonld
gieeo itsi-if to aave him.
Happily BO time was given me
But In doing a<> w« soon
eecikin. for my borae. atandiog
■aw eaoagb to ntakc us cooaolt oor own
dunca bank, at this moment gave
piCMOt Mfrly. At one |K>IiiI indeed we
aUrm-Bot at the pistol sbot: te waa
nesuly ran Ituo a party *f them, who bed
1 uM a campaigner to notice tbat-and
creirt rapidly down e donga with tbe In
he stood sUbonected against ibe ttsn
tratlt>u of ratting ns off. bat Just In tlmi auring inlu tbe darfcaesa teyond the
Wc viewed Ibem. ami es we wheeled
lire. There was a feeling rather than
abont and galtoprd off wc were sainted,
n tbe vridt teyond.
by a shower of assagais. Luckily for ns.
few acconds
1 beside him. and
we were Just teyond their range, but
wbUc I loosed bis knee halter and
d tightthe riogln* grate and eUtter a* they frti riwd his girths 1 could bear the rattle
among ihr alofya bad A ngly aoand. oa i>f tbr wooden neckleu aud tbe guunl
Bu>rr s.) even than tbe liaaging ot tte few
liowdcr flasks of armed men running. A
rifle shots wboa.- iNslleu wblalled high ici’cucet more and I wo* oa bla back
and bani.l.«s nrerbepd.
And. dodging
aod dying for my life.
Tbe MaubekIn anil .mt amtui* the atones, we canlrrbad ritter fnllowt^ rioseiy no our Iracki
ed off. IsiisMug SI oor .■arape wWle still or B new party '
tte same dropping shots were flred as in erv.-bondoD y



itt. 0. D. wAinvs ooatPOosB

UIKW tbere Is earnest, boocst effort.
Tbe old guard* are vigilant cad active,
nod new corps are mustering Into Uoe.
Nerer In th.- history of the chnreb was
more belug aitempied and more being
dooc. Dahylon ho* not yet fallen, but
nugeU ore flying everywhere with tbe
cverlnaUng tnmpcl. nod emner or tatcrttefe can, be bnt one rerult-the klng-

Dog wait Attoog to Ike tacot.
Wealth and aebuiarebip ore oot putoporta into the kingdom of God. They
may ndd n grace to the redeemed, bnt
they are Dot a means of grace Tba
rirti mud cultured sinner to a* yl
fotc God os tbe poor woman <
sjrceta. God l* dq i«pe«er rt per— —— renpecta.
bta nlnnan to build up n r .
church. God pity the pestor who ta
Awtog tfant! He wo* aeeklng tbe tot.
Thla to nlao our proper wort U wa
go for nod bring In tbe toot rich or
poor, cuttond or Igaornot God «rm nte
tod to the fngt-drtttwan ObosTcrr.

“Uneeda Rest”

Opera Hoose* Too Bi^bU

The Best Sln^rs. Dasoen,
Moaiolans, Oomodiaas

Why do yoa oot take It? tl you wl
ima to Lalanfl you wOl flod that

“Uneeda Beat” Cottage
will meet'th* requlreiBisnta of a de-

and the Greatest Ctle lalken U^tful varaUou- ^utliully 1^^of the Colored B^e.

Traverse City,

Wednesda;, Angiist 15.

I Front BU.

Telephone 304

ooiMO aroEsn.

;s IS

T. F. Btntei,

■BBS ID Mnmurm 11

The only Octoroon Cnthedial
Church Cbcur traveling, rendering
“The Holy aty” Paalma, etc, at
:h perfonnance.



.fire Insurance..


Ai noon, halting at tbe comer of
Front and ^nion atreets. wbere
tbe company cJ cake walkera; in U yon have a dwolUng. awck. store,
foil dreaa c^ume, will give an
idea of tbe fstnons “400” walk.
Innuraaeo for you. and will ffivoyon
Tbe attention of the poblic.
ladies' eapeciaUy, is called to the tely to moat rtobto atoek tnaormagnificent wardrobe and eoetninBatoswy tow.
ea worn by tbia company.
AdBBinloa radpwd to 85o
and 15c.
Oronadsat the oomer of Front!
and Union fltieets.
Performaaoea at 2 and 9 p. m.



John R. Sam
TraverreOitr .b. w. acmnvaaua'AgaSfSSaMto

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